Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on Twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there hey maybe I’m live right now anyways go follow do first link in the

Go follow it also this is a channel so subscribe here please please I’m begging please only a small person guys guess what we’re doing today you will literally never guess you will never guess we’re speed running random items no flipping way no flipping way the more Flippin Minecraft that’s right greatest

Game of all time let’s be honest here if you’ve never been to my stream before well yeah I should get like a thing I say at the beginning like people have like their yo-yo yo what’s up a team never give up yo I need one of those

Like my if you’re new make sure to follow but if you’re here right now you’re already followed so why do people say that anyways I got this this oh wheel I got this wheel right and I spin it okay shut up bro who played that music alright so I get this

Wheel right I spin it oh what will it be oh my God this is so exciting what’s the wheel gonna be iron chest plate okay so then we have to speed run an iron chest plate but all of chat now says how long they think it’ll

Take me so you know will take me eight minutes will it take me five minutes will take me zero minutes I don’t know what do you guys think how long honestly I’m a bit of a Minecraft pro but if I have to smelt it that’s a lot

Of iron to smelt and a mine I could get lucky with a structure though but even eight I’m not getting eight from a structure unless I get so lucky so what should we start out with melting takes a long time honestly we’ll say we’ll we’ll start with a with a cheeky a

Cheeky five five five for the iron chest plant all right so now my goal is to get an iron chest plate in five men 55 seconds right so this is my goal now foreign runs the prediction and now you guys predict will I get the iron chest plate

Shut up shut up and I need some support oh shoot yo my bad bro I was just in the middle of talking bro who enabled that bit thing all right um but now you can predict well will I get an iron trust plate in five minutes 55 seconds or less

What did this guy say hey Cam man I just got out of a relation relationship recently and needs support well I’m the guy to talk to because uh many consider me a relationship expert um here’s what you’re going to want to do all right

I don’t know if you’re a guy or a girl and if you’re dating a guy or a girl so I’m gonna be honest a lot of speculation oh I guess yeah I mean 19 I subscribe for Owen month pogers ogres thanks for the uh five months not for one month

Um and then thanks for the eight month stuffy all right I’m gonna give minikin gifted three oh thanks Manokin all right everyone okay let’s just get into the game eighty percent think I’ll get it in five minutes 55 seconds I feel like that’s a bit of an overstep but all right is this

Working that’s working dude I keep forgetting to raise the bit thing Canon 18 plus true all right so six minutes we’re doing this uh gotta disable my Sky texture pack it’s so ugly and I for okay you know what time out what are we at seven seconds all right one second

I was parkouring earlier one second folks yo just give me like we’ll reset the seven just give me like two seconds do I look like a texture pack user to you trust me when I say one next block wars if I’m in next block wars I’m actually becoming the best

Minecraft player I’m playing Minecraft so much I literally play Minecraft probably like 12 Aetna because I have to edit probably like eight hours a day though I play Minecraft I’m getting so good at Minecraft you guys don’t even know all right let me turn that off All I do is play Minecraft all right should be fixed when’s the next block wars I almost just leaked it I don’t even know if I’m in it but I know the date all right anyway for this to get to seven seconds before I can seven and a

Half before I can go I need an iron chest plate though um and I waited for it to get to eight just to be safe um I have a feeling for some reason I’ve just had this feeling that they’re gonna put me on the bench on Block Wars so how

It works is you like sign up and you sign up and like not everyone in the server can get in so some people they put on the bench and I just have a feeling I’m going on the bench this this time but hopefully not because I’ve been

In it like every time I’ve signed up but when you win Block Wars I will gift 100 Subs make it happen you do you have been saying that but back in the day here’s a here’s a OG Cameron 18 story back in the day there

Was this one guy so I used to play Hypixel this is when I have like 50 viewers he’s like all right no I had like 30. he’s like all right bro if you beat me in a high pixel 1v1 I’ll so this guy was in chat for like three or four

Streams in a row chatting constantly and eventually he’s like all right I need a furnace for the iron okay I I literally just need I just need some iron do I have enough to smelt think I do I’ll get one more wood just in case if I just get eight eight iron

Which seems pretty easy but low key it could be hard but anyways this guy told me he’d uh give me fifty dollars if I beat him in a high pixel 1v1 I destroyed him and then I never saw him again so I I can’t trust after that but minakin has gifted like

Hundred already so oh God bro can your favorite YouTuber crit out okay I did kind of get hit there dude I swear if I don’t find iron dude boom you see that oh God skeleton oh my God I actually might die his aim is op I’m actually dead I’m actually such a

[ __ ] everyone needs to shut up and let me Focus what don’t tell me it’s one okay please eight be eight okay this is a lot I think this is five everyone’s shut up okay I need one more I need two more I need two more everyone

Shut up everyone shot up all right I’ll get one call everyone literally shut up one iron I hate copper dude stop with the copper okay I don’t want to go down too far because if I die I can get I can find my stuff as of right now oh Yeah all right Honestly where was the spawn I can just jump I don’t remember where I spawned Give me iron in this cave are there so much spam today bro in the notification I said click now and I think people just listened did you like I literally just said oh oh OMG click now okay I should have looked at my chords but I’m a [ __ ]

Oh God why didn’t I look at my chords I was up here I was up here I was up here all right I refreshed my uh I refreshed my uh nice it’s right here right it’s not right here oh my God it’s gonna take time to smelt too I can make two furnaces

Okay I literally just need two iron all right I’m going back into the cave screw it I got full Screw it was it this way where was the cave oh my God if I throw this I’m actually garbage okay here it is all right I need two iron I literally need two iron and we have plenty of time to smelt I want to get one more coal preferably foreign

The baby zombie nice bro I’m so good at this game you guys don’t understand oh one don’t be a dead end no oh my God I was saved by that iron patch I was actually saved by that iron patch dude if that wasn’t there I actually

Could a lot I think I won though unless I die to like something dude if that wasn’t there that would have been nuts that would have been officially nuts probably You still need to craft man I got a minute it’s lagging I think that’s just for you buddy did you apply for lifesteal season five no I don’t even think honestly I feel like they wouldn’t even let me in because I feel like they take their

Stuff like serious and I’m like a [ __ ] I I know some of that I think with the my first block wars that we won I think I was with some of the lifesteal people but I don’t know if it was the main ones or is the bacon guy is like the bacon

Guy the leader of lifesteal is anyone now there’s like a bacon who’s the leader oh parrot I think I think he’s dm’d me before but or we follow each other let’s see dude have you guys seen the Twitter change oh by the way I won Quitter changed it bro what is Elon doing oh yeah I follow parrot I haven’t dm’d him though maybe on Discord or something or maybe I’m mixing them up with someone dude bro Twitter is just Honestly though like pretty much nothing has changed since Elon got I’m guessing he’s gonna revert

This whatever this is what up on Maya underscore OMG Cameron Street except the most annoying thing literally like no one even cares anymore but like verified check marks were just like deleted like no one even like those don’t even exist anymore really like only morons have them and like I think some people

Kept them but even some of the OG people who had them they don’t have them anymore all right back to the wheel do do Acacia pressure plate bro who made this wheel what is this bro this is unprofessional bro you’re embarrassing me in front of my viewers bro what is this bro you’re embarrassing me in front of my viewers rentastic 12 months months watching you let’s go oh you got the cool that’s my

