Sneve – 100 Days in a Terrifying Parasite Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft | Bad at the Game Edition

Video Information

This is Bob and Bob is infected with a parasite Bob’s favorite activities include infecting people with his disgusting disease and just generally being a piece of subhuman garbage in this video we’re going to be surviving 100 days in the parasite apocalypse the parasites will start off small look at

This cute little guy and then they will turn into abominable monstrosities and it’s my job to try and survive as best I can and hopefully slow the progress of the infection welcome to 100 days in the parasite apocalypse Now before we begin I would just like to mention that this mod pack is difficult and it gave me a lot of trouble and by trouble I of course mean yes Daddy please give me more and so here we are creating our third world hoping that

This one’s gonna go better than the last two nice and easy spawn please maybe I could be a newborn son to a baron or some kind of duke or ouch Countess sadly no I was not spawned into some Victorian royal family but there were at least dogs nearby knowing I didn’t have long

Before some monsters would show up I set myself to attacking this tree after spending what felt like three hours hammering my Knuckles against the bark of this tree I decided not to collect the wood by my own free will there we go too easy whoa Evan just lost almost half my health and

Having not profited any wood from that transaction I was in High Spirits and suddenly felt happy and ready to continue also the spider happened to be following me but I was able to give him the slip sifting my hands through the soft ground I decided to gather up some

Gravel and hopefully end up with some Flint to Flint to my name and a newfound hatred for trees I decided to kill this guy there we go now in order to help me with the parasites and also to keep things interesting I made a couple of changes to the base Minecraft routine after

Making my crafting table I made these blank patterns a stencil table a tool station and another one I can’t remember the last one’s name we’ll just call him Tim the table for now look it’s not that important okay the only thing you really need to know is that this is going to

Allow me to make Minecraft tools that gain XP as I use them and also become slightly stronger as they level up the Modpack is called tinker’s tools by the way but I will warn you you need a degree in mechanical engineering in order to be able to play it my brown

Sticky tools now created I was able to move on to the Stone Age I was in a big hurry to gather up as many tools as I could before nightfall when the parasites and other things would start spawning with our Newfound Stone we were able to make a stone pickaxe head and

Add it to our turd pickaxe crafting a stone pickaxe I started Gathering up as much Stone as I could because I knew I would be building a shelter soon and it seemed like a good idea after a little bit of experimentation I actually found out that Flint tools are even better

Better than Stone So I nabbed myself with flindex and ethically euthanized some of the local animal population genocide now accomplished I started getting the ramblies in my tummy and also noticed that the sun was going away knowing that I would need some light for the coming Darkness I decided to NAB up

Some coal that I could use for torches following that I elected to stay at a wonderful bed and breakfast quickly though I started to feel a little bored and very claustrophobic so I started mining around to see if there would potentially be any cheeky bits of

Iron poking out we didn’t get very lucky on the iron but we were able to make a crafting station so we cooked ourselves up a couple of sloppy joes hearing that there was a lot of nonsense going on outside I decided to take a quick peek with the use of a fence

And indeed it would seem that we’ve been raided by spiders but a good friend from University used to tell me we are not here to fornicate with arachnids therefore I cleverly built a little spot where I could slice them from a distance without getting murdered after a short period of time though I

Suddenly heard this horrible sound now explained in simple terms that sound is a monster turning into a primitive parasite basically the parasite infection is all around us at all times and every monster has a chance to get infected could be a cow could be a spider could be anyone really I mean

Look at this guy and tell me he’s not infected with something knowing that certain death almost suddenly waited for me outside like a newlywed couple I thought about using the back door but sadly there were monsters there too so I had a tough decision to make either I

Invite these monsters in and fight my way out or I break down one of the exits and try and Escape seeing the shadows of some not too nice looking fellows I decided to go with option b you know like a coward I was chased by a few

Zombies but I was able to take care of them thankfully the parasites had decided to stay back for a cup of tea and after a little bit of stabby stab I was on my way however before leaving I decided to grab as much gravel as I could you never know when you’re gonna

Need this I also managed to convince the Sheep to relinquish his wool now since we don’t have food in plentiful Supply I figured it’d be a good idea if we stop and grab some from these guys what’s up nope nope okay definitely now stay back you gone meat sandwich oh thank God

Those guys could kill me in a single hit I’m fairly certain I don’t have any armor yet a couple of Happy Meals later we managed to level up our ax my Flint Hatchet leveled up good and what that means is that it’ll do slightly more damage and it’ll dig a tiny bit faster

Every little bit helps clambering my sweaty body over the mountainous terrain eventually arrived to a location that would soon house my base the only problem I was having was deciding exactly where to put it maybe we set up a base over there it looks like a kind cool little spot

Wow I decided to quickly throw together a little bridge to get back and forth last thing I wanted was to be chased by some kind of parasite and have no way back across and as I was gingerly blocking my way across I then spotted a little bit of

Iron this is fantastic because the number one thing we need right now is samama feeling a bit giddy I decided to look inside the cave in case there was some extra iron but upon finding out that this cave was infested with parasites I was thinking maybe it would

Be better we go somewhere else over here looks good where the parasite is not the second cave happened to be filled with parasites as well but this one was only a small boy however there were also some spiders beneath me eventually the spider had walked away so I decided that

That little worm is the kind of challenge that I’m ready for however after I jumped down I ran into a second parasite and this one had seen me oh he saw me oh I gotta get out of the water run run nope ah okay he’s gone oh

My escape from those hostile homies had left me in the middle of a dark wood forest with these Darkwood trees being as large as they are I was quite Keen to set up a base near here as we would have an immediate supply of a lot of wood but

When I spied that little island down there I thought maybe it’d be a good idea to build underwater you see most of the parasites live on the land and as far as I’m aware none live in the water so it could be an idea at least for the

First few days to set up a little safety bunker under the water now getting started on my Mansion of moisture wasn’t too hard all I had to do was basically throw a door down and I was able to breathe and then after that just build my little lobster shell of security it

Didn’t take long and eventually we had a little home behold my home it ain’t much but it’s home it really ain’t much you’re Squiddy are we done I’m your new neighbor what a welcoming neighborhood it’s beautiful oh we’ve got a leak after you’re a few Plumbing debacles I

Decided it’d be a good idea to start mining downwards as we need to solve our nudity problem as quickly as possible oh hello we also had absolutely nothing better to do as I was lacking one wool to make a bed decided to quickly cook up my iron and throw together a Nifty

Little chest plate as you see I had been assaulted by arachnids once more as I was under the water they weren’t able to get down to me but they were able to Barb lifelessly above me which was quite intimidating and I wasn’t too impressed once I had dealt with the homeowners

Association I then set myself to Gathering the resources I needed namely wood for building and iron for protecting my giblets thanks to the iron I found I was able to make myself a tin foil helmet to avoid the government stealing my grilled cheese recipes and afterwards I used a stabby stick to kill

Some of the spiders that were floating around nearby however this procedure did not go as planned foreign Oh boy that was a lot of Health I’m very glad I I made that helmet my near-death encounter encouraged me further to finish off my armor set so after dealing with the homeowner association again I headed back down and finished off my outfit as we were in a

Desperate need for food I figured fishing might be the best way to get some so I quickly headed to the shore to show some fish what opposable thumbs and a frontal cortex can do a few hours later I had in my inventory a couple of delicious aquatic subspecies

However with just the basic fishing rod it took an incredibly long time to only get those two fish so I figured tomorrow during the daylight hours we’ll go exploring and hopefully find a better source of food as I still didn’t have a bed I made my way back into the mine to

Try and find a little bit more iron for us and maybe get a bit deeper in case we wanted to start looking for diamonds as well didn’t get too lucky on the iron ore diamonds front but we did happen to find a small lava pool and now this is

Actually an incredibly lucky find if you see as the parasites get stronger the only thing that’s going to stop them evolving is good old-fashioned fire and so having a lava bucket on hand is going to be the strongest weapon we could possibly have against some of the bigger

And more dangerous parasite fellows that is until we managed to enchant some of our Weaponry with flame enchantments but that won’t be for a while so the bucket will have to do for now now one problem I was facing with these tools that I made is that they are very brittle see

But luckily as part of this mod pack you can also repair the tools fairly cheaply all the cost is a couple of the resources you use to make the ax head with at the dawn of the fourth day I left my aquatic Abode and luckily it was

Not assaulted by spiders once again I immediately set to Gathering sand as I wanted to have some nice big Windows on my aquatic base and after doing a little bit of exploring on my cute little boat here and Gathering up a little bit of wood I came across some luckily

Non-infected Sheep by which I was able to procure my last wool that I needed and also some giblets for eating later in that same Forest I came across a couple of brown cows which as we all know produce chocolate milk but then it started raining and not wanting to have

