Video Information

We’re live hello yeah no Countdown Just live hi I have one there is no waiting screen there is no Lo-Fi we’re just we’re just here hi everyone welcome to episode one of season one of the silver SMP Round of Applause episode this is history in the making yeah

Forget about all the other SMP stuff we’ve done in the past that could be considered a silver SMP stuff but you know this is for real this is it this is the hit with we’ve retconned everything no one’s saying hi to me in chat hi Cisco bionic High Cisco on Blaze wow

You guys always you guys always say hi to me but now you’re not yeah I mean that’s how the cookies hey Sam wise how you doing I mean that’s how the cookie crumbles you know [ __ ] hi guys hi hello hi everyone anyways yeah I’m for those that don’t

Know I’m still working on permissions and stuff like that so the server should launch by the weekend because all it goes according to plan yeah so yeah but as of right now it’s just gonna be Cisco starting or less obviously us VIPs yeah yay we uh

Oh there you are and this is this spawn area very fancy very fancy oh it worked very hard all good stuff all good stuff let’s start let’s start yo remember yo big dubs big biggity biggity big dubs thank you so we got a slash spawn in place nice nice that’s what we like

That’s what we like I have a gold ingot somehow already I don’t know where that came from oh where did all that stuff come from Wow crazy what the gold the the eye in England I mean yeah I I don’t I don’t know but I’ll take it

I don’t know I think you should do slash clear to clear your inventory no it’s fine this is the law three months thank you bendy so kind I appreciate you I lost my shovel in the process but sure I’ll make a nice little uh iron uh shovel

For those wondering you guys will be able to join next week what happened oh yeah so you’re not supposed to have items starting off so that’s something well like the show will work yeah oh damn damn okay by all means since we’re in beta go for it it’s okay we can uh

Before no no okay no I don’t know I don’t even become a member uh press the join button next to the Subscribe button yeah yeah uh yeah be be one of the lucky people to to have the memberships on and uh hope to God someone gifts at some point

But that’s not something you should completely bet on all the time as I’ve seen people do and uh and yeah uh rip Cisco I haven’t even died yet I didn’t even do anything yet why I’ve not even I’ve not even begun my Pokemon Journey Mexican yo yo yay otherwise not that person dust

Oh well better looks next time yes the tree yeah tree captivated is here as well as vein Miner dietary oh yes oh my my entire ax just went after just one tree what the oh my God what I think I gotta fix that no no no no no

It’s fine don’t worry this is this is great I like this this is great oh you know why because the tree because of the uh it was the leaves are connected to each tree so it considered it one well then yeah guys what a day’s work this was oh so much

Oh I have so much wood too how much do you have number gone I’m sure about my wood oh God I don’t know math you can’t count how many stacks you have three four well that’s one two three four of just the logs all right just give me a second

To collect that PIN well we got one two three well done holy Shin it never ends holy [ __ ] I’ve decapitated a whole Forest dude no no no he’s gonna you can never have too much wood it’s fine I love this it’s okay see I don’t I don’t want everyone

To have this kind of power when the server goes public because it’ll just break the whole server throat that wasn’t supposed to happen you’re just supposed to cut one tree so I did have I did cut one tree it just it was just a big tree it was big tree

Yeah it was a big tree so I have one I have one two three four basically five stacks Landscaping easy yeah oh when you find ore to get vein Miner to work make sure you hold shift to all mining hopefully mines every single diamond in the vicinity

Oh okay including the whole cave the whole cave oh I work oh can you imagine if I made it was uh including Stone oh yeah oh yes I can see it now an entire cave disappearing okay I think we I I think we get about it

I get it bionic geez God you have to rub it in you’re the mine my God self-conscious holy crap I mean this is there you go let me get some more wood what the [ __ ] oh I forgot I forgot wooden axes are useless basically because you got admin Powers

You have access to like world edit I only got six apples out of all that by the way like come on I only got three like come on like now you’re just taking the piss probably also got dragged in with the decapitating no all right

I knew I saw you there I saw the swirlies nope I understand what’s happening there we go wait wait that’s where my [ __ ] boat went there you go here’s her boat back it could be a little trolling hey yo Dave is already griefing already

On my s p no no no not on my Christian SMP server he makes it I’m the investor I walk so the s p could run yeah he quite literally is the goddess of the SUV in in that in that case then I can remove my credit card then and see if it

Still runs wow see see if uh see if the server can run without the investment and funding which by the way guys thanks to you guys we can have this SMP because you guys fund it yeah yeah also hello chat there’s just a whole lot of nothing out here

There’s so many trees well probably on your end there’s no trees because you’ve stole all of them no no oh of course you did of course you did oh I’m just getting as much wood as I can before Davis has had enough run away I’m good again self-conscious look at it no

What’s funny is that um if like a normal player would join like they won’t see it by invisible particles or like I’d be completely invisible for them just because we’re all off you can still see my particles hmm also watch watch hi Behind the Walls let’s see Cisco where are you

Okay I don’t tell you you’re just gonna take my wooden way watch us remember this does this ring about no no no no no no no no no I got wood I’ve got wood aboard no no no no no they’re gonna go right into it turn around no

Do you got chat do you guys remember that remember what happened last time when I was doing that no I want you to do that no leave my wood alone just jealous of my wood I ain’t jealous of your wood you’re just jealous you just want my wood and no vanilla

This is what my wood well I don’t want your wood just like I don’t want your bananas okay but okay the wood I I understand put the bananas like come on like come but it’s bananas dough bananas I can’t believe bananas are in Minecraft they’re only part of the mod

Yeah like uh what’s called the crop Topia month yeah I love that mod I love that mod too Yeah yeah but I’m still not gonna take any bananas from you oh okay you told me a thunderbolt to lightning yeah it was worth it Miller I did it once and I’ll do it again give Gannon your banana he wants it God yes all right see again and once your bananas let’s go

Intolerant oh I said calcium potassium I do that calcium you need some milk sweet sweet milk fridge milk a banana exists I want some banana milkies no do you want my band you want my banana milk yes banana milk I found Village I found Village um I recommend that you guys if you guys start making a house like go far away [ __ ] I can make a whole Woodland Mansion at this point and then once you guys find the spot let me claim it so people who stumble upon it won’t start grieving

Which is a good out of the way I found cherry blossom of course are you dead pretty nice all right if you do not have any Maybe okay let’s get rid of the let’s get rid of the this is weird there are three biomes in one area

That is uh cherry blossom snow and the freaking uh what do you call the orange wood acacia all three biomes in one like in one area like small cylinders try and Define somewhere to go no go away mini zombie I don’t want your milk and cookies Zombies give milk and cookies uh uh okay oh I’m x-raying no JK I wasn’t wow I’m sorry oh yeah guys I’m trying to plug in an anti-x-ray plug-in so yay if you silly Billy’s think you’re smart and choose the X-ray uh you will get banned automatically I don’t even have to hear y’all’s

[ __ ] yeah if you if there’s gonna be x-ray detection if you guys use it or use a texture pack you will get banned so y’all can hear guys so y’all can leave me the [ __ ] alone about it and not blow people’s houses just have fun build a house make some friends

And play the game live your life honestly honestly yeah all right it’s time to make Lisa or Spyro says Blaze Can I some of banana milk in my cup I huh what I have no idea [ __ ] well you you heard the man playing let me read it again Blaze Can I some of

Banana milk in My Cup that’s still still that doesn’t make anything better yeah blazes banana milk in your cup that’s gross that is gross that is disgusting old enough to be your grandmother’s grandmother what Love YouTube uh purplezilla thank you blood once fresh cat ew I hate that um

When the stream’s over you should just tattle this banana milk silver recipe part one uh can we see you chat yes I can see you again yeah I’m reading everything yeah we’re watching you all of your banana milks no banana okay thank you banana milkshake yeah that’s good ew

You do I do mostly because they make me sick have you ever tried a strawberry and banana smoothie oh yeah all the time I can handle smoothies just not good with milkshakes yeah all right I’m I think my volume is like me and again and both have really well

Muted or I muted the Stream okay I can make it bigger is that big is that better oh audio was I found goats that better it’s a little better is it better or not yeah it’s better even though I didn’t notice anything because I haven’t muted I’m trying to listen all right

Yeah it sounds good okay yeah yeah guys I found ghosts I found goats wow you’re so they’re going man they’re going man yeah is that what a ghost sounds like oh look I found the perfect if I was playing the s p religiously I found the best spot in the game

So if anybody wants to TP I mean you kind of you kind of should this is this is good here why would I tp2 because this area is epic sell it to me come on okay so you we there’s a couple sheep it’s High Ground so you’re above everyone and everything

Uh there’s goats next to you there’s a big old Lake uh there’s The Acacia biome right across as well as in Acacia Village and there’s a lot of open space for like your own civilization do what I do like building Lakeside houses yeah you have open space for farms for houses

Hmm so just a normal planes by here no I’ll show my screen how about that uh I can’t uh no don’t you dash that screen oh right right I’ll take a screenshot yeah I’ll see on my phone there we go see this is the downside of screen sharing

Yeah I don’t know what’s up with the picture on the normal thing what I don’t know what’s up with like the quality of the picture on the normal thing yeah looks like [ __ ] I know looks like garbage you’re garbage oh yeah okay well I’ve been here before

Because there’s a lot of uh empty space you know all right uh sent all right oh I see I like Forest though yeah but it’s nice it’s all right I’ve just been sailing it in a circle um yeah what the [ __ ] you doing over there who you go away

Oh me yeah where are you get out of here I don’t want you over here okay bye let’s go for another right easy okay there’s an ocean biome hey look look at me dude look I gotta pull another right hey God damn that’s cool yeah good for you yeah

You wish you had for another right oh what’s this shipwreck all right I’ll let you do because I just wanted to it’s my ship break leave me alone it’s mine it’s my [ __ ] right I feel like I just haven’t exploring like anything you haven’t explored [ __ ] I haven’t

Hey hey biotic look I got a full nether right look at this yeah yeah [Applause] Bryson oh GG big dubs big dubs you know when I think about your another rate what what do you think about my nuts all right well that’s that’s about it hmm

I can’t believe I’m having to throw some of this wood out that’s okay I got first to death on the s p how’s your dog my dog is doing good he’s napping I wonder hey doobie napping he’d do be napping oh you need some food

You got so many trees and you didn’t get any apples what should I sacrifice you know what we could sacrifice the birch logs we don’t need them we don’t know we don’t need those stinky ass logs right that’s sad what my friend that I’m pet sitting for next week

Um her mother-in-law decided to take the dog to her house so I won’t have the dog and I’m like oh I wanted snoods I was expecting much more I was expecting much worse news I’m gonna be honest with you me too I’m like oh no are you setting up what I think

You’re setting up no nice oh you know the dog that was gonna take off yeah no I’m just sad that the mother-in-law is taking snoods instead so I won’t see her okay yeah her actual name is Daisy but they call her snoods thankfully you temporarily won’t see snoods but I have those gordoso

Uh you have two cats two I get to watch Two Fat Cats okay that’s close enough oh so fat pH fat fat ones well only one of them the other one’s pretty skinny it’s almost skinny because the fat one probably eats everything and does it share with another one

Maybe although one of them is actually named princess pudge I think you can tell which one is that’s so funny oh my God I’m crying they’re my they’re my uh they’re my God babies I found another cherry blossom so something God forbid would happen to my friend and her husband the aminals are

Mine all right let’s see princess do you want to go to uh this biome or this cherry blossom where do you want to find your own I’m sending you kind of want to see the cherry blossom okay here’s what it looks like don’t TP to me now because I’m in the air hmm

Oh that’s pretty um high elevation too it’s a lot of Hills though yeah I’m lazy too many Hills there’s too many Hills for my fat ass even in game yeah I I what I like to do is I like to start making a base at like an already

Very flat elevation same if I can yeah I could just work off of that but if there’s like too many Hills or it’s just it’s not consistent I’m just like yeah there you go you guys have sent you a picture of Princess pledge that’s nice

That’s a fat cat yeah that is a fat one that’s fudge that’s a fat cat yeah that cat is fat chubby cat he’s chubby but at least she’s not like unhealthy chubby yeah there’s a cat realize how fat the cat is oh I’m sure with them calling her

Punch constantly I’m sure she yeah she looks kind of pissed off of that picture like a lie no she’s chill she’s actually one of the chillest cats I know I mean how can you not be chill without weight like we’re gonna do I’m just blowing the cat now like what

Are you gonna do foreign struggled to roll out back wow you’re so mean to her yeah this is snoods don’t be too mean to don’t be too mean to her you’ll raise her blood pressure had the diabetes kicking in oh look not more than what the cat already has probably probably not

That’s okay I bullied my dog too my dog is fat my dog we’re not fat like as in can barely walk just like very chunky so I just like to bully him no he’s like the sweetest dog in the world so that one just snooze and then there’s

One more and the other cat is Oreo because he [ __ ] eats Oreos all day the fat bastard let me guess because he’s black and white yeah okay my neighbor uh has a cat named Oreo literally the same cat yeah he’s a skinny little baby yeah is this the public sap or private one

Right now it’s private but it will come public when it’s ready yeah the other the dog’s name is Daisy but they call her snoods and I call her snoots because I like the name snoots oh hey look a [ __ ] I may have found my new house I have temporary base I am base

The RBS basic true busy [ __ ] basic [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] there’s a compass in here neat hmm I’m still gonna stay overnight at her house so even though I don’t have to worry about the dog but I want I want to keep the babies company while their parents aren’t around

Alex video says Cisco’s home is going to be the biggest since the White House oh God hmm I wouldn’t be surprised hmm time to get to work oh I’m gonna cook some food Alex against his bionic is your house gonna blow up again like in the prologue God I hope not

What a tragic prologue yeah oh Yeah they are when it comes to their pets they call me Auntie Melissa already so like my friends do not very nice friends yeah no it’s fine they’re saying I’m not on teacher there to their animals Oh I thought you said auntie Is that a language barrier we just had maybe yeah I think so a Language Fair here oh no okay okay that’s racist slash bam guacamole wow Honestly though I I rate that uh I give that full racism’s out of 10. I rate you a little [ __ ] I’m verbal abuse as well

As if you don’t purpley abuse me every day I don’t know sometimes you do no I’m kidding yeah I see I don’t I don’t abuse you you do but it’s out of it’s out of love I think is not reset honestly some of y’all need to go back to school

You know they ever left that is true says what if uh that could be a running gag where bionics house keeps getting blown up that would be really sad this is like a compilation by the end of the series I don’t think she’d want to play anymore

Now that I could I could make her whole house disappear no this appear to reappear I just Spam that disappear you don’t know I’m ordering food even though I don’t want to eat at night anymore what kind of food um it’s like a little turkey sandwich yum I just had a BLT

Right now oh really oh yeah yeah he’s obsessed with those right now but there is an egg on mine it’s not BLT then is it well there is bacon it’s okay no it’s like it’s bacon less tomato but with an egg like it’s this wasn’t even scrambled it

Was like over medium wouldn’t that be a BLT oh yeah I’m sure I had I had a pork roll egg and cheese earlier oh God Jules what do you want Jewels or jolts Jewels oh no all right guys I gotta leave good night I asked him earlier I’m like is there

Anything you want to do like do you need me later today he did not respond I’m like dude you’re there and he still didn’t respond to me best earrings oh okay that’s some sort to be determined I’ll take care and I’m staying around for a little longer

Yay I am actually gonna head out like five minutes so they just don’t think he needs you damn Fusion I I see all this good night Grand this LOL okay it’s not my name grampius those grand this g-r-a-n-v-e-s there’s no there’s not even an es unfortunately

I got to go good night take care of Leroy that’s crazy cramps guys I’m not old oh yeah yeah and the more you say it the more they’ll do it I feel old though I really do because the vast majority of um my audience has been around since 2019 2020.

