SHOCKING TRUTH about Pay-to-Win Minecraft Servers!

Video Information

This is going to be my longest and probably most controversial video at first you’re going to think my channel has been hacked or I’ve been forced to talk at gunpoint but by the end well let’s just hope you get that far recently my server OG Network released a

New pay to win Survival game mode I know the anti- Pay to Win guy releasing a pay to win game mode hardly make sense but it will in due time in order to explain the Revelation I’ve come to the Past 2 years I’m going to be sharing some sensitive information in this video

Including how much money in total my server has made how much we’ve spent and much much more I’m also going to share with you some behind the scenes controversies in the anti-in community which has led me to gain A New Perspective hidden to the general public I’m going to ultimately tell you why

Minecraft servers need to be paay to win let’s begin so what’s exactly happened to Warrant such a long and dramatic video well as of just a day ago now I did the unthinkable on my Minecraft server og- and released a Pay to Win Survival game mode the game

Mode is an RPG SMP where players can pick one of four unique classes Rogue Droid cleric and Shogun each with special activatable abilities and perks and level up those abilities to beat dungeons of increasing difficulties and upgrade their gear Beyond vanilla levels the server has ranks and these ranks do

In fact give you advantages from kits with useful gear to play warps where players can set up shops and bases which other players can visit extra Auction House slots extra play vaults and more the game mode is not competitive though PVP is enabled which allows you to use

The cool class abilities in fights but ultimately this is a peaceful Cooperative Survival game mode where you can protect your land and builds with claims and work together with others to build huge bases to get through Dungeons and eventually get rare enchantments to upgrade gear and skills in an RPG style

And like I said while it isn’t competitive it is still pay to win but why my server is meant to be non pay to win I’ve always been against pay to win servers I even dup on them how does it make sense that ey of all people would

Release a pay to win game mode isn’t that extremely hypocritical am I just money hungry or greedy well my critics would certainly say so but it’s a lot lot deeper than that you have to hear me out and make up your mind for yourself let’s get the big question out the way

First why did I change my mind ever since my channel began in early 2020 I was always strongly opposed to pay to win Minecraft servers have listened to a 500 subscriber Mr Epic talk about it in his very first video essay way back in March of 2020 Cosmic PVP did have a very

Large impact on factions it was overall negative as many servers would monetize their features much more than you would even see in mobile games today a lot of faction servers would make things unnecessarily grindy in order to try and tempt players to spend real money on the game and this wasn’t an uncommon

Occurrence sometimes I would make entire videos dedicated to the topic which keep in mind was over 2 years before I did duping videos or that style of video ever became popular on YouTube in fact I disliked pay to win Minecraft servers so much that I opened my own non-pay to win

One in April of 2021 and while I didn’t know it at the time this would spell the beginning of the end of my dislike for Pay to Win servers but let’s ignore that all for now and Skip ahead head all the way to April of last year in April of

Last year I decided to conduct a bit of research I got a custom script made that would track the revenue of a selection of about 20 Minecraft servers over the span of a month I did this by scraping their website’s recent purchases section and documenting every purchase the

Reason I said I made the video was to ultimately attempt to estimate Hypixel server Revenue but what I didn’t mention was that initially this wasn’t even going to be a video and the reason I was doing this was to collect data in private so I I could compare the

Earnings of paay to win servers to non-pay to win ones and the results were well worse than I could have imagined here’s the average Play account of some non-pay towin servers and how much money they made in 30 days massive craft an entirely non-pay towin server averaging

Around 50 players and peing at 100 players made $1,170 that month PVP JY a German non-pay to win server averaging around 100 players made $917 stray Dogg a server averaging 100 to 125 players daily at the time made $2,200 fire vanilla averaging 75 to 1225 players made

$1700 and then finally Purity vanilla a non-pay to win semi Anarchy server averaging 75 players at the time we actually miscalculated their revenue as $3,160 due to their tobc stores rank upgrades being set up differently and inflated it by triple as the service owners kindly pointed out so they likely

Actually made around $11,000 in that month as well now let’s compare these figures to some pay to win servers of the same size vanilla Europa a semi- Pay to Win server averaging 50 to 60 players made $3,612 almost three times more than most of the non-pay win servers the same size