Favorite uh little sub badge I think what even is this I spin the wheel I get a random item chat tells me how long it takes to speed run it bada bing bada boom we do a prediction how long do you guys think for Acacia pressure plate you

Guys are saying like two minutes but I could spawn in a snow biome and then it’s over though I feel like it’s more than two minutes it’s it’s so Random um I could find a ship right now let’s let’s do let’s do guys everyone get ready to laugh okay I’ll pause the music

So you guys can laugh all right get ready not yet hold it hold it um Acacia pressure plate in or Min 20 seconds laughs settle down settle down settle down I know I know I came up with that myself offline I was writing some jokes I mean you know how

It is all right but the prediction is up you can predict your channel points Entire week to come up with that no uh what did I I only wrote two things in my stream talk notes oh I was just thinking about this yesterday you guys remember static electricity you like touch something and it shocks you I swear that fell off that literally

I forgot that existed until yesterday I swear that hasn’t happened to me in years i s like bro I don’t know how like that’s even possible because that used to happen to me all the time I wonder what I used to be doing isn’t I that just never happens to me anymore

All right um it’s like a 50 50 prediction dang you guys are split all right four minutes 20 seconds Acacia pressure plate it’s this is kind of luck based I think I could get a shipwreck though if I’m really screwed that’s what ooh good biome decent um I need wood okay we uh

Snow over there so we don’t want to go over there uh plans like honestly is like neutral though Florida even a meme bro everything’s a meme these days literally everything’s a meme Village no way yo thanks for telling me there was a village let me go loot that

Not I need an acacia pressure plate brother I might need food though so maybe I shouldn’t now because the Villager is towards snowy there was an ice spikes I think um I’m feeling an ocean bro who heard that oh my God I literally have a sixth sense

For Minecraft I was literally saying I’m feeling an ocean and then it just literally before I even said it it was there or did someone send in a hype chat I don’t even know how to what mods are you using uh sodium for FPS OptiFine for FPS isn’t very good anymore

Um sodium is the meta for FPS these days on fabric and then I think I have a brightness booster and a um I think that I think that’s it all right we need an acacia I think it’s it’s probably worth getting an ax legendary cow I’m in server 2 it revealed June 29th

What crew though thanks for the okay we’re gonna look for a H keep your eyes peeled did you add new emotions there’s three new emotes Cam and Chad uh camman heart eyes which that one’s kind of mid I’m gonna be honest because you can’t really see the heart

Eyes because it’s red on magenta and then there’s uh k-man glitch for whenever there’s a glitch but I have more emo slots you can draw my Discord and suggest emotes if you want because I just can’t think of ideas like people will put ideas in there but like not say

Like what I should actually do they’ll say like uh if I if I could open it right now I could give examples but they’d be like okay there’s a shipwreck right there that doesn’t look like wait can there even be Acacia shipwrecks now that I think about

It I don’t know if there can be I just kind of assumed I don’t know if there even can be acacia’s shipwrecks no I think there can I know wait I’m psyching myself out I’m gonna look it up I don’t know if I think it’s different from uh bedrock

And Java though so I’m not going to trust what you guys say because if you’re on Bedrock you might say yes even though it’s now on Java well I’ll swim next to this planes maybe it’ll turn into a uh maybe it’ll turn into a savannah Maybe do do Bedrock you passed a tree

There’s some very insightful chat messages man I hate when I get unlucky it actually might be unskilly though we’ll do locate Acacia or locate Savannah on this is over though you do oh planes it’s just planes though no Savannah Still looking for shipwrecks you’re hopeless you got 20 seconds oh shoot you’re right man oh there’s a warm ocean over there that’s probably next to at least a desert all right I lose dude I stopped it on 421 exactly that that’s got ta skilled all right uh but I want to check

One moment first of all there’s a shipwreck over here dude bro bro I told you the warm ocean look at that man and then this is Oak I don’t even know if they can be man was that the closest one to spawn what was this uh

You were not close what do you mean like one more minute and I had it so this is 1500 slash kill flash locate biome Savannah there’s another one but it was 1100 blocks uh kind of got screwed with the spawn there low key all right well oh well oh well next

Next spin of the wheel no oh my God I’m not showing it oh bro how do you make those you even make those or are they Village only cartography I’m pretty sure you can make those Minecraft cartography table string and wood bro why does everything need string it’s not even string bro I’m

I’m timing out Tiggy yo five minute timeout bro how does everything he say how is it always wrong it’s just not possible yo that’s what happens when you’re wrong in my chat you get timed out It’s Paper who came up with string that doesn’t even make sense

Yo doctor remod him though when his timeout ends oh my God heard it all right mod does that mean he’s I don’t know yo five minute think about what you did bro sit in the corner and think about what you did Tiggy yo think about what you did all right how

Long for just paper and for wood honestly what do you guys think two paper and four wood or planks bro five minutes I swear that’s like one minute I actually need two actual wood and then three sugar cane prow I swear I’m a Minecraft God one one one because I always am overconfident about my sugar cane ability but I’m a Minecraft god let’s be honest uh cartography table in one minute 11 seconds boom

I guess I need no do I see three pin or do I need Burger King cause three sugar cane makes three paper right or does it make one no I think it makes three bro I hate who looks up sugar cane in real life I type in sugarcane it doesn’t bring up

Minecraft Wiki it brings up the actual plant no one they you guys are thinking oh you are good Brown no one actually looks up sugar cane in real life there’s actually a zero percent chance all right yeah it’s just three no you don’t XJ you’re lying

You are you are all lying you do not why are these emotes all squished oh can you use like Channel points or something for that dude or no is it because you’re a tier three yeah tier three why are you a seven month tier three bro that does nothing all right

To be fair sobbing pretty much does nothing also you get a show like how long you’ve been subbed for which is kind of cool and I read your messages more um all right one minute 11 seconds 69 say no serious mode activated just give me

Sugar cane I swear I’m a sugar cane God but I never I never prove it sugarcane Give me sugar cane all right I need two of this and then we’re going for sugar cane God dang it why is it a Stony Beach why is it a Stony Beach I see some but it’s kind of far oh God don’t mess up the parkour I swear I was right It’s only it’s only no it’s three I’m stupid I didn’t make the Okay I I almost choked on the crafting but bro that Treetop parkour and F5 because you know normally that sounds pretty easy but I was at F5 looking around the whole screen while parkouring while switching perspective bro don’t sleep on my F5 parkour okay do not sleep

On it do not sleep on the F5 parkour okay oh that was an intense one that was an intense one folks God I’m so good at parkour I’ve been practicing parkour watch this yeah I’m about to set up a super hard jump yo watch this I literally never never fail This isn’t even hard now the double imagine I hit the double first try for it while it’s burning while it’s burning the double Neo first try on stream over lava no I had it but I actually had that I actually had it so good I actually had it so good I actually

Now I’m not gonna get it I literally had it I literally had it I literally had it Now I’m not gonna get it I literally had that I could feel it foreign God dang it I literally had it I literally had it I literally had it I literally had it why are we all saying L I literally just had an epic parkour win and now that my chat’s all l oh my God it’s possible all right back to the flipping wheel

Back to the flipping wheel shroom light bro that’s where I get I get this every other one um we’ll do it though I need another portal and then I need the right biome another portal in the right biome um one minute no I don’t think so

Um we need a bucket flint and steel lava pool I’m gonna say 10 minutes because we also need the right Nether biome 32 minutes bro thinks I’m a turtle bro thinks I’m Franklin what did anyone watch those shows honestly I didn’t know I forgot like Franklin and Arthur were different shows

