Sunny – HALLOWEEN Minecraft With CUSTOM MASKS Hide And Seek!

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Today in Minecraft hide-and seek we got these cool Halloween masks that each have their own custom abilities like the crystal mask which makes you crystal clear melon melon where are you he’ll never find me yo goats tell me where melon is hiding in the comments I can’t

See him it’s spooky season so in that Spirit Sunny we’re playing this Ultra scary hide and seek bro every round the Seeker gets to choose one of these crazy Halloween masks to find The Hider and destroy them chill chill I’m seeking first bro so while I choose which mask is going to

Possess me you’ve got 2 minutes to hide ah I got to get out of here guys I’ve got to find an amazing hiding spot I really don’t want to be spooked yo goats look how cool these are comment down below which mask is your favorite wa there’s gold and diamonds

And an ender dragon mask oh this is awesome aome guys I have an idea I’m going to hide in this Tower bro at the very tippity top it seems like a pretty safe option plus I could Juke sunny out right about there hold on I’ll get a

Better view I’ll get a better view of what I’m talking about I’ve just got to get to the roof and yeah yeah yeah yeah and right there if I can land specifically on that block in the middle of the Court there’s a hay stack which will break my fall and allow me to

Survive this is why the roof spot is goated bro I can absolutely break Sunny’s ankles all right Sunny I’m ready and now it’s time for me to choose my mask yeah guys I’m going to use this one from the chest look at it look at it when I wear

The crystal mask I go invisible and look what’s stored in this chest a netherite knife I’m going to sneak up melon like a spooky horror movie and I’m going to stab him like the villain okay melon it’s time for me to seek you out but the question is where are you

Hiding wait a second guys I lost track of Sunny where did he go he was just there a second ago now melon for my first question are you located inside of a building or a house or a structure or outside with the beautiful sky and nature I I would definitely say I’m

Located outside okay that’s pretty good that’s narrowing things down for me already let me see let me see let me see question number two are you located at low elevation like a little SE or are you at high elevation like maybe on top of a building um I would

Say this is tough one um I would say I am at the location of high elevation yo that’s perfect you might be in the helicopter the water or the skyscraper now melon for my last question totally not in the skyscraper bro okay why would you answer it like

That that’s weird anyways uh yeah melon do you think villagers like spaghet um why would they like spaghet bro you just answered my question with a question so that means I get two more questions are you located on the skyscraper how does that even work uh yeah I’m on the

Skyscraper dang it and second question AKA my fourth and final question do you think that quand dingleberry likes spaghetti I mean maybe I I don’t know I’ve never really asked about his culinary taste well I did and you didn’t answer it so that’s a bit sus you probably like spaghetti with toothpaste

On it whatever bro okay guys I’ve just got to keep an eye out for sunny he knows I’m up here but once he gets into the building I’ve got to time my jump properly don’t see him he hasn’t entered the building yet guys I’m sneaking up to

The top of the skyscraper I bet melon can’t even see me and then I’m going to stab him shank shank stab guys where is Sunny I’m so confused hey melon I know you’re in the helicopter guys I said that to throw him off Sunny bro where are you pressing

That like And subscribe button that’s where I am where’s this Bell coming from what the heck why do I hear a bell it’s probably the notification Bell that all of our viewers just turned on why is it so close guys I’m really scared and now I

Ascend I climb to the top and look at that little Mel die what is that no wait I survived I can get out of here yes how did you live I just exploded thanks for your head Sunny I’m out of here bro that makes no sense that makes no sense I don’t

Understand and you’ve only got 30 seconds left Sunny I’m so slow and tired but I know you’re up here melon I can sense you sure whatever you say bro I’ve already concluded ah why are you here what the heck stay away from me you can

See me melon how how can you see me I can see your little face oh no guys I got to scram scram this die no no please no melon how did you survive this fall um Sunny you just got to jump on the basketball court I did and I died I

Splattered yeah yeah you got you got to jump on this part right right here Sunny the the block I’m standing on okay let me try it hold on let me transform into Melon really quick there we go wait hurry up my face thanks for another head Sunny well

Melon I won the first round of spooky Halloween hide and seek dude I thought for sure I had to win but you came back at the last second but now it’s my time to be spooky sunny and when I find you I’m going to catch you up I’m going

To catch you up Sunny get out of here not if I carve you like a pumpkin first okay no no no no no no no no let me go let me go sunny I spooked you so bad you turned into a construction worker wait I did no actually this is just my Halloween

Costume yeah let’s go with that okay guys for my hiding spot I’ve got a really good idea check this out I’m going to head to the playground back here and I’m going to make a top secret hiding spot if you remember months ago melon went and hid inside of one of

These using ghost blocks but today I’m going to be extra safe and I’m going to come to the back of this stru and I’m going to go underneath but I’m going to barricade myself in using actual plank The Mask I’m going to choose is going to

Be the golden mask because it’s the mask Sunny would most want and I need to take that away from him yes yes yes wait why did it make me hungry what the heck did this mask do hunger and haste I’ll be mining quickly I place one block right

Here and the other here perfect now I’m safe and sound inside of the playground Sy I got the worst mask ever you got freaking invisibility last round all I got is being hungry all the time I need to constantly eat well that’s not too bad dude it’s Halloween you can go

Trick-or-treating and get a lot of candy and if you’re always hungry you can eat a lot of candy and get a lot of candy and Candy’s great okay I know cand is great and all sunny but there’s no candy here maybe there’s food near these villagers or something hey melon will

You smell my feet uh no Sunny I’m not going to smell your feet that’s disgusting and give me something good to eat bro come on it’s a standard trick-or treat slogan I I’ve never heard that in my life Sunny trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat no

Sunny dude just just shut up I need to ask my questions oh man I’m so hungry it’s hard to pay attention right now okay sunny for my first question uh which of the four quadrants are you located in the shop the house skyscrapers or Park Swamp Thing I don’t

Really know what this is I am in the Swamp Park thing that you don’t really know what it is okay perfect now Sunny a place of high or low elevation I would say really low I mean normal yeah normal oh bro I’m so hungry dude I’m getting to

The point where I can’t even run anymore bro if only you went trick-or-treating and smelling feet what is with you and smelling feet dude oh that’s it I can’t even run anymore are you kidding me this power is terrible bro I’m just staring wait a second I can

Smell something for the first time it smells like burning skin and hair wait are you smelling my feet wait a second I think I smell you sunny I think I’m picking up the scent wait maybe this power isn’t so bad after all I’m getting so hungry that I can actually smell you

Melon you need to chill bro I’ll give you something good to eat if you just relax no I’m going to eat you sunny and I’m coming in I’ve got haste so I can break blood locks like they’re nothing oh no guys he’s on to me this is not

Good melon eat this eat this eat it it’s good for you it’s good for you oh yeah I could eat dessert but first I have to have dinner die no stop I was going to give you cookies oh melon well played but now it’s your turn

Time for you to construct a good hiding spot yep hold on let me just put my weapons away and I’m out of here and well melon’s looking for his hiding spot time for me to think about which of these Halloween masks I want to wear next okay guys I already know this house

Has got some secret spots it must dude what the heck is that it looks like some kind of glass door bro it’s oneway glass all I’ve got to do is make my way back there is there any secret way no uh I guess I’m going to have to uh just break

Some blocks really quick give me a second and yep there we go there we go bada bing bada boom and now I’ll be able to see sunny and taunt him from my secret room The Mask I’m going to wear is this Iron Knight mask take a look at

This it looks so cool yo it made me fast and I even have resistance bro I’m Invincible where’s that melon your time’s up now now the only thing I need to complete my night outfit is a horse melon your time’s up and now I’m going to ride out what do you mean you’re

Going to ride out I’ve got my Noble Steed and we’re going to track you down and Jou you uh I’m honestly very confused right now Sunny wait a second if you’re confused it means you can’t see me which means you’re either inside or underground cuz I’m riding a horse

