Stardew in Minecraft with Pokemon?!

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Oh A [Applause] The [Applause] E Funny isn’t it that I didn’t realize it was that voice change that I had on I was trying to do this one with just a little bit of echo it was just I saw somebody in chat go waiting for the stream to start feels like waiting for for the cinema to begin

So I want to to see that you know where they go hello there it’s time to enjoy the show so phone’s off lightly chew your popcorn cuz the magic is about to begin it felt like that uh but anyway hi hello good afternoon and welcome to the stream how

Are we we have got brand new subscriber badges which is very exciting uh we got new badges on uh twitch and I am deliberating whether to throw them up on YouTube as well um I say deliberating only because I’m pretty sure on YouTube we don’t have ones for like length of

Time it’s basically just for um being a sub in general so over on YouTube we’ve got the AHA like spy glass emot as a uh as a as a badge but yeah I’m not too sure on the um on what to do aside from that I’ll show you what they look like

Actually if I go to it’s probably the best way to see them in like all their scale and Glory here we go um so yeah you got this little website just here oh hello mini mooka is that an old sub or a gifted one

Or what what what is that I just saw there was a thing for mini also that alert box is Big isn’t it let’s make it teeny tinier let’s make it smaller yeah there you go I think that size is a bit nicer isn’t it cool um let

Me do this so I can hear any alerts that are going off um so here are our brand new badges look at this you’ve got first month third sixth 9 12 so every 3 months you basically get a new badge up until you get to the year mark then you get

The golden one and you get the special rainbow one at the 2-year Mark and then from there as somebody pointed out would be a really cool idea is actually using uh the sequencer seek as uh you know a screen if you will and then have the number projected onto it and the reason

That I’ve ended up with a different color backgrounds is cuz originally I tried to do the thing with seek where cuz on on the device I think on actually both the one in Minecraft and in the the animatics it has a loot Shard and then a

Bit of a floaty sort of um sort of like gradient around it a bit of a glow and I tried to do that and it just didn’t look quite right so instead I actually pushed the colors to the the full border of the screen that was available and then I

Thought oh well why don’t I just hu shift these like I have for the crystals cuz all I’ve done with the crystals is clicked on one moved a little bar and it changes it from like red to green green to blue you know stuff like that um so I

Did the same with the screen and um that’s what I landed on so the the Y is custom on these and then the numbers are actually the Minecraft 10’s font and then it’s slightly adjusted on the odd one like the seven looked a little bit skinny so I’ve like fleshed that out a

Little bit um but no I’m excited I think it’s the 24th of February is when we get our next um our next long Milestone one I mean that’s 21 44 months that’s not the right one uh when somebody gets to what is it 10 oh God I can’t do quick maths in my

Head 156 months yeah that’ll be it uh when somebody gets to 156 months the 13-year Mark they will then get um the 13-year badge which as you can see goes purple green blue red yellow and that so it’ll be going to yellow and then the next year after that it’ll be another

Rainbow so there you are that’s that how was everybody’s New Year’s Eve what did we get up to for those of you that missed the stream Yesterday by the way this is what we’re going to be playing so this is something called um big Chad

Guys it is a brand new mod pack um I say brand new it came out earlier on this year and they’ve just recently updated it to really sort of iron out all the Kinks um and yeah and basically big Chad guys is uh what was the wording they

Used they said it was uh a factorio boyfriend made a Minecraft mod pack for their staru girlfriend that was the description and it’s it’s kind of spot on honestly there’s also Cobble Monon that’s mixed into this as well so if you want to check out Cobble Monon then

That’s a whole thing um which I have been doing to be fair I didn’t think I would but you know it’s been good it’s been good so there we are oh my God you downloaded this yesterday and played it right now nice it seems like a

Lot of people saw this yesterday and was like oh I’ll give that a try give a little look give it a well I do love factorio and staru can’t say I’ve ever played factorio if I’m honest um so yeah now where was I yesterday oh that was it yesterday I

Just got enough diamonds hadn’t I that was what I did yesterday okay so um what’s this Iris help with performance that’ll be fine right so um yesterday I got enough diamonds to make one of everything to make helmet boots and everything like that I didn’t realize

The boots were cursor binding so um I guess I’ve just got to deal with them although do c of binding reset if you die cuz if so then I’ll I’ll be fine with that that should be okay um the bades look gorgeous thank you very much I’m glad you like them yeah

I’m happy with how the badges turned out I literally only made the the year ones uh just today so that was uh that was a new one for me is there an option on here for me to see sub badges let me just double check cuz I’m currently

Using something called uh restream chat which allows me to see both chats at the same time and I was just curious whether there is a setting filtering maybe let’s have a look uh appearance compact mode blah blah blah blah blah how do I see chat badges I’m surprised that’s not a thing on

Here no it doesn’t by the looks of it oh that’s a shame never mind that’s fine um all right then so let’s see somebody was saying that you can actually upload badges as in separate badges to the different levels on YouTube streaming as well let me just have a quick look where

Is it uh memberships let’s see um there’s the membership levels uh how do I do it when do you change the badges I’ve got CEO members which by the way a few people became members yesterday so thank you very much for that just as a little heads up um

Becoming a member on YouTube is cheaper than becoming a member on Twitch uh until until and this is a big Cav with this oh my God that gobat is massive um the caveat with that is that if I can hold 350 Subs on Twitch for I think

Three months in a row or is it just a one month it might be 3 months in a row you have to have 350 Subs on Twitch um consistently and then they actually give you I think it’s a 7030 split it’s called like the partner plus program or

Something but I’m not currently in that so it doesn’t really matter to me um where do I change the sub bges I don’t see it uh membership levels maybe if I go into here um Edit add perk suggested perk no that’s all the that’s that’s perks isn’t it if anybody knows on YouTube gaming YouTube streaming how to alter the badges per month let me know cuz I can see the different membership levels but I don’t see how to edit them within that

Emojis loyalty badges unless I’m just on totally the wrong tab I feel like I might be customization maybe branding Channel info no that’s not the One I want I go to like the memberships tab this is what I see so this is the memberships tab so when I click on membership levels it lets me then edit things or that’s trying to add another level Jesus no how do I delete that delete

Level yeah I’m just wondering how to how to do how to add the bits I don’t see anything about adding months there’s loyalty badges it says you can customize it later but I don’t know where to customize it later you know what I mean I just I don’t I don’t

Know where that is recent comments recent video joins recent member activity all of this I’m clueless customized default perks maybe ah there it is oh yeah I tell you what then let’s do it let’s let’s update it replace image new members I’m going to do this right now I

Know this is pulling this away from the gameplay but s it the only reason that I didn’t do it is cuz I didn’t think that YouTube had that capability but if it does then let’s do it um so how big are the badges on YouTube 32 by 32 okay that’s fine by me

Um oh wait no me I can’t do It um let me try the 36 yeah there you go I’ve done the 36 and it does it um oh and then it’s saying that I have to put one in for after one month why can’t I I mean I guess I could just put the

Same one in right there we go yeah for some reason it makes you in fact maybe that’ll be fine let’s do that hold on um what’s the order so it goes purple green um purple green blue and then after 6 months we’ll keep it at actually I tell you what hold on um

We’ll go purple purple blue I want green there for the six month Mark we’ll have gold for that one rainbow for that one and then the three-year Mark we have threeyear one and then for that one we have the 4year one there we go I think that

Should have done it that should now be updating I want you to have the purple one for a few months and then when you get a little bit higher you can do that although do I have a red one oh I do have a red one oh maybe I don’t need to

Do that then oh yeah I tell you what then let’s go let’s go blue green blue green red then to gold and rainbow and everything like that there you go save and publish nice I think potentially I’ve got a new emote slot that’s unlocked oh we need another two members

On YouTube to unlock more emotes okay fair fair fa Fair lovely all right cool got it um so let’s make do I make a bunch of diamond gear here or should I just go upstairs first I feel like maybe I should just wander back upstairs also I want to make

Note of where this opening is because this is a really nice cave and we literally have a an eyeline to the sky which is oners I’m going to L the light just a little bit oh maybe I keep it that high so does this go all the way up I mean to

Be fair it’s good enough it’s practically taking me up to World height tell you what I’ll do I’ll do this and I’ll just keep going upwards until I get out of here the shaders are pretty yeah I tell you what the I’m actually surprised that the Simplicity of the textures combined

With such nice shaders and it actually works as an effect um yeah I’m quite pleasantly surprised by that um right keep going upwards don’t know if anybody else is on oh they’re not okay cool just thought I check I just realized that this is like an S SMP

With other people but I’m just not actually bothered to look yet as to whether anybody else was on um okay let’s be a bit more careful here oh jeez going to push against the wall come on use shovel that’ll probably help me there we go nice Okay cool so oh oh

Careful nice there we go right right the way up so where am I right now uh oh God I’m like nowhere near my base I don’t think let me look on the map oh jeez dude I’ve traveled I’ve gone quite a ways um jeez so I’ve gone really far south of

Where I started South and West this is where I started and this is uh sorry this is where I started and this is where I am now oh dear all right Fair um I tell you what I’ll just leave that water where it is then let’s head back

North let’s get back to my Island and we’ll carry on all I know is Scott’s on the server yeah I think Scott’s on the server we saw a location called Sheffield so now I’m thinking like oh well that must be Ole the Ryan sound cuz he’s always going on about Sheffield is

He he loves he loves his Sheffield um uh remove there we go so yeah he loves he loves Sheffield so I’m assuming olie’s on here um I think basically Scotts just invited a bunch of people but I don’t know who said yes or no like I think Timmy’s been

Given the Deets for it but I don’t know if Timmy is going to be playing on it he’s not said yes or no just yet to my knowledge um and yeah oh Ros and Eloise are as well oh cool okay people are saying the Sheffield was AO okay I

Thought AKO was one of the the Brighton gang what’s his big love for Sheffield all of a sudden doesn’t seem right um let me see right I could do with sorting myself out with some uh more chests do that real quick honestly I’ll just do it with

Everything I got I should make a bunch of them um two oh I always forget you have to do that hold up wait how do I oh wait how do you do it do I need to have a block behind it for this to work

Oh go where is it uh chest oh I do it’s annoying you tell you what it’s really annoying that middle click is not um select where is it like what where where do you have middle click you know when you middle click to pick something that’s it

