Speedrunning Random Death Messages in Minecraft camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on Twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there hey maybe I’m live right now anyways go follow do first link in the

Go follow it also this is a channel so subscribe here please please I’m begging please only a small person it’s time for Minecraft okay so let me get Animal Crossing on so we got is it gonna come up oh no we got this wheel okay this is like

Every death message like it doesn’t have like every mob so it doesn’t have like die to fall damage by creeper die to fall damage by shulker die to fall damage but it doesn’t have like it has like everything and some of them have a specific mob if it’ll like be

Interesting so like the idea TNT by skeleton where the skeleton has to shoot a arrow through the lava to hit a TNT to kill you like so some of them are specific most of them are just general but some of them have a specific mob but

It was like it’s like every single one besides like I’d avoid or something because I don’t want to go to the end or break a bedrock okay first one we have to Speed Run stung to death okay that should be pretty easy oh wait that actually won’t be that easy

Because so we need to find a b but I’m pretty sure isn’t once a b sting you don’t they die so I need to like get to half a heart and then have a sting me that should also be pretty easy all right so then now if you’re new now we

Guess how long do you think it’ll take for me to die to a b so type in chat five minutes to die to a b three minutes to die to a b seven minutes to die to a b they don’t always die Um average I’m seeing is about seven but you guys don’t you guys don’t take into account that I’m a professional so uh let’s let’s do 420 that was like what two days ago stung to death in four men 20 seconds just just as a as a quick warm-up okay

I’m a pro I have a lot to talk about today but I always want to get into the I just want to get into the game first well I get stung to death in All right yes no prediction is up predict your channel points Jesus minakin with 10 gifted Subs thanks minakin yo Subs are down because I didn’t stream for a week yo I’m down but I’m just kidding don’t sub um thanks minakin now the prediction is

Up uh will I get stung to death in four minutes 20 seconds 70 are saying no most of you don’t don’t believe in me but that’s okay um the Block Wars was last week the week before that I went to Nevada I went skiing for the first time

And it was kind of like I don’t know I yo I don’t know if I’m gonna go skiing for the second time like bro it was was it fun yeah it was fun but it was like hey bro I have a story ski Vlog I did not vlog but I I was

I have a weird story um minoken subscribe dot tier three Jesus that’s like 25 bucks or something bro and it does nothing you just like through your money I guess all subs are throwing your money down the toilet all right well four minutes 20 seconds thanks minakin though um

I’ll create the new world and we’ll and we’ll flip and do this a prime sub is free true Prime sub is free okay everyone shut up let me let me get my head in the game okay four minutes 20 seconds stung to death I feel like I can do this pretty easily

Unless there’s something I’m not taking into account Um this should be flower force is the best biome I think that’s a flower Forest I want a couple pieces of wood just so I can like uh staircase up and jump off to take damage you passed a beehive Temple I swear whenever I say everyone shut up

You guys don’t shut up but that’s neither here nor there you guys think I should start saying that more that’s neither here nor there indubitably okay I see a b up there b spotted B spotted I can just take damage that’s kind of the point oh I have no

Volume I have time to turn it up no one’s waiting Oh that’s that’s a very awkward tree okay I I might want to speed it up a bit I feel like there’s no way I don’t get this though everyone was saying like seven minutes five minutes so I felt like I had to put it decently high but

I’m gonna have like two minutes to spare not even CL unless there’s something unforeseen oh beehive okay make some damage take some damage before I don’t accidentally die I want to get to half a heart if I’m not like one heart though I guess that’s fine I

Think this should all right next one should bring me down to half those lungs out okay one should be good why isn’t there okay there’s the B stung to death bro how did how did 60 of people doubt that took a minute and a half what are you guys doing

What are you guys doing why did I spend 1K on no I don’t know yo not even 26k cool man four two four two four what are you doing he put 26k on no Jesus okay I get stuck in death uh yes I did it was pretty easy actually all right well

I will never participate in gambling paste dude ah that just sparked a fury within me I’m so mad so I was I was in Nevada right where gambling is legal and I’m 19 now and I’m not allowed to gamble I’m not even allowed to watch so like ever my whole family’s gambling and

I’m just sitting there like a loser doing nothing because I’m 19. I can enroll in the military but I can’t watch I’m not allowed to watch gambling I’m not allowed to sit there and watch them I like because I’m not 21. I can enroll in the US Military and die but I’m I

Can’t watch gambling like bro that is the stupidest law in human existence if I’m ever president I’m gonna make gambling illegal but I’m gonna make watching gambling legal for everyone that’s right vote for me okay back to the wheel Jesus that that’s part of my Nevada trip all right

Oh shoot people have been giving bids that’s tier three so so I can get more Channel points to throw away well I actually think you do get more Channel points like look it up because I don’t wanna oh shoot was shot by players I have to

Shoot myself so I need a bow and like technically I just need one Arrow but I probably want a couple um two times Channel points out tier three dang that’s kind of oh that’s pay to win yo Channel points are pay to win 1.4 times that tier two wait does tier one

Give a bonus all right everyone shot up one shot by a player how long does that take bow and arrows are kind of hard feather flint and stick should be easy three string though is the hard part three string is the hard part if I if I wait for night time for

Spiders it would be like 13 minutes but I feel like I have to try to go into a cave kill a skeleton getting a bow from a skeleton is super hard I feel like I have to go into a cave to kill the spiders you know I need a sword and to

Find a good cave and to get spiders from 1 000 people watching you play not really any because I’m a god um but I was disappointed by my last block wars but we’ll talk about that um what am I talking about ah I keep telling you guys to shut up and you keep

Talking I’m looking over here at the wheel I have three monitors that’s right I’m rich and you guys are poor keep giving me money okay three three string um give me give me seven minutes I need to shoot myself with an era um seven minutes let’s see um what is it part two

Thought with era uh with arrow by player oh uh it’s too long shot with arrow by player in seven minutes all right um now let me do the prediction while we’re waiting oh someone already did it good job family Zach dang 97 on yes you guys are

Really whoa yo I’m telling you guys I feel like at this point you got to put a little bit on no if you’re betting right because of the odds okay someone did it seventy percent it was like 97 Jesus voice crack I’ve actually never had a voice crack it’s all just uh It’s uh okay now it’s like 50 50. I try to make it 50 50. um I have more time on this one to talk what should I talk about first let’s talk about Block Wars okay last block wars wasn’t up to my standard I should have done better I I should have practiced more we got a third but I feel like I did better that’s your favorite movie

Favorite movie I don’t know I kind of like The Truman Show why didn’t you win okay yo um Birch Forest not a good spawn I feel like if I’m not I need to be the best on my team in every block wars if I’m not the best on my team

Uh that I’m not doing good I got 12. and my team was third and I got 12th that should have been at least a top ten practice more I am going to guys look pink sheep for Minecraft have you played Earthbound no I I’ve used some of its

Music though it’s pretty good okay I need to get out of this Birch Forest so I can get some wood okay screw it this is not canon this is not canon this is not canon Minecraft Legends bro is anyone playing Minecraft Legends stream not canon bro we really got some new people in here they don’t know that the command 18 stream universe is different from the kamman 18 YouTube Universe it’s two it’s two different canons do do does anyone uh has anyone played

Minecraft Legends I think I’m thinking the answer is no Minecraft dungeons is hot garbage well that’s not the new one the new one is Minecraft Legends but yeah I haven’t seen like I was gonna buy it but I think it’s like fifty dollars and I have a

Billionaire but that still kind of hurts fifty dollars for like it just doesn’t really look fun oh it’s forty dollars as I don’t it might be fun it just kind of looks boring okay I need to find um I need to find a cave I found a cave

