Slime Farming?! Road to 250 Subs! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #subscribe

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Spooks Hello so you can’t hear me in the background again I am back yet again I am in the process of working on episode six episode six has a lot going on in it and I can’t really share that much but as you can see this is one of the new

Buildings here and I got some little mob heads and stuff um so what I’m gonna be doing is that well I’ve got a decent amount of stuff to do so I want to try and get I need to I need to get some music here real quick give me like just one second

Um one second all right is that is everything good okay so what I am gonna be doing is I am gonna be working on a slime farm believe it or not so I’m actually gonna do this off camera I was gonna do this in a future episode probably episode

Eight I think I was gonna do this Widow hello I might work right now so just be lurking listening well welcome in thank you for at least working we’re working we’re King I mean working too that that’s good always always make sure that you’re working because you always got to

Make a living and I like how I say things that people already know okay let me throw this stuff away oh that’s the wrong thing so I’m not going to be making a very like massive slime farm is just gonna be some underground like small underground thing

Um there’s a lot of a lot of episode six stuff that I’m kind of showing off right now so this is one of the new things I try I’ve tried to you well look at this guy he’s doing the sniff uh okay so you didn’t oh he’s sniffing oh he’s sniffing

Oh he’s sniffing oh he’s sniffing he’s gonna lay down oh he plopped down okay but what does he Oh we got a torch flower okay I really need those so I’ve been using all of the torch flowers that I’ve been getting from this and I’ve just been breeding all of these guys up oh no oh he just like did a big he he just like grew up

Like yeah that’s the word right yeah but this does have of course this goes underneath here so then we have the minecart that goes all the way around back and forth underneath this little patch it’s not a large patch and there’s not that many sniffers however it’s still good to have so

They’re all they’re all doing their own thing so you got you got the big boy here they’re all they’re all doing their own thing episode six here oh here let me let me fly up and I’ll do like a good idea of what’s going to be going on in this episode this

Entire section is gonna be getting an upgrade this entire area or like a good portion of it at least is going to be getting a huge upgrade this building I designed by myself my creative world then I used light matica for the first time and honestly it was very difficult I turned

Off light matica and like how it was looking looked or how this building was looking was just oh horrible um but now this building’s done yes I did do the back the back does look good I hope the the back looks decent I mean

It’s not like a lot but I did add on to it I did add in like a little little pink little pink flowers up there then the dandelions and the corn flowers and stuff so we got all those around we got uh the got all the pathways if I look

At okay Thunder stuff thunder stuff uh okay so if I look at everything for this episode I am just barely head so my issue is is that I want to have like a bamboo farm for this so I might still end up doing like this off-camera stuff for the uh

Like the bamboo so this is what I call the old pandas bamboo Cottage so inside of here um well I’ve actually I designed this on my own as well and this was like my first time probably ever using these mushroom stem blocks because I never I’ve probably never use them so what I

Did with this is that of course going off the main pathway what I wanted like the main thing to be is that you’re going to be walking from this way and you’re going to be walking from this way and then of course up here you’re gonna have all your crop Fields

You’re gonna have the sniffer Stables you’re gonna have um I hope at some point I’ll be able to have a torch flower and pitcher pod uh field at some point in the future I want I want to have those it’s just that is a very very slow Farm it’s incredibly slow

You have no idea but so basically this building here was more of like the entrance to this area so you get to just walk in you get this building here so this building uh what is what’s going to be in here is that I’m going to have

A bamboo an automatic bamboo farm with uh bone meal so we get the I get the bone meal all of the stuff there and I figured out that you can put a mud block on the bottom and then you can put a bamboo block on top of that and that

Actually makes life a little bit easier so then all the bamboo is actually going to drop into onto the mud and the hopper is just a normal Hopper you don’t need a minecart Hopper um it’ll hop it’ll pop onto the uh mud and then the hopper will just pick it up

You don’t need the Minecraft minecart Hopper but honestly in this new area like the the farming crop area and the ammo animal stuff this is probably got to be my favorite build already I think this one already is beating the the sniffer Staples it is personally just like

I love the different colors so mainly this is also being used as like a like a white and a white wood block and then this is like more of like a darker brick and then of course I have this going around the uh the bottom I haven’t

I’ve entirely done the back yet I’ll have to do that soon but I do I still need something here to uh you know here let me turn down the music just a little bit I do need something here for the uh for this so at some point I’ll do that

Although that probably like the entrance could have been right there and this would be a smaller building or something I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do with that just yet I’ll figure something out I need to cover this up but oh this I love this I love being

Able to have uh this little farm here one of my favorite things so because we got little snifflets and then we got these guys oh another picture pod but we got we got everything going really well um then I’ll just kind of hop over here and check and see how things are going

I’m gonna okay I’m gonna take these and I’m gonna I’m gonna breathe these then I can get another egg there’s a lot of sniffers in here but still not enough egg this is probably the the nicest looking egg out of everything and also when uh 1.20 came up and they

Were showing off everything I did not expect the sniffers to be so large but that’s what we got anyway I actually probably do need to start working on that slime farm so I already do have a beacon yes I I know I’m spoiling everything I’m sorry I do apologize we

Already have this Beacon set up or we got that so I’m gonna go down I’m going to so actually what I’ve decided to do was in the last episode I put I made the RV park and under and in the RV park there was going to be

The filter trading which I haven’t done yet I’m a little lazy um but I’m kind of I’m doing that more on my own time um I’m probably gonna have to do that soon because having that would make life so much easier but right underneath here I have this

Freaking quick reviews hi hello welcome in how are you welcome I am about to begin an actual slime farm so I need so what just like the middle of this so it’d be like right here right here it’s about like right here I mean there’s no exact center so

I’m gonna mine down real quick and I don’t need to do like too much or go down too far because I’m probably only gonna do like two or three different layers and I know that you probably don’t actually need that much I think they start spawning at y 35 four was it what

What bun and slime chunks I’m 13. um foreign Keep your age out of that because people may try and be weird and be like nice I and I don’t I don’t want weird people to like start talking to you but hello lunar okay I I still I’m never gonna get your name right I’m gonna work while editing but thought I’d pop in hey Iron Knight hello so slimes will start spawning at y level 40. okay so if they start at y40 um then we’ll probably need I’m gonna say what three block tall section so going down to 30 so 30

Here I’m just gonna go down to 28 no 20 you can hear that you can hear the Slime I go to 25. I do a lot of reviews oh okay that makes sense so I need to clear out this space so I’m going to put the center of the

Beak in there so one two three this needs to go up to four one two three four my name is French so it’s difficult oh okay okay that oh I probably need to end up lighting up this to improve rates now don’t I ow excuse me sir here

So like okay since I’m really horrible at pronouncing your name could you like give me like a little pronunciation thing like to kind of go off of so I’m not like butchering your name every time I speak to you or say hello because I I

Feel bad that I can never get your name right one two three four okay so this should be a nine by nine yeah everything here is a nine by nine I got you two more subs well thank you I really do appreciate that that’s awesome dude thank you um

So what I’m not gonna be digging out too much I mean this really shouldn’t take that long so I do need to go get some actual just plain old torches I’m gonna dig this up by another two or three blocks probably about three more blocks here I need to turn down the

Music again can I because I don’t want it to be like so loud it’s where it’s like struggling with the sound of me my beautiful and amazing voice totally yeah so the reason why I need a slime farm is that I want to do I want to have

A bamboo farm so I was gonna use and like an automatic bone meal uh bamboo Farm but I’m thinking that I’m just gonna clear out a large space and then have just a massive bamboo farm and then Minecart Hoppers going everywhere because I feel like that would

