Sjin Enchants World with AllTheModium Magic!

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hello mud and welcome back to enchant the world we’ve been away for about a week so yeah sorry for the lack of videos but we’re back in full force in our Enchanted Mage compound this episode what I want to do is finally crack the all the modium we’re going to be grabbing all the modium ore we’re going to be also getting vibranium ore if we can find it and then finally we’re going to be cracking open the unobtanium nuggets and progressing through the all the mods ores there’s a bunch of cool ways to do it using magic mods and it’s going to be essential for us to get some of the best iron spells and spell books armor from those hard to get Metals but before we do that check out the compound because I’ve been upgrading this thing and we’ve built a few things here and there let’s take a look so come with me as we swoop through our colian compound so far things are looking pretty nice the trees the bone M grass roads and all of the walls are up to a nice nice standard but it’s a standard that we’re going to have to continue and repeat as you can see this area just beyond the Twilight portal is looking very bare boned indeed some more decorations is going to be required over here and also so you see in the background there that town hall it’s only level three that’s going to have to come up to level four and level five before we get to that though we’re going to need the builder hut to be level five so our Colony can support level five buildings so let’s get started with the Builder’s Hut upgrade can’t wait to see what this thing looks like at level five I believe it’s level four already so yeah what changes with a builder’s Hut from level four to 5 well it’s not a huge upgrade what it is doing though is slowly changing all of the leaves on this tree into what I think are tree of time leaves from the Twilight Forest and I’m a bit torn on this I love the particle effects the falling runes look very enchanting but losing those lush green leaves on top of the Builder’s Hut kind of sucks [Music] as the builder hut completes though you can see it’s also added some yellow crystals that look really cool the whole building is just dripping in not just magical runes but also loads and loads and loads of decoration it’s a really goodlooking building at level five this is something that like anybody will be proud of to call their their home base on a modded m inecraft server it looks really cool anyway now it’s level five we can hop over to the town hall and get this thing up in the levels so from 3 to four and it adds these two Wings on the left and right then from four to five and you can see it’s added two fountains and slowly building that clock tower in the middle it was a tough build but here you can see the whole thing in complete and it looks really really really stunning especially now that it’s nestled and buried inside an area that’s rich populated with grass flowers look at the decoration the back here these Circle formations with the hedges those peonies roses and lilacs oh man it’s just a florist’s dream the building is also accented with these blue leaves that really do complement the blue gradient rooftops they look stunning very happy with this build let’s get in game and check it [Music] out oh yeah and there it is in the background looks amazing and that function and create clock is really really really cool let’s hop down and take a look inside so yeah this thing like all the other buildings from the fairy tale style does look incredible I’ve been really pleased with the way these buildings came together they’re really well designed they’ve got a really nice paintly gradient style look these cave vines in the middle inside the house are a great touch really nice looking and upstairs there’s loads and loads and loads of room a lovely aquarium in here no fish yet but we could fix that and yeah the rooms inside are also pretty amazing the storage in here lots of utility so you could always convert this once it’s level five to be your own player house put some machines in here and have a good time and also of course you’ve got these amazing trophies that represent the bosses that we crushed from the Twilight Forest pretty cool now I don’t know where dunsel fenus is but I’m going to leave her to whatever she’s doing what we’re going to be doing is cracking on to getting all the modium now as far as this chain goes in all the mods it’s pretty simple once you get a netherite pickaxe you can get all the modium you can dig it up but how do you get a netherite pick pickax that’s a little bit tricky and the recipe here in just enough items or not enough items whichever one it is shows us that with the smithing table a diamond pick and a smithing template we can upgrade our normal pickaxe that’s Diamond to netherite and that means finding a smithing template now the usual way you’re supposed to do this is go into The Nether find a Bastion but there’s a more exciting way that’s a bit more accessible so come with me over to the occultism setup oh yeah the dark and gloomy Crypt go down here maybe say hello to our wife cuz she’s probably wondering where we’ve been so as you can see you can get a