Any monsters drop on my head due to the clouds I decided it’d probably be a good idea if I headed home as my tools keep breaking on a regular basis I decided to use this stupid little gravel Farm thingy idea that I’ve seen other people do to try and gather up as

Many Flint shards as I can you see crafting an iron pickaxe head is not going to be easy it’s not the standard Minecraft eat business and my shovel just broke as if to prove my point but since iron tools are out of our reach for now we’re going to be stuck with our

Flinty broken nonsense for a little while while it’s okay because it’s not too hard to repair it is still very annoying and although my poke stick Rapier sword thing that I was using earlier is kind of nice I will admit it looks stupid it’s just a pointed stick

Which I suppose is what a sword is but I decided to make a flint broadsword instead as it looks better and uh honestly it does a bit more damage too as my sand was done cooking I decided to replace a few of the blocks around the home with some clear nice looking glass

But finally towards the end of day 4 with modern technology we could now create our very first bed now we had a lot of colors to choose from but I went with winter snow as you can clearly see but finally I had the tools to actually

Go to bed and could sleep through until day five on day 5 while continuing to explore the local area I decided to grab all the sugar cane that I could as I was going to be needing it soon to enchant some things I also murdered some chickens but

They had it coming and while having a wander around I came across a underground cave which I thought might be my ticket to some additional iron and worms disgusting disgusting worms managed to find a decent hole of iron in their cave along with some multi-legged friends

On my way back home after my haul I had a bit of trouble finding my house as you can see here with me flailing my screen around trying to find it but eventually I found the elusive little temptress and I used the rest of the evening to

Replace some more of the walls with glass afterwards I finally threw together some iron Jordans but as I was standing around wasting my life waiting for things to smelt it occurred to me that this place is in desperate need for some more space space that we could use for

Things like extra furnaces and other such devices now one of the things that we need to be able to build our iron pickaxe head is Clay we need to turn clay into grout and then we can turn grout into a furnace thing and then the

Furnace is going to allow us to smelt a iron pickaxe it’s a bit of a process but it’s worth it with all that glass being added to our house I always think it’s starting to look a little bit snazzy down there but it does need a lot more

Space I’m I’m really struggling with the lack of space that we have available to us so I elected to take some of the dark oak that I’d managed to scavenge from the surrounding area and build up some walls around the base the idea being we build walls around fill it up with sand

And then slowly excavate all of the water from inside and eventually we should have something that looks kind of nice and also connects to the surface so I don’t have to drown myself every time I want to go to the supermarket connecting the base to the surface is

Also going to be very important for some build ideas I have for later but for now we’ll just go through this sand filling process and have a little extra space to play with maybe I’ll put in a pool table for ironic reasons once the sand was

Filled in it was just a matter of removing all of the blocks that we had placed and connecting the new area to the area below it looks terrible it’s just like a pointless chimney at this point but we’ll fix it later at the very least we have a lot more room for

Activities I recognized it was night time and I had nothing better to do so I decided to try and even out the building as best as I could looks like we got the spider synchronized swimming team up here good going Lads imagine the moves you could do as a spider

Is a synchronized swimmer all those legs by the morning we had a lot more space in the base hey they rhymed but the only problem was as I had built all throughout the night to not waste any days there was a lot of spiders above me

And as I started taking them out I noticed something kind of funny there’s someone in my boat why that’s not how you sunbathe imagine wanting to be trendy as a zombie can’t get that glow on I suppose you could fake tan on my way to go and find some

More sand I noticed that there was a house on the horizon and after popping in for a cup of tea I realized that this is probably some kind of dungeon upstairs in a chest there were a couple of bantaloons that had enchantments on them but neither of them were better

Than my iron trousers I think so I decided not to keep them but we did at least come across a bone which is interesting because we haven’t seen any scaly man yet and the wheat is also good because we want to get a cow Farm going before the parasites infect everything I

Did decide to have a quick peek in the basement just a tentative look to make sure that there’s nothing I desperately could use but aside from a few guys that had contracted ligma from their trip to the segundis mountains likely contracted from Joe the only really useful things I

Found was a sword which isn’t going to be terribly useful once we upgrade our Flint sword into something else and some Hoppers which I don’t have an immediate use for but they are quite expensive to make so they’re at least nice in that sense oh yes I almost forgot I did also find

Some fashionscape so there was that look at me with my pink helmet hell yeah that’s fashion people honestly the absolute best thing we got from the dungeon was just a little bit of XP here and there and a couple of apples that we might be able to turn into golden apples

Later once some scaly men started spawning with magical weapons and glowing armor my Ida started flaring up so I decided to leave also as parasites kept on spawning behind me I was especially motivated to get the hell out of there and go home but I made a

Mental note of where the stairs to the lower levels is so that I can come back here later as it was night time though and I didn’t want to cross the forest in the dark I nabbed the bed from upstairs and had a cheeky nap in the basement

After my breakfast as I was leaving in the morning I was attacked by spiders which had apparently all been sitting outside but I was able to run away bravely I set about Gathering some more sand and was interrupted by a zombie with no arms well you know arms Andrew over there

What are you doing Andy Andy ain’t handy so everybody there’s a one hour minimum sorry I headed home with what I thought would be enough supplies to be able to Finish the build in one go but I’ve received a couple of surprises over the night the first surprise was that

Tonight is apparently a blood moon so that’s good for those of you who might not know what a blood moon is a Blood Moon basically means that all kinds of monsters are gonna spawn during the night I can’t sleep to skip the night and the Monsters will spawn without a

Limit as I was planning on finishing off the build this wasn’t such a big deal at least that’s what I thought until I looked above me holy hell a little bit of a spider problem upstairs and well it was about that time that we got our first Elmo number

Basically that number means that the parasite infection has reached phase one each time that number goes up more and more dangerous parasites are going to spawn and my life is going to go in considerably less gang gang I really really wanted to finish this build in

One go but every time I looked up and saw the millions of eyes staring at me it concerned me that I should probably go and deal with that Problem ASAP healthiest thing we can do is just ignore in half by the constant jittering of spider legs outside come the morning I

Decided it was finally time to address this problem and hopefully it won’t be too hard to deal with okay oh boy and there’s one parasite among them all why is there only one parasite that seems so few good God and now it’s up to me the Exterminator Steve the Exterminator

To get rid of the pests it took quite a while to get rid of all of the stupid spiders but the problems had only really just begun once the number was thinned down a fair bit the only spiders that seem to be remaining were infected with the parasite disease so every time I

Would hit them and reduce some of their health they would pop out and attack me it was about then that I realized that if I was below the parasites they weren’t able to swim downwards so I had a little bit of a strategy to take them down so these baloney parasites weren’t

Giving us too much trouble anymore and the good thing was due to the amount that we were having to kill our tools ended up leveling up a few times and before I was even able to clear out every single Monster that was above me I started to realize the sun was setting

Again yes I had spent a whole 24 hours trying to clear out these guys and now it was time to go back to bed in the morning I decided to play around with my weapons a bit and changed out my regular sword hilt for a bone one this gives it

A quality called fractured which means I do slightly more damage as I hit people which immediately came in handy as there was one spider left above now I knew I needed a little bit more Spruce to spruce up the base but while I was on a

Farming run I was attacked by a flailing armed man oh nope yeah whoa how about no yes the fact that we are now in Phase One means that infected Villages like that are going to spawn far more frequently and also the surrounding Wildlife such as cows and so

On will also be far more commonly infected than before which is not a good thing honestly because we need to set up a cow Farm soon and the likelihood of that cow Farm turning into a monster Army is quite High thankfully though there is one thing that we can do to try

And slow the infection down due to all the parasites that I killed recently I got these two rupter thingies and with them I can craft a lure and by using the lure like this the points will be reduced and the progress of the infection will be pushed back a little

Bit my sprues in hand it was now time to finish off the base as I am sick to death of it looking like some stupid chocolate Cube and thanks to the plentiful amount of resources that I’d acquired I was finally able to spend a good amount of time just building and

Changing the base to make it look nicer foreign as I was sick of using stupid Flint tools I decided it was finally time to make that Forge and craft myself an iron pickaxe once I had all the pieces necessary it was just a matter of throwing that little guy together

Filling him up with some lava and then pouring some goo into a pickaxe head mold I gotta say it’s quite an enjoyable process and I like the immersion I just wish it hadn’t taken me 12 days to get all of the ingredients for the furnace I

Really need feathers to be able to deal with some of the bigger parasites that are going to be arriving soon and having a couple of chickens bread in my house is definitely going to be a good idea and due to the size of some of the

Parasite spiders I saw on my way back I was certainly of the mind to start stockpiling some ammunition or at the very least some very serious volumes of bug spray once I got home I threw together a little delivery system into my base sort of a chimney styled laundry

