Skyes – I Survived 100 Days as a VAULT HUNTER!

Video Information

Believe it or not this is a portal to your most wealthy desires however the treasures don’t go unprotected you’re on a time limit with enemies constantly hunting you down while inside each room and on top of that if you don’t get out in time you’re dead but worry not

Outside the vaults is a peaceful world for you to relax in and gather specific items to craft another vault key where some are super annoying to get I hope you all enjoy my journey in this amazing RPG mod pack now here’s me surviving 100 days as a vault Hunter enjoy I’ve always

Been curious what oh Oh what a wonderful and beautiful it’s time to go out and be a vault Hunter so uh welcome to this fun mod pack I have no Zoom uh okay so this is actually created by the uh I believe the hermitcraft YouTuber iskal so very luckily this actually comes with a book

And getting started yeah what do I do so getting started it’s telling me to read so we’re already off to a bad start okay so very beautifully enough I actually understand this pretty decently so thank you so much for that escal I love you so basically we need to go start like a

Mine shaft we have to dig down as if we’re digging for diamonds and then we get some special iron and then combine that iron with some Vault Stone shards and then we can create like a vault Stone so every single volt it apparently is different so there’s a lot of

Variations with it there’s a whole lot so this is not going to be like a mod pack just for one 100 days so if you guys would like this into a series just tell me down in the comments below I I already think that I will want to

Continue this and actually do a whole lot more on here oh the carry-on mod is in here or the at least is the villagers oh yes villagers are gonna be nice and easy for me so I think I have some very fun ideas for building our home base

Because to also build the Vault and doors it’s basically like building a obsidian portal to the nether you know it literally the exact same way is that oh and then a very important thing is that there’s actually Vault levels in this and if I’m too high of a level for

A vault then we’re just gonna be getting some XP penalties for it so it’s a whole lot of stuff to be uh looking out for so we don’t want to spend too much time out of vaults we actually want to go through and make sure that we do them a lot so I

Definitely think a point of interest is going to be seeing these little uh Sky Island looking places I want to say that’s a city like it’s not just me right that looks like a city those look like skyscrapers but before we go and have that fun so I’m already starving to

Death and uh I am missing some HP because I accidentally fell off a roof now you’ll notice that I’m not playing in hardcore and that’s strictly because of how this mod pack works I want to be able to play the mod pack without having to worry about dying and then losing the

Entire world and you know starting over from square one and hello free food there we go and goodbye free food oh boy oh Black Lotus and amidst strong magical Vibes requires research botania don’t know what you are but I’m going to assume that you’re very valuable and

Hello all of you which that looks like it was totally placed in there by me but it wasn’t I promise you so here first let’s just go around we’re gonna be getting some stone tools since we’re not gonna be here anymore uh thank you for all of the free torches the free bed

Strongly appreciate all of your donations a whole lot okay and just like that I think we’re all good to go you know not bad for 30 torches and I just remembered this so I’m pretty sure yeah the easy villagers mod so I mean don’t mind if I do we only

Need two villagers you know we could breed them make a whole lot more so now I don’t need any Village whatsoever and I never have to go back to one and deal with them oh God I love this model already now I don’t know about you guys

But I am very curious about these uh floating Castle Island looking places whoa oh I believe the crate mod is also in this mod pack so we might be able to do some fun stuff with that with like containing the ocean oh maybe like some kind of like kelp Farm or something okay

So it doesn’t look like it’s a city anymore to me kind of sad about that but it looks like another like snowy biome up there amp and there’s another floating island oh and there’s a sunken okay well it looks like there’s a lot of stuff around here at least so

Maybe this would be a good spot for our base or at least a starting base disabled in the vaults cool I don’t know what you are but sure I’ll happily take you and hello all of you oh yeah I had to turn off the uh the chat basically

Just because some weird error codes keep popping up from the distance mod oh God uh Guardian sample which isn’t it and too bad because I do know that I can make that into a very nice farm at least just for like sea lanterns and other uh there’s Marine stuff so go ahead and

Make some like really cool buildings out of that it’s been maybe like two years since I’ve built a guardian Temple Farm oh hi coconuts oh God am I lucky enough do I do we have the tree cutting mod in here oh my I’m not gonna lie I might add that

Okay let’s see the ultimate test do we have locked oh yes okay this is how you’re supposed to play Minecraft wait where’s the helping why is why is there no why is there no no helping oh God how do you make a fence okay so we got a

Very beautiful gorgeous chicken pen so now if I come over here to you and then is it where I click that’s where you go no okay so you just drop straight down from my head oh my gosh wait oh I even fall slowly wait this is amazing and oh

My you guys are just laying a lot of eggs okay these chickens are just ready for me to get a whole lot of food I mean that in the uh the kindest way possible chickens okay I promise you nothing bad is gonna happen to you especially the

Golden Chicken I I kind of want to keep him for as long as I can you know if I hopefully never accidentally hit you with the sword uh but please get oh wait no no I’m the one who needs to get through the door not you so I think that

We should go around and just start saying hi to all of the chickens at least I don’t really want to kill any of the other mobs mobs just in case if I need a farm here can I pick up you no okay so it was weirdly only the chickens

But I’m guessing it’s because the chickens actually give you a game mechanic so it actually just Falls slower with them okay we might say hello to the Sheep so if I start breeding you guys oh God no now you’re out of the pen oh God I hate that oh yes yes keep

Blocking my screen okay so that done and while we have a lot of wood so actually let me just take all of this we’re gonna start cooking you and there we go new ax let’s go and continue chopping down all of this look at the areas looking very

Nice and beautiful I kind of want to fill this in with wooden planks but I kind of want to get a lot of dirt and stud and fill it in just so it somewhat looks natural because I feel like oh my God that’s gonna take a lot ooh okay

Coconut’s not the worse but what do I do with this coconut husk okay well you act like a bowl which is really cool but why do I need so many beet Roots just to make beetroot soup is it actually good then just so we get a metric ton of wood

We’re just gonna plant all of these on a two by two oh my it already grew ew I wasn’t expecting it to change the ground though man you took a dookie oh God I actually really hate that maybe actually yeah here let’s cut back on growing it everywhere maybe just because

It gets so much wood we’ll just have it focused specifically on one spot because trust me I love diarrhea Brown as much as the next person but yeah let’s at least try to keep this place looking nice oh wait actually maybe the sand isn’t a bad thing so if we just go

Around like this there’s no way it’ll turn sand into I think it’s called pods oil okay beautiful now well I guess the next thing before we start going mining so you know we can actually start the vaults Hunter DLC here let’s get some of this dirt down so we can get this closer

To water since I don’t have a bucket yet but don’t I have iron can’t I make a bucket okay beautiful uh let’s you know what here let’s move this back to more blocks just because I really don’t want to jump down into any of the crops and

I’m hoping that sea turtle over there doesn’t actually damage my stuff and yeah give me the eggs let’s go I need to keep on making as many chickens as I can because the idea is so the vaults will just get a lot harder and harder and I

Really don’t want to eat bread in there and it might be a little bit until we actually get real food so what I’m thinking is bread is when we’re at home around here everything’s chill nice and easy and then I have chicken cooked chicken once we’re in the vaults because

You know that’ll just heal me a lot more than bread so now in the meantime uh because I do need to get a lot of food I guess now what we can do even though it’s super duper boring we need to go around and collect this many seasons we

Can since I don’t have any bone meal even though I could just make some shears go around Harvest a lot of leaves and then put them in a composter but like I feel like that just takes so much longer and way more wasteful than just running around and just collecting seeds

Ourselves so given I know that this won’t actually complete the entire Farm but it’s way nicer to start than 10 seeds maybe not the worst almost completely done but now I think we’re set to go mining of which yeah let’s not go that direction so we’re gonna give

Ourselves as much room as possible so maybe around here should be good oh no okay wait this looks kind of interesting uh-huh ah oh boy and uh and we’ll just use some Cobblestone to fix this up really oh no okay there we go I don’t know why you guys are freaking out oh

Wow we eat copper oh wow so excited what are you please tell me the crops actually grew please you need to do a better job bro yeah I’m talking to you yeah can you make them grow faster uh here before we go back down as well I really want to

Stay on top of fuel part of me really thinks that I should go and try and get some oak trees because at least then I would get some apples but I don’t think I’ll need them after like literally one day oh God okay let’s go and say hi to

The local life at the very least we’ll leave like two of them alive but uh not you though sorry wait wait wait wait wait wait isn’t this an indication that there’s a lush Forest balloon right here oh hello there cows okay here we’re gonna start cooking the raw mutton and

Then we’re gonna take a lot of the wood because I just have so many boom okay now we at least have some space for all of the other animals very nice light you up and once you put all this away I have weeds so now if I can go and hopefully

Find some more cows and sheep that I didn’t Slaughter brutally okay I’ll take you actually over here let’s just go back here get all of these ones I at least just want two don’t care if I get more oh my you guys are so slow okay now

Comes the fun part of getting them organized which this does not look like it’s gonna be too easy okay okay you into there oh dear God please please come on yes okay okay thank God okay I think we’re gonna go back to Mining and now we go

Back into this super Dark Void down there yes deep slate okay I don’t think that’s the iron that we’re looking for I’m pretty positive this is just regular iron I forgot the name of it but it’s it’s something way more cool and magical sounding than that Vault Cobblestone wait am I digging down

Far enough to actually get into a vault I thought I had to teleport into them I thought I had to make like a portal to get in there like oh what are you okay just regular Vault Cobblestone interesting oh oh God uh let’s collect some uranium

Nothing bad has ever come from that uh light it up oh my God oh my God this place is huge oh and we did we find a lush cave we somewhat did oh this is so weird how there’s no bad mobs I’m not in peaceful right

I was playing on hard oh what are you I got the very late okay there’s all the bad moms here at the very least they can’t get up so I don’t care what are you wow your potatoes okay good good very good loot and um oh some ash okay very

Nice and you’re a green Wiener that’s about to blow up well don’t mind me I’m just gonna be going around and collecting every single uh special or that I see so I’m starting to get a sneaking suspicion that uh orders are really not that valuable in this mod

Pack uh at the very least I’m just gonna keep on collecting everything maybe I’ll get surprised and find that special iron that I need okay so that just broke too I feel like I’ve barely even made a dent in this entire area the guy at least cleared out this little section right

Here but my God oars are really not that rare in this I believe that there’s an enchantment that can actually help me out with a vein mining like it’ll just get rid of the entire section that I’m trying to collect so we could go faster

In the future sure it’s just yep we got a lot of progress to make alrighty what well that’s all going we might as well actually go over here and harvest our crops for once hello oh it has the auto planner one yes and beautiful okay our farm is completely done which now moons

We can start making some more animals how’s it going everyone okay now we can go back to mining no no no no no no okay before I forget again now we need to make stairs can I make a stone cutter and oh Cobblestone bricks ooh we can actually make some oh there’s vertical

Slabs oh my God yes oh we can make so many cool buildings I actually should probably make another stack of this because that staircase is really long beautiful oh my God yes we can actually go up there so much faster oh instead of taking like two minutes this might take

Us like 30 seconds alrighty then don’t mind me with whatever daylight we have left we might as well get back to some more mining well the fact that I’m still not finding any of that like specific type of iron that I need to make the Vault maybe we should just keep building

Down or digging down there we go oh God but he actually almost killed me oh that’s right well wait no I do have armor wait why is iron so much weaker I swore my life iron was always like plus four plus six gotcha so uh iron is not that useful in this mod

Pack okay that’s good to know oh God does that mean diamonds not that good I’m a little scared to click on you what do you do I don’t follow uh-huh well I feel like that’s very important stuff that I shouldn’t mess with and with whatever daylight we have left we might as well

Go right back down out and start digging some more okay beautiful so allegedly at negative 30 we should be at the right level for that special iron and well it’s kind of what I guess I’m gonna be doing I mean I could just do like a

Little two by two or just strip mine where you just go by one block and I hate digging with only like a one block wide wall but I mean at the very least you know we’ll be getting some other resources as well or I’ll just be

Digging like this until I get sick and tired of it because we’re not finding any of that iron so we’re gonna see what happens first please tell me you’re the iron that I need please because I don’t need that much of it alrighty survey says no I’m gonna assume that you’re

Zinc right yep I’m okay surely this must be it right please nah okay we’re gonna try for one more day of mining if I don’t find anything remotely close to iron then I’m gonna go back and check that book but I could have sworn it said that I need to be at

Negative 30. oh I guess no more digging for me I have a strong feeling that I am not at the correct y level uh wait no but okay I should be able to find it there but spawn in plentiful veins below negative 32. okay fine so I need to go two more

Levels down and then we start mining but what’s the quest book I swear if I get any of that stuff from this book I’m gonna be a little butt hurt like gosh yeah I guess I’ll do that one okay so that’s completely done and what did I

Just do wait reward complete ah oh my gosh it heals you 12 of those little turkey legs I feel like I shouldn’t eat those like I feel like these are actually like really valuable and I should just not touch them now for nice God I could have had it this entire time

Oh wait wait no no I couldn’t have because I need to acquire 16 raw chromatic iron and then I get 24. okay so regardless you know I’ve been doing it all correctly this entire time why is there stake on the center of my screen wait it moves around where I have it in

My inventory okay so that tells me that I shouldn’t even have that on my person why why are seats on my inventory why what is going on I don’t know why it does that but that’s really annoying alrighty it’s the butt crack of dawn let’s see if we could find any of that

Iron today okay so let’s just try on why level 35 like why not I’m sure we’ll be able to find something and I should have brought more stairs with me okay now let’s just do a nice little two by two moving forward and I still don’t understand why this little item appears

On my screen like I I have no idea how to get that booger off wait wait wait wait wait okay this kind of looks like it this is kind of the color of it right raw chromatic iron yes finally I don’t even need a strip mine for it yes okay

What if I do this am I gonna have like nine things of uh redstone on my face oh yeah oh yeah that’s fun oh I like this oh yeah oh yeah that’s not annoying whatsoever I’m so happy this mod pack does that so we got 19 of those so yeah we actually

Should be able to make a vault we should most definitely be able to make one of those so we could finally start seeing this actual mod pack in there and I just need to figure out a way to get this off of my screen because I don’t want to be

