Sonic and Amy Squad – ๐Ÿ’Ž DIAMOND HUNTERS!! – Sonic & Amy Play MINECRAFT LIVE!! (Episode 3)

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And boom we’re live um hey everyone Sonic here yeah and today we’re back in Minecraft sorry for the delay by the way we had to do a couple of things but yeah check it out guys we added on to our house Amy did a great job decorating and everything thank you

Yeah it looks pretty good um yeah uh you want to show around the new place uh sure okay so follow me all right let’s go okay um slime here’s Sonic’s room it’s the same as always kind of yeah yeah but you added this nice ladder here

I did yeah let’s go up um and then we get a nice view of uh the Overworld here looks pretty good Amy thank you yeah you did a great job yeah and now follow me all right I’m coming okay yeah we need to we need to come up with a system going down

You worked on that so this is the gliding we have the chickens here and how to do this what how are these chickens outside of the fence you know what I can’t get them back in yeah okay we’ll figure that out Pig um yeah let’s check out the pigs

Okay cool there’s your five and they’re riding and and we got the garden here growing wow okay yeah this really grown a lot since last time kind of kind of kind of neat uh did you get saddles for them I did that’s pretty cool all right cool so we can actually

Ride horses now yeah so now everything is going to be a little bit faster for us nice all right yeah so um uh today we have a couple things we can do um so we’re gonna put it on the screen for you guys to vote on what you want us

To do first so here it is Boom we can make armor find diamonds or go exploring it’s up to you guys with the pole that we’re putting out right now boom I think it should it should be up like right about now yeah it should be

Up yeah yeah I’ll put it on the screen again just in case you know that way you guys get to see the options up here again because it’s really neat um but yeah I think we’re gonna have a good time uh seeing what people want um us to do first yeah

Yeah you really did a good job here Amy thank you wow thank you um okay Sonic David with a two dollar Super Chat says Sonic tell Amy to say araara for five dollars what does that even mean I honestly don’t know it’s like some weird Trend thing I don’t get it

It’s a trend yeah oh yeah oh I guess I don’t know I don’t get it yeah I don’t either um thank you for the Super Chat yeah thank you um we got one from David um Gallardo I hope I read your name right uh thank you very much dude yeah

Well hopefully everybody’s ready for a brand new year I for one am totally ready and plus we got our farm going here so um yeah let’s see what the poll is doing right now it looks like you guys want us to go find some diamonds first

So let’s do that Amy where you ate Amy where’d you go oh okay make sure you’re okay can I can I uh yeah yeah yeah you’re drowning you’re drowning you got to get out of the water okay yeah I gotta get out of the water you don’t want to die oh we gotta Hurt you told her to move on to someone else our latest video yeah on Love and Stuff me obviously yeah you know sometimes voice it onto people you know you may love them but you gotta realize that’s okay yeah I’ve got friends though yeah I mean we’re still really good friends and

Plus I mean I mean the movie was over so I I kind of had to get back on my daily schedule of running away from me well not exactly I know I’m just teasing you’re so not exciting okay yeah okay well let’s get my name I don’t even have like fresh

Tools though did I scare them with my um I think we got another one uh we may or may not be able to I think we do I don’t see it right now because the chat moved and I’m trying to control can I stream can I see it yeah you can

Um I’ll have to go up for a sec sorry let’s see if we can get it um oh hang on guys oh he said thanks all right thank you dude for the 50 Super Chat it’s almost night time we better get to the beds and then we can go

Mining and try and find some diamonds actually I got a better idea just pull up my pull up my phone and read the chat yeah you know what that is a better idea yeah see you have the good ideas Amy all right you know what let’s do this boom

Can I can I get on my bed yet come on come on come on yeah you gotta get on your bed yeah um we got another Super Chat from lochan I hope I’m reading your name right um thank you very much dude he says sent

You a DM on Insta on Insta mind checking in later promise but we’ll we’ll try to look at it I guess thank you and thank you for the Super Chat hope you have a great new year yeah all right let’s see it is morning so um we should get ready to go

Mining you have your uh you have the chat on your phone yet yes okay cool and no worries I’m gonna just check my inventory and stuff um okay I got some sticks that’s important um stuff first I’m gonna make some new uh stone tools because mine are like really

Beaten up and stuff so I’m gonna get me another sword and let’s just do another pickaxe I know I have these two but they’re gonna break all right cool we should be ready now all right you almost ready yeah almost okay um we did get a super chat from uh

Mega gamer saying hey Sonic and Amy I’ve subscribed to your channel a long time ago let me make a request can you react to Multiverse Wars by Mike Bettencourt you know what we did consider it um we’ll have to really consider that um I don’t know I don’t know

The Mario Kart one which was pretty cool yeah so it’s something to think about and thank you for the Super Chat and the suggestion all right you ready for this I’m ready I know the perfect mining style from sugar saying have you ever considered on peaceful mode you know what we could

Probably handle that way better than what we’re doing right now right yeah we’re hardcore um yeah where are we going we can’t do this uh I don’t know if we’re gonna find diamonds in there oh it’s kind of like our coal mine but we think it’s a cold

If you want oh well I know the perfect place that I found like a while ago I don’t I don’t know it was it was today I found it hang on need to get mine here uh your gear my gear you have gear I have gear what I don’t even

Have gear I got raw chicken I should probably cook that you know what let me do that while Amy’s getting her gear then we can get going I know the perfect spot and I I mean it’s pretty big I haven’t really explored it yet so it could be really dangerous all right

Let’s uh get the raw chicken on here you can just get this out way boom all right while that chicken cooked so let me see how everybody’s doing in the chat how’s it going everybody yeah but you know what I think this year is going to be great it’s gonna be another

Fun-filled year of more stuff more streams more videos more shorts all that kind of stuff where are you Amy do you have your uh you have your uh your gear or whatever it is where are you where are you I’m in the garden area I’m cooking my chicken

Wait I hope I didn’t burn it is it cooked yet so really I don’t know oh it’s done sweet all right cool actually I’m gonna eat it right Amy what why are you on fire get in the water can you run to the water quick you all right okay that was bad what

Happened maybe stop running into the water what are you doing don’t worry I mean I did that before it’s painful don’t don’t run into the fire just just you just let it sit there just cook for me okay okay we’ll let it sit there are you are you are you better are you

Feeling okay I’m sorry that happened to you okay I’m sorry that that happened to you because you know anyway all right here’s your uh food I accidentally picked up uh you want it yeah boom cool oh there’s Sephora um there we go wait where’s my chicken at I have

To I had a chicken I got it oh wait I ate my chicken I’m not I’m like not thinking today yeah all right let’s keep going follow me also nice gear thank you okay so um it’s a pretty long and laborious Journey but I’m sure it will you know

Hopefully have diamonds I don’t really know what’s wrong what door oh it’s over here oh there’s a door I just avoided the fence completely um uh mint details with the super jet says Hey Sonic have you met Tails nine yet in Sonic Speed simulator I hope we can get

An episode on that because I would definitely watch it go Sonic and Amy Squad thank you mini Tails um well I did see the skin and it is pretty cool um we didn’t quite get to do the event but I’m sure we’re gonna have an adventure with nine someday yeah all

Right let’s go so it’s a pretty far Journey but I think it’s somewhere around here I hope it’s not too far oh it’s it’s pretty far but you know what sometimes you gotta go a little distance to find the right mining place okay yeah that’s true um I think it’s around this direction

Because I found it you okay yeah okay no problem just making sure all right so it’s some kind of place there’s like a waterfall and you go down the waterfall and you go into this big cave yeah it is kind of scary but uh I I don’t know probably not but you know

That’s kind of what you do on an adventure you just gotta take some risks and hopefully you can find diamonds and stuff because that’s like really really been challenging where is this spot I’m not the best with like location recognition okay hey where are you going hey I’m fine I’ll follow you

Hey ORS how’s it going have you seen this spot I’m talking about no okay well you know what we’re gonna find this spot and if we don’t we’ll have to find somewhere else to mine because I thought it was around here but I could be wrong come on It’s gotta be somewhere

