Sneaky Minecraft Longplay: Candy Crop Fields

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Hello everyone and Welcome to our winter world today we are going to be making some candy crop fields and working on getting some more animals around our area and kind of just doing a general cleanup of our area there’s some patches where we just have like a bunch of just

Holes filling our area and I want to smooth this out and make it look a little bit better add some nice little CR Fields into some spots over here but put like a giant like sucker lollipop in the middle kind of just some like candy

Uh sticking up out of the crop Fields I thought that would look really fun to fit the gingerbread of Village Vibes so that’s what we’re going to be working on today so I hope you enjoy whether you’re watching this just cozying up or you have it in the background while you

Study or you work or get things done I hope you just enjoy chatting and joining me for another day in the winter world we recently made this Christmas blacksmith and I love it so much this is the little workstation obviously and we have two villagers on the inside we’ve

Got a master toolsmith they give us efficiency 3 axes they give us efficiency 2 and Unbreaking one shovels and then efficiency 3 diamond pickaxes and they both will trade us iron our other friend here this is where we got all of our diamond armor but we’ve just

Got full access to all the diamond armor pieces and it’s pretty great so that’s what I have on me right now and some of those diamond tools as well so we’ve got these guys and then just down our little Nook here is where the iron farm is if

Anyone was wondering where that belongs we’ve got it down here and for the poppies we’ve got our little bone meal making a little farm piece here so we can use both the farm for iron and and for getting some bone meal which is actually super helpful cuz a lot of

Times I’ve been running out of uh bone meal to make our trees grow as I’m collecting new resources but I’m also just trying to collect up more emeralds because I want to level our farmer up to oh did you just reset no none of you reset that like

Noise of them like tinkering always throws me off I always assume that they are like adding a refresh but we’re just going to quickly go and say hello to our farmer a villager and then what we’re going to do first is I want to get some

Cows and pigs and chickens in this area we really only have sheep oh wait hello hi you oh my gosh a mangrove propagule that’s actually huge I do not know where a mangrove uh like area is and I wow yes dies I will actually literally take all of your

Dyes just to make things easier and we’ll take some Gunpowder too for some reason you’re actually like helpful yeah you’re helpful what a concept but okay we have 13 emeralds left I’m going to leave you I’m actually super happy we’re going to be needing to

Use lots of dyes later on just because I want to make a wool farm and I just want access to a lot more green dyes than I do right now but let’s just uh say hello to our farmer and we also have a zombie villager if you guys heard that little

Groan we do have a zombie guy I think how our villagers kept dying was simply at night they would get attacked by a zombie and then they would turn into zombie villagers and then the next morning the the the sun would just get them so pretty sure that’s how it

Happened because that’s literally how this guy became uh a zombie filter but let’s grab some cookies because that’s the quickest way to level this dude up okay and then we’ve got wheat that we can share and get some more okay I think we leveled you up all

The way let me get my XP are you leveled oh it’s a cake guy interesting not exactly what I had in mind but I’ll take a cake that sounds kind of nice here zombie villager you can have a cake how does that sound you want a cake you

Can have a cake cool well I’ll I’ll take that then we got this guy selling us power Two bows which is also super convenient but now we just got to get this guy leveled up one more time to be Master but that’s another reason why I

Want to make the crop Fields today I want to be able to have an easier access to like a bunch of wheat a bunch of potatoes and carrots all the different fields and crops that will help us breed up more villagers I haven’t exactly made a villager breeder yet I’ve literally

Just been using these guys as my main source but that’s why I want to make a vulture breeder at some point but mainly why I just want to have an easier access to uh all the crops so I can trade but for now I just want to work on getting

These guys can you like all come over here that would be great thank you yep I’m trying to breed up all of my sheeps because I really need to get some uh some more sheep for the wool farm and so I’m also using wool as like decorative

Blocks for the crop Fields today is what I’m thinking with the dyes so that’s why I’m trying to just collect up wool get more sheeps along the way and all of that that fun stuff but I’ve been collecting up all the dyes over here so we’re going to just leave these guys

Here for now which is so so nice actually let’s leave our wool down here but I’m very happy that we literally have the mangr propagules that’s going to be so helpful since I’m in a very cold biome it’s not like I have easy access to those warm biome

Places unless I want to go like looking around searching for forever but what we’re going to do first is drop off the cake and cookies and apples that we just traded and then we’re going to go find Two Cows bring them back to a pen and same with some pigs and sheep and

Honestly I really want to put a cake out on the counter cuz it’s just going of cute You Know It just fits the area I like that cool okay I’m going to leave the wheat in here as well but I think that just having a cake this looks like

A gingerbread cake kind of so wait are they going to are they going to go for that wandering Trader I have so many Pillager patrols around my area it’s actually bananas but I’m curious where did the wandering Traer go did you disappear you should disappear buddy you you you

Should run now just just going to say it but this is also why I hid all of my villagers because I did have a few villagers get attacked by pillagers so I had to go intervene but also make sure that it was the Golem that took out the

Captain so I wouldn’t start a raid I don’t want to start a raid not in my cozy world no thank you but literally having a bunch like of propagules is going to be so helpful I’m actually really happy about that but let’s see for the chickens we just need some seeds

Pretty simple and we’ll just actually I should have just kept that wheat in my inventory but we need to find some potatoes for the Little Pigs to follow us that’s like the one thing that we need is we need some potatoes so I think I still have some potatoes in some of

These crop Fields I don’t know how many but I have definitely changed a lot of them over to be just solid wheat cuz I was trying to breed up the villagers and unlock the farmer Trader but let’s just go carefully around the outside edge I have a feeling the wandering Traders

Going to meet some new friends and it won’t be a great time for them let’s just see I don’t know if when they’re going to like spot me but I’m pretty sure up here I didn’t touch yes okay we have carrots as well this is wonderful okay I’m just going to grab

The wheat that’s here this one I I’m going to keep this as like a potato one just so I make sure that like I have more crops here so we’ll go like so only four carrots that’s not really a whole lot but but you know we’ll take

It okay so chickens cows and Piggies should follow us and there’s cats around o i I always need coal so we’re going to go get this coal I don’t know where those pillagers went but I hope they don’t see me and try to like come for my life that is

Simply not what I want right now okay they’re not looking at me so I’ll I’ll take it we just get a little bit of mining in here I’m always running low on coal I think that’s one thing that’s good about having the like bamboo farms is you have a lot easier time just

Getting a fuel source in my bamboo World Series I do have like a bamboo Farm but I don’t have it like in a smelted up easy form oh that’s where the cat was I was like where is this cat I’m also thinking I will just grab the rest of this gravel

Because is this unfortune no it’s not I am going to be building a lot out of concrete just because we can get a bunch of cool colors with the dyed concrete and that’s going to make for some really pretty just like lollipops that are going to be kind of like placed at the

Center of our crop fields and I’m going to have these be different colors to just add more fun color Pops to our gingerbread Village area I’m trying to do a decent job of like going back and forth between the projects of like focusing on the winter world or the the

Winter village and the gingerbread Village but I also feel like having a like gingerbread Village is a lot more like C chisty and I don’t know if maybe I’m like kind of still deciding what I feel like doing but I’m thinking I might just like focus on the gingerbread

Village first and getting builds for that done since that’s a lot more like Christmasy and something I can do in December but then after that I can kind of focus on the winter village because that’s just kind of like the general season of winter whereas this is very

Much so like gingerbread houses all of that to me it feels like a lot more of an enjoyable just oh there’s our little our little polar bear but it feels like more of a straight like Christmas thing I guess like gingerbread Villages that just seems more christmy to

Me all right I’m going to shovel up the snow so you actually get some grass so we have one Pig so we only really need to get one more which is like helpful so one Pig two cows and then we need two chickens okay oh you’re already growing back your

Wool I’ll take it thank you very much nope don’t try to get Escape okay so now we’re going to go and grab our little animals I’m going to see if I have more Spruce fences to expand where those animals are back there I also know I

Have a bunch of sheep behind the house still that I need to move over but we’ll do that a little bit later on my priority is first and foremost what was I getting uh spce fenes yes but the priority is to like find the animals oh

My gosh 42 heck yeah okay got another one so this will be great we’ll just make that area where the sheep and the pig is um be kind of like our animal area for now I do plan to also build like an animal barn but I’m trying to

Get like more of the farm type things set up first so that we really can just go to town making the cool things cuz we have all of the like regular things we need I love how this just creates snow on it it’s so so pretty wrong one I

Didn’t need this one there we go like it’s so fun okay and I do want to have a fence gate here but now they have more space which is great and then I can get out over here and if I put a little torch right here there I like how it

Melts the snow as well I think that’s so fun but this is such a pretty fence just because of the snow being there I love it so much so so nice so as far as where the crop fields are going because we’re going to be building a wool Farm here

Likely that’s why I have this oh my gosh they’re literally just peeking in the windows at my my poor two villagers oh poor guys I’m sorry but since we have our wool farm right here I’m thinking we probably if I just back out a little bit more where we have these crop Fields

Right now I might put a little mini crop field here but I’m thinking we’ll put one right here just a little like crop section with the candy in the middle of it the lollipop in the middle and then we’ll probably stick one over here and then we might transform one of these

Over here to also be that this is going to be our town center because that’s where the Bell is and where the fountain is so I want to have this be open to like put a big like Christmas tree kind of like Town Center but we’re going to

For sure make three little crop field areas with the lollipops kind of sticking up out of them to add those pops of color so one will for sure go here one will go here and we might just uh terraform this bit and smooth it out and put one right where the pillagers

Are so that’s kind of the thought process but I’m going to just run away before they notice me cuz I don’t want to deal with them but we’re going to put our little like collection stash that we just got back quickly and then we’re going to go find all the animals I know

Over this direction there is a bunch of animals inside one of the forests so it shouldn’t be too hard to find like everything that we need for animals but I think cows will be the hardest thing so that’s going to be more of the challenge is the cows so we’ll see how this

Goes but I had a separate thing I don’t know why I was putting Flint in such a separate spot but I was so we’re just going to we’re just going to keep it that way and I think I just put away seeds yeah seeds can come come back down

Cuz technically the seeds should be downstairs and so should the pumpkins cuz we’re trying to keep like a food and Seed section in the kitchen cuz it just makes sense so I just got to make sure I like keep them in the correct spots but

Now we should be able to have all the animals following us which is great so I’m just going to have my food in my off hand I only have nine fish maybe I’ll grab a few more I had a bunch of fish smelting in the or smoking I should say in the smoke

There we go okay that should be good now we’re going to go and find all our little animals give us a little bit more setup I also think that at some point I want to make a like a cow Crusher that’s like one of the classic like food and leather

Farms that I make cuz are you a different one or are you just running around everywhere you’re a different one do I have two in here no way I I’ve never seen vill wandering Traders like spawn so back to back that’s cool well shoot sir you’re giving me

Moss that’s kind of nice to have Moss Man okay maybe we go quickly trade with the um the iron or iron blacksmith friends and get some some emeralds it’s interesting that it’s this world like getting Cactus and things like it’s just a little bit easier to actually have a Wandering

Trader be useful for once what a concept and thank you I appreciate it 18 emeralds should be plenty for our dude and we’ve got our bed on hand with us which is what I was actually kind of concerned I forgot in the like little spot we were grabbing some garage travel

From I love how you can see the like Mega tiger in the background with the giant trees I think it’s so pretty it’s just fun to have a like fully wintry world now I to find you Again goodness he just despawned as I brought them the emeralds how rude how rude okay fine we’ll we’ll just stay focused oh and here’s our little uh snow Farm super fun we’ve got our little friends oh did they wait did how’d you get out wait what why is this open what

Happened oh my goodness did there I I think a creeper I think a creeper was inside the globe and then um the snow golems were hitting it and it blew up where’s our other oh did our other Snow Golem die that is actually such a tragedy I

Was like where are snow golems and they’re literally just running around oh my gosh I guarantee that that’s what happened I was like this looks like a creeper blew up our our glass oh my gosh oh my gosh and you survived Bud oh Jeepers oh that’s so much glass that I lost oh

No okay yep we’re going to just leave that for now oh that hurts I don’t have silk touch so whenever I lose oh hey there is a pig whenever I lose glass it just okay that’s something I could have thought of yep didn’t expect uh creepers

To spawn in there but I didn’t put a light source so I can’t expect much uh much else to happen besides that but let’s bring a little piggy back oh my word I cannot believe that happened so sad I’m so bummed about that is there any more friends oh here’s piggy friend here

Piggy piggy come here buddy hi they move so quick when you give them their food oh look at your little snoot look at that snoot you’re so cute look at the snoot adorable love it kind of creepy but like also cute all right you too they actually move really quick when

You have their food I’m actually kind of impressed with you guys yes come along my dear come along across the ice yes yes I still cannot believe a creeper and a snow golem went at it and the creeper exploded our snow globe that is such a

Rip oh my word I cannot believe that I guess I should have I should have known better but I I wasn’t like thinking that that could be a possibility but that is such a bummer Piggies thank you for following me so well I I’m still in

