Spawning 1000s of Clay Soldiers for EPIC Minecraft Battle!

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Well today’s going to be a hilarious and awesome day in the world of Minecraft because I had a really bad idea so as you can see boom I randomly Had a Brain Blast what if we took our faces and put them on of clay soldiers and then we

Made an army of miniature uses oh it’s bra you made the sky cry drum yes and so blade in a matter of 24 hours made our Clay Soldiers look at them but you know what would be crazier than that what if you could shrink down to their sides and

Watch the battle from down here oh yeah we went all out and the sample battle here it looks like oh there’s a pool party pool party who’s going to win who’s going to win oh no oh dropy died so yeah we got a lot of cool things coming your way and we’re

Going to be doing a six teams 100 Clay Soldiers each battle that’s 600 that’s more than 500 so the way we’re going to play is simple you have to go around for 10 minutes collecting up as many diamonds as possible you can then buy a maximum of 100 troops and you buy this

The NEC leprechaun uh book right here and you get any items you want out of of the EMC table give those to your soldiers they fight better Bob Bo Bob hey Vegeta what does a scout say about a level let’s check is there something stuck in your throat do you need a cough

Do you need some water na if you won’t fail to stop doing this please get this over 9,000 likes please hey check out my Florida Dragon shirts just a crazy man riding on an alligator you got to love that all right so we edited up the trader now and he’s uh

He’s is looking a lot better it’s only one Diamond per so here we go then everyone 3 2 1 are you really not going to try and do what I know well I was going to wait and see if anyone else would do it but now you brought attention to it so Steve’s

Definitely going to turn around right now and go do it or maybe not maybe Steve’s a good guy I don’t know oh he already ran SL kill and has no EMC Steve y a does it really have what do you how you going to say Steve why when you were

Well I took one to check and see if it have em I didn’t Cosmic punch the whole map apart hey another all little Cosmic punch look at least I took the time to if you put two sticks down and you don’t put them into anything else they become an anti-polar concentrated pin

Essence hey can you do that thing where you give us all um hot already have steak don’t give me a steak I don’t want I’ve already got steak I don’t want steak already got Ste give me steak Yeah more steak my crafting table get your own steak

Steve Cappy do you ever get the feeling that you’re addicted to steak dude you guys keep complaining about steak and you’re going to get more steak I’m just saying that I don’t I mean if you really want CMC but like you can’t EMC it why’ you say it out

Loud yeah what do you mean you can’t you can EMC it slash kill oh now I have another stack full of EMC you have a stack of EMC yeah what does that even mean that even mean now what boys oh no we don’t want all

This that’s a lot ofc you took the EMC how to use project e commands and he got rid of the EMC garbage garbage how dare you I also know the project e command so the most thing ever blade I have a complaint okay there only 8 minutes left

You made it a gold so that we can get gunpowder so we have to find a gold it’s always been that way it’s not always been it’s been six and six and it’s always been gold cuz I’m I always said the gold fine we’ll let you

Have this one we’ll let you have this one blade and I promise it’s the one that sets it up it’s always disagree we’ll let you have this one blade but but I don’t actually disagree but I feel like you should bandwagon so disagree yeah I mean it’s that easy yep

Honestly yeah yep yep yep yeah hey what ises that Cosmic array token thing with two sticks make do no I don’t know either but I just found something like lemon ore and then it just gave me stones but no lemons huh that’s disappointing I was really hoping to get lemons but

Yeah nothing so far did you use a lemon pick no I didn’t use a lemon pick that could have been it a that’s why anyone got any iron yet no I got toes though I mean I hope you have toes you’re going to be very disappoint you

Be unbalanced without it would you say you’re toasty no but that would be totally sad if I didn’t have any toes stop did you guys know that uh I hate toe puns more than just a regular toe joke did you guys talk about how Jerome said he eats

Uh toe fungus the other day I didn’t say that yeahuh when you’re um when your the Buddies play Minecraft I said I eat toe fungus you guys know that Evolution the pinky toe is getting phased out yeah I heard that I I did you also know bananas are going extinct no

They’re not you hold your tongue no I’m serious bananas a hold it so what banana virus going around what’s the best height to find found it found gold I found gold I was going to say I already have some gold and now i h we only have

5 minutes left though this is going to be a really close that’s going to be really bad for you a why would you say that Matt cuz I just I feel for you it’s going to be tough oh okay well I’m glad you feel for me friend one two hey question how many

Iron do you guys have um uh eight I have uh 78 I will trade you guys for one piece of gold you have 78 iron yeah I found a ravine that’s a lot of iron no that’s a lot of iron oh sorry yes yes yes oh you want iron in that all

Right now it’s time transportation go I’m also just getting Stone from the lemon block and I don’t like it Charge my God give me gold that’s how I feel Cappy if I get gold buddy I will give you an Ingot I don’t want anyone I this is an exciting time for us we’re all in the game I don’t want anyone to not have the best yeah this is actually really good this

In fact I just found condensed gold or Cappy if you want to meet me at spawn have we ever done a One V One V One V One V one one just found the I’m afraid I don’t think so blade um blade what is going on

Um I just broke two the world’s dying inside so there’s that I just broke two Mega ores of gold no ores came out just Stone yeah I’ve seen that it’s only the it’s only the lemonade ores no it was gold this time it was legitimately gold you sure it wasn’t lemonade yeah because

My jei tool tip said gold I I found this isn’t gold Cappy I’m sorry I it it glitched okay a chance it could have been lemonade was lemonade okay so now I need an iron pick I I found one thing of gold so uh I I’ll

Help you out as soon as I can do you guys remember that texture pack that jome found a while ago that made it to when you broke ores you sometimes didn’t get the ores yeah je you didn’t put that in the data pack yeah well remember that

I think that’s not on I’m just realizing that none of the super ORS work at all what do you mean my gold I I found gold super ORS earlier that’s how I got my gold oh I’m broken this like a long form prank that even Jerome doesn’t know about what’s long

Form is that like when you have one of those wiener dogs and they lay on the ground and they just stretch out a lot and they looking long they’re like long dogs no it’s what I did to your faucets and troll pack what you he talking about uh the long con

Buddy I don’t know if that’s going to have come out by the time this comes out uh cover your ears viewers Shield your ears these are all out of order Matt you do know that you don’t need gold right yeah you do you don’t for the transun

For the gunpowder for the gunpow you don’t need gun already been out for like a week or two what do you mean I don’t need gun you can use red stone you don’t need gunpowder oh I didn’t know you can use Redstone you can use Redstone and the destruction C

Red how long have you quite some time there’s only 2 minutes left by the way guys so Ste can I please have some Redstone I didn’t even stack of 64 for you bud thank you buddy mhm I’m just trying to find out how to this thing it’s going to take the

Whole rest of this time to figure out I have almost 100 diamond well I have seriously yeah I don’t know how many I have Dr how long have we been recording uh I don’t know how long we’ve been recording but we’re 9 minutes into this phase in particular are you sure about

That yeah with the power of editing do you write that down what what like cuz it just feels like it’s been like 3 minutes and then like you’re just like all right we’re out of time yeah sometimes it do feel like that it like it’ll be going good

And smooth and you’ll be like oh I found 64 diamonds so that looks like we’re just about out of time no definitely the time I think you guys no no I agree with him you guys one more time going to need a little bit more time are you saying

That the time might be favoring himself no I I actually am being fair the time I always do the time story you’re buns all of you Adam I want a timer I just a Adam I want a timer why are you y at Adam because this is Adam’s fault

Oh why is this Adam’s fault Adam I’m sorry that you have take this out of J’s hands and give it to Adam Adam I don’t blame you for this I blame you for this Dron doesn’t want us to have good Clay Soldiers you guys are just poopy we do

This every single time where it’s always Matt complaining about the EMC and everyone like I’m fine I’m fine it’s always M think somehow he’s targeted I just hopped in for the bandwagon perectly fine yes everyone’s perfectly fine they’re all just bandwagoning why can’t you just like Why

Can’t We Be Friends actually at this point I’ll be honest I’m just meing cuz I love drum getting all like crazy Matt’s like yeah yeah I’m just meing in creative mode no I’m legitimately not in creative mode I’m just going to keep going until I get

Enough diamonds that’s it I I you know what time’s up but you just you make your own time Matt I’m going to buy my clay soldiers now all right times up I’m bu buy I’m a solders remember 100 total all right I got $400 so sh I’m trying to buy my soldiers all

Right so we got the 100 Clay Soldiers now we just got to pick out some of the items now there are some banned items I’m going to say this because all the comments are going to be like why did you use this so you can’t use anything

That revives your things you can’t use anything that explodes you can’t use anything at all that would give them super armor like iron ingot or diamonds and apart from that uh no ender pearls either CU that makes them zombies so we’re going to start giving them a ton

Of cool stuff that we need and uh we’ll see what happens from there all right so I got my entire thing all prepared up so now the last part but also the most important part is going ahead and placing all these solders down blade you really outdid yourself this time man

This is actually hilarious look look at look at all these guys oh my God they’re so cute I love the little bodas dude okay there we go and now we just got to go and throw that on the ground make sure they all get those and then

We’ll throw some of this on the ground look at all the baby blast there we go and just keep throwing all these things so all these things I’m giving them will either make them stronger in some way we’ll give them some kind of status effect give other

Status effects or even just help their damage um they’re all very very important trust me wish I didn’t have 9,000 stacks of steak on me how come some of these some of these bakas don’t want to come on buddies is it because all the other ones are blocking your

Way there we go there we go guys come on okay and that’s the last thing so all my soldiers are prepared now we just got to wait for the competition and we are going to be ready to rock and roll and oh yeah the most important part too what