Chute I suppose and I then crammed the chicken down against its will my abductee now safely Behind Bars it would soon be a matter of just going out and finding another one and then they will breed and produce those eggs and feathers kind of like a arranged

Marriage I suppose after I awoke in the morning it was finally time for me to throw together that iron pickaxe we can now go searching for diamonds which we are going to want to do quite sharpish honestly because uh the parasites are getting quite big out there and um well

I don’t like it so uh diamond armor and enchanting table here we come now I’m gonna take a brief interlude to explain to you the existential despair that I felt while mining for diamonds I decided to just make some obsidian because it was more interesting than what I was

Presently engaged in usually I’m not too scared of a good grind in fact one of my favorite games is old school grindscape but I unfortunately went on a considerable dry streak trying to find some diamonds but because the parasites are getting so big we have to finish this grind as quickly as possible

Otherwise we are definitely going to die soon now one thing that this mod allows you to do is you can bling up your pickaxe so I’m gonna throw some redstone on it here and this is gonna make it mine a little bit faster and thank the

Lord that I decided to do that because by God I was on such a dry streak at first I was collecting all the iron and gold and stuff that I found but after a period of time I got so sick of mining that I just decided you know what I’m

Just not stopping until we get either diamonds or lapis the only reason I was collecting lapis is because similar to Redstone you can put it on the pickaxe and it kind of works like fortune and makes your pickaxe luckier and you can get more drops it felt after a while

Like I was being taunted like some sick lovecraftian monstrosity had condemned me to play this game just toiling endlessly for those fragmented scraps of dopamine at the back of my mind that I will surely receive once I find the damn diamonds and I’ve been looking for days

Now and I’m sick of it and I just want to stop but I can’t stop because the parasites get too strong oh here we go luckily by the time I finally found diamonds my pickaxe was sufficiently enchanted with sapphires or a Lapis or whatever and we ended up with

Nine diamonds from a single vein which is nice and we can at least make our enchanting table now and a couple of other Diamond goodies to boot my torment over I then decided to leave the mine and as I’d lost all track of time I

Decided to check what day it was and to put it into perspective it was now day 16 or rather day 17 because I went to bed straight after now the first thing I found out in day 17 was that you can’t cook up diamonds in the same way you

Could iron I don’t know why I thought I would be able to do that but it is quite tricky to rub brain cells together when you’ve just been mining for three hours after a bit of homework I discovered the way you utilize diamonds on the tools is

You tip the edges with them it’s very spiffy and I quite like it and also it saves me diamonds because I only need one Diamond to do that next on the agenda obviously is to go back down into the mine and get some purple obsidian stuff we need it for the enchanting

Table to make our weapons into magic weapons now I’ve got a nice spot in the Attic where we put the enchanting room right next to the chicken coop because I mean honestly what’s the point of having a magical enchanting table if you aren’t going to get it covered in chicken feces

Now I did have a quick peek at what kind of enchantments we could get and sort of randomly threw my armor at the table and just took whatever it would give my reasoning being Some Enchanted arm is better than none and might just help me keep all my bleeding internal where it’s

Supposed to be but there are two things that we need right now we need experience which we are going to extract from our redditor friends over here and we also need sugar cane for paper to make some bookshelves these zombies are just a bunch of nerds but the parasites

Are much more dangerous and will one shot me if given the chance ow oh hello you multi-legged freak whoa and speaking of parasites hello meaty Jim the only way we’re going to be able to really survive the bigger parasites is if we have some serious enchantments on our armor now these written

Enchantments are going to be rare and quite hard for us to get so we’re gonna have to find a consistent source of XP for us to use one such source of XP could be a cow Farm if we can get that going but we need wheat and hence why

I’m digging up the topography here after a very minor kidnapping it was finally time to start breeding the chickens and building a cow Farm now while I was underground earlier I kept on hearing big parasites around me so I’m throwing together a couple of golden apples just

In case we need them but now that we have the cow pen complete all we need now is some cows but don’t worry I know how to Wrangle cows it’s just a matter of going out in my van and luring out some unsuspecting victims hmm there’s something wrong about the way I

Phrase that sentence lucky for me there’s a lot of cows in this Forest so it’s oh oh Bulls there’s an infected cow [Applause] Wormies now the fact that we found an infected cow does not necessarily mean that all the other ones are infected but we need the XP so even if some of them are infected we may as well keep them all penned up anyway and hopefully we can utilize them somehow the only bad thing

Would be that if they are infected we can’t utilize their hide to make leather books so at this point we’ve just got to hope that they aren’t infected now the other thing we need for our bookshelves is of course sugar cane so we’ll plant these puppies and once the farm is fully

Finished we can go and collect on the way back to the house I discovered why my real estate value was decreasing rapidly I keep on finding these infected cysts popping up all over my ground isn’t sis still lovely word but regardless it is a symptom of the parasite infection getting worse we may

Have some serious problems soon in the morning I worked a smidge on the sugarcane farm and gave a little bit of wheat to Bessie and Berthold and then spent the rest of the day doing a little bit of Renault work now one of the good things about being in that dungeon

Earlier where we fought the magical skeleton men is I finally managed to get some bones that I’d been solely missing and we can use the bone meal on the farm to get some nicely Juiced up crops now as I needed some more wood I decided to take a quick Frolic through the trees

But it seemed like the further I went into the darkness the more little cysts and things I would find I feel like this Forest is becoming more Infested by the day and soon it may even be too dangerous to go through since every bloody where I was going I was getting

Assaulted by parasites or finding cysts I decided it would be a good idea to build as many arrows as I could which using them that’s for certain and we need to find a flame enchantment as soon as possible now at the beginning of day 20 I finally

Took the time to use the goo and make myself an iron ax head I have a plan to make a mob farm at some point we’re going to be needing a lot of XP for what we want to accomplish and sadly cheesy though it may be I think a mob farm is

Going to be the only way we’re able to do it now I found a couple of primitive parasites looking straight at my base now I’m hoping they actually can’t sense that I’m down there because if parasites start swimming into the underwater base then I’m gonna be royally screwed the hell are these things

They’re mutated goats tell the others what you saw here Timmy it’s so horrible poor timed him now while I was wondering about aimlessly I suddenly realized there was a big shadow on the ground and at first I thought it was some kind of Shader bug but then I

Looked up and realized my God there’s a floating island in the sky and I’m very curious to find out what’s at the top but that we’ll have to wait for now as I have more immediate concerns namely the fact that those two parasites were staring right at my base has me worried

And I’m feeling very motivated to go and find the remaining diamonds I need to make an armor set therefore I’m using the remaining diamonds I have to make a diamond helmet with coolness which sadly is going to have to replace our pink helmet of legitness but for now we need

To go back into the mine and do a little bit more mining until we finish off our armor before I could get too excited however I ended up digging all my way into a dungeon of all things I decided whatever’s in there probably can’t be worse than some of the parasites that

Are going to be spawning soon so I figured let’s have a quick peek and yeah it doesn’t look good first room I came across had a whole bunch of blazers inside of it I could hear them shouting at me and shooting at me now rubbing a few brain cells

Together I poured a bottle of water down and this apparently hurts some of the Blazers as I saw one of them spawn right there I figured the spawner must be in the middle of that obsidian block so I made myself a little safety tunnel and

Had a look inside to see if I was right and in a bizarre turn of events I was however I still had the rest of the Blazers to deal with so I wasn’t out of the woods yet oh okay where is he there he is oh okay let’s just get down there

Is he I’ll have you hey we got him oh gold block now what I made myself a cheeky little staircase to remember where I came in River hoe for now there’ll be time for hoes in the future but for now we need to work on our business oh I feel like this is a very high end dungeon and I shouldn’t really be here indeed once the Bony men started shooting arrows at me and I saw their Enchanted

Armor I realized that I was indeed right and I’m certainly under leveled for this dungeon don’t do it this way yeah shoot the spider there you go okay Oh okay I’m out with the skeletons so I very narrowly escaped death there if that Wither Skeleton had managed to smack me in the mouth I definitely would have died but luckily for me just as he verged the corner so did one of his skeleton friends who happened to shoot

Him at the same time thus forcing him to turn away from me and attack his friend very lucky Escape there for me seeing as the boys had lost interest I don’t know maybe a smell or something seeing as they lost interest I figured maybe I could use some strategy here and loot a

Few of them for their giblets come here Skelly my shield is gonna break isn’t it uh balls luckily though like a few bats in person boy in geography class I had wood able to build myself another shield with some careful taunts and some strategized cowardice I was able to kill

One of the withery men What the hell’s going on down there my skeleton friends over there appear to be enjoying what looks like Texas in the summertime Lads is everything all right I really wanted to sneak my way towards this chest here but every time I would get close some more skinny samsons would

Jump out and run at me I tried to go down another passage but it was completely filled with arachnids nope oh my God after my second near-death encounter with wither skellingtons I decided it was time to leave but at the very least this encounter had gained me

