SocksBX Partner-versary: Minecraft, Roblox, Tiktok LIVE

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Oh oh my Law Ladies and gentlemen what’s up guys today I don’t think it’s the exact I think the exact day was November 7th but it has officially been two years since I got twitch partner today we’re going to I didn’t it snuck off on me can I be honest I didn’t

Realize I was going live yesterday I [ __ ] forgot two [ __ ] [ __ ] GE yep so can you give me sock be party so I can celebrate I think I got my payout I can probably gift you a Sub we have a new emote from Fox hyper drones wait no don’t do that I got socks be Christ okay good buuck a ban is back on as of today we’re going to be picking from all the subs all the tier 3es I’m going to put all your names in a in a

Hat and we’re going to pick one it’s automatic entry so you don’t need to worry about what are your name then I hope I win so I can turn you down you know what that’s just actually rude where my money’s going guys it’s party day Today star thanks for the three of the fox fox I you have all my emotes you have all my emotes I don’t remember remember what my tier three emotes are they’re so shitty actually you don’t have all my emotes cuz you don’t have the bit emotes $2,000 is Gabby rage

$2,000 the star blessing thank you star very generous Alo they ow this poked my eye Alo thank you do Zer wood for three months thank you thank you stormy bucket for 24 months thank you thank you for some reason I thought we had more what what was I looking at oh I was looking at watch streak what the hell is a watch streak you think I give a Goddamn I’m just kidding guys we’re going to have fun today we’re going to do little bit of Hardcore hell uh we’re going to do might do spkl now here’s the thing I if I want to do this later I might not but I found a very easy way to

Import my subscriber list into sporle in like 2 minutes I’m going to find the J mix so I could prove to you I could show my appreciation to you guys I could prove to you that I know every single one of you I’ve been I’m going to spend the

Whole stream studying I’m going to turn the whole stream studying your names I’m not going to do it right now no that’d be a horrible start to the stream we’ll do an at on our little intermission and then later tonight I’m thinking maybe we do some Community stuff maybe we do like

Mario Kart I’m goingon to probably be live late tonight maybe um we’ll see we’ll see how I’m feeling maybe I’ll order food you do not want another chis The Bagel situation you’re at the party than you the 11 when are you opening your throne Gibs uh next month actually actually probably earlier I

Don’t know probably soon I’ve been feeling better so I um I’ll do that too I’ll do that too also some of them got like re [ __ ] funded like a bunch of the SpongeBob on just got refunded Z thank you for the 9 months and you were just going to I was

Going to do a standard Dev stream today and then I found my [ __ ] partner versary look at me trying to Fig find okay I will say I opened one of the things not realizing it was a throne gift cuz I have my name on it I opened

One and it was like 200 bronze keys like just tiny keys I don’t know it’s in my closet I was like oh [ __ ] and I put it back in the [ __ ] packaging and I just put in my closet that might have been me why did you s be key I’m actually terrified like

Please tell me no one sent me like bugs or ants or ladybugs cuz those [ __ ] are dead I’m going be honest if you sent me like something live it’s dead it died in my closet months [Laughter] ago um guys how is everybody doing how is everybody

Doing the GU was object to sending 2 lounds of jungle pet gravel the only one I remember for sure is that 15 in a row one it’s 15 of the same thing oh No I sent you a mini me like dror evil that [ __ ] is dead how’s it no what do you mean how no to me elephant [ __ ] let me um hold on wait I don’t want to dog play seven Zip okay couple things couple things before we get into It uh we’re going to start with Minecraft hardcore H if you’ve never caught hardcore hell before it is simple uh is my desk not capture on oh my God it totally is huh let me turn it off let me turn on game capture Minecraft Minecraft um let me do time set day let me unmute my game because I muted it sound yes um so uh this is a special version of Minecraft we’re running on 1.18 uh twitch bonds are enabled not yet don’t if you do anything right now it’s

Not going to work it’s not going to work because I haven’t turned it on um I mean I guess I can turn it on for creative mode um the way that this works is uh let me get my commands thing open I can show you some of them if you send Me thank you Henderson for the gift sub Why didn’t it do anything where is the envil is it because I’m in stop twitch spawn reload CFG twitch spawn start can I replay the event and have it do it hold on gift Sub hold on hold on test resub hold on every nobody move nobody move this is it might be I might know why okay if I do test gift sub so I was going to mention I did a thing for gift Subs I don’t know if it’s

Working um I’ll figure that out in a second if you send $5 at any time uh you will get a random event one from 100 uh there are 100 different effects they are all they are all listed on the hell catalog that you can see in the chat

Now there are also special effects if you tip various bit amounts that are all secret all of those are listed there are also effects if you subscribe or gift a sub it will summon an anvil and if you do a tier three sub it’s supposed to summon

TNT uh let me double check don’t do anything description event it might have the the tier three might have actually broken it subscription okay no see that worked what the hell what if I Do here three twitch subscription I don’t know why gifts are working I don’t know why gifts are working there should be in fact that press F3 plus r and reloads your textures no because it takes like two minutes it’s horrible that’s so bad I don’t know why gift Subs aren’t

Working well it works when I do this maybe it’s because I’m in creative mode should I give myself a sub oh God hold on why do Gill all storms should I give myself a sub and test ow thank you good BL okay yeah give some like straight

Up is it because of the tier three twitch spawn reload see if maybe maybe two three which spawn stop maybe the two three thing did break it it’s cuz it’s working when I test it No John donated $56 this is a test donation for $56 on Twitch subscription is gift what the um I’m gonna give myself a SL I don’t know why that wouldn’t be working who’s going to get my the sock BX gift sub no it’s not working and I just wasted $5

Wait oh it is on what the hell wait why sub rolls on Twitch subscription is it the G is it specifically the gift Subs that aren’t working does anyone have a sub alert wait what the hell that makes no sense working earlier it’s working last time we streamed this

Guys do Don F work donut F work yes See can we do whle now instead no man hell no I’m in a why you have to wait a minute ow my [ __ ] stream deck is unplugged wait no it’s not yes it is does Jonathan work yes okay so the channel Parts work give it a minute give it a Minute dude I swe got every hardcore hell stream every hardcore hell stream it’s our two-year anniversary don’t type mod back cut it out man cut it out where did I save this to what did I save streamer bot to okay stop typing commands Man actually do that go do

Hell yeah go do that go do that why not God damn you what the hell downloads no is it in here in assets and files I don’t know where I downloaded streamer bought to and that’s a problem cuz I all my events and that might be why the thing isn’t working

Did it uninstall like what what the hell This is so stupid where did I download it to models it has all my oh hell no downloads is it in documents is it my Des oh it’s on my desktop idiot oh you’re such a [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] you’re so stupid Happ two [Laughter] years when did you start streaming it’s been

Three years since I started streaming bully okay good news oh ant mode Works all right I don’t know why gift Subs aren’t working they might just not work today which is stupid really stupid it’s like a major bummer if I can’t get that to work but I don’t really know how to make that work right now so I might just have to not do

It or maybe it’ll just suddenly decide to work like next like as soon as we get in I don’t know which made API changes to Subs oh oh really that’s probably why okay if that’s the case then they’re actually broken and I can’t do anything about it

Okay gift Subs then straight up I don’t I I think gift Subs straight up don’t work until twitch BS fixes that might as well leave wait um I could do like uh you know what I could do I could do a quick fix um I could just make it till 500 bits summons

An Anvil I’ll just [ __ ] do that [ __ ] still work [ __ ] it hold on I’ll just do that all right 499 bits do this effect guys I’m live coding and I’ll make it so if you do do I have any funny alerts at like 2,000 bits I’ll make one 555 dude TNT all right which

Bits okay Band-Aid fix that’ll do that if you do 500 bits if you do 555 it’ll do that cool great um anyway as I was explaining uh hardcore H it’s hardcore it’s Hardcore Minecraft um live coded yep I just did that I just did that Nathaniel Band-Aid

True um I think we’re good to go I think we’re good to just [ __ ] do it uh we’re going to do a bunch of hardcore hardcore hell for a bit we’re going to do some other fun stuff later it’ll be fun it’ll be fun I am

Very excited uh do I need to test anything else before we get going I don’t think so I think we’re good Enabled hi socks what are your thoughts on Weevil what are my thoughts on weevils I think they’re fun I’m not like a huge bug person but I don’t dislike bugs and I TR I try not to be Ked out about them because I’ve recognized that they’re necessary for the environment I don’t

[ __ ] like mosquitoes though GL thank you for the tier two for 23 months thank you I appreciate it let me do one other thing and then we can get gone hit this button and mode online are we online is there list of things that can happen yes at the hell Link oh I need to actually enable these and then they’ll that’s right channel points maners rewards ant mode is on g mode is on with mode is on and I’m pausing redeems for them I think I did just do that right pause okay pause pause pause we’re good ladies and gentlemen we made

It first run of the night is beginning shortly uh server Properties I’m going to name this world hardcore hell one I’m going to start the server oh I should mention thank you jummy Telly what would I do without you what would I do without you you’re the most important chatter I okay I I okay I don’t mean that well

I no I I’m I’m trying to be parasocial all of you are equal important to me except for jumy who reminds me of important things good night and yet jum’s not a VIP how about I un VIP you I I have I don’t VIP [ __ ] almost anybody will you’re lucky

You even have that [ __ ] I people I’ve known for like five years I don’t have VIP all right Ronald is still dead and we are alive can I have the artist badge no definitely not I don’t even know why I’m VIP cuz you’re Ivy cuz you made the [ __ ] PR games

Thing and also your Ivy wait I didn’t mean it don’t unv me all right I’m loading into the world it’s not starting yet it’s not starting yet it’s not starting yet it is not started I’m not moving because we need to do one important thing I’m starting a twitch Channel

Point prediction the sobx casino has opened once more I’m giving you two minutes to predict will I make it to the nether yes or no now it is the first run of the night so vote responsibly however I think it would be [ __ ] awesome if I made it to the ne on run

One and you’d win a lot of points and you’d win a lot of points So um there’s a couple new commands that I’ll talk about um there’s one command on there it’s 91 and I’m not it’s been on there for like a year it’s never happened and I really want it to happen tonight like so bad but I don’t know if it

Will um but it’s probably the craziest one we have just in terms of like what it actually does 157,000 points on no okay that’s a little rude you could you could believe in me like a little bit like a little bit uh we are on hard difficulty yes we

