Summoning Herobrine with Sacrifice in Minecraft!

Video Information

भैस की आख ट दक भाई ला एटर की ख ठीक है अब ये कौन जा रहा है यार इतनी स्लो स्पीड में ये फिर से वेलकम बक टू आवर चैनल अगेन आज की वीडियो के अंदर हम भाई मोबा रडि कर लपट हमारा हो चुका है खराब जोपर हो जाएगा बाद में या पता नहीं होगा नहीं होगा भी है आज अंदर हम जिसका नाम है रो ब्रा ड्रम आज रोम जाने वाले रो क्या होता [संगीत] स बम समस्या है इसके लिए ड़ काम कर लेता अच्छा नी रहा है मैंने पढ़ नहीं मैंने नट आ ऑ मेरा फ ग्र ग चाहि मे करना क्या ग का पागल है [संगीत] ओ माय गड द लाइटिंग ा ट मच ा अ कंट्रोल सेट नहीं अबे जाना किधर है जाहा य जाना की [संगीत] दरवा नहीं ग्रेव यार्ड की की चाहिए ग लीवर कैन ब प्ले स्मूथ स्टोन लगा तो य नहीं स्मूथ वाला स्मूथ वाला अलग होगा व इधर भी देखा नहीं वा य लगेगा ल लिया [संगीत] सलाम वालेक आते के साथ मुलाकात है अपने रो ददा से और दादा क्या हालचाल [संगीत] है क्या ब चल [संगीत] दे नहीं पा रहा निकलने वाली कर को भीम हो [संगीत] चैप्टर न कोश कर लने व व नो नॉट व दिस टाइम न होला आ गया होलाला निकल लिया चक अबे यार कंटेंट के चक्कर में ऑ ठीक है दे नहीं जाहा ड ट मीनिंग ऑ टंग नस मे को पता य इ लाइक समथि तो घंटे बो सामने तेरी बाप ड़ ती क्यों प लेने आ य लाक दे समवन मुले पीछ आ मले म लेता ला हमारा भाई क्या बोने बोला है ट ट क्या नहीं ब पागल है त के 12 बजे क्या करना य न प आई डम ए डड चल भा अमी अब्बू के कमरे में चल टॉयलेट क्या करूंगा जाके खाब के अंदर ने मो दिया वेट व्ट इ साउंड मैन साउंड लाक लाइट ऑफ अनन फिर से बंद अबे खाब तो नहीं देख रहा आई हैव टू कुछ नहीं दिख रहा रुक जा भाई कुछ नहीं बट द सेलर डोर ईव ा अबे खुल [संगीत] गया ना बेटा चैट पढ़ने दे मैं चैट के में म था लुकिंग बेस ठीक है रे बेसमेंट की चाहिए बेडरूम भाई इतने घर इतने बड़े घर में ये ये है और उसके दो अम्मी अबू बस पेरेंट्स साले इतने बड़े घर में कर क्या आ रहे हो तुम लोग तो मैं इस साइड प आया था जो कि भाई भाई भाई हु अ अबे यार इन ये नहीं बताया कि अनएक्सपेक्टेड वो आएंगे तुम्हारे प किचन में चल भूख लग रही है बहुत ज्यादा ओ हा ठीक है की मिली और कुछ और भी देख ले [संगीत] भाई है लेट टू थ कैमरा बंद करो निकलने वाली है अबे भाई तने वैसे म देना भाई खा देख रहा लेट्स गो [संगीत] बेबी की टेलीविजन टेलीविजन कि था औरन मेन उसम था हाल के अंदर लेट्स गो टीवी लगाओ मैं बै केने में देखना मेरे [संगीत] को ओ अनदर की बेसमेंट यार डराया कर कर न द बेसमेंट यूजिंग द की ठीक मेरे को पता है इतना डम नहीं [संगीत] मैं बे बे पक्का बे होला बैठ होगा व काले कल अध में ब म रहा होगा रले चल स् जटर मैं