Soul Sand Valley Wither Skeleton Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 342]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a good day nice purply black void background for today’s intro screen we are back here at the wither rose farm of all things and you might be familiar with why because of course

The plan is for us to make a with a skeleton farm and excuse me while i turn that down a little bit a little bit loud from the weather today there we go uh the plan is to create a bunch of spawning platforms for with the skeletons by spawn proofing them using wither

Roses and thankfully for me my with the rose farm here is still pretty much intact we have a fairly decent amount of drops and even some there in the item hopper so yes this wither rose farm obviously was developed pre 1.16 and before a change was made that meant

You could no longer remove the central portal block from these end gateways meaning it’s no longer really possible to trap the wither there unless you have a very smart way of removing that central portal block which used to be done with a bucket of water and a dispenser

No longer really possible so we’re gonna fly back to the center of the end island here and i’m going to show you guys another quick way of getting wither roses in a pinch and it all comes down to our usual method of cheesing the wither using the bedrock portal here in the end

First of all you’ll need as many eggs as you can possibly gather because we’re going to be spawning in a bunch of chickens and we’ll need the eggs for that obviously i’m kind of tripping over eggs whenever i walk into this little chicken pen at the back of

My house we might even have some in storage somewhere or maybe i got rid of the rest of those but either way we will need a bunch of chicken eggs but it’s always possible to get more once you’ve hatched a couple so we can probably just start farming

Chickens on site we’re also gonna need a dispenser we’ll probably need a hopper to input eggs into the dispenser and a couple of observers a sticky piston and a lever should make for a decent redstone clock when we need to hatch them i’m also going to bring a

Bunch of trapdoors with me as my chicken container of choice and with one more last sweep of the nesting pen i have about 16 eggs so that should hopefully be enough to spawn in at least a couple of chickens if not we can always come back off camera and get a couple more

Back here under the end portal we are going to widen out the space underneath here where we normally spawn the wither to get it trapped underneath the bedrock portal and we are going to leave in an area down here which is going to be filling up slowly

With baby chickens they can be babies they can be adults it shouldn’t really matter too much actually the baby chickens will still drop with the roses if killed by the wither and so what we’re going to do is set up a little cage here i’ve got this kind of three

Block long area here we’re going to drop a dispenser in one corner and that is going to be the thing that dispenses eggs upwards into this sort of cage allowing chickens to run around in here but hopefully not escape and be right next to the space where we spawn the wither under the

Bedrock portal i just grabbed a couple more hoppers out of my redstone shulker box because i want to make sure that we can chain hoppers into this dispenser from a reasonable distance away preferably outside of the withers blast radius because the weather explodes when it is first

Summoned and that is the explosion we’re going to be using to kill all of these chickens and generate wither roses naturally down here at the end is where we want to generate a few chickens that are going to be our laying chickens and then hopefully they should start to

Fill up this dispenser with some more eggs over time there we go we actually got a substantial hit rate for the eggs there we have a few chickens already in the pen that is quite surprising maybe we can let one of them in here and he shall be

Our first sacrifice and the other one just seems to have wandered off onto the end portal and is having himself a lovely time so the idea of course is that sooner or later these chickens here will grow up into adults the adults will start to lay eggs

The eggs will go into this dispenser and then using a quick observer redstone clock setup here with a sticky piston on there an observer facing towards this space there and another observer facing the opposite way we should start to get this lovely clock setup going on and we can

Disable it and enable it with the sticky piston to make it even faster the idea being that once the chickens start laying eggs that end up in this dispenser we can just dispense them as quickly as we want to into this cage and then the chickens can

Start to run around 24 chickens in a single block will start to entity cram hence why we’ve made this three blocks long so that the majority of the chickens running around in here won’t collide with each other and therefore won’t start to entity cram and kill themselves prematurely so we

Could try and grow some of these baby chickens a little bit faster using wheat seeds but i haven’t brought any with me right now so i think the best thing to do is probably just to wait a little while longer until they start laying eggs and that took a little while but

Eventually you should end up with something that looks like this we’ve got a bunch of chickens in there bustling for space shoving each other around occasionally laying more eggs that i can pop back into the hoppers and every so often the dispenser will fill up with eggs and we can just

