Skotose me – Minecraft Anarchy 1.18 – Vulcano Island Building |

Video Information

Hello What’s up guys i am here ready to build some volcano i’m not gonna do too much super exciting stuff today just five a bit you know had a long night um not tired but also not very energetic so i’m gonna be fiving idj boost how are you

Make sure to like the stream and yeah let’s let’s start doing some building i don’t know how long i’m gonna go live today because i got school tomorrow sadly uh and i really can’t be asked to be tired you know sucks Okay so we have the outline made from last stream [Applause] uh it’s kind of it’s okay it’s okay we’ll we’ll finish this eventually i don’t know how far how far we’re gonna get in one stream though you know You know i used to do this building streams like way more in the summer was it this summer yeah this summer when we played on the v anarchy i was building like six hours a day every [ __ ] day hi tanya hi jaw and uh yeah so i don’t know i’m not

Really used to doing long building streams anymore because they are so like mentally training but let’s see how good it goes also like eu survival is doing pretty well dude like every day it has a few uh decent amount of players so i basically i mean i feel like we we

Kind of accomplished the goal of reviving the server at least a little bit why don’t you play on sv oh oh for me to play on simply vanilla oh god it’s so funny that simply finally just straight up died you know like simply vanilla is i don’t know How long has it been uh down already like a few hours let me check whenever the announcement was made It has been down for a while dude like more than 12 hours already one day yeah don’t forget about simply don’t forget shut the [ __ ] up pharaoh yeah i’ll go playing i’ll go play simply right now don’t worry uh by the way tomorrow uh thursday i

Have a simple vanilla video coming out i just finished editing it so yeah it’s it’s not the biggest huge video i’ve ever made but it’s i’m pretty satisfied satisfied with the quality of the video i think it’s um pretty decently edited so i hope you guys will enjoy that one

I don’t want to spoil it too much so you’ll just have to wait and see you know what’s the name of the song it’s cool it is um 80s retro synthwave mix from white bad audio it’s a it’s a long ass um it’s all no cooperative music

From this one guy white bat right white bat a audio and he has very good music and i’ll know copyright it’s kato’s big ass what why is your name’s cut those big ass what the [ __ ] i like the stream guys let’s get it to like 10 likes ish you know

I don’t expect this stream to do as well as all the others oops as well as out as well as all the other streams because every other stream has been so hyped um Um i am the guy who wants you to see my video yeah i know i told swatiga that i liked your video i don’t know if he told you I’ll watch it what’s up priester oh my god how are you oh [ __ ] oh god i’m so bad at pvp uh let’s go those i am on the server right now with help but you’re not putting ports of your base in chat oh i’m sorry

I should post my chords in chat you know i’m kinda dumb how else would you be able to help me i’m also tired man it’s been a long night uh i woke up made breakfast for my girlfriend and yeah then she went home and then i slept so

I haven’t done anything today to be honest like i’ve i finished the edit of my video but like other than that i was just sleeping and i couldn’t even eat you know it’s bruh i wanted to get some food before stream and the [ __ ] kitchen and like this electricity didn’t work like

The kitchen has no electricity so i couldn’t warm anything so i and luckily i had some bread left from this morning so i just ate [ __ ] bread as my dinner i’m so mad guys like to stream please it’s free when you fight a mob is pve not pvp oh yeah true

Thank you pharaoh team fight win i don’t think i have a good team at the moment and and i’m not rich i’m still waiting on chad to sell me crystals you know i want to buy like a lot of crystals but i don’t know um yeah what did you guys do on valentine’s

Day come on tell me tell me how was your valentine did you did you meet someone new what what what tell me tell me oh am i missing any chats no you had a double date oh god i’m so scared to do a double date one day it sounds so awkward you know

Single forever priester come on you’re so sexy what do you mean single forever i look at your instagram every day priester just to like uh not to do anything weird but like just to check up on you you’re married to minecraft oh yeah yeah sure me too

You know i’m i’m married to more to a lot of things give me actual tips uh bro guys i don’t know if you know this but i’m terrible at getting girls i If you’re old enough go on tinder it works it’s easy um but for actual relationships i i don’t know man i got lucky i got lucky i don’t think i’ve spent valentine’s day alone since like since like 20 17 16. And before that i was too young to realize so i didn’t really care there’s this one girl i want i talk to and i don’t know what to do man just just like i don’t know go do something like go do something together get some drinks together

Go to a movie i mean it’s cliche but it works you know go go i don’t know go buy some clothes together by just talking you’re not gonna accomplish much you know just see you need to see each other in real life dang i was fishing and my brother got

The big fish and then it flew away what the [ __ ] do you mean since when can fishes fly what did i do on valentine’s day or hours so i my girlfriend came and then we went to get some food and then we just watch the movie here

And after that we went to the restaurant to eat some chicken and then we went to get some drinks and then it started raining so we went back and then uh we slept the actual tip is to be yourself you will find someone who suits you eventually yeah true of course i mean

It’s like the most normal thing like right like be yourself yeah whoa of course I hope this volcano is not going to be it’s not going to look like terribly because i i’ma feel so embarrassed it’s probably going to take me like eight hours or so to complete the [ __ ] and if it looks bad then i’ma then i’m gonna cry dude you made a cobble generated generator

Oh god dude yeah i asked i asked uh my craft like when when i was making the walls to make like a massive cobblestone generator for me uh like a design and he never he never did it i mean it was fine it was fine i i completed

The walls by just mining all the obsidian but it might have it might have costed me like five hours you tried i know i know it’s it’s not that easy i that’s why i asked you i couldn’t do it let’s get myself i will come on soon okay let’s go i mean

You can come hell you can help me a bit with the volcano if you want it’s if you are decent that’s um terraforming-ish you know biggest part is just to make it a big mountain Um i need to call you not right now bro i’m i’m streaming i’m streaming i’ll call you after stream if you can just if you can just message me on on discord i’ll i’ll respond to you uh they can help but i wait what are you guys saying

Sugarcraft design works why did you even bother okay i didn’t know i didn’t know oh my god hostiles here let’s go look what’s happening is the dps dropping or is my Why is my ping so high what’s happening That’s weird i have been having i don’t know what the [ __ ] this the dorm i’m in like is the stream okay like Why am i lagging sword can i can i change uh wi-fi next networks or will my stream die i’m scared everyone’s literally gay on here okay what happens with you and swatiga the answer they are still friends what do you mean yeah i don’t know what my why my wi-fi

Is acting up dude that’s really weird the emmy chords uh ask ask kario before for my cards or best buds ask him for cards yeah like so i i live in a dorm and we have um university wi-fi and i don’t know why it’s acting up right now skatoshi is my boyfriend

We are we are married I sometimes talk to priests on instagram no but me and satiga are still fine like Maybe we just we don’t talk as much on on stream and [ __ ] like that just because he doesn’t really play minecraft like me but other than that we’re still cool we talk on snapchat every now and then I lost those my husbands the [ __ ] you mean i’m sorry dude i guess you didn’t know about priests but when was the last time you played with him oh i haven’t played with zortuga in a while Uh skatos what you doing on saturday on saturday i’m um i’m i gotta go to my parents house so i won’t be doing anything oh who is there is it gaster it’s gaster hi yeah we had some great times playing with each other all of us when i barely had 200 subscribers

You know that that time when i was stuck on On on 200 between 200 and 250 that was uh Yeah i thought i was never gonna be able to to surpass 300 subscribers i got lucky i guess nova sky when does your server come out i thought it was gonna come out on friday because i can saturday you know i go home in the weekends i i gotta do [ __ ] 19th february

Uh oh god that’s saturday oh no why why are you doing this to me nova [Applause] i told you i can’t do weekends Karaoke is not telling chords he’s probably not listening to okay with Hosta are you are you in my discords because i can give you a roll for the private channel where you can check the chords when i get my new pc it’s over oh my god priests as soon as you get a new pc we’re gonna we’re gonna stream together please

I need i need you back on my streams There’s this thing you don’t know about me what is it Uh i don’t want to grieve you what okay never mind um how is your underground kingdom on simply when i it’s okay it’s okay um hello hearty what my voice got through hi guys hi hi so many so many people chatting so many people chatting what the [ __ ] Guys i’m i i’m not used to having many people in my chats you’re not if you’re not talking to me or remember i i will remember you don’t worry i don’t think i’m going to become the next mr beast yet maybe in a few months what’s there i’m i’m on you survival dots Come oh my god wait i’m i’m stupid i use rival dots um hash cords for hosta oh my god kenny hi what’s up i didn’t know if you were in here what’s up wait i forgot the server ip i’m actually dumb oh yeah use okay okay thank you kenny

Host uh join my discord if you want if you want the chords The moon yes you know i was not being i didn’t i didn’t stream for a few days i was feeling bad for kenny you know like I know kenny watches my stream so you know i was about to straight up go home as fast as possible to stream for kenny kenny how was your valentine’s day man did you look at a lot of feats like how was it Die please I don’t know why i’m lagging so much it’s really weird it’s caster caster you can help me out if you want sure if you are good at building What’s he doing Awesome is the music clouds enough or too loud i’m gonna turn it down what do you want i just built the edges of the volcano i guess oh yeah guys you know something [ __ ] oh my god before stream i was eating my bread you know and um

Hosta if you want gorge join my discord i i told you before uh something [ __ ] terrible happened to it i i check my my youtube studio every every second of every day you know um and i see i i have a notification from from uh from youtube telling me that someone has

Re-uploaded one of my [ __ ] shorts so some [ __ ] bot accounts uh saw that my shirts i guess did well in the algorithm and got a few views uh so it [ __ ] straight up stole my shirt and re-uploaded it and now i i i had to make like a dmca uh notice to

To get that to get my own shorts taken down from that other guy that real voted it’s so [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is wrong with these bot accounts you know it’s literally just a meta on youtube or to to have like accounts about five thousand uh popular church literally just every day

Like not even making their own shorts it’s just like ball accounts re-uploading all big shorts because i know they do goods so yeah it sucks uh but i’m glad i am in the youtube uh partner program because if i wasn’t it’s not that easy to get a a video taken down you know

Because if you are in a partner program you you get like a tab in the youtube studios to um to take down any copies of your videos pretty easily No no it was not chain reposting no no no no no no it was it was wait i’ll show you guys i can i show this i don’t know um let me show you guys it was it was not a chain reposting part of my video

No no it was someone it was a bot like i was straight up just ripping my my ripping my shorts let me let me show you guys this [ __ ] bro i was so mad oh my gosh i work so hard on shorts no actually i don’t but still it’s my shirt you can’t

Like what the [ __ ] wait i’m gonna i’m gonna show you guys oh wait yes my copyright went through my copyright went through it i’ll show you guys right now let’s go let’s [ __ ] go one second i copyright claimed this [ __ ] see this [ __ ] this this [ __ ] bot account this trashy [ __ ] is just