Around town right now looking for you or I’m staring at a wall no no I don’t believe it I don’t buy that what if I told you what kind of horse you’re riding on yeah tell me right now black horse White spots hold on let me check

Wrong they say black horse white spots I meant red horse gray spots bro you were really close with the black horse but there was no spots so yeah you’re wrong dang it and then you got really off with the red horse comment anyways first question melon are you staring at a wall

I mean I mean technically yes actually okay but that’s not your hiding spot so I’m not worried about it second question are you located in a secret spot or in the sewers I would say this is a secret spot yes okay good think I studied this map before we played I know exactly

Where you’re hiding are you sure about that Sunny are you sure about that yeah you’re in the house it’s obvious uh what do you mean yeah look at him he’s freaking out already I knew you were in the house the question is where Where is the secret spot there’s so many in this

House guys that scared me I don’t know how he didn’t notice this because when I went in here it was already there which means if he explored this house he would have seen the freaking oneway glass that’s it do you hear that yeah that’s your last question that’s the sound of

Your time being up melon oh melon I’m the crazy Halloween spooky Reaper uh Sunny what I knew something looked off with that painting how did you killed me what you killed me you didn’t even break the block wait I thought you were the painting no I wasn’t the painting

Oh hold on let me just click Into Thin Air no wait wait no no no no technically you didn’t find me yet sunny just got to get away you got 30 seconds left bro oh no oh no where is he where is he okay guys check this out I’m going to

Activate my Grim Reaper ability get back here Melon No yep I found you and no using this again it’s really unfair bro you’re such a dirty cheat actually I’m the Headless Horseman yeah that that’s that’s what I am yep okay enough enough enough I just want to fill your inventory up up with

Your own face so you can look at your reflection and realize that you’ve lost the game and you should feel disappointed and absolutely miserable with yourself and look deep within your soul and realize that Halloween is Sunny’s holiday sorry I lost my mind a little bit there I think the Scythe is too

Powerful I’m going to remember this sunny and no more mask for you Sunny You’ve Got 2 minutes to hide and let me tell you I’m not playing this next round nice all right I’m out of here I’m going to go hide in a painting actually guys

I’m not going to hide in a painting but I curious what melon was he had oneway glass what a sweat anyways I’m not going to hide here I’m going to leave it like this so it looks a bit sus though and then I’m going to go to the top of the

Map using the water elevator check this out I’m going for a quick swim and a dip and a dive and a swim and from the tippity top here I just got to climb my way into the helicopter and what are the odds he looks up here well actually

Probably pretty high but what are the odds he looks in here didn’t see that coming did you and let’s say he does look in here what are the odds he thinks I’m sunny when I’m really a pilot oh wait I’m actually Cookie Monster well that’s fine too that’ll work melon I’m

Ready all right all right guys which mask do I want to put on this one’s Smiley and so cute I think I’m going to equip this happy mask come on give me something good how do I look oh I’m so smiley and cute and I got jump boost

Hero of the village weakness night vision bro this m is trash I mean I guess jump boost is okay dang it bro I keep getting the worst masks ever Sunny uh first question I guess are you inside or are you outside I’m inside you’re inside bro yep most definitely but I’m

Inside of something that’s outside okay uh what’s the nearest block you’re touching let’s see stone slabs stone slabs that was a useless question I’ve got to ask something more important Sunny are you hiding in a secret spot not really no and you’re all out of questions time for me to eat these

Cookies dang it bro I asked the worst questions possible after sun bullied me last round what am I going to do how am I supposed to win this with the questions I asked the hero melon the savior of our village me me yeah you’re the hero of our village we all love you

And respect you wait a second cuz this mask gave me hero of the village too all the villagers love me is there anything we can help you with actually yes this could be my ticket to finding Sunny uh have you seen a yellow man anywhere and

If so where did you last see him going to oh yeah we saw him go up to the helicopter head to the Fountain over there and climb to the cloud then jump onto the helicopter good luck thank you so much hey hey hero of the village

Melon do you want anything from my shop um I don’t know do you have like dynamite or anything I don’t have any but my friend over over there does uh wait sir do you have any dynamite like a homing Dynamite would be amazing I can give you some but please if any police

Officer asks this is totally legitimate and legal firecracker and not a highly illegal Dynamite thank you so much now it’s time to take sunny out hey Sunny what are you up to my dude not eating cookies not eating cookies that’s pretty good um Sunny so if I were to say I have

A present for you would you accept it only if it’s cish yeah yeah I I would say this is a cookie die oh what’s that s yes yes he’s at spawn I’m just got to get him hey sunny I found you I am Cookie Monster no

Wait wait a second this isn’t Sunny did I just hurt Cookie Monster no what have I done yes guys it worked my disguise was perfect quickly like And subscribe to our channel before melon realizes hold on guys just got to recalculate this homing device to not launch it at

Cookie Monster yep it’s set to Sunny now wait what is that what is that no today in Minecraft we got sent in to investigate a realistic Haunted Mansion I really don’t like this sunny it’s so dark and creepy just keep your steps quiet ah Sunny turn around zombies are chasing

Us goats please help us if we get 5,500 likes this video we can cook these zombies in lava thank you bro I can’t believe even the president of Minecraft couldn’t stop Dr long bottoms bro whatever plan he is cooking up must be so evil and nefarious that it’s up to us

To stop him you’re right sunny and we’re geared up this time plus we got dondale to help us there’s no chance he can stop us we got this bro hold on let me just test out my Weaponry oh yeah we’re ready you got to chill no firing weapons in

Dale’s house I’m not I’m not we need his help anyways dondale we’re here you got to help us back up the president of Minecraft thank goodness you guys made it Dr Longbottom’s new project is so evil and nefarious that no one else except for you can stop it and honestly

I have very little hope you two will be able to stop it anyway W come on dondale you know we’re the goats we got this under control yeah what do you estimate our odds are 0.0000 00 1% chance of survival and besides we don’t have time for all this

Chitchat put your stuff in the shulker boxes so I can teleport it to Long Bottom’s base okay melon it’s time we’re so prepared for this we’ve been working hard for this day yes Sunny I’ve got so many weapons bullets bombs grenades I’m ready for any kind of situation same

Here bro and dond gave us a portable radio so we can stay in touch with him and take your seat ah I’m ready let’s do this thing press the button in three oh you just went for it okay let’s go good luck guys oh no something’s wrong find a radio find a

Radio W Sunny what is this place it doesn’t quite look normal dude this isn’t good dondell was trying to tell us to find a radio before we got teleported cuz something went wrong with his machine come to think of it sunny where are our items no our weapons our gear we

Need that if we’re going to stop long bottoms this is not good oh Sunny we’re going to have to find our way out of here uh let’s go this way uh melon that looks like it’s blocked off we need a pink access card you’re right sunny and

Uh what’s up with this weird Angel dude this statue is giving me the creeps bro ooh but there’s a button uh melon nothing happened but I did see something back here it looks like there’s a redstone signal generator but we’re going to need to find two it items to

Fill this with um well Sunny there’s only one doorway left to go through you with me brother yeah where else am I going to go dude let’s do this thing come on come on wo Sunny um little bit confused where can we go check this room

Out it looks like we need to find a red access card a pink access card what else is in here there’s a kitchen I’m going to see if there’s any items bro I found some bullets and I found the red access card oh uh sunny and the power just went

Out I don’t know what happened dude this mansion’s giving me the creeps we need to find a flashlight or a candle yeah I really don’t like this shny check the drawers hey I found a lantern melon there’s also a skeleton head ah I only noticed now but wait a second why is

There a sign here that says skeleton with an item frame maybe we’re supposed to put him back here son you’re an idiot bro I have the key card from the item frame oh Oh either way I felt like I should put the skull back where it

