stampylonghead – Checking Out Old Minecraft Worlds On Xbox 360 – 🔴 Live

Video Information

Hello this is stampy and welcome to a another live stream first live stream of 2022. uh so i guess first off a happy new year everyone uh it’s been quite a while since my uh last live stream and one of the the reasons i stopped like streaming oh

I got a message from covid trace uh yeah so one of the reasons i stopped streaming is because uh we don’t have very good internet where we live because we live like in like a field uh and the internet was really bad but we got the internet upgraded so i

Thought everything was better now but i noticed just as like it was doing the intro music for the stream there was like a few little lag spikes so i thought it was okay because squishy’s been streaming and not had any problems so i’m hoping that uh there won’t be any

Lag issues but um yeah i guess we’ll see and the other thing to mention is that uh i did have covid over the holidays um i’m now better i’m completely over it the only thing is is i do have like a bit of a lingering cough and apparently

That can last for quite a few weeks so i just i don’t really have any option like like you know i can’t just not record or do anything during that time so i’m hoping i’ll be okay um i have recorded other things and managed to be okay not coughing so i’m

Hoping i’ll be okay for the stream but the problem is is i tend to cough when i laugh and i’m about to be playing minecraft with a guitar hero controller so i’m probably going to be laughing quite a lot so um if yeah i might just be coughing a bit uh sorry like

I had covered like what your way to do so i’m fine if everest thank you everyone saying get well soon like i’m i’m fine i’m better like i never had it like like it was quite bad like it wasn’t it wasn’t nice in any way like i had a

Really bad headache like my limbs ached i was just really tired i was coughing sneezing you know i had like a lot of those symptoms that were just really uncomfortable but i didn’t have any of the the scary symptoms i didn’t have any like you know short breath or trouble

Breathing or anything like that so um yeah but it lasted for a long time it went on for um yeah probably about 10 days of feeling ill and um i was wasn’t expecting it to last as long as it did um but yeah through the other side of it now uh

Doing good um get vaccinated if you can is i guess what i’d say like i was vaccinated but um yeah i would be uh worried to to know what it would have been like uh if i wasn’t but uh yeah pastor of that so um yeah we’re doing what like the title

Isn’t like clickbait like we’re gonna be playing the plan is to play through uh i got the minecraft xbox 360 edition i set up my old xbox 360 that i used to do all my lovely world videos on it’s sitting right there and i’m gonna try and play

Through the tutorial world while using a controller so we came up with this idea because um it’s kind of become a bit of a tradition now uh well it’s only been two years running but for two years in a row me and squishy uh have ended up

Playing guitar hero on new year’s eve basically because um obviously both these times we couldn’t go on anywhere or do anything so it’s just fun isn’t it so we have downstairs we have an xbox 360 which is just the dedicated like guitar hero jukebox like it’s not in connected to

The internet it’s just there still connected up to play guitar hero and so we played kataro for ages and then we quit the game and i noticed there’s a few just other really random games installed there was like f1 2013 was installed on it for some

Reason and we tried playing that with a guitar hero but couldn’t get through the uh the tutorial with the guitar uh and then i saw minecraft was there but it was only the trial of minecraft uh and we loaded that up and i was trying to

Get through it and at first it seemed completely impossible like all i was just endlessly spinning in a circle and then like i just dug a hole and i was just digging down through the ground punching through the stone it was just funny and then i realized that by using

The whammy bar i could kind of choose which way i turn and it kind of got to the point where i was like this may be like kind of possible so i don’t this might not work it this might be a fail and i don’t have a backup so hopefully fingers cross it

Does work but it may not work and i got scared because i was reading the chat before the stream was about to start and everyone’s saying like he’s doing what like surely that’s not even possible and i was like yeah maybe it isn’t possible maybe maybe you have a bit of a point

So it might not be possible also there’s a tweet i need to give a shout out to someone because this tweet really made me laugh um let me see who it is uh i don’t know if they’re a fan or a troll wait do they follow they follow me so i guess they’re

A fan um yes this is from uh kieran who just says uh people in 2002 were saying by 2022 we will have flying cars and then stampy long nose in 2022 and then he just tweeted the title of the stream playing minecraft with a guitar hero controller it just really made me laugh

That made me realize how dumb what i’m about to to do is uh but yeah that made me laugh so if you are here kieran very funny uh you were you made me laugh all right let’s say yeah let’s say hello to people i’m going to do what uh what i

Used to do back in the day when i used to stream uh i’m going to freeze the the chat so if everyone says hello i’ll freeze it on one page and i’ll just shout out every single person on that page there’s just one batch of people where everyone’s going to get a

Shout out so say hello now if you want to have a chance i will freeze the screen into one go right it’s paused so hello to to yousef uh harrison north hello to dylan hello to xomadi hello to hit the target x54 system hello to master of disguise 101 hello to sapong

Uh hello to uh ryan clan hello to cool blue hello to doodle the noodle so far my favorite username uh out of this group hello to uh lao cha fam hello to randy heath hello to omar’s gaming squad hello to emmanuel hello to austin fire and just a spoon

Hello to all of you and welcome to everyone else in the the stream uh so yeah as i said i do have the um the the game loaded up in the old xbox 360 edition uh yeah before we go into the game i want to say uh thank you as

Well uh to some new members and some donations uh that came through while i was uh well i was blabbering on and oh don’t do this again it’s doing the thing where my my pinned comment like covers up their username i’m gonna have to like read through oh it’s from mook mcmahon

Uh says uh i love you stumpy uh you’re a great youtuber uh you’re determined and child friendly uh and you’re a guitar hero and i’m never gonna give up on you oh thank you so much what a lovely comment to start with i think he’s wrong

Too out to anna who says happy new year hope you’re doing well uh doing as okay as i could be considering everything uh thank you also uh to to face uh for becoming a uh a member for two months who says hi sami hope you’re feeling

Better uh i am as i said uh basically better lingering cough which thankfully hasn’t surfaced yet but probably will once uh we get a little bit later on into the stream i think you also too uh to hopeful who says uh i wanted to thank you for raising a generation as well as

Uh jx liza who says hi stampy i love you you’re a big part of my life uh thank you to clumsy smurf who says i’ve been wanting you to do this for a long time what a very specific thing for you to want me to to do

Um well i’m glad the the weight has paid off i actually did consider this age remember when i used to do like challenges all of the time and i do like playing the game or looking in the mirror while in the bath like i did like all of these silly challenges like doing

It with squidward we’re both holding the controller together i did actually plan to do this but then i played it and i thought it was impossible at the time so i decided not to but i now think it might be possible but we’re going to

Have to wait and see uh thank you to uh to typo beats he says um hey sami uh been watching your video since i was a kid yada yada you’ve heard that a lot but what are your thoughts on breath of the wild too i mean i want to

Play it like breath of the world one is like one of my favorite games ever uh like i saw the trailer and it didn’t like blow me away but like i trust that they’re going to to do a good job so i am like no matter

What i’m going to play it i’m excited for it but uh yeah it doesn’t seem like a massive evolution from the first breath of the wild from what i’ve seen so far but i’m hoping to get surprised uh so yeah that’s my thoughts uh thank you to alex

Slusher as well as ac philbert who says a happy new year uh how was your christmas uh christmas was fine uh thank you ac filbert uh hopefully yours was good like it was nice it was like we weren’t allowed to like leave the house you know because me and squishy were

Both in in like lockdown you know like we want we literally weren’t even allowed to go like walk the docks like we’re allowed to go in the garden and stuff so we had a cozy one in front of the fire we played a board game um

Yeah we watched stuff you know it was a you know it was a nice day but you know it wasn’t like a big you know celebration but we’ve just kind of delayed christmas uh we’re gonna have christmas like at some point this month instead just because you know none of

The family could get together so in a way that was just like like preview christmas and we got real christmas is still to come thank you also to i am jamie who says happy new year uh question for the mysterians as well as that lewis guy who

Says hello stephanie how was your new year uh that was fine so that was where as i was saying that’s where i got the idea from this because we ended up playing minecraft on a guitar hero controller on new year’s eve so um yeah it’s it’s if nothing else it spawned

This live stream uh thank you to uh to tropical catcher as well as a han solo cousin welcome back a regular here thank you to uh to grayson c as well as bully maguire we’ve been watching through the um the old spider-man films of tobey maguire so uh yeah get the reference uh

Thank you also to uh to ryan tune uh co-captain blues gaming once again a regular here uh who asked how your christmas was i just answered that uh oh also said do you remember me from the other streams i do as i just proved uh thank you also to uh potatoes a harry

Sports legend uh flip flip uh who says playing minecraft in vr i don’t think i can do minecraft in vr because i don’t think it works on the headset that i got unless i do some hacky thing but that might come in the future it would be fun and then you also

To uh to sound the cookie lord uh still before you uh sebastian uh cleric uh ender jay and carl mclaughin i think the the name is who says our stamping we need an updated setup tour i might do that as a short at some point in the future because i’ve

Been doing a lot of shorts recently and they’ve been really fun and people have been enjoying them so that might uh come up in the the future but anyway i’ve rambled on way too long uh let’s uh let’s get into the gameplay then let’s uh let’s let’s play this uh with uh the

Katara controller so as i said this is my my old xbox uh it’s not connected to the internet it doesn’t need to be so i want to start a new oh how do i start a new tutorial i’ll create there we go play tutorial look we’ve got

Look at all these look at all these old magic animal club podcast building time ocean then stampy’s lovely world before my bedroom got blown up my sketchbook world the moon look at look at all that that’s that’s quest that is there stampy’s bedroom my bed bugs from my bed

Bug short oh little snout here it hurts uh oh oh let’s see let’s have a look through some of these then before we oh oh oh is this the whammy bar what was oh no look me look me doing star power if i do this up it like goes through the

Menu really fast that’s not good because i’m so fidgety all right guys it’s going to be so difficult when we actually try and play there why is it why is it going back up is it because of this do i need to go like this look it’s scrolling

Every time i say it was working a sec oh there we go okay it’s working now i just i just won’t move uh empty lovely don’t know what empty lovely is maybe we could explore some of these after the after i failed to do this and see how

That works uh stop scrolling back up uh oh like life of a dirt block minecon intro that’s from there’s a video me and squid made that would play our intro at minecon so that’s the uh that’s the world from that uh bed nymphs that’s once again from my bed bug short

More option server version one that all that is um oh that that this is my old um community world tell you what we will have a look at these after after we um after we try this challenge and we could maybe uh load up a few and have a little

Glimpse at some of them but stop i’m not setting it to scroll down don’t go up thank you i was off straight in straight i thought it would ask me to do some settings but no straight in so my goal is to to finish the tutorial i don’t oh

As you can see i don’t know how possible this will be so um i kind of need you to see the guitar a little bit better uh i guess i if i go like this if i curl up like this so i’ve worked out that the

Whammy bar if i push it in if i put it in slightly i can stop myself spinning okay but then if i push it right in i can spin in the other direction the problem is that i’m looking at the ground and then i think if i do this i punch

Okay i do but i don’t i don’t i don’t want to dig the blob but you can see i i’m fudge if i lift it up uh and then okay so yeah i can get through the menus so use left analog stick to walk around well thank you 4j

Studios you’re idiots i don’t have a left analog stick we you didn’t think about that when you designed the xbox 360 edition did you why don’t you cater for people like us we’ve been neglected so yeah i can jump this is basically like a b

So that would be to drop things so why should that bring up my inventory right okay it does it’s like bring up my inventory uh okay i can exit the inventory and then so this will be crafting will be here and then orange oh oh look orange allows me to go

Through my quick select oh perfect so this must be one of the bumpers i suppose um and then just does this do anything this doesn’t seem to do anything and then so this is obviously the right analog stick so what i can do is um

So if i go low okay this is this way we’re gonna have to do this if i go to options settings all right no uh it has been a while so yeah if i said it to not be inverted then i should start slowly looking up because i was slowly looking down before

So if i do this and i’ll start looking up and then stop stop stop stop stop okay i’ve looked up enough okay so now i can go to options controls and set it to self-port then now i shouldn’t start looking up and down oh i’m walking i’m walking

Okay oh no but i need to i need to um can i stay here i need to turn around a bit so i can get to a tree to try and break a tree oh no i don’t want to jump oh i’m just going i’m just

Going to swear i’ll just go for a swim then do i do i actually need to to chop things down or can i can i just go so basically i gotta put to go forward in a straight line i need to push this slightly down i can’t leave the area

Until i’ve completed the tutorial right okay we need to turn around okay so to turn around i need to go options controls turn southpaw off then i’ll turn us down stop and then i need to go to options controls uh no sorry controls gotta tell you what

I’m glad i’m doing this on console edition not bedrock because the menus even on xbox 360 the menus are faster than bedrock on an xbox series x so i then do this so now i’m going to go back in the other direction i need to try and line up with a tree oh

Wait have i stopped oh wait a minute the way i hold the guitar is letting me go forward and back or can i go backwards is that a thing oh wait can i go backwards i can go back i can go forward and backwards oh this is going to be so

Much easier right look if i go over here i can get to where i stop in front of the tree but then stop moving so if i go stop stop stop stop okay this is good and then i now i need to punch the tree uh

Oh sorry don’t i do this to punch oh no i’ve got faster i wonder if i could like dig a hole next to the tree well let’s just try and get to another tree uh i’m kind of looking slightly up which is a bit annoying but i kind of have like full movement

Okay let’s jump over the tree no i need to punch straight away that’s it no oh i moved that was my fault though oh there we go i’m doing it i’m doing it no that was so close wait if i if i jump up oh there we go

I’m doing it i’m breaking the tree i’m breaking oh wait it stopped keep going keep going that’s it so i need to hold it like completely vertical i did it i need only i need to chop down four four blocks of wood apparently um okay well that’s that’s that’s two done

So now we need to turn around so options controls southport it goes so fast oh i i think i looked out look down really fast is that because of this okay so i need to be facing This all that that way like here oh there we go i can turn this way so i i want to look up a bit so i need to change the inversion oh do you know what i could do i could put down like the turn sensitivity really low um

There we go games oh yeah look game sensitivity is really high if i put this really low that might make it a little bit easier let me know if you have any tips for like any other like settings that i could do to make this easier

Okay so this should there we go look this is making the turning way slower so this should make this all a little bit easier so i want to look up a little bit so i need to do uh change the inversion again don’t i

There we go and so if i try and keep myself just like facing forward uh there we go that’s a good height that’s making this a whole bunch easier so then now if i go about go back to southpaw there we go now i can walk forward slowly

And try and line up with the trick the hard thing is the is the right trigger is this point see why is it not so yeah i got to be right vertical but then it’s making me move forward that’s the part that’s tricky i might have an idea i might have an

Idea for what i could do for that i have another controller right i’m gonna get rid of say goodbye to this controller look how gross this controller is by the way it’s like it used to be like covered in all of like the stickers it came with

But they’re all like falling off and stuff it works fine guitar hero was actually the um it was the the first game i ever got on the uh on the xbox 360 because uh i i got my xbox from my uh from my mum and she was like you can like have

One game and i was like i’m gonna be smart here i’m gonna pick the game that has a big expensive plastic controller to go along with it so she’ll buy that game and i can buy all the other normal games so the first game i ever had on

Xbox 360 was a was guitar hero so this this this guitar is from guitar hero world tour and i didn’t like the game as much or this controller but this controller is slightly different and might make things slightly easier the other advantage of of this controller i don’t

Know is my zooming going to work no it’s not but if you see here there’s a little sticker on the uh guitar let me uh let me focus this in so you can see that you see that there that’s that’s that’s uh that’s hannah montana there’s a little sticker

Of hannah montana and it says rock and roll and i just really think that’s just going to make this a whole bunch easier uh having that sticker on it and i think that’s going to make a big difference oh this one’s wireless as well so this is like

This is like futuristic let’s see if it’s going to let me uh connect the controller it has so the the actual thing why i think this controller might be better so it’s got a it’s got a star power button so on the other one i had to like

Do this in order to to make it um uh yeah to to get it to do it and i think i’m just going to take this off because it’s not really uh it’s already needed right now so maybe with this one if i just like um

Just press it it might make it a little bit easier thank you so much for the way to uh to nero for the 20 nation he says i remember when you made every kid think you could make a rocket in minecraft i did make a rocket in minecraft there’s

Video proof of it i made the rocket making the rocket fly was a different story uh yeah uh thank you also to uh tara larick as well as well as adam fleming who says our stampede thank you for everything uh your videos have helped me with my anxiety and i’m

