Sonic the MINECRAFT PRANKSTER! – Sonic Minecraft Stories

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I’ve become the ultimate prankster in Minecraft come on come on okay well maybe not the ultimate prankster but I’m totally the best sometimes Minecraft pranks can go a bit too far especially when done against friends hopefully these pranks don’t come back to prank me before we get

Started make sure you spinach the like share and subscribe buttons thank you what’s up with the like button is this a prank maybe you should check yours and see if it’s working enjoy the video hey everyone Sonic here and welcome back to Minecraft I got a brand new house and

Stuff I’ve been working pretty hard on it friends of uh been building houses but let me show you mine first off that’s my cow his name is how about you guys name him in the comments because I have no idea what to name this guy anyway you open up the

Door and you’re instantly greeted by my tree that I accidentally built my house around which keeps it roomy anyway uh there’s my dad I got a chest I got my furnace I got everything I need in here um but today I’m gonna go check out my friends houses and see what they made

Dude this is insane the details okay insane um me come inside Tails dude you you like put so much detail into this house I know I what’s that behind you nothing nothing tails what are you doing what do you mean why are they dangling over some saw blades I’m doing experiments come here

This is my lab area there’s my little bed animals to keep me company and we got some cool stuff up here we got one I mean look at this place nice view yeah I can see everything oh yeah also up here I got some stuff yo dude dude are you okay I’m dying

Okay you know what I could I could explore a little more of Tails place it’s pretty cool uh it’s got some crazy netherite armor here I still don’t know how to feel about the animal fix experimenting he’s got some chests though um what’s he got nothing in the

Large chest Noob let’s see what’s over in this chest anything pressure played in TNT I think I got an idea for a Frank step one I’m gonna have to do this in a place where Tails won’t see it dig a little bit dig in okay I think I can

Place these TNT blocks there we go put the flower there no one will note it no one will notice a thing now I just need to add the pressure plate to make sure he steps on it let’s just say it’s a new uh welcome mat yeah that that

Looks like a welcome mat to me Oh hey hey Tails how’s it going where’d you go by the way um I went to go try and capture a chicken but it didn’t really turn out well bummer I got a gift for you gift for me yeah gift for you it’s this brand new uh welcome man Trust this that’s a prank no no no no no tails do I prank you sometimes what makes you think this is a prank that’s a nice pressure I mean doormat that looks like a pressure plate or two okay I guess I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt yeah yeah why don’t you

Wipe your feet on that doormat after I uh go maybe like a couple yards away why I don’t know just because you could be danger I mean you know it could get the mud on me guess you’re turning into a germaphobe give it a shot Hang on wait dude uh you know what the it’s wrong um what do you mean it’s wrong yeah come back out here um I bought the wrong ones oh okay I see it’s long okay I’m kind of new to this prank thing okay that doesn’t mean doesn’t mean it’s time whistling again

Oh my gosh what’s with that annoying whistling hey Tails they fixed your doormat now they should open the door I am because you know uh do you want do you want to wipe your feet on it you don’t trust this just use the doormat already fine Sonic you’re being annoying

Yes it worked finally a prank worked finally Tails tails what the heck was that far all right dude it’s just a prank you need to grow up a little bit don’t you watch like YouTube and Tick Tock and stuff there’s pranks all the time just being a little too touchy right now

Anyway I gotta go prank someone else goodbye you know what that’s that successful prank even though I kind of messed up at first I think it worked out pretty good that’s Knuckles house right there I’m pretty sure I can come up with a prank here crazy Archway at

The front hey Knuckles Knuckles hey you home dude hey Sonic how’s it going so I’m just uh doing Rounds Around the place uh checking out everybody’s new home I’ve almost finished my house can I see it yeah sure hold on welcome to Casa de Knuckles I’m also a farmer yeah come

On in okay cool yeah this is some of my crops have been growing I also grow some other stuff like that my flour that I just put in the Bro oh cool this is my prize pet fish go go go go that’s kind of a weird name for a fish what else

Does your house have chickens chickens yo let me show them to you over here is my bed and my books and stuff so uh I tend to read my chickens bedtime stories okay that’s not weird at all and these are my delicious grapes I love grapes and my chickens love grapes too they

Take after me and uh my instructions to remind me how to take care of the chickens um okay let’s check farmer Knuckles schedule uh wake chickens at 5am I’ve got to make sure they wake up on time for school feed chickens at 7 00 a.m they’d be hungry yeah they do be

Hunky though and read chicken’s a bedtime story at 8pm yeah they love stories from me oh pretty good Storyteller can we see the chickens now right this way warning do not release chickens yeah yeah I don’t want him to get lost I’d lose my mind if my chickens ran away or something

Anyway I gotta go I’m gonna go feed gum gum now see you Knuckles man those are a lot of chickens in there gotta be like cooped up get it like a chicken Cooper anyway flint and steel whoa whoa whoa why hey I’m on fire wait uh I did it

