Spooky DAME TU COSITA.EXE Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

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oh today is just a wonderful day of course the weather’s good wait what what it is who is this mermaid I had never seen them and generally thought that it was a myth um hi who are you wait please don’t come close are you a robber or somehow connected with them that with whom I don’t understand you there’s no one here speak quietly speak quietly they can hear who are they robbers they are hunting mermaids and they might be here they are here save yourself robbers what robbers there is no one here even close wait tell me more about these robbers who they are I’ll help you they are here save yourself don’t stand still oh where is the water and here she is save yourself what kind of robbers I don’t see not a single soul on this empty plane there are only chickens and I who was she talking about something scared her very much interesting of course who can hunt mermaids anyway they are so beautiful and you need to admire them and not do bad things even if I look far into the forest I also don’t see anything absolute emptiness only Villages who even knows what’s in these mermaids heads maybe she sees the world differently and everything on the surface seems like enemies to her I wish I could meet her again and talk find out about the robbers and I would really like to help her perhaps there is a way to meet her again or not I don’t know where she has sailed somewhere in the distance of course I can follow her into the water although I’m ready to try why not this could be a great adventure well friends like it and I swam into the world of the Endless Ocean oh we missed her again she was definitely here I can smell her vile smell she was definitely here I swear on my nose that she was here just now but managed to escape and who is this little guy swimming I think this is an ordinary person boss idiot I understand that this is a person I don’t understand who it is Boss It’s JJ he’s always getting in the way oh well done idiot number two although you said good information well done now you’re an idiot but a little less haha we need to do something with him we need to catch him with the mermaid we need to catch everyone but of course the mermaid first of all we must hear we must find all the mermaids of this world and capture them this is our goal yes what idiots listen to me we are now going to our base and we’ll visit the locked mermaid that we recently caught otherwise she is probably bored there so let’s go to her and look at this mermaid GH I hate mermaids idiots are behind behind me yes boss we are idiots and we are coming for you wow what is this ship it was so hard for me to swim here it seemed faster but in reality I swam for about an hour and couldn’t stop because if I stopped I would have to stay underwater well I hope you know what I’m saying yeah water is dangerous so friends be careful I appreciate each of you and can you please please like And subscribe to the channel for me this is very important thank you very much this ship is very big and I don’t even know who is here I don’t see anyone I wonder if it’s even in use or it’s crew left this place you know it’s strange that people left such a big ship but this ship is so clean it’s as if someone is looking after it but in general I’m already scared here because if everyone left this ship then why does this remain a question oh hello who are you hello don’t ask unnecessary questions yes you’re right this ship is empty but there is what you’re looking for here you didn’t find the ship it found you on its own you really scared me who are you anyway I do not understand anything in what way did this ship find me what are you talking about sir I asked you not to ask unnecessary questions I will tell you only one thing here is not what you are looking for there is someone whom you have known for a long time what are you telling me God did you not understand me at all okay just go there and you will find your friend there I hope we don’t see you again uh M um what kind of strange person or was it not even a person he disappeared so quickly I think it was a spirit well okay I don’t care I’ll go where he pointed me and find something he’s strange he didn’t even tell me what would be waiting for me there I hope there will be a big chocolate cake waiting for me there or hm I want to see Mr Beast maybe he’s sitting there interesting of course but would you like to see Mr Beast in real life oh it’s just Mikey well hi I thought there would be something tastier Mr Beast here how did you even end up here this ship surprises me more and [Music] more thank you friend for greeting me so well you did a great job of letting me know that caker Mr Beast is more important to you aha okay I’m kidding in general you need to rush to save the mermaid I know that you met her if the truth is I have known the mermaid for a very long time I like them but they are in great danger and only you can save them this is a very strange day literally 2 hours ago I met a mermaid who was very scared when she saw me then she saw some Bandits that I had not seen and swam out to see I didn’t understand anything but I wanted to figure it out I found this ship and the spirit told me to come here I know all this and I also know for sure that you need to hurry and very quickly please go to the underwater world and save the mermaids because only you can do it okay Mikey I’ll try to save the mermaids I really want to do this so I’ll go and do it I just need to find the entrance to the underwater world and I’ll try really hard to save the mermaids come on JJ good luck to you I’ll be waiting for you on land good luck JJ I finally found the entrance to this underwater castle where mermaids are said to live thanks Mikey for telling me where to look for it without it I would probably be lost in this huge World underwater the entrance to the castle struck me with its Grandeur it was huge and made of Glowstone and glass I felt like I was in a fairy tale underwater where light penetrates only in shades of blue the world seems completely different as I descended into this underwater Castle my heart was beating so fast that I could barely hear myself breathing in the regulator the moment when I finally entered the castle was like magic light refracted in the water created kaleidoscopic patterns on the walls and ceiling I swam slowly feeling the ease of movement in the water my gaze wandered over the various sea creatures that lived in these seaweeds and corals creating an incredibly colorful landscape the underwater castle that Mikey told me about turned out to be even more magnificent than I expected its walls as if woven from light and Shadow seemed like some kind of living organism breathing along with the ocean I stopped for a moment to admire this beauty a feeling of Peace enveloped me giving me strength and determination to continue my journey further into the the depths of this Mysterious World underwater wow look I just walked into a room in an underwater castle and trust me this is happening I see a scientist lying on the floor he looks so strange like he fell asleep right here but you know know his suit is covered in seaweed as if he’s been lying here for a very long time I’m scared but also interested at the same time what if he was looking for mermaids too or maybe he was researching something else but why is he here in this Castle this is a mystery isn’t [Music] it today turned out to be a real Adventure as soon as I entered this room with boxes my heart began to beat faster with anticipation just think what is hidden in these mysterious boxes each one looked like a locked treasure chest and my interest only grew I approached each one with caution as if in front of each box stood a great mystery ready to reveal its Secrets only to a true Explorer what an exciting Adventure the first box opened and my eyes couldn’t believe what they saw a tree yes yes a real tree as if it just grew right inside an underwater Castle it was an incredible moment when I realized that in this world underwater everything is possible however the surprises did not end there in the next box a lever was waiting for me it seems that it was like the key to new secrets of this place I couldn’t resist taking it with me because who knows what it might open and when I discovered a stone hidden among the seaweed I realized that it was real luck a stone as a symbol of New Opportunities and Adventures that was waiting for me right here now I am full of determination and confidence to move on knowing that there are still so many unexplored corners of this magical world underwater before me join me friends on this exciting [Music] Adventure today turned out to be a real Adventure as soon as I entered this room with boxes my heart began to beat faster with anticipation just think what is hidden in these mysterious boxes each one looked like a locked treasure chest and my interest only grew I approached each one with caution as if in front of each box stood a great mystery ready to reveal its Secrets only to a true Explorer what an exciting Adventure the first box opened and my eyes couldn’t believe what they saw a tree yes yes a real tree as if it just grew right inside an underwater Castle it was an incredible moment when I realized that in this world underwater everything is possible however the surprises did not end there in the next box a lever was waiting for me it seems that it was like the key to new secrets of this place I couldn’t resist taking it with me because who knows what it might open and when I discovered a stone hidden among the seaweed I realized that it was real luck a stone as a symbol of New Opportunities and Adventures that was waiting for me right here now I am full of determination and and confidence to move on knowing that there are still so many unexplored corners of this magical world underwater before me join me friends on this exciting Adventure so this is the last door and there should be a mermaid here I’m sure of it I broke it and oh hello I came to save you hi JJ you finally found me I’m very glad you can’t even imagine how I was waiting for you now do you want understand that I was really afraid of Bandits yes now I understand you I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you right away let me save you but I need to find the key maybe it’s somewhere in the room or not the bandits probably took it away I saw a lot of bedridden scientists there so let me save you yes come on save me I’m tired of sitting in this cage I already want to feel the taste of freedom in the sea and shake your hand because you are my savior and yes the science scientists who lie there did not listen to the bandits and they put them to sleep it’s very painful for me to talk about this me to talk here I have opened the door for you you can go thank you again JJ I am infinitely grateful to you thank you and now let’s swim together after me don’t lag behind friends do good deeds and goodness will return like And subscribe to the channel thanks everyone bye and I went to have fun with my new friend