Sneaky Minecraft Livestream with Doomizdud & Htetty

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All right I’m going to start streaming all right there we go all right so I just started streaming and I’m going to join the server shortly the moment nice dude nice and I’m guessing the Skins aren’t working for some some reason why aren’t the Skins working yeah the Skins

Are not working dude is this a is this like a problem with Minecraft launcher or something like what’s going on problem with Minecraft yeah yeah yeah let me see here let me just put on my uh skin once again my little Nico skin it works fine with Andy I think actually

I think is of the maybe it’s AOS maybe aernos is just not work working properly all right so my launcher sure loves taking its sweet sweet ass time hold on let me close my oh dude I’m about a water bucket clutch dude Santa CLA hat on well I just landed the water

Bucket clutch dude and get my lights on my LED even though I don’t have a face cam I really need a face cam for the freaking uh live streams one day I’ll get there one day right now I’m my LED lights to get in oh ow ow ow oh a [ __ ] [ __ ] shocked

Myself okay okay I finally got this thing loaded hold on so let me get uh OBS to capture this real quick OBS Studios dude [ __ ] OBS tudios uh yeah OBS needs to get this there we go no no no no not single player uh I got to get my Christmas hat on even

Though nobody’s here okay hold on there we go all right dud dude dude people going to see you through the webcam dude no but I don’t care okay idea you need more crafting table uh no okay good my stone is done smelting okay my heart is beating all right

So all right everything looks good everything looks beautiful everything looks beautiful everything looks good like the way it should be yeah thankfully don’t mind your basement floor huh what yeah don’t mind your basement FL all right don’t mind your basement FLW okay don’t break it don’t

Break it it’s fine don’t break it okay you don’t have to break it all um okay yeah yeah yeah okay sure sure Teddy sure sure I only this do half a block there excuse me okay I I don’t trust you but whatever you sound suspicious but that’s whatever

All how’s your base going going ooh ooh I’m liking it it looks it looks pretty nice looks [ __ ] oh oh uh squid just died in your base but it’s whatever good good good dude I’m about to have H diamond blocks dude what H diamond blocks yes dude I just found diamond blocks dude

Okay you’re lying there’s no way you found diamond blocks share your screen bro share your screen all right dude I’m I’mma share my screen dude get this out are you g sh screen sh screen the water sace okay dude I’m going to share my screen dude you’re not sharing your screen

Whatever hope yes I am dude no you aren bro there’s a diamond blocks like right there dude like like can you not see them dude where where even are you in the game you’re in the mountain somewhere yes you’re right dude nice are you going to make your base there like

You did on that that one server uh that server that I already made my base dude you already made your base good for you I love how the freaking tree just I thought you already visited it dude no I didn’t what are you talking about you

Literally visited my my my my house dude no I didn’t what are you talking about you did you you did you did I did oh my silly willly me uh yeah I remember yes you’re you’re you’re silly willly [Laughter] dude that even mean silly Wily anyways I’m so Sil silly Wily

Dude now um to answer t P’s question what does that even mean you know um Willie is uh like sometimes used to to like Express penis oh my goodness I didn’t mean to express a human genitals and you guys can genitals dud form of genitalia dude genitalia

Genital I don’t want to talk about that that just sounds gay nice dude and I’m not gay I’m kind of like really very straight here yeah he all right dude it’s time to sleep dude sleep sleep sleep sleep what’s that noise uh T it didn’t uh there was no

Thunderstorm right no thunder clap whatever it was good good no lightning stri going I think you’re going crazy bro bro I heard the little whistle and the little heartbeat thing and that scared meis real quick let me just enchant my uh my stuff here because why not BR let’s just enchant all these

Enchantments I need way more XP I need way more XP than this I got to go I’m 11 uh level 21 dude I need way more XP than this level 21 I’m only at level eight because I kept dying to the stupid midnight lurker T hates that thing bro T actually

Hates that thing T was screaming like CRA you remember Ryan bro he kept screaming and kept getting chased around the village I think that thing traumatized him po T bro # freet there that’s the dumbest thing ever dude # freet bro bro bro bro # freet from the midnight lurker

Bro listen to me dude uh hey um uh Isaiah do you know the song uh uh pineapple pen pineapple pen yeah dude can you imagine like a like a tet like robot MPC singing that song dude bro what that would be hilarious dude that would be hilarious and pineapple

Apple oh no the red [ __ ] is back red shit’s back red shit’s back Rich shit’s back nope nope nope NOP Noe no no I don’t know what that was about I don’t want to know what that was about the red shit’s back that’s just nice red shit’s back y what’s up I’m

I’mma F your as crafting tables no not this again no T please don’t please don’t a bunch of crafting tables dude I’ll fill your entire base with wooden planks if you try to do this stupid don’t please don’t Teddy Teddy even got a better idea bro if you

Don’t I need a you need St bricks lava sauce water and bunch of diamond pickaxe you’re going to get a lot of cobblestone damn no no this this base looks fine bro I’m GNA give you some uh some help with some of that stuff there

You go man am I going yeah thank you thank you it’s no problem man it’s no problem it’s my pleasure it’s my pleasure man it’s my pleasure it’s my pleasure man yeah man all right take no we’re going to you right there uh $500,000 dude what just for you Isaiah I

Got $500,000 just for you dude you’re lying no I’m not dude you’re you’re lying how dare you dude you got to be lying I got $500,000 okay why is my screen so black billion why does my screen look like my regular self depressed I didn’t know you could place

Torches on glass Isaiah you’re not depressed dude you’re just sad dude maybe I’m just tired that’s what every depressed person says yeah dude Alex goes to sleep at the time then he gets haunted by granny anyways we have so much in here what’s this mysterious gift what’s this I can’t open

It oh it’s for wait what’s it say this gift appeared mysteriously and doesn’t seem to want to open cannot be opened before December okay we have to open this in 4 days you got that too no I found this in the in your chest I can’t

Yeah one thing can I just say one thing yeah what’s up you know uh after uh mining in the mountains for for like 20 minutes dude I have 44 raw iron dude 44 raw iron I got 49 well I got 49 it’s pretty good nice uh yeah dude pretty good pretty

Outside too stupid mobs don’t [ __ ] you guys that’s why anyways no I’m kidding I have to make sure the outside isn’t full isn’t full of darkness and that yeah give me that back actually wouldn’t it make more sense if this hung above the enchanting table T yeah that looks better I like

That I like that I like that that looks nice oh yeah we got an enchanting table T no Ryan we already got an enchanting table I tried to get to the to the ather but I couldn’t find any glow stone so we got a lot of birch trees around here oh

All right well well you know that that’s like super cool um could I actually use your guys’s uh enchantment table to yeah sure enchant my own stuff dude just please don’t do any stupid [ __ ] in my fuing base bro you know dude I’m going to mine that enchantment table dude and

I’m just going to throw it into a hole of lava dude yeah no I don’t feel like giving you the cords nice dude the TCH can do that if he wants to I really don’t want this base to be I am going to destroy everything

In in your base and outside of your base and and everything that you have established in Minecraft dude in the digital realm are you sure you want to do that yes dude dare me I dare you to try to I dare you to do that I dare you

To do that all right dude I’m coming with my lava buckets dude bet that are you sure you want to do that are you really sure you want to do that are you really sure you want to do that are you really sure cuz I’m one away from

Destroying this entire world one click away wait what I will do that dude all right then wait what you’re lost all right hold on dude let me just kill this see you know what matter of fact I’ll give you the quartz to my base if you if