Are we have a pretty okay spawn uh I got to get my music ready dude I can’t believe twitch broke it and twitch B doesn’t updated in so long is the [ __ ] up thing that’s the worst part about this 250k on no you will not live who put 100 babage put 100K on

Yes if babish wins if you win you get 500,000 points wait I have to to do this I have to do this I have to do this head put 250 no all right are you guys ready beautiful weather beautiful weather all right ladies and gentlemen it’s been a beautiful two

Years let’s make it two more in three two one go get under a tree immediately okay easy okay easy Guys Dog stop everybody stop what’s happening huh oh oh why what it do to the API in the air why you C in the air what the Hell the thank you hey thank you for the donos everybody stop hold on something’s gone terribly wrong why is it Hailing Seth the sloth donated something’s gone horribly wrong test do this replay Dono alert alert box what the [ __ ] man why does nothing work actually why does literally nothing work this sucks oh okay now it’s working test donation oh [ __ ] okay here’s the huh weather to kill all storms here’s the [ __ ] streamlabs updated my API token I just replaced my API token and now it’s working so if I do if I replay this alert will it work if I replay witch egg dog’s alert will it work wait twitch Pawn is now

Started Yes which I dog donated $5 does that count here’s what’ll count I’m going to replay the other two and I’m going to replay Henderson’s and now it counts Seth donated $5 I have two health and my music’s off how terrible what a ter what a happy two years happy years pap happy graduation Ah All right guys take two take two everything works now everything works nothing is broken nothing is broken everything works perfectly take two prediction is going up I’m giving you two minutes will we make it to the nether first first run of the night [Laughter] what do we know what do we

Know you probably get to end stream before so back to Outer Wilds so you know which stream you got to use it on hey at the end of this stream I’ll have an announcement if you have ever wanted me to do anything on this stream if

You’ve ever asked me to do anything on this stream finish a game play a game beat a game you will be very happy by what I’m going to announce later tonight you’ll be very happy if you’ve ever enjoyed uh eating bagels you’ll be happy today you’ll be happy today yep I’m playing

Soku yep I’m robbing a store I’m okay except for ASO I’m not doing that that’s not happening I bought Bagels today what did I do today nothing are you guys ready first okay the first run was a test run it was a fluke it was a

Fluke get your channel points in why is there only 30,000 on yes will put 50 if I win and you put it on yes you’re about to get sobody [ __ ] points all right ladies and gentlemen it’s been a beautiful two years it’s been an honor being your streamer and here’s to do beautiful

More okay okay yep it’s actually working it oh my god dog don5 uh thank you wit Dog okay now I have to win um now as a reminder there are new alerts there’s also a bunch of new stuff for the various bit redeems and some such that do different things can I throw that away I don’t want that actually I don’t want this in

My H bar I don’t know if I Dr play up with that ask game what playlist this is uh this is is a custom playlist that I use but I could probably I can probably link it After reality left donated $5 ladies and Gentlemen oh my God thank you Arch I forgot I forgot if you donate bits it does that someone’s Ant that [ __ ] tree just saved my life that tree actually just saved my life oh my God oh my [ __ ] oh my god oh holy [ __ ] okay is it a moose um first order business is I have 13 wood let me find a cave got in the shitty [ __ ] snow Biome ladies and Gentlemen you know what TNT proof ah stop man stop stop stop stop okay hey the subs work still the subs work again the problem wasn’t twitch it was streamlabs cool that’s good to know thank you slim Apple for the 20 oh what does this button do Jonathan move Jonathan move 4 5 1 2 3 I need eight more two three 4 One Two Three 4 okay I’m making pickax axe sword and a Furnace This Go what the Hell no no no no no Noasaurus wed2 hi CH I’m still bad can someone put some points on no for me next round here one last day one for a While oh my God it hurts it hurts it Hurts USA Cals Don no Hey sogs where’s my 20,000 points what if I just Li what if I just did yes anyway weed kill you All right server’s going back up prediction is going up will we make it to the nether run number three we’re in a forest the last two runs wor luks this time it’s all going to work it’s all going to work Who just raided me God I [ __ ] hate you Ferris FIS you can’t [ __ ] be here right now man you I mean we have beef we have like beef and drama and you’re going to come in here and raid me no thank you for thank you for the raid

Guys just in time there is 1 minute left to predict we are about to begin Minecraft hardcore hell the way this works you can type hell in the chat if you give me $5 you will trigger a random event picked one from 100 my goal tonight is to beat the Ender Dragon

We’re celebrating two years of twitch partner you can also gift Subs bits for various random effects um this is also on a multiplayer server feris um first you should come play with me later um but if you give me 500 bucks you can just come stream snip me I will

Literally Whit list you on the server all night you can come Cod stream with me if you really want to if you really want to um yeah thank you for be a good stream can we shout out skull bver uh [ __ ] this right why is it still

Raining oh it’s clearing up is the prediction up prediction is up ladies and gentlemen all right everybody lie first run of the night is beginning begin sand thank you for the sand is beginning in three two one Go all right uh so if you’ve never seen Minecraft before the goal of the game is simple you have to mine wood and blocks uh and you Use the miners are here wish I and you use that wood to make a crafting table and he’s out coming oh my God he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me someone Jonathan right now Jonathan right now help please

Please ah there’s air air air air air no you [ __ ] dick oh I I hate you damn It what is his path he chased me so far is he still chasing me no also you could if you do a Jonathan it’ll fully heal me and make me unkillable for like a second so if you’re a Believer um I also there’s also a bit

Command at 690 that does the exact same thing so okay can I get some [ __ ] tools can I maybe kill this Pig one two 3 one two one two three I don’t want to furnace right now I just want to live I just want to Live okay okay I kill a pig get some food get some food can I kill you please thank You now I want to first two three 4 five 6 78 can I complain we can build a house uh maybe all Right easy Easy uh first of business I need to find a cave I found a cave and I found fire that’s copper never mind that’s a creeper blow up you going to blow up the coal what is that Noise Tores you don’t want to blow up the goal it doesn’t drop sometimes it does what are you talking about yeah spiders do that now by the way our spiders are Alvin we have a special hardcore Health Resource P anything down here anything down here that I want let’s

See okay can I get some Air zated thank you Z I’m going to drown I’m going to drown no Jonathan help help help please please please please please please fuing I need food I need food oh this is terrible this is really bad this is really bad one fart and it’s all over

Iron here’s what I need to do thank you here’s what I need to [ __ ] do yep Move [ __ ] can you move I’m a genius actually no please I can’t do this right Now7 got off stop stop wait they’re all going to drown though I need air I’m going to drone I’m going to drown I’m going to drown I’m going to drone stop stop what the [ __ ] I can’t do Anything why you get an underwater gab shut up you don’t just shut up That [ __ ] mob explosion that just like 100 mobs was just like unbeatable it was just unbeatable all right new predictions going up will we make it to the nether two minutes to vote go vote go vote and we’re in a dark forest and we get food

Oh yeah my model was done by Valve my I [ __ ] love my model it’s so good okay don’t type Bounty I need to just remove that command there’s so many old commands that don’t do anything me don’t type if don’t type genin all right about 12 seconds left to predict get

Your votes in now there’s 600,000 so we put 130,000 on no it’s it’s one to 30 odds right now all right ladies and gentlemen first run of the night can we do it in three two one begin oh my [ __ ] god Dude dog don5 what Wait no I don’t need all that what I need is Stone two for a sword three for a pickax three ver eggs No no no what the in way this Al Still needed $5 killing you are there meteors oh my [ __ ] god oh my god um um okay one two three wait it’s [ __ ] burning Um furnac is in here give me these I just have like a whole town can you get up Char boy thank you what the [ __ ] man help happy Partners party hat socks Christ thank you smelly boy what the I’m [ __ ] stuck I’m stuck how do I get out something bad’s happening outside um

Um oh I don’t like this Weather can I kill you can I kill you thank You I forget to use the bed so you can respawn a true what the hey hey hey hey hey I don’t I don’t like whatever’s happening thank you dark Lier it’s a [ __ ] tornado what’s happening what is happening oh my God oh my God all right once this is done we go cave hunting what a wet oof I’m very glad we avoided that beer storm was scary all right I’m going to get more this so I can make more charcoal

Cool what you mean what what are you saying what to what did I say what did I Say I saying what M keep listen what happened over there meteor did the meteor hit all the way over there raccoons I see cows I will kill you all right I’m okay on food right now so that’s good it’s my goal in life to one day donate a gond that’s your one life Goal not like I don’t know get married start a family just give me just donate a GLE I love Birch forest and the bit rate oh is the bit rate [ __ ] up yeah Minecraft likes to do that maybe I should get like a texture pack or a Shader pack to minimize

That you know what I should have taken a [ __ ] bed from the town so I can skip the night oh hell Cows okay dude all these animals and there’s a cave right there does this make you sad chat Be killing all these animals these innocent animals okay Co oh that scared me of your L streak makes me sad the L streak ends today the L streak ends now if I don’t make it to the nether this run I will 100% scrats The Adventure on

Stream if I don’t make it to the ne this one that’s how confident I am yep I well I didn’t I didn’t 100% last time I just beat It why would you say that because here’s the thing I’m going to teach you what the [ __ ] is that you need to believe in yourself is that you need to believe in yourself and that you need to believe that you can do anything in the world because when you believe that you could

Set your mind to anything then you could do anything okay do you hear me listen to me hold on everybody hold oh Please a he A Every okay n that’s fine you think you need to lose the win you need to lose the win you need to lose the win she’s going to bite something You Must Be A Champion then shut up smart you’re you’re so smart you’re so smart with your comebacks you think you’re so Funny New predictions going up new predictions going up we’ll make it to the nether yes or No is no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not wait yes it is ah okay it’s off oh that would be really bad decided to become a Believer one point on yes All right you know what how about this all double up how about this all double up I’ll

Double I’ll double everything because I’m going to get to the nether this run if I don’t get to the nether this run if I don’t get to the nether this run I Will I’ll wipe my progress we’ll start from the beginning I’ll I’ll wipe my save file I’ll delete my save file in Scrat study Adventure and I’ll delete all my steam achievements I’ll delete all my steam achievements in Scratch N adventure and we’ll start from zero and we’ll go to

