SonicSong182 – Sonic and Tails Play: MINECRAFT SONIC DLC (Full Stream Version)

Video Information

Uh i think i think this thing’s working uh wow yeah i think so um i’ve never fought like such a like such a square before yeah it’s uh feeling kind of different today yeah yeah i can’t quite put my finger on it but something’s a little strange

Yeah maybe it’s because i’m turning uh 30 this year you know what 30’s 30’s a hard year poster overnight whoa sonic what are you doing poster over here oh yeah accidentally flying happy birthday sonic thank you tails whoa oh jeez i’m having some trouble here

What’s up hold on give me a second i’ll jump back down you uh knuckles knuckles that’s knuckles wait that sounds like a certain dumbbot i know i’ve been spotted browser wait grounder grounder what’s going on he can’t get away from me i am speed ow

Well i was speed but then i ran into my toolbox Going what’s going on here here we go hi everybody this is miles tales power speaking and uh welcome to our presentation of um sonic and tails play minecraft sonic world dlc uh so for those of you who are at the live stream version uh you noticed

That my uh my stream resources were not good after grounder hacked in um and the whole thing like mega exploded mega exploded it exploded so much then now my monitor is broken also like take a look at this i can just shift this over um my like start the turn on button

Is underneath like this and if i press it on look what happens yeah oh okay let me try again i turn it off then back on again and and yay oh yeah so my monitor broke and my stream broke um so what we’re going to do is uh so you guys can

See what happened uh i ended up recording my end of the stream anyway like sonic streamed over on his uh on his twitch channel uh but i recorded mine even though my like monitor and stuff got busted so we’re going to uh play that now uh with the premiere feature going so you

Guys can still chat together while the show is going um but uh this obviously this is not actually live anymore but i wanted to make sure you guys still got to see what we did because we had a lot of fun it was very silly and uh also there were um

There was some nux box that i didn’t get to read so at a couple of intermissions during this uh adventure here i’m gonna read off some nux bucks okay i didn’t want to take too long on the intro i just wanted to tell you guys what was going on what was up

So whoops all right i will uh i’ll see you guys a little bit later in this very long video presentation okay take care i’ll be back soon and i’ll read some nux bucks during that intermission i don’t know i think uh i think he hacked knuckles this time how do you

Hack reality well it all started when i touched that computer that was upstairs oh my gosh you guys looked like it was this computer a chill oh hey there little buddy what are you doing out here You’re a little far from home ain’t ya Oh you’re adorable but i don’t understand the thing you’re saying it’s kind of dark do you think it’s a shadow you might be right let’s have some of this stuff hey guys no uh no touching but uh like shadow’s got his uh his motorcycle in here but don’t touch he’ll get mad

See over here it gets exploded oh gosh grounder this is what are you doing up there hacks hacks ground or stop touching everything you’re you’re messing up with taylor’s workshop why is the music in here matt let me get you back in here tail knuckles uh That’s ridiculous i’m gonna click on this this and i will re-enter yes i would like you got this table come on thank you thank you i’m working on it i’m working on it there you are tails oh welcome back there there i am i live kind of i’m still generating world on my

End oh thank goodness that was horrifying i see you in the world that was messed up where’s grounder grinder what did you do to me i think grounder’s in your i think it’s about your computer oh here it comes i don’t know behind you grounder stop trying to attack us oh

What’s happening here you’re stuck my friend i’m good there you go okay messing with the jukebox so upstairs uh we we’ve got a jukebox we have a i guess a pinball machine uh i don’t know what that is is that a treadmill dude when we finally remember the arcade game when we uh

Oh okay woof okay yeah um you guys can see that’s the first time that the stream exploded um so this is intermission one and then i’m gonna do a second one later because you’ll find out not long after well maybe like a bit after this like

Maybe it was 45 minutes i don’t know like my stream exploded again so uh while i get that next video cued up the next part that actually was live streamed i’ll go ahead and read a couple of nux bucks for you alright so uh first one was

Olivia runting thanks for the 299 nux bucks they said hi tales of sonic i’m crying with joy don’t cry olivia thank you for coming though and thank you for the nux bucks you take care and good luck with everything next one was ghost of time one

Thanks for the five nux books um i’m pretty sure that this is a minecraft song i just don’t know the lyrics so listen to me butcher it it’s um uh brothers of mine rejoice swing swing swing with me raise your pick and raise your voice sing sing

Sing with me how did i do terrible i’m sure thank you ghost of time one i’ll have to i’ll have to listen to oh my gosh i have to listen to the way the song sounds um hang on i’m having more technical difficulties that’s gonna be the name of this stream right

Glitch the musical okay uh good are we good okay i think we’re good okay um sonic x 10 27 thanks for the 499 nux bucks they said hey guys uh this had been a question for sonic i’m sorry who’s not here right now uh but this said sonic have you called

Amy my sugarplum yet i mean it’s pretty obvious you two are very close well uh i haven’t heard him call her that specifically but uh we’ll have to see i’ll have to find out that doesn’t mean he didn’t say it when i wasn’t there danny the light thank you for the five

Nux bucks they said hi tails i had fun at sonic revolution i hope you did too yeah it was great and it was also really nice to see so many of you guys who come and visit us in our live streams so we recognized a lot of people while we were there

Thanks for coming danny okay uh next one next one was uh rachel shielder thanks for the 199 nux box i said happy early birthday sonic you’re my favorite hero oh thanks happy birthday sonic okay good let’s do just a couple more uh i’ll do uh two more and then uh and

Then we’re gonna get back to like about 45 minutes more of the footage and we’ll have another intermission a third one that gets the rest all right but zeus the fox thank you for the five nux bucks i said woohoo i finally get to watch you stream tails

I’m so sorry i showed you what happened to my uh monitor so it was a i had a lot of issues and uh now everybody thank you for uh thank you for the nux bucks because i think this is what’s gonna help me be able to actually get like a new monitor

Because clearly the one i’ve got is destroyed grounder how could you do this to me well thank you for coming zeus i’m so sorry that the stream itself exploded that was very unfortunate um and the last one for now until i get to third uh third intermission uh thank you zion

Gaskins for the 15x bucks they said this is funds from the bank of tails oh from the bank tales you can use it to help pay for grounders hulu subscription thank you zion i think that i think uh yeah grounder might appreciate having a hulu uh subscription but he also broke my

Monitor so i think maybe maybe uh he can help me out with that um i wonder how much grounder knows about like computer monitors and stuff or he’s like if he’s got some insider knowledge because he’s a robot or if he’s absolutely clueless because he’s grounder

Okay uh thank you so much zion that was very very giving and again like i said maybe this will help me get a new monitor alright that’s it for the intermission for now uh i’ll get the rest uh later in the video okay and let’s go

This okay good good good good there you go yeah dude look at look at this chili dog tails ain’t this the best chili dog you’ve ever seen um maybe it’d be better except like you sit on that chili dog with your butt that’s not the only dog i’m talking about oh my gosh

Sonic i thought that this one was you but this was the clone oh man it’s real cozy oh good stuff good stuff ah dude i think this is a sega console around here i can’t tell what kind but yeah i think your tails are kind of blocking it though

I’m sorry you got amy’s hammer here amy’s old hammer uh real quick guys twitter this is knuckles hat is in this game it’s pretty rad pretty cool we also got a list up there just chilling ah oh my face i think it was michael the joker in the chat who was asking

If this game can be downloaded for free uh nope it cannot uh first you gotta get the base game minecraft so you gotta buy that and it was like the basic one i think was like thirty dollars or something and then uh the windows edition the windows edition yeah windows missions played

If you got xbox game path then you can get it on the xbox oh yeah i guess if you’ve got an xbox you’ve got a month yeah and then okay you still gotta buy the dlc itself yeah the dlc itself was like 7.99 um i’m just gonna drop to the floor

There we go oh okay never mind never mind um i’ve been denied there we go oh oh what look i can uh i can definitely not oh my god oh my gosh ah everything what did you do like what i cannot be stopped oh i see we’re getting a little bit of

Lag there yep i bet i think this game takes a lot of resources yep i’m doing uh doing okay i saw some really creepy things oh gosh if you keep if it’s keeping up like that you want me to try and do it from my side yeah if we keep having problems we’ll

Just go to your twitch or something it’ll be great okay okay we good dudes all right yeah i think we’re good you good grounder i’m just vibing my baby just vibing clearly see that look i can clearly clearly see that well before my leg explodes again let’s try the level

Yeah hey grinder come here yeah let’s jump on in oh wait a minute whoa i just felt long whoa oh this looks beautiful oh no i found the i found a picture of you i’m still more quiet than the others um oh i’m kind of worried about it should we head down after

Um i’m real confused i don’t see the track i’ve just been like no wave i don’t think so i don’t think so oh no the world has just now spawned for me and it was terrifying okay i can see the earth ah there we go i’m about to fight a motorbug sonic get

Him thank you i don’t want it i got him i got him don’t worry um okay we need to find oh my gosh i think that’s right tails whoops i think i saw knuckles over there or excuse me grounder i guess Um that’s gonna take a bit to get used to huh yeah i think so i’m working on trying to trying to run okay no here we go oh my gosh i couldn’t here we go ah did you did you die we’re sharing the lives of grounder too

Oh my gosh no that’s not good [Laughter] we’re all gonna perish come on you’re wasting our lives here Whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh keep it up tails dude thank you okay okay no no oh let’s read this animal real quick there we go um i think i’m figuring this out i apologize again for all the the sequences of lag we’re gonna have on my end

The game is a little too strong for my current ring I may have fallen into the water i got a message on my thing saying that you tried to breathe water Yep yeah i kind of fell off the world great girl this is yeah welcome to green hill zone where we all uh use up all of our lives immediately uh-oh whoa what did you do i’m not having the best day today tails um i guess not

I think i’m the only one that’s like surviving right now but only because i’m going so slow well you know they say uh i forget yeah you don’t know that you don’t know that was it slow and steady wins the race yeah it’s not like the hedgehog does not know that

I’m all about that what did you did oh it sounds like we completed it okay who actually moved i think grounder didn’t round her i did it wait grounder i did it oh wait oh wow amy and shadow are here oh oh do we need to get these 128 rings

I only have thirty two six rings i got thirty oh i think we share it okay so it must be a shared ring count interesting we all gotta do our best whoa i can’t grounder what are you doing with knuckles body yeah i can’t believe that was the only

One that was able to like beat that level we just ran around and died well let’s do the first person if we want to redeem ourselves yeah uh thank you for all the happy birthdays everybody yeah again happy birthday sonic it’s sonic’s 30th been an amazing birthday so far

Yeah and he just turned like fifteen years old let’s turn 15 for the 30th time yeah depends on how old you were in sonic 1 what’s it like being what tails what i think i was 16. i think i dh i had always thought you were like 12. yeah it’s kind of weird

I mean sonic generations kind of makes you think that doesn’t it okay uh what uh what next do we keep like spamming that level to try to get more rings ah jeez at least wait for tails you’re on your weight oh geez okay they can’t let ground to get ahead of

The field and i don’t like it i have speed and i don’t like it let’s play with sonic speed be careful careful this is horrible all right look at tails hey sonic oh okay let’s see it’s just crab meat i’ve been fighting this thing since i was a child

Let’s see if i can get him wait no that didn’t work that didn’t work it didn’t work still a child What whoa what rounder are you okay what happened i burned around i i burned through all the lives for two seconds grounded oh this is a great 30th birthday you know happy birthday we got two chaos animals to grab thank you tails i’m gonna jump back in

