Streaming till I die (Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore)

Video Information

You’re live all right what up pearl what up alex what up our brashness okay okay to you too man it has been a hot minute since i last streamed what’s going on everybody thank you so much for coming i’m using this cool new stream labs program

Uh so i don’t really know how it works i feel like i say this at the beginning of every stream but i’m not gonna waste time this time around because i do it at the start of every single stream for a test i came into this world

Um if you haven’t read the title we’re gonna be playing minecraft 1.18 today the new update i’ve been wanting to play it really badly um and it’s finally here and we came into this beautiful world where we spawned right by this wonderful village but we’re not on hardcore wait can i

Just make it hardcore i can’t ah dang it all right i’m also gonna try to be more on top of like the the chat and stuff this time this new program i’m using this crazy stream labs and never heard of that before um it should help a lot with me being way

More on top of everything all right how do we make a hardcore world hardcore that’s it no cheats in hardcore no all right streaming till i die and we’re playing hardcore man this is crazy there’s something about streaming and like being live versus i don’t i don’t

Go live very often i’m sure a lot of you know and there’s something about being live that i’m so not used to where it’s just like i can say and do anything that i do or say and and everyone there’s no editing there’s no cuts i can’t tell you how

Many times when i am recording a video i say something and then i go oh my god that was a terrible rub you have to cut that i swear it happens like minimum snow this might be okay actually i’m kind of oh i’ve got a little bit in the christmas

Spirit right now i can get into this actually never mind i reacted too quickly hi chaser rooney what are you doing here start swearing now you see the thing is is if rob could just fix every mistake that i made that i make like he usually does

I’m not saying that i’m like swearing all the time when i record but you know everyone’s human there’s slip ups now and then hi everyone thanks for coming hi hello everyone still saying hi hi hi hi hi okay i’m gonna i’m gonna try to do my

Absolute best to like focus on game play but still like try to interact with the chat i don’t know if streamlabs shows super chats do they do that this is a learning experience for me guys okay you guys need someone send me a super chat so i can test

I’m just kidding you don’t actually have to okay it does show yo what’s good thank you uh silas click cl clock clause all right guys oh okay i haven’t played minecraft in a little bit so let’s let’s what’s the strat okay hold on i’m going to try to speed

Run this i think the goal is to try to beat the game i think that’s like you know that’s kind of standard minecraft uh i can’t remember the last time i’ve played hardcore though also so i’m kind of scared very cool biome okay that water is so blue ah

All right i’m kind of on the tip of my toes right now i’m telling you when i baby when i die it’s over that’s the end the stream is done i’m trying to look for one of these new caves they got these massive chasms now so i want to get straight into it

I was just thinking i shouldn’t go too far from spawn but that’s i’m an idiot because this is hardcore it doesn’t matter all right well okay thank god this is a little different looking this isn’t minecraft why am i going for coal oh sorry guys my speedrun skills are all off

Uh you should do The chat is going so fast how do i put on slow mode again should i even put on slow mode no it’s okay i don’t need to it’s fine i just need to get better at it just cheat ah oh my god no no no no no no i’m not ready for this

I’m not mentally prepared ah okay i need a bed also i’m not dealing with nighttime not happening okay i can do this i need that i need to protect myself like right away we get iron asap should we get a i was gonna get iron don’t worry guys i’m not gonna die

Hi minecraft god oh no you said minecraft good sorry i just assumed you were calling me a god which you know would be a fair statement okay i like the free food but i really would have liked having enough wolf for a bird what was going on in he whoa

Guys i have like a pretty good feeling that this stream is literally gonna be like half an hour is it just me that thinks that i’m not saying i want it to be that i want to try to beat the game that’s the goal

Do kitty of the day how old are you i’m 25. i’m 25 years young okay i still know some memes the really popular ones at least ah i shouldn’t be i should not be risking it like that all right i’m just mindlessly playing right now i need to have like a game

Plan okay i’m sitting up in my chair i’m having a sip of mate libre passion flavor sponsor i wish okay all right we gotta get that iron all right action plan um someone just became a member it doesn’t show me your name i would have to go click on it but i’m

Trying to focus on gameplay ugh i’m so bad at streaming i should just end it right now i really can i i really admire how like it takes a lot of skill to be able to like you know really be good at streaming i don’t think i’m

Good at streaming even a little bit um hold on i need to stay focused we really need this iron if we want any chance of survival why am i mining it like this ah all right it’s fine we just need to relax it’s okay you’re very good at streaming thank you

Uh i’ll take it i’ll take what i can get from robloxgamer he gave me a cool thumbs up guy thank you very much a new member silas thank you very much reptile army who dat all right okay we got enough iron i think what’s the optimal amount of iron what’s the gamer amount

That makes you a good minecraft player i really thought i would be like a good minecraft speedrunner because i’ve been playing minecraft since the dawn of time but i um i i feel i feel brain dead right now i don’t know what it is i’ll do that

I actually really need some food i’ll make two furnaces two furnaces seems like something you would do in hardcore and then i can take some iron out of this one and put it in there okay now i’m kind of being a little a little gamer freak right now look at this

Optimization wait for it i’m gonna put that in and take that out ah all right guys we’re gonna do uh nah should we go down in the cave or should we try to get a bed i say we go for the bed like probably right away or should we just go

Down in the cave if we’re in a cave then you don’t really need the bed but i’m also afraid that if we go down in the cave then i’m gonna die which is a very real possibility uh most people are saying bad okay i agree finally we agree on something um i now

Need i’m gonna do oh look at this pick right into a sword okay never mind i play minecraft sometimes all right i need more iron there’s some iron over there oh but i need to get a bed it’s gonna be nighttime soon okay okay sorry guys i’m all over the place

And with hardcore i guess you keep your stuff with you like at all times too let’s make more sticks okay ah just a normal axe is fine okay cool nice yeah all right let’s go get a bed right quick should i make shears do i waste the iron on the shears

I feel like this is definitely the hardest part of hardcore you just need to like get through the first like i don’t know half an hour and then you’re pretty good after that so i just need to stay focused for a little bit so i apologize if i’m kind of

All over the place you are no sheep whoa i’m getting distracted okay here while i look for a sheep sandy thank you oh there’s been so many new members i’ve been missing it oh Wow oh okay i want to go down there uh i find his sheep real quick just give me a second guys where’s his sheep i don’t know what his sheep is it’s a little sheep two little sheep i need a big sheep three actually wait i should be

Killing these what am i doing oh yes death murder oh wow i hit the gold mine this is fantastic ah or should have i started a farm hmm that maybe would have made more sense yeah don’t the well i guess if i’m trying to speed run it i don’t really

Care about that because we’re not really making like a little base we’re just trying to beat the game what do you do all right i need strats can you guys lay out in the chat what is the optimal uh uh uh like order of things that you do

I know that you can do the whole lava bucket trick to get to the nether maybe we should do that actually okay there’s bears um thanks but no thanks oh ah imagine if that’s how i died in my hardcore stream from barry bush’s play with your boyfriend’s sketch guys

A man can only dream all right but sketch refuses to accept that him and i are meant to be together um This is kind of awkward it’s night time and i am low on hunger and i haven’t found any sheep so i’m gonna go down in that big scary cave that seems like the right move okay okay all right i don’t know where the cave went there’s a pig though

Guys i’m gonna die i’m gonna die okay i need to relax i just need to stay grounded for some reason i feel safe out in the middle of this ice okay all right let’s uh what are we doing i need to put my furnaces down so i can do this and then uh

I’m gonna make a little house and it’s gonna be beautiful i’m gonna go hello it’s fine we’ll ignore that okay look at that this is one of those minimalist houses that you see all the time in like australia there’s that one who’s that one guy on youtube he has

Like the long hair and he’s like alright guys today we’re looking at some tiny houses you guys know who i’m talking about the tiny house guy also okay sorry is this stream fine are you hearing the game and is my mic volume fine compared to the game volume okay good

Yes it’s good thank you tanker okay good good thank you wow also i got this crazy ultra low latency setup so anything that i say right now is basically like perfectly live like what i am saying right now oh you guys are saying turn up game yeah sure i can do that um

What uh yeah it’s like whatever i say whenever i read out the chat that like would have literally just happened in the chat isn’t that like wild it’s crazy crazy world anyways oh oh no oh no this is fine everything’s fine check this out that

Does one and a half and a stick does a half perfect optimization following the curves we can’t hear wait what do you mean we can’t hear can’t hear game can’t hear game can’t hear game wait okay can you hear me place this and then break it ah no sound for game

Oh no that’s terrible i need to fix this immediately um uh uh i know what it is because i have it on like separate tracks but oh god oh my god doing tech stuff while live is like the most stressful thing ever for me okay desktop recording track uh i’m

Gonna put it on this same one okay let’s try that okay now tell me okay well i’m gonna now okay now now tell me you can hear it i’m gonna do it again can you hear it can you hear the dirt yes yes you can ah

Wow i’m so proud of myself that it never works out that way i could have sworn i was gonna be focusing on that for hours uh okay wow that makes me feel so great um all right guys here we go we’re doing this we are i don’t know what we’re doing

Actually i’m just kind of winging it oh all right we need wool two more wool we have some iron we should just make iron armor like right away right surely for all of you named shirley watching right now oh there’s a skeleton oh i’m so scared being outside of my

House i thought i was gonna be way better at this guys i don’t know why i just i i really i had the confidence which is kind of what you need in minecraft hardcore really uh what’s a good what’s it what do you what do you you can’t make anything good with only

Six iron i can make myself a little hat cute little white number right here look at that okay shield oh good idea wow you guys are nuts how do you make a shield like this wow okay i wish i had that texture pack that like

Hid the shield more it’s so up in my face but what a fantastic idea and again optimizing our resources ugh it’s like following the right mana curve in hearthstone battlegrounds how many of you got that reference if you got that reference i love you and

Don’t just say you got it for my love okay you need to deserve my love buffering no it’s probably just for you bro what’s up debzy what up ammon how’s it going member for nine months if i was pregnant you would be my baby all right spider i’m not scared of you

I’m a little bit scared but i need to once i start killing things i’ll get more in the groove i’ll feel better Okay cool you know you know i’m feeling good you know we got we got a sword got a shield i’m doing okay i never would have thought to make a shield unless it was for you guys this is why i keep you around i’m gonna try to find that cave again

