Sly Minecraft Modded SMP

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In the Discord hold up come on come on come on let’s go let’s go let’s go hold up you hold up you [ __ ] you [ __ ] ADHD you ridden bastard I don’t have ADHD so I don’t get an excuse just simply impatient yeah all right here we

Go that’s great all right all right wait I I have seven pieces of wood I have seven wood found a cave no let’s not go into the cave yet we got to find somewhere let me I don’t want to I don’t want to be in this forest at night holy

[ __ ] I’m [ __ ] lagging sorry about that guys welcome to the Google slid show what’s up man and armor you got some more work to do tonight did you make like other mod what mods are we looking at I am [ __ ] I’m lagging like a Sailor let me see let’s see what I could do in terms of visual settings to not give my my my people epilepsy my viewers epilepsy is the arm is the audio on the stream all right or is it bad again it should be good yeah [ __ ] nuts oh my goodness

All right I found the I think I’m on like six chunks right now dude that’s unfortunate will I get food or will I be stuck in the basement definitely not getting food I tell you what where are you guys yeah so basically last time I had two different audio outputs and uh

Couldn’t give less of a [ __ ] about it so I just I let it go this is a new server by the way yeah modded it’s modded and it has mods dude this Forest is sick though I like it dude this then there’s like this is going to be like every single

Biome too it’s going to be cool it’s not just going to be the [ __ ] swamp and chicken chicken dude I hear my I hear my computer just [ __ ] putting all of its power into this uh into this game yeah I’m Hearing sounds like a running mic Let’s uh let’s uh stick together and [ __ ] what’s the mods uh wait where’d you go Bean lock oh there you are um oh I have no hung I have no food I get some yeah I’m I’m killing some cows and [ __ ] we

Got to cook it what’s the mods we have um a lot of stuff oh gosh jkin make a oven he making an oven we got an oven cook the oven cook cook the food in the oven we have uh Whatchamacallit what [ __ ] mods um a bunch of [ __ ] you’ll

See it let it be a surprise I hear Let’s uh I’m going to kill this cow and I’ll come back to y’all oh this is a very big hole in the ground that’s what some sand you see this jump in I see a pig all the food that I just made no

SLS is it cooked I got I got seven I got more pork chops I’m cooking in my steak buddy pork pork pork I got some chicken too per a big pig so pretty much I’m trying to play some lethal company I still have not played dude I’ll you’re taking my food

I’ll play some lethal company at some point but this is the this is the awesome Minecraft stream we need dude I hate not having resources it makes me feel so [ __ ] sad oh the moon it’s a full moon tonight I hope I don’t transform oh no something’s going to transform

Later my bad oh dude you look [ __ ] very Derpy me yeah yeah oh yeah peep the peep the uh the Christmas the Christmas fit I got the dang gun propeller and the be fee too I hate wearing shoes we just going to get good shoes man what the [ __ ] is that

Noise it’s a sign oh I see him what was that oh I see him uh what is the hell is that it’s coming closer oh what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] oh oh my God run run oh my God that’s Terri it’s taking our food it’s taking our food it’s not

Stopping take take &em take Eminem dude I got to go get that food man it’s all we had I I have food I have two chicken and four pork or for beat for St oh no oh my God I got got shuck by lightning what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Was that I’m being shot so as you can see we downloaded a few extra mods that we could tell you about so we did some off stream modding that was quite the giggle [ __ ] that made me think of Tom and Jerry I just died oh dude his body don’t worry your

Body’s still here still here there a corpse uh grab my food grab my food grab my food I’m going underground grab did you grab all the food from my body yep no I’m in a hole in the ground okay good what are we you going wait are you

Did you spawn back at the top of that thing oh yeah oh [ __ ] it’s fine don’t worry about it I’m at two hearts and I’m not regenerating any health this oh [ __ ] I was not looking at my screen dude damn it I just fell to my death thought

What hooping on LC at 8 depends depends on whether or not I’m playing Minecraft depends on whether or not I am uh [ __ ] Bor I am done after this I got unironically Ms up here too that I got to dodge there are so many [ __ ] mobs coming after us right

Now I got whatam call I I got an act ual cold overnight diagnosed yeah diagnosed okay and I’m here what the [ __ ] this spider’s just following me everywhere yeah get him okay it it fell to its death thank God holy [ __ ] please give me some food I

Need food oh you need food I need a piece of steak I give you two pieces is oh my God it’s back it’s back it’s back it’s back oh this mod was a great idea it’s not taking me crab I’m the faster [Applause] Runner yeah we’ll see you [Applause] later oh my God I found it Village how’s the chat reacting to this um we’ve gotten a a what The got R oh that’s a it’s holy [ __ ] that’s so loud as well it’s just like just terrifying oh yeah I’m at a village now uh what are your cords what are my CS course uh [ __ ] oops I took a screenshot I did too um I’m at negative 398 and negative

133 negative both 398 133 yep I’m hearing [ __ ] WHL I hear like whistling what is that whistling sound it’s death [ __ ] death from pussing boots yeah 398 133 or 143 13 whatever either one’s close enough yeah uhoh something somewhere is coming oh my

God no no no no no no no no no is the monster there it is it is please don’t no he broke the Window dude it [ __ ] put like a jump scare on my screen and I got got hit by a zombie and died did you get it put like it put like its face PNG on my screen there is a diamond armor sniper here holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my you know what

I don’t like the spawn maybe we should yeah maybe we should do a different world all right we’re doing a different world skeleton with diamond armor and a chainb but I whoops I think that mod was a good choice wasn’t it it was definitely a good idea I’m a

Genius create create new world you insted Frank that thing was jumping at that thing jump that thing pounced two stories I like this a lot Frank dumple BG this is wonderful dble Burger all right now we just wait for it to load dude my computer’s just making like a definitely not a happy

Noise oh my god dude I actually got a cold from playing Minecraft with crabster I can’t [ __ ] believe it it’s not my I got to oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] lais I’m chaming okay so not a very interesting spawn let me just take a little look around I’ll invite you guys it doesn’t

Have to be interesting it just has to be good yeah can I save this I can save the world my God what the [ __ ] there’s a flood there’s a flood there’s a flood what is going on what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that was crazy almost got washed

Away I feel like I’m hearing your voice in game no that’s just CRA I it’s definitely crab oh this is actually a phoenic oh look at over here it’s bit a little bit boss all right dude I’m [ __ ] lagging why is this crab you got this cool thing called an

Echo I think you were right I stand corrected what am I just hearing myself rever my voice reverber F never mind hold on let me try something real quick oh my goodness is [ __ ] voice speech players I think we go five chunks how bad is that is this better

It’s not that bad hold on uh players yes I think it is in game uh I just I just turned voice spe voice and speech off in the oh uh yeah I think it was now I don’t hear it oh crap it probably wasn’t even you

You just got blank oh my gosh I ruined it [Laughter] all cutting down these big jelk logs these big jelking logs jeling logs I’m a fan of uh I’m a fan of logging we should have gotten the Lumberjack mod dude that would have been so nice yeah we could add that mod if

You want yeah we’ll add it in later you know input there output oh what the [ __ ] with I don’t think the chat showing up on the screen now now that I think about it uh where did you go um where’d you go I’m near where we spawned and I just

Oh there are some sheeps oh there you are Eminem Fe is still off in the [ __ ] off at the spawn this is not going to be where we build our base at oh no yeah this is ridiculous whoa this is a cool cave oh we can get some ores we can get some

Some stuff go get it why is this not working at all I’m not going there I’ll go down there I’ll go get some [ __ ] stuff more sheep I want to establish ourselves before I start mining but you can start mining I don’t give a [ __ ] uh fell I fell down what the

Fragle oh my goodness I got my push to mute on V and my push to talk on V hold on dude you are you’re like act you’re you are uh quite the anomaly crabster I think I’m a little too rough on him though H I don’t know he can take

It sometimes he can take it he he don’t know I could take Five Guys Oh you mean in a fight I could take I could take five guys I could I could beg on my hands and knees for Five Guys all right I’m killing Lois I’m killing oh it was definitely e going

Crab [ __ ] I don’t hear anything supposed toing do this crap it’s fine it’s fine leave it at what it’s at just don’t put it on push to talk I found lava I was waiting for the Five Guys gay joke okay five nights at guys okay is this

Working uh I need a furnace crab walk up walk up the side of the mountain towards the uh it is so loud it’s so loud what is it’s so loud I got I got okay I think I’m good now I think we’re good where am I at um

Just start walking towards the like the west of you I think along the mountain I’m going to try to come back up to that cave okay I’m going what directly what all right we’re good we’re good hold I’m going to kill these two sheep first before I go

I have nine mutton right now I want to cook it yeah so basically I’m going to need some food or I’m going to [ __ ] die I’m G to pass away I want to cook my food I want to eat it raw don’t waste it I’m going to get pin

Worms come back up here with a gat come back up here with a gat you come down here with your little gromet Gat before I get Wallace on your [ __ ] doggy ass place a furnace all right I’ll have to make one these things Don’t Come Easy we’re

Cooking with gayish and Co we’re cooking food with coal cooking with coal am I cutting out I got Echo you’re good uh I did you guys hear that [ __ ] little bit I didn’t hear anything it’s cuz I have [ __ ] noise suppression on I think what did you just say like a

Slower quietly under your breath like what you no I put my microphone against my mouth and scream oh I guess it cut out okay I’m going was oh I see y’all I see y’s name tags I don’t want to go into a cave right now cuz I don’t know what you did

You did something and you’re not telling me what you did I didn’t I’m we’re just trying to mine that’s that’s the only scary one I don’t believe you you’re liar am I you don’t know what you’re talking about boy I don’t know I’m going to my calling me a liar oh hey creeper

I’m going to be on my toes Man Creeper oh man I’m G to put that that Rose down I’m G to put that Rose down oh [ __ ] why am I going into the cave without a pickaxe here take this left you a little I left you some tools I left you a Christmas

Gift I asked one of my teachers if they could uh if they could throw a couple hundreds on my grade as a uh a Christmas gift what you say or what did they say um I don’t know cuz I didn’t uh I didn’t check what they responded with but it

Was it was in reply to a serious comment about me not having an assignment done so I’m sure it wasn’t very good oh I found more oh know the only one going down into this cave right now no let’s go let’s go let’s go we’re all going down with no

Torches all right no I got I got Tor I got eight torches I don’t need no man I don’t need no man I’m an independent transvestite what I’m an independent hermaphodite dude what her what Emerald you mean Herrod oh that’s a Skelly mineral right I have no idea dude oh

This is deep dark no way again yeah more Ward and goop how deep is the warden’s belly button probably pretty a big guy probably at least elbow I can’t see I can’t bre Breathe Me When I’m I can’t breathe me when I’m underwater me when I’m under a cop all

Right never mind that’s the best thing you could have said oh my god oh no it’s going dark again it’s going dark again that’s deep dark I’m blind I’m blind does something happen when it goes dark I’m a I’m a corn song you want to go down there stop breaking blocks all

Right we have one we literally have one more more chance yeah I can’t see there two dude if we mine one of them the other one’s going to get set off [Applause] Oh bro I don’t oh you’re [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] I’ll Escape don’t worry what happened the warden he’s coming right towards me I’m not even making noise okay I fell oh I see him down there holy [ __ ] that was a far fault he is looking up at me I need

