Spooky Stories in Minecraft: More Neighbors #3

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Yeah like yeah yeah I don’t even know what I wanted now did you know my god where did you come from zombie in my house whoa Lulu plug put my hopefully zombies are afraid of bright lights holding our yeah okay I don’t know what I was doing I don’t even know what I was doing dude

I had to get a bag of Cheetos out of the kitchen earlier had to weigh I’m like a half ago and I was so loud for the first time in a long time I’ve been sitting here going oh man what if I woke up my parents did you I don’t

Know if I did they were just real nice about it and went back to sleep Oh yeah pay myself a nice little fishing rod or do some fishing there’s contact cupid oh yeah when I catch I caught a saddle it’s okay one yeah kind of saddle fishing you put the fishing rod yeah man where did you get the string I killed a

Bunch of spiders when over the course of the game when did you have time oh my god Stubbins laughs is all I cut eight puffer fish if you find one more string I got enough string that you can make your own fishing rod how the hell do you

Know how much string I have you got one no cuz you need three how do you know I already have two oh I got two I was just thinking if you have one more I got enough Florida dude I think I just saw the devil

I just got a raw fish I should [ __ ] old what’s wrong you just caught it shut up juice okay wait wait wait wait plan I need a [ __ ] meet a [ __ ] help you there oh when I catch a pair of boots letter doing shitty leather boots

Wet the boots no less let me know when you’re bopping your surface because we got something we gotta go do I’m completely lost I’ve become lost in the sauce dig up stupid oh wait what’s this is this what I think it is yes that that I just caught it is

She do well jump a death look I lost that fish fishings pretty uh pretty intense now now yeah the steamed obsession not fishing before if it was pretty lame now it’s now there’s a little sort of minigame to it hey what’s going on moving Beast official what’s

Shakin iron swords can you sub after the stream I’ll return the favor oh sure you just step now if you on won’t hold it against you he’ll hold something against you though oh my god what is that okay I’m coming up to surface it’s a

Long haul you subbed in like oh you are the man leaving Beast official I promise off go check out your channel and sub man it’s gold armor better than iron armor no no sorry if it’s real button yeah we’re [ __ ] wrong button who’s gonna use the crafting table but

Then I remembered I forgot my [ __ ] you stopped you know grab something out of my house I let me know when you’re ready we got a job to do a job to do yeah it’s this job you gotta go visit those okay someone took my [ __ ] those

Dudes in the forest you know plus five armor plus six o gold slot even as good as iron don’t want to commute one of those guys called the Quaker bakers why Scott Cupid taking a poop outside my house that’s how it gets down yeah weird well this guy’s called the defenders

Know the am i screaming while I’m streaming on did I not literally just say I have to go to my house for something yeah what was it I don’t know how would I know what you were going to get when you never said You can’t see them swim up and grab it the [ __ ] is that I got a look I gotta [ __ ] this wrong a shocking yeah good for you are you goddamn ready yet almost all right I’m a didn’t you take your dog and chill out don’t really

Remember the way but what are you doing you know work I’m doing God’s work son literally only type of equipment I have is gold yeah it’s not as good as iron what yeah weird right okay well I’m there I’m not the [ __ ] mansion here okay we’ll just

Would you chill out for a second that way you take too long I’ll be fine I told you to wonka that’s some are not like they’ve got axes in armor their own you know not a piety lightly fortified militia and they break one of their windows like that I mean oh god this

Place is beautiful Katie oh there is a creeper in here on my way turn them against each other all you got to do is get the creeper on your side I don’t blow it up this beautiful architecture like this butthole Oh God how else do you think you came a creeper

Dude Wow look at this place don’t worry I’m coming to the rescue Simon and Garfunkel style oh yeah it’s a I heard horrible I think that French oh oh there’s there’s oh there’s a lot of them in here that’s their house dude oh I am in trouble oh [ __ ] there’s

One standing guard saw me he saw me he saw me he saw me got him oh my god I actually got him and he dropped an iron axe really what the [ __ ] is this room I’m only missing this because it’s too late for me to play me like wow what is

That thing oh my god what is what thing dick I look [ __ ] flying what is that oh that’s its advanced ex dual after me again they can fly you can place all right down there they’re [ __ ] Dickey they’re using magic and [ __ ] and they’re flying through the ghosts they can fly

Through [ __ ] which is you go in through a window yeah like the front door like a bit I went through a window man how that explains why you haven’t died yet yeah I’ll wait for you at the window here you see iron solid silver gold sort gotcha hurry up man I’m scared

I’m on my way I shouldn’t bring my fishing rod and not lose that gold swords are worse than wooden swords really well [ __ ] glad I made it one I made you one yeah yeah okay hang on here I come I had to make myself a new instrument of self-defense where are you

Traveling at night okay man I wish I had some pasta right now anyway what you owe me your Bologna look at you know our Murray [ __ ] all good play yes all dynamo hoppy all right we’ll get it go check out these vex just don’t go into this room over here on the