How are the are there two kids shows about random animals with names of like 65 year olds All right um what am I doing shroom prediction is up shroom light in 10 minutes YouTube Arthur oh dude is the Arthur theme song what is it’s like it’s a wonderful day or something is that it or am I thinking of something else I can’t listen to it on stream because it’s copyright it’s a it’s a it’s a wonderful day in our neighborhood right now that’s isn’t

That Mr Rogers Arthur theme song yeah I’m really looking up on my phone you guys can’t even know oh my God it goes so hard foreign hopefully the VOD doesn’t get copy struck it’s it goes so hard shut up yo minikin thanks for minakin thanks for the five gifted listen to this minakin I can’t play anymore I don’t want to get copyright struck bro it goes so incredibly hard it goes so incredibly hard Wait what happened to Tiggy wait I feel like the five minutes is up Piggy he’s still in oh he’s right here I don’t need to remind you bro why does why can’t I timeout my mods bro there we go I was thinking about the loom yeah I could tell we ban Tiggy and said yeah tiggy’s been banned why do you get banned for again I just remember he said something so stupid bro I don’t remember what it was but I just remember is so stupid

Um all right back to the wheel 16 what about 16. I don’t remember oh oh my God I hate you Jakey bro it was that cow in the April Fool’s update I only had to give it like 10 or something and Tiggy was like it’s 16. I

Know for a fact and it wasn’t and then I literally died like 50 times August Tiki said something bro I’m about to reband Tiggy for that yo you should not have reminded me bro all right Eeps light bricks because the thing is one chatter will say something wrong but

Then all the other Chatters will see it and also say it because they think it’s right and then it’s just destroys and then all of Chad saying it like well all of chat wouldn’t lie because they’re not there’s copying one person all right how do I make deep slate bricks

Hubble Deep slay is from smelting then or how to make deep slate bricks lay deep slate bricks oh my God what am I yo All right yo shroom light in 10 minutes yo bro it’s tiggy’s fault bro Ah honestly is that a shipwreck right there that is I don’t know that might only have that might not have any iron though but I think it’s probably worth it Um Savannah now that’s awesome I feel like this doesn’t have this is like broken so it’s not gonna have the iron but it could have a treasure which could be right here oh Village I could get food and the Iron Golem so I’ll do that if this doesn’t have

Um or we know what this does have okay that’s enough iron I’ll probably still want to get um don’t want it don’t need it and make some good time all right this is probably a pretty perfect spawn I got um one nugget away from five iron but I can make a

I can make a shield or I can make a bucket and a flint and steel I can’t make a shield yet but I should be good thanks Adam’s beanie for the prime yo I just made a video about how melons are bad I’m about to melon it up

I’m in a pinch guys I’m in a pinch but people will really eat melons in the actual game Crazy World we’re living in wait did minaken gift more oh eight in total eight in total true true true thanks minakin dude all right we’re melloning it up um

I need to find a lava pool um I should probably craft some cheese Mm-hmm Um I guess I’ll just do this all right bro move come on I got a craft who do you think I Jesus Christ um I need a lava pool oh there are these things here doesn’t matter I need a lava pool I’ll probably get water somewhere and then I need Flint also um dang I’m on an island what if I don’t find a lava pool oh bro what what do you do okay there’s gotta be that’s gotta be a lava pool no way it’s just Stone

That should be illegal Oh there’s a jungle temple over there oh God I have a lot of time still we actually have a lot of time you do you passed one no I didn’t um I did not mean to do that I thought I was on my melon no way there’s a Stony Shore I guess um

Eventually I’ll just have to there’s no way there’s that has to be a lava pool up there why does it look so much like a lava pool Oh I’ll explore over here but I I might have to go in a cave if I can’t find one get flint true is there some right here uh we’ll get flint oh right here all right one should take me ten two boom got it in two wow got lucky on Flint for once 25 bits thanks Clinton steal yep that is why I need it um isn’t it one in eight I I thought it was one and eight I don’t know if they changed it or it’s always been a one in ten I’m pretty sure the wiki says one in ten but I always thought it was one and

Eight until I read that so I don’t know foreign Maybe it changed from back then I don’t know if you’re a you’re an OG like myself oh I didn’t get water I’m a [ __ ] it’s I it’s fine though I’ll get another chance at water before I get lava I think I have to go mining and just pray for a lava pool Lava pool boom all right I need to get water let’s go easy you reveal wow you guys know I always only stream with one headphone on almost always if I’m doing like a PVP game in Block Wars I’ll put the second one on but Um Yeah normally I just do one I don’t know why All right um I need blocks to make this though that sounds so uncomfortable I I don’t know I like being able to hear my surroundings all right um could be enough I shouldn’t get a good another respawn honestly I should I don’t have any wood I might need block more blocks for the

Nether because all right stop saying reveal you’re gonna get banned you keep spamming a reveal or you’re gonna get timed out probably not banned let’s be honest all right reveal is now a banned word true all right Oh is it like France like all like I don’t even know what’s going on so yo I’m staying out of this one you know for some things I might have to step in for this yo I don’t know what’s going on in France has anyone seen like there’s a

Bunch of like random pictures on Twitter I don’t know protest yeah I have no idea all right don’t mess up watch this wait that’s wrong watch the Speed are you guys ready for the speed Okay kind of destroyed half of it but it doesn’t matter because it was speedy boom boom boom all right just give me a good spawn wait a second I don’t need I don’t need silk touch for for the shroom light do I surely I don’t not a good spawn Not a good spawn there’s a ruined portal oh we got we might have got screwed on the spawn our time’s ticking we only have 14 blocks oh and it’s not looking good in terms of nether generation we know warped forest or a Crimson Forest you can just crouch on those and doesn’t do

Anything not looking good I repeat not looking good Not dude oh I don’t know if blocks to bridge anywhere I have to go all the way around over there Oh God please give me a forest Please No no oh my God Oh my God Oh God people are gonna make stupid edits in my Discord about that God dang it yo I need to watch myself more you guys are unhinged in my Discord oh my God oh Bro like I’m I’m only a band edits in my Discord it it is it is getting unhinged you do all right um all right well that’s cool though Back to the wheel And that’s the music I’m supposed to have oh I brought a shirt on the screen I really like I can do so many things but I just don’t There’s some crazy e dating going on I’m gonna have to ban e dating I already did you’re barely getting all of these but I’m still getting them golden leggings if I get enchanted counts FYI Enchanted counts so if I get a um what are they called Ruined portal I could get this instantly they’re pretty rare um I feel like shipwreck I’m not gonna get seven I feel like I kind of feel like I have to mine for this shipwreck Bro who looks up a real shipwreck how long let’s see how many gold will spawn in a shipwreck um one to five okay so yeah and that’s only uh okay yeah rule out shipwreck what about um buried underscore treasure also one to four but that’s common to forget yeah I don’t

No I don’t think so I think a ruined portal would be good but I I those are just like all luck they spawn every biome so there’s not really anything like going and trying to find a ruined portal isn’t really a thing I kind of

Feel like I have to mine for it I kind of feel like I’m gonna have to mine for the golden leggings so that being said that’s the wrong screen that being said golden leggings that I have to mine for um smelled gold is kind of rare you kind of

