Survival Minecraft: Building My City in 13 Days

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Okay I think I’m good sorry for the five minutes of nothing usually it’s only like two or three minutes I’m back music how am I I’m doing all right my voice is kind of messed up still but I’m here how are you and uh so today is the third day

That my voice has been messed up it’s like higher pitch but also deeper in a certain way and I’m not sure how to describe it because now that I’m talking louder in headphones to myself I can notice the uh the it being off more compared to the rest of rest of today at

Work or in my car I talk to myself out loud a lot probably stems from me doing things like streaming or making videos where I talk to myself I think out loud quite often uh it took me three days until right before the stream to finally think

About the idea that um cough drops exist that might help my throat a little bit considering that’s kind of the point of them so yeah it has literally been 3 days now and I just finally thought about using a cough drop so good thing I still have cough drops from

Um last winter when I was working like 20 to 30 hours a week somehow had no money even though I really wasn’t spending much money either and so I like I would SC scarcely buy food and things I still ovate like a bastard and overd drank

Uh and then I also had a cook in my bedroom yeah that was all I had to myself was a bedroom and a bathroom and a a tiny shower that was it last year it was great you’re not good your cat is getting getting like skeleton and she is

Slowly dying she’s about to be 17 um my cat the past a few years ago they never got skinny um they just started started to show distinct signs of passing I mean sorry to hear that it is life things happen be grateful that your cat lived a

17 cuz a lot of cats don’t live that long mine bar actually I don’t think mine made it to 18 almost made it to 18 but not quite but yeah most cats especially house cats they’re not they don’t last that long that is a very long life for a cat so

Hopefully it was a good one right this matak does not work on gravel why would it yep why would it well at least I can fill my inventory with stuff I don’t need uh do that going to just fill in Cobble here cuz it doesn’t matter that much

That doesn’t look bad I’m going to leave and actually I’ll take a stack of diorite it’s just a stack it lasts a while especially when I don’t use it it last a while you know you are grateful she’s the best cat ever at least you would have her twin sister still if you

Yep but if it’s twin sister I assume that they’re the same age and so I don’t I wouldn’t expect them to be around for too much longer I mean they still could have few more years but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a cat in good condition after 20

Years I don’t know if I’ve ever actually really seen a cat that’s hit 20 years unlik online you H I have but in person I think my cat ended up being the oldest and he did not show signs of age until like the weak he was going like besides

That he was just a a young spry cat who did not give a care about anything if he wanted attention he he wanted it if he didn’t he didn’t plain and simple if he wanted to go catch a rabbit or a bird and he would go get

One it’s like he just he did whatever he wanted he came and go as he pleased and we could never complain okay and now I’m just talking about cats while playing Minecraft and I have an itch in my ear that kind of itch that so bad that

You have to scratch it I wouldn’t describe it as a wet itch necessarily but because it’s in my ear like in my ear a wet itch is probably a decent description okay hopefully that itch is dealt with even though I kind of doubt it is because the last time I had a good

Itch on stream in that ear it lasted for like an hour and I couldn’t do anything about it there were your older sister’s cats but they liked you better so you took the cats but again lots of animals like you that’s good but why did you take your older

Sister’s cats or were they’re not really her cats were they just family cats and they ended up liking you more so you took them instead of her not entirely sure on the situation there and all of a sudden it’s breaking coal significantly slower this pickaxe it works wonders sometimes sometimes it doesn’t work

Properly at all rid of that I don’t know if this cough drop is actually going to help or potentially make things worse because now that I’m actually you know I have it in my mouth um I can’t remember one of the ingredients in most cough drops I don’t remember what it’s

Called that causes the uh cooling sensation some hate some absolutely hate it some say that it’s painful some say that it feels like there’s an ice cube in the back of their throat and I would say it feels like a fake Ice Cube in the back of my throat which

Isn’t it doesn’t bother me I kind kind of actually enjoy it cuz it’s kind of minty to me without being mint cuz it’s actually a honey cough drop made with real honey I think I’m pretty sure it’s still cheap though cuz I bought them over a year ago but whatever ingredient

In there that does like the cooling sensation it is working real well right now and I’m starting to think that that might actually make things worse now I know that I’m talking which is making things worse that’s why I haven’t streamed for the past couple of

Days and broke my streak because it it technically physically hurt me to talk but it wasn’t like I had a sore throat or anything it was my voice was messed up and when I would talk like I’m talking now for 10 minutes straight it starts to get kind of

Painful I shouldn’t say kind of painful just just more irritated okay get this done I already filled my inventory with Cobble and I’m picking up all that garbage it’s not what I wanted also is there even any Cobble left there’s a little bit left we’ll fill that

There they were at your parents house when you moved out you took them with you if that makes sense you don’t yeah no it makes sense you just took the cats that lived in your house once you moved out that’s that’s all there is to it

Wow I did not know that that button did that okay that’s a mod button right there apparently Q does like a switch wherever my mouse is that’s kind of odd oh what but it didn’t do it there oh it no it just puts it it was I

Wasn’t hitting Q I was hitting one by mistake and it puts it into your hot bar in that slot got it feel like that is a normal Minecraft thing I just have never used it before because I never knew it was thing until right now get that that um that yeah now it

Feels like there’s something like some grain in my throat oh a new sub nice thanks uh that it’s been two days since I’ve played this world and I’ve already completely forgotten just about all the controls somehow like it’s Minecraft it’s simple but I don’t know why it just the

Uh I don’t know I feel like something was just standing next to me that stopped me from moving for a second but Minecraft has simple controls but the um what muscle memory of it just kind of goes out the way window sometimes happens for any game but then all of a

Sudden you just sit down and you can do everything and not even think about it it is real weird sometimes how far okay I expected to fall a little bit sooner than I actually did I should clear out this Cobble it’s just causing me problems and we’re going to drop our

Frame rate of the game too doing this it’s fine it doesn’t matter it’s like it’s as long as it’s above 30 I’m fine I’m streaming at 30 I’m pretty sure uh my computer can easily take 60 but the problem is the game with the shaders doesn’t run at 60 it just

Refuses to God damn it where is it though right here yep right there that was the uh bugged block yep I got it somehow by some miracle I actually got it now I need to break grass and dirt this way God leveling out this mountain has taken technically three streaming

Sessions and I’m still technically not done so three streams and I’m pretty sure one of them was like almost three hours the other one was almost four I am doing other things here and there but I’m still spending a lot of time clearing out the dirtt and Cobble and

Everything a lot more time than I originally expected I mean there’s probably a quicker way to do it but I mean this way I think this is the quickest way I have that doesn’t require a uh finite resource such as gunpowder if I had gunpowder powder I

Probably could uh get a lot of this cleared out but I still don’t think it would be that efficient I mean this is a giant area and uh TNT is only so good for such a radius like I can’t use it would probably take a full stack of TNT to

Level that thing if not more and yeah I don’t have that much TNT if I could drink any drink will would it be orchata nothing nothing competes orchata right then and there alcoholic or Chada is not good it doesn’t match it has to be just straight proper or Chada nothing else nothing else

Competes chish hi welcome back man cor is growling at me my voice is still messed up it’s fine oh I got to repair this thing yeah let’s repair it over here so I’m not picking up a whole bunch of crap not sure how long I’m going to stream but at my current

Rate I’m 18 minutes in and uh have a already have a good tickle in my throat that’s stopping me from talking and I swear my voice has already got more horse or higher pitch since I started streaming I’m good besides uh being soaking wet for a lot

Of my shift at work by being outside in the rain on a forklift or my voice being crap now but yeah Theo welcome back you have come in whenever my voice is shot basically and I still don’t know why it’s not like it’s irritated Mo for the most part it’s not like it’s

Painful it just happened and here it is I thought that um it would have cleared itself after like the first day I was wrong no I’m not sick at all nope that’s the thing I’m like I’m not sick there is no discernable cause that I have found that has caused this I’m

Just simply have a horse voice for 3 days and it hasn’t really gotten much better either it technically uh I think it’s better than the first day but not not by a lot and this is an insane amount of dirt I’m collecting pretty sure I already

Have an insane amount of chest full of dirt so I’m thinking I should for this stream probably start emptying them by placing dirt and if I don’t need to place it then I’m just going to Simply burn it co no not Co no sadly not well I shouldn’t say

Sadly not Co no but it’s just it’s not Co I don’t even know if Co does that to your throat I could I mean or your voice maybe it could I don’t know I haven’t had Co surprisingly or at least if I had co uh it was before covid tests even

Existed it was back back in should have been I think the spring or summer of 2020 if I ever had Co that would have been the time any other time covid tests have existed and I haven’t had covid but in the beginning of the co era whatever I don’t want to say pandemic

But it’s a word everybody else uses and it’s not really right but as far as I know I’ve not actually actually had Co and if I have had Co I had it once and um I somehow built up im an an immunity to it because we’ve had several

People at work over the past two to three years get covid and they didn’t know it and they spread it to a good amount of people this is hasn’t happened once this probably happened five six times I haven’t once gotten sick from anything that last time I was sick I

Want to say was last winter when I bought the cough drops I’m currently using and I’m pretty sure um that one wasn’t even Co it’s not that I’m pretty sure I’m trying to think I was decently sick at one point but it wasn’t Co I mean I don’t know what it was I

Also just realized I need to cover up most of this with dirt and replace the stone oh oh boy well at least that gets rid of a lot of the dirt also I’m covering up that copper because I simply don’t need it if I do need copper I’m

Pretty sure I can find more and more and uh I have one use for copper and it’s not a common use you’ve had covid for two weeks that’s got to suck that’s just got to suck and you’ve had it like six times I don’t know how I don’t know some PE

With Co some people can get it all the time and always be super sick from it and there’s other people that they get Co they barely feel anything they’re out for like two days maybe not they’re out more days for work simply because of the laws and not because they’re actually

Sick and unable to do anything it’s real weird Co supposedly keeps changing but I mean people also are just building up immunities to certain things and at this point I’m thinking it’s not Co it’s just another virus that uh kind of like the flu you get a vaccine for it vaccine you

Still get sick vaccine technically does nothing you half the time and you simply just move on and then you get Co again in a year or so okay am I picking up the coal I’m just noticing that there’s a lot of coal here I don’t need it but just noticing

That I could probably get some her grandma had Grandma had it like six times and she’s like 63 yeah I don’t I don’t get Co I think my Grandma had Co once and she is she has asthma she isn’t in the best of health but she’s going

Pretty decent for her age in my opinion and uh um I think she got Co once and she didn’t get very sick from it she was um she didn’t leave her house for like two weeks because of it and I’m pretty sure she was tested positive for

It for like two weeks but as a person who should have been very strongly affected by it X [ __ ] excuse me did this just replace my hot my dirt with Cobble Stone I have something that autofills my hot bar and it didn’t do that and now I can’t break the