Shock that we lost one of our snow golems and the creeper happened I’m literally so curious like I wish I could have gotten that on recording is that another wandering Trader wow they are really spawning okay I’ll take that but man if I would have only gotten that

Recorded that would have been perfect cuz that’s literally such a random thing to have happen like I’ve never I know I made a uh okay don’t get out sheeps don’t get out sheeps we’ll just breed you guys up more Piggies but I have a nice little like creeper farm with the snow golems

In my bamboo world I just never expected them to like like yeah should have thought that if a creeper spawns they’re going to like AG gr and then blow up but didn’t good good times okay so we have enough Piggies so we only need chickens and cows now I’m

Going to check this island a bit more just in case there are other animals but I feel like we’ll have to go a lot further I’m just going to avoid the Stray and the creeper got to keep that themselves what else did I have in here we have some leather boots in case

We uh come across any powder just s which is always good I love how there’s just like tons of just Spruce all around here just in the background it’s great we also have a ton of lava pits so forever needing lava for things like Farms we definitely have

Enough but let’s see we we’ got Piggies over here not seeing too much else besides the piggies there were some arctic foxes in here oh speaking of there we go I was going to say we did have some arctic foxes what’s in your mouth buddy you got a little snack got a little

Treat also in my uh episode one when I thought that the arctic fox had wheat in his mouth I’m pretty sure it was a bunny hide and I just didn’t realize it was a bunny hide I thought it was sweet so when I was like oh wow look at that you found

Wheat they they didn’t they killed a bunny I’m pretty sure which is kind of sad okay I know for a fact when we were by the dark oak forest there were pigs and cows and chickens over there but here I just feel like this is more of like an arctic fox and pig

Island not a bad thing just I was kind of hoping for more animal varieties oh there’s a sheep I can hear a sheep I heard the Sheep goby around there we go okay I’m kind of just like watching the subtitles oh wait hello wait is this the

Entrance do we have one of these things ooh yes oh my gosh we have one of these wait this could actually be so nice oh whoa yeah because we’ve got a a splash potion of weakness so we okay here’s what I’m thinking there’s a skeleton somewhere

Hello oh there’s a cave oh you’re right there look at your little thing that’s fun but what I’m thinking is it would be kind of difficult but if we could find a way to get this villager that’s zombified up and out of this area we can bring this splash potion back home and

Then we have two villagers we could Splash and it would be pretty easy for us to make another Golden Apple we just get more gold so that could be something that we do for a little Adventure but we would have to get them out in the middle of the night because I

Don’t want him to burn up but that would be pretty sweet or honestly we could just have this this guy bite this dude and then we have two zombified villagers we can cure two of them but it might be easier if we actually brought our other one down over

Here cuz then we could have three villagers that are zombified be down here I’m just kind of like processing out loud I want to maximize our weakness potion but us being able to get mending from this would be amazing I would love that so much okay well that’s

Good to know that’s so so fun oh I love that we have an IG glue I definitely want to bring that zombie villager over here for sure that would be so cool okay well that’s good to know I’m going to put a torch here and then I

Don’t know if people are playing in this seed but I’m taking a screenshot of these quarts just so I can remember where this little thing is but that’s awesome it’s literally just like on our Island just at the end that’s super fun and just a quick peek around I don’t see

Cows anywhere so I feel like just looking in the forest is probably a good way to find some animals so let’s just go do that we can be looking for the subtitles to kind of like change and show if there’s any Little Critters around but for now we’ll just uh we’ll

Just go looking in different biomes I feel like that’s probably the easiest this is a snowy tiger so maybe we just don’t have cows spawning in snowy tigas I always have a hard time remembering let’s see if there’s any coal here quickly I always have a hard time

Remembering if like certain biomes only spawn certain animals cuz I feel like that’s true hello oh here’s a ravine oh there’s some cool okay okay I’m always running out of coal so literally I’m always just super hyped if I can like find additional coal but I don’t also want to uh get attacked

By anything down here okay we’ve got some let’s grab some coal oh wow one piece wow so much so so much we’ll go right here oh here we go yes we love the coal super helpful I hear a skeleton though and I don’t want them to catch me they’ll be a little bit

Scary don’t need that in our lives okay and now I got to get my way up and out of here okay it’s fine everything’s fine we’re good we’re fine and I think we’re just going to like head out I’m not looking to like like make things too complicated okay now let’s just look

Around so I’m going to put seeds and wheat in my hands just because that will probably be the easiest way for me to like quickly find any animals if they just like see me walking past and like come come over to where I am but we’ll see I do like looking

Through these forests where it’s just like winterized I think it’s really pretty like the leaves look different for the Oak and the Birch and it’s just really pretty to me so I’m a big fan of it at least let’s try to get up higher maybe we can see some Critters if we’re up

With a higher Vantage Point not really seeing anything right now I found cows inside like a like a TI GA biome so we might go towards our Mega Tiga that’s over there just to see if we can find anything oh okay guess we’re going on the ground

Now okay let’s see what we can find oh we’ve got more flowers nice very cute we love some decorations all right let’s try to get up here now see if we can find anything oh oh that’s a pig I was like animal whoa have I seen this one

Before Oh I have that was me okay see that’s why I do that oh that’s because I came from this direction yeah I came from this direction to go like look for stuff I’m pretty sure okay that makes sense that is such a cool portal though that’s a sweet portal okay we’re

Going to go look more over here there’s a sheep okay let’s just go over on this side more so see if we can find anything I also need a boat so we’re going to chop down a little tree I don’t need a ton of wood so we’re just going to Trop

Down like a little tree okay make our crafting table first and then make ourselves a boat there we go Go and any animals on the shoreline just got to check you know scan the perimeter there was a sheep over on this side but we want more than just a sheep so we’re going to go swimming over this way I also am trying to always collect up sugar cane so I think we’re

Just going to go along this area since there’s so much sugar canane and just kind of keep an eye out for animals but pick up any sugar cane we happen to find okay I think I just saw a pig over there so it’s nothing that we really need

Need going to hop out of the boat here oh look more peonies oh I love how this snowman panies it looks so funny but it’s also just like the bests thing it’s just like one of those little like things that you see that makes you happy it’s just like a little field

Of snowmen but you know it’s like flowers I so great and there’s a bunch of these little ones oh these are some of my favorites I love the lily of the valleys I think they look so good in like little potted plants so I will take

A bunch of these ones for the road I’m literally like trying to find animals but I’m just picking up more flowers like I’ve got roses and Lily of the Valley and the panies and I’m just like finding all of the the little cute plants instead of actually what I’m here

For which is kind of funny okay So yeah okay I was just checking something but I think we yeah we just need to stay focused because we do need to make sure that we can build up our little crop fields and I do want to have all of the animals nearby as like a goal but literally if I

Can just find a chicken I will be happy because then we can just wait till they give us some like eggs and then we should be set you know we’ll take a snooze though with our piggy friend and I’m going to take a sip of my

Coffee ah another day okay pig have you seen any chickens or cows are you ignoring me or you want me to follow you I can’t exactly tell which one did I pick up my boat oh I left it there okay I was like I’m I’m pretty

Sure I didn’t pick up my boat we’re going to keep on going down the way going to eat some fish so there’s more coal yeah I’m pretty sure we’re just going to find the cows like over this way which I really hope I find them relatively soon because I don’t want to

Have to like walk these cows all the way and since I don’t have leads I should have grabbed them from the wandering Trader but since I don’t have leads I would have to like manually walk them back and if it’s a really far Journey that’s not the most ideal you know it’s

It’s doable we can we can live with it but I’d prefer to not but I don’t even know how many like animals are in like a mega tiger you know like is that even a thing CU usually I just see like foxes right like those are the main animals that I see

Don’t really see much else oh here’s some sugar cane oh look at the little ferns the ferns also look super cute in this little like winry mod pack I love it I’m literally just like getting cute decorations I’m not even like looking for what I’m looking for oh I I am but

Like I I just think it’s funny it’s funny how like in Minecraft you can be like so convinced like I need to find this I’m going to look for this one thing and then you just end up getting distracted by everything else that you’re like well I also need this and I

Also want that and then you’re just like well I just got distracted for half an hour it’s fine we’re good everything’s fine okay oh here’s a little bee oh my gosh they’re so cute hi bee wait come back hi buddy hello I wish I had silk

Touch yes wait a cow hi cow hi bud I need you I really really need you yes there’s two oh my gosh okay hi guys I need you to follow me up this way yes okay one thing at a time we’ll get the cows moved first and then we’ll start with

Chickens I wonder can I just these just become small ones oh they just become two of the small ones okay all right we’re going to put wheat in our off hand so I don’t accidentally scroll and lose our cows are you kind of stuck hello okay come on let’s go little cow

Friends yes oh my gosh this is huge um I’m also not excited because I’m pretty sure I’m pretty far away oh gosh oh gosh yeah we’re literally like over here in this opening that’s a lot of space to be walking guys but you know it’s fine we

Will make it our way it will be fine just follow me please yes yes usually I don’t have um excuse me just had a little yawn usually I don’t have this hard a time like finding cows like this is probably the first time that I’ve actually been

Like I don’t have cows around me easily so we need to be hello bud I need both of you can you follow me thank you this is going to be the hard part like one of the cows is going to get lost constantly and it’s going to be you you’re that one

Cow come along I believe in you you can do it come on yep you got it yep come on yes yes yes you got it yes yes yes come this way yes yes yes goodness this will take a while you know though it’s fine like we’re we’re

Getting the animals oh gosh am I on a Ledge oh man oh man guys I’ve brought us to a cliff face I am sry sorry will they still like follow me down here oh you will look at that that works so well do I both of you hi guys this works

Okay that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be except they sto following me and wait for them to see the weed yep okay I feel like the AI like just like takes like a moment to load it seems cuz like sometimes they’ll follow you so

Well the whole time and other times they’re just like oh wait what do you want what are you doing I think I just saw a little fox did I did I see a little foxy friend okay oh yeah I did oh okay so foxes are the ones that spawn here hi

Hello you’re pretty cute okay we’re just going to come oh and there’s a fox over there sleeping I love how the foxes sleep they’re literally the cutest things okay follow me yep keep following me the fox is like walking the same direction that I need to like bring the

Cows I’m not trying to scare the fox we’re just both going the same way it’s like the fox is leading me back the direction I need to go okay now he dipped now he’s gone bye dude see you later later all right we’ll walk through

Here I wish I had leads I should have just grabbed those from the wandering Trader I would have had four leads by now ah Hadad I grabbed them but I was just trying to be nice you know the wandering Trader was actually helpful so I figured you know we can let them live

But I think now I need leads I don’t want to keep doing this with different animals I just want them to uh follow behind me and not have to worry about about it but it’s fine everything’s fine okay we’re getting no both of you come on follow me dudes you little

Mumo Billy cows come on you got it I Believe In You yep come on I’m also trying to make sure I don’t end up finding like a hole or like a lava pit or something cuz knowing these guys they definitely would uh just go you know walking straight into the pit I’m also going to hold out seeds I

Just realized I wasn’t doing that cuz if we find chickens this would be wonderful okay still got both of you good good trying to like the least amount of walking in the snow and rain and water yes over here come on you can do it hello mether

Cow I’m sorry you have to be you know soaked in the rain but it’s it’s fine we’re almost home and I mean granted you’ll still be stuck uh outside so in the rain but you’ll be closer to an animal Barn so don’t you worry you know we’ll we’ll put a little

Roof over the your heads it’ll be fine I just need two of you there’s a lot more pigs around here than I thought there would be I’m like seeing pigs yeah look at this there’s so many little piggies I wonder if they’re one of the main animals that spawn in the these

Like snowy Tigers yeah it’s called a snowy tiger okay I think we’re getting into the clearing it’s it’s snowing now it’s not raining so we’re definitely switching the biomes we’re in a snowy Tiga which is where the village is so we’re getting closer slowly but surely we’re getting

Closer oh that’s what I saw it was like guy saw like a glisten hi can I take your leads what do you have rooted dirt H sea pickles I will take some sea pickles rooted dirt for pets sure I’ll take some of that and then I’m sorry I know I know I’m

Sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I know I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I need leads I can lead these guys now I’m sorry I know I’m sorry I’m sorry I understand you are upset you have every right to be upset but now I can lead these guys and that

Will be so much easier yay look at that now even brh I was gonna say this is so much easier a look at our little world it’s so cute bruh do you know how to go upstairs come on let’s go up up and at him okay literally just having leads

Just makes me feel so much better because I know even if I’m not like always looking at them as long as I see two leads stemming from where they came from like I know I have them on them leads right like if I only end up accidentally

Having like one dude I still can’t believe our snow globe got blown up by a creeper that is actually wild but that is not a project we are going to focus on today that’s probably just something I’ll fix in like some off camera time honestly I still can’t believe that

