Shocking! ReniDrag rates all 907 blocks – you won’t believe #1!

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The biggest staple of Minecraft is the Minecraft block you think of Minecraft you think of block I mean everywhere you look there are hundreds if not millions of these little guys spread across each Minecraft world and there are over 800 different variations of these Minecraft blocks with their own quirks functions

And personality so I thought I’d stupidly take the role today to rank every single individual Minecraft block in depth and detail and now you might be thinking for Ren every single block has their own individual use so how on Earth are you going to rank them well good

Thing you asked my friend and the two main points I’m going to use to rank every single block is first number one the usage a Block’s purpose for example the furnace is used to smell items Cobblestone can be used to craft stone tools which can help you progress signs

Can be written on that’s pretty cool so depending on how useful that block is that is going to change its ranking Point number two is decoration how good does the block look is it ugly how well can this block be used in builds all of these points will also help me rank the

Block and then lastly any other cool features facts or secret uses will also also be used to help rank the block I’ll quickly mention that there are over 800 different blocks in Minecraft but in this list there’s only going to be over 600 because I’m not going to rank any

Color variation for example I’m going to rank the block of concrete just not every single color variation like lime green or magenta concrete this only applies to color variations like the colored beds or colored wool I am actually going to rank every single variation of say wooden planks and

Before we head into this massive ranking I have to quickly say that Minecraft can be played in millions of different ways and that’s fine the way I play Minecraft and use blocks is going to be different to the way you do so hopefully we agree

On a lot of things but if we don’t that’s fine and we can discuss about it in the comment section down below anyway that was a lot let’s uh let’s get into this giant ranking of over 600 different Minecraft blocks kicking us off in F tier we have number 635 the glow lien

Glow Len lyen so not only is this block very ugly but it also has no purpose either you could use this block for lighting if you wanted to but it only emits a light level of seven the reason why I dislike this block so much is

Because you know we all go on our mining trips you know me I love a good mining trip and when I’m going mining I’m looking for diamonds so when we see diamonds in caves you know we get really excited we found a diamond this is awesome but when we got to mine that

Diamond that is no diamond my friend no no no that is our good friend the glow lkan this thing also can’t help itself from breaking the entire game back in a snapshot in 1.17 the glow Len would allow you to place water in the nether great good job glow Lan now this would

Actually be really cool if this block wasn’t the glow Len the glow the glow Len sucks number 634 the cobweb introduced in the beta version 1.5 the cobweb was added to a the main purpose of the cobweb is to slow things down especially players like you heading towards a slow painful death

But not only that these cobwebs can get you stuck in M shaft while an army of spiders can run through these cobwebs at the speed of light I have died so many times to the cause of cobwebs these blocks are basically naturally spawning death traps that can spawn in M shafts

Stronghold holds igloos abandoned Villages and Woodland Mansions if you break these guys with a sword you can grab one piece of string from them and if you want to grab these cobwebs yourself to trap people like me you’re going to have to break them with shears

Yeah I’d give these cobwebs an F because they’re very annoying sticky and slow these stupid cobwebs F these C me number 633 the tough block this is the first block on our list that is literally just a block it is currently only used for decoration and it can’t be crafted into

Anything and to be honest it looks like a gravel I guess when you strip Mining and you come across tough you can mine faster but that’s pretty much the only thing you could take away number 632 the nether Sprout these little guys are non-solid fungi blocks that generate

In Warped forests the nether Sprout acts as a small grass for the nether but other than that doesn’t really do much you can place it on every dirt for decoration but you can’t even place it in pots the only real usage this nether Sprout has is that you can place it in a

Composter but even then it only has half a chance to raise the compost level by one number 631 the hanging Roots added in version 1.17 hanging roots are a naturally decorated block found underground in the Lush caves bio you can find these guys beneath an aelia

Tree or on the surface above it and if you really want you can use bone me on rooted dirt to actually create hanging Roots below the block now the hanging route itself is just mainly used as a decorative block for any of your cool builds if you’re building an overgrown

Cavern or anything like that it is pretty ugly and I personally wouldn’t use it unless I was building anything overgrown you can cheer these guys to pick them up and then you can use them in a composter but it only has 30% chance of raising the compost level by

One so not the best number 630 is the dripstone block added in 1.17 the dripstone block is a rock that allows pointed dripstones to grow beneath it but that is pretty much the only other use for it other than using it for decoration which personally I don’t see

Many people using it for and the reason why I say that is that I think the pointed dripstone it just overshadows this block completely it has better uses and it looks much better number 629 the polished B B added with the nether update in 1.16 the polished basal is the

Polished version of the basal and can be found as a part of ancient cities now you can gain polished Bal by crafting four Bal together in a crafting table or you could put Bal in a stone cutter now I don’t know why this block is called polished basal because this block just

Doesn’t look polished at all it is still very ugly that’s right guys hot take right now I am a polished basal hater I know I know I’m sorry all B salt levers out there if I’ve let you down I know although one Saving Grace here if you do

Put the note block above Basalt you can make a Bas from some that is pretty cool and of course number 628 is the Subscribe block yeah if you could all mine that subscribe button see see what I did they M mine the the subscri if you

Could just head down below and give that little subscribe button a little Boop a little Boop that would that would help out a lot thank you guys so much let’s get back into ranking these blocks number 628 the Petrified Oak slab for those who don’t know this very strange

And weird block you must be thinking when you shut your mouth boy there’s no such thing as a petrified Oak slab what are you chatting but what if I told you there is enter the C on 18 music yeah back in the beta version of 1.3 not

Decided to add a few new slabs now at the time all of these slabs had the same idea as the stone slab which basically meant all of these slabs were Stone fast forward to the patch for 1.3 now noted actually added a new ID just for wooden

Slabs leaving the old wooden slabs still in the game that still acted like Stone so that meant if you update it all the way to the newest version of Minecraft you can still have petrified Oak slabs that don’t burn and act leg Stone now obviously this block doesn’t have many

Uses today that is why it’s so low on this list still better than glow Len though I’ve put it up a few numbers on this list just for the fact that this block has a cool history it could still be used in game today number 627 the dried kelp block this Block’s sole

Purpose is for those Avid dried kelp collectors which to be honest I don’t know how many of you uh collect dried kelp that’s why this block is kind of pointless so this block pretty much keeps all of your dried CP compact into one block you can use this block to

Smell things if if you want but the burn duration of the dried KP block is only a quarter of the block of coal and this block lasts 2 and 1/2 times longer than one piece of coal but it costs nine dried kelp so at this point just use

Coal why why are you collecting dried kelp what are you doing number 626 is deep slate not to be confused with Cobble deep slit because Cobble deep slit has a few other uses normal deep slit on the other hand gets in the way of me mining to my diamonds added in

Version 1.17 deep slit was added into the game to be part of the new cave update it could be found on the new y levels deep underground and functions very similar to Stone but takes so much longer to break this thing feels like it takes like it’s almost Christmas and I’m

Still mining the same deep slit block okay maybe I’m being a little bit dramatic but all this block does is make my mining trip way more sluggish and slow number 625 infested Stone added in the beta version 1.8 these sneaky slimy blocks try to generate 14 times per chunk these

Guys also naturally generate strongholds and Igloo basement now the reason why these guys are so low is because you could just be minding your own business you know adventuring the world of Minecraft in the stronghold and all of a sudden you get jumped by a gang of

Silverfish and then when you attack one another spawns and then another spawns and then you’ll never guess what happens another spawns so you either fight your way out or you die a horrible death now these guys can come in any variations and I have ranked them but it doesn’t

Matter because they all do the gosh D same thing which is murder you number 624 is infested deep slit the same thing but this time it’s in deep slit form which makes deep slit even worse 623 infested Cobblestone they did Cobblestone so dirty with this one we

All love Cobblestone and you feel like that Cobblestone is going to be placed by someone then bam silverfish to the face 622 is infested chisel stone brick it looks cooler 621 is infested cracked stone bricks yeah this looks like a block of silverfish would live in 620 is

Infested Mossy stone bricks at least with this one it looks slimy slippery it’s kind of on theme with silverfish and 619 is infested Stone bricks probably the coolest looking out of the bunch I’m just a big fan of stone bricks number 618 is calite added in version

1.17 calite was added to be a part of the geodes this block naturally spawns as part of the structure of the amethyst geodes between the smooth basal and the block of amethyst layers but it does also generate in Stony Peaks as well now this block doesn’t have any uses at all

Other than just the block itself being used for decoration when I’m playing I don’t tend to use this block myself because I have many other options available so that’s why it’s quite low on this list number 67 the block of raw copper added in 1.17 the block of raw

Copper is used to compact all of your raw copper together and that’s pretty much it I mean to start off this block is very very ugly it’s a very stinky block and I personally would not be using this block anytime soon what I would be doing is smelting down my

Copper for better uses and if I wanted to compact my copper I would make a copper block so for me this renders the block of raw copper completely useless in such a stinky block number 616 warped Roots the nether roots are basically Al nether grass and is only really used for

Decoration The Roots can be planted in pots which is pretty cool and has a 65% chance of increasing the compost to level by one now these specifically are the warp Roots the blue variation there’s also another variation which is 615 the Crimson Roots the red variation

Of the Warped Roots both of these blocks act and are used the exact same way they just look a little bit different number 614 the block of lapis this block was added all the way back in the beta version of 1.2 and is now mainly used to

Just St lapis I mean since there’s a lot of lapis going around in these caves especially if you have fortune 3 the lapis is going to rack up so if you find you have too much lapis you can always craft them into blocks I personally

Never do this myself I like to just keep my lapis all in one chest this is my lapis chest so i’ never really have a use for this block and in my personal opinion this is one of the more uglier blocks inside of Minecraft it’s kind of

Done lap is a little bit dirty I feel like it doesn’t have the same polish any of the other blocks do have number 63 the skull vein similar to all Vines in this game this skull vein can be placed on all sides of a block decoration is

The skull vein’s only purpose but I got to say I do like the way it glows in Sparkles I think that looks pretty cool other than that this block is pretty useless number 612 the skull shrier all this block has ever done for me is snitched on me when I’m in the ancient

City like I’ll be running through the ancient city minding my own business I probably shouldn’t be running but all of a sudden be quiet sh stop screaming got me Dumbo you’re going to get me killed and not only does this thing call the warden on you if it calls a few times

But it’ll also give you the new effect Darkness where you literally cannot see anything and when the warden comes oh boy good luck you might you’re going to need it it’s why this block sucks it’s a stinky block number 611 beetroot beetroot can be used as a food to eat

Which restores one hunger and can be crafted into beetroot soup which gives six hunger it can also be used as red dye and if you really want you can use it to breed pigs as well personally though I think there are way better options for vegetable foods like the

Carrots or potatoes and that is why I just simply never really use this block number six 609 concrete powder now I know what some of you are probably thinking concrete is an amazing block and I do agree but for me concrete powder is the younger more annoying

Tedious sibling to concrete and gets in the way of me of just actually having concrete it would be so much easier just to make concrete because with concrete powder it is a gravity affected block which can make it easier to make concrete but you have to mix it with

Water no matter what which is so annoying I have to go through all of this just to get concrete but maybe I’m just a lazy Minecraft player that could be an option yeah I’m going to write that down that’s that’s noted now number 608 is a reinforced deep slit added in

1.19 reinforced deep slit was added apparently to add mystery this was according to King B dogs who is a Mojang employee and I will say this block definitely added mystery because no one has an absolute clue what this block is for like what is it what does it do in

There is that is that going to be a portal is this block ever going to be used for something similar to bedrock it’s unobtainable in survival but you can’t actually break it unlike Bedrock if you just sit there and mine this bad boy for hours but but you’ll never get

It unfortunately the mystery this block holds is is pretty cool and we might find out what it will do eventually now we’re finally moving on to our first block of the E tier number 607 is cut red Sandstone crafted with four red Sandstone the cut red Sandstone just

Looks like Smooth Sandstone with a little line going across the top which can have it uses in some decoration but personally I never really use this block number 606 is packed mud now packed mud is the weird stage after mud when you craft it with wheat but before mud

Bricks which actually look good packed mud on the other hand looks like poop and you need four four of them to craft mud bricks number 605 the small Fern the small Fern is completely just a decorative block they spawn naturally in forests ples other grassy biomes if you

Use B meal on grass you can get these and pick them up with shears and then you can use them again as a nice decorative look number 600 four is the large Fern who would have thought the older sibling to the small Fern otherwise known as double ferns they can

Appear in mega tiger biomes and when harvested they dropped two FS again this is just a nice decorative block for your garden builds or anything like that number 63 is the Moss carpet this block acts very much like the normal carpet but is crafted with two Moss blocks

Instead it has most of the standard properties that the carpet does have except that it’s not flammable it can’t be pushed on pistons and it can’t be equipped on llamas that would be that would be silly now I would never use this block over carpet itself that’s why

It’s so low and I would only really use this block as a decorative block for a grassy or Lush cave area number 602 is the Weeping Vines these blocks are only found in the nether Crimson forests and could be used to climb up and down these Vines grow naturally and can be placed

On top of born meal can grow these guys as well if you break these guys with a Shia you will always get them and if you want to place it in a composter you can it just has a 50% chance of raising by one level these vines in the Crimson

Biome also have a warped counterpart which is 601 the twisting Vine pretty much works the same way as the Weeping Vine but is blue now and naturally spawns in Warped forests I also mention that these guys can actually negate fall damage if you land on them properly although there are better options this

Is still a nice feature to have in the nether coming in at number 600 is the Nether wart block these blocks borwn in the nether as part of the huge fungi which is the nether trees or specifically the Nether wart can be crafted with nine nether warts piglins

Zombified piglins and hoglins do not spawn on top of the Nether wart block and the other variant of this block is number 599 the Warped wart Block it’s a turquoise blue variant of the Nether wart block and both of these blocks can be fed into a composter with an 85%

Chance of leveling up the pile number 598 is the granite wall which is First wall on this list the wall is a decorative block very similar to fences they can be crafted with six of their respective blocks at the bottom of the crafting table or you can simply Stone

Cut your chosen block down into a wall walls have the exact same use as fences whereas mobs or players can’t actually jump over them it would make sense to use walls as they’re more efficient to fence enough mobs as instead of placing two blocks you could just Place one wall

Which is half the blocks however if you are trying to stop those spooky scary mobs from getting to you they’re still going to get you skeletons can still shoot over walls and a creeper well if you’re standing next to that wall that creeper is going to creep let me tell

You it’s going to blow up all over the place here’s a fun fact about walls when you use a block to Stone cut the walls you can actually get 64 a full stack instead if you craft them you’re only going to get 60 anyway about the granite wall itself specifically Granite is one

Of the worst looking stone blocks in my opinion and I would personally never use the granite stone wall because it looks the worst out of all of them number 597 is the undersight wall again there are so many better options over the andesite wall the only reason you’d really use

This block is if you really really really needed walls and you only had stacks of andesite number 596 is the diorite wall we’re getting better I prefer diorite over the last two blocks but still for me personally for the wall specifically there are better options out there 595 is the Blackstone wall I

Would use the polished versions over this blog any day of the week 594 is the prismarine wall a more underwater ocean Monument theme with this wall I would personally only use it if I had an underwater base with a conduit but I I do like the color of it and I think it

Still looks pretty cool number 593 is the cobbled Deep slit wall because I have so much cobbled deep slit from mining I would just use this variant for a quick wall but again there are better variants and I could just Stone cut the Cobble deep slit 592 is the polished

Blackstone wall a little bit better than some other variants on this list but still not the best looking wall number 591 is the red Sandstone wall if you’re going for a desert themed build maybe a desert village of some sort these blocks might just help you out number 590 is

The mossy cobblestone wall this block could be used to add any spooky atmosphere to any build you got Cobblestone walls and you want it to look a little bit more overgrown bam mossy cobblestone wall very cool number 589 is the polished Blackstone brick wall now we’re getting a little bit

Better because this is a brick wall and it’s Polished in case you couldn’t read the name if you’re using a lot of black stone or Blackstone bricks in your build these walls could definitely help out your build just to make it look a little bit better number 588 is the polished

Deep slit wall I tend to use this wall when I decorate my mines in the M shafts down in the Deep mines I pop a lantern on this wall and as this block looks a lot more like slate I think it adds to the mines number 587 is the Deep slate

Tile wall the brick texture on this wall looks very good again if you’re building with any kind of stone cut deep slate this wall could definitely help you build out a little bit number 586 is the mud brick wall if you’re out in the mangrove swamp and you want a cool block

This is a fairly cool block to pick up and my guess is if they ever make a swamp Village they definitely use this block number 585 is the brick wall an absolute classic although to this day I don’t think the brick wall or the brick texture has aged very well I only tend

To use this block whenever I’m building with bricks number 584 is the Sandstone wall I think these blocks look really good in the desert obviously cuz they’re sandstone and they actually do naturally generate in sand Villages 583 is the nether brick wall if I’m building a cool

Base in the nether I would think of using these blocks as I don’t tend to use walls anyway but if I was to use walls in the nether it would be this block which is quite a specific use when I’m thinking about it number 582 is the

Red nether brick wall I would use the red nether brick variant over for the nether brick variant just because it has much more of a vibrant touch and I prefer the texture number 580 is the endstone wall the fact that endstone has its own wall as well is pretty cool so

If you’re making an endstone base in the end this block is probably perfect for you number 579 is the mossy stone brick wall if you’re using stone bricks in a build which I normally do this block pirs well with the normal brick and can add an overgrown or spooky Vibe number

578 is the Cobblestone wall this block is an absolute classic I use this block for my gardam all the time in the older version of Minecraft as it is pretty easy to craft early game as well this block was added all the way in 1.4.2 with the mossy cobblestone wall and to

Be honest it’s aged pretty well number 577 is the Deep slate brick wall now I tend to have a lot of cobbled deep slate after a lot of mining now with only a handful of options you can do with Cobble deep slit I personally use it

With a stone cutter and if I have a need a wall I’ll cut it down into deep slit brick wall overall I like the texture of this block it’s clean it’s smooth and nice number 576 is the stone brick wall personally my favorite wall and this wall is very very versatile you could

Use it with almost any build it’s clean it’s smooth it looks very good thumbs up from me my favorite wall in Minecraft number 575 is the chiseled polished Blackstone first shown in the 1.16 snapshot the chiseled polished Blackstone is a very unique and decorative block you can’t actually do

Anything with this block other than use it for decoration so even though it has its own unique look pretty low on this list sorry little guy number 574 is granite the first block out of the terrific Trio Granite is one of the blocks that you find Dell mining that

You don’t necessarily want to find it’s higher than the walls just because Granite does actually have its Fair uses Granite can be used to craft polish granite which is a little bit better but not amazing and remember Granite can actually be used to create a stone cutter which is pretty cool and granite

Can be Stone cut into any slabs stays or it’s polished counterpart I can’t physically bring myself to put Granite any higher because it’s Granite this block is stinky number 573 is andite now we’re getting a little bit better with terrific Trio this one looks a little bit better but it’s still just a stone or Cobblestone it can still be crafted the same way Granite can be crafted but this time if crafted with diorite you can get two Underside what a deal yeah two Underside woo number 572 is diorite in my personal opinion the superior out of all three

Diorite doesn’t look as bad as the other two and I feel like in some certain situations diorite can actually be used in builds especially its counterpart polished diorite not only that though diorite is so Superior you can use diorite to craft and site and you can use diorite to craft granite and if

You’re really feeling fancy you could use Cobblestone and quartz to create your own diorite number 571 is polished Granite number 570 is polished andesite and number 569 is polished diorite now the order out of these three go the exact same as granite and a scy and diorite because all of these are just

The polished versions of their original block and they look so much better I’d way rather use the polished variants to build than the normal variants themselves because like in the name they they are polished 10 10 out of 10 comary right number 568 is chiseled deep slit again a very cool unique looking