Wrong defense is kind of on fire but not exactly the way I wanted let’s break this last fence over here here we go be free chicken friends you guys could explore indeed in the wild and stuff all right guys if you don’t get moving I’m

Gonna have to hit you I’m sorry I have to do this for the prank guys it’s just a prank bro yeah this this should be fine Sonic what did you do uh just get in some uh eggs and stuff and uh I was checking out the chickens

And uh they just kind of ran away dude stop hey it’s just a prank bro see it’s just a prick bro doesn’t fix this I have to build a new fence wrestle my chickens and you’d better get out of here before I hurt you hey Knuckles chill chill I’ve been lost almost every

Single one of my chickens thank goodness I still have sorry Knuckles it’s still part of the prank whoa no Duck’s escaping you’re flooding my home my Knuckles get oh goodbye speak to me man they don’t know how to take a joke next one on my friends list

Is none other than the sweet lovable Amy Rose man Amy sure does have a lot of flowers around her house Amy are you home Uh hey how’s it going looking around everybody’s new houses and stuff uh how’s yours going it’s going good isn’t it uh yeah it’s got the pink window that’s pretty cool I got this cool Um what is that it’s it doesn’t inside this little tortilla shell it’s kind of funny um you know what you got a very uh unique sense of humor whoa nice Garden thanks and why is there a chicken roaming around uh I don’t like I liked it in my

Garden uh you know maybe they uh just happened to get loose or something that’s weird anyway these are my beautiful it’s gonna go into a competition soon and I’m gonna win they are pretty nice flowers and they’re growing big and strong yeah they do look pretty cool Amy Flowers get scared I got personality you really should consider getting bone meal or maybe uh go to the flower store to get something nice for your flowers you know show them that you really care especially since you’re uh hyping them up for the big competition thing okay do

That you take care of the plants and water them for me I’m gonna get a golden Golden Flower Pot sounds cool yeah okay you take care of them don’t water them too much I don’t want them flooding bloody so you better not do it or else

Bye see you Amy wait where’s the water oh my water it’s in one of the barrels okay I’ll check it out see ya hi bye time for me to water the garden time for some gardening tips oh hi I was just watering Amy’s Garden you know around

This time of year gardeners really want to make sure their plants looked ready for prize contests and the best way to do that is to make sure your plants stay hydrated like this uh whoa whoa whoa that is a lot of water yeah unfortunately uh didn’t get all of

Them let’s get more so much water uh not really my thing oh Amy’s got a little fish pond here maybe they’d like to swim in a bigger pool go sure they’re nice and hydrated Whoa It’s especially good to do this during the summer even though it’s not summer right now I’m gonna water them as if it were summer right now threaten the water spreading the love as I like to say water in the yard oh this is all of Amy’s flowers outside of her house pretty

Pretty soaked because because I’m flooding them hey how’s it going in the world are you ordering the plants like you wanted to tell me you were I mean oh my God uh you know what I think it’s time for me to get going in here right now okay

Good luck with the flower competition it’s a prank bro so anyway I totally pranked all of my friends Cal it was pretty cool I even got some chicken from Knuckles Chicken Coop or whatever it’s pretty good definitely gotta we pledge my energy for uh some more pranks maybe I should Frank

You next nameless cow how would you like that huh uh oh oh hey Tails how’s it going hey man I realized but prank was a little maybe uh maybe a little brutal earlier how’s it going with rebuilding oh rebuilt and you mean losing my sanity

Oh it’s going great it was just a prank after all no harm no no thoughts yeah speaking of foul I heard Knuckles lost all his chickens and he lost his Gunk gup and Amy likes and she doesn’t have flooding Insurance we’re gonna see you what you you can’t sue me we’re friends friends

Don’t hurt each other and do things maliciously to their friends and just say it’s just a prank like as if that’s gonna make us feel better you heard us dude but it was just a prank though ow whoa whoa hey I have a surprise for you yeah

Since you’re running all around you must be really hungry uh actually no I ate already uh I just ate like three chickens be really hungry yeah sure why not since you did it’s pranking us yeah I can’t I can’t eat it I don’t want to overeat Tails dude

Don’t offend me because I’m already mad at you we run around a little bit maybe I’ll be able to eat some out eat some cake man that was a pretty good job good idea now I’m actually a little bit hungry I took a couple of laps around

Your demolished homes it was fun eat cake I think you’ll like it make sure you lie down after because you might feel sleepy come on man I don’t know I mean eat it it’s pretty good yeah it’s pretty good cake thank you really good yeah actually there’s no blood because we’re

Not disgusting like that I guess I’m getting a little tired after that cake and stuff oh yeah just a little sleepy sleepy where where am I huh tails morning sleepyhead how do you feel waking up in that nice new white bed that’s on my bed what is this place this

Place I call the prank 3000. does that mean there’s like 3 000 pranks here no there’s actually three shoot I shouldn’t have said that air trapped in here because you have gone too far with your pranks and you need to be stopped but Tails uh this is a whole