Probably do the most out of out of everything so let me put one in like Each corner kind of fish a little bit nope I don’t want to put that there that goes there so now we can do the iron so basically this episode six as as you

Can probably tell by the stream thumbnail it’s very it was supposed to be very sniffer related but now it’s kind of like huge fields and stuff so rayarg is gonna have uh some cool Fields uh kind of um of course um and those fields they’re probably not going to be like

Actual Farms but mostly just for pure purely just decoration um I still might replace okay so the building that I made an episode I think it was three it was uh supposed to be it was supposed to be a wheat farm but I guess I did it I did it wrong it

Just ended up being a it just ended up being a uh a bread farm so I kind of had to scrap that so at some point I’m probably what I have thought about doing is just removing everything from that building getting rid of the villagers um moving any of the Fletchers in there

That I had traded with previously over to ah just realized I need to open this up don’t I so if it’s this block here needs to be that block therefore yeah there it is okay oh no okay so this is what we did in the last episode so episode

Five was uh dedicated to making this RV so are these RVs so these RVs are just going to be for future villager stuff so it’s gonna have like a ladder going down into the Villager things um which I’m gonna have to do some point in my free time because uh the the

Villager stuff I’m gonna leave tomorrow just as a on my own time instead of dedicating like a full video of it because last time I kind of had to just say it’s been 13 days without having a video I need to get this done and out

All right so that is more just out of my free time here let me let me go sleep actually oh I’m gonna go I’m gonna kill these creepers which reminds me I need a gunpowder Farm actually I’m just gonna go ahead and go to sleep sorry I didn’t watch five no no no

That’s okay dude you don’t have to watch every video my bed’s not there okay um what did I do in episode five I finished this um what else I honestly I don’t honestly don’t remember entirely everything that I did I did the iron farm um here let me like

Let me get this water and I’m gonna use my trident to propel myself up real quick so we did I customized this island and I made I basically like upgraded this island and then I brought in the iron farm here and the iron farm has been working consistently very consistently and I

Have been able to get a ton of stuff out of it so I have probably about three and a half stacks of just iron blocks just lying around or well it’s it’s in my it’s in my ender chest or my my richest box over there but

I have three and a half stacks of um extra iron blocks and I got the full Beacon so I actually have two full beacons I just don’t have the extra bacon so we got all that diamonds I don’t have a lot of um mainly just because I had to uh

Add on to the netherite stuff so yes with this I did get netherite so you’d be shocked that I didn’t die um so what I did was that I went into the nether I think I was looking for quartz or no I was talking about

No actually I was kind of just like ah I don’t want to build just at the moment I’m gonna go do something different so I decided you know what let’s go ahead and go do something that I probably should do and I probably do need I got a I got

A lot of iron I might as well make a beacon plus I want to get that slime farm done so during episode five I really did not feel like mining down without a beacon so I went and got the three-wheeler skeleton skulls killed the Wither and

While I was out there I decided you know what I’m gonna go into a Bastion how many spoilers are there I mean when you stream you kind of show all of the progress that you’re doing so like all of this is just episode six I mean this this slime farm is not even

Actually a part of the whole the whole episode like it was not even planned for this episode it was actually planned for last episode and I planned it then later for episode eight right because I I have future episodes planned I have how episode seven is gonna go

And then I have how episode eight is gonna go but I have to remove two parts of it because that I had to the slime farm stuff and then and then when I when I get excited and I’m interested and stuff I just start talking too much about what I’m doing

I’m just like why does this suck okay okay so it’s kind of it’s kind of like my my issue how have you done so much in six episodes I would say that I don’t have a life but then I’m like ah but I do have a life

Because I actually take breaks so the series has been going on for like a month here let me look at my statistics how many how much time have I actually played games quit 125. um time played 3.52 days within a month and ish time with World open 3.7

Four days three point five two has been me actually doing stuff time slapped in a bed 397. we’re on day 423. so speaking of I’m actually catching up to Lord Thaddeus for his his hardcore world that he it was what season three or season four I’m catching up to him

So I might be on day 500 very soon but also with like each episode at least I’d at least do at least one or two maybe even up to three builds I didn’t add in maybe one or two Farms except for episode four and episode one episode one

And four episode four was just this episode one was just that one building episode two um I forgot the Torches again I’m so bad with rockets I have to like spend like some nights just killing creepers I don’t have a creeper Farm yet I like how I have like the most chill

Casual and relaxed Farms yet I don’t have like one of the most important Farms you probably actually need to throw that in oh I can’t do that okay okay ltu season five oh okay okay I couldn’t remember so I I feel bad that he died because like whenever you watch

Someone else die in a hardcore World especially if you have your own hardcore world it’s just like so it’s like you know the pain you know how that feels it sucks it sucks like when I lost my last hardcore world I was like man I have no motivation to actually play

This game for a while I’m watching Arch Arc and missing even one episode is like like it’s stepping at a time machine looking different in the world this building I built this morning that one I built yesterday so this is actually one of my favorite

Builds lunar has so much time I do but I always make sure that I stop uh playing I go eat I go work out like I have a workout schedule I have a morning routine I have a nighttime routine like I always make sure that I’m also

Getting enough time with my family my friends um I’ve been focusing a lot on myself and my mental uh health so I’ve been some people don’t know but I actually am a Christian um and I have been like I read my Bible pretty often actually right before I go

To bed I read a good amount so that helps me mentally um and then working on this this is fun this is what I enjoy doing so then being able to do this I put a lot of time into this so that I can make at least a decent video for someone to

Enjoy and it’s probably it’s easily one of my favorite things to do um but always make sure that I have time for myself so I don’t get burnt out or I’m like just like oh you know um here I need I still need those torches wait did I put them in

Miscellaneous no okay so what I’ll also do is that even if I’m not recording I’ll kind of get some small stuff done like I think one thing I did in episode five three hours episode three what I decided to do was that I kind of just went around and I added in

Different colors I got Acacia I got copper and I kind of added in different colors into the builds and that was probably one of my favorite things to do I enjoyed that another thing that I’ve actually thought about doing sorry I haven’t I’m not even doing

Anything related to the main goal of the stream I get sidetracked easily I have a lot of this I have a lot of brown mushroom blocks so I’ve been thinking about just adding them into the builds especially where the mud is so I’ve been I’ve thought about just

Coming back and adding in a little bit more to all of this but I haven’t done that yet of course but it’s an idea I just needed all of those uh those uh little stems so that I could get that house done and that house I really absolutely love

It that’s probably my favorite house all right I actually probably should you know loving the look so far starting to look like a kingdom which is my favorite type of Base it makes me want to continue my world again also W real legend I know thank you

Um what I actually enjoy doing more instead of like a mega Bass is actually having like a world to go and explore and travel around so I’m not really big on Mega bases to be honest I just prefer doing my own thing like I’ll have I’ll have large scale projects and builds and

Stuff like that was a large scale project that was actually the largest scale project I’ve had um so like that that took me like three four five days to do like that that was actually tiring I couldn’t wait for that to be done but it look it looks good from a distance it’s

Just that I started at the front so like the worst trees are actually in the front but as I got towards the back of it the trees actually started to come together in a little bit more cherry tree like my first channel is oh okay well then I’ll probably have to

End up checking it out do I really not have torches lightmatic is a pain whenever it does that because I just hold out a stick and then it’s just like so like this and then you and it’s kind of just it’s it’s a little it’s a little annoying at times but it’s fine