Belonged okay so this is the pink access and this is the red access Sunny follow me wo it looks like we found the Armory hey and the pink access card yo and a code breaker but what is the password uh 0 1 2 3 dang it bro I wanted to steal

That code breaker well I’m going to take the shotgun yeah I’m going to check these cabinets see if I can find any more loot I got some shotgun shells bro don’t worry I’ll defend us yeah cuz there’s nothing else here for me so it’s all up to you now ow that was for

Smashing a watermelon yesterday what do you mean oh yeah I did melon chill we could talk about this yeah you’ll be paying the price later Sunny what does that even mean I found a pistol and bullets don’t mess with me otherwise I’m going to smash another watermelon yo

Chill let’s just put our weapons down and calm ourselves okay sunny we’re going to get hurt yeah that’s probably probably a good idea most bad things that happen with guns are actually accidents yeah Sunny now follow me follow me okay I’m right behind you I

Just want to say hi to Jerry Smith the skeleton hello my good sir we’re just exploring your old house I hope you don’t mind you old bag of bones sunny enough getting distracted by the Skeleton Man but bro I thought there was going to be a secret behind this

Painting yeah well you’re wrong sunny and look at Larry you just Disturbed him do you feel good about yourself uh no melon I don’t but you also just disrespected him his name is Jerry not Larry I don’t care about the skeleton let’s just move on chill we’re entering

The pink access room and who is that it looks like a dead military guy who works for the president of Minecraft uh I’m sorry dead military man I’m going to step over your body and I’m going to grab the book over here yeah I was about

To say we got to find out what’s in that book The Weeping Angel the angel cried without its gems one is blue and one is red give them back it will tell you a secret give them back and it will reveal it wait we have to find a red gemstone

And a blue gemstone melon those are the two items that we have to put in the Redstone signal generator right behind that statue you’re right Sunny o what’s this backup generator wait a second melon X is where the generator is and I’m guessing we’re over here these two

Little Speckles we got to find our way to the Jenny and turn it back on yeah hny let’s find that generator but are you hearing what I’m hearing melon I’m pretty sure you upset Jerry the skeleton of this house uh Sunny there’s zombies we got to take them out yeah that’s a

You problem oh wait it’s a me problem too wait there’s another one in here melon there’s another one here die yo you absolutely destroyed that guy now Sunny according to the backup generator map it should be around here somewhere I have a feeling it’s through this access

Door oh this takes the pink access C too let’s go come on zombies Die let’s take him out Sunny backup generator’s got to be around here somewhere ow what’s hitting me there’s ghosts Sunny there’s ghosts take them out don’t hit me don’t hit me I killed one I killed one I don’t

See him I’m scared let’s just go slowly and eat the Flesh of the zombie I don’t think there’s any more ghost Sunny I’m not hearing anything funny yeah I think we’re okay now bro that was creepy let’s investigate this room wo it looks like this is the generator but it’s just

Missing a crank okay let’s keep our eyes out for one of those there’s got to be an arm crank around here somewhere uh I don’t see an arm crank but I see a zombie nice shooting there’s something else in this item frame what do this say

11 91 I easily forget wait that’s got to be the passcode to grab that code breaker you’re right Sunny keep that handy or it could be the passcode for right here wait there’s a door right here yeah okay 1 9 1 enter I already

Forgot no that is the code 11 91 melon 1 91 enter no it’s got to be the password for the code breaker you might be right sunny but let me just investigate this further Sunny check it out the hand crank grab it quick bro this statue

Won’t be needing it now Sunny I’m pretty sure we can use this to turn on the generator most likely but what the heck is this red Fountain do you think it contains that red gemstone we’re looking for M maybe Sunny that would make a lot

Of sense cuz this water is not red yeah so why would they call this the red Fountain check it out sunny I found a lever wait no way flick it bro it’s going to activate some type of secret I can’t bro the power’s disabled ah we’re

Going to have to turn on that generator then follow me melon and deploy the hand crank I got you sunny and no worries this generator will be par sunny I can’t crank the hand crank bro we’re so stupid this is a crank you need power to turn

It yeah bro the mechanisms must be locked in place Sunny let’s power this generator I think I might know where it’s at but melon before we even look for the generator if this isn’t it what do you think’s hidden back here um maybe like bacon yeah I hope it’s bacon too

That sounds delicious Sunny do you remember that pass code from earlier yeah I’ve got the paper right here 1191 I think we have to use that to get the code breaker okay then you’re going to have to open up the red access room now Sunny input that code and grab it 1 91

It worked give me that d d bro thank you I got it now Sunny are you thinking what I’m thinking perhaps but I actually have no idea what you’re thinking follow me and I’ll explain okay sorry I got to kill this zombie yes Sunny obviously clearly we need to use

This code breaker on this iron door oh yeah cuz 11 91 didn’t work here here is the passcode so let me just hack it yo check it out we made it into the actual generator wo that makes a lot more sense bro now how do we turn this thing back

On check it out battery 1 2 and three we just got to charge it okay reload the batteries and fire up that was awesome Sunny the power’s back it’s working I think so it’s working the lights are back yo okay melon follow me I just have

To know what this red Fountain is come on come on and flick it worked yo Sunny it looks like there’s a barrel and what’s in the barrel the red gemstone no way that’s perfect I’m going to go check what’s behind the crank then I really hope it’s bacon come on and twist yo

Melon it’s not bacon it’s the blue gemstone that’s awesome Sunny now now it’s time we get out of here we’ve just got to load these up into the back of this statue what was the order again Sunny uh I don’t think it matters just

Put it in there and boom and now when we press this button I have no idea what’s going to happen but let’s do it wo ow ow ow melon where are we uh sunny I think that was an accident I think we need to step a little bit further back

Next time we do it uh dude I am trapped back here with two statues Sunny get out of there okay okay I’m getting out wo this looks like the Tomb of the long bottoms wait long bottoms is dead I don’t know but it sounds scary okay well

I’m following you down here melon this might be his super top secret evil laboratory oh Sunny it definitely is check it out it’s megaladon Industries not again how and why does he build these things Sunny what do you think he does with these drills I don’t even want

To know but melon there’s blood on the ground we got to get out of here whatever he’s up to we need to stop it sunny we should probably hurry up look out we got to go what the heck this wall is going to crush us make the jumps it’s

Still coming run sunny sunny we got to move move oh that was so close I saw my life flash before my eyes I saw the light over there flashing before my eyes I got to see what this is uh parkour ah melon you can actually land on this valve

Jump Sunny where are we going right now I don’t know but this thing says base destruct activate all um so if I were to press all these buttons no no no no no Sunny let’s find a way out of here first we can come back and Destroy his base

Later yeah that’s probably a good idea we don’t want to activate any of this until we have an escape plan I’m right behind you brother couple more jumps and we’ll find out what that flashing light’s doing and I’m in um Sunny it says that is the evacuation

Room and I don’t know what this is Yo it looks like a teleporting machine this is probably how we’ll get back in touch with dondale passcode 1191 hey it was worth a try sunny I think we’re going to have to go down this it looks like some kind of evil

Elevator and you want to go down it yep we don’t have a choice come with me wait it’s not an elevator melon it’s revealing each of the paths it’s not an elevator at all yo yo if we flick it one more time do it do it yes you unlocked

This the communication centers yo it’s a radio we can contact dondale hold on let me adjust the signal and frequency come on that should do it sh sh dondale hello dondale come in oh thank goodness you two are still alive and well great job guys yeah dond of course we’re alive

What do you you think we’re amateurs dondell we found an evacuation room it’s got teleporters just like your base that’s great to hear contact me again when you’re there and we’ll set the coordinates but make sure you destroy this evil Mansion once and for all the

Fate of all of Minecraft is in your hands don’t worry dondale we won’t let you down okay melon let’s grab these radios so we can transmit our signal back to dondale once we’re in the teleport room yep that’s a good idea Sunny now how are we going to get in

