Suev – I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!

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I survived 100 days on a raft in Hardcore Minecraft I’m stuck in the middle of an ocean with nothing but a fishing rod and some floating debris not only that but this ocean is full of sharks Pirates and other dangerous creatures that I don’t want to run into

My mission is to survive build out a beautiful raft and hopefully create a little villager civilization this is one of the most entertaining 100 days I’ve ever done so without further Ado everybody relax grab your favorite snacks and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days on a raft in Hardcore Minecraft Okay here we are we are stranded on a raft surrounded by absolutely nothing which is uh not very good but we did start off with just a fishing rod and we have items that says spawn in and Float around us which is helpful because we

Can drag them in so thank you very much I’ll take these leaves even though they’re almost nothing I need them I also see something in the distance over there oh here we go here’s a crate and these should already have items inside of them look at that we already got some

Iron and potatoes that’s actually a really good start we also got a spruce sapling yeah we’re going to want to stay above the water as much as we can because I don’t know what’s lurking down here there can be some sharks but it appears items have stopped floating

Around us for now so for the time being I’ll just regularly fish and hopefully we can get something oh here we go first catch we got a red grouper if we can get some more of these crates that would be amazing what is over there oh my goodness I don’t think that’s friendly

We’re gonna stay away from that and we got a bunch of oak leaves which are actually good for saplings oh jellyfish oh you can throw it into a poison potion make sense or you can cook it into a slime ball so I might actually come in handy

Oh Driftwood what can you do with that oh four Oak planks oh there’s another Barrel boom and we have a lot of samplings what I’ll actually do is just extend it out in one line so that we can kind of place more down [Applause] awful sunrise or rather Sunset that’s

What it is it is officially night time and I did get a piece of coal which is pretty nice because that means we can light or a little wrapped up thank you very much and there’s more string we’re working our way towards getting a bed

I’m at nine already is that a shark oh no see this is why I really didn’t want it to become nighttime another Barrel oh yeah make a bed oh but I need a grafting table and oh oh my goodness that scared me okay give me that and we

Should definitely be able to make a bed now Bam with that I can sleep off the first night it’s a new day and we are very much so surviving and thriving hey wait you know what now that we have a lot of wood let’s make a boat and that way we can collect these items on the outskirts

Without being in too much danger our trees are starting to grow very nicely so much so that we can start making tools Oh and there’s another Barrel very nice another Barrel getting a lot of barrels this day thank you very much come here oh no don’t go oh no where’d that go we’re not doing a great job of limiting our trips into the water are we in our acacia tree grew

Oh I guess there’s uh mod that let’s just chop it all down on one shot let’s let’s turn all of those into slabs and we can start to really extend out our platform we’ve extended it out one block no I’d really like to make a furnace which I

Actually have enough Cobblestone to do so that’s perfect bam and we can start cooking up a ton of things including food and ores whoa is that a fly fish is that what it is oh that’s so cool I had no idea what they looked like before oh my goodness look at that

We got a water bottle oh somebody got nine cold did I already have that I don’t know either way give me that tree and we have a lot more dirt than I thought we did so we can definitely start extending out a platform like so

And we can grow a bunch of trees and uh the second night is here so we’re gonna sleep that off really quickly foreign These barrels just have so much okay now we have a lot of ways in which we can start expanding our wrath and I don’t know what the best way is I guess uh there really is no best way so I’ll just start doing something I will keep farming the species but actually we

Should start growing Oak as well because I think using the two together could be nice and we can add another layer and this one will go all the way beside our tree farm Foods starting to become a sort of an issue obviously I have a lot

Of food but it would be nice if we can get some food Farms going and let’s see how would we want to do that well we could start building a farm out in this direction for potatoes and that’s going to require more dirt so hopefully we can

Get some more barrels and just dirt itself also four iron ingots I’m making a set of iron boots you know we need some type of armor nope and another tree crew right above me yeah these trees are starting to invade our space a lot and you know what for

The sake of uh not hurting our eyes too much let’s change these jungle planks into some Spruce ones and I think that’s gonna make the base look a little bit nicer and there’s another crate or Barrel I keep calling them crates for some reason

Oh this one had a lot of dirt in it beautiful we’re starting to extend in this way as well and we will continue our Oak planks there we go what is that dude oh my God so that’s why we just don’t go in the water and I

Just feel like I’m being attacked from all angles I don’t feel safe it’s not great you know I mean I guess the good news is I’m getting these random items delivered to me which makes my life a lot easier I’m not sure if keeping some of the items out here reduces the amount

Of items that can spawn because I do want to make sure I’m getting as many of the barrels as possible I’ve got to tell you though our raft is really starting to come along I should also start to grow our crops and there’s another night to the Shell plant our potatoes and wow

Our spruce trees are now starting to grow beautiful Okay that means we got a bunch more wood and I do think we should start building out and here’s what we’ll do we’re gonna add another layer around this with spruce and I left a little bit of space for some more dirt to expand with and on

This side we still have a good amount of expanding to do so I left that completely open and I’m not sure exactly how I want to extend this out figure we kind of need to figure it out as we go you know what here’s what we’re gonna do we are gonna

Create a circular part over here and that should be easy enough Whoa what happened over here oh my goodness there was definitely a shark or something around here holy moly dude anyways back to what I was doing Here we go all done but yeah glass that would be really nice to have for this build it could just try to get that sand for example but we’re definitely gonna do that during the day not during the night let’s try to make some iron leggings before I do anything at least

Oh and you know what I can use these iron nuggets that I’ve been getting or more iron ingots that’s awesome and I’ll use at least one of those to make a shovel and then the other three for an ax probably just because of how much

I’ve been having to use an ax and I’m going to make another furnace so that we can smell some more food there we go iron leggings and there’s not really any great way of doing this but let’s try oh my goodness dude let’s

Try and get some sand oh boy oh no no no we’re also running out of water breath oh goodness okay ah no no no no let’s try to get as much as we can there’s another Barrel wonder if these barrels upgrade as the days go

By at all I don’t know if I’ve noticed any upgrades yeah it seems like they’re about the same I’d love to add some kind of border around everything as well I think we can use fences and I guess I’m just gonna rinse and repeat this for a little bit Good old glass okay I’ve gotten 34 glass and I’ve also added a mod that makes it so that you can create glass slabs which would save me a lot of trouble to be honest but I need a glass cutter to do so which requires a diamond so yeah I

Can’t do it yet unfortunately however with the limited amount of glass that we do have we can still add some design and that is already looking beautiful it would also be really nice if we could add little bit of a glass Circle here there we go and I’m thinking this can

Become our new main area we should kind of move our things over bam chests hmm there we go looking pretty good looking pretty good we can also add glass over here and we need more but I’m gonna sleep first sharks are getting closer and closer I

Feel like I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t really like it I gotta tell you boom and we have classified our raft looking good now unfortunately I don’t think that we will be able to find any Islands I’m gonna swim out here very

Carefully but I want to try to see if we can find anything useful to us oh we got a temple over there with the barrel on top actually I don’t think this is like a motion Monument though ruined vanilla Temple okay interesting so it’s kind of safe I do oh

Hold on let me break that spawner come on break break oh my goodness this is taking forever to break oh oh let’s go let’s go okay not good not good at all hello drowned good thing I came here during the day I’m gonna take you out fella good guy all right and

Oh we got a diamond Emerald iron wait this is actually perfect for us because I needed a diamond for the glass cutter and this will very much help us out I don’t know if we want to push our luck and look any further into this place if

There even is anything oh there is oh okay we got another Diamond melon seeds that’s beautiful beetroot seeds Okay let’s leave you know it’s almost night time I did not bring my bed with me and I don’t want to risk anything there’s my boat my beautiful boat okay let’s head back home

Thank you foreign Can I make this glass cutter is the question Stone oh I need Stone and I’m curious as to what’s over there we should definitely check that out boom three stone and glass cutter perfect so now if I place that down and put glass in boom we can make glass slabs we can

Also make glass stairs and glass bottles so that is awesome kind of want to extend the glass going through to here and oh well the connection on these slabs isn’t too seamless I’ve got to tell you the truth um well then I guess that’s uh that’s

The price you have to pay when you try to get glass for cheaper so here’s what I can do not ideal but I guess it is what it is okay you know what I guess here because I’ve already used regular glass we’re just gonna have to stick with that theme

And then in other places we can use these glass slabs Maybe I’m sure they’ll still come in handy yeah but that looks a lot better we can also make a shield which would be a great addition to our defenses and I would like to quickly swim out and see

What is over at that structure that we saw or is it this way here we go what what are these oh what are these oh they have scuba helmets I don’t know if killing them will give me a scuba helmet but I know that there’s scuba gear which

If I get it’ll help me out a lot hello yep you’re gone where’s the other one all right did they have any loot here strange a little structure it does have sand that’s easy for us to get and a chest with a fishing rod with cursor Vanishing that’s not very helpful to the

Gauze this is literally the most collectible stand we’ve seen in the whole uh 100 days so far Back onto the raft we go there you are there you are And there we go that’s filled in I’m not sure how I can make this transition look nicer I’m gonna have an arrow there right now which is a bit weird um but it’s all right okay well I figure we should try and do some more adventuring just because it’s been giving us some

Pretty good stuff and hasn’t been too too dangerous so let us see what we can find let’s see okay what are we gonna find oh oh I see a ship um I don’t know what’s oh my goodness and that is a shark and some other creatures oh okay these are possibly fightable because

They all seem to be melee oh except that skeleton is not oh and that okay zombie wants a piece of meow right away oh they’re all okay Undead sailor oh boy okay we gotta be careful oh there’s a drowned uh chasing me and there’s another undead sailor they’re not doing

Too much damage some baby drowned oh no okay thank you and ow oh grab grab grab ow that actually hurt way more than I thought it would these are probably useful to pick up aren’t they actually if we shift on these while mining blocks they will be pretty helpful right these

Ones oh yep there we go there they go there they go take you out ow okay you do some damage but we gotcha oh here we go I don’t know if there’s a spawner here or what but sailor come here buddy and you know what I’m just gonna make my

Way in through the bottom oh I got boots but I already had some okay two iron axes instant damage gunpowder some good stuff here I’ll take these books for sure and let’s see I hear a spider multiple spiders huh dead dead loyalty to distance too interesting and I’m just

Gonna grab everything and I can get my hands on because we are not exactly the most rich quick charge oh iron swords I’ll take those and fish that’s good too oh my goodness why did so many sharks spawn okay well it’s definitely a good time to head back

And it looks like there’s another building over here oh I’m greedy aren’t I let’s quickly check it out okay here we go chest okay cool Emerald um okay good look how close that is which way do I have to go I think it’s this way oh there’s another mob no thank

You home sweet raft oh it feels good to be back and there was a barrel here thank you uh oh this one is way too close for comfort hey get away from my raft okay now I figure that the next best thing to do which might not be

Optimal but I’d like to do it is to go mining underground for just a little bit then we can head back here and work on extending our base somewhere also we are definitely going to sleep off the night once more uh I’m gonna just go straight under our base

And we should be careful with how we break down here I don’t want to fall straight into a cave and die thank you very much someone got coal which I don’t mind finding at all oh here we go we got something here I don’t know if it’s necessarily going to

Be a full cave oh okay we’re good a lot of coal down here iron here we go that’s what we want and Redstone as well which I don’t know maybe that’ll come in handy I actually do wonder if we can make use of that to create some nice Contraptions on our

Raft I guess we’ll find out oh and diamonds that was actually really fast I’ve barely been mining at all and I already found diamonds that’s very nice oh only thing is I only have two baked potatoes left um that’s an issue that is definitely an issue lapis

Oh you scared me sir don’t appreciate that at all oh good and I think that’s the first creeper I’ve seen I hate creatures yep goodbye goodbye okay well that’s my last baked potato which definitely means it’s time to go back up to the surface nice we’re already up to the surface

Perfect okay let’s see now if we really want to extend out our raft I need more dirt as this finally grown oh it has oh nice I wonder if it’s uh possible to get some animals on here at all I don’t know if we can find any anywhere it would

Really be great if we could the potato farm is done and now we can transition into working on our carrot farm that is where we’re gonna need more dirt so what’s the best way to get dirt underground is definitely an option and same with adventuring see if there’s any

Dirt over in this area where it was easy to get sand no nothing here okay let’s sit down and hopefully we can find some dirt underground oh yep in fact reminder right past it before all right goodbye shovel they’re beautiful you just got a bunch of dirt almost two stacks that is

Exactly what I was looking for so let’s get back to work noting Island Place 100 dirt I have definitely done that there we go carrot Farm is starting I will also add it to our tree farm and I should probably extend this one a bit as well

And I think the next big thing that I’d like to work on is a mob farm which we’re going to need a lot of building blocks for and right now the easiest block to get is definitely wood just because that’s really the only one we can automatically get on a rack so the

Best thing that I can do is chop downward first of all but second of all it would probably be a good idea to extend it out even more than I have quite small right now if I’m being honest and I’m thinking we can extend it

Out this way so I’ll just break some of this and we are going to extend it out look at that that is a beautiful animal right there hello I’m not gonna kill you buddy [Applause] we just need a little bit more dirt to mod we’ve got to have some nope I don’t

I don’t think we do Oh hello shark yep I see I see why there’s floating fish there never mind oh my goodness oh yeah oh the shark’s gone now so we’ll just take what it left behind okay all righty okay oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I thought it was gone I’m

Pretty sure they have something with how they see right they can’t just see you directly so I mean I guess I’m safe first of all let’s make the rest of the gear we need boom boom okay it seems like this fish is aggressive because it’s trying to attack

Me what the heck man I need to go back down for some more dirt once more well I found Redstone not dirt though I meant y11 at this point so I guess I might as well start strip mining I don’t know what else to do I’ll kill two birds

With one stone I guess here’s lava which usually is a good sign not in this case though dirt never been so happy to find dirt in my life there is a very good amount of dirt here which I’m gladly taking all at once we’re up to two and a half stacks now

And that’s a solid three stacks and I just realized my audio was broken for the first little bit there but it is what it is oh and just like my shovel I guess Foreign Enough dirt to finish this up Yeah sharks are going ham around our base like look at this guy oh my God is he trying to swoop up at us or fish because that looked like it was trying to get us it’s a hundred percent trying to get to us there’s no way it’s not look at this thing

Look at this thing this is terrifying there are a lot of sharks down here too which is not ideal oh and they’re fighting each other too oh my God yeah I don’t know we don’t want to mess with that yeah okay the tree farming is going

Great I would say it is time to extend our raft here okay for the mob farmer I’m thinking we can just extend this way now we will continue using glass for the pathway here just like so and in that case we should probably just connect this over there we go sleep up night

Okay and we will make another Circle here And for this one maybe we can do the outer layer with glass and then we’ll still fill it in with solid blocks do however need more sand again so let’s go to the same place as before hello old friend that’s sad I’m making a location my

