Sky Bees 2: New Minecraft World Series

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[Music] oh e just make sure so I send that to that chat that to that chat um hello potato potato hello potato how you doing so I’m just going to send this to a few so professional I don’t it’s been a really busy day it’s been so bad and this whole week’s going to be like this I’ve got so many big deadlines okay so let’s recap last thing we did is we um build all of these we had a bunch of these bees in off camera between streams I’ve added I see you’ve added a couple more so when I left okay how about that let’s just put it when we finished the stream we hadn’t made the lava dude no we did remember we still said we can’t um feed them because we need to create a la Forge yeah and we started um smelting that so that’s something we’re going to do but then in between so when we left stream we made the Slime be oh that’s true yes yeah so we made slime be and then I see you’ve made uh a few others so what is this be a cow be um this be no this is the snow bee this one was a mission and a half to get okay know why the cows in here so that’s a snowby okay um and you’ve got a new one over here as well that I noticed these last two I don’t know what these two are this is the RGB like a j sheep he keeps changing color I couldn’t see what it said yes okay yeah that’s RGB BB GB oh there it’s out you can see it nicely from this side yeah it keeps changing color it’s really cool oh it’s a sand B sand B okay so and then I went ahead after you left yeah I went ahead if you check the the top chest I created all the other basic bees as well diat granite and fishy bee oh that was so bad what’s a fish I I ended up cheesing it and just fishing for the fish because I couldn’t would be bothered to do a recipe fishy bee that’s cute so I think what we need to do is maybe first start by building the other houses which now I wish we had a a create type thing what would I do without you potato what would I do with that you potato we’re going to pop some chickens I want to see how many chickens I can pop I got two eggs no oh I’ve been killing them yeah I’m trying to pop a chicken it’s not working I still need to fix that St right there at the top I shouldn’t have told Dio I should have just left it so it can make his brain go crazy the only thing like look at I know but it’s so funny because you saw OCD about these things and I’m not I didn’t even notice that I’m not greeting I don’t have to finish the back of my base I think the only person that reminded be you oh no oh look there’s there’s a few stairs in this chest there you go two stairs for you I need like I need like six oh well you’ve got two that’s okay I’ll I’ll make another I’ll make another we go four and I got six there we I’ll fix it what I need to quickly do is maybe just um put in a bunch of I can hear you a bunch of what do you call those things be cages what BB’s aies ay yep that’s a b cage that’s that’s a proper word MH MH so but now for me to remember exactly how this goes mirrored that’s going to be interesting okay so I need this this way oh maybe I should just start from the center hey and then he goes Pink There we go and you think I’m going to die with your part I won’t die yes it’s fixed Sandy doesn’t die she just k kills everyone else where did I kill you nothing you just forgot to place a block and I died no no no no no no no no no no okay I wasn’t recording that first session so I can’t I don’t have footage but if anybody wants to go back and have a look he dug the whole He lock the the ground underneath him so technically he broke Minecraft’s number one rule and dug straight down but I thought I I literally thought we had everything in place it was so funny cuz she just going no I I was terrified we weren’t going to have gravestone so I was so happy to see like I know we’ve got gravestones the one Mima how you doing how are you doing how you doing how you doing do I need to smell more grass for you I’ve got we might need some more I’ve got quite a few Stacks in my inventory but I don’t know how long they’re going to last I thought we were going to make one big AP and just have them blend remember that’s then I explained that then the bees all mixed together and the Honeycombs are mixed and you don’t have dedicated no they’re less efficient but they still pop out their own honeycomb like see I’m not going to delete all of this if you want to delete it all like I think this is just temporary until we have all the basics cuz then you can actually build a a block okay I’m with you yeah so I think and then we should expand into the a okay so what does RG BB do purple PE I think it just creates Dy one two three so pretty so I think this is it this is like the yo I’m like I’m hitting a lag here Goodness Me oh really oh I made a big mistake somewhere what’ you do Tetris block Tetris block another Tetris block so it’s one two three Tetris blocks one two three then it’s a two and another two no you didn’t you’re fine oh I see what you did you did you did this you made this three instead of two oh cuz these all like two blocks and this is three this one is three there’s two glass and one wood yeah one two but it’s still four deep yeah but you started him too early and you didn’t move him over one I’m not following oh you didn’t move any of them over one they are all moved over they they share the center wall 1 two three four one two three four three wide four deep 1 three four Tetris shape Tetris shape Tetris shape yes then we’ve got two blocks but this shape over here doesn’t match this one this shape here doesn’t match this shape over here no it doesn’t that’s why um I said three Tas block so Tetris block is this one one two like that so it’s three of them and then two that’s just two blocks two blocks I would see now we can sleep outside if we had a bed I do not sleep deep outside oh princess princess Sparkles excuse me I have a statue to prove it 1 two three four one two three four oh maybe this is right maybe I’m just overthinking this too face yo oh no it’s too face I am oh and gra here H graen hey graen me and the stair again 50 50% chance of joining uh Sandy there was nothing wrong I was just being a fool so now these just need to go up yeah so we’re building more be homes should we just finish those or should I do the footprint for all of them real quick that’s your call I’m going to go share some share some sheep Shar sh bees whatever you just said I I support whatever you’re going to do sh bee be be uh one two three yeah gra we got a lot of bees now so we got a sand be okay I’ll give you the tour since you missed the tour in the beginning there’s a sand okay and then over here we got an OGG BB that’s a door ah they’re so cute I keep coming in when they turn purple one two three BB I don’t know what he does but they’re cute I like they you use them to make D so oh and there’s a lava bee we don’t have what it eats it eats a lava rock type thing oh that we’ve got this stuff to craw that as well okay and then this is the iron B that was such a pain after you live cuz it refused to go back into its nest and all those type of things yep it had moments and gave us moments and then so many moments we said very nice words so many nice stream we ended stream because we were starting to get Negative um hey quick solo Fox how you doing Quick Silver Fox that’s such a cool name one two three there’s a silver fox on YouTube three four and he’s actually a drag King and he makes these really cool costumes and he dresses up like as men but he cuz he’s a drag King he dresses up like drag King makeup and it’s so cool it’s actually really cool I enjoy his video and he’s Irish and he’s got this really thick Irish act I love it it’s so cool I love it so much so we need to now get all the door I’m first going to do the doors because oh he’s silver rocks Rox Silver Rock sorry not Silver Fox but he’s very cool um four people watching is a crime it is a crime I’m not too fed because it it’s not create the Crea vids are a streams are a lot more they hectic full yeah I almost feel like I need to join him in Discord just to read the create I struggle to keep up yeah okay I need more doors okay I have got nectarine as well so I’m going to be chewing my nectarine every now and then oh you got nectarine that’s nice that’s a good dinner I haven’t finished it shame you can first finish and it’s okay I’m playing nicely now I’ve got an nari anari nauy I don’t even know if it’s the same thing it is the same thing man no it isn’t a nectarine oh here we go Sandy the fruit King no a nectarine is like a part of a peach family and a na part of the citrus family they are two different fruits that’s true it’s like saying a pineapple and apples the same thing it is they both contained the word Apple remember oh goodness that’s funny oh goodness um I’m going to just see how far I get with all the glass I do have oh gr he’s finishing his CC video say he’s create a chaos craft video and then he’ll be on not a problem Sandy it’s me Rebecca that’s so cool hi Rebecca it’s a it’s it’s okay gra we’re supposed to be working but sorry if not be watching your streams oh don’t worry Rebecca I haven’t streamed on YouTube in so long it’s been way too long since I streamed on YouTube I’m trying to stick to a schedule but this week so my Friday night stream’s not going to work cuz I forgot it’s my brother-in-law’s party for his birthday well we don’t know if he’s going to have a party so either way you’re getting together I suppose either way we might y some cake and tea well they’re all Farmers we don’t do cake and Tea cake and tea man cook and tea okay um how much glass do I have left I think I’m going to run out of logs sooner than glass I have 16 glass panes that’s all I have on me I don’t have square glass you can have those the square glass is expensive man oh unless you got a furnace we do we have furnace around the corner and have a grinder that grinds Cobble down I’ve been cooking my sand here at these uh the campfires and then you get glass panes oh that’s so bad you know right around the corner we’ve got like a whole furnace setup um where’s the stupidly annoying uncertain houses I I liked it uncentered oh there it is oh yeah the UN it’s right over there we we we not we not we haven’t moved it sorry just we’re not going to move the house is so uncentered I had a I had a clear moment okay it should have been that this is the center of the world because of the sparkle dude I don’t know what this thing is and I just decided to start building okay guys I have a defense I have a defense now hear me out okay I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s off center I’m sorry okay I have a defense I’ll show you I’ll show you what I mean so these things if you look at grain’s first uh first video these things that he made me build I was in charge of these things I had stacked them over here just we made a little square Island and and I stacked them over here and then I thought well I’m worried about falling off so I started building like more Island and then I did like wood cuz I had wood and then I thought oh well I made a little platform I might as well make a house so I built this little house here and it’s not great it’s really not my best work at all but with what we had you know we we had Basics I mean we cooked all of this we had we had Cobble I cooked the stone to make it look decent otherwise it would have been a cobble house and only once it was finished did he tell me oh I made it off center hey eras welcome to the to the um stream we’re listening to Sandy justify her skew house off house it’s not skew it’s just off senta it’s just off Santa I had a mo I had a moment I had the inspiration truck and I started building a house and the architect is getting upset with me because it’s off center oh it’s it’s okay we can we can look past it I’m a graphic designer maybe I meant to make it off center because you know I think that’s why you balanced me out there it’s yeah you it’s about composition I was going to say composition I was going to start throwing all of those artsy words and I thought I’ll probably lose everyone if I did that stream dies out oh they see they see through my lies you’re right oh I need glass have you started smelting smelting up glass no I’ve been I’ve been tending to your bees you’ve been tending to the um off center house I’ve been explaining it I’ve been tending to the bees oh there’s not even Cobble in these grinder thingies in these mols oh no so we don’t even have gravel to turn into sand did you put Cobble in yes you did yeah so Cobble will turn it into gravel and then you just put the gravel in there again and it turns into sand I have a I have 48 Cent on me if you want it well I would like it in gloss form where’s the furnace inside there where we were around the corner oh my goodness there’s like he hi everything oh good wow you H everything you H every you didn’t see anything you saw nothing he had everything for me uhhuh okay I’m going to see if I have enough logs to finish maybe half of these cuz I would I would like