Happened that is such a big explosion like were there two Creepers in there I don’t know that just seems extra extra annoying all right now we can walk on our cute little path come Along I also see all the Strays and things around me so I think I’m going to like sleep here real quick what’s fun when you’re in third uh person camera is you get to like see yourself sleep instead of it just being like a first person point of view so it’s kind of

Fun okay we’ve got our bed there we go down the path yes yes I like how our polar bear has just been hanging out over here recently I really really want to have the polar bear like have a job like I want them to like run the like hot chocolate stand or

Something fun like that it would just be hilarious and really fitting honestly okay I want all the animals to come down over here so if I get all the Sheep to come this way if I can distract them all yes yes yes okay we’ll distract them all on this

Side and then we’ll let in our little Dudes pigs no Potatoes pigs come here this is going to be chaos okay I think I have everyone now okay not as much chaos as I assumed which is great okay now my inventory is full but if I move this here then I should be able to grab the two leads yes yes

Yes okay we’ve got two of our cows which is great look at that I’ll breed you guys up up there we go yeah and I’ll breed up you guys as well and I don’t have that much wheat left but we can breed up two more of the

Sheepies you know I I do need more sheep and we’ll breed up two more of you nice okay look at that we’ve got some animals getting collected up which is wonderful so now the only animal that we really need to find is chickens I don’t have any eggs but I feel like

Chickens can go a lot faster hopefully cuz I have the leads now like the whole time I’m also going to put away all these other food items for now CU we really only need seeds we’ll keep the rest of our food nice and safe I’ll put the sugar canane down here as well

Um and then we’ll we’ll just drop off some of our things okay put all our little flowers we found up here sea pickles can go there as well I have a another chest so we’ll put that in there the wool can go in here as well this is

Drop the leads will keep with us because that will be so so helpful rooted dirt I’ll put away we’ll keep the uh the boat and the leads on hand and our seeds so these are the things we need to find and of course we’ve got our food in our

Offand okay so I feel good about just getting the cows um let’s just do a quick run through this area here and see if we can find any chickens quick I don’t want to like spend a whole lot of time looking for the chickens because the main project is

Going to be our little candy crop Fields so I will need to collect snow blocks so we’re going to use our snow Farm even with the uh the poor snow globe broken I found uh to make that sphere I was using a site called plots which is p l o t

Z Oh it’s another little doggo oh my gosh there’s two doggos how cute if only I had bones I would gladly oh here’s chicken yes I’ve got a chicken okay come here okay perfect easy enough we find another chicken and we good to go actually you know what I could do

This is what I might do I might literally just like leave this chicken on the edge of the field just so it’s easier for me to find them later cuz then I can just like run around quick and see if I can can find one I feel

Like that might be the the play so if I go like so there you are going to stay there now I can run around a lot quicker to find the other one oh my gosh there was a cow right here you know this one was a lot closer but you live and you

Learn now I know that there’s some more little oh my gosh there was two cows wow I should have checked here first at least I know this seems like a much more like animal heavy ooh area so hopefully we’ll be able to find another chicken and hopefully I can find my chicken

Again I realized I should have probably like written down cords or done something different there’s a gray sheepy hello bud you mention some Grass oh is this a flower field or is that just a random patch we’ll take some of these again picking flowers when we’re looking for specific animals love that love that oh here we go another swamp I love the little icicles that are the lily pads it’s literally like the best thing

Ever scanning for any chickens I feel like I had more left going back in the uh the spruce Forest so maybe we’ll go back over here but if I need more blue flowers a ton over here which is great but there does seem to be like an

Abnormal amount of just pigs in this area I’m like should I build like a pig farm for like a food source cuz like it’s a lot easier access and I’m getting the chickens because I think it’s just nice to have one of every animal especially if I want

To build like an animal barn later on it would just be perfect I also also want to collect all the berries because I use these for all of our decorations cuz they’re cozy there we go okay maybe I just bring the one chicken for now if I have one chicken honestly

As long as I get some eggs from them like we can we can be fine we’ll be good we’ll just you know check for some subtitles as we go but now we’re just going to go and find our cute little chicken I think I set them over here I’m pretty

Sure oh it’s a doggo oh there’s a bunch of doggos where did i s my little chicken oh boy literally just me losing the chicken that I just acquired oh no I was just in the wrong area okay I was like did I just lose my poor little chicken okay it’s by the

Lava field so how far away am I okay nice we’ll go this way and just check just run along the edge here you know any skins at all but then once we get the uh the chicken brought back I can just like stop by and try to collect eggs when I’m able to

And then hopefully we can just like crack a little egg to get another little little chicken guy so we’re just going to go run them back over here with our chicken oh look they already have an egg let’s test it chicken no that’s okay though okay we’re going to take you take you

Take you come on little chicken we’re going plac es not by the lava so with the snow globes one of the ideas that I had is I think it would be kind of cool to like have the snow globes kind of be what we make some of

Our more like compact Farms out of so I’m thinking if we make another little compact farm for our outc Crusher Farm we could make that into a snow globe as well but probably like put it more over here let’s get some food back in our off hands

But I thought that would look kind of cool just to like have kind of a more like wintery festive christmy type of build that we know is always going to be like one of our little like Farms I thought that would be kind of cool cuz I did a series

In um a dark oak forest in my 119 world where all of the Farms I turned those into like mushrooms so all of the little like mushrooms that were popping up out of the dark oak forest that I had like custom made I knew had a farm in them so

Kind of like a similar concept where like the Farms have their own identifier the only different one that isn’t like that is the blacksmith because they have the iron farm underneath it but that is more of a large farm so I’m kind of just thinking like for small farms we keep it

That way like that could be nice okay I still got the chicken so that was one of the fun ideas that I had it’s just keeping them all the same I thought that that could be a cool way to set it up but I do need to make sure I light it

Up cuz I don’t want to have a creeper just like chilling inside with whatever’s like in the farm snow globe cuz what would be kind of funny is like we have like a a cow Crusher for one of our farms and there’s just like cows inside the snow globe it just sounds so

Funny so I thought it would be a cool thing to do so the chicken I’m okay leaving them like outside just because I want to have an easier access to like get them uh get the eggs collected up when they make them I’m also going to see

What they have to offer where are you you’re over here oh it’s the same one okay interesting I feel like they’re like spawning multiple at the same time I am sorry though I will be taking your leads I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just need leads for Animals I’m sorry

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay we’ve got three leads wait did I not get the fourth lead or did that just fall off I thought there was two leads that were like being let around by the guy okay maybe I’m wrong maybe there was just

Three but that’s okay we’ll just um go inside one of our Igloo here and take a quick snooze just because I don’t want anything to like see me and come at me so we’ll just do this and take a quick snooze okay weave slept I took a sip of

My coffee now we’re going to start planning out some of the builds oh there you are oh is this a no that’s a nor noral one no thank you not interested in what you’re selling okay we got beetroot seeds if we want them what is that noise oh the polar

Bear is right here I was like what is that noise so we can get some string nothing okay let’s try try again some string nice we’re already like oh this is our iron I was going to say our iron axe okay two hits with an iron axe much

Better okay now what we’re going to do is take some building blocks and I do want to fill in these holes cuz I’m just trying to like run in between these places and I keep like taking fall damage and I don’t want my boots to break you know but I feel like it’s

Without feather Fall 4 it’ll happen a lot quicker at least than I would like it to to but we’ll put our boat here the leads definitely helpful so we’ll leave the leads in here same with the emerald and then we’ll add the coal in here so we’re going to take some blocks

And start mapping out how big of an area we’re going to have these little candy corop fields and we’re just going to use some dirt I think and maybe some Cobblestone we will need buckets and I’m going to drop off the string as well but we will need buckets

Just to kind of have our nice little crop Fields actually get Watered I could make a diamond hoe but we’ll probably just take some iron from the iron farm call it good and then I’ll take our water buckets here and I also think because we’re in 120 we can just like water log the spruce leaves so we will grab some Spruce leaves with

Us oh I did have some Moss okay that’s good I was going to say that wandering Trader had moss and that was the one that I was about to like go to and then it just disappeared and I have sticks so we’re going to make an iron hoe and then

We’re going to Mark out the space for our candy little crop fields which I think will be cool and there we go perfect I had two right there so we can make an iron hoe okay there we go not too shabby so now let’s come over

Here I don’t have any bad guys going to attack me and now we can just watch to see if we end up getting an egg from this one but if I zoom out a bit I think that if we just make this whole area a crop field so we’ll kind of

Use some dirt to like fill this in but if we make this a crop field I think that’ll be a really nice shape so I’m going to just do a little bit of recording as we go through this making it look a little bit nicer All right so we’re going to just like make an outline like so so it’s going to be kind of like a larger Circle so I don’t want it to come right up against where the house is so we’ll probably just leave it right around here and then just expand this out dotting it

Around probably go like so like that okay we’ll scoop some of this back so we can just fill in the other area with it okay I’m liking this this is going to be so much nicer to have for our little crop Fields I am going to elevate them

Because I want them to just kind of just be more defined so this is going to be like the rough outline of where we’re going to have it be I think I want to like curve it out here too a little bit not like a whole lot

We’ll maybe do like one more block over just like a little curve out oh let’s see if we got an egg drum roll yes okay little guy hi come here hello um how do I get you inside here without these guys okay here’s what we’re going to do there we go

Nice okay we got them both now we’ve got two chickens look at that can I reach no I can’t reach okay let’s do this again hop in here there we go and then if I just snip some oh I am getting pushed around let’s just uh grab some wool I

Need one more piece actually guys thank you we’re going to make it that little carpet thing just on the outside edge here I think that way I can get in and out and it’ll be great cool okay that’s great yay now we have two chickens see that wasn’t as hard I

Definitely would have been fine but just bring the one chicken home I’m glad I didn’t keep looking for one okay so crop field one is done and since we’re elevating it we’re just going to start filling it in we’re going to need to do a lot of dirt

Scooping for this just because uh we’re filling these in fully yeah I think it’s good I think this will be nice and then we’ll just create some like dark oak edgings around here and then I think as far as where we’re going to put the like candy the lollipop as like our giant

It’s going to be like a giant Circle lollipop I think it’ll just add some like color and height to our area but I feel like putting it like right here maybe would be good that’s kind of like Central more or less we’ll maybe like move it like right here see if that’s looking

Better or if that’s too far we’ll put it right in the middle right in the middle of those two blocks this is where we’ll have our little lollipop in the center with our height cool so that’s one of them now we have 40 more Cobblestone to

Mark out the other one and I do need more dirt to like Smooth this out but I want to put the other one right here we’re kind of just going to put them on the outskirts of town so let’s do some more scooping I feel like that’ll be

Good and we’ll just start scooping this e okay I think we should be good on the dirt so let’s go map up our other area and once we get all of them mapped out that’s when I’m going to start like actually collecting all of the dirt that

We’ll need to fill them in or the polar bear is kind of just stuck but let’s just see what I’m thinking ining this Village really just needs to be like flattened and I think what I’m going to end up doing just by looking at this is

Making this be the solid layer that it’s on so this is going to be the layer we keep everything on and this is going to be pushed back so we’ll scoop this back these two little spots here I’m going to sleep quickly cuz it’s getting dark but

This is the official like layer that we’re going to build everything in our gingerbread Village so this will be good so now we can just I could have just come over here and scooped this back honestly cuz I’m just going to be pushing this back further but is this the hole that they

Were getting stuck in cuz we’re going to fill this in right now okay oops wrong material oh no I lost one that’s okay okay so this is going to be the main area actually I don’t want anything to like spawn under here so like so okay so this is the main level

Everything else we’re scooping back for okay and then let’s just look at this again so I think for this crop field I don’t want them to all be like the same shape so maybe if we like make this one right here here at kind of this angle

It’ll be good we’ll just push this back scoop this out a bit further but that should be good okay I like it now this one let’s do we go like this so kind of like this circle shape over here so we’ll go like so like So like here we’ll put one maybe right here I feel like that’s good yes okay and then we go like this one here one here there we go okay there we go I do really like using just like blocks to outline things what do you think bud you think it’s pretty

Cool yeah I think it’s pretty cool too it’s pretty sweeted up for sure okay so what I’m kind of thinking is this shape I don’t know how to feel about it I think I want to push it out further like bring it back over here and then if this goes back to here

Maybe I’ll like that More no we’ll just keep it kind of even so like right in here I feel like that’s probably good and then we’ll go like so okay yeah that’ll be a nice crop field I like it this will be great so then we’re just going to like kind of fill in

Some of the edges just so we can get an idea of like what it’s going to look like once it’s filled in but I think this will be good we’re finally getting some crop Fields figured out but they’re going to be cute colorful little candy decorated ones Candy crop

Fields I feel feel like calling it candy crap Fields just sounds better than saying like lollipop fields or like sucker Fields even though like I’m planning to add like a little a little sucker in the middle like a giant not a little it’s going to

Be a giant one oh we also need to figure out where we’re going to put that so for this field I feel like kind of in this middle bit like here will be good yeah so maybe we just go like so so then like that yeah I think that’ll be