There some something tells me sunny we’re going to have to enter this room but what is this place and why is it guarded by these creepy statues I don’t know but I really don’t like them don’t touch them you might wake them up yo Sunny bro check it out it’s the code

Breaker and he’s got a whole entire Armory down here what for I’m grabbing all the bullets melon um sunny I found his button and I kind of want to see what happens if I press it no don’t press it don’t press it too late Sunny wait no Mel why’d you press that oh

There’s nothing there we’re fine ah zombies Sunny there’s too many we got to get out of here no melon melon I’ve got it under control just got to reload a little bit that was light work oh yeah that actually wasn’t too bad long bottoms thought that could defend his lab as

If wait there’s more no melon this isn’t good they’re never going to stop we got to get out of here okay okay you got the code breaker right yeah bro quickly move I’m I’m running out of ammunition we got to get out of here before the next wave

Of zombies spawns Sunny run they can’t get through this elevator thing oh you’re right you’re right close it w that was way too close now melon get to the evacuation chamber and contact dondale while you’re charging up the teleport frequency I’ve got something to do I wish you the best of luck Sunny

Don’t die on me I don’t need luck I just need parkour yes base destruction activate all Extreme Caution my favorite hello dondale we’re activating the destruction of the base I need you to teleport us out when I give you the queue when you tell me banana I’ll know that’s the

Queue okay all right dondale you got it activating the sequence final button countdown has been initiated I got to get out of here melan melan did you get in contact with dondale I did Sunny hold hold hold I’m coming in open it up yes and banana it’s working

A Yes we made it Delle we did it congratulations guys you did it you saved Minecraft hooray dondell why was the secret code banana oh like uh Banana Split means you two had to split a bro you are no son that was actually pretty smart but not as smart as pressing that

Like And subscribe button do it right now this is a Minecraft build battle and I built the house of my dreams and I made thousands of nightmares melon this is so spooky you know it’s even spookier the viewers who are watching and not subscribed press the Subscribe button

Right now or I’ll haunt you as a spooky ghost a guys I wonder what melon’s up to I’ve just been wandering The Village trying to find something to do heyy you know what you could do press the Subscribe button and turn on notification Bells got him but what the

Heck should I get up to should I try and make some bread should I explore the desert there’s got to be something around here come to think of it I don’t recognize this house wait what’s this say attention house building competition in 2 days quale shop yo quand quand

What’s going on bro what’s to deal with this house building contest hey there Sunny my brother is hosting a building competition and the winner gets a million diamonds no way that’s insane okay okay how can I enter how can I enter this contest two Builders from our

Village battle it out and then the winner goes on to compete with all of Minecraft yo this is epic I’m so going to win this contest this is going to be good this is going to be good I got to get home a soon as possible and start

Working on my blueprint kwale said the theme of the first build round is how I’ve got to make the best mansion ever okay this is looking pretty good I think all that’s left is I need some trees yeah that looks great my blueprint is ready I can’t wait for the competition

To start I’m ready ready I’m ready I’m the happiest smell in aive sunny sunny what melon I just went on a date with Melanie and I saw the most awesome horror movie ever dude I don’t care can’t you see that I’m busy bro what are you even doing dude that doesn’t matter

I got to tell you about this movie so pretty much there’s this spooky house melon melon stop it dude I’m focused okay guys I got to absorb this this blueprint I got to memorize it block for Block pixel by pixel and then this tree goes over here and I put the pool in

Front of the mansion and I have a nice front door really cool Windows I’m going to have a big screen TV in the Mansion go away I’m trying to focus what is wrong with you no one cares about Melanie bro she’s just produce you know what if you keep talking like this I’m

Going to either stick some dynamite in her head or I’m going to eat her for dinner what is wrong with you sunny I was just trying to tell you about the movie it was really cool okay anyway so inside of the attic I’m going to put all

Kinds of cool secrets and then I’m going to even maybe do a secret underground base yes this is going to be perfect dude Sunny’s so mean I’m going to go talk to quandell about my date yo quale what’s this attention house building competition opens in 2 days wait a

Second house building competition pretty sure Sunny was looking at the blueprints for a house he’s probably entering this competition I’m going to go talk to quale about this yo quale Dingle the dingleberry so is Sunny entering this house building competition yeah he was here just a moment ago that’s it I’m

Entering the competition too this is going to be awesome I’m going to get back at Sunny for ignoring me by building a house that’s way better than his my nightmare movie inspired me I’ve got the perfect house Yep this is looking like the house of my dreams ah

Yes finally it’s Build contest day I’m going to destroy whoever’s on the other side of this wall you don’t stand a chance dude this is awesome whoever is on this other side is going down I’ve got the perfect plan wao let’s go I got creative mode yo this is

Awesome now all I have to do is follow my Blueprints and this house is going to be spectacular I can’t wait to win this contest oh this is going to be awesome all right boys it’s time to build My Haunted Mansion so stone foundation would be good and I got plenty of time

So I’m going to build the most epic house pretty good layer it with some gray wool and boom okay okay I’ve constructed the first floor of my Mansion now it’s time to make the second one couple more little details and the first half of the house is done yes now

I’ve just got to do the second half connect it add my swimming pool oh I’m going to make a RAC trck over here that’s going to be so awesome hold on let’s make the layout for the racetrack actually yeah I need a lot of space for

It so it’s going to go like this and then it’s going to wrap around like this yeah this is going to be awesome when it’s done just need to make the road a little bit thicker and it’ll be perfect for racing I think some black wool would

Look good some gray wool oh yeah that’s the vibe that’s the vibe lower number two done and I’ll just speed run this last one let’s go let’s go and just like that my house is complete it’s absolutely gorgeous but now I just need to make it spoon

Spooky yo so much better now that I made it thick we need a big racetrack if we’re going to drive some cars on this then we need our off-roaders there’s one there’s two just got to color them nicely and we’re ready to race just got

To plant a couple of more trees ah looks good we got the racetrack set my Mansion is completed I even got an infinity pool out front oh it’s good and check this out out guys I added a jet ski Pond I just got to put the jet skis now yo

Let’s go got to move this over a little bit uh-oh uh well they’re landlocked whatever it’s a fishing dock with fancy jet skis yeah let’s go with that now all that’s left to do is put some really nice furniture in here and you know I need that big screen wall

Mounted TV and let’s put it upstairs in our bedroom shall we all the way to the top floor and and beautiful what else can we put here this will be my workbench Corner yeah that looks cool check this out when you come upstairs there’s a motion activated

Light let me show you how it works hello I guess it’s not very bright okay goats so I had a quick change of heart I moved the big screen TV over here and I’ve got this sick gaming setup now look at this place it’s sweet I got to show you the

Downstairs too I’ve been going crazy with it these are my organiz ational cabinets and then come downstairs you got to see this we’ve got a nice little Lounge out here by the pool but if I go underground I’ve got another Racetrack and a gaming room I can have all my

Friends over and throw an epic land party this is going to be awesome we’re going to all play Minecraft and see who can make the best house ever and then maybe this area I’ll turn it into a yoga retreat check it out o stretch it yep I

Look good I look good this build competition I should have it in the bag couple of little bikes and it’s ready ah yes this build competition I should have in the bag I wonder what my competitor is up to and time’s up hope everyone’s builds are ready wait the time’s up dude

I must have just barely finished my place in time okay okay that’s good that’s good wa it looks like the build competition hosts open up the wall I’m going to go see what my competitors built this is creepy it looks like they built a haunted house house they’ve got

Gravestones out front ew this is so creepy bro ow what the heck why is lightning striking wait no no no I don’t want to be in here this is too weird let me out let me out guys I’ve been locked in a haunted house and the music is so

Creepy oh it’s Eerie in here I hear the wind blowing it’s a thunderstorm outside okay okay I’m going to just go in here this is fine bro this is so creepy it’s a pretty cool build I’m not going to lie but it’s still creepy I don’t