Size think we should go down to probably like one I’ll get a 116th I’ll get a 132nd a 164 and just a normal size so I think like something like that’s a good size 116th is like the same size as then oh this is going to be a good fight all

Right so we’re all ready to go everyone let’s get ready for the battle bed open up the flood gate oh my God there’s so much lag this is why we don’t do it with this many soldiers ever okay do it do it do it the lag oh God okay so the secret

Was sure you go down to I’m down to 1/ 18 size right now oh my god oh this oh this is brutal so many are just falling into the lava pit and then comes all the cppy bees blast blast blast oh there’s some straggles over there oh no I have IDE

The army of blast is marching on how are the Baka is doing I don’t know but there’s so many people in this ocean down here oh my God there’s so many in the water we just need to not do water most of the map is in this water right here

Are they all going to drown maybe I mean there’s one smart thing that you can do and that’s use lily pads they float on top of the water saying that I use lily pads I didn’t use lily pads I bet all the down there on wait PL used lily pads

And then added the water to the map man swim upm up with water I didn’t I didn’t think about Point swim I didn’t see that there was water how could you not see that there was water CU it was after I was done man look at the look at the

Aren who’s still left in here I I see a lot of mats I see a lot of mat I see a lot of caps I see and they did not float I see Cappy yeah I see some stuck in the bottom I don’t think I see some parachuting oh

Man I got parachuted to Lava oh Jesus mine have parachutes that’s what we call a Pro Gamer move this is going to last a long time yeah this is but you know what they’re it’s starting to lag a lot so it’s definitely a lot dying yeah that’s that that’s

Something oh trying to pick up as many of the as much as the stuff as I can I wish they still had that version where it was the you had the clay statistics display and it told you how many soldiers were left oh yeah that was nice this is so Cool why is that what happened to that they stopped it the clay statistics display yeah yeah pretty it’s not that they stopped it it’s just that version I think I want to say it got Matt some huge thighs buddy uh save lives I think you actually may

Have pushed some of the clay soldiers closer together I’ll take it wait there’s a there’s a random Baka swimming around you got him buddy yeah oh I just pick up a lot of Me Drown you remember when you said you going to go down to their size and then like you

I’m down here yeah yeah take the L P no where turn around what’s up little guy hey hey guys dad hey dad let me join hey what’s up guys oh hey progress something’s happening something Big’s happening this is the final few oh I think it’s Dr a

Lot of dropsy around is it a lot of dropsy yeah is that wait wait there’s still some left I think some straggler fighting oh huge huge Place what’s this one it’s me GG yay wait that’s not dropy that’s yeah it is yeah punch it and drop drop there’s

Also two more dropsies over here that’s a lot of dropsies where the drop oh jopy you won with three soldiers left to spare that was really close the speech I gave him GG today I challenge my friend Steve to a clay soldiers battle we’re going to have 25

Minutes to collect as many diamonds as possible to buy a ton of these Clay Soldiers every 5 minutes we randomly get selected an item that we can use for the actual battle itself and to make matters even more intense the winner gets a cardboard cut out of themselves yeah no

Seriously I really hope I end up winning this thing I mean just imagining Steve’s face every day as he walks in the office and sees my cardboard cut out it’ll be glorious all right Steve let’s do this thing go go go go go oh my gosh you’re

Going why are we so far from any trees what do you mean why are we so far from any trees why are we so far from any trees because deforestation Nation it’s the new team trees except the complete opposite all right there we go o is that

True I mean I don’t know it’s kind of something I’ve been working on I mean I haven’t really gained much traction with it I don’t think people really like the whole deforestation thing but you know it’s what are you going to do it’s Bad

News Bears Dr no no no no no never never never okay I got a good start already Steve I got a really good start already got it oh okay fine well if you’re down it I bet I have a better start than you I bet that you don’t even know what a

Start is what’s a start exactly case a point all right there we go put down one old crusting table I already got the crusting table Steve I’m already at Stone Age bucko wait what really yeah are you cheating getting started with an upgrade yeah that’s me Jerome all right

I’m going to ruin the spawn and dig straight down because I can’t oh God oh God the dirt’s alive in there the dirt is alive okay there we go got away yeah don’t Ah that’s good I remember my first dirt encounter D what y this is a thing that just happen

Steve you’ve never had dirt attack you before come on Jerome come on you’re better than that I mean of course I of course I am Steve what do you what do you think this is yeah Amateur hour oh okay well then yeah you totally caught me that’s exactly what this is oh would

You look at that I am doing great 17 iron don’t mind if I do um yep destruction Catalyst no problem no problem no problem you’ve already got a destru I literally just got to a Cave System dude no problem no problem no problem oh it was a dud oh no I forgot

My keybind Dr all right I found another one nearby oh my gosh there’s a lot of iron in here like a lot a lot of iron dude oh yeah is that so yeah like at least like uh that’s my fifth stack right there there so yeah I would just

Give up if I were you Steve your your fifth stack of iron Jerome H you know you know Steve without a destruction Catalyst yeah right there go six Stacks oh my god did I find the best cave system ever uh you likely story Steve this is actually like really good likely

Story like I said Steve it’s a double whammy durum fell from a high place double whammy blamy that buddy it was a double whammy J blamy ravine okay buddy Monster Legends is an awesome free-to-play battle RPG mobile game and it’ll put your strategy skills to the test they’re over 900 different monsters

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Spot is horrible it’s all lava all of it oh Stevie pickles I have so much EMC now compared I got enough gunpowder and and destruction cattos to last be 10 lifetimes plus three uh oh let’s make an iron pickaxe too we I doubt that I highly doubt that well yeah I mean that

Would just be a ridiculous thing to say uh okay I know that’s why I doubt it but guess who just got diamonds me me all right destru Catalyst all good I think I remember where to go to get back to my M shaft it’s like right at the edge of

These Woods you wish man I got my inventory set up I am good to go you’re going down buddy you’re going this is going to be embarrassing honestly ly you’re going to wish that you’ve never met Steven delanor mortimore Roosevelt Liv also I just recently found out I am

An idiot and I didn’t even need to go back to my mind sh cuz that with the destruction Catalyst I could do the water Strat yeah just go straight down not even needed if only you had thought about that sooner haha guys what’s that noise what it’s time that delightful

Music xylophone like time has been wheel oh the item wheel okay okay give us a spin give us a spin blade what are we looking at all right all right stro you get the item first Okay Okay Okay I lied I want to give this one to Steve cuz

It’s F what oh what no okay fine unless it’s a good one if it’s a good one then I’ll be mad it’s a lily pad yeah it’s a bad one you can’t just decide to give me a different thing who’s the master of the wheel that was Jerome spin Who the

Master of the wheel he’s the Wheel Master sorry Steve and Steve uh rather Drome you get a stick I mean okay I’ll take that I’ll take that that’s my stick well clearly not Steve clearly not oh I can already see every day Steve we’re going to walk in the office is going be

A cardboard cut out of me greeting us at the front door I’m going to die dude I can’t wait to get a cardboard cut out of myself only because blade literally just decided that he was going to give me a lily pad because it was a

Pad which one of us is the master of the wheel cheating out here one of is the master of the wheel that’s true Steve he is the master of the wheel plus iard cut out of myself I feel like that might be a little narcissistic but I’m okay with

It I want the cut out of me well Steve that’s too bad you got to win and it’s not looking promising Lily Pad can I call you Lily Pad from now on no I’m going to change your name in Discord all right see you can’t cheat right in front

Of me change nickname silly pad AKA alien legs Steve you can’t cheat right in front of me there you go what do you mean Steve you’re losing time I change your Discord name Steve it’s official is that so yeah oh my God that is a huge diamond deposit Steve I’ve got eight

Stacks of diamonds you know what I have what’s that a lily pad eight stacks of Destruction Catalyst why do you Steve you don’t want multiple destruction catalysts blade didn’t factor in for the fact that the destruction Catalyst sell for more what wait sell for more than

What the the the value of what I buy them for you buy them for 1,000 they sell for 14 Steve we already made rules against stuff like that that’s so lame sorry bud get good it’s not getting good we’ve made rules against it what rule I never heard of a

Rule countless times I have heard you yell at dropsy for this exact thing what’s a rule oh my God I never heard of no rules before I’m going to be making the big bucks you wish well I’m going to do the honest way Steve to be honest I

Didn’t need that EMC I really didn’t make that much off of it yeah I’m I’m better than that like I I I don’t need to cheat to win Jam unlike you what you just did Mr Lily Pad that’s you Steve you’re Mr Lily Pad I’m not Mr Lily Pad

Because I should have a stick lily pad and all honestly I’ve only got 52 diamonds only 52 it’s a start it’s a start a sad start is what what it is you’re sad how much EMC total do you have Jam huh huh huh uh looks like a

Little over 500,000 which isn’t too bad that’s that’s adorable see I don’t want to hear it you literally just spent time cheating like Dome I had 750,000 before the cheating oh I guess we’ll never know I mean it’s on recording yeah I guess we’ll never know weird isn’t it I’ll take my eight

Destruction catalysts out of the inventory and throw them in lava I think blade just act remove the value of Destruction catalysts they’re they’re worth nothing now no EMC well that means I can’t get rid of them now oh that was lava that hurt a lot you ever just decide to mine right

Into lava and then burn your toies no cuz that’s usually just a generally bad idea Steve pretty pretty low on the list of things to do it was an accident obviously but it’s it’s good practice you should try it sometime you know what Steve I think I’ll get right

On that buddy I think great idea great just stupendous oh the xylophone it’s xylophone lesson time with blade can I get spin that wheel will you give me a xylophone like can can you buy me a xylophone if you win I’ll buy you a xylophone and the cardboard cutout Steve