I’m looking for the mine I was talking about uh this is definitely not it but that could be a not as too dangerous we can’t get too lost Sonic okay I’m looking around hang on we’ll find it probably better we we hopefully will we better Sonic uh there’s some seeds here

Come on where’s the spot I’m talking about whoa not the spot but check out that lava pool wait uh you definitely don’t want to fall so I wouldn’t look too close but uh okay it’s pretty scary fine I can’t it’s a level waterfall you gotta like go on the edges here yeah

That is really that’s a big drop so we don’t want to go there what where are those bushes I think that’s just glowstone or something it’s not Diamond scared don’t don’t go in there I’m looking I’m looking yeah um so when you guys mine for diamonds how do you find them dude like

Seriously oh did you find it a cage here oh uh that may not be the spot I was thinking of but let’s check it out where are you um um well that doesn’t help me I’m going around I’m going I’m going crazy Amy and I just got

Separated guys now we don’t know where either of us are that’s not good um oh we got a super chat from Sonic Bros thank you very much saying watch out Sonic Mario’s getting a movie yeah well Mario’s last movie was pretty bad so I I don’t think it’s gonna be that

Much of a no I’m kidding the movie looks great I actually am pretty hyped for the Mario movie to be honest um the Artistry just beautiful man the music congrats Mario I you know what I gotta hand it to him that movie looks pretty good say what you owe about the voice cast

But Sonic dude where are you Amy it’s a you’re building a tower where are you What Amy where are you oh there you are you see me yeah I see your Tower it’s gonna have a couple of breaks to find each other um yeah but at least we did find each other yeah yeah so uh yeah I actually need food oh no

Yeah this is bad I I I’m sorry Pig sorry we got a super oh that is a good question my favorite ice cream flavor is the blue flavor what do you like Amy um I like cookie dough cookie dough cool bubble gum bubble gum that’s also cool

Um lots of nice flavors thank you for the Super Chat thank you and we got one from blue flash saying you can no longer use cowardice as an excuse I’ve seen you flirting with different versions of Amy from different realities whoa what you were no where are you what other Amy what other

Amy where are you what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it oh there’s a baby cow they’re called we can get it for some beef no no you don’t like veal no I’m not barbaric okay okay maybe that is a little much

Barbaric but I just no okay fine we won’t thank you for the Super Chat yeah thank you all right you know what I don’t know where this place is so we’re just gonna have to find a random case you know what I know where to go you

Lead the way Amy I’m gonna follow you that’ll be more interesting because I’m just running around in circles going on adventure it’s an adventure it’s an adventure because we’re going on an adventure and I say so so it’s an adventure why does this place look for oh watch your steps on it

Um okay whoa oh there is coal oh let me get some whoa oh I’m alive wow that could have been really bad do you need help uh yeah I I don’t think I’m able to get out of here let me eat my raw chicken real quick that sounds disgusting that’s all I have

Amy and this is really not a good situation to be in um do I have any dirt blocks I have some Cobblestone I can get out of here I accidentally picked up your stuff I didn’t realize you fell down what did you do oh that’s not good I’m gonna just get out of here I need my stuff back uh yeah punch something I’m really mad I’m just getting out of this awful place okay my adventure strategy just did not

Seem to work no it nearly kill you well I’m about to die because I don’t have food and I have to get all the way back to the house over there so I’m mad at you oh great now I have one heart too what you okay Great uh can I borrow some of your cooked pork chops so I don’t die yeah I use whatever thank you thank you guys I’m about to do some real insane Minecraft Survival strats okay hang on stop you’re making me nervous okay let’s go I’m running I’m going this is this is

Honestly going to be really bad isn’t it yeah it’s gonna be really bad I hope not but this could be really really really bad it’s okay we’ll get more stuff uh don’t worry I’ll help you better I can even give you maybe some of mine if I have

Some good stuff Garden out with the super chess says congrats for reaching over 805k so it’s okay thank you hmm man really appreciate it all right that’s the village over there where is our house oh no why am I so bad at directions and stuff all right we’re gonna we’re just gonna

Have to wing it Amy do we have like torches where our house is yes you’re gonna see a bunch of toys and you’re gonna see lights I made sure I added some foreign okay here’s the lava pit I’m getting near where we were fine I just want to see where the house

Is okay I found where the house is it’s not it yeah I know where it is uh yeah baby zombie though Sonic Bros 87 says my first video comes out tomorrow hey congratulations congratulations thank you for the Super Chat I hope the video goes great yeah

All right you know what I’m gonna just keep running we’re so close and zombies literally just spawned in there’s a creeper oh no please stop do not follow me stop following stop please no I don’t want to die I want to just get to the house safely I’m

Just gonna there’s the house thinking time out spider okay you know what guys this is going pretty smooth I’m actually pretty surprised usually something terrible happens at this time yeah I’m happiest Yes Happy New Year to you too and all of you guys watching um is that a zombie in our garden no that’s a creeper find the door uh you mean just get inside yes get inside I’m just gonna get inside get into the house close the door open door close the door

Into bed good I’m getting my stuff back uh I didn’t get all of your stuff but I did get some of it so I’ll give you back what what I can um you come in yeah I’m coming all right get in here I found it oh that’s pretty cool all right uh you

Had this you had an iron pickaxe um ax where these wood planks yours I guess remember I had some Cobblestone carrots I had I’ll just give you the six eggs uh most of this was yours cooked chicken pumpkin wheat uh here’s some coal thanks uh string I think most oh arrows I think

He had arrows I don’t know yeah I know thank you all right yeah I think I gave you most of your stuff I think so all right we’re good are we ready for another um I’m actually I actually need food do we have any food in here

No I don’t think so okay I’m gonna go have to get an animal and just uh cook it great you know this this happens you know if you’ve watched our live streams of Minecraft this kind of stuff happens all the time now I just need to find an animal hey

Amy can I get one from the farm what well I I’m gonna need something as long as you See how am I gonna eat it without hurting it I don’t know come on awesome thank you so much Brandon yeah you guys don’t know Brandon’s one of our moderators on the channel and he’s just an awesome dude that’s why the name is Brandon the awesome so uh everybody say thank you

Brandon in the chat yeah actually say thank you to everybody yeah got Garden gal b-rod Andre Mario spider Mario Jose Andre Um whoa whoa hey dude please do not blow up this fence I don’t know how much time it took to build but I don’t want it blowing up why is he still here Sonic Amy I really need food do you have food I didn’t do anything there’s just a creeper here

Don’t Go Near him oh oh thank you how do I drop it uh Q thank you you’re welcome wait can I get it there we go thank goodness okay well I didn’t remember the mining spot what what did you do I didn’t even know you could do

This I don’t know either you know what you what what do we do with it did we eat it I don’t think you can do that like what oh no Amy get in the water again wow Thank you so much appreciate it very much also like the little dancing guy yeah um where are we going how about you lead the way do you want to use the horses yes we’re using the whole true Um is this one mine or which one’s yours what happened oh you have one on this one and one on that one what about it oh wait we won’t never mind and there we go let’s go oh um how do I do oh okay let’s do this thing oh we

Can’t go through the gate you didn’t build the horse gate big enough apparently not oh we can’t jump it no let’s just jump it really yeah I just did I’m out Yeehaw let’s go which way am I supposed to go jump ing press the space bar it’s not

Working you hold it and it it builds up a jump I just you gotta you got a time in Amy you go never mind what do I do I don’t I don’t know what to do with it I mean you got to figure this out what do you mean

You mean yeah like you know you just hold it down Run and Jump or I could just break these because I’m not in the mood oh I mean you can it’s just gonna take longer darn it why don’t you just break the gate can you help me all right

I’m coming how do I get off this horse um all right hang on look I’m just gonna break the fence no it’s the bottom stop stop that’s how you could get your horse out he’s not gonna go through you gotta break the fence how do we get the the main face

