“SHOCKING VaultRockin SMP Stream #11!” #clickbait #minecraft

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welcome aboard Captain all systems online hello hello hello everybody getting stuff ready how’s everybody doing golden hello golden how are you welcome in happy Tuesday I think it’s Tuesday right last time I checked I think it was Tuesday hey hi dirt dir I don’t never know what to call you should I call you dirt or should I call you by your Minecraft name now I want Chinese food it was so good it was so freaking good leftover Chinese like always hits the spot I had some leftover Chinese for food I left over Chinese for dinner tonight guys two these fun okay I’m always throwing off by to what to call people when they have different names okay making sure I get dixer up and running guys as well so you guys can use Dicker um I do plan on trying to run a volter too tonight if I can so which I probably shouldn’t have told you guys that cuz you guys are going to use that against me hey lime green how’s it going okay let me turn this down this is this is kind of loud all right let me see if the uh chatting screen oh it’s on the spooky screen um what if I do this haa we’re in a vault now yes hello everybody all right I’m getting the uh game pulled up here it always seems to take a bit for Minecraft to load up vault Hunters I think it’s just because the amount of uh the amount of mods all right let me turn the music down I’ve got it turned up a little bit too loud in my ears okay I do have a new uh twitch channel uh redeem for those that uh are on Twitch and that use the channel Point redeems um you guys can’t affect my voice now through voice mod and I think I set it up correctly at least I hope I did okay it’s great my wife literally just asked for a dutch oven what I’m great my way okay well I hope your wife enjoys it the beard is looking Grizzly I know I need to shave it I need to trim it up my wife got me um I I shaved right before Christmas and at the time my wife got me a beard kit so when she saw me shave she’s like why did you shave now I understand why so I’m good to back but I need to use my beard kit to like trim it up a bit and make it look nice tell about the yeah the beard kit she like I came out after shaving and she just looked at me she goes why did you do that I said I don’t know I messed up she goes well great so at Christmas I’d start growing it back out at that point but it wasn’t fully grown in she goes I said oh is this why you’re your question why shaved yeah so I got this it’s like a a box like a tin Right comes with a brush a little beard comb a little scissors like oil B like it the whole works right so I’m excited to continue growing it out and uh use that okay um okay voice mod is up and running so you guys can play around with that uh dixer is up and running you guys can play with that um okay the game is up perfect perfect how’s everybody doing is everybody having a great uh week so far okay here we go so tonight I’m plan on working on um some more of the mob mob cages that I have but I want to unclaim a few chunks and reposition uh my waist Stone and put uh which I I don’t know that would kind of suck if for the people that have already grabbed my way Stone they might have to reposition their or grab my wa Stone you know what I mean so I don’t know if I’d want to do that or if that would be good to do what do you guys think should I do that I mean every time you break a Wast on I think it breaks all the other people that have connected to it so they have to come back all the way back out to my base and re reconnect to it oh no I can hear myself what happened oh it didn’t work hello so it was like it s for a second how’s it going thank you for the voice changer line I appreciate it thank you so much uh I hope you guys like this voice and it should only work for like 60 seconds and then it’s waych to the back so um I do want to like unclaim some of these trunks maybe over here in this little area and then build uh like a space for people to out to my base and then like use the was unless I work on doing like these truns here these four chunks let’s see um thank you that so loud it’s awesome yeah and it’s random it’s totally random so there’s like 60 different voices that it picks from and it just picks randomly so I don’t Cho choose it it just chooses it for me so maybe I could tear this uh building down here and uh like unclaim these four chunks here maybe put the waist Stone in the middle um cuz I would like to reposition this and again you guys might have to rec out to my um base to claim it but like I feel like everything’s really tight in this corner here right now cuz like I have my storage right here as well and then I have the stuff inside the exclaim chunks already got some blaze rods perfect an iron I got an iron farm too oh my God that’s better I didn’t like the random voice yeah it’s a it’s a new twitch thing I added uh new channel redeem so you guys can play around with the the voice mod and it just picks randomly so have fun with that that’s longer than 60 seconds it seems no yeah it’s only 60 seconds I said it at least I hope I [Music] did are the pressure pots too many explosions and steam burns stories O Okay um okay um I can’t see how many people and stuff are here I guess I can okay um so is this inside my see like technically technically somebody could come down here and like raid all this stuff if they wanted to which I mean I’m not like that big of like into like my stuff my stuff you can’t have it I prefer to share like to to an extent like I don’t want somebody to just come and just like rob me blind but like if you need something like okay don’t just come and take everything at least like let me know um got tons of slime at this point too Papa Snuffy in both I like your normal voice thank you you thank you I just figured you know uh I had the voice mod I was trying to think of ways to play around with it so I was like well let me um and I there is a there is a cool down on it um it’s not super expensive Channel pointwise but I did have a cool down on it so um okay let’s go ahead and tear down this little house over here cuz I feel like we don’t need it and then start positioning a repositioning some stuff [Music] um oh man I’m going to need like new stuff silk touch 400 it’s already been repaired once let’s just use this one until it’s gone um and then I’ll just have to make a new chromatic paxel oh my gosh just so like look at that I took the whole house down in like 10 seconds um that’s fine these are just break hey moldy there you go everybody go give moldy a follow uh you know what I don’t like I don’t like this I’m going to move this up here okay hello like your normal voice will does it have will does it have a fantastic voice oh thank you but a face for radio is what I’ve Been Told that could happen if you don’t follow the directions wait what happened who didn’t follow directions maybe I missed that part oh wait how many windows does this place have jeez get out of here and also I could like um maybe fill this in so let’s see do I have do I have enough dirt to make that flat uh dirt oh yeah I’ve got compressed dirt times two let’s take out the compressed dirt let’s uncompress it I wonder you know what should I shave this whole little area down and just make it the same with this level I wonder wait do we have wands in here that construction wands um con no we don’t we don’t have wands I know we have wands that we could use but we don’t have construction wands that’s another mod um that helps you with building and it doesn’t look like this mod pack has it it basically allows you to place blocks um from your inventory in like quick sucession Hot Pot oh okay yeah yeah get out of here um C that up pdf you’d want building gadgets for that I think is that what it’s called or that’s the equivalent building Gadget okay I know construction wand is something that that I use in um my Survival series um which is what helped me build my uh D arcanium super fast by D arcanium oh you know what you know what I’ll do because I’m such an awesome guy I will build a new wayist stone allow people to come to my base from this wayist Stone and activate the other wayist Stone and then once everybody has my waist Stone I can just break that one cuz I’d hate for everybody to have to fly all the way out here or whatever boat their way out here if I once I break that one so that’s what I’ll do I’ll just end up making a new wayist stone it’ll be easier for everybody it’s under big toys yeah I’ve seen it over here building gadgets building gadgets a mega fun mod that allows you to place hundreds of blocks very quickly it’s only two hey that might be pretty uh dang 12 though gosh it’s so expensive I feel like these ones down here cost so much once you like get them unlocked especially these two Productions and big toys like five isn’t yeah big mods is another one all these mods are so expensive okay um where’s that sword I want to break all this sorry if anybody’s in the vault right now I’m probably creating a lot of lag [Music] okay how much how much does it cost to make a Way Stone let’s drop off all this stuff we don’t need need um was Stone oh yeah it takes warp Stone oh and chromatic steel okay so we need Essence let’s grab some Essence um lar let’s grab some lar we only need one I think um and then some steel steel ooh is this all the steel I have really I thought I had more steel than this holy smokes oh and I only have I don’t have that much iron comparatively so I’m might have to go mining or uh find a an iron uh chromatic iron Vault cuz look I oh I got 60 blocks in here that’s not too bad I gave you some last night and I used them to make the cages some some of the steel yeah Sammy I don’t know if I if if you were able to see this so we got Blaze now so blaze rods we got iron um oh we’re eting carrots too let’s go so we got um if we can get some more zombie eggs that would be perfect or Blaze that’ be perfect I have an empty cage right now I want to get something that we could like I’d like to put a Wither Skelly in there that way we can get more skulls um tons of feathers I had to make feather blocks to get all the feathers out of there unfortunately there’s not a raw chicken block um let’s see carbon 84 carbon Samy joined welcome in Sammy um let’s craft some of this um then we can make who’s coming in maybe I’ll hide from them oh wait uh I got a present I think Coors Coors and inone thank you PDF PDF came over and gave me some Instone how much chromatic iron do you need I have over two stacks of chromatic iron blocks holy smokes that’s a lot um B rabbit um oh two more zombie eggs wait who just did this somebody just gave me more zombie eggs does anybody know that’s watching if I break a cage with mobs in them do they stay in there or do do they get released how does that work that was you okay thank you toothy oh duh yeah I seen those last night yeah what is happening right now oh there’s Sami you need a special key to get the egg back what if I just break it though to move it do they stay in there like are they locked in there now nice this will this will you know triple the amount of raw uh raw flesh we have or R rotten flesh not raw flesh whatever come here wait what is that that’s huge what is this what are you throwing at me where is it going oh your magnet’s on I think I don’t think I’m picking it up whatever you’re throwing at me it’s not coming in my inventory I don’t know what’s happening oh are you throwing me iron sorry I thought you were throwing me whatever you’re holding oh wait oh now you are okay I was so confused heyo welcome in you need a special key maybe opne knows opo if I break a cage just to move it say I want to move this zombie cage like over there if I break this will it will The Mob stay in there or do I have to get new eggs op might be busy I don’t know thank you Sammy so much this is a lot check everything I gave you a stack of blocks and some ingots of blocks and ingots oh oh here we go yeah yeah yeah jeez this is a lot of okay I have tons of iron at this point you can break it I try in Creative okay well obni says I can break it obn has been playing this a little bit longer than I have so I think he if he says we can break it and move it I’m I’m good do you need carbon uh I have like 80 something carbon or I thought I had 80 where all my carbing did I only have 28 where’s the rest of my carbon at did I put it in here did I not have 80 something things of carbon where’d they go if I’m wrong you are allowed to yell at me oh great thought I had more carbon somewhere did I drop it I don’t know where it went okay that’ll give us what 32 we’re in the vault so I’ll lur in a little okay no worries good luck on your Vault okay um let’s see what else did we need dust so let’s make some dust oh we need regular laramar lay l Mar um let’s undo these to make regular Layar okay uh we only need four of these 1 two 3 four okay two and two um what else was it like that what was at the top dang it I forgot oh and a block oh okay we just need like a stone block uh what kind of stone should we go with guys um should we go with Mossy I feel like a Mossy one would be pretty cool I kind of like a a Mossy block um I want it to be Mossy though D it that’s fine I’ll just put it in there Sammy gave me two warp Stones Samy only needed one I guess really cuz once I create one I guess I could create multiple waist stones from this oh I could make one for the end I guess oh okay thank you so much all right uh block block three on the bot bottom and then four on the side boom okay hey buddy what are you doing over here um okay let’s um let’s see let’s uh let’s open our chunks okay and I’m going to do I wanted to do four maybe I’ll do these four here um unclaim selected okay and then right here in the center of all four chunks I’ll create a um I need to create a platform though first um I’m just going to call it d face for now okay okay I’ll just put it there for now I’ll eventually like build a structure around it but uh I want to do that I put a waone at the end oh you did let’s go grab it real quick PDF starter base is that what it is oh right here I hope this works hope it doesn’t crash oh oh crap where are we are we just at a city oh let’s turn this off [Music] oh I want look down cool okay I just kind of want to look around what are these oh dimensional Shard or wow are all the uh ores in the end like is there a copper end ore iron Andor stuff like that that’s pretty cool yeah it’s next to theop boop boop oh it costs experience oh and I died and I don’t have any experience to get back okay that’s fine we’ll just get back this way that’d be pretty cool you don’t think though okay oops forgot about that okay okay let’s compress some of this um okay now we’ve got all that um yeah I was going to say I don’t even think we have any like wither items uh did you say there was another spawn egg okay here we go spawn egg eventually I’d like to get a cage for every mob that would be like really cool um even though some mobs aren’t like are less needed like Enderman really would only give you pearls like unless you needed a large supply of pearls for whatever reason you could potentially get those from clerics really okay cool now we got a quad Zombie Farm quad uh magma or what is this slime farm and then a single Blaze okay so I’m thinking guys that we make I’d like to make something um that has uh either I go down into the Earth and make a uh a way down into the Earth or make something that goes up because I would like people to be able to use elevators because I do have uh the elevator mod unlocked and I have it saved for whenever I want to make uh more