Because it’s night time anyways we might as well go down into the cave ah i’m not messing with the skeletons also the skeleton’s terrifying all right down we go we’re doing it cave’s so big and there’s the the the uh uh the lush cave it’s so dark in here no skeleton bad Okay i don’t have any coal are people saying turn down the volume is it too loud now oh my god use your shield oh you’re so right i’m getting chased by skeletons and i’m just uh sprinting away i need like more blocks too here’s something i can do

I’m gonna get a little bit of cobble just for like safety oh it is so dark that’s as bright as it goes okay all right oh what can you do with copper again is copper even useful i could make a telescope but i would need amethyst for that how do i know

That i’m not some sort of minecraft genius i think so oh more iron okay we’re speed running this iron there done fastest speed run of my life charcoal true i could be making the charcoal people are saying that the volume is fine this is fantastic news nope

Nope oh wait i’ll just do that look at that wow i want coal i want cold give me cold i’m gonna go towards the light i’m so scared right now all right okay it’s so i apologize it’s very dark i’m having trouble seeing myself as well as soon as i find coal

Then this stream will be lit um what is is that iron sorry i know it’s dark i know it’s dark ah i’ll fix that in a sec just i you really need the iron wait i know how to make it bright look at this watch boom boom boom okay okay watch

This uh oh i have nothing to okay well i’ll put i’ll put one stick in there and now i can look around for a second wait but that’s not enough i need to put another stick in oh but now that’s not enough okay i’ll put a little

Bit of you in i’m gonna go find cole i’m so all over the place well there’s no coal down there dennis your mic is not working i refuse to believe that don’t you lie to me flubsy sound of the day uh does this work tell me if you guys can hear this

All right then all right coal i really want to go down there i just need some coal real quick i’m just going to get that i’m going to get that coal since when is it so hard to find coal it isn’t i’m just being terrible right now it’s a lot of pressure okay

There we go guys ah cool yes do i need copper i don’t know i feel like i don’t care about copper all right we gotta start making money moves guys okay what we’ve been doing so far not very money at all uh where was i what is happening where was my

Uh where did i put my furnaces over here yeah no yeah oh okay i’m gonna smell you cause that’s enough for that then we’ll have some iron armor can make another pickaxe i feel way better okay while i smelt this stuff everyone’s asking for a kitty of the day

I don’t have the kitty of the day calendar with me at this moment on less i’m gonna go double check my headphones aren’t long enough um oh oh oh actually actually oh wait man i totally like could have died there i didn’t even like build a wall or anything oh my god

He got a dumpy thanks bro pov waiting for dennis to return thank you it’s pixel well i’m back and i very well could have returned to a uh a corpse of a minecraft player because i didn’t even think about protecting myself at all i feel like a fool

Okay we got a little bit of iron left okay which one are we doing we’ll do uh hey let’s do let’s do i’m just kind of flipping through right now this calendar is so great i really want to make another one i kind of been thinking

Uh as like a new year’s resolution for this channel to like bring kitty of the day back because i really want to get go through this calendar that we released on the store because i do really really really love it it’s just that i like took a big break from youtube right as

It released so i feel really bad about that anyways let’s do this one actually here let’s do this one i accidentally ripped it out george there you go wait guys check this out look what i can do huh george focus focus camera his favorite activity is parkour submitted by rodrigo

Isn’t this so sick this is just like all of your guys’s cats in this entire calendar here it’s all uh i really need to bring it back i really really do all right anyways our our our our our our our our iron is done ah all right iron is done let’s go let’s

Get this show on the road hi dennis from 10 10 m oh hello where did my coal go i just used it oh why do i have so little coal and i really want a bed should i quickly go get a bed oh my god

Sorry guys okay i’m gonna go get a bed i’m going back down in the hole okay i just get into bed real quick i feel like it’s pretty crucial to have a bed in hardcore i could be wrong but i’m gonna go with my gut i can do this i can do

Sorry not that do this and then this and then i’m one iron short it’s fine who needs pants anyways that’s my motto all right uh okay we haven’t really gone this way yet we have some super chats what is the best way to look at super

Chats while i wish there was like a auto run feature in minecraft that would be so sick i’m just looking for a sheep in the meantime okay i’m gonna quickly see what does it say uh have you played the sound the the sound sound of the day

Uh uh i did i did it was this and then from chase hello denisovich denisovich okay this is a kind of a crazy landscape going on here what wha what’s all this then this is like totally a ship bro for sure is it it like totally is man is it though

What was so wholesome this wow cool oh honey be careful not get crushed by sand uh all right you know what maybe it’s time for a shovel i’m gonna build a shell real quick there’s a stone shovel just in case we ever get trapped under gravel or something

Oh yeah yeah yeah all right where’s the where do they keep the chests in these places and these things what’s the big idea it’s like right or like here or somewhere okay i need me some torches i’ll start smelting some charcoal real quick because i i just can’t i can’t find coal

Whoever had such a hard time finding coal in minecraft this guy i’m definitely looking in the wrong places aren’t i spooky door okay where do you oh where’s the chest what do they keep the chests in this place oh no cole there make me more uh uh uh

Where do you live in canada i live in vancouver oh chest right there i’m a fool buried treasure map and i’ll take some feathers why not uh what is happening why is there still water okay do you like bingus who’s that how long have you done youtube um this channel just hit

Five years like oh my god i didn’t realize my chair went back that far uh it just said five years like i was gonna say recently but that’s not even true it had five years like eight months ago so it’s almost six years old what no is that right

Sheesh man i don’t know um yeah nice crazy wait when people subscribe is the little dancing cat coming up okay good good i thought i didn’t see it for a second all right finally some torches oh my god here we go i’m gonna hold them in my off hand but

Then maybe i’ll need to use my shield and then i’m gonna die so i guess we’ll see are there usually there’s usually two chests in one of these right i don’t even know if i if i want to look for it it’s this so is this such an inconvenient spot for it

I don’t care i just i don’t even care i just want to go back to the cave we still don’t have a bed how do we still not have a bed okay we got to stay focused one thing at a time we’re gonna get a bed and then we’re gonna go down

In the cave i’m i’m not straying off of that anymore oh but i have this buried treasure map oh my god it’s fine uh i feel like and usually the buried treasure really isn’t that far away yeah like look we’re already on the map

Wait are we i don’t even know oh dude i don’t okay i’ll i’ll let chat decide do we go for the buried treasure or do we just go for the sheep buried treasure or sheep what was that oh oh oh ruins ruins ruins oh wow this is huge actually this like

Helps so much in our uh our another requirement i need to kill everything i see everything that moves must die all right what’s in here whoa okay uh i got a whole bunch of junk what’s all this then thorns one do i care about that is gold even that’s plus

Two armor that’s also plus two armor this one’s thorns one okay fine i’ll take it i don’t need the zeppelin i’ll take the point of steel oh my god well this is cool it’s also nighttime and i’m outside um everyone’s wait people saying treasure treasure really the people want everyone wants to

Do the treasure okay all right i’ll do the treasure we’ll do the treasure at night time is that what you guys want a couple of people are saying sheep a couple and vast majority are saying treasure that looks like a cool little ice house where how does

Haven’t moved on the map yet it looks like it would be now wait hold on i could i think i’m being dumb right now um i mean i think of course i am i’m facing south so let’s be facing north is that how these maps work so if i’m

North east on the map i want to be going south west i want to be going southwest okay so i was kind of doing everything am i doing this correctly does it make sense what i’m doing right now people are saying no well guess what it does make sense because i’m appearing

On the map so i was actually right okay cool looking map in the icy in the icy icy icy man if only i had some ice if only i had that drool uh okay all right it’s kind of you know there’s a lot of glaciers okay we’re almost there

And we still haven’t seen a sheep if you guys see a sheep i want you to scream okay oh my god it’s like right here but there’s all these monsters monsters i tell you all right we’re gonna have to make it dark just for a second okay cool

Oh can i have all this stuff okay so wait where where are we it’s like right here it’s like totally right um that was kind of crazy what just happened there i mean The same blurry treasure all right it shows this water in the way i uh no i don’t have the scary noises game where am i my i’m right on it i’m right i x marks the spot it’s right here it’s right here it’s right here oh oh i’m driving oh sheep sheep sheep

Chief ah yes thank you guys i literally didn’t notice it i saw people were saying sheep in the chat it was right in front of me oh wow okay very well done guys you did a great job thank you very much for that it’d be nice if it was a colored bed but

You know it’s fine do i just go to bed like this does this work or am i gonna blow up am i going to die is this how you die you just die if you sleep in the middle of the night i don’t know if it’s like a thing anymore

Uh but like i remember way back like a decade ago when i used to play minecraft if you tried sleeping in your bed outside you would almost always wake up to a monster by your bed waking you up and killing you um i don’t know if that’s like a thing anymore

You guys want the sound of the day again i don’t know why you wanna hear that stuff so bad uh this is interesting because it actually says that this is where the buried treasure is but each night is not here say my name oh dennis whoa wow that’s crazy your name is also

Dennis that’s so wild it’s crazy that’s crazy so crazy uh all right so the thing is here is it’s actually saying that it’s supposed to be what if it’s right here i just missed it ah i’m overwhelmed okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on um i’m gonna do this okay

Holy smokes uh let’s get rid of you and you and we’ll take you and we’ll take you and maybe even some of you water breathing okay what do i not need i don’t need you i do need you i guess i don’t need you i definitely don’t need i don’t need you

Part of the sea we like literally don’t need the heart of the sea i don’t care about the heart of the sea is that crazy no it’s not i never see myself actually getting the oh wait i’m not just gonna leave my bed that would be very like me to just

Forget my bed though after i’ve been looking for it for how long has it been now how long’s this stream been 40 minutes holy smokes and it feels like we barely did anything uh all right i i i don’t need the rabbit hide i don’t need it there okay

All right we’re going back to that cave we’re going to the lush cave guys that’s the whole point of this update you got the lush caves and then you go down you can keep going down and they got the no the the diamond level is all different apparently now diamonds are way harder

To find and there’s the levels are all different you got they’re all in like deep slate and stuff uh huh okay interesting very interesting so much coal i don’t need the paper why so many axes another br it’s probably the same very treasure honestly it always is so i’m not gonna fall for

That whenever it’s this close it’s always the same buried treasure and if you guys disagree well then you might be right i know i can make the weed into bread okay oh fine i’ll do it ugh fine it is a lot of wheat okay all right back to the cave we got the