To get back out of here dude I need to get back out of here he’s sniffing he’s trying to smell me can he see me or is he blind I thought he was blind he said I can smell you I can smell you I can smell you

Before we go like he’s trying to get to me but he can’t reach me listen before we go gallivanting into [ __ ] caves and [ __ ] we need to make a base and [ __ ] we need a bed at least what’s that sound I’m here oh I could hear the sounds of the

Guy from all the way up here I don’t know how to get back also also by the way this [ __ ] Mountain seems to be perfect for mining iron without going underground dude I just realized we’re under a mountain remember what Max said this could be a this could be a [ __ ]

Ancient city we get some crazy loot I think I’m going to take the plunge yeah but we’re not ready for it yet I’m I we don’t have armor we don’t have iron sword we don’t have iron you guys don’t understand my obsession with the warden is driven me to Insanity night

Time it’s always night time in the caves yeah but I’m up here alone I I’m the only reason I’m saying this is cuz I don’t know how to get back out yeah just die we don’t have anything anyways I have I have some stuff I’m

Pretty happy with oh oh my God I just got [ __ ] I’m waiting for I just got hit by a sonicom all right I guess we’re going this way uh how do I get out of here let’s see Z is also the zoom button by the way you press Z and zoom z z opens up oh no c c as in

Crunch all right that’s good to see is in crabster yes I just saw the night dweller would a Lucas stream be W or L dude I don’t know what anyone I don’t remember what Luc come comfort me I said oh my God it’s an Enderman of course he’s holding a block couldn’t

Keep his [ __ ] hands off someone else’s property okay uh um okay okay oh my goodness no no so I’m I’m not sure if this is how okay let’s restart the night dweller what oh I’m not sure if this is how the night dweller works but um night dweller yeah

The guy that chased us earlier if he comes I’m I’m hiding the night dweller apparently it does it doesn’t attack you every time I I okay so the time it did attack us I didn’t see it before it attacked us how did it attack did it attack you oh no I saw I

Saw it that time it was really far away it kind of yeah but when I I just saw it again and when I looked at it it didn’t attack me so I’m thinking maybe if you see it if everybody sees it it doesn’t attack but if anybody doesn’t see it then it

Attacks what the [ __ ] is that dude what I’m on my own I’m hearing some [ __ ] I’m here oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh no I’m trapped I’m trapped is it the night glower it’s yeah it’s coming oh my God where are you guys

Where are you guys I don’t know I don’t know I’m just mining I’m just chop no in the wall I’m in the walls I’m in the walls no I’m too young I’m too young oh I see you can you swim I probably can oh he can’t swim I wonder

Why okay all right that’s my last one oh my God he can swim he can Swim holy [ __ ] by the grace of God I’ve made it out we escaped the hood oh no where are you guys I I’m near where I last saw you guys a second ago I’m still in the cave area I’m in the river I’m in the river oh my Jingle Bells I’ve wet my

Santa pants where where the [ __ ] are you I see somebody’s name tag I see you being log I see you turn around turn around turn around all the way turn around all the way oh boy I hear it’s coming back it’s coming I hear him where it’s been it’s

Been three no no no no why me why me is it chasing you it [ __ ] I saw the lightning go behind [Applause] me I don’t see him this time [Applause] Though it might be on me but I don’t see him oh my God god dude I just want to I Oh my Jesus I’m going to die he up a skeleton kill me of all things need shelter I’m still in the cave area don’t tell me it’s come over here dude you

Still hear the music I hear it very loud okay it caught off for me for a second as well oh my God he was right there [ __ ] this is amazing oh I love this holy [ __ ] what are we going to do about this it feels

Good to yell yo Bri come come to the chords 121121 175 damn I don’t know where y’all are attive 121a 175 I’m jumping oh wait wait I I see your guys’s name tags don’t don’t move from that position I’m coing oh I don’t why did you include

That in the mod list like at all for why because it’s fun yeah it is fun but come on man say come on man Joe come on Joe Biden wake up look at that creeper trying to swim up to us amputate can’t swim let’s go this

Way I would preferably want to get away from that as far away as possible it’s going to follow us everywhere we go so we don’t really have a choice here this is like the best mod ever our currentc there’s a sheep on that Hill up there oh really it’s almost like we’re

Outside oh [ __ ] I’m too low for this just run I’ll try to take the hits for you no he killed it oh my goodness dude not again is where is it where is it where is it where is it I don’t see him at all attack it didn’t

Attack oh there it is oh my God all here dude this is I love this so much my god dude this is so good what’s that music I don’t hear anything okay I think it’s just Minecraft can you hear the music Yep this way this shit’s going to give me the

Thousand block stair dude oh my god dude my radiator my radiator IRL just made the [ __ ] noise somewhere else where where where is he is it just normal Ambience I think I I don’t even know anymore I found iron that is not normal Ambience oh no where is he

I’m in the walls I’m in the G oh my god oh this is this is so good I don’t even know where he is in the cave in the cave sign that’s all game [ __ ] parkour I don’t see it either okay my God okay it’s done it’s

Done Jo Biden Jo bid what do you think about this place as a base what this this Rocky expans yeah just like mine out this little [ __ ] blob of stone and it’s a little blob of sediment yeah right let’s get some food let’s get some food cooking I’m I’m kind

Of in a uh there’s a bunch of iron right here I’m in a I I don’t have any food on me at all I’m not really in the star to death mood I like how every once in a while uh we almost get ripped apart we get like

10 we literally get like 10 seconds in between each time there’s a bunch of iron right here all right let me start there’s so much iron in this mountain well it’s daytime so the guy is not going to come for us Joe iron Joe iron I’m going to go out and look for

Food I love this mod this is a good mod dude and the thing is it’s going to get better because of a [ __ ] a little special friend I think you can kill it too there oh I found emeralds the other the other mod takes a while to start uh or it

Doesn’t take a while but it takes I think like three days to start really getting to start really showing I remember which one [ __ ] oh the very special the fog one yeah the fog from the fog I’m not seeing any animals maybe this shouldn’t be our base then actually

I think we just let’s just take all the resources we can from here and then we’ll leave fair enough uh I’m just going to be a scout I guess and look for a place there’s a lot of fish around here oh that’s a puffer fish that just killed me attacked

Me [ __ ] Man armor said reminds me of reminds me of John Bible John Bible John Bible oh dude I still think John iPhone is the funniest [ __ ] thing this is a Giant Mountain you got I still prefer Steve Steve Jobs Steve Steve Jobs it’s like I they they’re both so [ __ ] stupid

Yeah without a doubt I don’t even know what’s worse though cuz John iPhone came from crab but Steve Steve Jobs is just like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with that oo I’m starting to get up to a point where the mountains di now I’m just [ __ ] mining this these

Ores and lagging it’s all in a day it’s all in a day’s work as a uh as a oh troll face if I turn my webcam on it would just be a troll face I’m pigs dude the [ __ ] this is even when it’s not mountainous it’s just very

Hilly and I don’t like that Hillary Hillary Minecraft hilly Clinton that sounds gross oh my God I’m going back on crab you have food or no I mean the clintons are kind of gross to be fair so yeah the clintons have this thing called uh children adrenochrome adreno

Chrome they have this thing called Pleasure Island where they take children turn them into [ __ ] adrenal Chrome so they can live forever is that all they do with the kids something like that they probably do some other things but oo sheep sheeple yeah you guys are sheeple you

Guys aren’t awake like you guys aren’t red pilled like I am you guys haven’t you guys haven’t joined Hustler’s University yeah but I am a hustler oh dude every once in a while I think of saying some [ __ ] that I know isn’t funny at all but I stopped myself

Oh let the intrus let the intrusive V win that’s what I need to do more yeah I think it’ll like I think it will make my life better why doesn’t the chat show up on [ __ ] what’s it called on my screen I swear it’s I swear I set it up so would

Do that somebody donate $100 to check if my widgets are working real quick back crab you got food I got a cooked M I’m collecting some food right now my cores iron already my cords arega – 377 and 398 I’m just I’m just digging I’m just doing I’m just spelunking no actually

I’m not TR not to say the nword challenge level impossible literally it’s always impossible not saying a hard r word for 30 Seconds Challenge being politically correct for more than one day challenge gone liberal I’m liberal gone red oh it does show up oh it’s not showed up on my screen that’s

So weird well at least it’s shown up for you guys that’s the thing if you guys donate now or anything it will uh it will show up on screen so that really gives you an incentive sorry liberal I’m busy crafting sorry liberal I’m in the caves looking for Miners and

Diamonds I think I have found a good base location though we got this entire cave to mine away this entire Mountain I’m going to accidentally kill myself with the [ __ ] like I’m on one and a half heart I’m just walking around listen just come to the base location I

Mentioned I got food there’s just so much iron where’s the coordin just Biden did you post a cords in chat or something wait what was it again um cords 389 and 390 389 390 all right we’ll figure that out I’m cooking food right now we’re mining away we’re being Miner oh

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] crap did you dig a hole no what hole what did I just find something or other what the [ __ ] is this go down it’s only midday so far that’s fine [ __ ] that dude going before the Hat man comes to find us before the

The way I got over here is I just jumped off the edge into the water and uh swam yeah you can’t swim what a surprise right I’ll pack up all our stuff I don’t even have an axe I got I got a I got a stone axe for

You don’t worry I got it I got it do not say that ever again I got it I got it wait what were the cords again I I I forgot I forget for um negative 389 positive 390 I think okay I think it’s that one just negative 390 positive 390 they’re both

3901 okay this is wood there CS we have to kill these get the H meat this I’m not sure how good of a base location this is but it might be good enough dude I’m I’m almost killing myself every turn of the r holy [ __ ] before the fog man finds

Us I just cracked jump off the mountain into the water and swim here hold on man I’m trying not to [ __ ] die trying not to [ __ ] watch you land right on a puffer fish like I did yeah puffer fish our number one threat or now is pufferfish I’m going to

Change my I’m going to change my name a threat yeah I’m a one heart I’m goingon to change my name in real life to Shadow why is it 2008 and you’re a Sonic fan like what no it’s actually cuz I’m uh it’s actually cuz I’m a cool I’m a cool

Guy cool [ __ ] that is a very cool man need to make a axe and cut down some trees nothing like whacking a cow on the side of the head with an iron pickaxe dude yeah here’s take a stone ax behind you I mean that’s basically how they do

It right I think they they string them upside down and cut their throats and then they no they use a stun gun right they definitely don’t use a [ __ ] stun gun no they do they have like this uh stun gun that they just put into their forehead and kills them oh

Yeah like a Whatchamacallit like a it’s got like a rod in it that I think it shoots out yeah from the movie um No Country For Old Man like that I was think in the movie cargo they have that [ __ ] you put on your temple you click it and just [ __ ]

Knocks your brains out the brain Destroyer look who’s back all right let’s get on our way crabster man I feel like [ __ ] I don’t know what happened dude crab you gave me germs man you gave me some [ __ ] germs right now I’m dangerous immune system like [ __ ] like

[ __ ] clearly you have never dranken water from a hose when you were good I did that all the time look how I came out oh yeah you must be Limp Biscuit I think he’s got a limpin no um I think he’s got lymph nodes he said he feels like