100 that’s like 5 hours of stream that all Wipe you know why you know why because I believe in myself because I believe I believe in you should do okay that convinced me ladies and gentlemen in three two one begin this is for all the [ __ ] marbles this is for all the squid game marbles all the squid game marbles I’m

Going to [ __ ] I’m going to freak out I’m actually going to freak out can’t [ __ ] there’s no way I just Happened dude please just hit each other just aggro each other just aggro each other please pleas can’t be happening no wait oh I’m not getting hit wait I’m not getting hit wait everybody hold Hold damn it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God please I can’t stop running I can’t stop running if I stop running I die if I stop running I die please no come on stop there TNT there’s TNT there’s something something’s

Happening star don5 a village Okay please is it over come on man I got to get out of here I got to get out of here oh my God there’s still a Wither left get off of Me start for donating $5 everything Okay why did I do The one in 100 Withers man I didn’t even die I died to a [ __ ] sinkhole I died to a sinkhole I did to fall Dam I didn’t even die to a Wither thanks thank you Peter the lson thanks I know for you I’ll do a I’ll do

I’ll do something soon as we get in run number six Everything You You You C I’m muted I was muted wait I was talking you didn’t hear me oh thank God you didn’t hear what I said oh my God oh my got lava I I almost said something I couldn’t take back that’s lost forever it’s lost forever I almost with another promise

I didn’t say a slur don’t say that I didn’t know no I made it I made another bat I almost did I almost did but I didn’t I chose not to quadruple down now you know I believe I believe I I sincerely believe there is lava here actually I could get

To the nether so fast hold on Wait you still need to summon the two events oh my God you’re right okay true okay from Peter the Larson who donated late a mystery box with flint and steel and bombs and I think that mrst box BL okay is it done oh my God it’s done holy [ __ ] [ __ ] cool

Okay oh Mystery Box bazooka cookie cool 40 don5 hi thank you oh my God oh it’s beautiful it’s actually beautiful don5 we have a forest the socks BX Forest dude look at this would you guys live here $2 oh my God the whole thing’s going to burn down oh my God the whole thing’s going to burn down no

Why Anvil rain oh my God wait the forest is the forest healing chris2 it’s beautiful beautifuls right here thank you Chris thank you Chris The Bagel yeah unlucky man unlucky what are the first numbers one 6 902 close actually very close there’s no I don’t know why I think

There’s a six in there donated scratch rule not into the earth oh yeah hey none of you better [ __ ] up none of you better pull up on my Minecraft house all right got I’m not joking I’m not joking I got the [ __ ] gun I can just pull it out that’s so

Funny what the hell what the hell what the hell stop man oh my God the ants are all going to rise what what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening SC what do you mean oh my [ __ ] god get the hell out oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God monkeys monkeys help oh my God the tornado I need to get the [ __ ] out of here do I have I need to get I need to get a boat I need to get a boat I need to get

Out or do I go in the cave do I go in the cave there’s a ravine here Maybe I’m safe maybe I’m safe guys the tornado’s not moving holy [ __ ] I mean holy [ __ ] dude it’s coming closer what the that’s stay here give me dance and I’ll see you later oh my God it’s looking coming why you got my literal nightmares in this game wolves oh I wish I had

Bones what is that oh it’s a [ __ ] Tasmanian Devil now the unfortunate thing it is night I SP an hour and a half I haven’t gotten a single piece of iron think it be funny if you drove run into the eye of the storm no that’s not happening nope I’m not doing that nope definitely not

Okay give me give me give me give me I’m actually before anything I’m going to make armor I think so I can live a little bit longer do boots prevent like fall damage I keep dying to fall damage no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No ST don5 Yeah SC two is canceled I’m sorry it’s not Happening God damn it dude every Time why can’t I just get happy dogs happy dogs happy monkeys Happy Box [ __ ] SLE I teleport 1,000 blocks in the air he you know what this time is going to be the run I’ll take just one lucky run it’ll be this one it’ll be this One I feel like I play better when I have stuff on the line maybe I need to maybe I need the gamble board oh my God what is this Spawn 800,000 you can only bet 250,000 at once what are you talking about everybody vote yet everybody vote yes everybody vote Yes because we’ve done nothing but lose and today this time we’re going to win we’re going to win this is the run where everything changes I guarantee it I guarantee it

C blue thanks for the give subs thank for the five give Subs girl I don’t believe you and believe Me if I don’t beat if I don’t if I don’t beat this run if I don’t get to the nether if I don’t get to the nether I’ll dance I’ll dance how about that ban a random chat member and I’ll ban Kuma Fu Please make her lose I want to leave and three two one go what do I do hold on I can learn more about these at the researcher table ah stop giving me stuff what aerody Dynamite I’m scared of that but these are good oh my [ __ ] God the roller Gates stay on put on the skate I’m keeping the if I get if I get something like that I keep it on I keep it on no matter what oh my [ __ ] wait the babies are distract the baby distraction the baby distraction is Working needed is going to K the baby there Iron up there I have to get out oh my God wait these roller scates are [ __ ] crazy Man star donated it’s right in Here I didn’t I thought that was A50 that was just a $5 random wither event that was just a random wither I thought you donated 50 for that that was just a a completely random Wither [Laughter] [Laughter] I thought I I Was preparing for an anvil I scared of an anvil I’m out in the open what’s your favorite thing to get C double butterburger with cheese with bacon lettuce Mayo ketchup um cheese curds like a side of cheese like a small cheese and fries and Fries please no oh Ah La okay you ready wait I don’t have music what do I what do you want me to do what do you want me what I like that what should I do I just spin just like start twirling around I like the club like that how’s that that’s not a dance [ __ ] you

Man loosen up not so stiff was no that’s not that was not part of the G do the fortnite dance [ __ ] hit the gry okay that’s all you Get all you I’m not giving you anymore ye what do you mean yeesh B go yeast yourself what the hell I just danced for you you should be Grateful yeah grateful grateful that gift you with my presents all right shut the hell Up my credit card company has texed me I’m starting to think she’s not going to win these that’s not true you don’t know that all Right new predictions going Up two minutes will we make it to the Nether okay we have a good spawn guys it started to look up what is the new bat you think I’m my do bat every time you really think I’m going to do a b every single Time Ole down it’s been so long it looks like up to me what what are you talking about it’s been down so long it looks like up to me what man it look like Ratatouille to me what does that mean she doesn’t get it you’re right I don’t get it it’s not

Clicking it’s a really stupid reference okay those like shees what the hell what with the attitude today I’m so embarrassed can you leave me alone you know what if I don’t if I don’t make it to the Nether I’ll floss is that what you want I’ll literally flaws and if I do make it to the nether I will I will never do that on camera ever I’ll never ever do that on camera in three two one go no time to waste no time to waste no Man okay here’s the thing death R is actually this is really good because death r gives lava so once I get armor a bucket and some water we can go to the this is my lava pool this is my lava pool why you keep saying what stop saying what what’s confusing

Man stab out of It um nothing’s happening why is it raining sideways What’s going on I don’t know if I want be I don’t know if I want to be around to find Out All Right give me one more cool dude what is I’m scared what’s going on you excited for dark Beyond I am actually yeah hey huh I just got a bug I just got a bug no rocks have been very hard at work uh on the new God game stuff doesn’t know about thank you

Roxus I do know about St that’s not True all right ladies and Gentlemen trust me sheos oh yeah remember the tornadoes room dude I [ __ ] hate Texas so bad it’s not even funny holy [ __ ] I’m never going back there I I will never I can honest to God I can deal with the hurricane once a year okay I can deal with the Florida

Hurricane every so often not even once like every so often tornadoes and Texas is like every day every day for months it’s like today is going to be the day that’s a crocodile today’s going to be the day that we all [ __ ] die so oh oh I hate it I hated it it’s Terrifying I’mma get you out of there man the thing is Texas had good food I didn’t like that and I did not like um shipwreck no I should be looking for shipwrecks honestly uh I did not like how far apart it was so unwalkable I like where I live

Now cuz I’m able to just walk anywhere I want and um I’m moving just down the street so I me next to groc grocery Store I’ll be able to just go and [ __ ] get stuff man I mean I can now too but that’s a good thing I’m paying a [ __ ] done in rent but it’ll at least be a nice little nice little apartment Place free headless go I already have headless what

Do you Tyler what do you what is this like Tik Tok scam what are you talking about I bought headless weeks ago no we’re serious we don’t know why why is there a free headless what see in the dark oh my God that’s so good I just have night vision now holy

[ __ ] bre treasure map coal carrots Oh my God wait it’s happening it’s happening Southeast this way holy [ __ ] it actually is free what the hell it’s like the Headless headless is $300 normally yeah I mean literally that’s crazy that’s actually Crazy is it like on purpose did they mean to do that are they going I wonder if they’re going to refund everyone K actually no like that’s such a scam honestly cuz so many people spent like $300 on it just yesterday I bet oh my God I bought it recently but it than

It’s not $300 for me cuz I have Rob I have Dev money so it’s more like $20 which is nice other I buy that [ __ ] all right braid treasure this way it’s going to be like right here is why did I make an iron shovel

Why didn’t I make a wooden one oh my God are you stupid what think ice cabs [ __ ] melt them all I didn’t mean that in the water it totally is H it’s going to be right here yep yep I don’t really want to oh thank you Chris that one bugged out2 over it’s not even funny it’s not even funny no I need every never mind All Right are you ready you look at my shirt look at it it’s so big On and that’s all you get all right guys listen listen close next run we Do next run we do we do will be the last one before we move on to something else it’s not the end of this stream we’re going to do one more run I’m going to do something special for this one effect give socks BX Health boost is it

Four for an extra layer of Health it is here’s what we’re going to do before the predation goes up if I don’t make it to the nether this run I will delete every single steam achievement I have in Teddy Floy ear the and I will stream that whole

Game can you chill out you’re freaking me out hang on I’m moving over here and we’ll stream it again and we’ll stream all of it again we’ll stream the whole thing again I’ll play the whole thing again every single achievement and predictions going up and you have two minutes to vote wait hold

On predictions going up two minutes to vote can you get the [ __ ] out of here man I’m you’re pissing me off the first step to doing anything is to believe in yourself if you want to do something you have to say I can do it and if you [ __ ]

Up you keep trying and you try again and you try again until you you visualize success that’s right until the cows come home I will not die in Minecraft a single time tonight not once more not once more I am not going home well I remember I remember when you