Currently watching your videos i’ve watched three thousand 3860. uh i love you that’s a lot uh oh hello it’s motelrobo who says hello mr cat uh glad to see you are back streaming well it’s good to see you uh back watching anyway let’s give this a go let’s see if

This makes any difference see i don’t know whether any of the other buttons oh why am i why am i punching am i just endlessly punching on this one so the jump’s the same but i can still do this oh wait although no what but that’s like the back button or something okay

Um this may not be any easier but you know actually continually punching weird as it might sound might be easier anyway oh no but it means it’s always pressing the right trigger which means i’m going to be always scrolling down on the menus yellow oh i can’t go up

I can i can’t go up in the menus it’s constantly trying to do right trigger if i like can i turn it oh yeah it’s going like this but here’s what it’s like a sliding bit as well i don’t know if they’re just the same buttons

I don’t know if this is gonna work i think i might i think i might have to go back to the uh the old other trusted one unless there’s anything i can do with like turning it no the just the menus aren’t going to work and there’s there’s still no way for me

To turn around in game see my hope is it would be the same but i could press this button rather than tilting but that’s not going to work but i think i didn’t get it to work with the other one let’s not uh let’s not give up on that yet

Is it going to let me uh turn the controller off is the other question can i remember how do you turn controllers off in a xbox 360. do i just have to hold it for a while there we go that was it right turn off controller we’re going back to the other one

I have a quickly realized that completing the whole tutorial was maybe a little bit of an ambitious task oh dear i haven’t used like a a wired anything like controller in so long two guitars at once grinsin says i think i think like any any minor achievement i’m able to make though is

Going to feel like extra rewarding because of how difficult it is and i’m only going to get faster at this stuff once i start learning what i’m doing all right let’s turn around i’m slowly looking up still is there any way can i stop it oh wait

Ah that stopped it looking up gradually okay i really need to learn just to like hold the controller like flat and then i won’t be continually looking up and down so i always go to the wrong settings uh why is it scrolling back up okay so that’s uh

So just doing this do anything oh okay so i want to line up with the tree i wonder if i should dig a pit before trying because as soon as i do that actually this is kind of working if i get myself like con ready to break it

Oh watch am i going to do it can i kind of reach oh i can’t quite reach it i’m going to go forward oh there we go this is good though so i i need four pieces of wood uh also jump i don’t think all touch i

Think auto trump would make it harder because jumping’s easy jumping’s just like a regular button that’s not the the challenging part right i was able to get oh i’m kind of a bit stuck in this tree now though but i got the four pieces of wood that i need

So so what do i need to um uh what do i need to do now um excuse me in order to continue do i need to craft a um a crafting table is that what i needed to to do let me give that a go let me let me make

A crafting table see all the all this stuff i can do oh i didn’t mean to to drop that so let’s let’s look down a little bit and try and break my break my way out of here so if i yeah so if i do that i can start looking down slightly

It’s like i have full like movement and full turning just not at the same time so if i do that then can i break away the leaves i can okay perfect then now i need to go back to this and now i can move forward and go and grab that again

And then i want to make myself look up a little bit just so i can see where i’m going so now if i do this i can look up a little oh no don’t place blocks don’t why am i placing blocks now why did why did i place the what my

Input made the blocks get placed right let’s see if it will let me um let me let me see if it will let me uh leave this area now because it said that i needed to to get four bits of wood and i i have done that

So where was the uh where was the gate over here uh i might try picking up more of a of this tree if i can now i can’t oh why what’s making it i think having the controller and then like a certain angle makes me like place the blocks

That might make things really tricky i don’t know if i’ve gone to like the uh the wrong side of the area here so i can keep this flat now turn around i just need to see if i can exit this area i want to at least do one

Successful thing i feel i think you know what the hardest part of this where am i meant to get to oh it’s over there okay let’s try and uh let’s turn a little bit more then we’re going to try and head that way yeah i think that might be the hardest bit

The uh the continually placing blocks thing because like i guess like that’s like i guess i guess the way they do the star power is at every different angle it’s like a different button so it’s like left trigger or right trigger it’s so weird like how they’ve set this up

Uh right so let’s do this again now let’s go and uh start walking so this this actually walking around without turning works fine so i can even like control the speed i want to walk and go left and right so i’m using the i’m using the whammy

Bar if you can’t if you’re if you’re new to the stream i can’t tell how i’m doing this the wubby bar is how left and right i go the green button is jump and then the speed i walk that is how much i do that the question is is are they going to

To allow me to leave this area now that i’ve i’ve cut down those trees even though i did place the trees because it’s not it’s not telling me on screen something very specific to do right i’m gonna have to like walk a bit like a crab to get out oh you can’t

Leave the air until you’ve completed what else do i need to do now does anyone know um does anyone know what i need to do i next place my i could probably place my crafting table oh actually i yeah i guess the way to not place things is i can like switch through

To not be holding the thing and then i wouldn’t accidentally place anything uh check inventory why do i key i keep i keep i keep pressing left trigger on the the crafting table uh okay people are telling me to to press the inventory right here’s my inventory i could probably get some food

Don’t can i eat the food by doing like star power oh my god that’s how i eat the food okay so what’s it gonna tell me to do now is there anything else i need to do in this area i think i’m gonna just try get through this area and then i’m gonna

Give up with the the controller and we’ll do something else because i can imagine you’re probably all getting really frustrated with this oh snacks are saying that i need to build a house is that the first thing i need to do is build a house that’s not going to work well

Uh thank you to her to ben he says hi stuffy thanks for making my childhood as well as another donation from han solo cousin and uh a really generous donation uh from uh from jill who said he says that my sister has covered that’s really

A sorry to hear i don’t know if you heard the beginning of the stream but i just recovered from kovid and it wasn’t much fun but hopefully uh your sister is doing okay so what am i meant to do now it’s just kind of telling me everything you know i

Oh or wants me to open the crafting interface so crafting i can basically do do i need to do the yeah i can do this to get through those menus and then i can use the arrows to get through them once i’m in them uh press left trigger to place objects

Let’s see if it will give me one more easy task that i can i can complete and then we can we can give we can give up on this stupid challenge that i should never have attempted uh you cannot leave this area until you complete the tutorial okay that’s fine

But what else do you uh what else do you want me to do nearby there’s a minor shelter oh yeah i think i need to i need to complete the shelter and then to make it safe overnight okay like build building isn’t going to be an

Option i am i’m going to tap out with using the uh using this let’s let’s go and uh yeah when we started the stream for those that weren’t here i was loading through um uh a few of uh just the the other worlds that were just

On this xbox this old xbox let’s maybe just go and have a gander through uh some of those worlds and uh we will uh give up on the uh the guitar hero controller for now uh i’m gonna have to find i did i didn’t plan to use a normal controller i’m

Gonna have to find like an xbox 360 controller right i’ll be back in uh back in one sec So Ah this is better this is nicer being able to control the game i still have my my sensitivity was really really low so what did i have on what like 140 percent i think i had it on before so that’s obviously what i used to play on i think that’s what it was

There we go you know what this is the xbox 360 controller it was a bit weird just because i’ve been so used to like the uh the new controllers but i kind of like it kind of feels nicer i don’t know if that’s just like nostalgia or something

It kind of feels nicer i can’t believe how long it’s been since i’ve played like an xbox 360. but this is the way it’s meant to be played oh you know this is just making me miss the old console additions so much just like moving around and like building and placing things

Like i’m sure some of its preference but to me it just feels so much nicer there’s just something nice about it i don’t know what it is maybe it is just down to like what i’m used to rather than like it being any better but i feel like especially for like

Creative mode stuff i still uh i still really prefer it uh anyway uh yeah we’re gonna go check out some uh some different old uh old worlds there’s probably uh no point saving that one um now romo says have you looked at lovely world yet probably yes no we

Haven’t we’ve only been playing around in the uh the tutorial world so let’s load up my lovely world and see because it’s going to be like a really like old version of it so um let’s just see like what what state uh it was in the last time i

Played it i think it wrote to josh as well as a pblx who says hi stampede my little brother’s birthday is coming up uh soon i was wondering if you could wish him a happy birthday uh his name is uh hamdan and he would love it uh of

Course i can uh happy birthday hamdan i hope you uh have a an amazing day uh yeah thank you so much for watching my videos god tell what this looks a bit funny this looks a bit like a bit old school and then the old laggy love garden

Right so what what so this was probably the last like up-to-date save that i had of uh of my lovely world so what’s what’s missing so obviously there’s none of the new stuff that’s here still have the uh the old never portal um oh there’s no yeah the trade the trade

So there’s a big train station here and like a um so this house now i don’t know how many of you have kept up with recent lovely world videos but i built a museum around this house so this was the the first house i built in minecraft i had my

My cave that i spent like my first night in but then this was the the first house that i actually built so i built a whole museum around this house and so this is now just like one of the uh the exhibits in it um i’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff

Missing from around here but it’ll be like the the fun land in this part of the town so all of this is now completely filled in so any gaps that you’re you’re seeing have now been filled in there’s like a giant sword like a glowing sword skyscraper which is there now

So basically all of like this part of my town apart from over here where some of these restaurants are all of this has been uh filled in do you know what this is also bringing back memories for like the way that the world gradually loads in because the way that

Would work is like they would load in and once it’s in it’s there but it would all load in gradually and it kind of brings back memories of like um like when i’d be touring people’s worlds and i’d be touring their world and i’d be like right let me just completely fly

Back and forth like a printer like printing in all of your world and then when i tore it i’d be able to like see way off into the into the distance that’s kind of what it’s bringing about memories but it actually worked quite well because if you’re playing in

Survival when you’re kind of walking around at this speed it would never be a problem and then once it’s loaded in it’s fully loaded in and it wouldn’t matter about like where you look or anything it wouldn’t be laggy whereas on bedrock now it’s all kind of just doing

It live not based on where you are in the world but where you’re looking which means like here it started lagging and that’s because the the love garden is probably just about loaded in but it’s lagging whether i look this way or whether i look that way it doesn’t make

A difference whereas on bedrock if you spin on a circle it would be like smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth laggy laggy laggy laggy smooth smooth which is actually more jarring because it kind of keeps changing and then so let’s go see uh hit the target’s castle so there’s a bunch more stuff that’s

Been added here oh it’s it’s this thing’s here so this is this is like full of lava isn’t it so is this before or after like this episode was done that’s the question is this i think this building is this building still here no i think this building’s gone now

And that’s where hit the target uh built his never portal and i think that was this one isn’t that in the episode where he hacked me he built a nether portal there so that’s gone uh there’s none of the the giant towers from when he built over the the giant like

Like cover to block out the sun none of those towers are anywhere because there’s still a giant one here and then there’s a big wall around the outside of here now which is covered in lava because he set off a trap and that was very recently um

And then in the side here oh this is like oh that was the cave was that where the parrot was inside of that cage i can’t remember i’m sorry i got such a bad memory like i literally can’t even remember like the my own stuff that like that i’ve done

Uh oh evan says uh remember the cruise ship world uh by dangerfip i actually know him on xbox super nice guy i hope you’re doing well yeah he was a nice guy i actually carried on chatting to him for a bit so that crew shot video is

Like i got a love hate relationship with it um it was i like it because it got loads of views basically it was one of like my first videos to get like several million views but when i recorded it my office was like really hot i say my office my bedroom

And my parents house was really hot and i’m really like gasping it i’m really like like the whole way through and i just don’t think my commentary was very good and i remember like being happy that a video kind of got noticed a lot of people saw it but being annoyed that it

Was that video because that you know that was the video where i didn’t think my commentary was very good but it was one i think it was one of if not the first times when like after i did the tour like i flew around it in a

Vehicle i think it was like a helicopter and i think it was those kind of little extra editions and edits and stuff that i did even when no one was watching that kind of separated me from some other youtubers and i think that was kind of where i owe a lot of my

Success i was doing stuff that wasn’t revolutionary or like you know hugely different or better than other people but then there’d be those few little extra little things that i did that were what was that that was in the sky for a second yes they see you actually little things

That took a lot of effort that other people weren’t doing and that wasn’t really uh helping family freedom says read the chat i am reading the chat i’m like glancing at it i’m doing a mixture of um reading the chat and then kind of giving a little tour around um

Yeah i mean i was going to say like let’s see which mini games aren’t here there’s loads i mean there’s like the swoop giant game i mean there’s just you know this is there’s been several years of doing videos since this last version of the world

So it’s just like really empty but it’s just kind of nice seeing it um in like just the original kind of color scheme and kind of like this is this is what it all looked like as i was building it and obviously it was all very recognizable from

You know as i’m doing it now when i play on pc with ray tracing and it’s all fancy and high resolution and stuff but it all still looks um you know relatively uh relatively similar you can notice that the uh the frame rate even like here away from my love

Garden uh is uh it’s chugging a little bit but the other nice thing is that pretty much all of the mini games would actually work all of like the redstone and stuff would actually still work so at the moment like i like my fun land but it’s annoying

Because it feels like every other mini game is kind of broken in some sort of like different way so it’s kind of nice here knowing that all this version that’d all be working uh thank you to out to lemon alex who says hi stubby just wanted to thank you

Uh for making my childhood so magical and special uh i know this isn’t a lot but i hope you appreciate it thank you so much i thank you as well to uh eta qit etiquette i’m going to pronounce that as he says uh my childhood is

Flooding back thank you uh for being uh here for all of us you are more than welcome i think it’s well too to check what cindy also says thank you for making my childhood uh great and crystal fox says still have the ss stumpy or hit the target ship so

Great timing for that comment seen as i was just flying over the ss dumping yes the ss stumpy is still here hit the target ship uh what it was here wasn’t it but that’s been destroyed but there is a little jaundice you want to see a little bit behind the scenes sneaky

Sneaky don’t tell anyone else so i was actually going to do a short about this uh and i still might do that and if i do you can watch it and say like oh i already knew about that but yeah there’s hidden so when we did the episode we’ve hit the target

Something that i don’t think a lot of people thought of was a lot of people they were jumping off the ship like hit the target i made him walk the plank and he disappeared and squid was down in the water as well uh and none of them died um in that video

And that’s because i’m gonna try and find it there was a there was a hidden cave under the water somewhere where they all went to hiding and i found it the other day i can’t remember if i had to dig anywhere to find it i just can’t remember exactly where it

Was but yeah i i came across it randomly while setting up a lovely world video the other day and i was like that’s a cool little easter egg oh is this it here have i found it have i oh yeah i have look this is it

Here we go behind the scenes so this is the kind of stuff that i like because um so many people have done like recreations of like my my lovely world and they say block perfect is exactly right but then there’s all of these hidden things and there’s loads of stuff

Like this around my world where i’m like no one’s gonna have this exact thing unless like they have the uh the actual like original version so uh down here you can tell amy lee was here because of all the flowers so this is this is yeah there’s a little

Entrance here as well this is the little cave like the little behind the scenes area where um where people would hide and there’s all sorts of places like this actually there’s another one there’s also another one where on my um cat to the future episode there was a

Hidden cave where the dinosaurs came out of i can’t remember if i showed you this one in the video where i discussed this place again recently but down here so this is in uh ocean adventure here’s my submarine which is still there ignore that um so yeah oh yes i come down here

I went to to go and eat the cake and then so if you remember there’s like the kind of a comedy bit where i’m chasing hit the target round here and then uh like i i think maybe he’s chasing me and then i get armor then i’m

Chasing him and it switches around but it ends with me chasing him down here and then he disappears and that part i think probably a lot of people assumed there was some sort of editing that there was a cut and he disappeared but in actuality he was just in this little cake filled

Chamber that was hidden behind the wall back there like i remember if i showed you that because there was a video recently in my lovely world where i discovered this cave and had a look at it i can’t remember if i went this um this far behind the scenes there’s

Always like a bit of a um a weird uh juggling act for me and uh something that i learned all the way back from when i did my like rocket ship where you know when i was first making these videos especially videos of that era like i never considered for a second that

People would be thinking like you know like this is real like there’s some person attacking him and he’s actually flying to me you know i was trying to make entertaining videos i thought we would enjoy but then obviously it kind of became almost like a controversy that stampy

Fake to fly to the moon um so yeah i i always on the fence about how behind the scenes to go but i think more recently now that so many of my viewers are people that used to watch when they were younger and are kind of