elevators so what do you guys think should I go down or go up it’s obviously easier to go down cuz I could just build I could just dig out and then um just add walls to the structure um and then potentially get a bunch of ores and everything too as well um because if I’m going to build up I need to gather blocks you know what I mean down hey papa Snuffy maybe I missed you coming in welcome in a lot of people came in hey Oz how’s it going welcome in minitar is here too hello minitar okay going down I think would be pretty cool um I do have four chunks to play with um this one eventually I will lock back up because that that one does contain I got turned around that one does contain my storage um and I eventually like to get that locked up CU of technically right now it is unlocked people could come in here and just start taking stuff if they wanted to granted I I trust people on the server um but I don’t want people to just come and take whenever whatever they want really uh without potentially asking me like they’re welcome to take stuff if they need it but it’ll just rob me blind hey Mage hype hype okay oh gosh should I try and unlock building Gadgets in does building gadgets remove blocks or is it just place them weird weirding gadgets load a chunk allowing your Farms to run when you are not nearby or even offline who is that something we should consider as a as a server cuz if a bunch of people have uh have a bunch of loaded chunks that could be an issue right oh I got Papa oh wait oh hey joyful engineer how’s it going Papa Smurf is in the house too okay well that would be kind of cool then Mega Fun allows you to place hundreds of blocks very quickly you must have mega base Builder a must for any Mega base Builder Okay Okay require oh it need it requires energy to operate through energy cell which also included in this unlock but make sure you have access to power first oh crap I I don’t think I have an Fe Source I mean I’d have to make an energy cell if that’s the case I am Papa Smurf yeah I know hello like I was saying earlier it’s always confusing when people come in that change their names I was telling that to dirt earlier I got a hammer that digs at 11 by 11 holy smokes an 11 by 11 okay I think for now I’m just going to start uh where oh oops let’s come over here cuz some of this chunk is going to be off but that’s fine let’s find the chunk borders here this this chunk here is going to be the main chunk that people are going to be able to interact with eventually I’ll chair that out I’m just filling it in for now start tearing all this [Applause] out I know I just I just builded this in whoops it’s okay we’re to building a wall and stuff here anyway hey Agro anyone know the secret to making your kids eat what you make for dinner it’s getting frustrating um make what they will eat and they’ll eat what you make kind of I guess uh okay say do we have a mob farm that oh wait I have uh I was to say I have uh stuff uh what is it called X spear wait uh let me search bottle bottle here we go this is what this is what Bedrock needs I don’t understand why not they don’t have it hey Roger welcome in offer no Alternatives eat it or go hungry hey M Sage is over here to help this side welcome to the welcome to the twitch side okay I’m glad I got enough bottles for all that what would be I want to play around with some of the uh different blocks in this uh mod pack [Applause] so I’ll have to decide what uh what I want to build for this place I forgot I can just I need to start breaking all this stuff yeah I’ll redesign that that’s fine I was like oh this will be a good good floor to have like no we can [Music] uh well I guess if people want to start coming over to my base and well no I guess they won’t until I set up a spot for that it won’t be a good idea okay so never [Applause] mind I need wild andf F and nullify [Applause] uh do you want to use a 5×5 vanilla with hammer oh do you have one that’ be good I won’t have to uh yeah this one’s almost Broken But if you’ve got one see for this I’ll just like fill in completely cuz I’m limited on this one I’ve only got 200 more uses oh so much iron or uh iron so much coal let’s just start throwing a bunch of this stuff in [Music] here did you throw one down at me or did he get picked up did you throw it down where’d it go or was it uh did you go do you have a magnet on oh yeah I guess you can just thr in here oh cool volite shattered it requires level 50 can I use it can I use a level 50 tool yeah I can’t use it I can’t use it I have to be level 50 thank you though maybe once I get to level 50 I’ll be able to use it so I guess also like how far down do I want to [Music] go see I wish you could determine the shape I guess you could do that with a hammer but with a vault tool you can’t really do it this is broken now I can’t repair it even with a core I can’t repair it M Mama Mia do I even have a a diamond pick is this a hammer this is a no this is a pick I do the fortune if you want to use it oh a DI what I never know if people are talking to me on the server or if they’re talking to someone else I mean I have tons of diamonds I can make my own I guess what is the Seal of confectioner cake yeah it’s a cake bolt yeah I’ll take anyone that wants to offer a do I even have Hammer no I don’t even have a hammer I have hamburgers hey I might have to take those hamburgers um what can I search as like just a tool chromatic no um pick Oh I thought I had more pickaxes in here I might just have to create a pickaxe soap touch this is smelting with 15 % uh [Music] invulnerability Mya Sage is lurking remember you could do the exclamation dad joke in uh in twitch and get dad jokes if you would like I don’t have it for um YouTube unfortunately because it’s through surot and surot is only connected through twitch but there is a way to do dad jokes on Twitch so no one word one word dad joke how deep that’s what I was trying to think um I don’t want to go down too far maybe but maybe probably to right here I think that’ be good enough so what is this um 60 oh this is oh this is a hammer it has hammering on it I don’t someone say dad jokes have been summoned ruse on Twitch I have a uh a bot that’ll tell you dad jokes exclamation dad joke all one word and it’ll tell you a dad joke sbot it it’s it’s actually a function built into [Music] cbot because I I’d also like to be able to build um a simple simple storage for this area that people can come and go and drop stuff off if they like um I turned on my elytra come on um basically it’d be it’s going to be like a um like an in for people they can come to my base drop stuff off take it if they need to I think it’d be pretty cool um yeah that’s fine let’s fill this in with Cobblestone oops what is this oh yeah let’s fill all this in I don’t want the mobs to spawn Okay so what is this one up here 68 okay so we’re like six eight blocks down if I put a floor in here sorry Sammy that’ll put us at 61 um going to put walls in here so I’ll lessen it by one uh one block on all the sides and then here in the center I’ll uh I’ll end up putting the [Music] what is this oh that’s a weird uh it’s like registering that I’m trying to break a block or something and it’s not fully broke yeah just randomly throw stuff at me oops so sorry sorry hey papa Snuffy oh gosh Papa Smurf sorry so many Papas I get you all confused oh dang it how can I do this okay oh no see that’s one of the downfalls of having hammering is that it just breaks oh you have my hammer I have your hammer did I pick it up oh here we go it’s level 33 I can’t use it it’s too high I can’t use it I don’t have my magnet on do I that kind of stinks you can’t use them until you reset so what did the fish say when it swam into a wall damn it’s a damn fish ran into the wall that’s funny uh let’s build a way out for Sammy I mean you could use Dash if you wanted to but there you go okay all right let’s get a stone cutter I think I have one right thought I had a stone cutter somewhere cuz I feel like some of these blocks in this game um are really beautiful like the andesite blocks I know those are like super beautiful uh to play around with so just drop it here okay what type of style do I want do I want to go with like a bunch of stone type um let’s grab a bunch of andesite maybe some granates are too oh Granite let’s just grab a bunch of different types of blocks store it all into our inventory for now um grab the iron out I’m all set for now yeah yeah yeah yes I am thank you uh Papa or joyful thank you uh so now I just need to play around with blocks oh I don’t have a lot of grain it figured I had more than that um what other stone blocks do we have diorite let’s see what diorite looks like after we play around with that [Music] um maybe use some uh cool wood blocks um and then we’ll end up putting like some storage and stuff in [Music] there [Music] okay so let’s see can we make this into something polish vertical slabs what can you make that into a wall holy smokes you can and it only takes up half half the uh half the block says layout is spiral what’s that mean layout is spiral I don’t know what that means oh these are some pretty cool diorite blocks diorite railing oh some of these I can’t create oh I can create them with I don’t have create I can still use it though interesting this okay this Hammer is not not good that’s kind of cool in the in the light though it’s kind of bright though oh ragar oh my gosh oh good luck Sammy silk touch 900 see moang vertical slabs are that easy [Music] 12 watching 11 likes who needs the who needs the beating that’s true oh let me do a dis uh dixer my main mod that does dixer usually uh isn’t here right now so let’s create a drop let’s do I’m going to do 12 drops Minecraft copy that that should generate one in um a successful Vault was running hunting for gold reputation got two uh idonis good job GG can you can you place floor blocks that meet wall wall slaps um I don’t know let me let me check oh you don’t you’ve never done that okay so you said can you place floor blocks that meet wall slabs uh like what do you mean I mean if they’re under the if they’re under it sure is that what you mean so like if I put a I kind of like this brick diorite to be honest that’s kind of cool looking I mean it’s just it’s just half of a half of a block at that point so it’s just a essentially it’s a wall I don’t know if I want diorite walls though I do really like that diorite though so I might go with that right uh let’s see if I do this and then can I get the slab version to get twice as much I can yes perfect always go with the slab version y’all which means I should be able to just create the slab version here perfect it makes I know look at this that look oh dang it I actually really like this like this texture that actually looks really cool um dang it I want to rip all this out cuz I want this to be the floor level so I should have had Samy break it one more down no worries Samy you enjoy your Vault okay so I’m going to go with the diorite brick floor so it’ll be a white pattern floor I don’t know if I want to go checkered with this I wonder if there’s any other bricks that or blocks that have cool checkered pattern like that or uh like a little zigzag pattern like that like grin it maybe but I don’t know how grite would look with a with a checkered pattern like that excuse me allergies are kicking my butt oh let us turn on the magnet so I was talking with uh some of my moderators um and I’ve kind of choosing like I’m trying to think about the best schedule for me as far as streaming and stuff and content creation cuz i’ would like to work on uh actual like more video content like for my Survival series and just you know editing and video recording and things like that cuz like I think like majority of my content is currently stream streams um so I would like to work on video and I feel like recording three or um streaming three days a week someone already went to bed dang it excuse me uh I’m wondering if I cut down my streams to two days a week that’ll give me an extra day to like work on recording and stuff um so I’m deciding on if I want to do that or not uh cuz I would like to start getting more video content out instead of just solely um um solely streams um and I feel like streaming three days a week um just doesn’t give me much time to do that with life and work and all that other stuff like it’s really hard to try and squeeze in time to record edit do all that stuff so I was trying to come up with a decent schedule to fill that time in to be able to record and you know uh create more content cuz I would like to like for those that watch my are you planning to make a full D’s gig what oh are you planning to make this a full-time gig I would love to uh Mia Sage if I could if I could make content creation fulltime um that would be amazing but first I would need to a get to 1,000 subscribers to be able to hit monetization for like ad Revenue um and then secondly I’d have to be able to get enough you know monetization to like to make up for the for what I get paid now for my 9 to5 and that would be a lot like got have to work a lot is what I meant I mean like ad revenue and stuff well uh more makes more is all I’m thinking oh more more content makes more yeah that makes sense got to get that mono yeah I need I need lots of mono a wife and two kids and a house and mortgage and all that that stuff’s not cheap Insurance All That Jazz so I’d have to basically hey hello uh I’d have to be able to earn enough income through content creation to obviously offset what me and my wife currently make like she would probably still be working um but she does content creation too and that would be nice for her to be able to do that as well I don’t know if I like it all though and eventually this is probably going to get covered over I don’t know if I want to put glass or something on top so people could see inside of it but I feel like the sunlight shining on here it makes it really bright and I don’t know if that’s just my Shader pack it’s probably just my Shader pack uh let’s see do I press no I don’t want I don’t want rotation on how do I turn my how do I turn my Shader pack off I want to see what this looks like without shaders on uh Shader pack back let’s disable it okay yeah with the shining Sun oh we could turn uh the grid lines off I’ve used polish diorite slabs a few times for flooring yeah polished looks pretty good face punches make the world go around I’ve always been a big fan of stream highlights of course you could still have your normal video format but stream highlights are definitely Rising nowadays so is that opne is that like taking my stream and just chopping it into bits and just showing off the cool Parts I guess people want to see stream highlights like that I need to pump out more content yeah true ruse oh I missed your earlier message oh uh I saw where you said hi to opne hello is me hello is me also love the YouTube vid RS newvo is great pack and extremely underrated yes it is uh I love RS newvo and uh IIs that was one of the things I was talking about like I would like to create more content from my Survival series but also I want to take make create some tutorial videos about the mods themselves and go into detail like explaining what they are and how they work and all that stuff for people that maybe don’t play a lot of modded would be able to find that and use it you know so more just survival content but also more tutorial based content about the mods or maybe mod Farms you know something something along those lines and then uh aggro AKA it’s a long game not something that happens overnight even creators with over 30,000 subs don’t make enough to replace are full-time jobs that’s true yeah is that regular diorite or polished uh this right here is uh bricks brick slabs so this is what the brick version looks like if they were to make brick versions which they don’t have any and I think I am out of diorite so we might have to go diorite hunting di or yeah I’m out of diate so if anybody has diorite on the server that they want to get rid of you can Chuck it at me I guess I would how many zeros is that holy crap 100,000% watch the RS tutorial as I’ve only doubled uh CU there is actually there’s little actual content on it yeah ARS Novo is super fun um and um there’s so many different ways within ARS Novo to be able to build uh farms and things like that that um I I think would be really interesting to dabble into and show off oh people left me 29 I mean if you guys have 26 hammers I could use those unless I try and eat some um I don’t know how many I don’t think I have enough Burgers to get me to 29 uh bur bur oh I have cheese let’s see what can I make Burger wise um let’s see if I just throw this all in here will it make something a burger tomato burger with cheese okay I just made a lot of burgers what does this give me wait can I eat this all at once oh my gosh okay yeah I can oh I might actually hit it are you kidding me oh let’s go I didn’t realize that would happen Okay well now I can use these 71% 71% okay so this might last for a while it’s already been repaired once though this would last for a while so let’s put this in here I didn’t realize that had enough that sounds like d all right burgers are pretty POG heck yeah they are um okay we’re going to need to go hunting though cuz I need a ton more diorite like actual diorite oh look look it’s just going to be a big like spot can I can I uh who’s is this someone’s getting close to my base guys got to figure out who this is can I collect diorite on the server instead of digging for it like is there is there a biome that has like a large diorite deposit or something like what is all this what’s all this white stuff is this a cite that probably wouldn’t work I know right I went through like 4. 