if we can get into get ourselves a Colby okay I’m just how do you make a CO be blocks um I think it is wood and lava oh no did I let’s just jump okay can I make a can I make a lead where’s that thing oh we have leads all in the b b container okay so do I need to get a lava bee and a a squishy bee together what we first need to do is just get all the basic bees into their houses okay like all the ones that in those chests because we’re going to start needing needing all of those to breed all the varieties oky dokie oh this is going to take so long oh and I need to make more halves I’m assuming um just check what’s in the be Supply chest there might be some there but I might be some there be yourself but I could be mistaken oh oh my goodness a tree grew in me oh oh I did it again I’m going to die in a tree I’m getting scared now I’m running away oh cat look how fun this is when you when you when you run up to a tree a tree or you are you uh do a little twerk the tree grows oh goodness me I got a big fell off again but you f made you fell off the world oh no that’s fine we can’t die I saw that I saw oh this is wrong what did you do now I know I just placed the uh line of bricks in the wrong place I really wish this was the one where mobs didn’t spawn in well didn’t spawn at all yeah more torches oh my goodness I feel like I feel like I’m making everything today I think Cole is here no it’s an aw or’s chest good excuse you good okay I have a stack okay I just need like two but I’ll take the whole stack I guess do you win the whole stack okay here we go the give you give you everything I give you Alice I think I literally need to oh um giving the trees a show Sandy but that’s how you grow the tree you’re literally twerk so Sandy s’s a gardener so now I’m imagining her twerking in her own G come on tree come on come on give it a little spin there we go standing standing next to your um my spinach oh Your Spinach I got my spinach growing at the moment it’s so small I wish I could twerk for that thing to get bigger goodness me it’s so tiny okay I’m going to turn some of this into slabs okay let me first go check the gravel so I need to make do we have string Mo mob drops in the Hostile mob drop Chas see I found it this time I’m mean I’m impressed with myself the main reason why I never Bas with anybody because he’s extremely difficult wow I’m not wrong I’m difficult I was going to say other people are unorderly yeah blame everyone not I was planning on it no so he’s he’s very particular about how he likes his things so I just said him don’t worry I know you have OCD it’s cool just tell me what to do I don’t mind you tell me what to do I’ll do it for you and he’s like okay cool what I need to make campire like that was it so funny okay these don’t step have I made all of these step now campire I haven’t a recipe here oh you should see if you can Crush um compressed Cobble I should actually give that a try and wood I haven’t tried doing compressed Cobble yet where did you get a choua from I’ve been grow growing I’ve got a bunch of variety I’ve even got Spruce nice I might have I might have dabbled a bit with that’s why we’ve got netherwart as well I had some base I couldn’t sleep okay so after you said bye I played for at least another 2 hours oh my goodness we were exhausted when I live yeah apparently I wasn’t that exhausted so I went and I played a bit with um bot okay and I got some of the Bania things going only the basics to get nether wart cuz I needed Nether wart for something but I can’t remember for what it was okay oh there’s that thing I’m trying to look for this thing I need iron okay so chat how cool is this yeah in order to get iron we’ve got the iron B and then you have to put a glass bottle over there and then you need to shift and there we go Sandy does this all the time she grows random trees and then she logs off what do you mean I grow I just grew those now yeah and you’re going to leave later and they’re all going to be all floaty and so you’re so good at cutting trees down you’re just awesome it I hate it I despise the botania mod okay okay so here’s the thing I haven’t played enough with the botania mod to say I like it or despise it some of some of the stuff I enjoy about it um so I would like to get into it a bit more I need to goodness me is it the same ingredient to make an axe okay good oh you’ve been smelting up glass yes just for you I’m so happy I don’t think you were um taking me to my my my request to Heart make I listened to everything you say I’m a nice friend you are a nice friend unless it comes to your schematic Canon and backpacks you forget to tell something one time so okay for those who don’t know I did not know with the schematic Cannon you can put it down and you can put your backpack next to it so the one day I really didn’t feel like buolding with the um well putting down chest and Gathering all the resources and I plunked down my backpack and I was like o it works it’s picking up the backpack ingredient so I was like that typical little child in a candy shop excited about this and I logged on to chaos craft and I was chatting and I told Sandy hey Sandy did you know you can do this I was so excited you know what she tells me I know yes I knew that how rude okay tell me but everybody what does it say what does the number one say thing say next to the cannon it says it will it will use something with an inventory and place it next to the cannon and it will draw the items out of the inventory and to shoot out of the cannon a guy doesn’t read one sentence in a mod and he gets Stone but a backpack is an inventory come on so you know what he’s been doing guys so he goes and he gets everything and he unpacks it all into a chest and then he watch it all watches it all pop out the cannon and then breaks the chest and picks up everything and puts it back in his backpack yes the fun part yes the fun part I didn’t discover this in episode one two three or five no no I discovered it in episode 30 after my 2,000 days in my world no no no and how many seasons oh I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t even want to talk about it so funny it hurts oh it was brilliant the best night ever and he’s like guess what I was so excited about it and you were just like I I knew yeah I know that I’m like oh now I just don’t tell anybody anything cuz what if they know and I look like an idiot again ah yeah okay I’ll teach you guys a slang word the slang word is [Laughter] football de tell they what beat it’s basically your butthole yeah I look like a butthole that’s why like a but hole yeah so when you call somebody a poople in South Africa it’s very offensive funny thing is I’m learning this just now oh yes our erors was with me AR and I placed down this campfire and I have to break it oh I don’t have silk touch quick silver says it happens to the best of us thank you so much you see if only you could be as graceful as Quicksilver I’m just saying no she actually means people don’t know it and that that happens to all of us she doesn’t mean like everybody’s rude and don’t tell their friends about back no no no she meant that it happens to the best of us and we are all gracious enough to like just move on about it you know yes you you may not have known it it’s fine just just it’s fine don’t worry about it compressed Cobble doesn’t work okay I don’t know why I jumped in but yeah I did okay I’m going to grab some of the bees bees bees okay I’m busy putting um bees yep campfires I need the you want you have trap doors I do I have a couple I’ve got some more for you if you need yes please my pick can actually break this be placey thingamajiggy oh really that’s cool thank you so we don’t need the leads we just needed stone tools really okay so now I’ve got a lead I’ve got two I want a bee balloons well I’ll get you different bees to use I got bee balloons can I have a purple bee can we upgrade these beees before you place the rest of them I forgot about upgrading them it’s okay I was all excited I was just placing them okay I’ll I’ll upgrade them I’ve also got three on me I think we can go up to tier two um if it did it would have made I I don’t know why YouTube has the little heart over the um last word of the sentence uh let quick I’m reading chat off of OBS G to be honest I don’t read tool tips uh if I did it would have made that easy oh see I don’t read the tool tips either all the time okay guys I’ve just told him something now that he probably didn’t know okay so Dio did you know yes that Walk This Way that in OBS you can have a Docker called chat oh I know that one yeah and that’s where I’m reading my chat from cuz reading it off you is slow whereas on the chat it’s quicker oh well I’m a slow reader anyway we need grass Sandy grass oh we do need I remember this now okay I can give you I’m going to do three and then you can upgrade the rest okay so can I just give you these six you can just do all I’ll just do that oh Sandy we need um more grass to upgrade this one there you go I checked you the Beehive and the grass No I don’t want the back oh I have it oh H grass and in tier two beehives we need beeswax and honeycomb oh we don’t have enough beeswax what honey I’m going to use the the the obsidian honeyone honeycom yeah the regular honeycomb there should be a beeswax in here oh you’re ready to we don’t have bottles either no I can make bottles uh I’ve got enough for a few as well I’m going to go sleep the reason that we we trying to sleep that often in this world is because it’s a pre 120 World which means mobs spawn at level like level seven so so bad if we don’t sleep we have almost been taken out by a couple of things skeletons yeah that’s been the biggest problem the skeleton was the funniest one that was cuz you just finished your off center house oh there’s a creeper no I see it on the map it’s on one of the beeh bee houses over there oh I see it it’s in the bee house because there’s no torches in there yet or they should they might not be campfire near it um that’s behind the be house cough Sky rats oh yeah yeah the sky rat as well ah buddy oh I’m sorry you can’t get me n but I will put a torch in you make a few tier 2 be hives okay so we need some more beeswax which means we need to rotate uh spin the centrifuge a few more times okay I need some bone meal oh um the compost is around the corner there it is I don’t know if there’s anything in it I love the fact that a lot of the games have some kind of um suicide bomber mob for whatever reason oh that’s true like I think my favorite um suicide bomber type mob was in the game Left for Dead the Boomers which was those really big round zombies that just I like those Boomers I don’t know Boomers did you ever play Left for Dead no oh I love it I played it quite a lot um I can barely play lethal company yeah but it’s not the same thing potato you you’ve played a lot of games all right so have you played left for dead cuz potato will know he knows he knows my tolerance for scary games okay so potato you played left Left for Dead what’s more scary left for dead or lethal company let’s see what potato says okay s you’re making one beehive hey I’ve got one yeah okay there’s to make it turn it into a tier whatever tier two B Apartment B E apartment it’s be specific where’s that creeper uh he was over here on the ledge on the do are all open eh yeah but he was on the outside on the ledge outside he’s already gone oh okay he despawn yeah and then I put torches in so it’s okay okay torches you need to um campfire those okay I’ve got campfires I’m doing the beehive oh we’re short I’m not short we we’re short to beehives you’re short I am oh just just um okay so I’m first going to do the gravel be so let’s see what the gravel zombie army 4 Dead War has a few of those is it dead War I don’t know zombie army I don’t know that because everything you wants to kill you constantly what so what’s what’s scarier then if everything wants to kill you constantly I suppose lethal company is scary cuz everything wants to kill you but I mean it’s not the same thing I don’t know I don’t like I don’t like getting scared I really don’t I so want you to play little company with me one day oh it doesn’t do me I already have anxiety now people want me to get fries and oh I can’t I just can’t I just can’t it’s so funny so I saw your snowflake bow today it looked really cool oh okay I’m with you I’m with you I’m the snowflake building sorry the snowflake building that’s with in your side of town yeah it looks really cool on your build you did a good job it was inspired it’s like doesn’t it doesn’t totally look like it but I mean it the inspiration is there the brick work and the glass and everything I mean it’s the inspiration is there looks good but I’m now thinking I will add some more to it I think maybe do some more crop processing in there okay which I think could could work this is a granite B oh so potato is saying left for dead is scarier than lethal company oh really oh Green’s on we need to maybe then go to okay okay so let me just do oh I don’t have Granite why did I do that okay okay I’m going