First started chatting in my stream I remember calling you the really AA or the really o cow I’d say like really everyone thinks it’s real why it’s gone oh my God whoa why is it all I hit I hit my stream Deck with my water B or

Something thank God stream oh my God thank God twitch mod wasn’t on you’re not getting refunded for that [ __ ] you’re not getting rund all right hold on I need a song I need a song I Need a good song this one I will never play Teddy flopp other race again

I will never play Teddy floppy of the race again I am going to freak out No where is it where is it where is it I have to get I have to get out before it’s too late the cow I don’t have anything I don’t have any I don’t have any Wood can I make it can I make do you think I can make it do you think I make it to the shre ow I’m Drowning [Applause] no why didn’t the but the button broke hold on the button broke Town donated 5 hi it’s over Double or nothing I’ll beat it twice in a row this Run I’m putting a 30 second prediction up I’ll do a one minute prediction double or nothing I’ll beat it twice I’ll do it twice I’ll do it twice I’ll beat the game twice Star donated $5 eil in my Daydreams diamonds in my eyes Wish I dog donated $5 what triple or Nothing I beat it three Times oh my God wait wait No where’s the mystery box what’s in it a Yoshi cookie starer donated $5 try Start tap your donating $5 Try Stop the pushing me into the fire start after donating $5 try Harder A Ah a I’m out side A A Don5 guys let’s play Roblox Ling I already did that I already did that I need to order dinner guys what should I order for dinner tonight how about how about you guys pick what I order for dinner but not McDonald’s we’re Starbucks should I get Wing Stop no

Don’t say that cuz I kind of want to should I it is our part nersary It’s been so long you did say I you should have said if I lose this run I get Wing Stop kanes here’s the thing I would get canes but they’re not [ __ ] near me they’re not

Near close enough for me to order I wonder if I could get zag I could get zag be is that good enough for You I don’t know if I want to get Checkers I could get Chipotle I could I got Sushi last night I could get it again order $100 with the Wing Stop no no man I kind of do want to get Wing Stop can I be honest should I just do

It get the biggie bag imagine eating the same food two days in a row I’m going getting Ultra spicy Wing stu okay I feel like I shouldn’t get Wing Stu tonight maybe I will just get a Pokeball I think I’ll do that [ __ ] it look at my use like my

Us cuz I’m going to be streaming probably pretty late tonight to be dest to be dest so [ __ ] it man We have bonic romx anniversary wait till uh December wait till the end of stream I’m not kidding slash Serious Here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to do Roblox for a little bit is Tyler here Tyler are you in the chat I need to let Tyler know we’re going to do Roblox for a little bit once my food gets here we’re going to have a

Food intermission I am going to go through Tyler’s Tik toks that they sent me I’m not Tyler now Tyler sent me Tik toks for like months all right check out uh I don’t need priority TB I think we’re good on I think we’re good on on no

Priority I can wait a little extra long fine we’re going to get a another Wing Stop incident oh wait Minecraft dragon incident oh oh oh no no no no no no Tyler is send me only stream save Tik toks I have a special Tik Tok account all

Right let’s do a little bit of Roblox um let me edit my title Roblox live is Roblox I guess I can close Minecraft now I can close all my [ __ ] uh let me go back to our wheel let’s go back to our wheel I actually can I be honest I [ __ ] love this this wheel has made the Roblox streams like so much funner like not having to dig through and pick out specific games just

Leaving it up to Chad is so awesome all right let me remove this cuz we played it assar do broke um I’ll keep push card way on there um only up we be all right uh if you want to add games put them in stream suggestions um

Or I guess you could send me like five bucks and I’ll guarantee put it In Starting place okay I don’t know what this is cuz Ivy just like linked this to me but it has 30,000 visits gr pce is awesome to private I still haven’t played that I still haven’t played that actually installing Roblox is headless still free no not for sale what the [ __ ]

Happened why was it free I own it like why was it free I wonder if they they’re probably going to like refund those sales right they have to it’s on sale for 10 minutes you every single one of you better be so glad I was streaming okay what is this game is

This actually just the starter Place I think it literally is I have free headless on 14 alt what is this this is just a what was that Avatar this is actually just the starter Place Ivy why did you link this it why does this have so many visits actually templates wait wait what the [ __ ] I

Thought this was going to be like a scary what the hell I thought this was going to be like a scary game I thought this was going to be like fake it’s just actually wait I just got like I just got I I just got double what’s it called reverse double

Tricked I’m scared shitless I need my music hold on can we get theong BX official playlist please all right what’s next oh you know what let me update the list as well wild forest Islands Delta Warrior before the dawn no it’s [ __ ] dead by daylight you dick Wild Horse Islands the story all right damn look at all our games holy Moly blocks build anything is this 50 Robux are the hardcore house Ser supposed to be over I’ll pay you the 50 Roo I think I’m Fine Whoa play oh my God please don’t the gy whoa what the huh I could people coming back are going to be like so confused people who left during hardcore hel are coming back right now are going to be so confused this this is insane wait obsidian pay to unlock more

Blocks 25 points get points how do I get points what the hell I already paid 50 Robux to play your shitty game I can only use one logs you get them for free by playing for a little while is there a survival mode or is this like it what should I build damn

Oh my God this is [ __ ] crazy actually it’s it play not pay okay I see let’s make a house all right Minecraft house is coming you got to have the Cobblestone base um a slab yep yep look at this it’s beautiful let’s have a wood no let’s do

Wood planks let’s do wood planks let’s just use the slabs as like a staircase yep yep okay you make the roof I’m going to make a path outside I’m going to I’m going to decorate the outside dude look at this our house is beautiful why is there no sound Wait all right it’s so beautiful can I not I can’t put down grass oh [ __ ] don’t break Anymore what’s up will yeah you got to pay for grass no it’s reg over the D cool dude why am I kind of having more fun in this than I have in Minecraft I think Minecraft can I be honest I think Minecraft has too many blocks I think they added too much [ __ ]

To that Game because no twitch oh True look at our beautiful house I literally like without thought told you to shut Up okay we have a house guys look at us this is [ __ ] crazy when do I when do I get more blocks need 25 more you get 10 points every five minutes I have to wait 15 [ __ ] minutes to get more Blocks the edge of the world oh my God it Is I can’t Fly I really like so badly want someone to come someone’s so confused to come into my chat right Now okay well I built our house now I don’t know what to Do wait it’s just like real Minecraft I got 10 points burn it no what can we add to our house what can we add to our house to make it better what the my mice Mike Michael M hi is just hi this does not say hi this says Michael M at M hi Chad okay this is not an age but I’m going to show you how to make a [ __ ] age that’s an M that’s an M an age has the line centered like so if you wanted to make an M then you would make it like

This that looks like an M that looks like an M okay it’s four blogs to all [ __ ] you know what just because of you we don’t get to play blogs anymore you’ve lost your blogs we’re done with this game because of you because of you puffle hugs I’m just Kidding all right next game next game Hello Kitty G let Me headed out have good rest of your night thank you Ivy thanks for coming By this going a music Would you like to go through a quick tutorial I would like to load into the game first uh sure oh that’s loud is it so loud hi Z pleasure to meet you welcome to your Cafe desserts Town T from all over will FL your town for taste of your delicious desserts and

Coffee let’s take a quick tour whoa CU we can help you out if you have any branded game questions while I’m gone okay I can’t believe the Brandon game playing being played right as I’m leaving C looks great it’s missing some key equipment is this a tycoon game wait wait wait

Wait oh what the heck whoa oh it’s weird dude we unlocked the Americano where’s the candy jar Dude this is [ __ ] crazy candy drawers where should I put it should put it right here were the Headless revoked The Headless got revoked they removed them all we’re going purchased across the street at the city store okay how do I get money I’m ass people will come

By if you want to increase your rating you’ll need to boost your popularity okay let’s go Hello Kitty you guys are so [ __ ] jealous and I’m friends with Hello Kitty and you’re not what the heck no wait do they have tuxedo Sam take this gotcha ticket no come on man you don’t do This see who the hell is Sarah that’s not Hello Kitty that’s Roblox character here some Goda tis oh got three B oh there Bob who are you Ser a great friendship thanks what the I it’s skipping all the who are all these [ __ ] the [ __ ] one Stars let’s range Bob to help okay wait but hello gitty is so much better [ __ ]

Bob man where are you going come back Bob get to work you like coffee that’s all you have to say to me feed I’m not going to feed you [ __ ] man outfits bye ah ah ah ah stop did too much things limited ugc uh how do I

I probably need more counters and [ __ ] what is this back here F dude oh got be so many customers why are there so many people here we have the shittiest menu known to me we have nothing okay um let’s go to the city I have 30,000 coins What’s next you’re going to give them a livable wage you have the max amount is there anything other than pink furniture it’s all pink whoa kopy Dash what is This huh I’m playing Fall Guys Wait like actually oh [ __ ] what is this a ball I got a frog rat ball oh my God what the [ __ ] Is Big challenges here God I hope so I can die too damn you know what I need a fall guys with like an actually like with like a move set I need fall guys with a move move Set like imagine if in Fall Guys you could you could you could long Jump you can literally just open up ff14 Fall Guys collab I don’t know how to tell you this I’ve done ff14 parkour I would rather pull my own teeth out then ever then ever go back to [ __ ] the gold saucer and do those parkour Maps you can’t long jump in Final Fantasy 14 you can’t long jump in Final Fantasy 14 I want Super Mario 64 Fall Guys there’s literally fall guys in Final 14 like lit what like actually like I know I know there were the maps I figured it was just like you just walk as your character What can I leave Kopi Dash it’s still Final Fantasy movement oh okay then who cares Final Fantasy doesn’t have movement it is combat the combat’s fun it doesn’t have movement fail to connect no what what happened to the game did the game break what happened to Roblox can I play they’re taking your headless

Away I bought buy for real I can’t is roox down Roblox is having connection issues what if it’s just Hello Kitty I’m not playing [ __ ] Fall Guys dude I’m not playing Fall Guys can I play can I play blocks can I play anything of course this works okay I’m not playing this again

Though we’re done with that we’re done with that I want to go to cinemo rolls Cloud Cafe what if you did Minecraft hardcore but twitch check and summon mobs and stuff for donos that’s a great idea dude Hello Kitty cafe is broken okay well I guess I guess we’ll

