Sneaky Ghost: Village Build Ep. 6

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All you back yep I think I’ll my way let’s just say you Left yeah I was doing some off skin-care/”>camera grind AK not really off camera but I’m just going to call it that cuz I literally this whole thing with I had to stop for like 20 seconds just go mine wood cuz I underestimated the amount of wood I actually needed

So would you like me to make like different sides of the farm so that we have a dock but then I made a different side for like something else and then I made a different side for something else so it’s even because if you want to come here you can

Come look what I mean it’s upstairs remember I had forgot to move from down if you wanted me to do that if you look behind the stairs they’re all the way over there it’s kind of the only way I wanted to put them because the rooms were

Taken I have no [ __ ] clue I made one set of spare iron and then I left like 20 left and now it’s all gone hello hello we can hear you hello hello all right BL how is it now should be you should be able to hear

Me now well then I did a whole [ __ ] intro for nothing because nobody could hear me anyway so whatever either way thank you for joining bla I really appreciate it always he’s number one are you KN on my room please why can’t I go in your room now I

Wasn’t going to go in your room until you tell me not to now I need to now it’s kind of like expected this if you want some of this is Al stuff so I’m just gonna distribute some of it Al stuff why do you have Al stuff because

Avva gave it all away and I’m pretty sure he gave Cameron all diamond armor but Cameron’s going to take all the credit for it no he we traded he gave me the diamonds because the insane man he is he wanted to that of ink sacks for no

Reason besides to make uh banners I I’m pretty sure I told you the story and uh yeah so I got this stack of in sacks and he gave me the diamonds and I already had and I already had like 19 spare so all right the boss is one shot

By the way the boss is one uh I don’t know who to give this iron armor to you want to get on or no no it’s all good I’m pretty sure I’ll just be able to slash collect items and it’ll be good okay would it be would it be wrong to

Make my own bedroom upstairs what I want to make my own bedroom upstairs up here yeah I don’t think anyone cares cool good that’s what I wanted to hear I don’t care I just used up the free space that was left yeah so actually you just gave me a

Spare I got three boss keys and two cosmetic Keys did it say I got anything uh two boss keys and a cosmetic key yeah I told you I’d get something nice you just gave me a spare room just I honestly want to keep it I

Kind of want to keep it as a bedroom though for whoever else wants to join I was do something I got a random legendary Cresselia what’s it gave you a legendary for what yeah it says you opened a boss crate and got a random legendary and I got

Cresselia what what are two Destiny knots so what do you want to do about the mob spawner that’s on the roof cuz I’ve already tried lighting it up and the light didn’t really work uh we’ll we’ll we’ll get to that when that comes we’re all this all this

Thing we are working on this house so I will I will be helping out with that uh Cowboy uh what’s it called said that you can kick his friend bla said you can kick his friend because he’s not going to play he’s not gonna play no okay wonder why

It’s just not viable I don’t know these chests are very weird Cameron gonna be honest what chests are weird yeah you’re talking to the person that’s barely sorted any chest in his life and decided to do it them on his own so yeah it’s all good thanks for

Trying I was going to call Eva for help but she was at work so see what this is all about I like this really like holy that that’s actually [ __ ] cool what did you say the damn bro yeah shit’s [ __ ] up yes sir it is let me check

I by the way uh I’ve been making some stuff when you began not just building stuff like War stuff I would say I got a level five legendary that’s why I don’t want to use my oh he said he said the streams are weird well he’s a

Weirdo our streams yeah he said our streams are weird why does he say they weird is it because he he’s a hater it sounds like he’s a hater two three four five six seven eight nine legendar uh how much gold do we have by chance I just used all of mine not a

Lot we’re going need what are you using all your gold for I’ll you GNA learn to date all right I’m look at my hand start my stre is starting using the gold for yeah I saw in your hand but I just don’t we don’t really need them right

Now I’m making them just in case you know I have a 19c I’d rather make them to make them you told me just have to be mature oh is he is he mad because I curse is that is that why is that it I think it might be

W all right Yoshi do you want do you want stuff from a if you’re online right now can you hear me where the [ __ ] where is Yoshi what what did he give you like what all did Al give you he literally just gave me his two sets of iron

Armor uh a bow and two diamond swords okay good and a shield which I’m using good why would you think he gave him important [ __ ] no would do that at first he was going to give at first he was going to give us his oh yeah he said it’s cuz I

Curse I guess I I shouldn’t I should be more what’s it called I’m gonna check it doesn’t matter it’s literally your personality so who cares he’s in a cave he said he’ll be here soon okay Y Cool block I want to use a cool block

Y if you’re down there uh can you please get everybody’s good onine everybody’s yeah can you hear all them Yoshi I’m going to transition other in this CH mistake like last time we don’t have like any wood oh do you want oak wood or anything oak wood would be

Nice got planks okay okay or that okay I just I didn’t need that much I’m sorry I’ve St it’s all goodam health is excellent cool all right let’s go no it’s not because you cursed you said about the warden and cowboy what’s the warden what do you mean I’m confused explain more bla Where I don’t know dude yo y do you have a room set up yet what did I say about the warden and cowboy I don’t think you said anything about that I’m not asking you guys I’m asking Yoshi can you Dy stuff with Nether

Wart no no wait can you make a I let me check does it have to be um does it have to be like from flowers yes where is my NE you can be some flowers lapis do we have any flowers and sheep yeah there’s white flowers I don’t think anything

Else there’s flowers in the bottom chest actually yeah there pink flowers I don’t think don’t think you want that and purple flowers no I want red like 30 something of that [ __ ] uh so is it fine that me and Jordan took some of the uh armor stands

That you had on the wall as long as you didn’t take my dude I don’t care I just want I just want one for me I just want it as long as there’s one there I don’t care there’s three of them you can there you go that’s

Good all right I’m gonna put this H armor away before I die with it because I don’t want it to go did I put it in here I did yes taking one of these uh crafting tables we don’t need this many down here I would like there I would like there to

Be a crafting table on every single floor I think that’s needed to find iron stuff and go in here bla there’s T tell me tell me what uh tell me what he didn’t like I want to know I want to know now who wants to

Know so you can change it later no he won’t I know he won’t saying to be inspirational you know I’m just I’m just I just want to know in general because I’m nosy I guess I don’t know I just I think I would like to know curious

Curious yes it’s a better word for it it’s curious okay since one there was an o since when was there an ocean Explorer map ever in the game uh it’s been a while it’s always been there it’s when came across it’s for the uh ocean Monument yeah then they must be rare cuz

I’ve never found one no the Woodland uh map is harder fine you just have to get it through a craer you probably just don’t use those very often cagi boy no that’s probably why cartographers are the main way to get those like I have a woodland Explorer map in my Ender

Chest all righty Yoshi I got [ __ ] for you dog I’m trying to be consider consider you know I wish there was more like I don’t know I want this guy to hold the shield but like in a way that you can see it y dude all right now I’m now I’m

Really confused and really curious he just said and cowboy said I bit down on it you what that that’s what I’m saying I’m confused now said it’s got to the G we say bro it’s got to be oh so he’s homophobic got it I’m still I’m gonna be honest I’m

Still confused I’m kind of confused but I’m just on a I’m on a quiet I just hear a ding somebody just came up oh because you can’t you can’t um you can’t have curse words for some reason I wish I could take that off but there’s no way

For me to change that that’s kind of just how it cursing I want to allow cursing in my stream but it won’t like text chat like if you say damn you know it won’t it won’t work I don’t know that’s unfortunate yeah is no way to change that it’s kind

Of stupid no way at all I think twitch can do it yeah twitch streamer can literally swear all and they heard a warden oh something about uh that it probably made whenever I said that made my butthole pucker yeah that probably was it makes sense but then where does

The bit down come into play and you said hope the warden puts a big uh okay that makes more sense when when when I told you I was like I hope you get [ __ ] by the warden or whatever or I hope it or something like that

Yeah was he not okay with that I don’t think so doesn’t seem like atast that’s funny sorry bla oh yeah no I think I didn’t I think I said I when he I hope he puts it in your butt oh yeah yeah I do remember that

Something weird oh no no no I said put it in your mouth and that’s where the bite down comes into play he was like and you were like I’ll bite down on yeah I can see that he thought that was strange definitely not normal Jo in any

Other it’s normal for it’s normal for us but it’s definitely not normal for an online stream probably uh that’s fair yeah that’s pretty fair yeah I I do agree with that yeah I I want to disagree but like I really can’t I really can’t disagree Fair yeah that’s pretty

Fair oh I don’t have enough why can’t you put one half slab on top of the other that’s kind of annoying what you you can’t put like a wooden half slab on top of a stone half slab no you can’t it’s always as hell there there’s a glitch where you can

Force it with the Pistons or whatever we have any more lanterns although I’m not sure if that’s what Lantern what lanterns yes no we have zero lanterns yo Yoshi do you know what happened to all the iron whose house is this ninjab boy Jacobs yeah he’s cool

Yoshi what happened to all the Iron Man I have no clue I said Yoshi what is that thing is what that’s a na shell planks shell conduit okay made a conduit what I I have a natil showell I have two naus shells yeah that’s so funny though you

Need eight Nautilus shells and Yoshi Yoshi did you think it was funny at least cuz I thought it was definitely funny ninjab boy said we are out just to use mine okay well I don’t want to take all your iron depends on how much you have Yoshi

Cuz I have I have some in my Ender Chest I leave every time we run out I put a stack of [ __ ] I put a stack of in the thing just so all of it can’t be gone in one day I mean that iron did yeah you were

Cackling it was funny it was funny yes I was dying laughing when you said that do you like the beted I made because I don’t know if I could actually not suffocate in it you like The Bed I Made yes it does look cool but I don’t know if I can suffocate in

Mine why would you want to suffocate in yours no I mean I don’t know if I like I don’t know if I’ll wake up like so I’ll sleep and I don’t know if I’ll wake up under these slabs like my head in the slabs or

Not my opion I think it looks cool but you know I think think you should really close the door on this side and put it on that side but you’re not going to you’re definitely not going to wake uh maybe actually I would just why not just move

It out I think what you should do is instead of steps right here I’m putting these down over here instead of steps push it out one put here give I’ll actually make it for you just give me the give me the material I’ll go get it I have it already

Yeah do you have stone blocks I need stone blocks no which we all out of those too we got 12 so you’re putting your beds right there right give me your give me all the materials you were using here just goes completely [ __ ] silent when he’s doing this I’m concentrating dude

Yeah what about that I do like that or if you want do it like this why did you make 64 Stone stairs no those were left over for I was building that yeah that looks good I actually really like to look at that yes I do or you could even what is

This there you go I like a if you kind of look at it correctly it kind of looks like a sphinx almost I’m I’m taking that exact bad design idea and I’m doing that now I like that so much better all right peace out join back whenever you

Can oh yeah she left okay he has to go for a little bit he’ll be back though probably eating dinner or something yeah dude Jacob has an excess like excessive feeling just to go AFK for like 20 minutes yeah I don’t know what it

Is no it’s go me and a body one day when he was actually on the realm me and him were trying to sleep CU he’s like a thousand blocks away MH AK like 4,000 blocks away but we’re not to talk about it and uh me and him are trying to sleep

And then Jacob randomly goes to AFK for like 20 minutes and it’s already daytime when he gets back and he tries clicking his bed so I don’t understand what he’s doing but you know at least get in your bed when you’re before you go okay I’m looking for spiders give me a

Moment uh whoever needs quartz I don’t care I was making a bed I have way too yeah I’m just far away from home so I’m trying to kill spiders so that I can get a w make a bed whoever needs qus uh you want quz come take I have way too

Much I actually wanted to so what I wanted to do is I wanted to make support pillars like four per floor and have them one on top of each other and then um what’s it called what uh I wanted to make hold up it’s hard to think and do

[ __ ] at the same time so I wanted to make support pillars of quartz so like you know in the Roman in like a Roman what’s it called thing they’ll be like yeah so I want to create like white support pillars out of quartz into the house how much do you need I don’t

Really know well how much pillars do you want to make I want to make four per floor then that should be enough well I don’t know but wait can you just craft do you have to smell quartz now okay you don’t no that’s yeah that is way too little so

We’re just going to we’re going to grab the stacks at least one stack in 45 should actually be enough see I wanted to save up the quartz and that well 27 be enough if you want to save up if probably not if you want to save up the quartz dude save up

The quartz I’m just you said you want to get rid of it and I said I have an idea no I was saving up I going to save some for like a build I’m doing save all right yeah cuz I was coming back with like at least five stacks of quartz and

Then I just randomly get knocked off by en and then a hoglin or whatever the [ __ ] called that I have enough the ones that like have B the ones that are bores basically just run at me and knock me off into the lava damn that sucks and

I everything besid my I’m extra smart are you guys able to go to sleep yeah I can go to sleep who’s the fourth person I think Yoshi might be AFK would it be him yes he is all right uh so I have a proposal uh can I add my own little

Like power to to the Village that’s not Roman theme what do you mean oh you’re going for the Romans I’m going for [ __ ] Chinese Japanese that’s what I was G about to say I was about to go say can I make a little Chinese Tower or do you just want me to stick

With Roman theme and Greece theme I want to create a village if I don’t think I don’t think Japanese would fit the theme but I do this episode I wanted to create more buildings so like we could eventually get villagers in here and like I’m going

To build Eva a wooden oak Bakery so it’s like we’re not just sticking with Cobblestone buildings if that’s what you’re worried about no no his own design I was going to go out in 4,000 blocks away to find a charry Blossom biome and mine all of

It if cuz I love I do love that wood not good cap honestly I would I would say you can do that wait you want to make like a tower though you know okay so you know one of those Chinese things ancient China that the emperor sits in

No okay it’s a massive [ __ ] Tower with I think know talking about yeah I do where’s Alles so they’re in the food chest that s food didn’t cook anywhere yeah I tried cooking some me ran out of coal do we have any um birch

Logs like ra all no we have we have wood but no we have a lava bucket yeah give me a lava oh no we don’t wait I thought I thought you destroyed that thing I told you to get the lava bucket no I save it cuz it’s not really in the way right

Now so there’s still lava there though so if I yeah there’s a bunch of lava still there okay but yeah uh so I’m just gonna send a picture to the Discord you know I like how you can edit signs but I would really like if they

Change it to where you’d have to shift to edit them cuz there’s there been multiple times now that I’ve clicked a sign trying to get into a chest and I edit the sign you have signs on your chests yeah why I don’t know but I want to change it now use item frames

Dude that’s what yeah I know that’s what I want to change it to I don’t want the skinny want I want the thick Towers a ladder you mean leather yeah I said leather I’m going send a picture to you right leather yeah I I understand now

I’m saying I heard that though oh but the image is not the blocks I want for it but you know we can just improvise the picture I sent to Discord is one I want to make yeah cim would you be able to do me a favor Bro I I really I really don’t want these in here anymore the chest yeah I I want all this [ __ ] in one room I built I built sections so we can have sections for things I don’t see this is what I wanted this room for for that and the chest to go in

Here no what I want what I want to happen come here I want either this room right here or this room over here I want it to be both I want there to be a I want there to be a wall of chests and then I want there to be a

Wall over here of [ __ ] or maybe even do like crafting tables in the corners right do like crafting table like do a pillar here of crafting tables a pillar here of crafting tables or do one one F or one crafting table and then a bunch of

Furnaces so do the yeah do the corners of furnaces cuz how much is this this is okay so it’s eight that’s that MTH doesn’t really work out yeah can these break no they can’t math doesn’t math correctly the Math’s not mathing bro oh [ __ ] wrong could make it math if we wanted

To no forcefully math well we could forcefully math it over here because we just have a we just have a like you want to come over here you just have this true so like if we just wanted to cut it off by one block you know just well that

Would then that would look too good what do you mean it would look too good whatever it look whatever you want to do this is just this is the thoughts in my head all right I want chests chests in here furnaces in here and I want crafting tables in here because I

Hate having to run all the way across my house back and what I’ve been doing I thought it would work and then I looked at it and just got really annoying after a while so I just yeah didn’t move it CU you know I’m too lazy to do that I

Know dude bro why do we have this counting the ones outside and Counting the ones in here we at least have like 10 crafting tables or 11 well I mean still I own a crafting table and everything so I don’t mind it there is a lot of lava over here that is very

Nice that is very nice to have I think it’s already deforested some things for us oh [ __ ] I don’t want to break the one smelting how long how much stuff do you have in there the one that’s smelting currently what do you mean like the furnace that is smelting

Upstairs uh what stuff like how much [ __ ] do you have in there I’m trying to make potatoes right now okay so here perfect timing [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever boom good enough I don’t have a I don’t have a uh what’s it called on so I can’t destroy it some of

The potatoes are downstairs by the way there’s nothing though so would you and potatoes I think far away this actually look bucket of lava and potatoes uh if you want keep an eye on these two furnaces because these will go a lot quicker so you can add more

Potatoes in it but I just put two buckets of lava in there yeah I’m just finish I’m going to fill up six buckets of lava and throw them in all the smokers yeah uh I want the smokers to be food and then give bit of the regular furnaces and turn them into blast

Furnaces and yeah I do have four buckets so I can go my lava if it’s not all gone not all gone or uh is there anywhere we could put like a lava lava pit do you want to do the uh what a no that doesn’t work it doesn’t it only works in

Java it that’s only a a plugin in Java so it doesn’t actually work naturally now because I remember infite lava source is not thing no I meant like the uh the [ __ ] what is it you would go get it from a cave and uh you would

Place it over like a oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the drip the drip Stones that’s work I’m I’m definitely going to try it out definitely gonna try it out already it’s a possibility I don’t know but uh do we have we have any barrels I do want to make barrels too so

Yes I can I’m breaking this brother brother you actually just destroyed the thing I was in what the the crafting table but know I don’t care how much barrels are you making I only want just some for this corner I just want four or four barrels would be nice CRA a bottle Dude yo we had this you know how we had that party over the weekend or whatever nope you said no nope no I don’t okay well when when my C brother Chris came here we had like a huge party for his birthday and also graduation and we bought like I want to

Say $500 worth of alcohol because we had like 40 people showing up only drank about like half of it so now I have a I have a mini fridge filled with Bud Light um smaroff red white and blues Michelob Ultra Samuel Adams and something else I think oh Miller Light

Blood light and Miller Light yeah that is hilarious I know it’s it’s not bad though I mean it will get drank moonshine you prefer moonshine I I get acid so I prefer to not I don’t so it’s nice I used to be able to do that but now it’s just like

Na I had a few glasses of that [ __ ] 140 proof moonshine [ __ ] great and then I proceeded to kick their asses at pool good job G PO is a great thing PO is fun I prefer I’m honestly not the greatest to pool I love to play it just better than

Them yeah I love to play it but I am honestly not the greatest I will be honest I don’t play it very often I don’t have a pool table of my own I just but they do so I play it like once a year whenever I go over there for like

[ __ ] holidays and [ __ ] he’s AR you going back to your dad’s next weekend H oh boy right I thought he’s going because he told he told me he’s going to his dad’s like next weekend or something was gonna visit my father oh my father I killed my father

With a it depends on if he’s still in Texas or not you guys know that movie name that movie quote no what my father I killed my father with a hammer that just sounds like the Joker no yeah no not the Joker did kind of I will agree it did sound like it

Though I was gonna say Star Wars but then you said Hammer he killed my father with a hammer must all right what do I want to do I wanted to do something what am I doing Cameron what am I doing making a room yeah you were organizing your

[ __ ] um you were organizing your [ __ ] and then you were getting lava and then you wanted to make a village and yeah you you were getting sidetracked on multiple different quests I my ADHD gives me srack all the time yeah my OCD is kind of a wild no don’t actually no that’s called

Ad add I have that a lot so if you ever wonder why I interrup people I have Rd I have a bit of theism it’s great come on you should have said you should have done what I did no I’m not coping you it’s just no no but uh if you ever

Realize fight him punch him in his face I think Evo would win I I do want him what said I think Evo would win EV win what against Cameron oh 100% yes not because of Any morals or anything but like because she’s better at fighting your ass give you the old one two

Smackeroo give you the old razzled Dazzle now have you ever watched the [ __ ] TV show Brooklyn 99 no okay either way [ __ ] give him the good old Nana’s basket PE some soda if you wanna if you want to watch something funny search up Brooklyn 99 Nana’s basket funny I got way too many

Things to watch so Cameron the real question is do we do we flatten out the landscape out back or do we use the natural landscape to build the village like just flatten it out a little bit or Cameron’s going I was like I don’t think he’s gonna answer you yep I’m I started

To move on yo I I gained four subscribers I’m at eight right now nice dude I know right I looked I was like oh my God yes did you make any videos or anything or how did you gain the sub no I I just looked on my [ __ ] thing and

It said plus four I was like hell’s yeah nice could have been from uh what’s it called the stream that I I started got like [ __ ] eight [ __ ] views is great yeah got a whole total of eight views good [ __ ] dude you’re you’re working it up there buddy I’m moving up

My dude moving on up in the world hell’s yeah never thought I’d be so excited to see four more subscribers it’s great you got to start somewhere yeah I think I started at like two right I think so cuz yeah I was your subscriber and I think you subscribed to yourself didn’t you

Nah I don’t think that’s possible can you well you can do it on a second account or whatever an account I don’t have an account oh my God I almost [ __ ] myself but I’m okay good job buddy now you know that uh weird little glitch where if they’re you’re like

Building up in a piling up straight up it’ll like knock you you off yeah there is skeleton jocky that’s annoying sorry I had to interrupt you I thought that was pretty cool I wanted to say it before I attacked it you were building up and doing what you know the like the little

[ __ ] where if you’re like building up like straight up and it’ll like push you off if you time it wrong or something not really to be honest it’ll push you off if you uh just don’t do it right and I didn’t do it right and I’m like [ __ ] 70 blocks in

The air and I caught myself on the uh like I block clutched it was great that’s [ __ ] R Yoshi still not back I just heard him Yoshi no Yoshi have like 20 minutes that’s him and uh Jacob yeah yosi’s in here Jacob is not no I’m saying whenever he is in here

He goes have yeah but at least Yoshi admit or announced it no he Jacob does too just never says when he’s going to get back hey you want to come help me real quick C you want to bring a shovel I should have thought about this hold on I’m moving I’m moving a

Chest real quick oh yeah you’re doing that go ahead keep doing that I forgot to get redstone down oh hey look that’s convenient well do you want even to organize these better oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this what Cameron come come out come out to where I’m

At hold on dude I just found an underground [ __ ] little Dome area it’s actually pretty cool where what Dome area yeah dude come look it’s like a perfect circle this looks like the perfect place to put a nether portal doesn’t it what this is the weirdest this was naturally

Occurring and there’s just a random water block right in and there’s two [ __ ] zombos down there dude that’s crazy I want to build something with this now this is so oh there’s three of them I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped I’m going to die no

I’m not I’m good I’m like you should be stronger than three zombies well they were pushing me into a corner yeah but do you not have a shield no I do but I didn’t use it I don’t use Shields dude should we make this our nether room

Though this is pretty cool cool how would we connect it to the house through this cave right here actually yeah we we literally just have to di we going just is this our is this our building right somebody found this cave before you just get right in my way and [ __ ] me

Up huh my bad really is a shame no actually I’m going to drown there’s air right here hold on I want to tou this Theory go no go in the basement go in the basement and let’s match our coordinates up I’m I’m go in the basement and let’s match

Our coordinates up it’s actually pretty cool well don’t say your coordinates out loud we already know our coordinates you have our Nether I’ve never been inside of it okay but you know our coordinates I actually don’t well if you need them you can find them I I don’t feel like it’s I don’t

Feel like we need to hide our coordinates anymore I mean I’m still going to do it I plan on moving you’re gonna move that big ass house bro not moving that house why though I don’t know because I don’t like the house like if you want now that alati left and my

Main problem is gone you can you can come join our Squad buddy I don’t want to join your squad why why you gotta be gay dude just join the [ __ ] gang shut up you commi I’m not a commi sharing everything [ __ ] communist hey you don’t got to share [ __ ] you can have

Your own [ __ ] [ __ ] I do it out of the genuine niceness of my heart besides it wouldn’t wouldn’t make for much drama if we’re all by stand still hold on this is the middle I don’t mind being a bad guy I like being a bad

Guy being a bad guy does not mean I’m a bad guy people live watch the world burn can you hear me over go one over go one over you can see my name tag dude you moved no I I couldn’t you ran for a second saw was a block off from

Where you were standing previously all of this just for nothing is this our house oh yes am I one too low no you’re actually one above it but cuz this got in the way hold on let me just well now I want to rebuild all that with sand or not not sand sorry

Stone oh some iron okay or should I or should we make it like a big walkway CU I was just going to do two wide but now now that I’m looking at it we could do like a big entrance big entrance sounds pretty fun to do so I like that

Person dude I so easily sidetracked yes you really do okay indeed I really do want to start M mapping out the village so can I move the oh my [ __ ] do the chest do the chest and then we’ll work on this we got to stick

To one thing have a goal do the goal and then finish it dude I’m sick and tired of the creepers I’m actually sick at something about it I have already tried multiple times and it’s not worked you’re not trying hard enough then bro I’ve literally placed 40

Torches down up there and no it didn’t really work your room slide up the top really isn’t I don’t know how since there’s at least one torch at everything and in the middle and on theid we where really really wide build and you can’t get all the stuff on the darkness in the

Center lanterns will do the job I placed a torch in the middle and two torches on the side of it at least spaced out so it the light combines and it has not been working sound like a skill shield no it’s a Mojang shield no disagree no it

Really is I disagree no it actually two disagreements equals one wrong person and it’s Cowboy because it is not a skillter well me and cowboy agree and I’m never wrong so I mean exactly bro you are wrong half the time I talked to you Cowboy am I ever wrong so so

Good 100 shots 100 [ __ ] scores I mean I don’t know what to tell you buddy look at you that’s how wrong you are you die that’s how wrong you are that’s how wrong I am I Wouldn’t Die see I didn’t die am I dead no I’m not dead you’re

Dead cuz the skill issue am I dead no I’m not dead either well there’s mobs spawning on me down here I didn’t die I’m in a cave I have mobs spawning on me yeah see he’s got mobs we got mobs everybody’s got mobs you’re the only

Dead one so what’s going on buddy sounds like a skill issue sounds like you’re struggling smuggling over there Budd m a mob pushed me off the thing yeah that means a m by if I if I hit you off a tower it would say uh I made you fall

From a high place wouldn’t it I’m turn around placing a torch and they hit me off skill issue it’s not a skill issue what would you call it then what would you call it simply I’m not paying ATT to the Mob so it’s not really a skill issue oh

Sounds like well I mean you could you looked in third person before you got all the way up you could have done a million things and not died but you did plenty of ways to prevent you could have built a whole entire fortnite house and not died due to that

Creeper go Builder Pro dude let me speak for a minute Cowboy I don’t use thir person uh because it’s basically useless no it’s not he does die in third person you die so I mean all the damn time it helps a lot since you can hear my game if I don’t

Turn on my TV so yeah and I couldn’t hear the mob because turn my TV so you could have used the thing that you deemed useless to save your life is what you’re saying because I don’t want to use it cuz I don’t like it yo playing playing

Minecraft in third person dude you go mining third person I can’t even do this dude yeah I do you mine in third person no way yeah it’s it gives you a wider range of view but how do you how do you mine though like well you go back into

First person whenever you’re aiming at something to like pick it up that’s kind of annoying I have my [ __ ] uh third person mixed in with my scroll wheel so oh so you just scroll up and down no I just press see oh witch and a creeper

Guess what I don’t have a skill issue they’re both dead look at this a skeleton and two spiders or three spiders skes for us Waits who is what what are you so upset about now look at this a zombie with mostly leather armor and an indyman we don’t call him that anymore

Buddy come on get with the times it’s [ __ ] 2023 basketball Americans I’m sorry it sounded like you said Indian [ __ ] I said basketball no I yeah but it when you said Andy it sounded like you said Indian oh that’s what you were talking about yeah my bad so

Good well depends on which one you’re talking about whether talking about the uh tech support talking about 7-Eleven not 911 okay [Laughter] so hello I am under the water hello I am under the water please help me that me’s kind of dead now but I just brought it

Back no you did not then why’ you copy me I used it therefore It’s Not Dead yep and you just copied me so I mean yeah people on a matter of seconds but you just said it was dead if it was dead it wouldn’t be funny you just proved my

Point what do you mean you’re just you’re just digging yourself into a hole what do you mean a dead a dead meme doesn’t mean it’s not funny cap what does dead meeme then dead mem means not funny meme dead mem damn Daniel is is a dead meme damn the same thing it’s the

Same thing as a dead game it’s not fun a but a dead meme is it could still be funny but no one uses it yeah you just like digging yourself holes don’t you we should call you minor camer we should call you minor Cameron because you’re a minor and you just dig yourself

Holes all day long Bad Boys a minor Bad Boys a minor minor Cameron in Minecraft digging himself holes what you want me to call you an ostrich instead huh you put your [ __ ] head in the sand so not funny to people just means no one uses itation you call

Him an armadillo or a mole what they just roll up in balls and [ __ ] don’t they armad my f ass can the ball I don’t understand that doesn’t digging yourself a hole you are just insulting yourself how you just called yourself a fat ass dude I

Am what I said still stands I mean I don’t know what to tell you buddy how am I digging myself a hole I call myself my insult myself even though I know I am I don’t know Cameron it really doesn’t make sense it’s not an insult if it’s true see that’s that

Definitely isn’t true in my opinion he can still be insulting and be true no that the word hurtful but still an insult no not technically what would you call it then hurtful so it wouldn’t be an insulting statement uh no insult requires SL okay Cowboy yeah now you make no sense I know

Let’s Google let’s Google what insult means it means that you’re literally it’s a heartful word it’s a heartful statement it’s the same thing insulting someone you’re saying a hurtful thing to speak or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse I would say when you call somebody fat that is disrespecting

Them I would feel disrespected if somebody called me fat I don’t know I think that’s viable no these chests are going to take 20 years just like last time oh hey try I didn’t do anything oh I already have one yeah why’d you put that chest there I don’t

Know what am I doing what Cameron you’re messing me up I don’t know what I’m doing now you were making your room and then you stopped and then you just did random things you were doing something with a spherical hole spherical hole oh talk to me nice you like my

I’m gonna have to say no wow Cowboy way to be rude jeez would you rather I li to you I don’t even know what you said I’d rather you accept me for who I am that’s what I would rather you do well you see I’m all

Geez Cowboy I don’t want to hear it you can’t save yourself now oh [ __ ] I’m all about being yeah are we making it first or another the Grinch Don’t force me [ __ ] you’ve never stopped being the Grinch see just killed five different mobs Cameron didn’t die didn’t die didn’t

Die that is so gonna be a new saying now that’s GNA be a no oh it’s your fault don’t die have I died besid that one I think camer needs some feather falling what you fell to your death I really do I Had how many levels I Had that sucks if I put is a blast furnace for cooking Cobblestone no I can’t do Cobblestone only regular furnaces can do cobblestone that kind sucks yo did that [ __ ] kab what’s up my man I got your stuff that you dropped off by the way yes alati hold up I got a

Question did you give Cameron diamond armor or diamonds I said yeah yes literally explained it I said he me and him traded in he gave I traded them I guess yeah traded you for diamond armor that’s not not the armor not the armor you traded

Me for the diamond so what I meant by what I’m saying is n see you are still a [ __ ] Capper dude as I asked you earlier I said did he give you the diamonds or diamond armor you said no explain it you must no you didn’t explain it I asked you multiple times

I’m talking about even before that talking about before stream I’m talking about before stream hold on you can rewind the tape there lad you can find me explaining it I’m talking about if you heard me correctly I’m talking about before stream damn a lot I wasn’t paying

Attention what you did before stream I was focused on killing that PE you up bro I’m Peak right now I’m PE please do not F please take us out of the farm I’m I’m half a heart cuz I literally didn’t hit him one time I wasn’t swinging what the hell that was

Half hard why your home bed was missing or obstructed you guys you [ __ ] yeah I your home bed’s right here I I literally destroyed alled did you move you you switch sides is that what I’m hearing damn no Mo he quit the sery cowboy is

Cowboy all hey yo do you have any like stuff I can borrow for a split second I have plenty of stuff he’s gonna out kill me so CU cuz like I I might have like you know lost all my oh [ __ ] zombie get away from me I don’t have anything yeah

I know you said you lost all your netherite yeah I lost everything and I like if I can oh so uh you know dragon dragon blah blah blah [ __ ] gets shot off and then uh I get like you know and then stuff you know said he said you to jump in the

Void no I said I told him to jump into the vo not [ __ ] but you know yeah so then you did it to yourself not the Dragon no that’s not happen they both died to the Dragon Speaking of that where is I specifically told you not to fight the

Dragon well I wasn’t meaning to I didn’t realize you couldn’t just go in there and Farm you have to kill the dragon to get I literally explained it to you I said I I I I fixed everything everything’s fine but I just lost everything I had so kind

Of depressing y ninj boy what’s up ninj still be despawned inside of the or still spawned inside the [ __ ] end right nope I went back there immediately like 2 minutes after and all of it was gone disappeared what I think happened was cuz the Enderman knocked knocked me

For five Hearts did five hearts of damage to me and somehow he [ __ ] one shot killed me it might have been a group of them maybe like six of them hit me at the same time knocked off five hearts and then it killed me instantly

And then it threw all my [ __ ] into the portal yeah that makes sense to the Overworld uh if it threw all your [ __ ] into the portal it was Costa back to threw all your [ __ ] in the portal it should automatically teleported to the Overworld despawn oh okay which means it despawns

So since it’s a mob that killed me and it wasn’t like a PVE event are you all my [ __ ] despawns uh no join stream real quick why why why do it matter just [ __ ] join the stream ninj boy left he always does this he leaves and then joins and leave that’s

Fine because that’s how he contacts us all right I’m in stream am I in the right one well you’re not in M guys I’m sorry if I’m agrressive no I don’t know if I’m in an old one or not no I mean if it says live because he’s in the nether right

Now are you in the nether right now yeah I’m in the nether right now I want under pearls I knew you were I I know I’m coming to kill you and take all your [ __ ] because I don’t have anything I have I have nothing to lose right now

You’re coming to try what do you have on what do you have on I have nothing I have a stick I mean good luck you can try let make let’s make this Fair make it fair I I far behind I thought I thought I have what’s it called what do

You mean what do you want me to take I want you to keep everything everything on so I can kill you all your sh oh you weren’t talking about me I was like I mean I could you can try to kill me it won’t work bro I’m I’m done bro I’m out

Of AFK dude joins an instant goes AFK I know he does that every single time no oh yeah Sor I forgot yeah and I uh I DED Ninja for all my [ __ ] with I had no armor plain diamond sword no shield and I allowed

Him to have a shield and [ __ ] and uh i i i d him for everything and then end yeah did he lose Oh Me Oh he lost the first time and then I was like yeah I have a rerun of it so basically I I I just gave him

L get rid of your uh template yeah no I gave him everything I [ __ ] hate you why you should just given it to me your teammate yo Jacob or ninja ninja I guess he’s not here but if you’re in the Stream don’t use that [ __ ] template

We can we can make more of them with it yeah see now look now look what you did you gave your away my advantage up G it’s no it’s fine now they’re going to make netherite and take and kill all kill them yeah but like you could have just

Given it to me we netherite Farm honestly yeah but like no that’s not it just makes it harder for me to make everything hard than you hon I thought I thought you were gonna be able to do the thingies and then the Noe I’m not I thought you could

So that’s why I gambled everything so that was dumb what were you planning on doing do what thingies he wanted me to reset the [ __ ] server from back when the dragon oh yeah well I typed it to reset the server before I died and then I then

I died um well I wasn’t for you g are you here yet oh I’m probably getting off you come kill me I don’t have any food bro how far you away at least give me some food I will give you potatoes you can take like a stack of potatoes is it

Potatoes y what’s up rankers ranked oh yeah probably so you’re quitting gaming in all like all around yeah strange CU you’re my teammate you already have a teammate yeah but like I finally gotten another one and now I’m back down to too I’m back what’s up everybody welcome

Back uh I saw ninja said he’s back too y Cowboy you said you have stuff for me me I mean I can get you [ __ ] don’t give him give me I can give you iron that’s good enough actually I have food iron solid 10 minutes I’ll just p a

Max and just you know be fine oh by the way if I didn’t say it already welcome to the stream ranker is ranked thanks for joining you already did how’s your day going have you guys seen sant’s playground Yoshi’s been gone for a Sol like 10

Minutes yeah I thought he went to go eat dinner or something but he’s been going for a while bro man’s eating dinner he eats like Eva and I’m not even joking yo I’m almost back at the base I’m at like one heart so good luck there was like nine

Skeletons chasing me on no hunger bars are you arage oh yeah are you almost here yeah I got a bunch of TNT and I got me a Max Level bow we talked about this last time if it hits if it hits our base you know what’s gonna happen yeah what are you gonna

Do I’d like to know yo there’s this creeper outside and I cannot run it you should probably right outside oh [ __ ] I have no hunger hold on hold on hold on what what did you say broke behind you he’s chasing sh if I if he blows up I’m

Dead give him the up you know let’s do this I just inside I want to give you the healthy set ninja but you know get home no something’s better than nothing did you seriously give him the template though why I’m getting it back I don’t I’ll just torture

You un it’s in the under chest yeah then I’ll get all this torture you guys for end of time oh wait yes he does yeah no he better have it think he does he I think he lost it you know I think you’re lying I’m have to torture you guys oh my Lord

What he has all my [ __ ] doesn’t he Ninja’s been grinding take take it back take it back [ __ ] no so wait a minute that’s where that went yeah I gave him like a million [ __ ] things anyway um mending power where’s my flame [ __ ] Duna what are you doing

I have zero enchantments on anything this is a mending B that’s what he’s coming he’s coming for [ __ ] War you want to come for War come for war maybe I have my team to back me up [ __ ] and what what are what are they going to do

Help me fight you I’m a stack of TNT bro yeah that shit’s easily dodgeable easy goodbye basy basy me pop on my shield by the way I need those potatoes or some does he have a mic you in my [ __ ] you in my stream [ __ ] I believe no him get out the

Stream I thought you talking about the ninja boy talking about you me no ninja boy typed it in chat it says by the way could I get an invite to the Discord so I don’t have to deal with test stream delay yeah we we’re saying [ __ ] faster

Than he can says he doesn’t have a mic stream delay is annoying okay you want to invite him your choice saying do you want to invite him like do you want to do it no I don’t okay that’s actually pretty broken how much enchantment levels you got hey

Uh I just spent repopulating the cows please not kill them please I I spent like all day just trying to repopulate it’s not that hard to repopulate bro I just got all those cows I’m taking these two okay got all my poy potions you got po bro poison weakness

Regeneration well well well looks like I have to pull something out now I’m already had of uh bamboo Bo you’re heading all righty I’m already like 300 blocks away team you want me to help fight him because yeah he’s going to cause major damage to the base I’m not even going to droke

Just all righty boys whoever wants to help me fight a come get these okay woman oh I’m going over where you I’m halfway across nin do you want to help fight just stay where you are okay thank you by the way thank you all right yo ninja do you want to help fight

Him n me my nin bro please help me fight this [ __ ] Al please come back I need I need a I gave you a buch here [ __ ] I’m here I’m here okay worst case let come back and recraft some more armor worst case the sword breaks there you

Go don’t eat all ble baby when you get when you get low eat them I didn’t get any I didn’t get any of them things cam yes you did I dropped some I don’t have any in my inventory hold on that what I don’t have any in my

Inventory I swear to God I dropped some did I put it in the chest check check the some of the chests I might have accidentally put it away no you didn’t did you put it in your under chest no out this way Yoshi ninja did I drop some of some all

Of them to you I remember dropping some to you check your check your invo on I remember you dropping it for me I just don’t think I ever picked them up I no I he’s not five you I got I got some sorry I did put him in my under chest on Accident I meanon do you have a do you have a what’s it called what a bow yeah yes do you see it uh how long ago did you just now I accidentally pressed Q might be further a the first the first actual Battle of the server bro I’m [ __ ] prepared I’m

Ready you would hate to lose I’m ready do we have why is floating up so slow I don’t know it’s annoying well I mean I I do want to say I do want to say it’s kind of even a little bit unfair but I’m not scared cuz

You guys don’t you guys have netherite well you don’t have netherite anymore right but [ __ ] he has you have maxed Enchanted [ __ ] netherite I’m not I I I did have Max Enchanted netherite it got thrown into the void are you go back to base and grab a new one yeah

Enough oh [ __ ] no I found it it’s right there oh oh I forgot it floats yeah it’s just so stupid we’re so stupid no I was looking on top of the water for it that’s I was looking under touching the ground I’m so stupid wait wait wait yeah that’s what I’m

Doing go get me from unless you guys want to give us free [ __ ] then we won’t fight you Noe I’m not scared of you I’m not scar you you’re quitting so why do you need it why do I need it cuz he wants to give it to his homeboys I would

Do the same thing if I was about to stop [ __ ] playing the server I’d [ __ ] go rush them and try to kill them and take their [ __ ] well we need better doors bro why you guys just [ __ ] building doors and [ __ ] no bro y she left he said [ __ ] it

I’m out of here he’s like bro I knew dude I knew he would be gone damn you guys are taking a long time to get here bro I thought this I thought I had more time to [ __ ] get some more levels bro that’s suspense

I know a body bro you should if you can do that ninja that’d be cool as [ __ ] what’s up I’m using your Shield man yeah yeah if you want it back you can come get it I don’t really want it and I’m a [ __ ] oh my God I actually

Survived I’m honest I did the same [ __ ] thing yeah that’s what I did earlier I just tried to blame it on them all so let’s have a more realistic can you enchant a shield you can put Unbreaking on it yeah know I can’t it won’t let me enchant it

You have to use a book yeah Straight Ahead oh a ninja left too it’s only you two what oh Yoshi Yoshi hasn’t been here for a while though oh she just left and she hasn’t been here for a while is there any battle horns in the game

Yeah yeah there is damn that would that would have been awesome to bring I love those [ __ ] things yes I really do want them you guys attacking from the water nope they’re attacking from left side usually what’s last side get your ass up here then we’re not going

No we we said you we said we you can’t attack from NE we said ne’s a neutral spot you can’t use that to get back and forth yeah it’s cheap okay okay okay probably not there time yeah that’d be cheap as [ __ ] nether is neutral neutral territory what’s up

Jacob he bro get back in here bro if that’s if that’s ninja Cameron I’ll watch the front you watch the sides I thought they were close to us no you guys are like a thousand blocks away You’re over a th it’s at least 1500 no I thought it was like a thousand

Unless y’all moved your house well we’re at around 1500 1500 negatives on each side I went through the portal they’re like a th oh you’re you’re negative 1500 1500 again at the end 15 15 yeah we’re we’re negative a th000 but we’re positive 100 or 200 almost yeah they’re far away I didn’t

Pay attention to far away damn you got some time well no you guys aren’t that far away oh yeah we got we got time we totally got time M we’re here yeah I know a body’s crouching a body’s crouching they’re coming in he’s up there milk milk milk oh no he’s got

Weakness milk milk milk milk I don’t have any blocks so I can’t build up there can I get milk please Here somebody’s got THS oh do they don’t take all my bro sorry sorry that’s you that’s you that’s you yeah know we can that’s free game I picked up whatever the hell I picked up [ __ ] yeah that bow [ __ ] me up the only reason the only reason why yall won was

Cuz that [ __ ] bow sorry that [ __ ] what do you have on that bow dude [ __ ] let me look power four [ __ ] power five Infinity punch two Unbreaking three power five [ __ ] you dude it’s a completely maxed out though and then Cameron tried to [ __ ] use a shield

No bro no just one shotted me that’s crazy dude I just want that back what do you want back I don’t have anything no the uh [ __ ] Whatchamacallit why burn the house who gives we’re not burning the house down that’s griefing I want I just want the template oh you have a

Weapon can’t put on full iron BR actually like I don’t have that that bow is so unfair bro I mean you’re trying to use a shield of course I made a piercing crossb we have dude we got we kind of have to ban that bat bro

No no it’s just we weren’t very prepared for this that’s all it was they they focused all on war [ __ ] and we focused on [ __ ] building yeah I want I want my specific thing you want you okay you want the template back yeah no no don’t don’t

Give them [ __ ] don’t give them [ __ ] they can sit here all they want I mean we lost already it’s not why [ __ ] give up the only thing that’s going to give us a chance on winning that’s [ __ ] stupid oh I can’t I can’t pick it up the

[ __ ] why can’t I pick it up that’s [ __ ] the pick what up [ __ ] lava and pick it up it’s [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s on fire hold on yeah why uh because so gay damn can you turn off fire spreads turn off [ __ ] fire spreads you [ __ ] a cheat I can’t that’s not a

Cheat it’s not a cheat to turn off fir spreads no it’s not maybe on Java not on Bedrock all right don’t this why can’t you turn off the whole house is on fire uh fire spreads turned off okay why couldn’t I pick it back up uh it probably burned through the floor

Took my [ __ ] diamond armor oh that’s all in my inventory Thorns protection boots not bad beautiful [ __ ] I can’t see on fire [ __ ] anything good I just want my templates back nothing really all that great yeah I’m not really everything that’s good is in my Ender Chest that’s why I’m not

Giving you [ __ ] I’m not giving up anything you guys can keep killing us I’m just going to keep on H have it I don’t have it but I I told him not to and he shouldn’t give that [ __ ] up because you’re stupid as [ __ ] if you give it

Up m in the first place no it’s not it was Finders Keepers losers weepers start [ __ ] weeping [ __ ] I’ll turn fire spread back on all right do it I’m pretty go ahe do it I don’t I don’t really care if you do it it’s just Birchwood it’s ugly as [ __ ]

Anyway I like Birchwood [ __ ] you yeah so burn it all down cuz [ __ ] your Birchwood [ __ ] birwood though not really I don’t really give a [ __ ] about it I’ll just change it to Stone you two shot me that’s [ __ ] disgusting I only have sharpness too you just have nothing in your [ __ ] Armor

Except for he broke the Ender Chest so now there’s no way of us getting it so [ __ ] jokes on you assuming it’s in the [ __ ] sir question Mark’s [ __ ] ass why cuz he’s angry he wants his [ __ ] back and he’s Notting it it’s kind of the okay you cannot spawn that’s that’s

Legal no I mean I’m not you’re just running straight to me no he’s camping my bed spawn it’s kind of annoying oh [ __ ] yeah I see that it’s kind of funny can you please not Camp bed spawns please a ATI bro there some good organization kind of

And then there’s that dude why did you break it why did he break against the rules bro that’s against the rules that’s [ __ ] up if you’re breaking beds that’s really [ __ ] up you’re you know that’s against the rules bro me cuz now I have to you suck with a boat dude you’re ass

Oh yeah neither of us even have the template so we can’t even give it back yeah I know yeah so yeah it’s kind of no purpose of breaking thing I can tell ala’s mad because he’s quiet because it no he’s mad at himself he should be mad at himself cuz he’s the

One that broke it I don’t know whose Shield this is but it looks cool so I’m deeping it that’s it’s must be a body or something no it’s yours yeah I think ala has my shield though oh my Lord I found one of the best bows on the

Server do you want to do that I don’t give a [ __ ] you guys killed me 30 times what am I going to do I’m not going to take out any more armor so I’m just going to keep [ __ ] punching y’all [ __ ] boys I think I found the best

Bow in the server I spawn the best bow it’s couldn’t be better it’s better than yours my boat is completely maxed out that’s not possible how what’s what’s your power level on it you guys take all the swords out of here five mine’s power five what’s your punch

Two two same what’s your flame two mine’s one what’s your Unbreaking mine it’s one that’s three what’s your Unbreaking three Min three what’s your P what’s your infinity infinity infinity only has one enchantment which is one mine’s uh I think the bow duplicated I don’t think so uh no I really I do

Really think so uh because I duped and I have 47 levels uh Power I have the your bow and uh yeah that the server glitched out no no you remember what Alva said earlier what about his uh armor and [ __ ] and then [ __ ] end how the hell

Is [ __ ] catching on fire oh you’re it’s raining man no I don’t remember what he said what did he say can you you finally got that shot in well you were hiding behind all body I couldn’t just take the shot you you guys want to know something that’s

Fun uh did did you know that boats negate fall damage yeah yeah it’s fun they didn’t used to in [ __ ] bck it took them a long time this is a nice base though really if [ __ ] even if I’m behind you that’s dumb as [ __ ] for a shield yeah there you

Go now it worked it’s you want to know a counter to the shield piercing piercing yeah I know yeah I don’t have a [ __ ] bow so I mean you guys took it from me all right uh when I get there someone place all my beds back CU

Yeah when you get there you’re GNA sleep in your bed and then I’m going to kill you no I just really want to spawn there like I said you’re going to sleep in your bed and by the way you guys are one so I don’t understand the point staying I want the

Bow what bow I can just stay at spawn that’s fine you you know I’m not oh yo if his Bow’s there his netherite might be there no it’s not find his netherite no [ __ ] if his bow there actually might be find his [ __ ] [ __ ] dumb ass wait is that my boow wait

Is that my boow your boow and he has like 47 levels oh oh damn so all my [ __ ] shot through the portal from the end the [ __ ] over World wait my Max netherite gear is there pie it’s not a full Max I mean it it has decent enchantments on it

But well the thing is it it spawned me back in my bed so CU that’s my spawn point yeah but it goes to the world spawn if it goes through the uh portal because there’s no telling it’s actually yours yeah somehow I wonder why I spawn 40 something

Levels I I I had about 90 levels when I died yeah but you should only drop about [ __ ] eight Max no they took everything from the chest there’s nothing in the chest anymore not everything took all the weapons I can’t find any [ __ ] weapons I didn’t touch your weapons there’s some swords outside

Wait are they coming to me no they’re [ __ ] still at the house oh I missed fight me like a man [ __ ] no cuz you’re a [ __ ] I always knew you were a real man uses gun [ __ ] incorrect real man uses his fist because then you can live to fight another

Day [ __ ] use guns because they don’t know how to fight and they’re scared to lose hurt their ego yeah you got scared so you pulled out the [ __ ] knife you [ __ ] I mean you used knife it’s only dumb to bring an arrow to a knife fight you started at

First cuz you were cocky then you got scared so you [ __ ] ran away yeah bro what I’m saying work spawn actually changed bro go away not joking no you guys are the ones going away turning back around [ __ ] you all right where did Al even

Go I think he went back to [ __ ] get some more loot no he probably come to me dude this is so dumb and then [ __ ] hide no no no origin spawn I don’t care Orin spawn actually changed I’m not joking did it yeah you know the knows the Cobblestone thing he

Built I don’t know I haven’t died a long time so I could tell you yeah he built a cobblestone platform and it’s not there it I mean it’s there but you don’t spawn there anymore yeah you really are very far away from me wait took our anvils in our Ender

Chest yeah I took your [ __ ] enchantment table in your hand you didn’t need it understand you took it but you know of course just uh just a mess with you no actually I found the spawn where I spawned uh none of his netherite [ __ ] is here if his bow was there his netherite

[ __ ] was there I can’t find it oh [ __ ] bla lost all his [ __ ] I’m pretty sure you [ __ ] no you should who’s that that there nothing you better not break my [ __ ] bed I’m going to be pissed if you break to I’m not a dick I was just

Looking through your chest’s a dick though just St I’m leaving why he quitting man why is he so quiet why you being such a [ __ ] Al hey Al bro that’s so [ __ ] G what did he find you yeah found it oh my God you [ __ ] idiot Cameron you’re a [ __ ]

Idiot why would you go back to origin yeah he’s on on his P all right I’m I’m leaving I’m going home I got what I wanted kind of [ __ ] you didn’t get what you wanted but yeah yeah but I got stuff I liked the person who wasn’t the person

Who I got what I wanted isn’t online so away I’m not going to lie I thought you guys would be better geared than that no no bro he didn’t have on he didn’t have on his [ __ ] diamond armor did he I was the only one with diamond armor on

And I literally was scrambling to upgrade it no no y’all both had diamond armor on I have his in my inventory right now he had thorns on his pants oh I didn’t know that but yeah I literally I was scrambling just get [ __ ] on it I didn’t have any enchants or anything

Like that yeah he tried using a [ __ ] Shield so I immediately crossbed him with piercing dud that okay can we can we that’s the only counter to Shields man can we block that b no no to make it fairo no just be better [ __ ] prepared stop being a wh you little

[ __ ] if we’re going to block a crossbow you got to block a shield cuz that’s the only counter to a [ __ ] Shield is crossb otherwise you can just hide behind it until I break your Shield you know I’m just gonna sit here right he did he come out he log did he

Yeah that’s against the rules ban him against the rules what did he do we were in a PVP what he do if you weren’t if you weren’t in what did he do wait wait what did he do what you just you’re just he’s claiming combat log you can’t hit

Somebody while you’re in a boat with them so what is combat log mean logging M loser oh what does it give you full health or something no it just means you don’t die it’s a coward’s move no but no If he if he was in the same boat as you

That’s not combat loging because you can’t hit somebody whil in the same boat see the I think body should quit bro well he is quitting that’s why they did this breaking the rules that’s dude we in the batt the whole literally the whole reason why they

Did no dude what you consider a battle is what he considers somebody being annoying this is combat l oh [ __ ] I’m going the wrong direction you hit I hopped in a boat then you hopped in the boat with me and you didn’t smack me for like two

Minutes I I tried smacking you can’t smack you were just you were just tail since we were in PvP before there’s a time limit to combat logging you know that no no no no if you didn’t touch him for two minutes that no that wouldn’t that would that would

Break the rules in itself that’s wa wait so you hit him and then he started running away and then he left the server no he was the boat with him and trying to smack him that’s still technically you can’t hit him in the boat I know so

It’s not technically PVP you did no damage Tech technically that’s so combat camon Cameron Cameron shut up just shut up there’s no point in arguing what are you gonna gain from this nothing it’s still annoying even even if he W even if you wanted him banned he

Would be gone and he would just take all of our [ __ ] with it so I mean like what’s what’s the [ __ ] point but still do okay forget the forget the a body situation there shouldn’t be no time of combat log if there’s no time limit on combat

Loging I could punch you and then the moment you log out even if it’s 30 minutes later you could get banned I’m I’m still I’m still here toach I’m still here to preach if you there should be no time combat loog time s say we’re in no

Say we’re in a PVP match before he gets the boat he gets in the boat we’re still in PvP that still would make no sense if there was a timer yeah what is bamboo good for whenever uh you can make a raft you can breed pandas a raft what do you mean a

Ra a raft ah [ __ ] Ty of cuz [ __ ] too much time is building a bunch of [ __ ] bamboo around my house yeah I got bamboo as well uh you can use it to make bamboo planks which is a greenish type of wood it’s pretty good or bamboo blocks

Just no this is messed up no no this is nothing [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m a dumbass all right [ __ ] it no I had a spider jockey on my [ __ ] ass and I get jumped by a zombie and I somehow I make it out well I mean you’re faster than both of

Them I know but still I just accidentally changed my [ __ ] spawn like an idiot oh well it’s not like I’m there what level is this world on what level yeah like normal hard uh normal I believe then how the [ __ ] are spider Joy spawning spider jockies can spawn in

Normal oh that’s what I thought in hard mode oh hey ninja boy ninja boy you’re late to the par you bum I immediately turned Around I don’t even know where this is now four creepers though bro this is wild that’s good good for you bro Al you should go kill ninja boy until he gives up the uh you know I think ninja if he gives me back will if Hees me back my then I will give

Back everybody else that we can’t get it oh I have a new one I how do you know was in the Ender Chest it’s not in his Ender Chest well it wasn’t in uh it was in mine it was in mine you can’t get it oh was in yours

Yeah you can’t get it I thought ninja boy had it oh hey I got a second viewer good for you oh his computer had to update that’s a shame that’s crazy I like the shield I took it’s a nice Shield that’s a nice set of armor to be

Honest I don’t know the one that I got is pretty mid you took mine yeah it’s pretty mid yeah cuz I didn’t have time to Enchanted I’m going tell you right now the only thing Enchanted of mine was my chest plate you can m i mean you got thorns

And Protection One on your boots so but still that’s both better than it’s still worse than your chest plate by default well I mean it’s an upgrade for me so I don’t care I do I they do care I don’t Really I somebody’s just a little bit mad you’re upset spaghetti you also make me upset spaghetti since you broke every single my spawn so he uh by the way can someone break their spawn I can break your you you and I thought a bed breaking was against the rules wasn’t it I don’t

Know I swear it was I think you just trying to pick for like arguments here I’m really not i s we talking about it but you know okay but what what what were you going to do even if you had your little spawn in your bed I would just keep spawning there

Instead of having to come all the way back from oron Spawn okay you guys broke my bed spawn though you say that yeah yeah I spawn all the I spawned all the way back you can do the same argument dude I broke your because it’s in the

Bottom of the base what was I supposed to do keep The and you can make the same argument yeah you can you can but it’s kind of stupid argument yeah and it’s kind of a stupid argument for him it’s kind of argument for him it’s an argument all the same it still wouldn’t be are you that what the hell what

Did it’s still war time yeah but like what what do you do it bro do it oh you’re in my base do it yo okay okay I thought we said no griefing You yes you did no I didn’t I’m here behind you oh bro I didn’t oh my God this is [Laughter] fible such a monster I really do want you to quit why why you still that my bad I didn’t mean to hit you cuz you’re this much of a [Laughter]

Dick Yos she I’m behind you buddy yeah even ghosts can realize to spawn trange well I mean ghost broke his spawn I don’t think he touched my well I mean he broke my shed which is rude but because you did it to ours I did not well so your teammate did so

Technically we get to do it back since it just be fair yo ninja n he’s literally just going to Camp the bed I bro leave our base alone we had to get revenge on you since it’ be fair in all the r my stuff back destroy their base oh oh

That’s okay okay okay he pulled something out on me and it was a scope it wasn’t a bow that’s my fault I it was a no destroy their Bas a what whatti Bas yeah destroy lit TNT inside of ours I don’t have it a is ass salting a minor a

A what do you not understand that you can’t get your [ __ ] back because you broke the Ender Chest are you that much of an ARD that you don’t understand watch that language bro I don’t give a [ __ ] now I don’t really care you’re in our stream watch the language I don’t

Care he’s being he’s being an rard at this point it is this way by the way all right [ __ ] did you kill our [ __ ] villager he killed the Villager yeah he K that was so hard to get to his what the [ __ ] do you you’re not playing I do whoa whoa

Buddy what are you saying right now me yeah what are you saying you’re being an ARD Point you’re think you’re thinking that uh I don’t care you don’t what would be the reason for you to care since you’re leaving the real who said I was H now you’re just

Assuming stuff he can change his mind yeah well D damn oh damn damn yeah you took my fishing rode didn’t you he was getting a haircut B was getting a bro who’s in the middle of that BL is getting a fresh cut I know who BL is Yos oh

Really uh buddy I know I know the boat direction if you want to just let me drive oh I see com up to our base I’ve done this already destroyed it it’s not like they do anything how bad is it how bad is it uh I mean they took most of

Our [ __ ] they blew up your chest up top and I’ve already put it all back together just need birch wood we taking this Cobblestone thank you very much yeah they [ __ ] use TNT hey uh tius uh what the f what’ you do oh you let me drive we went to completely the wrong

Direction tius I got to speak to you on uh family importance oh my god I’ve been muted that whole time wow that’s funny as [ __ ] dude I was trying to explain Cameron get the [ __ ] out of the boat let me drive I know which way Direction no I

Don’t give a [ __ ] if you know which direction it is [ __ ] what I was trying to say was [ __ ] I did it again what I was trying to say is I accidentally I I was [ __ ] I didn’t mean to blow up your [ __ ] I just blew up I was trying to destroy the

Ender chest but I had mining fatigue so I couldn’t so I tried to blow it up and then I found out I couldn’t do it yeah you can’t blow up an Ender Chest but then I put I put everything that blew up into another chest and I suicide bombed

You because I was going to [ __ ] die anyway yeah but you didn’t [ __ ] put everything back in the chest I had to end up doing that I put a majority of [ __ ] sh back in the chest I thought I thought I I didn’t see any on the floor

Uh there was plenty on the floor that sucks I mean it’s all put back together they just rude this is wrong direction shut the [ __ ] up Cameron I’m telling you it’s wrong direction I wonder why I’m moving blew my up too take move this yey red thing around all right let

Me just grab this where are we going go wherever you want I’m [ __ ] killing myself all that do the that that so are we going back to the base what the hell is he just abusing now yes he isv yeah [ __ ] Alva has ego issues so he needs to feel better about himself

It’s okay true where is where I’m assuming you guys are coming to me which would be easy no I just [ __ ] killed myself so I could get back on the right [ __ ] track I was putting us on the right track and they told me to let you drive

I don’t need that that’s only one HP soada yada y why can I not put oh stop bullying hang on is the server lagging for you guys yes it really is laggy I don’t understand why okay that chest is weird bro bro leave them alone they did

Nothing to you they’re attacking me now because you were talking the suicide bomb was just not necessary yeah it was what did you want me to do I wanted I blew up your enchantment table that’s what the whole goal was is I threw your enchantment table on the ground and I

[ __ ] blew it up I mean I took yours so yeah I’m just going to go put that back thanks for that I guess I thought you were going to like [ __ ] inside your chest or do something I did put I did put some [ __ ] inside my Ender Chest but

My ender chest was like full so I couldn’t really [ __ ] do anything what are you looking at for right now probably iron even then that there I question which we going to ours what the [ __ ] I got to grab another beer that’s chocked what this

Chest I mean you guys can comment if you want you just won’t be able to succeed proba there’s no [ __ ] point why the [ __ ] would we come I don’t know it sounds like you guys are coming no there’s there’s literally no [ __ ] point for me to what what am I going to

Do I don’t know at this point blow up my bed no I’m not going to blow up your bed I mean you’ve already I didn’t blow up your bed what are you talking about I did yeah [ __ ] when I don’t know whenever you did it

Iing had to place a new one down oh when you mean when I suicide bombed I blew up your bed yeah oh [ __ ] my bad I I didn’t know that I wasn’t trying to do that it’s fine I had extra on me the only problem is I don’t have

Enough Birch to patch the floor well I don’t have enough Birch to PL patch my four so we’re even well I mean I turned off fire Sprint for you did you ever get rid of the those flam so I can turn that back on I don’t [ __ ] know got them

Alv you told Alva to destroy the base so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s [ __ ] up our base well you weren’t justifying your actions I was justifying my actions I was just muted why’ you kill our villager man cuz [ __ ] your villager that’s how you’re getting good [ __ ] enchants and those

Fishing rods it was just mending [ __ ] I need I still have my maxed out Rod great I put you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] dude oh my God that’s annoying no now my game won’t load in I got all my yeah itd be glitching like that sometimes all right now I

Don’t really want to play this world anymore gonna be honest yeah Nei because I’m all the way back at spawn I have nothing and I don’t have an Ender Chest so I’m literally starting from scratch again I mean I can make you an Ender Chest but then’s probably still elego

Bing I mean I’m not looking at I don’t see I haven’t seen any kill yeah I haven’t seen any kill feeds okay oh ninj boy I wasn’t expecting you to be at I know I was I what what my goal was is I wanted to go there and try I hope you

Had diamonds or something so I could steal your diamonds and [ __ ] all of that shit’s in my Ender Chest yeah I kind of figured that but I knew you you Ender Chest Can Only Hold so much so I was hoping there was something I could [ __ ] take and there wasn’t there

Wasn’t [ __ ] my ender chest was half full and now it’s actually get out get out get out you could have Tak like a of gold but that was about it well no there was a bunch of good [ __ ] there was a bunch of if you saw my inventory I had a

Bunch of your [ __ ] Enchanted [ __ ] get out let me check you had there was a bunch of books there was a bunch of [ __ ] I wanted that those fishing rods I wanted the [ __ ] bows there was like a really upgraded bow that I wanted unless I put that in my Ender Chest

Those are all M I’m looking at Unbreaking three power three punch one and mending oh yeah all those okay so I did I put the good one in my Ender Chest power three power four yeah I just wanted to steal a bunch of [ __ ] all that

I could and then dip out but then you showed up so I was like [ __ ] it I’m dying so I might as well go out and style and I [ __ ] suicide bombed now I think I don’t know oh this rep’s going to be loud and this is why I’m moving that way nothing

Like that happens I was going to suggest that but then the base is huge so we just Mo it would be fairly moving would literally I would literally just want to start a new realm if I [ __ ] had to move my goddamn base I would want to

Start a new [ __ ] realm I don’t want to start a new realm Man start I don’t know if we start a new realm make it something like I don’t know netherite was I think it was a little too easy to get I don’t know slow it down the netherite was only easy to

Get because I locked got I I found two two bastions side by side it has to be the treasure Bastion which is one and that’s the spawning percentage exra 5% chance for a template to spawn inside of one I honestly think that you guys you guys are just better

At grinding out Minecraft because you guys have more experience doing it you guys CU it was literally the first the first day we played like always you get [ __ ] well you weren’t doing it but the [ __ ] you had a house built right and then the second day the second time

Streaming you had full diamond armor so it was literally you just started banging [ __ ] out and you guys were complimenting each other on that when I was basically by myself doing it all by myself cuz cuz Eva Eva kept dying Cameron wasn’t playing and [ __ ] same with Yoshi Yosi kept dying you didn’t

They eat your Apple bro so I was literally I’ve just been I’ve just been playing ketchup myle on that [ __ ] no you you had a you had a regular one no up G wait where did my God have oh it’s in my inventory so I think you have a regular

One did uh I don’t know it just wasn’t in my hot bar I don’t I don’t really want to play anymore I’m just trying to get back to [ __ ] base we just want to hop you guys want to swap teammates have it so teaming is not

Allowed no or have it where on our new server where me and Alva aren’t allowed to team no I look look I’m not I’m not upset with what happened I’m just upset that I lost everything if that makes sense I understand and I’m not a [ __ ]

Sore loser but you got to admit you got to admit losing all your diamond [ __ ] and everything you own is just upsetting so it makes me just it makes me not want to play gear into the void exactly and I guarantee you got off after that didn’t

You uh no I had to [ __ ] reset the dragon like five times still look at this chest you see you see this what there’s nothing in it is no is it not a double chest for you what dude check out my stream check out my stream I what your stream is honestly

Don’t one even want to play I honestly think we should start a new real he glitched start a new real yo if we start a new real can I pick like a cool seed to it uh I thought you’re not playing anymore I thought you’re [ __ ] quitting video well it it it it

Depends I do too I am that’s what I’m saying I don’t really I just don’t want to play right now that like I have I have [ __ ] 50 diamonds almost in my my chest I have a couple blocks of iron I now have a good [ __ ] fishing rod I’m

Not saying that we need to quit this [ __ ] real I’m just [ __ ] disappointed with losing all my [ __ ] like you know what I mean I mean we can give you your [ __ ] back we don’t really need it I don’t know but then I I I don’t

Know I feel like you deserve it cuz you won I’m not knocking it I’m not knocking I’m just saying it’s a [ __ ] shitty feeling you know what I mean I mean did we technically win though we didn’t get what we wanted really well you spawn

Camped us for a while I mean I mean I wasn’t going to kill you if you didn’t touch me and we’ve already established that after you kept hitting me once when I one shot you and uh if we start a new round bed breaking is not allow bla y bla said

Alva is an [ __ ] he needs to get a life he’s praying on little kids for fun no I was just talking about that today I think that’s the funniest [ __ ] though so me me and cowboy are older than [ __ ] alati He’s not really he’s not

Really praying on me yeah I’m 21 man how old’s alati 18 uh 18 19 yeah he’s almost 19 all right yosh’s getting off little kids well yeah only those two though technically me would you guys yeah but he yeah I guess I’m the only one that

Wasn’t younger so I mean but he didn’t really honestly kill me that much oh he’s 13 technically me but still not really a little little kid you are you’re 13 aren’t you that [ __ ] pickax no 14 so what you’re a little kid you’re a little kid not compar to those two you’re a

Little kid anybody would agree you’re a little kid right anybody that’s over the age of 18 would agree you’re a little kid the tiniest the the tiniest littlest child cuz I I I still admit that I’m a [ __ ] kid I am not a [ __ ] adult yo

21 is still a [ __ ] kid like honestly hey don’t do it don’t do it [Laughter] oh [ __ ] so I have a question are we resetting the WR or starting a new one no I don’t I don’t think I don’t think we need to but who’s here who’s

Here who is it is it Yoshi we saw you crouch hi hi you w to say something you wanna explain yourself yeah I just wanted to come say hi man what’s up G how you guys doing man you guys [ __ ] oh what were you planning to steal [ __ ]

I was hoping you guys were gone I Wasing like i’ been so long at that point Lally talking about being us well he died I thought maybe he died he’s gone no I had smacked him with my sword and then he Ender pear he died because he ran out our hearts bro that

I’m just pissed off that I can’t spawn back at my [ __ ] house is teleporting on can I [ __ ] teleport no teleporting is not on I want to [ __ ] I’m yeah this is the literal worst part about making a base that far the [ __ ] away dude why didn’t you you have like

So many beds in your chest why didn’t you [ __ ] put one there well put one where no we did I I no what happened was is I accidentally slept in your bed I think I I remember accidentally laying down in one of the beds downstairs I

Think and then you blew it up well no I didn’t blow up the beds downstairs but I don’t I don’t know I it disappeared I’m assuming you blew it up whenever you tried to blow up my uh Ender Chest maybe yeah but yeah this is really annoy you just

Like your suicide bombing was like a mild inconvenience eat my steak I know I just wanted to [ __ ] spit in your face you know what I mean I I lost that like the only reason why I kept on getting up and fighting is just cuz I didn’t want to stop fighting

Like I wish I had I wish I had a second set of armor just so I could [ __ ] you you know what I mean dude stop you’re going to break my [ __ ] though it it takes your ability when you do that let’s see what what you mean what

Do you mean when I’m hitting you is were you talking to me or ala ala he was punching me I said chill yeah that’s why I was punching you is because I wanted to [ __ ] I wanted to just keep hitting you to see if I could [ __ ] break your [ __ ]

Oh my helmet was like [ __ ] wonder I switched it out with Cameron Boys the boys have already patched it up we’re chilling yeah take that boy well not really but it’s still a patch the Birch gonna do now huh me is it CL do you have

Glow I do not have suck at looting man like not they had full inventories what do you mean yeah our inventory was completely filled it’s not like I could just go all the way back and then come back we got all our you guys want to make another Ender Chest for us

Please we have we you guys didn’t steal our obsidian right I I gave you a bunch of uh when do you guys have a bunch of Portal frames and [ __ ] we have why do you have why do you have P oh yeah did you guys see we should have blaze rods

No do we not I thought we have blaze rods there someone made them into blaze powder oh yeah blaze powder is what you need you need you need an you need an ender pearl and a [ __ ] blaze powder that’s literally what you need bro my ender

Pearls were in the Ender Chest oh wait wait hold on oh my [ __ ] do we have obsidian yes we do we have like 20 obsidian where in one of the chests unless they did you guys steal ours hob one it’s in one of them see just make a

[ __ ] that’s what I’m doing oh you got it okay drop drop drop yay hey hey look what I got look what I got um give me a moment I’m getting GL I got I got [ __ ] back yeah boy got me some sea pickles okay baby now we’re in business we

Either way I’m G to start I’m G to start a [ __ ] solo world and I’m G to build I’m going to do like [ __ ] YouTube skits I’ve been really wanting to start a solo world no I’m doing YouTube skits I’m not really it’s not really going to

Be like a fullon survival world it’s just going to be a skit world I’m gonna create a hyper YouTube realm [ __ ] and make skits on it kind of like kind of like the SMP the [ __ ] you want to do an actual not really no I’m gonna do I’m just gonna make a

[ __ ] you’ll see I’m gonna make I’m probably gonna do my first recording and I’ll try to make a video tomorrow okay but I do have a question are we ending or killing this one and then setting new one I said multiple times no I but other people have said

Yes so I was asking for well I thought aa’s getting off I thought aati was one of the only ones that said yes well it depends I know Cameron said something I will because Cameron’s [ __ ] we don’t we don’t listen I said something but I said

Just time I didn’t really say we should I said if yeah I don’t think we should I don’t think we should no I don’t think we should either I was just saying I was just explaining a feeling I had I said this makes me want to like it makes me

Feel like I want to do it I’m not going to do it it cuz I still like I said I have 5050 [ __ ] diamonds I have a couple blocks of iron I got [ __ ] all the [ __ ] to restart it’s just like it’s [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] feeling when you

[ __ ] you know lose a battle I’m I’m still upset that you killed our village that see see spit in the face [ __ ] that’s what I was trying to do you said oh just a minor inconvenience [ __ ] you [ __ ] it is but like it took me an hour to get that

Perfect trade [ __ ] heal him guess what that’s what you deserve it’s just disappointing yeah now you know exactly how I feel now you know exactly how I feel hyper hyper why you headed over here bud what up G how you doing buddy why you crossing over to our base

Because I wanted to use your Ender Chest I’m chasing you I know you are that’s why I’m not stop moving I’m G just keep going well I got something better than an end chest well he’s too far behind to catch up to me so I mean got something better

Unless you can put swiftness on a boat or some stupid [ __ ] no but if there’s Dolphins I’m not going to say what I got but I got something better than TNT and I’m not gonna say it I have a god Apple yeah but I got something better than TNT which

Could ninja has like three probably a [ __ ] respawn anchor no that’s how I don’t even know how to use a respawn anchor what the [ __ ] is it yeah use with glow stone blocks yeah but I understand that but what do you do with it it’s a

It’s you put it in the Nether and it’s a spawn point for the nether but if he is in the Overworld it’ll explode yeah how did you ninja by the way uh [ __ ] elati is coming back to [ __ ] kill you guys just want to let you all know

That I’m guarding our place because I don’t trust you yeah a a is coming back to kill you guys yeah I’ve got stuff that’s in TNT as well what’s can can you let me if you both have the same [ __ ] thing what is better than

TNT uh I don’t think we have the same thing just judging based what do you have I have splash potions of instant arming too I have I’m notna say what I have actually I think about it I said it to say I have n crystals okay yeah I

Figured as much what the [ __ ] that’s so it’s not that hard hey hey don’t don’t use the end crystals I made for PVP use that to respawn the Dragon for like 50 free levels how the [ __ ] do you make an in Crystal you both just started talking at

The same time you used a [ __ ] gas tier an iender and seven pieces of glass that’s not bad that’s not actually very it’s not fairly easy to when I remember I just don’t respect PP so I I thought you had to kill the

Weer for it no when I when I yeah I I did too that’s what I was thinking I was like you I was like that means you would had to kill the dragon and the Wither yeah see him pulling it off I I just don’t see a I did

Hello El are you coming to our base or not no I’m good bro okay okay feel like that’s a lie but you know hi you just wanted to use our [ __ ] uh yeah but you said you were gonna [ __ ] kill me so I’m hiding guard it get out

Of there I if I use the end crystals on someone totally I’m too hard you can [ __ ] kill me if you want come on I’ll let you use your uh [ __ ] thing but if you open up another chest I’m going to shoot you or stab you

What the [ __ ] is this over here uh another villager phographer dude I wish I would have killed him yeah you see why I said minor inconvenience hold on boys I’ll be right you have any food I have some food I gave Alva food there why do you eat fish

Oh because that’s all I found in my chest what happened to your [ __ ] roof I don’t know I just I logged in and it was like that I didn’t even do anything to I told you I said it yeah I know you did I I just wanted to [ __ ] with

You like [ __ ] you can’t be mad about that I’m not I’m not saying I’m mad at all I just wanted to I was like I gave you ample warning you can’t say [ __ ] about that I need [ __ ] glass or sand what the f where the [ __ ] is Alva

At I don’t know somewhere out there in a world of Pure Imagination dude I just look over I see a name tag mid sentence I just [ __ ] yeah I know I was trying to sneak up on your base and then [ __ ] my luck you’re running right at my ass no I was

Still inside the house and I saw your name tag so I’m like wait a minute what’s over here well if he’s at our base what the [ __ ] is he doing is he just making trips now it’s just stealing our [ __ ] I don’t know but uh I [ __ ] aati

If you if you are you’re the biggest [ __ ] I’ve ever met I went into [ __ ] back view [ __ ] front first person I was like that looks like a ghost I have I have a good thing we can start so like don’t don’t be pushing that don’t

Be doing it I took some stuff that I didn’t have like the globe Banner pattern and then I took his Ocean Explorer map here boy yeah took both your anvils great oh she’s dead I’m back or in back stop no no you guys are you guys are

Fighting me I was not going to fight they start that’s that’s like the biggest [ __ ] move ever that’s like putting your finger in front of somebody’s face and be like I’m not touching you I’m not touching you standing in the doorway get out of my room I’m not in your room yeah that’s

The [ __ ] most [ __ ] [ __ ] move ever bro you are literally you are a major [ __ ] [ __ ] ain’t even going to lie I was just there pickles I’m done I got I got an idea I got an idea can we I I’ll put on all iron armor iron sword no enchantments

You put on all iron armor and and same right we fight whoever wins well I guess you wouldn’t get anything but I want my [ __ ] back if I win the fight well I mean I’m I’m tired of it no no that’s what I’m saying is my [ __ ] that you you took

From me right the the [ __ ] you took from me I want my [ __ ] back if I win the PvP with iron I think that’s pretty fair if I lose if I lose I’ll go back to my base I’ll leave you alone if I win you give me my ship

Back where did it all go I thought you were the one that picked up all my [ __ ] no I’ve already picked up your [ __ ] okay I’ll fight ATI then what you want to do that is that fair to do it I don’t mind but I don’t have your [ __ ] I have Cameron [ __ ]

Wearing he’s quiet again like a [ __ ] I’m not playing dude that shit’s gay why not cuz dude it’s so [ __ ] annoying he’s a sore loser that’s why no’s over there bullying the [ __ ] died bro well he just killed him you just kill I gave him all my

Armor oh you stoed your armor No I gave it I dropped everything on my inventory just kept my shield and me smacked me to death wait wait wait who had my [ __ ] who had my shield I know you took the one blue one but I think Ava had my

[ __ ] my shield I have three Shields okay what Shields do you have not the skull and crossbones not the blue one and red one do you have my yellow and red one that says the king Spartan Shield I’m playing Shields are named yeah so alv already had that one did you

Drop the same one you stole ala is that it can I have it why I want it you want this one I want the one that’s named fight me to the death you know what would be cool you want the one that’s named your [ __ ]