Want to be in this room I’m going to go check out this place wo what the heck is that there’s something in the ground I don’t like this I don’t like this yo what is that what is that ah get me out of here get me out of here

What the heck why is there a creeper I got to get out of this house it’s so cursed ah ah come on there’s got to be an exit dude even the bed is cursed what is going on come on one of these rooms has to have an exit please please I

Don’t want to be trapped I don’t want to be trapped what the heck I can’t get out maybe I can break the window please what I can’t break it no no no no no no no no no no get me out of here get me out of

Here the top floor yeah nothing creepy ever happens in attics yeah this seems totally fine ah what the heck wait what do you mean Hello Big Man sunny ah there’s another one get me out of here get me out of here please please there’s got to be way out this place is so

Cursed oh what the heck ah why is there a skull no no no no no no no no get me out get me out of here come on come on oh there’s a dead guy what does this book say boo what why wait a second at least there’s a sword

I’m going to use this to break out yes I actually got the sword please please please let me out I don’t want to be here this is so creepy wait a second I have a sword I’m going to kill you hey no stop I’m just a paid actor please

Don’t hurt me wait what do you mean you’re just a paid actor I got hired by this guy called melon to be a spooky ghost in his Haunted Mansion build wait this is melon’s house what is wrong with you you ruined the prank melon why are you in the build competition what are

You doing bro I’m trying to win man you didn’t want to listen to me when I was talking about my cool date experience with Melanie and talking about this awesome movie so I decided I’ll build up bigger and better house than you and win the competition and prank you on the way

Yeah let’s see who gets the last laugh then die ow ow you shouldn’t have put a real sword in your house get over here melon chill Sunny there’s nowhere left to run no all right syny now that you’ve looked at my amazing splendiferous house it’s time to

Check out yours bro you call this amazing and splendiferous it’s spooky scary and haunted and that’s what makes it awesome whatever just come to my side of the Build contest this house is crazy sunny it’s like half as good as mine yeah whatever you say bro you have a

Nightmare house but I made the Mansion of my dreams it’s got video games cozy campfires big screen TVs RAC tracks and so much more this is awesome Sunny y I need to get a tour of this house let me check it out let’s see what the inside

Looking like y nice flat screen TV I can see you’re looking at the void 24-hour live stream This Guy’s real deep in the void yeah yeah yeah nice one yo your racetrack even goes inside this is insane no this is a separate track bro this is the little kids track this is

Awesome it’s decent it’s pretty decent the big boy racet track’s cooler though I think you forgot to finish this no no this is the yoga retreat you come here and do your stretches it’s all natural oh all natural beat to Earth so you can really connect with the soil ah

Connecting I’m connecting yeah you do that uh I did that when I was growing up I’m not doing that again yo underwater pool this is insane let me in oh W Mel stop stop I got Electronics in here sorry right let me just uh let me just yeah it’s multi-purpose so it’s an

Infinity pool so it looks really cool and it also doubles as a cooling mechanism for my gaming area Sunny that’s actually genius I know I’ve got a Galaxy brain look at the size of it I’m awesome yeah you’re mid um anyways let’s check out the upstair wa Sunny what are

All these rooms dude dude stop breaking into everything I didn’t vandalize your build okay I’m sorry I’m sorry these are all my treasure rooms I’ve got diamonds I’ve got gold wa you only got four diamond blocks that’s it dude diamonds are expensive but I got a lot of gold so

It’s cool yeah face is so cool campfire your ch chairs your swimming pool I know it’s mesmerizing you how about you race me over here you sweaty nerd all right sunny I didn’t want to have to destroy you and hurt your feelings but ready wait wait which way are we going where

Way are you going sunny I know I parked the cars awkwardly facing the wrong direction but we got to go this way you ready no no I’m not you got to get behind your line I’m coming back are you ready 3 2 1 go go yes I’m winning yeah you think you’re

Winning bro I’m taking the inside track let’s go let’s go no I’m taking the inside track I’m crushing you right now bro I’m in the lead on my screen you got to have one wheel on the track at all times yeah I do and I’m like I’m actually crushing you right now Sunny

You think you’re crushing me but you’re not I win I win bro it was a photo finish on my screen I was at least two pixels ahead dude who do you think won the ultimate Godly goat melon the GM Grand melon goatest melon of all time or

Sunny like he’s just Sunny that’s it yeah yeah yeah comment down below who won put your favorite emojis of suns or melons and I got to tell you right now if there’s too many melons in the comments he’s going to get the grand prize what’s the grand prize hny

Congratulations you’re the winner wa well melon all that’s left to do is wait for the judges to view our houses and see who wins so you already know I won let’s go yeah whatever you say my blueprint was Flawless all right good night see you in the morning night night that was creepy

Bro good morning melon bro the mail the mail’s here let’s go I’m for sure the winner I’m for sure the winner give me this give me this wait no no no no no sunny I want it I’m the winner you want to read it or do you want me to read it

You can read it okay you guys are disqualified wait what no how my house was beautiful how am I DQ you can’t compete with someone you live with and that haunted house scared us way to go melon you ruined everything wait wait wait that was the point of my house

Though we don’t want to see you at our events ever again from the Dreamhouse judge dang it it’s all your fault melon it’s all your fault all my fault it’s all your fault for competing in the same competition as me wait I’m pretty sure I was competing before you even signed up

Uh don’t know what you’re talking about can’t possibly be melon’s fault melon can’t compute what’s happening yo I caught a fish let’s go melon I’m so proud of you let me get one of these boys too come on give me a little slamming I want another one for my

Bucket s you are not a good fisherman yo chill give it a second the best fisherman is the most patient one and turns out I’m going to have to be very patient let’s go your boy gets a rock cod and and now melon I’m going to let

My slamming live here forever a we’ve been working pretty hard though bro I think we deserve a break why don’t we bake a cake I got the sugar and I got the wheat you get the milk sounds good bro I was thinking the same thing I want

Some cake with extra frosting and icing and sprinkles oh let’s go and maybe some cherries on top you bring the cherries right uh yeah I got the cherries okay cool I got the milk buckets and let me borrow some eggs from our chickens never to be returned

Again oh wait I I wasted them all I I actually need one of these though there we go uh melon where you at let’s bake this cake shall we yeah come on in come on in uh here you go in the kitchen bro crafting tables in the kitchen everybody

Knows that here’s that and that and that and that all right all right give me the give me the buckets of milk y thank you thank you and that and that and that that and that and that and that and that and now it’s time to craft our cake

Sugar Sugar why are you holding a puffer fish don’t worry about it bing bang boom and puffer fish cake oh that’s gross melon what is your problem yes I have a beautiful cake that’s disgusting I told you to put cherries oh is that puffer fish blood yuck yuck ah just eat up

Sunny it’s good for you okay fine I’m going to eat the whole thing melon only one slice left come on come on I want it I want it dibs dibs dibs yes I’m hungry there’s only one more there’s only one more if I can’t have it no one can you

Know what that’s fine cuz this cake was disgusting bro whatever I am stuffed I’m going to go to bed I’m super tired right now you’re right it’s getting late anyways melon let’s hit the hay I could use some sleep are you kidding me this guy’s already sound asleep I barely walked

Upstairs ah he snores so loud that’s disgusting I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep now it’s a beautiful day it’s sunny out isn’t it sunny see what I did there let me check melon H I guess it’s it’s okay it’s not that nice this is your favorite

Weather conditions bro it’s literally pure sun outside this does not look like pure Sun melon it’s actually a thunderstorm bro thunderstorms are my favorite then you can sit inside and it’s all cozy oh I love thunderstorms hey Sunny do you mind grabbing some crops for me uh I just don’t really want

To get wet right now and I got some other chores to do yeah melon that’d be nice of me wouldn’t it but I’m not going to do that for you make yourself useful and go collect the crops yourself you mangy scum ow chill fine I’ll go grab

