Skavio – Placing 158,346 Glass Blocks In Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

[Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] How are we all doing dumb this is like the first live in two months I think it is I was supposed to live stream the next day the last time I streamed but oh well two months delay I hope you guys don’t mind that I I really

Need to get better with my schedule won’t lie how’s it going but yeah uh let me know if like all the all the audio stuff is good let’s uh put some tunes on let’s put some background music on and I as you can tell by the thumbnail and

Title today we’re going to be placing a lot of glass uh 158 000 roughly um we won’t do it all in one stream of course that would be ridiculous but uh yeah it’s going to be a difficult project nevertheless yep oh my gosh it’s raining because

We’re in a jungle biome I didn’t really think of that but it is what it is anyways uh first things first uh we’re gonna need to create uh collect a bunch of yellow and orange dye so yeah um let me just uh put all the I’ll just leave all the sound in

My super smelter which I’ll also show you guys because I spent a lot of time smelting sound already I won’t lie yes so this is gonna be a brand new project for my next video and yeah okay it’s gonna be a mega bass basically it

Wasn’t supposed to be a mega base but uh yeah I kind of uh got a little bit too excited and made the build way too big so now I have to live with it yeah literally all of those over here are shulker boxes full of glass already

That’s a lot and that’s what we’re gonna be placing today but for now uh let’s take some sugar boxes and let’s go and get ourselves some yellow dye yellow and orange dye actually but yeah damn I don’t remember you sad fish anyways uh we’ll need bone meal because

Uh one way of getting yellow dye that is very convenient actually is through uh sunflowers they didn’t never knew that beforehand but yeah let’s get some bones is that gonna be enough probably not I’m gonna go and get the rest from my face hello Alfred how you doing hello

Hold Up Wait Alexa set fun speed to six yeah bro literally this fawn over here that one here is an absolute Lifesaver I live in the UK right so no one has AC in their homes however because of my wonderful PC uh it gets really hot because it uses uses a

Lot of energy and it kind of sucks uh because my room gets hot because of it and yeah basically it’s just not a very good combo at all let’s leave some uh bone actually and let’s get this and let’s get going yep oh it’s night time how lovely hello Muhammad hello hot dog

Hello modest duck hello uh Mick uh Mick a30 never give up never what that was great I apologize that was very cringe what city in the UK I’m in Aberdeen Scotland hello Matilda yeah Matilda that’s the the right name yeah I apologize if I mispronounce your names but I always do

It not very good at it okay right should I just nah let’s leave the the gum override off is the music sound good or should I make it a little bit louder maybe not hello maid how’s it going never give up never back down that’s what I’m gonna be telling myself

When I’m placing all that glass bro now that’s gonna be crazy I’m looking in the camera right now and like I’m not sure if I’ve got a bowl cut right now which basically got bulk has like when someone like Cuts your hair in like a straight line like it’s not it’s

Not perfectly straight but you know it’s it’s very very close to it and I think there’s some flowers here yeah there we go like literally I’m not even joking right off stream I spent half an hour looking for sunflowers couldn’t find them literally couldn’t find sunflowers which is really weird

But anyways it is what it is Never Back Down never what I’ll stop also okay let’s get some bone meal and get some sunflowers no what am I doing there we go hola amigo hola I’m very bad in Spanish I’m terrible uh no hablo in Espanol another stream yes Neo what’s up welcome

I apologize if I missed anyone I will do my very best to read all the comments wait do we only get one yellow dye per sunflower oh two that’s actually that is amazing that is gonna be a lifesaver needless to say yep literally I don’t think we’re gonna

Use it out for long at all give us like two minutes and I well okay maybe not maybe like 10 minutes and then we’ll collect all the dye that we need and we can get started replacing glass I’ve got a light magic as well so it’s

Gonna be way easier and it’s actually a necessity because um let’s just say I’ve done the fog effect many many times uh I can actually show you guys this one here obviously from the the toxic lake video that took me a bunch of time and today we’re going

To be placing way more glass than that so that kind of shows you the scale of things but anyways um um yeah the lightmatic basically prevents me from having to click every single block placement which literally just saves your hands from getting carpal tunnel yeah you can hold ft and it will hold

That button for you F3 and T are you guys I don’t know if I trust you I trust you but I don’t know if I wanna ah it’s fine for now it’s fine to do wow literally this is this is what my life as a Minecraft Youtuber looks like

Just sitting there like doing a very mundane task for hours upon hours every single day for example my life for the past week was literally just uh digging a massive hole which I’ll show you guys in a second I mean you guys seen it in the beginning of the video a live stream

I mean but uh it’s it’s so terribly it’s it’s it takes a ridiculous amount of time let me just say that okay oh my gosh I also got a new texture pack I hope you guys like it I like it a lot yeah no there’s there yeah we’re gonna die real fast

I thought it was genuinely gonna take me way longer than it actually is to to get the die but like I remember the last live stream I did we spent about an hour on the Stream literally just waiting for a cobblestone to become smelted stuff like that

If I hold F3 and T for 10 seconds you know what it’s actually fine for this because um I could literally just like press it down I don’t have to click this uh every single time I kind of more meant about the the glass placing um yeah like that gets very straining

Whenever you have to individually place every single glass block All right let’s start putting some of the dye back into the soccer box hello to go and welcome to live stream hello everyone we’re just gonna take like five more minutes getting die and then we’re getting right into business placing the glass let’s say I have no idea how long this

Live stream is gonna be but I feel like a good couple of hours for sure yeah hello Tom show how you doing welcome to live stream welcome welcome why am I why am I placing so many glass blocks well that’s going to be for the last effect um like the glass fog effect

Um because I’m gonna be building a giant mega base on top of it and that’s going to be the next video that’s coming out and I’m literally super excited for it it was literally supposed to be I’m way smaller Build It was supposed to take me around a week to complete because I

Really wanted to record a video pretty fast however knowing me I totally messed up all of the this the like the size of the build I thought it was going to be a lot smaller than it came out and um now I’m stuck placing hundreds of thousands of blocks so yeah very fun

Where’d I get so much uh that was going to be my skeleton my wither Farm that’s where I got it because I was AFK a bunch for coal uh because I needed it for the super smelter to smell all the sand in the glass but yeah like that was absolutely

Terrible okay I think we have enough dye now hopefully we should right yeah every single one of these or do we okay let’s get let’s get let’s get just a little bit more because you can never be too sure of yourself it’s Gonna Save Us from having to come back here later

On in the live stream I guess actually bro you got a hockey match in 15 minutes well I wish you luck man I’ve never played hockey but I did a little bit of ice skating uh I was totally trash at it but I guess it still counts

How do I make my totem into this uh oh I’ve made that ages ago I think I just downloaded like a texture pack that allows you to just um put your Minecraft skin into it and then it just does it automatically but yeah I literally did that like two years ago so

I I totally I don’t know what texture pack I used see you later Asheboro I will yeah I will try to stay alive hey I’ve got some energy drinks with me so uh I should be good literally dude my my caffeine addiction is getting out of hand because

This morning I had three cups of coffee right off the bat that was as I was placed in the Torches for Minecraft honestly Minecraft does those things too yeah this was gonna be yellow glass blocks and also orange glass blocks that’s what I’m gonna be doing foreign

I don’t think we’re gonna place all of those blocks in this live stream uh well I I in fact I definitely know we won’t be placing all this and this one’s live stream because I don’t even have enough sand I don’t even I think I’ve got half

The sounds I’ve got about 70 000 glass blocks but uh I’ll definitely end up doing that continuation of the live stream tomorrow or something like that if you guys enjoy doing this Oh thank you so much son lemur the the admin coming in clutch where’s my base I’m gonna show you my base in just a second well actually I don’t have a base right now that’s what I’m building right now so yeah what editing program I have a I use Adobe

Premiere Pro and after effects very cool software although it crashes so much again like literally at times it makes me want to it just makes me want to hate myself genuinely but yeah this is like the old base that I had I’ve kind of uh left this area

Because this was before the update that changed all the Patera forming I guess in Minecraft so it doesn’t look as good shoot this is cool thank you so much for the sub man just Sam thank you for the sub as well I appreciate that guys oh man

What’s the connection I use do you mean internet is everything okay with that yo what’s up Coley how’s it going long time no see because I wasn’t live streaming but it is what it is it is what it is F3 did you see your specs yeah I’ve got

A 5950x and a GTX 3080 TI yep so it’s not a too bad too bad of a PC at all but uh yeah uses a lot of energy makes our room very hot so yeah wait do you make orange by combining red and yellow or yellow and white I think it’s

Red and yellow if I’m not mistaken do I have any red dye here I should uh please have a bit of red dye at least no no oh yes we do have some uh let’s see please be red and yellow wait actually right yes okay perfect perfect because

I’ve got a bunch of red dye like unlimited red dye so let’s grab that from my iron farm real quick wait I don’t want to give me this yeah Yeah I could have prepped that on my way actually um I’m kind of stupid my look changed a lot yeah I dyed my hair it’s uh I’m dirty blonde right now I used to be like fully blonde but since my hair grew back in and I cut it it kind of changed

And yeah but yeah dude this iron form is ridiculously overpowered like this iron bro like that’s crazy but yeah we can literally just take as much red eye as we want so that’s not gonna be a problem whatsoever do okay right let me just take a little bit more

Okay and that should be us good for the rest of this live stream in terms of die what’s up now Levi how’s it going I’m doing fine I’m actually I’ve actually been working on my building skills I was this close to asking you for help in

This next project but I was like I remember what he told me he told me to to work on my builds and I’m trying to do that man I’m trying to do that new video comes out uh oh it’s difficult for me to say depending on how quickly I

Managed to do all this but probably in around two weeks would be my guess my realistic guess am I feeling better now oh commenting okay okay I thought you said connecting my bad my bad my bad yeah I’m feeling better for sure dude I literally spent

Like the the first half of this year like completely sick I mean I had a lung infection chest infection like whatever it’s called it was terrible um yeah okay so we could now start actually let’s go to bed and then I need to collect all the glass dude there’s so

Many shulker boxes I’m gonna need to use oh my gosh oh I’m not looking forward to this what did you miss uh you missed me getting some red dye but yeah we’re guys auction real soon guys I want to help building another tree giving you some tips yep okay Levi I

Will reach out to you I’ll show you like my finished version and then you can you know comment on it and uh yeah okay where do I have my bones here they are so that’s my bones where’s the yellow dye here’s a yellow dye I don’t need the bones actually

Right yeah I will not need this oh my gosh yellow dye so yellow dye and red dye do I have a crafting table here of course I don’t it is what it is foreign let’s craft up some of the orange Diner not fireworks what am I doing