[ __ ] oh yeah he’s Limp Biscuit we have to move before oh no it’s almost night time dude if that oh my God I’m digging myself into a hole how wait which way do we go you’ll know it when you see it you said you were in the water but

I jumped off into the water and swam to if you’re facing away from the mountain to the right did you go past the purple uh Forest purple tree uh yes I think so okay oh okay hold up hold up we’re we’re cooking with gas 390 390 you’ll know

Where I am when you see it I’m underground giant Stone penis or something I’m underground but I the blocks I placed are wool Haram meat as I run around and bloody my pickaxe with the blood of the sacrificial Pig I gave you a I fear the man dude hopefully

Killing all these animals has uh kept that [ __ ] terrifying eldrich horror away from us for one night that intimidating man we only have we only have one more uh one more fortnite until um [ __ ] starts getting I have one pork shop and five muton right now what did

You do I still don’t know what you did you haven’t told me anything and you scare me uh you craps you scare me sometimes but it’s all right we we we make it through we’re a mutual scary people what was it 390 on both of them I think I see your name

Tags yeah I see it I see it I’m in the cave looking for China all right hello hello hello um oh thank goodness oh thank you for the gifts I’m staying no I’ll share I’ll share you didn’t get any of that you didn’t make a bed with those or anything

Uh eventually but I only have four so we can’t make three so I have I have one I have one oh dude it has to all be the same color it has to all be the same color for it to work as a bed yeah I I can

Make one bed only I have three white and one black this gu’s priority straight they got to stay separate yeah what’s up with that dude they they don’t let us combine the Wes any don’t spam C by the way let me see how fast I can do

This holy [ __ ] yeah that’s GNA that hurts grab gave him an AI disease no he didn’t do anything you know no no is he back oh no is he back I think so I heard it lightning it was just light it was just lightning it was just lightning don’t

Worry guys I heard whistling too I heard the whistl I heard the whistling as well but I think I think we’re saved you guys are [ __ ] hiding yeah I can’t blame you dude CRA Krabs I’m be honest I wouldn’t leave a block open no I’m fine I just want to see

What’s going on outside I don’t think you could hit me through the block right I don’t know I don’t know he does come around you got to button up got to zip up my pants got to zip my fly up gotta zip my fly up I’m coming out I’m tired of

It man we have to stop being afraid of these people everything I say is just going to be racist I can’t talk about people who have more melon in their skin without it sounding bad CRA crabs are spitting what you wait what no never mind F come I don’t yeah he swallows all

Right regrettable regrettable decision regrettable thing to say where have you gone D I went up big cave up there went up this cave up there in that hill on that mountain Bean log hello what like up there Bean Clock watch where you could live in that hole

Up there no let me see you place this can you place this thing back hold up where the where the [ __ ] did the thing go what oh [ __ ] I did not realized that that [ __ ] said that how do I get out of this [ __ ] screen

Okay that was on the screen for a long time bro where have you gone whoops whoops sorry about that just had to check something and uh the [ __ ] what’s CRA Patrick saying the NW was on my screen for a long time all right oh I found some the message I sent you

Yeah unbelievable oh [ __ ] I hope that ends up on the man in armor Clips channel oh there’s a [ __ ] man in armor chasing me man and I see see the I see the Abomination oh [ __ ] dude if he spawns in it’s a [ __ ] that thing dude I don’t even know what that

Is what the cave dweller no there was a there well there I saw the cave dweller but there was a what was it there’s a [ __ ] walking suit of armor sh at me monkey it’s the monkey we’re calling him the monkey holy [ __ ] the monkeyy going

Wild this mod is on actually kind of terrifying I’m just on edge dude I’m edging all right you know what screw this I’m coming out not today that’s why we enslave these people wow shut up come on crab come on yeah listen as an Italian yeah what’s the ital what’s the

Italian bad work was it Guido uh there’s a million where is he where is he where is he I hear noises I hear dead people or is it I see dead people I don’t remember I have no [ __ ] idea that movie My favorite movie is uh where where Obama right there

Right there right there right there what I don’t see it he disappeared it’s fine y we’re being hunted [ __ ] dude I can’t see my I can’t see my cool Christmas drip when I’m wearing my armor man I don’t like the anticipation yeah if he appears again I’m going to

Shoot him with a ball you see what happens n I’m not gonna make a [ __ ] iron axe it’s not even worth it you can’t kill him it’s hard but you can holy [ __ ] dude I’m slowly feeling my uh I’m feeling my cold medicine weaning off every every second the status effect is

Dwindling this is what Minecraft does to someone this is what the cave dweller does to a home he does to a cracker does to a white cracker like me big bro where have you gone you’ve just abandoned us yeah you really have I went up the mountain I have I have

Cringe yeah yeah yeah yeah if I get hit by this [ __ ] skeleton dude or whatever yeah liberal yeah yeah liberal cry more yeah yeah is I see him I push Grandma as much as I want yeah I think we have to look at him I think we have

To look at him when that sound comes usually thank goodness I don’t have to deal with this [ __ ] right now watch watch it just do it to you right now are you in a cave or you on top I’m I’m on the top of the mountain there’s a

Weird structure up here very very confused on what’s Happening the same Mountain we came from no the mountain that’s like there’s a mountain that’s like next to you guys off in the distance oh no no no no no no how could this be so bad what right here ooh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I

Hate this yeah Lois he was literally standing like right where I am right now Lois ah Lois okay I’m not going to run off actually Lois dude there’s so many M just stay right here next to the torch oh my God we have a hole that’s prepared for us in

Case we need to butten up you know oh dude I have this pressure building behind my eyes all right that’s not good oh my body hurts I think I’m dying he’s going to appear in my chubby emu video hopefully I appear in a Hassan Abby video this guy played Minecraft with

Craft this is what happened to his orbit you play one okay play one game with crabster no oh my God this one’s got iron armor he’s [ __ ] I’m coming to save your ass okay we want we’re going up the mountain right yeah man I can’t believe you just said

That you’re coming to save my ass mhm man and armor spce that sentence together and make it say make him seem like he said something more sexual make him say like he said make him sound like he said some sexual some sexual I’m coming in your

Ass I don’t know where yall are gone anymore I’m lost again how the [ __ ] do he even hit me how do you get lost so easily I don’t know I got no sense of direction or this is [ __ ] tall ass this person is invisible there is an invisible skeleton

Oh yeah dude don’t yeah they’re not hard to fight I’m going to be honest I was going to say don’t fight them but it’s I’m actually having I got a well I’m On Top the mountain and I don’t see what structure you’re talking about walk walk a bit further walk

Towards um when you’re on the top of the mountain oh my God oh my God what happened oh my god dude holy [ __ ] oh I fcking 360 the structure yeah this guy’s 60s it’s huge man it’s very big it’s huge huge hug huge absolutely huge huge it’s a big tower

Man I found you big br i ph you oh nice ah I was walking in the wrong direction I just got shot in the gonads okay gos funniest [ __ ] I ever heard no it’s not oh hello Iron Man see you just hate him wait they Dr Thorns yeah I hate

You oh hello oh I hear a I hear a villager dude I think there might be a hostage it might be a damel on top okay go up here more I don’t like seeing the dark person that haunts us and stalks us and tries to rob us

That’s what’s making this one so much more fun mods are great I love mod in games oh I just got [ __ ] you suck get making games Mo dude there’s a doorway right here oh I didn’t see it I’m break I’m breaking I’m I’m doing some b& right

Now B opposite thing oh what the [ __ ] is that are you did uh did you go down or did you go up what is uh-oh what the [ __ ] is that thing I went up what is happening to this person just going to the [ __ ] time actually someone else go up there

First wither roses okay oh yeah I took everything from that chest I I’ll give you guys the loot I got a ton of armor these skeletons have thorns on them oh my God there’s a cloud up in this [ __ ] uh desync damn look at the loot look at all

That loot man my sword God damn oh look I put u i put uh I’m putting the armor in the chest you guys take the armor I’ll take the map got three diamonds I got a sword spectral Arrow dude look at my toes picking up from under the dude your toes are [ __ ]

That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen did you start at the bottom yep I worked my way up okay started from the bottom now we here how many diamonds do you have on you I have no diamonds I have lots of iron though here take these

Why do I why do I always got give me your give me that Golden Arrow can I have that gold Arrow I got a bow okay fine it’s on the stairs thanks this is a spectral Arrow I’m always getting a bow every single time you would wear a

Bow you would wear cook stuff Here start from bottom yeah I’m cooking in this I like these structures that the game the the [ __ ] mods have it’s cool you know this shit’s Wicked where do we uh where do we go now what what’s the what’s the move don’t you want to build a base I’m

Down to build a base we need beds so that the I have four white wool africanamerican I have three white wool we need what two more the night dweller we have a night dweller in the chest and the by the way I’m out of food

I got food I got some more steaks what the heck is this I don’t need to eat oh this is a cool little place you find something you find yeah like a cave oh my goodness this place is ridicul and there’s some this is Rous look at this redonkulous ass [ __ ] ridiculous OU

Ouch give me them bows give me them arrows man I have 19 arrows for you take these damn I got to start using these things what’s up wing nut what’s up wing nut oh my goodness look at all them either I got this thank you I’m not going to eat it

Yet it’s it would be a waste take another steak right here oh [ __ ] another one one of these [ __ ] dweebs yeah [ __ ] start grabing the the coal I need a better there’s like spider webs in there there are cobwebs you see that does anybody have an extra like stone

Pickaxe or an iron there are cobwebs on the ceiling yeah thank you what is going on this place look look at the ceiling yeah what the [ __ ] there’s like goo there’s some ectoplasm hanging from the ceiling some white sticky stuff up there it’s the Goon cave there some oh there’s a waterfall

That goes up watching you play Minecraft kind of makes me want to play it again dude facts you got to have that that one that one week whatever Minecraft um Minecraft phase Minecraft addiction remember Xbox addictions dude where the hell did you guys just go

Oh I went into a big old crack and now I’m stuck in this gooey cave and I don’t want to be in here anymore you wish you were stuck in a crack I wish I had a crack I wish I had crack on a blaze rod he did say

That that’s a throwback to the other stream we did what no why does Obama look like that is Obama American no he was born in Hawaii they’re not American does Hees he can speak Indonesian right I don’t know Google Obama CRA craer try to jump down into that one [ __ ] square no

Actually don’t you’re going to you’re going to have to spawn at all the way back at spawn okay good thing you said no cuz I was actually just about to do it the one we mcraft make buckets we can make buckets yeah we do let’s make I got iron I got the

Earon and take some I’m still that cave by the way oh you want me to make another uh [ __ ] where did you guys go I’ll make some more beckets we want back out and back down did you follow like the gravel path we’re behind you yeah and to your

Left or to your left hold on all right take a I want you to verify that you take a bucket free bucket buckets buckets here I see you Buckets come get your I’m going to grab some pork real quick Porky the P Porky pork of the

Pelican where are we going now are we in search of more loot we got we got to get on the other side so we can [ __ ] jump into the water oh my goodness wait really need to go down there I don’t really see anything oh my goodness you see there’s this

Interesting part in the name of the game called uh called mine uh it comes before the C mine down there I’m looking down in it oh my goodness maybe it’s cuz you’re [ __ ] 300 blocks away oh wait we can zoom in let me see yeah press c as in p Kentucky c as