Activate the clock to hatch a couple more once you are satisfied with that the next step is to go back to the overworld or to the nearest brewing stand at least and brew up a potion of poison we’re also going to grab the stuff that we need to summon the wither

While we’re there and in this case there happens to be the drowned farm where i’ve been repairing some of my tools and trying to get more nautilus shells to light up the museum but back here at founders forge i can use my little potion computer here to create a splash potion of poison

And it would really help if i could remember how to make that one oh of course it’s a regular spider eye not the fermented spider eye and i don’t even have that here because to be honest i didn’t think i’d find myself in a position to brew

A potion of poison but hey there we go let me go grab a spider eye reel first there we go luckily for me very little else you can do with spider eyes so i had plenty of them just kind of laying around not doing anything so we’re going to tuck this into the

Ingredients hopper in there and that will just get added to the brewing stand and then we just need to apply some gunpowder after that and from that we get three splash potions of poison which are wonderfully green when you don’t have the enchantment glow over them and we

Should only need poison one because the chickens don’t have a whole lot of health so poison two is completely unnecessary in this case the other thing we need of course is three with the skeleton skulls and some soul sand so we can summon the wither underneath the bedrock portal but we

Shouldn’t have any other worries aside from that let’s hop back through to the end so hopping back down here to find our chickens all still here very good let me see if i can quickly squeeze out a few more eggs into here but i don’t know if we’re

Going to get any more chickens in there realistically for now it just takes a little while to get hold of them but the first thing we want to do of course is splash all of them with this poison potion which is going to cause quite a loud noise but of course

The poison is not going to be fatal it will only take them down to half a heart’s worth of health and they don’t regenerate that so from there all we need to do is summon the wither using the traditional under the portal method of 4 soul sand and 3 skulls

And we should just have to stand back while the weather explodes there we go and oh i need to turn the explosion noises down again because gosh there it is okay and now when we open this up we should find there’s a whole bunch of wither roses in

There 36 to be exact which is probably the amount of chickens we had in there in the first place and the best part about this whole method is that we then get to kill the wither for another netherstar for another beacon so in terms of methods of getting wither

Roses it’s not necessarily the most effective in the world but it oh we got 37 there we go we got one extra but i’m sure they’re already better with the rose farms out there it’s just a matter of circumventing the issues that we have without no longer being able to destroy

That end gateway portal block but in this case you can probably surround the wither with even more of these kind of chicken cages i guess as you set this whole thing up so you could end up gathering quite a few with the roses from this with a minimal amount of

Effort just a renewable source of eggs and all we need to do is start dispensing the eggs back into this enclosure to start the process again but regardless of how we got them these weather roses are going to be one of the most important things in today’s episode because we are of course

Going to make the wither skeleton spawning platforms for our new with a scaly farm over in the soul sand valley so without further ado let’s head over there so i have come back out here to the nether fortress and this is where we’re going to start placing a platform of grass blocks on

Which we’re going to be placing our weather roses we could do this on netherrack as well but i think grass is going to just stand out a little bit more make the farm a little bit nicer to look at grass in the nether doesn’t look great to begin

With but it’s better than looking at all of this netherrack and it’ll be really obvious where the farm is the next thing we need to know is exactly what height to begin the platform and it’s nice and easy to figure out actually we can do that by looking at the legs

Of this nether fortress here and basically the top block of that pillar is the one we want to be placing the grass block against and on the outside of that pillar there because above that that is where the hitbox for this crossroads starts and if we start

The platform on that block there we’re actually going to be able to fit in three platforms with the wither skeletons height taken into consideration on which they are going to be able to spawn so we should hopefully be able to maximize the output of this farm

To the best of our ability by having three platforms of grass with weather roses on and i hope i have brought enough something tells me i have not but i have a little bit of glass to put around the outside of the farm and i have some grass

To make sure that i can build the platforms out we may even need to go and get some more with the roses because i’m not 100 certain this is going to be enough this is going to be quite a large wide platform to begin with so the

First thing i want to do is find a spot to dig down and i’m going to be very very careful about stepping over the edge here i’ve got some fire resistance potions as well so we’re going to dig down with the nether brick here until we are right

On the edge of this pillar and that is where the platform of grass is going to start of course i need to be a little bit careful about the ghasts here it is glass grass and gusts as far as the eye can see in this platform and of course the