Right because there’s a bunch of them in there so I was coming up here right and then that’s when I got attacked by these VAX things but then they flew downstairs so but they’re [ __ ] terrifying these X let’s save all diamonds you find because you can duplicate them so you

Can have infinite times what’s in here awesome is it a confessional again here we go that’s true wait is it come over here think it might be you got some sins to confess to you alright if the old window this is awkward but father I know you’re trying

To break them yes stand back okay they thought they’d all my son I got a thing with buttholes what type of thing my son you don’t think he’s supposed to ask him you just absolve me of my sin gotta go you want absolution you’re gonna have to

Give all father tugs menhir full detail about them sins I’m absorbing all right well if I feel felonies office it if you don’t know what the sin is if I see someone with a shoe untied I’m like hey man your shoes untied and then we bends over to tie it I put

My pinky in is but is that a sin even no I’m good all right just let’s fill in Cal go to hell what’s this a boxing ring in the church oh my god it is – this is a cult you know hey ding-a-ling this house is awesome

I say we kill all of indicators and move in yeah chill all indicators of indicators am i right buddy I can hear some but – is the Capitol here we go yeah you see something away though doesn’t appear to me oh my god what the hell was that

Using magic what you thought [ __ ] up what’s going on AGP so home is another one oh you really got me kids got him I don’t like that magical oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that okay that magic ones terrified gonna get some armor man hey you’re flying solo for the

Rest of that mission there goose your magic will do that oh my god this secret ladder ray Cisco Oh secret little room with a chest oh my god golden apples eat seeds melon seeds a nametag bunch of bones [ __ ] cannibals what’s the name tag for No No

Maybe naming your dog or something maybe yeah I bet you this [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate when I do that if I can eat this Golden Apple should I eat it I don’t know what this feels like I should save that okay this guy’s going to be a problem a

Magician there are you really not coming back here I did do that oh my god can’t do I got to go back there and get that [ __ ] we’ll try sleeping oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay [ __ ] here sleeping anyways

Listen little baby zombie here oh my god the little baby zombie kill them come on man you gotta help me take out these indicators you’re just not gonna go over to it dude [ __ ] yeah I felt like six of them by myself can you write me a chat parky me

What you know if I wasn’t streaming everyone could be in the chat I gotta make some hard fast rules about streaming Jack in the light of certain situations in the light of certain warnings Certain slaps on the wrist [ __ ] off maybe just oh my god what is this Oh guys a cool [ __ ] in this indicator of oh excuse me no I fell little zombies still run around up here Can’t believe there’s this kick-ass mansion you won’t even help me say we need better stuff no way my stuff get yourself some iron I wrong going to get much better than iron right now and yeah just throw some I wrong armors I wrong weapons I just got to get

To my weapons and my iron armor and I’ll be okay but I’m trouble getting there getting chased shut the [ __ ] up there we go I have time to equip it much better off there we go let’s go chest armor you yeah you like that got you from behind

Yeah let’s luck you guys up where’s your little buddy there he is gotcha oh I don’t know what that was dropping like flies over here man [ __ ] yeah it really sounds like they’re dropping like flies dude Volker got you this guy wasn’t a Volker oh I got a

Trophy for killing him I think I might have this top floor cleared out oh sweet the runs here yeah I got the top cleared out man mmm something’s going on here I can feel it oh my god camouflage monkey can you join the game you sure can man what is this totem of

Undying I got two of them yeah what did they do you suppose a totem of undying does hmm bring you back to life I don’t know I think I’ve killed them all a little I see one oh I see – oh my god It’s two left and my phone just died so I can’t see the chat for a second I just plugged it in hmm all those totems of undying did not stop me from dying did you use one no I have in my inventory that I don’t know

How to use them just like it stick I guess no I just heard a dog bark wait there’s a dog around here there is hey boy hey boy nothing for ya but nice to see ya umm whoever comment today won’t be able to see your comment for another

Couple seconds all you son of a [ __ ] Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok die oh yeah there you go you’re dead you’re dead I’ll go open this back up so I can see the chat what’s T let me try doesn’t seem too big it has eyes but okay chats back up I won’t be able to see what you said but I like it’s okay might meet invite ya um when put in a dual world

Slot for it to work I don’t know what that is and my eating my camouflage monkey what name am i inviting you to it to come walking here another one there is jockey on a kid she cussed wrong button again Oh camo monkey YT as in YouTube okay in a second you

But see that’s hard to find why don’t you just send me one to DJ a chai tea DJ hands I mean friend request I can I’d you Oh Cal what are you doing me being one my doing what are you doing it’s one we’re over like underground around the surface underground mostly Oh

Some on the surface that dammit man is like one guy left okay fine I’m coming I gotta run by him to grab my [ __ ] and then I can take him out but you’re going on a gamble if the sword gets equipped in your hotbar though is I gonna try to fumble around

You added me as a friend already oh well [ __ ] all right I’m here just invite you here try to keep track my friends list is [ __ ] huge now you can add me the hell is I on a king here’s a king of men or maybe sent me a