Good I like it okay we’re we’re we’re enjoying this this is this is looking good we’ll get rid of all of the Cobble eventually but for now this just works it works great I can almost like fill this whole field in just because we’ve had so much dirt that we’ve been just

Clearing from all these other sections which is helpful this is great okay so we know how the snowy one is going to look it’s going to be great look at that amazing and we have all of our little animals literally the best all of our farm animals at least

We’ll have other animals this’s polar bear is just walking through town I always think of the like Coca-Cola polar bear but but you know obviously they uh they can’t really drink a Coca-Cola in Minecraft so the third crop circle oh it’s slowly changing I guess it makes

Sense like this is like technically the grass blocks so the grass is the snow but what we’re going to do is put one over here I really do feel like I just want to like keep this ground even so if we so this is the actual ground level so

We’re keeping everything like this so if this crop field is elevated like this then that’s where we would keep it elevated at which is kind of nice that it’s like already kind of set up that way we just kind of need to smooth this out more that’ll be another one of those

Like projects that we work on it’s just smoothing out all this ground but if I look at this a crap Circle we’ve already got one there we’ve got one there having one here I think is perfect we just need to make it a little bit bigger I also don’t want it to like

Crowd into the center like Town Center area too much so that’s the other thing we’re figuring out okay and then we’ll get rid of the torch and just put one here oops torch here okay so I’m thinking the Town Center I don’t want to block the wool

Farm I want to make sure it looks really pretty maybe we actually put one of the lollipop fields in this back area that could actually be a lot better cuz then we’re not going to have it like crowding the center space and if I want to add some like a bigger Town

Square area some Market stalls we can kind of put those in here so I think I’m actually going to put the other one on the outskirts here so we can kind of like have them kind of Walling around the area cuz this one’s on the outskirts

This one is kind of on the outskirts this one would be on the outskirts as well so I think I like that idea better you kind of have to like play with the ideas until you feel like you finally figured out where you want to build cuz

A lot of times I’ll have one idea in mind and then similar to like what I’m seeing here I’m like you know what I actually don’t like this idea as much as I thought I would so we’re going to change this Up so for this this is definitely higher than what I want it to be but I think this this elevation isn’t too bad like if there’s like stairs here to get up here that’s fine and over here but this middle area was just kind of like dipped into mess and everything

So this should be okay to just keep the way it is but I will scoop back some of this so we get some dirt back okay there we go and we’ll move this what’s also nice about building in these Villages is I get all of these lanterns back why is just that snow

Block there it’s kind of silly Okay so we’ve got this I’m going to Quick SL sleep and then we’ll be able to continue working I like how my bed’s just like in the dirt which I’m actually going to like move this but it’s just kind of

Funny that it was just stuck there for a bit okay so move this to where we’re going to be working make it a little easier okay so while we’re waiting for it to be at sleepy time let’s map this out So it’s so this Village is only right on this edge here on this dirt block I’ll probably just end up smoothing this out and making it a little bit bigger it’s okay if like this isn’t even because we’re going to like make it smoothed out but I think putting

It like right in here is kind of the idea that I have for it so we’re going to get started on that okay so if we’re putting it more or less like right in here we’re going to scoop all of this back and make it be more of like a rectangle cuz these

On are fairly close together but still different shapes so I think if this one goes like this right where this crab field and tree are that’ll be great so let’s just scoop this up cuz I’ll use this and we’ll fill in whatever this is

Just not what we want it to be there we go and there was one over here okay oh hang on I wanted to actually place it down inside there there we go okay now we can get going and then we get the tree all chopped down there we go

Okay there we go and then we’re going to chop this tree down as well to clear out the space for our crop field we go and same with this we don’t need this here what is nice is there’s already a little water pit so if I just scoop up

These other things this takes longer cuz there’s snow on it which is kind of annoying but you know it’s it’s fine and then where’s the oops I’m just throwing things where’s the water okay so this we make our actual crop field like this should be good I throw

Something I had two axes did I Chuck my other axe okay I did I was like I know I had one um let’s see here we’ll get rid of the snow okay much better so this will be part of our crop field actually which means we don’t

Really need to like move a whole lot of it we’re just going to add to it we’ll make this one be a wheat one because there’s already wheat here and we’re just kind of adding to it so what we’re going to do is since this is kind of

Like the outskirts will make the start of this crop field go here and there can kind of still be like steps to get up this one I feel like that still is kind of nice to just be able to like walk up onto it but then we’ll just widen it

Quite a bit so go over here yeah and then we’ll just kind of scoop it out over here this be good I might actually like expand it out further like if we go out here maybe we want it to be like a decent sized Wheat Field like we want this to

Be able to continue to feed us feed the villagers get them all bred up I’m going to move this in by like right there there we go I like it yes it’s kind of fun just like hopping between these rocks too not going to lie okay so third crop field

Area I think it’ll be so cool to see the like just lollipops just like sticking up out of our crop field areas it’ll just add so much more height to this area cuz these are literally like the tallest buildings but I think these placements are good because we can have a potato a

Carrot and a wheat field and I’m thinking we have the wheat field be a yellow lollipop sticking up we’ll have the carrots be an orange one sticking up and the potatoes I don’t exactly know so I’m just going to pick a random color for them probably something that just is

Like complimenting the bright colors so maybe we do like a lime green or we do like a blue that could be cool like a light blue but I think this is a good size so we’re just going to start filling all of these in this is going to going to have like

Dark oak or Spruce trims around it it’s not just going to be like wow this is just Stone how cool like we’re going to make it look nicer don’t you worry but I’m just excited to add like some more like gingerbread like candy to the this Village area cuz it’s just

Going to kind of help give an idea of like oh yeah like this is for sure the the Candy Cane Village the Candy Village I should say not just Candy Cane Village but with the paths I also want to use a lot of colored wool to make

Kind of like similar to how we have Spruce lining the edges I want to have colored wool lining the edges be mixed into the path so that it kind of looks like there’s candy inside the path leading into the gingerbread Village like that idea just sounds so cute so

That’s kind of the idea that I have right now and I think it’ll look really cool so I’m excited for it and how much dirt do we have left okay we’ll be able to fill this in no problem which is helpful it’s always nice when you like

Aren’t sure how many blocks you’ll need a certain thing but you end up with like just enough that’s like the best feeling that’s when you feel like you’re like winning like didn’t even try had exactly what I needed best moments ever Okay so we’ve got this taken care of which is

Good now we need additional buckets but I’m going to make a water source just because I don’t exactly know how many of these we’re going to need Okay so we’ve got the the hoe out as well now I want to have the spruce leaves out

Too okay so if we go digging let’s put it like right here did this work I want to see if it actually like kept it okay i’ I’d say that worked we’re just going to go with it working yeah and then we just start getting this all HED up

Oh I forgot I need to have water water needs to have light to keep the water from freezing it always looks so funny when I do this okay so we’ve got we’ll put a oh I can’t put let’s put a lantern down will that work oh interesting okay well

That’s fine I suppose we can put a lantern here for now though that’ll be nice okay so I’m trying to see if I just completely H these up if the water’s going to reach or if I have to put something else over here feel like I’m going to probably have to just put

Something else here so we’ll just go ahead and do it now there we go okay now we just finish hoing this all up is okay now I think if I put like one more over here we should be okay this this kind of the last one I’m thinking we

Need and then we can just use the seeds and we can be collecting up all of seeds so that we can add to this area so I’m just going to start placing these down All right so we’ve got a bunch of our seeds already set up as like extras since we do now need to focus on getting the other fields done this feels nice to just know that the wheat field is done and then this can just be kind of

Growing as we’re working on the other fields but to give a little Bird’s ey view of what we have so far so these are the sizes that they’re going to be and we’re going to decorate them we’re going to have some colored wool kind of be

Like little gum th drops on the edges and it’ll look super cute with the lollipop brightly colored in the center so now we just need some more dirt to continue this process but I’m going to quickly grab more water here and these can be pushed away for now I am going to

Need new shovels soon but for now we’re just going to grab some extra dirt from around the area so that I can finish adding in all of the dirt blocks for the crop Fields so we’ll just spend some time getting some dirt in this area for for

Okay so almost four Stacks that should be good so that should be enough to fill out this area and then we’re going to have our water ready we also need our Spruce ready and then we can set up the rest of this crop field I think it’ll

Just look nice to have these f finally fully set up looking good they’ll add some color to the area some green which will be nice just some more like natural colors the other thing I am excited to try doing for the first time is just adding some more custom spruce trees

Around the area I’m not a super big like custom tree Builder person I haven’t done a whole lot of that the only custom tree that I’ve ever done is on an SMP that I was a part of I made like a GI giant tree and it took me so so long that was

Probably one of the like big biggest Pro like projects I undertook but CU it was like a mega tree and I should have just known that that would be a little too much but I was like I want to build something Mega cuz that gets like good

Views but then it’s like okay didn’t do as well as I thought it it would for a video but I’ve only made one custom tree and I haven’t made any sense so the fact that we’re going to be like adding some custom spruce trees W they will be much

Much smaller than what I had previously which will help a lot I do uh I am excited to see how it’ll look I think it’ll make the area look really cool so I think it’ll be fun then we’ve got this guy I’m trying to think of like where

Else I should put the other ones for like water buckets putting it under where the lollipop is going to be will be helpful we’ve got these two it’s about to be dark but let’s just try to fill this in a little bit more maybe the other one can go like right

Here think this should be good it’s also crazy how fast like an unenchanted iron a hoe just like starts getting used up and kind of like destroyed like this seems to be going super fast so I’m glad I brought like extras with me just in case that this is

Going to like break on me I feel like I need to have another one like down here but it is kind of like you know grabbing everything that I wanted it to maybe we sleep now though it’s probably good then we need to go and

Grab all of the carrots that we have and all the potatoes even though we don’t have like enough to fully fill out the fields I’m just going to start using what I have so let’s go I should have grabbed this when we were over there before but we’re going to grab all of

The potatoes and the carrots that we have I also just want this land to be like completely smoothed out so we don’t have giant holes everywhere so I’m actually just going to quickly do a little like Bridge type of a thing over because I don’t want to

Keep falling down in this pit cuz it’s just low enough where I end up taking fall damage so not exactly what I’m looking for but we’ll just go like this just to make it a little easier for me okay and then get rid of those and get rid of those there we Go it’s funny how some things in your world you just like don’t want to take the time to do so they just like remain un incompleted projects for a while like this is literally such a simple thing just put down some blocks like make a little path through what you have that

Just makes it Easier now this will be so much easier to run around cuz I actually have like a path designated for it literally so much easier and I’m glad we still have a lot more dirt yeah look at that cuz then I can just like run down Here there we go Nice okay I feel good this is just a little bit more just flattened so makes it easier to run around and I don’t really need access to this cave cuz I think you can get through it from there or there but like I’m just going to close these Up I don’t want to fall through these holes as I’m running back to my base area that’s already going to just be very very helpful okay we have lots of potatoes we had I thought we had carrots didn’t we have carrots I could have sworn we had

Carrots did I use them to breed up something or did I put them back up here cuz I’m pretty sure we had carrots somewhere and now I’m forgetting where I placed them which isn’t good they probably just ended up in some random chest like why

Is there pork in there I mean I guess that’s a drop so like I get that but like I don’t know we’re going to put the pork in with the food now I’m curious like where did I put the carrots cuz that is actually going to be a very helpful thing to have

Interesting oh did I maybe just put them in this bucket we’re going to check to see if I put them in the bucket literally this is already so helpful just like having this be smoothed even just a little bit just a little little bit already so so helpful but let’s

Start adding in all of our Potatoes Okay I think that’s the as far as we’re going to get I’m curious no I didn’t put the carrots in there where did I put the carrots let’s just check up here just in case there’s some carrots cuz I do want to have a carrot field but I don’t I

Guess I like misplaced all of them but maybe we’ll just make like a wheat field temporarily you know we have plenty of seeds so we can make two wheat Fields okay these are all potatoes oh here we go H barely any of them nice okay so there’s some beds up

Here nice nice o more barrels we can take some more barrels nice oh that wasn’t a barrel that was just part of the house just breaking their little mini houses okay I do really like how there’s so many lanterns up here like this is actually quite nice to just be able to

Have like you don’t need four lanterns right here especially if the villages already have a hard time like getting into their house and we’re just kind of taking some of these little items that they have as well this is very lit up though that’s it’s good good for them

You know they need to have lit up houses I just don’t feel so bad that we had like like so many villagers here and now they’re just gone like that’s so sad but that looks like it’s wheat we’ve got four carrots that’s funny maybe we just make um two wheat

Fields and we save the carrots for when like we have more of them so what I’m going to do is replace all these oh I know what I did I planted the carrots up there that’s what I had done people in the comments are like you moved them you planted them that’s why

You don’t have them okay now we just finish getting these all planted down and them of this that we can plant what’s nice is these I can then Fortune which will be super helpful cool okay I’m going to fill these buckets up again because we’ll