Middle maybe if I show conflicts so you got pick block there is on middle button middle button Mark location that’s what I want there you go Nice nice oh you can Crouch and place on the side of it I feel like that’s a super a vanilla thing that I’ve just honestly forgotten fall for fiction thank you very much for becoming a member dude a member there you go nice uh let’s see oh yeah um just there’s another

Thing as well I just noticed somebody tried to do a TTS a second ago like text to speech um I’ve upped the text to speech away from one bit and we’re going to go back up to um back up to 100 bits I think per text to speech Just where

We’re streaming on two platforms I think it can get a little bit weighted too much in One Direction and also where I am trying to be more mindful this year about making uh about doing streams and getting clips and stuff like that that could be kind of um Evergreen content as

They call it um I want to try and avoid unnecessary TTS you know a bit more you know what I mean it’s still doable it just cost a little bit more than before um so that is that’s my stance on it somebody mentioned to me on Twitter actually that there was some Pokémon

That you can get that will give you like little perks so that teeny tiny spider one that was here somebody reckons that if I were to catch this if it’s still even here I doubt it is no it’s not anymore but they were saying that basically that Pokémon and some others

Can give you like haste and speed and all these other kinds of things don’t tell me which ones do what by the way I will just kind of slowly but surely figure it out you know what I mean um that that’ be my plan for it yeah I

Think it was jol TI wasn’t it little little spider little spider thing um tell what I could do with oh actually that’s Fine what we got a taor level 17 my Pokémon are a bit too weak for that at the moment I think today my goal is make all of our Diamond gear I guess bar the boots for now cuz we can’t even wear the boots um sort myself out with a decent

House and kind of go from there I guess that’s kind of my thoughts on things I mean I guess if I can decide what kind of home I’m going to build that would be a whole another thing also can I use this sleeping bag uh sorry use this

Backpack to sleep because I had to put a sleeping bag into it but I didn’t know if that was more so just for the aesthetic of the bag itself or whether it actually has a sleeping capability you know what I Mean level 17 they’re all quite strong over here actually you can how do I do that how do how do I mean firstly I don’t even know how to get it off my back it’s on my back but I don’t know how to retrieve it s oh cool

Nice right is there any kind of like inventory sorting system on this mod pack do we know is that Baner Baner they’re all level 17 yeah when it comes to cobon is it a case of the Pokémon gets stronger level the further away from Spawn you go

Or is it just kind of a random roll of the dice obviously certain biomes maybe kick up some more stuff the bottom left button that one is that in my hand now is It okay so it’s it’s that button to take it off that button to place it down oh that’s cool okay so just with a little bit of aggressive click in you can make it work cool and then what do you do you pick it up it’s on my back

And then we’re good to go okay cool I’m into that right um inventory sort in time I think uh sort my name is that the only sort of sort you can do oh no wait sort by category um or ID sort by mod that might be a better one

Actually Okay cool so where do I start with this um I guess I’ll just make all my diamond gear that I was planning on making so chest plate legs um so chest plate off on legs off on um myself a cheeky little helmet nice pop those in there uh the boots I

Can’t make for now I would like to make myself a sword just for quality of life a pearl raid oh hello there hi Pearl hello everyone come on in hope you’re well hope you SW for those of you watching on YouTube I’ve just had a raid on Twitch

That’s what I’m talking about uh but welcome in everybody little potato party how you doing come on in we are currently playing a little mod pack uh which is called BCG it’s called Big Chad guys the way that the developer describes it is basically this mod pack

Is made by a factorio boyfriend for a uh staru girlfriend and it’s inside of Minecraft and it has Pokémon as well so you can see I’ve got my little where’s my little Bulbasaur there’s my little Bulbasaur so the Pokémon thing is quite passive I’ll kind of do it as time goes

On and if anything you know excites me or takes my fancy um I’m I’m kind of even half tempted to like make a gym you know what I mean I kind of want to make a gym and have that be like my focus point I didn’t realize there were going

To be so many custom textures for this so like I had thought that my little SMP in January that that I would play in would be something oh what are you getting hurt by oh what is that the RO Rose has hurt you sure Rose has hurt you fine um so there

You go so yeah I thought maybe it’d be cool to make some kind of gym I’d have to decide on a type and stuff like that I wouldn’t even necessarily have that type in my party you know what I mean I would just go for it every rose has

Thorns no but I I think I was looking at it thinking that it wasn’t um like a rose Rose I thought it was like a a Minecraft Poppy or whatever I didn’t know it was a rose until I kind of properly picked it up but um but yeah so

In the last stream basically we went underground we got a bunch of uh diamonds which we’ve now got Diamond gear for which is lovely um aside from that we picked a location on the world map So currently Scott is living here there’s somewhere called Sheffield there

Um that is spawn over there and then we’ve got this thing here big thing that I need to do is I need to get my selling box so where this has got some Stu influences in it there is a selling box that I had which maybe I left it in that

Re I left it in that Cavern should I run down and just quickly check there was like a cool little I don’t know like a a mining machine or something there was something like that oh my God I did not have as much jump there as I thought I ran out of Sprint

Just as I went to do the big leap which is not good all right here we go yeah loads of water here oh oh yeah dude if you don’t like spiders by the way you’re not going to have a good time in this mod pack uh just saying spiders in this

Are horrific like really far too realistic but then slightly scaled up to have a bit of a uh Lord of the ringy sort of feel to it they just what they give me the creeps properly properly give me the creeps creeps creeps all right so this

Is our iron selling mint I want to bring this back with me basically because there’s a stard system in this you can basically just Chuck stuff into um into the selling box each day I don’t think you can put everything in there I think it’s just a few things there was a

Random diamond in that one what I’m just going to bring everything that’s in these barrels because why not might need to offload some stuff into there oh yeah dude there’s loads of stuff here to be had this was just like a random structure that I came across

Underground there we are nice uh do I need the I don’t need the bed I’ve got the sleeping bag oh my God jeez load of stuff block of raw iron glowberries we living it up uh there’s another Barrel there thank you can you go up there oh that’s not

Even to that’s not to be scaled it’s just for decco oh my God what is that oh I can’t remember what that’s called now I know it’s the evolved version of spinner this the problem is my Pokémon knowledge is is okay it’s all right but it’s not it’s not really really Stellar

Like some people’s right let’s get back up onto the surface let’s start figuring out some kind of home to build really we should concept something and then find the materials for it afterwards I was hoping to build in just vanilla stuff maybe I still will but even the vanilla stuff doesn’t look like

It normally would like like even Oak planks have almost like a slightly more Acacia kind of an orangey vibe to them so doesn’t really hit the marks well definely need a better means of getting up and down as well tell you what I do

Need to make as well I need to make one of the healing stations for Pokémon that’s something I’ve not done just yet what are you friend a little n n is it nard or nada I never know level 17 as well hey y this is someone coming from someone

Who used normal type mve on a ghost to honest I wasn’t even really paying attention when I did that that wasn’t really a lack of Pokémon knowledge I think I was just Spam clicking whil talking to chat NADA oh I guess is it yeah cuz it’s derivative of

Cicada right these inventory spaces are not very good at the moment uh Lin thank you very much for the brand new sub dude much appreciated and we got a load of people following by the way holy moly I think that’s a bunch of people following from Pearl stream and then a bunch of

People coming over from YouTube as well which is nice we’re really close to 300,000 I’m not normally one to kind of point out follower goals and stuff but we are like less than 3K away from from hitting that so if if you want to hit follow and you haven’t already feel free

To do so um that’ll be great um let see also yeah can I make a pokedex let’s open this up um Pokey so there’s incomplete poke ball cobon industrialized wait there’s a create mod that mixes with calmon what that’s wild uh deck no there’s that one um healing

Station uh there it is Cobble modon yeah how is it I search by how is it I search by mod is that a thing uh does anybody know I don’t the problem is I don’t know which sidebar this thing is cuz isn’t there like just enough

Items and then TMI and there’s all kinds of ones isn’t there oh Fletchling uh you know what Marie get it oh not quite come here about SC to be fair actually I don’t think I even have a I’ve got Thunder Wave but that’s not going to do

Any actual damage but it’s fine get some normal moves in just keep doing tackles until it’s down anytime it becomes unparalyzed I’ll just paralyze it again at and then mod name okay cool thank you I’ll give that a try in a sec get your XP Mar go on dude he really

Needs to learn an electric move what fing use pack not very effective oh it’s getting through the Paralysis on occasion why is the tackle getting so unbelievably weak there you go oh my God he just turns into bits hello Caterpie I would like you friend I was saying yesterday that I wanted one

Hello cie right let’s get it uh tackle are you coming back Marie by the way no never mind it’s fine uh what’s cat on I want a cute Butterfree knocking about my base uh one more tackle I reckon I’ll do the trick yeah got it uh oh wait do I need

My permer Poké Balls say Poké Balls Great Balls um bo bo can I just throw it at it straight away or oh yeah it seems like I can Okay cool so I don’t even have to worry about tabbing into the fight menu in order to do that yes go on dude

Right uh you can come back Mar oh interesting so you can leave your Pokémon out so long as they’re not selected when you do the the sort of the engagement key prior um not catp take him oh I just realized you’re not healed up yet oh I’m an idiot

Whoops have you got any you got any moves tell you what I’ll I’ll swap you out butd switch with Bulbasaur sorry I just I totally blanked on that there we go f Vine wh just just one shot him there you go good thanks dude what do you suddenly turn into a bit of

Cobble oh a bit of Flint wonderful wonderful Geo dude reminds me of BDubs I tell you what if Gio dude had a missing tooth it’d be spot on wouldn’t it it’d be bang on it’d be so funny uh are you a Pokemon or just a regular old be oh ninj

Ask who asked who asked that’s the biggest disrespect ever by the way and Timmy loves doing it Timmy loves doing it to me recently goes oh yeah that’s really interesting but who asked I’m I’m a strike him one day for doing that I really am I’m probably

Going to I’m probably going to like Whack Him one oh wait there we go sorry I didn’t realize I had alert still muted there we go I’ve missed a load of things uh Road kills thank you very much for the for gifted dude congrats to uh cyberstep uh

CS sex morose we got boy in France and also King the Gast we know that name and also Rog Hills gifting one to colly wolf as well gifted the tier two to cly wolf and also brand new Subs coming in from Mr malder as well as Chelsea of Dubs and

Uh looping plays who I think I’ve read out their name about three times now what’s that be drill you’re a bit scary looking right let’s make this healing station I feel like I’m long over du to make the healing station the stream can always use more subscribers oh come on are you

