Shocking Ulandos Movie – Season 1 Minecraft AVP

Video Information

Hello everyone Y and I’m going to start a AP let’s play uh and it going to involve nothing but survival nothing but survival not even me to go into creative to show you the creative items it’s going to be pure survival and it’s just going to be a

Let’s play basically as I said and I’m going to be using basically Forge mod loader uh sorry Minecraft Forge shaders Tinkers Construct AP mod um animated player mod the morph mod the and portal gun and possibly the ropes mod although I might get rid of that soon all right so might as well

Start uh I you may have seen some previous episodes of another series I was doing the let’s play tutorial series uh just thinking I might just start a new one where it’s a littleit a little bit different to the the tutorial Series where you just see me play through um AP

Mod like all properly so let’s play AVP and I’m going to allow cheats on generate structures on will type default bonus chest on and doesn’t really matter with that because I could go off on doesn’t matter like if I really wanted to cheat which I’m not going to I could easily just

Open to land so why not okay so let’s go I don’t know if that’s it that’s going to do anything all right create new world now I will explain most of the things I’m doing uh you don’t really need to pay much attention to the other mods the one

Which you should be paying attention to is the AVP mod um although I only install the other mods to Aid me in progressing through the survival stages a lot more quickly than usual so uh I’m I’m usually going to skip most of the mining I do um but for the first

Episode I guess you can just watch me mine and I’ll not speak because that’s usually what happens when I mine don’t know what to talk about um yeah so uh one of the mods in the um little combination I got at the moment is the morph mod and that will allow me to

Change into all different creatures so as I kill a creature I obtain its morph and I can turn into that creature also uh do tell me if you want to see anything come from this series I mean like if you have any suggestions or

If you have any ideas it’s all up to you it’s all up to you guys cuz I am making this because what number one I enjoy playing Minecraft with modded to hell and number two I really enjoy people responding to everything that I put up and it just

Makes me happy knowing that people are enjoying watching my videos so yep tree punching every Minecraft let’s play has it okay I may turn off shaders uh every every episode or so um just to avoid excessive lag so just for now it’s fine though CU I don’t really have that much going on

Okay and so the other you may notice the book in my first slot um as I said you don’t really need to pay attention to all the other mods that I explain or whatever although um I’m going to anyway uh the book I have in my first slot is the

Tinker construct starting book shows you how to make all the starting um starting items for the mod but we won’t worry about that yet I might I might might do that off camera tell me if you want to see me do these sort of things on camera or not why are you doing

That oh holy crap am I in a cave what’s going on shaders none is that going to work what’s going on okay I can see now wow right so shaders a little bit buggy when you’re mining all right so I’ll leave shaders off for this episode although yeah just keep in

Mind that I won’t be mining like this and not talking for the rest of the other episodes cuz you know no one likes to see that okay so pretty much first thing I want to do is start mining everything I see uh by everything I mean everything Stone

Dirt well obviously Stone and dirt but um the AP mod ores uh silicon uh titanium which is comes from box atite I think and I’m not sure what one is okay let’s grab a stone axe I’m pretty sure fake face hugus do appear in the jungle more often

Than ever so I think I’m going to want to prob probably try and set up a house as soon as I can cuz the AVP mod is very very unforgiving in survival the mon the the aliens are just very powerful especially if you have no armor so are we on yep

Okay we’re on hard that adds to everything let’s put out the sound a bit okay maybe that’s too much all right now let’s make a shovel okay actually instead of building a house I’m just going to dig into the ground it’s the best way to start it

Off okay I assume this could probably beang this can just be our house for now oh wonderful it’s just what I’ve always wanted cave systems they’re okay but not for making my house in okay I’ve put on my air conditioner cuz here in Australia we’re in summer right

Now and the degree the amount of degrees that are is hitting us is just ridiculous so tell me if that gets to you um of course I’ll upload this before I upload any others so I can see some feedback okay so I guess just want a little bit more

Wood now if you don’t want to see this sort of let’s play I do have um that other tutorial Series where I skip everything got to do with um vanilla Minecraft sort of and obtaining everything although some people like to watch this sort of thing so personally I

Don’t but you know other people do so you know everyone’s different all right this is copper ore from you guessed it tin is construct and if it’s not I look like such a [ __ ] well I don’t I can’t think of any other mods that I have installed which would have couple or

So okay we’re doing good I want to avoid cave systems at every single cost I possibly can because there is the smallest chance that they may contain an Xeno hiive and we don’t want to come across one of them yet actually for quite a bit cuz they are just hell they’re hell on

Earth okay uh let’s drop down here there we go I will explore those caves once I have some sort of armor oh here we go first thing this is uh what is it uh Titanium or yep whoa jeez oh what do we have down there let’s

Get down there no no no I’m falling into the Trap of getting curious of oh oh God no got to go back up let me get some more torches okay it’s night time that’s not good whatsoever let’s quickly grab back crafting table and Chuck you there and we’ll cover up

The top here and you starve to death on hard don’t you that’s wonderful all right let’s quickly set up this stuff um make two of you let’s Chuck you all in there now let’s go see if we can well isn’t that Wonder right let’s go see if we can kill

That pig out here outside okay as soon as I seeting Xeno though I’m running for the hills now you’re okay give me some rotten flesh okay that’s too many creepers way too many all right come on really not even into AP yet and everything’s already like spitting everything out of

Me all right I think we’re done oh holy crap no no no no jeez okay that was a close one now let’s just not go out there for now it’s terrifying out there okie dokie let wait here and cook up some food I did not need to make that many but

Whatever uh let’s use some wood to cook up the stuff come on pork chop thank you sweet now I will be back I just got to try to figure out what’s causing this lag hello we are back and I’m giving the shaders one more try hopefully it’s going to work work hopefully all

Right um what what we doing oh yes I remember not dying okay so what have I got so far two titanium okay cool I’m just going to smelt that up and make a titanium sword why not let’s just craft the strongest sword in the game in the first

Episode and this sword is from the AVP mod by the way just in case you’re wondering I can hear zombies out there and I don’t like it all right let’s craft the strongest sword in the game oh yep we need sticks um hopefully the lag’s a little

Better I did just take like a 3-hour break in between recording and I cleaned out the whole computer my whole computer just had so much dust in it did did that air compressor little tricky tricko thing when you get lag all right okay well we have a Celtic sword let’s go

Outside there and [ __ ] them up a little dark but that’s okay hello looks like I’m in the 1950s hello Mr zombie twoot I’m two shotting them at the moment and that is just uh something from the morph mod see as you can see you can favor it so oh

[ __ ] okay maybe I shouldn’t explain morph mod in the middle of the pitch Blackness during a nighttime session okay well that was horrible okie dokie well I I do want to get like see I just changed into a creeper didn’t I see this is what the morb

Does anyway I do want to get some mining done on camera so you should actually do think I am well not makes it sound like I’m cheating so you think I’m mining no I’m so you actually do see that I’m mining um as I said if you don’t want to watch

This you don’t have to but first episode will contain lots of money so now that we have the best sword in the game within like 5 minutes of playing let’s grab some steak and we’ll cook you up and you there we go all right let’s continue um H actually one thing before we

Continue just want to get this started uh actually no I’ll pass on it you L us stop stop changing your mind so much I can’t help it I Was Born This Way Okie doie well the Torches I really like this Shader makes it seem like it’s real it’s cool

All right we can go here now since I can kill everything oh hello there I think I automatically change into anything I kill so that’s a little bit annoying probably change that in a config file or something although whatever well well well this is a lot better isn’t it I can actually see

Okay also tell me if you want to get rid of me to get rid of the Shader I like having her though cuz it makes everything look so realistic sorry makes the lighting looks so realistic it enhances the lighting and the Shadows to the point at which I want to je okie

Dokie let’s bump up the Bri oh no it’s already on full brightness wow okay nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing at all let’s grab that that looks nice what is it uh it’s iron the textures a little bit strange when you break things whilst you got the

Shader going on so just ignore that those things are from Tinker tinker’s construct uh they basically give you like one nugget for instance if I break it make sure there’s No Monsters around last time I tried explaining a mod creeper tried to murder me all right so these berries you place

Them then they eventually grow and then they give you these and you smelt them up into nuggets and then nine of those will get you one Ingot of whatever berry bush it is so that’s cool is this diamond shards or silicon H ho okay nine

Of them equals a diamond so if you’re a cheap skate you can use them for diamond these are from the AP mod all right and there’s some more titanium awesome all I need now is um actually I could probably get some pretty good Armor All I need to find is

Black wool and then I can make some marine armor it’s probably the most simplest and strangest recipe I’ve ever seen in a mod no offense r five uks sorry if I mispronounced your name again I always probably do it and Ry Five Five O is the mod

Developer for alien vper mod and he’s awesome I even heard about something he’s thinking of adding but I I’m not sure if I allowed to say it’s a secret sh all right we need another pick H that was too far okay there it is all right let’s just make ourselves an

Iron pick wait how much titanium do we have okay let’s make ourselves a titanium pick sweet well that’s awesome gosh didn’t even think I needed all these other mods just to Traverse through the survival process a little bit easier alien vers prodor tools are just

Boss okay I think I have enough for the pick now just need some more wood okay if I remember correctly it was just like that wasn’t it nope uh one more needed four one down there three across got you the titanium pick Celtic pickaxe I shut up same

Thing and I might as well just get the shovel as well while minute that’s not it it’s like that shovel sweet okay you can piss off you can piss off you can piss off you can piss off you you you you you you you actually let’s cook you up and make a chest

Plate I’m going to need more wood so this is what I usually do off camera I smel things and mine yep first episode’s always a [ __ ] okay let’s cheuck in some iron get a chest plate nice oh that looks so fancy look at me well it’s a little bit too cramped

But you get the you get the IDE the mod that adds those animations is the animated player mod and I might as well just place them and they don’t grow any light but this I’ll do this just to cheat let’s get ourselves um leggings next there we goo I look fancy

Okay now the next thing to do is to go back down there and keep mining but I need my food now let me check I’m pretty sure I can craft a pistol although someone I want to put off and crafting weapons uh sorry um yeah weapons for at the moment

Like Firearms cuz they’re a little bit buggy in survival mode from AVP uh how would I make a yeah I’d need some titanium aluminium gunpowder and some more iron to even make a pistol so and it’s ammo on top of that so I won’t worry about that yet what I have so far

It’s fine this is aluminium from tinker’s construct uh as I said don’t really need to know about that but whatever um okay hello Mr creeper what are you doing there well I’m just going to bypass you oh maybe not bypass you don’t take it personally but I just don’t like you

Okay that the shaders makes that place look like a bottomless pit that’s horrible okay well we’ll trade it as a bottomless pit let’s go down more as you can see the mining speed of this thing is ridiculous it’s awesome copper okay hello another creeper is that the same creeper nope of course

Not what’s over here oh wonderful skeleton this just gets better and better and now I’m getting lag whoa FPS just dropped to one jeez never seen it that bad yeah as I said before it is summer here and not sure how the Americans would rate it although it gets up to

About 30 37° c um on the average day in summer over here in Australia so it’s horrible and that’s really not good for when I’m trying to record uh videos cuz my computer as it is has a tough time dealing with temperature as it is basically yes so it’s no

Good thought I had an explosion sorry the okay so I think that’s about it for this episode I’ll wrap it wrap it up around here um be sure to leave feedback what you think of their current Ser uh sorry the current episode at the moment

Also tell me what you think of the other series which one do you like better the one where I skip all this [ __ ] basically or the one where I do all this [ __ ] basically so yeah feedbacks much appreciated that’s like necessary if I’m starting out a new series

So yeah all right I’m going to keep on mining for a while and rage quit soon cuz it’s too hot way too hot switched off the air conditioner as well just to make recording less obnoxious okay well thank you for watching I will see you next episode hello everyone welcome back to

Episode two of my AP let’s play uh since the last episode I’ve downloaded a few extra mods um the few extra mods are Nei which you’ll see in a minute um uh what else uh We’ve downloaded a new mod I just came across recently which is really

Useful um but we won’t get into it yet and that’s about it yeah so those two mods are Aid me in the AVP let’s play Okay so let’s continue what we were doing I didn’t mine as much I did pause the game and I came across a dungeon I

Wanted to do this on camera cuz they’re always fun nope I want to stay bat oh glitchy let’s go back into bat form okay so let’s just kill these guys you should see how strong this sword is first off okay so anyi is basically this thing it shows you how to

Craft everything and what you can do with everything so see if I click everywhere you can see everything okay so let’s see what we get okay that’s okay I guess come on yes ah [ __ ] yes we got a portal gun I was hoping we’d get that really

Early Ah that’s why I wanted to record this yes perfect perfect perfect perfect all right well there’s a few things the portal gun can do it can pick up blocks it can put portals that’s about it okay So this episode I wanted to get get the initial setup for mining going on um I wanted to set up some of some tools from a certain mod some tools from a certain mod which will allow me to mine a lot quicker so then by the next episode I’d have a lot more

Materials so what I’m going to do is I’m going to pick up this spawner I’m going to kidnap this spawner and take it with me and let’s get back out of this mine can’t remember which way I went uh was it this way no nope now I’m going to use the spawner

For a few things after especially got to do with AVP because there’s an evolution system that oh I need that all right cuz there’s an evolution system in AP which allows the Xenomorphs to uh what’s it called basically evolutionize so how the hell did I get in here I’m so

Confused maybe this is the way out no maybe yes oh there we go I think this is the way out yep yeah so if I can feed all these zombies to some Xenomorphs um they’ll end up where the hell can I put this for now

You go there yeah if I can feed this to some Xenomorphs that’ll evolve and uh the main key is to to try get them to evolve into a zomorph queen okay so once again sorry for um putting on the air conditioner as I said in the last episode like I I tried

Recording without the air conditioner but the amount of heat which is radiating in this room is ridiculous cuz in Australia it’s summer blah blah blah okay so put up with it or don’t watch cuz I was literally drenching in my own Sweat by not trying to record without it on Okay

So let’s make our own little base well first of all I’m going to dump off all this stuff all right now let’s Chuck a portal here and let’s also Chuck on shaders cuz I had shaders off cuz when I mine it’s a lot easier to see um then if I go

To uh here I put it to about 85 I usually do that cuz it’s easier to see for me okay well we need some we need some clay which is going to be a [ __ ] to find so let’s try find some clay hello there would mind some ink socks either

It was useful ooh looks so pretty it’s too pretty actually I can’t see anything hello there H too pretty let’s maybe switch it down to light there we go it’s a little bit better can see better and is the water still NOP the water’s still Derpy all right

See actually I might have to just switch it to off shaders for now cuz otherwise I won’t be able to see in the water all right so we need clay sand and thing I want to make is grout gravel sand and clay all right I’ll get some sand and clay and then

I’ll be back cuz um I don’t want to really focus too much on any the other mods except AVP cuz this is an AVP let’s play so yeah I’ll be back once I got enough okay so I am about to go home now and I just wanted to show you uh I don’t

Think I mentioned before I got the imbat mo since last episode I’m not sure if I had it already last episode or not I just just going to remind you there um and I’m trying to find some rare things anything rare I don’t know like a village or something because they

Usually always have something fancy okay so anyway if I wanted to go home now now that I have this sweet ass thing I’ll just go find a wall first or make a wall there we go then go through and we’re back home awesome that and anytime we want to

Continue exploring just go through there right so I I’m not sure if I got any gravel H there should be some gravel down here anyway anyway what what I got to do is I going to mix all them together and then I got to smelt them and then they

Give me sear bricks and then these sear bricks give me all these different components so I’ll be back once I’ve got enough seared bricks and then I’ll continue from there all right I’m recording again and you would not believe what I found it’s not this guy it’s not those guys either actually it

Kind of is but for God’s sake jeez getting slaughtered down here okay one two three here we go oh no no no no no no all right one two holy crap three here we go all right I found a if I can get to it before I die found another

One I found another one oh God they’re going to kill me they’re going to kill me they’re going to oh no no no no no no no no go away no okay okay see what we get wow okay really two port gonss in in a row I

Don’t I don’t even need that other portal gun but I’ll keep it anyway all right that’s nice well sort of cool well I’ve got enough gravel now so it’s time to get out of here I’m going to snatch this guy as well actually no let me do this oh

[ __ ] let me put the portal home there let me grab this walk backwards through the portal and then we have our skeleton spawner which can go right there I’ll move that into the into there so cramped at the moment you going to fit no come on you can fit there we go

It’s fitting now nice all right oh I should prob probably close that up all right so now I’m going to make my Mystic routes and I’m pretty sure you just have to do that and that gets you gr nice all right I’ll be back all right as

Everything’s smelting I just want to do this on camera um I’m going to set up a chest here then I’m going to set up a hopper here so now that anything smelted will automatically go into the hopper then it’ll automatically go into the chest so let’s get Back Up

And also I’ve set up a hopper on top so then I just Chuck everything I want to smelt in there sorry then I just wait and it’ll do its job all right so everything’s nearly done smelting up just waiting on like 20 iron I think um I’m gathering wood now

Because I know I’m going to need it um show you what I’m about to use it for that should be enough all right now let’s get back into our house and close up the top okay so how’s our iron doing that’s nice all right so we are going to want

To craft a tool Forge which requires four blocks of iron a tool station and seared bricks also we’re going to need a tool station uh well I won’t go through this cuz it’ll take a while um I think I have the book which shows you everything you need there we

Goth I don’t think I’ll need it yet all right so we’re going to need like a few sticks and then we’re going to need some blank patterns and then we’re going to want this which is a part builder then we’re going to want some more of these I want a crafting table a

Chest then put another blank pattern get us a patent chest then another blank pattern get us a stencil table and then crafting table with the blank pattern will get us a craft uh sorry tool station then the iron should nearly be done actually should be all

Done now there we go all right so let’s upgrade this guy uh where is he yeah so the tool station can only allows you to only craft a certain amount of items but as soon as you upgrade it to the tool Forge you can start crafting gigantic items like a hammer so I’m

Going to need three of them I got a new book cuz um I crafted that then voila and Tool station and three across get us a tool Forge nice all right let’s put that there um then we’re going to want our part Builder probably right here put our patent chest right next to

It now this is the thing which I make shapes out of uh you’ll see in a second then the stencil table can go here I guess this is where I make the shape patterns all right so say I wanted to make a gigantic Hammer to Blast Away

Terrain as our mine I’m going to need the following Hammerhead pattern large plate um that’s tough for a tough tool Rod we’re going to need one where the is here we go sou tool road you can check what you need for all the different there’s lots of things you can craft but

I’m going for this thing all right so we going to need a lot of Cobble obviously I can’t make it out of iron or anything because uh well not obviously I mean if you don’t know what the mod is you don’t know what I’m talking about

But trust me you can’t make it out of metals yet you need to build like a massive Forge to melt the metals and which I just can’t do at the moment so I’m just going to use Stone all right so I’m going to use these stencils in

Here and make two Stone large plates which is 16 Cobble one Hammerhead cast sorry doesn’t matter which way which one you put it in stone Hammer headcast then I’m going to want a tough tool Rod there we go and then we can store all the those this connects to that you can

Store them in there all right and then craft the Hammer as so let’s uh weakling cuz it is pretty much of a weak Hammer but what I can do ow that’s not what I can do see ow so I can mine in a 3X3 area of course

It didn’t mine up there cuz there was dirt there can also do 3×3 shovel uh 3×3 axe as well it’s all different things you even craft custom swords bows chisels signs battle signs pants shovels axes scythes it’s just so much but you know we don’t really need to

Craft any of the the following all right so anytime this breaks as well see like that just Chuck in some more Cobble sorry like that and I repair it using that there we go now I can go mining like a boss finally and before I do that I’m going to make

Sure how am I doing on Silicon I was hoping I could make some Predator armor but I don’t think I can now I need four silicon okay all right so now I am going to go mining with this thing all right let’s put all this stuff away actually I wanted to craft some

Armor which armor do I already have all right I just need a helmet and uh boots there we go sweet okay I’ve brought some buckets along with me cuz I’m going to want to try to find some uh lava which I won’t explain at the moment although I’m going to want lava

Eventually all right I’ll be right back I’m going to go mining for a while okay so I’ve found some lava which I was really hoping to find ow and I’m going to fill up some buckets of it that’s not what I was meant to do but oh [ __ ] whatever got those buckets for

Free anyway Um well chuck all that in there I guess there not much we can do all right let’s let get our seed bricks and make about 16 of them now let’s make uh actually let’s first make a chest to store all this [ __ ] there we go that’ll do okay so let’s first

Get tinker’s construct up so I can see what items I need all right I need a seed tank which is just glass surrounded by that seed brick then I need a smeltery drain and a casting table um a drain then one of these then one of these that’s it all right

Now let’s go set up our new little ow ow ow our new little smel thingy over here and this will double all all most of our vanilla ores so I’m really looking forward to this so let’s do one two 3 one two three one two three then you go

Three on each side which I think I might need more we’ll see uh one of these needs to be the smeltery thingy my job ji J job whatever uh then we need the smeltery controller let’s open up this a bit and change this to the drain and let’s put a foret there no

That’s not it little bit cramped but you know whatever actually let’s open up this bit bit there we go okay um and our smeltery controller can go sorry SMY drain can go here let’s craft a few more bricks then this can go there that can go there and then we need a casting

Table then we need to connect this onto the drain no there we go and now it should be working now all we got to do is supply lava and then we can start melting down out Wass but before we do that I got to get something got to mix together these

Certain things there going to mix together some copper and some aluminium that’ll give us an ouch in get cast which I’ll skip straight to as soon as they melt down okay now we have copper and aluminium smelted together makes a new type of metal called aluminium brass and now I’ve got to do

Is I’m not sure I’m very curious to see if this will work with a vanilla in uh sorry AP Ingot no it doesn’t you usually only works with uh the like the pro already programmed ingots let’s see we’ll work with this yeah there we go just create an Ingot cast and

Now if we wanted to we could smelt up iron in there and then pour the iron into Ingot casts and then that’ll give us iron ingots although there is an easier way to do this if you’re trying to smelt top things in bulk use a casting bton

Then you just pour all of um pour nine of whatever you want into there uh let’s get a few more seed bricks and that’ll make a complete block then that’ll give you just the ingots so yeah this is going to be my new method of doubling all my ores so

Now that I’ve got all this done I can go off camera and start actually having fun mining cuz that’s the one thing I hate about vanilla mining once you do all the mining you can’t double it but now I can thanks to these mods and by the way

These things give you experience if I haven’t already said okay and I will see you next episode if you enjoy the episode please leave a like um so I actually know you did enjoy the episode and a comment uh I did I did read all the comments in the last video um which

Were only like two but I took them into account uh sorry I didn’t use the shaders as much it’s because well if to be honest look I mean when you use the shaders that’s I’m just not so much used to it and me yeah it’s okay but every because um when you use

Shaders with a whole bunch of mods which don’t really uh which aren’t really developed to be alongside shaders it starts glitching up a bit so anyway tell me what you think I’ll see you next episode bye-bye hello everyone this is Jan yolandas here and welcome back to episode three of the

AP let’s play I’ve been mining a ton I’ve created an iron hammer and I called Z Hammer uh if you watched the last episode uh I would have shown you how to make casts those sort of casts basically the hammer is just a whole bunch of different types of casts then you put

Iron in the smeltery and then you pour the iron inside those casts then you put the casts together and the hammer is made and then you can modify with like red stone lapis to add different enchant enchants on it basically so what I want to get done this episode is possibly

Smel them and these uh possibly get to the get to the nether and I did manage to get a few diamonds while I was diing while I was mining I mean uh cuz I’m going to need some blaze rods from the nether realm so actually I need two sticks for

That I also want to craft some armor to go along with their going to the nether I’m not sure although I could either go with normal armor from normal Minecraft or I can go with this Armor All right so I could go with marine armor which is just

Basically a wool gives you pretty good defense surprisingly just for wool I can go with The Predator armor and to get the xenor armor you actually got to try get it off xenor so depending on how I am with wool which is uh zero um I think I’m going to go

With The Predator armor to make Predator armor I’m just going to need to make a lot of the about four of these unidentified Technologies so to make silicon plates you smelt up silicon which you mine from the ground and to get the titanium pins you just mix

Titanium like that all right let’s do that so let’s grab out all our aluminum titanium silck and Redstone we don’t have much silicon but yeah whatever right let’s smelt you up and use unfortunately I don’t I’m not sure although I’m what I mean I’m not sure I’m definitely sure you cannot double

Those ores in the smeltery cuz I’m pretty sure the AVP mod has no compatibility whatsoever with that but all right come on thank you all right let’s get some of use going and by to do that you just click on the recipe and hold shift and then press the Q that’s if you

Have Nei installed which most people wouldn’t if they were playing this mod I mean some people might but I don’t know uh anyway so instead of having to just Chuck them all in since I got not enough items installed I can just go click on

It as long as I have everything in my inventory and go shift click and I make three of them sweet three do all right let’s make the Celtic chest plate which is just titanium and I already have titanium uh I’ll just do it this way nice Celtic chest plate let’s go Celtic

Leggings and the Celtic mask oh are we at I think so well we’re smelting out more anyway so there we go and there we go Celtic mask now I can get rid of them Chuck these ah yes yes sweet all right we can get rid of

You um we don’t have enough silicon to make the boots so I wonder let’s make Marine boots waste the string but whatever all right let’s there we go and TDA now I am a predator in Marine boots and pred armor okay confusing anyway there is a another

Weapon I wanted to make called the smart dis now that requires a lot of unidentified technology but the shukan requires just one surrounded by aluminium now this is a tough one to get that stuff I just going to have to go mining but I was just thinking I can craft some

Of these weapons although due to a current bug which I’ve experienced in survival the weapons don’t seem to be going that well so I’ll talk with the more developer about that and and just for now we’ll try use something else um all right so we needed a little bit more

Silicon anyway that’s that’s good enough for now we’ll just let all that smelt up and how’s this going oh nice then just empty it into the Bassin this is how I’ve been getting all my ingots and all that stuff chucking it all in there and then it doubles it and

You pour it into the Bassin Etc yep all right so I got some water what I I managed to do something sweet I because I got two Portal guns there’s two different frequency sets of portals so now I can go through this one it’ll end up here and this one

Ends up another place but I went there I got to go there in Bat form otherwise probably fall into lava or something it’s cool it’s cool so actually having two Portal guns does make sense it’s cool all right I needed lava no this is my mining

Cave I think I left this one open for the lava there we go all right I’m curious wow did not know that worked well you learn something new every day let’s count how many seconds it takes for a Celtic pickaxe to mine at three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it’s actually

Faster than a diamond pickaxe let’s just double check that I know it’s 15 seconds but just for proof of evidence five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 30 yeah CTIC pickaxe is actually stronger and can mine obsidian so I just waste three diamonds whatever it don’t matter all right so I’m going

To mine at least enough obsidian to get the portal going then I’ll be back cuz mining obsidian is pretty boring but I’ll mine one more piece on camera because I have shaders and that makes it more interesting to watch I think I know let me

Know all right I think I think I have enough but we’ll find out won’t we all right holy crap that is bright ow ow my eyes all right I’m just turn off the shaders for now oh [ __ ] oops oh that’s better oh that is way better oh my eyes

Still too bright but whatever I’m a vampire I never go outside okay so I think I got enough obsidian to sort of treat my way through uh making a portal just going to Chuck a block there then I can fly cuz I’m using bat form remember that and then I think it

Was that’s it I think all right now we just need a flint steel okay and then let’s Chuck the obsidian there we are ready to go to the nether it’s also pretty sweet because I have a bat I have bat form so I can fly around awesome awesome

Okay now in the nether realm your portals reset to the dimension so so I never get lost I’m just going to leave a portal right there and sorry if there’s lag you know how it is when you generate a new terrain and what are the odds wow okay that’s that’s a little fishy

There another Fortress right here and I was looking for blaze rods wow all right I’m not complaining okay wow so my luck great almost looks like I’m bloody cheating Jesus feel like slap in the game like don’t make it so easy for me Minecraft never usually is this easy for me it’s

Always a bastard and a pain maybe the AVP mode just add in a certain certain amount of luck or something all right I think that’s enough that we’ll ever need forever in entire lifetime it’s not like we’re going to be using it for much and there look look at there

There’s a blaze there a look at him holy crap ow ow if I can quickly grab the holy [ __ ] there we go I grabbed the blaze for them now I’m changing into a blaze they can fly and they are immune to fire as well and I don’t like those

Guys so let’s quickly favorite The Blaze it’s one of my favorites so I can easily access it there we go oh not Pigman I hate Pigman awesome oh I hate them guys they are horrible back away actually pretty strong yeah this sword is like Ultra Mega

Strong I did not expect us to get to the nether that quickly but you know modded Minecraft makes things a lot easier while still put a leaving challenge in the game and look a blaze spawner I’ll take that too I wonder if I can take it back through the portal with

Me I’m going to try this hang on make a wall all right let’s grab you now let’s go back through the portal and if this is cheating I don’t know what is okay let’s Chuck you right there for now open the door oh I’m a blaze I should probably turn off particle

Effects uh particles minimal cuz when you’re a blaze you start smoking and you can be you can actually die if you fall in water or something so keep that in mind why am I not falling down there there we go let’s Chuck it right there I guess oh damn it did not

Expect them to spawn that quickly let’s move you into the corner and Chuck some torches on you you shouldn’t spawn not exactly sure if torches stop Blazers from spawning but whatever let’s go back into bat form huh thought you could only have three morphs as your favorites

Learn something every day ow ow all right um do I have enough obsidian to make an enchantment table and one short of course wow all right I’ll just mind this on camera see what I’m doing now see not speaking that’s what I do when I go off camera I just mine and

