Skyfactory ep 26: You won’t believe what happens when I return!

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Sky Factory I’ve been gone for a little while so uh sorry about last week um I mean I could say a lot about it but honestly I just didn’t feel like scam streaming at all don’t know why I just came home

After being stuck in traffic uh it takes me like 25 minutes to drive home if I I got stuck in traffic it took me like 40 maybe it’s not that long but I just didn’t have the energy to stream last Monday and I said well let’s do it

Tomorrow you know maybe I could attract some new viewers if I stream another day that would actually be uh an interesting thing but uh yeah Tuesday came got stuck in traffic and I just didn’t feel like streaming at all and then uh Wednesday came they off didn’t plan to stream then Thursday

Came and I was like at my computer booting up up all my settings for twitch booting up all the settings for uh starting my time at Porche and I didn’t feel like streaming I I just I don’t know why I don’t know what happened last week no motivation at

All uh but had a good weekend I mean didn’t do anything special but had a good sleep which is also important uh last night I had a good sleep and um well earlier when the stream when I was had to start preparing for the stream I was like

Uh but as soon as I sat down at my desk started putting the settings right uh I just f it again so here we are I have my motivation again I guess I just I just had to push myself through um and let’s get into it what are we

Doing today um let’s see there are a lot of things I had to do last time uh that I didn’t do let’s see let’s see what what is this thing this is my latex thingy uh last thing we figured out or plastic rather last thing we figured out

Was that I do not get enough uh hooping Bonsai manal wood to sustain entire Farm um now I could probably somehow play some more Hoppers or something but at least for now it doesn’t really matter let’s actually try moving this one here we go and placing it in

Here and see if this thing uh places it to the side again I don’t know why it does this or maybe it just places it on this wall I don’t remember oh no there we go so yeah I don’t know why does this um it’s not that big of a problem I

Guess uh so this thing needs some improvements uh I don’t think we’re going to work on the Tidy machines today I I want to do something else else uh don’t know what yet this is storage room didn’t improve here either I didn’t do anything guys I

Didn’t do any any improvements uh but I thought a lot of things to do let’s actually put on the helmet um so I have a lot of space here this should be more than enough I think for everything I mean these ones are filled the rest are still empty

Um but the system works that’s the most important thing and then the last one is my power generation I’m pretty happy with this one the batteries are filled up no last time uh we had some problems with power uh it was actually pretty simple um oh sleeve

Here one of my machines down here was still running uh the this one simulation chamber with uh wither skeletons was running and this just takes all of the Power um well and the loot fabricator was also running um so yeah a bit unfortunate so it seems even though for now I have more

Than enough power my solution is not as strong as I had hoped for oh and I still have to use this one um I need to upgrade the flux duct I believe to something better uh maybe that will work but uh for now we’re going to leave it

As is all my machines over here should work again let’s actually turn them on see what happens there we go oh little lag Spike there yeah uh boy look at this why is this not on no it is on it got everything so yeah um this thing is not big enough to to

Get all the materials same with the cactus um but it doesn’t really have to right I mean for now I get materials I don’t get everything but I got most of things uh and I get puts in my storage and I don’t really need them right now I mean let’s

Let’s look for sugarcane maybe sugarcane we have like why is my scale so small hold on where is it size options video settings um oh here we go large there we go lot better um 900,000 like almost a million sugar canane I don’t think I’ll need it

Anytime soon let’s look for wheat if I can type right 4,000 that’s almost 4,000 uh that’s more than enough I mean I haven’t used it since I put this Farm down oh sorry about hiccups um so yeah now what can we do today what other the plans did I have um

Honestly I should have prepared it better um I want to work on the mob spawners create functional mob spawners oh wow I have some very bad leg spikes here hold on um can I put how do I do this okay FPS here we go 70 oh 60 that’s not

Great I mean uh the stream of course is just 60 FPS but uh 58 well it doesn’t seem to drop lower than that which is even with the sugarcan breaking just now I guess it’s kind of stable I’m not sure why it should be better let’s let’s keep it at it

Um now before we get distracted again mob spawners uh I believe they’re called Monster spawners here we go and to build them I need steel frame all right I need to start working on a steel frame a steel Ingot tough alloy bronze ingots okay let’s see let’s start for bronze I need molten

Bronze and for this I need copper and Tin now I believe I have both um let’s see copper actually not that much but I can make a lot of copper here we go should be enough for now actually let’s fill my inventory let’s empty this empty