Decorative block but that is pretty much the only uses this block brings to the table decoratively wise though if you have a fortress for a base this block could come in very handy as this block holds a bit of a fortification Vibe number 567 is smooth red Sandstone now

This block gets confused a lot with the cut Sandstone but this is its own block which is pretty much smooth on every single surface and for that fact alone I feel like this block fits into a lot more builds there’s no fancy Graphics or cool patterns on this block which makes

It fit in Easy number 566 is the smooth Sandstone this is the Sandstone variant of the smooth sandstone and the only difference is it’s not red which again could help it fit in with even more builds like a desert village in the sand number 565 is polished Blackstone a

Decorative block that fits in with all of your deep sled builds for me personally this block is a little bit too grainy not as polished as some other blocks so that’s why it’s a little bit low on this list but where this block does shine is is in deep slit mines or

If you’ve built a deep slit fortress on your most recent world like me then this block would fit in as well number 564 is the mangrove Roots added in 1.19 these Mangrove roots are part of the fairly new mangrove trees now a few things I do like about these blocks and the first

Thing is you can actually see through them that’s pretty cool not only that though this block can be smelted down in furnaces and the main cool feature is this block can be water logged for a simple cobblestone generator 563 is cut Sandstone added in version 1. 24 and originally called Smooth Sandstone the

Cut Sandstone is the variation with this little cut going across the top unfortunately this block isn’t anything special it’s just another decorative sand block that isn’t going to quite blow anyone’s Minds away 562 is bricks this block has a long history it was introduced in Java Edition classic all

The way back in 2009 wherein survival test 0.26 Notch added bricks personally back in the day I would actually use this block a lot because it was one of the only brick building blocks in the game unfortunately for for the bricks though it hasn’t edged that well into

The game today you can use it for a cool Banner pattern and you can also craft it into its other variants like the slab stays or walls but just looking at the brick for a building block itself sadly for the brick it’s pretty low on the list 561 is chiseled red Sandstone this

Is another unique cool decorative block that shows a little bit of the history of Minecraft I feel like if you inspect very very closely on the Chisel red Sandstone it looks like there’s a Wither pattern on the side which in my opinion is very cool it feels like there’s an

Ancient history behind Minecraft number 560 is the chiseled Sandstone this block has the same kind of ancient history Vibe like the last block but in my opinion looks even cooler as its normal Sandstone it has a creeper face on it and at the bottom it looks like there’s

Some sort of hieroglyphs going on which for decorational blocks this is pretty cool on the same theming number 559 is the chiseled nether brick again on the same topic as an ancient history this block brings the same Vibe with the ne it’s almost like people worship the

Wither skels or something I don’t know ask ask matpat matpat probably knows other than these blocks having cool decorative features and looks they have no other uses or purposes number 558 is the bone block now these blocks are quite hard to find sometimes when I go in my Adventures through the nether

Sometimes I pass the Soul Sand valleys and that’s where I’ll find these bone blocks I’ll then break all of these bone blocks because each individual bone block drops nine bone meal try saying that 10 times fast woo anyway and then I’ll use that bone meal for any of my

Farms number 557 is po deep slit you can use four of these bad boys to actually craft deep slit bricks and this block does offer a wide variation of slabs stairs walls I tend to use this block whenever I want to decorate my cobbled deep slit strip mines 556 is the SPO

Blossom this is a very unique block there was added with the Lush caves not only is it a really cool decorative block and looks really pretty you can actually use it in the composter with a 65% chance of raising the compost by one definitely a contender for one of

Minecraft’s most prettiest blocks but you can only place this on the underside of a block which I think is a bit of a waste number 555 is the mushroom stem now these blocks can be generated when you turn a small mushroom into a giant mushroom and these blocks are the

Components to build the giant mushrooms the full blocks themselves can also be used in composters with 65% chance to add a new layer so other than that they are only used for decoration purposes but a mushroom house is so cool I love a good old Mushroom House number 554 is

The brown mushroom block this block spawns from the brown mushroom variant and when you break these blocks they do have a chance of dropping up to two mushrooms it’s a cool idea for a block but in my opinion it’s still not as good as the red mushroom block number 553 is

The heavy weighted pressure plate this is one of our first main Redstone components on the list and it’s first for a reason I do love Redstone and any block that brings even more Redstone value to the table is a little bit of a win for me but my goodness is this block

Tedious and annoying to use to get one signal strength out of this pressure plate you need at least one entity which is fair enough one entity one signal signal strength but to get two you need more than 10 you need 11 entities on these pressure plates just to get a

Signal strength of two that is annoying 552 is coral not to be confused with a coral fan this Coral is a type of non-solid block that comes in five variants the tube the brain the bubble the fire and the horn it can also die rip Coral you will be missed these

Little guys naturally generate in the coral reefs which are found in the warm ocean biome these guys are only obtainable by picking them up with silk touch but is a very nice and cute decorative block that you can use in things like oceans or aquariums and just

Like the coral number 551 is the coral block this block comes in all five variations the coral comes in but in block form it can also die which is sad RP our friend Coral block but nonetheless these blocks are bright vibrant decorative blocks that you can use to build Coral roofs in Minecraft

550 is red Sandstone itself now this is the red Sandstone block itself that can be crafted or stone cut into many any of its variants the look of this block itself isn’t as good as some other red Sandstone blocks but the fact that you can turn this block into many things

Like stairs slabs walls bumps this block up quite a bit and number 549 is sandstone I definitely prefer the normal Sandstone variant over the red Sandstone as the normal Sandstone fits in with the desert better not only does this Sandstone give you lots of variants like slabs stays walls this Sandstone can

Actually be used to craft another Dune armor trim which in my opinion is a very nice touch number 548 is the Nether Bricks added in the very first full version of Minecraft Java Edition these Nether Bricks form the walls and supporting pillars of all Nether fortresses these blocks can be used to

Create the nether fences slabs stairs walls and can be Stone cut into these variations too which gives this block a lot of variety for its usage although for this block out of all of the Nether Bricks this one isn’t as vibrant as the others I’m talking about the red nether

Brick number 547 is the Deep slit tiles out of all of the Cobble deep slit Varian this one is definitely one of my favorites it’s definitely one of the cleaner looking brick blocks and it has so much variety and usage in builds 546 is the block of raw gold this block

Looks a little bit better than the block of raw copper and it does have a significantly better usage as you get a compact gold which is actually I’d say a useful resource still though personally I would never craft these blocks I would always just have a chest full of gold to

Show off all me riches 545 is the block of raw iron now for me this block has the same problem it doesn’t look amazing and the actual usage of compacting a resource never really works with me as I like my iron right there but I guess especially with

The new 1.19 caves you could find a lot of iron which means if you want to compact it you can number 544 is the small drip Leaf this is another cool cute decorative block since this block mainly comes from the overgrown Lush caves I like to use this block if I’m

Building anything over grown I just think this block is quite hard to acquire since it only spawns in Lush caves and even then there are so many other better flowers to use decoratively but the real main thing I’d use this block for is to bone meal it into a big

Drip Leaf now we finally arrived at the D tier blocks number 543 is the aelia the aelia added in 1.17 is a small little block like a sapling that can be grown into an aelia tree now the problem with this sapling and why it’s so low on

This list is because it doesn’t actually grow automatically which decoratively is a good thing because now you can have small bushes in your garden or in your pot but functionally if you’re farming wood or you need wood to survive this block isn’t going to help you out much

Number 542 is the flowering aelia now this counterpart to the normal aelia is much much better because I normally use the aelia for decoration purposes only this block just looks a little bit more polished and nicer just look at the little flowers on it a look at that

Little Bush 541 is mud yeah we do like mud around here such a silly block you can create the mud block by taking some water and using it on a dirt block you go you got yourself some mud yum now mud can go down a few paths if you want to

Craft muddy Mangrove Roots You Can Craft it with Mangrove roots and if you want to craft some packed mud you can use some wheat it also naturally generate in the mangrove swamp biome so you know if you fancy using mud mud is in Minecraft how how awesome is that yeah mud

Decoratively you can use this build to build like a swampy slimy Hut but other than that it’s mud it pretty much says what it is on the package number 540 is the dead Bush aesthetically a great block to use in the desert if you have any Desert builds and also this block

Actually drops stinks which is very very handy for speedrunners and fun fact dead bushes dropping sticks is based on a suggestion by Reddit user Pedro one hey the more you know also this is another classic block from java Edition beta added in 1.6 number 539 is basalt itself

Added in version 1.16 Basalt brings many things to the table if you craft full basal together you can get full polished Basalt if you smelt Basalt you can get smooth Basalt and if you Stone cut Basalt you can get polished basal again Basalt naturally generates as balt pillars which is pretty cool they’re

Found in the Soul Sand Valley and they can also be found in basal Delta even with some of its versatile uses B is a pretty ugly block 538 is the cave Vine glow Berry just another decorative block that spawns in the Lush caves this this little guy actually drops glowberries as

Well this is very cool because not only is this edible plant but this plant actually looks very cool decoratively while eating one glow Berry actually restores two hunger which is very very cool not only that though but it actually gives off a light level of 14

Which is pretty bright you can use these berries to breed foxes as well and if you want you can place them in compost as well but it only has a 30% chance of raising one level number 537 is the red mushroom block now decoratively I absolutely adore this block simply for

The fact that you can live in a mushroom you can live in a mushroom like the mushroom Smith cat M that just relatively became popular I don’t understand that guy probably lives in a mushroom too and that is why I love the red mushroom block you can build cool

Giant massive mushrooms with it and that is a win in my book number 536 is the brown mushroom this little guy is an absolute classic added all the way back in up update 0.1.0 that is very old these guys can be found and placed in dark areas like

Caves or even under trees you can use this little guy to craft mushroom stew suspicious stew rabbit stew or a fermented spider ey those uses are pretty specific in some playthroughs but the main talking point of this guy is if you use bone meal on them you can turn

Them into a fully big mushroom and these mushroom look so cool by the way did I mention you could live in the mushroom that is that is awesome number 535 is the red mushroom and all of the same things apply to the red mushroom but in my opinion the red mushroom is more

Superior to the brown mushroom when you use ball meal on this mushroom to create a big mushroom the mushroom is actually curved inwards so it’s pretty easier to make a guess what it’s easier to make a mushroom house but not only that you can actually harvest the red mushroom block

By growing the red mushroom number 534 is the cracked deep slate Bricks now we’re going to be talking about the cracked bricks a variant of all bricks but they guess what have a crack decoratively you want to use these guys if your build is quite old over grown

Maybe over stage is welcome a little bit and now it’s forgotten in time the cracked bricks can bring a lot to the table aesthetic wise so now I put them in order but realistically the cracked brick variant that applies best to your build is going to be the best cracked

Variant so Number 533 is cracked Nether Bricks use it for the nether number 532 is cracked polish Blackstone bricks number 531 is cracked stone bricks number 530 is frogs bone nothing much you can do with this block but it does spawn frogs and that is awesome we love

Little Froggies number 529 is the mud brick now out of all of the new mud I feel like the mud brick is the one block you can actually use in builds it actually looks good as a block dare I say and you could probably use it for a

Stter base number 528 is the picture plant decoratively this new block looks very peculiar what I didn’t know though is this plant can actually be used to craft San dye other than that though this block is primarily used for decoration the cool thing about this plant though is that it comes from the

Sniffers number 527 is the older sibling to the small drip Leaf the big drip Leaf this big guy is a plant that generates in the Lush caves the big drip Leaf is a temporary platform when you stand on it it will tilt down and drop its bur done

Resetting a few seconds later which I think is a pretty cool mechanic for a block to have another cool thing about the drip Leaf is that it can be locked with redstone which means it can’t actually fall with redstone which kind of makes it a redstone component and you

Could probably build some funky traps with this number 526 is is grass you’ll see this block everywhere while adventuring the Landscapes of Minecraft it’s a simple effective decoration block because it’s grass and it adds a nice aesthetic touch to all of the grass biomes number 525 is Tall Grass this is

The second variant of grass that is two blocks tall I think decoratively wise it does the same job as grass but this time is two blocks tall just as tall as the player and you can walk through it number 524 is the lily pad first off decoratively this block looks amazing

When used on lakes or ponds this block adds a nice aesthetic touch and not to mention you can use these to do water parkour heck yeah woo look at me go you can acquire these blocks by just breaking them or you can find them while fishing and while you have them you can

Compost them if you want for a 65% chance of going up a level by one number 523 the pearlescent Frog Light the Frog Light is a new unique light source in Minecraft you get these in the most bizarre way when a Magma Cube is eaten

By a frog whatever color that frog is it will drop its corresponding Frog Light for the pearlescent variant a warm frog frog will drop this variant they emit a light level of 15 which is the highest possible light emitting block all of these features are cool but for me

Decoratively wise the Frog Light kind of falls short it has these strange looking wrinkles on the Block which can add to it for me personally this isn’t my go-to light and out of all of the variants the last one I would use is the pearles and purple variant number 522 is the okre

Froglet this block is dropped by the temperature frog when they eat a Magma Cube better than the pear ENT frog light in my opinion the Oka Frog Light has a nice or orange tint to it but for me it’s still not as cool as 521 The Verdant Frog Light this variant is

Dropped by the cold frog and for me personally as I’m a big fan of the color green could you guess I don’t know if I made it obvious enough this is definitely my favorite Frog Light but simply because of the color number 520 is tinted glass crafted with amethyst

Shards and glass this tinted glass can block out light goodbye light which to be honest is a pretty cool function for glass ing game to have number 519 is the zombie head there are currently seven head blocks in Minecraft and to be honest having these heads with a little

Bit of redstone as blood are pretty cool decorative blocks you could be the Zombie Slayer Slayer of all zombies and all of the heads are on the walls it looks pretty cool but for those who don’t actually know or never played Minecraft before but if you’ve never

Played Minecraft before I don’t know if why you’re watching this video you should definitely go play Minecraft first and then come back to this video zombies don’t actually drop their heads from ding you need a charge creeper to blow them up then they’ll drop their head another really cool feature that

Comes with this block is you can you can actually disguise yourself from the corresponding mob if I’m wearing the zombie head it reduces the detection range of that zombie by 50% which is pretty cool but to be honest I’d rather be wearing armor just to stay safe

Number 518 is the skeleton skull like the zombie head the exact same thing goes for the skeleton skull it’s a really cool decorative block but why I think the skeleton skull is better than the zombie head is because you can use the skeleton skull as a normal player’s

Skull this is really useful in horror maps because it looks like someone’s head has come off and roted way into a skull although with these heads it does come down to preference they’re all very similar in terms of usage number 517 is the creeper head personally for me

Though I prefer the creeper head because I love the way the creeper looks it’s such an iconic part of Minecraft and if I have this head on my wall it looks like I’m the creeper Slayer yeah payback for those creepers blow up my house stupid creepers not to mention you can

Use the creeper head to actually create the creeper charge pattern Banner very cool number 516 is the piglin head now there’s a very specific reason why put this above the other three is because if you power this guy with redstone it’s yours flap look at them go look at them

Look at the yours that is so cool ah silly piggy not only that though when you put it on your head they flap as well what look at them go if you also put the mob head on top of Note Block it’ll play a sound from those mobs which

Is actually very cool number 515 is dark prismarine now this block wouldn’t be as high on the list if it wasn’t one of the first blocks on this list that can activate a conduit for me personally the dark prismarine isn’t as good as prismarine or prismarine bricks just

Because it’s so dark number 514 is the Gilded Blackstone this cool looking variant of Blackstone is found exclusively in Bastion remnants now this block actually has a 10% chance to drop two to five gold nuggets when mined with Fortune 1 this increases to 14.29% with Fortune 2 it increases to

25% and with fortune 3 you guarantee the Gold Nugget Drop yes number 513 is The Cauldron added in Java Edition version 1 The Cauldron is a block that can contain water lava or powdered snow this block actually has a few uses to start in Bedrock addition a cauldron can hold

Normal portions Splash portions and lingering portions then using an arrow on that cauldron that contains a portion transforms the arrow into a tipped Arrow The Cauldron can be used to farm lava with dripstone another feature in Bedrock Edition is the leather armor can be dyed using a cauldron but the main

Reason I’d use a cauldron on Java redition was to illegally take water into The Nether so when I was on fire I could put it out although buckets can now hold powdered snow so The Cauldron isn’t as useful as it used to be number 512 is the dropper now the main use of

The dropper is to Simply drop items with redstone but a secondary use you can use droppers for is to use item pipes so you can transport items up down left or right although water does this a lot better so the only time you really need these item pipes were if you were

Building a farm in the nether number 511 is the block of amethyst the block of amethyst is a block found in geodes or crafted from amethyst shards a cool feature about this block though is that it can copy and repeat vibrations received by skull sensors when you pick

These blocks up by mining it with any pickaxe you can place them down and it’ll make a little sound like beep beep beep and then when you walk back over them they make even more sounds wee it’s a pretty cool purple decorative block as well which I love number 510 and our

Second villager workstation is the Fletching table you could definitely use this block in a decorative way but its current main purpose is to create a Fletching villager and with this villager you can get some good deals you can turn sticks into emeralds flint and into emeralds string into emeralds or

Feathers into emeralds number 509 is the Sweet Berry this Sweet Berry bush is very unique because once it grows to its full size it will carry on growing berries until the day you die so not only is it a good decorative block that works with a lot of spruce builds but

This little block can give you quick easy infinite snacks number 508 and one of my favorite nether building blocks is the red nether brick this block can be crafted with two nether warts and two Nether Bricks and it is simply a decorative building block it it can be

Crafted or stone cut into its slabs stairs or walls variants and unlike the normal nether brick the red nether brick is more vibrant flashy and cool number 507 is the cartography table this block is a utility block used for cloning zooming out and locking Maps it is also

Our third villager job block and can be used to create the Cartographer villager crafted with two paper and four planks the Cartographer table is any adventurer’s best friend I personally tend to never use this block like at all and that’s why is pretty low on this list although it does create the

Cartographer which has a few decent trads like paper to emeralds glass paint to emeralds and Compasses to emeralds number 506 is the polished Blackstone brick now we are slowly getting to some of my personal favorite building bricks like the polished Blackstone bricks I just think this brick is very clean

Polished and smooth and definitely a good building option if you have loads of Blackstone laying around not to mention you can craft slab stays wall variants or you can smelt it to have cracks on it number 505 is the Deep slit bricks the superior block to the polished Blackstone bricks is the Deep

Slit brick if you look at them side by side the Deep slid brick just looks way cleaner smoother and just way more polished not to mention it has the same uses so you can just craft better blocks and it can also be smelted to give it some cracks number 504 is the skull

Catalyst it’s a very unique block because if any mob dies within eight blocks of the skull Catalyst the skull Catalyst blooms giving off sole particles and creates a patch of skull with skull veins around that location which which means with enough dead mobs the skull can completely take over your

World run for your life the skull can take over a lot of blocks just look at this list but with all of this skull comes all of this good XP just mine it all with a hoe and you’ll be Dandy number 503 is clay clay itself could

Possibly have a few uses like Garden paths or for its specific color palette but another reason Clay is really cool is that you can smelt it down into Terra Cotter clay can now generate as well in large quantities on the floor of ponds in Lush caves and when you mine clay it

Drops clay bolts which inevitably leads to Bricks number 502 is gravel I can’t choose between this block on one hand when I’m mining gravel keeps falling on top of me and it is the most annoying thing ever but on the other hand gravel leads to Flint which can get me into The

Nether and save my life getting me out of the nether it can also lead to concrete powder which leads to concrete blocks and also if you have enough gravel you can mix it with dirt to create even more dirt which has costed it so I’ve placed this block here I feel

Like it fits here because it can be so annoying because it’s gravity affected but also it can do some cool things number 501 is the mangrove leaves but quickly we’re going to talk about leaves in general so all of the leaves in Minecraft are very pretty decorative