Crackia say Kentucky he say Kentucky say Kentucky as in Louisiana as in as in [ __ ] Luigi yeah we got we got two wo CZ and Luigi oh my God there is lava and More Cows oh boy to the left that how do we get like how do we get to

That point in the conversation I don’t know oh my goodness there’s so many sheep gentlemen over here get over here gentlemen we have so many sheep to kill cool the herd I’m going to kill all these pigs me too turn them into slab some meat there a Black Sheep oh no must resist

Your oh no no no oh no sheep we have to kill only the white sheep for diversity I should try the new Union mod pack it’s good what’s that about almost night time by the way oh dude this I think this is the last night before um the fog

Comes fog before the fog is coming yeah I was about to say the fog is coming I have eight I have eight wool get over here crafting table I havek I have 12 pork and 10 beef put it in my put it in my hot box

Put it in my this is this is a good base location I think I one I need one white wool I got you of course he needs white won’t take anything else yo he okay we got three beds nope what happened to it place it place it I did

Decent okay our bed doesn’t exist anymore that’s great no wait I I gave you three more uh wool anyways I think I’ll make another bed I’ll make myself a bed a lot of meat right now no I do have the bed I have the bed right here there’s three beds sleep Qui

Sleep thank you o is the fog it’s a popular Minecraft YouTuber it’s took three years to make uh damn I wonder what’s in it I got so much mutton bro I’m going to place this bed here just in case Mac ever joins just in case we ever get Mac

Back let me put my steak in here let me put my steak in the hot box oh we got some food now boys surv okay is the fog coming no matter what we do is it just inevitable yeah today the day so today is the day that’s awesome is

Today the last day that we don’t have it or is it coming today today’s the day where like things start to get a little strange the stranger thing we should probably stop killing these mobs cuz we’re going to need them eventually I’m not scared uh I think we should I’m not

Scared we need to start making a base with like fences around it right yeah we should we got to make a base that that [ __ ] thing can’t get into I’m not sleeping that um it can’t get over like Cobblestone walls that what I’m talking about Cobblestone this a three three

Block tall cob no I’m talking about like just the normal wall the wall you can make yeah yeah what’s down here we need to get moving the fogs coming I’m going to throw this looks like a good cave in this this looks like a really good cave and brother the fog is

Coming Salam alikum yeah I’ll try that I’ll try that my birds fly and brother the fog is coming I am very scared there’s a nice cave over this way let me check it out I’m quaking with excitement outside my window the fog is coming in real life oh

My God what would you do if you look out your window and you just saw the man from the fog I would pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming and if I felt the pain I would D this cave goes deep I’ll hit my I’ll bring out the

My praying to all I’m not sure if I want to go all the way down yet yeah so basically um oh my God oh my God is that a ruined City holy [ __ ] I think it’s an ancient city dude really yes wait let me let me

See let me uh let me see it is it is it is oh my God yep it is it definitely is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I’m coming we got meat is done cooking oh I just saw Minecraft Steve right behind me oh my God are you sure

It was Steve are you sure that saw Minecraft Steve standing behind me as I looked around he doesn’t get it he’s here he doesn’t get it either it’s the best part I I’m not sure if um does he attack you know um I don’t

Know do we keep the beds here or do we pick them up and move them uh we we’re staying here we’re staying at this place okay so just make our base I need to find a water bucket emem watch we need to make a cobblestone generator so we

Have enough Cobblestone to make a fence come on a we come on oh [ __ ] I rolled over my cord direction for a while cooking my stuff and I turned around and Minecraft Steve was right behind me Minecraft literally all the food no I have I have food right here

Where the [ __ ] where the where where did the hot box go I got them all yeah why did you pick everything up cuz you weren’t here to pick it up dud well why’ you break the [ __ ] furnaces we weren’t oh [ __ ] why’d you do that somebody deal with that somebody somebody fix this

There we go that’s kind of cool I need to find I need some water there’s another cave over here uh it’s a short one never mind I need some water so we’re keeping the beds here we’re keeping the beds yes I found sheep we’re not I’m not going to

Kill them all I need to find some [ __ ] water man jeez the [ __ ] am I Africa for real Minecraft St was right behind me I’m going to make a well and I’m going to post it on my Instagram what color we could live in this cave here

What did what did his eyes look like crab it was just the normal Minecraft Steve really he had a blue shirt that’s all I saw oh all I recognized was this blue shirt dude there’s we’re not living in a cave yeah the last thing we’re doing is living in a cave especially

When the [ __ ] cave dweller is in this the cave dweller SE separate from the night dweller I have no idea I guess so you forgot the mods okay that’s great that’s wonderful we don’t know what mods are in this pack anymore I put this together in a drunken stuper and is awesome

Sauce I know all this yeah yeah I think you mean it unironically yeah if you say awesome sauce again I’m gonna cut those toes off your feet boy never gonna walk again give me stubs you have stubs I don’t know what I do without my toes what uh what does that iron sword

Have or was it Stone it was uh sharpness one I think ah not bad fallowing big dude what the [ __ ] where’s the water at man we are in the savannah wouldn’t it be surprised to see the night dwellers hang around here I would because it’s daytime oh there’s the water oh look at

This awesome I wonder why he’s called the night dweller I wonder for what reason we wouldn’t see the night dweller or during the day directional audio oh no what it’s so I’m so paranoid man everything’s so this mod pack is the paranoia mod pack dude I I know some [ __ ] mods I could

Add I see them this is my um beans we’re behind you beans we’re over here across the valley yeah I’m just looking for animals to kill for food I’m going down dude I’m going down to that uh I got to go down to that ruined always use more

Food yeah true how does anyone find that funny if you live at it there’s something seriously wrong with you I don’t know where you went man I’m lost again oh my God I’m at the base do does anyone need the cords cuz I’m the

Base or our beds I guess um I don’t need them but put them in chat anyway so we don’t forget I found a village okay or oh my God it’s very close actually we should I think we should move to the Village it’s close it’s close enough for

Us to not need to all right cords negative it’s like a few hundred blocks away most negative 576 we got to build like walls around this now there we go there we go oh look at that I’m making a [ __ ] what a nice house we need to be protected from them I’m not

Scared I’m not scared potato potato all right my bad let’s get I’m dude I’m going down to this this to this ancient city dude oh potatoes oops this is a temporary base temporary temporary protection is there wood going to catch fire next to this lava crabster I just realiz brain

Reminds me of every wng song ever have you ever listened to every wean song ever no but I listened to that one song yesterday that you put on it was pretty good we listened to like five of them yeah what was the good one there

Was a good one uh well the ones that I think are good are tried and true and it tried definitely tried and true Tri and fire just took my dang gun okay Tri and true well we have a base now we can hide in oh yeah Tri and is

Really good that was the best what the [ __ ] was that is that Minecraft Steve no I just heard like a like a what the [ __ ] oh my goodness dude this place is scary man this Cave’s got teeth parano I’m mine that with my sword oh holy [ __ ] yeah we accidentally just chose

Like a great base location this is the craziest cave ever dude it’s right on top of the [ __ ] ancient city it’s right next to a village this is great oh my god dude I I almost don’t even want to be down here when he’s got when you guys have to come down here

Dude or I’m going to start looting I’m coming back to the base right now yeah I hear the uh I hear the uh Whatchamacallit I’m here in the [ __ ] the elites I’m here in the Deep state in this cave dude oh diamonds I’m in the caves looking for diamonds

Yeah there is the base okay it’s not a dirt Shack it’s a dirt home this this base is terrible that was kind of cool that was kind of cool building is my passion I have I have a lot more food by the way what the [ __ ] was that man

Holy [ __ ] I just heard someone drop something very heavy onto their own foot I see him oh he’s outside yeah are you [ __ ] blind I was trying to sleep we can’t sleep come down the cave you [ __ ] idiot oh I just threw my food down there

I no oh my God open doors I really hope not herob Brin okay we have did anyone else see that [ __ ] in the corner of my eye I swear he was there for like one frame that’s you saw him too you see Minecraft Steve as well no you [ __ ] herob Brian

Dude crafs is a little bit slow but not in the funny way keep an eye out for the Whistler oh my goodness The Whistler John Whistler Oh I thought that was Redstone dude I just got rubies what’s the baby what’s the baby go we’re about to have so much extra

Food by the way in a second that’s never a bad thing all right dude I’m not I can’t contain my excitement I’m I’m making my way towards the towards the city oh [ __ ] dude the water is like no the bats are setting these [ __ ] off oh

What is this no that’s Redstone I don’t want that no I don’t want that uh I need crafting table what the [ __ ] was that noise I just heard a horn that’s red stone oh I see him far off in the distance bro oh that’s red stone oh my goodness that was this is

Not I have like a stack and a half of bread we need a chest I think I can [ __ ] someone’s whistling it’s John Whistler it’s John whistle the man who invented whistling all right Ward armor trim should I get that or no there’s a baby zombie coming for you

Bean loog bean loog all right calm down I don’t want a little baby I don’t want any of this [ __ ] I have so much junk in my [ __ ] trunk all right I don’t want none of this skull I’m not carrying skull around dude why not cuz I’m going to smell like a [ __ ]

Enema he’s very close okay yep I don’t like that if he attacks me I’m going to I’m I’m going to be screwed I’m going high oh my god dude I’m on edge I hear [ __ ] footsteps the schizophrenia mod are you still in the cave I got the

Schizophrenia mod in real life I’m in the city dude oh but yeah we’re going to be good on food for at least a little while oh my God I can’t even risk [ __ ] standing up dude immediately some sensor picks it up I feel like I’m in China dude I love these

Mods dude this place is crazy looking installing the night dweller mod to feel something installing the herob Brian Mod give myself that ran oh my God you thought it was Minecraft Steve you don’t even know what no the only eyes and I didn’t see the

Eyes I was his shirt you don’t even know what the [ __ ] we’re talking about I do I know he Brien I know hey you say herob Bri dude there’s two right next to each other you gota be [ __ ] kidding what Warden no two of these hopefully this one doesn’t spawn him or

I will cry um if you see like a wall around the place collect it because you could place it around the blocks and they can’t hear the wall for some reason it’s a great insulator holy [ __ ] man this place sucks I hate this dude oh a compass so

Awesome what the [ __ ] was that comp is awesome I’m no I’m not going to say it I know you hate it what the [ __ ] was that oh my god dude holy [ __ ] no way there he is I see him dude I’m hearing I think I’m hearing the [ __ ] noises the Whatchamacallit

Noises I got chills in real life dude holy [ __ ] I got to take more medicine and I feel like I’m going to [ __ ] die I waste that special Arrow the special doesn’t it doesn’t it just highlight the charact the person you shoot it with what I think it just highlights

Like it just like puts like a outline around the person a temporary outline around the person that you shoot it with oh okay I think I’m approaching the castle what the [ __ ] is this it’s blue fire dude oh [ __ ] this man’s in my dreams right now that’s what I dream

About what the night dweller not about like weird [ __ ] I don’t know I think you yeah I think you dream about like some awful things you said you were dreaming about big bra team for put an entry into the sermon oh my god dude I’m just gonna build I’m building Lois I’m building

Dude if any of these oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude what is even I like how this mod pack disabl sleeping oh I see herob Brian oh I see him there’s not going up here he’s running away oh he’s gone next time I see him I’m going to chase him oh I just shot