Friend request that I ever accept it and you see requests requests and I don’t have you my friends list the bow and it’s I got zero arrows so cool um I can’t turn it off from here I don’t think he why don’t you grab my [ __ ] or he gets it

Oh this is all me to always working with a zombie they teamed up got him okay the nighttime is scary okay the rest of my [ __ ] I killed him with a gold sword too I’m badass okay I believe it’s empty now but I still gotta check the first floor

This is zombie and a guy two guys [ __ ] you magic I got another one of those dudes you girls we got some I’m looking for diamonds [ __ ] if you’re coming I’m just running around cave systems hoping I just stumble across some diamonds oh my god this place is huge I thought it

Had it clear though there’s a whole other wing here Trees and [ __ ] going in it Oh God all right I had to murder you Oh God trees and [ __ ] yeah you’re skilled fighter I’m telling you man this is pissing me off waters I’ll kill like six of them and then die even six lemon and died at six alone and

Uh are you gone in your mind yeah I’m just looking at one outside your house and another one came up beside me Jesus may have blown part of your house up you dick was my fault man I was trying to get it away from your house that he just

[ __ ] oh you know it’s just like you got a little bit of a waterfall going down here well but it’s no worse than my lava fall yeah hey puppies fast you like 4 times apparently everyone’s getting fed up with all no-neck really a did you discipline anyone today not another chance

All right now I got I got oh [ __ ] it’s okay I got some backup contact Cupid’s here with me oh my boots thank you I mean and we’re gonna clean this [ __ ] place out okay so second floor and third floor and done I’m just gotta get the first floor cleaned out and you

Said it couldn’t be done whoa put the [ __ ] trees there’s one took a lot of my help did you find in there of your opening chest I’m very low on house well there is a creeper in here oh thanks thanks okay thank you hearing explosion must be fun

Thank you oh my god you should see all the treasure chests in here this room is full of chests [ __ ] all in a book full of chest it’s pretty cool action Oh what is this room it’s like red stone and metal doors it’s like a prison not a cube and odd like

There’s a stone table and an intricate door system with a lever you’re [ __ ] locked up in there man I killed him for you oh [ __ ] got him what is this awfulness just like a portal or something there’s a portal here portal the where Oh with a chest with a enchanted book I’ll

Take that the bucket lots of gunpowder and another nametag I’ll take the Gunpowder – and rotten flesh gross but not man it’s a portal go through it how would I go through this thing I guess I got to put a block down maybe get up there oh [ __ ] that’s too high if

I go through the steps jump I got I’ll figure this out oh there’s some stairs should I’m lost again I don’t appear to be able to use it alright let’s [ __ ] East Wing they’re here come see this prison it’s pretty badass still trying to follow another creeper another [ __ ] treasure holy

Chest I’m not checking all these it’s all the way to the [ __ ] roof I’ll seem to be empty oh sorry this looks like another prison and Oh a whole bunch of Prisons no well there was a zombie in one oh now hold it see the shock or horrible

[ __ ] Oh God let’s see this one for Cupid anyone know Wow what expense oh my god you’re missing a lot of cool [ __ ] here cow this is a room full of their grown oh my god it’s an indoor farm and on one side one level they got pumpkins and the other

Level they got watermelons growing Jesus there’s a weird weird room with a tree and uh artificial irrigation system what is this another indoor farm throw in some weird [ __ ] here lily pads oh this is the sex dungeon right here there’s like foam chairs everywhere this all right this place is clear though okay

Diamond PO we scribe to me i sub to you sure man I do like subscribing what selection of indicators it can’t be done look you’ve done by one man and a little bit of help it couldn’t be done I said wasn’t that sit there and do it all

Yourself has a cool [ __ ] no problem PT grande I’m gonna try to get me a dog people like people oh I get a dog he’s gonna get killed by a dog I gotta get an angle on the [ __ ] do I make an angel do

You guys play on PE ever what is PE or did you mean to put PC Come on boy oh it’s Pocket Edition um I think I used to have it on my phone but not anymore so it would have been a long time since I played it someone else is asking me about possible issue last time your stream come on boy

Ah that’s a good lad just close the dark Cuban good you [ __ ] out mistakes you’re rude the [ __ ] is a beacon wedding what the [ __ ] is a beacon you even need that for I don’t know sure sounds cool What I need is an anvil all you can build armorstands that’s pretty cool what’s an end rod God you don’t know select [ __ ] about this cow a book and quill but I need a axle just as much you should know this [ __ ] hey no do you have

It set up to play Pocket Edition servers on your Playstation um dull is that even a thing I didn’t even know you could do that armor you can wait what thought you can change the color of your armor that’s already sexy not to do that what

Is this [ __ ] I can make fireworks a star a banner yeah it just came out in the newest update and then you want me to go to your house oh I need what is this [ __ ] you want me to go to your house right okay give me a sec block of iron

Iron ingots oh okay the common man is your house you live in a dirt a dirt house oh it’s very deceiving I got you see hmm it’s a little creepy but I like it oh my god Cal why are you so goddamn quiet you’re freaking me out here thinking process