Blocks and these blocks can add instant amazing aesthetic if used properly with any build they could be used to build giant Hedges or maybe even giant trees there are many many different leaves in Minecraft and all of them have their own purposes and I have ranked them all in

Order of what I’d personally use but realistically all the leaves have their own individual uses so it depends how you use them so that’s why 5001 for me personally is the mangrove leaves 500 is the Birch leaves 499 is the aelia leaves 498 is the Spruce leaves 497 is the oak

Leaves 496 is the dark oak leaves 495 is the jungle leaves 494 is the ACAA leaves 493 is the flowering aelia 492 is the Cherry leaves my personal favorite out of all of the leaves they have their own particle effect which is so cool moving on number 491 is the Warped trapo this

Guy is at the bottom of the barrel of all of the wooden trap doors but that’s not anything bad because it comes down to preference what wooden trapo you use the wooden trap door can be crafted with six Planks on the bottom half of the crafting table it’s such a cool

Decorative block that you can use for like little heidy holes the wooden trap doors can be opened by players by simply just right clicking on the Block but not only that the wooden trapo is actually a redstone component if anything is connected to it it can open and close a

Quote unquote secret use the trapo doeses that isn’t that secret anymore it can actually be used on players to make them crawl through one by one block holes which I think is a pretty cool feature to have now what wooden trapo you use just comes down to a building

Preference so all of them really are the same but this is my personal opinion number 490 is the Crimson trapdoor the second nether trapo that I personally am not going to use over the other trap doors number 489 is the ACAA trapo number 488 is the Birch trap door number

487 is the jungle trapdor number 486 is the bamboo trapo number 485 is the Cherry trapo number 484 is the oak trapo number 483 is the dark oak trap door I personally think the trap doors where you can’t see through them actually have more decorative uses like you can use

This on the side of a bunk bed number 482 and my favorite trap door is the Spruce trap door just like the dark or trapo where you can’t can’t see anything through the spruce trap door has that extra nudge over the other trap doors number 481 is the nether brick fence now

Out of all of the fences the nether brick fence is the only one that isn’t actually made out of wood so let’s quickly talk about the fence in general the fence is a solid block cheap and easy to use and make even though it’s one block tall you can’t actually jump

Over it which is very useful because you can use this to keep mobs inside of you can actually see through the openings in the fence unlike the walls which is pretty cool and if you’d like to pop a carpet on top of the fence you can use

That then to hop back and forth in and out of pens while mobs actually can’t another awesome feature is that you can tie mobs on lead to fences look at this little guy look at these little bumbly boys flying away they’re Big B balloons what are they doing as for the nether

Brick fence itself it’s the old one out it doesn’t stand out and in my opinion it’s the worst fence but again it’s all preference depending on what your build is or how you use the fence number 480 is the Crimson fence you’ll start to notice a pattern with wood that I’m not

The biggest fan of the Netherwood but saying that I do actually like the idea of blue wood so number 479 is mangrove fence this block looks very similar to the Crimson fence so that’s why it’s pretty low number 478 is Acacia fence now personally ACAA isn’t one of my

Favorite wood so that’s why it’s down here number 477 is the Warped fence now even though I said I didn’t like Netherwood I actually do like the idea of having a unique colored wood like the color blue number 476 is dark oak fence now that we’re getting to all of the

Classic Woods for me are all very close to each other I can’t really decide between them so I had to just check dark or C but be REM mind it is quite hard to choose between the woods because they’re also good well some of the woods anyway

Crimson kind of smells number 475 is the jungle fence for me personally the jungle wood color and shade is a nicer color and shade than the acacia would because it’s a lot more subtle number 474 is the Spruce fence again I prefer Spruce over dark oak because the color

Is a little bit more subtle number 473 is the Cherry fence I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m a massive huge fan of the new cherry wood it’s just so awesome again it’s such a unique color for wood and a nice shade of pink number

472 is the oak fence I have to come back to my roots and say this is probably one of my favorite wood just because it’s the classic iconic wood of Minecraft maybe I’m a little biased because of nostalgia but this word is just yes number 471 and my favorite fence is the

Bamboo fence I really didn’t expect this to be my favorite fence but checking this block out having the bamboo shoots in itself as the actual fence is really cool and a very nice unique aesthetically pleasing touch so yeah those are all of my favorite fences but

Also this is kind of how I’m going to rank wood throughout the video so next time I’m ranking any of the woods there’s going to be a similar ranking but not the exact same number 470 is the azil bluet even though every flower has its own craft and purpose let’s quickly

Touch on flowers in general no one can deny that all of the flowers in Minecraft are amazing decorative blocks not only do they spice out up and give a nice aesthetic touch to any Minecraft build but they all come in different shapes sizes and variants Most flowers naturally generate on dirt and grass

Blocks but for the AIL bluet it can spawn in Plains sunflower fields on Java Edition it can actually spawn in dripstone caves and the deep dark it can spawn in the flower forest and the meadow but nowhere else out of all of the flowers the reason why the bluet is

So low is because it can craft light gray dye which isn’t an amazing color itself and also it’s not the best looking block if you craft the blue it into suspicious do you’ll actually get blindness for 8 seconds on Java and 6 seconds on Bedrock Edition but I don’t

Know why you’d want to be blind so you should definitely give this to someone else number 469 is the alium This Little Flower was added in 1.7.2 with the rest of the unique flowers added to the game it can only be found in the flower

Forest in the meadow and if you add the alium to suspicious do it will reward you with fire resistance for 4 seconds the alium can also be crafted into magenta dye which in my opinion is a great vibrant color I also forgot to mention with all of these flowers flers

Bees actually use them to make honey which is also a nice extra Plus for all of these different flowers number 468 is the oxide Daisy this cute block is similar to the bluet the oxide Daisy can be crafted into light gray dye it can be found in the plains sunflower Plains

Flower forest and the meadow and also on Java Edition in the dripstone caves and the Deep duck the reason why this is higher than the bluette is the flower just looks a lot cleaner and better when I look at the bluette I don’t really know what’s going on but when I look at

The oxide Daisy I know instantly yep that’s a flower that’s a pretty that’s a pretty generic flower but it’s a flower nonetheless mixed into a suspicious stew the oxide Daisy can give you regeneration for 6 seconds on Bedrock or 8 seconds on Java Edition number 467 is

The cornflour the cornflour is used to give a nice vibrant blue dye and mixed in with the suspicious stew the cornflower will give you jump boost for 4 seconds on bedrock and 6 seconds on Java it can be found in the exact same places is the oxide Daisy number 466 is

The dandelion one of the absolute classic flowers is added all the way back in version 0.020 of java Edition Classic this flower will give you a nice vibrant yellow dye and with the suspicious stew it will weirdly give you saturation for 0.3 seconds and what’s even weirder is on Java Edition it’s

0.35 seconds that is such a random decision to make either way a cool little cute block number 465 is the poppy added with the dandelion all the way back in classic Java Edition the poppy gives a nice red VI D but this time in a suspicious du the poppy will

Give you night vision for 4 seconds on bedrock and 5 Seconds on Java number 464 is the Sunflower our first flower on this flower list that is actually two blocks tall like the dandelion the sunflower gives you a nice vibrant yellow Dy but doesn’t actually give you

An effect with suspicious 2 but it makes up for this being a unique two block tall flower look at all the sunflowers you can create a massive sunflower field and I think that is awesome another two block tall flower that can’t actually create anything in the suspicious stew

Is the pey I simply think this flower is better decorative wise over the sunflower it’s a big pretty flower bush that fits in with any Garden built and it also gives you pink dye number 462 is lily of the valley lily of the valley will simply give you white dye you can

Use this dye to erase anything off your banners which is pretty cool but not only that when craft it into suspicious 2 the lily of the valley will give you 10 seconds of poison on bedrock and 10 seconds of poison on Java Edition which I think is a Breaking Bad reference no

No no no Lily of the Valley was invented in Breaking Bad I refuse to 461 is the rose bush the rose bush is another two block tall flower that gives you some red dye I chose this over the pey because I prefer the color red I

Know 460 is the liliac the lilc again is another two block tall flower but this time it gives you magenta dye now me personally I prefer magenta over pink and red because it’s just more vibrant I I prefer I prefer magenta over pink I know this shocking news 459 is the torch

Flower for me personally I’d say this is one of the most unique flowers added in the new version of Minecraft to torch flower actually looks like a torch it would be cool if it admitted some light but I personally still think this is one of the cooler looking flowers not only

Does it give you orange dye which is a nice vibrant color but it also gives you the same night vision a poppy would give you while crafting into a suspicious stew number 458 is the Blue Orchid I love the Blue Orchid I think it’s one of the most vibrant looking flowers and it

Gives you a nice light blue dye and when mixed in with suspicious St this is one of the flowers that weirdly gives you saturation for 0.3 seconds number 457 is the orange tulip our first tulip on this list when mixed in with suspicious stew all of the Tulips will give you weakness

For 7 seconds on Bedrock or 9 seconds on Java I just think the Tulip is such a simple yet effective flower it does the job while just looking nice and tidy also this guy gives orange dye number 456 is the pink tulip again simple yet effective like the orange tulip but this

Time pink it also gives pink dyeing Cas you couldn’t tell number 455 is The White Tulip some would say this is Bland but for me again it’s simple effective and just looks clean and tidy 454 is the red tulip out of all of the Tulips this

One is my favorite because it’s the most vibrant I’m also a little bias because I do love the color red but hey what can you do and my favorite flower is number 453 the pink petal I love this new type of flower where you can just scatter

Them all across the grass and stack them on top of each other to add such a nice a ically pleasing look to any biome these work especially well in obviously the cherry blossom biome we’re finally moving up the tier list to TSC number 452 is the granite stays before I touch

On the granite stays themselves let’s talk about stays and how great they are not only a stays a fantastic decorative block that can build you things like roofs and stairs themselves but stairs are stairs you know they allow you to change elevation without jumping and with complete ease if you place these

Bad boys down they can simply get get you from point A to point B in no time I got to say I’m a big fan of the fact that if you play stays in a row you can actually turn a stay block into a corner stair block just by changing the

Direction they move in that is a very nice touch stairs are crafted with six of their respective Block in a crafting table like this and with any kind of stone they can also be Stone cut into stays as well overall great block now you know how I feel about some of the

Blocks themselves like Granite for example not a fan of granite so that’s why Granite stays are the lowest but now I’m going to quickly go through and rank every single stage but all of this is based on pure looks now I’m not going to stop and blab about the block because

I’ve either ranked the block itself or I’m going to rank the block itself coming up 451 is undersight STS 450 is diorite St 449 is waxed weathered cut copper Stace that’s a tongue twister 448 is exposed cut copper Stace 447 is weathered cut copper Stace 446 is wax

Exposed cut copper stairs 445 is dark prismarine stairs 44 44 is prismarine stairs 443 is red Sandstone stairs 442 is sandstone stairs 441 is oxidized cut copper stairs 440 is waxed oxidized cut copper stairs 439 is polished Blackstone stairs 438 is Blackstone stairs 437 is mossy cobblestone stairs 436 is

Prismarine brick stairs 435 is Crimson stairs 434 is cobbled deep slit stairs 43 3 is smooth red Sandstone stairs 432 is smooth Sandstone stair 431 is polished Granite stairs 430 is polished Underside stairs 429 is polished diorite stairs 428 is polished deep sled stairs 427 is polished Blackstone brick stairs

426 is nether brick stairs 425 is red nether brick stair I sound the same every gosh down time 424 is deep slate tile stairs yeah that’s so much more enthusiastic 423 is endstone brick stays 422 is per stays 421 is cut copper stairs 420 is wax cut copper stairs 419 is Mossy stone

Brick stairs 418 is Cobblestone stairs 4177 is mud brick stairs 416 is the brick stairs 415 is Warped stairs 414 is Stone stairs 413 is quartz stairs 412 is smooth quart stairs 411 is mangrove stairs I sound like a rapid yeah yeah 410 is AAA stairs 409 is jungle stairs

408 is a bamboo stairs 407 is the dark oak stairs 406 is the Spruce stairs 405 is the Cherry stairs 404 is the Birch stairs 403 is the bamboo moak stairs because these guys actually look cool they got a cool pattern anyway back to the wrap 402 is the Deep sled brick St

Clean 401 is the yolk stays 400 is the stone brick stays woo guys I promise I won’t do all of that with all of the slabs you now know the order of all the block types so we’ll fast forward through the slabs when we get there we

Got to finish off with the stone bricks days I personally love the stone bricks dayss and I’ve probably used them out of the stairs the most a nice clean polished good look block number 399 is our first slab and that’s the granite slab ah the Minecraft slab it’s a

Helpful decorative block that has so many uses and some would argue more uses than the stays now the reason why slabs is above stays is because slabs can do everything stays can do with slabs you can make longer stays to walk up without jumping and also if you fancy you can

Make roofs with slabs but mainly the slab is used as a half block to make builds look better but it also has some extra perks like mobs cannot spawn on the bottom half of a slab this is really handy on things like Sky Blocks or just anywh you don’t want mobs to spoke

Another cool thing is the Redstone Dust placed on top of a slab receives signal from redstone dust one block lower and adjacent so this block also adds a little bit of value to Redstone as well not to mention the best part of a slab

Is if you put a slab on top of a slab it creates a full block isn’t that so awesome Jokes Aside though wooden slabs can actually craft really useful things like lecons barrels grindstones composters and even the new chisel bookshelf so with all of that out of the

Way you guys already know my block preferences so there’s no point me blabbing on about every single order of all of the slabs since I just did that with the stti it’s fast forward in time baby let’s go woo and finally number 345 is the stone brick slab this is my

Favorite slab for the exact same reason stor brick stairs is my favorite stairs so nothing much to touch on here let’s move on to the next block number 344 is the shet this light emitting block gives off a light level of 15 which is the highest light level a block can give but

Not only that if you need a light source in the nether with any nether base Builder this block is probably perfect for you because it’s so easy to harvest and obtain number 343 is the chiseled quartz blocks finally arriving at our first quartz blocks the chiseled quartz block has unique patterns on every

Single site this block is mainly only used for decoration or displaying purposes but the fact that you can use this in any Court builds it’s definitely up there as for me personally quart is definitely one of the better construction blocks number 342 is seagrass this is a pretty self-explanatory block look at these

Guys go it’s the grass of the sea it can come in one block tall or two block tall variants this block can be used to bre read Turtles together and make a baby turtle oh look at that little guy he’s so small and cute I’m getting a bit distracted now

But that is a great use for a block not only that it can be used in composters of 30% chance of raising the compost by one level for all those gardeners out there and it’s a very nice decorative block for any water builds like an aquarium for example number 341 is the

Sea pickle yeah this tiny little guy is a small block that emits light underwater and typically this little guy can be be found in colonies of up to four little sea pickles sea pickles naturally generate on the bottom of V oceans and can be found on top of coral

Blocks in coral reefs the more sea pickles you stack on top of each other the more light they’ll give the sea pickle actually has an amazing use and that’s why I love the sea pickles so much if you smelt the sea pickle it will give you lime dye number 340 is

Prismarine bricks although actually I do think this block decoratively wise looks better than prismarine itself the prismarine bricks unfortunately fall a little bit short on usage as the prismarine block themselves have a little bit more uses number 339 is prismarine one of the other structural blocks that sets off the conduit the

Real cool thing about prismarine is it’s actually an animated texture which is a nice touch in the most recent update of Minecraft with the armor trims prismarine can now be used to craft the tide armor trim as well although even though it has all of these cool features

It’s still not the best decorative block but a cool block nonetheless number 338 is the pur pillar the purp blocks are just one of those blocks that just feel so Random like what is a purple although don’t get me wrong I’m all on board with this funkiness it’s a funky purple block

That just kind of adds a little bit more variety to the building in Minecraft the purple pillar itself isn’t as smooth as the normal purple blocks they have these rigid edges but with the purple pillar you can craft stairs but only in Java Edition can you use purple pillars to

Create the slabs that’s why number 337 is the purp block itself decorative wise the purp block and the pur pillar are very very similar blocks but with the perp block you can actually craft the Spire armor trim which is pretty cool number 336 is snow this block has a very

Cool gimmick you can stack snow on top of snow up to eight times doing this you’ll change the thickness of the snow level until you reach one full snow block a cool thing about snow is that it actually melts depending on the environment it’s in so if there’s a heat

Block or a light level of 12 or more the snow will actually melt and not to mention this block absolutely thrives on any festive Minecraft build number three 335 is the snow block this block is actually just eight of the layers on top of each other to create one big snow

Block but the cool thing is with the snow blocks if you put them into a crafting table in a line you can actually turn them back into snow not to mention with these snow blocks you can actually put two of them on top of each other and one pumpkin to create a little

Snow golem look at him go he’ll defend you with his life and throw snowballs at mobs which is awesome number 334 is the lightning rod crafted with three copper ingots in a row the lightning rod can be placed in a world so when a lightning storm comes the lightning will hit the

Rod since this diverts the lightning to actually hit the rod you can then use this to strike Mobs with lightning to create a Charged Creeper for example and one really cool feature about the lightning rod is when it’s struck with lightning it actually emits a redstone signal number 333 is the sea lantern

Crafted with prismarine shards and crystals the sea lantern is not only a great light emitting block which emits a light level of 15 which is the brightest possible in the game but you can actually activate a conduit with this block definitely the coolest block to activate a conduit with another really

Cool random thing is that if you place a note block on top of the sea lantern it’ll make a clicks and sticks sound yeah M yeah yeah ooh yeah number 331 is the bees nests and number 330 is the bee hive these two blocks absolutely go hand inand together both of these blocks

Actually house bees with the bees nests being natural and the beehives being crafted the bees nests that naturally generate always generate with three bees inside of them this is great because the more bees we have the more honey we can produce so both of these blocks really

Do help generate honey which honey can lead to a lot of useful things and that is why I’d say both of these blocks are really useful and in some instances can be used very decoratively number 329 is the brand new bamboo Mosaic since bamboo is now a really really useful block and

We’ll get to that later the bamboo Mosaic comes in handy when building out of bamboo it’s a decorative block with cool funky patterns on each side and can actually be used to create the bamboo Mosaic stays and the bamboo Mosaic slabs number 328 is the chiseled stone bricks

Now this is one of the highest chisel blocks on our list one of the reasons is being because it actually looks really cool with the square inside of the square pattern but also it has a really cool use where if you craft eight of these blocks with one expensive

Netherite Ingot you can actually get yourself a load Stone and we’ll get to that block in a little bit number 327 is cocoa beans these blocks can be naturally found on the side of jungle logs and when on the side of jungle logs they can actually grow into big beans

When you harvest them at full size you can then actually use them to craft Brown dye and cookies now how can you say no to cookies cookies are awesome number 326 is the mossy cobblestone added all the way back in Java Edition classic in version 0.26 survival test

The mossy cobblestone was added as a variant of the normal Cobblestone with guess what moss on it you can use this block to crit its slab stays or wall variants of course towards Autumn or fall for the Americans this block shines as well because it has a very spooky

Aesthetic to it great for Halloween fun and Spooks admittedly this block would be a lot lower on the ranking but it has a new use to create the wild armor trim number 325 is the light block this Block’s sole purpose is to really be used for Creative builds and adventure

Maps although this block does come in handy when you’re building adventure maps you’ll never come across it in your normal survival playthrough which definitely keeps this block in the middle of the road because it only really has specific uses number 324 is the lightweighted pressure plate unlike the heavy weighted pressure pressure

Plate the lightweighted pressure plate doesn’t need my entire Village on the pressure plate just to admit a redstone signal strength of one the lightweighted pressure plate emits a signal strength of how many entities is on this pressure plate for example five mobs on the pressure plate a signal strength of five

Which is a pretty cool nice feature to have number 323 is the iron trap door now the main feature of the iron trap door is unlike wooden trap doors you can’t actually open it with your bare hands so any way you use this this will ensure a little bit more protection

