Skyes – I Survived 100 Days In MEDIEVAL TIMES in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I survived 100 days of medieval minecraft hardcore and this is a big boy so much happened in this movie that you won’t want to miss there’s also a lot of moments and areas from my series and previous movies on my channel in here including my ocean only world lore

Series which there’s an update in this movie that you won’t want to miss for the lore series really quickly i’m incredibly close to 1 million subscribers and it would mean a lot to me if you’d subscribe also here’s a huge challenge 100 000 likes and i’ll do 200

Days of medieval minecraft hardcore now a cool thing for this rpg medieval mod pack is the beginning there’s a few dozen classes and races you can choose from being a human is just regular minecraft boring avian is kind of cool don’t take fall damage however i have to

Sleep high up kind of annoying arachnids are ah you get three less hearts and can’t eat veggies a league of legends player basically and an elf is too tall in goblins or goblins but then i found the shulk you get an extra nine inventory slots natural armor which is

Like four slots extra i believe and some other cool stuff it’s just i can’t use a shield which i already don’t after spawning in the world looked magical i spawned in some village and just wanted to look around a little bit get my bearings down and then well an iced out

Dragon spawned right in front of me and i tried to run away i found out i could run through leaves but slower and then died just like our all craft this pack is gonna be fun and this wasn’t the only death i tried about four more times and

They all ended up the same then i selected shulk one last time and spawned in i ended up in this valley place with a river on both sides of this village the scenery was gorgeous and i made sure there were no dragons nearby i was on

Edge and figured this duck would kill me or little greedy either way it’s probably a murderer now for some more rpg’s stuff leveling up so it uses the same experience as minecraft levels in a way and there’s five different stats to level up but the only important one is

Strength i just needed more armor to survive anything i want to be a literal tank you do more damage and have more armor each level so this is a no-brainer oh here’s a huge thing there’s a glitch with the map mod in here no matter what beacons from previous worlds and live

Show up and i can’t get rid of most of them now to get in my loot goblin mode i stole a small amount of hay bales 31 and then went to their homes however they were incredibly rude and didn’t have anything for me except for this blacksmith house which had an iron chest

Plate boots and a sick eye patch for me and you better bet that i took it i’m tired of dying in here also iron armor isn’t that much help at this point i wasn’t sure what to do i normally die at this point so i stole some more hay

Bales now at 43 another weird thing with this mod pack is tree cutting if i don’t shift and break a log this happens not sure why but i still get the log so i got a shift while chopping down trees there’s also a question here something

To help direct me on what to do or what i should try and do during this movie which the first quest was done start a world and don’t die to some dragon trying to eat your cheeks which gave me four items just beginning stuff and i

Looked at the next quest i need to get some obsidian chains and cold deep stone no idea where to get that but the rest should be easy i used the loot bag i got from the quest and got some alright starting items i didn’t say this in the

Beginning but shulks can also break stone with their hands so uh i went and punched stone and skipped wooden tools and went straight for stone felt like a normal penguin at this point after getting situated i turned the hay bales on the weed and then into a small amount

Of two stacks of bread i’m uh good for the rest of the movie on food now basically i went over to the side of the hill and collected some coal since it gives experience i want to level up as fast as i can and get to a decent number

On strength need to fulfill my birthright of being an m1 abrams tank but knight was finally falling in i really didn’t want to fight any baddies at night i searched around for a bed and went back to the blacksmith’s house dug out his stairs and went to the bed and

Finally slept day one complete really quickly this movie is sponsored by apex gaming pcs i created a line of three computers for you all to choose from so you could play any game you want and if you use code skies at checkout you’ll get five percent off your order now back

To the movie i woke up luckily to know dragons and really wanted to do a good deed i noticed there was a tortoise in the water and i didn’t want him to drown so i saved them from the water i can make this village my base but honestly i

Want to explore there’s so much in this modpack and i’m gonna experience it all i saw some campfire in the distance and headed over there to check it out it was looking like a regular campsite especially with the skulls on spikes reminding me of my fourth grade camping

Trip and inside the tents were chess the first one had something only gordon ramsay would want and then i saw it a mega fan i broke the flower wall that was keeping the beast back and after that it noticed me it rushed me for an

Autograph or to kill me but i like the ladder more makes me feel special i saw for a few frames that there’s another ogre goblin thing in the town and i ran to the river three hearts left and i was freaking out at this point because i

Couldn’t put down my boat i thought i was going to die until it finally left my hands and i voted away fast with a nice distance between me and mega mind i healed up on bread got scurvy and went back to the monster for a fair fight i

Said hi to him and now i’m really hoping the average enemy isn’t like this for some weird reason the troll dropped a literacy bag i opened it up and it had some strange items but those aren’t important this book is the important one the time i was slapped with a salmon

Volume 4. there’s three more obviously a highly valuable treasure which is now mine i saw another troll to the left of the camp but he didn’t see me so i snuck into the other tent and went for the chest inside five iron four sticks and five bowls i borrowed the loot and

Headed off again in the river and saw this enchanted fish to my right a short ways ahead i came across some giant pumpkins i could hear starbucks and white girls rushing to this area right now in the distance there’s this house in a camp but i went to the right to see

If there was anything in these tall trees which there was some camp with some very strange goat people i was cautious but these dudes just really wanted to jam out they were partying circling this campfire and playing a fun tune they didn’t have any loot for me to

Steal so i went on ahead and saw this troll camp and some building that was for sure to have some good loot i bonked the troll on the head and something about him not liking sharp objects in him apparently swords are bad also shields are bad which i’m confused on

Why i can even use one in a shulk that was one of the downsides is that i can’t use shields anyways the chest had the exact same things and amounts in both of them some i just looted those and headed back to those first tents and building i

Saw now walking up to the house and going inside this happened the entire house was rigged to blow and the door was blocked i barely got the axe out and broke the log and sprinted away the explosion going off right behind me i headed back inside because surely there

Shouldn’t be any more traps it’s also night time man i hear skeletons around me i made my way to the attic and finally went to sleep i was on high alert when waking up and was also looking for any hidden chest i wasn’t really hearing the skeletons anymore but

I didn’t trust this place or area i shot out the back of the house and sprinted to the left before entering the home i didn’t show them but i saw these clone girls called ara in the front and well they have interesting hearts but also

Don’t attack me no idea what they do or what they want but thought i’d show you this after running a short distance i saw this miniature greek temple thing and a whole lot of tents and buildings along the way there the first 10 had a

Stone sword and some iron and then i saw those buildings again i don’t know if you remember my 100 days and modded minecraft hardcore video which you should go watch if you want some nostalgia but these are the same endermen and they’re supposed to be some

Giant ones that hurt a ton but coming up to the building there was just an aura and the remains of that enderman so maybe auras are deadly after that i took the dungeon bag and went to the miniature greek temple which had this frozen human thing and after breaking it

It’s apparently a marble statue but it dropped his fancy shield an iron sword and some other stuff but i tried to block with the shield and they won’t let me so this is what the shulk shield thingy means i can’t use any shield other than the spawn one i got which i

Also don’t think works back to the loot the chest didn’t have anything good and up next i saw some nether looking building on this mountain also this grave at the foot of the mountain and i’m only showing this because of how insane the loot is the most important

Item in there are these iron boots with mana regen 7 on them no idea what that does but i put them on i then climbed up the mountain and upon reaching the top there’s more towers everywhere and there he is a dragon or at least i think it’s

A dragon i don’t see the wings i don’t however want to go over there and check if it has wings so i went to the nether structure and looked around there’s nothing on the floor but there is another floor in a way so i went up in

Yep there’s a chest inside it has three golden hoes reminded me a few hefner a snow chest plate and a cursed crossbow only day three and we’re already getting some serious upgrades i took this time to get situated and geared up and then went to sleep i made it down the tower

And i want to check out those dragon dinosaur massive lizard things i don’t know but i see they’re guarding that greek temple and last time it had some decent loot so with that all in mind i made the smart decision and went to the right and headed to this wizard tower

Instead there’s no traps behind these trap doors so i should be safe right i went through the front door like any sane person would and saw some book on the wall something about tomes for boots my guess is something to do with magic it was the same thing leading up to the

Top and i was expecting some kind of boss fight or a wizard but no there was just bookshelves and this chest and then i opened it i immediately heard tnt ignite and i tried my best to run now i understand why the stairs were designed to take a while and explosions were

Going off i thought i was going to die here but uh no i didn’t even lose half a heart i said i to ratatouille and a cool thing i forgot to mention is that dropped items on the ground have these cool beams kind of like borderlands and they have

Different colors showing rarity that’s how i noticed this orange drop which turned out to be a diamond shovel and if i right click on a block with it it’ll place a torch at the cost of 4 durability which might come in handy i looked around some more but none of the

Dropped items were good just building blocks i went back down to the floor and you know what i’m sure they might kill me but i have upgraded my strength to about level 6. i got some good loot now i should be able to handle the dragons i

Went to the front door after hearing them roar and went to the top of the tower with my vast knowledge of traps in this world now i went around and broke all of the tnt blocks hopefully should be safe now and then hope in the chest

Which had by far the most useless loot to me surely there has to be more right the other tower gave me this awesome shovel and no there’s nothing i went back down and listened to gilman jam out to some tunes and it was time to fight the dragon i found out they’re over

World drakes so i guess i’m half right on them being dragons anyways i can’t hit it i’m too scared to get closer so i went back in the tower and i accidentally hit the goat dude and the drake at the same time i had to kill him

And then got to work on the drake it has 70 health and can hit me through walls but look whenever it hits me it barely does any damage my genius idea of only upgrading strength is working out after saying hi to the first drake i went to

The greek temple broke the statue and inside the chest is a golden apple a diamond and an emerald honestly not that bad of a chest then the next drake i just rushed it i know it can’t kill me and i said hi to the drake while it was

Screaming at me and it only hit me once a pretty good fight after stealing from the poor and giving to the rich i found another miniature greek temple that has golden apples and a vase but i also found out about poison ivy which hurts rapidly so i broke those plants all

Uninfected sheep and i won’t lie i figured this was a trap because why wouldn’t it be but no these vases are apparently just something kind in the world and give out free golden apples and i find another golden apple right below this marble statue back to the fun

I came across shrek’s hut it had a nice boulder in front of the door and i think i saw a donkey nearby compliment it the entire place looked way too sketchy i stayed near the front door in case i heard tnt light and i broke the carpet revealing this trapdoor it was all

Reminding me of vanilla igloos with a trapdoor in the center so i went down slowly i was prepared for anything and i dropped into this room it’s exactly like those igloos there’s a villager to the left and a zombified villager to the right i don’t want to cure it though

Because i don’t plan on making a villager trading hall the chest of the left luckily wasn’t right to explode like i thought it was and inside basically a lot of nice upgrades it has a stronger chest plate but the big thing are these boots you don’t put them on

Like regular ones you put them in your relic slot and these bad boys apparently make me go big boom boom if i jump in land while holding shift so i went out to test them out oh hey look it’s bumble’s cousin big nose mcgee i just wanted to show

That clip because i’m testing out a new subtitle thing and i want your opinion on it would you like it if i subtitled all of my videos from now on like that back to the video i wanted to explore that graveyard thingy in the wizard tower however i still don’t like to

Fight those endermen so i went down this mountain and tested out those new boot relics and yep i don’t take fall damage if i hold shift while landing and i go big boom boom in this area there’s some tents but also this grave which has the greatest loot in the world uh really

Happy with it and then found this garbage lube oh disgusting yuck stuff i got some more golden apples while pillaging this place and then my nightmares came back i’m gonna assume these are some kind of icy flying drakes but i didn’t really feel like asking them and then they flew while looting i

Thought they were coming for me so i hightailed it out of there i headed the opposite direction over the hill and in the distance i think i found my home maybe it’s a massive looking home but i know there’s going to be some kind of

Boss in there or at least a lot of enemies but there’s also this small house right behind me i saw a villager earlier but i have no idea where he went so i slowly entered the house looked around and i wasn’t seeing anything i helped light up the place and made my

Way up these stairs and i saw the villager sleeping with his eyes open but he looks blind so i guess it cancels itself out anyways he’s called the gatekeeper before falling asleep i remember seeing this ladder so i went to check it out and i gained access to the

Attic and once i entered it there was this nether portal looking thing made out of lunar stone bricks it’s probably nothing but i can turn this attic into a nice storage place so i cleared out the cobwebs and then went to sleep right next to the gatekeeper and when i woke

Up he kind of just ran away he didn’t even take the stairs he just wanted to sprint out of the house i’m just thinking that as he’s really happy that i’m here and he really appreciates my presence but today’s the day we take on that mansion i first however would like

An empty inventory to do that so i went up to the attic cleaned it up and placed down some chest all throughout the room i got organized after that which took me around four minutes and then went outside and placed down the marble statues which one of them turned into a

Girl i started to get these opengl errors throughout the day which i think only happened today i fixed it after this so i went down the hill without using the boom boom shoes and went to the thin strip of land in the front as

Soon as i made my way up the stairs i got shot i couldn’t see where they were so i tried to hide then i sort of saw them invisible skeletons i guess this is a mansion of skeleton assassins it’s pretty awkward finding something you can’t see and that’s probably not there

Usually it’s easy to beat up the shadow people and then i got this achievement that showed a rabbit skin in the picture so now i’m going to assume i’m fighting invisible rabbits something i never thought i would say i lit up the entire bottom floor and outside so the spawning

Stopped and i went over to the first chest inside is a diamond or some iron armor and on the other side of the entrance the chest has some iron stuff nothing really important after looting i went up the ladder cautiously and lit up the area closest to me but i ran out of

Torches i could have used a diamond shovel however i didn’t want to waste the durability the sun was setting so i wanted to be fast my game was lagging for some reason and the chest freaked out on me and i broke it the other chest didn’t really have anything and i looted

The entire building i jumped out of the window and obeyed gravity i headed back home went up the hill and got organized the opengl error message wouldn’t go away no matter what i did so i just turned my chat off won’t be seeing it anymore this movie anyways i headed back

To the invisible rabbit shooter mansion and finished lighting up the second floor i was also intrigued by this big pile of crafting tables it doesn’t make sense to me and after thinking about it for a few minutes this place is cool it would make a nice starter home for me

But i like the other house with the gatekeeper since he has a lot of health i think that means he’ll be a good fighter so if a dragon spawns there or something he should be able to help me out hopefully i also just want to explore i don’t want to keep moving

Stuff around there’s a lot to explore in this mod pack like these little dragon chihuahuas no really they’re tiny aggressive for no reason and love to bite my ankles they’re also allergic to swords after that was dealt with i continued on saw some tons two random platinum ingots on the ground and then

Came across my least favorite rollcraft mob fairies or pixies either way i really hate them this one took coal for me i think and sprinted faster than a resaler trying to get some ps5s i got it cornered in a tree and politely asked for my coal back i then went nuclear

Down a mountain and found the jamen goatman again i saw this pan flute on their hidden chest and as any white person would i followed the rhythm and tempo to the song perfectly however the sun was setting and i forgot to grab a bed as usual so i quickly ran all the

Way back home went into the attic and got organized i’m going to follow this quest line to keep some kind of guide on what to do in this mod pack and so stuff doesn’t get too derailed i need to make this light and dark chest which i got