A few things I did manage to find some netherwort which is awesome and I decided to stick around and try and get one more drop from the scaly men how The hell happened there I got a necrotic bone the heck is that yes I was unaware at the time but this actually ended up being the best thing I could have found in this dungeon sufficiently hazed at this point I decided to leave the dungeon with the intention of coming

Back later once I’m a little stronger but for now we’ll get to doing what we damn well came down here to do I ended up finding some diamonds quite quickly but as we are in a desperate need for a lot of these puppies I decided it would

Be a good idea if we stayed down in the mine until we completely finish off enchanting our pickaxe the way that we do that is we just find enough sapphires lapis whatever and we just glue it to the pickaxe like so as if to remind me

To hurry the hell up however as I was doing this we entered the second parasite phase Old the only brief break I took from mining was to quickly pop upstairs and make myself a fashionable Diamond chest plate and some panties I mean pants the other thing we quickly investigated while on smoko was we had a look at that new sword bone that we found apparently

It adds a trait called necrotic and necrotic heals you for 10 of the damage that you do that’s really good so good in fact that we can actually throw away our enchanted sword that we’ve been using and instead go back to the self-crafted sword with the addition of

Iron and diamonds and the necrotic bone our sword is now stronger than the other one and it’ll last longer and it can heal me it would probably even do my taxes for me if I asked now I’m not gonna lie we did find quite a few

Diamonds but it took a long time to find enough lapis to finish this off as you can tell by the level we’re almost level 30 again and so several days later I emerged from the mine with a fully Enchanted pickaxe and three quarters of a stack of fresh ice after eliminating

The beruto Loyalists from my lawn the next day I will Smite you in my boat is that I was thinking it’s probably a good idea for us to enchant our new diamond armor and then go back into the dungeon or something now the last remaining thing that we really need is

Some more sugar cane so I thought I’d gather up some sand here cool blimey this shovel is very nice now that I’ve glued some Redstone to it but I thought maybe I could gather up this sand here plant some sugarcane across the water’s edge and then head into the dungeon

Which is right next door that way if I spend a few days in the dungeon when I come up there should be a whole line of sugarcane for me to harvest while I was placing the sand however a squid started annoying me so he’s suddenly mysteriously died

And so I decided to dye my bed black in his honor thanks to the sugar cane I had collected recently I had enough books to be able to make three bookshelves which isn’t a lot but it’s fine we can at the very least place them here and enchant some

Of our diamond stuff with weak enchantments and then we’ll pop down into the dungeon get some XP and then hopefully get some better enchantments ended up with projectile protectiones dos protection Uno and and a couple of other protections here and there now I’m not exactly going to be walking around

Like some Immortal Pharaoh here but I am at least going to be a little tankier than I was before now one thing we need before going into the Dank dungeon of Despair is to get some more arrows and for that we need flint and we need

Feathers fluent isn’t too hard to get of course thanks to the Gravelly boys oh hello the harder part is really the feathers but one thing I found out recently is that is that if we kill things with my fortune pickaxe here for some reason it seems to give me additional feathers as

Well as if it also had the Looting enchantment yeah you stuck under it come on here we go so just then we gained 12 feathers oh yeah that’s good righto time for us to get our latex on and head down into the dungeon let’s go no I didn’t

Run into too much trouble but I did find that I was consistently running out of arrows although I was able to obtain a lot more books so easy come easy go I suppose oh well thanks for playing um oh good Lord I hate those things

I hate how they can jump I managed to find a brewing stand and a couple of magma creams I also have managed to find a music disc which I threw into the record player here and I’m not gonna lie the music’s terrible I feel like I’m

Getting a call on MSN Messenger but then later on the music changed to a nice 10-bit relaxation Vibe kind of made me want to play Pokemon again the music was honestly reminding me of a simpler time like that one time my dad bought me a 32

Pack of bubble gum and I swallowed the whole thing and had to go to hospital true story although I was trying to be careful in the dungeon there were times where the skeleton men were able to sneak up on me and every time they managed to surround

Me I ended up taking more and more damage to my armor and so I quite quickly came to the realization that if I’m going to be able to take on a lot more of these guys then I’m definitely gonna need some Unbreaking enchantments or some mending or something to help my

Armor last longer and I’m not gonna lie to you the rewards we got in that dungeon were just trash just trash I don’t even want to talk about it really but eventually after many fornicated arachnids I’ve found myself at the level of the dungeon that we found underground

Cablamo indeed but one valuable thing that we did happen to get was all of this courts laying around it gives a little bit of XP not that much but the main thing that we can use it for is similar to the Redstone we can glue it

To our sword and it will make the sword do more damage hence why I am ruining these dungeon monsters chessboard here to be completely honest with you I think the best thing that I found in that dungeon was just all of these diamonds here ended up with 19 of them yes but

Honestly I was getting a bit sick of the dungeon at this point it’s been a few days now since I’ve seen the Sun and I’m starting to contract Ricketts did manage to find a spare pair of diamond panties I mean pants pants I said but after that

I decided it’s time to go home it’s time I get some sunlight and stop being such a degenerate good news is I was right about the sugarcane thing and we ended up with a whole bunch to take home with us now using my finest glue stick and

Blue Tech I managed to throw my quartz onto my sword drastically increasing its damage it went from like 8 to 12 I think no no 15. the number’s right there how did I get that wrong and thanks to our sugary goodness we now have a bunch more paper and the capability to make

Ourselves a bunch more bookshelves now all we need to do is learn how to read we’ll do that later though for now we’re going to throw some level 30 enchants on our gear now one thing you’ll notice about this bad boy is it has burning Thorns too and what that means is that

Anytime something attacks me it has a chance to be lit on fire no I didn’t know it yet but that juicy little tidbit is going to literally save my life later it also turned out that the fortune on my pickaxe also increases the amount of seeds I can get from mowing the lawn

Like this which is fantastic because we can now use these seeds to feed Peeps and Teriyaki here breed damn you I need your eggs and your feathers thank you egg time oh good stuff now although we are currently level 30 which is great and all we do

Need some extra things we are going to need a lot of XP in order to get the enchants that we want these cows will help with the XP part however there are two other ways that we might be able to get our insurance and we desperately need those insurance for my calculations

I think we have around two or three days until we reach phase three of the parasite infection at which point things are going to get bad very quickly I don’t know how bad but you’ll see soon enough in the meantime I knew I had to find those enchantments of the three

Ways for us to get enchantments number one is just regular enchanting number two is going to Dungeons and finding as many enchanting books as possible number three which would be absolutely the best option is if we can find a village Villages have Librarians and liberians sell books and these books can be any

Enchanting book in the game so I decided that over the next few days we’re definitely gonna go exploring and try our best to find any Village nearby but as I was wondering about the nearby Forest I came across another dungeon I’m probably about five minutes from home at

This point not too far away but we may as well have a look inside I had a quick Kip on the first level and then I repeated the process similar the last time of getting turned into a pincushion by scaly men the good news is thanks to

The armor upgrades I can now seemingly out heal their damage now I was really only in here for a quick nosy I just wanted to see what I could find on the first couple of levels without eventually curiosity got the better of me and I went a few levels deeper and

Tried to see what I could find I didn’t find very much honestly it was unlucky once again but I did happen to see a lot more parasites this time here he comes oh he was a bit tankier yes indeed I’m very glad that I decided

To upgrade my sword before I went in but it seemed to me like pretty much every corner I turned was filled with parasites like this pit down here is just filled with the things so let’s just closed his puppy off there we are and I even came across what it looked to

Be a parasite horse I haven’t seen one of these before and hopefully I won’t see one again oh Good Lord that was that well that was horrible and on the next level I had my first encounter with a larger form of parasite It doesn’t look like he can get down here let’s see if we can burn him Oh okay we got him oh God I hate those bigger ones I’m fairly certain they could kill me so let’s hope we don’t run into any more of those in the next chest I found one of the best enchantments I could have found and it was at that exact time that

I started hearing a most hideous sound and in case you’re wondering can Andaman get infected with the parasite illness yes yes they can and they are arguably one of the most dangerous low-level parasites that there is so we’re getting the hell out of this dungeon right now literally the second I heard the

Enderman sound I started running I don’t know if he definitely got infected but I’m not taking the chance I’m getting out of here sadly though my troubles were just beginning as as soon as I tried to leave the house I was ambushed by zombie wolves oh

Yeah Wolfie all right let’s give this a crack here we go oh okay well I’m glad that worked now I didn’t know what was waiting for me outside but I decided I definitely need to build a boat and head to the water as quickly as possible all I knew for

Certain is that I’m in incredible danger right now whoa okay that is a lot of spiders oh my God no no oh no Foreign I need to get under something too high immediately oh my God no Mushroom Um foreign so I have absolutely no idea where that Enderman went in the end and during my very sheepish and scared walk home I was constantly thinking that he’s going to jump around a corner at any moment but he never did and I never saw him again