If not bigger pay towin server melon s SMP averaging only around 30 to 40 players at the time half as much as most of the non-paid win servers made almost $4,000 meville a server with 75 to 80 average players $474 speed MC a server with 60 to 70 players made almost

$5,000 and finally purple prison a server which averages 75 to100 players $32,500 purely Revenue not profit after I uploaded this video I got a comment from the massive Craft Server confirming our data was almost spot on but also mentioning that out of the $1,190 they made on average per month

They only take home about $100 in profit then I got a comment from the manager of fire vanilla mentioning how in only a few months they had lost 75% of their revenue and were making only $900 a month roughly now and I talked with some server owners after this such as the

Owner of the server MC Arcadia a non-pay twin server which at the time was peing at over 100 players daily and they mentioned that over a 16-month period since January 2022 they had lost money most months their most profitable months only being profitable by about $5 for

The entire of 2022 the server lost $712 he mentioned he had thought of shutting down the server many times due to his financial situation and could barely afford to pay for the server some months running a non-pay towin server is extremely hard guys they barely get by

So that’s the facts of the situation laid out but if I ended the video there I could almost predict what a good chunk of You would comment or say something along the lines of Minecraft server shouldn’t make money or you shouldn’t run a server to make a profit it should

Just be for fun yada yada yada that raises a valid point though should Minecraft servers even make money in the first place Minecraft purus will look to 2010 and 2011 where no servers really made any money and reminisce on the golden days I was like this for many

Years as well and believe the same myself but we have to face the facts that error is long gone and while that line of thinking might seem valid let me tell you why it only serves to hurt the Minecraft multiplayer landscape and make pay towin servers more and more dominant

When you run a server you have a variety of unavoidable monthly expenses you of course have the actual physical server which you basically have to host at a data center called ovh if you want to run a server in America where most are a server that can handle 50 to 200 average

Players can cost anywhere from 200 to 3 $350 per month and no there aren’t really any other cheaper options for America ovh is a necessity it’s virtually the only host that provides adequate dos protection trust me my server tried multiple different hosts throughout 2021 which only led to

Multiple days of downtime then in addition to hosting costs you also have plug-in and development costs which can range anywhere from $50 to over a th000 a month depending on what plugins are being developed or purchased if you pay staff like mods or people to manage and maintain your game which is pretty

Common as a server is not a oneman job you normally need a small team then you have that cost as well which can set you back anywhere from a few hundred to over 1,000 per month so with all these expenses you can easily see how non-pay

To win servers are trading a very fine line here and we still have one big expense we haven’t even talked about yet advertising go on other days of posting your server on Reddit or Planet Minecraft and getting dozens of players from there while it’s still possible to

Get some you won’t get far if you use them nowadays these days there are a few ways to advertise a Minecraft server but ultimately it comes down to three main Avenues number one is through YouTube videos or streams like I do with my server number two is through Tik Tok and

To a similar extent YouTube shorts you’ve likely seen many Tik toks or shorts like this before I disguise is a fake diamond or to troll xrayers and number three is through paying to be listed on voting websites for any server that isn’t owned by a YouTuber which is

Almost all of them you’re going to have to pay regardless of the Avenue you choose you can pay YouTubers to make videos on your server you can pay people to upload Tik toks or YouTube shorts promoting your server or you can pay for slots on voting websites so your server

Is seen by players paying YouTubers isn’t that common anymore as most sizable YouTubers don’t make videos on public servers so we won’t focus on that one but Tik toks and YouTube shorts are huge right now and can cost anywhere from $100 to close to or over $500

Depending on the size of the Creator or the views that Tik Tok or short gets and that doesn’t sound to too bad especially at the lower end but the problem is in order for your server to maintain players you need constant promotion one Tik Tok or short won’t cut it for long

You have to keep paying someone or make your own which most server owners generally don’t have the skills or time to successfully pull off when you need multiple Tik toks or shorts per month to keep a consistent 50 to 100 Play account and are paying even at the minimum $100