Coming back now so for stuff like this where it is kind of more that i i feel like this is the like the kind of stuff that i would find interesting seeing behind the scenes from someone else so i think that it would be um kind of cool to show this stuff off

Rocky hello rocky uh who says huh this isn’t spyro lol glad to watch you live welcome back uh hello as well to uh to harry netic who says are stumpy you make my childhood mate thanks mate uh you are more than welcome uh anyway uh that glass is here

That glass i don’t know where it came from i don’t know maybe it can end them and even steal glass blocks but that was left there for ages now i remember that there was it was in one of my hit the target episodes i’m running down here i think i’m

Chasing him or something and then there was this glass block there and everyone’s so paranoid when watching my videos that everything’s a hidden thing hinting towards uh something else and then there’s loads of comments saying why is there a glass block there what does the glass block mean and

Everyone was really questioning it and i didn’t know it was just there but like that was there for like years this random glass block and i’ve got rid of it now in my actual like up-to-date lovely world but obviously it was a still there then i wonder whether i wonder whether this

Still works so this is meant to be like it changes color so you can see here we have all of these apples for sale in this red apple shop and i’m so proud of this redstone for this because i press the button and then i’ll look away and look back

And nothing’s changed i’m going to press from it oh here we go oh wait is that that’s the button just to get behind the bar oh yeah right okay okay so everything’s red inside the chest we have a bunch of apples if i press this button wait a second now it’s all

Gold i mean the floor’s not all gold because that’d be a ridiculous amount of gold but then if i look in the chest we’ve got a bunch of gold apples i was so proud of when i did that redstone so proud of it speaking of proud redstone there is a um

Lovely world is returning soon so um spoiler alert for people who haven’t seen my christmas special this is your warning i’m gonna spoil what happens in my christmas special if you haven’t seen it it’s very dramatic might be worth watching three two one so here the target blew up my bedroom okay

Which um yeah in the video obviously i didn’t see that in the video because i was playing hide and seek and singing christmas carols with my helpers but this is as my bedroom obviously has been for years this is all gone and hit the target blew it all up and rebuilt it in

His own style say in his own style he like copied exactly as mine was and just made the floor red because he’s got no imagination so i have i’ve decided what to do i have planned how i’m going to rebuild my bedroom and i should hopefully be recording that soon

So then lovely world will return and i’m sure some people are going to like it and some people are going to not like it that’s just the way things are right now some people just don’t want things to ever change and i don’t know i kind of enjoy changing things and modernizing things

And playing around with stuff so it’s going to be different to how it is now but i think i’m going to keep um i’m keeping the essence of it i’m keeping the general layout the bed is roughly in the same place the floor is mainly blue the walls are mainly white

There will be a balcony there’ll be a better balcony but there will be a balcony um so yeah i’ve kind of it took me a while to do was just designing one small bedroom i took so much more care designing it than i would anything else

Because it’s like you know so iconic and then also it’s where i start every single video so if it’s ugly it’s going to be like every video will be ugly because it will be seen uh in every video so yeah stay tuned that will be coming up at some point and esther you

Get back down there weird past version of esther uh and then yeah as i say i also designed a new minigame which is quite redstone heavy that took her several days to design this new mini game so none of none of that’s recorded i haven’t been able to record lovely

Worlds because my cop’s been quite bad but i think i’m just about um able to do it this uh this live stream was going to be a bit of a test for whether i could do that so lovely world will return probably uh because i what i tend to do

Is i try to get a few videos ahead then that way if you know i do have to go away somewhere if i do get ill we don’t miss a week in between so i’m probably gonna get two or three uh videos ahead and then they’ll start which means

Probably in about two weeks time maybe at the latest the beginning of february uh that’s when um yeah lovely worlds are going to go and kick back up uh should we check out another world then oh you know something else i missed from xbox 360 edition exiting without saving

Like every like if i otherwise have to be so careful with every single block i break and what do i press and did i set this up i know i gotta reset that redstone or like or after like oh let’s go make a copy of the world at the

Moment now i got like lovely world 28 lovely world 104 got so many versions of my lovely world because every video i have to make a copy of it just in case we need to quickly restart if something goes wrong that’s something that i really miss

Uh will you be doing any behind the scene videos so i’m at the moment i’m making a new stampy short uh it’s one i’ve been working on in the back of my head for years and i might be doing a behind the scenes for that i haven’t been doing any behind the scenes

Uh while designing um these mini games and stuff uh just because uh i haven’t been able to talk i’ve been coughing too much so none of those thank you to it’s rubyduby who says uh do you have any symptoms from covid uh taste or smell i hope you’re doing well

So no i’ve no like lingering symptoms the only thing is i still do cough a bit uh i never lost taste or smell even when i had covid so that wasn’t affected luckily uh thank you to jack barnett he says happy new year thank you for the

Memory stampy i’ve been enjoying uh both the new content just as much as the old keep up the amazing work thank you so much it’s always nice to to get comments that are talking about what you’re doing now rather than just always looking back and i know i’m not doing

Loads now compared to what i used to but it is always a weird thing when like you know like say like i put loads of effort into this christmas special and i go like i’m excited to read the comments and like all the comments are about like

I used to watch you when i was 12 and now i’m you know and i love this don’t get me wrong like that’s an amazing thing to hear yeah but i also kind of feel like well what about what about this thing that i just did oh actually no that’s a

Lie because all of the comments were just saying that i spelled father christmas wrong that that was what like 70 of the the comments were which did kind of make me laugh uh thank you to uh to percy uh who says um uh hi somebody

Could you please give a shout out to lps mlb thomas and friends vergie tells fan uh she’s uh really good oh wait oh veggie tells fan as she’s a really good thomas youtuber oh is that like thomas the tank engine youtuber because of your pitcher i’m guessing that’s uh that’s what it is

Uh thank you also to uh to go go joss who says hi stop people thank you for making my childhood i started watching you in primary school and i’m heading to uni in september that’s one of the uh the comments that just make me feel like

An old man even though i’m not an old man makes me feel like an old man i think you’re so too out to haley he says hi stephanie just wanted to say i really appreciate everything you’ve done one of my favorite youtubers ever and i love everything you’ve done uh thank you for

Everything throughout the years thank you so much uh bray says hi stamping you should totally look at ocean den it would look amazing in the aquatic update i hope you’re feeling well i love you i could have a little look a little look at ocean then i think i think that was

Yeah there we go ocean den is on here uh we look at these in creative so we can have a little a bit of a fly around thank you also to uh to yeti guzz who says uh thank you very much stanfie for making my childhood as well as a

Larrygame79 who says i love your content thank you all so much uh can we see the quest world arctic actually says yeah we can do that after if you want uh please check out building time yeah we can have a little look at that hopper craft said i’ve spent ages trying

To get the rocket to work hit the target says hate to break it to you buddy you are old laughing face hey leave me alone i’m going to stay young forever i’m a modern day peter pan uh so is this um oh yes so this is finished ocean and i

Don’t know if this would be like a a backup uh why did you stop building time because i want it i want it it was a competition it was a tournament and then there was an end and i want it so it finished don’t do another one i could lose it

So yeah this was ocean den this was the Third den right so it was skyden cave den ocean den um space den am i missing a den i think that’s all the dens okay then so right what did we have here so this is what we so this was basically this is when we started in the world

There was this little island here with none of these buildings we built all of this stuff on and then we built all of these other little extra islands here we built whatever that is we built they said this was their square sheet and there’s me

And then like all of this stuff like we built like this whole ship we built just from what we were able to gather so this oil rig thing was already here but then we built all of the the cookie stuff around it and built all things inside of it so

Like it was a series that was about kind of exploring and stuff but we actually did like quite a um a huge amount of building in it as well and made a real big mess of the place oh does everyone remember this uh this horse

We were doing like we were trying to do like a film trailer we like have to jump and then i think it’s like land on the horse or shoot an arrow or something and then we’re like well do you remember what the uh what the catch phrase was we

Would have to shout as we uh jumped off it’s time for like for honor and glory or something like that we’d have to have to shout oh for freedom and happiness we’d have to shout while jumping the ladding on doors for freedom and happiness and then here we had our

Barrel in a boat in a boat in a boat which was a song that we sang for for a while goodbye i think ocean dane was um well what would the how would the tier list go for uh for for the dens where where would everyone rape between skyden

Cavedown ocean den and space den where on the um on the spectrum where where would you put ocean then number two caved in number one a lot of numbers a lot of people saying number one cave then people like him sky dance guidance hard because it was like

The older one the original like people have more nostalgia for but it seems overall skyden orcaden seemed to be the the top and i think a lot of less people watched space then just because just because it was newer and um less people watch me now compared to

Back then so i guess there’s probably more people that just haven’t seen it i will say we we definitely laughed more in space then than in any of the the other dens oh uh hello okay it’s working it’s it’s just taking his time my xbox is there in the corner

It’s like i thought it was retired it’s like um it was it’s like it’s like a soldier that went through those like traumatic battles and got all beat up and scarred and then it retired and then i’m like no we you got to go for one last mission

One final job but it’s like okay that’s what it’s doing before it was it thought it would never need to be turned on again and i was gonna do one final job i feel a little bit um it feels a little bit wrong looking around the uh the quest world without without squid

So i feel like it would be nice to um to do one last quest video where it is just like quest to remember quest or something and have a little bit of a uh a wander around this world with squid to remember all see i think i think

I’m not saying that is gonna happen i haven’t spoke to squid about it but there’s a chance i might do that so i think it’d be good for me to not look at it now and so i can have like my my best moments like um

Seeing it with squid and maybe do that as a video in the the future oh co-cat and blues gaming their tier list they go cave den skyden ocean den space den that’s that’s that’s their tear uh thank you as well to uh exactly who says can you say hi to

Me you’re my childhood hero they said it in hall caps which is why i was shouting uh thank you also to uh to ninja no more as well as a crafty as well uh what else there let’s have a look at the the old version of the sketchbook

World so this is one of out of these worlds one of the few ones that i uh um i still look at uh didn’t you already do that kinda so there was a um i can’t remember it was the building time livestream there was a live stream

I did with squid where we kind of had a little glimpse at it but i kind of wanted but but not for very long so i kind of want to do an actual full like quest video with all the music and the sound effects and ice

Cream parlor and stuff and do one final quest episode but you know not building anything but just kind of remembering it and just being silly for a bit just one last time and you know and then mark this as the stamp like done over stop messaging me go and do that

So for those that don’t know what my sketchbook world is uh it’s kind of what it sounds like so this is where i design everything so almost everything that i have built in my lovely world i build first here so this is this is like people think

About all the time you must have spent in your lovely world it is nothing compared to my sketchbook world for every hour i spend in my lovely world i must spend 20 hours in my sketchbook world because like this is all of the stuff that you can see where like i’ve obviously placed

Things and i’m designing things but so much of my time in my schedule world is spent like just flying around thinking maybe like looking through all of the items to remember what all of my options are like try placing things out and trying to design things and then you know like

Often say if i’m trying to design a mini game i’ll come up with like i think of them an interesting mechanic for example i think this one’s like like boat curling and so i’ll play around with boats maybe other mine carts i’d try them on ice different types of ice and stuff

And then work out the mechanic work out how the mechanic could be fun in a game and then design the gameplay side of the game so this is probably me working out the gameplay and then i’ll think oh now what would that look like and then i’ll try and combine it all

Together into something that hopefully looks at least somewhat interesting or complete and then uh is streamlined as well because often i’ll be able to make something that works with the redstone or the mechanics but it’d be too complicated to build or it would take too long to like reset up

Each game so often i’m trying to simplify it and like chisel away at the edges until i get something complete and that’s where most of the uh the work um that i spend doing in lovely world goes so here’s a good example obviously i was designing um this mini game here

And it all looks kind of very like simple and a bit boring so i pretty completely designed that as a fully functioning working game and then i was like okay what’s it gonna look like and then i redesigned it here and hopefully with the color scheme and

Stuff kind of made it look all a little bit nicer and more elegant and so you’ll see loads of examples of that like this is a like a parkour race game that i built just left it with grass floor when i’m designing it obviously i was trying

Out a few different like color schemes while i was coming up for for what i wanted to do um trying to make it look good and then eventually i’ll build the final version and then i can go and take screenshots of all this what i used to

Do is take screenshots and then write down on my whiteboard as i still kind of do now these are the dimensions spoiler alert for upcoming mini game uh but now what i do is i tend to take screenshots and then i’ll edit uh the the actual screenshots to put the

Dimensions like almost in 3d on the picture just to make it much clearer not only for me uh but for all of my helpers because by the time i’m doing these games i would have spent absolutely ages uh kind of designing them and i kind of have in

My back of the head how to build them but my poor helpers they’re thrown right into the uh into the the deep end and have to um you know start building some of these things uh immediately this is me obviously building my skyscraper and kind of working out different elements

And kind of the color schemes of it but this world i actually uh brought this world across uh to first the xbox one uh and then to the xbox series x and then to pc uh and it’s still the uh the same world that i use

And i kind of like having all of the um all of my past designs all scattered all over the place i kind of like how um how messy it all is just like everywhere and just seeing all of like the the old winds it’s like a weird like

Abstract version of my lovely world it’s like you can imagine like stampede spends all day in his lovely world and then like when he dreams about his lovely world like this is um this is what he sees like all these other like random things just like scattered all over the place

Do not destroy i wonder why i wonder why that was so important uh so yeah you can see uh kind of some of the different things i think this is my bank up here yeah this is my bank and i put it way up in the air so then i

Could have room for all of like the the bits that would be underneath it and a lot of the stuff that i’ll build it exactly as it is here but then from when it gets to appearing in my lovely world um it will get changed especially for like

Shops and stuff for like the bits with the the game mechanics it’s not exactly the same um but yeah for like shops and stuff often i’ll you know i can improvise and kind of change things on the the fly obviously uh it’s been much more filled

In uh on the newer versions and i also have several i have a a sketchbook world on the playstation which i use for the vita i have one on the switch as well and this one so if you combined all of them it would be quite a um

An enormous world of all of the uh the different things that i’ve ended up building on here a quick ice car review says my son is playing building time intro on repeat i apologize i’m sorry for putting that song out into the the world uh please

Play guitar i’ll donate for it uh sorry i’m not very good at guitar i’m not going to put everyone through that thank you to evan who says uh will the magic animal club podcast return no plans uh now there might be more one-off episodes in the the future uh bronson

Berry says first episode of cave den was six years ago i feel old uh thank you also to andrew w who says you should play nino cooney again someday uh they made a remastered version uh thanks for the the childhood i think i remember it too well i think i

Remember it like too much from the first time i played it so that if i went and played it again now like i think i just find it a bit boring just because i’ve already played it anyway speaking of boring that’s enough of that world let’s go and

Uh let’s load something else out uh loads of people are saying building time they want me to to check out building time play wonder wall and i will donate i’m not playing guitar it’ll be painful i can play guitar hero guitar i’m good at that uh right

So building time so i’m trying to remember because me and squid did one last one-off building time live stream i think last was it last christmas and i don’t i can’t remember if we did that on this version of the game or not so i’m not sure if it’s gonna have that

In i think this might just be as it was when we finished the uh the the series uh thank you to uh to patrick shannon uh for the uh the donation as well as reuben the adopt me lover eight nine seventy who says please gonna have a

Shout out you just did i think it was so uh to kodak who says if someone who watched all dens here’s my list okay here’s their tier list so number one cave den uh then space den and then skyden and then ocean then last uh also uh do you have the cake world

Oh so yeah the cake world is uh do you mean the world where it’s just cake as far as the eye can see so that’s actually in my um my old community world which i think is on this xbox so i could show you that in a little bit

And that was all placed by hand there was no no world edit or anything back in the day on on xbox 360. so what i forgot um i forgot how long it takes to to load up games on the uh the xbox 360. thank you to her to ruby bros who says

You made my childhood as well as a gage games he says i love you stampy and uh awesome destroyer who says i can see what you said and i’m not gonna read it out because because you’re encouraging spam and also because i don’t want to do the

Thing that you’re asking me to to do thank you to neve as well as jetminer uh he says uh oh something you missed my donor but i still love you i’m sorry i never made a promise to to read every donor i get through as many um as i can

Um but i’m very conscious about the pace of the stream overall so i don’t want to spend the whole time just reading out comments but i apologize for missing your last one but i’m glad that you were that you forgave me i think you’re so