So this is a PSA going out to you guys if you happen to know the Enderman that attacked me outside of that dungeon just let him know that I’m thinking about him and if he wants to we could meet up or something you know see where it goes I

Just feel like we had something in and then he just kind of disappeared as she’s kind of sad if we don’t you know at least I don’t know still shaking from being ghosted I decided it’s time to upgrade my chestplate a little further so here we go here we got a couple more

Enchants on there though I should mention this enchant here meltdown supposedly makes things explode so that should be fun I decided to stay a little bit up past my bedtime in the hopes that some enemies would spawn and I could get some additional XP but once I noticed

They’re pretty much the only thing that was approaching me was parasites I decided to go to bed anyway basically just spend the next day farming and restocking some supplies I’m a good old-fashioned fireman boy I work hard I play hard and damn if I don’t have an

Attractive sister and the next day I wandered into the forest to see just how badly the infection has gotten I managed to take down a infected bear before it could see me it was lucky but then as I was trying to gather some more food it seemed like every animal I attacked was

Infected no oh I knew I was going to have to expand the base a little more and hopefully build some fortifications that would be resistant to the parasites attacks I know the parasites can’t break every block in the world and I’m fairly sure that stone bricks is one of the ones

That they can’t break through so the idea currently is to connect the base to the surface of the water and then build the rest of it with stone bricks every so often though I would get a little bored and go out and murder some redditors for free XP now there are a

Few ways that we can slow the parasite infection number one is by killing parasites each one we kill decreases the phase by a little bit and in addition to that using these gibblers that they drop to make lures which decreases it even further come here wavy arms McGee oh perfect

Where are the parasites we’re gonna be around here I wonder if these cows are infected Let’s test them out nope that one wasn’t infected ah That one was definitely infected I really do Wonder exactly how many of my uh farmed cows are infected I assume it’s quite a lot upon wandering back to my base I found one of the cows that somehow escaped and sadly was able to confirm that indeed some of them are

Infected hopefully not all of them let’s I I say hopefully you wouldn’t be infected would you bertrude but indeed we definitely have a problem on our hands this Forest seems to be completely filled with infection and literally monsters are around every corner when popping back inside I managed to get the depth Strider

Enchantment on my boots this will help my swimming speed and will drastically speed up my ability to build during that night I was able to finish off the roof and we are now connected to the surface and in the morning I sat to finishing off the top floor but it was annoying

Because I kept on hearing my upstairs neighbors walking around honestly it sounds like they’ve got a thousand legs up there all right well that makes sense what what oh it’s my armor my meltdown thing I was like why are these spiders exploding that’s been pretty much the rest of the

Day trying to slow the infection as best as I could well there’s another flaily armed wacky waving inflatable arm flailing parasite man the flame enchantment that I found that I put onto my bow certainly helped a bit but I couldn’t help but think that I was fighting a losing battle and sadly that

Night my suspicions were all but confirmed oh no what the hell is that oh okay he can’t hit down oh another Enderman excellent Oh these guys hurt okay these guys can swim down he’s dead oh man I don’t like big daddy over there can we burn them okay we can burn them I’m so glad we have that fire oh my God what the hell is that burn these horrible things oh no

Oh balls okay here’s the idea we’re gonna lure him onto here and we’ll burn them I think this is the only way that we can kill it okay it’s burning please no just die dude okay we’re swimming you can’t swim down I don’t think he’s breaking the base go go yes holy hell

Okay I did not have a fun time dealing with that guy the hell was even that due to the heart palpitations I suffered thanks to that parasite I was once again encouraged to go back to my enchanting and try and find the best in chance that we can I

Ended up seeing that we have physical protection 2 available to us now although this isn’t the absolute best thing we could get this is one of the best enchantments so we need to find enough XP before nightfall otherwise that enchantment will disappear so it’s time for us to test out whether or not

The cow Farm is indeed infected we’ll use up the rest of the wheat that we can and then we’ll off as many as we need to to get to level 30. then sadly as I tuned into the first hamburger indeed I was correct quite possibly every single

Cow in this pan is infected with the disease which means no leather for us and decreased experience as well oh and also heart attacks is they somehow managed to pop out of the pen thinning the herd was a difficult task and as every so often the cows would spit worms

Out of them I later got a bit bored and decided to go with the lava strategy it seemed to work more efficiently I would say sorry Lads but you’ve all got the ligma disease and therefore you’ve got to go oh I got some milk apparently

Oh my God look at all the worms Oh new appears you survived the fire no survivors please I did actually end up leaving a few still alive traumatized though they may be the reason being although they’re definitely all infected we can at least still get XP from them

By giving them wheat and also some milk if we ever need it thankfully though thanks to the valley and sacrifice of those cows we now had enough XP to grab our physical protection enchantment now this will decrease the amount of physical damage we take from the parasites by like 20 and that’s

Definitely going to be crucial if we want to live which I do inspired by my empowered sword and my new armor I decided to go back into that dungeon we found underground and see if we can’t make it to some of the chests this time I was also hoping that some of

The withers might drop an additional bone but sadly we didn’t get lucky yeah sadly we didn’t get to Bone anyway however in the chest we did end up finding much better enchanting books than we found elsewhere so this is definitely the place to look if we do

Want the best enchanting books in the game the ones I happen to find were veritable garbage but it is what it is stop it spider I am narrating after a while it was time to leave the dungeon we did keep a few books but none of them

Too special the best thing we found actually was blaze powder which we can glue to our sword and make it into a fire sword so now not only do we have a bow that can kill parasites but we have a veritable parasite killing stabby stick as well we managed to get these

Enchantments on our Bow by combining these two bad boys and now we have something that would give Robin Hood a half chub but the main thing is really that we can go out and we can fight parasites without having to worry too much about death just so long as they

Are the extremely large ones that I’m fairly sure will still kill me in one or two hits the next day I continued doing what I’ve been doing you know basically killing things with teeth the size of cucumbers basically just living every day in a desperate yet futile attempt to

Delay the inevitable but luckily for me I was able to settle in for a nice quiet evening no I’m just kidding the game was taking the piss and gave me a Blood Moon only this time it’s not a good idea for me to stay inside I’m gonna have to go

Outside and kill as many things as I can to prevent any parasites from possibly causing a chain reaction of parasite infections thankfully one of the benefits of living on an island is that the creatures can’t swim very well so I could always just Bob menacingly around them ducking and weaving bravely under

Arrows and other such bugs oh boy oh this isn’t good feel like I’m in a blender a spider blender oh here we go we’ve got some breathing room oh never mind eventually it dawned on me that this is probably the most stupid way that I could possibly do this and after quickly

Checking how much durability damage my armor has taken quick hint it’s a lot I decided that I should probably do this in a more clever way and try and build a mob farm or something so I decided to use some of the blocks that I’d stored away for winter brought them on the

Ground here and then make myself a nice little safety bunker of sorts in this way we should be able to take care of all the spotters and such and simultaneously receive considerably less in venomations in conclusion it worked yes get stabbed nerds and thanks to all

That XP we got we got a brand new bubble gum helmet now one thing that Demir was a considerable cause of concern was this brand new cave that seems to have popped up in the past few days I don’t know how long this has been here I am confused as

To where it came from and it seems to be filled with parasites yep just an all-round bad Yelp review from me I’m afraid but in all seriousness though this is incredibly concerning and in all honesty it really seems like there’s a lot of parasites growing underground at

The moment and so I’m worried that the infection is actually much worse than I think it is and the parasites we are seeing on the surface are just the ones that make it to the surface and are not really representative of just how many big parasites there are due to this

Realization I certainly felt the need to start building with bigger bricks I didn’t really know what I was building all I knew is I wanted it to connect over to the bank on the North side that way I’d have some kind of defensive structure that I’d use in case the

Parasite started coming at me from all sides and so I spent the day with my gloves on building what ended up being some kind of boring bridge but as I was clearing a bit of land on the Northern side I was thinking maybe we’ll build a

Tower here as well but let’s not get our dicks too hard here we have to finish the bridge first as I knew I was going to be needing a lot of bricks I decided to make a very Advanced and incredible machine I call it the stone brickinator

And what it does is it turns Stone into into diamonds on day 47 as I thought we were getting close to day 50. it’s probably a good idea for us to quickly pop into The Nether and see if we can find anything interesting but aside from tree violently molesting the laws of

Biology there isn’t really much to talk about there were no fortresses nearby or anything like that and after some gentle persuasion by the locals I decided to leave on the next day due to the obscene amount of damage that my armor keeps taking I was thinking that it’s

