SHOCKING TRUTH: Disney vs Public Domain

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right you tle fans let me hear you you’re tuned in to the tle show on classical FM a scholarly news debate with your colleagues a come on man it’s the fun stuff the nerd news so grab a popcorn and a soda crank your stereo to

The Max and get ready to enjoy the most tubular show on the Radio hello hello everyone hello hello hello we’re back ladies and gentlemen um tlv show yet again it’s been only a week and we’re back um of course I am not alone again today I am joined by the greats of course Thomas hos we are here ladies and gentlemen again um how’s

Everyone doing happy New Year y’all yeah happy New Year that is New Year it’s a new year we’re here we’re here how’s everyone’s new year starting Happ New Year y’ how’s it started starting well good good it’s been six was it six seven days now eight days

Yeah we’re we’re we finally finished the first week um yeah um nothing it’s been a good year it’s been a good year so far anybody been to the hospital I I’m I’m pretty good so far not yet not yet we’re trying to we’re staying strong we’re staying strong here

Hell hen hun is here also how’s it going it’s good to see you too um guys we have a lot to talk about today um as we know right now is currently the Golden Globes uh I saw on Twitter that it’s a bit cringy um it is hosted by Joe Koy right

Now the comedian um and I guess some of his jokes are not landing at the moment um but you got you got to remember that it’s not the comedians who write these jokes there’s like a whole team separate that is writing for the comedians so it’s not like they true true but

Yeah but it’s delivery it’s delivery also all right you can could have the funniest joke in the world but if you deliver it like mediocre mediocrely it’s like you know not good excuses were um that some of the jokes are his and some of the jokes are uh given to him um but

However what is not a joke ladies and gentlemen we got to see that Robert Danny Jr has won best supporting actor actor in a supporting role for of course Oppenheimer that is awesome we love the man we it’s it’s great to see that he is being given Awards what do you guys

Think the best part about this is the fact that like if we look at what happened last year with kiwan who won this award in the Golden Globes and then can pursued and continued to win it all the way up to the Oscars um same with

Jam Lee Curtis I think this might be showing us what is to come with uh RDJ when it comes to the big Big Night of the Oscars and that’s actually really exciting that after years of his dedication and Devotion to this craft that he might actually get an Oscar yeah

I mean it’s not and it’s not just it’s not just superheroes anymore he’s showing that you don’t got to be in superhero movies uh or you can come outside of a superhero role and you can still be winning big um and that’s great to see I know you guys are going to hate

Me for this but I still haven’t watched out what you didn’t do barbin Heimer I mean you kind of already did Barbie by default because you worked on that but like facts you didn’t do the other part okay correct correct I didn’t the matter is I didn’t watch Oppenheimer because I

Couldn’t watch it on 70 mm film like Christopher Nolan intended to so I would have not experienced alimer at all that’s fair that’s fair well I heard that he like worked a lot on like the blue uh Blu-ray release like he it’s it’s kind of like his baby so yeah it’s

Not 70 millimeter but I mean at least he had a say in how it was made for the general public so there’s that it’s a great movie I think I think you would enjoy it a lot it’s a feel good movie right fun for the whole family NOP yes bring your kids

It’s not nope sorry um but yeah no I mean it’s great and and I think in a couple of hours we’ll see that um Oppenheimer like the kns of War said Oppenheimer will be taking it all uh this year I also agree on that I mean it

Was a killer movie um I the the storyline I mean it to me it always felt like I know the movie is three hours but it feels fastpac like it it kind of it does show how much that they were on the clock when they started the project um

And then kind of towards the end it starts slowing down more um but yeah I I mean I thoroughly enjoyed that movie Thomas did you enjoy it oh I did um I I know that there’s some people who who feel like Ryan Gosling got robbed the

Fact that RDJ got this award instead of instead of Ken you know maybe maybe facts Golden Globes was not feeling the kenergy when they voted weren’t feeling KU he just wasn’t he just wasn’t KU yeah there you go I think I think so but you know what

Um Ryan Gosling I’m pretty sure he already has he already has one right I’m pretty sure he’s already let’s be fair let’s just beir any anywhere else he would have been a 10 okay that’s right you know yes any other year any anywhere else he would have been a 10 so this is

This is actually uh Robert Downey Jr’s third Golden Globe um I guess I mean sometimes you know you do see like a connection like if you win a Golden Globe you know it kind of looks like you will win the Oscar also but it changes sometimes so you know what um

It’s not for sure yet you know and one of those previous ones was for Dr dittle right when he did the the doitt movie with John Cena’s polar bear right like be honest I I don’t know what the other I would assume maybe Sherlock Holmes I don’t know but if anybody knows what

Movies he also won a Golden Globe for let us know um but moving on because we have a lot to talk about today guys hell yeah something I didn’t want to mention beforehand before like you know we move into the bigger subjects today’s a special day for me as you might be able

To tell from this shirt um it’s Mr Nick Cage’s birthday ladies and gentlemen he is I don’t know how old he is but he it doesn’t matter it’s his birthday and um I want to wish him a happy birthday so happy birthday Nick Cage from the TL media family everybody everybody send

This everybody send this to Nick Cage right now tell him to wishes yeah let him know let him know that we are wishing him one hell of a birthday and just remember secret was Charlotte that’s right let him know I made him in dead by daylight oh have you have you really

Played as him like what what what’s I’ve never played the game so oh it’s pretty fun you just run around fix generators and get chased by monsters uh it’s and he did all the Voice work for his character model so it’s all cage it’s pretty wacky it’s pretty fun that’s awesome that’s awesome

Um what’s your guys’s favorite Nick Cage moves movies I gotta hear it uh the flash ni cage moves when he goes what your favorite Nick Cage movies is The Flash say the FL that’s right see you know I was going to put that picture of him as Superman um but

You know I still haven’t seen it I know about that scene that he like I think I don’t think he actually knew that they were gonna put him in there as like his character in The Flash movie I I think there’s like there’s a there’s a a tweet

Of like him talking to the Press saying like I had no clue that they were gonna put me in there but no it’s like I I’m pretty sure like if I remember the the quote that he has is that he wasn’t told at all what he would be

Doing like that there would be a giant spider right there so he he just was there like that’s just not even me on the screen so I think I think it’s pretty crazy I I like to imagine that there was like he he went with his kids

To see The Flash and then what he saw was just completely different from anything he actually filmed and and then he walked away just more confused than than the rest of us he’s like oh he’s in the he’s in the seat like whoever’s in this movie is a bunch of bow wait a

Minute um I didn’t want to mention what hell hell and Hunt had to say uh I’m honestly hoping that Bradley Cooper Andor Chris Pat get something for their outstanding performance in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 I don’t know if they got nominated for anything but I’m still

Holding on to some hope um I think Guardians might have nominated I think for visual effects effect yeah but I I definitely know that Bradley Cooper is I more of the uh director slash best actor for his role in Maestro yes which is I still haven’t seen yet but

I I don’t know I I wouldn’t know off the top of my head if Guardians if if Chris Pratt or Bradley Cooper have been nominated or have talks of them being nominated in the future yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t think so um I but I do

Think the movie is up for visuals um and I mean that movie I I agree does a deserve some kind of award but will it get an osar and Emmy I don’t know not Emmy sorry Golden Globe sorry Emmy were like last night or something um no no it is tough even what

They were looking at for the short list of the Oscars they just removed um Barbie from original screenplay and put it into adaptive screen play they put into adaptive screen play so now it’s going up against Oppenheimer it’s going up against um um I think Maestro as well it’s it’s a

Lot of the big hitters it’s like a very compact suggestion now so oh boy it’s a competition is is is rough out there um but speaking of competition uh what I guess this is kind of kind of leading um you know actors sometimes have to compete for roles and um that happens

And no um but we did get news today about maybe two three hours ago um maybe some of you did know or didn’t know um Gamal Del Toro is making his own Frankenstein movie now there has been the cast coming out lowly of who is going to be in what

Role and one of the big roles of course is the monster and there was a lot of speculation and a lot of news that came out that it was going to be Andrew Garfield however today that has changed ladies and gentlemen Andrew Garfield cannot take the role anymore he needs to

Drop it due to conflicting schedules and now we have a new Spider-Man for we have Jacob all Lordi is now the monster for the guo Del Toro Frankenstein this dude has such a punchable face I mean it’s it’s very obvious like he’s the most obvious pick I I completely understand

Why they did that and they did it because he already plays a monster so well in Euphoria oh my gosh thank you Zinger thank you wow wow um yeah that’s um that I did not I mean so I remember the cast came out um and I believe it there was it was Andrew

Garfield was the first Oscar Isaac was also in that list and he’s going to play uh I believe he’s gonna play dror Frankenstein um and so when I saw that Andrew Garfield was gonna be the monster I was I don’t know I was having a hard

