STARTER BASE AND DEMON SLAYER!?! | Minecraft [Butter’s “JAFFA” Quest – #2]

Video Information

Okay you guys wanted episode two and well if you didn’t see last video uh i didn’t have the best run pizza screw it yeah damn it definitely not oh no oh no sorry i’m just gonna try and get back to where i was in that video and hopefully not bore you guys getting

There and hopefully we don’t go to the back rooms again did i leave anything here for myself i don’t think i did which could be problematic it seemed like i left some stuff here just so far nothing useful whatsoever which is always good oh no why is it asleep in there okay that’s

Fine just don’t acknowledge it it should be fine hopefully it’s not mad at me and thank goodness there’s some food here it’s nothing crazy but it’s something oh there are a lot of oh wait maps hold on that could actually be very helpful hold on i’m gonna grab all the books and all

The maps that are here just for enchantment room later on and also so maybe i can use them to try and figure out where i die i don’t know it sounds like a somewhat smart idea to me so fingers crossed leads to something oh [ __ ] there’s so many books here um

Nothing crazy but definitely it will keep us alive for now so i’ll take it oh they’ve got a banjo yeah now this is perfect now i’ve got everything i need oh wait demon slayers hey buddies what’s up uh i’m pretty sure yep i did what’s attracting my bear dude

Okay um yeah that was fun there we go all right three wool for a band i think this is a pretty good start so hey guys and welcome back to i’m gonna so stuff this up button is justifiably ambitious fun frightening anime quest nailed it first try no other takes needed but yes

We are back once again for episode two and well if you guys missed last episode we didn’t have the best of start so today i’m changing that we are having a starter base and a starting something we are starting an anime today either demon slayer either anything pretty much

Whatever i get first i’m gonna be starting so whatever i get i’m gonna be putting all my time into that one first so fingers crossed we get something good as a starting one i really hope it’s not devil fruit because i know nothing about that so fingers crossed we can get maybe

A demon sword or something like that not demon sword a nichiren sword and hopefully get something good started because i feel so weak in this world full of overpowered beings but hey for now i’m just going to keep traveling until i find either well something related to demon slayer or oh well i

Think that i’m about to find something related to demonstr of course it’s this one then again actually i might be able to kill the demon that usually spawns with this because i do have super regen and i am actually okay yeah i can heal pretty easily from you i’m pretty comfortable killing this

Guy i should be able to get a nichiren sword from killing this dude hopefully if i can kill him he died in the sunlight are you serious god damn it but yes until we find something that’s what i’m just going to cut back in because

For now i don’t want to waste your guys time and i want to start off with a much better start this video so fingers crossed we can actually accomplish something soon and it’s actually going night time it is great oh good start this could be a really dumb idea but

I’ve set my spawn there’s a demon right there i’m going to quickly try and kill it this is such a bear this is probably one of the worst ideas i’m gonna have but that’s okay i can maybe kill you maybe maybe okay you are very quick but

I do heal relatively quick too maybe okay never mind i don’t keep i don’t heal quick enough uh blocks back [ __ ] piss off god damn it no are you serious come on oh no [ __ ] i am definitely gonna die i am so dead oh great yeah i forgot you freaking heal come on

God damn it that’s okay that’s okay i spawn right here no problem whatsoever oh there’s my body oh great should i try and find a demonstrator i should probably try and find a demon’s layer hey buddy can i just grab my stuff no okay wicked okay i need to find a demon

Slayer ah is there any over here not that i’m seeing oh no okay good good good okay regen on and kill it kill it i can kill it kill it i just need it avoid every single hit which i’m not doing very well right now oh and there’s now

This is a bad start you know what i don’t care i’m just going to do this boom boom bop there we go it’s daytime sucking [ __ ] can you piss off your little rat jesus christ honestly i think for a first attempt that was pretty good i mean i

Only died once i’m still with all my stuff you know what that’s an upgrade from yesterday hey yo hold on did i actually just find a village finally we found some form of civilization oh and they’re all being murdered by this dude oh great holy crap bro they’re actually

Killing it yo there’s no way they’re actually gonna kill that thing dude bro they’re actually all battling oh [ __ ] oh no oh my god he’s just murdering them okay i’m just gonna steal most of their stuff because this stuff’s actually pretty good there we go thanks for the upgrade

Guys oh like [ __ ] he’s killing the ball don’t mind me i’m just gonna leave good luck guys hope you kill him oh no i think he’s after me now oh no is he after me i think he might be oh okay maybe not maybe he’s left okay good