To $200 you can quickly see how that can add up especially for our non-pay towin servers which are barely cracking the four digits in Revenue per month already so how are non-pay toin servers supposed to get players then well hey if you can make Tik Tok work consider yourself

Lucky because the other option being voting websites is a million times worse you see these voting websites aren’t fair in the slightest in order to be featured on the first page or on top of them which is all 99% of people searching for servers look at you have

To pay exuberant amounts of money some voting websites charge as much as $20,000 per month just to be featured at number one with the other slots costing thousands of dollars monthly as well and don’t even bother trying the normal non-paid for slots because servers just buy votes anyways also costing exuberant

Amounts of cash take a closer look at some of these voting websites and you’ll notice something almost all of the top spots which cost the big bucks are occupied by the same handful of servers some like MC complex occupy the top spot on nine of them costing God knows how

Much per month but they can afford it and profit of it because they are PID to win you’ll notice the same with the other five or 10 top slots as well they are almost all exclusively populated by the same dozen or so popular pwin servers there is no chance in hell a

Non-pay towin server can ever get their name on here because they barely make enough per month let alone per year to afford one of these slots in just Revenue alone and since 99% of players don’t actually browse server lists as intended and just copy and paste the IP

Of one of the first servers that show up on their screen upon clicking one of the first links on Google Google no other servers ever get any exposure or players from these sites unless they cough up the big bucks this is why so few non-pay towin servers exist because

Unfortunately most of the time they don’t make enough money to actually get their server out there so you never even hear about them in the first place servers need money to actually obtain and maintain players otherwise they are doomed non-pay to win servers need more money otherwise they are doomed now I’m

Not done outlining why the mindset of servers aren’t supposed to make money is a stupid one as there’s another big reason servers need money Players especially those in the anti-id win Community always complain about how stale big pay towin servers are how they are all ripoffs of one another with the

Same boring pay towin game modes and that all a non-pay towin server needs to do is be different and stand out to succeed so how do non-paid win servers stand out then well they release unique game modes or do something novel that’s how this is also an issue though as

Developing custom game modes can can require a lot of custom plugins since if you’re doing something unique pre-existing plugins likely won’t exist to meet your needs and this is expensive for example my server has been developing a unique mode based on factions containing unique plugins like a civilization plug-in amongst much more

This game mode has cost us $45,000 so far and keep in mind my server is cheating because we have zero advertising cost a normal non-pay twin server simply will not have the money to throw out such development guess who can afford such development though that’s the other issue being overlooked here we

All want to see non-pay to win servers succeed and the bigger pay to win ones fail but for that to happen the non-pay to win servers need to beat the competition by providing a better product or having more exposure so people see and join their server instead

Now tell me how the hell are they supposed to do that when paid win servers are out earning them by four to five times if not more per month guys it’s really quite simple the Minecraft survey industry is feast or famine if if you are paid to win you have access to

So many more resources than non-paid to win servers giving you substantially more advertising potential and plug-in development potential which only serves to make you even more successful it’s a scenario where the rich only get richer and the servers who don’t have money can never realistically catch up so if you

Actually want to see these terrible pay to win exploitative predatory servers that are so often complained about actually go away the only way to do that is to provide better Alternatives and a non-pa to Wi in server can basically never provide a better alternative because they simply do not have the

Money and resources to do so one final point I want to touch on here is that it’s extremely impertinent to assume that Minecraft servers should not make money I really hate whenever I see people say this because running a Minecraft server especially one with a significant player base is hard work you

Have to constantly maintain the server of which as players are so regularly finding bugs and exploits have you advertise and come up with new ideas to keep the server fresh or fun you have to manage and communicate with the small team and and developers deal with DOs

Attacks and other random events at any time of the day and much more server owners are often investing upwards of 20 to 30 hours a week on their servers and going up to them and telling them that they shouldn’t make any money for their huge commitment is just so disrespectful

And presumptuous it’s crazy to me these people have jobs and other commitments outside of their server and deserve to have something to take home for all their work but anywh who let’s move on now I hope I’ve made it clear to you why non-pa win servers will realistically

