Starting Astral Sorcery : Enigmatica 2 Expert Lp Ep #8 Minecraft 1.12

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Hello again welcome back to Asgard and welcome back to enigmatic ax to expert so I’ve been building I’m actually spent the weekend building on here I’ve been building a bit more and been building a bit more and I did already build the project so I’m not gonna go over there

At the moment but I wasn’t in a situation markup record the intro but I could do some speed building I just went ahead and finished that out but anyways over the weekend I spent quite a bit of time on here I didn’t get as many crops planted as I

Had originally planned on I did get garlic planted and I did get amaranth planted and I got this basically just built around where this windmill is I was originally going to do weight but then I was like well amaranth another grain so we’re going to use that and so

I went ahead and started working that around there I also went ahead and set up some additional windmills so you can probably see on the mini-map they aren’t really as decorated as far as the interior goes you can see one off over there and you can see another one off

Over there I did get in total three additional windmills built so that’s where a lot of my weekend went but you can see on the inside they’re not as finished out just a ladder that goes up to the top at the moment and no real decor in them at the moment so they’re

Pretty much just bare bones but do have these stuff set up for the windmills the capacitors the wire capacitors or the wire connectors they go up but no machines but we do have in total three windmills now that supports plugging up additional machines so yay and then I

Also spent some time clearing out a lot of these trees I’ve still got a bunch more to go I actually stopped because my axes were broken my axes have since repaired up yet but so I’ve got to clear out some more trees going off back along

That way but I do have a ton of wood now though an absolute ton of wood so anyways what we’re going to be working on today is we are going to be working on our very first magical build and I’ve decided that our first magic field originally I was thinking about

Doing a thaumcraft field but I change my mind and we are going to be working on our first astral sorcery build and I’m fairly happy with the way it turned out I mean it’s not totally finished there’s a couple caveats to finishing it part of its mod progression part of its

Pack progression that we really need to get under our belt before we can actually finish it out proper so anyways we’re gonna be working on the lake that’s over there the main central lake so anyways let’s go ahead and get into that we’ll go ahead and get that out of

The way and then we’re gonna work on a little bit of progression this episode ok so this was actually a pretty fun build to do in all honesty I decided to build this in the water originally and you can see where I’m building the pillar here to kind of start this

Because we kind of just have to to start working with extra building a floating island to start with and now this was a kind of fun build because originally I was actually gonna build a big marble Tower and it was actually at the entrance the city was where I was

Originally planning on building this episode and then I changed them on and I cited you’ll see some flashes like that’s whenever I teleport it does that I don’t know why but anyways originally I was planning on the tower and then I was like well I’m gonna do a floating

Island and have the tower on top of it and then ended up changing to no tower and I’ll talk a little bit more about that later but this this build actually went through a ton of different changes and yeah and then there’s another change we’ll talk about later but right now I’m

Just kind of building like a natural shaped base for this floating island right so then it almost feels like this has been ripped up out of the ground we will add a bit more variation and some different stuff to the islands but later but it’s actually kind of hard to work

In this area at the moment without building like cobblestone for or something to work from so probably wait on that until we maybe get creative flight or flight potions or flight rituals or you know something to make it a little bit easier for us because it’s just one of those things it

Would be more efficient I think to just wait on because we’re actually gonna have a number of these floating islands that are all kind of close to each other this first one is going to be for astral sorcery our primary astral sorcery spawned now we do course have to do some

Thumb crafts but it’s all very minor at least starting into astral sorcery so I figure well we’ll start without some sorcery this go-around because it’s kind of where we were leaving off or where we had to leave off the last time that we went through so I figured I’d do things

A little bit differently and actually at one point this was going to be a batana island that was floating in it ended up becoming astral sorcery on this like which I think it’s gonna it’s gonna pay off it’s gonna look really really cool once it’s all done so yeah oh it’s crazy

Whenever you teleport because that’s the worst thing about this version there’s no pause and it’s actually a pain to go through and cut out every single teleport because of the speed that I run all this stuff out but so I just looked at me in but that’s what the that’s what

The screen flashing is so but anyways also made some new tools between episodes on we’ll take a look at those a little bit later on and basically getting some silk touch up and going and also making crop harvesting a little bit easier for us now that we’ve got lots of

Crops so anyways the base is done so now what we’re going to do is I cleaned up all the cobblestone that was down there so it’s just smooth stone down there and then I’m adding just a layer of dirt this will get shaped up not this episode

But a little bit later kind of as the build comes together because when you’re dealing with astral sorcery it’s a little bit easier if we start the build get the majority of it down but then we make the fine-tune changes after you know the altar is all set up

