Skyes – I Survived 1,000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

So i survived 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft 1 000 days that’s nearly three years in in-game time a feat that only like 0.001 percent of players can do i i don’t really know the percentage it just sounds cool if i say that i’ve achieved

A tone in this time and after this it’s time to really step things up and get mega builds done and do even bigger things i sprinkled throughout this movie some updates for this series some new series coming in and the future of the channel if you’re a fan of my work i

Highly recommend watching all of this if you’re new to the series there’s a link to the previous 100 day movies i’ve made on here a good watch if you’re looking to binge something and one last thing before we begin the show 30 000 likes and i’ll release the next episode also

If you’re not subscribed it helped me out a ton if you would about 17 percent of you are and if you’re not i don’t know man you’re kind of weird also leave a comment something like i’m so excited for episode one it would help me out a

Ton and would help boost this video around youtube’s algorithm now here’s my story of surviving 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft Alrighty well first thing that’s absolutely massive i mean i’ve done this for the past three videos but i have shaders installed now it lowers down the fps a ton but hopefully the footage is still smooth for you all i’m using the complimentary shaders if any of you are

Wondering this is also my first time ever seeing this world with them on and i’m incredibly stunned everything just looks amazing and really turned up the quality of the builds to me but it um kind of makes everything dark oh that looks so sick that looks so cool in the distance

Safe too i also like the dark too bad i never played during the night so it’s actually been a while since i’ve played minecraft and what’s better than immediately doing a raid when you’re rusty i quickly got ready and with these super fancy shots i flew to the raid village

No way it’s been so long hey how you doing in there having a good time don’t worry we’ll do a raid very soon don’t you worry we’re going to have some fun we’re starting this off very good okay you’re gonna enjoy this a ton but before we could

Have our fun i have to get to bad omen five my fans were waiting for me at the tower and reenacted assassin’s creed and got to work it didn’t take much time luckily i got to bat omen 5 today and then ran back over to the trapped i mean um

Uh the comfortably living villager yo he who shall not be named i’m here it’s time for us to have fun and no fun we’re about to have but let’s be honest the beginning of raids are boring there’s no chance i’ll ever die to it so boom fast forwarding through

This and the big puppies are here and wow what a tough fight i was running left and right no sword just my fist giving them all the old one two boom incredible don’t you worry he who shall not be named i’m coming back homie i’m not never i’m i’m going away homie good

Luck you’ve lived a good life speaking of living a good life uh i don’t know how to explain this part but i was getting blocked and couldn’t move and kind of popped a totem but i’m way too amazing at this game so i think it’s

Just a glitch no way i could ever pop one i finished up the raid and went to say goodbye to no namer i think we’re bonding very well over these raids huh i kinda like that name should we call him no namer so after flying home i kinda

Noticed something i might have to kill them soon there’s a kind of a lot of you and i feel like you’re affecting my iron raids even though i am getting them pretty fast ah and i began to clear them out except i got stuck again i think that

Might be the theme to this movie everything is just latching onto me and not letting go i think my world is clingy because i’ve been gone for so long but after that fun stuff of clearing out a lot of the iron golems i was getting organized and found out my

Water elevator is beautiful and then the creeper just had to blow up four days in and everything is going so so wrong and there’s no way i’m working on my baby this movie you know what just because of how this is going i am not working on that i just with how

My luck is right now i i know something terrible is just gonna keep happening so i might as well not touch one of my most prized possessions because i don’t even want to chance it i know you all want me to finish the autonator trust me so do i

I want to make my auto sorting system already but i also want to begin another mega build it’s not like i have three or four or whatever number going on right now but i need two more ancient debris because i need a load stone for the area

Oh i also just made an off switch for the bamboo shoot because the autonator is overflowing and speaking of overflowing i uh was really confused is that a wonder a traveling traitor what huh yeah i was really stunned and worried i legit thought that this was another

Player since i didn’t think it was possible for a traveling trader to spawn up there they do anything for a sale now uh back to the lodestone i went into the nether and i thought i was heading to the ancient debris mining spot until i traveled for over 10 minutes and got

Immensely lost i went back and did you know that i had another fortress like three minutes from my portal if that makes sense um i spent a bit of time in there exploring but that’s not important i found the ancient debris mine shaft and got to work it didn’t take me too