Re-uploading other people’s shorts see and my shirt was here and he had to take it down because i [ __ ] copyright claimed this i cooperate uh uh a dmc at this [ __ ] [ __ ] you don’t ever touch my shorts they’re mine i will kill you um are we watching the bot right now yeah

Disgusting behavior from these bots oh my god like the the the business plan from these bots what i suppose is that they just um find very popular shorts they re-upload them because they know they’re going to do well and then they try to get their channel to 100 000 subscribers

Um to then sell the channel to to someone uh as as a as a channel with 100 000 subscribers but the thing about short subscribers like every every short channel you see if they actually upload a video it’s dead the video will get no views because short subscribers are like

Little children i suppose that don’t know that only watch shorts like subscribers who gets true shorts are useless like 100 percent they will not watch your videos so yeah it’s it’s kind of annoying that that part though uh hi did you did you watch the members only videos

People that don’t know i upload my first members only video today um it took pretty long to make so yeah it’s out now for members only hi burns how are you that was so funny me and ben’s are just fighting and puns always chats through through four spots

You’re exploiting shorts childs what do you mean oh i’m exporting children through shirts yeah that’s true i’m exploiting all these [ __ ] children watching my shorts subscribing to me i mean you can see it as exploiting i see it as providing free content for children look at atleganti short yeah but like just yeah

I’m we we are all atlanganti me and shane we are all uploading shorts right now because it’s so easy um to get views and subscribers through shorts it’s literally the easiest [ __ ] ever it’s so [ __ ] ridiculous almost you know that that one that one terrible short i made

I want to show it again it’s literally too funny dude it’s literally too [ __ ] funny um this short is actually actual dog [ __ ] i don’t know how it even did any numbers let me let me turn the music off um so yeah this is a the members only video um where is

Oh look this one this one this shirt has 58 000 views and it’s the worst shirt i’ve ever made it’s so bad it has like one fps it’s so bad how did this get 50 000 views look at the fps bro i can barely yeah that’s basically it and this and 50

000 people were like oh yeah this is enjoyable i’m i want to watch this um and the dumb [ __ ] about this short is that the joke is that it’s the look level dream so you know it’s fake you know that’s the joke haha funny and like half of the comments are like

People saying like oh my god this is obviously not a speed run because who speed runs with with fabric and with and with and with shaders on that’s fake this is fake yeah i know it’s fake [ __ ] that’s a [ __ ] joke oh my god people are so stupid

Uh scott check check this chord i’ll check this chord in a bit don’t worry uh dream look yeah but yeah if you want to see the members only video you gotta become member any tier of member gets access to the video by the way if i may ask how was your

Valentine’s day my valentine’s day was decent it was good i had fun i i just i just thought i just told everyone what i did uh it was nothing special i just ate some food watched some movies uh and drank some drank some cocktails you know just fun [ __ ]

You made another poem oh no for the people that weren’t here last stream um we were doing poems uh and i don’t know ah look i don’t i don’t even want to show this actually so we all uh all this was making poems and then this dude was also making poems

Uh but it’s a bit graphic you know it’s all about like me coming in this mouth and [ __ ] like that like i don’t wanna like bro that’s disgusting But if you if you if you have a poem you wanna you want me to read send it to me um i’ll read it on stream so take a look leak scots face to me no don’t so tigger please make people become member so that they uh so that they

Uh can watch the video themselves 200 dollars and at least those cheeks no don’t so i’ll pay you 500 not to [Laughter] i know my members would never leak okay members are loyal i’ll pay you 50 bucks if you read it no no pay me first and then i’ll read it [Laughter]

I don’t believe you i don’t believe you scott lagging i might be i don’t know what’s up with my wi-fi it’s very weird whoa i 400 thing damn dude i want to switch networks but like i’m scared that my stream is gonna die because of that uh belgium military really for russia uh

Yeah i don’t think there’s gonna be a actual war And if there is i will be fighting on belgium’s side let’s go i’m gonna [ __ ] i’m gonna [ __ ] up some russians dudes just wait i’ll be fighting in the war and then i’ll be a veteran and everyone will love me forever you will all suck my dick because i’m a veteran okay

Isn’t that how america does it that being in the being in the [ __ ] um army would be so terrible it’s like the worst [ __ ] and i would do it if it’s obligatory but luckily it isn’t i don’t need two sets ivy it’s fine Um wait what oh yeah did you guys see my shorts i beat i beat uh blitz brits in the in crystal pvp even though i don’t use crystals in the shorts but it was a crystal pvp um uh fight but like blitz has crystals blitz didn’t have crystals anymore

So i decided to not use them as well and then i won in a sword fight luckily it’s so funny it was so it was such a close fight dude if you see that [ __ ] shirt it’s like it’s such a [ __ ] close fight it’s incredible it could have like literally if i had

Missed like sucris i would have been the one dying i had no helm sounds like cope oh my god yes you sent me two different coordinates christoph are you in the are you are you in my discords if you are in my discord there’s a private channel i don’t know if i give

You the role yeah yeah discord uh check my discord kristoff there’s a private channel with and check the pins messages there the chords are in there Um yeah don’t worry new video fighting in world war iii stream oh dude if i get into the military and if i if i have to fight i’ma stream that [ __ ] bro you guys are all gonna watch me uh [ __ ] up some people or i got killed in the first five seconds

That that yeah that’s also a big possibility watch me pull up to russia and i get [ __ ] bombed that would be so [ __ ] up dude and i just sketched that live on stream oh god no It’s me or half of eu survival know your base courts they do yeah there’s like [ __ ] 10 people no like 15 people with my courts but it’s most it’s it’s simply vanilla people which i can trust i think so it should be fine On might fk the stream while i do some stuff so bye bye i’ll see ya we’ll see server has a server wasn’t 10 10 players before i started stream which is pretty cool Also the eu survivor launched a uh pvp server called like what’s it called like eu network or something like that eu network dot x y z it’s a crystal pvp server where you can do like one events and [ __ ] like that who is hosta actually you almost had me austin ah

I knew it you almost had me it’s not actually hosta yeah i i he almost got the chords but uh i i realized just in time that hosta’s name is not actually hosta but it’s uh butterfly something dude who else is hostile what do you mean who else is hosta [ __ ] you

I i would trust hostile with my life not gonna lie he would never do anything to me i think i hope i mean i’m in ram so of course he wouldn’t did i just realized i missed the priester and you didn’t tell me i’m serious at again i will tell you next time

What else happens i uh i went to a restaurant this weekend to celebrate the birthday the birthday from someone in my family it was okay i don’t know i gotta go to school tomorrow and i’m also for i have no i i got no work anymore

Like i used to have like i have like three jobs but all three bosses are ghosting me like what the [ __ ] i need i work like very badly and it’s like they all don’t respond to my whatsapp messages so i don’t know what to do now i’m kind of stressing you know

I got bills to pay so i’m gonna i’m gonna start looking for a fourth job i guess I don’t know what i’m gonna do though i might just uh i don’t know what are good jobs to do i like i feel like no job or no jobs are good hi atlas how are you office job yeah office jobs are good but they are not for students that’s that’s

The prostitution word that i would go no i actually wouldn’t go into prostitution so it’s not for me i respect people that do it but i i’m sorry no yeah office jobs are not for for students you know there’s like barely any and the ones that are there are like trashy

And also i need a job that is like during night times because i gotta be able to I gotta be able to go to school and [ __ ] like that you know i can’t just work all day because what will i do with school so i’ll i’ll figure something out worst case scenario i i start working for takeaway but i i still have like one or two more weeks to

To actually find um a a good job before i just have to do anything school at age of 21 have you never heard of college i’m 20 by the way [ __ ] you ben said you don’t know you’ve never heard about college puns like what the [ __ ]

What did you say your last video is kind of prostitution we need to pay to see more of you that’s not prostitution prostitution is like you scared me is there a difference between prostitute yeah there is it’s it’s nothing [ __ ] you it’s it’s shut up it’s not prostitution

Is college as lonely as people say it is yeah it is it’s fun though being not being able not being at home all the time tv there’s like two sugars of plugs here but yeah i wouldn’t be able to survive at home so college is amazing

In the sense that i get to be away from my parents but yeah you’re sitting i mean i am sitting in my dorm all the time playing minecraft so yeah i don’t know i got some friends i think if you like like to go out and

[ __ ] like that and like to drink and party it’s fun and i did that for a while but it got boring it’s pretty i don’t know it’s a bit overhyped to get to to drink and [ __ ] like dance it’s fun for like one time but There’s people that go out like literally every [ __ ] night called college not school [ __ ] you hashtag free burn shut the [ __ ] up hey buns why did you actually get banned on simply vanilla was he also hacking no [ __ ] way and he’s calling out and he’s calling out

Blitz for hacking nah shut the [ __ ] up puns dude imagine hacking on uh what’s it called uh vanilla anarchy servers how dare you you’re disgusting i will spit on you you’re you’re actual trash i’m sorry please i’m not talking to you i’m talking to buns how big is this volcano already

Oh yeah by the way yeah you guys haven’t seen this yet but like people have been building at base uh like there’s a lot of people here now so someone has been building a ship i don’t know why uh and this this cute thing is built by atlas It’s just a little garden-ish type thing it’s cute and then this was already here um it’s from corner i would never hack shut up to the guy weren’t you banned for for like from like keepcraft for hacking or something No i was thinking like it’s it’s it’s so much more fun to to play Anarchy without tags in my opinion like it’s the vanilla feeling of minecraft this is more fun to me than the hacked guy and [ __ ] and and stuff like that oh my god i’m so bad at the lighter flying i don’t know it’s still a very niche thing i feel

Like in my in the minecraft community like Uh vanilla anarchy i think if you ask the regular person for for [ __ ] uh anarchy servers that they don’t their mind doesn’t go to energy servers without hacks that was going to like do with the t and [ __ ] like that but like bruh we need to make vanilla energy more popular

I know that um purity is pretty big but it’s not as big as it should be what are you doing tv what the [ __ ] is this just fly are you doing that [ __ ] fireworks oh god what is this why are you building blocks literally just fly i love you says hi hi

Scott can i get special roll you can’t Um i got perma ipvan from the tv server you stream on from time to time why do you hack so together shut up oh my god okay tv you’re gonna die if you do it one more time There’s this three blocks right here what do you mean there’s literally blocks right here come here come here What’s he is he is he dumb they’re still okay then shut up oh yeah you can mine sure take a joker do you remember me i i remember you can i get your base cords i’ve been grinding for five days oh oh sure let’s see let’s see your play time what’s

W q z w q z oh seven minutes long you’ve been grinding oh my god you’ve been grinding for seven whole minutes yo dude that’s insane i bet you must have so many netherride bugs dude oh my god i wish i was you i wish i was you yeah yeah yeah i’ll

Send you courts right [ __ ] now dude Scott it is either great my craft can i please come to help play stone you literally don’t play the server you only come here to to like say dumb [ __ ] caught in 4k i think my guy forgot that that forest bots can can track playtime but oh well