Friend at this point just because I have no one to talk to foreign And now I can finish filling in this border bam and I don’t know how this is going to end up looking but plan is now to fill the rest in with Oak slabs Not bad not bad and then for the spawner it is gonna be a little bit uneven but it is what it is we’ll have them land right here and for this to work we’re gonna need chests here actually place them like oh why are they still underwater I don’t know but that’s fine

And then we need hoppers on top of them on top of those we will place slabs before I finish up with that let me sleep off the night and I can start working on the design for this okay there’s The Hoppers and now we gotta build this up 20 more blocks now

We build out eight total on each side look at that thing is that friendly that might just be a friendly little dolphin is what it is I don’t know I don’t know what that is that a shark or a dolphin looks like a dolphin I don’t know man

And now I just have to build up a two wide wall and it’s nighttime but I’ve tried to make sure to light everything up so that nothing starts spawning randomly but I hope that’s what’s gonna happen and now I should just be able to use slabs in order to fill in these quadrants There we go and now we build up another wall but before doing that I’m gonna quickly grab torches and sleep off the night Thank you okay and with that the mob farm should be done I’m hoping I did it correctly now it’s a bad sign that I’m not seeing any mob spawning it’s a very bad sign I’ve got to be honest with you maybe if we’re far enough they’ll start spawning I’m

Hoping oh of course oh my goodness I forgot to put water buckets in there that explains it so that means I need to get water buckets and I don’t have any buckets actually foreign okay so we could go mining or we could go adventuring to get some iron we

Should try to Adventure real quick just because I’m still curious as to how many things we can find out here so let’s go on what should be a quick trip and one that doesn’t get stopped by sharks that’d be that’d be nice too here we go

We got a ship and what is on this ship is the question of pillagers okay uh I don’t know how much damage these fellas are gonna do to me so we’ve gotta really look out maybe we can try to break in here okay this is dangerous uh not only

Because of the Pirates but because uh sea creatures that could try to attack me while I’m doing this but hey you know what if I don’t try I won’t know so let’s try break in and these trap doors actually work out perfect for us you’re gone oh they still

Spawn even with the lighting okay you know what hold on let me just break this I don’t even think that’s what was spawning them to be honest okay hold on a little break little break now they’re not attacking each other which is interesting to me ow they’re

Ready wow got you too cool and I don’t think we should focus on looting just yet because yeah I don’t like what’s going on in here let’s go I hear a lot of zombies I guess above us but it seems like we’ve cleared out oh boy it’s gonna say we cleared out most

Of what’s here but I don’t know if we have probably want to set up some sort of a trap to kill him but let’s see what’s in this chest first maybe or Barrel no nothing crazy okay XP bottle Emerald TNT might be okay to grab as well yeah they’re kind of

Trapped over here if I can get some hits on them oh yeah he fell in and you’re gone you can get some some of these guys to fall in they’re done for oh wow there’s another layer below me okay that explains the zombies I think we should do the top layer before that

Though so let’s try our best here and you know what I should do is break that ladder now they just fully get stuck oh beautiful beautiful come in come all come in I don’t know if there’s a spawner for them but I hope there isn’t because I don’t want to have to break

One but you’re gone you’re gone and it would seem that they’re slowing down on their spawns let’s see what’s what’s going on up here seems mostly safe actually and we’ve got a lot of hay which is great for us I wish there were seeds I hope I can find some owl random

Skeleton in the corner okay chest with barrels do these each have loot no just empty barrels I guess oh wait there’s seeds in here that’s just what I wanted okay perfect and some basic stuff paper could be good empty maps and I’m hoping hoping hoping that we’ll be able

To get villagers onto our raft I don’t know how yet but if we’ll be able to do that oh my goodness we’re gonna be able to get anything we want diamond that’s great I will gladly take that and now all that’s left is this layer below us

Which does seem oh boy it does seem pretty intimidating I’ve got I gotta be honest with you see here hello oh my goodness dude no way that is crazy okay we’re gonna take him out slowly thank you and I’m making a bunch of bread from the

Hay bales here because I really need it right now okay back to what we were doing uh oh night time is coming um that is really bad actually I gotta hurry this up is there any better weight down there really isn’t okay here’s the plan we’re gonna mine into the bottom

From here oh you can’t even mind it unless you’re in the water okay oh this is uh pretty secured gotta be honest with you okay here we go here’s a step up that’s messing with them even though they’re not stepping up on it it is messing with them here come

Here folks perfect mobs are gonna start spawning above me um oh boy okay creeper oh I can’t see anything but break that okay bats are scaring me okay Creeper down it’s a bunch of little rooms oh my goodness that spider looked scary for a second okay I cannot see I don’t

See any spawners though I think we have cleared out the area oh diamonds that’s good torches are good melon seeds I don’t know if I’ve gotten any so that could be very good oh okay cookie iron instead of getting hay I should just leave problem is I

Don’t know how I’m gonna leave without risking my life so I guess you’ll learn how to do everything when your life depends on it yeah where’s my boat Where’s My Boat go go go oh no not this way other way go and we are out of there safe and sound

Okay I’m back sleep off the night thank you now I’m just gonna dump off all of the loot that we got and let’s head right on back oh before that though let me make a hoe so I can get a bunch of hay bales quickly and we’re back oh how many moms spun

Down here not a lot okay we’re good we’re good give me all of this oh man there’s some in Gold I’ll take it oh my goodness a bunch of mob spun down here oh no oh just not the creeper man I hate creepers okay go away go away and that

Spider just turned around said nope all right they’re gone you’re gone and we’re good doesn’t seem like there really is some hay but that’s it oh man there’s random water yeah that’s all all right 48 hay bells that’s definitely good enough and we can uh head back out

We got the iron that we needed for the water buckets so we can finish our mop Farm Foreign I hope that gets fixed okay now we have to do a pretty dangerous thing which is placing water while there’s definitely Monsters Inside um yeah this is actually very dangerous and the main difficulty is going to be the fact that I can very easily get knocked right off uh hello yeah oh no

Hold on dad got wood let’s go up again oh and oh my goodness okay I need to make uh infinite water source as well this really is not ideal I gotta tell you okay there we go boom one boom two and we just gotta do that three more times

So let’s get on it boom okay all done and now the farm should be working just fine I really hope that’s the case let us grab everything here and break all this and the moment of truth it is working I don’t know I hope it’s working as

Efficiently as it can we will see in the coming hours rather in the coming seconds okay let’s sleep off the night first of all and are you gonna work are you gonna do it I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see it’s not necessarily bringing in mobs the whole time

Uh oh okay well obviously we’ve got some type of a problem I think I may just need to AFK all the way at the top oh there’s one skeleton um so it works it’s just not very quickly right now oh oh there’s another mob I don’t know I don’t know if anything’s

Changing here anyways we’ll let that be for a little bit and if we really need to optimize it we will do so so that’s done and you know what I’m happy I’m happy with the fact that we finally finished that now the next thing I’d

Like to do is build a kind of Hut here in our Center Point and for that we’ll need more wood which you know what would be great to grow more wood bone meal that would be great yeah well we got some bones coming out

Of here and I already have a lot I think yeah 43 so we’ll turn all of those into bone meal and we can bone meal a bunch of spruce and oatmeal There we go not too shabby and that is all the trees chopped oh oh the trees chopped we got a bunch of wood so we can get to work on this now how do we want to make this hot I’m not sure yet I think we’ll just have to go

With the flow you know and unfortunately I’m gonna have to remove a good amount of this stuff okay that’s the corner so far we’ll just build these pillars up we can add Oak like so maybe even making that barrels barrels look cool but how do you make

Them oh we can do barrels okay there we go a bunch of barrels add these as the walls there we go that’s kind of looking nice and then we can probably finish it off with a slab roof I’m gonna smelt up some Stone to make stone bricks boom some stone bricks turn these into slabs and let us make this roof Oh and uh it’s not even somehow um fixed there we go and you know what let’s add some torches on here just in case do not want mob spawner no thank you how is that looking um you know not bad should probably just strip the oops strip these logs We’ll add that boom boom bam so there is our Hut which is debatable it’s a debatable hide I’m not gonna lie to you it’s a very debatable Hut but I think I know how to make it look a little bit better and that would be with leaves because we can

Surround the roof with them and before that let me sleep off the night because it is dark and our mom grinder has actually been working decently well throughout this time I kind of like that it doesn’t have too many mobs coming down because it would probably just lag my game out so

I’m kind of a fan I’m kind of a fan just gonna bone meal trees again oh but this time we need to leave before we actually break the trees do I have enough iron boom cheers probably gonna need more than this in the future if we want to incorporate more at least but

That’s okay okay let’s see how this ends up looking here there you go kind of adds I think we should add some Randomness just to spice things up oh you know what I’d say that we did all right I’d say that it has a little bit

Of a charm to it I kind of like it it’s a bit atypical it’s not the usual type of build but uh yeah it kind of fits our raft pretty well but we got the hut done we got the mob farm done which is beautiful and I’m thinking next we

Should make a little bit of a house where we can put all of our storage and smelting and for that we’re definitely gonna need to clear up our path here so we’re gonna need to move these chests out of the way we’ll just put them over here

And there we go all cleared so I think I’d like to build a house in this direction and I’m thinking that we can make a bridge to get over to the house now there actually is a mod that adds bridges in this pack that I would like

To see if we can use we’ll probably use Oak we need a bunch of fences and slabs and then we can make Oak Bridges and we can make some Oak Ridge stairs as well might have went a bit overboard but from here let’s see look at that we’ll go a

Few or a couple more blocks up but I think we might also want to try to make some of that bridge support there we go Bridge support and let’s see what this looks like I figure that we can shift to using normal Bridges here whoops we also need

To make something called pliers I don’t even think I have enough iron to do so yeah I need more iron okay um in that case I guess the best thing we can do is go mining really quickly and I’ll head over to this piece of Lane

Here just so that we get some new generation let us just mine straight down always an absolutely amazing idea foreign oh my tools are about to break and I’m just gonna have to deal with using stone tools Oh and here we go okay oh it’s a mine shaft even oh oh okay no creeper you can blow up oh never mind now my shaft could present the opportunity to get some new items that I haven’t gotten yet don’t actually know what those are and you know what I

Really should just get some iron I don’t want to pay mine with a stone pickaxe are you kidding me it’s already day 20. oh my goodness holy oh well you’re all gone alrighty oh here’s iron and here is a mine shaft chest bomb uh alrighty well I’m gonna skip on that there’s gold

Actually no I’m not sick of it on that because you know why oh that didn’t work very well all right we’re gonna forget that ever happened more iron here oh and also creeper chasing me here no thank you oh oh okay gotcha there’s a lot of iron in here I’m

Glad we find it find a mine shaft that’s perfect okay I’m smelting up iron while I’m down here just so I can upgrade the tools my inventory is also very very full not ideal not ideal here we go coal uh yes thank you very much two pickaxes an ax and a new sword All right back up to the surface that was a good enough mining trip nothing crazy I got myself probably around like 30 pieces of iron but that’ll last us and I’m not very good with the fact that I’m currently swimming out in the open

Yeah this was a bad idea a bad way to get out um seems like we’re okay though okay now we can make the pliers and these should let us open up ends of the bridge it’s not exactly working though hold on I believe if I place it like

This and then if I did this I believe that should eventually let us do what we want yeah there we go open it up and we can also open this side bam we’ll do that part in a moment though I want to try adding another layer there we go

Let’s see if I can do this bam and then if I open it up yes I can so that lets us have a little bit of a curve in our Bridge which is very nice and then we will continue it along normally I have kind of done it now let’s see if

I can oh yes I can look at that bam we have a bridge you know what it’s not like a perfect bridge but it’s a bridge all right we did it let me break these extra blocks and now we just need to figure out how we want to build over

Here now I’m thinking we will start off with Spruce slabs here and that can be the border of a circle and let’s see if uh 19 by 19 Circle ends up being enough bam hmm no you know what I would want a much bigger platform

Bam all filled in and I’d say that’s a pretty nice platform for our house and we probably want to use stone brick and Cobblestone barrels some Spruce and maybe Oak for this build my main concern would be the Cobblestone because I don’t have too much of it but I guess we can

Start first just so we get an idea of what we want this is the center block so we should try to build around this how would that look a bit too far off to the side that’s more like it I think we can work with this

And then here and then we’ll add an extension to here perfect stack this on like so and then on the bottom layer maybe we can use stricter Vlogs strip all of these let’s see if we can add some trap doors I think these will be good additions

Yeah okay that’s gonna be good but I think we should raise the logs four total instead of three now we can add these damn and then what we can also do is add buttons like so not too shabby not too shabby I think we can then fill this in with Spruce planks And I’m making sure to leave spaces for the windows everywhere and it’s going to be important to have Windows because look at this beautiful view imagine waking up to this that’s the walls kind of laid out for the first layer let’s add the glass and also the transition into the next layer

Which I’ll use stone bricks for I’m gonna place the stairs like that all around and I’m keeping some of these Corners kind of sharp I don’t know why but I feel like that kind of gives that fisherman feel I don’t know I don’t know man I’m just doing whatever floats the

Boat you know And Bam so that is the second layer wrapping and I think that actually fits now we can also fill in the windows bam and to be honest we could extend these a lot more there we go looking pretty good Now for the next layer I want to try something strange and I want to mix the spruce with Oak for the fill in layer don’t know how it’ll end up looking I guess we will find out let’s see we’re gonna do a staircase up bam Okay let’s see so we would go continue this and I’m out of spruce wood so yeah I I’m not gonna lie I really wish I could go out to a forest and just chop wood normally right now but no no what is under my I hear something oh oh my

Goodness it’s that thing what is that the lobster crab type thing I don’t know it’s some underwater sea creature crawly thingy oh my goodness kind of want to fight it to be honest hold on okay this is a bad idea but this is what happens when you

Get bored sitting on a raft all alone come here oh my goodness this is a crazy Chase I’ll save you squid or whatever you are oh my goodness I’m getting dragged far out this thing’s fast man it’s hard to catch up look okay now I kind of feel bad but I mean

It looks scary and it’s chasing something down and I might have just helped it I’m not gonna lie to you this thing whatever it is is like Invincible though oh got it it didn’t drop anything what oh waste okay wait let me kill this thing it’s only fair I saved its life

Might as well kill it look at it camouflaging crazy it’s it’s really hard to chase this thing down I just don’t have enough speed I need like depth Strider or something okay I quit oh that really scared me it poisoned me ow it’s like hitting me from under the

Slabs too oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay wait this is actually getting dangerous oh my God holy moly dude that thing gave me poison like two or three wow um I know it’s poison so I I mean I was