Just little things like that and kind of get the top on the altar and you know change things up then it just makes a little bit easier for us so but anyways we’ve got kind of a little dirt layer and I had to run this cobblestone all

The way over there because there was one spot in the bottom of it that was just way too square and so I just kind of shaped at the bottom a little bit more than where it was whenever we started putting on the bottom so anyways right here I’m actually using an enhanced

Building guide you can use a standard building guide because we’re not doing we’re not using the enhanced utility from this anyways I’m just putting a circle around this because now we could start working on the really fun part which is you actually can’t see it because of the white overlay that the

Enhanced building guide puts down but I’m actually running a string of glass up and I’m using cobblestone II note to work it up but whatever I cut it away you can see there’s the first string and it’s a blue glass so it’s kind of hard to see against the water like whenever

You’re looking down but whenever you’re looking up it’s very very visible so and now we’re gonna run another string you can see me kind of just running up along there and basically just bringing it it’s it’s going up and over as it goes up the circle basically I showed a bit

Back I made some of these it’s been forever ago it’s one of my early series actually was a terrible build but where I did like some double helixes and stuff and these just aren’t intertwined basically they’re really really simple to do because basically you have your circle especially with the building

Guide because you’re just always moving up a block and moving over to the net the block adjacent you know so you kind of come up with a slight diagonal shape that goes up and so now I’m bringing these up a little bit more now this part originally I was actually thinking about

Having these come up meet kind of towards the center and meet into a tower and go up the base of the tower so we can have this glass like splitting through them but then I changed my mind because I decide not to have a tower here because I feel like I just want

These like natural islands that are floating with the different astra sorcery altars on them and have these big structures like towers and stuff like that because I feel like ants kind of overused and now I’m building a little crystal originally I was thinking about making this crystal

Bigger but then I felt like it would just block too much and just be kind of dotty if we had this really really big crystal up there but we are later on we are gonna add some liquid starlight inside of this crystal just to make it

Pop just to make it light up at night and make it a little bit more interesting for us so I do decide to bring the crystal up a little bit further and shape it up like that so it’s just kind of like a little rounded type crystal thing and then I brought

The light blue glass this is the glass that I’m using half of it’s blue and half of its light blue you know those little strands that come up and then I’m building out I brought out the enhanced building guide again and we’re gonna do some circles above this basically and

Just kind of bringing this out and then I’m gonna push it out about five blocks away and then I brought out another circle this one’s in blue glass and I did light blue blue and then light blue again alternating patterns so and then one more time we pushed it out and this

Is the the third or the last one the light blue the last that runs around there so we’ve kind of got these three circles that are just kind of levitating over on the top of our island and my inspiration on this was actually if you ever played morrowind there was a prison

That was floating it’s not it’s not a direct inspiration because the prison was more rounded almost looked like a meteor or actually I think if I recall correctly it wasn’t meteor and right now I’m building out the frame for the altar we’ll take a closer look at that

A little bit lighter but the Astro sorcery altar that’s the you know the primary focus of this this thing but anyways and the the island was just kind of Earth of meteor was just kind of floating above the city of effec and that was kind of

Where my idea came from like I said it’s not really really anything like it’s most vicious floating island but I got I was for some reason I was thinking about that floating prison above the Veck and I was like oh maybe I’ll play around with that idea and then I came up with

This so but now we are bringing out some white stained glass and this is just to make a little pattern up here and have a bit of fun with this and make it kind of pop so got doing these like just these pointed arrow tip type patterns and then

I’m going to finish them out on the opposite side so it feels like they actually connect and go through that blue class so and yeah that’s the structure of thus far like I said we’ve got some more fine-tuned stuff to do too but so far I’m pretty happy with it I

Have to say okay so that’s we’re up to at the moment which i think is a pretty good start I mean it’s far from done but it’s about as far as we need to get it right now and maybe you guys can get a feel for

Kind of some of the theme of our base within this pot well it’s going to be like it’s gonna be very magical very magic themed for the main base right even the tech stuff we’re going to approach it as magic kind of and do things a little bit differently instead

Of having tech areas where it’s just gonna be a big magical build with our farmland set out here right and just basically take over these this big area right our farms are looking so cool right now I think we need to add like some barns and staples and stuff out

Here as well but this place is gonna expand a bit just bit Poppaea so always on the map at the moment I think it’s starting to look pretty cool this like area is actually going to be there’s gonna be more of these floating stone sections like you know coming off