But now I need to find spiders oh God don’t get me started on these stupid cracks uh okay please be an actual cave don’t tell me it’s another crack okay it looks like an actual cave But it’s like a [ __ ] old cave there’s like a 1.17 cave Why is there no spiders or any mods Minecraft Legends it’s underrated did you say it might be I just haven’t played it I don’t think I will though because right now I’ve been grinding Minecraft I need to get better I’ve been playing uh uh MCC Island uh Sky Zone and I met Aunt

Venom my new best friend Aunt Venom he was he was also playing MCC Island Sky Zone and we kept on getting into games together except we were never on the same team but that we chatted in Minecraft chat a couple times so I think me and me and Aunt Venom are now best

Friends I’m building bridges this year this is the year of friendship except I’ve made no friends and actually all of my old friends quit YouTube so I think we’re actually negative on the year so not great but tubbo followed me on Twitter let’s go we got the oh God I

Might have like no time left guys I keep telling you to shut up okay I need a I need an actual spider I’m gonna stop being able to Sprint soon though okay this is a good cave okay there’s creepers I need food though give me an apple okay I was only gonna try once let’s go oh thanks for the two months immersive

Okay spider drop me two string do just do it just do it two string two string two string two string two string one string give me two give me two string other spider come on others God he’s a [ __ ] he can’t get through the stupid drug

Okay two string two string yes I can’t Sprint I can’t Sprint get to the water oh that doesn’t even bring me up I’m actually dead I’m actually Dead with spider eye ow I can Sprint though Okay half a heart half a heart half a heart okay might as well eat the other spider eye okay I need feather and and sticks how much time do we have left I can’t die to anything else I made it I made it reverse how do I

Still do that it’s been like 12 years okay feather and sticks region of feather and oh if I kill the skeleton I get arrows but there’s no way I can kill it I cannot kill it with this no I need a I need a chicken I need a chicken okay

First try Flint second try Flint third try Flint fourth try Flint fifth try Flint sixth tries Flint seventh try Flint eighth try Flint ninth try Flint tenth try Flint 11th try Flint 12th try Flint 13th try Flint 14th try Flint 15th trifling 16th trifin 17th tri-flint 18th trifling 19th trifling 20th try Flint

21st tri-flint 22nd tri-flint 23rd tri-flint 24th tri-flint 25th tri-flint 26th trifling 27th trifling 28th trifling 29th trifle 20 30th triflint 31st trifling to 32nd trifling 33rd trifling 34th trifling 35th trifling 36th trifling 37th trifling 38th trifling 39th trifling 40th try 41st 40 42nd 43rd 48 four or five 46 47

48th try 48th easy okay I still need a chicken what The Matrix has sent its Flint agents give me a chicken just give me a chicken are you actually kidding me are you actually kidding me it’s a one in ten chance I need a chicken ASAP I actually lose I actually lost to Flint I lost to Flint I lost to Flint Can’t believe it I can’t believe it I went through I actually cannot believe it I can actually not physically believe it four block jump however though it’s out it’s over it’s over Flint Let’s see let’s see the chickens that were right next to me nope no chickens Or is that them there they are What was that what actually was that what actually was that what actually was that it’s joover what actually was that what was that What was that that was the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened That that was just that was putrid that was disgusting that was just that that was a if if I get that and like even if I got that in 20 I still probably would have won that choo choo uh thanks for the 100 bits cold trade and the hundred bits minakin Jesus

That is actually devious literal deviousness actual deviousness okay ah back to the wheel I just came here I just broke 48 flint and or 48 gravel in a row and got no flint all right fell while climbing now you might think this sounds really easy now let me

Double check this does anyone know how to get this because it’s a very it’s a very very you won’t get it I’ll I’ll be I’ll be uh I’ll be surprised if anyone gets it fell off a ladder nope nope not fall while climbing a ladder that’s fell off a ladder

Or fell off yeah fell off the ladder fell off vine nope kinda it’s fall off glowberries is the only way to get fell while climbing I did my research only falling to your death off glowberries gets you fell while climbing so I need a lush cave

Exactly I need a lush cave which always seems pretty easy to find until I start looking for it like I swear they’re way hard when they see him so I’m going to say 10 minutes and the prediction oh my bad choose outcome I did not but I stupidly did not

All right I’m gonna do 10 minutes um all uh hold on was that Pokemon unwavering emotions from BMW uh no but you can suggest music in my Discord suggestions Channel and they might be in my videos or streams uh fall off glowberries in 10 minutes uh thanks for the 100 bits NOS three

Thanks for the gifted sub tarot row and thanks for the prime Twisted Vortex wow OMG okay um we got fell while climbing is the prediction up uh let me do the prediction um well I fall off hello berries in 10 minutes yes no one minute prediction is up

I was afraid to turn back on my music thanks for the two months in a row six total stuffy um so yeah I think I should I did bad last uh Block Wars I’m gonna do better I’m practicing I found like there’s this whole like underground it’s not

Underground but it’s just like I never knew about it like there’s this whole giant Minecraft PVP Community full of the biggest tryhards of all time that I found out about but I don’t think I’m gonna go in there because they seem all way better than me and they all just do

Like 1V ones which I feel like is good well it’s like I feel like there’s like it doesn’t help that much with uh UHC no it’s called like uh I don’t even know what it’s good it’s like a Minecraft like hardcore pvps I feel like it just 1V ones like it’s

Good to get good at but like there’s like a bunch of other stuff when it comes to like the actual games people like uh block wars and MCC I don’t think I’ll ever get an MC someone made a someone made a Reddit thread Jesus some gave me a thousand bits the alaylee

Thanks for a thousand bits all right predictions up it’s like 50 50. let me start and then uh three months from Prince I don’t want to go into creative someone made a thread on the MCC subreddit like do you think Cam man will get into MCC or something and everyone

Was like No And I actually think they’re right because they’re all like um all right what am I doing glowberries so I just need to look for a lush cave I think what’s a good biome I think it’s like wet biomes um keep spawning in Birch Forest I don’t I

Don’t love the uh Dark Forest even though I think it’s probably the highest odds of any biome because the thing about the Dark Forest is that you can’t see the trees so it’s kind of annoying but I might get on top of it to look for other biomes but anyway someone made a

Threat in the mcc’s up right like should will Cayman get in and everyone said no because apparently MCC they have like too many good players and so they don’t want like any more like good players and uh also I don’t really like know any of them like it’s like kind of friend based

Which I always knew which is why I was never like really trying to get in because like I don’t think I really I’m not really friends with any of the tubbo does follow me on Twitter now too though to be fair but uh yeah I’m already friends with it is that a

Okay is it just me is that a lush tree dude if I sniped that from this far away I’m an actual Minecraft God I don’t know if that is I’m an actual Minecraft God if I sniped that I’m an actual Minecraft God if I snipe to that that’s like a Hall of Fame

Like American sniper sniper no gift another 1 000 bits I don’t think I will but I’ll try that’s an actual God to your snipe if I feel like there’s no way I was a god-tier snipe Your God but stop making me lose points scripted true Or was it just a birch tree was it just a birch tree no Oh I thought it was it everyone was saying that was it and then they no it wasn’t easy bro snipe of the century yeah I’m playing the music just for that that’s right bro that was the

I literally just saw the top of that tree from a mile away like three pixels call me shroud call me I don’t know I don’t really know of any snipers in real life Stroud was the best I had 30 30 Vision true all right I always need some imagine I

Dig through this and I don’t get into a lush cave I might die going through this but I might fall straight down but it doesn’t matter because I can just run back over here Rooted dirt this used to be there in 1.17 rooted dirt was the rarest block because I don’t remember people still DM me like I found a tree and had so much rooted dirt below it but that’s because 1.17 was when it was rare is because you could these trees didn’t spawn naturally

