silentwisperer – Minecraft Bedrock: Elite Guardian Farm Tutorial! Level 30 In 30 Seconds! 69,000 Items/Hour!

Video Information

Hello everyone sadly here and welcome back to under the Bedrock edition tutorial today I’ll be showing you how to build an elite level Guardian farm for Minecraft Bedrock Edition this is basically the best Guardian farm that I can come up with it is a fully featured

And fully customizable you can use it in any way that you want you can build it any size that you want it works on any world and it just has a ton of great features to it that’ll get into in a moment the key features are is that it

Produces an absolute ton of items and it produces a ton of experience as well it might look like this big a complicated mess of redstone but honestly it is a really really easy Farm to build once you get into it so bear with me this is

A hybrid Guardian farm so it comes with the two modes Overworld only where all the Luton experience is delivered directly to you and you can AFK for as long as you want this is ideal for servers and multiplayers Realms literally whatever you want to do or

Wherever you want to build it and then mode number two is the nether only mode this is the ultra a fast instant farm that gives you maximum rates and maximum experience this mode is best used for two players you can see the rates for the Overworld only mode on screen right

Now keep in mind it takes about 20 seconds for the first items and experience to reach the player due to a Bedrock Edition being how it is so technically you get level 30 within 40 seconds of running the farm this Farm also applies the Looting 3 effect to

Every Guardian that it kills so you get 51 900 items per hour if you don’t count any of the fish and if you do count the fish drops then you get nearly 70 000 items per hour using this Farm in Overworld only mode just a side note if

You smelt down all of the fish in a furnace it’s actually a really good food source and it’s great for some aside experience as well it’s one of the best things to smelt down for experience the nether only rates are very fast you get 200 Guardians and 25 to 30 seconds this

Is ideal if you have two players using the farm at one time one person AFK is in the Overworld and and the other person just rakes in the experience and the nether by killing them all if you’re doing this by yourself I would not recommend AFK for longer than like two

To three minutes because Guardians are extremely laggy when you have about a thousand of them using the nether only mode you can get to level 34 in about 30 seconds as you might know I have a couple other Guardian farm tutorials but this one is better than all of the other

Ones I specifically designed it to be so so let’s talk about a couple of the improvements over my previous designs and the other Guardian Farms that you might be looking at building this Guardian Farm can be turned completely off with the flick of one or two levers

So and it’s off State it’s completely lagless basically no Guardians can spawn in the top chamber or down below we completely remove the water sources that way there’s no Guardian sitting in the area or taking up the mob cap there’s three improvements to the Trident killer

On this design we are using a slower clock which kills the Guardians at the same exact speed but it causes less lag in your world it’s also an easy to access a trident killer so you can walk in here and pick up the tridents anytime you want to this is ideal for a

Multiplayer server and if these tridents also will not fall down because the tridents are not extended when the farm is off it is less likely that the tridents will fall into the cell or fall into the ocean below the farm we’re also using two tridents which increases the killing speed increasing our rates

However if you want to you can use it just a single Trident on that block and then just replace that with a piece of redstone and Bam you saved yourself you know 24 tridents unlike previous designs this Farm has super easy access to the water dispenser this is the water that

The Guardians will actually spawn and when the farm is on now if the game crashes while you’re using the farm or if you turn it on and off like 20 times a second then sometimes these cells can desync so that some are off and some are

On but it’s super easy to fix that with this design because you can just put a button around here the farm should never break like this unless there is somewhere weird circumstances but it is easy to fix if it does ever break when it’s in Overworld only mode all the

Guardians spawn and the other world and they’re immediately killed by the double or single Trident killer all the items and experience go into the water streams and they are directly delivered to the player at the AFK spot you don’t need to move or do anything at all besides hold

A looting three sword a mile change but previous designs had this Redstone line a block of lower so that you couldn’t actually you know walk through this area I decided to raise that up a block so now you can actually walk around your farm another mild change but we have