Honestly have to be in deep slate you guys are saying like four minutes all right you guys are crazy um oh and then I need an iron pickaxe too bro this honestly eight I feel like eight I think eight is good Unless I get if I get a ruined portal it’s easy golden leggings in eight minutes let me the iron pick and just smelt like 10 things I need to go down to deep slate dang everyone’s saying yes I don’t know uh maybe I don’t know if I get a ruined portal it’s obviously a yes I spawn like in an ocean might be worth going for two shipwrecks I think two shipwrecks I would probably

Get it and I definitely have time for two shipwrecks if I want to do that all right predictions up by the way have you watched the office obviously bro you can discount someone’s opinion entirely if they think the British office is better the regular office office before Michael

Leaves that’s one of the best that’s some of the best Cinema you did you do you Bro what yo I just read this in my head but now I need to read it out loud are you going to be a camp counselor this summer because they said an MC YouTuber is going to be coming in the only Canadian MC YouTuber I know is you bro

Since one of my Canadian Honestly though I think I might know who that is but I I don’t know if you’d want me to say though I won’t all right here we go eight minutes gold leggings I feel like I’ll get it Bro I hate snowy biomes you know me all right um Probably get four wood Maybe I need to get some pickaxes bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing boom All right um I’m gonna look briefly at this plans because there might be a ruined portal so it’s just like an open land there might be a village I don’t even know if I’d want a village um or an igloo what I want an igloo I’m trying to get up here and look that way scout out the area ruin the portal could be a game changer um it’s Stone while I can one two three music reaction oh I don’t even think I listened to that they’re all like I think I saw like

Clips on Twitter but I don’t know all right it’s kind of sad that all the dream people not dream specifically but like the whole dream SMP people dude I just go mine in right now like I saw Tommy at like 6K viewers like they used to run twitch like you guys

Don’t understand they used to pull more than like everyone today is pulling like they would have like 200k there was a point where Tommy had 200k daily live viewers literally no one has ever done or maybe some of the Spanish streamers might be doing that but

200k but that’s pandemic so it’s kind of unfair to compare yeah I know Spanish streamers get like today there was some Spanish boxing match that had like three mil live but that’s like a whole event Tommy would jump onto the dream SMP do nothing for two hours and get 200k concurrent

It really was a time you do do three mil live is crazy and kind of but it’s like a it’s like it was like literally a whole boxing match like imagine they did like like a Jake Paul fight for free on Twitch I’d get like you know in the Millions

But yeah those Spanish streamers do like a bunch of crazy stuff I think they’re bigger than all the American people currently um all right I need this and then I just need eight gold oh bro I’m doing this so quick I kind of got a god spawn there easily get the Deep slate

As long as I don’t die kinda possible because I don’t have any weapon Chill out bruh that moment when bruh isn’t chilling out all right the problem is gold is low-key oh there’s some down there wait where did it go I swear I just saw it is there any easier gold bro I really can get diamonds before gold like is there no gold up here

And ow I’m kind of low on food maybe I should have waited a bit before coming down God you’re just it’s this drip Stone too all right I have no blocks but there’s one is that don’t tell me out to one do not tell me that’s one

If you are in chat right now you know row one gold one gold that leads to a dead end one one bro I don’t like this I’d prefer to that that time I get flint when I actually want blocks Jesus Christ it’s this hard to get gold there’s an iron everywhere

Oh my God please B7 or B6 I already have one one two no way it’s three that looks like it was gonna be so many it looked like it was gonna be so many bro okay uh okay that’s it Jesus Christ don’t die oh God there’s a spawner over there

Okay I need to wait for this to smell I want to not die while this melts my new goal is to not die Okay all right I think we did it unless bro why can’t dude all right I think we did it oh yeah I thought I shouldn’t craft all right now we should do this kind of awkward moment where we wait for or to smelting for me to craft imagine I

Open this though to craft and then I get killed all the Irish people took the gold okay dang Daniel bro tell us a joke all right guys why did the chicken cross the road because bro bro that was a good one that was a good one all right don’t die while crafting my

Leggings and there we go wow ah have I lost one no I lost the acacia one but that was luck all of the skilled ones I won and look dismantled out pvp’d out pvp’d with a pickaxe oh pvp’d with a pickaxe okay bro stop playing with me the double Golden Apple Fortune two

That’s right I am the greatest Minecrafter people actually suck at this game though I was watching my people on my sub server play and they really just died at everything like honest question rate my Minecraft skills on a scale from one to ten ten being number one top speedrunner one being your little

Brother on his phone bro I’m at least a 9.5 easily minimum minimum I I kind of want to get into speedrunning but it’s just such a waste of time because like it’ll just make me better at Minecraft all I care about doing is getting better at Minecraft

Sandstone interesting I need to look up ways to get oh wait I can just do it wait I can just get it from a beach I was thinking oh I need a desert but sandstone Minecraft I don’t think I’ll have our speed stream speed running because it’s so boring

Maybe I’ll make an ALT if I ever stream speed running it’s over he lost this one give me a time I just I literally need four sand three three yo What is Jen saying I am one with the universe if I was why can’t I pause my sandstone in I’m just feeling good I’m just feeling good vote no it’s the number guys it is literally the number sandstone in 18 seconds I feel it I feel it I am one with the universe

Vote no do it see what happens oh no and see what happens yeah yeah 2K on no the Hugo Oliver Olive Tree where I was Olive Tree rainbow dream the toxic one with 6500 King jelly no donut talk smack with 32 000 on no keep voting I bask in the nose

Thirty two thousand from tox Mac Oh no or 5K on yes from bone bone don’t spawn me in the middle of a forest oh God I was gonna say like 30 seconds and be bold but then I’m like I have to do the number I have to do the number guys I’m

I’m one with the universe right now when have I ever lied about being one with the universe don’t put 10K on yes killer shark That deserves that deserves a double yo I got I got a question for uh talk smack where did your 32k go buddy where do they go I don’t see it anymore you know what that’s a triple that’s a triple ah it’s just too easy it’s just simply simply too easy ooh easy I said I was one with the universe guys dang it 222k on no and 100K on yes there it’s gonna be one of my two that’s like bad like almost 600 no that at almost 700 predictors that’s one of my biggest predictions ever I think

400 people said no on that one all right but then 285 on yes all right it’s simply too easy Modded it’s like like a replay mod is installed when in the world did you start getting over a thousand viewers you have a trip hasn’t been here in two two years Bastion remnant um okay I kind of just went to the can we do nether again or should I skip it

Yuck we just did another one but I could do it again skip that’s the thing about nether ones it’s like once you do one another one you kind of did them all but like if I do like one at the beginning of the stream one at the end then that’s something but

Back to back I don’t know bro I swear it yo it’s listening who’s seen that YouTube video where the guy goes cat food cat food cat food and then goes on his thing anyone bro if you don’t know what I’m talking about you have no idea polar bear okay [Applause] Tiggy seen it

All right uh polar bear it’s kind of a rare honestly what bye is it just those uh Frozen oceans Minecraft polar bear snowy Plains really I feel like I only see them in Frozen oceans uh so it’s it’s frozen oceans and then also ice spikes and snowy plans so I get a snowy

Biome I should be able to do it but the thing is like if I spawn in a snow we biome it’s like three minutes wait if I spawn in like a jungle like the closest snowy biome could literally be like 4 000 blocks away that’s why I hate the whole snowy thing

Like it’s such a wide range um yo okay has anyone this is about to be the most wild out there thing who’s seen that one episode of SpongeBob where SpongeBob is trying to get a guy to eat a Krabby Patty and the guy goes like it’s the guy who builds the secret