There okay now we should be able to get out all right all right ready for this yeah all right this this horse is cool I gotta give him a name though ready I’ll let you lead the way this time all right let’s go are you still having a hard time with

The jumping and then hold hold the jump button and release when you’re running it doesn’t work it does release as you’re running I don’t have time for timing well it’s what um okay whatever let’s go let’s go great onward all right so I guess we’re kind of doing

All of the challenges in a sense except for the armor one here so we’re kind of exploring and trying to find diamonds I can’t promise either of those things right now Minecraft is pretty random not gonna lie um blue flash says Sonic what would you

Do if Amy stole a kiss from you and ran away Ah that’s that’s a good question for starters I’d probably catch up to her so I don’t know what would I do what do you think Amy what should I do yeah I don’t know I I have to think

About it but uh thank you for the Super Chat dude thank you all right um where in the world are we going this way no a good mining spot I think so all right cool It’s gotta be somewhere with like a cave or something I don’t know what to name this horse though

I you can’t name him I don’t have any tags oh well I mean like I can still name him without giving him a name tag hmm I don’t know what to call him water this really isn’t a good spot okay if only I knew where that spot I found

Earlier was it was like a giant cave and stuff oh we’re going this way uh horse horse can’t swim do you have a lead yes I don’t have a lead I do I do you got to get them out of the water come on keep going I mean they can kind

Of swim no also we got another Super Chat um from omaleo Calvin saying can you get the new Sonic DLC oh is there like new Minecraft Sonic DLC oh that’d be nice that would be cool um well we’ll we’ll I guess I’ll have to look into it I don’t know if there’s new

Minecraft Sonic stuff but if there is it’d be pretty cool to check out thank you in the Super Chat all right let’s go hurry back on the horse yeah I did it’s okay all right let’s go so where are we going we’re going into that cave uh which one

Over there we’re gonna Park our Park our horses Park our horses are they gonna run away well if I do something hang on oh okay so let’s do this here’s the lead by the way okay hang on the post the other hang on the other one hang on

Boom there we go all right cool perfect nice all right now they won’t get away ready yep why are you still on the horse all right let’s go okay there’s some zombies in the water so yeah drowned gotta be careful with those so uh how far are we going

Um we’re gonna go into this cave grab some pigs and uh whoa get some food that was violent all right not gonna lie that was nice 8 uh seven says when is the next Minecraft speed battle that is a very good question you know I was actually thinking about that

Kind of recently I have no idea when the next episode is gonna be me if enough people want to see it we’ll do it um you know we gotta go to uh what was it uh Labyrinth Zone ow oh great Sonic so bad news oh I didn’t give you your torches back

I have like way too many torches you want some here’s some torches I don’t know if this place is good or not do you want any torches sure okay hang on you I accidentally picked up your torches so here you go got him yep yep all right cool um

Or something um copper it’s not really that valuable it’s okay you know maybe there’s something around here whoa check this out just an underwater like cave too bad we can’t really explore much of it all right I guess this isn’t really the mind for whoa a bunch of coal that’s nice

Okay you know you found a nice one it’s just not a lot here is there another cave nearby maybe there either yeah I hope so on my way just gotta get out of here well this place was advised yeah it was around all right let’s go okay I know man this is crazy

Okay so we got a super chat from Brandon in the office in case Amy tries to take you on a date don’t forget to call me at the anti-fangirl association and I’ll come and running yo thank you so much Brandon my homie Auntie fangirl Association does some crazy good stuff

For people who have problems with fangirls maybe uh I mean not specifically not sure sure not specifically but thank you for the Super Chat thanks Brandon all right you know what I don’t know where we’re going Amy where are we going what you found a beehive

Well at least we get to go exploring today are you I don’t know where you are Sonic I’m just around the trees oh what it was gonna go up yeah you go up come on come on dude what is going on it’s getting nighttime Sonic yeah yeah I see your

Torch over here hang on I just gotta how did you get over there I just walked forward on the trees oh but that’s a cool idea I mean I don’t know tree parkour is pretty cool all right just gotta get up here on the way

Whoa uh yeah hang on let me just eat some rough bees real quick okay because I am really well on help I’m not gonna lie this is pretty bad Amy look there we go you okay sorry if I hit you by the way Uh Hey guys um how’s Christmas and New Year’s Eve been for you thank you for the soup chat and pretty good how was your Christmas Amy I mean we all hung out so that was good yeah whoa creeper get back bro get back back bro please there’s two Creepers Amy why’d we go this way I don’t know where are you I don’t know I’m climbing around I’m trying to be safe I don’t even know

Where you are why do you keep abandoning me what you found snow here what what a lion which way did you go toward the snowy mountain you know oh my goodness I am one heart Amy there hopefully I can replace it oh no kidding yeah that’s pretty bad you know what

Uh well skeleton another thing yeah this isn’t mining either is it just exploring horrible yeah this is pretty bad all right you know what I’m not even gonna fight these guys I’m out oh so long dude I’m what do you mean I fell did you guys saw that I didn’t fall did I

That didn’t look like it well I lost all my stuff how’s it going for you Amy oh great yeah yeah yeah we’re on the same page what we can’t because there’s monsters to buy uh let me see do I have a sword yeah I got a wooden one you want to fend

Off our home so I can just kill it yeah I don’t either but you know then we can go to bed yeah come on Sonic no let me try I can’t go in my bed go up we can we can flank it just kind of go

Around him where is the creeper I don’t see him he’s in the corner I don’t I there are the monsters here why didn’t you go up weren’t we gonna go up on the secret thing I oh there he is Amy behind you zombies skeleton with an armor and I’m going to

Die oh my goodness go creeper please blow up creeper come on please do it for me thank you just blow up no never mind this guy skeleton dude we are going to die but at least we’re right outside the house uh there’s an Enderman nearby too what happened I’m gonna die

Yeah be careful that’s not good over there he’s got armor which doesn’t help okay I’m gonna beat him up good job I’m gonna get some armor okay I think we’re okay for now do you need the armor whatever um all right all right here’s the chest plate and a helmet hang on

Give me a second okay we’re good all right cool well Sonic’s seeing it’s weird uh we need to figure out something uh yeah we do we need a plan I think we’re behind on the chat by the way sorry guys yeah sorry uh bring it with another Super Chat says oh forgot

To mention I can also whoa hang on dodging this uh skeleton guy never mind all right I’ll read it it says forgot to mention I can also give you tips on overcoming your shyness Sonic for an additional fee of course oh that’s a part of the anti-fangirl association I think

Oh my gosh there’s a wizard why don’t we just get in our bed now I’m in I can’t I can’t give it a shot night over where’s my ticket he’s inside why aren’t you in bed get back to bed it’s not daytime oh my goodness what happened I don’t

Know I don’t have a weapon Amy I can’t help I got brawl with my fists but I don’t know the chicken’s right here Amy uh what is this daytime is like daytime no what is going on this is weird let me check over this one no they’re still out come on quick

Come in there yep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep too with my chicken don’t worry about him rest why I don’t get this is he on the roof maybe I’m checking your side of the house he’s got to be nearing your bed he’s right here that’s why all right I’m

Going to sleep oh now you’re going to sleep now I’m going to sleep I can’t turn into a little bit of a rough patch come on now there’s monsters near my bed you know that it’s time for us to just go around and do some stuff because it’s really

Crazy because okay I’m gonna go up and see what’s going on where are these monsters at I don’t even see it near my bay no it’s pretty good I’m going back to bed ah all right you know what I’m gonna chill I’m gonna lay down finally man that took

One that’s it that did take a while all right Amy to find a good spot good stuff here because I don’t want to lose all my armor again yeah well now I gotta like make stuff all from scratch so let me find a Torito punch okay we’re gonna punch the trees then yep

Okay you know what it’s fine you know sometimes you gotta start at Square One or block one Sonic that’s not good it’s hurting me oh there’s a skeletons wait Amy what are you doing there’s a spider and a skeleton Oh we must be in the shade all right I’m coming