This and brown will as well here we go probably can stack look at this so much place in my inventory if I would just uh clean it up for once copper I need thin uh silver nickel clay bone come on do I not have I don’t have t saved okay th

And let’s see here we go and let’s F my inventory again for some reason if I try to spam click it out of the crafting thing it lags a bit here we go actually I kind of Wonder is this chest empty yes so I finally went to

Roll in that’s in here which is perfect because now I can look again uh I should have Sav the monster spawner monster spawner here we go bum why did my sound just change I just pressed enter I have like a volume knob on my uh PC on on my keyboard rather and

Sometimes for some reason it changes by itself it’s a bit weird okay uh bronze uh I need three to one copper and Tin so let’s do exactly this copper one two three stacks and then th one stack and that should be more than enough uh let’s see let’s put one of

These in here one of these three rather and one two three more and I hope this will actually let’s turn this one off for a little bit actually uh let’s just put them straight in here oh this actually smelts very fast here we go and it should be alloing

Already we got some bronze perfect the alloying is not going too fast actually um go wow I’m surprised by how fast is this melting I seem to recall it going lot slower uh well doesn’t matter this is fine oh it’s because they were all going at the same time of course that that

Makes a lot of sense here we go um I have two blocks so let’s start by pouring uh actually guess I can put this one on again excuse me I don’t know why I didn’t do it the first time is it not working it should be give it a second hold

On wait did the bottom not oh they changed for some reason sometimes it does this when you turn it on and off it just messes up so everything works except down the exact opposite of what it has to do I don’t understand thinkers is a bit buggy something sometimes okay so

Now I oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no did I get it I did not get it okay so it’s just getting uh deleted right now I believe let’s turn uh oh this is annoying I believe if there’s no space

It should not delete because it cannot get pulled out yes it can okay another try come on there we go of course I need to put this in my storage and I mean I have my new storage so let’s go this one in here put it in right

Away um it’s okay I just lost some uh it’s not the biggest loss uh here we go it doesn’t actually matter in which uh place I put it uh once it’s in it’s in but yeah right now I can start this thing it didn’t reset this time hm curious oh never mind it

Did why does it do this what what is because I clicked it with something in my hand let’s just ignore it so now I have my bronze six should go up any second there you go seven perfect the other ones I guess are not going to be as easy steel can be

Casting actually I can molten steel is made by alloing iron and coal okay I guess that’s the ne thing I can make that’s not too hard and last tough alloy is molten tough alloy it’s made with phoron and lithium oh and lithium is getting mined I don’t think I have lithium yet

Maybe just a little little bit so I think I need to start working on a point Miner or whatever it’s called I don’t expect my spawner to be ready today let let let that be clear uh Miner block Miner no I don’t know or it’s drill

Maybe here you go laser drill oh there a this is why I need the plastic I remember industrial foro let’s start with this at in no industrial real there we go now what do I remember that I need to make a drill uh is there some kind of book in

Here there doesn’t seem to be okay I know I need uh lots of these machines will be needed they’re very useful black hole unit is nice to have it’s just basically a giant chest for one single item and you can place almost infinite items in there same as

The the filing cabinet actually so maybe I don’t need it so I need a laser base let’s learn this one laser drill maybe or processor let’s see Uh that may be it let’s remember this one as well I’m not sure I need it but let’s remember it just in case Cas froster no washing no no I guess that’s it okay let’s start with you know what let’s start with Googling that would be

Uh a better solution uh instead of just going blind into it oh going laser drill here we go from F Beast Wiki is a machine by industrial for going yes I guessed this uh it used to con it is used to convert power into work for the laser

Base at the block of the machine face Blah Blah Blah by beam takes RF so I takes power um okay I think I I got it first I need a laser base this is the important one Diamond gear easy to make let’s go into here um let’s make I don’t have diamonds wow

Imagine that uh that’s a surprise diamond blocks here we go let’s actually craft some diamonds uh crafting here we go I should be able to get an entire uh inventory of this here we go and let’s do it again and then we’ll probably never run out of uh diamonds anytime

Soon as soon as you need diamond blocks for crafting recipes It Go surprisingly fast um okay let’s make one stack of this here we go one stack of this here we go second one just because I can uh glowstone I didn’t notice how many I need uh two okay plastic