The spectral Arrow that’s great what is this [ __ ] dude all right I guess I’ll go check that thing out that boy was behind me for the longest time I’m hearing like something moving around but I’m not seeing anything oh some wool I found some wool it could be the qu

Cave cave dweller I don’t even know dude I don’t even know I’ve never seen the cave dweller ever yeah it’s so much SAR to than that dweller but I think he’s shorter and he could crawl under blocks oh nice that’s a great thing I my [ __ ] little blocky heart is beating I

Swear oh diamonds I’m Diamond one we have so much bread right now oh my God we’re we’re breing I’m crumbing you can also scroll with the zoom to increase the zoom Oh that’s oh my god oh that’s wild oh my God all right we’ll do it about about

There I love how my what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] I’m coming to the cave he’s coming if I’m stepping on wool I don’t think makes any no have so much fun we’re going to survive you could also you know put the wall around the sensors and I’m

Just I feel like if I’m close enough to oh yeah actually [ __ ] I only have one piece of wool there’s a lot of sensor sensors around this I think I’m going to open this chest and then book it are you on your third strike already

Ready oh my gosh um I I might be on my what the [ __ ] dude the sun is in the cave holy [ __ ] where am I where am I oh my God I’m in a different dimension all right wait hold on I have to go get I have to go mine this [ __ ]

Wool awesome is that the oh that is the city oh hell yes oh there’s a creeper hold up oh [ __ ] there’s a lot of zombies let’s make this a little easier for my little dude I have like no armor and no Shield we don’t have any torches either

So that’s dude I got I got awesome SAU oh I dropped I dropped this got be really quiet I I got dude I’m going to have disable these gun things right no don’t tell me you’re brought crabster we’re fu yeah CRS walk around only see these those are sensors

And okay if there are sensors around these things if those go off it like warns these things and if you if that happens three times then where do I put please please don’t let that [ __ ] um we don’t need it yet oh my god dude oh my God all right

Okay dude okay dude let’s uh let’s not do that again I like the com I guess I’m creeping through the end City or it’s over it’s over it’s [ __ ] over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over just get out just get out while you still

Can it’s fine oh my God I see a chest though dude I I was right near a chest I was right near two chests where’s a chest it’s to your left immediately all right I think if you’re not on no behind me I’m behind you come over here okay

You have to come over here the chest is over it’s okay okay it’s dark okay are you coming closer to me I I I can’t see you is this a uh I’m directly in front of you yeah the [ __ ] fading in and out the chest is to the it’s it’s it’s over

There oh [ __ ] dude I got to go back over there man I got to get those that loot if I don’t get that loot my curios that would hurt me we’re playing with fire boys actually we’re playing with skull skullers yeah can you get over here I’m skulling I’m skulling actually

I don’t think I need wool for this one I was placing wool around them and then uh I’m going to grab these Echo shards let’s just say I had a little bit of an a something I dropped my sword things are going to plan I think the echo Shar can be used

For something by the way what the [ __ ] is that dude dude I hear shrieking you hear that too that’s what I was talking about yeah I hear shrieking it’s oh no I’m touching these things where’s all that loot at man I got to find that [ __ ] I’m on St too I

Think I think I’m on strike too I don’t even think it matters D the warden is spawned oh let can spawn more than one well that’s aome so keep keep being careful even if there is why do I keep wanting to say awesome Stu stop saying oh that was me

That oh well I am [ __ ] that’s the warden isn’t it oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s I am leaving oh [ __ ] dude he’s making noises I hear his heartbeat I don’t see him Echo shard in a compass show where he last died oh

That’s actually kind of cool I might get that yeah I think we should do that what’s an echo Shard though how do we get that uh from the chest in the city oh I’m okay I’m going back where was the loot where was the loot that I oh there

It is it’s over there I found another chair yes all right so how am I going how do I go about doing this if I go like this I think I’m good okay dude it’s right next to three sensors bro okay okay I could just run

Away now I can know I now I know I can just run away let’s see okay let’s just [ __ ] it let’s just uh put you guys to bed here you could walk at normal speed on uh wall too uhoh oh don’t set it off oh thank God oh my

Goodness a music dis fragment okay okay I think that’s good enough do we have guns now no we actually don’t no oh I see a chest oh I can’t see oh [ __ ] there was nothing worth even over there [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this bat is activating everything I got bottles of

Enchanting and books regen you know what I don’t want to have yeah I don’t want to have to car these oh [ __ ] how do I get down from here I think I’m on strike three maybe yeah I ran out of strikes a while ago they just [ __ ] no I’ve done nothing I’ve done

Nothing I’ve done nothing got the mysterious cave that may or may not exist [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] definitely exists it’s just uh if you touch the sensors do do they go off yes if you get close to the screaming things I think they go off oh come on smelling

He’s [ __ ] smelling I would I just want the chest over hereu he’s smelling the [Applause] air uhoh let’s hope this doesn’t oh f [ __ ] okay I’m going I’m going ooh iron leggings books this is mine Unbreaking and protection three each that’s really Goodings that’s useful activating Swift

Sneak three dude that’s got to be good yeah it’s um when you’re sneaking you walk at normal speed holy [ __ ] or uh closer to normal speed that’s actually good yeah yeah dude oh my God I feel like [ __ ] [ __ ] I think I think they killed attacked each other at least dude to be honest these wardens are not that uh where’s the [ __ ] waterfall that need to Ed to get up oh no oh I’m setting them all off I just set off like oh I’m spawning in like every

W I’m tempted to just run I’m safe and sound I don’t know where yall are going I’m trying to get away please please I’m trying to listen oh [ __ ] I don’t know the way out I’m not going to lie I think we got to go East [ __ ] waterfall is definitely

East East wall chunk chunk East I’m out of wool dude I’m honestly lost in this in this city I’m not going to lie just go east oh yeah just go east that’s that way press F3 and you can see that East is the red one I was

Just looking I was just using my compass I think I’m looking yeah I’m I’m looking East right now I’m not going to go I’m just going to [ __ ] run through dude that’s what I’ve been doing heard a Minecraft cave sound hey Bean log howy oh this looks like

It what’s this little structure oh it’s nothing I already climbed up it oh but you can get on top of all these uh all these Bridges here yeah running around on them doesn’t affect anything cuz it’s wool I want to shave a sheep oh there’s the midap this is f uh-oh

I don’t know if this is even the right waterfall it’s not he’s smelling me he’s smelling me oh [ __ ] I hear the feed oh this might be uh I see the guy down there oh my God I’m not making any Noise oh [ __ ] I’m staring right at the guy [ __ ] I don’t I know where to go oh there you are being lock does the warden go away at any point yes I feel like he’s following me I think we’re safe for now um you’re still working on the trailer you said

It’s coming out the on Christmas right I picked up a nice pair of leggings from the city oh those are some nice pants yeah they’re actually really good excuse me what do they got on them uh Unbreaking and prop three oh nice that’s actually really good yeah that’s

What I’m saying that’s what I’m saying I have an ink sack glow ink I think he sees me and he’s trying to get up to me but he can’t I’m ining I’m inking oh we have the same brain I’m [ __ ] inking and I’m not sure if that’s

Something to be proud of or upset at uh I mean at least I’m not alone why you stop [ __ ] building up dude I’m a I’m blocking I don’t have any blocks what in the [ __ ] is that oh my goodness fog there is the fog oh my good

That’s one of those sound effects you hear before [ __ ] goes sour yeah I think that’s supposed to be the cave dweller but we’re already on our way out so oh well it’s night time outside and I’m hearing uh some funny noises hopefully that doesn’t oh my God what the [ __ ] is

He it’s over it’s so Over oh oh help help help help [ __ ] did you set your spawn by the way I did set my spawn good good but the [ __ ] wool the the the build that we put around the [ __ ] bed blocked it he sees me and he’s trying to get to

Me what I’m back at spawn I’m back at [ __ ] spawn my [ __ ] dude oh my God what are the [ __ ] cords what are the cords here oh it’s it’s I’m going to pick up the good stuff off your body before it disappears yeah take everything good make sure to get that sword iron

Gold yeah I grab the sword that iron pickaxe toasted emeralds all the coal in the world uh how the [ __ ] do I get around this thing dude man holy [ __ ] I think I go I think I go up the hill here bucket I like that I like how it [ __ ]

Jump scared the [ __ ] out of of me you do no uhop I thought it was kind of cool that I went that I got reset back to spawn I think that’s kind of cool I kind of don’t feel like the echo shards are very useful honestly or the

Compass grab that I don’t know how to get out of here obsidian [ __ ] a ruby I wonder what that’s used for you can make armor with it and tools oh [ __ ] I don’t know what to drop though I’ll drop the bones oh did you get my diamond pickaxe

Yeah oh thank goodness I’m not that though I’m not like crab okay what [ __ ] wool thing are you talking about oh you know what I I think I know what happened there were four beds in here yep and crab broke one of them oh my God crab you are a [ __ ]

Piece of piece of work a real piece of work I didn’t touch any beds you did I saw you break it I don’t it’s not even a grammatically correct response okay yeah I don’t think you even know what you’re saying dude this skeleton doesn’t I did

Not break any bed I still got those cheat did forgot because you’re [ __ ] dumb it’s not on my inventory it was in my inventory it was in your inventory so you did break it so there’s a dead body right there all right that’s cool I thought literally when I died I thought to

Myself oh well good thing I set my spawn little did I know I have crabster in my world for real oh my goodness dude holy [ __ ] got to go all the way oh my God what is this this is the Great Wall of the Great Wall of herob

Brien oh I see the ender man uh you remember the cords right yep make on my way to the base the only thing that I’m worried about I’m going to put your [ __ ] in the chest no wait I forgot I typed the chords in the uh whatam we call it

Okay I’m going to take the useless [ __ ] out of this chest walking on the fighting side me really don’t need more uh wool and stone pick what why is there a wooden pickaxe in the chest we got to hold on to that that’s important it’s got sentimental

Value you have to honor your first dollar that was herob B all right he do anything or does he just appear behind you and give you a spook uh I’m not sure don’t need more wool seriously why do we have just a blocks of dirt oh I see them good I saw

Him uh uh what okay that’s your Shield I think that’s everything everything useful is in the chest all your stuff’s in the chest I’m just in jel mode I’m going to throw out my wood tools oh dude it’s what no way it’s right here what I thought this was way further away

I remember we traversed a whole map oh you’re already here what the [ __ ] we like traversed a whole how did that even happen we traversed like a whole [ __ ] Mountain to get here I I don’t think we had to go to the over that mountain was not that bad at all yeah

Well I guess I’m back we’re so back we are so back okay oh wait I accidentally took all that sound oh don’t be the [ __ ] guy again saw him oh my God I saw him hey B do you want to swap leggings you could take the good ones yeah

Sure who the hell is Ping in my Pingus Dingus the essential mod oh I lost all my [ __ ] things man yeah I think we should start looking at the essential mod I think we just start using it that’s what we’re using right now yeah aren’t we I it’s not like a mod

It’s just like a provider yeah that’s the only that’s the only reason we’re able to play together anyway set your spawn cuz for some reason crab moves the bed over here oh oh nice E I don’t mean to put that uh do not use this this [ __ ] enchantment