Never see too much success and how pay towin servers will ultimately never be surpassed if things remain as they are currently and here is what I’ve come to realize over the past year or so rather than being entirely anti-p pay to win as is common right now we should look to

Target the things that are actually harmful like gambling and instead promote ethical monetization ethical monetization what do I mean by this well it’s very straightforward actually ethical monetization is simply game monetization which is not deceptive is clear in what you get for paying money doesn’t involve misleading tactics like

Permanent fake sales and most importantly does not involve real money pwin gambling in any way shape or form a good example of ethical monetization is actually most s smps or survival servers if you got rid of the crates that’s right these days many pwin servers aren’t actually that bad if you ignore

The crates and gambling because they have mostly non-predatory monetization schemes and what I mean by that is best explained by Clash of Clans in Clash of Clans as you play more get a higher town hall and unlock more buildings it takes longer and longer to progress to the

Next town hall requiring more time per upgrade more resources per upgrade and overall becoming extremely grindy thus gradually making the need and desire to pay to win and buy gems more and more prevalent this is intentional by design of course and super cell will gradually expose you more and more to their shop

As you play more and more to facilitate this relationship most survival servers these days are the opposite of that generally the perks you get from ranks and from the store become less and less necessary the more you play why would you need a top rank with the best kit

And gear when you already have dozens of pieces of gear the equivalent or better than that kit because you’ve played the server a decent amount if you ignore the gambling most pay to- win survival servers are relatively ethically monetized these days now that line can very easily blur though for example

Prison type servers tend to be the opposite and lean more into the grindy Clash of Clans type setup where as you play more and rank up to different prison Wards it only cost more and becomes more time consuming to progress but in an era of LIF still s SMP Sky

Block and just general survival servers prison game modes are not as prevalent as they once were and as such most servers tend to be more ethically monetized once again if you ignore the crates and gambling ultimately rather than being entirely against pay to win we should instead be supporting

Ethically monetized pay to win servers that do not include gambling this is the best of both worlds since they are paay to win they will still obtain the resources and money to compete with the the larger unethically monetized servers that contain gambling and since they don’t include gambling or predatory

Monetization schemes they are still mostly fair and enjoyable to play on it’s never going to be perfect I know it sucks that there’s still the element of pay to win presentence but it’s the only realistic way the bigger unethically monetized pay to win servers will ever face significant competition but if I’m

Fine with pay to win then why do I keep making duping videos on Pay to Win servers well if you’ve been paying attention to those duping videos over the past few months you would have not no a shift in my opinion as well the Pay to Win mechanics on p network are pretty

Much fine and aren’t predatory but like every other server that exists today they do of course have a variety of crates and crate keys while it is pay to win that isn’t really an issue the real issue is the crate Keys monthly crates and loot boxes enabling gambling on a

Server mostly played by kids I generally don’t take issue with servers patrin mechanics anymore and haven’t for some time but rather with their gambling mechanics which un un fortunately come hand inand with almost all pay to in servers you see gambling which in Minecraft is crates otherwise known as

Loot boxes is one of the most harmful things you can experience when gaming online not only are loot boxes shown to correlate highly with psychometric scales designed to assess the harms of gambling such as the problem gambling severity index but it’s also so dangerous because of the significant

Portion of the players buying them being teenagers who due to their younger age are generally more impulsive and thus susceptible to predatory game mechanics if you really want you add crates there are alternatives such as making them purely cosmetic or making them not directly purchasable and instead only

Available in limited amounts like with a kit and a cooldown but this doesn’t make as much money so servers probably won’t do it crates are a far bigger problem than a server selling a rank that gives you some fancy armor and tools or some extra commands and what I think is the

Real issue with Minecraft servers that we should be focusing on rather than just general pay to- win mechanics it’s why I despite no longer disliking pay to win still make duping videos duping on a server almost never ends up doing any long-term damage to the server I’m well

Aware of that and factually displayed it in this video here the reason I continue to make duping videos is because it’s the best method of raising awareness to you guys who are the service players about the harms of gambling and crates it’s the best way for me to send a