5,000 Burger leveling people to 100 cite and diorite um who’s over there uh maybe go to PDFs and then fly out that’ probably be the best let’s go to his starter base and I think it was up in the corner here I wonder what like does there is there calide blocks in this uh mod pack ooh diorite oo no that’s calside dang it dang it that that threw me off for a second um let’s see we’ll come over to Hammer’s uh Team base we’ve got diorite okay I’m on my way I just want to see something oh yeah look at these calide blocks they have a similar calite brick we might be able to uh switch that over like uh like instead of a full floor of diorite we could uh sprinkle in some of that calite which I should should have probably grabbed some dang it yeah all right let me go back and grab some dang it yeah it does take a long time um aggro it’s a long game um I don’t know who this is golden golden join let’s just grab a bunch of this are we able to just like mine out of the ground here or do we need to go to a a mining area I hope that’s okay I don’t know who’s is there are calide blocks they look pretty neat I know that one looks pretty neat wait where am I going a crap I’m lost oh this way um Hammer Hammer to hammer okay hello we’ll probably use some of this cow site to make some slabs do I do I grab it can I grab it out of here oh I can grab Stone can I take a couple stacks it takes a while to load it does yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll take a few Stacks that should be enough to make a floor and if I want to make walls and stuff hey what’s up take what you want okay perfect so let’s make a stack of these that should be more than enough let’s take a stack of calite small um is that what they’re called yeah small Okay small so let’s see what this looks like sprinkled in ah it’s kind of subtle yeah so what if we what if we uh let’s take the diorite out what if we were to um oh is am I not picking that up what if we were to do a um a pattern out of these and interment that what do youall think oh wait I don’t have my um should have pack back on okay texture I like it okay deletes a whole area so we have a mining area oh by the way if you have a warp Stone in your hand you can warp to a w Stone from wherever you’re holding it by right clicking oh really I didn’t know you could do that oh that’s so subtle when you have shaders on and it’s in the light you can barely even see it so I might have to do that without shaders I can’t see it that’s really really bright okay this is almost too strong see okay let’s do one of Peach hello that’s kind of cool I wonder what a dark one would look like though Titans goira are you talking about the new Godzilla DLC for Minecraft I wonder if we would if if we should offset um let’s let’s just add this guy up here there we go we go that way he’s out of my way and I can still go okay like that Bin’s on oops see this that’s what I hate about then you have to break that one out oh I should have just put one down oh well hello like that see look this one has a different one though because they have two in the center here that’s where these are just all like rotating gosh this is so fast I think it’s cuz I have haste like extra haste on too I have Hast three or something like that de what are you doing jez you need to read chat please uh M AG what’s this build for um so I unclaimed a few chunks um so people can come to the base and like use my area so I’m going to put the way Stone down here I’m put a bunch of storage and stuff like that so people can use it um it it’s just for people to come and and use my my area so it’s not even for me to be honest it’s for everyone else gosh because I am a good server mate and people can come and go as they please like a rest stop Precision mining is T yeah it’s really hard with you when you have such a strong tool and you have like extra mining speed hello hello someone keeps saying hello see I don’t even mean to do it either just so fast okay but that’s what this is for uh M for people on the server to come and go uh because you can’t really do anything inside of someone’s claimed chunk so this way they have uh space to come and go thank you guys for all the uh the likes let’s go make sure to subscribe if you’re not subscribed already I am working my way to a th um and I’m getting pretty close I’m like less than uh 295 I think redeem sound creeper yeah um oh God what is this the sound redeem for that honestly forgot [Music] listen oops what is the Vault catalyst so the Vault catus allows you to change um like the um difficulty of a vault I believe and also the type of vault as well if I remember correctly Stars there’s a stars in my chat holy moly welcome in Stars how are you it’s glad to see you hope you’re having a good week so [Music] far oops I wah I don’t know if haste makes me place down blocks fast too cuz sometimes I seem to place blocks pretty quick as well allows you to add modifiers to the Vault yeah yeah yeah that’s what I meant you can add modifiers um and then the Catalyst depending like can have negative effects on it as well so like it might lower your Vault time um but I think there are ways to remove the modifier or the negative oh are you kidding me small d d oh man I’m one sure short of course I’m one short why wouldn’t I [Music] be uh okay hey remember for those that are in my Discord uh we do have movie Nights on Monday and we are going to kick off this next round of movie Nights uh with Lord of the Rings oh I did have one left what the heck here we go okay Wall’s done um I do want to make slabs though um but I want to do something like maybe darker to offset the brightness of the white you’re welcome the Catalyst allows you to add modifiers to the Vault Crystal yeah yep not difficult or type type is with seals okay seals change so maybe my word I just mix my wording up a little bit that’s what I meant modifiers modifiers that’s it um okay maybe I want to do wood cuz I do stone floor with wood walls so maybe like a um I don’t know if the wood in this game let’s see what type of logs are there batania I don’t have batania oh is it just one I wonder what comatic uh logs would look like I think that’d be kind of cool oh we did get this dreamwood but I think it was stripped oops there’s many ways to modify the crystals yep um let’s do dark let’s do dark oak um let’s grab some stripped um chromatic chromatic planks I must have grabbed those how do you make the wood is it can you grow this wood oh you can make it you can make it from logs so you can’t grow chromatic trees can you excuse me Vault Stone variants might be nice oh yeah or or a Blackstone too Blackstone might be cool um let’s see Vault Vol Stone I’ve got ton of this stuff maybe some of the um let’s play around with the the variants maybe maybe make things like that uhoh so this will be like the edges this is dope man no dopee is illegal in certain States oops um let’s see what do these variants look like oh can you not use Cobblestone no polished oh so it has to become polished to use it and there’s not a wall block variant okay that’s not that bad so let’s see Stone pillar I kind of want to like play around with all these blocks so let’s look at the Bumbo block I guess that’s a play on Mumbo chiseled are slabs uh Bri cracked and we got pillar okay oh that one has to be turned on its side oh that’s kind of cool that’ be funny to have Mumbo just staring at us every just randomly oh should I expand this dang I didn’t even should I tear out the rest of these walls and make it 4×4 or 2 by two dbo is a reference to hermitcraft uh season 7 IDs oh Bumbo is that his robot was his robot called bum Dumbo or bum Bumbo Dumbo oh there’s three different Mumbo blocks for the VAR or for stone either way we’re going to have to cook a whole bunch if we’re going to use this does it have like different sides is that what you mean like is there a is there a bottom or are they all the same oh they’re all the same on every side guilded Dumbo I keep saying Dumbo the Gilded gilded oh there’s a gilded let’s see uh dumo what is that how do you make this oh that would be kind of cool too if we wanted to make dark walls um let’s do gilded yeah we’ve got a ton of these I haven’t thrown these into the trash yet either because I’ve just been um turning them all into Soul Essence the robot was grumbot oh okay oh kept placing uh Bumbo statues around his base okay I don’t watch enough hermitcraft to know like all the little details oh these are cool o I like this one look at this that actually looks pretty pretty clean okay let’s see what else I I thought these were all just garbage I just I was throwing them in the the um in the trash is this the same one I just made no this is a pillar one that’s actually cool too hey who who is it who’s this I was going to make one he just threw one at me I was like I was about to make one yeah I think I think we need to play around with these two okay so I think we’re going to do a combination of bolt stone um gilded blocks um and then maybe is this too bright or too dark let’s see um if we were to do like a polished version and like a brick version would that look good next to yeah that could work too cuz it’s still like it’s a little bit subtle but like a little bit brighter it’s not the same so I think Bumbo is from season 5 oh it’s not season 7 I don’t even know the seasons guys I like I said I don’t watch them that much to know them that like intricately okay oh no is one chunk enough you think God I’m I’m like beating myself up over this I pick all plint blocks uh let’s just do that I don’t even if I know if I have enough to be honest Flint to make a flint block oh I guess I do let’s see what does this even look like [Music] H that’s that’s got a lot of texture that that’s loud you know what I mean okay I’m going to rip all of this out um because I want to have this wall inset oh did you throw me a a I didn’t see you throw me this that one’s so hard to you can barely see that [Applause] one [Applause] and also I did mention we are having movie night in the Discord if you’re not in the Discord make sure to join exclamation Discord get in there it’s fun I think it’s fun but I’m a little [Applause] biased is Kack here I haven’t seen Kack come in [Applause] yet um for those that didn’t see my message earlier today as well um I was um I reached out about getting a game key for a new game that’s in um Early Access and I was granted a game key so for Thursday’s stream I’m going to be showing off a game that’s in Early Access it’s a horror game um that the studio gave me a key for uh to play and show off and then to leave a uh a review it’s called inside um inside the labs I’m I’m excited to play that off new horror game oh people using the did somebody throw something at me what is this Flint tiles Flint pillar I feel like people are just throwing stuff at me and I don’t know what’s happening I just happen to like randomly get blocks in my inventory and I don’t know where they came from but I’m excited to show that off and I hope you guys are excited to see it Kack Maybe napping there’s also another reference if you place 12 bamboo separately not on top of each other in a vault I know you get the bunk stick I knew that one cuz we did that uh in in the game room the BK stick I forgot this was a wall this was an outside wall it’s okay why is Cobblestone slower to break than regular Stone that’s weird Bonkers okay like maybe napping she hasn’t replied on Discord yeah no that’s fine I just know she’s usually in here getting the um the first redeem CU I don’t know if anybody’s redeemed first yet okay so this is all within my boundaries here at least this wall okay um let’s see what let’s see what we’re doing with here ooh that’s that’s a lot of that’s a lot what about that these feel more like uh industrial like is this what they use in the um the industrial room or whatever the factory room I feel like that’s what they put in the walls and stuff of the factory room what about tile what would that look like see I feel like that’s that’s a lot too how could I use these blocks granted most of the um bottom area is going to probably be covered by like chests that people can put and I’ll just have a staircase running up anyway to get out of the area or the chunk but this would be just a way to put storage and stuff could use plastic blocks I don’t think I have any plastic on me plastic blocks of plastic oh glass and sand make plastic can be transform into other blocks using stone cutter oh so regular make wait stone cutter makes dark sand and glass I got just a bunch of junk in my inventory at this point let’s offload stuff we really don’t need I feel like this might be too smooth you know what I mean like I want a little bit of texture um but I don’t want it to be too noisy you know what I mean so let’s just see what uh the dark blocks look like oh they do have texture connected textures my brain is happy being stimulated with all the Mario and Pokemon music you can also see what I’m playing cuz I have the um I have this down here telling us what it is Pokemon Gold and Silver Crystal all right let’s take all these out Minecrafter left can you make textures out of this once you no okay it’s only just the color that changes what is guilded this what is this is it similar [Music] to oh it’s a slide look at this you could barely I mean at least I can only barely tell the difference so this might be a good way to make more of this block without having that other stuff I feel like if we just fill it all in and then um we can start knocking blocks out and