There okay yep let’s do it let’s do it all right guys let’s blast off oh no oh my gosh uh well let’s see if i do better or worse like this out i’m getting uh i’m getting this gonna take a bit of getting used to

Whoa this is way worse this is way worse oh sweet movies what where am i i feel like i feel like it has had a bad i don’t know like i just had a bad chili dog That’s right i got us next your life tails thank you i don’t think that i died you know sonic’s transition into 3d has been a bit awkward i’m going to stop you right there even rockier transition into vr [Laughter] let’s see if i can do this fly high fly high all right no

No go up you go up this way with everything you got to do i ever experienced oh great will help me oh wait no hi oh hey tails that was the worst day of my life recently okay i’m gonna go back to going slow

Recently uh yep i got a lot of bad days i hate this place But tails this green hill you can’t hit green hill watch me oh oh when did you get this sassy i’ve i’ve always been this sassy meanwhile i’m watching you i’m gonna creep me distance you were killed by crab meat Uh i listen Sonic the hedgehog had a rocky transition into 3d grounder okay i was actually pretty far until i lost that life um yes i think we’re doing pretty good overall though we’re getting uh bit by bit better yeah we’re uh we’re pros right everybody in the chat yeah we’re

I will be we are good at taking down eggman oh yes what we doing and grounders are generally a pro gamer okay oh wait we’re back in act one uh what did you just do it guess i don’t know uh well okay it’s seeming like it’s a little difficult to judge

Uh distances yeah your uh your transition into 3d was pretty rocky okay we don’t got to keep talking about that tail drowning sonic your transition into 3d was your transition into 3d was actually pretty blocky I want knuckles back tails i just Above and beyond the likes to use use guys use guys with the face Apparently i don’t have what it takes to do the loop-de-loop i’m being denied real hard right now i’m just man the lift-a-loop is cut ow loop-looping kind of weird okay i gotta use my skills i got to use my skills to my advantage i can do an air an air fisting chicken chicken

Okay and yeah that was pretty cool i’m figuring it out figuring out how to how to fight his knuckles pretty good and it’s all thanks to using the b button on the xbox controller this guy’s got control caught up with him amazing let’s see if we can get ahead of him this time

Keep dreaming guys i’m already ahead of you yeah i’m just gonna uh i totally was gonna take care of that bad guy um i just wanted to uh give grounder a chance to practice yeah that totally give him a little bit of the guy experience hey i got your tails al

Trying to recruit me into being a hero eh well i mean i mean you’ve helped us among us then you guys could oh i got killed by a fish tails no poor tails i knew him well no i got killed by a child at all got ground up All right so far so good okay oh you know i wish i could jump more normally don’t mind me you know i feel like we’re going in circles i wouldn’t be supposed to definitely feels that Am i way have to i’m gonna do a totally different strategy this time rev it up wrap it up what you got going on tails mess it up oh no that didn’t work oh i just barely lived ah great job oh i’m at the finish line guys oh do it dude do it

Yeah wait special stage what what oh no no i guess this is the special stage really wow the special stage really went downhill oh we’re so close to being able to get amy we’re so close we could get amy soon yeah let’s keep working on it yeah

We can get shadow but we only got two lives left so we gotta be super careful ah man i think our ring should carry over though but all right let’s give this a shot well i mean All right we’re back oh boy leave it to me i can do that too it’s hehehe be too hard now that i know how these abilities work this is the worst spin ball i ever did in my life this is pathetic all right easy to get a bit more practice entails

We all do actually the world has not it’s the sad day when a robot can do better heroin Yeah it’s kind of sad actually yeah it feels we can’t learn we can’t let him show us up oh okay the world spawned now i was waiting for there to be a planet in front of me i filmed a hidden bed hit him back i’m fine i lived okay

Good where the heck did grounder go above and beyond like i’ll never believe that he ascended Oh oh no oh okay let’s go let’s move on i think the thing that keeps like throwing me off is the jump yep you gotta time it just right yeah the jump arc feels a little weird otherwise though this is really cool i am uh all right here we go

I don’t want to craft at the moment but uh we oops that’s not what i want to eat okay whoa no no no no oh i’m sorry bring hit me backwards i love the ground competent in this group somehow i don’t understand how this happened

I yeah i’m not a fan of that dynamic uh i’m gonna keep going this way can’t say i much care for that That’s not what i was expecting um also uh thank you all right all of you guys who are in the in the chat i’ll get them i’ll get you there we are what the heck is that i wonder you cannot stop me Ow Almost ended badly for me there’s a giant gecko we only got two lives left guys stop jumping oh gosh oh no i found the chaos emerald oh good job grounder well what well this is oh we gotta fall how did you find a special stage grounder there was a hidden wall

Oh one we missed okay okay so that’s a bomb got it hit that and it’s all over touch that um i didn’t know what it was it’s okay i touched all kinds of things okay no no no no no no my legs flashing before my eyes please no no

No this is how it was tails my boy it’s okay we did it did we do it with one with one life left oh we pulled through oh but we lost all those rings oh man i just realized this was act two right yeah that one

Yeah so we should have one last act what happens after act two so guys you ready to take on a boss probably eggman yeah we’re gonna be really good at that yeah probably uh sonic you want to deal with that thank you i took care of it i’m a problem buddy

Uh tech support i’m not used to being a square what the what what i didn’t do it oh yeah no that was grounder oh grounder no we’re all right yo look at the speech owl what’s up what’s up look at him oh it’s a little green bunny that’s adorable any cute

I can tell he’s got a speech in his yeah he’s got speed in his future by the way i found froggy really you found froggy where yeah what do you mean what froggy what are you doing here pig’s been looking for you forever dude there’s also a bunch of wisps over here

Hey look at this what’s up what is that yeah it’s my extreme gear oh cool yeah you forgot i left my extreme gear here well we’ve got like a lot of like we got a lot of stuff in here i like how you uh how um how you left

Your family portrait of you and amy here my look up on the wall that was not me that looks like that looks like you yeah i’m looking at it it’s not i didn’t do that i can tell you that amy must have done it she left her

Hammer here when she came last time we got a savior asleep oh that’s creepy yeah i wasn’t expecting that what is us pal’s doing here i don’t know but this painting is this painting is glowing why is it glowing what happens if we if we touch it it’s got to be something behind

This right whoa whoa a challenge guys guys there’s a chow guard in here it’s been at least 20 years since i last went to a chow garden guys this is the 02 guys this is the o2 this is the adventure 2 one look little lake and everything

This is awesome how do we find eggs how do we how do we find eggs yeah it’s gonna be eggs here somewhere and we find them in the stages now we find them in the stages you work for a guy man how do we find the eggs oh man that music is nostalgic

I see everybody in the chats that’s about it too good question that’s an excellent yeah how do we find the eggs that’s a very excellent question i have no idea how to help with that i see this is cool yeah i think like cool i think we got to find out

Then there’s only one way to do it hold on let’s see knuckles crush 50 bad mix tables find 20 power-ups sonic collect 250 tails needs to come back uh like tails did i disappear on fails where did you go uh i don’t know i’ve been watching you guys spin balls

Weirdos oh i’m out of the server uh i don’t see you yet oh no give me a second i’ve spawned as this guy who is this guy you don’t want to know man you don’t want to know he’s uh i’m going to take a quick peek to find out no look like me

Look at the mirror and you’ll figure it out please please excellent poster let me proceed you could say there’s an imposter among us [Laughter] it’s obviously grounder oh obviously okay let’s see if uh let’s see if it’ll let me in ah i mean i hear the jukebox i just realized something

Oh okay that’s a good sign oh i think i can spin dash in the air i am in the chao garden now you’re in the chow garden uh yep it’s just me and the speed chow just was vibing hold on let me see if i can get back in there

Life has gone dark there we go hi guys i am in the void okay okay let’s go back to here we’re good we’re good we’re screen up and everything all right um oh goodness where were where were we going i think we gotta go into that cave over

There that might be either the way out or it might be to where the eggs are well known yeah let’s go inside i hope i’m walking towards that’s the way out got it okay guess where we’re going next wait you gotta wait for tails it’s dark

And scary in here but i have not spawned anywhere different i didn’t touch it what’s going on um oh there we are hey tails wow you good um buddy you guys are gonna the playback on this i think you’re doing a little uh i see you hop in there but

Oh come on buddy talk to me i think i think tails is i’m in the void i was i’ve been in the void this time it’s not me um i’m just gonna walk his tails have too many tabs open for me he was doing his research last night

Lord they need to close those tents oh my gosh i wonder if you guys when you catch up to me if you’ll be able to see this because it’s kind of nuts looking um there are no walls there are no walls um whoa i’m looking at tails it’s pov and uh

Tails is in the void i’ve been in the void for a while grounder is in the endless void oh what have you done are you loaded back in now uh i think so i can see again Touch the button again no leave it alone the button all right are you are you happy about that please tell me we can actually make that in the game I don’t know we can’t everything good there tails i think so maybe i don’t know i want to try closing it open did you like leave a virus on the computer no i close all my tabs let’s see i i really don’t understand any of the stuff tails

Has up here i understand these donuts though man these are the wise guys that replaced us huh oh you’re talking about orbot and cubot yeah they’re your replacements uh can’t say that quite as much of a dumbbots as you and scratch were they knew nothing of comedic timing

Tails saved me from grounder save me from the void we’ll save each other tails sweet lord [Laughter] oh man i’ll just uh i guess i’ll do a few laughs until you get back uh yep we’ll um we’ll see what happens here i wish there was like a quick way to

Keep jumping back in but it’s like i gotta keep spawning from uh from here instead gotta keep inviting you uh i think so i’m not sure how to get in otherwise let me send you that invite then send the invites there you go donut lord’s not here yeah i gotta miss him

Geez thank you for all the follows how many followers are you up to now i’ve not yeah how many did you get i’ll take a quick look i guess um well first of all dang i didn’t realize we had 112 people here thank you um the number 221 thank you guys shoot

Uh all this love for my birthday And now they can and now they can watch whenever they want to uh that uh what’s that british guy’s name again are you talking about voices of nathan yeah they cook oh yeah sometimes you can kind of sound like me i’m not quite as fast or cool as i am though

Definitely not no i know anyways what’s your name the granny who are you talking about yeah that granny the one who i can’t think of her name now you you search the key you what no she’s the best yeah but she’s a greedy i’ve got to get you out of knuckles body

You’ll never get me out of knuckles buddy yeah cause i can’t do anything for some reason you can’t stop me just like uh neither get that one weirdo the the dinosaur he can’t he can’t stop me you can’t stop me nobody can stop me ah man

Shoot what are we gonna do about this tails you good buddy grounder what did you geez you’re so you’re surprisingly fast i know right oh i got to keep this the circles tight okay oh yeah gain momentum and yes rip tails yeah i miss tails too

Deja vu oh no oh no if you’re gonna do is go deja vu i’ve just been in this place before higher than the speed and i know it’s my time to go home deja vu or anything actually no a better one would be running in the 90s

It’s the place that you wanna be we are running in the 90s ah let’s see what’s going on with tails right now tails come back everything good tails ah tails is uh disappeared for some reason missing an action jeez all right then uh grounder i guess should we just go

Through green hills until tails comes back i mean that would be ideal i guess because otherwise we’ll have an entire audience here who have no idea what we’re doing and what we’re about let’s see let’s jump through them alright grounder i’m gonna need you to uh not drown that won’t be hard