Kidding me do we not get the book I don’t want to have to have this ugly overlay on the side every time I do show off the fancy new badge that’s right that’s right what do I need iron Goods need iron and copper there’s only me copper there some more iron sure I

Had a ton of iron is in my backpack go again right cool got meon healing station this is for healing up my Pokémon machine needs 25% more charge to heal so how do I know how charged it is it just says healing machine 24 oh

Wow it does take a while to charge up then oh I see so maybe when I picked the one up at spawn it wasn’t actually so bad the one at spawn might have actually been okay should I go try and enchant my gear by the

Way let’s do that real quick oh I didn’t bring any lapis with me Scott might have some in a chest here we’ll see nope doesn’t damn it oh there just some oh no wait oh no it’s just a a weird animation sure there’s lapis in there fantastic thank you Scott thank

You Scott you’re the best uh pop that in there who’s coming where you at I wonder I’m intrigued to know what level zombies are considered like what level Pokémon can I leave out on patrol that could deal with a zombie you know what I mean let me throw out Gast if

Anything comes after me we can see what what Gastly is saying about it right chest plate Last Stand I don’t even know what last stand is oh wait didn’t I have those books as well I did have some books should have brought them with me I’m burning XP levels

Teleporting back and forth but we’ll do it real quick how many people are on the server just you and Scott no there me scar Eloise stream could always use more subscribers I’m trying to think of who else is on there G how do you pronounce that gatal

Gatal that’s not how the Healer Works buddy I’m just I’m letting you know that now uh but thank you very much for the8 months welcome back dude you’re one month away from getting one of those new badges new badges where are they there were some books that I picked up the

Books are like a purple sprite aren’t they Retreat randomly Grant speed when the user is here eh capacity increases back tank air Unbreaking three Unbreaking three actually might be all right Scott does have an anvil so I could put them breaking three on maybe like one of my pieces of diamond armor

That knock to oh my God it is some of these Pokemon are big dude like scary Big maybe even if I put the Unbreaking three on the pickaxe I think I’d rather some protection in things on the other ones let’s do that um Unbreaking three yeah go on there why not oh I’m stupid I should have Enchanted it first to get like I don’t know efficiency or whatever and

Then put the Unbreaking on it I’m just rushing around it’s fine uh right then chest plate what we got Last Stand nah protection two oh you can roll the enchantments cost 5 XP levels though that’s brutal what else we got helmet oh dude knock back being the off Parts I don’t know what I want to be honest none of them are jumping out of me so why don’t I roll so projectile protection there Unbreaking there oh dear I’m just not getting very good rolls I mean I can basically afford to roll one more time then that’s that uh damn

S it I’ll do it intile protection four that would actually be quite nice given all the skelly’s been about oh there is Unbreaking three there and Unbreaking three there as well tell you what let’s just put it on for now I’ll worry about it later what’s what’s the sword got sharpness two

Unbreaking three maybe I just need to grind some XP I don’t know how I would do that in this mod pack there must be a way to cheese it there usually is um right M’s Island let’s crack on do we patching this hole up first quite honestly the stream could always use

More subscribers just going to fill this up so nothing could possibly spawn or at least very little could spawn I must have dirt in here somewhere can always use more subscribers no no Dirt no guess I’ll fill it with Cobble deep slate instead s it doesn’t need to be a full fill just wanted to fill it a bit so that stuff can’t really be spawning down here all right nice grab some dirt off a nearby Hill I swear me and these roses we’re going to

Have issues I’m going to be having so many problems with these roses I swear oh Zig zagon what you got uh level 18 o no thank you tell you what cuz it’s night time at the moment I should get a bunch of stuff in the selling the selling box or

Whatever it’s called how many diamonds do I have left over I’ve got nine diamonds left over I could upgrade the box I’m doing it s it I’m doing it I’ll make more money this way surely and if not and it’s just for Aesthetics then I feel like a silly boy the stream could

Always use more subscribers right so there are certain items that say that they can be sold for money so this is what we want to figure out um let’s have a look so sell five for two copper coins oh yeah that’s carrots uh what else we got sell four for one copper

Coin I mean how do I even make pokeballs if I want to make a Pokeball it’s oh that’s for dying balls oh that’s what Scott’s apricot trees are for so it’s red apricots and then that interesting so how do you make like a great ball I see this is why Scott’s got all

The apricorns okay that makes sense now I did wonder why he had all of those but hey going to move all these hats to the bottom here actually if I organize by mod that’ll be fine um is this usable yet oh it is yeah what was the other thing there was the

Healing station I swear there was something else I swear there was something else that spawned that want there was something else at spawn you could interact with it was you got all the potions and stuff oh of course the the Box the PC uh is it PC or box it is PC

Okay cool that actually looks super doable smooth Stone glass yeah I’ll do that not that I’ve got enough Pokemon to even facilitate that just yet but hey rat level 15 dude where where are these like strong Pokémon coming from actually get some free XP gly go on get it uh let’s do it

Fight hypnosis go put whoa wow what did you use what did it use used Pursuit damn it okay maybe it’s not going to be as easy as I thought damn dude there when you think oh God I nearly broke my glasses then that shows you how well these headphones stay

On who look at Dom with a 15 months of sub on YouTube you’re probably like one of the highest Subs on YouTube Dom just so you know that’s crazy oh my god um right it’s bul oh Bulbasaur’s getting absolutely doed as well he didn’t even get a chance to attack

Dude I’m going to flee no thank you let me use the healing can you heal mid battle no you can’t heal while in the battle right there uh let me just do flee I think I have to just head something out and then flee afterwards run all

Right let’s go back home jeez right can I not heal up yet it says the battle was fled oh my God that still needs more time jeez and now it’s daytime I’ve missed my window to sell things although to be honest I don’t really have a whole

Lot I didn’t even take in actually how much the uh the potions are at spawn let’s have a look so potions are oh wait one silver coin am I reading that right yeah one silver coin gets you 10 potions oh my God how many how many copper coins do you need in order to make a silver coin is my question uh silver coin oh all of these have a mention of silver coin in the name of course they do um oh that scared me then I saw that Taurus

Coming out my peripheral I did did not know what I was about to see maybe if I try copper coin copper coin right there’s a copper coin so to make a silver one oh was it only four no surely not oh it is it’s only four couple coins

To make a silver coin no way damn okay so maybe we can sell stuff with relative ease all right well I had a bunch of wheat I could sell right let me do that so what was it it was three for oh my God wheat is a bargain let me just put

All that in so if that’s what 3 for two my maths is bad but that’s going to be a fair few oh my god did I actually break my Glasses I did if I dropped them oh no I think we’re okay jeez start to panic then oh but now I’ve been touching them and they’re all dirty I’m not used to this whole glasses wearing business chat luckily I don’t need the glasses like that um that

Often like I wear them just to reduce headaches on stream and stuff but like dayto day don’t need them I’m like I’m allowed to drive without them and all that sort of stuff um yeah oh yeah yay here we go lovely that’s better I can actually see

Again now you charge yet no oh wait need 0% more oh go nice cool right then uh so cool we’ll put some that in the selling box and we’ll just see what we end up with that’s cool with me let’s take all of this out let’s just dump everything

In right good got it so what am I doing here I need to build some kind of house don’t I that’s the the thing that I’m desperately scrambling around for I feel like I’ve been streaming for what is like what 45 minutes and I’ve done bugger all I’ve really done nothing have

You considered two monocles you know what I had but I just don’t think I have the um the like the eye fold to support that like I think I’ve got quite puffy eyes there’s not there’s not much room to even squid something in cuz my eyes are a bit bit puffy bit

Weird right let’s just get a basic home going let’s get a basic home going get some get some Inventory management on the go and we’ll build some other stuff around it okay let’s do it ni I want to draw Martin with two monocles I been drawn with the monocle

Before but I’m trying to remember exactly why God the Easter Bunny definitely ate his own product didn’t he look at him Jesus there we are nice cool right we got so much wood I want to get some more grass as well or dirt and just cover this bad boy

Over just we’ got a nice flat canvas to work with sure we’ll maybe Branch into some form of basement eventually but now is not that time right then um let’s plot out a home what kind of home could I make I could try and make a typical

Home like from like the the Pokémon games should we have a look at them um Pokémon GBA games towns have a look at what the houses look like Uh oh okay so they have like a little window in the the start part as well I guess we could do that where’s wood we’ll just make a little something something for now there we are I tell you what I might actually have a quick

Look at I’m just intrigued I want to see what it looks like in the Nether and I’ve not done that just yet let’s make a nether portal real quick is that three if I do this and then this and that there we go nice uh then it is that’s right it’s yeah

Um it’s mad that this works right like it’s really cool that this is a mechanic that you can kind of abuse uh on There oh dear who’s who’s who’s doing themselves in Le Chun po boy po boy uh is that it already done actually I think it is yeah that’s the portal made I feel like the Portal’s not deep enough oh no it no it is it’s fine yeah no that’s

Cool need quickly get FL and steel what’s that lenon see what we got flint and Steel oh there was some there jez nice let’s have a little nosy in the nether see what we got there I wonder if it’s a case of the Pokémon in the nether are all simply just Fire based or whether there’s going to be a little bit more to it let’s have a

Look of course of course that’s the first thing that happens oh my you look awful dude what has happened to you Jesus I tell you what there’s a lot of smoke here isn’t there oh tell you What I cannot hit these Fireballs for the life of me I really like the smoke in here the smoke is hella ambient looks really cool is it a case of once this stuff is on fire you can’t put it out oh no you can what Pokemon we got in here Haunter 26 I

Already have a Gastly Gastly 18 oh jeez honestly kind of Blanks on the idea of uh actual Minecraft Mobs or at least not the gas but more so skellies and stuff makes this whole place like a bath house what is that super interesting wait that that’s

A village oh my God I didn’t realize there’s a big old village on stilts do about all these gas you know many of them there you go thank you oh Cubone we like a Cubone I’m getting hit by everything let’s just quickly uh chop down a tree here and get some more

Wood did I get the gas here maybe he didn’t drop any oh there’s blazes there as well didn’t expect to find Blaze so soon oh God hold on nice okay good it’s kind of nice that I’m not going to have to find a fortress in order to to

Do this uh where is it coming in here very Unprepared I’ll tell you what this green wood would actually be perfect for the roof of the house we make a Pokémon es house this will be perfect for it oh yeah dude I’ll take all of this building materials that’s what we came in here for yeah

Yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure totally came in here for building materials yeah yeah yeah that’s what we came in here for totally what we came in for uh is there an auto sort button guess that would kind of do it wouldn’t it oh there’s a lot of stuff here my

God ni uh do I have any basically do I have anything on me to make a shield but I don’t what’s that iron Ax I’m I’ve got fire resistance and I don’t know how not sure not going to question it won’t argue it is that another mous is what is that oh a warp Forest Enderman kind of cool I kind of like the variant just never seen one before um let’s go why does that keep

Happening why is it when I do the actual proper Sprint jump that everything then kicks off uh would you have a go at me if I opened anything in here you probably would right go Upstairs that might be right actually a golden helmet all right to be fair a gold helmet might help me out later on let’s do this let’s get a bunch of this bunch of this B anything that’s a building material I’m going to put in the backpack and I can just quick

Deposit those blaze rods look weird just put it out there now blaze rods look odd uh blue raven thank you so much for the 37 months Turk with the 18 uh sorry Turk 18 with the 3 months and also uh that’s that that’s that there we go um right go go Go there we go I’ll tell you what dude nice food supply hell yeah hold shift moves items from the hot bar too oh no that’s not what I wanted Right cool right so in good take out some of this other stuff like I said it’s just the building materials that I really want to keep I mean what stuff do I definitely not need keep the Cobble deep Sate bone blocks will be nice to keep glass bottles I

Don’t need quartz I’ll keep obsidian I’ll keep uh golden nuggets they taste yeeha nice gold in there I don’t think I’m going to have any oh Fortune 2 on the pickaxe okay maybe I will keep it nice all right Sweet where’s my sword gone there it is oh yeah there’s loads more in here as well let’s do It so if I do that that’ll continue stacking it up yeah it’s a slightly messy system but it works and then those Stacks will cap out eventually Oh wrong one um got it dude get so much stuff from here that’s Great it’s just going to give me some nice like color Petes to work with once we get back out of here I don’t think I’m even going to be able to explore all of this first time round that’s the thing bit Scary block them in their house for a sec just block them in for a Second um that way don’t get too excited chat I know there’s a brute and I know what I’m known for but but it’s not going to happen Okay Magma Cream yep yep yep yep yep yep Yep so what do real quick deposit some more of that what do I need Oak saplings n crafting table n Apple n gunpowder bone meal I don’t even think I necessarily need tell I got a bunch of leather out of this what was it I needed leather for

I think leather oh my God there’s loads of leather Jesus I think the leather is what I needed for making the templates for my backpack so this is a really nice quick uh quick gain here nice so many golden boots and helmets and stuff get rid of those we

Go what was that one who’s cutting onions oh crying obsidian okay fair tell you what unless the unless the the the golden stuff actually has anything useful like this one has Fortune I’ll just ditch it cuz it’s going to be just a bit Overkill otherwise right so we’ve done

Those two there done those ones there see what I might do is I might put a block outside the doors of houses that I’ve actually actually explored that just a big gold block I mean that will probably get them going nutty won’t it if I break gold so I won’t do that for

Now I’ll leave that undor ancient Battlefield what’s that entered the withered Forest ancestral battleground of the piglins and wither skeletons okay we can all say big fancy words oh God uh are you going to go for me or no oh this is the one I already did okay

There we are that door’s blocked off there good onward and upward there’s a fell there I’ll pop that there and you’re not going to give me any grief are you buddy tell you what let’s turn all these into ingots water bottle nether don’t even necessarily need the Netherrack for now

Actually I could probably empty out there I’ll bring the gravel just for getting back down cuz there’s a chance that I might need it you get so much stuff out of this town but to be honest I kind of normally I wouldn’t like that cuz I feel as that

You don’t actually get to do any exploration and stuff but I’m only W to do Overworld building today anyway so this is actually kind of taking some of the grind out the game for me which is quite nice so I’m not totally against it today I like to cheat as long as I’m

Winning rotten flesh gravel chest plate everything from in there thank you fell ooh is this a house oh it’s like a blacksmith cool we got yeah that’s what we want gold sword n Ming yes last bottles there string yep oh Fortune three shovel efficiency 4 I mean is Fort can you use Fortune

With a shovel surely I wouldn’t be able to mine anything with that would I uh put that There not now buddy if you can help it all oh there we go thank you let’s keep exploring I still feel like I’m missing the odd building here or there but we I’ve got a pretty packed inventory as it is anyway so we don’t have to be perfect with

It dude the leather gain here is humongous also food wise as well the amount of pork chops I’m getting I’m going to be living off of pork chops for the rest of my life the Gold’s pretty good as Well oh my God this thing just goes and goes and goes doesn’t it oh boy brute Boy 2 will come don’t you say that don’t don’t jinx me like this all right I’m having a good time at the minute if anything I think it might be a Wither Skelly that will get me

Tell you what I should do because I have the iron now from one of the chests is I should make a shield to help myself a bit there we Go all right what we got uh Crimson fungus will I need that for anything I guess I can bring it with me just in case what’s that oh is that the achievement for looting a bunch of stuff I think it is um anything else useful here just wonder whether were there any

Anvils about the place don’t think there Is it’s not a brute curse are people trying to say that I’m like cursed to die by brutes now something has to happen multiple times to be considered a curse in my opinion you can’t just like the canary curse was funny because after the third or fourth time like we were

Like right there’s something fishy going on here there’s something weird weird happening I’m not touching any of this Guild of Black Stone cuz I think they might kick off if I do is that where the village ends or does it drop off okay I think I’ve discovered a fair chunk of This m oh no come back happy you idiot leave you there nice yeah look at this dude it was me thinking Scott was loaded Scott’s not loaded he was just lucky he just found a place like I did oh you can sell four for one copper coin yeah got them why

Not is this a solo uh Ser oh sorry is this a solo server or multiplayer this is multiplayer yeah yeah so I’m on a server with a bunch of other people nobody else is online right now um there’s a few people from um sort of Scott friend Circle that he’s invited in

To play so so far the people that have actually logged in on myself AKO Ros Eloise um and I don’t actually know who else is invited I know he’s invied Timmy to do it a look but I know Timmy’s undecided on whether he’ll do it currently okay cool I think i’ I think

I’ve got everything that I need from here for now I think I’ve got an awful lot I only came in here to like have a look and I’ve ended up leaving with tons of stuff oh that could be interesting chest instead of no wasn’t that interesting after

All came in here just looking for a couple of like block types Venipede the stream could always use more subscribers right now see if we can get home unscathed or as unscathed as possible he says whil doing the Diest Parkour ever uh how did I get here didn’t I grab

Some gravel along the way I may have ditched the gravel afterwards oh God guess we can go down onto some trees maybe I mean this is a drop that I can survive it’s just the skellies that would be the issue once I get down There is this one more like Storehouse oh it is okay wait hold on might do this real quick um going to put in those do this throw those in this is going to be a bunch of more build materials isn’t it oh I can do Sal then do that oh my

God that’s so much easier I didn’t think about that Sal and then do shift Click uh what’s that pick pickaxe oh that’s the good pickaxe yeah sweet got it let’s get back some of these nice Things sweet oh else that put in there there was the nice shovel Bones the leather I definitely want there that might be my sign to leave maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew here the place is just spontaneously combusting now we’ve landed in a a creeper portion of the

World oh my God that Enderman is just asking for me to stare at him jeez uh this is fine right ignore the skellies get home I was over there wasn’t It Je nice you drop anything good gunpowder again damn it stupid skeleton oh Scot’s On oh gasly’s dying all right we’re good let’s get in here hopefully unscathed what to what what was it see what I did there chat he did an o and a slash I did a zero and a slash to show that I’m a big man a big man I’m a

Bigger man than you uh that is not where I went in the Stream can always use more subscribers okay it sent me off to the east a bit all right this is fine I can doal with it this I honestly thought that was going to be a big drop I

Thought that was going to be a big old pit I was going to Cry do we getting rid of uh can you get rid of deaths show villagers show play show grid how do you get rid of deaths just don’t want to see them every time they’re just a bit Annoying I bet there’s a setting for it I just can’t to find it is it under way points you said uh way points options Auto remove death way points bam got it nice then is there a way to hide them in the World um multiplayer server admin add in way points yeah how do you do it so you don’t see them enable Waypoint beacons where was that sorry hold on enable way point beacons bam oh that’s so much better there’s not just random lines all over the screen

Anymore Yay good good good right got it um okay good hustle good hul I guess what I’ll do is I’ll just do that we definitely need a sorting mod don’t we we need something that you can just dump stuff Into all right got it I tell you what I’m getting a proper neck ache today you know one of those headaches that starts in like just under the ball like you know the back of your skull sort of pokes out a little bit just got a little little ouchy

There but I can feel it growing as the stream goes on which is not great um right then I needed leather for something didn’t I I think leather was for the backpack upgrade so let’s work on that for a second I’m going to pop all of this all of these building

Materials somewhere else I just use some aasia planks real quick do I have a crafting table there no um let’s do uh another few chests um yeah that’ll do right put all those Building Materials in there for now that we just got lovely let’s try and buff out this

Backpack I think that’s what I want to do I know I keep saying I’m going to build a house but I’d rather get my backpack going first so we need lots of glass don’t we so let me grab a shovel real quick got a bunch of shovels

Here possible M grain coming over yeah I think so where my bucket go I left my bucket Behind where is That there it is this man has three shovels is co I think there’s Tom simple storage mod in the in the mod pack if you don’t want to organize stuff in your chest uh I will look at that in a second if that does exist I will certainly be using it

I don’t know what it is or how you use it but it already sounds like it’s exactly what I’m looking for oh my God this thing shreds Jesus all right that’s all the sand I’m ever I need chunk oh got one a chunk join the

Boys join the gang um I tell you what oh no no no no no no no no stop I good oh God I’m going to have to try and catch him in a minute uh let’s do a thunder W first paralyze him get some Thunder shocks in they any

Good oh that was a crit so that wasn’t even that great actually that’s fine I can deal with that give me one more thunder shock and we’ll go for a catch um come on then L chunk join us join us join us yeah there he is good work Marie good Work uh I need something to get across here with Oh should build some actual nice Bridges at some point but that some point is not now we got a little piggy little piggy he them up no I see the spiders I’m like nope wow 42 copper coins let’s go let’s go check spawn out real quick uh