to just jump chats yeah I I sorry I I I did it in my my thing so I could hi so rude hey so rude oh that’s funny so everybody this is green hi green hello chicken wow free does he charge you isn’t a horror game a jump scare though like isn’t that one and the same thing oh my favorite is when you stream on on Twitch and I get to play that the creeper I love it it’s my favorite he’s the cutest be sorry there’s some serious size this place now yeah I don’t know what happen every time we log out a new hexagon appears I don’t know who’s that Bor and it’s a pain because I just need to say that every one of these blocks of grass was a block of dirt used to be a block of granite G dirt which I had to duplicate from dirt so it takes a while yeah must be very bored and not have much to time recording busy yeah basically in the in the book I just crafted um the rest of the basic Bees No I need food so it’s nothing it’s none of the advanced bees the only Advanced bee we have I think is a slime bee that one me and Sandy did quickly because we were were getting frustrated and in Grain then I discovered if you’ve got a stone pick you can actually pick up this thing Target a block by leaving it in Infantry H after all of our struggles last week it was all about the type of pick well we’re Lear it was it was pretty frustrating but hey we we got there okay um now I need the fishy bees I think are the coolest bees they look like Magikarp bees the the fishy bees yeah those are snowball bees snow bees oh yeah those snowball snowball bees yeah yeah snow bees now did you just make the fish one now mhm oh there yeah they so cool back I think my favorite bees have to be well the iron bees because iron iron be have to be your favorite because iron yeah because we needed iron I love the water to be um represented by wall I think the i b was the worst because it was the worst be okay the most difficult be was you know how many times that died the fishy be looks like fish so I agree if we go on um e that gave us the most difficult of times I would agree it it has to be the the iron B iron bee and the Bloody water be the wood be water bees the water be and the wood be oh and we figured we figured if you hold the food in the in your hand they come after you it took us a while to figure out how to find where their food was yeah so that i’ that we figured out as well because the water bees food is so it’s flowers water but to breed it you need a um a leaf yep so if you run around with leaves in your hand they follow you yep uh let me quickly see what’s not um okay it’s getting dark I wonder if something’s going to spawn so it’s same for me it’s really good with horror games I’m actually really relaxed in horror games but jump scares are just no just no I agree I don’t like being I don’t like being scared I generally don’t um so basically the games about Hitler coming back from the dead with his army of zombies that’s pretty much it sound interesting that was the Army I’ll have to check it out cute um coming back I love a nice I love a nice historically accurate game love them yeah that’s eepic depiction sounds interesting okay can you my stream can hear me H you guys can all hear me talking oh I need to cuz I know sometimes your stream cuts out or you muted on accident yeah it was absolutely fine when I was watching it okay cool no I think it’s good I think it was just just a a moment yeah oh did you already Harvest this one I don’t even know what the fishy be gives I’ve have not harvested the thing I’m just looking at the bees all right okay very useful no no we’re going to do you want shears I have uh I have ceramic shears on me if you want to use normal iron shears I can just give you guys iron shears I I have iron oh wow how cool do those do those look they look like fish with chips on them they do have chips Super Mario fish okay let’s quickly oh Sandy did you notice um this is modded can you did you see how tall sugarcane grows yeah and I saw you had some botony pots in the in the house oh that’s just for some logs because I got tired of growing logs but yeah I noticed how all the the the the the wow I can use words so those tall green things that make sugar and paper you know sugar cane I I I have noticed how tall they got I actually at one point walked past and I was like well those are tall vanilla those are very tall okay I’m quickly emptying this then we need to decide um I think we should maybe first try and get the I know if we start tiners then grain will take over with tinas cuz he wants to explore that mod I yeah not or not or not that not that I I it sounds good in principle but it’s bloody hard work at the end of the day it is it is someone in chat mentioned the other day they’ve got a a nice spreadsheet for for Tinkers and I don’t know what we need to do to get a nice spreadsheet ooh do you want to share your spreadsheet um Chris welcome to the chat Dio loves receiving a mail send it to him don’t D me no you can pop it on Discord yeah pop it on the Discord that’s that’s fine okay um so Tinkers I did I did smell up the blocks for it uh discard to well me and Sandy both thanks been enjoying the series so far I’m glad you’re enjoying it because I do think it’s a lot of us just noobing around cuz we’re learning a lot of the stuff especially the bee stuff so but I think we’re getting there um astral to does anyone have a tinker’s book wow there was a lot of lag you get materials and you I think that’s the one yeah yeah it’s it’s not gadgetry what you want oh well now we basically just oh but I guess we can also just use the isn’t it there’s a tinker construct part in the um what do you call this thing in the quest line as well so we can use that as well do we have a tinker’s chest I don’t know if we go to the if we go to the um quest line we’ve already I keep on going out goodness already done the tin why do you have lag I don’t know here we go I’m back I’m quite I’m quite smooth I haven’t lagged once okay I’m back I don’t know what happened I just had like a blp okay so sy’s made all the Tinker stations that that’s these over here yeah the Tinker chest we need um and a side so lapis so I think we’re not going to be able to go that way yet and then the next one is the SE brick so I might just Chuck everyone to see it bricks just so they can also oh but you should have gotten that achievement I forgot we linked yeah so then the next one is we need to make all those items so it’s a sead heater sead smelter sead cting Basin sead casting table and a sead faucet so if if you open your quest book and Oh I thought you can push a on them to get the recipe the tinku okay think we need to make at least one of each for now of those so I know gra do you want to you want to do that okay yeah do you want to give me give me those uh bricks back please and I’ll make it for you I’m going to Chuck I’m going to Chuck them to grain then me and you going to do something while grain does that oh wow wow there’s quite a lot they should be enough so resource bees okay we can’t do anything there are they are they ad option at the moment the what resourceful bees lapis bees okay so lapis bees okay let me Google let me search lapis bees what be a Lapis lapis be my OCD is doing my head in with that advancements uh the quest thing because we’re just one bit missing on that little corner of it that’s funny oh y see but some of it you have to come back to it I just need to take a te root to scratchy start Okay so we haven’t even finished start so to get a Lapis B we need to breed a RGB B which we have yeah but we need a cinear be aou I think RG BBS are my favorite RGB love wood be a would BB okay and to get a um a cinear a cinear how do you get a cine Bobby oh that is so bad maybe it’s nether stuff I don’t know but we already have a cine Barby no we already have nether be okay let’s let’s search it in the s c Bar B oh we need a gold be and a cobble bee okay and to get a gold bee we need oh gold bee we need a copper bee this is so bad and for a copper be we need a a nickel bee oh what a nickel bee and for a nickel bee we need a iron B okay so we have iron B so we need to go ironon B copper okay how do you make nickel it’s iron and Cobble bee you iron and Cobble be okay so let’s let me get my leads out okay let me quickly read chat um Iron and Cobble if it if it were to happen IRL would not be a nice also because Germany is literally right next to oh yeah you’re right next to Germany yeah that would not be a ideal it was the last piece of my fruit I’m done now uh Noel welcome to the stream glad to have you here happy to have you here um er says the rabbit hole and we know exactly what it means okay I’ve got I’m going to give you some fence posts or did you grab them already S I have be balloons where do you want me to put the the sear stuff I had be balloons I want go Sandy I’m coming I’m in F5 mode I’m playing with my bees now gr anyway I think if we keep it all together with this it should be because everything we’re going to need right there so maybe at the back of the house rip out just rip out some of sy’s woodwork over here sure just just oh this so you’re going to have to build a it does doesn’t explain it at all that’s right uh I need a anyone got a pick they can M that with oh yeah I can do that okay there is leaves thank you very much leaves and Cobblestone hey I actually think you breed these iron and for iron and Cobble iron and Cobble okay I have iron and I have Cobble okay so you get iron and you get Cobble I need another lead please oh that’s another iron no that’s nickel bee okay grab the nickel bee nickel be we call it Nicholas Nicholas the nickel we it’s from nickel Onan even the lead so thin I can’t I can barely see it yeah I don’t know why that is but now we’ve got a nickel bee and I think with the nickel bee we need the next one is a copper bee okay and a copper bee is breeding the nickel and the Cobblestone bee so if you want you can take the Cobblestone bee back and grab you one that can breed or you can just wait for the cool down we can just wait cuz the the nickel bee has to grow up oh that’s true yeah nichel cage needs to grab you’re going to have Nicholas Cage um oh era said we should have started with Tinkers the thing is we needed some of the other resources before we could get into Tinkers I’ve got some weird the chickens keep on glowing I think it’s something with the mod pack with my shaders glowing yeah because it’s a single one so gra in the tinker’s book apparently it’s going to tell you about the basic um Tinker setup okay it’s a a big book oh I think why didn’t I get one like that let me quickly go check I should have one I’m going to go sleep don’t get rid of it we can do it the bookshelf here so we and put like these trip oh my goodness the man is alive yeah trip was here the other oh no no no I was thinking I’m thinking of switch trip oh I keep on mixing the trip my man I’m going to your neck of the woods tomorrow I’m going to have some breakfast with my friend from Namibia production okay that’s all the different types we don’t have a chisel bookshelf in this version of the game no oh it’s oh no we don’t okay so must I introduce you to the world of what’s Happening here so we playing scar bees so scar bees means I think we need to do a further we we have different types of bees so this is a cobblestone be this is an iron bee and this is a nickel bee he’s new I just made him and we’ve got a fishy B oh no this is lava B sand and gravel so we’ve got we’ve got gravel sand B RGB is the best b r gbb ion B sounds like something to be true to be honest um this is normal be he’s he’s just a USB you know Universal you can plug in anywhere would be what theck what be us usbb yeah he’s a USB it’s American B okay so let’s see what this one has to offer uh this one is a oh this one we I need to show you this one oh I’m lagging again yeah here you go graen I don’t know why you’re lagging I don’t know me I can’t even close the door okay there it is that’s slim understand why you’re at all slimy be okay and then snowball I don’t know what snowball does but there snowb gives you snow it’s for ice and all of those blocks and then we need these bees to give us stuff so like if we want to get iron appreci we put the iron are helpful we put the the honeycomb in here and we turn this thing and we get iron ingots I wonder if I should make a dedicated area for Tinkers maybe come on not Tinkers um Bania and I’m just gonna what do we need to do on St what’s wrong Sandy nothing I’m not putting blocks where they shouldn’t be oh see there we go that’s where it starts blocks all over the place I don’t know you constantly turn into this like it looks like you look like a neon sign basically you’re just this glowing white silhouette who me yes you and then I I don’t know about you I want to see if we can also do diamonds maybe okay oh Diamond B no that that’s far off we need a blaze bee oh come on nickel oh that’s so bad what do I feed a nickel bee nickel back nickel back uh nickel bee eats what uh you you breed it you use nickel to breed it oh my goodness but it you feed it it’s going to