Okay deal all right Steve you’re getting coal what does Cole do again I don’t remember what probably actually doesn’t that light on fire oh um I probably shouldn’t be laughing let’s see Jerome we’ll spin the wheel for you you’re getting oh a snowball what what does that do I don’t

Even think that has a use oh it has a use all right does it yeah I don’t know what either of those do so does coal light people on fire um let me load it up I feel like coal is going to be way better than a

Snowball it’s okay though it’s okay we still got plenty of time to come back we still got plenty of time you don’t have any time you’re going down buddy Cole will extend the burning time of Fire Starting weapons so it’s useless unless you have literally useless ah so you got

To get lucky then Steve uh snowballs shoot snow and slows other soldiers that’s okay that’s actually not that bad I can’t wait for the comments section to rip blade apart for literally cheating yeah I didn’t see hit him with it hit him with it I rolled the wheel it

Came up with the item I have so much EMC right now it’s not even funny I don’t have that I mean I probably have like a 100 diamonds that’s enough to buy the soldiers but I I think I’m good to stop playing actually no kid or youing 100

Soldier maximum and then you have to buy the rest of the items or yeah I think that’s about right or do you want to just do no limits Steve No Limits oh man that’s that’s a tough one it is a tough one no limit I got my

First Emerald I must have hit a Extreme Hills SP oh you must have been nearby where I was cuz I also hit one of those I was here first so I dibs all of them so you can’t actually touch any of them St I mean I’m

Not there anymore I’m off up here with my millions of EMC that’s right multiple Millions oh actually that I’m at 1.7 I’m probably like one two 13 but I don’t know I haven’t been home in so long that’s why I finally came back I was like all right it’s time but I’m taking

The time right now to set up my inventory so that like I’m still getting all of the things that I need and not not like Stone Stone’s not going to help me all right I’m finally out of ammunition let’s see where we’re at all right throwing this all in there and

Without smelting anything I have 1.4 after smelting I’ll probably have about5 so we’re pretty much even I would say not even close I’m superior in all ways you literally just said you had like5 17 oh I’m just out here to give you a hard time is it working no cuz I’m going to

Win and you’re going to have to look at a cardboard cut out of me going into the office every single day and then right as that nightmare ends you’ll have to see my actual face which will be even worse so you’re going to be living in Eternal nightmare

Steve don’t remind me get to the office early just so I can have some peace and quiet and I’m going to open up the door straight to Jerome’s face now now question do you think they’re going to do a good job with the nose like I don’t

Know if that’s going to really work well two-dimensionally you know do you think you can emphasize the big nose part that’s what I’m saying like I feel like I’ll have to get some like Play-Doh or Model Magic and glue it onto my face oh my goodness yes you know like otherwise

I feel like it’s not it’s not going to do it justice it’s not going to feel like the real me we got to do it we got to like we just got to do it h I’m down here in the mins without any food and that’s kind of bothering me oh God oh

God I can’t be Ste I can’t be St get out of here get out of you’re going to die to Bones tell me you’re going to die to Bones no he almost hit me in a lava but he ended up being a chump and now he’s

Dead and now the zombie’s dead I’m going to kill his Bat because I can get over here bat why the bat man what did the bat do to you I mean he he just Dove himself into lava that was out of my control at some point that not taking

Responsibility for that one you chased him you scared him into the lava drum that’s your fault I mean I totally did but I know that’s why I’m telling you I’m making sure you know that that death is on your hands I got a common Loop egg

Let’s open it all right I actually got some decently valuable Herobrine sword with 54,000 EMC uh yeah I’m sorry what that was a good yeah dude has fire aspect five Thorns five sweeping Edge three knockback three Smite three oh great I hear a xylophone what could that Poss me Steve

Would you like the item first or would you like me to give it to drone you can give me the first item well the first item is a Magma Cream it’s pretty good actually that’s actually that I thought that item was banned since 1942 no it doesn’t exp Columbus yeah

It’s just fire which is actually going to help you with the coal that’s actually yeah that’s actually an insane combination Steve so that means Jerome you’re going to get $4 $4 $4 oh almost good but turned out to be a feather oh my God you’re ruining you’re going to be

My financial Rune blade I can’t wait to have a cardboard cut out of me oh my God actually at this point Steve I think you are in the lead now you got the extender you got the fire extender and then you also got the actual fire itself I can’t

Wait this is going to be awesome you’re going to have to look at a cardboard cut out of me Jerome oh think of it every time you walk in you’re going to have to look at my face on the cardboard cutout and then I’m going to turn the corner be

Like hey Jerome how’s your morning going you the video going right in the dumpster did you get any coffee this morning where’d you go a than think about it it’s going to be awesome you get double the chipper in the morning is that what that is double the the

Questions in the morning oh yes big diamond deposit let’s go yeah you wish budgeting all your money out is going to be interesting going to be very important you don’t budget your money correctly why is there a creeper with a baseball cap on wait actually why is

There a cat underneath the ground wait I don’t even know what this is anymore is there like a hatch mod on I want to see the I want to see the baseball creeper I got to see if I can make it back to it without dying there’s a witch throwing

Wither potions uh is that even a thing that can happen I don’t think potion of Wither is a real thing um yeah I I just went back inagine I was running back to show you the creeper blade I’m pretty sure that’s in the rules right that he loses an item

That is not even in the rules loses the Magma Cream yeah that’s what I heard I was trying to do you a favor and make sure that I saw that correctly I tried to take a screenshot of it for you actually oh man that last

Haul was nice that brought me up to 2.2 just about cheater how was that cheating cheater you’re a cheater you stole that sword out of creative mode I saw it happen I took it out of a loop B there’s no you can’t out creative mode yeah I

Get that Steve you can’t pull Herobrine sword out of creative mode bet you can but you can’t go into creative mode I bet you you can I’m not there doing it Ste thinks I was born yesterday he’s going tricked me to go C that’s what he sounds like is that

What I sound like yeah is that what will sound like is that what whato cutout will sound like that ah Jerome I can’t wait for you to lose what do you want you know what time it is Steve dancing time is that is that end of game

Time or time to spin the wheel oh okay all right who’s getting the item first I’ll get the item first I’ll get the item first all right Jerome your item is going to be poop oh a bowl a shield I’ll take that oh yeah that’s actually good that

Is a good wait actually though doesn’t the snowball take up one of my hands so don’t I have sticks bowl and so I can’t I mean you can if you separate them right not everybody has a bowl I’ll probably just do bowl and sticks all right Steve we’re spinning the wheel for

You now I found that stupid creeper with the hat it multiplied good uh Steve you just got gravel sharpening uh melee weapons I think is what that does sharpens your gravel is a projectile you throw it at people oh really yeah it’s pretty cool like throwing a rocket somebody absolutely

Now I actually have a weapon before I just burned flaming rocks yeah I’m about to throw lava at you bro I still think one of my favorite throwback memories I wouldn’t even know how far back we have to go to get this thing but we did a clay soldiers battle

Doome on a live stream one time a long time ago and in the mod pack we forgot cuz it was just a jumble of so many mods that there was the natural like disasters weather mod in there and right as we spent I think it was an hour like

Hour and 15 something like that getting all the clay soldiers together it was like a huge battle we’re all excited all of a sudden a tornado starts in the background sucks up the entire Arena and all the soldiers and the entire battle was ruined and we were just like we just

Spent like an hour and it was it was live streamed too so we couldn’t even like we were just like thanks for watching guys that’s my favorite story ever I love that story I got to go back and find that live stream it’s such a classic oh man those were the days

Weren’t they they were something so if either of you had like a choice item you’d want to be next what would it be if I had one item I know what mine is I would say a flint to sharpen my sticks with sheer blades for me Shear

Blades are good I don’t know over flaming rocks I can have like a combination going combination build you know what I’m saying you’re picking up what I’m throwing down I am it’d be interesting you really have to kind of figure out how you’re spending your

Money on that easy is that it the final timer that’s it Steve that means time’s up we got to go back to spawn put your EMC in I just went upstairs well too bad Blade’s going to pick out our last items and then we’re uh we’re going to spawn

Them in all right so this item is going to go to Steven Libby who’s that you ready for the wheel spinning the wheel final item sir Steven almost kind of bad but Falls in line with Steven’s build oddly enough another brick ah more fire fire for your fire fire fire fire fire

Fire fire you know just fire fire fire okay all right Jerome here we go yeah yeah yeah all right if you push me this is going to this is going to take longer to spin the I’m keep pushing you I’m going to keep pushing you yeah I’ll help

You push him too don’t push me cuz I’m close to you just got some blades that was my weapon I you really give Shear blades so let me get this straight I now have four weapons or four things I can only choose two of and a feather which

Does nothing I mean you could spread it out you know why I wanted the shear blade you can get some people some Shear blades some people I I am so doomed I am so doomed blade stick and Bowl do you the stick and bowl is a good combination

No it’s F I mean it’s going to be a Shear blade in a bowl it’s fine it’s fine blade don’t worry about it don’t worry about me or my feelings okay Bob H let’s go to of knowledge throw that in there Bop okay luckily Shear blades are actually relatively cheap so it’s no

Limits right no limits okay let’s see how many what color I mean to be fair I think we’ve done the test in the past and the bowl is worse than dual Shear blad so I I straight up think blade I’m only going to use sheer blades I think

That’s literally it I I think you’re underestimating the power of the snowball here doesn’t it just slow people down from a distance play no all right I’m going to spawn these in for now and see if I have any left but that is like that a good amount of soldiers I

Got there it’s a very good amount of soldiers not as good as my amount of soldiers all right St I’m not going to lie I actually think I have more troops than you by a little bit this might help me out it is possible you I think you do

However I think you’re going to get lit on fire immediately and your clay soldiers are going to turn into bricks oh thanks Steve really appreciate it all right well let’s see what happens going to have a cardboard cut out of me all right three wish two one go time for the