the mermaid she is very beautiful and cool my base is the best just look at it it’s just perfect no one’s base can compare with mine and no one will dare to come to me without my knowledge don’t rush me my base is much better than yours period you know Mikey I can understand that you want to think that your base is much better than mine although no it’s definitely not better than mine you just made it up uh-huh let’s be realistic and accept the fact that your base is from the past generation and my base is the newest development and breakthrough ha JJ I will only accept that your toilet is made of gold and this this is not a compliment my database is the best in period we won’t even talk about it there is nothing special in your database and I have everything with the latest technology just look at what kind of Arsenal I have there is Mikey H your base is the worst on this planet and I will prove it you have nothing in your base and probably don’t even have a toilet because your base is built from Earth and sticks aha like a real Noob so I don’t even want to hear that your base is better don’t make me laugh you made me laugh again and I’m not kidding your base is nothing compared to my Mikey you probably know that yourself just look how beautiful I have gold diamonds and a lot more inside but you’ll never see what’s inside of me because you’re on the outside ahaha so you know everything I’m tired of it it’s time to prove that my base is better not in words but in Deeds so you know you can go to you and I’ll let you know when you have to come out with me and decide whose base is better byebye come on bye Mikey I wish you good luck on the side of the losers ha oh this Mikey really thought that his Bas was better than mine but that’s okay I’m sure that in his heart he understands perfectly well that my base is better he definitely thinks that my database may be worse friends write in the comments which database you liked more JJ or Mikey it will be very interesting for me to read so please write I answer all the comments and read all the comments too look friends I have a very large room here and there are a lot of just two floors I also have a whole tank that is here in my database there he is standing there aha looking at my base I of course love Mikey but a competition is a competition so I definitely want to win and in general he stands there so suspiciously as if he wants to plan something it’s suspicious well actually I need to be prepared for anything so maybe our base defense competition will start soon and I need to put on good armor it’s good that I have the best armor a with this armor I feel Invincible Mikey may think he has a chance but we all know my base is second to none I have invested a lot of time and resources to make it so powerful and beautiful and if necessary I am ready for any tests and attacks Mikey get ready because this competition will show whose base really is the best my base is so well protected that no one can break through it I use the most durable materials and the most Advanced Technologies I have an automatic defense system that will respond to any threat if someone tries to attack they will quickly realize that it was a big mistake oh what is this why I hear a helicopter well Mikey finally decided to organize a competition I’ll show you wait I’ll take defensive items now and you’ll see how cool my Bas is wait I’ll take it now well now I’m taking a little more stuff and I’ll find everything I need and you Mikey will see what I’m capable of aha here I took all the defensive items now you will see Mikey what I can do I’ll Attack your helicopter right now do you think you can attack my base and come out Victorious now I will show you what real defense is the helicopter is already in sight I take Aim and launch take it Mikey I built my base for a reason I have everything to repel any attack now I’ll fire the missiles and see how you handle it ahahaha come on show me what you have and in the meantime I’ll activate my turrets and traps you will regret that you decided to attack me you probably didn’t know that I have a whole arsenal machine guns grenade launchers whatever well now you will see it here I will activate automatic cannons they will fire at your helicopter as soon as it flies closer I also have anti-aircraft missiles that will shoot down any aircraft do you think that’s all no I have traps along the entire perimeter of the base so if you try to land troops they will immediately activate and give you an unpleasant surprise well that’s it the helicopter is taken off I did it haah my base is Invincible just like I said well Mikey do you see now that it’s better not to joke with me this is just the beginning I am ready for any of your attacks you can try again but the result will be the same failure and now I’m getting back to business I still have a lot of work to do to improve the defense of the base and you Mikey can only dream of one day becoming as powerful as me aha so let this day be a reminder to you not to challenge me my defensive systems are superior to your offensive capabilities head-to-head you can try but I’ll always be one step ahead now if I may I have a couple more ideas for improving security see you later Mikey so I have to find new improvements for my base we need to think about how to strengthen defenses and improve security systems it might be worth adding more surveillance cameras or improving the facial recognition system you can also install additional security barriers or improve the intrusion warning system it’s okay JJ I’ll prove that my base is the best I also have good technique and armor but I need to improve my technique first I plan to go to the mine to get more resources and materials perhaps I will find something interesting that will help me strengthen the defense of the base and make it even more powerful so JJ don’t relax because I’ll be back with new improvements that will show how cool my base really is get ready to compete because cuz I’m not going to stay in the shadows and while I’m here I can also start improving security systems and developing new defense tactics my base will become a real Fortress impregnable to any enemy I will prove that my technique and my intelligence can withstand any Challenge and when I return from the mine I will not only have improved technology but also new ideas for improving the base I’m not going to stop there my goal is to make my base the best not only in your eyes JJ but in the eyes of everyone so I’m serious so I’m going to go to the mine now I have a lot of work to do to improve the base and I don’t intend to waste a minute when I return I will be ready for any challenges and attacks my base will become even stronger and more reliable but remember JJ this doesn’t mean I forgot about our competition I will return with new strength and new improvements and you will see what a true leader can do for now good luck improving your base and I’m heading forward to new heights every kilometer of the road only strengthens my determined desire my car is not only covered in armor it is filled with the Spirit of Victory and is ready to overcome any obstacles I’m not just heading towards Mikey’s base I’m heading towards my victory towards our confrontation where only one of us will become the winner let Mikey get ready to face the real test because now our survival competition begins oh no what a horror what happened why did I stop how so what happened probably the car broke down but as soon as I fixed it everything should have been fine I hope Mikey doesn’t see this shame because I have to look good in his eyes although maybe I know what happened I ran out of gas now I’ll go home and get fuel for the car and fill it up this moment is just a brief pause in my quest for victory every challenge every obstacle is just a new chance to demonstrate my unyielding determination when I return with gasoline it will not just be refueling the car but also a symbol of my continued Readiness for any challenge my car will not only be ready for action but also charged with the energy of my tenacity and perseverance let Mikey prepare to see that a true leader can overcome all difficulties and Achieve his goals despite all obstacles as I Lo fuel into my car I feel the adrenaline begin to rush through my veins this is just a short delay on my path to Victory my car is ready to become an instrument of My Success and I am an indomitable pilot ready for unforeseen turns of Fate once I’m behind the wheel every drop of fuel will remind me of my goal my gaze is directed forward I am ready to overcome all obstacles in my path nothing can stop me because the desire to win flows in my veins and in my hands is the steering wheel with which I can turn my destiny in the right direction when my car is ready I will be ready for new challenges and challenges I am ready to show the whole world that the power is in my hands and I can overcome all difficulties on my path to success okay that’s it I loaded the fuel and now I can park the car here but this is just the beginning now I will take additional items to be fully prepared for any situation I don’t know what awaits me next but I’m ready for anything home you need to collect everything you can to ensure yourself Victory you must be confident in every step in every subject in every detail of the plan I’m not going to leave any room for doubt after all who if not me should be prepared for everything now that’s better additional items to defeat Mikey nothing should be left unforeseen so extra armor a couple of great grenades a restorative Elixir and of course a couple of firebombs something tells me this will be a truly exciting performance and here I am again on the street heading towards Mikey’s base what will he say to this probably something like wow JJ what a base you have but I know that he will have a different opinion when he sees my new toys wow the day flew by in a Flash and here I am preparing the superhero base for the battle with the Insidious villain Mikey my home is now a secret laboratory it has everything a real superhero needs cool guns and shiny armor magical Elixir and even grenades that will go off like crazy the plan of attack is thought out to the smallest detail I will jump fly somersault and shoot so that Mikey will never stand new things are ready for battle I have super armor that will bounce off any blow a grenade that will explode into fireworks and even a magic Elixir that will make me stronger than the Hulk I also have a secret weapon but it’s a secret for now I go outside and my heart beats in my chest like a drum roll the battle is coming and I know that Victory will be mine Mikey hold on today I will show you who the main character is and after the battle I will treat you to a pie with your favorite Cherry here I am as I said in place time to see what Mikey has in his chest maybe he hid something interesting there although judging by his tastes it’s probably mostly trash wow wow what does our friend have here it seems like he really likes to accumulate stuff well let’s see what else he has hidden there yeah now this is more interesting apparently he is