And I I feel I feel old I raised an entire generation people who were just entering High School is now leaving High School this year that’s that’s insane to think about gross yeah that’s I I held at people’s hands since middle school or High School maybe even Elementary it’s bizarre

We’re making a weird no I’m just like Wiley’s elementary school kids on YouTube sheesh they shouldn’t be on YouTube yeah get off the internet unless it’s educational they can educate themselves at the local library oh my God they would never they would never have the patience for that these days

Bro raised the last generation of sane people on the internet I don’t know if I’d say scene yeah oh no not after what I’ve seen as of late yeah yeah good night I’m not leaving yet I was only kidding how far are you in the world did you get

To another yeah we already beat the Ender Dragon on the first episode wait what someone asked how far are you in the world did you go to another and I said nope we already beat the Ender Dragon on the first episode create your own mashed potato no thank you

If you don’t have mashed potatoes you can just make them mashed tomatoes as a substitute yeah I don’t like regular mashed potatoes all that much I’ll eat them if they’re given to me and me and I have to but um my favorite type of potato is baked potato

My favorite kind is uh sweet potato early anything sweet potato yeah growing up I love sweet potato but nowadays I just don’t care for it yeah I love sweet potatoes hate them I know you do so again we have a question for you can you build a roof okay slash band a blue

Fella a blue blue what’s your name blueberry sauce Berry sauce all right so you’re banned so you can never go in the server sheesh okay moving on whatever mac and cheese but how big is it tell me how big it is I’m not on the server yet exactly you’re never joining

Would you do everything she does everything all the time facts bro like holy [ __ ] all right I’m brand new for now at least deserved honestly facts bro all right you’re in band let me do a little trolling but it doesn’t tell me how I guess it’s pretty big if it’s eight [ __ ] dollars

For [ __ ] mac and cheese crazy this is absurd it is absurd freaking inflation mm-hmm back in my day a gumball used to be 25 cents same actually they used to be like five cents they used to be way back when it used to be like five cents yeah

Did you know that Cisco yeah I know you could claim that you’re not old me what you I always say I’m old what you mean well David says he’s not old yeah I’m not old I feel old most people think I’m younger than I am and I’ll take it

I thought so too everyone has you know what for me people think I’m older than I am I mean that makes sense I did yeah I know I thought you were like Cisco’s age like 26 or 25 or something yeah yeah I’m actually 12. and I was like oh

[ __ ] he’s actually a baby Hey guys I’m 12 years old I just have a very deep voice it’s crazy this is the voice it’s the voice and the way you wear your hair sometimes makes you look older yeah and sometimes it’s a clothing as well sometimes I have big thick beard other

Times I have no beard luck right now mm-hmm Yeah a couple factors to go into play yeah when I um when I bought my first beer I was not I need whatsoever so I’m just like oh okay like I wasn’t even trying yeah I wasn’t even trying to be like oh yeah I’m a man now I’m 21. I

Want a beer I was just like yeah so this is this is it and it’s just a six pack and then they’re just okay cool you’re good I’m like all right on my wallet they’re ready I had my ID in hand but nope they’re like okay cool damn been

Drinking beer all this time oh what do you mean what no you okay [ __ ] up oh that’s what he was thinking I see oh I understand yeah I get it all right I understand now you literally just said damn I could be drinking beer all this time you didn’t

Say uh you’re probably thinking damn I could be drinking beer this whole time you said in a way where okay never mind no I got it again again Vice is handsome thank you it’s very sweet I thought Gannon was 30 originally no that’s me yeah I’ll be 32 next year guys I’m

Actually 31 right now and [ __ ] what did you get older than me I don’t know that’s crazy the truth yeah I’m actually an old man actually in my 30s you know if you came out and said that’s me one day I’d be like yeah that checks out

It’s all it’s all my freaking birth certificate or I have a fake ID where I’m actually like 31. yeah most people think I’m just like people think I’m Cisco’s age or a little younger um hmm my family has told me my whole life same with my friends that I am like an old

Soul like I’ve been here oh yeah but I still have stupid immature moments where I do something without thinking but I’m able to call myself out Yeah it’s you’re like it’s your attitude to that like made me think you were older than you are so like oh wow that’s a surprise

Yeah I do have older parents so yeah the Pearl has something to do with it thank you damn getting this 31. yeah you got me guys that’ll be me next to you let’s go to be 30. look do you just feel the same yeah aging has never really felt

Different to me for years now same here in like 20s it’s kind of like the same yeah no I was gonna say um I think the last time aging felt different for me is when like I obviously like when I was hitting puberty when I was like 12 turning 13

I’m like oh I feel so much different I feel manly now no and then once I hit like 15 I’m just like okay I just feel the same I’ve felt the same ever since it’s like all right yeah see I’m like the opposite where people think I’m a lot younger because

Of my attitude and my personality and I’m like no I wish but I’ll I’ll be like a person who seems like they’re forever in their mid-20s fine by me yeah and my voice my voice doesn’t help either I I never like took like the voice into consideration whatsoever kind of

Yeah voices are kind of you know whatever because anyone can sound different but like it’s definitely I’ve had people tell me they thought I was younger than I am because of my voice I don’t know I just permanently sound like a 12 year old it’s not like a 12

Year old okay if I were if I didn’t know you and if I were to judge your voice or not judge your voice but like take your voice into consideration and put you out of age I’d say I honestly say 22. yeah I was I was just

Exaggerating when I say 12 but yeah 20 early 20s is about early 20s for sure I think I sound yeah appearance I’d say mid-20s yeah yeah so that’s mostly why I thought you’re in your mid-20s or something that’s fair I have a baby face oh how you doing this is good baby face

Baby face me yeah he has a baby face never showing my my face again never show my baby wavy face oh no it was never a specific picture agreed for again what no didn’t you say that like I was like in my 40s or something I remember that

His hair was all slicked back from the water you can sing for me that’s a good thing that’s a good resemblance with your brother now I didn’t even notice this got a brother yeah he has a brother will be much older than him we’ll be visiting him uh after the Florida trip

In New Jersey be staying there for like a week as brother lives out here in the state oh yeah I’m not going home I’m not going home uh after the the Florida trip I’m sticking around till like the 25th yeah in Florida yeah in America oh okay

His brother and his family live out here where I live not in my St Mary obviously but in the same state um this is close though like in like an hour maybe yeah if you were driving it would be like an hour and a half for like two hours if you’re mean avoid

Highways but um um yeah so when he was here in February I got to meet them and me and JP spent the day with him with them too yeah we went to the the Big Apple area thing I think so I’m gonna go to his brother’s house

And stay there for the week that he’s still here yeah yeah oh cool yeah we’ll have hopefully JP would come by and read out again if you can in that time yeah because he’s already taken uh time off as it is I don’t think he’d be

Able to to join us that much but we’ll see so that’ll be the plan for like a week after we come back from Florida awesome hell yeah our Duke’s not feeling well what you okay Arctic hopefully you feel better soon he tried to kidnap me earlier yeah

That’s what happens when you try to kidnap so okay I was telling Cisco not to be surprised if I take like a walk or something on my own while we’re in Florida every now and again right hmm and he was and he was he was very upset by this

Huh no what he was like all right wanted to take a walk but like he was like well a good thing I’m gonna have the local emergencies on hand foreign trying to say that I’m not allowed to move because he’s afraid I’ll get kidnapped oh yeah yeah like taking a

Walk in a state you don’t know yeah I kind of right but it was all full of people you don’t know your Resort there’s got to be some level of security there oh my little booster Productions thank you or the new membership I was going to say one month

Thank you so it became very protective yeah kind of where he thinks I’m just too too Spacey yeah that it was it’s not I think I legit don’t think he’d come back after walk I would um I don’t know they just she just comes back to the

Resort with like blood all over her yeah I had to kill somebody they’re no longer with us I took care of them and I was like see you didn’t have to worry about me at all it’s like don’t worry it’s not my blood they’ve been dealt with I told you

Think of this as like if anyone in the chat has ever watched fruits mascara knows what it is Akio Untold moment but without the Romantic part mm-hmm because like there’s literally he messes with her and calls her a space cadet and doesn’t like her to be wandering off on

Her own because he’s afraid she’ll kick it after something so I think bionic can take care of herself oh yeah I agree and it doesn’t stop him from worrying but you know he’s a strong independent woman she can take care of herself doesn’t stop them from worrying though

Which I appreciate in the end you know I’ll be right back so make sure you’re safe okay My Stream now hey guys have you seen the new ganvius video that just dropped yeah go watch it make sure yeah you at least have a new tab at the ready to watch it

When the stream’s over make sure you’re also subscribed you know if notifications turned on stuff so you won’t miss an upload yeah that’s also kind of important describe to gambiest yeah Cisco cares yeah in a very Cisco Way you watched it already I don’t believe you because the video just came out it’s

Over an hour long damn all right I’m already so thank you yeah subscribed again this is my stream guys subscribe to games or else I’ll bend you yes amateur tell them I’m sorry I heard that yeah sorry about that I skipped to most parts then you didn’t

Watch it you just skimmed through it that’s not watching that’s just giving me a view without actually looking at it yeah what’s up with that bro but I appreciate the view thank you why do I act like Cisco is a bad person I don’t it was between between us yeah

He’s a terrible person yeah he’s a shitty person he’s no he’s terrible if you manage to you know like get into his little in circle over there which is like a little difficult sometimes and he’s he’s like you know he’s a great friend yeah you have to get to the other side

So I think how people always think I’m mean to Cisco or Cisco’s mean to me and I’m like no this is this is literally just our Dynamic yeah it could be people going along with the banter but there’s always some people in chat who’s just thinks it’s all real

Yeah y’all think we’re mean to each other but we but we we aren’t serious I accidentally unsubscribed from gannon’s Channel then re-subscribe what are you doing yeah what are you doing please please please so we finished ganon’s FNAF stuff yeah that’d be great that’s the good stuff thank you

Man mirror mirror on the wall who’s the greatest amazing person of them all it’s me thank you it’s true it’s scanning no it’s Bionic no yeah no I simply exist let me do yay simply existing Grand vest is a good man and and it is a sentence there

I don’t know who Grand this is yeah yeah I should I might do a replay series and actually grind oh thank you purplezilla you too I’m gonna make a purple B yeah nope bionic call Cisco a weird name when he gets back says Fleetway so I find

Weird but also I call them your names all the time Pikmin views so you’ve been I’ve been good you know today was kind of stressful for me but I’m I’m hanging in there yeah this kind of helped me ease the stress good I’m glad it’s always good to hang out with you

Again in oh you too yeah purplezilla says bionic you are adorable and beautiful oh I mean she always says that thank you ready but you know I love sweet yeah no it’s it was my compliment purple Zilla what the hell you can’t just come in here accepting compliments that’s me

That’s honestly that’s always me like I feel awkward but it’s in a good way like thank you you know it’s like oh Mexican Sonic with the one gift dude let’s go he has returned shout out to Mexico thank you Arctic Dragon congrats uh let’s see but yeah welcome back

Just been promoting gambius that’s okay as you should yeah it’s okay we’re in the subscribable with them but that’s okay oh are we actually oh we’re getting there my food’s already about surpassed me all right sounds good then you surpassed me though I don’t know how no no I never surpassed you

You’re about to overtake my main systemic Channel I say Maine play for real no well it’s like 14 000. mm-hmm and uh it’s just comic dubs is at 18 000. really already it’s been well I mean it’s it got like it got like um

I think it got like 15 000 Subs in the first two months of the child’s existence yeah I remember it popping off like crazy because then you’re like first few comic dubs get like a million views each literally the second ever comment I’ve got like a million in like

A week I thought so and and then there’s a second comic the third or fourth comment I’ve got another one so that just sealed the channels like I we’re going yeah we’re blast oh oh no second death try slash back and see if it works I made a respawn point though what

What I did it I’m I click right clicked the the really did you make a home I clicked the right I right clicked the bed completely vulnerable Let’s uh nah it’s fine I’ll teleport today okay as long as you remember the coordinates I go to my uh stream nine uh minus

Seven to let’s say five oh I smell that garlic and mac and cheese are you yum I love garlic bro but I won’t taste it uh minus uh one five let’s let’s try that and my game crashed okay all right let me help you get your

Crap back and then I’m gonna head out how did that happen your whole game or did you just get this whole game oh I I clicked teleport and it’s just like no we’re not doing that let me try that oh I’m back here wait did you teleport me here

No I didn’t do anything oh I’m back at where I died initially but okay great interesting uh fantastic did you do slash back uh I did but I didn’t slash back uh to the you know to it initially I went back to the square again hmm damn that’s crazy

That is crazy isn’t it weird I’m just making look loves garlic biotic is Wario it’s the same ways Get to the point where I can’t even taste it anymore so so do you truly like it I love it too much and so I’ve eaten too much of it and now I’m just immune to it like full of clovers of garlic hmm oh my God I can never I love garlic bread

But full-on garlic no no can’t cannot eat that so one of my favorite snacks um is literally garlic stuffed olives um and also there’s like you know how you can in grocery stores you can find jars that are that are full of like already prepared garlic cloves

Yeah I eat those for a snack dang I could never so I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve built up such a tolerance that I can barely taste it anymore it’s terrible I could smell it and it’s definitely there but I won’t taste it barely at least

I think there was like some napping with my sister she had like a pasta dish or something that was or someone had a pasta dish that was really garlicky maybe I did but like she tried something and she was like oh my God that is so much garlic

And I was like it is it is really well I could go wrong yeah I was like I think it’s not enough if you ask me I got this random idea in October we should do the Bean Boozled challenge oh gosh uh explain basically it’s uh these jelly beans

Where it’s either a good Jelly Bean like it tastes good like for instance Berry Blue or um wait no that’s what’s another one um Peach okay the Jelly Bean could be peach or it could be barf peach or barf it’s the same color you have no idea until you actually try it

I see so there’s a spinner which it chooses the Bean for you and you get that bean you try it yeah I see interesting basically half of the jelly beans are very bad the other half is very good it’s just disguised because it’s the same meat interesting

They’re gonna make for a funny video they would let’s see especially when some of us actually puke not me I will you know why uh because I made I actually did the Bean Boozled challenge a few years ago in YouTube and I just ate them casually I’m just like