Cardboard cut out wait why aren’t any of your guys being lit on on fire uh guess they’re fireproof Steve what do you mean they’re fireproof oh my God what are you doing to them oh Steve I don’t know why they’re not on fire but I wouldn’t be

Complaining if I were you you are massacring mine oh they were I think it’s think it’s actually did everyone die wait no you have no shot hold up there’s some red ones left no way you beat me by three yeah I won by three soldiers you’re kidding me I didn’t even

See them in the lineup what just happened what you guys weren’t even on the roster I’m so disappointed I’m leaving I’m leaving okay guys so my brand new 6ot tall cutout came in today and Jerome’s out of town so I I left him a little bit of a surprise as soon as he

Comes into his bathroom yeah that’s me ladies and gentlemen 6′ tall all ready to go just staring him down peace out brother yeah I can see the resemblance and remember everyone if you want to support my channel directly you can download from our sponsor Monster Legends Down Below

In the description wellday going to be a crazy day in the world of Minecraft battle dos cuz we’re doing Clay Soldiers keep it upop what oh no no what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that no no no no no we’re not

Even done we have’t we literally are 10 seconds into the intro you calm yourselves but this time around things are going to be a little bit different we’re doing a tower style which means there going to be three separate battles you have 10 minutes on the clock to clck

As many resources as possible and get your army as equipped as possible you then take a total of 100 troops and you divide them up as you see fit in these three rounds for instance you can do an even 33 33 34 split or maybe you go

First round do 25 second round 25 and the last round 50 it’s entirely up to you so make sure you strategize and if you guys have never seen Clay Soldiers before it’s cool look they don’t like it why do you always do this in the trro they’re technically supposed to be

Fighting but they apparently don’t don’t love me today but you know who does love me I hope you guys take a look boom you smash that like button that’s a lot of likes but can we beat it can we get 15,000 likes also guys I just realized

We have an odd number of people here um just kind of I was going to be a vendor but Steve Took My Job oh Steve are you what are you I’m taking the job of God today I get to troll you guys every 60

Seconds di on Ms team di on Ms Team all right dips on harties them hey hey Jerome yeah I just want to point out yeah all right yeah uh blade you know him lovely guy yeah dumpy dump yeah he wanted you there was no trees here I

Hashtag team trees this whole area all right well 10 minutes till the clock let’s go go go go go collect them all you can timer started Guys Blade loves us he put the good vein Miner on not the poopy vein Miner oh my goodness yeah I I got you something but

I’ll let it I’ll let it wait till later thank you M for team treeing the place it’s okay no problem okay I got a crafting table on me already good I have a crusting table as well dropsy okay nice nice ni do you like distractions I do love distractions okay good this I

Don’t know what that means but I don’t like the sound of that did I what what what now I don’t like Cy’s what is going on over there guys what are you doing exactly distractions oh that sounds a little bit sketch yeah some sounds very sus about

This don’t even talk to me about sketch right now what I don’t think your distraction worked I’m just going to throw that out there wow Negative Nancy you know what Steve why don’t you go back up the flying Icarus what Matt you’re the first one

See you later bud thanks man lucky I got I got to do it again cuz you didn’t fall to your death there you go well uh Matt you kind of uh kind of deserved that you deserved that you know what drum I’m taking you crafting table mat you can’t

Steal the crusting table here need crafting table you just stole my crusting table why why are you doing this you know what it’s fine I’m going to get another crusting table Matt I’ll about steal it again and it’s going to be crustier than call me crusty the Crusty C crafting table de craftery

Is I’m shocked that you guys haven’t gone underground yet what do under what are you talking about yeah I did see everybody above ground I’m not above get your eyes checked I need to get my eyes checked yeah you need to get your eyes checked sorry everyone else was saying

Whoever this is optim s oh hey Jerome how’s it going buddy hi dude I’m going to the you need to stop running no you’re going to hurt me it’s it’s in my time it’s my time no go away I’m dead you did that to yourself dropsy no we’re on the same team sorry

Hey Steve yeah just for fun can you troll Me by putting me up on that slime Island over there wait a slime Island I don’t even I’m flying around right now I don’t even see get you mean it’s right above us oh my goodness I see

It I don’t know why everything got so dark all of a did someone clog the hole I needed something to stand on well grow some legs to stand on I tried that that didn’t work out well for me dude I haven’t found a singular iron

Yet I have to dig so far down this is the worst biome ever Matt you asked for this so uh here you go buddy it’s it’s time also I have to tell you there’s only 7 minutes left uh things are not looking pretty for any of horrible

Friend you asked for this we going to be F I didn’t ask you to explore the slim going to be a okay found iron a okay I’m kind of panicking drop drop we’re going to be a okay drop drop asked for it oh

Oh oh no no I made it all the way down here come on why would he put the dirt the dirt men so who’s next who want be trolled next well St I don’t know what happened to every 60 seconds but it seems like you’re trolling us every 10

Seconds uh it’s been 3 minutes and 45 seconds and I’ve killed you twice in that all I’m getting steak well he did have a timer so you know he is that upep sorry dropy it’s your turn you’re talking wait Steve you have a timer up

Or are you just like guessing no I have a timer up my inventory I just got oh man just got iron that made my D she was the one talking when the time came up so she’s the one who got it yeah I didn’t how much this I just how long

Into this are we 4 minutes 18 know 4 minutes 18 seconds okay so we have like a little over 5 minutes and we have nothing okay well no dropy has nothing about to get yeah I actually nothing uh Matt I have destruction Catalyst and gunpowder for us I like

That dropsy I’m doing I’m doing the thing here you go yeah okay here you go here you go I was going try to get slime boots so we could um destruction Catalyst down oh yeah definitely I need you to start taking this a little more seriously you know bul Ops

Controls I mean if anyone I’ve bullied Matt the most yeah you actually got rid of my stuff I mean I haven’t been able to get anything because okay fine here you go wait what Captain blast him what what thank you I literally just got a destruction Catt that’s unfortunate huh

Please tell me you EMC it Bale nope oh oh Steve hold up who who threw me out of the world what do you mean who I heard him hit the enner key I heard a whoa what did I do okay that wasn’t me why is the whole game free can you hook

A man up Matt yeah here you want to EMC itally haven’t had a chance to mine here Dr you want mine I have I can give you one you got gun powder too behind you all right I’m coming back like I EMC anything I’ve literally the most

Valuable thing I’ve gotten so far is blue slimy dirt so uh here you go dropsy where there you are Yello yay thank you so I’m going how much longer we got stretch it’s all on you mat all right I havea how much longer do we got Steve

Well I just did the wrong Comm consider we haven’t done anything yet that’s awkward I’m going to be afraid that we’re not not even going to get a 100 Clay Soldiers I haven’t gotten one because Steve trolls me every 2 seconds man it’s been 6 minutes and how many

People have you trolled besides me you asked for it the second time so don’t even at me you literally ask you to you this video is not going to have any clay soldiers in it because of you I get the meme but do you want to do anything else

Besides that like light like literally having gotten a singular piece of iron have you had stickers yet today you’re really upset with me right now I just I don’t think you guys understand that the video is not going to have any content at the end when drum’s like I can’t

Believe you guys got zero Clay Soldiers I mean also I sold all our blue wol Veil we’re rich you’re being too mean to Steve Matt he is a crimson God he’s a crimson fungus is what he is no that no no you take that back right now

Steve he’s a God among that was the previous one minute right there there you go see you guys are doing just fine Matt’s a complaining complainers he really is complaining a lot I cleared drop’s entire inventory and you’re complaining about getting lava bucketed no I

Hav I don’t even know what that was are you okay I haven’t got anything I just want to have something ow for the end I am doing an okay job how much time I got left Steve um you’re at 7 minutes and 50 seconds 2 minutes left there’s plenty of time Matt

Worlds were built in quicker times than that I’m going to build a world without Steven wow ow where the LA was that you St Stephen I’m going to take thatle I like this I’m a fan of this dropsy how are you fairing by the way GL you are uh I

Finally got EMC so I can get things okay cuz I have just under a 100 diamonds which will get us all the clay soldiers we need but we can’t get mounts objects nothing so we’re like you know yeah we’re we’re getting there we’re getting there um oh I need a we I’m

Sinking this is good all right 8 minutes and 40 seconds what’s going to happen next I hope Matt dies again yeah that be I have 16 diamonds nice nice there we go let’s go this way and that way and this way oh i r need something to

Burn that didn’t work oh there’s some coal in one of these this is probably the final minute left yeah probably something like that yeah totally oh what is it Steve it’s the final minute it’s a final countdown oh I ran out of gunpowder I wasn’t p attention all right how much am

I total at Steve no I love it I love it but no no drop at the bottom I’m about to be who’s destroying the spawn what is even going on oh that wasn’t me why do I have a transmutation table in my inventory what even just happened what

That one legit was not even me um where did this come from you guys got 15s seconds left all right there not enough time I won’t okay that’s it I’m putting my thing down there I it makes you feel better I don’t think I’m going to have everything either I think it’s

Going to be a I I have 23 diamonds okay how much does your partner have uh like 20 something yikes my EMC table big yika kiss found a cave you’re too fast what do you mean keep running dropsy I’m trying all right that’s time I’m trying

To flutter out so that she can’t breathe all right what what the heck dropy I’m going to get to buy and our Clay Soldiers up for us yeah I’m going to start em seeing stuff I got 52 diamonds all right I got 36 I have 100 troops there and a to dropsy separate

Calls and the Straton eyes okay so dropy all I have left after I bought a to of alchemical knowledge and 100 soldiers I have 17 diamonds left so I’m I’m thinking we go for a dirty strategy are you ready are you ready are you ready we

