Skip the Tutorial – 83 Expert Minecraft Things

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This is every trick that Minecraft pros use so if you’re a pro let’s see how many of these you do and here’s also how to do them horseford is a source to justify and not because of anything with the saturation but because of the teleportation usually

It’s just too risky to use this when you’re not trying to teleport somewhere that is unless you eat one of these underwater strange as it may seem by just putting yourself underneath the body of water then you can eat as much coarse fruit as you want without ever

Having to teleport from that place and I don’t know why this happens but I’m also not going to question it if it means that I can survive in the end if you’re looking for a quick way to the mountaintops then cake horse ladders work plenty fast I mean in the past when

We tested the fastest way to Sky limit this method ranked up in the top 5 best but now we can make the staircase even faster through the help of drip Stones by alternating between drip Stone and partially eaten cake we’re able to get an even steeper incline that lets us

Climb up at some crazy speeds sure it’s gonna take a while to get all the resources to do this so if you’re looking to eat a bunch of cake then this investment’s gonna pay off and it’s also the perfect combination of weird and practical which that alone is worth a

Try skeleton spawners are a valuable asset to have on hand but we’re now able to upgrade this good thing into something even better Now by adding in powdered snow we’re able to turn our skeleton Farm into a stray spawner now you might ask why we would do this but

It only takes one look at the loot table comparison to see just how much these slow skeletons can drop and that’s all offsides folks especially when all it takes to make the change is just some powdered snow and cobwebs and at that point it’s a no-brainer stop using a

Regular hoe to farm your crops since by just adding Fortune to that same tool that’ll drastically increase your drop rates of crops when you harvest them and that’s also not the part that wastes the durability of the hoe making this even more efficient and cost effective too

When you see an exploding creeper what do you do yeah at runaway too but let’s say that’s less of an option here and if you don’t have yourself a shield don’t worry because if you just have a block and you place it between your feet and the creepers that’ll prevent next to all

The damage that you would have taken from the blast since the way that Minecraft calculates explosion damage it’s based off of a ray that’s cast from The Creeper to the bottom of your hitbox in this case our feet so if we block that off we’ll take way less of the

Damage and this will also work for things like TNT and crystals too regardless of the block might I add even with the new glow icon on the walls lighting up these caves is still a mega task so why don’t we try night vision potions instead though that’s got its

Own issue potions don’t stack so they’re going to take a lot of room so instead of sacrificing storage for bottles why don’t we just use night vision arrows instead after you craft a chunk of these you can simply hit yourself with a dose and get right back to exploring sure

It’s a bit more painful but that’s a small price to pay for seeing in the dark and a stack will give you plenty of time to do that a lot of players will argue between using things like steak or golden carrots for food but if you got

The time to craft it I’d actually say that suspicious stew is the option since just a dandelion mixed in with your traditional mushroom stew you only have to eat one of these to fill up your entire hunger bar and not to mention since it does it through the saturation

Effect you’re also going to heal pretty well off this too making this indispensable for PVP battles you know what Pros do dig straight down I’m being completely serious but they don’t do it like this so if you want to make digging straight down into a totally safe

Operation then all you gotta do is just stand between two blocks like this and then dig both of them down one at a time that way if one of the two holes leads you into a lava lake or a ravine you’ll still be standing on the other one safe

And yes that’s your cue to stop digging straight down so if you’re a real Pro you wouldn’t dig down at all at least not yet since if you were to instead spend your time looking for things like shipwreck buried treasure chest up on the surface you’ll have a much higher

Chance of getting diamonds for your rewards I mean in one of these buried treasure chests there’s a 59 chance that you’ll find at least one to two diamonds which is a lot better than the zero percent chance that I seem to have of finding any down in the mines by myself

I’d rather take the easier option Auto clickers are great for AFK but they’re also not vanilla but that’s fine we actually have a way to get an auto clicker inside of the regular Java game see if you press F3 and T at the same time that you’re holding down your left

Mouse button then after the textures reload the game will still think that it’s registering the input even though my hands are completely off the keyboard as far as Minecraft knows I’m still there mining away all the Cobblestone at my stone farm so if you’re just starting out in something like a Skyblock world

This could be a way to get some early game resources and then you can come back to computer and actually play the fun Parts if you need to get a lot of sand and you’re not allowed to use a sand duper then we should take a page

Out of ethos book since by just running in a line with TNT in a flint steel like this you should know that for every TNT block that we’re setting off we’re getting nearly two stacks of sand per and folks it only takes four sand to craft the same TNT and sure we’re

Spending sand to get sand but with returns like this any investment broker would tell you to make it and the only thing you got to look out for here is placing down too much TNT to where all the sand that’s dropping actually starts to despawn if you forget about it but as

Long as you remember to take breaks to go pick some of that up you’re gonna get a lot of returns this method if you’ve ever built with blocks that have an orientation you’re well aware that they’re annoying to replace midair so to fix that we should mention that it’s

Actually possible to just double click the left click and the right click button at the same time and as long as you instantly mind the block you’ll be able to change the rotation without placing any support blocks for it which can be great for correcting your mistakes that you placed on that stairs

For the roof or even just for rotating your bamboo right that it looks good for the window and as long as you got the right efficiency tools to do this it’ll save you a lot of time how do you craft your diamond tools I know that sounds

