Solidarity Shorts – Solidarity REACTS To “Minecraft Hardcore YouTubers are lying to you”

Video Information

Um so before we actually played everybody I had a video that I keep it keeps going on to my uh home page on YouTube and I really wanted to react to it so if I could react to it with you guys that would be amazing all right

Um and then we’re gonna jump into full guys you guys can join by the way full guys is completely free so you can download it jump on it and you guys can get in this as well um and it’ll be great so this this video here let me let me grab it wow

I need to make sure that my um my thingy is working here it is here it is here it is so this video all the time gets recommended to me let me let me mute my music I just I I feel like it’ll be cool to watch it

Together see what you guys think you didn’t build my sorry uh hi Jimmy thank you for making amazing content really helps me when I have a bad day good luck within the game Katie with the two months thank you I appreciate that sorry I completely missed that that was weird um so

This video is everybody if we can get it up there it is this video is Minecraft hardcore YouTubers are lying to you and it’s from Joe Bounty Hunter it was released a month ago it look at this our Minecraft YouTube hardcore YouTubers lying to us this gets put on my feed all

The time and I need I haven’t watched it and I need to see if hardcore YouTubers Minecraft youtubers are lying to me I need to see if it if it is all right are we in a shorts video right now you bet you are subscribe to the solidarity shorts

Channel everybody but um genuinely this gets recommended to me all the time so I need to know I need to know if people are lying to me or not all right I need to know say hello to the shorts Channel everybody hello so we’re gonna watch it

Minecraft is too easy a sentiment you’ve probably heard parroted many times across YouTube and Tick Tock but how easy is it really perhaps somebody who plays Minecraft every day and is passionate about honing their skill would find hardcore mode to be easy but can the average Joe by the way let’s

Hope that there’s no swears in this because we are a PG PG boy and I do not like swears but if there is you can sigh nice really survive for thousands of days in the same hardcore world what about the lazy clout Chasers who pump out clickbait for

The ad Revenue can we really trust them not to cut any Corners I personally tend to give the benefit of the doubt to most videos I’ve come across until now however recently while I was researching for my own upcoming stumbled across a dark secret that most hardcore content

Creators would rather be left alone because while many hardcore YouTubers are honest exposing this Secret topples The credibility of any hardcore world the sad reality is that Minecraft hardcore content is stupid easy to face no don’t don’t tell me that because I’ll be faking that stuff no I wouldn’t be I

Wouldn’t I wouldn’t do it I wouldn’t do it uh I can’t even get past the first 10 days to fake anything um the rise of the hardcore content part one ever since Minecraft’s official launch in 2011 hardcore mode has been a niche a little bit smaller than its normal survival mode counterpart however

In recent years hardcore mode content has seen a surgeon population than nearly ever before in Minecraft’s history with this huge boom in hardcore Mode’s popularity seemingly kick-started by Phil’s viral death true I remember this this this is Phil’s moment April 2019 Phil’s had a five-year-old world and he died in it

Hardcore World hardcore modes climbing YouTube search coincided neatly with the end of The 100 drops and fortnite Trend popularized by Luke the notable with hardcore Minecraft’s rise paired with fortnite’s slow decline in relevance it’s not surprising that it wasn’t long before Luke’s first 100 days in hardcore

Was upload the main draw of Hardcore content on YouTube bro what is this beat in the background I feel like I’m in I feel like I should be playing Minecraft hardcore mode this tune in the background by the way I did I did hey wait I have actually got to 100 days

I’ve done it twice I’ve done it twice I did it in a dome legit legit I did it in a dome and I did it uh what was the other one the chunks one um but that was not me being like in the open world that’s me in like a a secure

Secluded space so like I had it easier most than any but um yeah I did these that was my first video to hit a million views as well crazy it is long-term survival and of course as YouTube content always does my boy Joel wow this content always does it evolved

Today the two Trends seem to have evolved and merged and then separated to a point that a large portion of Minecraft content is either 100 days as its own side by the way with my with my 100 days Dome video don’t if you guys remember that you might have not known

Me when I did that 100 days Dome video right I remember the Hundred Days Trend was like popping off and I was like I need to do one of these I need to try one of these right I promise you it was the most