It had no idea for me amazing like with taste buds are made of iron or something I would have a problem more with the smell than anything yeah there it is how to send an Amazon link to it he did a crazy meme what meme are you talking about

Stinky socks are Tutti Frutti lawn clippings or lime rotten egg or buttered popcorn toothpaste or Berry Blue that one’s pretty good vomit or Peach canned dog food or chocolate pudding uh um booger or juicy pear dirty dishwater or birthday cake dead fish or strawberry banana smoothie

I hope this book gets to dead fish liver and onions or cappuccino old bandage or prom was it pomegranate pomegranate yeah stink bug or toasted marshmallow a stink bug yeah there’s new additions of this I was gonna say I don’t remember that yeah she really wants me to eat that fish I

Do it’d just be funny like we should do like a challenge or something and then we have to eat one of the jelly beans because of how much you hate fish that’s what I want yeah all right well I’m gonna head out okay it’s been fun yeah

All righty and I will go up with everything later yeah I’ll keep you guys updated on everything yeah dude do it just keep you in the loop yep yeah do that I will do that take care guys good night bye good night oh I got mac and cheese with like garlic

Aioli in it I can smell it but how you doing Cisco I’m doing good yourself I’m doing okay I’m just uh vibing over here getting uh getting stuff for um to make a new furnace here you go and here’s a blast furnace dying well I can’t even put cobblestone in it um what

Doesn’t it only cook food no that’s that’s the other one oh but you tried okay you tried and then that’s all that must um and so uh hmm I wanted to what if I get a stone cutter yeah cut that stone um how do I make a stone cut a dough Oh down I think I have a stone cutter on me because I took it from the village let’s have a look I’m looking at the ingredients I’m not gonna do a stupid meme my guy calm down Freestone on an iron okay man some of y’all really are kids holy [ __ ]

Oh okay uh um interesting that’s unfortunate wow that is unfortunate that is unfortunate hmm PS5 silver and PS3 Blaze was the quality bad again thank you must be my internet or something yeah must be must be it is ain’t no way I’m taking responsibility I don’t expect YouTube because it’s not my fault

I didn’t do it it wasn’t me sweetie it’s not your fault you’re right it’s not my fault it’s not your fault no no no I know it’s not your fault honey it’s okay no no not my ball not my ball I know it’s not your fault no Not My Vault

What is the weirdest name Cisco’s ever called you Heck if I remember um what would what would it be what would you think it would be no idea I only remember 11. all right so his will do right I’m going to I’m going to oh um All right all right all right all right um where are the Torches okay torches are here now if you get back to actually gaming boys were you not going I was eating would you like to see if you want to live near me at least or see if you like it or not

I’ll take a look look at your coordinates first make sure you don’t like lose it no mm-hmm to see if uh you know see if it tickles you you know yeah let me see oh [ __ ] okay just putting these in here so I remember I’m just digging a load of uh Stone now

To make some stone walls Good shot Hey you got a question I did yeah ow there’s someone doing it so it’s just gonna have to do something weird no no Cisco it depends first you have to submit what what it is right you have to tell me what it is and then

I’ll decide if it’s uh worth it or not also you show the money first well I want them to tell me what they deem where to be Uh tell you when you’re on the surface and I’ll come over there um I’m not in a cave or anything I’m just literally five feet below ground oh okay come to you then I literally just that like I’m I’m literally that hi hi how are you doing okay how you doing I’m

Good you okay I’m just doing a little bit of mining away it is over there oh you’re in a village too Cisco what kind of Base you want like a fort hence why there’s big wooden poles around the oh my god well all the poles yeah I’m Gonna Fill them with uh

You know a walls and I’ve decided I’m gonna make it Cobblestone because I do not have the patience to smell everything fair enough let’s see oh okay do I want to be inside the wall or outside of the wall uh are you hitting someone yeah it’s me You left the [ __ ] door open I did [ __ ] there was no door I didn’t think or I just walked right through and didn’t notice there was a door damn that’s crazy now when you see this chat already sabotaging me no I can’t believe this already man

I can’t believe you would do this to me I didn’t leave the door open Fleetway silver are you saying that the weird thing is to build something is that is that what you’re saying the weird challenge would be it’d be great if you spoke English but you know you’re down we meet again

Cisco pole dancing what are you guys up to what are you guys slash backwards slash back I’m just wondering now because I can just do that what does it do oh okay all right slashback does indeed work I’m just coming here to get the rest of

My one it does indeed work it does hey Sunny speedy and Friends how’s it going uh just want to send me a message I don’t know It might have been me putting the coordinates in this chat yeah it definitely was one of them oh one of them all right Hmm all right I was just making two pickaxes yeah you’re making two pickaxes and making two pickaxes could you please check this so yeah I’m trying to get enough wood um Stone guys to make like a big wall I think I did found an area nearby that I would probably build silver build the silver statue he’s done that before if I how much should that be if I get a 50 donation I’ll make a silver statue like I’ll drop everything and do a silver statue straight away foreign

Is it worth 50 probably not it’s mostly for hmm if I’m dropping everything and it’s going to take a couple of hours to to go get all the materials and build it and you know it should be something to take into account the the work rather than the final product clear

It’s worth it well put your money where your mouth is basically you don’t have to I’m saying well just one you went to see the Newton Engine Turtles movie today oh yeah that’s uh all tomorrow oh yeah I might go see it honestly go for it and also the new Gran Turismo

Movies out tomorrow too so it’s gonna be like a double header hell yeah see them both I’ll try next stream nice thank you again you don’t have to I’m not gonna pressure people to do that I’m just saying that’s just how I feel the price would be for the time that I’m

Gonna put into it you know why is it still cold in here jeez foreign I would donate that but to get my girls school supplies oh of course DIY that’s so much more important than some random dude on the internet don’t don’t worry about me I’m fine yeah

Like you focus on on on your on your kids you know that’s so much more uh important I get that I get it like only donate guys if you guys have the extra money that you’ve you know you don’t need right now but if you need it for like bills and

[ __ ] [ __ ] I’m gonna I’m gonna chastise you for that of course that like it comes first every time nope it was a bad idea Cisco is this modded um pretty sure that that’s not how you spell modded but no this is not modded Minecraft but it has got plugins

We tried to do the hex s p but you know I needed more people committed to it and it just didn’t happen so yeah we just didn’t do it because of that oh I’m just I’m just gonna empty all this first get these two pickaxes worth of stone

Out of the way and then I’m gonna build a wall can you try to put Lucky Blocks uh it’s not it won’t be an SMP then at that point that’s just lucky blocks that’s just a game at that point that’s not why an s p is survival multiplayer server where we

Survive not play lucky blocks I feel like that would have been obvious but you know nothing and you wouldn’t say anything because you don’t wanna no you don’t have the balls to this ain’t even you’re right very disappointing is it you know really thought you’d have the goods to say

I’m just not feeling malicious enough today don’t you mean Melissa’s and you just shut up now let’s just decision today yeah uh uh my bed yeah it is your bad yeah it is my bed is your bed yeah getting it get in that bed I did get in there but yeah that’s what

I thought oh you’re over there oh you’re over there then where across the way yeah oh yeah you did decide to stay come here yeah I should I would yay ing the land over here all right you happy to have me nearby yeah all right let’s have a little look see right

I’m gonna build the First wall where are you where are you in relation to the wall I swear if you went outside I’m across the river I don’t know where that is this river is all over the place I don’t know let me check there’s so many rivers Bionic I am

West towards or away from the wall I don’t know just give me a little wave um little tiny little wave I don’t know how I came from here man let me see um I think you’re on the other side of like the little mountain in the middle of the village oh

Oh I had died in the distance yeah what happened nothing serious see I’m right here and I went oh that way that way oh okay I don’t see a house though well I haven’t started building one yet oh I’m just clearing the land oh no I went too

High I didn’t see that hold on I don’t see that oh and I don’t have a [ __ ] pickaxe yeah we’re gonna do this that’s some random dude to me nice to see your friend I appreciate that thank you I appreciate you ‘ve been watching a lot of I’ve been

Watching a lot of um uh what’s it called Black Clover and I’m getting inspired by [ __ ] like that where they have like a town with a castle and [ __ ] I see clearing the sled so let’s try this again okay okay okay there you go foreign Oh my God yeah I said believe it or not that super so drawing I made for your birthday that was first time ever drawing silver that’s how awesome you are yay thank you I appreciate you he is awesome and then sometimes he wants to put me on house arrest yeah

You better [ __ ] wish I do what the [ __ ] you are just not trustable what do you mean because like [ __ ] you just go do random [ __ ] and be like I’m fine yeah Cisco like wants to put me on house arrest basically foreign doesn’t trust me to be out in the real world

I really don’t I’m just like God damn you’re gonna get yourself killed one day no it’s happened once you’re flying then you almost get like hit by a car once Yeah by and your [ __ ] classmate at the [ __ ] drag your [ __ ] ass out of the way yeah

That was like when I was like [ __ ] me sorry ass I was like 16 that was so long ago it never happened again God damn that they never let me forget yeah I’m glad that they never let you forget because holy [ __ ] other than that I’m pretty good great oh

Good thing that you’re there Oh weird where are you oh my God where is this other way I don’t know where I am oh there’s a chest in the middle of the wood yeah that was nice stuff I’ll take those cobblestones it’s for the greater good of the capital it’s over here

If you ever have any stone let me know I’m actually building the house right there where you’re crossing over right now but I just have the thing all the way back there for some reason for some reason for some reasons Sonic I didn’t know if Cisco was your mother I didn’t either

Don’t you know how dangerous it is out there you could have got yourself killed huh I can take care of myself mom no that’s you know he just doesn’t want anything to happen to me that’s understandable But God damn [ __ ] I cannot afford to [ __ ] get a new co-host oh that’s the real problem God can you imagine I’d have to like go through a candidory process that’s so mean you normally don’t want me to go missing because you need a co-host no because you’re irreplaceable oh okay

We need to put it that way uh where’s X there it is I know this looks a little uh Antiquated this uh Fort but trust me you don’t want to [ __ ] sit around cooking bricks all day um [ __ ] I forgot I can’t use like a wooden ax at all

What’s the I forget what the command is to remove a clean uh I don’t remember but I’ll ask Davis when when he’s uh when he’s back foreign like a typical teenager honestly back in my day I’d get [ __ ] smacked if I talked to my parents like that thank you

Hear that bionic parents you know what one of those are no not really yeah that’s what I thought if I had didn’t really do much stuff I mean obviously you know she worked and kept a roof over my head and all the important stuff but like you know

She left as far as GTA 5. as far as supervision goes like well oh wow she kept she did the basic needs of course as supervision goes no there was not much of that we’re lucky we lived in a nice neighborhood and I didn’t get kidnapped unbelievable you hear this guys honestly

As I was outside all the time could you do me a favor did you pass me yeah could you do me a solid favor ites what’s up and uh I got some torches there could you like them around light them around yeah like light them around you know to you know sprinkle the

Torches you know because hello hi hi uh spread them around inside the the the the walls the imaginary walls you see the sir yes sir thank you appreciate you no problem the cheese there’s so many pillars it’s just basically the the the outline of the village so you know

Even if you don’t know what the you know polls are just go buy that obviously and you’ll be fine ah this is a new question for you oh God what no why not what’s wrong why would I because I deserve it do you yeah I’m a great I’m a great uh pickup liner

Well then you use one on me I’m not using one on you are you a Melanie because you look like one I feel my panties just melting off from that oh great yeah great fantastic Hello Fifi whatever your name is pronounced like just beware there is no yeah I have all there is no effect it’s okay everything’s fine so as you can see chat we don’t need to destroy a house for her and now you know the importance of why we’re putting torches down and making

This big-ass wall I mean I’ve been new did you did you know yeah I don’t think you did no I know no more is a big hole over there now because it snuck up on me I didn’t hear it coming you’re not supposed to hear them coming

Hey Ken you can hear them go not quickly how do you know see how do you not see too like look around uh it might be the texture pack they kind of Blended more wow Flynn blaming it on the texture back oh I’m serious though they blend in with

Like the grass a lot more in the texture pack I’m using then why are you using the texture back then because I like it guys she’s using the ugliest of [ __ ] texture packs I’m not it’s not even ugly oh it might be different than the one that you saw little baby you oh

Oh baby your little your little Biz baby ah you little zany little baby guys look at that little baby little baby just [ __ ] died honestly what a [ __ ] little Biz baby okay spider behind you yeah in the creeper too that one I see oh there’s already people planning to

Try and Infiltrate The Border oh no but I’m not you know um God damn you didn’t even fix the [ __ ] wall I didn’t realize part of it got one up I only saw the ground huh Ellie saw the ground got blown up not the restore how I don’t know

Well that’s a big intimidating wall I must say yeah all right there’s a creeper here but that’s okay because I’m leading it away okay but you got spiders all over you too that’s okay there you go no it’s gone all right let’s go to bed

Go to bed up to barbaric I’m in bed off to any bed I am in bed go to bed there you go well what the [ __ ] maybe he installed the one bed one sleeping thing oh yeah my name’s Cisco I’m gonna Crisco and then Episcopal disco and then a

Disco and an FPS go another cheats go yeah well I shouldn’t have gotten that mac and cheese yeah you should have got the mac and cheese cause now you’re gonna gonna go and pee no I just feel gross after reading it oh yeah your son was gonna go run around in

The piece yeah yeah oh yeah oh wow wow guys join our Discord server if you have not uh as linked by Bluebell cookies in the chat and thank you guys for for being part of our streams you guys are amazing I love you all yeah foreign

We can do this not for a living but it’s it it’s good enough to where I don’t I can give enough of a [ __ ] about it you allow him to have extra money that he can buy house arrest anklets for me donate now to the keep bionic on the house arrest uh Foundation

Rest I can’t go to work either so exactly which is why you get in the money is for to pay you to be on the house arrest I’m not saying I don’t know what that is but I’m not gonna say it just because you’ve been constantly asking me to

That’s some name my mother it is yeah yeah that I remember you want me to bring pizza sure wait a minute no whoa I just saw who was asking to bring you food no no you cannot yeah did you you cannot bring food now do I like pizza yes I love pizza

Do you have any torches left uh no I used them okay that’s okay it’s just like a clump of dirt down here good it’s your dirt now congrats it is my dad mmm so dirty dirty clumps okay dirty dirty clumps bro gonna pass on free pizza that’s

Because Cisco doesn’t want me to get kidnapped so I’m not allowed to take food for people it can only take food from him I guess man tattoo like he’s bionics boss say that I’ll say if you donate yeah that you didn’t see that coming huh um got him boys got him all right

No one can boss bionic around you right you’re right technically no one said they could either did you just use water no I thought I heard something then um you’re just crazy I’m going outside I’m gonna see what’s up what did you do I don’t do anything I’m

Not even near you what’d you do honestly over on my little pie same same [ __ ] different day with you wait yeah you better stay over there on on your kingdom always I will stay here a little princess [ __ ] I don’t want to be part of your stinky Little Kingdom