Pillars of blocks underneath every spawn spot so that we are forcing the Guardians to only spawn inside of the farm sometimes the Guardians would spawn underneath this platform and other designs and that would severely destroy your rates or just stop your farm from spawning Guardians entirely this Farm is

Designed for a simulation distance of four or above so that means that we’re not using the central spawning spot and we don’t have a cell right there because Mobs Can Only spawn defend 44 blocks to the player on a simulation distance of four if you want them to spawn in the

Very corners of the ocean Monument then the center spawning spot is not spawnable if you build it at this layer you could build a killing cell right here if you wanted to but it would need to be down below the water like six or seven blocks down and that’s optional

You can install that if you want it’ll increase your rates by 125th you can also build this Guardian Farm without the nether portals in case you don’t want to build another side farm and in fact the farm gets significantly cheaper and even easier to build if you don’t

Include the nether portals or the top Redstone line and Redstone you also don’t need to build the farm this large if you don’t want to this is a full-scale farm with 24 spawning spots however you could cut it down and just use nine spawning spots if you wanted to

It’d be significantly cheaper and easier to build that way and you wouldn’t need to invest as much time it also wouldn’t be as laggy and it’ll be much much quicker to build not much has really changed in the nether besides having three layers of lava instead of two and

This makes all of your Guardians a one-hit kill once you wait 30 seconds you’ll have a Kill Chamber full of 200 Guardians you can use a standard harming potion throw it right there and that’ll kill all 200 Guardians at once you’ll get all of the experience and all the

Items will go into storage for you if you have another player AFK in the Overworld as you can see you get a brand new flood of Guardians basically instantly and it’s so satisfying to listen to so yeah you can basically just stand here on a little timer that gives you a

Potion of every 30 seconds and Bam you get just thousands and thousands of experience in case there’s ever too much lag for you in the nether you can always press this button and that will kill all of your Guardians with a lava blade instantly and that’ll basically get rid

Of all of your lag for you you can also install a phantom Shield above your AFK spot that way you never need to worry about Phantoms while you’re using the farm and of course you can also bring the on and off switches for the farm up

To the AFK platform that way it’s super easy to use and let’s hop into the tutorial shall we for your convenience there is a full materials listed down in the description of the video and there’s a world download on my website so you can download

This world and check out the farm before building it in survival the first thing that you need to do is find yourself an ocean Monument you can pick pretty much any ocean Monument they’re all gonna work the same I would avoid one that’s in a cold biome so if there’s an iceberg

Above it just skip it you don’t want to mess with freezing water because that is just a pain to work around keep in mind that the direction that your ocean Monument is facing has no impact on anything whatsoever the direction of your ocean Monument does not matter so

Just completely ignore it if you’re playing on a simulation distance of four you can have your ocean Monument be next to Islands or land it doesn’t matter mobs won’t be able to spawn there however if you’re playing on a Sim distance of 6 or above you’re going to

Want to find an ocean monument that is surrounded by more water that way you don’t need to spawn proof any bits of land once you find a good Monument go to every corner of the ocean monument and go out by a block and pillar up with a

Pillar of sand all the way to the surface of the water and do that on all four sides and now we’re going to build up some walls between all of these pillars so it’s going to be going from the surface layer of the water down by

Three blocks so four and total and of course you need to fill in these walls between all of the pillars you can build this out of glass blocks or whatever else you want once all of your walls are in place we need to go on the inside corner and start installing the floor

The floor is going to be at this layer right here and you need to build this out of solid blocks you can use Cobblestone or stone pretty much anything that you want as long as it’s not slabs or anything like that that’s what it should look like once you have

The floor in place and now we need to start draining out this water so we’re going to build up some walls of sand on every fourth block all the way to the surface and then basically just build that along like so and then once you have these walls built up you can