Hey get back dude get off the house man that was easy no at least we’re okay yeah but this is terrible aren’t you Married man this is this isn’t easy it’s not turning out well guys no this is not you know what we need to find a mining place though yeah we gotta find a mine I wish I knew where it was it was that place I discovered but I don’t remember where yeah sonic is

Yeah I have an okay-ish sense of direction yeah just good enough to get me to the local McDonald’s and back okay come on come on all right cool getting some wood could start over there really come on come on hang on I gotta I gotta get my stuff though I can still

Like a sword and pickaxe and stuff this has a Super Chat thing Sonic you must admit that Amy does look cute in Minecraft yeah she does she does you know with the blocky face and stuff it’s pretty cool yeah thank you b-rod right right no yeah a new sword I need some

More wood though I don’t have enough omaleo says can you play in creative mode you know what I it’d be way easier than this right now maybe what a bunny where bunny where are you I only have half a heart so I really really really really really really really really really need food

What snow area are you in uh the one behind us we’re behind us behind the house near the door look at the door go out the door and look on the right you’ll see a snowy area um okay go to the door oh oh okay that way all right I wasn’t

Really behind but okay um we got a super chat from Sonic Hedgehog custom saying I’m gonna give you 50 bucks well thank you dude but it looks like you may have accidentally put an extra zero in there so I don’t know if that was intentional thank you but if that isn’t intentional

I think you might want to fix that yeah but thank you thank you so much we really appreciate it uh running and running out of energy and now I’m walking because I’m slow Amy I’m trying to get there I can’t hang on I’m trying to get there

Oh what a cave yeah near the house oh cool I I do have to get there though young ninja thank you very much for the Super Chat thanks dang I’m sorry I really need meat right now I really need me Amy I’m one I’m half a heart there’s rabbit okay that that’s

Good I don’t know if you can eat rabbits in this game uh-huh I think I think I’m gonna go for the B I can for sure or sheep there you go all right oh really yep oh never mind I guess you can I stand corrected there we go

I need to punch some trees what you do yep yeah I kind of do as well all right it’s time to punch the trees let’s go punch and trees is fun um we got another Super Chat from Cordell Grace long time no see um saying happy 2023 to the squad keep being

Awesome ah thank you thank you Cordell Grace and uh thank you for the Super Chat and happy New Year all right you know what this this uh this has been a little tricky so you know what it might just be easier to go exploring and hopefully along the way we

Can go mining and stuff and stuff yeah that’s sometimes how it has to be all right there we go it’d be like that sometimes yeah do be like that sometimes all right where are you anyway do we have coal Uh there’s an animal right there that’s pretty creepy hey dude just walk in why does he keep looking at me dude yes he doesn’t like you I guess thank you again Brandon really appreciate it um for the Super Chat thank you um oh there’s a bunch of mobs under here

Oh no never mind that’s not good for you they ain’t coming out though that happened oh never mind the creeper does it doesn’t know oh and I don’t have fire immediately to cook my stuff you know this is this is interesting uh Slytherin thank you for the Super

Chat says um hang on one second let me just put this on here okay he says how was your experience in Minecraft back in episode one that must have been pretty rough like dealing with skeleton archers uh the spiders Etc you know what it’s kind of like uh it’s just

Really brutal man like I mean we got this nice house now which is cool um you know we got our farm here pretty cool you know we’re making progress uh mining though is another story we’re just having a hard time finding a good place to mine in this area

Yeah we might have to I don’t want to move though because we got a nice house here yeah we did all right there we go come on and well I don’t know if I want to waste it I want Sticks no one gets here just get where are you at

The wood planks and then make them into Stakes yeah silly on me all right there we go but thank you for the Super Chat by the way Slytherin thank you okay now you know what maybe I could find that that spot I mentioned earlier be good I don’t know where it would be

Though oh that is not the area and I don’t think that I don’t think that’s gonna be a good mining spot where was it I gotta remember is there a tree near it is there anything near it I don’t know ugh come on think darn it I’m gonna be like where are you

Snowy areas trying to craft stuff okay you know what I’m going this way no this isn’t it but there is a there’s a horse stuck in the water here I don’t know yeah that’s pretty sad oh I can make a fishing rod you know I’m

Gonna go try and find Amy she’s in the snow area yeah yeah all right let’s go I climb the mountain or something no no food I think no I don’t I didn’t found food um wow this is pretty cool hey polar bear I hope you’re not gonna hurt me or

Something all right cool I haven’t really been in a lot of snowy areas in Minecraft yeah we got to make a fire for that um or you can make a furnace okay let’s see this looks interesting we can go mining in there um Brandon the awesome with the super

Jazz says Dear Sonic and Amy I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart you guys are always able to make me smile every time you upload a video or stream thank you for a way past cool two years ah thanks dude really appreciate it Brandon yeah thank you for

The Super Chat and happy New Years yeah all right Amy you know what I found a place we can go mining finally like it took really long but I think I found a spot yeah uh you want a cooked piece of meat yeah I’m hungry all right here you go yep

If we go mining we should be able to be able to furnace and stuff so we’ll be fine Idaho well if we have enough wood I have 18 planks of wood we should be all right good is that a rabbit yeah it’s like speckled and stuff hey dude I’m sorry

I’m gonna have to eat you yeah we’re gonna have to eat them wait get back here he’s so fast come here hey stop running whoa that was really sad I’m not gonna lie well we got him we can’t eat polar bears how do you know I’m pretty sure Amy he’s gonna attack you

Literally trying to strike um well I’m not letting it strike how much health does this thing have oh it does give you meat though raw Cod because it eats fish and huh yeah all right you know what that’s useful we need to find some Stones because I need

Food I think I missed a Super Chat so I’m gonna get to it really quickly uh in a second um oh another Super it’s a super sticker from omaleo thank you so much thank you uh you ready to go mining Amy I’m looking around for your Stones I

Know but I literally found a spot where are we gonna be you gotta follow me okay but I found a spot okay it’s a good spot if you want to go and we can actually make a furnace to cook the food yeah let’s go you gotta have stone to do that right

We’ve got Stone out here I know all right let’s go um I hope it’s safe though we’ll find out it’s like half safe out okay maybe not the safest yeah um okay cool let’s punch I’m literally have it’s okay um we’re gonna we’re gonna make a thing and there’s some coal here

Too cool Cool yeah I don’t know why I didn’t think of it why didn’t I just craft the pickaxe real quick uh is it getting dark outside or is it just me but again really like really want to make some advancements here that would be nice I want a furnace where’s my

Furnace all right here we go finally some coal yeah don’t worry I’m gonna try and get some I also need Stone though um you mine it yeah that’s what you use oh to make a furnace but it’s dark out now and we’re in really really really bad uh danger probably

All right do I have enough for a furnace yes all right here we go got a furnace you want some food to cook or something hungry yeah I don’t have a lot of food but let’s give it a shot I’m right here behind you this is nice this is safe ish all right

I’m gonna get some more coal dude there is a ton right here I’m gonna snatch nice I need the sandwich well you just ate all of it no only one oh okay I was about to say because I’m gonna need two because my my health is really small right now oh all right

That’s fine perfect I gotta heal up how much wood do you have on you uh planks oh I got 15. I’m gonna have seven logs so I can convert it pretty easily all right that’s good that’s good all right we need to go find some diamonds once we have stone pickaxes then we

Gotta get iron then we can go and get some diamonds did you hit me no there might be a mob nearby I think there’s a skeleton above there’s a skeleton right there that’s why oh no are we going in okay we might have to I don’t have any torches I don’t have any

Torches either I there uh okay hang in there Amy out I’m gonna try hey got the skeleton what a spider got you I’m so sick of this right now well don’t worry I got it um I just see your body there that’s kind of weird that’s not normally supposed to happen

Did you respawn hang on I’m trying okay no problem well I guess I’m gonna have to explore this by myself for a little bit until Amy gets back all right let’s do this it’s okay you know um can I make some torches my door was left that’s wide open oh that’s not