Oh okay plastic uh and the other one was machine case Okay uh I don’t think I have a lot of plastic ooh just eight wait really no that’s impossible oh did I never pull it out of here that’s what’s happening wait is this a storage room this is a storage room let’s leave

Again yeah this machine is not uh connected yet at least here we go and a solo plastic out of there place it in here there we go so we have some plastic uh I was scared for a second uh I need to hook this machine up to the system now I wonder

It seems like I do not have it in my storage system yet uh let’s Place one here and let’s leave again I could have tested it right in the terminal I had over there and there we go plastic excellent I don’t know why I go to this crafter

But this one seems a better place to craft I don’t know why I do this I guess because this is the first one I ever used um that being said right now the laser base I should be able to build let’s start with one here we

Go next up I need to drill so I have Diamond gears already I have machine case oh yeah I in entire stack never mind I didn’t see them in my inventory I have glass plastic white lens oh don’t have any of this any type of lens with pink

Slime and get this oh from the machine how is my slime going blue slime where do I find blue slimes slime ball Overworld mob huh Google is your best friend Sky Factory blue slime okay somebody else has the same thing for the blue slime data model make

It tiners to out of blue slime this doesn’t make any sense any slime Parts wow Um okay seems like we have a problem here pink slime for any type of oh but for all of them I need pink slime hold on uh lens this one takes pink this one takes pink this one takes pink oh no we got into a little bit of a pickle

Here all of them use oh an inverted laser lens hold on let’s see what do I need for lithium lithium or I believe uh this one I need a white l oh never mind so I guess we need blue slime and they say here on on reddits for blue

Slime the best way is making a tinker stool and break blocks and it has a chance to spawn blue slime I guess that means we’re getting into thinkers um a thinkers uh oh boy I I need to prepare some uh an area let’s let’s go place it right here I need slabs

Laap cuz this is where my thinker tools will be placed I couldn’t place a a slap at that place for some reason um yeah that’s what I was paid of torch there we go place it for here right now okay uh tiners oh boy this is uh lots of crafting going

At no that’s wrong button at thinker thinkers what do I need I need first of all all the different tool station blocks this ones I need a crafting station no I don’t need this I need a stencil table so I’m going to need blank patterns like make stack of

This then make one of these and I’ll over what they do uh soon enough pattern chest I’m not sure I need it I don’t think I need it but let’s make one anyway I need the part Builder I need a par chest same thing as the part as the pattern chest I don’t

Really need it but it’s useful okay oh I don’t have any workbench workbench workbench here we go excuse me uh here we go uh tool station yes tool Forge I’m not sure I need one of these uh oh what am I missing sear bricks really I don’t have any SE bricks

Uh maybe not in my system I’m fairly certain I had sear bricks maybe I use some all to build this machine um I have another chest here yes I do I don’t know why this is still in here I I desperately need to clean my inventory okay let’s start

Making Gro do I have any Gro oh things can spawn on here as well that’s uh oh wow this was dangerous this could have been a disaster um thank God I just noticed it uh gr should be saved somewhere here I am GR and let’s start

Smelting I just need three blocks so uh this this will take a bit of time don’t worry it will be over soon I swear I had so many seared bricks is it in here this chest no well let’s let l worry about it too much and I believe that’s the last one I

Need let’s start placing them down shall we let’s see first of all I need to make patters I believe so I need a stencil table here we go next up I need to make this into parts and missing one okay and I need to use blue slimes to make it um hold

On it’s just called slime ball okay it’s not called blue slime time so here is how this works with these things you can make these kinds of uh stencils so let’s say I want to make a pickaxe I need a hat I can place it in my pattern chest as this

One and it’s connected to this so it’s shows up here which is useful I’m going to need what’s this a tool Rod uh I believe that’s how you make a pickaxe maybe another part our Builder no tool station here we go for a pickaxe I

Need it says here a tool Rod a pickaxe head and a binding so we need another binding uh is this a lot tough binding okay this one now we have these three things um unfortunately the the the chest doesn’t translate over but then I need

To craft this into a tool uh and I’m afraid this will not work no no surprise uh because it’s not as simple as this unfortunately I’m also going to make another Hopper uh another uh casting table I’ll need it get this let’s get this let’s get excuse me escape yeah Escape didn’t

Work rest all a casting table because we’re going into casting that’s uh should be obvious uh here we go and a tool Forge just actually I don’t know if it matters which block it’s made of um all I can really do is is the iron one so it has to work oh