You touch one block I’m running straight towards the abandoned house now I’m about to go and just touch one block dude one click that you see what’s in my hands it’s a Wither Skull it’s a Wither Skull you want the cords Ryan yes dude all right give it to me

Dude give it to me give it to me can opener give it to me all right nice dude it’s actually around the center of the let me go to the center of the world real quick I’m going to go I’m going to go uh

On a a short trip and if I come back and I see one thing is missing I’m spawning that thing in okay dude I’m spawning the world eater in Ryan don’t do any stupid [ __ ] to my house nice dude don’t do any stupid [ __ ] my base where’s your base bro bro why do

All of these these like like abandoned Nether Portals have have such trash [ __ ] dude maybe cuz we looted them all and then we just left and we just left the garbage behind where’s Gabe bro Gabe’s missing out Gabe is missing out you you really need to see my face though can I just

Like say something dude you know what what Gabe said dude he said you know like I’ve kind of like lost like my interest in Minecraft so but we got some new [ __ ] on we got some on the server dude we got some new [ __ ] so hey he’s

Missing out he’s just missing out that’s just his then then then you know what Isaiah then then perhaps you should negotiate to um uh Gabriel no I think I’ve done enough negotiating oh this is a nice nice area this a nice little area isn’t it dude I just found a throw up

Biome dude a what a throw up biome can you guess what it is dude Savannah H yeah saan biome dude throw up biome Savannah doesn’t look like disgusting [ __ ] biome dude yeah I know I don’t like a birch I don’t like Birch at all I’m turning every Birch into crafting table

Bro Ted’s really good at making crafting tables can I make that let’s try it anyways let’s go I should build a house out of crafting tables dude I’m going to get out of here before the cave dweller eats me alive ooh another Emerald I have

Oh wait I ran out of emeralds but I’ll take this one anyways cuz I like to make good deals with t t we should go back to the Village yeah yeah yeah where are you at uh you still at my base yeah dude I just found some weird o

Structure dude and it’s and it’s like a little like like a like a like a tower dude what are you talking I don’t know what it is I don’t know what it is dude okay it’s not what I think it is never mind okay oh and by the way I also found

This like weird dungeon dude and I think that that that we should all like explore it because uh is it a mft is what is it okay so let me tell you it looks like a m shaft but it’s not it’s like a thing that’s like at the surface

And then it has a ladder and it goes like all the way down dude and then it’s like yeah that’s a m shaft that’s a m shaft we got better M shafts on here they they basically upgrade the M shafts look like that I think you found a m

Shaft sleep I’m far away from my base because I decided to take a trip away you have a bed on you dude no I left it at home okay uh can you like leave and rejoin uh for like two seconds dude okay all right hold on

Uh uh wrong time dude too fast my bad all right all right join back dude join back dude all right there you go pretty good nice my bad oh yeah yeah some some like Tower with like a with like a fire thing T I’m uh I’m

Back at my base you want to see what Ryan’s talking about oh no no no I’m why not why not it’s going to be fun bro come on I for a minutes I have to thank you a minute what’s that what are those particles around you you got yellow particles on

You have yellow particles on me no uh T has yellow particles in him that’s haste that’s Hast haste okay all right well I’ll go see what Ryan’s talking about oh no the red crap is back it’s not going to be here for dude are you coming to me yeah I’m coming to

You okay dude okay dude dude pleas come to me dude okay please come to me okay thinking it sound weird now okay all right dude 5 4 3 2 1 explosion what I don’t even know dude me either I don’t know anymore I lost my mind that’s

What Eric said in uh like third period dude explosion like that I can’t stop thinking about that time he was like firing the hole during the lock down drill and Miss G is just like Eric stop Miss G or miss Lamb dude Miss G miss guo the yearbook teacher then the

LA Ela Ela teacher for uh for seventh graders whoa nice dude you probably haven’t met her she’s basically Miss col’s replacement you know how Miss colato got replaced Miss G is the new teacher now imagine if I had Miss colato for gear book oh hell no can I make this jump no

M wait yeah I can make that a perfect oh all right dude uh you should find me on top of a giant Tower dude H you’re still really far from me is I think I can make it I forgot my boat it’s whatever I’ll just have to well I’m still human I can

Swim or or you can just make a a a boat dude I don’t have time for that my my axe is going to break one of these days nice dude all right dude well I’m just bouncing up and down on on a on a giant water tower dude

Hey guys want some some water drinking ASMR no I don’t want to hear all right dude well I’m going give it dude hold on a sec I don’t think your mic is going to pick it up I think it will dude no it won’t it won’t it won’t please don’t

Tell me I have to deafen myself I just Tapp I just did it dude I just heard tapping that’s it yes did you hear that Dude we’ll talk about that later uh what SEC hold on you’re nearby let’s I want to see what you’re talking about bro oh yeah here’s the vomit biome you must been talking about uh just heard that dude oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this okay no this

Isn’t a is it no I don’t think this is a m shaft entrance this is one of those other structures well this isn’t the M shaft entrance but I can take you to the real M shaft entrance what the freak is this come to the m to uh to to the m

Shaft uh uh sure all right nice dude just just come with me dude like come with me dude e e okay hold on um I know that I took a screenshot of the coordinates all right it’s um X1 133 z uh 317 all right X3 here is a free emeralds

By the way I’m feeling generous today nice dude uh all right so this is just about like the direction that we need to go in and that right there is the um ruined portal ruined portal that I uh looted nice perhaps it was looted a second time yeah t looted that one I

Think nice dude yeah well um that one still had a little like gold block on top of it so um I got got that and uh and an Unbreaking one golden helmet oh we should make a farm after I spawn in the world eater my base is about 600 blocks away

Direction that we need to be going in Isaiah yeah it is last okay should yeah we’re going in the right way we’re 400 blocks away from it basically and we’re 600 blocks away from my base oh my that is a huge cave well the caves and cliffs update dude I know

But I mean I’m just still shocked at this cave generation I’m more used to a 1.2.2 big big yeah big big difference from like 1.8 dude yeah uh we should go to the Village soon we should go back to the Village T we should go back to the

Village yeah yeah and you should like right click on more V why are my blocks to trade with more uh try to trade with more villagers yeah I think I could make that I’m not going to R it uh all right all all right watch just just just watch

Dude all right hold on dude all right watch watch watch hold on dude just watch dude just watch dude all right I’m watching nice I’m on one heart dude nice I managed to do it to do as well because I just feel like it all right so what go up here

Dude this is the Tommy in it method dude what where did you go I went up a water thing dude oh I just went up this way nice I am the marar 3 study Bible dude I don’t know anymore hold on let me see yeah uh let’s

Just keep heading this way and we should be able to run into it in no time bunch of red fog right now dude yeah yeah you’ll get used to that it happens uh wind swept heels Hills wait where are you dude uh just keep going uh that way just keep going

The way you’re going am I faster well I just found some iron dude nice that’s slowing down H that’s whatever okay okay oh how in the world you’re talking about this I haven’t seen this before hold on how far is coming to dude I don’t know dude where is T is he even

On the game anymore he is I think he where is he is he T where are you wait Isaiah where are you T where’d you go uh Isaiah are you in the M shaft I got yeah nice I’m trying to find Ted I’m about to enter the M shaft wait where

Are you Ted oh there you go uh what’s up T finally appeared I’m getting better at that I used to suck maybe it’s cuz of my I had such a lagg I just did it dude oh hi creeper we need gunpowder later no my your kitten Diamond no way that’s crazy