Good whoops chicken oh that’s also not good okay well you know what this does kind of make a little bit of a Stairway what’s with all the stalactites or mites these are mites because they might reach the ceiling and then the tight ones are on the ceiling I’m so upset right now

Um yeah me too hang on um hang on let me just figure something out right now oh okay you keep talking Sonic yeah I’m gonna try and get back to the house at this point this is really really not uh working right now all right let me try and get out of here

Can I like jump I don’t even know where the I don’t even know where the skeletons are but they got to be somewhere nearby okay let’s see ow what who shot me never mind okay you know what that’s fine respawn huh you know what home sweet home right

You know this is way better than like dying all the time yeah that’s life well you know what we can we can also mine for stone like in our personal mind outside some gingerbread cookies no I’m good cool thank you where are you anyway I’m out in the open I’m surprised I

Haven’t died yet oh wow oh where are you um I didn’t go too far from the house got it okay and I think there’s one of my chickens that you like out of my house sorry not my fault much okay yeah maybe it was my fault but hey I don’t normally

Leave here Sonic well that’s not good also I got a thing from Xbox or whatever okay can you get that for me I can’t get the zombie I’m gonna try I’m getting this one doing this with no weapons mine used a spider we better uh get back to the house oh boy man this is just not going well this is not not the best right now Sonic I’m trying not to die I mean it doesn’t matter I’ll just go

Back to my bed anyway s there’s monsters nearby yeah I’m trying to kill him you just abandoned me uh zombies in the house now are you serious Siri yeah because they punched him in by accident okay we’re trying the awesome thing do you think scratch and grounder can show up

For a video maybe maybe um that might be interesting thanks for the suggestion Brandon all right what are you doing why no not really okay okay I kind of want to get started like we’ve been trying I know but dude look at look these mops look at them rotten flesh

No you can’t eat it nope oh that’s dumb yeah not not really sure what to do with it most of the time let’s put these way all right coming okay there is a couple things we can do um we do have a coal mine oh yeah let’s

Do that yeah we could do that I have trees okay cool area dude can this spider die jeez sheesh okay I’m so annoyed I still have to get a pickaxe though so bummer um one of our doors are destroyed what door oh yeah okay so bad news is I don’t have any weapons

Yeah me neither that’s what I’m working on right now okay looking around looking around there’s Cole yeah I know I wanted to mine some of it so we could have some torches if we go anywhere else I’m gonna I need to get some other stuff together so

Sounds good yep I gotta punch some trees so that way I can make another door so we don’t get hurt good okay cool now I’m gonna make a pickaxe here we go and a sword done boom let’s go Slytherin with the Super Chat says I feel you guys mining is actually very

Dangerous mostly because of the enemies and beats that come out of the darkness sometimes I know right dude like that’s mainly what we’re struggling with it’s crazy thanks for uh the Super Chat and for understanding all right let’s do this so the good thing is

Um this was where we did try and mine back in like I think part one we tried mining here I think we did yeah but yeah there really wasn’t a lot we could do because this place um I don’t know if I can really show it

Here but over around here you find out that most of this place is made with water so we’d have to swim and it’s not really easy to mine underwater from what I know so until we figure that out uh I can’t really mine here omaleo thank you for the Super Chat been

Really generous dude thank you cool got some coal so how much cold I need I don’t know I’m gonna I’m gonna go for five pieces five is fine good enough I can get some Stone though while I’m here so let’s do that that way I can make some Stone weapons that sounds like

A great idea yeah Stone so this will take some time here we go we’re doing it I messed up this one block here we go oh how’s it going hopefully I’m excited for the new year I know like even though this Minecraft stream has been kind of off to a rough start I

Think we’re gonna have a great year yeah yeah let’s do it let’s do it all right um do you have the material you need Amy not yet okay well I got enough for me um maybe I can make you some Stone stuff too cool cool where you at oh a traitor hey dude

Do you have do you have any uh why are you running why are you running away are you scared of us I don’t know I want to trade with him did you scare him I didn’t do anything you scared him oh he’s a Wanderer dude I don’t want any of

These things I don’t have any emeralds either so sorry dude I guess we can’t really trade oh there’s some wolves over here that’s pretty cool hang on let’s see if I can do this did you get what you needed yet nope oh that’s okay and what it is the sword

Yeah this will work another one from omaleo thank you very much and um another Super Chat from Brandon saying this will be a way past cool year you bet dude all right let me get some meat really quick all right cool make a furnace

Um hang on uh let me see if I can read this right okay um uh what’s up Kelton says the first two days is in the game so far we’ve only passed two days but it feels like it’s been a week and basically it’s kind of

How it is in Minecraft I guess I mean okay I could get some mutton too yeah hey sheep sorry dude I don’t want to hurt the Sheep but I definitely need some mutton all right let’s go okay I’m getting a lot of okay boom let’s put this on here get my beef eat the beef all right cool

Boom all right cool wait for this to cook oh is there mine in here oh no it’s just water okay how do I there we go done wait you killed the horse yep why well horses don’t give you me oh I don’t think you wanna do you want a weapon actually

I can give you some food here all right let me uh see if I can get you a weapon real quick all right let me just sit that there let’s see what do you want exactly weapon uh a weapon like a sword yeah or something like that okay um I’ll make two swords

Stone ax for me do you want a stone ax yep yeah let’s make it easy all right come here Amy um here you go what’s that and there thank you yup now we go Noah uh I hope I’m reading your name right know a Minecraft fan um with

The Super Chat thank you so much dude thank you really appreciate it all right nice we should have decent enough tools uh to survive we should be better I’m hoping Onward ow all right did you want to go into any specific cave you gotta try this cake do you think it’s safe I don’t think so oh I have only like three hearts so I’m really disappointed right now yeah I have full health though lucky you

It’s gotta be something is that a cave what do you guys do when you have a hard time finding a place to mine You did um yeah we’ve been looking for a cave all tonight I’m sorry Ultra King probably I Had entrance here in the snowy Hills I found a floating cube a floating cube cool that’s a good sign yeah let’s see kind of what is it this is an entrance to a cave yeah it is yeah oh finally is it what where go right

Wait oh well let’s go uh hang on let me get some torches I don’t have any torches I got eight cool do we need a door no not really no okay um I don’t know if this is no dead end well I mean we can

You sure like I don’t know if it’s gonna where do I dig I don’t know straight or down uh straight um whoops I think I went down it’s just dark in here it’s kind of hard to see oh cool it’s cold here Sonic all right you know what that’s something

I’m pretty sure the deeper you go the more chances you have of having like diamonds we gotta go deep well I don’t know I could be wrong I don’t think we get to ride the deep dark if we can’t survive normal like Minecraft I haven’t even been able to

Find the deep dark well you don’t even have a cave nearby that’s good enough nope yeah there is where I’m at I’m mining away all of this is just cold cold yep same here but cold is useful so we can at least cook meat if we find any yeah I have some so

Oh very nice how perfect all right let’s use it hey happy New Year Emma Jean I hope you feel better we gotta find some iron too that way we can get some diamonds if we find diamonds I would like to find diamonds condog says it’s like y11 or below I

Think it’s the chance to find diamonds yeah you know what we could turn on coordinates I mean I don’t know if you want coordinates on but do you want chicken um sure you have it yep wow okay thank you no problem let’s just leave this leave this all right let’s see let’s

Keep taking digging um we got a super chat from Brandon saying dear Sonic and Amy what games are you most excited about this year for me it’s Jedi Survivor and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. oh those are pretty cool yeah you know what I’m kind of excited for Kirby uh Return to Dreamland

I don’t know I thought I thought it was pretty cool I don’t know what about you Amy what are you looking forward to this year looking forward to you I think breath of the Wilds this year I dropped my my wooden pickaxe or something or did it break I think it broke oh Uh Ultra King minute I’m sorry Nathan R thank you thank you dude well we’re just digging away we just got like a bunch of coal basically yeah yeah I got 25 pieces of coal what what world hang on what I just got like 50 some odd torches oh my goodness what I don’t