Message to the masses that you should not purchase crates and crate keys on these servers I don’t dup on servers because I want to take them down or destroy them that’s simply never going to happen I dup on these servers because it raises awareness into why they can be

Harmful and that has worked to some extent 10 years ago now nobody really cared if a Minecraft server was paid to win or not there wasn’t an anti- pay to- win movement at all however these past 2 to 3 years there are far more people including influential ones like

YouTubers and server owners who do tend to dislike pay towin servers we can do the exact same thing just with a specific focus on anti-gambling and maybe just maybe there will be a slow shift and servers will choose to remove crates and Rule money gambling it’s certainly not impossible just look at

Donut smpp donut SMP the biggest s SMP in the world right now effectively removed of the entire gambling element from their crates by allowing players to outright choose the item they want from it and that ultimately is my goal with the ding videos and why I continue to

Make them despite no longer being against pay towin servers I want to raise awareness which hopefully one day will lead to the removal of all forms of real money pidn gambling from Minecraft servers and speaking of the anti-pa win Community there is also a big issue I

Have with some of them which is where this video takes another potentially controversial turn to preface this I need to obviously mention that there still do exist significant members of the anti- payin community which have stuck true to their morals and who I know genuinely want to see an

Improvement in the multiplayer landscape but on the other hand there are also a selection of individuals who could not care less about improving the Minecraft multiplayer landscape or spreading a message and simply use the entire anti-id win movement for either their own Financial gain or as an excuse to

Crash and dupon servers I don’t want to name names as I don’t want anybody to be harassed but for a decent amount of time now there’s been a few individuals which run large Discord servers where they charge players money for access to dup exploits and methods these individuals

Continue under the guise of being anti-pa to win and wanting to improve the Minecraft landscape but in reality they couldn’t give a crap I first came to this realization due to an incident that occurred a few months ago a while back I was involved in a dupe with one

Of these individuals alongside fellow YouTuber juper Trooper we did the jup all good and then a few months passed me and juper upload our videos and then another one or two weeks pass then I get a DM from said individual asking me for money as they were the one who found the

Dupe and showed it to us wanting a cut in revenue from the video now if that individual had told me months ago prior to conducting the jup that they wanted some form of payment since they found the jup exploit and shared it with us then it would have been much more

Reasonable and maybe we could have worked something out but that individual only came and asked us for money months after he saw our videos were doing well and that’s a president I simply did not want to set so I didn’t respond to that individual and decide to cut the already

Weak ties I had with them on advice from some other individuals if that individual had reached out again a few months later to talk about it I would have been open to having a discussion but that never happened a few months passed by again and a newer server crash

Exploit has been found and the individuals are releasing this crash exploit in their Discord to their highest paying members these individuals decide to crash my my server which remember is non-paid to win simply because I didn’t respond for month to the specific individual’s DM and they

Tred to get my attention by going into my discords and spamming things now it’s whatever I don’t really care about someone crashing my server it happens all the time no matter how Petty in fact I often turn it into videos itself if it’s notable enough but what this

Scenario made very clear to me was that a significant portion of the anti- Pay to Win Community couldn’t give a rats ass about pay to win and non-paid to win servers and simply use it as a guise or excuse to dupe on and crash servers for

The their own enjoyment or to make money further Evidence comes from the fact that they were going to quit once their patreon got banned and they could no longer make a profit from selling jupes yet they still go on about how much they hate anti-aid win servers and make it

Seem like they are acting for the good of the community when realistically all they want to see is money in their pockets and this extends outside of Justice Discord selling dupes as well many people in the anti-aid win Community are just using it for their own financial gain you can even see this

On YouTube now I need to make make it clear that there’s nothing inherently wrong with that I don’t want to be the gatekeeper of who can and can’t do what if you want to sell dupes and make money off the anti-pa one Community then do it but then don’t go around pretending you

Care about servers being pay to win or anti-pa to win as it’s extremely disingenuous when in reality you are only in it for your own financial gain or personal enjoyment and have crashed non-paid win servers that are actively trying to accomplish the same goal you claim to be striving for these

Individuals don’t want to actually see the Minecraft server landscape improve because then there is less opportunities for them to make money it’s even worse because these individuals actually cause harm to the anti- pidn movement ask any server owner or individual who actually has experience running a server what