Ghasts will destroy the grass blocks once i start placing them so this is potentially going to be a little bit difficult to handle but we can bridge out from the bottom block of this nether fortress here obviously we’re gonna have to make sure we light this

Up so we don’t get too many mob spawns the blazes will be able to spawn in higher light levels as well and then once we get three blocks into this wide pillar we’re going to come back around and hit the pillar dead on basically in the middle just to the right of the

Middle there so we have two blocks visible on that side that’s going to start getting filled and we have three blocks on that side and we’re placing this on the third block over that is the maximum area that we can work with here with the fortress bounding box for this crossroads

But we’ve been able to do that without referring to any mods like bounding box outline reloaded which is the one i’ve used before to show you guys where the bounding boxes of the fortress are we’re basically doing the entire thing just by the measurement of the legs of

This nether fortress and this should allow us to fit three spawning platforms in for our wither skeletons now we’re gonna have to build out these platforms basically on all four corners we are going to leave a hole in the middle for the wither skeletons to drop down

Through because of course it’s going to be easier to have a single target in the middle than have multiple targets around the outside for them to run to and that’s probably going to be a piglen so we will have to do some mob catching in this episode as well but i think that

Should be fairly straightforward to do once we’ve got the farm in place so once again using the outside measurements of these legs here all of the rest of the legs here are only three blocks wide so it should be nice and easy to assume that the

Fortress hitbox is going to be there and if you’re building this yourself and you’re lucky enough to have a spot in a soul sand valley i honestly recommend building up the walls around the outside of this first if you possibly can it might be a little bit tricky at first but you’ll thank

Yourself for it later when this grass platform does not get completely blown to smithereens by gusts only reason i’m not doing that right now is because i’m pretty comfortable i can take on the ghasts when i spot them but as long as my bow shot is accurate we

Shouldn’t have any trouble with that i brought a boatload of torches and even this is probably not going to be enough to stop blazes from spawning while we’re here but that’s kind of what the fire resistance potions are here for that and the lava anyway all right i’m gonna build another platform one

Two three blocks up there basically because of course the wither skeletons are three blocks tall so they need a three block of headroom in order to make sure they will spawn on each of these platforms and then we’re gonna do basically the same thing with the grass platform here

Start taking out the nether brick when we need to and this whole thing should be three platforms deep but if you needed any proof at all that we are within the fortress bounding box with that lower platform i have just seen a wither skeleton spawn down there so that does seem to be

The case that we are getting some with the skeleton spawns perfect okay i need to go down here and deal with that and hopefully he’s not pack spawned a bunch of others with him nope there we go okay and now i can continue to light this back up just

Wanted to have confirmation that we were still inside the bounding box of the fortress so that’s all good and with that done i can get on with lighting the rest of this platform up and then continuing to build the platforms above it all right so i had to go and get some

More grass and actually some more wither roses as well so i went to the wither rose farm while i was eating my dinner and afk’d for a little bit more so hopefully this should now be enough to cover all of the grass blocks we’ve got here because the next stage

Is probably going to be to outline the farm in glass just to make sure for a start the wither skeletons don’t wander too far away they’re probably not going to go off the edge of the platform but i want to make sure that they stay relatively close to the central surface

And also while we are working on putting down all of these weather roses and all of these valuable resources i do not want gusts messing with my farm so that magma cube is jumping all of the arrows i fire at it and it’s in the lava great so what we’re

Going to do is coat the entirety of the farm in black stained glass seemed like the most appropriate flavor of stained glass to me and if we go down here you will see yep fortress mobs still spawning on this layer so perfectly fine for the wither rose farm and hopefully

That top layer should be just fine as well if it’s spawning magma cubes in a soul sand valley i think we are good to go of course the other place we need to be placing glass the other place i’m going to be concerned about is down here

At lava level where we are going to be putting in an afk platform of sorts so that whatever gets produced by the farm drops down into this area and we need to work out what the height of that platform there is so that we can make sure a

That the weather skeletons take a little bit of full damage and are nice and easy to kill on the way down and also so that we are far enough away from the farm that the wither skeletons will spawn on that lower platform and that they’re not within

The radius of the player where stuff will not spawn which is 23 blocks and something tells me just from a glance at them those pillars are probably i’d say roughly about 16 to 20 blocks tall so we will need to be ideally a few squares down in the lava