Tunnel no way people know what I’m talking about I always think about that scene for some reason whenever I do this bro the guy building the tunnel bro the guy building the tunnel I don’t even remember what the episode was about he was not facing an edit bro I might

Have to ban edits from the Discord all right um all right well let’s say eight minutes because it’s kind of just luck based but I got a punch a polar bear in eight minutes I gotta punch it do well I get well I punch

Polar bear and a min oh you got it thank you family Zach he’s a family man guys all right predict reveal the banned words I don’t even know the banned words but my mods just do that you know but there’s just a bunch of random and words I don’t know

Can I be a mod no thanks for asking though fan words are mostly just slurs and such apparently yeah don’t test it all right um all right this is a pretty even prediction can I not be mod yes anonymous gifting one tier sub thanks anonymous bro thinks he’s scary I’m just kidding yo

It’s that guy with the mask who like always hacks things thank you brother all right it’s like 50 50. let’s do it polar bear in eight minutes Oh my well some quick food what the heck bro if I was speed running something right now dude this is such a good Speed Run seed oh my God if this was the nether one okay um well I need to get a uh Jesus Christ this seed um

I need to get snowy I think I should go swimming I think I just go swimming Dude I accidentally spent all of my points well hopefully you get it right unless you voted no then hopefully you lose all right I don’t think I need any more food because I should be swimming most

Of the time ow all right well this is gonna be a boring uh seven minutes uh it looks like that’s a is this a cold ocean oh wait a second this is a cold ocean it looks like it ends though dang it mistake twitch dies will you live stream on YouTube

Um I haven’t thought about it that much but I think twitch is dead soon I probably will I hate YouTube chat though hopefully it gets better or is kick I think kick chat is better but right now kick seems like a bit of an odd platform but maybe kick

Will get better in like a year I don’t know but I like kick chat better than YouTube chat but YouTube chat is just so bad YouTube like bro if they just copy and pasted twitch’s chat and like everything about like predictions and everything YouTube would be easily because in YouTube you can

Like pause rewind five seconds if you missed something double speed to catch up YouTube has such a better video player but it’s just the chat is so garbage like and I just can’t believe it like what Kik did is they just copy and pasted twitch chat and it’s pretty good

It has it’s still like a bit buggy though because it just came out but all right we’re in a cold ocean which is actually really good because uh is there anything I would need from cold ocean Strat see anube would have kept going the same way but I was I said

I need a stick in the cold ocean I need to stick it in the cold ocean All right I don’t think they’re rare spawns they’re kind of rare they’re like pandas actually I think they’re less rare than pandas especially because you can easily see them I don’t think they’re that rare thanks for the prime Eli player oh no my 10 points I wasted a thousand

For this okay honestly this is one of those streams where I just keep winning so you should always vote Yes I go on streaks you know sometimes there’ll be a stream where I always lose I swear I have a one every single one except for the acacia one I think

Oh look at those 360s that’s right I want to kill it I don’t want I just don’t I don’t just want to punch it but I got it the the thing was punch thanks for the prime Sika all right well that was easy bro I told you it was either gonna be

Like super easy or super hard and that was super easy luckily I had that cold ocean if I didn’t have the cold ocean I would have had no idea where to go um okay um back to the wheel fortnite stream I think I’m good I think I’m good on the fortnite Stream

Uh obsidian oh this one’s really interesting I don’t think I’ve ever got this before this is super interesting so if I get a blacksmith or a ruined portal I could get an obsidian for a chest in like two minutes but I probably have to mine it which means I need three diamonds and

That means three iron um probably unless I get lucky with chests um I probably need I probably need diamonds unless I get super lucky I probably need diamonds because the only way you could obsidian is either blacksmith which is pretty rare and ruined portal is decently rare

For obsidian so and it takes like what 10 seconds to break one that doesn’t really matter it’s mainly the three diamonds normally I’m not able to get to normally I’m not able to get the thing just the heck bro I really have like a cord that runs

On the back of my computer and if I literally just touch the cord with my foot hit deactivates my webcam all right um uh I don’t know what do you guys think for obsidian Honestly five minutes I’m gonna have to mine for it 777 that’s not a real time guys that’s not a real time rip says 10. Anakin says eight We’ll do 7 37. 7 37. it’s pushing it yo Feinberg could do it in seven man obsidian in the seven minutes 30 37 seconds SB would be proud who is that oh SB 737 or something because I’m it’s seven minutes 37 seconds I get it I get it that’s his number all right the prediction op prediction is up dang everyone’s saying yes what really I feel like I’ll probably get it but I

Always feel like I’m gonna get it thanks for the tier one I feel like I’m getting so many subs today is it because I’m thanking all of them Yo most of the time I ignore half of them but yo all I gotta do is read the subs and I get more bro

This is op H but it’s kind of annoying whenever a streamers just Spam read the subs I just read them like as they come in but I swear streamers will pause the whole stream for four minutes and be like thank you uh July shoe thank you Sika

Thank you Eli player thank you Landry land Rizzle thank you nine Eagle thank you Jacob thank you Maria thank you minakin thank you T4 like bro they’ll sit there for 10 minutes reading like I’ll go listen to an audio book like all right 11 minutes 37 seconds I was not very thankful no the thing is I don’t want people to sub just for me to read it you know what I’m saying because like think about it like like I don’t know I want people to sub because they want to sub not because they’re like oh shoot

And start the timer give it like five seconds do do all right uh that should be good there’s a ocean I don’t know if I I could go for a shipwreck oh it’s tempting to go for a shipwreck and there’s a village I could get iron

Okay yeah I think I go this way because I can get iron or a shipwreck doesn’t look like I’ve got a shipwreck because it looks like a really small thing but I think the iron into an iron pickaxe and then it could have a blacksmith also which just wins me the game

All right thanks for gifting The Watcher dude if you sub you get more points or is that true I think someone did say that once I guess that’s also a thing you could do but oh I forgot when they have babies they attack you yeah I think you got like don’t take my

Word for it look it up but I think you get like 1.2 x points Maybe I think that’s a blacksmith I think that’s a blacksmith right there they look different in these I’m pretty sure that’s a blacksmith though I’m like 90 sure that’s a blacksmith I could win right now

Uh they’re pretty I feel like they’re like 25 now yo 150 people are really mad right now 150 people are really mad right now look at the odds on that Minecraft blacksmith bro what are the odds today’s just my day oh it’s called a weaponsmith okay well no Village building

Or God dang it Minecraft loot chest loot isn’t this wiki page broken the Wiki page is broken right now oh my God how do I figure out the loot on this oh weapon Beth bro Minecraft blacksmith chest loot right here oh here we go um obsidian

Three to seven is a 25 chance that’s actually so lucky didn’t I say 25 I’m so good at this game the chances it had a blacksmith and hit the 25 of having three to seven obsidian crazy world we’re living in 25 on top of the chance of spawning actually The

Village on top of the chance of having a blacksmith at all oh yeah choose outcome yes all right back to the wheel I’m kind of on an Unstoppable spree these days but uh Titanic is on Netflix now wait did they just buy it yo Netflix is Shameless

Like oh people are gonna be watching this now polished Blackstone slab how do I make that there’s so many blocks wait that’s the nether one do we want to do nether I thought it was deep slate do we want to skip all right people are saying skip