Yeah you’ve done it quite a few times let’s keep going uh jump okay jump all right these jumps are the things that really catch me off guard i i’ve learned that you definitely gotta time it before anticipating it yeah okay whoa okay i hit the spikes i hate the spikes again

Yeah the spikes uh they’re really not doing us doing us any good oh okay i could have ended badly with right i think i’m gonna hang this all right crush two enemies good okay okay and uh grounder’s not winning but i think i am so far I think i’m really getting the hang of this you good after that little uh that little episode in the void um i’m sure that’s gonna make for some really fascinating footage if the lag didn’t completely destroy everything but i uh i’m uh sorry to make you keep

Inviting me again but i think i’m ready to go all right let me send that invite real quick here we go let me know if you’re uh if you got it tails i think what what happened everything all good there next steps yes i think so oh well okay to have me scared

If i mess that up Oh the music restarted message oh loud all right welcome back tails thank you i need to turn down my volume i cannot hear my own face oh no what oh i just i come in seeing sonic was killed by a chopper and like the wind music don’t worry i guarantee their victory unfortunate

Timing i’m making my way down never mind well we don’t got the rings to uh get anybody right now nope because we kept on dying we got two lives left so let’s make him count let’s play cautious yeah oh whoa okay we don’t get any chance to uh

Figure out what’s going on okay tails you all loaded in uh yup i think so i think so okay all right cool select 16. progress the rest of the level stopped loading that was the issue i was having near constantly it was nuts i i think i might have trapped myself guys

Um what happened to you i fell onto a ledge and i can’t jump back up i cannot i wish i can’t get back up on the platform i wish i could i can’t fly you like i normally would so i could save you i can’t move anymore forward

There’s no level here that is exactly the problem i was having and uh i don’t see a level there too either oh my gosh you know what we probably want to just leave the level there we go i had are we ever going to get past queen hill oh

Look look at look at what what chemical plant zone wow cool i so we unlock it by getting a certain amount of points interesting i’m shocked we got any points at all what oh yolo yolo all right i guess we’re good uh on guys this is too fast this is too fast

I’m not comfortable oh he hit the ground oh yeah he touched i guess we don’t touch the water okay come on at least wait for tails uh okay okay i’ll wait oh here it is uh i’m i’m coming but um grounder died dude did you just push tails into that i somehow

Did and i don’t know how to feel the book better come here nope come [Laughter] i’m not letting you go anywhere grounder oh no don’t touch me you you try to do that to my little buddy you ain’t going anywhere it’s all that among us influence he’s just used to killing

Grounder no right there no stay right there grounder we’re gonna have a nice talk okay you will have a nice time i am going to move forward at that the speed of smell half the speed now no oh i thought i lost i told you oh As you know what you should respond at the new checkpoint there you go yep i didn’t go too far away i feel like i should just walk all right this whole course this is dangerous don’t go forward okay you turn right turn right not four what’s over here

Uh sonic the dead end i’m pretty sure that’s what grander told you not to do actually tails do you be able to fly over there um i am having trouble flying with any dexterity while i’m shaped like a square so uh i wouldn’t trust it you’re no aerodynamically designed

Yeah not really being a square is really messing with our aerodynamics it’s hip to be square i wonder if sleep anywhere just take anything no i don’t think if you go straight into a wall just be mindful because you may have to turn oh oh what did you do

It wasn’t me i felt a little bit too short all right okay we this is all right this is fine you know on the bright side uh this is a little easier than green hill wise oddly enough yet you just gotta be mindful of the turns okay yeah you’re mostly just going uh

Straight forward all right i do not mind that and i also don’t mind going straight forward slowly water water why am i here wait water no no too fast too fast i remember water being here we must have taken a different path the last time hey did you survive this i know

Yeah but i’m not liking this at all i can’t swim okay nice this is not good we should not have gone this way this is death incarnate no this is death and carnage rounder why did you take us this way where’s the ground i managed to live but barely

Great job tails i am i’m proud of you guys killed twice where are you grounder way ahead please that i mean that’s pretty evident at this point but okay what is this spiky thing and why is it here oh it’s really soggy are you okay today it’s just not my day you know

Tails happy birthday happy birthday uh the water yeah i’m not that not that guy the water did that water right there i can i can time this i can time this oh my gosh all right But i was doing so good no um i’m sorry it’s okay so sorry okay tails i think it’s the first time it’s been because of you actually it’s usually been uh because of me and me all right yeah let’s try it again has you have you all caught your breath okay yep whoa

I didn’t say i was ready yet i don’t you didn’t get you been festive had any intention of waiting oh ready please that’s the only time i want to go fast mostly i want to go slow let’s keep this up why do we keep running into this water i

Don’t know i don’t know i don’t know if i wanted to i don’t remember the water last time i’m just trying i’m just trying to understand like what is eggman’s obsession with like purple water how do you destroy that I think you spin dash oh sonic’s pretty good at it i like when i spin dash i fly a little so it’s hard to defeat enemies oh this is pretty bouncy sounds bad i wonder if i can use it bounce pad all right feeling confident wait is that the shot

Did you make it i kind of made it not quite make sure you collect the rings if you can okay yeah as much as we can right with you so far yeah i don’t want to go very fast though well this thing if you if if you fall for whatever reason

We’re at least ahead in the checkpoint so i think we’re okay just do your best don’t fall and uh i guess leave it to us painful don’t worry about it tails oh we share these rings oh no okay okay apparently okay we got this we got this we got this oh

Oh move the loop am i going the right way okay okay Good dudes i was good i don’t know where i’m going you definitely don’t want to jump down there wait there’s a i got a checkpoint whoa oh all right guys oh hey there’s an invincibility over there you sure you want to go for that i am

Not touching that with a nine foot pole two damage all right we’re gonna make it we’re gonna make it the heck was that guys i’m about to die oh it’s a cat it’s a special stage i need it hold on guys we’re gonna we’re gonna go to a special stage

If i can make it in time all right see this is going to take a bit of effort all right uh i can’t tell if i got turned around at some point i would not be shy you probably did this place is a giant maze

Okay i know how i’m gonna get out of there i got my plan casual stage time okay do we go down the middle just avoid the bombs oh yeah avoid the bombs uh get as many rings as he can avoid the black blocks keep falling we can do this guys that’s debatable sonic

Oh oh [Applause] We did it Yeah this way is it not a little more clear okay we know where we’re going now debatable other way guys turn around tails what are we going the right way over here oh it’s over there we gotta turn around here no okay i’m gonna try to fly you almost happened you were

Doing good with the flying Come on tails you’re almost there i got it okay wait i wait there was a button you pushed over there and there was a thing that was how we got the chaos emerald really cool all right all right dude now we gotta go down here oh no

All right i’m just gonna ignore the spikey come on tails almost there okay we’re gonna take it nice and easy we’re not gonna go crazy why are these random candles here i don’t know why don’t you ask eggman you didn’t make the block game stage he probably had some influence over without imagine Oh this is i guess it’s technically eggman’s birthday too wait are we going the right way but we don’t have these rings i true that true dad don’t say true that no okay now it’s cursed and don’t say that again please okay whatever was that the right i appreciate that

I did it nice great job grounder wait another wait don’t go to the store oh never mind okay it’s just a uh that’s not a chaos emerald okay go to the store yeah sure go to the store is there any rings i missed pick them up oh okay oh

Kind of sped right into it sorry guys don’t worry you can get shadow and amy we can’t wait no i was looking at score not rounds i was about to see oh shoot don’t worry shadow you’ll be reunited with your uh with your dear husband soon what a good sign

All right you guys ready with infinity stone here we go all right let’s do it rings to progress 16 rings does that mean we only need 16 rings to go to the next world you got his tails I’m starting to get a little better at it yeah you’ve been doing pretty good All right keep this up uh some rings in here got it okay i’m actually i’m actually glad i slowed down what’s uh what happened i was able to hit an enemy that was constantly bugging me ah there’s gotta be a chaos emerald around here somewhere this should be at least two everywhere

We go one prestige perhaps i think no i think we just get two per i found a button thingy that opens up that secret path the one with the chaos hammer from before i think so no no no nope my leg i’m fine you could tails

Well never mind see what we can get from here a window a minecraft creeper block i kind of want to jump on it but i’m not sure what happens if we do guys what do you think should we jump on the uh the creeper tv might as well yolo dude

All right let’s do it did it just hurt you uh yeah i thought about as much i thought it was an eggman monitor okay so that’s why we’re bamboozled looks like No this means we’re gonna be fighting a creeper instead of eggman nope nope you almost made it all right i hate being in the water it makes me so slow my life will last before my eyes there let’s see if i got this here we go now here we go now

I’m good come on come on i didn’t hit him he’s your tribe we can hear the effort i wonder if there’s something down here i’m used to drills and guns not fists i am not fist of the north echidna here this could be a problem are you okay

I think i’m going to drown oh no i’d rather not i don’t think i gotta lay out of here unless i can use the momentum to jump out that’ll just accept fates don’t accept your feet of course you would say that grounder i said don’t accept your fate oh

All right please go go to the shop so i can get out of the water i’m on the case i just saw i just got a great suggestion from the coolest one when i have a feeling that shadow uh but they said if you look upwards and then

Do a spin dash you can just go flying up in the air whoa oh well i do go flying with my fist jeez thank you for the uh suggestion that really helps out how about you wanna bet these guys are playing this game too i think i see a lot of people saying

That we’re missing the chaos emeralds yeah we are oh you guys already know that the game’s been out for like 12 hours and everybody knows where everything is but us yeah we’ve not really had a chance to jump on up until now but okay it looks like we need 16 more

Rings to progress we had 15. what happens if we get one more ring no 32 more rings oh 32 okay All right let’s do this guys oh not there wow all right so far so good that was risky timing what’s the root ground or spiel rounder speed doesn’t have the same ring of sonic speed Man that loopy loop is really kind of choppy i guess the best way i can put that well it is made out of a bunch of blocks true let’s get those rings where is the next chaos emerald though could it possibly be behind there i’m gonna get running starts

All right let’s do this all right i made it to the other side but nothing quite nothing’s here okay that is a wonderful trick i’m so glad you taught me that thank you chat yeah now that’s super sonic speed oh there’s a path down here Why is this open though i’m stepping on a button over here Let’s take you out all right what does what does this do you good grounder i was good careful i don’t know where you were but you spawned in front of me after Oh no oh my spin dash kind of went out of control hey tails uh the wrong way okay i was facing the wrong way i’m trying to figure out what this button does You got a lot of guns crossing those things Okay i think we gotta be a little more careful here then i know where that button opened up because i’m here wait wha wha what was it a secret door that led to some type of ring i just had to get over there oh okay ow Whoa i really don’t know if we’re going the right way anymore i have no idea uh tails i think we’re going backwards oh i’m gonna die in a second okay yep there it is yeah you died to be fair this game is rather brutal this is probably the hardest

Sonic game i’ve played in a good while the navigation is a little bit troublesome well this is block game block game block game Hard to believe that this audience has been asking us to play this block game ow i have no idea where on mobius i am i think tails there are arrows that are pointing where we gotta go there are oh i’m invincible for some reason invincibility i touched a block oh i’m invincible

Because grounder you made me thought i turned super sonic for a second there Is having the time of his life and me and sonic have no idea where the heck we’re going this this ain’t right tails this is your adventure how do we how we’re going to fight eggman if this keeps up i don’t know the answer is the answer is quite simple

