Survival Minecraft: Tiny Volcano Mouth!

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Okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out the chat and we’re going to go oops custom browser docs copy that paste it docs uh YouTube chat there you go top chat to live chat there we go bam what’s up KRS Judah what’s up me2

How’s it going welcome to the stream everyone let’s go ahead and send out my Discord notification at notifications live now um oh I just realized yesterday I I I wrote the word hardcore even though this isn’t hardcore working on be beautifying the M the volcano once again bam all right what is up

Everyone all right let’s see what’s up Omega what’s up bdd what’s up unknown what’s up cash what’s up Victor what’s up monkey uh what’s up archive what’s up o I don’t know how to say that o is it supposed to be a or is it like with an O like owl

But anyways um what’s up f24 what’s up Mr bra what’s up stumble craft what’s up Mash Josh I think I I think I got everyone what’s up Jitter how’s it going guys congrats on getting first Me 2 stumble craft says stumble craft what’s up Lil Willam it’s snowing

Where I’m at cool mans missed me oh I’m so sorry scoot what’s up scoot still waiting on that Omega sign no what’s up marble paw how’s it going and what’s up Victor really nice are you doing well well I hope so um guys guys guys big news big news here guys

Um as you guys may know I I started working with uh one of my fans granted gaming social blade says I make a 1 million does it really what holy it does that’s crazy wow they’re they’re far off from that that’s crazy okay anyways so guys I started

Working with one of my fans um graned gaming he and and the big news that I have is that he edited the the short for tomorrow which saved me like a good 2 hours is and um and I was able to work on the short form or sorry the long form

Video in that time and and the best part is his version is good like like he did a good job which like is awesome I’m very pleased that um that I’m I’m very pleased like I I I asked him to make a change here or there but like overall it was very good

It was it was a very good and well-edited short and I you know I only had to ask for a couple changes here and there and like by you know over the course of a few over the course of like making a couple of them I’m sure he’ll I

I think I think he’s a he but I have no idea I’m sure they will um I’m sure they will like figure out my style even more and just get it like really perfect and so that’s awesome soon Dash will have all of us working for him for something

Yeah true I’m going to make every single one of you do labor and granted asked uh they even as of now they’re doing it for free they asked for pumpkins in reward for editing which you know I’m down for not having to pay someone is cool but I am

Willing to pay them okay just for the record so that you guys all know I’m not like a horrible boss who wouldn’t pay you for your work I would pay them but they just said why is my music so or my volume so low they said that they would take

Pumpkins what no way I want to work Jitter you are the you were the worst okay dog you would take months to do anything I would ask you for like an hour of work and you would take like a week to do it what’s up sheru how’s it going shiru

Arrive bro I I love sheru’s little uh little like entrances to stream isn’t that just lovely sheru arrive it goes hard why blame Jitter I’ve been here 2 years and haven’t done anything no but like I asked Jitter to do stuff like I didn’t ask you to do anything sheru I would

Like Jitter would be like yeah I want to edit for you and I’d be like okay here’s some footage can you like you know do these few things and Jitter and then like a couple days would go by I’d be like okay hey Jitter how’s it going and

He’d be like oh I haven’t started yet and I’d be like okay so that this isn’t really I don’t know if this is going to work out you know but granted is doing a great job yo what’s up granted I was just talking about you say one reason why you think sheru 6

Is good and one reason why sheru 6 is bad um H okay reason number one why Shero 6 is good uh good mod does their job I like their little entrances Shu arrive you know um and then one out of like 10 million reasons why sheru sucks no I’m kidding um but

One reason why sheru sucks would be uh I have to give it to I got to give it to um ow uh there are six of them and honestly that’s just too many Shero in my opinion this is more than one reason true last time I was assigned something

I didn’t know how to render replay mod correctly true the most I do is make thumbnails occasionally true Jitter is good at making thumbnails I’m here bro am I invisible I’m sorry what’s up monkey hello what’s up Aaron what are you doing now we are we are going to be uh covering this

Mountain in some little Hills and stuff so that it looks better what’s up Christian what’s up Mr Gollum um yeah so we want to just like add a bunch of little mountains around here so that everything is lovely um I honestly wonder how it would go if I like

I’m curious if I were to just like turn on Fast right click and then if I just turned on Fast right click and uh and just like kind of did that I wonder if it would I wonder how it would come out you know how do you add points to a