This is going to be very tedious oh my gosh thanks Levi bronchitis that’s it that’s what I had that’s that’s it bro so I guess we can start off by collecting you know what just to make everything clear I need to really uh color code my shocker boxes a lot better than

This uh because this is just not acceptable I mean what even is this all right let’s put all the bones here and have the red dye in here it would have made sense if I have the red eye and the red shulker box but it is what it is

Right let’s uh yeah all of these shocker boxes are completely full of Glass by the way hello Roger how you doing welcome to stream don’t play Minecraft uh create mod do you mean creative mode in my spare time that’s where I like design all the builds and creative

In a different world of course uh give me this uh I’ll take one more because yeah I’m gonna need to come back here any like anyway take this one this one and we could probably go and start I placed another glass yay Yoda okay all right this is gonna be a

Shulker box nightmare absolute nightmare okay so I’m gonna have all the glass shulker boxes here okay on this side and where this is gonna be where the dye shocker boxes will be okay there we are okay okay and I’ve got a lot of chests as well which is helpful

Right so let’s get the first batch going so yeah this is the schematic right here this is gonna greatly help out with uh placing it yeah that is massive dude I had to manually dig all of this up by the way it took me like four days

Probably to do this it was terrible and the Torches um I don’t really want to look at the Torches too much because as soon as the Torches are in the video you may notice the quality of the video decreases because of the bitrate so

But it was a torches or lava and I just prefer to do torches since I’ve done the lava method many times before so I wanted to go for something different anyways let’s grab some glass not too much I grab some yellow dye and some red dye and we can start There we go yeah we’re gonna need to craft up so much of this glass my goodness but this is gonna be interesting this is gonna be very interesting crazy because I’m gonna be going through glass so fast that I won’t even keep up probably won’t even keep up Yeah this is literally life of being a Minecraft YouTuber oh yeah that’s right that’s two give me this oh my gosh I hate having a full inventory give me a break oh man I hate when this happens when there’s not enough glass let’s make like three shulker boxes of

Orange glass and then see how long whistle with the whistle man I don’t pay taxes this is the first time someone has ever donated on stream man I thank you so much dude with the two Euros man that means so much first ever donation ever but imagine if I missed

That oh my God literally everyone spam wrestling the job but no seriously no one has to donate or anything but uh it’s uh thank you so much Russell thank you so much first ever skyville donation right there I nearly missed that because I was too busy getting y’all to die Yep hello gamer boy how’s it going oh my gosh I am literally losing my mind already I’m like I don’t even know what to do yeah I don’t even know who a yeah at least as soon as I get this done then we could just focus on placing

The glass which is going to be very mundane but it is what it is you know what let’s change my strategy and let’s create all the orange dye first and that I don’t need to worry about it makes sense I feel like bro Wessel with another five euros my gosh bro

That’s seven euros in total wow thank you so much man you really don’t got to do that you really don’t got to do that but thank you man that’s really appreciate it that’s kind of crazy like knowing that someone literally donated their own money to a YouTuber like I still find

That concept really weird when it comes to like donating because like I like I just I just can’t believe someone want to do that like you could have literally spent that money in yourself but you chose to donate to someone else so thank you so much man um yeah

But yeah you guys don’t have to like ever donate or anything like that that’s uh yeah I’m never gonna be one of those YouTubers it’s like guys donate in the chat right now all right do I need more orange diet yeah I probably do yeah I probably do man I find it really hard to multitask read the comment section and uh thingy particles for torches yeah see Levi the the particles are not the problem because the game doesn’t like it’s just the sheer amount of torches that like eats up the bitrate of the video because

Um I’m pretty sure with a mod that I’ve got I forgot the name of it but it only renders in like a very small amount of these particles anyway uh so that’s not really a problem it’s just the sheer amount of like little singular points on the the video that’s the problem

But yeah we nearly have all the shulker boxes we need for the glass one two three I don’t have enough let me get some more foreign box is here get all the other glass But yeah I mean this project is probably gonna be the most time constraining project out there it’s not even a word does that even make sense I don’t even know I don’t even know but it is what it is it is what it is oh thank God today’s an off day in the

Gym so I don’t need to go gym because uh I’ll be really tired after this live stream I’ve already been placed in torches for like three hours today so yeah yeah it’s playing solo the orange thingy get a little more orange die here and all right I will leave it I

Will leave this glass here for now and we could start placing hooray finally so this shulker this shulker I’m gonna catch up on the comment section as well and boom we’re able to start there we go let’s start from this section I also use replay mod as well for the video

Fine from Greece thank you so much creepy spoiling it really is boiling in the UK it really is uh hold up let me just turn this how am I gonna get up here hold up whoa what’s going on ah uh easy easy place on I was like oh

Why does it not let me fly dude will I die from this no but I failed I do Minecraft for a living by the way and I’m literally missing those shots here Unlimited let me eat something whatsoever bro wrestle with another five dollars what’s up vault bro Wessel bro you gotta

Stop man I appreciate that but like buy yourself something man genuinely thank you I appreciate that so much though bro turkey’s bowling yeah I feel like the entire Europe like does that make the entire year entirety of Europe is absolutely boiling and yeah literally it’s interesting because I went for my

Holiday in Poland for about four weeks right I’m not even joking it was raining for three out of the four weeks it was absolutely terrible oh those Vines are so annoying as well since the this is our jungle biome but it is what it is thank you what if I don’t owe ten

Thousand dollars no don’t don’t I would literally refund that probably I don’t know I might just take the money and run yeah generally it’s really weird the Summers man it’s uh it’s either ridiculously hot or they’ll be like a massive season of just like raining I don’t know it’s weird it’s weird for

Sure but yeah dude honestly easy place is such a lifesaver like without easy place right let’s just turn off easy place in linematica I would literally have to sit there place every single glass block individually so not only with my hand literally just die but it

Would take me like five times if not ten times as long but with this I just get to do this and read the comment section how old am I I am 19. I have to think about that but I’m 19. nearly 20 actually so yeah getting old man

I’m from Macedonia it rains in the middle of summer yeah I really want to visit like countries like Macedonia Croatia sometime soon because they’re really beautiful countries where country mates yep the UK am I still in education I am not no I quit well I didn’t quit actually I finished the academy

Um I stayed on the entire time in academy and by the way um Scotland has a different education system than England it’s like a whole different body that oversees everything so I essentially ended up finishing Academy I actually did pretty good in my exam results you know gonna Flex real

Quick but I got all A’s I’m an always student um every single subject I did I finished with an A so yeah just just a little Flex you know laughs I was something called of a sweat when I was in school which for those of you that don’t know what that means it’s

Like a person that try hards but yeah um I decided not to do uni though for some reason I just I just thought that that wasn’t the right play and it was very risky it still is technically um obviously you know you never know what happens with YouTube but um

So far so good but yeah I basically left school without really a plan and my parents were really worried for me uh I spent like an entire year making videos without any success and then uh the ocean video popped off me up literally you know don’t want to

Flex on you guys I’m doing I’m joking Andrew Auto clickers future husband yeah this is just a feature from uh like mautica it’s honestly such a lifesaver like I know that some people will think that this might be cheating but I mean in my opinion when you’re a YouTuber and

You literally have to place this much glass like you’re literally not gonna do this without seriously injuring yourself or taking three weeks to place this I would much rather just use this I still have to get all the resources manually anyway uh but actually upload a video within a somewhat reasonable time frame

Wait I really want to time how long this is going to take me to do the entire first layer I think we started about five minutes ago so yeah let’s see how long it takes us yeah the ocean video blew up real real nice how did you spawn you must have

Spawned on the outside I guess and then fell in here but yeah no one likes the zombie go away scary trying to find the balance between having to do a master build and having to have an okay upload schedule literally it is absolutely terrifying almost impossible especially that there’s always something

That comes up when you’re recording a video um something that’s not planned for example I’m gonna go to bed right now because um yeah those zombies are not very helpful but we didn’t even do a lot here oh my gosh oh wow yeah this is gonna take a while oh my God

Wrestle with another two Euros canopy mod either bro bro you can be mod anytime I’m gonna I’m Gonna Make You mod right now uh stunner I’m gonna make you a managing mod for that there you go what’s my real name my real name is David or David yeah

But it’s it’s really interesting because I’m originally from Poland uh and my name David is spelled with a W instead of a V and a lot of people like see that are they kind of panic whenever they say my name and they say something like David or like something along those

Lines and it just doesn’t sound right oh yeah it’s just David do I have members I do have members actually yeah I forgot I’ve got members but yeah I do that’s I’m a bad YouTuber man oh my gosh bro it was just something that didn’t really I didn’t really promote I only

Promote that in one video like a year and a half ago um but yeah David and Goliath exactly David and the giant sea of glass foreign Oh my gosh yeah I’m just I think I’m just gonna do individual lines oh or would it be faster if I did two at a time let’s see I don’t want to give you guys more yeah okay it would be faster but I don’t want to give you guys motion sickness or

Anything like that and it might as well mess up the bit right of the video so I’m not gonna do that yep should I make the the background music a little bit louder or is it okay for you guys I speak Polish yeah I do Ukrainian yeah like polishing Ukrainian is like

Relatively similar like well it’s not really similar but like you can sorta catch words out if that makes sense Levi by the way thank you man after your video a lot of people gave me work after seeing your video bro no problem man and thank you once again for helping me out

With that video really appreciate that turn on auto clicker no I don’t have to turn on a lot of clicker oh my gosh I fell here I don’t thank you very much easy place because uh yeah easy place is basically an auto clicker well it just doesn’t places it

Automatically so I just have to hold it down instead of having to click every time so yeah not too bad at all stream I join we’re talking about flavors of Pringles LOL yeah I talk about random things favorite flavor of Pringles though I don’t even know I think it’s the like um

It’s like the like fromage something like that a music a bit louder no problem let me make the music a little bit louder right now okay this this should be fine is this maybe too loud let me know why my thoughts of the useless Beacon video bro the edits in that video were

Absolutely amazing like no joke that was like the edits were mind-blowing literally I was watching the video and pausing it every like 30 seconds to just think about how long those edits must have taken them just in that little section of the video um but yeah I mean it was a crazy video

The only thing I would maybe say and that’s like and that’s me being very picky is it was maybe even a little bit too fast possibly um that I’ve also caught myself doing that a lot of times where when I’m editing a video I just kind of want to do

A bunch of effects a bunch of different scenes and stuff like that but sometimes it makes it more difficult for the viewer to understand what’s going on but I mean apart from that his video was was absolutely amazing I mean I’m pretty sure it popped off as well it got like

Over a million views so that’s that’s pretty good I mean such a good video sour cream and onion that’s the one that’s the one Texas barbecue Texas barbecue is good as well very very sweet what’s happening the music oh I just went through the entire playlist damn