The obsidian in chains 4 which these chains look different than the ones on the recipe i just need that cold deep stone now and my guess is that it’s underground and not in the sky so i went outside foolishly started my mind from on top of this mountain and got to digging

The mining in previous fights i got my strength up to level seven and also broke my pick i was thinking of just punching away stone like i do in real life but i’m a lot slower in here and i’m too impatient for this so i went back up made myself another pick and

Then went back into the mines also do you like that speedy mining montage let me know in the comments but disaster had to strike my pick broke again i don’t remember iron picks being this terrible it was night anyways and i don’t want to let baddies spawn in on me

So i went up did the usual and went to bed i looked up where to find cold deep stone and well it’s apparently at the same level as the warden you know i’m that new mom that was supposed to be in 1.18 yeah so i went back down into my mind

And reached this icy looking dark cave i could have dropped down in there but i had a strong feeling that i shouldn’t do that in case the warden is nearby i wasn’t seeing anything but i’m not taking chances i built the staircase down to the floor and once getting there

I saw some skeletons in the back just standing along this wall i stuck to the other side to not aggro them and lit it up once i looked at the floor bingo i found cold deep stone i don’t know if i’ll need any later on so i took more

Than i needed before leaving however i saw this strange artifact place in the center something was lighting up blue but i wanted to quickly get out instead of investigate it once i got to the stairs though one of the skeletons saw me began to chase me up the stairs and

It revealed itself as a wither skeleton something i truly don’t want to get hit by i’m sure i can tank it but it’s better to be safe than sorry or in my case not be able to reach it because if i get closer it’ll hit me so we had this

Awkward dance going up the stairs but i finally said hi to it and it dropped literally nothing just two raw platinum but i need something called the plasma furnace for it which to me sounds like something i’ll never get to knight was approaching and apparently so were these

Heavenly angels playing music for me i don’t know where it’s coming from or why i have this luck effect on me i just feel like a boss is coming i ran inside but before falling asleep i wanted to make that light and dark chest for the quest which didn’t work i checked over

Everything and the only thing that didn’t look like the recipe were the chains but this is how you make chains then i noticed that cycle button right above the recipe slot so yeah i made the correct chains and then i made the light and dark chest weirdly

Enough however i completed the quest but in it it says i need to place it at bedrock lovely anywho i collected the rewards and looked at the next quest i need to kill the goblin king but first we sleep so for the goblin king it says

That he will spawn all around the world most likely in some kind of castle i just need to find it i set out in the river to check out the surrounding land also just so i don’t have to be underground anymore i came to this three-way intersection river stream and

Saw some buildings to check out first up was the gatekeeper’s house again i found the dude’s brother or mortal enemy but i’m sure that’s the same thing sadly there was nothing inside for me to loot i left a turd on his bed to show my disappointment and headed over to this

Hidden ish building i saw from across the stream upon walking up to it it looked like a stable had hay like a stable and it also has horses like a stable so i came to the conclusion that this is a wheat factory and stole some hay bills for food right next to the

Weed factory were some small buildings maybe the perfect size for goblins who knows i didn’t see any but with my massive brain and hunter instincts i felt like i was on the right path it was especially obvious to me when i went to this building on the river and saw this

Goblin i tried to break the grass to see its name but i accidentally hit it starting a legendary boss battle and for a split second i saw its name goblin warrior i must be getting close the village next to the building however was an enderman one well more specifically a

Farlander one which had a glare in it one of the three mobs from the minecraft 2021 mob though just wanted to show this sense i think the glare looks cool but we all know the fun can’t continue i’m getting really comfortable around these areas now i’m losing my edge after i

Kill the troll villager i went to get a drink and then it happened a dragon a fire one at that he immediately lit me up and i just ran no time to think the fire wasn’t going out either and i’m not too far from the river i had some golden

Apples to help me heal up and ate bread along the way i just barely made it to the river and i thought i was safe one heart remaining i healed up three more before i got hit by some fire again the dragon is following me and i can’t

Escape it oh my god it’s still coming after me i’m going to die i’m going to die i’m going to die right here i’m going to die right here the monster picked me up and dropped me luckily i tried to get into my boat to

Get away but no he lit me up i have to fight it the beast picked me up and wouldn’t let me go this is going to be a reoccurring thing luckily my strength is at eight so my armor is a lot stronger than normal but i don’t have much armor

Left i’m down to one heart i ate a golden apple the fiery beast came back and lifted me into the air i thought i was dead for sure he let me go and hurled me at the water i had half a heart for a few milliseconds that golden

Apple barely saved me i got my crossbow out and waited for him to pick me up again i shot at this rate the crossbow would deal more damage than my iron sword the beast picked me up again and bit me half a heart remaining i healed up and tried to shoot it while

Underwater i was panicking at this moment and my arrows went nowhere i tried to swim away to make some distance to heal i ran out of air and was drowning but i didn’t want to go into the air to take more fire damage the lower i am the better i can dodge at

Least my helmet and boots were broken and my pants were next only eight durability remaining i wouldn’t survive much longer if i stayed here i tried to swim away but he was hurting me badly with fire and then i was running out of air again i went up for some air my

Pants broke and i did the last thing i thought would save me i dug down three blocks quickly grabbed any block in my inventory and plugged the hole the water drained and i was able to breathe the dragon couldn’t hurt me at this depth apparently and i dug down further until

I reached a cave at this moment i’m safe my chest plate is all that remains and it too is almost broken i have no oars to make some armor and i didn’t really find anything around here i looked at that light and dark chest maybe it would

Have something but no and then when i thought i was safe i heard the dragon he’s getting closer i can’t spend any more time down here so i began to dig a tunnel making it to the surface i very quickly scanned the area and then ran i didn’t

See or hear the dragon and i want it to stay that way i made it to some swampy looking area and swam through and saw this little goblin trapped in his tent at this point i’m just trying to get some armor but all of the chests that

I’m seeing so far have nothing i made it to an open area with some spooky ara tents which all had nothing and i made it to another gatekeeper’s house no loot in here so i let his muddy pig into the house to ruin his carpets then finally i

Found another statue structure place and surely there would be armor in the chest up here it’s where i got my chest plate from but no the chest had some cool relics weapons and a robe the one armor piece i don’t need and then i just made

A dash to my house i jumped down the mountain sprinted up the next and i luckily was home i went and got organized suited up and i’m finally somewhat protected again but i’m definitely not heading to the right again i don’t want that dragon to come

To this building night was setting and i just went to sleep before going out and traveling to the left i headed down into the mines i want to see what that strange structure was and see if the weather skeletons will drop me some armor we took care of the first weather

Skeleton at the stairs and then began lighting up the cave i went to this lava pool area and got an achievement then found some cold shulks on the ground which as i know is a sign of wardens and i know how deadly they are they’re probably stronger than the

Dragons so i went back to the stairs and took care of the rest of the weather’s in the cave all i got from them was this enchanting book in platinum ingots uh really good stuff i lit up the rest of the cave to prevent spawning and then checked out

The strange structure it just looked like a glorified chest holder and i knew this was a trap no way it wasn’t i broke the blocks below the chest so in case anything was connected it won’t go off now and inside the chest actually not bad loop i would look at it later and

Just picked everything up then i went below the chest area to check out this block with lights on it you know some energy battery which it’s on the same spot as the chest so maybe it’s all some sort of trap like if i didn’t break the block below the chest something would

Have exploded or a boss would spawn in who knows i headed back up to the surface got organized again and then judged the gatekeeper for freaking me out because he opened the door while i was in the chest i miss exploring now you know i’ve been camping out in this

Area a little bit too long man that’s something i don’t want to do with this mod pack so i headed out to the left i want to find this goblin king and instead i found a furry a werewolf looking human charged me with his dogs

In the back i made quick work with them and it was apparent this world is out to get me i headed off in the direction where i first found those ro craft fairies and was retracting my old pathway and then i came to that swamp

That i found a few days ago i figured this is a witch hut and i was cautious leading up to the door i crept inside and i didn’t hear any footsteps or noises there was no real loot just some bread and this place was just empty i

Guess it was supposed to be some starter home in the swamp but i don’t need this i just continued north i’m guessing i can’t actually tell the direction in here and i made it to some land i traveled a couple hundred blocks when i made it to some satir camp again and

Found another shrek hut i went down the track trapdoor and in this chest is a game changer something that i’ll be using throughout the movie a golem totem an incredibly powerful item that will allow me to summon an iron golem whenever i want and you best believe i’m

Going to abuse this and i was falling so i just camped out in the hut and in the morning i did what every normal person does and went for a 60 miles jog i came into this area with satire tents a village and this jungle area that looks

Like a boss fight before heading over there though i went to the setteers camp and well there’s raccoons they all stared at me and obviously wanted food so i accidentally fed two of them while trying to open a chest rocket then got it on with his girlfriend and well i got

The breeding achievement i’m now the proud grandparent of a raccoon something i never thought i would say anywho after that was the village and this is probably the most depressing village ever absolutely nothing for me to steal i went house to house like santa does but i didn’t leave them anything except

For some tears in a strongly worded letter that told them they all suck and they’re mean i ran away from there and found a wheat factory again with get this nothing fast forwarding to some content i found this white box i heard some spiders down below so like a smart

Person i broke the roof definitely not heading into this death trap but this heartbeat wanted to head into my death trap your typical rust player came out of the white box and luckily i was able to deal a lot of damage before it got up

In my face with that thing dead i tore up the rest of the roof and got to the center chest with incredible loot just so good there’s only one more place i want to check out before heading into the spooky jungle area i tore through some houses and did a lot of property

Damage jumped onto a roof and got into the nether building and well it has some good weapons inside and some armor but nothing special or that i really want now for the moment we’ve been waiting for i went across this tiny bridge and i really wish i had a water bucket to help

Me traverse this i jumped into the jungle and it was really quiet in here the entire time i’m thinking there’s a boss or some kind of monster in here and to make it all worse i can’t travel across leaves i can walk through them meaning i can’t really see too far

Because leaves will always be in my face i can drop and fall at any moment without knowing it and monsters can do the same anything can travel through these leaves like me i made it into a nice opening and i could see some open center part there’s a far laner building

There with two giant endermen and of course some fairies i was minding my own business when one stole something from me not sure what it was and my efforts to get it back were futile it can fly through leaves that loot was good as gone i went to the water next and down

Below was some hole however it looked like it led nowhere so i went back up and another fairy robbed me this one however didn’t make it far and i got my item back after that fun stuff i targeted one of the inner men and i fought it in a very fair way

My inventory was full again and i wanted to head home to drop everything off i just got a ferry and killed it after a few minutes and then decided to just run through the night and dart home nothing really happened but i made it home and

Did the usual i headed out left in the morning and headed basically in the same direction as before i still want to find this goblin king place but to also explore like exploring these fairies with an iron sword i tried to get out of this place as fast as possible but they

All kept on tormenting me and stealing my items it really reminded me of me but since it was happening to me i couldn’t be proud of them i finally made it out and ran through some wetlands then my luck came through i found two drakes and

A lightning dragon my heart sink and my feet went into overdrive the dragon luckily targeted the drakes before noticing me but that didn’t matter i sprinted as fast as i could i kept turning around to see if it was chasing me but i kept running i ran through a

Dark force to lose the dragon in case if it was coming i ran a couple hundred blocks and finally felt safe then i found some little goblin warriors that wanted my kneecaps i said hi to the welcoming party and i thought this would be an entrance to the goblin king’s

Castle perhaps i said hi to the pokemon sparrow inside and looted the chest while looking around i saw this floating fortress maybe a dungeon of some sort i went over and traveled up the waterfall i was on my guard and this seemed a little too easy to enter once i broke my

Way inside i saw a villager and some more off in the distance this appears to be some sort of floating village and when i went around to loot up their chest it was a lot of iron tools and armor so i re-equipped myself and filled

Up on food and whatnot and the further i walked around yeah this was just a floating village possibly the safest base i could ask for as well night was falling so this villager offered up this bed for me so polite i woke up and my bodyguards were waiting at the door felt

Really official and powerful here i went back to exploring the place and it just felt like i was in a greek goddess garden the entire time and luckily each bridge and edge to this place was safe you could let any kid just run around here and not worry about them hurting

Themselves the loot relatively stayed the same lots of iron armor and tools and i got these diamonds from the chest then came raoul he told me how he wants to go skydiving so i helped him with getting off the edge however i didn’t see a parachute he must have water

Bucketed or something just like this librarian wizard he saw what raul did and wanted to copy i was just happy to help everyone fulfill their dreams seeing into the distance i was trying to find my next area to visit and there was another wizard tower ortensia over here

Wanted to start off the day with squaring up to me i had to make an example out of them to the other villagers is what i would have said if i was a monster they just disappeared though no idea where hortensia went quite strange i pulled a hortensia and

Headed off to the wizard tower looting here and there along the way and then made it to the tower i had to search around for the front door and on the first floor zombie spawners somehow they didn’t trigger and spawn anything not complaining the second floor had some

Stray spawners and for every floor just so i don’t need to show it all the chests have some food armor and tools so i got kitted up and took everything i wanted the third floor had a skeleton in spider spawner and same thing on the

Fourth floor then i made it to the last one which had a few spawners broke those and it had diamond oars gold and emerald blocks and no loot i looked up on google how to access my nine extra slots since i still haven’t seen them which if i

Press g that’s how i access them and put some items in there now i can loot even more then a new thing happened night was falling in i was thinking of where to go then the sound appeared and i knew something bad was coming i was going to

Hide in the shrek shack but a ghost jumped out of nowhere and my screen went black i’m such a poet i started running just didn’t know where i began to head back to the floating village place and mobs were spawning everywhere even this random seagull started to attack me

Nature was going crazy i made it to the waterfall and headed up into the floating village i sprinted over to that one house i slept in yesterday and was going to wait out the night i just had to wait for this blood moon or lunar event to end i can’t sleep tonight i

Started the morning to an assassin creeper which luckily didn’t kill me at this point i just wanted to return home i went around and made sure i had all the items i wanted to take i took the safeway down from the village and then began to run home i ran past some

Buildings and areas i definitely would have been nice to loot but there’s no point with the full inventory i made it back to base safe and sound and got organized and then finally made a bucket the perfect water bottle and mlg tool i went and cleared up the harpies next to

The house so that the gatekeeper is safe and then planted some saplings around the house i’m out of wood i looked up on google today where to find the goblin king since i feel like i should have found his castle already and well apparently it’s underground yep so i

Went back into the mines went to one of the lowest points and begun strip mining i came upon this open cave area and didn’t have any high hopes for it just some of the regular mobs in here and the goblins castle will be huge with the

Lava so it ain’t looking good i saw this dwarf blacksmith but no other dwarfs here guess who’s alone down here like me then i found this interesting room i actually thought it would lead to summer but no it’s just a random little stone room with some spawners placed around that i

Went and destroyed i ran out of torches and i tried out that diamond shovel that can place them it’s supposed to lose durability whenever i do however but this one didn’t i checked out the chests they’re pretty normal just weapons and armor like usual and the second chest

Had a claymore which i happily took i didn’t see any doorways or paths that led anywhere so i went back to my strip mining spot and got back to work until i heard some voices in the wall and found this little goblin i tickled his toes looked around but there was

Nothing knight was here so i just went back up and went to sleep i got organized and prepared to go mining again went around and chopped some of the trees was a good homeowner really and then went back down into the mines to hopefully find the goblin king