Thinking it’s taking a lot of brainpower my goodness hey man you know I don’t think so good how many iron ingots for a block of iron I gotta make an anvil why do you have to make blocks of iron dude I need three blocks of iron to make an angle iron

Nugget why I wanna make iron nuggets you tried to bring you to the basement I was fuzzy and try and lock you down there I got a feeling you know it’s like right now yeah you did ask me to go down which is weird [ __ ] I don’t have enough

Iron Cal you [ __ ] dick I need some iron what do you want me to do about it give me some iron okay how much do you need I need logs two three four five six I need two three four five six pieces of iron no cussing well I mean it’s my street

And I’m just saying you can only die leather armor hey man going on why are you eating rotten flesh in my house keeping me out man Oh terrified oh wait I got some iron here hey what’s going on Paige you need food oh that’s why you’re eating okay

Let me see what I got here I’m gonna take this take this stuff I know you’re starving is one way you eaten rotten flesh such a creepy page is good Paige says she’s good yeah I don’t think post I need the tree iron or okay please shout out my channel everyone go

To checkout Petey grins and if it’s a dance channel all about dancing ballroom waltz two-step hip-hop if you can dance it it’s at that jail this is true I don’t know I just I’m just guessing I don’t know uh I didn’t get to go see ya yeah

You’re in a second I was I thought I thought this might have been something and then I thought you know who would take this much time to type all this [ __ ] out into the chat well I’m not gonna stay with an iron nugget I I don’t

Know I need three iron ore though if you can’t provide it I’ll have to go fight it’s minecraft you’re the second best youtuber behind me why hate to break it to you but I’m probably the nine thousand and eighty seventh best you did heard so if you’re behind me that’s a

Sad place to be my man what was that you know like I didn’t want to have to go down here to get iron cuz I get lost in this mine like like a child lost at the mall oh my god dude look at all these kids roaming around Hey may I play with

You please you sure can lady junior why not cause if anything it’ll just piss cow would you get away from eating what are you throwing at me oh why did that dog follow me down here what a dumbass come on boys I have only had a channel for about five

Months and already 100 subs I was pretty good for five months see you’re better than me I’ve had my channel for years I’ll see every time I get lost here it’s just regular survival that’s all it is no man come on boy you can do it there

You go very emotionally invested in this dog now your low-key gold wire nice I am Loki a noob come on boy it’s your bit he’s getting fat get it through the door come on tubby I’ve been feeding him too much come on you [ __ ] crap all right stay

Out of that there you go can you please add me phase p2 or you can tell me your psn you can just use my PSN it’s DJ hit d.j h IP very simple 5 letters its opponent that’s the full description flow has for his own name

It’s got 5 letters what it does I mean what else did you want me to say about it I don’t know dude anything you’ve never even asked me where the name came from I did a long-ass time ago when I forgot oh well I see pretended to listen I

Guess there is phase p2 ok so back in the day I would have been 20-something I met a guy named Jamie Watson all right now Jamie Watson look don’t [ __ ] breathe like you’re already getting bored you piece of [ __ ] Jamie Watson I spent a little bit of time as a sub TPT

Gran’s I just checked out his channel awesome you can’t say that when it’s your own channel anyways he was a professional wrestler for some time well I guess not professional I guess you’d call it amateur cuz I like he was last week yeah so I was big into that too and

I was like yeah man oh I love wrestling I’ll go wrestle with you so we went to go get trained by Mark Bartolucci eldorado and we were gonna be a tag team and we needed a name so we were hit and I was DJ hit he was MC run now if you

Could picture it Jamie smaller than I am all I want to picture the idea is we would be the guys that lose all the time you know like the jabbers and there’s gonna be great and then we never ended up to it cuz they just it didn’t work out like L

Toronado I’m Tyson ducks I had to go to TA and these are the guys training us and we were training you know you know chebbi off the air until you know where the animal places now yeah yeah so it was in that building is where we had the

Ring it was ready old department store was cheese and flyaways these guys had to [ __ ] off and why they cuz they got trying to TNA so just bailed on your class well yeah why it was only me and Jamie in the class center positions this

Yeah but I mean he was doing it for free you know and pay or anything so I mean you can’t be like no don’t [ __ ] go stay here and not make a dime and then Jamie moved away and last I heard he was dating some dude outlast which was surprising good times right

Good times Oh Cal you’re a piece of [ __ ] dude I’ve lost I blame you because I was telling you a story geeky Santa yeah man I got there you not in here I sent you it anyway I’ll send you another one face Badou oh wait I think you’re right

Here he regards another involve you with I run home dude dang PT grins I just checked out your channels awesome y’all should sub to him from Arctic gamer oh well that’s good I will not assume that P tigran’s has another YouTube account at all thanks Arctic oh no that was fast maybe

I don’t know where that was that was fast it’d be hard to switch that fast unless he had two devices logged in no man no no one’s ever lying on the end ever exactly that’s a truthful place full of hard-working humble Americans I will say