netherite smithing template by summoning a possessed hoglin it’s like a normal hoglin from the nether but it’s got a demon inside it sure whatever and there’s about like a 30% chance drop rate from this guy shows over here yeah 22% at least chance that he will drop a netherite smithing template now all you need is one because once you have this you can use it to craft two more so so long as you have enough diamonds which we’ve got loads of you can make infinite smithing templates and that’s not going to be a problem whatsoever so I’m going to grab the bits we need which is some pork some leather couple of Netherrack Spirit attuned Crystal netherite scrap and of course a book of binding afet with these things we can summon the hoglin oh and of course we’ll need some yers with some pigs so I’ll get straight on that okay so sometime later we’ve been out and about we’ve yed a whole bunch of pigs four of them indeed this should be should be enough if we get lucky we’ve also got the raw pork chops which you kind of got from killing these guys friends sorry dudes loads of diamonds Netherrack and leather you can also use other kinds of leather like the leather that you get from uh dead flesh zombie flesh it’s a good way of doing it oh remove this totem of undying cuz that does not need to be there thank you very much so it’s pretty simple oh of course we got to turn these diamonds into the right gems so we’ll pick the spirit fire in We Go full stack don’t mind if I do and then yeah these in a four grid become Spirit ATT tuned crystals four of those right now it’s time to load up the pedestals there we go almost complete we need two more things now the books of binding and of course like I said that netherite so back to the portal Tower let’s go fishing around our computer and we should have a whole bunch of this I reckon I got loads of netherite before didn’t I there we go we’ll need a few of these so I reckon four yeah again should be enough and of course we’ll need the spirit attuned book should be in here somewhere Spirit there dictionary of spirits perfect and now let’s get back to the occultism setup [Music] now in a lot of ways it probably is much much easier to just go and find a Bastion now that we’ve got the ability to fly around with brooms and Mage leap just finding those biomes those structures in the nether would be super simple you just raid the chests but this is a cool magical way of doing it and I want to lean towards magic when we can so the final piece of the puzzle was the netherite scrap over here we combine the dictionary of spirits with a book of afit to make it a bound one one cool we’ll keep the sword the enchanter sword cuz we might need that to do the damage and there we go started summoning possessed hoglin all it’s waiting for now is the ritualist sacrifice let’s just get the pig down there we go oh don’t try and get away from me there we go thud thud thud means the pig is coming the possessed hoglin now this isn’t too tricky of a fight oh cooked pork chop nice and to increase your chances you could get like a weapon with looting oh my God two shot oh you couldn’t have written it better amazing we got super lucky there we got the smithing template that’s incredible Quest complete netherite template oh yeah this is what we need to be able to get some allodium ore now if you remember some time ago if we go into the map we have all the mod ore marked on our map we found some earlier on we could fly all the way out there it’s 1,600 blocks away to grab some ATM ore luckily enough our dimensional M shaft with the crazy Miner that we had did get us a few nuggets and I think it should be enough nuggets did I take them out of the computer no there we go 45 nuggets that translates to check this out boom five all the mod nuggets we don’t complete any quests because we skip the part of the chain that is getting the ore but this is the big one this is what we need now some of you guys mentioned earlier in the comment section that the mining lamp that you can put here you can attach an eternal Stellar to and it will last forever now I tried that before with a hastas forge it took me a huge amount of time to get the setup working but apparently it’s been patched out you can no longer make these miners infinite ain’t that right Keith yeah even Keith was upset by this as well which is a massive Nerf to the dimensional Min m shaft and makes it kind of not worth using however if you do get one of the crazy miners it does mean you’ll probably get from that first initial go enough all the modium to get you going all you really need at the start is four nuggets to get you to the mining Dimension ah but before we do anything let’s turn this smithing template into loads more so there’s two two gets you three three gets you four and so on and so forth now we could make a full set netherite armor if we wanted to but you know what I don’t think we do the pickaxe is all we need for now so the Nugget the pick the template gets us oh yeah baby the netherite pickaxe perfect we don’t get the Quest for that because we did already find a netherite pick inside a chest a while ago all right well Lads what are we doing now okay we’re going to the mining Dimension to get even more all the modium ore so if