Don’t speak all righty let’s Chuck you I thought they couldn’t spawn damn it all right maybe I should oh dear God um I I know I know I got an idea I got an idea relax I got an idea I got an idea I got a really good idea

Let’s let’s over here Dig Down and then we’ll drop him in there yeah good idea yeah I thought so thought I thought it was a good idea oh yeah I have a pressure plate there don’t know why the hell I did that no it’s not what I meant to do aha

Now to cover it so anytime I want blaze rods I just pull it back out and let’s mark it with a cobblestone Tower there we go so I never forget where it is okay they shouldn’t be spawning anymore okay what was I doing really I only got one blaze rod from that whole

Thing wow whatever jeez didn’t like you anyway okay what was I doing again oh yes enchantment table um what didn’t I just mine some obsidian really where’d it go oh ped sck oh I didn’t even pick it up wow all right that’s embarrassing uh do we have leather that is the real question

Um no we don’t [ __ ] all right well I’m going to St to death really soon so I want to get a farm started on this uh I mean the same episode right here so let’s quickly make some paper then drop that in there okay got any seeds yep and I need a

Hoe I might as well make a Celtic hoe since I can and since they’re so awesome all right let’s get a I think it’s just one stick isn’t it I can’t remember hello all right Celtic hoe which just like that Titanium with the stick in in the middle all

Right and we’ve got water outside oh it’s getting dark let me just replace let me see if I got some dirt inside I want to try just plant it near the the ocean just for easiness sake so I don’t need to carry water three blocks away like that really matters but whatever

Since we don’t have much I’ll just do that first thank you doie all right I think I have a lot of bone meal inside cuz I’m playing on hard I should be on hard if I’m not yeah that’s damn right I am if I’m not then I

Wouldn’t be starving to death but I am so I’m going to starve to death so let’s quickly get some wheat going before it gets too dark I think I broke a few of them prematurely wow all right whatever let’s see yeah did can you still use bone meal on the

Already grown ones all right that’s cool just keep right clicking there we go I should probably just lift that up a bit it’s really annoying oh oops I think it’s getting too dark I should have wool inside if I don’t oh hang on did I make a a

Bed did I or did I just use that last bit of wool for my boots yep all right going to have to work through tonight hello little guys sorry big guys I guess we can just eat rotten flesh for now so we don’t end up starving to death I mean once my health

Goes I mean once my hunger bar goes all the way down so I can expand my life a little bit more all right I’m going to get H this Farm expanded out pretty pretty far so I’ll be back once that’s done all right I’ve finished all the

Bone Mill up so that’s as far as I can expand it for now it’s quite a bit how much sweet did we get it’s quite a bit awesome all right oh no we still have more there we go sweet die just been killing zombies and eating their rotten flesh it’s a horrible way

To fill your hunger but it’s all right okay just curious can we use the weight to make anything better Doritos they do fill you up quite a bit but don’t have potatoes cocoa beans hey I’m in a jungle let’s make some cookies let’s go see if we can find some cocoa beans

Um my luck I doubt we’ll find any is this even a jungle it looks like a little secluded Island it’s like a wannabe jungle yep let’s just make bread then I guess oh yeah I’m not sure if I crafted that last episode but there’s a house here

Now little bit late but I mean if I didn’t mention it but yep there’s a house there okay so let’s see what was I doing yeah bread that’s it I guess 10 will do for now there we go we need to find a better supply of

Food I have an idea but it’s I really don’t want to go outside during night time it’s just horrible all right well let’s leave these in here ready for the uh what What’s it called the enchantment table that is not a normal crafting table by the way so you can see

Right there that is something for from T is constructs just like crafting table that holds its contents whenever you leave okay wheat can go in there now that we’re producing wheat I could probably go grab some cows we’ll see what happens all righty okay can we make any grenades gun

Powder with the button I guess we can whether or not I actually want to use them though is the question really want some Doritos all right let’s just wait until it’s daytime should already be close to daytime yeah it’s it’s Dawning now that is a lot of squid I’m just going to take

Him no ah damn it all right let’s quickly make a pen I want to go take I want to go kidnap some what do you call really I just said what do you call them cows let’s cancel those portals out um I guess we can just make stone fences I guess if we

Must cuz I got to get this hunger thing under under control cuz I’m on hard and if I run out of food I’m going to die dying is not the end of the world when you’re not playing hardcore but still I prefer not to die do we have

Anything else to put down the trees with oh we can make a CTIC axe why not all right I just need sticks for that didn’t I oh we is we already had sticks you doofus oh [ __ ] we need more titanium wait was it a more smelted up now oh dear

Yeah thought we had more got that one away that went fast and you need four for a ax jeez how you doing oh you still got more to go just make an iron ax I guess we will make a galic axe but we’ll get there all

Righty we could make a axe from that thing but I just can’t be po it it’s a lot better but as I just said I can’t be P it um we needed shears too probably so I just want to quickly get rid of these hello little guy should probably cut down the log

First that make life a lot more easier all right I did end up digging out this area although I just decided that it may maybe might put them over here cuz you know how cows are they won’t shut up once they’re near your house

So yeah I’ll just do a little pen CU I can just fly in and out of it whenever I want don’t really need a door if you don’t if you haven’t seen the um I mean if you’re not familiar with the mods I’m using specifically this one you probably don’t

Know how I’m going to get it cows without wheat well I can trust me let’s do that Chuck a portal there let’s go find us some animals oh what do we have what do we have here that’s cool wow an entrance most of the time I find

These we I don’t even find the entrance that’s that’s cool I need food all right I know these have TNT traps at the bottom of them so guess what we just got for free TNT all right let’s Chuck a torch down in here can’t see anything ooh nice

Ooh oh but still oh in there ooh special and gold horse arm okay don’t know why but I’ll take it is that about it oh we also have wool here we can pinch this wool if we want which we might actually do yep I’m going

To pinch just some of this wo wool cuz I think we need wool for a few things where the hell did my shears go oh yeah they broke whatever oh I’ll come back for it okie dokie let’s keep searching oh what is this oh that is

Gold gold gravel or holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no no ow ow okay here’s our first experience with an gomor let’s drop out drop down into human form so it’s a little bit easier for him to kill me H we’re changing into

An ex animorph now this is no good this is no good they’re really fast oh holy crap stop jumping over me I can’t even get him ah my gosh where where’d he go ah wow he’s too fast for me oh jeez that was horrible I’m getting home I’m going

Home that was hor let me just grab this first this is gold just in gravel form I’m just going to smelt it down I like gold is there any more Jesus there is a lot of go all right it’s getting dark out and I

Want to test my lock so we are going to go try to find some cows in the duck so let’s go back through here and let’s close this portal so I remember which one to use to get back home all right not sure how to close one

Portal at a time probably very easy to figure out although I don’t want don’t want to [ __ ] it up while I’m out okay lots of monsters let’s the lots of monsters not one mob yet come on cows come out come out holy [ __ ] you know what I’m going to do I’m

Curious if I pick you up using G can I do that yes I can ow okay are you going to try attack the skeleton are you maybe no they’re just gone for me that’s that’s wonderful all right let’s keep searching ah found some sheep let’s just do that then they’ll drop through the

Portal there we go uh come here no no no no okay fine you want me to pick you up fine I’ll drop you in no ah damn it you can hear the portal gun if you didn’t hear that I’m sorry it’s probably my volume’s too low anyway I’m going to

Be doing this for a while hopefully I should get some more sheep cows chickens all those sorts of things then I will be back next episode to hopefully get some guns sorry about that uh Get Some Guns crafted um sorry if my voice was a little bit off this episode I did just

Get my INR TOA now ripped apart yesterday from a doctor um for some reason I’m getting like an infection in my throat I have no idea if it’s just I got that from the doctors or I don’t know yeah so thank you for watching if you did end up watching up until now

I’ll see you next episode bye-bye hello everyone welcome back to episode 4 of the AVP let’s play um so we left the last episode off um I said I was going to go find some animals I’ve been searching for quite a while and I’ve only been able to find pigs and

Chickens and specifically looking for cows so it’s all I could find um of course wanted to do other some other things this episode so I’m just going to go looking looking around a bit more for some cows and then I she’ll be back I wanted to get an

Enchantment table going because I’m so sick of uh o is this a predator sweet all right let’s take him out turn off the shaders just for a little bit it’s lagging the hell out of me all right let’s let’s take you on mate no they are pretty strong so let me

Just eat first yep I’m just going to eat as just standing right there they have a lot of Health I think sweet what do we get do we get anything oh here we go did we shape shifted into a predator that’s cool all right let me get out of here for some reason

Though I’m one block tall let’s uh change back into a blaze I love blazes Oh wait [ __ ] I’m in water I’m in water ow yeah one bad thing about using blazes in the morph mod is just water okay so we got a Celtic spear that’s sweet we

Got an energy capsule which are pretty difficult to make I mean they’re not that difficult but still it’s good that we got one they’re used for the where is it there it is plasmacaster that’s ammo for the plasmacaster using a different shaders maybe this will not cause too much

Lag however it makes the desert look like a [ __ ] Lego palace uh maybe not oh all right cool finally got some cows give him a cow and a cow and a cow and a cow all right I’m just going to take everything here cuz I’m greedy then I’ll probably

Meet you back at the base ah we have a nice amount of animals now and I’m I’m taking off this Shader that just makes it horrible oh feel like spewing it looked like Lego it still look like Lego you know what you know what just no no more

Shads only at night time we’ll Chu on shaders at night time because in the daytime everything’s just all glitchy anyway I wanted a leather piece of you went did the fall somewhere here hello did I get any leather no yep there we go I want to get out now and open

Sesame awesome now Xenomorphs I’m not sure if they can climb up climb up walls but I do know they can get in one by one spaces so there we’re going to want to make this Farm a little bit more uh well want a little bit more defense for the farm cuz um Xenomorphs

Will just go ahead and start killing passive mobs to and then they’ll try to evolve and we don’t want that so I’m going to make sure that no one touches them going to make something called Stone fences no just kidding let’s just go wooden fences I guess otherwise just look [ __ ] all

Right uh there we go hang on uh do we have the paper yes we do hooray let’s get our um enchantment table going first and voila enchantment table sweet enchanter all right um this can go I don’t know there I guess little bit [ __ ] but whatever um everything my inventory is starting to

Break let’s enchant the chest plate what we going get protection four okay I guess we’ll just enchant all that stuff then what are we going to get protection and protection and protection I really have no idea if enchanting it with a level four compared to a level one would make

Any difference but just going to do it anyway cuz I got spare levels how are these guys doing o ow get some experience from that thing nice uh I need food yep okay that’s good okay um there’s also something from Tinker construct called a drying rack I

Think yep a drying rack it’s just wooden planks um since we’re low on food I might as well just get one and I’ll show you what they do as soon as I already had wood in my inventory idiot come on one too now if I put a drying rack here and

There and attach rotten leather on there I just wait wait a while for that and it turns into like jerky or something and you can eat it it won’t poison you so that’s good it’s good I hope all right let’s get the the the thing ofama jig

Done I’m I’m hoping that they can’t climb and if they can I’m screwed but I’m all right it really it was Cobble fence out there oh wow Noob whatever move trying to build move move move hello boy hello oh this is horrible I’ll be back okay I think we’re done I’m hoping

This will protect them how did you get oh I don’t like this they sometimes glit glitch out I mean like looks like he’s out although I don’t think he is but eventually they do end up outside the pen so it’s [ __ ] but whatever all right it’s night time real

Soon I’m going to want to light up this area a bit so there’s no monster spawns by the way these Stone torches are from tinker’s construct and they just crafted like with Cobble Cobblestone sticks with uh coal instead of like wood sticks use Cobblestone and um need more by the way

So uh let’s get a whole stack let’s h no yeah whole stack there we go Okie doie okay there was um few more things I wanted to do which and of some shears I would just wanted to make the marine armor and just have it sitting in

There backup if I can I doubt I have enough sheep to do it all in one go but we’ll see I’ll pick it all up once I shoeld them all gosh it’s horrible in Bat form just see how the asses in my face how much did we get oh Jesus that’s

Enough I think that’s that’s enough to make our full set that’s awesome come on okay I need to upgrade not upgrade my house I mean make it look better it’s just horrible at the moment I think I had sand cooking up for the glass and all that

But yeah just a little bit though I don’t know but that’ll do I’ll come back to that all right so I got back up wool here if I need to make marine armor uh eggs in there wool then all this can go back in here all

Right oh here we go the jerky’s done so how do I get it off do I have to use a empty hand or oh there we go sweet awesome monster jerky that’s cool all right I’m going to set up a whole bunch of drying racks so I got

Food where’s my wood wood there we go that should be enough for the rest of the season bit too much but whatever uh whoops all righty doy oops ha put your swords up there as well that’s cool actually I have an idea now that I

Have all these there is a mod I could e eily get but just going to do it with this um maybe I shouldn’t be breaking that with a pickaxe let’s get out the wall marine armor Marine legs Marine boots H strange and Marine helmet and I’m curious if I can place these

Down uh I can so now I have stylish armor on the wall not that this whole place looks stylish at all but you know things change okay just wanted to do this on camera I’m uh I smelted um All the Gold in here a while ago I still have them

Ported out most satisfying part is seeing them get transformed it’s awesome lots of gold sweet all right I I think this episode I want to focus on fixing up my house cuz it looks [ __ ] atrocious looks horrible um because I still haven’t I’m still having problems uh trying to fix

The I mean uh fix knows that the uh sorry the mod developer knows won’t refer to him as his name cuz you probably only know him as the AVP mod developer uh anyway um still haven’t still having problems uh with I would be jumping into the guns at the

Moment but still waiting for some uh answers on some things so this episode we are going to make the house look stylish if if I can with little what with what little I have oh gosh I’ve never tried to do this in V vanilla Minecraft make the house look

Nice I don’t think it’s possible for me all right um I do know do do I still have my portal to the lava cave yes I do sweet ow okay um you can go I don’t know there I guess don’t need you there we go I

Want to melt down some well actually I should have probably just put the sand in here but you can do this as well I want to melt down a bit of glass and then pour it back out and it comes out as clear glass which is a different type of glass from

Tinker construct just looks a lot better in my opinion okay so I’ll probably be back once everything’s smelted which is going to be a very long time cuz this is vanilla Minecraft and smelting things takes thousands of years so yeah I’ll be back all right I

Might just do this do do this bit on camera then I’ll do the rest uh it’s cool when you make your first clear glass so this is what it comes out as the uh Mel and gloss and it comes out turns into that then it’s pretty much like that and they

Have connected textures it’s it’s pretty sweet it’s cool all right okay we have barely got enough to start but well I mean we’ve got enough to start basically but not enough to finish finally my jerky is done sweet Let’s uh dry up some more rotten flesh that’s awesome H there we

Go okay let’s get get outside um I’m just going to go stone bricks I mean could go anything else but stone bricks uh we can use from tin’s construct chisel that’ll make that and then we can use that to make that we can use that to

Make that and that’s about it um there are also all different types of other bricks you can do redstone bricks which we might I want to do that as well so I was thinking maybe a redstone floor and what’s sweet about them is they emit a redstone signal from The Brick awesome

You can make all different types of shapes so you can do that with lapis and gold and iron endstone slime bones uh what else um yeah that’s about it I mean obsidian and all that so all right well let’s uh I’m going to get the clear

Glass in first so I can get an idea of how it’s going to look I think we have like enough probably yep no no did I just put it back in there yes I did you idiot okie dokie come on okay first step to fighting aliens and kicking ass is having a nice

House looks nice all right and that and I thought we’d need more what the [ __ ] was that really how’d you get out of there oh it’s raining never mind yeah I need a little bit more glass I should probably block up this first oh we go we just need one more

Piece and a whole bunch more for the roof which I did not think of Wonderful you can make uh different types of like Cobblestone bricks and stone through the smeltery but I’m seriously so bugged right now just can’t be bothered right oh [ __ ] oh raining

Again oh that’s right I put like a roof on there it’s fantastic isn’t it have to replace all that well you know what no oh I’ll just do this for now there we go also let me know if you want me to ever show me building again just sort of

Testing to see if you guys will like it at all but could easily just get rid of the whole thing but you know it’s not necessary and depends it’s really what you guys want to see and I personally don’t mind building on camera I’m quite Qui Qui when I do it but it’s

Just like it’s very peaceful for me in a way sort of not really I hate building N I like it a little bit rampling I don’t know I hate it and I love it at the same time um there we go that looks a bit better except for the top now let’s how

H don’t know how you got in here oh wait yeah I remember never mind stay in there okay not sure what adds in that’s okay never mind just an item from a different mod which I don’t seem to have okay how we doing with stone

Nice okay I want to make a chisel uh so I can uh what what do you call it craft stuff craft the Chisel yeah I just want to craft the Chisel and for that I’m going to need logs no it wasn’t logs it was just normal wood with

Sticks here wood with sticks to get the Oops I did not mean to do that to get blank patterns and let’s Chuck you in there we’re going to want a chisel head and uh that’s a tough tool rod and a tool Rod bind uh sorry just tool Rod to Rod there we

Go let’s Chuck you in there and you in there and I can EAS just go with that for now there we go and you put it together in here I’m not sure where the Chisel is there it is it’s very simple of course the stone chisel doesn’t really have

That much durability in it because it’s just a stone chisel now I wanted to get some Redstone flooring whoa that’s nice that is real nice nearly got destroyed oh how cool do that look in the Predator Vision all right um I’m not sure but I think if I place

The Redstone near the door it’s going to keep it open no really all right cool that’s good was hoping it wouldn’t interfere Because the actual Redstone bricks do ID a redstone signal sweet I’m no longer living in a cave than the ground well technically I am

But the upstairs is no longer a cave than in the ground actually that doesn’t technically make sense but you know whatever really like the color of this think about moving most of my stuff up here so this will basically be the main room but and then downstairs just have

Like stuff I never touch like the spawners and the furnaces and all that stuff and I just have crafting tables up here and Etc nice all right let’s get you eaten of course I’m going to have to fix up the roof but I’ll do that another time

And I put it on the wrong side there we go um I maybe going to want of my changes since we stairwell but I’ll get to that okay I guess I do want to fix under here as well it’s horrible under here it’s going

To be a cave in the ground it’s going to be a stylish cave in the ground oh wa out of room you can go in there you can go there there and there there there we go nice how did you get in here oh okay that probably explains it well that was

Terrifying he probably spawned over here yeah there we go I hear monsters and I don’t like it yeah there must be coming through the portal where do we out of coal uh since we have so much iron I might as well do the following um get some more wood again no we have

Wood uh just get iron about 10 iron and then uh I’m going to want two chests I can hear Z zombies again wonderful okay uh how was it I think it was like that there we go two Hoppers so now we can have two going at the same time so I’ll

Chuck you in there and Chuck some more Cobblestone and then that should just basically double my outport there we go well I’m going to continue making the house for a while and uh I think it’s about a good time to wrap up the episode here so if you’ve enjoyed the episode

Please uh do leave a comment and if I see no comments I’m just going to assume that you enjoyed the episode and if I do say comments I’m just going to assume you enjoy the episode so leave a comment so I know what the hell you’re thinking all right see you next episode

Guys hello everyone welcome back to episode 5 of my AP let’s play um I finished my house pretty sweet we just put the volume down little bit too loud uh yeah and I also bumped out the farm because for some reason all these sheep kept falling out of the farm and

They’ll just like glitching through the wall so I put a two thick wall that to stop any glitching sheep trying to escape okay so I went mining just a little bit um I did want to do something on camera I mean it’s not AP related or

Although good news about the AP moded as well is the guns actually work now in survival uh that was the bug that I was trying to just wait until it would be fixed so that’s sweet and get into the guns immediately but I wanted to make something to Auto smell anything

So why not why not go off on a tangent and let’s make a little little easy thing to help us in smelting things very fast so let’s just get a whole bunch of wood and some chests and some iron I also installed another mug called inventory tweaks which allows you to sort your

Inventory so it’s really cool and if you got any questions on that just be sure to ask me in the comments cuz there’s a whole bunch of shortcuts and keys you can press the for instance yeah you it’s all all different right so we have shitloads of iron like

Shitloads not joking all right let’s make some Hoppers uh I don’t know that’ll do nine Hoppers uh I need another chest as well cuz I’m so sick of uh smelting things like two at a time and especially with the AVP mod uh there isn’t I mean with this with vanilla ores

I can double them through this but I just want to try and make it Pleasant a pleasant experience to um smell the AP or the AVP ORS so let’s just start like this okay for instance UT chest there all right I’m abandoning what I was just

Doing I’m going to switch it up a bit we are going to put these furnaces along here maybe just one Higher actually so let’s go like that there we go now let’s go like that and now let’s cheuck the top chest uh actually that’s it it’s not I I’m

Really it’s very difficult for me to try make these sort of automated things using um vanilla Minecraft because I’m not used to it always used to playing moded Minecraft and just kind I cannot stand the way things get smelted in vanilla Minecrafts but I am grateful for

The hopper addition makes things a lot easier so I’ll just clean this up now okay so that’s cool yeah I mean so the early manual thing we’re got to do is put coal in there and that’s pretty much it okay now we have a auto smelting station and everything will end up in

This chest and we just need to fuel all them with coal you may have noticed I’ve got jerky all over the walls I just left it there cuz it looks cool cuz I already got six in my inventory and I don’t really need much I

Mean I don’t need any more right now but Oops I did not mean to break that [ __ ] that’s got to regrow now anyway yeah looks cool I reckon anytime I need more jokey I’ll just right click like that okay so I want to make a gun let’s go with a pistol for

Now uh to make the pistol I’m going to need four iron so if rid of this this crafting station is going to access the chest right beside it so I can just do that so that’s pretty sweet and get a pistol and to make the ammo you’re just

Going to need aluminium with gunpowder and I think I got gun powder somewhere here there it is um let’s get some aluminum in my inventory then shift click there we go six pistol magazines so it’s reloading it’s cool that is awesome for some reason it’s taking two ammo per shot but

Whatever it’ll take the magazines as it goes along so we’ve got a pistol for now not the best but useful and I want I do want to make a pulse rifle as well they are the bomb make a pulse rifle we’re going to need aluminium a lever uh gold aluminium another lever

Then pulse rifle ammo is more gunpowder iron and aluminum so that’s cool I want to go storming in with the pulse rifle once I run out of ammo and the pulse rifle pull out my secondary firearm and start you know like shooting that’s what they do in the movies it’s cool so let

Me get some levers let’s go 16 again then let’s craft the M4 carbine and then the pulse rifle and then the pulse rifle okay it’s maybe not working cuz those don’t stack I think L goes on the bottom aluminum goes on the left there we go pulse rifle sweet now that looks

Cool that looks awesome listen to that ready that’s awesome okay all right let’s deposit everything back in their rightful places and I will be back okay so I think I want to go xenom Mo hunting um I I want to try and get um basically Some xenom

Mo armor cuz uh one of the armor pieces is the leggings and that allows you to grow I mean sorry not grow where did that come from uh allows you to climb up walls if you’ll see so it’s pretty awesome also wanted to craft a new sword

Since this one’s nearly broken and I’ve got some levels to waste let’s see how much concentrated Essence creeper thingy I have it’s cool get me half a level all right um where is all my stuff okay still getting used to the new setup I have okay titanium where the stick

I don’t think Stone rods will work there should be a stick somewhere here if there isn’t oh jeez there we go cultic sword again uh let’s just deposit this one and then we can combine them together another time and repair them I want try to get a I know level five enchantment on

This that’s horrible wow that is just horrible Jesus yeah I thought you could enchant the guns that’d be cool anyway I’m going to put away my mining stuff and my shovel and my hoe actually I need my her just for a second don’t need the bucket don’t need that

Um that’s it all right just wanted to quickly feed my animals once again cuz I’m going to get some leather there we go just want to make some bookshelves for the enchantment table once I start getting some boss enchants on the sword um the swords I’m going to be very happy

Okay what form am I in blaze form oh sorry not Blaze form uh human form let’s change into Blaze so I can fly around okay let me quickly get that all right and it looks like the water won’t reach here so I guess I could just put some

Water there there we go now I can the hell just happened to the water I said place there we go okay might as well go crazy okay let’s go feed the animals holy crap where’s my shears tell me if you don’t want me to do this on camera I mean I can stop

Easily if you comment but if I don’t see a comment I’ll just assume that you enjoy seeing me sh so where the hell did I put it she hell there ookie dokie oh hello there okay all right I think that’s it just pick up all the wool here a

Spider see this is what I mean they get out somehow it’s horrible all right well I don’t I want that sheep going and that one and that that one and that one and um that one that one and I want that cow I said I want

That cow whoops I want that cow give me give me the cow that’s what you get all right I’m all good now you can go on living just as you were and I’ll go on stripping you of all your price possessions okay sweet well let’s go look for an exam I

Do I’m not sure if um enemy mobs despawn after a while I never really looked into that at all but I do want to get an xenomorph and drop it in here and we’ll see we’ll see if one day it does despawn but uh it’s not really something I usually search up

It’s like two monsters despawn in Minecraft I mean uh enemy mobs I I assume yes because they’re enemy mobs but I don’t know I I’ll see cuz the non non-aggressive mobs seem to not despawn so I know hit Miss let’s see um maybe put you here let’s go look for an exam

Okie dokie just want to have one in the basement as a pet no I’m not creepy I’m just creepy Okie doie come out exomorph oh a slime let’s see there muff come here hello I I hear something behind me and I’m not oh I just ch transformed to the

Slime by accident didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to oh ow ow there any xer morphs I don’t know it’s what Ma Co or something here we go oh holy [ __ ] all right let’s Chuck you there ow he’s just Out Of Reach Pal’s reach oh oops whoopsie ah jeez

Relax is he in here where’d he go he’s in here somewhere where’d he I hear him oh my God ah ah ah stop it ah no no no no gotcha ow Jesus ow oh you are stuck all right I’m going to quickly get a cap on the top of that

Glass glass glass glass I got some glass in here no here no here there we go my little my little morph no copyright infringement intended all right hello hey little guy okay well let’s see if he despawns eventually hopefully not but we’ll see okie dokie now I’m going to go kill with

Some of your sisters and brothers so have fun where’ you go you’re still there oh I ran out of ammo quick I need my pistol no I need my pistol here out of ammo out of ammo this is what I call a movie worthy scene ow holy crap there so fast

Ah well thank the gods for moth mod I can get out of there before I drop dead but not if I’m human form let’s do this where are you there you are of course there isn’t any animation for when I shoot the gun but it looks cool doesn’t it and the player animation

Is from a mod called The Animated player mod so let’s need my pistol where the other one go oh good sweet we get anything anything at all should probably find a better food than this jerky but we’ll do it for now we don’t seem to have gotten anything

Anything at all nope nope okay let’s keep searching all right I’m I’m starting to think this uh monster jery is just like McDonald’s chips makes me hungry immediately as soon as I finish eating it well I guess it carries over the trait from the rotten flesh with the hunger problem Oh

Cows I’m sorry cows but this is NE s actually let’s use a let’s use a pistol on them I’ll pistol whip their ass H such a satisfying feeling shooting them with guns went to bat form because it started raining I started dying it just horrible okay oh coal N I forget about

That hello another cow holy crap there are a lot of cows here oh leather I need that and more C this is good this is very good I can already make 11 bookshelves I only need like 15 I think oh sweet I think uh about 15 is the gives

You the maximum level 30 enchantments um there’s some more cows this is awesome let just reload and continue let’s see don’t know if I mentioned this before but you can aim down the sights how cool is that think you can do it with a pistol

As well can you can you do it with a pistol that’s a little bit weird ammo is a little bit glitchy when you switch between the guns it’s actually quite weird okay wow I think I’m going to run out of ammo before I see any Xenomorphs cuz I’m not

Having that much fun shooting thousands of cows who needs a farm when you can just go exploring jeez oh nice oh my no that’s it no more all right I have enough I have enough no so tempting I have enough for probably 3 years I won’t

Have to go hunting for 3 years it’s fine why are there so many before there was none all right there should be some Xenomorphs in the snow so let’s drop down change into human form go hunting and we’re out of food that’s nice oh [ __ ] oh that nearly killed me oh oh

God that was close I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck there we go well that was severely close that was just two creeper blasts that wasn’t xenom morphs how you doing you’re still down there I’m so taking a screenshot of that all right let’s get everything sorted and

We’ll be back okay so I think that’s about it for this episode uh be sure to comment if you like the video so I actually know people watching um or like if you want I don’t really care I care more about comments cuz I like talking talking with you guys so yeah I’ll

Probably see you in the next episode and uh well yeah that’s it I’ll see you next episode see you guys don’t seem to be wanting to drown oh okay he’s going up for air a God damn it hello everyone welcome back to episode 6 of the AVP let’s play

This episode I wanted to improvise something there are some items in the AVP mod that you can’t Craft um in in survival uh the they the sort of uh decoration blocks let’s say now I’m mentioning this because I want to make some sort of testing facility where we’re going to test all

The weaknesses and strengths of an in xenomorph to do this we’re going to use the portal gun mod and we’re going to use our imagination so I was thinking for all these different blocks since there is no current crafting recipe at the moment um that we make one we just make one

Up so I was thinking something like this ship Decor too I could easily make something out of iron blocks if I really wanted to but I want to try use the AP blocks so let’s say four TI four four aluminium and in a crafting shape would make one of

Them and that’s going to be a lot that just pretend that would make one of them now that going to need a lot of aluminium so we’re obviously not going to get to that now but sometime in the future but I do want to start mapping