doing more texturing a man I should get building gadgets uh let’s do smack our head there we go I just put my shield in the altar what does that mean can you get it back oh in the scav it’ll just spit it back out yeah it’ll spit it out if if it’s not what you need for a scab it’ll just spit it out it only take stuff that that you need if that makes sense is this four I no it’s two oh wow I don’t have a lot of this stuff I should probably start saving this more cuz I don’t have enough to do all the walls with this stuff that’s for sure oh and then you can turn it back interesting I like you can do that can this get turned back in okay which then means I can turn it back into okay that’s so cool I love that you just can’t do that with that so let’s take all this stuff let’s turn turn it into that let’s turn that back into this to turn it into this yeah I’m going to need a lot more I mean obviously as I take it out to fill in spots I will be able to do that but I don’t obviously have enough to make all four sides there we go yeah and then we’ll I’ll texture it in as I as I go cuz I obviously going to need to make some type of staircase as well what do you guys think as far as a roof should I put glass to able to look down inside of it would that be kind of cool cuz I know there’s um isn’t there stuff with chipped let’s say isn’t there like tons of chipped glass that we could use different glass panes and stuff look at all these pumpkins look at all these pumpkins that’s funny oh you need a botet table that’s pretty funny you can make all these different faces I didn’t realize you can make all these faces okay yeah there’s tons of glass though so we might be able to make a ton of glass somebody’s putting something in my who is this hey where’d you go come back here I don’t know who that was they’re doing some dining and dashing I guess oh thank you okay uh this o this is a lot this might be what I need whoever that was thank you I don’t know who that was but I appreciate you okay obviously we’ll be able to convert it back uh if we don’t need it cuz as I tear stuff out and like uh um what what am I saying words words I think that’s what I’m saying welcome back toothy also need to dis like do some type of um um what am I thinking light block I want to like incorporate light blocks into um into the walls as well so maybe a light block that has um some Darkness into it as well I don’t even know what I would even look up light there’s sinks in here a bamboo sink what the heck I didn’t know you can make sinks this is nuts I don’t know I’ll play around with that when I get to it um I feel like I want to put something in here to prevent mobs from spawning in the little spaces so let’s grab some torches out cuz I want to fill these in just returning from daily server kick you got kicked from the server that’s not good let’s throw that in there that um I could just leave it filled in yeah yeah I’ll just leave them fill it in I guess let’s do this by one block then we can there we go yeah I kind of like eventually I’ll maybe jump into creative and play with um building gadgets check that out and see what that’s like oh this this will need uh a torch let’s just put a torch down there cuz if I do want to eventually work on making some tutorial videos to show off to Showcase some um some of the mods obviously I need to do my own research to figure out how the mods work myself um so oh let’s do there there we go o do I even have enough oh am I going to have enough I don’t know if I’m going to have enough holy smokes because this one will probably be if I do decide to do glass this will probably be a layer of glass no Sammy don’t get slain by a spider you’re not supposed to die [Music] okay so if we just like knock out random blocks and we just put Bumbo in there or whatever his name is Bumbo is always watching how did we make that was it this one oh should we do the Gilded Dumbo bum Bumbo but whatever we can like mix and match so like every other one is a dumbo one I keep saying Dumbo I don’t know why so an equal amount of uh Dumbo to Bumbo whatever so let’s do Dumbo up here and Dumbo right there anyone have gold yeah you could have I have gold in mine Sammy if you want to just grab some out just random hey buddy Vault was it the polished it’s polish right does that get us uh Bumbo blocks bu Bumbo Bumbo blocks there we go we’re just surrounded by by [Applause] Dumbo thanks will you’re welcome no problem at all um oh we going need more Dumbo blocks or bum Bumbo blocks uh do we have any more gilded oh we have a couple more um so I might have to just fill some of these back in oops these back oh wait I could turn these into Bumbo blocks that’s right bum Bumbo blocks there yeah let’s turn some of these back into Bumbo blocks then we want to turn them into builded Dumbo blocks like And subscribe ring the bell for more notifications okay what do you guys think should we add more texture than just Bumbo blocks oh what just happened that scared me why is it I got to fix that jeez it’s doubling M they take you for three months always happy face and good start of the day in Discord that’s true thank you and I owe you a bean so let’s do a bean boozle what does it say barf oh gosh oh gosh a barf [Music] one that’s a peach one one the orange ones oh gosh Ark welcome in oh my God you’re doing a little bit lurking Arc pretty late my friend aren’t you like in the Super Future oh man thanks my sage for the the resub okay see like some of these are just going to be covered up by um by like storage and stuff anyway you know what I mean okay let’s let’s break this this let’s put it here in the center um can we even see where the center is here one say two 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 so somewhere like right here 2 4 68 somewhere like right here well obviously can’t make it true Center um let’s do two and then we’ll just rename it so if people want to come and click on the base uh it’ll be ready for you guys got the the stomach bot yeah it’s gross because I would also like to make uh like if someone were to come here they can have a bed they can have they’ll have like furnaces and stuff this will be like a full like rest stop if they need to so I’ll build a wall of Cake for people as well hey TWY welcome in um do I even have sweet cake I might have to take all my sweets and like um so people can come up here and eat ow um let’s make a couple of elevators so people can get up and down as well so we’re going to need um steel um uh we’re going to need some wool oh what color wool should we use and then uh what was that Lamar I think it just this type of lar wasn’t it yeah I think we could use whatever and then just color it eventually okay so let’s make um we need two of them obviously to go up and down [Music] so let’s make it right here so then once we get an elevator above people can just come here do what they need and just pop up if they need to at that point I could just completely cover this if I wanted to I don’t even need stairs wait can people use elevators if they don’t know it I’m actually in a Java Sky Block server now I know I saw on your stream I was watching your stream you’re in the Sky Block World I love Sky Block Sky Block’s so fun does anybody know if elevators can be used if somebody doesn’t know it already you know what I don’t even know if I have enough class to fill this completely um I might have to smelt some smelt some glass um do we have a tool that has smelting on it shoveling picking or Nate if we can get a smelting tool this is smelting 600 we could go out and just like to a desert and just melt a whole bunch of sand I might do that real [Music] quick that I don’t know um well I mean if somebody doesn’t know elevators want to come test it I guess where is a and I guess we could just fly over here just grab a bunch of it which I think I’ve already began look at this I just ripped out a bunch of [Applause] sand oh it’s cooking the regular sand too I don’t think we need a lot oh you have a fast smelter they’ll see the Dumbo on the other side so maybe do have stairs just in case somebody doesn’t have access to it how much glass do I need however much to cover a a a chunk unless I want to use it to make colored glass like tinted glass glass let’s see what what does it take to make reactor glass I don’t even know what that is Oak Windows stained bulk item filter that’s not what we need glass doors mob terrarium I do want to make some more terrariums for other mobs tables what is this somebody what is this what hello um I’m trying to see what like cool glass there is you just put some glass okay cool thank you what is this structural glass I don’t have mechanism yet milk milk jar okay white crystal can be transformed into what is this I don’t know if I have enough for that these there all windows stone brick lamp does who have stairs um I was seeing if uh Papa I was seeing if somebody that like if they don’t know uh elevators will they be able to use this to go up and down cuz my thoughts are what if I just cover this completely in glass so you can’t get up or down from it but use the elevator to get up and down from it if they need to then I won’t need to add stairs I could just take the elevator up and down somebody come through somebody leave somebody must have left cuz then I could just cover it completely in glass I’m just trying to see if there’s anything cool that I could use FAL lamp no a beacon covered in beacons well okay if I want to cover it in glass what color should we go with quartz glass what is this someone just throw something at me what happened did you throw something at me I don’t what just happened oh do you have an elevator for me to test can you test this one or is is that is it inside my chunk since it’s inside my chunk I don’t have it yet can you use this one if it’s inside my chunk right here right here right here right here no down squat Crouch Crouch you can’t there’s nothing above you you got to go down got to go down squat Crouch there we go yeah so it works yeah I don’t have it yet okay you got to elev stuff yesterday okay it’ll work good good deal so I could potentially just cover this whole thing with glass what color you what about black should we go with black and just keep it black like that or should go with a lighter color connected glass would be really cool that way you wouldn’t even see the connected glass I don’t know how to make that is that like a special type of glass let’s see is it uh is that even a thing in this uh mod pack connected what is all this stuff connector no no no I don’t need any of that kitchen floor what the heck kitchen corner like cabinets excuse me um glass this is probably going to show me everything huh stained glass Mana glass no I don’t have batania framed glass I want frameless glass do we have frameless glass frameless class oh what is that structural class so oh frameless right here black frameless rainbow glass oh man rainbow glass would be so epic I don’t think I have enough that would cost a lot to make rainbow glass can you imagine make it a little different I was going to say m AG what if I made it rainbow glass I mean but I would need enough to make I would need enough to make you know a full chunk of glass I know but IIs you have a ton of sources to get glass so wait how do you make rainbow glass Let’s uh let’s find wait where the heck did it go oh right here uh Let’s do let’s a that is it one of every color no dismiss I think my wife’s trying to connect a mouse and it’s popping up no worries is it every color it’s only nine colors does it have to be specific though okay let’s see if I even have the right colors to do this um yellow um I don’t even know if I have enough to make all the colors to be honest uh what is it Daisy NOP Daisy oh dandelion that’s what they’re called okay danion that’ll get me yellow yeah and then what is like this that’ll only give me eight right see oh my gosh okay okay what is this do we need a gray glass it’s just a colors purple blue so we don’t need this guy put him back what even what flowers do we even have yellow we don’t have all these We Can’t Break these down those break into pedals oh my [Music] gosh do I even have any flowers over here there’s red oh that one’s a that won’t work I’ve placed 2,992 rainbow glass oh my gosh that’s a crazy amount wait so I should be able to make I can now make uh red and and then using this I can make uh orange and then from this I can make orange glass right okay so I need to make [Music] purple uh let’s stir that smooth in there we don’t need that we don’t need this um does this stuff what does this what does this do nothing okay do we have anything blue um Aur blette does that make anything what is that what color does that make light gray we don’t need light gray are we seriously going to go have to go hunting for flowers I need die oh and I can’t I can’t do that one I brought that one over because I like that’s my favorite color oh wait uh can we bone meal this no okay we need I cleared all this grass out too now I’m just replanting it you stupid chickens get out of here hit it that’s funny oh we might have to go flying for some colored glass ow um is there a flower Forest near here I don’t think there is we are nowhere near like a flower Forest uh here’s excuse me here’s a prairie I think I might have blues and some yellows who’s is this I don’t think I have beans I don’t think I have ragar these I don’t know if they have uh I don’t think they have stuff Sammy oh Sammy trying to pull this up defeated by a fighter oh Samy I would have jumped in with you I think spawn oh does spawn have a bunch of them uh let’s go check out spawn what is this welcome to prows Vault Hunters Community server help yourself to some mutton and a sleeping bag for your travels provided by molding and tabin look at that that’s so nice look at that that is so nice shout out to moldi and taban now let’s see if there’s actually a uh any flowers around here o here’s pink oh wait no these are dang it dang mystical flowers they don’t help me what are these are these does this just make white lily of the valley I always forget what they make okay they just make white uh we don’t need white wait do we lime blue red light blue we need light blue dang mystical flowers uh I I took a stack of muton yesterday the sleeping bags are new I know that’s super cool isn’t it granted the sleeping bags don’t give you a uh a waypoint or a a reset point a respawn point I mean so if somebody were to die out in the wilderness they would just spawn back at end up back at spawn anyway where am I who’s is this place I’m not this isn’t a claimed chunk wait how do we get down there who is this oo chromatic steel oh oh it’s the other way around um all prices are in Vault gold welcome to Hammer’s team Shop prices are what they are no bartering sure that’s fine oh dang it do they have cake here I need to eat some cake I’ll just eat rotten flesh I guess let’s see um eight gold per slot oh so eight gold per stack essentially eight gold so a gold each it’s not bad lapis and bone meal oh that’s good you had to get blue good call Silk magic silk eight per gold waa look at these These are cool they shift color oh you can’t even make a whole uh block out of that so basically it’s one for one that’s half for half essentially holy smokes they did a lot of stuff down here what are these is this a Pog oh for gems 16 gold per slot so so one gem is 16 gold that’s a little high for two laramar 16 gold for two laramar ouch pretty steep um oh one POG for 64 gold o um I think I needed a Pog for something what did I need that POG for I was making something and I forgot what I needed it for cuz Sammy gave me one but