Long maybe 15 minutes to find two ancient debris i lost track of time i just went numb in kept mining and i was tempted to see if i could find more but i don’t have enough self-loathing for that now to smelt it but while traveling in here i need to make this entire

Another section my first gigabild maybe second i want to make it completely safe beautiful man easy to travel in and speaking of giga builds my next one it’s going to be an entirely new base fully self-sufficient and all that fun stuff i’m going to remix and improve a popular

Youtuber’s hardcore base but for clickbait reasons i’m not saying who just yet with the lodestone done i flew out and find a nice spot near the ocean a perfect area near the desert and a village like a hundred blocks away but first i need to clear out this forest

Which is so much easier said than done no joke i spent the entire day cutting down like 15 trees or something i don’t know what mr beast was worried about but the forests aren’t going anywhere these baddies are incredibly resilient also i need wood almost out back at home

So i did say gigabild not a mega build meaning this place is going to be massive and i’m planning on using the entire grass area i tell you how big it is but i don’t even know but to at least not forget what i’m planning here i dug

A line because that’s how you claim things in life but um this build is going to take up way too much time so i’m not going to do it yet i just want to debate you all my inventory was full and i had it back home while i was

Getting organized and being incredibly happy over how much dirt i have now i thought about it long and hard like three seconds but it’s time to remove my starter home it survived like 900 days but it’s just in an awkward spot in my compound it’s annoying to get into to

Put stuff away so i removed it hopefully it doesn’t make you angry but to not make you angry it’s time to bring back bumble but first i want to change out this section of my compound to a shroom like district just to really section off everything and because the streamlights

Are orange and will fit the behemoth very well firstly to get trim lights better i had to trick out my notheride home because you need to treat your hope very well or else the ho won’t treat you well you get me it’s a give and take

Relationship so i iced out my hoe and i was ready i went to the nether as one would for some other items and then found a crimson biome and i was surprised with how fast i could collect these bad boys except for when the dirtbags steal it from me now i’ll just

Skip ahead because who wants to watch a man mine in a game that has it in its title also the guests are bullying me and it was making me feel really bad reminded me of senior year in high school so i returned back home to safety and shoved everything randomly into a

Chest i just can’t be asked anymore to stay organized i have a chest monster and i’m just gonna wait till i make my item sorting system to get organized now uh for the behemoth i first got rid of visible light sources that weren’t shroom lights and well it was looking

Good until i also decided to remove light sources that you can’t see and replace some mushroom lights probably not smart since they were sea lanterns and a lot easier to get than trim lights while my entire building is lit up really well mobs can’t spawn in here with these shaders on though everything

Was just too dark and gloomy i had to light up the dark areas while worrying about how it’ll change the look i’ll probably come back and redo these but i wanted to get the general idea down in each area i finished up the left honeycomb and now

For the brain hurting part i want to make this entire room a honey collection area where i’ll never have to hand collect it and refill the machine with bottles i want to be lazy and have it fully automated the main issues i have

No idea how to do any of that so to save my head for a little bit i went back to change out the torches to shroom lights and lighting up the dark areas now that it’s later i’m therefore wiser i wore a monocle and came up with the redstone

Machine in the creative world i i definitely didn’t look up a youtube tutorial or anything i marked out the center of the beehive which was an even number so there’s two centers and i’m planning on making it look like there’s a tube coming out of the beehive for collection make it look more

Factory-like but for the machine i need ice and don’t worry i listen to your 5 000 comments this time i know i need to use packed ice that doesn’t melt with light sources or heat so i flew to the polar bear’s biome and stole more of

Their home they deserve it i collected a number of shulkers that i can’t count because counting is for nerds and flew home i was getting organized but then wanted to get more ice mainly because i wanted to farm some more polar bear tears it made me feel good and i wanted

To gather a ton of ice for future item sorting system pathways and because once all the ice melts i can sell it back for a huge profit thinking of future capitalism once i tormented the polar bears enough and had a few bottles of their tears i headed back home and found

Out that you can also craft packed ice a very nice discovery and now for the redstone part first i had to do the hoppers since that’s the biggest part of it i didn’t want to put it too close to the edge since the outside is just one

Block away and i know this is going to be a thick boy i mainly just got the collection part done today but i underestimated the location of this for the item sorting part well not really an item sorter i’m making a system that will check when a beehive is full of