Dickwad if and when I get a PC bro I think we how much like two hearts so do you have do you have my shield I do now [ __ ] dick no don’t do it my inter now honestly I I think when I get my PC

I think we should all both of us or people that have a PC should start a Minecraft modded world that we’re all together in oh kind of like what thank you free [ __ ] what were you saying I said I’m pretty like What U me and

[ __ ] did I run out of no I have 60 M like me and uh go ghost yeah yeah but not pixel oh [ __ ] that breaks Fields okay what does an axe y just keeps leaving why do you keep attacking me anyway because he’s bored and he wants a

Challenge I mean he doesn’t really have much of a challenge you’re the only person that can kill him currently he has nothing on you shot me through a window your head was peeking out of it you didn’t know that existed no I didn’t yeah if you’re like pushed up

Against the window I can shoot you through it I’m literally playing man G yesy I played this game before D to my overpowered pickaxe iar I know my arrow how the hell that bro I’ve been playing Minecraft too much I’m kind of tired of youing Might hop on some MW3 dude I put

On by myself a lot of the time did you buy MW3 me no alati uh just mean that BR fuing crossbow crouched oh really I I can play MW3 but the new you’re just giving me ammunition boy the new update kind of kind of cool you can Crouch walk the you can

What my fishing rod boy if you didn’t hear me the new the new update they did to the okay chill don’t do that what don’t do what he’s setting our house on fire set it on fire set it on oh God oh God oh God oh no you’re

Burning all of my [ __ ] good no but the new3 kindess the spawns do I mean it majorly messed up the spawns yeah you you [ __ ] lost my important [ __ ] thanks man no but dude you hear Infinity war is kind of like like making NW 3A worst game so

They don’t look like an a competent uh studio so they don’t look like a incompetent yeah you mean so they look like they’re incompetent no so they don’t look like it MW2 was so so [ __ ] I didn’t mean if MW2 was asked why would they want to make MW3 bad why

Wouldn’t they want want to make it good so they Nots [ __ ] Sledgehammer name cuz it because it look so it looks like they oh so they want they want MW MW3 to fail or whatever yeah yes that’s funny as [ __ ] hey Cameron remember what you said uh

They’re bringing it back huh eat my knowledge they br h no I didn’t this was like last month or not last month hey but Cameron what did I tell you what did I tell you what did I say I said in six months you will be saying that this game [ __ ]

Sucks and you should have never bought it and that’s what I was about to say is it didn’t even take six [ __ ] months and you’re already saying it it was good it did it didn’t though it did not I literally played it with you and I said

I am not buying this piece of [ __ ] it is is the same exact game it’s a DLC and you said no dude no dude no dude this is such a good game this is such a good game they’re bringing it back this is going to be this is going to be what

Revives Call of Duty and I said no it’s not and you argued with me for the whole entire beta opening because in my opinion it was good and up until like up until this month everyone that’s ever played it said it was ass everybody that’s ever

Played it said it was ass in my opinion n literally every game I played I said hey do you think this game is good and they said no this game sucks I think MW3 is decent I it sucks it’s better than MW2 I think the way

They did with the guns is kind of bad I think MW2 was better only for ranked standards I think all they did they don’t even have R all they did with MW3 was involve movement and take out a skill Gap that was there if you had [ __ ]

Aim it’s a lot smoother if you had [ __ ] aim you you would lose a gunfight now if you have [ __ ] aim you can move your way out of it okay if you’ve seen MW2 if you’ve been from the if you’ve been from the launch MW2 is the most laggy piece

Of garbage ever yes it was yes it was wait at the start at the start okay we’re not at the start anymore we’re not at the start anymore so you can’t stay at the start it was like it was like the first two to three months server issue

Not a game issue I’m saying I’m saying MW2 I would still rather play MW2 than MW3 currently even if I own the [ __ ] game yeah especially if there was ranked on both platforms I would still choose MW2 because it’s the same exact same exact [ __ ] game but with new guns New

Movement and I’m not too big of a fan of the guns the only guns I like is the arm the AMR I that’s the only gun I wish they would bring over there’s a lot of great guns now the only the only ones that are good are the [ __ ] AMR and

The MCW it’s the same thing just instead of a scar and a vasnev or a lockman sub there’s the MCW the AMR the [ __ ] the Swarms like you guys were literally complaining you were literally complaining about how overpowered the Swarms are you were complaining about how overpowered those basus are they’re

Super [ __ ] overpowered a there’s the difference okay yeah you shouldn’t be able to do the [ __ ] SMG that should not be a thing like I said some of the gun choices they made are fcking joking a lot of their guns are better I feel like feel- wise and uh soundwise

Personally yes but I think the Kimo SMGs are kind of [ __ ] stupid I think the one shot basically new basist pistols are kind of stupid which they did fix those by the way did they did fix I don’t even know yeah they did back that one shot shotgun so the

Only reason why they’re doing it is oh okay we’re going to sell a skin right because they’re really really good people are going to buy it and then we’re just going to Nerf it they do it every year yeah I don’t know I don’t like MW3 I think it’s a money grab I

Think it was a DLC pack and I think they did not I think literally what they did and they even proved it to me when it beta was out is they copied and pasted all the guns and they reworked them slightly not a major rework just a

Slight one cuz literally the [ __ ] and it it proved it to me with the signal 50 the signal 50 in the in inhibitor [ __ ] 85 whatever the [ __ ] it’s called is the same exact [ __ ] gun and they that would be the cat that would be the

Cat not the no not the cat no the signal 50 the signal 50 the [ __ ] douch douch douch douch the [ __ ] sniper is the same as the inhibitor [ __ ] it’s a it’s a [ __ ] it’s a fully automatic or semi-automatic [ __ ] sniper no at least with the KV you still

Had to [ __ ] uh shoot it or pull the [ __ ] lever back no but no you didn’t it was literally the same exact [ __ ] gun what are you talking about that’sa they changed it out of beta yes so but still but hold up wait wait can we pause

Real quick what I said is still true they copied and pasted everything and slightly slightly reworked everything hold on so what you’re saying was the uh MCW was uh in war zone 2 I’m saying what they did is they copied and pasted every [ __ ] gun right the AMR

Is the same as the lochman sub they just changed [ __ ] about it they copied and paste the lockman sub and they increased MP5 from [ __ ] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 yeah that’s well that’s that’s a given because it’s literally the same look but I’m saying they they

Changed the look of the guns they copied and pasted and then made them slightly different fortnite I don’t really I’m not a big fan of fortnite because yeah they do the same [ __ ] for a long time I did not play it because they did the same exact [ __ ] every single game is

Just recycling material and wanting people to buy it the only reason why I like fortnite more is because it’s free I don’t got to pay $70 to buy the same [ __ ] game the reason why I don’t play Madden or n a or MLB is for the same

Exact [ __ ] reason it’s the same game copy and past I agree with Madden I agree with Madden and 2K those are most recycled game in history I’m not even gonna lie to you same with Mortal Kombat to be honest but I still like Mortal Kombat since it’s different storyline each year how dare

You what [ __ ] I got to take a piss I’ll be back what are you doing though no TR to fix this place and you’re just constantly killing yourself it’s getting annoying I I think MW3 is a good game I don’t it had potential it had potential

To be a great game it’s just Infinity War decided to be ego and just destroyed it I mean they were doing that before the [ __ ] it launched no they shut down a lot of hamers they even did in the beta in beta it was all side now they actually have to ask

Infinity if they can add it and uh yeah by the way uh there and the infinity War de they like H how how do we make the spawns even worse yeah [ __ ] Revenge spawns I saw that yep it’s so annoying like dude I’m holding a spawn have him in a spawn trap

The next thing I know there’s a dude but directly behind me shooting me they ruin kill streaks yep I’m like what and then thank God they actually added vest to be honest like that’s the only good thing they added the vest [ __ ] uh no there’s a

V yeah it hides you from uavs even if you’re sitting still I know what you’re talking but there’s a new there’s a new [ __ ] like the assault ve or something no they stopped doing that back in like [ __ ] like they added it back though it’s an MW3 I’m not

Joking yeah they took it away because everybody [ __ ] hated it no it’s still there I can still use it I’m talking about from like way back when before they uh like I don’t know five or six years ago they took it away because everybody [ __ ] hated it yo

You should you should do me a favor real quick what three pieces of iron uh I have three pieces of iron for some reason they reworked the assault vest and made or give me back one of the iron storage and infinity INF literally ego Infinity Ward is literally ego in Sledgehammer that’s

Okay I liked I like I liked them MW3 bro I’m not even gonna lie to you I liked it I enjoyed the movement I enjoyed the guns and then season one begins I’m a little behind I haven’t played in like a month I still like the game I like war

Zone a lot War’s actually fun again war zone the only problem is they keep [ __ ] upping the requirements to be able to to play it they they did it again uhhuh what do you have to do now well now I have to [ __ ] restart my uh or redownload my [ __ ] driver every single

Time why just to play it for like [ __ ] two minutes or two that’s stupid bro yeah I’m getting a [ __ ] definitely Infinity Wars or 30 30 60 uh but my only complaint is that if I was to delete MW3 half of my storage would actually be clear that’s my it’s like [ __ ] 200

Gigabytes what’s up F it’s literally almost terab it’s literally almost a terabyte what that’s and that’s okay that’s okay no it’s not give up all your storage I cannot download you know why they do it right they want you to not have any other games on your console so you have to play

Theirs that’s whenever I just delete it play something else I dude they they also ruin subbase to I leave every time I play that match I don’t know I don’t know about you but I’d enjoyed the days where I had a selections of games I could play and I didn’t have to wait

Five [ __ ] hours for downloads you just pop the Des in and play as soon as you B it there’s still a download though you you w you couldn’t inst I’m talking about like the Xbox 360 oh Xbox 360 and I on the PS4 I still have discs I still use this for that

Reason I still have a lot of disc for PS4 dude you until the Xbox one that they started doing the [ __ ] you have to download it even if you have a dis well no you’ve always had to download it even with a dis not the Xbox 360 yeah

You did you you would have to download it but it was it was a lot less of a [ __ ] demanding game do you realize uh in like on Playstation purchases or whatever like in the PlayStation shop it costs way more than actual disc now everybody yeah I yeah they bumped it

Up it’s no longer [ __ ] 59 it’s now 69 yeah I think they’re going through a losser because of that no bro a game is literally $100 what game what game is Char was no it was not MW2 was not1 [ __ ] dollars for the for the vault Edition yeah for

The every that’s always been every [ __ ] Call of Duty you pay you pay $100 and you get [ __ ] Cod points you get dlc’s and you get all that [ __ ] where I always used it when I played Black Ops 3 he not talking about that though the Vault Edition is that the

Vault Edition is that the most random game is $100 Avatar something it’s the avatar game $100 yeah because everybody else is selling their for 100 why wouldn’t they sell theirs for 100 if everybody’s paying that much already expensive have you seen the game and I

Buy I buy Call of Duty for $100 as long as it’s worth the money the only thing that I would say is they they might not be worth the money some of them more bro I but like I guarantee when GTA 6 comes out that’s

Going to be $100 I think they even had rumors going to be more going to be like 150 or something I’m not buying it yeah I’m buying it I’m only because only because it’s going to be 10 more [ __ ] years I think don’t get me wrong I might

Not buy it the first day it’s out I’m probably going to wait for a deal so it’s a little cheaper but still it’s 100% gon to be worth it they said they weren’t gonna put it on [ __ ] PC yeah they they said that but I so I mean I

Might not even be able to buy it funny as if they charge at 200 and they trash the G Xbox won’t they would not trash the game because they’re still making millions off GTA 5 they no they literally are there’s I’ve hopped on GTA which which is why

I’m so confused on why because there was also rumors that they wanted to do it [ __ ] you have to pay per hour because of how long and how many clocked in hours people had they said oh we’re changing it to pay per hour no I don’t

Think they would do that I don’t think anybody would buy their game if they did no that’s it’s the same reason why I stopped [ __ ] uh playing World of Warcraft because they have that [ __ ] on a subscription based they so that’s why every single by the way I wasn’t trying

I wasn’t trying to get back I was trying to go to their house that’s why I’m not back yet if I wanted to get back I could be back I’m still at my are are you still in the realm where have you been I’ve been dying over and over again

Because I’ve been trying to come to your house and he’s been killing me every time I get there so so that’s why I gave you a rule and he broke the rule yeah I wanted to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] so I’m on my way there don’t worry I was

Just being stupid I can’t hear you Cameron what were you saying so that’s no talking loud yeah it’s because they have it on a prescription based it’s [ __ ] annoying oh so I gotta delete that [ __ ] now I’m never playing Clash of Clans either bro why I play Clash of

Clans no take it seriously cuz it’s [ __ ] I take it I take it seriously well if you started a long time ago and you’ve had it yeah you should take it seriously but if you’re starting now there’s such a long way to go that it’s just like yeah they just added a new

Town hall yeah 16 right I’m at [ __ ] eight I’m at eight or nine I I think I was at like 11 or 12 it took like a solid year I was like almost I’m almost maxed out 13 I the last time I played was when Town Hall 9 would get you into

Champions league if you were good and now it’s now it’s in town hall 9 you are in gold and [ __ ] gold one that’s not that’s not how they do that anymore what are you talking about yes it is no it’s not they have it where uh you go against bases that are around