But let me uh I quickly reset it but yeah now we’re back to work oh my gosh this seems like we’re not even progressing oh my God uh next his next video is insane bro I don’t even know what his video is but I’ll I’m definitely watching it

And I’m looking forward to it because honestly yeah like Lucid is one of these people in the in the Minecraft space that is like really innovating with his editing and it’s really refreshing to see uh all those edits bro I keep on missing and we ran out already yes sir

Let’s see how much we’ve done so far bro it hasn’t moved since the last time I’ve checked I swear what is this what is this bro yeah there’s still some oranges here this is oranges there’s some orange glass I mean what am I talking about A couple more blocks yeah just just a few you know not a big deal dude the YouTube Minecraft servers I’m in so many of them like I kind of sometimes forget which ones which at this point um yeah exactly wrestle like the whole fast-paced thingy yeah

Dude the one by blender stuff my gosh my gosh it literally looks like something from a movie it it looks so professional so clean and I’ve literally tried to learn it but uh I gave up I gave up I won’t lie that dude I’ve told them before like what he’s

Doing is also ridiculous one bar is another one of these YouTubers that’s like really innovating I mean his videos are just Next Level it always amazes me how one bar can maintain such a high quality of editing throughout an entire video and his videos are sometimes like 40 minutes 50

Minutes even a couple hours long so yeah did I admire him for that like literally probably no no more than like five more minutes and we’re gonna be done this entire thing and all of the layers are oh I don’t even put a look at this dude

The amount of nights I’m gonna spend doing this is gonna be unbelievable I’m just gonna be sitting there half asleep just just clicking buttons in Minecraft gonna be perfect absolutely perfect your favorite is a toxic video yeah I really like that one as well and obviously

Um the viewers seem to like that one the most as well but yeah I mean how was like one of the First videos where I tried like a faster space style of editing um and it paid off I guess people really do like fast paced but not too fast paced

Yeah it takes them like eight hours to render uh the the two second shot yeah literally it’s crazy but it’s so worth it though I’m not even gonna lie it is so worth it I mean his videos stand out so much and like the best way possible

I can’t believe the build is almost done in under an hour yeah can I put a link to likematic oh you can literally just go into curse Forge and it’s gonna be there you talk to Xena fatal no I haven’t talked to him recently actually

Um was the last video that he made which video was that was that this I can’t because I know he did the fortnite build and then he did another or was that his latest one the fortnite build video I think that was his latest one freaking used Minecraft 2023 live

Trailers out to dado even watch all these trailers I won’t even lie like dude I swear Minecraft is one of these games that has so much potential with possible new updates I mean it’s it’s ridiculous I talked to my brother a little bit about this

And I think to myself like if I was a developer in Minecraft right or a Mojang whatever right imagine giving every single biome like a complete overhaul imagine how cool it would be to have a brand new desert biome where the villages are much more advanced where

You have better temples and stuff like that imagine oceans ocean biomes with underwater cities but like real ones not like the ones that are in Minecraft right now um like I I I swear I wouldn’t even take that long to do right but uh I’d be curious to

Hear your guys’s thoughts on on Minecraft and the potential and whether it would even be a good thing if Minecraft was to receive a lot of updates because I know that some people like the vanilla feel of Minecraft but personally I feel like it’s maybe a little bit too vanilla and in 2023

Onwards I feel like overall games are just updated way more often than Minecraft is but maybe Minecraft is an outlier maybe it will survive just you know having very minor updates somewhat minor I mean the last couple of upgrades are pretty big actually changing the terrain generation stuff like that but

I want to see more of those updates that’s what I want to see more of them have you seen what he’s doing next it’s insane bro I have no idea what he’s doing but I know whatever he’s gonna be doing it is going to be amazing

Is there any way to get members for free I I literally keep her forgetting what the member entry is but basically like if you become a member you just get like um I think it’s like emojis um that I done haven’t really taken a look at that in a while since I don’t

Even think I have any members so yeah like you you literally you literally don’t have to pay anything to like access the videos on my channel like it’s all good man like it’s you know there was no barrier to entry or whatever an underwater villager Minecraft like

Exactly but like a revamped Village a better Village like how cool would it be imagine having like different creatures like oh my gosh like Minecraft would be so cool with so much to explore but I don’t know maybe it’s because I’m a Minecraft Youtuber and I play Minecraft so much but um

It very much is A game that only relies on the player itself which some people will you know say that that’s the whole point of it and that’s fine I guess I mean I I don’t necessarily disagree with it I just feel like he like it would be nice to have a bit more upgrades

Can I want to make you money bro it’s all good it’s all good like I attacked the streamers yeah I really try oh wow yo we’ve got a member thank you so much the Monica live I appreciate that so much man thank you you got Cooley Mo or cool emojis now bro

Have some severe burnout playing Minecraft for the past few months yeah literally like that’s that’s that’s what it kind of mean there’s only a certain amount of projects that you as a Minecraft player can do I feel like even just Hardcore Minecraft it’s getting pretty repetitive there’s only a finite number of farms

You can build finite numbers of finite number of different builds that you can do but if the game was a lot more advanced I feel like it would be an exponential curve when it comes to ideas but maybe what I’m saying makes no sense it’s quite possible actually but uh yeah

That that’s my personal opinion on it if the one sky that I’m sure yo thank you for the one Gifted Man thank you so dude I feel like a twitch stream right now I think for the one gifted dude Shadow is gifted that yo thank you so much

The Man Who Can’t Live bro thank you I appreciate that and congratulations to Shadow for the for receiving the gifted bro Honestly YouTube this YouTube Community is so cool man like I I love live streaming people like that dude just getting to talk to you guys stuff like that it’s really cool average three streamer literally Magica is a mod yeah it’s a mod I don’t think you need uh fabric for that

But yeah fabric is just clear of OptiFine or whatever else I’m the best micro player thank you so much enor but uh I highly doubt that but thank you for that opinion ah game of course again though all right let’s see let’s see let’s see and yeah there’s like no change okay no

You know what maybe maybe there’s a little bit of change maybe I can see a little bit of progress here let’s go let’s go so hyped yo super sticker yo thank you so much man the mommy Can’t Live Well what a w thank you so much dude

Now I really don’t know what to say like this is the first time that someone has ever like donated or become a member so it’s like I’m really brand new to this so I apologize if my um if my response is uh is awkward I guess

But yeah I thank you so much like I literally I cannot describe how grateful I am for that oh my I’m fine I’m fine you know just slowly losing my sanity by placing all this glass El again oh my gosh Wessel dude thank you stream more often and Beacon makes five Am I stupid am I stupid I will stream more often wrestle and thank you so much for this um yeah beacons do make you faster what yo thank you so much for uh reminding me of that let’s quickly change all the beacons here bro I literally didn’t even

Think of that it hasn’t even come across my mind I think I should have iron here yep one two three four iron but yeah we I just got speed the Monica lived with another gifted or uh it’s a donation I’m not sure but thank you so much though

Three more I will I will guys I will be showing you more now let’s get some what is it jump boost no speed speed speed two yes that’s Gonna Save Us a lot of time thank you so much Russell bro saving me again I like how you chat with

How you can chat yeah if you know thank you so much well I tried to do my very mess to chat with as many people as possible to be very active in in the comment section basically I feel like that’s the whole point of streaming to interact with with the viewers

Okay right let’s see if this is going to be a lot faster am I even walking any faster did I do something wrong here maybe I am walking faster I just don’t notice it also maybe Market your Stream So more people join yeah I think I want to start

Putting on community posts and also I feel like when I live stream as soon as like I upload a video the channel was a lot more momentum so more people joined whereas right now I’m live streaming when there’s like basically no momentum in my channel but yeah

Choosing history oh there we go now we’ve got haste I’ve just realized what I just done I’ve just yeah it’s on the board uh I’m just just don’t talk about this let’s not talk about now okay um I told you guys I’m literally losing my place and playing Minecraft oh my god

Dude dude I I selected paste it and I I was like hmm why am I not running any faster yeah maybe maybe that’s fine bro nah yeah what am I what am I doing speed there we are yeah yeah okay that might help that might help Bro okay speed speed two there we are now we should be fine yeah I was just testing you guys just testing if you guys were paying attention you know You got the world to wreck yeah how I got the world record for the most amount of glass place in Minecraft yep literally bro nah but yeah thank you for the gifted members once again Hello Apollo how you doing you just did too much mining this is why you did this mistake yeah literally literally I’m just too used to selecting haste on the beacons so I just kind of did that automatically let’s not talk about how there’s a torch missing in

That block over there let’s just move on you know no one has to know the OCD doesn’t have to kick in I don’t have to go and change it ah I keep on missing blocks I’m literally playing through my uh Discord no on my visco my OBS right now

Through my OBS preview window what’s up Foreign Ty placing glass literally bro that might that might be the title of the next string slowly losing my sanity placing glass literally so much faster like literally vessel bro what an absolute dub there you just saved me years of my life because of course caused by all the

Stress I would have happened here if I was the place this normally oh hello Mr thundermill welcome to stream you have to put the torch caviar no I don’t know you know what the man who couldn’t live you have helped out you have gifted so many Subs to other people and donated so

I shall do what you request where is this torch where is this torch hold up I can’t find it now uh I need to go back and find this where is it if I can’t find this soon I’m just gonna leave it wait okay hold up sure early

It’s going to be somewhere here see now that I want to find I can’t find it that’s just how life Works isn’t it all right if I find it I’m gonna place it I don’t know where it is I’ve been watching since 2K yo thank you so much Taiwan

Third person Yes actually that would be much better wouldn’t it it’s just trying to cut it’s like it’s difficult to find these irregularities and patterns dude why did I sound so American there bro like I’ve got a really mixed up accent I sound American once and then other times

The sound sound very British cup of tea found it found it got it here wait I lost it no no bro it was right here it was nah this is this is playing with my mind bro here there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is

We did it hooray let’s go let’s get it let’s get it easy no problem at all right we are slowly and steadily running out of glass oh wow I am really running out of glass yeah that was my last circuit box wow that is not very good wait hold up finally I literally

In my defense in my defense I’ve been placed in torches all day today so I’m literally I’m when I go to sleep today in fact I’ll probably just have like a replay in my head going just me placing torches and glass of course bro you can have a nightmare of that puppy cut Oh very interesting stuff here you know what actually I think it’s time to open the first energy drink well it’s gonna be my last one because it’s 6 p.m in the UK right now and if I drink any more energy drinks I won’t be able to fall asleep but you know what now

Thinking about it I don’t want to sleep because I don’t want to have nightmares of placing glass and torches so I’m just gonna crack open an energy drink right now hopefully I don’t know don’t do what I did last time uh basically for those of you that weren’t uh on the live