Stream how do you add points to a stream what do you do you mean like how do you get points how many pumpkins did your YouTube shorts editor get paid I haven’t even I actually have not uh come to that conclusion yet granted how many points realistically do you think you deserve

For for your work I want to be fair and so so I’m going to I’m going to ask you as long and as assuming you don’t say something like insane you know 10 million I don’t care whatever you think okay I’m thinking I’m thinking that uh we could go like

Hourly and do like what’s up alter Rock how’s it going I’m thinking we could go hourly and do like I don’t know how many hours you spent on on this but I would say you saved me probably about 2 hours worth of time so if I gave you 2 hours

Worth of points which is like 500 points that might be maybe reasonable I don’t know though what does chat think and what does what does granite think my entire family is sick rip oof that is unfortunate sounds fair I mean how to make it so people on the stream can do exclamation point

Points oh um you need stream elements 1500 1,500 per hour one point name one thing you like about me um H good question I like I like that we figured out a good acronym for your name bdd honestly I feel like I feel like lowkey 500 might might not be enough I think

I’m going to do a th I think a th000 seems reasonable I feel like 500 seems like too little I should get I’m not using that granted granted I wanted to tell you though like if if you put if you put that that awful song into my I don’t

Know why but you’re not showing up in this list I’m trying to find you granted gaming oh there you go there you are I just had to type in your whole name okay so we’re going to make you 1,890 points there you go when’s the next Hypixel stream I don’t know when

Ever I feel like the next Hypixel stream yeah if you put that in my video I was going to I was going to remove all your points I was going to fire you if you you put that that monstrosity uh in case you guys don’t know what granite and I

Are talking about um which 99.9% of you don’t unless you somehow EAS dropped on our Discord call um yesterday when I was when I was uh playing with the little the little bunny Lego I I was saying Whip and na neigh and granted just like remixed it into

The worst thing the worst sounding thing I’ve ever heard it was truly awful which was um I’m pretty sure the intention truly unlistenable I’m a listen to it on Loop I guess it’s not that unlistenable if uh granted is going to listen to it on Loop All right let’s try this hold on we want to turn off that see that’s too much but I’m thinking like if we just like add you know little Hills and stuff I feel like Fast right click could potentially be useful for for making this more like of a rocky

Area cuz it will just it’ll add a little more Randomness to the to the build which might be might be exactly what we need what the John is that how old is your survival world um 5,095 days or like more than 2 years in real life how long have you been making this

Volcano couple months I had like a 20 plus win streak on op duels on Hypixel but I lost to a closet cheater dang granted mod wanted money how much would you pay him per hour see I probably wouldn’t want to do per hour because doing per hour it incentiv I vises you

To well I guess so so what I did with my last editor who I was paying real money per hour kind of incentivizes you to uh to to do to take longer so what I did with my last editor that I think was very fair

Was I did I did um a flat rate of we started on $20 and then what we were going to do was it was going to be a flat rate of $20 and then for every um I think we were we said for every 100,000

Views it gets on Tik Tok I would give them an extra like $3 or something so like if they if they make a good video that does well then they they get extra money what happened to my bed oh it’s over here and I think that’s a pretty a pretty solid

Deal and I was I was um willing to pay them more depending on like as they they kind of worked their way up I just didn’t want to start them being like $50 a YouTube short you know because that’s like cuz like it was their first one but

Like 20 bucks for the first one was reasonable um you know they can they could have gotten a raise if they hadn’t quit but they did not get a raise because they quit and they also sucked granted is way better granted is is a way better editor already than this

Person was and this person claimed that they had been editing for like years so I don’t know what happened to that claim um but they were very bad I think the I think honestly one of the biggest differences though is that Granite actually seems like like Granite is just

Like interested in it which I think is a huge deal like I feel like if you don’t if you’re if you’re editing for money like the other person was and you’re not like a fan of the person you’re editing for um then it’s going to be a problem like

I recall the other person who edited for me briefly they said something about how like I’ve I’ve cultivated a style over the past several years and you know when they were quitting they were like I’ve cultivated this style over several years that like you know now I I can’t I can’t

Conform to your style and like dog why would you try to be an editor for someone else if you can’t conform to the style that that they’re obviously going to want you to edit in you know um but also their style was just garbage like they just I don’t know