Too out of like donald says you know you uh raised us right uh and also to uh inua beep boop bop who says uh can you play hunger games uh or adven uh with squid one day it might be fun to do like old school hunger games i miss i miss

Hunger games where it’d just be a world that someone on your friend’s list built and they would invite you all in and you’d have to invite all of your mates in to fill up the lobby and play hunger games that way and everyone will be

Lagging out and stuff i miss uh i miss those days uh right so where where’s the um where’s the big where’s the middle of the world oh the this these are early builds aren’t they i think i think these are quite early builds where i hear it is so

Because it’s pretty been a while the way building time worked was we’d build and then everyone would vote on who did the best build like a quick build and then whoever won they’d get a block added to their podium so this is how many that i won and i reached the top

Here where the cake is and this is how many that squid won embarrassing embarrass you know it’s lucky squid’s not here because this is just outright embarrassing no one should tweet squid and tell him how embarrassing it is that this is how many he won so the format was completely flawed because

It became like a you know it was a popularity contest rather than a building contest and like that was something that we were um aware aware of when we were starting the uh the series but we just never scared because the content it didn’t it wasn’t about winning it was about like

Trying to build something funny and making an entertaining video like if i had the choice to twist a topic to make it into some sort of silly joke compared to like build something actually good and win i would always go for the do the silly thing because i’m a silly person so um

That was the uh the idea so i believe we had 15 minutes to do each of these builds and i gotta say i think some of these builds are pretty good don’t you think for only for i mean we’re only having 50 minutes and you’ve got to remember

It’s very different when someone says like oh next week you’re going to have 15 minutes to build a dolphin and you can be and you can kind of plan it and think about it that’s very different to someone saying like 15 minutes build a dolphin now you know

Like you have no time to kind of plan what you’re gonna do and like think about it in your head beforehand because you could spend three minutes trying to think of a good idea for what to build before you even start building so that was always the thing of

Do you spend a little bit of time thinking about it or do you just go straight into building it immediately and then the other part is that we weren’t just building for 15 minutes we were building for 15 minutes while both individually on our own videos

Hosting a youtube video that you know we knew that you know hundreds of thousands of people were gonna watch so not only were we trying to build the thing we were also trying to you know be entertaining in our commentary and in what we were building like we wouldn’t

Want to build just some big giant boring thing because that would be boring for the video you want to do things we can add lots of like silly little faces and like lots of funny little details and stuff to make the video entertaining so i think considering that i think we um

We didn’t too do bad does that be doing an apple computer what was the uh what was the topic for this one oh to build a computer it’s like i did an apple computer like that’s not bad for fly fly fly fly here we go thank you

I thought i think for 15 minutes that’s not too bad oh yeah this one we had to wasn’t it we had to do a tiger if i did a tiger shark i remember because squid will get known and also there was a certain like community in the comments

That would also get uh really angry when i didn’t do like the the topic exactly as it was meant but i i just thought that was really really funny there’s obviously like some robots that we uh that we built and stuff yeah that was awesome i was proud of

Building time i think that was am obviously you know not a hugely original topic speed building in minecraft but i think it just goes to show how much like better we were at minecraft back in the day like obviously like i’m a little bit older now but also like i don’t play

Minecraft anywhere near as regularly and i’ve just never played bedrock minecraft enough to get the hang of it to be like as fast and stuff like if you go back to my old videos and you see the uh the speed in which i go through all of

The menus and gather the items and crafting and stuff like like i’ll be like most of the time i’m just playing in the game and then if i need to do anything in the menu it’s just like bub up for a second done whereas now like when i’m crafting

I say to craft a stick but then the item shifts and i’m gonna go to the next thing it’s just really like killed the uh the pacing for me and so i really feel like to do building time i probably wouldn’t want to do it on the um

Any of the other versions of minecraft anyway that’s probably enough building time there was there’s some other worlds we can go and check out uh play the spangled shanks world uh i don’t have that i don’t think i don’t think i think he just hosted the the world for me

Uh rocky says i watched you so much developed a good british accent uh would you consider playing spider-man on ps4 or ps5 i already played it i didn’t stream or anything but me and squeaky kind of just played for it for fun uh thank you to the uh the xbox champion

Who just says i love you as well as a molly who says happy unbirthday uh any bucket list planned soon uh no i’m not very um i’m not a very goal-centric person i always feel like there’s some people that really live in the past and are always looking back and there’s some

People that are always looking to the future and i always find the best place to be is right in the middle just living now don’t be thinking oh things are going to get better when i get my new job or when i finish school or when i get my

My new car or whatever think about now because otherwise you’re going to spend your whole life looking ahead a little bit and then you’re going to miss it all then if you’re always looking back you’re always going to be saying oh it was so much better back then i missed

When i was younger and like you’re not going to appreciate how good things are now because you spend your time looking back at you know things were then and then when you’re back up here in the future you’re going to be looking back to hear saying about how great things

Were then but you didn’t appreciate it at the time because you’re looking back here that’s what i think anyway you might disagree uh uh right what’s another old world uh we could look at we could check out the uh magic animal club podcast world might be a um

A fun one to check out uh thank you to uh to isla lilly uh who says um i’ve been following uh since i think video 32 of your lovely world i love the videos and even started to build your world alongside you the imagination and fought to your build is amazing much

Love thank you so much i thank you for watching for like forever basically basically forever basically since the big bang that you’ll be watching for thank you so much i think you all say to ellis was cool who says hi zappy massive fan i’m such a big

Fan that i built your entire lovely world also cave den ocean den skyden and then space den that is crazy you need to to send some videos or pictures to back up those claims because those are some those are some bold claims uh kyle says do you still have the lost

Sword world that was the best adventure map are you planning to do any more adventure maps in the future uh we’ll look after this we’ll have a look try and remind me because i have the um i have a really bad memory and sometimes i you know even mid-sentence i’ll forget about um

You know even you know i’m talking about one topic but i think um i forget about um uh sorry i recommend what it’s doing uh yeah so this is this is the the magic animal club podcast world uh so for those that weren’t uh listeners uh to the podcast basically uh

Me and squid did a podcast where we um yeah we just chat we just talked it was about as basic of a podcast as you could get we pressed record and we’d chat for about an hour uh and then um that was all it was but we wanted to do

A video version of the podcast and so uh i came with the idea that why don’t we just load up a minecraft world and we’ll just sort of idly build and just be kind of just doing stuff in minecraft while we chat so we’d be playing live while talking um just because like

Minecraft was so second nature to us at that point we didn’t need any like actual uh concentration and then that that’s what the video side of the podcast would be so all of this stuff is stuff that we just kind of built while just sort of idly chatting

And it looks like we built like quite a lot but we um we did quite a lot of episodes of the podcast and it’ll be like over an hour long each so this is actually uh if you consider the amount of time that was spent building

This we were we were far from uh from efficient but i think it’s kind of got quite a cool random style sort of a nice medieval swimming pool here there’s loads of people that are joining the stream now and they’re really um really uh confused about the thumbnail i changed the title

Because the the title is like checking out old minecraft worlds there with like a guitar hero controller like whoa uh basically i started off the stream trying to play minecraft of a guitar hero controller quickly realized that that was um difficult and also not entertaining

Maybe for a little bit it was to see me struggle so uh to save the stream i’ve decided just to load up a bunch of old minecraft worlds so that’s uh that’s what’s going on here uh thank you to uh tarita uh who says um

Hi sams uh i watched your videos when i was little and recently i’ve been re-watching some of your old series and they’ve been making me so happy i just wanted to say thank you oh thank you uh so much for your lovely comment uh thank

You also to uh to codec who says being as popular as you are in the minecraft community in brackets at least at one point thanks for adding that is there one youtuber you’ve always wanted to collab with but couldn’t um so someone i used to to always watch uh

Growing up um when i was younger was c nanners um like he’s like oh when he would kind of do like he’s kind of just sort of chatting about a random topic for like 10 minutes like with just some gameplay in the background those kind of videos though

Though that was the video that every time it it popped up i would be excited to watch and you know there i think that some people might find boring but it was just very high quality gameplay he was a very good player uh sure still is and i

Just liked his voice and the way he spoke and he’s very eloquent and very thoughtful and back in like the days of that sort of content you know probably around like i don’t know like 2009-ish uh there wasn’t much content like that around at the time so

Um yeah scenarios would be some but then again i don’t i don’t even know what i’ll do i think if i was going to do anything with him like the thing i’d want to do is like a podcast rather than like a video series or or something uh

So yeah okay that’s my answer uh do you still have the island of eden map i think that’s on squids uh squid has that map i think rather than me uh thank you to tacodude uh who says i have made some amazing pictures of you your helpers and all of your dogs even

Ones the ones that passed away in animal crossing form i can share those pictures with you on instagram if you have twitter i’m much more likely to to see her on twitter than instagram just because i’ll be honest i never look at instagram i pay i post like a pet video on there

Like every five months i literally never look at it so if you have twitter that would be the best way for for me to to see it anyway uh yeah people wanted to see was it the the lost sword map which one that that was was that one of

The old ones how old was the um the lost sword adventure map they’ve all we did so many in such quick succession and we recorded them edited uploaded them that i never thought about them again so they’ve all just blurred in like to each other for me so um

Uh yeah i i don’t know which one that one is but let’s see if we can find it uh or hero cryptic i remember that one oh there’s cave den never oh don’t jump that was the don’t jump challenge reach for the stars if you haven’t seen

Any of the old challenges with squid reach for the stars it’s probably one of the best ones that’s um that’s um the north pole the egg challenge can’t remember that no hard challenge quite self-explanatory inventory we did a lot of these uh guest challenge troll squid the troll challenge

I don’t know what’s the troll challenge creative challenge battle buddies that’s obviously a challenge didn’t bother naming that one anything you can do ender pearl keys i was out of chance for you to keep spinning oh that sounds like a horrible one uh right now that was an adventure map

To care of a challenge side by side oh i do have i like i apologize i like i do have islands of eden apparently uh oh alex and steve that this is from a um a uh a short that i am i was making it was like

Basically going to be a short about when alex met steve um and uh yeah and i i kind of started i wrote the script for this show and i did all the set and then i got a particular youtuber a well-known one who agreed to voice uh

One of the characters i won’t even say which one in case i do give anything away to who it was and they committed to do it and i sent them all the lines and they said they’d record and send them to me and they never did and

I waited for a while they never sent them and then in that time i then reread the script realize it wasn’t really a very good script and decided just to scrap the whole thing so they maybe even though it would have been nice if they had sent it

It kind of probably saved me from doing a pretty mediocre um stampy shot but yeah that’s what that one is or the sister challenge that was the uh first time nettie my sister ever played minecraft was in the uh the sister challenge this is the lost sword we’re looking for

Is there a really old one there goes so many of these happy hunger games oh no let’s let’s do this one quick this was the um this was the one of the uh the hunger games map that um that were a few of us built to together

Liam asked me what my favorite oasis song are you liam gallagher uh i don’t know what my favorite oasis song is uh i’m not sure i need i’m really bad at remembering the names of songs i need to listen through them and thank you to uh

To arian oliver who says uh thank you so much for making my childhood as well as frog legs he says i love your old videos but i’m so happy to see you are still making some of the most quality and fun content and keep making childhoods amazing thank you so much

Uh thank you to hattie who says what’s your favorite flavor soup um That’s a tough one in there what is my favorite soup i like like i like a thick soup i don’t like um like ones that are more like a broth like i i used to like kind of like fit creamy tomato soups especially if you’re like a sore throat that’s good

So yeah that’s that’s what i’ll say for my uh my favorite uh michi belle says aren’t you getting tired of all of the this man raised a generation comments mitchie bell says like i go up and down because like sometimes like if you just

Hear the same thing even if it is a nice thing you do kind of you get a bit numb to it it’s like say if you um you like lollipops yeah if you had a lollipop like five lollipops a day eventually like when you get to your fifth lollipop before bed

It’s not gonna be you’re gonna be like oh you know i’ve had so many lollipops and i love them but i’ve had a lot of lollipops but then again when you like think about it and think about how great a lolly maybe this isn’t the best maybe this isn’t the

Best analogy but sometimes if you sit back and think about how nice the lollipop actually is and how much the lollipop means to you then you kind of re-remind yourself of why you liked lollipop so much in the first place so to relate that back to what you were saying

Sure there was a point where i kind of i don’t know maybe you’ve got fatisa wrong word but i kind of got used to hearing messages saying about like you know you’re my childhood or you know you should shape me into who i am today i

Grew up on you whatever you know i appreciate you know what you did like i got those a lot and i kind of got used to i think so every now and then i really actively try to remind myself of just how special that is and how lucky um you know i was

To be in a position where you know i was you know to a certain group you know of us weirdos on the internet playing minecraft back in the day like that i was able to have that impact and the fact that people are going to grow

Up and look back with nostalgia at like me this random nerdy gamer guy in the same way that i look back at you know like pokemon and all the cartoons that i used to watch and stuff like the fact that the the way i look back fondly at

Those things people are looking back at me like it’s just crazy to think about and that people you know remember me enough to kind of even if they don’t watch me to come back and like want to express that to me and really feel like a need to let me know

That like it’s incredible like like it’s it’s it’s amazing so even though it you know i do get it a lot and sometimes i can get a bit jaded and feel like you know like what about what i’m doing now i just realistically i know like people aren’t going to watch me forever

I’m not going to be doing this forever like people can enjoy you know the time that they enjoy watching it there’s no obligation to carry on watching me like don’t don’t watch me as a favor like that like if you’re watching me as a favor that means i’m doing something wrong not you

Like you know watch what you you know enjoy to to watch so um yeah so i feel like you know maybe this is now a good time to do it again is to remind myself of just how you know special that is and how nice it is that

People you know do want to kind of go out of their way to message me to let me know and you know and the amount of messages i get you know like that just makes me realize you know how big the scale was how you

Know how many people it was so um yeah no it’s lovely really it’s it’s it’s lovely it’s it’s as nice as i guess you think it would be anyway so this was it called like the magic garden was it called yeah the magic garden so this was a um

A hunger games map uh that uh myself as well as a bunch of other friends of ours at the time uh built so i think you’d pull the lever and then oh does it oh how’d you get in i think the lever’s meant to do something uh it’s pretty sleek

What is it oh wait is it are there any pit what does the lever do i’m sure the lever was to do something but there’s just grass blocks here does any does anyone know how my map works can anyone help me fix my map

Thank you to her to i not big who says hi stampede did you know i do a tradition where i watch your adventure maps every december of the year uh you missed my previous dono i still love you though thank you thank you so much that’s a cool tradition i wonder how

Long that’s been going on before yeah how does my map work oh there are pods oh they are they weren’t where are the pods where are the pods are there pods how do you how do i get in the map i had you i had to break it i probably closed it

Oh you know there’s blocks here so why why is there leaves there okay so i think it was meant to be like that i’ll pull that and then this block will lift up yeah there we go and then everyone goes and jumps in yeah no the redstone’s working but um

I’m just i just put leaves there for some reason i couldn’t understand it so uh yeah this is the this is the the map so this was my attempt to try and get as close as i could to um like uh to try and get it more balanced because

We played a lot of hunger games maps and i think that like back in the day like there was a much bigger focus on making a map that either just looks incredible has amazing builds or is just like based on some popular film or property or whatever rather than

Actually making balanced and fun maps i feel like the priority was let’s build an amazing thing and they wouldn’t consider the fact that maybe it was a bit unbalanced to give people diamond swords or you know there’d be like this giant enormous castle and they have all of these tiny little rooms and

It’s an amazing build but as a hunger games map when you only have eight players in the game it might be a bit boring because because the map was too big and it was then they’re you know too slow paced so this was me really um putting my

Foot down for like the the design like we built it as a group but i i was kind of the um i don’t know like director project lead so like stupid names for building a minecraft map to play with your friends but you know i

Really put my foot down in terms of like the scale of the map you know i wanted to make sure that you know the whole map would always be loaded in so there’d never be like someone outside of your view and then there’d always be like

It split up into four corners so there was like the the apple side and i was so pr i built that apple in that world and i was so proud of that because i was never a good builder and so they’re like this would have the bat and then this

Had like the the big venus fly trap and then this was the big sand castle and this was the big prop so each side had its main key area and my thinking was people naturally go climb up the big thing and they’d always be like a similarly good bit of loot so here

There’s a stone sword which i think is as good of a sword as you could get just to keep it balanced so i’m assuming there’s probably a stone sword in here yeah there is so on each side you’d have like the same kind of tear loot spread

