SideArms4Reason – THE BIGGEST SERVER ON THE FARM | Ep 13 of Minecraft Modded SMP // Movement

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Please and gentlemen welcome to the spectacle it is movement si MP with your best buddies deluxe for deluxe 20 speedy insider it’s gonna be such a fun episode everything have a great time so I give this old fashioned a little fashion demonstration he’s my skins and you guys

Know how I learned English right Olinda from watching his boots to kill a man did you one shot by the way oh yeah you took your armor off buddy okay let’s do before I could even do one right you know I feel like we need a breast reduction if we’re gonna

Doing this what’s the monkey can I have your head by the way Swiper no swiping my Wall of shame I don’t have it actually they didn’t give it to me so I’m gonna show everyone it fell probably yeah actually this is a painting we try oh yeah

If you run across it yeah okay I’ll give it the speed you pick it up good talk we gonna picked it up yeah you’re gonna lose your mind up so whatever in the [ __ ] River are you gonna everybody didn’t show and tell her what’s going on here SADS yeah so we

Have this on I guess the new barn here and we got our wonderful bridge over here so it all comes together and then deforms Auto farming all this stuff with these things and the Sheep get Auto sheared so that’s pretty impressive d4 and this that’s pretty impressive I mean

Look at this we might want to dye them just get some different colors on them but Jesus these four sort of wolves oh yeah good point and you can do the milk I have milk we have milk still oh wow oh my god commies all of a role do we can

Make them can we make a milk waterfall right click on the white but the white block okay yeah so that’s just full of milk even though it doesn’t show that it’s full of milk yeah output here dude that must be where the milk comings are coming from must be redid this is all

Parvis thing so what the [ __ ] is it milking from the cows yeah eat if the cows are in its range unless picture make and it’s right barely getting their booties and their milks in there is really no [ __ ] away dude yeah sucking them right now I just need a few ice

Cubes in our best buddy Joule yeah we should make let’s make a like a little mountain out of ice and then we’ll have the milk waterfall coming down that way if Joel ever joins us it can be his house they give you a penny look you

Think hey can we go show off d20 celerity thank you guys little Beach we’re showing off over there right but you can show off your finished project official street lights of the interpreter oh that’s like the extra touch this needed each one it has like me a little verticality here oh he

Sounds like got enough Yahoo seen little Dickies like brain like medical dramas but never 20 added a little bit of stuff under the undercarriage and put some rocks and leaves all over a street lamp inside of it kinda what happens when you mix water was come Oh what happened did

You put it in the water Oh God that’s it block and then this might not make this a change she’s touching it yeah I think over here with me the literally anywhere I go dude this is great look at this the Bros farmer we made these we made this we made this fro

We made this here at our farmer auto plant here I hardly know her selves and then they have their own little undercarriages down here and we can get all the wonderful goodies that come from these and then all of it will go into our storage system base these no yes via

These cables they will come and so yeah but we really want to we could take this thing up to the sky and make more levels on it which we might do actually we said by the way because if we go to the storage room we already have like

4,000 think you should put some kind of lock door or something on our storage room so people don’t come over here but I’m on my working area but three pictures of you oh my god sad how did I not notice that dude that is like one of

The cutest things I’ve ever seen inside especially it’s one where I didn’t you realize you were taking the picture of me that’s so [ __ ] cute not creepy at all we should we should like stage an area where we can take some like really creepy photos like where it’s like like

You’re looking through like a fence or something I guess in my bedroom or something really creepy eyeball if I can do we should totally do it [ __ ] that’d be funny that would be awesome deej fun he’s hearty ready for it Jesus Christ bro oh um should we shot that watering can you

Made smells why don’t we have yeah Shaw fee in theorem first so click this game we have we are almost 4 K impact if you wait how much we have sneeze him out unless 4 K never you follow me let’s do this yeah I think our most expensive

Item now is a watering pail I bought it’s worth it do you guys are in the know it’s worth it dude this thing’s insane you guys are gonna [ __ ] freak it is insane alright 11 by 11 the premium can okay this this harvest 11 by 11 supreme iam watering everybody oh my god

What’s the demonstration okay so I’m gonna hold and then watch all this [ __ ] grow dude go like almost instantly okay we’re 4,000 for that [ __ ] now imagine that if they make this our first we can make this our first big skyscraper and just do like 20 different layers of this [ __ ] yeah

I’m not opposed to I don’t see why we don’t cuz then we can all be on tables in like a one box right you could like like one spot yeah what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna move this thing right here the two things that start this we’re

Gonna take it to the center area we’re gonna put one here and one here and then everything’s just gonna be Ender up through that on that’s great oh damn oh no you won’t even see this is gonna be like the ugly area but that’s why I

Already kinda made it ugly yeah and then we’ll be good wait yeah I sound a little bit last night this guy I water this [ __ ] and we have 4000 and like I really didn’t even spend that much time like if you don’t have anything to do take out the

Watering pill and get to water wherever you go no that’s five so go work on my project I love you and the other one is surprised don’t remember sad dude no one remembers looks like we’re uh it’s a pretty obscure reference so I could see many people not getting

That one yanny but during the time it was a big meme oh it was a banger mean you should I go ahead and make everything yeah thank you everything and then if you want me to into that it’s good Natalie you said okay and then all

Uh maybe go on a marble mission cuz we’re gonna need some more of that again god damnit it’s nice better nice looking model oh wait I’ll give me one second done gotta love these markers like oh yeah only mate here we go good might as well make two of these and then oops

Not that not that all right so someone said make a c3 processor what does that do he’ll do for to make better cables metals before remember to make better cables I’m doing right now hmm oh [ __ ] okay I need two axes and I think we should be good on this I don’t know

Exactly how many we’re gonna need to go up whatever but I’m just gonna leave it like I’m just gonna make two this is nothing expensive anything so we’re gonna go ahead and take care of this heat the essence in five seconds okay but we kind of need all the C’s we have

Sort of you know before right now is uh thank you all olive two tacos all right there’s that now I need the seed actually hold on let me take care of this first bunchy bunchy hunchy with honey bunches of oats have you guys seen that a vit miss commercials they just start rhyming

Dude I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re saying but they just start rhyming they just start realize the rest of front line with Imperium III so someone told me that just regular imperium uh there’s not good for like fertilizing like you might as well just wait for the green is

What someone said which we totally could do but I’m gonna try to use some of this [ __ ] to make a sword later so yeah this is this is that’s the that’s the ulterior motive we have for now how many [ __ ] do this I’m not even full of [ __ ] water [ __ ]

I’m bucket okay here we go it takes so much [ __ ] watered it is still not it’s sixteen buckets of water imported on gather exporter on the silver with the filters these okay who drew drew drew drew okay hold on we need to just deposit all this [ __ ] random ass dunk we have that’s

That side is Angela wider wrestler ah name sounds familiar I think so I’m like maybe from the WPF maybe like a bed wrestler or something ah I think I think as our own a cage one okay cool by the way side you should get into you should

Get into watching a smackdown in aw wrestling and rolling all that [ __ ] side because WrestleMania is coming up again side and the women’s division is pretty fun to watch okay I don’t think you’d enjoy a bro I should I start putting some do it down for you but yeah yeah

This all the exact everything I need okay okay I was freaking out I was respected my speed my fault what was I gonna do Chad there was something I was gonna do hey two of these I’m freaking out dude hey damn what did I really get [ __ ] up if I get

Distracted with like I might make too much or too little customly like two more of these and then I think we need two more gears or just one more I guess okay who planned sores all right good good good good now are you make don’t forget about the