I needed two if I remember correctly Eternal pedestal I don’t know what that is is what did I need I needed a Pog for something and Sammy gave me one oh God an iron farm cost jeez that is expensive that’s ton of expensive oh was it oh maybe it was this maybe was a stacking upgrade maybe what it was okay oh wait maybe it was this one I don’t have a loot belt though so it doesn’t matter a controller oh was that what it was uh a controller I don’t remember which controller it was for controller I don’t have refined storage oh was it for for drawers maybe I don’t think I have drawers unlocked do I I don’t I don’t remember what is for course Sammy yeah I don’t remember I still have it you’re welcome to take it back I I don’t remember what I needed it for interface ah CRA I don’t know I don’t know I don’t remember yeah you that’s right golden you just end up up wherever wherever you slept last oh crap they need a sign that says watch out for fall watch your step holy crap okay let’s see eight gold per slot so basically per St oh these that’s pretty pricey um ooh mystery eggs eight gold per mystery egg H we could roll those for hostile eggs if we needed to okay eight per gold or eight gold per whatever whatever okay shers oh an Ingot is four kiwis that’s not bad 40 seconds for eight eight gold oh let’s do this team shot let’s unlock that um di some steep prices oh is it Icarus icis knows more than I do I guess especially when it comes to Rarity eight dream Stones simple storage is it simple storage for controller um let’s see uh simple inventory storage root cable I don’t know it’s all right I don’t know then no I told you earlier I just took the two gems I needed to make a uh make a pig but need to find more black opal sorry black opal to make J oh okay gotta but the rest of the player gems eight silver at Max I was going to say some of that yeah some of those uh gems are pretty pricey nine Catalyst fragments for eight gold oh what is this oh that’s the Eternal Souls oh one blank what is this bounty pearls eight per Bounty Pearl so one gold each oh burger patties eight burger patties for gold each so if I was to make a burger I would make I’d have to pay 16 gold just to make one burger patty or one burger like eight burgers I guess what is this this Just Junk a junk chest I guess maybe this is a work in progress cake wait you’re selling cake that should be free so much cake I can make houses out of cake at this point one gold per slot okay so it’s like Stacks yeah okay one gold each uh sea pickles two per gold eight per gold for these eight gold each yeah I guess um I guess gold is going to be the server one volt gold each oh silk silk touches okay these are just Diamonds though just normal Diamond gear okay yeah I guess gold would be the server currency cuz we don’t have anything else really the echo gems I would pay 16 gold for oh so you’re say I should I should like snatch these up pretty quick is that what you’re saying these Echo gems for eight gold that’s a pretty good deal I don’t even know how much gold I have to be honest uh let’s go base two Echo are the rarest interesting I don’t think I’m going to make I’m going to I don’t think I’m I have enough to make all of the um I don’t think I have enough to make all of the uh rainbow glass that I’m going to want to make let’s see lapis that’ll be your blue and then our light blue is um meal no bone let’s just use some of these we can turn these into bone meal which is bone here let’s make that all blue let’s turn half of this into light blue okay so then we could do like this one of these okay one of these um let’s combin blue and red to make the purple um then turn one of these purples into uh wait how do you make pink isn’t there a way to make pink from this red and red and uh I need another red okay I need another red flower purple okay get Dumbo out of here let’s just get all these blocks out of here for now dang it these mysticals keep throwing me off L game I spent 900 gold on just doing my Divine oops so I should probably pick up some of those Echoes at this point red and then I think white and red make pink yep perfect am I missing anything is this it okay so now does that make gold or pink what am I missing oh lime green and green oh dang it do I have I have Cactus um oh go oh no that turned it into glass I just turned all my sand into glass dang it I use this melting one whoops oopsie oh man my nose is starting to run all real bad POG poggers um I’d say save your Vault go okay cuz you’ll probably most value vers is when you need thousands of it okay that’s fine okay throw that egg in there at this point I just need sand to put my Cactus back down and I need to cook this cactus oops Yeah Whatever uh let see do I have some way to cook this oops why is there a villager in there don’t don’t question it okay do not question why there villager inside that furnace okay we don’t ask questions what stays in a d stream or what happens in a d stream this D [Music] stream I do want to run a vault guys so hopefully I could uh get some of this glass made at least and then um run a vault maybe cuz I only need four brick Hansel and gredle I we don’t ask don’t ask don’t tell right you’ll never know okay and then green and white make lime yes and then I might need to see if people on the server want to donate donate uh what is this prickly pear oh I broke that off my Cactus interesting okay glass oh let’s go Rainbow Road wait how many did I get I’m probably not that’s not going to be enough to make a full um I don’t think that’s going to be enough no oh do I need silk touch son of a it Chris you didn’t say I had to silk touch it I figured it was like uh uh amethy or amethyst glass or whatever I forget what that stuff’s called tinted tinted glass dang it so I need to make sure and use a silk touch crap uh whoops I think I have the silk touch that moldy uh let me use let’s see where was that fortune wait uh Fortune Fortune where the heck is it I feel like moldy let me borrow one and then or maybe I did I give it back oh here it is okay let’s just put this in our um just in case we need to break it the one you never gave back well I’m just I’m just keeping it safe for you you know I I’d hate to uh for it to get lost so I’m just keeping it safe isn’t this cool guys imagine once I turn the shaders on what this is going to look like oh my gosh it’s so expensive though I’m going to need to make probably a couple more Stacks to get this fully uh fully built let’s see let’s do uh shaders let’s just see what this looks like with the shaders on apply oh that is so clean look at that and then once is this this is the sun going down no it just it just became day okay cuz I think as it comes through is it going to make this rainbow colored or no doesn’t look like it it looks like it’s just going to be clear I was like oh man that’s going to be cool if it makes it rainbow through here I’m so excited for this guys that is so cool looking and it’s got um it’s got the similar uh effect that uh snow has or ice you kind of slide on it you kind of has a little bit of a slide effect yeah little bit of a slide effect that’s pretty cool so shiny I know right so I guess that’s what I’m going to be doing is grinding out for dyes um CU I’m going to need more red which I guess I could easily get from the poppies um and then cook more green which green is cooking now so it’s really just a red okay so I do want to run a vault tonight so I will be running a vault here guys um so let’s put [Music] away this stuff and let’s get ready to run a vault shall we what does this have wooden ornate picking so this might be good we’ll leave uh moldy in here um let’s put this over here uh we don’t need that or that uh we don’t need that oh gosh we’ve got so much of this let’s just offload it all in [Music] here oh we don’t even need [Music] those oh my gosh there’s so much of this stuff okay [Music] oops um does anybody want to run a vault with me I’ll I’ll make a post real quick to see if anybody wants to run a vault with me real quick [Music] wants to join PDF left so PDF is not going to be joining us I guess um okay so let’s see Oh I thought I had a pickup for this I guess not so that’ll just be um an empty one let’s grab this and use this for a uh that um let’s do this this will be [Music] for our chest plate we can put put the that back oh you know what we’re going to need to put this elevator eventually so we’ll have to figure out where the center is and put it above is there a way to make this elevator a different color maybe try and match it you know okay so let’s see I got this um let’s take some cake sweet um we don’t need a lot of cake um what else are we going to need here maybe a water bucket always like taking a water bucket just in case which I guess I don’t have any spare water I will will will will will will you’re welcome to join oh there’s a Bucky here okay so let’s see we’ve got water bucket we’ve got our vial food we got our tools um let’s grab one of the Shuler boxes and then let’s make a vault Crystal which one was empty this one yeah I have one disguise um and then not one okay I just didn’t know if I could make it like I don’t probably wouldn’t be able to make it transparent like make it GL like rainbow colored well I I do want it to stand out though so I might just leave it I might just make it white just keep it white because I do want people to be able to see where if they need to go down so um um brick I need I don’t need Mossy brick I need normal brick do I not have what is this what do I need bricks I need bricks do I not have bricks I guess I don’t have bricks I have Mossy brick Oh wait so how do you make brick how do you make um is it clay so I’m going to have to cook up some clay to make brick right brick brick yeah which is Clay which cooked okay cook clay right yeah cuz I only have a regular brick I have some in my in my storage oh some bricks I’ll be there in a sec well okay what moldy are you joining for the uh are you joining let me know who’s all joining I think tothy was joining so I’ll do party uh invite let’s see to toothy toothy shift right click the elevator with a block oh is that all it takes so if I shift right click it with a piece of glass will that turn it into glass again I do want to stand out a little bit because I do want people to be able to see what you know when when there is or like where to go that looks so cool though that is so neat I haven’t tested it okay I really need to invest in Waist stones or something being out at the fringes of NE is a pain oh let me show you guys something I found when I was exploring it’s way out here look at this and I even claimed it I claimed it it’s a it’s a uh a woodland Mansion I found a woodland Mansion we might have to go explore that sometime can you imagine what this modded pack has for a woodland Mansion that’ll be crazy who came here who did that Papa are you joining I didn’t see a message did he say something I’ll go okay let’s do party uh invite but mine is light block from simple lights oh joyful engineer [Music] moldy said yes moldy said yes okay mold’s coming party uh invite oops uh in invite moldy player’s already in another party oh I guess I can’t add moldy okay is this enough to make four what is it four like that right no it’s not only at three one more oh my God so cool Woodland Mansion I know right I don’t know what I was doing I think I was honestly I think I was trying to fill in the map cuz eventually I would like to have the whole map filled in that would be kind of cool to have full 4,000 blocks all filled in um but I was exploring and this is like the edge of the map and it’s actually within the boundaries it’s actually within 4,000 by 4,000 so I was like yeah yeah I’m going to claim this that’ be so fun Imagine turning that into a base holy crap that would be so cool here we go um okay let’s do the let’s do the uh what am I do uh party moldy invite moldy okay there we go what did he need sorry I missed it could I get a few kiwis on loan I don’t know where my team has moved the kiwis okay you have some or do you still need some and remember guys this will be my size Vault so it’ll be 29 is everybody on the team is everybody ready oh let me I got points actually um I’ve got three oh that’s not enough fully that’s what I was about to do I was about to do Javelin whoever threw that javelin so let’s do Javelin damage upgrade that a couple times let’s just max that out okay are you guys ready let’s go let’s go ready ready ready ready spaghetti okay oh wait I need bamboo I want to get a Pog POG stick or a a bon stick sorry how many is it 64 I don’t remember how oh man it’s a oh I can’t place it on here are you kidding me 12 I can’t even place it if I wanted to what the heck who who did this Vault time heck yeah it’s Vault time Samy do do you want to join I can add you to the party if you’d like did anybody hit bring dirt by chance I wanted to place this stuff to make a bonk stick ready no dirt dang it oh well I’ll do a dirt later why do you want bamboo in the vault the bamboo in the vault makes you gives you a bong stick it gives you a transmog to make it look like this a Bonk stick so your sword becomes a big piece of bamboo all right we ready let’s go guys no dirt ooh chromatic logs I might take all these actually go go go go go oh I’m only getting not very getting very many I need also something to oh somebody’s already showing the way okay perfect and we are North facing okay oh these are cool chromatic horse something there all right I’m going to go one East and just going to go I’m just going to keep going east now cuz I don’t know what my what my Elixir is going to be well somebody’s already here okay well then I’ll just go I don’t know where everybody went did everybody just go in different directions ow ow ow ow get out J jeez yep it’s just a way to get a new transmog hello definitely taking one of those my favorite color flower my favorite flower actually oh freaking Bears Get Wrecked nerds oh um let’s see are vaults my thing or are mobs my thing thing I didn’t see finish finish him oh God oh God no well I’m out whatever those dang Strays with their bows and arrows okay do we even have the gold to be able to oh yeah we should have we should have enough gold I just need to wait for them to be done with the uh the Vault before I can reclaim my stuff well that was fun that is one of the hardest themes oh the the the ice one yeah dang stray man well I guess while they’re working on that I can make some more ice or not ice I call it ice more glass okay Finish him let’s go get some more red good job will hey thanks I was been there for what maybe 5 minutes less I died within my first five minutes freaking stray got me man Strays have a higher crit damage percent yeah and as assassin mobs yeah it just I think it was above me too so it was able to it like got a pop shot on me and killed me it’s okay I’m not worried to too much about it look at that Papa got killed by a stray too wherever he ended up probably at his base oh that sucks we’re all done by Strays this was a tough Vault O Okay pink blue regular blue purple green let’s grab more [Music] yellow orange is that it oh lime lime I think that’s it let’s go I was in the farthest north room on the top level oh I don’t have my silk touch do I no I do I didn’t bring the S touch are you listening to me what determines this glass is it like like blocks within the world like what determines the color of this glass oh my gosh that only got me that much I’m going to need so much yeah I needed probably three or four Stacks at least yeah the glass is doing the Rainbow on its own I’m just waiting once the uh once they finish the Vault I’ll