What their style was but it was just like like bad work I guess what short did Granite make I can’t reveal that you’ll see it tomorrow I’m almost done sweet how long have you wanted to build this volcano ooh that’s a that’s a new question I don’t know how

Long have I wanted to build this volcano it’s been it’s been in the the in the works in the idea Vault for a while I have a whole bunch of ideas especially when it comes to hardcore or sorry not hardcore just especially when it comes to doing massive scale builds I

Have a bunch of ideas oh jeez that was a horrible voice crack wow I have a bunch of ideas when it comes to to um builds and so this one has been has been in the in the idea Vault for I don’t know not as long as some of the other ones like

I’m really looking forward to after this project is done I think what I’m going to do is I think I’m going to build the I’m going to do this project and then I’m going to do another project and then I’m going to circle back to this project and work on

Another building thing because I can only do so much building before I explode and the next project is going to be another another monthlong building project I think but um or the the next project related to this is going to be another months building project but the

Next project that I think I’m going to do is not building or well it is building but it’s also a lot of villager murder so it’s kind of like fun building you know worth perimeter when o that is uh never maybe a while maybe eventually but how would you describe the old

Editor style I I literally told you like bad it was just like sloppy work and like like um you know everyone has sloppy work from time to time but if I’m paying you you better be able to do decent work and like you know this wasn’t like graned where graned you know

I mean I so so the thing with graned um is that like I wouldn’t bother to have granted edit my stuff if it didn’t save me time but like the the small amount of time today so I spent some time I had to film the video of course but then I then

And then I spent a little bit of time like help uh watching the video with graned and um and giving him notes oh sorry granted are you a are you a male pronouns are you he him just just want to make sure I keep calling you him but

I have no idea what pronouns you go by um but yes okay cool uh so like the last editor I would I spent like I would be like hey can you fix this and this and this and this and then they would fix one thing and send it

Back to me and then I’d be like dog I asked you to fix 10 other things can you fix them and they’d be like nah sorry I got to go to sleep or something and I was like dude this is like now I just have to do all the work actually no I

Think they I think they would have maybe continued making adjustments but it it took me like just it took me like twice as much time to uh to explain to this other person how to edit the video that then it would have taken me to just edit

It myself so um and but like yeah I would I would have described the the old editor style as just being sloppy because they just had so much like like bad work in it there would just be like missing frames they would leave like the audio they would like leave you know

When I’m talking in a Tik Tok it’s like I talk really fast and I cut out all the gaps and then I I keep talking and I keep talking and that’s the whole video and then the video’s over you know this person would like they’d edit the audio

Like I would send them the edited audio and then they would edit it themselves and they’d be like and then the next sentence would happen and it’s like why is there a pause there I sent you the edited audio you didn’t even have to do

That like it was so it was so much just like garbage you you know so sounds bad it was pretty bad how long have you been edited for you’ve been editing for two days wait who you mean like for me right I cuz when you re when you asked to edit for

Me you said you had already edited they’ve been editing for me for like two days but okay yeah I was going to say I thought you I thought you had edited before honestly like if you haven’t I don’t even I don’t mind if if you haven’t edited I was telling I I’ve been

Saying this for a while that uh getting to teach someone how to edit would be is great because you can make sure like if you teach them what your style is they will match your style and so like I actually did spend I spent a good amount

Of time with graned teaching them some stuff um because you know no offense to Granite cuz graned is still doing a good job but I’m definit defitely a more experienced editor than granite is and so I’ve taught them I I have taught them some stuff but like they’re a quick

Learner and and uh and it also I it’s I would rather teach them how to edit than have them be like my old editor who you know my old editor knew how to edit but just like didn’t know how to like make a story I guess I don’t know like like I

Would give them you know I’d give them footage and stuff but and then they would put it in like the wrong place that like doesn’t make any sense story-wise with the video or I guess there isn’t really a story of the in the short but you get the point like they

Would just put it in like weird places like they didn’t have like common sense I feel like was one of the problems they they knew how to edit but they didn’t have they didn’t know how to Common Sense and figure out where a where footage belonged and like what to

You know what to do and I would have to explain like every little thing to them and it was so annoying they’d be like so where do you want this footage of you putting on a chest plate and I’d be like perhaps put it over the shot of over the audio where

I say now equip your chest plate you know and it was like dude how do you like that that’s easy that’s that’s stuff that you should be able to do you know what mods do you use I use a lot of them if you do exclamation point mods oh