You don’t well we’re gonna fight eggman regardless no you don’t what do you mean you don’t at the rate we’re losing lives we’re not gonna make it pal it’ll be the end of you and it’ll be the end of me and worst of all it’ll be the end of me That’s pretty sad grounder oh that door opens up ow okay all right i’m figuring this out whoa wait i think i gotta peek what’s behind there hello that looks important there is nothing i just got to get a running start whoa what why why is my body like this sonic

I got us an extra life Just in time exactly what we needed right now actually come on give me a break where is nothing feels quite right give me a big fit go the other way ring count i think we got a total ring count enough rings on us right now yep dang whoa oh okay

Oh no our money chill over it’s a little baby oh hey what look at him he’s adorable oh it’s a hero chal how you doing little buddy oh y’all are just falling in here huh hey guys what are you doing not in the channel garden look at oh we got our chaos nice

We got to collect as many you know what that means guys we’re gonna go back to green hill yeah there’s another one in green hills okay that makes sense then we go now we struggle with green hill zone but we gotta keep going back is that chow is it hurting itself

Over and over he better not be he’s a sweet baby all right let’s collect as many rings as we can while we’re here man i wish i had a wisp on so i could just fire on this thing from a distance yeah this one sounds like it’d be pretty cool right now

I uh i am not totally confident in my normal ability to move Oh don’t worry tails i with us on the job there’s nothing we can’t do I mean i believe that if you were actually knuckles i could totally be i could totally be knuckles see unlike sonic i don’t chuckle you know what to be fair i don’t think we can throw much shade at grounder right now because he’s been the most competent out of the three of us Don’t remind me tails let that all sink in i don’t know i don’t want to be reminded of that right now oh my gosh i almost i almost fell to my death okay he’s oh geez don’t do that around him no okay i think he could grab his stuff that time

Don’t waste tails as compliments he’s still died like the least out of all of us so oh ah All right i got the rings great uh i see you there tails i don’t see where any rings uh warp rings could be oh i just see those blocks that destroyed me oh wow please no oh boy there’s oh there’s hey if you turn to your left

If you take the left path there’s rings here rings yeah i’m gonna stand still so you can find where i was okay good but look out we’re getting shot it’s okay i took care of him oh cool no need to worry It’s pretty dangerous looking off all these cliffs but it’s true i’m gonna find a chaos animal somewhere We’re lucky maybe we can at least get amy yeah that’s like our that’s like our mission for the day see if we can at least rescue amy uh shadow can stay in stasis for a while oh a nice hit i don’t like shadows amazing it’s not like he hasn’t been there

Before yeah he’s used to it amy is going to be mad when she wakes up I’m going to oh my god i almost hit myself there i’m going to carefully stay up here Oh i jumped over the rings well before i try to come back i’m going to okay i got the ring box did you get the right behind us Yep you know what whoa careful with the spikes here okay i will heed this warning well okay also be careful about spin dashing yikes good grinder don’t go anywhere just yet if we can find a uh get some rings you got this yeah get as many rings as we can

I won’t touch that ring until you guys tell me to okay or unless we find ourselves a warp ring huh be around here somewhere i’m just moseying along don’t mind me all right let’s kick things up a notch then i guess extra life i need to worry about that

Okay i made it up grounder you didn’t see any breakable walls did you breakable walls how can you tell if they’re breakable uh there’s surely a little um there’s not so much trial and error but huh dang the emeralds really are well hit been in this game

Yeah it should be pretty uh pretty obvious if the whoa okay oh that’s pretty cool i didn’t notice that the fireworks have our faces on them and yeah the walls get a bit more gray the color’s a little bit different uh okay i don’t remember seeing anything like that

See if i can jump all the way up there no maybe there’s just not an emerald on the stage i think the first here is an act two yeah that’s what d-man was saying in the chat we got 47 rings we don’t got enough just yet we got to be super careful in

The next stage right yep and he’s going a little bit slower i don’t like going much slower but we gotta Just collect rings i’ll please read through we got 50 rings so far oh all right i’ll pick up those rings there i’m just watching grounder flail around beating things up i guess it’s kind of uncanny isn’t it all right Hey everybody in the chat hi guys oh that was close busting through with blocky speed all right keep an eye out for breakable walls i’m on it i see my first one yeah i know for this one there’s uh yeah there’s an example of one right there tails uh

There was an example there was an example grounder Yeah i remember there was a uh a warp ring right near the finish line of the stage So we at least got that and we’re doing pretty good on ring so far i wish we could ground her leave the stage and like hoard the rings or if like they just let the rings stay with us after the stage was complete but that wouldn’t balance the game guys

The game is balanced by us like dying all the time okay i got some rings here crowder grounder ouch i saw that death thanks for the fries in the chat everybody heck yeah is it the mcdonald’s fries oh my gosh grounder you good mcdonald’s fries are the best kind

I don’t have any rings so if i hit those spikes i’m doomed yeah you can try gliding over them and then you were just dead fists go there grounder you are having a bad time with those spikes well that’s because it keeps up that’s that stupid

Spring at the very least uh you know at least we’re not losing rings because of it just because you guys have all the rings Okay now i make it through i found more rings okay finally some progress nice job tails that means i haven’t been here before okay oh i think i found a breakable wall five six oh we failed this one last time i can’t see yeah that’s what we didn’t know how to do it

You gotta be careful that was pretty close gotta be mindful gotta be mindful i can’t quite see it i’m blocking follow the ring follow the rings i’ve almost got it don’t worry dude All right guys don’t get shot run run yeah just run run for it i punched it but nice job guys we got the chaos emerald and i think we’re going to get amy after this we weren’t seeing it might be the case we were going to get amy after this don’t worry

I think we got enough i think i should just stand still yep stay still let sonic go through go through go through go through okay okay go on through we got 159 was that enough 159 and let’s see eight line 28 we got enough oh cool you got anything she just

She just blipped right out yeah she’s going she’s been yoked okay she has been yoked dang we can go right back out and uh okay we got one more chaos emerald to grab from here no we grabbed them both i think didn’t we no we got

We only got the one we only got the green chaos emerald we got another one to grab from here oh okay then uh yeah zippy dude let’s go i don’t think we got to worry about the rings as much anymore plenty of sunshine coming my way nice job grounder zippity doodah You do realize what this means right like mining is gonna be a cinch with that hammer oh shoot i never thought of it like that are we able to go explore like the regular minecraft worlds uh we don’t know if we can i think we’re just here well

Okay we don’t have any extra lives right now let’s be uh especially careful yep that’s why i’m gliding over this i’m outta here what the Oh it dashed me backwards oh you are right now i don’t know where i’m at i just know i’m making a right turn punched some piranha gotta get to the spring all right collected a whole ring that’s good going over the loop-de-loop okay you’re not too far behind me then i’m It doesn’t help this place is not very good with geographical features yeah everything kind of looks the same in block game well so far we’re doing ah pretty good i’m just keeping it slow wherever i am i’m in no hurry Of course i’m in a hurry i just noticed the clouds are creepers are they i was oh yeah before i was a little nervous whoa okay i found the loop-de-loop kind of like we’re yeah yeah now it’s the part with all the spikes Oh i’m right here on the level guys did you get there never found the chaos emerald though i’m going slow so i can keep my eyes open for you yeah but if uh you want me to go to the shop just let me know yeah we’ve got like our one life

Yeah should we just jump in there right now uh one second i’m gonna keep okay i’m gonna keep my eyes open just nobody panic nobody full you’re kind of making me nervous there grounder yeah okay okay uh we haven’t been here i don’t see a stage i don’t recall seeing anything that was

Breakable maybe there really was only one chaos emerald here one way to find out okay then let’s uh go to the shop 112 rings not bad let’s grab an extra life i guess apparently there’s more look um 32 32 but there should only be three acts right uh there was a blue one that didn’t respond in stage one here we still never saw we don’t have enough to buy it again

Good okay we’re going in we’re going for wow oh shoot okay we got a few acts okay okay so now we got to keep our eyes open for any of those uh those breakable areas here okay maybe act four is a boss fight Perhaps there’s only block there are no boss only block makes sense for block game Oh it is nothing but time to roll around at the speed of sound guys we’re not in the city escape we can roll around to the speed of sound anywhere we go though here we go do we though we don’t need to be in serious cape Ouch pain i taste no nothing but pain oh no oh no no no sorry sonic i found it you found it nice job grounder job grounder all right let’s go let’s go all right be careful guys oh it’s okay i think we can make this

Can you though can you yeah i got faith no problem piece of cake come on i’m already almost there i keep touching the floor and it teleports me back you picked him up good job guys yeah okay let’s get out of each other because this is scary

Every time i don’t like being near the uh near the spikes why am i going so slow oh no you’re tired no i have no speed why not what happened to you i don’t know oh gosh okay okay okay i got it don’t worry i’ll finish the level for us

I had to release the punch oh you were you were so tense from getting ready to fight that you couldn’t run all right i will catch up you cannot leave me behind sonic i’ve never seen the end of one of these stages before i’ve always been walking real careful so i’ve never seen

It well these days tails please get to the end of the stage yeah i’m working on it don’t worry That’s another checkpoints oh invincible google There we go guys we’re at the very end get it get through the ring did you make it did you make it we did it guys nice good work ready and we got the yeah okay let’s uh let’s grab another life yep because i don’t think we’re going to

Get through without spending another life all right you guys ready for x live let’s freaking go wait didn’t we At least 64 rings guys okay 64 rings you can do this You jumped on the spring at the same time i did but you jumped before me oh was that my fault okay okay i’m gonna take it slow take it easy i guess i’m the imposter among us yup now sonic is the imposter i feel like this is exactly the same

Movement pattern i did in an earlier level it probably is i think this stage just repeats until we collect rings huh maybe maybe it’s these stages that unlucks uh shadow and amy and the other stages unlocks the other guys That could be the gonna be a lot of case let’s find the fourth chaos emerald i’m seeing in the chat is there another chaos emerald we can get here oh whoa whoo all right i’m sure glad about the spin dash and being able to use in the air actually

Saving my bacon a lot of a lot of the time okay because yeah definitely for it being act five i’ve definitely done this route with sonic before no yes getting a whole lot of nostalgia from this and not from playing in uh in sonic 1. not talking about nostalgia from a few

Minutes ago yeah feels like we were just here i mean we were demian said there aren’t any other chaos emeralds in green hill since we got both i wonder if any point in continuing uh green hill then maybe for the points uh yeah for the point

And so we can unlock the other stages yeah just a bus fight i was kind of looking forward to finding eggman i’d be scared to try because of how impaired my movement is This is one of those uh skill curve things There we go guys you made it if you keep going you can unlock eggman mode what exactly is eggman mode i don’t want to know all right should we return to the workshop or you want to get an extra life and go back i’m going to the workshop i can’t do this

Okay i guess we all go to the workshop if you do that why is it dropping over i don’t know what that green one is but is that it is that purple one night wait hold on it kind of looks like knights look at him ah dude

We gotta get all these guys into the garden they don’t belong here i don’t think we can pick them up though how do we get them into the garden i don’t know ah there’s our other chaos emeralds look we got three chaos emeralds out of seven okay according to that we’re apparently

We only collect six look two one two three four five six where did we get the last one maybe we unlock it wait a minute no that’s a nod to the original sonic isn’t it hold on amy’s upstairs oh yeah what is she doing amy vibing probably got a feeling huh