But you could grow them with like Moss or something but it would only spawn one rooted dirt so you had to like do this whole process a million times oh God imagine there’s no glowberries all right there we go All right no I am gonna lose all my points it’s okay Barry b Benson just never doubt me the only way I can ever lose is if I get 48 straight gravel while climbing there we go easy easy bro that was that was pure skill I was like

All right let me I just want to see where I was hitting it from because that was I mean that was just that was just other worldly [ __ ] I was over here what did I dig up I don’t see where I went up right I broke a tree that was like

I don’t remember where do I go up I was like over here or something GG oh yeah oh yeah I was right here look at that bro you can barely see the like three leaves on top that was a Godly Godly snipe all right that should carry me if I have an epic

Fail later I’ll go remember the azalea tree remember the azalea tree um all right back to the wheel that’s all yeah I’ve been doing it I’ve been doing MCC Island I’ve been parkouring I’ve been doing a lighter I need to I need to be at least top five overall in Block Wars

But the worst part is I was so sad even though I got top three blown up by a creeper oh that’s like easy what that’s like I should find a cave with a creeper um caves do sometimes take longer than you’d think um so I’m gonna say three three

I’m gonna say three minutes 33 seconds you get blown by a creep blown up by a creeper in three men Um all right um start prediction well I get if I get blown up by uh Reaper and what’s about creeper wrong caves are harder to come by than you guys think like yeah it’s already at 98 I’m telling you like there was a chance I just won’t find a

Cave like it’s very possible YouTube Um oh also Twitter so everyone’s blue check mark got taken away and I think they just gave it back you guys see that like they literally they literally took away every like OG blue check mark I think they just gave it back that happened like right before I went live though so

Yeah I’m pretty sure everyone got their verification back bro I was happy I was like let’s go because here’s the problem is like I was like I can never get the Legacy verified thing so I was like let’s go yo even playing field but then they took it all

Away are you verified wait a second all right so they took away all the OG verified people on Twitter and just now they gave it back so all I have to say what what just happened my legacy shock Mark urn my legacy check mark didn’t come back at Elon Musk yo this is

The Strat yo my legacy check mark didn’t come back what the freak what the freak my legacy check mark that I had didn’t come back bro this is Elon will see it and give me a check mark bro 200 IQ what the freak my legacy check Market that I had didn’t come back

At Elon Musk all right everyone like and retweet this I’m getting I’m getting I’m getting a an OG check mark I’m not paying the eight dollars everyone retweet like it I’ll follow some of you back let’s see I don’t have a name followed back hurricane followed back Alice Chan followed back

Dang 20 retweets yo we’re going viral we’re going viral everyone like it everyone like it Skyrock followed back dark oh I already follow you yo we’re going viral elon’s gonna see it let’s go all right I’ll follow some more back later back to the wheel back to the back

To the wheel get this on trending I don’t think we’re big enough to get on trending bro back in the day I was like a I watched like the OG like the OG like right before like the dream SMP around the beginning of the dream SMP like right when everything was popping

Off with like Tommy in it and techno blade and everything I was watching then and they would like get stuff trending on Twitter when they had like 4 000 viewers I think I need to get to like 4 000 viewers all right back to the wheel oh wait we had blown

Up by a creeper didn’t we I wouldn’t even do that ah stop this one doesn’t count whoa wait that’s not real okay yeah that’s not real wait what is it oh that’s a Twitchy emo you got me buddy the guy deleted them all right this one doesn’t count we

Didn’t do the creeper thing I spun the wheel when it wasn’t time to do do do do do um New World you have a thousand viewers if everyone makes four alts I promise I don’t think I have a very Twitter audience back in the day they had a very Twitter audio

They still do a very Twitter audience okay uh start the timer and then I go okay remember when I said there was a decent chance we’d get literally no caves this is the seat I was talking about no trees no caves my closest wood is a Pillager Outpost oh my God

This was the sheet I was talking about dig straight down with what in into sand what do you mean dig straight down I’m actually so screwed um I might there’s a Outpost over here um and there’s a dang Temple and everything dang I could get blood there’s like okay Jesus um

Okay I think I I think I just run past all of this low-key this doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere but it didn’t really slow me down too much I think I just need to find a cave and I think uh Mesa is like an oh maybe it’s a cave Please keep going okay this don’t be a dead end oh that’s terrible I’m wasting a lot of time I shoot one creeper Or 65 said yes that crack goes nowhere more cracks that go nowhere I just need a real cave um over here it looks like maybe a real cave You’re trending on Twitter yeah I’m sure based on mine shafts yeah I know this oh don’t be water it’s water fake cave Oh I don’t know if there’s good I don’t think it is wait I think it’s all we got don’t be a dead end become really big become really big oh god I think I’m so please a creeper could spawn anywhere down here spawn a creeper spawn a creeper oh spawn

A creeper spawn a creeper don’t be a dead end no are you kidding me no spawns it can still spawn something spawn something spawn something why didn’t you spawn anything well it’s because all the pillagers oh my God it’s so oh God I have to fist this

It’s so over I told you guys I might not find a cave all right they still have a little bit of time there needs to be a huge cave I just need a huge cave but I don’t have time to look for one So over um I have to go down here because this is my only chance even though I don’t think it leads anywhere this might go right back to where I was my only shot no spawn a creeper I I shouldn’t go over into this corner and hope a creeper

Spawns maybe if I kill this something else will spawn Dude no caves 122 retweets on my post what the heck yo let’s go bro that’s so annoying literal worst possible spawn I actually can’t imagine a worse spawn was there any big caves anywhere all right look this was the only creeper and I had to go into this tiny crack and

Then randomly decide to mine through here a couple blocks dude right past this wall I would have had to randomly break this wall for no reason swim over here randomly break this wall for no reason Elon responded yeah I’m sure he did um dude this was this my spawn no it was

Literally way over here what was that spawn what was that spawn did they fix the Outpost they still haven’t but you’re a real one for knowing dude this was my spawn literal no caves look here’s my spawn it usually look straight down and there’s nothing all right I swear my two losses have

Been like the most unlucky things you can humanly ever predict in all of humanity um DJ thanks for the prime seven minutes ago I never read it I I I’m pretty bad at reading things but I try to read uh multiple month Subs but I I miss those sometimes too

Fell from a high place um honestly so this is you have to fall from I think it’s just over five blocks if with a perfect spawn this is literally like five seconds um but worst case scenario spawn I have to get wood I need one two probably need uh five wood

Probably need five wood worst case scenario spawn and then uh I can probably get a decent so I can probably just do three wood probably well from a high place um dirt I think Wood’s faster you get four um 30 seconds oh I had 30 seconds is real we’ll do 33. 30 seconds is really cutting it 30 seconds is really continent One hour I don’t think so we’ll do 33 seconds 33 seconds that’s still really cutting it all from a high place in 33 seconds Prediction is up predict your channel points Let me check on my tweet follow some more people back yo we’re going viral 133 retweets let’s go one quote tweet oh let’s go and one of my mods yo also like my most recently liked thing my mods got me with the Photoshop proving that I did have it Go like that tweet too it’s proof guys is proof we need Elon to see this No okay based All right 65 say I will fall for 33 seconds is really pushing it 65 that’s really pushing it 33 seconds if I get a good spawn though it’s easy all right everyone shot up as I concentrate one really pushing it Oh I think we got a decent throw up there okay I think I’ll get three just in case Oh God mess that up a bit um I think I think we should do this we don’t have that much time to get all the way over there oh will this kill me I think I got it okay I was telling you if it was 30 seconds that would have been cutting it that