Thank you shus I’m selftaught in video editing so my knowledge is pretty basic level that’s valid like one one year to two years but on andov with a bunch of different editors two to three months with Adobe word I saw this cringy thing today it said 11 from Street beats Darth

Vader oh 11 from stranger things beats Darth Vader I don’t really know anything about Darth Vader to beon honest with you Darth Vader has the force though which is like exactly the same as what 11 can do but I think he might be more strong than her so probably he would win I

Don’t really I don’t know anything about Star Wars man I’m not a Star Wars guy sorry I’m not a nerd no I’m kidding I just never got into Star Wars no hate to the Star Wars fans of chat just never got into it for whatever

Reason how does this look oh low key not bad I’m not I I honestly think that it comes out better when I don’t lava cast when I just use the the random clicker thing to to make it to make it more random like I think it looks better that

Way I think it’s coming out better when I am not doing it it winds up being too like perfectly shaped if I if I do um is winding up being too perfectly shaped Otherwise I will say the first two days was stressful with editing with you cuz it was like a big responsibility and I want to make sure everything was good that’s valid yeah I I one thing that I don’t want to do is I don’t want to

Especially since you are a fan I don’t want to like be too harsh on you I think with my first editor I was like okay okay so with with the first person who I had editing my shorts I would say I might have been too harsh but like it was deservedly harsh like

They made a piece of garbage and I told them that it was a piece of garbage and like maybe I should have been nicer and like not been so mean to them but they did a bad job and I like like I spent like an hour dude picking apart every part of their

Short of like the video that they edited for me I just like tore it to shreds and maybe that was too mean but I’m I’m very glad that with granite I haven’t had to do that you know like I definitely had notes and I I probably will continue to

Have notes at least for a bit but like it’s not nearly as bad as the last guy where I you know I just had to notes on every single thing the bus or does look good the scaffolding makes it look slightly off oh yeah I don’t know what

You mean by the bus but I remember a comment on the most recent short that said it could be shortened to 15 seconds yeah I agree I I actually just made well no like some of my shorts I do stretch not going to lie some of my

Shorts I do be I I I am like stretching because I want them to hit the one minute mark because I mean you guys know I make way more money on Tik or I make I make I actually only make money on Tik Tok if my video is above a minute long

So for the sake of making money on Tik Tok especially since Tik Tok on average I make more a month off of Tik Tok than on YouTube I do stretch my videos sometimes to be like I actually sometimes I don’t have to stretch my

Videos a lot of the time I my videos are too long and I have to figure out ways to cut them back but sometimes I do be like you know I’m like oh man how do I make this video longer and I don’t know I can’t remember if

That was one of them which was that one on I don’t know if you know what comment that was on but also yeah sometimes like like one thing that I’ve noticed is that when I don’t go in depth enough I get a million comments from dummies who don’t

Understand what I’m talking about I’ve made I’ve made a number of videos where people just like misinterpret what I’m saying or like totally don’t get the point of my video and then they and then they comment something stupid and it’s like it is annoying and

Sometimes I respond to them but a lot of the time I don’t but um you know what are the mods name I’m not going to list all of them for you just go to the list go to the link you can never make YouTube shorts comments happy true but in some cases

You can make them happier than others like the thing is sometimes it’s like I’ll I’ll make a statement right and then the ne and then I move on and then people don’t get it so like I think what I need to get better about doing sometimes is when I’m talking about

Something confusing like rescript it or rewrite it or whatever so that I make it as clear as possible like the other day I made a video where I I talked about Vil making a video and Vil’s Vil had some incorrect information in his video so I made a video where I like stitched

His video and corrected his information but I guess I didn’t go in depth enough in that video so I got comments who were like what are you talking about you’re wrong theil was right and so now my my video for tomorrow is going in depth into how spawn chunks or how chunks work

Like how chunk loading Works um the one good thing that I get sometimes from the stupid YouTube shorts comments is it gives me ideas for what to make videos about next because I’m like oh people don’t understand how spawn chunks work I’ll make a video explaining spawn

Chunks oh and for the short it’s going out tomorrow so I don’t have to rush it it’s yeah it’s going out tomorrow if that’s is that not having to rush it yeah it’s going out tomorrow morning uh at 9 p.m or 9:00 a.m. eastern standard time that’s when I post all my