The crops relax dude what is wrong with you what is getting in your head these days bro faster melon faster yo chill these crops aren’t going to harvest themselves ow what the heck melon what happened I freaking exploded why are there mines outside what is going on bro

I’m not getting any more crops sounds like a skill issue dude why are you being so mean what the heck if I was being so mean I’d probably do something like this what the heck why do you have TNT good luck melon feels good I slept so well last

Night that was amazing good morning melon sunny I had the best dream ever bro it was amazing there was sunshine and flowers and everything was great do you want me to do anything for you today huh huh huh huh huh what melon are you

Okay no I’m just in a great mood and I want to give back to the community AKA you so I will do anything you want me to do today sunny this is just not normal behavior from you melon I was going to do some house chores and farm some crops

Do you want to help me collect the wheat yes I would love to give me the wheat for sunny anything for you Sunny is my main man and he’s pretty awesome guys this is really weird melon’s being way too nice today today I am so confused here’s the wheat thank you melon here’s

Seeds too oh can you replant those oh of course of course yes anything you want Sunny I’ve got to go feed the chickens and milk the cows melon I’ll be right back no don’t you dare what’s wrong are you okay sit back and relax and let me

Do it I’m going to go grip those others uh guys something is really not right with melon he’s not letting me do any of the chores and he’s acting way too nice anything else you want me to do sunny all the cows have been m milk and every

Chore has been done is there anything you could possibly want me to do else I’ll do it for you I’ll do it it’s no problem melon like maybe just tell me how good of a friend I am and I’m the best brother ever and I’m super awesome

Bro you’re the best brother ever and you’re my best friend guys guys this isn’t normal melon’s acting really weird he’s acting so strange today M milky is so good have you tried some of this milk sunny uh you can keep that milk to yourself you stay away from me

Melon No take all this milk what did you do ah I gave you what you deserve cuz you’ve been such a bad friend I got to get out of here I got to get out of here oh I just barely made it out with my life where are you going melon yo chill

What the heck oh my God half a heart half a heart hey hey melon what I hope that knuckle sandwich tasted good bro what is going on I keep respawning this is so scary I’m just going to go in the closet and hope everything is okay yeah

You do that melon stay right there I heard another TNT what the heck is that close the doors oh no oh no oh no I’m in lava Sunny you took it too far why did you blow up my house first of all that was our house and second of all it’s not

That big of a deal depending on your perspective that might be an enhancement what if you were from the nether you might appreciate this bro I’m going to tell you right now I do not appreciate this well you might appreciate this just cool down and sleep it off bro it’s not

Even night time it’s okay this is a special bed you could take a nap anytime you want um okay what just happened where the heck am I dude I don’t even think this is the nether and Sunny’s not around anymore got to find a way off of

This little dirt Island please give me some of these blocks dude all of them are just getting incinerated just give me one give me this is hopeless I can slowly get rid of them uh what am I supposed to do guys something is not right with

Melon I’m going to see how far I could push him let’s really find out how nice he is hey melon you’re feeling pretty positive today aren’t you yes I am well I’m positively sure that there’s no way you’ll give me a stack of diamonds oh I

Can do you better I’ll give you a stack of diamond blocks what uh okay that’s really generous um can I have more diamonds uh I’ll give you something even better sunny here you go bro you gave me netherite too melon what’s wrong with you would you like anything else sunny I

Could give you more diamonds is that not enough here’s more diamonds take them all Sunny take all of them I don’t want the diamonds I want the mail I just heard a letter come in for me oh don’t worry I’ll get it I’ll get it for you uh

Okay can I do anything for myself melon no I’ll read this for you too dear Sunny you are the most bravest handsome incredible person in all of Minecraft can you please help us we need your help more than anything right now and we’ll reward you with riches beyond your

Wildest dreams that sounds awesome how do I go help them I need to save these people I want the reward I want the reward sunny if you want the reward you’ll have to go here sleep in this luxurious bed and you shall awaken in the greatest place known to man this is

So weird but I’ll go with it wa it’s so beautiful here and I’ve got to save these people they’ve asked me to help them and help them I shall mostly because they have a really big reward and they’re going to make me super super

Rich why do I have an ender pearl yo I can use this to escape okay I’ve got one shot one opportunity would you capture it or just let it slip yes I made it off now got to figure out what this place is and more importantly how to get out of

Here what is this place I’ve got to explore around and figure out to see if there’s a way out of here this biome is so weird wait what how did I get tools all the sudden what is going on and I even have armor bro what uh I think I

Know why I have tools there’s a bunch of mobs but how is all this happening oh look a skeleton horse hey can I ride you I can this is awesome bro I got skeleton horses hey chill creeper they killed my skeleton ow these bushes hurt yo there’s bunch of zombie

Pigmen imagine if I hit one that would suck wait why are they mad at me and what is that thing dude what is going on what the heck is that thing I got to get out of here I’ve got to get out get out of here bro it’s so creepy it’s so

Creepy I think I lost that weird baby thing finally pie it what the heck is this and they’re more of those baby things but they’re grown up something tells me I have to do this if I want to get out of here please those things are

So cursed okay okay just got to do a jump here what’s in that chest yo a negati sword bro that thing looks crazy I’m going to do a little cheat here jump on the chest and stop stop they’re called tormentors dude they’re too cursed they’re too cursed maybe just die

Please die I’ve got to kill these tormentors bro it’s the only way around no maybe I can jump on the side no please wait what the heck just happened I spawned back here like nothing happened in the first place what is going on I can do this I can do this I

Just got to go quick I got to go real quick quick please please don’t let them hit me no no back where I started kill these stupid tormentors they’re so creepy okay I’m a little closer maybe I can hit them better here yes I can hit

Them yo just two more left please please die I’m going to get close up get me in there die one more yes it’s over now I can finally Escape jump here do next bit of Parkour it’s almost over I can feel it yo get out of here boy hey get out of

My way a slime block jump my way first enemy no no attempt number two yes I’ve done it finish up this parkour here we go you think a stupid spider’s going to stop me a spider could never yo zitr boots what the heck is this let me get some of that yo that’s

Pretty good it’s almost as good as diamond armor get this spawner out of here bro uhoh I’ve got uh I’m just going to keep running I’ve got no pickaxe no why get away get away hey I got to keep moving I got to keep moving these tormentors will swarm me y there’s so

Many there’s so many ah and there’s a gas dude dude I’m blind I can’t see stay away there’s a zitr pickaxe on the floor yes I need this to get rid of these stupid spawners please please now need to clear out these tormented oh there’s

So many there’s so many get rid of them all no I might die I might die ah one heart one heart are you kidding me please please I think I got all the spawners I don’t think there’s any left oh wait there’s one more final spawner

Yes I’ve destroyed them all now I just got to get rid of this guy right here please leave please leave Freedom At Last what the heck is that why are there three Herobrines looking at me in order to pass you must defeat three of my clones okay that’s all it needs I’ll

Defeat them let me add them what you going to do Herobrine what what you going to do oh they actually hit hard they hit hard please stay away You’re supposed to die you’re supposed to die oh can’t hit me now not so big now Mr Herobrine I will destroy you yes I

Defeated your clones now what if I jump in this hole right here I’ll have a chance of surviving chance is better than anything to get out of here alive please put me in hey this doesn’t even look so bad uh Sunny yes melon I got a

New job working for herob Brian he pays pretty good uh what are you doing I get paid in armor weapons and tormentors ew not anything but those they’re so creepy Ah Ah that’s it sunny and you know what’s more powerful Giants yo chill Sunny get back here I

Need to slay you I’m the final boss I think so oh no get here I didn’t want to do this to you melon actually I really really did a looks like you’re going to kill me ow looks like you’re getting close yo I’ll finish you off Sunny good