be a block of nickel isn’t it yeah it’s going to be nickel be nectar okay okay so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to let it go go in back into the thing let it do its oh goodness you’re actually going to have to maybe breed another nickel bee first okay so nickel bee I’m going to I’m going to take it into the boxy where’s a closed boxy an empty one I’m going to am I going to have to make more of these what do I what do I need to start doing apries okay you are in here ah baby this is your half make me some nickel what does he eat to make nickel nickel he needs the nickel block that’s why we need more of those okay I’m going to grab this tier 2 behive because this looks interesting um this looks like it’s going to melt my brain you’re going to need to do one for Tinkers let me just see what the word is um oh you’re talking about the the setup this whole thing the technology and all the bees and everything oh my goodness are we going to have to do all of this it’s going to melt my brain okay come you guys can breed again I need another nickel Bee thank you I’m nickel funny okay I’m going to make a honey generator okay oh we don’t have Redstone here come can we make a sear B um we need sand and clay sand easy to do sand and clay be uh um oh you want a be that makes sear bricks um yeah because that way it’s there’s a load of stuff that we can do in tiners that will so we’ve got a sand B but we need a clay B first clay b and a sand so lame oh come on a wasn’t that bad no the baby got upun hello how do we get a clay bee where did the baby go we need to breed a water water and a sand bee yeah don’t oh my goodness no there’s one in here here it is right here there’s a baby right here where’s it supposed to go in here oh thank you yeah but see they going to constantly Escape because there’s no nickel Block in there yet there’s no food for it so I’ll try to do a a quick okay gr can you close the door behind me please um I’m enjoying watching three friends trying to figure out a game feel uh feels like me and my friends I’m I’m glad it seems like we’re trying to figure out and we’re just not mucking around this is like starting Minecraft all over again oh way almost said way back trip is says he’s busy playing uh Call of Duty zombies oh Chris sorry I meant trip I don’t even think his name is Chris I don’t know where Chris came from you did actually say trip did I say trip I thought I said Chris I was like I don’t know who Chris is I’m sorry I was also wondering what she all about be or not to be quiet but yes potato be or not to be um so Sandy you need to for the nickel bee you need to give it a nickel honeycomb block so if you come to this blue jar okay I’m just pouring some water for myself okay sorry I’m back at the control so if if you if you push e and you type in the bottom the nickel then you’re going to say it’s called a nickel honeycomb block nickel honey nectar block or the honeycomb I’m quickly I’m also quickly checking just give me one sec I’m look look the same I think it’s the nectar for food nectar block yes so if you click on that H it tells you you make it in a tempered glass and Cobblestone low temperature so I need to put all of those ingredients together with the heat to make that thing okay low temperature is the red one and then you’re going to have to break maybe one of these green jars to fill it with honey but I’ll I’ll I’ll quickly fill it with honey for you okay you fill it with honey I’m going to get the other things that I need so I need two Cobble two Cobble and two iron uh oh how do we get honey again I think we need to one of these give you honey honey oh no wrong button honey honey a sug sug so I need to put it in this dude yeah but it’s not going to work yet cuz we still need oh that’s not I spelled Hy and not honey Hy why can’t I find honey because it’s spelled with a u no oh that’s how Winnie the Poo spells it hey I would not know you don’t know how Winnie the Poo spell hone get you mucking around but it’s great well I’m I’m glad I’m glad you guys in I’m trying to make him spell cuz English isn’t his first language so I’m like I remember we need a bucket I’m ripping into well you weren ripping into me I was starting to seriously wonder if you maybe fell on your head today or something I was like worried wanted to call a dock you went to call my dock yeah yeah okay I’ll put honey for you in there okay I’m seeing if I can turn into a clay block oh you still need clay I forgot we got distracted again what do you how do you make clay you make clay with bones we need to breed a uh clay b and a sand B okay give okay um do you have extra Le there um can we just grab them or I can give you a lead do you want leads no no we have them yeah give them two leads then you grab one of each did you get it oh cuz that doesn’t work okay I should have taken two uh give me thank you yes thank you I was yeah right Sandy be yes there are the Sandy bees I look at the look at the top bad wait do I put it in here he I put it in here oh I see I need red stone I need to take this oh this is so bad for Redstone I I need the cobby and I think that’s where we’ve already been for the cabob be we need the Cobble and gold bee I need to look up for the gold bee we need the copper bee for copper bee we need the nickel bee isn’t it yeah okay did you did you find your your stuff I here we go play where does it go once I do this it should actually just put it I think in this chest over here this Barrel okay okay let’s we have Clay bees sure we we made them early on I know we you you wanted to start it and we never got around to it ah right okay I haven’t played zombies in Call of Duty in so long I think I need to I us love it I was so good at it yeah dedicated yeah I’m going to create a dedicated area for that just now I just quickly want to see so this is a table and a top these two need to switch around oh jeez a chicken gave me a I’ve just literally just been placing them and we worrying about what they look like afterwards good yeah it’s uh just random it’s like a showroom yeah like when you go into a bathroom bizaar or whatever yeah it’s got no um broke the wall it’s got no practical use put that back what you laughing at do you know the the bathroom bizar at b i z a r r r e come to bathroom bizar that’s how all South African kids learn to spell Bazar we never we never learned the word in school because that’s why I was laughing cuz I was singing anyway just the the great iners one oh goodness me the one that’s grouty color uh all the South Africans in my chat now probably killing themselves [Laughter] laughing so we need the controller at the bottom and a tank at the top so see the heater and we need a tank and we needed two forets on the side like that and that and this is a fuel tank we can do up there water be and a sand and a sand be is a clay bee obvious good yeah Clay then we’ve got clayes then as well and then for those we need plank so I need quickly grab some planks let’s quickly see if we can automate the lava bees um and I think you smelt up if I remember correctly do you smelt up Cobble to get lava that’s should be it yeah the fuel tank is needed that’s absolutely right cuz that’s for the biger this is this part is all needed for cuz see this is what’s new in the later version of tinkus construct we didn’t have this compact one you had to build the big one from the GetGo so now no it’s not that one we need okay I’m leaving we’ve got rats attacking oh goodness me I thought you meant like on your farm no I was like what I live in a Dodge area but the rats still don’t attack no I didn’t know what you meant when you said there’s RS I was like we there’s no rats in this game no Aros calls them skyr the sky rats yep they are scarettes and I tend to I tend to agree they are definitely scarettes okay harvested the fish uh the fish ones am I going to have to add lava to to the tank we do have some lava yeah oh okay cool cool cool oh cool it’s done oh do need to do charcoal eras I promise I’ve played with this mod I just haven’t played with this version di did you add that data pack in the end for sleep yeah yeah I did yeah okay good trip says you feel so old having listened to that adward are singing that ad word now he feels so old that’s so you’re welcome you’re welcome we offer a service we butcher your name and we remind you of nostalgia that’s true you won’t get it anywhere else eras what um oh Cobble doesn’t smelt in this okay I’ve learned my lesson I walk backwards unless I fall off the okay I’m not going to fall off now how am I going to get lava in there okay I’m scared oh never mind I’m an idiot make B babies if I put that in there well done dude turn this into I need another lead I need another lead oh I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m just lagging oh and all the trees are growing up in front of me I can’t run in front of the one here this little one here um where’s my I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh I’m placing bees grass everywhere okay I got him thank you right we need another fence p can I just put him on here no okay it’s fine you can give me a fence post I’ve got more fence post yeah we go here we gok randomly place it just so I can sorry I’ve placed leaves everywhere now I noticed that s’s been placing leaves and trees and oop sorry yeah well deserved that leaf was actually there because I used that to climb on the roof one and the one over here clay B oh that’s now we just need to breathe in one more time to get two yeah we need I’m just waiting for the cool down let me quickly see if I can with the tree here we go thank you what do they eat um hey Dio you you got a lur hey dippy welcome welcome to the lur hi dippy welcome we we’re trying to figure out bees again we’re trying to make content so we need two water and two honeycomb blocks I’ll make the food for the clay bees so long two water and two honeycomb blocks oh I forgot that I was doing that I was just busy getting leaves I’m coming to that thing now I want to see and I forgot oh sand was the other one I needed not honeycomb sand oh my goodness I am lagging why that’s strange cuz I haven’t lagged once so I don’t want to say it’s your internet but might be your internet my internet’s better than yours well apparently not I think my my PC is overloaded I’m going to I’m going to BRB and I’m going to just check if everything is oh is that a b pun haa no I’ve got to be I’ve got to be right back screen on my on my OBS cuz I am a professional just saying okay let me just add some more honey I gred Tinker station set up at the back I can give you your book back so it’s professional here o yeah it’s just Minecraft that’s CH 47% of my memory that’s it that’s yeah that’s all it is hey elas how are you haven’t seen you in a while oh IAS wow you back guess who’s backas is back yet Mar again Sandy you don’t even have all the ingredients in there could be OBS making your leg what do you mean I’ve got all the ingredients no it says two items not in there did you have two iron honeycomb blocks and two Cobblestone honeycomb blocks yes where are they are they still in your inventory no they went in here oh I just put this clay B in any next any random open one just Chuck it in there let me see if I make mine let me yeah yeah Chuck it in anyone um graen doesn’t bother those rain not helping me either yeah it does you think OBS is making me lag no it says Minecraft is taking up 50% of my my memory going well in yourself two get laa uh put a bucket on the table one Oh you mean on this side to get like gravel not throw it on there put it on there I made a boo [Music] boo recipe let’s go okay but it’s all good let’s see it could be because there’s not a whole um bucket in here oh it does want hang on okay but you need to maybe change the recipe because I’m busy crafting clay hey don’t don’t change the recipe I needed you okay I get it I get it I get it get it I was just testing if it’s working 25 seconds until clay B number two arrives okay I’m going to go put down the clay B food for you oh this is tense it isn’t be breeding yeah it’s intense it’s like running past a campsite everything’s intense my goodness but so bad the cheese is real I I get that it took me five seconds but I get it I it that is so bad did you have a very bus struggled to get it immediately I was thinking why is it so bad running past the campsite what what why is it so intense that’s so bad I’m gonna just because everybody intense I era is like explaining to me everything I have to do I appreciate this so much yeah AR is really smart I’m so glad is going to do as well be be ready to Clay be ready I’m ready I have I have a lead I’m just GNA break break it all right I’m uh no I’m I’ve got the lead it’s all good we just need we’ve now got two clay bees okay and I already put down the food for the clay bees so they should be eating it’s should have worked I think it didn’t work eras because it wasn’t a full tank of I needed two of those they just need to grow up okay I need to focus I need to focus on something um can I make this no I can’t which is maybe good I figured