Out an area for a testing facility for the exid morphs so at the moment we just have one exomorph down there let’s see if he likes carrots he hates them he’s just like yuck carrots anyway I want my carrot back anyway if he’s not if he’s not going to have it I’m having

It ow all right so he can stay down there so I was thinking what type of blocks do we have available to us I mean I want to make it look like a proper testing facility I mean I can use ship decor and all those types of things

But as as I said my improvised recipe for it we don’t have enough we barely have enough for 10 so we we need like 64 or 128 that’s just ridiculous so I was just thinking let’s see how we can go with what types of different stone bricks are there

Okay so let’s go with these bricks and these types they look a little bit aleny don’t you think first I’m going to need some chisels and I’m going to need to smelt a whole bunch of stone up uh this is going to take a while and I should have enough

Stone to do this whole thing have I got any stone bricks oh sweet I already got some to start off with nice and them and I I’m going I’m going to want to put lots of clear glass as well so Al my armor is nearly breaking I’m going to do something about

That all right let’s convert all this and before we go out let’s Chuck in the iron and the golden there okay jez fine there we go and let me go place this carrot in the farm oh it’s raining bam okay um I love when it rains cuz it’s just

Horrible that was totally sarcasm I just [ __ ] hate it anyway if we want to have a testing facility where you don’t want the other mobs to see what’s happening cuz it’s going to be be pretty gruesome so let’s do it underground or do we I don’t know if we do want them to

See okay we do want this to see all right let’s let’s do it okay so actually no no no underground testing facility if all goes wrong they don’t really have anywhere to run off to except the walls underground so I was thinking I could just have it in the wall

Here uh how did hello jeez all right so let me dig out an area and I’ll be back okay so I think I have a area dug out at the moment and I really need to play oh you you bastard he broke it wow all

Right I really need to put a proper door there uh let’s go iron door just as I was approaching he just broke it to Pieces it’s hilarious all right uh let’s make a pressure plate which we already have you [ __ ] idiot um all right let’s Chuck you in

There do we have a button anywhere any button yep there we go let’s Chuck this button on the outside go there I guess okay all righty now we’re going to want a chisel and I think we already have some of the plans to make that uh I’m just going to

Make a whole bunch of stone ones cuz I don’t really want to waste iron on it even though we have like shitloads and there we go three chisels now let’s chisel them all right that gets us about one stack so that’s sort of bad but still okay I

Guess let me go kill those BL zombies outside they went shut up you know what I have an idea I have a really good idea actually yeah this this idea is so good that my brain is exploding I’m going to add oh hope to god it works otherwise I’m going to look

Like an idiot add a diamond onto the end of this Stone chisel if I can can I yes I can then I’m I should have probably done that with a fully repaired one okay I hope to God this gives it more uses come on baby yes it does I’m so smart not really

Okay uh how’s all our Stone doing jeez it’s a lot love the new system I got uh there we go still hear zombies there we go no sound at all no maybe we want a little bit of sound but not too much okay now let’s use that and then

That and then we’re going to want some chiseled stone bricks and and we’re going to want to repair this oh I’m such a smarty pants mhm okay um all right I think we have everything we need okay so our testing facility will be right here this will be the

Floor and on the walls will be the same and I was thinking maybe all right all right let me get this built cuz I’m pretty sure you don’t want to sit here watching me build a giant room out of stone bricks like trying to watch an elephant Crossing freeway that wasn’t even a

Proper I don’t know what I’m saying anymore all right I’ll be right back okay so I think I’m done I’m I think it’s looks quite good want to to my own horn but look good for a stone room okay so now I think I want to make start making the

Cells so for the cells I was just thinking we could probably just have the same material um could have one xenom off per 3×3 area like that and then have glass here and then have there we go and no corner and then 1 two three and then another one can go here

Here and then 1 2 3 and another one go there so that looks nice and I didn’t even mean to make it perfectly even so that’s a bonus okay so we’d have three holding cells here we want to see how two of them mate probably want to Chuck

Lava in this one see how it reacts water in this one see how it reacts Etc okay all right let’s see if we can Chuck um another one here maybe one two three then one two three there we go sweet okay I’m liking what this is

Looking like at the moment I think I should have enough clear glass to fill all that I was expecting I I’d need more but I don’t think so yeah I have enough okay okay so how do we want to do this all right so let’s Chuck a portal there and let’s seal this

Up and let’s pick up this guy get him out of that little tiny space there he is nice all right now we can fill up this area don’t need this anymore nice okay I’ll fix that off fix that after okay now we’re going to

Want see if we can hit the roof there we go going want a another drone there so let’s go find one actually actually you know what I’ll just find a whole bunch and drop them in there all right so what sort of tests do we want

To do on them well once we get a whole bunch then we can start testing but at the moment we only have one so let’s go get some more okay so according to what I’ve seen so far you don’t usually ever find them in snow biomes

I usually tend to find a lot of Xenomorphs in the swamp biomes for some reason I don’t know if that’s actually the way the mechanics work but it’s where I seem to find them more and if I end up finding one while I’m talking right now sort of just proves my point

But I think I won’t be able to and it’s just trying to make me look like an idiot yep M’s trying to make me look like an idiot I will be be right back oh came across this thing nice Temple just going to check it out first oh oh God you bastard

A my heart wow how cliche not going to check out this Temple Kaboom face AER all right you’re you’re you’re definitely not staying there come on come on buddy come on buddy holy crap they move so fast come on buddy come on I I need whoa where the [ __ ] did you

Go that’s it no nearly that’s it come on out the water out the water into the come on there we go there we go we have a face Huger I’m really terrified to go in there okay let’s get in there oh God whoops feel like I’m in a actual alien Temple at the

Moment it’s terrifying ah oh oh oh oh God you bastard wow all right uh what’s in here nice traps everywhere wow holy crap oh that’s not good oh that’s not good I’m picking this up no no way no way it’s an Alien Hive no no I don’t

Want to First them right now no way in hell what’s in here oh diamonds let’s get back to searching I do I do want another one to test with though oh there we go there’s a few all right come on I can’t get tooo close to them otherwise they end up

Jumping on my head to pick them up so it’s irritating there he goes spazzing out all right oh there we go there we go oh I think he fell in holy crap come on and yeah oh there’s three of them and you got go come on there we go come

On and you go all right I’m going to cook these guys into the portal and I’ll probably go looking for my Xenomorphs and I’ll be back all right there is a lot of face huggers here I’ve noticed that they do appear a lot in the jungles like there

Is so many like I I am terrified to go down on the floor could you imagine if I couldn’t fly could you could you just imagine if I could not fly that’d be horrible come on I don’t want to stand next to Hills cuz they’ll jump down from God knows where attach

Onto my face all right I think I want to get heading back now and I can’t can’t exactly take the same portal back cuz suckers okay let’s see if we can find our way back okay I managed to get home and that was the most horrible experience I’ve ever had I’m definitely

Got to make a compass but we have some face huggers a God damn it are you how did they get through there oh my [ __ ] heart oh God damn it what the [Laughter] I think they got through that little Gap there oh oh my God you you are laughing at me sir oh my heart let kill wow all right let’s cheuck one there the hell was that okay and let’s P oh my heart so scared all right

So we I’m not going near them no way let’s let’s let’s back back from here let’s uh maybe maybe open it up a bit more just I’m going to be really quick about this uh there we go oops here we go there we go and maybe just one more you can keep that

Brick okay so I’m I’m really scared I’m not going in you know what no I’m going to stand this back back this far back I don’t want that happening again that was terrifying no way in hell oh my oh God no way H okay so let’s see what these little [ __ ] can take

So I think I want to try drown one of these now I don’t know how long they can hold their breath for but we’re going to find out now I think I’m not sure if that can climb walls yes they can I’m pretty sure but that just makes things a lot more difficult

Um okay I’m pretty sure they can’t like climb up the wall so if I break a hole right in the center up there should be fine so we’re just got to go find that center block all right have I got a bucket on me nope let me go empty out everything

Oh there we go what a guess sweet all right I might actually add a second story here and get rid of all this all the dirt yeah I’ll do that off camera though but I do want to test something okay so there they are all

Fine and dandy I want to Chuck a few in that cell so let’s see can I don’t think they can crawl but I do want at least one I didn’t mean all of them a damn it all right the next cell is just over here isn’t it I’m

Scared oh there we go all right I didn’t want you all in there nope that’s not it there we go oh I’m so scared um I hope to God there’s none in Here when I jumped in it closed my eyes all right let’s there we go there we go we got it we got it we got it we got it let’s we got it we got it we got it all right sweet all right okay now let’s drown you

Please don’t climb please don’t climb please don’t climb please don’t climb how’s he doing he’s trying to get out it’s not happening so we’ll call that the flooding chamber do want to see how they react underwater so you going to drown H you don’t seem to be wanting to

Drown oh okay he’s going up for air a God damn it a that’s it a how did I get through ah yep okay that’s enough testing for today I’ll see you in the next episode byebye hey everyone Yol yanders here and I am up to the seventh episode of my EVP

Series I am currently making an enchantment table I am currently making a second floor to my testing facility and I am currently very scared um I’ve managed to get an extra three sorry not three two Xenomorphs into the testing Hole uh maybe look like two but there’s actually three in there and I’ve

Made the glass nice and thick on the face huggers so they don’t bloody terrify me again uh what have we got here so as you can see in my inventory I’m just getting ready to build a whole ton of stuff so let’s chuck all that away okay and uh I’ve been crafting

These iron bricks just from Iron with a chisel and it’s pretty awesome very very awesome so I’ve set out an area for my I didn’t realize if you placed leaves down and broke them again they’d drop saplings okay something new every day So yes you’re you’re you’re watching me build an enchantment area because this is a let’s play and I want to make you suffer so you’re going to have to watch me build an enchantment area I don’t do this to everyone just my viewers okay so let’s check up there I I

I’m used to playing on a server and whenever I see creepers I usually just dismiss them and expect that they’re weak and they don’t explode I mean they do explode I mean but they they’re for instance on servers the explosion uh toggle is off like when they explode they don’t destroy anything

And I’m used to that just by Nature so I wanted to make sure my very valuable enchantment table is way out of Wells H uh way out of Harm’s Way so there would be no creepers and I thought I had enough okay I’m going to need

More I really got to fix that portal looks like a hobo portal it’s pretty easy um am I really good on iron yeah I’m good on iron what the hell am I going to use it for anyway fancy brick awesome um did we have leather I remember hunting a [ __ ] ton of

Cows do we have the wood is the question do we have the wood I am tempted to say no but hopefully we have enough I think you only need like 15 bookshelves anyway oh that’s not enough whatever uh no that wasn’t it they’re books oh gosh you’re so stupid all right I needed

Paper paper paper paper paper you got to be kidding me where I I can’t remember if I made books or not whether or not I set up a sugarcane farm bet you I didn’t it’s a stupid I am yep yep no sugarcane farm well that’s irritating well let’s see how

Many how much paper we can make I mean I don’t know that’s about 15 bookcases and we have enough for about I don’t know that much at the moment so I’ll plant them mix them oh hang on is that how it is yep oh nice 10 books oh that’s not wow that is

Definitely not enough oh I am I miscalculated so much yeah all right well I’m going to plant these oh I should probably sleep I made a bed I’m not sure if I made that last episode or in between episodes but there’s a bed now and I sleep right next to my monster spawners

To make sure I’m safe I don’t know how that makes sense at all but whatever how’s my Essence Berry Farm going any more experience nope just 10 aluminium give me experience I love the experience berries oh damn it what can I get rid of I can get rid of nothing actually

Just come back for it so my plan this episode is to make things look pretty again and to collect a few more Xenomorphs and face huggers and just see where it goes I also need new armor um I don’t want to go AP armor again because there’s no way of fixing it um

Like for instance if I would sh a level 30 enchant on a piece of armor I have no way of repairing that because it doesn’t work in the Anvil but I I don’t know maybe it might work some other way but I don’t know what other

Way would work so I’m sort of stuck at the moment okay I think I might breed some of the cows cuz we are going to need a surplus of cows and we’re going to need to feed them to the Xenomorphs otherwise they’ll starve to death uh let’s plant you where did my

Wheat go there it is am I in no I’m in no form to be flying let’s change into bat okay oh that’s so funny when they come running up to you uh do I have shears might as well Sho them while I’m here oh yeah they’re

Right next to me boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I should probably separate these guys but I can’t be bothered making another enclosure actually you know what yep um H I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if I want to separate them they’re all so happy

Together need lots of leather I didn’t realize how much leather I needed and we’re got our face stuck in asses at the moment okay there we go let’s plant sugar a [ __ ] what did I change me there that was real smart I don’t like being an agriculturalist but it’s a

Necessary okay well good thing is I got three bookcases like that matters whatsoever but hopefully that should help us for now somehow see how pretty does that look nice Okie doie okay um the thing I have come up at the moment is I’m at the point where I’m collecting too much

Cobblestone and I really don’t want to have like stacks of chests just laying around everywhere so this is where I’m going to come into this is where one of the mods which I have is going to come into use it’s called alchemical reactions um it’s sort of like a

Replacement for Equivalent Exchange 3 if you know what I’m talking about then you know what I’m talking about if you don’t just don’t worry about it um basically this allows you to convert items into to other items using these different reactants um I won’t go into it much but

We are going to need some ender pearls some solemn reactant which is just like dirt and gold nuggets all right I’ll do this on camera but cuz it’s sort of something new which you don’t really see every day um need some gold nuggets not sure how much you get per

One holy crap okay maybe you you do get too many uh is that too many probably um okay so then we need the Arcanum shards which are just ender pearls I should have some spare Ender pears yeah there we go I don’t know two two is

Fine uh let’s see what what can we use the solemn reactant for okay so those are the only things that the solemn reactant can be used for okay sweet let’s mix them together and make some Arcanum shards and then we’ve got to mix the Arcanum shards with gold nuggets to make the arcanium

Reactant so more gold nuggets where are they there they are I think we can do four okay that’s a lot uh I’m going to need a chest for this stuff I’ll fix it later uh let me that’s all right yeah all right so what can we use the

Arcanium reactant for all right we can use it to convert Cobblestone into rose red then we can convert that rose red into Redstone or we can just go go out and collect roses if we really wanted to but I want to get rid of my Cobble it’s really

Irritating uh we got green I might just shut them up they’re getting irritating okay now you can hear me breathing instead of the Xenomorphs going cuz of course that’s better than what you were just hearing but whatever okay so what were we doing yes we were checking out the recipes so there’s a

Whole bunch of things you can convert I mean it’s going to take a lot of cobblestone cuz if you look over here it takes four Cobblestone to get one rose red two row red to get one red stone and then if we had how would we

Get the coal coal Coal four rows red to get one one coal and then you could use the coal to make four coal into an iron ingot so it’s h it it’s it’s it’s quite a good mod I reckon um if you want to change things into other things and at the

Moment I’m not really low on anything but I’m sort of full on Cobble so I want to get rid of the Cobble so let’s start doing this let’s put the wool in there dirt don’t need that that that that that we need more Cobble all right

So how do we okay there we go Okay cool so we just mix the that’s it awesome and let’s just do that one more time and to okay maybe not we are we are low on ender pearls so so I don’t exactly going to keep doing that okay so now that we

Have the rose red let’s convert well first of all let’s just keep like half a stack somewhere like how often do I use rose red never and when I do how annoying is it to get oh God I’m running out of space everywhere any space there we

Go uh why is the rotten flesh in my hands ah whatever okay what can we make out of the rose red uh we could just make other different types of dyes if we really wanted to um you can also stain that glass which I have on the roof which is pretty awesome okay

Nice what in the hell I have never seen some of these reies all right well I’m going to go with uh this and this gets us coal let’s get some more Cobble yeah just a little bit more and this reactant the incendium reactant there’s uh the one which I’m using right

Now is that one and then there’s this one which basically smelts things and I hear an end man outside and I’m really like like I’m at the point where I will give an Enderman some sexual favors just to get an ender pearl come on really hey buddy hey that’s my [ __ ]

Block put it down is that my block nope that’s part of the ocean thingy really nothing you go jeez all right let’s hop back inside and it’s raining wonderful okay let me make a different crafting station one which isn’t connected to anything cuz that’s probably very distracting let’s Chuck it

Here there we go that’s fine okay so um we can also use minor reactant we can change the D we can change so many things into other things it’s ridiculous we can change can we change eggs into fish we can change three eggs into an ender pearl that is awesome

Spider eyes into an ender pearl gunpowder into into an ender pearl slime balls fish uh blaze rods ooh o guess what that’s right remember that Blaze spawner we have I’m going to make a room for that I’m going to make a big room for that oh yeah oh yeah all right

Let’s get my portal gun um I could probably just set him up in there I mean like it’s not like we might be hearing a lot of blazes but if that becomes a problem and it’s annoying you viewers I can install a mod which adds in a few items which muffle sounds

Near things so you wouldn’t ever have to hear the lasers ever again and if that sounds like a good idea be sure to tell me um if it doesn’t you know it’s it’s up to you but with the amount of things I’m going to have going on and I hear a baby

Zombie it’s probably going to be wise that I install another mod which can muffle sounds I’m not sure if you can muffle sounds in the newest version of Minecraft but we are using 1.6.4 at the moment where are you there you are you didn’t leave me ow I’m stuck no a

[ __ ] damn it there’s a button on the door how am I going to do this all right just for now oh [ __ ] no oh God ow no yeah you know what you can just drop dead out of here it’s raining anyway there we go okay let’s go let’s take you downstairs oh yeah

Let’s Chuck you right here okay run run run run run run run run okay now it’s no longer outside so you know that’s good thing why did I change ah I really need a mod which can allow me to fly or something ah y That’s why I

Usually don’t leave leave holes on the roof okay let’s Chuck you cool we have a blaze no I got no no no no no no no no you are too dumb cool Ender pears well that’s awesome all right okay I’m going to convert a whole [ __ ] ton of stuff um I

I’ll be back uh once once it’s all done I’m probably going to farm some blaze rods as well I mean at least I hope they NOP they seem to be still spawning no don’t shoot shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me I don’t want to catch on fire no

You should probably put some water in here ow I’ll just change into a blaze when I fight them but okay I’ll be back okay so we are back and I’ve converted nearly half nearly all of the Cobble in those chests into coal so that’s pretty awesome okay what

We we are going to do next is is we’re going to make a custom sword cuz I want to I want to be able to get lots of items and kill things very fast if needed to that will involve using tinker’s construct now I’m just saying that that

I’m going to create this sword I won’t do it on camera but do tell me if you want to see that sort of thing on camera next time uh it’s funny how I make you watch everything else but this I won’t won’t let you watch

Okay my my main goal is to get something which can repair itself um it can have like a looting three enchantment and hits like a train and we sort of need that because now we’ve got a few spawners going up just come in here the the the minimum

Amount of blades words I get per five is uh one and the maximum is like three and the maximum happens like never never ever barely ever just then I was lucky to get three but I sort of want to be breaking in things like real real real fast

Okay so I’m going to continue making the testing room and once I’m done with that I’ll be back yeah so I think I’ll probably end it around here um hopefully I’ll actually not hopefully by next episode I will probably start feeding ex uh the Xenomorphs some cows I want to see how

Many it takes for them to get real fat not really I just want to see them evolve want to sort of get a petorian and get get a queen going eventually but we’re in no shape or shape of or form to do any of that yet cuz uh we don’t have

Enough cows don’t have enough sheep we we’ll get there though I’m just going to finish my enchantment room probably get some leather going um also probably want to do something with these blazes I’m not sure yet but we’ll get there okay so if you enjoyed the episode

Be sure to um tell me also comment down what you want to see from the series cuz I’m sort of hitting a um just for now like a really tall brick wall like I’m not really sure what to do um I’ve I I know I’ve got to go mining

All a heap um I really want um the necessary materials to sort of just for instance um feed thousands of cows to an xenomorph and have like uh conveyor belts having them run down Alleyways like I mean running run down hallways into lava Etc but not sure how I’m going

To go about that yet but if you got any ideas please tell me um because I’m making this series because of you guys uh and also cuz I like I like I enjoy playing Minecraft modded and I enjoy AVP and it’s real fun okay so I’ll see you

Next episode see you guys hey everyone welcome back to episode 8 uh my apologies for not putting out an episode so soon I’ve been distracted doing a lot of other games just by myself um as I said I do do YouTube as a hobby so so it’s it’s no hard feelings against

Anyone um it’s just as I said YouTube is my uh Hobby and it’s not like I try to put out a video every single day I mean I try my best but I get distracted with other with other games and I have a short attention span so so apologies for

That uh this episode I wanted to put the volume down so cuz I heard people winging about hissing well not winging even I was winging about the hissing last episode uh maybe I should put it up a bit at least maybe a little bit yeah that’s still bad

Anyway um this episode I wanted to get a whole bunch of testing rooms finished um I want to capture a few of each different type of xenomorph um I’m was thinking having the drones here uh we’re going to find some Warriors some pretorians we’re going to

Find a predator and we’re going to um put them together and I was thinking about making an arena so I can chuck a predator and a xenomorph in there and see how that goes so let’s get started all right so let me just get out okay let’s get started let’s start trying to

Find um Mana hate buttons but it’s the only way let’s all right let’s make sure I’m not in cheat mode because I’ve done some um mod spot lights a while ago so all right let’s let’s get all this started okay so before we even think about um searching

For uh how’s that set up okay before we even think about searching for any Xenomorphs we’re going to have to make the holding cells I do know the petorian a little bit more bigger than the usual so um and the Warriors so I was just thinking maybe I don’t

Know I’m assuming we’ll probably need something bigger but just for now it’s all good um I really need to find a way to there we go is that better nope it’s not better anyway uh let me get all this done and then once that’s all done we’ll start searching for some

Exos okay I might have to craft a few more clear glass off camera but that’s fine all right let’s do that oh wait I’m going to have to fill that up just remembered drones can get through one by one spaces I’m not sure if uh otherwi we’ll find out we’ll find out uh

Let me get that all right let’s change into bat form so we don’t get killed by rain um and let’s go searching awesome maybe we should wait till daytime or not or maybe I don’t really think darkness applies to their spawning rules if I’m wrong correct me but I

Don’t think so let’s go sleep first all right let’s change change back into bat form and let’s let’s do it holy crap um this might be a good place to find some Xenomorphs wow holy crap this this dead hiive risen oh God not sure if they spawn on dead resen

Or not but we’ll find out holy crap hello Ira it’s my doggy all right yeah I’m not sure if they spawn in daylight or night but we’ll find out so yep nothing there oh Predator speak of the devil oh two Predators nice oh three nice all right cool we got three Predators hello

Buddy all right awesome well that was awesome and real quick let’s put down there I was thinking dead Hive raisin if we plant this maybe I don’t know over here I wonder if any Xenomorphs would spawn on it cuz it it’ll be in darkness so we we’ll find

Out there we go all right I want to make um sort of an arena now cuz I want to see how the Predators do against the ex moths so thinking that’s the farm oh God my farm looks atrocious um over there’s fine all right let me

Get some sandstone and all that and be back all right I think I’m ready to do the little battle I’m going to do so this will be interesting let’s grab one one of you can I there we go I should have probably thought that through uh actually you can go back in

There I should have thought this through again all right let’s oh let me open the door let me get out ah come on buddy come on buddy oh where’d you go what aha gotcha all right let’s do this fight that’s my dramatic music well that was come on really that was

Nothing that was horrible wow all right what do you drop anyway I’m going to kill you Celtic Spear and an energy capsule and Celtic spear is pretty simple to make and energy capsules require titanium and Diamond shards which come from diamonds or you can mine them so that’s

Cool at least we know Predators aren’t completely useful they’re also very good repellent for I guess Xenomorphs so I have an idea why don’t we grab one of you maybe open the door first uh I should probably just leave a hole in you all right then let’s oh for God’s

Sake I want a predator to be my guardian no damn it that didn’t work I really got to get something better than portal gun want a predator to be my guardian in the house just in case any exor somehow gets in good idea I think so okay let’s patch this back up all

Right let’s go see how the H resin’s doing in the darkness that’s it I’m I’ve had enough of these so irritating hey buddy how’s this doing any XS none that’s annoying all right okay let me go find some more Xenomorphs hopefully we should be able

To find more um we won’t just come back with the Predators again okay let’s go find some Whatchamacallit xos I have no idea if they spawn in the nether that would be a really good idea to check there but we don’t have time for that of

Course we do but I don’t want to do that I need ender pearls so I’m going to kill you really building your own little house one by one all right nothing great there’s Mr xenor area it doesn’t look like even that big wide area isn’t going to spawn

Any not sure what’s the deal with that used to well I found an in xenomorph that’ll do sort of and another one I mean they’re probably just going to crawl through that one by one hole I did because of no glass covering it up but doesn’t matter we got two Xenomorphs

And I’ll fix them up later okay after a long extreme amount of time we finally have really the spitters are spitting at the other Xenomorphs that’s just horri oh God got poisoned by the spitter that’s no good so it looks like they want to rape the Predator the

Predator is just like I’ll take it so I I probably should have put it put them in separate cells but this is a lot more fun now that we have all them uh there was one there’s one extra thing I want to do there is a holding cell I want to

Put one in and feed them cows now to do that I’m going to need to obviously make a holding so so let’s do that um hey buddy how you doing so let’s let’s get that doing let’s get that done um really sick of those face huggers

Just want to kill them but they’re for testing purposes how we doing on here we still more glass yep ow come on clear glass come on clear glass all right let’s let’s um no that’s we can’t go that way cuz that’s where the holding cells are let’s go maybe this

Way sorry about that I had a crush all right so I ended up digging out this area um the main point of this area is to put an xenomorph in and feed it until it evolves and I’m going to make it a little bit more extra bigger than it should be because

Everyone knows what’s the full evolution of of an exomorph anyone anyone yeah I thought so no one knows uh xenomorph Queen so that’s awesome all right so let’s get an exom Morphin here okay please don’t tell me you can jump higher there we go got one ow come on buddy and down you

Go all right let’s let’s feed him some cows this is going to be interesting want to see how it goes yummy y yummy yummy hey buddy just standing there protecting me um I’m going to need to should probably just make a staircase or something really cheaply made staircase for

Now uh actually I want to see him Devour the cow right in front of me so I’m going to take this cow all the way inside um actually should really think these things through all right Chuck the cow down here you going to kill the cow well kill

It come on you’re going to ruin my whole entire thing I had out here really kill the cow kill it he’s just like no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] kill it okay maybe maybe this one doesn’t like beef let’s go get a sheep I guess [ __ ] picky

Is let’s grab a sheep come on of course I grab the only gray one I have but whatever let’s Chuck you in here oh he ate it oh he ate it I just had to go away just come back to a floating piece of beef

Wow oh oh [ __ ] I’m not in fly mode I’m going to get Massac come on let me get out all right so if I come back okay I can see this is working now yeah he was attacking it as soon as I’m there though he gets distracted okay

Let’s let’s go all the way back hello again let’s go all the way back over here we really don’t need cow uh pigs so that’s cool all right now let’s let let him eat eat let’s just let him eat for a while I’m going to refeed all my cows and all that

So while we’re waiting okay okay I think we are done here let me just quickly feed the cows and then we’ll go check on our check in on our little guy come on pretty sure he needs like 15 of any animal to um evolve into

The next form and then it’s like 30 of any animal so overall we’re going to need a whole [ __ ] ton of cows and sheep and Etc so there’s two sheep there let’s grab the experience awesome and you’re okay okay let’s see how how is he hello there how’s he doing how’s Mr drony

Doing oh he evolved oh let it look at all the stuff on the floor he evolved that is really cool he is now a petorian awwesome ow let me just if you’re not going to use it I’m using it that’s awesome oh yeah oh leather really he doesn’t want me to get

It all right okay I can get rid of dirt that’s awesome all right so that’s working perfectly um I’m pretty sure the next one is Warrior but we’ll find out okay I think we’ve probably hit the wrapping up Point um it’s probably like around 20

Minutes so I will see you in the next episode and we’ll continue everything we’re doing in the next episode so this is sort of like a cliffhanger I’m really excited that the evolution worked so oh yeah my dirt can’t forget my dirt all right so oh [ __ ] not bad for yep I’ll

See you next episode hope you enjoyed if you did enjoy please leave a com comment as I said I don’t give a [ __ ] about the likes just I want to know that people are watching that’s all all right thanks see you next episode which will probably be episode 9 bye-bye hey everyone

Welcome back to episode 9 of our let’s play series I’m Yos and uh we what we would do wait what’s that sound holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that I think it came from here the hell was that as you can see I was about to start getting some uh whoa holy

[ __ ] uh maybe we should oh [ __ ] I put my eye I put my armor down cuz I didn’t want to use it anymore cuz it was going to keep breaking I should probably go grab it now anyway as I did do this I’ll tell you about some things um yep he’s still guarding

Me uh we got a few different mods on the server let’s check on our marine armor there we go uh one of the mods adds in these little armor stands so we can get rid of the drying racks so all right uh we should probably take something of

More caliber uh there we go pulse rifle there we go this will do all right let’s do this we got to reload okay Let’s do let’s go the hell is that anyway we’ve got a few different mods we’ve got a few different storage mods on as well because storage is a

Real issue maybe I should probably save the bullets for xmor they’re fine just holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the hell oh no come on really there’s like an alien spaceship crashed here and you are just trying to rape me it’s like no no no no just ignore this oh god oh what you

Really oh this thing oh my God they’re everywhere all right looks like I’m just going to have to use the pulse rifle to kill everything in sight oh my God I should probably light up this area but someone beat me to it the hell is