No I need other one of uh these things these things and now I need a crafting bench D how annoying okay one of these and I need this here we go I hope this works in this inventory thank God and now we can craft it lots of crafting going on but it’s

It’s not too hard to craft this right um here we go and that’s another table it seems similar to this one right but I believe you can make better things with this or more things actually pickaxe pickaxe up until uh chisel maybe I don’t need this one at

All maybe I can just use this one from the start uh anyway so I cannot put my blue slime on this pickaxe head that’s no problem let’s get some Cobblestone I believe this will work here you go Cobblestone I place this in I can make a stone pickaxe hat perfect and let’s do

The same thing with the two other parts here we go one of this and one of this here we go no I could make a pickaxe with this uh take this one out as well and I believe if I put them in here

So it shows you how to do it and just up up and you can make a stone pickaxe or you can turn this into a casting thing that’s exactly what we’re going to do here place the casting table down and this exactly what to did here

With the the Ingot uh the the the gold ingot uh cost we’re going to make the same thing here but just for these things um for El I will have to turn this one off for a bit still have a lot of bronze okay let’s make some gold all actually just

Need uh I think I just need my escape button doesn’t seem to be working correctly all the time let’s start by putting three in here I don’t know how many I need to uh make a single cost I hope one should be three ingots of copper left okay

Because one of my thin probably got uh smelted down here gold and we’re making the cast and finished make a second one did I use all my gold okay apparently it uses two ingots so it’s fine here we go oh because it’s still smelting uh my bad now can

I place this in here no I cannot so I need another chest for all my uh costs uh bit annoying okay let’s finish this quickly and let keep this in here I guess can I smell this okay no ah I may not be on the right track here slime

Tools slime pickaxe head slimy okay you cannot craft this huh okay I have another option if I make a bronze tools out of all these things here we go I guess we’re making bones pick right now uh go and let’s try this again if I place this in

Here why did it mess up here we go and now in here I should be able to upgrade it so if I put slime on here it does absolutely nothing Wait here’s what they say on on Reddit make a tiners out of blue slime break blocks until you get a blue slime kill or capture it and Force spawn it breaking blocks with a blue slime trinket tool will force them to spawn how to make liquid blue slime oh I placed the

Milk oh this is way easier than I thought it was I need a bucket I don’t have buckets and my Escape was not working again seems like I have milk already I have a cauldron that’s not empty um there we Go and that was so easy it was apparently I believe I can place in here no no okay what do I do with this who I okay I I guess I I there is probably some kind of thinkers book thinkers some kind of manual some kind of book um

No let’s not Overlook it I don’t see any book here I don’t see any books here no come on let’s look at my books from the start of the game I should have saved them somewhere right these are all enchanted books don’t you start a game with a manual of some

Sort may have just completely uh removed this manual by accident at some point iron bars I believe we go Ender book no books come on I mean let me know if I’m just being stupid here but you get a manual at some point right yeah together with the builder

Swand you got a few things I believe can I melt my boots is that an option it shouldn’t oh no definitely not this one yeah that’s what I thought I swear you could just do have another bucket another milk one okay let’s try this if I place this here I should get a

Bucket of bronze I believe let’s see let’s see yes and now can I put it in there no I cannot okay um oh maybe it’s it’s through one of these there we go that was it that was a solution can I do this with slime it I can excellent okay found the solution

Uh I need to place this one again I cannot pour it in there oh come on Google help me thinkers construct blue slime Um blah blah blah so they’re talking about slimes themselves um have chance to drop blue slime balls okay how do use them conal blue oh let’s make a block actually that’s a good idea here we go three can I put this on my pickaxe um I need on the parts right here we

Go I cannot okay can I place this then on this pickaxe still no h this is annoying it’s annoying me and this one is backed up let’s empty out quickly just for a second but while I’m crafting I don’t want to accidentally drop in uh valuable

Items okay so I cannot get my blue slime on this pickaxe let’s look again uh blue slime no let’s try slime I don’t see oh no here you go slime pickaxe hat material added by thinkers construct let’s try this manual no Tinker materials and

You this is what I need I need a book and one blank pattern okay my inventory is getting filled up uh oh boy my inventory this is bad actually um okay a book book should not be too hard to make book there we go oh book was probably in one of these