वही तो कर रहा चलना भाई होली जो मर्जी [प्रशंसा] आ यार साइड गो ू ज अरे देखने दो किधर जनरेटर प्लक लगाए हुए है स् में चल भाई नहीं य नो वेन तीन ली ढूंढने पड़ेंगे आर य किडिंग मी ठीक है भाई ढूं की स्टोरी मे मिली कुछ कुछ मिला लीवर मिलान प्ले ठीक मेरे को बस एक ववर के लिए उर जाना पड़ेगा फर या हा ने चाबी को द तो मेरे को जाना ही पड़ेगा ऐसे द है की आ व सार टॉपर यह क्या है अबे किसने मकल होता भाई अचानक से दिया इन्होने फरी कोई [संगीत] दूंगा य [संगीत] कीबर मिला सामने दरवाजा उसको तोड़ अर चलते उसके हाने उसकी बात कर रहा लेट्स ओपन द रस्ट आ उठा लेते अननोन चेस्ट है बा थर अन ठीक है आया किताब पढ़ है ठीक है जिंदगी में किताब पढ़ो बैठ के क्या लिखा हु हेल्प घंटा हेल्प नहीं करने वाला जिंदगी ल प हेल्प करो तो लेट्स गो मैं जा [संगीत] रहा रन फ य इ यन कहां भागना है ले ना भाग ना है बटन दबा के रखा निकलने वाली करूंगा मैं तो सीधा डालो लो सब डालो सब डालो मैं क लगा रू अबे हीरो बम स्न करने वाला वो है ये तो सलाम वा रोम भैया चल मैं चलता हूं जाने दे मेरे को जब नीचे आता है ये फाइनली भाई त बोलता र डायलग चलिए आई लस्ट ला या जाने मेरे को या प्लीज फन अबे लगाया भी किसको एक च चल मलेले आई शड हैव तो मैं रे घंटे [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] भाग भाग [प्रशंसा] भाग सांड बहुत गं था व लोडिंग कर लो फिर से भागना है ट ग्रे इस ममी बा मार दिया ममी बाहर जा सकता हूं भाई आ जाओ भाई कुछ भी नहीं है वाइट आ भाई आजा आजा आजा आजा चाकू फेंक के मारूंगा टप से हेडशॉट दूंगा टप से पट से नहीं टप से दूंगा मैं एक और किताब आई है और एक अननोन की मिली है रुक जाया भाई थैंक यू फर प्ले ठीक है अभी मै खत्म नहीं हुआ चकू गु दूंगा कोई भी ना पास बहुत ही खुल जाएगा दो दो बजे क्या कर रहा न हो रहा न हो रहा न वा फिर डम देख दिस इ सेकंड स् ंग हास डी सा बड साइ भी ठीक है आई ब भाई अभी कुछ हुआ नहीं है खाब के अंदर तेरे साथ हुआ हैई क्यों क्यों क्यों क्यों ला इसको की ू दो साले को तेरे घर में तू रह रहा है रे की अब य कौन जा रहा है यार इनी स्लो स्पीड में कितनी री चलने की चलने का बजल इसब बती है अ बो बैडमिंटन रोम र बैडमिंटन भी सामने क्या है ये मैं जा ही नहीं रहा [संगीत] व ओ व तेरे को चाबी मिल ड्रीम देख रहा हकीकत है को चाबी मिली तो ये नहीं रिपीट हो रहा सारा कुछ लूप में आ गया मैं लूप में आ चुका हूं चाबी मिली है बट ू में ठीक है अ देखना ही सीन ट होगा आजा नहीं इसका म ल में फ साला मुझे नहीं पता कौन हो लगी बेसमेंट अच्छा बेसमेंट को बंद कर दिया है किचन में तो हमें जाने की जरूरत नहीं है स्टोरेज में यही पड़ी हो ल ट दिस लोंग लीवर लीवर कैन प्लेस