My crap there’s plenty of people that don’t have my base chords that still play on here you know you don’t need to have my bass chords to play on here Oh my god i’m like i need to work so hard on this on this video for um on the simply vanilla video so this week thursday is a simple vanilla video and then the week after is a a different type of video still minecraft though and then the week after it’s another

Simple video video but that video i haven’t even started on yet and it’s it’s like i want it to be like my best video yet but it’s so hard to make videos like that you know ah [ __ ] But okay i i have two weeks time to make the best video i’ve ever made i just need to put more pressure pressure on myself and work harder what can i have your base court i will come and make you dinner you’re not even member burns i’ll spit on you disgusting

Volcano moment yes volcano is looking pretty fine dude look at those curves oof okay i i’m gonna not get too excited right now i don’t wanna i don’t wanna have to end stream early you know what i mean I’ll spit on your mom let’s go Take volcano yeah yeah close your eyes kids this is uh adult content only oh yo guys i got the weirdest [ __ ] dm today on stream the weirdest [ __ ] the uh oh no i mean on twitter on twitter on twitter yo there is this this bruh and i can’t even show this

This one account named [ __ ] academy dmd hello i say hi and then they say do you want to be feminized i’m like what the [ __ ] i’m like what are you on about and then this person says i’m a mistress and i just i i just tell them i’m goods don’t need one

And they say okay fine can i know you more and i didn’t respond anymore and then i look at this account and it’s just all [ __ ] born like straight up hardcore porn on this account like what the [ __ ] is wrong with what is wrong with twitter what is wrong with twitter please this

Is like what the [ __ ] i was just enjoying my day i don’t want to be feminized i need to make i need to i need to the opposite okay shut up oh my god center account detail why you wanna be feminized i just said it’s at [ __ ] academy you

Can literally look them up at [ __ ] academy i can y’all remember when i asked god for his base chords and he said no and then one week later it got grieved uh i i don’t remember that could be to get base chords you need to be a poet

Like me that’s true make me a poem and i’ll think about it or become member and then i’ll think about it center puns i just told you their account details literally i just told you walls on pirate stream oh yeah that’s true i mean minecraft let’s be honest you you you

Were asking me for chords for months so i’ll make an amazing poem for you squads please don’t it’s fine abby i don’t need your poems it’s okay it’s okay i don’t want your poems actually your poems make me want to not read ever again ever Tv maybe you can just mine inside of the volcano to if you want because that part of the islands is already pretty much mined out i love the music thank you christoph thank you thank you you know somewhere next week a letter is gonna arrive to my to my um

To my house to verify my google adsense accounts oof dude and then then i’m gonna get my first youtube paycheck thanks to kenny [Laughter] so yeah that’s pretty insane not gonna lie i can’t wait i’m so [ __ ] exciting um i want your poem so tiger can you write me a poem please

Getting chased by piglin oh god kristoff scott when would it would scott would become a member but you forget that i’m broke oh yeah that’s okay don’t worry about it maybe one day in like a year from now i’ll release all the members only videos for like a day or so

You know i’ll put all the members only videos on um on public for like one day but maybe i’m i’m not saying it’s a guarantee guys because it is kind of unfair towards members if i do that so i don’t know i might not what finney beach not top dinner no no

You guys you don’t know kenny kenny is insane okay finney beach is not not top donator anymore uh literally all you have to do was lava cast you silly no no no no what do you mean lava i guess that would be ugly look we need to do details with

Stone and cobblestone and make it cute i can’t just lava cast come on Uh i heard lava cast sicily what no no no no no we don’t lavacast actual cities guys who are you no name anything that just comes in my chat to beef with everyone it’s so funny we need texture guys yeah where envio at my house probably

Or at the or at the spawner the month spawner oh and then we’ll probably have like one one or two like lava streams pouring down because those never travel nether of course use the highways it’s very easy uh scott if i write a good poem and dm it to you

Will the probability of me getting your base chords be higher um if it’s a good one maybe yeah it has to be a good poem though not not some weird ass [ __ ] about me coming in your ass or something like that okay i don’t want that weird [ __ ]

The [ __ ] poems i’ve been reading lately from you guys like chill oh my god i have a girlfriend remember uh could you use mossy cobble to add more detail near your bottom yeah yeah good idea i probably will i’m just doing like the bulk area of this like

Right now and then all the details i’m gonna add like later on and palm trees of course yeah yeah we’re gonna do the entire vegetation this is going to be uh beautiful uh did you see my fan art for shane yeah it was very cute shane

Uh shane posted your fan art in her in in in our group chat on telegram use mossy mom cobble oh god i’m gonna spoil i’m gonna spoil one no i’m not gonna okay no i wanted to spoil something from my next video but i’m not gonna

You guys are just gonna have to wait till thursday i will release it early for members though tell mossy to play the mosque mossy is not in the space he doesn’t really play on here so that’s why Why so tigers dies damn sodia is my favorite ego not gonna lie do you like one because what what are you saying so there just click on thursday that’s tomorrow let’s go it’s still wednesday here 18 that’s collapsy pyro yeah that doesn’t surprise me at all

One cause is a swedish rapper oh no scott yes do you have m’s not really i i have a few but like i’m not good on emeralds like i’m pretty poor at the moment we still need a raid farm and all that [ __ ] you know yeah i’ll i’ll check them out i don’t

Really like um swedish rap i’m gonna be honest or if it’s english then then sure i’ll still listen though communism you [ __ ] i don’t do communism that i ain’t no no ask the other guys ask chungu and caster i’m not the communism guy i do capitalism you’re never getting moderator what the

[ __ ] do you mean never puns i wouldn’t trust you with with a with with with nothing okay i got 50 why is tigger you have meds dude i want drugs no i don’t why did i say that i don’t want to do drugs i want to see drugs

No actually i don’t i don’t know what i’m saying don’t clip that i don’t want drugs i don’t enjoy drugs at all i said that and then i was like i don’t actually enjoy drugs okay i’m not kidding the only drugs i enjoy is alcohol and um i barely consider that a drug Let’s go check dm’s after stream well did you send me porn again who is this random asking for mods well actually puns is one of the it’s so bruh you know youtube shows it uh like next to people’s names like how many times they’ve commented on on the on your

Videos and how many like hearts they’ve received it’s so weird like burns is literally like one of my like one of the people that has commented on my most on most of my videos and one of the people that has received like most hearts it’s [ __ ] insane i didn’t expect puns to be

One of them why are you guys asking me to check dms my discord is not working at the moment i don’t know why it’s not starting up he’s your biggest fan girl yeah you love me right buns come on tell me you love me you love me the most i do

Wait i wanna i wanna show you guys one of my like what it looks like in my um in my comments look wait i’ll show you guys look buns received one of the highest number of hearts from you and i just try to not give him hearts anymore

Because he only says potato what am i supposed to do with this i don’t want to heart this comment it’s like the dumbest comment ever what is this shut up buns if you comment potato one more time i will [ __ ] i will look look i will hide user from channel if you

Comment potato one more time okay oh no [ __ ] you i’m gonna kill you [ __ ] why why no come here [ __ ] come here oh god why am i so slow oh um i’m i’m sorry i didn’t know i didn’t i didn’t know you i well why why did she go naked i’m sorry i’m I didn’t know i i’m sorry i’m sorry i’ll give you your stuff back i’m sorry oops nobody saw it’s okay no big deal uh i’ll give you your stuff back where are you oh come here don’t go naked in front of me with your communism banner because i will resisting his heart okay

Uh i guess i’ll give you that i’ll give you some extra fireworks for the for killing you scott go watch your cpv short and show us where the crystals are oh my god bruh literally Look okay okay okay okay fine i’ll give a breakdown of what happened for for you uh let me let me let me show you guys oh not youtube studio oh my god one seconds where’s my shirt where’s my shirt okay okay look here so

I i start here i start i start the shirt with no i didn’t have any more obsidian anymore and you see see here that’s the crystal that’s the crystal do i have to zoom in more can i zoom in more oh my i can’t oops uh this is the crystal it doesn’t work

Like this never mind um see there’s the crystal so it is crystal people it was actually a crystal pvp match and he that’s that splits and he didn’t have any more crystals so i was not gonna be a [ __ ] and use crystals okay and i actually i i couldn’t because like

There was no i didn’t have obsidian to place so it wouldn’t have mattered uh oops And then i anchor myself like a [ __ ] dumbass and it’s you see like i only have one more totem left and he has two more left i pop one of his he equips another totem and it’s like wait how many [ __ ] hearts did i have left before i [ __ ]

Bro it was so close if he had to hit me one more time here if he had quitted me one more time i wouldn’t be making that shirt show is a self-anchor pop start oh yeah yeah this is like look before you do any fights place it place the anchor

And then and then pop your own totem that this is a very good strategy because then it gives you the totem effect you know don’t hit me i hurt you who is this tv oh damn who is this uh beautiful um person okay keep talking oh that’s you huh damn okay yeah

Oh damn take it off uh okay back to volcano building i have one more uh crystal pvp short dropping though soon where i actually do use crystals uh scott should i put my poem in minecraft chat yeah sure do it put your poem in minecraft chat sklegas oh my god this is clickers

Yeah put your poem in here come to spawn i dare you i won’t killing communism i killed communism guys i might make that a short scott poem skull is an amazing streamer i love his content his streams are amazing making my words rephrasing loving his content is this is not a poem

You’re just complimenting me that is not a phone you’re just being nice i mean thank you but it’s not a phone okay So do i shut the [ __ ] up so you have to respond to my girlfriend oh god are you real scottos i saw big fan this screenshot i was screenshots see i took a screenshot of us together in chat oh no i i i just remembered i forgot to

Make a uh eu survival video i still need to make one oh my god i recorded out of footage to make it but i didn’t do it yet that is not a poem you [ __ ] this is not a poem it’s literally just it’s literally just words

I am visiting belgium next month okay so but once what you have to do is go to the bank take out 5 000 dollar euros in cash and then i’ll i’ll message you a location where you can put it and um i will invest your money into crypto okay

And then it’s beneficial to portivas that’s not a poem or i will take 5k out of your mother’s back accounts sure you will so take a shut the [ __ ] off oh ah you that was a self-report tv maybe help me orbans you become member of the channel oh my god what about that

What about that what about you become member to the channel the coming member actually like it could get you like actual girls you know i’m actually dying don’t do this know if you become a scottish member people are gonna think like oh my god he’s so rich and must have like a huge

Like taken [ __ ] like that and you must be very tall at least uh like six foot so becoming a member might actually like increase your chances of getting a girlfriend just saying dmu a location where we can meet next month come to brussels come to brussels and like just i’ll i’ll pull up

And i’m gonna title the video meeting a simple vanilla person in real life and the thumbnail is gonna be a monkey’s clicker meetings click our real life oh my god oh come to brussels turns where else like i mean if you’re actually visiting like there’s no other place where you should go

I am not click i am babylon that’s the same thing dudes oh my god oh but burns you need to pay me at least like 10k to meet up with you okay at least i i i am not free for you okay ben’s newest inductee in the half anthony larps