Cobblestone because I don’t have Cobalt great love that but yeah she was somebody who should have been uh decently affected by Co probably hospitalized usually because of Co and um she was just sick like any other kind of flu or anything okay good to know that instead

Of refilling my hot bar like it’s supposed to do it’s just throwing Cobblestone into my hot bar instead of uh putting another stack of dirt because there’s items down here so that’s why I uh haven’t been placing dirt and leaving Cobblestone because it causes problems like it just filled it with copper

Or no your grandma didn’t but again she takes a lot of meds she is really healthy nice I don’t know if Med medications actually mean somebody’s healthy sometimes or not like my grandma takes a lot of vitamins but I don’t know because she needs them because the doctors recommend it or

Whatever the reason is I don’t not know this is ridiculous the amount of stuff I have I have gold I can just make a golden chest that’s fine yeah my throat I swear is getting irritated while sitting here oh come on what do I need to make a

Chest gold nope I need two gold silver to gold I iron to Gold did I really need one more iron ingot I need a singular extra iron ingot all right I guess I won’t worry about doing that right now I mean I have more at home I just don’t feel like

Going to get any of it there’s also a very loud train that I can hear right now because it’s so quiet and my throat is definitely getting irritated talking that’s that is definitely happening I might fill this room with dirt yeah some of the these houses uh

Are probably going going to be mostly empty so since I have a bed in this one I might as well just fill it with other crap is it storming where I’m at right now no it will be here shortly but it hasn’t quite hit yet it is in Northern

Ireland I assume you’re talking about Co not the storm because when I assume when you say storm you’re talking about the United States where I am and there’s snowstorm kind of circling around and yeah we’ll get hit here shortly but it’s not going to be much storm or much

Snow it’s going to be mostly okay the storm their storms are just all over the world basically I mean it’s winter time for a good portion of it but I will have snow here shortly it won’t be a lot it mostly be high winds and then sub freezing or subzero temperatures love

It when I say sub Z I mean sub 0° F I don’t know what negative that is in Celsius I don’t I should but actually should I do I have any reason to know that I don’t think I do oh well it’s going to be like five or six

Feet where it is here if it was five or six feet here I’d be screwed because I have to drive like 30 m 20 to 30 miles to work and then that same trip back 5 days a week yeah I don’t think I’d make it far in my crappy

Car there’s just a random hole perfect I like how I okay I still have Cobblestone oh well I’m just going to start breaking all this I need to go get cobalt well if any of you haven’t seen my house yet yet not much of a house

More of a church that isn’t really a church that I’ve just kind of stored crap in that was weird I like hit the corner here I went up because I hit it but I still went forward I think there was a little issue there with the Minecraft momentum

Physics it worked realistically for once instead of just changing your direction immediately very weird there’s two Cobalt okay now I have this areas you like uh 11 cm cenim if even I don’t even know how many C 11 cenm is compared to inches I have a tape measure never forgot this tape measure

Only has inches because America using inches like no other country I have nothing wrong with um meters meters are insanely easy to use compared to inches feet yards and that crap but America is America we use inches for some [ __ ] reason meters would just make things so much

Easier what was I going to do on my phone oh right like 11 to 11 cm 2 in four about four and a half inches that’s not a lot of snow but it’s enough snow to stop it from me doing anything if my throat hurts if it does

Try to drink hot tea or drink grape soda okay one I will not buy grape soda nor will I drink it because last time I drank it I absolutely hated it and two I have a hot coffee here and I haven’t been drinking it because I’ve been

Talking the entire time and and now I’m messing with a tape measure as I’m talking myself yep I also have a cough drop in currently not sure if it’s making too big of a difference but it could be that’s not what I meant to do I could add another modifier to this

Pickaxe I need I should repeat myself I need to add another one is this thing rated for Cobalt it is so I should be able to break it I have to go get obsidian I also have to go melt down gold one gold ore should give me what I

Need okay I’m already out of run that was quick just ignore me and ignore me eating dried soup that’s what this red looking bar is it is dried soup yeah there’s a lot of mods that are weird what app do I use I don’t use an

App I just well I guess I mean I use Forge I don’t use curs Forge to install mod packs I just use curse Forge because it allows you to use to easily store mod packs that you’ve uploaded yourself or whatever um I need it doesn’t matter what pattern any of these

Work there we go wooden axe head because why not and that should allow me to do this why did I not cook the gold in there this entire time I could have been getting this ready that entire time okay I should also not leave this unattended because a mob will probably

Accidentally jump in here and add blood in and it will ruin everything but we’ll see I just broke the cough drop in half no big deal now I have to try not to choke on the cough drop tiny pieces I don’t know if it’s a good idea

To actually drink coffee right now it’s 6:19 at night it’s not like I’m going anywhere but yeah it could keep me awake oh well all right well that cooks I’ll be back I feel like my run speed has decreased there we go I’m used to having a fast run speed

And taking no fall okay and taking no fall damage it’s just normal Minecraft things faster run no fall damage and I didn’t even enchant anything to do it isn’t this where my where is my lava thing with water it’s somewhere around here right here looks awful did not mean to go down

There it’s 12 it’s 12 for you nice or zero ah there’s the water isn’t coming over here kind of hard to tell that game little hard to tell is that lava going to disappear is it just going to sit there cuz that wasn’t okay I just filled a hole and it

Just left it okay can I have the obsid there we go apparently there’s a hole down there the obsidian got caught in oh of course these don’t have lava around them why would they might have lava no this one doesn’t have lava underneath it even if this one does I think I can

Catch it it doesn’t this one is definitely fine uh that one might be fine it is isn’t but I can that works like yeah that works Cobblestone to the rescue it’s fine oh that’s fine and probably one more morning you have to go now enjoy your stream I will

Try I will simply be here existing and I don’t plan to stream long today like the rest of the streams have been decently long some of them have been a little excessive uh but it is it is it just is right now today that’s all it

Is I don’t even know what to say I need to go eat food here eventually I haven’t even done anything in the town for like three or four days now I just went to get obsidian even though the obsidian will help me improve my pickaxe so I don’t

Have so I can hopefully do things for longer this should work as a crafting bench it does beautiful reinforced level three okay now that thing theoretically should have like 2400 durability theoretically definitely not even close to that but we’ll see of course I go up and hit the tree why not land

Beautiful and now I break everything that is Stone here and replace it with dirt and then go Place more dirt yep um that only that still used a lot of durability but it’s fine did I have any pets growing up I had a cat that uh basically was the same age

As me until he passed right before night right before he turned 18 had a dog that I think kind of got for for gotten about because of Co and other stuff and then my parents deciding to move out to another place and basically screw over my brother and I kind of

Yep and we haven’t really talked about the dog much since but we had her for I don’t know maybe 12 years yep it was weird it’s been real weird real stupid besides that technically I’ve never had any other pets my parents they’ve had other cats they now have like literally seven

Cats but one of them used to live with me and my brother for a while and then they basically took the cat and that was it yep okay finish filling out all this dirt and see where we are at at and see where my throat is

At cuz I no longer have the cough drop it is completely dig not digested ingested I don’t know but it’s gone that’s all I know and my throat is definitely getting irritated talking here so probably won’t be streaming for too long aiming for maybe an hour The Blob

King welcome back yeah today’s stream will probably be short trust me I don’t want to not stream but I can’t stream and not talk like I can but there would be no point in it um I guess I could do a typing stream or something I mean other people have do

Done it there was one vtuber I used to watch that got recommended by a friend actually like in 2020 So Co time and uh she was a silent streamer and she started to get pretty popular on Twitch um when I started to watch her and her content was good and

Then she got more popular changed up the content and I just stopped watching because it wasn’t the same anymore it wasn’t as enjoyable for for me I mean to each their own I mean clearly she has more people watching now I think she’s a she I mean they’re

Vtuber and they don’t talk so you don’t actually truly know but you had a dog named Minnie you had for 14 years it’s been years now but she was good husy with something with golden mix nice I would love a husky but I don’t want to deal with the hair of a

Husky yeah nah also huskys in winter time yeah they just uh stay outside cuz that’s what they want to do was there mushrooms down there yes there were um yeah this entire area was a uh there was a giant cave here there was a giant not a Giant Mountain but one

Slightly shorter than that in this entire area and it’s now poof gone it may have t took way too many hours to do and way too many streams probably because I’ve been interrupted by my uh throat and voice being ruined somehow um what day was it Wednesday I think it

Was Wednesday Wednesday was a really bad day with work I’ll just leave it at that and so I think I didn’t stream because of my voice my voice was already bad Wednesday and then my computer crashed after 20 minutes of streaming with my voice and I just called it there and I

Just got a text that I should probably respond to oh yeah she got her for everywhere and she loves snow she was white as snow it was hard for Metro to find her sometime or hard for you to to minder sometime yeah huskys in snow it’s almost like they were supposed to be

Raised in snow uh weather okay so every Saturday I go and help my grandma and Aunt with stuff uh last Saturday I didn’t go because of the snow which trust me I personally preferred but um today it has been raining a lot tonight it’s supposed to

Freeze and turn into snow and then it’s supposed to get severely cold severely windy and still colder and colder until it’s subzero temperatures and um on my way home from work work in the same town they live in but I work in I live 20 to 30 miles

North and um I almost killed my car going through a tiny puddle when I mean tiny puddle I mean there’s no way water would have been been touching my engine block I’m not a mechanic or anything I’m not great with cars and stuff but I have a basic understanding and whenever my

Car’s voltage drops severely after I hit a puddle and I’m coming to an intersection and I just want to hurry up and floor it through the intersection just so I can get to the other side turn my hazards on and see what’s happening yeah that’s what happened um

My car’s Dash does not have a voltage meter I noticed that my radio stat my radio went staticky like it wasn’t or technically the amp whatever went staticky because it it couldn’t get the power it needed even though it wasn’t that loud uh the lights on my Dash were

Noticeably dimmer I bet my headlights were nice and dim but I couldn’t really tell because rain it reflects everything the opposite way so you can’t really see your headlights on flat ground and then I looked down and my radio Bluetooth receiver voltage is flashing and actively dropping when I first started looking at

It it was like 11.6 literally 10 seconds later it was 11.1 and at that point once the car went past there was another car coming I just tried to floor it across that intersection just to make it so I wasn’t stuck at the intersection with a dead car and then I

Got to the other side turn my hazards on opened up the hood everything was spinning fine I think me flooring it actually solved the problem I don’t know if water got in there so the alternator wasn’t spinning properly or anything but getting the engine up to 3,000 RPMs or

So which isn’t actually a lot but I think it helped clear out whatever water got in there but I never saw any steam or anything but I’ve never had my car’s voltage do that nor have I ever been able to watch it drop at a consistent

Quick rate that’s what was scary is that I could watch it decrease and I could see that okay there’s a problem happening very soon because 11 I think 11 volts I hope that’s its voltage if it’s not whatever the 11 actually is I don’t think it’s amps it’s definitely