We’ll need to be a few blocks down just to make sure that we have enough difference in height alternatively we can stand over here roughly where this fossil is and as you can see stuff is still spawning on the platforms there but we also want to make sure that we

Are within range that the where the skeletons that spawn on the top layer aren’t going to like lose ai i have a feeling they will still probably try to pathfind towards the piglens at the center but you can’t be too careful so we need to ideally stay

Between 23 and 32 blocks away from the farm anyway like i said main point at this stage is going to be to cover the rest of the farm in glass to make sure that we don’t end up getting any ghast fireballs in here while we’re placing the wither roses so we’re gonna

Have to do this a little bit systematically and i’ll see you guys on the other side and that’s done so we have a full layer of glass around the outside of the farm it’s three blocks tall at the top there as well and that also has the added bonus

Of anything that spawns inside the farm right now not being able to see and pathfind towards me while i’m outside meaning that any wither skeletons that eventually spawn in here won’t be distracted by a player if i’m just flying around we might even put a roof

On top of the thing just to make sure that ghasts don’t fiber down on it from above if i happen to pass over it on my elytra so our next step is a bit of a big one we need to make sure the center of the farm is going to be

Open so that wither skeletons can fall down so we need to take the center point of the farm here just by standing neatly between these walkways and i’m pretty sure it is that block there so that block there is actually going to be a column of some sort of material i’m probably going

To use cobblestone for it because i have plenty of it and on top of that we are going to have a couple of piglets standing two blocks up from each level of the farm so that the wither skeletons cannot reach them the effective range of a wither skeleton they could probably attack

Your legs down here or your torso there but they would not be able to attack something up there so we need to have our piglens standing on that block there basically each time we go up a level and around the outside of that we are going to be making sure

There is ample space for the wither skeletons to fall down which means in each of these areas we’re going to be digging out a two by three section of the grass and i feel about having placed all of this grass and now just consigning it to the lava below but

Around the outside of here we of course going to be placing some trap doors making sure that the wither skeletons i think they can walk over towards the piglen when in fact they’ll be heading down into the trap we are laying for them now you’ll notice we’re not filling in these corners here

With trapdoors because of course there isn’t really a easy way for them to fold up now around the outside of the corners here we’re going to be laying some walls down to make sure that the weather skeletons are funneled into specific sides of the farm and we’re going to be

Doing that in this sort of formation like so over the tops of these trapdoors so that the skeletons are forced to walk through into the center here we don’t need to place any of them on the grass we just need to open that up and the skeletons will try and walk

Towards the piglet in the center of the farm on top of a block there and they’re just going to fall straight down into the killing area we have organized below which i haven’t done yet but i will do a little bit later on for now we need to

Outline the rest of this block in trap doors and i think actually i may have been wrong about it earlier i think we may just have to put some trapdoors around a piglet there but i will double check that and test that and let you know if anything is different we can

Leave one block open there so that the piglens can see the wither skeletons the wither skeletons can see the piglens but as they walk over towards it they’re going to reach up to attack the piglen and then they’re going to fall through these trapdoors and down into the killing mechanism now when the

Skeletons fall from the levels above we are of course gonna have to make sure that they do not end up on these walls so we’re going to extend the walls upwards from the sides like so which might create a blind spot to the piglen if with the skeleton is perfectly on the

Geometry of this diagonal here but chances are their pathfinding will start having them wander around and then they will see the piglen sooner or later anyway it might take them a second or two longer but it will make sure that the wither skeletons end up not falling onto these

Walls if they fall from above i guess alternatively we could take out these corner blocks here because the wither skeletons are three blocks tall they might actually be able to see the piglen even though they were on the diagonal there i have a feeling they would be able to do that

And of course if they fall from above they’re not going to land on those walls if we put some walls there basically it’s a good thing i brought an ender chest with me so that i can get myself some ender pearls because i’ll need to end a pearl up to this next

Layer like so there we go we’re up and then we can do the same thing on this next layer now of course we are going to be dropping piglens into each level of the farm from above which makes the most sense i think for this setup

So i’m gonna make sure that i have everything good to go here and then we’re going to remove these blocks in the center so that we can just easily drop a piglet down into the center there in a minecart which is why i brought my rail box with me because we’ll need a