Imperative that we get mending as soon as possible so I’ve got myself a slightly Enchanted fishing rod here and I’m just praying to the Lord that we get ourselves a mending book the chance of getting one is like one in a hundred but uh I don’t know maybe we’ll get lucky I

Did not get lucky sadly but it’s fine we can always try again later for now I had decided that it’s time for me to explore I decided to go east and not stop going east until I fell off the edge of this map and once I fell at the edge of the

Map I would keep going east until I found a village or something I eventually found the awesome thing which is that I found absolutely nothing for miles and just decided hey I should probably go home now I did find a couple of dungeons on the way home and even

Climbed my way onto one of those floating islands turns out they’re a disgusting slime Island the whole island is made out of slime oh God it’s horrible it’s light touching wet food in the sink but eventually I made my way home Evan gained absolutely nothing other than the knowledge that there is

Absolutely nothing to the east I finally go outside and all I gain is a bunch of disgusting slime blocks and yes I brought them home with me my backpack probably smells on day 52 I did a bit more work on my bridge and on

Day 53 I did a bit more work on my bridge man you could really tell that I had absolutely no plan when making this bridge this bridge is as useful as a wet paper towel I did decide to dig myself a new fishing hole as I got sick of fishing in

The ocean it was a little too moist for my taste I will say not that much happened over the next few days but one thing I can definitely tell you is that everywhere I turned there were new parasites like this horrible four-legged fellow here and his Blobby friend

Oh one thing I did do however is I took one of the Enchantment books I found in that dungeon and I threw it onto a wooden sword this enchantment is called purification and what it does is with a bit of tough love you can cure a zombie

Villager it is kind of a random chance sort of deal I’m not just beating this man for the sake of it oh there he goes and what pray tell are you damn it he’s a Fletcher I went to the Liberian alright well tomorrow we’ll build him a

Place to stay I sort of wanted a blocky Stone bunker of sorts somewhere I could go in case I was being chased by parasites and at the same time could have some Villages nice and safe inside and I also had no idea what kind of parasites would be coming happy next so

I wanted to leave a little bit of room for some glass so that I could see outside but not enough room so that they could just crash through the glass if they wanted to while I was building I kept on hearing this horrible sound in my ear

Yeah that one and although I had absolutely no idea what that sound was I had a deep-seated fear within me that it was somehow parasite related and indeed I may have been correct for on the night of the 58th I was ambushed by my first flying parasite he went down without too

Much trouble but he did cause a lot of stress in me I was hoping with the second zombie I was able to catch that I’d be able to start a villager farm but as I started delivering him the Cure he suddenly turned into a parasite and attacked me

Damn you Cornelius Look What You’ve Made Me Do I loved you like a butler or perhaps a housemaid but with Cornelius died any hopes we had of creating a villager farm snow is stuck with smiliel Jerome for now until we can find another villager on the morning of the 59th I

Awoke to a hideous sound of another flying parasite nearby luckily this one hadn’t seen me and so I was able to take him down too without too much trouble but it has probably proved my worst fear which is that there are parasite tunnels under the water and inside these tunnels

Are likely hundreds of parasites every so often one of those parasites evolves and breaks through to the surface and that’s why we end up with these flying parasites around us one thing’s for sure I need to hurry the hell up and finish the base we’re well and truly into phase

Three of the parasite infection at this point and pretty much anytime I go near this Forest over here I get attacked by an Enderman or something even worse so I pretty much only set foot at the farm at the moment if everything is absolutely grown and I really need the resources on

The day of the 60th it was pretty much proven to me that there is a hole directly next to the bunker as two large adapted parasites had swimmer from below I got very lucky with The High Ground and was able to burn them before they

Could get to me but it’s just a matter of time really until my locker Runs Out And later that day I came to the disgusting realization that the island nearby had also become infected and on the island was a new type of parasite that I hadn’t even seen before and as I tried to take him down he summoned the powers of hentai and was spawning tentacles all around me

What whoa Oh just do it I gotta say zero out of ten this was horrifying one’s tentacle Daddy was taken down though I didn’t have too much trouble taking down the rest of them you know I should say that if I didn’t have a flame bow at this point I would

Probably be digesting like a packet of crisps sadly though we don’t have unlimited ammo and I ran out of arrows before I could kill the last guy so I had to try and take him down with other means oh he jumps uh no oh my God he broke the shield

That evening while making sure I got all the other parasites on the island I came across another tentacle Daddy and it seemed to be spawning other parasites near it I certainly realized that if I find any of these guys they’ve got to be removed immediately now it occurred to

Me since my last Shield broke it’s probably not too unspiffy of an idea to make an actual good Shield instead of the standard Minecraft ones so here we’ve got a crude wooden shield and after we get a few bits of iron we can turn it into a better one I kept on

Trying to fish up that mending book but snails that have fallen in a salt pot have better luck than me so sadly I really didn’t get anything I even tried fishing throughout the night fighting off redditors with both hands but still I got nothing on day 62 I decided to

Revisit the Balkans there were a bunch of oars that I didn’t even recognize like this blue one here there’s sadly even a diamond pickaxe can’t break it so I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to gather those I also found this kind of snot looking one but again a diamond

Pickaxe isn’t able to mine it so I elected to leave in the hopes that I would figure it out later now although I was only going to be in the nether for a little bit of exploration I made sure to be very careful and not go swimming

In any lava yes I will save my Anakin Skywalker impression for another day as I was crossing a Big Field to Soul Sand I tried to do the speedrunner technique of placing a block as you jump and found out that I am just garbage I mean I mean

Look at this footage I mean good God Oh I got that one Esports reps I am ready and my contact information is in my about page if you happen to be walking through the Balkans and find that your slime has gone red I would recommend Consulting your nearest physician fully clenched I made my way across a pool of lava and

Found myself at the base of a nether fortress thingy against ocean recommendation I decided to Stairway my way up around the outside and once inside I channeled my loot Goblin powers and immediately set to rummaging through the underwear draw of the nether denizens the people of the Balkans may

Seem spicy at first but once you get to know them they will let you on fire the loot was trash but we did at least leave with one Blaze Rod three Netherwood and three diamonds it did occur to me while I was leaving however that we hadn’t seen any parasite whatsoever in the

Nether and I’m not entirely sure why this is I think they should be able to spawn in the nether but they seem to not be and so we’re having to ask ourselves now the real hard questions such as would we rather live in a parasite infested apocalypse or the Balkans

That’s a tough one on day 63 I thought I would pop over to the forests of Madness and see if the magma cubes I collected in the nether would kill parasites the same as fire does so I was trying to lead Jean-Claude here onto the magma blocks but he kept on running around

Them and then he died of unrelated reasons I decided to leave the magma blocks in the ground in the hopes that anyone leaving the forest might accidentally step on them and die in much the same way that I leave bear traps on hiking trails in real life

However I soon realized that my plan probably wasn’t going to work against the parasites that don’t have legs what oh no okay I got him oh his old flying Frank there in his decision to attack me left a massive hole tunneling out of the ground so I

Decided to dig up the magma blocks I’d placed before and put them on the outside of the hole just in case anything else tries to come up I was at that point also considering that maybe it would be a good idea to go down into that tunnel and have a look to see

Exactly how bad the situation had become but before I was going to do that however I needed to do some preparations first things first with the giblets we’ve got we can make a couple of lures and hopefully decrease the phase from three down to two Okay that’s one

Okay okay that did not decrease the phase that means we are very deep into phase three and we are therefore heavily screwed on day 65 I finally had a little bit of luck with fishing another adapted yellow eye came up from the tunnels during the day but thankfully I was able

To take him down before he saw me but after that I finally got something worth having from fishing I found a bow with the Adept enchantment all that means is that anything I kill with that bow gives additional XP which is going to be great for us re-rolling and trying to get the

Best in chance in the game you’re dead stop groaning but thanks to this bow I’m thinking maybe it’s a good idea if we try and find a new source of XP especially since our cow Farm apparently is riddled with herpes over the next few days I ethically relieved

The chickens of their lives and then very carefully did some mining underground I desperately needed some extra diamonds to build some more gear and thankfully I managed to get quite lucky this time and found some diamonds and was able to get out of there without too much trouble the ligma disease had

Been proliferating while I was away though and Upon returning to my fishing spot I found a few degenerates waiting for me nearby thankfully I was able to take them down bravely by shooting them in the back as I needed more leather when I came across a llama I decided to

Take it from him and then it dawned on me this is the Llama that I spared earlier isn’t it so I killed his whole family and then came back and finished him off well it’s better than burdening up the foster care system I suppose as much fun as I was having eliminating orphans

Though I was constantly deathly aware of the fact that the parasite infection seems to be getting worse and worse pretty much everywhere I looked there would be some parasite somewhere attacking something and every time I removed a parasite another one would come up from underground it was getting