That’s actually crazy oh that sucks okay what do I not need I don’t need that I don’t need that I don’t need a bag of seeds what E I don’t need that I don’t need that I don’t need we go this way I just ran out of torches dude not a

Good feeling yeah I don’t need torches I can just see through the dark I just got a name tag what the hell just like randomly just while I was running picked up a name tag okay so this is the better M shafts update yeah better M shaft’s mod it does

Feel like an update does feel like an update that’s for sure bro I just found diamonds already no I did not find diamonds dude I wish I did though I did I think I just found a dungeon no it’s just a cobblestone wall yeah you’ll get used you’ll have to get

Used to that who oh sorry dude that’s all right I understand you thought I was a freaking midnight lurker or something hey we should go back to the Village we really should we should go to the I think I have enough oh no the red shit’s back again

Material take your torches back you don’t need them why is my heart racing in game I’m going come to you guys I’m done with the hate that’s what you get for slacking off wait for the oh [ __ ] yeah I’m going to go fight some creepers if I can find

Any cuz we’re going to need gun powder for later oh yeah um uh I was actually saying like a bit earlier that uh like what is up like like with this world and like in its creeper generation dude cuz like like the spawn rate of creepers right now bro

Is just completely off the charts it is I don’t see any yeah at all well I was like just like like always seeing creepers dude uh that’s good I wish I could have the same fate especially oh look and there’s T oh let’s go oh never

Mind I see what you mean oh [ __ ] damn yo we got to get gunpowder like lots of gun so many creepers dude bro why is there so much creepers there’s creepers everywhere dude I see what you mean now first up oh I had my shield up yeah that’s right kill the kill the

No oh my goodness this [ __ ] I need bones right yeah keep the bones right there we go I got rid of him no okay there goes my chances of getting gunpowder because the stupid skeletons Stupid Zombies there we go I just want to go face to face with I hate

This oh oh oh no oh wait um I think my like like my little like pinpoint thing has has like disappeared dude uh oh Ryan’s uh Ryan uh Ted’s being chased by the midnight lurker oh really yeah hold on they maybe oh there it is dude dude I just saw the

Midnight look dud run away dude sounds like a [ __ ] dying dog if I’m being honest I’m ding it sounds like a dying dog Not today thank you is it gone yeah uh it’s the achievement that you get from uh stopping a skeletons attack I just got gunpowder dude good I actually just got gunpowder I would love it if you gave it to me cuz I I need gunpowder for something later all right we maybe

Where is it I don’t know where it is I’m going back to my original base I’m going back to my original base finally I just found my base and it swarmed with zombies for I think I’m safe I think I’m safe I think I’m safe hey that’s

Nice T finally managed to escape the midnight oh no I spoke too soon it broke the door it can do that you didn’t know that it can break Windows too for you gab is missing out bro Gabe is missing out dude what’s this black wool nice I thought it was one of those

Midnight lurker things anyways what are you guys going to do for Christmas dude you do not know what I just found dude I just found a skeleton riding a spider dude nice Ted’s still being chased by the midnight lurker damn that is not good bro oh my gosh

Away T you’re actually crazy br oh [ __ ] here we go I got a PL to killer bro I got a PL killer I got to killer I got to freaking uh kill this Enderman real quick he’s pissed off bro aha you can’t get me oh thank you

For the B thank you for the V bro some hell no I am not going out there come on come on come on die give me an ender pearl I got cook I got a cook die give me an end guys can we sleep real quickly yeah yes H one second I

Can’t bro I can’t sleep right now cuz there’s monsters nearby dude I can’t sleep because I don’t even have a bed okay well um I think I’m safe yeah head to the Village yeah I’m heading to the Village right now oh I’m not safe oh no I just got him in that lurker

Too well that’s not good he’s fast he’s fast and my FPS is getting can’t climb ladder right the right yeah I don’t think I can oh I just found the midnight lurker dude yeah he’s G on to you oh never Mind no I’m killing it with lava I’m burning the forest oh hell no hey um uh can the midnight lurker like like burn in like in the daytime nope no we tried what the heck okay why uh can it fly no okay well that’s good thankfully

Not you know what it can do it can break down doors and windows at the speed of a of a light switch on I cannot get away all right well I guess that we’re just going to have to wait for the daytime dude all right um so how about

Both of you leave the game for like two seconds sure all right all right well that’s really good that was good you can you guys can uh join back now ohx what’s all the mobs are on fire are you playing with t yeah I’m playing with t what’s

Up all right nice Zim is still in the chat why is it so loud dude the midnight looker is is literally chasing me right now dude why is it so loud I have to turn my game down how many of these are the midnight lurker one two three

Four five oh [ __ ] I got [ __ ] five of the this is so scary dude oh hell no I just had to barricade my my my doors with blocks dude I’m getting chased by six of them seven didn’t kill me I’m getting chased by the whole freaking Village you’re getting chased by seven

Midnight lers yeah go check it out bro my game’s lagging they can get on the roof they can get on the roof they can get on they are on the Roof oh they’re on the roof they’re on the roof they’re on the roof they’re on the roof right they can get

On the roof and that was my question like how did this thing get on the roof like can it fly like what oh [ __ ] there’s too many of them can it like jump very high there are so many of them bro you need to see this

Bro I can’t trade with any of these guys I’m just trying to trade with villagers I’ve got an entire parade following me man I’m just going to have to wait till this midnight lurker despawns dude this oh there we go the spawn how am I supposed to kill it I can’t yeah you

Can’t that’s the thing about the midnight lurker I think wait who wait wait oh finally they did this spawn well there’s still one left question question can I or can I not kill the midnight lier like like with like a weapon uh no you can’t uh T said something about needing

Dogs oh okay do that I don’t know if that works is there one still left okay Ryan what are you doing what are you up to what’s going on over here oh my gosh I can’t I can’t I got to eat I got to eat I got to eat I got to eat

Oh well that’s just nice go all the way back I I’m just chilling in my base right now covered with with blocks dude like like like I just barricaded my doors dude why is the game so loud bro this is going to take forever what dude I think I should just turn hostile

Creatures oh hostile creatures doesn’t work because okay I got to get my stuff back we’re just going to head back to my base how about that Ted did you uh did you get everything from from your old house uh not everything not everything you should you should take uh good advantage of this

Opportunity where are you right now where are you asking out of curiosity like are you in the village huh I’m in my base you’re in your old base or at my base at your base you’re at my base okay so we need to get Ryan out of

Here yeah um I don’t know how to dude I think I should just like make a run for it dude right should I what your freaking base bro is what should I do right now dude what should I do don’t worry about it what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Help you out here how by by by doing what hold on just just follow me bro don’t worry about it all right well I can’t follow you right now now because I have one more iron smelting need to get that done first and all right I’m on my

Way all oh never mind just oh [ __ ] no okay it’s gone oh never mind it responded it responded just run this thing doesn’t want to come for me uh can it swim in water yeah yeah can it swim in water fast probably I I can’t remember why don’t you go try let’s see

I’m in my boat dude I’m in my boat okay yeah I can swim I think is it fast it’s just as fast as you ish hold on it’s like gaining up to you it’s like bro it’s so funny when it swims dude it is bro you’re freaking you’re going the wrong

Way that’s not the way to my base what’s that over there yes I know dude all I’m trying to do is I’m just trying to get away from this damn thing dude yeah I think it can teleport to oh can it oh so like an Enderman and

It also looks like an Enderman well that’s fitting yeah what is this over here I see something uh what is this wait is it gone I think it’s gone oh no it’s heading for me now it’s on you dude oh my gosh it’s heading for me now isn’t that just

