STRANDED on DESERT ISLAND! EP1 – Featuring Modded Questing Skyblock

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hello everyone and welcome to cyber fuel Studios my name is l of course I’m joined with Miles woo it’s me and today we are playing a brand new mod pack Tech Spirit a brand new 1.8 Ocean Block mod pack miles where we are stranded in the middle of nowhere but never fear we have this luxurious Island all to ourselves look at it we’ve got Windchimes we’ve got a nice hammock oh man look at this like thing over here we were busy at work making this yeah busy at work making this and this is a mod pack focused all around Tech miles and about automating as well so there are several stages in the quest line that we have to go through to get to the uh the end game stuff so let’s not waste any more time and let’s jump straight into the quest line the welcome bit the presentation welcome to Tech Spirit you’re just on with some Pebbles over there I’m already I’m yeah I’m kicking off well who read this I’m doing stuff you’re kicking off with some Pebbles over there all right you go for it so welcome to Tech Spirit Tech spirit is a semi-expert mod pack focusing on technology and exploration your adventure begins on an island you’ll have to explore the ocean to find the basic components needed to build your first create machines thanks to the power of rotation you’ll be able to generate your first ORS once sufficiently developed you’ll enter the age of electricity you’ll need to explore all dimensions of fight countless boss to advance your armor is essential the end game will be regularly updated to add relevant content I hope you enjoy discovering it and come on to my Discord if you have any feedback to give and then you can go ahead useful links the discord’s in there as well you can go ahead join that give some feedback and then we’ve got the credits I’ve already won you’ve you’ve already won over there what you doing you got Pebbles days holy I’ve got two stacks of Pebbles near you not messed around with with a pebble game but yeah some credits as well uh the mod pack maker and then we’ve got the story as well miles the year is 2440 it’s already been a few years since everything was submerged by rising oceans due to global warming you are one of the few survivors to have found a place to live but you’re not alone M I’ve got you that’s why I’m not alone okay yeah exactly it new I know get under under Shel real quick right oh don’t want my head to get wet I just DED it this morning you know give myself a fresh Tri he’s looking fresh so there’s still Al lots of it the radiation produced by the flooding of nuclear power plants has transformed some humans and animals so you may encounter some unusual creatures except in the nether a dimension where mankind has yet to venture raw minerals have all been mined during the Industrial Age your mental state is an all-time low despite the pleasant Island where you found Refuge the lack of socialization and the environmental situation are getting to you don’t know about you miles I I love to be on my own holy you’re not messing around over you’re not on your own no um I mean can you just leave for a together okay all right that’s fine that’s even better you’re just tearing up the flow over here you’re a Savage yeah we ain’t got no other wood like we can’t take the hammock down that’s our bed I mean check check these check these uh barrels maybe they they’re really useful zero wood in there no zero wood in there these saplings you can grow with the EXC to get wood ready wa you do you Mil carry on with the story time but there may be a solution a daring and perilous one to be sure but one that has the Merit of existing before the collapse of research into the time machine was promising and some researchers had succeeded in designing prototypes what if the only way to rebuild Humanity was to turn back the clock to a time when the planet was still intact after all maybe it’s possible there must be planned somewhere a way to reproduce these prototypes so our job Miles boom Quest complete I know we need to get those prototypes and we need to make ourselves a time machine and if you continue on there’s a few more stuff so there tips that you can go through and do and then it kind of tells you the progression that is intended for the quest line and you’re getting started with the rotational stuff wasting no time I see and getting yourself crafting table so the Pebbles you right click sand or dirt to get yourself some Pebbles which you’ve already done and you got yourself Cobble and a stone hammer and you’ve also torn up the base a little bit I see which is nice uh don’t be that bud sorry sorry I’m also going to go fishing you you’re also going to go fishing so what I’m going to do back here is uh create a little bit of space you know and plant down a sapling because we need to replace some stuff oh okay yeah you can’t be just tearing up our nice Island that we’ve built we spent all this time well we can smash it down as well no that was the only thing giving us any any sort of Happiness over here otherwise the hammock was yeah just just the hammock that’s the only thing that’s bringing me satisfaction right now is ham we buil we built all this and we put one hammock up we share that hammock do you know what the sad thing as well you can’t use the S the hammock at night time Sam that’s a samuk that’s a salmon hammock y I mean is a ham for a salmon y indeed uh but yeah we only Built This for daytime resting not nighttime resting because you know we’re smart guys like that oh man yeah We need oh wait you can’t sleep in it at night no go go try sleeping it right now during the uh sleeping it right now one sec then catch this fish yeah he’ll say get out my bed and say won’t let you sleep only for daytime usage is that hammock so we’re going to have to make some beds around here so we can sleep during the Cold Nights sanity doesn’t get lower uh excuse me bud what’s up there’s a guy trying to gank me uh do you need some help over there I mean I can come no is not allowed out of water he’s an idiot oh stay in the water all right so I’ve got some logs anyway and you made yourself a hammer so we need to venture to get some more resources cuz I don’t want to be getting a bunch of Pebbles and stuff like you were doing there’s better ways to be doing that yeah it’s fine so see this is wait did you plant a did you plant a tree yeah yeah I PL I planted two I’ve got eight logs over here birch logs and have you got sticks as well I’ve got four sticks from that indeed cuz I’ve got some I’ve got some Cobble oh fish look at that did you uh throw some Cobble over there’s a few things we need to make I get some Oh I thought you said you had some on you yeah well I turned it all into gravel and so oh careful not to okay so we got to sit here and right click some sand some more oh yeah we don’t need much H you don’t need much so I’ve got uh seven pieces in my inventory so what I’m going to do yeah so you can make two pickaxes o I can make two pick all right boom boom two pickaxes I also need some more Stone if you could be a gem there you go more C more Cobble please anything for you Cobble Goble um you okay it’s this it’s the running joke you love it just deal of it is it is it the running joke or is the island game I feel like the Island’s get into your miles you the Island’s get into me yeah just a little bit do you need another hammock in place just so you we need a what we need is a football so we can draw a face on it oh so the it’s like another person’s with us there you go yeah there’s a sword for you swords we going to fight out there no not not us but winner gets this winner gets this throne sick Island that’s what they get if they win yeah or they get to sleep in the hammock tonight as well which is pretty nice nice but I’ve got some Hammer I’ve got a stone sword and I’ve got a pickaxe and you should have the same if I’m not mistaken I do wonderful so what we can go ahead and do is start venturing off now we could you know Brave the harsh Seas on our own see how long our lungs last going in the water but miles I don’t I don’t want to be doing that I don’t know about you have you got got no well these are better than snorkles look at these boom Oh it’s a b brand new B you know oh do I smell us it oh wait can we can we both sit in one over here ah all right you can just be