Stream like two months ago I opened up a red Bill and it spilled all over my keyboard Yeah I did it I did it oh that’s a very interesting flavor of monster right there Let’s go to bed actually before um a creeper creeps up behind me and kills me your thing actually totems in Minecraft right they’re interesting because I feel like they make hardcore too easy and in my opinion they should not be so easy to obtain because for example

If you build a raid Farm you have unlimited totems like there is no limit as to how many totems you can get so yeah actually let’s just place all the rest of the glass here before I get any more another gift if The Man Who Can’t Live

Bro you really you really don’t gotta do that but thank you so much Five gifted oh Oh ezzy gifted the membership wow yo Dude that’s crazy bro congrats to everyone who got a gifted yo Can I give memberships I don’t even know I’m gonna I’m gonna research that for the next stream can I get foreign But yeah I mean before I had to dig this entire hole I had to remove all of the trees that were in the jungle now thinking back I could have used a TNT duper to save me a little bit of time but um I felt like it wasn’t even worth it

Because it’s I’m didn’t even go that many blocks down but in reality maybe it was a little bit better if I would have done that but yeah Make some ever perks yo wrestle with another two Euros thank you and I will I will I will I need to just update my whole um member’s system the entire thing what I’ll do is you guys will definitely get early access to videos from now on 100 percent okay let’s resupply our glass

Dude three four okay okay right is that all the glass yeah I need to I need to go and get some more shulker boxes here let’s put those in a another chest actually no never mind I’ve got I’ve got glass here I was about to say I was like surely

That’s not all the glass shulker boxes I brought with me but yeah luckily it’s not do Wait hold up let’s put that back at least it’s relatively easy to craft the die like you I don’t have to do it manually for every single one where I’ve got space yeah space here give me some of this hello is it for me yeah it’s uh it’s uh

6 p.m right now so it’s not too late I guess it’s not terrible you know what if I’m not able to sleep I’m just gonna go to the gym and do some cardio like genuinely me doing cardio I love doing that because um it’s almost it’s very relaxing for me

I can think of like YouTube ideas stuff like that essentially the music is music alternatively yeah I’ve just added like a bunch of like um popular songs from epidemic It’s very chill okay am I running out of not here yep I’m gonna need to craft up some more Okay let’s quickly do this to speed Nope two heads nope there we go I did it I did it hey give me my glass here this is here yeah I’ll do a couple more shulker boxes how many shulker boxes was this was this around three or four four or five I mean for everyone dollar do one more minute yep

Bro I remember um who was it that done this oh mug swamp he did this thing where every subscriber that he gained in a month he plays like a thousand bits of dirt something like that and he ended up having to place a bunch of dirt that’s

Kind of crazy like bro that was uh I respect the dedication I don’t even know if he’s finished all the all the sand but yeah he’s getting like a ton of subscribers deserved as well I really want to go for like a different editing style in my next video like a

Little bit more chill but not too chill like what we were talking about before not too fast paced like a healthy balance in between because I sometimes watch a Mr Beast video right before editing and that just makes me want to like edit really fast and everything

Like that but uh maybe that’s not the way to go Hold up hold up hold up oh this is gonna be annoying I’ll get it I’m getting it oh yes sir let’s go yep there we go you should do something after some member you get today yes I’ll I will do something I will I’ll definitely

I I can’t remember what perks I do but I’m gonna since people are now members because before I don’t think I’ll have a single member so I didn’t really like feel like I have to do anything but now yeah bro I’m gonna be doing a lot more

Stuff oh bro I remember talking not Levi I was supposed to uh he told me to start a Discord server so that’s what I’ll do I was supposed to do like two months ago but then I went on holiday and uh yeah I kind of forgot about that so sorry guys

But yeah I will do that Discord server for all of you guys How many shocker boxes here I think that will be enough orange glass for now Three four having a bit hey yeah that will do that’ll do Come on Boom Boom Applied to Guinness yeah I don’t think this is going to be anywhere near like Guinness World Record to be fair I think people have done a lot more oh or for Guinness for mock swamp Okay no sorry my bad yeah bro he definitely should he 100 should Simple videos for members like a vlog or something like that you know what that’s a very good idea like Vlogs life updates stuff like or project updates yeah yeah ah I can’t remember I kind of uh did a couple of posts before for members only which was

Like sneak peeks of the new videos so yeah thank you for the idea thank you I appreciate that foreign where I think this is gonna Mark exactly halfway through placing glass we’ve been going oh my gosh I think we’ve been doing this for around 40 minutes if I’m not mistaken

In sunglass for 40 minutes and we’re not even halfway there but to be fair we didn’t have I didn’t have um hey uh speeds too so that stuff I’m gonna make it faster and to be honest I could probably no no maybe not never mind never mind can I have a mod

Do the same thing as Mark swamp but for every subscriber place a thousand bits of glass oh my God six nine minutes let’s go I don’t even know what’s going on in chat right now but what you guys are talking about I don’t even know I like the songs

Uh schedule when do you think that Half-Life 3 releases oh I’ve got no idea actually I’ve got no clue actually let’s talk about video games upcoming video games GTA 6 I am so excited I oh my God like I literally can’t wait for GTA 6 to come out I feel

Like it’s gonna come out in the summer of 2025. that’s my guess but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s um delayed like a year or two even um at this point is it even gonna come out like we might wait another decade First class The thing for a subtran is already that yeah I feel like I was kind of light to it I need to start another trend Let me think of what trend we can start let’s repeat Starfield yo okay like my friends have been talking about Starfield a lot and without them I wouldn’t even know what that is but them talking about it made me kind of want to look into it a little bit more

The one problem I have with Starfield right uh from I don’t know I watched like a YouTube video that was doing a review on it and the one thing that absolutely shocked me is that you cannot like physically travel in the world like there’s only cut scenes travel cut

Scenes and that is like a make or break for me in my opinion like if you were able to like fly about in your in your ship stuff like that I would have literally considered getting the game but because you can’t do that it’s kind of like

Yeah yeah but I mean I could definitely see why some people would like again like that CS2 yeah I’ve never really played um CS go that much to be fair Foreign A little bit of my guilty pressure pleasure here um FIFA I play FIFA a lot and um I’ve just pre-ordered the new eafc game because it’s not called FIFA anymore because uh like I think they lost a license something like that um but yeah that’s the game I play most

Of the time half done a year over half done well for the first lawyer there’s eight seven more layers after this so yeah a lot I think based on my calculations I’m gonna need something like 80 shulker boxes of glass for this entire thing which is like a ridiculous amount uh but

Yeah it is what it is it is what it is like any time I leave my house I just go on AFK at the sand duper or AFK at the super smelter on t 2 Fortress 2. is is that what it stands for I’m kind of a boomer when it comes to

Those games I’m not gonna lie like I do not play a lot of games at all my game Circle just kind of extends out to GTA FIFA and Minecraft uh and also Call of Duty 2 fair I do play Call of Duty and I but I don’t think I’m getting the

New card I feel like yeah just kind of don’t not really into college anymore although I’m not even gonna lie okay okay I won’t lie I’ve kind of um for my birthday my birthday last year I bought myself a scuff controller they’re ridiculously expensive but when

It comes to Call of Duty gameplay dude they make all the difference like it is crazy literally as soon as you use a scuff controller well or like any controller of paddles not sponsored anything by the way um like it dude you can drop shot people

So easily it’s kind of crazy like you you literally instantly become like a 40 better at the game yeah Team Fortress 2 dude I I have no clue I’ve played Team Fortress I think the first one like ages ago with my friends and after that I didn’t really

You know stay updated on the game I didn’t even know that there was a second one I’m I’m lately like a noob when it comes to those sorts of games Garden oh wait I missed the row vampire survivors I’m not sure about I’ve never heard of those games sound no more

But then again yeah I am literally a game Boomer Team Fortress 2 was Elite I might have to give it a go sometime if I have any spare time after I finish this video nearly finished somewhat kind of yeah oh my dude oh I’m doing fine you know

Just uh you know just draining the last bits of Sanity from my brain now you know what I won’t lie to you guys fixing glass on my own was like super boring but when I’m live streaming and talking to you guys like dude that makes

It so much more fun just so much more engaging honestly Was that going this way yeah I was I’m drinking water very soon hey stay hydrated you know but the birds okay I’ve never heard of that game either oh the game was fun three years ago I see I see but yeah GTA 6. I have set my

Expectations not here not here not here but all the way up here when it comes to the video game okay like GTA 6 I fully expect to be the most advanced game that has ever been created I mean but why is this not working hello oh because the cow

Sorry uh oh yeah she’s gonna be trapped that cow’s gonna be trapped there forever well um oh rip that pig yeah at least they’re gonna be safe no predators how’s it going pal oh what’s up JB how you doing how you doing man that’s one of my friends right there

GTX is gonna come out yeah like legit GTA 6 like I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out in like five years but surely not like surely Rockstar is gonna release it within the next two years that’s my guess I mean a lot of people are saying that they expect to

See a um a a trailer this year or early next year I mean I hope that’s true I hope that true but uh I’m not setting my expectations when it comes to the release date although when it releases it better be good you’re not alone bro uh Yeah I love my parents still hold up music I will there we go Valerian I’ve actually played a little bit of Valor in not no I haven’t played that Valentine what am I talking about I played OverWatch too like about like when it came out I think that was all right actually

Um I didn’t mind OverWatch at all can we name the cow yes you can absolutely name the cow and okay we need to name the cow and we need to name the pig over there in our corner foreign okay fortnite is an interesting game because fortnite is probably my all-time favorite game

Simply because of the fact okay Cal listen I don’t want to kill you I’m not gonna kill you because we want to name you in this live stream okay but like you’re gonna have to move there pal okay yeah before night there’s like an interesting game because it’s probably

My ultimate favorite due to the Nostalgia of playing in like season one like bro that was so good however um yeah I feel like it’s kind of dead now to be fair um I’ve played it the other day and it just seems like a completely different

Game I mean I don’t even know what’s going on anymore there’s like people spawning from the ground and like they’re not even real players and I’m just sitting there like what is this named the cow pig and the pig cow hello Pig could you please move Pedro Pedro

Okay okay here’s the deal let’s name you Pedro Pig and Neo and Neil the cow Pedro the pig and Neil the cow let’s go for that make everyone happy with that Kyle’s name kawya okay okay okay so Pedro the pig scowia or no no that doesn’t scowia the pig scowia the pig scarier

The Pig and the nickname could be Pedro what have I even saying bro tell him that’s like a resource pack that I um got two years ago so I literally can’t even remember what resource back that was fortnite isn’t shutting down is it no there’s no way it’s shutting down cassico