Yeah amy looks like she’s kind of chilling and vibing she’s just sitting there and uh tails sorry tails you’re a little uncomfortably close there your your face your face is pressing up oh great now you’re amy hi grounder thank you guys for saving my life it was really cursed being in stasis

Hey guys you want to check out uh you want you want to check out uh this guy’s secret word you looking forward to sanctuary wait what oh we did wait a minute that level doesn’t come after green hill in chemical plant zone i know i wasn’t there for it but uh

I wonder i’m going through wait no not i’m not going to be feeling pretty at home here oh Um From the screams but i’ll go i guess Whoa oh okay the spring’s being a little weird there we go i don’t know where it’s supposed to put me feels pretty good being back in sky sanctuary zone though i do have a question how do you go in oh whoa that was pretty Yeah those are uh what are they called i forgot the name of these guys Oh hold on oh the clown top you around too whoa oh that was close okay oh oh oh oh thank you oh this is so cool God i just can never pull that off properly Okay let’s try that again Why is this place so pretty i mean it is knuckles uh angel island this it’s a is island on top of a floating island i guess you could say that’s insane yeah i mean look at those heights I don’t know where i’m at but i like it all right uh amy tails all right then what are you still here well um i’m waiting for you guys outside of the level oh okay let’s make our way yep we’ll go as fast as we can

When it comes to being fast that’s what i’m all about oh oh no what what that was close I don’t know where i’m at but i love it this place is just one giant pretty amusement park of ancient beauty i don’t think i think knuckles would have some complicated feelings hearing that oh You made it no you fell off the world grounder uh when we get back to the shop make sure to go to the chow garden oh the chow garden can we yeah let’s visit the chow garden i want to visit the babies They do deserve a lot of pets the child you’ve gathered will follow you into the guard and they’ll be safe whoa oh there’s amy oh sonic you’re safe okay yeah i’m just whoa oh okay not all ground is around not it’s it’s okay guys i saved your lives

No get away from the spikes guys get away from the spike what what what spikes yikes this bike’s over here don’t worry my little guys we’re so close to them we’re gonna save the babies come on follow me guys whoa hey oh oh here they are oh here we are

They’re adorable this is a way safer place for you guys to be i was worried about you guys workshop tails we got a where is tails I think we left him at the workshop i think that i think that i think you did how was sky sanctuary zone i wasn’t allowed to go uh well sky sanctuary was beautiful just as always knuckles i don’t know if you’ve noticed but uh that’s not exactly knuckles uh yeah

I like super noticed that as soon as i heard him talk i don’t know how he got into knuckles body like but yeah i guess he did the same thing to grant to uh omega before oh you know what i’ve got nothing but at least he seems to be full of joy

And merriment there are so many babies here at least he’s not being dangerous well another body yeah that’s uh that’s true well where did you guys find all these little guys they just kind of showed up in the workshop we didn’t really notice until uh

A few of them popped up they came out of the hole out of a hole what did you do no they just came out of a hole if you’re burying chow in a hole i’m going to have something to say about it Grounder we do we need to have a talk a talk about uh how to treat a child we literally filled them in a hole oh you found them in a hole you said well that’s different that’s what we see i’m pretty sure you know this already

Grander but you don’t want to be on the receiving end of your hammer you sure don’t you really don’t it hurts more than the knuckles plunge and he’s pretty strong speaking of which whoa you trying to punch me grounder Yes it’s like what is it personal pool party what are these pink things do you still have some of the chemicals from the chemical plant on you eel that’s gross knuckles is gonna be even more mad yeah go take a bath you were there too weren’t you

That’s not healthy let go gum prince off ah okay there you go oh i didn’t realize i had this much on me look at this it got stuck in your quills oh over jeez tails has this on him too we gotta get him we gotta get him to clean himself off as well

Yeah you guys are gonna have to go bring him in there i think i’ve got some exploring i need to do in the in the workshop itself oh my gosh if i can get out of the pool here we go apparently you’re a hammer your hammer produces hearts it does it’s

Full of love and rage what love and it’s terrifying the emotions i don’t really want to be on the receiving end of oh sure you do just you would love it if you just give it a chance oh that was a cool thing i want to give it a chance

I think you uh show those chaos emeralds i mean they’ve got you got that picture of us up on the wall yeah you know you place that there and you know it oh me i have nothing to do with that at all she lied as naturally as she breathed

I never lied a day in my life you come back here sonic t hedgehog never glided in your life huh remember dexter what we don’t talk about that here hang okay okay no no no no no no no no we don’t talk okay we don’t talk about that yeah

Don’t talk about that dexter broke um my heart uh he was super real yeah we’ll have to beat up dexter if we see him yeah yeah totally real maybe instead of beating him up because that sounds kind of mean we could like we could aggressively hold hands and make him super jealous

I thought you were talking about like us holding hands with dennis dennis well dennis i’d love to hold hands with him he’s he’s awesome but i mean dexter we’re not holding his hand i got my name i got my name’s confused there yes he did who is dexter

Dexter is my um super real ex-boyfriend from do you remember a game called sonic chronicles the dark chronicles on the ds what’s the deal is our very first oh you know what an rpg is is that like the bazooka it’s a role-playing game yeah like final fantasy or super mario rpg

Or like dungeons and dragons yeah close enough close enough yeah so think of it like that does that mean i get to play my dwarf wizard you have a dwarf wizard i have a dwarf well of course i played with look how short i am we’re all pretty short here grounder

So then i play a dwarf you play a gnome someone plays a halfling and we will be a member of the lollipop guild oh okay all of a sudden i feel like grounder wouldn’t be too bad at d d i haven’t gotten to play before myself but i think it sounds like fun

We should all play sometimes yeah i wonder who else plays maybe we can learn from them yeah maybe hey grounder to scratch and d oh wait no he’s good man play d eggman’s the dungeon master oh no i don’t think i want it that sounds horrible yeah eggman doesn’t

Sound like it’d be a very uh fair dungeon man oh he is he’s a hundred percent fair we played tomb of annihilation i think is what it was called we died on the first door wow yeah that sounds like eggman yeah that sounds great did you play that with uh scratch eggman

Yourself and what infinite metals on it yeah infinite was the only one who lived but he played the smart cleric he stayed in the back oh yeah that’s game that seems pretty on character for him the chat seems to think that eggman sounds like a terrible dm

No no i have to agree with them too eggman you’re probably not the best dungeon master i’d ever want to have man let’s see we got one two three chaos emeralds one more to grab from chemical plants another one from chemical oh yeah we got green red blue but we still gotta

Grab purple but you guys just got clean we’re about to get dirty we can we can always take another bath okay i guess we can have another pool party when we’re done uh yeah if we get any more chow too oh hey the scoreboards do say which emeralds we

Can get in which place it’s red oh really purple yeah look up at the uh just above the scoreboard if you look up where it’s got the name of the zone it shows uh oh emerald colors we’re getting purple that’s okay yeah so let’s see we got let’s

Got the red one on stage two so stage four would be the one we gotta get to okay all right here we go stage four here we come baby i haven’t been here before i don’t know anything it’s okay don’t ask questions simply run i tried to warn her i got

Murdered i tried to warn her it was murder by blue adorable thank you yeah i’m okay don’t worry okay all right make sure you don’t run into the blue liquid okay yeah i’ll keep my eye on it this time i just didn’t know before oh that was gonna be painful if i didn’t

Pay attention i keep forgetting i keep forgetting i gotta make right turns at that part all right the spiky guys always catch me off guard let’s see in the chemical plant the emeralds are hidden behind locked doors you have to find the purple switches on the floor to open them

Purple switches so if we find a purple switch that means the chaos emerald’s probably nearby more than likely i’m looking okay i see a red spring but that’s not what we need it’s almost almost a purple switch okay all right great i don’t see any purple switches here

Everything good there yeah okay that didn’t do anything but i felt better about it i saw a big door with uh eggman’s face on it and i tried to break it oh did you smash it up good ah i wish it was pretty sturdy ah we’ll get him next time we’ll

Get him next time all right i see you grounder i’m keeping my eyes nice and wide open pop danny said there were gray switches as well oh i found a purple switch oh really that’s a good sign grounder uh grounder there’s an eggman door up there right

Here there is push it hold on it worked okay let’s keep an eye out some more then this music is such a jam oh yeah bring me back takes me back to some good times Do Well there are lyrics done by a guy who does a lot of beat those are parody lyrics though right i believe so and that was for uh a beatbox beat uh battle rap battle i don’t know anymore i know i only know the guy’s name is verbal ace

I know you’re uh attaching up another internet laura’s a flight grounder doing my best oh he got to the end of the stage oh no you found the end okay yeah it’s not the end i guess there was no emerald here but at least we got

Wait look at all the rings we got oh a hundred if we keep our rings we can get shadow next turn oh poor shadow it looks like he’s frozen we kind of found you like that too let’s free him but forget to release you oh no oh grounder

You just spent all of our rings grounded roger spent all of our same shadow money on lives well to be fair to be fair it’ll be fine as long as we do what we did in this in in this round but we just collect and do you think that will happen i

Think it will we did a pretty good job this time remember we just got to take it nice and easy don’t like this don’t like this please you doing all right i know the water’s gonna grow what is this place yeah uh-huh uh eggman’s chemicals

We got to shut it down those were rings um i’m moving way too slow I almost fell be careful keeping an eye out for doors let me find any no doors so far okay no doors there i ain’t touching that that’s blue jelly okay did you just lose the rings i took it out and got damaged at the same time so i see where you guys went

You got it it’s just you gotta time it oh i’m gonna slow down i saw violence yeah don’t stand under there no okay watch out for doors watching out for doors let’s let’s speed up oh i almost ran into that guy well that was close okay careful here there we go

All right keep an eye out for doors no emerald so far wait there’s a door there there’s a door i’ll open it up hold on the switch is down here i push oh okay uh invincibility well that’s something at least i think we grabbed it

Yeah i don’t think shadow is going to be too happy when he gets out let’s uh let’s get the fact that it touches motorcycle a secret from him uh-oh i won’t i’ll tell because i touched it don’t lie you want him to know that then what’s he gonna do about it kill you

Maybe yeah i mean he probably will he’ll have no hesitation there’s a door here but i don’t know where the switch is at i did not bring the box there we go there’s a purple button and a red button purple and a red hold on stay there

Oh hey there uh press the purple button i’m on it i’m on it no yes we got it it’s a chaos emerald oh good i fell oh that was unfortunate we were close though we know where it is uh i’m somewhere behind here but i’m not sure i’m whole i’m sitting

On top of the purple button give me just a second to get back there You guys okay well amy’s going way ahead of me now oh were you behind me yep i was down here where the spikes were at hey sonic here we go oh that’s where the door was there’s a chaos emerald there oh okay perfect skydiving don’t touch the bombs amy uh okay This seems like a horrible idea i think that’s because it is a horrible idea oh oh oh oh oh oh come on it’s not that bad it’s exactly that bad line come on i’m going very slow oh good job you guys told you it wasn’t that hard oh thank goodness

I couldn’t we got both chaos emeralds nice job what happens when we get all of them it will go super well i don’t know but yeah super will probably happen wow that’s always the case when we get seven chaos animals i mean right okay i was trying to i really want to