preparing for something serious here wow Mikey it turns out you’re going to be very useful but the question is how much of all this does he really know how to use all this looks more like the case if he suddenly needs to use all the electronics of this city at once it seems there are also a couple of chests with elegant clothes Mikey are you planning a fashion show or do you just think that our meeting will have some special occasion however who knows maybe in this mass of unnecessary things there is something that will help him be at Le at least somehow competitive with me but of course we must not forget that I have my own cards up my sleeve and I don’t plan to leave the battlefield without a fight look Mikey what were you hiding here because I didn’t come here for tea and cookies either home you need to collect everything you can to ensure yourself Victory you must be confident in every step in every subject in every detail of the plan I’m not going to leave any room for doubt after all who if not me should be prepared for everything now that’s better additional items to defeat Mikey nothing should be left unforeseen so extra armor a couple of great grenades a restorative Elixir and of course a couple of firebombs something tells me this will be a truly exciting performance and here I am again on the street heading towards Mikey’s base what will he say to this probably something like wow JJ what a base you have but I know that he will have a different opinion when he sees my new toys wow the day flew by in a Flash and here I am am preparing the superhero base for the battle with the Insidious villain Mikey my home is now a secret laboratory it has everything a real superhero needs cool guns and shiny armor magical Elixir and even grenades that will go off like crazy the plan of attack is thought out to the smallest detail I will jump fly somersault and shoot so that Mikey will never stand new things are ready for battle I have super armor that will bounce off any blow a grenade that will explode into fireworks and even a magic Elixir that will make me stronger than the Hulk I also have a secret weapon but it’s a secret for now I go outside and my heart beats in my chest like a drum roll the battle is coming and I know that Victory will be mine Mikey hold on today I will show you who the main character is and after the battle I will treat you to a pie with your favorite Cherry it’s time to check this fire and I plan to set fire to the cave nearby and see how this flamethrower works I wonder how it even works oh I think it’s very very cool because the effect of this fire is such a beautiful one time to test that fire I plan to set fire to the cave nearby and see how this flamethrower works I wonder how this even works I think this is very cool because the effect of this fire is such a beautiful one I am excited and at the same time delighted by the upcoming spectacle setting a cave on fire is like creating my own little show in which I am the director and performer it’s like magic that I can control and it captivates me I even wonder what reactions this action will cause from Mikey and those around him in general I’m absolutely sure that I won this competition with Mikey but viewers you should understand that all of this is just jokes and these bases were built so that Mikey and I could have fun and make you laugh so we love you very much and I also love my incredibly much Mikey’s friend he is the best like And subscribe to the channel yes Mikey your time has come now you will know how bad I felt all this time yes I set you up but that’s only a good thing you know everything that is not being done is all for the better don’t you know this Mikey now you will lie here you’ll be much better [Music] underground all the best Mikey if you need me then just call me and you definitely won’t be able to call me anymore and you won’t be able to call anyone else anymore because now you are not in this world [Music] Mikey so interesting what is this why do these guys put Mikey under the ground what’s going on I don’t understand anything we just recently emoticons we talked and now he’s already buried somewhere I don’t understand anything at all friends you might know something but it seems to me that we together we don’t understand anything I think we need to come closer maybe see somehow what’s going on there find out more closely maybe these aren’t Mikey at all let’s look at it like this from all sides well it’s interesting no no identifying marks maybe these aren’t Mikey at all I suggest you know what to do now go home where I saw the last time in a Mikey and find out maybe he’s sitting there somewhere maybe he’s sleeping somewhere everything is possible I don’t understand anything either like you so let’s just go to his house to be honest I don’t understand anything about Mike but it’s destroyed well that is this is not Mike’s house he stayed here recently I saw him right here why the house was destroyed what happened as if it was some kind of earthquake or something similar maybe we need to go inside well let’s take a look at what’s inside maybe his computer is still there and we can inspect it oh yeah let’s watch the video on this computer oh no what’s going on I thought this Village would be calm I just wanted peace this was my only vacation but now I’m being attacked by these strange men what’s going on please leave me alone I have nothing help where is JJ he just left me what is is happening I don’t understand at all please take what you want from this house I’m not the only one who lives here take whatever you want but don’t touch me just don’t touch me there’s no need to touch me so if you need my resources here take whatever you want JJ please help me if you can hear me if you see me please help me I’m not guilty they will steal now and most likely people will blame me robbers why are you breaking the house I don’t even resist you and where is the security there is no security at all in this Village no one can help me please at least don’t break the house take everything the treasures are not mine anyway so don’t play with fire so take everything you need my things everything you need the main thing is don’t touch me but why are you breaking down the house so that someone could see it was built oh well oh I understood what was going on someone robbed the house where Mikey was staying and the owner of the house apparently a very rich man thought that Mikey had robbed him and broke his house and decided to deal with him and yes it was my friend Mikey who was lying underground I suggest you go to this rich man and talk to him so it seems I need to find his house well here it is it’s a big house that is located in a village the main thing is that it is safe for me oh I’m very worried but I think that everything will go well hello how are you doing I think you are the richest man in this Village oh great how are you although I don’t care how you are doing yes I know why did you come your friend robbed me you should leave here because you too might get it for your friend I lost a lot of gold but you must understand that I’m scared now and my friend is not guilty of anything absolutely nothing I know that these were other robbers and my friend just wanted to save himself he didn’t touch your gold listen boy I’m a serious person and you don’t need to tell me your fairy tales I’ve seen people like you hundreds of thousands of times already and you all say that you’re innocent get out of here as quickly as possible okay okay you may not believe me but I’m telling you that Mikey is not guilty of anything he didn’t steal your gold and I’ll prove it to you so guys now I need to get out of there as quickly as possible because with every second they are getting angrier and angrier as you understand they have a lot of money and they can do anything with me well anything guys the only thing left for me is to go and get the small one out of the ground myself so I’ve now come home and want to find at least something but unfortunately this is my new home and I haven’t had time to transfer anything from another city yet so let’s go I’ll go downstairs and see maybe there’s something there are chests or somewhere else oh how empty my house is there’s nothing at all it’s the most Pleasant moment for me nothing appears here it was still raining out outside well somehow it became more or less clear so guys maybe somewhere you can find something because somewhere I definitely put a slave shovel because I was moving and I needed a shovel because the house was in terrible condition so guys well please support me with a like and write in the comments if you want you that I would save Mikey because he is not guilty and yes I found a shovel thank you very much for your support because only thanks to your support I find all these items and I found a shovel and only thanks to your support I can save my friend and your favorite blogger guys well now I’m going to do a brave thing and I need to find where the t-shirts are now we’re running through the forest oh look there’s a police station somewhere in the distance if anything will go there but I’m afraid that they might not believe me at all because you know different come across people so the main thing is to gather strength with emotions the shovel is definitely strong and I am confident in my abilities so support me with a like And subscribe to the channel this is very important really subscribe and like and also write in the comments your favorite color oh it seems it won’t be as easy as I could imagine but the facility is being guarded hello who are you please introduce yourself why did you end up here this is a protected facility here an investigation is underway hello my name is JJ and my friend Mikey is here please get him out of there because he is not guilty of anything he was framed understand they took my friend and framed him because there is a man who has a lot of money and he can influence absolutely everyone so guy did you even come here we’ll figure it out ourselves who’s to blame and who’s not so get out of here in an amicable way and quickly let’s get out of here and don’t come back we don’t have the right to kick me out of here my friend Mikey is lying there he’s not guilty of anything so don’t touch me you don’t have the right to touch me don’t touch me well I’ll help you but I’ll show you I’ll show you how you can do it against the law you you don’t have the right to break the law but what are you going to do now they just gave you money so that you could frame my friend oh friends have you heard how they treat me in general it seems like they’ve already been bought into the deep end with that rich guy and they don’t want to frame mine friend Mikey well okay it seems it’s time to go to the police here they definitely should help me but this is the last place where I hope they will help me like this hello I have a question for you I know that they definitely want to bury my friend Mikey illegally and this is definitely true yes hi JJ I knew that you would come to me yes I know about this situation but I can’t do anything because this is dealt with by another department