Out but then also not to get too you know i wasn’t trying to make it perfectly symmetrical and there was kind of you know just kind of similar stuff here and different bits of loot and balance and stuff but never any like hidden chests because every hunger games map there’d

Be like hidden chests and i just couldn’t think of anything worse to have in a hunger games map than hidden chests because all you’re doing is like making it easier for even the people that built the map because that was the other thing whoever built the map they would always

Want to play as well and then but they would just know where all the good loot is and they’ll just always win which would be boring but also people that have replayed the map would also have an advantage because they know where the hidden stuff is but they’re not the

People that need an advantage the people that need an advantage are the newcomers to kind of help balance it out a bit so i i never liked that but yeah you could go like up inside the apple here and then yeah you could but it was tricky climb up these vines and there’s

Probably some quite good loot here yeah you got like a bow and like a swiftness potion and stuff and um i gotta say we played this map a lot and i think we did a a pretty good job i think that um i think it ended up being quite fun uh

Oh it’s squid here that’s a good time what did uh what did squid say anything uh didn’t we make a map on the ps3 yeah we we did so there’s so there’s this map which um this is obviously we’re playing on xbox 360 right now for those that uh

Are joining in now this is one a big group of us but then uh me and squid alone uh we built a uh i don’t think we ever finished it but we spent a lot a long time uh building a map on the playstation 3 and that one is when i went really

Hardcore and trying to make it purpose like exactly balanced to where i was timing from the middle of the map how long it would take to get to each corner and making it balanced and i remember you were making us watch um um what was it avatar the last airbender

Squid really likes avatar and i i was indifferent to it and i remember we were like while building we were just chatting and it’d often be like me you like rosie our friend amy lee just all chatting while me and squid built and it was basically like our like

Chill-out hangout thing to do like we made videos together in the day and then we’d load up this map on ps3 and spent ages built doing all of this terrain but it was really like floating islands and rocky and stuff um i can’t show you

Because i need to get on ps3 um but um yeah that was like our chill out like just chatting time uh we would do um we would yeah play uh to play minecraft building uh building that map uh yeah we never finished it and the that map was uh was never played

But uh this is one that we um yeah played a whole bunch so we did a few videos on this map so maybe this is um uh gonna bring back a few memories uh over to some of you thank you to her to ken as well as lotusfinder11

And uh joe rogers who says hi stamps uh i used to watch your videos after primary school and now i’m currently watching your stream after work uh watching since episode 113. i wonder um i wonder what episode that was uh codec says stampy do you think your number one fan still watches your

Videos also do you know the two only other people who spoke on your lovely world series uh kind of hit the target uh crinsom is off spoke in my videos i can’t think of any other real life person that spoke in my lovely world videos but i’m assuming

Because you asked me uh that you know uh so um feel free to uh feel free to enlighten me if you want to uh if you want to let me know uh thank you also to uh to monsoon chai who says um i wanted to say that i saw the dancing

Uh in the wedding outfits oh yeah that’s our new year’s eve uh happy uh happy new year to you and squishy uh i don’t know if uh if you uh remember me uh thank you so much yeah um yeah we were silly uh squishy put on their uh wedding dress

And we played guitar hero and danced around on new year’s eve which was a which was a lot of good fun uh what other words oh yes we were looking for the lost sword weren’t we let’s scroll right the way down uh and uh and have a have a look

Uh squid wants to see the quest world we’ve done we’ve done we did the quest world squid but i loaded it up briefly but and i promise you i said this um uh oh oh i didn’t see that that was the last one happy down here happy down here

Happy hunger games um yeah i loaded up but i said it feels weird like looking at it without you there but i was saying it would be cool to do like a proper one final quest video where we just kind of go through and like do an ice cream

Parlor and kind of remember all the stuff so i didn’t really want to look around it without you it just i feel like because my memory’s so bad i feel like i need you there just to remind me uh all of the uh all of the the different stuff um

Yeah so is there any like particular um of these hunger games or um or uh adventure maps you wanted me to load up to have a look at uh james uh jameson tate says do you still have access to your moon world on bedrock also thanks for making my childhood uh if i

Yeah i think i did because i think i did one of my christmas special ones on the moon but uh oh squid says sounds like good fun okay yeah maybe we’re um we’ll work that out would you be able to load up an xbox 360 or would you or i

Could move over to bedrock maybe maybe we should work it out another time yeah here we go here’s the moon queen we can go to the moon uh thank you to our pblx for becoming a new member you are now an egg uh thank you to mcmahon who says do you think uh

Monang’s hunger hunger for games are balanced don’t quite understand your question do you think yeah sorry i don’t quite understand your question do you think monang’s hunger for games are balanced if anyone can work out what that means i’d love to answer that question i think also to a to z screw

Who says hi stan p uh your videos have made me smile for roughly nine years now uh keep up the the good work thank you so much uh which version of minecraft is your your favorite uh i mean favorite is like xbox 360 but that’s like all you know

Because of nostalgia um but but that’s like favorite and best that don’t mean like the same thing so uh yeah i mean minecraft was 360. that was the reason i started playing minecraft oh thank you so much to uh to joseon tate for becoming a member as well

Liam says but seriously what’s your favorite oasis song i can’t remember i can’t remember from names of race i mean i know wonder wall uh let me look at list of oasis songs but so if i look at spotify most played then i then i’ll have an idea of ones at

Least i’ll probably know but honestly i i never remember the names of songs like i’ll know this song but i never remember song lyrics or um i also uh never remember um like the uh oh yeah song lyrics or song titles oh champagne supernova that’s a good one

And don’t don’t look back in anger as well but i’m going to say champagne supernova is my favorite oasis song probably i’ve just seen may my my zooming camera’s not working let me get my zoom in camera to work right bear with me one second uh oh

Oh wait okay you can’t see that that’s good uh oh hello there we go there’s my little sleepy tuck here though if you look carefully you can just about see her little tongue sticking out there and that that uh guitar is a um that’s the the guitar hero for ps4 you

Know the one where they use like live action video in it and loads of buttons uh i just i found it while i was getting the other guitars out so i put it in the uh the background for facet dressing i think it turned to brian who says hey

Something me my daughter i’ve watched you for a long time and love your content if you could shout out my daughter oh sorry it just scrolled past you can tell my daughter that would be amazing her name is lily i’ll absolutely do that hello lily uh thank you so much

For watching uh my videos right here’s the uh here’s the moon um oh yeah so the last time i visited the moon in uh in my lovely world is um it was a christmas special where i flew here in my slow i flew in santa’s sleigh i think i did um

So that was the last time i came to the moon and then obviously the time most people would know this was from like uh trip to the moon which was the first time i flew here and there we go here’s my uh here’s the flag

Uh that i placed down when i arrived on the moon did gerald’s always make me laugh with that as i got so many comments from people that like were telling me off because i placed on torches on the moon i had literally like probably thousands of comments from um from people

Telling me that torches wouldn’t work on the moon because there’s no oxygen and i just found it so funny that they’re like they’re watching a video where i’m playing like minecraft and i’m a talking cat wearing boots that’s flying to the moon in a rocket ship powered by cake and i land

On the moon and see aliens and then i fly back home back to my world in minecraft and then someone comments saying well actually torches wouldn’t work on the moon like that that’s the part of the storyline they had a problem with was was that torches don’t work to be that

I’m exactly the same like any time like i’m watching like a film i really annoyed you were watching like a marvel film and then like something impossible would happen i’d be like oh that just doesn’t make any sense and i’m like oh yeah also there’s a guy who turns big

And green when he gets angry why why am i like nitpicking this much um oh yeah and then i think it was in the same episode where um the luna friends flew their ufo uh back to my lovely world um i think it was called like like christmas in space uh or um

Or something that episode uh but yes this is the moon so for those that don’t know like obviously this was all done um back on xbox 360 you know before world edit or before you could you know build maps on like java and transfer them across so like every single block

You’re seeing here was placed by you know by hand by by left trigger uh by someone so there was a there was a small team of people that were were helping me out but most of it i was doing it building it by myself uh basically because it was hard to get

People that would be trusted to not troll and start breaking it or blowing stuff up and stuff so um yeah i’d say probably about i’m trying to think what’s fair and accurate i’d say probably about 60 to 70 percent of these blocks were placed by me so this was like over

Several weeks maybe even a month of like just spending hours and hours on end building it and just making sure it was just big enough so that so no matter where i’d be for you know i had my route planned out uh for for

Where i was gonna go on the um uh on the the moon um just to make sure that you know you would never see off the barrier but i did a lot of things here like so i’d do it as if there’s some big mountain there

But then it’s almost kind of like like just 2d just so i know that i wouldn’t be able to see over it and god the amount of time that took to build all of this was absolutely ridiculous it took so much time and um i have no regrets like i’m so glad um

That i did it because you know that that’s kind of become one of the the more i guess you know memorable or quoted episodes um was the the time uh when i flew to the the moon um so you know i don’t regret doing it but

I do wish there was a way that i could do it easier but i guess that was kind of once again one of the things that kind of you know separated me a little bit from you know at the time um you know the early days of kind of console minecraft was that

Not many other people would have been stupid enough to spend that much time doing it i’m trying to find there was like a little almost like a little town that people built under the moon in one corner where like people would very understandably get bored placing all of these box blocks and so

People would end up just building random stuff down underneath here we go stuff like this so there was an area where loads of people did it and then most people put down signs um to to say that they helped build so when i did the behind the scenes i could give

Them all a shout out um but i can’t find it so yeah i might not be able to find it uh hello to tommy unit by the way if you are actually genuinely here there’s a lot of times when people um oh here we go i think i found it here we

Go here’s the the sign yeah loads of times people say like um this person’s in the chat but it’s like a fake account that looks like it but it seems like enough of the chat are talking about you for long enough that it seems like it might be um it might be

A legit so uh if it is legit uh hello um here we go so here’s uh some of the uh the people that helped build or uh oh yeah this is like if you helped leave your name so here’s some of the people that helped build it

Uh oh here we go this is obviously like the sign that i put down uh it was actually tommy in it it was he finally noticed i noticed like i noticed ages ago in the corner of my eye but so often like mods will especially know this so often it happens people

Saying that someone’s joined but it’s not like actually them so i just want to leave it for a bit to see if it was a verified uh if he was actually here and if he is still here uh see that’s obviously what i wrote down hey thanks

For joining feel free to help sorry i can’t talk right now it’s like it’s like a voicemail sorry i can’t talk right now all of our operators are busy uh make sure you leave your name stamping and i think something to oh we are building the moon surface

I thought that was a thing to probably help out to we might as well um i might as well mention what we’re doing just to confuse people and i think something to to make like really clear is that like i wasn’t like a big youtuber at the time like it wasn’t like

This was like people were freaking out joining me like when i was you know i was getting you know very moderate amounts of views when i was doing all this stuff you know like i’m pretty sure it was i was still working in in the pub

At the same time and not ever thinking about youtube being a career like i was just doing it for the fun of it so these people joining well i’m like fans you know these were um you know these were people that were on my friends list and you know i’m sure

Some of them you know found me through some of my videos but they weren’t like oh let’s join the big youtubers stampies you know world whatever it was like oh yeah let’s join our mates world and always you know i know he’s doing this video he’s obviously you know i’ll help

Them out for a bit while we chat or whatever so um yeah that was kind of how the situation was actually might be a good time to now go and uh check out the old community world it’s something that a few people might um remember from joining um

But i feel like most people will remember it from um like i did a a few videos touring it so the plan was it was basically going to be like the equivalent of like a minecraft server so you know like i was probably a little bit jealous of like java servers um

At the time so i uh i kind of i had the idea of having a world that would leave open and people could join and leave and build and they can have roles and kind of do stuff obviously it just doesn’t work on minecraft because you can’t moderate and people will join and

They’ll just troll and in the end i had to shut it off because you know people ruined it but for this brief like few weeks when it was good it was really fun uh shout out to uh to siphon who says hi stamps uh can you do hunger games again

I kind of mentioned that a little bit uh earlier but uh i don’t really have that much fun doing them on servers i kind of enjoy other mini games but it would be cool to do some old school uh hunger games at some point uh so here we go

Here’s the here’s the lobby uh you will be banned if you do any of the above god such an evil dictator steal murder destroy people’s property leave mess regularly if you leave mess you’re fine but don’t do it regularly set things on fire i mean it’s all it’s

All quite quite fair enough stuff right uh oh brian says thanks you just made her day oh that’s so good to hear i’m glad um that i made lily’s day uh build without permission near others sounds weird but you can imagine if someone’s building a house and extending it and

Someone builds right next to it grief i feel like i could have just put grief and that would have pretty much covered all of the other ones bully fair enough or glitching i left loads of room to add like uh add more things um paths and i didn’t write that by the way

I wouldn’t have done that in the middle so that was someone else and i wouldn’t have done the little heart uh also these are all community projects these are the things that we were going to like all build to together like a town center i think we actually did get through some stuff

Uh thank you to uh xavier who says thank you for being my childhood stampy i started watching you when i was 11 and i’m now starting university oh another one making me feel old and i wanted to thank you for keeping me entertained as a kid uh best of luck in the future

Thank you so much uh thank you also to uh to rook oh how am i gonna pronounce this rock of i’m just gonna say the uh the letters r o c c r o v b b v d f g w f sort you can understand why i couldn’t pronounce

It but thank you so much for the donation uh as well as uh to uh adopt um uh adopt me trades who says any chance you’ll do more magic animal club podcast i asked this earlier as i said i’ve no um uh no plans uh to to do that we may do a

One-off at some point in the future no plans to bring it back regularly uh these are like these are the engineers maintain i remember zachman uh police officer any names or crimson christopher’s off you may recognize so yeah this was a world where people would just join in

And build stuff oh yeah look this is here who remembers these so these were for my did i only do it up to three i thought i thought i did up to at least four thousand but basically for for my a thousand uh specials uh i always build like a big sign and

Then i did like one thousand two thousand three five so these were used in the videos i think like this whole i might have been done for a video and oh yeah i did i did though i think maybe it was for the first or the second one i

Did a video i said deploy minecraft slaves and i’d pull the lever and all the people would fly up and they built the sign and it was all like sped up and then i turned around and said thank you and then oh yeah and then that said bye

And that like burnt away to say bye so that was that was done in this world so this was like um like kind of used for like any time i needed a world to to do something in it would end up being this world as well as

It being as like part of my um like a community world so all of this uh this stuff you’re building here oh i remember this that’s so cool it’s so weird because the person who built this was probably like 12 at the time and now they’re probably like

Now they’re probably like 22 or something but it’s so funny like looking at like all of this this stuff that i remember so well i think i built this i think i built this barn core it’s ugly and boring looking isn’t it uh oh hi knight fox the nostalgia here

Is uh is crazy uh for those that don’t know knight fox he is a um a long term uh helper and uh contributor to uh i don’t know i’m just friend to everything but uh knight fox has helped out in more videos uh than you uh

Than you think and uh he’s done a lot of um behind the scenes stuff helping out in videos uh a lot of the stuff that uh you often don’t get credit for so uh yeah huge thank you to her to to nightfox for everything he’s done to

Help me for a very uh very long time and yeah youtube in his own right so if anyone wants to to say thank you because there’s probably a lot of your um a lot of your favorite videos that some of you might have have watched over the

Years were made with the help of night fox behind the scenes so if any of you wanted a an opportunity to say thank you to someone who you may not have have known has contributed so much possibly to your childhoods then now is a great

Time to do it i’m sure that would uh make him smile if any of you wanted to say thank you i remember this house i remember this how this was built by rosie my friend and this was one of her um her first times uh playing minecraft and

I remember like really helping her um through all of this stuff uh because i was teaching her how to play minecraft and she was um one of my best like online friends and real life friends because she flew over from america to hang out with me how

Good friends i was with her i played halo over her all the time and i really wanted her to love minecraft so i could play minecraft with her as well and she she enjoyed it but she never got into it as much as we did at halo but i remember

Really wanting her to get into minecraft i said yeah this is like the community storeroom so we started off building it in um survival but then that was at the time when they had like the duplication glitch so in the end what we’d do is i would spawn in a bunch

Of materials in the chest and put them here then i’d load the world in survival so people would build in survival but would have like um access to all of these different blocks which basically would limit the amount of griefing that they would be able to do because griefing in survival is um