I don’t I don’t even know how to say it like I was slamming my head against the desk it was it took so long guys there was times where Kirsty was like dude just just do it you got this she was she was pushing me through because it was so

Even editing it together oh my gosh guys it I wish I I was slamming my head against the table it was it was bad like but that’s the one time I’ve edited a video and it’s really really paid off because it hit 1.8 million views and I was like everything paid off fantastic

Um but yeah everything or it looks like fair with the gifted five what pal one thousand days in hardcore or more having a perfect start in hardcore or recreating something iconic in hardcore on the surface this is all incredibly impressive stuff in the chat the more impressive it gets for the content

Creators who are being honest with their audience unfortunately you don’t really have to look far to find creators who are willing to stretch the truth for views back to the 100 days Trend there were countless fake 100 Days videos uploaded my man’s exposing people holy moly he’s exposing people jeez

Well he’s saying that if you upload the same 100 days in the same week then that’s exposing them I can tell you guys the 100 days that I did it took so long so I kind of get his Vibe our creators had to do was lie about how long they’d been recording and

They could cut production time of a 100 days video into a fraction of the time investment required and that’s just one example if we jump over to manhunts which were popularized by dream we find a whole slew of fake videos with legitimate evidence to prove that several people had been scripting their

Manhunts and even the likes of dream may have been using his Infamous speedrun plug-ins during his manhunts maybe allegedly I’ll let you watch the video on that topic for yourself and then you can draw your own conclusions the point is if it’s possible to fake it will be

Fake and with the sheer amount of hardcore videos being uploaded every day it’s more than likely that much of them are not being as honest as they probably should be dude this guy is going deep part two how to lie to your audience oh my gosh I wanna know do you think a

Hardcore video and how do you even know if somebody has faked their video this is where it starts to get really scary it’s actually so easy to fake and nearly impossible to detect that I really can’t say for sure who is or isn’t cheating so rather than making baseless accusations

Against anyone I’m just going to focus on how you fake it now if you’re expecting me to reveal the hardcore Hearts texture pack or some other mod or plug-in that alters stats by decreasing damage or inflating HP that is where you’d be wrong see it’s actually I

Didn’t even know that was a thing why didn’t I think of that just get a texture pack and put it as hardcore why didn’t I think of that and they’re not very easy to set up it’d be a whole lot of work for people to quickly realize that you’re not running

A vanilla hardcore world no the method that I stumbled upon is a lot easier to pull off and can be done completely in vanilla observe hey guys welcome to my first totally legit not faked 1 000 days in Minecraft video all right I’m going

To oh no I died here let me just open the Lan allow cheats and then select game mode uh survival there we go anyway as I was it’s that simple pair this yeah I have seen that one I I do know of that one that’s horrendous this method with keep

Inventory and you can even pull this off during a live stream just set a delay on your live stream and if you happen to die on accident simply pause or end the stream before it shows that you died and then just start it back up once you set

Yourself back to survival mode after that all you have to do is blame the outage on technical difficulties and you’re all set and you can completely yeah but people no that one people would know people would know if you died on stream but you ended the stream just before it

Shows you die and then you load it back up and you’re like hey I’m back how you doing hope you’re doing well you cover Your Tracks just by logging out and back into your world it turns off the cheats and land modes so that you can never

Tell that you ever cheated now before you freak out I’m not saying that every single Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber doesn’t upload a full uncut version of their gameplay or doesn’t live stream with the minimum delay is absolutely cheating because that’s that’s just absurd but I am saying that just because

A person claims that they have accomplished something in hardcore doesn’t mean that’s the entire truth I’m not exposing this problem to get People canceled or to start drama the last thing you lost Aussie drama you oh you you’re doing it I’m joking love it I want is for people to make Hasty and

Harsh emotional directions I really only want to acknowledge the truth simply for the sake of helping people realize that every situation is more complex than a headline and it is so important to question and test everything that you learn give the benefit of the doubts to all Hardcore Minecraft youtubers but

Don’t just blindly believe everything you’re told and that applies to every aspect of life true deep and real is Hardcore content researching for my what is that my own upcoming hardcore series and well since this video is covering content creators being honest I need to be honest I discovered that you could