it out nickel be block no a cuz you’re busy cooking something no you can change it I already took it I put my blocks in here and then I changed the recipe over there yes okay okay play we just need to wait for be to I did it oh I can do this s are you done breeding the nickel bees or can I bre breed one more you can breed nickel bees there are two nickel bees in the we have now three yeah do you have extra lead gra you have baby um I got it okay okay so we’ve got the water be and the sand be um I now need yeah I need a to breed breed one of these to make sear thingy bees yeah cuz SE us my is encoding overload but that’s when I do freaky stuff a oh so that’s a sand and a clay be so we can take the water back so I’m going to grab the water okay almost you have that one Seconds come here boy okay I’m grabbing the water be it’s this one so basically we are now live streaming B breeding B breeding yeah for all B breeding live streams here we go come on Nick I got your Foodies ah so nice just put just don’t open the door with the the food in hand be food in your hand that is a very good idea day okay cuz we can use the opposite side of this area to also add more beehives I just tuned in and I have no idea what’s going on neither do we yep welcome to the club we all confused so we’re playing Sky Block uh well Sky bees and we each trying to do something so we’re breing up some bees to get some rarer rar R resources that rarer resources rarer resources it’s like I raro but it’s like okay so I have had a viewer that I wanted to say thank you for for the support and it was tough that was so funny I watched you do that today I was very proud of you pecly particularly something is it PR no man it was what I’m just checking the Excel sheet it was so funny uh yours African THS um THS you were British no no we’re not no Bri British not what what what what what I say I say there I say there it’s jolly good old chap good old chap so um let me see okay I’m going to I got the Excel sheet okay it’s peculiarly lost look how good I did it there well done only you could have recorded it today fored in chat pecly l so I told pecul oh man I told said person about it and um they laugh they’re like yeah that’s why it’s so unique I’m like yep that’s so funny cuz you you sent it to me over WhatsApp and then we were having a discussion over WhatsApp and then I said it the first time easier I said it the first time no problem and then you were saying oh you know I was having a problem saying that and then I tried to say it again I was stuttering from that point forward the minute you said it was tough my brain like went oh okay and then I couldn’t say it anymore it was so funny and I was laughing so hard okay so you’ve got the nickel back bees yes so I think after them we use them to get copper bees okay okay I’m going to read I just give me one minute I just want to take off my jacket I’m getting really hot now Okie doie I have a I have a peculiar situation here Story the Wither says I have trouble with that word to it just if if you have to say it fast it really struggles I have a peculiar situation here what’s your peculiar situation my to we bottle of water bottle of water bottle of water bottle of water if you’re from the south of U great Britannia the South I’ve got a be just uh where is it I’ve got oh yeah I’ve put a clay here this it’s just flat flattery in the corner oh so okay the iron be’s the dead as well yeah the iron be dead for a while no no so what I did was I I’m going to drag it out Sandy will you put logs there on the sides yes so we’re going to just have to rip out those trap doors okay yeah it needs some sort of encouragement yeah I know that’s the one problem we had with the iron be as well okay no it should be better there we go oh good I see the nickel be is doing the same I lot the little break dance they do on their um their block on their little nectar blocks it’s very cute right it’s so cute I love it okay I’m going to attempt to remove the trap doors over here as well there we go oh that’s cool oh I don’t I don’t have any logs okay I do okay I’ll go fish some no I’ve got some I found them okay so I got it thanks wa do you have a junk drawer that I can just thr random into no oh come on build me a junk drawer what there’s a system I’ve just been throwing stuff in no there’s a system and he he gets upset when I break it could someone lend me a lead yes oh I’ve got two there you go oh no that’s a blank there you go there’s two leads thank you very much I’m making my own my inventory I’m going to make my own uh own junk draw yeah I’m making my own junk draw and you’re not invited to throw your junk in there um awesome to see South African content creators never thought I’d see the day so there are quite a few of us yeah there’s quite a few so me and Sandy we yeah I think we’re the two that talk talk to each other the most I guess yeah I think so but I know I found quite we’ve made quite a few we’ve made um switch Vault um there’s rkb craft there is I don’t know there’s quite a B Trip switch gamer is a South African gamer as well he also yeah yeah he’s on my side and it’s not a competition Sandy no I’m not saying I’m just oh it is now no it isn’t it’s official it’s official now and that’s all I know I’ve got trip on my side um I don’t know if any other I don’t know of any other ones I must be honest but I agree it’s it’s fun seeing the South Africans we had a whole chat once um once in a stream about the similar Dutch and South African s there are quite a few but I think um we once um I was on the server let’s let’s start there on the server and we had this whole conversation as well and they pointed out that say not really fond of the way we say the g sound oh the yeah then you don’t want to hear the Africans portion of our South African Anthem well it’s it’s not that bad well there’s a lot of wow that is Butcher what yeah butchered it I’m busy growing trees backwards cuz I’m scared to grow them forwards cuz I keep dying in them oh no I’m scared next to them not in them no I’m scared trying to grow um is quite hard got to keep going in one as well a pretty terrible added uh what okay Wait I messed up something got to keep going [Music] in okay I take there’s a I think there’s a St there but I think what you’re saying is um are you also South African are you also content creator are you also struggling my questions one there is a struggle my advice would just be never give up cuz I need a man sorry my name’s Sandy it just happens that is That’s So Random ah got to shape up sorry yeah that’s going to be everyone’s mind now tonight I’m so s stuck in my head I’m sorry long as no one sings Sandra d to me it’s okay who Sandra d the only Sandra d I know is from um Gordon Ramsey at this one show where you went to Sandra D’s um soul food restaurant that’s the only Sandra d I know oh so love listening to you talk it is a beautiful accent to my ears people with us I appreciate that says I’ll be lurking Arrow who’s going to help you with all the the the um Tinker stuff you can’t go you need to stay I need to okay you guys are breeding bees so I’m going to pick one of the mobs mods we’ve done and I’m just going to stick to that I’m busy growing trees right now that’s what I’m busy doing you got distracted from breeding the nickel bees cuz you finished the nickel bee where’s the copper bee now oh my goodness okay I’ll continue the bees then no I’m going to do it I just I was getting you more wood I’m doing with the clayes when they grow up I’ll be doing the sear Stone be SE brick be and then I’ll move on to something else okay cool okay so for copper I need iron and the nickel bees oh that’s why I didn’t do it because the nickel bees need to give me nickel um oh yeah to breathe them yeah yeah yeah yeah so that’s why ah I didn’t ignore it I just I just been I thought you got distracted again well I had to wait for them to give me honeycomb just admit you got distracted again s got distract it’s okay okay it’s all good okay it’s like me I’m I’m trying to get enough stuff so I can make like a a pre block yeah you all got this yeah I’m Creator as well born in Netherlands but I’ve um grown in say oh wow okay cool but that’s the thing um the Netherlands and like the South African language quite a lot of similarities yeah Dutch Dutch yeah Dutch and and Africans is quite similar it was quite funny the other day I was busy watching something and it was a Dutch video and it just sounded like these people were laughing and they were talking really quickly but it sounded like they were drunk but they weren’t that’s just how the Dutch language sounded to me and it it’s it’s like the emphasis is on the wrong syllable so it was quite funny well that’s the thing it’s it it’s just a it’s a lot faster yeah like I’ve got a friend if he speaks slow then I can follow along okay I need to make this that’s is really rude that is so rude it’s okay and my tier three BRS are just we’re just going to mind our own business honey blocks no but you speak so quickly he I think that’s the problem you and I have is we talk very quickly yeah you do you do English no I don’t in English I think I think he does if well is grey busy with the Jabs as well I feel like a victim y being bullied oh my goodness Kitty you can’t sit here by me tonight soft kitty warm kitty you can’t be sitting here I know you want fiction your cat’s quite quiet fictions right now yeah Maple is elsewhere she’s yeah that’s very unusual it is yeah she’s usually in here CU my computer’s the hottest part of the house oh yeah that makes sense stereotypical just giveing my kitties and scratches fly grown clay bee why can’t I make honeycomb blocks can you hear the the puring no what’s why could I not make honeycomb blocks um um you need to sit down okay I’ve had people call my channel name Leo I’m going to butcher that as well you should know South Africans are like well I can’t read anything in I that first word um it says laai is it like in um like that am I saying it right is that what it is I don’t even know what you just said how are you language in which language what what’s here about ASU I don’t know what’s what I don’t know what’s by you yeah something like that I’m I’m butchering that pronunciation as well because I’m sure I’m supposed to click somewhere and I’m not yeah but it depends which language it is then you kind of have an idea where the click should be unless it’s closer then we’re all screwed oh I’m right it is what it is yeah okay did you see that world size for the backup 75 megabyte World size wow it’s that’s because it’s because there’s only void out there must be why I forgot what icraft has hit uh 75 gigabytes okay but I think you need to trim it down cuz I was I was looking for um those bloody grapes oh the ‘ been exploring a lot recently so that might have something to do with it yeah so um we can cut down quite a bit oh did we get the lava stone well done yeah I got that earlier can I walk on it is it going to hurt me no it doesn’t hurt you okay that’s cool how’s the nickel bees doing I’m getting I’m going that way now I’m busy working my way down that way I’ve got uh I had some in my inventory I think I’ve already dropped it off oh I see I see it’s not in a in a category there it’s just randomly dropped in there it’s South African yeah it is am I saying okay so I’m saying it right okay that’s fine uh sorry keep with’s also said little B B of fur there we go little B ofur use yeah use the South African pronunciation I agree could you look at a nectar block for the seared bricks don’t know what you okay I’m going to do we’ve got one baby b in the up that way a now the B Be I started watching that series oh I love it okay you want to see SE bees what do they eat the for the okay so we need a SE B nectar block which is two clay honeycomb blocks and two sear bricks which is easy I’ve got one and you can just dig one up at the back here yeah need to go in here Hello Kitty okay so there’s the two two SE ones so the other two was what did I just say I forgot already I lening um as usual be flour it’s oh two clay honeycomb blocks okay I have Clay on me I have Clay honeycomb so we’re going to need 18 I only have eight on me I’m quickly getting cuz you’re going to need some more honey as well okay I’ll just shove it in here uh yeah uses have AF um the Africans pronunciation yeah I think it’s the word now for um Lai but I think it’s um I think it’s suu no not suu what did I just say satana is it satana I think so I the thing is that’s the thing about South Africa because we’ve got 11 official languages languages it’s tough to know every single one of them unless it’s sounds really angry then it’s vendor I did not know that oh my goodness they sound like they vendor is like really like sharp and it sounds so harsh Oh you mean the pronunciation stuff sounds yeah when they when they’re talking to each other I worked with a vendor man the one day and he phoned his mom and he’s having this convers sounded like he was fighting with somebody and he gets off the phone and I’m like is everything okay he’s like yeah I was just