There’s many of those You’re gonna make buns cry it in that’s chill is this volcano even halfway done i feel like it’s not this stream is gonna be like five hours of me just building volcano and it’s not gonna be even half finished so this weekend was the was the event of um uh what’s this called

Mineville anarchy or mana keep anarchy now uh there was a one year old event because the server was one years old and oh it’s kristoff let’s go finally some actual help so yeah the server most of you guys don’t know mindville anarchy probably a few of you do

I couldn’t come to the events because i was way too tired um and apparently not a lot of people showed up but yeah the server kind of dies you know like mineville anarchy was a very alive energy server for like the first few months of its launch

But i feel like after that it just died really fast especially with the merged to [ __ ] um um the merge to mana cube with mana cube so you know it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy that like mana keep is a huge network of of servers you know it’s like

And there’s like a thousand players online at almost all times but the error micro anarchy gets like [ __ ] like what barely 20 people it’s so [ __ ] sad to see how they murdered that energy server they joined and remembered the obligatory texture pack and left I didn’t show up to it either yeah i mean i would have come if it’s uh If it was i don’t know it wasn’t that late you know it was way too late and i had valentine’s day next day so who’s spamming oh my god I might just ignore woese or whatever your name is by more focusing oh yeah if you do that one more time i’ll actually kill you and not give your armor back [ __ ] you please don’t yeah they just held it in like american time zone and it was way too late for me

And i was way too tired oh you you know best thing about this weekend i’m getting cake to it i’m finally getting some cake it’s birthday from someone in my family and i want cake so i’m happy that i’m getting cake that’s the only reason i’m going back this weekend to be honest

Yes kristoff what do you want you need blocks i have a couple it’s clicker appreciation month oh where where first palm tree i guess like somewhere from here you can start making the terrain like where the path ends like over here is like the tropical part of the islands

Scotland scope one to ten how much do you trust me zero one i mean i’m sorry You are uh i don’t trust you at all you are skaliga in my eyes One You know even though i don’t have any strong opinions about what why why did you is that good do you want to is that what why what is this easy ban from chat yeah uh tv why did you make a pillar of cobblestone oh you’re playing a game now [ __ ] [ __ ] you

How are you not hitting me bro what the [ __ ] oh finally Ah okay that’s okay guys can we get it click our tuesday in chat please let’s click our appreciation month hey skits stop ignoring me in game skits why are you calling me skits uh you’re not even talking to me birds you are literally not talking to me in game what do you mean

Uh how about you get a [ __ ] who hi birds what does it feel like playing minecraft without outer totem i’m sorry it’s never gonna be not funny oh yeah i have monster here let me drink some discard down oh it’s also not starting up for me what the [ __ ]

It’s literally not starting oh no this skirt is down what do i do this cute is down this court is down this court is down this court is down i’m dying oh no why is it not working then why is it not working why is it not working why not working

What am i gonna do i’m gonna do it at discords i’m gonna tweet at them right now discord please guys follow me on twitter right now i am so amazing i post the best twitch ever like you want to follow me believe me oh i’ll see okay so discord is down

I can’t log in that’s why i’m gonna message them i’m gonna tweet please discord i need my kitten oh this joke has already been made oh [ __ ] ah this man made the joke first [ __ ] oh well okay stop hitting me tv zeus is in here oh

Just goes those did you meet me on eu yeah you were saying the n word what what the [ __ ] do you expect i’m sad stop hitting me i will kill you why are you hating on french i’m shut up don’t look at my twitch twits please are you about us are

You sound french with tv is french oh no i hate you too uh french and dutch bats it’s true true uh my crafts my craft what do you mean i am one of the guys who built the scottos mansion oh no also don’t spoil don’t don’t spoil the video and

Don’t say anything about it balthazar and also i’m kidding i i i don’t hate the french i kind of do but i am also french so i can say that me pulls out bo scots w world war ii flashbacks yeah don’t don’t pull your shut up don’t pull out your bow i will

Kill you balthazar sounds hungarian what do you mean no it doesn’t how are you is kato’s reply on stream oh my god hi zeus i’m good and mute katos i’ll give you a chance next time i’ll see how you behave off stream my craft yeah you aren’t being a good boy okay

Oh god casts uh gas what the [ __ ] i mean phantoms let me sleep you’re gonna hide i’m gonna hide my street scream screa screen i mean like oh no i [ __ ] uh i didn’t die i just dropped myself real quick here i didn’t die that didn’t

Happen need to hide my screen because i wanna i wanna sleep real quick but i don’t wanna show my bed on stream what the cat doing um the cat fighting about us are the videos gonna come out next week by the way i already have this finished almost okay uh

I need to hold a totem maybe shouldn’t i hmm maybe that would be better i did some trading i have some totems now don’t you dare christoph don’t even look at my choker i’m kidding what’s your oh my god your cape is amazing what the [ __ ]

Oh my god that cape is amazing i didn’t know you could be so detailed in capes what how that’s insane okay can someone fix discord please or is it oh it’s working it’s working it’s working it’s working no guys we have a clip mate oh no i’m gonna cry

I don’t have an axe no sorry Meds dude i want trucks meds what the [ __ ] no oh no dude i want trucks that’s so bad oh no i don’t um my craft messaged me i can’t read that out loud okay oh yeah guys join the discords if you haven’t yet um it’s cool it’s pretty cool oops

Why are you looking at me like that what are these signs stop posting signs everywhere oh my god my grandma died yesterday because you spit it in her throat i’ll do it again and your grandpa i don’t care i’ll kill them all posting signs yeah i don’t know bro shut up

You know live stream chat is still an option for n words I can i can just mute you in in my chat look at dm on stream let’s see how well it’s gonna be it’s gonna be worth it no i can’t show drugs on stream gallery what the [ __ ] what’s wrong with you you want my stream getting getting [ __ ] taken down

What the [ __ ] gotta just send me a picture of drugs like [ __ ] wheat i don’t think i can show that i’m pretty sure easy score just drank my bathwater i would it’s not gonna lie what do you want blitz why is [ __ ] bird spamming me my grandpa died of brain cancer [Laughter]

No i’m not i’m not laughing because he no i’m not i’m not laughing because i’m because he dies i’m just i’m like why what are you what do you want from me no i’m sorry i didn’t i didn’t laugh at him dying shut up no that just came off wrong okay i just

I don’t want to hear it he left a surfer how dare you laugh like that shut up shut up i’m not laughing at cancer i’m laughing at at tv saying that okay but i don’t know where pearl is where did you leave your pearl same place

Okay guys you want to see an actual like english person oh yeah also do slash votes um you have six vote options you get xp bottles from this and it helps at the server massively so uh yeah make sure to vote so let’s let’s get an actual british person in here

Poptart don’t correct me what the [ __ ] you coming here to correct me i’ll correct you uh what does that even i don’t know what that means okay shut up okay let’s get a british person in here what is this what happened here what the [ __ ] is this let’s get some british

There he is see this is how i tp people i use my body two ah let’s go it worked hi what is this portion of strength thank you place your pearl then i’m disabled are you disabled are you at spawn scott no what do you mean does it look like i’m at spawn

Oops okay hey volcano looking kind of fresh though not bad not bad we’ve made some decent progress i think i’m gonna like make the base like up to here-ish and then i’m gonna start going a bit more spiky with it’s you know i’m not the best terra former but i guess i’m

It’s easier than building a house for me i guess how many likes do we have on the stream then not bad pretty good it sucks how i can’t help with anything for two weeks oh yeah guys poplar almost broke his hand it was the funniest [ __ ] i’ve ever heard dudes

Pop there tell the story one more time oh god i hope i never break anything badly that would suck especially my hand dude what the [ __ ] i would kill myself if i if anything happens to my [ __ ] hand i fell and it hurts yeah my hands are what plays minecraft okay i

Need to play minecraft every second of every day and edit videos i once deformed my hand was [ __ ] skating oh my god you’re like skating and skiing and [ __ ] like that that’s all it’s all scary dude like so much can go wrong with that [ __ ] I invented a new nnn method oh no not november what is it just break your hands hey that’s kind of smart though i should try i should just break my hand and just never be able to come anymore imagine only breaking your hands and not your ribs oh gods

Isn’t it like if you break your ribs there’s not much that can be done like like you just have to wait for it to heal right or did i heard that hear it wrong i believe there was a famous fortnite streamer that broke his wrist when he played fortnite once on stream

That is so [ __ ] funny you can have surgery on ribs ah oh my god as [ __ ] it would be so funny to break your wrist on a stream that is a good clip though oh my god he was too correct at fortnight oh no guys don’t play fortnite too much you

Will break your [ __ ] hands dude how though how can you move your hands in a way that it [ __ ] breaks like what break your whisker toes we will clip it for you yes what the [ __ ] are you saying sotega please i so big fan i’m gonna cry so

Hard on my pillow and then my mom will beat me with his spawn screenshot no don’t let your mom beat you i will beat it i won’t you have to wait for all the bones to heal bruh oh my god i need to confess don’t don’t ever talk to this again after this

Okay but so i i i didn’t know um do you guys know how to mikko like the anime girl yeah um so i thought that that she was like from an anime or something like that but apparently it’s just like a a folk vocoder or something it’s like a voice

Thing i don’t know what it is but i thought hatsune miku was from my [ __ ] anime but i’m [ __ ] stupid thank you but um so atleganti told me like yesterday or two days ago that it wasn’t from an anime and my heart broke dudes like i thought she was real and she isn’t

She’s just a program and other people are using her she’s mine no but i actually thought she was from anime so i feel kind of stupid about that you jerk off to her [Laughter] no just gotta give some fake girls come on she’s ah go it’s not fair it’s not fair

I actually thought she was real i feel so stupid i mean not real you know but like an anime hatsune isn’t from an anime i’m sorry i didn’t know i didn’t know i didn’t know why is she so popular then and why is why is she like

Human or not human why is she like you know what i mean That laugh was highly suspicious shut the [ __ ] up oh god and i went to a store in in my in my city where they sell like anime [ __ ] kind of like hot topic in america and she was there dude she was there for like 450 euros

But i think i can actually show this to you guys one second she was there hatsune miku was there in real life oh my god let me open my telegram real quick um dude it was the hottest thing i’ve ever seen in my life it was insane Can i download this oh [ __ ] i deleted it no don’t delete wait i’m trying to download the video so i can show you guys i want to show you guys how to name it in real life she was in my city guys wait let me mute my music real quick

Oh look look look look look look look i sent this to the group chat oh my god bruh she there dude she’s oh for 25 okay i thought it was 450. look at her how could you look at this and and not think that she’s real she’s like it’s not me

I wasn’t wrong society lied to me okay shut up she’s real to me i feel like he definitely jerks off to that enemy shut up shut up i thought it was 450 it was 425 okay i’m sorry not that it makes a difference why didn’t you buy her because she is

Being used by so many i’m not even gonna go there she’s a program okay i thought she was a anime and now i feel scammed by life and by society i’m never watching skatos i can’t come on please no i didn’t thought she was real i thought she was an anime okay