Since now unless play players have a pickaxe to break through it they’re now going to have to find a way to open it via Redstone another really cool thing iron trap doors can do I don’t know if it’s every trapdor but iron trapos can play songs like this

Song number 322 is endstone as soon as you enter the final stage of Minecraft you can see thousands and thousands of these blocks which means as long as you have a pickaxe at that point you can mine these up and start using them four endstone together can create four

Endstone bricks and they can also be Stone cut into stairs slabs or the bricks which gives this block a nice versatile use but not only that you can use endstone to craft the eye armor trim decoratively wise these blocks are always at the center of every end

Looking build number 321 is the sponge not only does this block look like some cheese this block has a very unique property and use if you place sponge in water it will absorb every single piece of water within a seven block radius then after that the sponge will

Obviously turn into a wet sponge block and then you can smelt the wet sponge back into a normal sponge I’d say this block would be higher up on this list if it was easier to obtain as to obtain the sponges you need to reach an ocean

Monument and find a sponge room or if you kill an Elder Guardian they will always drop one wet sponge number 320 is the vines decoration aside for a second this block is actually very useful because you can use it to stop fall damage and to climb up and down

Structures naturally spawning in jungles swamps and Lush caves you can grab these Vines for yourself with shears but not only do they have a useful function on the decorative side of things these Vines are great for any build that’s overgrown or old because these Vines actually naturally spread on their own

Which is a very nice feature for a decorative block to have number 319 is the sniffer egg this block is quite literally a giant egg it looks really cool if you didn’t know a sniffer was going to come out of this egg you’d have no idea what was maybe a dinosaur maybe

A giant pig who knows it’s a really cool looking block eventually this egg will start to crack and eventually hatch into little baby sniffs number 318 is the trip wire hook possibly one of our first troll blocks H because you could place this in your friend’s base without them

Knowing and as soon as they trip over this it is game over you could probably you know blow up their entire house or do something a little bit more minor like like set of fireworks in their house we either way this is a very fun block to play pranks on your friends

Also it could be used for a kind of lever or hook on the wall decoratively which is a nice touch number 3177 is the End Rod a really bizarre and unique light source it’s one long white stick with a pimple stand at the bottom that emits light the way this block is

Modeled you can use it in a lot of cool decorative funky ways but one really cool feature about this is you can wear this on your head like a unicorn look at me go woo number 316 is the soul Lantern I absolutely adore the lantern as a

Decorative block and a light source this block has so many uses it can sit nicely on a block and look really aesthetically pleasing or it can hang from a fence all the way to a chain now the soul Lantern variant is the blue variant in my opinion it just doesn’t look quite as

Good as number 315 the normal Lantern the normal Lantern is just a little bit more aesthetically pleasing simply because the light inside of the lantern is a normal flame color number 314 is iron bars iron bars is a cool decorative block that can be used to create jail

Cells when you place these iron bars and then place them on the side they can actually connect together and form an l-shape which is a nice touch because then the iron bars give you a little bit more space within the block the iron bars actually have a secret use that I

Actually didn’t know until I researched for this video Iron bars speed up the quea duration for zombie villagers I honestly did not know this at all if you guys knew this comment down below I was definitely left scratching my head with this one I honestly had no idea but I

Mean it kind of makes sense since zombie villagers can naturally be found in Igloo behind iron bars number 313 is the structure void this is an unobtainable block to get in survival but a really really cool decorative block to use in any cool builds that you’re going to

Make in creative mode it’s like air it’s like an invisible block but you can place blocks on top of this block for example you could create all of the floating candles from Harry Potter that is pretty cool number 312 is crying obsidian oh no obsidian what’s the

Matter I’m so sorry where were we yes crying obsidian crying obsidian is a luminous variant of obsidian that can be used to create a respawn anchor the crying obsidian gives off a light level of 10 which isn’t the highest and is a nice decorative block to mix up any

Obsidian built number 311 is deep Emerald now a lot of people might be very confused why our first or is very low down that’s simply because this or is impossible to find I don’t think I’ve ever found deep slit emerald and I’ve I’ve I’ve played a lot of Minecraft not

Not to be ashamed that’s nothing to be ashamed of even though this block does drop emeralds and that is a good thing emeralds are way easier to acquire just by simply trading like I’d rather trade like 12 string for an emerald rather than go looking for deep slit emeralds

And that is why 310 is Emerald or the same points that stood for deep slit Emerald Emerald o also stand for Emerald o this block is 30 times rarer than the diamond o that is like impossible although again don’t get me wrong it is good finding this block I would I would

Never turn down an emerald our second ore on this list is the Deep slit copper ore unlike the emerald ore this is actually the only way you’re going to be able to get copper now the reason why this always so low is because it’s copper it doesn’t have as many uses as

All the other resources in Minecraft and plus when I’m in a deep sled cave I want to find other ores other than deep slate copper ore you know although when you do have copper it can be used to make a brush lightning rods spy glasses and

Even used as a color for the new armor trims number 308 is copper or just like deep sled copper ore when you break this block it’ll give you raw copper I’ve put this block above the Deep sled variant because the normal copper ore seems to be everywhere on the surface number 307

Is the coral fan now this cute decorative block is all the way up here on the list probably not for the reason that you expect the times I’ve actually used this block isn’t for decoration or anything like that it was actually to to duplicate TNT Now using coral fans to

Duplicate TNT is extremely useful because you can then go on to create machines that can mine automatically for diamonds number 306 is the honeycomb block now just like the last one you might be wondering why this block is so high it is literally just a decorative block well technically yes but because

This block can’t be fully mined quickly with any tool it give creative thinkers an opportunity to create a player trap you can use pistons to carry on pushing these blocks around to trap the player inside and they can’t mine anything kind of an OP trap if you ask me number 305

Is the amethyst cluster once this block is fully grown this is where you’re going to get all of your amethyst crystals from also the decorativeness of this block works wonders when placed in Minds because then you could have a really cool Crystal mind each stage of the amethyst cluster actually gives off

Its own light level as well with the small being a light level of one the medium being a light level of Two and a large amethyst Bud giving off the light level of four number 3 four is the budding amethyst after talking about the amethyst clusters for so long you might

Be wondering where they actually come from these clusters actually grow from the budding amethyst blocks so since this block actually grows the amethyst clusters it’s a little bit ahead number 303 is glazed Terra Cotter now this is a fantastic unique decorative block as every single color has their own unique

Different colors and patterns but not only that if you place these blocks in a 2X two all of the patterns actually join together and create one big giant pattern which I personally think is a great creative idea for a Minecraft block half the time when I use this

Block they always end up as my floor don’t know why but they’re very cool patterns number 302 is normal terra cotta now this block can actually be dyed in all 16 different colors which is cool but it’s not actually the main reason why it’s up here the main point

Is not only can you use terra cotta for more of a bland colored palette but you can actually smelt down terra cotta into glazed terra cotta and on top of that you can actually C craft terra cotta to create the wayfinder armor trim even more reasons to use terra cotta number

301 is the Bell yeah I don’t know what to tell you this is the bell and it’s quite it’s it’s very funny not only does this Bell make a funny dingdong dingdong sound sound the alarms but when a raid starts and you ring the bell you just watch all of the villagers frantically

Run to their beds I don’t know why it’s so funny decoratively the Bell is also a nice touch to any Village you buil number 300 is the soul torch this block just has such a cool Vibe about it I don’t know what it is but after using

The normal torch for so long then the Soul torch coming in having a blue torch in Minecraft that is just so cool the reason why these aren’t as high as the normal torches is because of the practicality it’s so much harder to craft these as you actually need Soul

Soil whereas normal torches you can get them early game number 299 is the chorus flower these are blocks that can grow into really big alien looking trees and can be found in the end you can find them specifically when you go through the portals after you’ve beaten the

Ender Dragon this is the only place they’ll spawn chorus flowers are mainly used to grow chorus plants they can be planted on any endstone in any Dimension which is pretty cool this now means I can have a massive chorus Plant Farm in my back Garden when you break these down

You can actually get chorus fruit which you can eat they’ll give you hunger and you’ll randomly teleport which is very good to get out of traps number 298 is Netherrack a block that’s easy to mine and easy to place after exploring the nether I always have stacks and Stacks

And stacks of these blocks since they’re so easy to obtain so whenever I need a quick block to use to do something like block water Netherrack always has my back but not only that if you smelt Netherrack down you’ll get Nether Bricks and that’s how you actually obtain

Nether Bricks but not only that that you can actually use Netherrack to craft the netherite upgrade smithing template which is really useful cuz that’s how you get netherite armor and you can also use it to get the rib armor trim number 279 is Blackstone now decoratively this

Block may not look the best but hold your horses for a second this block can actually act as a cobblestone it can craft a brewing stand a furnace all of the stone tools like to craft the snout armor trim even all of the Blackstone variants like walls stairs and slabs 206

Is cobbled deep slit similar to Cobblestone and Blackstone cobbled deep slit has all of the same craft but this time it can actually craft the silence armor trim it can craft all the same tools Brewing STS furnaces but personally I prefer deep slate as a whole because I love all the Deep slit

Bricks the Deep slit tiles the polished deep slit etc etc number 295 is the Crimson fungus technically our first sapling on this list because if you use bone meal on this guy on Crimson nym this thing will grow into a tree where you can collect all of its useful wood

Now even though this thing can produce trees it’s in the nether only which is pretty much mid game and that’s not going to help you out early game at all so even though yes this block can be useful and does produce wood it’s definitely not the most productive way

Of getting wood in your Minecraft world although this does produce the Crimson wood so if you’re a fan of the Crimson wood this is probably for you number 294 is the Warped fungus who would have guessed it it does the exact same as the Crimson fungus but this time it produces

All of the blue wood and for me I personally prefer the blue wood number 293 is the Crimson nyum technically this is the grass that you place the Crimson fungus on for example Crimson fungus is the sapling and now this is the grass same as the grass the Crimson Nyan can

Actually be born Meed on and grow lots of different nether plants which is a very nice touch cons considering this is still the block you have to place the Crimson fungus on to create the tree so yeah this block kind of comes hand inh hand with the Crimson fungus so I guess

You’ll never guess what’s coming next H number 292 is Warped nyum what literally the exact same thing but this time this block is for the Warped fungus number 2011 is powdered snow on the topic of the nether the powdered snow is the quickest most efficient way to get fire

Off you once you’re on fire in the Nether and that is all already a winning use since now I don’t have to use the stinky cauldron but also the block of powdered snow this thing you can actually fall through it and now freeze to death in Minecraft side note I do

Love the heart icons when you’re freezing to death even though I have to die to see them they look pretty cool and also if you’re feeling sneaky you can use these blocks as a trap to trap players and freeze them to death as well 290 is the ladder this block is old

Added all the way back in Java Edition INF Dev which is before the beta the ladder was added just to Simply Be a block that you use on other blocks to climb up those blocks and I got to say that this block has aged like fine wine

In my newest world I’m still using ladders to get up and down my base they’re just so convenient to have and I absolutely love them number 289 is the glass pane the glass pane is a decorative transparent block that some would argue is more convenient to have

Over the normal glass in my opinion though even though it might be convenient the glass pane for me doesn’t fit into builds just as good as glass not to say that the glass pane is a bad block I just do prefer the glass block the glass pane is still a simple yet

Effective decorative block that can still be dyed into all of the colors number 287 is the soul campfire now the soul campfire is a blue variant to the normal campfire the soul campfire is a really cool unique decorative block that I’d argue is very spooky it can also be

Used to cook four pieces of food which is a nice touch again the only problem with the soul campfire is that it requires Soul Sand to make which is pretty mid game therefore even though decorative wise it might look better it’s harder to obtain number 286 is the normal campfire decoratively this block

Is amazing and just as good as the soulle campfire but this guy is an early game Champion you only need sticks wood and coal to craft this so I’d suggest using this guy in your starter base to add a nice cozy atmosphere and you can

Also cook your food on it a Cool Secret use this block has that if you put out the fire with water you can now use this block to make makeshift Bridges which is pretty cool number 285 is the soul fire now this block is taking rain just

Simply because of how it looks in my personal opinion this block looks sick when fire is lit on Soul Sand or Soul soil it turns blue and this blue fire can be lit eternally which means it can be used for super cool torches or super cool walkways number 284 is the ominous

Banner I’m ranking this Banner aside from the actual Banner because you’ll get this Banner specifically from killing the raid captains and then once you get the bad Omen with this ominous Banner you can then start the village raid and then once you finish the village raid you can get all of the

Glorious Loot and totems of undying number 283 is sugarcane sugarcane can be used to craft paper and sugar but my favorite part of sugar cane is that it can be automatically farmed so easy just with the use of some pistons and observers with this you’ll get all the

Sugar you need in the world and all of the paper you need in the world to craft bookshelves number 282 is normal ice decoratively the ice is a nice block to have because you can create things like frozen lakes or ice skating rinks but the main reason why ice is pretty high

Is because you can use it to create those sweet nether highways with ice and a boat you can speed through the nether which will send you thousands and thousands of blocks across the Overworld number 281 is packed ice the upgraded version of normal ice because up until

This point I haven’t mentioned that ice actually comes in three variants and the more far you go the more slipperier the ice gets so yeah when you fill a crafting table with nine ice you’re going to get packed ice the more effective slippery ice but what happens

If you fill a crafting table with nine packed ice you might be asking well that’s why number 280 is blue ice if you wanted even more slipperiness and even more effective working ice well this block is for you the slipperiest ice out of all of the ice variants although do

Be warned it takes 81 regular ice just to craft one blue ice so at that point you may as well just use uh normal ice or packed ice but this it’s more slippery so hey number 27 9 is the Crimson fence gate and our first wooden

Fence gate now here we have the fence gate and in many instances the greater more Superior fence and the main two points that make it more Superior is that you can open and close this with your hand and it can also be controlled by Redstone and unlike the fence you can

Actually wear the fence gate on your face using commands as a mask yeah bet you can do that with a fence yeah look at me go and by now you guys probably know the wooden ranking but we’re going to go over it anyway first we’ve got the

Mangr fence gate then the acacia gate then we’ve got the Warped gate and then the dark oak gate then the jungle then the Birch Spruce bamboo cherry and to finish her off we have the classic Oak fence gate if I’ve changed any of the rankings around there we’re actually

Going to get to the planks further on and I’ll explain my reasons then number 268 is the Crimson hanging sign added in 1.20 the hanging signs and the signs in general have so many cool features where with the main function is you can write messages on them and then you can color

Them with dyes and make them glow with glow ink sacks also it’s one of the the best ways to in-game communicate with each other if you don’t want to say anything in chat and you can also have so much fun with them like making building signs or labeling chests

Although decoratively the hanging signs might look cooler it’s just they’re much more harder to craft as you need iron to make chains and as you all know the Crimson wood isn’t my favorite so this is why the Crimson hanging sign is at the bottom number 267 is the mangrove

Hanging sign number 266 is the acacia number 265 is the Warped number 264 is the dark oak number 263 is the jungle number 262 is birch number 261 is bamboo number 260 is Spruce number 259 is Cherry and number 258 is the oak hanging sign again I am a little bit biased

Towards Oak cuz not only is it one of the classic blocks of Minecraft but it’s also one of the easiest wood to obtain number 257 is the Crimson pressure plate although for now we’re going to touch on all of the wooden pressure plates the wooden pressure plate is the most

Sensitive version of all the pressure plates that can detect all entities producing the maximum signal strength of 15 now like I’ve said before I love any block that brings any more value to Redstone playing Minecraft I used to have so much fun with this block because

Not only could you set up traps like TNT exploding or sand falling but you could also use these things as like Secret Door entrances or just to Simply automatically open your own door these blocks are a fantastic way of just emitting Redstone the only thing that really limits you from this block is

Creativity with a redstone component like this you can go absolutely wild and you can use it for any Contraption you can just dream up but again out of all the wooden variants the Crimson variant isn’t my favorite although again it does come down to preference right we just

Did the woods so let’s quickly speed through these next we have Mangrove then AAA then warped then dark oak then jungle then Birch then bamboo then Bruce then Cherry then we have the oak pressure plate really for the same reasons as the oak hanging sign next we have 246 the polished Blackstone

Pressure plate and 245 the stone pressure plate now these Stone pressure plates are a little bit different and they can only only detect players and mobs but producing the same Redstone emit level of 15 although it does come down to preference which one you use I

Feel like the storm one is easier to obtain also the storm pressure plate does have a craft where you can craft it into a detector rail number 244 to 234 of the wooden buttons now since you know all of my wooden preferences I just thought let’s just make this easier

Other than going over every single wooden button individually the wooden button is another amazing component to Redstone the wooden button specifically can be pushed by arrows and trident unlike the pressure plate where something is on it it still emits the Redstone signal when activated the wooden button emits Redstone for 15

Redstone Tex which is 1.5 seconds this makes it a mono stable power source which means it automatically deactivates shortly after being activated which means it’s perfect for secret doors where you push that button get through the secret door then the Secret Door will close behind you and that is just

One of its millions of different Redstone uses that you can use this Redstone component for number 233 is the Polish Blackstone button and number 232 is the stone button the crafts for these blocks is literally one of the respective Block in a crafting table and you’ll turn that block into a button

While the wooden button remains active for 15 Redstone ticks the stone button remains active for 10 Redstone ticks which means as soon as you push this you better be quick all of these buttons do come down to preference so a lot of the time choosing between these buttons does

Come down to a creative decision now we’re finally heading to the bti blocks and getting closer to that top 100 number 231 is simply fire now this block has many purposes just like the soul fire decoratively the fire block looks amazing because again you can place it

On Netherrack Make It Last Forever and then use this as cool walkways or giant flame torches but not only that with a simple flint and steel you can see your enemy bases fall and crumble to the ground or you know you run up to a village right click on one of the houses

With a flint and steel and watch the entire thing burn it was so satisfying back in the day just to find a village and stop burning it down for no reason it was just so satisfying why I don’t know maybe I’m a psychopath who knows number 230 is the activator rail our

First rail on this list and I’m quickly going to say that I love the rails because they can turn into roller coasters oh yeah and Automatic Farms but roller coasters roller coasters are sick anyway the activator rail is a type of power rail that can eject players and

Mobs from regular mine carts and it can also lock and unlock Hopper mine carts and ignite TNT mine carts it’s a very unique rail for very specific uses as you can tell by that description but it can also use command blocks in Minecart if you get in real fancy with it so yeah

A lot of cool uses this block actually has but still the worst rail in my opinion number 229 is the copper block the copper block is a decorative block with so many variants and the block can actually oxidize non-waxed copper blocks have four stages of oxidation we got the

Normal oxidation we got the exposed we got the weathered and we got the oxidized all of the these different block variations can also be turned into their respective slabs and stays and if you put any of these four variations into a crafting table you can get the

Cut version of that block and an extra use this block brings if you want to use it is that you can compact all of your copper ingots in one block number 228 is the quartz bricks a fantastic constructive and decorative block I tend to mainly use this block when I’m going

For a more modern kind of built or if I’m building a structure and I need something to look like marble this block will come in very handy for me all of the quartz blocks is a bit of a fancy block you tend to use once you start to

Get towards the mid game for the same reasons number 227 is the quartz pillar the exact same reasons this is another fancy looking decorative block but depending on which way you place this pillar like a tree it has a top a bottom and the sights number 226 is the smooth

Quartz whilst building out of all of these quartz blocks I’d say the smooth quartz blocks is probably one of the easiest to use since you know it’s just smooth on all surfaces finally we’ve arrived at number 225 and that’s the quartz block this guy’s at the top of

All of the quartz blocks simply because you use the block of Quartz to obtain all the other quart block variants and you can also use this to get the quartz slabs or the quartz stays which is pretty nice now the reason why chiseled quartz isn’t up here with the rest is