They think of the anti-id win community and they will say it’s full of malicious people who don’t know what they are talking about and just want to cause harm no change will come from this and I hate to break it to you all but I agree with them often times I’ll have

Arguments with people in my Discord about payn servers and nine times out of 10 they will say something like selling things is against the Minecraft Ula when one it’s not and two they don’t even know anything about the Ula and it’s not even the Ula which controls what service

Can and can’t do but the commercial usage guidelines I won’t go into too much detail here because I’ve talked about it in other videos before but basically all you need to know is that servers are allowed to be paid to win and sell advantages if their server is

Not competitive and what mojen considers as competitive are servers which either have leaderboards or real money payouts as shown by their actions against such servers in the past that’s it you might disagree agree with that and I would agree with you that it’s vague and needs clarification but that’s the facts of

The guidelines currently anyways these people in the anti-id to win Community don’t actually know what they are talking about and it really harms The credibility of the entire movement because all they do is parrot misinformation the most ironic thing is when these very same players who hate

Pay twin server so much and claim they are against the Ula actively play on them as well I don’t necessarily blame them for playing pay to win servers either there aren’t many non-pay to win ones out there for reasons I’ve made clear to you earlier in the video but

You’d think if they actively hated paid to win service so much they would at least be playing on in trying to support the non-paid win ones rather than going about crashing them regardless I’m not upset about anything don’t worry my point is it just feels like a growing

Number of people claiming to be in the anti- payin community don’t really want to see things improve at all and simply use it as a way to make money or as an excuse to dupon and crash servers and that’s only setting us further and further back from seeing actual

Improvement another argument I hear is against the existence of pidn servers once again ignoring the gambling features is the argument that the servers players are all young kids or stealing their parents credit cards or the servers are all exploiting young kids etc etc and while I can’t speak for

All servers I can provide some interesting data in that regard that doesn’t support this notion I ran a poll on my server’s Discord for a month and a half only amongst individuals who had spent money on ranks the poll was straightforward it asked all server donators how old they were when they

First donated to my server there were 197 responses from 197 separate individuals who spent money on the server out of them only 20 or 10% were 13 or under when they donated with 40 or 20% being 14 to 15 52 or 26% being 16 to 17 and importantly 85 or 43% being over

18 furthermore I attempted to find instances from my servers almost 3 years of existence whereby a young kid had stolen their parents’ credit card and we found only one single email from mid 2021 where a a 11-year-old player stole his brother’s credit card and bought a rank which the older brother emailed us

About now I’m sure there are other instances where this is happened and the parent hasn’t noticed or sent an email to us but guys this is pretty rare amongst the over 1,000 players who have donated to my server I doubt there are more than five cases of a kid taking

Their parents’ card or a kid purchasing something he shouldn’t occuring these servers aren’t manipulating young kids into spending money overwhelmingly it’s those in their mid to late teens or adults who are making the form choices on what they want to purchase once again ignoring crates this whole notion and

Idea that paid win servers are predatory because young kids are being manipulated just simply isn’t true for everything outside of crates not to the extent you’ll hear people attempt to claim anyways you could argue that my server may have a different sample of players than other servers because it’s not PID

To win but that’s also not true most of the people on my server have or currently play on other servers which are pay to win most of you guys watching my videos which is where my service players come from have are currently playing on them as well and most of the

Time an individual finds a dupe on a pidn server and tells us they are active players of that server as well the player bases are the same guys young kids are not being exploited by the server non-gambling related pay to win mechanics all right so now with all this

Rather lengthy information I provided you we can return back to my server and this new pay to win mode and I can tell you why we’ve decided to release it as promised and because I want to be transparent with you all I’m going to share some details about my server I

Haven’t shared before in the roughly 2 and 1/2 years I’ve run this server it has made a total of $ 41,817 in Revenue in that same time we have spent close to $10,000 on hosting at almost $300 a month on average and our total profit based on the money left in the service