न स्टोन ब्रिक्स न अबे एक और लीवर मिला द लंगी लंगी लंगी अ लाइट ब बैडमिंटन रूम में क से आया मैं अब भाई तुम खिला लो मेरे को देते तीन ु ठीक है लीवर एक एक दो न चल मत का ट हैपन आ मेरे कुछ नहीं पता मेरे से ना पूछ साउंड ओपन हा अबे यार मुझे क्या पता कौन सा रूम खुला है मुझे अगर पता होता तो मैं ख जाक देख लेता ये रूम भी खुला हुआ है मेरे को पता ये फिर से आर यू डम ओ चाकू निकाल तेरी भैस की आंख ये ले नहीं यार मैं भाग गया अबे यार तो फिर तो तुम भाई दुखी कर दिया यार मेरे को फिर से का दिखा के डरा दिया अ एक ही चीज फिर से कपलीट होगी देखना सारी चाट वही आएगी हां हां ठीक है ठीक है मैं इस रूम में गया था ओ ये खुला था चल भाई देखी जाएगी बहस की आंख ना गलती से आया च कोई भी नहीं कोई भी नहीं है सलाम वालेक निकाल अया तुमसे चल आही नहीं अब जाना पड़ेगा अबे की तेरी किधर है चाहिए बे नो वे ड को ल में ल में फसा दिया ऐसे ना ा करो या दिल से बुरा लगता है दिलती है मैं जा रहा तेरे को लान करवाना है मिल ग हां खड़ा अब ये कौन है यार नहीं मैंने कभी नहीं देखी एटी आजा चुम्मी लेले जल्दी कर चुम्मी लेले इधर इधर ही ले हु आर यू [संगीत] रिली प्लीज एक्सप्लेन र आ पापा एंड ममा अबे बता रहा हैदी चिप तेरी ये देख रहा चकू राइट पकड़ो भाई ड यू फट हां मैं भूल गया ब्लक कर मैं मजाक नहीं कर रहा सची हां व्ट मुझे क्या पता क्या होहुआ भाई पो कानो अपने गाने पड़ो मेरे हां भाई बोल गया मैं मैं भूल गया डम डम डम लुकिंग फॉर योर पापा एंड ममा क्या मतलब ट य टकिंग अबन ऑफस फिनिश ऑ बे च तोई मैं घुसा तेरे अंदर कर ले मे को चढ़ ले आ खोल रवा प नन की लेटस गो बेबी चक में मैंने मार दिया उसको हार्ट अबे मेरे को वो लिए सैक्रिफाइस कर सच्ची में सच्ची में सकफ कर रहे हैं अबे मेरी ना ये यहां से काटना रा यहीं से मेरे को होता रहता है वा द एंड ने चला के बैठे हुए थे मैं कुछ नहीं करता मेरे को लिखना पड़ा ना मैं उधर देता तो आई होप गा तुम लोगों को ये मैप पसंद आया होगा मेरे को बिल्कुल मजा आया चैप्टर जोने एंड में हिंट दिया है अपने अगले मैप का मिडनाइट ट्रिप मैं ट्राई करूंगा कोशिश करूंगा अपनी पूरी इ अगर लैपटॉप ठीक हो जाता तो वीडियो आ जाएगी कोई और वीडियो या तो फिर वही मैप खेलेंगे अन आई होप तुम लोग को आज की वीडियो पसंद आ पसंद आई तो या लाइक ए सब्सक्राइब मार देना पिछली वीडियो बहुत सारे बने सब्सक्राइब नहीं किया चैनल जो कि न न्यू थे तो यार करो लाइक सबब क्या कर रहे हो भाई नीचे बटन नीचे वाला इधर वाला बटन नहीं उधर पेज का बटन है दबाओ सब्सक्राइब करो ग्रे करो वैसे एमे च चेक करो भा मैं मिलता तुम तब तक के लिए मार लूंगा अपने आपको को य भाई बाय बाय गाइस मिलते [प्रशंसा] से ल य