Spawn so I’ve got enough to make a bunch of silver coins now hyper potions Max potions wait D we got loads make a bunch of uh silver coins why not how much was it it was either four silver coins for a super potion sure I’ll do

That 1 2 3 4 oh wait do I just click I don’t know how this works oh I see you just click on there and then it automatically takes them nice cool so oh yeah let’s look at the Cobble mod and see what else there

Is this is the Cobble bomb mod yeah so there’s like sunstones and all kinds of stuff I want more of the things that you would want to craft you know what I mean maybe there’s just not actually that much in the way of Machinery we’ve got the heel station and there’s the Box

Pasture block what’s pasture Block it’s PC and then it’s just slightly stylized is it just to look a bit different or a pasture is different Mar sanachi uhan oh wait no is that no wait hold on oh no res reses uh new I don’t know what that Ki at the end

Is oh now I’m muted sorry it was that last Ki that I couldn’t read everything else I got mostly cuz it was mostly in kakana but still um right let’s put some more wheat in here I guess why not where we looking it was wheat we sold before

Wasn’t it for some dollar dollar put a bunch of that in there as well Bam Bam sure if I sleep now um so what is it it was backpack off place it on the floor you roll out them that go to sleep you’re all good although Scott’s online

But I’m assuming 50% will do the trick somebody said there was an Eevee was there where was the Eevee oh Scott said to oh my god did that break it just let me know when you can sleep I’m not I’m not in any major rush to be fair though I’m kind of kind

Of happy just doing whatever um God yeah let’s have a look at somebody saw one at spawn all right I tell you what actually let’s go get it I’m hungry where’s all that where’s all those pork chops I had those are raw pork chops I guess I’ll get those cooking they really actually

Just make a smoker shouldn’t I I can sleep now uh two6 uh bread will do just wanted to be able to Sprint where was the Eevee somebody said they saw was it on the mini Map not seeing it on the mini map I mean it could well despawned that is the thing oh wait What um hold on let Me Ready I’ve really just realized that it looks like I was too two second in Scott just because he two seconded me that’s that’s not the case at all I promise nice cool what is this by the way like a bunch of villagers stuck down here right there bud Noel Cobble web

Entanglement you guys are right there some kind of Quest you guys good no what’s going on oh there’s more oh bloody h oh oh no no no oh no dear no no no don’t like this don’t like this you can hit me through the floor yeah hard pass on that one for now gross interesting that the village has

Got stuck though Noel Fletcher kind of cute that they’ve got names isn’t It right no sign of this um no sign of this eeve I don’t think the only reason I catch eeve is just cuz it’s so versatile you can turn it into so many things and also I’ve heard about Vaporeon so the great against fire types chat

Where are you going with that so weird right then house Pokémon house oh yeah let’s look at this this sorting mod that we heard about uh let me look out real quick let me look at the mods the thing is right if you not want to uh you not want to be like

Martin you know exactly what I’m talking about so don’t act all Innocent yeah that Thum looks cool Cherry by the way I think Cherry was in chat um I’m just going to give you a nod yep yep looks good we get Pirates episodes uploading again again right let’s have a look then so sort inventory okay what we going to put this on always

Use see if that works so what do I Do if I move stuff out of order and move it all over the place maybe that’s not the right button Uh oh it says not bound what uh keypad slash that’s a button for me but hey Uh okay tell you what I’m just going to put myself in streamer mode uh where is streamer mode There just so I don’t hear that sound effect every time don’t really know how it’s sorting it I guess I more want something like I had in New Life where it like puts everything in the right places for me that’s something I should think about right so let’s figure out a little

House on a little Pokémon house what Pokémon house are we thinking I just literally Googled like Po GBA towns like even something like that I be cute I mean what’s the what color palettes have I got to work with Um we got that like this first house doesn’t have to be anything crazy I think I would like to work with this the warp stuff I think I I think I want to go with bean bean this color which one has that kind of color Scheme let me get some glass cooking as well by the way so I need it for both the windows and also my backpack Upgrade a Yeah I reckon we can work with that I mean how does sandstone look in this Sandstone doesn’t look awful has a little bit of texture if I wanted to go for something like that um I kind of like this one that has like the pointed roof and the eaves and stuff

It’d be fun almost to like recreate the lab or something or we can just straight up recreate like a starting Village you know what I mean we can make a couple houses I we could just make good old Pallet Town GBA Pallet Town just do it with our own colors three

Buildings that one could be maybe Sandstone with that one we’ use maybe another material Google for Tree City for Tree City nah not feeling that maybe we should make a good old Pallet Town why not do we make one big house or do we just oh hold on styles styles we like

Styles that could be kind of cool making something looks a bit more like that inspo board doing it I’ll take that I’ll do it with a green trim oh hello dealing dealing is look kind of cute though why do I want one see what they chunk go for it see what you got

We got disarming voice tackle Echo voice go for that uh keep doing tackles see what we get do this arming voice do oh super effective oh wait it’s move on me with super effective yikes um screw it go for one more tackle I’ll probably die first oh no we’re good one

More oh one HP oh I thought he survived on one HP you were close there bud B bof do some damage tackle hey that’ll do you know what it’s cute I want it so I’m going to get it nice cool cool cool Combi h h no tell you what I do

Need a PC now though don’t I soon as I’ve just gone over the thresh New Year Martin just wanted to say I’m glad I found your channel your lore is great and now I have constant inspiration for art ah thanks dude yeah there’s been a lot of people actually asking about the

Law uh and is there a video to catch up on it all and get familiar with it so my plan is this month to finish the script for a video that explains the law going from Evo right up to the current day um and things like that I don’t think I’ll

Include the data stream LW inside of that that will be a whole separate thing um so what I want to do with that is I want to script the video but I don’t want to make the video like I want to get like a game theory prismarine

Someone who edits in that style and someone’s put that together for me I think that will very much be a video that will cost more than it will make but I think there’s been so much investment in the story in the other content that it kind of pays itself you

Know what I mean um it’s one of those things so that’s that’s where my head’s at with that right let me just get some copper real quick and do I need some iron as well for making the PC PC uh oh smooth Stone as well all right

There I think I had a bunch of furnaces before yeah good um nice need some Cobblestone nice sure I’ve got some more Cobble haven’t I Cobble D don’t do the job I guess it has to be smooth Stone doesn’t it mod name it’s a mod pack you can

Check the YouTube description if you want the uh the mod pack but yeah and I do plan on the next day or two of doing a little um a little YouTube short Tik Tock real you know basic anything that is a vertical format or that my

B it bloody is as well I didn’t realize I still had him out following B you dumbass right next one up the ladder well to be fair just put that stone back in I guess I didn’t kill my B my bedf killed itself cuz it’s dumb is that like a trading thing on

This let’s have a look trade trade shop Soul P like is it possible to trade Pokémon in this oh Gloom it’s level 21 though it’s a bit too strong isn’t it it’s another dealing as well level 16 this one where’s all that food gone that’s raw pork chops tell you what turn this

Into a smoker real quick got to give it good old smoke uh smoke smoke smoke smoke uh logs and that all right Fair uh do some this stuff back in there for now oh it wasn’t that was it it was that food food food That’s actually there is way more there I think I’ll ever need right what was it again I was making pc pc we good smooth Stone how do I still not have smooth Stone there you go BR it there you go lovely right cool that’s a little Pokémon PC thing

Nice I guess what I could do is I could reverse engineer a house I could try and make like a a pallet Townes house and then just be like right what does each town like what does each St town have like you know what I mean they they typically

Have you know players house rival’s house um and then other things I guess we could take the floor out for now just get a bit of a shape here the thing is the exterior of the house will be dictated by the interior I feel I don’t want to I don’t want to

Make a build that looks like a Pokémon house but then actually has buger roll room inside for more of a bustling area try espers city City I’m not actually getting very many shots of it weirdly on Google it’s a nice color palette Though is that kind of VI kind of cool digging it what we do is we we’ll lay out the we’ll lay out the room first and then we’ll figure out the rest as we go try and decorate it like a proper starter house and then probably what

We’ll have is we’ll have a basement which will have like everything else in that’ll be where all the all the goodies actually live just got one to sleep no we’re good right um um oh yeah do I want the dealing what type is dealing normal and grass see the problem is I’ve already

Got a grass type got two normals though definitely do getting rid of one um kind like the chunk more fre up a spot right let’s have a look what capture card do you use uh you can find all my equipment on inthe little get to in in go to equipment um

That’s actually a fairly recently updated page so it should be super in date um right see so I got the box there um okay let’s figure this out then so housewise building materials what other stuff can we build with let’s see how sandstone and that look together oh no we’re doing back P

Upgrades w’t we okay backpack upgrades first then we’ll do the rest we got to like a bunch of iron swords that we just don’t need do we there a lot of crap in these Inventories pull out the leather get all the glass um so what was the upgrade uh leather chest and tanks okay create chest with these Oh maybe should have kept a zombie villager didn’t even think about that should have just whacked him in the boat and popped him on the ground or something could have healed him uh right upgrade it is that which is two iron and that but iron on me got

Glass so one two one two blo blo blo blo sweet that’s Chest then what was it leather there you go so four leather templates then an iron tier upgrade is surrounding that with iron or gold or diamonds I mean I’ve got so much gold right I can just do it with gold might as well or do you have to do oh wait do

You have to do each one maybe oh no to be fair it looks like you don’t have to it doesn’t look like you have to make an iron one to then make a gold it looks like you can just go straight to Gold I mean how am I doing on the diamonds

Front Four Diamonds I could always go back and look for just a handful more diamonds what do you think all right we do it how can we go grab just a couple more couple more diamonds we need what another four four should be pretty quick to find I’m going this way because there

Was the what music is this so this is still staru apparently oh where was that hole which way did I end up coming from when AFK watching pein here I am welcome Jigs Cuna nah where was it I could have sworn that came from this area was it maybe there anyone remember feel like it was in this rough direction that I surfaced from let’s go to this hole here I think this was it oh I’ve not got my shield on oh

No oh he’s on a rose stupid idiot oh God I tell you what I love mod packs where they let you attack through the Tall Grass okay I’m pretty sure this is where I was before so let’s get back to it there’ll be some diamonds down here for sure oh maybe this wasn’t where I was before what while level am I at 24 Oh I thought that was a spider cave

Then oh I really thought this was it back up we Go where was It oh what is there something in chat Telly what Paul I’m going to give you mod dude cuz you know the crack you know the Crack there you go bam don’t feed his ego like this well Portal’s here every day and portal knows the crack the thing the thing that I always say with my mods is I I don’t want people to ever feel as though there’s this like excessive responsibility with being a mod for my