Bed and we did the buried treasure which is like more than i thought i would do so i’m feeling pretty okay about that but i want to go back to the cave we gotta get some diamonds and then you know we’ll then we’ll go beat the game it’s simple

I feel like a big part of this is also just like seeing you know the 1.18 update because i actually haven’t really done any of that yet it’s kind of the whole reason i wanted to do this stream to begin with i was all excited about this new update so creek raid ah

All right dennis soldiers weapons out let’s kill them oh an arctic fox hello crete crafters does creek have a name for his for his viewers my little creaks ouch creek is listening to you that’s so scary that means that everything i say now is also being listened on creek

Stream and god knows how many viewers he has uh i could so easily get cancelled right now i’m thinking of so many different things i could say to get cancelled maybe i could say something that would cancel creek if i’m on his stream now whoa i have so much power

Oh my god what do i say oh my god this creek rate is nuts oh yeah crete craft well i’ll show you everyone go ready to creek stream but hold on we’re about to enter this cave we’ll get to that in a second uh oh my god

Uh this is beautiful oh and it’s christmas time wow oh my god this chair okay his chair keeps leading back really really far creek you’re making me all nervous there’s so many new people okay hold on guys i’m really sorry i need to focus for a second here because we just

Under this big spooky cave uh oh my god the creek raid is still going it’s such a big raid creek is also i mean i haven’t streamed that much in total so i guess it’s not like the biggest surprise but i’m pretty sure creek is the only

Person that has ever raided me ever and he has raided me many times i feel uh sorry to everyone who maybe has raided me and i’m forgetting about you okay wait where’s my torches i’m panicking Wait i don’t need this buried treasure map what am i doing no get out all right so how do we cancel creek how do we do this what should i say i don’t really have much dirt on creek he’s a super nice guy so i i really can’t think of anything

All right wow this is the most call we found ever in minecraft not clickbait dennis ray no no you don’t dennis raid my own stream go raid creek stream that’s not how it works will there be another episode of minecraft time from the supernatural ooh thank you um

I don’t know it’s interesting with minecraft time i i uh the way that i sorry i’m so i okay look i recently i’m not trying to come up with excuses i was recently i was recently diagnosed with add um or oat no not not ocd or 80 no yeah sorry not ocd 80d

I don’t know why i’m getting that mixed up basically i just and my brain is hopping from one thing to the next thing faster than i can react to it i always kind of knew it was a thing but it was always kind of a meme as a kid to be like

Atd i’m so crazy and quirky um but then once i got into my adulthood i was like oh no this is actually i’m noticing this affect my still even after school um what was i talking about i don’t know but basically i can’t it’s very difficult for me to stay focused on one

Thing creek raids still all right we gotta back down he’s killing us out there okay all right i’m gonna do this what is that noise what was that ew oh oh well it’s a bunch of dead fish a bunch of beautiful dead fish what this is it’s like we’re watching a marvel of

Nature they’re all swimming towards the lava no they’re cooking themselves ah it’s like a fish incubator down there do i at least get cooked fish out of that okay look at this though guys this is what i’ve been waiting for in minecraft i’ve been wanting this update

For so long oh i was talking about minecraft time that’s what i was talking about holy smokes um yeah i mentioned in my video where i’m like uh talking about wanting to come back to roblox a big a big uh okay we’re fine uh a big thing with playing minecraft time

It was really fun i think what sort of inspired me to start minecraft time was um well one was wanting to try something other than roblox but then another big one was hermitcraft and that was just like to me i thought it’s the coolest series where you basically are just

I mean you’re literally just playing minecraft with friends which is amazing um and i was like i want to do that and so i started doing that and then i kind of realized like i think why it works so well with like say hermitcraft for example is because like everyone

In it is so involved and so kind of committed to it whereas um you know it was really fun playing with alex but i feel like we kind of just we didn’t have that same sense of like community and like devotion i don’t know if it makes sense what i’m

Saying right now but it kind of it just kind of felt like it was it was a it was a fraction of what it could have been was sort of what i was sort of hoping for it to be i did really love it i was

Having a lot of fun but it it there there was something that kind of felt a bit empty about it and i think what it came down to was that community that sense of community and then that’s also what had me started thinking like well i i’ve always had a community like on

Roblox like everyone’s i just sort of realized like man why am i not like involving myself more with like other creators and whatnot for so many years i just like kept to myself on roblox i mean i guess i had like the rest of the pals but um

Especially after sorry hold on i’m distracted again where’s my workbench oh oh there it is and i’m out of cobble what was i saying i don’t even remember i said you see this is this is my this is my problem see on videos i can just like sit and wait until i

Remember what i was talking about again and then rob can just like cut whatever silence there was one stream you can see i’m just like oh i’m absolutely all over the place sketch raid let me sketch raid sketch doesn’t stream you got is creeks just like trying to confuse me right now

What is this sketch raid what are you guys talking about pewdiepie raid okay you guys are making stuff up now you guys are messing with me this is definitely creek’s fault i’m willing to bet on it this is all creek he’s doing this right now he’s messing with me or i’m just paranoid

All right it’s time to enter the giant chasm all right okay all right okay okay okay all right i’m really nervous i don’t know why i’m so nervous look at that okay i think i just need like more blocks i’m gonna make my way down whilst also acquiring blocks joe mama raid

Jeffrey bezos raid if jeffrey bezos raided me it would be the end of me and everyone that i know and love so fear the besos uh this is like beautiful i mean come on whoa i should totally make a water bucket wow am i like

A bit of a genius i think so oh and this is a nice new way of getting clay oh lovely that’s kind of cool oh my god Sorry i don’t mean to burp i’ve been making a conscious effort to not be obnoxiously burping all the time as i once did sorry did i miss a super chat buy inkwaves ugc items hashtag ad except i didn’t get any oh wait i was just about to say i didn’t get any money

For that but i totally did that was like a little mini brand deal that i didn’t even agree to it just happened that’s a lot that’s wonderful i want more brand deals like that where they just all of a sudden happen and i’m like whoa okay all right

We’re getting some nice eye animation right now red raid raw braid you guys just this this whole raid joke is let’s see how let’s see how long you can keep it going i guess um i just heard something terrifying i don’t know if you guys heard that

There was definitely a very scary noise that just happened unless this whole creek raid is getting to me and i’m tweaking ah rock raid um there’s some more bezos raids in there this is like kind of crazy what’s going on in here man i mean come on this is wild

When does minecraft look like this also i hear a creeper there is a creeper near me oh there he is I don’t think so cool little flower thingy do i need arrows i mean i mean feathers maybe oh i don’t know i don’t need the moss spore blossom so cool i mean i don’t need the spore blossom either but here we are eh cool huh oh and then there’s the trip leaves

Still more raid jokes the raid jokes are they they they keep coming all right i hear noises do i need more iron yes i do because i want to make some um summer uh what you call it your uh armor yeah i’m gonna do this although i do kind of want

The shield in my offhand but i also want to keep it nice and bright for you guys i like to keep things light okay elon musk raid chocolate raid coco melon raid this is man it’s like you could just put any word before uh the word raid and then

It’s all of a sudden a joke uh okay i’m i don’t know where my other crafting table is it’s okay what do i need again oh i totally need another pickaxe i’m gonna make two no i’m not i can only afford one never mind okay but soon

Okay here’s what i’m going to do guys we’re going to do a little smelting break smelting brain oh we have 53 iron i didn’t even realize that whoa okay well what’s 27 divided by eight three point something math time with dennis math time educational channel guys don’t forget it

All right i’m gonna fire out some math questions to you guys the raid joke we can finally get past this rage joke oh wait hold on i need more of this uh one two three all right guys math time uh let’s see what are some math questions we can do

Nine times five quick who’s gonna be the first to get it i’m gonna who’s gonna be the first to get it first to get it i’m paying such close attention right now 23 who said 20 23 23 oddness time uh it looks like eddie’s playground was the

First to get it with 45. well done eddie you are um kind of smart i guess that is a really easy question i hear crystals over here i think i honestly i i can’t tell what noises are like new and or if i’m just like going insane i swear i

Okay i need to listen yup yup right here there’s crystals right here i’m telling you i’ve never run into a amethyst geode yet um oh yeah okay i’ll take some gold because then we can make a telescope i’ve never done that either but then we need copper for that but we

Have some copper oh it’s right here okay is it down maybe hello oh i love walking on this stuff oh that’s beautiful how do i actually get the the the things how do you get the how do you like how do you do how do you like

Like how do you get the actual like crystals do i do this more math please silk touch i need silk touch to get the crystals oh well i don’t have that oh okay oh this is a glow squid i thought that was like the new um are those new creepy men

In the game the big the big men like the wireless redstone guys or is that like that’s another that’s a new not yet that’s a later update perhaps whoa cool custom member emoji now wait what it wasn’t even the was it not even the amethyst making that

Noise it was the glow squids making that noise i don’t know man i don’t know what’s going on anymore i have no idea what’s wrong take that lapis though cool all right well let’s go back at it our iron should be smelted now oh my god hold on i don’t

Want to get lost uh i came in here okay you can get the crystal how do i get the crystal you said you said i need a break big crystals you say i need silk touch no silk touch no silk touch what do they just every now and then drop a crystal

Just so it’s like more math what do you mean no silk touch or do i just keep going and then maybe sometimes they’ll ah oh wow so some of you were wrong maybe it’s only the fully grown ones we’re gonna do some minecraft myth busting here oh

I believe so it’s just the filigreen ones where am i where am i picking them up am i holding them am i holding them i don’t see the crystals am i not holding them where did they go i need shears behind me no no no no

Oh oh cause they’re combining god i feel so stupid right now why am i so useless okay all right all right how many do you need for the oh and then it’s over there oh my god well that was embarrassing okay let’s go back to the smelter then we’re gonna oh

Oh my god what is happening in here i’m gonna do this fools now hold on that’s actually kind of spooky having a big this dude’s iced out here creeper you go get him go get him go get him go get him creeper right here how about you yeah yeah yeah shoot the

Creeper shoot the creeper wait no blow up blow up blow up Why didn’t it kill kell die both of you die there we go jeez man see that cool move i just did right there throwing that torch down we can get more gold now uh okay you guys want more math okay sure sure i’ll give you more math i’ll give

You more math just wait what are i miss some super chats can you be my mom asks miner uh sure why not chase uh dennis put visual sounds on what does that mean what did that mean visual sound i don’t know i don’t understand dennis has not noticed me lol