Few minecarts to transport the piglens around and with level 3 finish that is basically the setup for the farm done with the exception of piglins being in each of these cells and the way we’re gonna get hold of them is either from the nearest biome which

Can spawn them which would either be a crimson forest or another wastes alternatively if i do a little bit of scouting around this area i may find a bastion at which point we could capture one of the standard piglens in there we could go for pigelin brutes as well but

It’s going to be much harder to get them in mine cuts and transport them over here and i would much rather go for a bog standard piglet if i possibly can so i’m going to do a little bit of exploring see if i can’t find a decent biome or a decent bastion

Somewhere nearby and then with the piglens installed the next step is to cover this platform in wither roses and hey look we have a candidate already although i’ll be honest i think this one is a little bit small and i don’t know if the junior piglets count as bait for

The wither skeletons so i’m gonna go ahead and continue on through here where i have located a nearby nether waste biome and dug a tunnel bridged out with cobblestone in a couple of places all the way back to that nether fortress where we’ve got the farm set

Up and this is pretty much flat the entire way so it should be simple enough for us to come out of this little aperture here and hopefully we’ll find some piglets nearby although the zombified kinds seem to have taken over a little bit here we’ve got a couple of regular piglens over

Here though and it should be simple enough just to set up a little rail here capture one of them in a minecart and now this should override the problem with the piglens getting a little bit scared of the zombified ones yeah this part right here might be a

Little bit of a problem though so you know what i’m going to pillar up in the center of here and we’ll see how many zombie piglens i can fight well that cleared them off the tracks at least come on fellas form an orderly queue

I’ll take you out one at a time or all at once if i have to okay i think that’s all of them and hopefully there aren’t too many others around we also got a little bit of gold that we can potentially give to one of these piglens making sure that there will be

A little bit of stuff for them to use now if i take care of you there we go so pushing this piglet on down the line we can make our way out of the nether waste of course we could be doing this with powered rail but it’s

Simple enough just to do it with the regular kind as long as we don’t end up getting ahead of the piglen we should be able to push it to its destination pretty easily the main problem in this process is going to be making sure that the ghasts do not take

Out the rails or the piglen itself as we make our way through the soul sand valley segments where we are a little bit more exposed here but for now it seems like we’re okay and i wonder if i can give this piglet a gold sword that i got from those

Zombie piglens so that it will be able to stick around and not despawn once we get to the farm once you give piglen’s equipment they will probably oh i think i missed a rail there there we go once you give piglens equipment they shouldn’t end up despawning which will mean

We don’t need to even worry about name tagging this guy and he’ll stay in the farm for good for now it seems like the worst is over we are on the final stretch headed towards the farm and we can just about see in the distance

What’s going on here i can also hear a couple of blazes they might be in the fortress around here where i’ve taken out a couple of blocks to make way for this rails so we might have to do another quick pass of spawn proofing to finish this off but it looks like this

Piglen is going to be able to make his way into the center of the farm and from there once we clear out the magma cubes we can drop him down a few blocks and he’s in there we go tucked safely into the top of the farm there now i

Should try giving him a sword before i do anything else so let’s see if he will pick that up instead of the crossbow he’s holding looks like he’s considering it okay well at least he’s tucked it in his inventory if nothing else i don’t think he’s

Thrown that on the ground or anything i think it’s in his inventory so now he has picked up a piece of gold equipment he should not despawn if we really need to we can make him some gold armor so that he can survive a little bit longer maybe and also potentially

Not despawn that way so i’m gonna test this out by heading back to the other biome getting myself another minecart and bringing another piglet over before we do that though i think i’ll probably try and drop him down at least one layer from here so we’ll take out the block beneath him there

And the block beneath him here and he’s going to drop down into the next cell and then i can replace a block in here so that another piglet can be dropped into place okay and hopefully that magma cube clears off the line in front of us yeah there we go

Good work okay this is piglen number three going into place and once we take this magma cube out and get the rest of the magma cubes gone from the farm we should now be able to start filling these platforms up with wither roses and not a moment too soon because

I am really sick of stuff other than with a skeleton spawning in here and i want to make sure we can do something about that so let’s remove the rest of these rails and that should prevent any other mobs from spawning in this area i need to tidy

Things up a little bit here to make sure that nothing else is going to spawn inside the fortress but from there we should be able to start working on this as a legit with a skeleton farm oh but first we better make sure our friend in the middle sticks around so let’s give