Time to to figure out how he’s gonna look if there’re because I I know that he usually loves to go like huge on the makeup and costume design um so I I just couldn’t picture Andrew Garfield at first as the monster um I couldn’t but also I’m having a hard time to picture

Jacob a Lordi as the monster also um I don’t know if they’re trying to go a certain route with this um you know make the monster look very goodlooking or something um but I mean let’s let’s remember Dair was Frankenstein’s monster I don’t remember Dao’s Frankenstein Rober

Dairo damn lot of you look look it up when you get home I I will I’ll look it up later I guess look it up when you get home um so I mean look Jacob AI I mean this is kind of his year right now I’m

Not gonna lie it’s kind of his year he just had salt bur come out um that I watched that movie it’s actually not terrible there was a lot of uh a lot of like Tik Tok was please please tell us give us give us a rating of like

Ju Just just like an overview that movie salty saltburn maybe why is it called saltburn why don’t you why don’t you explain why it’s called saltburn you know I don’t know why it’s called saltburn all right oh wait Town that’s the town duh that’s the town yeah that’s

The it’s the yeah but it’s the it’s the are it’s the area that the Castle’s in it’s like alurn um but hey it wasn’t a bad movie A lot of people were like freaking out about that movie on uh Tik Tok they were like this is the the grossest movie I’ve

Seen it was fine I mean if you guys have we all have seen horror movies here come on it’s come on um is it a horror movie or what is it it’s like a thriller uh what would you say it is a thriller horror Miss e is here by the

Way everybody and she’s coming why don’t you put Miss e on the mic yeah how about she explain she she’s c c um I think it was like a murder mystery psychological Thriller um I wouldn’t say it was a horror movie or anything like that it

Was it was going towards maybe a drama a little bit of a drama it was an interesting movie yeah it was all right yeah it wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen but it was visually very nice to look at um I’ve only heard one thing

About this movie and it has to do with male genitalia so yeah in the bathtub right like was what was that bathtub scene everyone was freaking about that it’s not that czy the thing is we don’t want to spoil it though yeah yeah I’ll just say that there’s a lot of scenes

That had to do with like either like nudity or like you know just like sexual con connotations that weren’t as bad as the cringy parts because they had some cringey parts in the movie that are supposed to be cringy and those were harder to watch than the uh the shocking

The ones that were supposed to be shocking yeah is that’s was the friends we made along the way yeah sure sure sure sure um yeah no that I mean it was disturbing yeah but but you know I think our problem was so it was a disturbing

Movie for us but then maybe like the next day we decided to watch mid somar for the first time oh you’ve never seen it before never saw it yeah and talk about disturbing that was that that put me in a in a in a frenzy dude I was I

Was done for the night I was yeah oh yeah that was disturbing so then afterwards I was like salber is nothing just watching mid somar I was like oh my my God that’s a tough one that’s a tough one to watch yeah I’m yeah it’s a yeah anyways back

Crazy what do we think I he it for you what do you think uh okay so look here’s the thing I don’t know if I like Jacob a Lordi yet like I think he did such a good job at being a scumbag in euphoria that it’s like rubbed me wrong seeing him prosper

In real life and so like so like when I saw him he was gonna play Elvis I was like you don’t deserve that role and then and then but like I’ve I’ve heard good things and then you know it like you said it is his year I think he’s he’s

Really starting to get all this stuff and I think I just have to open my mind to seeing him from that Euphoria character like I said he’s got a punchable face look at his face it’s very very punchable I guess so yeah I’m just yeah I’m I’m interested

To see where it goes because Frankenstein’s monster doesn’t talk and I mean what that’s not true well he doesn’t talk until okay till L later on yeah I guess later on but but this is not based off the bride this is based off of like I would assume the book and

And then whatever Garo wants to do with it please don’t turn this water please please please don’t please don’t don’t don’t you remember that famous Frankenstein’s monster quote hello my baby hello my darling hello my yes yes yes I don’t know if you guys those the

Viewers if you saw that I put on Instagram I decided to put um I put those pictures but then I put um the um Young Frankenstein song in the background so oh fantastic I decided to mix both of them together um that’s a brilliant movie now it’s time time to

Move on I assume if you guys are ready to talk about what we are here for the Big Bang the big thing that happened a few days ago um talking about oh you don’t well Thomas you want to take the lead on this are you ready oh oh that’s

Me oh I’ve know what you’re talking about with my Mickey Mouse shirt on okay um yes what’s up everyone um yeah so as of midnight January 1st 2024 um a certain film the first depiction the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie which is the first depiction of Mickey Mouse and Minnie

Mouse entered public domain and seems like right and it seems like almost right after that happened um there was a lot of questions and a lot of things of what can be done with this property specifically uh the fact that we had a couple of interesting things that were

Already announced we had 8 infestation which is a video game which talks a lot about uh or depicts a uh steamboat willly esque Mickey Mouse and then there’s also Mickey’s Mouse Trap so okay and then there’s also Mouse but I don’t think Mouse falls under the just like

You can’t qualify Mouse no no under spoilers Mouse is not under this but um I just wanted to give like a bit of a perspective from the legal side the fact that that is kind of my world um and just discuss with you guys what it is

And how does public domain what is it and how does this affect copyright fair use and trademark so first of all I am not an intellectual property lawyer I do CRI criminal law that is that’s my Niche that’s what I focus on but um so my understanding of intellectual property

Is very very much uh at the surface level and then I’m gonna talk with I mean you guys understand with fair use and I definitely will have you guys jump in on that but all right so let’s talk first uh what public domain is so let’s talk copyright versus trademark in

General so copyright which has changed a couple years uh first in 1908 and then it changed again in 1976 and then it changed again in 1998 uh for two of those reasons that it changed it changed because of Disney Disney has a lot of money and Disney has

A lot of power so in 1976 there was the Copyright Act it is the Copyright Act that we know it’s a Copyright Act where we get the idea of fair use which we’ll talk about a little bit later that’s where it stems from but the purpose of

Uh this 1976 Act was the fact that there was already Disney was starting to see uh their use and their properties and Mickey Mouse whose time was already up by that point uh in 1908 the law was that any piece of material any art any thing that was under copyright uh would

Expire after 50 years well 1928 to the fact that it was 1976 Mickey was uh about to enter the public domain Disney like that especially especially they were dealing with an eighty yearlong um uh there was there was an a lawsuit that they were dealing with with the fact that uh air

Pirates uh air pirate air Pirates Foley they were used they were comic strip that were like parodying Mickey Mouse and showing him doing like exploit things like using drugs and sex and rock and roll like that’s what they were doing Disney was in Disney was was not having it they

Were not happy to have their Mickey Mouse the face of their brand uh represented in that depiction so uh while that was happening they were investing millions of dollars in lobbying to have the 1976 Copyright Act add 20 years uh to that 50-year Mark so

It was now going to be 70 years then in 1998 um it was the copyright extension act but it was also nicknamed the Mickey Mouse protection act because it was like it was very open secret that this was being done specifically to save Mickey Mouse so what happened was that was that

It extended it another uh 20 years to make it in total 95 years since its creation that was the longevity of the life of a character so what has Disney done to kind of protect their image to kind of protect Mickey Mouse so what they have done for the entirety of their

Projects uh anything before 1978 which was like that was the time period uh that was decided in the Copyright Act of 1976 was they made separate copyrights for each character iteration right geez that sounds like a lot of time right there oh yeah so what came into public

Domain is Steamboat Willie Mickey not the one that I’m currently wearing on my shirt this colorful with the red shorts and the yellow shoes that doesn’t come out for until the 70s and so that still is a very far away distance um you have Pluto who’s coming up in um in

2025 and then you have uh goofy coming up in 2028 so those are the first depictions of those characters Mickey Mouse in his entirety is not public domain and here’s another thing so Mr if you can pull up the slide about copyright versus trademark yeah here’s another thing that the law is very

Protective of copyright expires trademark does not it’s very much a voluntary you can you can cancel your trademark of something but unless the the proprietor of the trademark steps in and says I no longer want to have this uh it’s indefinite so what did Disney do back in

2010 they made Steamboat Willie the trademark of Walt Disney Animation Studio oh so what’s going to happen is that people who are going to use the depictions of Steamboat Willie are now going to not have to fight Disney on the copyright issue they’re going to have to fight on the trademark

Issue which is very much uh it’s not wellestablished law it’s a very much a gray area there’s not much of a standard as uh we’ experienced when it comes to copyright and uh fair use so I feel like we should I mean you guys with me right

Now like we’re good here well so I was wondering um so yeah you said Goofy and Pluto might be coming up I’m assuming they’re gonna want to renegotiate or make that I don’t know the the time long like the duration of that longer or can they

Do say say that again J say doesn’t Donald come out next yeah 2026 Donald’s 2026 so what so okay I mean Disney has trademarks of all their characters right the names like it’s it’s it’s there um I don’t think so because here’s the thing the image of Mickey Mouse is not as