talking to my mom and I was telling her I miss her and I miss her cooking and I’m like wow it sounded like you good on how to kill people like that’s how violent that language sounded so he’s like no I was telling her a Miss like you that’s rough come nickelby um yeah so that’s the thing with a beautiful country but way too many languages to know yeah there a lot of languages even if you like just listen to it sometimes you’re not going to get it oh whatever no not you I mean the I was like will I randomly placed well you clearly do know all of them then does someone have a um a leash for that little guy yes s this little guy over here s maybe you should give us the [Music] leads the be is running away I gave it to you it’s over there s gets distracted I gave it to you K the be Sandy okay so we can breed that one soon we can get honey that’s perfect making the I’m trying to work towards apri oh never mind I need NE start oh goodness four tier four beehives um yeah that’s not going to win no we can we can do it by a Wither comb so we can get a Wither be how do you even do that where does that even start is this a copper bee it looks like a b Bob and rock steady classic oh that chuckle was quite funny a with be oh you need an a with skeleton be and Ne be that is so this is going to be oh the rabbit holes real it’s going to be so bad uh okay gred yoube make your block did you get it yeah no not yet I’m I’ve got two stuck bees these trap are what block do you need I’ll make it for you um honeycomb honey what’s it called steel sear brick SE honey so SE uh the two sear bricks I’ll grab by grain and the other two blocks you needed were it’s about like that no that and what was oh two clay blocks there we go so it’s seared Cobblestone yeah triangle SE okay so SE Stone SE Cobblestone and two clay honeycomb and one the honey and the honey I already put in there and the two SE bricks I’m putting in this chest over here and the clay I need to go make the clay honeycomb you can also just blocks you can also just put in that chest then and it should all work out um okay so we’re apparently not going any any further with that little mod over there let’s go back to Clay let’s see if you’re ready to harvest I’m going to here some oh we can’t do any of this we can’t replace beehives because we’re not high enough level yet okay um and for the Redstone be so we’re doing all of this to get a cinear B cabar cinear yeah cuz for the cinear B we need gold and Gold’s the next one so copper and um Cobble will give you a gold bee is there any chance we can get a second clay B oh we already have there should be two in there there’s there’s only one play B no yeah but the other one’s out here it’s busy breeding to get what did you breed with these two again to get I’ve lost a be what be did you lose oh it’s over here little baby seared be ones it’s over yeah it’s about me here we go I goodness oh yeah yeah grain’s breeding SE bees how many do you have now grain two do you have two okay let me go grab your B quickly because I see you don’t have B in there so they might die if they go into the fire yeah this clay be is taking forever cuz it’s only one be yeah the other one’s being bred over here but we can grab it now because grain doesn’t need it okay I’ll come grab it from you okay I’m bringing grain a beehive ahy baby where’s the leg you guys are connected to I’ve got I’ve got them I’ve got them I’m going to going to run in and you’re going to close the door behind me yeah these two are Drive be bad they need to just go away oh no come on did I seriously just do that I seriously just did that why are they now being stubborn they’re being they’re attracted to something over the clay maybe but they shouldn’t because there’s no um they don’t eat clay or okay I’ve got one in here is this where the goes does any does anyone have a fence post on them maybe no cuz then I can hitch them in you or at least one so long I get one here we go okay so now I have 16 oh I need one more clay honeycomb no I need two more I can count I need two more come on I this can be so technical goodness me they’re attracted to the clay gra get let me get rid of the clay no di okay oh I think it’s actually this block I make it daytime they okay let’s let’s get them in yeah come on the Block that was above the door I mean yeah close the door quickly and I forgot I made nuca colola Quantum today what’s that you made what nuca cola that’s from fullart eat more oh I’ll eat now I’ll eat now I just want to get the bees off okay cool is it nuca Cola from po lart it is yes it is yeah so nucum Cola Quantum today actually saw of that that okay let me eat is it like a cocktail or is it like a real drink okay can I breed these two again I can I can I can I can so we need to breed the Cobble and the iron one more time I was just about to say it’s not today is Friday for all South Africans because tomorrow we have a public holiday which is voting day and it’s V yeah we’re voting it’s voting there that’s why it’s holiday National parties are voting we’re voting for National parties we’re voting for president yeah so we’ve got voting dat tomorrow but I’m going to be working I can’t we’re still debating if we’re going to go vote at 7:00 in the morning or 6:00 or whenever it opens or after it opens at 7:00 and closes at 900 p.m. I see then we’ve got time then we can go at 9: I can have on KFC KFC yeah we’ve got people coming over the weekend so I wasn’t invited how rude you still hav’t told me if you’re coming to the Mark at the weekend uh really really wanted to come on Saturday but um be more but de invited a friend over from Cape Town and we’re going to uh we’re going to take him for lunch cuz they when he was in Cape Town last week they treated him so nicely and they took him for lunch and all of these nice places and he was saying okay so when you when you’re on my side of the world I’ll you know I’ll treat you yeah I’ll take thank you to all the nice places and it happens to be Saturday the 1st of June nice is this the nickel bee home yes come nickelby I’m this is you I wish was vote um holiday public holiday well who whoa who let me just reread that come in I just want to get the b in come in nickel b this is the nickel block yeah and we have three bees in here okay cool let me see three bees uh which voting day was holiday here in the US so it was never a public holiday no I think it’s only been the past two elections yes yeah that they’ve changed it for some reason I I think it was because some companies were getting quite iffy about the fact that people were saying they true they’re going to work late today cuz they’re going to go vote and then they come with this long story of oh the queue was so long and you know it’s taken me 5 hours to vote and then they work for an hour and then go home you know what we usually did was we had slots so we we the the company had made piece that you’re not going to be there for say said 3 hours or whatever yeah and then you had to go vote and if you did not vote in those 3 hours then sorry okay so we’ve got the copper bee after the copper beee that gets breed and we get gold bee I think and then Diamond bee oh I guess we can just look at all the bees we already clay honeycomb yet or is it two anyone oh I’ve been harvesting it yes I’ve been working on it to make the clay block yet I grabbed it I need two clay honeycom boock yes I’ve got one crafted so we need one more yeah let’s see if they’re ready okay this so gr you can just pop it there’s a chest on the side one this one put the the SE BRS all gone yeah he’s not ready yeah it’s taken them into the okay cool cool this hot one here so I just need one more we did take the other clay back yeah I’ve been waiting for this guy I just need two more pieces of uh honeycomb and then I can make the second block okay are we done with the sand be um for now I don’t know what the next so so trip says that he made the the nuke the nuke Cola he says it’s like Cola with no alcohol or anything but it’s just a lot of sugar and nice ingredients give us the reci where I saw the recipe never seen it and then I like oh maybe I’m going to drink that and then okay so then I go down that whole Rabbit Hole of okay but how did people get this recipe that someone just make it up and hour it’s a thing and then and I never make it I maybe in the literature of the game there’s maybe a flavor profile where they can say you know nuca colola is so refreshing with its lemony or you know honey sweetness and Lemony sourness or you know it can give you descriptors like that surely you can then make it up from that point reverse engineer or something these I way to go change the tip of my pick how do I do that I think I just take this out I Chuck my pick in there we go that’s not how you do it okay pick be are you getting wet I’m sorry it’s not how that works can I make a new pick don’t we need to put these copper bees in to stop making us copper uh I first want to breed them one more time but how have you been breeding them well i’ I’ve been breeding them from the nickel b and the iron B oh I’m saying B back but together we can’t you can put them yeah I’ll I’ll bring it out again it’s fine I’ll take him I’ll take him do we have another open beehive hole do we have another beehive Sandy uh I don’t know I think we short one okay I don’t think there’s any bees in this house I don’t need a campfire I think there’s campfires in order them right yeah I I I think this door was just closed y there’s nothing in here come be you guys live here now okay so let me make some string by uh putting oak leaves together yep that’s right we get string with oak leaves from oak leaves yep I don’t know why they did you by any chance get that clay honeycomb no it wasn’t r some more clay honeycom over here it wasn’t ready when I was there going I think the the higher tier bees take a bit longer to craft to make honey yeah I’ve been going in there the whole time and it’s taking way too long oh but there’s only two bees in here is one of them back there at the um spawn area at the breeding area no I only had two had oh yeah okay let’s breed another one let’s so to breed a clay bee we just need to give them clay balls I’ll go grab two clay balls okay I only have a tier one behive uh okay but we can make it a tier two cuz if we put it down we can’t pick it up again okay um we need four of the any block I’ll make those four and four beeswax yeah so it’s one two three four beeswax and The Hive in the center let me just see what the tier three requires oh yeah no we’re not going to do tier three yet that’s an no I’m confused did I make this wrong did I just switch this around maybe I doubt it why is she not working oh it’s not the blocks it’s just the comb the blocks are for the next one the next level you it’s not you it’s me it’s not you it’s it’s me Oh I thought I was uh having a moment there no no no it’s me there’s a Minecraft cookbook really but that’s a nuola heard of that one as well and the quantum ones recipe comes from the Fallout cookbook okay okay I was going to go Fitch clay balls so we can breed more bees so we can get another clay bee I was going this I need to eat again yeah we we all battle with eating because we always forget oh the the feeding mod yep it’s just the best thing in the world am I putting this beehive in this last one that’s got just campfire yeah so there’s just a hive in there I’m just waiting for the last be to come out okay you get there you hear no not yet oh the copper bees are also stuck eh okay oh I don’t have anything on me so I walk in here with nothing prepared nice I’ve got I’ve got logs logs I’ll just do it just now okay I can do it get the logs here logs I’m just oh can some can someone sleep that’s why the bees on coming out for breeding yep sleeping are you sleeping yep thanks quick grain’s being attacked I what oh things grain’s being attacked by what oh Phantom why are you not sleeping the sky rats are getting to him okay who was stuck oh I don’t have any more logs on me you were stuck okay I don’t have logs hey okay I got they have to be logs oh do you have okay cool no no got when she was at the house yeah I’m prepared okay come on bees uh I need I’m going to make copper bee food soong copper be food so the copper bees um okay I’m going to I okay so I’m going to try so the name is sambu sambu welcome to the chat I’m going to if I pronounce it wrong I do apologize profusely all the time constantly I am sorry anything two Cobble and two nickel blocks uh no I’m just going to wait for it and three out of five oh you got shears okay cool yeah do you have the honeycomb No No it should go faster now that there’s three that’s what I’m chearing isn’t it that’s what that’s what I’m waiting for yeah but we needed two more only de do you have it on you oh yeah I’ve got the seven on me that’s true I put it back yet okay can give it to me no you can give it to me there we go there go thank you um I just needed two I need nine to make um the Niel ones as well to make food for the copper bees so I need two more copper two more nickel as well so sambu how you doing