Lovely oh no no wow now it’s going for me dude oh it’s gone thank goodness nope oh I hear it where is it I don’t want to know I’m just going to get out of here now wait I see Ted hold on I see Ted’s there you are what’s up what’s

Up were you getting chased by I’m getting chased by one uh I am I am yeah Ryan let’s just head to our base or my base uh you guys are heading the wrong way hold on look at the uh head to what was it 64

61 uh 33 I think getting chased by a midnight lurer you know what just had to follow you dude whatever uh hold on hey um uh uh po plays Isaiah where are you right now uh I’m heading back to my base and so is Ted you should check it out you should

Check it out go uh I don’t know where to go to get to the base dude you just got to you just got to head to the cords you just got to that thing what are the uh the the the x and z chords I sent them earlier and who’s getting

Chased by midnight lurker again I know it’s not me me you it’s me it’s me yes it’s it is me I just realized Ryan hasn’t died at all he feel good bro I got to get rid of these death way points bro they’re getting annoying n it’s just cuz I like

To play the game safe dude yeah you’re the I’m kind of a little stupid when it comes that [ __ ] uh maybe you should try going through the Twilight Forest and coming back out maybe that might work I think I am hitting uh heading the right way I just said hitting the right

Way I think I am heading the right way yeah that’s nice let me check the live chat real quick uh hi line bro I’m getting chased by like 10 midnight lurkers dude Sonic fan I’m not really a huge fan of sports to be honest oh you’re finally you got here

Fast how bro I’m literally getting chased by 10,000 oh not in the base no damn it I’m my I’m coming not in the base he’s going to break the windows again oh my God all right you break one window I’m spawning that damned wither storm bro spotting the Wither storm dude

Wither storm idiot oh the no dude it’s the Wither dorm wither storm you idiot okay you can go get yourself killed I’m going to spawn in the Wither storm because uh wait really no dude dude dude dude but we’re not even prepared dude yeah we are you got armor

I got armor no no no no no stop stop stop I’m killing you I I’m killing you bro stop yeah try to stop me stop me I’m I’ll stop you dude po please dude stop it dude ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m hungry bro I’m hungry bro oh [ __ ] I’m hungry

Bro oh [ __ ] I’m hungry bro oh well it’s good thing that the midnight lurkers have gone away finally I was going to spawn it if you wouldn’t get that thing out of my base I’m just going to get my stuff back and I’mma flip a CO I’m going do a wheel

Spinner uh uh I’ll be right guys te are you [ __ ] kidding me bro yay bro dude what the f bro what the hell I’m not giving that dude I’m not giving it to you bro I’m not giving the thing to you what the freak man

Freak dude give me my sword back give me my sword back okay some of the stuff isn’t even mine oh yeah no no yeah I’m beating your ass bro I’m beating your ass get back here bro get back here get back here I could chase you all day bro get back here uhuh

Uhuh I’m I’m beating your ass bro get back here give me back give me give me one second give me my skull back give me my skull back uhuh uhuh get back here little [ __ ] get back here get back here uh get back here get back here no yeah nice try

Man give it back bro N I ain’t stop it stop it stop it no stop stop stop stop I’ll give you I’ll give you yeah oh [ __ ] bro what happened the game lagged yeah it did dude on stop stop stop stop getting on my friend Ted dude I’m

Dead hey Isaiah dude stop it dude give me my skull back give me the skull back give me the skull back give me the skull back give me the skull back dude I give you it mm- mm nope there’s nothing there I give you the SC you

Didn’t I did I dropped it no you didn’t where is it then I dropped it where is it where is it bro I’m at half a heart bro I think my fortnite gaming dude fortnite gaming the [ __ ] how many D how bro give me my [ __ ] back wait why why is my gravestone

Breaking I don’t know I don’t know dude why is my and where is your skull yeah where’s my [ __ ] at give me my [ __ ] back- I don’t know where it is dude you got my [ __ ] I don’t know where it is you got my [ __ ] all right well here you

Got that you got that you got that give me all my sh got that you got two gapples dude two gapp give me my gapples give me my diamonds where’s my diamonds you got that you got that you got that you got that you got that you got that

Um but for some reason dude you got no skull dude yeah I don’t need that I don’t know where that is where that thing is dude what about my glov where’s my gloves oh look who came look who came look who came look who came look right there right there right there

You just missed it look who came give the skull dude give the skull give it to me dude there’s a skull there’s a skull there m I’m keeping this I’m keeping I have it now I’m keeping it all right well I’mma to take it from you dude

Uh-uh yes try me okay try me all right hold on dude I don’t that’s this is T’s copper oh look T Ted it’s your best friend over there all right dude give it to me dude T hey Ryan Ryan Ryan you dumbass look over there yes I

See can you guys stop breaking my freaking grave at least can you be respectful okay so no matter how much I try to hit the midnight lurker I can’t like like like make it take damage can you not can you stop stealing my stuff I’m not stealing anything dude I’m just

Trying to get the head bro give me yo give me my [ __ ] back all right hold on oh my gosh bro I [ __ ] SAR Hey where’s my go where yeah okay your golden apples yep yep and what else what else are we missing my friend over therea look over there bro

Oh hell what else hold on uh and and your arrows and your lava bucket dude and your head your your skull head look over there look it no I’m just going to go battle with end B yes lick dude devious lick on can I

Get my golden uh boots back can I get my golden boots back please not golden boots Golden Gloves yeah hold on dude uh let me just make it just got I can check my inv my inventory and why the hell are is my grave unlocked I didn’t agree to unlock

Graves I don’t know one of you guys keeps redeeming My Grave oh there’s more Enderman on the server which is nice all right and can we cut out the PVP please all right um and uh can we all just just sleep for a second please

Uh yeah after I get back to my base and after I fight this Enderman because you guys kept [ __ ] leading me away to my base get back here you’re a [ __ ] tall like Mr Golding teleports out of nowhere Mr Golding just loves to teleport all right so sleep now dude no

I’m busy fighting an Enderman for ender pearls that’s my fourth ender pearl let’s go uh-oh the midnight lurker is after one of you guys well it’s not after me he’s coming I think it’s for T I think he’s coming for T I’m in my basement I think he’s coming after one

Of you guys who is I’m in my basement he’s coming he’s coming after one of you guys why is he at my base why is he at the front door yeah that’s for utat he’s coming for utat oh wait e he is let him in you want

Me to let him in for you no no don’t don’t stop okay okay there’s a creeper in the bridge am uh I think he let himself in oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the hell is that it was a creeper it didn’t do anything thankfully uh I don’t know where the

Midnight lurker is but he’s gone now uh Ryan put some nice decorations around my base uh I think my axe broke I have to take down Ryan’s decorations and I still haven’t gotten my Golden Gloves back or my skull I gave you the skull dude no you didn’t yes I did dude no you didn’t when of you guys still have it yes I did dude

I gave you SK D you have it I don’t even have it you have it who has it I gave it to you dude no you didn’t you gave it to me and then I died and then you guys took all the stuff from my grave so then

So when of you guys had it so when of you guys picked it up maybe dude it just fell in a piece of lava dude I’m going to go take a trip to the nether yo I dude I got no iron let me some iron bro oh yeah one of you guys

Stole my 49 pieces of iron my golden gloves and my Wither Skull Ryan yeah Ryan yeah oh my [ __ ] goodness this game hey um uh locked good finally can I get some IR Ryan question uh can can um can uh both of you guys leave things