Not amps because it wouldn’t be running if it was amps but uh when it drops that low yeah that’s a problem because at that point it probably wouldn’t have even started let alone actively dropping as I’m driving my car sounds like how your grandmother’s car was a few weeks ago I

Should see someone about my car I don’t think there’s a problem I mean my car has problems but I believe it was just water I got somewhere and I hope that a belt was the alternator belt was slipping so it wasn’t spinning it so it was just draining my battery at an

Insanely quick rate which still doesn’t make sense because the battery shouldn’t be going that quickly as I’m coming to a stop whatever it was it cleared out if it continued on I would have been stuck there and I would have probably had a call truck and at that point I probably would

Have finally just went out and bought a different car because at this point I’m just starting to think about it but I’m not ready to drop 10K but I think I just need to buy like a decent used car because I had to buy the cheapest car at

The dealership when I move right the week before I moved out got my license week later bought a car with all the money I had then moved out and had no money to do anything that’s fine okay my car did have issues with a small bottle on the drive

Home though watch my car not start tomorrow did have electrical issues of a small puddle on the drive home yep okay Michael KY hello you came just you know at a time where I was talking about my car and then having to text somebody back because it’s just something I go

And help them out with every weekend or most weekends kind of irritated to go do it because I don’t like wasting that much gas more than I already do and then losing one of my days off so I really only have one day off to do anything and

I would rather have one day to do nothing and one day to just be like half productive but no I have to basically choose if I want to be productive in one day or not and then say and then that’s it don’t have a choice in anything else yeah oh well oh

Well it could be a lot worse I also don’t want to quit my job and uh work in town where in the town I live in because I don’t don’t make a lot but I do make a lot more than not a lot more I do make more than I’d be making

At probably any position that I would get in any store around here hey fatty what mods am I using all right every time somebody asks I’m going to go and read the entire lists if my dumb ass can figure out where it is all right obviously we got Forge that loads

Everything we got the essential mod we got the backpack mod we got better M shafts bibl bibliocraft biomes of Plenty chisels and bits Redstone flux all the C FH core mods PTR models decocraft dirt Decor Mo Creatures flat color blocks inventory tweaks iron chest just enough items Journey map level up mantle more

Player models crayfishes Furniture pams harvestcraft Rog likee dungeons scaffolding thermal Foundation Tinkers everything to do with Tinkers varied Commodities wa stones and world edit you ask what mods those are the mods I like how you’re calling me fat you don’t even know if I’m actually fat or

Not so you want to put a bet there’s no betet we can’t betet so do this do you think I am honestly overweight I’ll tell you one thing I am 54 so what do you think overweight or fat is for a person that is 5’4 or a male that is

5’4 you’ve already had the bad winds um I’m yeah we’ve had bad winds and it’s just getting worse too and I was driving in rain on a forklift without a windshield or a screen or anything in the bad wind 400 lb buddy if I was 400

Lb I would have died from a heart attack a long time ago if I was 250 lbs I’m pretty sure I would have died from something a while ago 5’4 for 400 lb I don’t is that even possible to I don’t know if anybody that’s 400b rounds in the world is that

Short maybe I’m wrong but you have to be the stupidest person to get that much weight that much fat that you are choosing to constantly eat and consume that many calories I also want you to know I’ve legitimately lost 20 lbs in like the last 3 4 months go eat a cheeseburger I

Would if cheeseburgers weren’t so damn expensive now trust me I love fast food but uh I can’t afford eat eat fast food every day you reported him oh I wasn’t going to do anything about it I figured they would give up because I’m not actually responding negatively to it like I’m not getting

Offended I don’t know I don’t know um overweight jokes have never uh not jokes but overweight comments have never affected me whether they’re legit or not I’m just like oh well yeah I’m just like all that’s on screen I’m like oh well you said true I

Said a lot of [ __ ] there there so you’re going to have to explain to me what part of what I said was true cuz I said a lot of [ __ ] oh my God that pickaxe also broke things quickly okay that comment is the one that’s going to get you reported or

Banned by me not the fatty ones that specific one would get you banned so here’s your warning you say something even remotely close to that again and I will by hand ban you right here and now I do not care because that is more than disgusting that is disturbing and there’s also probably

People or kids in the chat so I gave you I gave you your options I just teleported into the fence for a second I gave you your options you do what you want you’re bad what is that word I’m not going to say it because it looks like something

Weird okay that comment I mean is arguably okay I mean context I guess makes the difference between that being all right and not all right I assume it’s in the not all right context but yeah yeah that’s what I I’m responding to a text what I I am that’s what I’m

Thinking that all of the flooded roads will just be ice tomorrow and I’d rather not deal with that okay uh just all right bro that sounds really bad that sounds so bad it sounds bad of course it sounds bad I mean you’re the one who said it

It’s like yeah you love kids well you better clarify I I don’t love kids I genuinely hate kids they’re insanely annoying no offense if anybody’s young in chat but I’m not good with kids I’m not I’m not a fan of dealing with them I can’t take

Care of a kid of any age hell if they’re a teenager I don’t want to deal with them I won’t lie I just don’t want to anything to do with somebody like that yeah you love kids you have a little brother nice yeah okay once again chat has gone weird and

Sometimes all it takes is one person I mean I think earlier this week there was a stream where there was like a group of five people that came in and they were just going back and forth the whole bunch of weird stuff and I was getting annoyed with it I will not uh

Lie I mean there’s like a line there’s a line that exists that is invisible and people usually don’t know the difference uh between when they cross it or when they’re approaching it they just cross it and they’re just all right whatever everybody’s different we all think differently so something might

Seem fine to them and is unacceptable by others it’s whatever I feel like this is the very efficient inefficient way to do that but I also feel like it was still breaking or placing blocks quicker than usual I never realized there was a mushroom over there or there I just

Noticed the red over there I’m like oh I mean I haven’t really been over there much at all I don’t think I haven’t paid attention I just exist in this world I just exist I placed dirt and St and stone but in the wrong places twice in a

Row and then I get coal by breaking dirt love it well at least I cleared out a lot of that do I have any Ops I’m not even sure what that is I yeah I truly don’t know what that means I assume that’s not something bad

I just whatever it is I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about so I guess we’ll find out either the easy way or the hard way yeah and when I say hard way I mean people are sometimes [ __ ] whenever somebody doesn’t know something I mean I

Can’t say I’m not sometimes but I tend to be an unintentional [ __ ] oppositions enemies no I mean I have people I dislike I don’t have anybody that like I’m sworn to want to screw over kill or harm or something I don’t know that hard way you were thinking

Somewhere else I mean that’s to each their own I mean I’m an adult so I can’t say I thought that way myself when I thought it I mean it’s like sometimes your brain can think in two different directions at the same time so I’m like yeah I thought it that

Direction too whenever I said it but I’m like oh well it’s not what I meant so it doesn’t matter also I’m not even sure if YouTube has a um a system in place for saying something like that for it to Auto detect it can autod detect cuss words

Like crazy but uh other comments n it’s pretty stupid with I kind of want to leave this uh single piece of stone here as like a little Easter egg of me [ __ ] up even though I intentionally left it there and then me doing that it’s fair and you said it’s fair I

Don’t even know which part you responded to that’s the problem with streaming especially with a delay and me saying 20 things within a short period of time yep random road not random road actually road that has a purpose Road that’s eh not entirely accurate to real life but it’s attempted to be accurate

Attempted small delay okay I’m not sure what that word is but I’m just going to play it safe and not say it just just in case I mean people already yeah I don’t I was going to say something and it was not going to make sense so I just won’t because I don’t

Think I couldn’t make it make sense in my head before I actually said it well I placed most of the dirt in my inventory still got got a little bit left to go I ran out of food my throat’s doing better surprisingly I haven’t noticed it being

Too irritated maybe because I’m just so distracted maybe the coffee is helping maybe the uh the cough drop actually did something maybe I’m crazy maybe it got so irritated that I actually can’t feel anything anymore maybe I’m passed out and this is all a dream this would be a fever dream for

Sure let me tell you what this be a real weird fever dream wow that was a sentence if I catch you around these parts I’ll smoke you slime I’m a gangsta for real I really hate that I just said Gangsta it doesn’t sound right when I

Say it at all I know it’s incorrect English but I’m like that just it doesn’t sound right when I say it I’ve heard other people say it and it just it sounds fine when I said it there nah I’m not supposed to be placing Cobblestone here that’s not supposed to be

Cobblestone I just messed up a lot somehow it’s almost like I’m distracted with whatever the hell that comment was okay we’re fine we can just continue on and my game drop frames weird it’s not like I have a whole bunch of blocks floating like earlier so I don’t

Know this is the most exciting part of building a city right is that I’m just terraforming nothing else and I’m using survival tools they’re modded tools so it makes things a hell of a lot easier but it’s still slow and survival if some somebody did this in

Vanilla survival I don’t know how the hell they could I truly don’t because I don’t have to mine very often at this point actually if I need a tool I have to go to the Nether and just mine a little bit of cobalt but if I need something um if I

Need diamonds I mean I can still acquire diamonds pretty quickly but diamonds are not that good anymore diamonds are uh a little weak around here now if you want to make a stone tool with a diamond it’s the best thing you can make it’s the best cheap thing you can

Make I should say because you can make an insanely powerful tool that only needs Cobble Stone to repair the problem is it doesn’t last that long however I mean I have a stone matto that is expert level at this point with almost as much durability as my Cobalt

Pickaxe uh you did it once but you lost the world I don’t know I mean the problem is with building City and vanilla also is that you’re missing a lot of blocks like you uh you can’t add a lot of detail to anything I plan to add

Detail to things but it won’t happen for a long time but I’ve I’ve lost some good worlds it [ __ ] happens I have um I have a world that um I just have to respond to that text but I have I had a world that was a

Server that I paid for that I played with friends in like the summer of 2020 shortly after I got a job I had a card so I could buy a server we played on it it was vanilla Minecraft I think 1.16 the only time I ever played any

Newer version of Minecraft that wasn’t 12.2 I think it was 1.16 the nether up update maybe it was I think it was 16 it was either the nether update or the ocean update and I think it was the nether I think the ocean update came first either way it

Was with the newer Nether and the newer ocean stuff but besides that I had played from the rest basically in 12.2 which I’m actively playing that server they built a good amount of good stuff I built a good amount of good stuff I built the best house that

Best house that I had ever built and you know what I made it out of crimsonwood from the nether that stuff was beautiful it was beautiful and then like the uh Blackstone it was the crimsonwood and Blackstone and I made a wonderful gigantic two-story house made a giant

Farm I had another friend who tried to make a city and I just actually remembered I made an own I made a nice Minecraft village like I made nice houses nice roofs nice designs and I I worked around like two mountains kind of in like a valley so every single house