Like i was ready to see like i must stop talking i’m kidding guys i’m kidding i’m just kidding yeah okay but i was um yeah that was my confession we don’t talk about this ever again i’m not even angry at cuddles i’m just disappointed look okay

This is between us okay nobody else will just don’t talk about this again that’s fine [ __ ] i ain’t got broke on a figure she’s in a lot of 18 plus anime oh oh oh um where i’m sorry i don’t i’m kidding um yeah i i thought so i thought so um

That’s why i thought that that she was in an actual anime you know because i i didn’t i mean i hadn’t seen it before but i just expected that it’s it’s gonna this is gonna be googling the anime for research purge i i mean i gotta i gotta look it up

I gotta see if it’s real you know it’s research for the next stream so i can tell you guys what i found i’m going back to being inactive now i have fun weeps i’ll see ya i could see her being chef pants next president yeah for real dudes

Yeah she’s 100 in a [ __ ] hentai your writer looks broken it’s not broken what do you mean oh oops oh no no ah i’m gonna only research my my hands are gonna be tight bro i don’t know what you’re on about come on it’s okay i i will not bring up tsunami anymore

I’m too ashamed but if someone has 425 dollars euros i mean to spare it can go to the hatsune miku fund of scottosmi and then i can maybe i mean fire one day so if you just have like 425 in your bank i’m just laying around uh dude you’re building the volcano slower

Than you respond to dms it’s so bra it’s it takes a while to build a volcano okay come on and i’m also talking to people and showing things okay it’s fine okay so on to the next topic guys can scottish is begging for money to purchase anime those i’m not i was kidding

I was so clearly kidding i was so clearly kidding shut up check closet what do you mean closets yeah i’m not a builder my crafts okay so guys can anyone um explain to me what wordle is because you know i’m in this group chat with with uh with

Atlante and shane and john doe and they all keep posting their [ __ ] wordles every day and i don’t understand what it is you know i thought like i thought like okay post it on twitter fine but why like these [ __ ] are posting it in our group chat and i don’t understand

What wordle is what the [ __ ] is it and why is it squares like what does what do those squares have nothing to do with any words they don’t even what the [ __ ] is it i literally i don’t understand and why why is it daily who made that i want to kill them in

Minecraft Uh scottish just develop schizophrenia the anime girl will seem a lot more real yes yeah i i don’t know i hate wordle now i don’t want to hear it ever again it’s disgusting and i don’t understand it my monster is uh i drank it all why is there crystal here what um I poke um we already knew you didn’t have the raw and dylan just to understand wordle what the [ __ ] is wordle how am i supposed to know if nobody explains it to me Oh oh my god oops oh no folk died how you were like not even near that what do you mean i want to make sure you understand katos that i’m just joking i know i know of course you’re well come get your stuff bro what the [ __ ]

Yo this bomb true tree looking very good damn christoph wasn’t lying about his uh bomb building skills dudes once i post this on reddit oh my god we’re gonna get so many upvotes i should post my my own content more on reddit not online probably would help with some uh exposure i guess

But i’m too lazy i barely post on tick tock i mean now i am posting daily tech talks um and i don’t think they will ever really do anything like maybe it brings like one new person to my channel and that’s worth it i guess but uh

I’m just reuploading my shorts on tiktuk now so i mean it’s fine if you don’t want to follow me there it’s nothing new sometimes i do post shorts early but i don’t think anyone really cares about seeing shorts early no shorts are like not really for my subscribers anymore it’s more to get

Like more subscribers you know what i mean You had a guy for that huh yeah but like you were you were too busy so i was like i’ll do it myself oh my god sita messaged me on discord oh never mind he just responded to me so is there anyone in here that hasn’t joined my discord yet it’s free

She needs there are websites that let you buy subscribers what i can buy subscribers no [ __ ] way dudes you’re the funny thing is you literally don’t need that anymore you know like you can shorts are so broken you can literally just it’s what all these bot channels are doing it’s just

Uploading re-uploading stolen shorts from people 10 shorts an hour or more and then just hitting 1000 subscribers and then just selling that channel it’s literally just it’s too easy it’s too easy with shorts literally anyone can have a thousand subscribers asap you just need to put in effort to make some shorts

It’s like what the [ __ ] it’s so broken and i mean it’s it’s dumb to not take advantage of of a huge advantage that youtube gives you you know like because i i you probably noticed that i didn’t upload shirts for a few months like uh up to like two weeks ago-ish

Because i just found it to be so stupid but it just helps the channel so much you know it’s it’s just too it’s too ob so scottos when are you gonna put effort into your shirts bro what do you mean bro i don’t need to that’s the thing i

Can let you just piss i can piss on my on on the floor and make that a short and that will get like a hundred thousand views no it’s i’m like not even joking you saw the dream look short which got like 50 000 views

It’s like the shirt that i put the least effort in it’s like literally the lowest [ __ ] effort shorts gets the most views it’s like what the [ __ ] dude why am i even trying you know i’m not gonna try i mean i’m not gonna i want to make a few higher effort

Shirts but i know that nobody cares you know so i feel like shorts they can keep low f low low effort and videos yeah i do need to uh i’m trying to up the video quality all the time so what’s the worst place you peed in oh god i

I don’t think i can tell the story but i won’t give any details but i had to pee in a bottle um somewhere where i was where i wasn’t allowed to be i can’t give any details i might get into trouble yeah but i wasn’t a place where i was not

Allowed to be and i had to pee in a bottle because i couldn’t go to the toilets um how’s everyone mod and i am not because burns i don’t trust you at all hi mill how are you scottish you just confessed on stream oh no i didn’t give any details so it’s okay

Bottle was fine i once filled 1.25 liter one shot all clean yeah dude like bro bottles they seem big when you’re holding them but they are not big enough for your pee you know like i started what am i even saying dude oh my god i started peeing in like a bottle

And it was it was full like immediately and i had to get another bottle to like finish finish my piss you know yeah that’s probably my uh my worst i didn’t want to do it i i didn’t have fun doing it so i mean it’s just i had to in that situation okay

I haven’t speed in a lot of weird places other than that to be honest i’ve i almost always i just hold it or i just you know find a bathroom did you keep those bottles for me oh oh i’m gonna you’re gonna you’re making me nauseous even saying that kenny don’t [ __ ]

I’m gonna [ __ ] puke if you say that [ __ ] oh no yeah those bottles are disgusting dudes can you imagine finding like a bottle of piss oh my god that [ __ ] is so disgusting reminds me of that one time where i had to get three urine tests in a row

And my condition made it hurt to consume or drink anything oh my god yeah i’m glad i’ve never had to do that what if you found piss bottle and dot lemonade nah nah nah you you smell the piss don’t believe me it’s disgusting uh it is mob hi how are you mob

I got a stream q a question in discord for you a stream q a question hmm okay let’s see let’s see what what’s the what what is this let me show you guys what is this big kelly’s dad or shane’s mom what is it what type of question is this that’s that’s what

What do you mean that’s not even a question you’re just telling me to be someone’s dad dad like what oh yo freso and idiots are online let’s go idiot come here are you listening come here come give me a kiss come on i’m waiting I don’t think he’s listening Uh what if it’s clear and doesn’t smell nah this always smells dude what do you mean i ever smelt piss Go pee right now and then smell the toilet okay what’s happening but you know you can help me you know you don’t have to do nothing stop trying to replace your enemy girlfriend’s katos just because you can’t afford to buy them guys i’m telling you if you have

425 dollars saved somewhere and you don’t use it uh i’m trying to buy an enemy girlfriend so feel free to uh you know this is bad if my toenail is blue yeah don’t touch it sounds painful oh god my cobblestone is almost no joke i beat my

I beat once myself standing in front of school in seventh grade why you beat yourself in front of school what the [ __ ] in what kind of situation do you have to be to do that he did it for the piss clouds yeah the more you pee

The more clouds you get from all the from who nobody wants that Okay we can just mind the insides of the volcano for four blocks i feel like long story me trust me you would not want to know sounds disgusting so yeah probably not once i vomited finally on the train oh my god that reminds me of oh god

This is such a traumatic experience bro i um i was i was still in high school was like three no it was like how long ago damn it was like almost five years ago i was on the bus to high school and um i was like

My i was like feeling very bad like very nauseous and i i was staying in the bus with my girlfriend and um dude i was i i felt it coming like i was about to puke like literally i couldn’t anymore i knew i was gonna puke and i didn’t

Want to peek on the bus and so the bus stopped at like like in the middle of the way you know like um at one of the bus stops but i wasn’t at my high school yet so i was like i wasn’t supposed to leave the bus but i

Had to puke so i just i went out of the bus i ran out and i literally just [ __ ] puked like in a trash can um like just on the side of the road and it was like people were looking at me i was just straight [ __ ] puking in there for

Like a few minutes straight it was so bad and after that i was i felt pretty good you know pogo what are you doing what the f this man actually i’m feeling pretty good but i was late to school because i had to get out of the bus to puke but oh

My god that was so terrible uh have you heard of block 36 what is box 36 your your toes have been blew for five weeks yo so too i mean if it hurts too badly let it that it’s uh getting get it checked out by a doctor i suppose holy [ __ ]

I once had a broken toe for like a few weeks and i didn’t realize it and it’s and it’s healed by itself after that so Block 36 is piston head what oh cool didn’t know okay the base of the volcano is already almost done oh my god how many how many hours are we in almost two hours okay idiot can you please give me block 36 please i don’t know how we’re gonna do this volcano like

Maybe i go to the nether and i get like a sugar full of lava and fill it in i guess i don’t know for sure yet little invis and you can’t walk through block 36 but mob scan what the [ __ ] i guess i i was steal that

Thought of you and make it into a short so let’s go the rarest block in minecraft that you don’t know i’m gonna be like block 36 is a and then i say some [ __ ] and i will not credit you it’s got those you could use lava yeah

Sources and solid box to spread the lava out oh yeah Yeah but the volcano has got to be like kind of spiky so if you want to do the the form of it you can like the the i don’t know what’s how to say it in english i haven’t eaten i i mean i have eaten but i haven’t had a good meal because

The [ __ ] electricity in the kitchen didn’t work for no reason and i’m mad now Pog do you not have an elijah where’s your lightroom no what why didn’t you just ask me wait [ __ ] i completely forgot to give you an elytra what the [ __ ] If you need electricity pay your bills instead of buying anime girls it’s paid for by the university i mean my rent you know [ __ ] you my rent is spayed where is the electroshocker prone to turn around ah it’s kristoff oh no i turned around what are you doing what are you doing okay

Why did he leave look guys it’s a beautiful map oh my god best island ever watch your back my back oh no he you didn’t hurt me kristoff in the last hit poke poke poke poke poke poke poke are you studying the hypothetical biology of females in environments made