Would have been cutting I think I might have gotten it in 30 but we would have had to go back in the footage Jesus Jesus I was cutting it we got a good seed though honestly if we didn’t get that was like a pretty good seed not

Amazing but pretty good because we got like 10 free blocks or more than that actually oh if I spawned up here I would have actually now that was a pretty good spawn I thought about going back here it could have worked if I went up right here that went pretty good

Um all right back to real Elon Musk real respondent no way giving me a heart attack over here you cut that one a bit close that was coming a bit worse but that’s what I’m trying to do all right intentional game design who knows what this is this isn’t even a

You don’t even need to be a real Minecrafter to know what this is yeah another bad or end bed um or Overworld uh respawn anchor so if we’re gonna get technical here Um so I need three wool and to get to the nether I don’t know how to do the new speed run like tactic of the agma thing I should probably learn how to do that I I’ve honestly wanted to like I feel like speed running so boring though like

I feel like if I started speedrunning I wouldn’t stream it because I feel like that’s boring like just speed running over and over again like I kind of want to learn speed running just because I think it’ll make me better at Minecraft you are speed running right now I mean like actual

Like Minecraft speed running like to kill the Ender Dragon in like 20 minutes or like 10 minutes anyways uh what is this uh nether plus bed um we don’t get to reset seeds so uh maybe 10 minutes yeah cause like I’ll probably have to mine iron I’ll probably have to mine iron which

Takes a bit unless I get a good like Village spawner shipwreck spawn um nether bed myself in 10 minutes all right prediction is up thanks to the family Zach wow the newest moderator kind of crazy we have all these VIPs but like barely any new mods because with

Gambling you can get up to new VIP if you just get lucky but it’s really hard to get lucky twice and then get up to new oh wait Tiggy I forgot about Tiggy I uh I modded him though he didn’t even get the the IV cam I’m at my Musical

True actually wait I thought I thought you said it was called a play or something yeah one time we got in an argument musical version play but I don’t even remember which side I was on I do remember I was right though Did you know cows kill more people than sharks per year no wrong thanks for the six months though um all right 50 uh it’s like 50 50. all right this is a pretty hard one Um nether bed all right let’s do this all right so what oh I haven’t even talked about my Nevada trip okay I’ll talk about that while I try to go to the Nether um amazing spawn amazing amazing wow where’s the wood what this is just bro

This is the same seed okay uh honestly if there’s a shipwreck there’s one over there I can get wood there and maybe iron honestly the seat actually is pretty good if this gives me three iron this is actually a really good seed wait

But how do I get sheep how do I get a bed there’s I have there’s no grass okay that’s the only bad thing all right anyways Nevada um so I went to Nevada to like go see family and also go skiing for like four days that’s why I didn’t stream two weeks ago

Um skiing okay here’s my story with skiing I’ve never been skiing before I had to learn right and so we get there like there’s this whole thing getting there it was kind of boring but whatever we get there finally we got this old like I think he’s Eastern he has like an

Accent I think it’s like an Eastern European or I guess it doesn’t matter but he was just old and like I don’t know but anyways um so he’s telling us he brings us to like this slope right old accent yeah he also had an old accent okay I get ironed

I thought I was gonna be able to get to that but okay it’s dude this can’t just be me where like shipwreck chests don’t work for a couple seconds sometimes like and it’s always the treasure chat or like always the uh map chest does that happen to other people I swear that

Happens to me all the time does that happen to other people okay it does it might just be a Java thing okay I need the other chest I’m I hate this shipwreck this shipwreck is pissing me off okay so I’m going skiing with this old guy right teaching teaching me for the first

Time and so he goes all right this is before we put the skis on he goes all right which way is the slope going and I point like three directions because he brought us like on top lag uh uh why is it lagging hello all right God dang it Hello Hello um All right type uh six in the chat if you can hear me type a six in the chat if you can hear me okay we’re good you need to refresh the stream if you heard that late it’s like leave and rejoin all right we’re here we’re here we’re here that

Was weird I don’t know why I locked I had paused my timer though so we have to now we have to wait I don’t know how do I un I think I ended it so all right let’s wait two minutes and 24 seconds while I tell this story okay

And we’re going skiing right old bloke all right old bloke teaching us he brings us on top of a hill and it’s like 270 degrees right 270 degrees is downhill three out of four directions is downhill and so I asked him I say or no he says all right

Which way the slope going can I point in all these directions and he looks a bit confused and he’s like oh you’re right this is a complex slope meaning there’s like multiple directions where it goes downhill all right whatever put the skis on for the first time right

He hasn’t told us how to do anything how to stop I put the skis on for the first time but it’s a 270 degree downhill slope meaning like every way I face either forward or backwards I’m facing downhill so I put my skis on and I start sliding backwards

And I’m sliding backwards extremely slowly and I don’t know how to stop though because he hasn’t told us yet how to stop and so I’m stuck I have no idea how to ski I just put them on and I’m sliding backwards incredibly slowly and so but I don’t know how to stop and

So eventually I’m going super slow but it’s like a pretty decently like it’s like a hill and so I’m sliding backwards super slowly but then I start going faster and then I realize okay I’m trying to stop myself with the little poles because I don’t know how to stop

To stop so normally your skis are like this to stop you go like that like but I don’t know that yet because this old guy hasn’t told me okay so I’m sliding backwards right eventually I realize I’m not going to be able to stop myself with

These poles but and I don’t know how to stop myself with my feet so I’m going down this hill but right now I’m going down the hill backwards so I’m like welp I guess I’d rather go down the hill forward so somehow I don’t know how I

Did it without knowing how to ski I figured out how to turn around and then I was going down the hill forward people are still saying lagging I don’t think it’s lagging timer’s going out we need to wait for like 2 34. and so then

I go all the way down this hill and crash into a wall because I can’t stop and I was like weaving through people and I didn’t hit anyone and I was going very fast and then I slammed into a wall so oh it’s 224 all right well let’s start anyways that was my

That’s my biggest skiing story where is this chest because there’s no chest there has to be a chest right is it on this side Wait is there just one chest here Is there just one chest all right well we gotta go to the Treasure Map There’s No treasure This is an awesome seed by the way spawned in a desert with no trees also FYI if if anyone’s keeping count where did that wood go where did that wood go I should am I senile am I going insane I just destroyed a piece of wood and it disappeared I got two and I’ve destroyed three wait is that a whole room wait there’s a whole other room down there Foreign I got one iron from that I got 11 nuggets not even one iron I have to craft the iron oh my God all right now I need that for a boat All right I’ll go to the other one now what a terrible I need a bucket okay I can go to this now oh my God first first the skiing done this but yeah I got kind of hurt but I’m pretty sure I’m good now not a mushroom Island

Still no trees by the way I found a mushroom Island before I saw a tree like what no trees empty map empty map no trees Mushroom Island well let me guess this is gonna have no iron in it either awesome you know I was really hoping I’d get a mushroom Island foreign

By the way literally nothing else around this is just awesome this is just great Heather falling feather falling let’s go all right just give me three iron okay thank God all right I’m probably still gonna lose though I mean that doesn’t really help me that much also the hole about to die thing doesn’t really help Um I don’t know what I’m supposed to do there’s no wood and I need a lava pool to go to the nether and I need a bed I need to find a biome that is like what is this can anyone tell me what this is also by the way I

Got no food in that food chest that normally gives you carrots potatoes wheat stew I got coal and feather falling boots at least I won’t fall to my death any any land that will have a tree I swear I’m getting like a bottom one I feel like I’ve had like three different