Was unique I had some houses that were like super small they were like they weren’t very wide so they were only like five blocks wide with three on the inside but I don’t know it was just a unique nice cozy town that I made I filled it with villagers

And everything had made sure I had like one of every job it was nice there were trees there were sidewalks there were fences that was probably the nicest thing I had ever built in Minecraft that house and that random kind of village and then we all stopped playing

Well I was the last one to stop playing I started another project and I worked on that project for like two days nobody else ever played on the server and I don’t talk with a single one of those people anymore that was three and a half years

Ago yep it’s great I need to look at Google Maps I don’t know how big to uh make this how wide to make this another update was the best update ever I don’t know if it was but I haven’t been around I haven’t played Minecraft with a lot of new updates and

I don’t know how big the updates were with 12.2 or sooner any standing water will freeze now oh yeah yeah yeah but but there is a lot of standing water water D there and here okay well maybe they’ll end up telling me I shouldn’t drive just to play it

Safe I hope they do but they probably won’t that would be too hopeful the player Slayer like the username not a fan of the underscore hi how’s it going the next update ruin Minecraft which one ruined Minecraft you say next update I’m not really sure which one um

What’s this this is the fourth one here oh this is a short one this is a short stubby house or trailer home this thing is actually really small compared to the rest oh my god I’ve you know I’ve built a decent amount of these and they’re all rectangles for the most part because

That’s what trailer homes are this is by far the smallest of the smallest like that one is already smaller compared to that but that’s technically a bigger one it’s only three blocks bigger but it’s still bigger than the rest when they’re all almost carbon copies of each other oh yeah I haven’t

Played the the caves and cliffs update I haven’t played that version of Minecraft I haven’t played past 16 I think the nether I’m pretty sure it was the nether update I haven’t played past because I like 12.2 I genuinely do and I’m not one to go and randomly play a Minecraft world

I’m not I’m going to make this one this short like this thing is small small eh that doesn’t look right at least one more at least adds a little bit more to it and it’s not like it’s any this one isn’t any wider than the rest either however the next one is extra

Wide and it looks like it’s going to be creating problems yeah I’m kind of concerned about the next one it’s going to throw things off a little bit that’s fine I’m going to have to make it work I was going to do like the same spacings here as like the ones over

There can’t quite do that now can’t do that with the next one uh I can however make a path to give me an idea of how far to make this I’m going to set the path here yeah that’s fine and probably about three blocks away from this

One and then I’m going to have gravel down here this is the wrong tool even though it still works just is the wrong one this is going to be gravel for a ways when I say a ways I mean a ways they always are end up being a lot

Bigger than I originally anticipate but it m matches the ratio of the trailer homes I made a glitched block where is it I just hit it come on right there yep I I place dirt and it turns into grass love it all right pickaxe don’t want

String I don’t need coal I’ll just turn into uh torches like I keep doing sticks throwing away slime balls slow throw away even though I probably could keep them but I’ve been gathering enough okay I want to see that need Road needs to be continued on this way for a

While I might just do that real quick while I’m over here I’m trying to find ways that I can make use of all this dirt that I have instead of gathering more because right now that’s all I’ve been doing is just Gathering more dirt when I know I don’t need

To I have mastered the stone Cobalt mat so it can’t go any higher oh it can but I’m not sure if it can go much higher I have four modifiers I can put on this thing now four more problem is it I can’t make it any

Faster it’s as fast as it’s going to go uh I can make it do more damage but it’s not a good weapon I have much better weapons for that anyways I guess the best thing I could do is add the reinforcement one oh wow I placed come on oh it was that one

Apparently the best thing I could do is make a reinforcement mod and that one isn’t difficult it just takes obsidian and I’m really lazy when it comes to Gathering obsidian what are the mods I’m using you asked we got to go through them all you asked we got we loaded all

With Forge then we got the essential mod we got the backpack mod it just backpack we got Young’s better M shafts we got bibloc craft biomes of Plenty chisels and bits Redstone flux cofh mods BTR models deoc craft dirt Deco M creatures flat colored blocks inventory tweaks iron chest just enough

Items Journey map level up mantle more player models crayfish’s Furniture pams harvestcraft Rog likee dungeons scaffolding blocks thermal Foundation tiners construct tiners tool leveling varied Commodities waist stones and world edit I said last week every anytime somebody asked what mods I’m using I’m going to go down the entire list just

For shits and giggles because why not you asked so I delivered probably delivered in a very annoying way but uh I delivered saw some more torches than I need but I need to start placing some of them bye oh okay bye that was quick say something about the caves and cliffs

Update re of the mod list and then just bye it’s like okay bye enjoy the rest of your day night or whatever time it is I even have enough C I found another bugged block oh at least I got it at least I fixed it now I’m going to finish this Cobble

Wait a minute ah I messed up okay well this wasn’t um this road doesn’t continue this way I thought I made a marker over here where I left it and I’m covered up the marker all right okay so now I got to figure out we got 281 okay so that’s

31 that I just did yep that’s 31 okay so I need to go 31 I need to lose 31 basically so 42 I need 11 right right I want to make sure I’m not stupidus 31 is 211 so I got to go to 211 which is not it’s right here

Okay oh got come on man there is a real bad delay on Journey map right now what in the hell okay my hands were not on W ASD okay so that should be there yep good for me I love messing up stuff badly messing it up

Too and that thing broke after two more uses of course the durability was that low why wouldn’t it have been woof woof hello welcome to whatever the hell this is is it even Minecraft at this point it’s barely Minecraft I think it’s Minecraft but it’s easy it’s Minecraft but there’s a lava

Pit right here where I’m throwing random stone tools oh I’m sorry just give me a second I just got a notification on Steam that a friend on my friends list is playing a game they have not opened my text for five [ __ ] days that was me slamming

My phone down because this is the second time it’s happened it’s just been getting worse over time so sorry but when somebody who used to be like family to you just can’t even respond to a simple text within 5 days days it used to be a problem when

It was like literally 24 hours and I lived with the person couldn’t get a text back but now okay I’m just giving up then clearly I I mean clearly there’s nothing left if uh they can’t do anything on their side oh well she has a boyfriend she’s fine that’s not why I

Want to be friends with her nope but you know what I’ve done my parts over the years if that’s how it’s going to end that’s how it’s going going to end yep yeah love it love it that that that specific situation worsens on stream again yep oh well [ __ ] happens could be

Worse just saying could be worse got to go the deep is calling the Deep not even sure what the deep is but have fun with whatever it is got pick up some of this crap even though I don’t need it there is just a wild Manor out there chilling he’s

Fine I’m getting good experience for this stuff at least making torches that I don’t need at the exact moment I should probably go and use though okay made it roughly to where I needed to go sleep check my phone for a text back nope not from not from them yet I

Figured they would have responded to that one different person than I just uh talked about but show you your progress um this progress I mean it doesn’t look like a lot but it is a good bit too bad nothing has detail yet I don’t even even have Windows

Because um right now there’s no point in me ow there you go yeah you stay like that there’s no sense in putting progress like I tried a little bit with some of these that’s how they turned into stone slabs up there these are all mobile homes so they look like garbage in real

Life anyways I’m trying to add little detail as I go I’m just going to have to use chisels and bits to add real detail could you not going to have to use chisels and bits to add real detail I missed that was crap yeah going to have to use chisels

And bits to add real details that match real life but right now it’s uh pretty bland it’s just vanilla blocks for the most part besides the uh dirt fence what country do I live in the US Yep this crappy place eh could be worse but yeah this is the start of

Something the road will not be Cobblestone forever those torches need street lights even though I’m pretty sure this place doesn’t this trailer park home doesn’t even trailer Y trailer park doesn’t have street light street lights I’m going to put street lights because nighttime and shaders dirt fence be looking amazing

It’s always amazing the dirt fence used to look better when it was blocking a ravine and then that Ravine had to be covered up but that’s why this is still here because Ravine I’m holding shift like I’m going to fall down there and die but I just

Don’t want to try and jump back up like there’s no fall damage when I have slime boots yep I just lose armor but no fall damage and I can do this that would kill me if I didn’t have slime boots good size Ravine though I just hate that I

Had to cover it up I really do but I’m going to have to cover up several you build way worse well I hate to tell you this but I’m kind of cheating because I’m using real life models I’m not just building things out of my ass here I’m

Just started with one house that crappy one really crappy one I added the porch for some reason I think I added that just to give it a little bit more detail compared to real life based on the satellite image cuz street view doesn’t really go down part of this street view

Does not go on this road that I’m standing on that will eventually be an actual properly colored Road and not crappy cobblestone street view goes on this road here and this one here because everything inside of here is a trailer park yeah just a trailer park and I guess Google Maps car doesn’t

Drive down there because it’s priv private property maybe I don’t know but these houses I have a view of the backside of so I could get detail that way the rest of these are just a a shot in the dark besides the house with the roof and the porch or the front

Sidewalk that’s not cheating because nobody’s given my me Minecraft how-to videos well um I did it’s a little bit more cheatting because I started with that then that then that worked my way to here stuff all of these were made without me looking at anybody else’s trailer home designs in Minecraft until this

One that was the one that I uh looked at other people on Google Maps bye goodbye hopefully you enjoyed the short bit you were here this was the house that I actually used somebody else’s design to make it basically and it’s the same dimensions roughly as the rest but the

Roof is different and the windows are different and it looks a hell of a lot better that looks so much better than that crap however that doesn’t look good with Cobblestone it looks a lot better when it’s made with slabs and it doesn’t look so good when the bottom is made of standard

Stone and then you go over here and I’m like perfect actually no that wasn’t this one is where I started using only stone slabs on top instead of stone and Cobblestone and you get this beautiful inside design as well it’s not great but it’s it’s

Something am I using a mod pack um not I mean it’s not really a mod pack it’s just random mods I threw together over the past few years and ended up with this stuff it’s not a specific mod pack it’s not specific grouping of mods to do any

Purpose it was I have this mod folder that I’ve been adding to over the years that doesn’t break the game entirely or cause my computer to crash so how about I just use it for creating this world and um it’s worked pretty damn well this world almost was a Pixelmon world I

Almost decided to try and make my actual City in Pixelmon which I thought would get more views or whatever and excuse me I made a I made a world with Pixelmon with all the current mods in it that I’m using and I decided against it because I would get nothing done my

Home my real life home is going to eventually be I think somewhere around here even if it is I wouldn’t tell you but it that’s roughly where I’ve estimated it’s going to be it would be a cool site to see a city like that maybe one day Pixelmon and City doesn’t work so

Well yeah I also have been having issues with the Pixelmon Mod because they keep updating it and then they’re updating different versions and then they’re just kind of abandoning certain versions and they’re leaving some bugs I think the version of Pixelmon that I have for 12.2

Um I think I last time I played it it was full of bugs and then I tried a different Pixelmon version that I did like however I had a problem all it took was them to change the way you mount a Pokemon and I couldn’t play