and he is more senior than me we can’t do anything yes it happens that this person has a lot of money and he can afford to do this nothing can be done you have the only way out all you can do is see the chest yes yes yes there is a chest at the end of the room there is one weapon and you yourself can go there and try to take your friend so to speak we all know that this is absolutely illegal that just take this item and go there okay thank you I understand you thank you very much again so friends now I have at least some chance at least some way out and right now we ourselves are going to the place where my friend t-shirts are lying illegally you can imagine and now we will definitely be able to to cope with them listen there are more equipped people standing there interestingly interestingly but I think that I can definitely cope with them because these are not real not real people who must obey the law and yes on you get it get it oh he’s running after me look they have nothing oh yes these are just some incomprehensible people who are standing here who were simply ordered and you are villains you are villains you must be embodied for your evil Deeds you are for sure oh guys I have very little health so I need to take a little break and again again I have to go there in the name my friend shirts look they’re coming for me they’re coming for me oh come on guys we’ll handle it on you on oh yeah guys I think we’re doing great so far they’re standing here they’re really very strange people like that man who had a lot of money to hire such bad workers who do absolutely nothing although they must protect although you know they beat me quite hard so guys well I’m getting out of the water I also need to shake myself off to be honest I’m a little tired but he’s not waiting for a shirt he’s just sitting there and he was set up we all saw it we know perfectly well that they just took him and set him up he is absolutely not guilty of anything what’s left is the last tug and the shirt will be free can you imagine look we have the last pushes left just the last two two characters that we have to defeat we have to defeat them yes look we did it I need to rest a little so guys look almost everything is left just a little like this yes I’ll rest again because you know it’s tiring I’m very tired few t-shirts everything will be fine now we’ll dig you up T-shirts you’re there yes it’s you my friend hello oh JJ I already thought you forgot about me I thought where you are where but still you saved me thank you very much you realize that I was set up and I’m not to blame for anything friend how could you think that I would leave you I will never leave you and will always be there for you thank you JJ dear friends I’m very sorry to tell you this but today we lost JJ and Mikey this this is very bad news for all of us these two guys were very nice they gave us positive emotions they only wanted the best for all of us if you remember what they actually did for us then I will list all their merits for a very long time I understand that this news came as a big surprise to all of you now we can only remember them I’m very sad about what happened I hope we can get through this if you think about it like that they were great friends we can remember how they saved the world of Minecraft again and again they saved many who gathered here but now we all look only at how lost they are they are lost forever and that’s for sure unfortunately we won’t see Mikey and JJ all finished this is the last time you will see JJ just remember that they only wanted the best for everyone they wanted the best for all of us they were the funniest people in the world unfortunately this happened and we just have to come to terms with it Mikey and JJ we will always remember how funny and kind you were our red and green friends are the best thank you again to best pro players the best bloggers and the idols of many many people oh no what happened why am I looking at myself from the outside right now how is this possible hey JJ wake up hey wake up JJ yes how is that what happened stop why am I shouting to myself it’s me and I can hear myself so what happened oh I don’t understand anything oh it seems like I’m no more at all I’m really no more how is it that what happened and how I don’t remember anything and where is Mikey ooh hello Mikey it’s you and it seems you also turned into a ghost do you even understand what happened oh I’m so scared of what happened I don’t understand anything why I’m lying here and why I’m looking at myself from the outside oh how can I be so unhappy why is it like this why life is so unfair hi JJ do you know what happened I don’t understand anything at all did you become a ghost too oh JJ I didn’t understand anything either but I’m glad that you’re here too and we can deal with this together I can only assume one thing I just ask you don’t worry I’m explaining it to you I think I’m not sure but it seems we are no longer in this world oh something like that well then we need to understand what the problem is and what happened in general let’s go to the nearest Village so we can ask someone or something like that by the way your suit is strange so torn aha interesting aha of course I’m glad that you still have a sense of humor but I want to tell you that you are also exactly the same green and blue and your clothes are torn ahaa we both look very funny ahaa but it’s okay now we’ll ask the res what happened and everything will end well we’ll be in our old body again and we’ll be able to do whatever we want you know my friend it seems to me that no one will see us at all in the village it’s strange that you haven’t understood yet but we oh we are ghosts yes we are ghosts and you think why we can fly and we don’t have hearts From Below you just don’t see your health and hunger so we can even not eat anything anymore because we don’t need it anymore well there is a plus in this we can eat something and it won’t affect our figure ahaa so let’s try to find the pluses and everything oh Mikey you’ve been through this before right after all you were right no one sees us they just don’t notice you know if we were pranksters we could do a lot of funny Mischief but we are good and won’t do this hahahha although well okay okay we need to find or invent something let’s take a look here and see what there is in this Village maybe someone will notice us or maybe a magician or witch actually lives here and they can help us you know JJ if we just walk around here and have fun then we most likely won’t solve this problem so we need to think really hard about what we should do because we have people who are waiting for us but for now we’re running here and we are inspecting all the houses and rooms to learn a little about important questions from our viewers friends please write your favorite color in the comments we will be very interested to know because look what color we are now and just some little time ago we were so different I was green and JJ was red and now we are such ghosts oh so write your favorite color in the comments and this should help us listen look we only have to visit the last houses we’ve hardly been here so let’s go here and see what’s there yes let me go to that house and you to this one we will split up the main thing is to be careful all right let me go in this house to see what’s there oh hello there resident I’m going to try to give you a little nudge ah it worked I wonder what he’s thinking now who pushed him I can imagine how uncomfortable he must feel by the way something similar happened to me once I was just sitting at home minding my own business watching a new Mr Beast video because he’s my favorite YouTuber and I watch every new video he puts out do you watch him too let me know in the comments if you’d like to be in a Mr Beast video and win a million dollars so I’m watching a new video and someone bumps into me you know I’m sure I wasn’t imagining it someone really did bump into me and I was home alone can you imagine oh guys look that’s my house yes it’s definitely my house I don’t know what I need to do there but I have to get in there because my family is there I flew there because I need to talk to my wife and child oh I’m scared oh no it’s my family just look how sad they are I can’t watch this I’m so scared for them just look at how they are suffering because they think I’m gone and they will never see me again my wife my son it scares me so much what should I do how can I get back to them I don’t want to see them like this they should stay in a good mood and I will do everything to make it so oh but how can I do it uh look they’re sitting there and I don’t understand that I’m here oh hello wife hey hello son it’s me daddy with you I’m here here I am right in front of you oh they definitely don’t hear me they are carried away by their sadness and don’t understand that I’m here I’m M I’m next to them oh I’m so sad to look at this because what are they doing oh what should I do I can’t be here like this I don’t understand what what to do here how I should be here because they suffer so much without me it seems to them that I will never return but no I will do everything so that they see me again so that I can hug them again and they feel my presence JJ hey JJ listen I think I understand I understand everything I know what we have to do in short some kind of misunderstanding happened we shouldn’t have left we should live in this world something itely went wrong oh Mikey this is the best news ever I just saw my family they’re so lost without me they’re just sitting there and it’s hard for me to watch them like this so we need to do something what did you find out okay follow me oh what bad weather definitely something is wrong in this world in short we need to go to the store and get some paper there it will help us later we should write our names on the paper but in the wrong form for example not JJ but right KK there or not Mikey but Mickey so we have to do this this is the first action we need to take and then I’ll tell you what to do next and I really hope it helps this is our last chance to get back to the world oh well that’s quite a plan you’ve come up with all right I trust you completely if you say this is our last chance then let’s do it and write our names incorrectly the main thing is to write the names so that there are no more like that in our world so as not to frame anyone so that’s it I took a sheet and let’s write our names on the right form so I won’t be Mikey and let me write you Mele no one has heard that name so let’s know my name is similar to the the postal language mail aha so everything will work out let me do it all right and this will be our first action that we will have to do so everything I wrote now it’s your turn all right it’s my turn now let me see I could be something other than JJ but I’m not sure what exactly I want to choose a name that definitely doesn’t exist yet how about KK I’ve never heard that name before so I’m pretty sure it’s Unique I think I figured it out too I’ll write my name down on a piece of paper I’ll do it right now all right JJ or I should say kk that’s great