Maps where I got like a bottom one percent luck like what is I can’t find a tree I cannot find a tree This actually has to be a joke I have 24 render distance on 24. that’s pretty that’s pretty hefty render distance Are we about to find another biome with no trees Nope nope false alarm wow this is an awesome speed run to the nether ruin portal uh I wouldn’t be I need guys you we also need uh sheep well more more place with no trees let alone the sheep that we need like literally what is this what actually oh

More desert oh look desert village uh that’s really helpful that’s so helpful thank God for the desert village any trees no Isn’t this where you started no this is hundreds of blocks from Spawn Baden Village true true true true true true true true okay I actually have a chance I actually have a chance with the bed in the village I didn’t think about that if I find a lava pool I actually have a

Chance um wait a second I have no food oh I don’t even need food because I’ve been boating wait a second we have a chance folks we need a quick lava pool we need to find a lava pool all right now we got trees we don’t need trees anymore no that anymore

Though now that we got a bed wait a second but wait a second hold your horses yo doubters were up good for a second there All right that was that was really fast all right give me a lava pool lava pool Lava pool I don’t think we’re gonna find one lava pool I think we’re screwed guys I’m gonna be honest Yeah I think we’re screwed wait a second no don’t mess up I haven’t done this in so long Bro passive Passive or not Flint I don’t know Flint give me Flint no I have to break this with my hand I need Flint I need a quick Flint or it’s over redeem redeem yourself Flynn please No way Thank you there’s actually no way there’s actually no way there’s actually no way there was actually no way that’s one of the craziest ones ever I that was like so over I was I always like about to just leave like there’s an act you doubters are an

Actual shambles someone lost 10K on that there’s actually no way what a terrible seed oh my God dude look at this I was so there’s one tree over here but like I had to get I had to get that Village because they’re nowhere sheep can spawn there I haven’t seen a single

Biome where sheep can spawn because they have to spawn on grass other reason there was another Village over here and then I get this shipwreck that has no iron and not a working map Jesus look at that there was actually no way dude not Flint I almost got screwed by Flint again oh

My God I almost got screwed by Flint again I was an actual insane common c-a-m-m-a-n-w insane run and then we had to go like a thousand blocks away because of this stupid Mushroom Island Jesus dude I haven’t I so I got new keybinds like a bit ago and I haven’t uh done

That portal I don’t think since I got new keybinds and I was so scared I was gonna mess it up because I had to go quick oh my that was so intense that was crazy everything was perfect like that and that lava pool had to be there Jesus

Squashed by a falling Anvil I feel like that’s I could do it if you guys want me just mining 32 iron or 33 iron I think I should skip but I could I could do it but it seems a bit boring mine and then smell that guy if you watch that and skip

Dude that one was that’s one of the craziest ones ever it was kind of boring though because like most of it was me thinking I was gonna lose and doing accomplishing nothing suffocated in a wall I’m not exactly of Caden wall appears when the player is killed

Because they were inside of a non-trans oh so well sand work for that I think it will okay sand or gravel or red sand two minutes tops I think it’s less than two minutes I feel like it’s like sand or gravel the only problem is it could be in water

And then I need blocks around the water like make sure water doesn’t get in um I feel like that’s like literally like I feel like that’s oh but at the Suffocation actually takes time the Suffocation itself probably takes like 20 seconds or more maybe so you have to factor that in um

I think I can do it in a minute that’s pushing it though I like to push it though I think I can do it in a minute suffocated in a wall in One min I’m pushing it I’m pushing it but I think I can do it all right prediction is up

Prediction is up pushing it geez that was a cool one um so what else has that uh next month I’m going to California I was gonna do the Lego Stream then I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it I might bring the Lego set

And try oh I got a new laptop you guys want to see it it wasn’t that expensive it’s just kind of for like uh it’s not like a gaming laptop it’s just for like Wow OMG got a new laptop for like whenever I travel or something so I might try to stream on this I love your shorts can I be in the next when I try when I travel um this is a really good deal you guys should buy it it was like 3.99 on Amazon

Acer Aspire 5 Slim not sponsored but then I added a I added 16 gigabytes of RAM and I I like opened up the back I was really a hopper or Hopper I was really a hacker I opened up the back and I put in Ram and I put in uh SATA SSD

So I’m gonna put it back though I hopped into it all right um dang we got 50 50 again I’m kind of killing it with these with these predictions being so close all right what I meant to do Um All right uh thanks for the 100 bits Ellie or elile Go Master can I be in your next Shore no you can’t um all right one minute well this is this I need a speed run all right everyone shut up one minute this is really pushing it Ultra pushing it I

Need sander gravel oh God oh God the spawn is bad the spawn is really bad I think I need gravel from one of these caves the spawn is atrocious the spawn is atrocious folks the spawn is atrocious the spawn is atrocious The Suffocation itself takes time the Suffocation itself takes time I think I might need three Are you kidding me Oh God come on please I think I got it I think I got it I think I got it I think I got it the Suffocation didn’t take as long as I thought all right all right we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling we are chilling

That was almost bad I swear that was a I guess that’s a kind of average spawn but I feel like usually you spawn an extra like some body of water like but I guess sometimes you don’t Luckily I found the gravel there were some open caves this is that cool yeah look at the seed low-key here’s the seed oh you guys aren’t Gonna Leave oh wait you can see that take a screenshot you can you can see it good enough kind of cool seed kind of cool seed not

That cool um I I feel like I might do like a a sub a sub only sir like a twitch sub server uh 101.20 comes out like a survival one just to chill on uh but the annoying part is you need like there’s always drama it’s so annoying like there’s always a loser

Every single time I do a public server there’s always a loser so don’t be the loser that’s why I would do SUB only because hopefully it lessens the chance of a loser but I’ll be the loser this time all right because Um all right back to the wheel and then you need like I don’t know I might do it maybe I won’t maybe I will um back to the oh I died and the prediction someone did Back to the wheel pricked to death and so this is death by cactus

Which I’ve gotten a lot of uh deserts but now that I need one it’ll probably be really hard um yeah everyone’s saying like low minutes three minutes five minutes deserts are way rarer than you guys think about you guys have just seen me go through like three deserts so you think they’re oh

Wait I’m pretty sure no no this isn’t Sweet Berry this isn’t Sweet Berry Sweet berries a different one I’m gonna say 10 minutes and everyone’s saying lower than that actually I’ll do I’ll do I’ll do nine minutes and nine seconds 909 everyone’s gonna vote Yes deserts are rarer than you guys think

Uh goal bricked to death by cactus in nine Min nine seconds Oh it’s it’s up thanks to the family Zach wow prediction is up gamble yo points all right so what’s else has been going on um Block Wars we got third it’s kind of bad though I’m so competitive I was so sad after Block Wars even though we got

Third and I got 12th which is pretty good but bro I hate losing so I need to be better I think I went good like you know I’m making new friends and stuff Hobo’s my new best friend is there anyone I would be intimidated playing with in Block Wars Oh Captain

Sparkles I was teamed with Captain Sparkles I would be intimidated because he’s one of the people I used to watch and Venom I used to watch but since we talked in MCC Island he’s less intimidating now happens teaming with cabin Sparkles would be scary All right 45k Jesus something about 45k on yes I told you people were gonna be confident I was gonna get this foreign you wouldn’t Fanboy over captainsparkles no I don’t think I would Fanboy is there anyone I would Fanboy over um oh shoot oh jungle’s actually pretty good

Um I’m gonna go to that um I think I’m gonna go to that ruin portal because it could have golden carrots which would be really good the Savannah could also be good but this is actually a pretty good spawn pretty warm bombs there any Minecraft people I would Fanboy over

I don’t think so um oh I just didn’t really the only one the only Minecraft Youtuber I still watched was technoblade I’m pretty sure you wanna watch any other I don’t think I watch any other Minecraft youtubers still um I like Wilbur but I didn’t really