It I fin I spent I don’t know how long trying to get a Pokemon that I could fly on and then I basically couldn’t fly on it it was Bas it was like the Pokemon did a jump and they just slowly landed like there was no proper

Steering there was no um guiding there’s no easy up and down it was just up or down and forwards or back and you’re just falling you go up straight and then you fall forward or backward and once I dealt with that I just I don’t think I played that world since or

That version version of Pixelmon since cuz uh that that’s not how flying goes that’s not how it should be that’s how it was it also had problems that it lagged the uh the world was ended up being so laggy somehow that when I was flying I couldn’t try to control what garbage

Flying already was because every time I went up and started to go forward it would like I would be teleporting in midair on a local world with like I think 12 render distance maybe the same computer I’m currently using by the way it’s not like it was a

Older computer or anything the same one I’m using that’s running all these shaders mods with 30 60 TI and whatever that world was or whatever mods were making it laggy yeah it made me just end up dropping that world right then and then there cuz I I couldn’t make it work

Properly it was not a playable experience in my opinion when I could finally fly and I literally needed to fly in order to do stuff I wanted in that world seeing me play moded Minecraft makes you want to download a mod pack which you’re doing right now I have the

Same thing happen when I watch certain people play uh other games on YouTube I definitely do have that happen to myself okay I want to double check that this this is 211 okay so I’m going to go over here and now this is 242 which is 31 okay that man that made me think that something was coming to attack me shaders are a little broken when they’re that far away but it still works as a shadow I’m surprised it does then we go to 248 to 281 that is not

31 where did I get 31 isn’t that 33 where the hell did I get 31 from did I just see 281 and see one yep exactly what my brain did oh my God I knew something was off I was like there’s no way hi this is your main account for

Some days you’re coming from your second account ah how is this your main account this so your official account is your main account but your other one is not your main okay I mean that’s just a little weird but okay I also realized that I need to

Learn how to do math because I’m an idiot and that was 211 other one was 24 two I’m gonna do this at night for a second I just want to make sure I fix it properly 242 I just need to go two further out and then we’re good even

Though it seems like I need to cut it back by two not sure it’s fine at least I can break the Cobblestone quickly so can’t complain with that and yep I know it’s dark I’m getting a bad headache right now oh wow like actually bad I don’t know if if it’s because of

The rain I was in earlier for hours or the cold wind with rain while soaking wet or I’m dehydrated I don’t think I’m dehydrated though because I feel like I’ve been over drinking all day with water and yet I still feel like I haven’t drank enough where I’m going way too

Far Perfect Landing right with the fence and I may have teleported for a second that’s fine I didn’t teleport on purpose it just lacked me I’ve drank like 10 ounces of coffee drank some water my throat is still annoying but works money waste money wasted High creeper just landed right by a

Creeper what do you mean by money waste did you waste money on something uh okay I had a realization that my spacing is a little off for this but I think it’s still fine because I’m still trying to turn a circle into a square or rectangle in

Minecraft I don’t want to deal with trying to make a circle it just wouldn’t it’s not going to work out well I think this is fine though I want to get a spacing on Journey map just to make sure that this looks the same length that is

Just over two chunks this is one chunk half a chunk another half okay so at least on the maps the map here it looks pretty close to lined up that’s fine cuz you bought a subscription of crunchy roll what why then you realize you can watch anime from Google website

Called Anna watch um yeah or kiss anime or go anime or nine anime yeah um I don’t pay for streaming services if I want to watch something I will find it but in reality I don’t really watch TV series it’s more like I go find movies on a certain

Site and that site actually has not been taken down and the site is really well built compared to all these other free video streaming sites I got something in my right eye pretty bad so give me a second I’m trying to clear it I don’t know if it’s an eyelash or

What I had an itch and then I made it worse probably okay oh my computer wants to update Windows how about you update when I tell you to even though I know that windows I know my computer’s going to update itself oh my phone updated itself while I was at work

Today uh I went I finally got done with doing everything outside in the rain go to open up my phone it’s locked couldn’t do anything and um it had to just go and fix everything that it updated updated without me selling it to while it was

Actively being in my pocket it just did whatever the hell it wanted technology is great that it needs to update and it doesn’t I can’t even tell it update it will just turn itself off and update and screw itself over without me doing anything yep can I reach that thank

You yeah that was annoying surprised my computer do actually my computer will eventually update itself without me telling it to I’m going to turn it off and it’s just going to be installing an update and then restart itself instead of turn itself off and I’ll be pissed it’s not the first time it’s

Happened I’m pretty sure it literally happened a week ago two or so like it it truly technology just does whatever it wants sometimes I mean it’s I own it but that doesn’t matter it I technically don’t Microsoft owns it I’m pretty sure yeah it’s because it’s a Microsoft program is

That they can do whatever they want to it if they want to lock you out they can because they own it same with like Android phones theoretically they can do whatever they want because you don’t really own that phone you don’t own the Android you don’t own the

OS yeah so in theory they could really do whatever the hell they wanted and screw you over my inventory is so damn full so damn full I I guess I can refill this all with h dirt now cuz uh yeah that’s a was a mistake at least I caught it before it

Was way too late and I misaligned everything so could be worse could have been a lot worse also you broke your XR back not sure what that means not sure at all what that means but you’re not going to repair your current phone back oh you talking about like an iPhone

XR I’m I’ll be I’ll be honest waste of money I don’t get why people spend so much on some phones sometimes like yeah I know I have like a Samsung Z flip but I did not pay anywhere near retail for it I bought it used yeah I bought like a $1,500 phone

For 350 and I’ve been using it for roughly 3 years yeah you you’re using it for three years yeah but you spent a lot more on it than I did but at least you got a better screen than I do my screen is uh dim

Uh doesn’t have it has a 60 HZ refresh rate it can’t do anything above that but it works it has a smaller battery basically the only good part about it is that it fits in my pocket easier when it’s folded and um it protects the screen when it’s folded because it’s a plastic

Screen it they call it like a plastic glass screen no it’s just plastic it’s just plastic how do I know because it it’s damaged also somehow I made a dead spot on the screen like a year ago it hasn’t gotten any bigger even though it’s been dropped several times

It wasn’t that like it got damaged when I dropped it no it just happened one day when it was in my pocket yeah I just don’t know what happened I’m trying think of what can I do with all of this damn dirt I can cover up this that’s basically what I need to

Do I can cover up this section here because I actually I need to cover up most of that I can continue this road on significantly farther if I wanted to but I don’t need more dirt I can cover up this entire River I need to cover up

This entire Lake and that entire River and remove this entire town holy crap this is going to take a while why did I think this was a good idea if I come to India with for f $1,500 phone India some Indian worship you because the phone is too expensive

You’re lucky that you’re born into a rich family nice can’t say the same uh yeah no just no5 $1 phone is not worth it for any reason I would say also if I had to choose between buying a $1,500 phone and a $1,500 computer I’m taking the damn

Computer I have a SmartPhone I have games on it I rarely text people I rarely call people the best thing that this device is for is mobile internet usage on occasion other than that if I’m not at work I am on a computer basically so anything I need is right here I don’t

Need to worry about battery I don’t need to worry about um music I have music either on the Internet or local if I have games I have a lot more storage than my phone could ever take and I still should need to uh increase it more India GDP capita is $2,500 I have

I’ll be honest no clue what that means no clue what that means I really hate that I have to chop down this tree cuz it’s a nice tree and it’s full of fruit God this is a is this a six it’s a five but damn no it is a six where’s the

Sixth huh did it decay already okay but I just heard a beautiful bird what in the hell are those that that’s a cashew all right I kind of thought it was a banana at first I’m like this is not what bananas look like on a tree no that’s a goat hi

Buddy um there’s sheep finally found some wild sheep in Minecraft okay how how many hours has it taken me to find sheep in Minecraft okay what’s a quar 246 it has taken me 54 hours of this world to find a wild sheep this is not a like one world thing

I have this problem in all my worlds usually is that I either can’t find sheep ever or I can’t ever find cows so I never have a source of wool or string or well no just wool or I never have a source of milk and leather constant problem in any world I

Can never find one mob takes me literally over 50 hours to finally find a sheep uh random question that popped in your head what do I think of Charlie and Chocolate Factory which one when you say Charlie in the Chocolate Factory I assume that’s the second one like the early 2000s one I

Like the original and I like the uh I think the early 2000s one the new one that just came out out I have no intention of watching I don’t even really know what anything about it but I don’t want to watch it if you’re talking about the new one

Not sure talking about the original I like it you’re talking about the Johnny Depp one I like it but not as much but yeah I do truly like the original but it’s just um no matter what it’s kind of weird the Johnny Depp one’s real weird compared to

The original and I think the new one is insanely weird even compared to the Johnny Depp one the second one I like it it’s weird but I like it uh I need this block I think we don’t talk about the 20071 eh oh well uh your days is like wake bath eat

Go to school come back from School complete homework then watch anime eat sleep I’m pretty sure that’s like every just about every person in School’s days I mean that’s what my days with work are basically I go to work come home stream Minecraft have some drinks usually and go to sleep and

Repeat and that’s about it there’s not a lot that happens in between it really is not a lot that happens in between I’m going to get shot down by a skeleton just waiting for it to happen cuz I hear one but it is not attacking me for some

Reason yet even though I’m definitely close enough to it oh well you still get 90% grades in your school that’s I did too all except for one class I never I never even studied it don’t think I just did the homework did the bare minimum for homework turned it in got an

A most of the time there are some times where I really really got lazy for homework and just like kind of half asked it especially when my math class just started going over all the homework answers in class so if there was a time where I really didn’t feel like doing one

Question we would just go over it in class I would get the answer and that was it but I don’t know why the teacher ever did that I don’t know if it was truly to try and help kids or students or if it was just um just I don’t know either way it

Helped us and it made the laser ones lazier and it made the Smart Ones just kind of unintentionally study and you’re in ninth grade class well you got you got a bit more to go I hate to tell you that yeah being a Freshman sucks High School

Sucked it was decent in like my last two years but still not good middle school was stupid you found your foreign brother because you’re and his habits are the same you got you’re sharing a lot more habits with uh a lot of people where they just watch anime play

Video games and that’s it or they watch streamers all day and that’s um that was weird what just happened I I just killed a thing of cinnamon like you’re supposed to be able to harvest it I attacked it with this frying pan and it killed it it killed it like a damn

Entity how I’m not even sure how that’s possible there’s a lot of mobs out here I also need to add looting to this still need to make a bow too yeah before you can shoot me wow two hit KO a zombie with gold armor doesn’t even drop the armor oh spider’s

Dead yeah good part about making a giant open field mobs have so much space to spawn can you just there you go it’s fun to just kill things I do need looting back though because I I there’s an arrow in my head there’s probably another arrow in my head I need