Until my pick broke in i didn’t want to punch stone i headed back home and was going to get ready to go right back to mining until i heard the door break and some zombies enter the home i quickly went looking for them and found a boss

In the bedroom the gatekeeper helped me out i believe and i learned really fast how strong he is also how strong ratatouille is him and his entire family came and wanted to eat my toes they’re incredibly hard to hit unlike the zombie who spawned in the furnace room and

Surprised me and thankfully gatekeeper didn’t help me out at all i guess he was scared almost as scared as these rocks when they saw me walking towards them with a pick and boom i thought it was a goblin king castle at first then my hopes were shattered it’s that same weird energy

Battery structure i made a staircase up a little bit and instantly some weather skeletons came over to give me a warm welcome Once the entire area was cleared or i thought it was cleared i lit it up and went to the chest then a new achievement popped up i guess this was a trap all along i kept hearing this deep dark breathing and my blue goblin hands took

Over and i looted the chest quickly i’ll look at it later i went over to the cave opening and lit up the entrance i still can’t see what’s making that noise but i want to see what it is a creeper blocked the door and things were spawning in

That’s when i saw a massive monster walked past the doorway every couple of seconds i would hear it hit something and the ground would start moving then these husks would spawn in so i have to quickly get rid of the big boy so little boys wouldn’t spawn in that sounded

Weird luckily it doesn’t do much damage to me and i hit it fairly hard i wanted to focus it but enemies were coming from all directions so i picked a room and made my way in slaying everything in there and then quickly getting rid of the spawner there were two chests in the

Cave room but i had to loot them slowly nothing special in them now for the boss which is a mutant husk he does around a heart and a half of damage on me but i deal around 15 to 20 damage to him i just have to be careful about what he

Spawns in i killed him off with some crossbow shots and a final hit from my claymore battle was over right well no he regained his health for some reason and popped back up i went right back in and awkwardly poked him he noticed i was there and fought back i killed him a

Second time and then focus on killing the husk in front of me then to keep it on brand he regained his health i ran out so i wouldn’t be trapped and i was contemplating on leaving what’s the point of staying if he can die but i

Didn’t want to give up i went back in did the exact same thing killed a little husk right next to him and he regained his health again this time at half hp but it looks like he was slowly doing more damage to me and my armor is almost

Broken again so i just went back to the entrance i took care of some husk and decided to leave maybe i’ll come back and try to kill him again but the mutant huss just seems invincible and i also don’t want to lose my armor at this point i really don’t want to be

Underground anymore i just want to explore see other dungeons and bosses even though i can’t find the goblin king there’s other dimensions and stuff to do as well so i headed out another direction and found some goblins to tease i took care of the violent ones in

The camp and then looked around at all their tiny buildings the only chest in this place was the had items and i was going to continue exploring until i realized this is a jungle with poisonous enemies and i’d rather mine bedrock with my fists than encounter more of these

And on top of that there’s fairies that robbed me and then made me break my claymore so i just decided to cut my losses short and head back home i’m still going to explore but now i won’t be coming back here i started this modpack with exploration in mind and i

Did a lot of stuff around this house but it’s time to move on to a farther place and get back to my original goals i woke up with the sounds of rain leaving and then got to work i went through all of my chests and picked up all of the items

I wanted to take with me mainly stuff that was really valuable or that i thought would be useful gatekeeper came to the door and said goodbye to me and then i headed off since i know the area straight ahead is pretty open and clear and also doesn’t have dragons or

Poisonous enemies just to keep you on track i got my strength to level 15. still the only stat i’m putting my levels into i made it back to that one swamp area that had the witch’s hood and made my way to another building thing it

Actually had good loot inside of it so i spent a little bit getting geared up and went back to swimming night fell and this place was a lot more massive than i thought as soon as i reached land i slept when i woke up i looked around and

I thought those were the same jungle walls from that one place with fairies flying around in i don’t know if you remember it i’m also terrific at explaining i know almost as terrific as finding dragons which let me on fire and i immediately ran into poison ivy i

Tried to see where this thing was but apparently dragons are also invisible in this world so i ran to this thick forest area with massive stone walls to lose it and it surprisingly worked but it just had to light me on fire one last time i continued quickly through the area so

The dragon couldn’t fly over and reach me i made it to a flower meadow and then ran into a wheat factory if the dragon came over that forest i was hoping it would be occupied with this place instead of me up next i found shrek’s hud and something to let me on fire

While trying to enter my heart sank because i thought it was a dragon so i quickly broke the carpet where the trap door is and went down if it was a dragon at least i’m safe down here and i’m even safer now that i got the second golem

Kit now i won’t be worried to use it i went back up and sprinted through the door i didn’t want to look around i went across the river to this cool villager place a nice distraction area if you will in case something bad comes there wasn’t anything in this village i just

Really enjoyed the look of it and the surrounding areas until i broke this wall and fairies were here to make it even worse i’m carrying all of my valuables so everything they’re stealing from me i need at this point i was incredibly close to looking through the models and removing them really didn’t

Want to deal with them anymore but after almost dying to a creeper i just had to bite the bullet and cut my losses i just headed out of the forest before i lost more items coming up to this big house but i didn’t feel like looting it i just

Wanted to keep moving until i found some massive dungeon or floating village again no no i said dungeon or floating village not another dragon which i also didn’t see at first and it really enjoyed lighting me on fire i ran past this beautiful asian inspired building hopefully the dragon would get occupied

With it or something and ran into this troll village wichita troll spawned right in front of me after dealing with it and then leaving its tent there was the dragon within kissing distance i quickly jumped into the river and went straight for the floor i began to dig a

Hole like usual and plugged it above me i dug down until i entered this tiny cave pocket and just got relaxed for a little bit in here after waking up and making sure i was all healthy i got some mining a safest way away from a dragon

I didn’t travel too far just want to get a little bit away so i could sprint also i wasn’t hearing the dragon’s home i figured i was somewhat safe but i still hightailed it out of there i went across the river into a pumpkin patch i thought

I heard starbucks in the distance again and ran through this blue forest then i saw that a python boss popped up i thought that was bad until a second python boss popped up while traveling through this jungle i made it to the edge and jumped into a river but of

Course danger was here too right as i was almost at the edge of the river a killer whale nearly grabbed me he wanted to play but his type of playing and my type of playing are completely different oh and yeah harpies anyways i traveled a bit more and finally as the sun was

Setting finally something that didn’t want to kill me i found this little cute village house and finally was able to rest i looked around and didn’t see any danger at least for now i woke up to the villager judging me and quite frankly making this place feel awkward and

Really uninviting so i went around looting up all the houses checking out the village pooping in the cereal you know the usual once i went through all the houses i went to the water to say hi to the local endermen i didn’t ask but i felt like the villagers didn’t really

Want them here and then once they were gone i looked to the right and well there’s that um i think it belongs in subnautica but who knows and i totally would have loved to have gone up to it but i had to go get this one thing in

The other direction so i left the monster there i traveled for a short while and then in the distance i saw a floating village hopefully a perfect spot for a base but i didn’t see any waterfalls leading up there so i chopped down some trees until i felt like i had

Enough planks to get up there now the pleasing building part once getting up here i placed my water bucket down so i could swim up and got to looking around i didn’t do much of that because i know the loot will just be iron like the last one and then i

Found this nice house on the corner of the place which honestly will make a really nice base for now and since i’m so high up i can see everything around here i saw some another building spot and then a massive fantasy platform looking place with giant mushrooms

Definitely a place i want to visit and conquer and possibly test out some iron golems the other places around here look like some villager buildings a graveyard and a suspicious greek temple along the ocean before taking on that cool looking fantasy place i went around the floating

Village and looted the chest i also stole the chests and brought them over to the house spot that i took over you know save wood and just steal their chests to store my stuff capitalism at its finest once the chess situation was all done there really wasn’t anything

Else that happened up here with it being daytime you know what we’ll just call that place tree trunk i don’t know it sounds fitting but i gotta get a look at tree trunk i’m sure i’m strong enough and tanky enough to take it on but something was telling me to go look

Around at the other buildings here first see if i could get stronger items so i went to another building got some cool armor and some tools nothing i’d use though i then went to that spider white box and tore into the corner which the chest had absolutely nothing that would

Be useful and lastly for today the villager houses the first house is pretty average just a normal building with some food items on the second floor the second house was a lumber place with an awesome sawmill that i stole it’s like a stone cutter but for wood and

Then the third building was just some prison for a villager but at least he’s safe in there then i found tomorrow’s adventure there’s these long chimneys tubes just some long pathways with campfires at the bottom i tore into a separate one and it has a ladder leading to the

Bottom i woke up in the morning to tracy judging me and i swear i heard her singing a song and saying that’s not my name after that i went back to the chimney thing and went down the ladder i was expecting some kind of boss fighter dungeon makes sense right well

Apparently it’s just some tiny village there’s little homes all around this tree and then i saw some government leaders uh some lizard people just really tiny people it kind of confused me i sucked at the walls and they never noticed me i looked on their chest but

All there was was some food and coal the entire time the lizard people never moved at all just turned a little i was getting weirded out by them so i went for the attack i also figured they were going to be hostile they moved fast and

Did a little bit of damage the weird part was that they sounded human as i hit them i looked around and didn’t see any doorways or pathways leading somewhere so i just went up the ladder and saw this house right next to me i heard some pillagers and then felt their

Arrows so i got to work once they were both done i went around and looted the graves in the backyard surprisingly they actually had decent loot inside of them a pretty good place to visit if i were still on day one then i found this open

Grave with a skeleton and once it felt too illegal looting all the graves i found this open spot with coal barrels with their skeletons on the ground and some other stuff on the side of the building was some villagers and terrible chests once i felt like i checked the

Entire surrounding area i headed to the front door once getting butt head out of the way there was an armor stand that looked like it was placed there to spook off intruders the living room area looked old the carpet was torn up also torn up by me but there were no lights

Some cobwebs in the kitchen area next to this room was bloody there was a stone cutter but i don’t think it was used for stone the floor was filled with blood i found a little hidden entrance next but i heard a traveling villager outside and

I want to collect my free leads once i was collected i returned to the hidden entrance i cautiously went down and it was pitch black even a torch didn’t help going down the stairs led to an iron door then a trail of blood leading to the next room whoever owned this house

Obviously wasn’t a superhero i broke through the next door and i entered some lab i tried my best to light up the place but again torches didn’t do much the previous owner left all of his or her best loot down here and i made sure to take it all well whatever i could

Carry then i hit the lever i kept hearing villagers through this door the entire time and i was worried it was going to be the owner but no it was two villagers trapped behind some iron bars i broke them out and then heard some zombies i think i triggered a trap and i

Slowly crept back to the entrance never seeing any enemy i had to mine my way up since one of the lighters was missing upon returning to the living room i heard pillagers the place was surrounded i looked through a window and saw a villager hiding and didn’t see any

Pillagers i was going up the stairs when i heard a summoning noise it reminded me of the wither but i didn’t hear one i was panicking and rushed up the stairs lighting up the walls and then i opened the door to him a jump scare maybe the

Previous owner but who knows he charged me and the fight was rapid i killed him in three hits i checked through the door and there were no more outside in the spot so i went back and went to the attic i lit it up and looked through all

The chests but it was just terrible just bones leather and other useless items i went back down and looked through some more rooms but i found nothing until i opened that same door and found another one of those mysterious enemies this fight went the same way but he was a lot

Quicker making my heart race after that fight i just went to the bedroom and slept until morning i crept around slowly through the house and i wasn’t hearing any pillagers or enemies they all just left i went out to side entrance and i checked out some surrounding buildings and made my way to

That watchtower i found an iron golem trapped in this wooden box i don’t know how he can’t break wood but i did try and free him until this axe somehow accidentally hit him and let him on fire i don’t want to take any chances so i

Just left them in there i found my way through some of the pillagers around the tower and made my way inside i was kind of surprised with how few there were and i tried to loot chest as i said hi to them all but the first floor was proving

To be too much of a hassle so i went up the stairs played patty cake with his dude and then the worst happened my inventory was full i couldn’t loot anymore so i quickly skipped all the way back to my base and put away everything

And then headed back good news is now i can steal even more the pillagers are coming in hot kinda weird and since i have two iron golem totems i decided to use it and the durability is insanely high and thank god i used it just wow

Look at them go just moving around so rapidly killing them all so proud especially when i broke the floor for it to move and he sprinted over to hug the tree but it’s here to my eye they grow up so fast while he handled the tree i

Went upstairs and began looting i got this weird under eye and went to the top floor i try to take on the pillagers up here but one of them is a boss and he sprints faster than my dad to get some milk and does more damage than nfts so i

Bravely brought him down to my iron golem and had him deal with him night fell and i was heading home until i saw this 15 foot tall werewolf no i won’t get closer so you can see it i’m good and i just returned home i want to make

Sure that i take on all of the buildings and sights around here before the tree trunk and nothing was really catching my eye except for the greek temple i assassin creed my way down and headed over before entering though of course something had to happen seagulls the

Trash cans of the world and these dirt bags just had to take my golden apples couldn’t have gone for my bread like every other bird and if i don’t kill them fast enough they eat them so yeah basically fairies but these are a lot worse i couldn’t land any arrows on them

So before i lost all of my golden apples i just went inside i went around with my god shovel that doesn’t lose durability when placing torches and lit up the place there were levers everywhere some i touched them all as one shouldn’t do and this little staircase opened up

Instead of heading down i tore up the floor so my iron golem could go down there first however right when i was going to place him something went off all of my armor broke and i sprinted outside i lost all urges to go down there and return back to my base i saw

Two seagulls at my door so i finally got my revenge and put on some new armor that for some reason gives me tatas and i know i know we all want to see me go to the tree trunk and fight but there’s one last area i want to go to a

Graveyard i want to see all of my past enemies and i also know that there has to be some good loot there and once i went to the giant white grave i was correct a lot of golden items in there a golden apple oh and a totem of undying

You know nothing special i’m incredibly happy i came here before the tree trunk just when i dragged this out i went around to all the graves and looted up some items and then i went to the center building and saw nothing in there once i heard some police sirens and it felt

Like i did way too many illegal things in here i ran back to my base got organized and finally i’m ready for the tree trunk base i took the fun way down the waterfall and found the strange zombie in the bushes playing peekaboo with me their first scout i’m dealing

With smart enemies now i first scouted out the area to see if there was an easy way in or if i had to climb up and then i found a convenient staircase going up i made it to what seems to be the front door and i placed down a golem to help

There were so many enemies inside that they blocked each other from leaving the gate kind of once the iron golem and i dealt with the first wave i moved inside and begin lighting up the place i’m going to try and spawn proof the entire tree trunk the place is filled with

Luckily just zombies and skeletons some bosses too but the golem is handling them pretty well while he kills i light up the walls the first floor had nothing just some coal barrels and a few chests the second floor weirdly enough had no enemies at all and terrible loot again

However it’s improving as i go higher the third floor was the same story very strangely no enemies here now the chests on the other hand were getting incredible lots of ores armors tools and this thing called a coin dragon i have absolutely no idea what it is or what i

Should do with it i went to the staircase leading up and cleared out the ceiling to make it so my iron golem could walk up then found out it was all for nothing because the booger can just teleport the fourth floor had some action just a couple of zombies and i