Jump over the pit instead of going in it don’t worry we’ll touch this ring and collect more okay this time i’m not i’m not going to touch anything this time not that we can touch it anyway yeah we’re too poor i’m uh ducking the level what is dennis here i’m seeing people in

The chats yo dennis are you here They have a really extensive amount to unlock but i don’t think that they’ve got jet the hawk let’s see i know they got chaos they got the werehog form maybe okay maybe there we go i had to die to get here oh oh i’m sorry here have a hug

Uh i i appreciate it you got a big eye so do you it’s a big beautiful eye whoa let’s see if we can get ourselves to act five let’s see if we can get ourselves a bunch of rings because now we got all the emeralds hey true that rings lots of cool gross

We’re gonna need that pool party i talked about yeah let’s make our way through the chow garden once we get to act five extra chlorine or actually there was an unlock condition for shadow that was getting to act six you might be able to save shadow that way

Really really if we can’t get him through rings we can but if we can’t get enough rings we might as well try to get to act six well let’s see if we can get there um okay here we go Okay i can’t break it i guess i gotta turn around oh shoot this thing’s pretty dangerous he keeps getting hit and losing rings it’s always the spikeys too there’s something about them that are off to take down You can’t just jump on them yeah jump on them like normal you’ve noticed that too i’m probably not yeah okay there are some rings behind there i can’t find the switch for it oh well it’s right here it was right across the hole oh there we go thank you grander

All right we got 50 rings so far so good yeah just make sure you follow the uh follow the arrows they point the direction you need to go oh close being kind of difficult to traverse but it’s kind of fun so long as i’m having a good time i can’t complain button rings

Now let’s make our way down to the end oh okay i’m going backwards how are the rings i want to bother with him oh i almost didn’t make it that would have been a nightmare what the that was close that did not seem safe at all you guys hanging in there I keep getting kicked back at the loop-de-loop i found more rings keep collecting as many as you can Okay almost didn’t make it there that could have ended so badly but we still got 120 oh over 130 rings 32. there we go whoa slow down just gotta keep it a decent picture now this is supersonic speed did you make it to the end yeah yep

Nice you guys want to collect any more rings or jump right in i don’t see any more rings i think you’ve collected them all since you went ahead of us okay now let’s jump right in plus this is a good start because now that means we don’t have to collect as many

Rings to progress and as okay this one took its time lighting up this time uh don’t uh don’t grab any extra lives this time grounder nope because 32 rings is about to get paid to go through here i’ll wait pay rings to go into there do you ain’t touching that thing I’d rather not even ring to progress come on we got this select all the chaos emeralds that we can oh yeah just progress with as many rings as we can get push the button hey i do see dennis in the chats the reason jet isn’t the reason jet

Isn’t in this game is simply because they couldn’t capture my awesomeness in minecraft form this is true yeah i did have extreme gear in here though oh yeah my extreme gear just hanging in tails workshop oh i bet he’ll whoa whoa i bet he’ll lose his mind if he saw that extreme gear

Whoa um is this getting pretty risky that is unfortunate amy is doing okay uh-huh but i see a caterpillar that’s okay i haven’t seen one of those around before butch oh good job grounder okay all right i don’t think we’re too far off from getting shadow no not that far off

Don’t worry about it i got murdered almost there okay uh i’m fine everything’s gonna be okay everything’s gonna be okay we got this we got the emeralds we just need to collect as many rings as possible you guys see many more rings go because at this rate we’re gonna be losing them soon

Yeah i haven’t seen anything that was safe to get all right i guess we should jump right back in we’re going to start off with less rings than before that’s okay though we’ll start fresh yep we still need a lot oh we made it like 264 rings for grass oh wait wow There’s a ring box here you just you lost a lot of rings to injury to get that ring box yeah probably not worth it there we go oh all right that is a creeper box no do not touch that that’s pretty much an eggman monitor in every way huh in every way

Oh no worries amy sorry we’ve almost made it past round five act five round five messing with that guy i’m leaving okay we’re going through this all right be careful not to fall off here this feels like you’re quoting everything from sonic heroes you know what unintentionally Sonic hero Heroes it’s a tails shoe ah you’re adorable has tails been raising you little buddy and oh gee cheese maybe that’s how come tails took a break he was raising a chow in the chow garden what makes sense i think the last time we saw him was the chow garden yeah that’s adorable

Oh it really is the precious shadows i’m raising this one wait do they all show up in the garden uh yeah they should do if jeff’s in the chat still we should show him the extreme gear we will see before we jumped in here grounder That’s what i was gonna ask but the clouds are still out oh this one’s playing oh oh that looks a normal child oh my gosh you guys i just remembered we’re filthy and disgusting and we’re over here interacting with this all right Sanitizers oh wow you’re all you wanna i think you’re clean enough okay there we go do i have anything left in my hair am i okay uh i think you should be good okay yeah i will pet all of you i must pit all of you

Not before i do okay now it’s safe for us to pet the chow we were disgusting before not a lot of supersonic speed oh they’re so cute i think this one’s my favorite this little gremlin right here yeah look at him oh yeah he’s playing he’s dancing with you

Ah hey guys where’s the tails chow did that one not follow us in oh no this little green one’s still here how are you doing i’ve been raising this one myself actually it’s a good little guy this one’s a little itty bitty baby chicken that’s adorable enantion streak

Oh that’s all people are going to see when he runs past them i think he’s doing the wrong thing you got to do the l trigger to give them love There we go Hey chet what’s going on i’m at the food court nobody told me there was a minecraft thing going on today sorry oh yeah no it wasn’t it was a surprise drop jets i did it for my birthday what about my birthday um when was your birthday again in february

February huh yeah well maybe we’ll see what happens in february i guess so look at those chats yeah yeah i know they’re adorable man is that a percival channel a percival gel i don’t think it’s a personal child oh see i thought it was the mask yeah it looks like the map

Wait i think he’s got a beak my is it my child have you been raising this one jack i think it does have a beak yeah no it’s got a beak for sure what’s what’s the name Jennifer this is jennifer she’s beautiful pretty creative name are you guys having fun in minecraft yeah look this is my channel over here i named them streak because that’s all they’re gonna see when he runs by huh they have no name they are only babies and i will raise them all

Well i mean of course they’re all babies they’re adorable i must find food for them but there’s no food around here now the music only the tales is is the music in minecraft yeah yeah it’s in minecraft wow But uh like i’m worried about the tails challenge i kind of want to go back and see how he’s doing yeah we should go check on him and also we can show jeff the extreme gear yeah yeah Let me quickly show you the extreme gear chad check sure out the last one we used in free riders it’s the blue star too wow yeah and it looks great tails is kept in pretty good condition yeah hopefully we can have another race soon sonic the hedgehog oh yeah i’m down anytime jets

Just need a time and place or if you want to try something new we could always try cart racing hmm i have to ask wave about that see what you can come up with i’m down into time jet you just let me know you’re on sonic the hedgehog

Now what are these guys doing over here it’s just vibing hey stay away from that okay let’s there we go okay good good don’t get near that have you guys found the tails chow i haven’t found them where did they go maybe they cycled through the garden

Possibly i mean i didn’t see some of the other chow in there too there’s some of them here but okay i think i saw um in the chat that somebody said that you can do the eggman mode to get a chaos emerald hmm oh there you are amy

I was uh i was checking with tails to see if he knew where tails chow is but he doesn’t oh shoot i wonder if he knows what’s going on with the computer here oh from his computer to eggman’s computer how do you interact with objects like what button do you press

I think it should be the right trigger left trigger left left trigger whoa whoa eggman mode we found it eggman come here eggman um the time has come um eggman showed up i gotta take down eggman guys he’s dropping chemicals all over green that’s disgusting we just showered

Literally like five minutes ago too look at all those big man’s robots green house oh no oh that’s not good oh we got throughout how you know what uh extra lives let’s go let’s go back oh we didn’t fall yeah yeah nothing happened oh we haven’t let eggman get away with that

Yeah jet uh you saw nothing okay oh we only get one life i didn’t see anything oh my burrito oh yeah keep eating your burrito jet ow i wasn’t ready all right we gotta be careful then all right crab meat we don’t have time for you we’ve got bigger crabs to fry

Yeah you tell him amy yeah You got a good one-liners there rounder um my maybe we shouldn’t ask around her for one liners anymore yeah you gotta get a one-liner now one-liner um um don’t cross me you gotta be ready this time at the pretty good one-liners yeah it’s all right got this we got this we got this Crab meat wasn’t that what i had for dinner last night crap meet your doom ha ha oh i know better than this i ain’t no better than to run at the same time that you do for that spring Ow my jumping issue oh that’s what happened if you had extreme gears just saying probably you’re right and we can do it on foot you sure on extreme gear too much jeff yeah those are trainers making me the fastest thing in the universe have you ever beat me on a foot race i

Don’t think so in fact have you ever have you really ever beaten me in a race on the extreme gear too yeah the sand ruins i beat you there i mean that wasn’t from cheating the race i don’t think you were too happy about it you sure you want to

Let your ego get in the way sonic please it’s literally the only victory i’m not actually able to jump for some reason prepare to meet your doom activating jet mode don’t don’t touch that ground or tails ain’t gonna be too happy stop touching the tornado I think sometimes you and i are the only ones who are too smart for these guys are you talking to the doll that can’t talk back to you hush you you can’t talk back today that’s between him and the doll well we don’t even know if it’s the same sus tales

Oh hey tails you come you back yeah you guys good i i heard i think like i i heard something was happening to my plane down here you guys didn’t touch it or anything did you we didn’t we’re trying to stop grounder from touching it i touched everything unfortunately we kind of failed

Look at all these bolts all over the place what did you guys do i take it touch the ground 20 minutes to go and raise like a tails chow and this is what i get oh that was a really cute chow by the way thanks he takes after me

I can tell also why did you uh what did you feed him to get him like that oh yeah we got joe on the phone hi chuck you wanna ah i’m in the food court nice what did you get for lunch burrito a burrito that sounds just right off no

No drink just a burrito no drink all right i can’t afford the drink they’re gonna be kind of harsh there jet it’s okay they have one of those little water fountains ah okay you’re good at that that’s fair enough huh so i just can’t believe that this game has werehog

Metal knuckles infinite but not me yeah it’s kind of um surprising to put you in of all people they’ll be hearing from my lawyers oh i uh i’m gonna be honest here i don’t think you’re gonna be winning this one yet you’re kidding i got the greatest attorney on this my side storm

Oh no storm’s your attorney yeah i thought you would have had like a better chance of phoenix phoenix right or something just i can’t afford phoenix does he have a license to practice law and babylon all right this is gonna be our music is cool is the uh the law of

Babylon garden different from the rest of the planets it’s a sun country baby oh if anyone was wondering where i was i was uh i’m upstairs i was messing with the jukebox I saw you how many songs are on the jukebox i do gotta disappear goodnight guys oh oh okay no i i already left i’m out i’m going i couldn’t go oh you know what i got my grounder by grinder i bet eggman found out he was hanging out with the heroes

At least we got knuckles back Knuckles is i think knuckles is uh venting at his frustration on the the punching bag he probably was having an existential crisis from what he just experienced your knuckles you doing all right i think he left i think grounder left knuckles so traumatized he can’t speak anymore that’s a trademark uh trauma

Right there yeah well we should probably let him have a space for now i think so yeah you know should we wrap it up soon too it’s late for you isn’t it i’m going to keep going but uh i don’t mind oh yo dude look at our score one one one