Have to come back I think it’s just not working what the hell okay what else what is [Applause] this no can I play Hello Kitty instead can I play Hello Kitty instead I don’t want to play this game wait ah can I play Hello Kitty

I want to go to cinema rolls Cloud CA come on is it too late to no put them in stream suggestions and I’ll add them to the wheel if I like if I like them and if I don’t like him give me like five bucks and I’ll just do it anyway

Please anything else anything else no why is it not working why is this broken Kopi Dash broke the game escape whoa um um why are there so many of those what is of course this works invite friends no I don’t want to buy a grapple Hook ifite red No I don’t want to [ __ ] gravity Coil all guys we have to literally Escape Drake’s music studio and sponge is here power finish game what is the point damn wait a minute generator the dead by daylight what am I doing here what do I do with this what Huh oh I had to I have to bring this up I’m I actually bling dead by daylight it looks like a door open Does $5 give a random effect in this game too nope nope it sure doesn’t I Wish oh my God it’s a Drake What are this Drake’s pipes what are these glow sticks and Drake speakers and his swinging marshmallow what is this music studio have like a shaft in It oh my God okay man this game sucks can we play Hello Kitty please I’ll do anything I mean I’ll for real do anything yes we’re so B okay I don’t want to play Kopi Dash again komaromi spooky Cafe Magic candy store wow it looks like all of my friends are

Coming to my special hide and seek event at my spooky Cafe but bunch of magic candy okay what the guys it’s dead by daylight again you play Dream STS okay damn there’s music wait candy actually wait this isn’t even like this is like one of the better hideand-seek games I’ve played on Roblox

Help komi is nearby wait I’ll help you I’ll help you cake guy piggy I go here oh my God I totally get wait no I got turned into a cake somebody has to help me no what the [ __ ] where did you come from but I can still get the candy though oh you’re

[ __ ] help me Shez tunneling this is samon run no the hell it isn’t what Sam is like a PVE Zombies mode this is freeze tag oh my God everyone’s dead I have to help them uh-oh I heart sandria you have to help us oh it’s over give be the respawn system in sa

Around I guess wait no it’s not no it isn’t you the what what did you mean by this it’s Sam run cuz your team is all dead and screaming I get it I’m embarrassed I you don’t be embarrassed no I was just no that’s fine I’ve never even had dude I’m about

To eat some [ __ ] salmon I got my salmon Poké ball wait this is a new map oh my God it is I fully expected there would only be one map whoa dude this is like cool this is like actually kind of good come over here oh what the hell she just tpd to

Me oh no oh dude it’s over wait you’re cracked help oh the magic has been lifted I’m a man once more Transgenderism when do the freaking doors open how’s it not never Mind okay I’m going back the C Down guys guess what my [ __ ] food is here I’m going to get my Food and we’re going to take an intermission I survived the saw aie I’m going to get my food um we’re going to take an intermission and we are going to dude I’m becoming a real streamer we’re going to watch Tik Tok but specifically I have curated Tik toks from thail

That will not get me like banned cuz sometimes Tik Tok just has like Gore on it so let me get that up and oh that’s loud hold on okay well you can’t hear it uh I guess I’ll scroll up all the way to the top as well there’s like hundreds oh my God

There’s there’s so many September 20th it just keeps going look at this look at how many [ __ ] Tik Tok stylers sent me I haven’t looked at a single one of these dude the react stream I’m just like xqc well actually no cuz he’s like a huge shitthead

Especially moreo lately so never mind I take that back you haven’t vetted them beforehand Tyler has vetted them for me Tyler has vetted them for me okay we’re at the top okay I’ll be right back I’m gonna get my food and then we’re gonna do that Happy Partners socks you will be twitch partner forever and ever eyes let me ping my server dude what the Wonder that’s a Founder everybody everybody ladies and gentlemen we have a twitch soby X founder in the chat Wonder thank you for the 34 you’ll be a twitch partner forever and

Ever guys I’m gonna get super partner after this stream they didn’t give me [ __ ] Chopsticks I’m gonna hold on I guys guess what hold on guess what spot Bob spot Bob dude look at my are you jealous look at this look at this look at this are you

Jealous my food my twitch partner food they only give the I I had to call in advance I had to let them know I’m a twitch partner tonight we celebrate what’s up Holly welcome to the stream okay I’m getting off camera I don’t need to eat on

Cam what I do need to do what the [ __ ] why did that start playing uh what I do need to do is full screen can I get a display capture can I click on can I click on this can I click on this hello hold on wait a minute

Um why are they not loading what why are they not loading hold on refresh getting killed by light mode okay it’ll be off in a minute dark mode there we go wait is Tik Tok down what the [ __ ] happening hell no Hulu got the H Tik Tok got the Hulu

DRM wait stop loading all these wait what the [ __ ] oh there we go now okay now it’s loading it’s loading it’s loading them okay it’s at the wait a minute there’s so [ __ ] many no hold up hold on hold on my computer just blue screened I need get a [ __ ]

Water let me get a water oh my god did it hit the top did we hit the top are we in Tyler read all these yes and if not uh then at two years and no more okay wait it’s muted why you can’t do that like Ludy dudes bro Luigi’s mansion

That’s not even scary at [ __ ] I went to I went to this arcade arcade monsters down in Orlando they had this horror game I don’t remember what it was called I think it was Sega and while you held it it would measure your heartbeat and it

Would like [ __ ] blow puffs of air in your face it was it literally had like a it had like a warning not for the faint of heart not if you’re don’t play this if you’re pregnant and I was like it’s not going to be that scary and I was fing screaming I was

Screaming my friends with the other side of the arcade could hear me I’m barring Jess’s airpods to watch at the bar wow what up Tyler meow Abby look at this bone Voyage dude that’s so funny I’m literally dead Abby look this what is this Tyler what is this why you just say me like fuing fourth grade memes this his life when memes lasted more than a week Huh so let me go over this again you want a Big M A large bulk a six piece bacon nugget and three buet buil bookies on Bloods that’s what I want that’s it so let me go over this again you want a Big M go Henry go you got it

You are so good at Last of Us oh you’re watching Last of Us no we’re playing Last of Us Oh I thought it was a TV show it is but this is a game they’re playing oh come on we need to go to the birthday Studio to make a birthday greeting for

Celeste okay I’ll grab the birthday hat are these are the 911 guys birthday to youday to you happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to You yay have a great Day I was just Joking wait no these are the [ __ ] oh I shouldn’t have clicked that goddamn it um these are the [ __ ] CS where is it these are the 911 gads these are hold on go back go back go Henry go you got it you Are go Henry go you got it you are so good oh [ __ ] I’m going to have to scroll all the way back to the top what have I done wait no I don’t we’re good no hold on hold on on Tik Tock 911 cat

Look oh my God I don’t I don’t need the I know what 911 is from the creation to the glory and tragic ending we will we will never forget We will never forget go Henry go you got it you are soal [Applause] no this one so loud what is this Tyler rehab was supposed to be a fresh start but no matter how many starts I get there’s always the same ending everything falls apart and I end up alone rehab was supposed to be a fresh Jaz let me get a yellow I’m not

Toell get a yellow be goodby uh let me get a yellow be what if white diamond and fused this diamond Fusion is named [ __ ] lime and is the strongest Fusion what if white diamond and yeah damn I need to [ __ ] play this yeah up the water up the water up the

Water turn off the water turn off the water turn off the water what the [ __ ] need to [ __ ] what the F what is This Damn damn More I [ __ ] I this one this is me like Minecraft I get car anxiety I had a friend like years ago he’s like trust me I’m a good driver you don’t to worry at all I was like okay we get in the car and I know we leave the street and not do minutes after leaving my neighborhood he almost R he almost

Rear end someone at a red Light am wake up give me a good kind of bum CL dog BM CL dog I AMZ this wake up good give me a good BL CL dog [Applause] what are these Tik tog this how old this Is y bro can you T my keys oh yeah one sec bro that’s a [ __ ] pull I said my keys oh [ __ ] my bad my Bad have two that’s my key oh Mr just want Out oh my gosh I have to go to the bathroom so bad oh my gosh I yeah I like that one new technology shows what different historical figures would have sounded Like I’m over here stroking my dick I got lotion what is this no no these videos actually [ __ ] like scare Me Someone needs to make one of these with my streams but instead of the like screaming Chris Griffin or Luigi it’s portnite are you heard of droning sounds too you really are ego Raptor what does that mean shut up don’t interrupt me sorry what does that

Mean what do you mean why do you is he afraid of droning why do you know that that’s such a specific thing to know what what are you talking about are you white you really are eag Raptor he says it in like every video oh okay

My um my brother went to court once in 2010 for trespassing and I was 10 he was 14 so I had to go like my parents could weren’t going to [ __ ] buy a babysitter so I went to court and I brought my [ __ ] DS and my dad was

Like you better keep that thing on mute if you’re going to use it in there and I said on the ground I sat on the ground in the courtroom and I started playing partners and time and it like it goes quiet in the whole room and then my and it’s

Just like fcking hold on this started like like max volume no no no no no no no no it was Bowser’s Inside Story it was Bowser’s Inside Story it wasn’t this one it wasn’t this one this this this One like mag volume immediately he immediately turns to It’s very funny it’s very funny anyway I don’t even remember if he got prosecuted I don’t remember I don’t remember I don’t remember anything about that but I know it was on his record for a bit and it was so stupid because he he wasn’t like actually

Trespassing it was just like him and his friends are like hanging out somewhere and they just so happened to enter some grass field or whatever I don’t know it’s stupid it’s stupid will I ever make It Really his third grade you dippy baloney what a bunch of hippie dippy baloney what a bunch of hippie dippy baloney what a bunch of hippie dippy baloney what a bunch of hippie what the audio what’s the name of pippy’s friend in learning with pippy B but what species

Fights against the skib toy camera heads camera heads how many babies does a PE bird have in Garden of b six six in what episode did Big chungus debut Elmer fud’s restful Retreat what Live this is the problem with watching these two months late is that so many of these are so outdated you’d want a win token yeah you guys want to watch Battle for Dream Island right now never mind don’t answer that I’ve never seen that I’ve never seen any of