This video, titled ‘SACRIFICE Ritual In Minecraft | Aj Toh Me Gaya | Minecraft Herobrine Dream’, was uploaded by kaifx playz on 2024-05-07 08:00:00. It has garnered 132 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:44 or 1124 seconds.

SACRIFICE Ritual In Minecraft | Aj Toh Me Gaya | Minecraft Herobrine Dream #minecraft #horrorstories #kaifxplayz #lapatasmpapplication #lapatasmp

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___________[ABOUT VIDEO]_____________

So guys in this video I played in a horror map where my mission is to find my Mom and Dad but There is some entities in my house.i also need to survive and find my mom Dad


So guys It’s me Kaif you can call me Kaifu so I’m from bahawalpur(Pakistan) I’m 15 age old So this a gaming channel where I upload my gaming video to entertain you guys To make you feel well.

My Device:-Infinix Note 7 Lite


Game:-Minecraft Bedrock edition


Email For Sponsor:[email protected] Jo kabi Milla nahi


___________[YOUR QUERIES]____________

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#kaifxplayz #minecraft #minecraftpe #lapatasmp #lifestealsmp #gamingvideos #kaifx #kaifxgaming #gaming #lifesteal #lifestealserver #loyalsmp #minecraftsmp #scary #creepypasta #myths #ritual #sacrifice

________[BACKGROUND MUSIC]________

All Music promoted by

Day of Chaos by Kevin MacLeod | Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

bedtime after a coffee by ikkunn (Barradeen) | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Horror House by Magnetic Trailer | Creative Commons CC BY 3.0





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    Planting Doubt: Minecraft's Wayward Route In the world of Minecraft, plants take a twist, Carnivorous species, they can’t resist. But wait, is this right, or is it all wrong? Let’s dive in deep, and sing a new song. Check out Carnivorous Plants Sydney, they know the deal, With online stores and facts that are real. Happy Growing, they say with a smile, Join the community, stay for a while. The FlyTrap Garden, Calafornia_Carnivores too, Carnivorous Corner, Predatory Plants, all in view. Succulent FlyTraps, Josh’s Carnivorous Plants, Subscribe to them all, take a chance. Got questions about plants that eat meat? Join the Q&A, it’s… Read More

  • Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server

    Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server Servidor de Minecraft Survival e Roleplay Pirata e Original O servidor de Minecraft mencionado oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de explorar dois prédios incríveis, criando uma experiência única de sobrevivência e roleplay. Compatível com Java, os jogadores também podem acessar o servidor pelo PojavLauncher em dispositivos móveis. Vamos explorar mais sobre esses prédios e como aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência de jogo! Prédios Incríveis para Explorar Os jogadores novos no servidor terão a chance de se aventurar em dois prédios impressionantes. Cada um oferece desafios únicos e recompensas emocionantes para aqueles que se atrevem a explorá-los. Qual dos prédios… Read More

  • Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure!

    Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new frontier, Python and OpenCV, make the vision clear. Control VR with motion, a whole new sight, With Trinus and iVRy, the future is bright. Vivecraft brings the experience alive, With Python and OpenCV, you’ll thrive. So dive into the world, with a new sensation, Minecraft VR, a true innovation. Explore, create, and build with glee, Python and OpenCV, set your mind free. In this virtual world, the possibilities are vast, Thanks to technology, the fun will last. So grab your gear, and take the leap, Minecraft VR, a journey deep. Python and… Read More

  • Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure

    Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Nanami and Kusakabe, living the dream. Two salary men, seeking adventure and fun, But will they survive when the day is done? With mods like SorceryFight and Jujutsu-Kaisen GT, Their journey is filled with excitement, you’ll see. From battling monsters to exploring new lands, Their Minecraft adventure is in safe hands. But beware of the dangers that lurk in the night, Creatures and mobs ready to put up a fight. With mods like PlayerRevive and Shoulder Surfing Reloaded, They’ll navigate through challenges, their skills unfolded. So join in the fun,… Read More

  • Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft

    Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Boboiboy Gempa Portal Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of the Boboiboy Gempa Portal. Join the community in creating, exploring, and conquering new challenges in this unique Minecraft experience. Donation and Community Links For those looking to support the creators and join the community, there are various ways to get involved: Support the creators by donating on Saweria: Donate Here Join the Discord group for discussions and updates: Discord Group Character Skins and Channels Immerse yourself in the Boboiboy Gempa Portal with unique character skins and explore different channels: Check… Read More

  • Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft

    Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft Minecraft: The Power of Creepers and Farming Efficiency Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour, showcasing its efficiency. Farm Mode: It operates in a fully automatic mode, making resource gathering a breeze for players. Versions: Compatible with versions ranging from 1.16 to 1.21, including various updates like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for users on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add… Read More

  • Zedaph’s Sneaky Villager Trading Hall!