Let’s just go i should probably sleep before we leave yep we could and now i’m getting the freak out of here wait is this a way stone yes yes oh let’s go hey bear you’re not mad at me right i really hope not oh oh this is the this is what’s her name’s

House this is where i can actually if i wanted to break the demon curse i’m not a demon yet but it might be helpful for us to get that at least just so we don’t end up dying stupid ways later on hey buddy yo let’s go all right sick all

Right now we can do that i should probably also grab this stuff oh gotta crash the game for a second so finally found this bio which looks really cool so i want to explore a little bit and maybe we can make this where we build our starter base maybe i’m not throwing

Out a little possibility here but maybe i hope so it looks really cool oh bro look at this yo the water it’s so magical there’s weird flying things in the sky dude if i clear out this area here we can oh a little bit of lag but if i clear out this area

Here then we can probably make this part up wait no are you serious are you serious i was gonna make this part my base now i can’t well ah damn it that’s so annoying oh well um hold up a second this spot over here actually looks pretty good i’m gonna have a quick

Little scout in case any more of those stupid structure blocks are here but this spot looks kind of cool probably build it up on this cliff maybe or heck maybe down in the water all right it’s been decided i’m thinking i’m gonna build out onto this water like a little

Kind of like water base that’s being supported out onto the on the water you guys get what i’m saying i’m just gonna try and show you guys this it’s gonna be weird to try and show you like like you guys get the point this kind of platform

Thing you guys can get it and there’s no way i’m building during the night you guys can get stuffed with that idea add a little bit of support beams there we go add some down here as well and yeah this could look really cool when it’s

Done i hope so at least add a few more support beams for the actual pillow thing there we go also do some over here just to add that realism touch that’s a little tip for you guys if you ever want to build something and make it look

Better always try and make it look a little bit more realistic go all right cool how’s that looking oh oh yeah oh that’s looking cool i’m thinking as well now for a roof we kind of do like a tropical hot roof so i’m thinking but

Pretty much like i’m i don’t know if we will yet but maybe have like a glass roof opening or maybe we’ll just leave it as an open hole in the roof so we can literally just elytra out later in the game when we do eventually get elytra

But then again i might have started a mega base by that point so i don’t know and just like that we should be all done i’ve got the chests over here let’s just go over here and have a little look-see real quick actually before i do that

Let’s just throw this out oh yes okay yep as a simple little starter base i think this will do us and hey it only took me like an hour to build so hey that’s not bad okay guys so we finished it this is my little base i’m actually

Scared there are demons near me but this is the little base i have made as you can see i just constructed a little farm nothing too crazy but we have a harvest moon right now no idea what that means so i’m thinking let’s try and kill a

Demon shall we this is such a bad idea this is a really bad idea i’m not gonna be able to do it this is a really bad idea like probably one of the worst ideas i could have but at the same time i do need to try and get some of these

Anime things started so i’m just gonna try my best and hope to goodness that i don’t die doing this hey buddy hey okay all right how quick is he oh he’s quick okay one two back three yes okay and now yes now i can kill him

What are you gonna do [ __ ] what are you gonna do this is how i remember tanjuro getting like his first kill right this is what he did there we go let’s go yes okay all right this could really dictate a lot of things i’m also just

Going to put this armor on because it’s way better oh i hope i get a good blade i really hope i get a good one please don’t be thunder please don’t be thunder i love thunder in the anime but i just i just can’t use it not in this version

Okay please if it’s if it’s going to be one i want it to be the black blade that would be the best outcome please let’s see it please water i’ll take it i’ll take water sure that’s fine starting off with water that ain’t bad let’s just actually get some sleep now

So we don’t have to deal with the other demons in the world but there we go so far have made some pretty good progress today not gonna lie we may as well put this on shall we let’s quickly do this because i grabbed it from the other base and there we go yeah

All right sick before we actually go exploring a little bit i’m just going to quickly write down the chords for my bass and now that i have that let’s go on a little bit of an adventure and see what we can find because i want to see

If we can find a few more cool structures because i’ve got a lot of mods installed in this mod pack so i’m hoping we could find something cool because now that we have a blade we can defend ourselves a little bit so who knows what could happen

Oh my god i was about to say bruce strong there we go oh my gosh we’re right next to a mugen biome as well that is very helpful for our training later on that is extremely helpful okay oh i’m stuck on what i want to do do i

Want to go do i want to go mining do i want to explore there’s so much i can do i’ve already built my base so technically whatever i do in this video it really is just an add-on for what my plan was i’ve already started one of the

Anime things being demon slayer so i guess we are already doing better than i was expecting i just want to see what’s around my base a little bit more and once we figure out what’s kind of around us then i might go mining and see if we

Can find some stuff down in the caves yo it’s a tengen hey what’s up take it just look at these cave systems like this is awesome dude ah i didn’t even know mods like this existed that’s so cool wait is this is this one at the yeah mount sagiri

Sagiri i’m probably saying that incorrectly nope okay that this is the mountain it looks like i could go on for a while in this direction i’m oh hello okay i thought you were someone else all right you know what if that’s the case let’s head back to the base i want

To actually oh waystone don’t mind if i do can i grab this i don’t know if i can yet yes i can that is good to know let’s go set this up at our base real quick and honestly probably go a little bit of mining i

Don’t want to do too much mining this video because i’ve already done a lot of building and stuff like that even though to you guys it was like three minutes of me building that stupid base it took me like 40 minutes to build maybe even an

Hour or more i don’t know how long it took me to build i was just having fun because i do have the ice and fire mod in here i am very excited to fight a dragon with these abilities i know that sounds stupid saying that out loud

Fighting a dragon as a demon slayer but i generally think it would be really fun and let’s just plonk this right there and call it home for now boom there we go oh sick you’re a nice little setup going on here honestly i am so happy

With what we’ve got going on right now this is awesome anyway let’s go back let’s try and find an actual good cave system and maybe maybe actu i should probably put a few things back in this in these boxes shouldn’t i should also bring some wood with me in case you know

I get absolutely what the frick is what oh what the [ __ ] can you not please i don’t want really flying demon birds to freaking attack me i know it was a bat don’t question it all right this is so gonna end bad but let’s start descending

Into the caves oh wow that was a really quick dissension wasn’t it wait what it came what an amazing cave game oh truly incredible well i guess we’re not going in this cave okay this cave seems to go much further down this one hopefully will mean something good that or we

Might die i am not too sure yet okay let’s just put a torch there so we know we came from that way these cave systems are way way more complicated i love it look at this there’s even underground cave biomes bruh that’s awesome okay well i

Just gotta hope that i don’t die down here that’s the only goal currently don’t die and you’ll be right all right some gold nothing crazy but i want to see what’s this is this like iron or something i don’t think i can mine it yet it definitely doesn’t look like

You’ll mind it yet can’t mine it yet alright noted i swear if i find diamonds before i could find any freaking iron i’m going to be so annoyed the dude this cave is crazy i hate caves this like really small and this tight but it’s so it looks amazing oh okay all

Right that’s why i try don’t get distracted actually wait hold on a minute maybe get distracted for a second this looks awesome bro okay all right hold up hold up a minute yo this is that this ain’t minecraft how is this naturally generated this is so cool what the frick

All right all right enough about the prettiness we’re looking for some diamonds because obviously we want to get a little bit of diamonds before we end this video off just to flex on myself a little bit i freaking knew this would happen i don’t have any eye on yet

But guess what i need to block a diamond oh my goodness thanks game oh yo is that it is that an amethyst geode oh and glow squids yo i didn’t even think those are in this version hold up okay let’s go over here i want to have a

Look dude oh this is cool oh what wait is this iron please tell me this design because if this is iron that is perfect this please please please it is let’s fricken go boys yes that real quick there we go put that down i don’t have enough cobblestone that’s fine not

Gonna question it what okay i hope i can mix them because if not it’s gonna piss me off thank goodness for that all right let’s do that there we go put the iron in bada boom bada bing let’s go cave’s a little spooky i’m surprised i haven’t

Ran into any demons yet like they spawned down here i know they do but still haven’t ran into any which is surprising all right make yourself up an iron picture this boom all right stick get this die oh should i okay yeah i’ll mine oh you know i’ll yep yep yep yeah i

Know what i’m saying ignore me guys we’re going crazy for a minute now where did i see that diamond where was it it was like down here was it in the water where was it oh no oh no no it wasn’t here because the glow

Squid it was like over maybe it was over here okay no other diamond i’ll take it one bit of diamond all right and that is literally it okay good to know and i’m pretty sure the other bits of diamond were over this way yes i am look at me

Go i am a genius with an iq of like 32. oh but hello did i get it i think i got it it doesn’t look like there’s any more there oh man damn it i wanted three diamonds just so i could make a pickaxe okay that means i have to keep looking ah

That’s fine that’s fine that’s fine it surely won’t take me that long to find one more diamond dude cave systems they’re so complicated and i love it also just putting this out the stuff like all these extra slabs that i’m seeing like that’s the stairs and stuff