memory serves we use the all the modium Nugget with an ender pearl to get ourselves a Teleport pad oh yeah it’s all coming back to me and this is basically the same in every single all the mods version I’ve played you get all the modium you go to the uh the special Dimension you get more vibranium and stuff etc etc and you know what this is probably the perfect thing to put on our portal Tower it’s another place we’re going to want to go so we’ll put it over here at the back so we’ll put this one over here and let’s go take a look we’re going to the mining Dimension and yeah we should have everything we need oh man the mining Dimension is a beautiful Dimension I’ve heard some people actually build their base out here because it’s just so flat so easy to manipulate is this Greg Tech or oh yeah oil sand indicator Greg Tech crazy but yeah it’s so e EAS to build out here because it’s already really flat some people spend their whole game just building out here I mean fair enough anywh who what are we going to do well we’re going to go looking for all the modium there’s a couple of ways we can do this we could use Wormhole Miner in fact I’m going to go home and change another wand I want two wands one with wormall Miner and one with apocalypse cuz it’s you know it doesn’t make any sense just having to change it all time so yeah now we’re back in the dimension and we’ve got both of these wands apocalypse and Wormhole minor now since we’re looking for just all the modium we don’t actually want to set up any quaries all the modium cannot be found by quarrying it so that means you have to find it yourself the plus side is it will be ignored by anything that destroys blocks so if we use things like the cut and paste gadget for example it’s uh it’s not exactly very magical it’s very Tech but you could cut a giant area and it will remove everything except the all the modium and that to absolutely everything if you set up loads of explosives everything except the all the modium will blow up and while it’s easy to see you can use your netherite pickax to dig it up no sweat and that sounds really badass so we’re going to try and apocalypse to create a big hole and this is by far and way the best way of doing things because yeah oh let’s give it a go number one because I love the spell apocalypse it’s just oh my God crash my game nope it’s just so good it’s so fun it creates a huge huge hole which is what we’re looking for we’re trying to create a lot of space so we can get down to all the modium Wormhole Miner is expensive but it’ll also fill up our packs with loads of stuff that we don’t want or need now it kind of sucks casting apocalypse while standing on the ground because eventually some of these meteorites find their way back back up and it explodes wherever we’re standing luckily enough though that’s why we have a broom so let’s just perch on this bad boy there we go now we are apocalyps in in style so 20 minutes later and lots of apocalypse and you can see we’ve got a really cool looking hole here oh man I’m amazed at actually how cool this hole looks from above but yeah sitting above with a broom casting down apocalypse we’ve created a massive crater so time to swoop in let’s go first person so you can see what we’re doing oh man I love the way the fog looks as we swoop in this should oh my God it’s still going there there’s still bits shooting around uh-oh have I crashed nope it’s just going crazy it’s just going Mega crazy yeah word to the wise don’t do this on a multiplayer server because you will lag out everybody playing on it and probably get yourself banned now what we’re trying to do is get down to the Deep slate level the mining Dimension is split into three oh my God it’s like a disco Tech down here it’s so cool though uh yeah oh my God oh my actual God it’s still going so badly look at the lag oh my God oh my actual God why did I look that way uh look up look up okay so maybe it’s stopped now it’s mostly stopped so yeah the mining Dimension is split into three layers the top layer is Stone where you find convention ores it’s still a good place to mine for things like diamonds as you can see as you get a bit deeper oh my God it’s not done as you get a bit deeper you will find the Deep slate layer and we’re going to oh my God what the hell what the hell is this we’re going to oh my God we’re going to oh have I crashed no we’re going to try and fly through this uh yeah then you get to the Deep slate level and this is where you find the juice this is the allodium level and as you can see gotten so lucky there’s a little bit right here so with our netherite pickaxe that we handily brought we can pick this up and yeah not a good idea to dig it from a broom so we’ll just land uh yeah so we’re going to use Mage Bridge which I think we have still on our bar where is it so yeah really do be careful with apocalypse because it it is potentially gamebreaking so let’s see if we can use can I cast this wizard Bridge no it’s so laggy it won’t let me cast any more spells oh no no no no no no no okay at least I survived that uh I think oh my God the lag the lag is so bad oh baby yeah looks like um the explosions have stopped uh I guess dying will do that it’ll clear things out for you it shifted