Though if you’re in the cat go to PT Brenda’s channel I’m saying that cuz it’s not fair for me to [ __ ] on his mic would if coincidentally this kid was just like yeah I checked out the chance awesome and I’m over here [ __ ] on the credibility you [ __ ] way [ __ ] lost

Oh man and I just keep getting further down well you know what this calls for time to dig up stupid oh my god Oh would you [ __ ] calm down Oh oh my god cow what I’m getting angry stick in this hellhole I’m gonna have to dig up Giga I Came down here for iron I can’t [ __ ] find any I want to do is make an anvil also I can name my dog all this trouble for fatty with you don’t screaming I am now so once you tell us the start calc because I always have to [ __ ] tell

Stories well this one time miss him I am that bad dude yeah [ __ ] that’s what I need all right go on one time let’s verify you stopped so just good time then just stop really that’s it I completely lost track of what I say I’m so focused right now ok

So I was supposed to go on a date tonight yeah why what happened I didn’t feel like it and then I just straight up for god oh god cuz like last thing you’re like I want to come water tell everyone about my day these people probably watch yesterday’s and like what the [ __ ]

So you first didn’t feel like it and then forgot which I guess I wouldn’t really matter you forgot because I didn’t feel like it anyways yeah exactly right but thanks affected you and and what well which he texts you what’d you say I’m here where are you I’ve bought your ticket now she’s

Well we got this she was busy oh you’re like one of Canada’s greatest [ __ ] the storytellers you know that this is this is why I feel like I should get into comedy yeah just work with it I got a feeling I’m coming up under the ocean

Here it’s very loud all of a sudden where were you gonna go anyways I hadn’t even figured that out that’s the thing right like I still don’t know what does matter if you [ __ ] don’t know now Oh I would say she although you know what the [ __ ] but how much is enough I

Don’t know what she knows about like if you know where you work yes sort of sort of so you lied about that too no she does I worked there well then how would she sort of know she straight up knows Oh save you I thought you to answer like a normal human

I’m sure you were glad it Oh sorta was that ER Noel – yeah Oh [ __ ] Wow I don’t know where I am but that was a long [ __ ] slog on there zombies [ __ ] gonna get all the way over here where this [ __ ] I was like a horrible

[ __ ] over here spiders and creepers and blobs and zombies right here a couple months ago my friends cousin a single mother I like where this is going bottom cell phone after a long day of work she came home placed her phone on the counter and went to watch TV and

Watch cheese more he’s got a tight day big low 420 gaming yo what’s good Cowlitz good man it’s a lock well not the man how you doing big slippery Jeff on my tail dude slippery bastard nope still need to know what these [ __ ] totems do [ __ ] call me done blew

Himself up big low game good waiting to get on my minecraft on my shitty world you ever terrace it Oh a bass going on you look like an airline pilot good entire city world that’s awesome probably looks 3d and cool yeah [ __ ] how did I do with that iron

That’s just matter does it matter finally I got my anvil oh are you supposed to do it I can [ __ ] name stuff you can name stuff now that you have an anvil yeah daddy’s absolutely no sense but you can’t the cost 100 got to tags it’s a

Fatty we’re doing on them so I’m gonna put one on my dog boom there we go may you have an axe please sure I’m gonna do with the other one I’m gonna try and put on you that’s easier oh yeah it was a lot bigger but ps4 [ __ ] the bed and you

Forgot to download the save into the cloud [ __ ] so I could put it on a new ps4 oh my god you divide you kiss for rich guy oh let me take the rest of the story really sometimes just what to say I like you [ __ ] heard the first part and it

Wasn’t that exciting she came home bought a phone watched some TV and that was it you left us in suspense for the rest of it was this sounds like a normal day to me yeah I come home put my phone down watching the TV where are you cow no idea just off in

The wilderness searching for adventure like this are you like I feel like you’re lying and you’re just sitting in an empty room [ __ ] are you actually in the wilderness well so I don’t [ __ ] see you anyway exactly it’s not in the wilderness dude I’m a danger arranger I don’t think of your stupid

House hurt my dog well you got going on in there dude you shouldn’t be living things into my house I see that it took a lot of damage and so did Fatima Youth but if you want you or ask the party member to another damn I want to know

What there you think yeah check it out where oh here we go her son came to her and asked to keep the plate of the new phone she told him not to call anyone her mess with text messages and he agreed it’s this [ __ ] story’s getting

Deep fatty get over here you mother when the kid accidentally opened who needs oh oh well I mean oh not for the kid but for me I can imagine some exquisite well fati would you get your ass inside it’s raining maybe a wet dog smell or

[ __ ] fatty Magoo I tell you Oh No DJ hey you know what the f is going on I do penguin I always know what’s going on well unless you’re asking me like you know what’s going on you know I don’t know what’s good but if you’re not asking me

I do know what’s going on fatty who did you [ __ ] around inside at around 11:20 she was drowsy so she decided to tuck her son in and go to bed she walked to his room and saw that he wasn’t there oh this is bad parenting but you want

More food Jesus man she then ran over to her room to find him sleeping on her bed with the phone in his hand oh she’s just a paranoid lunatic he was there the whole time I mean still sounds like your kind of lady oh the dog just shook water off