In this area it’s so nice knowing they’re in the game again just just as nice you know you never see them you never see them in natural generation i also am very confused by this gravel stuff but it looks really cool so i’m not gonna question it too much no quick

Move my crew’s gonna die in a stupid way again they always do i hate it diamond please i just need one more is that too much to ask for thunder thinks so dude come on oh man okay all right all right all right you know what if i don’t find this

Diamond soon that’s fine you know what i’ll just go on an adventure and find oh there we go wicked diamonds let’s go this is actually a pretty good amount of diamonds as well really hope this doesn’t land on me if this lands on me it’s gonna end very bad okay cool good

All right sick this has actually been a really progressive episode we got a base we got diamonds we got a nichiren sword pretty good start this should have been what episode one was uh okay uh no idea why they’re different diamonds but that’s alright i guess now that

We’ve got seven diamonds let’s go let’s head back up to our base and honestly that might be it for this video guys up here thank you all right squeeze through there there we go all right sick and there we are this should be the exit and look at that perfect timing as well

It’s going night time that’s great now hopefully i can make it home without getting murdered oh is that how splendid oh that’s a oh my gosh oh it’s going morning oh well if that’s the case suck a bit away can i get like the oh i

Was gonna try and get the last hit on him oh well there we go guys that was a pretty good journey into the caves and we also managed to start off some of our anime journey we still need to find some devil fruit upgrade our quirk and also

Try and find some other quirk tokens because yes we can change our quirk up we can’t have multiple quirks but we can change it up the only way we could get multiple quirks is if i actually get like one for all no all for one yeah if

I get that or copy that’s the only real way we can get multiple quirks so that’s going to take some time to do but there we go guys i hope you did enjoy this video my name is troy if you want the next part even sooner then be

Sure to drop a like on this video let’s save this video hits let’s say 10k likes then i’ll drop episode three even sooner and basically let me know what you guys want me to do in this series because well there’s a hell of a lot we can do

And well i also want to make sure i build a lot of stuff so if you guys want me to build stuff as well be sure to let me know what you want me to build in the comment section down below but anyway guys my name is troy thank you so much

For watching and i’ll see you in the next video see you guys Now

This video, titled ‘STARTER BASE AND DEMON SLAYER!?! | Minecraft [Butter’s “JAFFA” Quest – #2]’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2022-07-20 16:00:01. It has garnered 179798 views and 14507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:35 or 1115 seconds.

Hey peeps and welcome BACK to our NEW BIG SERIES for the channel, today we are going to be building our starter base and hunting down SOMETHING to help us defend ourselves… so wither you like Demon Slayer, One Piece, My Hero OR ALMOST EVERYTHING ELSE, you’ll love this series… So, with all that said, sit back, relax and “hopefully” you enjoy the series videos!!!

#anime #minecraft #minecraftmods

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  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : Telegram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 Buy member products here 👉 #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : TW : TikTok : 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : TW :… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More

  • Better Towny – OP – PYRO Fishing – Towny – MCMMO – Jobs – RANKS

    Welcome to Better Towny!The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more!Server was launched on the 1st of June!Don’t start behind everyone, now is the best opportunity! Everyone is starting from the beginning, so if you love becoming the best player on survival, now is your chance to become… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager Baby outshines the competition

    “I guess even in Minecraft, kids will always find a way to annoy us with their questions and demands.” Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

    Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme “I’m Faded meme girl version Minecraft animation: When you’ve been mining for diamonds for hours and finally find some, but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all. #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More

  • Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!

    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

    Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Meine Hardcore Welt bald ersten 25 Tage vertical #gommehd #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Schweitzer Zockt on 2024-01-15 15:39:53. It has garnered 153 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10

    Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10Video Information This video, titled ‘Ore processing facility at scale. Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC), Ep10. Modded Minecraft experience’, was uploaded by Darkejon on 2024-02-24 14:30:12. It has garnered 1530 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:59 or 3239 seconds. Welcome back to another exciting episode of Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC)! 🏭 Join me in Episode 10 as we dive into the heart of modded Minecraft experience with a focus on ore processing at scale! 🔨 In this episode, we explore the fusion of TerrafirmaCraft and the Create mod in ATFC, showcasing the ultimate combination for a unique gameplay experience! 💪… Read More

  • Join Jack’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀

    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS The illustration used is by paum:… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

STARTER BASE AND DEMON SLAYER!?! | Minecraft [Butter’s “JAFFA” Quest – #2]