Because I don’t actually tend to use chisel quartz at all I know number 224 is pointed drip Stone this pointy block can be found in the caves of Minecraft and has many uses for example you can drop these giant spikes on players from above to completely kill them whereas

The damage from these spikes can go all the way up to 20 Full Hearts but if the player is wearing a helmet it reduces this by a quarter but not only that these are technically Minecraft’s version of spikes because if anyone walks on top of these or jumps on them

They take damage now the best usage of these blocks is to either Farm lava or water all you got to do is place your lava or water then a drip stone block then dripstone below that and it’ll start drip dripping away Into The Cauldron this is awesome cuz this now

Provides an infinite lava source number 223 is glowstone glowstone is a decorative light emitting block that spawns and overhangs in the nether glowstone could be crafted into Redstone lamps and also respawn anchors if you mind glowstone you can actually get yourself glowstone dust which you can use then to create spectral arrows or

Fireworks stars but the main reason why glowstone is so high up on this list is because glowstone is used in portions to make the potion more potent which then leads to you becoming stronger with stronger potions number 222 is nether warts the Nether Warts are funguses found in Nether fortresses and bastions

And is used to grow in Soul Sand the Nether Warts actually come hand inand with Glowstone because you need the nether water to actually create the awkward potions which is how you make potions but not only that nether water used in the recipe to create red Nether

Bricks number 221 is the nether quartz ore this ore is found frequently in the Nether and when mind can give you a lot of XP and that’s really good if you keep mining for quartz you’ll build up a lot of XP but not only that since this is

Quartz or this is obviously how you obtain quartz and how you can create all of the quartz blocks Number 220 is Skull just like the nether quartz or skulk is an amazing efficient way to build up XP all you got to do is find skull in a

Deep slate cave grab a hoe and start farming number 219 is the decorated pot this decorated pot is a new block added in 1.20 it can be crafted with four individual Potter shirts and you can actually mix and match all of these shirts to make your own unique decorated

Pot which is a very nice Creative Touch and also if if you place a smaller pot on top of this decorative pot you now have one giant pot for your flowers a cool build feature is if you place these pots on top of each other you can

Actually create a totem pole number 218 is the magma block not only is this animated block one of the coolest looking blocks in the game but it has so much more features that might actually end up saving your life I love the feature where if you’re underwater and

You’re starting to drown you can actually stand on a magma block and you won’t drown but not only that you can use the magma Block in a water elevator to pull you or items down downwards number 2117 is kelp talking about water elevators kelp is the best way to create

These water elevators once placing all of these Kelps in a column you turn all of the water into Source blocks which now allows you to be pushed up or pulled down they can also be smelted into dried kelp if you want to make dried kelp blocks but that’s entirely up to you

Number 216 is the turtle egg this is up here entirely for decorative purposes because look how cute they look and they also hatch into baby turtles a you have to be careful though cuz zombies or mobs can actually trample on top of these eggs but not only that when these baby

Turtles grow up they actually drop scoot which can be used to make into a turtle shell that you can wear on your head this gives you the power to be able to breathe underwater for 10 seconds number 215 is the grindstone the grindstone is a very handy block to have because it

Can repair items and tools as well as removing enchanting from them to get you some XP the grindstone can also be used to create weapon Smith villagers which actually have some nice trades like coal for Emerald iron for emeralds Flint for emeralds or even diamonds for emeralds

Number 214 is the Wither Rose the most deadly flower in Minecraft this flower can actually damage you and give you the Wither effect you can also use wither roses to farm mob loots as they actually do kill mobs and if you want you can Farm skeletons with wither roses in the

Nether if you mix the Wither Rose into a suspicious stew guess what it it’ll give you the Wither effect what decoratively a really interesting block as it gives off these unique cool particles number 213 are candles on the spookiest side of things the candles are a decorative

Block that emit a light source added in version 1.17 they’re a small subtle block that can be aesthetically pleasing and they can also be stacked up to four times and then finally lit with a flint and steel the cool unique thing about candles is they can be dyed into every

Single color and crafted with honeycomb and strring and if anyone’s celebrating their birthday you can put candles on cakes how awesome is that number 212 is suspicious sand and number 2011 is suspicious gravel added in the brush brand new taals and trails update suspicious stand and suspicious gravel

Of fragile gravity affected blocks found in various Overworld structures you can use a brush on these blocks to reveal a cool hidden item you can find really cool things in these like TNT diamonds emeralds and even those Potter shirts overall a really cool and unique take on

A block that adds a little bit more to the Discovery side of Minecraft number 210 is Soul Sand and number 209 is soul soil both of these blocks are frequently found across the nether but the reason why Soul Sand is behind Soul soil is because Soul Sand slows the players down

Really annoyingly both of these blocks can be used to spawn the wither which inevitably leads after defeating it to a Nether Star both of these blocks can also be used to create the soul torch and the Soul soil can be used to create the soul campfire also you can use Soul

Soil in a lava generator to create infinite BT which is pretty cool block number 208 is the daylight detector the daylight detector is a really really unique red Stone component that gives off a redstone signal if it’s day or if it’s night depending if you use the daylight or the inverted daylight

Detector so this means you could use it for builds for example if it’s daytime you could have your street lights off but when it turns night all of your street lights turn on number 207 and our second rail is the detector rail this Railway acts similar to a pressure plate

Whereas if a player goes over this it will send off a redstone signal you can get very creative and funky with this block if you combine this block with a comparator and a chest in a mine cart went over this the Redstone signal would change depending on how full that chest

Is this works with every single container like Hoppers and furnaces these could be used in very unique ways to build automatic farms and storaging systems number 206 is simply the melon let’s dial it all the way back down to a simple melon this melon is a great food

Resource that once you break it drops a bunch of melons the one thing I do love about melons is if you grow loads of them in a straight line and have a really op High efficient axe you can mine all of the these melons in seconds

Number 205 is the chain the chain is a great addition to the decorative and building side of Minecraft there’s so many cool and dumb things you can do with it for example look at this villager hanging upside down what what’s he doing the one thing I do love doing

With chains is hanging lanterns on them because these two blocks together look amazing not only can you place them vertically but you can also place them horizontally as well which gives you a lot of creative flexibility with this block number 204 is stone stone is a block found absolutely everywhere but

It’s actually a little bit more tricky to obtain because you either have to smelt Cobblestone or you can grab yourself some silk touch although when you actually finally obtain the stone you can use it in really useful things like to craft the Redstone comparator the redstone repeater buttons pressure

Plates and even my favorite stone bricks also if you smelt this guide down you can get smooth Stone which is a nice decorative block number 203 is the colored stained glass pane this is the exact same block as the glass pan but this time in various different unique

Colors so if you have a color themed house like a pink house you could use pink stained glass like the pink stained glass could go very well with a cherry blossom house very cool number 202 is colored stained glass the exact same thing as the stained glass pane but this

Time it’s a full block and in my opinion it fits better with more spills but I mean again it does just come down to preference you’re either a pain guy or a full block guy number 2011 is glass now this is a clean full block of glass that

Works well with pretty much every single build or house/ base for that matter the glass blocks are just so aesthetically pleasing because they link together and you can actually see into the outside world which is nice glass isn’t just limited to decoration purposes though it can actually be used to craft the beacon

The daylight detector end crystals for PVP and tinted glass so basically to make every single variant of glass you’re going to have to start off with a full block of normal glass number 200 is the redstone lamp so this is a decorative Redstone component that lights up when it gets a redstone signal

A crazy thing about this block is redstone Engineers have found a way for the redstone lamp to be a screen of a working calculator in Minecraft that is just Bonkers and that’s why I think so highly of redstone the possibilities are literally endless 199 is the smooth

Stone not only is this a decorative block I use a lot of the time for my floors but you can actually use this block to turn a furnace into a blast furnace which is pretty much a super furnace for smelting ores and is really useful 198 is the iron door like normal

Wooden doors the iron door actually can’t be opened by your bare hands and needs a redstone signal to be open open the iron door does add a little bit more security but also it gives some value to Redstone one thing I do love about the iron door is the iron door trap where

You simply walk into it and now you can’t get out because you’re trapped you dummy 197 is the normal piston the Pistons can be used in really op Farms like the bamboo Farm or the sugarcan farm now mainly the Piston is used to push blocks away from itself and not to

Retract them so mainly this block is used to push out lots of blocks if you’re farming them for example like wood but can’t be used for some secret doors as blocks need to be retracted number 196 is the lever another Redstone component that can be used in so many

Different ways unlike the button the lever will actually stay on and carry on emitting a redstone signal until turned off a cool thing about the lever is that it can be placed on any side of the Block in any direction the lever gives off the highest Redstone signal of 15

Leaving the lever to be a simple yet effective Redstone component 195 is the Redstone Block the Redstone Block is a block that gives off a redstone signal constantly since this Redstone output is actually a block it can be pushed around by Pistons leading to even more cool creative and unique redstone

Contraptions 194 is red sand red sand is the harder to obtain variant of normal sand that can be used to smelt down into glass which then leads to all of the glass uses number3 is sand sand is an early game block easy to obtain and like red sand

It can be used to smelt all the way down to Glass which gives you all of the glass uses but also Sand’s a good decorative block you can use it to build things like sand castles and even beaches number 192 is the composter there’s been a lot of talk of the

Composter through this video and that’s a good thing because the amount of blocks and items you can actually compost is great because once you fill up the composter it’ll actually give you bone meal and you can use that bone meal then to grow saplings into trees and

Crops into food but not only that a composter being near a villager can actually turn the Villager into a farmer which then gives you lots of great trades you can trade all of your food like wheat potatoes carrots beetroots into emeralds you can also trade your pumpkins and melons into emeralds which

Is literally some of the best trades if you have a farming Empire because then you’re going to be rich on emeralds but not only that these farmer villagers can actually farm for you but the composter can’t actually collect these items for you you’re going to need chests and

Hoppers which does bring the composter down number 191 of the potatoes these potatoes can be planted in farmlands and once they’re fully grown you break them to get even more potatoes not only that you can smelt them down into baked potatoes which give you a nice bit of

Hunger and also like we previously mentioned they can be traded in for emeralds so the potatoes and the compost that that kind of go hand in hand as the potatoes can go into the composter number 190 are the carrots just like the potatoes these carrots can be planted in

Farmlands to fully grow then to be broken into even more carrots they can also be traded into emeralds but these carrots can be crafted into golden carrots which give you really really good saturation they can also be composted as well which kind of goes hand in hand with the potatoes and the

Composter number 189 and the best food block is the cake you can’t go wrong with the cake in Minecraft you can literally celebrate anyone’s birthday with and you can eat this cake up to seven different times the fact that you can put candles on this as well is just

So cute and such a nice decorative block I tend to leave cakes around if I’m feeling peckish so I can snack on them now and again and to craft them you need sugar eggs wheat and milk buckets also if you’re feeling very funky you can make a cake staircase which will shoot

You up really quickly number 188 and our first wooden door is the warped door hey it’s not the Crimson wood this time who would have thought even though the wood is blue the warped door doesn’t do it for me because it has these weird looking veins over the front of it but

Let’s quickly talk about doors for a second doors are at the heart of every Minecraft base or home if you want to get in somewhere you’re going to have a door the fact that you can have two doors together to create one double door is really cool and puts the cherry on

Top of the icing number 187 is the Crimson door yeah the crimson’s not that good either it just looks like such a strange door it looks like the door to your uncle’s basement or something I don’t know there’s something off about that door number 186 is the mangrove

Door The Mangrove door looks like they took the Crimson door refurbish the Crimson door to look a little bit nicer personally I still don’t like the color but at least there’s like diamond shapes on the front that’s pretty cool number 185 is the jungle door nothing really

Special about this door the door kind of looks old and like it’s starting to rot away a little bit but I do like the color if I was building out a jungle wood I’d obviously use this do 184 is the Birch door now we’re getting a

Little bit better with these doors I do like the Birch door to say the least the color is nice but I’m not a fan of this white panel at the front of it 183 is the brand new bamboo door I like the little handle on this guy and I do like

The threaded bamboo at the front of it although for me personally there are better looking doors on this list 182 is the acacia door on one hand you can have a door that has no holes and you can’t see through and then on the complete opposite side of that hand you have the

Acacia door where you can almost see straight through with this door you’re either going to like it or hate it it depends how much privacy you want number 181 is the dark oak door now this is a clean Stern solid door if I were to

Picture a door in my head I kind of picture the dark oak door I like the golden handle on it too it’s very nice and snazzy number 180 is the Spruce door I love the vibe and look of this door it’s a nice solid clean door just like

The dark oak door you can also use this door for bills not just as a door like for bunk beds it’s a pretty useful door I’m a big fan of the spruce door I got to say number 179 is the brand new Cherry D I really do love the cross

Pattern at the front of this door and the fact that you can actually see through the gaps the color’s nice it’s a nice shade of pink and also the white handle at the front is a nice touch but for me my favorite door is number 178

The oak door again I’m a little bit biased but it’s an absolute classic I always use this door because I don’t want to leave my roots maybe I am a little bit boring for this choice but hey I’m a simple guy number 177 to number 166 are the wooden signs a more

Simple version of the Minecraft hanging sign because you don’t actually need iron to craft these and you only need wood it is such an early game block and you can grab these bad boys straight away and start writing whatever you want number 165 is the item frame I had to

Sit here and choose between the signs and the item frames but I think the item frames comes out on top you can place any item you want into these frames to frame the items it’s pretty self-explanatory but these blocks become a lifesaver when trying to figure out

What chest has what item in it you can simply put an item frame on the chest to show what block is in this chest it’s such a GameChanger for item frames but also you can get creative using commands you can actually get invisible item frames which looks so cool cuz you can

Just put items anywhere coming in at number 163 is the bookshelf this block debuted all the way back in 2009 in version 0.26 survival test in Java Edition classic the bookshelf has aged really well since everyone still uses it in their Minecraft worlds to this day

Now the reason that being of course is because you need to use bookshelves to upgrade your enchantments with the enchanting table but not only that this is a great decoration block as well you could have these on your walls to show that you have bookshelves and and you

Look smart you look book smart look you go yeah I read books number 162 is lapis lazuli o on the same talk of enchantment lapis is used in the enchanting table to enchant any of your tools and armor to be honest the lapis or is good value

Because once you mine it it can drop from four to nine pieces of lapis that’s pretty good with all the new deep slit caves in Minecraft I tend to not find this block as much as I do find deep slit lapis or but if you do find this

Block you are going to get some nice XP and some nice lapis number 161 is deep slit lapis or this block is higher up than normal lapis as I find it easier to find and it’s just more accessible in the new caves so that means when I go

Mining I get even more lapis for my enchantments let’s go Baby Woo number 159 is the cactus one of if not the most iconic block of the Minecraft desert this prickly block can kill you your enemies and even mobs but probably the best part about this block is that you

Can Harvest it easily and it can be smelted down into green dye which then will give you XP for smelting which means you can create op massive XP Farms with the cactus and over time they’ll give you hundreds and hundreds of x P levels which is insane number 158 is

Deep slate coal although mid game when you’re down in the deep dark caves deep slate coal might be easier to find the normal coal is just a lot more accessible early game now obviously these blocks drop coal which can lead to so many things like torches lanterns

Campfires and much much more and not to mention the best part of coal is that it’s such a good item to smelt anything in the game it’s quick easy to obtain and pretty much all of my furnaces are filled with coal number 157 is normal

Coal or now it does the exact same thing as deep sled coal ore but normal coal ore can be found on the surface which is so much more accessible early game and you can use it then to smelt anything you need early game and also not to mention torches are really useful early

Game because you need to be able to see in the mines number 156 is the coal block now if you’re sitting around mid game to late game with loads and loads of coal and you’re going to use these coal to smelt always craft blocks of coal to smelt because they’ll give you

11% extra smelt than just using nine coal this block is a little bit of a bonus when it comes to Coal number 155 is the conduit once activated the conduit actually holds quite a lot of power once you activate and build the conduit structure it can actually kill

Drowns that come near it but not only that it can actually allow you to breathe underwater which is quite nice the conduit can be built in multiple different levels if it’s built correctly at its maximum state it can have the radius of 96 blocks it also gives you underwater night vision increasing your

Mining speed by 16% Cent which is insane anything like grounds Guardians Elder Guardians within eight blocks of this conduit will start to take damage so if you have a base near water or if you like going underwater a lot of the time in a certain place try building the

Conduit it will help you out Lads number 154 is the nether gold up this block is absolutely perfect for speedruns as it allows you to barter with piglins extremely easy these naturally generate everywhere across the nether they drop gold nuggets which allows you to craft these into gold ingots and then once you

Have these gold ingots you can start trading as long as you find piglins you can get pearls you can even get enchanted books Enchanted armor the list goes on number 153 is the dragon head unlike other mob heads this head is not obtained by simply killing a mob by a

Charge Creeper’s explosion added as part of 1.9 this head is obtainable by reaching the end ship high above the end City be careful this head is at the end of the ship and you could fall off really easily and die the main use of this block is decoration and you can use

Redstone on it to make it open its mouth which is very cool but mainly this block is a trophy and shows that you’ve beaten the Ender Dragon gone to the end City and found a dragon head number2 is the carpet simply crafted with two wool the carpet has many

Variations they come in every single color you could spice up the look of any room by using these carpets without actually having to mine up the floor just simply place these over any blocks but not only that carpets are really useful for hopping in and out of farm

Pens as mobs can’t actually jump over the fences with carpets llamas can also be equipped with carpets in their carpet slot and each carpet color shows as a different pattern rug on the llama’s back which is so cute look how many different patterns there are they’re all

So awesome they’re so cute if you have a llama you should be using a carpet number 151 is the Minecraft Loom this block is a fantastic creative block and I absolutely love it used to create any Banner pattern and honestly the possibilities are absolutely endless like look at all these cool banners what

They were all made by the loop wao but not just that the loop is actually a villager work site and can create the shepherd now the shepherd will actually trade you wool for emeralds and things like dieap for emeralds which is pretty nice number 150 is finally concrete this

Block is amazing for any colorful vibrant builds since these blocks are almost full solid colors you can use them to make giant Minecraft statues or even really cool pixel art definitely one of if not my favorite creative block you can use it to color or to spice up

Any Minecraft build and that’s what I absolutely love about it if brings more vibrant colors to the game number 149 is the respawn anchor since when you try to set your spawn point in the nether you know you literally explode and die the respawn hanker comes in really handy if

You know you’re going to get into a mess in the nether since now with a little bit of crying obsidian and glowstone you can actually set your spawn point in the nether which is actually really useful in some situations it completely gets rid of that moment when you die and you

Realize you have to run all the way back through the portal and find your items as quickly as possible before they despawn now you can respawn in the nether pretty close to your items number 148 is the target block now this block has a lot of fun properties to it when

Most projectiles hit this block it will emit Redstone which is good fun fun to create things like mini games where you have to shoot the target to win and this block actually has some unique Redstone properties like you can use this block for simpler Redstone designs like sometimes you don’t even need repeaters

You could just use the target block which is kind of weird but nonetheless very cool number 147 is lava now this might be a little controversial because lava is a pretty big reason why people quit Minecraft in general like if you’re Mining and you mine over lava and you

Fall into a lava pit and you die that is all of your progress all of your inventory vaporized in seconds you had diamonds not anymore but not only do Lava Pits spawn in the Overworld but lava is everywhere in the nether like your items are gone if you die in the

Nether now then I’m not making a very good case for this block and some of you might already be wondering then why is lava so high even even though lava is so dangerous it still has so many useful and unique uses first off lava pools can be used to create obsidian portals

Easily and quick in speedruns lava can be used to create infinite Cobblestone which is really useful on a Sky Block and infinite basal as well lava can be picked up in a bucket and used in a furnace to smelt items for so long you can use lava in Automatic Farms to get