This all right oh oh God no no you don’t no there’s not enough bullets in each of these magazines I have to keep reloading it’s horrible oh what what the hell oh my goodness oh goodness oh really just the zombies nonstop wow all right here we go

Okay I think you’re it is that it the hell happened here looks like a control panel what did they huh storage units the [ __ ] is that I well we’re not going to what know what it is until we walk into it what is it actually looks like we’re

Not going to know what it is even if we walk into it that that’s I don’t know if that was xenomorph blood that would be killing me right now what is going on oh there’s more over there hang on I I’m not seeing any resemblance to

Any sort of Predator Marine ships at the moment uh little bit Marine but I’m not entirely sure it’s in too many jumbles and pieces at the moment to even guess so let’s get over to the other side without dying hope y I should have probably put everything

Away yeah let’s actually let’s do this since I got this i got this for a reason right let’s there we go oh that was not friendly here we go holy crap what is this place is that blood that is a lot of blood there’s another one of those storage

Units H all right so there’s nothing here from what I can see oh is that a pool of blood more what the hell is that oh what the whoa okay one thing at a time pull of blood first or the mysterious figure in the distance um een mini money mo blah blah

Blah blah blah okay first one to counter five I don’t know I’m just trying trying to think uh all right whichever side this lands on yeah that didn’t work all right let’s just go there I have no idea how to do a random chance thing what the hell is

That taking out my pulse rifle that looks Predator that looks predator I don’t like that I don’t like this one bit that looks Predator what’s in here can you get in can you get in no maybe try break it with the pickaxe oh hang on oh there we

Go can we can we get in no it’s just looking solid at the moment like there’s nothing [ __ ] oh what the hell is that what the is that like a break emergency glass thingy over there like in case of emergency break loss it’s probably a sign or something I don’t speak

Predator holy [ __ ] that looks freaky what the I’m assuming this is some sort of a skape pod but why is there just like a figure of a human or predator or whatever what the EXO armor EXO this looks like something out from the future what’s this oh my god oh

Wow this thing it’s like molding into my skin this is awesome oh my God I can double jump I go faster oh wow all right whoever is at was it’s not theirs anymore and if they want it back they’re going to have to fight me to the death

Over it wow I might as well take you if I want what is this stuff pieces of ship pieces of ship you thought I was going to say [ __ ] what’s over here all right let’s go follow the blood puddles I don’t like this uh I can’t remember which portal I had

To get back home actually I don’t have it on me let’s just cheuck um come on trying to find somewhere oh there we go right let’s follow this pool of blood I was about to start storage issues um like start talking about our storage issues but this is more

Interesting it’s not every day something crashes pull the blood stop here or is that it all right that’s really useful maybe stop bleeding or she or whatever the hell it was maybe I don’t see anymore is there anymore no well that was a buzz kill oh what’s

This oh okay yep all right uh what happened here they were’re walking oh okay looks like a cave in and there’s a xos down there no way yeah that looks like a lot of blood I’m not that Keen to go down there and I don’t want to

Uh all of this new armor I feel like a feel like I’m Invincible Jesus yeah I’m not sure let’s all right let’s let’s check it out it’s over here skeletons are noral oh my you bastard oh my God oh my God Abandoned Ship AB oh damn it I used the wrong

One God no no no no no no no ah oh God no more oh God how do I no come on okay okay maybe this armor is not as good as it looks but it did make me survive that gigantic fall so I’m assuming it is actually as good as it

Looks come on really I had to choose the wrong portal oh my face right now is like [ __ ] I had to choose the wrong portal that is just fantastic there are so many meanies out there oh God okay I’m just gonna just gon to sit here for a while heal up a

Bit holy crap this armor is starting to like I don’t I don’t like it I can’t take what the hell I can’t take off my shoes hey what oh wait no it won’t let me take off my shoes holy [ __ ] it’s meling into like my

Foot okay I I think it was probably a bad idea putting this on in a way I don’t know Jesus Christ we we we’ll deal with this later at the moment it’s my best chance of survival okay oh that xenomorph just scared the [ __ ] out of me are you are you guys

Still out there you got okay maybe not let’s do that um let’s put you here and all right safe for now holy [ __ ] how am I get to get out of here could just use a portal gun where did I fall through over there well this was

Terrifying oh I’m just going to stop everything in the video just in mind this uh we got some Diamond shards that’s sweet all right let’s get out of here Jesus Christ uh um I can’t right let’s just get onto that platform for now uh oh God I can double jump with

This armor right let’s uh oh it’s pretty cramped all right oh there we go that was awesome can we get out oh we could jump out jump two high blocks now all right we’re getting out here we are getting out here oh my God all right we’re out of

Here oh dear I am very scared let’s well let’s get home and take a look at all the stuff we got I mean I don’t Jesus I want to see if I can try to snatch those storage units they were really big they hold a lot oh that was easy oh no

We haven’t got a room GW I can no we need gunpowder for Stuff surprisingly we never used to need gunpowder in normal Minecraft all right let’s get back to our tree there we go all right let’s get home yeah let’s get home this EXO armor it’s melting into my skin it’s like

Fully melted melding it’s nearly fully melted into my skin is worrying me I want to get it off but I can’t but then again it feels like I’m not wearing nothing in the meantime so I don’t know maybe might might be for the best might not but whatever all right let’s Chuck

Down our new storage unit awesome all right let’s Chuck in oh okay I want to get rid of um the marine armor holy [ __ ] this was terrifying okay I think we experienced one of your buddies crashing possibly well there was one of your buddies things over there

See this one’s just dumb he doesn’t reply or anything the ones I have in captivity are just stupid they don’t do anything but looks like the ones who crashed actually know how to fly [ __ ] spaceship so that’s cool okay so let me just breathe for a bit uh let

Everything just flow into my mind like this is all just a real big shock all right I’ll be back okay it has come to my attention that this thing’s [ __ ] stuck to me I can’t get it off I should not have put it on in the first place I don’t know

What’s going on but it seems as though it’s giving me extra oomph like my hearts are just rising up like ridiculously my armor isn’t isn’t so much but the amount of Hearts I have is it’s ridiculous so anyway this episode I wanted to get started um moving everything into proper storage because

We don’t have any room I also want to keep feeding that xenomorph drone uh actually he’s not a drone anymore he’s a warrior now ow where are you how’s he doing I’ve been feeding him dirt and he’s been eating it all right all right let’s

Uh sick of eating all the time such a piggy let’s put it well I’m going to start transferring all this stuff stuff all this stuff all right might as well put an armor stand here that’s cool I also have a new mod called iron chests which adds in a whole bunch

Of different chests which um can be upgraded and like for instance I can upgrade this to a better chest swich and hold more which I might do on camera right now just before I cut again so you get an idea of what the mod’s about and then I’ll cut um I need

Wood any wood anywhere there we go and then iron uh there we go and for instance if we wanted to upgrade this chest you got to remember that in Minecraft like they connect but technically that’s still its own chest um the bottom half is the right chest or

Whatever I’m pretty sure so if I were to do that it would do that and I don’t know why I did that H I should have just done the one next to it cuz I use that chest to craft things through this wow okay I’ll just be a

Second all right let’s upgrade this one too let’s break you so it’s pretty easy to put you all away there we go okay so anyway now that you get get the idea of what the mod is I’m just going to do a bit of um cleaning and

Then I’ll be back okay I think I pretty much got rid of the stuff which was most irritating me which was all that [ __ ] all the miscellaneous items was just really irritating me so that’s about it I got everything now so I can probably do the rest on camera so I wanted to

Continue uh actually first I wanted to talk about what the hell happened I don’t know what happened I don’t know where they are but I will find them and I will kill them all right I’m serious now I I I don’t know what happened um I wasn’t expecting any other life

Form like seriously intelligent life forms to drop by during this series but looks like they did and we gra robbed them and uh we’re going to go back there cuz I want to check out if there’s anything else there but for now I am terrified and I want to wait until the

Night’s over so we’ll do that first so I’m just going to do my daily things actually by daily things I meant going around feeding all the animals you know all those chy things cuz I need to feed the animals to I’m still experimenting with these exomorph maybe it’s a marine Colony sending an

Attack against us maybe I don’t know Predators we have got like Xenomorphs and predators all captive here um I’m pretty sure we’re going to have some Marines captive soon it’s a little bit little bit cannibalistic but I’m going to do it so maybe someone’s launching an

An attack against us I have no idea but all I know is we’re not as safe as we thought we were so yeah that’s about it let’s chuck all you in there no wrong thing all right um all right oh really come on why you not working that should be connecting

To this I’m that is really irritating I’m just going to turn it off just me you and my voice let’s just let’s just do things that way make it a little bit more intimate I haven’t still I still haven’t up install a mod to reduce sound around

The base I can be sure to tell me but no one’s told me yet so I keep forgetting okay um you can go there um just just for now you can all go there I just want to quickly there we go just wanted to remove that oh I could just use the

Portal gun couldn’t I wow I keep forgetting that can all right let’s grab all you miscellaneous can go back in no I want you all right let’s grab all that and how’s that doing yeah we might need to upgrade that again let’s get a gold upgrade I’m pretty sure a gold upgrades

Just eight gold around a piece of iron as you can see I I haven’t needed to go mining for such a long time because of because of my giant ass Hammer which like tears through the ground I’m not sure if I named it yeah I know I just

Named it ZM I usually name them um portable TNT because they’re just so massive and strong I just RI through the terrain all right and we need to upgrade it again wow that was quick no maybe yeah we do all right I will be back once uh

We’re going to feed the exam off again um yeah I’ll be back once we do that all right I swear we’ll be back once we uh once I’m finished but I am crafting something new so I just wanted to quickly do this it’s the diamond upgrade it’s like the final upgrade which can

Make uh the chest the biggest it can be and there we go see okay I swear I’ll be back all right so all the cows are pretty much fed and I’ve been feeding the cows a lot more than the Sheep cuz we don’t need the Sheep as

Much as you can see cows sheep they’re starving separated at least two cows from the herd so when I do feed them I can just Chuck a portal down there and all of them can fall straight through the portal straight into the xor’s mouth um also my hearts keep dropping going up

And down all the time it might be I’m not sure but it might be because the [ __ ] Armor is stuck to my skin but I don’t know might be might not who knows can you hit me from here see see I’m not scared with you cuz you are not face out because I’m

Perfectly fine all right well I’m sort of just waiting for yeah the cows to mature a bit before I Chuck them all in because I don’t want to be feeding babies to the uh exomorph so how are you all I’m just going to do some small talk while I’m waiting for

You to I me waiting for them to grow up all right we will be back once they all grown up all right I’m getting impatient I can’t be bother waiting okay let’s do that I’m pretty sure sure it shouldn’t matter if they’re a baby or not um let’s

See all right so we got the portal down there let’s I’m not looking forward to when this thing becomes a queen but I’m pretty sure the queen won’t be able to get out of here cuz look at that tiny little hole maybe I should reinforce

This thing a bit with um some of that metal I got off the ship where is that actually yeah let’s let’s go to the ship before we feed her because we don’t want to fully grown Queen just smashing through the stone like there’s no tomorrow all right let’s do I still yeah

I still got the portal awesome that’s of stuff small pieces of ship okay this stuff looks pretty tough but it doesn’t look Tough Enough To Survive fall I mean it does but I don’t know certain pieces yeah yes that’s me breaking character for a second that’s

How I made the fire Netherrack blah blah blah shut up all right let’s take these while we’re at it these look pretty tough I guess I guess that’ll do for now I think I just put away my hammer so I could have be could have been doing this a lot more faster

But I don’t know don’t hate me because you ain’t me I’m going to take this panel right here looks neat I don’t know why I’m grabbing the glass it’s obviously not strong but yeah that’ll do for now let’s uh go back how much did we get that’s enough to hold down the door

Let’s get rid of you you you you you just breaking character here for a minute I don’t want my my [ __ ] game lagging you you you you and you can do and also Fire doesn’t usually last that long from a crash it usually burns out after a while

Okay so I think I’m not sure if this episode is going to be a bit longer but I’m purposely going to make it a bit longer and if I don’t end up making it longer I’m very sorry but it’s pretty difficult to tell how long the episode

Goes for when you chop it um sort of just got to keep it an accurate I mean like a uh sort of just got to round off an estimate of how long it’s gone for uh just within my head so sorry if it does go for shorter I’m hoping that it goes

For at least 40 minutes or something but I’m highly doubt it things always don’t turn out for me so let’s get ship Decor all right and let’s I probably want to put an iron door here or something something a bit more secure than Stone this stuff looks really

Tough okay let’s quickly make an iron door and put a pressure plate uh 1 2 3 4 six now do we just want a normal wooden pressure plate I’m really hate buttons severely and I’m pretty sure the alien queen wouldn’t be able to fit in a two uh sorry A 1 by two

Hole so I think we’re safe where’s my wood there it is I’m curious did I leave things smelting in here where where is it here it is no I just have a broken chisel in there for some reason all right let’s get the iron door in there and the pressure plate plates yay

Pressure plates sick of buttons all right how you doing all right speeding time oh my God H well oh gosh let’s deactivate that go oh hang on go back to the farm see if we’ve got any more cows to feed by now some of them should have grown up that is

Hilarious also the alien will probably be feasting by the time we get back so yeah we got some cows left still let’s see if we can feed any of these guys I hate how the hearts don’t pop up I’m not sure why that happens anymore can I jump

Any higher than that no this armor which is glued to my skin only jumps so high all right there’s sort of a downfall at the same time cuz I can’t exactly we changed the armor um I want to get out of here uh what’s tricky way to get out of here

Without but switching into bat form I know let’s switch into bat form sh don’t tell you one all right so we still had those in there are you still hungry these things breed like guinea pigs like like 10 minutes and the baby cow’s fully grown or something so

Yeah there’s a lot of Orphans now let’s go check on the Oh wrong thing it’s my testing facility check on the aliens switch back to human are you nice you’re a ptan now that is really cool oh yeah I was I was a little bit hesitant just then because I can’t

Remember what he just was like I can literally just go back and check the the recording but like he’s he’s aging so quickly it’s wonderful oh yeah I’m pretty sure after the petoran he hits Queen he’s going to need a lot of munchy Munchies to get Queen all right so I’m

Going to end this episode right here uh leave it on a cliffhanger just like I did with the last episode sorry and it took so long to get out this episode I I got very distracted like I’ve been playing a lot of FTB and uh playing through Dragon Age like I’m on second

Play through Dragon Age uh if you don’t know what I’m talking about don’t worry it’s just like a roleplay game on my PlayStation 3 uh I’ve been doing other things and yeah as I’ve said like three, times YouTube’s my hobby but I do I do get a little bit Reckless sometimes and

I don’t put out a video and then I get disappointed in myself and all of I mean like I get disappointed in myself so I’m disappointing all you guys by not putting out a videos but I do I put out the videos eventually so I’ll I’ll I’ll try I’ll try

Um put out one more often now cuz we’ got a sort of a bit more momentum with the role play in this uh episode um tell me what you thought of the role playay in the episode um I’ll leave links in the descriptions to all the new mods as

I do I always leave links in the in the descriptions if I forget be sure to tell me uh cuz I have forgotten sometimes so yeah I’ll see you in episode 10 is it 10 yeah it’s 10 yeah I’ll see you in episode 10 see you guys hey everyone

Welcome back to episode 10 of my of my EVP let’s play um I haven’t put out a video in a while cuz I’ve had a horrible flu um so yeah that’s about it uh this episode I wanted to and I’m still suffering the flu so I apologize if uh

My voice seems a little Haz or like it’s blocked block nose or whatever anyway this episode I wanted to uh get that Xeno into a Coen Xeno let’s see just make sure I’m not in cheat mode because I do testing on another single player thing yeah that’s all right okay uh where’s my

Character uh my character is missing oh okay that’s why Derpy derp okay all right so last episode we were feeding this Zeno lots of stuff um and yeah he’s um he’s eating them all that’s awesome all right so I think I might as well just no no no otherwise he can get

Through let’s jump down there uh quickly there we go and hop back in here I’m surprised it hasn’t spawn despawned yet CU um I’m not sure though hostile mobs are meant to I’m not sure if it’s Hostile Mobs or passive mobs but but some mobs are meant to despawn after a

While so I’m lucky there okay so how are you going I’m going to go going to go in here and get a few more blaze rods see how all this is going oh nice yeah this this orber thing doesn’t really work well if you don’t have much

But if you have like 64 stacks of each um and you harvest them every day you get about 6 64 nuggets basically you make a few ingots every day but in that amount it’s not really going to make any difference so what am I going to do

Let’s change back into human form he’s still protecting me um I wanted to go uh mine up the warehouse as well as feed the Xeno uh sorry not mine up the warehouse what am I talking about getting my list of priorities mixed up I’m going to make a warehouse uh because

This isn’t enough room um I’m going to clear out a giant area and make just like a completely silly amount of room and just it’s it’s just going to be a giant Warehouse I’m going to make yeah but before I do that first I want to feed all these guys so let’s

See I haven’t been on since uh last episode so things might seem stagnant at the moment but that’s fine how do I get out I got double jump but it’s just not high enough I guess I just have to go back and blaz okay oh yes um I wanted to see I’m

Curious if the um EXO armor I got from last episode is enchantable so it’s pretty difficult to enchant I’m just going to put aside the um role play for now see if you can enchant them nope okay thought so all right let’s get some more wheat I

Should I I’ve said this like five times now I should probably install a mod which uh gets rid of the sounds for all the monsters constantly making noise um I I will I promise I just promise I will but no one reminds me so it’s on you yep I’ll just blame you for

It okay uh yuck all righty let’s chuck all that in there I think we’re going to need another one of them uh blaze rods in there no anyway let’s uh get out our I want to start carrying around pulse rifle uh orange stained glass that’s all the stuff I picked up off the

Ship um that can stay there MK can go there and another two chests that’s cool all right um I did not realize he could do that that’s no good oh God he I don’t think he can get out I’m not sure he seems three blocks tall although I don’t think you can get

Out anyway let’s go and mine up the what you call it uh let me just Chuck portal here let’s go mine up the uh um uh spaceship Crush cuz I I want those items and I forgot to get my pulse rifle yeah that would happen whoop I should

Probably put the portal in here makes things a lot easier Let’s put you there there we go uh excuse me sir pulse rifle pulse rifle magazine all right we’re good I just love the pulse rifle don’t have to engage enemies right up close I mean of course you can use a bow but why would why the hell would you use a bow

With the AVP mod it’s interesting stuff I wouldn’t mind it’s not much but I don’t know seems pretty pretty if I wanted to make something out of it so I’m going to mine up this for a while and I’ll probably be back when I’m done yeah if I something anything if if

Anything interesting happens I doubt well anything interesting will happen because it seems as though everything interesting regarding the spaceship crash happened last episode um anyway yeah all of the interesting stuff happened last episode but anything interesting happens I’ll be sure to cut back to recording so I’ll be

Back okay I just finished um completely obliterating that side I’m hoping nothing I didn’t really check out this area properly hoping nothing will come up but yeah so it looks like I can actually pick up the blood piles so that’s hilarious probably use them for something

Later all right so I figured out what I want to make my warehouse out of and it’s going to probably be black stained clay um number one because it’s I I want to use another mod as well as AVP here now I’m getting a little bit bored at the moment uh and

Also I need to do something while I wait for the cows to breed because yeah I think that uh I’m not sure what it’s called no not petorian I have no idea someone will correct me pretorian needs about 100 100 like 100 cows pretty much to evolve into a queen so that’s

Redonkulous so I need I need to do something in the meantime so they H so sick of doing this I should really make something better for this area to get out with all right so I thought what’s a really difficult thing to make uh black stain clay well it’s not that difficult is

Need some ink sacks hardened clay and we can get hardened clay by of course smelting clay blocks um however how getting Clay is extrem extremely irritating how can we get it using it did he I can’t tell if he just run outside and then run back in or

Something but now have to catch my place back again anyway I’m going to use the mod called alchemical reactions to transmute some of the stuff I have into clay so we are going to want some solemn reactant which is just gold nuggets with dirt so that’s piece easy let’s get gold dunets and

Dirt I’m pretty sure this is going to give us a lot and I have no idea what that thing is but whatever all right uh then what are we going to do how we going to how about how about we just do clay so there

We go and then we’re going to want to mix transfer them well that filled my inventory really fast okay so then we’re just going to want to Clay then mix minus them with gravel we can convert sand into gravel we can convert two dirt into sand um first things first how much

Gravel do we have yeah let’s let’s get a whole bunch of dirt so I’m pretty sure if I just do what was it I’m not sure if this needs to actually be in a proper crafting table I don’t know it’s just the way some mods work they just won’t work if

You don’t do it the exact correct way uh minus well reactant um huh uh go gravel sand okay we just want to chalk this one here awesome so this is how I’m going to get lots of sand I’m not entirely sure how much sand we have

But I’d rather just use dirt since we have a ridiculous amount of dirt okay so if I were to do that then I’d mix the sand with the solemn reactant to get gravel then I’d mix again to get clay how awesome is that then I’d mix that to

Get that and then that to get that oh there we go our inventory problems are looking a lot better and then we get that to get that that’s awesome and maybe I should just that would get us 64 blocks of clay H all right so it does look like I have

More dirt than sand so I’m just going to go ahead and use all that that um I’ll craft a few more Hammer then I’ll probably exit if I need any more but I don’t think I really need that much more uh what was it again solemn reactant and solemn

Reactant and solemn reactant I think that’s no we got one more let’s go all work and solemn reactant uh there we go and then we just mix that with that that with that and we need some more it’s really easy to make this stuff considering you have gold is really

Really easy but all right holy [ __ ] I didn’t to make that much okay um yeah wow all right that’s better there we go let’s convert the rest of this stuff I’m curious do I no I don’t have any see how easy is this I have got lots

Of clay already and I didn’t have I didn’t even have to leave the house lazy guide for lazies all right so I’m not sure how is that how Clay’s made yep that’s awesome and let’s 64 blocks of clay I’m not entirely sure there is another way I

Can use it I can smelt it using another type of reactant um there we go incendian reactant uh let’s see clay clay block should be somewhere here there it is instead of using a furnace we can just immediately smelt it instantly using that and send mua’s a little bit

Difficult um considering how much clay we have send in shards are made with solemn reactant and blaze rods uh actually that’s not that that’s not too bad let’s do that uh considering we have blaze rods well there’s one there’s two do I have looting on this no of course

Not let’s quickly kill the use no no stop well that’s a new one I’ve never gone ahead and killed blaz with the pulse rifle oo that’s so cool all right okay I think I have enough stuff now okay I don’t I don’t like sitting around waiting for things to

Smelt so that should be enough then the gold nuggets go there uh yeah that’s cool then check this out instead of smelting it just go straight like that how awesome is that um but there is something I don’t want to use use that for and that’s my raw

Beef so let’s Chuck that in there and it should come out here after okay and I still need just a little bit more obviously this is not going to be enough for the entire warehouse but I I’m trying I think I have an idea I have a

Really good idea trust me trust me on this okay uh oh wrong one okay now if we wanted to get ink saxs cuz I want to get black stain clay and you use um uh ink suck in the middle of hardened clay to get them uh we need minor

Arcanium reactant which we already have over here that’s cool I’ll take that um we need some lapis okay cool uh do we have a Lapis no we do not okay okay how do we get lapis is there another way to get lapis we can mix um cactus green with lapis how do we

Get cactus green all right let’s look for a dandelion yellow we have one anywhere there we go awesome I’m not sure yep there we go and two lapis and then what was it I think it was was it that nope is that there we go yeah we’re

Going to need a lot more let me just grab the entire series of flowers okay and I need to get just a little bit more awesome I don’t even think that’s enough but ha perfect wow all right so what’s that look like oh that looks pretty okay now on top of everything

Else I’m going to use micro blocks micro blocks are part of Forge I think you need a saw to make them it’s basically breaking down these blocks into a lot more smaller blocks so using efficiency I’m going to make this amount of blocks into like quadruple the amount so where what what

Are we doing Stone let’s make a how much diamonds do we have let’s make a diamond SW uh Stone rods and sticks I think Stone rods are just Cobblestone and sticks there we go was that enough no of course not there we go okay there we go

All right using this sword we’re going to whack him with no I’m just kidding now we’re going to go like that and get them then again then again then again and again and again and let’s do it one more time and again and again and again and again how

Awesome is this I’m multiplying this is ridiculous and again and oh we’re out of room I think we’ve got everything that’s it awesome now these things as you can see they’re smaller than other blocks and what’s awesome is you can place them all in the same block space so how

Awesome is that but that’s not what I wanted to do with them uh what why why what am I are they multiplying when I’m breaking them with the hammer right I hate discovering glitches cuz as soon as I find one out I start exploting it irritating dang it wow

Okay let’s see we don’t need that stuff all right so my base plan was to get an excavator so can clear our away some stuff um let to come over here finally sick of the noises I promise guys I will I’ll um I don’t know I’ll come up with

Something to tell them to shut up so right uh let’s actually I want to just get back home for a sec really wow um there is some there’s something else I think I can make called a tool rack from bibloc Craft awesome so I just need ironing get and Oak Wood slabs I

Want somewhere to put all my um uh tools so iring it uh where’s the all right so I guess I can just talk my truck my tool Rock here I don’t need this now we don’t need this now uh we don’t need this now see it’s it’s pretty awesome isn’t it look just

Chucking tools on there uh nope looks like you’re going to put on four I might need I might just want one more all right I’m going to I’ll put volume back up when I start making the warehouse just irritating um let’s put the sore up there as well really you can’t do that

It’s irritating uh o can you put this up here a that would been cool okay uh I’m pretty sure I can put the portal gun up there no I wouldn’t think so default portal gun all right let’s Chuck a portal in here in case I need to come back home grab some

Torches put away the slabs and let’s get started okay I was thinking like a like 25 by 25 so all right let’s just count this out first um I wonder that is in biercraft see this is why this is why I need to keep a portal

At my house so I can keep on going back all right let’s go like that tape measure is going to make me makes things a lot more easier for like um measuring things so and then just wrap iron around the thingy cuz instead of placing like a

Thousand torches I’m just going to use this tape measure to make things a lot easier uh so I guess you you can go on there for now okay let’s get over there what how I okay thought I was somehow flying in cheat mode but I keep forgetting about morph o roses sorry I’m

Getting distracted all right now oh all right well we’ll think about it when time comes I need to get rid of those giant gantic trees all right so all right let’s see I wanted it 25 by 25 so he’s 20 oh wait just 25 uh okay so

There all right then go back 25 by 25 should give me an even number I mean 25x 25 is an even number so it should give me a 1x one or 3×3 doorway which I always like um there we go and then let’s just measure one more time all the

Way over I might need to yeah oh there we go cool all right uh which block was that on there we go uh there we go that’s cool all right so I got it all mapped out let’s uh well let me just stop recording for a while while I clear out the entire

Area I will be back in like 3 hours all right uh I wanted to make something a lot easier to cut down the trees so I might as well show you guys another item from Tinker construct if I can find some Cobble Stone down here it’s uh called

The lumber ax and one chop at the base of the tree will take down the entire tree I’m not sure if I already made one um I probably haven’t you can make like real Advanced ones if you want just a second can I name you

A wait do I have to Chuck that an anvil or something do I have an anvil I have an anvil all right let’s oh can I tubsy can I name you I named him tubsy oh tubsy the Predator oh that’s adorable all right anyway did I get some Cobble yeah I need

Some Cobblestone I’m just going to make cobblestone Lumber ax um I thought I might do this on camera as well cuz haven’t done it before might be interested okay now I don’t seem to have I just need need a ax head pattern there it is Broad ax head and

There we go I need eight Cobblestone for that it probably works down there Stone ax head um I need I need a tough tool Rod uh I need a large plate and a tough binding awesome now there it is let’s Chuck it all together boom boom boom boom Lumber

Sweet I I’ll show you what it does it’s pretty awesome tubsy all right h of course it’s raining just loves to rain doesn’t it rainy rainy rainy rainy nonstop awesome see that’s what the lumber ax does so it’s awesome and gets rid of an entire

Tree in one one Gob all right see you in a minute you want know something funny I can’t sleep because I’ve got an xenomorph pet and a predator pet oh sorry Predator Guardian get off the [ __ ] Stone chest plate Jesus and I’ve got test subjects in there so I can’t

Sleep in my own house so I can’t avoid the nighttime I could easily just take my bed somewhere else but that’s just ridiculous I’m going to have to work through the night wish me luck okay just as I was nearly getting raped to death by monsters out here I

Just thought of something I was going to go feed by a cows SK and now that I have these things check this out let’s see if I do that and I go feed all these guys and yummy yummy yummy they’re all having sex happy happy happy all

Right I can double jump out of here now how awesome is that all right I’m gone oh it’s a baby OS it’s like a little pack oh it’s so cute oh look at him and the creep is running away well so I’ve been working at this for

Quite a while now it’s been about 40 minutes and it doesn’t even probably look like it’s been 40 minutes if you check over here that’s all I’ve done it’s just the constant breaking stuff and going back home emptying it all out I I’m nowhere near done so I thought

To fill in some that of time cuz I I know by the time I finish this I probably can’t be bother recording anymore like the amount of time I would have spent making this compared to the amount of recording I would have done would have just been ridiculous so I

Thought I might just record a little bit um of me making some of this and also um shout out to something uh little douchy IDE did to get I guess um like about I think it was yesterday yeah yesterday um actually no no it wasn’t yesterday uh yeah it was yesterday um

I I I highly doubt that the person will come across this video but if if they do and if they’re actually are holding a gudge as much as I think they would um if they do come across the video at least I can tell them this um I was playing on a