Need to finish doing some of the my my makeshift uh cactus farm you know just kind of just gets taken out by said house walls okay we’ve got this feels nice look at this amazing we’ve got a big old crop field we’re getting our potato on sorted

Definitely need a lot more uh dirt for this last one I’m pretty sure unless we mostly got it covered yeah no we’re going to collect more dirt let’s let’s come over here and get more dirt done more dirt done okay for and we’ll collect all this up and we

Should be good just got to fill up any of the extra holes I accidentally made because I don’t want to go much further than this oh we’ve got another cave nice we’ll deal with that later on it is kind of convenient that there’s just like fields of just like lifted

Terrain that I can just pull extra dirt from it’s also funny that like through this project I’m literally having to uh work on just collecting dirt that’s literally what we’re doing is resource collecting dirt oh I also want to make sure my polar bear doesn’t get in there can you

Imagine if the polar bear was in there oh no that would not be good okay now what I want to do as well is we’re going to put a water source underneath here so we’ll get our leaves out oh I need the there we go go like so

And then like so because then I can just use the hoe on this oh and there it goes yep okay we’ll just fill this in and then go to sleep and then we’ll make the hoe when we wake up cuz I brought extra iron over just because I was noticing I was

Running through the iron hose pretty quick just cuz I don’t have Unbreaking three on them but I think those villagers that we found I want to get the like zombie villagers and the igloo I want to get mending and Unbreaking three so that’s one of the things that we’re going to do for

Sure but it’ll be kind of funny cuz I have to figure out a way to like move them over okay that’s all that I have and I think we’re going to sleep now once I get around all of the houses I am excited to like start building the

Houses up because they’re going to be so cute and I do want to keep these streets like very narrowed to just make it feel even Cozier so that is another thing that I’m going to like work on is just keeping the streets very close together very kind of crammed so that it does

Feel like you’re just walking into like such a cool area nice little cozy space okay and we need the water bucket again and honestly Let’s uh go trade some iron real quick cuz I want to get another hoe or not a hoe I need another shovel per potatoes will leave the field

Alone but we can also combine a bunch of the shovels so I think I’m going to try to like get more than just one shovel for us cuz that way we’ll just be able to have a a little bit of a quicker shovel and I think our shovel has

Unbreaking gaps so we can like combine them to get an upgraded bit and I’m going to stop the Replay for now hi guys how you doing hope you’re doing good we’re just going to do some trading so we’ve got 12 so we’ve got that and we’ve got 12 over here so we’ll

Get another shovel for 11 love it now if you guys just want to reset that would be great and then we’ll combine these so it’s efficiency 3 Unbreaking 2 love it and then if I combine these that’s eight or it’s 10 and now we have Unbreaking two okay

So what I would need to do is combine two more of these ones this doesn’t really add anything to it cuz this is efficiency 3 if I reorder that does it change it no no it doesn’t change it at all okay so I’m going to wait until I

Can like get them to refresh you want to just refresh real quick I’ll I’ll put the iron back and we’ll just go down here and collect some more up for you guys okay we’ll just clear some of this out and then we’ll keep our organized Stacks like

So love it okay I feel like just trying to keep iron on hand up here so that we can trade okay you reset perfect love that we’ll clear some extra space okay so you’re the toolsmith so come here so we’ve got this shovel so now if I go like so my almost dead

Shovel and then this is the other shovel so that’s nine or seven so now if I do this there we go that’s what I want literally because this is a new world just getting simple advancements like combined better tools just feels so so good efficiency four and Unbreaking

Three like it feels so so good okay but we can leave all the rest of their iron here let’s just trade them up a bit more give me some of my XP back wonderful cuz then efficiency 4 yeah just is like look at these just so much better I love that so

Much but we’ll put these back for now I’m literally so excited to use this shovel it’s going to get all of my dirt collected up so so quick but I’m curious how much more we think I needed oh not even that much let’s just pull it from over here then if we really

Don’t need that much more but this is going to be so much quicker oh my gosh oh my gosh this is amazing yes wow just upgrading tools is so good and helpful wow okay you guys saw how slow in comparison it was to shovel that’s so

Good oh my gosh literally this is this is so good just so good make it so much quicker I love that and then this is going to be a wheat field because I don’t have enough carrots for now so we’re just going to convert this oh I needed another hoe that’s what it

Was okay so we got to go back to our iron friends and get a better hoe so we’ll put some lanterns on the edges for now okay we’re going to grab iron make maybe we make like two see I think having Unbreaking three and mending will just be nice because I

Don’t have an easy way to get like I don’t have an iron hoe or even a diamond hoe as one of the like toolsmith trades on this guy which for what I’m doing like kind of would be nice cuz we’re doing more cop fields but at the

Same time it’s like we have an iron farm like that’s really the most helpful thing we can ever get so that already feels so so good and then we’re going to just record a little bit more of this now we’ve got water let’s go right here there we

Go and then if I move this we put this here For okay so we have this wheat field done we’ve got the potato field underway and the other cop field done so now I want to go and start just collecting up what we’ll need to build the lollipops up and the colored dyes so since we already

Have a bunch of colored dyes over here we’re going to be building the wool Farm I might just grab some colors from here while we’re at it I think the color that I will need that I don’t have a lot of is yellow I don’t have a lot in here I

Literally have one so I’m not going to spend it but I’m going to also use orange dye I think using some lime dye would be kind of fun doing like a lime colored one or maybe like a pink one let’s actually do pink I think pink would be super cute so we’ll

Do pink we’ll do orange and we’ll do yellow but for yellow I think we’re just going to go and look around for some of the yellow flowers I don’t have a lot of those but I think that’s probably the easiest thing so everything else we’ll

Just put in here for now the buckets and the shoes and the lanterns but we’re going to do an orange lollipop a pink one and a yellow one since we just have three we might do some other ones later on we’ll just see how they look once

They’re done and then we’re going to go collect a bunch of snow which should be super super quick because we have our efficiency for shovel so we’re just going to go do that I’m going to pause our recordings so we’re just looking for some flowers out and about I’m going to actually check

Let’s check our storage quickly then we’ve got all of our little bunnies we’ve got some names picked out so we have Arctic we’ve got cocoa Oreo peppermint and Chip so once I actually have name tags then we you can name these little guys but look at them the little Chocolate Chip bunnies they’re

Just so cute I love them so much they’re literally like my favorite little guys I love it but let’s see if we have any yellow dye in here I know that from our little like bone meal Farm we have plenty of bone meal our little poppy

Okay we’ve got six that’s that’s a start so let’s just see what we have we’ve got sand and gravel that’ll give us some concrete so let’s just see oh only eight okay so we need to collect a bunch of sand we need to collect a bunch of pink

Dye which is panies so let’s just grab the pink dye so I think orange pink and yellow will be really pretty so we’re just going to collect up a bunch of sand then these dyes I can use bone meal to just get more peonies and then we have a

Bunch of red roses so that we can get more of the orange Dy mixed with the yellow so that should be good but we’ll need to get sand and then more yellow flow so that’s what we’re going to work on next okay so we’re looking for yellow

Dye we’ll leave the yellow dye and sand down here to remind us of what we’re going to be grabbing first everything else we can kind of move to the side here so let’s start looking for the resources we need I’m excited to be getting getting these actually like put

Together making these little lollipops I think it’ll be super fun we also need snow so since we’re right here we’re just going to go to our snow Farm first we’re going to use snow to be kind of the white blocks cuz I’m envisioning kind of like a spiral swirl for our

Little topper but oh gosh can you imagine if the explosion would have like impacted this area oh I’m so glad that is not the case that would have been so so sad can you imagine I would have been so sad I just literally built this look

How simple this is it’s so easy and I can even like come up here more look at that so much easier oh my gosh this is literally the best we’re just going to stand here for a bit get a bunch of white blocks for the white swirl for our little lollipop

Candies I’m also curious to know in the comments what you guys are up to Why while you are watching this long play as we’re kind of collecting our resources and things I feel like since we’re getting pretty close to Christmas time some people might be starting their like

Winter breaks some people might be going on their vacations soon so I’m curious if people are still using this for like having on in the background at work or at school studying in the background with it or just straight relaxing and vibing you know it’s always fun to kind

Of hear like what you guys enjoy doing while you’re watching these long plays cuz it’s just fun to you know know why you watch these what things you enjoy doing while you’re watching these if you’re just getting stuff done around the house like being productive like laundry cleaning like that kind of stuff

Or what it ends up being when I was in Creative testing this I did try to use a hopper here but the snow golem does not put Snow layers on top of the the hopper I noticed so it would not have worked for me to just

Have the snow golem putting snow down so that was kind of a bummer I wish that I would have been able to do that cuz then I don’t need to just keep like walking around it collecting up everything I would have just like let me have all of

Them just get collected up in a hopper somewhere and that would have been lovely but I think maybe we’ll go we’ve got two stacks already maybe let’s go for like three more Stacks I think that should be like a good amount like I don’t think I’ll need more than this so we’re just

Going to collect up a little bit More We’re almost to our third full stack which is great this is literally so much nicer than just scooping up all the snow everywhere like I love this I’ve never made a snow Farm before ever so it’s also kind of fun that we have a little friend he’s got a little goofy little

Derpy face but I love it it’s just adorable this is definitely like so much nicer than trying to scoop it all up all over the place outside this is safer like I could just like be here overnight and be totally okay like nothing’s going to get me literally the best thing ever

O we’re so close okay we need like a little bit over for a Half Stack and then we’ll be good okay come back up here I like the little like item collection noise it makes too that’s pretty great okay we’re full up here I think we’re pretty much there

That’s great yay okay so we pretty much got everything we need oh look at that we have extras what do you know got some extra white stained glass oh extra dirt that’s actually going to be helpful okay well sweet I think these this should be enough we’ll

Just leave the rest of this here for now I will be taking the dirt once we come back but for now we want sand and yellow dye so those are the next few things that we need we’ve got enough pink dye and orange dye I think to make what we

Need with gravel and all that did I have a door in here I did I want a door for an air pocket that’s always helpful okay so now we look for sand oh there’s potatoes over here I’m I’m going to actually take all these potatoes as well oh wow my I’m not

Used to having myh shovel work so effectively just scoop the dirt up right away okay cool well potatoes are always nice but we need to find some sand so let’s go over here we had so many villagers over here as well and now all of these villagers

Died which is such a tragedy I also just realized I left my bed over there so let’s quick try to grab a bed in one of these places I think I literally just like leave beds around here so that I can like grab them and sleep okay I took

This one out we’ll try for another one hi little foxy don’t worry I won’t get you you are perfectly safe okay I took that bed got to find a place where I haven’t taken a bed yet took that one oh that was a Fletcher thing okay we’ll

Take this bed with us for the journey now we can go up for some sand okay what would be nice as if I could just like find easy access to you know just a desert but our deserts are pretty far and I don’t have silk touch so I

Couldn’t even get a bunch of like Ender Chest making supplies o that’s a lot of sand that’s great because I don’t have so touch to be able to do anything with so we’ll use our efficiency ax oh here’s just some on the sidelines at least

This is actually a lot more sand than I expected to get Sand’s been the other thing that’s been hard to grab for me but this is actually working really well I think we’ll get a lot of sand here there we go perfect and then we’ll just

Come right down here pick all of this up I will need to sleep because it is getting a little bit scary and I don’t want a creeper falling on me that’s literally the last thing I would ever want okay so right now we’ve got a decent amount of sand um snow block

Oh I didn’t bring my crafting table with me that would have been helpful because then I could see like how much I could actually like make so far with yellow I know I only have five but like it it gets us somewhere right we get something let’s

Make sure we pick up our bed as well especially if we’re going to be like jumping out of here and continuing on oh that is a creeper I don’t want you no thank you oh he’s just chilling in the water I think that’s a little bit dangerous okay um let’s quickly use this

Guy and I’m literally just going to grab some wood off of oh AR stray I don’t want you there okay let’s see how much we can make oops I’m getting distracted by all these like mobs being around here pillagers no thank you why are there so

Many pillagers I feel like I have to have a Pillager Outpost nearby like I can’t not at this point okay we’ll be safe in here okay so we’ll do yellow concrete first we got 48 we can do some pink concrete nice okay and we need more

Gravel now so gravel is the thing that’s kind of preventing us from continuing on okay so now we take this where did those pills go they still back in the woods pesky Things okay let’s look for some good old oh this is gravel right here I was gonna say let’s look for some gravel it is right here as we speak wonderful okay let’s put our little crafting table down give us more space get rid of the snow I need some

Torches here to keep this ice from melting and now we can set the door up nice okay that’s wonderful look at this yay it’s also so much nicer now that we actually have a very fast shovel in comparison to what we used to have literally so so helpful I’m so happy

About this okay I actually don’t see the pillagers so I think they went somewhere else which is great I will gladly take that okay I think we’re good on orange so then it’s just some more pink and yellow so I’m going to move my we’ll do

We’ll get rid of these guys move those out of the way we’ll go like so and then oh no I don’t want there we go well actually that oh is about to break okay so now we’re going to grab some yellow flowers I don’t need to have that one