In a vault with like 27 items in my face okay so the next step to your adventure is finding yourself some Vault Stone I think I already have that okay so we need to mine out 16 of the Vault Stones which I think I have Cobblestone like

Vault Cobblestone so I don’t know how to mine out just Vault Stone unless I need to go and get some silk touch or if I could just wait wait wait uh without silk touch gotcha so very luckily I actually know where this is but what happens I should hear let’s just start

Cooking that stuff and can I cook you okay I can cook Vault Cobblestone okay okay well that’s going we have a little bit of time I think I can make it to that Vault spot fast enough and then we can just start mining away and really fast if you’re enjoying the movie it’d

Mean a lot to me if you subscribe and help me reach 2 million subscribers because if you like this video they’re only going to be getting better over time now back to the movie you right there this stuff yeah okay so we have a 10 chance to get some kind of Shard but

Ah okay we got one Vault Stone you have completed a quest what let’s say well we already got three I’ll just do like a little bit more why not because this stuff does look kind of cool there we go okay well we got eight of those Vault

Shards don’t know if I needed that then a quest book you boom completed okay so Vault rocks and okay so basically um I’m trying to think of like how to explain like what a this would be similar to but you know we just need four of these little chippy thingies and

Then we need one chromatic iron ingots which while we do I have those and then we go to you and put you in the center boom like that beautiful so now with a vault Rock I don’t know if I need to complete a lot of these or like craft a

Lot of those but with that thing that’s how we make our vaults aha so now it’s time to craft your Vault alter oh boy oh oh boy oh boy and technically this is cheap it’s just painful in the beginning which I haven’t found any diamonds and I

Don’t have any way to get obsidian um but we could do there I mean technically uh I could actually just go traveling around and then we might be able to find some destroyed nether portals and then inside of those we could actually have a chance at getting

Obsidian and then I can find diamonds from these sunken ships we need to make a boat and yeah we’re definitely gonna go exploring and then yeah we need some food but oh boy okay we now have two steaks to hopefully last us this journey I’m hoping that it doesn’t take too long

Trying to see if I can snap out any of his abandoned near the portals on them coastlines okay I won’t lie I’m actually kind of surprised how empty this entire area is that’s another Guardian Temple there oh my God there’s two here right here uh let’s say you’re down there okay

I oh God I heard you see so many drowned um I’m kind of curious to see how much of this I can actually loot before it becomes too dangerous for me hello I just want to see how lucky I can get with items because these places do usually hold

Some kind of loot please don’t come over here uh so far the loot is not looking too good well I reloaded the world hoping to see if that would actually uh get rid of that stuff on the center of the screen but nope didn’t do anything at least I

Don’t have to wonder about what’s in my inventory I can tell exactly what I pick up okay well it wasn’t um profitable whatsoever however we do have those three treasure maps and let’s see okay so you’re this wow you’re actually really close to me oh you’re actually really really close to me okay

Okay so there’s that one what do you have okay yep and let me guess you’re the same thing yep okay beautiful so all three of these go to the exact same spot of which yeah yes we shall be going to it oh no oh God it’s gonna be in the

Water it should be actually right below this thing yep I’m too good baby and oh a new disc what uh before I start drowning nice okay we have two diamonds potion of water breathing whatever that thing’s for I’ve never actually used it before in my life and yeah so we got boo

Coconuts maybe I’ll make a uh jukebox it might be fun why is there a cow on a single block of grass in the ocean so before we go back I really really want to find a destroyed another portal like I really don’t want to have to make a

Diamond pickaxe and then go and mine up some obsidian with no is that one oh if you’re ever curious about what a cave system looks like in this mod pack there you go oh my god that actually is the destroy another portal hello there big boy would

You happen to have a chest that I could borrow that has some obsidian me on in it dang it wait plus two armor wait so there’s no difference between gold and iron in this you have silk touch hello beautiful oh God wait where’s my house think that direction if you look at the

Wheat and then at that uh Flint you know go right in between it yeah I think that’s my house like right there right above the water breathing potion yeah see maybe it’s a good thing that I can constantly see what’s inside my inventory against my will maybe it’s not

Actually an annoying thing that should be fixed I hate this so much probably didn’t even explain why but yeah let’s actually head back home that’s a guardian Temple I’m swimming over right now oh my God that’s the third one no no no no no don’t hit me Elder Guardians please like a Minefield

Trying to get back home but I want to go back home just to empty out my inventory so I don’t see all of this stuff anymore plus also if I die I’d rather not die without all of this stuff on me what is that down there oh my God that’s in

Destroy another portal okay wait wait hello wait why am I not breathing oxygen there we go it’s like I’m being pulled down by that thing I should be breathing I’ll say oh my God no no no no ow oh my God no oh my God nope nope nope nope

Nuke God you’ve got to be joking I find another portal and then that thing is right there guarding it really uh we need to get back to that boat and just go okay I’ll remember where that portal is we just have to go back to that giant

Sky Island that’s right below it but yeah once again I need more food I want to drop off everything I don’t want to lose any of this stuff especially the Diamonds oh okay back home nice and safe thank God get off of my screen finally

Oh man we can actually see oh so much nicer I guess I just really need to stand on top of reading all of you guys I don’t really understand why I could put a chicken on my head and I fall slower but I kind of wish that the

Control for it wasn’t just right click I really wish that they made it so that it was like a shift right click so then I wouldn’t be picking them up as I’m like feeding them seeds uh you guys are okay okay so I win I updated my graphics card

I restarted the game and no okay so it’s still not fixed I don’t understand why it’s doing it now maybe I click something and this which okay so no not even the course book or the Vault Hunter’s book so nothing I’m doing is actually fixing it I don’t know why it’s

Doing it now so if anyone knows how to you know if I do 200 days then I’ll fix it then but uh as for right now until further notice yeah we might have to get used to that stuff any who’s here let’s head back to our lovely little floating

Island and I mean if we’re lucky little Trident guy is gonna be gone okay so it should be roughly around here wait wait I think I just saw it yep I don’t see him what oh yes uh I don’t think I care for gold I don’t think it’s like really

That important for me I’ve always been curious what I’ve always been really curious what happens if you actually complete these portals and like you light it up and you go through it like does it bring you to some actual good spot in the another or does it lead you

To like like another Fortress or something oh my God no I’m drowning no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let’s just get back home let’s just go uh don’t care and definitely do not care but now we can

Actually make that lovely Vault altar beautiful take these are you going to there just need these and now this should be enough to make the altar beautiful I have a sneaking suspicion that this is probably like a one-time use thing like I can only put it down

Once I mean I could build out over the water so here we’ll just put you there and do I need to do anything special you need one of these oh okay so I just need one spider eye too oh wait wait so so I got two cobblestones so I’d just like right

Click on it like oh okay wait so I just throw it on there completed oh okay I just want to take you and then bloop oh perfect now did I ever get carrots so I have never seen carrots nor have I seen a spider yet okay so I don’t know how

But I totally forgot that I can actually put down waypoints so I’ll never actually lose my home we can have that there and honestly yeah let’s just go on a uh on a nice Adventure now is it just weird somehow there’s no audio for hitting something like it’s just

Completely silent and it’s kind of unsettling none of these have light come off of them what are you mystical gray flower uh okay well hey you seem important and there’s a few right here so I’m sure I’ll pick this up maybe it’s actually useful for something oh this

Place probably would have been a lot better to actually build a home out oh man it’s so much bigger and open and like perfectly flat it’s kind of weird Village yes finally I know it wasn’t me okay beautiful well um I have a feeling that I also don’t care about this

Village whatsoever oh hello so we should probably take all of the Torches from it I will be using all of these I don’t mind me oh definitely taking you you’re useful in the future okay now comes the big question oh God are any of you carrots please oh god oh no please don’t

Tell me that I just found the first ever Village that doesn’t even have one carrot please oh huh wow that is an amazing chest okay wow I wish I uh spawned in this Village then my God this place is amazing oh my God I fixed it oh my gosh dude I looked

On Google so many other people had the same issue as me oh apparently you just had to press o and then you can turn off the inventory Hood why is that a thing oh my god oh dude that was so annoying playing like that oh I can actually see

Everything but finally our vision’s not gonna be blocked anymore we can actually play the game like a normal person yes okay I think at some point I’m just gonna have to stop looting every single house because this is getting a little absurd you know I wasn’t expecting them

To have this massive of a place is there really no carrots at this Village like I could have sworn that every village would at least have you know potatoes carrots we you know like all that normal stuff but like really oh God we might want to actually go back home so we

Could drop off everything wait no oh my God we win a thousand blocks really well don’t mind me I just got me a long journey ahead I wonder if there’s any kind of special storage units in this mod pack that can actually help out I mean maybe there’s something with the

Create mod I can make an auto sorting system you know I think I’ve done that like two or three times in some series but like you know it’s been quite some time but they are really nice to have also this should be in vanilla Minecraft it’s having some stone slabs out in the

Wild just to make things you know slope a little bit nicer and stuff like that should 100 be a vanilla thing oh my God there’s so many right here this town used to be bustling with over 500 000 civilians and now it is nothing but a

Ghost town I mean I couldn’t help it okay there’s so many animals there I just you know I’ve been starving I just I just I couldn’t okay I just really had to go and just say hi to all these animals and back comes okay so I guess one of the nights we

Probably shouldn’t fall asleep and got two more diamonds so if I wanted to make a diamond pick I could probably won’t should get to cook in these three things though you know what here let’s make another chest we’ll have that for all of our food items and so you know we’re

Finally doing well on food oh my God over here oh my God I got so much oh I never picked up a smoker well um you see I could pick my own smoker you know oh that’s why you’re all staring at me and going and saying oh yeah I totally

Forgot I was carrying seeds yeah I was wondering why they were eyeballing me a lot I need to make the chicken area automatic just so I don’t have to go back in there and like touch anything okay so God uh let’s actually head in this direction now because I don’t feel like

Going over a thousand blocks just to get to you know where I was and maybe this way we’ll find you know a village that actually has carrots I’ve never actually had this issue before with those being so rare please don’t tell me this place only has potatoes please have carrots oh

Okay wait so you guys actually have emeralds you don’t have any carrots is that normal like I I do know that like these Villages like to have pumpkins everywhere but a Jack-o-Lantern yes you’re stuck in there I just run in here and robbed you like that I feel like you

Kind of deserve to be in there I’ll be kind actually wait wait wait wait what if I just you know I’m kind of uh go around and Joint the entire Village because I mean like I got the two villagers back in my house but like what if I just have like

All of these guys and you know I can go and make a uh an automatic farm like a nice iron farm or two right away like you know but what if I just go a little yoink yoink hey you know maybe we can even have some fun since these guys

Didn’t even have a farm here we could have some fun with them and just you know drop them off in a cave I’m hoping to God there is other forests other than Spruce in this world I don’t know if the mod pack has it set so you can only get

Spruce Forest but I’m starting to see why I need carrots for the first Vault because yeah this is looking really impossible to find some carrots I think I actually had an easier time finding diamonds oh this place is so beautiful wait wait that’s the spawn Island yeah I

Remember that I spawned like roughly around there or about there and then that was the first Village I’m coming to steal all your crops okay I got a good feeling about this surely please please don’t just be potatoes or just wheat please wasn’t there one more Farm okay

That was looking like a really big no we’ll try one more Village just because we know everywhere that I’m checking is just always Spruce so maybe we can get lucky and we can find some other biome in this entire planet but if we never do and then every village just for some

Reason doesn’t have carrots then fine we’ll just have to go down the Villager route where we have to make a farmer level them up a bit actually no no I think in the beginning they might be able to sell us carrots or do farmers only buy carrots [Applause] oh wait a second I’m a little silly goofy um yeah there’s other types of forests I just went the route where it’s only spruce villages very loose it’s looking like there’s actually things other than a spruce Forest this way I’d usually I could find villages within like 400 blocks of each

Other so this is a little trippy for me okay maybe but once we try out that first Vault if hopefully if I could pick up everything I think I definitely want to move because I am seeing some of the greatest World Generation I have ever

Seen in my life and I think it would just be criminal if we don’t live somewhere that actually has a nice view yes years of village and it’s not in a spruce Forest surely we should actually find some carrots on here whoa it’s kind of oh my God wait this is

Actually custom oh oh my goodness whoa whoa yo this Village is sick oh this one is so much cooler dude that is so nice oh my God this is so beautiful hi bud okay that’s rude okay do you have a chest in here oh do you have bees in

Here like this is so nice I wonder if there’s a mod in this mod pack that makes it so Villages and villagers expand because I believe there’s one mod like that where as the days go on villages will actually slowly expand and they’ll keep building and actually build

Walls around areas becoming safe oh my God yo this is from dawncraft oh wait I that’s why I recognize this Village a little bit hello diamonds and everything that’s super nice why hello I love your work thank you for the donation against your will oh nice I actually need these thank you

Hello okay beautiful oh boy I’m starting to get a little nervous oh that’s sick this must be a sign I mean true true you are not wrong that doobie indeed a sign please man why is it so hard for me to find some carrots please

Oh come on sadly I think it’s very clear I think we’re gonna have to go the trading route I just I don’t want to do it so here well I I’m enjoying exploring I have a feeling that you guys are probably gonna enjoy you know me exploring as well so maybe one more

Village maybe just one more Village as long as it’s not Spruce we should be good unless there’s a mod in here that just makes it so that carrots don’t spawn in any Village and then I’m just you know looking for literally nothing it’s hard to see but I believe that’s a

Village on top of the hill and that worries me because I believe that is a spruce tree but there’s only one way to find out unless is that he that is a sunken ship yeah I’ll take it one on I don’t know what the globe does but it looks kind of cool uh

You know what here I can make item frames at my house really doesn’t matter to have that right now and I think this is actually relatively close to us I I really don’t think that this is far away oh this is actually the correct direction and this is the way that I

Want to go for that Village okay wait this Berry treasure it is actually probably located in the perfect spot oh let’s see technically should be like right here oh please don’t tell me I have a glitched one where it leads me to where a chest should be but the game