Honey and then collect it while another area will detect when the dispenser uses a glass bottle and then send one glass bottle to refill it so i never have to come in here to refill the dispensers i can just keep a chest at the entrance of the building full with glass bottles it

All sounds a lot more complicated than it really is trust me it’s really not that confusing i just wanted to sound smart a little side quest my iron farm stopped working so i went around and killed some iron golems that usually fixes it for some reason also made more

Redstone items to finish up the nerdy part of the build and made the collection spinning spot everything was going smoothly man i had to make sure to cover up all the holes because bees are annoying and dumb but we still love them now since my item sorting system that

Isn’t set up yet there’s no point in me connecting this to it so i’m just making a little collection area for it but now thinking about it is it even wise to have this connected to it especially since this honey stuff will fill up incredibly fast or at least it did in

The creative world within an hour i think i had an entire line of honey bottles but that’s a future problem for future smart me i was going to make everything look pretty but it’d be better if i do all the redstone stuff first and now for the auto refilling

Station which is going to hijack off of the redstone signal from the auto dispenser clock thingy and uh funny story you see i got the machine prepared and made an ice bridge up top then as i was going to make it go down for the lobby i realized i don’t have to build

It up here i can just build it down there so um yeah i kind of wasted a day tore down the bridge and made it go down instead i’m smart it was all going easy for making the tunnel stuff getting the glass bottle loading chest and whatnot

But then came the redstone part it’s not hard to link everything up but i don’t know how to make redstone go up without taking up too much space and this would prove to be an issue especially since you’ll see this from outside but after a few hours in the creative world no

Seriously i just couldn’t find a way for this like nola to travel down in a one block line i had to do the traditional staircase way i linked it up to the collection dispenser spot and all was going well until i didn’t i test out the

Shoot with six blocks and when i went to the bottle refilling area all six test dirt blocks were still there somehow the signal wasn’t reaching so i put my massive scientific phd brain to work and came up with the greatest system to figure out why the signal isn’t reaching

I went to every single redstone line in between repeaters and put a torch down seeing if the redstone signal continued on and well apparently glass can’t transmit a signal downwards but it can upwards um i guess that makes sense so i went through and replaced all the glass

Parts that headed downwards with stone and tested out the machine again and it worked perfectly next i got to work on the water elevator part and then the nightmare came to my attention there’s now one issue that i’m starting to realize i think i have to load up all of

These with glass bottles whenever one of these uses a glass bottle the glass bottles on top will slide across all of these like it will go all the way across until i can go back into one of these so i need to make nine there

Five there so i have to make 14 per so that’s 14 times 14. my math was very often i’m not going to let you hear it but running it through a calculator i came up with 57 000 gloss bottles that i’d need no no like seriously i

Don’t really know what to say i chose this place as the project for this movie and well i grabbed 22 shulkers and flew out to the desert it’s going to take quite some time i wonder if there’s some kind of sand farm i can make but

Regardless it’s time to get to work just to not bore you all all i did was mine for about four days straight i did get seven shulkers filled with sand and the desert was really showing signs of wear and tear obviously man i was going to

Fill up all 12 shulkers in one session as one would but my shovels were almost broken i went all the way till they had like 12 durability left i wanted to cut it close but not too close also this desert is now looking like a chunk

Glitch maybe i’ll use a spot for a build in the future i don’t know after using up all the shovels that i had i decided to clean up the place not entirely sure why but i wanted to make this place clean but i always wanted to get a nice

Collection of sandstone because once i make that item sorting system in the autonator i want to have a nice collection of all of the blocks so in case i ever need any kind of block for a build i have it and won’t have to go and

Collect it with the super fun field trip to the desert done i flew home and i would have began smelting the sand since there’s a lot but i don’t plan on staying here long and i don’t want to mess around with chunks unloading and loading so i’m just leaving the shulkers

Full of sand here until i have all 12 done i got organized and flew to the end to heal up everything and well this is so cool yeah this was my first time seeing the end with the complimentary shaders on and i loved it i’m definitely going to

Make a gigabild in here someday but before i go and finish mining out the desert and self-loathing i want to do another raid you know add some spice and throw to this movie again like am i gonna die and lose my 1000 day hardcore world i don’t know

And i don’t know if the pillagers miss me or if they want me to die to a raid fast but i got some bad omen 5 today i think this is the fastest i’ve ever gotten it no time to waste stairs are for nerds