we’ve completed the first step now we need to head to the police station and plan a new missing person’s report to alter the course of events but that’s not all we also need to retrieve the diamond and gold blocks from there they must be there since there was a recent robbery and those items were definitely brought there oh Mikey the plan is great but there is one problem there is a security guard right at the entrance and he will definitely notice us and our plan will fall apart very quickly after all police officers are very important people in our world H JJ I think you’ve forgotten that we’re incognito and can’t be seen so at least there’s one upside to being these ghostly apparitions and no longer part of this world however there’s still the issue of the Guard noticing someone opening the chest and that’s a real problem but the solution is already in place and I didn’t even have to do anything for it that’s because the guard is simply sleeping Yeah in our village not much happens so the guard always sleeps at night and there’s no one else left at the station all right good I’ve already entered the station quietly Mikey or whatever your name is wait for me inside I’ll construct the altar as you instructed we’ll make this happen I’ve got the diamond blocks so I can proceed with building the altar listen build it exactly as I’ve instructed you need to create a circle out of diamond blocks and then you need to construct a small pillar made of gold blocks this should work according to my calculations by the way I didn’t come up with this method myself I’m actually very close friends with a witch and I managed to meet her as we were parting ways she’s such an interesting person who who always helps and shows up at the right time and place she’s an excellent witch the best there is I’m do app oh Mikey I’m constructing everything precisely as instructed if anything goes ay inform me immediately observe my actions closely regarding the which she genuinely seems to possess omniscience and materializes whenever she’s needed I admire her as well I’m nearly finished just a few more steps remain and we’ll succeed observe it’s almost over and I’ll be able to complete the construction I’m almost done oh what just happened oh wow yes I’m back it’s daytime again yes hooray we did it I’m alive again in this world everything is okay JJ I hear you I’m here too we did it we succeeded hooray this is my day residence come here you will definitely feel bad now look yes yes run away from me let’s come here residents I’m really looking forward to seeing you come on where are you running away come back come to me quickly now I’ll catch you come to me resident quickly come to me come on come on come on come to me resident hahaha quickly as possible so we really should let’s go there so please like this because I’m really a bit scared of what might be there guys let’s see what’s going on just quietly quietly quietly not a drop not a drop of fear and we’re going okay you know somehow very oh what’s this look at this there’s some kind of monster there who is that even walking I think it’s a catnip but who is that where is he from I’ve only heard that such things exist but really just look at this they really exist in real life no I thought it was all just jokes because really someone said that that it’s really how can he come he can come but I didn’t know that catnip really exists in this world oh no oh no guys what should we do oh we need to somehow contact Jay but I feel like now is not the time to call him because he might hear us call calling what if JJ is nearby if he’s somewhere nearby he should hear Look I see some kind of Passage there I think we can hide there well let’s see maybe closer somehow inspect it he walks there guys what’s this passage what is it at all let’s see just very very carefully let’s look inside guys look look what’s inside do you see I don’t really see anything special okay for now I really don’t want to look in there so let’s step back we’re still observing this monster it’s a real purple monster running around and I don’t know what to do with it so where is it it vanished oh no be careful I think it noticed me guys but then again maybe it didn’t notice me Hugh we need to do something we need to do something I feel uneasy about this so uh friends honestly I don’t even know what we should do because this situation is incred ibly strange and I don’t know where JJ is guys maybe JJ is already in the clutches of that monster but don’t worry he’ll be fine because I’ll save him if necessary also listen I remember something JJ had a phone now I just need to remember what it looks like oh right listen when I was walking around I saw something similar I think the phone might still be there so guys if you support me please like this and write your favorite color in the comments I would be very interested to know so please write your favorite color in the comments so I can understand what your favorite color is for example mine is green and Jay’s is red now we know that Jay likes red and what color do you like I would be very interested to know so let’s go look for the red phone that I definitely saw around here so guys what should we do what should we do let’s maybe oh wait look it seems like a villager is lying here why is he lying down what happened to him guys something really strange happened in this Village it’s probably the work of that monster that purple monster oh guys it seems like we’re dealing with something very dangerous oh look there’s another one oh no no no no what should we do oh no guys don’t worry we’ll handle it every villager will be safe because I’ve joined this Mission and we’ll find everyone please like this video And subscribe to the channel and we’ll definitely deal with this strange situation caused by that purple monster guys I think we need to explore this Village a bit more to understand what’s happening here and how everything works I’m sure everything will be fine so guys let’s just run and go somewhere oh no look there’s another villager no we’ve already seen this one guys oh no look there’s another villager I would like to say they’re resting but it seems they aren’t oh no guys honestly this is a bit strange oh it seems we found it guys we found the phone guys this means that this phone really belongs to J and DJ right now apparently looked like a monster to you or not I’m sure that Jay is the monster what happened I don’t know how it happened but we need to find an answer about the guys look yes it’s a hole I wonder what’s inside guys let’s get in just please like And subscribe to the channel because it’s very important so well guys I’m with your support and with your subscription to the Channel please let’s have 3 2 1 and we’ll get in right now we’ll get into this soon a hole and I’m ready to meet something strange there guys this is some kind of tunnel what’s going on there and what is it who is it oh oh oh oh hello how did you even find me I don’t know how you found me I was hiding why did you see me hello what should I do now where should I hide now listen and you are a professor you look like a very smart person you saw that monster you saw what happened somehow it’s possible there was actually a monster running there you know something I don’t understand what you’re talking about don’t even ask me about it I don’t know anything come on I really want to leave so please leave I don’t know anything please if you know anything take me there so that I can find out the answers please don’t run away from me take me to where there is something okay I know something and right now I’ve already brought you to this I originally actually wanted to bring you here V and that the hole is a portal and you need to throw that purple monster that I accidentally got rid of and he really got out of me you need to throw your friend there I’m sorry I accidentally turned him please forgive me that is you created that monster why did you choose my friend LJ and you created him into a monster you turned him why did you do it well the main thing is that now you know how you can turn him back so please help me so that means you said that I must I’m sorry I’m sorry again I’m not guilty of anything I won’t help you with anything anymore I told you everything I know I don’t know anything else bye-bye I hope we won’t see you again oh guys did you see how he quickly ran away he screamed very loudly but still he told me how to fix it look he created JJ into the monster of that strange monster but now we know that if I see JJ again he’s definitely I’ll see we need to throw it into that hole this portal and it’s standing normally again I hope the professor didn’t lie so guys please wait until the next day guys we have waited for that moment there is a full moon again so this purple monster that is J Jam must return but I need your support so please write your favorite color in the comments I took the golden apple that’s all I need also I took some defensive items that need to help me with this so guys we know our plan you like subscribe and I’m acting so guys please support me guys I now have to find this monster I hope he’s here and the professor didn’t lie to me so he definitely has to be somewhere here guys where do you see him do you see him right in the comments I don’t see absolutely anyone yet but we need to be careful because these are monsters they’re huge but no here he is guys look he’s there oh I think I saw someone who’s there come on come to me now I’ll sort you out run anyway you can’t escape I’ll catch you guys can you hear him screaming for me to stop but we need not to stop guys he’s running after me right now guys look how huge and scary he is and he’s also floating right at the bottom look his legs don’t move at all how huge he is guys we need to escape from him but our plan you remember our plan we need to take him into that hole of the portal so that he can swim in this portal again and become my friend again JJ hey monster come to me monster J but yes you are a monster for now well in general you are my friend JJ please wake up or you won’t feel very good because I’ll drive you into this portal hey monster come here come here yes yes yes you are you need to jump here to me jump to me oh guys this is actually very dangerous very strange and yes guys it seems he’s there we succeeded guys we succeeded where was Jay this was our last option I won’t find him as a professor anymore no he’s no longer here where is JJ oh Mikey hello what happened I don’t understand anything it’s like I was in a dream I don’t know anything and I don’t remember hooray I finally got to the Computer Club I’ve been dreaming of going there for so long because it’s so fashionable and cool to play different games with friends while sitting next to each other friends write your favorite game in the comments my favorite game is Minecraft and finally I will be able to sit with JJ who is already here with his whole family and we play games with him and other visitors Minecraft and many other games will be mine which seat can I sit in why are they ignoring me I’m invisible you have free places I see them hey dude I’m sorry