So bad that I basically had to make new arrows every single day and due to my proximity to the water if the parasites ever saw me I would be in big trouble nope oh no I’m out of arrows okay I’m gonna have to fight him we have to be very careful

Oh we got him it seemed like every time I went swimming around underwater I noticed a new gaping Cavern that has opened up underground worst of all though when I headed home for a cup of tea in a nap I found out that our villager friend Jeremy has either been eaten or he’s

Managed to escape or something either way he’s dead to me in his honor on day 69 nice I decided to throw some eggs around and spawn some chickens which are far better friends than he was anyway screw you Jerome on day 7D while I was finishing off my wonderful home I

Noticed something that didn’t make me feel quite right I don’t know if you can see that but I feel like there’s something in the water there doesn’t look quite right there what the hell that is one creepy looking dude okay what the hell was that I think we’re

Gonna need to hurry up with the fortifications perhaps it’s wonderful in it just as soon as you get used to taking out the flying boys now all of a sudden four-legged creatures with cloaking devices turn up I I love the parasites I spent a wonderful next couple of days throwing together my

Delicious bunker look I even gave it a nice little checkerboard pattern at the top there just as I was wrapping up I noticed a few more neighbors had moved in and one of them was green for some reason and that’s probably not a good thing I decided to quickly throw

Together a little defensive measure here as the IRS had spotted me and was quickly closing on my location but thankfully once again I was able to crisp them up before they were able to get to me taxation is theft Beetle on Day 72 I returned to the exact same spot to find

A new group of parasites hanging out and causing mischief nope no okay oh boy hey thank you again on day 73 I had a quick check of the durability of my armor and I swear to God this stuff’s made of cardboard but basically the reality is we have enough

Diamonds we just don’t have enough XP to enchant it all into armor so I didn’t really want to do this but we might have to build a mob farm I was thinking about putting it on those two islands there but it would cause problems so I went

Out into the next chunk climbed up 100 blocks and then threw a quick little thing together it did take a few days to throw together but at the end of it we had a quaint little genocide Farm but in the efforts of full transparency I feel I should mention that the farm actually

Wasn’t working properly you see this fine young gentleman down here the zombified man he should not be there if I am up here on the mob farm there should be nothing sporting below me the reason he is there aside from him just kind of being a dick is that I didn’t

Build the mob farm quite high enough so what this means is that basically the mob farm only works during the day since the zombies will only really spawn in the farm if the Sun is in the sky in an effort to try and stop Percy the prick

From spawning on the nearby Islands I decided to cover some of them with water as hopefully this would mean that they can’t naturally spawn here we lost a day to that endeavor but with the nearby moisturized Island I do think that we increased our XP rates a tiny bit now

Over the next few days I began to realize exactly how desperate my situation is every single time without fail that I would leave the mob farm and try to go home I would be attacked by a group of parasites these attacks started off as mere nuisances at this point I

Was strong enough to be able to fight off parasite Enderman and the other little guys they bring with them but quite rapidly my daily exercise of removing parasites near the home became too large of a task to accomplish and I found myself fighting more and more flying and larger parasites every single

Day and although I can deal a killing blow extremely quickly against these monsters they too can do the same and I’m well aware that soon I’m going to make a mistake and it will probably cause my death the only hope we really have is getting enough XP to build some

Really good armor and get some very lucky enchantments if we don’t get this in the next 10 days or so I am definitely going to die before day 100. on the morning of day 81 I made myself a new pickaxe as I had a fortune and an advanced efficiency book on hand this

Pickaxe hopefully will serve as an emergency digging tool if I ever need it on day 82 I made myself a new fishing hole right next to the mob farm so I could Fish and Farm XP at the same time hopefully doubling my chances of a good enchantment but sadly as the days flew

By of me whacking the knees of these guys battering up as many fish as they could and enchanting my giblets left and right we didn’t get any closer to any of our goals and consistently found ourselves in a worse and worse position to fight off these gigantic monstrosities time and time again

Regardless of whether it was a small parasite or a big parasite they would land just a couple of hits each time which would cause my armor to degrade and eventually entirely break in the middle of a battle without him no my armor broke this is bad nope not the orange ball of death

Yes he’s dead don’t die yes okay I’m gonna get back okay quick durability check what broke oh literally everything okay and although I had plenty of spare gear and some of it even had enchantments I did not have enough spare gear for this to consistently happen every fight although I got a little

Better and even tried to use some strategy from time to time those dab parasites were quite simply outpacing anything I could accomplish it was Bloody marvelous I tell you every single day my supplies got lower and lower and their numbers only seemed to increase it had become a battle of attrition and my

Only real Saving Grace was that I had a bunker they couldn’t get into are you sure about that what what okay I can get in oh my God what do I do do it I guess I have to get obsidian eventually things got so bad

That even as I was standing on my mob farm the damn parasites wouldn’t leave me the hell alone let me stand up here Farm XP and drink tea in peace damn you in fact things had gotten so bad by day 90 that I was out of all of my good

Armor and supplies and so when I woke up that morning and saw a considerably large grouping of weirdos right by my front porch and was subsequently almost killed by a flying huh oh thank God burning Thorns I decided now is the time I must head into the

Mine and find some obsidian but true to my nature I procrastinated and found myself back at the top of the mob farm farming XP to try and get another protection enchantment Liz and I uh I just like the jingly sounds when you get XP it’s not my fault during that day

There had been such a large influx of parasites flying near me that I realized it was probably not even safe for me to return home and I was contemplating possibly even heading back to the dungeon house because at this point I was completely out of arrows and had no

Way to fight my way home I decided that’s for squares however and instead I figured that as long as I stayed deep in the ocean they won’t be able to fly down and find me but as my geometry teacher Mr Wilkins used to say Steve you’re

Wrong go and stand in the corridor and I found myself being attacked by a flyer while underwater I narrowly escaped with my life into the house but I knew I didn’t have long that parasite was something even worse would break through and find me I intended to go all the way

Down into the mine but found it was impossible to do so which was probably for the best because the parasites were absolutely everywhere at this point I decided the smartest thing I could probably do would be to fill the tunnels with lava and then bravely run for my

Life I was very glad that I’d taken the time to make myself a new pickaxe as I was definitely able to dig a lot faster than the parasites could I came across another hentai daddy while in the mines and made the decision that is probably a

Good idea I get to the surface as soon as possible I didn’t know how far I traveled from the base but I knew I was probably far enough to be safe so it was just a matter of getting back to the sunlight though my fragile gamer skin was

Sizzling like bacon under the hot summer sun I had done it I had managed to escape with my life unfortunately though a quick look at my base says that it’s probably no longer habitable I seem to have contracted a few roommates since I had only managed to grab a handful of

Arrows during my Escape I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight those guys so I decided on a different strategy a strategy best told through song sneeve runs away he bravely runs away when danger rid its ugly head he bravely turned his tail and fled oh Brave sir

Robin critically low on supplies as I am I knew I would have to scavenge my basic necessities I would have to get food from wild animals and enough supplies to be able to last the remaining 10 days yeah it’s a duck luckily since the first animals I came

Across were sheep I was able to craft a bed and during the next morning I was able to find enough seagulls to replenish my ammo supplies but as I traveled I couldn’t help but feel a little homesick I spent so damn long on that base only to have it stolen from me

I knew I had to return but I didn’t know how I was going going to do it I needed to be stronger than I was and the opportunity to get powerful enough to go into those tunnels after the parasites is not going to slap Us in the face oh

Hello pyramid now I didn’t know it yet but the infection had been following me every time I stopped to do something like looter pyramid the parasites would get a little bit closer and although I found absolutely no loot at the bottom of the pyramid I was beginning to get a

Little fired up those parasites had stolen my home from me and I wasn’t about to take that lying down now I may not have gotten much loot from the pyramid but we have a few days left there is still potentially time for us to find what we need in a dungeon or a

Village and speaking of dungeons I had managed to come across quite a nice one here now I knew I didn’t have long so I decided to skip the first few stages and jump right down into level three but oh game you do love to twist my nipples yes

Indeed a blood moon at quite honestly the best possible time thank you Game I love you a lot but just as I was about to leave the dungeon I stopped myself I realized there is a chance due to the blood moon that all the monsters will be

Spawning on the surface and there will be no no monster spawning underneath giving me an almost clear shot at all the best chests and so I quickly rushed deep into the dungeon Gathering everything useful I could I even managed to find some obsidian which would be

Fantastic if we do manage to reclaim our home sadly though has the blood moon ended we found ourselves in a difficult position our helmet had broken and we were currently wearing an emergency one that had dropped from a mob this helmet was not going to last much longer and

Indeed it did not I soon found myself on the lowest level in a stalemate with a bunch of shooting skeletons I could do enough damage for me to survive but not enough damage for me to advance and during the stalemate I had failed to recognize exactly how much durability