hey sambu is India most love um is India’s most love God name sambu interesting fun fact I want to buy the Minecraft cookbook but it’s like 600 R don’t take a lot y y that is quite a lot just for it to tell me put the cod in the furnace and don’t spice it yesz that’s how you make when you want to make cake you’re just putting you know a bucket of milk with three little pieces of wheat you’re going to make a great cake out of that has has anyone been oh yeah been getting the fishy fishy honeycom I want to see what what you make with it oh yeah it’s the it’s bright orange okay no no I just saw n was like oh we got we got we got the uh what we need now yep we ready yeah oh the seared ones yeah we got the seared yeah the seared neor block yep oh nice I’m waiting for two nickel ones to so I can make the copper one okay there we go clay and I think I need to Cobble as well okay and it’s all been dropped into here where’s the other thing it’s it’s not saying it’s there I’ve got it I got it oh do you have to put it in both in yeah okay here we go there you go let’s do it ready okay and the side okay now I can put these clay ones away want to see what you use the fishy one for you can use it to do hive upgrades oh we can actually craft a book which is called the 50 Shades of bees 50 Shades of bees yeah kind honey dipper what’s the honey dipper for maybe that’s like a tool to pick up bees how did you get that more recipes now for are you push U on it yes you like if you hover over something and it will tell you yeah okay got it 50 Shades of be F fifth edition you need a book okay so let’s do it we need a cow uh there is Le there should be leather I was going to say you’ve murdered a carow surely they should be lat I’ve murdered quite a few oh my goodness yes you have block be is a what is these Edition yeah so it’s called um skybe 2 it’s a second did you just break the really tall sugar yes I need paper you need it three pieces it will grow this almost feels like you breaking the chus tree I didn’t break the chus tree yeah but now I don’t know now I don’t know if I can trust you well did you watch my video then you’ll see I didn’t break it no I haven’t watched it like I started where you were standing behind princess yeah no I get distracted to watch it today while I was working and then I found myself just staring at the screen so I’m like nope not doing this right we’ve got nectar in the sear sear dudes thing so and how many SE bricks do we um sead be do we have two two at the moment yeah as soon as we get more sead bricks we can breed those as well I’m not sure if they’re grown up yet they both grown up one of them is but uh yeah the copper bees we’re still waiting on and Shades here we go Doo did you see my joke I left on your be today by chance oh no I haven’t seen that I’m very I’m very proud of it it’s a dad joke it’s the daddest of dad jokes um but with a video game vibe to it oh I did see it I did see it and and yes I do know Dave the diver yeah it’s on my wish list and I saw Dave the driver I’m like yeah [Laughter] yeah I I it popped on on my notifications but I didn’t check it in the studio you time replied to it yeah I was I thought this is get it love it there we go or not no it’s it’s funny s just look up to the sky at this angle again standing right over here look how big Sand’s eyes look looks like a cheeks disappear and it’s just eyes I I’ve also got um I’ve got a wide screen so that the field of view is really wide on the side of my screen oh yeah so Sandy is basically taking up a third of the screen being right in the peripheral vision of his interesting never noticed it before now I now she’s super slim thank you oh that’s funny I have so I played on a I’ve got a um Ultra wide screen as well yeah and then when I started recording not wide screen that’s normal now yeah that’s not normal so I’ve got a well I’ve got an algae Ultra wide so and when I started recording I bought myself a different screen because um of the recording format because I couldn’t add tags and stuff yeah cuz you can’t yeah you can’t have the cards or anything like that a lot of the video features don’t work with it yeah so I mean I started doing it no one was complaining that I was recording in what’s Ultra wide and yeah doing it I don’t think anyone would complain but I just think as a content creator losing the ability to have the watch next and yeah it’s it’s not good for that was my yeah that was my fear as well so that’s why I changed so I got myself a a pretty nice screen I’ll got it as a gift so that’s fine well is a designer you need to have a pretty nice screen yeah okay I’ve got everything I need to make the copper bee food as well okay cool I’m busy harvesting honeycomb this much honey how do we keep getting chickens because s keeps throwing the eggs around I don’t have any eggs spawning from the eggs not at the moment the chicken spawning from the eggs that I throw none of them I’m trying none of them are spawning oh I’ve been killing no I think it’s natural SP just natural spawning yeah yeah okay I’m just going to turn oh do you want to see the BB grain oh 50 Shades yeah yeah 50 Shades of B 50 Shades of Orange Is He suitable for a yeah no no audience it’s is be erotica in it oh does it I didn’t even see that didn’t but it’s been a pleasure um we’ll catch the rest of the V later 07 you all have fun 50 Shades of bees yep we will have fun that’s actually a person saluting we will have fun thanks for whopping in Quicksilver bye Quicksilver bye yeah um 50 Shades of of bees it’s it’s hard to look after the bees how to move them the food and it’s all I bet you that’s that honey dipper is used for that I just need to cancel whoever’s recipes this says I don’t want that running going add that and then I need to add those blocks and those blocks those RGB real real psychedelic love them they are so cool they cool I love the RGB they actually what do they actually we’re not sure are you use them to create different types of dieses and stuff have a look in your 50 Shades of book copper B nectar block this one let me quickly see does it tell you in the book if you type in RGB then it will tell you the RGB honeycomb if we push U on it so you can basically use it to craft all the different dyes M it’s all the shape recipes gives you D you can use it for normal upgrades um you can make nutritional paste from it and you can use it to create RF energy as well in the I don’t know whatever Dynamo that is yeah see there we got we we got grain by just mentioning RF yeah RF what’s RF something I I know about it nice power power basically power yeah don’t forget to leave a like thanks story keeper with oh T to story keeper with us thanks for that yeah that’s a good point yeah don’t forget to like this uh this video and go check and go check out um Sandy in the description I think GRE I added you this week as well I can’t remember uh yeah I think my friends are added my description is default oh oh no you didn’t no you didn’t de did I not no then I need to go change that got check out revived gra as well other friends Sandy oh that no but then it didn’t upate CU but I had a problem because my home screens and stuff whatever my my home screen and stuff what was all gone as well oh so I had to that’s why I was almost late cuz I had to do my be right back and starting soon screens again okay okay um how long has this been running cuz I need to we need some nectar for the um the copper bees I think oh I just I just placed it so they just need to start making some honey now and we can’t breed them not until we get at least one copper Ingot okay you want me to make some copper also hydrate let me hydrate I’ve got some tea and uh we can’t make copy it cuz we’re still waiting for the bees to gather comb oh okay there’s nothing here in the water oh did you guys see what I have over here no remember we said how we going to make carrots yeah so there’s a potato how’d you get a potato I used um botania has got a ore block a or plant which you put down and it turns Stone into or okay a seed or and then you can get seed and then you just twerk and then you get Plants no it’s it’s it’s come let me while we wait for the bees let me take out the bat stuff oh that is some that is some top level twerking y just uh do some dancing if you run around it uh it happens much quicker we need a coal uh Colby that is something smolders something like that wow the cheese is real tonight goodness me I I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry everybody I do apologize I need to put that full stop um right after list of friends in my description I’m joking joking joking joking look at would eye I got it all the way from over there and we might cheese in this uh I always like your video than we can we yeah thermal thermal cultivation we can build we can make a wheel of cheese oh what does one do with said wheel of cheese um I’m going to guess eat it but uh I am I’m not against that at all uh can I do it’s not particular satisfying you can cut it up into slices of cheese share with your friends yeah that sounds great cheese and winee and wine on be we don’t have wine and bees a wine bee yeah that’s to be cheese and sort of potion NE yeah well technically me I guess I I can I made me in uh in my videos nice mhm that you haven’t watched yet honey me yep oh my goodness mhm I get distracted I’m just saying you would have known this if you watched my video oh we’re so sensitive why look what I quickly build I build a basic Mana thingy what is that that’s batania for you man if you right click if you right click on a mature crop it harvests it and seeds again yep yeah yeah yeah it works now that’s the one of the coolest mods so these are in chos Flames really yeah guess I’ve never done any oh did you just throw coal yeah so the the plants will slowly burn the coal and turn it into Mana I don’t think we have enough Gran you just turned something into a little pink smiley face over there that is so cute I want it what is that I don’t know but it’s a tiny potato oh please her just check into block you go you tiny it looks like a thumb it does tiny potato funniest thing this is the cutest thing ever I can’t even see it on my screen just the back here again Co oh yeah yeah you picked it up when in the where on the center flower just drop it on the ground all of it yeah all of it look there do go back here we go that is the funniest thing what do you use it for to create a thinking hand what yeah eight eight tiny potatoes in one Mana infused string you can create a tiny potato mask with three red dyes and some Mana infused string we got to do that we’ve got to do that that sounds like something we have to do I’m going to make some more living can you infuse string maybe I can I can I just need to get string I need to find some red dye do we have any uh there should be there should be flowers on this side top yeah yeah okay awesome I’m going to do one string man infus string okay cool there’s the string thank you I’m going to go check the Coppa bees quickly um that sounds good that sounds promising oh w okay um what did you do I don’t know but I’m trying to work out where to put it we go it’s on your face yeah oh where did you go I can’t even see you guys are you in here craft any variety of trinket and wear it oh that is ridiculously funny it’s so [Laughter] cursed just imagine going through the game like that next next thumbnail for your for your next stream yes oh my goodness that is so what does it do I don’t think it does it any does it cosmetic yeah it’s just cosmetic it’s so funny oh that’s funny put it down and I just put it on my face again I like this honeycomb I want to put it in my off hand it’s cool keeps changing color what’s that now there’s honeycomb in my hand it keeps going through all the colors it’s so pretty so um this is called a a Orit oh so let’s just do this quickly okay just don’t Chuck anything into the Mana pool quickly I just want to grab some do does anyone have normal Stone no no but I can oh I’ve got four I’ve got four yeah it should be in the chest if you need lots I’ve I’ve smelted a load of it recently it’s probably still in the do you need working o oh my goodness so what this does is it slowly charges up like it’s almost full again and it creates this block over here which is called seed or yeah and it basically gives you all the different plants so that’s how I’ve been getting all the other I just got a blood shroom that’s new a blush room a blro but just said blush room blood one so this thing should be it’s almost done I actually think it ran out of coal that’s why it’s not going okay I’m I’m going to make some more coal all right I need to make all in over here we got we’ve got loads here yeah there’s a lot in here as well how much do you need no you can truck whatever on there I don’t know if they can despawn though where do you want me to put the glass the glass that flesh tone is horrible oh we can just Chuck it in a chest underneath the I guess the sand and stuff underneath the sand which is next to the stone both blocks doing its thing okay come on create some