but there are no places you know this happens I have a very cool Prime place that you you need to sign up for in advance sorry bro yo when I see there are seats here and my friend JJ is playing here with everyone from the whole family JJ hey can you hear me confirm sorry friend I have a very important game in the game I can’t answer you right now sit next to me no bro that won’t work wait until tomorrow or get out of here otherwise I’ll talk to you differently bro oh okay I went anyway I didn’t want to play your games I won’t come here again I didn’t really want to have a nice day at this club for you all but not from the bottom of my heart to everyone yet ha it’s interesting of course that’s when I wanted to play I didn’t have time because of business in the mine and I was also building a house and in general yesterday I saved the whole Minecraft world from a flood and this happened in my life but at the moment when I wanted to play there this guy appeared who took me and kicked me out by the way there was no computer Club there before he appeared recently apparently this owner is very rich look it started to rain so the weather quickly deteriorated I wonder why although there are no clouds in the sky oh I feel this is not good wow look this Rich owner of a computer Club did he come to show how rich he is and he has his own Farm well I don’t know how you can brag like that I don’t like to brag at all I wonder what he needs it seems he came to me let’s open the door for him and ask him what he needs maybe he wants to apologize ouch ouch Mikey is your name right um yes it’s me why are you so scared you’re supposedly cool and not afraid of anything yes I’m very rich and I’m not afraid of anything but I still have something you’re Mikey’s friend this happened there I don’t know how to tell you this you need to see it with your own eyes yes my name is Mikey and my friend who was in your computer Club was called JJ so what happened it takes a very long time to explain just follow me and I’ll show you but don’t be too scared we’ll have to think of something why did this happen in my computer Club I just opened it why didn’t this happen in some other computer Club why here what happened let’s go quickly I’m already wondering what happened you need to see this for yourself go to the club and see what’s there it’s very strange what happened to them maybe you know what to do to make them leave what what it is how is this possible JJ how are you well you probably can’t hear me oh no it seems like something strange and not simple because his eyes are red it looks creepy oh what should I do I probably need to call an ambulance yes I definitely need to call the doctors right now so they can come and look at JJ so I forgot everything that I knew before I have a lot of thoughts in my head I can’t get my act together so well I need to relax get out the phone and call the hospital I hope they will help me please please someone answer me why do you have to help people for so long but you don’t hear Hello the main hospital of the whole world welcomes you what happened who needs help my friends need help urgently leave you don’t have much time please help them urgently JJ is here right now come oh I’m so sorry leaving will be very expensive will you call expensive how is it so expensive how expensive is it how much is a person here in need of urgent help and you are talking about money and what is your money I have no money well he hung up I’ll see if everything’s okay with him now J what’s going on are you okay already no appears it’s only worse for you ah safe JJ please wake up please it’s me your friend Mikey don’t do anything stupid because I’m your friend you remember me please don’t chase me you have a sword in your hands no please stop JJ stop pranking me and I realized it’s probably a prank but although okay I understand that he really somehow got infected with something or was Bewitched by his friends please like And subscribe to the channel if you want me to be saved and if you don’t want to then write in the comments that you don’t want me to be saved ha well it seems like I’m safe in the house it’s so strange and scary what should I do here oh I’m tired look she’s standing and looking at me phw fortunately I have strong windows and they will definitely withstand her pressure and her pressure is really strong look at her eyes it’s very strange what happened at all because never in my life have I seen such strange red eyes I of course really want to help them because there’s definitely something wrong and very dark involved here look I’m planning to call the police they’ll definitely help me because this is my last option oh hello oh I have a very serious problem please send reinforcements as soon as possible police someone else call everyone as soon as possible because this is very serious please so let’s hurry up I will wait for you in my house because they are hunting for me I don’t know how it happened but he became who he became you can’t run away from us you can’t run away from us Mikey we are looking at you ah you hear they are talking to me their voice doesn’t look like my friend at all it’s not him at all please hurry up yes hello my name is Anthony I am from the New World Police please tell me calmly what happened because I need to understand what your situation is and I will help you oh yes it seems I didn’t tell the most important thing my friend stopped being my friend he has red eyes and he follows me with a diamond sword I don’t even understand what I should do he looks very scary oh this is a serious situation you definitely need help now I will call for reinforcements and they will come to you as quickly as possible so stay there stay safe we’re coming if something happens call again hooray the police will arrive soon new monsters will not be free I will help JJ get out of this situation soon the police will help me and you JJ attention JJ and Company quickly surrender you must quickly surrender to the police because you broke a lot of rules surrender you have no chance you must obey the police so that everything is safe we are waiting for you grab him JJ give up we run after them they run away quickly we run after him give up if you don’t want the bad well apparently you want the bad so grab them grab them these are the police they are surrounded yes we did it Well Done boys yes we are cool we are the coolest police in the world many raft so let’s take them to the department there we’ll decide what we do with him because we need to conduct an interrogation and something else so let’s quickly take them because we don’t know what they are why they have such eyes this is the first time I’ve seen this but the main thing is that we are them caught and now the villagers are safe oh what’s going on there I hope they were caught and JJ are safe I can’t find a place for myself I don’t know what’s going on there because the sounds of the police can no longer be heard oh what’s so interesting there please at least everyone is okay and already in security I want to see my friend JJ and talk to him oh I can’t find a place for myself because it’s so stressful to think about what’s going on there the phone is ringing I hope it’s some news from the police JJ caught he came to his senses and wants to see you so come to the police station oh yeah I’ll come now I can come right now and I’ll do it I’ll come right now I’m already going to wait for me I’ll be there soon I’m so curious what happened there why did he turn into such a strange creature with red eyes what happened why do I have so many questions and so few answers I really hope that soon I will get answers to my questions because this is very surprising friends please while I’m going you can write your favorite color in the comments I will be very interested to know so write your favorite color here mine is green and now guess JJ’s favorite color guess it in the comments hello follow me here okay I’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth take me to JJ please take me to a friend he’s somewhere around here we’ll be there soon I can’t wait let’s hurry oh JJ it’s you I’m so glad to see you oh Mikey hello as you told me that I tried to attack you are you fine I’m so sorry that this happened I don’t know what happened to me I still don’t feel very well and there’s a lot of red light in my eyes I also don’t understand what happened you have bright red eyes that are also glowing of course it scared me you ran after me with a sword in your hands but everything is fine I wasn’t even scared at all oh I don’t know what to do to make this go away the last thing I did was sit at the computer everything will be fine bro the meeting is over come follow me in general JJ was infected by the owner of the computer Club look I’ll show it to you now we have a video look at the video from the surveillance cameras you can clearly see how the owner of the computer Club first stands at his workplace and doesn’t go anywhere he looks out for the moment then he walks with Extreme Caution towards the chairs by the way it happened at the moment when the players began to have a serious moment in the game and they generally they didn’t notice anything around him he approaches look he goes to the first person and casts a spell on their eyes and their eyes turn red we don’t see it because the camera is on the other side but he definitely does exactly that after all this he calmly returns to his workplace and they didn’t even notice him didn’t blink an eye and didn’t even turn their head because of his passion for the game oh how so I thought that he was not a good person because he just took me and was rude to me it was unpleasant but now let’s grab him wait it’s not that simple if we just grab him then nothing will change you need to deal with him and only after that JJ and his family will be okay yes I’m ready I’m ready to do this I can find it so give me the item okay I give you this sword the main thing is to do everything quietly and safely I wish you good luck yes I will do everything exactly so safely and well thank you I went so few I’ll do everything I’ll do everything well I’m worried of course but for the sake of JJ I have to show this Rich resident all this to show him that you can’t do it like he did if he’s Rich it doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants I have diamond armor and a sword so I’ll definitely be fine everything will be fine I can and I’ll cope he definitely won’t be able to escape punishment and JJ will be fine here he is I see him look there he stands and thinks that everything is fine he thinks that everything is fine but no he did something bad to my friend and me so I have to save JJ what Mikey what what are you doing here what’s JJ what’s about him yes hello I know what you did I don’t know why but now you’re definitely not getting richer because you can’t do that to people even if you have a lot of money so you definitely won’t get off easy better give up oh no you shouldn’t do that I didn’t think it would turn out like this uh yes I did it I could now JJ will be healthy I helped my bro JJ is my best friend and so are you