Like a silly question obviously you just craft them based off the recipe but how you lay out that recipe could change and taking a page out of Mystic cat’s book what we could do is put all of our materials into the crafting recipe in just one step so then first we craft the

Pickaxe then the hoe and finally the shovel and you could do the same for armor too and when you’re in a dire situation like a PVP tournament it’s a little bit of a Time save could be great for you especially when your opponent’s also trying to get kitted up themselves

This way we can equip first and be able to deal with them that way you know it’s one of the fastest ways to travel in Minecraft and I’ll give you a hint it’s nothing like an elytra or an ice boat highway but really one of the fastest

Ways to travel is just using spectator mode since when you change your scroll wheel up to the max speed we can start going incredibly fast especially vertically or scroll it all the way down and move at a snail’s pace which is great for fine-tuning your location if

You need it for a specific command or shot and really if you’re able to play with creative mode I is no reason that you should ever be moving around in just the creative mode like this if we need to cover a lot of distance just toggle yourself into spectator mode move over

And then toggle back to creative trust me it’ll save you a lot of time Minecraft villagers are stupid I would wait for a gasp from the audience but I don’t think anyone’s offended by that statement and unfortunately they’re also pretty useful with their trades so to keep your villagers alive from the next

Time that a Zombie Siege might happen you should know that through the help of a dispenser you’re actually able to equip armor into their secret inventory and sure you can’t see it rendered on top of the villagers but if you give them armor that’s enchanted with thorns

Then you can punch them and definitely tell that it’s still there and that way you give them a way to defend themselves even if they don’t have the Iron Golem anymore since uh we usually tend to kill those off for other reasons anyway stop killing animals like this and no that’s

Not a moral argument we’re actually going to suggest is so much worse but if you use a flint and steel to burn the maw before you kill it then when you use your ax or a sword it’ll still drop a cooked version of the meat item and

There you go just for the cost of a flint and iron you give yourself 64 chances to get cooked food this way and never have to waste anything on furnaces or fuel and perhaps the most valuable resource that this saves you is time since cooking up a pork chop regularly

Would take 20 seconds in the microwave whereas this is just as simple as killing them the first time and once you get it down it’s gonna feel second nature so better start getting that learning curve out of the way early do you know that ladders can be useful in

PvP yeah it sounds ridiculous but there’s one very specific feature about ladders that makes them indispensable in certain situations take a look at this if you place down a three block tall wall and then Place ladders on top of it then you can place blocks off of the

Ladder behind you without even looking away from it and if you’re playing something like Bed Wars where you’re walking on very thin bridges that little bit of a roadblock could be all it takes to knock your biggest enemy into the void so while speed Bridget and towering

Might look cooler it might not be a bad idea to also buy a few of these ladders it only has to save you once to be worth it if you’re playing on a hardcore single player world this could be one of the most useful tips in the video see

When you’re in a difficult situation and about to die then instead of just pressing the Escape key to pause the game press F3 and then the escape game that’ll still pause your single player world but the menu won’t appear and now you have full vision to be able to

Analyze your situation this is cheating well I’ll leave that for you to decide after all it is a single player world so it’s literally never gonna have anything to do with me stop using arrows in PvP since the rules should be using fireworks now not only will they steal

More damage on impact but they’re also a great way to disorient the player think about it you’re running into a combat situation and all of a sudden you got candy colored lights filling up your vision like a Christmas tree it’s the closest we have to a smoke bomb in

Minecraft and plus if you manage to kill someone while they’re inside of a firework I think that just adds insult to injury if it got resources but you don’t have a lot of time then I should let you know that if you wanted to tame a horse you could do it instantaneously

It’s just gonna cost you 10 golden apples which I’m not even gonna sugarcoat it that’s obviously more expensive than just taking the time to do this but that’s why it’s something that only Pros do the Wither isn’t an easy fight especially on Bedrock Edition but that’s only when you spawn it like

This since if we were to take our wither and put it horizontally underneath the return portal in the end it’ll be trapped inside of the Bedrock now you’re able to harm us or anything around us it doesn’t even leave a big explosion like it usually does at that point you could

Kill it yourself or you could summon in a couple of iron golems nearby and have them do the job for you or my personal favorite way of using that same iron to place down this Hopper mine cart entity cramming killer it might be a little loud but it definitely gets the job done

This is one of the most useful features in Minecraft and it’s off by default but when you go into the accessibility settings and turn on the subtitles then you can use those for valuable information about the world around you so even if you don’t hear something quite right out of your headphones

You’ll still be able to see that sure enough there’s lava popping nearby and even which direction it comes from allowing you to much easier find things like Lava Lakes blazes and so much more and it’s also a good way to catch your friend’s pranks before they happen

Really for how much screen real estate they were given up here this subtitle feature more than makes up for it we’ve talked in the past about the fastest way to fly with an elytra but what about the furthest way to fly with an elytra well if you want to start talking about

Angles and degrees you should know that if you fly 40 degrees downwards and then 40 degrees upwards that zigzagging will allow you to fly much longer distances and honestly I just love doing this because it reminds me of Super Mario World instead of using scaffolding to build yourself across an area here’s why

You should use slime blocks because while they might be slow to move on top of they’re definitely not slow to break even with just your fist you can instant mine through slime blocks I mean you could do the same with TNT too but something tells me that slime blocks are