Like lab thing I think this is too far this is not too far you blew up my house you flooded Amy’s garden and you heard all of Knuckles chickens look I’m sorry Tails I I took the price a little too far and I guess I kind of deserve this

Prank challenge Place yeah yeah we worked all night on this I’ll open the door have fun okay let’s see what why is it hey whoa uh all right uh what do I do now Tails it’s almost here I probably should have thought about that all right

No turning back now okay let me close that in whoa uh up to room number one buddy turns I’m a nice guy I’m giving you a respawn point a respawn Point yeah just click the bed um okay uh this is uh kind of like my prank I did earlier what you’re gonna

Have to do is you’re gonna have to find the right door just you’ll be in for a surprise you know what let’s try number two I’m pretty sure Tails likes the number two he’s got two tails after all okay what’s going on what come on you’ve got to be kidding me Tails dude

You blew up so much of this place that wasn’t my fault I could get out of here you thought you could beat me tails of you what um what is pi well I mean it’s delicious am I right yeah what is pie delicious why don’t you

A bunch down a big dish of fruit or whatever inside of pastry that seems like the obvious answer to me all right cool let’s get some pie what what’s going on wait where’s the what’s going on how much TNT did you put in this place whoa hey I’m free how are you no

No huh man tails that was insane how much TNT did you put in here um not not too much no no all right seriously though which one is the right door for this pie thing I don’t get it it’s the number door the one with the dumb numbers on it

That’s not really Sonic this is the safe door cool see what we got here think carefully Sonic the worst okay we got one that’s got a giant check mark it says uh come on in tails is this a trap I’m going through the ax store I don’t want to press these either

That one there what in the world tails what are you doing that was insane what’s with all the TNT these things you know intensify the situation what intensified the situation Tales the Situation’s already intense there’s a bunch of TNT there’s no way you could possibly make it more intense

Tails put down the flint and steel no one needs to get hurt dude no I’m getting out of here whoa hey huh no get back you won’t survive ow this place is weird hello there Sonica so uh welcome to my prank room have some cake

Thank you I made it myself it’s a pretty good cake I used the eggs that my brush his chicken’s head look dude I’m sorry I messed with your chickens and stuff did you get most of them back what do you think we’re about to have a party I was going to have a

Special birthday party for my chickens but since you caused them to get lost I guess we’ll have to settle for some other visitors that’s why I invited artists what what a bunch of chickens yeah they’re special they’re my chickens I whoa zombies what in the world dude why

Is there zombies coming in here uh I don’t know I guess I may have accidentally opened the door too why are they here whoa hey happy birthday oh oh man that was weird at least we made it through the Second Challenge I’m going over there with those flowers and stuff

You’ll be my flowers that you destroyed um the ones I told you to help with water not fly you have a lot of water how was I supposed to know how much water I should use them shallow and water you’re gonna be going for a little swim go in the door

Now fine okay let’s see uh even the tiniest the flowers how big how dare flowers yeah I hate the water the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and flowers okay so far so good we’re making it through would you flood these precious

Flowers I mean I don’t know looks like a dead end I guess you gotta swim Inky face what Amy knows I can’t swim all right let’s go I love you Sonic in the world Amy’s like so obsessed with me it’s kind of creepy to be honest before you leave turn around oh whoa

Marry me what in the world uh you don’t have to answer that right now okay well I guess this is the exit hi Sonic Amy what are you doing in here this is the last part of your trap actually I win you win I won Are you okay why wow you might want to be careful about leaving why don’t you want me to leave this horrible place because you want to get all like clingy to me and stuff yeah well I’m getting out of here you know bye let’s get out of this place

Bye come back here back here all right here’s the exit guys let’s go whoa the door where am I what where am I oh it must have been just a dream hey come in oh Tails dude I had a terrible dream that that you pranked me and Amy and Knuckles

And for the stuff I did to you guys and I’m sorry dude I was kind of a terrible friend of you guys go ahead and apologize to Amy and Knuckles later dude that dream it just seems so real and stuff but you guys wouldn’t put me through like a crazy

Simulation of a bunch of like pranks and stuff would you anyway I’m just glad it was all just a dream everything’s back to normal I could help build your house again we forgive you I’m glad you finally learned your lesson and Amy Knuckles and I are gonna rebuild things in our little cute

Town or whatever I don’t know where we live anyway you’re gonna have to help us because we can’t do it all by ourselves yeah no problem dude I’ll be sure to help you give me five minutes five minutes sounds great see ya bye Tails bye okay let’s get going oh hey Tails oh

Hey Amy so did you tell Sonic what really happened Sonic

This video, titled ‘Sonic the MINECRAFT PRANKSTER! – Sonic Minecraft Stories’, was uploaded by Sonic and Amy Squad on 2022-11-12 18:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Sonic becomes the ULTIMATE MINECRAFT PRANKSTER!! Sonic Pranks his friends in their new Minecraft Server, but things get a …

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  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: ►Twitch: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Twitter: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

Sonic the MINECRAFT PRANKSTER! – Sonic Minecraft Stories