It’s not stinky it’s not a sticky Kingdom why would you call Stinky why would you call it’s not stinky it’s stinky like you you’re the stinky King it’s not stinky you’re a stinky King he’s not stinking yeah it is uh I’ll take that it’ll put the pizza on

The porch then leave you know what that’s good enough you know Alex I’ll accept those tubs uh stink um that’s how close I was not stinky it sticky like it’s King no it’s not a stinky Kingdom use this no no stinky think you like you stinky little man it’s not stinky it’s stinky

Foreign Hey guys this is like that one place in that movie about that little orange man a little orange man uh with the when they cut down the trees oh that’s what that’s what I’m building right now Are You The Lorax yeah how bad can I be do a cover do it no

Why not now that would have to be a donation goal because I am not paying 50 odd like 50 60 dollars over that because that is gonna have to be a hundred percent uh crowdfunded uh foreign oh you heard him folks if you wanted to cover that song from The Lorax you gotta

Pay because each cover costs about um six years dollars to to pay the costs of the musician that that is responsible for all the shenanigans we’ve been doing thank you Tootsie so I’m gonna have to look for some more iron I don’t even have any yet

You don’t have any you didn’t get any no I haven’t really gone in the caves just yet I’m doing some smaller things first I take my time you know yeah of course you do what’s that mean nothing nothing what does that mean huh it means something nothing giggling like that stupid

He’s stupid let me get my medication yeah please do that I’m gonna come over there and I’ll beat your ass so I have to go back to reminding you to take your free your breathing medicine oh I’m gonna have to go back to reminding you

I’ll stop if phonics is well that no if someone’s telling you to stop spamming you better stop spam guys I’m gonna have to start reminding him to take his breathing medicine again please you’re a cute thanks I guess yeah oh my God what happens you get hiccups again oh no uh

Are you okay yeah are you sure you don’t sound okay ah did you take your inhaler why am I in lava what the [ __ ] what happened what why are you in lava you’re in lava that’s crazy wow guys what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that

It’s good look at the stream you’re inhaler oh my God I’m actually going insane what the [ __ ] oh God I hate when you get here comes this sounds so deadly uh foreign and then immediately in some lava that’s crazy like what happened why was I in no I destroyed most of the

Forest again well I didn’t want to do that why didn’t you well it’s okay they they all they all play you know well that’s okay right because they all plan so it’s fine um I don’t like it takes up my inventory really quick ah don’t don’t get it uh

Don’t get it all then I’m in danger oh [ __ ] are you okay these are stuff stream no what okay oh also I’m gonna have to start reminding you again to take your breathing medicine why that’s what you forgot to take today um and you told me no I remembered oh and

Then you know uh he needs some milk no mushy moan and whimper when you when you have hiccups yes because he’s an actual paint I can’t help it Knight Rider oh oh okay well oh my God jeez Elba how bad he already took his meds now he doesn’t

Oh my God there’s so many creepers demands have nothing to do with the hiccups though no but oh Google is shouting for you to take minutes and I was like well he has now no you know what I need to do though I need to go I need to

Put my sugar cane down while I do all this you know just laughing at my eyes I don’t want to laugh but I can’t why would you do that all right go to bed I’m not in your bed at the moment are you in a bed I can’t I can’t either

I don’t know cutie ciao oh banana milk yeah I need some banana milk oh hi hi there’s a lot of monsters spawning oh thank you T nothing nothing [Applause] oh God the zombie sounds are so weird on yours I keep forgetting that you’ve changed it yeah because the ones was just like not

Realistic oh I’m in trouble me too hold on I’m gonna blow off this creeper don’t get too close oh this because you wouldn’t go to [ __ ] bed I wasn’t here about at the time you need a little village yeah but there’s a whole wall there now the whole way around at least oh

Yeah I was on the way around until I saw you come out oh um You scare me it’s probably not hot deadly oh oh oh God oh no I don’t want to laugh why would you laugh at My Demise trying to oh don’t laugh I’m not trying to oh but no he has hiccups oh and for some reason he sounds like this when he has hiccups

Are you sure you’re okay yeah do you need in your inhaler or anything no oh okay oh do you regular zombies just trying to drowns from the rain I don’t know I think they just did in front of me I didn’t realize that happened this is starting to make me uncomfortable then leave

You can’t really help it does my condition make you feel uncomfortable oh go the ball that’s crazy I’m just saying if I’d have said that to some to uh you know disabled people God I’d be canceled you oh there you go that’s how you think with your brain

I’ll just mute the stream why are you even why you watch them you know offended by that honestly yeah like uncomfortable by that by hiccups that I can’t help that’s crazy this is crazy I’m just saying if I was to say that about a certain class of people like that holy [ __ ] that

Would not go down well um [ __ ] I’m gonna die I have some Bongo guys does that help oh that’s cool wow you have some of that yeah um Bongo is really good it is I’m assuming oh see your hiccuping without the morning what the [ __ ] I don’t I don’t even have Facebook pages

To see some of you guys comments honestly I can’t help it uh he’s literally not doing it as a joke as funny as it sounds Hey what’s in there it’s probably something square there’s something in this giant seconds just let’s do everywhere good to be I am emeralds oh a resource pack the zombies asking me what’s in my big sack oh my God oh did you drink something a little too fast or something

I figured was the laugh the laughter Maybe yo okay but we’re gonna remember the seven bumps appreciate you oh I appreciate you so much thank you uh change hopefully they stop soon who else in the SMP everyone will be later on not right now oh this is the prologue before after the prologue

This is the actual prologue oh yeah not the US pissing about Rolex oh okay you okay okay no yeah I’m fine I’m fine are you sure Oh [ __ ] God oh my God really oh oh is it finally over oh oh no nevermind oh no oh my God you poor thing yeah pull me oh Do you need to like step away from it and do what I do uh I don’t know there’s nothing I can do about it oh all right um I see you it just happened what nearly happened I’ma just go build my wall before I lose any more any anything uh

There’s a lot of heartburn too oh that’s not good do you have like um like tablets for that room no you should probably consider getting some just to have them it’s hard to just it’s hard to tell them what the issue is when it’s not there when I do it when I ask

Oh I mean we have just over the counter like heartburn stuff here Oh I thought you mean the head coach well the hot buns only cause because of the ear cups well that’s what I’m saying is maybe you should get some tablets to keep around when this happens

Make it a little less painful for you well hey what’s in there there’s probably something’s going there’s something in this giant circus Festival have you brought it up the last time you talked to like the breathing no yeah they don’t know literally I would have to show them I see

And that’s hard to do next time you get them maybe trying to record yourself if you can that would probably be enough for them to go by um that’s what I think would help maybe what is your favorite anime Bionic huh I don’t really have a favorite anime I

Don’t really watch that much it’s a I know romantic ones I know this because you said this one time y’all yeah I like The Slice of Life slash romantic one sometimes but mostly only if they’re comedy too oh Dragon maid how about that one no I don’t I never seen that one

It’s it’s like a thank you Arctic Dragon for the 4.99 I’ll read I’m sure my the computer will tell me what you said in a minute he used to feel better soon man oh Oh I had the alerts turned off on my uh unfortunately so I don’t think he would read it uh well he just said feel better soon thank you oh I do remember was one of my favorite anime is that I could say School Rumble skull Rumble

That’s the one I showed you that you said had a questionable art style anyway anyways the point being it’s not the run in the middle uh anime that everyone else watches I mean a lot of people watch romance anyway but that one specifically I don’t know how many people yeah but when you

When you think of anime you’re thinking you think superheroes villains that kind of [ __ ] yeah I guess so it’s crazy because I’m not on because I’m not a romantic person at all but I like the romantic anime as long as they’re funny too oh foreign Ed that I’m not a romantic person um

Yeah School Rumble would probably be one the first one that would come to mind if I were if I had to live off a favorite anime it’s just one of those that I go back to every few years just because I always think it’s funny oh

I find it crazy that when I’m like in a lot of pain that some people genuinely instead of like wondering if I was feeling okay they were just like this is making me feel like I’m comfortable yeah well because I don’t think it quite even though we’ve said it a billion

Times I don’t think it’s quite you know process in the rain that it’s not on purpose to sound that way it’s kind of helpful in a way yeah it’s like I’m being insulted for something that I’m not even can can’t even control yeah oh my God

I learned that the first time he did that in front of me the one up just from that one joke I mean I thought he was joking at first and then I realized oh [ __ ] he’s not like I don’t I don’t really take offense to the laughing because I I would

Probably do the same but it’s when people start to pretend like it inconvenience makes them makes it inconvenient for them is when I’ll like take offense to it yeah that’s understandable I’m going to sleep being a baby okay good night no I’m in game all right say everyone say good night to

Everyone buying it no bye everyone’s going tonight but it’s going to sleep everyone not in real life and I realized not in real life little [ __ ] you little [ __ ] I’m not coming see what you’ve done oh my God everyone’s saying goodnight to me look what you do

I’m doing even your Menace you did this I didn’t do that you’re Menace I’m not going to bed um guys I think she’s going to bed no I’m not guys I I know she’s going to bed honest you got that you got that new mic today and by God we’re gonna use it

Well got that new mic today my God we’re gonna use it are we yeah unless the stream goes on for really long then we might not but I feel like streaming a while today honestly oh okay well that’s I will oh yeah that reminds me I will be

I don’t know if I’ll make it to stream tomorrow or if I might just be late depends on how you go for it because maybe oh I was gonna say was Um what was gonna say I’ll try and aim to exercise around uh 12 30 for you I guess okay because if you’re gonna go to bed at like Um at uh whatever the time it is it was I can’t remember what AM then oh who’s ready for the weekend I’m always ready for the weekend I definitely got exercise in this condition right now well no obviously not have to wait till I calm down a little bit yeah

Yeah the only reason I say is because I have to go to my friend’s house tomorrow after work just so she can give me the rundown of what to do while they’re on vacation oh yeah cause I’ll be going there Friday I wish I had friends so I could do that

Why have you pet sit for them yeah it’d be a nice little job yeah I’m usually the one yeah oh okay I’m usually the one that my friends call when they need a pet sitter oh my God it might not take as long tomorrow now that I know that snooze is not there

I don’t know if they’re going to want to hang out or whatever for a little bit but no they won’t because they gotta leave at like three in the morning so God Come on to Cisco one awful help but I don’t know a nice little warm up milk I mean you could try it if you have any I don’t know I think I’m lactose intolerant oh almost everything well I I can drink milk I just know that I’m gonna have a

Terrible time an hour later yeah that’s where I’m at usually that’s why I get the lactose free milk this feels I I I’ll it’s okay the light does free milk it’s just like very water watery I don’t mind it like that though personally so it’s okay for me

So I don’t eat cereal anymore uh fair enough it’s like oh no melt nose Arrow I’ve never really been huge on cereal I’ll have it once in a while same same same same here oh well you guys know the feeling then and usually when I do like have cereals

It’s the not sugary ones like super sugary ones it’s like the um Corn Flakes kind of it’s like those are like the uh what the [ __ ] are they called Cheerios sometimes oh I hate your hate you unless they’re chocolate oh really yeah um my dad my dad used to force me to

Have them in the morning oh well that’s understandable brings a terrible memory of when I had to eat a eat a a serving of of of whatever the [ __ ] yeesh oh well if you want this for your birthday you gotta eat this oh God that’s emotional manipulation all right

I’ll do that oh that’s what it’s called I really like the um You’re gonna laugh I really like the Special K cereals cereals I like the fruit ones I used to get a lot of cereal where there was like imagine imagine those cartons of apple juice right but instead of apple juice

It’s um um Cereal cereal Uh what else oh my favorite cereal though is uh Cisco is this not boring to you I’m I mean I’m streaming so if I’m Minecrafting while streaming then I could go for ages like you guys have seen this I can go for 10 hours streaming like on Minecraft

Very true if I did a 25 stream right but it’s only Minecraft I think we have a fair shot I can’t play Minecraft for that long in a row thank you James you’re my favorite Pokemon character okay Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my top favorite cereal that’s my thieves oh God it’s lingering

Yeah it’s taking forever oh God I hope this doesn’t happen on holiday hopefully not I could hold it in theoretically the moan but it’s so much more painful yeah it’s like telling someone to stop screaming when they hurt their leg or something it’s okay if you get the hiccups while you’re on holiday

I’ll be there I don’t know what I’d be doing but I’ll be there do something I’ll do something hmm you getting sleepy no I’m in pain I was gonna say where is it the hiccups oh [ __ ] this hiccup’s gone not quite yet you got this

Oh you put a torch right where the wall would be mermaid do you know I did that too and I still ignored it wow I’m sorry what were you gonna say um have you got any stone um surely you’d be mining since right no not yet I’ve been clearing out my land

I have 24 cobblestone yeah I’ve been using that for tools all right you can keep it yeah they haven’t gone to the I wasn’t gonna go to the caves probably until I’m actually building a house or I’m done building one um paste because to be fair sometimes when it comes to Minecraft

I have the most interest when I’m building a house after that I just Plum it oh [ __ ] I really [ __ ] this up um what’s wrong I don’t have any stone old iron now Oh I’m in this little desert old beach desert whatever you want to call it area out here there’s like a pretty big ravine I I have some I see some iron close by yeah um all right I’ve made a stone pickaxe now I’m gonna build myself up

Oh yeah I thought I had more iron than I actually did I can’t believe can’t believe life is so stupid all right I’m going to bed into the bed okay oh you can slash TC toggle to avoid breaking things made of logs wow okay have you tried that bionic remember when

You accidentally broke a forest forest what can I do slash TC tagline apparently you can turn off the tree thing if you’re only want in a specific say for example you’re mining near a house made out of logs okay luckily it knows how well what’s well okay good to know um

I’m coming bonnet huh oh if I make it there alive I hope so are you throwing up oh just burping in in a weird way oh oh my God So mind screen sharing your Minecraft instead for result for a minute or two I’ll go do something sure but one the YouTuber thing I thought I don’t care about the vegetable right now we’re two hours oh well like several hours into to think I that’s the

Last thing I need right now are you already yeah okay foreign There we go The [ __ ] Please are you single none of your business I’m not doing anything terribly exciting just warning you guys I’m just clearing the land You’re seeing bionic gameplay yes you are hello thank you [Applause] that’s a nice texture pack yeah see thank you just gonna eat it for some reason So that’s it Foreign it’s uh chroma Hills this one right here the one highlighted in red that says it’s incompatible but don’t worry about it This one’s my favorite texture pack of all the ones I’ve used [Applause] I just think it’s very pleasant to look at not harsh to my eyes at all I will not sing a song hey look at that Cobblestone beautiful Pleasant to look at very powerful very beautiful Fifth oh Faithful is what I’d be used before how have I been I’ve been okay I’ve used a lot of texture packs because I was really picky about them but this one’s the one that I always go back to [Applause] thank you we’re Blaze I’m right here but Cisco

Needed wanted to screen share my gameplay for a while because he needed to step away for a little bit if you use any Minecraft mod what would you use I use a lot of mods my favorite ones are like Alex’s moms and like croptopia and furniture and the Mr Crayfish furniture mod [Applause]