    Zedaph's Sneaky Villager Trading Hall! Exploring the Chicken Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 The Hermitcraft Trading Card Game Series 2 The Hermitcraft Trading Card Game is back with series two, featuring alter egos and limited edition cards available for pre-order at Zedaph, a Hermitcraft member, showcases his brand new common and rare cards, including his alter ego as Wormman from season five. The Creeper Spleef Farm Zedaph introduces his latest creation, the Creeper Spleef Farm, where players can engage in a fun game of Creeper Spleef. The farm efficiently produces gunpowder, basalt, and cobblestone, providing a unique gaming experience for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego games

    Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make a multi item sorter in minecraft bedrock edition’, was uploaded by Super games and lego on 2024-06-10 10:00:00. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. this multi item sorter works with any stackable item stacks of 64 & stacks of 16 like ender pearls this item sorter does not work with non-stackable items this item sorter works on all platforms of minecraft bedrock edition ( MCPE , mobile , tablet, pc windows 10 / 11 , xbox, playstation, nintendo switch this… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊

    ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁’, was uploaded by WAZINGO on 2024-06-20 14:44:49. It has garnered 417 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁 #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts Read More


    SHOCKING: MINE KRISH - SCARY MONSTER SPOTTED  🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MONSTER IN MINECRAFT WORLD 🤯’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-06-05 14:32:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔

    Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔Video Information This video, titled ‘sh #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #love #school #viralshorts #minecraft ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️’, was uploaded by @Monish105 on 2024-05-25 13:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?

    Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Minecraft Mob In 60 Seconds’, was uploaded by GMR PLAYS on 2024-04-06 03:30:04. It has garnered 1461 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello guy’s how are you all, I hope you all are doing well…… SHOW YOUR LOVE…….. 😊😊😊 JOIN ME ON 👇👇👇 INSTAGRAM ➪︎ DISCORD ➪︎ ROOTER ➪︎ FACEBOOK PAGE ➪︎ COMMING SOON DISCLAIMER ➪︎ THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR KHALI ENTERTAINMENT, I AM NOT MAKING KISAK KISAN HAI. SO ANYONE TAKES MAT ON THIS DILL. IF KUCH LENA HI… Read More


    EPIC LEGO MINECRAFT 2024 UPDATE - TOP 10 NEW FEATURES!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10*’, was uploaded by THE BRICK BROTHERS! on 2024-05-06 18:00:06. It has garnered 1245 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. *EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10** What do you think? Read More

  • OldCraft

    Minigame server about version 1.8.x (1.8 pvp and server core) Minigames: – skywars – bedwars – parkour – kitpvp – vampirez Coming soon: – hideandseek (blockhunt) – buildbattle Read More

  • EmperixMC SMP Discord New World No Resets 1.21 Optional PVP Community Crossplay Land Claim Custom Plugins

    🌟 EmperixSMP – Now Live and Open for Everyone! 🌟 Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community! Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we’re dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity of vanilla Minecraft or explore our customized features for a unique twist. Long-Term World Preservation: No more worries about server resets disrupting your progress. Build and achieve your goals without fear! Why Choose EmperixSMP? A welcoming community for both seasoned players and newcomers. Whether you’re into monumental builds or collaborative projects, our server supports all… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: True Spiciness”

    Well, at least it scored higher than my grades in math class! Read More

  • Crafty Tower: Minecraft’s Simple Power

    Crafty Tower: Minecraft's Simple Power In Minecraft, building a tower is a breeze, Just follow these steps, if you please. Start with a base, strong and wide, Using blocks of stone, stack them with pride. Next, add some windows, for a view so grand, And a door to enter, with a lever in hand. Keep building up, floor by floor, With stairs to climb, and rooms to explore. Don’t forget the details, like torches for light, And a flag on top, reaching a great height. Now step back and admire your creation, A simple tower, a Minecraft sensation. So there you have it, a… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme (iron golem) #litaf #funny #savage

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme (iron golem) #litaf #funny #savage When the iron golem hears the Minecraft villager say “Oi Oi Oi,” he’s like, “Oi Oi Oi, I’m here to protect and serve…and maybe do a little dance too!” #bombastic #minecraftmemes Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21!

    EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21! Exploring the World of Minecraft Shaders Discovering YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such avenue is through the utilization of shaders, which add stunning visual effects to the game. Among the plethora of shaders available, the YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 stands out for its exceptional quality and performance. Developed by the talented YSS Team, this shader brings a whole new level of realism to the Minecraft world. With improved lighting, shadows, and textures, players can immerse themselves in… Read More

  • Ikaros The Fallen: Insane Minecraft Mods!

    Ikaros The Fallen: Insane Minecraft Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the mods, that’s right I play Minecraft too!’, was uploaded by Ikaros The Fallen on 2024-07-09 03:29:38. It has garnered 0 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:29 or 11789 seconds. Powered by Restream IkarosTheFallen is live Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: JoSa Craft Memes

    Minecraft Madness: JoSa Craft MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 541 (Zoonomaly)’, was uploaded by JoSa Craft on 2024-07-11 11:03:48. It has garnered 30432 views and 355 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:12 or 612 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 541 (Scary Zookeeper) Giant Steve, Giant Herobrine, Scary Villager. Horror video in Minecraft. Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments. Best of Scary – – – #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed: 4 Villages & 5 Blacksmiths 😱 Hindi 1.20+

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed: 4 Villages & 5 Blacksmiths 😱 Hindi 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘4 VILLAGE At Spawn 🤯 & 5 BLACKSMITH 🤩 GOD SEED’S For Minecraft PE 1 20+ HINDI’, was uploaded by •「NITRO XD」• on 2024-06-13 08:12:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Explore these incredible GOD SEED’S for Minecraft PE 1.20+ in Hindi! Discover 4 villages at spawn and 5 blacksmiths – perfect for … Read More

  • Join the Craziest Public SMP! Day 1

    Join the Craziest Public SMP! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW PUBLIC SMP! YOU CAN JOIN | Day 1’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-06-09 17:00:30. It has garnered 378 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub now. #hive #hivecs #minecraft Server… Read More

  • ESCAPED PRISON ON A PLANE! 🛫 | Minecraft

    ESCAPED PRISON ON A PLANE! 🛫 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arkadaşlarımı UÇAKLA HAPİSHANEDEN KAÇIRDIM!✈️ – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-03-22 14:00:03. It has garnered 683139 views and 20787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:29 or 749 seconds. 💥I ESCAPED MY FRIENDS FROM PRISON BY PLANE!✈️ – Minecraft💥 ➡️Ademin Channel: ➡️Ahmet’s Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, imprisonment, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE Now for Free➡️ 🟪You Can Follow My TikTok Account➡️ 🟩You can become a member of my channel➡️ 💼For… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ADVENTURE WITH FRIENDS! RLCraft EP XXVideo Information This video, titled ‘P4YNinUK Play’s – Minecraft: RLCraft – Episode XX: Here we go again, but with friends!’, was uploaded by P4YNinUK on 2024-04-16 02:30:20. It has garnered 67 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 09:00:48 or 32448 seconds. Thanks for tuning in to watch the Stream Mercs! I’d really appreciate your help getting to 1,000 Subscribers in 2023. If you could like and share this stream I’d really appreciate it. Here’s some helpful Info & Links to show you where you can find me, some awesome people & others from the P4YNinUK friends…. Read More

  • Build an F in Minecraft or Get Banned!