Range extender yeah yeah I need to make that as well we need the diamond one okay oh all right should we just like straight up orange coming this entire farm then so that’s what I don’t know do the orange coming or do we leave it or like what do

You think I just orange Comi it dude we have so much stuff now we could just orange gummy the entire [ __ ] out okay like I don’t see why we don’t okay and then we’ll use that to invest in a brighter tomorrow and that brighter tomorrow will be insane iam for all of

Us you know what I mean yeah okay holy crap I miss underestimated how big these farms are when I grab three stacks of dirt these farms are massive and it’s kind of fun great holy crap I’m all right baby tons of dirt into the computer so we should have plenty

Oh yeah there’s definitely dirts in there I added another bucket this computers dirtier than sat arms hard drive make it very good make small radius to this detection of the source you smaller range and more stores you can put four stores perform on each port in that way

Oh geez oh geez geez it is tears I know what you mean but I don’t know exactly how much they like which one they’re making sure like that I do that in the future I can always redo it you know I mean I’m just gonna do this for now just

So we can get it done and then after that if I if I want to redo it or whatever then I I can I can tell you that you don’t thing I just don’t really want to map it out right now especially because we already have everything ready

Kind of thing do you have extra oh just water ook okay ain’t a way for this to [ __ ] suck this crispy bunch you hungie Oh get off suck it off sucks all right we’ll just need one more Hello latex on some Walter White she yeah I I have a

Chemist in that ayah that I could use but [ __ ] right now mister cider she making one of those thing here Bob’s again yeah I have everything ready I’m just making the upgrades wait yeah you playing the Minecraft banger signers I am I always do I keep forgetting to

Turn them on dude it’s just it’s a staple around here and I don’t have it on the site sync up or cycles one of these times bro yeah okay let me pause i’m cause i’m cause i’m a try oh wow i’m it to 1750 okay to 1750 okay suppose i

Can get all right count us down brother alright three two one yeah yeah we’re [ __ ] cute dude look at like that like that like that thank you everyone like that important our husband our cool how many do I need for Chad or two of each talk around is

Gonna be quite the doozy the horse makes of these and one of these a fool will get with it with I’m freaking out I’m freaking out dude I’m [ __ ] freaking out won’t you [ __ ] forest fine fine more Sun more fun more play why isn’t that cooking what the [ __ ] oh

Really okay it’s like I guess somehow what the what the capital was that deed what the kappa what kind of [ __ ] was that me no [ __ ] any coming okay I’m me secure I was happy doing well I love those in the cave the timing but what’s the difference

I like that I I knew me see that at first okay I like that I like that she okay this is looking funny I mean extra last dream check okay oh I’m important here we go I just mean exporters they two of these hoes well we really don’t really have a [ __ ]

Listen yeah [ __ ] we’re really running long lost time dude money thing make another another trip yeah I’m still doing two stores performed alright there we go now I can make one of these another one of these it should be enough right I don’t need any more than we need

The cables both of this and the starter cables and then I think what that should be fine for now I think we should be okay hey Garko can go here just kind of try to organize things unless they can okay did you make the stuff I don’t know what

Stuff what the [ __ ] was that noise what stuff that oh the the farm yeah yeah okay um so do you want me to put like a crosshatch pattern on this like instead of wasting our time side and putting these slabs under everything should I just um hold on let me show you

What I mean yeah under the water under where the water’s gone so like you see how there’s this here and you would go in this line all the way across oh you have like a cool little pattern just I like that a lot I would take less also

It’s darker than uh they can’t spawn on this though right maybe right now they had spawn on this type of soil maybe they can’t right now well on the dirt above they probably can’t right now but not uh oh yeah you want to light that up real quick

Oh just sleep okay yeah yeah it’s probably better yeah we don’t like this place blowing the [ __ ] up man I’m pretty sure I’m free oh yeah I guess we could add lights I know it’s section yeah enough glowstone to make a bunch of uh lanterns batter no we barely have any lift on

Actually I put some lanterns in we need just one more person you don’t need you don’t need for regular lanterns Uniqlo stone what’s you’re making glowstone oh yeah well just make lanterns hanging inside I like its mean it’s like torches and we need one person not it I’m not at

Home so I can you get there I can go okay now mate and that’s where this one did it’s fighting is slapping yeah it’s [ __ ] my ears okay so I’m supposed to be making uh on this side right so what the plan is we’re gonna put every

Machine on this side if we can and then we’re gonna use the power off Oh sweetie here’s the problem the power is yours we need to get we need to get power to these these middle buddies these ones were from underground can you just string a [ __ ] wire straight into

Him though I don’t think I mean I can but it has to like we have to uh [ __ ] I don’t know how to describe it dude it kind of either has to overhang so like it can come from down here and then like kind of go up and then down or something

Like that I don’t really know well regardless of how you have to do it side do it and then we’ll try our best to make it look better from there you know I mean yes but should I stop building what I’m currently building or no no

That’s fine okay yeah who cares if it’s like too ugly we just need to look nice from the street dude and honestly it’s not every building in the world looks nice you know yo suit some ugly skies great foresight you know yeah that’s true who gives a [ __ ] so I hardly know

Her I’ll move all this [ __ ] after like the bottom stuff I need dirt dude did you and did you end up have enough sandy – oh yeah I’m still bringing stuff back and forth from that build so I’ve already put 5k dirt in why I mean not dirt sand oh yeah I was

Building a skyscraper made of dirt also got a [ __ ] ton of terracotta if anybody ever wants to build something from terracotta yeah rotary cables make better ones these aren’t sort of cables oh [ __ ] they are what the [ __ ] these are basic cables uh okay we’ll do

All that [ __ ] laughter right now yeah I mean you’re not wrong I’m just I don’t want to do right now is if I thought I had more I guess important gather around so err okay not not yet chief not yet I’m not on the [ __ ] zone you don’t in

Please don’t say that thousand times like last time whenever you did it I Love You chief without those two excessive do you say like fighters have some Chad knows pretty low my sister this looks awesome for the street with this pattern there Neath yeah I think this boss hat thing is [ __ ] that’s

Yeah this is noise dude this is noise OHP marble and like many things I’ll get maximum lanterns can you okay help me out with this for a second mr. hang out with this to you okay I’m coming what where’s the exact middle I need you know

Howard down there be there in two shakes of a lamb’s dick so yeah but I’m not gonna be the one shaking it I hope that’s cool with you also I picked up like a bunch of seeds so like okay yeah I got this [ __ ] okay hold on we have to you probably took

Them from like them being harvested sorry mate just trying to make sure okay make it happen oh good do okay help me help me find the exact meant a little bit okay so you see how below I have to I have two things yeah let me just stand there and then

You can get on top of me yeah this is exact middle right here right there yeah you only rake it or yeah you’re good you got it so I need ah yes three actually I needed to go down one more last night on your bed yeah just for this thing you

Place a block of that so I can cover this I mean this is the place the block yeah hey yeah and I just need to just so I can uh yeah that’s the water no no just just so one one lower okay I need blocks to do that then both you die

Junkie both the [ __ ] here there’s it all [ __ ] block yeah I put all my blocks away – I hear it’s Lisa get inside okay yeah so that right there’s where you need it long yes perfect the [ __ ] okay okay we’re just doing just that one level are

We doing two levels today I can do another lovely if you want I don’t know how they mean that for this is one wouldn’t be a bad idea I can make more so just okay we work okay okay so the sores are all there now we need can work with being covered by

Soil and yeah I know but I just I like to be able to like manually check it sometimes like that lit up son is looking pretty down here now dude down here oh I like that I like that this is a good look this reminds me I don’t know