Technically fine look at it look at the perpetrator just another day okay back to work back to work okay you know what I think it’s kind of working but for the sake of keeping all of your eyes safe I will stick with the theme of spruce okay let’s get this done normally Okay that is the second floor Foundation laid out and I’d also like to place the floor for the second floor Bam that’s the flooring and oh I think I did it one block too high is it bad though maybe that’s fine actually now we can fill in all of the glass okay so how are we looking with this design the inside is very nicely laid

Out I’d say and from the outside I think we’re looking pretty good now we just have to build the roof and unfortunately I do not have the resources to make a lot more so I figure we can put this to smelt and then we can head out to mine

Somewhere Cobblestone while that does its thing also our Farms are growing very nicely I would like to design them a little bit more though I think we can add two more Farms here and here and then we can also add a cover to them which I think will make them look a bit

Better kept Let’s just go one two three four five and perfect because that’s exactly in line with our tree farm and I just realized this is a bit uneven here uh we’re gonna need to send this out by one okay I think I made the most of what

We’ve got going on here kind of a weird design but it also kind of works and now we can just sew the ground can’t wait to have glowstone or lamps or something because this is not going to do it these torches are not hitting the

Spot is All I’m gonna say Let’s see we definitely want to grow our wheat seeds and then we have a few different options so we have beetroot for example and I mean beetroot soup isn’t a bad option I don’t know if it’s stacked I’m guessing it does not it also have melons melons

Might be nice to plant so we’ll just do those for now and by now our stone brick is probably all done smelting yes it is and we’ll make a bunch more stairs and also more slabs and you know what else I should make a stone cutter there we go

Beautiful alrighty let’s get back to work here do a simple roof design and we’ll just do it on both sides bam in fact if we want boom do one of these bam little overhang and then we’ll continue the roof we will add this and also this that on both sides boom whoops

Boom boom there we go and you know what I’m not hunting for a best house in the world award which is good for me because that takes the pressure way off gotta tell you the truth Bam okay that is the edges done let’s see what it looks like not bad not bad at all okay cool now I think we fill in the rest with Oak And there we go that should be the whole house designed now it needs detailing but the foundation of it is definitely there I’d say am I amazing at detailing nope but uh we’re gonna try I’m curious if we can find some clay because I’d like to make flower pots and I know we

Don’t have flowers but uh maybe I can use Sea pickles or something I’m desperate now getting clay might be a tough one okay maybe that’s a detail we’ll find later on especially underground I think that’s possible to find in the meantime We’ll add some other designs I’m thinking we can add Oak signs And I’m thinking the next thing we might want to add is lanterns and leaves will definitely help bring a lot of color to the base okay so we’re done uh debatable but you know what we’re sticking with it and then oh cool leaves how do we make

These work is it good good question wait who’s eating oh it’s probably sharks all right yeah that makes sense oh oh my goodness yeah all right okay that is absolutely terrifying I’m kind of out of leaves around I think it’s a good look that one we can

Probably remove I think we’ll wait on the lanterns but other than that you know what I am happy with our house this is probably one of the better houses I have built you guys can’t judge me too much okay look it’s a work in progress my building skills now also if we want

We can add a secret floor up here so I’ll just fill this in Oh but before I do that let me make sure I add torches up here otherwise that is going to be a nightmare there we go bam and with that I can just add some

Ladders and we essentially have a full third floor as well which is really really nice to have yeah we can fit a lot of stuff in this house you can even add a trap door like so and that makes it even cooler I love it okay I’m not

Liking how the leaves are looking here though so let me try to fix this maybe if I just keep the leaves consistent all around the base it’ll look a bit better and is that looking any better not necessarily but it’s not necessarily looking worse I think we’ll just keep it

Like that so house done let us move into it which I’m excited to do because I would love to have a big storage and have a place to put all of the things we need so storage is probably going to be the most important piece of our house

Here because we are going to have a lot of things to store I figure just putting it right here isn’t a bad idea and there we go that is the storage set up I don’t think we’re gonna need any more chests than that so let’s move our

Stuff over oh boy look at all that Foreign I keep having to break the leaves for the trees that I break down because there’s just little pieces of log stuck in between them like look at that how am I supposed to know and this Farm is coming along nicely we have doubled our wheat production look at that melon is

Growing as well and we will keep that going and there we go all moved in we’ll just add a set of doors there we go and we can fill this in with plain maybe I’ll use stairs for the entrance there we go that kind of fits should also

Build a nice little cozy bedroom bam that’s our bedroom right there and then right here I’m thinking we could even add like a fireplace we would need campfires for that one two three four uh oh we don’t actually have any place to have an opening here but we can fix that now and

I believe what we can do to make the smoke go higher is ADD hay bales underneath oh boy nope this is not working oh I’m not in a safe place am I hold on this is bad I could easily die down here okay hold on oh yeah I see

Something oh no oh no oh no look at it it’s trying to get me dude oh what am I doing I’m gonna like burn my house down all because I don’t want to remake campfires oh no okay hold on we’re gonna fix this you know how we’re just gonna

Break the campfires that’s how and then one two three four place these down and that should now be good to go oh yeah it’s going all the way outside and now we just need a chimney I mean we probably want the chimney to be made out

Of stone right so we’ll just pop this out and then we’ll just go up and I’m gonna need more Stone if I really want to do this properly okay well let’s sleep off the night and quickly head down to mine Thank you okay I got about three stacks which should be enough like it never happened don’t worry guys I’m still sticking to my roots throughout this whole process still desperate for loot like before don’t worry okay let’s see what we can do here I’m thinking we just mix in a

Bunch of these blocks yeah I mean that’s already kind of looking good to be honest because if we do too much it’s just gonna overtake it and if we do too little it won’t look like it should oh look at that not on the shell I’d like to test something out

And that would be using lanterns there we go five of them these are expensive with our current circumstances but look at that I mean that is a much better way to light up our house oh yeah that that really freshens it up so if we can use a

Mix of those and glowstone we are going to be set and that means two things we need to go into The Nether and we need to collect more iron I’m thinking we should try to collect more iron first that’s a bit easier and we can probably

Get a good amount by adventuring if we get lucky with finding some big structures and ruins so let’s let’s do it sleep in our bed first though I’m not heading out in the night okay let’s go Okay Lady Luck bring us some luck I see a shipwreck okay hello books paper

All of this stuff is actually good uh here’s the second chest oh yes see this is a good way of getting what we need and I got a globe that’s fun I think that’s just a cosmetic item only but I would love to put that in my home globe

There’s a shipwreck okay I gotta stop doing that though okay wait where was the Shipwreck that I saw I thought I did see one maybe I was wrong oh well I see a ship that’s uh that’s good that’s what we wanted to find but I swear I saw a

Ship right here oh yes there it is hello shipwreck more paper empty map see pickles I’ll take some of these but I don’t see a second chest okay let’s go to the ship hello okay let’s see what we can do oh boy no I think this is different because I hear

Wait I don’t know what’s going on oh yeah this is different isn’t it no no maybe it is the same okay nevermind it’s the same oh boy there’s a lot of them though how did I get the most time oh yeah I got them from below okay I think

That’s the strategy we’re gonna have to stick with oh and there’s a spawner I’m not getting close to that I don’t want to activate it this fella got on my boat oh and he is just steamrolling me with his shots oh yeah this is not fun no I

Think this is different isn’t it I feel like I remember there just being zombies and skeletons on the top last time so oh and I forgot to bring food okay the good news is there’s hay bales on the top of this thing so I can use those I’m using

This guy as my hostage yeah that’s right oh there’s another ship over there okay ow I really need food okay I’m out of food so okay carefully take them out from here ow very limited health right now okay this might be the last one here okay good let’s get this

And I can even make a hoe really quickly we’ll scoop as much of this up as we can there’s another ship already give me give me give me please that is a lifesaver uh nothing too good here anything in here no no one but there’s a

Chest now last time we went bottom to top which made things a lot easier for us going top to bottom might be a bit more difficult but let’s try you know what I have a terrible idea but it might work put those there make a foot and seal

We explode both of them at the same time okay that that didn’t work very well that would probably did more harm than good for us to be honest oh boy they are all shooting each other which is a plus oh my goodness the creeper nice kind of

Hard for me to reach him okay maybe if I attack him from here hello hello come here everybody they’re all stuck okay hello a couple of zombies okay spawner boom okay hold on let me grab more TNT oh wolf spawn egg oh are you kidding me oh

That’s amazing now we have a pet oh my goodness okay we’re gonna have to keep that pet safe I’m telling you if I lose that pet I’m gonna be scarred for life oh there’s also flower pots here which is something that I do want and there is

A creeper which is what I do not want uh oh it’s night time oh no holy moly how many zombies are spawning dude oh my God oh my goodness I hate the night time the amount of mobs is crazy yep okay oh look at that look at that

Creeper no sir you’re not coming down here oh no I hear so many things oh okay that’s fine okay oh boy oh boy okay hello hello hello seems safe down here oh my God these bats dude oh wait gold gold is good oh it’s a zombie

Villager oh I should not have killed him but that that makes me realize something that we can definitely build a village through zombie villagers if we can’t just find any directly Golden Apple oh no you don’t okay I think it is time on that note to leave get me out of here

Oh no I’m stuck where’s my belt my boat’s on the other side oh no uh oh I got near the spawners I don’t know what these are able to spawn might be sharks oh dude I already have my boat okay yes yes yes I do I do okay

I’m good I want to go see what’s on that ship it’s a smaller one and it has a bunch of wool oh this has a bunch of wool too I have not been very resourceful have I I should be taking all the wool off of these is that an

Evoker oh no way nope thank you I’ll mark those coordinates I’m not ready for that that’s that’s death no there’s one of these ruined temples here that we can quickly look at ow oh my goodness he hasn’t tried it okay we are out of here we are out of here

What is that that’s not a creature is it no it’s floating land what is this Driftwood why do you use Driftwood for sofa oh you can make a sofa well look at this Sunrise beautiful here we are and uh that whole trip was worth it because of one reason

Got our wolf yes best friends forever that’s amazing hello hopefully we get our name tag but uh that’s an amazing find I’m so happy about that I also got a globe which I guess we can put next to our bed hope log is a nightstand there

We go look at that we can spin it and we have our coordinates and we didn’t really get that much iron from the trip but I did have some from mining before and because of that we can make a good amount of lanterns bam Let’s see we got

A lot of places to put these lanterns and I gotta figure out how we’re gonna do it um how does that look oops what if we switch the position of the lanterns and the buttons buttons there it doesn’t look bad and then lanterns that’s probably better let’s see here maybe it

Doesn’t matter as much it’s all right there we go I’ve gotten Lane Tunes all around our house and that’ll look a lot nicer in the night we probably need them on the top layer too though now that I think of it let’s see I can kind of place them around like this fortunately

You can’t place them directly on leaves but that’s all right okay there we go I have them on the top layer as well and then we are gonna need to place them all around our base which is going to be a bit of a process but we’ll figure it out

I guess we should go mining because I would really like to deck out our raft with these I cannot tell what it is all right and off to mining we go rock that was not the plan I’ll try mining at y level 12 and 13 for a bit

And diamonds wow not a minute passed and I found diamonds in at a pretty good amount too and you know what since we’re down here there’s a lava lake I figure we should craft a diamond pickaxe and get enough obsidian for another portal as well as

An enchanting table oh and I just got rid of my water source by accident genius and now I’ll continue mining for iron for a bit okay which could definitely help us find iron oh okay so here’s an Enderman which uh we should probably start to try and

Defeat whenever we find we found a nice big Ravine here which has a lot of iron so that’s perfect and we’ll probably have close to everything we need for now after we mine all of this out okay of course we have the good old creeper dropping on your head nothing better oh yeah

What okay dude I’ve been dealing with that there’s a horde of mobs that’s after me right now and I do not want to deal with it look at that witch look at it it’s trying to get me oh my God it got me through the wall oh no okay this

Is terrible look at how many skeletons there are what’s happening right now where’s that witch throwing questions at me from now that’s insane absolutely insane I’ve gotten more than three sacks of iron I think on that note we can head back up foreign there we go and there is our beautiful wrath and we’ll smelt all of this up meanwhile I would like to work on the farm area and I’d like to add a nice

Kind of cover to it to make it look a bit neater and I’m thinking maybe we can switch things up and use oak logs at this part let’s see yeah I think that’ll that’ll look cool and then I figure for the top we’ll have Oak slabs

You know what maybe to make it more interesting we can add uh the outline as stone bricks There we go that’s the stone breakout line done and then I’m thinking we will go one block up with the oak And I will light the top up but I’d prefer to use lanterns if we can also because this lets us place an even block and fill this area up with leaves we have a good amount of iron but now we need coal because I used all the gold it

Smells all the iron oh my goodness but you can use this I can make a bunch of charcoal so I’ll do that foreign Force tacks of torches and that should be more than enough for what we need just under two stacks of lanterns for

Now I’m gonna keep it at that and if we really need more we’ll make them I’ll ask for where we want to place these we will have to figure that out okay there we go even just placing them on the ground still looks nice so I

Don’t even mind that at all and then if we want we can add some fences to add more lanterns on the sides for example like this maybe yeah okay we’re gonna need to find a better way to light up the roads because placing fences like

That is not really going to do the trick there we go okay I’ve added lanterns all around we’ll see how this looks in the night time and I think it’ll be an upgrade anyways let us complete this which I would like to add leaves onto and I’m gonna try just wrapping the

Leaves around like this which is a much neater look and I think this is something that I should have been doing the whole time I think that’s probably the best looking thing we can do I’d like to test it out over here I’m gonna need to tear this down

There’s a few places I could put the leaves on one of them is here which perfectly fits and then maybe we can also add some leaves around like this let’s see not bad it looks a lot more uniform I’ll tell you that much and how are we looking with all these lanterns

We’re looking pretty good I think it’s fairly well lit up we do have the road here for example that we need to find a better way to light up but other than that it’s it’s pretty good I’d also like to add a little bit more detail to this we don’t need to fully

Close it off but I would like it to look a bit more secured and I have an idea for how to do that I don’t know what these things are right next to our base they don’t look very friendly this might have been the thing that attacked me

Before I don’t know I actually have no clue so that is the first step and then I would like to add a stone brick walls all around and see how that looks I think it’s looking pretty good I want to try Cobblestone walls actually because these might add a little bit of detail

Yeah I like that more so we’ll go with Cobblestone walls damn okay that’s done now we are going to fully remove all the trees here and I think we’re going to convert this into a space for animals which maybe we’ll have in the future and then after that we’ll

Need to build a new area for the tree farm which is exciting we haven’t really built a new area in a bit we’ve just been building this house and making changes thank you but I’ll fix it in the same way that we did the other one and I’ll just move

This to the side so we’ll just put this here instead and that should fix our issues Foreign Identical area here you can design this a little bit differently and that would include having separate animal pens boom that’s one pen and then fence gate here fence gate here it is a bit uneven but we will do the best with what we’ve got we will add fence gates the same way