Shorts you know what it’s going to be nice a little bit a little bit nice I’m going to I’m going to have a class that’s at 9:30 next semester and so I’m already going to be up to post my shorts anyway also the fact that I hopefully

Well I mean I I really shouldn’t get too excited cuz I I I don’t want to get too excited and then you know if granted can’t can’t edit a ton but um I’m I’m excited cuz I was thinking like over winter break I wanted to try and get

Someone to help me with editing and such and I did it I didn’t even really do anything they reached out to me but like you know it’s it’s good it’s good to not be searching for that while I’m in school it’s just one one more thing off my plate you

Know that’s pretty good for texture honestly and then what I will be doing is adding a lot of fires and smoke and um spikes I’m probably not going to add any dead bushes or anything up here cuz it’s too close to the lava it’s too hot

For them to survive and I will be adding lava pools and um we’ll be adding lava pools and some freaking um I think we’ll be adding some uh what else lava pools maybe Striders I don’t know most people don’t comment on YouTube videos unless they’re really confident in what they think and the

More confident they are the more stubborn they are dude that’s what I thought was really funny about people commenting on my video where I talked about where I talked about um the best XP farm I thought it was really funny that people were commenting on that because they were commenting so confidently and

They were wrong and then sometimes sometimes even they would go as far as I would tell them like hey you’re wrong and this is why and then they would respond back to me and be even more confidently wrong people being confidently wrong is pretty funny honestly I I’m not it

Doesn’t really it’s pretty funny so I can’t really get too mad about it I don’t really get mad about it it’s just funny to see it’s funny it also you know what though it sometimes is annoying because um if you if people are confidently wrong about something to the

Point where they’ll dislike your video it won’t make your video do as well you know so you want to you want to Teeter that line where people sometimes are going to where people who are wrong might sometimes comment and they and when they do comment they might um you know when they

Comment they might be wrong but they won’t be like so angry about it that they that they dislike your video Minecraft reddit can be can sometimes be hell every redditor is stubborn most Minecrafters are stubborn combining the two is not a good thing what’s up zaye

How’s it going what theme are you doing for the base for this base do you mean for the inside CU I don’t know I don’t know I don’t care if editing is most my life cuz I will say I do enjoy it and I’ll do whatever to save you time I

Really appreciate that granted I’m glad you do enjoy it that’s a really important thing enjoying editing is is very important um I would say I enjoy content creation as a whole I like editing but I like a lot more getting a video out than like sitting there for hours

Editing um and I like I like scripting probably more than I like editing I really like um you know writing scripts and whatnot what’s up dude how’s it going aswin we are building we’re we’re just continuing to decorate my volcano oh this actually looks good this is a good

Spike see some sometimes I think there will there are like good um some of these are good even if they’re built by um by lava casting but not all you know I think I think we need some that are just random because I feel like it adds

I don’t know it’s whatever it it adds to it also lava casting isn’t doesn’t feel all that much faster than just doing this and then uh you know look we’re almost done with this mountain or with this hill almost done with the hill and then once we’re done the hill there we go

Done let’s say right now you can make YouTube your full-time job but you had to drop out of college no I wouldn’t I could make YouTube my full-time job right now I don’t make 1.2 mil like like uh I don’t make 1.2 mil like you uh social blade says but I make enough

Money that if I made if I continued with the schedule that I’m doing that I’ve been doing over winter break um I could live off of it I would also especially be able to live off of it considering I’m in my parents house it wouldn’t be like comfortable or no it wouldn’t be

Uncomfortable living but it’s not like you know I’m not rich I made like I would probably make you social blade is extremely incorrect guys so don’t don’t listen to social blade I would probably make like freaking 60 70k a year which is like below the lowest end of YouTube and

That’s not even from YouTube that’s like half from YouTube half from Tik Tok so um point is social Blade’s wrong but I could I could make a living off of YouTube already it’s just that um I choose right now to not because YouTube is a very volatile job position that I

Want to and so I want to have something else else in my pocket in the event that YouTube uh you know YouTube shuts down or my channel starts dying which probably will happen eventually it happens to like 90% of YouTubers I like to think I’m better than them but I’m

Probably not if Minecraft dies I don’t know what game I would play I’m a do it Dash your days are numbered oh that sucks what’s up Brando how’s it going there’s a lot of progress you made thank you have you died in your world yet nope what’s up from where it started