Automatic things like cooked chicken for days and lava even leads to infinite iron in Automatic Farms since you need lava to kill all the iron golems and with all of this itself lava can actually be infinitely created with pointed dripstone and cauldrons so to those of you out there who keep dying

And quitting Minecraft to Lava just try to be a little bit more careful in Minecraft because lava could be your worst enemy but also sometimes in some certain situations it can be your best friend giving you all of that infinite iron number 146 is the jigsa block a

Block only available in creative mode that is used to spawn in structures now I do like to mess with run with this block a little bit to see what random things I could spawn in but this also really does help with creative builds now we’re finally heading into all of

The blocks that I personally think are all a tier number 145 is the player head in my opinion the player head is a really underrated creative block even though this is literally the head of some player skins people have weird skins I mean you could use the player

Head to create a full cheeseburger just sitting there or full mug of beer whatever your favorite fictional character is or literally whatever you can think of you could probably get that in a Minecraft skin and it can go on your wall using commands number 144 is the barrier only obtainable in creative

Mode the barrier is an invisible block that no one can break or get through so this block is perfect for survival maps PVP maps to keep players in an arena the only people who can see the barrier blocks are the people who have the barrier blocks since they only appear

When a barrier block is in your hand number 143 is bedrock the iconic unbreakable block of Minecraft that spawns at the very bottom of the Minecraft world using this block in creative mode for prisons back in the day was so much fun anyone who was in

Survival at the time who dared to enter would be stuck there forever also we can’t forget that the entire ceiling of the nether is all bedrock and once you get above that Bedrock you have a lot of space to build with number 142 is the smoker a block that once crafted can

Smelt food way quicker in fact it actually smelts your food twice as quick it can be crafted with one furnace in the middle and four logs around it having this smoker at your furnace station is perfect because now you’ll never use furnaces to cook your food again number 141 is the Jacko Lantern

Again one of if not the best light source in Minecraft just look at this guy it is so sick for Halloween or spooky buils but let’s not forget with the Jacko Lantern you can actually build a snow golem to throw snowballs at enemies number 140 is the carved pumpkin

This block can spawn the snow golem and the Iron Golem although this block doesn’t light up it can be crafted into the Jacko Lantern if you really want it with the the carved pumpkin really shines is that you can wear it on your head so Endermen don’t see you but not

Only that if you put cursive binding on a pumpkin and then set up a trap so the player is forced to wear the cursed pumpkin they now have a pumpkin stuck on their head until they die that is so unlucky I would hate to be that guy and

Number 139 is the pumpkin itself the pumpkin is the main reason how you can actually get your hands on the carved pumpkin and hands on the jack-o’-lantern the pumpkins are planted in farmlands with pumpkin seeds and grow adjacent to that block they can also be crafted into

Pumpkin pie or more pumpkin seeds to grow even more Pumpkins number 138 is wheat crops wheat is such a great source of food since wheat seeds are so easy to obtain all you got to do is break some grass but not only that wheat can actually be used to create bread cake

Cookies hay bales and even packed mud overall wheat is one of my favorite crops to grow because it has so many uses and it’s a great food source number 140 is the trapped chest this block is great fun and it’s a great way to punish people who keep walking into your house

And checking your items without your permission as soon as this chest is opened it emits a redstone signal which means as soon as someone opens this chest you could have TNT blow up you could have the floor be removed below them and they fall into lava you could

Have anything happen to the people who are trying to steal your goods just a great block overall and great fun when you actually trap someone number 139 is the brand new calibrated skull sensor the calibrated skull sensor is a craftable variant of the skull sensor similar to its counterparts it detects

Vibration but with twice the range and it can detect multiple vibrations in quicker succession this block is such a unique Redstone component because depending on the sound you make it will emit a different Redstone signal which means you could open a secret door just by simply eating next to Stone so now

You can emit Redstone signals just by making specific noises like if I used my fishing rod I could have TNT blow up very random but what this block now gives is endless possibilities for random redstone contraptions number 138 is the the chain command block command blocks are a massive part of Minecraft

And especially in the mapmaking side of things because command blocks can do really cool things personally I’m someone who doesn’t use command blocks that often but I do know the impact they actually have on a lot of players who like to do a lot of cool things now the chain command block specifically

Connects commands together to set off a chain reaction which which is quite fit in for the name so it’s a block that helps out the command block itself but not as important as the command block in case you didn’t know what these guys do is that they set off a command using

Redstone number 10 37 is the repeating command block added in the 1.9 pack from Minecraft the repeating command block is also a redstone powered block that will perform server commands over and over and over again when attached to a redstone circuit and there is a lot of

Things you can do because there’s a lot of commands in Minecraft so again the possibilities are endless and this time they’ll be activated over and over and over again number 136 is gold or found in the caves of Minecraft the normal variant of gold or drops raw gold when

Mined now this is extremely useful because when smelted down the gold ingot can craft items such as golden apples golden carrots clocks and glistening melons not to mention it can craft other things like block of gold and powered rails it can craft the golden armor set and tools but I personally wouldn’t use

These as they’re actually kind of very weak but nonetheless golden apples and golden carrots are amazing Foods number 135 is the Deep slit gold or now this drops the exact same thing as the normal gold or but the Deep slit gold or is so much easier to find find in the brand

New 1.19 caves number 134 is the good old stone cutter now every slab stays wall chiseled block variant we’ve spoken about in this video today can all be created by the stone cutter if you’re playing Minecraft in survival and you want to build some cool things the stone

Cutter is going to be your best friend this is the block I Ed to Stone cut all of my Cobble deep slate into deep slate bricks and my goodness is it a game changer because I have these blocks for days number 133 is the redstone torch a really really important Redstone

Component used in so many of the most important redstone contraptions it can be used to craft the redstone repeater it can be used to craft the Redstone comparator it can be used to craft the activator rail it Powers adjacent Redstone Dust to power level 15 including beneath the redstone torch if

It’s attached to the side of the block it also activates adjacent mechanism components including above or below Pistons Redstone lamps etc etc number 132 is the normal rail this is the normal average rail you can use to push m cut around the place these rails are really useful going downhill as you need

Nothing else to power them or to push you and also for going round corners as unlike the powered rail the normal rail can actually bend around corners but roller coasters rails can be used in roller coasters to make the coolest best roller coasters ever and I and I love a

Good roller coaster can’t go wrong with a good roller coaster number 131 is the scaffolding block crafted with bamboo and string the scaffolding block is a block that’s going to help you build massive structures as you can climb up and down through scaffolding and also you can build towers from the bottom

Block all you got to do is keep placing blocks at the bottom and the scaffolding will rise and rise and Rise which is perfect if you’re building massive really tall structures in survival mode number 130 is the mob spawner the mob spawner is a great block once you find

It in survival mode as you can dig around the area of a mob spawner and use this mob spawner to farm XP from mobs spawning all you got to do is have a little bit of water push them to the front and just keep killing mobs until

Your chests are full of mob loot and your XP bar is full of XP the downside of mob spawners is that you can’t actually obtain them with silk touch in survival unfortunately but in version 1.6 the mob spawner had the title for the rarest block in Minecraft it still

Might be this to date whereas in one seed the buried treasure chest spawned on the same block as a mob spawner forcing the game to Output five pig spawners in the same spot the odds of this happening was one in 36 quadrillion which is absolutely insane number 129 is

Is the honey block you can use this block to wall ride in Minecraft which is pretty cool but not only that this block has loads of redstone use let the Minecraft Wiki do the talking when the honey block is moved by a piston it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in

The same direction a honey block can move any block a sticky piston can pull except for glaz Terra Cotta and slime blocks the blocks that are moved May in turn push other blocks as if they were been pushed by a piston this makes for some insane builds like flying airlanes

And flying cars like when did Minecraft get to this level of insane also a cool feature as with hay BS falling onto a honey block reduces the damage by 80% number 128 is the slime block this block goes handin hand with the honey block as they can do similar things let more of

The Minecraft Wiki do some more talking when a slime block is pushed or pulled by a piston it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in the same direction hm that sounds very familiar it has the same properties as a honey block but it’s just a separate different block

That can work together to create Minecraft contraptions which is awesome because as you know this leads the flying airplane and flying cars and with these two blocks honestly the possibilities are endless you can get really fancy and build things like Mega doors you got to love a good Redstone to

And another cool thing about slime is when you fall onto it from all the way up in the sky you don’t actually take any fall damage at all and you bounce back up which is really good fun for some Parkour number 127 is the chiseled bookshelf a really new fancy decorative

Block that actually has more uses than just being decorative this is a bookshelf that actually stores your books in real time you can play enchanting books in here or readable books all you got to do is just right click to pop them back out and there you

Go but not only that they also gave off a redstone comparative signal which means secret Library door entrances heck yes again I am yet but a simple man I have a feeling some Redstone Engineers are going to be annoyed to me because of the way I ranked Redstone this video but

I don’t really use Redstone guys I’m sorry if I’m wrong I’ve tried my best number 126 is the Redstone comparator now the Redstone comparator is a very technical Minecraft Redstone component and to be honest I don’t fully understand the ins and outs of this block whereas Redstone Engineers would

So from what I understand looking at this image if B is stronger than a the output of C is completely cut off and if a is stronger than b the output of C is on which directs Redstone depending on the strength of other Redstone signals so there we go we’re learning as we’re

Going along this is awesome anyway the thing I do know about Redstone comparators is they can connect to various blocks and depending on how full that block is like chests for example or the level of compost in a composter or the amount of items in a hopper it will

Give off different Redstone signals using the comparator which is the use I know the Redstone comparator for this block definitely has its uses and its very very specific technical uses as well I mean the amount of things you can connect the comparator to I don’t even

Know you could connect it to a jukebox an item frame an end portal frame a respawn anchor there are so many things that comparator can get a redstone signal from which is really cool number 125 is the redstone repeater now for a bit of simpler Redstone that I do

Actually understand once your Redstone signal starts to run out you use the repeater to relight that Redstone and you can also use these repeaters to delay signals which comes in really really handy when trying to make music in Minecraft with the Note Blocks it’s an extremely useful Redstone component

That cannot be underlooked number 124 is the dispenser this block can fire projectiles use certain items or tools and place certain blocks fluids or entities when given a redstone signal you can get really creative with these blocks and use them as like defend mechanisms to shoot Fireballs out of

Your Castle or you could run into dispensers to equip you of all of your armor dispensers can use bone meal on things shoot eggs use water even shoot fireworks flint and steel mine carts it can place an ignite TNT shoot mobs out of and you can even trap people with the

Curse of binding pumpkin trap in my opinion there are so many fun great uses with the Minecraft dispenser number 12 123 is the hay bale I cannot stress enough how much I love finding these blocks in m inecraft villagers early game because I instantly know that I now

Have so much food for so much time you find stacks of these hay bales in villages and once collected these hay bals give you Stacks and stacks of wheat which you can turn into Stacks and stacks of bread and I for one absolutely love it oh sorry villagers got to take

Your hate but not only that hay blocks can actually be used with redstone to create the target block which is pretty cool and also if you land on a hay bale from falling from a height it reduces the fall damage by 80% number 100 22 is Cobblestone found on the side of

Mountains and underground this early game block will help you progress so much after you’re done with your wooden tools you can go straight into mining cobblestone to upgrade to your stone tools but not only that Cobblestone can help you craft so many things for example you can craft the breuing stand

A dispenser a dropper a furnace a lever mossy cobblestone an observer pistons and much much more not only that though but you can use the Cobblestone to craft the brand new coost armor trim the Sentry armor trim and the Vex armor trim also when you mine Cobblestone you can

Smelt it back into stone which allows you to Stone cut into so many different blocks and decoratively to the Cobblestone is a simple yet effective block number 121 is the barrel the barrel is a game that you obtain early game because it’s so easy to make with

The chest you can’t have most blocks above it because it won’t open this isn’t the case for Barrel the barrel will slide right into anywhere you place it and all you got to do is right click to open and store your items a great fantastic way to store all all of your

Items throughout Minecraft also the barrel can be a villager workstation which creates the fishermen and they will give you string for emeralds coal for emeralds fish for emeralds and even BS for emeralds overall a fantastic block and I absolutely love the barrel number 120 is the Jukebox costing eight

Wood and one Diamond the Jukebox is a great way to chill out after a long hard Adventure the really cool thing about jukeboxes is that there are 16 different music discs to collect so not only do you get an awesome Jam when you play a

Song but it also feels like a reward and a trophy for obtaining that music disc how can you go wrong with having an in-game dance party with all your friends to the song triip it just doesn’t get better than this although technically it does with 119 the blast

Furnace the blast furnace is a block that smelts ores Raw Metals and metal armor and tools twice as quickly as the normal furnace this saves so much time when you’ve just come back from a giant mining trip with Stacks and stacks of raw iron and gold but not only that the

Blast furnace is the Armor’s job site block and the armor well the armor if you have enough emeralds will give you enchanted diamond gear which is sick coming in at number8 is the smithing table the smithing table has been given so much more value with the brand new

Armor trims you can now give cool unique patterns to your armor using the smithing table but let’s not forget that the smithing table is also used to upgrade your diamond armor into stronger netherite armor also the smithing table creates the tool Smith and you can trade

With these guys to get emeralds for coal emeralds for iron and if you have Lads of diamonds you can give diamonds for emeralds number 117 is iron o you cannot go wrong with this block first off it drops off raw iron which you’ll need to smelt into iron ingots but once you’ve

Done that boy do you have a useful resource in your hands iron is such a staple of progression in Minecraft because you can craft so many new things like rails anvils blast furnaces iron blocks cauldrons chains compasses crossbows flint and steel Harpers iron tools iron armor mine carts pistol

Shares the list goes on you can actually use it as a way to color your armor trims as well which is pretty cool you literally can’t go wrong with iron in Minecraft such a top tier block love it number 116 is deep slate irono the exact

Same thing as irono it does drop raw iron but this time it’s so much easier to find simply because of the generation in the new bigger caves all you got to do is some cave hopping and look around and you’ll see Stacks and stacks of deep

Slit iron or now guys I have a little bit of a confession to me I’ve kind of messed up the numbers with the order of the blocks and this isn’t actually 116 we’ve actually just reached the 100th block so my bad but anyway let’s get into our top 100 blocks of Minecraft

Number 100 is the emerald block so this is a decorative block that technically doesn’t do much other than makes you look rich but the one thing it can do and does do is activate beacons also if you set up an entire villag and trading empire you can actually compact all of

Your emeralds into Emerald blocks and make a rich room because now you’re rich also it’s vibrantly green I’m not biased this way for our first double digits we have the block of netherite this block is really here to show your dedication for the grind that you married just like

The block of emeralds the compressed netherite can set off the beacon and now you might be thinking but hey renie a block of netherite gives you nine netherite ingots and what I say to that is but you have to get the nine netherite ingots first to craft the

Block so it’s a lot of hard work Blood Sweat and Tears just for a block I’d rather use the netherite on Armor personally but hey this block still shows that you’re a rich guy and I personally wouldn’t want to mess with you if you had these number 98 is the

Block of gold the gold block is an easy way to obtain the activation for Beacon since there’s not so many uses for gold and out of all of these rich blocks gold is definitely one of the best decoratively because gold just goes hand in hand with being rich also since you

Find so much gold in the new deep slid caves this is an easier block to obtain number 97 is the block of iron this is another block to show off your rich but it has so many more uses because iron is so much easier to find you can use the

Block of iron to make easier beacons because at the end of the day the blocks still activate the beacon the exact same but not only that the block of iron can also create iron golems and make anvils so yeah overall block of iron is a winner number 96 is the dragon egg

Although this block doesn’t have many usages it does have a purpose this block only spawns once and it’s a trophy to show that you beat the Ender Dragon it’s the one block in Minecraft that is a true trophy to say that yep you beat the game decoratively this is a fantastic

Block you can’t go wrong with encasing the dragon egg in your base to tell everyone else that you slay the dragon yeah you did it look at you girl I’m so proud of you Thumbs Up From Me renie number 95 is the end portal frame now

You wouldn’t actually be able to get the dragon egg or the dragon head heck even the elytra without the end portal frame because this is your only way to the end these blocks give you access to so much more of Minecraft like the end cities which gives you access to endstone

Chorus fruit blocks shulka boxes so much stuff coming in at number 94 is the Observer an extremely powerful block used for a lot of things but most importantly Automatic Farms so when the face of this block experiences a change like a brand new block growing it will

Set off a redstone signal this is extremely useful because this block now can Farm items for you while you don’t have to do any work whatsoever you can just watch those items flood in not to mention that this bad boy can help you make an automatic bamboo Farm which is

Pretty overpowered number 93 is the Farmland this block is at the center of all Minecraft farms I mean this is how you actually grow crops in Minecraft farming is such a crucial part of Minecraft as it’s one of the main sources of food you can grow wheat carrots potatoes beetroots melons

Pumpkins torch flowers and pict pods Farmland is the staple of farming in Minecraft so that’s why it ranked so high on this list number 92 to 82 are the wooden planks the first block that you probably actually are going to craft once you spawn into your first Minecraft

World after you punch down your first tree you craft that log into wooden planks and now you can do whatever you want with it but mainly you can craft the crafting table the planks as the blocks themselves as a decoration block are also fantastic top tier blocks

They’re just perfect for any stter early game house and honestly late game house as well like planks can be used for pretty much any house you want to build since there are so many wooden types available you can go absolutely wild and build whatever you want number 81 to 66

Six is the wood block and the stripped wood block we’re going to discuss these blocks together as one of these blocks is simply just the stripped variant of the other block now not to be confused by the wooden log the wooden block is a block crafted by wooden logs where the

Main difference is the Bark texture is on all six sides of the block so mainly this block is used decoratively if you don’t want the top or bottom of the wooden lck you craft these wooden blocks by using four wooden logs into the crafting table and only getting three

Wooden blocks out so every time you craft these wooden blocks you’re going to lose one wooden log in the process which hey it’s a price to pay if you want these wooden blocks I guess these blocks are still high up on the list because you can still use them in the

Same recipes as wooden log you can still make campfires you can still make planks you can still make smokers etc etc they are literally the wooden log but with six sides of buck now if you decided to go all fancy and right click on these blocks with an axe they’ll actually

Strip which means they’ll lose all of their bark and look different but they’ll have the exact same functions and properties number 65 to 50 is the normal wood log and stripped log who would have guessed now since we’re here with the normal log let’s talk about the

Log itself the log is such a crucial part of Minecraft it’s the first block you really should break when you spawn into a world it’s the one block that leads you to countless other New Opportunities like for example how else are you going to get the crafting table

Without the logs they are here for a reason and they are here to help you progress through the game you cannot go wrong with this block as you can craft it into planks as well and most likely your starter house is going to be made out of planks logs are also a fantastic

Block for building houses in general I mean just look at some of these houses and how the log helps this house look it is a fantastic block and just like the stripped wooden block the stripped log is just a variant of the normal log but

This time it is stripped of all its bu again the stripped log has the exact same properties as the normal log it just looks different number 49 to 41 are the sap saplings now you might be wondering how do I actually get trees for myself without them actually

Spawning in well my friend these saplings are going to be your best friend because these little guys grow into trees all you got to do is place these guys around wait a few minutes and Bam you’ll have trees everywhere they’re fantastic to start tree farms to mine

For all of that glorious wood and not to mention you could collect the leaves as well but in my opinion the best part of a sapling is once it grows into a tree and that tree is destroyed the tree will then drop even more more saplings so it’s essentially an infinite tree glitch

And you can exploit this quote unquote glitch for infinite wood as long as you have yourself an axe you are sorted these saplings do include the mangrove propagule and also the rest of the saplings but I’m not going to rank them because it is the exact same as my wood

Ranking so there’d be no point number 40 to 34 is simply dirt we wouldn’t have all these great things like trees growing plants flowering and crops growing without our dit this block leav leads to so much and it’s actually such a useful important block of Minecraft I