be able to grab my spirit and extract it what else do we need we’re going to need orange okay oh green what do we do with the those green we put them over here oh I think I threw the Green in here okay so let’s do was that it purple we need purple so let’s do blue red I think this this will probably be enough we just need more sand or uh glass if we have it so let’s see if we can make do we have enough to make no we we need nine Colors oh I need pink that’s what I needed so I need to make some pink oh God ramar was blown up by a creeper um pink is red and white there we go there we go this this and then that should make uh just to let you guys know there is a way to turn off uh Hostile Mobs spawning in your claimed chunks oh does it Glow it gives off a light source let’s go so there is a way to turn off mob spawning in your chunks just to let you guys know um see like I I have no like they’re spawning outside of my claim chunks cuz I turned off mobs like they’re spawning in inside my unclaimed chunks I turned off mob spawning inside my chunks cuz I didn’t like things blowing me up so I turned them off I don’t have mobs spawning in my chunks you can actually turn off Passive mobs spawning too if you wanted to get rid of those you can make it to where nothing spawns in your trunks if you wanted to okay where was that silk touch [Music] at right here here we go oh yeah I think I have to grab that uh elevator too cool is this going to be enough hey see they came out of a freaking cave over there or something not today buddies I’m just going to hang out in here for a minute where did they spawn at they spawned somewhere over here did they spawn inside and they came up is that how they spawned cuz I have spawning turned off so they spawned in one of these chunks somewhere I think I have mob griefing turned off too so I mean if they were to blow up over here it wouldn’t blow up anything they would have to come over here though into a chunk come here creeper it would blow me up though no get out of here creeper you’re not welcome okay Creeper Creeper blew up the server hey welcome in uh did the server crash no I just I crashed I guess can you guys still see me is my internet taking a dump right now hello put a one in chat if you can see me put it two if you can see me and you’re subscribed there’s 11 of you here right now seven on [Music] Twitch a one okay so Sammy can actually see me oh it it took me back two okay mold’s at least subscribed is this going to be enough glass I feel like it’s probably not going to be rainbow come this is so cool this glass is so neat moldy completed it mold’s done I guess I need to wait for toothy hey MDI what you got there are you throwing stuff at me what is this you got two stacks this stuff is pretty y’all should see what it makes um make a chest out of it check this uh check this double chest out look at this chest is this not the coolest looking chest that is cool H can I give you anything else no no you’re fine I just need toothy to finish uh the Vault so I can get my uh spirit back one tooth is done with the The Vault I can uh claim my spirit glass if you have any glass I’ll take glass cuz I don’t think I’m going to have enough to complete this Sky beginning did you pick up a flower GG thanks will oh you’re you’re welcome what did I what did I do what happened very pretty I like it I really like this class um let’s see are we so this is so this block right here is where the uh elevator needs to be so let’s go grab the elevator block and let’s just put that down that way we have it and ready to go that way we can rip out these and cover that up so elevator block right here there we go so down up perfect Perfecto we got a working elevator guys so we probably just need one more little set of glass hello what is this holy noly it’s it’s sliding okay uh 1 two three four five 6 7 8 nine we have enough to uh probably make another set thanks moldy m is the best uh [Music] okay I think we should have all we need to finish this roof yeah this glass is so cool when uh icus showed this off to me for the first time it blew my mind I was like whoa I need to play around with this glass this is so cool is that it 4489 okay yeah so I guess I mean you can’t make glass by itself like this it comes in eights so every time you make it you’re going to have a stack plus eight anyway unless you oh twoth these back uh did I lose all my stuff I guess I lost all my stuff that sucks that sucks big time okay unless uh my body is somewhere else oh you have my body you picked up my body oh you’re floating oh oh come here buddy there you go gold ding got it I’m bringing you a present my body I appreciate the present okay so let’s uh let’s drop that back off I was able to get a little bit I guess oh well yeah it’s all right oh man um if I okay this is going to be so fun uh like doing the inside of this imagine see looking at this on a uh on the map and you just see a big rainbow chunk a rainbow chunk with a single white block in it there we go so let’s see look at that that’s so cool oh that is so neat that’s a cool effect definitely going to need to um put some lights down here cuz clearly things are could spawn down here and oh I did not realize that was broke okay I do like these though I think I might put those down there as storage what do youall think the chromatic uh double chests those are so cool looking Isn’t that cool I think I have some of the Gilded um what are those called what are the Gilded lights called uh Guild these guilded sconces maybe we can put a bunch of those around because I think those are pretty decent Li sorts and they look kind of cool I don’t think there’s a way to change you so is there oh candleabra I didn’t know you could do that let’s I just want to make one of these just to see what it looks like so oh do you have to light it do you have to like use a torch to light it all right let’s turn this off I guess you have to you have to light them somehow I have extra glass if somebody else wants any glass three in between one two three one two [Music] three one two three three one two three boom one two 3 three one two three one two three two three one two he gets it looks like a nose look looks like he’s got a nose that’s funny one two three this is the only one that doesn’t make sense so let’s do that one two three one two three one two three there we go is that enough I don’t know what the light sources are down here is that enough light for um let’s see what is light block um targeted block how do I see what the light how much light is on the Block chunk client light sky 15 block four I mean as long as it’s not zero they can spawn in zero four so even around this it’s it’s four is the lowest well hello uh don’t mind me it’s a work in progress so there’ll be food there’s going to be spots to what is this more whoa more chromatic okay I’ll turn all these into double chest I Want To Make A Way Stone room totally not copying you oh okay Sammy are you sure I’d love some you’re welcome to have some I have a I have 36 left but I can make a ton more it’s fairly easy it seems like as long as you have the um the die they don’t light up sadly wait what doesn’t light oh they don’t light up these are just for show well that’s lame I mean I guess you could like just like show it down I guess that’s dumb I figured they could light up what’s the point of them they’re just for decoration then okay um we need a gilded block anyway because there was an empty one there so um oops let’s see uh Guild let’s just put a a gumbo in there or a jumbo whatever these are called Bumbo Dumbo something there we go that’s fine so let’s convert these I don’t even have a crafting table I’m going to need a crafting table I need all that good stuff hey buddy happy you’re not happy oop oh crap do what my son’s not happy yeah I feel like um little way points like this would be very cool for like if somebody wanted to come over and just like if they needed to get some bamboo or something I don’t know whatever like they can have access to a nice little area that they can like relax you know um okay let’s do craft we can add some crafting tables down there um let’s use this to make a bunch of chests um let’s just throw it all in there and it’ll it’ll sort it out okay 37 uh that’s not bad that’ll make what uh 16 16 double chests um it’s just going to cover everything oh well that’s fine let’s see let’s do it against this wall cuz I think we can cover these and still be able to open CU they’re not full block yeah goodbye Bumbo o do we have enough oh and I made it perfectly am Mount look a perfectly like amount between them to to fit doubles oh that is perfect um let’s put crafting so if they need to craft some stuff they can do that I didn’t even like I guess it was a full chunk so but it’s just one outside the chunk too so I guess that works too there we go oh that looks so clean oh these look so neat with the white and then the dark like they contrast very well with each other okay so we got storage if people need they got this I want to put a something over here and maybe put like all the different type of um uh work blocks so got to go now see you all right opne I don’t even think opne did his uh opne command did he I may have missed it so I want to put um something along those lines um yeah has everybody I don’t know if people AR watching who has my way point come to my base and click the new one so we’re going to do a uh furnace we can do uh regular furnace Blast Furnace um stone cutter we do a grindstone down here moldy jump up jump up jump there you go no she’s having too much fun with that boop boop boop boop okay um let’s see if we do should we do like a cross and then like this so you can do furnaces you can do uh grindstones if you need to I’ll have to get it tomorrow no worries I’ll probably end up calling it a stream here pretty soon I don’t uh it’s just going to be a lot of like interior work um for this but I feel like this is a great starting point for people that would need to come and uh kind of either relax I might put a bed here if they need to sleep for whatever reason um just a cool little spot you know if you need to trade with people if you want to come and trade you could put stuff into the chest and trade with them um I do want to move my karums down here as well maybe put them on this side of the wall so then the karums are constantly running as well and you can use those I might actually now that I think about it maybe put uh if I let’s see if I claim this claim selected am I still in the wilderness I still am okay okay perfect so I’ll claim this one and this one clim selected so that way people can still come and claim if they need to but this whole room is still Within uh an unclaimed chunk and it’s spawn proof so nothing will spawn in here I have mind set to multiple y area what’s that mean multiple y area I don’t remember was it opne that said we could break these and put them down oh look at that we’ve been running oh my God look at all this rotten flesh if PDF is still here he’ll like that’s oh yeah because we got it’s a quad I forgot about that tons of slime oh my gosh these things are just pumping out stuff nice okay so I want to let’s see break the oh God break the fish okay and it does stay oh perfect um so let’s break that um let’s make some more double chests the only thing that doesn’t work with elevators they go up and down they don’t go sideways so it’ be nice if I could like have a elevator that goes sideways so let’s see then if we have here and here those will continue running I’m might have to move these cakes heading to bed good night are you sure am I sure all right Arro get some rest friend I’ll see you later are you sure tap tap on it with an empty hand huh tap on what oops um let’s throw a bunch of this in here oh the elevator tap on it with an empty hand oh directional elevator options directional what uh it have to be on the same y level though and this isn’t on the same y level oh and it has to be on the same exact access too [Music] probably okay okay well that could be kind of cool same why but it’s possible oh that’s cool okay so I mean I may have to like lower this one and maybe move it over but then I could pop I could pop in over there come back over here pop up like I could bounce all over the place that’d be kind of cool uh okay let’s take all [Music] this take some Blaze take all this [Music] slime uh okay so fish and wool go in here see kerium Ah Ah that’s the name of him a that’s funny okay so let’s do oh I did I thought I had some more okay let’s make uh couple more chest here that so let’s do okay those slimes um let’s put I don’t know what’s in here oh this is a Blaze Blaze will go in here and then let’s do the last one is the those guys this will be this this this and these okay and then chicken will be here I can put all of this in here that in here and then I have a blank one I need to decide what to do with this blank one like I said I do want to put wither skulls in it or a Wither uh wither Skelly in it so I could Farm wither skulls because we need wither skulls to create the cages themselves so if we could Farm wither skulls that would be perfect so let’s put all those in [Music] here um feathers and chicken okay so then as we make more we could potentially like like just make a whole row of um mob cages and maybe eventually even like put hostile mobs on one side and then posive mobs on the other so this this whole like wall could be nothing but cages and this will be all the storage all the work blocks and stuff over here this is going to be so cool this is so cool I’m already planning something oh my gosh I’m excited to see it Samy oh my God my allergies okay y’all I think I’m going to wrap it up here this is a great uh stopping point we got the room built um I’ll do more decorating and stuff maybe um adding more of the uh functional blocks um and then as I get more cages I’ll work on putting adding more cages in here but people can come collect uh material if they need it so if you need rotten flesh if you’re watching or if you need slime uh you’re welcome to uh don’t try please don’t take all of it but you know if you need some uh for your altar go ahead and come and you know take some for your altar uh you’re welcome to it uh but yeah come come and uh help yourself again just don’t take all of it cuz I’d like to uh share wait where’ the rest of my oh here here we go um I’d like to be able to have some for myself as well so that’s all I ask is don’t take all of it um okay let’s just drop all that in there perfect okay yeah but I’m going to go ahead and wrap it up here so thank you guys so much this a fun night oh my gosh um remember make sure to join the Discord let me do all my advertising join the Discord um I think it’s pretty fun in the Discord we do have movie nights that’s pretty fun is that command even work for me or did I spell it wrong I thought I had a command for it there we go come hang out in the Discord um and I’ll be back I will be streaming uh inside the labs which is a Early Access game for Thursday um and then we’ll be back on Saturday again for fasmo um but I do want to try and do some recording as well U because I do want to get more content out but I do appreciate everybody here thank you so much um night will next kill me so off to bed yeah I’m probably I don’t know if I want to stay up and record a little bit or just go to bed myself either but I don’t know we’ll see but I’ll be back on Thursday guys everybody have a wonderful week and uh I’ll see you guys later I’m not going to raid out to anybody um so everybody I’ll just end just in stream everybody have a wonderful night have a good one bye Minotaur