If like it looks great I love this makes sense but this kinda reminds me of like a japanese-style thing yeah actually I didn’t excite thought it would look more industrial but it kind of looks pretty [ __ ] cool dude hey and I think what we’re gonna do is get rid of these

Pillars here cuz they don’t add anymore anything yeah and then we’ll just have those outside peddler’s flank it up I think that would look cool a bit more like an open modern look to it you helped me out with it with the water speedy you stand under on the water

Yes sir this is a water buddy okay okay this is a water buddy okay this are usually not last one is this is the one I’m buddy yeah your first one wrong that looks way too close yeah okay cool exactly um and then this one okay is it

Is there yeah this one Mike and this one hey this is marking okay Travie Ganser Dean stop [ __ ] speedy tower check this one sorry are you good okay tweet ds1 okay okay then while you go get marbled I can tell you get this data if you if that’s what you want to do

Whatever you have to all right perfect thank you y’all go grab some marble is there a place we can set up the the mine thing for the for marble no no because I think marbles only in that mining realm so because of that it’s kind of a hike I’m pretty sure

That battery that I have will run it yeah it’ll run about how long I mean it’s hardly it hardly didn’t eat that repower running the the mine thing oh really yeah okay we can do that if he has one maybe we can try it see how far it goes

I don’t know how charged it is cuz I’ve been running it to finish up that one spot but the problem of marble is I don’t think there’s that much of it but obviously using that huge I know that mine would definitely be the play if that works yeah I don’t know where the

Shot let’s let’s get this done for now and then we’ll do that like off-camera I’m sure I can go good enough to I finish this off at least okay you know I mean okay just takes two shakes of a lamb’s yes dude this looks hella [ __ ]

Dude this is a [ __ ] build right here this is a builder if I’ve ever seen there this is nice slow cuz my liking honey we put one right in the middle here once this is all moved sweet yeah the only the only bad part about this is

We have to somehow get power to the middle store but uh I think know when you’re doing that and I can I can let you know what I think it looks best in [ __ ] so yeah right now I’m currently hoeing the ground which actually might not be the best idea

All right okay cause my camera died ain’t losing that [ __ ] all right importer on this writer threw a picture of you said I hope you aren’t offended what more seeds I’m just gonna throw him down in this chest side yeah these bangers do we need to sink our banger

Cycles every time man yeah good you you can put these don’t have upgrades these aren’t our speed upgrades I’ve been told by I saw some TV show and these guys were late it was just a commercial for something and these guys were talked about how they’re jealous that girls get

To sync their cycles up yeah and they’re like what can we sync up and then it cut to them all drinking a like two liter thing of water at once and they’re like piss cycles thinks of that gross [ __ ] dude were you aware that pee comes out

Of than that oh that’s not where I think it comes from son he is thordan the nest mother don’t think that’s true little Vinci to do some research what else will they call them penis they do not know no I did not put so import Iran on the gatherer exporter on winter it

Does it sounds like it doesn’t make sense no no it sounds like it doesn’t make sense but it’s it is oh wow okay hey it’s Roger just miss look that is Miss Lee the thing exporter yeah it just it does it’s it sounds like is it like

It should make sense like why would there be an exporter here but this is just exporting [ __ ] over there yeah you know those cables both red power no this DS just carry the items hey loser okay I know fragile all right now we need this one power

Isn’t really as important for this one EDA filter:none explore yeah it’s Richard you can go ahead and the wall yeah I can go do that now actually beside these bangers dude I feel like I’m playing like an actual cool game and I’m not a nerd playing Minecraft yeah I

Feel like a hero right now side and I’m just some funny dude sitting in a chair who peed himself 10 minutes ago and shad hasn’t figured it out yet ya know what is insane it is nuts to me that no one knows okay I need your I need your

Assistance really I’m in the mining world okay cuz I only found two pieces of marble all French songs [ __ ] my ears oh my god my easy thank you Chad is this song [ __ ] your ears good I mean it’s [ __ ] mine pretty jolly I’ll say it’s open my ears 1 2 3

We need this hey only goes play minecraft in 2020 true dat running great can we somehow not necessarily tied into the whole system like can I just place a cable behind here we’re like maybe I put a cable behind this well I think I got it

And then we put the we put the panel on there though we don’t have to run like a whole [ __ ] like nuts cable you know I mean I can do this right I can be like that and then I can I can run a cable

All the way down to uh the dish it actually should be getting power without the cable no I know but I need to go I need to get the solar power unless I just put a pin on top of the store and but then we need water again unless I

Can just put [ __ ] yeah high we can you do this hey you can’t Wow okay maybe I can even put a panel on top of this and not even worry about that [ __ ] hold on you might I figured out that cable problem everything good on your front bottoms

I’m pretty sure I figured out the cable problem sweet dude this might be our sickest collab ever side yeah we’re full-on insane iam dude yeah I think we’re gonna be there if we make these towers to the five highest powers dude yeah people need to be chanting our goddamn names from Madeline fifty

Girlfriends will be stolen decide I like this because then I can I can access this or if I want this [ __ ] all right we should Olympus is that parties I don’t know alright let me know in you’re here again and then I will I’ll show you what I

Have great let me find one more pocket of marble and I’ll be right they I don’t cables look ass below yeah I know but there’s there’s nothing that I can do is the only way to do blasto is growing like hotcakes on ours cuz growing like hotcakes is a phrase

Right it’s waterproof you’ll be fine connect the cable O’Shea ready right great look at this dude okay so now will this start planning I need to hold this whole [ __ ] so my solution for now only works if I absolutely need okay I really want to be there side but jeez the marble bro

He’s frickin the mob oh oh if anyone ever has a I think there’s a lot of people out there that have really good ideas for our skins on for our fashion shows and for our minecraft fun times here but doesn’t have the ability or the time or the skills or doesn’t know what

To how to [ __ ] make a minecraft skin yeah so if anyone has any really good ideas for minecraft skins and doesn’t mind if someone steals their [ __ ] an idea just put in the comment section and tell someone to make it for you cuz they’ll make it I’m not even joking no

[ __ ] make it they just need some ideas probably in a record a me Rick and a side more tea would be awesome I’m just saying I know there’s already a side Rick but it would make me actually consume make me a more take is you do a

Better Rick and I do like a pretty bad more tea side but I can at least do it do we can do both we can we holy [ __ ] know if I can say Morty I think this is a better but yeah there’s people that want to make stuff um just need more

Ideas you know I’m saying yeah no see there’s no more [ __ ] marvel cider just gonna come back to and there’s a supercharged please borrow me again long as you say oh my god damn never wasted I’m gonna [ __ ] don’t waste your dad was gonna in this case I’m using this

Hope to uh all right let me get organized there’s I’m not talking about head I’m talking about he said again what I’m coming okay never waste your dimes on a whole chat for this I’m using this for business purposes decide if I really think there’s a market for your only fans bro

I think that dude bro big it seems like it’s becoming exceedingly more wanted every day yeah dude does it buddy day one look at Sadr arms and I know that he’s great here I can explain looks like we have a little bit of excess yeah I wonder what this needs don’t you need

Brother okay oh that looks nice yeah but okay so this looks like an irrigation system yeah come up here the way we fixed the power for up here is we we do this with the panel so that’s this is like the prettiest way I can think of it okay

That’s fine is that enough yeah that’s enough and then the problem with this this side is if we put another layer on as it talked now what if there’s always a hole I guess always in the hole in the middle yeah we can be tough because then we