us back to the dimension and unloaded this one and we’ll just casually FL Flo down to our corpse but on the way oh my God you can see apocalypse is nothing to be messed with he’s a badass in the X-Men universe and it’s a badass spell here too now where is my body but yeah like I said once you get to the Deep slate level you start to expose all the modium ore and there it is shining bright like a diamond perfect and ready for us to come along and pluck it out of existence as you go down Beyond The Deep slate level you of course get to the Netherrack level oh and I was wrong it’s not three layers it’s four oh no no no wa who who who that’s not cool man it runs out finally back at last got my stuff back in control so yeah it goes down all the way to endstone and I’m not sure if there’s a layer below this no that looks like Bedrock so I think this is as low as it goes but yeah I didn’t about you guys but I don’t see any allodium in the endstone or the Netherrack layer it’s all located up there in the Deep slate layer so that’s where you want to be digging for this so let’s just swoop on up now that we got the broom back and yeah we can land somewhere safe get our netherite pickaxe out and there we go we’ve got all the modium ore perfect wait where’s it gone oh straight to the backpack which means we don’t get the achievement for it but we do now boom and just like that and with a bit of wizard Bridge magic like uh like you do oh yeah I love this spell so useful it’s just such a useful spell I just love magic magic is just so good mine it up before the wizard Bridge goes away oh no there it goes well never mind didn’t need that one anyway and there we go so that in a nutshell is our magical method for get Gathering all the modium ore very useful very powerful probably the best way to do it but if you can think of a better way to do it using magic mods do let me know stabilized warp scroll to the ready and here we go Bing so we’ve got all the modium or now what do we do with this how do we get to the next stage which is vibranium that’s a good question so all the modium or how do we find vibranium well vibranium isn’t too hard to find either if we look for the or up here it should tell us where it is right so it’s in the nether at y 64 Plus Cave walls player minable only not quable it doesn’t say which biome it specifically is in but there’s also vibranium in the other dimension that’s good to know so if we can get to y64 in the other dimension we can find some vibranium now to get vibranium we need to actually get an all the modium pickaxe and this is where things do get pretty spicy we’re not going to be a able to use a netherite pickaxe we’re instead going to have to upgrade the netherite pickaxe using this smithing template and the only way to get a smithing template for an all the modum pickaxe is by going to an ancient city but all is not lost you need a smithing template to get the armor from allodium but if you want to skip things like the allodium armor Spellbook and wizard robes and things you can actually get the pickax with just a regular craft you need some plates some rods uses more all the modium this way but it is a way of doing it without having to get the smithing template because to get the smithing template we need to find an ancient city within the ancient city we will find suspicious clay you dig up the suspicious clay to get the template then you use that the same way we use the netherite smithing one oh man this is all so complicated but we’re on top of it so we’re going to find an ancient city how do we find an ancient city where we can use a oh no a dig bits killed by a zombie ah well you know at least you died doing your job good job so we could use a structure Compass if we can get four netherite which we have and for all the modium nuggets with a Nature’s Compass we can find a structure compass and this is the perfect way to find the ancient city boom a structure Compass now the moment of truth how far away is the ancient city the structure Compass is super cool though look at all oh there it is ancient city pretty easy to find but there’s also some crazy other structures you can look for as well the ancient Battleground which I think has the undead King which is pretty cool he dropped some great stuff from Iron spells and spell books there’s a bunch of Stargates structures so if you’re looking to do the Stargate mod this is a great choice but yeah you can explore this on your own time we are going to go to an ancient city and the nearest one is oh baby 3,500 blocks away that that’s actually not too bad so we’re going to get Mage leap and hi tail it in that [Music] direction oh but of course before we do what are we going to need to do once we get to an ancient city so we’re looking for suspicious clay then we’re going to use the clay to find a template and we’re going to need a brush to dig that up a very simple craft and it should have the durability to last us for as much as we’re going to do there we go oh look it’s even a quest amazing so yeah this way 3,500 blocks absolutely no sweat let’s just Mage leap all the way oh yeah Mage leap and with the armor bonuses from my geomancer set casting Mage leap is just so simple so quick so easy I regen Mana like a demon