A lot safer than that alternative and then if you fall off your pillar you’ll also have that solution right in your off hand Place one of those down and you’ll successfully clutch yourself back to safety normally in Minecraft Steve jumps 1.15 blocks tall which means he

Could jump one block with a little bit of clearance over it but all of that’s pointless since with this bedwars tip we can actually find a way to get ourselves up three blocks high and about as long as it would have taken us for a regular

Jump all you have to do is Sprint place a block underneath jump and then place two blocks underneath yourself and often just that simple maneuver you can do this fast and get three blocks of jump height so if you got three blocks you can jump three blocks I think that’s a

Good trade-off if you don’t yet have The Mending enchantment you’ll want to pay attention to this because when you take those non-enchanted items and mix them together like this it’s not just the two durabilities that add up but rather that repaired item will have the sum of the

Two items durability plus an additional bonus of five percent and hey you did all of that without consuming any XP which I again think is pretty useful so if you’re getting a lot of armor drops from your mob farm this could be a good way to bring the back up to usefulness

Since even if these two items wouldn’t add up to a full durability item with that five percent repair bonus it goes right up to clean and pristine all of which are that ever having to touch nanville if you have trouble fighting mobs at night then you might want to

Brew up some weakness potions since surprisingly so these can render a lot of mobs completely useless you’ll see as much if we use it on a zombie they will still do their attack animation however you don’t even receive a damage tick or a knockback when they do it and folks

That’s on hard difficulties it’s not just zombies either it’s lapping for slime spiders and even silverfish and perhaps my favorite yet if you use a weakness potion on a cave spider that’ll prevent it from poisoning you too which really makes these ankle biters seem a lot less intimidating when you use it

Like that it can often be tough to make an inescapable trap in Minecraft especially when they got End Game Gear though the new lava cauldrons might just give us the perfect solution Now by themselves they behave just as regular lava but when partnered with honey money blocks these become a lot more dangerous

Since you’re still affected by the honey sticky qualities while you’re in The Cauldron the player can’t jump out of the pot to save themselves and there you have it just with these two blocks we made a trap that you simply can’t jump out of and if you pair this with a fall

Trap you’ll be sure to stick your foe right in the hot seat and for their sake I hope they packed a potion if you’re building your mob farm without an armor stand and you’re doing it wrong since strange as it may sound having an armor

Stand set up like this in the middle of your mob farm makes it so that when you use a sweeping edge sword I don’t have to worry about wasting one of your swings on dying mob since any time that you attack a mob a sweeping Edge and it

Dies on the spot then it just absorbs the attack without doing anything else but attacking an armor stand alleviates this and that gives us the best option for crowd control and it also means that if you’re swiping up the armor stand you’re not going to take any Thorns

Damage from any mobs that happen to spawn with it so if all it costs is a training Diamond to help you deal with these other dummies then that’s something I’m willing to take now I know that most of us would avoid quartz until we need things like comparators or

Daylight detectors but in truth even if you have no plans of building with it it’s still a good block to mind truth be told another chords or dropped so much xp that when you don’t have yourself a proper XP farm this could be a great way to get yourself up into the higher

Levels I mean for just about 20 to 30 minutes of your time you can go from zero to level 30 just like that and even though we’re still doing this in the nether I think you’ll still find this is much safer than having to kill the equivalent amount of mobs in the

Overworld you want to know the fastest way to trade in Minecraft and I’ll give you a hint it doesn’t use any kind of big system like this but rather the most useful tidbit that you can know just relies on the space bar the way you do

It is simple you click on the trade you want to do you click the item and then you hit spacebar to refill the Commodities that the Villager wants and just like that repeating a cycle of going spacebar click spacebar click we can completely trade through the villagers options before it needs to

Restock and while this gets particularly helpful if you’re trying to batch a lot of Trades with something like a Fletcher if you have villagers existed in your world from older versions then they might be bugged in a way where they can trade infinitely and then when you use

This trick you’re pretty much set for life so if you got the key on your keyboard you might as well use it before you grow the tree with bone meal throw an ender pearl up to the sky so that when you bone meal it you’ll land on the

Top of the tree at which point you don’t have to worry about making yourself a staircase up as you’re cutting down the tree you can just take it all down in one go just make sure to have yourself a nice pair of feather falling boots otherwise all the time that you would

Have saved it’s gonna be wasted having to die to the end of Pearl’s fall damage I feel like lily pads are an often forgotten block in Minecraft and more often than not there just end up being a nuisance when you’re trying to navigate through the swamp on a boat but the

Truth is if you happen to grab some of these and keep them in your inventory then it’s possible that if you come across a body of water all you have to do is just Sprint and jump and then place the lily pad underneath your feet and you’ll have yourself an easy way to

Scale a body of water regardless of how deep it is other trap doors are made out of wood they don’t burn in lava yeah I don’t get the logic either but we don’t have to understand it to know that we can use this to get ourselves quite a

Bit of diamonds since when every crib across a lava pool all you have to do is just bring around a crimson or warp trap door like this and then flip it open to get yourself the diamonds at the bottom of the Lava Lake just be careful because

Even if the trapdoor doesn’t burn your times definitely could mud makes for a great building block so it’s something that you want but Kitty mud like this is definitely a pain so rather we should take after this example and convert all of our mud in a body of water by placing

All of your dirt in a row like so we can then offhand the water bottle and then hold a shovel on our main hand so that when we hit right and left click at the same time while moving forward we both convert the dirt to mud and collect it

And while it could definitely take a few tries to get it to sync up properly once you do it’s hard to look at this comparison and say that you’re not saving time it’s a lot more satisfying and a lot simpler I’ll take both of those before you spend a single iron and

Get on making yourself armor you should instead craft yourself a shield with a low price of a single iron ingot now they require you to do more than armor to keep you protected there’s many cases for just holding up your Shield can save you from a lot more than diamond armor

Would not just zombies and skeletons but creepers also get nullified pretty hard by this too making this a practical Choice when you start out and if you don’t yet have the iron to make yourself a shield then you can still put those five Oak planks to use in a different

Way I’m serious but just crafting a boat we can save ourselves from a ton of damage for instance if a hostile mobs coming towards you just place down the boat and it’ll be stuck in place which is especially useful for things like slippery mobs like Enderman or if you

Don’t have yourself a water bucket that you can clutch with just place down the boat row it off and you’ll be completely safe when you reach the ground so even if you didn’t spawn next to an ocean where you’d need one of these I think you’ll find it’d be just as useful on

Shore as it would have been on the water the boat cow Farm like this you’re doing it efficiently and instead what you should do is you should bait your cows into a one by one hole like this with a hopper and a chest underneath them so that when you continuously breed them

That entity cramming limit is going to kick in and after you have 24 cows in your farm eventually it’ll start to kill off the other cows and you’ll have a fully functional automatic farm without even needing that big of a footprint this Minecraft crop Farm might look nice

But it’s inefficient since the way that it is in the game’s code you actually get better results from your crop Farm if you plant them in rows like so and honestly we should have known that this is in the game from the beginning considering the fact that village farms

Are planted this way as well maybe those Squidwards have more going on inside their head than just a big nose since this could be really useful if you don’t have bone Mill you have to speed up the process in an auto Farm here’s the best way to kill blazes since with a Looting

3 sword in your main hand and snowballs in your offhand we’re able to throw those at the blazes in the spawner and still get the Looting effect applied to them which without a doubt is one of the cheapest ways to get looting attached to your weapon it doesn’t even take a hit

To the sword’s durability and while you can unfortunately only hold 16 snowballs at time while doing this with how effective snowballs are against blazes you’re still gonna be all right and as long as you save some of the Snowballs to make a snow golem Farm back home it’s

Also renewable and you can’t beat that ever since 1.16 AFK Fish Farms have been nerfed I’m not gonna deny that but what they lack in Treasure they still have a lot to offer for one fish but there’s also plenty of experience points that you can get from fishing as well it was

Just easy to build there’s really no reason to not have one of these in your world especially if you place it next to another place where you need to AFK that way you’re activating two farms at once which alone would be a good deal which

Has made all the better by how much food you’re able to get from this method just water log a fence place down a golden pressure plate on top and then with an iron trap door and a note block place like so we’ll have ourselves an infinite food farm regardless of where he put

This in your world when we talk about Minecraft traps cake probably isn’t top of your list but here’s what it should be since sillies may seem if you trap your friend in a case of cake like this and then replace the floor underneath them with a piece of Soul Sand and when

We add in a water source block we’ll have trapped them inside of a bubble stream and just that little bit of bouncing around is gonna make it very tough to break the cake and at that point their best way out is if they’re hungry which I’ve never seen anyone eat

A full cake in Minecraft so they might be there for a while if you’re like me then you’re terrible with a bow and arrow and unfortunately for us that makes it really tough to get this advancement for the bullseye don’t worry this will make it simple since all we

Need to do is put a trapdoor on top of our Target block shoot an arrow right into the center and then let’s run 30 blocks away we can have either a friend or Redstone flip the trap door open at which point it counts as if we shot the

Arrow from back here and we easily get the advancement and hey you could do the same for the sniper duel achievement as well just switch out the target block for a different kind of Target easy as that as soon as you start to get resources that you need to smelt you

Should not be wasting time individually putting them into different furnaces instead with the help of the chest bow we’re able to position one of these on top of a bed of Hoppers so that it’ll evenly disperse all of our items across all of these different furnaces and just

Like that we’re smelting nine times faster than we would in a regular smelter change them out for blast furnaces it goes up to 18 times faster and then by doing something like huffing fish HQ shows off in this design we’re gonna have another chest minecart go

Around the outside and fill up all of our furnaces with fuel and don’t worry they store the XP so when you eventually go through and break all these furnaces you’re still gonna get the rewards that you want there’s really no downside to doing this and if you’re looking to find

The iron to build that simple super smelter your best bet isn’t to find it down in the caves since the ways that orus generates since the caves and cliffs update you’re actually gonna have pretty good luck finding this up in the mountains and if I’m being honest even

If that was true I wouldn’t want to go dig inside of a mountain to find my iron but the good news is you don’t even need to I’m just mining iron on the surface of the mountains you can end up with stacks of the stuff and not to mention

It’s a lot safer than heading down into a dark cave you can also find coal up here too just so you have something to smell all that iron that you’re getting lighten up your base is great but you never want to be too obvious about it having a torch on the ground doesn’t

Look the best that’s what I’m trying to say but luckily there is a way for us to hide it since we place down a torch and have an armor stand entity drop on top of it then after you suit up that armor stand with whatever armor of your choice

Then you’ll have successfully made hidden lighting within your base well I’m not saying that you should go and spam a bunch of armor stands around your base that looks more Awkward than torches I think looking for little Alternatives like this can really make a difference when you can every time they see a

Fire of iron ingots and a chest but what if I told you that a way to cut down on this is just to use the chest and forget the hopper instead alternating like this let’s cut down on how much iron that we have to spend and The Hoppers and chests

Will still flow the way that we’re used to so if you haven’t yet set up that iron farm this would be the choice that I pick for you here’s how to turn your lays into a deadly weapon since even though they can’t equip it if you give

Them a piece of Thorn’s armor to hold on to then any mobs that try to attack them will also take damage from that and as you can see in this example from Ray’s Works they retire a laid to a lead and then have a mob attack you you might

Just have yourself the deadliest balloon in Minecraft but if you do want to try this out I have to give one warning which is that even though the alas tend to regenerate a lot of Health there are still a few mobs that can kill them off

So to keep them safe and on your side you might want to have a couple of delays doing this that way the damage is getting evenly dispersed amongst the crowd and if you really need to keep your lace from dying then your real get out of jail free card here is that if

You give your or lay a total of undyne then they can use it just like we would and there you go you take them from hardcore mode right back into regular survival or if the light is not the element job they want to keep safe then

With Fox as well you can do the same but unfortunately they’re a little bit tougher to get the totem too since for the fox you need to throw the totem onto the ground for it to be picked up but once they have it it doesn’t matter what

Kind of polar bear gets nearby they’ll be left unscathed you’ll have a very confused polar bear as well snow golems melt in the desert that’s not much of a surprise even Frosty the Snowman could have told you that but while you might be surprised to know is that if you use

A fire resistance potion that’ll allow your snow golems to survive in hot climates and yes that even includes the nether as silly as it might seem so if you have a couple of these lying around after a pigland bartering you could set up a couple of snow golems Splash them

With this and use those to help you eviscerate through that Blaze spawner just get ready for the rude awakening when the potion effect wears off and you’re left with nothing more than a pile of snowballs in front of you I guess nothing good ever lasts huh here’s

How to make your boat self-driving all you gotta do is create a 3X3 area of water and then place down a fence gate on this third block here at which point we could break these blocks and cause the water to flow and we’ll have given ourselves an automatic way to drive our

Boats if we need to quickly get rid of some fire in the nether then a good way to do that is by bring ruin up a couple splash water bottles since these not only extinguish ourselves when we catch on fire but they can also clear this

Plus sign shape out of the fire that catches on the ground so if you need to make sure that your items don’t burn it might help to throw down one of these that way even if you burn alive at least your stuff won’t if you’re building a

Farm I want to use mud blocks instead of grass or dirt and the reason for this is that mud blocks are just one pixels smaller in their hitbox than grass or sand blocks and all that one pixel means is that items are actually able to be pulled through through a hopper and

There you have it just that simple change our whole Farm design just got so much cheaper and not to mention the rates get better as well really for the price of craft in a water bottle it’s worth doing this at your next Farm let’s say you need to move your pet dog but

You don’t want to risk it dying while you’re running across the treacherous landscape well no worries raceworks has you covered since by attaching your pet to a lead and that lead to a fence post we can use a piston like this so that when the item despawns then your pet

Will suddenly teleport that long distance just like that and through the help of a chunk loader like this one we can make sure that this design never unloads that way with whatever timer you build it’s going to work just fine and most importantly it means your feline friend can travel thousands of blocks

All without having to move a muscle can’t say I’m not a little bit jealous if you live in a village keep this one in mind since by attaching an observer or pressure plate next to your bed with a bell getting powered that would make sure that when we wake up the bell will

Ring and the villagers stay inside long enough for the zombies to burn on the outskirts otherwise without this system they might go outside get a few residual zombies and uh you’ll have a couple of zombie villagers burning out there as well so if you already killed the iron

Golem around here then the least you could do for the Villager population is put in this Bell system and then we all avoid the rude awakening of having your village be completely ransacked by zombies if you’re able to find food on land great but we’re not always so lucky

So instead you might have better chance of going to find yourself a river so that you can kill salmon for one they’re super easy to kill with just the right Stone tool you can kill one in one whack and not to mention that even when you

Get rid of all the salmon inside of the river when you come back later they do respawn inside of the water oh and they also have a small chance of dropping bone meal which could itself be useful and find yourself food source that’s renewable on land and look I’m not

Someone who likes Seafood but desperate times call for desperate measures especially still is a great food source but it’s not great to craft especially when you can’t stack them so if you can’t easily hold on to a stack of suspicious stew the next best thing is

To get yourself a Mooshroom and not just anyone but if you shock it with lightning sorry little guy and then feed it the flower of your choice preferably a dandelion because it’s the best one that’s how you get an infinite amount of suspicious stew that worth mentioning is

That the flower only works once per so if you wanted 64 saturation suspicious stew you need 64 dandelions luckily those are easier to farm in the other suspicious steel it’s a simpler trade-off skulk sensors are very useful but they’re also very noticeable but if you want to keep their function while

Losing that Fidelity then it’s worth noting that by waterlogging a skulk sensor then they’ll be silent but still behave normally oh granted this doesn’t make them entirely discreet since the sound waves are still visible but as we can verify from the Minecraft subtitles there’s no sound that’s given off from

The skok sensor itself when we do this well when you’re trying to use a skulk sensor for a hidden trap like this then anything you can do to make it less noticeable is gonna go a long way after all it just takes one little detail for them to notice and the whole Opera

Duration to go belly up for the price of a water bucket I’d rather stack those odds in our favor whether you’re playing on easy or hard mode mob Roofing is an essential chore in your to-do list and while light level can work that isn’t as

Much of an option in the nether so if you’re trying to get piglets to stop spawning in your travel tunnels or next to your Fortress Farm then an easy to get solution is a moss carpet now initially it might seem ridiculous to try and put vegetation next to Lava but

Apparently Moss carpet doesn’t burn making it pretty ideal for the lava landscape though I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that even though this doesn’t burn next to Lava flowing lava will still break these the same as flowing water but as long as you keep

That in mind you’ll be safe or safer at least if you want to fix your item stream consider adding a slab in place since this doc M showed off on hermitcraft just adding one of these in can make it easier for our items to stack together and now the bonewheel

Entities will wait until they have enough Mass to eventually get pushed over and that’ll also help you to get some more space in between your items which is definitely a plus when Hoppers move so slowly and perhaps the real icing on top of all of this is that when

You have multiple item entities combined under one single stacked item entity then that’ll help to reduce lag as well which for the price of half a cobblestone Block it’s hard to say that isn’t worth it fire makes for a great decoration in your builds but fire spread could also ruin your builds so

How do you find a happy medium well the answer comes with soul fire since it’s this even if fire tick is enabled it doesn’t matter because Soul fire will never spread and while you do obviously change out the color for this example that’s a small sacrifice for keeping the

Rest of your base safe and come on it’s not like the blue fire looks terrible anyway I really think that we’re making an improvement on both fronts and at the very least you can build a new fireplace in your house without having to tear your hair out we all know bone meal can

Be a very useful tool to have but sometimes getting enough of it can be a real hassle so to keep your Farms fueled and supplied going forward how about we get a bit more creative and turn Stone right into bone meal I know that sounds crazy but as members of the community

Have found out we can use the new moss functionality to turn Stone generators into bone meal farms and just like that we’ve got a self-sustainable bone meal Farm that’s sure to provide plenty more for your farms in the future in Java shouldn’t we trade with pig ones like

This but on Bedrock Edition we can do it so much faster and the reason for that is that we place down two observers to create an infinite clock and then attach to that sticky piston with a gold block on top of it then when you throw the

Gold to the piglets to trade you’ll see that they’re trading every single tick that’s possible so if you’ve got enough gold to fund it I’d say pay up you get yourself quite the show with a pillar of scaffolding like so in an observer up top we can effectively use this to send

Redstone signals upward like so all we have to do is have a trap door underneath the top of the scaffolding and that way when the legs on the bottom One update that signal will move across the top of the system until eventually it’s detected by an observer and we get

The Redstone signal up there but though I will mention that unlike using walls for this the higher the scaffolding the longer the input delay but for the Simplicity and compactness of this design I think it makes up for this trade-off and then some now nether portals are a necessity but I could do

Without the zombified pigment spawning in them so if you’re like me and you’re also sick of those unwanted visitors then we’re just a turtle-like place like so we can bait them away from the portal so sure it doesn’t stop them from spawning but I’d rather treat the

Problem than learn how to live with it and as long as the turtle leg isn’t placed on a beach to grow up it’s not gonna hatch and the baby turtle won’t object to it either and if you take the setup from the piglet farm and switch

Out the gold block for a lightning rod then when you throw a channeling Trident on top every time that it goes up and down it’ll strike lightning right on the source giving you an infinite lightning Farm and a workplace Hazard if you step Too Close which you can then use as a

Mob converter of sorts sorry for crazy you could do like we did and kill the weather with lightning it just might take a few attempts having chests that we can put in our boats is a great thing but you might be better using a llama instead since not only will the max

Storage llama still let us have some storage but we can also put a friend on the back of the llama and keep up the same number of seats that way we’re not trading containers for company don’t worry about getting yourself an iron sword instead with just three stone and

Some sticks Stone ax will do you much better and if you’re able to critical hit and time your attacks just right you can easily kill off a lot of mobs and partner with that Shield that you just crafted now you’ll be covered in both the offense and the defense all without

Having to get more than a single piece of iron when 1.14 rolled around bamboo gave us a very solid way to defend our bases from enemies with its weird hitbox we’re able to walk through just fine but the mob AI struggles a bit to make past

The shoots which is great but a bamboo barricade doesn’t fit in every build so luckily we’ve got something a bit more metal to use instead through the help of the copper lightning rods we can place a couple of these down and get ourselves a mob proof gate and hey if you think

About it they basically turn into an electric fence as well though maybe that’s better at fending off zombies than creepers but with a cat to keep those away and this safety solution is definitely worth a try if you’re playing on Bedrock Edition and hold down shift

And jump at the same time on your keyboard that is to start placing down blocks it’s possible to build a tower 16 blocks high all without ever leaving the ground which at that point why would you ever need scaffolding the sooner would do the trick just fine at first glance

This jump seems impossible and really it should be but the truth is that if you happen to turn 45 degrees exactly while you’re mid-air in the jump then that’ll let you jump two percent further than you would normally which sounds imperceptible but it’s enough to make this jump though I can’t stress enough

How difficult this is is to do I mean that’s why we featured in the possible skills video without the help of something like a mod like tweakuru I’d have no chance of pulling this off but if you can it just might help you in a pinch whether you’re playing a game a

Manhunt or trying to prank your friend everyone loves a good trap and with the help of the drip Stone Fallen entity we can make it particularly effective one as it’s coded a drip Stone falling from a height of 40 blocks will do the maximum amount of damage though as soon

As it goes through an End Portal the fall height doesn’t reset but rather whoever goes through the gate next to me quite the deadly surprise on the other end even with a diamond helmet the odds are that your friend’s still going to get skewered the same way so if you’re

Looking to make the end off limits then a couple of stalactites might just finish the job you can’t see it but there’s a hidden ladder here and it’s not one that we made with sticks but rather with the way that Vines and Maps overlap we can mix together an item

Frame and a map to make our Vines completely invisible and the map climbable which could make it easier to do something like building out your large map on a wall or better yet for a hidden entrance and you don’t even have to go that far you want a reason to do

This not only your friends can rotate that map part to make it look bad since the Vine’s hitbox is slightly larger than the item frames and when you got destructive friends like me that’s worth the price of a mission on its own right instead of using chests use barrels

Instead since for one they’re cheaper to craft they cost you one less plank for each recipe and they’re also great for small bases since even if you have a solid block on top of them you’re still able to open them up and while we can’t double their size like we would a

Regular chest it’s also important to note that if you get a lot of these they aren’t rendered as entities like the rest of the chests so they cause a lot less lag to people just off a barrel monster instead of a chess monster now I know the composters don’t seem like the

Most helpful of items well that might just be because you’re using it wrong since what you need to understand is that the first item that you put into the composter is always guaranteed to fill up the first level and that’s regardless of the item that you’re composting so if you want the maximum

Efficiency when you’re using your composter for bone meal first put in an item with a low chance of composting for the first stage and then use higher chance items like pumpkin pie for the rest of the way that way you’re saving these higher chance items for they’re actually useful which might not make

Composters the most useful block yet but even if they’re not useful at least do not use them now most players think of doors as just that a door but folks there’s so much more than that since in Java Edition you can use these doors for some pretty important things like if

You’re underwater you can place one of these down and have yourself a standing safe bubble of air or you can also Place one of these down and use it to confuse Hostile Mobs that are coming towards you for example if you’re in a cave and a skeleton starts shooting at you place

Down the door and the mob’s probably gonna lose track of you and if you flip the door just right we can actually use this to scale up a two block tall jump helping you get out of a cramped space or up to a new one terraforming a biome

Is not a simple task which is too bad because there really are some great results to changing around and creating your own custom biome so why don’t we try and find the easy way out so for the sake of an example how about we try to take the gray Hues out of mushroom

Fields biome make them a bit more colorful and for that Moss is a classic candidate since this block loves to replace the ones around it all we need is a ton of bone meal and plenty of dedication to get the job done and just like so we can transform fungus to Flora

And make this biome lot more Lush to see and hopefully the mushrooms will like it as much as we do if you’re looking for the fastest way to mine in Minecraft then you’re gonna need this on your leggings since even though dive mines become less popular since its inclusion

With the addition of the Swift sneak enchantment now it’s worth doing again because the name’s misleading it doesn’t just give you a swift sneak but also gives you a swift crawl and with swift sneak 3 on our leggings we can get some real speed or mine in a one block tall

Tunnel so as long as you don’t have claustrophobia it’s worth adding to your to-do list at the very least it gives you a reason to go down to the ancient cities because if we’re being honest the recovery Compass isn’t worth it and so plenty of your crops outside you should

Tuck them down in a cave now I know crops need light and sunshine and all that but that’s actually the point that’s if you were to plant your crop Farm underneath a redstone lamp like this then when it’s time to harvest all you gotta do is flip a lever on that

Switch and all of the crops will be harvested in an instant at which point you can turn back on the light plant all your crops and get ready to do the same again next week making Minecraft Builds automatic can often be a tough problem to solve at the very least it’s not

Usually that compact but drip leaf might just be the golden opportunity now clearly when you stand on these for too long they’re sure to give away to gravity but what you might not know is that if you stand put just like such then it’s possible to use this as a Time

Trap door and put the player right into a crawl position so if you took that time to wait around you might just notice that the entrance to a crawl space space was right underneath eye level and folks this is just barely scratching the surface for an implementation and I’ll leave the rest

For Creative people like you ender pearls are great for teleporting that’s literally what they’re there for usually that’s just the places that you can see however if you were to line up your Crosshair just like this and throw an ender pearl right at the base of the two

Blocks we could actually use this to walk through solid walls and not just the transparent blocks either since if the wall is only one block thick you can walk through just about anything this way just keep in mind that you are going to take some damage from the ender pearl

But for an easy way to get out of Dodge this could save you a chase scene in a lot of ways deserts can make great locations for bases you don’t have to worry about constant weather changes and there are so many different Sandstone blocks that there’s plenty of variety to