Mean Heck if you think of Minecraft you probably think of the grass block which is a variant of dirt and not to mention this block can be found absolutely everywhere so you’re not going to run out of it here’s my ranking of all the dirts for all of you dirt enjoyers out

There so number 40 we have podzol not the best looking dirt in my opinion kind of poo poo stinky but it’s still dirt number 39 is melium this block is so hard to come across because they only spawn in those little mushroom biomes number 38 is cause dirt we’re getting

There on the scale of dirt but again not the best dirt block but I’m glad you can craft this block with gravel number 37 is rooted dirt I get confused between Co dirt and rooted dirt all the time but rooted dirt looks like it has little worms inside look at the little worms

Number 36 is the dirt path if you right click on dirt with a shovel you get this little path block that looks really cool if you implement it into Villages number 35 is simply dirt ah what would I do without this block I absolutely love the normal good old old classic Minecraft

Dirt you can’t go wrong with it and another block you can’t go wrong is the best dirt block and that is ironically number 34 the grass block probably if not the most iconic block of Minecraft it it’s just right there all the time grass block is one of the best finally

Heading into to our penultimate tier it’s the S tier and all of these blocks in my opinion are worthy of the S tier number 33 is the structure block now oh hold on a second if some of you are saying how is this in s tier I just

Think think this is such an underrated creative block if you’re a survival player you’re probably going to think this block is the worst doesn’t even exist to you this is a creative block so I will quickly rip the Band-Aid off this puppy and say yeah this is a creative

Block only but for you creative players out there who like to make Mega builds in vanilla Minecraft trust me you need to be using this structure block it is so useful to simplify what this block does you can actually save copy paste any of your Minecraft Builds all you got

To do is whip this block out set your build within the boundary and then you can do whatever you want name the structure save it you can even export it into other worlds looking at the UI for this block in Minecraft Bedrock makes me think this is a mod like I did not

Believe that this was vanilla Minecraft for a second until I actually looked into it and so yeah this is actually in vanilla Minecraft Java is a little bit different it won’t visualize it for you but you can still do the same things but yeah just a very underrated creative

Block any Builders out there make sure you are utilizing the structure block as much as you Poss can and it’s definitely worth looking into number 32 is the command block yes the command block is finally here what an overpowered awesome block this block can do so much as I

Can’t stand here and talk about the command block all day as much as I would love to to simplify it the command block will let off a command when given a redstone signal perfect for custom survival maps adventure maps horror maps or even just downright doing the stupidest funniest things in Minecraft

Just look what Mr cat is doing doing with this block insane stuff sadly for you survival players this is still a creative block only but an overpowered awesomely fun block to say the least love the command block coming in at number 31 is the Wither Skull now there

Are reasons why this block is so high in my opinion after defeating the Ender Dragon you are craving more things to do that’s when the Wither comes into play you need to collect three with skulls now these wither skulls are so hard to obtain but when you actually obtain them

Boy does it put a smile on my face I’m one step closer to get in that gosh Dar Beacon and that is why I love the Wither head so much because it spawns the Wither it adds an extra step of Adventure into Minecraft if you want the

Nether star for the beacon you’re going to have to get yourself these wither skills but not only that if you have more of them they are cool trophies for your wall and you can with them on your head hey why not number 30 is Obsidian now all of that talk about the Wither

Skills I would never even be able to get to the Wither skulls without obsidian you need obsidian to open that’s right the Nether Portal I’d argue the nether is onethird of Minecraft it is one of the three dimensions you have to Traverse through to actually beat the

Game I mean heck you need to trade with piglins to get pearls and kill blazes for blaze rods the nether brings so much exploration to the game and I absolutely love it but not only that let’s take a step back let’s actually talk about obsidian itself obsidian is a solid

Explosive proof block that can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe or a netherite pickaxe you use obsidian to craft some of the greatest blocks in the game including the Beacon the enchanting table and the Ender Chest this block is insane and I absolutely love obsidian

You can’t go wrong number 29 are the Minecraft paintings such a simple yet a very very effective Block in the Minecraft Wiki the painting is labeled as an entity but just for the purpose of this video it’s going to be a block it can be crafted with eight sticks and one

Piece of any colored wool there are currently 26 paintings in ttal and they all come in different shapes and sizes not only do they look really awesome on your wall but you can also hide a secret base behind your painting which I think is so awesome even though this is the

Oldest trick in the book I used to do this all the time and I still do it to this day this block has aged like fine wine such an amazing creative Minecraft block I absolutely love the painting number 28 is the furnace the Beloved Minecraft furnace is a block that you

Use to Simply smelt items as it’s so cheap only crafted with eight Cobblestone Cobblestone deep slit or Blackstone you can acquire the furnace straight away at the start of the game and unlike the blast furnace or the smoker the furnace can smelt any smeltable item as soon as you need to

Smelt iron bam this block is here for you as soon as you need to smelt wood to get some charcoal bam the furnace is here for you the only thing you need to start to get cooking is a little bit of wood and that is practically everywhere

I rate the furnace so highly because it’s still one of the most important blocks of Minecraft number 27 is the Minecraft Banner in my opinion the best Minecraft decorative block it’s pretty much a blank canvas and and you can do whatever you want on it the only thing

That will limit you with this block is your own creativity I absolutely love mix and matching all of the different patterns and all of the different colors to possibly come up with my own Clan flag if you do the math there are over 809 quadrillion uniquely crafted banners

In Java version you can check these on your Shield as well to show that no one will mess with you just look at some of these banners and see how creative people have gotten you can represent your own country with these banners in m or you could show off your own creative

Passion the possibilities with this block are absolutely endless and that is why I love the Minecraft Banner moving on swiftly to number 26 the Minecraft bed the bed is a block that comes in every single color in Minecraft that can be used to sleep in skip the night and

Reset your spawn point in a game where it is absolutely crucial to get back to your last death point to collect all of your items before they despawn the bed comes in clutch because not only do you respawn at your bed which could be anywhere at at your base in the cave

You’re mining but also it skips the night so when it’s early game and all of these spooky mobs are coming out to play to get you and to kill you you’re going to want to skip the night to kill all of these scary mobs in the Sun but not even

Early game any point throughout the game if mobs are getting on your nerves and it’s night time even Phantoms all you got to do is go to sleep it gets a little bit more tricky in multiplayer as everyone has to sleep at the same time but in single player survival you’re

Good to go if you thought all of that was good beds also explored in the nether now you might think this is a random point until you realize the beds can be used to farm ancient debris which is the strongest resource in Minecraft so yeah overall the bed is a really

Powerful block in Minecraft and personally I wouldn’t go playing the game with that one number 25 is Minecraft wool now to be quick until the point wool is used to craft beds banners and paintings some of the last blocks on this list but not only that walking on

Wool actually keeps you quiet in the game so if you’re exploring an ancient city you’re going to need some of these blocks as when you’re walking on wool the warden can’t cheer you and you’re actually kept quiet this can help you sneak and bag some awesome loot decoratively the wool is an amazing

Block too as it also comes in every single color and to be honest it was probably the first decorative block I used as it was added all the way back in Minecraft Java Edition classic in 2009 where the block was actually called cloth ah how times have changed number

24 is the powered rail this is a rail block that you can ride on mine cart but when powered with redstone will send you flying this is mainly used to get mine cart uphill for things like getting out of M Shaft or for roller coasters yes I

Refuse to believe that you watching this hasn’t built a roller coaster in Minecraft it was one of the funnest things to do in creative mode or even survival mode if you have enough resources it’s also a fantastic way to Traverse your Minecraft world to get

From point A to point B and not only that this is a fantastic way of kidnapping villagers and sending them off to your base so you can force them to trade with you overall such a fun block going back and using this just for this video made me realize how much I

Actually do love this book number 23 and you are probably all waiting for it is the diamond or this is such an iconic crucial part of Minecraft as diamonds is one of if not the most valuable resource in Minecraft and can turn people against each other on Minecraft servers as soon

As some of these bad boys go missing from someone’s chest war is starting I’m getting a little bit sidetracked but the diamond or is what actually produces the diamonds when you find it in M finding this bad boy would literally light up a on my face from one year to the other I

Mean some of these reactions from these Minecraft kids pretty much sums it up just Emerald we’re rich we’re rich Diamond unfortunately after 1.19 I find it harder than ever to find the normal Diamond o which is a little bit of a shame because probably the most iconic

Block of Minecraft is now a little bit more hidden and also looks different no they changed the texture number 22 is the hopper now the rest of this list is getting really really really hard to rank because I can’t decide on a ranking with all of these amazing blocks it is

So hard to find the right place for these blocks because they all bring so much to the table so hopefully I’ll be able to sleep tonight with hopper being number 22 this is just how I’m feeling the rank today my my opinion is probably

Going to change in a week or two or when the next Minecraft update comes out so all I will say is if you’re unhappy don’t take this list too seriously anyway let’s get on to the hopper one of my favorite Redstone components as it simply allows me to be lazy this block

Will collect items for me and I won’t have to lift a single finger any item Farm you name it the hopper is there collecting it and that is why this block is so fantastic it will collect items for you put them in a chest for you and

You don’t have to do anything but not only that this block will do item sorting for you as well and it can take items from anything like composters Brewing stands chests furnaces blast furnaces so much this block does so much and I absolutely love it it can also be

Locked and unlocked as well it just has so many item management uses this block is amazing and I would suggest if no one’s using the hopper in their world you guys should get on it number 21 is water naturally generating in the Overworld everywhere this block is absolutely so crucial and important

Where do I even begin with water it has so many useful uses let’s start at the basics if you pick up water with a water bucket you can save yourself falling from any height with a quick water MLG and on the other hand of falling you can

Use water to climb up any obstacle you face since water spreads over seven blocks and actually has a current it can be used to push items across number of blocks this is extremely useful when paid with the hopper as the water can push items down a stream into the

Minecraft Hopper which is perfect for automatic item Farms not only that though but a water source can actually spawn infinite Cobblestone which is pretty cool water can freeze into ice you can make really cool water elevators in Minecraft by getting pulled down with Magma blocks and pushed up with Soul

Sand TNT is extremely hard to blow up in water so water can be used to protect your Secret Base not to mention how are you going to grow all of your crops with without water in Minecraft you need water next to your Farmland to dampen the Farmland so the crops can actually

Grow and you can only place sugarcane next to water as well and with all of this just two sources of water can be used together to create an infinite water source which literally gives you infinite water the water is an amazing block in Minecraft and just has so many

Purposes number 20 is the Deep slit diamond ore deep slit diamond ore is just as valuable as the normal Diamond door it’s just now more easy to find in the brand new caves and simply that is why it’s higher than the normal diamond oh it is just so much easier to find in

These new caves and it’s such a useful block as diamonds obviously lead to all of the diamond tools and diamond armor which that inevitably upgrades into netherite number 19 is the block of diamond come on you just knew this block had to be up here some way the block of

Diamond is a precious mineral block equivalent to nine diamonds and this block just looks so good I would choose this block any day of the week over the block of netherite it’s a nice turquoise blue color and it shows hey look at me I’m rich of diamonds screw you now I

Would be lying if I didn’t mention that I might be a little bit biased towards the diamond block as I used to use this block all the time when I played Minecraft in my creative builds this block was so legendary like if you thought there was hype around diamonds

This was a full block made out of diamonds it is simply just a decorative block that can be used to activate the beacon but my goodness this block is amazing I’m going to say it something very controversial I freaking love the diamond block Gamers number 18 is deep

Slit redstone oh now this is where it all begins with redstone because this block simply does just drop Redstone and you use Redstone in more or less every single Redstone component I mean hey it’s in the name now the only reason why deep slate Redstone is a little bit

Lower is because when I’m in the Deep slate caves I probably had enough of redstone and I would rather find deep slit diamonds don’t get me wrong I am always in the mood for Redstone and I would never turn down Redstone but if I already have enough of redstone and I’m

Looking for diamonds I would rather have diamonds we’ll touch on Redstone itself as it’s coming up but yeah that’s the Deep slit Redstone o number 17 is the normal variation of redstone o now when I first want to use Redstone I’m actually going to have to go look for it

In the mines and I don’t want to go too far so when I see Redstone closer to the surface man I am loving life give me all of that Redstone boy I want to create a new pist than dop but yeah there’s not much difference between the normal

Redstone or and deep SL Redstone or one just spawns a lot deeper and one just spawns a lot closer to the surface and they both drop Redstone and no one can go wrong with some Redstone number 16 is the sticky piston one of the last Red red stone components before we actually

Reach Redstone now unlike the normal piston the sticky piston can actually pull blocks back in so earlier when I was talking about flying Contraptions flying cars flying aeroplanes the sticky piston is at the center of these builds not only that though because the sticky piston can push and pull blocks there

Are so many unique Contraptions you can make with this block for example since sticky pistons can push and pull blocks that means normal Pistons can stick to the sticky pistons so effectively we now have a super piston now don’t get me wrong I do use Redstone and I know how

It works and I know how to use it but I’m not a complete Redstone engineer like someone like mumbo jumbo but since I live on YouTube I’ve seen what these blocks can do and they are absolutely insane some that I can’t even think of doing like like what is this contraption

What is that what he overall an amazing fantastic very useful fun block you can’t go wrong with the Minecraft sticky piston number 15 is redstone itself Redstone Dust is the block placed on the floor to connect un wire all of these different Redstone components I’ve talked about throughout this video it is

Literally in the name Redstone component Redstone since Redstone is placeable and technically it’s a block for this video it can craft so many things as well like the clock Compass the detector rail dispensers droppers note blocks observers Pistons powered rails Redstone lamps etc etc pretty much every single

Redstone component I’ve talked about in this video was birthed by this Redstone and this block is at the heart of every single redstone Contraption and build it’s so powerful the things it can power up and the things this block can do is insane like I’ve previously mentioned I

Am no Redstone engineer but the things I’ve seen this block do is absolutely insane and the only thing that limits you from the next big Redstone Contraption is your creativity you can be so creative with this block and do absolutely wondrous things Redstone aside for using Redstone for Redstone if

That makes sense you can actually use Redstone in portions to make the duration of the portion last longer now that is a pretty cool unique bonus Redstone can also be used to bring a spooky aesthetic to any build I mean when you put it on the floor next to a

Skeleton head it kind of looks like someone’s head has just been chopped off I mean since Halloween is coming up decoratively Redstone could have its uses Redstone is such a massive part of the game and sometimes it’s the reason why people even play the game there is

So much you can do with redstone and I can’t stress enough if you don’t know how to use Redstone definitely get learning it’s such a fun block to use but yeah I’m glad Redstone is this high up and I feel pretty confident where it is on this ranking coming in at number

14 is ancient debris ancient debris is the main way of getting the most powerful gear in Minecraft breaking these powerful blocks will give you netherite scraps and when crafted with gold you can get netherite ingots and I got to say when I’m mining for these in

The Nether and I finally find one of them the biggest smile slides across my face because I know I am one step closer to being even more stronger I mean netherite is the strongest gear in the game and it all comes from this one single block it is quite rare though as

It spawns below the world in the Nether and you’re probably going to have to go mining for it with beds so yeah this block ranks super high as it’s the source of the most powerful resource in Minecraft number 13 is the brewing stand this block is used to make portions in

Minecraft and to say some of these portions are overpowered is an understatement I mean just look at strength you can deal up to six more hearts of damage per attack that is insane that is over half of someone’s Health the splash portion of harming 2 completely ignores armor which means you

Could like instakill someone in full netherite crazy overpowered stuff we’re talking about you but not only this making portions in Minecraft is actually really fun you can mix and match lots of things to get different portions different outcomes you can choose between making a portion last longer or

To make a portion more potent it adds a lot of variety of how you actually play the game itself and a lot of fun I mean with some of these portions you can literally go invisible you can jump higher you can see in the dark you can

Fall in slow motion etc etc this block brings so much to Minecraft and I abs absolutely adore it it’s amazing coming in at number 12 is the enchanting table after talking about netherite and how strong it is if you thought you couldn’t get any more stronger you’d be wrong the

Enchanting table can enchant all of your armor and tools all at the price of XP and Lapis and some of these enchantments are stupidly overpowered you’ll be dealing a lot more damage mining way quicker setting players on fire infinitely shooting bow and arrows there are so much enchantments the enchanting

Table brings to the game that will spice up your play style and the best part about the enchanting table in Minecraft is that you can enchant any tools it doesn’t matter if you’re using netherite tools or heck a wooden tool the enchanting table is open for anyone who

Just has a little bit of XP and some lapis the amount of times the enchanting table has saved my life by giving me feather falling I can’t even tell you although to get the most powerful enchantments in Minecraft you are going to have to get bookshelves around the enchanting table decoratively this block

Looks awesome as well I mean it has a floating book on it that looks to you this is sick overall an amazing crucial part of Minecraft number number 11 is the lecon H the lecon is a block used to display and read written books is what I would say if I was a

Loser this block is amazing and to say the least I think it’s been exploited a little bit throughout the last years of Minecraft the lecturn is a librarian’s job site block and this is so powerful we can do so much with this those poor villagers who are about to be Librarians

For life since when you place a Elon next to a villager it’s going to turn into a librarian these Librarians are going to offer you you deals for enchanted books and they can offer you any single enchantment ever doesn’t matter what it is which means you can

Sit next to a villager keep on placing lecons and breaking lecons and placing Leons again until you get the enchantment that you want so not only can you get the enchantments that you want and need at that certain time but you can also keep these villagers

Hostage at your base so you can buy these enchantments whenever you’d like it is kind of s overpowered all you got to do is get one of these electons place it next to a villager and they will be a librarian then just get trading and if

You want extra points you can turn that villager into a villager zombie then kill them so they give you even better deals with these enchanting books I mean sorry enchanting table you just give me the enchantments you feel like I want the enchantments I feel like so I’m

Going to use the lect to yeah okay here we go it’s been 2 hours and a half and we finally reached the top 10 blocks of Minecraft since these are the top 10 they’re all going to go in a s+ rank so without further Ado let’s get into our

First block and that is number 10 the Anvil all of that big talk about the enchanting books of the villagers you wouldn’t even be able to use any of these enchanting books without the Anvil the Anvil is a great utility block with some fantastic functions and properties

The Anvil is mainly used to rename items combine enchantments and repair items without losing the enchantments the unfortunate downside about this though is the Anvil does actually have durability and if it’s used or dropped too far gradually becomes a chipped Anvil then a damaged Anvil and then

Sadly he will bring break into nothing no Anvil no the Anvil is another great way to spend your experience on the enchantments you want and when the Anvil is paid with a villager trading hole with those Leons you become Unstoppable you can give yourself any enchantment

You want but at the cost of time and XP not to mention you can give yourself the coolest tool names in history like garor the Destroyer chop chop for your axe pew pew for your bow Captain Hook for your fishing hook or Gravedigger for your shovel oh maybe maybe not the last one

The Anvil is freaking amazing I love go the destroyer and I love naming all of my items and tools stupid stuff and all of this is thanks to the Anvil thanks Anvil pretty cool coming in at number nine is the armor stand without a doubt the coolest looking block in Minecraft

Like having a full set of Enchanted gear on an armor stand makes you just feel so cool you know when it’s time to battle you get your equipment off the armor stand you put it on and you’re ready to go it just looks so good especially if

You have spay armor stands lying around this block becomes even better with the bright brand new armor trims you can show off the coolest trims the coolest armor sets you can show off how rich you are with a set of Enchanted netherite gear personally if I walked into someone’s base and so enchanted

Netherite gear on an armor stand I wouldn’t miss you know not for me not today number eight is bamboo and for a few good reasons in the brand new update of Minecraft some would argue the bamboo might have single-handedly ruined the need of actual wooden lcks added in 1.14

Bamboo is a versatile fast growing bone meable plant found primar thily in jungles bamboo can be collected by any tools but swords specifically break the blocks instantly if you’re a psychopath you can collect bamboo from killing pandas that’s another way but but but I’d kill you so now with all of the new