Slower i guess this was so when i very first met squid before we’d ever look at may she doesn’t she die she doesn’t know how to sleep in a bed oh she’s twitching she’s properly asleep i don’t know if you can tell but like so that’s like see her poor and

Like her the hair that’s the color her fur is this like this gray brown smudge that’s the color her fur is now because um uh yeah we had a long muddy walk before the stream and it was disgusting how it was anyway i was saying a story so yeah um

Yeah when i first met squid he joined i don’t know if you’re still here squid you may remember this you may not uh he joined this world and is when i was just getting to know him and we were kind of talking about the idea of oh maybe we

Could do videos together at the time i think i had about a thousand subscribers he had about two thousand just to kind of give you an idea both been doing minecraft for uh for a while and youtube for a while um but oh yeah i forgot they added like proper

Swimming in this version i didn’t i didn’t expect to do proper swimming in minecraft xbox 360. he joined the world and he built a melon pirate ship so he built this just for fun while we were chatting and then it kind of um became a

Bit of a running joke in quest and stuff so that’s how it um that’s how it all began uh he just built the ship just for fun here and then there’s a bunch of stuff all over the place oh yeah oh yeah this is the i was

Building a museum this is a museum that i built i don’t think i ever really put much in it but um yeah i was building a giant museum this is me like trying to build a really impressive build but even even at the time compared to like actual good

Builders it yes a bit plain looking isn’t it uh yeah there’s something i can show you i think it’s in this back corner of the world tanks shout out to tinks anyone remember tinks in the the chat i definitely uh remember tinx uh if you don’t know uh he was the one

Who um edited um the uh the video which is kind of like uh oh there’s an amazing video um i’m sure you can find it if you uh if you um if you search for it uh for when i hit 10 million subscribers and has just been

A really nice person in the community um before and since then uh so yeah shout out to tinks uh these were a bunch of um quick builds that we did so i think it was this just was this before building time i know what these were these were when they um

When they added in new texture packs um to the game uh and being squid to test out the new texture packs we did do like a quick build and then oh we obviously reviewed did we review each other how did it how did it work when um when we were like reviewing

Oh no fox says looking back you doing simple builds was better people could follow along with it and build as well people couldn’t follow crazy ones that’s a very nice way of putting it nicer than i was trying to do as good as i could but they ended up simple because

My mind doesn’t work that way i’m not um creative in that way i wouldn’t say i’m uncreative but i don’t i don’t have that artistic eye that i think you need to do the really creative builds um yeah i think i’m creative in different ways so yeah these were like when they

Added different texture packs uh we would uh do little quick builds and once again as i said this is the world we just used for stuff i’m gonna have to look at my map because i’ve got lost um i’m going to the wrong corner does anyone before i arrive there does

Anyone remember what this big black splodge in the the top of the screen is thank you to blake who says hey man i’ve been watching you since 2015 i had a completely different youtube account at the time uh you dan ballistic and ash were all my childhood watching this is

So nostalgic i thank you so much yeah it’s really um it’s really nostalgic for for me as well uh thank you to her to colton who says hi stamps what’s your thoughts on halo infinite the cakes the cakes how do so many people know this you’re all so

Smart it is it’s the cakes and we’re going to go see them oh yeah cohen says what’s your halo infinite um didn’t like the campaign like found it quite boring the campaign to be honest personal preference i’m not a big fan of that kind of open world game

Love the multiplayer there’s my nutshell review of halo infinite this was used for um when uh when i had like a glitch in some of my older videos with my capture card sometimes that would happen i’d have like a technical difficulty screen that would pop up and this is where i

Recorded my like i think i just jumped up and down like this this is where i recorded my technical difficulty screen if any of you remember those very brief moments in old videos but that’s where that’s where we filmed that uh what’s your thoughts on the new

Update if you dare said i think it’s cool i mean the caves were a long overdue update and i think um yeah i mean they did a great job um i don’t think there’s any of the new additions that i don’t like so that’s a good sign

Isn’t it and i’m i’m a notorious moaner as well so i’m british we like to moan and i’ve got anything to moan about so yeah i think they did a great job uh thank you to um uh pentina who says uh my daughter alexandria wants to tell you that she

Loves your videos and your helpers ah thank you so much alexandria thank you also to uh to new tally he says it’s really lovely to see all of this again have a good day stan thank you so much i think as well to uh to sammy walls who says hi stampy i’m 20.

And i’ve been here since the beginning i’m an up and coming uh marine biologist and i totally approve of the tiger shark that’s a reference back to when i was in the building time world and i had to build a tiger so i built a tiger shark

And i was actually quite proud of that build so i’m glad a up-and-coming marine biologist appreciates it and what a cool job to get into uh yeah that’s gonna be great uh thank you also to uh to uh to vive davidgaming who says uh stamps this is

Oh it’s crawled uh this is so nostalgic uh by the way do you know what lo-fi hip-hop is i think you should check it out i do know what lo-fi hip-hop is i could probably um actually know i won’t show you my phone i was gonna show you that from my

Recently played there’s a whole load of lo-fi hip-hop but it’s always scary showing your phone in case some message randomly pops up but yeah i do know what it is uh i’ve seen anime gale writing with a cat at the windowsill there’s actually um there’s a band

Called sweeps uh that i really uh enjoy and i listen to them a lot uh and their low fight um kind of sounds like more symphony stuff with like vocals in as well like kind of um samples uh so i really like that uh thank you also to nick bro gaming uh

For becoming a member uh so yeah so this is um from the video where i am i’m in a dream and hit the target attacks me in my dream uh it probably looks a little bit weird i think this is where i hate the target started from

And like and like i drops down i believe that’s how it goes uh but obviously it was night time in the video so it might look a little bit weird seeing it in daytime but yeah not only were all of these cakes painstakingly placed by hand

We had to basically do it all twice because they’re all on blocks so all of the blocks had to be placed by hand and then all of the cakes had to be placed by hands on top of the blocks also shout out to everyone who’s just joining now and wondering why the

Thumbnail is me with a guitar hero controller i’m not going to explain why but it’s just funny to think about there’s one of a specific thing i remember being in this world and it was this it down here one other thing that i want to uh i want to point out to you

I think he turned to mecca as well as awesome adam from and uh ryan dunn as well who says hi sample you and my childhood i used to come back from football training on wednesday night freezing cold uh for a lovely world video and it will be sitting there ready

For me to watch see those are the lovely stories i love to hear those really personal stories where it’d be like some sort of tradition or something that people would have watching the other videos uh thank you so much to dan who unfortunately has covered hopefully uh you make a speedier recovery

I don’t know if you heard but i’ve just got over covered myself i think also to our caden f as well as mcmahon for becoming new members and uh maine luigi who says uh i’ve been dying to hear you say my username for what 10 years so

Thank you for that very mature for a university student i know lovely to see the 360 version too uh it’s so much softer and nicer that’s a great way of putting it but i don’t think it’s just like the lower resolution because even on like um like the newer consoles where it’s like

High resolution it just it feels more like ah that’s gonna sound so dark it feels more real like it feels less like a video game and i know that’s absolutely ridiculous because it’s minecraft and it’s blocks and stuff but like something about the lighting and the way like

Like the the fog works and stuff like it just feels more real i feel like the new one’s almost just too vibrant and perfect and digital i don’t know so um it’s super hard to describe but it’s i feel like um yeah their message kind of

Summed up much better than i ever did anyway i don’t know what this is so this is the red carpet there’s some f1 car so this part was never seen in the actual videos but let’s see uh if you recognize where this uh this leads to uh or there’s guest accommodation so this

Was the film set for uh past your one second amazing a drink this requires everyone’s full attention there’s something so funny about the fact that like mae thinks it’s just us in the room and she’s gonna stand up have a little drink and then lie back down to bed and has no

Idea that there’s literally like 5 000 people watching her like obviously there’s no way for a dog to fathom that but like what would may think if she knew that suddenly 5 000 people were watching her lie down in bed also why are there 5 000 people watching this

I haven’t even got the right thumbnail for what i’m doing i guess loads of people are off maybe for holidays and stuff so um yeah that’s the first time i’ve really looked at how many people were watching um so yeah thank you i didn’t expect so many people watching this and shout out

To everyone watching this on vod so i feel like this is one that uh hopefully this stream will age well and people can kind of watch uh anytime maybe i will update the uh the thumbnail so it makes a uh a little bit more sense uh so yeah this

Was um past your bedtime with the magic animal club and this was a um game show we came up with does anyone remember how many subscribers it was for was it twenty thousand or fifty five was a hundred thousand uh let me let me look this up

And i just went to youtube and i saw it pop up with the thumbnail of me just there like i’m just there like with a guitar controller and then click on it i’m playing minecraft it’s so funny it’s so funny that i’m like this is me playing old worlds on minecraft and the

Thumbnail is me we weren’t concerned here broken or maybe i’ll leave it just because it’s funny yeah um oh those people are saying different amounts 50 or 50 000 seems to be um the consensus uh oh it doesn’t say it doesn’t say in the it doesn’t say in

The title oh so we did one for squid on squid’s channel when he hit thirty thousand how many um oh i’ve got an advert gotta you know what i know it’s annoying when you get an advert on youtube it’s even more annoying when you get an advert on youtube for your own video

What’s with my voice at the beginning oh it was it was 50 50 000 subscribers i thought it was quite a nice idea to do it so this was like the audience we had like our camera crew here there were real people like filming to actually get different camera angles and we’ve it’s

Meant to be like a late night talk show and then um there’s like there’s like a dunk tank i think there’s like a speed round question or something but then we also we built all of like it just shows like um the the mindset we had when making

Videos was like we built all of like this behind the scenes stuff like like a green room with like guest accommodation and stuff and it was just because we’re having fun and like i know this isn’t the case everywhere but i feel like now like people have got like so smart

For like youtube for like how to make effective videos and like what’s gonna get a lot of views and like what’s what’s the title going to be in the thumbnail and like they’ll upload a video and if it’s not successful they’ll switch out the thumbnail to something

Else and like there’s nothing wrong with all of this stuff but i feel like people got so down to what’s needed to be done like it feels like it’s changed a little bit where we were just like playing around and we were doing what would make

Us laugh or what we would make fun and like like we’d spend all of this time building all of this like backstage stuff and that for no reason no one’s gonna oh you can’t that’s so embarrassing it’s so embarrassing when i do that it’s so embarrassing if anyone thought

Stampy hasn’t streamed in a while maybe he’s got better now you know it’s worth it i get it i look i get it and i will remember to go back to game play this time i get it it’s so annoying when i’m talking about this

Stuff and you can’t see it but for the payoff for when i notice and how embarrassed it is i think the payoff for how funny it is is worth it for all you know i pretend to have not switched camera views oh it was for so long as

Well wasn’t it just just to be just to make a funny moment right let me uh let me go backwards then oh modern day youtubers no who don’t know they’re they’re about the titles in the thumbnails let’s be going backwards doing everything that i uh i just did before

Basically i just showed you that we built a whole load of stuff all like behind the scenes stuff that just like you know and decorate it all just for the fun just because we knew we’re making like this like tv studio set and we just wanted to be fun and that was

Like folly the the mentality was like what would be fun to do or what would like make like a fun video and we put a huge amount of effort into stuff that like there’s no way it would affect the amount of like views the video would get

Like i do a lot of stuff where i’d spend like hours on end doing a thing that would in no way impact anything in a meaningful way but we just did it just because it was exciting and it was new and it was fun and i’m not saying that there aren’t people doing

That now because of course there are but i do feel like now youtube’s such a bigger thing and now there’s people like i want to get into youtube to do youtube as a career like that changes the mentality whereas when i started youtube like no like literally no one was doing that

Like when i was doing youtube they didn’t have adverts on youtube yet you know like even when we were doing gaming stuff it was always like you’re always scared your videos are going to get taken down because that’s what game publishers did back then and stuff like

No one was getting in to do as a job it was just let’s play and i feel like even if you are getting into doing youtube but just for fun just knowing that it is a platform where you can make money and do it as a career has

Kind of just changed people’s mentality a little bit and that’s kind of um unavoidable like for everyone you know like me included like i’m not saying i’m just saying back in the day like when that wasn’t an option it was like a.m it was a different time right back when

I was young all of these blocks used to be filled why can’t i this uh this control is like dodgy i’m not surprised because i had to literally dust it off when i got out like it really struggles to let me fly thank you to her to olivia he said about

To have my 20th birthday and i’m still here after all these years i can never thank you enough for the endless joy and laughter that you have uh to continue to bring to my life uh thank you also to uh kenzo and michio uh happy new year uh glad you’re better

We missed you i missed you guys as well uh i can’t think of a a live stream uh i’ve done uh without you guys jumping in and saying hello so it’s um it’s actually been really nice streaming again and saying hello to all of these old faces why is wiggly worm here

Don’t i i wonder if someone else just built that as a recreation in order to to play it anyway we can go out and check out another world now uh thank you also to uh to juggling who says uh hi stamps i’ve been watching you for eight years now i used to love

Coming home after school to watch a new quest i thank you for helping me through school uh lol you are more than welcome i thank you all sir to aaron who says hey somebody i just wanted to say that you were my whole childhood and i’m so

Happy that you uh keep doing uh what you love uh and i hope you have a happy new year uh thank you so much thank you also to uh to jonomo stars uh as well as a lynette who says hey stumpy i’m making a new adventure matt world

For you and squashy uh sadly i’m doing it on pc that’s okay like if you don’t know lovely world is um is recorded on on pc now it’s still bedrock version uh i’m like moved over to java um but yeah that is um done on pc now

All right i think we could probably maybe look at one or two more worlds before i um end up completely losing my voice which will uh will probably happen uh do you still have the wii u console evan says i do it’s packed away somewhere that’d be annoying

To get out but i do have it somewhere uh is there any of these that stand out it’d be cool to see one of the um one of the old adventure maps would be quite cool to see because i wouldn’t have any memory of those what about hero hero cryptic two

Was it was this the one that was like really really long uh already done building time uh wonderquest one the quest was made on java so i don’t have wonderquest here so i couldn’t load that up uh thank you to her to alfie the gamer

Who says hi stumpy i just wanted to say uh i have watched your video since i was seven i’m now 16. uh thanks for making my childhood great you are more than welcome uh thank you as well to uh to victor who says i thank you for making my childhood so special um

It was rough going through a hurricane but your videos always seem to brighten my day thanks you are more than welcome i’m glad that uh my videos were able to have any sort of um positive impact So we looked at quest and we looked at building time and we looked at magic animal club podcast and we looked at ocean den so if you’re commenting to see any of those uh all you need to do is when the stream’s done you can just scroll back

And you can see me reacting to them uh thank you to her to justice backstorm he says gonna get off now just wanted to say before i left the obligatory in quotes you are my childhood lol thank you also to her to daniel uh who

Says hey stamps could you have a look at randoms yeah i could i could do that afterwards quickly thank you also to her to shan who says hey we’ve been watching you for a while uh since you are on the set of the uh the talk show i just

Wanted to ask if you enjoy any american late night talk shows uh i’m personally a fan of conan o’brien um i think the problem is kind of in your comment is that you’re talking about the american late night talk shows but like we we don’t get them here i mean maybe there

Is a way to stream them somewhere uh but if there is i haven’t really worked it out uh so my only real um uh way of seeing any of them is like from clips that are you know mainly on youtube um so i’ve now i’ve not watched enough

To say whether i like or don’t like them but i will say for like american chat shows sometimes i just can’t handle the audience like everything someone says like has to either be really funny or like they get a giant cheer and like someone would be like you know

I just moved to california and like the crowd will go wow like going mad or they’ll be like oh yeah like i’ve been a dad for five years and they’re going everyone starts screaming well like they’re just saying everyone will be laughing like so much i just feel like

The crowd has like and it’s not the crowd’s fault they have like people i’m sure at the side like trying to really hype everyone up and like say cheers and applause and stuff like i know they’ve joked about that in films but that’s like a real thing that happens so

Um yeah sometimes i just find that a little bit frustrating like i think in england in general we’re all a bit more like um subdued uh subdued and quiet and grumpy and cynical and so like i feel like we just generally have a more negative response to that you know

Like rather than everything being so awesome you know we’re just like yeah some things are good some things are bad a lot of the times it’s bad so i feel like i suddenly struggle with american talk shows a bit anyway so this is hero cryptic i don’t know if i recognize

Oh no maybe i do recognize this it’ll be cool to see some of the um remember the old hobbit adventure maps with thimble that would be fun knight fox what are you doing donating why have you donated so much tonight fox stop it this is for stampy’s beard fund