Think you need that many yeah you could never have too many uh true um all right let me check something um I’m gonna look outside yeah you make sure um it’s night time but we’re pretty safe in here to be honest so let’s just keep digging there’s like

There’s an entrance Sonic what where where I’m at an entrance to what I don’t know um I don’t I don’t know I didn’t I didn’t make that there’s like a stairwell thing right are you sure I just saw it I don’t imagination at this point it’s okay I

Know I’ve been dreaming of finding a nice cave for a while now like another 360 days Amy what well actually 358 days it’s gonna be a while till next Christmas looking this way um all right I’ll look this way I guess I’m just gonna go down at this point okay there we go

Hmm make a stairwell down yeah let’s try that you know that might work kind of weird since we’re in a mountain right now so who knows we might find something yeah that too I need my torches yeah I only have four I have like 50 well 13 right now but I have the

Capability of going for more wow all right well I messed up the stairs whoops all right hang on let’s fix that real quick or am I gonna go down you know what let’s see how far I can make this stairway go down and I messed up the stairs again there we go

Uh let’s see do I have any more torches available yes I do you do um hey Jose happy New Year dude hi Perfect what you find anything no I just got more churches oh dude there’s gotta be something in here there’s no way this is just empty yeah that would be really disappointing that I refuse to believe I mean I don’t know I’ve seen some pretty empty caves or mountains

Where did you find anything I somehow reached dirt oh that means you’re going up down well it is a mountain so you could be going outward toward the edges of the mountain and that could be it so I guess I’m just gonna have to dig around here then I mean mountains aren’t

Like I don’t know I I don’t normally mine in a mountain like like we gotta find a cave and that’s the hard part yeah guys I’m serious it’s been that difficult to want to smoke in my face Anyway no it’s been really really difficult to find a cave It’s ridiculous like actually it’s just hard that’s all I see a blue flash thanks for stopping by dude dude we world is you don’t know how stressful this is okay I’m just digging Sonic I’m just digging away I am too but I’m almost I almost broke my uh

My pickaxe here dirt so I’m going to follow me uh the dirt goes up you know not dirt I wanna know where I am uh the dirt went away oh well that’s good oh great amount of torches I’m not I might have to make more Yeah this place is too too deep really yeah I can’t find any more stuff yeah it’s just Stone that’s all I have look at that let’s go all the way up this is gonna take a while I’m taking something with me yeah yeah crazy yeah this is actually crazy well that wasn’t the best stuff we try yeah we did we did with the super chances can you play Sonic Mania maybe I mean Sonic Mania is pretty fun um thank you for the Super Chat don’t

Think about it dude all right you know what I’m out of here I saw a cave looking entrance but I don’t know if it actually means until night time yeah we could be at risk um but I did see it down this way and we

Are kind of safer in a mountain I think okay don’t worry about them oh there’s one right where I wanted to go saw the entrance around here I could be mistaken oh there’s somebody yep yep not good use like poison arrows or something it already hit me like this isn’t good

Here’s the entrance fine oh it’s not an entrance the whole time now I’m gonna die oh well I’m out of here I ain’t dealing with this yeah I can’t run so he like slowed me down I’m going yeah I’m walking out of here I’m walking This is just how it is I guess What where right here oh I mean I don’t know we could try it again yeah let’s give it a try um looks like water oh yeah we can’t go in here we keep having water and just bad caves sorry about that we gotta finish this off somehow yeah we have to

Over there Sonic somewhere this way if only I could run up there boys you see that weird looking thing I’m just avoiding these zombies Sonic yeah what this way all right I’ll follow you okay yeah hey that’s awesome dude I hope it’s going well for you and thank you for the

Super jet thank you uh let’s go up here we have to watch out for free really quick yeah there’s a bunch of creepers I’m just gonna wait I’m going around are you sure it’s a good idea idea going in a mountain again uh maybe maybe not I don’t know

But I’m just trying to make sure we get somewhere I keep like not jumping upward yeah oh no this was not okay but to try it’s a trap it’s not a cave oh it’s climbing around I’m clear no worries I have really low health and I’m being chased hello

All right I’m going down cool that’s good I’m going okay not that way oh it’s almost daytime the sky’s brightening up I’m running for my life do you see me oh what I see a skeleton though I don’t want to die oh goodness this has been crazy guys I’m not gonna lie

It has actually been insane there’s some sheep though sorry sheep I need the food goodness daytime we made it we survived this is great this is good news we might be able to find that thing I found earlier it’s around this this area I think I would like to find it

Get me some more meat real quick come on man gotta be something interesting somewhere where are you Amy I’m on the mountain remember are you okay I’m okay now I’m gonna just keep looking for that spot that I mentioned I found anyway It’s gotta be somewhere Um Sonic yeah where’d you go uh I’m at like a weird Ravine thing we’ve been to before but there was never any diamonds here was there oh look what I found what’d you find okay okay are you are you for real yeah look like a good one I don’t know I’ve

Never been in there uh go in and let me know I’ll see if I can find you All right Amy says she found a cave so that’d be good if that’s the case there’s a beehive um someone’s been here before I think we’ve been here nothing oh wait oh this doesn’t look that bad are you serious we’ve been here or ow okay never mind I think we’ve been here

Is this the giant like thing is this water or oh my goodness that’s a far drop I don’t know I’m confused I found a flower Sonic you did uh-huh I want to know what’s down there all right let me cook my stuff really quick I’m scared

That way I could survive Sonic I don’t think I could get back up easily oh don’t worry about it I’ll be right with the Super Chat says save Prime Sonic was a great video Amy defeating Rusty Rose yeah she did a great job saving me in

That video too thank you yeah yeah yeah you did great like for real come on we’re in the world I’m in a giant Cave thing you too there’s like nothing here is that you me is that your arm that looked like your arm or something where are you I don’t

Know where you went I don’t know if that was you or not I’m kind of lost right now oh leave so don’t worry we’re lost together uh yeah but at the same time we’re kind of in different areas so this is bad yeah not exactly the best situation you know I’m climbing out

Where ow man I really don’t want to die again where are you how did you get why I I kind of found an alternate entrance and now I’m stuck here okay this is bad yeah not so good good thing is I can build my way out of here

Yeah I’m gonna do that I’m out no uh not dealing with that thank you I’m malayo thank you dude you’ve been really generous today really appreciate it all right you know what you know what I’m not even gonna worry I’m just gonna get out of here

Huh all right Amy where are you I by the mountain that I told you I was at how am I gonna find that mountain okay okay get to the house all right let’s go let’s go into the house do you really want to find that spot that’s like the

Perfect cave to find diamonds you’re gonna you’re gonna you’re gonna Sonic it goes so there’s a chip oh I want to find diamonds not not die oh I’m just saying like I don’t know where we’re gonna find diamonds I don’t either a diamond Sonic me too

Where are you I’m sorry I don’t even know where I am something really all right you do that I’m gonna try and find my way back Amy I don’t even know where you are I’m in the middle of nowhere no I’m not I’m kind of lost actually so

I can’t help it I don’t know where I am I just got out of um there’s a waterfall but that’s not the one I mentioned earlier where are you uh just looking at this waterfall I don’t recognize it that’s it okay I’m coming uh

This is a pain where are you I’m at the front door all right let’s go are you near the garden uh yep I’ll try and meet you I’m out of stamina I think you’re alive hey there you are made it so this is where we’re gonna go

We might die but we’re gonna try we need to meet I’m like zoning out right now all right where are we going um because I need me too we have a fireplace oh my goodness I left my furnace I have one that’s okay I think I can make

Another one do you want one uh got it hang on boom all right Sonic Brenda the awesome with another Super Chat dude you’ve been like really generous really appreciate it um says I know you guys are looking for caves just be careful not to find my bat cave I

Have a lot of AFA equipment in there as well as an old Batmobile I’ve been restoring that’s pretty cool like the 1950s Batmobile that’d be pretty cool all right let’s see here yep preparing my food totally all right let’s do this this will work out in the meantime I’m gonna