Or like um hey t t t t uh can you sleep right now dude who leaded the midnight lurker into the freaking oh it’s back in the Overworld now out Ted can you sleep yeah get out of the nether portal don’t go in the nether please yeah go out of the nether

Thank you don’t be here thank you finally oh oh great I need golden boots I need golden boots all right well about uh the Golden Gloves I don’t have those yeah it t probably took up for me I also don’t have the skull so uh yeah one of you guys took

It let’s sleep D I can’t sleep now I’m in the nether I don’t know about you guys but I can’t sleep right now okay okay well um uh is it okay if like both of you guys leave for like 2 seconds does it require me to sleep because I’m in the Nether

And that’s not possible okay all well I think it’s daytime now it’s yeah the sun’s Rising you shouldn’t worry about it chased by a midnight ler yeah you finally managed to lead it out of the Nether and get some of my stuff back oh that’s only

Three are you you kidding me I only got one bro this server is so buggy oh nice dude oh there we go three ingots back good more IR I feel like like I want a fourth member to be with this gold gold gold gold I need this guys should I spawn the wither

Storm dude what you took the skull from me yes yeah spawn it okay dude no don’t yeah spawn it spawn it spawn it spawn it spawn it okay dude well I not going to spawn it right now dude why not because it’s it’s too yes exactly dude because it’s too risky

Yep you’re a [ __ ] okay dude can this piglin not walk on my crafting table why is there okay I don’t remember having sand and gravel okay I I picked up someone else’s stuff but it’s not it’s pretty my valuable sand and gravel dude I don’t think you needed

That this plenty more fish in the sea wither skulls on the other hand are something very rare now I have to go find a nether Forge to get all that stuff back that with this SK was something with spawn oh well I’m also getting to a warped Forest

According to Journey map so I’m going to go look for some ender pearls while I’m at it oh nice wait is this Ted space I think it is huh what oh wait oh no it’s your base oh yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it is okay you’re kidding me I [ __ ]

Oh I was mining and on the side of the wall there’s some freaking lava and because lava’s so fast in the nether I only had so much time to react I was too busy R re nice dude you guys love making fun of me don’t you it’s whatever I’m used to

It okay how many jeez [ __ ] [ __ ] ease there’s so many Enderman over here jeez L [ __ ] ease nice dude all right all right dude where’ the skull go for my inventory I don’t know I don’t have it I’m in the nether how’ I know where the [ __ ] is my oh you’re

Kidding me you’re kidding me these idiots couldn’t put my grave in the tunnel instead it’s somewhere else okay this better be at the portal it better be at the portal if it’s not at the portal then I don’t know where it will be disappeared from my inventory the

Skull dud where you’re kidding me you’ve got to be kidding you’re joking you’re joking you’re actually joking okay me no this freaking game or the gravestone mod we should just have keep inventory on at this point yeah cuz I’m getting sick and tired of losing my

[ __ ] now I have to mine with my bare hands I had to mine with my bare hands you’re kidding me why why oh my gosh this is going to take forever what are you doing in the nether T what what are you going to what are you doing in the nether

T uh give me IR am because Ryan stole my iron nice Ryan stole your iron dude yeah Ryan you stole our iron no I didn’t yes you did you stole my 49 pieces and I didn’t get it back all right well you know what dude if I did I can give that back

Dude I even know where the [ __ ] is my grave at hey Isaiah uh 49 iron you said yeah 49 pieces of iron iron ingots okay uh and uh uh T what about you oh no uh okay dude uh should I just give you like 16

Iron okay all right dude 16 iron for you dude and it’s on the hoose it’s on the host do one of you guys have a pickaxe or something cuz this is taking forever yeah um I have a stone pickaxe yeah can you come to the Nether and just

Like can I borrow it please cuz uh I there’s some there’s an accident in the Nether and I just or at least a pickaxe I don’t know any pickaxe I don’t care where are pickaxe would be better and then my bare hands a wooden pickaxe would be better yeah even a

Wooden pickaxe at this point no I’m not asking for one I’d love something a lot better uh of course there’s going to be an ore in the way all right well I’m on my way to the nether right now um I don’t have my golden helmet on me dude how stupid can

I be yeah just use use the Golden Gloves he stole from me I don’t okay listen uh Isaiah I’m being entirely honest right now I don’t know where though where in in in in in the nether those are dude like I’m being completely honest dude I I don’t know where those are

Nether waste all right well why is my grave so far why is my grave so far this is going to take years and I hear a gas I’m scared I just want to see Abigail this Christmas that’s all I want oh my goodness land oh

No there’s a gas does he see me I don’t know there’s a gas nice dude yeah he probably sees me oh my gosh my stuff oh come on all right so should I give you uh the pickaxe or what screw this screw this screw this I found a what’s it called

Baston whatever it’s called I can’t remember what it’s called the [ __ ] it’s called a bastard dude a Baston no dude it is called a bastard dude Bast it’s called a bastard Baston I can’t remember what it’s called bastil I can’t remember what it’s called seriously it’s the giant thing in the

Nether the black thingly seriously it’s called a Bastion a BAS Bastion yeah I don’t have good memory okay I haven’t played the freaking nether update in years speaking of black things I found an Enderman all right dude hey uh Isaiah question for you dude do you want the

Pickaxe or what dude no I got my stuff back which took forever die is he going to die oh there he is okay good oh [ __ ] are you kidding me no ender pearls really I can’t believe people actually waste their two ender pearls on hey uh

Isaiah um in one of your chests I have a 49 iron ingots and a 16 iron ingots please give the 16 iron ingots to a Ted when he can please yeah sure if I even make it out of the nether alive where’s my helmet at either the

Helmet broke or I just lost it eh it was close enough those were the days dude I don’t know how dude but the skull it just disappeared from my inventory yeah I’ll go find a nether fortress and I’ll find another one which will take ages yeah I don’t know where that is dude Yo that’s some nice loot I don’t even remember having arrows I don’t know uh reward what’s that give me what what did that give me I’ve got so much junk in my inventory all right I’m taking the I uh do what do you guys have an uncrafting table I could

Use or did none of you guys do anything in the Twilight Forest yet I’m guessing it’s a no I’ll be right back I need to get my food no no not in the nether please tell me it’s not after me bro this this freaking skull just disappeared no it’s in the nether it’s

In the nether it’s in the nether it’s whoa who did that dude that was not me dude that’s not good that can’t be good I am not dealing with this thing in the nether oh no oh no oh no like who did that like that was not me that was not me

Dude stop acting stupid nothing built can last forever that’s ivor’s only that’s ivor’s last well uh Ted what do you think what do you think Ted oh my goodness t t hey T what do you think what do you think I’m going to get my stuff back and I’m getting the hell out

Of here this the nether is always a mistake T what do you think dude what do you think death way points in the hey T T I cannot hear you dude T neither of us can hear can hear you yo what happened to him did he mute

Himself or something or is he just not speaking a single word um I don’t know maybe I’m just going to stay in the nether oh yeah in order to beat that thing we need to find blaze rods so I’m going to maybe stick in the nether as long as the midnight lurker

Goes away oh yeah the midnight lurker is trying to kill me in the nether as I speak that’s that’s going to be fun yeah it does sound like a dying dog hold on let me look at the chat again what’s up T what good he died yeah he died

The Bu what yo what the hell did you guys do what why is there why is there boss ball on my screen huh why is there a boss ball on my screen oh Ryan uh spawned in the Wither storm cuz I wouldn’t and he was being a