Essentially just Spam down some sponges in here if you have rated your ocean Monument hopefully you’ll have a couple of sponges if not then you’ll need to go get some but yeah you basically just place them down in here on the corners and on the sides and that will remove

All the water fairly easily for you now that we have all this done we need to find our spawning spots there are only 25 spots and the entire Bedrock ocean Monument where Guardians will spawn and they spawn in a regular inconsistent pattern so grab yourself a locator map

And find your icon you can do that by spinning around if you face it towards the top of the map that is always going to be North so we’re going to go to the upper left corner of the farm which is the northwest corner once you’re at the

Northwest corner of your farm you need to grab yourself some counting blocks and some marking blocks so we’re gonna get three counting blocks and go in and buy three blocks from our corner right here and this block right here is going to be our first spawning spot so

Guardians will be able to spawn right here so once you have that marked out we need to go down to buy 10 so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then on the 11th block that is your next spawning spot and then we’re gonna

Go to the right by another 10 blocks so one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and then on the 11th is your next block so mark that out and then it’s good to know that all of these spawning spots are actually lined up

With another so they are in a grid however the grid is not evenly spaced so keep that in mind so we have four of our spawning spots marked out right here and on screen right now you can see the entire grid of the spawning spots so those numbers are the blocks in between

The spawning spaces sofa says 10 that is 10 blocks in between the spotting spots hopefully this makes sense to you you need to Mark out all of these in your Minecraft world and this is pretty much what your grid should look like once you have it finished make sure that all of

It is counted out correctly and double triple check everything if you mess this part up it’s going to cause you a lot of issues later on down the line you can go ahead and remove all of your counting blocks we just need to keep all the

Marker blocks in place that way we know exactly where our spawn spots are now I would recommend going underneath each one of your spawning spots and digging all the way down through the ocean Monument until you hit the stone or whatever and just filling that in with a

Column of solid blocks this way no Guardians can spawn underneath your platform and they can never give you any issues with the farm going forwards so do that for all 25 spots you can use any block that you like keep in mind that everything I do with this Farm I’m gonna

Be facing north that is our default direction is north so just keep that in mind for the rest of the video and of course that is facing the top of the locator map so the first thing that we’re going to do is install all of our water streams that these will deliver

All the items and experience to the player and we’re gonna start at the very middle of the farm and bring this a little marker block down into the platform go over by two blocks and then you want to break out four blocks right here and install packed ice underneath

All of that on the fifth block you want a piece of Soul Sand underneath that one and this is going to be the bubble column that goes up to your AFK spot we’re going to be using a lot of packed ice in this build you can use blue ice

If you want but it’s completely pointless so don’t bother for the main north-south water stream we’re gonna break out all of these solid blocks right here until there’s only two blocks left on the North and then do that ex same exact thing on the southern side break all these out until there’s only

Two left and then just install a layer of a packed ice right here and this goes all the way towards the top of the build so that is the main north south water stream installed go back to your central point and we need to go to the north by

Five blocks so one two three four five break this out and we’re gonna build an ice stream going in this direction by 25 blocks starting right here on block number one and then we need another eye streaming going in this direction by 17 blocks starting right here on block

Number one so break out all these blocks and get both of those installed and that is your main East West Waterway installed and now for the secondary North South Water streams we’re going to go over to this side of the farm and basically break out this entire line of

Blocks or two of the north until it is lined up with the first line the blocks that we broke out of course to fill in your entire you know packed ice Waterway until it reaches to that point and then break out all of these blocks going to

This edge of the farm until it’s lined up with that water stream fill in your packed ice and then do the same exact thing on this side as well break out all of these blocks until it’s lined up with that one fill in your packed ice and

Then do it on this Edge over here as well and that is all of your eye streams installed these water streams are going to be taking the items and experience of from your killing cells and delivering them to the AFK player now keep in mind that there are two different types of