Night melon ow what was that goodbye melon I’ve been wandering this world for so long I entered this winter wonderland I hope I’m getting close yo I am this must be the city quand Winterton oh I get it cuz it’s snowy and it’s winter but it’s still quale what’s that you

Need me to save this Village well what’s the password to this chest if I’m supposed to get this armor oh 1 2 3 sounds easy enough 1 2 3 open Yo God Armor what the heck 1,24 armor knockback resistance and armor toughness bro what is this bow the

God bow oh my gosh somebody pinched me I must be dreaming the god pickaxe the god sword the god axe this is way too powerful I’m not sure I’m worthy quale Winterton thank you now I put it on and I’m the strongest player in all of

Minecraft oh I feel good so what now I just go and save this city oh that sounds easy I got this yo they even got speedboats ready let’s go into town and save these people where the monsters let me add them let me add them I don’t see

Any monsters I thought I was supposed to save this place oh wao where is everybody ah there is a Wither where didd he come from where didd he come from shoot him shoot him wait why isn’t this working what do I need God arrows or something whatever I’ll go in with

The axe y I can one shot these guys oh I’ll save this Village in no time oh you’re not going anywhere you’re not going anywhere I’m so powerful this is amazing I can’t wait to tell melon all about this yo that was easy when you got

Muscles like me and a brain this big defeating the enemy is not a problem I guess I just got to go tell quale that the city is saved and I’ve got these nether stars to prove it quale I did it dude the city is saved all of the Town

Folk can come out of hiding now I even have the proof Now where’s that reward I was promised I want to be the richest most wealthy most powerful player in all of Minecraft wait quand another luxury bed melon already gave me one of these I was lied to wait a second maybe

This will take me somewhere better wait what the heck why am I back in bed stay away from me stay away from me don’t open the closet I don’t want to talk to you melon why are you being so weird bro you were so nice to me earlier

Can I have some diamonds can you do my chores please stay away wait melon what’s wrong what did I do what’s going on go away go away I’m not talking to you anymore I’m moving away I’m switching worlds I’m going to go live I don’t know in the end or the nether or

The farlands any just stay away from me melon use your words I don’t understand all I did was wake up this morning I had the coolest dream ever I was a hero I saved this city you gave me diamonds and netherite I was absolutely goated I had

The worst dream ever you killed me harassed me destroyed me humiliated me over and over over again that does sound like a nightmare I’m sorry melon but that wasn’t me bro you can’t blame me for your own subconscious I’m out of here sunny I don’t want to talk to you

Anymore guys please click the like And subscribe button right now if we don’t get at least 1,000 new subscribers on this video I don’t think melon’s going to film with me again and click the next video on screen please I’m so sad goats melon died in Minecraft

Forever goats I’m a ghost now and I can do anything I want watch this wait who keeps turning on and off my TV while I’m trying to watch my cartoons if you want to see more ghost pranks subscribe right now melon we’ve been searching forever for this treasure I thought quand said

It was down in this cave somewhere yeah he said it was somewhere around here something about an awesome totem yeah I think he called it the totem of Revival maybe that’s a weird name but Sunny he mentioned it was in some find a fortress and I think we found it this looks

Dangerous melan be careful a warden could be living here anywhere it’s okay sunny it’s okay look the chest containing the ultimate treasure yes the totem of Revival wait what there’s nothing in here bro it’s just dirty old cobwebs in a skull I’m dead bro this is trash maybe it’s somewhere deeper I

Don’t know melon I think I look pretty cool now do you like it that’s not the treasure we got to keep looking and I think I found where it could be hiding look at this it’s a hallway and it has some signs the treasure is near but

Beware all who have searched all who have searched what what happens this is creepy bro are you sure you want to explore deeper I think maybe we should just go home are doomed ah I don’t want to be here melon I’m scared Sonny you coward I’ll find this treasure on my own

Okay fine I’ll help you I won’t leave you alone yet but I swear if there’s a warden in here I’m leaving sunny it’s chill don’t worry I’ve got this this place gives me the creeps bro wao it’s infected with some kind of weird parasite yeah melon it’s called

The skull and a warden who’s going to eat you for breakfast lunch and dinner he’ll turn you into watermelon stew Sunny don’t worry about it there’s no warding around here there’s no summoning block we’re chill there’s dead people everywhere bro I don’t understand how these people died

Maybe they got stuck down here without a ladder or something yeah probably just starvation not a horribly violent death against a warden wait what the heck is this there’s a lever and it looks like there’s a trap door wait a second I think I found the secret no melon melon

Don’t go down there I’m not going down there what’s it like down there bro oh I found a secret room it’s filled with diamonds a bed and a music block it looks like someone’s been here okay I still don’t think I want to come down the totems got to be around here

Somewhere a secret trapo let me just get rid of this cobweb and it’s time to enter wait what happened where did all my items go the heck and see a chest in there what what’s in it wait why can’t I open the chest what’s happening that’s it I’m

Scared up here by myself melon I’m coming melon melon where are you melon where’d you go yo sunny sunny sunny I’m right here bro what are you talking about guys where’d melon go I don’t like this place it’s giving me the creeps get me out get me out wait no Sunny the

Loots right there grab the loot Sunny what are you doing oh no my flashlight it’s out of batteries I got to go I got to go guys why can’t Sunny hear me wait a second where am I I’m completely invisible ah I got to get out of here

This place is giving me the creeps wait these were ghost blocks what is this go go go wait a second where’s melon where’s melon what I’ve got his head he must have died melon I’m sorry I’m sorry bro wait no sun has my head I really

Died what what the heck I’m way too young to die I got to see quand I hope there’s something he can do to help bring melon back quand you’ve got to help me we went on that treasure hunt you told us to and melon died oh I

Didn’t see that are you holding his head yeah but he won’t come back to life normally he respawns but I haven’t been able to find him just died huh he probably ended up as a ghost I think I do know how to bring him back but I

Don’t have the items with me you need to go get them okay quondo where can I get those items I got to bring melon back as soon as possible uh first you need to go to the Doom Tower in the nether you will find fiery Blood and Tears and also

Melon seeds I need these items to help bring melon back to life thank you so much quand for now keep melon’s head safe I’ll be back my beautiful face no I’ll never get to see it on me again wait I’m still wearing this stupid skull

Okay let me take that off wo the nether Tower this place looks crazy I really hope I can find the coordinates I need come on I’ve got to help melon come back to life somehow Sunny don’t let me down you got to save me ah there needs to be

Something around here somewhere I haven’t found out any of the coordinates yet hello is anybody home probably have to get to the very top of this Tower this Tower goes on forever even as a ghost I’m getting tired oh my legs I don’t think I’m going to make it I’m

Sorry melon I skipped leg day and I’m getting too exhausted too tired Sunny don’t you stop don’t you give on me already I don’t think I can do this sorry Mel I’m sorry I got to catch my breath do keep moving wait what just hit me wait I actually punched Sunny what

The heck go go go what the heck is hitting me wait maybe it’s melon in the Ethereal realm as a ghost trying to speed me up yes it’s me sunny it’s me uh punch me three times if that’s you yes 1 2 3 no way it’s really you melon yes yes

We’re able to communicate now it looks like we can communicate through the art of violence well that’s not very helpful well it kind of is sunny wa what is this netherite diving armor I think this will grant me immunity to Lava I still have this stupid skull on what the heck put

This on this on oh no I need that that’s my that’s my backpack perfect and I need my leggings and my little boots wo this will help me swim in lava let’s go come on there’s God got to be something in this Tower I just know it oh there’s

Striders in here that is weird I’m pretty lost right now but one of these lava Pockets has got to be the right way nope not this one is it this dang it it’s not that one either get out of my way Strider I’ve got to go through nope

It’s not that either yes I found it the secret layer what’s in this chest y = 91 okay and X = 9987 okay this is good I just need one more coordinate I just need the Z coordinate it’s probably down here yes another chest containing the Z