When he came in the house that was so like this is the most graphically intense game I’ve ever played at this point he literally [ __ ] shook and water came off of him do you understand what I’m saying here cow I think so name another game that

Has that not even like the [ __ ] Last of Us Red Dead Redemption – doesn’t even have those physics relieved she picked her phone back up from his hand to expect at browsing church she notice only minor changes such as a new background a banner etc yo I got suspended today but that’s when

The fun enough to though cuz he did small [ __ ] what did you do penguin but then she opened up her safe picture she began believing the pictures he had taken until only one new picture remained what’s a kunti thing to do what the kid wants to see the picture look yeah

Where’s that picture I took I [ __ ] deleted it [Applause] and he tells me this is gonna be a scary story and show really doesn’t like scary stories and I’m super excited we’d like a stream authority but then she opened up her safe oh wait I read

That one when she first saw it she was in disbelief it was her son sleeping on her bed but the picture was taken by someone else above him and showed the left half of an elderly woman’s face dude I’m stoked yeah thanks man that was

A good story help me my friend told our web design teacher you wanna know what I do because to be honest he you left it like right up right up the hook you kind of left the story I want to know who this woman was what was her motive wasn’t the grandma

That was just like the end she didn’t give a [ __ ] and then went on tinder Sam I just caught a clownfish from Finding Nemo that’s pretty good though I enjoyed that story and penguin getting suspended for seducing his love design teacher no that’s right – yeah

Remember baby it’s not gay if you’re in web design class oh my god Cal you are like [ __ ] way off the map right we’re gonna like I pulled out my map just to see where you were yeah I thought it was heading back towards you well I can’t

Even tell our teacher took us to the principal’s office and guess what I don’t know if you really want me to guess he [ __ ] bent me over the desk this one is called ghost bro I said I don’t know if you should give away the whole story in the title of the

Story now I know the brothers a ghost my house was built in 1904 it is a single family home wood frame setting on a concrete block foundation I’ve been living here for about 12 years it’s a lot of detail for just the house no detail about anything else it’s just

The structure of the house law it’s important to the story apparently that’s the only thing that’s important to the story I told our principal that our teacher swak and chose and the principal is like shout out I’ll show you whack well down those beds knocking on the door any minute now

Shaking it and teachers should take it as a call for me well I agree you thought he was fetching that was a fetching nice booty you have professor of all the weird things that my siblings and me have seen or heard in this house this one event is my favorite this

Happen to my brother oh that’s where the title comes from and like ghost brother no he says hey look at that ghost bro oh my god you are the most automatic we hope the Minecraft world is round so I can run all the way around it and come

Back I thought what the [ __ ] man about ten years ago my brother and his best friends had started a garage band playing mostly Spanish rock alternative music but in Spanish my friend said that it’s not like we called him an n-word well I mean but that [ __ ] defense yeah

Yeah that’s like sure thank you I but I didn’t kill two guys his friend could only get together on Sunday afternoons they would practice into the early evening and they would usually call it quits by 8:00 he said the whole word and we got suspended yeah man you gotta pick your

Battles you can’t you know why didn’t call him this yeah I mean either suspended you two I guess what do you keep hating me for keeping what do you need I need a way home yeah let me pull out the old map here and see where you’re getting like

Further north but not closer I mean all you’re telling me your penguin is it really doesn’t sound like it was worth it trolling your web design teacher the end of the day this was the time I usually showed up and went to bed because I work the graveyard shift wait I thought if

You work the graveyard shift and you go into bed earlier than afternoon or evening are you saying like when they show it out the website rip now more I action for these pesky boys oh man you got in trouble because we’re trying to get a thigh action it’s not the

Escalator I still don’t have an answer for what grade you’re in sure how to react to this this happened in late Falls for the days were getting shorter they just finished a long session when the decision to head to someone else’s house came about I’m trying to cook cook

To patience I’ve ever never troll a web design teacher don’t matter how thick justly what grade are you in faith said he found three two diamonds but he has three hearts he keeps updating me on how many hearts he has which is nice I keep track of how he’s doing

See what Cal is now you’re just getting higher and higher up on my map and further further away he’s in high school point me in the right direction my brother handed his car keys to his buddy so they can load up the equipment everyone filed out of the basement you

Can’t cook puffer fish it’s getting further and further away here’s the here’s what I’ll do I’m gonna go have a smoke and I’ll come find you okay like a lot he’s pointing the right direction no I can’t tell from here Okay I’m back penguin says once you get to Mike I’ll tell you the whole story I got keep reading this story are you ready hmm everyone was outside sitting my brother’s trek waiting for him my brother was walk up the back stairs when he remembered that he had left his

Pancakes in a to-go container saved on a speaker in the basement he made the decision to go back now the basement is not cleaned with full sight lines that had been partitions made and the boiler and made heating unit a right smack in the middle that’s just bad design so

After my brother walks that he’s about to retrieve his food container went out of the corner of his eye he sees it the maple shirt is empty not even right that I just forgot about it and then Mike wood says what does the home-ec an umpty says it is the shadowy