Never spawned it in ah okay beautiful for once it actually wasn’t a chest that just you know didn’t spawn and uh I really don’t care for any of that stuff don’t care for Sans I’ll take you and don’t want the map at all I’ll take that

Why not any hoes that is one giant squirrel oh my gosh you’re huge it’s like a mutant it’s like a dog this would be the last Village I tries to please okay if there’s even a farm on here you guys don’t have one okay well this one

Didn’t even have a farm so never mind we’re gonna try one more I I trust me I don’t have an addiction at all like I could stop at any moment okay trust me yeah I’m just gonna collect this now because I also have a very strong feeling that at some point I’ll probably

Need watermelon oh and you know what it hurts me but you know what buddy here um Good Luck what good luck surviving out here but yeah I need the uh the inventory slot okay um if you survive I’ll be very impressed but yeah good luck okay you’re probably

Like 2 000 blocks away from your home is this a meteorite uh let’s see well this entire mountain is gone everything’s spread around surely this thing actually brought in you need to research applied energetic what wait what in order to interact with this Vlog wait wait wait so I found this super

Duper cool thing and I can’t even do anything with it oh okay wait wait wait wait um you know what here let’s drop this iron pick okay so we got Skye Stone okay well here let’s break I’ll break a few more why not maybe I’ll probably break

Like two more scene on how long this actually takes but whatever applied energistics is yeah whatever that means I don’t even know what mod that’s part of yeah maybe in the future I’ll be able to do that yeah at the very least we can leave a nice Waypoint for it I’ll

Probably not come back to that at all this entire movie I will probably be too occupied with other stuff but anyone in the comments down below want to tell me what that’s for if that’s good or not then yeah I’ll appreciate that this is gonna be really interesting to see how I

Can actually uh get some carrots hopefully I can do one Vault this movie that that would be cool yeah I can’t lie this is the weirdest traversing the land with a chicken on your head wait what happens if I go underwater with you you stay on okay maybe maybe when I’m

Exploring it actually isn’t too bad having a chicken wait what what happened to the chicken wait what I still have that huh oh no I might be glitched let’s see I should okay ow like I shouldn’t be taking any fall damage I’m falling slow hey why is there random

Glass oh wait that’s actually so cool so another meteorite here and then you know it got so hot and that it actually turned the sand into glass so I actually like the such a nice little detail there we’ll name that meteorite too and disable you

Oh wait wait wait okay what if okay if I pick up this chicken and I put you down oh my God I’m fixed oh my gosh finally oh dude I can go so much faster without a chicken on my head oh but we finally made it back home oh finally Oh My

Sanctuary so now here I only needed one there you go Chief boom there we go just I’m scared how how was everything else easier to find than carrots and now I can go snippy snippy on these big boys that’s gonna break yep oh no no I have

To chop this down by hand and uh my life is so difficult okay next up the other important thing uh I mean we don’t need to make a villager Place super beautiful really don’t feel like building right now I just really want to play the content in this mod pack so here totally

Forgot this was in my hand uh you can go there why not like what do you do what wait does this just tell me my coordinates what You Spin Me Right Around baby wait so what’s what’s the point of this thing does it actually just tell me my

Coordinates I mean it’s fun I’ll give it that that’s actually really cool I like the okay now we can actually get up there easily put them all in here we go welcome to the world everyone I know you’re so confused because you have literally just traveled like 4 000

Blocks from home Sarah we’ll make three composters why not uh we might need to build a second spot for these guys uh you you’re already a farmer so you can go there and that’s exactly what I was worried about um so this is a perfect like ideal trade

For me for villagers here at least let’s lock him in uh here you are dear God I have so many potatoes almost two stacks of them and I haven’t even made a potato farm and we’ll just take one from you actually no no you know what no no no

We’re gonna do as many as we can which was one more uh before I make too many uh yeah let’s go do it here let’s make another one they’re beautiful this will be our potato one and then if I can ever get some carrots we’ll put it right next to

This wait wait wait wait wait can I use kelp for bone meal oh yes we can it’s actually surprisingly not that bad for bone meal however I think we should make an investment right now because I can go and gather a metric ton of kelp

I don’t know where to put it out here we’ll put it like exactly right here one awesome beautiful so now you can just go around get a whole lot of kelp let that do it for us because I can already tell we’re gonna be needing a whole lot of

Bone meal oh yeah that’s hopefully a pretty penny on bone meal here we’ll just throw the four in there and yep it might be a very kelpy few days okay so this is a really bad sign so yeah my suspicion was correct because I I just I

Figured that there was no way to get the carrots from a villager they would only buy it so apparently I’m not even the only one having this issue of finding carrots another thing is also beet Roots so if I ever find that I need to collect

It because a lot of other people on Google that played your mod pack uh escal yeah you need to not gatekeep vaults with a carrot and a beetroot like I don’t know why anyone would just turn down those rates and make it insanely hard to find them I won’t lie it’s kind

Of lame I I gotta be real but the only other way that I know to get carrots is from zombies you know and I would rather not spawn in a carrot and just cheat just to get through this but yeah so far that’s like my only uh disappointment

With this mod pack okay so firstly ever gonna go and build a mob farm I guess we can try and be smart about it wait that’s how do you build a ladder go that should be enough planks now for this I actually kind of don’t want this

Near the house area I mean wait this isn’t even gonna be our home for that long yeah yeah never mind I actually don’t care we’re we’re not gonna stay here for a house because there’s just so many more beautiful places so since it doesn’t matter here we’ll make it right

Here why not so all that we need to do is use a both of these Stacks that I brought so we can go up 128 blocks whoa I can actually see a lot from up here God this real generation’s so beautiful okay now hopefully I don’t

Miss the water and now we just have to start going up this entire thing with the ladders and beautiful and once again hopefully I don’t miss the water and now don’t worry for this next part uh yeah I’m just gonna kind of wing it I think

At this point I should be able to build mob Farms pretty correctly wow this sure takes some time uh you think I’ve been climbing this for around 40 seconds oh God okay and then this should be a enough so did I really just make this ah

I made it odd oh no it’s not gonna be centered oh that’s gonna bug me actually here okay so I just need one Worm but at the very least here okay there we go nice beautiful gorgeous platform I didn’t bring any chest or Hoppers of

Course the one thing so man I got some now from here yeah about there should be good boom boom boom boom I’m gonna have some nice automatic collection and then we go 20 and then yeah we want to make sure that we use stairs on the top I

Don’t know if this works but I’m pretty positive it does but I believe this prevents the spiders from climbing back up because then there will be water directly right here pushing them back okay beautiful Poop Shoot is all done but we need to go to sleep

Okay now we just go to every single side and then we just go eight out I got a strong feeling that I do not have enough blocks to finish this thing at all yeah so since I only have 13 we might want to actually just go back down and you know

Instead of building with some Cobble deep sleep we should actually probably just build a spruce a little beautiful oh yeah oh yeah we definitely have enough now I should oh that’s that’s an issue that’s oh no that is actually a really big issue like I mean anyways there let’s worry about

That once you know I have to start placing down all the water and right now we might as well just focus on actually finishing the build look at beautiful floor is done uh before we go anywhere else up here here we might as well go through put down all the trap doors

Since it’s gonna be easiest right now oh God that makes me so nervous I really hope that I won’t have an issue with snow because I actually I don’t know how to prevent that without making a light source I’m just I’m Gonna Keep building and I’m just really really gonna hope

That I don’t have to rebuild this somewhere else in a different biome so man that makes me really nervous okay now it just comes the fun part of actually bringing water up here and oh God I’m not not looking forward to that whatsoever at the very least none of the

Waters have been freezing so I’m just gonna assume that the trap doors actually keep them as water so once I go and put up a roof we should be good like I really don’t see any of these phrasing then luckily crisis averted I don’t think I need to build this anywhere else

We can actually make some progress and hopefully I can actually go into a vault at some point in this century and done okay so let’s see let’s just start from here are some torches I don’t think I need to worry about the light on this ledge because I’m pretty positive this

Is actually reaching them okay hi buddy okay well it seems like this actually works and it yeah yeah okay I can still see some dripping water so I don’t think we have any issues with that stuff um honestly we’ll just keep this bed up here which here we could just leave it

Like right there and then you know it could just stay up here and farm for as long as we need to and yeah so hopefully at some point I can actually get a carrot alrighty well then AFK here for several minutes please can I please get

A carrot please oh cool well we got some iron I think it’s pretty fair at least just so I don’t spend 75 days of this movie trying to get to the first vaults if I don’t have a carrot by day 42 then I’ll give this two two more days if I

Don’t have one by then I’m just gonna spawn one in I I just I I want to actually play the mod pack because right now I’m disappointing regular Minecraft okay who brought the Vape okay let’s see Annie’s oh my God there’s like two zombies in there oh my gosh oh no

Alrighty day 42 so we’ve spent almost half of this movie trying to get to the first Vault so if I don’t get a carrot this day then I’m sorry but I’m just gonna spawn one end because we just I I don’t want to waste any more time I

Really don’t want to cheat again I don’t know if escal is going to see this hear this watch this whatever but you know or anyone else who made the mod pack or is working on it but you guys really need to not gatekeep the first item maybe

Gate keep items for like the medium or like in-game Vault sure you know that makes sense but the first one at this point I’m still just playing vanilla Minecraft like I I haven’t even started Vault Hunters yeah I don’t want to waste any more time I want to actually

Experience this well with the sun setting on day 42 that’s the end of uh trying to get a carrot legitly so yeah at least I try you know I built this entire thing trying to get one so and yeah at the very least I did attempt to

Actually get one unless nope okay nope uh well we tried I don’t laugh because I drop the carrot up yep nope oh my god dude I was throwing it on the ground so I can get a shot and be like wow look now we have a carrot oh my God

Okay genuinely did not mean to do that um wowie would you look at that we finally found uh a second carrot okay so now what I was trying to do before because I didn’t realize that this thing was a magnet we should go over here and

Actually make a farm for this as well ooh okay but uh here first we’re just gonna go through now the bad part um I don’t really have that much dirt oh also yeah we should go through here as well mainly also uh just so I can get these

Seeds and then I can put in the composter because we’re gonna be needing a lot of bone milk for the carrots okay now that we’re caught up on all that yeah oh my gosh I only have 47 dirt that is a little atrocious at the very least

We shouldn’t need that much oh wow we actually used up the exact amount oh yeah oh wait wait I need to get some fences for this okay thank God that actually lasted the entire Farm now goes our massive amount of carrots wow that was some really good work for

Today oh man I am pooped and this my friends is why I’ve made this machine and we have a whopping oh boy I think that’s 43. it’s either 43 or 48 well hopefully with this we can actually make a lot of progress uh I mean we don’t

Need that many carrots I just want to get this Farm somewhat started oh wait oh I like that oh yeah we can go really fast with this man okay well not the worst we almost did half of that farm so with all this completed I’m guessing what right click you and then this

Becomes charged or something and then I make the uh the Vault portal and I put that on it do I left click oh this is gonna pain me but maybe we will need to go and uh breed this stuff okay so basically I just need to put down some

Kind of redstone signal so a button on this like that oh oh dude that’s so cool oh Vault crystals you have completed a quest oh this is sick okay good good the button stays there okay and we actually get a shulker box from that oh my

Goodness I love us Kyle you are just spoiling me and now we get to the fun part of the game to where um we get talents and abilities which will help us out dramatically with uh this mod pack apparently because apparently the bolts are just insanely hard like I’m

Expecting you know RL craft kind of difficulty from these and by uh completing this Quest just by reading and being a nerd we get one and then it’s just highly advised that we take the heal ability so honestly I think I will be taking that oh my god oh

Oh that’s what that golden zero is so that’s my Vault level or I guess Vault experience but you know technically level and oh okay so we got 420 right there so I like this already in my grid I’m just saying that should be at least like a quarter of a million right now

Maybe like 5 million oh my God there’s so many oh yeah oh we could become a literal God but anyways I’m hoping that this is what is gal was talking about go and take this heel so heals you for an amount of hit points one level one of

Eight very interesting stuff um I wish that there was a way for me to test this out just to see if it’s even working for me oh actually right here let’s take a little bit of damage okay so we took a decent amount of damage I just you know

I had some health or uh some Hunger left on me that would have healed me so now so the bottom left corner I guess that like bubbly looking stuff that’s our Mana which that’s gonna be something to really focus on for all of our abilities

I don’t know if I need to press anything but I do see that we have three of those healing abilities so if I kill you I didn’t notice it anything whatsoever but uh maybe I need to go and actually like set a key bind for this like well I mean

I I honestly just can’t even find the key binding for those abilities so uh let’s just hope that it’s something that only activates when I’m in the vault wasn’t me so apparently it’s Phil oh my God oh my oh my um so apparently I need to make this

Apparently this is my go-to enchanter we might not even need villagers and apparently this will actually give me the max enchantments that I can afford with my XP and it also takes emeralds instead of lapis which I think I’m actually down for that because it’s a

Lot easier to get emeralds than it is to get lapis uh did I ever pick up books okay so we take you and then was that like oh I know it was like alrighty so we take you and then I okay I do have enough for two well very sadly for me I

Don’t have any more paper because I never really expected to be needing them this soon I guess all we can really really do is just plant this stuff and wait okay so we got boop bop Bing I just need oh wait I only needed one

Book I thought I needed two oh well okay so we get you and then um we’ll place you right there uh I hope I don’t need any bookshelves around you I hope that you’re like a really cool Standalone item thingy what whoa oh I like that okay I mean that takes a

Metric ton of emeralds is there any way for me to refresh it and also I like how there’s mending one so I’m guessing there’s different levels of mending oh God wait does it say anything in the quest book like do I need bookshelves around it okay well it’s not telling me

Anything if I need bookshelves around this thing but I’m just I’m gonna take the assumption that no um since I do have some diamonds left like really not that much but I feel like it’d be wisest if I make a diamond sword because vaults are all about

Killing things and uh I guess we just see what we can get oh boy um yeah um man I really don’t know maybe looting three would be the best because it’s also looking like vanilla stuff isn’t as valuable as it was you know like before this mod pack so maybe I’ll find better