Watch that many of his videos or streams but he seems like a cool dude I like old people I’m ageist I’ll be honest young people piss me off I’m an old soul but that’s the problem because I’m young so then anytime I’m gonna make a decision I feel like I’m gonna make

The wrong decision now what just happened there I I’m ageist and proud I just feel like young people are always the worst and by old I mean like 25 I think technical is like 23 so I guess but that’s old in my universe get some some of this

You are old and my universe true Fanboy PrestonPlayz um uh I feel like I don’t Fanboy people unless I still watch their stuff I don’t think I watch any Minecraft people anymore Tommy I watched like a lot of his stuff before he kind of blew up

I’m gonna I’m more of an OG Tommy in it fan okay where did the Where did it go am I blind where did the foreign what okay wait what is that what I was going to did I run past it all right screw it I shouldn’t look for a desert at this point it’s been too long that was a waste of time uh

And I got some of this melon even though melon’s a terrible food uh do you watch Mr Beast I was an OG Mr beaster I don’t really watch him anymore though No One Believes Me my two people I was in early besides Minecraft people

The odds went out and Mr Beast I was OG fans Mr Beast I was a fan like I think before 50K and uh the odd ones out I think I was a fan of like 100k dude 50k how so he used to do these videos worst intros and I think I subbed around

Like worst intros like 20 something he did worst intros and then he did he deleted all of these because he pretty much was just bullying kids but it was epic um what else happened um oh then he started doing like these challenges so he started doing like how

Many licks to get to the center of a lollipop how long does it take to cut a table with a plastic knife how long like just random challenges and eventually did counting to ten thousand and then he did a huge video counting to a hundred thousand and that video kind

Of blew up and then he started doing like all of these counting things that’s why I respect Mr Beast because Mr Beast really willed his way into becoming a YouTuber because he literally just blew up out of off of something everyone could do but he just had the will to do

It counting to 100K he literally sat there for like 48 Hours Counting he willed his way and then that was like his his [ __ ] his what is it shtick dick were you just like counted and like said Logan Paul a million times read the dictionary

And then I just did like the then his like first like a modern Mr Beast video was like last to leave the circle actually no then he started giving away money he gave a homeless guy ten ten thousand dollars and I always wonder what happened to that homeless guy

Because he I think he said like at the end of that video I don’t remember it’s been so long he’s like I’m gonna come back in a month and see where this guy is and then I think he never came back so I wonder what happened to that homeless

Guy but so then he started giving away money to like twitch streamers and ninjas and stuff and then his first like modern Mr Beast video was last to leave the circle and then there was like a and then the and then Carl came and ruined Mr Beast am I right guys

Carl ruined Mr Beast ah that’s her where why are people saying desert why did I just saw like three different people at the same time say desert or no way you guys think that snow thing is a desert you guys are so stupid W trolls like if it was one person I

Would I thought it was a trouble but I swear like three people said desert at the same time foreign what else so what are my plans going forward so next week or next month I’m going to California I might not stream I might stream my my Lego Stream everyone wants

Me to do a Lego Stream where I build my wait that’s a Mesa oh wait a second wait a second I think that’s a Mesa wait a second wait a second hold your horses hold your horses I think we have time I think we got this

Honestly let your horses go this is wait why why do I see no cactuses wait why is there no cactuses in this desert wait hold the horses again hold the horses again why is there no cactus I think I see some way back there what hold the horses hold the horses

Oh what the heck it says I’ve only been streaming for 30 minutes is it reset Where are the cactus okay there’s some up there I think I should get there on time as long as the pricking doesn’t take too long Bro why was there no Cactus that’s so weird I think I’m good I didn’t really help yeah you got a two I think if you have a time you can go faster going in between Rick to death you walked past one I think the one I walked past was because I wanted to get next to two mate was

Like you’re super close to that desert it was over here No I I initially wanted to go to uh I was what I was gonna do before I I went to that was trying to go to that portal is I was gonna go this way um which actually looks like I wouldn’t have brought me to the desert so luckily

I didn’t go this way luckily I had that fail or wait maybe I would have seat now because I don’t even think I would have gone to this uh oh yeah I was right there if I went to this I would have seen it but I don’t even know if I would have

Gone to that stand up ah hey to make me stand up crazy world we’re living in all right easy W though nonetheless lower render distance why would I want to have lower render distance all right um what am I doing spinning the wheel that’s what I’m doing all right shot by Pillager

Oh I said we do another 10 minutes this is a luck based one I said we just do a 10 minutes shot by Pillager I should find an outpost well stand up always 10K no he used to be like 3K everything goes up with inflation and man points have inflation

Too the more viewers I have the more I have to raise things um shot by villager and and a minute I get shot by Pillager in 10 minutes prediction is started gamble yo points let’s see how my tweets going maybe maybe I should link it up link it a

Couple more times while we’re waiting and follow some more people back I like falling back my people because then like my timeline is a lot of my people error like and retweet this and I’ll follow some of you back let’s see retweets V followed you back Johnson bro’s name is Johnson

100 something retwistiana I am literally going viral 60 say I’ll get it I honestly don’t think I’ll get it but maybe I will hold on is this your actual face bro people always fall for the V tuber they really think this is my actual face it’s

It’s a pretty good YouTuber but I got like the uh Unreal Engine five so it’s actually works pretty good like I can’t show the back of my face wait let me start the timer I need to start no there we go I can’t I can’t turn around it doesn’t

Have a model for the back but it’s honestly a pretty good render I’m trying to get the uh n80 thing next yeah so many people think it’s actually my face all right I need food other than that I need to run what time you stopping what does that

Even mean Oh you mean how long I’ll I’ll stream for like another I don’t know probably a bit longer than half an hour um probably kill these pigs um okay so what else so oh yeah everyone is screaming at me because they want me to build my Minecraft Lego set that I

Got for Christmas on stream but I feel like that’s the most boring thing ever do it I feel like that’s about everyone there’s a couple things in streaming where everyone just says do it but no one actually wants it okay everyone’s saying do it I love Lego Minecraft yeah but you want

To watch me sitting in a hotel room for an hour how long does it take has Aaron actually built a Minecraft Lego set does it take longer than an hour it’s definitely everyone’s gonna be like oh my look look at all of you do it do it we got like hundreds of people

Screaming do it I’m gonna go live and I’m gonna have like 40 viewers but I’ll I don’t know if I’ll do it actually because I I I’ve never even streamed away from my computer and I also don’t know if I’ll logistically be able to I don’t think I’ll be able to

Stream on Saturday if I do it either so it’ll be like a Thursday stream or something okay um so far no biomes that I can I think I just boat here I think boating is the move because I don’t see any biomes or an outpost two predictions in a rose skull

Bro just don’t bet against me simple likes for the 100 bits though what week would it be it would be uh shoot I should almost leaked from the next block wars was oh God I hope I haven’t said what my stream is okay I’m just gonna stop talking

Um speed run the Lego build for predict anyways I should be in the next block wars while I signed up for it maybe I won’t get in it um I think I’ll be in the next block wars unless they don’t put me in but I think

They put me in I think they will it’s funny on the uh on the Block Wars like there’s like a sign up sheet and I just asked like a couple is that a desert a desert would actually be good dang I’m finding a lot of deserts today

Or no that might just be a beach but if it’s a planes that’s good on the Block Horrors sign up sheet it says like do you play to win play to have fun or for or a little of both and I just put play to win every time I don’t even know what

That like why they even ask but I I just put play to win screw having fun I’m a Minecraft I’m in the my Minecraft grind set through all right that doesn’t look like a very good planes neither does that though Ash 3 Pillager outposts yeah I’m gonna be honest