Those bro it’s 7 in the morning shut up everybody y all have ski R get your [ __ ] talking here go go [ __ ] partner ah pro pro [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God so loud You can’t be saying all that white Baby where does it kind of Go wa it’s kind of Good Tyler’s out on a date right now or something I don’t know what you’re doing Tyler’s out hanging out with people in public watching you’re out you’re out celebrating someone’s birthday at a bar and you’re choosing instead to watch me watch this on Tik Tok we’re watching together what is This hi Jaz Open it’s all going to be this the next like 10 Tik toks wait For okay every Way Dam Mouse was true with wedn my empty arms were open th waing For constantly praised for your musical talents everyone love that stupid little song of yours constantly getting praised for your I [Laughter] My I have theam this game I all that dancing in the mirror would pay Off what I’m eating with my sponge of chop right now you’re what all right I’m only going to do this one [ __ ] time all right you listen to me you listen to me right [ __ ] now don’t ever say you’re what to me ever again okay do you understand pretty swag huh kissing four

Peters you’re the whitest person I know I want to [Laughter] joke oh oh my God I have a headache this’s stupid Damn damn DJ Wario music Do these like actually Go I get singing this in Target which one OMFG or balling Damn we sneaking into Spider-Man’s Tycoon with this one on 911 not playing M posted that while Watching that’s [ __ ] It’s so long just keep going I want some cheeseburgers to Eat so stupid you still listening to this you better shut the [ __ ] up you better shut the [ __ ] up okay you look lonely I Can’t y’all hate I’m going to shut up better what do you mean wait better what does that mean Better Call Saul y’all ain’t ready for it what up Kellen oh [Laughter] because you absolute [ __ ] he want to say hi to you sorry he he can talk to that

Speaker hey we don’t use that language okay I said it home what’s up dude I’m Lucas wait I’m ready for it is he playing an ad right now on his speaker I’m sorry he wants to say hi to you sorry excuse me he he can talk to that Square Pants Square sarea Under the Sea of oh J one Door I hope we get Del list the ball again Damn Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep Wait that said [ __ ] no the oh no walk me through your fits tell me how much everything cost walk you through the fits let me tell you they ain’t going what is this place holy [ __ ] I’m coming life is Roblox yep there must have been an Angel by my side Something Heavenly led me to You come on Man Mort the suit is hooked up to your temp so whatever you want the suit to do it will do me down right now daddy remember Mort the suit is hooked up the hierophant spelled backwards is which is funny and it’s funny the hierophant spelled backward what [Laughter] what oh my

God hate this video oh my God I’m going get Water my got to make this [ __ ] latte ball fcking latte wait my headphones broke hold on go back To what what what don’t women understand about men cheeseburgers what what don’t women stupid turn off the water turn off the water the same [ __ ] video already sent Me no let it Play think I just cracked the code to this life and the universe you’re going to want to hear this damn I’ll take the cheeseburger meal everyone in mckin is dead what are you doing what are you no what do you plan to do about crime in

Our C let’s say out I agree with that think I just cracked the code to I’m about to bomb this whole [ __ ] plane Out I’m about to bomb this whole [ __ ] Plan sir are you you saying your full name is peep diarrhea steam poopy pants Esquire sir are you saying your full name is peep diarrhea po pire sir are you saying your full name is p diar poopy pants Esquire sir are you saying your full name is PP diara poopy pants

Esquire sir are you saying your full name is PE diarrhea poopy pants Esquire sir are you saying your full name is PE diarrhea Ste poopy pants esqu sir are you saying your full name is PE diarrhea poopy pants square sir Jeffy SpongeBob smg4 Mario annoying orang boss Elmo coming the Frog Sonic

And amongus FNAF Coffee R and hug me I’m Scar and Sh and keep you all birs out here to my store Y’all look look where I’m at let’s go let’s go B Universe hey where is so should play as a g Academy y’all wow whoops wow are you crazy shut up this is all your fault I finally get a chance to ask out Margaret but you had to butt in and

Ruin everything you don’t do that to your best friend well maybe I would have been better off like you I’ll kill You my boy P Pokemon Luigi lamp oil [ __ ] nice you must die [ __ ] spetti Mama Luigi no good 9000 toast toast I know you’re going to be a great typist one Day oh my god did you call me baby baby oh my god did he call her baby baby not okay play cool cuz he likes That here [ __ ] so everybody has TT Right Stupid excuse me I didn’t me it is just a little bitty Baby KY oh no our table it’s Broken Stupid y Okay Seriously turn it down stop oh my God oh my God you your social security number give it to me and I’ll make you a m of the Crystal Gems the for numbers on the back of your parents credit Card I tried to Change A i to do this Planning on ordering today sir oh have a crabby patty how original daring today aren’t we hey Squidward shut the [ __ ] up I don’t know what your problem is man mus I have 30 minutes for lunch and I’m spending them here all right there’s no one behind me

In line soone extra 10 seconds in order who cares man you really are something else you know that you lash out at me because you hate your job news flash [ __ ] everyone hates their job I work at the grocery store I have to deal with [ __ ] all the time too but I don’t

Act like a sarcastic prick with customers you know Squidward this town does not like you and it’s not because you’re some kind of misunderstood artist or genius or we just don’t get you it’s because you’re mean all right look at Spongebob he works front of a hot ra all

Day but we all like him and you know why because he’s nice he says hello to us look man I don’t want to be this type of customer you know I I don’t like to start I hate kry vantis he is the worst homep character and he is really

Annoying how many view 707 is the word where did you find this Sierra you’re up mama needs a new pair of bring Back why don’t you try going to the see my God popcorn chicken oh yeah wait no no Chen I’m k killing you I’m killing you I don’t care about anything else I don’t give a [ __ ] about anything else I’m too loud [Applause] Don’t worry all might is here with a knife to confirm csection what what [Laughter] what oh my God slamming slaming you close your [ __ ] mouth while you sniff that candle close your mouth get out he does but you need to make it a certain way or he won’t drink it usually

I do like a short like just like a 12-step process to making his water but I’ll show you he won’t drink this tap water Steve he does God [Applause] what the actor who played airbud Buddy the dog passed away in 1998 at the age of nine now take a look at

This let’s talk about World War I the no views did this person just upload their own Video Oh my God conf me I could see someone who knew me or someone in unifor I really don’t belong here water I don’t say BL blah BL what is happen what is happen oh my God [Laughter] oh H a Coffin it’s just weer weer oh my dam it it’s weer what oh m Evian Sound what mean skip the one8 there’s nothing at nothing happen even evangeli background weenies Beanie Weenies Beanie Weenies oh my goodness guys they added homestock to fortnite this is so skiy toilet R Sigma gats level three gats Sigma R from Ohio skib toilets 1 2 3 educational television woo oh no educational television oh no educational television oh no educational monster how should I feel creatures I don’t think anybody could eat Barney went crazy I could eat this Min all by myself and so could you or you or you what I could but how well let me tell

You apples are the perfect treat they’re fun to carry fun to eat okay ways to serve them there’s no limit let me tell you got a minute okay apples red or green or golden uhhuh sort of like the one you’re holding apple cobbler apple fritters you look like Critters I’ve got

The juice and Apple’s mine Apple watch that’s Apple time I was born an apple lover [ __ ] I’m smooth like apple butter apple crisp and my apple tarts and apple pie apple butter apple jelly apple strudel in your belly look apple chips you talking apples got them big ass booty that’s an

Apple bottom apple pie that’s the appletizer Double Cup full of the apple cider applesauce right out of apple dumplings Apple bars oh I’m tired it’s time to rest but here’s the way I like them best that oh my God What do you think you’re doing nerd did you just call me a nerd GE yeah nerd yes I am a nerd but worm I’m studious from my cerebral cortex to my glus back in kindergarten i e my college entrance exam now I’m no rocket scientist oh wait I am when I pour my

Alphabet I get nothing but straight A my retainer andar connect to a back race I got a pocket protector huh [Laughter] I thought you turned into him realiz in 2014 is only 3 months away yeah Realiz I do I so I What gr loops and ground beef chill don’t do that girl loops and ground beef stop dude this is the clock song we’re setting up the clock song this is the clock song we’re setting up the clock song Binson’s all about keeping track of time but two in the morning where we

Dve he does everything to keep you on track but it doesn’t really matter cuz the dude is whack whack whack Unforgettable a on Sweden’s Netflix is the greatest movie moment in cinema History they stole our kids I mean who does that have you ever stolen anyone’s children huh have you I mean you look like you would I mean you look like you would what you look like you they stole our what just flashed on screen we’ll be right back hold on what was

That what was that what was whoa whoa I thought it was like porn I thought I thought that was it man I thought that was it I thought that was it for the I thought we were done why why did that flash on screen What thanks for having us over Open what what oh God oh God oh God oh my God ow Peter what the hell CH choke get ins shot the BL get baby blue Ohio Bower fart Papo chungus buus jumbo Josh SK toilet and ghetto smos Kino cany redit Gold Freddy FNAF so retro b r smg4 keep your race

Memes what a snore oh my God a Creeper get baited oh my God a Creeper I thought that was a dream for a second Okay why didn’t you just do that true hello it’s me Have You Ever Wanted movies free download movies fore if you don’t want to download Freeze movie then Die oh my god wow this dog is awesome we should all aspire to be like him his Carefree attitude and his is wow the I fell from the light mon in the this myale I I the evil talking I cry when people Die I cry when people die dude stop chill man it’s not going nowhere don’t ever [ __ ] do this at my house don’t you ever don’t you ever let me catch you doing this [ __ ] in my house Pizza Pizza I’d asked my diaper and Granny but her wheelchair wouldn’t fit in the RV the RV and I hear a chunk you know the the pumps nozzle the the metal thing the thing s drive it over there and park it overnight and then tomorrow uh man not my House oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] dude oh my God scary soad no no no my [Laughter] no my head head Head you know how you always wanted a real diamond engagement ring it’ll sometimes release a sort of e that doesn’t taste like a gusher it’ll sometimes release what dude what’s wrong Y I made It wait I know about this I knew about that I knew about that I knew about that at the end of of underd the musical oh my God damn DJ khed if he was awesome and R is called G and R is called G and perhaps what is

RZ you ever play Gardner band ban life is skibby toilet episode 54 say my name DJ gatl say my name baby grank DJ GID Sigma risg God no no no happy Easter Grandpa oh my God Right now yes I know but you have have you not figured out that you’ve already been captured no yeah no right now oh oh my God huh no all these in the server I definitely can’t post like 300 links in my server I’m Sorry Damn Stop stop Stop what the [ __ ] was that what you broke him he’s [ __ ] broken dude look what you did bombastic bling criminal offensive bling oh no Timmy did you just get a Tik Tok saying answer carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic um look I’m giving you a hint oh is it