This video, titled ‘VaultRockin SMP | Stream #11 | #minecraft #vaulthunters’, was uploaded by Will Deez on 2024-01-31 04:02:03. It has garnered 46 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:24 or 11844 seconds.

Playing Modded Minecraft in Survival. Exploring Vault Hunters Modpack!

Modpack by: @iskall85

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My Socials: Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/WillDeez2310

Logos by Raythgaming – https://www.youtube.com/c/RaythGaming Sub–❯ https://youtube.com/@WillDeez?sub_confirmation=1 Join the Discord–❯ https://discord.gg/8prNH3AQGH

  • Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong

    Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong Welcome to the World of Minecraft with CoolMan CoolMan, a popular content creator in the Minecraft community, is known for his entertaining videos and engaging challenges. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with CoolMan and explore some of the highlights of his content. Exploring Minecraft Worlds In CoolMan’s videos, viewers are taken on a journey through various Minecraft worlds filled with adventure, creativity, and excitement. From building elaborate structures to embarking on thrilling quests, CoolMan’s content showcases the endless possibilities that Minecraft has to offer. Challenging Gameplay One of the key features of CoolMan’s videos is the… Read More

  • Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft

    Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft Hosting on GitHub! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft hosting on GitHub? With the ability to use a 16GB RAM free server without a panel, the possibilities are endless. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this opportunity and create your own Minecraft server. Setting Up Your Minecraft Server on GitHub Setting up your Minecraft server on GitHub is a straightforward process. By utilizing the 16GB RAM free server, you can ensure smooth gameplay and a lag-free experience for you and your friends. With GitHub’s user-friendly… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: No Blue Allowed!

    Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: No Blue Allowed! Minecraft: A Colorful Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft but not being able to see the color blue. That’s the intriguing challenge presented in this video. For those looking to test their skills like the creator of this challenge, be sure to like, subscribe, and comment on the difficulties you face. Exploring the Colorful World of Minecraft As the music sets the tone, the gameplay unfolds in Minecraft. The absence of the color blue adds a unique twist to the familiar landscape. Gathering wood and essential resources becomes a new challenge in this color-altered world. A Newbie’s Journey Even for a… Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Ball Server: Super Saiyan Transformation!

    Ultimate Dragon Ball Server: Super Saiyan Transformation! Minecraft Dragon Ball Ultimate Server: Super Saiyan Transformation Join the adventure in the Dragon Ball Ultimate series, the top server for Dragon Ball on Minecraft Bedrock edition. In this episode, our protagonist transforms into a Super Saiyan, showcasing the exciting gameplay this server has to offer. Stay tuned for more! Server Information For those eager to dive into the action, here are the details you need to join the Dragon Ball Ultimate server: IP: jogar.redeblacky.com Port: 1932 Connect to the server and unleash your inner warrior as you explore the world of Dragon Ball in Minecraft. Tutorial: Becoming a… Read More

  • Disappearing Act: Minecraft Survival Partner Chaos

    Disappearing Act: Minecraft Survival Partner Chaos Minecraft Survival Partner #17: Shai Menghilang dan Ternak Kabur Oke gaes, kita akan melanjutkan petualangan seru dalam bermain Minecraft survival partner kali ini! Addon kali ini dibuat oleh @AerellGamers, dan pemain dapat menemukan skin karakternya di sini. Survival Tips and Challenges Dalam permainan ini, pemain akan dihadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan seperti kehilangan Shai dan kaburnya ternak. Dengan berbagai elemen survival seperti mencari sumber daya, membangun perlindungan, dan menjaga kesehatan karakter, pemain harus pintar dalam mengelola sumber daya dan strategi. Hardcore Survival Mode Permainan ini juga menawarkan mode hardcore survival yang menantang, di mana pemain harus bertahan hidup tanpa kemampuan… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and connect with fellow gamers. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. From epic battles to intricate builds, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and experience… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we have an exciting new video to share with you all. In this video, SAND and KAYDNN compete in a build competition in Minecraft. But, there’s a twist – KAYDNN is secretly cheating with hacks and a remote! Will SAND find out KAYDNN’s secret? Watch the video to find out! Today, we are exploring the world of Minecraft in a whole new way. While we usually focus on Roblox, we wanted to try something different and dive into the creative world of Minecraft. We hope you enjoy this new video style as much as you… Read More

  • Speedrun Master: Minecraft in 0 Sec

    Speedrun Master: Minecraft in 0 Sec The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in 0 Seconds Introduction Imagine a world where time stands still in Minecraft, where the usual rules of the game no longer apply. This is the challenge that one brave player took on – to beat Minecraft in 0 seconds using the /tick freeze command. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible feat. How to Beat Minecraft in 0 Seconds The player faced numerous obstacles due to the limitations imposed by the /tick freeze command. Unable to break blocks or kill mobs, it seemed impossible to progress in the game. However,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Studios PS4 Launch

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Studios PS4 Launch In the world of gaming, where stories unfold, Gammers Cave Tech, a treasure trove to behold. From PCs to consoles, all brands in sight, Ayaz Khan’s the man to make your gaming world bright. With home delivery and nationwide reach, Gammers Cave Tech is here to teach. For all your gaming needs, big or small, Just give them a call, they’ll handle it all. So support them, like, share, and subscribe, In the world of gaming, they truly thrive. Ayaz Khan, the man with the plan, Making gaming dreams come true, across the land. Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 2

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 2 Minecraft Story Mode: Assembly Required – Episode 2 Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft Story Mode with Episode 2: Assembly Required! Join our protagonist as they navigate through challenges, puzzles, and adventures in this immersive gameplay experience. Unraveling the Story In Episode 2, players delve deeper into the narrative, uncovering new plot twists and character developments. The storyline unfolds with engaging dialogues, unexpected encounters, and thrilling moments that keep players on the edge of their seats. Key Features: Interactive Gameplay: Engage in decision-making that impacts the outcome of the story. Character Development: Witness the… Read More

  • Insane Sliker VODs – OmeTv, VrChat, Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Sliker VODs - OmeTv, VrChat, Minecraft Madness!Video Information question should be am I not single because I’m always single it’s rare for me to not be single it’s rare for you to not be single what the [ __ ] does that be you baffled my head so it means that I’m always single so you’ve never had a boyfriend just once two months that was it okay so what’s stopping you dating me then oh oh L first of all we just met that’s the first thing been what not even five minutes yet second the distance you I’m actually moving to uh I’m moving… Read More

  • Minecraft logic is INSANE 😱😨 #shorts

    Minecraft logic is INSANE 😱😨 #shortsVideo Information [Music] Minecraft boy a [ __ ] great [ __ ] stay the same make you know my invitation I talk about it I just SP the B face [ __ ] jump to the face to the so quick give me the B I’m taking the pop swag with the back back I don’t need that [ __ ] in the I’m trying to make my brother you know I’m doing it now [ __ ] when they tell I can’t for nothing nothing they just can’t keep my name This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic be like😨😨😨… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reaction in 2023!” with ShinonVyoma