On the side and then the flooring here can definitely use some changing we want this to not be dirt and I figure we will stick with the same design as before thank you boom this is really not preferable is it but it is what it is really doing the most with what we’ve

Got it’s a bit uh Scrappy but I mean at least it’s something right let’s see how this side is looking now I mean pretty good it’s these parts that are a bit awkward with the Oak and the spruce not exactly having a design going on to separate them but other than that it’s

Okay we’re gonna need to get grass somehow that would make this look like 10 times better actually I’m just realizing that now okay how are we looking how are we looking you know what not too shabby not too shabby good turnaround we recovered it and now uh we gotta figure out what

We want to do here so we could actually connect the roof all the way from here to here and that would probably have a pretty cool look to it we don’t have to make it that complex either let’s see if we just use Oak slabs and make them

Follow through and then we can have a transition here and then continue it on through there we go how are we looking not too shabby not too shabby at all yeah the roofing kind of makes sense I kind of like it and then the flooring here we

Can continue along with glass and I’m just trying to find a good way to make the transition which might just be like that and I would like for this path to lead to our new tree farm which I want to make sure is very big and we can

Probably just build it right out here I’m gonna want to use a circular design like we did with our mob farm and house but this is probably going to be the biggest circle laughs okay I’m picking up the scraps of dirt that I had which I actually had a good

Amount of two stacks about and this is more than enough to finally finish the outline of our tree farm thank goodness you know there’s a few things that we want to do which would be to light it up and design it and then actually figure out how we’re gonna plant the trees also

Let me make sure I am continuing the growth of our wheat farm and melon farm here bam so the melon Farm’s all done and make sure we’re harvesting these as well okay so here’s the plan I’m thinking we’re gonna add an additional wraparound of spruce and then the plan would be to

Add oak leaves all around like so let’s see if that actually looks good I don’t know yet I don’t know but I do know one thing I’d also like to separate the two sides of the circle because I tend to not know where I want to plant my oak

Trees and where I want to plant my spruce trees so having it separated would be uh pretty helpful we’ll cut out this middle portion here thank you bam okay so it’s separated and let’s see what planting down the trees would look like and I’m out of Oak saplings already

Am oh we better light this up at least temporarily you know what though the planting of the trees works out really well it’s weirdly well balanced Kind of Perfect one could say and then I figure we’ll just leave the rest as is unless we can kind of Border this with a grass

Like so oh that kind of works okay so we need more leaves we need bone meals some trees give me give me Order this perfectly And there we go the spruce trees are growing don’t worry I’ll get rid of these trees too and it turns out I had a like a stack of saplings in my chest so we’re good to go on planting down the rest of these and it’s still very odd as to how this

Perfectly matches up but you know what I’m not gonna complain at all boom and done also lanterns all litten up okay so that’s actually done now the next thing I would really really like to do is somehow get villagers over onto our raft and after that we can probably build some more

Walkways and maybe even mini villager homes for them kind of make like a little village here that would be pretty cool now I do believe that there are ship Villages that can be found I don’t know how rare they are but to be honest it might be our best shot at bringing

Villagers here so I figure we should go on a trip and hello I think we’ll call them buddy anyways let’s get on our boat okay let’s Get Lucky let’s get lucky I feel it I feel it there’s a shipwreck here that we might as well check out oh

Actually some pretty decent loot I’d say more paper and books this is all coming in handy for a level 13 changing table I don’t know if it’s possible to find sugarcane in the chest but uh that would be a great thing to find let me tell you

Here’s another one of these big ships I don’t really want to deal with that right now so I’m just going to skip on past that and there are a lot of scary sea creatures oh my goodness we have another one of these oh man there’s a

Trident about that oh oh yes I have a shield okay good oh ow okay you’re gone didn’t drop a trident oh could just be wait oh my goodness there’s another Trident okay this is bad this could be the death of me here oh my goodness okay we’re gonna have to

Juke him out oh there’s sharks oh no oh my goodness please stop shooting me oh I’m gonna drown oh I’m gonna drown oh go go go go go go go go go why do I hear so many tridents being thrown at me give me a break give me a break come on guys

Stop chasing me oh okay I think I’m okay holy moly man and I have no wood on me and they took my only boat okay oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God this thing’s chasing

Me dude ow no no no okay it’s fine it’s not doing that much damage okay oh okay up I go okay I’m good here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna grab wood okay here we go with that we make a boat now I don’t know if I should head home just

Yet because I feel sort of safe now that we have a boat oh actually if I can grab the materials from the ship I could make a bed that would make my life a lot easier so let’s try to do that okay some of this is white concrete powder which

Is not what we need but some of it is also whoa perfect give me that give me that add and I am sleeping up here oh No Monsters nearby right okay um maybe if I build outwards this is a bit risky okay I’m sleeping like literally on the edge okay we’re good

Wow that worked let us get on out of here more feathers and paper here oh okay one of these things oh one hit that thing raw eel meat okay got another glow why not oh wait there’s hope that looks like a very friendly ship come on nope that’s

Not a friendly ship I lied oh my goodness oh that’s one of the evoker ones yeah no they have villagers trapped in there no I I’m not going in there is this just sand this is technically an island we have found an island that’s pretty funny actually it’s a good

Place to get sand from but I have a moral dilemma should I remove the island or should I keep it you know one gives me sand one doesn’t you know and it’s kind of far away from my base so you know I’m just gonna take this opportunity to take some sand you know

What I’ll leave one block how about that there we go technically it’s still an island Okay I think we were pretty successful I got a lot of sand and let’s continue with our mission at hand looks like there’s another evoker ship oh wait there’s an iron golem there and there are villagers oh my goodness how far are we out and here are villagers ah wait what

Wait are you kidding me it’s a witch ship are you joking are there villagers inside here no what is that how did that even happen that’s ridiculous it was a disguise are you kidding me that’s crazy I can’t even I’m gonna mark it down I don’t that’s so disappointing that’s definitely another

One of the same things isn’t it yeah it can happen go for it just do the transformation thing oh la de da dee doo it’s not happening this might actually be a village oh sailor hello oh my goodness oh my goodness look at these trades turtle shell wow are you kidding

Me wait this is an actual Village Captain whoa what is that Monument entrance sunken coral reef Phantoms of the night I don’t know I wonder if any of these will actually work okay oh okay uh we need to try to get all of these fellas back to our raft and we are about

1200 blocks away oh look at this cool little Shield an enchanted golden apple for 16 emeralds that’s an insane deal decent stuff skewed what is this for turtle shot right wow this is an amazing find wow wow wow wow more books slowly getting up to that 45 book okay well we

Gotta transport you fellas and that is by no means gonna be easy but the good thing is that we can ride in a boat while a villagers inside with us okay hold on let’s grab the boat and let’s put one of you inside perfect we will

Then proceed to boat off boom and we have the Villager with us nice okay and let us return wow I I really did not think that this was gonna end up being a village yeah it doesn’t look like there’s anything friendly here that’s for sure I actually

Don’t see anything here I think this is some kind of a trick there’s no way it’s just empty is it oh it’s just an abandoned ship but there’s also barely any loot here it seems yeah not much here not much here let’s continue along foreign pal it’s probably a pretty big upgrade

From the little ship you we’re living on um now we do gotta try to get this guy off the ship now okay the only problem is that he’s locked into a profession he seems to wanna oh where is he okay he’s chilling I don’t know let’s put you in a

Boat I wonder if we should try to take him to safety can I go over this bridge on my boat no I can’t um okay well I hope this fella stays safe um sleep off the night first of all see I’d like to try to get him over to

My house if possible because there are a lot of random sea creatures and monsters spawning oh this is gonna be hard oh look at him he’s going in circles now no go this way no I think we’re just gonna have to trap him oh I’m afraid see like

What if those things just spring up and kill him through the glass or something no I really cannot risk that I don’t know I guess I’ll just have to take the risk and try to trap him here okay look you gotta you gotta pick us okay all

Right my friend oh and they went in the water probably the worst place they could have went how about we just put you in a boat how about that buddy gonna get you in a boat there we go can’t really do much better than that so I’m

Just gonna trap him in like so and open for the best and while we are home I figure we should just make a full set of armor okay let’s head back Okay villager number two here we go off we go and we’ll put you in a boat no no no it’ll trap you in this corner this guy’s good perfect hey back away hey gotcha whoa so many drowns oh man they all have Diamond helmets now it’s also very hard to hit these fellas

Oh it actually dropped scuba boots whoa well we can put many on that for example but I don’t know what effects this has let’s see but it would be great if we can get a full set of diving gear I’ll tell you that much a little chest here

Or breaking two fishing rod okay okay we got one more villager in here and then we have the captain above so let’s just break through here place you in a boat and we’re good to go There we go number three all right here we go Captain there’s a page Log here as well we have left the tag a village and are now on our way South our cargo is nothing too special this time but we still have to be careful there are said to be illeger

Patrol ships close by and I’d like to avoid confrontation good news no villagers so far Iron Golem is leaking again Dangerous Waters I see interesting okay well I’m gonna grab this because why not and I’m also going to grab you sir very friendly now I do wonder and I’d like to check

This before I leave and you put an iron golem in a boat my guess is no because they’re so huge yeah it does not work that’s too bad I would have loved to take him with us anyways let’s break out this way Okay so we got all the fellas here now we need to figure out what we’re gonna do with them now I’m thinking we can build a villager breeder over here the only question is how far we want to actually extend out before building it maybe we can just build it right away so

As always let us build out a circle and there we go okay let’s say it kind of worked out we will fill this in like usual what we’ll do is raise this up like so there we go and then from here we can place the slabs like we want and now

Here we can build a village breeder but before we do that we need to get the materials I think I mainly have everything except for some more beds and to get those we can just get some wool off the ships we’ve been running into

Make a set of shears and uh let’s get on with it okay off we go foreign here we are and I think this is the one that we’ve already looted I hear maybe it’s not because I hear villagers I’m just gonna do this real quick I’m gonna

Grab some extra wool because I’m sure we can get more beds if we want and also make some other things with wall okay I got more than a stack that should be good enough for what we need And I’m gonna need more wood so it looks like we are gonna need to use our tree farm for the first time now the trees are overgrown into here which is fine with me I at least have a clear separation of where the spruce cheese are for example and that’s what I want

To chop down right now okay I’ve gotten everything I need now one thing is that the leaves won’t end up despawning unless I do both sides but I’m fine with that and it’s a good thing that I’ve been getting gold in Redstone as well because I’m gonna need to use that to

Make some of the parts for this let us get to work so let’s see here first we’ll build a 9×9 and it looks like we’re gonna need a bit of additional space maybe we can get away with this let’s see barely not enough because it needs to be

Like that okay this platform is not big enough so let’s use this platform for something else then and we’ll just build a new one for the farm and I’ll make sure it’s a lot bigger I’d say maybe we can diagonally go that way it’s probably the best spot to build

The breeder let’s see so we could build the path right here here and then bam and then we’ll carry this along maybe how’s that looking for a path okay we’ll do this okay there we go that’s the path out okay now from here we can build out a

Big circle okay there we go and then we’ll go boom boom boom and we’ll start building it okay okay so I think I’m building it out properly here it should all line up once we’re done there we go deadline up Perfecto and then we’ll bring this a layer up Finally it will bring this up a block like like so Foreign there we go and unfortunately it is going to have to be non-diagonal here but I think that’s fine we’ll bring all of these walls up one block and we’ll add a composer here and here and then we need a water source specifically under here I’m hoping it can work if I just

Place it on the slab like that we’ll see if we end up having any issues we then need to replace this with dirt how are our villagers looking you guys are alive yeah you are good And hopefully this is moisturized it is it’s working well now we can place carrots here now we place our three beds right here okay and then trap doors like this and and now one thing that’s annoying is we need to do some work below this which I

Kind of wish I fully knew before I started working on this but that’s okay we’re basically gonna need to fully empty out the water here oh hello shark yeah okay we’re gonna have to fight me and you gonna have to fight oh he’s swimming away now I feel bad

Oh okay I think they like hitting you from behind or something not from the front because it seemed to want to get away and then come behind me anyways we’ll fill this in there we go that’s one layer we need I guess I’ll do two more to be safe

I’m gonna need to get a bunch of dirt or maybe I can even use oak leaves might be even quicker okay how are we gonna do this probably we just fully cover this layer okay bam so that is a full layer of the leaves now we break this and rinse and

Repeat and this time I’ll do two layers at once and see if that works perfect and now we will just fill in the bottom Bam all done that took a while okay we need a way up here redstone torch Spencer okay rails This is complicated to make right here um let’s see there we go slab here okay this is fine button goes there okay then we go from here and we

Have to place a water bucket here go water bucket boom flows into here apparently that part should be done I’m doubting that this is gonna work with these villagers we might have to find some other ones but uh we’re gonna try now there are two farmers right yes so

Since they’re Farmers theoretically they should like that there’s composters also I should sleep off the night while I’m working with these fellas okay you’re coming with me okay and let’s walk you above there we go back in you go and bring you over here and let’s see if he

Ends up having green Sparks above his head you want to go inside there bud you you want to go in there no you don’t like it in there do you uh oh okay so that’s bad news because I don’t think we can actually use these fellas to breed

Well I’m gonna bring this guy in here for now just because so I want them to stay safe but that might mean that we need to find some different villagers and I don’t know if there’s any villagers that aren’t already within a roll I don’t know let’s try bringing in

The other farmer as well so let’s take this fella with us okay I don’t know what to tell you this is crazy this guy just loves this Barrel let’s try taking him into the water and transporting them that way all righty up we go up we go this guy’s

Making me very mad okay let’s take you literally to the other side of this build It’s gotta be fairly simple no no no no no no no no no this guy dude what do you love so much about that Barrel I don’t understand uh pain it’s just painful have to go

This way there we go then we’re gonna put you in the boat good and then we’re gonna drive into here perfect and then we are gonna take you out of the boat and lock you in here we’re gonna take you out of the boat but we’ll see if

They do anything let’s see so if I give these fellas some carrots to start off they are picking the carrots up which is good there you go and I can go grab some more from my farm oh they made a baby oh my god oh and there goes the baby

Perfect oh no way okay so now the baby should flow in uh-oh okay the baby’s here okay we just need to wait for the baby to grow up and then we should be able to transport it nice oh my goodness it works I do feel like we need to add

Like a safety railing around this whole island just because uh villagers are top priority to us the leaves are a good way of raising up the platform on the edges without making it look too cluttered because if it was just solid wood all around it would look

A bit boring but the fences and leaves combo is kind of nice boom pretty cool and we should add some type of roof to this as well as a border of some kind so we’ll play Spruce slabs super slugs oh it’s a bit too narrow maybe like this Spruce logs let’s see

What we can do here we could just go individual fences that’s not that strong of an effect so maybe we just add more slabs on the edge there we go and then we just fill this in boom we can add logs here as well maybe

