Stumpt – A Scary New World – Minecraft: MC Eternal Modpack #1 (Multiplayer)

Video Information

Hey buddy welcome to some possession Trevor repressing jasmine welcome to MC eternal y’all a new minecraft series there’s a lot going on in this one I have a friend a little chameleon sorry also what is this guy like a little tree dude a grove sprite look at this little guy yeah just come

On looks like Groot oh yeah he looks like grew from the other side yeah look at this guy really cute so this this modpack is sort of more of a kitchen sink mod pack than we’ve ever played before there is a ton in this mod

Pack but I will say I think I said it at the very start of the last series as well that this mod pack is dangerous at night and so I’ve given us enough to at least make a bed each so we should we should work on making chopping down some

Trees making a little base and at least making ourselves like a safe space Dimond is up in the tree is anything sorry apparently uh very first thing that I’m gonna do y’all is uh I’m gonna make a team except and then members how do i click here think about that how do

You click on the screen game quests my team upper left ashes Justine and I on your team now yes go up to upper left since yeah I think I’m on a team now yeah quick ashes team it’ll put you on the team great I made a crafting table

Guys okay cool where should we set up our high down here where I’m at you know there’s some nice flat lance we want a nice flat land cuz we’re gonna want to grow and farm a lot of stuff in this modpack truth not that this first base

Needs to be our our forever base but I’m gonna do okay you’re not gonna be with us don’t want to sorry a wood axe I made one in Connecticut to the last thing that I’ll say y’all is that if you guys at home want to play along with us

We’re using the seed all lowercase cheeseburger cheeseburger in Paris oh man I’m pressing here’s how I know exactly I have been playing too much gunfire reborn I just try to switch the weapons in the same way I do in that game because I’ve changed buttons anyway

Do we have tree Kappa tater yes we do hold tilde the whole or my so cool all right okay floating away I’m floating away don’t float jazz what’s happening it’s that fade leaf oh all right where do – go oh there you guys over here sorry I’m conveyed them away haven’t you

Done okay don’t fade away don’t fade away with me boom oh this is kind of cool that’s like a what is this it’s like a fountain should we build near this fountain I’m gonna I was um I’m gonna harvest a bunch of stone because I think jazzy you pointed out that we may

Want to be careful in our hello piggies in our construction because one of the very first quests game gives you a couple of packages right at the very start so starting quest before you can even begin your new adventure you have to sign your contract which essentially

Says that your soul belongs to me for all eternity blah blah blah everything that you ever create is in perpetuity is property every time you download iTunes you get you get it it’s you know it’s understandable exactly stump to Apple I’m confused there’s a gift package quest now that

Comes in the form of a forgotten trash can open up without forgotten trash can oh wait maybe I got to do this so I unlock this quests okay oh boy click the gift sure so this is just like the last one that we did huh and we’ve all made

Beds you met those rewards put on rubber chicken Swedish meatballs world’s smallest violin you know I can’t wait to play the world’s smallest violin for all y’all okay what’s this question a too much stuff on me right now let’s copy the contract and that stuff okay rewards a piper hat okay

I am so confused – so what are we what do you want me to do there’s the trap forgotten forgotten trashcan it gives you some starting starting items where’s the forgotten trash there it is okay looks like a chest didn’t look like a trash can right y’all need to redefine trashcan oh goodness

Ooh cool do we get a small trashcan no but besides giving you some armor and some other items that gives you these intestines the intestines are sort of like gift bags too by the way you know slime it’s like haggis it’s a gift that keeps on giving

So do want to explore a little or do I just kind of boogie well I’m kind of I’m hungry into this little area here I’m gonna just build like a quick little like mini base at least for me if y’all want to join you’re welcome to would

Like to join you little hidey hole inside of this hill hey over here it has pants and a shoes that was me I had too much crap on me okay I’ll take your boots then okay take it so right underneath and I’ll see this if you come

Across a cemetery you see a bunch of gravestones there’s gonna be some bad boys to spawn there so just watch out for that yeah there’s electric Bob’s in this – and there’s actual like wizard circles don’t go into them they will trap you don’t go in there you see it do

You see there’s one right over there don’t go over there go remember you got trapped in one last time calling you out as you said you wouldn’t tell anyone my surprise were you building how you started building it yes I’m right next to jazzy okay I’m just digging into the

Hill right now nothing’s fancy but I figured I got from one of the one of the quest things okay you’re doing the same thing I needed whoa build me a door though yes that’s the other thing that we need to and I’m just gonna like start open

This up a little bit more and then I should build a uh that’s I’ll do I’m gonna build a furnace so we can start cooking some wood so we can make some charcoals we can make some tortious tortious okay and so it’s been the last Packer that we had didn’t have tinker’s