Book on iron boots by the way what do we use it on leggings you use it on boots but don’t use it on iron oh yeah put it on some some diamond yeah Diamond that can be upgraded to netherite oh [ __ ] uh let’s smelt all this iron as

Well okay the Whistler should be gone now right for now how do you make the the spawn thingy with the compass are you using the right [ __ ] thing Echo Shar in the compass do we have more rod iron I need help I need help I can’t figure it

Out okay I got let my [ __ ] dog out D she got to take a she got to use the potty she got to go P how do you make a cobblestone generator uh is this the fog this is rain hard I think when he was saying the fog he just meant herob

Brine well I still don’t know what the fog is and I really herob brine is that just is that is he just a is that it yes yes I think so I’m going to make some armor uh what do I need I need Feats and chest those are my

Kinks I’m going to make a shield we need two buckets of water so one one two one two three one two three two oh one okay oh there was herob right there we don’t have any wood I’ll mine soon I’ll go get some I don’t have an axe anymore why don’t I have

Anything going to make an axe I’m going to make a pickaxe to start with what more uh yeah we we are literally out of wood okay oh there’s Herobrine again oh it was off running R I think Herobrine might just be like a spectator jum scare like to make you little little

Little little you know he just going to be a spectator yeah yeah yeah yeah y y oh we got some lapis what the [ __ ] was that running I just heard must have been herbron uh what do I need now I it would be pretty and snap your neck or something

That wouldn’t be really where where did my pickaxe go oh I put it in the chest uh I need a shovel I can use a hoe are you going to build the base again eventually cuz you’re pretty good at it um I’m not that good really I mean you built the Tower that

Was pretty good looking why did I just almost make a wooden Shore I am set now I opened up my back door and there was just a [ __ ] dead bird right on my stoop what the [ __ ] great did you bury a birds that fell into your that hit your window my cat

Kills birds all the time no you can’t bury the birds cuz then the government will come and they’ll [ __ ] rip you a new okay who had the bed plac outside and was your spawn set to it because I just moved mine I have my I have my spawn to that one

Yeah you’re going to have to come back here I just moved it yeah I put it in the house because quote unquote house we have yeah we have a lot of mutton and [ __ ] ton of bread who took the entire stack of bread not me yeah no idea what you’re talking about

As you put it back in the chest I’m not dude I was actually taking iron out of the chest there was there was literally like a stack and a half and that was only half a stack I bet crab has it I have two loaves of bread

On me okay I’m going to the Village oh there’s a village me yeah I got to check this [ __ ] out man I’m trying to enslave a couple of these villagers play with their big old noses it’s actually pretty close to the base I want I want to smack a villager on his

Nose and watch it wobble back and forth see it oh yeah you guys are lucky to have an Explorer I’m lucky to have a whole can of baked beans in my [ __ ] [ __ ] all right sorry what oh my God you’re lucky in there if you want it sorry let slipped

Out slipped out you [ __ ] it made a noise we got to rebuild this base inste of looking at it and I build it I got to go eat hold on I’m going to go get some like [ __ ] Bo again I’m going to get some Chef he is

The type of guy to eat Chef boy already no he eats he the thing is he doesn’t he doesn’t cook it he just opens it and eats it yeah yep what’s wrong with it it’s already cooked you just you don’t have to cook it I’m not going to get salmonella it’s not about

That it’s more the principle of the thing huh cuz you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] La it’s just not ooh an empty map it’s just one of those like down syndrome things to do oh I just used it and it was like okay whatever we’ll drink this way that’s unbelievable all right I’m

Going what all right tell me what flavor when you get back [Applause] holy [ __ ] dude look at that [ __ ] sheep what sheep this gray sheep dude she’s she or he is just chilling nothing could bother this sheep he’s particularly aroused by it I want to touch its eight

Nipples do sheep have nipples kill it yeah I think all mammals do right I think so I think there’s one that doesn’t I can’t remember what it is this [ __ ] guy is lucky that he’s he looks cool cuz I would have actually cut his head off his big [ __ ] watermelon sized head

Off oh the cler yeah I would have [ __ ] oh I can’t say that word I would have [ __ ] molestered him you would have done that to his had detached to his body after I [ __ ] decapitated him and turned him into my oh exactly never mind want to go back

Into the city yeah let’s see if there’s more chest let’s see if we could also get some some more diamonds that’s the goal and I got to take a piss dude so one time I had a dream and I was like really struggling to take a piss and I

Was getting really mad that I couldn’t pee and I woke up and I had never been more thankful good whoops what were those what were the [ __ ] what were they just tell me I remember seeing them and they weren’t just XP what were they no it it was XP

It was the bottles of enchanting okay that’s right uh what else was there in there I thought I thought I saw um something else but oh dude that’s fine that’s fine that doesn’t matter I [ __ ] I have to download more updates for Minecraft launcher why is it happening um what launch it through

Curse Forge only yeah what I’m doing I’m pressing play on weard yeah I’m going to go at it from a different different angle angle yeah I got my beeron here in A new mason jar water I want to hear you I want to hear you slurp a bite of the M uh

Beeron okay hold on let me lower my sensitivity increase it actually lowering sensitivity IRL no my uh microphone setting so you can hear everything every apparently that’s what you want to hear you want to hear it you ask and you shall receive I think I shouldn’t have done

That I didn’t realize there were more around oh boy we safe this time it’s fine I broke it one above us yeah I’m just going to no Noise Gate okay you can hear everything right I bet I bet let’s split up actually yeah you can’t hear that oh my God you fool oh

[ __ ] I’m out no what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] was that what was what oh what the [ __ ] is that I’m getting my way out of here oh no oh no oh my God stop alerting them I’m already like out I’m not even moving I’m not even

Moving I don’t have a fork oh my god oh [ __ ] dude I see you down there oh [ __ ] he’s he’s coming toward he’s smelling me he’s [ __ ] smelling me oh my god dude some [ __ ] there was some [ __ ] like like other like a creeper that comes up behind me while I’m watching

You dude there was there was some like [ __ ] I wonder if you’ve gotten that chest there was like some gargoyle that [ __ ] went oh my god oh [ __ ] I can’t believe I stepped on a trap I actually like that a lot that was [ __ ] hilarious that [ __ ] was like

Indiana Jones you didn’t even move you just turned around slowly yeah I was like I think we’re fine and then it started [ __ ] coming up I need this juke box you hearing this oh it’s over did chat have anything to say about the Trap Chad said

Uhoh uh do you see the chest right there which one like literally right there oh I think I already got this one okay then yeah I did trying to look at there was more St there was more stuff back there though where we going there’s a lot of chests

Here I think they despawn okay let’s go back okay I’m going to do it from a different place from you all right oh heavens excuse me oh I still your one oh [ __ ] yeah he’s right there he’s [ __ ] shambling I’mma send you a picture of my

Meal so yall know what I’m doing I thought you said you’re going to send us a picture your milk yeah that’s what I to this is what I eat every single day by the way this is like my lunch every single day let’s check it without

Fail not yet it’s not out yet oh it’s not out yet the update the crabster lunch update hasn’t released come on boy send the [ __ ] picture damn it boy send the [ __ ] picture damn it Bobby damn it Bobby damn it Bo this is what I eat every day more I’m

Parched in the [ __ ] beeron straight out of the can the cold beeron straight out of the can yeah dude you are not GNA beat the autism allegations I am so sorry what do you mean I got no autism you’ve done nothing to prove otherwise and much to prove

So I don’t know man this is what it’s good food good eating I’m I got to make some more [ __ ] not really it’s really not honestly it’s like it’s kind of honestly it’s like kind of just [ __ ] this is good how does that set it off I’m [ __ ] eating oh [ __ ]

Lois oh [ __ ] Lois I’m surprised that didn’t set it off oh [Applause] heavens oh he’s smelling my [ __ ] pheromones parone [Applause] maxing don’t [ __ ] step on this oh my God I’m shifting around in his Gunk oh oh he’s smelling my ear that’s so hot oh it’s making me leak it’s making me

Leak oh boy I’m not really seeing any chest right now number yeah I’m I’m I’m imagining right now a warden smelling your ear oh my god dude he’s making some [ __ ] gross noises me no the warden oh is this Warden coming towards me [ __ ] mouthful of [Laughter]

Beeron H cold cold be [ __ ] straight out of the canold man it’s normal temperature I’d be willing to yeah room temperature I’d be willing to bet that that can is very old I’d give it a week from the exporation last weekend what is this building holy [ __ ] a chest

I got this from a Dollar General last week man like two days ago that’s the way to do it to do it I love Dollar General man I go there every day okay why is my heart beating that’s what I that’s what I was thinking earlier let’s see it’s not cuz I’m where

I am [ __ ] okay hopefully hopefully this doesn’t set anything off so stepping on C burn you that’s good to know oh [ __ ] he’s right there right [Applause] there dude there are so many The Whistler he’s here the Whistler come down to the city then dude John whistle sounds like a [ __ ]

Um like Batman villain The Whistler The Whistler the shittiest ever I just want to say slurs man but that’s the uh he’s literally my grandfather he’s literally me true wasn’t for all these [ __ ] liberals man holy [ __ ] I got some I got some Diamond horse armor Diamond I had to stop myself from

Calling that the Whistler a dark love me a [ __ ] okay here goes the VOD [ __ ] two days in a row days in a row literally I didn’t even bother to monetize the other one and again it’s crab it’s all crab fa every time dude they didn’t they didn’t [ __ ] strike me for yesterday

So I just didn’t even monetize It crap I think I gotta be I gotta be huh you can’t just say no I said huh oh I thought he said no I kind of want watching my mouth I gotta be watching my words man I got to

Be putting more effort into the being a nice person I mean I mean I think I’m a pretty good person all around except for except for some people are you yeah sure God I got to turn off this music in a minute dude I find it hard to believe

That most people’s grandparents that grew up through the 60s weren’t racist racist yeah yeah 1860s no my grandfather is literally the most racist person I know like he’s even more racist than I am you [ __ ] beat me in every damn category Man category man for real why

The [ __ ] am I hearing myself twice myself twice I found a music disc me hold up hold up yeah it is crabster yeah it’s other side no it’s not crab watch yourself Discord it literally isly oh I didn’t oh here we go what the scallop now do it again do it again

We still hear it yeah yeah in fact I think it’s worse now it’s worse even clearer I added the noise suppression man maybe maybe it’s uh your mic is too close to your head okay so I don’t have like a boom arm for my thing it’s just on the uh I

Have a Hesh three hold on what the [ __ ] I have a h Evo Hesh Evo the microphone is on the earbud what I’m G send a picture in the chat wa you have a headset I’m just gonna run through I give up I don’t think there’s anything else of not hopefully this chest

Is oh I got the cave dweller on me too [ __ ] I need help I need help I need help I need help no the thing in red is the microphone thing how the where do I go where do I go dude the [ __ ] cave dweller got me

I believe that I don’t even know how to get how to find my way out wait what was it did you hear the thing yelling yeah I heard a lot of [ __ ] yelling where’s um where’s the direct I’m going in oh there it is wait hold up yeah how do I

Know e The Noise Gate man what happened to my setup man [ __ ] I don’t know how to read the [ __ ] the Wast I don’t have my compass anymore [ __ ] I need to get my [ __ ] gear back why was a cave dweller there at the worst [ __ ] time possible is he