Said build a Bo for what eyebrow criminal offensive eyebrow bombastic I’m getting a 90 second long car commercial everybody be like oh my God socks how the [ __ ] did you just say that on Twitch every like you can’t say that and then everybody starts saying fortnite and saying everybody just like

Freak out like something crazy just [ __ ] happened like oh my God what did you just you show that [Laughter] for they don’t even know they’re not going to be here for like another minute okay let’s move On you’re not on Kick right now life is Roblox oh I’m to play cooking dude this is a serious Minecraft stream I’m not going to play some kids game you couldn’t pay me to $1,000 to play cooking mama even better mama that’s me that’s [ __ ] Dre that’s [ __ ] true God Damn it’s [ __ ] music What What what what up star deck welcome to the stream I hope you enjoyed your ads he cheese music My Cheese the last car that’s the Caboose but I like to call it the caboi the last car that’s Theab dude this party is sick yeah it is who’s that dude did you hear about what happened Capital dude this party is the [ __ ] oh my God chill out man stop no don’t do it So you know what I’ll be right back the Okay e Are you guys enjoying I’m back this little piggy went to the market this little piggy stayed home this little piggy ate roast beef and this little piggy went all the way my name is Walter Hartwell White I live at 308 Negra AO should we do the subscribers

Sple should we do it how many how far in are we how many more do we have a lot oh my God like a lot oh my God like so many holy [ __ ] [ __ ] like so many did we even get halfway through oh my God I thought we

Were almost at the end oh my [ __ ] god there’s so many we didn’t even get halfway through well this is where we are it looks like we have a new stream segment huh I’d rather keep watching tick dog we’ll do more of that maybe next stream honestly I’d like to

Start streaming not necessarily streaming for longer I guess streaming for longer I I’d like this start doing more than one thing during stream sometimes not all the time but like I don’t know I like this kind of like play a game intermission hangout go where the waves take us you become a reaction

Channel okay no I’m not you play Warrior Weare next I want to do smooth moves soon I just I really like the streams where we just kind of do whatever it’s just I never whenever I do those streams or it’s like I never know I where where we

Just do whatever I never know what to do so I need to go into those with like at least a couple plans and leave it Loose you know the gay Northern lionard true all right guys more more Wonder maybe I’ll beat that oh [ __ ] tomorrow I’m actually I will be live

Tomorrow because I need to [ __ ] do the hellofresh stream I need to do the other one I don’t think we’re gonna cook I don’t think we’re gonna cook um I can’t get that set up in a good satisfying way um but I I’ll probably play like Roblox

Or something I have to do another two-hour stream and then I don’t know maybe we’ll do more Tik Tok maybe we’ll do uh maybe we’ll beat Mario Wonder maybe I’ll even just play Mario Wonder sponsored by L fresh I got pregnant again yeah sorry okay let’s um here’s how I do

This so this is up to date down to the minute I think the way I do this is I go here I go to settings let me give you guys some let me give you guys some music oh we wait Tik Tock 911 cats Um thank you for the GI okay yeah any give Subs should go through I guess let me check before I say that uh earning let me like triple check VI details download list click this link Google Drive uh Import all right is anom on here guess what I just got it totally is it’s down to the minute so any gift Subs we got today will be on here all right uh I have to open Sparkle let me close Uber e so I don’t dox myself I guess I

Can close all my hardcore stuff um sple quiz creation never change your nickname call I’m not going to be looking at chat Crea Mor quiz Sox level thanks for the GI up I’m not going to [ __ ] remember that classic all right entertainment create quiz and then data subscriber list all right

[ __ ] copy all wait don’t copy user name copy all import data everyone who has ever subscribed to me well not ever subscribed to me everyone who is currently subscribe to me don’t look at it don’t look at it don’t look at it okay I’m going to do a prediction

Everybody say goodbye CU I’m not going to look you for the next however long uh options how do I quiz timer I’m going to get myself 20 minutes go to 20 minutes cuz by 25 minutes like I’m not going to name anyone else test quiz 200 38 this includes gift Subs okay

Predictions going up start prediction how many Subs named do less than 25 fail um 26 to 50 Uh 51 to 100 I’ll do 100 plus and I’ll do 200 plus I not getting 200 plus I mean this if you if you click 100 plus you’re out of your [ __ ] mind like seriously it’s not happening it’s not Happening I do not have I have good visual memory I good visual memory like when I think I I think of you guys as like like what helps me is thinking of like a color like I can think of blue and I can think of jummy and I can think of [ __ ] Oh God I I can’t I can’t I’m pregaming I’m pregaming I’m pregaming don’t pregame don’t [Laughter] pregame 1 minute left oops I didn’t do that okay it just scrolled on the way Down all right is the bran up no why did someone actually do [ __ ] 200 plus I’m not getting 200 plus I might not even get 50 I might get 20 I mean this is going to be really bad this is going to be like really really bad All right let me pick my server damn we watch an hour and a half of Tik toks what the [ __ ] okay I need I need put this on put this on all right ladies and gentlemen 20 minutes on the clock I I’m going to guess every I’m

Going to guess everyone I’m going to guess everyone I know jummy I know isometrix CH ISO I know pabana I know poex I know stard dagger I know Sophie steak I know Robin crumb and Ranch pudding pudding I know gay ran I gifted gayan or something to that I know cherry

I’m closing my eyes Perpetual reality I know gut does I know Butler kiddy I know hot coco Rock I know Chef maida I know what my other mods Oka not subbed deine dine uh o Arch RBX Arch Mage Arch RBX okay um I know isometric how do I spell

That okay who are my VIPs who are my VIPs who do I give VIP to smos male wife I Know who else this thep in my chat uh spectac qua no the real Yogo chaos with a K I Know was it 20 oh it’s so over okay old man Henderson tanuk isi quat uh Lord tww uh hubus Unleashed hubus Unleashed no uh code blue 666 uh lazy daisies uh [ __ ] who just sub who just subed you Sophie I already put you down you’re cheating you’re Cheating in my chat like all Time oh it’s [ __ ] over oh it’s [ __ ] over I can’t remember anyone else Mars okay sock scrap Mars friend aloga uh Mars Mouse Trinity R ranilla how do you spell it R R Zilla how do you spell that [ __ ] I don’t I don’t know Mars’s

Dad Chris one two one9 206 1 19 609 12609 one 2 there’s no there’s no six there’s no six there’s no six there’s no six there’s no six C is one two 902 20909 One two 902 901 902 I remembered it had an underscore it’s [ __ ] music [Laughter] playing okay who else um do I have any yellow [ __ ] in my chat do I have anyone that uses the yellow let me think of colors no one use okay I know there’s a lot of Blues there’s Jummy let me think of VIPs hyper drones damn damn Um Plbe okay there’s Voy there’s VHS there’s there’s a lot of V’s in our community I feel like there’s a lot of people start with V There’s my memory is so bad it’sing song Uh scrun No okay the back hat Yo pachy L yep m t 101 I don’t know if M just subbed though Um VIPs I can’t I can’t name my [ __ ] own VIPs I can’t even e my own Mods the binging of babish the binging of babish the binging of babish the binging the binging binging of babish the the binging The Binding bomber [Laughter] 57 have any other mods Stop I don’t want to say I don’t have any other mods so confident snort pyro oh my God rugs 300 [ __ ] Duke okay I don’t think Duke is subbed I’m just going to start naming people that I know I’m just going to name people that I know Um smos hang on no okay hold on don’t look okay hold on I I just have to make sure of some things um what’s the one everyone always giv Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Fallon oh who is the anom keeper of Darkness anom ruler of Darkness it’s goodward SpongeBob Space Oh my God wait so Shops dark web P um play Jester Jester Radio ather star God G God Game I about actually get the 50 I could actually get to 5050 if I get to 50 I’m going to be satisfied cuz I think last time I got like 20 let me think of a anyone does anyone Ser with an a there’s ather star there’s adom noise there’s what about B there’s blank haaj there’s the binging of babish there’s what about see there’s code blue there’s cool blue 40 de there’s diend and there’s no one Else go Abyss God game who starts God game card Lord CW okay no one in my chat has a username that starts with a letter e there’s not a single person in my chat that has a username that starts with the letter e not there’s not a single one of you [ __ ] that starts with the letter e I probably look like an ass

Hold on let me let me dig deep let me dig Deep no AB bcde e f f what about Franklin ABC d e f g There’s oh there are G’s there’s remars that’s not a g there’s [ __ ] Cupid’s grenade there’s [ __ ] AB C D E F G H we definitely have an H in the community there’s definitely someone with an H in their name at the start of their Name thank give me the gift Up um AB CD e f g h i i isometrics hi J Julius Julius Julius what about Julius what about Geronimo is that how you spell That what about AB e f g h i j k there’s K is I already to Cas there’s L Lord should Lord slime Apple M which egg dog M Mars Mouse that’s 51 m n o what about o what about o anyone with an o Oh oh oh Cojo 900 1999 1998 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 800,00 900 9002 3 4 5 6 seven um man all these [ __ ] numbered names you need to be called Star Fox the blue or some [ __ ] or awesome waffle if there was somebody in my chat

Named awesome waffle I would they would be on here because I would have remembered it immediately I would have remembered it immediately [ __ ] immediately okay who else what the one gay Band-Aids thank you for the give stuff there’s no one else there’s no one else Bailey Bailey saw something

Um ABCD E F G H JK L M N O P thank you for thanks for the GI up Q quat there’s quat there’s quat There’s I don’t I I don’t think I can name anyone Else Wait I’m seeing a name in my mind but I don’t know what it is I’m saying name in my mind but I don’t know who it Is wait Who are you who am I thinking Of who am I thinking of oh my God I have a minute I’m getting I’m getting stunlocked I’m actually getting stun locked right Now Rebles red okay Red’s not subbed p puppy dude pup puppy puppy dude let me think of fan art let me think of fan art let me think of fan art um wait ah it’s Over I didn’t get wait I didn’t get Ferris oh no well well I’ve heard so many People one tick to for each chat member you did I got 55 that’s not bad you got American Heart Association I forgot germa and [Laughter] so are there any stupid I’m surprised there aren’t like like e corruptors that on here germa is oh how could I forget so should play