Foreign I’ve actually thought about just getting rid of light madica because it was so it was so difficult to actually build uh that building and I just had and I had to turn it off because I couldn’t see anything that I was doing and there’s probably a way to change that I

Pro I just didn’t know it at the time so yeah also I want the so what are you working on now I’m actually gonna start working on the slime farm in just a second uh have the Torches because I need those to light up the area and I need to dig

Out the place then I need the collection system and actual all the other actual stuff that helps bring the world together or the farm together at least if I can it’d be nice if I could sleep game it would be on day 424 wonderful all right let me sleep thank you

Now let’s head back over here now that I got my torches and I’m not that sidetracked I’ll probably I’ll probably continue getting sidetracked all the time but having the slime farm so what I’ve been what I’ve thought about doing is that it’s gonna have like the chunk out

Broken down here down there it’s not going to be a huge thing right um it was f3g nope 3H nope not that G there you go so this chunk right here is an exact slime chunk and then we have all this centered in this chunk so this is going to

Lead up to like a few barrels probably like over here so I might have to get rid of these flowers so that would be like the collection system of the whole thing so that means I need to be facing East for the uh the collection system so let me go fill this

Out with ow excuse me okay excuse me excuse me excuse me I’m trying to get my work done here all right Aaliyah hi hello welcome welcome in oh there’s a geode here I didn’t know that I guess we have a geode there that’s something to look into I need to

Hide the chunk borders okay so that should be fixed so lighting up the area um if for those that don’t know what I’m doing lighting up the area will hopefully I’m pretty sure uh end up helping the rates so that less it’s that less um Hostile Mobs will spawn

Um so that that’s what I’m doing so if I can get less Hostile Mobs to spawn in this area then it will make my life easier and not as difficult plus I’ll get better rates from the slime farm than I will if you know I had like a thousand mobs

Everywhere all at once so I I’ve just gotta wander around for like an hour or however long do you know how the dragon monster nightmare no I do not I do not huh that’s a cave it shouldn’t affect the rates too much down there I’m hoping

I’m it’s me being lazy I do apologize for firework I know I probably need I I need to really be very conservative with my rocket that’s why I’m trying to use my Trident more also I’ll be honest I haven’t tackled or gone to an ocean Monument yet for very

Good reason that’s what killed me in my last series so I’ve just been trying to stay away from it until I feel like I’m properly equipped because I I don’t entirely feel like losing my hardcore world plus if I do end up dying okay I need to I need to tackle these

Skeletons first okay that works that works bye bye oh why is there gonna be so many of them come on leave me alone oh actually this is it I’m not gonna die I’m fine I need this plus if I did if I am to be blown up or to be

One to lose thy life I should be fine I hope bye bye okay Reviving we are alive we are safe now let’s do that now I don’t know if that’s going to be enough because I I want it to be like safe you know I want like a little bit more coal

If there would be any here I don’t I’m pretty sure there isn’t free mob spawner right speaking of I probably actually do need to make one of those okay I need to go up here grab some of my eye blocks and then where is oh there it is

So I wanted to stop at y 25 so that means I need actually need to wait I don’t know why I took that off I need to come up here I need to out so now we have this so now we can work on all this now finally

So this this will make life so much easier being able to do this actually they’re speaking of what I should do oh I might need like a ton of glowstone blocks shouldn’t I because like for lighting and stuff or is it okay to use torches because I don’t know

All right let me let me cover this up okay so now I can make even more torches so now if we just remove all of that we should be should be good oh I should pay attention then so I can Implement these into my rules I’ve never

Been able to create auto Farms partly because I am lazy my brain doesn’t even understand even with the tutorial um I don’t even have the resources for like the actual Farm part I need to go and get like all of the what’s it called magma blocks I’m gonna

Need those for them for this I mean it’s not it’s not gonna be a lot I mean it should be fine for the most part you know we’re gonna do this two blocks at a time and this will make it go so much faster and then hopefully at some point once

This is ready I’m still gonna have to look at a tutorial because I know I’ve I mean I’ve I’ve made at least one slime farm in the past I might have made two I don’t entirely remember but I have made of course I made a slime farm before at least once um

But I am going to need Mega Bloks and I’m gonna need rails I’m gonna need I’m gonna use a dropper so that I can like dispense blocks into a actually I could use this either dispensers or droppers going all the way up and then it goes into like a lot of different

Uh the barrels up top of course is what it’s all going to be leading up to but yeah so I’m gonna need all of that I need to get rid of all this um so Iron Golems snow oh my goodness slimes are actually attracted to Golems

So they will go after iron golems and Snow Golems so if it’s like an early farm then or if it’s something that you need early on I would say if you don’t have an iron farm just get as much snow as you can get some pumpkins and then you’re gonna be good

Like you’re gonna have an easy an easy farm right there with snow golems and make sure that you find a slime chunk so you’re saying chunk base or actually that’s what I had to do because I’m I didn’t like I couldn’t identify I don’t know if I’m actually am able to identify

The uh slime chunks with f3g so that that will show your chunks I don’t know if you can actually see a I don’t know I don’t think you can see a slime chunk with it following Peter’s hell smiley face hello hello welcome in welcome to the stream how is your day going

I hope it’s going fantastic also um if anyone’s interested if you go into the description you will be able to see basically all of the mod packs or resources resource packs that I use so if you ever want to use those feel free there’s a lot

Because light matica is its own mod and then it needs something else and then you need fabric for like all of these mods I don’t actually use OptiFine I just have certain mods that kind of mimic up the fine so um what I’d what do I use the zoom The

Logical Zoom I use that that mimics the OptiFine Zoom I use a no fog mod which also mimics the OptiFine um no fog especially in the nether um so I use that that gets that just gets rid of fog completely so it’s uh mainly just for the nether in

My opinion like I would I would like to have it in the Overworld that wouldn’t be too bad but it being in the nether I I hate it I hate having um I hate having like every single and then other I hate having fog there you go there’s my English

See look this is why I had like a 78 I think in my English class last year it was just because it was like a lot of work and having the juggle especially if you have like a history class and you’re having to do either essays or you’re like

Researching constantly for that it’s kind of difficult but I also I it’s definitely my fault because at the time I really just wasn’t putting in as much effort as I should so make sure you always put your effort into school kids always put your effort into school because school can actually lead to

Really good things and can actually help benefit you in the long run even though math in high school is incredibly useless well some of it actually a lot of it you still can end up using depending on you know like what job you you have um

But yeah I don’t know why I sound like my parents I sound like my parents just like stay in school go through your four years of college which I am going to go through my four years of college I’m getting wrong this makes life so much faster if I were

Doing this normally I would probably be up to like there still this just makes everything so much easier I wonder if I should do like three blocks down we can just like kind of take it like a little bit of like one step at a time you know

Just like do that go up and down and then we turn here and we just keep doing this over and over and over and over however getting all the Slime will be incredibly useful so that um provides me with a lot of different possibilities farm and Redstone wise yes

That provides me with some really very useful stuff so being able to have like certain Farms require slime you can do that um those will always those will always be like very important to have slime what else can you do with slime decoration I guess another thing that I’ve actually

Thought about doing is like because I have like this Industrial Area I’ve thought about having like a pipe or like a sewer line and having a pipe in it having slime blocks mimicking sludge and it all just like going out into the river I’ve actually thought about doing that I

Just haven’t done it yet because I because I remember so you were decent at redstoneology absolutely not absolutely not I am more I’m better with building and the way that I have all of my Redstone stuff is just I just copy off of someone else I I have to watch a