But this one isn’t like tinker’s is a big part okay cool no just up above me um move it down here yet it yeah okay did you do all right price I’ll help you yeah uh I just figured if there’s things that can bust through walls then going ahead and just

Using ready-made stone it’s probably a good way donut I’m whenever I play minecraft I tend to start out as like a creepy weird dwarf I’m just like I’m gonna dig into the ground oh yeah hide away for centuries I’m a hobbit how much staying in the ground as long as I can

Honestly honestly for me I’d rather build like a really fancy house that’s totally no one gets to see a chicken rubber chicken oh you can make I don’t even think about that you can make crafting stations huh I’m gonna oh boy okay this is our lives guys were there

Any did we get any torches at the world smallest violin I love it so much tunes and none of our supply drops did we get any torches did we know so I just found some coal and I just made a furnace so I cooked up some charcoal so we can

Definitely that’s smart that’s smart in that chess I also got a bunch of rat burgers so you know we all guess I think we all got some rat burgers so jasmine mentioned or have we talked about the we haven’t talked about in the recording that there’s there’s some supernatural

Stuff in here like vampirism and a hundred percent vampirism and rats yep that wrapped a supernatural man yes animal rats what’s up Jess cook can give me a couple some like what just one oh yeah yeah I don’t want to make a wooden take if I don’t have to say like

If you guys have ever played dishonored that’s the style of rat see wow this cave here ash it’s okay hey actually it’s just a little bit of cool people jazzy’s already broken the alliance no I didn’t eat you all right so what what do

We need to be so you said tinker’s is a big part of this what else look for someone like me someone who you’re gonna be happy but you’re gonna be real take a look at this uh this mod this quest log again because I don’t think we’ve really

Properly shown off the scale of the quests so we’ve got our intro quest but if you even zoom out oh wow intro section there is there’s quite a lot to behold in the intro but then yeah along the side there is quite science Sorry you got space as well in this one as well oh my god Rick Rick go click on the space one there is like a space Nickerson it’s great I’ll say this – what I’m excited about I’ve been when when I was playing with jaws I was having a hard time like understanding

How to do some of the automation that could potentially be done in this modpack because I’ve seen people get very advanced where they have like a ton of like almost unlimited resources like in a sky factory s Quay and I was having a hard time understanding like how they

Did that and I think that it can be accomplished with a combination of like the Agra capped and mystical agriculture – like get the resources from those mm-hmm and then Auto harvesting either via Steve’s carts which we’ve used in the past okay or yeah you were that you

Were the Steve’s cars expert right or instead instead of doing Steve’s carts in this playthrough I really want to figure out these rats man because the rats can be made to do oh absolutely I like the monkeys in survivalists hundred percent on board with befriend increasing them do our bidding for us

Yes I feel like I I appreciate that style of story I guess keep hitting B fur bag and it’s green idea mm-hmm we haven’t told that the the rats is very resource-intensive so we may not be oh well you might not be doing the rats right away these sorts intensive does

That mean like resources that ye are gathering or do you mean like memory no no I mean like resources that we have – okay gotcha gotcha gotcha general is very resource intensive in the memory way though this is for people that want to play along with us this is the

Biggest pack I’ve ever played no no but in general like minecraft is like one of the most resource heavy games that we ever play when it comes to the back because mod packs they’re just it’s never gonna compress it’s always gonna just be oh you want you want to do more

Things cool just have more computer just have more did you guys get more silkworms did I get more silkworms yes I believe so oh yeah I can hear well let me let me sleep maybe no I can’t is it just one like it’s to sleep I sleep I need my bed as well

We slept okay so just what ya’ll know I I’m building this here just to be able to like go ahead and have a downstairs um have multiple levels so then if we want to do some mining at night we can do that without having to worry about it infecting or

Getting into the area where we are sleeping so I’m gonna I’m gonna run around a bit actually and see if I can find us one of the things that was really helpful for me in jazz is we found one of those there’s free pre generated houses that had a dungeon

Underneath it and there’s rocket creepers they straight up likes go into the sky and explode I see a blue creeper there’s a lot of weird stuff out here what go in the sky it literally like goes into a fire rocket and then it dies bombs you I do not appreciate this oh

That’s crazy that was intense ooh boy I’m gonna go exploring for one of those those houses because I think those houses are actually a pretty good starter base if we can find one I I would like to figure out exactly what automation stuff we’ve got here so I know where to start okay

Steam dynamos I’ve used those before pulverizers red stuff oh okay industrial for going I don’t think I’ve ever done before animal babies separator oh this is the ash stuff ash was good at that oh that’s from Steve’s cards right yeah yeah that’s just sound oh I don’t

Believe I’ve ever named that animal baby separator There’s two skeletons that are like warriors with armor yeah they’re pretty tough right no I I was fighting one and then it got blown up by the creeper now is there there’s not a tree having to do with bees so I’m gonna assume that the bees are pretty basic in this one that