Put one troop in the first floor 49 in the next and 50 in the other so you’re trying to guarantee I see I see get the two yeah I like it let me see this EMC many diamonds I out of this I got 52 nice okay that’s not bad all right so

Drop I’m putting down a little base off to the side here we can put all of our troops down and just you know get everything all organized so here we go I’m going to put all those guys in there and then let me just put down a

Transmutation thingy so we can do all the work from here um all right all right all right all right perfect and now we just uh grab some stuff so I’m thinking that we do uh leather obviously for armor right that’s that’s got to be a given okay

Leather for armor and then we got to get wool to make that armor a little better right yes good good good good good is the is The Shield strategy better than double weapon oh yeah cuz you stud the shields right okay and that makes it one like unbreakable right yeah it’s super

Expensive though we’re I’m going to need your EMC if you’re down for that okay yeah yeah it’s all depending on how much you have that we could do that um okay there we go 120 so you got to put down the shields first otherwise they’ll dual

Wield to Shear blades and then the whole plan goes Bor um and the things are bows right yep yep yep hold on okay I will try to do that what’s what do you use for the studed shield uh uh solid iron blocks so I have the bowls I just don’t

The solid iron blocks are just so expensive um oh I’m we’re good I got the iron blocks you do nice yeah well if you want to TP over I could show you what I’ve been working on here this is some good stuff and also for those of you who

Watch cuz I know people are going to be complaining about why don’t use certain things uh we have set rules so you can’t use anything that revives up a Clay Soldier you can’t use anything that explodes another Clay Soldier you can’t use a thing that zombifies them you

Can’t use iron ingots or diamonds because those will make them too power to kill uh and that’s pretty much like the DAR was there any mounts down there or did Blake ever the the mounts I did not see mounts down there no yeah I didn’t think so okay that’s fine that’s fine uh

Red mushrooms check uh sugar got the eggs you got you need sugar okay there go yes through make them Speedy uh other than this this is like a classic good setup I don’t know I don’t think we’re missing anything really okay dropsy I’m going to take care of the bottom floor

Here and just take my one troop down there yep I will take care of the others don’t you worry I say you want to take half of them bring them up top and then so he said 40 and 50 right yep yep yep oh this is hilarious this this is

Way too funny um an egg yeah a redstone yeah oh this poor this poor chap is going to be the sacrifice there we go boom Oh the not even going to know what hit him this is this is a this is a cheap strategy I love

It there you go grab your armor and yep yep yep there you go you can have one of those now uh why is it not pick up the ball pick up the ball thank you and then we’ll get you block there block there and I he’s going

To stud up his shield and we’ll throw out all this junk there you go buddy oh oh he’s ready also the iron block apparently can be used more than once interesting really yeah I didn’t realize that but okay uh dropsy not that I’m opposed to it but why is that one just I

Don’t I don’t know what did you do he’s just he’s just kind of hanging out he’s he’s here he’s here to join he’s uh he’s a part of the team how did you do that I don’t know I just placed him down and there he

Was is he okay I I guess I don’t know all right then and well dropsy you finished up oh there’s floor look at them all oh my God so Steve what do you think think we got this one in the bag uh let’s see how you play okay did

You I don’t think you I don’t know I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know well I mean I think you have the same strategy as the other guys oh no they on their floor too so they’re going to sacrifice round two oh no it’s just

Thing to do right like oh this is going to be interesting oh well I guess we’re going to find out what’s going to happen uh drops I think you’re missing some Shear blades for oh have oh you just not dropped them yet yeah there’s some that didn’t get

Dropped down it’s like oh well those will be the okay they’re picking up the shields anyway it’s fine we’re good okay okay good good good good good all right well I think we’re ready to meet up with the gang then all right so round one we

Have the Angry Red arm over here versus the lonely guy yeah yeah Hercules Hercules Hercules if he’s not a king with like diamonds and blocks of diamonds and all the things you’re not allowed to have I’m disappointed is he yeah we don’t cheat around here well when you’re ready Veil

Let yeah look at up is he dead he’s alive he’s alive he’s alive hercul oh next me that poor guy all right one round goes to the red team there and into this round we have Hercules Hercules Hercules other Hercules feeling someone saw the first floor and uh no we

Actually had that planned uh that you guys SP on us and saw that we had a bunch of troops on that one so then we were like well I can say as an unbiased person here that is exactly what happened all right well let her rip Cappy

Be wait why is guys just like I don’t want to go you don’t even bother giving a weapons you didn’t even give him a chance you didn’t even give them a chance give them a fighting chance man know all right it’s about H this is

All the marbles now this is the one that actually matters here we go the final showdown how many TR did you they just run through each other uh 50 on the top how many did you do 49 oh my God this about as Fair a fight as fights could

Be this is it oh I see a red whoever gets the advantage first I’m going to start picking them up I have so many Reds I have four Reds zombie and no blue oh there’s one blue now oh there’s some blue I’ll say there’s some blue I’m

Picking up wow you guys are crushing it I wonder what we forgot oh my goodness sometimes it’s not even about what you God it’s really about who gets the lucky first hit it’s about all talent and skill about training we’ve been training for years all the training

We put there what it is it’s it’s your guys Minecraft your boy yeah it’s Steve it’s we have it’s it’s the true God that we somehow got he was the leader oh and here we go you guys absolutely crushed it we had to have forgotten something important I’m

Curious what did you guys put on yours uh glass um a bowl slime wool sugar I don’t think we on and shears okay we didn’t do slime we did um our difference is red mushrooms and mushrooms yeah red mushroom with a poison we had red mushrooms and Netherrack Netherrack or nether brick

Not Netherrack nether brick Oh that explains it g g Honestly though that was a good fight fight guys I came with the same strategy game yeah this cool stuff today we literally break Minecraft by spawning in thousands of clay solders and having them battle on their team is already

Going their team has left just like the an guys 23 minutes straight of steak b make it happen 20 minutes straight of steak B all right let’s go go go that’s the plan that’s the key F miners on yeah the good ones this is an old enough

Version that blade still kind of liked you guys so so still on oh my God yeah look at that I already got wood oh this is wonderful Dude I love it I absolutely love it all right and never thought I’d see it again yeah right that’s why I said the

Version’s old enough like I I remember this exact thing legitimately I want to say it was like 2017 or 2018 oh this battle yeah yeah this this map specifically like oh man okay I’ve got a uh what is it a wood pickaxe by the way is this cour does that count oh they

Took away they know us too well they took the value of the course stairs how do they know I was going to destroy the arena I’m beginning to think that sometimes I’m a pretty predictably chaotic said you wouldn’t way blade didn’t think you’d destroy the arena now my question is when chaos

Becomes predictable is it no longer chaos then simply just uh it simply is annoyance okay I really want 20 minutes straight of steak bomb I think it’s a good thing this anti-polar ised concentrated Pim Essence great oh you can’t do anything with it but it does exist yeah oh watch out guys keep

Inventory keep inventories yeah yeah keep inor thanks for letting us of course of course never 10 IR I already I was going to say I already have a decent amount of iron that should be fine once it’s smelted but I got to find gold

Now wait can I have a piece of iron so that I can make an iron pickaxe uh it’s still a ore but yeah oh hello wow well hold on I’m coming back up I I thought I knew where you were and then I didn’t oh I got tricked I forgot this

Has those dirt block things what is this yeah there’s a dirt mob there’s just a chance to find him dropped clay hen thank you you know what huh you need one one yourself I’m just going to smell when I’m down there I got all the stuff on me

Oh okay uh well we need one piece of diamond I think oh no we just need we just need gold for the destruction Catalyst it works every time yeah yeah it’s iron and gold that’s why I’m just trying to speedrun finding gold I am too but I heard you break your

Pickax yeah much less intelligent means cuz that drps his Forte by the way guys I was looking around I want to do a stream go for the pigeon suit I can’t find one cuz the only ones out there have masks which makes sense cuz it’s like 90% of what a

Pigeon is is the face maybe you can find just a bird in general you know like there’s got to be an eagle one you know I feel like most of them are masks and so it’s like you can’t really do a stream with a mask on the whole time

There’s no point of a face cam if the face doesn’t have reactions I mean it would look really funny I was going to say it’ still be pretty funny it’s still going to look funny it’s not to have it like wildly move around like no that’s that’s still funny

Why is there a teal creeper with a purple headband I was just about to ask that working out oh God oh God oh these are the bad creepers good for us bad for them they explodeed CET into confetti yeah oh interesting okay yeah it’s nice for us

Yeah I forgot how much better life was a vein Miner I’ve already have 26 iron be like a minute I 46 and I’m like there’s more right here the iron for days we just need the gold we’re going to have all the EMC we could ever

Need Harless box oh my God start us off strong with two hot sauces that also could have been that also could have been six steak bombs which would have lasted 2 and a half minutes which we could use for a ton of EMC just saying would m getting steak bomb for 20

Minutes straight no anyway we have hot sauce number one from heartless Fox one and two aren’t bad they’re just heno they are for weaklings kind of similar to the blade really so here we go on there yeah he knows what he did guty move actually he’s not here and I don’t

Think he’s list so keep talking trash while you can even if he was you be think this m is done and bad no actually you just got to go the other way I found the gold found the gold oh you found gold okay sick sick sick all

Right we can go back now then iron pickax so do that oh then I’ll mine the Redstone that’s down here BL in the CH and said Jerome is weak oh oh even normal creepers explode into confetti where you know hold on a second just ying a screenshot of that huh

Another uh where do I my goodness oh no okay so oh all right uh let’s see I got the gold for us I got our gold we can to I’ll come back up topside then I didn’t reset my spawn point I’m up top up top