One nether stream or maybe at the end but like bro it’s if it’s just gonna spam another obsidian was an interesting one dude it’s spamming nether it’s spamming nether oh okay so I need either if I spawn in a village technically they have stripped Oakwood we’re gonna say the Vlog technically it

Says wood which is like the four-sided version we’re gonna do the log just because it makes more sense um so just like the log just like I have to right click on an oak wood and then mine it right click with an ax and then mine it or they spawn naturally in um

Or they spawn naturally in Oak Village or Plains Villages um but I’ll probably gonna log is different from what I know but I want to do log because it makes people get confused um Um how long do you guys think what if I just spawn in like a Acacia though I guess there’s a oak but what if I spawn in a like snow biome and there’s no Oak I guess I just got out to Hope honestly okay so I need one for the crafting

Table then two more running to three of mine three would make a wood ax okay um I need to spawned next to Oak too I feel like that’s only like a 60 chance I even spawned next to Oak um I’ll say 30 seconds because I might not spawn next to Oak is the thing 30 seconds stripped Oak log in 30 seconds strip to Oak log in 30 seconds all right prediction is up what about Ox yeah I calculated that in dude Would not log no it is log bro I’ve said this 30 times bro is Feinberg true the annoying thing about Block Wars is there’s three players that I feel like I’m never gonna beat I feel like fourth is my Max last time I got fourth I think I could have got third

But there’s but that’s because fire breath man didn’t play and Block Wars there’s fire breath man who’s a god a purple who’s a God and Feinberg who’s a God I don’t know how I’m gonna beat any of them so I feel like fourth is my Max actually I think purple had like one

Really bad one for some reason maybe I could beat purple one time I feel like those three always get like top three no matter what I don’t know how I’m ever gonna do better than them but I’m trying to get better at Minecraft I feel like fourth though it’s

Really hard to beat fourth it’s really hard to beat fourth purple doesn’t play Minecraft anymore but he did for a long time and he’s really good and he plays MCC o that’s kind of like practice you know um all right strip log in 30 seconds Focus up folks

Just play Minecraft more I am that’s what I’ve been doing but it takes a while you know and also there’s some things you can only practice in event Um I think I got this spawned right next to Oak luckily That was pretty much a perfect time your device spawned over there it was over it was a good spot though not even a good spot like an average spawn I should have spawned next though even if I spawn like right here even if I spawn like right here it

Would have been scary it only had like nine seconds left easy win though easy peasy win um back to the wheel Spruce door so okay um shipwrecks definitely other than that I think I just need the spruce biomes which there’s a lot of spruce biomes but they all spawn next to

Each other so it doesn’t really matter because you might think you know there’s the tiger snowy tiger Windswept Hills Mega tiger Grove there’s all these spruce tree biomes but they all spawn next to each other so it doesn’t really matter if I get like a jungle spawn on or a desert

Spawn and then I need to go for a shipwreck so I’m gonna say 333 it’s kind of luck based obviously if I spawn in a tiger it’ll be an instant win but um spruce door in three men 33 seconds do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Uh close that all right dang 98 yes how is that 98 okay it’s going down like if I spawn in a desert I probably just lose unless I get a really lucky uh really lucky shipwreck I pretty much just lose foreign overrated they should have added more yeah kinda

I feel like they should I feel like Minecraft should be more willing to remove stuff because I think they don’t want to add stuff because they don’t want to remove stuff they have to be like really sure they want to add something like I think they messed up

Adding the elytra I don’t know if they think that but I think they should remove the elytra but I don’t think they will you know or maybe make it like a super like hard to get like you have to kill the warden like you have to kill everything to get

The Elijah maybe like you have to kill the Elder Guardian Warden Ender Dragon and wither then you get it maybe I don’t know but then it doesn’t feel as uh I don’t know that’s way too much the elytra literally changes the game so much um all right orders make Minecarts faster so true

Chatter how did you think about that all right 333 yeah I don’t need the fast music I’m spawning in a spruce biome all right so it’s warm over there I don’t want to go over there maybe over this hill um and be on this side okay yeah that’s all warm biome Savannah

Jungle planes didn’t start the timer I’m gonna give it 15 seconds even though I think it’s more like 12. 68k on yes someone put 68k on yes bro is shaking right now bro is quivering right now oh God it’s all Savannah I think I might have to try to find an ocean unless this side is any cold biomes it’s all warm biomes is I’m surrounded by warm biomes okay

Um and I don’t see in any ocean anywhere this is really probably the one of the worst possible spawns actually probably the worst possible spawn because I don’t see any sign of an ocean um yo is it nuts gamer bro put 68k I I was telling people it immediately shot to like foreign

There’s no ocean and there’s no any sign of spruce I didn’t sneeze I’m good oh God oh this is pretty bad um yeah I just need to find an ocean that’s the only way I don’t know if swimming through that Canal is faster it probably is if it’s a

Dead end then I have to climb up the whole thing so we’ll see Maybe it’ll lead to an ocean that’s best case scenario then even then I still need to find a a spruce shipwreck and break it break six planks and then actually more because I need a crafting table it’s gonna be tough it is going to be tough oh God it’s all warm biomes every

Direction if you don’t know jungle’s like one of the warmest biomes which like the way Minecraft’s uh ocean ocean bro I swear I can literally see through walls in this game how did I know I can just see through walls I don’t know how I can just feel it okay

Uh we still have a long ways to go though this Ocean looks really small um and yeah this Ocean looks incredibly small Um might not even have a single shipwreck dude you like over there there’s an ocean now I’m getting greedy with my intuition okay I don’t think there’s an ocean here or there’s a ship right here I’m feeling an ocean this way don’t worry nuts gamer I’m feeling it

Ocean that’s a lake yeah I mean it’s technically an ocean biome though wait is that um that’s a Stony Peaks which is a slightly colder biome oh I’ve I’ve no time left though I didn’t notice that I kind of feel like I went in the right direction but

I don’t have time to get my boat yeah there was an ocean but too late R.I.P dang was there a shipwreck over here oh that’s Spruce isn’t it no it’s dark oak right now this is Spruce yeah dang I needed like five minutes probably I was just not near any Spruce though

Slash kill slash locate biome tiger 1600 wasn’t bad in what direction though um now this way and positive and negative this way this is the way I went I was like this way but 1700 blocks yeah I don’t think I could have gotten there yeah there’s no way I’d rather go

Through that whole jungle oh yeah that’s way too far not even close all right well rip nuts gamer just lost 68k points little little Bros crying has he said anything in chat at nuts let me check his logs has he said anything he’s spamming came and no no no no no Rip or one out for nuts gamer all right um back to the wheel I think that’s my second loss today though and both of them were luck based let’s be honest I don’t think I could have possibly won that one I think that one might have been literally impossible

Because I don’t I couldn’t have gotten 1700 blocks in 33 minutes prismarine oh interesting one super interesting one super interesting one um so these normal prismarine can also be found in underwater ruins let me read the wiki a little bit all types of prismarine generate naturally in Ocean Monuments

Normal prismarine and prismarine Bricks are found in large amount of prismarine bricks make up the 23 pillars below the monument and Vector decoratively throughout the structure of darks prismarine in case of the echo blocks so I can craft the prismarine bricks with nine shards I know you can get the shards through

Oh no those are the crystals okay so I need to destroy part of a ocean Monument I’m not skipping this is an interesting one um so I can I can get milk I can get a bucket of milk and I should be able to break it in time