Stuff in the vault so I don’t really need to care about Diamond gear so okay enchant diamond sword with a looting three wait I could do multiple oh okay wait I’ll let you know okay I mean I wish I did would tell me or not tell me about like

Show me more enchantments over time but I like the okay wait wait wait I like that a lot more that only took me three levels next up the uh potions are apparently insanely broken at least if I go down the Vault route normally if you use a potion in Minecraft you know it’s

A one-time use apparently with Vault potions if I use them in the vaults you know they get used up but once I leave a vault it automatically refills itself like I don’t know if I need to use any resources to refill it but if it actually refills itself I think this

Will be the first time in my life that I actually get into uh potion making and stuff in Minecraft which apparently I need to make a vial oh God wait does it actually have to be Mana gloss oh oh no oh no oh oh boy never mind you’re losing

Me Chief you are you are losing me I have no idea how to get living rock or how to get a perfect larimar should I have gone through the vaults before making this wait how do I make that stuff okay I’m it’s probably gonna be really stupid

Um I want to see what happens if I just make like you know a portal out of Vault cobblestone as if I’m making a another portal and then if we right click you with a vault Crystal oh my god that actually worked I kind of

Just want to go in like even though I haven’t made that potion yet like I don’t know how to give Mana glass or get all of this stuff like I feel like that’s gonna take me the rest of the movie so yeah I think I’m honestly good

Uh since Joker boxes are very valuable to me right now yeah I’m not gonna be taking you with me you know like apparently once we go in there there’s going to be an objective and I’m pretty sure all the objective is always like kill enemies or something along that

Line if anything I think I can leave the vaults early but I don’t remember the book saying if anything bad happens if I leave a vault early but dude I think I’m down to be stupid and just go in like if I right click you dog why couldn’t I get

This for the first one this one is so easy what double checking okay we can’t respawn right there um oh yeah let’s just do it oh my God my game crashed oh my God it just crashed again please uh oh my God my world’s corrupted oh my God I fixed it okay so

Luckily didn’t lose the the world I found out something really fun as I pause the game um yeah I can’t have my distant mod like that thing where I can see super far out yeah I can’t have that on if I go into Vault so uh yeah for anyone that uses

That mod uh make sure you turn it off before entering these so yeah uh let me get my bearings now so we got 25 minutes in here since seven seconds have been wasted trying to load in um and then find the monoliths so we need to find four random looking item

Thingies and uh this should be good oh God uh I don’t know if I need to set like a waypoint back there or if I need to like be gathering any of these things or if they’re just for looks or you Arnold ah right click you okay gotcha so

Look for those weird looking thingies oh boy this place is gonna be huge what are you oh hi your enemies yep you are not teammates not teammates oh God uh sure I feel like I’m wasting so much time like I need to be way faster at

Those kind of checkpoints like I mean 25 minutes to find four things like surely it wouldn’t take me that long oh my god there are so many areas never mind oh water’s purple that’s kind of cool at some point I need to not take everything

Out of these chests oh wait wait I just saw something up here yep it was not not what I wanted not out not what I want oh wait you guys do no damage what are you Vault bronze is this useful I’m not sure

If it is but um hey don’t mind me I love looting I can see why I was given a free shulker box not gonna lie I I’m kind of uh wishing I thought I brought it okay this is starting to get a little bad uh we’ve been doing this for like maybe

Three minutes now coming up on four and I haven’t found anything about those monoliths uh hi hello I am contacting you about your extended car warranty oh my goodness hello loot okay we have an issue uh don’t need empty flash sure Diamond nugget knowledge Essence oh my

God these all look so valuable I don’t know what uh I don’t need these uh I don’t need you oh my gosh we have too much loot so that’s what it meant okay I see why the enemies barely deal any damage I don’t heal in here by normal

Food so that’s why the potions are actually useful nether right what are you XP level zero out of eight levels what was that 10 most blessing Soul value 128 gosh dude how have I not found any on Alessia okay you look valuable uh honestly Stone ax buy you

Know like we can make another that’s just a stone tool hi do you know where a monolith is yeah kind of in the market to find one of those ooh scaffold King white why is this important it’s just scaffolding okay 15 minutes left you know what we’re

Just gonna start uh yes finally oh thank God okay second one boom uh just running run run run there’s no way there’s a another one like right next to it so we’re just gonna go straight to the next area I don’t care for lose right now I’m

Starting to get really worried for my life that took me what 10 minutes just to find that one I mean uh any monoliths up here yeah like I don’t care for those chests wait do I care for these stress what oh no okay well apparently I can

Chuck LG so they’re an algal ingots and be careful with that oh my god oh first one in the corner uh nothing there don’t care drop down go go go enemies are gonna be raining on us raining on us raining on us let’s go two hearts I’m okay bud I’m not gonna

Damage myself just for something that I don’t know what it does I don’t know why I’m doing this this is so dumb oh yes wait wait did I haven’t this one before yes I haven’t you know honestly just just throw the brick I don’t care

Anymore you know I had six you know no now I got zero because I just I wasn’t expecting for an Ingot to be throwable I need to get out of here because from when I’m noticing these monoliths are not near each other whatsoever okay that’s not one okay but those look like

Really good chest was like you know we got nine minutes that’s a skeleton oh my god oh you’re almost like oh what is this Mystery Box unobtainium uh dog I’m scaffolding by I don’t care for you uh weathered bones adios amigos uh chip Jewel yeah sure you

Like that that just looks so much more valuable than those other items that I just dropped off for it this run just run just run we got eight minutes to go Chief no come out wherever you are monolith come on come on oh my God it’s right there

Find the X what what do you mean find the exit I don’t know where that is how does Juan find the X oh wait I can actually go around in loot now oh so you want to loot at the end at least we got like a metric ton of blue right there

That was insane oh my god dude we can actually breathe now there’s an enchanting table here and wow I wish I could have had that and not use my own stuff back at base what is that Relic booster pack I want that that sounds cool here at Rock carbon yeah goodbye

And uh you know that booster pack sounds cooler in a minute maybe I can get some foils in there I probably should have read how to exit vaults um if it’s going to be a find the entrance um I’m just gonna tell you right now we

Will be in here for the next 40 days I have no clue whatsoever where I came from actually here once we kill this enemy I have one idea I don’t know why you keep making noise but whatever what is this I’m scared of you uh let’s go loot over here first and

Then we’ll we’ll touch that maybe maybe that’s an exit okay what do you regenerate all your health oh my God yes I love you if I’m ever leaving behind anything that’s actually useful can you guys pretty please tell me in the comments down below and then if we did

200 days then I’ll just you know make sure that I actually collect those things okay here let’s head back this way because I believe I came from here oh my God hi dude I thought that was Mosey for a second because like the head was white and black at the same time

Wait 18 seconds wait I still had a timer okay well I’m dead dude I oh my God I didn’t notice the timer whatsoever I don’t know where the stupid exit is that wasn’t fair I didn’t know Yeah whatever oh wait it’s a vault scene blah blah blah whatever yeah it’s time to spend 25 minutes loots with 45 coins 91 chests looted 88 mobs killed oh my God I didn’t lose anything I kept everything so I don’t need I don’t need to care it’s not what I’m getting from

That whoa okay you got me blushing over here now nothing puts you on that boy that’s actually so that’s so cute they can actually hold something here you can hold that ax why not okay well here since all of this is like Vault related Alexa for the netherite scrap yeah we’ll

Put that in there you know I’m definitely gonna be making some nuts wait wait wait wait wait wait wait another ride ingots okay I don’t have a smithing table I never collected that from a village okay uh you screw you can go right there why not okay so my

Diamond sword I don’t know the difference but I’d rather have the pretty border so uh yeah I’ll take that but next up uh yeah all of the actual like Vault specific stuff here we’ll just leave all of this into this chest and then maybe at some point I’ll

Actually get around to it and trying to figure out what all this stuff is for like I don’t know what a Shoals started so a soul Shard is currency for the black market like what’s the black market that sounds fun I want to go there and yeah we’ve really actually

Here if we’re gonna do another Vault run like right now I don’t need these two at all oh I lost all my XP though I mean I don’t care about that like XP is nothing now that I have this beautiful thing all the way up here and now I can just go

And Chuck in all of you completed we hit the button like dude that should have been the first ball this is the experience I usually give people for the first of all not some gatekeeping carrots you know but um honest I think I’m ready just to go and immediately

Start another one since I kind of understand vaults now and like what to expect from them okay we just need to remember the coordinates all right I just need to write them down oh my God wait you can’t even see the coordinates I need to find five oh no oh dude this

Is already looking like a GG like there’s no way I remember my pathway back here like oh my God they actually disabled the coordinates wait is that why Globes are useful I mean wait no but Globes aren’t even useful because you won’t be able to tell it at all oh my

God this is gonna go so bad uh let’s see next story let’s just go straight through here this is gonna keep that straight path going also here since I am getting torches maybe torches is the way I’ll genuinely try my best to actually find the exit and get out of here yes

Another one yes yes yes yes come on there we go okay we got two boom boom to chew kill you hi you’re creepy what no I don’t want difficulty extreme we don’t like that around here uh-uh I mean I guess I got nothing to lose really what’s in here hello

Goodbye I just saw that it said plus 101. dog I got another right sword I want like the greatest loot ever in there then if this is what I’m dealing with you just dropped it just these lame crystals yep okay sorry I thought I was

Gonna touch me is there even a point to this area what’s all the good stuff in here I’m just gonna assume that this stuff is good I didn’t bring my shulker box again I am so I’m such a silly goof what’s in here okay there’s another spawner uh I’m

Just gonna be a little silly goose and no I’ve run away okay yep oh my God there’s multiple I’m hoping that God there’s not one behind me I’m just I’m not even gonna look if I don’t look it’s not there where are you hey buddy stay

Right there in the corner that’s what we like to see yep good job bud oh my God I’m sorry oh my God hey I’m gonna die here we’re just gonna be a silly little gooses and then just not beat this ball like whatsoever oh my god dude I almost

Died right there please I want to see the loot in there please you have no idea how badly I want that loot I like I don’t know what it is but I just want it [Laughter] look at all that loot I got though buddy hey hey you know I gotta say that that

Was definitely worth it yo no we made it out of there with a profit when oh dude look at that like how can anyone say that that wasn’t worth it right I can understand there’s gonna be like hundreds of comments being like he’s so stupid he just wasted so much stuff just

To get like the most basic items like I already know you guys are gonna be saying all of that we’re still good we’re still wealth in that department and you are how are these so easy I’m so confused like this makes no sense to me

Uh the only thing is I don’t think I actually have any copper so I never went out of my way to collect that okay I won’t lie I actually looked up on Google some tips and stuff on vaults because I am a little curious how to actually exit

Them because if I just keep going inside and you know just looting like this I’m not gonna get anywhere apparently Hunter eyes are also very valuable for a very specific kind of dungeon also apparently sweet kiwis are actually useful um for like the harder Dungeons and stuff and then it looks like cooked

Vault steak actually just is like nothing like I don’t need to worry about that at all I believe the burger stuff I actually like can I craft oh my God there’s so much stuff there there are so many different oh my God there’s so many burgers but I think it’s actually useful

For me to do this right now because I believe this gives me Vault XP so if I eat you now ah okay so it’s probably not going to give me the same amount of XP that would have gotten if I completed a vault but I’m pretty okay with just you

Know I’m using these right now and spamming them devouring everything which looks like it’s just gonna give us two and a half levels which really ain’t that bad I’m not gonna lie that’s actually not too awful I still don’t know how how’s this stuff however there’s other

Useful stuff like a Mega Jump but yeah I think I definitely want to go with like a Mega Jump there’s dashing ghost walk which makes you invisible for a duration of time cool no vein Miner I am definitely interested in you guys we’re definitely gonna do that one and I think

I want to do a Mega Jump ah I figured it out no way oh hey wow look there’s some copper okay so if I press F and then I break this wait okay I think I just need to hold F okay there you go okay so me just

Regular mining doesn’t do it but if I hold F boom we can vein mine takes up you know durability for breaking every single block but oh my God that is amazing oh I love that next thing that I need something called a vault Compass apparently though my god oh

Oh wait oh yeah we are not getting that for quite some time I regret making another right sword um at least I have the Vault diamonds and I could have sworn I picked up a compass I did okay good good here well let’s keep this we’ll keep Compass there I guess we just

Keep running vaults and then we just keep trying the torch Strat hopefully I can actually find my way out with that but we definitely want to get some netherite scraps one more in there because that Vault Compass is going to be our key for actually escaping every

Single bolt that we can play or maybe we could always just run out in time and not die that would probably be really good since stop doing that and before I forget the control for it I think we’re gonna go with the Mega Jump which how does this work

Oh oh my God okay yeah but it hurts me okay which I guess I should hold on to my water bucket and whenever I’m using that but I really really like that ability um I honestly think that we’re totally fine and ready to go into another Vault

Run we know what we need to do in the vaults apparently there’s like three other types of vaults that I can do as well I forgot the next name but like there’s some Obelisk one and then we can do like a scavenger and there’s like cake one which I’m going to guess that

The cake armor and if there’s any cake tools funny enough that’s the best armor in the game they it’s literal cake so I’m actually looking forward to that but I think we’re ready we’re gonna try and keep a nice path down so I can easily

Find my way out but let’s do this oh okay so I got a nice little fancy place I I got you uh are you gonna load in okay good good oh my God we only need three monoliths yes okay so we just have to keep an eye out for the Torches I’m

Just gonna put it at entrances on where I entered nice we already have one and yeah let’s just keep running straight so to my understanding possibly vaults are endless and there’s actually technically endless monoliths so I just need to find okay that’s just a healing thing down

There that’s a monolith no way that’s actually kind of hilarious um once I find everything then we’ll start looting on our way hopefully out alrighty next section and this is sadly looking like the end of going forward not saying anything so now we’re just gonna head to the right already you yep

Spawn in your enemies let’s go bop boom bing yeah beautiful please I need torches oh my God yes yes even more scraps yes uh let’s actually just head straight this direction like we might be able to find another monolith if I were to head down but okay there should be a mono within

This room I have a good feeling about this uh I don’t think it’s going to be below us could get lucky and have it above us yes yes oh my god dude we found off with three and four minutes so good and I know how to get out of