Oh i’m like literally stroking my beard as you said that i’m never going to be able to match you also uh my best friend made randoms oh we could check that out offers uh we could be in a call together and watch them uh when you post uh oh we would be

In a call together and watch them when you posted it it was one of the greatest highlights also you were my childhood you weren’t here earlier i saw how nightfox has been a big help uh to to me over the years and so him donating to me

Is just ridiculous uh but yeah i didn’t know that but i i totally totally understand the feeling like when you like make something all you want to do is like get feedback from it or like watch people like react to it like i remember even when i’d make like um

Super mario maker levels and then i would um and then oh i remember this boss guy yeah i mean i don’t know i’d search on youtube from people like playing it i remember even a markiplier played some of my uh my mario levels and it’s always interesting seeing like people playing

The things that you made so i totally uh understand the uh the the satisfaction of um of people like watching through things that you’ve created let’s load up randoms then because i i can’t remember this world too well maybe some of uh some of you did uh phineas why are you

Donating as well everyone who’s helping me stop donating i think you also too uh to kit kat who says uh hey i used to watch you every day after school i’m now in college uh thanks for making my childhood great uh i love watching uh your new videos now and then ry says

Hello stampy uh what are your favorite songs at the moment what am i listening to so there’s a band i discovered recently called black pistol fire that i’ve been really enjoying i’ve been listening to the cranberries a lot the ones who did like um um like linga and like zombie and stuff and

Really enjoying them so the last question i’ve been doing is um i’ll pick a um a soundtrack from a film and so in the back so say we were just doing um wait let me let me start loading up random before i say this because i wasn’t gonna get distracted

Don’t let me forget what i was gonna say though have i gone past it i feel like i know it’s quite an old one so unless i saved it recently it probably will be quite far down there go random yeah so like we were like doing like lego the other day um

And then just in the background i’d be playing the soundtrack for a film like normally one that has a bunch of license songs and then squashy would have to guess what film it’s from so if ever you’re having like a like a dinner party for those of you that have dinner parties

Are like people over and you want background music put on a soundtrack of a film and make it a competition to be the first person to guess it and if they’re struggling like we made it the rule where you could ask three yes no questions per song so then people

Would gradually try and like work out what it would be so you can be quite tricky uh with what the uh the choices would be so yeah anyway there’s some of the music i’ve been listening to i think you turn it to grace who says stamps on 19 i’ve been watching since 2013

As well as danny who says hey joe i really loving the uh the bonus points podcast also my childhood uh thank you uh so much i’m glad you’re enjoying the new podcast um i’ve been traffic trying not to mention it uh too much on like stampy things just because it’s so

Different from my normal content um so yeah i kind of read the uh the message out before um really reading what it says which is sometimes a bit of a dangerous thing so i guess here’s a little um preview for people that haven’t heard of it yet uh thank you also to uh

You have the worst username in the world hopefully you don’t take offense to that but everyone’s gonna understand what i mean when i read out your username okay shout out to jdjdirdjoe kdj4djsn how is anyone meant to pronounce that without going uh yeah anyway thank you for the

Intonation and saying can you play the new stardew valley game that’s coming out there’s a new is it is there an actual proper stardew valley game coming out or is it like another game by the same developer i know they released a um a uh a stardew valley uh board game um

So um that’s something that i’d like to play but it’s really hard to get hold of it’s selling out all of the time so that’s something i’d really like to play uh oh someone approving that uh i’m listening to the cranberries yeah they’re so i mean they’re not a new band

Obviously but um yeah they’re so good uh sadly can you talk about hit the target i spoke i had the target quite a lot earlier when i was kind of touring some of the the other worlds so um there’s not much in general i can say all i can say is that

Apparently trying to think of way to word this apparently i don’t know how to word what i was going to say hit the target has an exciting plan coming i’m assuming as a random guess that i worked out the other day from clues that i saw in the world there

We go that’s the one that was the way to word it i could be a politician thank you also too uh to chill vibes he says thanks for making my childhood so delightful and what makes you special and unique is your honest and humble i thank you so

Much uh you make the videos not for views about a lot of pure enjoyment thank you it’s very easy to say that now now no one’s watching it’s like he doesn’t make it for the views because he doesn’t get very many that’s the that’s the nice way

The nice way to to put it it’s so funny how much you can get like complimented so much for like just not being like a rubbish person like people would say like being humble like i’m like i just try like as much as

I can just to be like as i would be if i wasn’t a youtuber and like it’s so weird people will comment like that like you meet you and they’re like you’re just like a normal guy it’s like but i just am like there’s nothing that i do in my day-to-day life

That is like kind of really any different um well how do we let’s get to the start of this level shall we see if i can find with it cause i can’t remember what the spawn was it’s like a big open bit and they had like the signs go this is a

It is a jumbled mess of an adventure map though isn’t it so it’s all over the place there this is the spawn i remember it now i remember we did didn’t we do something weird at the the start didn’t we i remember us messing around here for a

While before jumping it at all this side i recognize the sign as well um uh stamps do you have your own personal survival world uh says vice david gaming i don’t uh fun fact i almost never uh play minecraft outside of uh recording it and a lot of people take

That as what’s going on with my stuff a lot of people take that as me saying that i don’t enjoy playing minecraft and i only do it to do videos which isn’t the case i enjoy playing minecraft when i’m making videos i really enjoy minecraft but the thing i enjoy doing in

Minecraft is making videos if that makes sense i’m sure i would enjoy minecraft if i didn’t make videos but i nowhere near would play it like as much as i think other people would i think i would have probably fully moved on from minecraft a couple years after

It came out if i wasn’t doing videos and enjoyed doing videos on it so much uh thank you also to uh to matsuabai who says uh thank you for being part of my childhood and then hit the target comment saying come on pal talk about me you know you want to joke joke

It’s it’s hard to talk about uh hit the target for uh for obvious reasons oh wait a minute so it’s been am i just going to play through this adventure map now oh assume the thing was not letting me fly again so how did the how did the beginning start level one jump

Doesn’t that just kill you have fun you don’t oh yeah i remember the signs were really like weird on this map so how how how did does anyone remember how i how i used to um how how i got past this i don’t sink through it

Was there like a secret different way i was meant to go bottom right harry says do you remem how do you remember that how how do so many of you remember where the little hidden hole is is that from playing the map or from watching our videos on it that’s unbelievable

Level two get to the end as fast as you can oh no these ladders are in the way go you know what i do miss playing these adventure maps do you know what would be really fun cause i don’t want to play any modern adventure maps i like these like

These classic style adventure maps and i know we played a lot of them i bet out there there’s some adventure map that was like really like well thought of a really high quality like well-designed adventure map from back in the day on like xbox 360 and maybe they made the map and thought

There’s a good chance me and squid would play it or other people would but it just never got the recognition that it deserved it’d be so cool to hunt down that map and go back and find it and play it now like how cool would that be for like the um

The creators of the map to think that like that was a thing they did years ago and no one cares about anymore and then for like me and squid to do like a modern day playthrough of that map and like see it all with fresh eyes now

That would be a cool thing to do does anyone know any um any old maps like that that would be uh cool to to do that with i think that would be a really fun thing to do thank you to uh to llama78 who says hi something could you load up

Stampy flat challenge it was my favorite series back in the day i remember running home from school to watch it uh yeah that’s when i could load up uh thank you also to uh to soy sauce for becoming a member great username uh i think it goes into felix and scotty

Boy who says hi stumpy i’ve been watching since episode 100 so that was cat to the future right and i also remember watching the series and also can you find the lost sword or has it disappeared oh someone else said about the lost sword earlier right i’m gonna

Find either the stampy flat challenge or the uh or the lost sword because two people have said about the lost sword so it must have been a good one let me know if you see me go past it they thought oh there’s the stamp you flip oh simply flat challenge oh so that

That’s the original world and i guess this is the world that i built on it like this is like they’re probably the end of the series version of it so this was the series basically i created my own custom super flat so they had all these different layers and i had

To try and i set myself a bunch of goals i needed to complete and i actually ended up doing a couple versions of this challenge because it was so much fun the first time uh oh tinx has donated he says uh stumpy you’ve been exposed now i’ve already

Subscribed and started watching one of your podcasts also another question do you use bedrock or java for your lovely world so i use bedrock because that’s what i could transfer to um from xbox also it’s java doesn’t work very well with a controller you kinda can get it

Working but uh not great and bedrock bedrock isn’t perfect with a controller but is at least better and also i have ray tracing as well so uh yeah i play on on bedrock um yeah so i’m not like keeping like the the podcast like a secret i guess but because it’s so

Different to my stampy stuff i kind of wanted to kind of do it as something new which is why i’m not advertising it really anywhere so it’s not like i was trying to keep it hidden from anyone but um yeah it’s it’s a new thing that i’m doing

With someone who’s you know who has a podcast before but it’s still quite new to this stuff so we’re kind of just still you know we’re doing it as what i was talking about earlier where like it’s just for fun like it’s not for anything there’s no god we’re just

Two mates having fun just trying to you know doing something that we enjoy and so it’s kind of like fine just to keep it a bit smaller um so yeah that was the reasoning why it’s not some conspiracy i think you also too had to mellow man who says um

I wish i was in lockdown again spend the whole time re-watching your lobby world and re-solitude best time every re-solitude that was a a funner adventure map uh yeah i’m glad that you are i feel like a lot of people kind of went back and was um

Revisiting uh some of the uh the older series uh during a lockdown uh thank you also to ben gates who says hey stumpy i started watching uh back when your cruise ship video came up about eight years ago i would watch you after school your new vids and streams

Still mean a lot uh so keep going enjoy 2020. thank you so much for such a lovely message i think he’s well to her to richard spencer who says hi squid uh will you ever want to do another video with your time machine in your lovely world also i’ve always loved your video

Uh pass and present so the reason i’ve avoided using the time machine is it’s a bit of a cheat it’s a bit of like it’s okay this is gonna sound weird but it’s too convenient as a narrative structure because say if i kept reminding people

That i have a time machine in my lovely world any dramatic say for example theoretically if my bedroom got blue blown up the orb if i kept using my time machine regularly all of the comments on the video would be quick stampy use your time machine go

Back to before it was blown up and like stop it from getting blown up you know like and any big event that happened that would be like what everyone would say so i’ve kind of ignored the fact that i have a time machine and tried to

Use the um like anytime i have a decision like that i always try and have like some sort of a in-world logic behind it so um oh hi ollie so ollie some some someone donated and did a comment and mentioned the podcast in the comment

Um and i i read i read the comment out out loud before reading it advanced uh and it mentioned it by accident so sorry my bad i didn’t mean to i didn’t mean to mention it but yeah that’s not saying so anytime i have a decision like that i

Always try and think what’s the in-world reason for that and the in-world reason is that things went so badly last time i used the time machine stampedes kind of decided to never use the time machine again in case things go badly again so that’s why when a dog

Dies or something bad happens i can’t just explain it away by using the the time machine i don’t know yeah this was the series so the series was this was the landscape and oh yeah there’s some easy things i built i built a mob trap so mod craps if you don’t know basically

It’s where you want mobs to spawn in a dark place then they get funneled and then they would fall down here and they would get gathered up so all of all of this loot and stuff that i’ve gathered but i did it as this big box

And then they were fooling and i was saying it was like someone sneezing so um i every time like a mob spawned and would fall down i’d go like a chew and do as if they’ve been sneezed out of this big of this big sneezy box

Uh so during the series uh yeah every time someone dropped i did that and i think some people found it funny and then um most people uh eventually just found it really annoying uh but i found it really funny and wasn’t there another thing that i had some blocks

That i think was the floor every time the floor changed color i think i just got like ooh or something there was some sound i mean i think it just did it every time that happened i um i did something as well because i remember it freaking me out that the

Floor changed color because i didn’t know um that that was a thing but yeah so this was the surface of the world and then uh i could dig down and then there was all different layers and i really uh spent a lot of time planning out all of

These layers so like like the deeper i got the more like valuable the layers would be for like decorate like decorating materials and things that i would need because obviously if i just had a layer of like iron really high up it means i’d get really good items too

Quick or like diamonds and stuff so i really kind of spent a lot of time planning it out for you know in conjunction with the the challenges that i had and like having lava and stuff in the way and then this area is where all of like the diamonds would spawn but the

Diamonds have lava right on top of them so obviously if i broke away to get a diamond the lava would fall down and so or burn the diamonds so i’d have to like be clever to in order to try and uh to try and get it um so

Yeah that’s what this series was and then i did another series called so this was stamped the stampy flat challenge and then i did the stamp of his like stampy back challenge so i i told it something weird that didn’t make much sense where i basically did this again

Uh but i had a few changes i think i had like um it was a completely different type of world and it was um i had set challenges to complete and then once i completed then i was then able to go past like a checkpoint which i think kind of spaced

It out a little bit better but that series i did when my channel overall was a little less popular i think just overall less people saw it although i think probably it was a um probably a little bit of a of a better series overall but yeah this is the the

Stampy flat challenge and then the other one people were asking for was um the lost sword which i scrolled through earlier and um i couldn’t find it so um oh the flat back challenge that’s what it was called thank you everyone uh yeah so

Uh yeah let’s see if i can find the lost sword so i recognize the name but i can’t remember what it is so if i scroll past it let me know so i can find it and i see people are suggesting me to do other worlds let me do the lost sword

First because i’ve mentioned it a bunch of times and um i haven’t done it yet i thank you to hugh fogg he says hey sampy you’re an absolute legend uh would you ever go on the wafflin podcast with joe weller theo and luke uh it would be the funniest

Thing ever uh i’ll be totally honest i know some of you pretty gonna laugh at me cuz i bet they’re really famous i don’t know who those people are i don’t know what the podcast is so currently asked uh do the question but um i’m up for joining other people’s podcast as long

As um they’re good so there’s this one here which is just their youtube channel so i couldn’t find it earlier so i don’t know what this world is but this could be the lost sword uh what if the time machine sent you to the future cosmic nexus says that could be cool

But it’d also be hard because if it’s the future of my lovely world that there should be a bunch of other things that i are meant to have built but then i’d have to actually build them all which would kind of be spoilers and stuff maybe if it does slightly to the future

Yeah who knows maybe like i didn’t destroy the time machine so it’s always there as a potential to use it again but i didn’t want to use it uh too much uh thank you to disco love your gaming picture or your profile picture by the

Way of ori name my cat after that game says hi stampede longtime fan uh have you ever revisited the resolute map uh there were some super amazing builds on that map and always my favorite series from you and stampy yeah that might be another good one to check out i remember

That that was a huge map i remember there was like one big wasn’t there like a one big giant tall area like a tower that we were inside then there was all lava on the floor and then didn’t i get loads of cats that kept burning is it was it that one is

That the one you’re taught i think that’s the one um that you’re talking about uh but yeah i have no idea what world i’m loading up now i thank you to uh to tom’s plays who says a happy new year stampede i wish you all of the best for this year thank

You for making everyone’s childhood amazing and then an okay emoji thank you so much i thank you also to uh to no chew or notch maybe who says hi stumpy i just wanted to say thanks for uh making my childhood great and could you say hi to

Uh to leah and louis uh we both love your videos uh yeah sure i don’t know if it’s pronounced leah or lee so i say both uh and louis uh yeah thank you so much uh for watching my videos i don’t know where we are so i don’t

Know what this world is i know the youtube channel of who made it oh this is the uh the mystery of grave hall manor who remembers this one which one was this one keep this way hmm maybe he’s starting to recognize this a little bit let me fly

It keeps not letting me fly i need to i should switch this out to a different controller come on start flying why did it too quick or too slow why why is it it’s not it’s not letting you fly there we go there we go does anyone remember this one

It’s gonna be it’s gotta be an old one because it was so fun oh yeah the jar you arrived since you’re looking for an adventure our friends the calverts have been heard from in a few weeks we would uh like you to go to their manor grave hall and see what is

Wrong they’re gators to the west oh i miss these old adventure maps so much i just remembered how much fun we had just reading the sides especially when like the signs had like typos in or just really confusing it’d always end up being really funny anyway this isn’t this isn’t the one we

I want to find the lost sword isn’t it quite ironic that the lost sword is the one that’s uh that was lost a lot of people are remembering this one is very old a lot of people are saying oh disco says that’s the one you had a