All right listen listen Pedro Pig Scout yard Cassie you gotta you gotta move here bud how do I can I make you go under no okay um do I just leave this yeah I think that’s what I’m gonna do I’m just not gonna place any glass underneath you

That’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna spare your life I’m being nice oh Scalia oh my gosh I didn’t even realize that I didn’t even get it but yeah that’s like my name scavia okay well I was like okay okay that’s actually kind of smart that’s actually really smart

Geralt bro have you guys watched The Witcher I’ll watch the the latest season and I don’t want to spoil anything but in my opinion it was absolutely terrible like genuinely incredibly disappointing I sent you a good YouTuber yo thank you so much Russell on another two euros my gosh Russell bro

Thank you thank you man uh how do I all right there we go I need to definitely make a bigger live stream um playlist I think GTA 5 is such a good game that has expectation for GTA 6. way too high for the devs to satisfy okay um

I don’t know in my opinion GT like Rockstar can definitely make GTA 6. extremely good like extremely good I mean I was watching some of the videos where um they were saying that like Rockstar is um doing a bunch of patents for like AI traffic stuff like that and I feel like

The really fine details like you talking to strangers or NPCs in GTA are gonna make all the change needed or like it’s gonna make the game a lot more interactful no that’s not even a word it’ll be much better to interact with well I might even saying I’m sorry

That’s a legit a million bro but yeah Russell thank you so much man and I will talk to you on Discord later for sure Oh We’re nearly done the first layer come on let’s go Oh the ds6 better A lot of expectations yeah okay I I agree with JB GTA 6 for expectations yeah like red dead for example I’ve never played it but I saw videos of people playing it and obviously that’s the exact same thing right but um yeah like some of the details in Red

Dead Redemption is are ridiculous You spend 80 percent of your time with the GTA 5 modder wow that’s cool though that is cool hello there top player how you doing what is this gonna be this is gonna be my mega base Neo is this gonna be a crazy big base I like everybody thank you thank you I actually really like the blonde hair as well I mean I look I’m not gonna lie right as soon as I got my hair I was joking my brother that I create Trends in the family and uh as soon as I dyed

My hair uh my sister wanted to dye my hair and my uncle also died his hair blonde just uh you know I’m joking obviously oh yeah they did dye in their hair though let’s go I’m probably gonna end up dying my hair again when I cut this off

Um but this time like well I mean this is just bleached but I think next time I might bleach it and then diet Platinum because it’s kind of cool like you might as well I guess next video throw my logo I mean I think I’ve ever already done no

I haven’t done that good idea be sure Don’t you want to fill up the walls as in like fill them in with like a different color see I don’t know I was really thinking about like maybe just putting like black concrete there or stuff like that but I feel like since this is a

Jungle I want to give it a more raw look so I might just leave the walls as is with the dirt and Stone totally not because that would take me a lot more time no no totally not this is totally a uh you know uh a legitimate reason let me fly

Nearly finished oh my gosh we are so nearly done wow hello Mario how you doing hi I’m watching the chat I apologize if I’m missing some of it let me catch up stunning trigonometry socatoa sign cosine tanjin bro those were the days in maps wow yo I’m backed up Levi

Yeah this is gonna take me a ridiculously long time my fault that was my fault I could have made the circle smaller but I guess it’s gonna look extra epic now yeah yeah it better look good oh what am I doing uh this is gonna be a

Giant base yeah and I’m just doing the glass fog effect right now it’s gonna go up all those layers here but it’s gonna look cool and oh oh honestly so I saw this um I thought it was even where I saw this but it was like a cool fog

Effect but it was a vertical fog effect right where they basically use tinted glass and a light source at the very bottom and then like uh like any color concrete powder behind it and it basically gave this very nice color gradient and I’m gonna do use that effect on the base of

The on the base of the base yeah and it looks cool yo five more gifted the man who couldn’t live oh my goodness yo bro that is crazy man that is crazy well I don’t want to say too much about the bass but it’s gonna be

It’s not gonna look like a jungle gun Temple it’s gonna be I don’t know it’s it’s gonna be interesting say the least very I’m going for a more circular design hence the circle here but uh yeah um maybe in the next live stream I’m gonna show you guys a little bit uh to

Be fair I don’t even have it fully planned out so yeah not Levi’s gonna get to see it first um gonna give me some feedback on if it’s good or not how much last do I have left not a lot but hopefully we’re gonna finish this relatively soon

Oh here’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna probably send a picture or like a sneak peek of the base for members what project this is a megabase but yeah I’m like genuinely super excited for like the the gradient color effect and I know you guys don’t know what I’m

Talking about probably because I’ve literally never seen this in my life but it looks so cool like truly looks amazing Bits are gonna bug me so much but uh we gotta keep uh Scout yo alive the orange and red or orange yeah that’s what I’m doing yeah I’m doing orange and the yellow basically I’m not gonna lie I really thought about I really thought hard about whether I should

Um do this blue or do this yellow but or green even because green technically fits the best with a jungle theme however it’s like everyone’s doing the green fog and the magenta fog so I decided to go with yellow and orange or more so orange and yellow yeah

There’s gonna be yellow on the top so yeah it looks cool it looks really cool if you wanted to be for a second hardcore movie oh so there’s gonna be one more uh one more video because okay here’s a little secret guys right so I’ve done a thousand days

On the next full movie is obviously going to be 2 000 days however I’ve already survived 2700 nearly 2 700 names um but I’m not really counting it I’m still gonna name the next movie 2000 days that’s simply because I spent a lot of time afking

So if you’re just to count the actual playing time it come out to around 2000 days so yeah that’s what I’m kind of doing later man thank you so much for uh for all the help tonight I’m a European yeah I’m polish yeah so nearly nearly nearly there

How long are you going for an hour and 31 minutes damn that’s crazy thank you oh slow progress and hardcore when you start no honestly starting Minecraft is one of the slowest processes ever there’s like so many walls that you have to overcome to actually be able to get

To like an OP position for example you spawn in you have to beat the Ender Dragon and chant your armor like make all those ridiculous Farms which is going to take you hundreds of Minecraft days and then you can start like doing Mega builds or stuff like that even even

Me right now surviving like over 2 000 days in Minecraft I still don’t even have all the Farms I don’t even have a guardian farm and the Farms that I do have aren’t like exactly the most efficient but uh they’re definitely they’re definitely good enough as I usually called where you live yeah

I live in Scotland it’s always cold and raining yeah to be fair hasn’t been too bad in the past like three four days but um yeah right now it’s actually raining so yeah not very good yeah for one and a half hour yo thank you so much The Man Who Can’t Live Bro

You’ve actually been yeah you’ve been crazy this stream thank you so much man what is my favorite um I would have to say Oak although the cherry blossom is an interesting color because I mean it’s pink and that’s the theme of my channel so I’m probably I’m

Still gonna say oh for now but uh yeah the cherry blossom is certainly not a bad one no I can’t do um I can’t do two layers at a time starving because the layers are gonna be different color and it would be an absolute logistical nightmare having yellow and orange glass

In my inventory 30 degrees in Powers dumb Oh my gosh it’s gonna be enough it’s gonna be enough for glass to finish it off at least like oh my gosh wait oh it’s gonna we’re gonna finish soon let’s go Yeah let’s get the placing nearly there oh my gosh we could do a countdown we’re so oh come on come on come on come on come on come on come on did it we did it oh and I uh recorded all of it let’s go we’re gonna have one giant replay mod

Let’s let’s take a look at the results boom wow that already starting to look amazing holy cow that took so long I’m gonna do something for cherry blossom yeah not on this live not in this video but definitely gonna do some builds with cherry blossom 100 but oh my God

We did it we literally did it we finally managed to do oh actually guys I’ve got like a brand new mod where it basically allows me to have like another camera so I could change the fov something like this for example and it allows me to have really cool shots in

My mind in my videos so yeah like look oh that’s so cool like that saves me so much time right here because before I would have had to render out entire like individual replay mods whereas of now I could just do this straight up yeah let’s go oh my gosh

That took so long uh wow I feel me oh that took way way way longer than I thought it was gonna take but it is what it is only seven more layers literally seven more layers you know what I mean it’s not ridiculous I guess the hard part is collecting the glass

I’m not gonna lie the amount of AFK enough to do for that yeah that’s the name of the mod but yeah do we go for another layer or do we end the Stream okay if you guys want to go for another layer I mean I’m not gonna say no um

Am I even gonna have enough glass yeah I will I will foreign I don’t know do I go for another layer another liar dude the items slower yeah I definitely need to get the item stroller for sure I just like I find it hard to like grass take like grasp it

But uh if I learn it it would definitely save me a lot of time anyways yeah let’s get yellow glass now um I’m running out of uh Rockets actually hold up uh go away for actually you know what the interesting is I don’t even have a

Sugarcane farm the tech and clear I do but like they’re terrible the Farms that I’ve got but uh yeah okay let’s go and grab ourselves um the other glass dude my throw is hurting all good though all good though let’s get the other layer yes hopefully my light Rod doesn’t break

Shouldn’t it shouldn’t but yeah super smelter is doing his job did I run out of coal already yup bro this super smelter eats coal as if it’s nothing it’s crazy pauses and for Guster on yeah yeah I literally always do that I’ll pause my replay mod and then I won’t even

Remember about it and then everything’s gone I lose the entire well the whole replay file becomes unusable basically not just you man I do that a lot as well okay take this the this is starting to get so complicated with all the shulker boxes hey that’s kind of crazy

It’s a good idea to place the bottom of the build deep right that’s exactly what I’m gonna do I’m gonna make it seem like it’s coming out and then I’m also gonna use a color gradient to enhance that effect like I’m actually super excited for this project like genuinely I think

It’s gonna look sick but uh I don’t want to overhype things but I’m hyped oh man okay let’s place all the shulker boxes here and let’s just uh start dying everything okay this is gonna be easier for sure because this is just yellow dye so it’s gonna yeah won’t be too bad

Oh beautiful sunrise as well oh nice you guys have shaders on I’m gonna turn them off in a second because uh I don’t want my game to crash but bro this looks pretty nice with shaders on shaders make their game look so much nicer but again my my game would

Die my PC would die uh oh the sky oh my gosh I think it’s complimentary haters the sunset oh my player Shadows for a little while I wish replay Master feature where if you wear a certain Zone you had a recording yes that would make so much sense and that’d be so good

Oh yeah let’s let’s keep the okay if the stream suddenly just like uh crashes and that’s because my PC is dead but yeah that is a beautiful sunset my gosh Minecraft it could be a very beautiful game this looks so beautiful I don’t want to cry that looks amazing that looks amazing uh