look at that on the bottom left it’s barely going anywhere I can spam this until the cows come home oh oh no no no no no oh okay I survived but yeah looks like we found the ancient city so with our brush ready we need to find suspicious clay now there is a certain location where suspicious clay will always spawn in these structures and let me show you basically over there you see those kind of like sideways logs on the horizon those can be occasionally the suspicious clay that we’re looking for it’s only those blocks as well which means there’s often not that much of it inside an ancient city and sometimes even an ancient city might not have any at all yeah so slow down a bit and keep our eyes peeled for some suspicious clay anywhere that these weird sideways logs can spawn like I said they can be oh look there we go we got customer number one they can be replaced with suspicious clay if you don’t know this is where they spawn you could be searching around this area forever so let’s just swoop on down nice and quiet haven’t Disturbed a warden yet I think we’re in luck let’s take a look how are we going to get lucky oh yeah looks like we are off the bat boom where where’d it go what oh into my backpack and there we go the smithing template all the modium upgrade super easy to find if you know how to find it and what to look for while you’re here you could go and grab some more because again just like the netherite one you can use use this to make even more but it’s an expensive craft requires netherite so while we’re here we could see if we can get another one let’s take a quick look around I’m not going to look too hard for too long because like I said it is something we can craft at home and we got plenty of netherite especially now that we have netherite seeds now you know what finding these things is hard at the best of times they’re usually around these big structures in the city but again just not really seeing many at all and we did get kind of lucky we already found one so let’s quit while we’re ahead while we’re down here though we are going to go through some of these loot chests because these inside the ancient city can have some really exciting juice what we’re looking for is eldrich fragments here we go ancient knowledge fragments from Iron spells and spell books these are used with an echo Shard to create an eldrich manuscript that will teach us an eldrich spell and I was curious how you get eldrich spells turns out that’s how smithing template Warden don’t mind if I do and we’ll take um yeah the Arcane Essence but we’ll leave the rest oh bottle of enchanting is is usually suspiciously useful but we’ll keep going around I’m going to raid as many of these chests as I can get loads of ancient knowledge fragments so we can learn at least one eldrich spell here we go sneaky sneaky don’t mind if I do ancient fragments uh just the one but that’s enough and I think the warden’s going to spawn any second now yeah we’re going to summon a warden and try and kill him cuz that is also a quest yeah let’s do it let’s summon this guy okay just going to make some noise oh he’s here he’s here already where is he where is he I can’t see him I can hear him though I can hear him walking around so Warden can sometimes smell you sometimes see you there he is that ugly son of a gun let’s give him a shot shot from the bow bow of Legends did that work is that doing anything to him I think it is oh yeah look at that he’s taking damage he is taking serious damage I think at least we did it oh my god oh look at that Warden what a joke what an absolute joke I’m an absolute badass strongest wizard on the planet I do think so oh man yeah one shot oh he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming oh okay out for the count boom absolutely no sweat oh no wrong spell no no so regular deep slate in the middle the smithing template at the top wrap that around with netherite ingots and we get ourselves smithing templates oh yeah get a few of these because you never know when you’ll need a few more boom that’ll do so here we go the smithing template the pickax itself the Nugget and it keeps its XP boost enchantment as well which is pretty useful pretty good and Bam all the modum tools now we can use this to find vibranium so now we go through the nether portal and put the teleport pad in the nether instead what that does is it changes where it takes us and it’s going to take us I think to the other dimension and we’re going to put this very close to the portal itself right over here with an empty hand sit on it and right click and off we go to the other oh now what’s this very dark luckily I have a solution for that night vision goggles that has not really helped what’s going on down here see if we can Hammer dig our way to Freedom ah okay it’s just a very dark dimension so this is the [Music] other I guess we just dig straight up until we find what we’re looking for now if I’m not careful I’ll lose the location of where my teleport pad is so it’s very important to kind of just oh God I dug it up where’s it gone and now I’m trapped now I’m actually trapped there is no getting back wait no there is getting back we can just use the stabilized warp scroll we’re going to have to make another teleport