Yeah you had a dozen cat spawn eggs that you placed everywhere in a massive lava parkour it didn’t go very well yeah no i did that was a very long one i do i remember that one so again let’s look for either the lost sword or re-solitude

I’m pretty sure the lost sword was older than re-solitude let’s see if we can know we can track it down a stream for way longer than i thought um i was going to i’m gonna have to stop soon because i’m getting quite hungry i haven’t had dinner yet

Oh that’s wonder wharf that was the uh wonderquest themed adventure map a skyden sword of al’s car remember that one that’s not the lost sword though right the forgotten veil there’s the first sword of al’s car fever building hunger games where’s resolute did i go past it unless

Unless no it was it wouldn’t have been on xbox one would it unless it’s named something weird should we look at the uh should we look at the forgotten veil i kind of want to check that one out i can’t remember it once again ironic the fact it’s called the

It’s called the forgotten bell i’m like i can’t remember the veil but i really remember the name and i have like when i think of the name i have a positive emotion in my mind i think it’s probably a good one oh people are saying cryptic kingdom is

That is that what it is i think you two out to austin who says i rewatched an old hunger games where you escaped the house by glitching through the wall to kill thimble was the best ever thanks for the memories yeah against all odds that was actually um i

Was talking earlier about i showed i meant an adventure map that we built earlier that was another adventure map that we built um and then i remember we were playing it was me and squid were very good at minecraft back in the day um and so we

Were playing as me and squid together against like i don’t know five people or something and we were stuck in a house with rubbish lou and they had to go up a ladder to try and get us but we were able to escape by glitching through the wall and surprising them and

It was literally the best ending to a hunger games moment ever did i didn’t did i do a top 10 like hunger games moments i swear that i did a top 10 and that was on it if not if you search against all odds stampy hunger games you should be able

To get it top 10 hunger games stampy did i do that as a top 10 yeah i did um Oh i also did a top 10 adventure map moments so uh if you wanted to check that out you could just advertising my own videos to you but i’m not sure if that was like hunger game moments or maps oh yeah top 10 favorite hunger game videos so it would

Be in that or search against all odds but yeah it was a funny moment uh thank you also to add to matthew kowi and uh elena sin as well thank you for the donations saskia hello welcome to the stream says watch all this then um yeah don’t worry

About the thumbnail with the guitar hero controller we’re just loading up some uh some old xbox 360 maps and going going through some memories you know what i really completely forgot how long it takes for some of these maps to load up you know what it’s good it

Builds up the hype you know you know you’re loading up into a good map when it’s like the longer it takes to load uh right so is this the end of the map huge warning i know it’s like this is the beginning before playing the fight before placing the final shard in the

Gold slot make sure that this center circle remained clear take everything you want from the chest also oh i remember this place did all didn’t we fight the ender dragon here i remember there been loads of i think we thought this is obviously where we set our spawn

God these maps are insane they’re so good didn’t didn’t we fight the ender dragon here somehow i think what i think we do oh is this in the this is no this isn’t in the end oh there’s a roof that hadn’t loaded in i’m sure we fought the ender dragon here

Yeah for those just joining this is the uh the forgotten veil i think you two had some mewtwo fan who says hey sam thanks for making me uh happy in my childhood uh could you maybe revisit the quest to kill the enderdragon so we briefly revisited it earlier but squid joined

The chat and we decided that we might do a um a one-off video kind of revisiting all of the stuff in that world so that’s that’s to come uh thank you also to uh save who says hi stampy i just wanted to say thank you for making my childhood i’ve been a

Longtime fan for about nine years uh your videos were so inspiring to watch thank you for everything uh love savannah oh thank you so much god look at this map look at that i do you know i do kind of remember this you know i do kind of remember this

So wait was that this where’s the where’s the spawn look at all of look how much they built i reckon this to me looks like one that was a built on pc and then converted to xbox and i’m no shame in that no no i’m not judging like the uh the artistic

Design is still there whether you build it on pc or console but i mean they didn’t build all this terrain by hand right there’s no way they built this all by hand surely surely not uh wasn’t there one where the boats were glitching yes there was squid

Oh i don’t know which one it was so what it was it was you were um you were sailing off in like a boat and you were really far away and there was a big wiggly there’s a big worm and you were laughing at this big worm

And then you were sailing off in a boat and then i was like punching no but that’s it you were out on a boat on your screen but on my screen you were just standing there like this with your weird open mouth and then i was like squid are you

Sailing a boat and you’re like yeah i’m just sailing a boat and then i punched you and i was like did you just get hurt you’re like yeah and you were like on the other side of the map and i was just punching you and you were

Just getting hurt again and again and again i actually i think i did do us a top 10 adventure maps as soon as we’re getting nostalgic for old adventure maps that might be one people enjoy top 10 adventure map and it was like it was adventure about like funny moments from

Adventure maps i’m pretty sure yeah top 10 adventure map moments so there’s a whole bunch because there’s more in the video than the 10 because in the intro and outro i include a bunch more but yeah i’ve put a link uh it’s going past in the the chat now so if after this

Or now if you’re bored of this uh if you want to um If you want to go and uh see top 10 adventure map moments and see some of the uh this this stuff as it was played out at the time you can go and do that but um oh yeah look remember this oh this was the best beer

I remember the first time i saw this bit i just couldn’t believe that this was done in minecraft and then i remember when i saw this funny face bee and squid laughed so sorry this is probably this view that i’m seeing right now is probably the funniest

Single view that there is in minecraft i i i literally can i can’t think of anything that’s better quality and funnier than this view right now oh wait oh you can’t see the screen oh you can’t see oh sorry let me let me switch back nah got ya got ya [Laughter]

It’s just a brick wall it’s just it’s just some cobblestone oh dude it’s funny because i do that in like real life all of the time let me let me have another look i really want to find either um the lost sword or re-solitude why what i think it might be

Is that they were on maybe they were on an older xbox because you know xbox 360 is as great as they were they did have a tendency to just suddenly just stop working so i did go through multiple xbox 360s while um doing minecraft oh people are saying cryptic kingdom is

That justice i can’t remember cryptic kingdom that is it or is that re-solitude but that’s just what the map’s called let me uh stampy crypto cryptic kingdom oh it’s time one oh of course i remember that one so yes so that was um that was the one that was

Done by um the mc miracle that was the one that was made for us and had like a bunch of um easter eggs and stuff oh of course i why did i not remember cryptic kingdom do you know what i think it is it’s because when we recorded it and we

First sent it it didn’t have a name so like that he had he used he like he made this amazing giant map and he was like and i was oh what’s it called news i don’t know oh nc miracle oh dear and daisy that was one load of loaded up

Play through with daisy look at the enchanted island oh the uh the um royal air battle that was a fun one uh thank you to popcorn who says hey stamps just wanted to thank you uh for all the memories uh that made my childhood and i wanted to ask you you

Could say happy birthday for trey also will we ever see you and squid do adventure maps again uh happy birthday trey i hope you’re having an amazing day and in terms of adventure maps i mean uh squid’s in the chat you know we have to um

Have to have to ask him so sword of house love archipelago Whether top defense steampunk isle so that there’s sky den once again i kind of don’t want to look around sky down too much because squash is not here i feel like um be weird doing it by myself zombie adventures island of eden so these are a bunch of the different uh

Challenges we do yeah there’s definitely a bunch missing here i think there’s a bunch of these are on a different xbox somewhere i mean i could go start hunting through my xboxes but i’m gonna have to stop soon anyway because i want something to eat so maybe i could find someone do them

Another day you’re a cryptic too Did people see re-solitude or were people just um were people just saying it yeah maybe i’ll have to um to be like now i’ve got like the power cable and it all set up like it would actually be quite quick switching out xboxes i don’t need to put them online or anything so

Maybe i could go and have a um uh a look through um i look through some of these different xboxes so let’s look at island of eden uh and then um yeah then i think i’m gonna call it a day and go and have some dinner in my tumtums because i’m hungry

Oh i’m hungry christopher robin i want some honey uh be as crazy we’re doing like like before bed we’re a bit loopy we’re just doing bad impressions of like um off of um winnie the pooh for ages scroll piglet i watch i want some honey

For my tom tom and we’re just doing it for ages i’ve had it really funny uh thank you to her to kyle who says hey sams uh i was looking on youtube to see when the lost sword was released and it was after the pit disney pixar hunger games maybe

Look above that oh really okay maybe we’ll have another one more quick look uh my favorite is always the infected temple matthew says which i believe that was the first one we did right and that was funny just because we had no idea even what an adventure maps were like

That was a lot of fun thank you to our device david gaming i says stamps do you know uh darth punk if you do uh how do you feel uh that they broke up did they break up i think they just i thought they just like finished i thought they just kind of

Retired i didn’t know they actually like like did they fall out uh yeah i love daft punk um yeah i mean loads of great songs from them over the years uh so um i mean i didn’t feel any strong emotion like they’ve been doing it for a long time

They could have a break now um thank you also to uh to extension who says i opened for uh what i would say if i ever met you or spoke to you or saw you uh i’ve grown up uh on your content for the most part uh i’ve grown out of

Your content or for the most part uh but i check back uh every now and then uh to see how you are uh lucky that i saw you streaming and then part two of their comment is uh and all i can think of is thank you uh

You made me who i am taught me about wholesomeness and kindness and now as an adult i maintain those values because of you i know you hear this all the time but thanks oh thank you so much and i do hear it a lot i will be honest but that

Doesn’t mean it means um any less you know i’ve never heard it from you before so oh yeah thank you uh so much of your lovely comment and i’m glad i was able to have some sort of positive impact on on your life i think also to under meow who says uh

Glad to see you streaming against stamps we missed you i missed it as well unfortunately there have been a few lag spikes in this stream but hopefully this is a a rare anomaly and it hasn’t seemed to be as bad as it was basically we have wireless internet uh so we have an

Aerial on the side of the house that picks up the internet um and we’ve got a new aerial which is meant to be better and fix these problems and it’s much better but it still ain’t perfect and for a youtuber that live streams maybe um yeah it’s not the best is it

Thank you to her to just live who says hi stops uh just saying you made my childhood i’ve been a fan since about 1.5 million uh do you happen to have race to the moon world i don’t um that would be um squid would have that uh

Because this is my old xbox 360 world and that was not on pc uh so i don’t have that uh also thank you to our spy cam says uh hey stamps uh it’s cool to see you go back to the og minecraft yeah this wasn’t the plan really i was only

Gonna play through the uh the tutorial world using the um guitar hero controller that was the original plan for the stream but plans changed uh so yeah this is islands of eden i i didn’t know that i hosted this or is this our house this is our house isn’t

It so this is a series that i did on squid’s channel uh well squid did on switch channel like i was i was just happy to be there i was just a guest so this is our our house i remember we had that like really like long tower at the top there

So it’s basically like a um kind of like a sky island um where we like build across and try and explore and i remember there’s a lot of fun stuff oh didn’t we build like oh yeah we built a farm here and i remember that i remember there was something really funny about

This farm on me like oh look i love this food so it is sunbathing and i think we built like a pvp game was this it here yeah i think maybe it was here we had to be here with bows and arrows and we had to like sidestep uh to try and like

Shoot each other off and this is all stuff that i literally had like no memory of in my brain until like i am Until like i’ve seen it now and now i’m like remembering it i wasn’t it wasn’t this where we had to do like i if i said a certain word squid would have to say like raspberry sir yes sir or something like i like spinning a circle

It was a goofy series it was a series with squid and i as a result it was a uh a goofy series but for those of you that did watch um islands of eden hopefully that was a nice little throwback where i could have one little last look for lost

Swords because yeah um so where was it yeah so this was um carl said uh i was looking on youtube see lost sword was released after the disney pixar hunger games so look at let me look for the ones that were after that and have one little

Large chance to try and find it before i am before i give up so where where is that one because as i said it might be named something differently it just means it should be on this xbox like if if that one if that one’s on

Here it should be on as well so we’re looking for disney pixel first so here’s disney episode should be newer than this so that’s the hunger games chrono’s awakening i don’t know what that was i feel i have a feeling it was a hunger games though weathertop defense steampunk aisle hungerland

I know eden side by side so these these are a bunch of the challenges Don’t think it’s here you know i don’t know where it is i wouldn’t have deleted it as you can see i’m not in the habit of deleting all things more option server version one i might go back to that because i have no idea what that is because sometimes when you downloaded

These files they had really weird names so you know what no matter what this thing is this will be the last world that we look at i saw it no it’s not sword of alcazar we’re looking for it’s um the lost sword that’s a different map uh thanks to lash desert says besides

Streams um are your videos still making money from youtube uh if you don’t want to talk about it it’s fine uh just wondering uh you’re the the best so i mean like kinda like not much not like youtube’s change you need to get a lot

More views than you used to to to kind of make any money um so um yeah so so they make a little bit but you know i don’t get anywhere near enough views or i don’t upload regularly enough to really make money from it so yeah i guess that’s what i say about

That um thank you to uh to elite neffy who says thank you uh for your amazing vids much love as well as uh donny who says uh just wanted to thank you for the memories and um uh mega mega eska says wants to visit the uh race to the moon world which um

Kind of said earlier sadly is um is not on um on this xbox uh thank you to uh to king photos for becoming a new member as well as matt who says um uh hi my name is justice mismatch in terms of username uh and i’m

Your number one fan can you give me a shout out thanks oh yeah sure uh thank you uh for the uh the comment justice and um yeah thanks for for watching i’ve just realized what this is does anyone else know what this is uh i don’t think you will so i’m just going

To tell you so this is a world i downloaded and i used it for what is a hundred percent my worst short kind of remember what it was called it was basically no dialogue short about these two kind of like fairy-like creatures and i won’t spoil it but um basically i

Was trying to do the story without any dialogue and i felt like i knew the storyline and so because of that i felt like it was understandable but it was way too confusing and way too slow paced and there’s a few shots and individual moments that i liked in it uh but overall

I think it was pretty bad so um yeah sorry some some of you might like it it’s obviously preference but this is the uh the world that i used uh for that and i’m sure most of you don’t recognize it here we go this is this was the house that one

Of the uh one of the characters lived in so yeah i didn’t know what this world was so it looks like i can’t find it so as i said i might try loading up some um uh some different xboxes uh to have a look through to see if i can find any of

The uh the other worlds uh that i couldn’t find here um but uh yeah i’m over that i think i’m gonna call it a day uh for today uh thank you all for watching the the stream uh there’ll be some other streams uh popping up uh here

And there uh but for now i’m gonna focus on trying to to get ahead uh recording lovely world videos uh so they’ll be able to return and then the uh the night challenge as well as series i just started um i want to continue that if you didn’t

Hear earlier i got covered over the holidays so i wasn’t able to to record uh which basically um yeah meant that i fell really far behind on videos and i now need to uh try and catch up so that is what i am going to to be doing uh

Thank you all for enjoying the stream um yeah uh pretty maybe i’ll change the file if i leave the thumbnail as it is it’s kind of a funny joke the fact that the uh the thumbnail for the streamer i’m just checking out minecraft worlds is for some reason me with a guitar hero

Controller it’s goofy it’s silly it makes no sense but that’s not always a bad thing and before i go i want to say thank you to the um the the last few uh donations that came through thank you to her to dr guacamole to nick borlas to

Twi sty who says good to see you again are you made my childhood and i hope you’re doing well thank you very much thank you to her to greg stein a wolf gang uh hit the target once again who says ooh lovely world in brackets insert spoilers here see you later buddy thank

You so much hit the target which is a weird thing to say but yeah thank you all so much for watching the stream hope you all had a lovely time and i’ll see you all in the next one bye I wonder if you could play spelunky while using a guitar hero controller only one way to find out

This video, titled ‘Checking Out Old Minecraft Worlds On Xbox 360 – 🔴 Live’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2022-01-02 20:24:42. It has garnered 810201 views and 22850 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:23 or 11663 seconds.

In this stream, I will attempt to get through the Xbox 360 Minecraft Tutorial world while playing with a guitar hero controller.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge 🚩 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge! In this thrilling episode, we dive into the colorful world of Minecraft to put our creativity and skills to the test. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to recreate the flags of various countries, including the United States, Mexico, Germany, India, and Turkey, all within the blocky universe of Minecraft! What to Expect: Epic Builds: Watch as we transform simple blocks into stunning flag representations that reflect the colors and symbols of each nation. From the iconic stars and stripes of the USA… Read More

  • Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft’s Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷

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  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

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  • Giltory SMP

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More