Uh chests over here there you go uh that way when I need it I can pull it out again I put all my books away why do I do this how do I do this okay try again materials and You by Skyla introduction let’s start here allo

Tanks don’t care about this L Pages tools blah blah blah blah blah blah repairing bolting craft thing no shovel properties Hatchet SK sides I want to find something that tells here go tool materials blue slime oh oh maybe I need to make this kind blue slime Crystal that might be it

Blue oh typing in the wrong place blue slime Crystal where is it really I I can’t find it in the list there we go I see it blue slime M this throw this away why not and smelt it apparently oh boy we’re getting there guys I probably should uh read Escape

Key seems not to be working sometimes why let’s keep reading the manual um it adds slimy to it okay so I want to put it on the head or the extra not on the handle because it reduces durability good to know oh oh I saw something blue slime oh

This is on on a bow modifiers don’t care look sharp Emerald slimy I want slimy I didn’t see slimy okay what are they making here Let’s ignore it for now let’s get this can I put it on here here come on can I craft it oh this is how I do it

Okay we’re here we made it guys so I guess we make a cobble Cobble why is my keyboard I just didn’t click okay one of these for the r maybe I need to swap swap these two um well didn’t want to do that and now I can access it there go way better

Solution okay so I got the rod next up I want this one with slime and last I want the head as well or maybe I need more than one that’s possible two no here we go and now I can make my pickaxe let’s try this again this part this part and this part

And I have a slimy pickaxe thank God this took so long uh and let’s not St to that um I need a better food supply uh I’ve said this before now I guess why is my sound so quiet oh it’s just on my side not on your side okay

Um I should have some cake here we go Overworld cake let’s go to the Lost Cities because there are a lot of uh mining places I guess oh and there’s another cake here and let’s try if this this thing does indeed spawn a slime and I hope this is not the only

Solution of uh excuse me could you not I’m working here yeah oh God this is horrible no slimes have spawned yet I don’t know what the chances are of one spawning am I just going to be here 20 minutes uh mining Stones nothing happening okay let’s let’s keep reading the wiki

Um I can Blocks let’s look for slim me modifiers come on oh let’s see I see Sharp Diamond Emerald fortified silk touch reinforced these are all modifiers you can put on your pickaxe just as I did here that I got slimy for example beheading each level adds a 10% chance to get the enemy’s head on

Kill but I need slim okay I see SM B of arot fiery necrotic come on knockback no soul bone no height width Ming that’s useful blasting glowing come on shuling WT writable embossment what’s that obtain some of its traits not sure what it does uh no

No I don’t find it okay let’s try again Google thing ERS construct slimy is that what it’s called slime but the e e y uh basically it just makes slim spawn so I guess I guess I just need to mine okay how do I get haste on here let’s let’s go back uh

I should be able to get haste on here pretty easily um let’s try this oh it worked out again here we go and I believe this is what I need to repair it um place this and this in there that’s how you repair it this can go haste Uh I don’t think you can put this in a regular uh enchantment table oh no you can soulbound let’s give it a try shall we we have more than enough levels oh God my inventory is horrible uh the rest cannot be sure put you here and let’s try shall

We which enchantments did I get a breaking stone bolt XP boost and life Ming no I want efficiency probably try again maybe I cannot get any of the vanilla ones maybe that’s what’s happening with thinkers I remember it’s something like that Unbreaking is useful so I can’t get Unbreaking on here

Okay which means I should be able to get efficiency no I I see the same uh enchants getting coming back making XP no no I guess un breaking could be useful as well uh one last try come on no okay let’s look into the thinkers one I believe it’s called

Haste not speed here you go haste click it’s just Redstone okay I I have more than enough Redstone so basically this is how you excuse me this how you upgrade it you place this in here you get redstone dust I guess you can use blocks as well and you

Just upgrade it for as much as you can uh let’s try with blocks should go faster mining speed right now is 12.4 one this will make it go to 20 and it’s not upgrading anymore okay so this is the the fastest speed it can go and let’s go try out and see the

Difference how much faster can i m St M Stone and how much faster do I get my uh slimes because that’s what important here uh is this where I went yes excuse me I mean that’s noticeable different right that’s that’s a lot faster I know I just need blue slimes to spawn

Excuse me slimes please I wonder oh there we go vein mining thises work and I got two points is this all that spawned oh boy this is going to be wow oh I cannot I need a station with me oh boy let’s go back