Killing cells in this Farm there is the orange right-handed cells which send out the items to the right and then there is the green left-handed cells which send out the items to the left we do this kind of design that way it cuts down on the amount of water streams and the

Amount of redstone and a lag that you need in your farm so all the blocks that have marked out and orange are going to be right-handed and all of the ones I’ve marked out in green are going to be left-handed in total you need 14 of the

Right hand cells and 10 of the left hand cells so it might be worth memorizing how to build these definitely pay attention for the next couple minutes of the tutorial because if you build one of these wrong chances are you’re going to build all of them wrong so just make

Sure you do it right the first time around to build the right hand cell design you need to go to your spawning spot and face North we’re going to install another portal at this location right here so three obsidian up on either side and then the obsidian roof

On top of it the top of your nether portal should be lined up with the top of your wall or the ocean level directly underneath your spawning spot we’re going to break out all the blocks going until we hit the water stream fill in all of the packed ice in these areas and

Then on the third block you want to put in an iron trap door or any other type of trapdoor turn around and place in a dispenser facing forwards skip a block to the left and place it server facing into that block and now we need to go down and place an observer facing

Upwards like cell fill in that piece of packed ice right there we now need ourselves a solid block right there with a redstone torch on it a piece of glass right there and right there and then two pieces of redstone dust going up grab yourself a couple of slabs and bring

Those across right here you want a repeater right here on one tick a piece of redstone dust a solid block two Redstone torches right there a solid block on that one and on that one and then a repeater right here on two ticks and that should create the clock for

Your Trident killer to turn that off we’re gonna place in a temporary lever right here just so it’s not activating as you’re building the rest of the farm now we want two pieces of glass to either side of that spawning block like cell placing a sticky piston to the left

Right there and upper slab right there and then two pieces of glass below that piston turn around and we want two regular Pistons right here a solid block right there and then a piece of redstone dust like so we’re gonna go ahead and light is this nether portal remove your

Marker block right here and place in a piece of water we’re then going to go ahead and put in a solid block right there and then we want a solid block behind that piston a solid block up and then another solid block right here we’re going to place in a temporary

Lever next to the repeater and power that that way no Guardians go to the nether as you’re building the rest of the farm so that is the entirety of your right side cell you need to build these at every location that I’ve marked with an orange block and this is pretty much

What it should look like once you have all of your right hand cells installed you’ll notice during the build process of that not all these cells are lined up as you might expect with the water streams and that is because again this grid of spawning spaces is not perfectly

Spaced it destroys OCD and it’s kind of annoying that it’s not equally spaced but it is what it is so you can kind of see how I’ve built that so far just make sure that uh everything is about as I’ve shown it sure it’s all lined up with one

Another and it makes sure that all the cells are oriented correctly and you shouldn’t have any problems to build your left hand cells we’re going to pick a left hand spawning spot and go behind it and install the nether portal there’s gonna be three obsidian up on either

Side and the top of this nether portal should be lined up with your wall or with the ocean level directly underneath of the spawning spot we’re going to break out all the blocks going to the left until we hit the water stream install packed ice in all of these areas

And then on the third block install an iron trap door or any other trapdoor turn around and we’re going to install a dispenser right here skip a block to the right and place an observer facing towards that block break out this block right here and then place an observer

Facing upwards like so patch up that hole in the ground and place in a solid block right here a redstone torch above that Observer a piece of glass two pieces of redstone right here now we’re going to place in two upper slabs right here a repeater on one tick a piece of

Redstone Dust right there and then a solid block right there with redstone torches on either side of it place in a solid block above that one and a solid block above there a repeater right here on two ticks and that should start clocking we’re gonna go down here and

Place in a piece of glass above our water stream and then a temporary lever on that just to turn it off now place a piece of glass to either side of the spawning spot and then on this side we’re gonna place in a sticky piston facing towards the right with an upper