    Build an F in Minecraft or Get Banned!Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Minecraft ] Build an F or YOU’RE BANNED’, was uploaded by nofoxweregiven on 2024-06-13 21:23:42. It has garnered 21 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:40 or 11320 seconds. Please follow these chat rules! – Be respectful and use common sense while abiding by YouTube’s terms of services – Avoid trauma dumping and sharing/asking for self-identifying information – Refrain from promoting other content creators or streamers – Don’t excessively solo spam – Avoid spoilers and only provide hints or backseat when asked – Keep chat in English – 18+ ONLY!… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Build: Wvux

    INSANE Minecraft Build: WvuxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build’, was uploaded by Wvux on 2024-02-16 18:29:19. It has garnered 7866 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. If u enjoyed consider dropping a like and subscribe!!!! #minecraft #shorts #funnyshorts #minecraftmemes #tutorial This video was Incredibly fun to make!!! ___________________________________________________ Wvux does Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Lava Rising, Water Rising and other awesome stuff ! In this video I show guys Minecraft tips for starters, You can use this tips to become a pro player in any version from 1.8 to 1.18 and 1.19 and even new… Read More


    INSANE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE!! 😱 #zaza #fadedVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got to HIGH at school #zaza #funny #memes #faded #comedy #animation#kpop #minecraft’, was uploaded by simple on 2024-02-22 04:25:03. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #zaza #funny #faded #memes #comedy #animation #kpop Read More

  • SonsOfAnarchy

    SonsOfAnarchyBrand new prisons server first time ever doing one with my friend Karlos we want to provide a unique and fun experience for players and we hope you’re enjoying your self. Read More

  • Marthia Nations – Factions Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap, Movecraft, Nations – 1.20.2

    Welcome to Marthia Nations! Join or create a nation in our server, complete with government and leadership. Nations can claim areas, declare war, and more. My nation, Xanezia, is a democracy with monthly elections. Join us and help develop our friendly nation, and maybe even earn a government role! Message me on Discord for more information. My nation, Xanezia Discord Server: Join Here Marthia Nations Discord Server: Join Here Java IP Address: Bedrock IP Address: Port: 25603 Contact me on Discord @everstellar to get introduced to Xanezia! Read More

  • Naruto Central

    Are you looking for a good discord group for a good modded server in minecraft? do you like naruto? do you like engineering? well then join Naruto Central where we will have fun, join our discord for more information on the mod Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This Minecraft Disaster Blows”

    Well, at least it’s getting a solid 25 out of 10 in the meme world! Read More

  • Mace in Your Face: Minecraft’s Ultimate Guide

    Mace in Your Face: Minecraft's Ultimate Guide In Minecraft 1.21, a new weapon takes flight, The Mace Minecraft, ready to fight. A melee weapon, strong and bold, Let’s see its features, so we’re told. Check out the guide, for all the deets, On how to use the mace, to defeat. Watch the video, for a visual treat, Subscribe to the channel, for more Minecraft feats. Support Mario Dedo, the Minecraft pro, With farms, curiosities, and builds that glow. Click that like button, to show your love, For the Mace Minecraft, soaring above. Read More

  • Ore physics in Minecraft: 🔥🤣 #minecraft #meme

    Ore physics in Minecraft: 🔥🤣 #minecraft #meme “Why study physics when you can just play Minecraft and learn about gravity through falling anvils on your head? 🤔💥 #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 38: Epic Basement Expansion Using TNT! On March 7th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where the player embarked on an epic basement expansion using TNT. The streamer, known as Doc Brennan, showcased their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay session. Basement Expansion with a Bang The highlight of this episode was the basement expansion project undertaken by Doc Brennan. Using TNT as a strategic tool, the player demolished existing structures to make way for a larger, more elaborate basement. The controlled explosions not only… Read More

  • Warden vs Golem Showdown

    Warden vs Golem Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem 💀 Farm Details Farm Performance: +300 ~ +350 per hour! Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.17 – 1.18 – 1.19 [1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4] – 1.20 – 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 – 1.20.3 – 1.20.4 – 1.20.5 – 1.20.6 – 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition ✅ | Bedrock Edition ❌ Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary Resource Pack: Default Mods: Replay Mod: Replay Mod Optifine: Optifine Camera Mod: Camera Mod Downloads World Download, Schematic, and Material List: Discord Tags Tags: minecraft iron farm, iron farm minecraft, minecraft iron farm tutorial, iron farm,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Parrots Mod Existed Before Tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Parrots Mod Existed Before Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parrots Were A Mod First’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-05-31 01:03:00. It has garnered 125179 views and 6976 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. Read More