Of that out and ones like rice and stuff like that and some different little things going on the crystal up at the in the center I was originally thinking about I’ve got top and tip originally I was thinking about making this thing a bit bigger but I decided I

Didn’t want to like blot out the sky with this like massive thing plus we’re gonna put some liquid starlight in the middle of it once we get up to the point where we have liquid starlight available so and this this pattern actually originally I was going to do thanks

Something a little bit differently but then I just kind of went with it and this is what ended up coming out of it and I’m pretty happy with it I like the way it actually looks on the map a lot I will say that this section

Here and if you want to see a better view than what was in the replay video this is what this looks like at the moment so lots of glass by the way we’re gonna be automating some sand here soon because yeah I it wasn’t like a huge

Amount of desert it was I dug up about eight stacks of sand and still a little bit of glass left over so this actually wasn’t as bad I think as it maybe looked each of these like little strands is right about right about stack of glass

So and this is light blue blue and then of course white up there and then the crystals mostly blue up at the top but so this is of course if you couldn’t guess from the shape of this this is going to be our like celestial altar right our main celestial altar of course

In any Comerica there’s some like multi box related to astral sorcery so we’ll set up little spaces for those and rituals and things like that but this is our main celestial altar area so also the entire inside of this island is hollow so we could use it for stuff if

We so desired and also I do plan on adding some variation to the island itself but I’m actually I love doing that basically what I’m doing is I’m charging and releasing multiple charges on the long sword while midair is how I managed to reach that but I am

Planning on adding some variation maybe some vegetation and variation on the US but I’m probably actually just going to wait until we get flight either permanent flight or potions of flight or you know one of the little flight altar type rituals or just something to that

To that effect just so it’s a little bit easier because actually building this was a pain it was an absolute pain so we’ll probably try to start working towards some form of flight as we expand it right but anyways now that we’ve got that built we can go ahead and start

Into maybe some astral sorcery which would be great so if we take a look here we’ve already finished the Astra sorcery gate of course I’m I decided to go with that instead of thumb craft we will still do a thaumcraft deal of course but I decided to start with astral sorcery

And actually originally whenever I was building this I thought about making it actually Betania but then I decided against that and decided astral source would be really really cool not to mention up here we aren’t why 113 it’s actually not optimal height I think optimal Heights like 120 ish I could

Push it up but I’m probably not going to because it actually doesn’t matter that much it’s a very very minut difference going from 113 to like 124 or whatever it’s not much so or actually I guess the halter is gonna set it why 114 but steel

You know that’s even better I guess but anyways what we are going to do is let’s take a look at the Astra source request line first up we just need to say cool and there’s our astral tome and then we have a quest to get the resonating want

And the aluminous crafting table so we have begun the Astra source request line alright so the resonating wand this is pretty much standard we are gonna need some starlight to craft this but I think I think we should be able to pull that off let me get I can take any kind of

Marble I’m just gonna take that and oh by the way the thing I was using to make the white building guide things that is the enhanced building guide you can also use just a standard building guide for the white I was using it but the enhanced building guide it’s not very

Expensive so I went ahead and went with the enhanced one the standard one is just I don’t think it takes the enderpearls I think it’s just glass and redstone and a torch but I went with the enhanced when the enhanced one you could actually hold right click and you can

Build stuff out block by block but since I wasn’t doing a full shape I was just doing these like strands that go up I didn’t actually need that utility at the moment okay so let’s pop over to the Smith let’s get ourselves one piece of aquam

No two pieces of aquamarine and then I’m gonna need an ender pearl as well and then I’m also going to need to get a crafting table and I wonder if I think I can do this without having to have the sail if I have to give the sailors munis

That’s not really not a big issue but actually not sure off the top of my head can I craft this without Salus Mundus that is the question what I’m looking for is I know I’ve got some kind of close to us I just don’t remember where exactly there’s one over here I need

These large altars and I think I think that’s this village maybe no but if I had do West I will hit that village so I’m gonna start heading off in this direction okay so I have reached our objective this place is a right heel let’s go ahead and just dig in and we’re

Just going to set up our crafting table here and it’s gonna start shining star light over there that’s good and then let’s go ahead and make our resonating wand there we go and then that quest is completed and we get a loot chest oh yeah it says right here

I just don’t read it all that much and then we need to look at the luminous crafting table sure looked at this before I headed all the way out here it’s just marble city marble which is just cold okay that’s fine so what we’re going to do I’m actually gonna go

Through the it’s possible we might have coal here I’ll probably grab some of this stuff at least the ender pearls and aquamarine and stuff we’ve got explosions going off I need to dig down and see if I can find some coal oh and I forgot to show you my new tools