I know it’s been such a long time i know you love raids so uh yeah we’re back with another one yep you just sit tight in there i still have absolutely no idea how the vexes have not killed you yet but hey i’ll i’ll take it i mean to be

Fair i really don’t know how no namer is still alive he has to be low i might bring him some healing potions for him but it’s kind of incredible that vexes haven’t killed him yet as for the raid like usual the beginning is slow and

Boring and then i turn up the heat and had a patty kick war with the ravanger i won obviously and then had a staring contest with this one and well the raid was quite easy for the remainder nothing else happened the bow made it a ton

Easier man i was just working on my aim until at the end i was trying to find the last pillager and i thought this vindicator destroyed the cobblestone door and killed no namer until i realized it was a different house and he was safe then i just returned home and

Got organized like i always do the fun little break is over now back to the super fun sand mining just so some of you don’t cry to me anymore i went up to my mob spawner and flew off there gotta save that one rocket all that’s left is

Five more shulkers and uh i tried to keep on mining out the sandstone so that this place would look a bit nicer but i wasted day 945 just mining sandstone so that was cool but reaching day 947 we finally finished collecting all of the sand today okay i kinda lied i finished

Gathering all the sand today now to just fly home and smelt all 12 shulkers of sand oh god i don’t know why but well this is gonna take a long long time to smell this sand oh this is so bad oh no oh no this is gonna this is probably

Gonna take me the entire video of just putting sand in there and on top of that i only have a double chest of bamboo on backup so fuel will also be a problem while the sand is smelting i’m just going to work on decorating the beehive and making it look pretty

However i need more wood and being the main character in this world also the center of the universe i disregarded the needs of the force and collected a couple stacks of dark oak after getting a good amount of those i went to the side of the behemoth and began to change

Out the glass to black stained glass i have to make sure the glass is drippy because you either drip in this world or the world trips you what um so for the side i’m going for a natural log holder look something you’d see in skyrim maybe

Since the front of the behemoth is a fantasy nature look i wanted to continue that on the side making it look like some kind of wooden pump for the refilling line and then a giant wooden log held onto the side as some sort of pipeline for this i stripped the dark

Oak to make it blend into the oak planks and while doing this i kind of don’t know why i made the beehive sections out of oak planks i’m using dark logs for the main building and now for the fancy add-ons so maybe i’ll go back and redo

Those or add something to the outside and make them darker over the next few days i finished the bare bone section of the other pipe and got the general look of this industrial pipe area done but of course knowing me i’m gonna come back and touch this up some more and add some

Leaves always gotta add leaves to your builds uh remember how i kinda added like six double chest or something of sand to the autoinator yeah a funny thing did you know that you have to remove the glass from the single double chest or else it’ll overflow yeah i forgot i

Barely made it in time before it overflowed and just made bottles and added it to the beehive roughly one-third done with the glass bottles now so i gotta keep an eye on those suckers and go back to finishing up the side of the beehive it’s nearly done just needed those fine touches like

Leaves and added some stairs to smooth it out i don’t know if i’ll come back to it but for the most part i think this is all done and good i’m pretty happy with how it looks i think i just need to add on to the beehive section and speaking

Of destroying a desert ecosystem all 12 of the shulkers are loaded into the ottawa nader i added more glass bottles to the beehive and something’s wrong i kind of forgot that 12 strokers of sand kind of need fuel to smelt it’s really funny how nature be like that and uh

This is bad even worse than the fuel the sand is backed up the furnaces were without fuel for too long i had to bite the bullet and go and take all of my coal and charcoal as this movie goes along the poorer i get this is terrible

But with me being so generous and kind in sacrificing my vast wealth the fuel system seems to be okay for now hopefully this is enough for all of the sand now back to the behemoth with the outside done it’s time to get to work on the interior and the front i need to

Make sure this place is looking beautiful for the thumbnail i want to change out this blue glass and seal antennas for orange gloss and shroom lights and so i got to work now originally i was trying to blend the blue glass into orange make it seem like

It was slowly turning to honey or something i really don’t know i don’t really think when i build i just go with the flow and surprise myself but it doesn’t make sense to have the blue glass here and now i have more for the auto nato so it’s a win-win but what