Not looking good for the Pillager Outpost community how you continue the hype train loudly crying loudly crying chill whoa rare boat rare boat is that a rare boat I see hey shipwreck more like land rack more like well what are you doing you know you get it [Applause] shipwreck more like ship wrecked

I know I know simmer down now simmer down now That looks like whoa that’s some cool World Generation bucks it’s a birch Forest Jesus Jesus yeah I really need a Pillager Outpost though oh my holy moly villager Outpost Maybe see it I’ll give the seed after this bro passed a Pillager Temple skull I don’t think I did pass a Pillager Temple

You’re at all maybe the seed real quick you can probably screenshot that through the text yeah you can do I’m on the search for a Pillager Outpost you guys need to see was it the first ever Minecraft song there was a song that got me into Minecraft

Like a super OG Mike I don’t even know if it was a Minecraft parody I think it was like a Minecraft original song Someone made in like 2010 or something I’m on the search for some diamonds let me show you just what I’ve seen does anyone know that song it’s like super

Old you guys probably don’t not don’t mind at night any more cool seats well I have a lot of cool seeds there’s a village right there oh maybe that means Outpost trust me alt f4 gives you Pillager spawn eggs really pillage or spawn eggs dang this is a really cool seed

You know that song it’s like I’m on the search for some diamonds let me tell you just what I have seen and then it goes through a bunch of stuff then at the end he finds diamonds and then he’s so happy he could ride a pig

All right I need an outpost and I need it ASAP it’s 4 27 a.m in my country you must live in seed must live like a west of like the or east of the UK um you must live in like Estonia running down where do you live Khan 1X

I might not see it Estonia that’s my guess 4 27 A.M Greece okay I wasn’t really close but I think I was uh is it longitudally close I think I was longitudally close maybe unless it’s latitudely close but I’m pretty sure it’s a longitudally is longitudely a

Word I don’t know if that’s even a word it should be a word though let’s be honest 9 28 here in Indonesia I have a lot of Indonesian viewers or is it there’s one it’s either Indonesia or Malaysia where like YouTubers there’s like a YouTuber there might be multiple of like trying command

18 hacks and they get like hundreds of thousands of views but like the whole videos I think it’s Malaysian like there’s this Malaysian YouTuber does any is it Malay people like are the people in Malaysia are they called Malay let’s go choo choo Malaysians Maybe you guys know about this YouTuber he

Makes like testing km18 tips or something I I translated it once well I don’t see an outpost and they even spawn in Acacia I think they can they speak Malay Malay or Malaysian yo I got both that clip is fake I don’t know what it is you better lose

Something while I click that all right add 10 seconds to the or subtract 10 seconds to the climber timer now something to be honest I don’t think we’re finding dude three villages are you kidding me three villages no outposts is that a joke three villages this was a bad spawn too

I’m proud for getting three villages but no outposts true that wasn’t 10 seconds foreign it’s gonna be like right next to me when I stop I already know I already know it’s gonna be right it’s gonna be Right over here guaranteed all right time’s up watch this hello Pillager Outpost that’s right that’s right over here okay maybe oh no sorry I was just sensing a a fourth Village oh there’s The Outpost awesome wow that was amazing that was amazing three more minutes I would have got it Time wasn’t up though I don’t think I was running from there to there and then dying in 20 seconds I don’t think that was that’s what was gonna happen now here’s the seed And let me there green shot the seed you know where all the villages are now all right that was an annoying one that could we’ve had like I want a quick one oh shoot I already spun the wheel without telling you guys what is this how did you for Indonesia wait what is

This collab by one second drowned okay we got a quick one wait a second there’s this clip my modeling oh wait okay I don’t even care to it what is this 17 seconds one second let me listen to this you say for Indonesia like a war cry

Did I do that did I what are you you know what shout out my Indonesians for Indonesia I got you why did I say that shout out to the Indonesians hey you say why is that why is that clip have 211 views and how did one of my mods it’s from

Eight months ago and my mod remembered that somehow okay all right well shout out Indonesia I guess all right I have to drown in how long how long like 30 seconds uh well I guess drowning itself actually kind of takes a while because first you have to run out of

Bubbles which I feel like running out of bubbles is like already 10 seconds then I think the drowning itself actually takes a while too so that’s actually kind of a problem um let’s Okay I feel like the drowning itself takes longer than you think I actually have no idea let’s say it

Takes 10 seconds to start drowning I feel like it takes 20 seconds to drown from full no probably like 15. so that’d be 25 once getting into water all right oh God I’m cutting it close 43 seconds I’m cutting it close Tiggy says I’m gonna lose because orc says what the scallop

Prediction is up we are going crazy insane wacko I always forget to turn back on my music Um we’re not even talking about lately um I don’t know I’ve just been chilling Dude oh I might do a video with I probably shouldn’t talk about it until it happens I’m collabing more though the good thing about Block Wars also not that it’s it’s fun obviously I like it at least it’s funny though my chat goes slower during Block Wars even though I have more

Viewers because I don’t talk to chat 50 50. dang this is a close one right That’s funny though except in like the hype moments my chat goes super fast in Block Wars that’s kind of funny um all right I didn’t even have time to turn the music I think I got this

Hey honestly just don’t know I should probably swim so I lose hunger maybe if I if I can take damage from anything if there’s like magma I can find oh God I don’t know if I’ve let me not get above if I can find like magma or like anything to take damage

Oh I don’t know if I’m gonna do this in time I’m trying to get rid of my hunger by swimming I think I got it I think I got it okay I think we’re good we’re good we’re good okay I’m despair luckily I spawned right next to uh

I’ll spawner right next to water if I spawned it tense if I spawned over like there or there I probably lose dude what’s with the deserts today what’s with the deserts to that yeah if I spawn up here I lose that’s a bit that’s a bit funny I spawned right here it’s over

What’s with the desert said it’s so weird um all right back to the wheel and someone on prediction I got it skewered by a falling stalactite that’s a good one um all right predictions ended um I need to find a drip Stone cave and then I also need a pickaxe

Um kind of weird Um that’s kind of wacky I feel like drip Stone caves are rarer than you guys think like I feel like it seems like you find them all the time but I feel like when you look for them oh I did see the Mario movie oh I’ll talk about that

I have a lot to say about the Mario movie so much has happened I just forget to talk about it all right um that’s for the prime trash tick Um uh how long stalactite I’m gonna say seven minutes lucky number seven I feel like uh drip Stone caves are rare than you guys think die by Falling I ate and seven bro stalactite really got to be a long word huh prediction is up predict predict predict yeah I saw the Mario movie don’t spoil it’s the Mario how am I supposed all right spoiler alert spoiler alert Mario wins in the end and no one dies no

One gets killed off in the Mario movie and Mario wins in the end big spoilers guys Mario does say Mamma Mia Sorry yeah Luigi dies in the Mario movie Luigi just dies um all right I’ll I’m in like I don’t really think it can be spoiled but I guess spoiler alert like like I’m not like you kid there’s no like spoilers though um I thought it was I feel like it was

Pretty good better than I thought I feel like the ending was pretty stupid like pretty much the entire last like third of the movie was pretty stupid it’s owned by 70k it’s only about 70k on no this guy’s going for VIP if he wins 70k on no

Jesus Oh shoot my prediction let me give it a second all right um I need a stalactite so spawning near an ocean is actually really bad because drip Stone caves spawn in dry areas and the ocean is wet so I want to go away from the ocean FYI um okay

Um oh looks like a dude what is with all the desert what is with all the desert you always tell a story during voting and distracts me so I don’t vote well rep dude all this water is a really bad um we have to go in the desert I guess

There’s a I don’t know if the the uh Village helps me I don’t think it does I think the like I should get away from the water I swear I’ve been getting all these Desert Water spawns it’s so weird um we have being near water is not good oh this is okay um