Man what a jerk huh like to what i saw an enderman it was just those things i don’t even think i need the lapis i think we need to do a little bit of item sorting because i don’t feel very um Sorted right now so we’re gonna go do that right now or my thing here all right uh very loud zombie right beside me uh yeah okay there we’re safe cool we can just focus for a second okay i’ll do you you and then you and

I just do you guys john same thing oh wait no i want to do that okay um oh my crafting table’s over there oh math sorry math okay uh who’s the first one that can do fifteen Times four point three and don’t look it up on google wait what what would that be oh i got it 64.5 are you guys using a calculator right now okay here we i did it in my head and i could very well be wrong um let me give you my thought process

15 times 4.3 i go 15 times 4 which is 60 and then uh 0.3 of uh 15. oh i meant 0.33 ah i meant 0.33 i meant 0.33 because it would be 5 and then it would be 65. oh i’m so stupid everyone’s saying 64.5 is correct

That’s so weird my viewers went down when we started doing math again i wonder why that’s so crazy all right uh all right i’m getting sorted i’m getting sorted okay how do i make um a uh scope what’s the scope oh i need smelted uh you okay

Also this doesn’t have to be a speed run okay we’re just um the title is streaming till i die so uh you know spyglass that’s what it’s called spyglass spyglass oh watch this this is no problem we make it right now look at this here we go all right

Okay okay you think that’s crazy check this out if i’m looking at that iron over there plus optifine zoom Wow look at that oh whoa what was that i don’t know what that was it’s okay uh okay i’m gonna sort myself out uh because i wanna go down in that cave we’re about to get dangerous and we need to find diamond and we’re running

Wow i was about to say we’re running low on iron uh what i meant was we’re running low on our iron pickaxe look at us fully kitted out look at us all right uh i’m actually gonna make a couple of these pickaxes Um i’m i’m happy with this being our little safe base safe base even though we we kind of want to be keeping as much stuff on us as we can i understand that but there’s a lot of things we don’t need also um This is the way to the amethyst geode we don’t actually need that it’s okay uh i will do where are my torches oh ah ah there i’m gonna do this very obvious where our base is beautiful And look at this there’s some ambient lighting oh there’s too much stuff everywhere okay boo no no no ah this hat is definitely cooler the gold hat so i’ll put it on you for keep the bed we can cook some food in the meantime here we go and we can make some more

Torches yeah sure i’ll do this wow we’re doing great are you kidding me we’re doing fantastic uh amazing do i need the emeralds i guess i could keep them on me do i really need them though here let’s uh sort my inventory in a way where i will never be confused

That is how the game is due dream is here um Okay yeah yeah sure okay honey i don’t need the amethyst although okay sorry you know what we’re gonna do while we wait we are going to make the floor of our base made out of amethyst so that when we walk around it sparkles just like real life when i walk around

And we’re going to make this a little more spacious and beautiful we will be underground little uh gremlins in this hardcore playthrough because uh i don’t know that’s just like what i identify with you know that’s just kind of like who i am um dennis look at your chat what

I’m looking at my chat i don’t understand look at your chat uh i don’t guys that’s not no that’s not the real dream that’s the obvious fake dream like he would have a little a thing beside his name can you be my mom asks miner once again uh okay

Yeah i said it once i’ll say it again all right should i make the walls amethyst ii or is that too much i think that might be too much Um we totally don’t need to be oh yeah we’re still waiting on the we’re waiting on the gold i’m just trying to think of excuses to make this like a pretty little where is this zombie he is you’re killing me i can’t be having this zombie right above our beautiful home where where

Oh my god you need to die More math now no no no absolutely not no more math although i am very proud of you guys for wanting more math so badly my dad would be proud that’s for sure my dad would be proud of all of you is what i’m trying to say so

Uh yeah this is maybe like one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever created so pretty happy with it um cool we got food we got uh stuff i probably use a door i did throw away a door earlier uh yeah i don’t think so no a bow no i don’t want it

I don’t want it cool more math uh okay fine five times two point five it’s kind of crazy how many people are like so wrong uh i don’t know if are you guys just some of you are just guessing some of you are just like let’s just say a number that’s crazy

All right i’m ready to go i’m ready to get this show on the road um i have plenty of blocks so these will be our building blocks um if we return then you know the lapis is could maybe come in handy um i have my torches here my torch is here okay nice

Sure yeah all right okay cool let’s do it let’s do it guys let’s go let’s do it cool all right we’re doing this we’re doing this no more time to waste we are descending i’m hearing all sorts of noises and you got these glow berries can you eat these is that a thing

It doesn’t seem like you can eat them they look very pretty though if you had some sort of like artisan goods uh shop or restaurant you could totally put that on an item frame it would look beautiful it looks so nice okay all right let’s go again no more

Iron you don’t know what am i doing i don’t need these resources i literally just don’t need them i don’t need them this is so cool i can’t believe this is minecraft now that’s wild oh wait where’s my water bucket here boom isn’t that so crazy we’re not like in

The deep i’m gonna use the torches i’m gonna use the torches there we go that’s so crazy all right we’re down in the deep down to deep and uh we’re looking for wait i don’t remember if we um did you guys tell me if the the spooky man is in in this update

Big scary guy the what you call it whoa spooky man what’s his name big man big man warden that’s his name no he’s not he’s not in this update is he no he’s not he’s not okay okay all right our main task is to find diamonds

I have a feeling it’s going to be a very very long time before we find any diamonds that’s just my luck takes me forever guys i joke i joke i obviously saw these diamonds you fools absolute fools of course i saw these diamonds some of you really upset it’s okay i’d

Be too i understand that’s it we got the one diamond one diamond are you kidding me right now one diamond diamonds are right there yes i got a super chat out of it let’s go uh we don’t need redstone what a waste of time ew redstone whoa okay that was kind of unsettling

Tennis you made somebody donate yeah yeah you know it is what it is okay this is like feeling pretty dangerous also we need more diamonds than that that is simply not enough i scammed them uh all right okay what this is ridiculous what what is this nonsense it’s too much

Lava it’s it’s too much let me uh put an end to this once and for all you’re not gonna spill onto me are you okay yeah all right good uh i don’t what’s it how do i i’m just gonna do this i’m gonna stop talking i’m just gonna start doing

I need to be doing more of that cool all right diamonds where do you find them i don’t know it’s now the the levels are all different now on this update where where is how do okay you can let me know in the chat what’s uh where’s optimal diamond level

I need to know this i actually don’t need this gold at all i literally don’t so never mind um y12 guys that was the old update that was old minecraft this is new minecraft new minecraft minus 64 minus y minus 58 okay so roughly around the 60 level

So what’s our y right now minus 49 oh my god we need to keep going down holy smokes uh i don’t want to strip mine though i don’t want to strip mine through this deep slate that’s kind of like uh it’s kind of miz so oh

No i know i have this shield but i also like having eyes and by eyes i mean light uh what do we do do we strip mine i don’t really want to strip mine i don’t really want to strip mine i don’t really want to start mine unless you unless you guys

Are like that is the way it’s the way it’s the way to do it i don’t want to strip mine okay tell you what we’ll explore this cave a bit more if it’s proving to be in an incredible pain finding any diamonds hello i don’t have anything for you Except death oh i can’t do that you’re just a misunderstood soul lost in the dark okay hold on Lost in the dark you haven’t noticed jay-z kind of sounds like this but whenever he raps he actually sounds totally different it’s sort of a crazy thing i don’t know talking about jay-z but all right look you know i wan i want to save you but like no it’s not happening You could kind of hear his like real you know his living villager squeals behind those grunts um use death yes yes wait on the ceiling on the ceiling what do you mean on the ceiling what was on the ceiling what did i miss where did i miss i didn’t oh

I totally did miss it oh my god wow i love having a chat that is so crazy i totally would have missed that i totally would have missed that all right i’m gonna make a junk hole boo john cole ew gross yuck yucky yucky yucky uh

I actually kind of like the stuff i’m holding a lot of nice colors going on here i do like that a lot um can you mine diamond with gold i have a feeling you can’t okay we got one two three um do i need enchanted stuff do you think

If i had fortune for this this would be oh well this would have just been amazing uh yeah i don’t need any chance you think we can beat the game without enchanting stuff oh that’s why i came prepared there wow guys what what are you kidding are you kidding me right now

We have 13 diamonds without enchantments all right we need to get out of here oh i’m so happy i didn’t start strip mining um no absolutely not and caves are so much more like lively and bright and beautiful now i mean look at this there’s a fish

There’s a fish oh my god there he is those pixels are too big much too big ah salvation whoa look at him go uh how do we get out of here i i could go back the way that i came which would make a lot of sense to just do that

Please say hi jason loudly i was gonna scream it but then i was like hi jason sorry i’m gonna find the way that i came that i came in otherwise i’m gonna get lost but also who cares if i’m lost in minecraft hardcore this is minecraft hardcore who cares who cares about anything

This isn’t the way i came was it oh wait maybe it was oh that’s why i killed the villager oh rest in peace okay never mind we’re going back up go back up that is sing the canadian anthem no sorry i’m not gonna do that but a fine suggestion indeed

I’m just not really in the um the singing mood right now i’m not feeling very patriotic right now ah no no uh uh uh i meant to throw a torch down definitely not my pick uh i hate baby zombies so much so much

Okay here i go if i got killed by a baby okay hold on i’m gonna eat first i’m gonna play it smart they have the most annoying hitboxes it drives me insane yuck i was maybe a little bit too careful there like i don’t think i actually

Needed to be that careful wait surely if i do this then i could easily oh you can just swap it oh dude that is so smart whoa and by that being smart i mean i’m smart is that more diamond no way what what’s what what’s all this bub kiss

About everyone saying diamond is so much harder to find this is like the most diamond i’ve ever did it’s like oh yeah uh uh look at that i mean it was just one but like still it was just one it was just one but we have 14 diamond bro 14 diamond

Dennis are you dating elijah and ethan um unfortunately i am not that would be anyone’s dream come true they would be so lucky uh for some reason i have like a strange feeling that i’m very close to where i once was and we’re on y level five does that mean

Okay there’s a whole lot of nonsense going on in this general direction hello Oh my god guys check this out check this out potion of water breathing look at that and we get it for three minutes three minutes unfortunately uh maybe completely useless whoa cool little school of fish all right we’re gonna be doing a little bit of spelunking here today uh yeah i’ll do this