Prominently attached to Disney in its entirety and I feel like this is something that Disney has been uh very protective up from the very beginning right like who has always been the mascot of Disneyland this is open up to the audience too who has always been the mascot of

Disneyland there’s hint when they’re constructing something they say pardon our pixie dust who has always been the mascot of Disneyland really tinell really Tinkerbell was the it was W Disney had made the decision that Tinkerbell was going to be the mascot of Disneyland in case the theme parks failed that way it wouldn’t

Tarish but that since then I mean we could just look from since 1998 there have been so many Acquisitions that Disney has create has Acquired and has built the brand around we have Marvel we have Lucas film we have all these uh expansions of intellectual property that the the name

Disney is becoming a little bit bigger than just one mouse sure it might have started with a mouse but I don’t know if the mouse is Disney anymore so so then so then they’re not gonna you don’t so you don’t think they’re going to be pushing to keep the

Pluto so here’s here’s my thing so why don’t we why don’t we break down fair use and and specific speically fair use as it has applied and how it could apply to these things so fair use in general is the the idea that comes from the

Copyright Act of 1976 the idea is that we want to preserve creation of art we want art to always Prevail so how do we do that we always make sure that uh as Society evolves as Society grows there is that opportunity for new der derivative art so Mickey’s Mouse trp if

You watch the trailer it is absolutely referencing Steamboat Willie it depicts Steamboat Willie there is uh memorabilia of Steamboat there’s a poster that says Mickey Mouse in Steam but well they are not hiding it but this is not the first time that Disney has been faced with a horror movie dealing

With Disney so do you remember this movie I know we watched it it was I mean I remember being called escape from Tomorrowland but maybe that’s like a uh maybe that’s just me but do you remember this movie The Mandela effect in the park right I totally remember it being called Escape from

Tomorrow then and I do remember this it was this really weird almost acid trippy kind of movie that was filmed gorilla style inside of wow yeah so did this was you know 11 years ago Disney knew about this movie but I think because they had gotten so

Much um they they were so worried that if they were to go after Escape from Tomorrow uh that it would bring more attention to this movie uh similar to like how with the air Pirates comic strips there was so much attention in those eight years that they were doing

Uh during that lawsuit that it kind of backfired that instead of hiding this and suppressing this from ever existing more and more people people who probably who never would have seen this uh were seeing it like we watched this movie on Netflix like it wasn’t like we like had

To find it deep in the archives we watched it on Netflix really dang yes yes that’s crazy yeah you’re wild for that it was a different time it a different time it was a different time for Netflix wow jeez geez so I don’t I think it’s it’s more of a gray area and

I’m not so sure of all the properties I’m not this is one I’m the most hesitant about that I think there can be the argument of fair use which is that if it is transformative enough in nature if it is in a market and a future Market

That does not affect the market of the original material um Disney doesn’t make horror movies that’s can simply be an argument that the horror movie Market is something that Disney will never touch and because they don’t want to touch that it’s not a market that is a that

Affects the Walt Disney brand um I mean is it transformative that’s GH and again do we know do we know who made this movie is this um the same people who made the winie the uh wiy the Pooh uh horor movie I don’t know I don’t know because I mean

I have a feeling if it so if it’s that group I would assume that they know what they’re doing you know they probably had lawyers look over this and made sure um that this is legal what they’re doing um so I’m assuming if it is that group that’s making this Mickey’s Mouse Trap

Or that that not group sorry that uh um the studio or kind of like indie film um production company production company yeah I would assume because of when they were doing uh that that wiy the Pooh one what was it called again hosway Blood and Honey yeah Blood and

Honey yeah that I would assume then they know what they could and could use here but again I don’t know for sure who is behind um this Mickey mous trap movie though so I gotta I mean like for me why why even tempt it why even like you

Could have just used the name Willie it’s Will’s coming I don’t know there baby Mickey’s Mouse crap yeah I mean but at least they could say like the image itself is transformative enough right it’s not like it’s specifically Steamboat Willie um so maybe they could get away with that steam bro

Fredick so now here’s here’s an an interesting one where yes I’m excited this is for the video game um 88 infestation and this is I I I took a screenshot of this because it’s like not even it’s not even the first seconds of the of the uh video the trailer it’s

Very much acknowledging that because steambot willly is now in public domain they are basing their story their character off of steamboat willly Mickey Mouse here’s the thing though this disclaimer doesn’t do doodly squat it doesn’t protect you oh no you could say it and say that’s not the intention but

The standard is very subjective so like the the courts right you they have to remember the the law is old it’s very very old and it is hard for the law to change when people who are very much set In Those Old in that old mindset so when

When we’re trying to approach it and like this is a video game it’s different from the from the shorts it’s very different from the animation style if if a judge if a three panel judge if a six panel judge if a nine panel judge if you

Take it all the way to the Supreme Court if they determine that under their subjective view of a reason standard that this is too similar to the Steamboat Willie trademark of Walt Disney Animation Studios it’s not going to fool anyone this disclaimer doesn’t do anything yeah these old people they

Don’t play video games so they they don’t they’re not playing what is this what are you showing me here and the problem is video games are becoming more and more like the graphics are becoming much better that it just looks like a movie so what do you mean Tetris looing up right now

No not the tetris I mean yo speaking of Tetris shout out to that kid that beat Tetris that was crazy I saw that yeah he glitched the game he couldn’t do anything it was like yeah it was it was it was frozen it was a kill screen yeah

It was awesome um what is interesting though um that I did see on Twitter um that there was a copyright game problem um this came from the uh the music in the Steamboat Willie um like one thing we wanted to do during uh this we wanted to kind of play the

Video and stuff like that but it seems like there is still kind of the automatic I would assume it’s the automatic copyright system um on YouTube so if you’re planning on making videos with the steam booat Willie um music or or the video just remember the automatic

Like copyright system is still in effect for it so I would assume I mean it’s YouTube so that might not even change for a very long time where they Tak out yeah I me the way I look at it the way I look at it it we are seven days since

This has changed yeah and for most of those days probably technicians they were on vacation yeah so I I’m assuming that not many people have been working these past seven days that could Poss have changed this but if this is still happening in like a couple

Of months then um I mean we’ve had plenty oh oh hello sorry that was that was misclick that’s my fault we plent we’ve had plenty of issues with universal music group um I mean I remember when we finished a live stream singing My Way by Frank Sinatra

They copyright struck us and it was just the three of us yeah no music was in the background it was us music at all I mean very flattering thank you Universal Music Group that’s very flattering of you um but I mean I think that also shows the interplay of it’s not just one

Entity no that owns the entirety of a copyright material anymore I mean okay so that was for the sound that was for the music yeah that was for the music yep that was even when I was telling you Mr to setup don’t you dare play the actual sounds of them boat Willie

Because that’s even part of the trademark for Walt Disney Animation studi so if Universal Music Group owns a part in a distribution and Disney owns another part still and trademark it’s just it’s very very messy yeah that is for sure um yeah so again guys that’s a

That’s a little um a little bit of a uh just a warning if you try to uh play that game where people were like oh I’m gonna upload the video and there was like a lot of uh a lot of channels that were kind of doing that where they were

Putting it on their Channel um the whole Steamboat Willie thing and I get it a meme comedy I get it um but also you will get a strike uh at this moment you’ll still get a strike um yeah I mean any final words Thomas any conclusion on

This I I think it’s it’s still very early to tell uh to just tell exactly what the parameters are going to be um I think it could be fun if you want to do stuff like the way that I would imagine how I would use Steamboat Willie

Is very much like how people were using George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead as like having that as the background thing if there’s a TV in a shot if you’re filming like a short film or something you need to have like a character watching something maybe have

Them watching Steve boat willly like that’s fine okay okay um but I don’t think using it without any commentary using it without any other purpose if you are using it as specifically as it was in 1928 um you should you could be okay but it’s it’s still with if you’re like

Uploading it to YouTube wait a little bit if you are uh I mean more props to you if you can dispute it I mean you should win the law is on your side you should win that um but I I it would be too too soon for me to tell how these

Video games and these movies are going to play out in other words trust Thomas 100% he knows everything and just take everything oh God that he says to you have to start saying like this is not legal advice I kind of have to do that because yeah

That yeah not yet um question can you put Steamboat Willie on a T-shirt and sell it yeah make make some is it is it just Steamboat Willie it’s just Steamboat Willie the one it’s guy it’s the man I would say no if if it was like it’s like like what if it’s like what I said what if it’s like I don’t

Know if you remember there’s like a time where these like really janky t-shirts are being made where it’s like SpongeBob wearing Grill do Ste yes I would say that that is transformative enough yes but I think if you were because that image is still again attached to the Walt Disney

Animation Studios trademark logo so if you are just doing the image as is especially him on like maybe if you were to do the other shot where like a Stinky Pete is like kicking him and he’s like flying halfway up the like while holding like use another frame like it’s an8