One one oh what where up at the very top over the uh above the stages nice one one one one that’s uh something you don’t see every day But i’m good to uh keep going you want to try go through sky sanctuary yeah let’s see yeah let’s show jet sky sanctuary yeah i wasn’t i wasn’t when you guys tried it before so let me check this out yeah check it out tails This place looks amazing maybe that’s why mecca sonic gets to be in this game because this stage is here uh what no they do have a lot of classical theming That dude is trying to shoot me in the leg well thank you pal come on i’m shooting in your leg dude i got better things to do today than get shot in the leg he’s still struggling with chaos emeralds yeah let’s get out of here oh dude yeah sweet

They’re the ones that bounce you off oh cool i wish i knew how to like fly up higher but i only have like a like a base i think he’s gotta hold the space bar it’s like i i hover more so than i go up hmm i guess they’re trying to just keep

Me from being too op because uh we know i am what’s this we all know you’re flying make me overpowered i was so overpowered they didn’t even put me in the game so ha i beat you there yeah they knew this he couldn’t balance having you in the game

Whoa you doing all right there tails uh yep i’m good i’m good almost lost my lunch there oh no well sonic tails i got some bad news what’s the bad news jet the food court is closing so i gotta go oh man oh shoot okay we’ll see you in a bit then

Yeah it was fun checking this out thanks for showing me sky sanctuary and i have to say one important thing what’s up what’s that happy birthday sonic the hedgehog ah thanks jets catching the show it’s your birthday too sure see ya bye bye Ah it’s not normally that sweet he’s too busy trying to protect his ego we know he loves you why did you die i tried getting an uh an extra life and i guess i died somehow tried to get an extra life and died trying hey at least i’m trying oh hey dude

I’m right behind you oh sweet whoa wait up man there we go what got it i went too high uh oh hold on there we go i think i fell in the water i think that’s what killed me yeah it said you drowned yeah when you can’t swim

You’re almost there tails and again i gotta use my tails to get up okay there you go this way all right i’m coming Yeah this definitely reminds me of my sonic two days where i’m screaming and confused and sonic’s like way ahead of me all right dude you’re doing a great job keeping up though i mean sometimes maybe not but most of the time i do what i can it’s tough when i’m not advanced

Yeah all things considered you do pretty amazing you don’t realize how amazing you really are oh thank you speaking of amazing check out this view dude let’s see check out the mountains don’t fall off pretty good oh no i won’t fall off don’t worry i wouldn’t risk standing up

Wow so far but yeah it’s really cool looking yeah it’s a beautiful view out here this thing duncan’s got to see this all the time yeah that’s true knuckles has some of the best views ever oh well yeah to be fair he’s stuck with his uh shrine

Most of the time but when he’s not yeah he really does get some good views oh come on my face whoa happened tails seemed to fall on your face did you uh no i was just scraping it against something That i don’t think that’s any better tails not by a lot oh yeah tails has absolutely come really far since we first met remember that time he took down eggman by by himself i don’t mean to brag but i was pretty cool dang right you were oh shoot are you okay

I almost fell to uh i almost fell off the sanctuary tails um that’s not good my my flight speed is a little slow i’d have trouble catching you from here don’t worry i managed to save myself you doing uh get down there um i have no idea where i am i’m not

Sure where the rest of the level is but there’s rings over here oh i see you okay i’m gonna go down where you are there you are tails yeah come down here down here okay hey buddy hey there you are all right come on it’s this way

Yep don’t fall in that hole i’ll try not to that sounds like it would suck just keep following this path all right you take the one on the right what oh dude oh the egg pun it got to the end tails you finally saw the end of a level that’s the first time

Today i’ll let you do the honors of going through the ring okay okay uh i need to back up enough so i can actually see the ring because i haven’t yet oh oh oh going forward it’s around the other side of this thing okay sweet this is the greatest video of my life

You’re glad to hear it yeah nice that’s going buddy thanks dude you good to go one more yeah i’m good to go one more all righty jump on in act two this is probably the one we’ll find the uh chaos emerald in oh yeah you might be right okay let’s see

You move around here with like such confidence oh my gosh yes you say that but i die right after yeah but i mean yeah not to brag but uh well while you were getting well you were dying doing whatever it was that you were doing i was getting

Shot oh not the whole not the one no okay ah there you go am i going the right way okay yeah yeah just keep following this path all right i’m going i’m going oop a little too fast to get me that knicks there we go the checkpoint

I don’t feel like fighting that dude i don’t got weapons leave me alone i’ll take care of him leave me alone there we go yeah i’d rather uh strategically dodge than white head-on are you okay i you oh you fell we accidentally by accident yeah okay all right

Let’s go for it that’s what we wanted yeah we were we were hoping for this i just didn’t expect to get uh to get here accidentally all right as close over here as possible so long as we don’t touch the bombs we’re good i can tell this one’s definitely going

To be difficult though oh does it restart you whenever you touch the ground yeah oh geez ah dang this one’s definitely going to be hard yeah i think so i’m having some trouble maneuvering all right we gotta be extra careful here whoa this is not going aw jeez

This is really threading the needle buddy yep it yeah whoa i did it tails you did it yeah almost there dude awesome way to go all righty careful guys and then we get shot as soon as we come out sweet movies we got chaos emeralds just fine

I’m right behind you oh oh okay good i got worried there we go all right all right where do we go uh this way tails okay here you are v for victory oh yeah i don’t want to get pissed everybody in the chat is really happy that we got that chaos emerald

Thanks guys y’all are awesome nice i think it’s two more stages and we should be able to get the last one dale is he good yep i’m omar i’m on my way great all right I’ll see if we can get that invincibility you good yep i’m good nice one that box whoa i’m uh sorry tails i saw that entire thing from beginning to end like from up on this cliff side i just saw you yeet yourself in that hole oh no it was not good

I’m not gonna go for that invincibility this time uh i think i got it ah nice buddy uh i don’t know how we use it but i landed on it oh i guess huh i know when grounder got it or was it amy or grounder wouldn’t know my man it seems like it

Should just work automatically like it does normally yeah i don’t know why it’s not working right away oh i almost got punched in the snout with that thing oh that’d be painful i think so scotty b all right here we go Oh for like just a second i thought that was eggman coming down the stairs and i’m like what no oh man that’s a frightening image yeah it was it was a real power move just dr eggman walking down the stairs like that but uh it wasn’t him not even not even

With his echo yeah yeah he’s like nah i don’t need anything oh tails oh i didn’t need a buddy yeah i’m okay i uh i didn’t even see what happened to me I drowned did you get shot did you fall no i i drowned but i didn’t even see the body of water before i was head under oh that happened to me i think it’s just those little patches of water well you know what they say watching

Them i think it is you can drown like three inches of water doesn’t make sense but for some reason we can oh i found the end i found the end of the stage tails oh nice we’ll use his chance to uh get an extra life and get that last chaos emerald sounds good

To me All right uh let’s see we need 16 rings to go to the next stage so yeah we should be good just barely made it the most fantastic computer problems today my monitor just blacked out oh jeez that’s not good no that’s awkward but well i got it it’s uh

Well sort of i got it to flash on for just a second but yeah that’s not a good sign brown is really messing with your pc today he is what a monster we’ll make him pay he must pay for his crimes ah you’re moving around is everything

Good yeah i can only keep it going for like a couple of seconds and then it turns itself off let me see oh boy if i can make use of the couple of seconds i got okay hang on hang on i got this tails i might be able to do a thing

But i need to i need to move quickly i need to move quickly yeah no you got this almost oh thank you for subscribing thank you that was zawateka thank you subscribe to prime gaming ah my whistle did not come out proper let’s try that again there we go

How’s the situation looking there tails i’ve almost got it it’s like i got a plan but i gotta finesse it just right with the about one second of screen i can get to uh respond oh oh oh i think i did it yes yes yeah nice okay i should be all right

The screen is um broken but uh i managed to pull it onto my drawing tablet screen so i can see enough to keep playing a little longer you wanna you wanna stop and try and figure that out oh i got no idea what to make of that

But i we might as well just keep going for a little bit more what did we want to accomplish okay uh let’s see this is stage three i think we need to get to stage four for the next chaos emerald all righty everything looking good there uh yep i can

I can see the aspect ratio is weird but i will live oh oh you got this yes life If anyone’s got it it’s you you want a weird problem to have that’s gonna make it real interesting for the squad on friday i tell you what hopefully that doesn’t happen again yeah i’ve just got it turned off for now but boy i’ve had a lot of issues today

Okay i got boys uh not a reoccurring problem yeah i hope i hope it’s not like yeah i hope it’s just a today thing yeah okay i think uh i think i probably so far so good are you hanging in there oh i think i’m hanging it all right i’m just lagging a

Little behind red spring oh this is that’s all right around all the time please no please no ah gotta be careful tails come on now this guy’s trying to shoot me i’m gonna do anything beat him up that’s a creeper monitor that’s not going to do us any good

Yeah we saw what happened with that before don’t want to mess with that yeah especially since we need as many rings as we can get that’s true that’s good that we rescued damien yeah i’m glad we at least do that but i wonder what’s going on with everybody

Yeah i don’t know maybe everyone’s in stasis like that kind of reminds me of generations oh yeah you’re right i hope there’s no time eater shenanigans going on right now yikes yeah me too because if there is you’re gonna end up being like 14 years old

Ah please no yeah last time i already regressed once in age i don’t want to do that again yeah like the time you showed up to your birthday and generations and you went from being 16 to 15 again and never recovered uh i remember it like like a horrible nightmare every day i’m

Gonna get shot in the face okay that was pretty cool meeting myself though yeah our classic good job how cool to uh to reunite with i mean it was hecka surreal but it was neat i kind of forgot that was mute for a long time

You know what you were just like it was a phase where you were just like a man of few words i really i guess i still had a biff whoa what what um you saw nothing dude I’ve never seen that happen before what happened what tails what happened i don’t know that that was so weird i didn’t see it you did i’m i’m a little concerned buddy uh it’s okay you weren’t supposed to go back down after you went up are you feeling okay though that can’t

Have been that can’t have been good on your body you know what i feel a little sick to my stomach but other than that i’m good to go i think i just saw you warp in the distance oh no no you didn’t well that’s good to hear okay

Okay come on alrighty i must be speed it takes me such a long time to pick up speed when i want to go fast which is rare yeah it’s just a bit of practice at least oh yeah no nice tails you crossed the finish line oh i freed the animals that’s what that

Thing was i didn’t realize okay you get the ring this time you never realized it was a capsule yeah i didn’t because i didn’t see you breaking there we go we need 32 rings we got 38 we just about made it man shadow just about all right you ready to jump in

Yeah let’s do it tweet sky sanctuary four we need 48 rings to progress all right let’s do this do our best to not get hit we gotta find where that chaos emerald is hiding that’s true i haven’t seen anything so far but we did just get here probably somewhere further on if i

Remember the last chaos emerald we got it was kind of hidden out of in plain sight after we get that the only chaos emerald left is the a Man mode one how do i break this ring box all right sixty four round rings it can’t be too hard to get was that tails on yeah i was having trouble breaking one of the monitor boxes 10 rings in it i’m good can you hear me

Ah okay you’re breaking up a little bit there maybe yeah you’re breaking up a little bit i was wondering if uh that might have been the effect of the teleporter from earlier it might be that’s kind of weird a little concerning oh you never age