Tutorial anything Redstone that I’ve done in this world I’ve made with the tutorial except if it’s like a basic collection system like that that’s that’s as far as my brain will go when it comes to when it comes to Redstone it’s the only thing I understand is just a basic collection system

It’s nighttime what day you’re on day 424. copyright probably all right so like I mean I know I know like basic stuff when it comes to Redstone but I’m just I’m just better at building I’m I’m better at I mean I’m decent at making a farm and then making it look nice

So especially if it goes underground then it’s just not at all difficult to to make it look nice like the the bamboo Farm it’s probably either going to be in the building depending on its size or it’s going to be underground and all of like the all of the uh anything relating to

Like the collection system that’ll that’ll just be like the easiest part uh leading into like a small building so the the old pandas uh bamboo cottage which I built I was gonna have the bamboo farm and I’m gonna have that with the bamboo farm so um that’s why I need the slime farm

So I’ve made one two two Farms so far in this episode which is the well I mean I guess one because I haven’t actually finished the slime farm or the bamboo Farm but I have finished the actually not I am gonna I actually am gonna include this in the video but

I forgot what I was talking about I I completely lost track of what I was talking or thinking about okay oh good I am glad I hate when everyone else understands Redstone so well and I’m able to just barely make redstone doors right I I don’t really

Even know how to make redstone doors I don’t really know how to do anything relating to Redstone except for maybe something just incredibly easy and quick and simple like I understand Hoppers I don’t understand comparators I don’t understand what it means to subtract stuff or I don’t I mean I understand

Like the pulse stuff like that makes sense right like I understand that everything else no I don’t understand anything relating to Redstone it’s like I know nothing about anything and then you see like mumbo jumbo or dog again making butterflies and walking flowers and a walking goat like it’s like it’s nothing

It’s it’s like how how do you how how do you understand like a certain game mechanic so well to where you’re that capable of making like such a very complex thing nope I am not gonna go that way All right okay you know I am gonna put on my chestplate foreign I mean I would like to understand Redstone better like don’t get me wrong on Redstone is like an important I guess I really wouldn’t say it’s an important skill to have because you can always just like use

You can always use someone else’s work um but at the same time it’s also good to have as a skill on your own because if you want to make games or something else like that ah then having like the knowledge to understand or like having the ability to

Understand what you’re looking at in the Redstone behind it then it’s really helpful right so let me let me use it for an example I have a friend vitamc who’s on the igniter s p and he he has this massive Casino massive Casino probably like Mega Bay

Size Casino so like look up vidmc YouTube igniter SMP season two and you will see like this massive casino that he’s built and it’s just full of games and even even to me and he’s he’s a great Builder too like to me I can’t con I can never like possibly

Comprehend how to make a game in the like another game inside of a game like I it would be like way too like way too difficult for my brain to understand what I’m doing I just would not understand at all I’m back welcome back but like Redstone is just so like

It’s like I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing half the time when it comes to Redstone like I know I know the basics I know what I know what repeaters do I know what Redstone torches do I know it like I know what the the things do

I just don’t know how to use them in a way to where it’s cool or enjoyable I guess lunar go to sleep man we didn’t get power until like 4 30 in the middle of the night 4 30 A.M and I woke up at like 4 50. I was slept

On the couch downstairs because I ca I can’t sleep when it’s hot like it’s so uncomfortable how late is it in America it is currently 2 15 P.M well eastern time anyway so if you were in like California or Arizona it would be 11 A.M um there’s certain parts of the US so

Like part of Florida that is 115 there’s another part of the country because that it’s like 12 p.m and then another part is like oh it’s like 3 A.M you’re like no like we’re like I mean time zones have always kind of been confusing especially if you’re on like a group of

People and they’re all kind of like in different places I mean everyone’s of course going to be in different places but it’s always still very confusing why level 32 we’re getting close we are getting close I need to repair my pickaxes after this then I need to actually go and like get

The resources that I’m going to need for for this I am probably just going to the Nether and collect magma blocks without being in fear that I’m gonna die or being in like Basalt Delta I live beside up assault Delta but I don’t really entirely like being

Around but salt Deltas because I feel like I’m just gonna die it’s 2 15 right now indeed it is because it’s 8 15 p.m in here wow so okay yeah so you’re six hours ahead of me a little tired right now I mean so am I

Ah I mean I’m about to be honest I’m always tired but it’s fine all right I need to fill that in okay so there aren’t any holes in the wall are there ah okay I’m gonna have to go up and fix that at some point okay can we agree really lunar you

Digging a hole yes you say is one like a billion times bigger than Belgium it is I’m pretty sure you can fit like a good portion of Europe or like all of Europe except for like the Russia and Scandinavia part it’s like Maine Europe I feel like I’m pretty sure you can fit

Like all of that in the United States hey dude dude hello welcome into this stream welcome how are you welcome welcome welcome make sure that that one lunar holes in the wall here fine I will I will pillar up right now just for you I’m not doing this on the wrong side

Am I doing this on the right side do I have dirt I don’t have dirt it’s gonna look weird I’m sorry dude hi please don’t spam dude consistently yeah there now we just make our way down oh look at that we’re literally right there well what level is this for 32

Look at that there’s the bacon Among Us Among Us that that that’s why people are gonna clip right that is exactly what people are gonna start to clip oh my gosh I remember I remember in my last hardcore hardcore series when I would stream I remember there was one

Time where I said uh I I was talking about my pants I don’t remember exactly what it was but I knew I was like do I have my pants oh thank God I have pants and it was clipped and I thought I didn’t and I forgot to make um

A YouTube short with it but it was just about pants my pants it was just about pants the massive 100 by 100 the slime chunk it has so many slime and spawning has been annoying you probably have more than just one slime chunk in there definitely have much more than just one

Slime junk in there just letting you know where I need to be Facing East for the collection system so it’s gonna have to be on this side so this starting at y40 is gonna have to I’m going to need all of those I mean

It’s not going to be much I mean this is this is why 30 right here so I mean slimes are only going to be starting from like up there and this is going to be like an extra the extra Gap broad Rolex pants I’m sure I do indeed

You know what that I’m pretty sure I’m saving all of the netherite stuff for a future episode hint hint totally not episode seven nothing related to the nether is in episode seven I promise there would never be anything related to the nether in episode 7.

You can have my word for it I promise I would never lie to you guys I’m telling you now there is nothing related to the nether inside of the next episode if you could see my face right now I wish I had a face cam only for streams of course but like

I would also use it for my my SEC channel speaking of I accidentally deleted some of my some of my clips for FNAF 2. I mean I can still I can still recover them I just haven’t done it yet am i 26 okay but I really haven’t been working on my

Second Channel much because I’ve been so focused on my hardcore World recently and I feel like that’s what I that’s probably what I enjoy doing the most and I felt like I was putting in probably too much work and I was posting a little bit too much for my second channel so

With the same channel um I kind of want it to be less frequent uploads and then it kind of be like hey look look at this thing or hey here’s the VOD for this or hey here’s here’s games with my friends or here’s horror games that you would

Probably never expect me to play or here’s things that you’d never expect me to do right like they’re like I I will say that there’s never going to be like a day in my life kind of thing because there’s really not much in my life that that that sounds like depressing

And sad but that’s not how I mean it um how I mean it is it’s basically wake up do my small quick easy morning routine and then it’s just like chill relax basically end up doing nothing right so I need to fill all this in

So let me go around the outer edge here places black thank you so that needs to go to here so that’s good and then we can just bring this along this is not gonna look fancy I can guarantee you that you are not going to be able to look down into this