How does a torch work underwater don’t ask me uh okay this was a complete bust yeah no no no no no no sound sure you literally just say sound and i’m like yeah all right i got you oh yeah i’m going to do this and i’m going to do this

It takes so long okay cool but now if i got this ah there look at that yeah yeah all right let’s go with another make some diamond stuff we’ll go to the nether and then we’ll then then we’ll beat the game so there nice we’re like done with the whole the

Caving and the diamond finding usually the sometimes that can take so long but we got through it just fine like we’re only an hour and a half and that’s honestly not that long let’s really honestly clear your throat i must have not read that right who says that sound again my god

Thank you satan all right more sound i need to space out the sounds at least a little bit guys all right come on here i’ll give you this one that one’s just like an iconic classic so i mean do i really need this much coal i don’t think i do

I really don’t think i do so you know what i’m gonna do just to flex i’m gonna use this cool new gold pickaxe oh that is so fast what since when does gold mine stone so fast i feel like i’ve always known this i’ve definitely always known this oh

Do i still have my water breathing i do And just like that i’m under ice it’s okay ah one hold on whoa whoa okay all right ah no thank you gold is soft come on gold what you acting all shaft i’m gonna sleep real quick oh wait i don’t even need to make a base man i can just

Sleep look at that no repercussions whatsoever what a game okay let’s go with another oh wait look at this pretty much this whoa cool bear nice that’s so crazy i can just look at stuff from like so far away um pretty wild is this any good

I feel like we just don’t worry about the bows and stuff the bows let’s just not okay what’s the best way to go to i actually realized now i probably should have stayed near the where the water and the lava was so that i could um get enough obsidian for another portal

I’m realizing now that probably should have been the move ah there was a portal ruins around here somewhere though although it might be kind of a long shot trying to find it i am feeling a little bit like a right now thankfully even morons can sometimes have good ideas check this out

Okay and if i build up enough i missed diamonds no i didn’t no i didn’t miss diamonds there is the shipwreck and that’s it that’s all i know i know that would mean that the ruins are like right over there i’m pretty sure oh my god do you guys want to see a

Minecraft gamer move okay do i risk do i try to do the gaming all right i think you guys know what i’m talking about or do i play it safe now look i could use the spyglass bullet it’s just fog i mean i can turn up my simulation distance 32 chunks

Wait what i don’t understand what simulation distance means render distance 48 chunks my computer is about to have a heart attack oh it’s actually working surprisingly well 48 chunks since when king people are saying don’t you’re telling me to stay safe okay finally the duets are coming in okay

I mean it’s like a little bit framy but it’s not that framing for 48 chunks and like look how far i can look that’s crazy all right i’m looking for the ruins the ruins uh if you guys spot any like obsidian wow i feel like a cool like

I don’t know who does this batman he goes up to top of buildings and he just looks out at the world and he goes yeah look at me looking around i’m just trying to find these ruins on one of the ruins i don’t know where the ruins go okay i don’t know

Never mind i don’t know where they went that’s kind of cool though i’m liking that landscape over there all right everyone’s telling me to do it everyone’s telling me to do the gamer move at least those are the ones that i’m paying attention to all right uh i’m gonna take this off of

48 chunks i’ll bring it down to we’ve been doing pretty okay i’ll bring it down to like uh i don’t know 16 and 16 sounds pretty good we’ll do that okay all right gamer move i’m scared now i’m gonna do it i’m gonna

I’m gonna i i don’t know if i want to do it now people are saying do it people are saying do it people are saying do it can you place water on snow i feel like you can okay fine people are saying to do it

People are saying to do it i’m gonna do it i’m just gonna do it right there though because i have a feeling that i won’t actually die if i fall there so i’m like semi-playing it safe oh my god because i was holding the shield i’m so glad i played it safe

That would have been so embarrassing bruh what was that what was that oh my god i’m sorry it’s not that it would have been embarrassing that was so embarrassing oh my god that was terrible how dare all of you who anyone who was telling me to do it how dare you

I’m sure some of you would have even known you you knew he’s like you’re like he’s holding the shield he’s going to completely mess this up god i’m just like that was like a near-death experience and minecraft hardcore that’s basically as um high stakes as nearly dying in real life so

Okay what is the absolute fastest way i could possibly come across obsidian all right higher people are saying hi jeremiah how you doing thank you very much oh oh this is something hello dogs ouch okay all right this is a matter of fact nothing what did i steal from you sketch video ideas

If that’s what you’re referring to then that is absolutely true you couldn’t be farther from the i know you couldn’t be closer to the truth what else did i steal from you if that’s not what you were talking about sorry hold on what did i do what

Did i just hear what was that cool azalea tree wait that means that that means that there’s a a uh a lush cave under here surely oh and look at this dirt it’s rooted dirt how smart is this guy to see an azalea tree and then to go underneath it that’s like wild

[Applause] where’s the where’s the lush cave come on what’s the big idea where’s the lush cave where’s the watch cave where’s the la ah oh ah no no no no it’s fine we’re going to pretend like that didn’t happen we’re making a new base it’s fine

Why are you screaming what do you mean why are you screaming oh my god i don’t have any wood why would i dig straight down that is a very good question i don’t know uh okay i don’t have any wood thus i can’t make a workbench so that really sucks

Okay uh okay do you guys have some wood or something i could get Oh my god is i oh my old base my old base it’s over there no skeleton i put my shield up how dare you ah ow wait where was my base it was down here oh my god i should eat oh i’m all of a sudden panicking

Hey this is where we got creek raided uh wait no we’re coming over here this game shouldn’t be this hard i think i’m just making it really hard on myself uh oh there thank you all right okay it’s fine all right we’ll let some things smelt

Oh it feels so good to be home i’m gonna close this off there we go yeah all right wow and when we walk around it’s all like All right uh we don’t even have anything to smell i wasn’t really getting things too smelled i mean i might as well smell morbids like i really don’t even need it i’m just here to make some studied wood oh i need obsidian that’s good i could totally enchant stuff also like

I actually could just do that i don’t have books so whatever i don’t want to deal with that um uh okay let’s make some diamond stuff diamond pick okay i’m gonna throw some junk away uh okay uh i don’t know i don’t need the root of

Dirt yes are you or you or you uh uh honestly i’ll keep the rotten flesh i feel like rotten flesh is like in dire situations fine i feel like i don’t even need emeralds i’m gonna keep them in case we come across a village but like really not necessary um

Water bottle oh you got more water breathing uh yeah okay this is fine 19. please say hi dennis notice me hi tristan how are you hey how you doing um okay uh so very important that i do this um this will have to do sheers isn’t it i don’t have any wood

It’s fine all right let’s um let’s get out of here let’s get right on out of here oh actually do i want to make guy yeah of course i want to make diamond stuff i’ll make you and then see this is plot plus eight armor but if we do this

That’s plus six armor and then just boots is plus three armor which gives us plus nine armor so it’s actually better to have boots and pants rather than a chest plate quick maths look at that cool all right let’s go hey oh well you can make a table yeah i know i

Know what i can i know that i can make a table i know i can make the table uh i don’t want to make the table because we don’t need it it’s okay it’s fine yeah whatever what i will do is get some snowballs because i will use those to kill the

Ender dragon the end crystals that is um first we need to go to the nether oh i could like totally just make obsidian right now surely can i right i need like a pool of lava i can’t just like willy-nilly this lava can i let’s try it we’re just gonna make cobble because

It’s not the source block that’s the problem is you gotta do it on the source block that’s the thing all right excuse me uh okay well then where do we find some obsidian there’s some down here let’s go wait i could be doing this right now ow

I understand i could be more careful i get that wait a second why didn’t i make a diamond sword why didn’t i do that is the frame rate okay also some people are saying it’s laggy they might it might just be laggy on their end and they don’t understand that

Or are some of you saying that it’s actually like framey and performance is poor it’s fine some people are saying oh this is great oh good news um alright so where did i go where did i go when i did i go down there whenever i found the

Obsidian i can’t believe i didn’t just get the obsidian when i was down i feel like i’m doing things in the most like unoptimal way again it’s not a speed run although i did sort of have intentions of it being a speed run oh wait there’s so much obsidian right here okay

Don’t worry guys even i surprise myself sometimes with just how i don’t know dumb i feel only sometimes nice fine because you guys are asking for it can i get a zarestress in the chat hi dennis how are you hi kaden i’m doing pretty good

I woke up this morning and i was like whoa what i kind of want to stream today i know super weird for me yes Yeah whatever the sound says it’s so many people are uh not saying it even close to what i was hearing eight eight eight eight eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten god why see i i need to remember how many blocks

You need for the portal like that’s kind of pathetic okay i am a little bit ashamed considering myself you know kind of some sort of minecraft lord um kind of like you know lord lord hello is that you my boy behind me he’s taking pictures wait i could just like go to another

Right now right here and i don’t even need to use all the obsidian look at that i can just do this bam bam bam bam bam yeah okay yeah it’s so weird doing things where you like don’t it doesn’t matter because it’s just like hardcore so it’s like whatever

Although i guess it would be nice to keep some stuff i can’t believe i don’t have any wood that is like a problem there’s a problem that i don’t have any wood i do have some sticks which is like okay but that just means i can’t lose this

Stuff i just kind of feel like a fool all right guys are we uh do you think we’re ready to go is there anything that i’m missing here i could put this moss carpet down there’s wood in the nether right i actually totally forgot about that

This isn’t the new ore texture this is um deep slate or whatever yeah this is is it deep slate yeah or well that’s cobble deep slate cobble deep slate snowballs uh i don’t need the snowballs yet i will save those for the end or do i need the snowballs

Does this pause the game it like totally does whoa okay hold on i’m gonna take this opportunity whoa cool look at me all big screen i just wanna look at the chat for a sec um can you be my mom how is that still there dude has minor been asking me to

Be their mom like periodically for the last two hours sound sure we back in the mines so we back in the mines thank you amber um wonderful dennis what mouse do you use i use the i’m not even getting paid to say this that’s how much i love this mouth this fifth mouth

The logitech g900 it’s a wireless mouse and i know what you’re thinking wireless what what do you mean you’re a pro gamer using wireless i’ll tell you what this has a faster reading speed or whatever response time than the previous wired razer mouse that i had isn’t that crazy so it’s literally

There’s lit you can’t notice a difference oh another raid or you guys just messing with me what is your headphones the og headphones these okay there’s actually a chance i might start getting paid to say this soon but i’m gonna just say it anyways is the sennheiser um