Just uh do the wood punch yeah all right cool should be done at least some of it all right let’s go get some beef how’s your stuff going Amy taking oh great I forgot I don’t have a pickaxe now dude this has just been very difficult today there we go

There we go got a chicken all right Sonic this way this way all right hang on let’s go so where did you find uh this cave area this way it’s over by that weird Mountain up ahead oh okay why are we going in the mountains it’s

Not in the mountains it’s kind of like deep down below it drops oh okay now let me get some meat real quick yeah that way we have some in the cave I’m sorry oh okay no problem okay there’s one here over here too did you explore either of

These not the one over here no but I did over here a little bit oh okay omaleo with the super chat um we don’t really accept uh friend requests but we really appreciate it dude yeah yeah basically thank you very much though thank you team Sonic

Um says Sonic where is Shadow you know I don’t know I haven’t seen him in like ages to be honest yeah yeah why are you talking to shadow okay whatever all right so uh this is the area you’re talking about you don’t have to watch your step because it’s not

A not that it’s not a friendly fall no oh whoa whoa whoa uh yeah I’m okay let’s get some torches I only have four oh I got 26. be bad but oh never mind you have 26. that’s good man what is this place yeah that I don’t

Know um is there anything good in here I don’t know oh yeah you found a cave Amy I did I think you did yeah you did nice things happy yeah great job thank you all right cool guys we might actually get something or die here I hope we

Don’t I don’t know do we have food no you know what we can cook some right now before we get started we should definitely prepare the chicken because that’s all I have uh I got some beef from Slytherin saying aside from water have you guys deal with lava law mining

As well uh lava I don’t know I don’t wanna I don’t want to get hurt you know what guys we might actually find something today this is great I hope we do but we need to find iron first then we can get diamonds right here’s some cooked beef

Cook the pork chop and then we’ll be ready to go come on break this ain’t breaking well you got to use a pickaxe to break it it’s way easier all right no biggie we got um is copper gonna do anything or no copper doesn’t really do much yeah

There’s a bunch of zombies and spiders down you don’t have to go that way there’s another entrance where um this way we got to be careful this stuff does not look safe okay don’t worry ow whoa there’s a spider yeah I was scared that doesn’t tell me there’s a spider

I just find her down below well no there was a spider that was literally attacking me but you know where did you go Amy where are you Sonic I’m right behind you oh Oh I thought you went okay never mind all right we gotta be really careful

Here Gary yeah if we had we have a bunch of cobblestone we got a water bucket that would be nice but I don’t have one so I’m gonna just use this as a stairwell scared this may or may not work here we go here we go come on let’s break these

Clothes this is like really dangerous I’m not gonna lie uh yikes how do we get back I don’t know we just have to go I’m trying to build stairs down that’s right here through the wall I’m building stairs but you have to go one block at a time or you’re gonna fall

One block well like don’t worry I’m just trying to make a safe stairway down okay I’ll just I’ll just wait why is it thicker here all right there’s water water okay normally say that but it’s true okay uh that water’s right there I’m not risking it Amy you gotta get out of the

Way so I can mine and not hurt you sorry I just don’t want to hit you and then we’ll have a problem all right cool not as cool we need a torch actually I’m around here thank you no problem that way I could see all right we gotta that

All right problem this does not get us down all the way okay I got this this would be really dumb how are we gonna get back out if we could get a water bucket we could come back here but can we make a water bucket you need iron to do that we don’t

Have iron dude I got an idea we’re gonna risk it or go across we can do it I have a lot of stuff we can we can actually go across yeah all right you know what guys we’re gonna try and go across this is like really dangerous look at that do not attempt

Yeah do not attempt this all right you know what for diamonds diamonds because I see the iron right here but like oh we’re right near a thing actually we’re near Lonnie yeah which is a good thing I’m right next right next to see I just added oh boy

There’s a Zombie I hear an Ender you do yep it goes new um okay let’s see here a zombie don’t worry about him he’s right there he’s near you he’s in front of you yep it’s deep drop let’s just make a wall right here why are we building the stairs like this I’m

I’m no I was trying I was trying to make room to build safely without falling sorry because we have to have a way out of here yeah once we come back in um right there so I did notice around here is indeed iron so I’m gonna try and get it but I

Don’t know if there’s a lot I think we’re above it darn it oh it’s gonna be too hard use the waterfall uh how we’re gonna go down it slowly but surely um okay try it I don’t have any white sources I do I don’t have any torches

You see me hang on I’m trying to be able to make some torches but I why is it saying I can’t make it oh here they are nevermind all right never mind I got him boom all right ready for this following me I was on the right side on the left there’s zombies

Um that’s not good I don’t know if I could get to you easily but I’ll try yeah don’t worry about it you okay yeah yeah I’m on my way around I’m sorry Amy sorry I’ll get the spiders go up the waterfall swim up actually wait there’s more stuff down below we

Can get out of here if you want to sleep there’s a skeleton uh myself down below dangerous but just but be careful um Sonic Team asks uh would it be Sonic what would you rather have the ability to fly or Swim probably fly because I wouldn’t have to do it

Done yeah we gotta swim out of here I got it is it iron you found iron I did um help me I’m on my way I died are you serious I’m trying to get up Amy oh well you know what mining is hard like what can I say I don’t I don’t like

Minecraft right now like where did you go to find that Iron by the way maybe it’s the right side of the waterfall um I’ll find it don’t worry oh you’re on your way back yeah but you don’t you need material and Equipment I’ll figure it out okay at this point I’m just

Walking back I don’t care anymore yeah this this is really brutal all right It’s gotta be away to get rid of these stupid mobs like they’re the hard part to deal with cheat codes no no why would we do that all right well let’s see but that’s

Uh yeah but cheating isn’t the wow there’s iron right here yeah grab the iron please thankfully iron is right here huh all right guys you know what we’re making progress we found some iron I think let me make sure yeah there it is oh my God two Creepers right by the entrance and

There’s like three skeletons by the entrance for the mine are you serious or the cave or whatever yep I’m gonna get in there don’t worry um take your time there’s a spider how do I get out of here all right nice okay you know what we should be

Building off of this platform that way we can move all around I wish we could build our house here uh you know what I could make a water bucket and then we can make our own waterfall I mean I’m coming towards you wherever you went I’m going okay that’s good

Oh my gosh I see an Ender oh that’s really cool uh malayo um he says he’s gonna start at YouTube really soon congratulations on that hi I hope it works well for you yeah also hi Amy hi um we got another Super Chat from Joel saying you know those rivers that

Amy Rose will be in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 but someone something told me that she won’t be alone well I mean we do know there are certain characters that’s gonna be in the movie like Sonic like Shadow I think has been confirmed so that’ll be pretty interesting yeah I’m just building around this

I already got some iron I want more iron I want my stuff back yeah go ahead uh I’m gonna follow kind of but not super close wow there’s a giant slime over there I don’t know if you guys see that girl oh my gosh my stuff is nearby

All right so we got iron good start you got your stuff not yet yeah almost yeah I got my stuff back yeah all right good job Amy all right nice we gotta find Diamonds though like that’s actually like really okay nice try creeper there we go it’s super dark hang on

There we go gotta be diamonds somewhere all right cool we’re all the way around here now what what’d you find just don’t block that’s weird whoa whoa whoa where is that skeleton coming from whoa shoot are you serious come on man do you know how to get back no and it’s night time

I’m coming King or something the waterfall got it I don’t even have a weapon to fight these guys you know what next time I’m gonna be more prepared this this is not preparedness at all I can’t get up the waterfall of Sonic without dying [ __ ] down here yeah all right well I’m

Not waiting here and uh sleep in my bed never mind this is going to be boring all right you know what I can at least take a look outside all right there’s the trader guy over that way um over where in my cave area that I found

Well I can’t get over there I’m stuck here oh well I don’t have a sword we don’t have any weapons here so I’m just stuck here is this place unless unless I take some of this but I don’t know I’m coming for you oh it’s almost daytime it’s no biggie