pad cuz we did waste that one bit of a shame but yeah wow did not know that happened that’s crazy anyway let’s get to the surface there we go broken through the surface and wow oh oh wo oh my God okay already there is some action here in the oh there are blazes everywhere but this is a really good looking Dimension look at this place what a beautiful place to to hang around and chill oh yeah now we’re going to find a safe spot on top of one of these trees and then take stock of where oh wait no you fall through these leaves oh that’s so cool that’s so weird but so cool let’s get out of this wacky Forest so vibranium and it’s found at y 64 plus so it’s quite a high ore okay so I found my way into a cave and look at this thing it is absolutely incredible look at all these hanging Vines it’s amazing now we’re at y 95 in other Soul Sand Valley but we’re inside a cave and I don’t see any vibranium ore whatsoever there is absolutely none any wait what’s going on here oh come on dude not cool necro slice but yeah there is no vibranium whatsoever I’ve searched far and wide I’ve gone through countless caves I’ve searched the Galaxy for this stuff and it’s just nowhere to be seen not in any of these walls have I seen any bits of vibranium ore so I’m kind of almost thinking it doesn’t even exist in the other dimension it’s just not here I believe the game may have lied to me but also if it is here then it is so rare that it is not worth looking for like this cuz this is insane there’s just none anywhere so back to plan B we’re going to check out the nether instead I think that might have what we’re looking for so here we go once more into the breach this time we’re going to be checking out the nether for vibranium now I know it spawned in the nether I’ve seen it before it’s apparently at y64 Plus so we shouldn’t have too many troubles finding it now this is going to be a good chance for us to use I know it’s my fail safe and maybe you guys are getting a bit tired of it but apocalypse is actually going to create for us a lot more visible space where we can actually see if we can get to the vibranium so we’ll find a safe space and let’s create ourselves a massive cave oh wait hang on a sec whoa is that vibranium or is that Crimson logs I don’t know could be column A could be column B let’s go and take a look oh no that’s warped highi not what we’re looking for but it does look like what we’re looking for oh wait oh oh no no look at that there we go oh my God we struck gold gold ladies and gentlemen we found it exactly what we’re looking for right here so much easier to find here than in the other so that is my top tip got the allodium pickaxe that’s where we need to dig it fantastic so here we are back home unobtanium found in the end end Highlands do we need a special pickaxe to get it well how do we make a vibranium pickaxe let’s find out vibranium pickaxe and yes here we go smithing template so you do use a smithing template vibranium and this is only found via Brushing in a Bastion so we’ve got to find some suspicious looking stuff in ather Bastion is that a Bastion sure so we’re going back to the nether to see if we can find a Bastion so here we go I’ve come to another Bastion and this should be one that has what we’re looking for we’re looking for suspicious Soul Sand apparently it can be found near Gold Blocks sometimes but if we keep our wait hang on if we keep our eyes peeled oh that’s not suspicious that one okay that one’s just regular as well got to be some suspicious Soul Sand around here there are also of course rude dudes so NE slice of the ready deal with these Jokers get out of here scum and you too oh no he was a regular one oh ow hey come on dude not cool ah there we go there is the gold blocks so there’s apparently usually some down there okay let’s go take a look lots of enemies down here that’s for sure oh wait a minute that’s just regular Soul Sand not suspicious let’s try giving it a brush cuz maybe it’s what we’re looking for oh my God it is it didn’t say suspicious on it though well I guess it looks suspicious oh hey come on dude not cool out of here so yeah we found the vibranium smithing template let’s get home time to fire up my where is it stabilized warp scroll through we go so by using these templates you just keep going through the chain progressing through the items you need there is one more template that we’re looking for and that’s going to require going to the other we need to find a dungeon in the other to get the vibranium to unobtanium upgrade so we could upgrade our pickaxe get some more vibranium go and get unobtanium but I want to spend some of the all the modium that we’ve got now we got 26 ores here what we’re going to do is put this through a little bit of refinement by heading over to our occultism setup now we haven’t really done or duplication in this playthrough it’s the one thing that you don’t really get from most magic mods however there is one magic mod that does let you actually duplicate or quite well and that is my friends occultism basically these Crusher demons that you see before me can really improve the amount of ore you get we’ve got a basic one over here that’ll get you one dust from one ore then uh is this a Genie or an AF it’s a