Would need the water above it and everything and then this block would cover it so is there a way not to have it here I mean we can I can run a cable all the way to the side maybe I’ll show you okay I don’t mind more cables dude I

Think it’s probably fine with more cables yeah especially if like they just keep coming out this way then is can you make it go like to the roof though once we have the roof planned I’ll like something go underneath it yeah yeah this should be providing power at this

Point cuz I really don’t care how bad this inner alley looks like it’s just we need to make sure it looks good from the street you know saying yeah okay yeah sweet you were serious yeah this doesn’t look bad at all in my opinion I’m the bottom

I think it’s ground coming together this won’t work right here hold on there’s all temporary companies you know we go here we go I don’t know this my looks comfortable dude it’s the inner alley side we could do the same I mean like take a look at an apartment building sometime and just

Look at how ugly most of the air conditioners and [ __ ] falling off that [ __ ] are like buildings are ugly man a lot of them are and not everything’s the Burj Khalifa site not everything to the Leaning Tower of Pisa yeah yeah it’s just not bad then we can

In in life sometimes there’s maybe some ugly things let the boy walk yeah yeah we’ll be fine it will the store below can I start taking it up another level just to have the visual what its gonna look like so that we can build what

You’re doing right now and I go and make a bunch of imperium Steve for this oh [ __ ] yeah Billy okay actually that’s orange orange that [ __ ] first though okay so make all this didn’t know one yes yeah like I’ll make all of it back uh do you think it’s a bad idea no

Because we are getting the double drops from that or whatever right or is it not worth it I I don’t know that’s I’m saying I died no clue whatever your mystical agriculture expertise is thing said yeah I know you got a [ __ ] large contingency of those make the VL oh not

Me we’re about be so [ __ ] rich what do you guys think on inferi ‘m yeah she’s touching it i doesn’t want to make a whole bunch okay is it worth a chat is it worth it to make all those soil like orange yes oh really okay why not huh I thought I

Might like I don’t know I just didn’t seem like it maybe blue is gonna be nuts I think this one might be better the more we spread it I think it is yeah I’m trying I don’t have my boots eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs shaped like a penis to

His [ __ ] cable over stuff hey that’s very [ __ ] funny I don’t know difference between a tire in 365 used condoms what one’s a good year one’s a great year I like that you like that you like that this video consents heads etting ciders epic music playing and this just doesn’t add up

I need someone in this flocking bed with me dude Oh God we’re knowing look how annoying the are so I said that that said run the cable under the dirt well okay what do you what do you mean yeah dude look how big that snowy white milk

[ __ ] is over there so that’s insane there’s no way he did that on purpose dude he just wanted to come on their face I kid I cannot believe before I did that that is nuts that’s [ __ ] a loaded show bungler showed Mongol air I honestly don’t know

What a Mongol er is I know there’s a term called a fishmonger what does Mongol mean like and obviously not like the Mongols but like what is a Mongol er I guess you’re gonna put another you’re gonna put another another thing up here right let me come over and visualize

With the okiya saying was that are you gonna make another cable cable another level oh yeah yeah yeah I just need to make sure that it’s not being blocked so this is all that will be here um oh my gosh okay now no no thankful I’m just

Like this jet pack is kind of frustrating is this really [ __ ] fun it’s not you babe it’s me dude we’re gonna get so [ __ ] Imperium rich off this [ __ ] volcano mate okay now mate time for the dirt okay all right mate I’ll meet all the company speedy that I possibly could have which

One do I come in do I come easy okay he’s meeting yeah which one which one do I come is this top one this bottom one what which one do I do run the wires under the dirt would look better all right what a what dirt chief this you we

Can’t we can’t do that because he’s already done this and there’s no way for me to connect to here with our [ __ ] love this thing me where should I worship with the ones coming I guess just one all over this new layer so you not to redo the bottom layer but

Okay yeah I guess we don’t need to orange come me every layer though you know what I mean I don’t know probably don’t all right should I go ahead and just do it though I don’t know cause most productive one so maybe there’s one is there a point do we need more seeds

Or I guess we didn’t we didn’t want these then orange it out yeah let’s get those double drops hey the [ __ ] did I just see knows you know what know what you start with me mate this is this first run you [ __ ] startled me that’s gonna be a lot of

Work so we might off-screen some of this [ __ ] yeah we’re just do it on like a chilled grindy stream or something he’s gonna be [ __ ] awesome I don’t do the bottom layer speeding yeah I think that’s a good idea we’ll start at the bottom and take it to the

Top that was probably the best idea she can say got a plant you don’t three plant them each needed to pick them up right so they pick them up well I’m gonna water first so then they start getting maybe I’ll get harvested then I’ll start orange tummies Chuck’s the

Position to be placing dirt with [ __ ] epic Avengers music play it’s like I’m just placing dirt over here man that’s so they gotta make it epic bro attention epic gamers one’s come ease it just feels wrong bro yet I mean this feels wrong to be I’m

Not gonna feel bad when I’m full on paxil doubt with insane iam and insane iam armored site I’m gonna feel pretty [ __ ] good it’s like church music we can’t believe you’ve done this before by the way just like oh [ __ ] I make these farms know like you think of our cycles I’m

Honestly shocked that we never thought of that it’s really weird Oh – we’re never first skyscraper yeah keep up the fire side you’re killing it with these tonight it’s daytime but you’re still killing it yeah this this this side that other form already has done so we don’t have the better seeds

Right clear for that like it’s impossible for us to particular modpack to get the heart is just not a things we’ve seen him another modpacks but this modpack does not have the higher tier see what’s up Nick that would be you know then we’re with ya if we were

Making supreme MC there’s no way we’d be doing this [ __ ] but I’m a little worker bee I’m the kind gentle music sceptic again I think I’m do the orange memories and patches right now just because like shits growing and I don’t know if I want to like destroy whatever before do you yeah

Whatever you think’s best brother I trust your expert knowledge son your expertise yeah Carrie yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that I have to her you know this happening captain come on man that’s that’s how I feel I don’t like it I don’t like it when they update upgrade

Unpacked I got the better seeds nope I don’t think take news just to be sure what is it what is this [ __ ] called there’s no partying is there tertium seeds or supreme room seeds no please let’s do this um not sure how like what

I see right now one two one see to me they’re just to me on the wall so you do we can’t even make the tier two seeds so that’s that’s problem songs that way no one can be angry I love you everybody it is not it is

Impossible for us to make through two seeds in this month I know what you’re saying there’s a mud pack there’s other my price haven’t this one in particular does not have it oh really okay what did you say about this put on put it on the left side all right but

How why Hara how could I possibly break broke three of them can undo what you didn’t know this treason yeah you know I’m just trying to you know help everyone out you know just trying to make sure everyone knows the decisions why we’re doing what we’re doing

Just flute music it’s about to make me access B to D to inside I feel like flute boy yeah like what’s a kazoo kid is that his name Hazuki I’m [ __ ] up the kid that looks like PewDiePie PewDiePie was like six sweet a lot of stuff that’s momma just does not work no

Copy I can but that already has like that has the soil I didn’t like I know I first you know I mean like this is all regular dirt and [ __ ] so I discovered together up here dude good dude do I think if we have like seven or eight

Layers of this place it’s gonna be the most insane looking thing ever okay problem is I’ve once we do that we have another goddamn tower yeah Oh Ranga dude dude I swear every [ __ ] day you get some [ __ ] oh thank you Ranga holy [ __ ] Johnson my boy [ __ ] Ranga WD thank

You so much the [ __ ] 25 thank you brother holy [ __ ] you’re gonna go get wet sir little cuts for the water call yes perfect did you take most of our imperium and do [ __ ] with I took all of it holy [ __ ] and would you make with it I