PayPal account is $1,744 doing the math we can then calculate that we spent a bit over $20,000 on plugins development paying people and basically any other server expenditure we’ve had over time and I want to remind you all that my server was in the lucky position where we had

Permanent free advertising in the form of my YouTube channel if we also had to pay for advertising or a YouTuber didn’t own the server the server would not have even lasted a month now $1,744 sounds like a lot but when you take into account that this figure is

The result of $2 A2 years of work split between two people myself and the other server owner who maintains the server’s back end and keeps it running it really isn’t that much for me that’s been fine though I’ve never run the server for money I’ve never touched the portion of

The service profit that’s mine because I didn’t need it I could use the server for videos it gave me interesting things to talk about and ultimately was a good adory tool to my channel helped by the fact that I had the easy owner job of just promoting the server and designing

The game modes but for the server’s other owner one of my personal friends who I knew long before YouTube who has had the hard job of working tirelessly over the past 2 and a half years to maintain the backend of the server patch bugs deal with issues Around the Clock

Help development and do configs amongst other headache inducing tasks as well as our server’s main admin who has helped with all that immensely it’s really not a good deal for the other owner of the server of which we go 50/50 on everything on that’s a take-home of

About $200 a month if you consider all the hours he spent on the server each month in terms of a job paying per hour his pay would be illegal in most First World countries now that was fine for him he always enjoyed running the server and it’s something he wanted to do and

He also used it to gain experience in the field of cyber security which will will be working in soon but the issue becomes when he simply no longer has the time to invest dozens of hours every week into a server with very little Financial return which is what is going

To be happening soon part of the reason why we decided to begin releasing paid win game modes this is the case for many of the non-paid win servers out there today most of which are passion projects tirelessly worked on by their owners and staff but when that passion Fades the

Free time disappears and the sery is no longer worth the investment what happens it’s not sustainable longterm full stop I can already see people commenting the likes of you should pay for the server with your own YouTube earnings but that’s also a terrible solution what happens if my channel dies or I stop

Making money what happens if I lose interest in Minecraft or YouTube entirely having an entire server reliant on another individual is not sustainable in the slightest I want my server OG Network to be a server that is still alive and running 10 years from now regardless of my channel and my own

Personal situation I want it to be the server which you can come back to in multiple years time and still recognize things from and in order for that to happen it has to be self- sustainable in the long term and currently while we aren’t losing money as long as the

Server remains a passion project solely its days are numbered even more so when Big 4 to 5,000 development costs for new and unique game modes are in the picture so that’s why we are releasing pay to win and ethically monetized game modes with no real money pay to win gambling

Mind you to cement the server’s longevity and future we won’t be changing the current s SMP you have seen in videos or the other two mini games the server already has don’t worry you will still be able to enjoy them in all their non-paid win Glory but starting

Now og- will no longer be a non-paid pidn server but instead an ethically monetized one in order to secure its long-lasting future and if you want to help support that please do check out the server some of you may mention that we and other non-paid win servers should add more Cosmetics surely

My server and non-paid win ones can make more money this way right well wrong Cosmetics only really work on miname servers people don’t really use them on servers with persistent long-term game modes like s smps and Sky Block in fact a study from 2017 comparing the revenue

Of a paid win and non-paid win server with mini games which is where I got the idea for my original video from actually concluded that cosmetic perks do not work well for long- lasting game modes and aren’t nearly as appealing there miname servers have also largely died

Out besides the main big ones and aren’t really that common anymore so just choosing to run mini gamess isn’t a solution either it makes sense though just imagine you are trying to build a base or complex Redstone Contraption on a competitive survival server then an annoying ass particle effect obscures

Half your vision or your basem mates weird custom hat cosmetic makes it hard to see this phenomenon is present on my server as well our ranks have a variety of cosmetic and non-paid win perks but can you guess what the main reason people bought them was simple it’s the

Fact that they can get an extra SL home probably the only thing that could be considered a minor Advantage out of all the rank perks on the server well they get an extra home for every rank besides the second cheapest one called Ace this rank has every single perk the rank

Above it has which costs almost double by the way but the fact that it doesn’t have an extra home means it sold significantly worse there are 131 people in my Discord with Ace rank there are 365 with the rank below it and 237 with the rank above it and 170 with the