Here like even if I don’t look for the Torches I actually have the entire pathway memorized I’m just saying like you know that that deserves a like right you know if you guys want to leave a like on the movie and now we have 20 minutes to go around and actually loot

Up everything so now we don’t have to stress about anything the first time in my life I actually kind of wish I had knocked back on my sword I also really hope that I find out what this currency stuff is for like I’m just I’m gonna assume that they’re actually useful and

Important so I’ll keep collecting them dude where are these guys I hear you there you are hey these actually look like some good chests yes yes okay dang it I didn’t bring the stupid shulker box again oh yes another idea yeah yeah yeah we’re definitely taking you like a self-proclaimed Loop

Goblin and I keep forgetting like all the important stuff what monster Soul right click to loot sure what is this a Donut’s blessing sure you look a little spooky but I’ll take it why not what are you magic silk alrighty now we know that we just need to return this direction

For home okay spoiler alert dang I didn’t even get up here yeah uh we don’t need books I’d rather get the unobtainium I have a very strong suspicion that that is actually very useful I feel like we’re getting a lot of good items this run that wasn’t so

Bad uh I don’t really care to explore this room too big only got 13 minutes I think we have like four rooms to run through this direction is there anything in here aha oh my God why why do you look like that why do you have special icons okay

There we go unidentified vultures wait what unidentified Vault chest uh can I put it on do I need to right click with you gambling yes what did I get what did I get what Minotaur chestplate level 2 Common Minotaur repairs durability or armor six ability power oh my dude I

Look so cool having Thor’s hammer on my shoulder oh my God I look so sick I guess why not dude that was insane and are you guys holding anything good so yeah I think definitely keep oh my God yes yes more another right scrap yes even more okay so special looking

Enemies like that oh thank you definitely always kill them we like uh we like icons now we like seeing those icons on those enemies uh can I get lucky and have more spawning right here I can only imagine how much fun this mod pack is with friends like running around

This entire giant Vault with like four of your best friends in here like that just seems like so much fun whoa oh no what are you normal okay wait wait wait okay maybe we actually explore in loot this dungeon and then oh my God that

Door actually work oh my God I think the door actually works I keep in the mouth I swore my life if I die oh God I swore my life if I die okay at the very least I know how to heal now I do like all these cute little statues holding tools

And stuff I find that adorable okay I clearly don’t go in here so what are you trying to keep from me apparently some enemies I’m not even gonna check the rest I already know that there’s nothing in these barrels at all so there’s no point in me going and checking them out

Honestly let’s just let’s just get out of here I I never find anything good in these rooms usually or at least you know the last one was good but like that one we just weren’t finding anything whatsoever so I’m fine we only got eight minutes I’d rather explore these rooms

Uh I’m pretty positive those are called challenge rooms yeah I mean if you guys are disappointed that I chose to not go through that and you know I’m choosing just to go through and loot these rooms sorry if you want to tell me if I made the right decision that’d be dope you

Know I want to I want to actually try and learn this mod pack and now I’m pretty positive my vault door was that direction so we got six minutes to just go around here and loot up this entire room hi oh hello beautiful is there a staircase

Down or do I just have to be adventurous wait there is a staircase beautiful all righty what’s up boys regarding some good stuff for me I am not going down there Mommy I am totally okay like there’s no way that is not a trap is there any loot whatsoever

In these rooms so there we go it’s like this is so weird I’m just not finding anything I really want to take that shulker shell oh I really want to take it I don’t know whether bone or anything honestly I forget the the Patty then you

Know the burgers are good but like I’m good what do we hear more is that a secret passage one like we do need to be a little bit faster we got four minutes nice uh Bounty Pearl god um God I don’t know uh bo bye don’t eat it

Oh my God hi okay I even if there’s more stuff to loot I think we just need to go we got two minutes I don’t have anything else that I could actually like pick up like there’s nothing that I can drop for anything at all oh let’s go

My first ever vote that I’ve completed yeah oh my God 12 400 XP Flame oh what are you here let’s go and get a little organized okay wait wait we need to go figure out what these coins are or not what they are but like if I can

Combine them together like if I do this ah yep okay yep just what I figured there we go nice 29 silver or whatever that is and now we have a monolith crate uh sure let’s open you up right here in my home okay maybe I shouldn’t break you

Shift right click in the air no did I put you in my M no do I put you in here no okay this might be something that you guys have to tell me uh how to actually use that any use if I go over here very luckily I can actually what

Make another solker box so now I have two and you know if I would actually be smart enough to bring this with me we can actually loot a lot more and I won’t have to be so picky and choosy with what I get also you can go and make two more

Almost three more okay next up we he reached level five so if I upgrade you so it does heal me even more but it starts to cost more Mana it might be useful for whenever I start getting into like actual fights and stuff oh God wait

Wait please don’t be thunder like a few I actually want to upgrade this once just to be able to mine up 16 blocks of that that it just seems insane and then I won’t lie I would love to get into um eternals but I don’t even know like uh

Apparently needed a Eternal pedestal and one has to be alive on it so I don’t know how to use that I’d rather not waste anything on it then yeah there’s like really not too much that like kind of Interest man except for this and like right now this one will just highlight

Wooden chess which you know doesn’t and trust me whatsoever however once I get to Observer then it will actually tell me my objectives within a radius so that’s one that I want to get to so hopefully the max level of this one isn’t too high oh wait noodle good good

So I just do that once and what what are the other ones yeah everything else is just trust them in coin piles which I don’t care about I’d much rather do um objections or objectives not a you know objections okay so yeah we’ll do you watch Dude I

Love these abilities though like they’re actually a lot of fun oh god oh Market’s here wait you become accustomed with the black market and gain the ability to re-roll the office wait this was the black market an item that I craft uh honestly I’m kind of interested

In Fortune I don’t know if this is a good like thing to go into in the beginning but I also don’t know if I can unlock everything in here I feel like that’d be way too overpowered so there has to be a Mad Max level but I honest I

Think Fortune’s probably a good one to go into so at least now we’ll start getting more items and stuff so I’m very interested in that oh my God there’s so much to this oh my God it actually is the block right so the black market oh

Do I even oh my gosh I actually do have enough I I actually barely had enough and now we finally have access to the black market so let’s see what is this thing every whoa it’s an unknown item Vault ax Vault ax or black chromatic

Steel nugget well I kind of want to get to you because you’re purple and have some very pretty oh we have two hours until it resets I actually kind of like that I don’t understand why everything has like a like a sole value to it if I

Can’t sell it you know what here can I make another one of those crystals okay you please be easy four arrows yeah okay we already got that stuff uh here you go Chief finally any of those also before we go since I do have 17 levels just in

Case if I do die here we should go and enchant this bad boy oh god well at the very least I can give it Unbreaking so fine you know we’ll do that I’d much rather not lose you probably would have been best to not leave that on the floor

And boom okay at least I think I’m ready and I think we’ll be able to do this really fast it’s just fingers crossed or Flippers that we get like three monoliths again I I really don’t want to have a lot go go okay we got four uh

Yeah let’s just keep going straight oh we’re gonna do is kind of the same pattern that we’re always gonna be running with this speaking of loot we might want to do that soon okay let’s see there’s an objective down there I think okay so it can either be one of

The monoliths that I need or it actually could be a like a little totem spot thing actually no it’s just straight up I’m on with nice now the terrible part is that I have a minute and 40 seconds until I can use that ability again but

You can see why it’s so broken I have it oh my God there’s the third one right there okay our ability should almost be ready yeah kind of a bad sign we’ve reached that back door but now we just want to go to the right actually wait

Wait there’s one in this room no way there there has been a monolith in every single room I think I finished this faster than last time if it is oh oh we got baited oh well what did I just get from us wanderer’s blessing sure thing

Bud but I guess that would have been too easy you know if we were to finish it that fast we have to be able to like search around and panic a little bit hello Bud sure why not got a second one don’t know if those are good or not but

Uh hey I’ll collect them why not hey there you are sexy see now I uh kind of have an urge to kill all of you because you drop these very beautiful currency crystals for me and uh kind of need to get a lot more because that vaults ax

Whatever it does sounds really nice to man you know it has vaults in the name let’s see the difficulty I’m down to see the first room then oh my god oh oh no oh my God oh my God I am starting to panic is what I would have said if I

Was a loser but I’m a champion oh my God that didn’t stop them you see now things are getting a little awkward because I have an ability where I can heal but I don’t know if I have the time for it okay now I do oh my God that

Didn’t heal me but I do have a bow I I don’t think I’m going to be stepping in those challenge rooms at all until I start getting better armor that thing almost just one shot me yeah oh my God oh my God I have no more arrows oh my

God oh my God nope nope oh my God okay our amazing run uh almost just ended um I sure I’ll collect you why not yeah I am not going back over there by the way I don’t care about anything in that room um I do however really need to find some

Water because I now don’t have a water bucket yeah no we’re we’re still we’re too baby you know right now we are baby uh I want my uppies so uh I I will not be fighting any more hard enemies yes that last netherride scrap was all we

Needed and now we can actually make a vault compass and now watch this for once we can put that down and then watch this oh yeah we could put away everything in here oh yeah that’s right now we just you know need to remember to not throw them away and please do bring

All your friends I do want a lot more of these things oh nice we got another shulker shell and that’s one shulker filled up next one getting progress done on it oh God you look petrifying oh wait I I can’t even open you wait can I break you well

Whatever you unless I need an empty hand anyone in the comment section below wants to tell me what that is that’d be dope yes another smoker shell see these vaults become a lot more fun once you remember to actually bring your salt car boxes into here but I feel like ever

Since I brought them in here that we’re finding rooms with a lot less chess it’s either that or I’m just thinking that because I just always have inventory space to pick up everything from the chest you know who knows it could be either one oh yeah yeah this looks like

A lot oh God no there’s another challenge room I’m totally okay I’ll humor you all though and I’ll open up the door just to see what difficulty it is but I’m not stepping Inside Yes another shulker shell and another netherite scrap beautiful oh no know not at all but uh I would rather

Beat Minecraft with my monitor off I’m totally good and then over here it’s hard I wanna actually find someone oh my God hi I really want to find some of those enemies again okay buddy it had those icons on them where I got this like really nice uh chest plate I would

Actually like to find more of them oh my hello oh my gosh I need to go a little bit faster with the loot oh my God there’s some spawning up above me nice yes more fall damage on you at this rate we might almost just want to skip the

Next Room beautiful dude we can actually make two more shulkers yes yes even more looting for me I don’t think there’s any other spots that we missed I mean there probably is like a few chests but oh well then we got four minutes maybe in

The Next Room oh my god dude there’s so much uh I actually feel like we should take this I actually feel like those are somewhat valuable oh no okay now we’re starting to get maxed out oh God now we’re getting the loot goblins nightmare no inventory space maybe we just loot

This and then we go we got two minutes oh boots yes uh maybe we do that back at home you know we’re a little bit short on uh storage and we’re starting to become short on time oh my God hi okay wait one more spot minute 20 we got time

But just like that with 25 seconds remaining we made it back baby 18 500 XP oh my gosh yeah dude we killed 72 enemies in there not bad 77 chests oh yeah treasure room oh those are treasure rooms okay I thought those are challenge rooms yeah uh anyways oh well there you

Go cool I got another very mysterious box that I have no idea what it does I’m just gonna look up on Google I’m not gonna wait until the movie’s over and like do the second episode to figure out what that does because very clearly these these have to be good oh speak

Talking of good unidentified Vault boots how are you buddy mushroom boots level five Rarity is Omega so we got four armor three ability power 644 durability which ain’t the worst if I’m not mistaken but uh yeah you’re definitely better than golden boots so I will be

Wearing oh we got two more HP okay I see you King and then just for the fun of it uh let’s just put you like there why not so we definitely want uh feather falling we’re gonna do that right now and let’s see yeah get me that Unbreaking with

That depth Strider and I think I don’t care for frostwalker then I I guess we’ll take Soul speed why not I don’t know when I’m gonna go to the nether but you know you seem good and there we go now we have pretty close to God boot

Songs oh yeah I’m liking that one buddy yeah I’m kind of hoping that I can actually put mending on them like I actually really hope that I can now back to you okay you why are why are you healing that I don’t I don’t get you I

Thought I leveled you up currently heels two oh to health points not Hearts yeah well then here let’s level you up like two more times because you’re very important to me so now we can actually heal up two hearts at a time boom boom and then we go

Put these in the corner you go there we now have a vault Compass which you know points to the hormone which points to the home portal and they evolves I’m I’m trying to take it but it won’t let me requires research Vault compass wait

What oh no wait is that what this was no oh man but I trust oh man I got all the items for it Vault Compass you so research one uh do I need to use like my points on it so when I level up again don’t use it on abilities go over here

Dog you’re kidding me wait wait wait wait I think I can make burgers have I been lucky enough to find any like cheese or the other items for it at the very least I can make three burgers and hopefully level up oh my God nope that’s

Not even gonna be close oh oh yes oh we can actually get the purple one why not give me yeah oh a rare plus so an unidentified Vault ax rare plus and it’s gonna be level seven is that even changing at all is it just wow we got ax

I like how it just wasn’t changing whatsoever but Undead damage attack speed Soul bound uh oh my God that durability and we can repair it four times which I don’t know how to do repairs on there like what that really means what I mean I’m definitely not

Going to be using you to cut down these big trees or maybe trees in general I think I’m always going to be using that for the iron ax but it’s kind of cool I still don’t understand why the give I’m trying to understand it but I just

Really don’t it seems like such a random item to give From the Vault but like I guess that’ll be good for whenever we get into building and stuff I wish I knew what the Vault dust was for but it’s looking like it’s not going to be

Telling me and just like that we can now have three more shulker boxes which I truly doubt I’m gonna be bringing that like all of those into the Vault with me because I you know I barely even had enough time to fill up two of them but

Very luckily that’s all of our shulker boxes completed not completed but you know organized which we should probably just make them their own uh Standalone chest and we might as well go through make another one of you and like these are so easy I love this I won’t lie I’m