Figure right at his peripheral vision this feeling of dread and uneasiness washed over my brother contagion said I feel like I’m back on 4chan with these stories and I’m coming to rescue you man my old school creepypasta party yeah just whatever wait you just walk to walk back the way you came okay

Um Oh what the [ __ ] get away from me get away from me we have been taught that if you’re in the presence of a spirit or ghost and if you felt a bad vibe to say a quick tear or to cuss at it well that’s two different ends of the

Spectrum there our Father who out in heaven please get the [ __ ] away from me ghosty oh I don’t think if you ever saw a ghost cussing at it is gonna help okay screaming Fanny my brother chose the ladder he basically just told it hey [ __ ] you I don’t have time for this [ __ ]

But fair enough he’s got pancakes in a to-go container he’s got [ __ ] to do was who eats cold [ __ ] pancakes right I was slow down a hole I’m coming man it took me a while in fact this whole map isn’t your cover you’re off of the

Page of this map jxp gaming says I’m helping lower youtubers out by giving raids and shouting people out who sub to me 2k 2.9 K subs all right on hands – in God’s pool of lava in the desert near the desert do I know you’re off my

[ __ ] map I’ve gone as far as I can this way now my Maps not gonna help me anymore I don’t even know she will know right away my brother started to walk to the back of the basement and briskly up the stairs closing doors and turning off

Lights as he was walking out there’s a [ __ ] ghost why you turning the lights off I tell the ghost I’d buy him a Twix bar – leave me alone gonna faint gonna go for that [ __ ] like show me the Twix fire slack off you’re gonna buy me once and

Wait for your ass to get to the store with a [ __ ] deal the last light switch is on the opposite side in the front door luckily the door was open and the light from the street lamp was flooding later in his amber light the scariest thing about this story is the atrocious

Design of this house the Paradis is in the middle the light switch is on the opposite died side of the door so like when you open it you got to reach her out the open door when you come home to turn the light off I’m get closer to you how much water did

You cross without a boat man boats in this can build a boat across any water oh well what if my brother said he felt something at his back but at no point did he turn around has he flicked the last switch the liver went dark I stood you next to the house

Did your brother get out or is he dead be right back my refried beans I take it They’re really just heating up I mean they’re already cooked that’s my cousin twice I know right that was just to say cuz they’re already refried so they’ve been cooked once and then refried what the [ __ ] is going where are you it’s a weird place man look at the math

I’m getting closer but now I got a [ __ ] impassable cliff face in front of me yeah [ __ ] high there’s all these green mossy blocks everywhere as he steps down he pulled on the door closing it behind him still holding his food container in one hand he jogged down a few front porch steps

Well I shall all the waterfall here food rations and running low voice he walked towards the front gate a house resides a far from the main street essentially having a large front yard but no rear garage feel like I’m under house hunters’ there’s a lot of details in

This houses layout all this for some pancakes though oh my god Cal are you walking back towards me I don’t know I can’t tell I’m getting close the only problem is I can only see when I’m at the same sort of level but not where you

Are as he closed the gap between himself and his friend Laden truck he kind of smiled and thought things over in his head mad at himself for spooking out when there is no reason I guess they really mad to you and climbed into the driver’s side of

The truck putting on a seatbelt and getting ready to pull out of the parking spot directly in front of the house and one of his friends asked oh my god a cake okay this is big [ __ ] do you see this big island that looks like a dragon

No what do you see around you please [ __ ] oh my god you’re [ __ ] now I’m further than you are oh hey nice well I gotta [ __ ] go back it’s the good news is I must be heading the right way yeah hey what about your brother isn’t he coming with us

My brother answered what do you mean he went to work really tonight he’s already gone do you see his car anywhere and then the tag it’s good yo this joint scrumptious which I assume is what you call refried bean rolled in a tortilla with a little bit of sour cream

Yeah that sounds good after that joint which makes him alone the next question they asked so that who was walking behind you when you were leaving the house Which he retired it was Aunt Jemima the goddess of pancakes the end that was almost a long I hope you do in the criminal justice system they’re typically get important sides the ghosts and the pancake lovers ball ball I found an NPC village dog really that’s

What I was looking for I’m just going around lighting forests on fire unfortunately they’re all dead yeah oh they got lots potatoes are still nice Daedalus yeah looks like it’s all he’s done hi two plays hold on man I did like it actually I do enjoy stories and since

Cal she’s stupid be cut off already it’s always nice little summer in the chat so it’s one time and why is it always start like that because that’s how good story stuff right okay oh here’s an MPC doctor any doctor oh he’s a librarian he will offer me an emerald

For some paper or an enchanted book for another book oh uh huh huh you want it you want the box burritos are just mexican blunts stay woke oh here’s all the villages there’s a [ __ ] ton of them you will trade me an emerald for string or arrows for an

Emerald wait [ __ ] there’s a lot of them do you give me betrayed me I’m rolled for some carrots but I don’t throw any emeralds for to buy stuff from the different maps will you check out my channel 2 plays please I’m sure he will I got a ton of crazy stories for my