Second most expensive rank which costs almost four times the ace rank’s price and it’s always been like this people only really donate when they get some sort of tangible Advantage from IT Cosmetics aren’t nearly as valuable or desirable on most Minecraft servers because unlike other games they can only

Be used on that one specific server and no where else why would somebody buy Cosmetics on a random server when they could download a resource pack or buy a Luna client cosmetic they can use anywhere to conclude this video I want to remind you all of one thing it is not

Impossible for a non-paid win server to succeed nor is it impossible for them to suros pay to win ones but trying to do so is like trying to run without a leg it’s a handicap that makes things vastly more difficult and for 95% of server owners is not a financially feasible

Method of running a server so next time you see a Pay to Win server don’t immediately just assume they are greedy or the scourge of the earth and if you want to see actual change try to enact it in areas that actually matter and can do harm like gambling if you made it

This far into the video you are a true fan thank you I’m never making something this long again be sure to check out my server og- and come to the server’s Discord if you want to debate or talk about this entire topic more with me be sure to subscribe thank you

All so much for Watching

This video, titled ‘Pay-to-Win Minecraft Servers – The TRUTH.’, was uploaded by TheMisterEpic on 2024-01-28 01:36:46. It has garnered 136485 views and 11089 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:56 or 2156 seconds.

Minecraft pay to win servers. They are bad right? Well, lets actually investigate that.

Join my server : (Bedrock Port: 19132) – Website: – Discord:

——————————————————————– Want to run your own minecraft server with friends or a community? Get a 25% discount on hosting with code “Epic”! ——————————————————————–

Thanks for watching! Subscribe and Join My Discord! Discord – Twitter – Twitch –

Lootboxes Study – Server/Cosmetics Study From 2017 –

0:00 – Intro 0:53 – What Even Happened? 6:59 – Minecraft Servers & Money 12:24 – Servers Need Money. 15:23 – Ethical Monetisation 21:34 – The “Anti Pay-to-Win” Community 26:56 – Exploitation? 29:12 – How Much Money Does My Minecraft Server Make? 33:06 – Cosmetics?

Music Used: 1. Scott Buckley – Shadows and Dust 2. DBadge – Void Essence ( 3. DBadge – 6ft ( 4. Lena Raine – Rubedo 5. C418 – Shuniji 6. Scott Buckley – Race the Sun 7. C418 – Flake 8. Scott Buckley – Machina 9. C418 – Living Mice 10. Feels – Patrick Patrikios 11. Resolution – Wayne Jones 12. C418 – Taswell

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver

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  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35

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  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!” #minecraft #viral

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  • Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraft

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  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia’s Ghost!

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  • Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #Tukky

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    OMG! HUGE WARDEN STATUE in MINECRAFT PE #64Video Information तो गाइज आज मैं अपने आप को रिस्क में डालकर ट्रैप करने वाला हूं एक वर्डन को वो भी एक जाइंट वर्डन स्टैचू में और अपने स्टैचू के अंदर मैं एक वर्डन को ट्रैप कर भी पाता हूं या फिर नहीं वो जानने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर से देखना एंड अगर आपको आज की ये वीडियो पसंद आए तो इस वीडियो को जाके लाइक कर देना चैनल पे न्यू हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना एंड या एंजॉय दिस वीडियो सो गाइज अपने वॉर्डन स्टैचू को बनाने के लिए हमें काफी ज्यादा बड़े एरिया… Read More

  • 🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in Minecraft

    🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏴‍☠️ Minecraft – Spanish Galleon Build’, was uploaded by AkaLxndon on 2024-01-13 11:03:53. It has garnered 1761 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #Minecraft #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #Gaming Welcome friends to the first major Minecraft project I have produced in YEARS. Taking well over 6 hours to make in Minecraft, this piratey themed Spanish Galleon is definitely one of my best Minecraft Pirate Ship Builds yet! The best part? I completely winged this. None of it was planned, not even me getting on Minecraft to begin with. Loosely based… Read More

  • Vinland SMP – SMP RolePlaying

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More