Here and here there we go logs boom boom and I’m thinking we’ll strip these like so there we go and then we can probably use stone brick slabs And then on this layer We’ll add Oak slabs I’m trying to light the place up oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no did I light it up that badly oh my goodness

Did I light it up that badly okay we gotta fix this ASAP this is the worst place to not be lit up properly oh there’s two babies here now and one of them’s just a regular one which is good the other one’s already born a farmer it seems or something but that’s

Great yeah we gotta make sure that everything is very well lit up okay there we go kind of lit most of this up which is good and it would be nice if we can make this kind of have a finished look to it I’m thinking maybe adding

Some Spruce logs here would be a good idea yeah that looks kind of good there we go placed the logs all over and we’ll just strip these looking good looking good so now that we are producing villagers we need to actually set up spaces for the villagers to go

Into that’s the main priority on my list and then I’d also really like to go to the Nether and get Glowstone to start adding to our builds now starting off here we have a platform that we could use for the villagers and what I’m thinking is that we can set up a bunch

Of different platforms and Pathways for the villagers that don’t let them get outside so we’ll have to block off all of the edges and then from here we can Branch out and extend their kind of Village area so right off the bat we probably want to border this in the

Exact same way as we did that I think we should head into The Nether and then we can continue with these builds because uh we have a lot of building to do it’s not really going to end anytime soon and we have the obsidian but where are we gonna actually

Place that portal I’m thinking over here is a good area just because it’s already dangerous maybe we can have a little extension here and then place the nether portal in front of us stand another little glass pathway and I think we want a mini Circle here So let’s just oh that’s a jellyfish okay now yeah I mean I got it didn’t even drop anything all for nothing all right let’s just try filling this in with stone brick You can create a wood border maybe with slabs like so let’s go and now we need to place another portal but in this case the nether portal is gonna have to be a bit wider than the typical oh okay let’s see let’s go for it it actually kind of works not bad not

Bad stairs like so maybe we can add a little bit of leaves around it how’s that not terrible oh and you know what it would also probably be a very important thing to have a little space in between that we can put fence gates in front of so that mobs can’t just

Freely walk in from the nether see we can add more leaves around and then bam you can put fence gates here and that’ll keep any trouble out we should also make sure to cover the back here from there we can light this up boom and that’s not that bad looking and it’s

Mostly safe okay I’m not liking how this is looking we’re gonna need to change it Gonna change this to Wood Having to use stone slabs because I don’t have any more direct blocks it is what it is cover this I’m gonna cover this like so there we go okay and then boom okay we’re gonna build this up boom there we go and I think that’s a good

Look for our portal here we just need to light it up okay and light it up that is looking good I think we should also add leaves around this as a kind of protective border and I’ll do it a little bit different than we did over here because

I want to keep the theme for the borders of villagers the same all throughout and keep the rest of the borders different okay there we go so I have covered this with leave that is looking very nice and then to finish it off we can add an additional gate here which looks really

Nice because that gives us more protection against anything that’s coming through the Nether and with that we have a working nether portal that is beautiful but before we enter I definitely need to prepare and you know what actually you can probably enchant some of our gear not up to level 30 but

A decent amount because I have uh 24 books maybe some more even so that can definitely give us some enchanting power and I can make an enchanting table with the obsidian that we collected and then I want to make bookshelves as well eight now bad and we can place the enchanting

Table up here boom let’s see what luck we can get here thorns on breaking fire protection that could be good in the nether fire aspect that’s good I’ll do fire aspect and pain of arthropods three okay projectile protection three that’s not bad projection two that’s good oh and respiration depth Strider oh and

Protecting too what can we get on this pickaxe efficiency too I’m breaking oh wow we got really good enchantments a lot of protection twos I was not expecting that at all and you know what else we can do is we can try to enchant a bow maybe because that is a very

Useful weapon to have on breaking Unbreaking isn’t too good um let’s see maybe I can enchant something else efficiency to ax yeah you can do that oh power two there we go oh but I have no more lapis please tell me I have some more yes I do boom power two

And I’m breaking two wow we got really good enchantments for such a low level I’m really happy with that also what we can do is go to the Villager that had that enchanted golden apple trade which is actually pretty cheap and get one of those which it’ll really help us out in

The nether boom one golden apple and 16 emeralds for an enchanted golden apple that’s crazy what a deal indeed I mean with that I think we are mostly ready to head into the nether there’s not really anything else we need to bring with us other than maybe a flint and steel in

Case our portal goes out time to go into The Nether isn’t it you stay here though you don’t go in the nether buddy uh let’s head into The Nether and hopefully we will get a good spawn and we actually got a pretty good spawn seems like there’s no lava around us that’s that’s

What I like to see so let’s mine on down yep okay here we go we got an opening perfect and we got glowstone right here that is what we need oh I hate these things ooh disgusting die I hate those mosquito things goodness gracious and there’s also other

Types of wood here in the nether which uh if we want we might be able to use on our raft oh man there’s another one of these things get away and more easy glowstone here a lot which is awesome and I mean even that much glowstone is

Already just about all we need for the beginning oh why go away guys I don’t want to fight yet I think I’m gonna be satisfied with the amount of Glowstone that we got and uh let’s try to head back to our portal oh my goodness these things are gonna drive me insane they’re

Just so disgusting to look at they’re knocking me all over the place I can’t be bothered Aha here we go my another portal home sweet home please bring me back uh feels good get me out of there let’s see the glowstone go to work right away what a beautiful block how incredible that gives us a great way to light the floor up perfect and we can replace all of

These lanterns with Glowstone as well Great I’m loving it being able to place glowstone on the floor instead of lanterns amazing Farms especially this is really nice in our Wheat Farm is now fully growing which is nice oh yeah get out of here lanterns Yeah there we go all lit up perfect I think I’ve done a pretty good job of lighting everything up using our lanterns and glowstone together now that I’m finally done with that let’s get to building a home for the villagers you know what let’s build a villager trading Hall first I think that takes priority

Okay let’s see how are we gonna do this um I figure we can build out this way and then create a rectangular platform yeah let’s just do the spruce on the side with the glass in the middle and then we can essentially just have the rectangular platform start right

Here and I think we’ll still use Spruce for the outline as usual boom we’ll have it up until there how about that that should give us enough space for the trading Hall section and then we do have this whole Space to extend into and fill it in with Oak Boom platform made and we’re gonna need to get to work the materials shouldn’t be too hard to get we might need sticky pistons that might be an issue what was it that we can turn into slime balls jellyfish okay so we need to hunt some jellyfish down you know I’m just

Jellyfishing like SpongeBob come on jellyfish I love you fellas uh simply I want to murder you for your slime balls I’m pretty sure it’s a fact that that jellyfishes don’t have brains right so I don’t know I still feel bad about it but it’s like I don’t feel that bad because

All they do is just poison you and make the ocean a dangerous place well there’s one I just got a jellyfish a shark killed I guess it’s like all the jellyfish disappeared oh is this one oh it’s a baby one it’s probably not even gonna drop anything out yeah that’s a

Baby jellyfish oh there’s a batch of them let’s go oh yes they’re dropping what we need thank you thank you awesome I think I already have one in a chest so we have enough yes okay it’s about that up the main hard part is really just gonna be getting the zombie to infect

The villagers but we’ll figure that out and you know what it turns out we just need regular pistons not even sticky pistons so I was wrong about that but let’s make them okay I have just about everything we should need here okay I need more Spruce and more Cobblestone it seems so we’re

Close but just not there yet I’m gonna quickly head on a down and mine some up All righty two stacks of cobblestone is enough there we go and that is all of the resources made and with that we can begin work on this villager trading Hall we need to place six planks alternating to start off and we place levers here oh

And we have to mine we have to do the same thing with water that we did before okay but instead of doing that maybe we should just Elevate this platform so that we don’t have to deal with that we can probably just add stairs going up

Here and then this will be the bottom of the floor okay let’s get this villager trading Hall done Now I’ll probably end up wanting the villagers to be different professions but just for now I’m gonna only place lecterns for librarians and that is going to require me to take out some of the bookshelves that we have unfortunately theoretically we need six lecterns so I think 18 books that’s

Exactly how many books we need okay there we go six bookshelves boom six So we have all the slots figured out now we need to do two things to make this to fully work appropriately one is to get a zombie on the inside part right above me right here and then number two we need to get the villagers each into their

Respective places I believe if we just press the Piston yes it would release the Villager down and then the zombie can turn them so how are we gonna transport the villagers that’s a good question we essentially have a direct point from there to here that we can connect and

Maybe we can use a railway I think I have a plan and I believe that plan involves using a mine cart in a railway because that’s the easiest way we can just directly transport the villagers to each spot which would be perfect so we already have the railway coming out this

Way again very simply extend it we’re just gonna carry this right on through and then we want it to go right there so if we can transport the Villager right there that would be perfect this dispenser doesn’t have a mind card in it right now I need to fix that

Here we are okay let’s see so Minecart dispense well first of all that has to go but second of all it’s not working possible we want slabs there like that and then maybe now it’ll work oh it did work oh my goodness and we got the

Villager right on in there I think all we need to do is just place a block here boom oh my goodness that was the worst case scenario what could have happened I hit the Villager which is gonna mess up my trades with them oh no okay that’s

Fine oh my goodness and my ax Pro how’s this villager doing oh we became a librarian and my prices are very high yeah I mean that’s my bad that’s my bad what I can do to fix that is get him infected by a zombie so it’s fine oh

Okay we got one there we go good good good here we go push on there I learned my lesson from last time we’re gonna no this guy’s gonna eat me too oh my goodness no no no no no no no no okay we’re gonna cycle you back through put you in

No I did it again oh my goodness okay I mean oh no that’s not gonna work I can’t have you here no move you can’t be here no stops fine we definitely need to get a zombie and we need to get sugar okay we’re gonna we’re gonna do this we’re

Gonna push you in no you’re not become a librarian here let’s go oh wow he loves his post now okay there we go you’re gonna move you oh you’re not gonna want to move are you okay what if we do this did that work should I get him in no

Dude you’re crazy man I can’t I cannot you just pulled a Houdini on me oh my God he’s wreaking havoc oh okay good new strategy is we break this rail we flip this one down no okay nice okay we got him in okay we got two villagers done

Okay we’re putting that there and then we’re just gonna get you in there oh yep perfect here we go I don’t think I hit him I think we actually did it okay we’re getting you in there okay good done okay we’re out of babies oh and they don’t seem to be doing anything

Um it’s possible that all the villagers are too close together is that what it is maybe if I grab some of this this might help thank you okay oh yeah oh yeah look at that look at the love going on that’s what I like to see all right we’ll give

Them their privacy you know but that means another baby hello baby all right okay we have three more to fill up here and while we’re doing this whole thing we can start working more on building the actual habitat for the villagers maybe I’m thinking we’re gonna separate

This out and from what I understand villagers cannot open fence gates which is perfect for us so we’ll do that and we probably don’t really want them going into this area either if I’m honest but we’ll just have to see how they act I guess and then we are going to at least

Temporarily block this area off as well just because it is not protected at all and we can let the villagers out of their kind of like cages and bring them into the circle for now Close that off boom so we got both villagers in here and they can freely chill out they don’t seem to be walking around yet but we’ll see so they have an area here that I can keep them in okay so I want to incorporate a kind of

Semi-village within a raft but I’m kind of struggling to figure it out first of all I think we need to block this off so these fellas don’t get lost but I’m thinking maybe we can build a little part here for the villagers in between of my house and this island that we’re

On and then we can also extend out to here and I’m thinking we’ll just add many structures that have different professions like a blacksmith building maybe one that has to do with food and stuff like that uh how can we do this let’s see players fence skates like this

Maybe okay so that’s blocked off they can’t just go walking and I’m thinking we will open up an area here and I’ll just use the same design with the spruce and Oak is this a full block no it is so maybe what we should do is bring this up

One and then start building out from here so that the island can be fully even I don’t really want to do the thing where the edges are lowered and I’m not sure exactly how far I want to bring this over to this side yeah we could even like wrap it all around the

House if we wanted I think for now we will hold off on doing that though and I’ll just bring it up until around here and we probably want to cut it off before the bridge just because trying to get it under here is gonna cause some issues maybe we can make an extension

Later but I think ending it off around here would be the best thing to do and then we’ll just wrap it right back around how’s that looking not bad not a bad piece of land and with that we will fill all of this in with Oak Boom okay all filled in I have one idea that could work that entails us placing another layer of leaves and then slabs on top of them okay here we go let’s see but look is that gonna give you know not a bad one not a bad one And then we’d have slabs going all around like this yeah I think this can work this feels secluded and give has Village Vibes I like it and this is ready to be filled up with some structures and such yeah and it looks like we need a lot more

Cobblestone as well so I think the best thing we can do is head out and go mining wow there’s a lot of veins of iron here holy moly I already have 33 and I’ve been mining for like a few minutes so I’m happy Okay I think we got enough of everything that we need over a stack of iron and about six stacks of cobblestone so let us head right on back up there we go surface that is what I like to see so let’s see here let’s get cobblestone smelting up

And iron as well and let’s see what can we do while that does its thing oh we can move more of our villagers I don’t know if any have grown so we’ll have to find out love fellas no entry Beyond this point Let’s see we got one no I

Think that’s it but that’s fine yeah we gotta remember to break that first and then and place in the minecart there we go perfect rail boom me you go for it and while that’s happening let me quickly drop some carrots to these fellas you guys are looking at oh my

Goodness that nose is wiggling oh my goodness is that what they do when they’re breeding is that a thing or is that just their animation normally right now hold on why do they do that when they’re making baby I am not gonna I’m not I’m gonna we’re just gonna forget

That ever happened that was that was very weird okay let’s see if we can do this like we want to no of course not why would we be able to do it like we want hey all right so you like that let’s just get you in through here bam

Done oh that was like the easiest one do any of these guys randomly already have oh wow this guy is Fortune three um you know what that’s really good mirror oh I don’t know what mirror is uh there’s no description or anything I’m not even gonna think about it I don’t

Know what that is uh punch and bookshelf but this guy still hates me it hits me a bit less now which is good and this first round is done smelting now we are running low on coal as well I used to be able to get the barrels and everything

That was dropping but it seems to have stopped or most of it’s just going under our raft unfortunately yeah but I don’t even see any items floating below either so I think it might just stop as the days go by maybe I’m wrong I don’t know

We have to figure that out uh let’s see we have a stone but I’d like to transform it into smooth Stone so we can use that as well let’s see I think blast furnace is what creates the blacksmith profession right so we need to make one

Of these bam mc2 and let’s get started on building the first structure okay let’s see what we can do here now usually the build uses Cobblestone maybe we can change it up a little bit and we can use stone bricks I don’t know how

Good of an idea that is at all but you know Maybe we can have this close off here definitely need some more additions though maybe we add oak logs that might help it a little bit this is a fancy Village we use lanterns and then maybe here we have it stick out a bit with two blast furnaces and then I’m wondering if