Um I need a deep ocean it’s only deep oceans right ocean Monument yo I am not skipping give me a time generation um yeah deep ocean so I need a deep ocean and I need probably a milk bucket but I don’t need it I’ll probably go for

A milk bucket and I need a door um Um 12 minutes 12 no 10 minutes 10 minutes prismarine bricks in 10 minutes and mins 10 minutes prismarine breaks I’m doing it I have pee all right while this prediction goes I’m gonna pee BRB guys be our is the prediction up yet all right prediction is up prismarine

Breaks in 10 minutes I’ll be right back thank you What do you call a fake noodle an impasta come on dang 50 50 prediction ended right as I got back all right 55k killer shark 55k on yes this is a this is a tricky one I’m gonna be honest 10 is pushing it 10 is definitely pushing it

10 is absolutely pushing it I’ll be honest um amazing spawn um dude what are these spawns today I didn’t start the timer I know I know I just Spam it up All right um so I need an ocean oh God dang I messed that up um I need the doors I probably should need doors and probably just need doors and some food I’m like a wooden ax just in case oh and then I need a I’ll probably get a stone pickaxe just cause

Rather safe than sorry I think stone is a lot faster than wood and I have I need one more for doors all right um now if I kill big guy thanks for the hundred bits dropped my bits where’s big guy there he is um we need an ocean it’s not another

Village I just saw it is Village what are the chances I don’t like this area Jesus that took a long time to break get over here all right my bad I have 21 on yes dang you’re a big gambler bucket trade bro thinks I’m a professional speedrunner this is fast enough foreign I think speedrunners don’t do that because they want to get up pickaxe uh I guess I could use a pickaxe but I don’t think it’s worth it I want to use the iron from the Golem to get an iron pickaxe because they need the gold blocks from the Bastion but I

Don’t need the gold blocks from the Bastion um but I do need a cow to give me some of its sweet sweet milk I also need I should probably get a probably get a boat also ah I need an ocean that’d be really annoying if I could find an ocean all right

Bing bing boat doors all right I think we have everything we need besides mail which there’s a cow right here all right I literally have everything I need I just need to find an ocean Monument but that’s probably the hardest part so but I feel like I did everything else fast so

That’s a cave um I feel like I’m on a good Pace except for the fact that I have no idea where an ocean is and I don’t feel like I’m getting any closer to one I don’t sense one sometimes I sense one right now I do not sense an ocean

Ah I should probably try to go high up I guess I should probably go to that mountain up there I for some reason I’m kind of sensing one over there but I feel like I’ve seen enough over there that I wouldn’t have I don’t know oh

I just feel like there’s an ocean over there bro I’ve become ocean schizophrenic the ocean’s calling me guys it’s it’s sang My Name there’s no ocean over there what am I doing all right let me get on top of this mountain what am I saying why do you only stream

Once a week have you thought of streaming more uh not really I used to back in the day but I make it daily shorts which and I edit all of them and do everything myself so it kind of takes a while use chunk bass that’s kind of cheating don’t you think Um so yeah that’s why I only stream once a week I just having stream practicing Minecraft it’s so boring man chat would be annoying and I don’t know I like all my streams to be like like high energy if I’m just practicing Minecraft it’s low energy maybe I’ll do

It if I’m like the day before a block course because to kind of implicitly hype it up I might practice Minecraft but all right okay ocean that was a good Strat I was really walking right towards it the whole time until I was a [ __ ] but

It was good going up here because I had no way of knowing where it was wait is that not an ocean no wait it was just a big lake is that not an ocean there’s no oceans I need an ocean someone has 55k on yes shouldn’t have done that

Bro I’m really gonna lose because I can’t find an ocean are you kidding me what does my badge mean it means you’ve been subscribed for two months I think that’s what the red one is right and then orange is three yellow is six uh nine is green a year is turquoise I think

Yeah the year looks cool all the ones with blue in it look the coolest but maybe that’s just because they’re rare I think I need to add the like three I think he’s friends with Preston I mean like one I mean I don’t think we’ve ever been like good friends like

Hey Preston buddy but I mean we’re I don’t know I I guess it kind of depends how you define friend but we’re not not friends I can still I can still DM my boy dude well this is an awesome this is just great does anyone else think this is just an amazing seed

Okay I’m feeling it over here I’m feeling it over here I’m feeling it over here I really am this is just great who is Rossi yo my mom’s gonna stop changing their names yo who are you dude I can’t remember oh my God are you the I think you’re the T person

Like icing the tea or something I think you have that same other badge Oh my God I can’t believe I can’t find a I can’t find an ocean okay there’s an ocean but I I literally have two and a half minutes left I have to like bro it took me that long to find an ocean are you kidding me that’s actually one this

Time now I’m like 90 sure Wait don’t tell me this is what I saw okay this is a notion but it’s the tiniest one ever wow awesome ocean amazing surely there’s a God wait is this even an ocean wait that’s an ocean I knew I saw an ocean wow awesome what an amazingly large ocean on another Village

Any chance there’s a uh man what a wasted seed nice that’s a great ocean That’s awesome I love this seed Going in circles I’m not going in circles I’m 2 000 blocks from Spawn oh it’s over it’s so over it’s so incredibly over you guys don’t even know how over it is it’s so over all right should I quit there’s um there’s no ocean and I would have to it

Would take too long anyway I want to do a locate on this thing will you guys let me end it a minute early I’m I can promise you I am not getting an ocean monument in the next 50 seconds foreign Yeah I’m just gonna I’ll wait for like 30 seconds left just so no one can complain All right it’s over folks it is over how close was I locate I’d mess that up locate structure Monument it was I was 2 000 all right how how close was it from Spawn oh there’s one bro I feel like I was I guess I didn’t get which I went

This way right I needed to go negative negative which is this way and this way it was 2300 though I mean technically I could have found it but I would have no I would have because I I went like 2300 Max running and yeah I just got screwed there Jesus

Oh there was a there was an ocean decently close but no Monument well oh well you’re still alive true it has been a while maybe last one maybe we’ll do two more I’ll see I’ll see where it takes man let’s see foreign Another spin of the wheel I’m VIP no dark oak slab [Applause] Pillager Outpost Woodland man well if it’s a woodland Mansion I’ll just get the wood from there um shipwreck villager Outpost Dark oak tree I don’t know everyone always feels like dark oak biomes are super common but they’re rarer than you guys think they’re just really big um I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t get one but there’s shipwrecks and there’s probably drop by so I’m gonna say five minutes

I say a cheeky dark oak slab in five minutes I think that’s kind of pushing it though to be honest you guys are gonna vote Yes but I think it’s actually pushing it I’d probably vote no here Arc Oaks lab in five minutes I feel like it’s pushing it

More than you guys think all right start this will I get a dark boat slab Emily’s at got it Prediction is up folks I have oh shoot how much is leaked when Block Wars was again I feel like I might not get in though hopefully I do should be announced kinda soon I think before I stop doing that oh it’s probably not the biggest deal in the world if I leak when it is you could

Actually probably pretty easily figure out what it is it actually might already be announced Let’s see be on their Twitter lock um no it hasn’t been announced dang 50 50. I made this prediction good that’s how you know it’s good when it’s 50 50. all right aim mode survival start

Start on slab in five minutes foreign Ocean spawn is actually kind of decent I think I’d probably should go for a shipwreck I think I just go for a shipwreck don’t you guys think maybe I’ll look around a tiny bit feel like shipwreck is probably the move I’m gonna get an ax because I’m gonna