honeycomb I’m still waiting for the copper bees that’s that’s going to be last thing I I’m going to do for tonight’s get some copper bee yeah I’m calling it at hot past which is in 15 minutes 15 minutes yeah I might even fade before then yeah I I still want to work for a few hours see there’s another one cuz we need to do this I need bamboo no bamboo okay I’ll get some more Stone what are you oh but it’s not going to happen cuz there’s a potato in the in the bucket so it might be taking all the who put that there man probably was that you gra did you want to create oh do you want to create another mosque I can chck it back there I don’t mind no I just like those those actually tiny potatoes are much fun are they really funny yeah oh yeah what was that always helped yes uh my friend you like says that flesh um the flesh Toad’s horrible I agree it’s not the prettiest of it is so creepy of textures of are you talking about my face yes doing about your face yeah it’s just what I was born with so gr remember I was telling you about my friend they like to TW in uh lethal company yeah so this is this is this is trip and he’s the one that’s always twerking and he was the one twerking by the by that that the sliding thing where you go you the the company by the tentacle yep yep and he was busy twerking there and we’re like you’re going to die and he never died and then I do it and I try and run after it and I try and twerk I don’t even think I push the button and it swapped me and it killed me yes was so funny I screamed so much in that game the first time I played it yeah I I love that game I mean I laughed so much do should really join us why is this not opening it wasn’t scary at all maybe one day someday Over the Rainbow why are YouTube not going into the Beehive especially when you play modded and you start doing weird stuff you guys what we got sweet berries oh bamboo oh Bamboo’s good that’s the one I needed bamboo Bamboo what you going to do what you going yeah right cuz that’s the one we need I think to create um blaze rods yep there we go wow that’s a tall bamboo yeah yeah check that out that’s some serious oh wow wow that’s it’s not growing anymore impressive one one one little twerking session and I’ve grown all of that yeah that was pretty funny why are these bees not going into the Beehive the copper bees not behaving I also noticed that they weren going in who has the B book Maybe we need to see maybe they need a different tier be have but that’s already a tier two I’ve got the B book yeah did you harvest the sear bricks um high no I haven’t been this side no none of these are full I’ll look up SE sear bees or copper the copper ones first um collecting comb cuz they’ve got like honey Co they’ve got like pollen on them bees are nice little things but they have a mind of their own so if you’re going to want them to you have to make a place for them first you’re going to want to gather yourself some beeh halves and then you’re going to make yes an enclosed area so they can’t fly away which we did it the other way around some bees have special flowers bees cannot and will not pollinate or create honeycomb unless they have the right flowers so make sure to check what the be needs with a flower or BPD or J Luke I’m super late so I’m starting from the beginning well I hope I hope you enjoy the um VOD from the beginning there’s a lot of chaos especially when you reach the point where we wear potatoes oh my goodness or wear a singular potato why are you guys not going to beehive is there a block missing or something won over nothing I don’t know the 50 Shades of bees doesn’t tell me anything thing cuz I’ve picked up the Beehive and everything and must I take them up before you lifted again yeah I’m going to grab them now um I think the where’s the other one I think the the fence is still there yeah only one yeah I’m moving away from you if you’re going to break that half I’m must standing close to it oh know that’s why I closed the door so they can’t see me here we go see but that’s the thing so why is this beehive placing the wrong way around it’s like the um I was going to put faces in front oh it is yeah maybe it was just the wrong way around o hops hop seeds oh that’s cool you can make some beer yeah I need to install those other mods on the server on my side I haven’t done them yet yeah it should be fun I think it’s going to be open space the wrong way yeah it was so hopefully they go in now okay you can’t you can’t plant hops in Farmland they’re not even going on their block yes see that’s the strange part cuz I’m almost certain The Beehive was right the first time around they’ve got pollen on their bums go in the go in the half so that’s why I don’t understand cuz I also check there’s no like holes or anything you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go grab another beehive must I get these out so long no I’m just going to put a secondary one in there okay um how do we make a tier two we need four is green is that enough bamboo for you yeah I think that’s more than enough blaze rods is it enough I think it I think I needed it for Blaze Rod I can’t remember yeah I think um also the Hops if you can we can work out where to plant them if any of your viewers can help us they are thermal series seeds oh I see um yeah cuz it only says you can get these from seed or I wonder if they nothing about way you plant them though no CU we need beer I mean what you need okay it’s just what you need on an island where you can drop into the void if you make a stumble a little stumble you fall down there exactly yes cuz you use hops to make of hops a harvesting drone oh you can’t make beer that’s sad oh I’m a little bit disappointed now you can okay you can make a crate pops yay s’s got a problem with tall things I wonder if it’s because she’s short I’m not even that short I just wanted to twerk in like F5 mode and I want to see the stuff grow again oh it is quite satisfying look at it binging bing bing bing bing okay I’m just going to grab these two again I hope I can get out of here now I really oh I really don’t know why these two bees are being stubborn I like the sparkle particles it’s pretty cool the forart bubbles yes I love this Orchid like Lottery seed Lottery beas Honeycombs okay I’m going to yeah the seed Lottery right we’ve got radish seeds green heart sapling oh I don’t like radish pumpkin seeds and slimy seeds plant on dirt to make or slimy dirt to make slimy ground just don’t go in by any of the other bees they’re all upset with me here we go slimy grass here we go okay that that work great place plant on dirt oh there’s another be Hood it’s next door but the bees next door got angry with me earlier oh is it more campfires yes it is can you take those two bees out again I’m going to see if I shouldn’t place the the high fles with the ground yeah you coming right there with the slimy dude oh he got loose yeah I so okay okay hops on dirt make instant grass oh yeah I think all seeds make than grass okay okay I’m going to break this again yeah all be I’m getting away from these Bees No the copper ones are fine are they fine yeah it’s only the um the other bees that get really angry no that’s the wrong way around that’s the right way around yet um maybe I should just leave a torch maybe re redo the food maybe pick it up and put it down again cuz there is a nectar block yeah okay let’s just search copper bees one more time let’s just make sure I’ve got everything right okay um breedable true can swim yes Cobblestone nickel bee true yeah I got uh stuck in a rather weird tree slime tree we have slime balls yeah they can go in beehive tier one two all the way up okay proper honey conb and the food no that be breeding be coer be NE block copper be NE to block so that is the right block copper B nectar block yeah that is a ro block coming us let’s see coming here come on okay um I just need to unclick them I don’t know what’s going on with them it’s not time go to sleep cuz the roof and everything’s built exactly the same yeah I don’t know I think that’s future future Di and Sand’s problem yeah that’s not me I’m I’m tired yeah I think I’m done I’m calling it um sorry I’m saying good night to your chat so that I can say good night to my chat story keep with says the opening is faced the wrong way and he said saw the same issue on a Reddit page didn’t see a fix okay so there might just be a problem there oh okay cool okay all right I’m going to mute you guys and then I’m going to say Qui going to disconnect and say good night my guys okay right back all right be right back I need to mute them so that I could say goodbye to you guys so bye-bye everybody thank you so much for watching uh I really appreciate everybody that stopped by tonight and uh to have a look at this weird thing that we have going on the sky island is coming along so nicly and it’s it’s looking interesting we’re getting a whole lot of weird bees happening and uh next week so we’re going to be we’re going to be trying try to do this every week so every Tuesday night we will be streaming scabies so if you’re interested in watching this again next week Tuesday then put it in a diary put it in a book write it on your hand don’t forget subscribe like do all of this stuff and I’ll see you next week Tuesday bye-bye everybody have a good one

This video, titled ‘A NEW Minecraft World Series – Sky Bees 2 SKYBLOCK’, was uploaded by SandySparkles on 2024-05-29 08:45:55. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:42 or 8982 seconds.

My NEW Minecraft series, brand new Skyblock world where we will be streaming weekly! This is Sky Bees 2 it’s a Skyblock game with a twist! We need to use the bees somehow! Let’s jump in and find out!

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    Unlock Scorpio's Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information what is this place spell of creation so I was thinking about doing a movie night at my house would you guys like to join you’re going to have popcorn there at least right I mean you have to obviously he’s going to have popcorn there Vanessa why host one without any snacks but anyways Hendrix what made you want to do this so bad I felt like I got off on the wrong with Ivan I think it would be best for us to retry again if that’s what you want to do then I can’t stop… Read More

  • The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

    The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 RevealedVideo Information this working what is up everybody welcome I don’t know what the boys are even doing no telling what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are enjoying your early part to your weekend me get this set up real quick there we go we’re all good to go and today is the last day we are air 18 Subs away what up Baker I’m going to try to use the multistream chat again I don’t know how well it’s going to work so that I don’t have to have a separate thing open of YouTube… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium GamingVideo Information go in my kitchen going home with so glitch on my B with the lady looking at my with theop P in my kitchen likey my money for than This video, titled ‘light hack 😱 in Minecraft survival # short #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Premium_ gaming on 2024-04-29 15:19:02. It has garnered 468 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Destroying modern house in Minecraft

    INSANE! Destroying modern house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding one of the most modern houses in Minecraft’, was uploaded by amir ali gamer on 2023-12-21 21:03:37. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #tnt #1million #1k #100 #1000subscriber #home #house #modern #blow #blowup #bomb #boom Read More

  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

    Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Modded Naruto Minecraft Server #minecraft #servers #smp #trending #adventure #naruto’, was uploaded by Ogiwaba on 2024-04-06 16:51:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi! thank you for watching, i hope ill see you in the server 🙂 – Read More


    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 – Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 - Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 😱credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream Breakers on 2024-04-12 09:39:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft Share the shorts with your friends! Read More

  • EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)

    EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-11 04:24:38. It has garnered 115 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:57 or 6837 seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase texture… Read More

  • Grotex CHEATS DEATH – You won’t believe what happens next!

    Grotex CHEATS DEATH - You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘NUH UHH, I ain’t getting clipped today!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-25 14:58:07. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates… Read More