Where uh like in the middle of the city oh [ __ ] I’ll I’ll go searching for it oh [ __ ] that it it was near like the opposite side from where we get up [ __ ] yeah this might be a get the [ __ ] out of here scenario for

Me I’ll find my way this might be a run forest run moment I’m going to go explore the cave oh there you are being logged yeah I’m going back in that [ __ ] bat is just alerting them I think there’s people in my house hold on they’re in your walls I’m in your

Walls crab you should have never downloaded that mod pack where the [ __ ] is that guy he’s [ __ ] he’s just right down the middle oh yeah I see him now dude what the what did the cave dweller look like um he was like gray lanky sort of like the uh other guy but

Smaller but he was faster like I was running and I couldn’t escape him um oh and he does a lot of damage dude I [ __ ] he came after me one of those times but I didn’t see him oh yeah he’s fast as hell oh don’t tell me what oh where did where

Um I don’t know how to describe it but I know where it it’s like it’s close to the thing so I’m fine okay fine I’m I’m fine dude the [ __ ] water in the way is killing me just make my way back down okay screw it I’m just going to [ __ ] run to my

Body if I could [ __ ] see now [ __ ] where did I died over here I think this might be where I died there’s my stuff oh [ __ ] how the how do I get up there now guess I’m going to have to mine this W out some of this wo that’s who uhoh

[ __ ] Eminem just got his house just got invaded yeah the Russians [ __ ] we’ll never see him again I could see I could hear the damn wardens but I can’t see them I didn’t know I could do that holy [ __ ] dude it gave me everything back the way that it [ __ ]

That’s crazy I I think I found like the uh Alleyway where I died though maybe holy [ __ ] hey man you keep it down I’m trying to sleep in here that one’s gone still one more oh is there oh I’m coming okay me when I’m on my

Way sure dude why does that why does that kind of look like a monkey like a monkey head I’m pretty sure this pretty sure this is where I died what the [ __ ] is it the cave dweller making that noise maybe making all that [ __ ] hold up I got to do a

Little MLG here I’m also hearing things where the [ __ ] is my body that was kind of cool screw it I’m running oh R cing how do I get back okay you know what I’m trying to go past this place I’m just going to run plat it’s not like

I had anything particularly good anyways uh you had those [ __ ] awesome pants that I gave you no I gave those to you no I gave you my pants remember we traded no they were just iron pants though yeah but they’re from me they’re my awesome little pants e what it

Is I like the blindness effect that I get it really makes me not be able to [ __ ] see anything at all oh that’s a warden I just ran right past oh what’s up Bean log did you how did you find your way over here I just just

Ran I was trying to see what else is down I just kept running I just kept running did you get your [ __ ] yeah I got my [ __ ] nice that’s not good oh that’s a lot oh my god oh [ __ ] just SP more holy [ __ ] there’s so many of them

Oh my gosh there are so many of them I spawned like I’m not going to lie I spawned like five minimum I’ve spawned quite a few myself oh boy I’m trying to find like other parts of this cave that might be might be good for [ __ ] diamonds or something not this [ __ ]

I thought there’d be good loot down here I did too if I go blind again dude oh my God there are so many of them I’m not going to stop running dude I can’t run just R hunger I just kept running oh I’m might be trapped there’s nothing over here I have

To go back I have to go back through this way no oh gosh yeah a sonically Charged Street excuse me Mr Warden I have to get through here are you going to be able to survive yeah I think I’ll make it hopefully that cave D doesn’t come up on my bugus I’m

Going to I’m going to make another kit iing legs this the problem with this cave dude is it’s only the city yeah I think there were a few other caves around though I’m so [ __ ] cold oh my goodness I got to put on a swish

I need a chest plate that’s not how I make a chest plate oh what is that that’s pretty that’s pretty awesome I need some sticks for Tools somebody donate $500 I don’t need that yep yep yep yep oh I got a juke box or no a note block never mind nice what else do I need I need a pickaxe one time cops came into my house and found a bunch of weed then I made my

Black friend take the fall for me you ever heard that song I think so [ __ ] [ __ ] I saw we had two yeah we have two emeralds I’m going to see if a emerald sword is any better than a iron sword where six attack damage 1.6 attack speed it’s the same as

Iron it’s actually oh no yeah it is that’s awesome that’s pretty cool yeah it’s it’s no better at all it’s so useful right and it’s much rarer than iron 2 which makes it even better let me see this that doesn’t make any sense wow that’s awesome wait what would a what what’s

[ __ ] what’s an emerald pickax like what’s an em mrack pistol [ __ ] dude oh my oh my glob oh [ __ ] I got to put my diamonds away where is all our food uh we have 28 cooked mutton in the and 31 bread in the and 19 apples yeah there’s [ __ ] 28

Cooked mutton in this [ __ ] don’t eat the apples cuz we could use them to make golden apples um I make the now uh make as many as you can yeah might as well rip rip two golden apples wow ni all right I need to make a chest for my

Junk I need to put my junk in one of these chests you could put your junk on my chest muched put your junk on my chest oh I think that was a good one that was a good wood where the [ __ ] did the other chest go man

[ __ ] why do girls got [ __ ] boobs and [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] why do look at this dude look at this [ __ ] oh you sleeping yeah I’ll put my put my junk on your chest imagine my big [ __ ] balls all right never mind uh yeah we just slep together

Yeah we have we have two we have two chests instead of one big chest oh let’s see let’s see can he fix it can he fix it how the [ __ ] did that happen I thought it was like oh my god dude and herob Brian’s in this world I forgot about that oh you

Saw him no I didn’t see him but I haven’t seen him in a minute uh I know there are other um caves around too I saw one a while ago but I don’t remember where it is oh [ __ ] I got a skull sensor what should I do with

This I’m going place it right there oh I think I found the cave no I did not I hate that [ __ ] noise I’m getting rid of this man I had like a [ __ ] ton of pork on myself too when I first got oh here’s a k possibly it’s nothing it looks

Like is it nothing maybe OB OB OB soda oh [ __ ] I forgot we have a saddle I could actually get a horse oh we do I think we do yeah um whose horse is it uh well since I found the armor I think it constitutes that it’s my horse

Oh [ __ ] there’s two there’s two uh Diamond horse armors true but do we have two Saddles no so I’m basically this I’m kind of the saddle guy I’m taming a horse right now not if I tame this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on this horse don’t like me this

Horse better fall in love with me or I’m going to [ __ ] kill it how do you take do you just look in the direction they look I think you should have to I think you it’s just is random you have to wait dude this horse hates me okay I tamed this one oh

Same let’s see which one is quicker oh this one [ __ ] sucks we’re not using this one he’s got five hearts or some [ __ ] five Hearts this one has two four six eight seven hearts or I think I miscounted I think it was nine yeah I

Think he has nine Hearts oh he’s kind of quick though oh damn yeah oh my God his his vert is ass this guy’s never making it’s the league oh my goodness look at this cave yeah for isn’t this the one we saw earlier is it oh it

Is damn I kind of forgot where we were that horse is wicked fast and I tamed it where I [ __ ] sto n you could still you could still ride it let me try seeing this White Horse though how high does it jump I think they uh different

Heights that one jump it jumps like not even one block I want to try just seeing what this guy can do oh this guy’s got this guy’s got [ __ ] 13 Hearts oh oh [ __ ] he’s the that one’s probably really fast too dude if he’s not fast I’m going to be

Mad whoa Shadow FR whoa Nessie whoa Nessie it’s Shadow facts I kind of want to it loves me dude look at it with the diamonds it looks so cool it’s not as fast I don’t think I’m not sure he’s got kind of an ass BT as

Well do we try the I think we try the gray one here it has not many hearts oh how many 2 4 68 he loves me see if he’s see if he’s quick hold I don’t have Shadle hold hold up see if he’s quick o not really he is [ __ ]

Slow uh I wasn’t running though uh okay maybe it just Auto out with the horse I’m going to stick my thumb up its butt this white one’s probably going to be our best bet unless that guy’s quick oh that is that the one is that the one from before yeah this guy’s here

Though that guy that we might keep the one that you [ __ ] tamed cuz that 4 6 8 9 again I like the I like how the white one looks more than the brown one bye cage uh is he tamed yep yeah he is oh [ __ ] yeah no yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that horse

Dude I’m taking off I’m taking off look how [ __ ] fast oh the base is right here yeah we’ll grab the white one later when we find another Shadow yeah we got to tie this guy up we have a lead hold on I got to we do have a lead

I got to make a fence post we also have a name tag true how do I make a dinner bone oh there we go you remember that [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] was it turn it upside down yeah got the [ __ ] uh skeleton horse named dinner bone I want to name my kid dinner

Bone He he’ll just walk on his head all the he’s just upside down don’t fall my this is a cave this is a this is a really big Ravine over here in the tiger area what the [ __ ] how’d that happen I just placed I placed a [ __ ]

Fence and it just oh there it is what the [ __ ] let’s go like this that looks pretty cool cage is [ __ ] wild yeah did he [ __ ] he told me to make up with the horse and then said bye wife oh yeah I accidentally got married to him I didn’t know what I was

Doing fair enough yeah it’s like I’m [ __ ] iron you were drunk yeah we’re drunk over here over here to your right there’s a big old cave Over Yonder I want to walk around the streets of New York just blowing a rape whistle as hard as I

Can big one right here right her oh oh my goodness what’s that down there it’s a zombie I’m a finder ain’t I yeah you’re our little you’re our little Adventurer you’re oh okay Mory whoa whoa oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you shooting me where the [ __ ] oh there you

Are ow holy [ __ ] I break these what’s this oh that’s coal you know torches are overrated oh this goes really deep over here oh [ __ ] looks like H but we won’t have a way out [ __ ] oh my oh [ __ ] let me get this water source wait is this this might be

Connected to that other cave Poss hold up hold up I think it is it might be I think I just saw the cave dweller sometimes he just stands there and looks at you and tries to scare you it’s like my [ __ ] Grandpa yeah oh I’m just like going deeper into

The cave where was that one spot that you that you uh went to or that you were uh telling us to go down I got water now uh okay uh I got water uh oh [ __ ] I think I got myself lost ooh uh two spiders I the [ __ ] is this thing not dying

Man I went off and got myself lost blood I went and got me self circumcised ly I think I’m uh this is the right way actually [ __ ] cut my they cut my [ __ ] dick skin off man I didn’t even consent to that [ __ ] yeah unbelievable yo M shaft yeah I hear the dudes

Again the wardens yo who’s it it’s ma oh you download curse fors and all that joint all u i I do have it downloaded I just are wait are we switching to a modded oh yeah yeah my mod Pack’s in the in the chat in the Whatchamacallit chat VC chat

Yeah what version um 0.1 I think oh my favorite oo it’s a geod oh Crystal I love crystal meth I love crystals and all things to do with rocks and shiny other trinkets I want to throw myself onto these spikes and see what happens I’ll uh I’ll throw you why are

There wardens where where are we we got to be at the same place there’s yeah there’s no way we’re not cuz what the [ __ ] all right let me get this water this standing water with [ __ ] pin worms in it yeah let’s go do we go do we go down this way sure oh

[Laughter] [ __ ] oh you are a genius I didn’t my guy started running when I didn’t want him to run oh my go I tapped W and he ran I thought I was going to be walking ick I’ll pick up all your stuff I’m already