[ __ ] and I kept calling him a [ __ ] he decided to not be a [ __ ] and spawned in can I make that I don’t think I can make that oh yeah by the way uh [ __ ] I can’t make that anymore no I can’t make it anymore it’s destroying the base it’s

Destroying the base can you lead it away from the base at least I can’t I got y’all Dude what’s the SE of the server asking out of curiosity what’s the seed of the server I don’t know dude SL seed yeah can what you guys do that real quick I don’t know it doesn’t work oh [ __ ] well it’s yeah it’s not working for me I

Assumed that it would work for one of you guys it doesn’t work for me well I’m I’m dead yeah you guys are dead you guys are literally dead I’m staying in the nether for a while and as long as the midnight lurker doesn’t do any stupid stuff that should be just fine

Oh yeah uh your house is on fire by the way my house is on fire I destroyed everything in Minecraft whoa I just found an ocean Monument how did you find an ocean Monument you guys are already evacuating I thought you guys are just sticking there and

Just whoo dude this doesn’t this looks nothing like an ocean Monument dude this is like a crazy Monument yeah what is this modded they’re modded you didn’t know that hey um how about we we explore this thing dude by way I have no back sorry I’m stuck in the what did you guys

Do to Maxine what fort Elon R what the [ __ ] okay some people are in the chat I think they’re bullying Maxine don’t cry we got 40 minutes left of this uh I need where’s Sonic when I need him where’s that goofy ass dude at hey Ryan you remember Sonic the weird

Guy yeah Sonic the Hedgehog no AKA Sophia the demon hog oh Sophia the demon hog it’s fia the demon hog has shot by a skull from the with what phase is it at what phase is the Wither storm at like does it have it phasee five it’s a phase

Five dude you’re lying there’s no way it got to phasee five that fat T what does the Wither storm look like right now is it still just a Wither like does it have like a body around it like what does it what does it look like right have an eye

And a mouth and a does it have arms does it have his arms it looks like a giant squid in the [ __ ] Sky dude you should play Minecraft story mode Ryan you really should like it looks like a giant squid in the sky dude comes from someone who

Never play Minecraft story mode blob of blob dude no here what does here they come mean dude no the with the not the with the midnight lurker back uh uh hey Ted what is that uh that um uh achievement what is it here I come a fast comeback what there supped be

Something modded t that one of that one of those [Laughter] achievements [Laughter] nope what happened Ted Teddy what happened what happened Teddy what happened Teddy Teddy what happened t t t t t what are those achievements what T what happened Y what are those achievement huh we’re do we’re dead

Bro yeah bro Ted what are those achievements dude yeah what are those achievements about Ted can you just tell me what what the achievement is please oh yeah you you’ll be shocked at how big that thing gets Ryan yeah like how like how erect and massive it becomes yes I know dude you’re

Disgusting when I at the current moment it’s flaccid right now the last time I talked to someone about you they’ known you as the testicle guy for your [ __ ] testicle eating Tik Tok it’s uh the girl that you said that uh had a crush on you

Last year or something who who dude you know who I’m talking don’t say their name on The Stream do not say their name on The Stream but but but there but there’s like two of them dude there’s two but there’s like two of them what do

You mean there’s two of them tell tell me the first letter of their name um not on the stream hold on let me just mute OBS and starving okay uh keep anything IRL off stream please uh can we sleep right now like leave like leave for ju just just

Just a sec all right yeah let me T can you leave T all right thanks okay well that’s really good now it’s daytime uh the Wither storm this is the Wither storm mod this is the Wither storm mod this is the Wither storm Mod The W storm mod Gabe doesn’t

Know what he’s missing out on I’m not eating one of my gapples I’m not eating one of my gapples I will freaking walk to that nether portal if I have to I will walk all the way back home oh yeah where’s all my bread at so what do

You guys stole my bread my stack of bread well I have a bunch of food that I can give you that isn’t bread and that’s better than bread what is it uh I don’t know you’re weird when okay oh pork chop okay I was assuming it was something else cuz your was weird

When it comes to food or food what like like you thought that I was supposed to say testicles dude or something yeah I don’t know you seem like that kind of guy who would do something like that anyways oh my goodness I have to [ __ ] mine all the way back to the

Exit this is going to be fun time to break my pickaxe and I hope I don’t run into lava again like a [ __ ] idiot you mean a freaking idiot dude you’re right I got to stop swearing all right dude um how to make a bow in Minecraft you

Don’t know how to make a bow use uh use not enough items the the thing in your inventory with all the items they show you the crafting recipes if you click on them and there’s a search bar that lets you search for items like including modded ones so yeah use

That that was quick what um is it uh like like the one that has like 80 Pages yeah says six for me oh okay all right I don’t know why it’s 80 for me you must be using giant gy where’s this thing at where’s it at one away in the woods the

Woods oh it’s nearby yeah okay I see what you’re talking about the base is freaking destroyed I just want to see how much of it is left intact you guys were [ __ ] idiots damn okay well my bed’s still here I’m taking my bed uh I’m definitely taking this this matters the

Most uh what do I not need from this you guys took all my food oh I definitely need this actually I’ll leave it here no I do you guys have any string I need string please uh I think one of my chests might have string I don’t know

Okay um there’s one piece of string in here oh yeah there’s my iron nice I need food that’s what I need wait what stage is it at stage two can I use an uncrafting table for wool to make string can I do that uh with yeah at the you’re in the

Twilight for where are you I’m in the Overworld yeah go to the that’s going to take too long all right well then I guess I should just go looking for like spiders or something yeah I’m just going to head to the Village because uh I ran out of

Food and Villages just found the monster dude yeah I’m just going to run away from the chaos while I still can and make a new base I love how everything’s black and white for me it literally looks depressing it’s also black and white for me too yeah cuz we’re starving that means you

Have to eat but you have food unlike me well I don’t have a lot of food dude well at least you have food I don’t got anything honestly dude you sound like Peppa Pig when you say that dude well at least I have food I said at least you have food nice

Dude use my block of gold to make uh some some gapples dude I did not sound like Peppa Pig what the [ __ ] yes you did dude no I don’t I’m not saying you do dude I said you did I did yes did game’s running at a decent FPS oh

Just wait for T’s fps to go down when it goes to Stage six stage six is when it’s at its laggiest T’s toaster computer is go I have 31 leather what can I do with that 31 leather make 31 item frames with a bunch of sticks why oh my goodness I see wheat

Fields I’m going to be I’m going to have food for days hey um I’m about to give you some of some food okay no thanks I have my own food now finally and I’m not right clicking villager I’m not oh we should have had Quirk if only

Quark was in this mod pack that’d be so cool a CED place you know what’s a CD Place dude some balls let’s go handle this Isaiah guy right now what the [ __ ] excuse me nope nope nope nope nope nope nope stop stop stop stop oh by the

Way um I have my or rather your um Golden Gloves I didn’t know that I had them because I was wearing them and I also don’t know how to take them off uh use your ather inventory all right um where are you right now I don’t need them anymore you can keep

Them all right all right just just just just just hold on dude like like like come to me dude why I don’t trust you I don’t trust you why can I how can I TR because I have something to show you dude what no you have the worst surprises in history

Bro well you’re somewhere near bunch of villagers trapped in there oh my I’m lagging yes give me this give me this yes food I feel like OJ nuts right now or getting all this food bro guys I’m like OJ nuts trying to get okay give me the cookie why is this server

Lagging I wonder why why are there so many villagers wait a minute do I need iron I don’t [ __ ] okay well now I just [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up that’s where’s my skin like that like what go oh it’s purle stuff uh-oh somebody got wither sickness