Minute short use something else don’t use don’t use the steering wheel whe like just have yeah have him at another part in the steamboat like don’t have him like Steamboat ship flying in a tack helicopter that would be great absolutely but yes is the Mickey Mouse glove

Trademarked I don’t know I is you know you see those shirts that like some people will create where it’s like the Mickey Mouse glove flipping off or too Universal though because that is more of a style of the time which is like with the the game Mouse right like the game

Mouse is like the character like is shooting with the glove like you can see that glove but that’s also Looney Tunes that’s not just melodic Melodies like that is there were other that was just the time that was the character style um so I think this this reminds me of that

Game a while ago what is it Inky and the the ink ma or bendy yeah and then cuphead too there’s those two and cuphead too yeah yeah I think that that’s more of a style thing than um than anything else yeah yeah okay all right so I I

Kind I want to play that game Mouse it looked cool like I saw the trailer for it but it’s not until 2025 so I was like oh man dropped this trailer and then yeah so um H hun again had something to say um he said that I find it funny oh

As soon as 2024 arrived the company director of the Steamboat Willie horror movie released the trailer it’s called marketing baby it’s called marketing and here’s my the Poo Y and the mean one with it’s like the Grinch thing yeah oh that was a while ago yeah to to your

Point hellhound hunt I think that doesn’t bode well for these creators because clearly it was done when the copyright still existed right and because they didn’t license it like someone who made this shirt had to get Mickey Mouse licensed to sell like this depiction of Mickey Mouse might have been artistic and might

Have been like created by an artist but in order to sell it for profit they had to get Disney’s approval so I I would assume that because yet the argument would be yes it hasn’t been published until the copyright was up the fact that it was made during the

Copyright I think that’s an issue well I mean I guess only time will tell um you know it’s gonna be interesting to see what else comes out with this and then also interesting to see in the future with like you said Donald Duck Goofy uh Pluto right you said Pluto also

Yep yep it’s gonna be interesting to see because then go Goofy’s a huge one goofy to me and Donald Duck also but Goofy just I mean that to me I was like that’s remember it’s only their first depictions it is not it’s not modern day goofy it is not modernday Donald it’s

Not Kingdom Hearts goofy it’s not Kingdom Hearts Donald or Kingdom Hearts those are those are all its own thing too huh those are every single iteration has its own copyright that is crazy wow well well the more you the more you learn um so thank you Thomas for doing

The Deep dive on that but now it’s time to move on ladies and gentlemen to some more of course some more more you know um um movie news and stuff like that we need to talk about the great Jack Black is going to be in the Minecraft movie playing as Steve now

I am so confused how they’re going to do this I because I know Jason Mamoa is in it now I thought he was going to be Ste yeah but no it’s Jack Black is steeve so I don’t know what J is gonna be guys do you think this is too

Late you know honestly I thought about that the other day I was like why you think it’s too late I don’t know I Minecraft is still Minecraft is in my opinion it’s still big the the kids the young ones are still playing it right they are the kids don’t yearn for the minds

As much as they used to what I almost feel like this should have been like five years ago yeah there’s I mean in my well okay so I know I in my opinion they still are i’ I’ve I’ve like i’ I’ve heard about uh uh you know that they still playing

Minecraft um it’s Minecraft and fortnite right now that’s for sure um now is it like a huge property kind of like you know well we had Mario come out and that’s a humongous property no it’s not like that I guess that’s a good point yeah because I think Mario I think Mario’s

Got Mario no Mario’s way bigger Mario’s way bigger because yeah and Mario is not one aspect you have Mario the Super Mario Bros you have Mario Kart you have Mario party like you have different ways that people have engaged with the Mario property I mean it’s the same with like

The Lego movies right yeah yeah that’s true that’s true um hell how hun is is it going to be animated I’m struggling to see Jack blacka Steve it is not going to be animated it is live action not it’s live action they’re calling it live action um what

So like I don’t know I don’t know what they’re going to do about that um I I I maybe they’re gonna go like a Jumanji route maybe um where you’re in the game maybe that’s why they chose them I think he was the best part of the Jumanji

Movies so I I definitely can see that yeah I think he killed it as Bowser he did kill it as Bowser that’s true he did kill it Bowser um and um you know here’s the thing like we can say like oh like I don’t see it but also

Remember a lot of people didn’t see Chris Pratt as Mario Chris Pratt did pretty well as Mario in my it’s Chris Pratt’s voice over Mario’s face that is easier than looking at Jack Black and Steve and you’re like yep that that’s about right so when they say I mean they

Say live action I still think you know they when it’s like a mix of both I think that still can be considered live action is is it going to be like the live action Lon King oh where’s just live action Little Mermaid yeah where’s M mainly uh special

Effects the entire time I mean it has to be special effects well actually I don’t know I don’t I’m so confused because love to cut down trees a cube yeah I oh my God yeah they just like deform his face around like into a

Cube oh God like they did for modok I am Jack gross I hope not oh Lord um yeah I mean I don’t know Missy if you want to add what you were talking about I I hope you guys will get this reference but oh boy

You when we were talking about it I was really really confused because I’m like I don’t know how they’re going to do this um and so then I was like is it going to be like Jumanji where like then it becomes animated and then he’s you

Know it’s all blocks or then I was saying I don’t I really hope you guys know what I’m talking about but have you seen the Breaking Bad Minecraft memes where it’s like no it’s basically like clips from breaking bad oh oh wait wait yes and then like the but it’s like said in

Minecraft yes okay there’s like a scene where like Walter’s like punching something it’s like like when you start a new world with your friend and you got to get your wood and it’s like punching the wood punching the tree like is it going to be like that where everything’s blocked and then it’s

Just Jack Jack Black puning a or is it going to be like is it going to be like everything’s like real realistic like actual trees like the creepers are some weird looking realistic thing like the Ender Dragon’s a legit dragon and he just like has the powers of Minecraft because like

Obviously in real life you can’t just punch a tree and get some wood so who knows may I mean I have a feeling they’ll they’ll for sure make fun of that for sure I could movie like me personally I could totally see like it’s actually like real like everything’s

Real and it’s Jack Black just going up and punching a tree me like yo like I could see that happening but yeah just go full on Comedy just straight beatless movie kind of thing I I hope they just make Jason Mamoa every villager yeah what what is what is Jason

Bamoa gonna be I thought he was going to be Steve St every villager maybe maybe he’s like the the villagers or like the mobs or yeah I don’t know maybe the Ender Dragon he could be the Ender Dragon maybe like voicing the Ender Dragon oh he’s like SM yeah SM from The

Hobbit oh God little Jack Black yeah all I know is I will be seated for it oh I will be there I will not be seated I will be standing I will be saluting yeah I mean look I already look Jack Black he’s he’s ready for it he

Posted this on Instagram the Minecraft basics for dummies yeah I I don’t know what’s better the fact that he had a copy or that a copy exists um I well you know I mean there’s there’s the For Dummies book for everything so I think you know they’re just they’re making sure he’s he’s

Making sure he gets all of what’s needed for this film you know he’s really going in deep to figure out what he needs to do to become Steve um and I think he’ll do so just like he did for Bowser he will become Steve oh my gosh he you

Imagine the tours Miss e had an epiphany Jason mimo is Herobrine oh oh my God they make Herobrine Cannon herob Bri Canon now oh my God that’s crazy who knows we’re gonna see we’re gonna have to wait and see um I know there’s another actress who’s been named

For the role for a role I don’t know which role but I’m I’m blanking on the name um but I would assume they will play like Steve’s like counterpart because there’s that there’s that I forget her name is it Alex something like that I forget her name but there’s

Like another one cool um but yeah I mean I’m excited I don’t know about you guys but I’m very excited for that movie it is Alex it is Alex so she might be playing out Alex uh let’s move on to something that we’re not really G to

Talk about but just to mention for the viewers I mean okay we’ll talk about it um tomorrow a big day I hope I put the right show he’s goingon to be on Good Morning America like like a interview so grab your cup of coffee grab your cup of tea um if you

Have time if you don’t have to work tomorrow well that will be the first thing I’m listening to on my way to work yeah uh I saw a clip on of it like like that’s going around Twitter and a lot of people are kind of like relating it to

If it it was homelander being interviewed and like the clip that they that they’re showing the clip that going around there’s literally like a short little like 20 second trailer or so and it’s like uh it’s it’s literally it’s the music’s like like it’s like like really like

Deep and menacing and he’s just like he’s like so sad and then the the the interview he’s like did you what did you think would happen and then he’s like boom it shows his face is part like do you think you’ll ever work in Hollywood again and he’s like yeah something like

That yeah of course yeah he has a little something like that um so yeah that it’s like I it’s going to be interesting there’s no Saving Face in my opinion um but yeah it’s kind of interesting that it’s ABC because doesn’t doesn’t Disney own ABC