What’s up George this is my gameplay right now because Cisco had to step away for a bit how you doing hmm foreign yeah it’s because you’re seeing my gameplay like I said to everyone else before I’m not doing anything terribly interesting just kind of terraforming oh that’s nice George

Like trying to figure out where to what what way I want to face the house because do I really want to stare at Cisco’s stupid ass wall over there oh yeah I want to stare at this stupid mountain of sand honestly I should have probably built it over here kind of boring

This is our realistic mod no it’s just a texture pack gonna go get go to sleep so the sun will rise all right I’m gonna try this one next time you’re on yeah this one actually looks really good with the shaders too I just don’t have them on right now

I can’t leave himself out in the open hello hi oh there you are I was about to dig you into a hole because you stood out in the middle of nowhere are you okay yeah sure you can turn off the screenshot now thank you okay uh now I’m gonna You sure you want to keep going yeah You sound a little uh not great I feel great Uh-huh I’m feeling great did you go in vomit I just decided to just lay down on the bathroom floor for a bit I see I just hope for the best my God so now that that’s out of the way watched a little bit of blue e on the floor too

You watched Bluey yeah watched a little bit of Bluey you know I didn’t know you were watching that oh wow would you know I was just um I was in the bathroom well it’s meant in general I don’t watch blue episodes but I watch clips of Louie on YouTube shorts oh I see

Oh yeah so I’m going to go there and I’m gonna go and get down and bonnet don’t get the iron behind it telling me to go get the iron I’m going to get the iron by on it okay go get the iron I can’t get the iron now I realized I’ve made mistakes

Because I was like I’m not sure which way I want the house to point because they got your big ass wall over there and then that stupid mountain of sand I’m sorry it’s okay I might just build it over here instead where I can see I was thinking of making a higher

Elevation in the castle walls so so you can see above the walls that helps what are the chats saying huh what did they say before while I was um you say anything of importance not a whole lot they were just talking to me casually talking about my texture pack because people like it

Oh good for them not necessarily in any health to be arguing about it today I don’t care about it oh my God yo Mexican Sonic thank you for the oh God why don’t you just like try to get some sleep after the stream have a shh no fine

I’m fine I mean no I’m fine just it’s fine you concerned me come fine I’m fine I am fine I’m doing great let me live okay let me live you you just don’t let me live in opponently that’s that’s the that’s the issue well not trying to let you die either

God I ain’t a kid ain’t a kid but this is you trying to talk about putting me on house arrest because you think I’ll get kidnapped foreign I just I’m just hey chilling you know living my own best life I’ve been my best life okay and I think you’re just mad about

It no not mad about anything no let me live okay you gotta let me go let you go you don’t let me go Bionic let you go where you want to let me grow up yeah I need to grow up by one about the world and and then yeah And then I’ll and then you know yeah and then I’ll learn that I gotta grow and that’s the importance of life yeah great you know what I’m saying sure you know I’m saying uh-huh do you do oh there’s a swamp over here is there a witch hut

Do you go what I’m saying though like actually yeah kinda why what what are you not understanding here no no no nothing it’s good no no no no no we’re gonna have an adult talk a conversation now stay here for later Honestly is it because you cut don’t want kids boy is it because of that would that have to do with anything do you just think about life yeah and your Mexican Sonic thank you for the two dollars get some rest no get some rest after the stream now you guys can’t make me

You guys can’t make me do it I I I’m a big boy or if they pay you to get some rest now no I wanna I wanna stream is what makes me happy do you want me to be the rest of the night miserable no I was sitting after the stream you

Get rest hate me no you you just hate my guts you know I don’t hate you I don’t hate you two thank you you’re welcome goddamn everyone makes Cisco sleep now no no if streaming is what makes him feel better and makes him happy then that’s what he’s gonna do yeah

You tell me what to do that okay hmm don’t tell me what to do I ain’t say nothing if you fall asleep streaming he won’t I don’t know how anyone can do that just fall asleep consciously with the idea that he was you did not click go offline

You know yeah I don’t know like I’ve seen that yes where they just fall asleep I mean look at speed yeah you and I were both there when that happens but like I just don’t get it how you could just consciously like do that and then but the stream’s still going

We were all confused that day yeah no kidding oh yeah you did keep asking me and I was like I’m not answering it I don’t know I don’t know if I actually said anything about it other than probably telling you guys that he slept well oh yeah

Well how was we supposed to know that he was going to fall asleep the true question here no reasonable person would have known he was gonna go to sleep I mean thank you stop asking dumb questions I lost the Dome question what several dumb questions guys the bionic alone she’s she’s a

Hard-working mother I’m not a mother she’s a hard-working woman there you go people asking if you’re gay he’s half gay does that help what what would what would make you guys ask if I was gay I have no idea I’m just curious that’s all uh so many dirt balls

So many dirt blocks I said dirty dirty blocks dirty be surprised if phonics an actual mother I’m not I’d be surprised too yeah I think we all would I’m like I’m like where did that come from I would wonder the same thing with with that little baby come from yeah I would wonder the same thing look next to me there’s just some kid and I’m just like how did that happen thank you if I end up with a kid it’s because

Somebody made me their kids godmother and they died or something that’s the only way I would have a kid foreign kit I would but that’s like expensive I probably would if I really wanted a kid which I probably never will because I never have but that’s what I would do but I would

Don’t even have the money for that question has a kid ever been adopted by two friends I’m sure someone has interesting boy no reason uh-huh just ideas just ideas just ideas just faults just false just what for what Thomas Falls where did those thoughts come from hmm Interesting well nothing interesting you me I’m interested for saying that I’m just questions you know nothing nothing to them um why would you think I mean I didn’t think I did um is that why you’re acting that way I’m not happy anyway oh come on bionic I could

You definitely Big Time suspicious of something no um I have no thoughts at empty head no false had entered same Amazon all the time the constant for me foreign Now but that’s gonna be like four blocks wide eventually you know how do I make a ton of sand collapse at once uh because what uh when one’s in the air like on the edge of something Um do you want it to All Fall Down yeah I kind of just want to see what it’s like on me what it would look like without that mouth no you just you just need one It’s already got to be suspended in the air which is already not that common it’s just nothing but sand And I’m like thinking I just spent all this time terraforming and I am just now thinking like maybe that’s not the best spot for me foreign I’ve got to make the new uh poles now new polls for what because for some reason Like for example there’s some there’s a garden down there um and it’s like frustrating so let’s see Maybe I will build on these planes over here and just plant trees oh a flower for us oh just across the way from your giant wall sunken ship sunken [ __ ] sunken ship sunken ship this ship has sunken there’s Duncan of the ships oh my God so nice to be back in the

Worldly items flow up to the surface oh one because they didn’t in the 12 wait in the 1.12 that we had oh yeah that’s uh that was a big oof oh okay well I have iron now foreign Try to look in the general area for like the perfect spot for me to build but uh well good night blue Bella good night thank you for coming thank you for coming bye all right okay um it’s a bit of rain oh [ __ ] oh hang on see you later spiral key

See you later alligator in a while crocodile I’m going to bed Ted going to sleep sheep At least it seems your hiccups have stuff yeah I feel bad I feel bad I definitely feel a lot bad now I’m good and you wanted me to end my stream just because you sounded really bad for a second when you came back when there was nothing to worry about at all

Okay but you know at all do you know me by now do I I think so you don’t know me what do you mean clearly you don’t know me no that’s not true I know you I’m the type of person that worries a lot what you want from me Wow what a boring view but I guess it can’t be too picky what do you mean what’s born it’s the view from where I’m thinking about building now but it’s all I’ve got that’s decent you’re not even gonna look at the view yeah if I walk out of my house when do you

Want ever play Minecraft to look at views I do I don’t think I’m gonna exercise today just in case yeah I wouldn’t but uh oh I’m glad you went close then but we are gonna test the [ __ ] out today um is it my wall is my wall bothering you what no

You sure it’s not my wall my wall is very intimidating I can you know I don’t understand your wall is fine is it you mean it yeah I’ve got a nice Fine Wall yeah your wall is beautiful you’re like my beautiful wall I do like your beautiful wall I’m glad you like my

Beautiful wall uh-huh oh God very beautiful very powerful it’s a very big beautiful wall Nicole hello Nicole AO Minecraft Minecraft and uh yeah it’ll be available to everyone in exactly I don’t know when but soon next couple days I’d say see it won’t look as bad because I will

Be putting Towers where the where the you know the poles are so it’ll have some kind of you know depth to them all right damn that lag it was like wait a second why is there a pole here oh guys why they’re big ah [ __ ] it it could be the tower

It could be a big tower in the middle yay you know Sonic movies homelessly glailin damn is this officially season two no it’s not season two season one season one get it right learn the different scrub God damn a little tiny little scrub man oil tiny little sleepy pee pee poo poo yeah

Time a little bit just a tiny bit oh just let me know when you’re going to sleep okay I’ll probably end the stream when you want to go to bed but 10 minutes before you go to bed so we could do to go test that thing or 50 yes

You know it’s 15 minutes would test it out you know how was work Nicole by the way take this she disappeared I think all disappeared Nicole disappeared yeah that’s sad no she’s still there oh there she is no what are you talking about oh we just saw it pretty good I think I might finally slow down it might finally slow down that’s great you deserve a nice break I am the scrub empress

Um you’ve gone from donut Empress to to scrub Empress now foreign it’s it’s sunny yeah it’s funny it’s Suddenly It’s suddenly Cisco is a scrub Lord come back me scrub you little tiny little scrub oh scrubby man no scrubby boy you can’t be both Nicole or can you be both

Yeah [ __ ] it you can be both you can be the scrub don’t know scroll now yeah I don’t know if she wants to be called that what scrono what’s wrong with the word scrono scrawno sounds great well okay well no one was gonna think of that until you said that

It’s good it’s not scrotum guys it’s scroll no scrollball man y’all just y’all just uh y’all just deaf she understood she knew no it’s scroll now it feels like scrotum stop it’s not true oh God so what’s up squirtle King scrotum empress Chrono Queens Chrono empress foreign you put it in her head

No I didn’t you put it in a mine yeah I put some scrotum in your head no no you just planting ideas in people’s heads now yes I will go about the world and plant many scrotums in many EDS how could you do that honestly you wouldn’t want a little bit of

Scrotum in their head then say something like dub a drub Empress no because it doesn’t have you know doesn’t where is the O’s there’s like two o’s in in Dono and scrub is like screw so scroll knob Jesse she fights with me she is the scorno of interest and personality you

Made it weird because you called her that and I didn’t say scored him though I didn’t say scrotum no I didn’t say scrotum you said scrotum I said scrotum only because of what he said like comfortable letters don’t even match this oh my God not all of it needs to match just enough

God and then you’re breaking yourself nah you only need to say enough and then your brain does the autocorrect your brain is stupid then Nicole’s must be too because she had the same idea no I even said it it’s not no because you put you I didn’t know I

Didn’t you planted the seeds I planted the seeds of Squirtle God you guys just horny if you guys are thinking of that you’re funny you know my ass oh yeah that’s for sure but you thought about it doesn’t matter I have two friends it blaze a needle

Mouse I’m lonely get a girlfriend then or more friends that are your own age and all of them girlfriends laughs of your own age of course or boyfriends or partners of your own age oh Itachi helicouches Apache helicopter boys do you like helicopters are neat yeah I don’t know why people get offended

When they called that it’s like helicopters are cool though you talk about helicopter scrotums is that way they get called the Apache helicopters because they have Apache helicopter scrotums yeah oh God I remember someone apologizing for that uh a couple years ago making a a Google dot being like I apologize for for

Um I apologize for scrotums for no first for making the Apache helicopter joke and it’s like it’s it’s not even that offensive to me it’s not there are much more serious things to be offended of about when it comes to that conversation but saying that I’m

What weapon no I just said hi hi are you in my walls no where are you well I guess technically I am yeah you are my walls I mean your walls scratching around like a rat guy yeah no why not now piss off bestie let’s see what the [ __ ] no Misty

Get out of here already gone you can come in my walls when I uh yeah when I’m done [Laughter] wow [Laughter] see you’re making it weird you absolutely made it weird oh look what you’re talking about I didn’t actually say anything your brain did the rest of the work

No you the way you laughed I you think I don’t know what that meant well I didn’t actually say anything I could have just you know I you you know full well what you did no I didn’t do anything your brain didn’t work you know how many boyfriends that’s a

Shame go get some why do you keep me around again oh no I have no idea I have a girlfriend that’s cool you should tell the chat what how do you get a girlfriend I have a girlfriend and she is so blue um and everything is blue for him and

Himself and everybody around cause he ain’t got nobody at all so listen um By all means uh Davis actually has the permissions to let people in so if you want to join you might have to ask him uh if if he can if you can you know to to give you the uh the white listing because I don’t know [ __ ] how to do that

It looks Grand honestly these walls it does I know how the white list people you do how do you how do you do that you forward slash whitelist and then their username great oh there’s a there’s a oh there’s a creeper outside who wants to blow up your wall how does

It how can it see me from here what um I understand so long and she is a blue I’m blown up dinner time hell yeah what a great song down Down Who’s being rude to DIY needle Mouse seemed like they were being a little rude and so I tell them I warn them now don’t be rude to her or I’ll boot your ass why are we talking about relationships because bionic needs a girlfriend no I don’t could theoretically

Could but I don’t could but you don’t swing anyway technically yeah so you that’s why I’m saying you could though because you don’t sling anyway meaning that it it’s all it’s wide open any possibility no okay so you swing towardsley men ew no yes big big big big muscly men no

I think Cisco’s trying to suggest something I’m not even muscly I don’t even like muscly man though wow okay what nothing I’m just saying I like my sleeping it’s fine okay I got it not overly mostly men at least I got it why are you so upset you’re not even musley

Boot me because I’m a I’m I’m about being rude says Nicole absolutely not well by all logic you should kick and all our friends too who are all rude right Cisco okay okay I don’t know what is there two of you there’s something yeah I was gonna say

I was gonna say what where’s that come from but not for real I don’t really care about relationships now I’ve been communicated over too many times I feel like I’ve just [ __ ] over too many people you didn’t want to do many people talked over too many people oh okay I was about

To say you think I said [ __ ] too many people that would be a surprise it’s like no wouldn’t it no like what of course DIY we love you here watching people mostly man is not realistic standards it’s not it’s gross it’s okay for like vector that’s the

Only muscly person I accept other than that no but he doesn’t even look like a muscly person so it’s fine yo James D Morris with the 149. big dumps to James now bringing his total up to three dollars I think unless you did it you swore I said that but I didn’t

I said I I feel like I’ve [ __ ] over too many people thank you well to be fair I didn’t actually do anything that bad but like you know yeah I was gonna say that one okay emotionally wow okay not on purpose we’re learning a lot here I probably don’t actually I

Just feel like I do but I probably don’t what no worries don’t worry about no don’t no it’s fine what are you laughing about what nothing why are you laughing like that I don’t like it I’m gonna give yourself the hiccups again true Nicole the dad bonds are where it’s at