Him some gold boots and those hopefully we’ll end up sticking out of the minecart a little bit so that he can display them to all of the wither skeletons before he kicks them down into the hole there we go looking stylish for the next stage of the farm we

Actually get to clear out all the torches and start placing in the weather roses got to make sure that you have a lot of food on you for this one because you are inevitably going to walk into one of these things and take damage at some point

Make sure also that you are aware of where you are in proximity to the hole in the center of the farm at all times you will not want to fall down that hole because right now we are just above lava with nowhere else really to go

So i’m going to keep a potion of fire resistance and my fireworks on me at all times and i might duck out in the middle of this process to get a few more fireworks if i need to but i’ve got my exit to this platform here going to work around the edge of

The farm systematically come back here place the final with the rose there and then hop up and do the upstairs layers as we go and this is what it’s going to look like when an entire platform is done it looks a little bit scary to me and i really

Don’t fancy coming back in here after this but this is going to ensure that only wither skeletons can spawn in this space because you may have heard that mobs are blocked from spawning in wither roses the exception to that is we’re the skeletons which is going to make this an incredibly powerful farm

When we are done here okay this is the moment of truth the last where the roses are going in and i am delighted to say that i brought just enough i don’t think i’ve missed any spots here if i have i should hopefully be able to swoop in and correct them quickly and

Then leave again but it will look like sometimes there is a block space in between those but that’s simply the way where the roses get placed on the block because they’re plants they have a slightly random spot where they end up and i’m gonna have to leave all of those torches to

Despawn much as i want to pick them up now hopefully we should be able to swoop down onto a nearby island here somewhere where we’re 23 blocks or so away from the farm and we should hopefully be able to see this in action you know what let’s walk over to this little section

Of the nether fortress here and we may be able to see from a distance some wither skeletons spawning in here and making their way towards those piglens in the center there we go there they go and it looks like those have fallen pretty easily let’s see if we can get a

Sideways angle on here so we can see them fall through the center of the farm and that looks like it’s working perfectly the wither skeletons are not touching the piglens on the way down because they’re tracking towards the ones above that looks phenomenal already i cannot wait

To get a kill mechanism in here so that we can dispose of the wither skeletons as quickly as possible and it may still be that we’re getting a couple of spawns from over there in the basalt delta because this thing is not running absolutely great guns right now but i

Have a feeling if i get a little bit further away oh yeah there they go and it looked like maybe that piglet down there is taking wither damage oh dear i wonder if they’re able to get to him from one side of the farm that might be a problem because we need

To make sure there are piglets on every level of the farm for this to work but in the meantime that’s not working too badly at least on the upper levels as well so maybe we can make a couple of quick adjustments there and hopefully it’ll be all right but

Even if one of the piglets at the bottom here ends up dying all we should need to do in theory is drop one of the piglens from the upper levels down now the thing i need to do here is make sure i know what height the

Bottom level of the farm is at here which is i think one block up from there so we are currently at why 52 okay now i need to take a quick measurement of what ocean level is in the lava lakes because i’m not entirely certain we’re going to be 23 blocks away from

That lowest platform of the farm here let’s see where we are at here or just below uh we’re at 33 okay so that is 20 blocks we need to be three blocks further down in theory which means we’re probably going to have to go for a bit of a swim here

And uh oh dear i think they’re still alive because of course wither skeletons are immune to fire damage so we’re really gonna have to do a little bit of work here to make sure that the wither skeletons end up getting killed and i guess once we fly away and come

Back we shouldn’t have to worry too much about the wither skeletons that are still around here but i’m gonna have to be extra careful as i build out this little platform here that i don’t end up getting hit by some of the wither skeletons that have fallen down through the bottom of

The farm and ended up getting stuck down here in the lava lake that was an unforeseen consequence and i’m not certain what the lava lake bottom is going to be like right here so i yeah i really need to be careful about this they certainly sound like they’re

Pretty close but since i can place these bottom half slabs they must be at least three blocks down so i don’t think any of them are going to be able to hit me and this floor of lower half slabs here is going to make sure that we don’t have any problems with

Stuff spawning down here it’s outside of the bounding box of the fortress anyway i believe or at least the fortress corridors so we shouldn’t see anything spawning on blocks which are not near the brick to begin with but it’s going to prevent other stuff from spawning especially