Made a [ __ ] ton of the ones will holy crap so we’re investing in a brighter tomorrow yeah really I don’t I don’t know if this like if there’s gonna have the return that we’re expecting though I don’t know I mean I guess I think it’s not gonna work again flippin flying [ __ ]

Dude we got four thousand one night so we’ll just get it all back plus some now we have a bigger farm so yeah underneath it investing more seeds I am out of out of get out of your battery out of my friend inside if you don’t say faster me okay

All right so uh all right let me take all these seeds really quick it’s that 2 to 15 here curry Frank I think again bro all right so you’re saying put it on the left side here put all the season left I’m great he he helped me out ship his duties

Frankie hook this please fill in the colors okay but where did y’all put the furnaces that were outside of sweeties house they’re still outside of cities like thing you know then another not yeah I don’t know dad does his stuff yeah yeah all right I know both yeah

Hi sweetie where did you put your furnaces and stuff they’re green ones they are right you let me show you yeah Middle Street right by the quarry there’s like a bunch of I mean coming for ya yeah I can and uh is there something here that I need to go first

All Blatz thank you Oh what song turned all robotic going this man yeah going all the closes its doors okay how can we get asleep old can’t see a goddamn so just fill in fill all them okay that’s a long line on both sir okay fifteen first hand we’re gonna left the

Farm it was I think we’ll be fine actually I think today that’s that’s really cheese I feel like we’re about to get on a spaceship with this song side yeah it’s a we’re like we’re about the [ __ ] Explorer like Mars or some [ __ ] about holy crap dude hopefully it’s the

USS Callister side that’s one of my favorite fake spaceships us yeah being trapped and imprisoned against your will is what I find the most fun about the OSS Callister side and having no genitals right oh that fell apart uh new yeah people really be out here like oh

I’m bored during this quarantine I have no clue what to do and still have not watched black mirror for some reason I don’t [ __ ] get it that’s me I’m one of the people side that says they’re bored but there isn’t people are like oh I’ve no thing to do did you watch black

Mirror yet no I don’t know about that problem [ __ ] you say it’s one of those shows where you don’t need to watch all the episodes before I second this watch the lights up then you go to the good list of episodes find the highest-rated ones and start there okay because the

First episode is absolutely [ __ ] dog trash okay and doesn’t fit the series at all wonder whether sometimes seeds just on the ground does it just forget to pick them up thanks Busey there’s eight seats over in this chest of a yonder so yeah okay hey music can kind of event I

Are you yes sir is there any is there music cuz the audios different for everyone I don’t know a [ __ ] one over this is perfect walking for me this eventually gonna need all these lanterns so [ __ ] it oh you dude holy [ __ ] I can’t cuz I [ __ ] die dude I can’t I

Can’t do this because I died Oh miss beauty killed me scooter or scrotal no scrotie mcboogerballs fantastic are there red sprinklers there are no sprinklers in this mud pack yeah sorry there in the spring lose my taxi phone sorry bro I’ll even do you I’ll

Even do you one bro wrinkle or no way I’m spilling at least this wrong way yeah yeah I just picked up I just picked up nine seats how are you good chief yeah I’m picking up seed somehow cuz I’m noticing you’re starting to cause a scene

Son symmetry wait do we have enough we have to just make sure that this is always [ __ ] fool this is good this is good this video was I try to parlay that you can parlay whatever you want brother you want to get the yogurt parfait

Parlay you name it I don’t give a [ __ ] side should I do it on this to chat like filling all these all this area with these Jesus Christ eller never felt more epic placing lanterns but then this one I have diamonds and [ __ ] is done you don’t like joining do they this is

Looking good speedy looking good bro alright let’s take a look we got three story by doing nothing wasn’t it looks like a giant like parking garage man we got this [ __ ] coming to Kyoto it’s looking good I’m watering ready if you don’t need anything outside I might

Go for another goddamn [ __ ] marble on a marble run here alright yeah I’m gonna just water this a little bit and then I might make some more seeds sweet sounds good to me brother me or your service meeting we’re gonna we’re gonna love this in the future we could glass this

[ __ ] out too if we ever wanted to make it like glass in there oh that might be [ __ ] cool with the mirrors maybe not mirrors but just like the pains yeah like they’re the pain first and then we’ll go through and figure out the best color for that and we’ll make

This right we couldn’t make the cables look better and all that [ __ ] so weird oh yeah cable management’s always important oops put all the way this jar gone first even sides boyfriend did we should make a giant cow me fountain and take photos of each other doing it

Let me get a picture today’s you know I mean dude I just want to make sure you look at it they’re soo premium there let’s stand underneath you’re a special thing right there yep and turn and [ __ ] funny having you there Harmon man you want coffee you want to copy simply this we anytime bro anytime right let’s nuts smiled samatha perfect there you go I mean here you do plants need light to grow sweetie like in transition um wow this looks great

I think they grow better at nighttime if they have a lantern but I might be wrong a clue but regardless I think it’s just it’s nice to be lit up it’ll look pretty that looks like a lot of lanterns in there they’re kind of too many in my

Opinion but okay all of these have the bats whatever minecraft is always given us no good lighting option so we’ll just deal with this sadness I’m on I’m off to see the Wizard you got 750 750 six already you just went to pool zero right yeah I went to

Full zero with all that one’s coming my levels ready to be chilled and everything so whenever you want to fill it and get the water in there and get another whole level that’s yet let’s go or farm and man thank you for the pictures do this was great

Oh my god sorry you deserve that that’s me bro that’s literally me literally uni right now huh now you can look at yourself while going we already doing Demi right but the one was it mixes needs with misdeeds in separate row like Imperium on the left I’m in the middle

No I got it found some already okay no no I got I found a giant pocket side [ __ ] it up sweetie [ __ ] it up in a good way I’ll get the [ __ ] you don’t [ __ ] it up oh yeah let me let me show you guys in this chat we Pogba marble right head

So help me out here oh I want one row diamonds one real emeralds one row in theorem or can I do like diamond diamond diamond diamond emerald emerald then the rest in theorem because we don’t really have that many diamonds you know what I mean so like

That’s that’s that’s what I’m kind of getting that like can’t just do this each colored slot is a defined area were to plant to change that luck all this either the seed filter you want okay I’ll do this then for now so if I leave it blank what does it do

It’s better to put a couple diamond couple emerald until them the rest of the Imperium yeah that’s that’s where I’m thinking of right there right now that’s what I’m thinking as well so is everyone happy with this and my [ __ ] enough just make sure they match yeah

Son kill it all marble right now dude are you finding a lot oh yes I am [ __ ] lady like this might get excited about getting laid sigh but when I see marble marble gets me more excited bruh have you seen those marble races that are going absolutely viral dude um yeah

I have like when people are like when you can’t watch NASCAR so my pants today yeah yeah and they’re doing those marble races they all have weird names too so like the weirdest name start trending whenever people watch that whoever puts those together does a really good job

The commentary is amazing too yeah I found like a really cool like blue blue block called larva kite we [ __ ] with that in the future but I don’t know where they are V all right see this yeah this looks like it’s not like die writing [ __ ] so it’s like Paul there’s

Polished ones there’s okay is the other layer plan um no because I don’t think we have enough seeds I can go make some though what you guys think any of the how many of these [ __ ] should I make what do you guys think like I should I should go make seeds

Okay I make some seems okay hello everybody thank you all so much for can help me out with this real so this is are they make a torch that stops mods but mob spawning let me see if we have one new yeah adds again we’re the worthless ward where the filming you