Muscles super buff men are overrated how the [ __ ] do you love love someone as as someone who’s got no like emotions and [ __ ] I have no idea because like I’ve seen a lot of people with you know certain conditions certain psychological conditions right and some

Of those and some of the uh symptoms are lack of um lack of certain things yeah like proper like emotions or I don’t know what you’d call it um you know I think I know what you’re trying to say yeah you know what I’m trying to say you get it you know

How do I kind of people like me I have no idea yeah no idea I mean you’ve done it once how did it happen how do you and do it again somehow once well you didn’t get in a relationship yeah I’ve had multiple oh yeah yeah yeah I remember but they all

End basically for the same reason reasons plural yeah yeah how it even happens in the first place I don’t know I don’t know it just makes me wonder is it like hmm baby Or like the complete emotionally absence has been like increased more recent years but like I don’t know why if they just shut down at some point oh I know how to bring some emotions back I’m gonna get you a hamster oh God why would you do that

Because that’s the only time I’ve ever seen you emotionally do something it has to be that’s that’s what needs to be done hamsters no my emotions exist they’re just really deep down and they don’t ever get pulled out unless something extreme happens exactly so I will get you a bunch of hamsters

Why would you do that that’s just mean no is it they’re nice and they’re all nice and cuddly yeah but you just want me to cry why why would you cry over some um if you know what happens to them after a couple of years you heard me what what

Happened when Pinto died you know what happened no I don’t I don’t know that was enough oh yeah you were I was nowhere near the scene you weren’t near the scene but you were in the car while it was happening I was you were and uh

And that’s what I’m saying you know if I’m sure you’ll be very happy again if you had another hamster no I’ll end up being really sad when it dies call it panto you’d have a panto Pento Ponto Punto I’ll call it Pinto for obvious reasons copyright oh my God you’re dumb

You just not want to be happy again I’ll I’ll I’ll get you one in Florida how about that transported on the plane uh put it in the bag it’s fine you know sneaky bus security no and then you’d be like I just need my little thing no why would you do that

When I say the emotional like absence happen recently I met in the past decade probably in like a year or two ago too many hamsters no I don’t know what happened really I just stopped feeling still at some point does it hmm I don’t know involuntarily

But I think on it now and I wonder if I ever well no I did have lots of emotional breakdowns in the past maybe that’s why you’ve just become soulless now maybe my body’s defense mechanism is shutting down my emotions which is probably the case I’ve been through too much in like a

Short span of time that my emotions were like okay no more no more of that that is literal facts notewriter like my last relationship was literally that so whack that when I broke up with them sorry it’s gone no no you go ahead oh I said it was good night go on uh

Um see you later Arctic um yeah so much so that like like the the literally after I broke up with with someone they self-admitted themselves to an asylum and quit their job I was just like yeah I uh hmm weird yeah I think I just had too many emotionally terrible experiences

And so I’m just like a convince that my body at some point decided that’s enough that’s enough of the feeling for a while how to pull them back out only extremes other than that no idea I was telling people earlier How concerned you were because I was just so like

Not bothered by the fact that I just ended like in the early six-year relationship it’s just that is disturbing like honestly from both sides actually now I think about it because uh because it it sounded like that were they the same like not that sad oh no or maybe they just sudden you

Don’t know about it yeah that’s probably the case but you he was always the more emotional one out of the two of us so well of course it’ll be more emotional if you have no emotions that’s not how to achieve get some emotions uh I would love to actually maybe not

Uh I feel like my life is better without emotions how come you guys haven’t mentioned it in one of the streams mentioned one in specific we’ve talked about a lot of different things yeah we talk about a lot of things I’m very open about my uh passive relationships because it gives me

A sense of educating others on what not to do yeah while also talking [ __ ] about them is the best of both well I don’t do that part usually to my last uh relationship that I’ve talked about if you’re watching the stream [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean it’s private information I mean

He literally just said he’s open about that kind of thing so um well now I’ll never know what they wanted to ask I’m open to to hearing about you know I’ll if if I don’t want to tell you something I’ll let you know if I don’t want to tell you it’s true

And he’s a stubborn ass too blah blah blah blah blah blah listen that relationship for the I keep telling you for the you know I’ve been out I’ve been out of it for a while so it’s like no it’s just like I think I already knew that I was didn’t

Want to be in the relationship I even said a while ago before it all came to a head where I was like you remember how means you know came to what to talk to you about it and we were like how is this considered a relationship

Yeah it like it had a lot it had it it wasn’t a relationship except it was called one and that’s about it yeah that was about it it was like I didn’t I don’t think I really even understood how it was considered one and I’m like and I think I probably replied with

Something like it just is I don’t know it is you did say that yeah that’s that’s my that’s my usual uh what I say when I’m not sure but of that song I’m just going to add some common sense and and decide to think about it

Yeah it was really bad it was really that weekend that pushed me it was like all right it’s not like he did anything I hate surprises I don’t like surprises when I already you know am planning stuff like when it has to do with completely changing my

Schedule that or like idea my ideals of what I had for a schedule it then it’ll mess me up but like sometimes random surprises don’t really bother me that much it’s just about if it disrupts my routine that I already had planned if that makes sense

But like I told you I was like not even on purpose I was just like involuntarily kind of like not really accepting much affection because I was just like that’s very telling and I was like ah [ __ ] that’s very uh much needed in a in a relationship you know gotta have some

Form of affection I mean I’m affectionate to a point but it’s not very strong all right here’s my uh opinion on the age gaps I think the age Gap is not very relevant once a person has turned 25 or above once they’re fully once you have a fully developed brain

Which is hard to believe that some people have fully developed brains when you see how they act you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying you know I’m saying Lots you know what I’m saying like we’re like we’re dealing with a 30 year old at the moment not not you uh

There’s another for you a 30 year old that we’re dealing with currently that’s like has the [ __ ] mind of a 14 year old oh yeah all right I keep forgetting there that old I know right I didn’t I was so shocked how how can you act that way and be and be

Funny like what you’re funny I mean there are people that like [ __ ] late 30s and like very similar ways I’m like how how did you not develop Oh by the way they go bad from this server good I’m not making the same mistake again yeah I wouldn’t yeah I I really have no idea I can’t even like figure myself out oh you know half the time yeah I’m an enigma to myself and everyone that knows me

Wait I just said uh well you just passed someone that’s in the water shooting at you and you didn’t even know to look back oh no I noticed I just ignored him wow this is why he has daddy issues not even his daddy you could be though no

When you want to be Sans Daddy I want to be Papyrus is dead no no foreign I don’t understand you all the time no one does join the club no one understands me I don’t even understand me sometimes that’s crazy um yeah it’s like I’ve said before like I

Think about past relationships and stuff and I’m like I don’t think I’ve ever actually been in love with anyone you know I’ve been in relationships with them for a really long time no I don’t think I’ve ever really actually fell in love with anyone per se it’s really weird what’s up you sleepy

A little bit no I mean it’s getting to that time but at the same time it’s like weird because with how like I told you how it’s been where like I know the emotions exist and I know I can emote them and like yeah like the Lash smile

Whatever you want to say cry um but I don’t actually feel anything and it’s like I know how I should feel in certain situations and like what not but I just don’t I know how to respond how I should be responding if that makes any sense yes

I’m aware of the what emotions I should be feeling I just don’t feel them most the time judging purely off of voice but it sounds like 23 to 25. yeah that’s about that’s about average right here I’m talking about that hours ago but you know go off well not everyone was here

Burning yeah yeah if you’re going yeah purely off of my voice that’s about average what people think I am yeah because she is average yeah I’m sorry I don’t know where that came from because I am average I mean I am I don’t know why I said that oh

I’m so [ __ ] mean of it what there’s so many of me how does that mean of you I am average you’re not average what do you mean you’re great you think I’m great yeah I think you’re amazing oh an average you can’t say one guy’s saying without that you know with someone else

No I’m yeah you’re not you’re not average Honestly I thought you were just gonna say I’m special and specially I mean I know I’m special and not in like a valuable sort of like okay just see again just see foreign Go charge it up then yeah I’m gonna let you telling the world for you you freak s I’m gonna say that yeah but you you wanted to say it no I’m new here piranha plant gaming hey yo that’s the guy that the guy it’s the guy the streaming guy remember him remember

When someone said that a piranha plant game was streaming yeah you’re almost streaming your stream yes I’m I’m bookmarking the show piranha play piranha plant please America oh no that’s amazing do any of y’all even remember what this is about I do you do I do actually

I’m glad you do I’m glad you do I’m glad you do about it I’m glad you do yeah he’s the guy from fortnite no you guys came to me do you have a month talking to me about a piranha plant gaming stream sniping me or looking at my stream

Yeah well they were also live shooting yeah because we were doing it to Ganon and then someone else said that oh yeah this person is doing that to you God who said that I don’t remember I don’t remember that part but I remembered the brand new Platinum gaming yeah me too thank you

Foreign yeah you do gross well why did you accept the assignment then I mean it’s fine it’s just for that morning dumb okay because I gotta take care of the pets before I go to work so it’s for that morning and then Monday through Friday um so you guys play Minecraft yes when

Minecrafting away Me Take On Me Take Me On be gone eat it [Applause] oh dangerous Cole said to Cisco you want to hear a bad age Gap uh 24 years is it 24 years let me guess just a guess yep totally not because I didn’t see the chat or anything

21 years old that’s that’s Young if they were 26 I’d I’d give it a pass mid-20s is fine it’s a little weird though that’s literally somebody that’s the same age as scanning hmm to be fair again it’s very mature yeah but you know and then things like today yeah

And then I like learned his actual age and I was like oh well now I can’t ever think he’s older now he’s just a baby to me um just because you just freshly turned 21. anyone below like 21 and below is a baby to me yo James D Morris with another 149.

Thank you carrying this stream ooh it’s Thursday I got money you got money yeah from my job yay I get paid on Thursday all right I’ve got quite a bit of stone let’s see what we got here are you guys voice to ing right now what does that mean

What do you mean by that I don’t know hello who to be there hello how are you hello guys Black Clover um yeah not now but late well you said you were going to bed okay I’ve you know I know I’ll just saying how funny it was that

You brought that up so quick yeah I gotta get straight to the point you know you know what it’s all about Um you know what happened to the coming though someone said that it was open that it wasn’t up what happened uh yeah it’s hot up I deleted it deleted what happened I was very not happy with it um also I’m not away listed is it because I wasn’t a good Rusty Rose

Oh no you’re fine you’re fine it was I was I wasn’t happy how I edited it so I’m going to redo that quickly I showed it now how would you even edit it it’s like one page like one pound no no no no no no no no no it was audio audio audio

Oh the Audio I I messed up the audio too loud no because I didn’t realize I thought you did it one tape he did like three takes practically so I was like ah [ __ ] I gotta fix it so you just left it all in there yeah yeah yeah

I was wondering what was going on because I watched it earlier and I was like okay well that’s interesting hey at the same at the same time and it was it it did its job um you should be whitelisted now I already have I’ll check into people dming me about it

Already nice I was like yep of course you of course you have don’t dare me about my other stuff but that that’s what gets you yeah Nicole because I don’t think Dan’s gonna care all right I’ve it’s me I’m the owner of the server

You said it it’s up to Canon no I said it’s because he knows how to own white list why am I on the ground oh no I’m not on the ground anymore oh there we go I’m good I have DP to me him There we go there again yay I’m here also I didn’t realize you uh I haven’t looked at chat so hi Chad how’s it going how’s everyone doing uh let’s see hello hello that’s all I have oh um you had like like three stacks of like

I’m like oh okay I don’t know you know see the you know just fill in between the the poles right you know is your username don’t know Empress or is it the other one here let me hang on I’ve got an idea we have four hours in the Stream and I’m

Four hours late I woke up I woke up uh early when you messaged me actually uh but then I was I only had like two hours of sleep so I was like yeah I’m going back to bed that’s fair enough man um but then I woke up from

Um infinite from waking me up I’m like oh thanks man for waking me up he I was like so surprised he called me because he never calls me like unless he does call me but it’s like it’s oh by accident yes I remember you joined us in the past so here

There you go you know I’m here I’m here I’m here oh thank you your food I need food please um do you have the server address Nicole or do you need something Cisco to send it to you or something thank you I don’t know what the address is it’s

Independent comments right the server of your Discord server yeah yeah it’ll be there somewhere just you just have to look down in between all your social behavior associate Behavior every time you say about it says something [ __ ] whack I I just um pin it also why is this called I saw a

Switching title sap season one episode two shouldn’t that be season two now nope episode no it’s just season one yes I mean I mean Season Two Season Two Episode one so I’m not bad I got that one no it’s season one episode one yeah why what happened

Because this is the first season of this silver s p open to the other server I mean it’s still the same server no no it’s just different it wasn’t the silver s p though wasn’t it I’ll get it all right I see all right you know it wasn’t truly a

Silver SMP in name officially it was just some random gibberish but now I’m properly naming them it has its own playlist this one also I find it um I mean you know we this where are you this is it’s just right next to the mangrove by which is

One of the rarest volumes well not anymore now would be the uh what the Sakura the bottoms that would be maybe a spare one I don’t know oh so what I’m what I miss in the Stream um relationship talk um who broke up who broke up technically yeah um

So no one since mine I don’t think oh oh yeah it was bad no he had really nasty hiccups to where he had like step away for a little while yeah they hurt me hurt you sweetie you hurt you the hiccups you did I helped myself yeah I hurt myself in my confusion

Oh my God who’s um I see chest uh oh [ __ ] uh whose stuff is this I assume this is from before outside the wall yeah because I was gonna build it outside to move and so I’m stealing your I’m stealing your dirt and I’m stealing your Cobblestone oh you can take that

Stuff it’s fine oh Cobblestone you say I don’t know yeah it was like it was only like 13 and yeah you have so much stacks of dirt holy [ __ ] and yeah because I was terraforming over there and then somewhere along the line I was like wait never mind I’m gonna build

Over there instead I wanted to leave some of this dirt here leave it and I can always come back to it because yeah but I’ll take that I’ll take your golden dragon I’ll put back all I don’t care all the gold there okay uh uh the scrotum Empress incident yeah that’s another one

Scrotum um I would like an elaboration of what does that mean please thank you it means nothing it just I said I we had a joke web Nicole was going to be called The Scrub empress and I said why don’t we just call you both with scrub and donut and I called

It scrono and I said so you’re calling him the scrotum or scrotum Memphis and Bonnie just implanted into everyone’s little tiny brain nah Nicole thought it too before I said it can’t say that appreciate I saw you say it first so oh she said she sent the comment before

I said it but I saw yours caught up yeah no so who decided to make it who decided to make a hierarchy a little base where the walls with the walls me I got inspired bye um I don’t know I just watched something recently that had you know walls and a castle oh

All right some people will think of two things two people will think about either attack of Titan or Frost is Black Clover yeah so and I didn’t watch uh Titan yet so it’ll look better it’s gonna be like it’s gonna be wider than one block it’s just wall and then I’ll make another