Bamboo planks and stuff in the new 1.20 update bamboo is practically wood but now it’s an extremely easy farmable wood since you only now need a little bit of water observers and pistons whereas before you needed the biggest most expensive machines just to get automatic wood I watched a video by the YouTuber

Ppers who explained this in extreme detail and very well basically if you don’t want to build the need for wood is now kind of useless as bamboo is now a new form of wood it’s just now it’s ridiculously easy to obtain I’ll leave a link down below to ppl’s video go watch

That after this video wink wink nudge nudge my family of always starving so yeah guys bamboo is here and bamboo is here to stay coming in at number seven is the Minecraft Beacon the beacon is a block that projects a beam Skyward and can provide you with really cool status

Effects as long as you’re nearby this Beacon you could give yourself haste you could give yourself speed regeneration if you fancy and the more you build this Beacon up the stronger it will get leading to the biggest Beacon which is level four needing 244 blocks or three

Stacks and 52 blocks this block is extremely useful because once placed near any base you will constantly get this status effect that will make you even stronger and with this Beacon it always feels like you need to add more to it because it’s so hard to actually

Get it to the max level not not only that though but the beacon in the sky means you can see your base from really far away so if you get lost just look up to the sky and look out for the beacon and with this Beacon you can also dye

The color of it with stained glass and with these colors you can actually mix and match them which leaves 512 different colored beacons in Minecraft this block is awesome I love the fact that it shoots a beacon in the sky ifuture find your base I love the

Fact that you can color it and I love the fact that it gives you overpowered status effects it’s just such an amazing block that you need in your base coming in at number six and one of my personal favorite blocks in the entire game is the Note Block this block is very unique

As it plays a note when powered by Redstone which then means if you can power enough of these blocks at different times you can play full songs all made in Minecraft and some of these are absolutely insane I used to spend hours of my time on YouTube just

Watching all of these n block covers in Minecraft this then inspired me to start making my own songs in Minecraft and it’s just insane the amount of layers this game has with redstone or music making is insane that’s why Minecraft is one of the best this block definitely

Comes down to a personal preference you either love it you hate it or you just kind of think it’s there but for me I love the note block all of the different sounds you can make all of the blocks you can place it on top of you can even

Make mob noises with it altogether There are 16 different instruments that can come from these not blocks and with these 16 different instruments 25 notes can be played which means you put these two facts together and you can make the coolest sounding Note Block covers ever just look at some of These this is exactly why the note block is one of my favorite blocks in Minecraft coming in at number five is TNT the block that ends it all to Simply put it the TNT block explodes and it does a lot of damage I absolutely adore

The TNT block I mean when I was younger I would genuinely just go into a brand new world in creative mode and just explored the world just place as much TNT as I could find villages blow them to smithin don’t really know what this

Says about me but it was so much fun and I would spend countless hours doing it on the good old Xbox 360 version not only that though but if you have enemies in Minecraft this block will destroy them the best part about TNT is that it actually explodes when it’s given a

Redstone signal so this is perfect to trap any players who are trying to mess with you once set off it does become gravity affected which means it’s going to fall and it is crafted with gunpowder and sound TNT can be completely avoided if placed in water as it doesn’t

Actually do anything if exploded underwater I would be lying if I didn’t say destruction in Minecraft is pretty fun not to say that you should go and ruin someone’s day just by blowing up their house but if someone messes with you you can fire back with some good old

TNT but not only that TNT can be used to help you automatically mine things like trees or diamonds as TNT duplicators exist in the game TNT is absolutely phenomenal there has been nothing else like TNT since it came out and it has aged like fine wine it would be really

Cool to see if Mojang would add any new TNTs I think that would be awesome but I doubt it number four is the Ender Chest if you play in multiplayer this block is an absolute no-brainer as this block is a type of chest whose contents are exclusive to each player and can be

Accessed from anywhere in the world which means if you have so much valuables and you want to hide them and you try to hide them they can still be found and stolen by other players but not when you put them in an end chest no no no your items are absolutely safe in

The Ender Chest because it’s like your own personal chest that no one else can open into but not only that you could have these ender chests scattered across the world and if you’re a far traveler you can take these items with you and access them at any time throughout the

World not only that and this point is a little bit meaner but you could take someone else’s valuable and put them in your own ender chest and they will never be able to get that back unless you know you do a little bit of Bing am I telling

Children to Blackmail in M no I am not doing that that do not blackmail kids but if someone has messed you wrong stand up for yourself that’s all I’m saying entering our top three blocks with number three the shulka Box hands down one of the best blocks in Minecraft

This block gives you so so much more inventory room one of the most annoying things about Minecraft is having limited inventory space like you’re going mining and you can’t collect enough Resources with the shulker box that completely nullifies that problem it doesn’t become a problem anymore because you have even

More inventory space You’ simply got to place your shulker box put your items in it then break that shulker box and pick it back up each shulker box gives you 27 more inventory spaces and that is just one shulker box if you had a shulker box

In all 36 Slots of your inventory you would have up to 972 inventory spaces that is a lot of inventory spaces it’s also a fantastic way to sort your items like in one shulker box you could have all of your wood and in another you could have all

Of your stone definitely one of the best blocks in Minecraft whoever you are I think we can all agree that this is one of the Grits let’s give it up for our runner up number two the chest now yes this block does give you so much more

Storage with each chest giving you 27 more spaces to place items in and you can double that to 54 Spaces by simply placing another chest to make a double chest chests can be used to actually craft Hoppers which is phenomenal but also Hoppers Connect into chests so when

You get automatic items coming in they will all go into your chests and and these chests will simply sit there wait and collect all of these items for you but we haven’t even gotten to the best part of chests yet chests naturally spawn throughout Minecraft with some of

The best loot in the game whenever you see a Minecraft chest in the wild you literally cannot wait to open it to see what is inside you just automatically have a need to like open that chest and see what’s inside of it like in chests throughout all of Minecraft you can

Naturally find emeralds diamonds gold even netherite ingots you can find enchanted diamond armor Enchanted tools enchanted books TNT the list goes on and that is why I think this chest is the second best block in Minecraft on one hand it’s used to store items for in

Your base and on the other it’s found out in the wilderness to give you extremely valuable loot so here we are we finally arrived after 2 hours and 40 something minutes at our number one block on this list guys if you are still here and you’ve watched the entire video

Genuinely from the bottom of my heart thank you so much this video took way way way way way too long to make so yeah I appreciate it anyway I’m going to stop blabbing on you probably know what this block is already the number one best block in Minecraft is the crafting table

Yeah that was anticlimactic it’s literally the crafting table but on a serious level I’ve said throughout this video where would we be without that block where would I be without this block I mean it this time where would we be without the crafting table the crafting table is the one block that

Allows to literally do what half the game says to mine and craft that is that is half the game we really do need this block on a serious level though when you do spawn into your Minecraft world for the first time the first thing that you are probably subconsciously wanting to

Get is the crafting table you use this block to craft every other item and block in the game well un unless they can be crafted with the 2 by two but I’m talking about majority of the crafts in the game and I mean it’s obvious it’s anticlimactic but I think it’s true this

Is truly the best block in Minecraft it leads to everything in the game so I you know I got to hand it to the crafting table well done Round of Applause the crafting table’s the winner woo yeah crafting table and there you have it that is every single block in Minecraft

Right guys thank you so much for watching this huge video I appreciate every single one of you for watching this video if you haven’t already make sure to like and sub if you’ve watched all the way to this point comment down below epic block time I’ll heart your

Comment cuz I know you’re a real one and hey let’s discuss about this big video what did you agree on what did you disagree on let’s have a chat if you also fancy discussing more you can join the Discord all links will be down in the description down below so yeah thank

You guys so much for watching this video if you want to see more let me know in the comments down below and I’ll see you guys in the next video peace bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Ranking All 907 Blocks From Worst To Best In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by ReniDrag on 2023-10-17 17:26:24. It has garnered 115297 views and 1775 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:33 or 10233 seconds.

In todays video I Ranked All 907 Blocks From Worst To Best In Minecraft In depth and detail! Minecraft has a LOT of blocks so I thought why not spend the last month ranking EVERY single Minecraft block from worst to best based off how useful and decorative they are… This video took so long to make so if you do enjoy please consider subeing and liking!

========================================= *THE RANKING*

00:00:00-00:01:46 Intro 00:01:46-00:13:01 F Tier 00:13:01-00:30:02 E Tier 00:30:02-00:55:30 D Tier 00:55:30-1:28:15 C Tier 1:28:15-1:54:55 B Tier 1:54:55-2:19:03 A Tier 2:19:03-2:38:38 S Tier 2:38:38-2:49:55 S+ Tier 2:49:55-2:50:32 Outro =========================================

Purplers video:

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    When you’re peacefully mining for diamonds and suddenly hear a creeper hiss behind you… *cue the panic* 😱😂 Read More

  • Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to Action

    Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to ActionVideo Information [âm nhạc] he [âm nhạc] This video, titled ‘”내 인벤의 작은 돌검이 죽이라고 속삭였다.” #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #memes #마인크래프트 #하이픽셀 #배드워즈 #게임’, was uploaded by 클라르테Clartte on 2024-05-16 10:08:38. It has garnered 424 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Even if the opponent looks strong, I just have to be stronger so don’t be scared. I’m not a Manchester United fan. I’m a Tottenham fan. Read More

  • Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of building a creeper farm, with blocks so bold. Exploring and crafting, with Dave by my side, In this duo SMP, where adventures abide. From Twitch to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With VODs and tweets, the story is told. In the land of blocks, where creativity thrives, We spin rhymes and jokes, in our gaming lives. From Burger King cravings to dark wood dreams, We banter and build, in the Minecraft streams. Finding treasure and floating sandstone, The quest for a swamp, where secrets are shown. A creeper farm… Read More

  • Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂

    Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂 When you’re so desperate for better Wi-Fi in Minecraft that you start blowing up your house with TNT just to see if it helps. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftproblems #techsavvyexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Are you a fan of Minecraft? Do you enjoy challenges and survival mode gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! With a rich and immersive world to explore, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Join us on Minewind server and embark on your own survival mode challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The possibilities are endless, and the adventures are waiting to be had. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and see what all… Read More

  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

    My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! - Minecraft Octopus Island The Exciting World of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası, where friends come together to explore, create, and conquer challenges. Dive into the realm of mystery, excitement, and danger as you navigate through this virtual landscape. Exploration and Creativity One of the key elements of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası is the freedom to explore and create. Players can build their own unique structures, mine resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Whether it’s constructing elaborate buildings or embarking on epic quests, the possibilities are endless. Collaboration and Competition… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op – Mind-Blowing Lyrics!

    Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op - Mind-Blowing Lyrics!Video Information yo I’m Steve just the do in a pixel scene punching wood planting seeds living out my poy dream got a diamond pickaxe Swinging with that bling creepers ising but I just do my thing Minecraft oh Minecraft it’s a builder’s Paradise crafting day and night keeping those mobs in my sight stacking rocks high in my world so Grand in this game of Cubes I’m the blocki in the land I’m the blocki in the land I ride my pig yeah I’m looking so fly jumping over Ravines under the square sky and the dragon’s roaring but… Read More

  • Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!

    Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft oh my God my screen just you see this I’m going to fix that right now there we go guys we’re ready and where are we now I don’t know we are under uh the dome in the sphere wherever guys but this map called Under the Dome and we’re going to be surving here today guys and I have some questions guys what do you like what do you prefer play with view bobin or without that maybe I’m going to turn off this guys and it feels… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36Video Information 1000 scale 10.000 scale devo fare una gabbia un po’ più alta però perché Wither così non si alza non è il massimo proprio nel fare porco dio porca madonna No no raga no This video, titled ‘⛔ ⚠️ ❌ ☠️1000 modi per non vivere su Minecraft(hardcore) – Non doveva finire così #36 #shorts’, was uploaded by Fabio Mason Minecraft on 2024-01-15 17:23:27. It has garnered 2790 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ⛔ ⚠️ ❌ ☠️1000 ways not to live in Minecraft – Betrayed by the Void #36 #shorts NO COMMENTS… YOUR… Read More

  • “Dadduji’s Mind-Blowing Sand Art Secrets Revealed!” #minecraft #heart #shorts

    "Dadduji's Mind-Blowing Sand Art Secrets Revealed!" #minecraft #heart #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | heart pixel art |#heart #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-08 05:43:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. heart #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to reach … Read More

  • “DEADLY MOVE to End Portal – Minecraft SMP 45” 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortal

    "DEADLY MOVE to End Portal - Minecraft SMP 45" 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortalVideo Information [音楽] Y This video, titled ‘Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-04-25 15:02:00. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING REVELATION: Jiri Mokaro's BRAIN INFECTED in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello con JY hello hello hello hello hello hello hello welcome hello oh my God it’s so late for you guys go to sleep good night hello welcome ony hello I wait for you guys oh my God OMG it’s the jry V it’s me it’s me cheer j i r i m o k a R oh y we’re playing Minecraft today y I’m so excited I did some playing off stream and I’ve got some stuff to show you guys my yeah… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft’s Ultimate Sleep Hack Revealed

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft's Ultimate Sleep Hack RevealedVideo Information [音楽] OG OG T OG 皆さんお待たせしましたようこそなしクエ 湯原あマウスが行かれた泉ですよろしくお 願いします [音楽] ばということで始まりましたマクト深夜の 眠れるマイクラスリーピングマクトで ございます イエーイ1年頑張ってくれたマウス君 が壊れちっ た行かれちった うん去年バロとかやってたからさ結構 マウスの消費が激しかったんやけどついに いかりちまいまし たえそうなんかさえこれ泉の使い方が悪い んかなマウスってこんなに壊れるもんなん かなと思って780円のマウスを2年 ぐらい23年ぐらい使っててで去年初めて めちゃくちゃいいマウスに変えたんよ 1万円ぐらいのゲーミングマウスに変えた んよで1年でぶっ壊れて嘘やろと思っ てえそんなもんて思ったけどなん結構 FPSやってる人たちあるあるらしいよね え 嘘えやだ [音楽] うんクリック部分はクリック回数で消耗 するまそうなんやろねなんかあのセンター のグリグリてあるところ あそこが完全に行かれちまって よクリックの圧が強すぎるんかもしれん ピンさしすぎなんかもしれ んなんそう値段関係ないらし結構おお全然 それぐらいっすよみたいな感じやったええ 嘘なので急遽あの交換する前のね今 780円のマウスを急遽使っており ますうん今日APEXのエペ祭りの カスタム練習に急遽参加させていただいて そうなんかねランク体がね高すぎるとダメ らしいよねそうチームバランス的にランク が高すぎるとだめだからシルバーゴールド くらい湯原泉ってなったらしくて ありがたいことにお声がけいただき参加し てきましたチャンポンは取れ ずチャンポンは取れずでしたか楽しかっ ためちゃ楽しかった明日ゆさんはね別の チームやけど参加されるみたいなのでぜひ ぜひエマエペ祭りなんやゴールド ラッシュゴールド ラッシュゴールドラッシュをぜひ明日の8 時かららしいのでぜひぜひご覧ください うん耳寄りな情報を聞いたいよねちなみに 明日の大会あのこあの明日の大会1 チャンポン取ると30万もらえるらしいす 5回線あって1チャンポン取ると30万 もらえるらしいっすゆげさんが1 チャンポン取っ たらご飯ねだりに行こうと 思うはは送金小額なんと500万 オーバー 行くしかねえなこれこれ行くしかねえな ああ明日今回お世話になったパター クッキーさん織田のぶさんのチームかゆ さんがチャンポン取っ たらすかさずえおめでとうございますて チャット送ろうと思ってる [音楽] うすかさずね行こうと思っ てる いやすごいね高い肉食いに行く ぞ高い魚でもいいぞ回線でもいい ぞよしということで今日は久々のマイクラ をやっていきたいと思います こちら 前回でも言うて2週間ぐらい前かあれ ちゃうわもうちょっとかなあれ1ヶ月 ぐらい空いてるもしかしてマイクラ1ヶ月 は開いてないはずあ開いてるかも うん奢らないよって言われたらどうする またまたそんなええおめでとうございます すっていう賞金おめでとうございますて いくあやだ泉みったら財布はあったのに 財布にお金入れてくるの忘れちゃっ た ゴミそう前回ねねこの場を作ってたんや けど素材が全然足りひんてそう素材が全然 足りひくて素材集めをしようと思っていた ままあのハネる牌やったりとか色々 ね よいしょちょっと別のことでバタバタして たので よいしょまだ素材を集め切れておりません 今今日は建築っていう素材集めかな多分あ 3月10日かじゃきり1ヶ月空いてへん… Read More

  • Ultimate Black Texture Pack for PVP in Bedrock 1.19+!

    Ultimate Black Texture Pack for PVP in Bedrock 1.19+!Video Information This video, titled ‘CryClan [128x] – El Mejor Texture Pack BLACK para PVP – Minecraft Bedrock 1.19+ SKYWARS’, was uploaded by IANMMMXDYT on 2024-03-23 16:33:38. It has garnered 185 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ 🚀 | TXT: ————————————————————— 🌟| Server | Cubecraft ————————————————————— 🚨 tags ignorar 🚨 #minecrafthacks #MinecraftHCF #OwnerAbuse #comojugarhcf #spreen #qsmp #skywars #quackity #vegetta777 #roier #spreendmc #InfinityHCF #servertop #FactionMillonaria #ownerseries #HCF #TopSevers #PartnerItem #ServerBedrock #MejoresServers #OwnerAbuse… Read More

  • PPL Request: Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!

    PPL Request: Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,605’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:33:04. It has garnered 150 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,605 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Marthia Nations – Semi-Vanilla, Crossplay, Dynmap, Movecraft.

    Join Marthia Nations Today! Are you ready to join a nation or create your own in Marthia Nations? Whether you’re a diplomatic mastermind, warmongering conqueror, or just a chill builder, there’s something for everyone! Marthia Nations keeps it “Vanilla+” with plugins like Brewery, Movecraft, Dynmap, HeadsPlus, and more to enhance your gameplay without changing the vanilla Minecraft feel. Join now: Discord Server Java Edition Server IP: Bedrock Edition Server IP: Port: 25603 Read More

  • oak town | survival

    oak town | survivalonly ruleNO CHEATINGwe have recently remade our server so we our welcoming new people to join! join our discord as we have a chat relay! note if the world looks off the server has terra on it 🙂 also if you kill dotheboogey67 he will take the stuff you stole from him back lol Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it worth the risk?

    Minecraft Memes - Is it worth the risk?I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of Minecraft! Read More

  • Outsmart the 1% in 진루 Game

    Outsmart the 1% in 진루 GameVideo Information 대충 목숨 세 개이고 철 블록 위에 흑암 [음악] [음악] 버튼일세 님들 띵하고 한 거니 니니 [음악] 킹 봤네 아니 개빡치네 진짜 진짜 제대로 방금 뭐야 엄 아 잠깐만 엄 아 아니 어 진짜 개빡치네 아니 효감 두 개랑 이거 불러 하얀색으로 바뀌는게 진짜 개 질이라는 맵 너무 잘만드셨어요 제작대 님 This video, titled ‘상위 99%가 속는 게임’, was uploaded by 진루 on 2024-05-16 10:13:47. It has garnered 543 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft This is the channel of 100,000 YouTubers of the future. You can become… Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1) In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With duellers and mods, the story molds. Kazutto, the hero, faces fears with grace, Surviving the night, in this eerie place. From One Block Skyblock, the adventure begins, With creatures lurking, as the darkness spins. The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker too, Each mod brings terror, a chilling debut. The Mimic Dweller, The Goatman’s call, Eyes In The Darkness, beware them all. In this world of horror, Kazutto stands tall, Crafting his way, through the night’s thrall. With wit and humor, he faces his fears, Building his world, amidst… Read More