School you know about what I’m kicked out of do you want another story yes I do a lawyer right not when I’ll tell you about the time I saw a ghost I’ll buckle up kids soon be here it was years ago I used to haunt my friend Jay’s house and

We called him ghosty oh he was a real dick like he’d be eating a bowl of SpaghettiOs you know real late at night and he would just like it would be sitting on your lap you’d be sitting there eating it and he would [ __ ]

Flip the bowl over on you and I gotta go to sleep in a little but I will sub to get notified nice to be good oh cool thank you ok it’s a shorter story while I’m on here we finish my [ __ ] go steel Spaghettio story so and then I saw

This ghost one night because he had a an Arnold Schwarzenegger calendar I liked every month was a different picture of Arnold for one of his movies yeah when it was on the commando month I swear to God I saw the ghost flied from the Arnold picture and it distorted it a

Little and then at one time we were climbing this shelf in his basement and he like grabbed on my arm cuz he was a dick Jay got the ghost and we both fell off the [ __ ] shelf let me on the cement floor and we got knocked

Out for a couple hours and I believed that all the ghosts you made me think you were seeing ghosts because you walked your head a couple times I know it’s Todd before but I did sleep walk around his house one night and when I slept over and his mom got

All mad and she was up and she wanted what the [ __ ] going on because I walk around the house right and I’m looking around in the oven for something it’s like go back to bed and that was a [ __ ] you it’s not here and I ripped the

[ __ ] oven door right off yeah I swear to god man I just [ __ ] ripped it right off as you know it’s just those two little [ __ ] like hooked in jizz that go on an oven door I just pulled the [ __ ] right off I was sleepwalking chase not those the funny [ __ ] ever man

Well he’s you’re sorry I was her own story one night when I was maybe 10 to 12 I had trouble falling asleep and that’s what I discovered well it’s a little freaky iris here I’m not related oh yeah yeah I think I know where you are I was there once

I’m lost now because I was looking for your stupid ass hey I’m lost too my bedroom was the entire top floor of our house with my bed it’s such being on the left side and storage closet to the play area being on the right this kid gets the entire [ __ ] toddler

What an [ __ ] Beverly Hills kid face to do and my bedroom lovely let’s see boy oh my god Cal you really pissed me off here I just took my pants off because I just spilled my bowl of beans uh obviously bad when I heard a noise from

The other side of the room and see a rocking horse begin to rock okay then once upon a time I was telling a story about how I was telling her steering the end checking wicking stuff to plays pulitzer-prize ready so does this game follow logic like the Sun rises in the

East and sets in the west because that might help me oh no try it there’s a [ __ ] pig hanging out with a spider and a creeper I think I might be me now you [ __ ] big old bag of baked beans I was just sitting outside where the storage closets proceeded to rock and

Halfway across the room would stop dead under the ceiling light yes it does follow logic would you at least finish let this guy finish his [ __ ] story yes so I’m [ __ ] completely [ __ ] lost looking for your ass somewhere in the ocean well yeah I got that night I

Bought a bad night man’s where the pumpkins on my head oh there we go I can’t see [ __ ] but I got pumpkin on there there’s a brown stain on my khakis I’m getting a good beat and you just got suspended all your [ __ ] mom’s gonna kill you at this point I was freaking

Out and just buried my head out of my blankets and I got kicked out again until morning it was all confirmed could not be a dream as the rocking horse was still in the middle of the world when you woke up like God calleb so [ __ ] lost furthermore I got a stern reprimand

For my parents for being up out of bed playing with your toys of all past dead ah [ __ ] because we’re those tall black fellas here the Slenderman there’s a creeper behind you watch out Jesus Christ the bedroom was directly below the storage closet play area and had

Heard the creaking of the rocking horse shuffling across the room just I mean your tent and your dick you’re playing in the rocking horse yes a lot of places oh my god Network air oh my freaking gone bad if you die lying at Taco John’s the [ __ ]

Whole game crashed here cows out of my party I don’t know if the streams on well I stink well hand what the [ __ ] of these things which is oh [ __ ] yeah I think I’ll end it there the streets still going because a lot of other one takes everyone I think I think

Will stream in the day tomorrow too so got nothing going on come on back yes James but it’s so weird when I get a [ __ ] hour care i lost cow the middle of [ __ ] nowhere I went looking for eyes another creeper [ __ ] any safe place to stop this I think I’m

Getting there alright lads and ladies thanks for [ __ ] calming by I got a couple people I gotta go sub to PT grads but you’re one of them all PT creds I know you walk with a still after you alot my crash really [ __ ] but I gotta

Look like the total dog I’m gonna go sub to you and we’re well welcome back to work [ __ ] I gotta remember I’m going this way alright thanks guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft More Neighbors #3 spooky story edition’, was uploaded by Phil the Comedian on 2017-10-06 05:42:41. It has garnered 51 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:48 or 7428 seconds.

I battle the vidicators while cal plays one handed Plus spooky stories from the chat

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    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More