Wall and then you know it’ll be a thick wall what’s up just some of my boys you know what I do what I do I have no idea oh slimes I’ve not seen slams in so long I don’t know anything that person is on about is

I’m like what I do I do anything I just woke up I play Minecraft I’m here now I’m mostly been just ignoring them unless they really cause problems and then they’re gonna get timed out I haven’t seen a new episode ah I’m very behind on Nicole I’m clearly restarting the wanna Arc

Because I kind of forgot majority of everything so yeah oh I’ve also been playing optc the mobile game uh I got mommy Robbins mommy mommy sorry Mommy Mommy I’m sorry sorry Mommy sorry but I’ve seen in little eclipse of about the new episode looks cool

Oh I love a pool I can make another portal there’s another pool right here there’s a lava pool right here underneath the the house I’m uh I’m digging I [ __ ] knew it okay do you have a diamond no I haven’t I have two I have two diamonds

It’s just like we’re close to you know okay can one of you sleep in the bed real quick I’ll just disconnect and no I mean only one person yeah you only need one oh okay I’m deep on the ground so you know oh wait yeah yeah all right

I know what you said but my brain didn’t process it’s okay I understand my brain is processing things I was hey man I don’t just look up Let Me Be yeah I have um so where the where the wooden poles you see um will be like I’m just I’m gonna break

Through the wall and I’ll just replace it all right okay I’ll just go to one of the beds where’s your bed just go I want to be in it no no I don’t wanna I wanna I wanna do with it’s just some random one I don’t know which one it was right

Ah doesn’t matter I’m going to random one let’s see uh do you have a bet you see the York I got the End by our boss oh just no it’s just uh luckily it’s a reaction videos I don’t have to worry too much it’s just it’s very easy to do in the day

No just now oh okay I don’t have to worry about them um um is there for anything I found it and it’s your two diamonds I just picked it up and put it back in oh okay I really hoped you had an extra one

Uh if you want me to go mine I can go mining or something I just need to get let me make my Essential tools I fill it and steal and then the bucket and we’ll be golden I’m just getting as many stones as possible I was gonna make it out as

Brick stone bricks but I was like that’s gonna take way too [ __ ] long I realized I just made a huge mistake yeah man making brick takes forever yeah because it’s like you can’t that’s expensive you can’t find it Well I have a stone cutter that’s that’s not an

Issue it’s it’s the weighting the furnaces to do that thing I just for sure I’m showing the iron together to put it together in the chest uh no time out for me are you sad about that you want me to time you out a long time not the one person because

People seem to be getting annoyed by them time you’re gonna be timing them out for now they keep it up when their time is up then it’s a different story what they even say though I I’ve not been watching them I don’t know from what I could see they

Were seeing some [ __ ] about Xeno or something and people were getting annoyed what the [ __ ] I know what I do everybody got mad at him because he’s all of a sudden just hopping on Xeno her condos so I mean if everyone’s getting mad at them guys Xeno he’s a big boy

What did I do I just wanted them to is it me or a different person because I know there’s another person that has a similar name but Zen of pains no I started the call really where is this I don’t know I’m just going by the fact that I see multiple

Multiplied by them in general I’m just looking through the chat hold on let me see I did catch some being a little rude to DIY earlier so that was the start of me seeing trouble um and then you know I let it go for a while and then people eventually just

All started complaining that he was being an [ __ ] or something oh yeah yeah he said in Fox you know all right well you seem to be making the majority uncomfortable so I’m just gonna time you out for now out of nowhere too like what yeah what do you do

Oh I think you’re mistaken me a version of pain fans I’m not that you know I think maybe because I don’t know is it I don’t think my name’s just Xeno nebula not Xena fans but all right cool point is they’re time now from now if

They keep it up and keep annoying people then it’s gonna be a different story wait call him doing it twice what’d I do what I do what have you been doing twice I don’t know I would have I done twice all I’ve done was just editing editing today and I don’t know

For someone else yeah most likely sheesh oh yeah also I found that uh lava pool that you’re talking about who the [ __ ] is xenophaines no no who’s done nothing wrong I literally just got here yeah so I I’m pretty sure at this point they were talking about someone else but

Still like I said they were just annoying the majority still no no no no need to be mean to each other guys come on oh my neck my back my crack causing trouble so they got timed out troublemakers So I felt like a like a nice like water Ravine and I want to go through it xenophaines is a sonic exe from a Friday night [ __ ] well we’re not we’re not talking about fnafre none of us play that game yeah oh yeah none of us I don’t I mean I

Only played it when it first came out and then that was it you guys know what you should play scratching Melody you should when act free comes out yeah yeah three or four what is damn okay I feel like I feel like now I know this is just me noticing it but

There are a lot of people now having this similar name I like having Xeno then a different part of it have you ever seen I’ve seen Twitter beforehand even using that name so I think it’s just a popular name um sorry Zeno you’re not special but you’re the only

True Zeno to us but the nebula part you can just not something oh [ __ ] I don’t have my Magma Cube there yeah I found my Magma Cube that I’ve been looking for yoink do you know is our friend that runs the middle Overlord Channel it was you know me I’m yeah him

They’re new here so that yeah if that’s that’s that’s freaking that’s fair and you just needed the channel oh huge welcome to the channel hope you enjoy your stay the better silver the better yeah the official silver my you know YouTube tag official silver that show back love you too Nicole

Hello guys I do oh [ __ ] I’m gonna go on to bed soon myself oh well like in 15 minutes no no no no They’re claiming ours you know to be a stalker what oh I haven’t been talking to anyone oh yeah it’s just the wrongs you know yeah they got the wrong guy yeah but it’s like what’s that got to do with us though like why are you talking about your own dramas here like yeah

Honestly this isn’t the same Zeno so take it somewhere else I’m the better Xeno you know these you know in our lives really the only Xena the wall yeah we all talk about it we don’t talk about that channel you’re chaos yeah so we don’t talk about people that little kids yeah sorry

The wage is so dead man say oh hey I I I got uh I I I I talked to Jules earlier today and he’s giving me my full his my full his full blessing for me to go all out if I wanted to oh yeah

So if I could just if I if you know I you know but I I I I I told him I only want to do it when other people are going to do it at the same time going all out in what way you know

But that doesn’t really help when no one else is willing to go you know and do it uh I think you got the wrong zero I’m not that Xena that you think of that you’re thinking of I’m completely different from that a different person that you’re I think you’re referencing here um anyway

I like turtles me too Cisco did silver and Friends Sega goes and does Sonic and friends okay stop spamming and stuff constantly asking people to be friends that’s not how that works well molzino she’s saying yes or no I I will respectfully decline you

[ __ ] hate you now go away no no no no no no no no no no you’re taking out a proportion now no not like that no no no no very much if I know you well enough I will say yes but until then okay all right you’re you’re adding salt

To dude he asks again ow I like turtles it’s okay it’s okay you know I I I I’m so I’m blunt like that because I know that it just goes over the heads yeah you know most of the time I’m almost done with the wall but then I’ve got to make another wall

On the outside how’s it going Hello Kitty Channel how’s it going cutie ciao you enjoy yourself oh come on you sexy man I need to just get calling me there we go Come here you sexy beast oh I got five wow the beauty about I’m just I’ve just been stuck in this water cave oh [ __ ] I need to make sure I have the I’ve not even talking about diamonds because it’s like I’m the wall oh I found two more life right now LOL wall

No fault it’s just he doesn’t have any friends with nobody me or someone else needle mouse piss off of that [ __ ] uh guys you need to calm down please you’re right I’m sorry you’re fine you’re fine sweetie oh it’s in there here’s how I’ll calm down I got

What I got so much from that wow that’s crazy well really that’s crazy ones they left me in the room there you go I rub a room is that better oh my God am I calm now here come yeah sure does that help that’s crazy he was a member but you

Know it was probably gifted though wasn’t it oh yeah yeah I lost 70 cents no no whatever shall we do I don’t give a [ __ ] all right I’m on TV you good to see you good sir oh like you yeah hello hello also what’s going on here oh you’re just

Fighting for a cobblestone yeah I’m just getting cobbles down okay also I got 12 diamonds nice go make a little portal or something I haven’t even gone down into the caves yet because I build my house first take my sweet time then that caused the stone huh I caused the stir

A little bit Wait do you guys stream every day so yes we do how did you find the channel by the way interesting I like to I like to know it helps me know where to promote [ __ ] I paid you can pay all you want but you know if you’re being disrespectful to my friends

Then you’re getting the [ __ ] out of here and they got timed out too so it’s like you had every opportunity to stop why am I lonely because you’ve been a little [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] God damn listen no shut the [ __ ] up bro this is why digino doesn’t like you and

Doesn’t want to be friends with you go be his friend then stranger danger you know stranger danger stranger danger you know I gotta I gotta keep my boundaries gotta keep myself safe you know bro I’m sorry cutie Joe I think it might be because you weren’t here for Moses

Stream but it’s all out of context yeah I promise Casey Chow it was well deserved what I just said my friend solvent told me about this channel oh thank you servant yeah don’t worry I’ll go that even that will go over the heads too they’ll think I’m talking about someone else maybe see

It’s just gone over their [ __ ] head I was just confused don’t worry I don’t just call people a [ __ ] [ __ ] for no reason if you’re like annoying the [ __ ] out of everyone for an entire stream then yes I will call you a little [ __ ] oh man us mods can hide people too

[ __ ] do it then I usually do I feel it’s necessary by from multiple people’s chance of seeing that features channels oh wow that’s so rare that I’ve seen people do that oh my God I mean if he calls me a [ __ ] I know he’s joking I think

I have come to see you again no comments have you come to see did you leave no the song Okay no no yeah I’m being attacked the Fire Nation is attacked thank you that someone didn’t light up this area yeah you heard me I don’t even know what area you’re talking about I found let’s just go to recommend it on YouTube watching jules’s channel damn yay

Apparently my stream show my my live stream shows up whenever someone’s finished watching one of jules’s videos and then it you know how like YouTube will uh show in the next video to watch yeah through that so that’s cool so I should maybe stream when he uploads a video because

And I might try that at some point can you give me blocks I have one stack my guy you always asking the last one you can go take the rest of the dirt out of my chest what I gave you a whole lot of time pickaxe too it’s almost done

Well the first layer anyway and then I’ve got to make another one probably not on stream but like you know another one I know everyone everyone watching Black Clover maybe why did I make that oh probably you know what you make a good point I won’t be doing much uh with durian

Black Clover I want to watch quite a few episodes today the last few days we’ve not been watching much well not necessarily the last two days we watched like a lot of episodes and then there are probably the day after one of those next days we watched it was

Like we didn’t watch much we watched like four episodes Maybe yeah but then the what the wolf I remember it was like a few days ago we watched like uh like a what 10 I don’t know not ten but we definitely watched like a whole more than usual

I would I just want to binge because I’m I’m ready to move on now from from Black Clover you know okay like I want to see something fresh but I also want to finish what we’re watching um I get that you guys you’re not enjoying it no I I

Am I I am enjoying it I don’t know how I would you know withstand one piece for example no no that’s what I’m saying I want it’s like I don’t I don’t mind if you want to drop it off it’s I’m just saying you just give it a chance if you don’t like

It you don’t like it and then I love it no no no no I’m sorry for one piece for one piece for example if we do watch it if you watch if you do like one piece right I think it’s right with that one we can

Always like pause come back to it you know yeah of course you know what I’ll make a penis house I never I want to make a big penis awesome go for it two balls the two balls will be like one of them will be a live area

One of them will be a furnace I should not furnace will be at the very top where the you know the one of the blast furnaces or one of the furnaces could make like a smoke it’ll be at the tip creativity Xena is gonna have the most swagger house yes sir

I’ve watched all of One Piece well I’ve read I’ve read and watched like most of one piece so pretty nice one piece is very good it’s like one of those series like oh I wish it never ended literally that I think it’s such a big one I think I know why they don’t

Have friends no oh drugs I think I found the root of the cause burning oh no make me focus more on finding friends than watching all of One Piece oh my God hey man I’m like what episode 900 and I’m still okay but you found you you went and got friends first probably

And you’re not special okay why don’t we what the [ __ ] either way go my friends but don’t ask for friends if that makes sense oh I got I got a mangrove proper a propagates when I am go to bed that’s what I really just said go to bed I am

Gonna go to bed go to bed no you know no go to bed now holy [ __ ] no I’m kidding good no no no no oh foreign [Applause] you’re welcome if anybody doesn’t know what I just sang you’re you’re a blink that’s yeah you’re fine over only some will get it some will someone

Bionic I think you should chill out what I think you should chill who are you talking about what do you mean who else is go about it I can chill I am put on The Cools yeah let’s just go about to leave DMS that’s insane she has no [ __ ] remorse What was their leak it’s just a [ __ ] Jelly Bean thing in the freaking cornless I don’t know I just you never know you just never know with these things you know someone could have said the gamer word and you don’t want to find out well gamer word uh uh uh uh uh

Germany what ah oh I said gamer award Germany anyway I’m gonna go now they they are very cool that’s a very cool country yeah okay any Germans out there guys don’t don’t the Germans have like nice beers yeah they do have nice beards and beers beer beer beer beer bye Bionic

Bye-bye oh no okay that didn’t no she’s gone it’s gone all right let’s try this shall we okay whoa what is that no it’s just a mangrove the [ __ ] oh oh Fiddlesticks [ __ ] League of Legends yeah oh what the hello oh [ __ ] what’s that I hate copper copper doo doo in

Minecraft if you can make copper armor I would decisions will be different what’s up servant I’m French I’m so sorry that’s um yeah oh do we need sand I’m pretty sure we might need sand right sure just in case I’ll get one stack Justin goes technical question what is that question

Depends what it is a technical question eh what what is here what is the technical question how do you ask someone on a community well you you just like Twitter you know you you put the art you start typing out their name and then it should come up like a bunch of channels

Because it’s trying to guess what you’re going to say yeah I was gonna edit it when I woke up but then I’m like I’m too tired uh oh we uploaded tonight which is different yeah I was gonna I was gonna make a community post like I

Did make a community post but only with jules’s Sonic because then I was like where’d the video go and then I got real sad never got to see people’s reactions uh it’s not did I delete our private I didn’t fully delete it I’m pretty sure let me double check because I don’t

Think I I just privated it I just wanted to see people’s reactions oh let me quickly just check it out right now and see if it’s still there Pizza oh yeah I did private easy um the comments were how many comments were there there wasn’t that many right so this will be

Easy because oh wait is it because it’s private it doesn’t appear maybe change it to enlist it and then refresh yeah yeah that’s what I was thinking about you know yeah unlisted save oh my God my arm comments yeah it did work all right cool uh what is this what is this video

I don’t see even needle Mouse caught his head all the way into the video I don’t think there’s any comments from you but I did I got it was I got the end from uh Sonic about it though oh yeah I’ll show you I’ll show you that though