As AAL Lego card is a [ __ ] awesome Name by the Way by some miracle I got remember both times I would never forget oh my God I for Morgan well guys it’s been Fun you forgot you sock oh my God it put me on here wait it put socks bxs on here that’s really funny guys that was fun I think that’s about all I have in me um I will be live tomorrow probably another stream like this one but thank you guys thank you guys for two years also I know this was kind of a thrown together uh Partners stream but I have I

Know we have fan art I know we have fan art but I had fun oh I didn’t I do have to do the announcement huh that’s right thank you for reminding me yeah this was fun um the celebration will continue because in December for probably starting around

December 12th going for a full month till January till the middle of January what the hold on I need some real [ __ ] right now I need some real [ __ ] right now in December we are doing the first ever in history socks BX subathon the socks ofon the movon I doing a full

Month not I’m not going to be it’s not going to be like 24 hours a day to be clear it’s not that kind of something of thought um we’re doing a subathon and we’re gonna be doing a lot of fun [ __ ] I guess I’m gonna be doing scraton

Too uh we are going to be playing intan aquarium we are going to be playing hello neighbor we are going to be reading Homestuck we are going to be doing karaoke we are going to be beating outer Wilds we’re going to do Teddy Flopper year again going to be a lot of God

Game uh we’re going to do getting over it I’m going to do a stream where I’m going to beat getting over it and I’m not going to end the stream until I beat it and it’s going to be $10 to reset the whole run and I’m going to stream until the

Game is beaten even if it takes like 20 hours that’s too low no it ain’t no it ain’t [Laughter] Uh now it wouldn’t be a subathon without goals I’m raising money because I am moving and moving is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I also have to worry about taxes which I’m going to have to like I’m going to have to I would have to do something I’m going have to do something

Um I’m I’m going to have to probably extend my taxes next year which is fine cuz I’m moving um but moving is expensive just moving my [ __ ] alone is expensive I’m not tax Eva um my rent is being doubled and I need to start raising money so I’m doing a big

Subathon I’m raising money we have various goals uh such as uh I will be playing phasmophobia in VR there’s a goal for eating bonic Ramen there is a garden of band band goal at 1750 uh there is I don’t want to spoil too much I don’t to spoil too much um but

I had on here I had Teddy floppy e 100% if we hit 750 I guess I’m just [ __ ] doing that now and now I have to think of a new goal for that number but uh that’s happening in December there is a [ __ ] insane goal on

Here like I I told some of my friends what did I tell what did I tell about the the like final like stretch goal cuz my main goal is 3,000 but I have stretch goals up to like 6,000 for the full month um I I put something scary at 6,000 I

Made a I made a a promise that has like horrific consequences if it if it gets m Oh star knows star does know star knows pyro knows Gibson knows Tyler knows Duke knows I don’t know who else knows OS knows OS knows cuz I talked about this in my [ __ ] mod chat I was like I’m going to do this if we hit 6,000 this is

Going to happen do I know I think you do I think you do I think you do cuz I think I was in call with you when I had the the initial idea can I know no uh when the full subathon announcement happens you can know but there’s a lot of exciting stuff

Yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] and it’s like it’s exactly what it says it’s exactly what it says it is um there’s going be carolicious there’s going to be karaoke there’s going to be fortnite it’s not the tree video no it’s so much I actually have a goal for watching my old videos that

Included at a lower Price not unedited though it’ll it will be edited playing Blockland no so anyway look forward to that Um I I’m thinking I want to get Ferris maybe some others and do Nick cart Racers 3 next month um I don’t know I just want to do a lot of fun stuff and I’m looking forward to it cuz I haven’t streamed a whole lot the last

Few weeks and I’m finally kind of finding my mojo again finding my groove today was really fun today and and yesterday and the warrior stream were all very Fun me if you need another for day cart Racers I will me me and Ferris need to do Hot Wheels too and I guess I’ll [ __ ] do no I don’t know if if I can eat that spicy ass RW again I am Also actually I don’t know if I want to I don’t I don’t want to spoil anymore I don’t to wh were no Hot Wheels is in Hot Wheels was a a fundraiser mean Ferris did like two and a half years ago where we played a bunch of racing games for 24

Hours that’s where the Eddie clip comes from anyway that’s that’s the big announcement um the big announcement is give me money but um thank you guys for coming out tonight thank you guys for the very generous donations it helps a lot uh it helps a lot it helps a

Lot I’m glad we had fun today and I hope you had fun Too and we’ll do more we’ll do Mario Kart 2 um yeah thank you guys for everything more streams like this this might become like the standard did you do you guys like this or do you prefer like dedicated streams cuz like for God game and stuff we’ll still do dedicated

Streams of course I don’t think I could do more than God game in one stream like no but I don’t know maybe we I I kind of like playing it Loose a little bit like G like G like we’ll play Mario wonder and then we’ll play something else

After this night was really fun I’m fine with anything 10hour long Community Night dude Dude thank you guys for coming before we Go I want to give a thank you to everyone who subed today I want to give a thank you to everyone who donated today I want to give a thank you to everyone who sent bits today I want to give a thank you to everyone who watched today who chatted who lurked everyone

Who’s watching the VOD I want to give a thank you to everyone who posted a game and stream suggestions I want to thank Tyler for sending in like actually like a thousand Tik toks I want to thank Adrian for one penny and I want to thank my

Mods for being one of the best mod teams on Twitch I want to thank my VIPs I want to thank my Founders All My Subs I want to thank my friends and I want to thank our fan art our fan artists who for the part nersary have

Sent a bunch of art thanks man thank thanks way to ruin the Momo I’m just kidding thank you Peter the lson um turn off streamer mode thank you Sil Sylvie we saw this yesterday it’s [ __ ] awesome I love it I love it and also germ with the happy two-year part anniversary thank you

Jerm uh from Z this is so cute dude look at I love ZR look at at this look at it thank you Z from puppy dude I remembered from puppy dude Twitch TV stream of Sox BX is bored from an egg this is so I also love puppy

Dudes art I love all of our fan artists this is so cute the way you draw me is like perfect thank you puppy dude uh from fiery this is so cute this is so cute look at this that’s I love the hair I love the hair thank you fy from slime Apple no

This Sinkle oh my I kep dying into Stupid Ways there’s always one command that kill Me help thank you guys um the next hardcore hell stream actually won’t be hardcore and it’ll be interesting it’ll be very it’ll be a very interesting stream cuz the goal isn’t going to be to beat the end of Dragon normal hell I’m calling it apartment hell because I’m moving the subathon is probably officially going to be called the sock Spix movon but who are we who are we who are we going to raid who are we going to raid and what is our raid phrase Sophie’s Live let’s go out a host what the [ __ ] let’s go can I talk LGE go say hi to Sophie who’s a a great person to raid because I wouldn’t be here I wouldn’t be here where I am today on Twitch in my career without Sophie Sophie’s one of

The main people who has gotten me to this point I mean lots of people have like all of my mods Tyler Star Sophie Sophie Baby Sophie steak Holly Holly especially as well um rocks especially and Phoebe um too many people to name but Sophie Sophie was a huge stepping stone

In helping so we’re going to gr Sophie uh our raid phrase will be scratches my chin scratches my chin is there anything funny we could just do ant we could just do ant I’m not going to do 911 cats we will never forget let’s do ants let’s do classic

Ants all right I’ll see you guys tomorrow tomorrow we’re going to do two hours of hellofresh I’m either going to do a Roblox taou game or I honestly I might just say [ __ ] it and just play Mario Wonder um oh we’re going to do that

We’re going to do two hours of that um we might do like are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader on Steam might do some other stuff we’ll see we’ll see but tomorrow is the hell FR stream um if if you want to support me and want to get hell frh I’m not [ __ ]

Kidding they give me so much money what if you buy a $20 box from helloof fresh they give me a stupid amount of money they are paying me extremely generously more than $20 like more than double what you spend so um that’s a great way to support me and get some good food

Anyway I will see you guys tomorrow goodbye everyone Goodbye bye Dad lucis off to School bye Eran Sh come out kill somebody I’m going to be a murderer you’re going to

This video, titled ‘[SocksBX] PARTNER-VERSARY : Minecraft, Roblox, Tiktok’, was uploaded by The Socks Box [FULL VODS] on 2024-01-12 02:46:22. It has garnered 110 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:14:51 or 18891 seconds.

playing games. hanging out. celebrating the life of a newborn Originally streamed on 11/15/2023

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  • Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure!

    Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a map to create, Exploring the server, no time to wait. Crafting cards with emeralds, a tedious chore, But with a glitch, more emeralds galore. Walking, swimming, sailing the sea, Exploring every inch, feeling free. Riding a pig, a comical sight, But with fireworks, taking flight. Glowstone gathered, the final touch, On the wall, a map, oh so much. The island mapped, a work of art, In Minecraft, we play our part. So like, subscribe, and don’t delay, For more adventures, coming your way. In the world of blocks, we’ll always roam, In Minecraft,… Read More

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod House Build Challenge

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft!

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  • Herobrine’s Tomb: Where the Poor Meet Their Doom!

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  • Pekora’s SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱

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  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

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  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

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  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

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  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

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  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

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  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

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  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

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  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

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  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

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  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

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    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

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  • Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥

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  • Experience Virtual Reality in Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • The Truth About ATERNOS Servers

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  • Ultimate Kawaii Alakaii Mining Adventure! ⛏️ #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!

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  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

    INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100daysVideo Information day three in Hardcore Minecraft first thing I did is chop some trees down look at my horrible Roofing job and continue building a mine with a door continue building my roof put some torches down and plant some sugar cane I even did a cool design for the entrance of my mind so with that I’ll see you guys in the next one This video, titled ‘Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft, today is a great day! #hardcore #minecraft #100days’, was uploaded by EXpers on 2024-05-04 19:21:49. It has garnered 8604 views and 235 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server – Join Now! #smp

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  • Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shorts

    Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shortsVideo Information if you ain’t got my money on my bir I’m killing you the 9 [Music] the This video, titled ‘Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Awakener97 on 2024-01-07 13:00:01. It has garnered 185 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts #pixelart #edit #demonslayer #anime #mrbeast #viral #video #minecraft #onepunchman #sonic #speedosonic #addon #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #game #gameplay #viralshorts #genos #garou #fubuki #demon #cyborg #herohunter #edit… Read More