Know at the shot oh wow you can make special torches oh sweet you look at all kinds of fancy with this yeah but we gain so much [ __ ] Imperium you’re getting so much [ __ ] that’s called Magnum torch my magnum dog yeah hey Chet I just want to say thank you so much

Help me out this is way easier to do when everyone oh you guys helping I would not be able to do on my own so thank you guys I love you I love you New York thank you guys so much for real you guys are [ __ ] lit they didn’t

Bother playing the weed again no I don’t like that I would not be able to this will you Chester thank you how many how many seeds is enough we think all I can make okay alright I use all the Imperium alright I put this [ __ ] in just see being harvested

I didn’t get this a bit started you like this one didn’t get any well for some reason I just like I would just go like that that’s the problem I think for now is how to like it separate them and like make sure that everyone gets an equal

Amount of seeds especially like maybe like a favor this one yeah see like that let this one has so [ __ ] many so this one has like the most I don’t know you know I mean like that they guess it kind of make sense I wouldn’t have the most

Six diamonds okay this one looks fine the BH bucket he’ll always still the closest one oh really so this one’s ever going to be [ __ ] fill unless I just have a [ __ ] uh seeds I just eventually like we just have too many seeds to where I like it that’s all

Filled up is are we talking about sometimes I think I’m a giant manchild so do you ever feel that way a lot of times I almost all the time okay you like do you like fish no but I like these [ __ ] insane amount of marble I’m finding side he’s [ __ ] that I

Might even be able to take it up now like another 12 layer side it’s it’s getting [ __ ] insane now theorem output for these are the shittim though orange dirt is that 200% so them’s I mean we’re getting to Imperium for [ __ ] one oh we should be and if

That’s true side yeah we can even go to slam those other farms that we abandoned just put them there for vegetables because there’s gonna be a fear iam rich dog [ __ ] nothing even your boyfriend getting might get mad about that side this is that get jealous 2020 no yeah that’s gonna be okay

Yeah shall we so we [ __ ] with the growth accelerators now like as the next step ah yes okay those if we can get those underneath there um will be a happy goo but your Alan are you Alan or hummus be a nice time when you play I don’t know

Homeless BD it’s not a test but when’s your plunger predation okay you might as well yeah sorry stop where you saying Oh Wendy next time we’re gonna play Eleanor hummuses just your your pradana it’s no one shows up anymore yeah it’s not that yeah sadly it’s not up to us when we record

Videos anymore don’t kill yes it didn’t have to be like this oh thanks I’m coming home side what level were we at I was getting sued everywhere I looked it was Marvel Avengers vide 359 it’s just constantly going up dude it’s just constantly taking side holy [ __ ] bro

I’m watering right now so that’s probably why but holy students going up like five or six a second did rough for 24 24 34 for 45 for 49 for 60 side 47 a [ __ ] slave sidearms holy [ __ ] fancier screams chat you never gonna chat trust us they’re

Gonna bust a lady nut oh holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sorry Andy actually Andy I did see it I don’t know if I read it out loud though which is really [ __ ] stupid of me hold on I’m gonna go down oh my god I don’t see it it was a you

Said something like 500 bits for the for the two-month anniversary of us like that kind of like playing right they might have to [ __ ] you over Andy oh they’re nervous if we’re the last two month anniversary here it is thanks bro sorry sorry I missed him in no bro

Number not gonna knuckle I’m missing my bad dawg thank you thank you so much for hooking me we’ll do that one of the big batch oh hell yeah you know how she and barrel you know how taking me hahaha thanks man before is building on the quarry can you

Please call up the butthole yeah of course downside if I were to also get a watering pail I just sit on another level we could take this to the UMP degree yes yeah let me let me get a let me get it and get my

Hands on that [ __ ] so I’m gonna meet my hands on it all yours bro all yours give me kidney is it working type articles on I do grow a my little precious the only problem now is that for some reason our seeds aren’t getting split all evenly I don’t know if they’re even

Supposed to but it’s just like like this level down here is being favored which is that’s cool but uh yeah I did notice that during your stream last night there’s been all weird on you can you take the watering pail apparently I left some stone in furnace erroneously choose

Now I feel like I’m in a Disney movie with the Fluxus music my crap I’ve never you know this goes in minecraft this is my minecraft server maybe it’s from that shitty single-player minecraft game they made oh maybe because I was like more story-driven what so maybe they needed

Some like epic music for it yeah I miss my only thought your thought your thought could you put seeds a nice border for the one book oh yeah Oh Andrew no thank you bro [ __ ] time to piss okay I’ll see you in just [ __ ] it’ll take a peek yes I know what speed

He’s on believe t4 came on that dudes tower before you even realize what you did it’s literally shaped like a penis you didn’t even try it the way it hits the sand it’s a big snowy white [ __ ] oh yeah I saw that at the bottom it I

Didn’t mean to do that but yeah the farmer what curry if you try before I saw you were smelling sandstone I just put it in the chest next to uh thank you yeah I don’t need any more we’re good okay hey twenty are you making a

Snowcone stuff too or what are you up to unfortunately I’m not I’m just making a same [ __ ] named Sam Kai Alfred Finn [ __ ] no damn you’re really making I haven’t seen him in a couple of days clock tower yeah cocked our boy you’ll know it cuz you won’t see the come anymore

It’ll be on his back right dad that’s the same thing as I do I’m having a brain fart dude I might need your help in a minute speak all right man’s brain done for Look at it dude look at this gray this dude’s graph marbles sorry babe geez Tony furnaces yes that’s like gonna be one of our big building materials Suzanne is perfect for scrapes look nice it is it is a red watering can it’s got a big ass farm up here beat yeah we can

Make this thing’s gonna go straight to the sky de Bourgh this thing’s gonna be awesome and we can make a little response oh jeez dude we can have a sky bridge connecting the two if we want even part of the doer that one’s pissed ninja off

By sky breaking in last time I checked you get more views than I do on YouTube bro so I think button got stuck in a really important I yell that I really like four-year-olds and they’re like ninja I’m like II out of you one time oh come on like you go family gatherings

And there’s a kid’s table shut the [ __ ] up you sit at the kids table I probably can’t cuz I’ll break my legs [Laughter] it should be thinking you guys watch Peppa Pig no it’s a new don’t want to bring these are both taking the seeds with me I was giving them Arthur Smith

My man’s don’t even play but yeah I think 99% people should know we’re joking yeah yeah and if he ever wants to play we’re free just to show him how chill we are just a show how go be hard sky verging showers or if you ever need

Someone to kill somebody trout II would say to us the [ __ ] did you say to me you little [ __ ] Oh before I actually took some your glass out putting in the chest you son of a [ __ ] I’m in I’m in touch my glass against about beat your ass [ __ ] [Laughter] upset

Honestly bro you are just way too [ __ ] goddamn shape my dear bro it’s [ __ ] that is enough it’s o GoPro karma thanks T getting their bra anymore [ __ ] you Peppa peg pal vide apparently caster said I feel bad for whoever has someone around the next round we were

Then the dogs BT after yoga beat him oh say just assume we were gonna lose yeah would they notice in that why they go for a hot farm dropped in I’ll thank you properly after jeez Oh side yes come on you we need some ender balls yes and then we give

You elevators to take us up to each low oh yeah I like that I might just build a platform coming off one of the sides that just has like a access area okay we’re honestly dude to hide all this garbage sigh come over here you knew that cousin Reginald no one come all