Already yo how do I how do I Rel it bro uh you got to make golden apples too golden app yeah uh yeah you’re you’re dead you’ll need a golden apple uh a diamond a what else a bowl uh no a full of suspicious stew and something suspicious stew and what

Else uh something withered like withered flesh or something basically the remains of a withered mob like a skeleton or a spider or something I don’t know go figure it out wait what if I don’t get rid of the I think I figured out the ending to Granny 5 because it’s so [ __ ]

Confusing um isn’t granny 5 out huh isn’t granny 5 out yeah it is it’s broken right now but a12 is busy fixing it but he’s worrying on he’s worrying about his universities right now and I don’t blame him for that he’s more focused on that at the moment nice oh hey Isaiah

What don’t do anything stupid I don’t I’m just here to show you this and hold on this and this nice yeah that’s all dude okay I still don’t trust you at all okay dude you don’t have to trust me dude I got some eggs dude m

Nice oh I haven’t been in this one XP let’s go that’s mine that’s me they’re talking about oh wait I have I just never saw that XP why is the server lagging I just spawned a chicken in the house why is my game lagging I don’t know but uh it’s

Also lagging for me as well which is 20 FPS oh no oh I just can’t wait till the Wither storm just gets to phase 4 oh we’re doomed the moment it gets to phase 4 ah uhoh okay there’s a little monster thing dude that’s the midnight lurker

You must have yes I know what it is dude yay it’s after you now good luck surviving that thing that is not a yay thing dude yeah that’s sarcasm I’m not excited about it I’m exhausted happen what what’s going on what happen when I get rid of sickness oh where are you

Bro I’m digging straight down bro I can’t F waste any I gota get me and Ryan are at the Village head to the Village bro you’ll be safe over here for now okay at the we’ve only got so much time until that thing gets to stage 4 when it

Gets to stage 4 that’s when we’re really doomed and that’s when y’all need to make sure you got good Shields what do you mean good sh uh to hide from that thing and it’s tractor beams it’s going to grow tractor be it’s it’s a it’s complex but believe me so uh

Can my regular shield work yeah as long as you get a shield and it works you should be good okay then if the shield doesn’t work then it’s not good right yeah as long as you can block and yeah you should be fine I guess okay dude I’m assuming you’ll be

Fine oh my gosh why is the game still lagging I don’t know I’m at like 30 FPS I can’t wait for winter break so bad hold on I didn’t have a bucket of lava I had a bucket of water well you did have a bucket of lava no I

Didn’t I’m telling you you did Isaiah no I didn’t yes you did Olaf who’s Paul are you talking about like the first time that I killed you yes you did no I didn’t you did have a bucket of lava no you had a bucket of lava what the [ __ ]

Is this yes and you did too that’s why you were trying to lava trap me Isaiah you just don’t remember yeah whoa yeah you got wither sickness stay the hell away from me please and thank you keep a 6 feet distance from me what happens if uh if t uh dies in Minecraft

Will his wither sickness go away no it used to but now it doesn’t at all okay it’s going to progressively take his health away and then when he dies well until he dies and then when he dies he just goes back to phase one of Wither sickness uh

And then yeah I’m going to gu you say he needs Golden Apple stew stew yeah Golden Apple stew search it up in your inventory search a single a single Golden Apple that I can give to T for him to make a golden apple uh let me check the what the f that’s easy

Don’t have Tes um hey Ted uh H H how many uh golden apples do you need uh you guys got to do something quick cuz hold on oh you can see the Wither storm From a Distance by the way if you guys didn’t notice it’s at phase

Three it’s about to enter phase 4 sooner or later Ted how many golden apples why are there so many villagers in here one okay what the [ __ ] bro it’s a party over here here I’m going give you one I’m going give you one okay okay on the ho I got a

There are so many villagers in here it’s a freaking party bro Isaiah what is uh the tombstone Soul bound uh enchantment I don’t know uh I think that like I think that stays with you after death okay hold on are any of these guys safe to TW trade with I don’t I don’t

Know I don’t want to know all I’m checking the you want to find out yeah I don’t know and I don’t want to find out I’m just going to hide in hey Ted um I’m going to you to give you the golden apple right now yeah Ryan can you find

Me can I find you uh yeah maybe but I don’t want to cuz I’m currently after T I like hiding in the flowers I don’t know why anyways ooh uh Ted can you like like stop running for a second please I’m going near the Wither storm you’re going

Near the W storm mushroom look get the mushroom the mushrooms yeah you need to make a a yeah you need to make I got I got I got I got I got it hell yeah it’s that time the day again what’s up Mr Enderman I’m leaving no get in the boat

Yeah might be shooting at me that might way T come back T where are you this guy being a [ __ ] bro this guy being a [ __ ] how dare you man t t t here’s a golden apple T Golden Apple hold on take it Ryan you got a girl yet I

Can’t what people are saying you got a girl yet people got saying you gotten a girl lately is that true yo what is this no could have sworn someone say you got a girl bro my screen just want why are there so many villages at this V villagers at

This V I can’t even speak properly anymore as you can see bro what’s going on in the chat forget that everybody wishes you that you were dead yeah I try to do that every day Maxine it’s not easy is it it hurt it’s people are really hurtful what they say so

Honest I’m going to I’m going to take this instead because I need this as a matter of fact I’m just going to get rid of this my old armor and take this new one all right and I have a bow very good nice very very

Good what the [ __ ] all right now now to make arrows why are there so many villagers how do you make arrows oh oh I need Flint what the [ __ ] okay another end a diamond the Ender spawn rate has been off the CHS lately hold on why is the game lagging a

Diamond why is the game lagging guys why is the game lagging it’s it’s the Wither stor what did the Wither storm finally get to phase 4 doesn’t sound like it I think it makes a noise when it gets to phase 4 like and then you can you got

Diamonds no maybe I don’t I don’t know St down I think you guys stole all my diamonds and used them up I didn’t got any diamond oh no all right well there’s the Wither storm there it is it’s still at phase three we don’t need to worry phase

Four is when we need to run speaking of running I’m going to run soon because I don’t feel safe I’m running right now yeah we need to get the hell out of here you guys can go separate directions I’m going to go look for another Village uh

Uh for now I’m just going to loot the the the villagers crops because because [ __ ] you guys yeah that’s why all right they’re all secretly midnight lurkers they’re all secretly working for the midnight lurker I don’t trust a single one of them and and I do not feel

Like oh there you are poet Place yep it’s me POET the one and only poet [ __ ] plays I’m so depressed right now anyways maning Minecraft makes me feel better all right here’s how to be like me number one always start all your sentences with all right number two being in an

Optimistic mood number three be sped as [ __ ] and number four have this freaking nazzle voice I have and and and remember two more things two more things pronounced Wiki as weaky and uh uh pronounce uh uh cabal as cabal cabal no I I pronounce it as cabal what are you talking

About and and uh said days and refer to minimum days as minimal days minimal minimal days minimum minimum days minimal days minimal days yeah yeah that’s how I say it minimal days how did you know did you read my life document recently oh and the Wither Storm’s heading our way for some

Reason the Wither Storm’s heading our way weird like it’s at your base Ryan be yeah I know my base is probably destroyed yay ender pearl I got another ender pearl I’m I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here this is getting too risky this is getting way too

Risky do I get killed by a cave or uh neither how about That make the most unfunniest jokes that’s another one that’s another rule of being po plays wait I have grave dust what is grave dust dude uh throw it away it’s useless oh no okay oh no it’s coming towards me it’s coming towards me we got