Have a sword so I can at least do something this place looks weird there we go all right can I make anything I can make a stick and it’s good I still need more though and I can spawn here forever oh man how am I gonna make

I’m coming I guess I’m gonna just have to how am I gonna Sonic calm down bro I just want to make a sword how how do you swim I don’t want to destroy the house you swim up a waterfall by just holding the jump button I

I go it just takes time you don’t go up very fast all right you know what we’re just gonna punch some trees let’s do it foreign all right good take your time Amy I’ll get back okay cool oh I made it see you Sonic team and

Thank you very much for the super chats happy New Year all right you know what all right finally make I have only one boom all right let’s do it okay I have to head back huh all right well you know what I lost all my stuff but that’s okay

You know that’s life Sonic what how do I get back I I don’t know I don’t even know how we got in there fully okay uh do you want me to try and rescue or do you want me to just wait uh hang on just go backward that’s

Mostly what you do right no no yes nope and some reason my phone’s going up I guess Shadow just really wants to talk to me I guess um Brandon the awesome with another Super Chat thank you dude says what did the trees ever do to you I don’t know just give me oxygen

Actually no that’s pretty good you know I shouldn’t be punching trees I should be hugging him but you know you’re happy not really there we go I’m climbing up uh I think we got another Super Chat Sonic um okay uh Slytherin says what is your favorite I’m sorry your least favorite

Enemy in Minecraft so far mine is the skeleton archers they are the worst you know what yeah I totally agree skeleton archers are the worst enemy in Minecraft I probably died to those more than any other enemy in the game so yeah don’t like the skeleton archers You’re back yeah all right Amy or the super stickers thank you looks like a nice tasty piece of pie uh piece of pie not not not pizza pie but you know that’s funny I mean I don’t know I thought it sounded kind of like beats pie

Well you know what we’re gonna get this figured out we’re gonna make this work we’re gonna do this we just gotta take our time now make all right cool see here what I don’t know oh okay look I’m just saying hi to Shadow there’s nothing suspicious Sonic um okay [Applause]

Where are you I don’t even see you I’m right at the house hang on there you are there you are finally dangerous yeah you know what our Diamond Mission failed she got a piece yeah I got one we’ll get more yeah I don’t know how many you need

You know what I actually in a previous stream I did get some iron so I have five pieces if we smelt that we can have six oh do you have coal if you have a piece of coal you just put it in there I’m like 30. oh that’s more than enough

Then you can get an iron uh Ingot right I think so yeah it’s called ingot here we go let’s do it all right cool Sonic interesting uh interesting is a nice word for it it’s been it really has been difficult but you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna get those diamonds

Eventually maybe not this stream but you know kind of ironic since you know the thumbnail has diamonds in it and get a diamond I got iron yeah I mean you got iron getting there we’re getting in there you know that’s okay but yeah all right you got the piece yeah

I’ll just put it in my treasure yeah you do that that’s a good idea anyway let’s go outside yeah let’s head outside we’re gonna go to the Garden area yeah yeah all right there come on Amy let’s go let’s go to the garden yep yeah but you know what I mean we may

Not have done that well in our hunt for diamonds but we can always do better next time yeah yeah next up next time’s gonna be better for sure we’re gonna do our best and uh stuff yeah but yeah we got a super jump from Sonic Bros saying

Sonic the black thing is a ruined portal um and next to it’s a chest with some good stuff oh that thing let’s go check it um yeah let’s do that um yeah yeah come on Amy yummy how did the biggest I you know what I don’t care I don’t care at this point

What are you doing I don’t know uh yeah you gotta be careful oh my gosh whoa gold you know what I mean gold is nice but gold stinks um Iron nuggets oh we might be able to make some more stuff of iron though you know what maybe we can make some

Armor that was one of our goals if I put the goal list there yeah yeah I’ll take all the stuff and I’ll put it in the chest yeah and I’m gonna see if I can do anything with the iron nugget I don’t know if it’ll let me turn

It back into a brick or whatever but let’s give it a shot let’s go let’s give it a check this might be a nice way to at least say we did something all right yeah yeah give me some coal I don’t know if this is how it works I’m probably wrong you

Can’t smell that hey no it doesn’t work maybe I just need to use my crafting table yes it does work okay I got one iron ingot cool which is interesting now I just have three nuggets three nuggies yep three nuggies I don’t really have anything to do oh boom

Uh you want the Ingot or do you want me to keep the ingot all right I’ll keep it in my my chest over here yeah you keep it Sonic nice um you know what what does it take to make armor let’s see um and normally it says armor but like

It’s only showing these Sonic yeah um yeah we did you did you do anything with it oh you just put it in there let’s put it away oh okay cool cool um well oh and thank you for the super chat lochan we’ll we’ll probably look into it I don’t know

Um can’t make any promises yeah all right let’s head outside now let’s head outside well you know what that was a stream yeah that was it was something that was an adventure right there that was intense yeah it was like you know we got our house destroyed partly um right

There um um you know we were looking for a cave we found one cave that is decent you know and we could work with that you know we got some iron so we could make a water bucket thing so we can do waterfalls there and that way we can

Actually get in and out of there quicker and safer um got iron yeah that yeah we went for some diamonds ended up with iron you know what it’s progress it’s progress guys we’re gonna get what we need yeah we got a couple super chats too um we got

Another one from Brandon the awesome saying dear Sonic and Amy never give up on your Pursuit oh it says Amy never give up on your pursuit of Sonic and Sonic maybe give her a chance remember the saying try it you might like it but what if I like she’s my friend but no

Hey Sonic can you come here for a second uh ow what was that for that was for sale okay you know what maybe maybe I’ll maybe maybe I’ll read things Fair Sonic I hard to make this makes amazing oh yeah I appreciate what I do I do actually I had to take wood

Off of that because I I needed to sort Amy hey get back here come on come on Amy I I don’t want you feeling bad I’m not trying to make you sad or anything no you know kind of pressure I also think you’d be around for your

Super Chat oh thank you b-rod you know what guys I think this is a good time to wrap things up and you know it’s been a stream you know it’s been a stream yeah it’s been long yeah but thank you guys who stuck with this this whole time that

Was a lot of Adventure stuff but uh yeah next stream will probably be better we’re gonna we’re gonna plan it way more we’re gonna play the locations and everything probably Planet oh because there’s a plant right there yeah yeah Amy planted trees hey Squad make sure you sub and like

Spinach the like button helps us out a lot we’re gonna do our best we’re gonna try and find diamonds just you wait and see yeah I don’t know how many streams you’re doing of this but we’re gonna keep trying for everyone yeah hopefully we have a great time see you Squad

This video, titled ‘💎 DIAMOND HUNTERS!! – Sonic & Amy Play MINECRAFT LIVE!! (Episode 3)’, was uploaded by Sonic and Amy Squad on 2023-01-01 21:36:18. It has garnered 433806 views and 6289 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds.

Sonic and Amy Play MINECRAFT with LIVE!!!  Come join the fun, and share the stream with your friends.  ๐Ÿ˜€ 

🎤 Voice Actors:

🔵💨Sonic The Hedgehog & Knuckles the Echidna 🔴💨 (PatchToons):

🟣💨Amy Rose & Tails the Fox 🟡💨 (Art With Artemis):

Thumbnail Art By Art with Artemis:

(All Sonic Characters rightfully belong to SEGA, these videos are created as a form of fan parodies and reactions intended for the purpose of entertainment)

#sonic #sonamy #gaming

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    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – Follow on Instagram – Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake๐Ÿ˜ญ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ู…ุงูŠู†_ูƒุฑุงูุช #ู…ุงูŠู†ูƒุฑุงูุช #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | ุฒูŠุฏ ุงู„ู…ู…ุชุน on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live ๐Ÿ”ด Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live ๐Ÿ”ด Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Serverโ€ฆ’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Serverโ€ฆ 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. ใ€MINECRAFTใ€‘ The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cรผbbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More