Right side right here we’ll have like a little thing that connects the two towers and then we’ll have like this elevator that takes you each level all right okay it will look [ __ ] awesome bro it’s gonna look [ __ ] that thing well we Shana will cover all that ugly muck in

The middle there I’ll look ugly come in the middle yes sir what the [ __ ] all this this one has all the [ __ ] seeds dude it keeps going over to that one now yeah it’s like randomly changes I don’t know why the [ __ ] it changes regardless we’re still getting a ton so but we

Could be getting more if it was optimized yeah I don’t know if there’s a way though without like [ __ ] and pulling my hair on something if I can do it I’m gonna do anything crazy yes but oh they actually these this one has a lot of [ __ ] in into thin I’m like I

Don’t know say maspeedy tower chat okay tweet I don’t know what show-and-tell is going down yeah enough time we have to camp um almost and we started out before I made for with the company holy [ __ ] we’ve lost two thousand figure that how’s this happen dude I thought we were

Gonna get more yeah I didn’t realize how much marble I found this is I think I just put another four levels on time oh yeah thank you more hopefully you got a lot of solar panels in you bud bro I love making that okay cool I think I’m gonna

Stop at this level for now get the other one match to it and then we’ll decide if we want to take a mire alright do we can have so much insane iam side will just start putting insane Ian blocks everywhere yeah this is fine I can match

You if we make all of our roads out of [ __ ] sue premium we just read that [ __ ] out Red River premium gemstone blocks I can do the mountains don’t worry about me one Yankee boy one cut damn it dad now I’m gonna eat a dick there’s really no choice yeah no one

Will do that but you that would be a good future plane all right because if you can’t like you can’t do that once thank you so it’s not how it works but I appreciate you letting us know yes but once again that is not how it works yeah

When they feel completely they should wishes are over boy we could make a bunch of these what is this butcher primer which prime is uh if you link your Amazon to your twitch you get a free 30-day sub with you uh the streamers you get like a bunch of like

[ __ ] game loot and [ __ ] like that – older man like monthly loot or some [ __ ] on them Oh manually plant the first block really don’t do the along side alone that next thing we need more for logs here’s the thing that actually might work Jeff I can make

A separate computer oh all this [ __ ] because is it possible um to replicate like five or six more of those computer systems so we can access our stuff from a ton of different areas yes and if so can I make like I don’t know how big I

Would need to make a space or how small I need to make it but can I make like um kiosk so in every street corner um that no matter where you are you always have like a storage system right by you so you can open that [ __ ] up

Instead of making a giant storage system we just make like one hub and then we have like all these little access paths fine access kiosks I mean all you need is a memo Seaver crafting grid diving like a battery so it doesn’t even have

To be that big I mean you may not even need a battery do you have to have a battery Sutter can you just have a connected to one solar panel I you actually yeah you probably don’t need a battery but it might just be a good idea

Just have a [ __ ] bed right yeah so you really need three blocks with a a solar panel on top of there pretty much and then just connect it in the back with the power cable so fancy up around it if you wanted to sweet I like build

Some blocks or something around it to make it look like a kiosk or whatever sweet yeah that’d be awesome because it just seems like it we’re wasting all the spots so if we have one in like every street corner or something oh you’d be in great shape

Yeah d20 I heard you on your stream said you had 46 bones in your backpack do you know where those are I had 21 and I probably put them in the machine let me check all that no I’m putting cobble in the planter behind you is it a good idea

Putting cobble on the planter slots that only leaves one stack of em and the rest will overflow to the planters like only make it felt like maybe two are available Ryan okay it was a good idea that is a good idea do it that’s a funny idea you feel the exercise’ll random

Item that seed I only have one stack yeah yeah that’s [ __ ] genius dude that’s [ __ ] genius yeah see this is this one saying man I literally could not do this [ __ ] on my own so thank you everybody oh [ __ ] I don’t think you can believe you can’t put anything else in here

Besides the seed what’s that some kind of seed though it’s not gonna work oh that would be nice though Bob dude yeah [ __ ] is there any kind of alternative we can think of try sticks I don’t think six will work put normal seeds but I don’t want to play normal

Seeds you can put saplings I I can I can try I guess using that type of seed yeah but there’s no point for me putting seeds I don’t want them to plant or will and not playing because it’s not prioritized Oh will it will it not plant

Because it is prioritize like this oh [ __ ] shadow [ __ ] yeah okay I might not plant is why I [ __ ] hope it doesn’t let’s try this I’ll leave to open for this Like that like that But I even should should I water it to confirm I will see come on let me do it all first which might be actually a bad idea do these have the correspondent matter what the [ __ ] like what’s here really you can run correct and dibbles new kite and good Zindani power

Oh really wait what rule have you kind of [ __ ] nuts there’s two spots open I think I shall live three for this one right one for diamonds ooh [ __ ] three yeah okay now let’s see if this yours this will be [ __ ] nuts if it works the other ones do – yeah

Oh wow second dirty another level sidearms only thought dude I’m a little worker bee up here dude there’s two more that aren’t even done yet yeah so am i you only do that in hours I just kind of like that I can do that later how we do it later okay

Damn dude really this is gonna be [ __ ] nuts I think I might have figured out the over post thing with the help of chap aka Chad did it one cables another ground and just start and use the crafting interface between two extra par systems West understand that I’m not

Understanding it to be honest bro sorry I I think I know what you’re saying but I y-you know they were working towards again in the world of home oh okay thank you Matt Michael now let’s see if this is working there yeah it’s working it’s working

So this vessel a little all over flow into these plays there in your map on Call of Duty yeah yeah serious what is it I don’t know I haven’t seen it but I know there’s a new map look [ __ ] do I not know this minecraft be nicely jab on boys leave

Without hideout is it like just a custom map they finally made their own new [ __ ] I think it’s terminal don’t you kids make the left one wait why the why oh why my thing has it made their own [ __ ] one time fix the top CERN is much easier

This doesn’t have any visitors playlist called I just looked that minecraft soundtrack that was called hideout apparently yeah it’s called hideout I think they made there I’m at finally okay it’s going on everything goes my chat is telling me it’s time I don’t know I guess I wasn’t muted and so I just

Copyright said yes wait sad copy I said come on yeah Alma didn’t sound like him but oh yeah okay I can do that no one’s confirmed yet so how are you Salman have more seeds I came back though right into your [ __ ] I only leave one spot open for this shower what do

You think I only leave one spot open make it one slot yeah I think so I think that’s know if you guys are down but I’m down to check out that new map didn’t I Ilia really what do you say me I said I want the are new goddamn maps to this

Sounds like some banjo kazooie [ __ ] it does it really does you never played that time I know take oh my god no [ __ ] way did those people this talking going I’m leaving to open the top star really yeah we really fit off a lot with this tower side thanks no bro

The whole I don’t know 21 by 21 makes it pretty tough to do it quickly though my work cut out for me making those this I [ __ ] love it Oh bro dude III didn’t think I would be this into model minecraft I didn’t think you would be

There and I didn’t think I would be yeah I wasn’t surprised I am happy you are those forearms I knew me and d20 would cuz we’re coming yeah BAM I thought so but I they’re they’re all thinking of when I can read minds and stuff you have enough restored

Probably I’m not gonna make it turn this room I hate to break it to you boys happens you know what is this against right so what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you say no [ __ ] Eddie no hildie for all right I don’t see any bounty farm using farm arms tower is

Coming to class pretty good here really holy [ __ ] you guys ready for show-and-tell then outro yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna gonna make I’m gonna make those dance plugs again okay and then D for you want to come under the tower for a little show-and-tell MIDI oh we have