Slab in front of it place in yourself with two pieces of glass directly underneath of that sticky piston and now turn around and you want to have yourself in it two irregular Pistons right here place in yourself a solid block on that one and a piece of

Redstone dust on that one like so and now we’re gonna go ahead and light this nether portal break out your little marker block right there and replace that with a piece of water put in a solid block above that and then where you want ourselves a solid block right

Here a solid block going up and then I saw a block above that piece of redstone grab yourself another temporary lever and power that sticky piston that way nothing spawns as you’re building the farm and you don’t flood your nether with the Guardians so that is the left

Hand killing a cell you need to build a 10 of these in total at every location I’ve marked with a green block and this is what the farm should look like once you have all the left hand and right hand cells installed as you might have noticed the left hand cells are not

Perfectly lined up with the water streams again it is a unevenly spaced grid of spawning spaces so as you can see you don’t really need to do much special just build them in place and make sure they are lined up with every other cell in the grid and you’ll be

Good to go more or less now it’s time to install all the water streams to push all of our items to the center of the farm so we’re going to start at the very center of the farm and work our way out so we’re going to start at this block

Right here go with three blocks or two of the left of it and place in a button and then three blocks to the right of it and place in a button and then then one more button right there in front of that Soul Sand place in a water source and

This little Nook right here one in front of that button and one in front of that button and that should push all the items that you throw in here directly into this Soul Sand and that’ll take it up to the AFK spot the water streams are basically the same for the entirety of

The farm so walk you through some of it and then you should be able to figure out the rest so starting at the southern two of cells right here we’re gonna place in a water source next to that trapdoor or let that flow all the way

And then place in a button right here place in a water source right there and a water source in front of that trapdoor and that’s going to keep on flowing all the way until you know it reaches this area put a button right there one more water source and that’s the entire South

Side connected for the northern section we’re gonna go all the way to the far end over here place in a water source right there let that flow to the end place in a button skip two blocks water source there and water source there let that flow all the way button right there

And a button right there and then a water source right there for this middle intersection you want to skip three blocks to the left and then a button and then do the same thing on the other side as well and then place in your water source there and your water source there

And that’ll flush everything to the middle nice and neat and this is what the water streams are for the middle part of the farm look like when it comes to making these water streams you want to make sure there’s no parts of where it flows backwards or where there is

Water that stands still if you have any sections where the water isn’t moving or its standing is still then you’re gonna have a massive buildup of items and experience and that’s going to get very laggy so just watch out for that otherwise you can’t really mess up these

Water streams this is what the water streams are for the left side of the farm should look like and this is what the water streams are for the right side of the farm should look like as well that’s the majority of the water streams done and now you just need to connect

Together the three sections and you probably guessed how to do that nothing too exciting just basic old water streams you can’t really go wrong so if yours looks slightly different from mine that’s fine and this is how I set up all of my water streams and so deliver all

The items to the very center of the farm for you now that you have all the water streams installed you need to go around basically all of them and cover up every piece of water with a piece of glass it doesn’t need to be glass you could use

Solid blocks if you wanted to however it’s nice to have glass so that way you can see the items in experience in there and identify any problems that might exist and of course you also need to place glass in these areas of your cells as well connect that up with the two

Pieces of glass that are in front of your Pistons so every bit of all the waterways should be covered in glass once you’ve covered all the water streams and glass we’re going to go to the very center of the farm over here and we’re going to skip three blocks on

This a fourth block right here place in a lever this is going to be the central PowerPoint for the entirety of the farm so from here just grab yourself a redstone line and run it as far as you can until it runs out of signal and then you can basically start removing these

Temporary levers along the way so you should get it to about here as you can see this is the dead Redstone signal and that’s not powered anymore so place a block there a repeater on the other side of it and then it’s all a block right

There and then just continue on so that is the South Side powered for the north side it’s going to be a slightly different we’re going to run this along until we reach the kind of cross section here and then we’re gonna put a solid block right in the middle of that cross