the captain then miles that’s fine uh but we’re not stopping just there because we are going to have to delve deep into the water and I don’t know about you I did not bring my snorkel or my scuba gear did you I’ve got all my scoy gear yeah I can breathe under waterer forever oh you brought okay well uh there’s a nice way do you know the nice way to breathe underw in Minecraft by any chance um yes a turtle helmet without Turtle helmet you go there as well doors indeed I’ve got six doors so there you go I’ll give you three of them just remember when you place them down to mine and back up yeah yeah so you place it down and this will give you like an air pocket that you can go down in so it’s it’s quite annoying that there’s nowhere to sleep uh kind of want to get rid of this weather why it’s kind of have you made a have you got some sticks right yeah I’ll give you some stick are you going to make a crook there’s some planks a crook and then and then make some beds and stuff yeah we’ll make some beds before we head out that’s the normal way to do it right yeah that is the normal way so come and crook this down there you go get some nice silk worms crooked it I don’t know why I’m punching it with my hand even though I’ve got some I’ve got a stone Pi Stone axe on my person can we twerk oh twerking for the win we can twerk all day long that that’s the only thing that’s keeping us sane is this twerking you know twerking twk people twerky 9 or five on the Hummock twerky n five yeah let’s go you to place the way to stay alive just to get what he doing excuse me sir um we do this guy does smell I’m free I’m free right good night one two three oh no you hit me there you go oh no mil is mle you being ganked oh behind you behind you I got him y this guy look at this boom right just going down I’m getting in there you down and dirty with this guy right in his face get out of here you chump that guy’s so rude you’re going to have to place my boat back down yeah just robing my boat thinking he can have a free ride to never Neverland yeah I know right crook these down Bud get all Str days oh my gosh and then whip up some beds for a get out oh what’s he doing miles this they just hijacked us now Pirates be over here these it’s like Mario cat come on get in are we going for a race drifting right he punched me rude I don’t have any TNT or anything right let let me just beat these guys up because these mult he’s going to jump in you know he is you know he’s getting in he’s going for a drift round here do you to quickly whip up some beds for us so these guys stop coming load to have you got any more wood oh uh yes uh here you go ready with a fishing rod seven he’s get here I know he’s got oh there’s some nice copper there don’t mind if I do there we go got some fre copper off that worth two two white beds coming up yeah two white beds that’s all good with me uh one going there and the other’s going there sleep ah that was nice and the rain has stopped see now now and the boats are clear oh this is a perfect time for voyage you know we got a nice calm sea oh I’m loving it let’s just get some snacks do you want do you want a fruit salad by any chance can I have can I have a cup of tea um wait coffee thermal FL coffee h i I didn’t bring any of those with us just just some of those oh I’ll have I’ll have rabbit shoe then fish sh and some rabbit Sho as well yeah so jump in here and if you can see kind of Southwest there’s like um a big tower underneath the water we want to be heading towards a big Christmas tree yeah so captain F5 it and let’s go all the way excuse me this a you built two boats and you you Hydra man yeah we’re sharing we’re sharing on this adventure okay sharing scaring okay that’s fine yeah that’s fine oh look yes so there are what the hell no I’m dead no you don’t it’s the siren on top of the thing so we’re going have to take these are evil things they are evil things so right just be careful don’t worry I’m take I’m taking the oh don’t hit me please oh just keep going mil keep get off this is my land okay good job good job right now that we’ve done that we can take this land for ourselves so over here you see a bunch of Cobble so we can just smash our smash that with our Hammer get ourselves a bunch of gravel and we can do the same with gravel to get ourselves a whole bunch of sand and look at that so much easier picking fancy clothes I got some shiny scales o look at you with your fancy scales don’t want to be that guy you you’re going to be that guy out yeah right I’m just go grab all this C my bad uh and then let’s get some more of the sand and we just keep going or no no are you breaking this with your Hammer is fancy or not no no no with my pickaxe oh do you want to break the Cobble with your Hammer I mean I can do it here uh just so we can get the gravel and sand there you go y I’m on it I’ve got two stacks now so I’m pretty much good if you are I think we’re all ready yeah I’ve got I just got loads of Cobble to Adventure on there’s the boat I don’t know she KCK us out of the boat AG the way look did come on if there’s a boy in there L if you’ve like if you’ve been picking your nose and leaving no s down I don’t leave it on the top I leave it on the bottom miles the Bogies you know you know the little uh I’m doing some maintenance checking right now underneath please do you you’ll see oh man it’s it’s nasty down there oh they they’re nasty green BG no my bad uh sir if you keep on going P well you can just have a look underneath the ground if you click F5 the ground yes so you should see you see right to the uh east of Us North oh you see oh I do we venture to the other one no we don’t need anym just yet H you see the balling underground in the water oh yeah just there right in front of us yeah head towards that and inside of there there should be a nice chest for us so we can start grabbing some loot so jump on out and swim down doors at the red forget your doors yeah we just need the one door place it down and then we can start breathing underneath here I don’t think you can get in that Way Miles you should just went straight try to get into the the cracks yeah and then we can just uh break this and head down in here Boop and inside of here there’s a bunch of fish candles nuggets all sorts of stuff I’ve got I’ve got iron and copper oh yeah I forgot it’s one of those chests as well where we can both use it yeah and we also got uh sh as well which is going to be crucial later on in the quest sign to get started with some create I’m I’m going back up to the door out my way oh thought dead then eat some soup or do you want a puffer fish yeah I’ve got no yeah can I have a puffer fish just a gamble yeah I I’ll prepare some puff fish for us later on are you all good thanks to head up yeah I’m all good mine up your door and let’s head on up to your boat another sphere has been spotted quite a few around here so let’s Park up the car and jump straight this one’s really close to the top yeah I know it’s not too bad is it right head on in there W and then I’m taking out this sea lantern here and I’m going got no pickaxe durability by the way oh you just went absolutely oh Big Iron pick iron pickaxe iron backpack straight away aqu cow don’t mind if I do I’m just going to head back up so I don’t die down here and then just empty my inventory into here oh man did you get a backpack at all oh wait by any chance I’m going to empty my inventory into your backpack as well wow come on now you’ve got you’re the only one with the backpack no I’m not Happ that right I’m heading back up to the boat I’ll meet you there come on bud we’ve got some more oh I know way I need to pick up my door we got some more scouting to do I see two more they’re actually quite close to the surface which I’m surprised at drift and pick that up and then head over to this one oh you see that nice speed boost we got right there have we been to that one to the left oh okay to the north we might get siren you know what before we this is Sneak ah I’ve been siren I love her I love her so much you’re obsessed with the VES it’s not help there stop it get out of here you ch right go this is all you miles this is all you go right I love you so much oh man how’s it going I can walk on water you’re sick you be to walk on water right well done me get the sces I’ll go I’ll bring the boat around okay so just uh stay there and I’ll bring it here done some