Turn on cheats and hardcore because I was looking for a way to cheat sort of sort of don’t click off okay you hear me out you son of a gun it’s actually just researching to see if it is considered cheating to back up your world oh yeah

That’s the other way that you can cheat death all you have to do is just make a backup of your world every couple of days and if you happen to die you just start back up from your most recent save the main difference between these two loopholes and hardcore’s one life rule

Is that one is considered best practice in the case that your world files become corrupted and the other allows you to access creative mode now I am planning on using backups to prevent World corruption but using it to cheat death is it’s just dishonest the actual plan

For my hardcore series is a little bit different from what you’ve likely seen before most hardcore YouTubers skip the night which actually does make Minecraft too easy so I’m going to be playing Sleepless hardcore I am changing the game rule that allows less hardcore tonight so that I literally can’t

Prevent Phantom spawns and the only option I’ll have is to fight to survive I’m going to be kicking off this series by attempting to survive a 100 days in Sleepless hardcore without sleeping in real life either 100 days in what what He he’ll die he will die in real life

What does he mean what in Minecraft is 33 and a half hours in real life and given that I’ll have to get up to eat six meals and use the restroom every once in a while we’re looking at a minimum of 40 hours I’m going to be severely sleep deprived after the first

20 hours and surviving 20 more after that is just I don’t think it’s possible I really don’t think this challenge is possible let’s face it if I did die and was forced to restart I would either have to go even longer without sleep or reschedule filming altogether so rather

Than dooming myself to an endless cycle of never sleeping or uploading ever again or cheating and lying about it I figured yo Schultz fight challenge with a Twist I created this YouTube channel with the primary goal of one day using it to raise 1 million dollars for cancer

Research I don’t want to profiteer off of tragedy so I won’t mention the specifics as to why in this video but since the conception of this Sleepless hardcore series the plan was always to introduce a price per which is to be donated to help with either cancer research treatment or recovery once that

Price is paid I’ll respond myself in the same world but with my inventory and XP deleted I won’t be able to go back and pick up my items like in normal survival but I won’t be forced to go back and restart from day one like a normal

Hardcore as for the price of a new life I eventually landed on one penny per subscriber at the time of the death and we’ll start by donating to the sarcoma Foundation you know what they say necromancy isn’t free and lying and cheating are never okay unless it’s for

A good cause hi there editor Joe Bounty under here uh I was just showing my wife this video and she pointed out gently it he can I’ll finish the video here didn’t mentioned a couple of ways where you could cheat I guess but I don’t know it any like basically examples or calling

Anyone out I thought this video was going to be like calling people out and stuff like that which they didn’t do um I don’t know I feel like I feel like it’s very um it’s very 50 50 with Minecraft hardcore I feel like 50 of people who do it

Oh all just cheating but like just yeah getting away with it which is however you want to look at it and then 50 of creators are um are doing it right are doing it fine and doing it legit but I think the 50 of people who are maybe cheating at it

Are doing it just like I don’t know just like just because they want to make like content and like if they if they died it would just it would just put them back to square one but also if I was doing that it would be on my guilty conscience do you know what

I mean like I would feel guilty every time I uploaded a video so yeah I I’m I’m pretty sure there’s probably more videos where people are calling people out but yeah um guys you can cheat in Minecraft hardcore and get away with it that’s what I’m saying

Let’s all do it now Jimmy cheated I wish I cheated geez I wish I knew how to now I do let’s go Gamers let’s go

This video, titled ‘Solidarity REACTS To “Minecraft Hardcore YouTubers are lying to you”‘, was uploaded by Solidarity Shorts on 2023-09-21 15:00:48. It has garnered 21586 views and 1377 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:49 or 949 seconds.