Section and then repeat her powering it like so and then continue this as far as you can towards the end over here until it runs out of signal once that happens put in your two solid blocks and your repeater and then it just keep on running that into the cell so using this

Basic methodology you can run Redstone above all of your glass so throughout the entirety of the farm whenever you get to a three-way intersection put a block in the middle and that’s basically all there is to it now for this one we need another repeating section right

Here and that’s fine so yeah just do the same little methodology going all throughout the farm and make sure that all of your lower Trident Killers get power forward so for the left side over here what you would do is just run this up replace that lever and then you just

Place a piece of redstone dust going down right there as well to connect that up it goes on the floor it looks a little bit weird but it’s fine don’t worry about it now when the Redstone runs out of central strength it should be lined up with the original repeating

Section that we put in the middle and that gives the farm a little bit of symmetry and just kind of tells you that you’re on the right track with this Redstone line and that is the upper left section of the farm done so that should

Be all you need to know to wire up the rest of the farm really it’s super straightforward and this is what your Redstone line should look like once you have the entire lower section of the farm powered it is just a redstone line you can’t really mess it up so if it

Looks slightly different don’t worry about it as long as it Powers everything and turns off all the Trident Killers you’re good to go so now that it’s all powered we’re gonna go ahead and unflick this lever and I would recommend checking every single one of your cells

They should all be turned on now and if you just look at them and the redstone’s flashing then you know it works and it looks like every cell in our farm is properly functioning so that is good we can go ahead and turn off the entire

Farm with this lever now we need to build this exact Redstone line but just a couple blocks higher opposite so we’re going to place the two blocks above that lever and this Redstone line is going to be built out of lower half slabs so it’s basically going to be exactly the same

As our lower Redstone line it’s going to be going through all of these same places so run this all the way along and then we’re gonna have our lever right here and the middle run your Redstone line exactly in the same places and then you need repeating stations in the same

Exact places as well and that should all be lined up so anywhere that you have a water stream with red sun above it you also need to run the slab line I would highly recommend building it at this height that way you can actually like walk through here because it’s super

Convenient to be able to walk through it and then once you get to these cells you basically just need to have a solid block and then that is going to be running down into the piston and that piston in needs to be powered in order

For the Guardians to not spawn so if we flick this lever as you can see that is going to extend there and then we can run this into the next one over here and that is all there is to it basically if your Redstone looks like this and your

Upper Redstone line is canoodling with your lower Redstone line all you need to do is place a block right here and that will separate those two Redstone lines and this is what the upper Redstone line is should look like when it’s installed again it’s just a redstone line it

Doesn’t need to be built exactly as I’ve shown it here but you absolutely need to make sure that every single one of the top pistons is powered if these top pistons are not powered then you’re gonna have a flood of Guardians in your nether so make sure that they are

Powered and now to build the AFK spot we’re going to go to the very center spawning spot of the farm and a pillar all the way up to Y level 81. so this is why level 81 and this is going to be the AFK spot for your entire build we’re now

Going to build a bubble column going up to this level so just build up a glass on all four sides of this all the way up to Y level 81 and then of course fill that up with water so make sure there’s a water source at every level of this

Bubble column otherwise it of course will not work and you can also go ahead and remove this entire pillar of blocks that you use to get up there to build a temporary storage system extend your AFK platform over to the bubble column and extend your bubble column up by a block

We’re going to install two double chests right here that are side by side a whole line of Hoppers going into the back of them on the top of them and then into the back of those Hoppers that is going to be four times the loading speed for

Each of those double chests go ahead and get another line of glass blocks right here to the left and to the right one extra block right here of a button on it and then one additional block right here above that and place in one final water

Source that is going to push all the items into your storage system this will fill up in less than 10 minutes like completely full and all the experience will be delivered to the player right here now put a tiny little roof above love of this ability just directly above