Stream it’s very much a if you’re about then use your powers if not I got it don’t worry um I never want people to like get give a mod then suddenly feel like oh my God like how am I going to balance this with college and uni and

Things like that like it’s I want people to just it’s it’s it’s a self- moderating community for the most part you know what I mean so don’t you don’t have to worry about being super active in the Discord and stuff like that um and Portal’s a good egg we know Portal’s a good Egg oh boy where is this cave that I came from before I swear it was this way is it maybe this one yeah this is the one okay this just gets me right down to Diamond level which is ideal oh boy oh was that a diamond there I don’t think that is a Diamond I thought wrong that is a diamond good this spider First cool oh Boy nice right cool that is where did my other diamonds go I had four diamonds at home right chat it was four I needed another four to make the template so let’s just keep an eye out know what I’m going to do just going to

Turn this off for a second so yeah I tell you what I’m going to drop my face cam light down a little bit just cuz I I can’t really see it’s really kind of obscure in my vision uh let’s see that’s lapis see you what the lapis I actually would be up for

Grabbing just because we’ll hopefully do some more enchanting in the future we have to have a chat with Scott and find out if Scott has any kind of XP farm planned or set up uh what’s that more lapis yeah lapis more kite I bet there’s a million mods

That I’m not even tapping into just yet oh what was the oh what’s that thank you portal says bacon nice also uh proper NY kill what a username proper naughty kill more subscribers with a brand new sub we got Alex C Farrell as well with a sub thank you very much dude welcome

Along loads of brand new people subbing today this is great uh Talos Knight as well with get with a brand new sub real mystery sa with a sub uh not that obvious with a 6 months Blue Raven with a 37 uh and Turk as well with a three thanks d dude there we

Go jeez you know what I need to find out how to do next is how to combine my uh if there’s a way to combine YouTube and twitch notifications into one feed with stream elements cuz now that simil casting a thing um it’s definitely something that

Is worth exploring oh my God I didn’t realize this goes down oh of course there’s diamonds here oh wait I don’t need to make a crafting table Rejoice my friends for I no longer have to make bench after bench after bench for I am the bench you make them enough times you

Become it that’s the logic There like how much Martin’s been munching off resources subscribers we Thrive together oh it’s one of these buildings but it’s submerged that’s pretty cool let’s go inside of it going to be a ton of loot in here oh it is very flooded I didn’t know whether it might have survived but alas

It has not um this is fine up a door like here opper squat oh no oh God oh God oh ow ow ow ow I don’t know how there supposedly a zombie walking around here we can ignore all the iron stuff stasis sure take that I’ll take a

Book oh I should just press the um the sword button oh there’s another diamond in there sweet we actually already we’re only one Diamond short now of what we needed let’s push some stuff into here I think I’ll literally just do that keep the diamonds out so I can keep a

Better eye on the count uh Cho CH pipe Choo Cho we got clay balls raw iron paper sure diamonds there we go we got what we needed quick charge lovely efficiency 3 shovel get rid of that old efficiency shovel I will bring the uh the books by

The way because the books will be great for making my own bookcases cuz if we end up making uh a lab for this little town then that’s exactly what we’re going to need that’s see if we make a town I’m not sure we need bookcases for the house regardless o silk touch yes

Please God there’s diamonds in this thing as well stream could always use more subscribers oh why do I keep not doing that cool everything’s moved in move the Moss blocks in bring the bread back out going to put the diamonds in to be honest I might even be able to make the backpack

Upgrade yeah I can if I just do this right here I think I’ve got everything on me that I need to make the backpack upgrade so we’ll do that real quick um where is it Diamond upgrade sure let’s do it use as uh use leather as template and

Combine with oh no look it says combine with gold tier Travelers Backpack to upgrade it so I do have to go through the tiers interesting okay in that case then we’ll we’ll in fact do I have the stuff on me to make the other upgrades potentially I do oh I think I do sure I’ll make that

I’ll pop this just here get rid of some grass and now I’ve got to do the whole taking the backpack off thing which I always forget how to do it’s that one isn’t it there’s no space for it all right AUM I think I’ve got to get out of

Water first let me just check the other barrels Here this is good is there space here maybe no there’s not oh oh jeez chill here for a second oh there’s another Barrel the stream could always use more subscribers uh armor doesn’t need to come with me gold legs doesn’t need to come with me efficiency more subscribers what’s that

Whoa hold on a minute what’s happened there what’s the gift thing about the stream could always use more subscribers confusedly everyone saying wait how’s this not come through on my feed yet it’s come up for you guys but not for me always somebody’s gifted Subs but

I don’t see it on my feed oh there we go now it’s working oh my God uh 8it Ollie thank you for the 75 months welcome back uh Lego there we go with a gifted Sub sub congratulations to purple glitch on getting that one Grace Parker gifting

Subs to Wild salum uh pendel random s letters uh Katamari and also Universe 1998 thank you thank you thank you uh see what that one I think there’s another Barrel here yeah gold gold nice bookshelves perfect another one I think that was an Unbreaking as well that’s

Good sweet uh I think I’m good to get out of here now let’s di shiny mie whoa hold on a minute oh wait can’t I we have keep inventory on don’t we I’m like fairly certain of That let’s test that Theory oh what is how am I getting fire resistance it must be some kind of trinket that I’m wearing I mean Scott going to be on the chase for this shiny mie I have a mie in my party already so I’d love to turn it into a shiny one

That’s it the obsidian Skool that was it there we go oh Ren Rin qu ran thank you very much for the um for becoming a member on YouTube thanks bud right so what’s the what’s the coordinate for this thing oh my God it’s it’s thousands of blocks away dude no

Chance yeah no hard pass on that one 4,000 what was it 4,098 minus 2105 I’m not traveling nearly 2,000 blocks to go and get it you’re out of your mind not a chance right let’s upgrade this backpack then as much as I said I was going to make a

House today I’ve done basically everything but that it’s kind of nice it’s kind of nice not having to rush to have a build and all this other sort of stuff you know what I mean kind of happy just um just kind of chilling right so pop

That oh I need to I think I actually have to legit make a crafting table hold on a second um we make an actual crafting table soz I need to be able to combine some stuff don’t I so right so I’ve got that so I need to make the iron upgrade

First which would be that the stream could always use more subscribers not got any eying on me surely oh yeah I do I do I do I do pop some more stuff please we would love pink sheepy is it pink it’s going to be really high level

Though oh the shiny spawn near him oh is that what it is so Scott is at that coordinate at the moment and it spawn near him oh that’s kind of cool it tells you that it spawns nearby has Scott seen it I kind of want to see I’m just curious what it looks

Like well Scott’s got like some um random some random stuff going on did he get it let’s look at his sidebar he’s got sylvon Stop opening your inventory dude I want to look at your sidebar Stop opening screens I want look at your Pokémon uh no he didn’t get it or

Doesn’t have it one or the other um right anyway let’s do this thing so let’s try and do the iron upgrade first what do you mean I don’t have the templates I defo have the templates there they are I swear you can only craft four at a

Time can’t you so where’s my other one gone did I drop one along the way what’s that about very confused right so that’s the iron upgrade and then what do I do put it with my backpack together to do it use leather template use leather as template and combine with leather tier Backpack oh in a smithing table oh bloody hell right hold On oh did I put it on again yeah okay backpack’s on right hold on let’s go home first I’m going to have to make a smithing table we live north of Here oh oh my God I I need to stop everything that I’m doing right now and get this I don’t think I even have the capability to do this oh my God my beloved use everything you’ve got yep good it’s fine don’t you dare I’m not in the mood

For you right now I’m busy this is very important business to be honest L Chong’s actually standing his ground better than I thought he would I’m going to risk a potential crit right it’s in the red it’s in the Red please please it’s literally my favorite Pokémon oh yes oh welcome to the gang dude L chunk you’re a good boy you’re a very very good boy oh my God let’s go I don’t know what it is about Vulpix by the way that I love I just love it I

Just really like it I don’t know if it’s because it’s the one that feels like it’s rooted most in reality and it could actually be like a proper pet one day with if like some dog got a mutation you know what I mean like I I don’t know if

It’s something to do with that or not but um yeah I don’t know I just really like Vulpix always have just loved it in gem one never evolve it I don’t even plan on evolving it here I’ll probably just level it up to full I know

That you lose out on stats but I don’t want to lose out in the cuteness oh blood what are those raspberries oh you can loot those congrats Vulpix yay yay thank you for the 500 bits Grace I don’t even know what bits convert to in real world

Money I think I think it’s basically 100 bits is a pound I think but I’m not entirely sure uh let’s Chuck something in my backpack for now take I’ll Chuck the door away bring some of these with us so can I use an apricorn to plant an apricorn tree is that a

Thing or do I have to get a a a special sapling from it oh my God there’s a Ninetails here where dude you’re beautiful to be honest Ninetails are pretty cool you know what it is is I really like Vulpix and Ninetales is cool but I think I prefer alolan

Ninetails oh it’s rare chanted apricorn seed will pop oh gotcha Fair don’t you be coming to steal anything from me buddy buddy right uh so backpack wise what was I doing it was smithing table that was it smithing table is iron and planks cool to be fair I could have made that

Back where I was now that I’ve realized that uh I’ll tell you what I do actually I just dump a bunch of stuff in there got way too much on me um right what we got let’s get the template out let’s get the iron gold just any ay type stuff

Out uh iron template yeah good I think that’s fine didn’t I need glass as well let’s pull all this out my inventories are a mess cool okay that’s that um okay so backpack off nice oh it’s just in my inventory straight away isn’t it oh wait I need

Wood I must have wood in one of these right must have some planks yeah there you go right so smithing table first m there could see where they were sweet and then you do what that did it say smithing Table how have I made two of those did I misread that use leather as a template and combine the leather tier traveler’s backpack in smithing table to apply fly upgrades to traveler backpack am I mistaken standard traveler’s backpack backpack to your leather this is a smithing table oh

Wait oh that kind of sits in there but still not quite right put a piece of leather in the template slot I want one of these ones leather goes in the plate slot wait as in regular leather oh right okay sure okay that works for me so then I now need a

Gold um I now need a gold one a gold upgrade template did I make one of those already or did I was I just jumping straight to Diamond I think I was jumping straight to Diamond before wasn’t I so now I’ve got to make a gold