Home why is there a hole in here does it matter so now if I do this and this I guess I’ll take the tool station with me I have no other choice well at least I’m leveling up my witches as well achievement ding wow wow level up

All right you can level up these guys I forgot about that uh but no slime spawned it’s so annoying so I guess the chance is very low I see another one Spa hello friend just one oh and I’m I’m I’m dying from uh vein mining from Hunger let’s eat eat eat eat eat

Quickly I hope one spones with these last two uh blue slimes that I have with me uh no but my pickaxe seem to have leveled up again excuse me who just hit me wait did I got hit by a zombie something with ranged attacks hit me I’m confused also I still need night

Vision come on Spa little Slime no no slime out of blue slime h fine let’s go back home let’s sleep through the night as well while we can that’s a bit annoying I don’t need this here we go sleep sleep sleep yes since I was going to V man I should have just

Added no there’s another hole I believe I should have just added durability instead um there are way better ways of doing this I’m just trying to do it fast uh and it’s not helping me die die excuse me yes excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me here we

Go now the other way around here we go a creepers are spawning here now oh two two spawn nice one he just blew up my slime and almost blew up my table and that one also almost blew my table and I’m hungry again but I got my slime level up I

Believe that’s all I need actually oh I see another one hold on hold on hold on little friend wowowowow and did I see another one I saw another one nice wow wow okay I don’t see anymore and I think why am I nauseous also right here I have like 150

Frames per second uh and in my in the overw world I don’t um not sure why we go I want my table back let’s go home now I think I’m not sure but if you do the simulation chamber thingy it actually also levels up the data model just very slow

Um let’s see data model from slime I get Overworld and pristine blue slime matter oh boy um which one do I not need let let’s just take this one out for now uh what can I drop sure why not put this one up put this one

In and next up I need some um what is it called polymer and my escape button was not work working again I want this one here the the little thingy down there come on failed unfortunately let’s try again give it a second come on try again felt

Again I get this one but not the pristine slime thingy let’s see failed again 42% chance I believe it’s also dependent on uh which level now is this one leveling up data collected 19 out of 48 I believe it is right let’s try again 20 okay so it does go up

So technically I just need one kill and just let it run for a while maybe another good solution wait did it work or did it not work uh import export hold on okay that’s that’s how I need to to do it to keep it in here come on pristine produc failed

Again it’s a 5% chance right because it’s too low leveled I guess it needs to run a little bit um it’s unfortunate let’s actually check how uh how battery is doing I feel like it’s not doing great right now oh no this one is filled then let’s

Enter and all of these seem to be filled okay so it’s not taking too much uh energy h i I thought it would run out of En energy very fast well so much better maybe it’s not the the simulation chamber but the other one here what’s it

Called the loot fabricator that takes a lot of uh home 256 no then why was I running out of power when this was running hm I’m not sure uh no what I do know I’ll do is uh I’ll upgrade my uh thingies over there oh boy I don’t want to do this but

Uh here we go and all this for a simple laser okay I need uh Sim no wrong search bar Sim I can’t type apparently simulation here we go okay what am I missing glass not too hard here we go Redstone comparators apparently Hard okay torches 15 will be more than

Enough and let’s see for this I need those suit thingies uh at some point I had a lot of them and I probably threw them in a random chest oh I have some chests over there as well don’t I I was looking for items earlier so it may have been in here

Here uh no apparently not let’s try this one obsidian one over here and the last one I feel like I won’t have any of the no okay I need I just obsidian with uh this thing believe here we go let’s make a stack a stack of no still

Not oh come on this is annoying me it’s because my trash can is filled last try come on now I’m just annoying myself here empty all out okay let’s empty this out as well last try here we go what was in the Middle suit go with redstone okay so sure let’s make them All and know I should have everything here we go here we go like this to make just four oh boy well let’s add this to the row and see I got one pristine slime matter after all this time luckily that’s all I need because now I can put it in my

Storage see pristine here we go and now I can turn this on again and just pull out Everything and it will slowly fill up um next St let’s look here for pristine slime add this to the filter sure let’s remove the Wither One put it in here and I can make wait pink slime that’s what I Need one of four that I need oh boy Um go for more of these now I feel like I won’t have the materials for the loot fabricator let’s see loot fabricator and I need more suit covered machine casing which I do not have because I need the Redstone thingy uh here we go I believe I just need to right click