What do you got to say for himself he was like it’s something he’s like who this ain’t this ain’t um Rusty Rose this ain’t um I’m saying the clicks the rest areas like the clicks that one okay oh and that’s not that’s not that’s not um genuinely asking who it was

No obviously he found out afterwards like at the end of the video it’s like oh you got he’s like you guys just go to dude let me go get up um he was like uh where is it uh I see you sorry the boss just sent me a video but

We’ll do it in Black Clover now I will do it together this is a dumb question I’ve been dumb thing he says I see you’re uh I see you dubbed the same comic of dubbing next week you took so long you asked like a lot like last week about it and you took

A week just to make it I mean okay and how how the hell up you guys just go to Voice diversity Rose question mark I was so lost I was like that’s not that person yeah it really be crazy all camels I’m at a sign Village wacky day honestly to voice both chaos

Sonic and Rusty Rose no yeah true foreign I want to see all these hay bales because I can all right uh [ __ ] I don’t I need wood though I have wait yeah I can’t make one the hell I’m I’m Legit tripping bro oh my God I just need to find one just one

Hat ha ha ha ha do we need a stone cutter just go yeah give me a second okay Do do you do oh my God please I’m trying to find a cobblestone oh my God please I just want to find uh Cobble this one actually I need to but please I just need twin carbon that’s all I want oh well I found the complete opposite what I wanted but sure

Oh my God thank God I made the second one holy [ __ ] it’s just I’m just like please I don’t wanna decide and I don’t want that yeah a couple that’s what I was looking for it’s like chat how’s everyone doing yeah I’ll just take uh talking to the bus because

No he was based I was basically telling him can you like like stop sending me to do videos on the actual then send videos in advance you know um and he was like saying oh but they’ve all been in the fall and I’m like what folder I haven’t received any folder

Yeah I haven’t ever seen the folder yeah um and I said if you make a list of who edits what then maybe we wouldn’t be you know doing it all last minute so that’s why I’m just telling them Corrections last minute I have zero problem with because that’s just easy to hear

Um where is I’m looking for the last hay bales also can you how do you claim said um camels oh don’t answer that I don’t have a freaking saddle dude well he just told me you do have a folder so I don’t I don’t know then me yeah I don’t know do you

No man like a Google Drive fold I mean by the way for clarification I do but in terms for giving him the videos not me receiving to do oh I haven’t seen these in a long long time it’s the abandoned villages I have not seen these in so long

Oh wow that’s actually really good wow that is so good this blacksmith had wow everything I wanted nice sick I’m not really going to complain but perfect there’s a librarian that’s so nice oh [ __ ] ow leave me alone oh uh okay let me just run this out okay I have a folder now

Nice thank you thank you oh there’s a chest here the [ __ ] huh why did you send me oh it’s just something that he sent me that I was like oh because I was talking about the folder thing and he was like no I sent folder and then showed me that screenshot

So I don’t I don’t know oh well all right oh [ __ ] I’ll stream for another 45 minutes and then that’s it no more God damn it I dig through this I’m lucky oh there you go I found it yeah baby I don’t need this my inventory is getting freaking full

Actually it does fall I thought you not need I don’t need that I don’t need that let me have a look at this now the Badlands baby I think all right cool foreign never gonna catch me in public wearing them yes you just maybe something good jazz would be nice

Yes I’ll take that everything else I will not dungeon because you know another mob spawner I want to stay away from that as much as possible yeah you found a mob spawner siren Xeno um okay okay hello I’m not finding like a lot of stuff in this Badlands you know

Yo oh there you go [ __ ] uh holy [ __ ] I was calling your name for like five minutes are you yeah okay okay you found a mouse spawn or something uh but that’s the ones we don’t like this is spider yep okay spiders okay yes I finally found it baby I found the temple

Okay check out perennial gaming out check out videos when they’re on Media Share oh I can get rid of this for this go to this for that this for this this that this give me this this is a stack [ __ ] all right over all right all right all right

Oh yeah baby give me give me and I will probably conclude my adventure I’ll get the TNT though because that is going to be useful down the line hello hello governor I’ve huh did you need something oh I just need to TV back home oh

I could have been in a lava pit and you wouldn’t have known and I would have survived because I have a water bucket in a lava pit you can survive it if it just depends on how far I need to depends on the surface really but yeah

Um I I can make the channel by the way me I’m so close to uh I just need another like small stack of stone oh yeah I almost got it we have TNT we do have TNT we have 13. oh neat don’t know what to use it for though yet

Oh I haven’t oh we’re done with the walls nice almost I mean almost it’s like a Leia left at the top of one of them oh yeah seriously and now I’m just lighting it all up just so there’s no mobs that spawn on top of it

What I can’t make a lover with it even with uh deep slate Cobblestone cringe I’m going to make explosion hey Cisco as a Latino may I cross the border everyone’s welcome that’s funny have you got the green card I just realized I was making people happy what wait who did that was that

You was that you what did you do you know I’m on the ground what what are you doing oh my god oh um it’s just all gonna Des you know blow up though oh my God hello what is happening over here what is it wait where’s it up

Huh what the patched it up like nothing ever happened I patched it up okay um I fell into last uh remaining parts for this place yeah I’m still gonna get cobblestone anyway because I’ve got to make a second layer at some point probably after the will the second layer be outside yeah because

Yeah and I’m thinking it’ll be like the the wall will be like four or five wide okay I got plenty of wood because Davis accidentally set it to where if you chop one tree an entire Forest goes down It’s fine no way Cisco we got a city to burn why what happened what happened can I suggest a video idea between me you and speed where we’re all chaos Sonic and we had where there was an Eggman had an accident where he made free chaos Sonics by accident

With a clone thing I feel like that’d be cool I feel like we should get one we didn’t we need to I know there’s a I found a kerosolic model right but it’s uh I want them to I want to have three different chaos Sonic models though

Okay well I I don’t know but I I don’t know I like I like it being the same because it’s like oh who’s who oh okay yeah you’re right we do we do the Spider-Man meme oh yeah Don’t Wanna Hurt You if you know what song we’re singing You’re go dude

It’s from the Sega Legacy timeline I don’t give a [ __ ] whose timeline it is I it’s just a funny video a funny video no need to take it seriously modern Sonic [ __ ] doesn’t matter funny video there’s no lore on my if videos that I I’m I organize there’s

No law it don’t matter okay same people who make lore cringe I’m not gonna lie cringe I I promise you the babies are not gonna know um yes because I [ __ ] axed a whole ass forest with one stroke can I test that is this a salon I know

Uh I don’t know you have to go go to a forest nearby though I I you know or maybe you can can I I wanna I wanna cheat quickly let me quickly cheat just so just to test it out and like um I’m just gonna go I’m just gonna go

Somewhere really really far you can slush wild right foreign do we have a home I I need to do this at home because I remember I went to bed in a random Village let me quickly do that real quickly hello guys at home to one of these buildings boom done all right

It’s not over complicated things it’s not it’s just I’ve seen so many people just do it so they make the characters they make Sonic not Sonic I don’t know it’s just I get it the only version of their own character of Sonic yeah but

Come on give it two keep it the same you know keep it the keep the same material slightly different slightly different actually I don’t know uh Slash locate no okay it’s uh shh what was it was a command I’ve ever got a special locate no slash locate

Is it okay oh no it’s actually buying something isn’t it I kind of I already forgot the command to list for it I will Uh TP to me to you when when you cut down just do a the test uh okay I found it it’s like a mini Forest but it it’s just it at least the scaled down it just scales it down but you know it gets a rough idea all right hello

I can’t see it I’m falling out from the world just let me know when you’re ready I’m oh God sure I’m watching all right oh yeah I forgot I forgot I forgot the survival I’m thinking all right well oh wow oh that’s like a it replies everything it’s

Like a very small I just go uh go to a number one where it’s more dense so you didn’t exactly go to a dense forest did you yeah I found all right yeah I’ll pick all this up for you I’ll pick up all the trash for you thank you sweetie hello hello uh

Sure like this is a good example yeah yeah no right here right over here country hang on there’s a zombie here okay I am on my way I’m watching right wow that just broke three trees but that got me a lot of wood it definitely was on a bigger scale though before

Maybe it’s down I just took a bunch um oh you did that okay wow uh Slash home bed I wonder if I can do it properly that song if I did it like that it sounds like it sounds alright in Japanese it does not sound good in English I’m doing it like oh yeah definitely most definitely so all right I’m going to the outside uh

Uh where would the where would be a good entrance honestly no idea I’m gonna quickly I’ll save this part now I need to get my audio goddammit um now Mario can save let’s save it uh the later I will do just this video because it’s I want to get it out of the

Way now I will do it in a few moments too like it this like 26 minutes from now um now just so I can get out of this way I want to do Saturday’s videos but he won’t tell me who’s doing who what I don’t get it

Makes no sense just [ __ ] tell me all right he says I’m doing Thursday rendered to I’m doing first day rendered one that makes me more important hey double uploading more equals extra extra freaking work when we could oh he did make a list there we go hold on I

Was gonna say well I to be fair I did oh he’s doing it now he’s doing it now I can see it in the humidity yeah because I was like because I told him I was like how are you expecting this to know what video to do we don’t know who’s doing what

Speaking there’s one this is one that says there’s one that says Friday rendered but he hasn’t put it up yet in the in the files who’s doing Saturday I wouldn’t I could do it now I’m free right now to do Saturdays he’s literally on time right now he’s in

The typing phase of that because he actually type in Saturday right now yeah I think he’s AFK from keeper because he’s just he’s just like it’s just you know how in Google like you see who’s typing yeah I saw what areas wait hang on yeah so right now let’s just it’s

Just like him sitting there Ah I don’t have access to to it yeah me too I was gonna write some things in there I was gonna be like yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] hello um it really been nice with that I don’t remember the oh my oh we should make it we should make an entrance

I have one here it’s it’s small but but it’s where I you know I haven’t got to build it you know yeah I guess one two okay one two one two three I just wanted to make sure it was people are in my store I’ve gone that direction I’ll go this

Direction Let’s test it out yeah you you do that you know what no I feel like doing the most boring thing today why I just strip mining it’s okay I mean you don’t have anything to you it’s not like you you’re streaming it so you could do whatever

The [ __ ] you want I just got too much of that was uh people stop watching true people don’t like um people don’t like me doing that you know what I will make uh an enchantment table yeah yes please um all right then I’ll put it doesn’t matter whoever put it because we don’t

Even have books yet so no but I did grow a bunch of uh uh you know uh paper outside oh yeah so you can go check that out let’s see if there’s enough paper too I planted down like 59. oh yeah so it should be should be plenty should be plenty

Should be plenty love love um let me do these I’ll do a strip mine down here I’m so happy I have a water bucket what have I missed nothing much foreign good for um um concrete yeah she doesn’t I don’t like the look of it you don’t like the cocoa Granite oh

Probably gonna head out okay we’re almost done to like 20 minutes and we’re done uh what’s the the best why um for strip mining diamonds again minus 55 to minus 60. I should but the best one is looking for a cave true what’s this tough oh wow diamonds my mouth that was very

Wow that was very like unintentionally wow cool I got a from that sick I’m just mining down oh my God more diving sick what the hell that’s crazy that’s crazy no my pickaxe bro he’s about to break it broke no unlucky uh uh I hear a race that seems to be on your

End on yep I knew it unlucky should have said that maybe a minute earlier I did so what’s happening then am I just in the void forever great oh diamonds hi hi it happened just outside the gates I was just happily farming when I was attacked damn good night savante not all right

So fante said good night and then deleted deleted um their own chat I’m like oh okay wow okay leave no Trace God you’re so annoying Xeno go to sleep you go to sleep you’re closest to the bed I’m in the caves I’m outside the walls you’re even closer

But I’ve got to go all the way around you just have to move ah I’m just fixing this up a little bit because there’s like a all of the discrepancy with some of these oh yeah like it makes no sense to see dirt on underneath her Stone there you go oh my God

The end of this video it just finished downloading yeah probably gonna 50 more minutes and then I’ll end the stream and start editing mine while watch but clover And the only issue with watching with this video that’s but I gotta go through it I gotta watch it through thoroughly because apparently there’s a part where uh Davis sorry ever apparently in the video itself there was a big No-No word well of course he did

No no no no no no no no no the reaction to the video of the thingy so alrighty Um again okay uh I got two stacks of stone so I’m just gonna lay the foundations oh yeah you know to a healthy relationship you know foreign I love how to delete the whole video by accident in the timeline oh I got a uh this is kind of very it’s very weird because

You’re just saying yeah he’s back everybody he’s back yeah no he’s not wait who’s back Davis knuckles yeah it really went away I don’t know I think I’m doing this wrong foreign One two three four five okay one two three four five one two three four five I don’t get it one two three four five one block two blocks okay maybe it should be free I don’t know all right so I’ll add the Nintendo music because it’s my favorite thing to use now

Problem is I really need to watch this for 14 minutes because I not for demons but like for like the duration of this video because of like oh I gotta sense of things ah I’m not gonna I’m not gonna try hard sensor I’m just gonna like uh speed it up

Yeah true watch it and watch it fast like and then like oh I’m just gonna lower the audio holy [ __ ] he’s a little crazy lad IES boom boom make the video for like the first minute entertaining because yeah ah it’s so confusing foreign Um guy knew I know damn well I’m gonna have to send to this video I got something wait a second one too one two one two one two so confused one two three I don’t know I don’t know chat I think that might be right actually like it looks right wait

Yeah it might be right but I don’t have I don’t have a set home yet [ __ ] okay my bad Big L piggle on my part T slash no actually no no this is not my home this is my home T slash set home foreign you know not everything has to be about talking

Uh you know what I’ll probably end the stream here now so thank you all so much for watching oh well that’s not what I wanted at all what the [ __ ] there you go forget about that you guys didn’t see anything see y’all later guys I’ll see you tomorrow bye bye everyone yay bye-bye

Apparently you’re doing Saturday too I’m doing Saturday

This video, titled ‘SILVER MINECRAFT SMP SEASON 1 EPISODE 1’, was uploaded by Silver & Friends on 2023-08-10 07:18:11. It has garnered 1103 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:17 or 19637 seconds.

VTUBER MADE BY @SonicDreams2


✪ Channel description ✪

Hello guys im silver, i come from 200 years from the future!

✪ Hang out in our discord server ✪ ✪

Silver the hedgehog is a character from the sonic the hedgehog franchise along side characters such as shadow the hedgehog, knuckles the echidna, tails the fox, metal , blaze the cat, E-123 Omega, Jet the Hawk, Movie Sonic Infinite the jackal, Mehilis the Dark, Fleetway Sonic and many more and is in no official affiliation with SEGA and this channel id for entertainment purposes.

Other characters may interact with but are not official are sonica, shadina, silvia or female silver, sonic.exe, shadow.exe, silver.exe, and more!

Along with Bendy, Among Us, FNAF, FNF, Baldi and many more ✪ Credits ✪

✪ Channel art by code trilogy ✪ Silver emotes by Freggie

i sure hope no one is stealing my streaming shedule :))))))))))))

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More