hard work today hopefully he’s paired off I’m going to jump on top of this this hill boom Oh shooting me with a bow and arrow what the hell I know oh he’s probably Tri a guy is Trident oh man what’s he doing down there Aquaman he’s down there trying to get you yeah he’s turned a little bit to the radiation oh man right down here there’s another thing so let’s jump out and head on down my where’s the door down nice and then just break any block you like uh we can just go my pickax is dead oh it is this one down here let’s see what’s in here we got some iron candles gold puffer fish all the good stuff and down we go right my oh look you with doors yeah I’ve got doors as well right head on straight down miles and let’s o this one’s a single chest it’s not for both of us it’s only for one I’m having it well I I I took it all sorry you rubbed it all yeah I know my bad right let me get my axe back out are you done with door I’d assume sir he’s off that’s your door you placed the door yeah I know I didn’t know if you got your your breath back right let’s keep going bud where where we going uh oh this a slim land and then there’s a thing oh you know I thought is going to be useful oh they’re they’re adventuring out these bad boys wait since when has the sun been C there’s a thing take a look take a look at it it’s the other side the sun yeah look at that sun that Sun’s a straight Cube isn’t it that’s a straight Cube like ah we holy cow run reverse reverse he’s killing me he’s murdering me miles drift off okay every man for himself I’m out of here I’m going down to the bottom you absolutely pced out there I pced out I’m not messing around with no slimes uh this chest down here anyway is just a single one so it’s not too big of a deal right let’s head on up I need to eat some food same all right do we head back home it’s time to night time you know and oh mil go run run run oh what have you done to me there infested babies down there took the door and P out M I’m not staying okay I’m I’m going to die to I’m drowning you’re not you’re not going to drown wait I’m I can’t oh oh oh my God miles drift drift come pick me up come pick me up go go go go okay all right yeah that that called No miles oh help miles I’m sured I’m sured at Sea please come back please come back right let’s go okay we need to get home it’s dark oh right okay these are ghost and Ghoulies yep ghosts and Ghoulies that that spells the end of our trip our adventures I think I don’t think we did too bad take a look at my backpack we’ve got a whole bunch of stuff uh we got a bunch of sand we got a bunch of clay and we’ve got a bunch of gravel which is nice to see right jumping bit um what’s this yo she’s robbing us wait we’re being robbed well take out what’s that all about I got some pixie dust why is she trying to rob us I don’t know why she’s trying to rob us that’s ridiculous right I’m jumping in bed I’ve had enough of this day oh I need to rest my eyes ah leis that was a nice rest no more bad guys sun is out sky is blue time to have a barbecue I had an awful dream you know that we were stuck out in the ocean fighting a bunch of ghouls killed by blocks of green slime yeah the slimes came to like oh it was awful mes you know not having it it was just Square Sun as well in my dream oh it was wasn’t good at all oh man look at this magnet though I know that magnet is pretty nice like my backpack as well that I found on this adventure I’m going to magnet all of the magnet stuff out of it yeah I’m pretty sure you can know you can do that but let’s continue on with the quest line and let’s make ourselves a bonsai pot so to do this what we’re going to need is five brick now I do have some clay inside of my backpack I do believe you get clay just from hammering uh sand I think maybe I think it is that or I might just be going crazy or you can put dust inside of water that also works either one yeah uh so oh I see you’ve already got charcoal in these you’re not messing around are you no I’m not messing about actually absolutely popped off you did pop off I like it um and then we can also make ourselves a bunch of this grout as well so if I grab basically everything out of my backpack should be good to make some of this any shiny scales in your backpack I don’t think I do have any shiny scales inside my backpack oh okay you red it all rude right I just need to make some dust over here uh so we can make a bunch of clay so we can get ourselves a nice Tinker cell boom right I’ve got two stacks and 16 grout so i’ got quite a bit and got us a nice Bonsai pod look at this nice where do we want this I I know which one we’re growing we’re growing this one okay come over here and put on top of there yeah don’t worry I’m already on it there you go so bang that inside of there y going dark o oh yeah it’s a nice color I like it going for a dark you know what my Axe can go in there as well I’ll sacrifice my axe look at you so you can have my Axe and you can have my sword right put some dirt in there look at that boom it’s already off we getting some nice dark oak we also we need to think of a build for this so comment down below what we should build in this series we’re going to need a lot of machines a lot of factories you know we’re going to need some big we definitely going to need to write help in the Flor though right so for passing by helicopters yeah yeah yeah so all those helicopters that we’ve seen just pass by they’ll well they’ll know do we spell it backwards as well F yeah yeah we’ll spell it backwards yeah and the all be flying towards the cube Sun anyway oh yeah true cuz that’s where everyone goes just get Chey just to get Chey look at cheeky look at the Cub just a quick zoom in on that that really a cube no somewh else is that where is it it’s up in Sky Mouse that’s where all all the cube suns are but anyway we can get started with some Tinkers now so do you want to build us like a a nice little island or some somewhere so we can at least get started with some should I build it out of uh obviously you didn’t make this for nothing and if you want um where is my stuff cuz what I’m going to do you can have some contrast as well there’s some Birch go is it Birch and dark o ooh this is fancy look at this look at this is it looking fantastic is that looking like a place can go the cleanest button scribe joint I’m pretty sure these just made up words now but o I’m Excuse me Louis come on now wait if people in the comments will know the people that do this thing for a living if watch that’s button scribe okay all right all right as I believe you and also known as press the button and subscribe all right yeah I mean yeah I I I I like the effort um I don’t know about the way you went about it just subscribe just you what you subscribed to us already you’re the only person that hasn’t everyone else in the world has subscribed miles I’m subscribed okay you know yeah yeah it’s okay there’s only two people on this island and I’m the only subscriber right now you’re the only subscriber oh man all right I’ll I’ll subscribe you look at come on look at the build I’m like GI and everything yo I’m like you want to get start on some Tinkers maybe perhaps go crazy yeah I’m on it have you got some nice uh bricks for me grout I don’t have any grout but you can get started making the Tinker station stuff so you need like the you don’t have any grout there’s a stack of grout in here no sorry I don’t have the bricks I have the grout yes so that’s cooking up but we need like the uh the crafting station we need the uh what’s the other one Tinker station and yeah you don’t have to ask twice for that the other one yeah that one there that one there and there’s the first one hey yeah go bang down over there that’s getting that’s going over here oh but can I change the color of this I don’t want this one I want like a birch one or this is just like a generic a generic cak one that sucks a that’s very sad M I’m running out we we’re going to need to do some more fishing got some fried rice over here my Hunger is going down oh you I’ve got the fishing rod do you do you want it I mean sure I’ll I’ll take it are you telling me that that gaining a heart mods in this just get better and better well that it’s because we have limited heart so we started with like seven didn’t we so the more you um just cuz You’ got I’ve got eight now so when you went fishing did you get some fish no no I