Your base level it’s just if you have a low low Town Hall it’s that’s what I’m trying that’s what literally what my point is is that the last time I played there was only like 12 Town Halls so champion League was Town Hall 9 so it

That was like if you could if you could attack good you would get to town hall n now Town Hall 9 is like silver three I think my main gold one silver three mine is mine mine is gold one because I’ve tried to attack but now

That I’ve stopped attacking I am back to [ __ ] silver [ __ ] three why do you keep trying to come to our base I’m not trying how the [ __ ] do you know I’m trying to come to your base first off and second off you said it you said the

Reason I’m not at though you haven’t seen me is cu I keep trying to go to their base well no I’m not going to your base now I’m [ __ ] going home now but well now it sounds like you’re going to my base no I’m just trying to get fck

Home my it’s the same complaint that I have with Clash uh Royale or something like that he just gets way too repetitive yeah that’s why that’s why I just can’t take it serious like I took it serious for a while I rushed and then I caught back up

And then I took it funny and then they just got super boring so I started taking it serious again and then just you kicked from my CL then it should just get it got way too repetitive so I’m like no and I deleted and I started playing Clash Royale same happened and

Just play Apex bro Apex sucks I will never play that game and I’ll never talk to that game again oh he was bad at Apex got it I was good at Apex but I agree I think Apex sucks don’t get me wrong I wasn’t [ __ ] I wasn’t like Champions League

Or [ __ ] anything like that but I I definitely wasn’t bad at the [ __ ] game and I just I don’t like this [ __ ] mind kind of [ __ ] ass I I was good at the game I I was [ __ ] on kids but it was just got ass it literally just got

Ass I was mid I’m not say I’m good I was definitely but I wasn’t bad at the game I was middle I play I played the first like I played since the beginning and why the [ __ ] are you here get out of here go back to where you came

From don’t kill me don’t kill me let me go set my spawn before you kill me don’t do it don’t do it it’s literally not letting me get out do it Circle we have an end chest again fight it’s not a fight you want and then Apex

Just I went back to fornite for a while and then it just got way too got way too too much [ __ ] bro bro that one durability bro don’t be doing it I don’t have any durability the same thing happened with fortnite bro I I played fortnite for a while and then

You can see it was just the same [ __ ] just like Apex why would I qu that and then I I went back to like the older Call of Duties like Black Ops 3 Black Ops 2 enjoyed the [ __ ] out of them I literally enjoyed the games because we’re good my

Game’s broken I like Apex it won’t let me like it wasn’t let me pull shot of [ __ ] so oh it’s probably the chest honestly can’t wait for the Call of Duty triar game dude can’t wait isn’t that coming out in 2025 right I don’t know I’m pretty sure it’s coming

Out 25 but yeah I can’t waito that [ __ ] it there’s not a trailer but I have a feeling tryer is going to do the Call of Duty scene right hope no don’t even don’t even lie to don’t lie to yourself do you a did you ever did you ever play Black

Ops 2 don’t don’t lie to your yeah I did yo do we have any uh do we have any arrows no no it took them those were made by TR I feel like those are really Ked me and burned half my so if Trey I’m hoping Treyarch does it

Right I have a feeling they will but you know it won’t even let me spawn by my bed good [ __ ] blocked it man what do you expect to happen hey what do you what did you spawn all the way back at spawn no he’s still here need [ __ ] arrows

If Black Ops 3 is the one of the competitive games again I will play I will get Black Ops 3 only if they keep zombies the same just because I really enjoy the zombies if they [ __ ] up the zombies I will not buy ites fun Black Ops 3 was one of my

Favorite Call of Duties Black Ops 3 is the best yeah Black Ops 3 in my opinion I know it’s not many people but Black Ops 3 was the best in my opinion Black Ops 2 was second best some people say two was the best but I honestly think

That no it wasn’t if if you’re going by zombies tier list I think Black Ops 3 is number one Bo BO2 is number B2 second I like Black Ops one better than B2 no Black Ops one zombies I didn’t even honestly I didn’t even play them so I can’t

Even I played Kino but I didn’t play any of the other ones I only played the other on Black Ops 3 but you get all those maps on Black Ops 3 so who gives a [ __ ] yeah1 B1 was a great game where I start

I pled my foot on Call of Duty but how the hell did that hit you I you saw that right but then Black Ops 2 came around I like Black Ops 2 but if you’re going by a multiplayer standpoint I really feel like Black Ops 2 you know

How [ __ ] hard it was to [ __ ] fix this [ __ ] house why are you breaking it again we don’t have a goddam enchantment table what the [ __ ] yeah I took it bro I have a I have a million planes you remember you said you like

Picked mine up and then blew it up I was like well I mean I have yours so I’ll just place that down yeah but in my opinion I feel like multiplayer standpoint BO2 wasn’t much better than bo3 no wasn’t don’t lie to yourself it was it was don’t don’t lie

To yourself how many hackers Ron B3 multiplayer I mean it wasy it was pretty easy to [ __ ] beat hackers back in the day though I disagree B3 I wouldn’t say it was [ __ ] easy I would what’s up Gangster but I I feel like black I feel like

Black Ops 2 is a much better multiplayer standpoint than mo3 but mo3 shines more in Zombies I like bo3 is multiplayer better I I I get that I just didn’t like the jetpack Call of Duties I that’s the why I liked that one it was the only jet

Pack Call of Duty I enjoyed [ __ ] Titanfall I like Black Ops I like adved Warfare I like ADV Warfare Advanced Warfare even though it’s a jetpack Call of Duty I decently liked it I just wish it was boots on the ground I didn’t like Advanced Warfare Advanced Warfare was absolute dog [ __ ]

Wait no wait I’m thinking of infinity I’m thinking infinite Warfare was even worse Infinity was also dog [ __ ] especially the zombies it might have been Advanced where the zombies were ass but I I like the only map I like the XO zombies that was [ __ ] disgusting absolute worst game mode they’ve ever

Created and you couldn’t play it without buying a certain DLC either really yeah CU I never bought it my friend just [ __ ] bought it and I played it on his account I I bought the DLC uh the only map I liked was the park whatever like the amusement park F what’s it’s Called what’s that Amusement War map called but yeah it’s the only map I like from that and then both of the war both of the wars I agree were ass I just liked the only reason I liked infinity or it Advanced more because uh I actually had a decent

Map in Zombies on like the other one and what do you think was the worst Halo though although you’re worst Hal I I’d have to go Wars I played Halo okay okay as a kid Halo Wars was awful yeah okay I can agree on I just know that you

Have a PlayStation so that’s all I played all the Halos I didn’t play all of them I think I played Halo in his prime Halo 3 right yeah uh yeah yeah I I have I had an Xbox One to tr they did play Halo where the [ __ ] are you at

Dude I’m not even in Minecraft no more I don’t get back on [ __ ] Minecraft stop being a [ __ ] back on Minecraft so I can kill you some more yeah get back on Minecraft so he can kill you some more yeah get back on Minecraft so he can kill you

Some more I thought you don’t want a bandwagon huh [ __ ] bandwagon yeah except you did it so it’s funny I’m not even Cameron get back on M so he can kill you some more come on let the man have his fun let the man have his fun

Exactly this point at this point he only has iron armor it’s a fair no armor at this point I can’t even K he has no armor I I took it all because he kept smacking me around does he have a sword uh I doubt it I got one big piece of meat it’s

About it all right all right I’m getting back going to lose though [ __ ] now I got a TR from origin falling in you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] joking bro no I placed my bed down and I hit it and somehow the realm decides to be [ __ ] and doesn’t let me do it

Bro did you double click your butt no then that’s where you went wrong I it was night time and I slept in it that’s that sounds like a you problem you know like it sounds like Mojang problem right there but not me me problem it’s kind of

A you problem that sounds like a moing problem because it’s in the game it’s not a me problem n no don’t even stupid you don’t even did y’all did y’all take the Slime that we have yes I did I took all of it I took

All of it is all mine is it sarcasm or I think it’s sarcasm sounds like it yeah but it sounds like sarcasm but every word Alva says sounds like sarcasm that’s because he’s so soft spoken no he’s not soft spoken he’s just [ __ ] depressive depressive what do you mean

Every word you say you’re like I got a raise Today yeah my mom just won the lottery that’s how you sound you sound like everything is depressing even if it’s even if you’re saying niame for alv is eore is what I’m hearing is what I’m an from [ __ ] you’re e that’s what Chris said the last time he was here he said you’re

[ __ ] for that exact reason yeah I’m not mean to speak in a depressing tongue well that’s I’m not mean to speak in a depressing tone on my voice you’re kind of like me you’re just digging yourself a hole at this point that’s fine at least I won’t be a cam the what

Is it cam the cart man what what are you talking about what’s what’s your name no it’s cam the man I thought it was like cam the Cartman or some [ __ ] I made this I think he actually did take all of our slime did you actually take

All of our slime like no [ __ ] yeah I took all of it yeah I took all of it no [ __ ] damn my mom made this account when I was like five St and I can’t change it since I don’t have an Xbox anymore Honan you can you can just change your Microsoft

Account moang or I just did it that’s why I’m called [ __ ] hyper ghost one 123 or whatever that’s why I’m called no he took it all he took it all it’s all gone what do you need a you like reset the password and stuff for

Or could you just do it and it works huh what were you saying I wasn’t paying attention so do you have to reset the password or not I mean not if you know your password well I’m pretty sure my mom knows the password so

Fine so if I change so if I change my Name would I be good Micosoft okay wait my opinion uh best Minecraft ever was a Xbox 360 version oh pretty sure pretty sure I don’t know about that PS3 and Xbox 360 version the goats I’m G have to disagree with that one man which what I like the original

One version whenever you had the uh [ __ ] elytra games and the [ __ ] Survival Games inside the that’s the that’s the aqua update isn’t it right huh uh no it was waiting for the water update before they did updates and [ __ ] it was only in Bedrock that’s that is the Xbox 360

Version no that’s the xox version it wasn’t on the Xbox 360 at that point it was on the PS3 version I didn’t play Playstation so how am I supposed to know that then how the [ __ ] did you play it oh wait I’m stupid I’m stupid never mind don’t disregard

That who’s here do you want to play fortnite tonight or do you still want to watch the Grinch she’s watching the home the most overrated Christmas movie I’ve ever seen I like Die Hard Die hard’s gooday Die Hard Die Die hard’s great Die Hard for homosexuals I don’t even think die

Hard’s a Christmas movie in my opinion like it is barely Christmas I’ve never seen it I was just making a joke because it’s like that yeah like a lot of people don’t consider it a Christmas movie I’m one of those I’ve never watched it because it’s so gay only [ __ ]

Watch it however I like [ __ ] stirring up drama so it’s a Christmas movie in my books no it’s a f movie in my books we get it are you sure you get it I don’t think you get it you want me to say it one more time you know I don’t

Think I do get it so die hard you know everyone talks about it as a Christmas movie but I think it’s a [ __ ] movie really yeah I have no idea could you you know I don’t think I’m quite grasping it could you so like so like you know when you know when

Two men love each other and like they they finger each other’s butth holes Jesus I can’t say I’ve ever had experience do we not will they watch that movie every Christmas oh really I don’t think I quite get it oh [ __ ] what a oh damn oh damn hey

Ninja get back get back you’re gonna die ninja you’re gonna die a I don’t if you’re at our base I don’t want to attack you ninja you’re gonna die I’m pretty sure we’re all [ __ ] lagging here that’s great n you’re GNA die I’m no longer lagging a damn ninja died I can’t even

Get back in the [ __ ] realm to help him your server [ __ ] sucks he started punching me and I tried to [ __ ] get back on controller but it wouldn’t let me oh I said you left the server get him why’ you do that cuz you [ __ ] kill

Nin I no I didn’t he drowned it that I was taking all his [ __ ] so I didn’t [ __ ] lose it yeah that’s totally what you’re doing cuz you’re known to be a very nice guy I’m ninja I do have your totems and stuff I have all your [ __ ] most of it

You mean my totems still is cuz he took it ala I bet you watch die hard I don’t even know what die hard is he why what the [ __ ] I’m trying to eat [ __ ] pretzels here [ __ ] you Cam what the [ __ ] is happening what is he spawning in our I

Was he spawning in our base spawn set spawn okay spawn Camp his ass I don’t know where he’s spawning at so point I spawn underneath the ocean what I I hid my bed underneath the this is cheese man I set my spawn again and it doesn’t work that wooden swords Jesus yo come

Here come here here ninja ninja come here you blew up linsk ninja this really want me to make this really wants me to quit Minecraft again this game really wants me I love Minecraft really makes me too I love Minecraft that makes me so happy in life [ __ ] Minecraft makes me

Aggravated Minecraft literally makes me aggravated half the time how are you hitting me from so far away I’m literally dead that’s crazy magic he’s a magical bu no seriously how are you hitting me from that far away uh I’m side strafing while I’m hitting what does that mean he’s using

Momentum sweat at Minecraft he’s a sweat a sweaty man hey hey hey don’t leave nope wow I’m done wow

This video, titled ‘Building a Village on my Minecraft Lets Play Ep.6’, was uploaded by Hyper Ghost on 2023-12-20 01:16:03. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:12 or 11052 seconds.

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

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  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

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  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

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  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

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  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “๐ŸŽจ Hot Minecraft Artwork! ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More