15 days before I start school I got about 20. I think sorry I’m texting the Mrs well the girlfriend because it’s like it’s always kind of weird to say that this is when you’re not married I promise you I’m not married okay so let’s fill the rest of this in

I bet bunny you would say you marriage but bunny I promise you one day you might actually get married and you’re gonna realize that everything that you so feared and hated it has come to you now okay what I need to do now is I need to

I need to get blocks and stuff so let me let me fly out of here let me dump some of this stuff out too I like that I can actually see through that my summer vacation is from 1 July to First of September lucky you

For us it’s or for me at least it’s like the beginning of June to the end of August oh oh hello I didn’t know that I got that that buddy was there all right let me is the bed here did I leave the bed here I did

I wasn’t gonna say you sure sure I think you just got called out and you’re like oh my oh my goodness oh no and then you just had to like change up everything uh here let me dump all this out now this is good because now I have a decent amount more of

That stuff that goes there that goes there I’m gonna dump out that as well I’m gonna turn that on the rockets for a second that goes there as well eyes that goes there miscellaneous that goes there do I have paper in here I don’t really have paper in there

Okay that reminds me I need an actual sugarcane farm I mean I have I have this one on the on the water right here but this has kind of just been like my stacking six trigger can I need like an actual sugar cane farm at some point that will actually be

Able to provide me with tons of sugar cane for as long as I’m alive in this world which it’s hard to it’s hard to just say oh yeah I’m gonna be live in this world forever like part of me feels like that I would be because I’ve been doing so well and

I’ve always been really good at just not dying so I do I’m just like um now I’ll be fine I’m fine at the same time it’s like it’ll probably won’t even last until October like here how when did I start this I know I started this July 6. so it’s been

Over a month actually so my first hardcore world was only four episodes and it didn’t even last a month it was what four episodes within a month and within one month we have six episodes just a little overs except a little over ah we have six episodes for just a little over well

Almost six episodes so I mean we’re still working on this one so what do I need I need the magma blocks don’t know if that will be enough but I’m gonna kinda hope that it will be I need pumpkins I only have two really okay you know what we’re gonna fly

We’re gonna fly and we are gonna go find ourselves pumpkins because I’m pretty sure that there are pumpkins down this way I think in the jungle it’s it’s incredibly easy to see any kind of like melon or pumpkin inside jungles especially just this one because of how

Open it is because right right there this is probably all I’m ever gonna need I mean I’m probably gonna end up making like a pumpkin or a melon farm some point in the future but yeah so should I have like a hole in the center that is going to like make them

Drop down or should I have like on once actually it has to be on one side it has to be on one side it has to be facing that way has to be Facing East and if it’s Facing East then I can get that barrel of stuff

I’ve had my world for almost a thousand days jeez dude that is more than I can ever do so that should be five um I’m you know what I’m gonna get a stack of blocks and then I’ll just see how this goes because I don’t know how many I’m gonna need

And I just don’t know how many layers I’m gonna need or have speaking of do I need how much glowstone do I have I might need to go and just collect glowstone how much is this eight blocks okay I might as well go and try and collect up to a stack

Because that would probably be smart try and get I have a lot of food here I’m gonna like dump some of this out actually I’m gonna eat steak first and then I can get rid of that I can save all that I can save all that then

Glowstones that means I need a golden helmet so I have the golden helmet over here golden helmet I always need and I’ll probably collect enough to have at least four stacks of magma blocks probably I’m not entirely sure but oh that’s probably how it’s going to be

Here let me let me collect some of this so I can have ways to like get to places that have close down so that would actually be a good start let’s go let’s go up to this all right now we can just collect all of this

So I’m gonna need this for the lighting uh so that we don’t get anything except for Slime so the slimes I need the slimes are just all that I need actually I probably still need to open a video see look this is what the no fog mod does look at this look at how great look at how much easier you can see around here there’s a chick in there

What is there a chicken there I forgot okay so I came into the other ones I think it was the other day and I just see a chicken like standing right there and I’m like when did a chicken get in here like I’ve it’s always a mob that you least expect

To be in another to end up being in the nether like either an iron golem or actually a villager you’d probably get in another kind of often to be honest because if you’re having to move them then you know they’re going to be there lunar I need help what would be the best

In chance for a trident it depends so if you want to like go into like a fight or a battle or something having impaling five only works with if you’re in water so I’m pretty sure it helps with rain um what else what else Riptide and personally is what I go for

Because it helps save with rockets you’re able to uh uh you can kind of you can fly around in the rain as much as you’d like which is like the the big bonus of it so being able to like just Zoop zip around as fast as you want throughout

The year world just by being in the rain that helps so of course having a breaking three Riptide three mending that’s good um another thing would be is like if you are going to go into battle it would be it would be it would be loyalty three

So if you wanna so like especially for games using loyalty three would be uh probably the most useful it’s like it’s kind of like a bow and that has infinite uses and that you can infinitely repair operations save the chicken you know what I I could I

Actually probably should do that I might do that later for like a part of the video but it’s like so dangerous right there because of like the lava and then you have that one guy so if the chicken just kind of if the chicken just kind of

Walks just a little bit to his left he might not actually end up being as happy as he might be he might end up like the the chicken that I had in that chest that is the wrong pickaxe to use we’re at 54. Trends are either for transport or

Combat if I remember correctly yep indeed you can either throw it and it comes back to you which is loyalty three or you can use it to fly during rain storms around oceans yep exactly so that is like the huge like for me I I have it as Riptide because I just

Personally prefer Riptide over basically anything else um having impaling five it only really helps if you’re like hitting a mob in water it’s it’s not like the most necessary thing but it still it still helps if you’re like fighting let’s say like Elder guardians or like Guardians and stuff like that helps

And with the new 1.20.2 update oh and that comes out um and now that’s not 1.20 1.21 I know it confused me too um you’re not actually going to be able to get those you’re not going to get Trident crossbow or fishing rod enchantments from villagers anymore you can no longer get those

So getting them now while you have like an enchantment table or like you know probably it’s like early on then go for it popper Whopper I’m gonna have like a legal battle with Burger King I Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Junior double triple Whopper there you go

Hey Burger King if anyone in Burger King is watching me think of it as me freely advertising you and promoting the Whopper do not hurt me because I am promoting your burger and your food because I know a lot of people love Burger King so please do not murder me

All right let’s get all this and I probably need more rails and stuff yeah that should be good that should be enough uh uh take that off put that on two more of those another stuff that can go in there got those uh excuse me um

Um uh I forgot what I’m doing I need shears oh oh and this this is for next episode cheers one body two body three buddies four buddy five body six body seven bodies eight buys nine bodies now they get logged in a cage yay I feel like I’m gonna become like a slow

Villain of this world I don’t know why I just have that like idea that that would be something that would happen it’s like it’s like a villain Arc basically I forgot what I’m doing what am I doing I know I’m working on the Slime form uh the

The uh I’m gonna like this is just until I organize things later so that and that can go in there um that can go in there so I’m looking right at it that can go in there as well I’m gonna use Cobblestone since I probably have the majority of that there

I love the imprisonment of iron golems don’t we all casual pop into vegetable murder yep you know we do okay we’re gonna use Cherry because that’s the most successful one that we have right now uh and then oh I’m gonna need those so I’m gonna go ahead and put in I’m

Gonna take that I’m gonna go ahead and get like The Kill Chamber done and then actually you know we could link it up to one of the RVs because I I honestly I will probably do absolutely nothing related to librarians was it is more difficult now for me