Actually a little tempted to make a cobblestone generator and since they’re oh wait we have the create mod oh since we have the create mod I can make an automatic cobblestone generator that’s like super duper awesome God I really wish that I uh no because I I can make

An automatic farm with the crit mod as well and then I could just sell you these vegetables back to you blah blah blah but since arrows are an issue and I could just Camp all the way up there and you know just get arrows from the

Skeleton slowly over time but I kind of don’t feel like spending like five days up there trying to get a lot of arrows so I think you know we should start working with our uh very lovely villagers and then you know we could just buy some if we can get some bees

That would actually be really really nice because I want to make it so my villagers cannot jump out of these uh very Humane and amazing looking uh Trading Post for them yeah yeah we’ll go with Trading Post here’s one and here’s two okay you yes you you’re perfect okay

Let me go get a lot of sticks because a nice thing from The Vault it gives us a metric ton of sticks for some reason like we we actually we just have so much and then for you I want that same exact trade yep just like that and then here

We’ll buy an entire stack and then that’ll be for the vaults uh Crystal thingy and even though these are all completed actually I’m not gonna press the button because I don’t I don’t know like I can pick up the crystal put this in light it up but I don’t want to do

Another Vault yet and I’m kind of suspicious that like if I have that portal open that something random can go into it so wait I had arrows wait since when did I have arrows in there no way I think I figured it out so I looked it up

Apparently you shift right click oh my god it worked oh yo look at all this oh my gosh no what wait can I do like multiple oh my God two gambling we could go all the way to three gambling discovered Rusty Raider chest plate Rusty scavenger chest plate and we got a

Sword two which nine illager damage uh let’s see 8.5 attack which is half an attack higher than our sword okay so we basically just got another right sword and uh let’s say so you’re four and six this is three and four five and two and

A half so we got some doggy doo doo and we got like basically good and then whatever these are yeah chip Jewel which I don’t know what these do I don’t know if I’m even gonna figure this out this movie so if you guys can tell me what

They are I’d greatly appreciate that also here if I put you in there looting three and breaking three okay yeah you’re just oops oh that’s cool oh wait I can leave an item in here and it keeps pointing towards me but slowly spinning at the same time a little weird okay that’s

Actually kind of sick I like that uh any whose so we got you as well oh yeah oh I got a good feeling about this one so we got some golden looking coins thing oh mystery box which I remember I have a lot in here because I saw the dude in

The video do this as well so I don’t think I have any other kind of like gambling thing in here so let’s say boom boom boom boom boom Oh I thought those were diamonds but we got a lot of emeralds that’s actually really cool I like that more gems which a legendary

Vault gym uh we got a blank seal but yeah I don’t even think I got one item out of that so um I think I just wasted that that’s cool uh a shield which we can either get a good one or a rusty one it looks like just don’t be rusty oh man

Thorns damage wait slowness Cloud one hit oh wait you’re actually kind of cool and then Vault leggings you can actually get something better than our iron please don’t don’t be iron or Rusty please five and six you’re higher than mine but man item Rarity plus six percent wait

You might not be that bad I think for like the second time ever in my life of playing modded Minecraft stuff um I’m not using vanilla armor and tools okay well I’m still using vanilla tools for now but you know we’re on the progress of like getting modded tools so you know

That is pretty cool oh and another Vault sword hopefully something really nice something really good please is this the same thing yeah we just got the exact same thing but worse actually no we got it point zero five attack speed higher oh wow but has more stability blah blah blah can I put

Anything new on you Looting and I’m breaking something okay nope the exact same and yeah I don’t think that there’s anything else useful I might want to actually use a shield in the vaults I’ve heard that those are actually good now before we go when we actually build like

A super beautiful villager place which I don’t know why I’m going to because you know I don’t we might make this our home maybe we don’t need to go and uh live at an amazing Village that is 2100 blocks away from us but I don’t know me maybe

We live here I don’t know I’ll see what you guys say I’ll move if you guys want me to but I really want to see if I can go and find some bees because I know I don’t need Bees and Honey to build a villager trading spot or like little uh

Post for them to survive in it’s just I you know much rather have it that way because I like making my villagers stand out in the open make it look like it’s an actual uh trading place from from like an MMORPG you know and and I don’t

Know if we’re going to be getting lucky and finding bees I mean it was impossible to find carrots so however I do know how to make these spawn in naturally we just need some flowers and I think Oak works but before I go and do that boring stuff yeah let’s just go

Around and explore some more because I mean this world is super beautiful and I’d feel a little bad if I didn’t oh my gosh it’s such a big hole oh a village wait have I rated you before wait I haven’t I swore in my life if I find

Some carrots in here I’m actually going to be a little upset whoa hell oh my gosh uh don’t know what you’re for but I hope you guys in the comments down below can tell me I will be taking that pickaxe and wow uh I don’t know whose

House this was but I love you so I’m not sure if I can use this for the modded potions but yeah let me take you because I’m pretty sure to actually make those I would have to go to the nether get some Blaze stuff and then we can actually uh

Craft that thing so I’ll take the lazy round out okay I think I looted everything but let’s actually just head back home just so I could drop it off because I kind of have a full inventory and if I find bees that are in trouble okay now that we’re way more situated we

Have so much more going for us nice and clean okay but let’s go back to the direction that we just came from and then maybe we’ll go a little bit more uh this direction I thought you have a big head if I don’t find any bees this day then

We’ll just go with the other Strat why is that green has Azalea always been green but if I don’t find any bees today then we’re just gonna go with the other Strat of trying to spawn them in where you put a sapling right in front of a

Flower and then you just use bone meal wait Azalea log but Azalea a lot oh those are mod packs oh I knew that oh and hello purple Forest oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I see you I see you and I also see you 1500 blocks away

Oh boy I don’t know if I want to travel that distance like I really wish that there was a carry-on mod in here dark oak sapling wait what this is dark oak uh let’s see well um you guys don’t have any honey in there so I can’t just yank

It and uh oh and you guys have the cool colors yeah but I can’t make my own beehive which that actually is kind of an issue so hopefully they can get some honey in there uh I did see another B I hear another B I see another beehive

Okay okay we should be good on flowers for the remainder uh if I make this into a series if you guys like it enough but yeah we should be good on the remainder of the series now did the bees do anything I bud you see seem a little

Confused I won’t lie oh yes okay beautiful uh uh don’t get too mad at me everyone well you’re not mad at me and I don’t know where that other bee went is that would be an issue if he was mad at me and I didn’t know but no okay I think

That’s the B I kind of want to stay maybe get a little bit more honeycomb uh just just for the rest of today just see what happens because that one right there should actually produce some honey soon so we can get some more honeycomb and I also think I’m going to add the

Carry-on mod for this uh mod pack so hey Scala if you’re watching this or anyone who loves uh Vault Hunter really sorry if that makes you mad but I like the carry-on mod way too much it’s it’s really nice buddy yeah or should I say Bud beep

But yeah let’s bring you back okay so amazing news first up I don’t really care for that I can’t lie but I installed the carry-on mod which I’m really hoping that it actually works I’m just waiting for a b please please please please please yes oh my gosh yes

Oh yes finally I don’t need to like drag drag things around by just holding what they want to eat so okay this is gonna be annoying but here we’re gonna leave a waypoint over here so I can always come back and pick up more of them and uh I’m

Not kidding uh yep let’s now run 1500 blocks back home let this be I wonder if I can actually ride a horse while I carry a b uh oh okay well we made it back home but now we have like a slight issue um I don’t have anywhere to hold this bee

Um okay at the very least here we’ll put you into the mines like right there because the bees yearn for the mines and then hopefully I can be fast enough to go get some building blocks oh my God it’s already moving uh here no no no no

No no no no no no come here come here please please please please please please no come back okay quickly yes for being nice and locked up in there so before I go and I get more bees or one more beat yeah let’s uh build them a

Nice little spot are you guys okay oh my gosh you can actually see the lagging whoa whoa it’s crazy like I can move around freely and stuff but wow okay maybe we need to go and say hi to some chickens wait actually okay so boom boom

And we got one little beehive and now we got two okay ah God where do I wanna hold them at least uh here we’ll take a whole lot of these and then uh good spot to hold them I guess would just be right here uh it’s gonna be really dark for

Them for a little bit at least okay beautiful so we have a very simple building right now I just kind of don’t care to actually build anything just in case if we’re actually moving and then here we’ll light up all Corners so our bees should be completely covered and

Safe in there and then ah we’ll probably put all of the beehives like over here oh wait I need to go build some um some campfires which oh wow would you look at that I have some uh logs to actually build those and yeah we’ll just put them

Right over here so we can have five and dang it I messed it up kind of uh uh we’ll have a lone someone right over there and then we can go ahead and put two beehives right there oh hi no way long time no see uh yeah I don’t really

Care for anything in there but thank you so much for the two leads I mean I have the carry-on mod now so like they’re really pointless to me I don’t really need these but uh thank you no no no no no I had to say hi to him thank you uh

How have fun and then we got to be kind to our bees so we’ll put some flowers like you know up here there there blah blah blah that’ll be enough for them and then we’re gonna save the rest of the flowers for breeding them now in the meantime

Yeah we’re just gonna cover up all of these with just regular wood because I kind of don’t want to have my bees just catch on fire and die I might come to a surprise to you guys okay I really would much rather not have that now hopefully

I’ll be still in here okay yep and no no no no no no no okay uh yep I think we’re all good I don’t think there’s any way for you to get out or harm yourself so there you go yep I have one oh my gosh

Wow she wasted no time getting in there now speaking of getting in there oh wait here we’ll first clean this up yeah let’s just go ahead and just say hide all of you guys because I have a strong feeling that all the animals that I have here are lagging out my game

I didn’t mean to hit him at all oh oops but yeah let’s head back to the bees we’re gonna get one more and then just for fun here I’m gonna take you away from your family wait no even better here you go uh I’m gonna take you away

From Mom and I don’t know why your health bar is jumping back to her like that you know it’s gonna build character they’re gonna become very strong you won’t be depending on anyone so yeah let’s make it into the water ow uh here you go good luck at life Bud

Um no mom is nowhere near so don’t even try to search for her ah day 69. stop laughing hello B I will take you to you you there we go and uh I guess I’ll pick up the saplings that I dropped here before it’s nothing more than what I’d

Rather do than to run with the bees behind in my face for over 1500 meters what oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I kind of want to kill him I’m not gonna lie oh I kind

Of really want to kill him because I want to get that trident I mean okay well we’re close it’s the B Spot over there I’m here there we go ah dang it where do you go hey you come here come here got it okay there I’ll mark

Off the B is like right there we just have to remember that little dirt Tower okay now for you okay beautiful uh did you drop anything wow yeah an Ottawa show I love those oh yep and I love all that text whatever that means can’t believe I just went

Through all of that just for a nautilus Shale hi buddy thank you okay now we can head back home now do you guys like tridents more than Bose or is the bow still the most like overpowered ranged weapon please I can make it home before nighttime please okay beautiful the

Other Beast should be in the bee ha boom boom pick you up there we go okay drop you off Oop There we go okay yep and it went straight into the Beehive whoa alrighty now we’ll just have to wait half a century but I need

Both those bees to come out we have yet to start repopulating rapidly oh dear God it’s been two minutes please thank you oh finally two minutes later okay you and you beautiful I was starting to think that you weren’t in the Beehive anymore and now we got a cute little

Baby wait wait wait don’t I have a name tag do I really not have one darn well I was gonna name uh the little baby bumble so we could bring that into this world speaking of bringing things into this world let me bring the Grim Reaper in

For these cows I think just for a lag purposes I’m just gonna leave two cows alive in here and hi buddies yeah I’m gonna have to do it to you guys too I just want to make sure that we’re not laggy in here and that distance mod

Really does not help out also we should probably go and get some dirt so we can replace oh okay we should go and get dirt just so we can make sure that our sheep can actually regrow their wool this part right here will be the uh the

Saving point for all of the the grass for whenever the Sheep go by and just start devouring everything and then I’m actually hoping that I have enough dirt oh yes okay beautiful good job everyone did I get that okay I did okay nice we can now have a third uh beehive I’m not

Gonna lie I’m actually really tempted to run back to the B Waypoint and get more bees because even though I have three now you know we can just start breeding them but it’s just gonna take so long I think it would actually be faster because right now any honey that I get I

Can’t make any honey blocks for these guys so we can actually lower these down and we can actually see them and stuff which yeah it’s like I don’t really have anything better to do I mean we could go do another Vault run but feel like we

Really need to start making some of the basics at home because it’s still really pathetic but yeah you know what I I think it’s worth it and uh wait isn’t this where I brought the horse uh here you go good luck at life baby horse ah nice you’re still there I

See things are going swimmingly alrighty bees I’m oh okay well nevermind I couldn’t even couldn’t even start my sentence no I’m here buddy oh look at you trying to hide oh you think you could have gone away by the way while I’m running back to my house with this B

In my hands while I’m guessing on where to stop I should really just run this way I just want to mention that if you’re watching this on Facebook maybe even Twitter Tick Tock can you please report the page or the channel That is using this because I don’t have a

Facebook or a tick tock and I don’t really want them to like ruin my name or earn free money from me so yeah that would I would greatly appreciate it if you could report them they’re beautiful hopefully no no no okay God you’re such a troublemaker there enjoy your new home

You’re welcome so I can’t go to sleep and it’s roughly halfway over for the next day I honest honestly I I think we just go right back we just need to keep on shuttling bees over I somehow always managed to see brand new uh scenery areas like I don’t remember this place

Whatsoever and it’s just a straight line alrighty bees don’t see anything oh God I found it oh you oh you’re cute come here thank you whoa I just find like a coin flower pretty beautiful oh no the bees are out okay uh oh God almost all the bees are out okay please please

Please be right there okay I don’t know why it’s so laggy over here at the house let’s see if I can breed some of the bees at least hopefully okay uh you and you okay well if you give it 45 minutes for the game to update yep we have a new

One always that one looks so cute I don’t know like what any of these icons are but that one looks adorable I like it our super fun trips are going back and forth 700 times is almost done well good luck bees please keep on making more honey it really doesn’t help that I