didn’t I got everything everything else that’s in the ocean didn’t get a single fish EXC bu yeah I put all my fish in your backpack if you look in your backpack there’s loads okay fish three black fish two Atlantic herrings wow the thing that were just down there four tropical fish fish as well one’s invading us we’ve got a friend on the island look at wait he’s invisible what’s he selling a sleep charm let’s get eight emeralds real quick and just put him to sleep we we put oh look at this no don’t kill him can we can we pick these guys up is the only is it’s the only living thing we’ve got um right we’ll go to sleep and then in the morning we can kind of see him C and we can see what he has to offer right boom so what I’m going to go do over here is start chopping up some fish for us some c i robbed I took his lead off him without hurting him oh wait how’d you do that I pushed him into boat oh where’s the other boat the other boat’s around here here if you want to bring over here I’ll I’ll drift it round real quick we’ll steal this guy’s llamas and we’ll steal yeah yeah we’ll just drive them off yeah there now oh man good job mes good job okay I don’t say enough but you’re working hard okay look I got another one hey right he’s an idiot right boom qu board achieved bang that in there and I start chopping up drift dri with the Llama ah yeah R it quick right no no miles you set the guy down with his llama in my thing I’m not a fan oh no right report him report me sorry I’m reporting you I’m very sad all right so over here what I’m doing is I’m getting some uh bone meal for us so with this bone meal what we can go ahead and do is get ourselves some is it porson clay and with that we can make ourselves an unfired Crucible and get to a fire Crucible and we can start getting ourselves some lava over here we’ve got a a mini exploding Hulk Hulk you oh you cheesed him you’re a great big cheese ball oh no it’s going to blow killed the llama and the boat rest in peace lar llama oh he will be missed he was like he was like my uh what do they call the the ball in Castaway I I I have no he was like family miles that’s what he was that guying to come sleep so green Hulk doesn’t come back I can’t sleep now I can’t sleep I’m so upset about Larry oh just go to sleep forget forget this ever happened I had a nightmare Louis I woke up and I’ve had a nightmare what’s up L Larry some Hulk Hulk absolutely slaughtered Larry Hulk absolutely went nuts on Larry um so I don’t know what’s going on here um should we this guy is uh doing a bit of just just let give him his privacy okay just let him do what he wants to do get out boat idiot get out of the boat and let me get this we’re getting the L the llamas can’t be trusted inside of the birds so come ond just it off come on right dude can can I what have you got to say for yourself now you got no pets you big idiot you big idiot right we we’ll give you a boat get in the boat go away go on come on bud take him take him to the sirens take deliver him Sirens right Sirens I’ve got an offering for okay side quest completed no wonder there’s no people left on this Ser we just keep feeding him to the siren right okay dude oh no we can still see you we don’t want to be able to see you okay let’s just go to this siren place over here right have fun there’s a siren over there uh don’t get too close right she’ll eat you alive and uh we’ll see you in a bit right I’m coming back home miles wait did you did you actually peace out with all the sand oh yeah I’m going back though don’t worry I just had important mission to do all right that we got to keep the burgies off our back somehow you know those Black Market deals that people do in the movies um keep wait what happened to the guy what happened to him B don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to it okay just okay don’t ask is it’s free now sand oh uh here’s some sand there you go enjoy I need some glass that’s all yeah that’s fine I took him to a farm miles you know a nice Farm where he can run around and play with f the farm yeah he could play with other Traders just like him he’s he’s going to love it oh man right so I need some more bone meal right I’ve got so hopefully I can you can’t chop up uh tropical fish which is pretty sad I’m not too happy about that yeah I know is Big sad I need one more piece can you chop up puffer fish by any chance yeah look no I’ve got one of these catfish oh that’ll do boop boop thank you miles you’re such a peak you’re welcome all right boom there we go Paul play achieved and then got ourselves an unfired Crucible are both these both these are in Ed what’s going on yo I’m us shiny scales well when you’re not using one of them could you uh be a gem and just pop that right in yeah of course after this next glass is done that’s getting cooked up boom there you go both these Now set up and looking nice so with that Quest complete so this isn’t kind of accurate what we need to kind of do is get ourselves the heat is it heater I think it is isn’t it SE heater wait we can just put lava in there no we’ve got buckets we get we got okay well if that works miles then yeah we can do that you heat this bad boy up we got iron you didn’t even smell it up what are you doing what are you stupid what’s this thing I’m stupid I’m sorry I’m too stupid right let B something in there uh but this might take a while so should we just do it the other way for now we haven’t got any uh charcoal we we have charcoals of spare charcoal we’ve got one piece over here yes do you have at least pie two seared Bricks by any chance then you could five lend to a fell thank you very much was that wait was that five or 15 I think that was like 15 yeah you get you gave way too many all right let’s mine this up yeah being ungrateful right now no no no there you go boom done dusted and what we can go ahead and do now is put ourselves uh the quartz shurikens inside of here and they’ll start being melted up into quartz which is nice uh let me start I’m going to start cooking up some more things charcoal for us since we’re sing so how many do we need one Block’s worth and we have three gems so is it four gems per block uh no it isn’t it yeah it is don’t lie to me four gems per block oh you’re on about no we don’t need to make the actual quartz block so if if you place down the place a piece of cobblestone oh you’ve already got it okay yeah yep then fill that in look at this it’s turning in to some andite boom there you go and again yeah and and Boop there we go and one more time oh no l you was too slow you just wasted that Shin now you did the sh there two shukin a miles right you got to you got to pick it up now that’s all on you a I’m very I’m very disappointed in you okay that’s not how I wanted to go I’m not I’m not mad I’m just disappointed I’m I’m mad and dis I’m livid I’m fuming right now I’m Going Bonkers but anyway what we could do with this boom and aight down zinc oh you joined the two the another heart crew look at that and you got some anti- allo that’s what it’s called another it is indeed but there you go you got ourselves some anti allies and then what we can do with those is if we get some wood which we should have plenty in here let me just grab the axe out and boom wait did you get a primitive plate and A Primitive Rod uh yes I did uh you find those in the sea so we just need a primitive gear as well uh but with the anite AL there you go do you want to click this one over here this nice stripped dark o clog with your no there we go lovely miles and then we’re starting to get onto some of the create stuff but before we can do that we do need to get ourselves a hand crank uh I think we can actually make that now the hand crank but it’s not going to accept the quest sign for us we don’t have the we need the Primitive Rod you can’t use anything else yeah you do yeah yeah oh we actually need another piece onite which we don’t have so well we have to get back in our boat and we have to go sailing around the 70s and look for some more resources so we’re basically just looking for the shurikens now uh so we can start making ourselves some more and theight and then we can hopefully start getting some siing on the go so we can actually start making some resources for ourselves we haven’t set off just yet we’re up our BPS but if you look I think it’s Southwest you may see there’s a chicken a special someone over there wait