Wasn’t a win-win was me running out of shroom lights however you’re watching the smartest minecraft player in the world and i collected some of the blue netherrack block thingies to make some of those another tree thingies in here so i didn’t have to travel around in the

Nether to get more shroom lights man i’m so good at explaining things um another cool thing about this even though it doesn’t really matter for me is that when i gather from these trees is that it didn’t cost me any bone meal to run it like all of the foliage i got from

The trees i turned it back into bone mail and i think i actually gained more than i used and after two and a half days of collecting true mites so i think i haven’t checked on my collection system part of the glass in like five days but i’m sure it’s fine

There’s no way i’d walk into the room pick up three stacks of glass sitting on the hopper because it’s overflowing and possibly lose a lot of glass oh uh well that happened i’m really good with time management i swear i think i collected too much glass though all of

The hoppers and dispensers are almost filled with the glass bottles so i don’t know why you guys didn’t tell me that i don’t need 57 000 blocks of sand anyways i finished a majority of the outside honey splatter glass design but i ran out of orange glass and i don’t feel

Like making more just yet i’m super low on glass as you can tell so i thought to work on the inside now but i need streamlights for that so i spent the remainder of the day getting more shroom lights i should probably make this into

An auto farm but i don’t want to be etho’s lab just yet now i know i’ve been farming a whole ton this entire movie so i wanted to make this the last day that i farm or at least try to i do need the streamlights still i’ll try and use them

Wisely while building because i want to actually get stuff done i just wish i could skip the farming part so i can show you all the building parts on adventures which leads into those updates i want to talk about first just so this makes sense i don’t want to use

Any more water stone for the lobby i want to make this look very naturey and like you’re still in the wilderness it’ll make more sense once i work on the rest of my compound and add a theme to it all first just so none of you get

Anxious or sad the stuff i want to talk about is all good yeah i mean the reason i need or want to isn’t but the outcome is really good for all of you oh um i need regular iso i can fill up the rivers inside the behemoth it’s just

A lot easier than using water buckets so i went back to the depleting glaciers and stole more ice from the polar bears and got to work on adding them to the pond in river beds so firstly obviously my videos take a long time to make and

It takes even longer to do series that isn’t my choice though if it were up to me i’d love to upload every five days or once a week but my videos just require so much work so much so that i actually never have free time i don’t have a life

And it’s affecting my physical and mental health ever since i went full time on youtube back in october of 2020 i’ve noticed it declining i’m just constantly working i upload roughly every two weeks because that’s how long it takes to make a video once i finish one i immediately begin working on the

Next i never get to play any other games hang out with friends watch stuff go outside but i don’t want to make this a sob story i just want to catch you all up on everything and give a background story to my future decisions oh um sorry

To cut this off again but every 1000 days i want to make a map of my entire compound or wherever i am working on in this world if i’m at some other spot i’ll make a map there i just want to see the progress of my land change i wish i

Made one back on day zero but it’s whatever so um anyways when i began this channel i didn’t just want to do 100 days i actually didn’t plan on doing this at all but my channel blew up from it so i continued doing them i want to

Do content that’s more personal more fun stuff i can upload more rapidly i have videos where i can skip farming items and blocks so i can just show you the fun stuff and show off buildings and adventures and i’d like to think that you didn’t subscribe to me just for 100

Days content but because you subscribed for me now don’t freak out i’ll still do 100 days content mainly just the lore 100 days you know like the ocean world that all of you loved a ton and i’ll still do the series but i’ll make it every 1000 days instead of every 100

Days so i can show off more but i’m going to change this series into an episode series like episode 1 2 3 etc so i can cut out all the boring grinding and farming and then i can actually finish builds the autoinnator alone will take a thousand days and i can’t put

Myself through it to make 10 more 100 day videos on it also then i can include all of you in it more you can help me out with designs what to build naming animals or villagers and then all of you could see this world a lot faster instead of once every two months

And don’t get me wrong i’m not complaining about the position i’m in i’m very grateful to be here and what i have i appreciate every single one of you and how you’ve changed my life drastically i just want to do content that won’t take up my life and ruin my

Health and mental health or else soon i might have to quit youtube and i’ve been doing this for way too many years of my life to give up on on top of that there’s a lot of video ideas i have new series i want to do the quality won’t

Drop the cinematic stuff and time lapses are easy for me to do and i enjoy them i love making my videos high quality and putting in a ton of effort into them it’s why i do this plus i would be able to do live streams again and i could