Damage my boots had taken which soon broke as well so now I was two crucial armor pieces down and looking a little bit like a hedgehog I decided to make one final run for the chests in the room that I couldn’t get to and decided to

Blindly grab what I could and run back and finally I’d managed to NAB a good enchantment Infinity with this we may even be able to reclaim our home but first we’ve got to get back we don’t have enough iron to put this on our bow right now unfortunately though unknown

To me the Rinky Dink kids were steadily approaching me and with my armor the way it is I have almost no hope of survival however grabbing a fresh cup of Yorkshire gold I made my way back through the dungeon and was lucky enough to be able to spot the parasites before

They got too close to me once I got to the top floor though I realized things were not looking good one of the large summoning parasites has seemingly spawned inside of a water column and there was no way for me to be able to take him down I had absolutely no choice

But to leave and completely abandon the dungeon there would be no coming back here that’s for certain I could already hear I was in for a lot of trouble the second I stepped outside I had my intuition at this point was getting pretty good indeed things were pretty

Bad out here abecken had apparently spawned during the blood moon and an entire parasite Forest had managed to grow and I knew for certain that it was going to take a lot of Jolly rogering to get out of this one and yes as I was getting tossed around like a hacky sack

At Woodstock I knew the likelihood of my survival is getting lower and lower as time progresses I spotted a large parasite over the hill there and took a quick pot shot at him only to be interrupted from kind he charged me down and I quickly seeking Refuge jumped to a

Nearby Island I was able to get a shot on him and light him a flame only for him to put it out as he crossed the river and before I could land a second Arrow deep down I think I knew I was screwed for the last 20 days or so although I

Never ventured deep underground to see how bad the infection was near my base this is how bad things truly were like the mold in my shower things had been left unchecked for far too long and unfortunately for me a parasite Forest of this size spawns monsters at a rate

That is quite literally Unstoppable just like the apartment I shared with my friends during my second year at University alright well thank you for watching this video I’ll see you in the next one patrons I love you you’re all beautiful Skyler see you there you’re beautiful Jeff Hill thank you natrium

Your name sounds like a medication blairden yes great name ditch lizard that’s my favorite so far thank you goodbye

This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Terrifying Parasite Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft | Bad at the Game Edition’, was uploaded by Sneve on 2023-08-20 19:00:30. It has garnered 587931 views and 20653 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:03 or 4923 seconds.

I try to survive 100 Days in a Parasite Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft, stuff happens, then some things, and finally: events.

Thank you Patrons!

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  • Minecraft Memes – rock bottom laughs at bedrock

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “HOW TO MAKE AIR CONDITIONER IN MINECRAFT ?” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and build amazing creations like an air conditioner in Minecraft? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and building, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like… Read More

  • Tiny vs Giant Hide and Seek – Minecraft

    Tiny vs Giant Hide and Seek - Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Mystery Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where every block holds a secret and every corner is filled with excitement. Join Adem and Ahmet in their epic game of hide and seek, where the stakes are high and the fun never ends! Unleash Your Creativity With Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. Build towering castles, intricate mazes, or bustling cities – the choice is yours. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and every creation is a masterpiece in the making. Explore a Vast World… Read More

  • Efat Craft Techz – Ultimate Freakshow Madness! #MinecraftAnimation

    Efat Craft Techz - Ultimate Freakshow Madness! #MinecraftAnimationVideo Information [Music] turn the club into a freak Show This video, titled ‘Freakshow. Minecraft Animated video. #MinecraftAnimation#AnimatedShort#MinecraftShort#MinecraftArt’, was uploaded by Efat Craft Techz on 2024-03-23 05:52:26. It has garnered 19 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Freakshow. Minecraft Animated video. #MinecraftAnimation#AnimatedShort#MinecraftShort#minecraftart “New Minecraft Animated Video: Freakshow!” “Watch Freakshow – Minecraft Animation!” “Freakshow: Minecraft Animated Short!” “Check Out Freakshow – Minecraft Animation!” “Enjoy Freakshow: Minecraft Animated Video!” “Freakshow – New Minecraft Animation!” Minecraft shorts Minecraft Animation minecraft video #MinecraftAnimation #MinecraftCartoon #MinecraftAnimatedShort #MinecraftAnimator #MinecraftAnimationSeries #MinecraftAnimationArt #MinecraftAnimationCommunity #MinecraftAnimationCreators #MinecraftAnimationFun #MinecraftAnimationMagic #MinecraftAnimationWorld #MinecraftAnimationStudio #MinecraftAnimationStyle #MinecraftAnimationProject… Read More

  • Survival Challenge: Mind Roar 🙀👹

    Survival Challenge: Mind Roar 🙀👹Video Information अरे छोटू तुमको किसने बंक बना लिया अरे मैं भी क ो गई तुम दोनों को मैं भलो ले जाऊंगी हे भगवान इस चुड़ैल से हमारी रक्षा करो This video, titled ‘क्या ये लोग बच पाएंगे ? 🙀👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 03:30:02. It has garnered 226 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani 게임 Minecraft Minecraft Sisters Maizen Ichi Micky maizen jj viral Minecraft Minecraft anime… Read More

  • Crazy! Villager Rod Up Butt in Minecraft #viral #subscribe

    Crazy! Villager Rod Up Butt in Minecraft #viral #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft villager got the rod on his but #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by TG gaming on 2024-05-02 04:51:48. It has garnered 7244 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Updates in Your MC City 5 #OMG #MustSee

    Mind-Blowing Updates in Your MC City 5  #OMG #MustSeeVideo Information pembe turuncu kırmızı laleler var çabuk gidelim ıslanıyor bunlara çadır koymak lazım hepsi sandık Gerçi Bunların çoğu yazlık ev gibi This video, titled ‘Minecraft şehrizdeki gelişmeler 5 #macera #komik’, was uploaded by Benvedat on 2024-01-13 18:07:14. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT is a creativity game that I particularly like. We will have fun together with it and other different games. Everyone is invited to my minecraft city, which I tried to make myself. Inside, excitement and adventures, houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE SMP Server 24/7 🔥 #minecraftlive

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE SMP Server 24/7 🔥 #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब तो गाइस सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम पर तो जिसने भी लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक नहीं किया फटाक लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक कर दीजिए तो गा सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम पर तो जिसने भी लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक नहीं कि ला को लाइक कर तो गा लाइक करना भी कंपलसरी है मैंने आपको बताया है सबको ठीक है रु देख हे गेमर स्वागत है स्त तो य दे मा ओपन करता हूं तीन लोग देख रहे फटा लाइव स्ट्रीम को लाइक कर दीजिए लाइक थैंक य आज ला पा लाइक एक घंटे पा… Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Kill! Bloodfallen vs Davil | Minecraft Animation

    Insane Herobrine Kill! Bloodfallen vs Davil | Minecraft AnimationVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Bloodfallen in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-14 01:30:10. It has garnered 5919 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill Bloodfallen in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if… Read More

  • Sasuke Monarch’s insane Minecraft Live SMP chaos! Join now!

    Sasuke Monarch's insane Minecraft Live SMP chaos! Join now!Video Information शुरू हो गई चेक करकेरा होने तो एक जग नेट नहीं चल रहा स्म पहले देख स में कोई भी नहीं क्या अच्छ मैं आ गया सर्वर में सर्वर के अंदर कोई भी नहीं है भाई है सवर के अंदर इंट्रो तो देने दे यार मेरे को आ स के अंदर यो ् गा आपका स्वागत है आज हमा में और आज खेलने वाले मा और आज हमारी लाइ रिलीज होने वाली है तो चलिए उसम खेलते निको आप कुछ कहना चाहते हो इस बारे में नहीं भाई मे को तो बहुत मजा आएगा वसे स खेलने में… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Watermelon Minigames // Guard Raffle

    Insane Minecraft Watermelon Minigames // Guard RaffleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonoyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yüksek ödüllü Minigames // Guard Çekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-15 02:53:01. It has garnered 423 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:05 or 5525 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by Weuo on 2024-03-06 13:35:52. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:12 or 4092 seconds. Im witerally playing minecraft if u tryna pay me heres the link my friends links Ven: Za_Gaming: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play… Read More

  • Passerines Network

    Passerines NetworkNEW! ETHEREAL REALM – Build your own town, Fight for the throne! Ethereal Realms is a PvPvE capture the throne RPG game that is built around a magical fantasy and medieval theme. The weapons in this game includes giant greatswords, sabers, bow, crossbow, magical items such as wands, magic staffs, spells, mounts such as dragons, basilisks, leviathans and griffins. Lead your people, build a town from the grounds up, create an alliance and take the throne. Whoever named king shall wield the Excalibur and rule the realm. VELOCITY – Fast-paced Melee & Gun PvP Take on the role of an… Read More

Sneve – 100 Days in a Terrifying Parasite Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft | Bad at the Game Edition