We can put anything here that kind of fits into this theme could do a couple armor stands for example boom to those and I definitely have some armor that we don’t need or like that crossbow for example iron chest plate to even grab those diving boots but we’ll have it

Facing us this way so boom boom boom boom and then we can have a couple armor stands like that boom boom perfect and we have that section basically done it’s very simple looking and what if we let the corner stick out like that that kind

Of works we’re gonna leave that as is I think we can build a little market front here we have a bunch of wool let’s see here probably want a bunch of slabs and also stairs here we go um okay let’s see let’s wrap this back around like so stone brick stairs

Through here we’ll have an opening here and we can probably add a fence gate bam I’m thinking maybe we use Spruce fences bam and then you can do this add this all around then to top it add some buttons and then what theme do we want this Market to be that’s a good

Question maybe we can put a Fletcher here for which we’ll need a Fletching table yeah there we go Fletching table and I know it’s not necessarily going to be the most useful type for us but I figure it will just add variety to our village which is nice let me play some lanterns

We also want to place beds around here so that this tracks the villagers more so I think I believe that’s how it works we will need a bed here as well maybe we can do something like this and we can put a chest there as well I figure we

Might as well just finish getting all the villagers over to our trading Hall already oh don’t die please whoa how did you get out oh no oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I see the problem no no no no no no get out okay let’s see

If he stays in if I break this oh he does good okay this guy’s just staring the the Villager down all right we’re gonna remove these we’re gonna move you into here and we’re gonna have a block right there to block you no stop trying to leave just accept

Your fate accept it there we go perfect oh there might be an issue I think this guy oh okay yeah see he’s trying to go to this lectern because that’s the only way he can actually turn into a librarian yeah there we go well he became a librarian so that’s good

Um okay hold on we’re gonna have to separate you Two Fellas here we go okay that’s done and now we just need to get one more villager in yeah I see why these guys weren’t farming anything now because they they aren’t farmers they’re they’re doing it they’re doing

It all right cool cool you guys get it done I think we’ll have one more Market here and then maybe we can have a little campfire with a couple more rolls around it over here so let’s just kind of mimic this design we’ll see if this is weird because it’s diagonal kind of

Yeah okay looking pretty good looking pretty good I think we can put a fisherman here there we go oh and our villagers are already making themselves at home we can place a barrel down here because this is going to be a fisherman’s place and where are you going what is going on

What am I hearing we can place another bed here and that’s that we can also add signs later on and and item plates if we want but this is sort of what we need just as one final area I want to set up a campfire here and have a butcher and

Maybe one more profession here we go we got campfires we can put the campfires right over here there we go a little campfire and we can create some seating like so and like so we need a smoker as well bam maybe place this over here and I’m thinking we can have a leather

Worker over there as well we’ll just do this boom cauldron and we’ll place this down here there we go so this is kind of lively now I don’t want the villagers to die by standing on this that’s my one concern I don’t really trust them um

What we can do maybe is use stone brick walls like this and this will kind of close it off there we go now if they still walk on here I don’t even know what to tell you and then back here I’m thinking I can put a couple of

Beds maybe like this like this you can even make a little roof that kind of works I think they should be able to sleep in there yeah I kind of like it and then we got these fellas who are already with a trade in mind so that’s

Good too I’d say we are done with creating the village do I throw a cat wait hold on I hear a cat where is this cat look everybody’s sleeping in their beds that’s so nice see now I don’t feel so alone anymore I feel like I got a

Whole village here I hear a cat where’s the cat oh hello oh my goodness hello uh do I have any fish no I need regular fish rock cod yeah we got you fish oh there we go we got a cat oh yeah and you’re sleeping okay let’s sleep that’s

Awesome we’ll call her blue no how did this happen this is what I’ve been trying to avoid oh my God okay how did you oh of course you got up there with this of course you did okay we gotta place these differently how about we

Just do that there we go okay no more trying to get off the edges here okay this is the last trading Hall villager we’re gonna need oh and I don’t have a minecart in there boom Perfect final villager and now that we’ve finished with that we can put some different

Villagers in here that are actually gonna be Farmers perfect this fella is now an actual farmer or the other sailor go okay go no not in where you going you want to go that way oh my God you gotta help me out here pal let’s oh my goodness let’s get you out

Oh yes finally oh no no not you okay good done where’s the other fella how did you just get back in did you did he step like this is this what he did oh we got I think I just got messed up because I just stepped in there I want

Their privacy oh my god dude I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m just I swear and I’m done okay we’re going for it and it happened we did it now let us push you on through to Here There we go perfect we need sugar which would come from sugarcane so

That we can make weakness potions we need a zombie and we also need a name tag so the zombie doesn’t despawn so that’s three things that we need to get I think the best thing we can do is go adventuring out at Sea to try and get

Some of these resources that we need we’re gonna definitely need to be ready if we want to do this though because uh there is a vokers that we’re gonna have to fight let’s go for it And I’m gonna quickly grab enough wool to make a bet not dealing with the night time no thank you boom light blue bed sleep time okay let’s do this And oh is this an evoker ship right here no it looks like it’s something else there’s husks and zombies so let’s approach this one this is probably going to be a lot easier to take down in that case okay let’s hop on board here and take all you fellas out

Oh sharpness three aqua affinity feather falling four wow that’s good fermented spider eyes we need though that’s perfect we’re finding the loot that we exactly need for what we want to do and I think I see the evoker ship in the distance yeah that’s it that’s the one

Now I wonder if we can just bow the evoker down and stay safe on our boat so which is fine The Illusionist is probably a problem as well let’s see what we can do here I’m just gonna bow at it nice we got it tried to throw a

Potion at me not today pal I’m gonna build out all the way over here open there’s the diver guys okay okay this is good this one has Enchanted particles too for fire resistance gotter oh pumpkins oh my goodness nice that’s a new crop I have not seen any pumpkins up until now

Pumpkins ow is that a cursed chest ow the loot just surprises me every time look at all this stuff I’m mainly trying to get anything that’s important potion of weakness we need that that’s important sugar that’s important and can I do something with the carved pumpkin

Or does it need to be normal pumpkin oh no with their skeleton skull even uh Health boost I’ll use this just because we’re gonna probably fight an evoker soon coming out of there we have six fermented spider eyes six sugar a potion of weakness some really good books and

That’s mostly it for the rare stuff we have with their skeleton skulls and the pumpkins as well but those aren’t going to be easy to use at all ah here we go here is the evoker ship um we have to strategize and approach for this I think we take out everything

We can without involving the evoker first like this guy which is good for us take that guy out oh no not now not now oh my goodness why are there so many of you you’re crazy fellas and you have a million Health don’t you okay we’re gonna figure this out I’m thinking we

Can bring inch far out again let’s make our way over to Here Also let’s sleep oh hello creeper and hello dangerous nobody here probably on the other side of this door though right or yeah fella I know somebody’s hiding somewhere I hear you make quite loud grunting

Noises my friend okay here he is there we go perfect and you’re gone nice okay so we have all the loot to ourselves nothing that I really need here okay so it looks like we have looted this one we can continue onwards I don’t know what

That was at the top of the ship I guess it might have just been another Vindicator but it was not an evoker let’s keep looking for what we want there’s a little ship over here oh and there’s a skeleton on here I thought there might have been a villager or

Something but nope okay well let’s take this fell out then ow Undead Fisher goodbye can you loot here just some salmon all right wait hold on oh my goodness is this the first actual eyelid we’ve run into I didn’t think there were Islands in this oh my god oh and there’s

Another ship over there oh and sugar cane okay well that opens up a lot of possibilities for us so that’s an awesome find now we can Farm up sugar cane anytime we want and I’m gonna mark down these coordinates because I mean we have literally found the first island is

It an evoker I think that isn’t a voker let’s try to take this ship on okay here we go yeah use the vocal ring it up but if we can shoot him from here then we’re good to go I just need to hit my shots

Oh no uh oh all right hold on okay here we go got him did he drop a totem woman dying I don’t know if he did let’s see take you out fella and you okay okay the top of the ship is clear here yeah and the evoker didn’t drop any

Told him I’m dying wow got a fella over here which we can take out like so boom what do we got here oh diamonds and breaking oh scoots might be useful more diamonds a lot of oars here yeah not bad is there anything in here no more Wars

I’m not finding any name tags anywhere though unfortunately okay now I’m thinking instead of wasting so much time looking for name tags maybe the better thing to do would literally just be use a zombie without a name tag because I mean we have our mob farm so we can get

Zombies no problem and I mean it’ll be kind of annoying to have to get new zombies every time but to start out I think it’ll be good enough for us and I’m back okay and we can try to bring a zombie over let’s just make sure that we

Have everything safe and set up oh which we don’t really because we’re gonna need to bring the zombie here I believe so I’m gonna need to rebuild this a bit boom then we can do this bam I hear a drowned but you know what maybe I can

Just use a drown zombie I would be fine come here my friend although do I want to risk it with the drown not really I’d rather just have a normal zombie sorry now what I should do before we bring a zombie here is actually test the Saturn make sure that everything’s working so

The Villager Falls oh why is the Villager falling so low whoa okay oh boy the Sand’s going inside the Piston which I don’t know if that’s supposed to happen yeah that’s not good this is probably because I need sticky pistons that’s why and on top of that I probably should not

Use sand so let’s get some stone bricks and we’ll also get slime balls to transform the Pistons into sticky pistons okay let’s see so we need to change the sand to stone brick oh you know what I could have probably oh no oh boy that was a mistake I probably could have done

That in a much better way I’m so sorry fella that’s not good okay let’s see if we can push him back which might be a bit difficult let me let me break oh no okay kind of works okay good actually kind of is working out right now then

Trapdoor boom I’m pretty sure that’s back to normal and now we just need to replace the Piston which is easy enough so I think we just take this slime ball boom there we go let’s test that out and see if it works boom boom nice there we go so now he

Goes up and down perfect we need to do the rest with everybody else and let’s see what the best way to do that would be okay push you over here nope don’t move back on here there we go we replaced that now we need to push him

Back there we go and place this boom we’ll just do that with everybody else okay all done and let’s test them accordingly works oh and I need to replace the Pistons right okay there we go and okay some of these are not working oh I see it’s probably because

There needs to be slabs here boom and they are all working perfectly good so all that’s left to do is to bait a zombie over hello okay we got a zombie I’m gonna open this up for him close it right away and follow me my friend up

The stairs and right into here no you can come inside there we go perfect so with that done we should be good to go now we just need to pick out the trades that we want and I do want librarian trades but I also and most importantly

Really wants a good farmer trade because that’s what’s gonna let us get the starter emeralds we need let’s see here potatoes and beetroot that’s actually pretty decent because we have both of those so we can turn this fella but before we do that we should grab a

Weakness potion and golden apples oh I didn’t ever get any netherwort or blaze rods did I okay well and I case off to the nether go all right should be good to go uh it looks like I have found the Nether Fortress blazes where the blaze is at the

Terrible Fortress oh yeah and we also can get another word here we go bam perfect and gotcha we need a couple more blaze rods if possible got Saddles the Chester nice here as well oh and there we go we got a couple more blazes hello folks okay they didn’t drop anything and it

Also looks like there’s a whole other Fortress over there blazes are kind of spawning here so I don’t know if it’ll be any better over there we just need a couple more blaze rods and we got more netherwort here is that a spawner yes it is awesome and we’re already up

To three blaze rods since we found a spawner might as well get just a couple more okay we got four blaze rods that’ll be good enough for now let us head back home and take a screenshot of these coordinates now let me see is our zombie

Still here nope it’s gone I mean should have seen that coming but it’s okay because we should be able to easily get another one in first let’s Brew up the potions we need boom brewing stand and whoops no no no not that so for weakness potions we might actually not even need

To make awkward potions so we can just uh use fermented spider eyes right away so we’ll grab one of those and also one gunpowder and we’ll Brew it up man three weakness potions and I can make two more golden apples so I have three total so that means we can turn three villagers

If we want let’s try to get to the trades that we want from our villagers let’s see so we have a good farmer trade protection for trade that’s really good so we’re gonna lock this guy in Fortune three that’s pretty good too looting three these guys are given some good

Trades let’s lock the guys that we like are in so that we don’t lose these trades oh and we did get a zombie now because it’s daytime I don’t know how transporting a zombie works exactly but it’s possible that we can just equip a helmet on him and that’ll protect him

From the Sun I think and in that case we could transport him right now let’s take these guys out we’ll let this one zombie out all right follow me oh and here take this helmet he’s not picking up the helmet all right well that’s my bad

That’s my bad you know what we’ll just wait until night time goodness so boom we’ll lock this one in and then we need nine emeralds boom I believe this one’s now locked in let’s also try to get so Fortune’s pretty good as well I think we

Should lock this one in this one might be a bit harder but let’s see if we have the resources we don’t yet but if we trade with our Farmers some more we probably will have enough also we definitely need to set up some new Farms

That’ll help us out a lot oh wait no I have 16 paper here plus we can make some more using our sugar cane and that should be enough Pam so that should lock that in these two we can try to get new ones on efficiency four that’s pretty

Good actually so let’s lock that in sharpness four not bad Unbreaking two isn’t bad I’m looking for on breaking three though and I think we can be greedy just because we have a decent amount of time with this fella you can’t really go anywhere anyways while I’m

Doing this let’s bring the zombie over oh and a g-spawn here we go come with me and let’s follow me this way and we will open this up come with me let’s go this way perfect we got man with that we can turn the ones that we want to turn which

Includes the sky and a quick disclaimer originally this map was set to normal mode so I changed it to hardcore in the configuration but I didn’t realize that I’d also have to change the difficulty setting to hard instead of normal so while I do actually have only one life

And am playing on Hardcore Mode typical things like mob spawn rates and the chance of villagers getting turned into zombies are still set to normal and as you’ll see this makes my life a lot harder let’s see if we get lucky oh it did it nice so weakness potion Golden Apple okay

Good next we want this protection for villager uh-oh no we lost them okay well it happens try this fella there we go hopefully he will do what we need him to did our villager survive nope dang it let’s try our efficiency villager okay he’s going

For another one come on come on come on no I got one for four not the worst odds ever but not amazing either okay well with that I’m pretty happy well there we go zombie doctor bam cause one emerald and one book for Fortune three that’s obviously not exactly the one we wanted

But still it is very very cheap now with that I’m thinking we can kind of move on from the villager trading Hall a bit because we’ve been so focused in on this for so long I feel like I want to do some other things I mean it’s not going

Anywhere which is the good thing I can quickly buy the fortune 3 book uh maybe I’ll buy it in a few times just in case I need it on multiple tools bam I have five books and I actually don’t know how long the discount lasts for is it