Uh oh yeah I’m also I don’t survive this I don’t think hold on there’s a water I have 14,000 DMC which I don’t think is going to be enough I we can pull it together to get one of us the destruction Catalyst that could be enough uh I don’t know how much I’ll

Have hold on I got to set my spawn oops uh I have 17 gold to be fair it costs way more than uh than the actual thing is worth so you could just pull together for one of us to get it and then have them just you know disperse it out yeah

Uh what the Traer here I’ll give got enough for Destruction Catalyst monkey can I have one monkey please monkey please just stop punching me that wasn’t you have an arrow you got shot by say that was you lit got shot by the inter I got oh no and it

Is wasn’t me all right Jerome just for you turn has made the advancement Take Aim in turn what’s what about gunpowder uh oh yeah that probably be helpful can we have those please I need you want somec yeah I need a little bit more actually oh I can give youc never mind I

Got it I got it we’re good oh okay good all right uh I don’t know does better powder has EMC ha I’m going put one away nice uh drop drum you guys get one gunpowder and just EMC it and then you can oh but I gave you I all I have is

One gun thank you yes yed absolutely yed drum you got smackle dfed okay well I have one stack forth I got to use this wisely Mr Monk man can I have a catalyst need more EMC oh I can give you iron to give me some gold

And then I can buy it that hurts or that thats if you need the gold I need oh I don’t have a lot of I got to hope that yeah by the time the gunpowder starts run out that I actually hit diamonds or something all you need is like one good use of

It I desperately low on uh stream we’re going to need all the help we could get I have bad news guys there’s not super ores on this oh no wait is sp wait come here the charge key huh come here what is this uh oh I’m letting luk do to

Change it from 30 minutes to 40 minutes cuz that super Wars we need all the time that we can get um is this a dungeon yeah stream we’re going to need your help as well please 147,000 EMC wait what there’s a a god Apple in here what wait you found 100,000 there’s a

D in the puddle I fell in a lake and there’s a dungeon and I found a gapple I started running cuz I was like oh yeah out of habit here’s this water I can go use a destruction Catalyst all right I got gunpowder for

Days got jsy can you give me some EMC I need guys I got bad news oh here new two diamonds this that’s horrible news how how could you wait I need the resources for the Catalyst oh you need wait I didn’t get my I didn’t get a catalyst for I got one

For you too okay I’m going you didn’t even see it no jum was sitting there begging me for once I like later hello it is me hi the guy from the internet oh there we go that was a decent first find here I would say all right go how do they I don’t

Understand what their strategy is they die so rapidly wait $25 stream tip fun fact the world’s hottest hot sauce is called Pure Evil 13 million SC 13 million skille sounds terrible that sounds fake that doesn’t even sound real let rip on the bom oh he didn’t say who

Digital homic come on you got to let us know who I’m going to assume it’s you when they don’t put a name but I I I agree I like I like this assumption we want constant steak bombing uh yeah all right I made it to the ground

Floor oh my God that steak bomb thank you digital homic guys come on there there’s still how much time is left in turn how much time is left that we can just keep getting steak bomb for the rest of the video Monday 28 minutes we could break a

Record I want more I think we can we need to be able toat them D chat Zed said happy birthday it’s not my birthday it’s your birthday happy birthday start rumors again not my birthday what that means we need more birthday knows in in the game chat knows what’s up birthday steak

Bomb 28 minutes a birthday steak bomb drum best gift you could ask for kind of is all right birthday R oh the intern lowered the value it’s still good but he lowered the value on the steak that’s fine though I still got like 100k AMC from that steak bomb which

Is pretty ridiculous honestly yeah that gave me like almost a row of uh gunpowder got 13 diamonds kind of a genius I left a giant Row in my inventory for Redstone so I could keep going CU it’ll use the Redstone as a fuel source oh good now

M more you know I don’t have to go back Samurai Jack yeah let’s go we got another one mad Jax with a $25 stream tip let rip in turn on the steak bomb I immediately ran back home guys don’t worry I ain’t going to let the

Team down man good man not letting the team down with this you make sure first they keep inventory is I’ll keep keep inventor is okay perfect perfect oh who’s getting confused by that the other day is it Steve probably yeah it sounds about right yeah I remember someone being real confused that de

Inventory was oh I accidentally what’ you do oops I might have you know might have might have broken the floor with the uh there we go there we go in turn we’re all good we’re all good oh that coming and down we go okay let’s see God this is such a good

Run 31 Diamond Days oh all so yeah I’m just constantly making sure I’m actually Mining and picking up the Redstone oops th my pickax like so Zen normally we don’t let people break it apart cuz then it gets impossible to keep track of but just this once we’ll allow it Zen

With a $25 stream tip to steak bomb Jerry and then mad Jax with a $25 stra for steak bomb that’s a minute straight of the steak bombing let’s go our emc’s going through the roof now on Chad keep up the steak keep it up Chad keep it up

More the stakes are high if we lose then Steve gets to sing us a song and and and and oh gets to or has to has to okay suddenly a lot less concerned about losing cuz that would be just as funny as winning I think if we win he should have

To do it too yeah I think it could be a good idea yeah yeah seems reasonable dude look at how much EMC I’m getting because it’s like oh my godid I see where the floor caved in or totally didn’t cave nothing happened what are you talking about Is right there dude what what do you even yeah’s right there you change to never move there we go that was a minute straight of steak bombing thank you guys thank you dude every time as soon as you get to the bottom of the mines stick B like immediately every

Time but hey I’m a fan of it I support the endless steak bombs this steak in a world of endless steak one man wants to put an end to the endless stake his name is ended Stak guy oh what you guys think you guys are going to be watch this movie in

Theaters yeah sure I’ll consider it I’ll go watch the I’m watch it in theaters you’ll watch endless steak guy thank you oh yeah yeah whether I’ll stay awake through it that’s another matter entirely but I will watch it no know it’s it’s a classic it’s classic he’ll love

It I see someone’s name tag over here who is that it be me are they underground they’re underground I think everyone’s kind of underground at the moment one of the other team you got to punch him can’t like really scar that you’re going to show up there’s lava everywhere

Around I just got diamonds let’s go I found it was dead it was dead big get him punch him oh stead left some diamonds over here too I me instead are fighting each other winning I’m about to get him yeah your boy Elf for a $50 stream let’s go that’s a

Minute of steak bombing I think well happy birthday hope this helps I think that’s what he wanted because otherwise I think there is another $50 stream tip actually there is for oh no that’s not what he meant it’s definitely for a steak bomb it wasn’t a

Helpful one so I was like probably not it probably not guys my EMC now largely thanks to these steak bombings is 260,000 I still have even more and some really weird runic Stone I think it’s magical and I think if I break it I might summon the wrath of a

Demon broke it nice I got a moonstone I’m like a Pokemon can I eat it I feel scammed oh do you down I do I think the game has lied to me it is toyed with my emotions gave me false hope of treasures Untold then it told me about them and then it

Lied all right guys I don’t know how you’re all doing on the EMC but thanks to the fans for their steak bombs on a 314,000 big ones I think I’m at 500,000 something y we can’t all be tough like 520,000 Ryan thank you for a $50 stream for

Another double steak bomb let’s go I want to break the record on Ant Farm we’re Ant Farm we have 23 straight minutes it’s all I’ve ever wanted is 23 minutes of steak 20 minutes left to be fair I think at this point if they did

That a 20 that that would be it that would be it would yeah come on chat no you want to see it you want to see the record broken everyone likes a record a steak record let me take a second to get a sip of my coffee don’t actually think I need

Redstone anymore for the uh the thing so I’m just going to ignore it yeah it’s not okay doing good guys now by the way just so we can talk straty um are you guys part of The Shield or double shear gang I’ve always been part of double

Shear gang do double Shear is always better okay I have no idea so I’m going just go with whatever you guys say I’ve never done this before so so the the little guys they have two hold slots like we do and you can either give them

A weapon and a shield as long as it’s not too big or double shears lets them dual wield two blades or the god king with another steti bomb on Jerry that’s also a pretty convincing point to the contrary it’s fun oh that’s to the contrary but nonetheless ah well you guys are working

Hard in the minds your boy Jerry’s just eating all the steak for us worry someone has to and I’m glad you’ve really taken the responsibility of it all really doing making us proud you know oh my gosh all right let’s see how much oh I think I run into someone else’s cave 545,000

Silly nice a lot of steak considering all them one yeah consider they’re all worth one and let’s say I got like maybe 200,000 from the mines myself that’s 300,000 Stakes that have come through my inventory this episode that’s yeah it’s just pretty pretty ridiculous when you when you stop

And think about it there’s a lot of steak actually to ask Luke if we can do anything with this Moon if not then it’s not helping me Luke’s fancy though Luke is a fancy man he is what what happens when you evolve we like get a power bonus

Or nope all right no using the moonstone on you nothing happens to real oh there we go coal monkey dropy you guys know everything there ever was to know about Pokemon ever uh I feel like the both of us in Compass a lot of information but the

Entire so uh uh my fiance and I just got Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and we’re going to play Go is there any is there any like uh any any tips tips and tricks um do you know what to cheat codes I know honestly I’m going to be real in

Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire I got what was essentially a cheat kill the the games came out like years ago right and I was sitting there playing on my DS didn’t have internet then uh and I just randomly decided hey I’m going to check the mystery gifts from like if they’re given anything away

Cuz you know yeah I figured why not yeah and I got a Shiny Beldum and a Shiny Rayquaza oh yeah I will say a lot of those I gens are still active it doesn’t have to be a mega ruby off the sapphire either like I was playing like sun and

Moon a while back and all every single gift code is still active like for the like uh separate islands and catching specific Pokemon yeah honestly though the the games themselves are not too difficult I was going to say they’re not hard you shouldn’t you shouldn’t have much trouble getting through it