30k in theorem yeah I thought we had four when we started I know we lost them in a well this doesn’t sound like a profitable problem a probable business yeah just didn’t think this through yeah can I get two minutes homeless oh I hardly know her yeah does this my back I’m

Haloing yeah it’s just for the for the brick hardly knows her that woman knows it round-robin pipe no I can make ten of these only [ __ ] well that’s how much essence we had look at this [ __ ] dude that’s nice head your map long yesterday what you

Read me do you mean what’s so good oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] nothing change table holy [ __ ] no problem it can’t look this thing you can make way more I know I I don’t overdo it though we got it we gotta make it up we’re gonna make it

Clean you know me finds exiting on d4 employee for complaints I’m coming back back back slam into Mary Mac Mac Mac had silver buttons buttons buttons all over her crack crack crack crash that goes that way but I’m just your mother’s correct anymore big fat crash I’ll get myself three ice

Cracking like sliced milk I knew it I pictured you 20 no how could I I do have something that I want to show off to you guys that you guys may enjoy at the end so remind me that I do have actually something other than that I

Don’t really have much yeah we figured you didn’t this is all so we can probably later like eventually where Michonne makes everything work right now make everything kind of getting any seeds are these [ __ ] [ __ ] talking all the seeds either what the [ __ ] oh ma gonna make my seat is taking [ __ ] legs

Good bro it looks [ __ ] good imagine when it has a tower buddy next to it look at this – why just waiting on the Mojang just waiting on that Mojang for our outro here old jangle imagine having cummings on your tower could not be me couldn’t be me

Either how do you how that happen does anything happen big city small nipple everybody remember the combo the wombo combo that huambo west of compost everyone loves it it looks like a sky block farm yeah oh yeah it kind of does ah mm this one’s gets me

You made it look nice man now I can go go through and uh yeah I’m excited too we’ll have a little connector to the towers with some elevated one so once we get some ender balls I should go but everyone demonstrator will fill with Imperium I know but I don’t there’s just

None there’s nothing like that arm planted some reason isn’t stachy they’re really [ __ ] weird maybe do like this any of you plant initial seeds taking that long before yes why I like to update oh okay yeah I’ll do all this after cuz I know Richard her person um

Where are we gonna put the accelerator blocks if we do get some of those side we can do the work focus on this we can focus on this bottom one first and then probably after this first like layer is completely finished I don’t think we would probably will need to anymore okay

We could but do we have 3.2 K already yeah give me that goddamn water bucket Sun water water all right meet us at a sigh nice snowy white dick tower okay and I’ve chance blocks for us don’t flush let’s go to [ __ ] ugly island island okay we got

Him maybe do this methodically because this could blow up this I’m a jet pack man I almost intercepted a good stick Population all these ugly blocks hmm are you for his rooster neckline you thank you good sir we got only got three yeah well that’s alright alright who’s going first I can make more but everyone step back this one’s explosive be cool be cool how do you know I don’t know why else would

Say give it to me unless he was trying to kill me but uh ender pearl bold bold blue I need that look the what does that do it’s for me yeah I’m gonna do two a two at a time yeah Boyd’s mints seems like sad has more than three I had four beautiful

Schedule Oh health boost I have argument that’s gotta be good yeah has to be [ __ ] nuts yeah look at this [ __ ] it’s Chinese listen he just dropped all his down we didn’t even care a chair glass still say diamond magic Winx oh because of the magic wood magic

Wood I’ll do my 300 so it’s kind of shitty yeah Oh God oh you got someone add him back here he got some warning [ __ ] grade can’t see your girl brain yeah here’s I might have the last two are right here the door that’s enough

Beside my chat is I got an iron dude hey this is for everybody’s dude a is it a like generalist term like do you call girls a lot of girls call their girlfriends dude no I I say I say it as a generalist term yeah okay the same

Thing with the guys okay make sure side wouldn’t you see a girl and she comes up to you you always say hey what’s up smiley face the [ __ ] say what’s up dude no no nobelium no yeah this is this is that this is that he doesn’t want to

Play I guess I need to allocate more Wham’s or something dude dedicated my man all right well go on top of sweeties first Oh what the [ __ ] kidding me what counter he launched okay let’s leave let’s leave then there’s a keeper by a chicken [ __ ] before [ __ ] that’s got Minecon ask how

Much dedicated Williams I need one thing yeah I have one more chance walk for each of us anaerobic number one aside what is a fortunate grade mean for the lame quarry [ __ ] refund storage I don’t exactly here by the sand and then put over here okay here’s one for you

Details about this to d4 worked tirelessly to build my [ __ ] what about it you’ve rebuilt it like 12 times it could be Oh bronzer Frank wouldn’t direct opera good yeah a good gig again kappa i hardly know uh get rid of this son [ __ ] i think yeah oh here we go

Here we go and one for speedy to an area-based come on get back already Jesus Christ yeah taking that let my pastor your shitty war station your girl sees it dog it’s got the quarry everybody down here Quarry living man just sick it’s enough there’s a bunk bed up here so we can do more activities holy [ __ ] looks really good on yours because you have you know you had the lights off or whatever oh yeah yeah it’s got a little oh but if

You go across you can see you better over here hey sweetie I have one more can the double butthole right right behind you ever gonna get okay yeah not opening here in case there’s something that explodes what happens when we Cory out this area over here do

You okay this looks sick if we got like a nice little circle here it’s great that’s what we’re calling it already that W if you want you can put like a whole system of bridges and [ __ ] in here exactly that would be kind of cool on

Everything we can have a bunch of houses down here and honestly we still need get rid of the lava and all that stuff cuz it looks garbage but yeah that takes a little bit time oh yeah one thing we could do is instead of getting rid of

Lava just cover up this entire hole for like uh this level or something you know I mean double bottle where we occupy alcohols oh [ __ ] oh yeah chance block chance block chance but rapper block it’s gonna be good it’s gonna be good – yeah no that’s just a

Testicular cancer cobble and it will generate a full generator generator yeah thing what’s gonna cool this looks like throw it in your throw it in your mouth you’re going in here for the looks okay I’ve just extended my Beach I’m still working on it my life’s a beach oh this

Is the way you need all this down for yeah I’m just extending this beach at my eventually so I have more beachfront property cuz it did it end like right here good you got a nice little feature here didn’t I just ring my bell Then also over here I have this and it’s only at 28% but if you’ll come over here you’ll see that we can start growing into balls oh yes elevator block wait till this they take a long time to grow but that’s what I picked up was a bulb

On that one and so no pineapple oh wow I gotta get some more stuff but like you put whatever thing that you want to plant so right here I put into Pearl down let me get one of these other I would like this plant camera hey way to

Go Matt Michael sorry there you go and eventually we’ll be able to plant some more of them sweet that’s all I got I like that d20 I like that going with my [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it grows super slow I wasn’t near water in it for forever I

Think it’s just a time thing I don’t know that it’s sped up by the water but anyway you make the vitalized seeds I think it they’re cold yeah oh my god and then you put them inside the enriched vitalize block so all right everybody on behalf of d20

Sidearms D for myself we’d like to thank you for watching this wonderful iteration of movement si MP with the crew and jizz Island so thanks for watching and we’ll catch you guys next time gonna [ __ ] yourself Oh focus

This video, titled ‘THE BIGGEST SERVER ON THE FARM | Ep 13 of Minecraft Modded SMP // Movement’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2020-03-28 23:00:06. It has garnered 9577 views and 332 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:40 or 6460 seconds.

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

SideArms4Reason – THE BIGGEST SERVER ON THE FARM | Ep 13 of Minecraft Modded SMP // Movement