What are they they’re sennheisers i don’t remember this specific model but i might actually get sponsored by them soon hopefully uh we’re in the works all right let’s get back to minecraft we were doing a little break there ah fine what did inkwave say thanks for the promo uh all right

Here we go guys twenty dollars from charles hi dennis hello charles okay we’re now entering you can eat the blueberries really you can eat the globe doesn’t it usually say it would say on the food how much it oh i guess not i thought it would say how much it replenishes oh no

I’m a gosh darn fool that was just the previous texture pack i was using okay uh do you guys mind if i turn fog off because the fog in the nether is absolutely ridiculous you can’t see anything at all um there look at that look how much better that is

It’s so much better this is just the way it should be i think the amount of fog they put in is ridiculous if you guys consider it cheating um well then i’m cheating okay yeah what are you guys saying what is this uh oh people are asking for kitty the day i

Did kitty the day earlier but i guess it has been a uh uh that was near the start of the stream so i can do another one just give me a sec while i gather my bearings um i suppose a good way of trying to find the stronghold actually let me first

Mark my coordinates my coordinates i here see that’s what a pro minecraft player does guys okay i don’t even know where to begin where do i go oh wait a sec look at this whoa cool say bad word uh no that’s okay unless something really bad happens but

Even then i’ll try my best not to that is ugh where do i go what do i do i could turn my render distance up just to like let’s go 48 oh my god uh okay i’m just letting it load and then i can see if we can maybe find

A uh uh stronghold the nether dungeon the you know yeah there we go let it all load in man it’s like it like runs pretty well i’m not even like trying to flex my pc right now when i get that i kind of am doing that but like

We’re playing on 48 chunks 48 i guess the reason why i’m so like i keep talking about it is because i remember when i first started playing minecraft um i had to play on literally like whatever the minimum was where the fog would like i literally wouldn’t be able to see that

Piece of bone there like that’s how i used to play minecraft for so so long because i was just playing on like my mom’s laptop okay it’s starting to get a little framing i mean 48 is a lot 488 is kind of overkill uh anything there though

Okay we gotta stay far away from the enderman all right i’m gonna lower it 48’s too much i’ll just i’m happy with 16. okay finally go 18. all right okay uh i guess we’re going this way i suppose just sticking to what’s uh easy i guess if you can even call it that

Whoa man see how much better than ah we found it i can’t believe it we found it oh my god we did it guys we might actually be able to beat the game on stream what i totally just jinxed myself we’re gonna die in the next like 30 seconds okay

This is the safest way doing this just come over here and then wow what a great spawn are you kidding we can literally just mosey our way over i’ll get some wood while i’m at it um purple wood cool more math all right chase okay math i’m trying to think of like

Fun math ones you know because math can be fun it can be um i really like like arithmetics and stuff that was definitely my favorite subject in math and then as soon as i i was like a god at math in grade 11 and then everything after that was just a complete

Utter disaster i went from having like a 99 in math to literally failing every math course after that i just i don’t know i don’t know what happened i don’t know okay oh right i forgot about you guys oh geez okay well that’s enough wood right oh okay all right let’s do this

I’m trying to think what is this okay so here let’s see okay okay we’re running from here and we’re like okay let’s go uh what makes the most sense we come around here sure we come around here i’m just trying to think i just want to be careful and keep things like

Like uh very quick in and out you know what i mean if that makes sense just so it’s very obvious where i’m going what i’m doing for whenever i you know i mean there is not going to be much in and out because this is hardcore so if i die i’m dead wow

I don’t know man i don’t know what’s the best way to do this let’s just give her it’s okay let’s just do it oh kitty the day stream is very laggy holy smokes cat i’m gonna pause it for a sec i’m getting a lot of people saying the stream is very laggy

What does that mean when you say it’s laggy i i i need to hear some people saying that it’s fine or people it’s not it’s not laggy okay all right because i take it seriously when people say that it’s laggy i’m like i want to make sure that the stream doesn’t suck

To watch people are saying it’s fine okay okay so if it’s laggy it’s probably just on your end if it’s buffering if it’s doing this then it’s just on your end if it’s really framey then it’s on my end and you need to inform me okay well thank you everyone’s saying

It’s fine thank you very much okay uh oh kitty the day sure let’s do it here i’ll go to full screen whoa full screen mode hi guys alright here you know let’s do the the cat that is on the day of today it’s only lackey when there’s math involved um

Okay today is december 12th 12th december 12 right here december 12th all right guys see i want to be able to do this in like daily videos so i kind of want to like go through this calendar from start to finish in like the new year i think that

Would be pretty cool okay december 12th today’s official kitty of the day come on camera there we go jewel favorite food soft food submitted by jewel the cat itself submitted itself to the kitty of the day how about that all right there you go guys so thank you jewel for that all right

Okay we’re making we’re we’re we’re breaking new ground here guys this is a minecraft hardcore stream till i die scenario that we’re dealing with here where we actually are pretty kitted out we’re in the nether and we are at the strongholds which i really really really it’s it’s it’s really not that difficult

Of a thing to do but for some reason as soon as i’m streaming i just feel that my chances of death uh grow exponentially um we really were so close to dying earlier and that was just from sheer stupidity do we want the food we’re not gonna have

A horse are we we might have a horse sure i’ll carry The someone we don’t need the blaze though right oh no we actually do need the blaze for the eyes oh and then we need eyes oh but we have gold so we should be trading to get the ender pearls and actually wait we’re here for the blaze for some reason i was thinking

We’d be farming wither skulls but we’re not we’re just here for the blaze oh sorry i’m out of it i haven’t actually like been playing to beat the game in what feels like a while i mean i know i did it in minecraft time i don’t know why it felt like different

Then though i don’t know because we also cause i was farming wither there as well so all right we just got to kill some blaze hey that keeps things simple i like it and then we have so much gold that we can trade with the trading men whatever their names are the piglens

All right all right all right all right oh wait hold on we totally want to be where’s my shield I’m being like super careful this is definitely way too careful what i’m doing like this is ridiculous All right we got a blaze rod that’s definitely something that’s definitely a start oh yeah um i don’t think so cool so uh where let you go i hear a wither skeleton it’s kind of freaking me out was i here already i was totally here already wasn’t it hello joseph

Are you in flamingo dating he wishes okay uh did we go here yet we did what what wait did i miss the did i go to that chest why what why am i why so we looked in this one so we didn’t go to the other one so we haven’t gone this

Way sorry guys i’m all turned around but i also where are those guys who’s making that sound i need to trade with you guys i’ll trade with you in a sec i’m gonna go see what’s in this chest here because we’re like actually doing pretty okay it’s kind of crazy

Wait what chest was i talking about why am i so confused right now all right well let’s go over there i want to trade with those guys all right ah there oh no okay you here oh here i’ll just do this that’s what you do right

Where i get what did you give me of course oh no i gave you my shield i didn’t want to do that uh oh my god no no oh here wait i’ll do this hey he you took my shield hey come on i don’t have any oh actually i

Do have wood i’ll just make another one that’s fine it’s fine those arrows are kind of cool i won’t mind those Hey wait excuse me where do you think you’re going i will i will take some pearls though pearls would actually be fantastic soulsand My shield is on the floor you guys are right nice Uh still no pearls how did dream do it how did he get so many pearls Please notice me i’ma cry hi ella cry for me there come on pearls Hmm all right come on now come on now how much gold have i given you The gold well wait what was that what did you draw was those were those pearls no those weren’t girls what are you dropping i can’t even see it now I’m running out of gold hi dennis hello han solo’s cousin i didn’t know han solo had a cousin come on come on come on will you ever do a minecraft thing with alex from sweaty panda oh what do you mean a minecraft thing that could mean a lot of things minecraft thing Oh come on how do you how are you supposed to get pearls they really should i feel like the pearl drop rate on these guys should be at least a little bit higher how much gold did i give them like 20 something unbelievable decent amount of gravel

That i got here i wouldn’t mind these spectral arrows if i’m gonna get anything out of it i’ll at least you know 21 spectral arrows it’s not nothing but it’s close to nothing oh i hear scary i hear very scary oh my god okay hold on we got questions

Coming oh my god oh my god uh hi dennis question do you do dennis do you do dennis on the weekends what i did what oh that’s scary that’s scary man all right you know that’s that’s uh it’s that’s a little bit too aggravating the shield looks better on him how dare you

17 months han solo’s cousin holy smokes 17 months a member unbelievable i need to make more member batches and you can get like uh 17 months deserves like some crazy like plaque oh wait can i mine that are they gonna get upset with me i don’t remember all right what am i doing oh yeah yeah

Because there’s the blaze right here see look i’m doing a little little hacker move i’m gonna all of a sudden pop out of the wall you won’t expect me at all where are you i hear you you’re like right here oh there you are okay okay yoo-hoo where’s the blaze where’s the

Blaze at oh oh oh oh we’re fine all right okay no nevermind that’s too scary i’m trying to be really careful guys i really don’t want to die we only got one blaze rod we just go to the other dungeon i don’t know what i’m still

Doing here let’s go to the other one the other one that’s very close play fortnite no no i won’t if i had to play any shooter on stream god i don’t even know what i’d play i really play shooters recently at least i used to play shooters all the time

There was a weird little bit of time that i was really into um what’s the not not not the not the current call of duty not vanguard i was very surprised that i actually was playing a lot of uh was it cold is that it was that the one i think so

One with the uh am i running out of food i feel like i don’t have that much food left oh my god i could get some bacon from killing those big boys it could be a move i could maybe pull it off actually Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad yeah i was playing a lot of cold war and i was like so sick at it i don’t know what like i don’t know why i was just like so not to flex i’m just kidding

I’ll flex how good i was it was insane i was just like absolutely dominating it was wild that’s like i hadn’t played call of duty in like many many many many years and then i decided to play it one day and i was like wow how am i like this is crazy

It was pretty wild food there oh that’s it okay i tried playing the new halo a little bit halo infinite uh it’s fun it’s good i’m not great at it i’m okay i don’t know shooters like uh the shooter that i was like super super into for many years was uh

Counter-strike cs go um i got like really into that a little bit too much i like know lifed it very hard um once i hit like 2500 hours i was like okay i need to literally go get a life because this is too much um and i just recently hit a thousand hours