To get out of here we got to get out of here we got to get out of here we got to get out of here R why do I have three crafting tabl ran get the hell out of here it’s chasing after me and it’s got

A tractor beam too I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I don’t care the Iron Golem is not doing anything I’m going to hide in here why I haven’t been in here before why are there so many villages in here yo the spiders are lagging BR everything’s lagging it’s cuz of the

Darn wither storm bro everything’s lagging it’s cuz of the Wither storm I can’t even eat bro why is there a witch is is that you Ryan is that you witch no was that the you making the sounds of the door the the door sounds

Uh no oh not of the door dude okay then that must have been a freaking there’s a witch there’s a witch right there good I’m out I’m out I swear that thing turns to phase 4 right there and then ashes and Bones I don’t know what that’s all about oh okay

I was like I see the thing in the distance and it scared me the freaking Village looks like a light show of beacons dude how many way point death way points I have over there oh my goodness another Enderman isn’t that crazy hi I’m going to get you stuck in

My boat how about that you get stuck in my boat okay doesn’t that sound like a fun idea okay where you at where you at where you at where you at I just wish it’s daytime right now bro come over here yeah get over here yeah me there no this

Enderman uh I just found a flag in the middle of the ocean by the way nice nothing that was a waste of time looking for gravel dude nice I can someone just just give me some gravel please I I don’t have any sorry okay T how are you holding up right

Now we’re what are you doing dude we’re gonna have to live stream eventually what’s going on Ted what’s going on I got my freaking uh yeah go diamond oh that’s yeah that’s nice things are about to get crazy oh I got uh 10 more minutes on here or

Nine and then I’m getting out oh my gosh I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it bro I’m going to lose it I got one let’s go I’m going to lose it I’ve never ever been so

Happy to get Give me the give me the crafting table back thank you can I eat this eat it all right I’m eating the after take it for long all right well anyways yo I’m still with wither thick you still got wither thickness what you made the wait you made the golden apple

Stew yeah and I ate it wait how you made it that wait doesn’t yeah wait you got a you got a withered Rose you had a withered Rose yeah yeah I got the Wither sickness takes time to get rid ofone the withered sickness takes time to get rid of oh okay so I’m

Good then let’s go yeah it’s going to it’s going to get rid of it sooner or later though let’s go speaking of withered sickness speaking of withered sickness let’s see how the Wither is holding up it’s still uh is at phase three but soon it’s going to become phase 4 it’s going

To start hunting you guys down like it’s a it’s a very professional Hitman to say the least let me kill this creeper for gunpowder yeah I’m going to um I have a little sack a bundle sack bundle don’t blow up hey is what’s the one weakness of the

Wither storm the formid bomb and the us being able to damage the command block but okay the command block is inside the Wither storm now and as soon as you reach phase four you’re not going to be able to access it until phase seven I

The wait wait did I hear my mother call for me no I’m I’m all good I still got that Christmas hat on me nice dud all right well it’s becoming daytime which is pretty good ish where’s the Sun at what are you talking about it’s still night well it’s becoming

Daytime it is still night but it’s slowly becoming daytime because because because the because like the sky is Shifting around yeah uh I already found another Enderman already I’m finding Emeral [ __ ] Mr Ming bro get back here [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s right get back here you’re a [ __ ] wait it’s not becoming daytime yeah that’s right get back here get in my boat why is the moon rising into the sky what no it’s not oh my

Goodness I just got a block of what are you talking about it’s not Rising into the sky it’s lagging yeah yeah that dude it is lagging dude the Wither storm is making the the server lag oh no please don’t tell me we’re going back to that oh no please don’t tell me we’re

Having the ocean chunk lag you guys ever been on a trip in the ocean where the chunks start to lag and then it doesn’t generate the next chunk and then you fall into the the ungenerated chunk and then it starts and then it start you fall into the void and then yeah you

Guys ever experienced that there’s this one time I was playing modded Minecraft with my old toaster computer and I had to experience that and it was I’ll say the least it wasn’t very pleasant the old the old feather computer dude yep yep bro why isn’t it becoming daytime dude I don’t

Know who’s Mr muing Mr muing was the old coding teacher he got fired for being racist really yeah no we didn’t I’m kidding why is there just a villager in the middle of the ocean not a villager how many villagers uh ooh suspicious stew gunpowder I’m going to take that

Suspicious stew in case I get wither sickness cuz Tech could get me sick I don’t know I got to be careful and I’m pretty confident you’re far out yeah I’m very far yeah I happen to be very far I’m not taking my chances with getting killed

From the Wither storm and then having an unlocked chest and losing all my stuff that’s not happening this time did you hear that t oh I hate this same same I need to see an island oh I’m about to experience that unloaded sea chunk again yeah same because I’m at

An wait a minute I am following you Isaiah what I mean like you you and uh T I think guys I think I just SP a are you guys following me please don’t because I don’t want that thing tracking us all down please hey um why isn’t it becoming

Daytime please just become day time why isn’t my bread eating why aren’t you eating your bread you mean yeah it’s not letting me eat my bread and why isn’t it letting it become daytime dude because the game is lagging there we go I managed to eat my bread

Please don’t tell me you idiots are freaking following me okay dude I don’t know where Ryan’s at I see uh Ted he’s in the middle of the ocean just like me he’s going somewhere else Ryan I don’t know where are you Ryan what are you doing right

Now oh I see you okay you’re over here I am in over here and you’re and I’m over here I think me and T are just out in the sea and I really want to find uh a island or something not an island I just

Want to find some new land I want to find land and big land not one in the middle of the ocean just like a new set of land I want to find something a desert would be best hey um I think the server might have like a mod

Or something that prevents it from becoming daytime dude no it’s just lagging oh it’s lagging back it is literally lagging so bad dude like I’m going just disconnect reload my Wi-Fi real quick dude it’s not your WiFi it’s the mods oh I hit l oh I got lagged back I got lagged

Back why do I have an odd hold on is that the w Wait Wait wa wait what wait I’m trying to see the Wither Storm from a distance it’s not letting me cuz all my waypoint’s in the way let me turn my waypoints off I want to see this

Thing is it possible for your Waypoint to disappear yeah you can turn them off and turn them back is it possible for it to spontaneously disappear after like an amount of time you can just turn them on and off like a light switch which basically lets them disappear and their function yeah no

Okay okay we’re we’re playing with fire here oh my goodness this ocean goes on forever and ever and ever and ever ever it’s like it never stops calling someone by their last name equals insulting them no it doesn’t Mr K with so many I miss Mr K

But I just got disconnected uh yeah Miss Lam is pretty interesting teacher to say the least oh I got disconnected too and I’m going to be uh goodbye I got to end the stream yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Livestream with Doomizdud and htetty’, was uploaded by PoetPlayz on 2023-12-22 17:03:14. It has garnered 55 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:17 or 6497 seconds.

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • EPIC Minecraft Racetrack Race!

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  • Craft a Thorny Portal: BoBoiBoy Style in Minecraft PE

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  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

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  • Shocking: Digimon Beats Pokemon in Minecraft SMP

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  • Insane Greenhouse Build | Minecraft LIVE 🔥

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  • INSANE Minecraft Movie Teaser: Faaalke Revealed!

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  • Barnava Gaming: Encounter with Demon Rengoku | Minecraft Animation

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  • Team based Life steal SMP – semi-vanilla smp

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  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

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  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

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  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

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  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

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  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord –… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

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  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

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  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

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  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: Bedrock: IP: Port: 25570 Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

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  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter →… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: PATREON ———————————————— As you may… Read More