Random little guy there I’ll get rid of this Flint I don’t need the Flint I will get rid of the hoe just because it’s about to die now we just collect up a bunch of yellow dyes I think pink one stack of pink we just need more

Grapple that’s like the main thing we need to grab but we need a lot more yellow dye so we’re going to grab all of these flowers that we can little dandelion also convenient because then it helps us to get the bunnies to like us but this should be enough so now

We’re just going to go look for some more gravel just look along more of the water edges is this just clay yeah that’s clay the sound of ice cracking is just so satisfying but I’m going to just try to find more grapple okay feel like over here

Yeah oh my goodness yes yes oops except I need my door that I left over here can’t forget the precious door okay now we’re good cuz once we actually get these little lollipop candies all set up it’s not actually going to take us that long to

Make them so us taking more time to get this done and get all the supplies we need is totally fine cuz it’s going going to still be like a good amount once we’re done here so then we take our good shovel and we start scooping a

Bit I just have to stay inside my little bubble here now we go swim swim around and collect everything there we go and above under the water here and then we can go right here I don’t need Flint don’t need that we need more pink dye first of all we need more

Yellow o okay yes definitely plenty of yellow my goodness okay and then we’ll do pink okay I think we’re good I think this is all I really need so now we need to do is just make a gantic stack into the water and I want to grab my door

Again and for extra building the stuff later on we’ll grab everything else that we see in here and we’ll let our air bubble get up all of our air oxygen again air oxygen that’s what I’m calling it now yep it’s official it is air oxygen okay this should be the good spot all

Right now let’s just build up right here I think we’ll be good so if I just leave this here for now and then there we go look at this it’s going to be to Pink okay I’m going to record this cuz I think it’ll be kind of cool

But we’re just going to do a lot of stacking up and then we’re going to just jump back into the water like we’ve done before what could go wrong right what could go wrong but I am excited to set up these little lollipops around I think they’ll

Look so cute it’s going to be so great this is definitely more than I actually need as of right now so I think I’m just going to jump it and then then we’ll just have extras for later cuz we can use actually we’ll do a little bit

More we’ll get to like 32 cuz right now this will be enough to make the one lollipop that we have but then we can use some of these to kind of create little colorful like Gumdrop things okay So oh that’s so scary okay now I just do a little bit of collecting up and then I can just stay right here and then if I just like put down a block right here then it keeps me from going drifting too far so then I can just stay here like

So of course it goes over there too but we’ll just stay here and collect some of this Up For okay so I think we should have enough we have at least a stack of each and honestly a stack should be plenty so I feel like we’re in a good spot I think we’re just going to call it good here and head back now I think I’m just going

To leave these items here because if I’m going to come back and be needing more sand more gravel anything even more clay I’m going to just probably just keep using what I have over here um let me see any carrot here oh there were some carrots here okay that’s good to know

But we can take the potatoes cuz we do need to finish filling out our little sad potato Fields so we will gladly take more potatoes but now I know that there are more potatoes over here I don’t have any other things in my inventory that I

Can pick up for like crops and stuff but we will grab all the potatoes we possibly can except I don’t have enough so that’s a little awkward not enough room it’s fine okay well we don’t have a whole lot of extra room let’s see what we can get 59

Potatoes 63 okay we’ll call this good I don’t want to like waste any of the crops but we are going to move them over to a Big Field I still can’t believe that it blew up that is literally like the craziest thing and now there’s just

A snow golem wandering around or he just got like attacked like I don’t even know where it would go cuz like there’s snow everywhere so it’s not like you’d be able to like see it like the trail right I just can’t believe it blew up

Can’t believe it and it took me a while to like get the correct sphere shape and like follow that like website tutorial thing that like tells you how to make your uh don’t know why those two right there but it’ll tell you like how you need to make

It and I don’t have that anymore well I have to go find it which it’s more of just me not wanting to put the work into it if we’re being honest but it is what it is so this is our potato field so we’ll just add in the

Potatoes then we’ll start building these oh I guess I’m hungry I’m going to eat my fish though we have the fish to keep us nice and fed from fishing literally I think fishing might also become a pretty standard way to get food just because

It’s an easy way for me to just you know spend some time getting levels seeing if I can get some enchanted books or anything else I’d love to be able to find an enchanted fishing rod that would be the best thing to like get up there pull up

But I also don’t know how likely that is because it’s unenchanted I don’t have enchants on it but I if I had an enchanting table I could try that but I just don’t have that right now either so we definitely need to get some more things for

Sure okay now with the wheat we’ll just leave all of the dyes and powders here we’ve got another Barrel so we’ll move that stuff as well okay we’ll come over here poor little villagers just completely stuck okay we’ll put all the powders in here we’ve got all the Sands so what we need

To do is we’re going to use snow blocks as the stem we’ll put our potatoes in here as well the snow blocks are going to be the stem and then everything else is kind of going to go in a circle around it I’m also grabbing more wood to

Make another crafting table because I need one of these there we go but I think this will look really good once we’re done we’re going to start here in this one I don’t know okay we’re going to start here I think so let’s make this one be yellow

So we’ll move all of our yellow stuff into our inventory so then I’m just going to quickly reference how tall I made these and then we can get building I think this will be great and it’s going to be a little bit sad because I will need to use like

Water bucket clutch otherwise I’m going to end up like falling and hurting myself so got to figure out that but maybe we’ll just like make a spiral staircase off of this honestly that might be probably the easiest thing we can do just to like make it so that I’m

Not actually hurt myself but let me just quickly check to see how tall we make these so one moment here okay so this goes up 10 blocks so we go one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 and I’m going to just start recording this

Because now this goes out three on both sides and we’ll kind of go like so so this is the like base shape so this goes up three and then we go up by this goes up three and then we do one here and one over over here I’m looking

At my side monitor to make sure I’m getting the the shape right and the size right I’ve got a little picture of my like creative world which I think using creative world is literally one of my like favorite things to do I also just realized I didn’t bring a bed over

Here yep so that’s fun should brought a bed with me up here but then we’ve got these two this goes up like So then we do another yellow this goes up like so and then this is going to be one two and three and this will also be one two and three then we put another one here and then we’re bringing out this like so another yellow that’s the second yellow so now

This is the three one two and then there’ll be one more white that comes right here and then this will be one two and three just like we had before and then we put it just like so and then we put a yellow right here and

Then I’m going to just drop myself down honestly that might be easier then it’s like I lose some some of what I’ve been working on but not like a whole lot the polar bear is just looking at the iron column it’s kind of funny so then this is kind of

Like the white spiral that we have and then this just gets repeated so like all of this is going to be oh crops yep but if I like show you we’re going to go to bed pretty quick here but this is going to be kind of like the outside

Spiral but that’s just going to look so cool and then we’ll just add some like blocks around the edge so that it also looks good but I need to make sure I set my spawn over here since we’re working over here okay we’ll grab oops any of these

Cactuses and stick them in here real quick yeah I think it’ll look good when we’re done with it it’s hard when I’m like down here now because then I literally like have to use some of my other blocks so we’ll just do this we can always rebuild it’s fine okay so Now this goes here go like so then one two three one two three and then let’s just make the snow go like that I want the like out side edge to feel like it’s filled in so that looks like it’s not just like a hollow thing you know but then from here we’ve

Got so if this is like the direction that I’m facing I’m trying to follow the guide so then this is one and then this just gets fully filled in like so go like that same thing over here like So and then we go up by two so we go like so and then out by one and this is kind of like the outside edge so if this is the one we oops we would then put a snow block here I also need to make sure that this

Uh follows suit there we go just like so and then with that at the top here there’s one here we put a snow block here then we put a yellow there and that’s one and two so then oh this is definitely not the right size

One and two one and two one and two and three and then that just oh then this is literally like the end of this so then this is the outer edge so that that gets filled in like so look at this it’s going to look so

Pretty oh I like that that’s so fun okay I’m also going to make sure I keep eating my food cuz I don’t want to have my low Hearts end up making me die that would not be what we want and we’ll come out right here so now from here this is

Going to be two bits of Snow one two three then this goes one two three that goes like So that goes like So okay I think this is the shape that I had it look at that that’s what I had okay now I sorry CPS sometimes I wish the snow blocks would just like fully go like just fall like gravity but that’s okay if they don’t always do you know it’s it’s all right

The no blocks at least you fully get the amount back but I think this is just oh I keep doing that now look at that the candy cane or W the gingerbread I always think candy cane cuz I made these candy cane pads but this is so cute so that’s

Literally what we’re going to do we’re just adding that around the edges and we had two left over so what we had as far as like a stack is like perfect so love that okay so now the edge would just get like decorated ated like so so that it

Would just be like colorful but I think I want to save that for a little bit later or maybe we just do that right now cuz I have a bunch of wool so we could just start shearing the Sheep even more and there’s a bunch of dyes over here

Soz we’ve got some wool so if I take some greens and some whites like so and let’s take a purple we’ll take three of that we’ll take three purple I guess I only have one purple but we only have one blue so I’m trying to take like colors that we

Already have right so we’ve got some orange dce we’ve got some of that we’ll put that back we’ve got some extra Reds so we’ll make some Reds as well we’ve got lime but we’ll make red red and then we’ll put this one back we’ll put the lime back cuz my idea is

That they’re just like decorated with wool that kind of acts as like gumdrops in a way and just like lines the edges nicely and kind of just like comes up over the edge and then the rest of this is going to be kind of just like build

With whatever other colors we have of things but I just think it’ll be really cute you know to have this the different types of colored wool around it obviously we can use some of the Terra Cotta now that we’ve got it and just practice with

That but I like the idea of It kind of like blending over into it like just like the colors I think that’s super cute and then we’ll just use some Spruce in between so we need to go and get some more Spruce but I think because we have

Everything we need to make the other ones first we’ll just make our oh I forgot to finish this side okay we we fix we fix right now I only had two yellows though so we need more yellows so we actually have to go back down going back down going to

What was it this Barrel or the other Barrel had what we needed we’ll see okay 48 put that in our off hand and then we need to find more water source kind of silly okay I don’t think I need like a whole lot so we’ll just kind of use this Infinite Source

Okay this should be enough I didn’t think we needed like a whole lot 18 should be plenty yeah that’s funny I was literally just like look how pretty it is and it’s not even like complete on one of those sides silly me okay now let’s do

We need to go like so and get a bit closer okay and this should balance out the rest of the yellow okay sweet now there maybe a slight chance of it being a small little Like A Zombie Farm Farm mob farm but we’ll add some some like you know

Torches in there at some point but let me just look all the way around okay that side I also need to fix so this is why we check right I literally am going to put a torch in here though because I do not want things spawning from this that would be so so

Sad okay and was that the only bit that I missed look at that it looks so good okay all the way around it’s safe we’re good there’s a light in there so we’re not going to have mobs spawning which would be great that’s what we want to

See and we have extra yellow so now it can just be kind of like a around the sides decorative piece which is kind of cool like I kind of like the idea of just having some like different types of colors popping I think my favorite though is definitely having all of

The wool cuz I like the texture of it so real quick before we sleep we’re going to quickly go over and sheer a sheep once again going to pop in here quickly Shear the sheeps hi guys hello thank you for your wool thank you thank you I appreciate

You okay and we got some eggs sorry sorry sorry sorry okay I sheared all the Sheep so we’re good now we just go and sleep and then we’ll make our other one I think that’ll be good we can stop this one because we know what that is okay we’ll bring another little

Little lantern with us and I’m going to put the wool over here again since we’re going to be using that for the other things we already have a project board too this is our project board we already have decorated our Cy Pi so now it’s just replacing some of

The like oh I forgot I can just like type so make gingerbread houses for the villagers and we’ve already done decorating the candy canes so I’m just going to completely take this sign down and we can like replace it breeding the villagers is like a constant thing just

Because we do need to uh get other villagers to make our population better but then now we’re just going to spend some time since you know how I talked to you through making this one I’m just going to get to work making the other two we’ll put our pink one over here and

The orange one Over Yonder but I think it’ll look really good so I’m just going to kind of let you guys enjoy some music and then start building up this other one For M h For Is H Is H H You You H well let’s gu selling pink and blue dye blue dye would actually be helpful cuz then I don’t need to use my lapis and I don’t really need anything else from these guys so I think I’m just going to go for the blue dye right now I just

Want to get a bunch of dyes so we’re actually going to be using this guy for dice and it works well for us since we’re about to do our wool Farm pretty soon here but look at these okay from a more backed up view this is how our little gingerbread area is coming

Together our gingerbread Village next we just need to grab a bunch of spruce and kind of use those similar to how the iconic traditional little kind of uh villager crop Fields look but we’re going to use some Spruce and then get some colored wool and things and just

Dot those around but I think this is just coming together so well look at this literally I love it so much I probably will add another one a little bit later on but for now I just wanted to like start off having these but then that we just have some candy

Corn C I was going to say corn fields there’s no corn in the game Candy crop Fields but I love that so we’re going to quickly go trade with our little friends I’m going to stop me recording just cuz I do like to kind of just see the before