Uh yeah I mean like it’s just pretty simple you just kind of I was about to say intern time chat but it’s already there 15 minutes okay so I’ll just make a crazy team then yeah you can go for it do what you want oh God I think I was

Going to do an all Spinda team probably actually win with that I’m not going to lie what why spend not no but it’s not like you know the game is not completely a pushover but it’s you know it’s not that Spinda is dizzy poop Bear yeah okay just Mak sure we’re on no

No Spinda matches another one though wait really that is also true yeah every single Spinda is unique both in spots and swirls there’s not a single one that looks alike which means a you gave Steve a copycat moment why you had to die every time I die I hit him with imagine imagine

Imagine imagine and then finally you die to a spider and he goes imagine oh it was called the rare spider Prince of deprivation so I wasn’t going to fight that guy I was just going to take the L my inventory was full anyways I think I’m at 1.3 mil EMC by

The way oh my God I was just at 1.4 dang she’s beating me Out the intern when do we play like a normal Pokémon game together though not not like competitive me and you battling not like that I just don’t get enjoy playing Pokemon with anyone cuz none of my friends like playing Pokemon I uh I was actually looking

Through the games I had the other day and I got to finish Sun I never I never finished it uh you don’t got to finish that one I I don’t understand the the hate that people have for Lola I truly do not understand all right we’re not helping you

Anymore fine well I’ll help him still I don’t care I’m not it’s like people just kind of have a hate for all Pokemon games it doesn’t matter like you know it there’s always going to be some group of people who’s mad about a certain Pokemon game it just just kind

Of tune it out after a while like just enjoy the game I don’t know why you’re so up in arms about it game made for like 10 year olds that’s that’s the end of the day argument that’s that every time well every time someone’s like they should

Have made this not so easy and it’s like it wasn’t made for you grown 25-year-old man it was made for the 10-year-old child there there are people make uh games for people like who want that challenge like yeah Emerald kaiso radical red stuff like that you know

Play those if you want a real challenge ridiculous uhhuh play those of you on a challenge just leave people to enjoy the nor Minecraft for a challenge even that can be difficult I’m sorry she doesn’t mean Minecraft we just find you difficult Jerome I’m sorry I love you I love you

Jerome fine go keep playing Pokemon by yourself monk it’s fine I will if I I’ve been playing it by myself for 15 years I want friends to play you shouldn’t have put a number on it bud that’s you now it’s now it’s actually sad I’ll put another number that’s

Three4 of his life yes that’s the point okay I’m actually I think I’m getting some serious EMC gains now guys please it’s not too late if you want a stream tip to give us extra Clay Soldiers it does help out a lot Ultra or to stre the real reason

That is to support the channel you can do that too true um are we is it like limit 100 Clay Soldiers unless they give us more no no no we’re we’re we’re breaking all the barriers and the rules we’re going to CR oh it’s there’s no

Limit on the Clay Soldier oh we’re going to break the game today oh god oh monk you’re seeing the worst version of this buddy this this segment might end in just catastrophe I feel like no matter how this segment ends blad server is going to suffer do we want to amended that

Instead of doing two different rounds of best two like or sorry instead of doing three rounds of like best two out of three we just do one Mega round cuz I feel like it’s going to lag if we don’t it’s going to lag and people divvying up

And doing the MTH math for three rounds is just going to be a hassle CU then you have to reset up all of them yeah okay guys the rules it’s not going to be best two out of three just who will play Big Mega No Limits you ever play the uh Pokemon

MMO I’ve heard about it but I’ve never not a big m a lot of uh the people in my friend group that and uh have a lot of fun with it it’s obviously like phases or whatever like a lot of us are you know fishing but hello hi

Gretings oh block got in the way all right there we go all right guys I now have my new tally in and I have that’s 1.5 1.6 and and then with the gold and stuff I have 1.9 million not bad oh my we looking at for uh for time not long okay turn

Turn just gone what he gone I don’t know eight minutes oh plenty of time Ah that’s a ton of time we’ll be fine I hope I almost broke all my ankles all four of them you have four angles going to break all four of them at once yeah I’m part

Dog people don’t realize that oh finds a lot yep I am at a little under 2.5 million EMC nice I have not gone back up top side in a while so I don’t know if you were a dog what type of dog would you be uh good and it’s a

Question I have no idea um Checkmate I got to think of be a golden retriever Bor bork he’s I imagine you closer to a golden doodle ew what do you mean ew they’re adorable what what e i a lab dooodle how you going to say ew

E you’re the worst you just messed up I was like causing problem don’t say oh my gosh be a husky why a husky Luke laugh hey that’s what you get for you it’s immediate kaarma I think my favorite thing that peanut does when it’s late at night

Sometimes for no reason at all except for to inconvenience everyone he’ll just set off the neighborhood and he’ll just bark he’ll keep doing it until a bunch of dogs start barking and the whole neighborhood just lights up it’s like a chain reaction like it’ll just be a nice

Peaceful night there’s no reason for like peanut no peanut no and then the whole neighborhood starts to go ah we got to go inside oh so yeah I I know the type every neighborhood has that dog I’m just disappointed that it’s peanut look at his owner dude professional instigator he just learned

From his dad like what what else was he to do that was his Des me and Peter also look alike too he gets his big Snoop from his dad he’s a good boy except when he’s not but he’s always handsome he might not always be the goodest boy but he’s

He’s always a handsome boy always the handsome ow I’m die to Lava will he has to peanut escape again I hope not let’s see oh no he’s being an extra handsome Willie what are you talking about just starting problems oh dear oops the Fisher J with a 25b stream tip

Said kelp for stew unfortunately this version is so old I don’t even think kelp exists in 112 to but uh St BB on Steve also why you helping them out help us out with the steak bomman what did the EMC rename the the steak is kelp drop it on

Him that’ll only take Luke five minutes or so yeah exactly a dang it I forgot the a pickaxe I doing why am I permanently drowning we fun no done that before on stream not a good time so do you guys think we’re actually going to finish this segment or

Do you think we’re going to crash the entire server with spawning so I think it’s going to crash I think there’s a solid chance because of how old and busted this is that we break the server before we even get the chance to I’ll leave it up to you stream actually for

The for the thing you ready um so um how do battle uhoh oh come on you know what they’re going to pick I know but I just want someone else to blame for when it all crashes and oh okay that’s fair you’re like the fans

Did it I swear the fans W that’s what I’m going to tell blade fans CH the fans argued for this dude it’s 90 it was 93% all in one there but when it first started there was one single vote the very first vote for two

Out of three and you know that was blade just slaming just slamming the click button yeah they all look that 85% with all one yeah they I’m sorry Blade the results are in the poll got to crush the server Bud better luck next time happen you know you guys can help crash the

Server even more by grabbing us some clay Soldiers this is going to be the most wild battle we might need to expand the spawning uh area little cage it’s just normally a box isn’t it cring yeah I’m going to take a look get it we go lapis La poy anymore oh the diamonds I think they’re all at Joe’s house all

Right oh yeah we’re going to need a uh bigger I’m sure they’re there jome I’m going to that’s exactly have you seen Jo you said W he goes what I think he actually fell for that I genuinely think he might have I don’t know hold up here Steve did I

Actually get you with the did you actually you said W that mean what I got him yeah I figured I got him a Joe yeah got whole room of death we got some big stream tips Levi Dalton with a $50 stream for a double steak bomb on Jerry

Nice that’s for like the remainder of the time there and then we also have a big stream from sacred wolf our captain of the live stream with a $240 hammer for clay soldiers for both teams I think that’s a 100 soldiers for each side so when my steak bomb is over

Luke I will happily take my uh clay soldiers please thank you but both teams that that’s someone who just wants chaos they just want to see the server burn and I love it I’m here for it hey chat I see blades in the chat can you guys all ask him about uh Joe

Please wait wait I got to hit Steve with imagine even comprehend dude I think I was in the wrong thing Donovan Adams the $85 stream tip let’s go I think that means another I I have to go check the chat isn’t that 50 more question mark I’ll have to check

What kind of capture card do you recommend for trying to record on X oh dude I’m sorry I’m not the person as for that I would say any kind of Elgato product for capture cards I haven’t recorded on Xbox in so long though but I would say any El yeah that’s that’s a

Solid recommendation though anything Elgato will do good but thank you for the $85 stream tip that is for another so our team gets 150 soldiers theirs only gets 100 keep them coming keep the soldiers coming guys oh my God this steak bomb okay it’s finally over that was a good one that

Was a really good one all right time to pull out so remember it costs a lot of EMC to get the stuff for them too so make sure you have enough you know money well hold on let’s let’s cuz we have we have all the time we need to to prepare

So we can actually like sit here and kind of strategize a bit uh I fixed the boxes so we should be able to fit everything in one go um I don’t remember all the items I’m being real honest I I do not they’re dropping coal does that matter they’re also doing solid iron

Blocks isn’t that wait hold on okay now they’re block of iron okay block of iron upgrade Shields so that’s fine you said coal Coal extends burning time A Fire Starting weapon oh okay so we we we don’t have any Fire Starting weapons cuz bought a ton of sheer uh nether brick makes them

Flammable it doesn’t so like if they’re hit they the other person gets caught on fire oh so it gives them flame body yeah pretty much because all of them have sheer blades okay I got I got the inter there didn’t I guys y got him I I have an extra 303 soldiers on

Me oh uh I have wait you have an extra 300 soldiers on you yeah Oh I thought that what we had in the chest was all of our soldiers no no I have more as well I just don’t want to do the math all right drop them

Down do you want to you want to drop some down to me mon yeah I’ll I’ll just Dr put them in this chest wait wait put them in the chest right here I can access them you see what I’m saying uh I already Dro some but yeah there there’s all the rest of