It’s easier for me to get XP and Lapis and just re-roll things inside of a inside of like the the the the the other thing and the enchantment table I can just casually re-roll easily consistently until I get something good because I have the Enderman Farm which I did in the last episode

Or not organized it’s just that one chest I promise I promise it’s just that one I probably I did nothing wrong I swear also let I’m I’m okay I I have to do oh I have to do this often I have to like check on this

3300 and then you got like all the iron right there we probably have what like another stack of iron blocks there this is easily one of my favorite things this is like my bet this was honestly my best investment in this hardcore world I’m so glad that

I actually put time into that because it’s helped me so much get all the iron that I’m gonna need let’s check on our smelly not our smelly buddies you guys smell wonderful you guys smell Beautiful okay what do you have provided 12 of those three of those one of those two of

Those three those we got five torch flowers three fifteen sixteen pitcher pods actually you know let’s let’s breed these guys two three is it coming back right now or is it going the other way oh is coming towards me okay so I’m gonna wait here ah

I’m gonna wait here just for like all of it to like you know be deposited just in case that there is more no no actually I think after 4 16. so there was at least one one picture pod so that’s nice nice to have one of those all right guys

Time to have more snifflets I think the uh oh there it is okay I was about to say I think the uh thing got to it before I did you’re gonna pop that one down there oh buddy sniffing these I love these guys I absolutely love these this is probably

Like one of my favorite things ever I need I need to actually get back on track to what I’m actually doing I get so sidetracked incredibly fast here let me hop right here what do I need I need the rails I don’t need that many to be honest um and then I need

I mean I’m gonna get a lot of Hoppers I’m gonna have a lot of hoppers I’m just gonna take that stack too just you know casually just whatever um I need I don’t know if this is going to be as efficient as I’m kind of hoping it to be

No I don’t I don’t need that many one two three so two let’s do that one for that which would be one of that and that would one two three four five six chests six chests six chests one two three yeah so it’s gonna be what I have with

Or like uh like what I have with my iron farm it’s gonna have like two double chests and then it’s just gonna have those or actually it’s going to be a little different I mean it’s gonna be similar but I feel like it would just be much

Faster and or easier for it to actually I’m gonna do that do like that and then we’re still going to have those so we should be we should be good that should be majority of everything I’m assuming now if we look down the hole there are no slimes

That may or may not be an issue I’m not sure I am in a slime chunk right like is there like a certain way to tell if you’re in a slime trunk because I don’t think there is I I want to see a slime down there hello lunar yes

That’s my best response yes I want to see like some slimes or something you know I know I I could hear slimes this way that was what I could hear that and am I in a am I in the right chunk I should be in the right chunk

Yeah I’m in the right chunk so she needs to be Facing East I need to remove the beacon so the beacon has got to go I’m not gonna have enough inventory space for that okay I’m gonna break as much of it as I can should be fine actually I have this

So yeah we’re good it’s dutch oh okay okay that That’s how little I know of any kind of other language except for either English or Spanish and I don’t even know that much of Spanish I don’t I don’t know like complex Spanish I know very simple and basic Spanish

Like I know a decent amount but it’s like uh a little bit not a lot definitely not my finest work of course I’m definitely not I’m not I’m really not that good with languages I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say I’m either I would say I’m bilingual either that goes there okay

You know what I do prefer I like that this still keeps like the haste too right yeah it still keeps the haste too or at least it just goes down to haste and Mining this in Java has been so much significantly faster than it is in Bedrock that I’ve learned I’ve I’ve

Realized that because I’ve had the takes down before this is what my second time using a beacon wait what was my first time using Beacon I really don’t remember I don’t remember the last time I used I don’t remember the first wait what was wrong why did I think why did I

What did I do I I forgot what I did I don’t know I I forget what I do like 99 of the time sometimes I don’t even know what I’m doing that goes in there so we have this stack of blocks there oh oh I forgot the redstone blocks dang it okay

So I’m Gonna Leave three blocks on the side actually I can’t do that then it would be weird I I gotta have it I gotta have it perfect although it would have been perfect either way I’m just weird it needs to if it’s like an even thing

And everything needs to be even it was like an odd thing then the majority of things need to be odd right that I don’t know why I do that it’s just how I am it’s just how I roll I guess apparently for some reason I don’t know it’s just how I be

Do I have a good explanation for it no absolutely not see look if if I were mining it like this this would have taken forever all right let me perfect now I need to nope there hide that thank you I just did a very cool assessing there’s

One slime okay there’s one so I’m trying to get my hole oh really only one I would feel like there would have to be many more than just one right I was about to leave to go back to the slime farm what I need are these iron blocks iron blocks redstone blocks wow

My brain is just oh my brain is weird ah child no now let’s see if I can actually get this I I hope this is actually gonna work this better work I’m I’m scared that I’m not in the right chunk I’m genuinely scared that I’m not in the

Right trunk here you know what we’re gonna chunk base we’re opening up chunk-based seat map I’ve got to I’ve got to make sure like I I have to make sure they select all but that uh slim chunk go to where my base is let me input my coordinates here we’re gonna

Open that up we’re gonna at the very edge the very edge block which is 15 15 negative what two four eight zero two four zero yeah two four eight zero yeah I made a slime chunk so I should be eating apple IRL I haven’t had an app in

A long time so I am in a slime chunk I have I have to like I’ve had to make sure that I am indeed inside of a slime chunk I’m gonna throw that in there what else can I throw in here that I probably won’t need well I don’t know

Here so the center oh Center two blocks would be here so it’s gonna it’s okay it’s gonna have to look weird man dang it I don’t even have the chest for the collection system huh I’m so bad at this I’m so bad at this

Yo let me turn this off I’m so bad at this let me get rid of this Granite I don’t need the granite let me let me get rid of the stone too I don’t need the stone uh uh the chests I need the chests one two three

Wait one two three four five six okay so I just need the six chests we have the six chests that should be all that I will ever need I should be ready I should be done get rid of that I should be done I this should be fine right this should be fine

Look at it look at it it’s a horrible Boop look at it our first little bit of slime finally we have slime that is gonna have to you know what I I’m gonna do it like that oh wait no I can’t because I have to put

It here because then it would lock that one hopper lunar thinks he’s bad I’m I my brain doesn’t function correctly sometimes so then that goes like that and then we go here and then we break these and that goes there and then we take this back then we

Do that and then we break these again and then we do that again let me take that back and then ah oh wait we don’t need to go like I don’t know what I’m doing apparently nope dang it okay that goes like that I seriously have like no idea what I’m

Doing like half the time let me fix this so it’s not in a circle okay actually one side does need to end like oh man so it’ll stop and it’ll just keep going around and around hours for a slime I know how long have we been streaming an hour and a half

That that sounds about right actually sounded about right well actually if this is the starting point that won’t really need to curve right so it just needs to go this way then that can be replaced by that and that that could be replaced by that and that

So that needs to go there and that needs to go there now when it gets to over here then it can actually do that and then put in the chests here and then we have our Hoppers that go into there like that and go like that that goes there

And then this will stop like that should be simple right okay let me let me like check that and see if that will work how it should actually you know what we’re gonna I’m gonna break these blocks so perfectly fine I’m gonna break these as well actually I could just

Yeah now we just put in put this in so this will get all of the slimes killed that’s what I probably do need to do so I need to have like a room back here I’m going to put some torches here cover this up I mean it’s not going to

Be fancy I just need some simple and easy just for that for now and then this is all gonna do that should that be fine I hope so now let me dump all of that into here so now I have to do the very slow process