Permanent I don’t know but I mean it’s all a learning process for me anyways let us buy everything we want here Oops I did not mean to buy five but you know what I did it I did it so I had no regrets no regrets five books it is so

We’ll leave that alone for now I’m happy with the fact that we’ve got it to the point where it can actually work and definitely work to be done but uh we will finish that up now the next thing that I really want to do and something

I’ve been wanting to do for a while now is adding to our Farms we have sugar cane and we have beetroot beetroot I think I would actually need the seeds so here we go we have beetroot seeds and we do have this area that we built for animals but we’ve had absolutely zero

Luck with finding any so far it’s still possible we will find some in the future but since we haven’t found one yet I figure it would be a good idea to turn this into another farming section anyways we also have another word that I probably want to plant down as well so

That leaves us with three resources you know what I figure a good thing to do will be to start off all of our Farms here and then if I want to expand the sugar cane Farm I can just do it later around that tree Island so to expand our farm we’re going to

Need to restructure this and make it identical to this right here now the one thing is that this is currently uneven so we need to kind of fix it up a bit mainly we have to move this two blocks over this I believe is 16 blocks wide

And then this one is 14 bucks wide yeah so we need to extend it out to more we’ll get that done really quickly and we’ll just restructure this whole side okay Thank you Okay so I’ve mostly finished with extending and balancing out the Farms this is now two blocks longer and I also removed a lot of the unnecessary blocks in between the different farms and now there’s only one line separating them which just lets us Farm a lot more which

Is nice so I just have to reform and then replace all of these so that they fully cover everything boom and I guess this part of the melon farm isn’t necessary but I will still keep it and over here I just need two more Soul Sand

And then we just need to do the sugar cane and beetroot Parts beetroot is simple boom we need another workplace and well now that I think about it so sugar cane whoa how am I placing it like that oh because they’re slabs I see so we’ll change up this design a little bit

I’ll just add slabs like so boom and let me see I still can’t place it everywhere I’ll just have to water bucket from underneath do this I believe there we go I think I mostly did it and then I just need two more Soul Sand here

Okay let’s quickly head on in change the golden apple handy I have had to move through a lot of nether already without finding any Soul Sand there we are beloved Soul Sand give me give me very nice also if I can get some glowstone while I’m here that would be

Great because I am running out in fact I have two pieces there we go this is sketchy but there’s two veins of glowstone in this direction which I really want to get here we go okay I’m up to more than four stacks of Glowstone Dust so I think it’s a good

Time to head back for home oh that is not what we like to see when we are right next to Lava oh boy oh boy oh boy where are you here you know what I’m just gonna take you out okay a lot of you fellas okay all righty goodbye here’s some meat

Let’s get that for uh buddy okay feels good to be back that was uh quite a long trip given that we just came there for Soul Sand but there we go and in fact boom we can already fill it up fully awesome do wolves eat raw food here you

Go buddy oh they do there we go that’s nice gotta feed our cat too blue here you go all right so with that our Farms are fully set up and I mean they’re gonna have to grow a bit but other than that we are looking good and it looks

Like we got another cat which is nice now I’d also really like to make a kind of docking area where we can leave and uh enter on our boat I mean we can obviously come in from anywhere which is fine but if we could have a nice little

Designated area for it that would be cool as well I’m thinking maybe we can do it to the side of our house right here let’s see how we want to do this I’m thinking we’ll have a few sections as though there’s like multiple boats coming into here kind of extend it out

Like this Let’s see if adding the stone brick outline would be of any use okay not bad but I’m thinking might just be better if we have a center piece like that and then a two by two openings on each side that’s better I think that’s kind of nice it doesn’t take uh

Too much space up or anything it’s not too much work either and let’s see if it works like we wanted to we would just have boats sitting here already boom get out we want to come back we just do a little loop-de-loop and Bam awesome I kind of like it and let’s see

Kind of gives it a little bit of a like an archway maybe we could even do maybe do something like that boom and yeah I think that’ll do there’s a little Archway opening and then we can probably close it off as well like so boom yeah

Kind of cool little opening and place to Dock and leave our boats we also never finished up lighting up this area which we should definitely do there we go I mostly lit up the bottom and then on the top we’ll just also Place some glowstone

Boom so this is pretty well lit up good good and by the way does this one still have the discount yes they do also I have not checked up on our reader in a while I don’t know if there’s a cap on how many villagers can be here at once

It probably is right yeah I don’t think that there seems to only be one so I mean that’s it’s probably for the better now the question is do we want to continue with our trading Hall investment here because in that case we’re gonna have to transfer this

Railroad to here again also are our farmer is still good in here oh wait they’re good right yeah oh why is there only one what happened here maybe I just oh I forgot to put the second farmer in here that’s what happened okay gotta get

This guy wait no I okay yeah we gotta get this guy out and put him into the farm so let’s do that I need to get uh Railway supplies and then we’ll also bring them over to there I do wonder if it’s worth creating like an underground more more like underwater railway that

We can use to transport the villagers from here to there and also from here to there because we are building our little mini Village I think that might be a pretty useful thing to do and pretty cool as well and that also gives us easy access to move them anywhere else we

Want in the future so let us do that that’s gonna be a lot of work all right so let’s get this done okay let’s see so we already have these villagers kind of underground okay let’s see so we would probably want well first of all I completely forgot

Didn’t we need to move a villager in here we did um that’s my bad let us do that before anything else get on there we go bring him up and bring you in here here you are there we go all done and now they can get to work doing what they do best

Now as for the railway yeah so I think we want to run this underground starting from here and then we’ll go downwards and then it can probably just go literally right under this and then we can bring it here and go upwards and then have a trapdoor or something

That’ll create the opening let us get to work figuring this out so oh we got a cat that spawned here alrighty well you’re not supposed to run in here no no you’re not supposed to go in here oh are you stuck oh my goodness should we tame

This cat maybe we should huh oh my goodness it’s going crazy hold on let’s grab some fish I’m trying not to tame too many cats because I don’t want to make them all sit I’d rather have them run around but uh yeah build a Teleport

To me but uh you know I don’t want them to be stuck anywhere either so it’s all right grab all the fish I’ve got and uh come here what are we gonna do oh my goodness you guys are so cute all right you have a seat you guard this house all

Right blue and yellow how about that your name’s yellow your name’s blue okay that’s what we’re doing right now yes we’re calling you colors but they’re cute so it’s gonna work hello where’d you go oh hey hello oh there we go come here and there we go okay looks like our

Villager friends are going to work that’s good they’re having the time of their lives oh they made a baby all right good good we’ll call you jumpy because you were jumping all over the place these names are not that creative I know okay guys gotta cut me some slack

Just trying to make sure I can remember all of them all right jumpy blue and yellow all right cool here we go you guys are a squad you guys have fun anyways the railroad that’s what we’re trying to work on so I’d say first of all we’re gonna make a railway to the

Villager breeder and in that case we are going to do this we’re gonna run this underground right here and we luckily have a good amount of space that we can use we should probably just run it through here and then we’d open it out here we’re gonna block that so that no

Water comes coming in comes coming in okay anyways and then we’re gonna come through here and you know what I’d probably rather be centered than like this but we’ll fix that in a moment and let’s see do we want to use stone brick to make like a statement that it’s a

Railway or just blend it in that’s a good question I think just keeping its Bruce would be the coolest just blending it in and keeping it simple so we have to get a bunch of spruce and I do actually wonder if we have any progress towards getting a level 30

Enchanting table so I can get a better ax that’ll help speed up the chopping wood process by a lot no I mean we don’t really have any hope for a lot of bookshelves right now so it is what it is I will make a diamond ax and I’m

Seeing how many books I have whoa 31. oh hold on I actually have very close to enough for a level 30. I already have two here which is equivalent to six more bucks so I have 37 so that would mean that I need eight more books oh which is so close

Okay I’ve gotten some wood I’m gonna grab some leaves so we have a block to remove water with and now we should be all good to go so we’ll just take this Railway down like so take it through here okay so let’s see here oh having the leaves above this

Kind of gives me an idea it could actually use glass or just leaves themselves because that would give us transparency through this whole thing which would actually be pretty cool uh my question is can you place rails on leaves no you can’t okay so then our best option might be glass maybe grass

On the top glass on the bottom or something with that though I’m gonna need a bunch of glass and I actually have a good amount already so we should be good to go on that front we will get some additional oak leaves and with all that we can head over to start building

This thing so then we’ll just have this come out I guess we actually want to run this one block lower than we were because kind of want to keep it Blended in I don’t want it sticking up above ground so we’ll just do it like this

All the way to make a staircase here which we can actually open up already and then boom so it kind of end up over here and then from here we can bring the villagers where we want okay so now it’s time to actually build this thing we

Will keep the sides I’m gonna break through here hello dolphin don’t go in there you’re gonna die do we still want to do the leaves for the top okay wait that’s not what I was going for maybe not because I don’t want this to be sticking out in that case it might

Be better to use slabs I wonder if those can blend in oh they can okay so then we should just use slabs I think that works just fine so I need more Oak then oh and look at this our sugar Cane’s really coming along nicely oh yeah that’s

Satisfying okay now let’s build the rest of this Okay well we’re out of the water by now so let us work on getting all that water out whoa look how high our trees are grown oh my goodness what are they doing down here wait why are carrots down I don’t know what’s happening they’re like trading carrots they’re breeding in the

Area where they go after they’ve bred I’m so confused how did this happen got like babies on babies now I think we have like four villagers in here okay anyways this fortunately seems to be pretty easy to remove water from and I’d like to light it up as well for which we

Can probably use glowstone beautiful beautiful and this is where we’re just gonna have to kind of solidify the walls and I actually don’t think that solidifying all the walls would be a bad idea I think if we solidify them all it might just make things a lot simpler Boom so this is all separated now I’ll add some glowstone and if we want we could even add a door like here let’s say that gives us a cool kind kind of behind the scenes access point which is really really nice I think and then how is the rest of this actually looking

It’s looking all right you know what something that could really help here is adding a leaf border maybe because otherwise it looks a little bit too just solid let me see it also kind of hides the bottom of this which is nice and I just need a couple

More leaves to really finish this off but how is that looking hmm I think it still needs some more work Maybe it would be better if we use stairs for example and then we can use them on the bottom and the top I’m thinking that might be nicer because it’ll give the base here some shape okay let’s see here how do we want to place these there’s that option and

There is this option I’m thinking placing them like this might be a bit better because I think then on the top we can place them the opposite way and it’ll look cool I’ll show you guys what I mean in a moment okay there we go and now we’d want to do

The top layer And you know what we probably want to finish this up like so bam and then we’re just gonna Place logs right here bam there we go that’s looking better we’ll also finish extending the stairs to over here just like so boom a little glowstone on each corner and now we

Gotta figure this out so villagers will come up then they will be offloaded right here oh and I just realized we need powered rails but I don’t know if we’re gonna have the space to do that let’s try those so and then if we want

To power this oh okay good we can power it from above perfect that makes our lives a lot easier bam okay so this isn’t connecting as we’ve wanted to though okay that’s fine we just do this boom okay so we have this all figured out I’m thinking maybe

What we can do is just add slabs around this and that’ll kind of cover it without adding two much here and then we can do this bam so this gives us a way to transport our villagers here and yes it is time to test it after all so let

Us do it so we send the Villager off please tell me it works like we want yes it does beautiful so then we get the Villager here which means if we we would break all of the ones whoops that was a mistake but fortunately the Villager

Keeps its trade but we break all the ones that we don’t want the Villager to go to and then we can break a minecart there we go he became a farmer now that was mainly for the purpose of baiting a mirror because now we’re just gonna push

Him in and I don’t have enough space boom there we go and we got him oh my goodness perfect just like that all done and that way we’re also keeping the villagers safe from the zombie because we can’t actually bring them in from here and we’ll work on getting this guy

The trades that we need later but for now I’d also like to set up the other railway that we and that is the railway going here to our village now this Village has a lot of room to expand in the future as well which is why I’d love

To have a easy way to transport Villages over because for example this can expand around my base to that way um we could even make a little underpass and then have it expand over to here so we have a lot of room for expansion oh and speaking of expansion our sugar cane

Is growing really nicely wow and sugarcane is great because it’ll give us the paper trade for emeralds which any source of a lot of emerald trading is great for us is there much use for beetroot no not really but maybe we can trade it that’s that’s mostly where the

Use will come in and red dye I guess too anyways we need to set up this other railway and we could do it in the same exact way as the other one where we just keep it really low-key and underground and stuff but maybe we could give it a

Little bit more of a theme since this is a village already having like a little train state station could be cool in fact having a train station here would be cool too so I’m gonna even try to design this a bit because the thing about this is we can create a train

Station all across our base and as it expands more we would just add more Avenues let’s see how would we want to do this let’s see we could have oak logs here that and then a vlog here as well and then we’d kind of fill it up with glass maybe

There we go how would that look not bad I think maybe we can cover it with stone bricks Labs let’s see so maybe we can just add a nice little cover like this bam and you know what I want some lamps to finish this off there we go lanterns

Rather not lamps actually we can maybe bring that boom and then you know what we can do is we can name it Trader Express boom and we can add some slabs here maybe we’ll do it with those there we go bam we have a nice little uh train

Outpost now we’ll work on adding this to our village we do kind of have a chunk of space here which is probably going to be the easiest area to make this work lucky for us this is actually really close to the breeder so there shouldn’t be too many

Complications with this though we are going to need to finish it before we actually open this up otherwise the water will flood everything so you have to be really careful so let’s see here we’d go from right here we could carry this through also use glass and let’s

See what’s the spot we would actually want this to be opened at probably here for example so we’ll bring this over accordingly and I kind of uh calculated it a bit differently than I would have liked it’s okay we’re gonna fix this so we’ll have

This come up one okay so we can kind of get it to open up right there which is okay probably be better if it went in this direction if I’m honest so we’d have it go up like that okay so we’ll just no no no okay slab the top like before

Okay that is done now I just got to clear the water perfect so now we have a clear path and we should be able to open this up now so boom and uh oh okay let’s see here oh oh that could have been bad goodness

Gracious okay there we go so what we can do is we have another path so we’ll just bring the railing down now I don’t know if there’s actually something I can use okay so I think if we put a lever here we might be able to create a lever

Switch thing so hold on so let’s see if I put a lever here oh look at that we can switch the direction it goes in now unfortunately it seems to have completely switched the direction let’s see if I can oh you know what we would want the

Switcher to be oh how did you get here my friend are you what are you doing oh no these guys are crazy okay let’s see what if we would bring the railing through here okay there we go we have extra space now and what we could do is

Have railing going like this and then it’s also there we would have a lever here maybe no okay I’m not really able to figure it out so I guess we’ll just manually switch it whenever we need to that’s fine I’m gonna make this go back to normal

Boom okay so theoretically yes okay I did not mean to do that yet my bad let’s bring it back over but this is working we’re gonna continue extending this all right and you’re gonna keep coming here aren’t you we’re just gonna stop you right there why are you coming here no