One so that’s that one then make the diamond one as well nice cool oh you keep the oh no cuz I had two didn’t I yeah sorry all right so leather in there backpack in there gold that makes the gold tier and then Diamond tier sick all right cool oh my God yes

Yeah yeah Yeah oh dude look at that so much more space than this 3×3 here is the crafting I like it I like it good okay so we still not made a house yet but we got a nice backpack space we caught a Vulpix like that to me is a

Pretty damn productive day very happy with that going to grab a bunch of water real quick um oh oh it puts in slot one okay might as well fill this up once I can don’t know if I ever need to necessarily fill it up with

Laa I’ll just I’ll fill it up with two lots of water just for the fun of it yeah why not cool so I’m always going to have some water I ever need that b dabby doy uh how do birch logs look oh are they not oh I guess maybe

Because there’s not a tree above it they don’t live in the same realm oh Ash Falls okay nice sweet oh No Just intrigued as to what Birchwood looks like oh it’s very planky isn’t it let me see actually if I do this maybe if I try stripping it see how it looks Then uh stripping it looks okay where you dealing oh go on them Vulpix let’s take you for a road trip let’s let’s give you a first go where’s dealing there you go hello deing you’re going to get got you’re going to get got go on Vulpix get him get him incinerate absolutely destroy

Him oh yeah oh yeah like 50% Health go on incinerate right bam see you later what do you turn into a sapling a bit of leather cool nice good job Vulpix love it people are talking about their favorite Pokémon I mean Vulpix is my favorite I

Think I can’t think of who would be like a close second though not sure bloody Heracross you have always been an absolute abomination of a Pokémon I’m just letting you know creepy as hell right backpack sorted got me trainer hat I love my trainer Hat by the way have

You seen this look at it it’s like a proper like Pokémon trainer hat I’m going to have to like make a different uh thumbnail template or something think I should do that you know what I’d love I it might be available I wonder if you can get the

Cobble Monon Pokémon in uh blockbench cuz I would love to make some fun thumbnails using those I think that would be really really cool uh right Twigs red stuff like that um so what’s next for us what’s next what’s next what’s next I guess building this bloody house isn’t

It I guess let’s get the floor done first I think is that hoot ho um okay so yeah building style I guess I want to do the interior first so let’s do um Pokémon starter house interior I get I want to have one that has a staircase in it yeah you know

Something like this something familiar cool yeah that works for me all right so let’s just let’s just block out some stuff Here what we’ll do is we’ll block out the inside of the house and then we’ll go from there with it we could use some carpets and stuff like that let’s see what kind of tables we’ve got uh tables I see that there’s all kinds of tables and what we’ll do start off with

We will we get some of these planks here just for laying stuff out let’s get some let’s let’s go let’s work with Oak PL Oak stuff for the floor but maybe the exterior can be Birch Birch mixed with high or whatever it’s called so just regular old oak planks for the floor

Inside just cuz it looks very flry doesn’t it it looks very like um actually looks a bit more aggressive than lamin up floring but still I must have tons of this look are planks yeah Oak Planks Martin where are the Yogscast these days same place they’ve always been Yogscast we just finished the jingle jam not too long ago um at the at the beginning of December raising a bunch of money for charity I think we did 2.7 million this year for charity which was pretty

Cool right so walk into the house doorm here bam bam I want to feel relatively spacious and open plan so we’ll certainly blow up the proportions so that actually feels like a a viable home let’s find some more Oak planks uh Oak planks there I mean I say

This like when I’m not completely surrounded by stuff oh yeah let’s let’s consider these actually yeah I think for the exterior Sandstone will actually do the trick nicely we want to change the floor floor this floor’s a bit lighter isn’t it like Birch planks do look a bit nicer what do you

Think yeah or I tell you what we could do we could have that be like that and then maybe like the the kitchen floor could be could be um could have the um the this on like that I like the Birch I Reon we use the

Birch for more like a a k scene right so you walk in you got that um usually to like the left there’s like a small table so I guess if we walk in and just imagine there’s a table here you walk in and you see that it’s like That could try stripped Oak log uh let’s have a look grab One bit dark bit dark so you walk in you got that there and then usually you’ve got some kind of like sofa TV setup I’m assum can we make a television or something like that um TV you can that’s a oh that’s a hat I think TV

50 silver oh can be sold for I purchase purchase for 50 silver coins hold on so this clutter mod is there like a shop block that I can make does anybody know has anybody used this before is that like an uh an interface that I can buy things From H daily shop oh there you go daily shop fence planks and wool hold on a minute there’s Wool Wool Wool Wool got a bunch of planks I can make some fences real Quick uh w I got a bunch of wool at one point just can’t remember for life of me what chest I would have put it in there you go daily shop here we go how big is this is it tiny oh yeah it’s just the one F

Big oh yeah look you can buy all kinds of things I guess this changes on The Daily doesn’t it so you can craft it but also there’ll be other things that come up in here just for silver oh my God you can even buy a timer ball you can buy

All sorts of stuff in here no way okay interesting good to know then what was the other shop oh trade shop I reckon that’s something completely different okay hi chat happy New Year I’ve made a start on cycling for the first time in years got to keep going

Hope you’re all having a good start to the year nice Heather that’s a good shout yeah I need to start looking up actually in the next couple of days what I’m going to be doing for my fitness stuff um there is a personal trainer that I had when I lived in Bristol and

Initially I said like oh I’m moving away would would we be able to do sessions over like you know FaceTime or whatever so I just go to a local gym might have got him on got him on in my earphones but he was like no no not really doing

That and then obviously lockdown then hit and then since then he now does virtual training so it kind of worked out well for me sorry that the entire world had to go into a pandemic for me to get what I want but it happens you know I am the main character after all

It is what it is that was something somebody said about checking the quests like let’s have a look like is this how you see your quest oh I did that one whatever that is so mining down in the Minecraft manle Treasures abound it says one one hidden how do I see the hidden

One oh wait oh there’s like a tree craft a pickaxe oh wait so there’s all this sort of stuff what’s this stuff oh you get loads of XP from it oh I mean that would be worth it for for that alone right so how do you do it

Tasks so how do you see them how did they make that one appear over there I’m not sure what I pressed Differently oh maybe not all of them have a branch oh no they did they did sorry they are they are here oh sick sure I’ll do this let me get some stone for you real quick um stone stone stone stone that do oh yeah dude I might as well benefit from

This I don’t not even have sticks I am pathetic so did that do it there you go taking XP oh yeah dude might as well might as well benefit from what’s in the mod pack right collect 32 coal do I just have to physically hold 32 coal is that all it

Is every time I go to build this house I get distracted by another mod I’m so sorry so sorry I’m well aware that I’m making zero progress right let’s get back to the house uh the house Vibes cuz honestly God I’ve only got like 15 minutes left um all right let’s go nice

Cool oh oh there’s loads of coal here Handy that let me place that the other way around just so it’s not in my face and in the way I didn’t need a bunch of coal I will make a house one day chat I swear it to be honest I think next live stream I couldn’t not make a house when

We play this next because I’ve got my backpack upgraded I’ve done some mining I’ve got a couple of Pokémon like it’s house time for sure see what else is here was that all the coal what are you friend Banglore sounds like the name of like a don’t

Know like a D and D character I am Banglore legendary bang that’s what I’ve been told that’s what I’ve been told surprised the achievements only just popped up now there’s some stuff I’m able to say that keep a straight face and sometimes just can’t sometimes I just can’t stick to

The bit and just wait for chat to react violently about it bloody Hell rude we not oh really hate the way the swords swing in this not a fan nice got it right cool I want this to feel spacious I want you to be able to walk in there’ll be a nice little table there relatively low height then we have the kitchen on the

Back left standard Pokémon stuff have a TV on the right hand side it’s going like a proper trainer house proper beginning and Pallet Town Vibes or whatever your generation one of it was back in my day pet Town had barely three houses now these kids are just starting with all

Things right let’s see uh let’s throw in rotten flesh in fact the rotten flesh can be sold can’t it might as well sell that what else sells for copper in fact if I just put the word copper in here it shows me a list doesn’t it of stuff that

Can be sold I think oh no maybe not I swear when I typed in Copper last time that’s what it did it showed me a bunch of stuff that can be sold cuz a lot of that stuff didn’t have copper in the name and it was just going

For it glowberries 5 for two copper coins sure I’ll throw glowberries in why not I think I’ve got more glowberries I could ever possibly eat more glowberries there what else we got what else sells oh purchase one God I thought that was sell one for 10 silver coins about to say go on

Does anybody use this mod and knows what else sells pretty high but is relatively easy to make bones 4 for one copper yeah go on then why not keep a few back just for farming I guess there we are uh all right so I’m guessing like what a couch

Here maybe like TVs across there or something then the back wall can go there this still isn’t even actually going to be that huge but I kind of like that it’s not put down some torches here the house can definitely go back more I feel yeah we’ll definitely go back a fair

Bunch try to press you on the item Martin uh oh what you mean to bring up that menu it’s probably I think I’ve got just simply too many items to it takes you too too far out of the menu to do It yeah yeah uh on on a minute got to do this every time full piix not now I might just have to get a normal bed here cuz getting my backpack off every time it’s going to be a right for Lake nice yeah got it I did have some more

Copper before so is the daily shop now updated I would hope so right click to put on Hood the fact that it’s like a little raincoat Poncho thing is adorable else we got the only thing with this shop is I’m going to be really gutted when sometimes

I’m not going to be able to afford things K Cherry blinds I mean I think all this stuff you can make just anyway it’s just more so Martin have you made any of your Pokémon names a harun yet I haven’t to be fair I think that’s cuz I haven’t given

Any of my Pokémon names just yet like I should do thank you for the five by the way looks I really not have any more death by Ash OH didn’t even hurt me on the way now thought it would uh Chuck some stuff in my backpack for now

Bulba Hur that’s good one good sh how do you rename your Pokémon is there is there a button for the Pokémon UI cuz I know the button for bringing out my Pokémon but I don’t actually know how to interact with stuff beyond that like I’ve not been given that info

Oh but free level are you 16 I have a caterie it would be kind of cool to skip forward with this I even have any Poke Balls on me I got great balls on me yeah nice um I’m this might nuke him in one but we’ll see no that’s good that’s

Perfect you put him to sleep God damn it just keep trying your thing Vulpix you’ll wake up soon Enough perfect 25% Health might be doable oh awkward so we can just upgrade our Butterfree uh a catp to a Butterfree straight away yeah nice cool good job Cy in so can you interact with them here the buttons J oh yeah that there you