The AFK platform this way no Phantoms spawn so it needs to be built out of solid blocks and then you want some slabs on top of that that way nothing spawns on top of there and that will prevent you from getting Phantoms in your farm if you want to install an on

Off switch at the AFK platform all you need to do is extend it to the right a little bit and then we install a couple of levers on some blocks and then there is a sticky piston underneath them 11 slime blocks down from there a redstone block and then another sticky piston and

Of course one of these goes to the top Redstone line and one of these goes to the bottom Redstone line so what happens is anytime you flick this lever that’s going to turn on your Overworld Trident Killers as you can see and then anytime you flick at this lever that is going to

Turn on the nether killing part of the farm and of course that’ll also turn on the Redstone lamps which are optional and now it’s time to build the nether part of the farm so go to the very center spawning spot of your entire farm and get your coordinates you need to

Divide these coordinates by 8 and then build another portal at that location in the nether if you don’t know how to link another portals check out the tutorial in the upper right you can install your nether portal at any height that you want to in the nether just make sure you

Got like 20 or so blocks underneath of it to work with on the back side of the portal you need to put a wall that way another Guardian spill out of that side because that would be a bad thing on the front side of it you need to build a 2×2

Of glass blocks going down to 14 blocks counting from the bottom layer of the portal this is one two three and then all the way down to 14. at the bottom here you’re going to install some lower slabs at the top of the tube you need to

Put some signs down at the fourth layer and then we need three layers of lava above this so one lava source in the corner one lava source in that corner and you are good to go box Ascent with a three tall wall on all sides and then

Put a roof on top of it as well now for some simple storage down here at the bottom come to the left side and install a double chest right here Hoppers into the back of it Hoppers into the top of it and Hoppers into those Hoppers right

There and then do the same thing on the other side as well once you have both your double chests installed you now want to build yourself a little walk away running up to this thing we’re going to place in two more Hoppers right here break out these two glass blocks

Put in two trap doors right there and then we want ourselves two more trap doors in these locations and a couple of redstone blocks above them I would recommend using iron trapdoors so that way you can’t flick of these manually and especially for these top ones that

Way the Guardians never Escape if you use regular trap doors you’re gonna have a bad time you need to stand about three blocks away right between these two blocks aim directly underneath those iron trap doors and then when you throw your potions that’ll ran right in the

Middle of the Kill Chamber and kill all the Guardians in one hit you only need level 1 harming potions you do not need level two and I would highly recommend breaking out this block putting in a dispenser and then a lava bucket that way you have an emergency kill switch in

Case there are too many Guardians that’s the entire another Kill Chamber I would highly recommend that you upgrade the storage system because you’re going to be getting a lot of items especially if you do this with two players now for the final touches in the Overworld you want

To go around to each one of the kill Chambers and throw in an impaling three Trident and paling 3 is going to kill the Guardians and two hits you can use impaling three four or five it doesn’t matter but you need at least impaling three in order to get the best rates and

You can get a lot of impaling books from librarian villagers so you want to throw one in right there and another one in right there two tridents is the optimal way of using the farm but if you feel like only using one Trident it’s an easy modification remove that piston remove

That block and then put a block and Redstone Dust right there using one Trident will make the farm produce less experience and less drops also put a water bucket inside of this dispenser right here and maybe put a button next to it for manually resetting the farm if

You have any questions comments or concerns then of course let me know the comment section down below I’m always trying to help you guys out as best as I possibly can if you enjoyed today’s video then drop a like as it helps out the video on the channel a ton and if

You’re new here then maybe subscribe so you don’t miss future ones thank you all so very much for 500 000 I’ll see you guys down in the comment section and in the next one and then there was silence

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock: Elite Guardian Farm Tutorial! Level 30 In 30 Seconds! 69,000 Items/Hour!’, was uploaded by silentwisperer on 2022-08-06 19:15:00. It has garnered 268797 views and 7115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:50 or 1970 seconds.