Server and uh I I I found someone’s house um This Server had like grief prevention uh which uh where you could claim your house so no one else can access it um a part of his house was unclaimed and he seemed to have a lot a lot of stuff in his applied energistics

System and I couldn’t help myself because I saw like 50k Redstone like 10k gold and I was thinking I could I could use some of that um and I ended up just taking some going back back home and and yeah I just took some so then it seemed

Like he took great offense to that and got me permanently banned from the server um it I I argued that the point that in the rules it’s I mean I’ve seen moderators say that it’s perfectly fine to take something if it’s unclaimed I could have taken his entire

AE system I didn’t I just took what I needed um I had a lot of items myself but I was a little bit low at the time so it it may seem duchy there’s probably a lot of different opinions on it but just want to say sorry sorry that I

Offended you or whatever um he’s named somn oblivio um he’s probably never going to come across this video but if he ever does yeah I’m sorry about that I didn’t mean to offend you greatly like the way he took it seemed like I punched his mom in the head

But yeah I I thought I might as well just share that little story with you like sometimes I can be a little greedy sometimes um like who isn’t going to take a whole bunch of stuff if it’s just sitting there un unclaimed and the person’s never online well I never

Usually see online but I don’t know main bottom line is apologies um yeah that’s about it it’s not like I was PL sitting there planning evil things like I’m going to I’m going to go to his house at midnight and um steal everything he has and then

I’m going to kill his cats and then it’ll all be a merry time like it wasn’t like that it’s just like oh Redstone take that yeah so that’s about it I think I might be going to a amusement but yeah I just start talking about something positive and you just start

Shooting me come on reload reload reload wait why are you not reloading oh God why you does it have to be in the hopper really come on man oh no that’s my gun [ __ ] off oh no no no no I I don’t have I don’t have my sword on me that’s

Why it was a little bit oh God uh did I grab the right wow I grabb pistol magazines no wonder wow all right let’s heal up a bit so yeah I’m sorry if the episode uh seems a little bit boring this this time um there comes a time when you must [ __ ]

Go home before you get killed uh and you have to just wait for things to pass by last episode I can’t believe I waited for all those cows to actually I sat there for like an hour feeding them just sitting there not recording felt like such a waste of time

So yeah it takes a lot of effort to get a xenomorph to a queen version okay he’s a little bit angry all right so I think think that’s about I hear screaming I hear extreme screaming coming from outside I’m scared all right so this is about all I’m getting done

This episode so I apologize if that’s boring but sometimes things like this happen you just got to put up with them I’m just twitching your balls okay I think it looks good so far I noticed something weird uh where is it covers I something if you do this check this out if

You oh excuse me do you mind really oh so sick of it being nighttime seems like it’s just not turning daytime for some reason okay let me build that up a bit more for some reason all right so if I break this I get all different sizes back it’s it’s

Hilarious it’s like okay that makes sense am I what am I oh there we go awesome I’m lacking these covers I don’t need to make thousands of blocks I can just split like 10 blocks into a thousand um they are a little bit difficult to place um overall but I

Reckon that’s a lot better than making thousands of blocks I was thinking of installing extra utilities um it’s a mod by person named rwt it adds in a block called the muffler you’d never guess what that does it muffles things how good would that be for my base everything muffled not a single

Drone sound anymore how cool would that be think that’s cool oh like get it um someone’s got to remind me I keep forgetting someone has to remind me please remind me like I just leave the I just leave the sound off and I have an arrow in my heart

Wow someone has to REM oh really Jesus yeah someone please remind me I keep forgetting every single time said it like 10 times now last time I said it I said it five times now probably said it about 10 times yeah so I’m going to be doing this

For a while I hope you guys enjoyed the episode uh a little bit stagnant this time but uh yeah sorry about not getting out an episode a while ago I was able to check out a few different types of videos but not this cuz I need I for for

This type of video I need complete concentration on the screen and like I need to be feeling well but I’ve had a flu hit me like a train this week so yeah thank you for watching um be sure to stick around for the next video I’ll see you next time hey everyone welcome

Back to episode 11 of my AP let’s play I am about to make something which will make all these noises stop Ready that’s going to stop uh all I need is some wood which is right here and some wool which is right here I’m going to make a sound Muffler um I think I’m actually going to want a few of these so let me get everything I need

Okay so I am sick to death of all these nonstop nonstop just ridiculous so we’re going to make some sound Mufflers okay so let’s put up the volume uh I apologize if you can’t hear me but I need to do this to give you some perspective on what this does okay so

These guys will not shut up wait I need a pickaxe oh God I need it okay it’s all right doesn’t matter just you hear that how how much better is that that’s amazing and I usually play on a volume about this much and on this volume you can barely hear them it does

Have a range however that’s why I needed to make a few I’m not going to just leave that in the middle of the room though I need to go get my pickaxe uh for instance uh yeah let me get my pickaxe first then I’ll show you okay where’s my piggy there you

Are okay sorry really do you mind okay so there we go how awesome is that now they’re as quiet as can be uh this should be muffling all different types of sounds by the way so that’s good all right just to make sure I might just Chuck another one here there we

Go and I’m going to Chuck another one right here I’m sick to death of all these sounds and I’m going to Chuck another one right here uh I think they need probably a few more so that should be easy to get I got lots of wood and I

Got lots of redstone and I’ve got lots of oh no no yeah I got lots of wool there we go it’s not like I’m using the wool for anything okay so what was it wood so this is probably the most irritating thing in the entire series

I’ve ever had to put up with the constant whatever you hear in the background so as I craft these I like to be able to hear myself craft them if that makes any sense at all okay uh can we do that again yep and again uh what do we we out of

Wool well it’s a good thing I have shape out there do we have any extra wool none oh yep we got lots there we go every now and then I’ve been sheering the shape and just getting a few more any after I do all this this episode I wanted to get the queen

Xenomorph moving basically I wanted to get it going uh so I think is that enough I don’t know if that’s enough is that definitely enough I have no idea rain Muffler yeah we’ll get to that all right now it just came to my attention that maybe these two mods are not

Compatible so it might be that the drones are just un shable so if I nope it works I’ve been editing the farm a bit so as you can see let’s Chuck you right here and they are still loud as hell yeah maybe yeah there’s way too many in here all

Right uh what I want to do before I Chu any more Mufflers down is actually empty out that cow area and see if we can evolve the um what’s what youall it what is he I can’t tell what he is yet uh what was it petorian Predator sorry not Predator

Warrior I really can’t tell I’m sorry holy [ __ ] wow all right let’s just stand over here for a while while they all get devoured as you can see I finished the warehouse I still haven’t put a floor in I’m going to get to that um over here

You can see Bedrock down there that’s not actually Bedrock if we go alchemized Bedrock uh it’s a little thingy you can make with one of the mods and it it has the same properties as Bedrock although you can break it basically okay so they should be done by now and

If it’s a queen I’m going to be quite happy you a queen yet why are you not eating them eat them she doesn’t seem to be hungry strange but anyway I’ll leave them there for a while I think I can probably stop the Port oh getting me of lag there that

Might start happening cuz I’m reaching a point which I Pro should probably stop the mods from piling up hopefully yeah that should be fine and they why are you you not growing I specifically left a hole there so the grass would reach I have no idea whatever all right so let’s

What are we going to do I wanted to set up a floor for the warehouse and I was hoping that I’d actually be able to feed Miss alien some cows really if I jump down there and I don’t pick up any Cate I’m going to be pretty mad I’m pretty

Mad this is irritating I was expecting her to just MCH on the I wanted to get this Warehouse completely started and by the way I did the same trick I used with these with some stained glass I had like two stacks of stained glass and split it

Into I don’t know was like 16 stacks of SL paneled CL glass so winning use I knew that would happen I knew it these are panel glass as well like if I you can see right there see I’m quite stingy when it comes to making things so yeah I didn’t think that would

Happened but anyway this episode I wanted to get the warehouse done um I was thinking of making a few few different rooms for a few different things um I why would why would got the extra mod is there anything we want to use from the mod which you can use for

Testing testing testing testing aha that’s something I want to do I am sick to death of getting eaten alive by zombies out here every night I’m going to make something called a magnum torch it will not stop uh the a magnum torch will stop any monsters spawning in an

Area but it won’t already get rid of monsters which have spawned so for instance these will stay as they are and if they don’t I’m going to flip my [ __ ] and just go insane um Magnum torches are quite expensive though but all we need is one for the base um you

Need wood chandeliers which is just diamonds torches gold uh then we need a potion of healing which just requires hang potion of healing requires come on there we go gling melons awesome how do you make them all right and potion regeneration is just a gas TI I’m pretty sure

Awesome so let me get them done and I will be back okay I think I have everything I need um there we go what I’m going to do is make these bottles and then quickly go fill them up uh I’ve made the chandeliers and that just needed five diamonds and

10 gold I didn’t want to do this all on camera because it’s probably really boring watching so um I’ll just fill up the bottles okay and then go to the brewing stand check them all in it’s not often I do brewing in any bloody game I ever

Do any sort of let’s play so sort of excited to be doing it again I don’t do it often uh then we need just one glistening melon do we have melons is the question do we have melons I don’t think we do so I know there’s a certain way we can probably

Learn how to make melons melon seeds can come from arcanium reactant with seeds and where’s our arani there we go and then melan seeds now I got to go grow these okay there we go mountaines there’s also another thing from this mod pack which will help me with uh sorry not back uh

The like the new mod I got it’s got a watering can and all it requires is Stone Bowl bone meal okay watering can then let’s go fill it up with water what this is going to do is speed up the process of any things around here growing so if I turn on particles

Again particles all and there we go you can see little blue things happening and you could sit here for days doing this continuously but I just want one melon that’s why I’m just sitting here doing it for the stem okay it’s been about 30 minutes

Not a single bloody melon at all and the watering can doesn’t seem to be working so let’s start off with the gas here then uh gas here is just basically any oh that’s that’s awesome blaze rods pork chop beef and chickens ender pearls let’s also go check on

Check in on the Mr thingy over here I got rid of some of the cows I was thinking maybe that’s why she was wasn’t eating cuz maybe she was pushed up against the wall or something doesn’t look like it though I don’t know why she’s not eating

Maybe she’s developing a what you call it one of those food problems where you keep thinking you’re fat anyway we’ll let her just stay like that for now and let me change back into your form that’s why I had particles off by the way otherwise when you change into a blaze

It just goes insane so y there we go park chop and what was is it one of them yep and then can you make can you make them no of course not right there we go gas here let Chuck in a gas here over here hang on a

Second I think you need to ferment them first with Nether wart yes not entirely sure why it was still going with the gas here and there though but never less is it a specific yeah we need to upgrade the potion with a piece of Glowstone as well so that seems easy

Enough if we have glowstone we obviously don’t have GL wow okay things just keep getting more difficult Oh okay that’s cool let’s grab one of you and a piece of redstone that’s why I love this exchanging mod as long as you have the necessary materials to exchange everything will work

Perfectly then we need to put the glowstone on top of the gasa I’m curious was thinking about making a new sword because as good as this is like the attack damage on this is astonishing like ridiculously awesome um I might need a different sword because this is going to break real soon

And as good as it is it’s going to tear through my um aluminium and titanium um Supply which I already have um I can mine them easy easier out but I’d rather try not to go mining so often and I’d rather spend all the titanium and the all the titanium pins silicon on

Ammunition I’d rather not make tools out of it so sort of learning from that mistake cuz you can’t exactly repair the tools as good as the tools are I’d rather make make an AM ammunition for my pulse rifle or flamethrower or whatever there’s so many other guns as well so

Yeah how you doing are you done yet yep you’re done making three at a time so if I ever wanted to make another Magnum torch would be pretty easy melons Done Yet of course not wonderful melons melons it’s just holy [ __ ] that’s loud wow that is really

Loud that’s what the Mufflers do they make everything so quiet then as soon as you get away can I jump up here yeah I got double jump so not entirely sure what to put in the warehouse yet um I know it’s going to be a testing facility a gigantic one uh I’ve actually

Got room to do what I want now instead of I’ll probably change that into something else eventually but yeah see what happens I need to get up on my house so I can access Mr Cow here we go and how you doing oh did you just

Grow some oh she grew some wool good on you I need I need more of those Mufflers okay right so those are done awesome local Bre Bre those can go in here I just need one of them then you can go in there you can

Go in there and I’m going to stare at the melons until they grow you know what in the meantime I might make a new sword let’s get this party started I want to make something called a Rapier uh it ignores all armor on all enemies and if

You can get it ATT attack damage up as well it’s like a drill like it drills through enemies it’s ridiculous and also I have a portal gun stand here hope you enjoy it okay so right here first thing I need to empty out all this oh no I

Don’t need to empty it out are we out of lava yes of course we are hopefully by the time we’re done making this uh melon should be grown my luck it won’t let’s check all the stuff that we don’t need in here here we go grow godamn you okay so what I’m

Looking for is my old books um I think that’s you is it you nope that’s tell it teaches you how to make the medals I want to learn how to make the items awesome this is what we want a Rapier is a special weapon the dancing sword player lets you get in and

Out of battle quickly while the Rapier damage is low it makes up for for this with its other abilities you can uh you can always use it special ability which is right click uh which you can you can like do little dances with it you can

Jump jump in and out of your enemy’s attack range uh it’s got charge boosts it’s got armor armor piercing and it attacks really fast so what we’re going to need for that is a sword blade a tool rod and a crossbar now we have so many options to make so many things

What I want to do is possibly maybe a little bit maybe chbi maybe is get some alumite and did you get out anyway get some alumite uh alumite is pretty easy to make I think it’s just Al might is five aluminium two iron two obsidian so I’ll get that

Done by the way instead of going to mine the obsidian I’m going to convert everything so yes I’m going to use my Noggin my smart little dumb nogget so there we go obsidian awesome okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make the blade out of this

Alumite stuff uh which I got ready to cook up here then I’m going going to if I haven’t already got the patterns I probably don’t I’m going to need sword blade pattern and one more pattern do I do I have a tool Rod maybe

No yep I do okay so I’m going to make the tool Rod out of cactus which means as the item takes durability damage it’ll get stronger so I’m hoping I have Cactus yep Cactus Rod then I’m going to make the binding area need to go make another one of

Those patterns there we go got two patterns then we needed uh let’s make sure we get this right there’s a few different ones crossbar that’s what we need put a crossbar then we’d make the crossbar out of paper that seems a little bit stupid but you’ll see why in a minute there we

Go crossbar pattern and then you should be you really still going uh maybe maybe I do need to empty all that out probably just won’t continue because it’s full I’m assuming if we start seeing that yeah yeah it need to be empty empty out so we got pretty much everything now I just

Need to get the blade out okay so we I think we’re ready we are ready all we need now is the sword blade pattern then I need to just Chuck the Al Al oh my God uh where is the alumite is that the alumite no that’s

Melt obsidian holy [ __ ] all right I have too much in here not awesome melons grew woo bam there we go got some melons let’s quickly make one of the wow okay I was wondering why it wasn’t crafting I probably got a lag Spike and then Kaboom wow that is that’s

Irritating can’t believe that killed me in one shot as well wow well that was this is why I want the Magnum torch because of things like that irritating wow and I don’t have any Cobblestone to block that up with Wow and they’re probably going to start flying out aren’t they um yeah that’ll

Do well I did not expect to have that happen probably be more alert when I exit the house right after nighttime wait is there any more as I say that I’m not even checking yeah that that was unpleasant okay how did those not break okay is there anything around here let

Me just clear away all the wheat so I can actually see where everything is what’s hilarious is not a sound not one [ __ ] was given that day about the sound because of the sound Mufflers near near my farm so that that added to the hilariousness so are you going to how do you

What what do you how do you make the oh okay need quite a few gold nugs that usually would have scared the [ __ ] out of me but for some reason I was so content on making my melon that when it happened I was just like oh okay pretty much ah

Finally and then we just need one more piece of closer there we go awesome okay what was I is this done yet did I Y no really well oh we need iron that’s why I always forget to put the iron in the whole thing glitched before so I

Had to just basically empty it out in Ingot form and all that came out was obsidian after I chucked in aluminum so I lost some but it’s not that big of a deal okay I think it’s done a yes it’s done finally all right uh let’s Magnum torch oh yeah Magnum shut

Up oh [ __ ] okay had the chandeliers in my inventory I was hoping they didn’t get blown up what was it that that was it that and then no the chandeliers went on the sides I could get in this FPS drop to one for like a few seconds and then it

Bumps all the way back up to about 33 not sure why that’s happening but Magnum torch hooray let’s Chucky R here H can we we can’t Chuck you on Redstone let’s Chuck you right here this might stop the blazes from spawning but that’s no quarrel with me I’ll just break the

Magnum torch when I want more but it’ll stop all natural spawns in the area so are you done yet yay Al might let’s make the sword blade Al might sword blade and let’s make this baby and the tool rod and the crossbar and we’ll call this the annihilator Anil there we

Go wasn’t sure how to spell Annihilator so I just okay now I want the paper added a writable socket to it so basically I can modify it more because of the paper I put on it do we have have any mossy cobblestone I want to do that actually

No I might leave that up for now actually no no no I’ll put I have no idea um yeah we’ll do that mossy cobblestone in that pattern will give you a ball of moss which basically puts on auto repair onto the SoDo so and that’s about it have you eaten

The cows yet if you haven’t I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there you going to eat them or not sort of pissing me off now all right well anyway that’s about it for this episode um we I’m I’m hoping by the next episode that you’ll be eating them I’m

Curious I I’ll I’ll do a bit of testing in another world and see um if it’s not just cas’s eating or something but I will see you guys next episode I hope you enjoy this episode please leave some uh comments so I know you guys is still

Watching and oh I keep getting those one FPS drops every few seconds so not every few seconds about every 30 seconds I get one of them for about 3 seconds if you know anything about that let me know but I’m pretty sure it’s because I added an extra mod into the um

Minecraft so yeah I’ll see you guys next episode hope you enjoyed see you later Hey everyone welcome back to episode 12 of my AP series uh yeah it’s been a while since the video came out number one I got engaged uh number two I’ve done a lot of number twos and uh number three been quite busy so and also got

Back into World of Warcraft so I’ve been playing that a lot so uh Minecraft has become less of a priority so far but I’m still enjoying this um this this uh world with uh Mr YouTubes and uh AP and aliens and all that also figured out why uh he wasn’t

Eating the smoggy board is too big he needs a less big smies board so we’re got to fix that so let’s see all right so let me go into a flying mode just give him one at a time he’s he’s probably getting too confused there

Too many to eat all right so where did I put my portal gun I think I left it up here is that it nope there it is that one leads to my little Lava Lake which I keep taking lava out of all right let’s see let’s go down

Here there we go we’ll take you back outside we just put you there for now yeah you good there all right let’s go back in there again cheuck another one this is a slow process but we need to make sure that the cows and the xenomorph are both both

Very happy with their choices looks like he’s already eaten one that’s good or I shot him I’m not really sure we’ll find out here we go and that uh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no what am I doing H that was horrible that was just

Horrible do I have a yeah I got my pickaxe uh wellow let me guess he opened the door and he yeah he got trapped and died fantastic I’m not sure how many because I remember chucking in like 30 cows before and it worked but apparently I’m over swarming him

So I am going to take take quite a few of them out you know what I’ll just this you know what okay I got an idea I have an idea everyone relax I got an idea I have the greatest idea ever I am going to shoot them dead and

Restart do I have Amo on me yeah I do there we go okay ouch he’s really tough all right so that should be enough for him to eat I’m pretty sure that shouldn’t confuse him if it does I think he’s got some sort of mental problem like me

Okay and you get up here yeah all right I might as well make more ammo how much no no I’m I’m really good on ammo for a while okay so I think what do I want want to do what do I to do am I in blaze form still no that’s fine

Okay so one good thing is the melons are going back so that’s awesome uh what happened to the leaves here okay so our main goal at the moment is I want to get that thing to an alien uh alien queen so there we go I’m not sure if that’s just for me

Shooting but we’ll count how many cows there are there’s five cows in there at the moment all right I’ll walk out for a bit how you going tubsy name tag is a little bit screwed up on that okay all right I’m going to start making these holding cells using this ship Decor in

The new warehouse now I’m thinking about using this along the hallways let’s see I only got all right maybe I should sleep through the night maybe I shouldn’t I have no idea can I get can I get up here no how sorry if I’m all over the place today

Just it’s just how I am I’m all over the place all the time okay let’s feed up all the cows okay it’s not even reaching my bad all right let’s let’s do do this there we go and let’s rebreed them not sure why but the muffler should

Be shutting all these guys up but it’s not okay anyway my plan was to have this giant thing be a warehouse of sorts and since the last episode I’ve been trying to contemplate what I want to use and since this ship Decor only comes from ships which

Crash um I’m not entirely sure if this will make it all the way to the end um pretty darn sure it’s not going to make it but it looks cool doesn’t it be sure to tell me what you want to see uh different types of holding cells

Because we have a new mod on Z Minecraft thingy if I go extra utilities we have a few extra different types of blocks we got iron spikes which we can shove xenom Moss into too we have trash cans get rid of items I actually might want to make one of them um we

Have we have different types of glass which may be very useful there’s a certain type of glass somewhere around here called the Ethereal glass which where is it somewhere here uh I don’t see it but it’s a type of glass that allows play to walk straight through it but any mobs which

Hit it will act as if it’s a solid block so that’ll be really good for doorways uh that’s going to be a little bit difficult to get though because first we need to get uh a dungeon loot thingy and without that you can’t exactly make the glass yeah so initially

We’re going to need that dungeon loot to start it all up and wow okay that’s wonderful did we have any more any more no let me go check if we had any more I was thinking I could make a giant section here for the queen in here not

Sure if I want to kill the queen instantly or what’s going to go on with that but we’ll see okay so let me go get some more ship Decor see what we can do see if um the aliens eating any more Cows as well still hasn’t eaten still not okay um let’s see

Ouch ouch now there’s two cows in there uh let’s just double check just make sure now she doesn’t eat this one I don’t know know what the hell I doing wrong uh I’m one more thing uh one more method I might have is just replacing this feeding cell and putting it um over

In the warehouse that might be a good idea uh so yeah we’ll do that actually why don’t we do that right now yeah we’ll make the feeding cell right now all right so what what what are we going to want to use for the feeding cell uh thinking something

Fancy uh maybe maybe not we’ll see uh now there is something quite useful in this new uh mod which I have uh we can make different colored bricks Awesome’s that and wood different types of colored wood as well so I was thinking I might if if it eh I’m going

To have lots of glass as well so God I must sound like I’m drunk when I talk just all over the place uh I was thinking all right I’ll be back once I’ve Got My Mind together and I know what the [ __ ] I’m going to better to do

Okay so my current idea now is we are going to want to have this go along right here and possibly to conserve what we have left of this ship Decor I’m going to want to probably just put I no black planks here along here just to make it blend in then we’re

Going to put something called etheral glass on the Edge Edge right here I’m not sure if yeah well that’s what I was planning on doing but it looks like I accidentally put the micro block inside this block space so all right anyway I was going to put

Uh why did I just do that again God damn it so what I was going to do is I’m going to put ethereal glass along the edges so there’s no no chance of the alien somehow breaking out through the uh thin walls and this a theal glass will allow

Me to interact with it and go along the sides without having to let him attack me and uh I’m pretty sure he should have less aggro for me as well um when I’m behind the etheral glass so he won’t try to chase me so much but we’ll see what happens all

Right so I’m assuming this is not going to end it yeah all right so let’s let’s maybe we’ll move up we’ll move this bit up a bit more so all right let’s uh I was thinking all right let’s go make some black colored planks and I’ll show you how cool they

Are okay so colored can make colored bricks as well as PL uh wooden plant planks I’m just going to do planks cuz it looks cool okay so we are going to need wood question is do we have a lot of wood let’s take a look it’s enough I guess we got wood

There as well let’s Chuck in all the M miscellaneous things there and you can go there okay and we’re also going to need this special little paint brush which just sticks and string okay and then we’re going to want some well there’s two ways we can do

This we can just use I guess we can make white colored planks all right let’s do that make some white that’s light gray what am I looking for white bone meal okay let’s make a whole bunch of bone meal okay uh we’ve got some bone meal then we just mix around the Mr

Plankies with that and not sure if we can get any more yeah we can get more let me just uh get some more wood okay there’s a bit more and then more and that’s about it for now anyway I’ll show you what you can do with this uh or

Awesome awesome wood let’s first get an ink sack if we have a spare one anywhere just one we only need one oh there we go in sack now let’s Sprint over there okay now let’s say we wanted the edge to be around here and we wanted to it to go around here as

Well okay now I can show you the magnificence of the ink saac okay so I just pressed F9 then F9 is going to bring up uh the chunks around me now watch this I can right click with the inac to change the color of these planks now these planks will always be

Known as white planks if I were to break it and pick it up it would say colored blank white and see as you change chunks they change colors so you can have the exact same planks just in different chunks and that’ll make everything look really nice

So you see how well that blends in with the floor so I was thinking we might as well conserve just a bit of this and it’s not like we’re going to ever get it again uh let me get out of here okay now what do I want to do I want to

Be a be able to walk along the side here have ethereal Glass Long here let me just pick all this up otherwise I forget about it so I can enter from any direction okay let me make sure sure my brightness is up nope it’s on Moody apologies that’s

Better so what I want to do is make this look nice there we go so my basic promise is we’re going to pretend this is ethereal glass we’re going to be able to see through it quite not quite as well but about that as well as

That um we’re going to be able to walk straight through it as as if it’s not there that’s the way it works um but the mobs when they walk up to it this is what happens just like it’s an actual block they get stuck so it’s going to take a while to

Get that e glass but we’ll get get around to it but for now what I want to do is just put in place where the Ethereal glass would be uh just wooden planks just planks will do or just normal glass n planks will do so let me do that and I’ll be

Back okay so that’s basically what it’s going to look like um we’re going to have e theal glass along the top and along the sides um of course this this will be replaced as we get more theor glass it’s pretty expensive actually when you make a theor glass it is an

Unstable Ingot with glass and the unstable Ingot is made with one diamond and one iron along with this thing which we need to get from the dungeon and and just one one unstable Ingot will make us four ethereal glass and that’s eight pieces of glass so it’s quite an

Expensive process so at the start we’ll just have it along the sides or whatever but for now let me just fill this up and we’ll get our ex off in here hopefully he won’t be able to escape if he does I’m going to call that a glitch cuz he

Shouldn’t be able to or I can call that an emergency and lock down everything it’s really up to me or use it’s really up to you I can call that a glitch and just cheating back in here but I really don’t want to do that forse comes to us okay

So let’s get up here okay there we go let’s just get rid of that awesome now there is another thing I want to do um there’s more chance of finding these types of dungeons if we go into a special portal around me thing um I do want to have lots of cobblestone to

Build with whenever I want as as well so there is another thing we can do using this mod there we go um there we go let’s see okay the other thing I wanted to do was make a portal to the deep dark now I’m not going to use this all

The time but for the few times I do use it I’m going to use it to search for dungeons because they have they are full of these giant Castle dungeons which is just full of loot which my my main reason for finding the dungeon is to

Find that thing so I can make that special glass also we’re going to need a lot of cobblestone to make it uh what happens is you compress Cobblestone down and that’s part of the recipe and to even make the portal in the first place you’re going to need

Unstable ingots so H [ __ ] I didn’t even realize that okay my bad all right we’re going to actually have to just find a normal noral dungeon somewhere so I think I might go exploring for a bit and I’ll be back when I find one so just

Before I do go searching for a while this is also going to allow me to um find some cave systems and go mining in the process since I haven’t been mining since about episode two so it’s good it’s good I reckon so at least I’ll find some more materials and

Fill up my chests a lot more better so yeah let me go find uh what I need to find well it looks like I found one I was just digging along in a 3X3 pattern with the hammer looking for cave systems cuz that’s where you usually find them

And I found one right here so I hope we get lucky it actually looks like a sceleton spawner which is completely covered you know I have no idea where the hell the chests are also we got some Mossy cob which I want to snatch cuz that you can use that

For a lot for really useful things oo a double chest come on baby and no luck we got another portal gun though yay all right I’ll be back well look what I came across while I was uh AFK oh sorry not AFK I mean like not recording

It’s spreading like hell I just I just met it for like I it was just one block a second ago oh that spawns xenos well so this is probably what you call an active Xeno area uh where it’s start wow they’re just popping up like [ __ ] Jesus Christ that is spreading real fast

Anyway I just thought I might as well just show you that because I’ve never actually I’ve only seen it a few times and those few times sometimes I do see it it’s not really that well well formed but as you can see it’s spreading pretty fast and I’m pretty far away from home

So it’s probably why uh it was just one block like literally 10 seconds ago it was sorry about literally like 30 seconds ago it was one block before I started showing you what was happening it’s spreading really fast so yeah I thought might as well just show

You guys what this is looks like uh can you pick it up maybe anyway I better get out of here before they start spawning well looks like I found another one just down this cave system this is like super far away from my house though and it’s a spider

One it’s I’ve been gone for like another 30 minutes right now did we get no of course we didn’t all right okay we’ll be back actually it just occurred to me there is another way to get this uh if we get if we spawn a

Wither you heard me right if we spawn a with oh gosh if we spawn a wither and we kill it we’ll be able to get one so that’s cool what are we going to need we are going to need some heads in the first place so we

Can make heads using skull first of all let’s see if we got any heads uh okay you know what I will uh I I I’ll end the episode here um next episode we’ll um spawn a wither we’ll fight it we’ll get that new uh that new sigil thing and we’ll end up getting