the undead I can’t get to it a we being surrounded oh there’s too many drowns I need to I need to go get it as I need this chicken okay yeah get oh sorry sorry bud Take Out These Guys these drowns and I’m hopping in I’m off off over to pukin come on come Bud get him get in is he in oh I got him look at this I got I got my head this this guy’s holding a nautilus shell you like it you just picked it up look at this yes so what do we do with him is he he in my thing now he good come on is he’s on your head wait did you just stay on your head oh wait what you you can just have chickens on your head what is that all about and then you you can fly uh can you build like pen somewhere for this guy so it can keep him uh there a pet yeah maybe that’d be fantastic there is a sunken ship underneath us so grab your doors let’s head down doors out down we go we need all of the air we can get down there I’m not too sure who’s going to be down here but so fast yeah hit control Bud hit control don’t be don’t be messing around let’s grab some air oh there’s also a test over there ooh this might actually be a big find got a nice primitive here I like it then take a look at this chest over oh man this one had so much stuff o mainly just food uh yeah just a single chest or a giant chest giant chest so you oh my gosh there’s so much stuff yeah I got some space breathing pickle weed is that that’s what we’ve been using to diee the uh the ocean is this blue pickle weed isn’t it yeah exactly you know that’s been fantastic but yeah got some nice food got some nice those cabbage rolls that you talked about earlier thought you know what I’ll just try some over don’t push me into water right are you all good to head back off yeah I got a quartz shukan as well oh nice right doll go you took the door yeah that’s why I asked if you’re ready to go we’ve got other Islands to explore now we’re back from adventuring and we’ve got six quart shukin so I’ve put them in the melter now they’re melting up nicely and then these three will be done and then I’ll just Chuck the other three in straight away I’m not going to make the same mistake as uh last time I’ll just let you do it yeah there we go start making ourselves some more and theight over here there we go and then with this we could start venturing onto the sifter so we are going to need a mechanical sauce we should have all the stuff for that I do believe oh and the uh the hand crank if you want to make one of those bad boys oo lava over here look at you uh do we need to I’ll just Place some all uh thing in there just so it oh no a um no it’s fine that’s fine that’s that’s okay yeah it’s just fine oh man right okay let’s start uh let’s place that back in and try not to make those mistakes B timeses uh that should be melting that’s that’s your one and only warning bud I’m sorry I’m sorry bud all right here you go there’s some Zin as well so you can start making some and theight Alloys if you like and get a hand crank on the go where are we placing our creative stuff if you got a nice area for that cuz this is Tinkers of storage we’ve got a chicken area miles he’s gone there’s the chicken he’s gone what died what happened did you just did you make a run got scared he got scared on his own ah I wasn’t here to protect him you know left Larry in charge but clearly he’s not a good supervisor look at him over there what idiot jeez you can’t trust the Lor so I’m making and theight Ally turns in right okay so I just place this on the floor 1 2 three four and slap these go yeah and they should be all good boom wonderful and then do you want to make the hand crank fors so that’s just a primitive Rod two planks and A Primitive rod and I’ve got we’ve got seven primitive rods in here yeah so have I got planks yeah bang bang primitive rod goes there and where is my all that’s there and crank achieved ah I got eight more site as well uh do you want to nugget just two of those y perfect Bo boom there we go so where are we placing all of our stuff cuz we need a new area now we need a spicy area so we could if if Larry has decided to peace out yeah supp we don’t need Larry’s home anymore so we can just break that down that is true Larry just practically gave that up for free he’s like he knew we needed a he knew needed the area yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s start taking this down Larry you won’t be missed bud I’m not going to lie you were long enough here long enough I’ve already forgotten your name I’ve already forgot it what Larry after was it Gary maybe who Terry Jerry Terry Terry and Jerry you’re they back yeah no no no they they they died in the uh the radiation pretty brutal M they didn’t they didn’t survive it they didn’t get the VIP tickets like we did to the uh to the island you know are we just like stacked on like antibodies or something why didn’t we die yeah like you said we’re stacked on antibodies you know we’ve got all the antibodies uh the world can ever off there see if you Fe that yeah you do you do take some damage if you stand on there not advised but we can start making ourselves some shafts now so if I go ahead and throw one and aight allly on there that’ll start cranky a bit faster no big Co no big [ __ ] small [ __ ] actually you are the big [ __ ] small [ __ ] and boom there we go we’ve got ourselves some nice shafts and what we can go ahead and do with these is place them on the floor and get ourselves some planks boom boom boom there we go small Cog you want a big Cog Boom place plank on there and you got yourself a big Cog as well there we go look at that in game oh I like it yeah it’s pretty nice I’ve got to say uh so when uh when we got these we can start actually getting some water wheels on the go now these are actually pretty easy to make and of course we probably want to get the uh large water wheel dirt way so I will make us one of those so there’s a small one I need to actually put in my inventory door to get the quest line oh go on sorry bud making some buckets over there and Boop yeah wheel water sources you know right where’s this going then uh just in the water miles you know that’s that’s a great place to start isn’t it just there boom right just why are you putting it so far away so we could do some big Co small [ __ ] action now you better place it in the perfect spot right it’s going to be in the perfect spot one perfect spot that you can place it where it doesn’t spread everywhere and it just goes straight down you better know that spot you happy with that buddy boy oh man oh my eyes oh miles what what happened wait why is it going down both sides cuz I got rid of the thing I got rid I got rid of the block that I placed it on but it’s it’s working like you have had to have a block there fact no no no pass pass us the bucket uh I’m pretty sure there’s a a spot where if you just I’m assuming you got it here so if you just Place one on like the side over here but like there look at that no block needed just go straight down and flows you like that you impressed he just he’s that much in sh it’s going backwards or the wheels going backwards it Jo it Jo it the other way we can have it go the other way wait you complained Jo it that way yeah yes thank you no problem okay wonderful yeah so better my way but sure yeah sure all right what we can start doing now H is we can go big Cog and we can go small Cog and then small Cog again there you go look at that I know yes I can okay nice that’s permanently on I’m not wasting cogs you know I’m shafting this there we go done then you throw that on there and it’s permanently on now miles look at that that’s free that is free free energy that pretty much free energy that’s what I like to say right and then all I need to go ahead and do is make another gear over here and then we’ve got ourselves a nice sifter oo you like that he’s pretty nice and then I poison I poison myself is that just so you can uh try different F Foods is that why you poison yourself nice I mean I was contemplating that but I’m just going through the safe foods first before I get to that level of desperation we all get there at some point boom there you go sifter achieved now um brought any burgies perhaps no no but I like the cube Moon oh that Cube moon is looking pretty ni look at that’s beautiful that Cube Moon yeah do you want to take a closer look yeah I mean I will oh this is like an ultra Zoom oh wow that is beautiful