Yeah I want I want him to come in full K or like like he who remains he just comes in sits down you thought that my doing this it’s all part of time yeah it would have never changed make it like Victor timely time is everything as they when they when they

End the interview he looks right into the camera and goes see you soon God yeah I whatever so yeah if you want to catch that it is tomorrow um early morning I think the good morning show is at usually 10:00 a.m. I 10 a.m you guys it’s oneish so yep if you

Want to catch that um wait no no no sorry sorry sorry it’s 10 a.m year guys’ time 10 AM Eastern earlier than that right I think it’s 7 I think it’s 7 AM for us like 4 am for you guys yeah what the okay well then I

Won’t be catching it um I’ll be looking for the uh for the Highlight re it’s already it’s already been recorded it’s like it’s just being released I’ll look for the Highlight Rio on Twitter so moving on to something that’s not cancelled to something that will be starting very soon

Eko now Eko just recently has confirmed through its trailer that the Daredevil show is it is Canon it’s Canon oh that is good to know that means the show didn’t go to waste everyone which I’m kind of confused shout out to cardiac I thought oh oh cardiac hey Forest it’s Forest it’s so

Good to hear you good to see yall again ah cardiacs back ladies and gentlemen if you guys don’t know about cardiac well go check out the channel um but back to it um eeko yeah so it has confirmed it but I thought it was in my opinion I

Thought it was already Canon when they brought in Kingpin but they what they just they just yeah they just what they just made sure like to re well I mean it it was it was Vincent denafo who on press said that yes this is completely Canon the

Show when I was boy yeah I I think I think it wasn’t I think they there was a lot of questions around the version of Kingpin that was in Hawkeye and the version of Daredevil that was in She-Hulk those were the same um I just

Uh I mean this just confirms it which is like my question is like now what is that mean for the other Netflix shows like specifically The Defenders right that was very influenced by Daredevil story and much of season 3 is because of the events of the Defenders so did that happen

Too yeah have to right right I don’t I’m assuming from what I’ve heard at least this is all just you know rumors that people have been saying but what was the next Spider-Man movie that they want to say they’re projecting it that they want it to be very downto Earth kind of

Spider-Man in in his own environment and they’ve said that they want to bring some of the Netflix characters into that movie so he would like you know mess with Jessica Jones mess with either Luke Cage I don’t know if Luke Cage is gonna come back though um but try to tie it

In um but I don’t necessarily think like it’ll like yes it’s it all happened for sure but they’ll probably just try to like Glide over it you know yeah okay so so I guess my question to you guys would be who is one character from the shows that you would

Want to see come into the MCU Danny red baby dny red well I think they just need to bring foggy back they gotta bring him back foggy would be nice yeah they got to bring him back so he can be with his good friend again you know I mean it can

Work out Danny R the Iron Fist KGAN baby why what’s wrong with the iron you know what I never saw that show I I nobody liked that me apparently oh no good I I don’t like it for so many reasons for two two major reasons one

The main Act who was playing Danny Rand you can fill in the blink way I forgot his name um okay um he yes that’s right he refused to do like the martial arts training to learn how to be a master oh Lord so like he looks horrible and second yes thank you

For showing Daredevil in the Defenders Daredevil whoops his ass he destroy Ro the Iron Fist is that not supposed to happen hold hold on hold on you want to talk about the Defenders Daredevil because yes the first two seasons of Daredevil Daredevil’s a God he is a monster he’s a

Force to be reckoned with in the Defenders he becomes this Electra I love you I love you I’m gonna do anything for you I’m G and he becomes Batman in Justice League and then he becomes that in She-Hulk all right so I’m really hoping Eko brings Daredevil back into good grace

Because although it’s nice to see to see him back I I need more from him I need more more more butt kicking more ass whooping well I I don’t I don’t know I saw the the images but I don’t know if there’s the in the trailer or anything

But I saw that there is a fighting scene with Ekko and D Daredevil so that’s going to be cool I wonder if he’s going to run into Kingpin again in this maybe we’ll see like a I don’t know I’ve heard six minutes long the fight oh yeah it’s six minutes

Long and it’s in the first episode oh I mean they all come out on the same day so I guess that’s okay um yeah but have you guys heard how we’re finally going to find out who bought Avengers Tower yes I saw that I saw yeah we’re gonna find out who bought

Avengers Tower I think it was that they got an interview with the director and they had the director or the showrunner confirm that you finally find out who bought Avengers Tower in this show that’s not bad okay I can live with that I can live with fist

Towers yeah yep I think yeah it’s it will be that for sure Nelson and Murdoch they have their law office is just the entire Tower um Tony gave me that yeah I mean like hey I’m excited for the show um when does it come out the the show the

Ninth so nth two days two days in two days two days um yeah so I’m excited to see that I’ve been you know I haven’t been like earning to watch any Marvel stuff but this does look dark and and exciting to me like it seems like it’s gonna go

A different route than the other shows it’s going to be much darker it’s going to be more action- pack in my opinion um and probably have a much more interesting storyline um you know like like the shows like uh uh what was it called um secret Invasion like that I I

Didn’t even finish that the storyline completely just I I lost interest maybe after three episodes or so ‘s kind of mid yeah did you guys watch what if season two I haven’t yet I haven’t through it right now yeah so it’s pretty good the first

Two episodes are kind of mad for me yeah the finale made me so angry I watched it this Morning I think I saw I saw like a I saw like a CLI not a clip but I saw an image from it and I was like ah they’re doing something that’s very relatable to another show in my op the clip I saw I’m not going to

Spoil it but the clip I saw there was was uh was that I’m not gonna spoil it because way haven’t hasn’t seen it yet I Haven text yeah text me text me what you’re talking about I don’t I don’t know what that is yeah okay I will I will uh I will do

That will do that yes but while you do that explain what what if is like well I’m explain what what but no I I I explain theti of what no I think what’s interesting like with with this show Echo is that it’s going to be this next

Phase of going into like the mature stuff because now that Disney owns the entirety of Hulu as of like November um now they can like have mature content that they make for the MCU and like yes they’re making this a separate section um I keep wanting to say Marvel one shot

That’s not the same thing um yes yes I know what you’re I know what is that is it that um it’s it’s kind of yeah yeah um but no like I think it was cool it’s not called Marvel one shot what’s it called that this G be like the new story line that’s

Going to show it’s part of the timeline but it’s like there’s like a specific title that they like timeline D Mar Marvel Victor timel pumpkins all right let’s move on some timeline uh let’s finish off ladies and gentlemen with some questions that I got

From a Q&A time so we asked a couple of question we asked sorry I’m gonna restart I asked on Instagram you know if anybody had questions and I picked out a few because I knew we were gonna run out of time and I picked out some of my

Favorites um from that starting off with our friend Enrique aka Big pin um so this is actually very like it connects kind of to the LA last video that uh went out to film if you guys haven’t seen yet um he said do you think in the further Universal in the future I

Think he metant um will they buy that golf course it’s next too will they be buying the golf course so I don’t know if you guys know the location of universal there’s like a lot of land there’s you got by the by the tram you got those house houses farther out from

The cliff side you can see Warner Brothers you can also see kind of like the Hollywood um oh gosh what’s it called a cemetery and then there right next to it there is a huge Golf Course um it’s very close to the lower lot and by the studios um and it’s huge it’s

Acres it’s Acres um so will they ever buy that golf course I don’t know I don’t sorry I don’t think so I would love them to believe me I would love them to I don’t think so because they’ve been trying to buy out more spaces from the houses that are like

Next to the next to the tram and every time they try to ask those people hey can we buy your house they’re like no we’re cool and so I figured that this this this uh this golf course is probably funded by all the people that

Probably live up in the Ms and you know what they got a golf you know and they got money they got money that’s for sure so yeah I think that’s more what it is where it’s like is it ever going to be like for sale like yeah that’s a nice parcel of

Land they got there but like is it ever going to be on the market no um I think I my my thing would be like okay they buy the land what do they do with it make more sound stages do they tear down some of the sound stages they have now

And create more shows that’s prob that’s probably that would because right now they’re they’re they’re trying to just take up every inch of their their space to find places to you know put uh put attractions and put stuff in there and you know kudos to them I think realistically that it they should

Demolish some stuff keep some stuff like you know from the olden times because it’s like you have the studio tour you know see some some of the classic you sound stages that they used or what have you but you know there there there also needs to be room for

Improvement well so are you saying shorten the studio tour who are you what have you done with those touching the studio tour what do you want gone no I don’t want them to shorten the studio tour I want them to make Studio Tour longer uh add more stuff I’m not saying

Get rid of the studio no no no I’m saying add more the the studio tour needs Improvement they need to make it longer I oh okay I thought add more stuff by taking away from the studio tour okay all right okay yeah I mean but also it’s it’s it’s interesting because