By the human mind by any chance uh no what i don’t even know what you’re on about bro you’re confused you confuse me there might be some guy with white eyes oh no where You mean herobrine is herobrine here i want to scream now but i can’t because it’s too late here he kind of looks like steve oh no not herobrine i don’t i have a bit of cobble I want to make a herobrine short and just make it super cringy and bad and it will probably watch should get like 10k views it’s so broken dude i am back high hopeless because if you were studying that you would actually be able to say you were watching that hentai for research purposes

Oh so wait what do i need to study hypothetical biology of females in environments made by the human minds oof that sounds like something i would be interested in oh it’s fake okay [ __ ] never mind oops i i knew i wasn’t trying to get into it oh oh my god

Yeah we have haste too i have a couple of beacons if you need stunt terrible scummy scots oh yeah oh my god so you can be herobrine and oh my god yeah yeah yes i’ll uh i’ll hit you up uh probably tomorrow ish or the day after

And we can film some shorts i was supposed to do it like auntie but i i had to cancel the day we were supposed to film Herobrine in minecraft real or some [ __ ] like that can someone clip the part where those hundred percent fell for my incredible prank shut up what would a good herobrine title be does anyone um does anyone have a good herobrine short title what are you doing pog do you have any

Gp oh i’m sorry not on me let me get some skatos finds hero brian lives to regret it herobrine does mossy’s mom real no guys guys i need like a million view title okay herobrine jump scare during green man and oh that’s a good one that’s a good

One oh my god that’s a screenshot for that yeah yeah wait one second i swear i put Oh here’s my stone show curriculum Uh where was i going i was gonna get gun powder And some paper oops Call it never play minecraft 3am oh that’s a very good one thank you uh noodle damn dude i’m actually write that one down that’s good man me open my documents where i have all my shorts ideas i can’t even show this document this document is words it’s worth five thousand subscribers at least

It has all the shorts ideas this document is too ob it will literally if anyone sees this document it’s like it’s done they steal all my subscribers never play minecraft at 3 am did you pay your your bills maybe herobrine get off your electricity oh no warning

Herobrine got on camera 2022 warning big boobs twerk i feel like youtube will not uh youtube will not recommend a video with herobrine and twerk in the title i feel like turk is not really uh something that youtube will recommend the best way to get views is to be family friendly

Server revived whoa what the [ __ ] 22 players what’s happening dude server was dead now it was just low player counts uh but now it’s like actually alive alive we all hunting for skato’s base yes sure i bet everyone is i’m just fighting okay guys don’t don’t get my bass please

Those will you add more texture yeah yeah yeah i will probably gonna we’re probably gonna ask when add way more textures to this after yeah chris is really good in building bro what the [ __ ] now i used to play minecraft with my with my older brother he’s like he’s like 25 now um

We used to play minecraft like two years ago and he’s also like very good at building and [ __ ] like that so like he would do the building and i would make the forums and [ __ ] when was it i think it was like two or three years ago when i went to the dance

I bought like a room for us and we were just playing on that all summer it was fun kung says hey daddy bro if you start spamming i’m a band you dude so dig up be ready because kung wan always [ __ ] spam this [ __ ] chats Okay so autostone is gone oh god wait i’ll put a choker down one second i’ll put the sugar around here uh here’s a stroker with some more stone oh i’m sorry um right here in front of the in front of the pad oh yeah i needed to give you gunpowder i’m sorry

Now can i get cords for your base he didn’t prove anything to me if you are a member then maybe but uh yo look at this uh volcano though looking foggers and zam and sexy and take damn bro okay now i think it’s time to go like very spiky you know

Oh you need fireworks one second i got you i got you whatever i if you need more just let me know i can always ask blitz for for some more fireworks or buy from him because if you click f3 you can see the entity counts oh that’s true

I want to see the entity account actually stop voting guys nah nah actually votes slash votes chad okay how do we do this i don’t know how to make it like spiky and look good it’s kind of hard maybe i just something like this something like that yeah right

Can you can anyone speak german i mean i i used to speak german not anymore though i can understand you though if you speak german ich bin and kartoffo why do you why why did you write kartoffel with hg okay i need to land on here come on oh

[ __ ] i’m so bad come on land ah okay okay i feel like this is a decent height you know for a volcano Will you forgive me for spamming before if you stop spamming spamming then sure No i can’t speak czech sounds like a hard language to learn well i know who to ignore mr n words what the [ __ ] why does minecraft allow those names that’s kind of funny like do they have a filter on like names i i actually have no idea Your chat a bit clogged huh yeah let’s get this if you click f3 plus a you can see hidden player commands i’m not even going to try to press anything related to f3 not even a hit box like that [ __ ] is too scary to even try

Jaw when can you trade please i need crystal so badly please i need to beg you in my own chat come on can i just leave them at some at the location and i’ll leave the pay there like i did the same with delve I actually need need the crystals And the xp bottles as well It’s got me may i make waterslide if you take it away after yes spoke i got half of the second choker that’s okay i just give me like give me like a reduction uh like i’ll pay like 100 less or something like that you don’t need to fill up the entire choker

I just i just need i it’s i i mostly need the crystals crystal’s our most important thing bro what the [ __ ] how are you doing is if you give base cords to best butts will he grief the base what do you mean he’s what the best bit is literally here

What do you mean mine it down a bit and make it less steep okay We listen to building experts kristoff you meant your base yeah i don’t know you might get greased if you uh give your gourd stupids i would grief you if you give me your words I am not a griefer yeah i mean i i know you wouldn’t grief me but would you grieve henry stark i remember when you greased my base oh yeah but you gave me permission to grip your base right so rates here are legendary yeah if i if i had built my

My gunpowder farm goods then i would be rich call me mortis oh you are mortis oh i didn’t know you were the same person um it’s mindful pure anarchy it has a chat filter but you can there’s no rules against bypassing the chat filter so i mean it kinda is

But it’s kind of it’s not a good anarchy server i’m gonna be honest it’s kind of bad yeah everyone everyone hacks there but it’s kind of bad it was it was so legendary that zero though We ruled that server it was fun uh i can go to spawn then now uh yeah yeah if you go to spawn and just give me like leave everything in a chest somewhere like near there and i’ll and i’ll leave the payment if you want to do it like that and if

If there not i’ll i’ll go to spawn after stream also yeah guys if you didn’t know yet there’s a members only video out now only members can see this it’s more about my personal life that i’m showing so if you want to see that become member three dollars per month

Uh and if not you can support me by liking the stream Yeah mortis i think you can trust um blitz i don’t think he would he would scrape you if i tell him not to right blades please please don’t grief mortis he’s subscribed to me i need some more cobblestone already give mortis a free key set oh

Yeah okay no yeah mortise you can you can you can completely trust blitz it’s fine yo this volcano might actually uh get finished today with the help of kristoff hey could i join you uh nah probably not man do you think the volcano looks okay yeah yeah i think it’s starting to look

Pretty good now especially if you add some more details after like um like more more more grass and [ __ ] like that around it and uh the palm trees still look good all righty pose oprah we just need to build it up a little bit And maybe a few streams of black stone and lava flowing down after that will look good as well Why are there trees inside of the volcano what are we doing here you might have to clear all those trees spoke and um And and take away the dirt oh oh you’re gonna need the leaves okay i wanted to mine the inside of the volcano for stone as well but i guess we can still do that Damn scott i realized i never got to show you area 24 base uh yeah i know i missed out on a lot of cool things on on mindview anarchy but if i were to make a video on it right now it would get zero views i mean no i’m i’m lying it

Would still do well but i don’t think it’s it’s it’s worth it to uh i i just don’t want to give the server any free promo like mana keep anarchy i don’t i like it’s not like this server like this server i wanted to do well

Because you know it has good owners that care for the server but mana cube has like terrible [ __ ] management especially for the anarchy sides so i don’t want that server to be revived ever It can die in peace you priest and goodman were dead mates were what made that super fun for me and all the other manual people yeah the server was good because of the community that we had built there oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m

Sorry i’m sorry i thought you were just i thought you were just trolling i’m sorry cool music scout thank you buds try not to get copyrighted this time no no last time i i was i was stupid i i took risk with music that i normally don’t play

And this time it’s just a good old no corporate music you know last time i there it’s it’s all it’s it’s all that [ __ ] epic music you know the epic battle music it’s all copyrighted because people know that that’s gonna get used so [ __ ] dumb and the thing is that sometimes it’s not

Even copyrighted like maybe it wasn’t copyrighted before but then they just decided to copyright it it’s so [ __ ] stupid Brains where are you from eu whoa really i love you too much i would never ban you you could literally do anything i would just worship you more Please make an mlg fine i’ll do it for you i have no totems if i die it’s very embarrassing watch me water bucket emoji ally off oh oh oh oh oh my god i didn’t i didn’t think i made it oh my god i was scared i was scared

No i was not scared i’m a man i’m a real man and i’m good at butter bucket tea um scott fixers sticks streaks on snapchat oh my god snapchat streaks guys i need to send a snapchat to sutiga right now because our streak is gonna go away i’m so stressed at snapchats today

I’m sorry i’ve never i’m never on my phone i’m only on my phone to check my youtube studio and to uh and to check my twitter oops guys so became a member and the day after he just found a girlfriend you know if that’s not proof [Laughter] oh my god

A lot of simply vanilla players here i mean which is normal i guess since simply is down maybe this is the perfect chance for the server to actually get a boost for people to see how well this is Just got snapchats time for a pot of noodle and a wank streaks what are you saying a wank what are you jerking off to on snapchat is there like porn on snapchats like what are you mean the girls you’re texting Boris johnson propaganda oh yeah i’m not british snapchat’s the film of cornbots yeah that’s true but it’s just porn balls trying to scam you you know Boris is both so yeah [ __ ] that guy brexit means brexit bro blitz please tell me you’re not a brexit supporter please i mean actually you guys okay thank you yeah i mean it’s not bad for europe it’s just like what the [ __ ] are you guys are just [ __ ] yourselves oh my god

Okay losses kills just does sound like a brexit supporter oh he isn’t ok definitely isn’t but Damn bro so many people i want to see if the server can get like peaks of peaks of 40 players sometime like simply We need more youtubers on here guys Become a youtuber and post some eu survival about to use right one Best there was like 50 or 70 at the beginning oh my god dudes Where’s austria austria is next to um italy i think guys everyone just post shorts about eu survival shorts will get fused regardless of who you are so just be like i just found this amazing minecraft a survival server eu survival it’s anarchy without hacks and you can have sex

Uh on the server you can role play with each other and find your girlfriend on the server just do that [ __ ] and it’ll get like massive use just be like guys i found this 2v2t clone called eu survival like that guy that made that simply vanilla video

You know there’s like there’s just one [ __ ] shirt of that got like one million views from this [ __ ] bozo being like i just found this 2b2t clone and then it was like simply vanilla even though hacks are not allowed on your own simply it’s so stupid bro

That’s why keep your shorts low quality literally just piss on your floor for to make a short millions of views I want to actually piss on my floor for shorts but it might get removed from youtube let me know if i should Yes guys vote for the server on everything i actually want to know if voting actually helps servers actually grow you know like this voting actually help like i’ve never used a [ __ ] like i’ve never used one of these sites to do like look for a server you know