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    Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Shorts: Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Update Introduction The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over the latest mod update inspired by the popular Japanese manga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. Created by manga artist Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha, this mod brings characters from the manga to life in the Minecraft world. Features of the Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Jujutsu Kaisen mod introduces various characters from the manga, allowing players to interact with them in the game. From powerful sorcerers to cursed spirits, the mod adds a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Fans of the anime… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic builds to intense PvP battles, there’s… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft The Hive with ZACK!! Just like old times’, was uploaded by 🧩Jishy🧩 on 2024-04-02 00:13:27. It has garnered 45 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:46 or 9466 seconds. Powered by Restream If youd like to donate, you can here – Join My Discord Server Here: Go sub to Jamzy 🙂 – Friends – Tokisku – Zack – Undead Legends – Sauce Daddy – Omarow – Simon – Kainimations – Lemon Experience – Aspect – ctrlZ -… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Highest Pit

    Exploring Minecraft's Highest PitVideo Information Farm the tallest pits in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you guys what do you think is the tallest thing on the planet probably these pits look I am somewhere in the sky there is only one sky around me and you can’t see the Earth at all it is somewhere in the distance well we have these giant round pits today very tall lots of different interesting characters look here we have the lady speaker for woman next up an orange rainbow friend kind minion T showing us… Read More

  • 7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft – CRAZY challenge!

    7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft - CRAZY challenge!Video Information anak usia 7 tahun pasti bisa menyelamatkan anak kucing ini dari ketinggian Aku butuh 30 balok lagi untuk menggapai anak kucing ini tap-tap layar kiri atau kanan untuk mengarahkan Oke pastikan kalian tap-tap layar yang benar ya Wow Makasih untuk lima baloknya oke mantap Oke semoga aja cukup berhasil guys anak usia 7 tahun sekarang hebat-hebat ya yang usianya 7 Tahun coba komen ya E sekarang kita turunnya Bagaimana nih This video, titled ‘Anak Kucing di selamatkan oleh anak umur 7 tahun #minecraft #games #leftorrightchallenge’, was uploaded by AbdiBramanJR on 2024-04-20 23:00:32. It has garnered 13295 views and… Read More

  • INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End – Minecraft Hardcore

    INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End - Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information in the last episode we’ve got these totems of undying we also have few more but this episode I was thinking of I actually don’t know we’re just going to play and kind of see what happens cuz I have no idea before I start press the record button of what to do so yeah first we have we still have hero The Village from last episode when we did the raid and go the totems so we should get some trees right here oh my I L should get these trees right here I love flying elro… Read More


    "EPIC SURVIVAL SERVER 🔥 N21 DESTROYS MONSTERS IN FARLIGHT 84" #shorts #minecraftliveVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] और [संगीत] [संगीत] और [संगीत] हम [संगीत] बा आपको रजिस्टर करना पड़ेगा न कर जी आई एस रजिस्टर उसके बाद कुछ भी अपना पासवर्ड रख देना जसे मैं हेलो हेलो सा वेलकम स्म थक य सबिंग हैंग कि हेलो थक यर सब्सक्राइब जो देख रहे हो फटाफट लाइक करके थोड़ा सपोर्ट कर देना जो जो जॉइन होना चाहते हो आईपी कॉपी पेस्ट करके जवाइन हो जाना और डिस्ड का लिंक भी है तुम डिस्ड में भी जवाइन हो सकते हो ये लोग कालू हा क्यों नहीं दो तीन दिन से ठंड के वजह से उना… Read More

  • EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! – Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5

    EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! - Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5Video Information you get the Eris beat down from episode 11 trust me I know I’d get my but I’d still want to run the ones all right well here join the guild I’ll help you get the quest so we can all go this this guy this this guy this guy wants me to join this Quest so badly it’s the scaled so badly it’s crazy yeah so all work together look I’m like a I’m like a I’m like a private contct ctor right you can you can hire you literally get paid being in the guilds and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!

    Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine turned cow into a Girl – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SHXDOW GAMING on 2024-02-10 01:59:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1

    Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1Video Information I’m back I’m back guys [Applause] okay oh chill [Music] chill [Music] what [Music] oh Ready 2 one oh oh oh oh oh chill oh chill oh chill oh chill yes one that’s not don’t [Music] know oh chill oh chill oh Chill by by by by by [Music] oh you are going to die I going to die I going to die I [Music] [Music] wait pause pause I can’t run okay last [Music] one wait wait wait xtag bro chill okay [Music] sh he three two one oh chill okay okay okay okay chill chill oh… Read More

Solidarity Shorts – Solidarity REACTS To “Minecraft Hardcore YouTubers are lying to you”