Looting back so when I kill the creepers I can get more gunpowder something tells me I’m going to need gunpowder make things quicker especially for the um Mountain destruction it is 7:30 you have gold armor I missed here we go God damn I am losing a good amount of Health I mean I’m

Killing a lot of things why are you carrying a string ow ow all right well I’m half health so yep all right see you later oh yeah there’s no mobs over here probably because they all spawn down there and there’s lighting down here I’ll get inside inside and then eat

Something I like how I come inside to a damn mantore like it’s any safer and it doesn’t even attack me the Bonk sound it’s a good sound it’s a weird sound but it’s a good one it’s it’s a good sound well ger to you too man this coffee gets really really

Bitter when it becomes room temperature like more bitter than any coffee I’ve had haven’t had a lot of coffees in in my life but like this one is bad bitter I don’t know how it can even get this bad but it is all right how many times are people

In my friends list going to open up the same game so now I’m curious if that person that can’t text me back is now playing a game with two people I used to live with I also used to live with them too I’m 90% certain because once again they’ve

Opened this game at the same time and then I’m pretty sure the three of them are playing it together and um I used to live live with all three of these people can’t even get a message a text back after 5 days have I ever tried Death Wish coffee

Uh no I haven’t I probably should I probably wouldn’t be like it isn’t Deathwish coffee like some of the uh strongest coffee I remember like the internet going crazy over something like that years ago but I’ve only started drinking coffee in like the past two months I left all that Rotting

Flesh that’s a shame because I don’t care about any of it I saw the experience I don’t care I don’t need it yeah there’s a lot of Rotting Flesh over there if there was Gunpowder yeah I’d take it but I don’t need it oh too

Far oh man that was a damn near perfect jump too nice it’s like yeah it’s bitter well on the bright side I’ve now gotten to the point where I’m getting jittery from the coffee I’ve had not sure how though I mean it’s a combination of being slightly cold and I guess the coffee

Even though this cup of coffee roughly has 150 milligrams of caffeine that’s like the maximum I think it can be because it doesn’t say anywhere on it how much it can but it is a specific K Cup coffee that says it is 1.5 times the caffeine as a regular cup of

Coffee doesn’t say any anywhere about any numbers any more than just the 1.5 so in reality it could just be you know 100 milligrams of caffeine like some cups of coffee or K Cups but it’s just using a different Brew so in the end it seems like there’s more caffeine but there actually

Isn’t but I think what is it the lighter roasts have more caffeine than the darker roasts this is a very dark roast coffee and it’s made by I wouldn’t say a reputable brand but it’s not like a bad brand or anything it’s just uh the brand

Is well not a big one what this tree isn’t recognized as a tree that’s a shame that’s a real shame man I can hear the wind outside it is getting a lot lot windier that’s really high we oh I am genuinely surprised I made that jump genuinely surprised I have the

Minecraft skill to make a to jump a three block Gap like that from nothing I mean it’s not that impressive considering I’m pretty sure you can do a four block jump it’s impressive for my dumbass I don’t play Minecraft to be skilled I don’t play Minecraft to

Improve in fact I’m really bad at placing blocks still because I get to the point where I’m lazy and I just kind of unintentionally click to place a block without moving my mouse that happens quite often dark roasts have less caffeine because they roast the caffeine out of

The beans more yes so this coffee that says it’s 1.5 times the caffeine of a normal cup of coffee is a dark roast so what I’m thinking is that there’s light roasts out there that just have the same amount of caffeine like it’s I don’t know I don’t know if

There’s I don’t think they add anything to it to make to give it more caffeine but yeah I’m like getting slightly jittery it’s probably a combination of haven’t eaten any anything since I keep forgetting it’s 7:30 by the way I’m thinking it’s only like 5:30 cuz I got

Out of work work late and then went shopping with a friend just grocery shopping cuz we both needed to and I I didn’t stream until I didn’t even pay attention when I started streaming but it was a lot later compared to usual so I keep forgetting how late it

Is so I haven’t really eaten anything in 7 hours so I’ve gotten however much caffeine in my system in the past well on an empty stomach so it’s just it’s hitting harder I don’t know but I have noticed that caffeine in a larger quantity gives me motivation to

Stream I don’t know why I don’t know if it’s a mental or physical or both thing where I physically have more energy so I want to do this because I always want to stream I always basically do because I could always get better potential have a potential of growing an audience and not

Having to work at the crappy job forever or at least maybe I can use this to slightly support myself but I want to constantly stream so I can um maybe build a future but the problem is I’ve been wanting to stream for you know every day

For year for like three years but I haven’t been because I’ve been lazy tired I didn’t want to do it but I wanted to do it and in the end caffeine makes it I’m like all right let’s go let’s do this let’s get this over not get it over not

Like that negative attitude it’s the all right let’s do this let’s enjoy it but it also definitely helps when there’s actually people in chat that makes a huge difference though more than you probably think because when there’s nobody in chat you get real bored real quick and

You get real demotivated when you stream for hours upon hours upon hours but to nobody you get really demotivated too when you do a 10-hour stream and you have less chats than I’ve had in chats in like the past 10 minutes of this stream I had I did a 10-hour stream when

I first moved to this the place I’m currently living 10 hour over 10 hours of seven days to die I had 22 total chat messages 22 yep I’ve had more chat I have more chat messages than that I think on screen currently if I scroll through oh yeah I

I mean I broke a 100 already I know so I’ve gotten over 22 since I broke a 100 and I’ve done that in two hours time maybe technically not even but 10 hours and I couldn’t even get a quarter of or I couldn’t even get a uh a fifth of what I currently

Have I’m going to use all the dirt I have left in my inventory because I have a lot more to go still God damn it I knew it would happen I knew and it gave me the of course why would it give me what I wanted to gave me damn

Clay right I’m moving this fast I know I missed one but that was decent that was a decent uh run there I have to kind of stop and let myself catch up a little bit cuz my right hand does um God damn that was a perfect one my

Right hand kind of gets tired or a little out of syn compared to everything else um yeah well yep oh we’ll see you tomorrow okay I like how this person tells me to be careful but the best thing I could do to be careful would to be just not make the

Drive but nope they still want me there for some reason like we can do anything anyways because it’s going to snow with rain have high winds and get colder throughout the day the morning time is going to be the warmest point of the day I of course there’s a single one left

And it’s in the way but the morning tomorrow is going to be the warmest of the day I think at 1: p.m. it’s going to get down to like 17° Fahrenheit which is real cold and it’s going to drop from there we’re going to have problems at

Work um when I go Monday and I’m going to do my best to solve those problems because it’s not really that they’ve been dumped on me but I wasn’t trained to deal with it but out of all the people that are there I definitely have the best chance of getting it done

Properly like I’m I am my store’s main forklift operator that’s fine I’ve only been on forklift for like two and a half maybe three years now I’ll tell you one thing I’m probably the second best forklift operator at my age in the entire company just going to

Throw that out there and I truly do not doubt that statement at this point because I was trained probably by the best forklift operator at our age in the company and I’ve only gotten better since I took his position because he moved out of state for and now has a

Significantly better position however he doesn’t even drive a forklift anymore for the most part he drives giant ass tractors yeah a little uh little bit bigger I already used that much dirt that was a lot that I just placed and I still doesn’t feel like a

Lot well I mean that’s a that’s a good chunk of dirt added in right there doesn’t seem like a lot but when you when you break it down one of those rows is damn near 64 by itself all right let’s go home not really home go over here to a random Place sleep

With a mantore and then come back oh my throat it’s hitting I just had a real bad irritation for a second real bad irritation you’re also good at your job even though it’s three jobs my so technically my job is only to pack up boxes and ship them out that’s my job nothing

Else I do a lot more than that for this store uh let’s just say this week we were doing something called inventory so um we stop stocking we stopped getting product in we stopped getting trucks in we have a company come and count everything they never do the job

Right then we have to fix all our accounts we’ve been doing that this week we were not supposed to have a single truck um Monday we were we were going to have a semi I think weren’t supposed to have any trucks Tuesday or Wednesday Thursday we weren’t supposed to have any

And today really shouldn’t have had any either in the end for those four days when we weren’t supposed to have any semis we had nine I know that we had nine because I unloaded every single one of them by myself we had nine semis when we were supposed to have only

Zero let’s just say nine semis of product that we can’t put out and sell because we’re doing other stuff and it would mess up everything kind of messes up a lot in the store technically I don’t have to unload a single one of these trucks my job is

To pack boxes but because I know how what I’m doing on a forklift and I like doing it I unloaded every single one of those trucks by myself I did our receiving manager’s job for them by handling the situation for every single truck making sure we had space getting everything out getting

Everything where it needed to go temporarily using what space we had by myself with a little bit of assistance from another person to run some pallets with a forklift who’s also getting trained they gave me assistance with basically just making some of the moving pallets quicker but in the end nine semis that

Is 100 and oh my god do the math wow okay it’s more than I was thinking it’s over 200 pallets if you know a pallet is 4 foot basically 4 foot by 4 foot it’s like 4ot by 40 in either way basically 4 foot by 4ot section

I had to deal with over 200 pallets and figure out what to do with them without management being involved for the most part I had to deal with all the drivers had to deal with communication where we’re going to put this stuff this stuff how we’re going to move this stuff to

Unload this other one that showed up when it wasn’t supposed to when none of them were supposed to show up got every single one dealt with and I’ll tell you one thing I sure as hell do not get paid enough to do that it is not my responsibility do that there is a

Receiving manager for a reason a receiving manager can’t even start a forklift yet she is quote unquote forklift certified one of your jobs is to make coffee nice um I can’t even make coffee at work anymore because our coffee machine stopped working yeah been real

Annoying but at work my job is to Simply only pack boxes I have technically no responsibilties is to drive a forklift on paper I am 22 years old I do more for that store probably than anybody else there most days and I hate to say say that because there’s a lot of people

That get paid a decent bit more than I do to sit on their butts and do nothing for half their shift sit on their phones and not get fired for it but nope I’m constantly going back and forth either on foot with a forklift trying to communicate with corporate on my stuff

For shipping trying to communicate with FedEx trying to communicate with semi- drivers trying to communicate with our receiving lead on how to do things because they don’t know how to do it because they don’t know how to drive forklift they kind of know like where to put stuff how to space things

Out but when it comes down to physically doing it they’re there of No Help I can’t rely on them to hop on the forklift and help me do something so we can make space for something else I just have to do it by myself I said 22 I am 22 22 years old

How old do you think I was I also just found out that a um cooworker of mine she’s in her 60s she’s worked there for three years I worked there slightly longer so when she started there she thought that I was older than another associate that works there this

Associate is three years older than I am when she started working there I was 18 actually no I was 19 when she started working there this entire time she did not know how young I was she did not know I was fresh out of high school when she met me she did not

Um realize that I was younger than this other associate they thought the other associate was like 20 1 22 year years old when I told them that I was that age they didn’t believe me the realization didn’t set in until I told them yeah when I when they started here I was

19 this entire time they thought I was significantly older than I was when I started at this place when I was 18 fresh out of high school nobody believed me that I was 18 except for my dad who works in the same store nobody believed

Me they had to go ask my dad to confirm that I was actually 18 they were thinking I was in mid 20s most of them were thinking I was like 26 28 nope my dumbass is insanely mature apparently for my age according to the majority of people that they’re used to working

With they think that every every 18 to 22y old is just some young young dumb kid and here I am almost running a store besides cashiering and doing paperwork I don’t stock shelves but if I wasn’t there it would be a lot of uh [ __ ] that other people

Would have to figure out how to do I do all this started by somebody else saying they do like three jobs at work yeah so I need to just go back to the basics I do shipping I do receiving which are two completely different things I do unloading

Um I’m trying to think of how to put the um like just forklift operation in general that isn’t uh doing that isn’t unloading a truck so let’s just put it simple for I do the job of four different positions at least and I definitely don’t get paid like

It and I know that there’s people that I communicate with that are technically my um superiors in corporate on the shipping side and they get paid a lot more than I do to sit on their butts and whenever I have to take time to do other things in the store like unload nine

Trucks when we weren’t supposed to have a single one and they get upset why these orders haven’t been out um yeah it’s be because I’m doing all these other people’s jobs for them and that I would gladly switch positions with them would gladly go and

Drive 40 miles or 80 miles every day to sit on my butt and get paid significantly more I would take that in a heartbeat but nope I also do not get paid good enough at all to be a technically forklift operator I could go work at any other

Place and probably make five plus more dollars an hour if not more especially with my experience and skill at this point but I can’t guarantee it would be a better position than I’m in so I haven’t done it you can relate you’re the only worker at Starbucks you work at and you’re

Tired of it uh yeah I had a friend that used to work at Starbucks made their way up to management and um started going to other stores to train new managers and stuff they were like one of the main managers in the entire um region so when I say

Region it’s a Starbucks region that they decided on or District whatever they called it so it’s like probably everything’s inside the same state but it’s these amount of cities these amount of stores these specific stores they basically became one of the main managers of all those stores they

Just weren’t like the district lead or or whatever it is they were like one step below the district manager that’s who their only boss was the district manager and anybody above the district manager district manager was probably in charge of 100 plus stores and then this person quit now works for State

Farm and that was 10 days ago that I found that out that they work for State Farm now and I still can’t get a text back from them so I don’t know what happened I don’t know if they get paid more but now they’re sitting on their butt probably

Making significantly more than I do and yep they used to be a good worker at Starbucks hard worker and now they’re wherever the hell they are I don’t even know if it matters at this point because clearly they don’t care enough to open up a simple text but

They care enough to play with other friends that uh I used to live with and I used to live with that other person it’s fine I’ve been I’ve wasted this entire Minecraft Dave ranting on about work and people and that’s it I should probably change the subject but it’s kind of hard

To when you know my life basically rotates around my work and don’t do that by choice but you know what’s sad if I were to make like maybe $20 an hour where I work I would technically be making more than management my yearly income for a 40-hour work week would be more than

Their salary of a 50 to 60 hour work week what’s my favorite coffee um I really haven’t had that many coffees I won’t lie I’ve had this is like standard doughnut shop blend Morning Blend um italian roast and I think there’s a darker roast in there I’ve had a hazelnut roast I’ve

Had and then I’ve had like my 1.5 times caffeine dark roast I’ll be honest probably the 1.5 times caffeine it doesn’t taste as good as like the doughnut shop Blend or Morning Blend I do do genuinely like the taste of the Morning Blend when it’s warm the uh the

1.5 times caffeine is all right not as good however the caffeine content is the reason it’s my favorite cuz it does the job compared to the other ones I also can make the 1.5 time one at home can’t make it at work but I can’t make hi there we’re just going to close

That back but at work I can’t make any coffee right now anyways because the coffeee machine is broken and it’s just a curig that’s all it is I’m pretty sure there’s an electrical issue in it somewhere with I was about to say a circuit board but that’s pretty generic

Basically it shuts itself off after running for a bit it’ll Brew like a little bit of coffee and then just shuts itself off and resets itself and it’s it’s unusable like the cup of coffee that bruise is not good last time I had it when it brewed like

Half a cuff I tasted it it tasted sour I’ve never had sour coffee but something that told me that something went wrong somewhere and I’m wondering if somebody put something that wasn’t water inside of the coffee machine and it’s um it’s ruined it it somehow it did something to it allowed

It to overheat or get something get stuck somewhere going through the system and now it’s just screwed your favorite coffee is black coffee or ice coffee but mostly ice coffee the thing is you say black coffee but black coffee doesn’t mean anything to me because is Black Coffee just a Morning

Blend thing is it just ground roast coffee but most all coffee all I’ve I’ve never seen a coffee that is just black coffee the coffees I’ve seen that I would say were black coffees I’m like there’s dark roast there’s a light roast there’s a medium roast there’s a very

Light roast there’s a super dark roast to me in my opinion all of those are considered black coffees um if you go to a breakfast restaurant I don’t know what kind of coffee that they have in those like half gallon containers I don’t know what kind

Of coffee that is I would consider that black coffee but I don’t know how that coffee compares to anything that I’ve had all right I need to be a little bit productive here I’m just ranting and raving about stupid [ __ ] that doesn’t matter um I got jungle

Saplings I have a jungle tree right here I’m going to try and get more jungle saplings and make a giant jungle tree because why the hell not H the dark roast is Black Coffee the problem is there’s there’s lots of different kinds of dark roasts like I mean some of them are just

Simply called like ital Italian Roast is I think a medium roast I can’t think of what the standard dark roast in variety packs are usually called that are like alongside dut shop blend morning shop blend I got to look it up I bet you the website that I work with or the stores

Website that I work for doesn’t work coffee oh it does today okay give me a second okay so coffee grounds that we sell we have black silk ground coffee smooth dark roast but there’s also a medium roast how about the cups there is French roast there’s doughnut shop blend Morning

Blend what is the one that’s darker than French roast I should know this and I don’t there’s donut shop there’s morning there’s Hazel which is all right French roast what’s the difference between oh never mind they’re both French there’s caramel macoto haven’t had that here’s the variety

Pack oh wait what oh this is different Italian Roast is a dark okay Italian Roast is the dark blend I thought it was a medium it’s a dark so I guess Italian Roast would be considered BL black coffee I guess have I please tell me

I I did not get a single sapling from this tree you’re choking you’re joking oh my God that’s stupid come on do I even have any in here that’s not where there would be nope I can make giant Spruce I can make a birch wall I could burn down some

Oak oh my that’s so irritating I guess I’m going to stand by him and make him grow sad yep see just like that it grew and now I’m going to chop it down and hopefully it’ll Decay and give me at least one sapling I’m miror you and Arctic are

Working on a CCC server nice however a Discord server or a Minecraft server cuz that information does matter like I’ve said before I think in every stream I don’t use Discord often I really don’t my phone gives me Discord notifications of my own channel whenever

I go live and that’s about it other than that if people check tell me to check Discord on stream I do it and that’s pretty bad I don’t check it speaking of which art has sent me nine messages I probably should read them uh okay what am I looking

At Platinum Tinkers does default not sure what that means um progress update Cobalt expansion keyboard wizard mod that’s kind of cool looking I don’t know what a uh Mouse tweaks there’s a book thing compress copy make sure it loads on your end properly world will be removed post

Production uh remind me later to do that I guess Discord okay nice biome info okay sorry I’m bad at checking Discord reminds me to send the world uh Later but for those mods I don’t need the don’t need don’t need the mouse tweaks or the um uh or Bome yeah I don’t need the biome info because I have Journey map biome info journey journey map already has has biome information that I use often okay responded to that okay what is

This okay wow do you actually did you actually go back and find the stream that started the CCC like I’m just asking why I’m just you know to each their own you spend your time oh my God tell me it’s giving me more than one sapling what is happening with jungle trees not

Giving off saplings Ah that’s so annoying well I guess I’m just going to be at a loss of jungle trees now but yeah na did you actually just go back and find the stream where the Candy Corn cat thing started if so why have I ever stand for two seconds and fall down

Weirdly not while sober I won’t lie I think I’ve had that like once or twice while drunk I just you just randomly do whatever comes to mind sometimes I’m just like oh there’s a bed stand plop onto it cuz why not but I think that’s about it but when I

Normally no I don’t I don’t just randomly fall that’s I don’t do that it’d be nice if this thing would grow about to have have to start doing a ritual circle around it in order to uh maybe get some extra saplings from it all I asked for was one extra sapling

And in the end I lost a sapling oh no apparently there’s three randomly sitting over here where a tree wasn’t even planted all the way so that means one tree one side of it produced all the saplings out of two trees that’s so annoying yeah it doesn’t sound normal no oh it sounds

Um it sounds concerning it’s normal for you okay well as long as the doctors say it’s normal sure as long as the trained medical professionals say that that’s normal okay I don’t know if that has something to do with like an iron deficiency or anything along those lines or not but it

Could and my throat is getting very irritated oh at least a jungle tree grew I feel like my voice has gotten deeper and my throat is getting worse I think I’m talking so much to the point where it actually feels like my throat is irritated now and

Scratchy when it hasn’t been this entire time when it’s just been it’s just my voice has just been horse yeah so I should probably end the stream here soon I I made a thing of ice water when I started the stream there is no ice left first time drinking that water and

There’s no ice left you’re going to leave him watching right now you’ll definitely be back though all right go do whatever however if you come back today I probably won’t be here cuz I don’t think I’m going to be here for much longer due to um due to

My voice throat and talking too much causing more problems than it’s probably worth why is there a p huh why is there a pine sapling okay I didn’t cut down a pine tree though I don’t know where this Pine sapling came from I mean there’s a pine

Tree right there but why would some of the Leafs Decay why did it replace a pine sapling with jungle saplings in my inventory story they better not oh they do have the same block ID that’s why all right so whatever thing it’s reading it’s not reading the proper

Thing and so it’s just reading a Minecraft sapling and replacing it with whatever got it and we’re currently at a lot of leaf Decay and not a oh my God not a single sapling I don’t think from these yet these two are from the ones before do jungle Leafs just have a

Significantly lower chance of dropping a sapling like this is just irritating I’m on a quest to literally just get two more saplings and I I I can’t it’s not happening oh there’s one up there okay so there’s one more at least I would like to have six saplings

From placing four trees but I don’t think that’s going to happen it is 66° in my room one it does not feel like that two my heater hasn’t even been running and yet it’s gotten warmer in here cuz it was a 64 weird I could also be feeling colder

Because I haven’t eaten and caffeine and I’m you know I’m sitting down on a desk playing Minecraft not physically doing anything and I don’t think I can ever remove this tree this tree is like permanently here because I built around it I had a bed

Next to it that I don’t even know why I removed I should have just left it but it’s fine random tools my iron pickaxe I used for four blocks never needed it again yeah I used it to get diamonds Four Diamonds and then I used those diamonds to make a diamond Stone pick

And that was just better than any iron pick I could ever make it’s normal for you because your spine is not normal you have scoliosis and your spine is close to your right side instead of the center and that’s why you you get used to Falling

Weirdly I don’t know how the human body works with scoliosis but I figure the um I kind of always assume that the body would just kind of get used to it being like that and so that wouldn’t be a thing like you might walk a little different sometimes

But you would just kind of naturally get used to it and you’re wouldn’t you wouldn’t really notice the difference I don’t know I haven’t had it I haven’t met anybody with it so I’m probably just wrong and this journey to get these damn saplings is not going

Well like is is it really that difficult to to get a few saplings it just shouldn’t be I’m collecting jungle wood like I needed but I don’t I’m just curious what I can craft I can make logs I can make a jungle crate does a crate even do

Anything also realized I haven’t gotten any extra wood from these that’s a lot of wood to make a crate does it do anything though oh it does I seal it okay I pick it up I drop it uh how do I open it I sealed it and now I can’t do anything with

It I can smelt it down oh my helmet’s almost broken wow so I’m I’m assuming that this crate there’s a certain way to open it and uh yep I’m not figuring out that certain way oh I forgot that would instant break oh wow wow yeah I can’t um I can’t do anything with

It I figured using like a axe on it with a right click would change something guess not your right shoulder is higher than the other and you’re getting surgery for it so you can be back to normal self hopefully the surgery goes well hopefully it

Does I cannot figure out what to do with this crate don’t tell me I have to use like a damn crowbar or something what mod is this a part of CFM okay um crowbar crowbar crowbar I’m not making a crowbar good thing I didn’t put anything in this crate because I

Wouldn’t be able to get it out I’m glitched oh my God what happened I know that I broke the Farmland but the problem is I didn’t jump on the Farmland I literally came here and it moved me forward I didn’t even have my hand on my mouse I don’t think whenever that

Happens cuz I is just going to stop there and then empty that crate and then it just moved me well I got a single piece of wheat I’m going to eat the raw wheat beautiful lovely the berries are they even grown yet oh my God they’re finally

All grown yeah these grow so damn slowly they’re not even worth planting I rarely actually got to ever eat them is that really how you make a crappy little table all right why not I got the wood might as well [ __ ] around with it coffee table that’s it oh what the

Heck you can just display something on it so I can just ah you’re joking you’re joking that I just removed that I just broke that axe permanently oh don’t put a tool on a table don’t use any modded tool on crayfish’s furniture it bugs it it bugs it real

Bad I just lost a very good Lumber axe it was made out of stone but still the experience that I had in that and the modifiers I could have put on it I’m going to personally burn this table after that I’m going to personally burn this

[ __ ] I don’t know why I don’t know what for but I’m going to that is so damn stupid good thing I didn’t put one of these on there if I lost this pickaxe the the mat I you know is not that bad but I’d still be pissed if I lost this

Pickaxe that I have put three reinforcements on and have broken over 20,000 blocks with it and got that much experience in it yeah I think I’d be pissed I doubt me putting it in the tool table or whatever will restore it I highly doubt that crap traits none durability

None I have a plain white axe now this will be a permanent reminder that um maybe don’t combine mods sometimes cuz they’re not always designed to communicate properly you’re very unlucky today he just tripped over your four dogs with hot hot coffee where somebody earlier this week

Said that they also tripped over their cat and spilled hot coffee on their cat or not hot coffee it was ice coffee they spilled hot ice coffee on your cat maybe be a little bit more careful around animals with a coffee because it seems to be a common occurrence for some

Reason you’re not the only one experiencing that issue apparently out of all the people in my chat there’s not many two people have very recently had the same problems this is so stupid that I can’t get these saplings I’m just going to plant it like that and get it over with all

Right well I’m going to go ahead and head out it is quarter after 8:00 pm. I don’t have work tomorrow but I still have stuff I have to do I’ve been streaming I know for over two hours now oh it’s two and a half hours now I

Thought it was just barely over two godd damn I have been kind of talking and doing nothing for the past 30 minutes though and just ruined a very good axe so yeah I’m not in the best mood after that but it’s fine I can make another

Axe I can make another pickaxe too but that pickaxe would take a lot more time to level back up to where it currently is anyways hopefully you enjoyed I’m going to go ahead and head out I’m going to go eat some dinner and I will stream again tomorrow however I

Am not sure on the time at all because I probably won’t get home until I probably won’t even be home at this time tomorrow I hope I am but there’s a good chance I won’t be I’ll find out oh well hopefully you enjoyed I will try to be back tomorrow

Unless my throat is worse or my voice is worse

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 13’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-01-13 02:28:09. It has garnered 124 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:30 or 9090 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind: Where Every Player’s Journey is Unique

    Join Minewind: Where Every Player's Journey is Unique Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to share with you a unique video titled “Beating Minecraft with Dementia.” This video showcases the incredible journey of overcoming challenges in Minecraft while dealing with dementia. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it highlights the power of gaming to bring people together and create unforgettable experiences. At Minewind, we believe in fostering a welcoming and inclusive community where players can connect, explore, and create memories together. If you’re looking for a… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer

    Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer Welcome to the World of Infinite Craft Step into the expansive universe of Infinite Craft, where creativity knows no bounds and endless possibilities await. In this virtual realm, players can unleash their imagination and build, craft, and conquer to their heart’s content. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in the ever-evolving world of Infinite Craft. The Joy of Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Infinite Craft is the art of building and crafting. Players have the freedom to construct anything their minds can conjure, from… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Starter Wood House

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  • Surviving the Mist in Minecraft

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  • Pumpkin Blasting: Minecraft’s Fun Gun Crafting Lore!

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  • Ultimate Non-Toxic Minecraft Server Fun!

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  • Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash’s Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure

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  • Bloomin’ Fun: Day 2 in Minecraft

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mastery: Smiles and Domineering Delight

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  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

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  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

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  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

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  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

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  • The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!

    The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!Video Information welcome back to phasmophobia if you could like comment or subscribe I would appreciate it anything you can do for the channel helps me put more back in the channel for you that being said it’s Monday I think you guys know why we’re here today we’re going to be working on our new weekly challenge on six Tanglewood Drive along with that we’re going to try to work on our other weekly tasks such as earn perfect investigation bonus on nightmare harder that’ll be a challenge we’ll do later this week earn money from contracts that’s always… Read More

  • Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

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  • GamerFleet’s EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #Minecraft

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  • Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shorts

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  • MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th Anniversary

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  • Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining Diamonds

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  • Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won’t believe what happens!

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  • 200b200t

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  • LittleSMP – vanilla SMP whitelist

    Hello there! Short intro: My name is Yani, I am an 18-year-old male from GMT+2 timezone. I have been hosting an SMP since August 18, 2023. Community: I am looking for active and friendly players to join me in creating a nice community together. I may not be able to join daily due to exams, but I will maintain, moderate, and grow the server. Benefits: Active staff to prevent griefing and unacceptable behavior. Vanilla experience with small adjustments for multiplayer. Optional voice chat for enhanced gameplay. Minimum age requirement of 18 for maturity and appropriate behavior. Server runs on Fabric… Read More

  • Back2Basics – Simple Survival w Land Claim – PVP is ON, Keep Inventory OFF

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  • Minecraft Memes – When you finally find diamonds – 💎🔥

    Looks like Willager learned the hard way that crime doesn’t pay…unless you count the satisfaction of ruining someone’s virtual property! Read More

  • Monster Truck Mayhem: Minecraft City’s New Ride!

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  • Pedro’s Hot Minecraft Meme 🔥

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building beautiful and simple houses like the Glass House featured in this video, then you’ll love the Minewind server. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who love to build, train, and even have a little fun with some friendly competition. Whether you’re into survival mode, creative mode, or just looking for some new building hacks, Minewind has something for everyone. Explore unique house designs, modern builds, and even hardcore challenges on Minewind. Connect with players from around the world who share your love for Minecraft and get… Read More

  • Pixelmon Minecraft: New Pokemon Journey

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  • Insane! Surviving 100 Days with Sculk in HC Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Sheep Battle!

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  • Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemes

    Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemesVideo Information ya saben lo que se puede hacer con las construcciones en este juego que no tiene casi límites imagínense eso sumado un texture pack y sumado a Data pack básicamente puedes meter mecánicas de un juego que los dat packs es una forma de meter funciones o acciones y que se activen dependiendo de diferentes cosas que se ejecuten en general suena muy abstracto porque lo es porque puedes hacer literalmente lo que quieras puedes hacer acciones lo que [Música] quieras i This video, titled ‘DATAPACKS #minecraft #indie #minecraftmemes #eldenring #darksouls’, was uploaded by Pepi on 2024-03-28 20:00:01…. Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!

    Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by 😈 Mr. sai gaming 😈1919 on 2024-01-13 14:30:03. It has garnered 9740 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts #ytshorts #dream #minecraftmanhunt #redstonebuilds #insane #minecaft #dreammlg #tnt Read More

  • DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁

    DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁Video Information [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर लशन दिस इज द फ्यूचर [संगीत] u [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] एवल दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर r [संगीत] क्या [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर एल [संगीत] दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो गा वेलकम वेलकम बैक टू अनदर लाइव तो कैसे हो सब लोग वेलकम है मेरे लाइव स्ट्रीम प सभी को गुड आफ्टरनून गाइस एंड वेलकम वेलकम र वेलकम हा टाइटल चेंज कर रहा लाइक कर दो ला दबा चेंज कर दि टाइटल चेंज कर टाइटल चेंज करेम ही नहीं चलाया… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE – Blueskyler animation

    Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE - Blueskyler animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘epic revenge minecraft animation #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-24 18:43:39. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74

    Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74Video Information This video, titled ‘Mehendi. part. 74’, was uploaded by CRUNCH WORKS on 2024-04-07 13:05:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe the channel to get more information….. . . . . . . #motivation #music #minecraft #memes #meme #motivational #maxpreps … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft secrets revealed! Valuate properties & more

    Unbelievable Minecraft secrets revealed! Valuate properties & moreVideo Information herzlich willkommen in deem Stream oh moment so das war das falsche Fenster das wirde auf Vollbild bitte so da rein das ist auf Vollbild so jetzt aber so ich bin ich ma mich erstm bei dem Panda beliebt so ich ma ich ma mich beim Panda beliebt oh so viele Herzen so ähm ja aber erst einmal was machen wir Grundstücke bewerden jetzt muss mal kurz hier raus wenn ich schon bei Keks bin ähm wir ignorieren mal das nachtbargrundstück das den warte mal Moment wem gehört das das gehört Yogi wem gehört das ah ah okay… Read More