And after pictures of like what we were building so I think using the replay mod makes that really fun but let’s quickly go see what our villagers will give us we’ve got 38 so I guess I didn’t even need to trade with the Villagers we just can get the dyes usually villagers or

The like traveling wandering Traders aren’t as like valuable to me but since we are about to need a bunch of dyes this actually works perfectly oh don’t be turning invisible I will take the red tulips just because it’s kind of like a pretty little thing and we’ll take some Vines you know we

We’ll take what we can get get oh but look at the snow okay now we need to do an area view of this look at that oh my gosh and this is how our area is slowly coming together that that’s as the like furthest out point of

View oh I love that I love how the just lollipops add so much you can already tell like that’s going to be like candy like a candy Village gingerbread just like sweet treat it’s kind of a village and I love that it’s so pretty oh there’s also a bad guys starting to

Spawn so that’s my queue oh they’re literally like right behind me okay yeah that is my cue to uh go take a snooze um I’m going to just kind of go around other areas just because I don’t want them to get me all right well let’s just go and sleep with

Our villagers let’s just quick pop on over here I don’t want them to see me and come after me but I love how that’s looking it’s looking so good hi guys don’t mind me so next what we need to do is we need to get a bunch of wool

And Spruce cuz we’re going to be Focus next on just getting all of the outside decorations for things all ready to go I don’t want to get grabbed yes little little skeleton you are going to burn in the sunshine you know didn’t put enough sunscreen on not my

Problem okay so we’ll do this now we just need lots of spruce so we’ll grab our Spruce from up here at least we’ll see what we have for Spruce um let’s take a look I wanted the like Spruce logs and I don’t have any of

Those out here but I know outside I had some and I’m going to grab the wool from here and the red wool as well and then I had some red dye so we’ll grab this and white dye that way I don’t need to use my lapis cuz I have a bunch which is

Great and the snow I’ll keep just in case but I think out back where we have all of our tree farms that’s where I actually have a bunch of extra Spruce cuz I was just resource collecting on a live stream so that’s always super helpful but let’s go grab some of these

Guys see what we got it is kind of funny how much I’ve actually been like using wandering Traders usually I don’t need like the dye but this time I actually want the dye and we can get rid of these Guys our little jungle cocoa beans and we’ll place them back down there we go and place them down right here and on this side as well and then I’ll leave the cocoa beans here for now not like a super like high priority thing but we definitely we want

The wool so we can make some colors so we’ve got this I just like make a bunch of blue and then we’ll make some light blue and then we’ll make some I think the light blue wool is probably some of like the prettiest I would say we’ll

Make some purple dye as well we’ll make some pink wool we’ll make some of the purple wool oh interesting it’s making me dye some of it that’s bizarre we’ll just do this for now and then we’re going to go shoot the Sheep which should give us enough I also need

To fix uh just me accidentally dropping down into the fields and breaking some of the crops but for now I’m not too not too concerned with it but I already think this looks so good it makes me so happy to to see just like a world just slowly

Transforming and just making this like all colorful it’s just so fun I love it it’s literally like the best thing okay so we’ll just go around the edges and I’m going to record this as well because I think it’s just nice to you know keep track of it

All but we’ll just add some Spruce and I’m just going to literally like add Spruce around the edge but then we’re also just going to be replacing some of it with um I think I need to like strip all of this yeah we’re going to go like so and

Then I need to strip these down right yeah that’s how it’ll work there we go we’ll go like this because then it just kind of like creates a nice little little space for it I am going to like scoop some of this out just because I want want you to be

Able to see the edge cuz now it looks like it’s more just like you can tell it’s like actually lined instead of just there’s too much grass and dirt to actually see that we’ve made these edges all cute but I like it there we go I’m trying to like create some a

Little bit higher up so that it looks like it is more of a barrier a little fenced in spot yeah I think just like adding some of those popped in actually looks really good just little change up there we go we’ll put that one there and we’ll put another one right

Here do some more it’s crazy how fast I went through a whole stack just to like get these in place like I’m going to need like three stacks at this rate which is nuts of just this o oh no and my axe oh that was my

Uh never mind that wasn’t my like good one I was like sad okay well these are our multicolored ones so let’s add some over here we’ve got the yellow and now we’ll just add in oh we need to strip these guys too I didn’t finish this over

Here okay now that looks good perfect so we’ll just add some over here we’ll add some pink maybe we’ll put some pink like right here and then where do we want to put some blue I feel like instead of yellow there let’s put some blue we are going

To also fill in some of these very uh annoying spaces cuz I’m literally just like falling but actually I want to like have these stick out more so let’s go like so so then we can kind of just add some lanterns around this as well but it’s mostly just to like get some

Colourpop going which I think is cute and then let’s move this one maybe like here yeah this sew needs to be filled in okay let’s um let’s just do a quick little we’re just slowly filling in some of the holes over our area I will have to add

Some torches down here cuz we don’t have that right now and that’s going to be important otherwise we’re going to have a bunch of mobs spawning underneath here and make made a mob farm and I don’t want that when I’m trying to like work and sleep out here like that doesn’t

Help me so I’m actually going to grab a lantern before I forget and let’s just grab and actually what I would rather do is grab a normal torch let’s see there we go CU I’d rather have the lanterns be visible and then we can put just torches underground like so

Okay now it’s not completed but this looks a lot better and more just like all put together it looks good and we can grab a bunch more over here there we go all the way up and Around because this already just looks way better just flattened out yeah much better it’s crazy just how a small bit of terraforming like this can actually just like help make it look so different like that already looks way better so happy just with like a simple

Little thing like that now as far as other colors I have a red one so let’s like keep that we’ve got some purple let’s change this up though let’s put some purple on the edge right here Oops I meant to put that right here there we go so then it’s more just like

A colorful little field I like that a lot and we can just add some other colors as we go but let’s add some over here got some of that okay so now we’re needing some more Spruce we need lots of spruce that’s what I’m realizing okay time to get more

Spruce then we’re going to run back and sleep got to run around the holes that are still out in the field we’re slowly cleaning up some of them we just don’t have all of them but I think this time I need to take like at least two stacks maybe three stacks of wood

Okay we’ll take two and a half we’ll see if this is enough but look at that oh I love that it’s so fun yes yes yes it just looks so cool like I’m just like staring at it like this just makes it feel so much Cozier literally so much wood just for this perimeter he okay let’s take a quick snooze I don’t want any more bad guys spawning trying to eliminate more explosions happening every time I look over towards where we have our poor little snow globe I’m just like yeah that is a bummer didn’t realize that

Would be a thing I’d need to consider you know keep an eye on look out for but man I wish that that wouldn’t have happened but you know it is what it is it’s it actually is rather funny just for the fact that like the snow golem was like

You shouldn’t be in here and was like throwing stuff at it and then it was just like getting upset you know it’s like I want to be here it’s kind of kind of cute kind of funny kind of not you know one of those situations and and then we’ll get this

All taken care of perfect yay okay um you’re kind of like in the way though bud I don’t know if you realize this just so you know just you know wanted to wanted to let you Know huh acting like you don’t know what oh I’m in the way what huh I didn’t know that huh had no clue okay I’m trying to like put the blocks far enough away and now we get more colors more wool I need my shears did I put any wool back in here

I did nice okay um let’s do some more purple I think the purple is nice we can do some more pink Ones we can do some red we’ll do some more blues and we can do some more Light blues nice okay so we add light blue add some pink and then we’ll add light blue and then we’ll do some purple and then I need to finish I thought I finished getting the rest of

This all stripped down but I guess I didn’t that’s looking nice and we’ve got more Blues I feel like I need like lime green like that’s one thing I feel like I’m missing but I don’t have any more just like wool so maybe we take Some make some more lime green put some green back we’re just converting some wool into other colors and then let’s actually put the lime green right here there we go okay and then I feel like there needs to be something over over here as well so we’ll just see about adding something

Over in this spot trying to just see what colors would look good I do feel like it needed green so we’re going to put green there as well look at that just some colorful kind of like Gumdrop type Fields it’s looking good I like it cool okay now we just have one more

To go which is great very exciting okay and I’m just going to like put the rest of these things I don’t need over here and we need more of these there we go now we could just go make the perimeter over here I actually could technically just like take these let’s do

That cuz I’m not going to need these crop Fields here anymore actually so I really can just take these and then we will combine them use up those first nice I’m glad I thought of that cuz I literally like don’t need these to be here and then I don’t need the clay I

Called it clay terra Cotta and then we’ve got our lamps our light posts we go like so and then we’ll add our other ones and then since this isn’t done one we’ll put one right there make it go up move one right here and pop that one up right

So and do the same thing over here some of this mountain is is getting like a little bit too close because you can’t really tell and it’s all just like kind of next to each other but I think we’ll just try leaving it for now I might

Actually let’s try this we get rid of this feel like that might be easier take this guy go like so oops didn’t want the wool just trying to strip this down over here I feel like that works especially with lanterns over here like the lanterns is going to make it look way

Cuter yeah I like it makes it a little bit easier okay almost done with this which is nice I think I’ll have enough we’re about to like Round the Bend which is good so then this one let’s go up up one for a lantern oh there we go we did it yay now

This is the issue I don’t want the polar bear getting in here and right now he can so we just need to be very careful and probably just like move the fence a little bit I also forgot a little bit right here there we go now the rest of this should be

Good nice okay sweet now we can add the color over here which is the fun part so let’s go like so we’ll add some blue I’m going to Shar my sheeps again get some extra wool while I’m here and I can just kind of pop in here

Because I have a door and the carpet yes perfect any more sheeps grab their wool there we go there we go okay now these guys will help me out a lot okay now we’ve got some lime wool which is great we can do some let’s look at the colors here um pink let’s

Do maybe we can do some red and then we’ve got some light blue we can add back in I like it okay and then I think we’ll just leave this for now let’s just see what we get okay we’ve got purple so let’s do green maybe right

Here let’s do some purple action we’ll do pink over here and the dark blue we don’t have yet so maybe we do the dark blue like over here and then we’ll add red red can be kind of like right here here and then we can just kind of like

Rotate through the colors again but in different orders so like if we do green here we can do some light blue here for the pops of color and then I want to do some pink again actually let’s do red CU I don’t want the colors to get too close to each Other okay and then we’ve got this one I want to add more colors over here though that’s the thing so maybe we’ll do blue I feel like that’s looks good okay look at that some like more Gumdrop Fields I think it looks cute I’m a fan okay I think

Yeah probably just adding some lanterns is like the last thing we could add to these ones but I don’t have the lantern trade with any Librarians cuz I have no librarian so I think I’m just going to call this good but I think this is so pretty I

Think it looks amazing I’m so happy with this but I think if I grab some coal and some torches we could just like make additional little uh lanterns I like how the watering Traer still just like here it’s kind of funny to me uhhuh it’s kind

Of funny to you too okay let’s you know that’s fair but I’m going to use the iron that I have right here to just make a few more lanterns cuz I had some right here not a whole lot I think I can make like probably two torches if or two lanterns

Yeah so let’s see here let’s do this take this down don’t need you and then from this one I feel like this yellow one is a good one and then let’s see here that one feel like that’s a nice little like circling the area and then yeah I like that so we’ll

Just get rid of this I’m going to leave these things here for now CU I might need access to them later but let’s just uh Grab Some Coal quickly and then we’ll make a few more torches because I do really want to add lanterns around the edge that’s kind of

Like the Final Touch make sure I turn off replay but I think I had a bunch of extra coal in here yeah now we go to the iron farm okay so we got some of the like dirt areas filled out we found all of the animals we needed to and we’re

Finishing up the last bits of decoration for around the crop fields and I think it’s going to look really nice when we’re all done with it like I already like how it looks it’s nice to just like have some something a little bit different so we can make some lanterns that’s wonderful okay

Awesome let’s get a little bit more make some more lanterns perfect keep some of those nuggies in there okay yeah honestly I feel like this field is like in a good spot so we’ll just like put that back but this other one is probably the one I need to add

The most to cuz I don’t think I hadde any lights in here at all so let’s do one here one there There nice look at that look at our little Gumdrop lollipop candy corrup Fields that’s so fun okay well that was the last piece that I really wanted to get done today guys so I think we’re going to call this long play here and wrap up

But just look at this and we pan out a little bit further we’ve got Gumdrop and lollipop crop fields and I think that’s so fun I do feel like we’re doing a good blend of getting some of like the winter wonderland vibe going we’re adding to

Our own area with our house and the iron farm and now we are adding to the gingerbread Village Vibes I think this is so cozy and the wandering Trader does too but this is just so great but thank you guys so much for tuning in and watching this little cozy Christmas Long

Play and getting to see how our candy crop Fields turned out I love it I think it’s fun to have some Colour tops and some height and dimension to our area but I’m loving how our Christmas area is coming together all the Reds and whites the candy cane all of the little Hol

Berries from the Sweet Berry bushes and now some more gingerbread inspired candy crop Fields I hope you guys enjoyed hanging with me and I also hope you have a wonderful rest of your day

This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay ❄️ Candy Crop Fields (with Commentary)’, was uploaded by Da Lil Red on 2023-12-14 21:00:16. It has garnered 5502 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:08 or 12788 seconds.