Actually I am going to need back here I am going to need blocks here break that put that there we should have like all of the spare blocks in the back here break that put that there okay you know buddy you’re really gonna have to move thank you

So I can’t okay so this has to be a three by three by three Square now what we can do so we can put in this top layer however I don’t know exactly how I need put in the lighting so I’m going to say it’s going to have to go here here

And here that should be yep that’s centered here and here bye baby lunar bye bye I hope you enjoyed sorry if it’s like a little boring right now just me trying to figure out all this stuff but I hope you did enjoy and I’ll hopefully see you soon

Wait is this centered each other no this one’s off okay so that’s my fault whoopty let’s put that there put that there so I’m gonna put that there this we go here two blocks diagonally from the center and then of course I can’t do that here

Because that needs to be able to kill things and then in the exact center so that would be there is that right I hope that’s right then Buddy needs a torch so there that that should be it right one two three oh let me do that and then we just break those one

And then we just kind of do this all the way around and we break the Torches as we go so yeah that should be it actually I might actually have to end up getting more I know I’m gonna need more blocks but I might end up needing more glowstone I

Don’t know just yet but I know blocks are definitely gonna need a lot more of wait take that back no I didn’t that do that do that okay now okay so now I do actually need to go get more blocks or for this there we go

We’re good we are good hopefully I hope this is gonna work because this is very on my own I have a very relative idea of how to do it because I’ve done it before and I remember doing it I remember how long it took it took forever to do

Okay so it takes four for each and then we have to go up three blocks well actually four blocks because on that fourth block then we’ll have the layer for the next one probably gonna need those blocks Cobblestone gonna need a lot of that too let me dump out

Granite get rid of that and the site still even have in the endocyte now I don’t get rid of that diuretic and get rid of that I can get rid of that and okay that’s it I can then get rid of that and do I have any other rails no I

Don’t okay so I might have had like a perfect just that perfect amount of rails so that makes life pretty good all right we can head back over actually you know what I should do I should go and like go ahead and start getting like ready for that actual collection

System so I can head down to it so if I have ladders somewhere there we go that should be enough I hope I mean it should be I wouldn’t think that it wouldn’t I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t be enough wouldn’t wouldn’t it be anything enough bloop So easy chill right here I can probably keep that one like this and then keep like the front lip right here I think I need to uh keep relatively back a bit just for the bottom I’m pretty sure because I remember that as well put that there and that goes there

I’m really hoping that this is going to work although now I do need to get over here so above that so it would be right here I get out my shovel because that’ll make life easier three by two by three now it’s a three by three by three ah

That’s me oh dang it let’s make our buddy let’s make our new buddy a new home shall we I should probably have these with me so that he doesn’t walk away and we place that there that should be right okay so now those are getting picked up

I hope I promise I really really do hope I’m getting this right I should be getting this right this is this is when you need a vitamin C in your doesn’t mean you need a vitam c in your chat you always like you always need that one mechanical genius and who knows

How to do this stuff better than oh me this is like when like one of those moments where you’re like man I really need someone who’s good at this kind of stuff because I don’t watch a farm for this I’ll be honest I didn’t and I probably should have but I didn’t

So it should be fine I mean if it works the same way that it does if it works the same in Java that it does in Bedrock then this should work flawlessly oh I need to get the these in whoops my fault my fault whoop-dee-doo I’m so proud of you improvising

I don’t even partly even know what I’m doing I really don’t which is kind of the the spooky part because like I feel like I should know what I’m doing and I don’t droves are fun but sometimes you want to do things your way yeah but for me I also want to

Look at tutorials just to make sure I have things right and things are correct I didn’t two blocks inward there should be one here to prevent anything else so one two blocks diagonally right here that needs to be something they’re due two blocks inward diagonally this there there we go

One two right here now I gotta make my way up one two three there so what level am I at right now I’m at 33 so we should fine with how things are wait did I remove the torches on this bottom section too I did no not all of them

Did I move them all from down here I did okay now two three that goes there so now break that one that one come on there we go that one get rid of that one that one get rid of that one get rid of that one I picked these up

Let me break this one that is gonna get picked up then all right and I’ll break this one too I’m definitely gonna need way more blocks for this actually I probably should put in the Iron Golem for this layer and then we just got a break all that

I take a torch put that one there pick all those up and then we can make a new friend here Boop deep and Boop there Flawless totally probably gonna have some Kinks or some issues in the future most likely and I know I can move that one in that

One but the bottom one I’m not going to since it’s probably more difficult on the bottom this one probably not so much it should be fine that’s there okay yeah I’m definitely gonna need more clothes now [ __ ] I used to go here okay so that one two there okay

Okay I I feel like I feel like I’ve definitely messed something up I feel like I haven’t done this right I feel like I feel like I’ve done something wrong I don’t know why it’s just how I feel I feel like I’ve definitely done something wrong I probably should have used half

Labs instead of full blocks that probably could have been an issue I’m not entirely sure if it would have been though but I feel like it probably end up would have been an issue but we should be fine at least at least I’m like I’m really really hoping that this is gonna be

Perfectly fine and it should work just as good as it should so this exact pattern you need to reach the surface until I reach y40 which is the max level that slimes will be able to spawn so after why 40 underground so this is the last layer yo yeah this is the last

Layer so if I were to go 39 40 they would be able to spawn right here but this is the last layer because of how I did it because I’m weird so I need to just put in one more iron golem here and then we should just be done right I hope

We’re also gonna have to tear all this thing like this entire thing out get rid of everything kill all the Iron Golems I don’t know like I I don’t need some massive farm right now I probably won’t use slime that often really if ever to be honest

I just needed like sometimes you know but not all the time so we should be fine this should be everything so we so we we were good we we had enough we did everything we needed to um what block has okay go down to like 25.

Wait nope can’t do it on that side needs to be there ladder will go on either the left or the right side where and why where and why where and why oh I’m just gonna box myself in here for a second I don’t get scared I’m I’m uh I’m uh I’m

A brave person I don’t get scared yep 100 yeah I’m I’m a very very brave person oh dang it okay so then we kind of just go down still need to make our way or make my way down to to this thing so hopefully this should be all right

I can hear I can hear all the stuff look hi hello yeah yeah we’re not talking about that we just move on okay so this okay so that’s where I am so actually here let me fill this back up and let me here is okay okay I do need to fill all that

Back up because I can’t really do much more oh I had a perfect amount well not perfect exactly but actually perfect amount actually yeah perfect amount now we can just kind of aimlessly guess where everything’s where everything is so you’re there hi bud that means it should be like right here

There it is okay this this doesn’t need to be fancy either it just needs to be good enough to get myself something I hope you got that one coarse start now we can place torches all the way through here and now we can go all the

Way up and I’m gonna see if this is gonna work I’m not entirely sure if it’s gonna work I don’t think it’ll work that well but we’re gonna we’re gonna hope we are gonna hope now let me cover that up now let me go back sleep and relax oh that

Took up 16 iron blocks that was perfect too hello spooter bye bye scooter sleep what day am I at I wonder what day I’m at I’m probably like 4 32 or 431 or something 4 30 wow so close yet so far oh I knew he was there I just didn’t know

He was right behind me okay we’re fine we’re fine all right let me go here I’m gonna take that back and then yeah that’s basically it so I’m gonna hope that it works I don’t know if it’s gonna work perfectly I’m gonna hope that it at least was okay

I don’t know if I did it 100 right because I didn’t use the tutorial even though I probably should have so if I have to I’ll go on and do it myself later because I’m tired I’m tired throw that in there more dirt and stuff