Need to mine the dark oak That’s not how you make an ax Okay um oh okay well there’s dark oak over there so I think I’m gonna go mine the dark oak that’s in the dark oak biome personally that’s how I think I’m gonna do it Um berries for food and yeah I think I’m gonna I don’t know if I’m gonna need food for this run there’s dark oak in the dark oak biome are you sure well that was easy walk quicker my bad oh yo no one ever uses my email so when

I see him I’m like I made that I’m pretty sure I made all of my emotes did anyone make any of my emails I don’t think so I made them all myself that’s why they’re so good even that one that’s animated the command no that took me like 20 minutes Was my best emote I think care man now and Cam and troll is good that’s my two favorite I think yeah I really mind three I’m gonna build a house All right well that was easy yeah I don’t even deserve the the winning music for that it was too easy to be honest um all right let’s do another spin of the coil another quick spin what will we get Bro stop at the nether the nether Wheels needs to chill out Smooth Sam yeah we just did Sandstone I want like a semi-long one ice Cam man lit bite a real emote though I asked myself that every day It is a really annoying one that is a superbly annoying one no I woke up late anyways guessing 32 months that’s a superbly annoying one rooted that’s a superbly annoying one oh it spawn under azalea trees I think also if I bone meal I think it would replace

The dirt cursor or azalea trees are grown so if I get a regular Azalea and grow it but I don’t think I’ll need to do that I just need an azalea tree all I need is an azalea tree which are way rarer than you guys think you guys think Azalea

Trees are everywhere they really are not um I don’t know what biomes they’re most common in let’s see Lush cave did they even have like a temperature Um oh okay they favor generating underneath biomes with high humidity values which makes them most commonly found beneath Dark Forest jungle old growth tiger wooded Badlands oh that’s the most random group of biomes dark forests old growth tigers and bamboo jungles are almost guaranteed of lush caves old growth tiger

Bamboo jungle Dark Forest and wooded Badlands alright that’s a bunch of random biomes but all right azalea tree I I think we’ll do 10 minutes it’s it’s 10 minutes is pushing it but literally all we need is the dirt so 10 minutes either we get it or we don’t get it

Rooted dirt and 10 mins all right where’s the prediction well I hadn’t decided the time yet there’s the prediction Twitter tweet true and let me look at my Discord I do not have a tweet idea do do prediction is up though folks I don’t know I’ll think about it oh see he wrote roasted dirt I think we all know what I mean what he means laughs roasted dirt all right last one I’m running out of energy I’m running out of steam all right 10 minutes rooted dirt Dark Forest old growth tiger bamboo jungle

Wooded Badlands oh jungle oh my God guys from Minecraft let me get some melons bro I’ve really been on a melon spree today despite dang melons were terrible you know that’s how it happens sometimes um all right well so bamboo jungle is technically better than the regular

Jungle so if we get a bamboo jungle that’s good the problem is it’s really hard to see the actual azalea tree that’s really my only that’s the hard part dude who remembers that one stream where I saw like two pixels of an azalea tree who was there that was my greatest

Moment in history because I didn’t remember that I literally had to I didn’t have OptiFine Zoom so I fov zoomed bro that was an insane moment bro half of you saying me are lying All right oh God this is gonna be a really annoying one if I lose because I oh God I’m in a good biome but it’s just gonna be so hard to see the azalea tree parkour okay Bamboo jungle would be better though so I’m kind of preferring that

But right now the plan is just to get really high up then I can see everything God okay looking in the cave could help because if it’s a if it’s a lush cave then that’s really good is that no those are melons they don’t all see that all right let me do a quick 360 while I’m up here Dude the problem is melons really look like azalea trees Man I don’t know if there’s one here I’m gonna be honest um because that’s not a lush cave I don’t think there’s one here so I think I’m gonna go that way oh I’m so good at this game all right I’ll still keep my eyes peeled though just in case

A lot most forgotten mob of all time because you can’t tame them anymore you do give me an azalea tree oh God there’s an ocean this is this is not looking good I’m gonna be honest what were the other biomes okay there’s a whole nother jungle over here we need

A bamboo jungle the wiki said bamboo jungle is almost guaranteed to have a lush cave under it but these are all regular jungles oh these are sparse jungles which I think are even worse guys guess what I just found on Minecraft guess what I just found in Minecraft guys everyone guess everyone guess All right I have a new idea though for the end of stream so I stopped raiding people because I hate all of you and there’s always like three cringe people and then I just hate rating people and so I’m like all right what should I do to end streams right

So now I have a new idea it’s kind of like a hype way you know xqc has this little song right but my stream isn’t long enough to have a song at the end right I don’t deserve a song after two hours of streaming but

At the end of every stream I’m gonna do a I’m gonna do uh actually I won’t say it until a second first I’m gonna tweet and then I’ll say it and then I’ll do it and then I’ll go offline but there’s still one more fun thing planned but I’m

Gonna do a tweet first I thought of a medium funny tweet not that funny it’s just stupid like every not even funny all right I’ll uh I’ll follow back some of the people who like and retweet um we still have one thing left let me follow some of you guys back

I think you spelled it wrong that’s part of the funny all right followed back mind kit part of the funniest spelling it wrong all right I followed some more I’ll follow more back later if you uh retweet and like all right my new end of stream ritual okay is right let me

Get this ready I a prediction is going up A prediction is going up I’m just gonna do one one V1 on on uh PVP Legacy one 1v1 and I think it’s best to three wins just against a random person hopefully it’s not a stream sniper one 1v1 versus a random person on PVP Legacy hopefully they get here before it’s a stream

Sniper oh God this guy looks like a sweat okay the other guy joined all right do I win oh God he knows me he said hi Cam and I don’t know if he’s watching the stream all right I think it’s first to three wins but this is my new end of stream

Thing I think foreign round one this guy’s decent I think I’m better than him though it’s pretty low armor it’s like six hits maybe to die you’re trashed okay one more someone said this isn’t rooted dirt I’m so good classic win classic win choose outcome

Yes Cam man wins all right that’s my new way to end the stream every stream will 1v1 in one random person people are probably gonna start stream sniping now so that’s the problem but um all right well I’m gonna end the stream now I’ll be back next wait let me

Well this I do this quickly um I should I get an end to stream songs while I’m saying goodbye I’m not gonna do it it’s its own full song I don’t know but you could suggest it in the Discord if you want um What the all right um you can join my Discord discord.gg catman18 because people have been boosting my server so I got my own Discord link I’ll be back next Saturday um I don’t know what I’ll do Block Wars will be in a bit everything will be in a

Bit you can suggest things join my Discord it’s like where my whole Community is you can look at all the cringy fan edits you can brow who posted this who does anyone play Tick Tock toe on camera’s head bro that got deleted um you can suggest stream ideas and emote

Ideas and all the stuff go to suggestions and you might get a special role if I use one of your suggestions all right anyways I’ll see you next week friends bye-bye

This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING RANDOM ITEMS IN MINECRAFT PART 55 camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2023-07-03 15:00:43. It has garnered 19174 views and 814 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:05 or 6965 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited, uploaded, and thumbnail by: https://twitter.com/cptnpotatoe/

also follow my twitter https://twitter.com/camman18_

Follow my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/camman18s Join my discord – https://discord.gg/45tvHdhUPA

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


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