Glass die yellow die let’s get going no time to waste and let’s start oh the glass this is so annoying but yeah I need to get that item score scroller sorted out some some uh sometime soon what did I do yeah yeah no not this like I feel like playing Minecraft it’s

So annoying in hardcore when you’re always missing some item like you’ve got let’s say you’re building a farm right uh and you need all your stone bricks etc etc you start building and then you realize that you need like 20 Hoppers and you don’t have Hoppers then you have

To go all the way back to your base then you find out they don’t have any iron so you have to go to your iron farm and then you find out the you don’t have an iron for or your iPhone is broken and then oh my God like that happened so many times

During recording for me it just makes me like stop playing Minecraft for the day take the day off but can’t really do that gotta get those videos out literally I need I’m gonna start making videos a lot faster because um yeah the latest video actually you know here’s a

Fun fact latest video on my channel I actually edited within 24 hours um as in all the video like sound effects and effects basically so I I cut the video up beforehand but all the visual effects have been done within 24 hours I’m kind of proud of

That it’s because I had to go I was going on holiday so I had to like really finish it before I went oh wow I’m missing I’m missing glass no more glass for me why am I missing here in the chat uh let me catch up foreign Not that many actually Yo wrestle again man that was a donate budget for today bro yo thank you so much dude shift click and craft it faster how do I can you even do that when I see because I know you can do that but the last time we tried it didn’t work

When doing glass let me try this again I’m probably just being stupid But I don’t know if it’s working fine to be fair like it’s not too terrible not too bad of an inefficiency another gifted yo man Did it okay okay let’s fill in all those and let’s just do the rest we might as well just do the rest of the uh boxes Yep yep okay that’s just gonna be the last one over crafting book thing the green see this thing no but like the thing is when whenever you type in like yellow like see it like um like when you want to do the glass it like filters through the colors which is

Very annoying I don’t even know where that’s a feature but it is and I like it kind of makes it less convenient if you do it I guess but yeah okay that will be enough uh uh glass I think hopefully okay my P I literally hear my PC like

Absolutely just like choking on itself so I’m gonna turn off the shaders like bro I just hear it like the fans are absolutely spinning to the max did I drop any shocker boxes I don’t think I did hopefully I didn’t right layer up let’s go let’s get it

But if I was the same it’s just like 200 300 in this what dude Dude those veins whatever it’s called by the way Why did no one ever tell me this is a rhetorical it’s not yeah it’s a real quick rhetorical question the if you combine Vines and a cobblestone or stone you get mostly cobblestone since when was that a thing in Minecraft

Like I swear I was literally gonna like I was planning on collecting so much monster Cobblestone because I’m gonna need it for the base obviously um but then I’m like I saw somewhere on like Wikipedia or something that you could just combine binds with it and I’m

Like like since when is that a thing that would have saved me so much time in the past like in the past I had to like collect every single Monster Cobblestone by hand but yeah now I’m gonna I’m gonna do a a vine farm so yeah

Mossy that’s it that’s it a red PC literally the GPU temperature went up to 90 degrees as soon as I turned off shaders well within like five minutes it’s now down to 58 degrees Yeah I’m sure you did Jason what’s up Alfred welcome back what am I gonna eat for dinner Um well I’m on a car so I don’t even think I’m gonna eat anything because I’ve used up all my calories for today which is unfortunate um I’ve ate Donuts so don’t feel bad for me for breakfast I’ve had um degrees Celsius yeah yeah degree Celsius

Because I’ve got like one of these AO use on my CPU where I can basically tell what the temperature is it shows it so my CPU I I think there’s something wrong with it um because it’s literally at idle sometimes it’s like high 70s and sometimes whenever I’m playing a video

Game and it’s it goes up to like 90 or 91. um even when I exit from the game on the CPU utilization is like only a couple of percent um it will still stay in the like the high 80s which is really weird JB you actually did oh my mother Sounds like you can act on a PC yeah literally bro sometimes whenever like like I touch the top of the PC for example now you I could literally burn myself like dude you can burn your hand touching it the calories in a monster at this is a zero sugar a person who thinks But like uh so the first year I started going to the gym about two years ago in the first year of gym you know I did very well I went on a cut and I went down to the low 70s and kilograms like 72 kilograms I think I

Was and I was like really shredded I had very low body fat percentage within the single digit body fats um and then I was like okay I’m gonna go in a bulk I want to gain some muscle I wanna you know look big that sort of

Stuff but I was only supposed to go on a bulk for like a couple of months you know what I mean but um I should say that wasn’t the case Okay I I might have ended up bulking for like a year and a half and you could probably

Tell from my face it’s a lot more chubbier you know it is what it is and I’ve tried to call so many times but for some reason I just keep on cheating on my diet um but yeah it is what it is to be completely honest though I could

Like definitely do a lot more cardio stuff like that am I even doing this right yeah I am okay Colors on the side well let’s see how many calories in a Monster Zero well for okay there’s 15 calories in this basically nothing basically nothing Never Back Down never what never give up What language can you speak sorry for your mistake I can ah no problem uh actually speak Polish in English

But to be fair by the time I’m I’m 19 right now but the time I’m 24 I want to be able to speak Spanish and maybe Italian or French Maybe I’m not sure Spa I just find Spanish so cool no hablo espanol um I don’t know I was gonna say something

But nah nothing’s coming into my head I walk in with the pot noodle diet come on noodle diet to be fair um before I went on holiday um I was having my kitchen renovated well my parents kitchen um and I didn’t have a cooker there was no cooker in a house so

I literally basically we either ate um like french food well cool whatever whatever that is uh and also pot noodles as the source of like a hot meal and I literally had probably about 10 pot noodles in the space of like three to four days so definitely not too healthy not a lot

Of nutrition in that one don’t recommend that diet but it had to be done thank you I miss 2017. I miss 2020. lockdown vibes I’m not gonna say the c word because apparently they demonetize you for it or like try to take your video down I don’t even know well you’re building man I am building a megabase and this is gonna be like a

Like fog to the mega base if that makes sense Vines no thank you lover of it thank you Cardboard yeah I think um uh the person uh I forgot his name I forgot his name I should I shouldn’t uh what was his name uh the man who couldn’t live yeah he like gifted a ton of memberships these are Legend look bro I love like that for real it was so fun

Many guys just play Minecraft together we were meant to be doing lessons dude literally same over here I literally remember I was just playing Minecraft with my friends um Minecraft and GTA that dude lockdown I am so grateful for lockdown if not lockdown I don’t think I would be here

To be completely honest because um when I was locked in the house it’s like I just play Minecraft GTA I started off playing Minecraft on Xbox actually and I did videos on on YouTube then my brother’s like oh how about you go and do the 100 days uh series which also

Became popular during lockdown so I was like sure I’ll give it a try and um yeah that’s where it all started my YouTube Journey my Minecraft YouTube Journey but yeah like literally lockdown Vibes bro so that was those were the days man opinion Scotland I mean I love Scotland

The weather you know that’s a that’s a different thing okay the weather is a bit um but I mean I feel like the entire UK like I love the humor of people like people just don’t aren’t that serious here I’m like I mean that in in the best way possible

It’s like you can just kind of have a laugh with everyone you know like I love that and Scotland particularly I mean dude I love the ax I love the Scottish accent me I wasn’t even a Scottish accent I mean I don’t know it’s funny and then there’s a London accent yeah

I’m not even gonna say the word Brothers up here yeah I know that’s pig that’s um that’s what was his name that’s Pedro the the no that’s not Pedro oh I forgot the name of the pig but that’s a cow that’s the name of the pig as a cow yeah

UK is great apart from the yeah yeah yeah but Levi just said dude I won’t lie um so basically I walk to the gym every day well sometimes my friend will pick me up because he has a car I still don’t I need to get a driver’s license ASAP

Um but basically whenever I walk like I have headphones on and I’m always really scared that like someone will walk up to me or like like rob me or something like that never happened but it’s just like one of those things that you always think about Pedro scovia picks something like no I think Neil I think that was a name for the cow This glass layer is going way faster uh no thank you I don’t want rotten flash what do I do I’ve never been to London yet though like I really want to visit London soon I feel like it’d be so cool if like all the Minecraft youtubers kind of went on a holiday unlike done like a bunch of Vlogs stuff like that that would be cool we were actually thinking of doing that um but the plans just didn’t really go through

Just because of like how it you know turned out try jump run wait will that work completely will that work fine okay sometimes misses a spot but what if I like yes Sir right Okay okay we might you might be on something here My only worry is will is that is that gonna make people motion sick it might even make me motion sick foreign Buffer yeah dude that’s so annoying when like you’re you’re watching live streaming so it’s buffering the internet connection oh my gosh I need to get better internet to be completely honest way faster than tonight do you think I started at Minecraft Channel as a 12 year old I know how to

Edit DaVinci all right edit five hey bro honestly Elvin Ivan sorry sorry uh excuse me um 100 I mean what’s the worst thing that could happen when you start a YouTube channel I mean like one of the most difficult Parts is actually starting and what you got to be aware of

That is going to be like a really long journey but if you just have this mentality of always trying to improve your videos always trying to be like a better version of yourself I know this may sound like a bit like cliche but like it’s true though

Like a hundred percent like the earlier you start the better man am I realizing yeah my team yeah Foreign Oh I’ve got no clue like to be completely honest the more the merrier so yeah am I just like a group of like 50 YouTubers I don’t know how that would practically work but I mean yeah It’s like I feel like the Minecraft hardcore community and like with all the YouTubers it’s like really nice like I feel like all the people in it are are nice people I can’t really think of anyone that’s like not A scarf will start Speed from YouTubers Russell Russell’s saying before starting YouTube channel start a YouTube learn a YouTube strategy yes that’s gonna help you out so much and um that’s kind of what I meant with this like mentality of always wanting to improve um definitely 100 I kind of learned the basics of like video retention

Uh stuff like that but know that no matter what you do the chances are in the very beginning you will not be successful that’s just how it it goes most of the time I’m 90. you have to start YouTube yeah bro I mean dude go for it

I highly encourage everyone to like try to start a YouTube channel like not even if you’re not gonna become like a crazy YouTuber I feel like it’s a very good life experience to become a YouTuber I don’t I don’t know maybe that’s just me maybe that’s just me and there’s like

Bias within it but like what’s the worst that can happen like genuinely like you you learn some stuff yeah this is hardcore which in hardcore because almost ruin the reputation of the game yeah 100 man like a 100 does but here’s the thing this was this kind

Of like links back to what I was saying about totems and hardcore like I feel like tolens themselves kind of Ruin hardcore like I kind of think of this right now right me playing hardcore and doing this for a literal living right I’m not really too scared of like dying