That can go in there and other stuff and go on there and miscellaneous goes in there and we got all of our our cool stuff foreign there’s no way I used all of my redstone on that there’s no way I’m assuming I probably just accidentally like put it in one of

These or something nope I didn’t that may or may not be an issue because I probably improv for the win it’s gonna work I really hope so I mean who knows if anything just who knows also I know hello buddy so we got all these little boxes not

Little boxes all these little stuff only if I had redstone blocks man only if I did did I end up using did I actually end up using all of my Redstone I wonder if I did do you like the MCU because I ranked all movies the MCU

Was good and then it just got so tacky and sci-fi and weird foreign like supposed to be how it like that’s probably just how it’s supposed to be but my opinion it’s okay definitely not my favorite thing like I I watched all of the Spider-Man movies and then I watched Tom Holland’s

Version and the MCU and I didn’t like it as much as Tom as uh as Andrew Garfield’s and Toby Maguire’s when it came to Tom Holland it was just so sci-fi and too much Tech too much technology it was weird in my opinion I didn’t like it as much

I personally did not like it as much the end game success to their heads and they got sloppy yeah it’s like they what they do in my opinion is that they put or they try and put out like a thousand different projects at once and that that’s the issue you can’t put

Out all of these projects all at once and expect them all to be good and all to be loved right like you you just really you really can’t do that because then it just looks bad then everything actually just starts to end up looking bad I’ll get more cursed later it’s fine

Like if I’m trying to I’m trying to see how how far up I need to go before I I at least see if something like for me it’s just meh I don’t care much for it I really I genuinely don’t it’s really not my favorite thing like

I guess that it just could have been better you know things that they make could have been better Guardian the Galaxy vol 3 is amazing I never watched it because everything related to Marvel is just gets yelled at it doesn’t seem good every like of Guardians of the Galaxy I know all of

Them were all all of them I’ve watched all of them except for the third one they were all good the first and the second one were great but like eh I didn’t really care much for it I really just didn’t personally anyway some people love it some people and like

And it and it’s for some people but for me it’s kind of not like my it’s not my my style anymore you know here let me look at like here let me look at an underground on yeah yeah now we’re gonna look at the door Underground slime farm java1 Dot 20.

Here sorry I’m I’m looking at the uh I’m just kind of like sitting up here seeing like how far I need to be up it’s like AFK if I need to neither on the surface coming out two blocks from the slime chunk and build up for y level 134.

Yeah that you’re at the correct y level plays a three by three 134. excuse me I’m at 84. I’m like 50 blocks away from that I’m gonna I’m gonna have to like make a hot air balloon or something over here I don’t know I got I gotta do something just for that

But like there’s a hole there oh come on I gotta fix this oh all right so if we land here then we take our core start back plug that up and then that is not your RV sir that is not your actually I wonder I

Wonder if I had like an actual RV for wandering of wandering Trader or something and I name tagged them named them like Jimmy Jeremy Gertrude Phillip I want to see I want to test something you know all right you know what we’re gonna go up we’re gonna get two

Bugs out of the trunk build up a whole platform and then you know I’m tired man excuse me sir huh foreign nothing ever happened gee so this would be outside of the chunk this would be this chunk so now I gotta go to 100 and what 34 134

I can use some glass and then we got to do all that it’s basically just my AFK platform that I’ll that I’ll end up doing at some point let me stop recording that because that is gonna be a one right heck of the time lapse to do

We’re gonna go over at some point one two three four five six wait I’m gonna do 18. 18 blocks nope there it’s about to be night time let me just go ahead and do everything and if I ever need slime so we’re gonna go from they’re gonna go from the campfire

We go this is outside of the chunk this is the edge of the chunk one two I’m gonna go here we just gotta go to 134. I’m probably gonna get sworn by Phantoms I’ve never actually seen a phantom in this world because I have slept basically every single night

I have swept for basically almost every single night and I do not regret it because then it protects me and I may not die it it it’s just it’s just me being very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very

Very very very very very very very very careful actually no I want this to be one block taller got it who’s that and then one two three four five six seven eight and nine break that put that back get rid of that because that is ugly let me break that to

Put that there and then we just mine back down so if this can be confirmed that it is gonna work and to be honest I kind of doubt that it will um if it doesn’t then I’ll fix it later on or I’ll do something in a future episode to do better

Um if it does work but very little then that’s probably fine I probably won’t need that much slime anyway I’ll probably just do something in the future at some point I don’t even have a weapon on me thank you for dying now let me go sleep that is the wrong thing

I was trying to sleep not sleep I was trying to eat I took my bed with me didn’t I yeah of course I did I knew that she was really two hours of lifespanic congratulations uh uh this I I can barely ever go over two hours this is like the only time I

Ever do that the one the one very rare time that I would ever do such a thing oh that is actually difficult to see so we’re gonna we’re just gonna sit up here for a second look you get a you get actually you know we’re gonna we’re gonna raise the render

Distance here 24. and now we literally see everything that we have built well majority of it anyway tell me about it do not do not think I’d spend my evening watching an entire live stream yeah even I never do that I’m just tired I probably need to work out soon

Uh sorry I was coughing I was dying a little bit so the Mesa a guardian Monument desert jungle Mangrove whatever that’s down that way we got another jungle dark oak forest Birch Acacia Meadows mountains but you got like basically everything around us right here um there’s the new building new building

All the buildings new building kind of ish old building new buildings kind of new buildings this I still really need to improve on it’s definitely not my best I it’s not my best thing um I definitely could have I definitely could have just done so much better with

That I’d I’m not good with like rocks kind of like that like with rocks up there I did great with in my opinion I think I did great I think they looked good but then these that one I didn’t really do too well with those I did fine with

But that nah not so much I could definitely do better so I’ll probably come back to that and maybe do a little bit better I mean that’s where the dragon egg is that’s where that sits this is going to be for all the villagers and such

Here let’s drop down I feel like I feel like it’s been enough enough time almost at least I hope I don’t know we’re gonna hopefully see at least just a little bit of slime balls in there just a few even if it’s not a lot I’d rather it just be a little bit

Oh you see that little thing in the bottom right it says slime squishies did it work it’s the real question and it works so it works so we actually did do it right we actually did it right we have at least somewhat decent slime farm now

We have a decent slime farm so that that’s good I’m very happy with that oh I mean it’s probably gonna be slow it could be larger but I don’t need like a lot you know but I’m probably gonna stream there because I’m tired sometimes lying sometimes I’m tired

I’m probably gonna work out soon oh that was like the first time I’ve stood up in like three hours four hours probably anyway I really do hope you enjoy it if you do look in the description there’s Discord and you got the second Channel and you got all of my

Mods and or resource packs that I use so vanilla Twigs is in there and you got all of my and then you got all my mods so I it should be there right yeah it’s it’s all there just making sure got replay mod logical Zoom they got fabric you need the fabric API

There’s a video that that kind of shows with that then you have the no fog like madica box tool tip which basically if I have a shulker box I can left shift and it will show me what’s in it that’s that’s exactly what that does um

And then you know just like the the you know the basic stuff but I really do hope you enjoyed um I will see you all very very soon

This video, titled ‘Slime Farming?! Road to 250 Subs! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #subscribe’, was uploaded by LunarArchitect on 2023-08-09 07:46:54. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:18 or 7758 seconds.


2nd Channel:

My Mods/Packs: ————————————— Replay Mod: LogicalZoom – Fabric: NoFog – Litematica – MaLiLib- ShulkerBox ToolTip – **Vanilla Tweaks too!**

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

Slime Farming?! Road to 250 Subs! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #subscribe