That then we’ll have to perform a few rituals to activate it and then we’ll get the ethereal glass going and then we’ll have a new spot for the alien to start feeding on and I’m not sure he still hasn’t eaten the cow yeah I’ll I’ll check up about that all right so I

Hope you enjoyed this episode see you next timey everyone welcome back to episode 13 of myp P series what I’m doing at the moment is um I’m just doing my rounds everywhere just putting in all the ores like I found yesterday uh not yesterday um last

Recording um do want to finish uh I do want to get all my levels together together so uh I mean I want to store them in books cuz we’re about to kill ourselves uh cuz that’s about the only solution I have to a certain problem which has been

Pling us for about five episodes hopefully that’ll fix the problem so let me just get one more come on level 10 give me level 10 that’s good enough power fantastic okay so our xandor will not uh eat cows until it eats me believe it or not uh that’s the problem we’re

Facing before I go back down I got these enderly seeds of um a dungeon they basic basically just plants which grow uh what you call it Ender pels and they grow better on endstone and also you can craft endstone with four Netherrack and some solemn reactant

From that mod just in case you were wondering where it went from where it came from and they grow better on endstone so that’s why I’m doing it up here and they take a really long time to grow so that’s why I’m going to get them started right now okay let’s Chuck

Um you can go gosh I don’t know you can go there I guess let’s uh put those I I was going to enchant a diamond pickaxe but rather just do books okay there we go okay now we just need to all right just take everything off

For a second put it all in here do we have anything else on no okay we’re good let’s go feed ourselves to this xenomorph so he stops chasing me and goes for the cows there we go now if I’m right he should be attacking the cows

Now and well we’ll come back and if he still isn’t attacking the cows um looks like the problem isn’t fixed still which is sort of irritating but we will get it fixed eventually okay that was there there there there and there there we go okay so our next objective is to get

With the skeleton skulls and to get them we’re going to need skulls in the first place um and I know probably the best way to get skulls well would be without this current mod which transfers things into other things would be to make a giant Cleaver from um tink’s construct you out of

Lava he out of lava just a moment let me let me go find the bucket yeah I’ll talk as um this is going on we could either make a giant Cleaver from tinker’s construct which will has more chance of dropping heads off enemies um and I just go to the nether

Realm and find um those wither skeletons and um just chop them down but I want to do something different that’s what I do every single time I play Minecraft um with tin is construct I’ll end up making the giant caver and going going all the way to the nether

Realm searching for them for hours and yeah it’s just not so fun I I I I guess so let’s see let’s put all this back okay so as we could see if we wanted to gas his we need chicken okay okay okay that’s neat that’s actually really cool all right

So considering we have lots of raw beef I haven’t already cooked it all up oh we do what about over here raw beef O Okay um now let’s I can’t remember which one it was so I’m just going to take all of them okay so so what was it to get a gust

Here we just have to do that there we go and then to get skeleton heads she need to Oh okay that’s actually not going to be as much as I thought it would be yeah that gets us one with a skeleton head well that’s irritating uh I guess I can I can fix

This I can fix this don’t worry okay uh raw pork and raw pork right is there any other way to make that pork in the first place I I mean the beef raw pork comes with chicken ender pearl gun powder spider eyes eggs blaze powder Jesus okay all

Right um I wonder okay so we might actually have to go with the cleaver just for now but at the moment we’ve at least got that we’ve got one so that’s fine let’s um there we go okay okay so I I guess we’ll just make the cleaver then all right

Let’s find um some wood uh weren’t Ed to them do we have wood do we have wood I’m probably looking at it you’re screaming out it’s right there but I don’t see it that’s irritating all right um give me that let’s go out quickly and just cut down a

Tree you will do just fine there we go isn’t it funny how well those Mufflers work inside cuts out every single bit of noise and as soon as I come come cut down the tree it’s loud better than the exom okay we got wood now I need some sticks and just going to

Make a whole bunch of these since I will need them and Chuck them in um the stencil table okay so I’ve never made a what you call it a caver before so I mean I have in other playthroughs but like in this one no I haven’t so for a Cleaver we’re going to

Need I think was it I need to go get the book not until I show off by heart oh hang on no I don’t need the book can just search you uh going to need two tough rods big plate and a um what’s it called big sword blade Buton all right so for

That we are going going to need to possibly empty this and make a plot uh cast for The Sword blade patterns cuz I already have the other ones I think uh I think they’re over here no that’s the only one I have okay well me you know what you know what you know

Let’s just do this let’s hello let’s uh just make it out of couble I can’t really be bothered melting it down okay doesn’t really matter because um it’s still going to have the same properties it’s just be a little bit weaker okay sword blade stone large pattern and two tough rods Bam Bam

Whoops Bam Bam cleav now let’s see if we’ve got any quartz just to add to the attack damage of this CU I can’t be bothered um going all the way um to make a better cever so okay six hearts of damage is pretty good just for stone sword got to admit right

So seven hearts of damage 7.5 Hearts that’ll do okay let’s add AO repair onto this guy as well which is just the Moss there it is nine musy Cobble uh do I have a crafting table down here yep I do sorry if you can hear the helicopter

I do live in a society where other things happen Okay um okay you can go in the miscellaneous just for now so it looks like we’re going to we’re going to have to search for some um uh with the skeleton skulls so let’s empty everything out and

Then we I’ll meet you in the nether okay we are back and this is called um this is called don’t get lost this is a game so I am in blaze form so I’m can go straight through the lava okay so let’s go find a nether fortress um

Okay I do not want to get lost because I don’t have any sort of map mods and if I get lost I lose everything so yeah there’s nothing there I didn’t take my hammer cuz I didn’t want to lose it basically right I don’t know why I took

My axe I should have put that put that back it’s just Cobble though doesn’t matter okay come on where going to leave torches every every inch or so so I can track my way back well it doesn’t look like I can oh here’s something I’m hoping this will come out

To a big cavern of some sort hang on I’m so dumb why do I need to set torches if I have a portal gun wow the dumbness level was over 9,000 where is okay there we go awesome I still say torch torches just to be safe but yeah dumbness level over

9,000 by the time I come back home I’m hoping that the exomorph has eaten the cow if still not I’m going to have to to kill myself a few more times off camera and put some more cows in there if that still doesn’t work I’ll try to find another animal and if that

Still doesn’t work I have no idea what’s going on and to be honest and in the end of the day we’ll just say that it did end up eating the cows and we’ll cheating a queen for just um display purposes cuz I don’t I think it’s probably going to get irritating after

Like 12 episodes of no Queen you know what I just remembered I went all this way and I just remember I’ve already found a fortress and it was over here I’m pretty sure I dug uh was it what was it I remember finding a fortress somewhere around

Here can’t remember exactly where but I definitely got my um blaze rods and Blaze spawner from somewhere uh that’s my point so I just got to refind where I found the nether fortress entrance so hopefully we can still find it so I was digging all that time with forgetting that point

So let me go find it and I’ll be back wow look portal NE Fortress oh God that’s hilarious okay let’s go find ourselves some wither skeletons well there’s a blaze let’s see how strong this Cleaver is nice just for a stowing Cleaver how awesome is that

Okay can I get through here yep there’s still another brick so the nether brick stops yeah trying to find um more floors oh here we go nice okay come on skeleton come on skeleton if I can’t find some I have a really good idea to get them instantly

But we’re waiting until we not able to find any then we’ll go with that plan come on any with the skeletons none whatsoever just Blazers oh here we go there’s a whole bunch over here maybe a bit too much yeah I think it’s a bit too much oh

God let’s do that I’m such a cheat oh [ __ ] no come back I love you aha we just need one more and there’s another one hooray come on oh God come on come over here oh I love you too no come on oh there’s another one come on come down

Here can we get in ah [ __ ] here just one more one more just a little bit come on give me one more just one more then we can beat this wither to death with my sword come on come on now come on I’m going to take you just for experience because I’m

Mean come on what I doof this here we go come on drop drop drop drop your heads did you drop your heads of course not oh God I’m nearly dead oh God oh God oh God holy [ __ ] okay lucky I shot that bortle out real quick Jesus Christ oh oh my

Gosh oh my gosh wow okay I’m in Zombie Pigman form I probably want to be in blaze form actually aha I’m so smart give me all my ey oh I bet you some of it burned that would be wonderful wouldn’t it there we go uh do I still have

My of course I don’t have my Cleaver the one thing which I need oh that’s wow okay well that’s a bummer jeez the one thing I need I don’t have oh wait no it’s right there God I’m stupid all right let’s uh fill up my steak that was all good those all good

It’s all good okay let’s continue I just need one more with a skeleton head and then we shall win at everything ah come here my beautiful and of course not every time I get poisoned I think I’m going to run over here oh God all right I’ll leave this portal

Open this is my my base [ __ ] off I don’t want to have to shoot you too late okay how cool is that shooting a blaze with a [ __ ] pulse rifle come here no come back oh oh they’re teasing us there’s another one they’re actually spawning quite a bit I’m happy I’m happy

This is happening did no of course not wow okay um wait hang on I can’t tell if this it’s meant to already have beheading by itself um you can add it onto weapons with an ender pearl and obsidian which I might go quickly do but to my understanding the

Cleav is meant to have the natural ability by itself to behead enemies but it doesn’t look like it’s actually doing it um because you meant to get quite a few heads just from the amount of kills I got so I think I should should have a piece of OB cityian here there we

Go and let’s add on uh beheading that just makes it look even cooler okay meet you back meet you back at the uh nether R okay with skeleton skull inbound we should be getting them dropping like flies now if we can find them hello Hello really come on you can spawn you can trust me see for instance this guy should just drop his head now which he doesn’t makes me look like an idiot but they should be dropping their heads a lot more often now there we go oh God yay finally okay we’re good let’s go

Back home I want to get out of out of this place let’s there we go yay all good okay okie dokie Let’s uh put everything away and I’ll be back okay so we are back um I’m trying I got a lot more Co and I ended up turning every single piece into a

Block thinking I could turn it back into quartz and no such luck so just going to use this and do that okay so there we go all right so what I’m doing now is I’m sharpening up my Rapier cuz uh as far as I know that’s

The best weapon to fight a NE a Wither with um don’t ask me why it’s just works really well um I’ve done it before trust me uh so but at three hearts every hit that’s not going to be enough so I’m not sure or I don’t think I can

Add any more let’s add on one more I’m pretty sure I should have some gold add an extra modifier onto it uh yep block of gold and one Diamond I’m pretty sure I haven’t already added this one onto this yep I haven’t let’s make it just a bit more

Stronger okay uh 5.5 Hearts damage plus ignoring armor so that’s awesome okay let’s put all this back now we’re just going to dig out a little mini room for the weather Battle uh I’m not looking forward to this not one it cuz uh as good as this um melded

Armor onto my skin is it’s not exactly durable and tough fights and I thought the face hackers got out just just then and I got really scared okay let’s uh go down to the basement let’s see let’s there we go let’s go down to the like right down

Right down here so there’s no chance no chance in any sort of way that this with it is going to deal lots of damage and destroy my entire house and if it does oh god let’s go all the way down to bedrock this is how I fight Withers I I take

Them down to about Bedrock level I build a 3X3 hole I spawn them in that they break open that 3×3 hole and turn it into about a 10×1 and then I smack the hell out of them until they die really fast got to be really fast about it because um you know the

Withering effect so okay okay so then once that’s done dig in a few more it’s a lot of preparation just for one battle but better to be safe than sorry see and then I just spawn him right here and then I’d go Bam Bam Bam Bam let’s go Bam Bam just

Kidding I’ll finish that off after I put everything away just in case I’m going to die okay so um leave the portal out here so he shouldn’t be able to get up here let’s put uh put away all our stuff let’s I don’t know just put on here we’re not going to need

That uh we’re not going to need them we’re probably only going to need that I’m going to keep the pulse rifle um let me just go get a bucket of milk as well cuz I know I’m going to need it there we go sweet all right let’s do this ready for this intended

Okay oh God okay here we go oh God oh God there he goes there he goes oh no holy [ __ ] oh God get him getting him get him ah oh God a [ __ ] that was so quick he died so fast I mean I died so fast oh did you see how

Fast he was taking damage though look at his um health bar oh no oh dear oh de Deary all right let’s let’s go get our stuff back if we can if he doesn’t blow it to Pieces oh no that’s my stuff leave it leave it alone

Oh God did I get my stuff of course not where’s my stuff no bad bad bad bad wither bad bad oh God oh God oh God oh God he’s nearly dead oh God do I have a sword yes I do I have a sword up here it’s uh my trusty old sword Celtic

Sword let’s do it one more can you help me let’s do it one more time oh no no no no no no no no come on he just needs a few hits few more hits few more hits few more hits few more hits few more hits

Few more hits few more hits few more hits ah he’s so close to death I think I probably just punch him to death now come on come on come on come on excuse me that’s rude really okay maybe looks like he’s regenerating his health wow okay let’s quickly quickly

Quickly what what do I have uh um let’s get a stick uh oh oh oh no let’s use a pistol actually pistol’s fine let me put that stuff back I could shoot him from a distance oh God he’s regenerating really fast he was so close to death where’d he go where’d he

Go come on ah he’s dead finally ah yes that is so awesome and he blew a hole in here like there’s no tomorrow oh my God I think I lost everything absolutely everything let me go get some torches and I’ll search search um search this area

Out uh oh there’s a thing over there I’m pretty sure yeah I’ll get I’ll go get some torches and I’ll come back okay I got it I got the god damn thing [Applause] finally okay uh let’s go back home I lost my portal gun and every single sword I had

And my armor and everything I’m very sad I lost everything except my spectacular lava gen portal gun which is out of lava again wow so that went worse than I expected and I’m pretty sure that division SED was just glowing because I could have just used it then um what you

Meant to do is you meant to right if I shift right click on an enchantment table let me actually go make some armor before I go back outside cuz I had the worst time in my life let’s uh I don’t know I guess I guess we can just make iron

Armor maybe yeah why not let’s just do that okay so apart from losing everything I love dearly uh we went well uh we got the I just made two HS well we got the division sigil and need one more got the we got the division sigil and nether

Star as well which might come in handy not until I sure what but let’s see beacons nether star generator hey well we can make another portal gun using that nether star and we can make a dragon egg and can we we can craft oh really really you can craft them oh my

God okay relax relax are you kidding me are you Kidd really really I could have done all that without having to kill actual weather oh wait then I would have got the division SCH God damn it things are so stressful this episode so I’m going to end it here

Let’s see if he’s eating the cow he ate it good boy he ate the cow hooray oh that’s so nice here’s a treat piece of dirt okay so I’ll see you guys next episode I hope you enjoyed this episode uh be sure to leave a comment uh sorry

About not releasing videos every day as I said like a thousand times by now it’s not my career hobby hppy all right see you guys hello everyone welcome back to episode 14 of my AVP series uh we we are harvesting uh wheat because uh we are

About to refeed our cows after I feed them to the xor and it looks like this episode The Queen will be made um because yeah we figured out that she will only eat if she isn’t targeted onto me cuz I mean yeah we have to wait until

She retargets her next victim and then she’ll actually eat the victims so if that happens again uh yeah all I have to do is just let her eat me and then I feed the cows so we should be having a queen ex xenomorph this episode so that’s pretty exciting I’m looking

Forward to it also need to activate this um sigil thing in my inventory uh yeah okay also last episode I mentioned that I lost my portal gun I was stupid I I just realized that I put it all the way in a chest before I actually jump down

There so oh hang on might as well use that first okay let’s uh just feed them one more time just one more time okay let’s do this all right so I have an idea I’m just going to there we go and do this just one at a time

I was curious are you eating them well we’ll see all right let’s uh I’m not sure if I should yeah there we go okay even with the babies I I have no idea if if um killing the babies will count as deaths on its record but we’ll

See I need to make another chest I am full to the broom of stuff like ridiculously let’s have another idea how about I make a trash can sounds like a good idea Cobblestone chest and a stone Cobblestone chest and uh chest there we go uh I need to delete

Some items and this item will allow me to delete items so not sure if I’ve already shown you guys this but I have a really bad memory sometimes so apologize uh what What’s some stuff we don’t need uh let’s put all that back okay for instance we don’t need that that that

That that that that we don’t need I’ll keep the music discs oh wait I’ve got three versions of the same music discs so I’m pretty sure doesn’t really work for anything we don’t need leather boots don’t need the bows that’s about it and that doesn’t even work so there we go let’s delete

All this stuff awesome okay we have room again hoay okay let’s see how Miss uh petorian is going how you going I probably swarmed her again didn’t I I forgot about that oh God I forgot about it I forgot about it you were not meant to swarm her oh God no not Again oh God I’m so stupid wow okay are you still aiming for me I bet you you are oh God let me change it into BL form quick before you kill me holy crap okay let me go kill myself and I’m pretty sure I don’t know swarming shouldn’t affect

Her okay now I’m just going to sit here for a while and know about 2 3 minutes go on Facebook something and uh I’ll come back and see if she’s eaten any of them and if she hasn’t I’m going to have to kill all those cows all over

Again we will get this queen done this episode I promise I promise to death I promise okay very right back okay um we are I’ve been waiting for about 5 minutes I’ve killed all the adult cows cleared it up a bit I thinking in the meantime we activate this baby uh so

What we’re going to have to do is get some Redstone which is just over here I think eight should do um then do this our wait needs to be surrounded by dirt okay let’s uh better hurry cuz it’s nearly midnight I think you can only perform this at M

Midnight so we’ll go quickly go go over here um this does spawn a whole bunch of [ __ ] though so I’m going to designate a little miniature area for it so okay also going to need sacrifice so we’re prob going to need the the the portal

Gun so I can carry a cow towards the area oh oh God it [ __ ] okay it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on

Hurry up hurry up hurry up it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready it’s ready come on all right then we just need a any animal quickly quickly quickly oh really requires more natural Earth oh we missed it all right it’s uh all working let’s

Wait until the next night and uh while we’re at it we’ll go check in on the AP AV Mr AVP room how you doing don’t you like babies okay I’ll see you next midnight I I I set up my bed over here so I could actually sleep because I’ve always got

Monsters in my home and also the Magnum torch um is going to be keeping enemies um from spawning over there uh for about 64 blocks from the um initial place of the Magnum torch it’s over there so I’m just going to make a little house while I’m waiting for the next

Midnight um to put my house just to put my bed in so yeah and again I’m recording again just to show you what I’m about to do I’m about to go dig up a whole bunch of sand because we going to need a lot of it

Trust me just a lot so just letting you in what I’m going to be doing and as soon as it hits near midnight I’m going to stop whatever I’m doing and quickly go run over to the division sigle area and activate this thing so I can

Actually make what I want to make so yeah I’ll be back okay it’s nearly midnight and uh checking in on you how you doing well the cows seem to be growing up so we’ll leave leave her for a bit um I found a lot of sand and I’ll

Go repair this thing again probably going to go search for I mean not search dig dig for more a lot more sand once again I’m going to have to cook all this up so in reality it’s not that much just want lots and lots and lots of

Glass for about what what we’re about to do so uh let me go get some coal so it’s nearly nearly nearly nearly where’s the moon midnight Midnight there’s the moon so at the moment you see once it hits the middle of the sky that means it’s probably

Exact midnight now let’s just get ready just just a little bit little bit extra extra Readiness before we do this again okay all right too early My Sacrifice must be r at night time okay let’s grab a sheep when this hits you’ll know about it uh that’s why I’m setting up a little

Mini barrier around it cuz it it’s just crazy ridiculous you’ll know about it okay where’s the moon nearly a midnight let’s go put away our stuff quick cuz uh probably something bad’s going to happen so let’s uh you there and you can go back up here let’s put you in here there we

Go okay let’s do this just got to wait wait wait wait guess I can go feed the cows in the meantime got to keep a close eye on the moon where’s all my weight did I end up using it all probably the amount of cows I have probably have

Yeah how you doing now it’s nearly midnight oh so close oh there we go it’s midnight okay let’s do this let’s do this woo awesome yeah wait what did that fail okay good it didn’t that’s awesome uh this cursed Earth stuff is meant to spawn monsters

Like mad um it actually looks like it’s giving me an easy time right now so that’s cool I’ll just leave it out here it’ll burn up in the sunlight um I can probably prevent it from spawning enemies if I Chuck down a few torches well that happens there we go

That’s what usually light does to this thing that’s cool I was expecting a lot more Bloodshed but I guess that’s good we didn’t get get as much as I expected but now we have this thing uh now the fun starts where we’ve got to craft things which can possibly kill us if

We’re not fast enough okay so uh let me get everything put away back where they were and I’ll be back okay I think we have most of what we’ll need uh now comes the process of smelting up all this sand into materials which we’re going to use so let’s just

Do that bam bam bam bam bam bam Bam Bam Bam H split it up a bit whoops there we go okay so that should be giving us glass like mad okay uh let’s go check in on um Miss petorian she’s uh she’s looking fine let me go just go kill a few cows

Again let’s uh see do I have a pistol yeah I lost my pulse rifle in that fight I’ll make another one there we go crowd control okay this is where the fun happens fun fun fun okay let me put away this stuff cuz something bad’s probably going to happen

Uh let me just craft one at a time I don’t want have to lose all my diamonds this is where we craft this special glass I was talking about last episode um you have to be quick about it as well because uh it will Ex these ingots you craft

Will explode and looks like you can only do it in a vanilla crafting table has to be completely vanilla so it goes like that that and that that gives us an unstable Ingot you have 10 seconds to craft whatever you want to craft with it before it explodes and you can’t close

The crafting window otherwise you would die so quick quick quick quick quick bring the glass around see it’s counting down counting down counting down counting down counting down and Bam got the etheral glass now I can show you what this this thing does so see as I

Said you can’t really see through it properly if you remember me saying that but you can walk straight through it but mobs can’t so that is the best don’t you think so now instead of having doors everywhere instead of having doors everywhere oh this is wonderful this is

So cool this is so wonderful Bam Bam awesome I can probably replace that with an actual red brick now if I have any left yeah I do awesome so I might craft these on camera cuz it’s quite fun to watch me fail if I end up do failing so I’m actually going

To try and make three in one one go so this will be fun okay uh actually I don’t have enough glass for three and one go well that would have been a big epic fail okay let’s go that that bam quick quick quick quick quick quick you can’t can’t

Shift click them into the crafting table either which is a bummer see you don’t really get that much depending on see how much glass we’re using we don’t we’re not really getting that much Al together and uh you know what I can probably end up replacing every single door now with that etheral

Glass that’s awesome I can probably do it with this as well like there’s so many things I can use this for only problem is per four it costs one Diamond so it’s quite expensive but if I run out I’ll just go mining again I can find it real quick

With the uh what you call it um Hammer Hammer is so fast and this thing has about 250 uses so you can use it a lot of times um oh sorry that was the wrong crafting table so I’ll do this just one more time on camera then I’ll probably do the rest

Off camera and I’ll be back um come on there we go I don’t want to show you what happens when you fail cuz I’m sort of low on diamonds and like it’s easy to get them but I really don’t want to have to go get them

But it wouldn’t hurt I’ll show you what happens um no you go there the grass glass goes there okay I shall show you what happens bam okay either wait 10 seconds and let it explode or close the crafting window that’s what happens okay I’ll be back

Okay so what I’m doing at the moment is hoping that the Predator won’t jump to his death and uh I’m going to transfer all these um Xenomorphs and uh well not all of them just that one and all the cows into its new holding cell which

Will be over here um let me just grab some torches cuz it is Pitch Black over there okay so this will be their new holding cell I’m going to want uh stairway up the side okay and then I’m going to want well just a Stairway out the side for now um let’s see

That’s fine I just want to stay way up the side so I can actually access the Top If I wanted to and then empty okay so now we go back all the way back and we’ll empty the more L out in there it’s the pink portal okay so just

For now you see I’ve done something over here with the Ethereal glass which I’m going to just quickly remove if you hold shift while you’re on this glass you actually act as if you’re you’re a mob on the glass so for God sake awesome we finally

Done with uh this area we can close this up and it won’t look so ugly anymore we don’t have to ever use this area again let me grab that muffler and then let’s close this close this up so uh just normal Stone Pricks okay awesome how’s all this going oh nice

Okay blocks they all go in there I’ll hold on to little I’ll hold on to that just for now just to see if I want to do anything with it okay so it actually looks like we finally got at least one pen in the warehouse now so as we can

See he still looks like he wants to eat my face out so let’s go I have an idea let’s uh quickly go make a chest over there I was looking for the button to open the door and I just remembered let’s go make a chest uh we not make one we already have

One okay then go over Here and now there’s another reason I moved my bed so far away because um I didn’t want uh whoops uh I was thinking every time I respawned that X xenomorph would be hunting for me so I I just tried putting it more further away so let’s put everything in here

Okay so now if I just jump in there and sacrifice myself and if I wait here for a bit so I’ll be back I I’ll wait like 3 minutes okay it’s me actually 5 to 10 minutes I’ve just been watching videos on the internet let’s see what happens

And it still isn’t a queen it does look like it killed one cow though so yeah it killed one cow oh no actually a few that’s cool not got enough not got enough uh this is going to be a very lengthy process isn’t it yeah

We’re going to be here for days Days on days on on days and days oh gosh I promised I promised though she would be a queen I promised it will happen it will happen it will happen oh gosh okay well okay let me wait another 10 20 minutes and if she still isn’t

Eating well we’ll see what’s going on okay um then I’ll probably end it there and then I’ll ask you guys a question so be prepared for a question so I’ll be right back okay it’s uh been about 10 to 15 minutes it still isn’t eating

Uh okay so I’m going to end it here asking you guys a question if I can’t get it to eat in the next 20 minutes I’m going to stop recording now if I can’t get it to eat in the next 20 minutes 30 minutes I’m

Going to do I’m going to kill myself a few times I’m going to remove the cows bring them back in remove the cows bring them back in about I don’t know two to three more times stimes and if it still isn’t a Coen uh please let me know if you want me to

Just kill all the cows role play that um she actually did eat all the cows and I’ll just spawn in a queen and then we’ll be done and done um because apparently this is just getting ridiculous it’s just taken a while it’s just taking ridiculous

Amounts of time um and you saw how quick she was eating when she wasn’t a petorian uh I think it’s a petorian is it a rorian I have no idea anyway um yeah so I leave you that question if you want me to cheat it in if it won’t work

Um or yeah also mention what you want to see next in the next next episode um next one should be coming out uh not really sure when but soon uh so yeah hope you guys enjoy the episode see you guys next episode hey everyone welcome back to

Episode 15 of my AVP series what the [ __ ] are you doing here what really oh I’m just going to wander in through the portal into your realm for no reason anyway welcome back um guess what happened we have a queen look at that we magically have a queen we acquired it

From means which are probably illegal but we have a queen uh and it looks like looks like the cage is too small I think it needs to be a bigger cage I I just think I think it does it needs to be a little bit bigger

Okay well now that we have the queen what are we going to do with it well that is entirely up to you entirely up to me but this episode I was thinking that we uh jump cut to the house and uh make an xenomorph playground how Cool’s that sound and

They xenomorph Playground now this thing’s going to have to be gigantic like if we’re going to have big mama bear here what the oh [ __ ] I’m starving to death if we’re going to have big mama Bears playing on the playground uh this it’s got to be big

So yeah let’s get started uh what what to make first well uh and also part of the playground is at the bottom of the slide there’ll be like pointy spikes so it’s it’s like a death playground at the same time so to get this started first

I’m going to need to Chuck on All My armor um probably get out of bat mode cuz it’s too op uh I’ll leave the portal one there actually I’ll carry it on me um okay let’s get this started let me just go cook up some more food yummy food

Okay that should do holy crap that’s a lot of glass uh oh yeah I needed another pulse rifle by the way let’s grab the pulse rifle magazine how do we make a pulse rifle again uh we need an M4 carbine two aluminium ingots a lever and two levers basically all right uh

Hopefully I have enough aluminum ingots let me change into your landos form do we have enough yeah we do sweet what was it again gold Lea that’s pretty much it uh I just need lever okay M4 carbine is a go and the pulse rifle is a

Really is a go as soon as I can put it together is that it yeah there we go Awesome by the way since I’m here why don’t I make the entire set of AP weapons while I’m here and I’ll just put them in a big chest and uh then we can

Go from there okay so there is the sniper rifle which is uh a diamond elamin ingots a glass and etc etc uh do we have any diamonds left come on now don’t don’t say we don’t have any diamonds left you better hope to God oh oh God I don’t think there’s any diamonds

Left face bomb irritating is there any down here please be some is there a way we can make diamonds can we make diamonds how do we make them ah there we go okay let’s uh we only need one Diamond I I think uh we need

Gold which we have a lot of Let’s uh convert our gold into some diamonds um NOP that wasn’t it and let me just get one more ah there we go okay let’s go back to the Alien versus Predator weapons um okay so you know what let’s start

From the beginning and go through all of the them also going to need a lot of ammo clips for most of the things as well so um we need a blaze rod which I should have one here somewhere there we go stuff uses a lot of aluminium I’m pretty sure or iron

Ingots let me just grab a whole really M iron as well I need to go mining so bad well that’s enough I think um coal yeah okay cool let’s uh just waste our coal and get so [ __ ] lazy um how do you make the arcanium reactor

We need more arcani for God’s sake okay we need ender pearls right you know what stuff this I’m going to go mining I’ll be back okay since um I haven’t done this yet I haven’t made a central mining operation tunnel thingy that makes any sense at

All I wanted to make a little little uh what you call it little like a little hot mining Hut and then from there it goes all the way down to bedrock cuz I’m sick of just digging into the ground on my floor and you know making everything look ugly so I