Yeah I they have built those new um sound stages those on that are kind of closer to it’s not the freeway but it’s like there’s one of the exits going right across from Warner Brothers yeah it’s near Warner Brothers um and those are brand new sound stages uh oh yeah

And it’s kind of behind the good place if you if you look behind the good place when you’re on the studio tour you’ll see those brand new s the sound stages so you know maybe take out some of the older sound stages that are closer to the theme park like you were saying

Earlier host s like take out like you know we got we got the Mummy ride right behind it there some stages right there maybe those can be taken out the voice still happening no voice is not not in they’ve moved to a newer Sound Stage they’re not in that uh Sound Stage

That’s right next to Jurassic world oh that area got demolished right not yet it’s going to I believe so because right by next to it there is why are you hesitant why don’t you know because I I not go on the studio tour uh the last time I went out I’m

Gonna be honest uh I did not go on there did you even go if you didn’t go on Studio Tour well you know what here’s we need to have an intervention here is my little my little complaint is when it’s when it’s a busy day they

Shorten the studio tour a lot by cutting down video well I went on Saturday it it was kind of busy it was like coming to the end of the summer uh not summer crowd the winter crowd um and I was going to go Saturday too but

Long yeah um you know we got on two rides so that was cool we got to do Jurassic world and and uh and Harry Potter do Jurassic World um but uh yeah so take out some of the old sound stages and then that’s I think that’s where

That’s where we can see a change um so the golf course probably will not be touched um and also Enrique asked how do you really feel about the new Fast and Furious ride I don’t know why he said how do you really feel because I have I

Have stated quite quite frankly that I am looking forward to it um you know I Fast and Furious the franchise itself is a big franchise believe it or not I think I think a lot of people don’t see it as a huge franchise people still buy

Tickets to go see the movies at the end of the studio tour that that part of Fast and Furious you still have people losing their mind during it you know like they’re clapping they’re like oh my God that so if you have a coaster based around cars and you

Hear Dominic Toretto saying a couple things which I don’t knowto because he’s kind of in hot water right now the crew bigger the family but like oh you’re right he is in hot water he has is well Vin Diesel in hot water so why why is Vin Diesel in

Hot water well you know Vin Diesel known for saying things out of pocket things to interviewers no guys I’ll be real I got off Twitter that was like my new year wrestle like get off of Twitter I’m not I don’t want this happened before New Year’s End of 2023 um he was

Um what was it was a uh one of his old assist yeah assistants um came out and said that he like sex yeah yeah oh boy yeah like he he did he did stuff to himself in front of her is what she’s saying is what she’s

Saying yes well it’s a good thing that Tokyo Drift is my favorite Fast and Furious movie Just allna that’s right but in my opinion I I’m excited for it it’s a roller coaster I love West Coast Racers because of like the idea of like racing cars that’s the idea kind of

Coming here too I’m looking forward to it um the very first outdoor roller coaster and I say first because hippogriff don’t count I don’t care how I don’t care who I gotta fight hippogriff don’t count and and like um if you guys those who are still here if you guys haven’t seen

Video yet um the space that they’re actually carving out in the mountain is much bigger than I thought it it’s going farther down kind of towards the fire stations where they’re going to put more like uh uh support beams like they’re they’re carving into their what on Earth are you

Doing I’m fighting all the hippocrip fans who I don’t think there’s that many yeah I know no there must be because I never understand why that ride is always a longer line than Forbidden Journey right because everyone’s bowing down to Buck beak that’s why Buck bow that’s why that’s why everybody

Loves but hey I’m looking are you guys looking forward to it I don’t know family family as long as they play Tokyo Drift I’m good I 100% I’m excited for I think having this first outdoor Mega coaster is going to be super cool um people have always I think people

Have been asking me like uh how do I feel that it’s fast and the fair is themed I think you know it fits the theme perfectly you know fast cars and and family Now is it going to make sense in the location that it’s at hell no oh

It makes no sense whatsoever I talk about that all the time Springfield Springfield I have a feeling’s coming to an end there’s always those rumors Springfield’s coming an end your family yeah Springfield I mean I agree yeah they can thas that’s Disney they can remember the Marvel store that we used to be

There no yes yes yes I do remember that oh wait no remember the Marvel store with the Giant Incredible Hulk outside it’s where the production store oh Marvel comic books all things Marvel and then Disney and their little greedy Mickey Mouse gloves came and took it away from

Us they took what and this is why you should not put Steamboat Willie content on the internet thank you full circle there go there we go um so yeah I mean that that’s a whole conversation in itself one more you remember that like they went after preschool for not having licensed

Drawings of Mickey and Friends well well Lucas film’s going after right now a uh gas St no car wash in oh the car wash you that’s called Star Wash and uh Star Wash they’re done for Lucas film owned by Disney yes yes so like guys just don’t content on other stuff like don’t

Don’t don’t make horror films on Steamboat Willie come on now don’t mess with the mouth don’t mess with poke the bear let’s see what happens and of course I saw this question and I was like we got to talk about it we always love horror nights any speculation for H

I feel this year will be better than last year based off John M’s tweets I really like the um thinking is better uh this year than last year based on John M’s tweets I know oh go for it go for it go for it I have I have some Insider information

About amaz and you’re going to about to hear it first live right now I’ve spoken to John muray personally oh me that a brand new house is coming this year over a brand new title it’s an IP Mickey’s Mouse Trap it’s gonna be the brand new horor it’s gonna be crazy

Say Mickey mous trap is coming to Universal you know it’s crazy because I heard that it actually was going to be a mashup when it was going to be Mickey versus Winnie the Pooh it would be blood and trap honey like that’s there you go

I heard that’s what I like to um better than last year I mean that is that is gonna be up for uh debate because I believe last year was a really really good year very strong year so come like last year yeah last year was a pretty

Good year I thought so pretty it it was a pretty good year um so it is very much Up For Debate and only time will tell John mury yes he’s been tweeting of course he always does about tweeting he’s working on these new these new um

IPS and or or he’s working with some some IPS and he’s he’s writing the scripts and he’s finished two he’s finished two of them already um so yeah it’s it’s it’s uh it’s coming to an end I mean not an end it’s coming to a beginning actually coming to a start uh

Halloween Horror Nights you know it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s here it’s here okay why don’t we all do our most outlandish prediction hway you’ve already done one but if you want to do another one you can but I think we should start with with Mr E like give us your most like

Most outlandish prediction like out there like let’s just like swing for the fields right let’s just try and predict something like oh oh like that could actually happen yes like that would be fun if could actually happen like I’m not going to say I want a Death Eater maze like

That’s never going to happen outlandish I was like that it would never happen usually outlandish M never like not based off of anything like not based off of like oh I heard this so I’m assuming like just like um let’s go with um the uh the oh what’s it called um um

The the House of Usher boom that sh Po done Haunting of Hill House before um but the house of ush I like absolute garbage the hill house yeah way better in Orlando but we’ve always boo house is what they should have called it yeah yeah Thomas Thomas I want to hear what the guy who’s not we’re gonna have

We’re gonna have a maze return there’s gonna be a returning maze this year I’ve also felt that I felt it in my I mean would it be crazy I’m trying to think based off of because there definitely has been a shift in the past 10 years and so I would

Think that we are going to have elui come back oh do that I’m thinking after after the monstros was such a success last year I think that they are going to want to revisit those stories and I think that that is going to be fun I think that you know Danny tros

Would love to come back and to voice that character again and like you like you said Mr E we did have Laona come back like the year before that so like I think I think Eli could come back yeah it’s possible it be fun you

Know my gut wants to say The Last of Us two but when the season come out oh wait no wait wait wait it’s based on the video game video no but that’s a good point cuz like are they going to try in like when it’s hot when it’s like people are

Really wanting it when they’re really paying attention when season two comes out I don’t know that’s but that could be a good prediction too just hot off of last year yeah it was a or or or I would say when does the new Ghostbusters come out a oh bring back the Ghostbusters

That’s a good guess Frozen Empire because it’s back in New York baby that’s a great guess true because I mean and I always talk about it there is that the this the the maze or the house that is next to the Transformer or behind Transformers two

Years in a row it has been ma returning mazes returning houses so if they do want to do another returning house it’s not it’s not like it’s not outlandish and I think Ghostbusters maybe they would do the previous Ghostbusters what we’ve had before I would assume maybe I

Don’t know about could also I just thought of something because we’re talking about things that are like coming back because they’re kind of relevant saw because of Saw X coming out last year saw was that Fright Fest buddy yes oh it was at Fred Fest Universe could not do the version

Ah no I think I think uh Warner Bros has decided to go work with Six Flags buddy oh hey maybe that was just one time deal listen listen listen Tim we could talk about there’s stuff happening in the production world that might change things just let you know just let you know oh

No big old monopolies is that what you said oh oh oh Lord oh oh intriguing but I think it’s a good place to stop guys I am getting tired and I don’t know about you guys especially Thomas it’s freaking 10:30 pm it’s my B time guys um thank you all who came

Again to watch uh we enjoy very much doing this uh this is something that we’re gonna try to do every Sundays keep it on Sundays um and H yeah if you guys haven’t checked out the new video that we actually uploaded also today check that out um Thomas and O anything from you

Guys uh hopefully those of you who have started your New Year’s resolutions or haven’t yet but it’s not too late um make sure to stick with them every step counts and it’s just take it step by step it’s hard but um that’s the point of a New Year’s resolution so don’t give

Up okay go way and I I want to plug my merch go and buy my merch that hasn’t been created or C or the idea hasn’t been thought of yet but go ahead steat Wily Ste Willie merch the Steamboat Willie merch you know it’s going to be

Down there no since I hope we have an awesome new year and love Yeah well there you go ladies and gentlemen and we’re going to see you guys in the next extraordinary Adventure

This video, titled ‘PUBLIC DOMAIN VS DISNEY | The TLEV Show Ep. 17’, was uploaded by TLEV Media on 2024-01-08 15:57:21. It has garnered 145 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:43 or 5203 seconds.