Live stream some of my series if i’m doing some grinding stuff or let’s say i do rl craft damn i get stuff i can just do a live stream and make it into an episode i can have all of you help me out and join in on the episode and plan

Out what i’m gonna do so overall nothing’s really changing on my channel like you guys will get more uploads new series i’m also gonna do other games it’ll be survival games don’t worry like some nautica or arc or rust who knows the quality will still be the same it’ll

Just be videos other than 100 days and a lot more often i hope you’re as excited as i am so with the update’s done it’s back to the movie i added a huge river to the lobby a giant pond and three bridges just so i could run over the

Rivers easier and it adds a really nice look in here but i don’t know how i feel about the bridge designs do you think they look okay or should i change them before i run out of time i want to work on the front of the behemoth i still

Need a nice thumbnail after all so i went out and gathered some dark oak wood and saplings i thought a natural dark oak tree in the front would look good but i don’t like how much it covers the building so instead i figured maybe a little beast statue would look good but

It’s too tiny to build so that’s also a no-no so instead a genius idea which will be costly i’ll leave my netherite armor here every 1000 days i’m going to leave my armor someplace in my world just so i can have nice collections in areas and it’ll be a

Nice showpiece it’s just something fun i thought of and it would look really nice in front of the behemoth with that planned out i decided it’s time the glass bottles are all done i made way too many but now i have a ton of glass

And after like 400 days of being in a chest some of the bees are free they immediately got to work so i’m in love but while monitoring them the refilling station wasn’t working i was noticing that some of the hoppers were missing glass bottles so that’s fun i followed

The redstone line again to see if maybe there was a signal issue but once i got to the dispenser everything was working and it was still shooting out bottles then i went to the hopper line and there’s water bottles in here uh i never put water bottles into the dispenser

Weight i put down a dispenser instead of a dropper so i went through and changed out that dispenser for a dropper fed bottles through the system and would you look at that it all actually works so now it all finally works perfectly i don’t have to

Attend to the beehive at all and it works incredibly fast for honey so now i can switch out the front orange gloss blocks for honey blocks up next to hide the light sources i’ll be doing this for my entire compound i’m using green carpet i would use moss carpet i’d love

To use that instead actually but i’m on 1.16.2 and i can’t play on 1.17 for whatever reason but the green carpet doesn’t look bad at all it adds a nice depth and covers the lights so it makes it look a lot better also i’m moving the

Light sources from the edges so it looks even better and adding trapped doors to the bottom of the shroom lights for more depth and coverage and i did the same thing today now the hard part that i’ve been putting off is lighting up the upstairs nothing will spun in here

Luckily it’s just it’s so dark because of the shaders and i really want to light it up but if i add lights it’ll pop through the floor down below also trying to add some other colors since it’s just brown in here and i think there should be more depth but then i

Had the biggest brain blast ever i built the lights up instead of down i know i know but hold the applause i’m so unbelievably smart no one has ever done this before and on top of that it adds depth to the top floor and some more colors as i add more brown trap

Doors but you get the point that’s all roughly done but i keep jumping back and forth between the interior and the outside front so first off i need to get a lot of dark oak logs leaves soles of my enemies you know all the important blocks make a nice natury fantasy

Outdoors look but i can’t fall behind on the important science stuff don’t want anything else to break the honey production is working incredibly fast i think i’m going to make the other two hives harvest honeycombs or maybe just have one of them harvest honeycomb in

The last one is just for looks i also finished changing out the orange gloss to honey blocks in the front and the refilling station is working perfectly also bumble is here too luckily i chose the right high van she was on the first batch of freedom now finally for the

Outside the thing i constantly talk about but never do i made some stone bricks and i’m putting it in between the beehive chambers just so they don’t look like they’re floating anymore man like it’s all one big thing but when i got to the back i uh kinda noticed that i

Didn’t add the glowstone to the side of the chambers and to make matters worse i have like 30 blocks of glowstone so i’ll be visiting the nether in the future and get more glowstone or make a witch farm which honestly doesn’t seem like a bad idea i’ll have to use a tnt duplicator

To clear out a massive crater for the witch farm or make a sky base for it but a witch farm wouldn’t be bad it’d give me bottles glowstone dust gunpowder sugar sticks and other things that i don’t remember at all for the outside of the behemoth i’m planning this nature