Oh it’s also near water though everywhere is water okay there’s a giant cave over here maybe we’ll get lucky and we’ll be a drip Stone cave even though it’s right next to water I think that’s probably worth checking out so since it’s a guaranteed big cave

Over there could be good because it kind of looks like that’s going to be an actual continent Princess Peach is hot in her Mario car outfit okay thanks for the input all right just give us some stalactites no none okay well I’m gonna look over here and see

What it um the Mario movie though I feel like the ending was stupid like it was kind of annoying that Mario and Luigi were both like losers okay there’s a bit I okay I’m going over here oh I don’t know this is a really bad spawn

Like but I thought I don’t think the plot was great I think the plot for like the first two thirds was good and then at the end it kind of just all broke down was stupid but like I was surprised with all the Mario references and like

The whenever they did like the music there was like the same theme as the game that was good um it was better than I thought and then like there’s a lot of references I liked all of the references it felt like it was actually made by Mario fans

Oh also other big complaint the first scene with Bowser Bowser was actually like as scary as a animated Bowser voiced by Jack Black could be like that first scene Bowser where they’re like killing those penguin guys and he’s like walks out of the thing it’s like whoa yo

Bowser is kind of scary here but then they just makes it make him like stupid like halfway through like whenever they cut to him like playing the piano and singing about loving Peach like like Bowser was like could have been way cooler but other than that it was pretty good Foreign my leak came in 18 leak guys post this on the camman 18 subreddit tomorrow’s video is about the Minecraft movie that’s right you guys know who the actor for the Minecraft movie is gonna be you guys know Me no Jason Momoa Aquaman is gonna be the actor for the Minecraft movie that’s not a joke the Aquaman guy oh God I need you and it’s gonna be live action apparently like what live action like yeah so I don’t really know what they’re doing I guess they’re gonna like Photoshop them to be like square like I don’t yeah live action Minecraft movie coming April 4th 2025 apparently it’ll probably get pushed back but I think they’re actually doing it this time they’ve been talking about it for like a decade but I think

They’re actually doing it it’ll probably come out in 2025 I bet it’ll get pushed back from the current release date but foreign We’re far enough away from the ocean now that there could be a grip Stone cave um I don’t know if there will be and I also have to find it so and I also should be like kind of exposed to the surface I kind of like this Savannah I think the Savannah it

Might be there like over there it’s just giving me some drip Stone cave vibes oh shoot I’m out of food no I have like no time no and there’s like no okay there’s some salmon me or salmon I’m here Salomon stop swimming away Jesus all right that should be enough maybe yeah I should be Mangrove swamp rare biome I posted it on the subreddit I don’t know if I should promote the subreddit I don’t know I have a subreddit guys I don’t Ant-Man 18 is the subreddit I don’t know

Why you would want it but it’s there I think I have a Discord oh all the losers can go there I don’t even know if that save time post jumping down but all right here come on has to be here Has to be here no way Don’t kill me skeleton no yes 70k rip Bozo you lost your 70k oh that got a sting I’ll be honest oh my God bro that was kind of crazy that was kind of that was kind of crazy I don’t know where the closest the closest one must have been closer than

That because I had to go so far for that locate biome rip Stone caves a thousand blocks Jesus was that the it was in the desert somewhere geez though the closest was a thousand blocks and I still found one was this the close desert I don’t even know which one this was

Jeez that was a another close one oh this was actually I feel like I was closer than this because I was like right over there I guess that’s slightly closer oh there’s three villages I pretty much went in the perfect Direction though someone in Reddit said an ad stole your

Video yeah I’ve seen that apparently like that’s happening like I don’t know that’s something I can’t really do anything about probably YouTube will fix it eventually um all right what time is it I’ll do one more to YouTube all right good idea all right

I’ll do one more as long as it’s not too long classic classic Minecraft death oh is it lagging oh well I’ll do one more is it back already the back is it back is it back is it back is it back is it back it’s back Everyone’s saying six like that’s what type uh or type uh eight if you can hear me type eight if you can hear me eight if you can hear me it’s back all right Tiggy I get it all right all right all right we’re good all right I’ll do one more real quick

For the viewers tried to swim in lava we got a classic a Minecraft classic a Minecraft classic tried to swim in lava how many minutes I probably won’t be able to go down to lava level because it’s way lower now than it used to be so I probably have to

Find it in the Overworld um so like a lava pool or maybe like a lava coming out of a mountain probably rarer than you’d think I would guess or four let’s do 420. 420 for the last one Die in lava in four minutes 20 seconds for the last one try to swim in lava uh will I swim in lava in four Min 20 seconds all right predictions up predict predict no all right uh uh Jesus 94 say yes it always starts super heavy on yes and then everyone realizes Oh shoot that’s way too many yeses I can get good odds on no some people don’t even know about the odds though you guys know like if you bet when something’s at 15 you win like 5x your money

And like you win like barely anything if you have yes when it’s high I don’t know if people know that all right tried to swim in lava four minutes 20 seconds someone put 33k on yes final one of the day there give me lava another uh ocean spawn Give me lava Oh Oh I thought that was a thought that was a ruined portal Rune portal usually has lava so if I find one of those oh please be one with lava it’s gonna not have lava I know it’s not gonna have lava I know it’s not gonna have it I know it’s not Bro I needed 42 seconds not 4 minutes 20. stop playing stop not even close not even close to close wait why he actually oh good since I ended it where I end submissions no this is not a delete and return points wait oh yeah we do okay yeah we got it

Um all right wow here we are all right I’m going to uh end stream now thanks everyone for coming I promoted this in a YouTube short so that’s probably why I got more people here than normal one more now I have to go I have to already close Minecraft mate

Um I’ll rate someone though if you stay for the raid you’ll get some more Channel points um dang there’s a lot of people streaming Minecraft right now um oh Feinberg he got uh number one in that last block wars have I rated him yet I don’t know if I’ve rated them yet all

Right I’m raiding fine Berkey he’s like number seven I think in the world um though uh in Minecraft speed run so don’t be cringe and shot though if you’re cringe in chat I’ll ban you for my if you go and like you’d say like Hamman raid for like 30 seconds after

That don’t spam Cam and raid like three minutes later like he gets it okay um uh anything else don’t be cringed don’t just all right there’s a funny Cayman slander video I saw it I commented on it if you’re talking about the one that got a lot of views um I’ll

I’ll see you guys next Saturday um yeah go on my Discord if you want you can give me suggestions on like what you want me to stream I actually got this idea from piggygamer In The Stream suggestion Channel though uh get out if you want I’ll be back next

Saturday at 8pm Eastern I’m here every Saturday 8 PM Eastern uh make sure to follow all right bye everybody thanks for coming

This video, titled ‘Speedrunning Random Death Messages in Minecraft camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2023-04-24 15:00:23. It has garnered 29322 views and 1332 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:28 or 6748 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited, uploaded, and thumbnail by: https://twitter.com/cptnpotatoe/

also follow my twitter https://twitter.com/camman18_

Follow my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/camman18s Join my discord – https://discord.gg/45tvHdhUPA

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


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  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

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  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

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  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : https://discord.gg/Bb5dQ3C8qm ►Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Gaming4LiFeUtube ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiro_gaming/ ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgH8Mrs52LJG0CfYtQ5mJ2g/join »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop :https://amzn.to/3z36RQE »»Keyboard :https://amzn.to/3giCHCj »»Mouse https://amzn.to/3EYhjwC »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 https://streamlabs.com/yuqwilson #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) moonbat.ddns.net Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

Speedrunning Random Death Messages in Minecraft camman18 Full Twitch VOD