Thanks for Watching! In The TLEV Show Episode 17, we talk about Steamboat Willie rights, the legality of it, Minecraft movie, Q&A, and MORE. Enjoy!

#disney #minecraftmovie #podcast ———————————————————————– Follow us on Social Media! Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: @tlevmedia ———————————————————————– Pick Your Brain Podcast – Now on Spotify! TLEV Channels: TLEV Media – TLEV Horror – Second Star – TLEV Pops! –

Outro Song for TLEV Media channel: Uninvited – Mid-Day Moon For business inquiries: [email protected] TLEV Media: ———————————————————————– Follow all of TLEV! Thomas – Instagram: Twitter: Mr. E – Instagram: Twitter: Joshua – Instagram: Twitter:

  • Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft

    Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft In Minecraft, I craft a graveyard so grand, A house for the pastor, in my city’s land. Improving the catacombs, a spooky delight, In my own survival server, shining bright. The Iron golem statue, a sight to behold, Check out the video, if you’re feeling bold. My English may falter, but my gameplay’s strong, Join me in Minecraft, where we all belong. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style!

    Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style! Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all skill levels. With a dedicated community of gamers and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s always something exciting happening on the server. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an active community, unique gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out this awesome YouTube video showcasing an incredible Ben 10 addon. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind, it’s a testament to the creativity and excitement that Minecraft can bring. So why should you join Minewind? Well, with a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily… Read More

  • Minecraft Redstone Tricks

    Minecraft Redstone Tricks Exploring Useful Redstone Builds in Minecraft Embark on a journey of creativity and innovation with these two useful Redstone builds in Minecraft. Dive into the world of possibilities and let your imagination run wild as you discover the power of Redstone in this popular sandbox game. Useful Redstone Build 1 Witness the magic of Redstone as you delve into the intricacies of building a functional contraption that will elevate your gameplay experience. Learn how to manipulate Redstone components to create a mechanism that serves a practical purpose within the game. Unleash your engineering skills and watch as your creation… Read More

  • Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal – Minecraft

    Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal - Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Zoonomaly Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Zoonomaly Portal. Discover a world filled with unique creatures and exciting challenges waiting to be conquered. Join the quest to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic realm! Unleashing the Zoonomaly Portal Step into the Zoonomaly Portal and be transported to a realm unlike any other in Minecraft. Encounter a variety of friendly cows that roam the landscape, each with its own special abilities and characteristics. Explore the lush environment and interact with these fascinating creatures to uncover hidden treasures and surprises…. Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exhilarating Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a Minecraft race with a 1000 TL prize, you may have been inspired to join in on the fun and excitement. And what better place to experience thrilling adventures and challenges than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community of players, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Ghost Secrets

    Minecraft's Sneaky Ghost Secrets The Spooky World of Minecraft Ghosts Did you know that ghosts in Minecraft are not your average spooky specters? These ethereal beings have some unique characteristics that set them apart from other mobs in the game. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft ghosts and uncover some interesting facts about these elusive creatures. Speedy Spirits Ghosts in Minecraft are known for their incredible speed, making them the fastest mobs in the game (excluding bosses like the end dragon and the wither). These spectral beings can travel at an impressive speed of 20.83 blocks per second, making them a… Read More

  • Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft

    Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft The Fascinating World of Minecraft Good morning everyone, I’m CrizPlay. Today we will immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of Minecraft. If you’re new to this game or just want to find out what makes it so special, you’ve come to the right place! A Brief History of Minecraft First, let’s go back a little in time, when Windows 7 and XP were still used. Minecraft was created by Markus Persson, also known as Notch. The game was released in 2011 and has since grown to become one of the most popular games in history. The World of Minecraft… Read More

  • Efat Craft Techz – Ultimate Freakshow Madness! #MinecraftAnimation

    Efat Craft Techz - Ultimate Freakshow Madness! #MinecraftAnimationVideo Information [Music] turn the club into a freak Show This video, titled ‘Freakshow. Minecraft Animated video. #MinecraftAnimation#AnimatedShort#MinecraftShort#MinecraftArt’, was uploaded by Efat Craft Techz on 2024-03-23 05:52:26. It has garnered 19 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Freakshow. Minecraft Animated video. #MinecraftAnimation#AnimatedShort#MinecraftShort#minecraftart “New Minecraft Animated Video: Freakshow!” “Watch Freakshow – Minecraft Animation!” “Freakshow: Minecraft Animated Short!” “Check Out Freakshow – Minecraft Animation!” “Enjoy Freakshow: Minecraft Animated Video!” “Freakshow – New Minecraft Animation!” Minecraft shorts Minecraft Animation minecraft video #MinecraftAnimation #MinecraftCartoon #MinecraftAnimatedShort #MinecraftAnimator #MinecraftAnimationSeries #MinecraftAnimationArt #MinecraftAnimationCommunity #MinecraftAnimationCreators #MinecraftAnimationFun #MinecraftAnimationMagic #MinecraftAnimationWorld #MinecraftAnimationStudio #MinecraftAnimationStyle #MinecraftAnimationProject… Read More

  • Survival Challenge: Mind Roar 🙀👹

    Survival Challenge: Mind Roar 🙀👹Video Information अरे छोटू तुमको किसने बंक बना लिया अरे मैं भी क ो गई तुम दोनों को मैं भलो ले जाऊंगी हे भगवान इस चुड़ैल से हमारी रक्षा करो This video, titled ‘क्या ये लोग बच पाएंगे ? 🙀👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 03:30:02. It has garnered 226 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani 게임 Minecraft Minecraft Sisters Maizen Ichi Micky maizen jj viral Minecraft Minecraft anime… Read More

  • Crazy! Villager Rod Up Butt in Minecraft #viral #subscribe

    Crazy! Villager Rod Up Butt in Minecraft #viral #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft villager got the rod on his but #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by TG gaming on 2024-05-02 04:51:48. It has garnered 7244 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Updates in Your MC City 5 #OMG #MustSee

    Mind-Blowing Updates in Your MC City 5  #OMG #MustSeeVideo Information pembe turuncu kırmızı laleler var çabuk gidelim ıslanıyor bunlara çadır koymak lazım hepsi sandık Gerçi Bunların çoğu yazlık ev gibi This video, titled ‘Minecraft şehrizdeki gelişmeler 5 #macera #komik’, was uploaded by Benvedat on 2024-01-13 18:07:14. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT is a creativity game that I particularly like. We will have fun together with it and other different games. Everyone is invited to my minecraft city, which I tried to make myself. Inside, excitement and adventures, houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE SMP Server 24/7 🔥 #minecraftlive

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE SMP Server 24/7 🔥 #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब तो गाइस सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम पर तो जिसने भी लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक नहीं किया फटाक लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक कर दीजिए तो गा सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम पर तो जिसने भी लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक नहीं कि ला को लाइक कर तो गा लाइक करना भी कंपलसरी है मैंने आपको बताया है सबको ठीक है रु देख हे गेमर स्वागत है स्त तो य दे मा ओपन करता हूं तीन लोग देख रहे फटा लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक कर दीजिए लाइक थैंक य आज ला पा लाइक एक घंटे पा… Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Kill! Bloodfallen vs Davil | Minecraft Animation

    Insane Herobrine Kill! Bloodfallen vs Davil | Minecraft AnimationVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Bloodfallen in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-14 01:30:10. It has garnered 5919 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill Bloodfallen in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if… Read More

  • Sasuke Monarch’s insane Minecraft Live SMP chaos! Join now!