I did make my upgraded our cobalt shovel with silk touch and I also made a silk touch pickaxe so I had all that stone because I knew it was gonna take quite a bit of smooth stone and then I did and this is just it’s cobalt had it’s a

Copper copper ore binding and then treated wood tool rod layer and then over here the cobalt treated wood scythe is a tree wood tough binding ion tough tool rod a cobalt scythe head and a copper tough tool broad and that’s just so that we can harvest crops a bit

Easier I figured it was a little bit overdue we should go ahead and grab that because we’re starting to get pretty large fields oh I dug outside but I found gold so that’s cool I just need the one piece really I would I’m gonna need wood also so I should pop out here

And grab couple pieces about and right now max on everything pretty much except dairy and protein basically I’m getting the I think it’s like 90 percent plus I want to say I could be wrong but I think that’s when we get the the bonuses from that so all right so

There’s our city marble let’s go ahead and get our crafting table and then the luminous crafting table there we go your vision expands you learn more about exploration okay so let’s go ahead and take that and I’m gonna go ahead and mark this as oh let’s go ahead and mark

It as floating crystal so that way I can teleport back and forth it’s probably not gonna be cheap we can see the teleporting home is a 64 XP no it’s not too bad I guess if we go to Project 5957 okay but if we take a look what do we

Have next the Starlight crafting altar cave illuminator the light whale that’s what I’m actually wanting is the light whale so let’s go ahead and take a look that is going to take a rock crystal that’s fine actually I think it is nighttime right now so let’s go ahead

And grab our resonating wand and we’re gonna go out and see if we can find ourselves some rock crystals so what we’re looking for is this right here ah that’s great let’s go ahead and head on down well let’s go ahead and grab the advancements made it’s worth how much only got

Emeralds here Oh cuz this is extreme meals makes sense I’m gonna grab these so that’s another quest knocked out right there for the rock crystal let’s go ahead and walk back up to the floating crystal and the light whale I would like to make a couple of these so

We’re gonna need room marble we’re going to need chisel to Marble chiseled marble okay and we should be able to let’s see there’s two aquamarine now what I’m gonna have to do is I’m going to sit this up and put it right there then I go ahead and pop off that sea

Lantern it’s there actually I’m gonna have to get out of here for just a moment and let me go ahead and pop off that and I’m gonna pop off that water real quick all right so the light whale there we go and then we just have to take our

Resonating wand go ahead and smack that and I should have enough stuff I think to make another light wheel there’s thoughts I’d like to get two of these if at all possible for starting out because I am going to want a bit of liquid starlight so if I have to Maureen here I

Don’t know I do huh boom there we go okay so we’ve got two of those I’m gonna go ahead and grab these into pearls I’m gonna leave the consolation paper for now I actually have a lot of that and we don’t necessarily need it right this

Second okay so that’s out of the way there’s liquid starlight there’s a grindstone a Looking Glass yada the photic resonator requires liquid Starling okay so what we’re going to do let’s pop over to the top and Suns starting to come up which is an ideal but that’s fine

No actually while it’s up let’s go ahead and pop our loot chests so we got in droids we got eight of those then we got honey soy ribs we got eight of those and then for the rock crystal we got another loot chest the light well we got another

Loot chest awesome stuff a villager market and we got supreme pizzas I don’t need any of that stuff at the moment I’ve kind of at this point I’ve kind of gotta wait till night I could grab the luminous crap content but what’s it take to make the Starlight crafting one

Because that’ll be when we make our first like altar kind of thing we are gonna have to get Knight to her for that pop over to Smith let me get a bit of clay and I want to make some finder composite and we’ll go ahead and get

That smelting up and then I’m gonna grab just a little bit of my leftover glass and we’re gonna go ahead and just convert this over to quite clear glass and actually to do that with a stack of my blue glass because I had made blue glass and light blue glass I didn’t make

Light because my original plans didn’t include white and I didn’t have any glass left over so I did waste a little bit of dye there but that’s okay let’s pop back over I’m gonna make I think what if it does this see I think the chunks aren’t corrupted is I I think

What’s happened here but I can get by without stressing over that too much because like I said it’s just kind of more of a temporary Forge for us but sometimes it is a little bit of a nuisance so we’ve got our fluid conduits what’s it going to take for us to make a

Tank of some sort this one right here would work out which is actually Richie cool we have one of those at the moment but it is this is where it really kind of annoys me so far it seems like the only chunk does that so there is our portable tank and what

We are going to do is our light whales I don’t think we’re gonna keep these here like long term but for right now we’re gonna set these up like actually I’m gonna set him up he’ll I think we could set them a little bit higher and we get