It doesn’t go full LASIK I I think it is the crazy bees that you’ve used in the past price I just don’t think there’s quest life for it if it’s if it’s that then guess what your boy is gonna get us everything eventually and it’s all gonna be wonderful

Bebe gonna be yeah gonna be honey this is an interesting biome that we started off in as well because I’m almost positive that it’s a Pam’s harvest craft biome because everybody free is a different orchard thing reminder we do also still have a miner as well I just learned that so if you

Did make a wooden pick just just bust it real fast that’s what I just did yep I’m ready to eat something yeah I I’m gonna I’m gonna kind of build out this area here and I’ll probably start the steam power stuff because I definitely worked with those in the past and I

Guess looking for goods but then as soon as I can I’d like to get some some B’s going on you know yeah like the very first thing that I always like to work on is establishing where we want our permanent base so that I can make us the

Simple storage because simple storage is just so nice to have early on I make a better sword than this yeah I need to uh That’s guts I’ve got yeah I know I know I’m getting a pickaxe I can fix that yeah when I’m busted thank you yep put some stuff away a cup out chicken we’re gonna get kung pao chicken from I think that was in the intro package okay I got

A wooden box right all right I guess let me make a scoop I’m gonna go look for these real quick school if I can make it I think build something to connect mine do you work on the look on the minimap oh that’s right there’s also skilled

Looks guys sticks we could do that thing again oh yeah there’s a skill book thing where you can choose to be a warrior neat how do I do that oh it’s it’s a main material yeah warrior skill book artisan lumberjack zealot miner spelunker archaeologist farmer scout or your hermit assassin

Fisherman that’s the farmer do out where I’m at y’all I found like a flat plains like a basic basic green field type of biome mm-hmm that’s of any interest to us making a be a miner a forever home I found some vampire hunters over here we’re cool though

Right we’re cool yeah they’re just out here like James the hunter oh my god James you look amazing is this an axe or like a sign on a stick yeah all right I need to find a sheepy if I shave dude I love all the fruits on the trees and

Things okay this is gonna be a we’re in for a long one aren’t we all this is gonna be a long series I can feel it yep because there’s there is literally something for everyone in this modpack because it is like I said the overwhelming and largest mod pack I owe

Him guys by the way what happened to Muslims I think these are the rare hunters yep these are the Empire hunters what happened to our dragons you know they actually had a better life hmm you know just doing things by themselves so they’re just like you know peace out did

They find that y’all later yeah and yeah they realized like why are we following these guys orders fair I mean that’s fair you know I’ll miss them oh there’s an emerald and uh we’re on one of them drank one of our pina coladas and then just like we didn’t see him again

Dang I’m bet they’re killing their pants down here laughing at me guys uh-oh I’m in a maza oh oh oh oh no no getting out let me do it yes let me out you know I’m just gonna close this up you guys see me there’s like an actual

Like switch and it opens up like a whole basement there’s trees just on fire that’s good yeah okay I found a there’s a tower over here oh I have a full I haven’t seen this mud before y’all so there’s a mod called treasure and I found a building

That has a pirate chest in it that’s locked and I can’t break the chest I can’t open it so apparently like we need to find keys and speaking of pirates I’m over at a pirate ship right now this guy’s great he’s ridiculous he’s got like the most

Basic face oh my goodness there’s deer just just chilling just do you Danish Prince live a dear to me Jasmine where the hell are you ashen I’m trying to come to you yes oh crap did any of us actually mark where home is Wow Wow right right I’m very close to

Your home price like I grabbed all my stuff so we could like relocate there’s a an animal monster spawner over here with a bunch of runes on it Rick get close to it but definitely a monster spawner yeah where’s where’s the place that you were talking about ash so

Just past that tower that you sort of see in the distance yeah I’m running to my death spot there’s really nothing on this ship all right I’m coming back the edge as if you want to if you’re interested in helping us build a home

You don’t you know have to me no I would love to build a home so I was I was thinking about building out in this this flat plains the nugs that I found because I found a lot of nugs oh so it’s right over here Rick I think

This is like a vampire mausoleum because there are some vamps I think in the basement of this ooh so this is a flat Plains biome and I think anywhere on the flat plains would be good because there’s there’s gonna be some some farming that we have to do rice okay

Oh what is this building over here ash maybe we could use that’s the that’s the place that had the pirate chest that I couldn’t open oh you can open it okay I was gonna be like maybe we could live in here I’m coming back to you guys

Wait you couldn’t open the chest or you couldn’t open the building you can open the building but I could not open the chest that’s inside it and it can’t break the chest either so it’s like you know it’s gonna be a chest in there why