Here in the soul sand valley we might get a couple of skeletons or even ghasts down here if we placed some full blocks well yikes those all just fell and one of them had a gold helmet uh does that mean one of my piglets ended up getting killed

I can’t tell from this angle unfortunately i really hope it doesn’t in fact i’m fairly certain with the skeletons can’t pick up items so i don’t know why a gold helmet has just fallen down here but let’s hope that it didn’t mean a casualty up there

In the piglens i definitely see the gold boots sticking out of there but maybe we have lost one of the piglens which might mean we need to rearrange where they are sat down a little bit but we are certainly getting some with the skeletons through so it can’t be all bad

So for now what i’m going to do is place these barrels around the outside and we’re going to make sure that there is a giant tube basically built around the outside of here so that we don’t end up placing the blocks directly under any of the walls and

Stuff that are under here but so that we end up with everything falling down the central area that way if anything survives the fall from those lower platforms we should just be able to swipe out its legs as it stands on these set of blocks and everything should just go into the

Barrels there of course if we want to maximize the amount of drops we’re getting here killing the wither skeletons manually is going to be ideal since then we get to take advantage of looting we get with a skeleton skulls and other stuff besides that so we might end up raising this

Up a little bit to make sure that all of the skeletons that drop from the top platform there are not going to die on impact and then we can have some area set up around here to shield us from the wither skeletons but allow us to swipe at them with a sword

And collect up the drops okay we have a pretty much working kill mechanism here and oh boy have i been getting a lot of drops a few of them will just drop from the highest platform i think i do still need to raise this up

One more block but i want to make sure that i can stand down here at a distance from the farm where hopefully stuff will be spawning on all three platforms at least on the far edge of this lowest platform here and then we can try it working on moving

This a little bit further down into the lava as we go but my solution to the problem of the piglens was actually a fairly simple one i recruited a few more piglets and i have raised each of them up by a slab and i’m fairly certain as far as i can tell

They are now impervious to attacks from the piglens they are now sat in minecarts on top of each of these slabs we did end up losing all three of them in the end because the last one ended up dying of fall damage when i tried to get it

Down to the lower areas so it has taken me a little bit of extra time i have had to park a few more piglets in at the minecarts here but let me just check on the lowest one in here he seems to be fine as well so at this point as far as

I can tell the farm should be pretty much viable we can take a look at it working here it looks like none of the piglets are taking any damage which is good and look at the sheer number of wither skeletons we get out of this thing this is an

Absolute beast of a farm and all of those should now make their way down into the killing chamber down here which means i should just need to come down here and oh yes so we have a whole lot of wither skeletons in here ready for the killing

The next step i think really is to improve the killing mechanism slightly so that we don’t have such a large space in the center of here but once i hop up onto these slabs all of the wither skeletons seem to spot me and then basically any side i stand here that’s

The side that receives the majority of the drops i’ve already got a whole bunch of coal and bones from this a few stone swords as well obviously which we can just throw out but the way the skeleton skulls are also coming through by the bucket load so

That means this is a pretty viable farm for getting a good bunch of those as well it really does seem like you’re getting the best drops when you use a looting sword though so we’re gonna have to figure out a way for those skeletons from the topmost

Platform up there to not end up dying on impact and that may just be raising this platform up by one more it may be using hay bales or something else to slow their fall down a little bit or mean they don’t take as much full damage

But then we just have to make sure that the drops are collected as we want them to be but i think that’s where we’re going to leave this episode of the minecraft survival guide folks i do hope you’ve enjoyed this look at putting together a brand

New with a skeleton farm and finally we have one that actually works and is viable for the foreseeable future let me know if you like the episode in the comments subscribe if you want to see more don’t forget to leave a like on it for me as well

And i’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now Foreign

This video, titled ‘Soul Sand Valley Wither Skeleton Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 342]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2020-10-06 10:00:09. It has garnered 130186 views and 5617 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:50 or 2090 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Today our Wither Skeleton farm finally comes together. We farm some wither roses, build spawning platforms at a nether fortress crossroads, capture some piglins, and watch the wither skulls roll in.

This series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and is also my Single Player Minecraft Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939


Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards!

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #FortressFarm

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Soul Sand Valley Wither Skeleton Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 342]