Keep on leaving these chunks because yeah we have really not getting any honey whatsoever finally done with the trip well um if there’s any more bees left here which I’d kind of be surprised here and nothing okay so no be in there and then no being there okay and I don’t believe

That I hear any bees so we’ll just keep heading this direction running even farther away from home but there has to be more bees now let’s see can I spy with my two normally sized eyes any bees ah it’s not really looking like it let’s see maybe we run this way very

Interesting spot for dirt now wait wait wait wait wait I think I just saw something yellow in a tree oh yes yes okay sweet oh yes and a Beat just came out hey buddy it got a flower can you come down here regardless you know there’s more bees in that beehive but we

Are 250 blocks away from the bees Waypoint so I don’t really care to come back here now because now we’re starting to like really get out of our way to get more bees but this trip was mainly just to check and make sure that I got all

The bees from our Waypoint and also I just don’t want to go back home empty-handed or also not feel like I really wasted a day please okay good doesn’t look like there’s any bees out please please there we go lag lag there we go okay I think

We’re good on the entire B Adventure because now at this point I’m just gonna start braiding them because I really need to stop leaving our base because uh they’re not making any honey and that’s kind of a bad thing so yeah we’re definitely gonna not leave base anymore

I mean we could just start building a uh a villager trading Outpost and also we need an actual place to hold these guys so I’m guessing that a lot of the circles are little Bolder looking things on these islands are actually Hollow we’ll definitely have to go check that

Out at some time I think to do that I’m going to want to get a lot of sand because then once I’m done exploring up there I just put down a torch and then I can just you know re-get it all and then speaking of red getting it all hello so

Now that we got six more boom boom we got two more and not bad so we just need one more I mean I’ll probably end up making this entire site over here for uh beehives as well but at the very least we almost have the basic ones down and

Then since it’s actually been quite some time here we’ll just spend today doing some chores I’m gonna go around times all the farms and beautiful okay so we’re completely done with all that stuff I’m not gonna lie I got I really want to go over there to the floating

Island and check it out like I I want to check out at least one of these before the movie is over okay I broke the shovel and we almost have four stacks of sand that should be well over enough I don’t think I’ll be needing more than

That okay let’s go check it out and then I promise that we’re not going to be leaving our base we’re going to be building we’re gonna let the bees do their magic we’re gonna work on some villagers and we’ll make some nice progress for getting stronger oh no no

Dude I don’t think I have enough sand oh cool I was curious where every single cave system was okay well this right here might be the best spot okay on top of drowning yeah this is gonna it’s gonna take a little bit to get this pure sand up

Above the water there we go and then now to force squids to do a speed Montage of me uh towering up no way I actually guessed that entirely correctly on where to Tower up and very surprisingly I had almost the exact amount that I needed to come up here oh

My gosh wow look at everything that we can see from all the way up here oh hey look there’s another Village which that right there where my uh little Crosshair is that looks very particular because that doesn’t look like a normal village thing oh no way I just found the rarest

Block in Minecraft that’s allegedly like the rarest block in Minecraft that’s kind of cool I wish I’d slow touch oh okay so there’s a cave down below okay up cool cool I think there’s like creepers and slimes okay so is this just like something just to be cool wow look

At all those rare blocks I just showed up all of those YouTubers collecting all the rarest blocks oh my lag okay so other than that rare snowy grass block I’m really not seeing any points coming up here but I won’t lie I was expecting like like a boss or something but uh I

Don’t know maybe there’s like maybe I just don’t know what these islands are for which is like a huge possibility well I guess I’m lucky because I only use sand to get up here wait no oh maybe coming back up here in the future once I have silk touch that’s probably where

It’s gonna be worth it because then I can collect all of this uh ice combine it together to make packed ice maybe even blue ice and then I could use that in an item sorting system and other like automated things or uh passageways okay

So if I go right here where I towered up first one this insanely hard to get so this could be a really cool building block maybe that whoa so definitely a mob spawner in here will be very dangerous if I ever wanted to come and collect all this stuff which we’d

Probably just have to spend a lot of the time just lighting up the area oh yeah no no I do want that XP though don’t touch me though but I do want to get the XP and uh Now all that I need to do is one okay we need to stand on top of this bad boy then we break you and then we put down a torch and then there we go so now wow that looks so sick especially just seeing how I like this sand up top is

Still there hasn’t even started moving yep don’t worry just take your time still going we are hitting Mach 47 whatever oh okay darn I wanted to see what would happen if I stood under it but uh good okay oh wait hi I didn’t realize that there was a second sea

Turtle over here hello um okay here this might be a little weird um hi villagers I need you guys to share your room with two sea turtles welcome it’s so lonely not having that sea turtle over here but I’d say it’s for the better it’s actually a nicer knowing

That you know I can’t really Escape but like not not like that not in like a weird way you know but in like a kind way I feel like we need to go mining okay because here if I’m gonna be building with Spruce I think it’d look

Really nice if we also use some Cobble deep slate with it they just have like a super dark looking building at some point we’re gonna be making farms for just a lot of blocks like we’ll definitely have a cobblestone one we’ll definitely have some concrete ones maybe

Oh yeah sand travel all that stuff so because it was you okay yeah then I go to that okay yes and then I hold this while breaking this yes yes now I wouldn’t mind running into some diamonds because I’m pretty sure at this y level this was so that we can get

Some Quantum iron or whatever it was called I oh God I think it was called Quantum iron I forgot really appreciate more diamonds I really want to get away from Iron stuff in case you’re wondering what I’ve been seeing this entire day from mining I’ve been seeing some gray

Some darker gray and some lighter gray but at the very least I started doing this oh hi okay hello uh well I was gonna say I started doing this just so I can get some more building materials let’s hold the F and then let’s see oh

Wow two okay wait wait wait wait wait no no there might be more diamonds this way ah I knew it huh deep slate Redstone and emeralds right next to each other and a perfectly suspicious looking manner okay uh well goodbye to all of you and you

And oh yep gold too with whatever this is I want to check out this cave but like can I oh yep never mind I was gonna say can I find like a nicer entrance to it and uh the answer is yes yes I can oh that was raw uranium that was an

Emeralds oh that sucks Laura you mean that stuff that they put into our toothpaste to make us allergic to 5G waves and they’ll never get me with them I’m too educated for that stuff oh boy so this is definitely a cave system that we could just spend days in here just

Trying to loot up everything oh hi diamonds uh why is there wait wait wait why is there a mob spawner up here what is that wait why is it right oh my God no no no no no ah nope don’t like that song oh my God oh my God oh my God

They’re coming to my little cave of Secrets the secret is that you die oh my God there’s so many of you did that wait wait wait did I just wonder here yeah I think it actually disappeared so I guess that spawner is a one-time use just super interesting I mean that’s kind of

A cool idea I’m actually kind of down for that wait did one of them just drop TNT am I the only one confused by these drops why did you give me change it why do you why do I have seven rabbit hides hello random pots okay so it’s like uh

Zelda I can just be link and run around everywhere and just destroy people’s property and I get free stuff out of it I’m down for that okay and then we just have these little spiders right here hello yes you guys are so adorable yep I

Love you no you little I thought I was gonna make it out of there without getting touched oh wait wait wait wait wait you look really valuable um antique ink sure no okay oh my God I’m so happy I heard that oh no way yeah no we definitely need to

Come back with at least three shulkers I would say I need more torches what was that what oh hi wow uh Don’t Mind If I Do even okay well that sucks um uh we’ll just we’ll leave this right here just to hopefully remind us to uh

Come back to that out part right there and uh yeah at least we won’t lose the diamonds we just have to come back to them but yeah I’ll hopefully most definitely remember that I mean we’re not gonna be gone that long oh eyelash we’re up to 14 diamonds wow I actually

Got 12 from that run and then yeah there’s so much scores to go through and cook um oh wow that is a lot of tags okay not sure what antique ink does but I I think I’m happy that I have it and then here we’ll put all of our uh Cobble

Deep slate into there so that’s actually a pretty decent amount to build with we should actually to make something pretty with that you should probably take double the Torches I think that’d be a lot smarter having two stacks of those okay now we’re ready to go back down to

The mines and just get so much more stuff okay first off diamonds very very important and oh my God hello dude I’m just waiting for something to jump out at me I don’t know dude this game is making me feel so uneasy no idea why oh hi pretty okay so if you’re wondering

What I just achieved after you know a day of mining in here x I wouldn’t have been able to do it without this enchantment or not enchantment but this ability oh and there’s more over there well here let’s take the fun way okay well wait it was

Really just one and I’ll take it though I don’t think that I care to explore anymore at least over here there’s still some more at the other side of the cave I just I wish I knew if any of these were valuable like those diamonds up

There uh actually no here I could use more building materials so we’ll just build a very janky looking staircase up there oh yeah this is gonna be good oh my gosh there’s so much right here oh this is gonna be fun Boop I would like to think that we’ve picked out the

Entire bottom area pretty decently well um oh god oh yeah we’ll check this out some other day but not too shabby uh this is everything that I ended uh day two on but I like how that one time that I actually bring shulker boxes with me I

Don’t need them whatsoever well my uh we just filled up this entire thing so now uh was it just these three things I’m pretty sure it was just these three to actually make the uh the Vault Compass but there now we can do that I don’t

Know why I left this old armor in there it’s really not needed like at all anymore so actually yeah we’ll just throw you away and uh boy so now it’s time to actually build this so maybe this building that we’re about to do like we’ll make some room for some

Storages on there because yeah we really need to clean up this place as it’s only going to be getting Messier as time goes on I’ll make a spot for the villagers and then maybe a spot to sleep because uh I think it’d be kind of nice to

Actually have some kind of real uh home soon here we’ll pick up all of that and we’ll pick up like almost all of you and yeah okay so oh God I’m trying to think of how to build this without it being so repetitive and like just all the same

Look in there and you know it’s so ugly I mean that’s when we kind of line it up with this and then maybe we have a staircase like right there since the Torches are just so perfect for it I’m gonna I almost want to see what would

This look like instead of doing that very typical like staircase on the underside please don’t be thunder like what if we just do this eh never mind I I see why we always use that uh staircase for the underside so this is gonna be kind of the general theme I

Think we stick to logs for all of the um walls and kind of just like the outsider Parts maybe we need to use all of the cobbled deep sliding like deep slate in general just for all the flooring and then by leaving this I mean I could just

Transform this on the future but we could possibly just put a moat below our house and we can have some kind of a Waterway going out into the ocean or is that technically a really large lake so now see how do we want to continue this okay

So maybe here is where it’s just like a like a polished one God I have no idea how to I want to build this uh oh wait wait wait wait here okay so we’ll go forward about seven blocks on every single side just like this and then this

Will be leading us into all of the uh the new passageways or like uh what I don’t want you down there so to the right I’m feeling villager Outpost if we go straight that’ll be for the uh storage area and then if we go left that’ll be our home area which we can

Then also just build a staircase going down so we can get to like our little Farms down there and the Vault portal okay then we use the actual correct block so we use these big stone bricks around it just for a nice transition and then we fill up the center with these

Little ones then we put up the fancy ones oh yeah I don’t think we actually need to make it that big oh no way the grass is actually reaching the Sheep’s pen nice so maybe we have like this nice little Bridge looking thing coming over and then we continue this over I don’t

Know why but I really want to put like a nice wooden railing around everything I’ll mark out the border of the room which again like I don’t think we need to go too crazy like I don’t want to build such a massive building just for this stuff okay that’s way much better

Way much better way more better way more better way much better I don’t know okay yep that was like a very weirdly Perfect Fit nice everything’s working out very strangely well God we need to redo our entire base beautiful so this would be our entire base and yeah especially

Since we have this like super beautiful distance mod on I most definitely think that we want to leave a lot of room in here for glass well for the first time we’ll move the bed up here and we’ll get to be able to sleep in our nice fancy

New area and I can’t Center that bed and that actually annoys me ah what a beautiful Slumber another funny thing if I don’t remove this at all I could just always walk right over here and then just throw away any kind of um foliage until there that I don’t want any ooze I

Mean I I think I know a style that I can do for this so we need to go and remove this one and this one do that for every single side then we go back around and we raise this up wow I don’t know until it’s like four blocks tall ah beautiful

Then we can go go inwards by one block just like that okay beautiful now if I can get up there without water destroying everything is that beautiful then let’s just go up one with that and then we can just bring in everything like this uh in hindsight I probably

Should have had this one up higher okay give me a second wait wait wait we need to raise it up again so much more beautiful right I mean if anything we could just go around and do some of these so it looks like it’s a little bit more connected

Okay then with a little bit of glass that I have so I really think that just honestly filling in all of this with glass is probably going to be the best bet or the best look for it at least because like oh I hate that oh I oh God

I really don’t like that oh I might be adding a connected Glass mod now just imagine all of these ugly lines weren’t there and then you know God it just looks so nice and super perfect I also really need to start moving stuff like this right here yeah this is just a

No-No actually since it is starting to get like super busy down here and everything’s just getting super cluttered before we go running actually like completely design everything and make it all finalized and pretty we should really just go around and actually finish the entire building like

The the Bare Bones of it you know okay I I would start building over here but that’s for the villagers they don’t really matter for now so instead we’ll go over here and we’re just gonna immediately start build building the uh little like item storage area and I

Don’t know like anything else that I want to put over here oh man that’s awkward for you guys actually you’re not here we’ll just we’ll pick you guys up and uh yeah you can you can go in there back with your buddies okay and yeah I’ll clean that up later and then here

Technically at this link this is 22 blocks deep which I’m this should be fine if anything you know like if I if there is no special storage block or I could put like a lot of items in it then we can just build up them I think this

Will be decent enough I just don’t want to build it like super duper massive to where this takes me the rest of the movie to you know finish it hope this is starting to get interesting uh we are cutting it really really close to how much material that I have oh but Skies

Just chop them all down and turn them into slabs no I’m stubborn I’m gonna do it the difficult way and the wasteful way and then I’m just gonna complain about it when it doesn’t work now since this area is so unbelievably massive I think we should try out

Something smart Okay so speaking of smart uh I’m a changed man from about 14 seconds ago and actually we will be using slabs for this part because I definitely don’t have enough whatsoever to actually finish this with whole blocks oh my gosh I actually had enough

To do that now we’re gonna be really really smart so we’re actually just going to be loading up uh wood into here since you know it’s so easy for me to get and I have so much of it and I would much rather not go mining for you know

Hopefully the rest of the movie maybe in the future I’ll come back and replace this with some some deep sleep but uh who knows um the next problem um I’ll get one really close to them but two I don’t exactly have the slabs anymore to uh put these down here we’ll

Just go around and put down as much as we can alrighty we actually managed to get down a decent amount we were able to do about like a third of this building however let’s take a little pause on building right now because we are very quickly getting into a lighting issue as

You guys are probably noticing okay almost done at least with the top part because the other issue of always building in the sky is that um yeah down here I’m pretty positive if I wasn’t here then mobs would actually be spawning underneath us the next thing I

Mean no no we got it we got room over there here let’s start moving over everything which uh we’ll start with you because yeah I need to empty my inventory too actually here well put a statue right there with uh for somebody I don’t know actually uh here you can

Take the almost broken one yeah I’ll keep the nicer one but yeah we’ll just keep you like that oh wait no you’re gonna have the sword why not oh why do you hold it like that okay well you know what you look really silly with it so

Sure you can keep holding on to that why not um I honestly think think that we should move this but I don’t know where I would want to put it here other than oh we just put it there maybe so we can actually build this perfectly in the

Center and then I guess we can build it you know like a traditional portal like that I thought it looks so odd the lucky part of me building my portal right here is that boom we actually have pretty normal looking areas for some chests you know now for the most satisfying part oh

Yeah I like that oh I love that mod next up we might as well get rid of the simple stuff alrighty next up we move all of our delicious food this will never not be satisfying oh God I love that so much do I need to cook anything

In here uh up next we might as well just do all of our oars oh yeah in doing this kind of made me realize just how much random crap I’ve gathered over the entire course of this okay beautiful so I believe I’ve moved everything that I

Need to up here all of our Farms look completely grown oh no the bees hi hello and then lastly so this one is gonna be important I think that we should actually just collect the crystal because I’m too scared to break this because I feel like I won’t actually it

Won’t remember like the recipe and everything that I gave it beautiful I could break you right okay thank God and then you know we’ll we’ll just load this up but I’m not gonna go into it just yet but I I do want to go into it one more

Time before we end and where do I want to put this uh we’ll put it in our bedroom I feel like that’s only fitting yeah we’ll put it like right next to the globe there we go and then do I still have any of those Vault Crystal Shard

Thingies like sharp pieces or Dwight actually need to go mining again let’s just go mining we don’t have to spend too much time down there but as soon as we get back up top yeah we definitely need a 10 tour Farms oh what if okay good we’re still safe what if I

Hold F and I do this oh oh my God it does it oh yeah boy this is amazing I thought it was only for oars what happens if I hold F and do this oh no oh my god I’ve been mining like a silly goose this entire time oh God

There’s gonna be so many mad people at me and let’s see for us we’re going to another Vault like that okay well except for the drip Stone part like this is so easy oh my gosh I love that I wish it was like that from the beginning oh boy

Yeah I don’t even have any drip Stone so yeah that’s gonna be very fun uh mining for uh well I actually had the exact amount that I needed oh this place looks so much nicer like that but I definitely don’t think that there’s enough time in the movie remaining from these actually

Uh finish up everything else in here but with a little bit of the day remaining please don’t hurt me oh let’s just start tuning to our Farms definitely need to work on this again I mean we still got some time I’m just trying to think of

The easiest way to find a drip Stone cave or whatever they’re called let’s see I mean I’m not gonna lie I’m gonna be cheating I’m gonna look at the mini map wait ooh maybe if we go back to the big cave Eve I wish I could like just

Zoom out on my mini map I know that there’s a way to do it but I don’t feel like looking up the controls wait if I use my vein mining ability on obsidian would I be able to mine up all of them obsidian all of them are sitting what

Would I be able to mine up all of the obsidian like right there okay wait wait maybe so I do need more of this for building in the future so maybe if I just start mining like oh my God that’s so much faster dude that that actually

Makes me so sad that is so much faster than how I was digging that little like two by two hole ah I’m not seeing anything yet hello diamonds I think once we get back home I’m going to start investing into some diamond tools I wonder if I can make tools out of

Chromatic iron because I wonder if that’s stronger than iron tools I mean regardless I’m just gonna go make some diamond ones but yeah oh no there’s diamonds right there and I don’t know that’s like uranium or something that oh man I missed some of the diamonds because it’s beautiful oh God we might

Need to make a new just oh my gosh there’s so much to cook okay so let’s go have some fun we’re gonna see what good hopefully good enchantment’s gonna get on this thing oh my god oh yes oh oh my God there’s so much stuff I mean that

And oh yeah I’ll take some of those and uh this and uh that and then okay so maybe I don’t really need to make a villager trading uh Outpost you know maybe uh maybe it’s not needed wait wait wait I see another one I want to abduct

You come here you see we won’t have to worry about any plastic straws in the ocean if there’s no sea turtles in the ocean and then since I have 30 XP levels here if we’re gonna go into the uh the vaults again we might as well just make

Diamond everything okay let’s see so we obviously want that we also definitely need that and then I want to say silk touch for this is better because if I get fortune on my shovel I I don’t need that much uh Flint like I gotta be

Honest I really don’t and then oh yeah I know we have to do that one and then I don’t oh no do I not have enough emeralds no I needed one more wait wait because if you look at the book like the ax grows out of it that is so cool I’ve

Never noticed that before ah that sucks man we’ll do silk because I don’t think Fortune does anything on an ax I’m also mainly just going back into the Vault because I need more torches and I just I have no charcoal or cold to actually make them so we’ll just do the next

Smart thing because I don’t really feel like going mining for coal or uh cooking any of my wood or charcoal oh actually before we even go in there uh yeah we should make some more torches because yeah once we get in there we need to like immediately loot some chest so I

Can get more torches so I can actually mark my way out of the place but let’s do this the final Vault run for this movie man we’re off let’s go oh yes okay we only need to find three oh this is gonna be so easy monolith

Monolith hey what’s up buddy that is a really bad sound and I don’t like that at all I’m not gonna lie I’m actually gonna collect the cactus I I have a feeling that this is also something that’s really hard to find in the Overworld man I see one more thing

Up here that’d be funny if it was a second monolith regenerates all your health yeah I’ll leave you there bud yes immediately right into the second area oops as I almost forget yeah we need to actually we’ll do the torch there I’m kind of tempted to collect the chest in

Here I feel like they’d be kind of like nice and pretty to use in our base okay I mean we got 22 and a half minutes and we only need one more monolith I’m not stressing whatsoever wait you can’t even collect these oh that’s lame never mind

I guess we won’t be collecting them for our home ooh what’s up here oh oh yes finally torches thank you oh my gosh oh hello can I even break this okay I’m gonna take it oh wait no I can wow it just takes a super duper long

Time well I I don’t care that much for it takes a little bit too long maybe next time I’ll bring my ax okay Amy who’s let’s continue running this direction and hello beautiful that was so easy I love that every single monolith just in the room right next to

It and dude we got 19 minutes to mess around and just loot okay this is gonna be a good run don’t touch me oh beautiful oh hi hello please no no no don’t touch don’t touch don’t touch the merchandise thank you oh cool and there’s more

Coming up uh why do I keep hearing something behind me don’t run at me okay we’ll check out down there in just a second keep moving all of these I’m still very confused why I get so many scaffolding from the vaults it really doesn’t make sense to me beautiful oh

Wait unidentified wand oh so we can go be Wizards in here oh dude we are actually finding so much ancient debris uh netherite scraps in here oh uh I don’t really want to get lost so let’s actually just go back up and then we might as well just keep running even

Further like 15 minutes each room behind us should only take me like maybe three four minutes to go through yeah nice and easy hello you look creepy oh I don’t know what was good in there but apparently something was what are you what Benito Jim common Vault gem okay

Well even though it’s common it’s still special to me oh hi oh no I don’t know why I never Enchanted my bow now that I think about it okay well here I could do that and land in water and then we wait for you to drop

Oh my God hi okay that scared me oh that scares me even more all of this loot just sitting there and I almost didn’t take it now do I get like extra points if I do this one oh I can’t even light it okay go I’m I’m researching here yeah

So we can’t even do anything with that okay just wait stop spawning okay this okay oh okay okay okay okay okay I need you guys to wait okay this is very important there’s so much loot here that I need to steal from you and you guys

Keep spawning in uh what oh wait is there a secret area down below get away get away get away get away away get away get away get away wait wait oh my God no I styled oh yes yes yeah just spawn in more for me yep that’s what we needed oh

My God that is a baby riding a chicken I felt like that was rare but now I feel like the chicken’s trying to kill me because it keeps coming back over here can I open this okay that’s another door that I can’t open don’t know what the

Point of them are then okay uh let’s just start running back up uh forget it I don’t care about this room anymore this room is way too big okay uh I think I’ve already looted this room ah here we’ll just go check out these chests down here and then we’ll just like that

That’s all oh God there’s two spots okay okay let’s just continue on this should be the second room that we’re coming up on okay surely something good to be in here right other than zombies good nothing else spawned in but I will be taking oh my God there’s so much oh

This is such a good way to end the movie just getting unbelievably rich with stuff that I won’t be able to use unless we continue this and then for anyone wondering he has most definitely bring three shulker boxes with you if you go into a vault my God oh my God whoa I

Might do a really silly goofy uh move and actually collect these this looks so cool wait oh and it’s actually dropping on the ground wait I can actually collect this stuff yes alrighty now we just go back upstairs we got three minutes we’re totally fine on time and I

Am very greedy so uh yeah we will be continuing why do I hear something behind me oh my God there’s something oh my a lot to be responsible oh nice there’s a lot of you down there oh thank you for helping me out creeper go at least one shot survived

I’m a normal difficulty nice something that’s actually like doable that I won’t be doing oh God oh God I’ll give you what not touching me very quickly very quickly because very soon we need to turn around and hightail it back we’re almost down to a minute oh

God I don’t know if I can oh my God there’s so many there’s so many coming I got the last chest okay go we have a minute okay let me go go go I should be right through here 40 seconds to spare wasn’t even close I wasn’t even

Nervous whatsoever I don’t know why you guys were panicking and I’m gonna be taking this just to disrespect this place and uh Boop and hello it’s 12 13 000 XP 84 mobs killed I only took eight damage 1700 damage dealt to be actually um wow we got 82 chests in there hello I

Like how the chicken the chicken gave me more XP than a zombie or a drowned and they’ll claim that and hello oh my goodness beautiful oh boy okay so now to actually get organized with all all of this stuff oh boy maybe some sort of system that we can make to where

Whenever we come back from a vault I can just literally throw everything into a hopper and then it automatically sorts it for us like that I’d be greatly appreciated would probably save us a solid you know 10 minutes after each Vault oh and then while I remember to do

It right now okay so you were a shift flick in the air right no okay wait weren’t you on the ground shift what yes there we go oh my gosh okay I hope you have a lot so we’ll start with you you and you oh let’s see I can either get

Dog water doggy poo poo or Garbage which oh wow would you look at that it seems like I got yeah I don’t think any of these are useful whatsoever that’s weirdly enough that’s higher armor than what I have right now but I I think that’s an insult to me and then we got

Two more there I really wish I can get a helmet that’s the last thing that I made yeah I don’t know if wands are useful whatsoever or if I should even be using them but yeah we’ll just store everything in there and just like that we are actually completely organized

Okay next up I don’t remember the control was it beaten though was it I no wasn’t I you nope definitely not that there we go okay so you okay where did it go where are you Vault Compass what okay so Vault Compass not research yeah

I know that’s what I’m trying to do it or do I need to do one of these no okay I’m not sure what I need for like the researches but I would love to be able to make this yeah that sucks oh even pouches I’m pretty sure pouches will

Like automatically pick up loot for us which would be like a lifesaver which yeah there’s also expertise don’t know how to do that and then there’s Talent which don’t know oh wait wait I can do some of this okay what oh even faster speed which maybe but oh my oh

Okay that might be really nice for us but I think I would rather go for more string just so we get even stronger because I don’t think I really need anything alsoever I mean like I can make my stuff stronger like the healing one which would probably be good but I think

Going for talents over here and just making it so I can just hit harder you know so two of four I guess we do two more points of damage now yeah increases your damage by applying the strength effect permanently oh no so we just do like a tremendous amount of more damage

If we get this to plus four which uh yeah I am most definitely down for but yeah I don’t like it how you see it constantly on the top right corner up there not really a fan of that but oh well and there we go technically I’m

Gonna say that I never died even though we’ve died in like two Vault runs because you know the first one was just a total mistake I thought the timer went out for some reason I I still don’t know why and then the second one I just fully

Gave up or was it like the first three I think it was the first three runs but we have just survived 100 days and Vault Hunter which there should still be like a tremendous amount to go through and do I really don’t think that we’ve really

Made a dent in the mod pack yet like I think we’ve just kind of gotten like the gist of it down and I hope that you guys enjoyed the mod pack if you guys would like to see more I am most definitely down to do more I would love to make

This into a series which if you’d like to see some more please don’t forget to subscribe it helps out tremendously it’s free and I hope to see you all again and yeah oh if there’s anything that you want me to actually like explore in this mod pack like if I haven’t been doing

Something that’s like really fun or like really viable then please do tell me in the comments down below as well and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed Vault Hunters I’ll see you next time so yeah

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a VAULT HUNTER!’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2023-09-15 17:15:00. It has garnered 317039 views and 10405 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:24 or 8844 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days as a VAULT HUNTER in Minecraft! 30,000 Likes and I’ll release another 100 Days Movie! 🙂

INTRO SONG – Pokelawls – under her spell




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Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 00:50 Day 1 11:14 Day 10 25:20 Day 20 38:32 Day 30 48:42 Day 40 1:07:39 Day 50 1:32:35 Day 60 1:47:14 Day 70 1:58:55 Day 80 2:10:51 Day 90

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    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: ⦿ 📷 Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

Skyes – I Survived 100 Days as a VAULT HUNTER!