that’s going to be my uh see you can see all the yeah see all the cheese that’s inside of there there you go you can have that back go crazy um so where’s this uh sifter going we need to do some big Cog small Cog for this bad boy so I can just go ahead place it inside this chest should go straight in oh look at that look at this starting to get resources yeah that’s why we need to do a bit more Big C Small C but you know what it’s fine for now it gets the job done and we probably are going to need quite a few of these setups now good lucky for us you can just like place these one after another K so you can place one next week and you’ll have the same rotational power so we’ll probably just have a big long line of these producing a whole different type of resources but if you look inside the chest now we got nothing from that P so what mes what M did you put in the zinc one uh yes just the zinc one for now and that should start getting us some basic stuff some uh gold copper zinc iron Redstone flint and coal so quite a few nice stuff over there redstone’s the most most lightly uh yes ah what the hell was that uh try s okay he deals damage y can’t be dealing with that we’ve now had a nice long rest and that Mr sniper man should be gone I think so I’m all healed up as well by the way he’s left his Trident the big idiot you can’t pick it up though which is pretty sad but we got a piece of redstone look at that inside of there whilst we slept so if we want to automate this there is a few things we need to do first we need a mechanical extruder now this will start making us the Cobblestone that we want o that’s pretty simple as well by the way it is pretty simple so we just need you all of the stuff okay I have robbed all the stuff and we don’t have a plate so we may need to go do some more Adventure Ing we should have Glasser and we have an and theight casing uh let me just have a quick check where’s all the glass at nowadays oh it’s in here I got it don’t worry y there we go so yeah we’re just missing the plate at the moment uh if you have any biomass thatd be great you got any of that L yeah I’ve just looked at how to make it yeah I’ve got loads of that yeah yeah it’s the Blaze and all that all that fun stuff H so we’re going to have to get inside of the Whip and take a few more laps around it is daytime so hopefully there shouldn’t be bad guys walking around here so let’s head off and try to find some more primitive tools we’re back from our adventure and boy did we get quite a bit of stuff so I’ve got quite a few of the Primitive tools and I got six shurikens as well which is pretty nice so I’m going to start smelting those up over here six too look at you thank you very much I also got five plates 10 rods and six Gears of the Primitive kind and I got you and a backpack got six plates five gears and three rods you not not impressed by the I’m so excited oh and I got one of these aquatic entanglers uh there you go um I know you mentioned some about it earlier I don’t know what you can use it for but go crazy that’s all you I think you fish with you use the the bait the fish bait for that I think yeah so that should be pretty nice but there we go got the mechanical extruder now and the millstone should be pretty easy to make as well I say that we’ve got Absolut Ely nothing for it which is always nice I need to get some more gears and I also need to get a casing as well wait primitive gears are yeah I got them in my inventory don’t sweat it oh uh thank you right let’s get another one of those and I need a piece of of this chest as well by the way bud wonderful wonderful oh uh let me just throw that inside my DP for now what I missing just a gear and that’s it right that’s fine I can quick quickly make one of those boom and yeah right are you ready for this then how I nice at milstone y look at you on the go so what do you just place a fishing rod in there or something and it goes crazy uh no so do you know this this fish food uh you put that there okay I’ve got three using the Aquatic entangler to catch more fish oh okay all right I’ll take it I think you’ve got to give it a power ah okay that is very sad not going to lie I got some cabbage rolls as well some more of those so if we head on over here we can start getting this stuff set up can’t we so with there’s a mechanical extruder which we kind of want putting into a millstone dirt way and then we want the millstone going into this sifter now we’re going to need to just have a bunch of Hoppers or not for this oh I know it we can actually do some cheeky over here can’t we so uh can we make the cuz drawers are in this out they um the functional stor I do believe so can we make is that the good one uh yes so we can make the polar the good one with the wireless stuff yeah so if we get the p and pure upgrades there we can just start pulling out of the uh extruder into the millstone uh which should be pretty nice so do you want to set up this extruder somewhere so it needs to have water on one side lava on the other that’s what it needs over there have you got the lava bucket or did you put it elsewhere oh I do have it uh there’s the lava there’s just an empty one which you can use for whatever you would like Bo thank you does this matter where this is then uh no so it does need to be in a nice location so if I uh we can get rid of this stuff at the back car cuz this isn’t see which kind of rotate right okay so it’s just normal rotation yeah so over here uh because we kind of want to automate this don’t we so on top of here is going to be a millstone like that and then I’m going to place another draw down like there so it needs to kind of like be on top of that does that thing and we should be all good this mechanical extruder is now all set up and give it rotational power yeah and it’s collecting cobblestone in there which is nice good this Millstone is also getting rotational power so everything is set up apart from the draw stuff which I believe you’re on with now I do have those so I’ve got two pullers and two pushers so if we go into this first one and input ourselves a puller and a pusher so we want this pull to go up up yeah there we go so that should now start pulling from there I do believe is it going in it should be it’s Auto yeah it’s Auto pushed into the mill oh okay oh yes so you change because you put The Pusher in there as well yeah so I’m just going to put that to uh North but anyway that should start doing that and then if I go to this bottom one don’t do it there but then add the puller upgrade and the push upgrade again so we want the puller to be again up that should start going down I think the same thing start happening it’ll start going into there straight away so let me just change that to uh yeah so if I change the thing it changed that but I put it to North there we go it goes out and it should be going into this sifter so that should nice so it’s automated yeah all automated yeah I just took all the gravel out there and is that gone in straight away yeah there’s gravel straight in there now there’s one gravel in the cter is it working cuz I don’t see the thing on top but is it still working like it’s still doing its thing oh yeah y we just got a yeah there we go look at that clean I do like it m so we can go ahead put that in there and that should be a nice automated system for our uh sifter so we can basically just keep doing this cway for all our stuff and to make this even better because we probably probably want like a full production of the sifters and I don’t think we probably need a one for one do you know like one uh extruder or one milstone uh for each so we could probably just set up like a belt pipeline behind all the sifters that we want and then just have like a couple uh extruders and a couple millstones doing all of the work oh man it it will be the sweetest but I think we’ve made a good start into the quest line miles today we got ourselves some Road rotational power and we’ve got ourselves some basic resources on the go we’ve done quite a bit of exploring as well oh man I’m ready for arrest and I see you’ve wasted no time with this and if you look in there that’s worked oh we got some raw salmon raw Cod it is working like a tree so with that we are going to go ahead and end the episode there so you have enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe and we’ll see you all next time goodbye [Music]

This video, titled ‘STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND! EP1 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-03-21 20:00:01. It has garnered 43235 views and 887 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:06 or 3186 seconds.

Minecraft Tech Spirit | STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND! EP1 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed to build your first Create machines. Thanks to the power of rotation, you’ll be able to generate your first ores. Once sufficiently developed, you’ll enter the age of electricity. You’ll need to explore all dimensions and fight countless bosses to advance. Your armour is essential!

Download Tech Spirit: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mystical Block Modpack [Minecraft Questing Skyblock Modpack]:

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Music: Where We Wanna Go – Patrick Patrikios Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Minecraft​​ #skyblock #Modded

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    Minecraft Cover with Hilarious Duo - A4 Song History MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘#song #майнкрафт #cover #дуэт #history #юмор #юмор #мем #a4 #a4 #minecraft #singer’, was uploaded by Тирьяка on 2024-04-23 04:22:10. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • SteamBreaker

    SteamBreakerSteamBreaker é um servidor de sobrevivência multiplataforma que oferece uma experiência desafiadora e imersiva. Explore um mundo aberto com ciclos de dia e noite, colete recursos, construa abrigos e enfrente criaturas hostis. Jogue solo ou em cooperação, participe de eventos regulares e complete missões para ganhar recompensas. Respeite as regras de fair play e junte-se à nossa comunidade no Discord. Prepare-se para sobreviver e prosperar em SteamBreaker! Read More

  • Ordinary SMP – Vanilla Java 1.21 Fabric Hermitcraft-like Whitelist

    [Ordinary SMP] Join Our Friendly Minecraft Community! Vanilla | Java 1.21 | Whitelisted Hey Crafters! Are you looking for a new place to build, explore, and make new friends? Look no further! Ordinary SMP might be just what you’re searching for. We boast a diverse player base from across the globe and you’re invited to join us! Our Server: Version: 1.21 – Always up to date with the latest features and updates! Community-Focused: We’re a small, friendly group of players who love building, adventuring and working together on community projects. Grief Protection: Although it’s vanilla, we’ve got measures in place… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Literally Lava Hot!

    Wow, it’s got a higher score than my math test! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Herobrine Meets Jesus

    Herobrine Meets Jesus The Hypothetical Encounter: Herobrine meets Jesus Christ In the vast and blocky world of Minecraft, where players embark on adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various creatures, there exists a mysterious figure known as Herobrine. Herobrine is a legendary character, shrouded in mystery and fear, often appearing unexpectedly and causing chaos in the game. The Meeting of Legends Now, imagine a scenario where Herobrine, with his dark and enigmatic presence, comes face to face with the serene and divine figure of Jesus Christ. In the video “What if Herobrine met Jesus Christ,” we delve into the intriguing possibility of… Read More

  • EPIC SIREN HEAD Showdown in Minecraft

    EPIC SIREN HEAD Showdown in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SIREN HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-08-03 10:47:46. It has garnered 12220 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:52 or 1252 seconds. Welcome back to another thrilling episode of Minecraft Madness! 🎮 In today’s video, JJ and Mikey go head-to-head in a fierce competition to see who can create the most impressive Siren Head statue! Join us as these two Minecraft enthusiasts unleash their building skills and creativity, transforming blocks into an eerie masterpiece. With… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed

    Insane Minecraft Secrets RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft is pretty cool’, was uploaded by Mexy on 2024-07-11 14:50:25. It has garnered 50 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:37 or 4357 seconds. Join the discord to join! Support the stream: Twitch: Read More

  • INSANE -1.20.1 EU Overall Montage by k1ngvennom

    INSANE -1.20.1 EU Overall Montage by k1ngvennomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eu Overall -1.20.1 Montage’, was uploaded by k1ngvennom on 2024-08-19 12:38:53. It has garnered 384 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:25 or 205 seconds. Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original… Read More

  • dLex EXPOSES Shocking Minecraft Speedrun SECRETS!

    dLex EXPOSES Shocking Minecraft Speedrun SECRETS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How The Minecraft Community REVOLUTIONZED Speedrunning’, was uploaded by dLex on 2024-03-02 19:21:08. It has garnered 719 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:11 or 1391 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING ▶️Shameless ads: TWITCH: DISCORD: 🕒Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:59 The Beginning 2:13 What is RNG? 2:57 The Beginning continuation 5:41 The Rise 9:51 The Turning Point 12:06 The Industrial Era 🎵Music: 1. Reminiscence – FableForte 2. Moog City 2 – C418 3. Bramblestoke Village – Trine 4. Sirius: The Chicago Bulls Theme Song – The Last Dance… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Uncle Blaiden’s EPIC Minecraft Disaster!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Uncle Blaiden's EPIC Minecraft Disaster!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Worst Minecraft Stream Yet…’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-08-08 04:09:07. It has garnered 95 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:01 or 7921 seconds. My Worst Minecraft Stream Yet… !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: Discord: Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: Twitter: Beat Channel: Read More

  • Maru Kaneko Reacts to Creepy Minecraft Story

    Maru Kaneko Reacts to Creepy Minecraft StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘REACT JUNDY JUNS CREEPYPASTA MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Maru Kaneko Ch. on 2024-05-28 03:00:05. It has garnered 37711 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:49 or 7309 seconds. #shorts #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #vtuberid Maru Kaneko is ready to serve you~ Kiw Kiw Iconic virtual neko maid! 🐈 Vtuber ID 【 STREAM RULES 】 🔴 Please respect each other. 🔴 Sorry if the chat can’t be read, because not all of them can be read. 【 SUPPORT MARU 】 ✦ Trakteer: ✦ Saweria : ✦ Membership : 【 MARU DISCORD… Read More

  • Insane 100 Days Pokemon SMP Live Marathon!

    Insane 100 Days Pokemon SMP Live Marathon!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | 100 DAYS MINECRAFT POKEMON SMP (COBBLEMON MODPACK) | PART 1🔴’, was uploaded by mapeuu on 2024-08-23 23:17:57. It has garnered 693 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:19 or 12439 seconds. LIVE EVERY DAY: ▶ TWITCH: CONNECT WITH ME HERE: ▶ DISCORD: ▶ TWITTER: ▶ TIKTOK: caseoh jynxzi sketch jschlatt minecraft hardcore speedrun 100 days challenge ender dragon end final boss elytra new update villager breeder minecraft 1.21 nether ghast ghasts blaze wither skeleton #caseoh #minecraft #funny #funnymoments #memes #gaming #jynxi #sketch #jschlatt #speedrun Read More

  • INSANE BEE INVASION AT MOB MUSEUM 🔥 – Minecraft Bedrock Live

    INSANE BEE INVASION AT MOB MUSEUM 🔥 - Minecraft Bedrock LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEES, BEES, AND MORE BEES FOR OUR MOB MUSEUM [DAY 2413] – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-29 10:44:14. It has garnered 66 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:06 or 4506 seconds. Only one thing to say. This is gonna bee amazing! As we continue to hunt for over 20 mobs to add to the infamous mob museum! 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 🙏Special thanks to: @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ====================================================================================================… Read More

  • Devils Backbone

    Devils BackboneVermont, 1986. The cicadas sing of change. Devil’s Backbone is a whitelisted Minecraft roleplaying experience. Set in 1980s America, the server follows the story of abnormal small town Blackwater Hills. With a mystery around every corner, Devil’s Backbone strives to embody a prime literate roleplay environment with an open setting for character exploration. Ready to board? Join our Discord server to learn more. – Fully customizable profile for your character including temporary statuses, viewable by others – Overarching plot to supplement your roleplay80s-themed communication plugin featuring landlines, payphones, and pagers – Original soundtrack — listen as you play with our… Read More

  • LifeSwipeSmp | SMP Mostly-Vanilla 1.21

    Join Our SMP Server Community! We are currently seeking more players for our mostly-vanilla SMP server on version 1.21. Join us to collaborate on builds, shops, and more. If you are interested in being a part of our community, please join our discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper exploding in your face

    Well, I guess you could say it’s definitely getting a 9 out of 10 on the meme-o-meter! Read More

  • Mod Magic: Minecraft’s New Mechanic Mashup

    Mod Magic: Minecraft's New Mechanic Mashup In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news that’s more than just a dream. With mods and updates, the game evolves, And I’m here to share all the resolves. From new mechanics to fresh content, I’ll keep you informed, never relent. So follow me on RuTube and Zen, For Minecraft news, I’m your best friend. Join me on Twitch for live streams galore, And on Discord, let’s chat even more. Viber invites for a community so grand, Together in Minecraft, we’ll take a stand. So stay tuned for videos that shine bright, With KlaDiamond,… Read More

  • “Roasting Creepy Mobs with Cartoon Cat” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Roasting Creepy Mobs with Cartoon Cat" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you’re so good at Minecraft that even the scary mobs are begging for mercy from Cartoon Cat! #minecraftpro #bullyingscarymobs Read More

  • EPIC Changes in 4 Days on Anokhi SMP

    EPIC Changes in 4 Days on Anokhi SMP Minecraft SMP: An Ever-Evolving World Exploring the world of Minecraft SMP can be an exhilarating experience, especially when changes happen rapidly. In the latest installment of Anokhi SMP, players have witnessed a whirlwind of transformations in just 4 days. Let’s delve into the exciting developments that have taken place in this unique Minecraft server. New Collaborations and Alliances One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft SMP is the dynamic nature of player interactions. In the latest episodes, viewers have witnessed new collaborations and alliances forming among the players. These partnerships not only enhance the gameplay experience but also… Read More

  • Surviving with Zebra in Minecraft Part 1 – EPIC Start!

    Surviving with Zebra in Minecraft Part 1 - EPIC Start!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 1 – Beginning Our Survival Adventure!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-05 20:00:28. It has garnered 29473 views and 1340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:59 or 2699 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 1! We begin our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with exploring our world, building a small house, and exploring some caves! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary… Read More

  • Exploring the Terrifying Malam Satu Suro Map with Kevin

    Exploring the Terrifying Malam Satu Suro Map with KevinVideo Information This video, titled ‘kita bakal mencoba map horror MALAM SATU SURO’, was uploaded by Kevin on 2024-04-30 12:09:16. It has garnered 6 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:26 or 806 seconds. main map MALAM SATU ONE SURO DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #horrorgaming #minecraftbedrockedition Read More

  • “Insane Hardcore Startup in Minecraft!” #mysteryinminecraft

    "Insane Hardcore Startup in Minecraft!" #mysteryinminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting up in Hardcore, 1.21 ~☼~ Minecraft #mecfs #remission’, was uploaded by PawnLIVE on 2024-06-19 09:45:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:04 or 15724 seconds. The new version of Minecraft generates worlds lightning fast. Let’s put that to the test by dying repeatedly in Hardcore mode! (actually, I’ve gotten quite good at it — but we’ll see) 🗲 [ALSO… DO THESE THINGS] 💜 Join the live shows on Twitch… 📼 Watch the Livestream VODs on… 🎮 Be boring with us on Discord… [STILL… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern Survival House Build Tips!

    Ultimate Modern Survival House Build Tips!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft:How to Build a modern survival house:tutorial’, was uploaded by Hunter Sky on 2023-12-14 21:58:17. It has garnered 505 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:08 or 788 seconds. learning how to build a modern house in minecraft learning how to build a small house in minecraft learning how to build a survival wooden house in minecraft please like and subscribe learning how to build a cozy house in minecraft #build #minecraft #tutorial #minecraftideas #survival #learning #modernhouse Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch by Riken! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Clutch by Riken! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind Blowing Clutch in Minecraft 🤩 #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Riken Gaming on 2024-03-27 15:46:56. It has garnered 480 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Mind Blowing Clutch in Minecraft 🤩 Instagram I’d .: SMP Discord: I’ve been playing on an anarchy realm lately, and after stealing an enchanted book to put on my sword, I ended up being forced into a prison. Here are the main issues: I have constant mining fatigue, due to being next to an ocean monument. I have no… Read More