In rocket league so i just decided to go and know something else instead now hold on this is a problem Hide oh i got a little bit too comfortable there a little bit too comfortable i was talking about rocket league it put me in my happy place and then i all of a sudden was almost dead could you imagine if that’s how i died i’m just reading chat right now while i heal

I missed a couple super chats oh my god dennis you are amazing thank you han solo’s cousin hi dennis hello raven hello rapping say say okay sorry guys i’m just like i’m like oh it’s so intense i don’t want i don’t want to die you guys are all saying a lot sorry not

All a lot of you guys are saying rocket league to make rocket league content it’s definitely one of those games where as soon as i start recording it i’m i just know i’m going to be terrible it’s like the times that i am like i feel like i’m doing well i feel like

It will just never happen knowing me okay wait wait hold on i’m gonna focus here i’m gonna focus here because we need more blaze rods oh my god i’m gonna need to get oh that was a lot of spawns quite a lot i feel like i could be uh still smarter

About this okay that is so many that is so many all right okay okay all right all right all right that’s too much too much too much too much too much too much uh water doesn’t work in the nether right totally does not does happy about know about you and

Sketch uh she does and she kind of she was kind of like um i mean i can’t say that she was thrilled let’s put it that way all right i need more food oh we’re having a rough go here guys where is my crafting table it’s fine we have wood now it’s okay

Thank god they added wood to the nether oh my god i don’t know what i i i don’t know what i do oops there all right i could be doing things a little bit faster i feel so let’s get going i’ll get some use in there

Why didn’t it work i can’t put you okay weird oh should we have any food we have some glowberry cool what and now it’s gone oh no okay all right all right all right all right Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay okay okay you can stop burning now how am i supposed to get them how do i dig you think you do so much damage sound sure

What do i do i don’t i do what do i do they’re just gonna kill me a bow i don’t have a bow i can’t even make a bow when he’s a little low on food should i be you know what i should be doing i

Should maybe be trying to use a lot of flesh right now give me a little bit of hearts you know i got the extra rotten flesh and just keep eating it it’ll be okay you can do this dennis thank you use my axe my stone axe you want me to use my stone

Axe squid game do you think if i say squid game enough times the youtube algorithm will start showing my stream to more people today we’re playing squid game guys trying to survive in roblox squid game all right okay well that that’s ridiculous what like what what like what

Am i what am i like okay i got an idea maybe i can lure one of them over here yeah that like ow we I’m just trying to lure them over here at the very least okay okay all right okay that’s enough that’s quite enough of that man guys this is rough we only have uh four blaze powder four that’s not very much and we still need to get ender pearls

Meaning that we need to kill enderman um snowballs people keep saying snowballs what do you mean what do you mean keep everyone saying keep your shield up as if i as if i don’t know that look i’ll keep my shield up they can still hit me

With fire if they hit the spot beside me keeping my shield up keeping my shield up there’s so many of them this is not the situation i want to be in minecraft hardcore okay all right keeping the shield up strap it’s doing okay right now how much fire is so much

There’s so many of them guys what am i supposed to do no blaze still hello okay you know what the keeping your shield up strap is doing okay right now oh but more just spawn i need to go unless i just go on an absolute rampage which i’m kind of making my i

I’ve might peaceing out peaceing out peaceing out peaceing out peaceing out hello stone axe does more damage to the blaze this is kind of a problem because i actually really need to heal it is kind of a beat isn’t it I’m so hungry i need more what are you hungry oh no i’m blowing hungry i’m so hungry i wish i was more chunky i need to kill the blaze but the fire is making a maze oh sound yes perfect perfect adelaide yeah that rhymes with hungry

People tell me to stop i don’t know like do you think i want this oh it stopped Keep your day job how dare you uh dennis would you rather kick or ice cream uh well moonlight i can’t have either because i’m lactose intolerant sorry but i appreciate your curiosity and my preference uh we had another blaze okay how many do you think we should get do you think

Eight is enough almost definitely not almost certainly 100 it is not enough if we get really lucky with the stronghold we can maybe do it if we had like i don’t even know what was what was the amount that i’ve seen people get before again you never know if it’s true or not

How many of these are actually even real what you see on youtube they all of a sudden they trade they get the pearls they go to the stronghold and it’s like oh i only need four eyes of ender to enter so often i get to the stronghold

And it’s like oh actually i still need to go get 10 more pearls unbelievable you guys think i should get 16 blaze powder 16 wait hold the phone an a stone axe is nine attack damage but an iron sword is six attack damage why what’s the point of a sword

And it doesn’t matter if it’s an iron axe it’s still well just a flex i’m gonna use an iron axe anyways but like what is the what’s the big idea i know you were telling me that but i don’t know i guess i just like

Oh wait we need another uh uh uh uh hold up gotta do this nice i’m feeling kind of fitted right now though okay oh they’re coming shield up nice i know they might spawn behind me i understand that i also don’t want you to like yeah drop

The blaze down there that’s the thing okay i’m gonna come over here come on come over here do i get it oh oh hold on i want it i actually need that rotten flesh wait uh you okay you know what guys i think we might

Actually be able to do this oh that’s a wither skeleton oh no thank you there All right let’s try that again all right come on now you were my first youtuber dennis thank you lordy uh don’t just don’t rap for the blazes don’t rap for the blazes why wouldn’t i rap for the blazes is it because they don’t deserve oh the poor hold on So oh oh hey doing all right hey what are you doing up there come on now look at this guys we’re just like we’re just like hanging out bye oh no ouchy all right i need to be careful i’m decent i’m piecing every time i’m on

Fire i’m just like you know what i can just take a little blaze break blaze break 12 we’re doing okay are you saying it’s too loud do you think the uh the game audio is too loud do let me know i can turn down a little bit i’m happy

To turn it down you’re gonna say if some people say this down yeah i need some keepers saying kinda too loud okay cool yeah i turned it down a little bit hopefully that’s better um okay just need a few more blazes the problem is i’m like out of food i don’t

Really want to have to make my way back on low health so i’m kind of wanting to like just go back now you know what i’m saying um i think i might do that actually no i am gonna do that no cap sorry i don’t know why i said that

I’m just trying to like you know we’re just having fun guys oh well hold on this is way better uh way better place to get boys i don’t know what i was doing over there still staying careful you know me i like being oh oh oh oh

That’s a lot of them but you know what i’m gonna risk it i’m gonna risk it i feel like okay i’m not risking it i’m not risking it anymore i’m running away and i’m running right into weather skeletons No no no no no i don’t have any food i don’t have any food I wanted to risk it because they’re all such low health right now and i could have just killed them they’re all red they’re so ready to kill they’re all so close to death can i eat any of this All right guys we got a very dangerous journey back to our portal there’s so many blaze rods we could get right there though it’s fine we’re doing this very carefully i could have been way less careful if i just wasn’t so uncareful a second ago

Oh my god sorry i don’t know why i’m burping elvis nervous burps it’s nervous oh my god okay okay it’s fine i can’t believe we didn’t get any ender pearls from trading the gold also all right it’s time to go home Oh i hear a cast oh that’s not good yes i know jump when i use the axe i know that i can jump i oh that’s the gas that’s the gas that’s the gas This isn’t very good is it this is like a pretty bad scenario to be in okay okay okay this is fine um i just need to i should go back where i was because there’s a very clear path i can run from where i was earlier yeah if i just uh okay

I just need to yeah i need to go back up there i think oh my god guys this is killing me this is killing me right now you gotta run i know guys i know uh oh my god what do i do i need to get out of here is what i need

To do i understand that okay i’m so close to death um thing is uh i remember coming up here through a like the purple wood whereas i’m currently running towards some green wood uh or bluewood i mean but i i i i i i i

I i i should be going where the purple wood was which uh could be uh somewhere over there oh geez guys what do i do eat oh yeah oh i should just eat right what was i thinking i could just eat oh my god

What do i do what do i do what do i do mushrooms whoa true oh my god you guys are geniuses wow oh It’s fine i’m gonna go get some stew guys okay how about we all just relax a little bit i’m moving a little bit too fast for my own good right now ah okay yeah i know my phone has the portal coordinates uh i know that it’s in that

Direction it’s just a matter of so it’s not it’s not that i don’t know where it is it’s just a matter of how can i get there safely but you guys are absolutely right that i should just try to make some mushroom stew i definitely think that’s the way to do it

Um can you make mushrooms do with these kinds of mushrooms though let’s do i don’t know how like the crafting book works also no you can’t no people are saying no okay okay so much minecraft knowledge okay terrifying sounds just what i need right now okay uh

So is this even the place to be looking then if if i’m trying to make mushroom stew because these aren’t the right mushrooms these aren’t the mushrooms what about these mushrooms can i make mushroom stew with these what about these ones crimson oh my god What are these sounds is so scary okay i feel like i need to be over there no i just need the normal i need the normal oh yeah i need to be over there that’s where i need to be that’s the mistake i’m making right now um oh

There’s a baby zombie it’s okay it’s not gonna kill me right it’s not like it wants to kill me that’s that’s a that’s only if if i wronged it which i did not okay all right all right taking this slow taking it easy okay nothing’s trying to kill me right now

That’s good it’s a good start all right uh let’s look for some mushrooms oh mushrooms oh kill the hoglands you want me to take on a hogland right now with two hearts yeah i’m not too sure about that um oh geez here all right take some mushrooms

Okay but i need to find red mushrooms surely as well right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um you know what would be cool is because we’re in 1.18 i could try to go find a mountain that would be cool uh the problem is is i hear uh yup yup okay

Okay we’re gonna head this way because for some reason i feel like making a one block wide bridge when i have two parts is the move oh my god okay this is where i can’t even sprint i can’t even sprint i’m so scared uh okay okay okay where did i come from

Oh oh oh where where whoo where did that come from where did that god but never forgotten thank you inkwaves you always have my back it’s fine it’s okay i’m not crying yet it’s fine what happened to the pals freddy fazbear origin series well basically we were making it about uh

How long ago was that six years ago and then we stopped one day hashtag rip thank you very much cousy all right guys well what’s done is done it’s fine your effort will always stay i really did try and not only did i try i feel like we got further than even i

Was expecting to get uh so you know i guess that’s the bar was pretty low but still if you were saying don’t leave hi glitch thanks for joining you made it just in time i’m curious to see how many people will leave if i pull up a rocket league game

A part of me wants to try playing one game of rocket league and see how many people actually stay to watch it but another part of me is terrified to do that because i will a hundred percent embarrass myself okay fine i’ll do it fine oh playing one game one game because i’ve