A little bit better output from them but this will be fine so we’re gonna go ahead and just boom boom and then pop down here and we’re gonna say you can extract all its active and you can extract always active I’m also gonna go ahead and just claim go ahead and just

Climb and load actually I could probably not do that not do that that would be fine so those chunks there are chunk loaded at the moment right yeah and so now we’re pretty much just waiting for nighttime and then we’ll get the light Wells up and running I think

While we’re waiting what’s it take to make the grindstone rhinestones not gonna be like super important to us okay it’s super cheap we could go ahead and knock that quest out grind sounds great but it doesn’t work for tinker’s weapons if I were called it might let’s go ahead

And war back over here and let’s grab ourselves a piece of marble let’s go ahead and get the grindstone just so we can knock this quest out now the cave-in loominator is gonna take some illumination powder which is gonna take night tour okay anyways that quest

Is completed and we can turn that in and get our loot chests from mount and we got ignition plug augments which is for compression dynamos gave us two of them that’s actually pretty nice we might find ourselves we might find ourselves making use of those we’ll see so I can’t

Remember does this thing have to have the floating crystal I want to say that it does but honestly I can’t recall off the top of my head so if we just slip that they are now it is getting a little of starlight without it so we can

Probably just take this back over to well not tip top I meant to do top but that’s fun you probably take it back over here and set this up right there when we actually get pretty decent starlight here and this is during the day of course – so that’s alright

I’m actually gonna leave that piece of gravel there I need to get it a little XP farm kind of thing going I’ve only got well actually I’ve got some aquamarine in a chest cuz I remember I got a little bit from looting one of those temples because I did I gathered a

Bit of marble wall as mining but I didn’t think that I had enough now I actually ended up having a lot more than what I thought I was going to need but that’s because originally we were going to do something a little bit different there was gonna be like a tower on top

Of that structure but then I decided no because I don’t know I just kind of wanted you to feel a little bit more open originally the glass was gonna wrap up and then plug into the side of a tower and go up about it I decided to go

With that style and stay up which I’m actually kind of happy with I think I like it more plus if we were doing an astro sorcery thing up there the tower wouldn’t really serve much purpose it basically just be a big filler kind of thing with celestial altar on top you

Know and that’s actually why my celestial altar isn’t as high as maximum efficiency but like I said it doesn’t actually matter to us I don’t see any aquamarine in this this like at all I was thinking maybe some oh there’s some but my shovel is silk touch so maybe

There’s a way to process this though oh we can smelt it for three that’s actually not too bad grindstone we can get to aquamarine dust it’s not really a deagle yeah actually just dropping it into the smelter we don’t need to run it through the like the crusher thing but running

Through the smeltery we’re gonna get three every time so that’s actually not too bad we’ll just have to directly because we don’t really have any like sorting it basically all of our ore processing is pretty generic and pretty general at the moment which isn’t going to work for everything but this we can

Just deposit it into the spell tree by hands we’re gonna get our Holcomb ring that way okay so I’m starting to go down so I’m gonna pop back up to here oh I need X pay let’s see how’s our star light okay we’ve got plenty of starlight

At the moment that and that and that’s gonna start chunking through making us some liquid starlight and now I have to figure out what I did with my buckets okay and then we’ve gotta wait for this thing to fill up so the foes ik resonator I would like to get that maybe

Let’s see because I do want to see if there’s any astral fields around us yeah that’s actually super cheap so we’ll get that knocked out here in just a second let me go ahead and pop over to the Smith let me get our last aquamarine that we’ve got over here okay is this

Done yes we have over a bucket which will complete a quest boom and then we can get our foes ik resonator and just see if there’s any star fields near us I don’t know if there he is or not but we’re about to find out and that’s gonna

Complete a quest as whale I was really hoping this would be like oh so what do you know this is a star field that would be awesome but I don’t think that’s gonna be the case I’m gonna pop up here and just find out because it’s gonna

Highlight that the highest point in an area but I’m just kind of curious if there is any star fields anywhere near us maybe now this one’s not a star field of course ah there is a star field right here so it doesn’t seem like a very very strong

One but there is one so I’m gonna go ahead and mark that this is more for future reference we don’t need it right the second in all fairness but a star field does help out with some of the lighter stuff even though we might do the method that doesn’t take it

That doesn’t need a star field there’s pecs yeah underneath that tree but okay I’ve been around the like I’m not really seeing much in the way of other star fields just that one which wasn’t a very strong one because you can tell how strong it is basically the ones

That you’ll you’ll generally know them if they’re really really strong because they sparkle and shimmer and they’re just very apparent that there’s a really strong star field it’s also fairly small but we might use it or we might do the method that doesn’t need a star field for further astral progression the nice

Thing is if we do the method that doesn’t necessarily need one then we can build it up around this albeit it’s gonna take a little bit more work to progress through astral which is fine I don’t mind now but anyways if we take a look here we did complete a couple

Quests here and we got a couple more loot chests this mod is actually really fast to progress if you want it to be I’ve got a hang glider and we got an angel block sixteen angel blocks in fact that’s actually kind of nice I’ve already made one but I will definitely

Take those I’m just gonna dump all these things in here for now one aquamarine is still going at the moment and we have over three buckets well since we do have some available let’s go ahead and boom boom grab two of those it’s teleport up to the tip top and

Let’s go ahead and just dump that again and I’m gonna see if I can get away with just one bucket by just kind of playing around with the fluid mechanics a little bit okay I think we’ve got everything covered now I mean if we did buckets like individual buckets on every block

Space we could get it even more covered but we only have to do that still gonna look the same so if you look down everything’s covered up cool and so then if we pop down at night I think this is gonna look pretty cool cuz it’s gonna glow up there

And that’s what it looks like up top so once the Sun sets we’ll take another look at it and it’s kind of finished tight and that one aquamarine still kickin away we’ve got almost four buckets built up which is good okay so anyway it’s a little bit of a decorative

Side project they are looking glass the telescope cave illuminator the Starlight crafting altar we are gonna have to get night or before we can make our first proper page finally just broke okay before we can make our very first proper altar to make let’s see it to make the

Stardust though supposed to crystals the Starlight crafting altar what all does it take is it only is that all it is it’s just night oh we’re in a rock crystal liquid starlight okay so all this we could pull off pretty easily but I am going to have to get the night tour

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to start the bare bones of thaumcraft and basically just get the very basics out of the way get the night tour and then we can make our new crafting altar so there’s also another thing that I

Want to do as whale grab thats let’s see let’s grab all of our constellation paper some of these have constellations some of these don’t we’re still going to hold on to the ones that don’t have a constellation attached also I need to grab the strange dreams

Book you get this after you have mind a V crystal and then you go to sleep you’ll get a strange dreams book now if we take a look at that I have the strangest dream last night the dream I took three of those strange crystals and blah blah blah I’m not gonna read

Through all that I’ve read through it before and I’m not gonna do it again basically just teaches you about making Sailor Moon dhis that’s all it does but anyways I’ve grabbed all of our constellation I think all of our constellation papers we might have some more but let’s go ahead and just shift

Right click and just deposit these into our astral time I’m also gonna add in the extra oh I can’t put the extra constellation paper in okay well that is five I don’t know if that’s all of them but if you take a look at our constellations we have these five I

Think there are six initial ones and then we get some some more later on but but anyways let’s see the exploration tab this is where they wants to make to start like crafting altar and okay that’s fine so let’s go ahead and make ourselves some Salus Mundus which is okay take

Three v crystals of different types combine them with redstone dust by crafting them with a flint and a bowl okay so to do this we’re actually going to need Oh pack up here I keep teleporting and wasting all my XP how those the ones I picked up over there were higher okay so

What I’m gonna have to do is I might have to go find some more V crystals and these are actually pretty common the ones we’ve got our air in aqua and I’m going to need something else okay and I actually only have one aqua V crystal so

At bath some only gonna be able to make one craft of this do I have Flint over here or do I not okay so Flint Bowl and our three V crystals oh and redstone I forgot the redstone farm whoops and my ex paid Wendell’s down even further

Okay well I’m gonna have to farm up X pay between episodes I’ve used through a lot of XP though telephone teleporting and then also teleporting back and forth to that floating crystal didn’t help matters at all so there we go there’s our first piece of Salus Mundus and if

We open up the thaumcraft tab oh okay all right I’m gonna need a bookshelf let me go ahead and grab this that should complete this quest or now I’m it’ll give me credit for that I have to make a domino McCowen so unfortunately that’s gonna be our only piece of salus phone

Just I’m gonna need like one more so I guess I think like one more first steps there we go they want us to make the arcane workbench cool oh I’m gonna have to do a little bit of stuff here actually now that I think about it and then theory crafting

Research table okay I’m gonna have to go out and get some more basically some more V crystals that aren’t air or well I’ve got like one more Purdy toe or two more Purdy toe I don’t have any more Hawk WA so I’ve got to go out and find

At least one more I guess or yeah just one more type I need at least two of them no I think okay I’m gonna go ahead and walk back to the Smith and we should have plenty of this so let’s go ahead and let me go ahead and slot these in real

Quick I’m actually gonna go ahead and make three Salus bundes for right now so there we go I also need to slot in Flint’s it’s Insano I currently slot it in anywhere so I’m gonna put this over here okay so we got our three Salus moon

Disks so let’s go ahead oh I need to complete that quest and then let’s go ahead and get ourselves a crafting table go ahead and hit that with some Salus moon dis that’s going to turn into our arcane workbench which is gonna complete a quest it’s also going to allow us to

Complete the first steps officer my fashion and fundamentals and we have to get a thermo meter now so let’s see our thermo meter and we’re gonna need one of every V crystal I have not found any Ignis so I’ve got to go out and find some Magnus V crystals and also aqua

Because I don’t have any of those cool okay but we did complete a quest so there is that we’ll go ahead and turn that in and get our loot chests from that and we got an electro bauble interesting that is uh that is an interesting one so I can

Actually go up to here now oh this is gonna be this is gonna be great this can be like a launch pad I’ve got to go find I’m going to go find some Vayikra stools so I’m gonna head I’m gonna head off in this direction no

BA didn’t want to activate for me okay I managed to get one of every V crystal or at least one of every V crystal it’s actually quite a bit more so let’s pop over let me set this up at home first so arcane workbench right there and I want

To get the thermo meter I’m go ahead and just dump these into there and apparently this chunk has zero V in it I don’t even know how that managed to happen but that means I’m have to go find a better chunk basically this one 284 cool alright so there is that and

Quest complete thermal meter and if we take a look inside of here are we need an observation on fundamentals so what we’re gonna do is go ahead and scan all of our chests boom inventory too large only scanning the first 100 items okay anyways we got that so there we go and

We’ve learned how to make arcane stone arcane stone bricks all that good stuff okay discovering alchemy this is what we need so we’re gonna go ahead and complete that and we have to get ourselves a crucible which is actually fairly easy we might be able to do this without needing research actually now

That I think about it but I think these are just crafted standard I guess maybe four cauldrons nope how do we make a cauldron cauldrons are crafted with iron plates make sense okay so then we take our cauldron and we go ahead and hit that with some Salus munis give that just a

Moment and boom that there is our crucible so yay and let’s grab a bucket and we’re gonna need a flint and steel a piece of netherrack and let’s go ahead and complete that and now we’re gonna teach us how to make night to work so it’s ten Ignis tin lux and ten potentia

Okay now torches are looks and purpose not what I want though Cole is Ignace and potentia and then we just need the lux and say looks I can’t remember what it is there’s something that gives like ten and maybe it’s close down but it gives census to there’s probably not

Gonna be anything that I can use to make this easier so if I’m gonna have byproducts probably torches would be the best way to go okay so what we’re going to do here is I’m gonna sit this up for right now I’m gonna put it over here we

Will generate a little bit of flux from the US but it’s not gonna be enough that actually gonna actually going to hurt anything well no no right here let me set it up on the heel just a little bit maybe I’ll drop down on netherrack I’m gonna hit

This with the flint and steel get ourselves a fire going and then crucible Vail and then we’ll dump that in there now we have to wait for this to start boiling and the night or is ten of H right yeah ten of each of those so basically

One piece of coal and two torches per I’m gonna go ahead and do like four and then what was it to actually make the night or itself oh it’s glowstone okay okay so we’re gonna do we’re gonna dump in our torches our coal our glowstone and boom there’s

Our night or and quest completes and let me go ahead and just grab that so now we should have everything to get our Starlight altar especially what I want to get this episode is go ahead and just get our starlight altar set up and this actually isn’t too bad – Mike so let’s

Pop over to top and let me get our bucket of starlight that goes there our rock crystal goes there that’s actually a high purity but that’s okay not that worried about it right now there’s that and then we just made the two chiseled marble and the four marble

Pillars and it just so happens it’s starting to turn night on us which is great there we go and then our resonating wand and it’s gonna start turning the luminous crafting table into the Starlight crafting table boom there we go we’ll go ahead and pick that up and quest

Complete and we learn more about attunement that’s fine now we have to turn this into a multi block structure and it’s going to be laid out like this so I developed of cold leftover and I do have this city marble here so let’s go ahead and just

Do that and then let me go ahead and make two more crops of city marble and we’ll get the rest of this thing built I’ll it should be like that right yeah awesome and then we need marble is that that’s the chiseled marble or whatever we need yeah

Chiseled marble hi all right 24 marble bricks and these are basically going to go around this is it this one that can’t be yeah this is the one that can’t become the other types it’s like really really random yeah so we’ll get eight of those okay eight of these I need eight

Of the pillars ight of the chiseled marble and we’ll go ahead and get this part built out real quick so chisel marble pillar pillar chiseled marble on these then the last thing we need is the rune marble around the side it is or the arches it’s 28 of those that we need

Okay and these are going to go basically have to pull this stuff up these are gonna go around the edges this should be big enough for a full sized altar I believe it is I could be wrong I was kind of just building it out from memory

So if I have to expand it out I can but like I said I think it’s big enough that the spice that I’ve left here is I think big enough for a full-sized altar so but we’ll find out so there’s that it’s actually a pretty decent little dance

That we’ve put into astro sorcery today starting out it’s kind of just getting through the general tiers I mean there are some little odds and ends you can make like a cave illuminator and stuff I don’t personally care too much for the cave I know some people love it I’m just not

Part of some people I think and there we go and our altar full star light awesome so even though it’s not you know even though it’s not in a star light field we actually have a lot of starlight available and it’s not an optimal Y

Level either but we still have a ton of liquid star lines so that’s good I should probably put this grindstone down for now yeah we can’t use this sword you can sharpen swords but you can’t use tinker’s so it’s really not all that useful you can also use it for some

Really really really basic pulverizing kind of for certain things the next altar isn’t the next one the celestial altar it’s not our last one though maybe this is big enough yeah I think it is because I think the marble runs along they’re–and yeah I think I think so

And then we put the topper on top for the last tier the iridescent altar okay so we’ve got a number of quests completed now the Thommo mater boom the crucible boom and the night or boom okay so what did we get blueberry pancakes what do you know that’s actually the

Food that we eat then we’ve got compacting drawers we’ve got two of those I don’t actually use these that’s just because ie 2 doesn’t work correctly with them and a lot of cases so I don’t tend to use them and then we got obsidian tea and tastes 16

Of those and then for our astral sorcery quests the Starlight crafting altar we get another loop box linking tool to man altar celestial altar you’re dissin altar okay and we got another hang glider the game really wants me to use a hang-glider we might for certain things it’s just honestly the longsword just

Bouncing works out pretty well hang glider’s great if you use a slime sling though so that is an option but I’m actually going to end out this episode here because I know it’s getting pretty close to wrapping up point possibly even over wrapping up point at this moment

But we got we got a lot of we got quite a bit of stuff done we’re gonna continue on next episode there is gonna come a point I thank layer let me say something the altars the celestial altar requires that we get thaw Miam which actually

Isn’t all that far we’re gonna have to get reinforced sites we’re gonna get arcane pedestals arcane crafting engine what that is new now actually I bet it’s just cuz I haven’t gotten the research for it so we’re going to get these we’re gonna have to get the reinforce light

Also Blood altar we’re gonna have to get brass that’s steel fairly cheap we’re going to get to living wrong so we already have to do a little bit of progression e stuff to get that altar and then the iridescent altar is a bit farther we’re gonna have to get runs of

Paths today we’re going to get our elemental affinity reagents and that’s really yeah basically just blood magic to get this stuff but we are gonna have to get up to a tier 3 altar but anyways anyways that’s beside the point but so next episode we will probably

Push on with a bit more astral sorcery and we might even start some of the other magic types I don’t know if we’re gonna build next episode or not for sure we do need to do a thaumcraft the old start a blood magic field start a battalion build because all the magics

Like really interlinked but we’ll cross that bridge as we come to it so right now we have Astra sorcerer we started and we have a place for it to begin alright so I’m happy about that so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did as always be sure and

Hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already stamping with window videos come out and I hope to see you guys next time so until then it’s always do take care stay safe and I’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Starting Astral Sorcery : Enigmatica 2 Expert Lp Ep #8 Minecraft 1.12’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2019-09-11 21:55:47. It has garnered 9572 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:29 or 3449 seconds.

Today we begin work at last on the magical side of the pack, starting with astral sorcery. We start off with an initial build for our astral sorcery area before we tackle some related progression and get the ball rolling on the mod! ——————————————————————————————————— Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————– Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.… —————————————————————————————————- Music Used in Order:

“Magic Forest” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

“Leaving Home” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link:افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK] 【1ST STEP GOODS】 Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: ・Overlays: ・Schedule: ・Mira Emotes: ・Shonkey Emotes: ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More

Starting Astral Sorcery : Enigmatica 2 Expert Lp Ep #8 Minecraft 1.12