Stop coming here guys you’re not oh my goodness okay I’m gonna need to fix that okay get out of here get out of here yes get out okay okay so it looks like it’s gonna be hard to make the track go to the right here so we might just have to

Make it open up from here oh there we go and then we’ll put a powered rail there we go so this works and then bam we’ve transported a villager they’ll find themselves a home here and we just need to design this opening again which we will do in the same way

So I think we should just leave it like this and then we can name it the Village Express we can also add the lanterns like we did and Bam now I do want to transport more villagers to our Terrain Hall so you can get to doing that now

The thing about Librarians too is that their max level trade can have name tags so that would be great because that would let us have an infinite zombie here as well I would like to get that set up let’s see so lectern and there we

Go bam we are going to push you in there go go go go yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh got him oh and you got mending trade that’s awesome so let’s get paper because we do not want him to switch out

Of that trade now the villagers surviving the zombie is a whole different topic but um hopefully we can make that happen and this is you yes it is boom and locked in now my idea for here is actually just adding a chest and then what we can do is put some rails in

There and this will hopefully let us streamline the process of transporting villagers when we want potato and beetroot not a bad trade here I don’t know if getting carrots and potato as possible so let’s just lock that in as well here you are boom and we’re gonna lock

That in perfect and for our sugar cane let us expand it all around our tree farm like I said way back There we go and we can already begin planting perfect and I mean by this point we’re doing really well with everything I’d say I’m really happy let’s get some more villagers transported over to the trading Hall bam oh it works so well okay so we’re gonna

Bring you over here no no no no no don’t go down no no no no no no no no I have not had a villager do this before very interesting okay let’s see where you’re trying to go no okay I see where you’re trying to go all right man you know what

Buddy you have fun okay um in the meantime I am actually gonna bring a zombie over that’s what we’re gonna do okay and cover that and let’s go yes good good you’re hitting me real good okay good from here perfect good so we are all done there let’s do this one you

Can do this one too let’s go Zombie’s not walking zombie come here yes there we go get The Mending guy please please please zombie villager please please please please please please please no okay it’s fine let’s go come here Yes good weakness we’ve got an apple and I’m going to sleep off the night because unfortunately villagers don’t really like to change their trades during the night time and none of these fellas are really collaborating with us it seems so you know what that’s fine we’re just

Gonna bring some new ones over let’s do it and wow the villagers are really Mass producing here that’s great to see folks okay and we’re gonna put you why do you guys not want to go to the right spot why no stop what happened oh no guys

Doing what are you doing oh my goodness okay let’s see what happens if I break these fences okay watch I’m gonna let you in here here you having the time of your life yet yeah oh now you want to go back here don’t you and you were just

Spinning in circles great you know what actually this works out fine because I’m just gonna push you back in here and we’re going to do this to you there we go yeah perfect and on top of that this time I’m going to be smart and just

Use our rails to get you where we want hold on before that though where this other villager go here you are okay here’s what we’re gonna do with you pal all right put you up on this block yep all right good looks like he’s going oh

Yeah right where we need him good good good now that that happened we’re gonna push you in good and he’s got lure three you know what I figure maybe we should get a really good fishing rod just to do ourselves Justice here we are on a raft

After all and having a decked out fishing rod would be a great way to end off the hundred days so you know what that’s my new goal but before that we gotta finish dealing with these guys so oh no no that was not the plan oh yes

Okay good oh no no no no no no no it was going so well why’d you have to go why why why oh uh you got good trades too you got really good trades okay I don’t even know how he got this okay it’s fine though okay we’re gonna put him in the

Mine cart because that seems to be the best way to do this no how’d you go outside okay you know what you’re not a farmer man you’re a wannabe all right you’re not a farmer all right that’s just that’s just the facts sorry to break your jeans

Okay we did it okay good okay here we have the lore3 trade so let’s try to Discount this guy no all right well it is what it is okay well no one’s really switching their trades right now so first of all let’s keep expanding our sugar cane Farm

Now if we can get bookshelf trade for cheap that would be amazing so let’s try to do that sounds like the zombie might have despawned unfortunately that’s okay we shall bring a new one over oh we got a zombie villager spawn I don’t know if he works uh the same way as other

Zombies do but there’s also a zombie or something with diamond boots over there that kind of looks nice I don’t like those let’s just bring this guy in here like we usually do rates so that should work like we want it to and this Villager has a nice trade so let’s bring

Him down oh he’s not really doing anything might be too tall or something okay I guess we have to bring another zombie then all right here we go and in we go let’s go okay with that we can lower this guy down there we go oh okay

I’ll lock this guy in and hopefully once we get him turned into a zombie he will lose his aggression towards me and discount all his prices hello zombie this way oh uh what’s going on okay I guess let’s try to level this Fortune guy up a bit

Boom curse of binding no not because of binding oh what but one book for one Emerald is pretty good only thing is I kind of wanted to make a level 30 enchanting table I don’t know it is what it is God I gotta do what we gotta do

Right now mending oh well I mean hey that is good with me thank you very much I can’t complain really let’s level them up even more experts oh he didn’t get the name tag unfortunately but we can get a bunch of mending books from him okay well things aren’t exactly going

Our way with the Villagers so I figure let’s go and adventure for a little bit we can head out using our little dock here and let’s see what we can find Foreign here we go here’s a little ship and it looks like it’s a villager one is it yeah I knew it I knew that was gonna happen I knew it alrighty very funny Let Me Take Out The Illusionist yep and the witch I hate all of you guys I just hope

You know that now the bright side is there might be some decent loot here which I would not mind levitation potion saturation hold on one applied full hunger bar is that forever I guess it’s just for one use I see Magma Cream fairly simple stuff still goodbye and this is my second Wither

Skull technically I could try to fight the Wither although I’m doubting that would go well right now a lot of the same stuff in here potion of luck I don’t know exactly how luck works but we can drink this and I am close to being out of food

There I go again with my amazing food management okay anyways that is it I got something strange over here it looks like it doesn’t seem like there’s too much actually here though no let’s head out Yay hello folks hello we are going okay and we got drowns which honestly I’m not even gonna pay attention to oh boy okay wait this is dangerous I’m not dealing with that mitigators are super dangerous oh boy okay I’m in a bit of trouble actually this isn’t anything new either

So it’s not like I’m missing out on anything and uh well I don’t want to die so goodbye I figure Let’s uh take a little bit more of a look of what we can find in the ocean and other than that I’m just gonna start heading back for

Home oh and it looks like we’ve got another Island here every time we come buy these I’m wondering if any neutral mobs can spawn like pigs or cows that would be amazing I doubt it though we’ve got a shipwreck here and some pretty decent loot here why not okay well the

Sun is rising and I didn’t really find anything new we are what like more almost 6 000 blocks away from our base um I think it’s a good time to head back because it’s gonna take a while to get back to our raft I’m almost of food and

I would still like to try and get some luck with our villagers oh and I found a section here with even more desert while on the way back home a home sweet home that took a lot longer than I thought it would but we are finally back okay so I

Would still like to try and make an upgraded fishing rod with a level 30 enchanting table and if possible get a name tag so first we’re gonna need to bring some more villagers here boom that’s everybody brought over here I’ll also bring some villagers to our

Village so bam and then we do the exact same thing yeah there we go oh I didn’t mean to bring the baby but I mean I guess it is what it is all right you make yourself at home over here great now we need to bring a zombie here and

We need to get an another upgraded librarian trade here we go we got a bookshelf and paper trade so let us get this fella turned and upgrade this farmer oh pumpkin for Emerald that’s a very good trade but I don’t think we have any pumpkin seeds do we come on

Come on give me some luck I really want this level 30 enchanting demo please please no okay here we go again we will lock this in and villager do your thing oh there we go he’s going for it yeah so this will mean that we’ll have an

Easier way to get bookshelves which will let us get that level 13 chanting table finally and then we can also trade with this one a bunch so hopefully get the name tag trade which would be even better now while that’s happening I would still like to get another farmer

So that we can sell all of our crops there we go carrot and wheat trade that’s perfect so let’s lock that in and then we will let this fella go down zombie come here do I have the special villager for you there we go you guys

Have fun come on come on come on come on no that’s pretty funny okay here we go carrots carrots is good we can get weed as well that would be better carrots and wheat perfect what a lucky day for you put you down and zombie come here come on come on please

No why is my success rate so low okay well I’m hoping I can safely leave while this guy’s getting turned because I want to bring new villagers over oh yeah we already got some more villagers oh yeah let’s go here we go yes good and we’re gonna push you nope

You don’t like the zombie do you nothing to be afraid of no no no no no oh my goodness this guy oh yes this transformation is complete only three emeralds for one bookshelf we can have our level 30 enchantment table in no time there we go okay so let’s trade

With this fella and he’s upgraded Lantern one book for one Emerald okay well we can basically infinitely trade with this book and bookshelf thing which is good because you should be able to just trade in emeralds and then we’ll trade them back in for bookshelves power one that’s not what we’re looking for

Over here all right I don’t appreciate that and then we can buy some lanterns there we go get you upgraded uh-huh experts so that’s not looking too good now can you go above expert oh we can get them to master I’m realizing okay wait wait wait so that changes things a

Bit boom more paper oh that does not give us much well it is what it is boom boom or there we go that was a good trade boom okay we got him to master it looks like let’s see Master oh he has the name tag yes oh okay progress oh my

Goodness finally we have actually made some type of progress feels good this villager is like depressed or something because he’s just not willing to get a profession and uh just like looking out at the sun like I don’t know what’s going on with this fella we we are

Trying to do something really important with our community right now all right there buddy what are you doing like he’s just looking staring down at villagers like okay here’s the deal we have a lot of problems right now because I don’t have an anvil and I don’t have enough

Iron to make one once our farms grow we will hopefully have enough emeralds to get the bookshelves required for a level 13 changing table and then we just need the Anvil to get any additional enchantments on our gear but this fella I really need him to become a carrot

Farmer because that’s going to increase the amount of emeralds we get by a lot and he’s not doing anything we do have one more villager who’s a baby maybe they’ve grown let’s see if they haven’t we’re gonna head down in mine okay wait they have grown okay let’s go and then

We’re just gonna work through the whole night okay okay we want to move you inside there okay good we need you to be a farmer so here we go pick that up yes okay good good this one’s actually doing work this one’s still depressed I don’t

Know what to tell you okay oh carrots yes okay uh it doesn’t have wheat but we don’t have much time so let’s just lock that in set you down come on please give me some luck right now I just if I could ask for one time to give me luck please

Give it to me now please yes yes yes yes yes okay there we go you’re a villager I think I can leave while this is happening so we’re gonna go and we’re gonna mine for iron and also for some diamonds if we can because that is gonna

Let us make just a few more diamond tools or armor that it would be nice to have not bad at all now what I’m gonna do is I’m actually going to make a diamond pickaxe because it’s going to help us mine a lot quicker and I would

Love to be able to do that okay and we’re gonna swim out a little bit just because I want to make sure we are mining in a new ish area yeah I’d say I’m far enough I’m gonna dive down and we’re mining until why level 11.

Oh and this is a mine shaft which honestly kind of lost faith in these ever since that other one I found because yeah they seem to not generate very well at all oh but there is my Jeff chess no way oh my God I just spent so

Long on a villager trading oh things have just went downhill are you kidding me I found a name tag I am so upset right now you guys have no clue the only thing left to do is to just get the iron for an anvil and enough emeralds for the bookshelves but that’s it Good news is that we can name tag our pets so at least we have some use for the renewable name tags that’s kind of nice we can even name our villagers Oh and my helmet did in fact break but I got over a sack of iron and I think that’ll be enough for now I also got uh 13 diamonds I guess that’s pretty good so let’s head on home here we are surface and there’s our raft

Okay let’s smelt all of this up okay boom Anvil and uh we’re gonna name them um really good name nothing aggressive at all you know typical typical zombie name really um there we go looks like uh this guy has done what we needed him do perfect

And now we just need to get our bookshelves so let’s do that you know what we also got a bunch of hay bales for the wheat trade I’m realizing now so that’s a really good trait to have on the Villager but fortunately we did not

Get it on this one trade with you and we’ll trade with you then bookshelves boom okay we could only get two oh this one doesn’t have the bookshelf trade does he okay um that’s not that good okay so we only got two bookshelves from that did I have

Any more okay nine eleven so plus we have two we need three more well I’ll tell you what I will if we make a grindstone boom grindstone and we can use that on all of the additional Fortune books we got which is a lot boom and I just need three more books Let’s

See boom second book I need literally one more book you know what I’m willing to give up one betting book no problem at all all right boom there we go and then we will make three more bookshelves perfect with that place these and I believe that should give us a level 30

Trade yes it does can I enchant the fishing rod does a weird thing where I cannot move it but maybe we can enchant a new one and then combine them can’t believe my first level 30 enchantment is going to be on a fishing rod but I think

It’s only fair on breaking lure two not that good let’s make another one this is the number one priority right now lure three Unbreaking three I want luck of the C let’s go give me some luck give me some luck on breaking three luck of the

C2 can there be luck of the C3 yes there can okay you know what though that’s okay now let’s see can I combine oh no I can’t I cannot but I can combine these I can’t put it on our original fishing rod but I can put it on a new one and that

Is good enough for me now if we could also get some additional name tags for our pets that would be awesome no expense answer was it again let’s see what is this this villager is weird pretty costly pretty costly well I’ve gotten one and this is good for our

Original pet buddy there we go buddy we finally got you a name tag oh my goodness you can walk around with us for a bit okay we’re gonna let Buddy take a seat here this villager is still really weird like they’re so suspect you know

What buddy if you’re not gonna be be a useful member in any way sorry to break it to you but uh I’m not gonna accept it you know just not gonna accept that so goodbye by the way I did not check uh on these oh here luck of the sea so we do

Have a luck of the C3 trade sticks for emeralds here you go I can do that trade no problem unfortunately no villagers have grown for us to actually transport you know what I think a good thing to do to finish off the hundred days we’ll fish from up here buddy buddy where’s

Buddy come on buddy okay it’s fine Buddy’s gonna sit down there but oh it is Buddy anyways no better way to end off the 100 days in fishing in peace on our beautiful beautiful raft look at this thing I am really happy with what we were able to make within the 100 days

I think we did so much with what we were given and along the way we had some luck and some some unlucky things happen but you know what uh through it all I’m very happy I’m very very happy foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-09-08 11:27:05. It has garnered 354936 views and 4853 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:06 or 11046 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!

I’m stuck in the middle of the ocean with nothing but a fishing rod and a few wooden planks below me! Throughout these 100 days I have to build, adventure, and survive my way through the seas to succeed!


Credit to @Skyes for having the incredible idea to use this map in the 100 days format! Looked so fun that I had to try it for myself 🙂


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    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More

Suev – I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!