Choose from from though their Oasis qualities leave something to be desired I mean who’d want to live in a place with grass like this I understand it’s accurate but most of the time it just looks gross though while the grass color map isn’t changing anytime soon we do

Have a new green block to play with through the help of the Moss block we can make desert grass that actually looks green and Lush and hey the same goes for using azalea leaves instead of the regular ones and needless to say this is what you should be growing

Instamide tools are usually something we associate with late game I mean most of the time you’re not even getting this without haste 2 and efficiency 5 or you could just use bone meal no joke with the new moss feature it’s possible to turn Stone and deep slate into some of

The easiest blocks to break in the game and from there you don’t even need a netherright pickaxe just a stone hose all you need to dig these blocks so as we start spending a lot more time clearing out the depths below it might be worthwhile to bring some of this

Compost down in the caves and besides you can’t even instamine deep slay with a beacon so this is no doubt the best option to use and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ’83 Expert Minecraft Things’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2023-10-01 13:03:00. It has garnered 797109 views and 17285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:59 or 2219 seconds.

83 Things Only Minecraft Pros Do

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by BBelle and Daiku Research by MonocleMC and Jonah Walters Footage by Frankie Mundo, MonocleMC, Samcraft, and Jonah Walters —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. —— Other Credits:

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation - Lost Assassin at Dark StudiosVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Drop in the Ocean” – Minecraft music Animation (Lost Assassin)’, was uploaded by Dark Animation Studios on 2024-02-16 14:00:08. It has garnered 6121 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. English: A group of adventurers enters an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the mightiest creatures of the land. Suddenly, they are surprised by a black, unknown hand, and one of them is separated from the group. English: A group of adventurers enter an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the most… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelisted, Java, New

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to ensure the best experience for players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, whitelist yourself to start playing on the Minecraft Server! – OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • SoulSyphonMC

    Soul Syphon MCis an economy based survival crystal pvp server hosted in sydney (oceanic)we offer a high quality crystal pvp experience with other fun quirks to enjoy througout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Imperial Nonsense

    Why did the creeper always fail his math test? Because he couldn’t grasp the concept of TNT (The Non-Translatable) conversion! Read More

  • Steve’s Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft!

    Steve's Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, Steve goes fishing, But things don’t go well, his luck is missing. With a rod in hand, he casts his line, Hoping for a catch, something divine. The fish are elusive, they swim away, Steve’s frustration grows, in dismay. But with a grin and a spin, he tries once more, Determined to catch fish, that’s for sure. In this short episode, the humor shines, As Steve’s fishing adventure unwinds. With each failed attempt, the laughter grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join Steve on his fishing quest, In this animated world,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you just committed a war crime. #minecraftmoment #piggyproblems 🐷🚫 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft universe! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcased a fun spot-the-difference quiz within the Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers to its players. The ever-changing landscapes and challenges presented in the video are just a glimpse of what you can experience on Minewind. If you’re looking for a server that embraces creativity, exploration, and a vibrant community, then Minewind… Read More


    EPIC ADVENTURES WITH PRINCE XD! JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A NEW JOURNEY | WYNNCRAFT MINECRAFT MMORPG SERVER @WynncraftOfficial’, was uploaded by PRINCE XD on 2024-04-21 05:35:00. It has garnered 66 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:04 or 664 seconds. In this video I played wynncraft minecraft mmorpg server. Join My discord: DISCORD: SERVER IP: fire mc @PSD1 WynnCraft is a server owned by Grian, Jumla, and Salted. Three extremely talented Developers & Builders who worked very hard to create a very unique experience playing Minecraft. In WynnCraft, you spend hours traveling, exploring, doing quests, leveling up, fighting… Read More

  • Dynamite Destroys Computer in Minecraft

    Dynamite Destroys Computer in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The last of the dynamite blew up my computer😦 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 13:14:45. It has garnered 444 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viral

    SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-16 10:03:22. It has garnered 26425 views and 1809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #like #sigma Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts Credit music : hensonn -… Read More

  • HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shorts

    HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by FRIENDLY GAMERZ on 2024-01-10 04:50:45. It has garnered 2499 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #viral #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #youtube #friendlygamerz #viralvideo #viralshorts #smp #tutorial #build #gta5 #freefire #squidgame #roblox #yessmartypie #himlands #fleetsmp #technogamerz #easytutorial #trending #trendingshorts #automatic #automaticfarm #blockswapper #tutorial #redstonebuilds #herobrine #herobrinesmp #futeresticrobot #robot #balloon #ironman #car #granny #gta5 #freefire #spokey #skibiditoilet Read More

  • “Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ABO = 1H Länger im Käfig SERVER JOINEN: #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SOSO on 2024-01-16 12:22:24. It has garnered 6651 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!

    The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-05 01:30:15. It has garnered 456 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the… Read More

  • 🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP – Join Velle Brothers Now!

    🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP - Join Velle Brothers Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by VELLE BROTHERS on 2024-03-29 06:46:35. It has garnered 256 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:41 or 7421 seconds. server ip – ip IP: Port: 27334 minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat farm in minecraft minecraft live hindi gameplay minecrafthouse build minecraft live stream meking… Read More

Skip the Tutorial – 83 Expert Minecraft Things