Don’t we build off of this I can put a door on here and this could like be our please sleep for right now at least with that over here for a little bit and then I’ll come meet up with y’all because I want to kind of get at least like some

Resources and things here I don’t think y’all are too far from where I’m at right we’re not too far we’re about like two minutes runnin okay so now I can once it get some stuff kind of going here we can I can then meet up with

Y’all oh damn I found a lot of good stuff all right I’m coming back I got a drop a lot of stuff off I found like a witch’s Hut and I just killed her and I took her treasure but she’s got too much treasure for me I gotta come

Back to this a couple of doors and then I will just put down my bed for now I guess this way expand this room a little bit we break this uh James the vampire hunter help me look screams the vampire hunt she’s super basic and I love him

Gotta love it God his face his face is just like a white face with a little black yeah crooked smile I’m coming back let’s sleep price okay give me sack just kind of put stuff away hello okay hoof man its Europe it’s nasty out there yarr alright

I have no place to pull this crap I just made another chest over here if you want to address oh thank you and these seagulls they’ve got things to say guys do they they will they will not shut up they will know it boy howdy I

Like that we can be in the chest at the same time mm-hmm it’s kind of amazing I feel like that’s like new Minecraft technologies okay so I got a scoop I just need go find some bees I know I had seen one nest there’s definitely a nest just like right outside our door

Yeah this one like not too far from here all right where were you have no idea where the other boys went so they went kind of north west ish yeah if you look at the gym that’s exactly right Northwest across a river crosser okay I’m gonna go back for that which is a

Booty cocoa peas I know what you meant I know it’s you man I see a sunken ship in the distance I love the sound of seagulls this is like so immersive right now you know you love it now until it keeps you up at the moment like just hanging out at the

Beach seagulls make me wish I was at the real beach but you know oh these are pants okay there are some pam’s hives not forestry hives need to find some thorough camp sighs but I believe if you look for forestry hives you know it I know for she hives also exist in this

It’s just the ones that I’m finding around here are all Pam’s I need to crap I should probably also mark on the map we’re homeless I really should do that Oh Oh guys ice and fire mud is in here so we can have a dragon’s back hey we

Gotta go get him back from party town we let them all go to the to the beach and they were like we’re gonna chill here for a bit and hopefully they’ll return one day hopefully also that’s scary you ready for your house to get burned down okay got those queen bees Boop

J I seriously just moved the chess over there because I was gonna expand out that way no you get it so I made a double chest over here until we figure out where we want the storage to be guys use guys lose guys guys yeah I’m gonna

Slowly bring stuff over there at least to like make a thing else then so I can make this mod I love Betania a lot of gardening stuffs in this mod it’s pretty crazy oh the dear cute aren’t they a god the deer is so cute they’re so adorable

They got little red noses all right you guys said North West or north east north west okay okay and aside wow you guys are very far away oh there’s a a battle tower here is that what there’s we’re just past we’re just past that battle tower do the flowers are so pretty in

This yeah Oh chicken give me your head give me your hat chicken no this is someone with the head the wizard hat trousers yes that was the most hot pop was your hair I’ve ever heard you sound your hair wait what pop-up no just give me your hair oh no yeah there’s seagulls

Gross there’s a lot of seagulls over here no one wants to live with a seabird you guys living in this like ruin yes we’re I can’t put a bet on carpet can i no that’s so stupid alright yeah it’s dumb I agree each passenger rail horrors dead bush

That’s some cool stuff wow that really there’s a ton of flowers over here by this thing Wow like all the different colors in this field hmm they’re very pretty I also found a luck of the fishing or fish holy fishing rod and look at the sealer three mending ooh

Yeah I got some good surfs I guess what is would you fun oh my god why’d you put it down pick it up can you yes I can okay okay thank God what did you what did you put down what’d you find all of you guys just so you’re aware I think in

One of the like one of the things that you have a chance of getting as a drop in one of those like intestines I mean is this turtle thing it’s it’s a turtle mine oh my gosh no but step on it it’s the cutest thing in the world

No sure why not that’s so messed up

This video, titled ‘A Scary New World – Minecraft: MC Eternal Modpack #1 (Multiplayer)’, was uploaded by Stumpt on 2020-07-13 15:00:06. It has garnered 76391 views and 2084 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:53 or 1793 seconds.

Minecraft is back! This time we’re checking out the MC Eternal modpack! This kitchen sink modpack is huge and it comes with some fun mods such as VAMPIRES, RATS, CRAZY MONSTERS and more!

Check out the link below for more info on the modpack! We are using the world seed: cheeseburger

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    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • 🌍 • Map: 🐦• Follow me: 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → X→ [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: Discord: Read More

Stumpt – A Scary New World – Minecraft: MC Eternal Modpack #1 (Multiplayer)