Focus on lighting up the place also smacked a zombie off the edge because i couldn’t resist the fifth floor was the same story blah blah blah took a lot of torches to light it up no good loot it started to rain however and i’m in love

With it oh and the golem somehow died i don’t know how there’s no enemies on this floor and i just waited for the golem totem to cool down so i could spawn in another one while waiting i went to the chest here and the loot was getting incredible felt wrong taking it

All because this was so incredibly easy to take on and finally the top floor i spawned in the golem and this floor had all the baddies the rain really set the mood and i tried to focus on lighting up the place but there were so many of them

I had to fight for once but i still tried to light up the place because i was watching them respawn i finished up the torch run and miraculously the golem lived the area was cleared out and there was a lot of chess up here with way too

Much loot in them this place is incredibly generous and luckily i have a backpack to help me loot it all i’ll check it all out later i just wanted to grab everything the second chest up here also had a crazy amount of loot it was like i just killed the hardest boss in

All of minecraft once that was all done and my pockets weighed over 12 tons i saw this lighter and on top was just this natural landscape i lit it up and while doing some i kept on hearing zombies i figured there has to be some hidden room that makes sense except when

I went digging around and trying to find it i couldn’t find the zombies i went looking around today but the only areas that had any left were downstairs i slowly made my way down and i guess i didn’t spawn proof as well as i thought especially around the staircase i won’t

Show everything that happened it’s all basic and repetitive but it did find this tripwire thing that had a piston move which didn’t do anything so i was confused by it the only areas left were around the sides and on these mushroom tips i just went around let them up kill

The enemies and the loot was mediocre until i went to this elevator carrying a chest and inside a second backpack i’m so happy i decided to take on this tree trunk fast forwarding again the place was completely done no big boss or hidden secrets but it was a fun time

Taking it on i went back home and it took me almost all night to get completely organized i gathered a ton of items and at night the tree trunk all lit up looked beautiful given how i can’t find the goblin king at all i don’t want to spend all my time trying

To find him i’m just going to try out the other content in this mod pack and there’s a ton a lot of different dimensions and one that caught my attention is the twilight forest if you’re a longtime viewer of me you’ll remember this place from my 200 days in

Modded minecraft video also how i never completed it i got stuck trying to get to the hydra and now i want to see if i can complete it all or at least fight some bosses so i know you need flowers around an infinite water pool and to

Throw a diamond in there to open the portal but these are all modded flowers i wanted to see if they’d still work and no i need vanilla flowers or leaves according to google so i went around collected two stacks of leaves and then redid the portal with them i tossed in a

Diamond and it actually worked before jumping in i pushed in the golem to see if it would teleport but no i’ll just have to respawn him in there i also want to be completely ready so i spent the rest of the night preparing and then

Headed to bed i did a sick 360 for luck and teleported into the twilight forest or the void everything immediately went black i could only see two blocks ahead of me and heard some scary noises so i bravely sprinted straight back home the blindness went away and yep we got a

Problem i hit a golden apple for some protection and jump back in i placed down an iron golem to help me out and play some torches to see if they’d help out nope they don’t i tried to see if i could find my way out and maybe see but

Then a creeper spawned in and i tried to see where it was coming from the creeper is also named air for some reason and i killed it a couple seconds later man i got a book i spawned in a fortress one of the late game ones so yeah i went

Back to the overworld and i can’t close the portal so i placed dirt over it to prevent any accidents i got another diamond and some leaves and headed about 200 blocks away from my base should be far enough hopefully i got rid of some endermen around this area got the portal

All set up and then tossed the diamond in there with the iron golem right there it lit on fire and it caused everything else to catch on fire i tried to put it out but then the iron golem smacked me and then teleported to the twilight

Forest i figured he would attack me as i entered so i hid another golden apple went through and bad news the portals linked i’m at the same area i teleported back home in came through the portal that i closed off two diamonds wasted now so i prepared for a third portal

I’ll travel farther this time i went down the fun water slide again and headed out this time i’ll make sure the portals don’t link i hope i’m assuming it’s like the nether portal system where they’ll link no matter what until you go a certain distance i found this jungle

Temple but i wanted to get out of the jungle fast except it was never ending and it was more of leaves than jungle but i reached a river and i was about 750 blocks away from my base there’s no way this isn’t far enough right i made

The portal and got my iron golem totem ready and did a 360 into the twilight forest i immediately stepped in poison ivy but look we’re not blind for once except the sky looks weird and my graphics are freaking out so i turned off my shaders it’ll be vanilla while

We’re in here so it’s been about a year since i played this mod and i somewhat remember how to play in here there’s this force field on this wizard tower it’s the second boss i first need to go find the naga and kill it it’s in a

Giant maze and easy to spot i actually found it about 200 blocks away so i ran up to the wall broken and it’s on the naga is a giant snake well it’s supposed to be this one is for some reason a head but i noticed that the body was there

Just invisible it would still hurt me in the golem and if i swung where the body should be it gets hurt also the iron golem was incredible for attacking it i tried to actually fight it the snake barely did any damage to me but the thing was too fast and the iron golem

Actually did a ton of damage so um the first boss is done i put the trophy in my special inventory and headed back to the wizard tower at this rate it’ll take me a few days to beat this dimension i arrived at the wizard tower and ran

Around the entire thing to see if i could find an entrance but there wasn’t one i mined into the wall and came into a small library i went through a doorway and lit up some of the ground but the special service skeleton edition dropped down and immediately attacked me i ran

Back to my entrance and just waited for them to funnel through once i stopped i plopped the iron golem down and let it get to work as he handled the enemies i focus on the lighting and spawners like usual the perfect duo the staircase were endless this skeleton was also halfway

Through the ground i hid it and then got some achievements just wanted to show that and after 72 flights of stairs i made it to the top i killed the skeletons guarding the opening and rushed some torches down i was in the lighting mood in the past i vaguely

Remembered that i needed to hit something back at this boss to get rid of the shields but it wasn’t going according to my memory nothing i was swinging at would return to them and then i got hit by a semi truck down to two and a half hearts i rushed back down

The staircase to heal up obviously and then i returned with the iron golem somehow it was removing their shields but it died sadly leaving all the work to me i smacked the real lich and one of its shields disappeared for some reason i can just damage it i guess i was

Remembering a different boss or it got updated anyways i removed its shields and i was hitting harder than mike tyson i killed the lich in five or six hits and the second boss was dead on day one of the twilight forest after that i went around a good chunk of the building to

See if i could get some more loot but it’s not really important to show for the story it was just a long journey of checking out the same rooms basically except remember this for later this dungeon can spawn in fire resistant potions also wanted to leave this building because the zombie noises were

Driving me insane after speaking to the zombies in their language i found my entrance and left for the third boss i need to find a swamp which i saw a corner of one in the minimap so i headed over there the third boss is a mushroom minotaur thing it

Spawns on a hill like this one that i found immediately last year this took me like three or four days to find once you enter this dungeon you can’t break any blocks so i can’t cheese through this maze dungeon sadly i collected some dirt to go down the holes and then i hurt

Some of the enemies or a mustang driver hitting a crowd either way it’s bad news and i began my dirt staircase into the dungeon i placed it on the iron golem hoping it would fall down because i know there’s a lot of enemies in this lobby but it’s

Spun on the wall of course once he finally fell down he got to work i heard a lot of fighting and let him do his thing for like 20 seconds once it sounded like all the work was done i water bucketed my way down and began to

Light up the lobby as much as i could all the enemies noticed i came down and wanted my autograph i found one of the cowboys that keeps making the mustang noise this is just a fico but i’m not allowed to speak about it i began to move out and

Got jump scared by the iron golem this is a very common reoccurrence down here just like all of these corners and turns and i don’t want to bore you so i’ll just give you the spark notes about what happens down here because it’s super repetitive and long just like your

Forehead i’m sorry again so yeah i came into this four pillar room broke the spawners and a huge thing in these chests are the steel leaf and ironwood items very important and useful then came one of the hardest bosses i’ve ever fought in this modpack a regular cowboy

Boss not even the boss of this dungeon this thing fought my iron golem for about a minute straight and killed it then chased me back to the dirt stairs i knocked it down and finally could summon my iron golem back in but even then the

Thing was winning i ran in to help out the iron golem when i didn’t have to worry about these flaming flying rats and the monster finally died and it dropped basically nothing just enchanting bugs but spoiler i never enchanted once during this movie and got back to exploring which it was honestly

Just endless i came to this caved in room with an enchanted cowboy guarding it which honestly happened a lot i kept finding them just staring at walls and then letting them charge into my iron golem over four minutes later i finally found the entrance to the last floor the

Boss floor i spent a little bit of time getting prepared and then broke the iron bars i would have to make my dirt staircase going down again once reaching the floor and lighting the place up i walked into this big mushroom room nothing in it and then a cowboy

Came but let’s skip all of this and get to the juicy part i wasn’t expecting to find the boss room so soon but i finally did it was being blocked by wooden fences and i removed all of them except for the bottom row i plopped down the

Iron golem and watched him do work but i had to quickly get back because the mushroom boss actually hits hard surprised me with how much damage i took the iron golem killed him in a few seconds which i don’t know how this boss was weaker than that one fire cowboy at

The top floor was kind of underwhelming i lit up the boss room and then went through the chest another spoiler i really really wish i took these steel leaf ingots with me and some other items from these chests for later on but i still remember those comments i got on

My 200 days and modded minecraft video i need to eat this mushroom stew and i did one year later i can continue the twilight forest i can now go and fight the hydra and since it took me three diamonds to get into this dimension and

It was annoying to do so i’m going to beat the twilight forest now but day 41 had better plans for me oh boy day 41 so you know how i’ve been going through the twilight force really fast well things are about to change so since i ate that

Mushroom stew thing i can now enter a fire swamp and kill the hydra which i saw a red spot on my mini-map and figured that was a fire swamp so i headed over and boom right away i found the hydra den hard to miss as i was walking over something was obviously off

Something wasn’t right where’s the hydra i didn’t see it and when i looked around nothing was moving i couldn’t shoot arrows and my golem was frozen so i restarted minecraft i figured my game was getting a little silly and goofy luckily i didn’t lose any progress i

Just had to rerun to the fire swamp which i did i went back to the hydra den and once again same thing happened this time i walked into the den and i saw a spawner which i’m going to assume was a spawner for the hydra it was dark so i

Left the place up i couldn’t even break the spawner and at this point i was worried i would have to cheat and give myself the hydro trophy but i restarted minecraft again you know third time’s the charm this time i was randomly laying down i thought it was funny and

Never knew i could do this anyways according to google and some forms that i looked around in this is a common problem with the hydra it corrupts your chunks and breaks your game so i can’t go to that fire swamp big no no so i set out to hopefully find another one it

Wasn’t too bad though i can at least search for the next dungeons too and leave some boy points at them like the spiky forest which is the final boss and i just spent the rest of today’s searching for over 15 minutes if i find another fire swamp or don’t find one in

A few days i might have to cheat in the hydra trophy to continue on with the twilight forest but i didn’t want to get to that i’m sure another hydra spawn won’t break my game so i just ran and ran and saw a giant floating cloud which

Is also a boss area for the end but then as i was thinking it’s hopeless not really i’m just trying to make this part dramatic i found it i found a fire swamp and after a little bit of running around i found the hydra den and this time he

Was there and nothing was freezing but uh there’s still an issue i just can’t put my head on it i think the hydra is getting ahead of me it’s just something to scratch your head about okay i’m done i’m sorry yeah there’s no hydra head or

Heads i lit up the cave to see if my eyes were just bad but no also hitting the body doesn’t deal any damage so i just play tango with it and smack the air sometimes hitting its head and it seemed like i would beat this monster in

20 to 30 seconds but then at full hp it bit me and pop my totem i sprinted out of there so it couldn’t bite me a second time and now i’m actually scared to fight this headless hydra the thing was healing up because i wasn’t there and i

Tried to spawn in the iron golem to see if it could fight the thing for me it went how you thought and then i went back to light up the cave again but the troglodyte hydra wasn’t having any of that i did get the iron golem to go in

But that also went as well as you thought i reloaded minecraft to see if that would fix it and no it still didn’t fix it so i listened to google on how to kill this thing apparently smacking its balls back at it will kill it the

Fastest i beg to differ it did around one percent of damage to it and to make it all worse my armor is basically gone i lost my chest blade and helmet to one of its balls and i wasn’t comfortable staying anymore i needed a game plan i

Went back to the swamp edges and made some steel leaf armor apparently this stuff is incredibly good for the hydra and later bosses oh yeah this is apparently a frog i just wanted to show you this so getting back to the hydra i just wanted to see if anything would

Change i placed on the golem to hopefully get it to distract the hydra from me and just smacked wherever i could but honestly this is going nowhere hitting it is the worst output of damage i need to smack its balls to make it hurt and i’m still scared of dying in

One hit my strength is around 20 and my armor is incredibly high so this thing is actually deadly i went to the top to see if there’s anything i could do and then learned that if i get a fire resistance potion and shoot its mouth right when it fires a fireball at me

It’ll take a lot of damage and i won’t take any i didn’t get any fire resistance potions from the loot bags in my backpack i also checked some houses nearby hoping they’d have at least one but no nothing then i remembered do you remember back at the first wizard tower

I found a fire resistance potion no way i’m heading back to that first one but i did find this tower and if i’m lucky i’ll find another potion in here of course it couldn’t be simple and be in this first chest gotta make it interesting in here i mined

Through the wall and into the staircase couldn’t find any other way in the golem said hi to jack skellington and it was the usual cleared out the bottom floor the golem handled the baddies and i focused on lighting up the staircase and removing spawners i made it up to the

Boss and it was on except this time the shields weren’t going to white and this thing did a lot more damage than i remembered and went back to heal obviously and sent the iron golem in to see if he could do better which he did for some reason the golem was able to

Remove the shields just super slowly and then my golem died it was just me now while the totem was on cooldown i hit every single shot on the boss and made quick work of it the boss died and this is my second trophy from it now now for

The exploring part in crossing my fingers i went down the other staircase side and began checking every single room i checked every corner enemy quarters you name it i almost died in one area from a boss i pooped out poison and i was just not getting lucky at all

I was finding potions in some chests which is a good sign but i never found a fire resistance potion and when i thought it was hopeless the second to last room left in the building i found it a three minute fire resistance potion i was so worried i would have to explore

Some more or head back to the first tower to get that potion but i luckily didn’t have to i also remembered at this point that the mushroom boss also had a lot of fire resistance potions in that entire maze anyways i headed back to the hydro then and there she is the headless

Hydra right where i left her i ran up and drank the potion i got three minutes to kill this beast and weirdly enough even though i’m fire resistant now i took damage from fire actually almost died to it so i gotta play a little ways back now i was going for the strategy

Where you shoot the fireballs back into its mouth except i can’t see its mouth or anything the only thing that i can go off on is the smoke animation and the fireballs so i had to focus on the open air for those and then quickly shoot

Them back and when i did these things did a massive amount of damage i kept jumping left and right to avoid the ones on the floor but over time i lost my helmet i had about 35 seconds remaining and i was getting a little nervous here

But it shot the final fireball and i smacked its ball right back at it and killed the hydra a tough boss fight that took a lot of preparation and it all paid off once the smoke cleared i picked up the trophy in fiery blood vials i can

Now enter the next dungeon i got organized first made some armor and then headed off up next is the dark forest a place i first teleported into when i made my first portal yeah i can now go there and see and after a little bit of traveling took me like six minutes i

Found it so this dungeon is underground only way in is to find the entrance duh which i couldn’t find for the life of me i actually explored probably half of this forest and lit it up then i found the bricks and looked around and found this geode blocking the entrance was

Kind of a bad sign because i need to find a trophy pedestal which is only at the entrance and this thing ruined it so i looked around the beginning area of the dungeon but never found it so maybe it’s somewhere else in the dungeon or i’ll find it later on a super awesome

Thing with this dungeon currently is that i can’t hurt any enemy or open any chest so cool right so i have to actually use my iron golem for this entire place all i did was run around and light up the pathways and then sprint back to the golems whenever a

Baddie spawned in this is an interesting dungeon i’m actually enjoying it i just wish i could actually break stuff or kill enemies i started off today with looking at a green shaft and got back to exploring this place is just never ending it’s also incredibly repetitive

So i’ll just give you the spark notes i kept traveling lower lighting up the rooms and it looked like there was no end in sight when i thought i reached the bottom floor the dungeon proved me wrong then i somehow managed to spawn in two iron golems i thought that was

Amazing until i somehow spawned in three iron golems with the one totem i have a lot of iron and since i can’t fight might as well keep them all alive and healthy i’ve explored so much of this place that the dungeon stretches out farther than my mini-map can see and i

Was running out of places to explore i came upon this iron bar area and i figured this is where the boss has to be except i can’t get inside the areas around this specific spot were also special like this tall room where i tried a water bucket up and then lost my

Water which i needed for drinking so now i can die of dehydration in here if i don’t finish this fast enough now with the time limit i went back to where those iron bars kind of were and found this little leaf area with chests since

I can’t break it i made a creeper follow me and then go boom boom on the chest breaking most of them here was alright stuff mainly some oars that i didn’t know what to do with and little armor here and there but i went back to searching for that pedestal which i

Don’t know why it’s so hard to find until i went back to the entrance yep all the way back and i went through this little hallway which led to the pedestal could have found this like three days ago but regardless i took the hydra trophy and placed it on the pedestal the

Floor opened up and i tested it out yes i can now break blocks in here i took the trophy back one of the stairs at the entrance and then headed over to the river since i’m here might as well drink some yummy river water and refill my

Bucket i headed back inside and did a water bucket landing i headed straight back to those iron bars next to the leaf area broke the bars and the phantom knight boss spawned in with this one it’ll spawn in six versions of itself one is real but you need to beat them

All i first lit up the place and i guess this boss is a lot weaker than i expected because my two golems kill them all incredibly fast the last one was in the ceiling and i guess his boss is done with i don’t know it was just kind of

Disappointing with how long it took to find this place i looked in the chest and got some swords helmets and the knight phantom trophy i looked through their graves and there wasn’t anything else for me to steal kind of an abrupt ending to this place but there’s something terrible my inventory and two

Backpacks they’re full absolutely crushed me because we have so much more to do however i’m about 800 meters from the portal so you can bet that i absolutely made the run back to the portal did an incredible 360 spin into it and you uh the overworld is really

Ugly without shaders i don’t like it one bit ah so much better the shaders are definitely worth the fps drop with everything looking beautiful again i headed back to the floating village home along the way i found this dark looking ritual spot i don’t know what it’s for

But it seems like a mod that could give me a lot of power anyways i made it back to the floating village and i have a lot to get organized i placed on the two backpacks and got to work which took me until night time to finish i spent a

Little bit of time looking around and then for the first time in like 10 days or something i went to sleep before heading back i noticed my armor was low and replaced some of it and grab some more for my backpack i jumped down the

Old fun water slide and headed out i ran past three giant endermen trying to snack on my cheeks and then did a 360 no-scope yui ladder stall into the portal i guess i didn’t remove this poison ivy around my portal and didn’t want my golems to die from it i left a

Waypoint at the knight phantom dungeon and headed back according to the wiki the next boss is the eurogast and its castle spawns above the dark forest so i checked out the area around the night phantom place but didn’t see anything even going up this tree didn’t help and

Then it struck me i need to be able to walk on leaves to get to this your gas dungeon i think and i can only walk through leaves or else i would be on top of the forest running over it but anyways i began running around since i

Didn’t see the next dungeon there i came across this maze that i remember from a year ago it’s just filled with angry dogs and bad loot so i didn’t care to go through it running around i thought i found the dungeon i saw this nice stone archway and a tower in the background

But getting closer to it no it’s just the second boss tower one thing i want to start doing is q and a’s whenever i’m running around or doing repetitive stuff which i’m getting from my discord server that you should join it’s in the description what’s your motivation if

You’re talking about youtube and why i do so much it was a childhood dream to be where i am today i disciplined myself to always work and never give up i always thought what if you were about to achieve your goal but you quit one day

Before it and never achieved it why go through all of that effort in time and then give up make it all a waste plus i like to achieve great things and always outdo my past self i like to impress myself with my accomplishments what was your favorite passion or hobby as a kid

I was completely into halo in space i absolutely loved everything about the game i loved the books loved space and all the possibilities with it i like to think that being into all that stuff helped me turn into who i am today before getting back to the story would

You like me to continue segments like that so after running around endlessly forever i saw the giant yeti cave which i shouldn’t be here until i kill the year gas but might as well do it since it’s here i ran inside and was greeted with a flaming dracula flying into me

This entire cave is just filled with deadly creatures i wander towards the middle to spawn in the giant yeti and there he is everything immediately turned hostile and got to fighting someone for me someone for the giant yeti it was great i stayed back and kept shooting at where he was while the

Random baddies also fought him he died fairly quickly and i ran in to grab his trophy with this i can go to the aurora ice castle and fight the ice queen there which i saw in the distance and headed over i water bucketed my way up and

Strangely didn’t see any penguins i was hoping for a family reunion but i guess they all left i went to a wall of the building and broke in i didn’t find the front door so i made my own i was walking around the first rooms in hallway when i saw this giant enderman

Just because he can’t reach me i felt like fighting it but then gone i reached the room that gave me access to the rest of the tower and my gomes immediately started to suffocate in walls this is foreshadowing the rest of the dungeon the first couple

Of rooms was just me going up no enemies until i came into contact with the first one a flying ice shooting thing that sometimes explodes when you kill it it’s a huge mess i walked through the door and a boss was there that my golem really wanted to throw in the air and

Have fun with had two golems for this room which they camped the doorway and it brought an eye to my tear i just stayed back and watched them take care of both doorways i thought that there might be a spawner in the room since

This went on for a little bit but no no spawners just a lot of enemies the remaining rooms heading up were all parkour which i managed to complete them all seamlessly and never fell it just were slowly obtaining better loot especially this room’s one which gave me

A pretty enchanted bow and a chest plate better than the one i was wearing but since i went through such a long dungeon recently i really didn’t want to spend long in here i went back to the entrance and water bucketed my way up to the

Closest roof after going up a tiny bit more i bridge to a wall and begin to mine into it but this place was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal and i knew there wasn’t going to be a room in it so i went back and water bucketed up even

More once reaching the roof i broke through and instantly got into the room i saw there was an upstairs so i went to check it out because why not and it just had a chest the boss room obviously had to be below right so i began to mine

Down go through some other rooms fought some enemies then found this wooden pillar in a different room and went up it i got jump scared by both iron golems upon reaching this floor and all i found were some more weapons and armor pieces in this chest then after a while i mined

Through a wall to find a lot of enemies got rid of them all and then i finally hit the room there were icy platforms leading up and i remember that this was the beginning to the boss’s room i killed the only enemy on this floor and

Made my way to the second one i’m guessing every single enemy in this place was waiting here because there were several bosses and a couple enemies which nearly killed me about two times i teleported my golems up here and let them get to work they cleaned it up and

I went on to the third floor and repeated what i did then i reached the boss floor she spawned in and i took care of the enemies she disappeared until i looked up i don’t know this entire time she just floated up there for like a minute i was really confused

I’m confused then she started pooping out snow and the battle was on she smashed into the floor creating some holes and the golem started to hit her i tried to hit her too but i didn’t deal any damage then we went right back to waiting for her to do something this

Process repeated itself the entire boss fight was really lackluster at the end i fell through one of her holes and when i came back up the iron golem finished her off the boss fight was over i got her trophy and it was just a calm ending but

I don’t want to calm ending so i took the fun way down and jumped off the castle i got my water bucket ready and almost missed it at the floor barely pulling off the mlg water bucket i was just about to hop down the glacier when

I saw them for some reason they were all inside of each other kind of weird but it’s been a year and i finally got to see my family again i hopped on after that heartwarming interaction and now to get back to finding the year gas once

That boss is done we’ll be on to the final one i just need to find a dark forest in the meantime what would be your advice to people trying to start a youtube channel so i mean this with love and not to be rude don’t start one

Expecting yourself to be huge and become one of the big youtubers there’s hundreds of millions of people on youtube majority of which want to become a youtuber so don’t start a channel expecting to make it big start one because you actually enjoy making videos you enjoy cinematography and movies also

Don’t do what other people do no one can be pewdiepie except for pewdiepie same with mr beast green mumbo jumbo even me people want something new if i wanted to watch something like mr beast i’d go watch mr beast people’s time is also valuable don’t disrespect it by

Uploading lazy videos if you wouldn’t watch it or can’t sit through it why should other people online do it find what you’re good at don’t try and be good at something you’re not people will enjoy it more if it comes naturally to you now uh back to the story i found

Another dark forest and was lighting it up then remembered it’s easier to see a castle in the sky if you’re above the tree lines so i went up and didn’t see anything over here i then traveled forward a little bit built up and then turned up my render distance don’t know

Why i didn’t do this earlier i’m not using shaders in here and after a little bit of looking around the castle popped into view i found that you’re aghast while i was celebrating the rest of the castle loaded in this is a big boy i water bucketed down and headed over to

The building i lit up the floor and luckily this dungeon actually had a door a really sick one in fact you right click it and the blocks disappear and then reappear later on it’s also really good for suffocating iron golems the hallways in here are incredibly tiny and

You can’t see far there’s also no enemies here and i was on high alert it was all too quiet i went up the stairs and walked into this maze which had endless disappearing doors i found this double chest that i was certain was trapped it wasn’t it had some amazing

Oars and some cake slices called experiment 115 i didn’t dare eat it i walked through the maze and came to the end stark is leading up which had a skeleton waiting but i was prepared with my iron golem the next section was parkour and i had to climb up a ladder

To some beams a deadly assassin skeleton got the drop on me it was a close fight and now i know what i’m in store for there were spawners all throughout the place which never spawned anything or it did and they were all at the top because

There’s baby gas i was stunned but took them down with my crossbow i’m guessing those are mini your gas after the parkour section it was the blaze area a troublesome area the golem handled the beginning for me but i couldn’t find the blaze spawners which i desperately

Wanted to get rid of the golem and i were constantly being lit on fire killing blazes but they kept on respawning i found one of the spawners but it didn’t stop the onslaught and at some point i just had to run the room was catching on fire and burning down my

Armor was also burning down so i just left the room i went into was destroyed majority of it missing and it looked like the blazes were at fault i went out onto a platform and began to water bucking my way up i wouldn’t mind taking on this entire castle but hey why not

Just skip it all and water bucket my way to the top then they spawned in the bigger gas they immediately lit me up and i tried to snipe them but instead just went back down i found a chest in this room with amazing oars and some more freaky cake since my inventory was

Getting full i spent the rest of today getting organized i walked back out onto the roof cautiously and thought the gas left but as soon as i noticed the one in the background he noticed me we both began shooting at each other and i started to target his balls i missed the

First ball and the second one i hit back made contact as he died i smacked his third ball back he should see a doctor i knew more would come so i had a small amount of time to act i wanted to go up quicker so i got my bucket ready looked

At the wall and jumped i missed the water up there but luckily the water i used about three minutes ago was on the ground saving my life i waited for the water to reach the ground and begin to swim up i made it back to where i first placed water and then

Began to call him the rest of the way up somehow not having any gas shoot at me i made it to the platform and looked around this boss wouldn’t be inside it has to fly around and it’s massive just like this w i’m about to get so the only

Place that made sense for the boss was at the top i began to water bucket up and the gas spawned in they began to shoot me and i tried to outswim their shots at one point they began shooting up at me and then they stopped i reached

The top of the castle and immediately the eurogas spawned in the thing took up my entire screen and began shooting me immediately i ran under the part of the ceiling that wasn’t destroyed and then i fired the boss was so unbelievably loud i had to turn down my audio or else i

Would go deaf from this fight loudest thing i’ve ever heard in minecraft once that was fixed i was shooting it however it wasn’t taking damage so i thought while i was crying it was immune to damage so i began to explore some of the rooms around here see if there was

Anything in them and there were these strange boxes with tiny gas pumping red farts into them if i kill the babies then the machine makes a noise and if i step on this pressure plate nothing happens but i left a piece of bread on it to keep the thing triggered i went

Over to the room to the right and did the exact same thing it looks like there’s four of these to do but as i went to the third room i killed enough gas for the machine to go green and make noise but as i stepped on the pressure

Plate nothing happened so i left bread here too i went to the final room and there were a ton of gas and the mini boss in here the iron golem came to the rescue and took care of them i did the same thing to this machine and now all

Four are covered and activated i got to shooting and everything went the exact same way i did no damage and i didn’t know what to do after a minute of that i just looked up on google and well i kinda got things right but not really so

What you’re supposed to do for the most damage is to go to each room and kill baby gas until the machine turns green then you stand on the pressure plate and the big boy gas will get stuck over it and take a lot of damage like that so i

Went to all rooms picked up the bread and got to work on saying hi to the babies the third room was ready and the big boy gas took a lot of damage this went on for a little bit and another thing if you don’t say hi to the babies

Fast enough the big boy gas can be a weirdo and eat them healing up so i had to keep running to rooms ahead of it and say hi to the babies before it could eat them this is all stuff i never thought i would say don’t really know how to take

It all in but slowly over time it kept healing up i kept shooting with alien beams of unalive babies and then with the final room i hit it with a beam it was almost dead and i began to snipe it down i was worried it would heal so i crossed my

Fingers and shot it three shots later and the year gas died honestly my favorite boss so far we’re now on to the end game one last boss sort of so i went to the chest in the center that spawns in after you kill the ear gas i got the

Trophy some dracula snacks and fiery tears i placed a water bucket at the end and since we’re so high up i have to wait a few minutes for it to hit the ground some i sat around and got my strength to level 23 still the only

Skill i put anything into i made another helmet and some armor for the future since two more pieces are about to break then i picked up the water source and jumped i was sailing straight to the ground and as i was reaching the bottom

A gas came back and just had to fire at me and then i realized i’m landing straight on some leaves that i’m going to fall through luckily my ankles broke the fall for me the next objective isn’t a boss more of two things i need to go

Collect for the final boss i have to head back to that giant’s cloud i found earlier sit down dweeb and get a giant’s pickaxe for the second area since the cloud is super high up duh i need some building material to reach i went over to this massive tree and began to chop

My way up finally reaching the peak i lined myself up to the edge of the cloud so i just have to build straight up to it the second i reached the top i immediately wanted to head back down there were giant me’s up here absolute beautiful sight and i was just

Starstruck at this point just peak penguin performance up here baby enough drooling over myself i need to kill one of these giants which isn’t hard it just takes a lot of arrows i need one of their pickaxes and a sword wouldn’t be too bad their equipment is stronger than

Normal stuff once i finally killed some i ran around the whole place to pick it up it’s easier that way and i wanted to do more but these things are just too tanky it’s like they’re giants so i went back to my wooden pillar and placed down

Some water we’ll be taking the easy way out and after a couple of seconds i jumped i was worried the entire time that they would try and follow but luckily none of them did now that i have a giants pickaxe i need to find the obsidian vault which is located

Underground in a troll cave which i think i found one back in the dark forest area i made it to the cave opening and slowly made my way down a sign that you’re in the troll cave is some block called troll steam it lights up purple based on how much sunlight

It’s receiving but the lower i went in this cave i wasn’t seeing any signs of trollstein or the obsidian vault plus there’s a lot of creepy enemies in here and i just returned to the surface i wanted to check the areas around the giant’s cloud maybe there is some cave

Up here that’ll lead me to the obsidian vault it wouldn’t make sense to have them both somewhat close to each other but i didn’t notice anything up here i headed to the edge and began to check around the base of the mountain and after a short distance i was correct i

Found this cave entrance hidden away fairly well and walking into it a little bit i found trollstein i’m in my way to the lowest point in the cave and then begin to dig down and around trying to find another section of the cave upon reaching it i placed down the golem

And ram there were dozens of enemies in here and it took a little bit to clear them out i had to respawn the iron golem about three times and once i didn’t hear too much fighting i ran out and let the place up right there in the center of

The room the obsidian vault i killed an enchanted troll and then got this trolling achievement in the background i saw cersei some boss apparently hand killed it too unlocking another achievement which i also believe it’s a part of that quest line from the beginning of this movie once the room is

Clear i began to mine the obsidian vault with my giant’s pick it was taking a while to do so so i went to the top of it in case enemies spawn in and well this thing took over one minute to mine into the entire time i was incredibly

Suspicious and began to notice this can’t be the obsidian vault once i got in there was only one chest and it had magic beans in it so i looked at google again i’m really trying not to as it ruins the fun but i was confused and

Didn’t know what to do now apparently i have to head back to the giants cloud because get this my idea was correct the correct troll cave is actually below the giant’s cloud i just have to dig down there so i went below the cloud and did that

And boom i hit the cave google was correct again i spawned in my iron golem to go to town and secure the area and wow you just did such amazing work really incredible stuff after setting him free i saw the actual obsidian vault a giant behemoth and i got to work on

The first section but this time it didn’t take a minute to mine it it actually took about 30 seconds to mine this time and once i got the second section done boom there was the double chest and first chest made me freak out a little bit because it had more dummy

Magic beans a good joke really but the second chest had what i needed the lamp of cinders i needed this magic genie lamp thing to burn through some spiky vines to get into the final castle so i headed up and luckily for me the final castle is weirdly right here i went over

To it and tried out the lamp of cinders thankfully there’s no durability on it and if i hold down right click i can make a big boom boom that also lights my iron golem on fire i had a massive amount of fun with this item so i took

My sweet time going through the vines it was just so pleasing to go boom and then instantly break the ash anyways i got to the mountain and water bucket in my way up and looking at this castle this place is daunting i first thought that there was going to be incredibly hard enemies

Here but something was off i was seeing animals up here and no enemies nor did i see any entrance anywhere so i found a nice wall and made my way up it once i reached the top i don’t know what i was expecting but it sure wasn’t that thing

I don’t know if it’s friendly or not but i slapped on an iron golem and then watched it throw with this huge cheeked up enemy off the edge with the rear like that it probably survived the landing down the hallway there was another blocked door just like the eurogas

Building but this place was incredibly dark torches barely helped but i continued around the place lighting it up then a preschool attacked me no seriously little gremlins came out of nowhere and attacked me these things are everywhere and i’m assuming this is the teacher which is extra creepy and throws

Poison reminds me of my second grade teacher and there were the three enemies of the castle i never saw anything else just the preschoolers poison teacher and cheeked up cube so clearly something is wrong i looked up on google and yeah this boss is unfinished apparently it’s

Been unfinished for like two years now which is a bummer but i don’t see this as a waste of time i went outside and went to the roof and yep there’s the boss’s cage and in the center is a spawner that does nothing but say final

Boss here you win but i didn’t want to believe it there has to be something here right i went to one of the side doors opened it and my golem took care of the assassin i went down the stairs and into another room it was pitch black

So i placed torches around and then saw this strange cube completely unboxed by a force field upon entering it there was just a large staircase on the center i began heading down and this went on for a while just kept going dozens of blocks down until i reached another force field

Box outside of it more and more force filled boxes of different colors and the worst part there was a 2nd grade poison teachers everywhere i ran around for about a minute lighting up the room and then i came upon another pink forcefield box inside another staircase same story

Went down but honestly i can see there’s nothing here it’s just more second grade teachers this just looks like a placeholder for future mobs so i guess this is the end of the twilight forest i made it back upstairs went to the bridge and then water bucketed my way back down

To the ground i had one last time of fun with the lamp of cinders my iron golems hated it however i know there’s more to do in the twilight forest i know i didn’t take it all on there’s some rainbow sheep mini bosses etc etc but i

Don’t want to make this entire movie about the twilight forest and i’ve already been in here for like 30 days or something it’s been a year since i’ve been in here and i accomplished what i wanted i beat all of the bosses just like this iron golem beating the

Enderman through a tree i made it back to the portal and did my 360 jump back into the overworld then i slept since it’s night time i took a little bit to look around at the sky again and also shaders then i tried out the lamp of

Cinders i was curious if it would work here too and it kind of does like it does damage i think but it doesn’t light stuff on fire sadly anyways i began to head home and since i had some inventory space i looted this graveyard the grapes

Had nothing sadly and when i went into this building the chest inside was trapped with a thirsty ghost who wanted a hug it felt like the cops are going to come soon so i quickly left the crime scene then i just ran home saw a freaky

Spider who did strange things and shot a weird bug at me and then arrived home as you probably already know i spent the entire day getting organized i went through and threw away some old items cleaned up the place and put stuff away but i had a lot more stuff than i

Expected it took me about half of today to completely put everything away and i found these two treasure maps that i wanted to go and check out because why not the sun is halfway down so i had to be quick i came bald off the waterfall

And headed out along the way i actually found shrek however he couldn’t stay and talk something about leaving to go film shrek 4 or something i snuck into his house and he had a meat chest not surprised in actual nice but once i got back to following the treasure map

Yeah it led me to a place i’ve been to before remember the village with a spooky sea monster that i stayed at right before finding the floating village yeah it led me here i slept in the village and i have one map left it’s a ruined portal one but hey why not

Check it out and this one is actually really close it’s almost under my floating village home and it has terrible stuff there’s a pillager teller right next to this but it’s the one from like 40 days ago and i just played with the pillagers and this giant beetle that

Kept jumping at me it reminds me of a smart car for some reason but sadly all of the maps and places around here i’ve seen and i want an adventure again so i went back home put away what i gathered and then began to think that’s how you

Know something amazing is about to happen sort of i headed out in a direction that i don’t know because i’m not a compass there’s actually a ton of dungeons and special bosses that i haven’t seen yet it’s just they’re like my father super hard to find so i came

Upon this really dark place i thought it was going to lead into a dungeon but no it’s like the inside of a poop chute i figured there was nothing else and as i was leaving i saw these giant ants but didn’t stick around and went back to

Exploring i saw this campfire on top of a hill and went up since it’s also a good spot to fall asleep and then i saw a building in the distance and knew i was on the right track especially when i woke up and jumped on this ant hill and

Two popped out wanting to hurt me actually didn’t know that would happen i went down the hill afterwards and went through the jungle to walk up to this house i scanned the entire area and it didn’t really look deadly didn’t hear anything inside i said hi to the ants on

The corner though and then went into the bathroom i headed straight to the toilet and drank it immediately gaining superpowers and strength then i found my most favorite thing in the world a magic dusk bell oh my god i was in heaven we all know and agree that villagers are

Awful so now i could torment the villager and constantly have a teleport back here with a new name i felt like drake but i sadly couldn’t steal the bell i went into the villager’s bedroom and yoinked its bow didn’t want it to come after me there’s a second story

Apparently but this ant hill was perfectly blocking the staircase keyboard on was i went up the stairs and looked around and then came to this door that said forbidden section do not enter without permission so i entered it without permission stole the supply ship chest and then read this dark arts book

On normal tuesday really but that’s all there was i went to the roof and began to look around there’s usually always some kind of place to explore within render distance which there kind of was i ran forward and found this raised village in the swamp beautiful designs

But i didn’t see any villagers so i entered cautiously and heard a witch in this house no idea what happened to her but this place had cool knickknacks so i yoinked them but as the night was falling i was going to go sleep but the blood moon came back luckily i was in

This village and i ran to one of the homes and went straight to the top floor unless the enemies fly through the walls i’m safe here given i could have gone out there and had fun farm some experience but i’d rather play it safe also i went on my phone and waited out

The night morning came and so did the rain absolutely love how it looks also this mixing cauldron there was some wheat and sugar in it and there was one open slot there was one piece of sugar left out in the rain so i’m certain it’s

Good to use i slapped it in the open slot and then watched the cauldron mix itself personally i think there’s too much milk in there but oh well a few seconds later and then there was a cake in the bottom of it i’ll take it nothing

Else really happened in here so i left the village like hitachi and headed out i walked a little bit and then in the distance i barely saw that spooky house with the basement in the dungeon tower the floor was missing on the tower and it was a smooth sail to the top iron

Golems did the work and i took the credit the only important thing from this place is that i found a tasty bone in a chest i couldn’t eat it however it let me spawn in a wolf exactly like the iron golem so now i’m really set for any

Fight i made it to the spooky murder house and since i’ve also been in one before i just went to all the spots that had chest and good loot i also got my strength to level 24 and then saw this cult member smash into the ground night

Was falling and slight issue i kind of left my bed all the way back at that one ant hill that i stepped on about two days ago so i explored the house for a bed to steal however i couldn’t sleep anywhere because of the pillagers outside so i used one percent of my

Power and went into the basement and slept in there since the enemies are too far away down here to prevent me from getting my beauty sleep i freed the villagers in the morning again and then headed back outside sadly the rain was gone really missing that’s definitely something no british person has ever

Said before and went back to exploring the jumpscare grim reaper came for me but i guess he forgot that the sun is bad for him awkward and now i’m just trying to find a dungeon there’s just so much content in this mod pack that none of them want to spawn in

But this mini hydra sure wanted to spawn in it was strange to actually see the head so i turned around and went away absolutely no way i want to fight it i came upon this hunting lodge kind of hidden away and i thought it was going

To be a cute empty place no it had some hunter illagers inside which the second one ran out and performed a 360 no scope on me and landed it i was so stunned and embarrassed so i robbed their house i came to the edge of the land i’m

Guessing it’s open ocean but i’m not certain i was seeing all the same stuff that i’ve taken on and honestly i really don’t feel like looting and exploring houses or towers anymore so i saw a bridge out in the ocean and i wanted to

See what was up with it i went to chop down a tree for a boat which by the way i figured out what that weird strip log thing is if you chop it enough it’ll instantly chop down the tree kind of nice with the boat made i went over to

The bridge which led to a giant tower but this giant tower is different because i said so also it’s different from the other ones that i’ve taken on already kind of as soon as i went inside invisible skeletons again but for these ones they’re wearing armor which kind of

Defeats the purpose of being invisible there was also a poison boss which did a tremendous amount of damage it killed my iron golem and dog and then got into a silly wacky shootout with it i won what can i say i’m just too good and then

Made it to the second floor and almost died i’m a man of many talents and i don’t like bosses anymore after all of that the third floor had a chest which had a weird map it had no name except for the exe name and it said thornborn

Towers at the end it sounded like a fun adventure to me so let’s do it the best part i have to go back the entire way that i came when i went to the water i saw this well in the ocean i dug down into it and then tunneled into this room

It didn’t lead anywhere just a little pot room which also had a chest that gave me my third iron golem totem sadly i can only spawn one iron golem in at a time except when it glitches and two spawn in so i can’t really make an army

But i went back to my boat and continued to follow the map and then i messed up as you can tell there was a huge jump cut right now yeah i forgot to record day 66. basically what happened while following the river i saw this staircase

Leading into the water so i went in to check it out it led into a catacomb system and i began to explore it’s all tight corners with zombies and skeletons everywhere that’s all that really happened now that i can show you what’s in here there’s chest everywhere most

Contain iron tools and armor and then some mores nothing to write home about the pathways are incredibly tiny in constant turns which this golem loves i never have to wonder where he is because he likes to make it known i guess the skeleton wanted to play tag because he

Hit me and then ran away i walked around until i found a staircase leading down this place is a lot more massive than i thought so obviously there would be a boss here right well i don’t know i did find some bigger rooms which had these

Large graves in them and then i found a water park where the water just never wanted to stop the entire area was pretty huge a lot of tiny pathways still and sadly it looked like someone or something came through here before me the graves were all looted and nothing

Was left i did finally find some of the spawners and the chests were getting worse i was getting insane with the constant zombie groans everywhere and then i found their cube this entire room was filled with zombies i said hi to them all and broke their spawners

Finally some peace and quiet i then fell asleep in the cold musty room i’m sure there’s a boss down here or something incredible that i should see but i’m honestly good the place is cool but i don’t want to spend any more days down here since it’s too repetitive for me i

Was planning on just mining straight up to the surface because i figured there was no way i’d find the entrance again and then i found the entrance again i went to the center grave and drank the delicious crypt water surely nothing bad about that and then i went up the stairs

To the outside again this is basically what you missed for the day i forgot to record i went back to following the map and then my heart sank i thought this wizard tower was the location on the map and it didn’t look like there was much here that part was correct but luckily

This isn’t the spot i went up to the tower and i found the waste zone from rl crap but this one didn’t let me do anything but i can at least break this one next i just kept exploring on some cool biomes this nice lake area was

Sakura trees in the background oh yeah then i found a dragon well i think it’s a dragon i actually never got to see it the thing was invisible but the fire wasn’t i did my normal strategy again and tried to see it underwater but no

Never did i decided to be safe and i dug underground and then heard the dragon the dirt at the top is charred now and just like all my other dragon encounters i came upon this cave and slept in here day 69 stop laughing oh what a day a lot

Happens so i’ve been down here for about a minute or two i didn’t hear the dragon anymore so that means he went away right well just to be safe i dug a tunnel away from here after a good distance and quite some time mining i went to the surface since

This had to be far enough right so i saw the dragon right behind me the thing was following me and keeping silent the entire time i immediately started running in it also started shooting fire at me luckily we are in a forest with massive trees and the dragon can’t

Really follow me too well i did lose it in there but another goal for this movie i want to kill a dragon i’m tired of them bullying me i travel through a swamp area and i really just want to show this because it’s beautiful and then in the distance hidden behind trees

The tower a massive boy that reminds me of the eurogas tower underneath this thing it’s huge that’s what she said but strangely enough there’s no enemies around this tower except for the spot with fire that i thought was a dragon so i started to worry and think that it

Followed me all the way here i looked around the tower to get inside and hopefully hide from the dragon but i never found an entrance until i made my own and entering the place it’s filled with the leaves and darkness there you go bud you’re in leaves calm down

Whoops i didn’t mean to punch it i i didn’t mean to punch it i’m trying to help you you know i i’m sorry i’m really not trying to punch you before continuing on however i decided to sleep i dropped down in the morning and looked around apparently there was an entrance

Just a really hidden one and the room next over the enemy that controls this entire build rushed me skeletons i got happy the dog got happy i’m assuming the skeletons were happy because they were playing chase with a dog and since i’m out of arrows i was going to spawn camp

This spawner for a little bit just farm it up but then i realized why should i stay and wait here when there’s an entire giga tower full of skeletons so i went up the stairs let it up and the dungeon is on my dog showed me where a

Barrel was without him i definitely would have missed it no way i would have found it and the chests throughout the dungeon are all the same because there’s only one chest design but also they just have oars in them the conquering went the same way i would plop down the iron

Golem and dog and then run and get the enemies aggroed on me the two teammates would then proceed to have fun an enemy that i only encountered once really stood out to me this possessed armor it had a custom model animation sound everything even when it died was really

Impressed by it another thing that stood out to me were bees some rooms had bee hives in them and i saw some bees flying around outside not sure if they were supposed to attack me but i guess bumble came by earlier and now we’re all friends anyways i made it to some

Library and slept in there after lighting it all up hello boys goodbye boys oh my god oh my god they’re going to use sliders they know how to use sliders so they gain the knowledge of how to use ladders it really surprised me after all

Of that i went up some more same old thing but then i reached the top-ish floor four different ways to head on walking out onto the platform the place was gorgeous and no skeleton in sight there was this nice cherry blossom tree in the center and i really wanted to try

An mlg water bucket off this place but i really didn’t want to travel back up here’s some spark notes for what happened next dozens of fights just endless skeletons coming at me from these corner spawn rooms i lit them all up to prevent any more spawning then saw

This dude chilling on the railing and taught my dog how to handle them i then heard some flying enemies and then saw some flying enemies phantoms carrying skeletons possibly the worst combo ever i shot at some while on this bridge but then wanted to get the high ground obion

Would be proud reaching the top of this tower it was an epic battle they kept shooting me i kept shooting them i landed every single shot didn’t even miss once then night fell hopefully didn’t hurt itself and went to bed peacefully so this will come at a surprise getting shot will lower your

Armor’s durability and i don’t have any more armor on backup of course i can make iron armor but who wants that so i ran around the place trying to find some chests that would hopefully have any kind of armor which i figured the center area would i got distracted and played

Tag with a skeleton i’m in my way to the center area next and well there was a spawner here this entire time meaning all of those arrows were a waste inside the chest it had armor just not the part that i needed but it did have a lot of

Diamonds the flying rats were mean and didn’t want to come down low enough for me to hit so rude and then when i was looting the chest again it happened the weather summoning sound the second time i’ve heard it in these 72 days and i was

Worried maybe a boss spawned in here i don’t know if you’d like to tell me in the comments below i’d really appreciate it after that i wanted to get off the roof and went back inside i splurged a little and made myself some diamond boots i wanted to look around for my

Next adventure and i noticed this which village was on fire for some reason dragon maybe or maybe that’s where i heard the sound from and then i almost got shot off yep while looking this skeleton snuck up on me and almost shot me off so i went on a skeleton hunting

Party and said hi to all the skeletons i could find it was all really repetitive and i ended the day off with finding this cool corner building and fell asleep to the sunset my dog impressed me in the morning and he took the charge up the ladder and killed a skeleton so

Proud of him i went onto the roof and looked around couldn’t see far because of the render distance however i looked at the witch’s village i figured the sound came from over there since it’s mostly destroyed but i really don’t know what made that weather summoning noise i

Was actually going to leave the dungeon but then i saw the tallest point of this place surely something important up there maybe a boss fight or a really good loot with the beauty shots done the floors were just like the rest lit up this b meeting room and after several

Minutes i reached the top it’s the exact same roof area as the lower one i went to except the flying rats here are kind and came into melee range for me the spawner was working overtime so while the golem and dog handled the rats i broke it and then we cleared out the

Area inside the chest some alright stuff and another map which led to a place that i truly don’t care to find shucks so i’m really high up in the air and these are usually the best times to look around and find out where to go right so

I raised my render distance and no the only thing in the distance was that tree trunk enemy place and i don’t want to go there it’s almost a day 100 in i want to find some new dungeons or even dimensions to explore i left the tower via water elevator and headed to the

Ocean upon reaching the shore what is this thing i first thought it was a dragon and that it was something huge but then it got incredibly tiny and was just confusing almost as confusing as this water serpent snake that jumped on land and then continued to jump i patted

It on the head to try and calm it down and then it went to sleep beautiful creature so as we can all tell the ocean is completely safe and i ventured out i quickly learned that in the middle of the ocean it’s just empty there’s no land out here crazy right almost as

Crazy as finding this pirate ship and hearing some strange fellows shouting about how he has a jar of dirt and to guess what’s inside it so i boarded the ship and plopped down my minions i guess the pirates sea legs prevented them from moving around because they awkwardly

Stood there as i killed them all the ship is tiny so it didn’t take long to explore their futures had food surprisingly and the other chests had iron stuff in them i never did find that jar of dirt by the way and then fell asleep in the captain’s quarters before

Heading off again when i was coming to the ship i saw some underwater buildings i wanted to check it out and also it reminded me of my ocean only world 100 days video only issue this place is incredibly annoying to check out without aqua infinity on my helmet so my

Constantly had to go down and up so i wouldn’t die for those wondering when the lore series is continuing i’m working on it right now and i’ll be releasing all episodes in december hope you’re excited back to the story there’s ancient mermaids down here i figured

They were hostile but all they ever did was stare at me there’s some chests here and there but this place was just ruins and i thought there wasn’t anything good until i opened this chest and found one of the nine eyes of ender that i needed

To enter the end if you all want me to do that for 200 days i checked the entire place and returned to the ship i got ready to sail off and went into the sunset again then i boated over the creepiest sound yet in the game a

Guardian temple no i’m not taking it on and then i got chased by this giant dummy snake while heading to the pirate ship i figured it would jump on land and fight me but it vanished like the avatar the pirate ship was also decked out in

Skeletons and i fell asleep to the green sunset in pirate ship i headed over right away and boom mermaids i was put into a trance and dragged to the ship i got stuck on the side of it with the spawner in the water giving me enemies

It wasn’t going away after a while so i had to break through the ship while being forced to jump and there they are i tried to shoot them with my bow but it wasn’t easy however i think i landed a shot because they began to swim at me

For some reason i was able to walk around at this point but my screen was still pink i figured it would go away after some time and i water bucketed up to the ship skeletons everywhere and they clearly didn’t want me or the iron golem up there i wanted to get rid of

The mermaids to make my screen not pink anymore but when i went back to the island it disappeared i chopped down a tree and made some earplugs i only know this because you all told me this in the roll craft series what the earplugs made the mermaids couldn’t control me i went

To their island and said hi to them with my minions with that cleared i went to the ship and chopped my way into the bottom floor inside there was a disco skeleton who was just jamming out so i left him there i swear making it to the stairs however endless enemies just

Non-stop skeletons rushing me and some of them are pooping out rats quite an interesting combo one of the rats really wanted to jump on my head and start cooking meals with me i was interested but not that interested in it then came the big boy this dude has nearly 200 hp

And i do about .30 damage per hit at this rate it would take me all year but then the sound came the blood moon it came back but luckily again i’m in a place that i can board up and wait it out which is what i did the blood moon

Finally ended and i got back to work i went up the stairs and plopped the iron golem to get rid of any crowd which it seemed like they all disappeared or died fighting other monsters i went down the hallway and found one of their spawners they really didn’t like how i broke it

And rushed me and i mean they really didn’t like it about a dozen skeletons all rushed the stairs and tried to get to me luckily they were all turbo tubbies and couldn’t make it down here but they were all incredibly tanky i don’t think i would be able to take on

The ship if my strength wasn’t at 25. once they were all cleared out i lit up the middle floor of the ship and was going to head up to the deck when that tinky boss was waiting for me and tried to ambush me i ran back and placed an

Iron golem which stood no chance the skeleton boss massacred him and then came for me what happened next was an epic battle that would look like the greeks wrote it or it was super easy and just took a little bit of time once he was dealt

With the rest of the ship was a cakewalk the remaining skeletons didn’t move at all and it was a quick fight then came the looting in the captain’s quarters the only good chest was the one with five diamonds and 52 iron then the rain came it’s my favorite and i hope it

Never goes away there’s nothing left to do with this ship and i went back to exploring the ocean night fell and it was incredibly hard to see so i found this little island and slept and you know what while here why not explore it so i got this golden apple from this

Tent super nice and then went for a lovely swim beautiful views down here oh and a dragon came right over this tent a lightning dragon swooped in and i was thinking of running but no i’ve done so much fought so many things i’m incredibly tanky and deal a lot of

Damage plus the iron golem and wolf are here to help me out so we fought it and it took like 20 seconds to kill it was actually really easy honestly thought it would be tougher i then went and harvested the dragon’s body keeping everything it dropped luckily it dropped

Enough dragon skills for me to make a full set of armor and my god is this stuff incredibly strong the boots alone are almost stronger than my chest plate so if you thought i was unkillable before we’re in a new realm now i went around the immediate areas and find

Another way stone that won’t do anything not sure how to make a teleport in work then finally destroyed another portal with some really nice loo inside and then i found the dragon’s nest the chester eh but after seeing how easy it is to kill a dragon and how amazing of

Items i can craft from them i’m definitely killing every dragon i find and then when night was falling in the distance i saw that tribesman camp the same one for my 100 days in africa movie which you should go watch if you haven’t as soon as i woke up i rushed to the

Village and the fight immediately began the orbital strikes were coming in so i couldn’t stand still the minions were coming from all directions and i couldn’t get to the big boy i was nonstop being hit by the orbital strikes as well even when i was able to get in

Close he would barely slam me away just like my mother and then a new thing happened once he gets low enough on health the minions will begin to heal him and they won’t stop until you kill them so now i’m somewhat on a time limit i was handling the healers pretty well

But after a few hits the big boy boss got me down to four hearts another surprise arose he became a black hole sucked me and stopped laughing and then exploded weirdly enough for such a massive attack it did one heart of damage i was expecting to lose nine or

Something i cleared out some healers melee wasn’t working so i shot down the big belly boss with my bow and the fight was over the second it all happened some new mobs began to move in like this really cool tiny one and giant enderman i left the camp and found this destroyed

Another building while getting organized and looting i realized i lost half my armor and the other half was almost destroyed so i just put on the dragon armor and i love the look of it i look amazing and the strength of this armor is absolutely insane just about two bars

Of armor now i then fell asleep in the desert so i want to stick around this biome because i haven’t really explored the desert too much and there’s some dungeons and bosses that spawn here apparently and i want to take them on but i just wasn’t finding anything good

I wandered for a while and found this redstone biome it was like being on mars if it had life and plants it was looking like nothing would be here at all until i spotted the dragon’s nest and i’m definitely going to kill that dragon too but night was falling in i didn’t want

To fight it during the night so i camped at this destroyed another building until a day time i jumped off the cliff and did a sick water landing and made my way to the nest something was obviously off the closer i got there’s no dragon i

Made my way up to the nest and then made my way down a hole by accident it surprised me but yeah there’s no dragon i began scanning the surroundings and then i finally noticed something out of the ordinary a giant windmill on fire dragon must be there so i did my normal

Amazing water bucket down the nest and then headed over some zombie villagers greeted me outside it looked like the place was on high alert but i never saw the dragon i found my way into the building and said hi to the pillagers inside and then the dragon bursted

Through the wall i’m surprised i didn’t say oh yeah and offer me some kool-aid the dragon was a fire type and i didn’t have any pokeballs to catch it this one was dealing a ton more damage than the lightning one and took a while to kill

It got itself stuck on a cobweb and i sniped it down i collected the skills and other items from it and was going to get organized until a pillager boss chased me down it would light me on fire and i sprinted to the front stairs plowed down a golem and waited for the

Deed to be done there was nothing else to do here so i traveled onwards and saw that villager library place from a few weeks ago that had the nummy toilet water inside same old stuff i went into the forbidden section like usual mess with the villager and made it change its

Identity a few dozen times and then tried to drink more toilet water but i wasn’t thirsty outside the front doors was the third waste stone that did nothing and i collected this one as well the next biome i found was this ashy dark and quiet place it had these

Aggressive foxes in there and the whole place just felt empty and evil maybe there’s a story with this biome it was tiny however and i didn’t find anything there was this village right outside of it in one of the chests it had a belt no

Idea what it’s for but i placed it with my other relics and you can actually see it on my body which it makes me look unbelievably drippy so i’ll leave it on ordering the village was a desert which is great because i still want to find

The desert dungeon or bosses so i killed this worm and right behind me another dragon this thing snuck up on me and the fight was on i placed it on a water bucket to keep the fire off me and snipe the dragon killing it incredibly fast and surprise myself i collected the body

Parts and i still have no idea what i can use all of them for i’m sure it’s amazing stuff i just don’t know any of it and now came to an issue so there’s a ton left to do in this mod pack but i just can’t find any of it and a majority

Of the dimensions i can go to are insanely hard to do their portals aren’t easy to make or find so i searched on google for what to do so i could go to the abyss 2 dimension and finish this movie with that place but i don’t like

How dark it is and i feel like it would be annoying to watch the other dimension that i liked was the blue skies one and it’s bright in there it looks fun however the portal has to be kind of traded for and the building is super

Hard to find how hard well i’ve traveled over 6 000 blocks so far and have yet to find anything close to it but now that i’m specifically searching for it maybe i’ll find it anyways after killing the giant i found this cute little sand castle oh and a monster who probably

Built it the thing never fought back and was that hide to it pretty quickly in that sand castle i couldn’t collect it made me want to cry and for the blue skies portal of course i could keep searching around to try and find it but we’re almost at day 100 and i really

Don’t want to make the ending boring i really don’t think i’m going to find the building or villager that’ll let me gain access to it and then boom when i woke up there the blue skies portal-wise so i opened the world of land and went into

Creative mode to make the portal i know it’s cheating i’m sorry if it makes you angry but to keep things going and to entertain you all i just made the portal so we can have a nice ending i went through and immediately it’s just like the twilight forest i can’t have shaders

On in here or else it’ll look bad ah much better i also wanted to see if it was like the twilight forest was sleeping and yep i can lay in the bed but i’d be here forever so no sleeping while here another thing you may have noticed and should know my armor tool

And weapon that wasn’t made with blue skies items is about half as good in here my armor bar is almost half worse and you’ll see as i try and fight things i barely do any damage still i’m tanky and can fight but it’s barely as good so

I’ll be relying on my golem and dog a lot in here another thing this dimension is mostly oceans and incredibly barren wiki said there’s a lot to do but i don’t know if i agree the biggest thing to do here are the dungeons which is why

I came first i need to find a wizard tower and kill the boss there to gain access to the next dungeon i finally found a wizard tower after traveling around 1 000 blocks and i try to enter it so i can’t place any blocks or water

In this place however entering it i can place down torches kind of confusing but i digress the first floor had nothing i just lit it up and then on the second floor there’s a library the window had a block i could jump off of and i quickly

Defeated this maze one of the chests had a dungeon key i got an achievement and apparently i need to get four keys total to fight the boss shouldn’t it be hard this was easy the second floor had a witch’s chamber and the witch poisoned herself however there was no key in this

Room surely the next floor would have three in there right well no it had no rooms and a pillager that wanted to hug me i noticed that since i got higher up there’s a strange fog and one noise here the third floor had two rooms the first

One is a bedroom with a cat i only said hi to the cat and then the cat said hi to me his powers impressed me the just in the room had the second dungeon key the second room was a prison of some sorts the chest inside had the third key

The villagers i could trade with but they were terrible and then i went to the top floor the boss’s room i drank this lock potion that i obtained from the witch’s room i have no idea what it does but why not drink it and then load

Up the room i got the key out and well nothing happened it says i need four key totems and then i didn’t see this while recording but the gatekeeper will sell me the final key i have no idea who the gatekeeper is unless it’s the gatekeeper

From the beginning of this movie and no i won’t be traveling back to him for the key i double checked all the rooms in this place and nope i didn’t miss a key so i figured i’ll just go find another wizard tower the keys should work there

Too hopefully and got to exploring i turned up my render distance and went down to the lake that was right next to the wizard tower across it i could see a village maybe the gatekeeper is here i looked around and all the villagers wanted to sleep and couldn’t trade with

Me i checked all the chests as well and nothing of value was in them still no fourth key i left the village and continued onwards i’ll just have to hope that i find another wizard tower soon i went on a long long journey in a galaxy

Far away i was traveling for quite some time and then found this tower maybe some good stuff in there who knows my minions and i said hi to the pillagers outside there was about three and then i went to loot the tower i found some hammer and another wide eye of ender

Kind of sucks because i need eight different kinds for the portal can’t use the same one twice oh and the chest upstairs had a golem kit i believe this was my fourth one now then i went traveling for about 10 minutes and didn’t see anything whatsoever until i

Saw the wizard tower i immediately got to work in on the first floor i looked out the window and boom the second dungeon i just have to hope that i can gain access to the boss here so i can go to that dungeon next and made it to the

Cat’s bedroom we said hi and there it is another key and it worked i now have four keys for this boss and got an achievement and made it to the boss’s chamber i got the keys ready and clicked on the lock i teleported into some room

With the boss in the center the summoner can teleport away which he does a lot he summons many iron golems to constantly come for me and he’s incredibly fast i tried to clear out the mini golems while my golem and dog went for the summoner at one point the summoner poisoned

Everyone but me was a great attack and then we got it to half health then the real fun started he started to teleport around even faster could summon lightning now and he’s summoned in a boss mini golem who would not get off my cheeks i began using a homing bow and

Relied entirely on my golem to kill the boss the mini golems were just endless and required my full attention oh and the summoner can shoot out a beam kind of like a kamehameha from dragon ball z then strangely enough while fighting the mini golems with my golem the dog killed

The summoner i went over to where it died and picked up the summoner trophy the boss keystone thing spawned in and i clicked it with a dungeon key again teleporting back to the tower i didn’t waste any time i headed down the tower and went out into the spooky fog again

Walking up to the green dungeon it was ominous inside the boss is a giant tree so all the green makes sense but what doesn’t make sense is where the entrance is i circled the entire building and then finally found it at the last section and it’s a huge staircase i went

Up the stairs and here’s the thing this entire place is basically the same almost every room has spawners in them i focused those while my minions fought the enemies which are green versions of the mini golems that i just fought inside about every single chest are these fruits saplings and building

Blocks i also cannot break any blocks in here just like every other dungeon i took on sort of just wanted to say all this instead of show it so i don’t have to make these days too long because spoiler this dungeon took quite some

Time now back to the story i was able to complete around 10 rooms today nothing special happened all the same enemies until i made it to the last room today inside a dungeon key in my heart sink i’m really hoping that i don’t need to find four of these keys and the dungeon

Only has three i started off today with an enchanted stolen very awkwardly watching me destroy his spawner if i had a guess he didn’t like it boop and then i guess his brother was in the next room because he also watched me destroy his spawner boob number two my minions were

Also a huge help at times where i was about to break a spawner they would walk in front of me so i lost my progress but i think they did that so i would have to mine it again and therefore work out my arms more making me stronger another

Room that stood out had at least two spawners hidden away since i can’t break blocks i can’t get to them one of them was underground and the other one was in a tree so i tried to light up the entire place to prevent them from spawning and remember that weather summoning sound

That would happen every now and then in some dungeons i’m pretty sure it’s because the boss spawns in since that’s exactly what happened here they also make the same noises of weather getting hurt then i found the room that leads to the next floor but there were still some

Rooms i didn’t explore yet and i want to check them all out in case they have a dungeon key which ultimately was a no furthest floor in a waste of time i went back to those stairs and made it up without messing up at all i lit up the

Floor and there was only two ways to go and i just so happened to pick the most difficult one in this entire dungeon so in this tiny room there’s about nine spawners and they all spawn mini golems at different times there’s also no way to hide from them so i can’t break a

Spawner without them hitting me or messing up the mining i was here for about four minutes and i was about to break this one spawner i was tanking hits and right at the end maybe around 95 percent the mini golem messed me up and i lost progress so now i have to

Fully rely on my golem and dog to protect me or hold the mini golems back which it was finally working very slowly but surely i broke all the spawners on this room and in the chest absolutely nothing just some berries and other items that i didn’t take in hindsight i

Really should have made some new tools from items from this dimension so i wouldn’t mind so slow or deal such little damage but i’m stubborn and won’t do that oh i found the third brother from those awkward watchers and broke the spawner in front of him but this

Time i made the iron golem boop him the first room i checked today very luckily had a dungeon key in it really hoping this place contains all the keys i need oh and my dragon armor is almost broken but i have a lot of skills to make more

Armor the only issue i can’t place a workbench in here to make it but surely i won’t need new armor i’m totally fine right i went around the entire floor same old stuff in each room didn’t find anything except for this fish trying to

End it all in one of the rooms not sure how he got in since those water pipes laid nowhere but i left him to achieve his goal oh and i accidentally found the staircase didn’t realize it at first it was also the last room on this floor and

Now for 4-3 i have 3 pathways to choose from hitting down pathway 1 there was nothing just some parkour but heading down pathway 2 there was also nothing i was working on pathway 3 when my helmet broke and this is when i realized i couldn’t craft a new helmet of course i

Could have left the dungeon and made this but i found a helmet hidden away in my inventory luckily and once i thought there want to be anything in pathway 3 i went up to the parkour room and in the chest there was a third dungeon key so

Now i either have all keys for the boss or i need one more since i found the key on this floor i was going to go up the stairs to the next one but notice on the minimap that i didn’t explore everything which ultimately was a waste of time

Except for this chest the starlit spear a very important item i headed back to the stairs and was hoping that it would lead to the boss and to my demise it was another floor to explore and don’t get me wrong i love exploring this entire movie has been me exploring except i’ve

Been in this dungeon for over an hour and 20 minutes so far of the exact same rooms and enemies i kept looking through the rooms on this floor for a key and then got distracted by the water hiding the chest i don’t know if it was because of optifine but this actually

Entertained me a couple of rooms later inside this chest key number four of course this is probably all the keys i need for the boss since this is what i needed for the wizard boss but i wanted to explore and make sure then i played ring around the rosies with this green

Golem in my minions it was a super fun time we were all laughing the entire way i saw past one of the pillars and saw stairs i could go straight to the next floor or keep exploring but i wanted to see if i had another floor or the boss

Next and coming up here it’s the boss’s door i tried out the keys to see if i could go in him yes i can i was immediately teleported into the room and the fight started the tree boss sent out homing spikes that were a lot more annoying than they were deadly i figured

This was a face i just had to survive through it and then the walls will drop and i can fight him then some plants spawned in that shoots out spores so i thought i had to get rid of them first but no matter how many times i killed

The plants they would almost instantly respawn so i went for the walls maybe i need to remove them but no my axe does no damage so then i went up one of the waterfalls and shot some arrows in there but the boss is invincible behind those

Doors so now i’m just confused i don’t know how to fight him so i looked it up on google and apparently i was correct about the walls i have to break them with an axe but remember anything crafted with stuff that isn’t from this dimension either doesn’t work or is a

Lot less effective and i can’t leave this room to craft something i’m stuck in here and i really did try and find some way to beat this boss even if it would be incredibly slow but it sunk in what has happened and what i’d have to

Do so once again i went to creative mode i had to spawn in some axes from this dimension so i could progress or the next seven days i’d be in this boss room hitting birds and there we go i was able to destroy the wall if you get too close

The starlet crusher will smash the ground launching you up and dealing a tremendous amount of damage if you’re too far away he will throw razor sharp leaves at you also dealing a good amount of damage the boss has 500 hp and the windows to fight him are very small so i

Use the golem and wolf to my advantage to help me deal damage a lot faster but wait it gets even better if you don’t damage the boss fast enough you will heal over time so might have to deal with all of this while birds and spore shooting plants keep spawning in and

Coming for me a very tricky boss oh i forgot to mention he also has a spinning attack if you get too close after he smashes the ground and to make this boss fight even better i’m almost out of armor i’m down in my boots and i don’t

Have much left in my backpacks i look through both backpacks and all i have left is this ruby chest plate that i got from the first wizard tower here so this will have to do i was making great progress on the boss and the crusher is

Almost dead i began to use the spear a lot more which can stun the boss except for right here i tried to rush the walls as much as i could but the spikes are something i just can’t ignore i broke down the wall finally and chucked the

Spear in stunning the boss but i only got him down to 66 health i rushed straight back in and was dealing a lot of damage however those birds were right behind me and i didn’t want to get trapped in with the boss in case the balls went back up but that wasn’t an

Issue since the boss began to chase me down and i had four hearts left the iron golem luckily distracted the crusher and i rushed right back in once they tired itself out it was looking like it was about to die but i got it to six health

Right before it rushed back behind its walls i broke in and stunned him immediately landing one last hit and i finally killed his boss after a long and grueling war i was thrilled beyond belief since i cheated these in i threw away all the items that i didn’t make i

Left the boss right after that and i was hoping i wouldn’t have to travel through this entire dungeon to get out luckily i could break blocks now and i took the easy way out however i couldn’t place water anywhere so i began to jump down and take the damage now that i can

Create armor i used the red dragon skills i had and created an entirely new set of armor looking just as drippy as before then i began to head back to the portal home and i know there’s another dungeon in here but honestly this dimension just left a bad taste in my

Mouth i wish i didn’t have to cheat to get here and i really hate that i had to cheat to get an axe to fight that tree boss plus this dimension is too empty and i’d rather head home and find something to finish off this movie also

The entire time heading home i kept finding wizard towers and green dungeons so i traveled super far for nothing i was somehow managing to dodge all of these arriving at the portal this weird cat dog kept chasing me it also lunges but luckily can’t aim i could have

Killed it but i snuck around the portal and managed to teleport without it hitting me i was in all looking at the sky i really missed these shaders and the rain i began to head home and then i found shrek’s brother i was going to say

Hi to him but he somehow made my arrow ricochet off of him and it hit me really surprised me with that move and then my iron golem came to my rescue and tossed shrek’s brother in the air i lit an enderman on fire in the morning while

Running away giggling when i saw this airship like something you’d see the fire nation use i got time so i chopped down a tree and headed up to check it out i got an achievement called sky high and once i reached the door the place looked normal in tight corridors until i

Checked the cockpit there was blood in the corner so this must be an enemy ship i went back to the front door and went up a ladder to dark rooms and machinery i still didn’t see any enemies i found this spawner but nothing came and then i

Heard some skeletons in the background i went through the tiny hallways and then found a skeleton wielding a flattened steel i killed him and then broke the spawner to only realize that a magma cube was left behind around the corner were some hidden skeletons and i was lit

On fire i said it as a joke but i guess this is the fire nation’s airship up the stairs there was a tripwire trap i broke the string thinking it would disable the machine but no something got triggered but nothing happened going under the slabs the entire room was a fight club

Skeletons kept coming and lighting me on fire then i found one of the spawners which they also can’t get out of weird i noticed that the spencer and luckily got 36 arrows from it refilling up finally and then got back to fighting after a while i went back to the front door to

Head home but it was night time so i did an mlg water bucket clutch and went to sleep now with the movie almost over i have a super long way to travel 6 500 blocks and i’m honestly uncertain if i’ll make it i put into high gear and

Booked it i got distracted with this giant who really wanted to fight me and then the pokemon sparrow found me again i tried to outrun it and lose it but these things are more determined than dragons night was falling and i found another weed factory but this one was

Different some of the horses were skeletons thought it was a cool find and sadly i can’t take them back to base i ended off the day with 4 000 blocks remaining and i hightailed it in the morning i skipped all enemies buildings annoying things and just ran but after a

Few thousand blocks i was starting to realize none of this train looks familiar all of this is brand new something can’t be right and yep this entire time i was running to that first house with the gatekeeper on the edge of the mountain but it isn’t bad i’m only

1500 blocks from it then night fell and this weird noise came back i vaguely remember hearing this once or twice before but it wasn’t a blood moon it was just a creepy sound so i rushed up to the house and went straight to bed in the morning everything was normal and

Calm no enemies anywhere or dragons coming to fight me and then i got organized which i had a ton i accidentally forgot to put away some twilight forest items and then i actually went through and organized the chess while putting away items from my backpacks before ending off the movie i

Want to test out these waste stones again i’m bummed they won’t work and if i can figure them out this will be huge if i do 200 days this would be a massive game changer but when i set the second waste stone on the ground and right

Clicked on it nothing happened i still have no idea what to do to make it work i did however give my strength to level 30. so now i’m incredibly tanky and deal a massive amount of damage then it was time to relax i went to the roof of my

House and looked out into the sunset a tradition i haven’t done in a while and i want to bring it back a lot happened in this movie and there’s still so much left to do so we’ll see what happens in 200 days I just wish you understood

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In MEDIEVAL TIMES in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2022-02-15 18:06:10. It has garnered 11927567 views and 102843 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:06 or 8166 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days In MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! ⭐-=SPONSORED by Apex Gaming PCs! Use code “SKYES” for 5% off at checkout!

100,000 Likes and I’ll release the 200 Days movie! 🙂





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#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days I Survived 100 Days In MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore or I Spent 100 Days in Medieval RPG Minecraft Hardcore! It can go either way haha! I didnt even build a mega base or giga base, I had no time for mega builds. I just wanted to explore and fight bosses. I beat the twilight forest mod and the blue skies mod and so much more! If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks 😊

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Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 01:21 Day 1 19:15 Day 10 32:22 Day 20 43:40 Day 30 1:00:26 Day 40 1:12:31 Day 50 1:32:57 Day 60 1:43:40 Day 70 1:55:19 Day 80 2:06:36 Day 90

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    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → Bedrock IP And Port → | 19132 Website And Store → Discord Server → minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ ► Twitter ➜ ► Instagram ➜ ► Twitch ➜ ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD- In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More