Already been streaming for almost three hours how do people do this every single day streamers are playing like all the time they’re always streaming all the time all the time crazy but for those who want to leave totally get it don’t feel obligated to stay we are we minecraft is done it’s done

We died um okay how does this work so now i’ve never actually tried recording streaming rocket league before so i don’t even know how well it’s gonna like you know sometimes with the stream settings you gotta like do all these things you know anyways though guys we’re gonna play a

Game of rocky league i’m gonna embarrass myself all right we’re gonna see how bad i am at rocket league i’m playing one game of rocket league we could do a tournament no i’m just kidding all right guys thank you everyone who joined also okay it shows that i’m

Diamond right now but actually last season i was champ so um don’t pay attention to these ranks okay they’re not it’s not real it doesn’t count okay i’m gonna do so bad i’m setting the bar really low so that i can’t embarrass myself i need to see if this

Game even runs well when i’m streaming i’ve never never tried it before is it frozen is it laggy oh lag oh cancel search okay it’s laggy you guys are saying i’m gonna here i’ll just keep doing it’s laggy framy bad frames framing okay okay okay good thing i didn’t start yeah

It’s framing it’s framing okay uh this is fine i’ll just do this Bad high performance performance performance performance performance apply oh god what is that ew and why is it still so creamy oh my god what a disaster guys i don’t know how to this is what i’m saying is i’ve never i’ve never actually set it up to be uh recorded so

I don’t know what like the right settings are i don’t know what to do guys um it’s still if it’s still framing and it’s like this i don’t i don’t really if i’m being honest i don’t like really know what to do and it’s like all gross looking now it’s so framing

Oh it fixed itself for a sec there there wait hold on it’s like not framing why did it stop being is this okay is this manageable well here let me fix it sorry i’m not doing it i’m all over the place i told you it was going to be a disaster guys ah

Wait why isn’t it working on what i do is that good i don’t know lag alert send in the choppers rocket fart all right okay oh god but it looks so bad and it’s still why is it still is it framing it’s totally still framing isn’t it

Is this manageable to watch for a game i’m not actually trying to do the training right now it’s very framed it’s very it’s pretty framing it’s pretty framing yeah i don’t know guys i don’t know about this one it’s very uh you know what is it watchable it’s fine it’s watchable

It’s like pretty framing i don’t know guys it’s pretty framing some of you people some of you saying it’s watchable i will i don’t know if i would consider this watchable i should go into a different mode this doesn’t make any sense what i’m doing kinda uh

I mean it’s like yeah it’s watch yeah it might have it might have its lag spikes here and there it’s fine i’m just doing i’m playing one game playing one game all right i’m playing on absolute peak lowest settings which doesn’t make sense because i feel

Like i should be i just don’t know the right settings that’s the thing with any game i can’t just boot up any game the settings change depending on what game it is it’s a whole thing just youtuber things i play rocket league with russo like all the time so maybe one day

We could stream us playing that would be fun maybe some duos what am i drinking mate libre passion flavor oh boy here we go don’t have high expectations guys bye everyone everyone who was coming for uh who was coming from minecraft thank you very much really appreciate okay i

Can’t look at the stream to see if it’s running well oh my god these settings ah oh no i missed it another pass nice nice shot you guys are saying it’s not lagging no laggy at all hey wonderful you want me to score okay i’ll try [Applause]

All right pass it to me oh what is my teammate doing i’m right here what are you doing i have the ball it’s my possession what are you doing sorry i’m not usually this toxic dunked idiot oops this is a game where i definitely can’t look at the chat

Oops it’s all right my bad that’s my bad that’s not bad get it go get it like nobody is hitting the ball it’s not good is it it is it wasn’t and i didn’t do anything oh people were saying lag now i sorry i can’t like i literally can’t

If i’m playing this i can’t like look and check and see if the stream’s doing okay this is a very scuffed stream right now but it’s just the one game because some of you guys didn’t want me to end right away so i’m saying it’s fine how do you guys actually play rocket

League i don’t i can’t tell anymore rocket league is like popular okay okay Rocket league’s like 100 my favorite game right now i play it all the time all the time a little bit too much oh you got that all right you got that good all right now pass it to me Uh okay oh sorry sorry oh boy score it Watch this watch the switches all right score it oh my god all right you got that you got that okay now i don’t know i don’t know what’s going on no he took my boost what is going on ah oh that was terrible my donkey no i cannot okay hey

Oh oh no i hit the uh oh close your eyes don’t look people are telling me to read the chat i don’t know how i’m supposed to read the chat and play this game at the same time all right pass it all right you got that oh No he’s gonna But i’m terrible at the game All right slot it he’s chasing me oh awkward awkward my bad i shouldn’t have jumped yeah i know it looks like are you guys talking about the stream quality or that i’m using an xbox controller are you making fun of the quality because for i can’t stream it in good

Quality for some reason even though i should be able to like i was running minecraft at 48 chunks oh nice man i feel like i’m not doing anything You’re kind of bad that’s what i get for streaming rocket league That’s okay okay fine you know what i’m going to show you that i’m actually good watch this oh free oops oh no get out of here oh oh nice big dunk back to me oh no that’s in unless we’re good unless oh keep it up keep it up keep it up get

Up get up i’m coming i’m coming i’m coming past me keep it up okay oh close okay People tell me to play minecraft if you just entered the stream um i uh i died i was streaming until i died i died but some people wanted wanted to see me play a game of rocket league so i figured i would do that first and then i’ll stop straight

This is fun though if you guys want to watch me play rocket league i mean so anyways you guys like watching me play rocket league i’m a okay with that i don’t know if i would make rocket league videos but um streaming rocket league on the other hand i can get behind that

I’m also very surprised how many people are still watching whenever i switched to rocket league from minecraft i was like convinced that we would have like i don’t know maybe like 800 viewers or something yeah people were saying it’s laggy man i wish i knew what to i would have to like

Re i would have to like revisit this like whole lag situation because it really shouldn’t be this laggy everyone is saying lag oh oh wait i’m also laggy oh it’s not just the game it’s me as well i am also laggy brett i don’t know what to do about that

It’s almost like it’s just them okay what if i quit out of this is it just rocket league it’s maybe rocket league just super scuffed for me yeah and now it’s fine and now i’m okay now i’m not laggy anymore bruh what here let’s go full cam

It’s dying the stream can’t take it anymore is this still i can’t tell if you guys can actually hear me fine now is this still lagging am i frozen i’m completely frozen now it’s saying it’s not laggy some people are saying it’s like some people people are saying it’s not laggy all right

I don’t know i can’t tell anymore guys based off the chat uh i’m going to assume that it’s just kind of like crapping out right now and it’s a like youtube related stream thing because on my end on my screen it seems to be fine but a lot of people are

Saying that it’s still really laggy now people are saying it’s good irregardlessly um obviously when i was playing rocket league it got super laggy somehow uh i’m assuming i need to figure out the the right you know um settings so that i can stream it properly if i am to stream rocket league

Uh but i yeah i was saying i don’t know when i froze but i was saying that i was very surprised how many people stuck around to watch some rocket league that was a lot of fun i would love to do that again and some more minecraft also that

Minecraft stream was super fun thank you everybody so much for coming i uh that was great what a great stream come on we didn’t win i wasn’t really expecting myself to win but you gotta have a goal anyways guys thank you so much for joining that was so much fun thank you

To all the new members thank you to everyone who donated you guys are so i just love you all so much i really can’t tell you how much i appreciate all of you showing up um that’s it though great stream thank you kitty gotcha fox for subscribing oh wait for it

Well never mind bye glitch bye everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you very much a lot of people were saying raft also i could maybe stream raft one day that is a definitely a good game that’s a good game to stream i’m just thinking about what is good games to stream

Anyway okay sorry i’m stopped delaying it goodbye everyone thank you for joining that was so much fun thank you so much that was so fun that i want to stream again soon what yeah oh raid somebody sure everyone go uh go to um i don’t know who’s streaming right now i don’t know

Who is a roblox uh streamer roblox stream roblox live uh oh my god i don’t know man you guys are really putting me on the spot right now uh i wanna at least send you to like a small streamer i’m gonna look at roblox live uh who is this

This would be fun if you’ve only played minecraft version by joining if you played the roblox one i know jackery’s clips have you been does this i wouldn’t play the roblox or the minecraft one be honest um i like it but yeah this person seems nice i don’t know i don’t

You guys really put me on the spot here um here you guys go raid uh this person’s stream how do i show this do i if i hide i want to go back goes into monkey you just hide this and then i go monitor i go monitor

I go monitor that’s pretty good alma how do i show this guys i’m so bad at streaming oh my god saw making fun of me why are you still here absolute tank here go raid uh oh my god why am i so bad at this uh it’s really bothering me uh uh

This this okay this monitor and then i hired this why isn’t it showing why isn’t it showing i don’t know why i just noticed the monitor show there it’s there why don’t you guys see it why isn’t why don’t you see the monitor yeah yeah it’s right there

It’s not showing why isn’t it showing good where i need to where why is it so relaxing watching him draw are you guys relaxed watching this is this a relaxing uh vibe okay it’s hello chase rooney jack let me do a speed run drawing of chase here i’m putting it i’m spamming it

In the chat sign in to chat i need to sign in to chat in my own stream hi from dennis stream dennis stream jack dennis is watching your stream dennis like dennis daley the daily uploader dennis who i don’t think uploads daily dennis hey dennis jacqueries i don’t believe

You jacquarie’s jackery’s how’s dennis upload daily i don’t think he does anyways go watch the stream i’m trying so hard to show it on screen why are you on my stream dude why is he here jack i’m trying hello to show your stream on my stream but i’m failing miserably

Anyways but watch the stream i’m trying so hard to show it on screen and now i’m hearing myself i’ve always been a big subscriber i love your stream your chat your cartoon hi dennis what the heck all right guys actually watching what the heck all right thank you everyone for joining

I’m gonna end it there go raid jack jackeries jack reese i just looked up roblox live and he popped up so if you have a problem finding

This video, titled ‘Streaming till I die (Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore)’, was uploaded by Denis on 2021-12-12 23:41:38. It has garnered 833268 views and 15027 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:56 or 11216 seconds.

minecraft 1.18 update aaaaaaaaaah Twitter –

#Minecraft #Denis #DenisMinecraft

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  • SpiralGN

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

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    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

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  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

Streaming till I die (Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore)