Sunny – TRAPPED On A PLANE In Minecraft!

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Today in Minecraft we took a vacation to a tropical island and we’re taking the world’s first AI flight hello welcome aboard heading to Tropical Island oh no it’s broken we’re going to crash and burn Sunny we got to escape this airplane goat subscribe right now to help us unlock the emergency exit melon

It’s finally time to board look at this the very first AI powered flight dude quand Del’s actually a genius I can’t believe he made this entire plane well melon he only made part of it plus we’re taking this flight so we can make it to his birthday party wait who is this

Sunny it’s a flight B that’s so cool look at this cute little guy hello and good evening passengers welcome to the AI air the world’s first AI powered Airline be proud of yourselves our little guinea pigs uh okay uh where should we sit well seeing as you’re the

Only ones on board you can choose where to sit isn’t that amazing melon we could choose any seats we want we’re the only people on it it’s like a private jet that’s awesome bro I want all the seats I’m sitting in all of them okay can I

Have this seat over here at least no no no no you can sit right um You can just stand in the hallways actually thank you Bell that’s not cool bro also uh what do you think he meant by our little guinea pigs it’s kind of weird that we’re the only ones

On here um sunny I think you’re looking into it too much just sit back relax and it’s late I’m tired I guess that’s not a bad idea I’m going to go over here lie down relax and before we know it we’ll be at quand Del’s tropical vacation for his birthday 3 hours later good day melon did you sleep well melon wake up bro yo what’s up

Sunny how was your sleep this was so comfortable having this all to ourselves yeah dude it was really nice oh but shouldn’t we be atwal’s by now yeah you’re probably right let me go ask the flight bot how long we’ve been on here hey little guy how long has the flight

Been so far good morning Sunny we’ve been flying for about 15 hours now 15 hours what the heck quil’s birthday party started 3 hours ago melon we’re going to be late uh yo Mr AI bot we got to be landing soon right ha we’re actually never going to land the AI

Pilot has decided to fly the plane for as long as it can and then landed in the nearest ocean isn’t that jolly wait what we’re going to just fly until this thing runs out of fuel that’s insane uh sunny sunny what are we going to do don’t

Worry AI doesn’t make mistakes it’s all part of the calculation I don’t like this little guy I thought he was cute and adorable but he’s actually evil and menacing uh Sunny we’ve got to find our way out of here somehow maybe land the plane ourselves yeah let’s get to the

Cockpit and shut the AI down but how are we going to get there bro all of our weapons are tools are checked in our luggage I don’t know Sunny there’s got to be a way out somewhere though check the furnaces check everything okay I’m keeping my eyes peeled maybe up in the

Front near the flight bot let’s see let’s see melon I found a pass for protected hatch this has got to be the way out and sunny I found some numbers written above the furnace 1551 try that in the keypad door okay 15 051 enter bro you’re a genius that

Actually worked let’s get out of here uh I think we have to do it like this sunny 15051 run oh no please passengers take your seats safety is our number one concerns melon we’ve got to get out here quick that robot’s crazy yeah I’m still trying

To figure out how to do this sunny uh 15 51 and please why sunny I did it my turn my turn 15 51 now jump Sunny no don’t jump let me up let me up yes we’re in sunny it looks like we sneaked into the

Next cabin woo oh this is not the next cabin bro this looks like the AI Terminus bro this is where all of the artificial intelligence is running its calculations to fly This Plane we’ve got to find a way to shut it down yeah but Sunny we also need to Pilot the plane

Cuz if we just shut down the AI we’re going to crash and die oh yeah that’s a terrible idea we need to find a way to reprogram it that’s what I meant to say and melon it looks like there’s a key card reader we’ve got to find the

Security card to get through uh um surely there’s something somewhere maybe we could parkour our way up Sunny you see that there’s a trap door up there hold on I’m doing a little bit of Parkour give me a second oh these look complicated it’s okay sunny I Believe in

Us I’m almost up there you’re right I see the hatch and there’s a key card in it but can we even grab it I just punched it did you pick it up yeah I got it sunny nice now open up that door yeah what the heck what kind of airplane has

A lava pool this is not to code it could burn the whole plane down what are you doing here ha he see I told you there’s no way out come on stinky melon man go back to your seats please melon we’ve got to be a little more sneaky about how

We get out of this plane I don’t want this little robot to kill us yeah he’s terrifying I don’t know he keeps popping up out of nowhere melon it doesn’t matter we need to find wait a second there’s a button above your head let me press it wa Sunny a path appeared okay

We could use the these blocks and jump out of here but we’ve got to be careful Sunny honestly that was really easy oh yeah that that really wasn’t so bad huh return here immediately you don’t even know the access code there’s no point in continuing please return to your seats

Immediately melon this flight bot is obsessed with a sitting in our seats he just wants us to buckle up and stay in our chairs until this plane crashes yeah dude this guy’s Pure Evil and I’m pretty sure I know the code 6969 yo it actually worked there’s no

Way hey what the heck is the chances bro I don’t know I guess even evil a eyes have a good sense of humor yeah and they have hot tubs ow ow don’t go in the hot tub it’s too hot sunny we need to be careful I think this is designed just

For robots bro it melted my skin why are you here how what is this room why did we just get seats when this whole room is chilling here for no reason yeah this is the cool hangout spot well actually this room is for first class passenger

Is only which is only me a robot robot passengers are the only ones that get first class bro that’s so unfair you can’t just discriminate against us like that I don’t really care please go back and take your seats immediately before I have to induce further action melon I

Don’t want to know what further action is let’s get the heck out of here no Sunny we’re going to die if we just chill on our seats we’ve got to do something to get out of here yeah melon what do you think I’m trying to do here

I’m trying to bounce all right you do that Sunny I’m going to go investigate the rest of this room no melon it’s like bounc like I’m trying to dip I’m trying to get out of here oh I get it I get it but sunny I found a key card reader

We’ve just got to find a key card somewhere wait a second I’ve got an idea our little robot friend has cabinets everywhere and some of them have weapons in the melon okay that was crazy wa what is that I got a copper valve handle

Melon we need to use this to find a way out and I got the key card I’m finding everything let’s go Sunny wait why don’t I just use my key card it probably works all right it doesn’t work sunny we’re going to need that one that you just

Found don’t worry level five access granted let’s go melon before I open this up I’m going to bestow upon you the power of the axe wait Sunny did you say you found a valve before yeah I got it right here what the heck yo Sunny you’re

A genius I know I know I’ve opened up the fuel chamber of the aircraft hopefully we can find our way to the other side let’s do this thing I don’t know if this is very safe but yeah I’m with you sonny we’re going to drown if

We don’t find the exit we got to go fast okay I’m trying but this place is a maze wait I think I found it I think I found the exit please yes bro that was gross I was choking on fuel um Sunny do you have any more

Valves I have no other items well sunny looks like we’re going to need to look for Clues to get to the next level and I’m looking at some diving armor wait a second are you serious we’ve got to go back in there no no no no don’t touch

The armor why put that number back Sunny boom boom boom boom they all have numbers on them sunny it’s probably the access code for this reader wait you’re actually a genius try it 2980 2980 it worked I can’t believe that bro you’re actually so smart today ah the

Little robot you should have listened to me when I told you to return to your seats I guess it’s too late I’m going to invoke further action uh flight bot what does further action mean terminate terminate terminate uh melon why is he screaming terminate I don’t know and where the heck did he

Go melon what is that zyron zyron ow take him out Sunny I’m trying I put him in the lava yes daitron yeah he got me so low bro that was crazy he looked so glitched yeah I did not like that but at least our stupid AI

Robot buddies dead but now what are we supposed to do yo Sunny I’m going up melon I don’t know if you’re supposed to go up there uh oh is there a doorway yeah I just opened up the doorway and I’m going to leave you now no I want to

Go down melon I think I finally reached the cockpit yeah oh no he’s here are you kidding me wait melon how did you catch C up oh yeah took me a while but I broke the stone block with my bare fists dang bro do you work out yeah sometimes

Sometimes congratulations Sunny man you defeated zyron the final boss now you’ve completed the mission wait what do you mean Mission I thought we were trapped on this plane and you guys were flying it forever no no silly the whole point of this was to test your heroic Valor

You’ve passed and now you can land the plane and save everybody oh okay I get it that makes sense that’s awesome uh um so how do we land the plane just go take your seats I’ll take care of the rest uh melon come out here for a second uh yeah

Sunny I’m not buying that bro he totally just wants to kill us by crashing the plane I’m pretty sure if we take our seats and get comfortable we’re never going to land it’s okay sunny check this out paragliders and then in here Sunny we’ve got TNT that’s insane give me that

Paraglider oh y there you go and melon without zidron to protect the airplane I’m pretty sure we could sorry you’re so annoying bro I’m pretty sure we could destroy everything yeah that’s what I was going to say all right all right so I have the Redstone link uh Sunny we’ve

Got to get back to the AI chamber place the TNT and destroy this evil AI once and for all that’s a great idea melon and hopefully it’ll stop flight bot and AI Airlines forever let’s do this thing for quand wait actually melon come to think of it didn’t quand Del build AI

Airlines and the flight bot yeah but it went bad so he’ll be happy we’re getting rid of it for him Sunny we’re almost there just got to do a little bit of Parkour here yep backtracking all of our steps open that up melon we’ve made it suy it’s time to blow this place

Detonate every last computer it’s the only way to shut down the AI you’re absolutely right Sunny now we place the Redstone link put a little receptor on there two blocks of iron and this is our trigger Sunny now melon don’t press that until we’re flying away away yep to the

Cockpit Sunny let’s get out of here I’m right behind you bro jump jump jump I’m hang glad in melon press the Detonator press the Detonator yes we destroyed it yeah but Sunny we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere and we completely missed quand Del’s birthday he’s going to be so mad

At us not only did we destroy his AI we missed his birthday party I guess we’ll have to get him the best birthday gift ever and that’s pressing the like And subscribe button do it for quale yeah today in Minecraft I pranked my friend melon by pretending to become an evil AI

It’s so hot in this room AI please turn on the air conditioner yes melon air conditioner on temperature 1 million de no help everything’s on fire and turning into lava this is just too much lowering temp temperature great now I’m frozen solid goats subscribe right now to help

Unfreeze me yes guys it finally arrived my new artificial intelligence smart home system melon you’re going to love this what’s up sunny our house is about to become super technological just take this device I’m going to set up our new AI smart home system oh what the heck

Dude does that mean I could project Mel all over the walls um no bro you can’t project melons everywhere but you will be able to control things like the air conditioning just using the tablet I gave you check this out smart home turn on the air conditioning in the living

Room look it worked dude no way it’s nice and chilly in here now oh could just sit back and relax yeah you do that melon while I smart home turn on the TV wo this is my favorite episode this is where we absolutely destroy Dr long bottoms and I save Melanie yeah yeah

Yeah whatever while you’re enjoying that I’m going to go and set up the rest of the smart home system there got to go upstairs really quick yep that belongs about here this one’s going to go right around this spot yep melon it’s all part of the smart home system 2000 Yep this

Needs to go here and just two more melon and the smart home will be fully set head up oh this is my favorite part this is where you die sunny and you’re so stupid yo dude not cool one right there and the last bit of our smart home

System is in the basement and perfect wait Sunny why are there cameras in our house it’s all part of the smart home system that way it knows what we want and when we want it oh that makes a lot of sense yeah it’s the ultimate in artificial intelligence dude that’s

Awesome cuz I’m kind of craving a cake right now now well you enjoy that I’ve got some errands to run ah take care of melon AI take care of melon no way there’s actually a cake now this AI is awesome okay guys now I’ve got to take

You to the real destination this was all part of my elaborate plan to prank the heck out of Melon now I’ve just got to find my secret entrance which should be right in here yes check it out my ultimate Secret layer down inside of my new headquarters this is where I can

Control the artificial intelligence smart home security system and prank melon yes I know I’m an absolute genius some might call me a Madman but I prefer the term goat mode so comment down below who’s the goat now it’s time for me to head upstairs and start the first prank ah yes the control

Station this is going to be awesome meanwhile oh it’s getting late out guys AI I set the AC to 12° I like to sleep chilly guys it looks like melon’s coming upstairs to go to sleep I can see him from the smart home security system wait

What he just destroyed my bed are you kidding me he just replaced it with a red bed I mean I guess it kind of makes sense wait what why is he destroying the carpet too that is rude and very uncalled for melon the second I ran out

Of the house to run errands this is what he does well that’s okay time for me to get my revenge accessing the smart home systems and smart home let’s change the air conditioning temperature to 99° let him cook it’s a little bit hot in here smart home I said to put the AC

On what the heck why is the house on fire it’s so hot why why is it set to 99° I got to break them I got to put this fire out I got to put this fire fire out guys that was hilarious setting the temperature to 99 literally caused the

House fire there’s so much Flames there’s so many Flames I think I got rid of them all what the heck is wrong with you smart homes that’s not what I asked for guys melon’s not happy with his smart home service check this out this is your smart home speaking initiating security

Lock down fire detected all exits closed why would exits Clos for fire they should be opening lock down sequence 3 2 1 no no no no no guys look all the windows just locked no no I got to get out of here what is wrong with this smart home what the heck everything’s

Blocked the windows and even the front door is an iron door uh smart home is there an emergency exit I can use guys I’m going to convince melon that there’s only one way out of the house uh yeah yes this is your smart home speaking the

Only way out is if you eat a rotten potato from the fridge the key lies within a rotten potato what kind of smart home is this the kind of smart home that keeps Keys hidden in rotten potatoes okay smart home got to eat a rotten potato from the fridge are you

Kidding me how am I going to eat this oh it’s so gross guys I don’t know if I can do it I really don’t know if I can do it guys there’s no way I can eat this potato it’s just too gross got myself an idea I’m going to destroy this smart

Home I have a pickaxe down here somewhere I know it it’s in one of these chests no no ooh guys this isn’t good melon’s going to find a pickaxe and try and break his way out of the house there it is I knew the pickaxe is around here

Somewhere it’s time for me to break this smart h oh what I can’t break this thing what the heck oh maybe I can still break out these iron windows I should be able to get out of here smart home initiate defense sequence what is a defense

Sequence what the heck why is there IR goem yes it worked oh my Smart Home Technology sure is awesome that’s it I’ve had enough of this I’m going to sleep I’ll figure out how to escape tomorrow tomorrow wait a second everything’s back to normal was I just dreaming last night

Was it just a bad dream oh no it definitely was real there’s a freaking iron golem here and the front door is still locked maybe now that it’s glass planes I could just break out yes let me out Freedom oh no guys melon just got out of

The house I don’t know how we beat my Smart Home Technology that’s it time for me to implement the AI drone I should be able to spy on him no matter where he goes ah yes here it is my drone plane then I just grab the Jerry can and get

Out of here time to take flight yes here it is perfect add a little bit of fuel and I should be able to hear melon no matter where he goes yes the Drone it’s working I could see melon question is can I hear him there’s something evil

About that AI I’ve got to go talk to kwale and figure out how to destroy it wait no he’s going to go talk to kwale I’ve got to put a stop to this oh guys this isn’t good the drone’s up in the air spying on melon but I’ve got to call

Him as the AI now dude who is calling me right now what’s up dude Smart Home Smart home what are you doing I swear once I talk to quale it’s over for you don’t enter quand Del’s shop if you do it’ll self-destruct and you’ll be responsible for his death hey melon

What’s up nothing quelle what is wrong with you why are you so evil Smart Home farewell melon until later dude how does this smart home know where I’m at right now and wait a second see you later I got a DAT with Melanie I got to hurry up I’m going

To be late oh these flowers she should like these nice red flowers and blue flowers she doesn’t like blue okay oh yep I should be good ah yes guys I have the perfect drone shot of melan on his date hello Melanie you look so beautiful as well I brought you these beautiful

Poppies your favorite color red what no my favorite color is green um your second favorite color red oh this view is Lovely isn’t it Melanie yes it is melon there’s something I’ve really wanted to tell you for a long time and I really want to get it off my chest guys

His date with Melanie is actually going so well it’d be a real shame if I were to ruin it yep initiate fart sound effect ever since the first day did you just seriously do that I wanted to be together but you’re very unserious about this whole thing wait Melanie that

Wasn’t me I swear it was my phone what the heck this AI what is wrong with it not you and your excuses again melon last time you blamed Sunny now you blame your phone yeah right no Melanie no why is this AI ruining everything yo guys I just got melany to

Break up with him for good oh that was a classic although I feel kind of bad I’m not going to lie I might have taken the prank a bit too far but I think there’s a way I can make this right just got to step inside of the old skin changer 5000 and

Activate it worked I’m a robot yes now that I look like the AI itself I’m going to go surprise Melanie oh hi there Melanie it’s time for me to destroy Melanie now what what are you doing what are you doing no why is there a robot

I’ve got to save her I’ve got to save her somebody help me please help you get away from her AI I’ll kill you smart hope AI flee run run initiate self-destruct sequence wait what what the heck I guess my fists have power Melanie I’m so sorry you had to go

Through that do you see what I’m talking about now with this evil AI uh I have no idea what that was but until you sort this mess out I don’t think we should see each other okay but we can see each other after that right sure

Yes ah looks like that was a job well done my AI disguise helped melon win his fair Maiden back over guys I need to talk to quand but I’ve got to do it without the evil AI detecting me I’ve got myself a plan oh being in this drone

Is awesome I can spy on melon from anywhere guys it’s time for me to go mine some diamonds this looks like the spot wait a sec I can’t spy on him if he goes underground no no he’s going to go mine diamonds but I can’t keep an eye on

Him down there guys I’m not mining diamond diamonds I’m going to find my way to Quan nails if I just keep digging in this direction I should arrive at his lab in approximately 78 blocks well guys as long as he’s mining diamonds there’s nothing to worry about so I think it’s

Pretty safe for me to just sit back relax and enjoy my swimming pool guys I should be arriving at his laboratory yes I’ve made it now I’ve just got a dig up quand yo quand was it really necessary to dig through my floor melon I paid

Good money for those quart Styles it’s a long story pretty much if I came here normally the whole world would get exploded by this evil AI so I had to sneak in here to get your help in secret okay that does sound like a dire situation but you will still have to pay

For it after we’re done hi am quale but right now I need some assistance of you I need a weapon that’s powerful enough to take down the AI and an attack plan well what I can do is pinpoint where the AI servers are hosted and then you can

Sneak in and sabotage them from the inside that sounds like a great idea using this machine I was able to locate the server location but it doesn’t make any sense what’s wrong quand what’s wrong this isn’t an AI melon this is actually a hacker it’s much more

Dangerous than I thought we got to find this hacker and Destroy his secret base you’ll need to grab TNT and dynamite from my shop and destroy it what the heck it’s not an AI this whole time it’s a hacker but who the heck would want to do this to

Me this pool is so cozy quondal said that TNT was right here I’ll use this to destroy the hacker facility I don’t know who’s doing this to me but when I find them they’re going down oh guys I think I found the crater what is this place

There’s like a giant tunnel leading into a secret laboratory this must be where the hacker is located probably break into this tunnel wo wait a second it’s made out of gold that’s insane this place must be so expensive this place is huge huge wait a second the wall is

Yellow too and the pathway is made out of gold there’s only one person I know who likes that color so much wait a second Sunny was also the one who installed the AI no way there’s no way he’d betray me like this sunny sunny oh guys this isn’t good I think melon found

My headquarters sunny it’s you yeah it’s me hi do you want to jump in my swimming pool it’s really cool in here it’s been you the whole time you absolute scumbag I don’t know what you’re talking about Smart Home Smart Home dig smart home dig

Sunny how long how long did it take for you to create this base it took me the last 6 months but it was all for the prank bro you know what you almost ruined my relationship with Melanie almost killed me did kill me a few times

That’s it that’s it I hope these last 6 months were worth it no melon stop it’s too late Sunny I’m getting out of here Smart Home Smart Home we need the Drone we need the Drone smart home drone oh no see you Sunny Make sure you like And subscribe

Right now today in Minecraft I went to school to become a pilot and I’m the instructor okay sunny where do you want to fly first I want to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris sure thing wo it’s so so beautiful here melon watch out you’re going to crash into that giant subscribe

Button oh no goats press it now to make it disappear thank you a it’s been such a boring week in Minecraft I just want something new to do like imagine being a bird getting to soar through the skies that would be awesome instead I’m trapped here on land

With no one except my watermelon brother hey melon good after afternoon how are you hey Sunny you ever wanted to become a pilot and fly the skies wait a second are you kidding me did you overhear me I was outside talking about how cool it

Would be to be a bird well Sunny for the small price of 302 emeralds I can make you a pilot wait seriously you’re a pilot instructor yeah bro I just opened up my school and I’m looking for students do you want to be my very first

Student well I’ve got nothing else to to do I don’t have 32 emeralds though all right one Emerald will do let’s do this thing uh guys I’m broke I don’t even have one Emerald but I don’t think melon will notice and we’ve got this brand new

Topof thee line only 100 years old plane bro this thing looks so rusted out but the rest of the Airfield looks crazy bro how did you construct all these hoops uh a lot of time effort dedication and stealing now Sunny follow me we’re going to teach you a little bit about how to

Fly an airplane wait melon what was that last one I don’t know what you’re talking about Sunny oh I probably misheard you yeah sorry you said being students yeah sorry my bad anyway so yeah as your student please teach me how to fly okay so pretty much flying is

Easy you just got to pay attention to the Airways and shift gears accordingly as you can see the Airways are coming at a South rotational Point here and you want to counter rotate with the clocks of the engine facing the outwards point of the air the airway flow with the

Flaps will create some lift and levitation and this will cause you to go up inside and if you don’t do all that you’ll die wait what there’s diagram with water going over a a piece of poo in the sky and says something about s do

I press s to survive is that what that is um just did you did you hear what I said rotational polar gravitational levitational force I don’t care melon I just want to fly it sounds like you’re ready to fly hop on in this Jet and take

Off sunny but remember if you don’t do exactly what I said you will die good luck can you repeat it again all right just get in the plane get in the plane Sunny old rusty hold on let me just test this thing out a little bit cruise

Around the runway lift you got to get lift I’m not getting lift bro I’m just testing out the wheels on this puppy it drives smooth for being 100 years old yep it’s uh it’s an old fixer upper Sunny now pretty much how this works I want you to try lifting the flaps right

Now without flying okay I I’m not sure how to do that ah I said without flying okay okay I’ll bring the flaps back down I’ll bring the flaps back down Sunny you’re a natural no Sunny what are you doing no if only he would listen to

Me hey melon I’m back Sunny how in the heck are you alive right now I pressed the respawn button everyone’s favorite in Minecraft okay sunny this is why I didn’t want you to take off I needed to give you a walkie-talkie before you went oh so that I can communicate with you

Through the disguise exactly I’m going to guide you through those Hoops okay this sounds awesome professor and I’m taking off again woo all right come in sunny over this is sunny speaking over all right Sunny what I’m going to want you to do here is I’m going to want you

To fly through that first red Loop sh melon I’m a little too high on the altitude here I can’t reach the Hoops the Rings are way below me descend to approximately 200 ft above seawater all right melon I’m descending oh I’m descending a little too quickly perhaps

A little lower a little lower oh there she goes there she goes I’m at ring level woo that’s your mission successful sunny I want you to fly through those Loops until you get comfortable over I’m doing my best here Professor melon this scary though I got to slow down go

Down go lower lower yes I’m actually going in W it’s hard to control later guys it’s night time it’s actually night time Sunny that’s been enough flying I want you to come in and land for the day I’m trying I’m trying this thing is Rusted and hard to

Control the last Rings the last Rings oh yeah I uh completely forgot to tell you how to land the aircraft it’s the most difficult part good luck over sh melon sh melon melon please I need this tutorial quick uh you’re just want to want to put the landing gears

Out and then drive on the pathway I’ve paved and that should be good over I just saw the crash airplane from your first student you lied to me you said you’ve never done this before I said you were the first alive student oh no guys this isn’t good shh melon come in melon

Come in uh sunny I have no idea how you’re flying the airplane like that dude dude pull up pull up landed it perfectly beautiful job Sunny put in the Docking Bay for an overnight rest yeah it’s going to have to just stay here that’s a little too hard to steer well

Sunny I’m going to take my walkie-talkie back congratulations you’ve passed the first day of pilot school that was terrifying you almost got me killed all right Sunny you can go to sleep I’m going to be working on my airst strip for the rest of the night I wish you

Good luck with your construction melon and I’m going to go get myself some shut ey I am sleepy that was a stressful day I’m pretty exhausted I can’t wait to sleep okay guys I’m going to Heist this new and awesome airplane and I’m I’m going to get sunny in on it but he

Doesn’t know he’s in on it I’m going to tell him I upgraded the runway track and that we have to go collect my airplane now just to wake Sunny up sunny sunny get up bro get up bro what’s going on melon what’s going on why are you wearing that sorry about

That sorry about that forgot I had it on remember Sunny the first rule of Flight Club is to never sleep because the plank could crash on you if you fall asleep wait a second I thought the rule was to make sure you’ve had enough sleep so

That you never fly when you’re too tired this is why you’re not a pilot Sunny anyways I’ve upgraded my Runway track and I’ve got this new awesome airplane I just need you to help me collect it okay that seems a little bit strange yeah anyways take this take one of these and

Take a grappling hook why do I need this what’s the point don’t question the arch pilot put it on now okay okay I get it it’s probably just part of our uniform sorry I’m sorry exactly it’s part of the uniform bro it’s Pilot’s code seems a

Little sus but I guess you are my senior so I’ll just follow your orders blindly now follow me sunny there it is sunny hanger One follow me yeah so I’m still trying to figure out why you made us bring a code breaker Sunny don’t worry about it all right don’t worry about it

It’s your airport shouldn’t you know all the passwords uh we’re at Hangar One Sunny isn’t that crazy we’re at Hanger one and check it out you see that Boeing 77 over there wo no way you have one of the biggest passenger Jets that’s awesome s get back here get back here oh

Sorry sorry I got excited I got excited yeah yeah I I wanted you to get back here because even though I have a Boeing 77 what’s inside of this Warehouse is so much cooler there’s no way what could possibly be cooler check it out Sunny the anticipation the anticipation is

Killing me I got a sunny plane yes and a melon plane bro you shouldn’t have bro now we just got to take it out to the air strip and take off oh this is so cool uh Sunny there’s no time for the

Air strip we got to go no I want to be a licensed pilot melon I’ll use the air strip wait why are there Sirens Don’t worry about it we got a scadal I’m going I’m going melon melon where are we going uh just away from the airport just follow

Me my plane no what’s going on I’m getting shot down wait Sunny I’ll save you no no no Mel melon where are we it’s like an airplane graveyard I don’t know Sunny it looks like some kind of military ship dude I’m running out of air I can’t

Breathe come on Sunny come over here it looks like there’s some way on the ship president Crafton why president why’ you shoot us down Intruders stop show your faces immediately oh uh Sony take the mask off take the masks off oh wait wait why would that matter I thought this was

Just pilot uniform uh yeah totally pilot uniform hey sunny and melon sorry about that we thought you were nether spies not the first time that’s happened unfortunately oh yeah sorry about the Wither skull helmet this is just part of our standard pilot uniform if you go to

The school of melons School of melon never heard of it boys also don’t ever wear those again oh sorry about that Crafton we’re sorry too for shooting you down but fortunately for you we have a spare plane on the ship that’ll surely come in handy it’s an older model but

It’ll do just fine follow me that’s awesome melon we just got to go upstairs and find our new airplanes dude I can’t wait to see them come on I know these airplanes are going to be totally awesome are these our aircrafts w oh I don’t think so melon these look like

Top-of-the-line stealth Fighters I think they’re our aircraft Sunny melon they’re definitely not our planes I don’t think the president’s going to be very happy with you n trust me he said he’s chill okay you got room for two yeah hop on in Sunny you don’t it’s a solo plane I’m

Telling you that’s a fighter jet get out of there immediately melon okay okay I’m sorry I didn’t know oh melon it’s up here on the upper deck sunny I think I see our airplane this old blue stinker back here man this is kind of lame the other airplanes look so cool yeah it’s

Fine though if it works I guess we can’t complain melon I’m in the back seat take us out of here I got you sunny it’s time to Pilot this thing uh uh Sunny I’m scared how do I pilot this you need to hit the throttle Sunny don’t worry I’m a

Master pilot after all take off lift lift lift let’s go no way y the Candi is goated yep uh Sunny I’ll be honest I’ve never flown a plane in my life I’m a little scared right now what are you talking about you literally flew a plane that Crafton shot

Down oh yeah that was the first one I actually ever flew what the heck bro you’re going to get us killed there’s nothing to worry about Sunny I’m a natural bro can you fly us to the pyramids of Egypt not upside down though melon melon melon wo that was actually kind of goated

Sunny we’ve been flying for a while and check it out we made it to Egypt dude this is such a great view of the pyramids isn’t it beautiful sunny yeah melon just be careful don’t fly Too Close you might crash no don’t worry bro I’m going to get us a real nice view

Check it out this one looks awesome no way you’re right between the two pyramids you might be the first pilot to you just sliced a pyramid I hope you’re proud maybe unlocked a secret chamber now check this one out Sunny look at the beautiful base no melon we’re in friends

How do you know this is France sunny I can smell the baguettes wo check it out it’s the Eiffel to bro that looks so cool up close melon just be careful with how you pile it around here I don’t want to crash into another world Monument I

Think I might have stalled sunny I think I might have stalled oh no melon melon melon why melon why pull up pull up pull up I’m leaving you behind no so melon where are we flying to this time the Roman Coliseum Sunny I’m going to get us some first class tickets uh

Melon how did you fly us back in time this Coliseum looks completely unfazed by time bro don’t tell me we time traveled no Sunny we’re chilling we’re chilling uh uh sunny uh melon where did you take us this time back in time Sunny back in time wait

Don’t tell me that’s the Roman Coliseum oh no Mel Mel this is a bad idea this is a terrible idea Sun pull up no BR this is where Gladiators fight it’s okay sunny we’re not in the Coliseum so we’re all good aw I can’t believe we got

Captured already yeah bro at least we’re not out there though those zombies got obliterated our next Gladiators sunny and melon you’re up uh-oh uh-oh oh no make sure you goats like And subscribe for part two and stick around for the rest of this video today in Minecraft I went to driving

School so I could become the best race car driver ever and win the $1 million grand prize and I’m going to be teaching him okay so what do we do with a red light uh we keep going no you idiot we’re going to crash help goat we’re both in the

Hospital please like the video to help us recover wait a second did I fall asleep on the couch and what time is it I’m going to be late for my driving class oh no this is not good this is not good I got to take the melon mobile oh I really

Hope I make it in time I don’t want to be driving the melon mobile for the rest of my life I signed up for this sick driving school which will let me drive a real car I’ll actually be allowed to drive on the road and I won’t have to

Stick to the sidewalks anymore should be right around here yes gas school check it out wo whose Porsche is this it’s so beautiful man some people have the nicest cars quandel I didn’t know you worked here yeah I am a man of many trades melon you signed up for the class

Yeah I did I’m really excited to learn all right just have a seat here the instructor will call you in shortly all right thanks quandell wait I slept through my alarm again dang it I need more coffee I hope my students are still here hello anybody signed up

For melon what are you doing here at driving school Sunny what are you doing here are you also here to learn no I’m the instructor I teach all the students how to drive wait you’re the instructor bro I’m going to crash and die no no no you saw that Porsche parked out front

That’s my beauty dude how are you affording that as a driving instructor melon when you’re as skilled as me at driving you could buy just about anything with the prize money okay and why have I never seen you drive that Porsche I’m not allowed to drive anymore my license was revoked anyways driving

School yes so here’s wait so you’re teaching and your license has been revoked it’s a long story maybe we’ll get to it later for now let’s learn the basics to drive melon do you know what the red yellow and green light means yeah red means go because Red’s the best

Color yellow means get out of the car and destroy the car next to you and green means stop well I need you to do me a favor yeah erase everything you just said from your memory cuz it’s so stupid but that’s what I was taught as a

Kid well whoever taught you that was wrong and lying to you red means stop yellow means slow down and green means go all right it’s the basics oh oh that actually makes a lot more sense now melon the second question how many wheels does a normal car have um well

Two because look look at that one right there it’s only got two in the picture it’s supposed to be a trick question it’s four two on each side wait what about the spare tires so probably five you know what I’ll allow that answer to slide that was pretty ingenious next up

We have a traffic stop who has the right away here the brown car or the red car the red car because he’s red and red means they have to stop ah see I’m piecing things together technically the red car has the right of way but that’s because he’s going in a straight line

And there’s no stop sign you can see the solid white line means the brown car has to stop pretty sure it’s because he has a red car okay whatever melon it’s fine you passed then what does w ASD stand for uh what’s up atomi should do something I don’t know Sunny yeah enough

About acrobatics bro it’s just how to drive your car you press W to go forward s to slow down A and D to go to the side and you’re just going to touch those keys really lightly okay okay can we get to driving I’m so excited yes we can

Follow me right this way welcome to Driving School wo this is awesome wait what the heck who’s driving that car oh that thing over there that’s a Tesla it has autopilot oh you’re going to be learning how to drive in this old thing dude this car is

So lame and it’s yellow yeah it’s the best color anyways uh can I can I start the test yep test number one drive in a straight line slowly and using Extreme Caution wait how do I break how do I break what the heck well that’s one way

To fail driving education okay melon I got you a brand new car now this time drive slow slowly okay okay I’m going real slow Sunny very good feel the pedal you could go a little further feel the gas pedal oh I feel it sunny very good

Now reverse to this line don’t run me over a little more all right little more beep beep beep beep beep a little more a little more a little more a little more a little more a little more a little more a little more perfect sweet what’s

My next test and did I Ace it and do I get my license now the next test is going to be some Ste in you’re going to have to test your handling so I’m getting in the car for this one okay okay I can do this uh all I’ve got to do

Is steer properly yeah nice and slow ease into it feel the car listen to her purr wait Sunny if I go in third person this is way easier yeah what are you doing that’s the Tesla don’t crash into it ow this is way harder this is way

Harder okay you need to go slowly slowly get to the end of this track and then we’re going to get to our next test okay slow it down slow down slow her down perfect stop don’t you worry son oh oh okay I stopped okay reverse a little bit

You’re going to learn how to park now melon oh my Sunny did you see that sick drift yeah we’re not on drifting yet that’s later on in the exercise what I need you to do is please park in these spots we’re going to start with a simple

Reverse Park okay reverse Park so what I want to do is I want to pull up here yeah this is good and then start the reversing wo you’re actually a genius yeah these cars can actually move on a fifth dimensional plane Sunny wao you aced that parking now whatever you’re

Doing stop doing it I don’t know what I just did yeah don’t press that one again that sounded way too Speedy okay now you’re going to learn how to parallel park this is very important that you do this slowly and carefully uh hold on Sunny just give me a second I’m going to

Want to pull up you need to pull up to the car in the front yeah a little more snug to it would be good uh okay uh let me real close there you know what just parallel park you’re fine just do just do you all right I got this sunny check

Me out yeah that’s not how it’s done but you know what if you can make it work that’s fine let me try that one more time yeah back it up uh here we go oh great technique now really turn that wheel you could take a little bit of

Block damage it’s okay oh Splendid Splendid that’s a that’s that’s oh that’s that’s great that’s exactly what we wanted yeah yeah perfect good one well I’m going to get out of the car now no reason it might explode are you sure Sunny I’m stuck I’m stuck why is it

Making loud noises melon you need to get out of the vehicle okay I’m getting out I’m getting out what the heck is happening yeah I can’t even get through here I think it was cuz my parallel parking was so good was so precise yeah you were stuck on a cone melon melon

Melon get out of the vehicle get out of the vehicle I got this I’m good I’m good there we go perfect parallel parking you know what that’s a pass next next up we’re going to go over traffic signs take a look up here and make sure you follow the instructions clearly okay um

So I have really bad Vision sunny all I see is red red is oh yeah stop red is stop okay that don’t go on red that would be very dangerous and then it’s going to go green which means you can now turn left let’s go hey it’s a stop

Sign you need to stop okay good yeah yeah don’t worry I got it I’ve got to make sure I time it right wait wait wait wait I don’t want to run into this car and doom well done melon you’ve passed all the driving tests now that you’ve passed the preliminary tests it’s time

To give you your driving permit and when you’re ready you can take your full driving test really sunny I’m ready right now come on please oh I just gave you your permit you’re really ready yep I’m ready okay well follow me the driving test is conducted on the main

Roads so it’s no longer a safe environment anything can happen on these streets melon okay sunny uh little did you know my middle name is dangerous well that’s not a good way to drive so you’re going to take a left here left here I knew that and just follow the

Street signs wa slow down yo Sunny what’s wrong bro I didn’t even go to 100 yeah 100 is way too fast you’re in a neighborhood oh yeah sorry hold on there’s a red light red light means stop yes I’m glad you’ve learned that one great you’re going to turn left here oh

Uh yeah Sunny which side of the road do I drive on again wherever you want as long as there’s no other cars it’s all good we’re in Minecraft technically you should drive on the right side of the road but what if we’re in Europe then

You can go on the left but what if we’re not in Europe okay well then just drive wherever you want who cares you’re in Minecraft okay uh left or right Sunny you choose all right I’m going to go left Slow Down slow down you’re a maniac what do you mean Sunny sometimes you

Just need a little bit of a Need for Speed you know what I’m saying this is dangerous this is very dangerous calm down Sunny we’re fine bro I got this hey nice drift yeah bro they used to call me the DK drift King on my

Melon mobile no way then I know just the place for you but first let’s make sure you get your driver’s license let’s hit this drift melon you’ve done it congratulations you’ve unlocked your driver’s license now just go talk to quandel he’ll sort out the paperwork oh

That was A Hard Day’s Work I could use a nap yo quand Sunny approved me for my full license that’s great to hear melon I’ll have it made right away yes I actually got my full license yo Sunny yo sunny I have my full license what’s going on I was having

Such a great nap why are you back here melon uh because I have my full license I thought you’d be happy for me sunny yeah I’m so happy for you bro except you disturbed my Slumber well s you told me to come get you after I got it so here I

Am oh yeah I did say that didn’t I yeah it was something about those drifting skills yeah just follow me melon I got to explain something important to you okay what’s up sunny and I’m going to trust you to drive my baby cuz I can’t

It would be illegal for me to drive I can really drive your Porsche this is awesome now when we pull out of here you’re going to go to the right all right two to the right got you wa oh be careful I know this thing’s got some

Crazy drifting and you see that huge bus slow down yo yo chill sunny I got it I’m the DK remember no you’re not the drift King it’s impossible for you to be the drift King cuz I’m literally the drift King hold on Sunny I I couldn’t hear you

Over the Porsche hold on let me let me there we go there we go uh turn it off there we go oh sorry what’ you say about drift King I was saying it’s a it’s impossible for you to be the drift King when that’s literally my title that’s

How I afforded this Porsche wait the legends of the drift King that was you yeah but it’s also why I lost my driver’s license I got busted by the police and they took my license away forever Sonny I don’t believe this I’m going to need some proof well I’ve got

The proof right here melon I just need to move this bus don’t know who parked this here it’s really quite annoying yeah don’t mind me just moving the old busy wa a hidden path yes indeed Melon now drive this Porche into the lands of

The drift I got you Sunny hold on let me let me just start there we go started her up waa this place is crazy Sunny why is there a path in the middle of the woods you haven’t seen anything yet hey don’t damage my car sorry I’m just

Getting used to the new drifting capabilities wao what is this this place it’s the drift track this is where all of the top Drifters compete and practice it’s an old abandon building site from decades ago but ever since people found it they’ve been using it to drift their

Cars look at all the tire marks isn’t it beautiful this is Paradise Sunny please tell me I can drift yes melon I will show you the ways of the drift and then maybe one day you too can acquire a Porsche and I could be the next drift

King yeah but don’t get too carried away first things first hop in behind the wheel and get some practice I got this now keep in mind melon there’s only a few things here that’ll damage the car so as long as you don’t hit these giant Stone pillars everything should be fine

Sunny I get to use your Porche to drift absolutely not she’s way too precious for drifting instead melon see that bush behind you yeah what about it it’s just a bush there’s an old rusty car in there you’re welcome to use that to drift bro are you kidding me Sonny I was so

Excited to use the Porsche yeah but this is a better practice vehicle bro okay can you clear the bushes please sunny all right are they clear Yep they’re clear and now sunny it’s time hit some sick drifts melon let’s do this thing now there’s only a few objects that are

Going to destroy your car and you crashed into one s what the heck I thought you wanted to be the drift King I do want to be the drift King I just need to drift harder all right well good luck with that all right Sunny I’ll show

You how to be a real drift King wao that is so sick check me out check these ones out Sunny oh I’m a little scared I’m not going to lie you’re going to hit a figure eight drift W that was close woo did you see that Sunny that was crazy do

It through the cones I got this i got this nice one all right Sunny I’m lying it up I’m going to do the hardest drift known to man oh uh I almost did it you sure did okay melon I think that’s enough for today I’m going to head on home and get

Some sleep now yeah you do that sunny I got no time for sleep I’ve got to keep on Training yo guys check it out I’m slowly getting the hang of it look this idiot left his car here oh yeah that’s cuz he can’t drive loser all right guys I’m going to go for the super difficult drift once more oh I’m kind of getting the hang of

It I just got to take it with more speed dang it all right guys maybe a little less speed but still a moderator amount of speed boom what the heck sunny sun wake up there’s a contest today what do you mean there’s a contest today dude the drifting Grand Prix takes

Place in an hour okay okay so I didn’t win my tropical vacation getaway no Sunny that we haven’t even started the competition yet oh sorry I thought it was different sweep Stakes that I entered yesterday anyways yeah drift King totally cool awesome I’ll be so

Proud of you if you can win it melon let’s go let’s do this thing Sunny melon quick get to the drift Arena I got this thank you sunny and then I’ll block this up so no police can come in here wao the three drift Kings this is who I’m

Competing against this is going to be tough oh I remember these guys what up Boos Sunny you’re not allowed to compete here anymore you lost your license get out of here dummy dang it you guys are just mad cuzz I would totally beat you it’s fine I’ve brought my new Apprentice

Melon and he’ll destroy you and claim victory as the new drift king of Minecraft Sunny they don’t look very impressed they’re kind of ignoring you look at me when I’m talking to you this guy with the green watermelon head is going to destroy you you guys call

Yourself the drift Kings but to me you’re just the drift princes yeah melon that was pretty cringe but anyways don’t disappoint me today I need you to win this competition okay okay sorry I thought it was a cool line and everything all right um yeah it could

Have been cool it had potential you should have called them the drift plebs or the drift peasants or something I’m sorry all right and the first competitor Han Zimmer is up come on get behind your wheel and go wait you hear that on the announcement looks like the first

Competitor is going to race wa this guy’s insane he’s going so fast what he just exploded and competitor Hans Zimmer is dead this marks an end to his 30-year drifting career next contestant please uh wait this sport is really dangerous wo Alex is going pretty fast wao he’s

Insane check out those burnouts it looks like he’s taking his time on this one he doesn’t want to end up like hands oh well uh he also died and our second contestant alexie is also dead we’re down to only two more competitors folks this is going to be tight what what

Happened why is everyone dying yo Tekken what’s going on they’re just plebs who don’t know how to drift fast I’ll show you how it’s done no one has beat me in the past 10 years other than Sunny good luck check in I don’t need luck I’m the

Best in the game yo you can’t beat me sucker yo he is going really uh Tekken he was the worst out of all of them he drove straight into the mountain well folks we’re down to our last contestant melon meaning that all he has to do to

Win is finish the course without dying I could actually become the next drift King this is awesome melon melon you’ve got to hurry the police are almost here they heard about all the deaths in this competition and they’re coming to shut it down I got to do this now I got no

Time melon don’t worry I’ll stop the cops I’ll lead them away first things first I learned in Driving School never to drift take the turns slowly and take your time safe driving is more important than fast driving melon I’m going to use the bus to distract the police I’ll get

Them out of here so you can win this competition thank you son you’ll never catch me I’m the real drift King you can’t stop me let’s go let’s go 9 or9 we got a Road bus requesting backup yo I’m going so fast the police will never know where the drift contest

Is just got to distract them bring them deeper into the woods I think I lost them the police must have crashed their car on the trees and exploded wait what they’ve got backup it’s a blockade in in the forest they can’t catch me though I’m too big look at those cop those

Idiots they can’t get out of the woods drift melon drift guys my mother always said slow and steady wins the race woo I went a little fast there and now the final drift woo and our winner is Big Man melon he is the new drift King congratulations

I’m d doing it guys I’m really doing it I’m the drift Ki I was so proud of him melan was the drift King and then he died and if you don’t want to die press that like And subscribe button this is the story of how I grew up in Minecraft from being

Just a wee little baby to Growing Up and saving the whole village hey don’t take all the credit for that one I helped too okay there was a little teamwork involved too and you goat should Team Up And subscribe we’re trying to reach half a million subscribers oh my painting

It’s so beautiful the ultimate sunflower all that’s missing is a little extra sunshine in the corner and now it’s perfect just got to hang it up on the wall for everyone to see and guys I painted this as a distraction cuz I’m stuck in this daycare but today’s the

Day I’m breaking out of here I haven’t seen the outside world of days it’s basically a prison here you can see they have bars blocking me in but I found a way out I just wanted to leave something behind so my teachers think I’m just taking a nap but really I’m getting out

Of this place I’ve just got to get through the ventilation yes I’m in the ventilation I’ve got to find my way out of here if I’m going to escape and finally experience Minecraft yes I’m out just got to be careful that no one sees me escape make a run for it ah the

Outside world it’s beautiful I could see the sky ah a creeper I’ve got to run the outside world is kind of scary it’s about to be night time there’s probably going to be Monsters Everywhere oh look at these little piggies maybe they’ll take me in and I’ll be part of

Their family what the heck why are there so many creepers I got to go I got to go I don’t like the outside world take me back to daycare run wait civilization there’s a village maybe someone here could keep me safe please hello hello villagers this house looks beautiful hello hello wandale

Dingleberry hey there little bud what’s wrong tell me don’t you mean what’s not wrong I escaped from daycare which was basically a prison and then I was running for my life and I ran into creepers zombies skeletons and then more creepers hey you’re safe now if you want

Go upstairs and sleep it off you’ll feel better tomorrow quand I don’t know who you are but you’re so nice thank you will you be my dad no don’t even think about that just stay here for one night okay I’ll take it thank you oh I could use some

Rest thank you Mr dingleberry I really needed that rest you can just call me quand and it’s okay it looks like you even grew a little taller really I did wao I’m taller well I guess not living a sheltered life in daycare sure makes you grow up faster the outside world’s kind

Of scary well the outside world can be pretty scary but you seem like a brave boy what do you say about taking on your first Quest it could be a lot of fun w a Quest from you Mr quand dingleberry that sounds incredible there’s a cave near

The village I need you to go there and find iron use this stone pickaxe here you go wa thank you quandel I won’t let you down I’ll be the best quester in Minecraft let’s go our first Adventure later oh this must be the cave I’ve got

To get him some iron ore he said but you know what I’ll grab some coal too cuz he’s going to need something to cook it up with I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with overachieving Now where’s that iron yes I found one give me give me give me

Give me give me give me more iron let’s go Mr dingleberry is going to be so happy with me maybe he’ll even adopt me and become my dad no Sunny we’ve been over this I’ll never be your dad why did I just hear quand Del’s voice just get

Me more I guess I really got to work hard for quand he says he needs more iron or at least that’s what the voice in my head said okay more iron got it this cave is starting to really give me the chills I think I’m going too deep

Into the mines just a couple more pieces what’s that sound zombies zombies no I got to get out of here wait one more iron one more iron and then I got to dip run so many so many zombies wait there’s more up here wait I can get around them

I’ll use this creeper to explode them all yes I got to run so many monsters oh oh that was close I don’t like this cave uh Iron Golem Iron Golem we need help wait a second I feel taller I think I’m a teenager now oh that last growth spurt

Was awesome I think it’s cuz I escaped those monsters and got so much iron for quand I’m the best quester in this Village hey Mr D jingleberry I’m back from that cave with all the iron you asked for who’s this guy yeah quandel I got those diamonds here you go thank you

So much quandell uh who are you I’m the new kid in the village I escaped from daycare I met Mr quale he even gave me a quest I got him iron you just got him iron bro I got him two stacks of diamonds bro what the heck who is this

Guy quand this is my son melon wait what I thought you said you’d never be a dad wait what I never said that I just said I won’t be your dad yeah quand made me in an experiment Sunny why do you think I’m the only talking watermelon in all of

Minecraft dang it quand I thought I was special no you’re not really all that special but credit where credit is due you got a little bit taller so congratulations on that yeah I’m starting to look pretty handsome I know not as handsome as me no I’m definitely way more handsome and probably more

Muscular definitely more intelligent what are you talking about I literally have four melon seeds the only thing you’re good for is collecting diamonds for juandale boys boys boys calm down there’s only one way to settle this through a build battle w a build battle

Do you know what that is melon yeah I do and you’re going down all right head to the arena it’s right over here and you’ll need these emeralds too oh thank you quand that’s it melon you’re going down but uh what’s the Build Challenge actually we’re going to see who can

Build the best house in the next 5 minutes take my emeralds creative ink and boom yes I got creative wait what about me okay four emeralds go in here bro four emeralds isn’t going to work I had to give them a whole stack no bro quondo give me four

Emeralds for Creative you just scammed yourself and then I press this and I got it are you kidding me I paid a whole stack creative mode this is so cool I’ve heard legends about this from my daycare ah whatever it’s over for you sunny it’s

Time to take you down in a build battle we’ll see about that I’m going to make the best house ever now that I have creative mode I can do something I’ve always dreamt of go yes I’m going to make a house made entirely of gold and

If melon tries to touch it he’s going to explode okay guys I have the most awesome build it requires a little bit of dirt and a little bit of grass I’m building the Green Top it’s going to be so so beautiful I’ll show quandel who he should have really adopted me not that

Stupid watermelon I’ll even make it a little offense in L-shaped Green Top house think of anything more beautiful yep that’s right you can’t yes and the walls they’re almost complete they’re almost complete oh it’s so beautiful now all it needs is a door and my build is complete and they

Say perfection can’t be achieved just got a spruce up the floor a little bit and who wouldn’t want a bouncy house this is awesome and my front entrance will have a sunny block then my bed my super cool reading chair this is going

To be my toilet and this is my sink so I can wash my hands isn’t my house perfect oh wait I need a cooler to store all my food yes I’m a genius oh that’s going to be yummy and then last but not least a

Nice TV all I got to do now is install my rooftop and my house is ready not entirely cuz I got to put a few booby traps in case melon tries to do something stupid with my house get away for my half of the map this is my build

And it’s perfect and quo’s going to say that I’m the best kid ever melon my house is finished and so was mine check it out sunny it’s the new refurbished L green top check it out you got the dirt laced just a little bit of gravel combined with the mossy top of

Perfection hey melon I can’t see your house anywhere where is your house oh that’s because it’s camouflage Sunny check it out that’s part of the house details yeah all I see is a big piece of dirt it looks like poo what do you mean it looks like poo this thing is

Beautiful all right let’s check it out then MTV Cribs you don’t even have anything inside of it uh hold on give me a second give me a second there you go are you serious oh hold on you’re right it needs a bed and the bed will go right

There that’s the bed it’s a dirt bed you really think you’re going to win this build battle with that it’s now a grass bed no it’s a dirt bed I don’t know what you’re talking about why don’t we just bust through this and check out my house

Oh wait sorry sorry melon I I’m I’m lagging I’m lagging oh there we go there we go here take a look bro your house is so ugly what’s with all this gold bro what the heck yeah call my house ugly again that’s what you get okay so

Anyways my house is made of gold cuz gold is yellow and yellow is the best color and now if you take a look inside at the interior I have some beautiful Decor oh wow this is actually really nice sunny isn’t it great how the toilet is right next to the reading chair

That’s right in front of the sink and then you have a trampoline for a floor why do you have a gold ore in your room oh this ow Sunny you idiot wait a second no my house my beautiful house what have you done melon I guess that means I

Win why are you so mean I’m going to tell quand on you yo don’t tell quand please don’t tell quandell it’s too late you’re so mean to me quandell you won’t believe this but this melon Kitty blew up my house uh Sunny something’s not right there’s no

Villagers here I don’t care quand hey quand quand quand where are you no no don’t tell me I’m stuck with this guy wait quand Del’s not here either oh this is not good this is not good quand never leaves his laboratory there’s got to be something here somewhere Sunny you don’t

Understand we got to look around a book in quill what’s it say sunny and melon a man named Dr long bottoms entered our village he’s a bad man and I think he’s up to no good if I’m not here by the time you get back stay safe don’t do

Anything stupid what the heck what happened to quadell it must have been that Dr long bottoms guy he sounds like an evil mastermind oh you’re right Sunny we got to do something about it we got to ask dondale the wise who’s dondale the wise you’ll see how do you know so

Much melon cuz I grew up in the village oh true that kind of makes sense now Sunny I’ve never actually spoken to dondale to be honest this Tower creeps me out and the villagers talked about rumors of it being haunted I hope not maybe he’s just lonely hello dondale I

Heard he’s blind maybe he’s also deaf I hope not Hello dondale he’s probably just really hard of hearing Sunny he is a really old man after all yeah let’s see if we can find him but I hope we don’t scare him on accident Dale you’re not actually a creepy dude uh I’m not

Sure where you heard that rumor from I’m just very old and blind yeah melon I’m not sure why you started that rumor I didn’t start that rumor I’m just saying that’s what I’ve heard listen we don’t have time to waste do you two want to

Save quand or not his life is in grave danger yeah yeah we need to here you go kids take this Compass I put a tracking device in quand Del’s robe don’t ask why just follow the compass and you’ll get to him thank you so much dondale we

Won’t let you down or quale yeah let’s save quand and make Mr pringletown let’s do this uh melon was that a safe way down yeah it’s safe bro trust me Cannonball ow one heart Sunny according to the compass we’re getting pretty close yo I see something what is that

It’s Dr Long Bottom’s lab how do you know that that’s Dr Long bottoms’s lab well look at it bro that’s obviously pair of pants you’re actually right it does look like a giant pair of pants out front quand must be in there Sunny we’ve got to save him so you’re sure this is

The place I’m positive wo what the heck it looks like it’s super secure we’re going to have to do some Parkour jumps I heard about these in daycare you got to run really fast and jump shny there’s this little thing called momentum in Minecraft follow me you got to keep it

Moving keep it moving ow no help help no no Melon No I’m alone in the world now no Sunny you can also respawn in Minecraft oh that’s awesome let’s go o oh he makes it and sunny you got to hop on this and you got to do a clutch

Jump I tried to troll you you barely made it check it out woo nice one okay so I got to grab the lower part of the staircase climb up and run yes we’re through follow me I’ll lead the way ah there’s pillagers pillagers die die yes I’m taking the

Three down up here you take the rest sunny I got you dude Team Up Wait you you killed them all already yeah bro I’m awesome wait that was so easy yeah but what is this place what are we supposed to do now I don’t know this looks like a

Lot of computer and Tech work but I see two valves here sunny maybe if we spin them at the same time the door will open okay I’ll take the taller one cuz I’m stronger taller and more handsome yeah yeah whatever sunny on three 1 2 3 Let’s

Go is it working bro it’s almost open it’s halfway there keep going keep going yes it opened no way what the heck Dr Long Bottom’s lab is crazy but where do we go from here this door is completely locked there must be a secret entrance or down here somewhere all melon I’m

Pretty sure it’s a lot more obvious than that we just need a key card so that we can access this Zone wait a second sunny I remember at the first lava trap there were key cards yeah you’re right I remember that this one is the color red

Though so we probably need to find a red key hopefully there’s a red key in there Sunny we got to go parkour back heyya heyya I’m right behind you dude let’s go okay so what’s here bro we need a purple key card but it looks like there’s a red

Key card in there how are we going to get a purple key card hold on I just got to make sure that’s a red key card it is a red key card but we first need a purple key card to access it there must be a purple key card we missed somewhere

Sunny maybe in the computer room that’s a pretty good idea melon let’s see anything around here there are desk cabinets search them all ooh books papers anything here hello not seeing anything Sunny just more books and stuff yeah nothing at all wait I found it the purple key card are you serious yeah

Let’s get back over there and open the door and open it worked I’m in red key card I’m actually a genius and we just got to do this parkour one more time and we’ll be able to access the next Zone oh Sonny let me respawn I’ll see you later

Okay have fun with that melon follow me time to unlock the red door and open wait there’s monsters here it’s just one Sunny there’s so many what the heck I’m coming melon don’t worry bro there’s way too many how are we going to fight these guys we don’t

Sunny try using the key cards of that key card reader we got to get out of here okay okay okay red key card nothing’s happening purple key card it worked the door let’s move move move hold on I got to close it I got to close

It only two made it through wait three made it through it’s okay we can take them out melon that was so scary yeah let’s get out of this place sunny I don’t like it what type of evil experiments is Dr long bottoms doing melon we’ve got to hurry I can hear the

Villagers we’ve got to be close we’ll save them we’ll save the village who even are you two kids uh I’m melon and I’m sunny and we’re here to prevent whatever you’re doing to these villagers and save quondal you’ve got to be joking I’m turning your precious villagers into

Zombies so I can complete my Army and take over the whole of Minecraft I will rule the whole world world and no one can stop me not on our watch Dr long bottoms I’ll stop you Dr long bottoms if it’s the last thing I do wait what is

This no I’ll get you nice try you imbeciles get back here long bottoms don’t worry about long bottom Sunny we’ve got to save the villagers hey kids try to find some explosives Dr Long bottom sure has some laying around we could really use those okay quad we’ll check

Around explosives I don’t see any explosive Sunny melon you looked for 2 seconds why are you so lazy bro why don’t we just flick these levers and see what they do yeah I guess that’s not the worst idea ever yeah let’s mess with this whole Lab press the button oh this

Is kind of fun okay sunny those things do absolutely nothing he must have disabled the main frame wait Sunny come to think of it when we ran up the stairs to get here I remember seeing one block on the sides missing you think there’s a secret room we’ve got to investigate

It’s our only chance don’t worry villagers we’ll be right back and we’ll bust you out of there I was right uh melon what did you find explosives this is perfect I’ve got the flint and steel melon let’s go no what did you do what did you do Sunny what

Are you doing just run just run sorry sorry I thought we were supposed to blow that up my bad I got ahead of myself no no we have to get the villagers out of here oh but doesn’t that seem kind of crazy we’re going to try and TNT our

Villagers it’ll a controlled explosive Sunny put it right here and then we’ll put another one right uh that’s a really bad idea melon maybe we put it like here where it’s really far away no no Sunny that’s not even that’s not going to work sunny it’s going to work trust me see

Now I just got to put another one right here Sunny we don’t have time for this okay okay just don’t hurt the villagers melon you almost blew them up imagine if this one was lit it’s okay they’ve escaped kind of we got to blow the other

Cage up okay okay I’m with you I’m with you just don’t put it too close to the villagers that should be fine look they’ll be able to get out nice wait V just don’t go down there chill that’s fine melon they can just backrack across the parkour guys you’ve got to exit

Through this wall come on let’s get out of here let’s dip we did it it looks like the village is thriving again everything’s back to normal please tell me is okay yes corale you guys saved the village all the hardships that you went through have molded you into young men you’ve made us

All proud guys we’re all grown up Sunny wait you just grew a beard I’m a grown man that means I can be my own dad now today in Minecraft we went to get some toys from the claw machine but we ended up getting sucked inside Sunny you got

To get us out of here goats if you subscribe in the next 2.5 seconds you can free us from this machine please do it goats sunny sunny check this out I got my new toy the red impostor wo bro that’s awesome where can I get one I

Want one I want one I want one maybe I’ll just take yours yeah I’m going to kill you and take it chill chill chill stop stop stop stop okay okay what’s up I wanted to show you him look at him he’s so cool wait hold on let me make

Him face you give me my toy back right now give me my toy back fine take him take him I don’t want him anyways he’s too sus bro there’s more toys where these came from sunny it’s so awesome you got to check it out no way you’ll

Actually take me to the toy factory yeah bro it’s super radical but it’s not a toy factory Sunny follow me I’ll show you what I mean wait if it’s not a toy factory giving you these toys what is it it’s easier to show you than explain it’s right around here wo this is

Awesome melon what is it I don’t know sunny but it was 10 times smaller last time I saw it why is it so huge now bro that’s impossible things don’t just magically get bigger dude it was so tiny before uh melon why does it look like there’s little toy versions of us inside

Of this I don’t know what’s going on Sunny this is really weird but awesome bro we could probably get giant Su Among Us characters I don’t think those are Among Us characters melon it looks like a copy of you he whatever I want to play the game uh melon melon you’re grabbing

The tree what the heck what’s happening ah wait a second melon what have you done we’re stuck inside the claw game bro what the heck it’s even bigger it’s 10 times larger again look at the size of our characters wo I kind of look like a popsicle sunny I don’t think it’s that

The claw game got larger but we got smaller you think we got zucked inside of the machine I think so sunny and you were right Sunny it is us look it’s a picture of me and it’s a building of you I know I already said that melon very

Astute and observant of you well done thank you thank you and sunny I’ll use my observational skills to see that it looks like there’s some kind of Obby but there’s an Escape Route at the end of it I think we have to parkour up all these

Pink blocks and reach the claw it’s the only way out and it all starts with the melon yeah cuz you’re the one who got us stuck in here in the first place hey hey hey we’re having a great time okay it’s not stuck if you’re having a great time

Are you still having a great time we’re stuck in here my turn epic jump oh I’m actually the goat I’m actually the number one goat let’s go parkour all the way to the top of the tree I’m getting out of here melon and then I’m going to use the

Giant claw to grab you and turn you into a stuffed animal Sunny you don’t need to do that bro we can just work together for once yeah I could try and work with you but you’re not exactly a parkour wizard are you kidding me I just na no

Don’t you dare don’t you dare don’t you dare okay fine melon give me a boost Sunny only a fake parkour God would need a boost yeah I’ll take that boost now I I wasn’t ready you got to time it you know what I don’t want your help got your

Boost I got you dude you just boosted me away from it thanks a lot okay ready ready go you never punched me all right one more time one more time one more time dude this is embarrassing 3 2 1 I got to jump first oh sorry sorry one

More time third time’s the chck you’re trash you put me down all right I’m sorry Sunny that did not work out the way it was planned for all right your turn to jump let me give you the Boost well I wasn’t ready yeah it’s

Not as easy as it looks huh sunny I did it I don’t need a boost yes grab the blocks ladder jumps easy melon too easy finally made that jump I can’t afford to mess up I made it the button should I press it I think the claw will grab me

Wait for me sunny I want to witness this melon and now we’ll press the button what’s happening what’s happening oh hey melon what took you so long what the heck where are we what do you mean what took me so long you were here the whole time yeah after you

Punched me off the tree I got teleported here Sunny it looks like there’s more claw machines maybe we have to go into these ones too wo look at how cool that is bro that’s so awesome I’m going to move it back to the orange one cuz if we

Combine red and yellow we get orange so I think we should start with with that box uh that makes sense to me I guess and lower the claw wo what’s happening wo melon we’re inside of The Orange Box now you’re right Sunny it actually worked now the question is how do we get

Out of here and once we exit do we get some kind of really cool reward I have no idea Sunny my only goal is to get out of this stupid claw machine and get back home you’re right you’re right bro I want to make it out of here alive too

There’s got to be a clue around here somewhere I’ll check underwater Sunny clearly we have to do this parkour how the heck are you supposed to make that jump I’m telling you melon we should just scout out and get a lay of the land first bro that’s stupid obviously we

Have to do this parkour I just got to find my way up one of these trees yeah obviously we have to do the parkour and not swim in the water and find the mysterious Barrel that contains a lever wait what I’m awesome I got a lever

Where do you think I should put it um something tells me you should place it on one of these blocks but which one the orange or the smooth Stone H I’m thinking the smooth Stones honey all right orange sounds good wa nothing happened you’re supposed to put it on

The smooth Stone okay yo we can make this jump now oh that makes a lot of sense this was the jump you were trying to do earlier I see ow nice one melon let me show you how it’s done how the heck are you so good at parkour sunny and how the heck

Are you so good at ruining my parkour cuz you started it first and now I leave you behind yes to the orange jumps and now I got to make this jump oh yes zoom in all right Sunny can we call the truce please yeah no more trolling we need to

Get out of here alive yeah oh I’m going crazy Sunny slow down there’s no slowing down in Minecraft yeah melon you’ve got to chill out bro it’s called momentum son you must lose it to your advantage okay I’m using the momentum no it’s okay there’s water down there you’ll be fine it’s all

Up to you Sunny I’ve got this oh oh I’m on the top now melon just a couple more jumps I swear if you fall yes you did it you want me to press this here button yes Sunny we need to get out of here so

We can escape let’s go wo we made it back to the claw control room Sunny check it out the orange claw machine is completed bro that’s awesome what do you think we should do next red or blue Sunny I’m thinking blue because red looks really difficult yeah I agree

Let’s do it move the claw over I want to press it I want to press it too late too late too late don’t press it again sorry melon you can press it on the red one W wo we made it you’re right sunny and just like last time it looks like we

Need to find something to use these piston mobile M jiggers and get up you’re right cuz there’s no other possible way we could reach this block absolutely uh melon I found a lava cave yeah no Sunny stop stop stop stop you got to be careful here you don’t want to

Become grilled wer I will literally be so mad at you check this out Sunny you got to stop I’m trying to do something cool okay okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I swear I’m done check this out I did it melon you’re literally cooking it’s okay it’s okay I’m

Surviving and sunny there’s a barrel yo I got a gray valve handle nice throw that over here that’s a terrible idea sunny I like it check this out don’t mess up you messed up uh we’re going to have to find another gray valve handle melon start looking we’ve got to find another

Secret we need a second valve cuz of you cuz of me you’re the one that said Chuck it yeah not in the lava I said throw it to me yeah but over lava you know that’s risky and you know I can never say no oh

Melon do we even need okay we need the valve what did you you try to do sunny I tried to cheese it but then I discovered that those were ghost blocks oh I still don’t know how you thought you could get up there though melon melon melon don’t

Worry about it instead you should worry about this ladder yo there’s got to be something here somewhere please be attached to the Castle come on Sunny I found it backup valve in case you burn in lava are you kidding me melon whatever you do do not throw that in

Lava it’s okay sunny there’s no lava in sight we’re chilling and I know just what to do do good cuz I’m pretty sure there’s not a Backup backup valve wait Sunny we can just get up like this yeah that that’s what I was talking about you’re right Sunny we have to use the

Valve and crank it crank it crank that soldja boy you’ll raise me up so I could stand on melons thanks appreciate it you scumbag now I got to do this all over again uh melon I have a very bad feeling that half of these are ghost

Blocks melon uh the correct path is this other block nice one and now Sunny I’ve figured out a way to detect ghost blocks like no other yeah what’s that yeah um by checking them before you jump on them and then it’s this one this is real this

Is real got to take my time melon which one was real W oh I know fake and real yes we’re actually Geniuses you mean I a genius hny no no no it was a team effort and for this you need to do this lad

Melon let me show you how to do it no no you can do it later let me do it ladder oh easy how are you so good at ladder jumps you just press shift bro you just press shift oh that actually makes a huge difference wow you are super smooth

Brain how am I supposed to know that Sunny because aren’t you an expert at Minecraft no this makes ladder jump so easy yeah that’s what I’m talking about man yeah I made it I’m so proud how are you Melon now we have trap doors no these are my worst enemy Sunny be

Careful if you fall down here you’ll ruin the run and Corner can you pull me up Sun you’re supposed to do that oh thank you and then Corner jump ooh oh I don’t like these melon this looks Troublesome yo why are you laughing like an evil villain cuz I’m so good at

Minecraft Parkour it’s insane Sunny we’re doing it we’re actually getting the top I made it to the claw the blue room is complete yes yes we’re back in the control room blue room is complete Sunny now is the final Red Room check it out move that claw wo and then Sunny no

I lower it I lower it okay it’s so beautiful wao where are we Sunny Zombies Run Run get in get in get in oh that was way too close I just dropped a barricade on oh we made it though we’re actually all right but we’re kind of Trapped in

Here I just hope there’s something useful down here come on wa we need this a shotgun Sunny this is the exact weapon I would want in a zombie apocalypse I just had to test it out Sunny that was not cool bro we need to stick together if we want to survive

You’re right but how are we supposed to uh melon you have a problem what your shotgun is going through your pants no what are you talking about melon melon just hold it in your hands don’t hold it like that that is weird why bro it is

Very very sus look how do I look you look normal bro oh I don’t know how you’re doing that and it is one of the great Mysteries that I don’t want to solve anyways I’m going to blast my way out of here they’re going to taste my lead

Die yeah blast them melon blast them yeah you keep them distracted Sunny I’m just going to go find my way out of here okay melon I’ll hold the hoorde off let me know when you find an exit yeah guys it’s actually pretty chill here I’m not

Going to lie I don’t mind it yo sunny it’s really cool over here it’s actually kind of awesome bro hurry up and find us the Escape Route uh yeah Escape Route ow okay I’ll find it that’s it I’ll do it myself die get out of my way melon

There’s Vines right here we need to climb them oh yeah I knew that Sunny baby zombies are the worst ones get rid of them I know I know they’re very quick oh wait there’s still a lot of zombies left uh Sunny yep hold them off I’m

Going to go up the vines how did you even get over there there’s a car in the way yeah I just walked through the car bro I’m going to do this the way it was intended just got to dodge these zombies and smash my way really melon oh sorry I

Was trying to shoot the zombies as I was saying it’s going to blast my way in I knew it the motorcycle shop it’s got gasoline canisters now I can gas up this scooter and leave bye melon I don’t think that’s how you get to the claw

Sunny it’s all the way up there I’m running these streets now actually guys the real reason I wanted these gas cans so I could fill up these cars to move them out of the way look at this old mobile fill it up a little bit

Of gas Mel Mel help I got you bro I’m a From The Towers I’m a sniper and then I move it and now I can run past and climb these Vines Sunny you could have just jumped on the car no I didn’t want to vandalize the vehicle unlike some people

And I did it I killed them all and saved the chicken and now melon we must progress through this parkour if we’re going to reach the claw machine you’re right sunny I hope there’s no more monsters that would suck yeah I agree also I have no idea where I’m going uh I

Think we’re supposed to go here though where’s here oh no we’re going the wrong way melon I found it I found it we go up here check it out then you go over here and then we drop down here yeah I’m lost yeah sunny I was going to say that’s not

The way we want to somehow get up another level on this thing yeah I’m totally not going the right way guys I’m going to break out of this if it’s the last thing I do just got to get to the ladder on the roof wait sunny

I found the way come back to me okay melon you better not be capping no trust me sunny check this out nice jump hold on I could do this ow and now we go up this ladder Sunny you’re right bro it’s bringing us closer to the claw but how

Are we going to get up there I don’t know sunny but we’ll find a way wait a second can we make this jump oh I think we can hand now ah yes I’m coming down nice one now we just have to scale this building slowly and steadily and we

Should be able to get our way out of here melon I’m hearing zombies in this building it’s okay sunny we’re chilling we already got rid of all the zombies remember yeah on the streets but what about the ones inside Sunny they’re not inside they’re on the roof watch out

Jump jump and run just jump and run there’s so roof zombies ah I guess I’ll have to do this alone die you scum I’m running low on ammunition it’s not looking good Sunny I’ve almost made my way back up here oh wow that’s really impressive melon good for you now watch out there

Are two more geezers waiting at the top I’ll take them out though thank you very much shny that’s greatly appreciated bro I don’t like these zombies I’m going for it sunny there’s so many more than two don’t go for it don’t go for it I think they’re all gone now that’s everything

Yeah I’ll handle the parkour just got to make this jump yes melon we made it to the rooftop The Claw is just a couple of jumps away just a couple more jumps and we’ll be out of here melon don’t worry Sunny I’ll do it myself and I have officially cered the claws we

Did it we actually escaped Sunny we’re back back and did you get a cool toy no maybe it’s in here though cool toys I got three things check it out I got a toy zombie which is kind of lame it doesn’t even look like a zombie uh okay

You got three toys I’m a little jealous I got a dead sus guy and most importantly I got this Revenge yo chill chill guys comment down below whose toy you think was the coolest the zombie the dead crew mate or melons red sus today in Minecraft I don’t feel so good guys

I’m inside Sunny’s head trying to fight off this yucky infection subscribe right now to blow it up in three 2 1 that was so weird guys Sunny bro when is your food going to get here I’m starving relax bro I didn’t think the delivery service would take so long it

Said it would be 5 minutes but it’s been 5 hours just sit back relax and stare at your cake but don’t take any bites until I get my food all right all right I promise I won’t take any bites one sliver he won’t notice dude I saw you

What I didn’t do anything what are you talking about it’s so obvious look at my side of the cake dang it I thought it was going to come from my side all right Sunny I’ll wait wait did you hear that it sounded like the doorbell come on come on yo my food’s

Here so much chocolate melon you can eat your cake now finally that was delicious relax and calm down oh Mel that was delicious totally worth the wait but I got to sleep this off bro my head kind of hurts yeah bro I’m pretty full too I’m going to out hey it says

Sweet dreams cuz I ate all that candy and chocolate good morning ban good morning sunny I don’t feel so good Sunny are you okay oh my head hurts bro are you good man I don’t feel great melan this is weird you probably just have a big

Headache you’re okay oh melon I I don’t feel so good Sunny what are you doing uh oh my brain it hurts guys something’s really wrong with sunny I’ve got to go see dawnelle and see what’s wrong Sunny come with me where are you melon is this you I’m right here yes

This is me this is me just hop in the car this is you here this is you just no no get in the car Sunny okay I’m in the car we’re heading to daal’s Sunny put down the car what are you doing I don’t know bro my head is just

So sore all right I’ll put the car down this guy is not okay why’d you put it in the water that’s water I thought that was fuel like gasoline to fill the tank back up wouldn’t want to put it in that’s not how you fill up a car anyway

Sunny just follow me we got to go and see dondale is this Dale’s Tower up here he’s doing science and things yeah he’s doing science Sunny this stuff is going to help you out I hope so cuz my head really hurts dondale dondale something’s wrong with sunny melon I’m fine there’s

Nothing wrong with me he’s been acting really weird and you can hear him right now right he’s doing this weird door thing where he just opens it and closes it over and over again what is he doing I just heard him break something he even broke one of your lamps oh he’s breaking

Stuff now so I don’t I don’t know what’s wrong with him and I’m so sorry satisfying he has a brain virus the chocolate that he ate was expired which is how he got the brain parasite in the first place do you think there’s anything we can do to help oh hey

Dale I’m going to need you to sit right in this corner for a little bit and just not do anything okay thank you y yep that one right there okay no problem you need to use the brain scanner in the basement and go inside of his head to

Cure him dondale are you serious okay sunny we need to go to the basement follow me is this the basement are these the basement these are the are these the basement no Sunny the basement is down here okay I’m right behind you watermelon according to dondale there

Should be a brain scanner yes this is the chart okay this is where Sunny sits down this looks all good Sunny I’m going to need you to sit in this seat right there okay no problem I’m in the seat no no no sunny I I really need you to like

Actually listen to me this time please please Sunny okay where is it what do what do you need this one this one this one do you want some chocolate it tastes really good no I I no no I don’t want chocolate Sunny this is what poisoned

You in the first place okay I’ll sit right here no no sunny I need you to I need you to like oh this sorry why didn’t you just say sit on this yeah yes now you’re understanding Sunny wa melon why is this doohickey attached to my

Brain right now uh it’s I’m doing fun things you’ll get a candy after don’t worry oh perfect now all I do is press this button right here and that should work there it is there’s the virus it’s located in his corporeal artificial lobe uh melon I think that’s my frontal lobe

Let me check yeah it’s the front of my head that’s where it’s been hurting so how do you know that’s the frontal lobe you’ve been stupid all day I know I’ve been pretty stupid today but when it comes to neuroscience and astrophysics I’m the best in the game okay well

That’s going to be very useful I’m going to need your help going to have to put on this suit what are you doing don’t worry about it you’ll get a candy wait I want the chocolate now give me the chocolate now no no no chocolates no

Chocolates I said you’ll get a candy all right I’m sitting in my chair what’s that funky suit for don’t you worry about about it sunny you might feel just a little bit of pain hold on and go wait why do I see a melon coming through this

Pipe guys I think I’m in Sunny’s brain the cereum the serere cere hey melon is that you and my sarabellum he is a genius he knows so much about the brain and sunny how can I hear you right now because you’re inside of my thoughts and

My mind wait a second does that mean I can control you or does that mean you can control me um I don’t know let’s find out what do you feel this you feel this ow dude chill ow oh sorry here I’ll put it back I’ll put it back it was just

A little bit of brain matter don’t worry okay I have lots of that so I should be fine yes yes yes now I’ve got to somehow get to the frontal lobe sunny I need your help right now I’m in the sarum how do I get to the frontal lob the

Sarabellum you’re going to need to complete any challenges that are in your way and destroy the virus please my brain hurts all right all right I got you I got you sunny right now it seems like there’s some Parkour in here I guess you really think about obz a lot

Huh sunny I do and I think about becoming the goat every day so I practice mentally makes me stronger it’s actually pretty tough this Obby ain’t easy Sunny hey melon whatever you do please don’t break anything ow ow why is the water poisonous why is there poisonous water in your cereum bro I

Don’t know let me take a closer look if I meditate I should be able to see inside of my mind and help you out whoa melon I can see in my brain I can see you I can’t see you yeah it’s because I’m everywhere dude that is so

Weird so you can see me right now breaking this yo melon please don’t why melan I want a giraffe but I’m a turtle eating waffles the shark infested egg yolk is the only way in or out of my S sorry I’m sorry Sunny oh thank goodness

I don’t know what happened but I was just starting to say weird stuff you’re good though now right like everything’s okay I mean my head still hurts but I can talk normally okay I didn’t cause irreversible damage that is always good now it’s time to defeat

This yeah melon I think that’s the shark infested egg Yol I was talking about yes yes yes hey just a few more jumps bing bada boom and wao this is weird this might be your brain route just don’t damage it it’s a nerve okay okay like don’t do that no ow ow ow

That’s for when you were in my head Sunny not cool bro not cool all right where do I go from here Sunny I’m really confused wait according to my calculations if that looks like the yellow part of the brain H this must be the way melon you must go to my Thalamus

Oh you’re right I’m in the green part uh uh Sunny I’m really confused right now yo there’s viruses yo virus spreader y this is what’s causing all the damage yo he does he does he does damage he do damage though he do damage though melik destroy it please please he hurts though

Yes why are the viruses in your brain so powerful because how else could I get infected you think a weak virus could hurt me of course they’re powerful uh I think a lot of weak things could hurt you Sunny yeah like a melon pretty weak and pathetic and fee and it hurts me

3.1415 9 26 53 58 9 7 99 3 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 okay sunny I’m not going to hurt your brain anymore you get really weird every time good cuz you almost made me recite 100 digits of pi wait you can recite 100

Digits of pi hold on let me see this 3.14159 okay I changed my mind I don’t I don’t want to deal with that Sunny I’m not seeing any ghost blocks around here yo you’re right there are ghost blocks I told you there was a way through now

You’re in my phalus for real yo Sunny there’s a lot of viruses in here I don’t think I can take them melon you have no choice don’t you want to fix your best friend and brother or do you want me to be sick forever okay sunny sunny sunny I

Have an idea I want you to try and imagine a diamond sword bro what do you think’s going to happen I’m just going to picture a diamond sword and suddenly one’s going to appear yo there’s a diamond sword down there wait that actually worked okay melon you’ve got to

Get to that sword and defeat these viruses I got this i got this I’m going down I’m going down oh no this is not good all right die ah ah they do damage have a heart have a heart run melon they’re slow there’s a fourth one ah

Melon it’s fine you died in my brain it’s not real life it’s like a simulation I got one of them down sunny I got one of them down but I can only die a certain amount of times before it becomes real yo yo I’m Wrecking them I’m

Wrecking them you got this bro true if you die too many times my brain will reject you and you won’t be allowed to come back inside stay away is that your war cry it is bro there’s only two left one left yes Sunny does your brain feel any

Better uh a little bit but not that much better to be honest with you those were the spreaders those were not the root problem you’re right I’ve got to s get to the frontal lobe Sunny it looks like there’s a bunch of exits but which one

Do I go through whatever you do don’t jump down the green why what happens if I jump down the green that’s my temporal lobe and believe me when I say you do not want to go there okay okay so it looks like I’m going to have to go

Through the pink part if I’m looking at the map that looks pretty accurate yeah that’s actually exactly where you want to go yeah but Sunny there’s no way for me to get up there I need a Appling hook or something maybe if I think about it

Really hard I can get you a grapple hook yeah dude like the diamond sword imagine up me a grapple hook grapple hook it’s not working grapple hook please still not working melon oh if only we had quand dingleberry wait a second I can picture quandel he’s got a small shop I see him

Now I see him now a little little booth yes yes what is he selling there I’m looking deeper oh he’s selling grapple Hooks and wait they’re on sale they’re free of charge yo quadell what’s up my dude give me that grapple hook my buddy what’s that this grappling hook is epically

Awesome and free thank you bro now it’s time to dip out of here and just line it up and let’s go and just like that I’m one step closer to saving Sunny melon where’d you go I can’t see inside of my head right now I must have used up too

Much braak power created quand shop hey melon can you hear me bro I got kicked out of my brain I can’t see inside anymore this is weird this is a weird dead end oh no I must have used up too much brain power trying to create the

Quandel Dingle brain shop this must be a ghost block or something yo where am I this is insane Sunny yo melon you can hear me again yeah yeah yeah sunny I just have a question it says says I’m at the paral lobe is that where I’m

Supposed to be you mean you’re at the parietal lobe I told you not to go there you were supposed to go to the pink PA dang it I’m sorry Sunny uh I thought you meant like yellow cuz yellow is your favorite you’re right bro it is my

Favorite color but now you’re stuck in my wealth of knowledge does it look like a library in there it actually does okay sunny do you remember that one time you were stuck inside my head yeah what about it do you remember it now remember what now hey he uh Sunny do you remember

Uh where you store all your diamonds in that chest and there’s like a thousand of them yeah dude it’s in my secret stash okay that’s great that’s great uh do you remember it now remember what now are you talking about where I wet my bed last time wait what you wet your bed

Dude that’s embarrassing no wait what why did I say that no I not what I not what I’m no that’s not what I’m talking about guys I don’t feel bad he’s done way worse to me okay sunny I need help getting out of your parietal lobe what

Is it like a giant Maze of knowledge in there yes it is can you do something to help me okay so I can’t see what’s going on in there but I might be able to light up a path to show you the way out really if I think hard

Enough is it working is it working yo the lights are activating it’s working Sunny okay I’ll keep thinking about it the exit just thinking about the exit think harder Sunny think harder I’m thinking as hard as I can are the lights still on yes the path is lighting up

This is awesome yo yes yes please get me out of here yo you actually led me to the exit Sunny let’s go this pressure plate should take me somewhere yo it opened a secret door wao what is this place Sunny according to my map I think we’re going backwards I’m

Entering the purple bit of your brain now melon I’m furious with you stop taking wrong turns first you go in the yellow now the purple what’s next sunny you literally guided me here yeah but I didn’t have a Choice it was the only way out of the Labyrinth of

Knowledge okay sunny I’m going to just continue moving forward uh step on this pressure plate oh this door opens I wonder where it leads if you don’t get out of there in the next 10 seconds I’m going to spawn in TNT and explode you

Wait hold on Sunny I I messed up the Run let me do it again that’s it I’m thinking about it I can’t do it sunny I can’t make the run I’m thinking about the letter T the letter n and the letter T chill I’m so angry

Angry melan I see you now die chill chill what is h what what are you what is going on Sunny I am sunny and I’m tired of you ruining my brain cells okay calm down Sunny I’m going to need you to take a chill pill how are you in your own brain

Wo I’m in my spirit form this is all awesome okay okay sunny I think we can make this work just stand on one of these pressure plates and I can get going yeah which pressure plate huh uh here here I’ll stand on one and you can actually go here you go buddy yeah

That’s what I thought only a dumb melon would think I would stand on a pressure plate for him what do you think I’m here to help you are you out of your mind you’re stuck in my brain you’re driving me crazy absolutely b a n a n a s that’s

Bananas I think I understand what happened Sunny you must have gotten so mad that the anger inside you materialized dang right it did and now I’m over here on this side what you’re going to try and come through this doorway come on melon get to the next

Area cure me oh dang it you are so dumb so slow and mostly so dumb I can do this I can do this check this out Sonny check this out I don’t even need you I don’t even need you wow very impressive I did

It is this even the right way uh yes I think I don’t know you’re the brain guy this looks like the problem melon this must be why my head’s been hurting so so much dude okay we’ll get rid of it we’ll get rid of it what do we do sunny it’s

Your brain you know it better than anyone else you need to get inside of this structure and destroy the virus along with their leader okay hold on let me get a better look inside what’s going on up there yo there’s a chocolate fountain inside of your brain sunny and

It looks like it’s making chocolate viruses you’ve got to be kidding me that chocolate that got delivered after I waited 5 hours is what caused this type of damage yeah bro that chocolate messed you up but it was so yummy dude you don’t eat expired chocolate ever Sunny

How are we going to get in there do I have to do everything around here yo calm down I’m following you you got to just jump and look around and jump some more and I have no clue where I’m going either I’m just angry okay relax relax

Hold on let’s all calm down and collect ourselves if you find a way to jump on this you should be able to get out of here oh look it’s up here you got to go go like this and then like oh wait that’s too far up uh melon you have that

Pickaxe right I’m just going to go and do it like this sunny I don’t want to cause any more damage to your brain I was going to give you permission to smack it nope it’s okay we’ll just do it legit yes sunny I made it up here there’s literally nothing here there’s

Got to be a way in you got to go up here and then up here what are you stupid you n poop ow calm down yo sunny sunny look out look out I’ll save you I’ll save you Sunny keep running keep running angry Sunny ah no uh you died yeah the virus

Is inside of that place good luck okay okay it’s all up to me I’m the only one that can save Sunny now oh that’s a big boy all right I got to be careful here I got to think this out melon I died I’m no longer in my Angry Spirit form but I

Can see inside of my brain again where are you uh Sunny I’m just going to close this door there’s a big old mean virus looking guy I need something to defeat him yo that’s the delivery man he’s business chocolate you can tell cuz he’s wearing a chocolate hat and he has a

Business suit oh wow so do you have like a flamethrower or something so I can melt him oh let me think about it I’ve got to Meditate melon it worked there’s a chest back here I don’t see a chest anywhere Sunny just look up just look up W there is a chest yo what’s in here a Minun yo with this I could surely defeat these chocolate viruses okay business ch chocolate say hello to my little friend

Die go go go I got to move wait are they shooting stuff at me yo they have guns too yo yo there’s a lot of them there’s a lot of them melon you got this I got to take down the shooters yes I got rid of the shooting chocolates now time to

Take out the rest of them melon you killed the boss he’s dead oh yo that was actually light work with this machine gun and the final virus yo those guys were weak Sunny well you did imagine a flamethrower and the best I could do was a minigun which is pretty cool too well

That was pretty easy bro They’re All Dead yo what the heck okay U husks you’re going to have to go Sunny there’s a lot of Damages in your bra why are there more virus spreaders wait wait the boss is back what the heck take them all

Out take them all out yo this guy’s got a gun oh I’m super low I’m super low no no no no no no no there’s still more there’s still more oh no oh no oh no no two hearts two hearts melan please hurry up and defeat them all I’m trying Sunny

Go down oh no they have guns they got guns I’m so low two hearts two hearts and I got to take this boss out again go down yes now it’s just the boss oh I keep taking out but there’s always more I’m feeling really dizzy too sunny what

Is going on melon you spent too much time in my brain you’ve got to get out of here quick before you get trapped forever oh where do I go where do I go the same way you came in oh all right well I have to take out the boss again

Let’s go okay yo good guy too oh that was close virus go away got to keep moving got to keep moving let me help let me out got to go I got to get out of here yes yes ow one heart yo I got to

Get out of here wo TNT yo yes yes it blew up away it blew up away from me out of here and I got to keep moving how does this keep happening melon you destroyed all the spreaders but the boss he keeps coming back there’s only one

Thing I could do I’ve got to handle this myself get angry yes I’m in my own brain again that’s it I’m destroying everything you’ve put in my head the chocolate must go activating death ray melon run melon run I’m blowing this place to Smither I

Got to get out of here yo there’s a straight line there’s a way out let me out moving W goodbye boss die W what just happened yo Sunny you good you get that virus uh Sunny guys I think he blew up too much of his brain subscribe in the next 3

Seconds to restore Sunny’s brain 3 2 1 oh I feel pretty good yo Sunny you’re back I’m so glad you’re okay dude I feel like a million diamonds I could go for some chocolate right now uh don’t eat that Sunny wait don’t eat it don’t eat it

This video, titled ‘TRAPPED On A PLANE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-10-13 15:30:03. It has garnered 212537 views and 2588 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:24 or 7284 seconds.

TRAPPED On A PLANE In Minecraft!


Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

#sunnycrafts #minecraft

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  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – ► Instagram – ► Twitter – 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More