NEW Minecraft Bedrock Edition Tutorial! This elite guardian farm produces insane amounts of items and EXP! You get 30 levels in 30 seconds and up to 69,000 items/hour! It works on any world, solo or multiplayer use, overworld only, or nether only, and have some good upgrades from other guardian farm designs! If you enjoyed this mcpe tutorial drop a like or maybe subscribe 😀

Build this farm in survival? Send me a picture and tell me how it went on Twitter! 😀 ►

-Latest video! How To EASILY Upgrade Your RAID FARM In Minecraft Bedrock Edition! Bad Omen Farm. MCPE Xbox PC

Minecraft Bedrock: 24 STACKED AFK RAID FARM! 20,000 Emeralds/Hr!

How do trident killers work? Simple 2×2 Trident Killer!–AyM_6M

Improved DROWNED & TRIDENT Farm! 1,100+ Drowns/Hour Tutorial!

Minecraft Bedrock: How To Link Nether Portals PROPERLY + Tips And Tricks

Simple item sorts: More advanced item sorters:

Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials! Full playlist!

World download: “Elite Guardian Farm”

0:00 Farm Overview & Rates! 2:18 Guardian Farm Features / Upgrades! 7:07 Tutorial Start! 11:46 Tutorial: Ice Streams 14:56 Tutorial: Right Cell Design 17:39 Tutorial: Left Cell Design 20:16 Tutorial: Water Installation 22:35 Tutorial: Redstone Lines 27:27 Tutorial: Afk Spot 29:22 Tutorial: Nether Kill Chamber 31:39 Tutorial: Final Details

Become a member of The Silence! Join our discord, check out twitch, or visit my twitter. No matter where you go, you will find an active and loving community =) Tweets: ► Community: ► Live streams: ► Bonus Content: ► Second Channel: ► Website: ►

Consider supporting the channel on Patreon or becoming a channel member! Get rewards such as whitelisting on our Minecraft Bedrock/java servers, spoilers & so much more! ► ►

Get 30% off Minecraft Servers with Nodecraft! Nodecraft allows you to host 30+ games per server, and swap between them seamlessly! Nodecraft servers are extremely easy to setup, and they have amazing customer support! Signing up with Nodecraft will also support the channel! ►

Materials list: Moderately expensive See useful links above for more information and other helpful farms:)

Main Farm: 2942 solid blocks (farm floor) (45 stacks & 62) 928 blocks (farm walls) (14 stacks & 32) 512 redstone (8 stacks) 415 glass (5 stacks & 31) 312 solid blocks (4 stacks & 56) 326 packed ice (5 stacks & 6) 275 slabs (4 stacks & 19) 240 obsidian (3 stacks & 48) 74 repeaters (1 stack & 10) 74 redstone torches (1 stack & 10) 48 pistons 48 observers 48 tridents (with impaling 3 or above). Could be 24 if you use single trident cells 48 levers (temporary) 34 buttons 28 slime blocks 28 sticky pistons 24 dispensers 24 water buckets 24 buttons (optional) 24 trapdoors 4 redstone blocks 2 levers 2 redstone lamps (optional) 1 soul sand Locator map Looting 3 sword Sponges & Sand Extra blocks, hoppers, chests and water for afk platform. Extra blocks for pillars under every spawn spot

Nether kill chamber: 131 blocks (2 stacks & 3) 14 hoppers 10 obsidian 4 slabs 4 chests 4 signs 4 iron trapdoors 2 lava 2 redstone blocks 1 button 1 lava bucket 1 dispenser

Music by Argofox:

#Minecraft #BedrockEdition #tutorial PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down 😉

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

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  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

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  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

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  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

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  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

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  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

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  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

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  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

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  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

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  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

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  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

silentwisperer – Minecraft Bedrock: Elite Guardian Farm Tutorial! Level 30 In 30 Seconds! 69,000 Items/Hour!