It’s mostly true like uh word of mouth and reddit i guess and other and youtube i guess that i know that i get to know service for uh she’s got make short displaying this bottle collection oh no that’s disgusting um do you have moss i think we do have some moss somewhere

Uh scott should i bring the garden towards the volcano nah leave it there we’re gonna make this part more tropical than that you know with palm trees and [ __ ] like that so I found simply vanilla on february 2022 due to the websites that promote server based on the votes they get oh really oh my god okay so so so people use them i guess i’m just weird yeah i found everything i all servers are like through youtube mostly or friends Because i mean simply vanilla was i found through Simply vanilla i found through atlangante but i i knew about the server because another small youtuber also made videos on there and there was like a friend of mine like b doggy games some people might know him and he he had like a little series on simply from vanilla that got some very

Decent views and i actually bro i didn’t even know about purity vanilla i was so like removed from everything it’s turning to snow volcano no there’s no snow here oh what there’s snow oh no i wanted to press f3 oh my god i almost pressed f3 to check the fire oh no

Why is there snow no why this is it’s tropical islands it’s tropical island tropical island doesn’t have snow Oh my god do we have to spawn proof everything with [ __ ] string ah dude i i will i will spawn proof this entire thing with strings if i have to i don’t care Most carpets but strings are invisible no like i don’t want to put most carpets everywhere in the volcano or would it look good mountain biome above y100 that’s so stupid i’m annoyed now i don’t want snow that ruins builds can idiot not just change the biome as

Idiots please change my biome real quick thank you yeah yeah yeah oh my god please please make it a jungle that’s not that’s not even abuse it’s literally just supporting small creators please please idiot i i beg it’s not even like come on just make it like a one-off just like

Do it for me one time uh did i have a lag spike damn bro i don’t know what it is with the wi-fi today i guess a lot of people are using it today oops uh you can put magma and light sources to stop it snow oh yeah yeah yeah true bye noodle

Why am i having like i don’t understand where the show yo who took this is someone getting more stone or uh oh it’s now it’s here beautiful volcano one day someone if someone is gonna have the the what’s it called the joy of creeping this

Yo what’s my wi-fi bro what the [ __ ] yo let me switch networks the stream might lag for a bit um yeah the stream might go down for like two seconds so i’m a switch network to the back is it back is it back is it back is it back is it back

Is it back is it back okay stream is working again okay good oof yeah i switch networks i’m so glad i live at the university uh so i so there’s like literally four networks to choose off should be better now i love your garden all this that’s amazing it’s very cute

Oh three no way my thing is that load right now no okay it’s going up it’s going five dude i’m streaming dude okay i’m so glad i switched networks i’m so glad no no i didn’t rejoin i look so at the dorm i live there’s four different university wi-fi networks that you can

Pick off uh so like if one if one goes down um the other one i just yeah no no but like my pink was like 50 before you know so that’s why where’s the music don’t stop on me i need my music my beautiful beautiful music do a backflip how how

I will do everything for you my king what what what do you want me to do kenny I want to see kato’s base in person but i’m too untrustworthy i mean i just i haven’t known you for that long that’s the only reason to be honest [Applause] i know all these people for ages oh i can do a backflip easy [Laughter] that was a backflip okay don’t

Oh what happens my thing gonna going up again what why am i having lag spike again what is this i just switched networks oh my god i’m killing myself is there a kit for stone pickaxe i don’t think so dude my ping was good for one second oh no damn no electricity

No no no wi-fi what is my dorm bra 143 thing oh god oh well i’m gonna sue my dorm make them give me my rent money back Uh want me to come i will come to spawn i need to pick up something from jaw so Um i will be at spawn after stream skatos this is what happens when you don’t have a scholarship i have oh no i don’t i had a scholarship last year i don’t have one now but luckily school in belgium is college in belgium is super affordable for uh like for almost everyone

It’s not like america or other places where it’s like crazy amounts of money wait i know i do i think i do have a scholarship because i i pay way less for every year yeah i i do have a scholarship i do just i just i get less money this year Great falling scooters you need to cut down on video games and study more no never never i need to make a more discord uh this course i mean minecraft studio Uh you sent a screenshot together oh you’re almost there right aren’t you almost at at the base if you if you are almost dying just log off there and i’ll come help you after stream okay see my ping is back to 30 now what the [ __ ] what’s my wi-fi doing bro

That’s a mh i’ll i’ll give you an eligible guy on some totems so you don’t [ __ ] die is it literally even possible to have zero thing like is that possible i have no idea is that too steep oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m bad at building you’re gonna brush your teeth okay so

Duke Oh i fell oh my god i thought you actually died [ __ ] oh my god kristoff don’t do that you’re scaring me joe are you still watching did you did you leave me stuff oh my god it’s idiot let’s go yes i’m getting stream sniped by i’m getting stream sniped by idiot

That’s [ __ ] go dudes easy screenshot yes guys look he’s taking a screenshot with me i can’t see what is it what is your right what did you write get out of the way your head is covering it no he broke it i didn’t see i didn’t oh my [Applause] he’s so stupid oh my god he [ __ ] he trolled me guys he says i listen oh he is listening okay let’s go oh ask the dragon where egg oh my god can you give me a dragon egg idiot please or just turn this into a jungle come on man come on

What do i need to do i think jungle for reviving server that sounds like a duck a deal no guys reset the ends yeah please reset the end come on the server is reborn you know oh god i need to sleep i need to sleep i

I’m gonna die from from anger let me get to my bed real quick Okay perfect now phantoms won’t [ __ ] bother me anymore oh volcano looking so good bro oh my god i need to respond to some people on my phone you know what’s [ __ ] funny bro my my sister has my sister is like nine years old i think without a world yeah she’s like nine

And uh she she just got her a new phone um and she she’s like texting me all the time about like weird [ __ ] she’s like inviting me to play games and [ __ ] like that is so [ __ ] stupid children shouldn’t have phones they are talking without me how dare you ah

Because how many years do i need to know you to get cards few months because your sister is spoiled yeah my sister is spoiled for sure he’s so cute damn boy oh he says hearts oh my god guys idiot loves me volcano is looking awesome thank you pop tart it is

Thanks to christoph huge help due to my nine-year-old sis has discord and will send me [ __ ] posters and memes oh my god i would not let my sister have discord no [ __ ] way bro i gotta do it my sister is like i know she’s a child but sometimes she’s so dumb

You know what my sister was looking she was the way she was looking up on the on youtube my sister was looking up how to get free robux bro i was about to kill myself when i saw that she was literally looking at those [ __ ] dumbass scam videos on how

To get free robux bro and like i know she’s nine but oh my god please oh my god um i don’t have an extra sword mortise now yeah i need to i need to control her activity all the time and my parents do as well because children are [ __ ] stupid

Your sister must be eliminated yeah romeo and my brother were [ __ ] dying bro when when we saw that that’s like free robux it’s literally just the dumbest [ __ ] ever and yeah she also uses like a fill her full [ __ ] name like first name last name

Uh uh uh and like the extra name that that that that she has she like uses her full [ __ ] name and everything so every time i need to go through her [ __ ] apps to make sure that she hasn’t used her full [ __ ] name again you know it’s like children are like so

Unaware of everything like they shouldn’t have [ __ ] phones but i’m not their dad so i can’t take away your phone of course but like holy [ __ ] it’s like children are so dumb i put all my cash on a robux crypto it’s great because it’s free what is the biggest flagship i’ve ever

Heard so having food this is a huge flag flex to be honest i don’t know what else oh oh drop that for me real quick drop it drop it drop it drop it i know nobody’s gonna look the stream is not gonna know it’s between us it’s between us just drop it

Yay turn that it’s fine it’s fine just drop something drop something nobody will see it i will turn off the stream nobody will see yeah oh my god drop some bathroom please idiot please please please please drop me once i i need it i need to hold it okay come

On one time one time one time you can take it out of my inventory after oh please idiots oh my god i need to have bedrock let’s convince him somehow please drop me something do a drop party yay but mean put me in creative mode for one second please please please please you

Can have my head do you like such game with creative scrolls me for like one second and then game with survival oh i have admin sign i’m going to sell this for five netherride bucks yeah i will yeah yeah yeah yeah come on you can drop some bedrock and

Then just like emcee me and then you know uh i don’t have a totem on me i don’t want to leave him oh please please give me something give me like one header right block let’s peer pressure him peer pressure him harder plays bad rock place bedrock one place

One bedrock for one second please oh oh oh my god please better rock Oh oh no come on no i need i need a screenshot idiot i need a screenshot ah you [ __ ] you [ __ ] i’m sorry i didn’t i don’t want to call you [ __ ] oh look i have it i have it here wait cotton 4k caught in 4k look at the

Stream look at the stream i have it clipped i have it clipped [Laughter] i can just go back and stream to get a screenshot of course but next stream is gonna be um illegal anarchy server and i’m gonna make it a thumbnail [Laughter] i’m sorry idiots i’m sorry

Okay let’s keep working on the next stream peer pressure is to do more things let’s go your project looks beautiful thank you yeah been working hard with kristoff here i must go now please continue thank you idiots It approves guys owner approved base i guess you don’t have that where’s your owner approved pace That’s what i thought i want to stream tomorrow on here but like there’s like literally three people asking me to stream sea of thieves and they want me to stream it so badly but i i i want to stream this i don’t want to stream to see if these so i think i’m

I’m gonna have to disappoint them and stream this instead What did i want to grab i wanted to grab a totem that’s true yes I’m always in 117 when i play here i just i don’t know like it’s also because i can’t kenny i can’t type in stream why can’t you type in stream because you’re not subscribed idiots oh my god he’s not subscribed Guys cancel idiots only subscribers can scan kentucky uh we need the ammo’s reference rule removed from the rulebook no kenny is always in my chat guys he’s literally my favorite person in here i have an unhealthy love for kenny me too bro at least you want to like suck him off

Bro oh my god i’m sorry i was kenny i’m sorry oh no why did i say it like that no no i’m kidding i would but like i’m kidding kenny is the best person ever can he be honest who gave you i would have sent it i i would send you a

Feedback if you still had uh discord candy scottish you love both kenny and your anime girl you gotta choose one commits to a choice no but actually you sent him and you actually sent him feedback oh my god Oh no hi yukon yukon i’m sorry i couldn’t make it to the my mind will energy thing i pinned my toes for kenny footbeck i would do the same thing bro oh my god any color you wish want me to stand outside with my like like what scenery you want with with my

Feet picked kenny i will do anything i’m gonna drop it off now okay send me the chords on the on this chord chart uh not not in here for sure not don’t send the chords here because then i i’m gonna have to speedrun to go to spawn before anyone else

Yeah do you master about me if i vip and i just bought myself the upgrades i probably could have could have begged someone for it but yeah i mean it’s not that expensive I need to buy a rank here as well someday when i have a job again i’m gonna buy a rank here but yeah need a job first Family unfriendly I should be a family-friendly channel guys let’s be honest i should say frick and [ __ ] like that guys what the freak i love chase station man he’s such a [ __ ] [ __ ] weirdo station is literally the funniest [ __ ] oh my god i hate him but he’s so funny