On this block right okay yeah this is easy to make I was worrying about nothing clicking as fast as I can and now I have a stack okay next up this thing this thing I just need five actually but uh okay and I’m missing the dandelion oh the blue the the the yellow

D uh call it D line yellow here okay kind of wanted wanted um five of them to match the other part but not the biggest problem here here we go there we go um probably need to add blue slime to the loot as well is this is my loot yes it is pig

Slime and with this we’ve made our materials we need to make I just picked up something what what one in my into my inventory don’t know don’t care Let’s ignore it um no I can start working on the laser base as soon as I got some more pink slimes so for now

Uh let’s try this I guess polymer clay here we go put this in the import this one should be always filled here we go and just let it run right now it’s already at Advanced tier look at this oh and while we’re at it um let’s set up a few more things this

Can go in here uh do I have any other ones the shulker one actually since it will automatically uh increase there’s no real reason to go hunting for me I just did it because it was faster but uh since I could not actually uh find the

Mobs could just let it run at some point uh storage export cables here we go hook this ones up nothing should happen right now since there is no uh filter setup let’s put this ones in here as well uh this one is the wi right yes it is all right

Um I just need Excuse me yes uh I keep start typing and without actually entering the search bar this should give me at least one pristine matter uh because I need to set up the system uh since I broke my thingy over here oh low energy of

Course look at how good my pickaxe works looks so D now I feel this is the moment where I start running out of uh energy since I am filling all of these with energy at the same time and let’s look at our pink slime still two okay unfortunate still Advanced here come

On 17 out of 300 this will take a while but I’ll I’ll just AFK here uh later today actually this night I’ll just leave my PC on overnight did I hold on hold on uh do I not have any thingies in here anymore okay that’s good to know I should have

Some more uh from the Twilight Forest in here I believe data models no some plastic in here surprisingly well it doesn’t matter I’ll I’ll figure it out uh off camera plastic you can actually you can go as well plastic cobblestone torches no torches not glass paint no searches is filled which means this

Is filled which means uh down here there will be a lot of items uh just despawning yeah you see it I have 30 FPS when I come around here and when it’s not loaded I should have oh maybe that’s what actually causing all the lag hold

On let’s fly away for a bit unload the area here I have 80 and when I get closer there it drops again for no let’s turn this on I saw an immediate increase in fps I I don’t know if this was just coincidence when I go here actually

There are also a lot of mobs dying here that may reduce my uh frames but no 30 oh 30 just around here and once I go somewhere here it was no so it’s some something up there on my Bas is causing a lot of lag well it doesn’t matter to me

Uh I’m fine for now let’s try again pink I have four so I could make the lens um excellent this one’s oh it’s still waiting for enough enough energy right this is the moment where I start running out of energy um when they’re all running at the same time that being said

No it’s just uh the transportation that’s not fast enough interesting well they’re all getting filled like crazy fast uh let’s see this is the import ones um let’s not actually I can can connect This One Import import no storage oh I don’t have any of the

Import ones okay uh I’ll do this at a later date but while everything is going AFK uh working in the background without me doing anything I will actually go AFK for real um I have to see here thank you all so much for watching hope you had a

Great time hope you had a great drink while watching the stream because I’ve been talking all this time and I have a bottle of IC tea here and I didn’t drink anything of it so let me do this quickly there we go oh I needed that I needed a drink but

Yeah I’ll finish my bottle um and I’m finishing the stream here thank you all so much for watching it’s a bit uh unorganized the stream but as I said I don’t know I I think I’m just tired and that’s why I don’t feel like doing anything

Um I’ve been trying to go to sleep on time uh lately and I just never the times that I do go to sleep on time I just don’t sleep well uh and then times I don’t go to sleep uh on time I do sleep well just not long enough

Um but yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll go to sleep early today uh holiday are coming on so that would be a great moment to uh to rest when I have vacation no work nothing but I end the stream here before I keep rambling on I’ll see you Thursday

With my time at pora that’s the last thing I’ll tell you on Twitch and thank you all so much for watching goodbye

This video, titled ‘Skyfactory: ep 26: I’m back!’, was uploaded by Tyrr on 2023-12-12 08:35:46. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:45 or 4845 seconds.

minecraft with scary floating islands

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  • SoulPvP

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  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

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  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

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  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

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  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

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  • EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

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  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

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  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

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  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

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  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More