Mine oh the lag is glorious I wanted to be clear stream that this was all your guys’ idea yep much I had about 200 extra troops for oh my God such a bad idea oh yeah this is a terrible idea the server is going to crash uh I’m Gra grabing them out of

There while I can Dude blade why would you suggest put that stuff until he spawns all of [Laughter] them right there evidence handed oh the server keeps crashing bro this is bad this is really bad you believe blade suggested someone say you should give them wood so you

Start building homes instead wait do they do that they do they have their own little vill still set up if you give them time that’s besides what we use them for which is brutal entertainment it’s a very fun and cool mod like it’s it’s genuinely cool but wait until she

Figures out the plot of Pokemon oh my God are you placing down more we have more so we’re placing down more monkey is not going to survive what happens what’s the point of having more if you’re not going to place more think we a number them at

Least I don’t know if we do yeah all right we might be able to kill him with what we have here guys I can’t spawn anymore keep scash crash wait hold no we’re good we’re good all right that’s everything unless drops you do you have

More uh I put everything I had in the chest then we’re good all right it is time to start putting the items down guys drop them down the hole as you grab out of the chest we got to hurry the quicker we go the less likely

This is to crash I think that’s how that Works sure yeah why not it it’ll work fine all right here we go guys the big battle is now ready to go oh my god dude screams in let a rip in turn no need to count it in Just Go Go

Please Let it end oh my god dude this is going to crash possible that being said if anyone stream tips to blow up the server we will do a clay soldiers bomb to do it so how about that well three two one thank you here we go oh my

God I see the items fell but none of the soldiers have updated yet they go come on Blue theirs all took immediate fall damage while ours descended from the heavens oh my God the lag is Incredible there’s a bunch of little dudes with feathers falling out of the sky that’s awesome dropsies like frame rate audio dropy we hear you like we see the clay soldiers uhoh uh if you want to fly through in creative and pick up the scraps that would help it lag

Less oh my God some of our guys are still falling oh my god dude this is I would love to help in Creative but I can’t start flying because the jumps don’t register in time I need to turn particles off I’m trying to get a good angle but

It’s so hard to operate do you guys think we can do this in Lucky Block Tycoon maybe oh I’m hearing a lot more once I turned off particles blade said we’re never doing this game but blade we were just talking about how we haven’t done this in so long dude

I think I cannot fly I don’t know who’s winning or losing it’s lagging less now you can hear it you can see it they’re moving it’s actually going quicker now guys me I still can’t still really can’t understand I’m going to turn off particles so I can actually see what’s

Going on in the battle oh that’s better they’re not Moving dude this is amazing blade said lower chunks I want to they are lowered I had it to 32 I just lowered it to eight minine are 10 four chunks I see some red B IES I don’t see any blue though I don’t really see much of

Anything seeing a lot of dead red bodies all right I’m flying through to try and pick up some scraps while I can here if I do in Creative this old version will just delete it right if my inventory is full yeah that’s just a thing creative and you keep picking up it

Deletes picked up nine Reds and no Blues yep I’m pretty sure it’s only Red’s dying I think I think we’re crushing them I think some of their soldiers can’t see ours maybe oh that’s possible dude yeah I picked up four blue 32 Red

No no load it back up we need to see who wins load it back back up get us back in there shout out to the 1800 people watching by the way thank you for being here guys on such an awesome throwback game let’s do another mid battle report

Here SL CLE let’s see how many blue vers red we pick up running through The Fray I immediately got 16 red and no blue in that inventory is worth dude I have almost three stacks of the red soldiers and two blue on me now the red soldiers are just getting

Demolished out here let’s go brw oh yeah yep yep yep and it right there blue team that’ll do donkey that’ll do still trying to reconnect oh my gosh the a I can only tell fighting to be honest whatever we had an item that they didn’t have and you could

Tell because they’re starting to even out a little bit which means that their our dead soldiers are dropping our items and their red soldiers are picking them up and using them is what I would think about that but I think it’s too late yeah come on blue oh my

Gosh crashed again we just got to keep clear in the battlefield as we can to help out so it’s a tie right no cuz the server’s back up and you’re losing bad I’m down here trying to clear out as best as I can where’d he go he left did

We lose monkey dropsy did he lag out I think he he actually died no did Monk’s computer explode oh my God dropy I can’t even understand you dude that’s going to be it I think that oh there’s barely any red left over here why won’t our soldiers kill them

Who are they all trying to fight right now there’s like a handful of of soldiers in particular that they want dead I think I think we might be okay is that them is that the end no no I think there might be like one or two red left cuz I’m hearing

Battling oh there’s more wait did they just reput them down hello Steve did you just put more down yeah after we already lost oh okay so it is over all right G yeah it’s over G that server’s done it’s kaput that’s game that’s game set match close the

Server because my game crashed close the server Luke

This video, titled ‘Spawning THOUSANDS Of Clay Soldiers To Fight For Me In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2023-12-28 19:00:22. It has garnered 1232 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:37 or 6817 seconds.

Spawning THOUSANDS Of Clay Soldiers To Fight For Me In Minecraft!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and forge lasting friendships with players from around… Read More

  • Muslim Wolf in Minecraft

    Muslim Wolf in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Minecraft is a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building magnificent structures to surviving in a harsh world filled with dangerous creatures, Minecraft offers something for everyone. The Story of Müslüman Kurt One of the recent trends in the Minecraft community is the story of Müslüman Kurt, a wolf who has become Muslim. This unique twist in the game has sparked interest and intrigue among players, leading to a viral sensation. Exploring New Themes The concept of Müslüman Kurt introduces… Read More

  • Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!

    Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 23:45:29. It has garnered 107 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

    Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind - Episode 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] GRINDING!!!!! – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #6’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-20 12:04:40. It has garnered 327 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:58 or 7318 seconds. Here’s the link: – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This channel… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Man -_- | Koseki Bijou’, was uploaded by Mathech on 2024-03-21 10:00:31. It has garnered 122 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Stream source: 【MINECRAFT】Is Minecraft a horror game? Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN / @KosekiBijou Thanks for watching! Please Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed the clip! #holoAdvent #Hololive #ホロライブ #Vtuber #hololiveenS Read More

  • Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shorts

    Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SECRET Minecraft Feature 👀 #shorts’, was uploaded by robbehy on 2024-05-19 20:30:03. It has garnered 23399 views and 1189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. hey, i make videos ============================= discord: tiktok: ============================= skywars & bedwars are minigames on the hypixel minecraft server played by many youtubers like wallibear, technoblade, im a squid kid, & purpled. #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcormode #bedwars #skywars Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!

    EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Treasure Island (Mini Story 4) #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by NotCheeku on 2024-03-25 09:13:00. It has garnered 327 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. Subscribe For More 😎 Instagram 😀- ⚠️Note: These Background Sounds Don’t Belong To Me, Credits To Rightful Users keywords #firemc #psd1 #minecraft firemc loyalmc lapatasmp stormsmp firemcpsd1 psd1 notcheeku herobrinesmp story mini story Minecraft story poor to rich rich to poor noob to pro pro to noob money dollars Minecraft city huge city funny horror story haunted house ghost horror haunted creepy… Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused 1 Week Old Nations

    NEW SEASON LAUNCHED MAY 5TH! Server Info Inspired by Hermitcraft, Morven is a private vanilla SMP server with a nation/district system. Our goal is to establish an active, long-term community focused on artistic and creative builds. Image Gallery from Morven 1 Nations Spawn: Link Dwarf: Link Medieval: Link Modern: Link Oriental: Link Viking: Link Wild: Link Morven 2 Nations Starting nations in Morven 2: Artoira – Medieval and magic styles Hanami – Japanese and Asian style with nature elements Vvardenfell – Steampunk fusion with Dwarven and Nordic builds Unique Features Events: PvP tournaments, court sessions, weddings, elections, races, and treasure… Read More

  • MavenMC

    MavenMCWelcome to MavenMC! 🌟 The Ultimate Minecraft Experience!Dive into a vast universe of creativity and adventure on MavenMC, the newly launched Minecraft server that promises endless excitement! With over **20 unique game modes**, there’s always something new to explore. Whether you’re battling it out in intense PvP encounters, mastering intricate puzzles, or embarking on expansive quests, MavenMC has it all!Why Join MavenMC?- 🎮 Over 20 Game Modes: From classic Survival and Skyblock to unique custom modes, MavenMC offers a diverse range of gameplay to keep even the most seasoned players engaged.- 📹 Streamers and YouTubers Onboard: Play and interact with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “oh sh*t!”

    Looks like this meme is breaking the high score record in the meme world! Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥

    Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Guess I’ll just have to teleport in and out like a pro.” 😂🏰 #minecraftproblems #minecraftbuilderstruggles #gamerlife Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft servers! If you’re looking for a new adventure filled with mystery and challenges, then Minewind is the place for you. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world, where every corner holds a new surprise and every decision you make shapes your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all who are brave enough to embark on this thrilling adventure. Join us at Minewind and discover a world where creativity knows no bounds… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide

    Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide Exploring the World of Minecraft: Beekeeping and Honey Collection Embark on a sweet adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the world of beekeeping and honey collection. Discover the intricate process of obtaining honey, crafting beehives, and acquiring honeycombs with the help of enchanted shears. Let’s dive into the buzzing world of Minecraft bees! Planting the Seeds of Success Before you can start collecting honey in Minecraft, you’ll need to create the perfect environment for your bees. Planting flowers around your bee nests or beehives will attract these busy pollinators, encouraging them to produce honey. Make sure to provide… Read More

  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► 📹 VODS ► 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► ⏰ TIKTOK ► 🐦TWITTER ►… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • 🌍 • Map: 🐦• Follow me: 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More