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reaction in 2023!" with ShinonVyomaVideo Information S du aku gak ada lagunya ya baru mulai udah ada yang subscribe cok udah mulai kan si aku udah Halo Kin Halo semuanya welcome [Musik] welcome halo [Musik] halo welcome ih sepi banget ya ggak ada lagunya kan belum mulai lagu dulu Enggak Bentar aku mau nyalain lagu dulu kan kita ngobrol-ngobrol dulu Emang kita langsung mau ngreak ya bebas kita menyapa ini dulu dong Halo Rin Ya udah menyapa- menyapa dulu Iya menyapa-menyapa dulu mana laguku Mana hilang anj udahlah lagu terser aja mamu ya lagu itu aja BGM menggapai Mentari menggapai Mentari Halo semuanya mau… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending in Zephyrionis! #shorts #minecraft #bedwars

    Unbelievable Ending in Zephyrionis! #shorts #minecraft #bedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Watch till the end 😀 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by Zephyrionis on 2024-05-09 04:00:05. It has garnered 2357 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Gpai_playz Exposed – BEST Minecraft Background Music Revealed 🔥

    Gpai_playz Exposed - BEST Minecraft Background Music Revealed 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] d [Music] n [Music] This video, titled ‘Top 5 Background music For Minecraft Videos | No copyright Music 🔥’, was uploaded by Gpai_playz on 2024-03-01 07:43:01. It has garnered 62 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Top 5 Background music For Minecraft Videos | No copyright Music 🔥 i hope this video is helpful for that background music i given in this video is unique and best you can use it for your minecraft videos ,in minecraft how to catogary and some… Read More

  • Pixel Quest Roleplay Modded 1.16.5 Player Roles Custom Rewards Unique Skins Pokemon TCG League Whitelist

    Welcome to Pixel Quest! If you’re looking for a free-to-play game with no in-game pay-to-win purchases, then Pixel Quest is perfect for you! Join our newly created server where you can become a gym leader and build your own gym or join the Elite Four with custom-built buildings. We have an in-game currency system, vendors, Pokemon TCG League, and offer rewards for participating in community minigames. Roleplaying is welcomed but not required. Message awesomeaspie on Discord to be whitelisted (required). 24/7 hosting with stable servers and support for all players. Server Information: Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Server IP: pixelquest.secure.pebble.host Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players pondering culinary creations

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft players pondering culinary creationsI guess they would probably whip up a delicious cake block or some creeper-shaped cookies! Just make sure to watch out for any surprise TNT ingredients! Read More

  • Crafting Cure: Cube Xuan’s Meme Magic

    Crafting Cure: Cube Xuan's Meme Magic In the world of Minecraft, where magic abounds, Cube Xuan brings laughter, with memes that astound. Internet’s medicine, curing all ills, With humor and joy, that gives us thrills. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No elements harmful, in this playground. Cube Xuan’s animations, self-made and bright, Spreading happiness, day and night. Official channel, the one and only, Pirated copies, unauthorized and phony. Original videos, each one a gem, Bringing joy and laughter, like a precious gem. So join the fun, subscribe today, For MC funny, in a playful way. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where Minecraft magic,… Read More

  • Minecraft Bruh Moment: Lava Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Bruh Moment: Lava Edition 🔥 When you accidentally hit your friend’s diamond pickaxe with your own and they give you that look like “bruh, really?” #minecraftbruhmoment Read More

  • Franklin’s Freaky FNF Character Test

    Franklin's Freaky FNF Character Test Minecraft Animation VS Real Life: Exploring FNF Character Test Are you a fan of Minecraft and Friday Night Funkin’? If so, you’re in for a treat with the FNF Character Test videos that bring these two worlds together in a unique way. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Animation VS Real Life featuring all your favorite characters! Gameplay VS Real Life The FNF Character Test videos showcase the gameplay of Friday Night Funkin’ characters in a real-life setting. From Garten of Banban to Coach Pickles and Mr. Kabob Man, these videos bring the beloved characters to life… Read More

  • Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of Minecraft content like ‘Minecraft BUT, You Check My Height📏’, then you’ll love what we have in store for you. One server that you definitely don’t want to miss out on is Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re into Minecraft challenges, manhunts, hardcore mode, or just looking to connect with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Joining… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret of Non’s with 4ChanChan – Day #7 Hypixel Skyblock

    Uncover the Secret of Non's with 4ChanChan - Day #7 Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444 To LVL 93] TO UNDERSTAND A NON, YOU MUST BECOME A NON DAY #7 | Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by 4ChanChan on 2024-05-09 13:20:09. It has garnered 385 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:17 or 16217 seconds. Join the Discord to know exactly when I go live and updates: https://discord.gg/e5PPSkEk If you would like to support, you can send a tip here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/titecustard NO REFUNDS. Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as… Read More

  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO’, was uploaded by RAYJIO Gaming on 2024-04-17 10:44:44. It has garnered 71 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO JAVA MOD:- https://linkpays.in/q5Pprg minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP – JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP - JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰’, was uploaded by Gamerz Yash on 2024-03-23 10:40:06. It has garnered 4899 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:07 or 367 seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰 subscribe @gamerzyash server dc https://discord.gg/NreUkW5S my discord https://discord.gg/puKwEvScv5 Instagram https://instagram.com/gamerz_yash1?utm_source=qr&igshid=YzU1NGVlODEzOA%3D%3D how to register and login https://youtu.be/UoKfdi7GC0U?si=EY56UpUW1s5_aWgG plzz subscribe for more videos 🥳 ✅Your Query✅ Minecraft friendly smp gamers smp Yash army… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve’s LOL Adventures!” #minecraftfunny

    "Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve's LOL Adventures!" #minecraftfunnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mishaps: Steve’s Hilarious Adventures! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Sacket on 2024-01-11 17:15:03. It has garnered 2464 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this 45-second whirlwind, we’re delving into the humorous side of Minecraft with our beloved character, Steve. 😂 🧨 Creeper Magnet: Ever wonder why creepers always find Steve, no matter how sneaky he is? We explore this amusing phenomenon – could it be his choice of cologne? 😆 🐔 Chicken Parade: It’s almost as if chickens see Steve… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥

    EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fireballfight ASMR! #shorts’, was uploaded by LaoLP on 2024-02-10 15:26:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #pvp #trainerdario #hypixel #fireballfight #1v1 #asmr #2sa #bedwars. Read More

  • Jaye’s Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!

    Jaye's Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!’, was uploaded by Jaye on 2024-02-27 22:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdL7tQQ0GSkZGZjE2juLAw/join WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter https://twitter.com/SlightlyInsult Instagram https://www.instagram.com/slightly_insulting/ Discord https://discord.gg/7HN9d9t Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge – Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge - Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Komplettes Video ist online! #bedwars #minecraft #skywars #pvp #minecraftchallenge #review’, was uploaded by Malganzehrlich on 2024-01-09 14:00:07. It has garnered 397 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Never play Minecraft Skywars on this server! ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📞 ➤ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJbj48pX6heXpx0Icf-yvQ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📲 ➤ Social Media ➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/malganzehrlich__/ ➜ Discord: https://discord.gg/6fMrmWt6cK ➜ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/malganzehrlich_ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 💻 ➤ My equipment – microphone: https://rb.gy/s9ni67 -Interface: https://rb.gy/93jzhe -Microphone preamplifier: https://rb.gy/zqignp -Mikrofonarm: https://shorturl.at/rBHP9 -Keylight: https://shorturl.at/mxyAM -Maus: https://shorturl.at/boBZ4 -Keyboard: https://shorturl.at/zHLOU – Pale: https://shorturl.at/afsMS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ✂️ ➤ Schnitt-/Editprogramm: Davinci Resolve 18.6 🔨 ➤ Thumbnails:… Read More

  • Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer – Minecraft Java

    Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer - Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-17 00:01:22. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:16 or 1336 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in live… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey folks, I’m GoneVegan, a member of the Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview: Approaching 6 Months old Various quality of life datapacks DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Survival mode Whitelisted Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy detailed work, large-scale building, or classic survival gameplay, this server is for you. About Us: Owned by Blockbuster206, a longtime Minecraft fan. No planned world resets…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Redstone is my b*tch

    Looks like this meme’s redstone is more impressive than my real-life electrical skills. Read More

  • Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness!

    Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness! In the Backrooms, a maze of mystery and dread, Secrets lurking in every corner, filling you with dread. Explore for hours, uncovering each hidden surprise, Six collectables to find, hidden from prying eyes. Piratesoftware and Heartbound, the music sets the tone, As you navigate the labyrinth, feeling all alone. Download the world, dive into the unknown, The Backrooms in Minecraft, a journey to be shown. So grab your gear, and embark on this quest, In the Backrooms, where fear and excitement manifest. Happy hunting, brave explorer, may you find success, In this world of secrets, waiting to impress. Read More

  • All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft

    All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft All Armor Combined = A walking tank in Minecraft, or as I like to call it, the “Iron Man” of the blocky world. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft and why you should join the Minewind server. While watching the YouTube video “Deneme Odaları Turu ve Oyunun En Güçlü Silahını Elde Ettik! | Agalarla Minecraft Hardcore S2 B7” by Guapoins, you can see the fun and adventure that Minecraft brings to players. But why should you choose Minewind server? Well, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, constant updates, and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block!

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block! Unleashing the Wither Storm in Minecraft For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to take their gameplay to the next level, summoning the formidable Wither Storm is a thrilling challenge. Whether you’re playing on PE, Bedrock, Java, PS, or Xbox versions, the process remains an exciting endeavor that can elevate your gaming experience. Summoning the Wither Storm To summon the awe-inspiring Wither Storm, players can utilize the power of command blocks. By following the right steps and inputting the correct commands, you can bring this formidable entity into your Minecraft world. For a detailed guide on summoning the Wither Storm with a… Read More


    🔥 LIVE MEGA FARM ON MINECRAFT! SUBSCRIBE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT COM OS INSCRITOS AO VIVO MEGA FARM’, was uploaded by MURILIN TV on 2024-05-01 18:42:57. It has garnered 109 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:17 or 8777 seconds. 🔥🎮 Minecraft Survival with LIVE Subscribers #Minecraft #Live 🚀 @murilintv #JogandoMinecraft #Minecraft Subscribers #minecraftlive #liveshorts #shorts 💬 Join our community on Discord! https://discord.gg/zMBqZ3jdhA send audios and texts in the live chat and help the channel https://livepix.gg/murilintv 👑 Become a Member and Help an Animal Cross the Street: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjOYapFFG8vdNw4W-DEC8Q/join Spot Games discord: https://discord.gg/spotgames java ip: spotgames.net bedrock ip: mobile.spotgames.net port: 19132 🖥️… Read More

  • Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!

    Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘We installed the SIRENHEAD in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by stoopsky on 2024-05-18 19:00:01. It has garnered 46935 views and 1865 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. who that lanky ahh boy? ► Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/siren-head-the-arrival ► Starring: @9JayDot8 ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoopskytrash/ ► Discord: https://discord.gg/the-gaff Read More

  • EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft Skywars

    EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | CubeCraft Skywars | Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Cheese Gaming on 2024-03-04 21:35:42. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:18 or 918 seconds. Get ready for an epic Minecraft showdown as we take on the challenge of SkyWars on CubeCraft! Join me in this action-packed video where we’ll dive headfirst into the thrilling world of floating islands, strategic battles, and intense PvP action. Watch as I navigate the treacherous terrain, loot chests, and engage in heart-pounding combat against fierce opponents. Every moment is filled with… Read More