    Sasuke Monarch's insane Minecraft Live SMP chaos! Join now!Video Information शुरू हो गई चेक करकेरा होने तो एक जग नेट नहीं चल रहा स्म पहले देख स में कोई भी नहीं क्या अच्छ मैं आ गया सर्वर में सर्वर के अंदर कोई भी नहीं है भाई है सवर के अंदर इंट्रो तो देने दे यार मेरे को आ स के अंदर यो ् गा आपका स्वागत है आज हमा में और आज खेलने वाले मा और आज हमारी लाइ रिलीज होने वाली है तो चलिए उसम खेलते निको आप कुछ कहना चाहते हो इस बारे में नहीं भाई मे को तो बहुत मजा आएगा वसे स खेलने में… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Watermelon Minigames // Guard Raffle

    Insane Minecraft Watermelon Minigames // Guard RaffleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonoyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yüksek ödüllü Minigames // Guard Çekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-15 02:53:01. It has garnered 423 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:05 or 5525 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by Weuo on 2024-03-06 13:35:52. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:12 or 4092 seconds. Im witerally playing minecraft if u tryna pay me heres the link my friends links Ven: Za_Gaming: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play… Read More

  • Passerines Network

    Passerines NetworkNEW! ETHEREAL REALM – Build your own town, Fight for the throne! Ethereal Realms is a PvPvE capture the throne RPG game that is built around a magical fantasy and medieval theme. The weapons in this game includes giant greatswords, sabers, bow, crossbow, magical items such as wands, magic staffs, spells, mounts such as dragons, basilisks, leviathans and griffins. Lead your people, build a town from the grounds up, create an alliance and take the throne. Whoever named king shall wield the Excalibur and rule the realm. VELOCITY – Fast-paced Melee & Gun PvP Take on the role of an… Read More

  • SagesCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla

    SagesCraft SMP SagesCraft SMP offers a unique Minecraft experience where you can explore your building skills, create farms, build redstone contraptions, and make friends in a survival-focused environment. Features: A friendly community No admin abuse A long-term server An engaging experience Join the Discord for more information: We hope to see you on SagesCraft! Read More

  • FairyWorld Vanilla +

    FairyWorld Vanilla +**FairyWorld** is a **Vanilla +** type server. This server is aimed at players interacting with each other without the intervention of administrators. On our server, people unite into cities, unions and clans. The players on our server are adequate, and our active moderation bans griefers. **The server is young, but there are already an average of 11 people online in the evening!****Since our server is “vanilla+”, we have a lot of cool mechanics!**- Custom enchantments- Custom fishing- Souls and soul abilities- Alcohol- New structures- Pumping characteristics||To get to the server you need to go to the DS in my profile… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every small smp drama ever

    Minecraft Memes - Every small smp drama everEvery small smp server needs a designated sheep herder to keep those wooly troublemakers in line! That’s how you know it’s a truly successful community. Read More

  • NICO’s Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived!

    NICO's Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived! In Hardcore Minecraft, as Nico I spawned, A baby in shock, my partner Cash gone. Surviving 100 days, a daunting task, But with skill and luck, I’ll surely last. Join my Discord, where we plan and scheme, To create epic videos, a Minecraft dream. Rhyming updates, with humor and flair, Keeping the audience engaged, with stories rare. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Crafting Minecraft news, like a gaming king. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this hardcore world, let the rhymes begin! Read More

  • Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue… para o Nether! 🔥

    Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue... para o Nether! 🔥 “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities Read More

  • Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA

    Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: Controlling Cars in the Game 🚗 Are you a fan of Minecraft and love exploring new features in the game? If so, you might be excited to learn about the latest addition to Minecraft – the ability to control cars! In this article, we will delve into this exciting new feature and explore how it enhances the gameplay experience for Minecraft enthusiasts. Introducing Car Controls in Minecraft With the introduction of car controls in Minecraft, players now have the opportunity to navigate the vast world of Minecraft in style. Whether you’re cruising through lush forests or speeding across… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? While watching the latest YouTube video on the one block Minecraft pocket edition map, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. Imagine taking that excitement to the next level by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking to explore new horizons, challenge your survival skills, and connect with a diverse gaming community, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. With a wide range of gameplay options, from survival mode to house building to crafting challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Playing ROBLOX Horror Map ‘DOORS’ in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】

    Playing ROBLOX Horror Map 'DOORS' in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】 Exploring the Fusion of Minecraft and Roblox: The Doors Map When it comes to the world of gaming, the fusion of different platforms and games can lead to exciting new experiences. One such example is the Doors map, originally a popular horror map in Roblox, now available for play in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The Doors Map: A High-Quality Experience The Doors map is renowned for its high-quality design and immersive gameplay. Players who enjoyed the map in Roblox can now delve into its mysteries in the Minecraft universe. The transition from one platform to another has brought a fresh… Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!

    Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found Quailman & Bison – Minecraft Animal Adventures (Ep 17)’, was uploaded by Erose on 2024-04-07 17:20:12. It has garnered 375 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. Hey… I have a ton of pixel animals and I need to build homes for them. What animals will we find today? Today we find Quailman! A cute little quail buddy that lays eggs. Not all hero’s wear capes, ok. We also find a bison! Today we cook some waffles and find some tropical fruits. Minecraft Animal Adventures with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Massive Secret Build

    Minecraft's Massive Secret BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Biggest Minecraft Build I’ve Ever Made’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-03-21 20:14:33. It has garnered 2268 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:05 or 9425 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Hypixel’s minigames! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More


    INSANE 2b2t BATTLE: DONFUER DOMINATESVideo Information This video, titled ‘The LARGEST battle in 2b2t history’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-18 19:42:41. It has garnered 1522 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Dangerous battles happen on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft #2b2t Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍

    EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft ep 2 “Playing Minecraft survival world ;)”‘, was uploaded by Arnapy on 2024-02-26 14:56:40. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:22 or 2782 seconds. !this is a recording of the stream! another stream alone:(( but I hope you’ll like my content:))) also if you want more content when subscribe and follow me on twich(still don’t know why i can’t put a link, it’s says that i need to build a history) PS: here will be not only recordings of the stream, so follow for… Read More


    BOMBAY KA JAY - EPIC 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Join My New Survival Smp BedRock + Javaedition Cracked 24/7 online public smp live’, was uploaded by BOMBAY KA JAY on 2023-12-28 12:58:27. It has garnered 613 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. Upi I’d – jayislive@fam #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcpe #gaming #live #minecraftsurvival #JAYISLIVE #jayislive Minecraft #GamerFleet #MinecraftHindi #THEHEROSSMP #JAYARMY JOIN JAY ARMY WHATSAPP CHANNEL 👇 JOIN TELEGRAM 👇 Discord link 👇 MY INSTAGRAM👇 Vlog Channel 👇 2nd Channel 👇 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • Get FREE Donuts on SMP – Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLuke

    Get FREE Donuts on SMP - Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLukeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating bases/Grinding?Giveaways … DONUT SMP!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by ItzLuke on 2024-03-03 03:35:46. It has garnered 155 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. #donutsmp #cpvp #minecraft #live #vanillaplus #legendtoken #giveaway #endcrystal Read More


    EPIC FACECAM SHOWDOWN: HIVE vs ZEQAVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE AND ZEQA LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-03-17 03:16:36. It has garnered 3419 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:27 or 6387 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE FACTOR - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Battle Factor’, was uploaded by BATTLE FACTOR on 2024-03-24 21:24:11. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:40 or 2920 seconds. Epic Moments Of Biggest Indian Gamers | Techno Gamerz | Battle Factor Hello Guys… 🙏 Thankyou so much for watching my video… ● Watch,share and Comment ● Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments! ● Don’t forget to subscribe my channel to help us reach to 1,00,000 Subscribers ❤ Second Channel : Like Us… Read More

  • UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥

    UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️’, was uploaded by ENTRO GAMERZ on 2024-04-15 15:13:17. It has garnered 453 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:32 or 692 seconds. মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP 16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️ #mincraft #mincraft game #mincraft 100 days #mincraft smp#mincraft Bangla #mincraft gamplay #mincraft survival seerise welcome Gyez ————🥰 Instagram: Mincraft Bangla gamplay 👇👇 video: ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ About: Entrogamerz is a YouTub Channel,Where find gaming video in Bangla, I hope this video was Usefull and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded vanilla

    Harmony Survival Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Discover true vanilla gameplay on Harmony Reloaded. Join a community focused on exploration, creativity, and friendship without toxic chat or pay-to-win mechanics. Experience the magic of Minecraft in its purest form. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and readable chat Active moderation against toxicity Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard Hosting: US West World Border: +/- 40,000 for player interaction Watch our trailer here Read More

  • InfernalSMP

    InfernalSMPCustom ItemsMinesLifeStealCratesBattlePassPVP ArenaJOIN NOW AT: infernalsmp.minecraft.bestDISCORD: JAVA Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft, What in Block World is This?

    Looks like this Minecraft meme got hit with a critical fail in the popularity department! Read More