Go so can you rename them how do you do that don’t know if you can good job Vulpix got me a cheeky upgrade there oh you click on the Pokémon them I did do that a second ago but nothing happened give SEC by the way when are we getting the

Chocolatea game from the guy that made um stari just hearing that bubbling just made me think of it To be fair to be fair this house is going to be kind of massive uh 2025 Look yeah I’m clicking here oh you click on it over there b uh uh s oh you can’t do it I mean I guess I could take out the hyphen oh nice just any name it’s applicable to gley going to do it to all of Them this one’s just going to be called B A chunk the chaha butter fra just all of them uh who else we got Vulpix Vulpix can stay the same I’m not touching the sanctity uh of Vulpix vits can live life right uh where’s those Birch planks I had before

I guess we’ll set the kit up sort of this area here oh uh Gastly oh yeah I don’t need the extra Hing Gastly the Chunk There we go slight tweaks chahar rard dude we have to get one just for that don’t we I think I’ve seen a um Charmander just Yet this music really gives me like Final Fantasy Vibes you know when they’re in like building that very clearly like where the main antagonist lives but they don’t want to admit it just yet but they want to make it appear creepy just for a little while longer definitely got that feel to

It also random offshoot just thinking of just I don’t know Japan and things like that um has anybody been see the boy in the Heron just yet it’s on my to-do list and I think it’s only showing in cinemas until like the fourth so I really have

Got to get a move on if I want to go see it Yeah it’s a really good movie I’ve sadly not oh interesting more people have seen it than I anticipated that’s nice do we make the house one more deep I mean I think this is one of the things where we’ll put in the decoration on the ground floor and then we’ll build

The exterior last So based on how big the furniture looks we can move stuff around but this feels like a s like a sizable first house doesn’t it we could even put the TV there actually instead of having the TV over here and then we probably have

Staircases going up to here the kitchen can definitely be bigger let’s really buff the kitchen out a bit the thing that I’ve heard about that film is that apparently Robert Patterson really took it seriously like really kind of you know gave um gave his all to

The role which is nice he sort of came in with voice notes on how the characters should sound and stuff like that um wait what the hell 25 or 32 on it let me just see if I’ve got any more coal in here there’s some more Quest complete bam nice 32 Cobble

Must have Cobble somewhere right Cobble deep state will that count or no no it wants Cobble Stone Fair see let’s just go grab a bit more Cobble also I need a bunch of sandstone for making the walls for this house soon enough didn’t pop that off just in time whoops

He really wanted to do it like he got his hand on some lines and recorded some samples or something yeah I I saw that um so he basically one has managed to completely change his voice for the role which is really cool but he apparently went in with some voice notes and had

Already been practicing for months before going in rather than just being one of these like celebrity vas um that kind of goes in and you know they’re not really a voice actor by trade they’re more an actor but they just sort of do these for like you know quick couple

Quid takes them an afternoon or two in the booth and then jobs a good in like Robert was really like supposedly like super into it is that Quest then yet oh I think when I pick that one up it will be yeah cool no reward use S of a 10 raw

Iron pretty sure I already have a bunch of raw iron don’t I I must do legendary Banger back in business go on there go on go on legendary Banger back in business business is usual for the legendary Banger oh wait up wait hold on oh God wait fer is on in a

Second uh it’s bound to the map as well FML hold on it’s B to the map as well your p uh map map uh I’m going to put you on Plus or equals for now there we go bloody hell there you go there it is hey up

Look at you and your full diamond armor yeah full diamond armor look at you in your furry boots and Y furry ears and stop me being knocked back so oh my God how are you you good I’m good I just I was building stuff and I open my map

And seen you on the map and oh over little wonder by I thought I’d claimed this island all right let’s look we we can all jump over Ravines okay look I can do it just fine I’m actually really glad I clutched that oh my God

Jesus yeah no it’s the same I see you’ve got like a glove prank thing yeah I I’ve not actually checked what it does I don’t know if it does anything for me let’s have a look uh it’s oh I absorb Health when I do melee attacks oo it’s kind of

Cool yeah I have one that makes me attack 40% faster so that’s why I do this oh my God you look like generic shot taken from like yeah wa this mobile game got me 10 bajillion credits in the first week it’s so like mobile gamer coded add to it as

Well let me put 3D AUD reduced actually I just realized that there we are yeah I’m I’m in the slow process of making a house I’ve been trying to make a house for three streams and um I just keep getting very easily distracted that’s her yeah though I keep doing I’m working

On house things and I’m like oh that Pokemon is cute yeah I literally told myself I was like I’m not even going to be bothered about the Pokemon I don’t care about cobon and then I saw a Vulpix and nearly wept so yeah I’ve just started I’m making a girly pop team so

This is my current team hold on um oh got a bag hold on what’s this going to be oh wait you can get them all out oh I didn’t realize what what is with that hammer um I can’t I can safely say I’ve never seen a tinker ton in my life is

That a shiny Aeros yeah that was the one that spawned earlier was it amost that spawned earlier or was it um it was Shany Mar but then I evolved it oh that’s what it turns into oh my God okay so they I’ve got a Shany guard of War as

Well right well get ready for my team because my team is pretty cool right starting off bam Still rocking his starter Pokémon cuz he’s faithful bam Mar re one of the shiny one but it was way too far away L chunk caught him by accident

Gastly he’ll be cool one day I’m sure um free upgrade because it was in the wild and I had a Caterpie and last but not least my favorite oh love Pig I love me pigs the oh going see the did you take your waist Stone and your great balls

Then from Spawn yeah yeah I did yeah my waist stone is just behind this wall of um all of things yeah that’ be handy Mar Island yeah I just decided I was going to take over this whole island I’m starting off by just making uh sort of

Like a classic oh I’m going to start off by making like a classic um you know like pallet Townes house so you know walk in TV on the right kitchen on the left you go upstairs is there’s a bloody Nintendo switch on the floor um put the

PC there in the healing station as well and then I think after that then don’t a thing to tell you or not but because I know what you’re like with like details when you can get to them but we do have chisin bits you could literally make

Like a switch and all that sort of stuff oh my God okay I might use chiseling bits a Teensy bit I’m not going down that rabbit hole again I can’t imagine enjoying chiselin bits as much when I’m this size I think the charm of that so yeah I definitely enjoyed Chism bits a

Lot more when I was Tiny yeah cuz you can really get in there to like figure out all the little bits and such yeah for sure um but I’m going time actually have to go yeah I’m going to head back have fun thanks for stopping by it will

Look like something one day I’m excited to see it bye bye got a backpack on he has as well I get anything cool it’s a little be backpack come here ah spider sorry I just really hate them in this mod pack SC was super quiet for me there the

Whole time is does he have voice settings down or anything everything’s normal I might need to turn him up a bit fer off you all right nice oh bloody out something dropped an emerald oh down a minute get cheeky Emerald all right cool well there we oh I’m stuck in the

Rose The Perfect Defense nothing but roses you didn’t pick the backpack up oh that thing um hold on Monkey King it’s just another hat just eat up real quick right well at least we got somewhat of a basis down we’ve been to the nether as well which

Was a fun little venture today we’ve got ourselves a Vulpix which is super productive and super fun we got full diamond gear um we’ve made a station we’ve got a shop that we can sell stuff in like we oh the TV’s there sorry I just realized I just clocked the TV tube

T 50 silver coins absolutely not what does it cost to just craft tube TV oh it’s like Redstone and iron and that’s it oh my God that’s cheap as anything let me make one of those before we go just cuz I’m actually really intrigued to see what it looks like in world

Uh this is what happens when you don’t have a TI inventory or any kind of organizational skills oh the B bag wait did it actually drop the B bag sorry I didn’t realize it oh it did oh well that’s cute that’s adorable can I add that style to my backpack by combining them

In any way or no is that a thing I can I just steal the style oh I think I can oh that’s not an X the stream could always use more subscribers is this a mod pack in this inde this a need my axe break my Axe can always use more Subscribers all right cool yeah let me make this um TV first what is it the red window P I think I had some glass right who’s that would get gifted some subs it updates very slowly on stream element always use more sub gifted from Irish fell thank you very much dude

Super generous of you you guys are definitely helping towards my old um my old goal of staying always use more subscribers above 350 sub points this month super friendly very very kind of you um up the stream could always subscribers big man waves right where is my glass there it

Is the stream could always use more subscribers pain again is it like that yeah cool TV TV TV need Redstone as well the stream could always use more subscribers yeah it could tell you what I just I can’t fathom where the zombies are still coming from I got torture set up bloody

Everywhere can always use more subscribers I need one of those mod packs that shows me like the um the spawn chances I I I I have to catch everyone I see I’m sorry more subscribers it’s the way it has to be done I will waste great balls on this I’m telling

You what what did it use oh it used raw H get bpck back out there you not get rid of me that easily it just keeps using raw for God’s sake fine you want this you’re going to get uh s beamed oh my God that was almost too much Jesus all right grab

That I’m just going to have a party full of Vulpix at this right and another hat as well Jesus I don’t have any time to oh my God it’s a party hat if I didn’t have my cool rainbow um one on at the minute I would totally just run with that um

Right be backpacking there what was I looking for red stone Redstone red stone where far art thou red stone anybody seen Redstone Redstone looks like I mean it just looks like Redstone how is it I can’t see any I’ve definitely mined some it’s just all the textures are different so it’s

Hard to see stuff at glance that chest super helpful chat super helpful you got to give me a location bottom left someone said that’s better there got it jeez got to be honest even when you tell me where it is it’s still hard to see that is pathetically small I might

Have to make a TV out of chisel and bits just to make it look legit and then I do worry about then lagging out everyone’s uh lagging out everybody’s stuff right you know what we’ll call it a day there that seems good to me uh so thanks so much for watching much appr

Appreciate it everybody for those you over on YouTube as always we’re going to wrap stream a little bit quicker uh I’m going to save this image actually to my desktop cuz I want to save it for future future streams I say that like I’m probably not going to definitely

Stream this tomorrow as well but yeah we’re all good right yeah uh YouTube cheers for watching we’ll see you guys later bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘🔴 Stardew in Minecraft with Pokemon?! – BCG SMP #2’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood aka Martyn on 2024-01-01 18:53:03. It has garnered 7796 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:07 or 9187 seconds.

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More