Because I’ve always got my totem on me like and I’m always very and I’ve always got it on me like I feel like a lot of the like hardcore YouTubers that die they don’t have totems in that moment um well obviously if they had a film they

Wouldn’t die but like um but that’s a size from the point basically in my opinion they should be way more difficult to get and they should not be farmable that would like really then make like hardcore have like a much better reputation it’s like a Time yeah Wessel yeah Just a second foreign got the music on yep time for me right now is 7 P.M yeah it’s not too bad I did by the time we finish this monster I will definitely not be going to bed anytime soon Okay we’re nearly halfway there this one too is gonna take us way less time than the other layers that’s good that’s good that’s very good If you only had five totems per world or something like that yeah yeah literally like a limit or at least make them a lot harder to obtain um or maybe yeah something like that basically make them rarer or something like that although I won’t lie I like I say this

But then again I I like that they’re so farmable because again as a hardcore player this gives me a lot more how would I say this a lot more confidence in that in the fact that I’m gonna have my world for a longer period of time instead of just

Dying like like one of the things I’m scared of the most or at least when I didn’t have a totem is using an elytra without a totem because sometimes when you’re not paying attention you just crash into the ground and all of a sudden it deals you like Max damage

And you just die from like falling too hard or hitting the ground too hard and uh yeah that’s always scary that’s literally like I was like whenever I first got the elytra without the totem I was like so like super focused on on just like not doing not making a mistake basically

It’s the server no this is not server this is just my hardcore world sometimes swish that I could have my PC placed outside of my room and then just drill like a wall like a hole through the wall to put all the cables in so that it doesn’t give off all the heat

Beside me and then I could just play with shaders on the entire time hold up did the shaders work with this uh schematic not really yeah that is very glitchy never mind never mind oh now it’s broken uh yeah let’s refresh what happened here well well there we go

Because that’s going to be deep enough for the condos condo well yeah it’s definitely going to be deep enough for sure I’m not sure what you mean by candles but a sound effect folder dude I literally don’t even have a sound effect folder like that’s one of the things

Um that I really need to work on is I literally just use the sound effects from my previous um projects like I just literally physically open up the premiere profile and then just like look through the sound effects in that uh yeah that’s not very efficient as you may say oh my God

See you later Venice oh no sorry the card Wing sorry yeah I’ll be on call later maybe we’ll see you later zenf what’s up man favorite hardcore YouTuber thank you thank you man oh for the Torches yeah I made it deep enough for the Torches like it’s still

Gonna like the light is gonna go through if that makes sense yeah oh my gosh nearly halfway there dude I I remember myself saying we’re nearly halfway there like 10 minutes ago and we’re still not halfway through yes amazing amazing I like this music I really do I’m vibing

Quick little monster sit break that’s the kind finish that one that went really fast actually oh I don’t have the attack anymore there we go it’s back now but yeah this month I’m planning on uploading two videos um I’m probably gonna yeah obviously this video right here uh the bass and

Then I’m probably gonna end up doing like a full a thousand day film movie uh 2000 Mayfield movie I mean um and yeah and that’s gonna be very interesting because I actually switched the entire location of my world so it’s almost as if like I started a

New world after the first thousand days so I feel like that’s going to be very interesting to see like the progression of the world Let’s eat bro I literally I’m running out of rockets and I’m running out of it I’ll be fine for now though when are you done oh yeah I I can’t even tell you that I wish I knew the answer but um I would estimate it’s uh not very soon

There’s a bunch of sound effects in that YouTube Discord that you joined oh okay okay I will I will thank you for that man I will take a look at those sound effects because like literally I I spend so long every video looking for sound effects it’s kind of crazy but yeah Oh wait we are more than halfway done now yeah finally yeah that reason yo thank you so much Levi thank you man honestly you’re kind of a lifesaver here with those sound effects because like I’m very notorious for using very high pitched uh sound effects in my videos I

Don’t know why but like people tell me sometimes they’re like oh um I just wouldn’t use that sound effect because it literally makes your ears want to bleed and I’m kind of like I just sit there and think like why did I not even think of that I literally used

Like sound effects to have like super like a super high pitch and they’re literally uncomfortable to listen to oh koalas how you doing hello party popper the one from the buy-in video yes yes I think you know I think you were actually the one that pointed out as well so

Thank you for that because um when I was re-watching the video I it also made me think like why did I think putting that sound effect was a good idea in the first place it didn’t make sense hello can I do oh I’m just thinking yeah how tomorrow

Morning first thing like my entire morning routine these days is just wake up turn on Minecraft AFK at the sand duper AFK the super smelter AFK at the Wither farm for coal and rinse and repeat and then in the meantime I’m just gonna be like I’m just editing my video this video

Um but yeah I really want to spend a lot more time into the actual like storyline if that makes sense um did anyone try Terraria I’ve never played Terraria but my friend played it a lot Foreign s go away good progress yeah it actually is pretty good progress then on the second layer I mean that’s more than I thought I was gonna do to be completely honest how long have I been doing this we’ve been doing this for over two hours now yeah

Wow so the entire the rest of this build will probably end up taking me about I’d say about 12 hours if not more because I still have the AFK for more glass because what you have to think into consideration that I literally had all the glass ready before

Starting the stream but that took a lot of time to get in the first place no I don’t play Team Fortress 2 no I’m trying to get into doing a storyline for the next video it’s been the works for five months man dude I can’t wait for everyone

But yeah I think storylines like are so underrated even uh someone like Mr B uh come on Phantoms later even like Mr Beast I feel like has been going into like working on story lines a lot more obviously Mr Beast is in like a whole different level to any other

YouTuber on the planet I mean he’s just so clear of everyone how long does it take to make a video okay it it pounds um I feel like if you include everything and I mean like that’s um that the time it takes to come up with the ideas the planning the editing the

Like the doing the first rock the re-editing it probably like 100 I want to say a hundred hours but that depends on on the on the project yeah the Mr Beast one to 100 age dude that video was such a banger like damn do I like football yes I love football

All soccer for the American people in the chat the last video I can’t remember exactly how long it took me but I know that like collecting the ancient debris took me I think 40 hours something like that with the AFK of course and stuff like that foreign

Okay right now those lines are going to be getting a lot shorter so we should be making progress faster you guys here for Carlson from Danny any more questions yeah we’ve got another another shulker box there bro I got a streamer set up crashes ever bro yep yep I can relate

Someone to that it’s like I always have like empty plastic bottles of like water then I have like uh a play of you know stuff like that I’ve got a lot of trash and my thing but oh to be fair I do try to clean my desk quite often

Hmm and I’m okay actually when it comes to like cleaning my room it’s not too bad Thank you what’s your favorite footballer Ronaldo Messi okay I don’t want to spark a debate I’m one of these people that I think that you should just enjoy both of them I think both of them are goat level and they’re amazing but yeah I mean none of them play in

Europe anymore so that’s kind of unfortunate um What do you do in your Minecraft world off camera or live well most of the time it’s just AFK honestly it’s either AFK or just um preparing for recording or recording videos Do I also have the dirtiest keyboard ever no actually I actually cleaned my keyboard very often I clean my entire setup like once a week like okay okay I’ll be honest I try to clean it once a week like I clean all the dust and stuff like that So it’s not too terrible and I clean my keyboard as well with like uh and like in between the keys and all that although it’s kind of difficult but you know I still do it um no no no you’re probably about having other to join hardcore world it’s like to help you out

Um see the thing is like I was watching a lot of these like smps of like these hardcore YouTubers and like sometimes they help each other out and I feel like that’s so cool I just don’t know if that would undermine having a hardcore world like a

Single player world if that makes sense I feel like it undermines a project if you but only like I was in like if you have an SMP like that’s completely fine it doesn’t undermine anything but like if you started off in a single player world I think you should

Like end off playing the single play World although I was thinking about like having some YouTubers on to like write a build or something like that but not necessarily help with the build if that makes sense but I don’t know maybe maybe I’ll get my friends or something like

That to help me out with a build once one day or something like that I feel like that would be cool actually it’d be more entertaining in a video that might be a good idea actually how do I clean a keyboard so basically right I have this um up like what’s it

Called microfiber no it’s not microfiber it’s like one of those like um cloths right and like I roll the cloth up and then like I put it in between the buttons so yeah When did I make this world oh uh two years ago something about that yeah two years ago This is nice to use in the My own videos but for help yeah yeah like to be completely honest like I feel like as long as you mention that in a video like there there’s nothing wrong with it And honestly like now that you say it I I’m kind of maybe changing my my mind on it I feel like it might even be a good idea definitely Yeah I live in Europe I live in Scotland just I’m still streaming yep still going going strong And we are out oh no I’m not no I am not Yeah this is the last bit from this shulker box then I’m gonna need to resupply It’s this done seed backwards say son ah I see what you’re doing there these nuts yep I think making them to the whole project isn’t the same as having them help with bits and Bob yeah 100 yeah What am I making I’m making a base a mega Bass and this requires very thorough placing well I I’m not even making any sense I apologize I am like literally just like sitting here like it’s placed in this glass like yeah let’s let’s keep on going and I’ll probably end up placing more

Glass uh tonight as well like off stream off camera I gotta go see you later Russell thank you so much for all donations man you really didn’t have to but yeah Legend see you later man you know see the thing is like some people can like revise and do something in the

Background as well like listen to music or watch like a chill live stream something like that I was always like one of these people that I have to like strictly concentrate on the thing that I’m doing I can’t really multitask that well at all and there we go we are out

Of glass let’s go resupply a glass supply I don’t know why I’m saying this in a in a in an English accent you just understand it other players now a bunch of changes for like double odds no scope and all that yeah Oh and like a lot of people’s a lot of people have been making like longer videos as well and that obviously changes like the RPM on videos but I feel like longer videos like people want longer videos as well um because like Tick Tock for example is

Like a place that you’d go to for like really quick fast-paced content right but YouTube even for me I open up YouTube to watch longer videos these days not so much for like the fast paced what am I even doing right now what am I doing uh glass yes

There we go soccer boxes with glass okay yeah right there See if this is gonna be enough uh glass hopefully it is To finish off the layer ah I failed Oh perfect okay place this here give me the glass We’re starting to run out of dye as well damn We went through that real quick I can’t I think that’s all the glass some glass here right yeah that’s gonna be the last bit of a glass too far What are you doing why are you doing this yeah oh wow I’m doing this because hopefully it’s gonna look cool yeah please be eight there isn’t okay Oh there we go right oh the glass there and let’s hope that this will be enough for us Oh let’s go Foreign Yes I I literally said that I’m gonna start streaming more after every live stream and it still took me like a couple months to do the next live stream but yes from now on there is no obstacles in my life that would prevent me from streaming so yeah so I’m going