This video, titled ‘Why Scary DAME TU COSITA.EXE Called JJ and Mikey Family at Night – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Mazen JJ Mikey on 2024-06-15 21:00:08. It has garnered 2588 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:22 or 4042 seconds.

Why Scary DAME TU COSITA.EXE Called JJ and Mikey Family at Night – in Minecraft Maizen!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft

    Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft The Death Hole in Minecraft: A Legendary PVP Experience Are you ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft PVP? Join the adventure as players face off in The Death Hole, a legendary battleground where only the strongest survive. Into The Fray As the countdown begins, players brace themselves for the intense battles that await. The adrenaline is high as they enter The Death Hole, ready to prove their skills in combat. First Fight At the sound of the horn, the first clash erupts. Swords clash, arrows fly, and strategies are put to the test. Who will emerge… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends!

    Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends! Exploring Multiplayer Options in Minecraft Java Edition Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of using Hamachi or unreliable free servers to play Minecraft with your friends? Look no further! With Essential, you can easily invite your friends to join you in your world, complete with modpacks and all the fun features Minecraft has to offer. Setting Up Your Multiplayer World Essential provides a seamless way to play Minecraft Java Edition with your friends. Simply create a world in Minecraft, install the Essential plugin, and invite your friends to join you. No need to worry about complicated server… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Growth Spree

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Growth Spree In this Minecraft world, we journey through time, From Alpha to Release, each version a climb. Exploring the past, where chunk errors did reign, To the ‘golden age’ where memories remain. Building a shelter, a place to call home, Navigating terrain, no need to roam. Creating a base, a fortress so grand, Unlucky exploration, in a vast land. With each update, the game evolves anew, But the essence of Minecraft, forever true. So join me on this journey, through versions of old, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “My Application For {CHORSMP} Lifesteal SMP.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out and attract players from all over the world? One server that has been making waves in the Minecraft community is Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP action, and thriving community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:** mystic.minemap.club**Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • Snitching on Chicken Madness

    Snitching on Chicken Madness i’m TELLING on you (Chicken Madness Episode #19) Exploring Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20 In the latest episode of Chicken Madness, the talented Minecraft player Dasanye takes on the challenge of beating the game using only chickens in her own mod. The video showcases her speedpainting skills while navigating the unique world of Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20. Speedpainting Amberlynn Dasanye’s artistic abilities shine as she speedpaints the character Amberlynn, all while strategically utilizing chickens to progress through the game. The combination of creativity and gameplay makes for an engaging viewing experience. Community Engagement Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and comment… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More

  • Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrock

    Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mate al MataAbuelas 🤑🤙 #minecraftbedrock #bedwars #skywars #minecraftgameplay #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by El Khark v: on 2024-01-16 18:00:12. It has garnered 2432 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – BIG Move

    Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 - BIG MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – Moving :/’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-14 22:34:35. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:14 or 11054 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOW

    EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seid am 01.06 um 19:00 Uhr dabei!! 🎁 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #laintania’, was uploaded by Playzzn on 2024-05-26 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to LAINTANIA.net – the place for unforgettable Minecraft adventures and impressive building projects! Join … Read More


    ULTIMATE CAR UPGRADE: RAINBOW LASER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mit REGENBOGEN-LASER AUTOS UPGRADEN in Minecraft RP!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-06-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 4626 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:18 or 1218 seconds. UPGRADE CARS with RAINBOW LASER in Minecraft RP! with: @Eiterblox ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Ente ► https://www.instagram.com/marcelente 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Rippeax Minecraft: 🎮 The Page ► http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft one block is funny / funny Minecraft challenge / Minecraft… Read More

  • 1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshorts

    1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime’, was uploaded by @Gain Eᴅɪᴛᴢ 1M on 2024-01-26 14:42:10. It has garnered 7189 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ONE PIECE #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #onepiece #ytshorts #youtubeshorts @Gaineditz1M #shorts #viral #amongus #anime #one piece ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime Read More

  • Malenia Sky

    Malenia SkyEmbark on an epic journey through Malenia Sky, a dynamic Minecraft universe inspired by the legendary realms of Hypixel, Wynncraft, and other beloved games. Dive into a world brimming with boundless possibilities, where every corner is teeming with adventure and excitement. At Malenia Sky, your voice holds the key to shaping the destiny of our realm. Our voting platform empowers players like you to champion your favorite servers, each one a beacon of innovation and creativity. From captivating storylines to thrilling minigames and immersive RPG experiences, our servers draw inspiration from the best to offer an unparalleled gaming experience. maleniasky.apexmc.co:25762 Read More

  • Bonded Blocks Season 1 | Semi-vanilla Server For Content Creators | Applications Open! Whitelist 14+ 1.21

    Bonded Blocks – Calling all Content Creators! Hey there! I’m ServerNotGood, a 16 year old British Content Creator who loves playing Survival Minecraft with other inspiring Creators. Bonded Blocks is the server of my dreams, where 20 unique Content Creators come together to create, make memories, and enjoy playing survival minecraft. Mods Included: Simple Voice Chat Creator Status Mod AudioPlayer Mod We are looking for skilled and actively-playing Content Creators who can create videos in exciting ways, whether it’s storytelling, redstone, building, etc. We value personality and passion over subscriber count. Current members include It’s_Spyke, ServerNotGood, and more. Pranking is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc Debatable

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc DebatableLooks like this meme is powered by Energizer batteries, because it’s got a score of 4! Read More

  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

    OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I found a lucky block, a player’s dream. With a powerful sword, I struck with might, Defeating foes, in the day and the night. Join me on this journey, in the land of blocks, Where adventures await, in mines and docks. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and delight, As we explore together, in the Minecraft night. Follow me on socials, for updates and more, On Facebook, Discord, and Instagram galore. Like, share, and subscribe, to show your support, As we continue this journey, in the Minecraft fort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme Read More


    EPIC CROSSOVER: DARTH VADER'S SABER IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found DARTH VADERS LIGHT SABER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz Roblox on 2024-06-14 02:22:15. It has garnered 255798 views and 3537 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:10 or 11350 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are getting light sabers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366

    Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe’, was uploaded by Sticky – Minecraft memes on 2024-07-06 09:17:03. It has garnered 36857 views and 366 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:26 or 326 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe in minecraft 3d mod Minecraft diamond in real life. Realistic house and water physics in minecraft rtx on challenge (realistic sheep fur, realistic snow in minecraft, realistic water in minecraft, realistic lava in minecraft) Minecraft in Real Life – Secret Treasures Realistic Texture Pack The First Hacker’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!

    Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Du Obtenir la MEILLEUR Armure du jeu…’, was uploaded by Wizux on 2024-05-18 17:30:10. It has garnered 948 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:36 or 336 seconds. Hello today New video on the Skylodia server, which is for me one of the best minecraft servers of 2024 and or … I Got the BEST Armor … of the server on Minecraft! 👍and also think about the Baron Rank to win! My discord (very important) 😉: https://discord.gg/n3RbSXFvED 🎬i made other videos in this style! like the video: I have 24H… Read More

  • GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥

    GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast #minecraft #shortsfeed #mrbeast #viral #trending #shorts #mobs’, was uploaded by GamexRudra on 2024-02-16 03:52:16. It has garnered 540 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast Don’t Forget To Subscribe Gamexrudra gamexrudra android gameplay android gameplay videos android games gaming channel simulator gameplays Android gameplays simulator gameplay @GamexRudra #gamexrudra new update android game mobile game mobile gameplay android gaming mobile gaming noob pro hacker Noob vs Pro vs Hacker noob vs pro vs pro vs… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosion

    Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrMeadow on 2024-06-02 03:21:14. It has garnered 29518 views and 621 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to MrMeadow In this channel, we dive deep into the immersive world of Minecraft exploring various gameplay modes uncovering hidden secrets mastering the art of survival tutorials redstone creations adventure maps multiplayer gameplay Minecraft tips and tricks and many more about Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey you’ll find something to enjoy here. Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!

    🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE] Playing Minecraft Bedrock With Viewers!’, was uploaded by 24kEl1te on 2024-03-25 07:42:11. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds. I hope you liked the stream! my dc server! :https://discord.gg/tyy5DbaBCx my twitter/x : https://twitter.com/dev_timm #minecrtaft #minecraft Read More

  • WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft Legends

    WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft LegendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Youtubers Lost To Time’, was uploaded by WafflezMC on 2024-07-13 16:00:05. It has garnered 7950 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. Everybody has their favorite YouTubers, but what about the ones who are no longer on the platform? second channel: https://www.youtube.com/@livewafflez3849 Insanely special thanks to Misdemeanors for helping me with the script and answering a few questions! https://www.youtube.com/@misdemeanors6552 also, three of the tracks in this video were made by Scott Buckley, one of my favorite stock music makers! will probably be using more of his… Read More

  • Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle – 50 Players!

    Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle - 50 Players!Video Information This video, titled ’50 Players fight in a WORLD WAR II CASTLE SIEGE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by History Recrafted on 2024-06-21 07:04:04. It has garnered 214 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:45 or 645 seconds. In the first episode of History Recrafted, we recreate the Battle of Castle Itter! In this attempt to simulate a war in Minecraft, players are only given one piece of guidance: defend the castle or take it over. Will history repeat itself in this Minecraft experiment? Or will something completely different happen that has some SERIOUSLY BAD… Read More

  • INSANE progress in 10 days – Minecraft Survival Indonesia

    INSANE progress in 10 days - Minecraft Survival IndonesiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ber-awal (Day 10) – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-11 22:09:56. It has garnered 233 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:12 or 11652 seconds. Support me, bro. https://sociabuzz.com/damaiputra/donate donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvV8J4602zYqqX7Xt0yPwCA/join !commands nightbot !spek !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator = 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More