Build and i think i’m going to make the rest of my compound look like it and then i’ll make the autonator stand out like it currently is because i want to create a story for this place and all of the future places that i built i love

Lore and stories i feel like it really adds to your builds and just makes minecraft more fun maybe some futuristic people came back in time and built the ottomanator and then the villagers of the time found the ottomanator thinking it was something that came from gods or

Aliens like what people think of the egyptian pyramids so then they built their village around the alien building it would let me add a lot more buildings and farms around the ottawa nato and i think it would be fun for all of you too maybe i could build some farms or

Buildings that you all want around it make a dog mansion or parrot mansion rebuild the farms and surround the autonator you know have some fun with it i’m definitely going to tear down my farms and rebuild them and move them around so everything isn’t just on one

Side of the compound back to the building i added stony and some bushes everywhere to add to the aesthetic but i think i might have added too many buttons might have to go back and remove some with the front basically all done i wanted to add some of the leftover

Leaves to the inside and i’m incredibly happy that i did i feel like it really helped balance out the color inside but with great leaves comes great leave needs what i went to the dark oak forest again and gathered more leaves and logs and added them to the front i just

Didn’t feel like it was naturey enough also for some more color and depth i till the ground making it look like there’s some muddy parts of the ground in the next episode or time i work on this i’ll probably add some ponds too i added one last little tree to the front

And yeah i’m 100 going to redo the front it’s way too messy and ugly for my taste i wasn’t thinking when tilling the ground and adding those rocks but the honey came flying in i finished the front of the building with honey blocks and then i added the rest of the top

Floor i didn’t plan on doing this but i think it made it look incredibly nice since i’m going to put my armor on that stand i want to leave it at full health before i put it away i wanted to get organized i have shulkers and random

Chests all over my compound and i want to spend the remaining days putting those away and just saying again that i hope you all understand my decision and where i’m coming from for a new series and what i’m going to be uploading from now on again i think you’ll all love the

New videos i have some really really fun ones planned out and two episode series coming out one of them you guys have been asking for a while so instead of a 100 days video on it i’m going to do this instead and i’m going to make this

100 day series into an episode series so now we can really get work done and you’ll be able to see this world a whole lot more now since i’ve just survived over 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft done some insane challenges nearly died like 200 times i’ve come to a conclusion

I don’t need a c anymore so i’m wearing this teal blindfold now clearly i don’t need to see danger anymore or what i’m doing really i also put my logo on the back of my new ninja garments and so my skin isn’t so bland i added some color

To it you could say that i achieved the next level and now i’m like a sensei with my new outfit on i went and placed my nether ride armor on the armor stand and i think it’s a perfect touch to the building also i found out i have diamond

Armor in the shulker so i’m not completely weak but we definitely have work to do for the remainder of the day i went around my compound said hi to my bees locked out the villagers and then made the track to my dojo room i’d say i

Took a glance at the sunset but uh yeah also these shots of my new skin are really pretty and then like tradition i watch the sunset to end off the 1000 days movie if you enjoy this movie i highly recommend watching my greatest work 100

Days in notion only world it has lore or watch my first time ever surviving 100 days in hardcore minecraft you can watch the story of how this movie came to be I just wish you understood

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2021-09-14 17:00:04. It has garnered 627647 views and 45088 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:48 or 2028 seconds.

I Survived 1,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened! – Skyes 30,000 Likes and I’ll release the 1st episode! 🙂



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#1000days #MinecraftHardcore #Minecraft1000Days Hardcore Minecraft is the toughest challenge on Minecraft. If you die, the world and all of your work, gets deleted. Enemies deal more damage and spawn more often. Here’s my story of me surviving 1,000 in game days on Hardcore Minecraft! If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks 😊

  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod House Build Challenge

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 14

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  • Mining in a Terrifying Minecraft #3

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  • Cute Daily Minecraft Builds

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  • Persivan’s Mind-Blowing Apple Sand Art! #163

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  • A Minecraft SMP

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  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

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  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

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  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

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  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

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  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

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  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

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  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

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  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

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  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

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  • Axolotl SMP

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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!

    INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art Building! #funny #shorts #gaming #art #comedy #shortsfeed #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #yt’, was uploaded by Dreith Entertainment on 2023-12-16 20:34:53. It has garnered 5641 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More