To start streaming more 100 percent how did I come up my name I literally have literally it was just like a world word scramble like I just uh had like a notepad and I wrote a bunch of random words and I just like merged it into scavio somehow

Now that you got money from it yeah yeah that’s the only reason I stream for the money I’m joking by the way guys Right now I’m gonna quit live stream now I’m joking I’m joking again I’m joking how long have we doing YouTube oh I’ve been doing YouTube for like six years honestly yeah I was doing YouTube way before um like I started doing Minecraft videos in the beginning I did FIFA videos did

Also a bit of Minecraft um GTA and then like I went through like a phase where I did tutorial videos on Xbox um stuff like that basically bunch of middle odds in the Stream with the new updates yeah yeah bro I’m just gonna sit there another mid-roll out every every minute bro

You gotta do what you gotta do to get the bread but I feel like even if you shovel the middle odds they don’t actually show in the video uh neck not always YouTube kind of puts a limit on how many they show pink you promised yeah pinky promise I’m gonna live stream

More I’m gonna live stream more guys foreign for the next video you know what like I was really looking at sponsors the thing is like I I I’m I really don’t want to get any sponsors that are like even a little bit Shady if that makes any sense um

But if a sponsor like a very legit one comes across I I don’t see a problem with it at all it’s just like I also feel like because I don’t really upload regularly that also kind of like doesn’t make me like a perfect sponsor spot I guess

Yeah I don’t I don’t think I made sense there basically what I mean is because I don’t upload regularly sponsors tend to favor the YouTubers that like have regular uploads or reoccurring sponsors rage Shadow Legends yeah yeah allegedly I remember uh one buff that this entire meme with rage Shadow

Legends that was so funny I better have enough glass to finish this I I should but if I don’t Know then I don’t even use steam to be completely honest like I don’t even play any Steam games Did Roomba ever get that sponsor I’m not sure if he ended up getting one or not I I’m not sure man we’re doing another layer dude I don’t know if I’m doing another layer we’ll see because uh yeah Oh man Nearly there nearly there yeah I should have enough glass this should be enough I don’t see why I wouldn’t I need to do one of the live streams as like a road man like put on uh like a balaclava stuff like that you know what

I mean just have a have the entire face covered and then that’d be so funny I feel like just do like a roadman accent throughout the entire live stream I meant to do a lot of ends but still just watch me like bro bro I do I am I

Am a master procrastinator like genuinely I will I will edit for like 10 minutes and then all of a sudden I’m gonna be like oh my gosh I need to go and look at this like really cool effect of this other YouTuber did and then I

End up binge watching YouTube and then I go back to editing I edit for like five or ten minutes and then and then I start daydreaming it’s like there’s honestly it’s difficult how many stacks do I have a glass um well I’ve got 20 well yeah something about like 20

Probably 20 more over 20. yeah more than 20 more than 20 for sure oh literally getting distracted while editing is uh yeah yeah I know that feeling a bit too well let me just say that like I swear like if I really put my head down I really do believe that I

Could like get the average video out within like two weeks like every video or even like a week if I all I’d ever did just like work but I feel like as a YouTuber I find it almost impossible to work like 12 hours per day because of like sometimes especially when you’re

Planning the video or the other or the storyline you kind of have a limit as to how much creativity you have that day if that makes sense and YouTube is like a very creative intensive job yeah if that made sense requires a lot of creativity and you

Only have a finite amount of it foreign watching over me and telling me not to get distracted dude literally I sometimes imagine like I feel like that was um who was it if someone said basically if you’re ever having problems with being distracted right pretend that you have a

Camera crew with you the entire day like literally like watching you and documenting your life and uh because that’s true to be fair if I had a camera crew I would literally be working the entire time Sprint and then I’ve got like case two as well a speed two sorry

Screen please no I can’t scream I can’t scream my neighbors wouldn’t be very happy with that let me just say that A Team Fortress 2 video I’ve never played Team Fortress but maybe like I could like stream some other games sometime soon Listen zombie all right listen I don’t want any trouble in here I don’t even know what accent that was David go against motivation yeah literally who’s gonna carry the boats who’s gonna lift the logs that was not a David Goggins accent but yeah that man’s a legend Ary there

Oh yes finally finally almost finished he’s gonna carry those logs yeah literally literally nearly done nearly done what’s your hair color thank you thank you I’ve had the mixed feelings from people around me about the hair color some say it’s nice some say it’s like yeah I like it I like it personally

It’s just something different last layer what was that what was that sound that was weird I think there was a squid actually I think there’s like a cave there we go second layer finished yo let’s go let’s get it let’s get it oh let’s see how it looks I don’t want rotten flesh

And boom wow that’s amazing that is amazing we’ve actually made so much progress in this live stream it’s kind of crazy yeah that was that was fun you should have full purple you should go through purple for families or I like pink like the same color as my YouTube

Channel that would be cool that’d be cool oh my gosh what a live stream that was I think I went off the end of here guys you know my my monster ran out no more energy for me and I’ve run out of glass as well

Probably and I so yeah I think uh that probably uh is a good time to end the live stream but anyway guys thank you guys so much for watching honestly this was my favorite live stream today I’ve only done like three live streams or four I think but yeah this was

Definitely by far my favorite one it’s honestly so cool talking to you guys like it’s amazing and I promise you guys I will be live streaming way more often now from now on yeah see you next time everyone

This video, titled ‘Placing 158,346 Glass Blocks In Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skavio on 2023-09-07 06:52:44. It has garnered 7515 views and 362 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:43 or 9283 seconds.

Literally just placing glass lol. Jk it will be EPIC!

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

    Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team Welcome to Defeating Toxicity in Minecraft Welcome to Tarn The Depths, a channel dedicated to entertaining Minecraft content! In a recent video, the channel’s creator delves into the world of, a Minecraft server facing a significant issue with toxicity. Join the adventure as the creator and their team work alongside the server admins to tackle this challenge head-on. Unveiling the Problem is a bustling Minecraft server filled with players from all walks of life. However, like any online community, it is not immune to toxicity. The creator and their teammates find themselves at the forefront of… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for your Minecraft adventures! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “How to Get MACE in Minecraft 1.21 Update (Tricky Trials)” by The Aether Gamer. The video showcases the new mace weapon added in the latest Minecraft update, found in trial chambers. If you’re intrigued by the idea of obtaining this elusive mace and delving into new challenges, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to test your skills. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience… Read More

  • Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek

    Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek Welcome to the Majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting world of Minecraft with this Uzbek-language Let’s Play video. Explore the stunning Vijivaniya Qilamiza with breathtaking shaders that enhance your gaming experience. Discovering the Beauty of Vijivaniya Qilamiza Join the adventure as you delve into the intricate details of Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft. Witness the majestic landscapes, vibrant colors, and intricate designs that make this world truly captivating. Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with the addition of shaders that bring the world to life with realistic lighting and textures…. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “HER ŞEY TERSİNE DÖNDÜ BEBEK İŞÇİ MİLYONER OLDU! 😱 -Minecraft”. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a world where everything is turned upside down, where baby workers become millionaires, and where the only limit is your imagination. This is the kind of excitement and creativity that you can experience on Minewind… Read More

  • Trading Stronghold: Villager Paradise – Minecraft Creation Hero

    Trading Stronghold: Villager Paradise - Minecraft Creation Hero In the sky, a village high, what a sight to see, A stronghold to build, a trade center to be. Guigui’s on the case, with a grin and a spin, Crafting a paradise, where villagers can win. With each update, a new adventure to unfold, In Minecraft world, where stories are told. Subscribe to Ghost, for more tales to find, In the realm of creation, where imagination shines. Follow Guigui on FB, IG, and Twitter too, For updates and laughs, and a Minecraft view. With AF as editor, the story takes flight, In the world of prominence, where dreams… Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial Minecraft Mob Farm: A Guide to Building Your Own Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? One essential structure that every player should consider building is a Mob Farm. This article will guide you through the process of creating your very own Mob Farm in Minecraft. What is a Mob Farm? A Mob Farm is a structure designed to harvest mobs for various resources such as experience points, rare drops, and more. By creating a Mob Farm, players can efficiently gather valuable items while also defending their base from hostile mobs. Building Your Mob… Read More

  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

    Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod TutorialVideo Information Hola Bienvenidos a una nueva review en el canal y nos encontramos en un mod muy interesante el cual tenemos en nuestra serie de enl eh el cual nos va a implementar Estas armas que estáis viendo aquí ahora mismo en la pantalla eh las cuales eh veremos más adelante que tienen unas habilidades especiales muy chulas ap parte de un diseño brutal y antes de empezar Ya con la review quería mencionar y comentaros de que estamos a nada de conseguir ya los 1000 suscriptores de acuerdo y eh est Muy preparando para el especial de 1000… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with Dizziness

    INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with DizzinessVideo Information [Musik] coy sendupernya bermasalah ngikutin tutor yang mana suker Craft lah kok gak ada honey blocknya emang harus pakai tutorial gak ada sih What the mana ada gak pakai honey block loh gak ada l gak ada gak ada itu yang mana l ini Ini bentar bentarar aku 3 tahun lalu sih Pa yang baruesan gak bisa Aduh gimana pula ini ya udahlah Bikin lagi Bikin lagi kocak banget Anjir malam-malam bikin gituan kita tentunya tidak akan bikin itu lagi enggak kan kita engak akan bikin itu lagi itu adalah hal paling membosankan kita bikin semuanya ya ini… Read More

  • Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2

    Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2Video Information हेलो टो गेमर्स तो कैसे हो सभी लोग आ गया हूं मैं और एक न्यू वीडियो के साथ वापस तो आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैंने जो फर्स्ट वाली वीडियो में ने अपना घर जैसे जैसे करके बनाया था वो भी घर कहां है तो भाई वो वाली वीडियो में ना मैं गेम खेलने रिकॉर्ड करने के बाद में दूसरी बार मैंने जब गेम को स्टार्ट किया ना रिकॉर्डिंग करने के लिए मतलब एपिसोड बनाने के लिए तो भाई उसमें ना जॉम्बी ने मेरे पे अटैक करके ना मतलब मेरे को खत्म कर दिया था और वो… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #24: The Black Sands Waystone’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-04-14 09:00:31. It has garnered 53 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New vs Old Minecraft – NOSTALGIA 🤧 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-03-20 15:08:16. It has garnered 195 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft 2024 vs 2014 🥺 Nostalgia #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More

  • “ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan’s rage in Hololive finale!” #clickbait #hololive

    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL: ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official: ・hololive DEV_IS official: Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

Skavio – Placing 158,346 Glass Blocks In Hardcore Minecraft