genie our Genie one will get us two dust per ore but if we continue down the crusher chain what we can actually do is turn this or into six times the amount of dust by using a marid Crusher but we’re going to stick with just regular old Genie over here and here we go we’ll give him the all the modium ore over there he’ll crush it up and we’ll get double our ores there should be plenty for what we want to do with this stuff yeah look at that two dust per or very good a very good conversion rate wait is that three is that three dust per Crush oh yeah it is wow so the genie itself is already a 1 to3 or duplication setup and that’s why this is even better than like imagine all the crazy stuff you have to go through to get five times or duplication from mechanism well with occultism just summon a few demons and you can get six times without a lot of the machines and fath and put these in a jar and these things last forever very cool so we want to make some all the modum Mage robes yeah because these things look like the bee’s knees here we go now you can use any old iron spells and spell book sets combined with a smithing template and an allodium nugget to upgrade your stuff into the all the modium Mage gear and this stuff looks like it could be very impressive so I’ve got some dust now we’ll go over to Lasting integrity at the bottom toss this into our smel oh my God look at that lovely to see 24 ingots so here we go I’ve got four smithing templates now we’re going to go upstairs and pick ourselves a set of armor that we want to turn into the special allodium Mage robes and I think we’re going to go for this dark armor set here because why not this will definitely upgrade for us so grab this up like you do yoink yoink yoink so we put this up there we put the smithing template on the left the allodium Nugget on the right and boom the Hat next up the chest piece the boots and the leggings and oh my God yeah this stuff’s going to look amazing can’t wait to see here we go oh my god look look at okay um so these don’t look as cool as I was imagining number one my skin already has robes on which kind of makes it look a bit silly and and I don’t know what this is on my face like what is this like a weird visor sure on the back the back looks pretty okay too it is very bright very visual so when people see you wearing this they know you’re the business but this stuff is really cool basically while we said Iron spells and spell books kind of sucks in terms of damage especially compared to ARS noo when you do get this armor set it comes with an insane amount of bonuses look at this each piece adds 20% spell power and that almost doubles your damage just from this set now if you can use this to increase it yeah with vibranium yeah look at this the vibranium mck gets you 30% extra spell power so if you combine that with unobtanium oh man yeah the bonuses on these are absolutely insane so getting this stuff is really really powerful it makes you a much better wizard so my dudes a massive thank you for watching this episode today we looked at how to get all the modium using magic went to the other caused a bit of chaos made a massive crater died a few times as you do but we did find out how to get all the modium vibranium and unobtanium we got the relevant smithing templates and getting these ores is as simple as that if you’re going for something like the All theod Star as well once you’ve got the ingots all you need to do is as you can see in the background there use a mystical agriculture setup to turn them into seeds and you’re going to have loads and loads and loads of these ingots before you realized you’re going to be swimming in them so a massive thank you for watching don’t forget to hit like And subscribe I’m going to get back to my patrion and YouTube member Community all the mods 9 server and work on my nuclear reactor cuz it’s coming along pretty well stay tuned for a behind the scenes Community server tour video that should be coming pretty soon but until next time my dudes take care

This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #27 AllTheModium – The Magic Way’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-05-13 16:15:01. It has garnered 6365 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:13 or 2473 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰

We find the best way to find allthemodium, vibranium and the smithing templates from the ancient city and bastion, plus we also finish up the fairytale minecolonies town hall and builders hut!

Submit your colonist names here: or

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All The Mods 9 – 0.2.51

World Seed: feedthevoid

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

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In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM9 #Minecraft #Minecolonies

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  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

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  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

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  • Ahrne MC

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  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More