Uh as i got ash ketchum’s curse we all have ash ketchum’s curse i mean i’ve had birthdays but i guess i don’t you all good up there tails uh yep All righty so far no signs of a chaos emerald yeah i haven’t seen anything weird but i’m trying just to survive here Oh god oh my leg okay sonic i have not seen anything so far um i don’t think you’re too far behind are you buddy whoa I’m gonna throw up oh leave me alone the teleporter what’s going on i’m leaving um i got teleported up but then instead of putting me down it just hurts issues did it do that same thing again i have no idea i don’t think so fails sonic whoa okay that teleporter is doing weird

Things to you tails yeah it really was i was stuck spinning in the air for like 10 seconds after it was done and it was uh uh disturbing is that the end of the level up there oh gosh not a comfortable time and i can imagine

Even the springs aren’t working for me i don’t think so oh actually i’m gonna get the extra life i’m doomed so this is where i die tails are you okay uh the spring stopped working there we go okay tails i’m having uh i’m having a a glitch adventure oh my lord okay what

Hang in there buddy hang in there um i think i think everything’s okay now that was wild all right that’s good in here This has been one crazy adventure oh hey there buddy am i going the wrong way no you’re going the right way i was checking where you were yeah i was back there having some weird stuff happen to me do we have enough running spurs yeah definitely sounds like it

Yeah oh that was close we need a nice 64. 64. in case we have barely enough mario 64. i’m not seeing any chaos emeralds yeah i don’t see anything interesting okay it might be right near the end of the level perhaps there’s no breakable walls and that’s

Death those are some rings but are probably not worth grabbing i got a couple of them let’s see it sounds like everyone else is getting some motion sickness too sorry guys The ring hmm if the chaos emerald is anywhere it’s gotta be around here right uh well it can’t be any more powerful oh oh sonic okay did you touching the water is death okay i don’t like that yeah yeah touching the water confirmed touching the water death i got you uh

Don’t touch the water i don’t see i don’t see what we need how are we gonna do this i don’t think we’re gonna be able to get the chaos emerald to stage unless it’s in a different stage or either that or did we already get a chaos emerald from here

Whoa tails you’re a statue yes i am i have uh put myself upon a pedestal what are you doing up there vibin [Laughter] you having fun up there buddy i am i’m having a great time i’m good you know what i’m gonna stand the other side we’re both gonna be pedestals

Nice the only uh downside here is i can’t see you oh man i remember the last time we found a chaos emerald it wasn’t whoa what What what happened we somehow went back to the lab i don’t know maybe okay maybe that was odd maybe somehow that was uh the hack for um getting back us oh we ran out of time oh we have time i didn’t even notice it was never a thing before

Yeah it looks like we were on a timer i didn’t realize yeah me neither dude oops oh no in the top upright time i knew it was counting how much time we were in there but i didn’t realize we had a time limit Oh okay we got two more chaos numbers left i guess we can all right so it is one more from there and one more from eggman it’s white and yellow wait we got yellow already yeah we got we got yellow so i mean white and then let’s see green blue purple red

Other it’s the lighter blue color i think we’re missing cyan that would mean that’s the one we get from eggman oh okay so white blue and white we need the white one from sky yesterday and then cyan from from eggman yeah you want to try to go for eggman

Max since we just went for sky sanctuary oh sure let’s give it a shot oh look it’s a whole congregation of chow over here yeah let’s do it let’s go for that and Why are they all over here just come on guys stop being where it’s all dangerous there’s spikes here well if you fall on them yeah good point come on come with us come on little buddy uh yeah and there’s like a motorboat over there Maybe he went to the chow garden by himself he’s a an independent fella you taught him well also tails why do we uh why do we have the tail stall down here uh keep your friends close and your enemies closer Heels he’s just sitting here menacingly he’s got plans man he’s got plans you’re gonna stop him uh i don’t know what he’s what his plans are yet okay we’re just trying to get to the end of the whoa what whoa is there something we’re doing that’s sending us back

I don’t know hold on let’s go let’s go back through there maybe it’s a button we pressed one of us pressed that sends us back oh i see There’s a leaf act item earth has not explained a lot this is terrifying What i’m back in the laboratory The laboratory hold on hmm let me try to see how far i can get here yeah go for it dude do your best it’s up to you gotta make sure we don’t get hit All right pick up the speed ow i did not pick up the speed All right so long as i get at least one ring we’re fine there we go you are speed all right my name is sonic it’s literally in my name do it do it all right loop loop time All right we’re doing it i wonder if we got an eggman fight at the end of this maybe but you’re gonna be all on your own i bet you can do it it’s a little awkward with the picking up speed sometimes but that was close But hopefully we can keep this up and at the end of the stage no problem and i’ll be right back to you buddy you can do it sonic i’m rooting for you i know i can do it now i just heard something like an explosion that’s not good eggman’s not nearby you

Is he oh i don’t think so hmm All right we got a good bit of speed here Oh the loop-de-loops get a little wonky sometimes rain and lightning danger all horizon i looked away i fell off there you are are you okay getting back to you yeah pretty far i may have tripped oh no Not the worst reason we uh went back here no well you made it try one more time all right yeah one more time see how far we can get together yep All right let’s see you ready for this are you ready for this y’all ready for this i’m gonna wait for that guy all right moto bug no problem buzz armor no problem huh why do they stop there crab meat no problem you do you buddy right All right we’re doing all right this is not too shabby oh that had me scared i thought it’s going to fall off careful I’m doing my best here yeah we got a ton of support from the dad too thanks guys They can’t let them all down but you gotta do this oh there’s lightning here i’m going back i’m going back ah don’t worry tails that’s all good the lightning won’t stay for long buddy i didn’t know there was gonna be like lightning and chemicals falling from the sky this is horrible

You want to go back to your workshop no no i’m i’m good i’m good okay i’m i’m coming to help all right yeah all right i know i want to No this is fine because now we’re safe from the lightning yeah that’s true um oh that was not my fault the dash pad let’s do it that wasn’t fair one more time one more time yeah nah one more time okay let’s do it and then

We need to get some rest the food court already closed one Yeah it’s time to uh get some rest after this one yeah there you go uh please jump it’s still floating there uh yeah i’m uh my spring is not working again you can do it tails just wait until you know you got this my lord of this oh oh okay it’s working now

I’m feeling a little nauseous uh i’m having an interesting time okay just a little smidge a little smidge Think you’re good uh i think i think so there you go i’m in front of the camera let’s do this buddy let’s do it or not you know what tails this could be a good chance for you to conquer your lightning fear that was a very abrupt entrance into this place

Um you just show up now uh yep i just got here eggman’s like not even here or anything i was just saying this could be a good chance to uh Yeah i’m just saying this could be a whoa okay no that was my fault I uh kind of tripped are you still in the uh in the level tales i was oh my god i’m having uh some interesting things now it’s my fault dale sorry about that oh that’s all right i was uh i was scared well in any case we probably should rest

I’ve got my computer exploding and all kinds of interesting things so i think that might be a sign yeah before your computer before your computer dies yeah let’s uh let’s wrap this on up so everybody thank you for dropping by actually uh do you think we’ll do this again sometime

Yeah uh we we got pretty far we’ll have to pick it up and give it a shot and maybe my equipment will work better the next time so i can stream it but i did try to record my end of the adventure anyway uh happy birthday slime like footage if you want it

Yeah please do that’ll be awesome thank you tails thank you so much you know this has been a wonderful birthday i gotta thank you for it spending all this time with me you know a lot of fun of course when we got hacked by grounder and all

Kinds of things so that really brings me back to the 90s if nothing else yeah amy was he here knuckles i was here in spirit i guess because of grounder uh shadows it’s been a lot of yeah dude yeah we uh we couldn’t rest in shadow yep all right everybody thank you very

Much for watching a good 30 years a good 30 years we’ll see y’all later bye Bye phew that was quite an adventure all right guys thank you so much for watching the um recorded version of that live stream disaster that we had from last night uh but we are just in time i guess to celebrate sonic’s 30th birthday anyway and i guess this will be our happy

Birthday video happy birthday sonic okay um i had a few more of the nux bucks that i’ll read and these were the last ones we got before the stream exploded um frost the white lion thanks for the five nux bucks they had asked who would have thought sonic can punch people

Into minecraft now he’s in one funny how life works yeah i wasn’t expecting us to get like such an extensive minecraft um experience this has been a lot of fun and olivia runting thanks for the 299 nux bucks they said i’m sorry i cried at the meet and greet tails

It’s okay uh lots of people got emotional when we were doing the meet and greets they were fun and it was nice to see you thank you for coming to visit us thank you shadowstar13 for the two nuts bucks they said uh happy birthday sonic have a birthday chili dog

Nice i’ll make sure that he gets that today since today’s uh well it was already it was his birthday already in the uk because they were ahead of us by eight hours but it’s his birthday here in the usa now too so i’ll make sure he gets that thank you

Um and the last one was from reggie rattler thank you for the five nux bucks they said how are you guys enjoying your first minecraft experience i’ve been playing since 2011. you should have seen what the game looked like back then dude i’d love to see what the game

Looked like back then um i’d actually like to play you know like the base game for minecraft i hear it’s a lot of fun but uh i haven’t actually played it before well this is my first minecraft experience in general um but if you guys end up liking this

Well enough then maybe we’ll do it some more i know me and sonic had so much fun that we’re thinking of playing again sometime soon but uh apparently i can’t stream it um but maybe i’ll figure something out alright anyway thank you guys for coming to watch our uh follow up recorded version

Of our adventures from last night that was our first time playing the uh sonic minecraft a new dlc that came up for sonic’s birthday thank you all for coming i’m sorry my stream exploded the first time around uh i’ll see if i can get a new monitor because like i can’t stream

Anymore without a new one that might be kind of urgent but thank you guys for coming thank you so much and happy birthday sonic happy 30th it’s been a pleasure to be your best friend for all these years uh and happy birthday eggman okay uh goodbye

This video, titled ‘Sonic and Tails Play: MINECRAFT SONIC DLC (Full Stream Version)’, was uploaded by SonicSong182 on 2021-06-24 00:30:10. It has garnered 413898 views and 3028 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:53 or 11453 seconds.

Sonic and Tails (and… GROUNDER??!) play the new Sonic world DLC for Minecraft in celebration of Sonic’s 30th anniversary! SO MANY GLITCHES AND STREAM CRASHES ENSUE… FOR 3 HOURS AND 10 MINUTES! #SonicTheHedgehog #Minecraft #Sonic30thanniversary

This video was cobbled together from my utterly failed livestream of Tails’s POV (point of view) playing the game, and the footage we got from our friend VoicesOfNathan (Sonic the Hedgehog point of view). Thank you so much Nate, you saved the day!!

Even though my stream died, I kept playing on my end for another two hours so I could reconstruct all the silliness for you guys! This video combines Tails’s footage and Sonic’s footage, and also has a few cutaways where Tails reads off the Knux Bux that he didn’t get the chance to read on stream because my equipment exploded lol. We’re even going to set this as a premiere video, so you guys can still chat together like you would have if the original stream had worked. It’s the closest I can get to showing you guys the full experience!

I hope you guys have fun with this silliness!

—————————————— FEATURING…….. ——————————————- Sonic the Hedgehog – VoicesOfNathan Miles “Tails” Prower – SonicSong182’s Kn Grounder, the Dumpster Demon from the 1990’s – SparkyRaptor

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

SonicSong182 – Sonic and Tails Play: MINECRAFT SONIC DLC (Full Stream Version)