Was thinking why don’t we just do this let’s uh Chuck you there make this look a little bit fancy look at how often do you see a Minecraft play actually make like a little Hut most of the time they just dig into the ground and destroy all the

Ground and then they just cover it back up but this time we are going to make it permanent we are not going to cover up our trucks and we’re going to be proud of what we’ve mined up we’re not going to cover it back up cuz that’s mean to the ground yeah okay

Awesome and by the way I do have pulse rifle magazine so that’s why I’m not changing my sword since it’s nearly dead because I can probably basically just use the pulse rifle there is new versions of the AP Modio which are a lot more updated

Than this with uh a lot of bug fixes but I’m not entirely sure whether or not actually I am sure I’m not going to update from this world cuz if I update from this world to 1.7 it’s going to corrupt everything so I’m either thinking about ending this series soon

Or starting a new series um please uh tell me your input tell me what you think I remind you again at the end of the episode in case you uh forget so it’s okay forget about it for now we’re just talking we’re just talking being very nice okay uh [ __ ] I forgot

My I forgot my oh [ __ ] really wow okay uh we need a portal thingy here cuz it won’t go on Multi blocks okay let me go get a shovel there is our shovel we grab an axe as well and now you’ll probably find out why I have the axe in just a second

They’re so excited okay they’re like ah he’s making us a playground when’s it going to be ready when’s it going to be ready when’s it going to be ready okay okay what what’s I going to do okay basically boom and thinking maybe have this out one

More uh actually no let’s uh just extend this out a bit by the way in case you’re interested um I’ll be right back cuz someone’s calling me okay I’m back uh yes I had to I had to be right back my fiance called me cuz uh our Rober just got home after his

Desexing and uh we had to fix him up put him in his new little home temporary home so he’s uh um well enough to go back into his normal cage not cage like normal enclosure um just like we’re doing here going to make an enclosure for ex morphs

And we’re going to be happy okay I think that’s enough uh H just one more so fussy about these things okay and I swear after I’m done building this you will not have to watch me mine I could leave it in just for just for a troll make the video uh 3 hours

Long but don’t think I want to do that okay I think that’s enough we just needed a [ __ ] we just basically needed uh like a door area and we’re out of course I guess I going just do this there we go okay sweet now we now that we have all this

Set up um I’ll be back so that’s all I really want to do I wanted to make a little mining Hut as it’s not often like most of time you just dig into your house like underground and or you just go over there dig a giant hole in the

Ground and you never actually build anything on top of it so just want to make the mining Hut actually like be a thing okay I’ll be back okay I’m back and uh well I’m back cuz God damn uh hammer just broke so I’m done mining I’m pretty sure so that’s all I got

Um I think yeah that’s about it I’m going to go double all the that in the smeltery which is out of lava again so yeah I’m back from mining so I’ll be back in just a second I’m going to go double all the ores using the smeltery

And burn up whichever ones I can’t double in the furnace as the boxi Tite and titanium uh Etc all right I’ll be back okay I think uh most of it’s done by now just the last block of iron and then uh I’ll leave that all in there I don’t

Think really really need any copper for anything okay sweet oh wait first I should probably repair my hammer wow okay what a hoggy hoggy hammer going to take up so much iron all right let’s get back to what we were crafting we were crafting the uh what was it

The weapons from MP okay so the wrist blades to make them um I’m pretty sure something drops from a queen exor which will let you make them now I don’t really want to kill the queen yet unless we really have to but let’s just make the the others there uh first

So we’re going to make the what were we what were we doing just then flamethrower we already made oh no we didn’t end up making that cuz we didn’t have enough iron in the first place so let’s quickly make one of those now flamethrower is pretty awesome

I’ll show you what it does in a in a moment uh we got the flamethrower uh we have the pistol I think already yep we got the flame flamethrower the pistol pistol magazine um let me just sort all this stuff up all right um we’re going to need I think

The flamethrower doesn’t use any ammo in this version it might in the next but I’m not sure yet the M4 carbine which we don’t really need cuz the pulse rifle is pretty much a stronger version of the M4 M4 carbine uh then the sniper rifle there

Aluminium Lea and a piece of glass and a diamond so let’s just grab all that did I say leather was it did I have leather in the crafting recipe where the hell it go no just oh lever not Le leather Leever and aluminium Alum and titanium and also forgot had the aluminium and

Titanium um cooking down here let’s grab that glass as well and the stone okay sniper rifle is a go we’re going to need sniper ammo which is a diamond Shard with uh sniper Magazine with gunpowder so we should have Diamond shards around here somewhere uh there we go uh we only need

A few for now we’re not going to be using the sniper that much oh yeah and gunpowder um where’ the sniper magazine go cool I’ll test all these out after show you what they do they’re pretty awesome even the models for them are even better uh this is the heavy machine

Gun which requires another pulse rifle which requires an M4 carbine again so hopefully we’ll have enough titanium for this so let’s make a M4 carbine and then a pulse rifle which doesn’t like to work like that was it Titanium or aluminium yeah aluminium and then we needed some Redstone two

Levers I think it was like that titanium and the pulse rifle metal Redstone and a lever so we should have well we probably don’t have any levers any in here they’re so easy to craft but I’d rather just use one if it was there okay let’s make got a

Bunch and then the red stone on the top which I probably got wrong oh iron ingots and aluminum Ingot down here which is that there we go Ms m56 SG heavy machine gun basically I think I think from the movies this is the one that auto locks onto the targets so

Yeah okay so now we’re going to need the ammo for the where is it where’s the ammo for this thing I can’t remember if it uses the pulse rifle ammo or it doesn’t no it doesn’t Okay it uses its own ammo ah here we go the m56 SG

Magazine which is just Alum M and gunpowder which we have so there we go let just make two of them okay we’ll Chuck that in there and then the AK-47 which is just real fun like there’s really no point in other than saying I just like using it and running around like a

Terrorist cuz they use that gun uh where’s the wood wood wood wood it’s probably in here yep and of course that won’t work and four carbine and then there was it aluminium and Titan aluminum AK-47 and then we need AK-47 magazine as well which is there we go sweet awesome okay

Um silicon panels which require that stuff okay so now that we have all that um let’s make a few proximity mines we need titanium ingots we can probably only make about three of them actually thinking this through the smart disc oh okay I might want that let’s get the smart

Disc definitely want this titanium pins okay so the titanium pins which we’re going to use a lot of I probably already had some yeah of course I did [ __ ] idiot Jesus okay um identify technology how many of them can we get looks like we’re going get three when we need five okay

Well we’ll leave that for now I guess I guess okay so now that we have all this stuff ready we have all the weapons from the AP mod well most of them um not sure if I could keep these in here or not let’s go possibly test them on there or the

Playground I’m not really sure what to do next um yeah we’ll start on playground okay so ideas for the playground um I was thinking uh we’re going to have a kids area for the face uh we’ll have a parents area for the um the uh the mom uh we’ll have a teenage playground

For the teenagers and uh I guess the kids are the drones and the teenagers are the pretorians and the spitters and then we’ve got the security guards which are jutus or Predators um this it’s just me talking about this giving them all rolls is just

So wow okay I think I’m losing my mind okay um let’s go start making the playground let’s get a slide going which will probably we’ll make it out of cobblestone why not yeah all right as I was making the playground I realized I’m going to need something there’s something called the

Builders from another mod which is uh basically just a stick with one of those unstable ingots so I’ll show you what it does in a second but all I’m going to need is a diamond and piece of iron and the sigil which we used uh a while ago bu this

One okay this is a great building tool um o oh they’re done sweet let me just quickly Harvest these ow really they weren’t done oh this take so long to grow they look done wow okay anyway Let’s uh go into bat form so I want have to die if I

Fall into the water what the hell well there’s a texture bug okay so builds one basically just adds on to the existing platform which is already there so makes building a lot more faster and a lot more easier so I’m pretty sure it has like a range of about

Eight on the side so there we go this is where I’m going to put a playground by the way if you haven’t realized okay I think that is about all I need let me just quickly make a crafting table okay I was curious to the yeah of course they’ll do that wellow

Okay yeah that’ll do okay I’ll be back okay so the playground’s coming along quite well um I’m just putting in extra walls around the sides so my main goal is going to be for all of the xim moths to run around freely in there and then they

End up killing themselves if they want it’s really up to them I give them free choice over what they do and then I just take out a few every now and then if I just want to experiment with them and Chuck in a few more if I I’m feeling

Lonely so there is something I want to do wanted to do on camera though which is uh get some glow stone which I doesn’t look like I have well we can remedy that really fast uh Redstone cool let’s mix that with redstone cool okay we have some

Glowstone and I’m going to need my saw which is over here going to change these into blocks and then cut these down into slabs then cut them down into pillars uh I wanted some lighting over here for the playground so at the moment just got a little entrance uh a little

Slide directly into lava um and then I wanted to put up these pillars which basically look good like that I guess no not like that just on the edges pretty much uh I wanted something a little bit different for lighting this time so yeah just wanted to let you know

You guys know that you can do this with the saw this is this is my main purpose for recording this bit you can cut the glowstone down even further into I think it’s called no now check this out if I get rid of these torches I press F7 place down a

Nook another Nook and another Nook and another Nook and another no and I get rid of all these all these torches another Nook another Nook and another Nook maybe on the wall how much cleaner does that look like to me that looks a lot more cleaner

Than it was before with all the Torches everywhere now I’m not sure if this is the tiniest possible thing I can get I can check of course I can see if I can go any further no that’s about it that is apparently the tiniest one you can

Get and you can put it on the walls you can put on the ceiling you can put it on anywhere and I I think it’s a real good replacement instead of putting torches everywhere like that cuz the Torches are so much more more bigger so yeah that’s

About it I’ll be back so um the time of the episode I think is ready to basically wrap up we’re ready to wrap up real soon so I want to leave you guys with this question um if I do continue this series uh what do you want

To see me do with the Xenomorphs um I’m I’m quite content making a little playground for them um cuz you know I’m insane like that uh also there’s the other problem about the AP mod is uh extending out to 1.7 at the moment um

And and if I wanted to get into that I’d have to restart this world um basically start a new world so if you know so basic question is do you want me to end this series and start up a new series with the new AVP mod um and if it if it

Does come to that it’s fine I’m perfectly fine with that cuz uh yeah in a way some series get a bit old um even though I’ve seen other people do like 100 so it’s a one series like it’s ridiculous but it really depends on what the person wants to see

And what the person wants to do and what I want to do and what you guys want to say so I’m going to leave you guys with that question I’m going to go make some conveyor belts which are going to push the exam offs around like a little

Seesaw and I’ll leave you guys with that question whether or not you want me to end this series or if you want me to keep going and then suggest what I should do next so um yeah leave leave your feedback I’ll I’ll I’ll check it in every now and then

Um I’ll make sure I don’t put out another video before I see at least enough feedback to sort of uh um justify whether whether or not I’d go one way or the other so yeah thank you guys for watching I really do enjoy you guys watching uh leave a comment so yeah all

Right see you guys hey everyone welcome back to episode 16 of my MVP let’s play there is some bad news I got to say um number one uh I haven’t put out a video in ages cuz I’ve been playing World of Warcraft that’s probably bad news for the people who enjoy watching

My videos um World of Warcraft takes up a lot of time and it’s pretty addictive so but I do enjoy it so I’m not calling it a problem yet um secondly the model auor R fix has announced that um he won’t be continuing to update the AVP

The EVP um mod um due to some problem with uh um um I’m not really I don’t entirely understand because I’m not a modder something to do with Ula or something um so I thought it’s been a while why don’t we just continue what we

Were doing on here um I’d like to see some feedback on what you think um I should do because I was I was going to start a new series but um I’m I’m already so far in this one we can probably do some more things on this um

And I wouldn’t really want to start on 1.7 because there’s really no not much difference apart from uh few minor things um one of you suggested to make this cage bigger so why don’t we just let her rub around this entire room um yeah and uh yeah I didn’t really see

A point starting a new one because uh he’s not continuing um updates for it um yeah it doesn’t look good for the AP mod at the moment but um the older versions such as this seem perfectly fine so yeah so what were we do what were we what were we doing last

Episode I think we were making a playground yes we were all right so how’s this look looks pretty horrible yeah it looks horrible okay well I was thinking we replaced the floor over here with just black wood everywhere and um I was thinking we could have some conveyor

Belts up here all right let me let me get together the idea that the idea that I have and then I’ll be back so there is a little problem I’m facing at the moment and it is trying to I I hate the vanilla system of um having chests and trying to navigate um

Everything that I have in my um house and trying to find one thing amongst like 30 chests so we’re going to do something to make that easier and we’re going to bring in a new mod uh it’s probably going to be a little bit little bit exciting um yeah we’re going to

Bring in a new mod and uh we’ll see how it goes okay we are back and uh first of all before I show you what um this new mod is we are going to need a generator cuz uh this new mod’s going to require some type of power so

Um I was thinking I don’t know a furnace generator yeah that sounds good all right so let’s make one of them this is going to make this new mod which I have Incorporated is going to make things a lot easier when I’m trying to access all my things so be prepared to

Be uh blown back in your seats now thinking guess I can just have it up here generator can go down here this thing will generate power um Redstone flocks but don’t worry about that um I won’t go into details but it’ll generate power when I give it coal so I should

Have quite a bit of coal here there we go it’s it’s going to I’m going to try and make this system as small as I can because the bigger I make it the more energies it’s going to hog up and there’s usually other mods you can have which generate better efficiencies of um

Energy but I don’t really want to Chuck in any more mods than I already have so let’s get started it is applied energistics it is like a super compact based uh storage system which stores all your things on drives but first of all before I get all

This started I’m going to need to do quite a bit of crafting so I’m probably going to have to go do some mining as well because there’s a new or I’m going to have to generate a few different um bits of the world to get some of this so

Once I’ve got everything I’ll be back so yeah fun times now see this is what I mean I’ve I’ve been mining a bit and uh I don’t have any more room and I’d have to have another chest just to fit stuff and I’m running out of room in most the

Chests and by the way this is what it looks like when it’s full it stops consuming coal that’s going to change though once we finally find some of the S quarts um which I have been mining do you mind which I’ve been mining I’ve been mining for I don’t

Know 15 minutes and uh I think the best I’m just going to keep lightning striking so I interrupt all you’re speaking I think the best idea I can come up with is actually just flying over a new terrain and trying to find it amongst because it spawns um it can

Spawn up on the top of Hills it can spawn underground so I was just thinking I’ll go back home now and just start flying around above the air around here I should probably change out of Blaze mode otherwise I’ll drop dead and um I’ll just start flying

Around generating new terrain I think I haven’t been in this direction so we’ll go that way all right all right I’m just I’ve been flying for quite a while and it’s just ocean everywhere but I think this is newly generated ocean so beneath the ground there should be S of squats so

Time to start digging all right see speak of the devil I nearly dropped dead from drowning up here look s squats how cool is that how cool is that yeah that’s cool all right so this is definitely newly generated terrain and the lightning won’t [ __ ] shut up

So I’ll be back soon all right so my hammer is nearly dead I’m going to have to repair it so we’ve got four sort of squads don’t laugh at me I know that’s barely nothing but it might be enough if it’s not I’ll just um like literally pause

The video and then come back and I’ll continue crafting um once I got more so let me just Chuck in all my or I got oh my God okay that’s a lot of stuff okay um there is is there a redstone clock here come on Redstone clock where are

You yes there is there’s this item from um I think it’s extra utilities is it I think it’s from extra utilities um it’ll make collecting for God’s sake Jesus all right there we go that should help um Redstone clock um we just need Stone red stone oh my God look at my

Inventory all right this is what I’m talking about guys let’s make this uh thingy all right so let’s get a redstone torch and the Redstone clock check this out if I place this above the Ingot cast every second or so it’s going to emit a redstone signal causing this to pour into

That and every time it emits the Redstone signal it is going to basically give me an Ingot every few seconds and I’ll never have to pay attention to it and it’s not working for some reason let me grab a lever or something oh I already have like a

Thousand billion levels for some reason is that working why you not working come on don’t be like that oh wait I’m so stupid I know why it’s not working derp DP dop dop it’s because uh glass is in the first slot and glass can’t be turned into ingots so first I

Got to empty all the glass out there we go it’s doing it now now I just just leave that there does its thing we constantly keep getting ingots we Chuck in all our ores and we’re going to automate this um soon so we don’t actually have to manually do it once we

Got the a stuff started up okay so first thing we’re going to need is a controller now I’m going to try to explain this as simple as I can uh as I go through it um first we’re just going to need silicon which is just basically this so just call it’s dust in

A furnace thingy so Rob about is my finace there we go um cook up to that yeah it looks like we’re going to need actually a lot more anyway let me quickly go make that quartz knife I I think I can just use this type of quartz to make it need another stick

And quartz knife is like so but it has iron in it so not sure if I can do that but we’re going to find out can we do that yes we can cool okay uh we’re going to need Redstone and we’re going to need that silicon

Back then we are going to need one diamond and one gold for now I’m not sure how this is going to go but we’re gonna find out two of them and the quarter KN make one of them and one of them cook them up I know it’s such a waste using coal

Like that but yeah whatever okay now we’re going to also want um a grindstone which is just uh three yep I’m going to need more s of squs oh hang on yep I’m going to need more s of squs I’ll be back so I’m not sure if I’ve already

Done this on camera before but to give you an idea of how much iron I need just to repair this piece of [ __ ] a lot that was 22 iron and it just uh barely made it so yeah that’s a fun fact at least we got more any here though

Right okay we have a a bit more let’s go back home holy crap that is loud without a muffler like I have a muffler in the house turn the volume back up CU I think the lightning stopped finally okay so we’re going to need Stone again we’re just going to need a little

Bit more Stone how much stone do I need okay it’s it’s okay I’m I can’t wait until we finally get this done sick of having everything everywhere grin Stone and then make this wooden crank to attach to it and don’t worry about this what this is it basically just

Turns different types you can double your ORS using it but the main reason I’m using it for is Chuck that on there is to grind down NE nether quartz CU we’re going to need just a little bit of that ground down and then you just right

Click it and it’s manual you can do it automatic with other mods but D okay I think we only need like two or three so there we go that was quick all right and then we need Redstone again and then we mix that with that with that that’ll

That should do for now and we’ll get some more quartz out and got the gold we wanted to make a controller so let me make use uh let me make four use then let’s do that and we’re at iron where’s my iron oh yeah I just used it

All okay see it’s already empty let’s check this chest oh yeah that’s awesome right now control rer um then we’re going to want a disc drive which is obviously not going to disc drive just got to drive we’re going to need wood which I have no idea where

It is so hang on oh there we go thank God chest and we’re actually going to need another one of them things okay let’s make the drive which which we need glass for as well irritating there we go got the drive let’s make a 1K Drive which is basically

Just the storage medium it’s the type of storage thingy that you need to put inside the drive uh storage cell and then storage drive then we need a access terminal which allows us to access the items inside the drive and we’re going to need more fluix dust

So hang on we’re can do this check this out Chu some s qus in here grind up the S quarts instead of going mining again there we go s SS all right cool then we just need that again and Redstone and flu dust then we just do we need another one

Of them things again uh basic processor and then we make one of them and then we make one of them I think we’re done oh thank God all right now let’s move you where’d you go okay freaked out then move you going to put the controller here now see it’s getting

Powered it’s uh filling up its internal buffer for now that’s why it’s draining so much at once then we’ll put down the drives then we’ll put in a drive which is B this is the block and then this is the actual storage these little things now this thing will store

A little bit of storage just uh I won’t go into detail but it’ll store a little bit now check this out if I do that and we go like that we can start chucking stuff in here how awesome is that that is awesome okay so the one downside is

Going to be we are going to have to keep this powered so I’m actually thinking about just leaving like that for now um I wanted to upgrade this access terminal to something even awesomer which is a crafting terminal which we need another one of them for so let’s get um our stuff back

Out all right so that is that eight oh that’s three wow short one SCE irrita irritating on so many levels there we go yay let’s go back home come on I want to go all right no stop it all right let’s make our basic processor then crafting table then the crafting terminal oh

[ __ ] enough then we need more iron H are you in here yes you are come on then we make the crafting T oh for God’s sake what are we missing now not missing anything what the hell are we missing oh that thing derp derp derpity der derp all right there we go crafting

Terminal oh thank God all right uh you can move actually no I’ll just leave you up there all right cool now let me put all my put as much stuff as I can actually in here and uh I’ll be back okay so I’ve already got quite a bit of

Stuff in there now look at this it can store 50 it can store 63 types of different items and then it’ll have to have another drive to store even more types so I could have um like a few thousand cobblestone in here and that would fill up the bites

But it would only be one of 663 types so there is ways we can um sort of use that to Advantage later on but not now um so for instance since I just chucked a bunch of cobblestone in there and it’s taken up a bit of bites I can show you

The crafting feature I can do with this how is that it pulls from your actual storage to um craft so I can actually down convert all my Cobblestone so it’s smaller and our bites have dropped down again so tack was that all right so I’m actually going to need to go mining

Again for more quartz because I don’t think I’m going to have enough storage space for this and uh to give you an idea of how fast it drains it’s sort of it’s it’s sort of slow but what I’m going to do is I’m going to have a

Chest right here full of coal so whenever I if if it does end up um completely emptying um I can at least Chuck some coal in and access all my items otherwise I won’t be able to access all all my items so it’s a small

Price to pay but you know so let’s see how much we can actually fit in here before it starts blinging I think it’s probably got the most amount of items in it now it’s probably got 63 different types of items yep so even though we have spare bites

The only things we can probably fit in there are things which are already in here so yeah all right I’ll go mining again well it actually turns out that uh the amount of time I’ve been recording for is it’s been a while um probably not in

The video’s length but in real time it’s been been a while so I think I’ll probably wrap it up here and um yeah we’ll uh we’ll continue next episode um still going to probably between this one and next one I’ll do some more Mining and get some more drives in there um so

This place will look a lot more Neer and um it’ll be a lot more easier to access on more items and then it’ll be a lot more easier to build things cuz uh I going to have to keep running back and forwards cuz I can actually just run

Power uh run more cable all along over here put another terminal over over here so I can access all my stuff from in here so that would be cool all right okay thanks for watching guys I hope the bad news the start didn’t get to use um

If it does yeah I don’t know just just just leave a comment PM me if you got any questions um yeah all right see you guys hey everyone welcome back to episode 17 and uh wow those look [ __ ] um I was just making a greenhouse um because we’ve finally got

The AE system going up up and go U up and running um the only problem I’m facing at the moment is just constantly refilling it every time I want to access all my items so I’m not I’m going to try not to concentrate too much with applied

Energistics because um I don’t want to take up too much time but um there is one more thing I want to do and that is sort of create a recycled plant like a recycling plant where melons will constantly be grown and fed into a culinary generator which is just

This thing over here it’s a type of generator which takes food as an energy source so what I’ve done here is spent about an hour and a half Gathering all these materials and not really Gathering and Gathering still not gathering enough cuz as you can see I just filled in dirt with the

Glass um yeah so I was thinking this episode we’re going to work on the green greenhouse and uh it might be good even to have the greenhouse just up in handy if we want to get anything else grown but the main idea I want to get going is um melons uh

Growing and oh [ __ ] hang on oh I’m so stupid anyway let me redo everything that I just screwed up and uh yeah we’ll be back and I’ll I’ll get one of each type of thing that I’m going to need to show you what I’m going

To do on a mass scale production so yeah let me get everything I need then I’ll be back okay so I basically I’m just finishing up making these things called transition planes now transition planes are a [ __ ] to craft but let’s just ignore the fact that I spent ages just making all of

Them and am a little irritated but they work in mysterious ways they work in wonderful ways so I’m just going to make a few more just a few more if I have enough materials yeah I ran out of fluk stust didn’t I let’s see how much more we can

Make how much yeah there we go that’s enough all right so so transition planes are pretty neat so we’ve got nine all together now um basically what they do is if I try to place this a certain way it’s not how I wanted it if I connect this transition

Hang on I need the cables if I connect to the oh out of power this is what I mean that’s why I want this thing going if I get my cables back connect this thing here get rid of that micro block because that’s causing me

Not able to it’s making me not not able to put a block here and uh we perhaps go down here place it like that get back out of here anything placed under that will instantly get sucked into the a system so my main plan is to

Have uh let me what up put my ho melon plants planted all along here and melon plants planted all along here sorry about that I have a muffler over here and there’s no Muffler over there so it’s just like super loud okay so yeah that’s basically what what I

Want to do so it’s it’s going to look a little bit ugly but should be fine um now to make make this easier I’m pretty sure I can get something called the uh there’s a wrench yeah do I no I’m completely out Jesus Christ okay um now I’ll just do the difficult

Way all right so place it up it still didn’t work jeez all right place it like that there we go and uh let me just redo that another thousand times and I’ll okay and now we’re going to plant all the melon seeds along here going to bone meal them all up so

We can see this in effect more more in effect sort of um there we go so with all of these going I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to have a ridiculous amount of melons growing at the same time to keep up with the power demands cuz um each piece of melon

Actually produces less energy than one piece of coal so it’s actually going to be pretty power intensive um and also the more transition planes we add the more power this is going to hog so energy uses uh 24.6 a per tick which I I don’t know I don’t really understand but

If we pull this off and disconnect all the planes it’s 13.6 so we just doubl the amount of power we need to have supplied so yeah it it it in a way it can be efficient but in another way it’s actually going to be worse so I’m going

To see how it goes and if it doesn’t really go that well um we’ll find out but I’m going to need to make a export bus just have it here and I’m going to yeah need to make an export bus so I’m pretty sure I’m going to need

More quartz for that yeah of course I yep all right let me go get some more quartz all right we have a little bit more quartz at the moment so let’s just hop back in and that’s already off already uh and let’s Chuck in like one

Piece of core give 20 seconds access um I’m going to need that I’m going to need absolutely nothing here so that can all go in there and actually we’re going to need more time than I expected so just Chuck that in there for now so export bus is just going to basically

Look in the system find what I’m telling it to find and then put that thing through the export bus into the inventory it’s connected to so yeah and we need a piston and there oh no what are we low on this time iron well let me go get

Some more iron down here I think I’ve was that a blaze okay never mind I seeing things thought there was a blaze in the doorway oh look at all that all right okay now we have the iron back make an export bus uh we only really need a

Basic one um it’s really yeah we’ll just do that for now okay now melons will come into the system once they’ve been destroyed um and I ended up crafting a melon earlier to see if you could actually just put full melons in there and it doesn’t really work but if I tell

This thing to export melons it’s not going to do it because it probably doesn’t recognize the side as connection so let me let me redo this all right so one last try is this going to work if I go callary generator grab some cable which isn’t there anymore rrap it around

Here seems a bit a little bit NE unnecessary but you know then we put melon there we go wow now it’s putting melons inside that is funny all right so it’s putting melons in now one at a time actually it looks like it so we might as well just h no no no

We’ll leave that we’ll leave that there no that’s not what I wanted to do damn it and there we go and put melons back in there and there we go just going to start putting melons in there and as we can see we’ve already started collecting some melons

We didn’t have that much before so some of these are actually already growing and they grow they get picked up so fast that you don’t even realize that they get picked up but without this generator I can show you I think the power demands are not going to

Be strong enough so we should be losing overall so I guess for now we’re just going to have to do with um coal generator at the moment so we might as well actually just disable the export bus for now just leave it as it is and then um soon we can probably fix

That up so anyway uh as I was saying um earlier on last episode before I completely change my mind about what I was doing um we were going to uh redesign that room so I’ll probably just do that on camera and then speed it up cuz uh I don’t know might be

Interesting might not be interesting but you know things sped up doesn’t really matter if they’re interesting cuz it’s sped up so we’re going to oh shees holy [ __ ] okay so we’re going to make that little Queen live a better lifestyle and are these done come on be done yay

They’re done okay and those are still not done wow okay yeah uh let me start thinking about what I’m going to do and then um I’ll be back after the time Lapse I just want to say [ __ ] hell working in that thing is just horrible I mean it’s just horrible trying to work in there that thing you’re trying to fix up the floor and it’s raping your leg and it’s just like [ __ ] hell get off me Jesus

Yeah I just thought I might Shar my expression of um what I think of this room at the moment along with the irritating thing that keeps jumping around like a spaz so at the moment yeah i’ I’ve got it quite quite open at the moment so now

No Peter laws or something will um come along and say sorry we’ve got to get rid of you ex them off cuz you don’t have a proper sell for it and yeah all right so I I’ll be back okay guys I’m back uh slight problem with the system that I

Have been working on for the last hour um even though it is gring melons in the wrong places it’s not keeping up with the power dep penss so this entire system is pretty useless at the moment so I’m just going to tear it down and leave it all manual for now

But I do have another idea for the power system it’s going to be a little bit less efficient but it should give us pretty much just three power so we’re going to use solar generators which um basically are solar generators they rip all the energy from

The Sun and I’ve set up this prototype thing out here as a uh type of um first try at it uh the daylight sensor sends a redstone signal when it’s daytime so when it’s nighttime it will stop sending a redstone signal hence for sending a red um reactivating the torch then when this

Thing receives a redstone signal it activates it um the way the solar generator works is it um once it’s off it can only receive power when it has um no Redstone signal on it and then once you activate the Redstone signal it can’t receive power and it starts

Emitting power so it’s it’s a little bit confusing but um I’m hoping this little prototype here will be a power power solution and I’ll probably just put it up on the roof something like that and um just flip a lever wherever I am and um then yeah so actually I would even

Need to flip a lever it should just um give us enough power to access all these stuff um during night time and uh I’ll try try to figure out something to make sure I can access it at other times as well so so I’ll be back once I implement