Coordinate all that’s left to do is take these coordinates and head to the nether Sun’s actually doing it we’re going to be able to find the nether Hub come on this must be the place it looks so cool wo there’s lava fountains and everything’s made out of Nether Bricks

Yes the portal the nether Hub get me to the treasure I’ll save you melon wo what is this place it looks like there’s an obstacle course if I can get through this parkour I should be able to get the items necessary to save melon just got

To make these jumps let’s go what the heck that was a ghost block wait speaking of ghosts melon if you’re here build me a way back up please I’ve got you Sunny wait guys I could see melon he’s building for me yes thank you wait

A second uh if you can build here why am I even doing this parkour why don’t you just put blocks everywhere for me because I can’t put blocks here sunny but what I can do is show you which ones are ghost blocks this one right here is

A ghost block wait a second I think melo’s removing the ghost blocks for me I can do this yes is this real okay it’s real we’re good we’re good wa it looks like there’s a magma block pattern down there that represents barrier blocks up here can just make these jumps now oh

This is scary this is scary you can do this hny you can do it hey is this a ghost block I hope not ooh uh-oh this isn’t good Sunny you must choose the right path guys I don’t know how to communicate this with them but both are

The right path oh wait no this one isn’t yes Mel’s showing me the right way come on show me the way show me the way yes get pranked get pranked okay uh maybe I shouldn’t do that anymore melon if you prank me again I’m not going to

Try and save you anymore okay I won’t prank you anymore I won’t prank you uh one’s the ghosty block oh thank you I should be able to climb along these Vines yes I’ve done it the first first item what is it the fiery blood perfect

Now I just need to find the tears and melon seeds woah a warped fungus on a stick what is this for no way I’ve got to ride a Strider now I’ve just got to get over to the boy and make the job yes all right little guy we’re going to the

Vine he’s stuck on a leash hold on Sunny I’ve got you oh thank you and then I just need to get off him here and climb the vine yes I’m doing it don’t worry melon I’ll save you and jump jump jump oh this is good this is good is this

More barrier blocks again it is I’m doing a big skip for melon what there was no barriers I guess it serves me right for trying a melon skip check it out Sunny a beautiful melon skip deserves some beautiful ladders oh thanks for helping me cheat and what’s

In here the fiery tears Perfect all I need now is melon seeds jump just a couple more jumps and I’ll save you I’ll save you Brother come on come on let’s freaking go this is getting scary I’m almost out of hunger if I run out of food I won’t

Be able to make these jumps I’ve got to go quick oh no I don’t like these Vines why do I always have to tarz in oh that was scary come on Sunny you’re so close just got to swing Along these Vines a little further a little further I’m so

Close I can save him yes I’m in the last chest fiery blood fiery tears but wait there’s no watermelon seeds oh wait I actually don’t need those in the nether we grow watermelons back at our house no Sunny don’t you dare time to break a watermelon I’m back

Home and all that’s left to do is break one of these watermelons come on no why is he breaking multiple I finally have an excuse to harvest these no Sunny stop melon was trying to stop me too as a ghost I could tell he was punching me and then I just

Need to turn them into seeds 21 melon seeds perfect that means I have one for quale and 20 for the fire what is wrong with him I’ll save you dear melons and I’ll grow you into beautiful juicy wanders hey quandel I got everything you asked for we’ve got the fiery blood the

Fiery tears and some watermelon seeds all right great work sunny I will prepare the scanner but in the meantime Sunny take this fiery blood and melon’s head head to your basement where I’ve built an underground lab once there run the program I’ve prepared it should bring back melon’s voice as he’s been

Following you I’m sure thanks quandel I’ll get right on it and yeah you’re right melon’s been following me everywhere quando said there’s a secret laboratory underneath our house sounds pretty cool hey check this out shortcut now where would the secret lab be nope not over here this corner no ooh

Probably in this trap door yeah that looks about right guys I don’t know how he hasn’t known about this yet it’s obviously in this corner yo I think this is melon he’s trying to show me the way to the science lab oh it’s down here this place is crazy wao okay so I’m

Pretty sure I’ve got to put melon’s head right about here then I put the fiery tears and blood into this device that looks about right and then melon punch me once if you’re here okay perfect I need you to stand right inside of this machine okay yep I can do that no

Problem okay I’m going to assume he’s standing there and now if I press this button it should bring him back to life did it work melon melon I could see you but you’re still a ghost yo yo I’m visible Sunny can you hear me too a guys

I can hear melon again you’re so annoying yo chill hny I’ve already died have some respect for the dead yeah but I’m literally trying to bring you back to life and help you respawn and everything and then I’ve got to listen to you Yap all over again whatever let’s

Go see what quandel has to say Sunny we don’t have time for this bickering we only have 24 hours before I’m a ghost forever yeah yeah yeah melon I’m sure quandel has the answer though hey quale so your machine worked but only halfway he’s still a ghost but at least now we

Can see and hear him yes that’s amazing progress you guys didn’t say it would be easy though there is one final task you need to go back to the room of Legendary Treasures then defeat the warden who killed melon and finally retrieve the totem of Revival that’s all the dude’s

So powerful he killed me once already and you want us to go back there quand really yes but of course listen I’ll give you two monkey brains some more powerful weapons and armor hopefully that should make you stronger oh thank goodness melon but why didn’t you give

Us gear the first time I don’t know guys I really thought you could handle it well clearly we couldn’t quand anyways melon our armor is over here come get yourself some Sunny I’m a ghost I don’t need armor oh well then I’ll wear enough for the both of us I will take this

Chest though no melon I need the loot that’s in that chest I’ll give it to you when you’re ready I’m I’m ready I’m ready off to the cave Mel slow down I’m not as fast as you yo hurry up Sunny you uh might need the gear now so uh I’ll put down the

Chest thank you what do we have here wo fiery sword and enchanted golden apples I’ll take all of that thank you yep I’m going to take the sword cuz maybe I can still whack the warden yeah and let me see what’s in this chest yep still cobwebs all right let’s go visit the

Warden’s layer now I’m scared but we won’t get doomed this time we’re prepared and ready yeah melon his secret room was down here somewhere right yeah and sunny I can hear him he sounds pretty mad be careful Sunny I’m looking at him right now there he is die Warden this is

What you get for hurting my friend melon ow ow he does a lot of damage bro I need to eat this apple Sunny I’ll help you out I’ll help you out hit him hit him he’s so strong he’s killing me through my enchanted Apple together we can take

Him out Sunny we’ve got to team up and use our powers yeah I’m trying to heal I’m trying to heal oh no I need to eat another one dude he just hit me with his Blaster take him out out oh no that was close he almost killed me it’s okay

Sunny he’s got to be low yo he’s so crazy when he hits the laser beam come on heal heal die already Yes we actually did it melon we actually did it oh that was terrifying sunny and I’m a ghost and I’m your hero now let’s claim that treasure should be in here somewhere

Sunny it’s right here bro I found the treasure earlier but you didn’t pick it up wait you’re kidding it was in this room the whole time yes the totem of Revival and so many diamond blocks yes yes not only will I be revived but we’ll be freaking rich yeah this is going to

Be awesome let’s head home and buy a new house let’s do it sunny but uh I kind of like being a ghost like I’m super powerful and nothing could hurt me yeah I don’t think so wo wait no Sunny why ow ow the Flames they hurt yeah of course

They do you’re back to life bro it’s kind of nice feeling pain again I feel I feel so alive here let me give you a little more then ow no syy chill I’m going to die again chill chill chill guys make sure you like And subscribe

This video, titled ‘HALLOWEEN Minecraft With CUSTOM MASKS Hide And Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-10-15 12:00:35. It has garnered 243299 views and 3499 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:40 or 5080 seconds.

HALLOWEEN Minecraft With CUSTOM MASKS Hide And Seek!

Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

#sunnycrafts #minecraft

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  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More