Welcome to our new series, “Red’s Winter World”, and the relaxing commentary longplays we’re doing in this world as well! ❄️ We’re going to be creating some cozy Christmas and wintery-themed builds in this series as we enter the Holiday season so I hope you’re ready to cozy up and enjoy✨

❄️ World Info: Seed: -7056127681595769509 Starter base Cords: -1008, -864

❄️ Resource Packs ❄️ + Christmas Paintings by FernGirlMC (PlanetMinecraft) + Default-Style Winter Pack By Futureazoo (Curseforge) + Christmas Hot Bar by UltraHazardMC (Modrinth) + Soft Weather by Vectorwing (Curseforge) + Cozy Bees by Kobro (PlanetMinecraft)

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    Ultimate Easy Trap in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘EASY trap in Minecraft 🥰❤️’, was uploaded by Flexa XD on 2024-02-16 05:35:30. It has garnered 180 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Base Build – WATCH NOW!

    INSANE Minecraft Base Build - WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ZK-2NJ5XeEs’, was uploaded by jeffkingyoyo on 2024-05-14 05:02:32. It has garnered 91 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:35 or 14675 seconds. Bad builder mabe Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Dog House Tutorial | Easy Steps for Beginners

    Ultimate Minecraft Dog House Tutorial | Easy Steps for BeginnersVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make dog house in minecraft |minecraft dog house tutorial easy |minecraft dog house tutorial’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT BOY on 2024-03-07 02:45:54. It has garnered 114 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. how to make dog house in minecraft |minecraft dog house tutorial easy |minecraft dog house tutorial Hi everyone, welcome back to our channel. In this video, We’re going to show you the Big World of Minecraft. 👉Our channel is about. We cover a lot of cool stuff like Mincraft Gameplay video and tips… Read More

  • 🔥 EmilyTheDemon Unleashes Chaos in Modded Minecraft Ep 12

    🔥 EmilyTheDemon Unleashes Chaos in Modded Minecraft Ep 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Fizzishin’ – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 12′, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-28 22:00:20. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:15 or 10935 seconds. No stupid deaths in this video! I managed to actually farm enough skulk to get my silk touch and go get all of the beautiful mushroom blocks I’ve been craving. Then I realized that a silk touch axe doesn’t work on nylium and had a series of good frustrated groans before deciding that I was just going to… Read More

  • Monster Cat Kidnaps JayJay & Mikey AGAIN! Hide & Escape!

    Monster Cat Kidnaps JayJay & Mikey AGAIN! Hide & Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘What if MONSTER CAT Kidnapped JJ and Mikey AGAIN!!! Hide and Escape Security House’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Minecraft on 2024-05-06 01:00:24. It has garnered 150186 views and 916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:38 or 938 seconds. SCARY MOON MONSTER Kidnapped JJ and Mikey AGAIN!!! Hide and Escape in Minecraft Maizen Mizen JJ & Mikey Maizen animations @maizenofficial Read More

  • Luckey’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!

    Luckey's EPIC Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: HARDCORE – 279. teljes adás’, was uploaded by luckeY – STREAMEK on 2024-02-17 08:00:02. It has garnered 4480 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:35 or 10955 seconds. STREAMED LIVE [02.16] 🟥 MY MAIN CHANNEL: 🟣TWITCH: ⭐ Become a member of our DISCORD community! If you like the video, please give it a 👍! 🙂 💻 SETUP: ⚡️G2A: ◤COMMUNITY SITES ➜ ● Facebook: ● Instagram: ● For business inquiries: [email protected] Read More

  • Fahim dominates PvP and Bedwars in Minecraft! 🚀

    Fahim dominates PvP and Bedwars in Minecraft! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 01:45:55. It has garnered 18 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft Live: Building Ram Mandir Day 4!🚀 #tlrp #rammandir

    🔥Minecraft Live: Building Ram Mandir Day 4!🚀 #tlrp #rammandirVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making Ram Mandir in Minecraft Day 4 | Minecraft Live | #minecraft #tlrp #rammandir #ram’, was uploaded by Om Gaming on 2024-01-14 14:37:28. It has garnered 176 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:16 or 11776 seconds. #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #publicsmp #minecraft24/7 Discord:- Song Name :- Gulabi Sarara young uttarakhand group song link :- @atharvagaming2811 @AbhiPlays_11 @Yoichigaming22 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft legends, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.19, minecraft mikey and jj, minecraft videos, minecraft warden, minecraft aphmau, minecraft asmr, minecraft allay, minecraft… Read More

  • Emerald Sky Factory – Modded Skyblock – Create Mod – No Whitelist – No Resets – 24×7 Online – 1.19.2 – SMP

    ESF Skyblock Server Welcome to ESF, a semi-vanilla skyblock server focused on the Create mod and addons. If you love building complex contraptions with Create, this server is perfect for you. Features: Unique two-world setup for uninterrupted building and adventurous gameplay Map will never reset and open for download No grinding – sell your factory produce and buy resources from the market 24×7 community server with no pay-to-win elements Get Started: Download the modpack and begin your journey today! Additional Resources: Join our Discord for support Visit our wiki for more details Read More

  • Loko Enhanced Survival

    Loko Enhanced SurvivalWelcome to Loko Enchanced Survival. Where you can start quest and explore the big Loko Enhanced World. There are Public warps to get around and it is a great environment to start your own community. If you thinking about donating there will only be one rank for this server since its new! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Mine, Do Time!

    Minecraft Memes - Don't Mine, Do Time!Looks like this meme’s got a high score in the Minecraft game of life! Read More

  • RGB Lights Shine Bright in My Isometric Minecraft World

    RGB Lights Shine Bright in My Isometric Minecraft World In this devlog, we dive into the light, Adding RGB colors, oh what a sight. Dynamic lights, shadows that play, In my Minecraft-like game, a new display. Colored lights shining, bright and bold, Sun and moon’s glow, a story told. With C418’s tunes, the atmosphere sings, Creating a world where imagination springs. Follow me on Twitter, for updates galore, And check out my Spanish channel for more. For any questions, my email’s the key, Join me on this journey, let’s game and see. Read More

  • Minecraft Mods Madness!

    Minecraft Mods Madness! When you accidentally install a mod that turns all the creepers into friendly puppies and suddenly your hardcore survival world becomes a puppy paradise. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Fun! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How To Draw Stinger Flynn From Garten of Banban 4 in Minecraft Style and Making Paper Craft Game DIY.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being able to bring your favorite characters to life in the Minecraft world, just like in the video. Minewind Minecraft Server provides a platform where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Whether… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta The Iron Age Unveiled: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey with Ruthenic as he delves into the depths of Minecraft in The Beta Experience. From spelunking to constructing a windmill-turned-storage silo, this episode is packed with excitement and creativity. Spelunking Adventures Ruthenic’s exploration takes him deep underground, where he uncovers hidden treasures and battles formidable foes. The thrill of discovering new caves and resources adds an element of mystery and danger to his adventure. Building a Windmill Storage Silo Witness Ruthenic’s ingenuity as he transforms a humble windmill into a functional storage silo. The meticulous planning and… Read More

  • Insane Fallout 76 & Minecraft Server Setup – ExpertNugget LIVE

    Insane Fallout 76 & Minecraft Server Setup - ExpertNugget LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallout 76, minecraft server setup | Stream #171’, was uploaded by ExpertNugget LIVE on 2024-05-12 07:56:15. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft: Furniture Mods Galore

    Revolutionary Minecraft: Furniture Mods GaloreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java…but with Furniture?!?! (furniture mods and more)’, was uploaded by TVaria SailorPeace on 2024-04-10 05:23:21. It has garnered 650 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:08 or 7688 seconds. Now we can have the house properly decorated. :3 Donate to PayPal here: Chris’ PayPal link: Firestar’s PayPal link: Chilled’s PayPal link: XxDragonBladexX’s PayPal link: Harmony’s PayPal link: TheCookieJar’s PayPal: SheyGrell’s PayPal: SheyGrell’s Patreon: TailTwister’s PayPal: Brave the Cat’s PayPal: RULES: NO ASKING TO JOIN THE STREAM!!! No spamming No… Read More

  • Unbelievable Kitter EZ Apparition Montage!

    Unbelievable Kitter EZ Apparition Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pojav montage #pojavalauncher #anarchy #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kitter EZ on 2024-05-09 18:37:59. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Song: SHOTGUN by SHADXWBXRN Join Eternal Night HvH For Configs, Clients, and More! ignore tags pojavlauncher, minecraft, 2b2t, anarchy, hacks, phonk, Blox, cool video, phonky, shotgun, music, kpop, edm, sword, cpvp, crystal pvp, end crystal, dream, fitmc, zane2b2t, ai24, montage Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build in Minutes! #shorts 🏠

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build in Minutes! #shorts 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easy simple modern house #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AADARSH  gaming on 2024-05-01 15:46:48. It has garnered 2166 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft easy simple modern house #shorts minecraft minecraft modern house tutorial minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft modern house modern house in minecraft modern house minecraft tutorial minecraft easy house tutorial minecraft house modern house minecraft minecraft house tutorial how to build a house in minecraft modern house minecraft shorts minecraft building ideas small modern house minecraft small modern house minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • SPoBodos Gives Insane Ratings: YOUR EPIC BASES on Donut SMP

    SPoBodos Gives Insane Ratings: YOUR EPIC BASES on Donut SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating YOUR EPIC BASES in Minecraft (on Donut SMP)’, was uploaded by SPoBodos on 2024-04-29 21:42:43. It has garnered 872 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:08 or 488 seconds. My discord server: #donutsmp #freshsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #lifesteal #drdonut #smp #2b2t #6b6t tags:freshsmp, minecraft, smp, lifestealsmp, lifesteal, minecraftsmp, cheating, cheats, griefer, griefing, grief, basegrief, base destruction, wurst, base hunting, base finding, anarchy, minecraft lifesteal, pvp, minecraft pvp, 6b6t, 6b6t griefer, play 6b6t, jajo, 2b2t, base, stash, stash hunting, dupe, items, item dupe, endermananarchy, ikea, ikea dupe, 6b6t dupe, 2b2t dupe,… Read More

  • DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6

    DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Preparing For The NETHER! – Hardcore Minecraft Day 6’, was uploaded by Jtom4000 on 2024-02-15 21:39:21. It has garnered 240 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:56 or 12176 seconds. If you enjoy my stream make sure to hit that subscribe button for more content just like this! Top Donations of 2024: 1 – Gatores – $929 nzd ($562.54 USD) 2 – Muzee ($134 US) 3 – TheZackPlayz ($20 US) If you guys would like to leave me a tip (this is only optional) then the link above will send… Read More

  • Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30

    Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting Gear on Minecraft servers DonutSMP, JackpotMC!’, was uploaded by IG30 on 2024-02-17 14:42:48. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. Hi im IG30 I like to play Minecraft and hang out! Love u all please subscribe! YOUTUBE: MOUSE: KEYBOURD: MIC: Blue yeti Pro LOVE U GUYS! Read More

  • Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shorts

    Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОБОЛТАЕМ? ЛАМПОВЫЙ СТРИМ НА RUHYPIXEL в MINECRAFT! БОЛТАЕМ ПО ДУШАМ! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HamanN? on 2024-04-13 06:37:26. It has garnered 682 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:33 or 6393 seconds. ————————————————– ——– ★ Support me with a pretty penny: ————————————————– ——– ► Soc.seti ★ Ds – provod_na_hamanne ★ Tg – ★ My telegram channel – —————————————— ★ I play here – – —————————————– ★ Enter my promo code /promo yaHamanN and receive VIP, 100,000 coins, cosmetics and 50 rubax! =) —————————————— ★ I invite… Read More

  • Dracuu098 Reveals Ultimate Minecraft Tips in 1 Minute

    Dracuu098 Reveals Ultimate Minecraft Tips in 1 MinuteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Answering All Your Minecraft Questions In 1 Minutes #dracuu098 #minecraft #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Dracuu098 on 2024-01-01 15:36:26. It has garnered 9410 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Answering All Your Minecraft Questions In 1 Minutes #minecraft #shorts #gaming #youtube #youtubevideo #yt #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #games #gameplay #game #gamingvideos #gamer #shortsfeed #shortvideo #subscribe #short #shortsvideo #status #song #shortsviral #share #tiktok #tiktokvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trend #tranding #totalgaming #trendingvideo #video #viral #viralshort #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #videos #dracuu098 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @LOKESHGAMER @LOKESHGAMER @RaptorGamer @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @dream Read More

  • SkyblockGuides teaches you how to play Hypixel Skyblock! It can help you learn how to use the Auction House and Bazaar, play dungeons, farm crops, find items, and more. This server is used to host events for the SkyblockGuides and TankerMan3000 communities. Read More