This properly it’s going to take a while cuz um as you can see diamond block for each solar generator I’m going to want about four of them so I’m going to have to go mining again so okay guys uh I think I have it all set up the right way

Now I’m hoping it will stay the way it is okay so I’m going to replace that and make it look better soon um what we’re going to have is this thing will fill up during the day anytime we want to access the a system we flip the lever wait 10

Seconds until it turns on then we can access the system nearly there then it opens up and we can start putting stuff in now what I’m going to do is from here run underground these pipes which are going to lead all the way from over here and

What I’m going to do is I’m just going to Chuck transfer node over here and give it a super speed upgrade so I can actually transfer the power super fast and it’s going to emit from both of these once it turns nighttime and it will go underground and connect up to

The me controller so this will power it at night time and this will power it at daytime so I think we just finished um our basically uh automated semi-automated um storage system so now we don’t have to worry about um Power demands for the storage system and we

Can continue making playgrounds and um you know letting big alien aliens rope our legs okay so I’ll be I’ll be back once I’ve um did all the connections okay so we have the transfer pipes going coming all the way from the ocean um I’ll show you it in a second that just

Put out the light down here didn’t it I don’t remember making this I think it was probably when I first started making the house any we’re going to run these over towards here and I’m hoping that we’ll actually can’t I have no idea where we are oh I see

Stone I don’t know what this is where are we oh we’re real close just got to go over a few more blocks and put this back and Bam there we go that’s awesome all right holy [ __ ] no that’s not awesome oh God that no that’s bad that’s bad bad bad oh my God

Jesus accidentally dug into our Blaze spawner okay we might need a few more or not oh awesome all right so this should be getting power I might have to Chuck a few more speed upgrades in there cuz it I Chuck like a ridiculous amount in there cuz basically speed upgrades um

How the energy transfers is um actually I don’t think you’re really interested so I won’t even tell you just uh know for now our storage system is done so hooray and I’m going to snap it at these melons because they keep ruining everything all right I’ll be back once I

Figured out what what I’m going to do next okay so I think I’ll probably end the episode here uh this will be a short one um this episode was mainly for finishing up our um storage system so we could actually you know access things a

Lot more better so I’ll see you guys in the next episode I hope you guys enjoyed this episode uh don’t worry we won’t be doing any more applied aneristic stuff um we’ll probably do some more AP stuff next episode so yeah I’ll see you guys next episode see

You hey you guys episode 18 it’s been a very long time since I’ve seen you all uh actually haven’t seen any of you but since I’ve put out a video um reason being uh just haven’t been bothered so and now I be I can be bothered right now

So I’m going to enjoy playing this for a while and I thought I might as well show you guys what I’m up to uh recently being hooked on World of Warcraft but found some time to check in on the aliens and see how they’re doing

Um he’s as scar as ever ever uh how you doing I don’t think I want to go in there hey buddy you okay are you harmless he looks harmless now yep I don’t want him to jump out and get me holy [ __ ] that’s some weird texturing so just doing my daily rounds

Checking in on all the aliens and the cows and the Predators um I have a slight feeling that one day I’m going to get an assault from these guys because I don’t I think the aliens both of them are quite intelligent according from the movie and law that I’ve

Read I know for sure that the Predators will come for their kin over here and I know for sure these aliens are probably plotting something nasty which I don’t really want to find out what what it is yet so I’m actually going to have to try

And come up with something to protect me against any possible attack so um I got to try to figure out what I’m going to do there so I’ll I’ll probably just uh have a look around see and get get a feel for everything that used to be here since it’s been so long

Since I’ve been in this world so playgrounds looking nice and Yep looks so fun doesn’t it we Dead all right I’ll be back soon I just wanted to show if you watched the previous episode my system is kicking in because it’s nighttime and you can see that their solar generators are

Deactivated and transmitting all their power to this and this has full power somehow oh it’s probably accepting it from from this anyway yeah it’s all working perfectly so I can access all my stuff see okay so my first step in making an Arsenal for myself which will help me

Get out of any situation is not relying on morph as much as I want to um I sort of like my own form and it I sort of stink pretty bad when I change into a different form so I think what was it a jetpack yeah that

Was it a jetp pack this comes from the mod uh which I installed ages ago armor movement mod it allows for very different movement pieces of armor it’s what the mod’s called so so we just need paper stick string blood the tunic hopefully we got all that and we don’t

Have a single piece cool um do we have leather nope of course not oh wait we do don’t I have the shift why can’t I access it oh that’s why okay that’s why it wasn’t working it’s not night time anymore when it’s not night time I need to activate this

So it actually activates you know Etc that’s why I was trying to shift click everything and then nothing was popping up cuz there was no power in there okay let’s try that again jetpack glider boom and boom there we go and the glider I’m pretty sure this

Glider allows me to just Glide across the land uh let me just go on to the bat form if I can remember the shortcut key for it let me just check okay it’s F so if I just hold f i just slowly float down so if I change into human form and

Jump off this hill right here and then hold f look at that how cool is that oh cool oh my God that’s so cool what does it look like when I go like this look like a [ __ ] Lego man okay did that just okay yeah cool all right well

That’s the glider I’m going to upgrade that into a jetpack actually might make a separate glider I should probably deactivate that once I’m done and how’s that getting power that’s not meant to be getting any power when it’s activated it shouldn’t be accepting any power whatsoever h it’s

Weird and of course I trapped myself in here all right I’ll craw from here jetpack and boom and then oh need the glider that glider was fun and Jetpack let’s see if this works it’s not working it’s not working uh okay maybe I’m missing something something don’t do I need

Fuel I might need fuel I have no idea but this is just a guess I was right I think I was right I think I need full fuel oh that is so cool do I take fall damage with this one oh my God I don’t that is awesome so

Without the coal can I go up no I can’t that’s cool cool so just carry a piece of coal around with me all the time and I can fly that that is so much better than all the tech mods I’ve ever played with look I’m bouncing around in the air

What it look like an F5 I now have full flight capabilities well okay any assault that involves a ground assault I’m straight up and gone so I’m safe there all right let’s find out what else we can have to protect ourselves from a possible Invasion okay I think I found another

Object that I can get I just tried out these spring boots and basically what they do is they are spring boots so it helps you like Bounce Around layers of spring boots pretty self-explanatory but there was this other thing called the helies and they allow you to move really

Fast across the ground and of course I don’t have a bloody Ender pear uh can I make one there we go cool and then heal is so at least if we hold F they allowed us to run pretty fast it’s actually pretty difficult to turn but it’s uh at least a little better

Than what I had I guess so that combined with the jetpack um not entirely sure well it just means I can move faster on land in case the jetpack gets knocked off my back or something I don’t know and by the way with the jet pack I don’t even

Think I need to press f it just floats me up and by the way it does take up all the coal so and I do take fall damage from that as well so you know what I might actually stick with the spring boots cuz I think they negate all fall

Damage cool so we have a jetpack and spring boots that is awesome now we just need a better legging and a better helmet and of course we’re not going to wear these all the time this is just going to be like an escape um/ battle armor that

We’re going to jump in in case something happens so I was actually thinking about making a special room just for this area and sort of hiding it away as well so I don’t know like um something like that with a piston door or whatever and I don’t know like a little

Miniature Shrine around it and like a little Escape Route as well you got to know one thing about me though um with Escape Routes I’m not I don’t really take them I’m more of a person who wants to die before I’ll let anyone have my stuff so I’m actually

Going to skip the Escape Route and just go with the armor uh yeah I I I never never try to escape well I do do try to escape then I come back after and then I end up dying cuz I just tried to kill everything that was already there but anyway I’m

Rambling um let me get some pistons and all of everything and I’ll get this set up and I’ll show you the finished product okay I think I’m done um this is the best I could do uh it’s a shitty cover system but it’s just one lever two

Pistons are over there and we walk straight in use some of the ship metal that I got off that um smash ship that fell and uh we have the Celtic mask on the jetpack the Celtic leggings and the spring boots and this is basically our fullon Battle Gear so we

Have to fight a battle um that this is pretty much much the gear that we’re going to put on straight away so I just put a lever under there and that allows me to shift right click on this and it well that looks so 2D and it allows me just to um switch

Armor sets really fast so everything here just gets put straight onto here and I think from doing that that uh played around with my point of view soor yeah that must be a bug H that’s okay well okay now that we have the armor set I’m going to go make some

Weapons and not just any weapons I’m going to aim for the strongest weapons I can think of and we’re having power problems yeah slight power problems I’m actually thinking about something that might fix daytime problems as well as nighttime problems um let me think about it I was actually thinking of having a

Energy cell which is basically a storage unit for the energy that is being submitted by these at nighttime so what it has to do is it has to go through um it would have to go through I’ll get it ready so I can show you all right let’s get an energy

Cell we want we got enough for that no we just need that stuff and of course we have no courts left wonderful I’ll be back I’m just going to go smack my head against the ground and then I don’t know kill myself and go

Mining for a bit so I’ll be back okay I finally got the S courts and we’re going to head back home where wa oops okay I should probably shut that down I had to dig back into my old um mining system because I accidentally shut down one of

The portals that led into one of my other mining systems so yeah that was nice and how much power we got left in this oh yeah it’s night time so all those things are activated so let holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of stuff um we just Chuck it all on

There and then we make a energy cell how many we need we need I don’t know two will do for now there we go and then we are going to want something over here energy node which I just use temporarily temporarily like can’t say that word you know what I

Mean temp temp use the temp temp temp temp temp just to fix the problem so along this power line actually I didn’t have to even have to go back up along this power line I think I want to do this I want to do that and do these connect please

Connect please connect please connect they don’t connect damn it all right well oh [ __ ] oh god oh I’m fire I should probably watch where I’m digging and that turned off great okay um it’s not night time anymore you know what you know what screw it screw it I’ll do this off

Camera don’t worry I won’t won’t bother you guys with this it’s just irritating work main idea was to have a surplus of power so it would last throughout the day so yeah all right so I’m going to continue working on my weapon which I was originally doing

Until I got distracted so we have a gigantic choice of weapons with the amount of mods that I have in this thing at the moment just going to Chu these here so I don’t actually have to access the system to reach him um I’ll probably check the fish generator there as well there

Okay so if I just type in the word gun of course a whole bunch of things come up we have a screw gun that’s cool uh we have the portal guns um of course we’ve got all of the weapons from Alien V Predator one of them is the

Nuclear Gauntlet which I’m pretty sure drops off the alien queen or Predators I can’t remember exactly it’s been a while but I know for sure I want a plasma cutter um this is pretty much the weapon of choice that the Predators use so plasma cutter there we go oh [ __ ] I’m near out

Of titanium and then the plasma cutter uses uh Diamond shards it uses the diamond shards with titanium ingots to use energy capsules which we just run out of and we have an extra four here so I’ll only have a few shots but that should suffice for a very good weapon

For a short amount of time so I’m probably going to want to Chuck a chest inside that room as well I don’t know Diamond chest it’s fancy it’s the biggest chest I have don’t really need a big chest though there we go and we got the plasma cutter

Energy capsules I’m probably going to have to work on more energy capsules unless no need more just smelt up more titanium but yeah all should be good for now how much titanium we got cool just go cook up some more hopefully get a few more energy capsules and yeah we also probably want

More than just one weapon so let’s go back to whoops okay we’re going to want possibly I don’t know um I’m pretty sure I have the pulse rifle on here I should be carrying this around everywhere I go but I wonder does this need no it doesn’t it just takes damage

Cool all right well I’ll put the flamethrower down there as well and maybe the giant machine gun I can’t remember was this bugged yeah that was bugged it’s fixed in a new version but not in this version um okay so we’ll just take the Pulse Rifle of the pulse rifle magazines cool

Okay and there so we have the pulse rifle and the pulse rifle magazines and the flamethrower um I’m probably going to want a portal gun in there as well in case I lose one somehow oh an extra portal gun so potato gun okay okay and you know what uh no I was

About to chop my Builders and wand in there for no reason whatsoever but no I just thought it’d be a good idea for no reason whatsoever I need to fix this energy problem irritating okay okay I’ll be back once this thing is nice and runny again like it’s meant

To be so w okay I didn’t realize how long the episode’s been going for um I guess it fits the amount of time that I’ve been away for having a longer episode than usual um between this episode and the next I’m going to fix this power problem I thought I had it

I’m I’m good at night night time’s fine daytime’s not fine whatsoever so yeah I’m going to have to try find out how to make a surplus of power yeah so that should be okay and I’m probably going to I don’t know feed these guys off camera you don’t really need to

See me feeding them but you know what why not I’ll feed one on camera uh you know what I’m going to make a separate jetpack and I can’t make one because the one come on chop chop and low on blaze rods I’ll be back in just a sec

Okay there we go jetp pack and grab some coal so I can fly around okay cool let’s go feed come on all I’m going to equip bit there we go let’s go feed a cow to Mr cinos you can stay there don’t run off don’t run off don’t what don’t you

Understand about don’t run off oh God that guy’s creepy all right let’s make a little peepole of course the brick had to fall in there I have to go get it now okay in you go feeding time in oh you are so dead well okay as they stare at me and

Wait for me to die so they can lock onto the cow I’m going to end the episode here so thanks for watching guys uh sorry it’s been such a long time I’ve been oh well I just haven’t felt like recording so yeah I’m a human being like

That and had my own faults so I apologize for that all right see you guys welcome back to episode 19 this is Jos here of my AP series um we were continuing making some pretty neat things to protect us from a possible Invasion if we were to ever get invaded

By the Predators or the other aliens um my hypothesis to this idea would be these things in here and that cow still hasn’t been eaten from last episode are quite intelligent creatures and they’re quite these are Hive animals and these are social animals Hive animals will protect each other social

Animals will protect each other and they tend to go full out on things that capture their Brethren so wanted to make sure I was nice and safe so we’re going to continue making things this episode to possibly protect us from anything that can happen which is of of of a bad

Nature okay so it’s thundering like mad how is my is my jetp pack working nope I need coal just going to check how my Ender Lily Farm is going it’s going slow as just like before okay well it’s about time to probably playable with one of these guys I’m

Going to see how much health he has from one hit okay let’s make a little pin you know what screw the pin um okay so we’re going to see how many hits it takes to kill one of these guys with just our fist um I’m doing this for

Purely scientific purposes to get an idea of how strong they are so I’m going to make a little tiny pen probably with probably right there um no not cable Stone okay okay I guess something like this would do maybe you know what no I’m going to want

To have to access it from the top because they can climb through one by one holes so let’s grab this grab one of these guys um I should probably put some ethereal glass here instead so I can actually get in and out I hope there’s no face huggers in there all right all

Right let’s let’s let’s see what we can do okay oops wrong one gotcha now I’m assuming this is a I can’t remember exactly what it was but it is a nope that’s not what I meant to do nope oh God no oh [ __ ] well okay

Let’s let’s test it in the in the field then I guess holy [ __ ] all right so he’s in there I’ve hit him twice oh God okay let let me just check on some better armor cuz the jetpack doesn’t really give me any armor whatsoever really I can’t even get in

Through the door all right you’re going to be like that okay three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 okay Nearly Dead it’s 11 hits probably have such a better way of doing this but it’s sort of risky now that he’s out there 12 come on 12

13 13 really took 13 hits I can’t tell if I accidentally switched the Hammer as I was doing that cuz I was trying to go to the portal gun but okay 13 hits apparently I don’t think that’s right so I’m going to make sure but let’s go into

Bat mode Let’s extend this out a bit more so can actually fit in there okay let’s do it let’s grab a drone actually if I can get to a drone I have a drone in you go let’s quickly block up this before they start going

Mad and okay let’s see how many hits it takes to kill the Drone 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 punches with my fist they’re actually not as strong as I thought they were so if I were to get disarmed somehow they’re not as strong as I thought they

Were okay that’s cool okay so now that we’ve found out how many hits it takes for us to kill an actual xenomorph um I’m going to enchant this [ __ ] out of this armor if I can um so I’m I’m not entirely sure if I can enchant um these armor movement mods

But I do know that you can enchant the Celtic mask and all that so all right how many books do I have here all right let’s s okay blast protection protection nope you can’t I thought you wouldn’t be able to sharpness cool it’s not much but it’ll

Do I’m actually going to leave the jetpack in here with some spare coal and that should be okay okay I forgot to mention I actually ended up fixing the power problem well it’s sort of fixed I added so many energy cells to the buffer here it all

Connects to the me controller so I connected so many to it that at night time it fills it fills it so much full of power that there’s enough for it to run for the rest of the um daytime so sort of fix that there um it’s a small little change

But it at least allows me access to my items whenever I want them and I don’t really have to use this anymore sort of backup thing if I want to ever use it and I thought I thought this was how’s that losing energy oh yeah y never mind I’m pretty

Sure these things actually probably just pull energy directly from I’m getting a bit of lag not liking it pretty sure these things pull energy directly through no no okay yep never mind I’m just getting lag and I’m turning dumb so I we’ll be back okay sorry about

That I just had to do a relog because apparently my computer is not liking the heat in Australia at the moment is really really hot so um yeah it was lagging the computer way out and had to play around with a few things to fix it

So um I’m curious if I Chuck something through there does it go straight into The Nether it does oh my God it does that’s so cute it does oh it’s so cute it’s just gone yeah all right I’m going to go check on the cows make sure the things are all okay

And what’s a no lot doing in here you better not be scaring the cows you better not be scaring the cows at all how are you do um oh holy [ __ ] oh my God I don’t know what that was but I think there’s lots of drones outside now

I don’t really care much what that’s that’s what I don’t oh my god um I I’m baffled for words I don’t know what to say and the game decides to lag right now as well so oh my God I am so screwed I don’t know what that was oh my god

Um I am really scared um is it my co in here I I am I’m being Beyond confused and terrified right now um my worst fear has just happened I was pretty sure it was going to be the Predators first but nope it’s the aliens okay

Oh I I’m scared I I want to get my stuff back um I can easily just ignore the stuff and just bail out of here but I want to keep this base down and under control holy [ __ ] that is a lot of things okay where did I

Die all my stuff’s there and I’m lagging like mad all right let me let me just grip a grip a hold of myself and sort of relax before I go back for my stuff so I’ll be back okay um I’m a little less scared now and More in control of myself

So uh let’s try to get rid of these guys from the distance um there’s no way in hell oh my God come on reload okay I’m assuming I’m safe now I I I can’t tell they came out of nowhere I you know what I’m actually going to go

Check around the corner and make sure they didn’t break out somehow let’s see nope nope oh that’s not good oh that is not good at all oh that is not good oh God all right um it’s this is this is becoming really difficult as well

Because I am lagging a lot lot it is really hot oh no they’re behind the house what is it is that those spitters how many drones are there I I can’t tell but this looks like it’s coordinated or something the Queen’s out [ __ ] okay I’m good I’m screwed surely

Screwed and I keep lagging oh oh no this is not good at all I don’t want to kill the queen she’s like my prize possession but I’m going to have to get rid of these other things oh my God they’re just out there having the time of their

Lives and I thought something would explode if I did that yep it did I’m lagging like mad all right this is probably horrible to watch on YouTube so I’m going to go away for a second and see if I can try fix this lag any way I can

So okay should be a little better um these guys need to die like now no holy [ __ ] I could dropped down there for one second and that happened all right you know what all right that’s it oh this is insane I don’t know what to do I I I

Don’t know what to do it’s like my computer and the aliens are rampaging me at the moment so I can’t do anything I can either just stop recording and stop playing or try and fight them in lag Fest hell y screw it I’m killing them all that’s

It come on I’m sorry I have to get rid of him for this is proving ineffective completely oh this is notr at all oh okay so at the moment I can’t deal with this at all um let’s see if I can quickly grab my stuff before I WP up oh

My no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I got it all all right uh so I’m going to wrap up here I’ll probably end up continuing this in the next episode when it’s less hot of a day I’ll probably learn from

The experience and not try to record during a I’m assuming it’s be like 35° C day and I live in a granny flat with horrible insulation so yeah it’s sort of bad okay so I’ll probably choose a bit of time to continue recording we’ll end up cleaning

Up this mess I don’t know how these guys appeared at all um that Hive over there is is actually really worrying me cuz it’s going to keep spreading um and the Queen’s out so yay all right okay see you guys I’ll see you in the next episode see hey

Everyone welcome back to episode 19 the second part to the alien attack and they’re still attacking um it’s a little dodgy trying to kill this alien queen so I’ve come up with an idea I can show you for instance the hit box on know is a

Little dodgy so you got to aim in between her legs that probably doesn’t sound as good as it sounded um so and I’m pretty sure she has a ridiculous amount of health and she regenerates really fast um you won’t really realize that without um an extra

Mod or in the later version cuz in the later version she has like the uh little bar above on the screen like the Ender Dragon does for every boss normal boss uh anyway I’m going to wipe out that entire area I’m going to set it a blaze

And destroy it it’s going to be a big crater so I’m going to use the plasma cter predator’s great choice uh because I don’t want her to escape and kill wildlife and you know just get out of my site um I don’t want her multiplying so if I could remember

Correctly uh nope trying to remember what ammo this thing takes uses Diamond shards there we go let’s see what do I use use energy capsules that’s it energy capsules and probably don’t have any titanium if not I’ll go mining and quickly get some we have a little bit

Here I’m probably actually going to go mining um I don’t like mining which is why I do it all off camera only do the first bits on the how the hell do you make it unless you can’t make it in this it said titanium I’m guessing it was probably the other

Metal no titanium that’s weird all it has to be in a crafting table La all right okay well let’s see how much damage we can do with this um I’m pretty sure this won’t kill the queen um as I said she’s really strong so um if it

Wasn’t for my Jetpack or morph uh she’d be eating my face right now so I’m actually going to stand back a bit hopefully she doesn’t lock on to me me from there they I’m guessing they have pretty bad eyesight so if I just okay I guess I had to be closer for

It to register oh okay there we go okay there we go all right well that obviously didn’t do enough damage so I’m going to need a lot of titanium so I’m going to go mining for possibly 30 ,000 years and I’ll be back when I’ve got enough titanium to blow that entire area

To smin all right it’s come to my attention while I was mining that this titanium stuff is really difficult to come by I mean it’s not really difficult to come by but for some reason look at this ready I’m playing offline in offline mode you ready is that that’s block lag

That is irritating as hell so it actually came to my attention instead of wasting my time doing this and um putting up the block lag I didn’t actually in um investigate the Predator ships that landed ages ago I like to say they landed they pretty much just crashed um so I’m

Actually going to go have a second look in there and see if I didn’t if I didn’t miss anything hopefully there’s more ammo in there or something like that so I’ll be back as soon as I find my way back out of this hell hole and yeah okay

Like a dope I forgot that I have the portal gun duh I can get out using that okay let’s go check out the what you call it thingy let’s empty out everything that we don’t need um don’t think I need that that’s probably from down there whatever okay oh [ __ ] I’m low on

Food okay I remember clearing out that entire area but see I actually didn’t clear out the entire area I still have pieces of the ship over here stuff and it’s probably difficult to mine it using block lag but you know anything that can do I’m I’m guessing it’s because of how many um

What you call it uh Alien zero yeah all right come on let’s see if I missed anything over here where’s grab some sand am I missing anything didn’t realize that stuff was still down there and come on it’s dissipating how far do it go down holy

Crap well I remember I’ve got that thing over there so let’s have a look over here first I’ll let that dissipate on its own let’s see get some more sand just trying to destroy the source blocks so it stops flowing like mad oh here we go see there’s more pieces come on Chop

Chop I haven’t got all day well yeah I haven’t literally got all day there’s an alien menace going on near near the house see yeah there’s lots what what do we got here h a spear a temple spawner oh my God that’s that’s awesome and what’s this grappling

Hook why the hell would they need a grappling hook they come from the stars and they need a grappling hook they confuse me I want this thing anything else probably going to use this a lot more faster come on anything nope oh there’s more even more cool um oh my God oh my

God oh my God what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God is that another chest oh my god there energy capsules and more casters okay cool and gold I don’t know why there’s gold there but gold um oh my God all right um oh my god there was like 10 of them

I don’t know whether or not to go down there and kill them or to get rid of the aliens here cuz aliens are causing lag and they’re destroying everything and this is a whole Predator base down there well looks like a base looks like the survivors of the crush but

Anyway um I’m probably going to make sure I don’t go over there anytime soon so let’s Chuck this grappling hook in there that Temple spawner I’m actually going to use that soon that might be able to spawn um well face huggers hopefully okay we got the capsules let’s do this

Okay yeah I should probably kill them first do I have a flamethrower on me yes I do oh you broke okay I’m going to go get my pulse rifle I don’t know where it went but probably stashed it in the inventory oh my God they’re right outside AK-47 AK-47

Magazine die die die die die okay no more go away I should probably actually go deal with a hive resin it’s probably spawning lots of them oh my God okay okay let’s do this die yeah she’s not dying this isn’t good I said die oh I’m so scared to land

All right that’s it let’s do it oh new moth oh God all right let’s switch back to you go go go go come on why is this thing not dying how much health do you have finally oh my poor enclosure well it was pretty poorly built enclosure

So okay let’s go finish them off I’m scared of that Queen I don’t know what she’s going to do but these guys seem like they’re stuck so oh my God I should probably be saving that for the queen all right oh my God all right here

We go there’s more down there but I think I got most of them okay I think I got her I got her I got her I think oh that’s all of them please be all of them did I get them all still got 16 shots left did I get

Them all I think I got them all no oh wait yep there just the left over here I think I got them all Queen’s dead yeah so hopefully the Queen’s dead what what the get out of here I’m probably eating my cows oh I think I think I’m out of

Ammo okay so Queen’s dead I expected more of a fight but with that artillery probably not so let’s see um oh there’s my pulse rifle D all right let’s get rid of the remaining ones and hopefully we’ll clean it up or something ouch and Bam reload and Bam

Okay probably get rid of some of these Mufflers I don’t really need them there’s not really that much going on inside my base anymore apart from the blaze spawner down there but I think I might actually go destroy that yeah I’ll go destroy that I’m sick of it it’s

Irritating there we go and get rid of this and I have so many berri bushes down here I’ve completely forgotten about I’m not even going to worry about them so there we go we’re can to hear things in the base again well sort of I think there’s a few

Muff still hiding there we go there’s another one I have a lot of them in here just going to get some stone bricks and pry up the place so yeah I’ll I’ll be back um I’m just going to clean up what mess there is and um actually no no no before

We do that do I have everything I need that Predator area they have to die am I out of I’m out of Co okay I think I put the call away I can’t fly with my jet pack I need to kill those things before they do anything I know

They’ve probably been there for a long time well ever since that thing crashed but why are they just sitting there well I’m not going to ask question questions I’m just going to kill them I should probably do this at daytime but uh I’ll just clear out the

Area I I got to say it’s pretty cool killing vanilla Mobs with a pulse rifle like that’s it’s it’s in it’s in the top 10 coolest things to do in Minecraft all right let’s go down and there good morning Hello [ __ ] I’m out oh God I I’m a horrible shot not so tough D are you what these all look like you’re demented oh my God that’s terrifying uh just die and there we go ow oh God ow oh my God they are strong I apologize if it’s dark but

Yeah is that all of them I think that’s all of them do they have more ammo oh yes they have more ammo hopefully that’s all of them okay see now I can go bear back I don’t have to worry about a predator sneaking up and slicing my th throat

Open okay that’s cool um I’ll put that out there go no more fires and I think that’s all the wreckage gone cool so wreckage helped me get rid of that and the wreckage also helped me discover that there was more wreckage in Live Form in the form of predator and

The wreckage that I got from the wreckage destroyed the wreckage all right I’ll be back once I’ve assorted myself and put some pants on okay I think um it’s about time to probably finish up this episode um yeah I’m thinking at 20 20 minute marks about

Just a Justified time to end the episode um so yeah I’ll probably see you guys next episode I’m not sure what we’re going to do um I’m just going to go have a look over here again not sure what we’re going to do um sort of running out

Of things to do apart from nearly dying from an alien attack and discovering that there’s protat down there but I guess we can just go have some fun with some of the vanilla monsters check that out see how cool is it oh I’m reloading that didn’t

Work that’s so cool able to kill what’s that yeah anyway yeah I want to finish the sentence but I’m really I don’t remember that being there what’s that gold blocks what don’t understand whoa ow okay I was looking at you for guidance and you just shoot me in the

Head all right um Gold Blocks I I don’t understand they were in a chest as well before they free gold blocks and Sean what is this thing I don’t remember this being here I don’t remember that being there as well can’t remember I explored that this what the hell go away um

This video, titled ‘Ulandoverse 2015 Movie [Season 1 Minecraft AVP Full]’, was uploaded by Ulandos on 2024-01-02 09:17:23. It has garnered 2181 views and 183 likes. The duration of the video is 07:48:44 or 28124 seconds.

The COMPLETE season 1 adventure of young uland screaming at his mic

Finally downloaded all the files and put them side by side for easy viewing If I have to proof watch this I’m going to blow my brains out, so if there’s any issues be sure to let me know so I can ignore you cause I have “waiting for this thing to render then it failing halfway multiple times ptsd” o.o

The full 1280×720 experience rather than 1920×1080 cause stuff downloading each video individually via creator studio, there isn’t a bulk download, 3rd-party-ai-self-coded-multi-playlist-download-script limits at 1080 and i already realised it did so when I was DONE EDITING CAUSE IM A $(#@)#@#9@)#()@$)@(#)@#()#))@# *SCREAMS*

#ulandos #movie #minecraft

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

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  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

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  • Back in the Scary German Underground

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  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

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  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

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  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

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  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

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    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

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  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

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    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More