I’m so glad he’s removed from youtube though oh my god i could watch a j-station video every [ __ ] day of my life and still find it funny enough to laugh guys what the frick why is why is my anime girlfriend calling me at 3am I need more cobblestone yo subscotto hi henning yeah i’m just vibing making my volcano having fun on i know what i need i need i want an actual brand to sponsor me one day so i can just live and die by the brand you know it’s funny like monster you know

Today i’m drinking my my monster uh ultra fiesta mango go to your local store to get some Just trying to be corporate slave yeah everything for uh for that endorsements It would be cool though come on let’s be honest being sponsored by invited [ __ ] is super cool easy It’s pretty late in eu wait what i gotta check what time i gotta go to school tomorrow because i wanna i wanna stream longer but i don’t know yet Um i have school at 9 30. oh god ah i guess um Your only two hours of sleep is good yeah maybe because i sent you an essence of something i just realized oh Oh you’re at the remnants of that other thing Yeah good times okay now only this side of the volcano Stp a command slash dpa Ah it’s not dpa uh kill assist oh it’s not come on can we please have tpa come on and slash set home what come on i need slush set home what the frick in germany it’s 20 20 yeah it’s uh we are in the same time zone

No scott please idiot i want my sister at home how else am i going to slash home come on pass server why is but killing his own account but what are you doing oops yeah henning we are in the same time zone it’s fine so far oh no why did you ignore me

Uh because i don’t want slurs on stream it’s bad this is girlfriend i think yeah but it’s his alt account as well so i mean it’s his girlfriend’s out account Freaks don’t lie to me come on man oh you’re online oh okay blurry of streams there’s okay oh and ignore i was just being safe Volcano looking so fine bruh oh my god uh tomorrow i don’t know if i stream tomorrow though i don’t know The way stream tomorrow you guys decides My shipment of items bro i deport to order anything so i know that’s cap Last thing i ordered was like something for my girlfriend i think like a a sweater for my girlfriend When’s koto’s merch bruh i mean not anytime soon people can barely buy a membership so i don’t think anyone’s going to be buying merch anytime soon out f4 for free netherride trust me yeah for sure dude i bet that works maybe if i one day one day if i see a um

If i have like a lot of members i’ll probably do merch but like until i have like a lot of members it’s i’ve seen members of a kind of metric of of how many of my subscribers have enough money that would be able to afford merch kind of you know

Am i optimist or pessimist for sure a optimist i feel like yeah i’m an optimist sometimes too much but i don’t get disappointed i just live my life now my my girlfriend is always super like pessimistic about everything and she calls it realistic but it’s no no no it’s pessimistic

Everyone that that says that realistic is like you know like just accept that because that’s a mistake again the line between realistic and pessimistic is like super vague f3 plus g for chunks it will help for your builds how will how how will what how i was gonna how are chunks

Gonna help my build the glasses how full guys believe in it the glass will is come on how empty doesn’t even sound right stupid people the glass is irrelevant no it isn’t the glass is beautiful you mean your enemy girlfriend that you can’t afford or the real one

That you definitely have i have an actual girlfriend i promise there is no glass okay i i only drink tap water bro i don’t have money for bottled water to [ __ ] that’s some rich person [ __ ] my tap water is disgusting not going live but yeah I’m not gonna [ __ ] spend money on water bro the [ __ ] like water is so hella expensive deadpool is poisonous in us what the [ __ ] dudes what’s wrong with the us yeah they said that players like not that it’s drinkable here but like it is so disgusting

What is lang what is it what [ __ ] what the [ __ ] means ling i need cobble oh yeah skittles i’m not gonna spend my money on water skaters university paying the water bill yeah i mean yeah lang means [ __ ] sexy as [ __ ] oh okay okay what if you hit hit build limit in 10

Blocks i mean it’s 1.18 we’re playing on so the build line is like forever there’s no build limit basically according to the build limit is hard in 1.18 nothing online yes but read urban definition no i had i had first but ignored because someone was talking through it Is a word that describes something super attractive it’s leveled up version of lang and both words are roadman slang oh that’s where i know it from okay you can hide farms inside the volcano that’s smart let’s go travel to london spend five minutes on the streets in or in alleys you will learn

I want to go to england so badly bro it’s so much fun there like i want to be in london for like a few weeks Yeah i mean i’m gonna be there eventually it’s just i don’t have money to travel at the moment i’ll supply with all of which you can smoke i think that’s illegal there no yeah sure if i come though it’s gonna be with my girlfriends so i don’t know when though

I will find you what the [ __ ] england is so much fun mio lives in england nah bruh england is fun what do you mean i’ve been there like a [ __ ] i think that’s fun to be in for like a bit i i i wouldn’t want to live there forever

Yeah my girlfriend is subbed yes of course she is she doesn’t have notifications on though like what are other cool cities in london i guess like um i guess like what where does pewdiepie live Oh okay ciao oh my god you give me a heart attack [ __ ] i was i thought you were trolling but i was i want to be sure no pewdiepie lives in like that one city near the beach like at the beach something with a bee i forgot to name

Brighton oh my god i don’t know how i forgot yeah brighton seems like a cool place to live something chill you know we done with the frame yeah kinda brighton smells like wheat all the time oh really i would wanna go there for real Do we finish it go to essex nah bruh imma get shanked Can this where all the races hang out oh god oh no i feel like i i hate british uh british races are like so much worse than american races i feel like i don’t know it’s like the accent just makes it so much worse oh my god

Mata max is from kent of course he is of course he is Brits are [ __ ] shits i want to leave this country i feel like british british racers are just so much dumber you know like they just sound like i they just sound like you know what i mean like you know what i mean they’re they’re just so so dumb

Like there’s no talking to them it’s so funny oh wow british people dude i hope the electricity in the kitchen is already fixed because i’m actually hungry and i want to make food but i can’t oh my god atlegante no john post another world on the group chat i don’t want to

See the [ __ ] wordles [ __ ] i hate worlds i still don’t understand them i want to go to essex now just like for a few hours Oh girl isn’t even on anymore oh dude okay wait let me go afk real quick i wanna go check the kitchen to see if there’s electricity already um yeah i’ll be right back in like five seconds don’t do anything Oh dudes that chrissy is back i can finally get some food after stream i didn’t know what i was gonna do if the electricity didn’t return i i have like ten dollars in my bank account so i can’t even order food so dumb How how do we end this um this volcano like how big will the hole be it’s kind of hard check this card i accidentally opened my spotify oh yeah thank you joe i’ll give you the payments oh yeah job message me how much it will cost me real quick Yeah i might end the stream soon And go eat and then i’ll stream tomorrow as well to finish the islands um [Applause] yeah probably tomorrow will be finished and i’ll i’ll just have a lot of time um decorating the volcano getting more resources because we need some mossy cobble we need um to make it look like an actual um jungle island and maybe after that maybe you make like

A little house on the volcano or near it or something like that something cute Is it actually allowed to put like an auto clicker on your alt accounts like like automatically kill and farm your alt accounts because if it is allowed i would i would do that probably and just kill my auto alt account like 10 000 times just afk while sleeping

I should ask idiot before i do it though Yeah of course headstick what do you mean buds [Applause] what the [ __ ] how have you played here so long without knowing that what the [ __ ] buzz didn’t know that that’s stacked you might die of hunger i’m yeah i will die of hunger in real life i am super hungry I don’t know who brought skelton horse in here i’m so confused Wait so technically you could change your skin to anything to anything cool and then just farm your heads and then just use that head to decorate and then just do that over and over again to get like cool heads of building blocks Because i would do that with my altacons [Applause] Oops The underwater base what Oh my god i’m so angry you’re a year old base cut priest oh god so no How it got how how how did it got griefed did it get leaked or something Rando espionage oh my god Yeah esp always happens um you know it’s like even though it’s uh a no hack and reconsider you need to hide your base as if it’s as if hacks are being used But i could think it’s like it’s hard to hide your base you know Like the only way to actually hide your base completely is to have to just not have a um to not have a portal at all and to just go back and forward with pearls because as long as you have a portal in a 10k radius from your base it’s like sgg you know

Anyone i mean it’s it’s still like unlikely that people will find your base but like it’s gonna happen can you do a bastard of it i have a world downloaded what you if you have a world download of it oh dude i want to see it yeah yeah

And most people don’t have world downloads of their bases so i get a lot of requests of people like yo my base got griefed can you do a tour but like it’s griefed so there’s nothing to be seen but like if if it’s downloaded yeah for sure finally someone who

Yeah i think i i think i’ve been to the grieved remnants of that of that base of if it’s near the skirt she said what is beckham trailers best [ __ ] watch best buds watched all the free robux tutorials maybe i should make a a free robux tutorial as a short

How to get free robux number one go to the comment section and write your your parents credit card information i will then use that to get you free robux that might actually get my channel deleted or an actual strike but I actually know how free robux really tell me how how do you get free robux i really need to know i want free robux so badly do it like please I i’ve literally watched like 10 videos about it like looking at how to get those for free they’re so expensive but i can’t believe that the roblox is still around oh my god the game should be banned for children like for real that’s a liability for society you sent the world downloads

Okay but i’ll check it out after stream and uh yeah i mean i’ve been to the ruins of your base so it’s definitely worth the video so i’ll hit you up about that uh if your mother’s phone number was your chance out of a million to get laid

What are what your chances always my mo so my chance would be zero for um eight three gonna i actually don’t even know my mom’s phone number out of my head bro is that bad should i know my mom’s phone number by heart do you guys

Like you always have your phone with you right so like i actually got 1 000 free robux from games from making games what the [ __ ] oh yeah doesn’t oh yeah roblox pays you rights like for for making games but they pay like terribly so like kids are getting scammed

Roblox should pay children normally at some age Like it is a really cool concept that you can get paid for making those games but it just sucks that they underpaid so badly Because it is literally a [ __ ] billion dollar company it’s not like it would hurt them in any way but yeah there’s so many shitty companies out there Volcano looking thick yeah i might end stream tired um and i’m so [ __ ] hungry dudes because i couldn’t eat before stream so uh normally you should see me tomorrow again with another five stream just building the beautiful volcano and yeah thank you guys for being here

If you want to become a member you can always become one and check out the exclusive members only video um and yeah the normal video will drop on thursday so see you guys then and um yeah thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy 1.18 – Vulcano Island Building |’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2022-02-15 22:02:26. It has garnered 249 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:39 or 12159 seconds.

#Minecraft #Anarchy #nohacks

IP: (join on 1.18)

Other Minecraft anarchy servers: 2b2t, purity vanilla, simply vanilla This is a 1.18 minecraft anarchy server! don’t hack on here tho cuz its vanilla lol


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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

Skotose me – Minecraft Anarchy 1.18 – Vulcano Island Building |