On my way back pick up all just stay by it St by it yep you did you have Enchanted leggings oh [ __ ] I gave them to you yeah I accidentally [ __ ] put on all your stuff whoops yeah but I got all your [ __ ] loot you got a full kit yeah just

Iron Dude that [ __ ] that that [ __ ] despawns quick man good thing I grabbed it I’m already almost back there honestly ouch ouch ouch uh which way oh yeah I missed the M shaft if Hitler was a porn star M shaft okay why you got so much iron iron boy

Crapster why you got so much [ __ ] lead inside of your blood system your bloodstream I got all this I got all this iron because of [ __ ] cuz I’m saving my friend man I’m saving my friend’s loot man my brother Hi mine y can you add me as a

Friend oh [ __ ] hold up hold up wait a minute where’s the damn water social um what’s your what’s your name exactly am I [ __ ] [ __ ] a c214 no capitals no capitals oh I see I see I remember now there we go there we go L what in the [ __ ] is that that

Sounds like it’s probably the cave dweller hold up let me invite you in a second I got a [ __ ] creeper coming up my ass oh my goodness there we go oh my God where are you oh I see you just run right past it it’ll explode there we go oh [ __ ]

Run I missed my jump oh my goodness I missed my jump I’m going to sit I’m going to sit on grommit I want to sit on grommit I do not necropile but only for clamation dogs yeah yeah I’m going to [ __ ] see what’s down here is this the oh this is the

Same place that we were before oh yeah yeah I’m going back up [ __ ] all that I’m not really into all that [ __ ] what the ruined ass [ __ ] City yeah I was about to say dead dogs I’m definitely into those the thing I’m supposed to download is a [ __ ] right yep [ __ ]

Okay [ __ ] Krabs are telling me they told Krabs just dm’d me on the Minecraft and he said kill yourself reasonable yep not a bad idea idea not a bad Idea God damn the stupid spider web somebody donate $50 so I could test my widgets I heard you eating where are you over here wait where are you oh there you are oh [ __ ] all right get ready to pick all this up uh my armor yeah it’s coming it’s only

Three mutton how much did you have a lot okay just give me like what else there that what else you have do you need any food uh I have six steak oh you’re fine what else did you have boy is that all you had is this your enchanted

Book no where did you get an enchantment book I got fire aspect one when when the [ __ ] did I get this I have no idea what that [ __ ] came out of nowhere I mean it’s not bad I guess I’ll just keep it guess I’ll hold on to it or

I could throw it into this to this lava where’d you go I went up oh up the up the water up the water yeah the water oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what five five from [ __ ] crabster holy [ __ ] did it come up on did it come up on the screen did it come up

On the screen to make a cool noise let’s go W crabster dude he’s telling me play Five Night at Freddy’s immediately you have no choice oh my goodness this [ __ ] guy this [ __ ] guy yeah crabs are refund that [ __ ] no I’m joking don’t refund it that whistling that’s I’ll play it tonight

What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what I’m L I’m [ __ ] I’m on three frames I don’t know what’s going on it can’t be the night die there’s no [Applause] way what the [ __ ] I don’t know what the hell is happening I think he’s chasing after my [Applause] back no he’s not in the

Game oh what well that just happened every manually well that just happen [ __ ] CRA oh there it is look at that that’s [ __ ] sick it comes up on this [ __ ] screen that’s awesome dude crabster said in my chat $50 from crabster he thought he was slick all right I’ll play FNAF later

Crabster I’ll I’ll play it later I’ll play some FNAF later I’ll beat night four for you and then I’ll beat the game do you have blocks do you not have blocks I got a couple blocks I got Road Blocks hold up he’s a Blocker we don’t use that word it burnt from the

Lava that’s gay is it going to burn again it probably will probably virus literally everybody keeps saying that every yeah cuz it [ __ ] it makes you not again dude my [ __ ] heart’s beating yeah why is my heart beating why is my heart beating I want it to

Stop oh dropping down there no that’s going to [ __ ] can kill me oh yeah big ass Spike go right up my ass mhm I want to crush a perrywinkle in between my toes I don’t like that J for some reason let’s go down the oh [ __ ] I missed okay

Nice oh my oh my God oh my oh my god oh [ __ ] I missed that jump did you miss the one by one yeah yeah same where the [ __ ] did you go uh I went down I went down the spiky Trail the old spiky

Trail I found one Ruby and I have yet to find any other yeah yeah more [ __ ] Skull Man the warden dude oh what is this is this a ruby oh it is what about these oh that’s Redstone that’s gold Ruby Ridge literally widy I to hit you [Laughter] oopsies you [ __ ] [ __ ] say [ __ ] [ __ ] oopsies that’s some [ __ ] you say after doing like a horrible crime yeah get convicted in court you say your honor oopsy Poopsy yeah yeah oh this is back we went wi giant Circle nice go the other way then I swear we’ll

Never do it again oopsy poopsie your honor my client pleas oopsy daisies your honor uh on God I won’t do it again um where’d you go I just went back oh okay okay I’ll just keep going this way okay there bud okay there buddy where’ you

Go we could hear the stream that [ __ ] I that I thought I was actually schizophrenic for a second that scared the [ __ ] out of me I’m stillo oh my God where the [ __ ] are you crabster is the [ __ ] Whatchamacallit does the is the chef boy Rd bubbling in your stomach is it

Bubbling in your stomach boy where are you dude I’m [ __ ] hold up Do You See Me Do You See Me Now go back to the crack go back to the crack it may or may not be bubbling maybe I have to see you should you should toot more

Often all right sorry now that you’ve said it I can feel it a little bit you see me no come on you have oh yeah I see you there we go I’m watching you I’m watching you I’m bad Echo that’s horrible Echo it is it’s

You I’m gonna put my my mic into my headphone so that all you hear yourself tell me what the sounds like I sure do love me was that was there an echo or am I tripping that wasn’t even echoing oh no [ __ ] way that’s crazy how that

Works I got the I got the awesome microphone there’s a lava lake I don’t know how we’re going to get out of here um is that diamonds are those diamonds where I’m Diamond one oh I see one what is happening default dude I hate this [ __ ] City

Now oh my God what dude [ __ ] herob Brin right behind you holy [ __ ] he disappeared oh he got jump scared the it works a great mod into the no it’s the same city yeah dude this we’re we’re back at the [ __ ] well I we could easily get

Whatever back out then if we have to it’s the legend of the pain you’re going you’re going to have to give me have you added um Mac to the server yeah I’m just having problem oh yeah I had to remove I had to remove um Whatchamacallit um [ __ ] uh the

More the more mobs or what call it the what call I’m not sure if that’s still in it but I had oh it is yeah yeah just disable or remove that one and it should work fine maybe what that’s a quick cave dweller we here D I still have yet to see that

[ __ ] you could block his attacks with the shield still at least of the pis oh oh my God no shy was the issue dude I [ __ ] y the game dweller I completely forgot I left that [ __ ] in there oh my God thank you for saying something I was going on like the Chris

Forge app which mod the [ __ ] Alex’s mobs I’m surprised they didn’t mess up [ __ ] crabs I hear water hold on can you send another invite oh yeah I hear like a lot of water oh what’s this is this lapis yes it is oh lapis lapis Luigi yeah I have this looks

Different oh yeah the cords the cords are in um are in the [ __ ] General chat to our base yeah wait a second I’m not going to try that’s why I’m not going to try you got to you got to try it man you only live once you only live once

Oh how how did you manage that I landed like right on the edge of it oh [ __ ] oh help help just putp your Shield [Applause] up [Applause] ow ow ow why isn’t my shield working bro [Applause] bro I took all your stuff oh [ __ ] dude it’s so far down do I

Come back or do I wait for you to get back to the surface uh I don’t know how I’m going to get back to be honest but I’ll try yeah I’ll just let you make your way back up here with all my stuff at least I got to see the [ __ ] Cav wer

Awesome awesome okay I’m just going to dig up oh [ __ ] I was going to say oh sh oh [ __ ] what’s your uh altitude cord uh let me check 91 great I I have fucking0 to go it’s not that much actually but still that sounds like a [ __ ] [ __ ]

Ton this journey is infinitely worse than the first one even even though it’s not far away this the legend of the ween oh I just picked up some Ruby oh make sure you get the Ruby that I had cuz we have Ruby up here I did and

We can make a ruby sword I think can we make a ruby sword let see if you can make Ruby shovel uby Rich literally Wily Ruby shovel dude dude a ruby shovel oh my God Ruby’s about to do so much damage a ruby shovel does 5.5 damage

Wow well I have six Ruby right now oh my God we can make so many swords and crab’s getting none of them crab’s going to get a sword to the top of his [ __ ] skull literally split three diamonds on me yippe got the travel back I’m wondering if uh

Ruby does more damage than Diamond it probably does cuz it’s hella rare or at least I wasn’t finding him oh oh I’m riding this horse cool riding the horse oh [ __ ] must be a white woman oh to be a white woman what’s is my health dude I’m 19 oh [ __ ]

You dead that’s gravel gravel uhoh um [ __ ] uh oh uhoh uh oh so I can’t believe that is that everything gone yeah well I should have kept my [ __ ] cords up too we [ __ ] Begin Again great I should have kept my cords up [ __ ] that [ __ ] sucks oh that’s like really

Disappointing actually [ __ ] like blows come sleep with me I want a nuzzle you love dog ass don’t you I love that clation oh the Platypus as well the Platypus oh I’m about blow that platter [ __ ] okay oh boy I’m making armor again uh should we do anything with the

Diamonds already or no uh how many do we have 10 I mean we might as well just [ __ ] save them for now fair enough okay I’m going to make armor again all right I think I’m going to make I’m going to make myself some dinden [ __ ] dude one viewer I’m ending [ __ ] stream

Might be me right now

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODDED SMP’, was uploaded by thebigbreh on 2023-12-23 00:00:05. It has garnered 76 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:19 or 10039 seconds.

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    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Alex’s first time on Skyrim LIVE

    SHOCKING! Alex's first time on Skyrim LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME ON SKYRIM | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Fortnite | Minecraft – LIVE #skyrim’, was uploaded by Alex Barton on 2024-05-24 21:01:51. It has garnered 117 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:06 or 13686 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Tantrik Survives Mind Roar

    Sly Tantrik Survives Mind RoarVideo Information This video, titled ‘क्या तांत्रिक बच पाएंगे?#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 11:30:08. It has garnered 1504 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni funny… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla Pirate

    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla PirateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate’, was uploaded by Bangla Pirate on 2024-01-13 10:09:00. It has garnered 2536 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate like aim 300 #sokhergamer #banglagamer #minecraftbangla #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftlive #banglagameplay #minecraftpe #minecraft #survivalseries #banglapirate #minecraftlive #minecrafthindi #minecraftlivehindi #minecraftenglish #minecraftliveenglish #minecraftjavalive #minecraftdedicatedserver #minecraftsurvivallive #minecrafttips&tricks #huaminecraft hardcore minecraft hardcore minecraft minecraft hardcore mode minecraft hardcore survival hardcore minecraft hardcore episode 1 minecraft hardcore ep… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : Telegram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 Buy member products here 👉 #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : TW : TikTok : 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : TW :… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More