How’s it going yeah but so um yeah I would not no I don’t think I would do it full-time I I did it over the summer I did it full time for about 3 months and I actually at the very end of the summer it took about 3 months for this to

Happen but at the very end of the summer I kind of started being like wow I’m not in love with doing this all the time every day and that’s fine it’s it’s natural to be burned out from something right like you don’t have to love

Something so much that you can do it you know 24/7 without without ever wanting to stop but like I’ve said before my ideal like what I would love to do is just be a allaround content creator so I would love to spend you know three hours 4 hours a day

Streaming instead of like the two that I do plus and then the rest of my time would be spent writing scripts and directing editors like a directing a team of editors would be awesome because I like editing but not enough to want to do it all the time all day and

But I could totally tell other editors what to do like what I Envision that shot to look like you know I could do that that I could tell them like this is how I you know this is how I how I picture it and then have them do it that would be

Cool I feel like in an Ideal World though I would really want to be just like sitting next to an editor you know like I want to be like Matt Pat who had like he has like an off or like I guess he had no he’s still like they have like

An office where they have computers and they all edit like sitting next to to each other and that’d be awesome like being able to work on a team editing the same thing or just editing multiple videos but you can all like collaborate would be really cool you will grow and will’ll get more

Money in the future but you should also have a job just in case YouTube or Minecraft dies yeah I agree I think my message for leaving will be sheru conclude H DDM when he was first getting big upload twice every day for two years that’s a lot of uploads but

Also his uploads weren’t as good as mine so you know dude oh to live in The Glory Days of YouTube when you could post anything and you would get a million views dude I wish I could be a I wish I could have started YouTube when it first

Came out because I would be the most famous YouTuber like like like sue me for saying this if you disagree but PewDiePie Jack sepai Markiplier all the YouTubers that are like the most famous are not that good by today’s standards they’re not that good Mr Beast is the

Only hyper famous YouTuber or is one of the few hyper famous YouTubers who I feel like really deserves his his success but all of of the gaming YouTubers that are hyper famous almost all of them I wouldn’t say deserve their success dream deserves his success he’s

His videos are good um sand dition I think deserves his success car Mouse oh I forgot that this camera is just also facing me wait hold on ready for this guys wait that was the wrong button whoops hold on hold on hold on sorry this is the mouse

Cam oops that was the wrong button there we go go is going full Soo mode can I get noticed I notice you this has got to go in the video nice dude I wish I was back in the Glory Days of YouTube when personality was more important than stats okay altero to

Be fair YouTube was always about Personality YouTube was all or sorry YouTube was always about stats it’s just that back then or back then personality W personality made up the stats like and also but also the other thing oh my camera is like hyper out of focus hello focus focus focus focus

Focus back then in my opinion back then um there was like no competition you posted videos in the days of like PewDiePie no one posted videos back then it was so easy it would be so easy to get lots of views if there are lots of people who are watching but very few

People making now it’s like you know there are a million other Minecraft creators and so it’s really hard to stand out from the crowd and it’s really hard to get views on your video when everyone else is doing the same thing but back then back then they

Didn’t really I don’t think that most of them were doing anything all that spectacular they were barely even editing their videos they would just you know it was just a let’s play and and they got views I think I think at the very least you didn’t need to have like now you

Need to have a good personality and really good editing and really be dedicated to the craft you know be able to be willing to spend four months on a single video you know now each YouTube video is like movie quality and and that’s just how it goes that’s

The that’s the landscape of YouTube um but back then it was like you know good personality or at least somewhat good personality and access to the equipment to make a video and then um so I’m saying like if I had been around back then I think I have a good

Enough personality that I would have done well but I well actually I was around back then but I I was a child if I was like me now you know me now back then I would have been a great I would have been I would have done

Great yeah that’s fair now it’s too easy to make YouTube videos the problem is that 90% of them suck honestly I don’t think that’s the problem I think that the problem is too many of them are good I think too many videos are good right now and it just makes it really

Difficult because there’s so much competition for eyes we’re competing every Creator is competing for for for clicks and Views all the time because there are 50 other creators making videos that are about the same topic at the same time as you are or or even if you aren’t making even

If creators aren’t making the same topic as as I am which they aren’t there’s still other creators um competing for the same eyes you know there’re only so many so many eyes to go around and there are only so many eyes to go around and for

Me if if another like if even my my torture videos aren’t like so Niche that I have all of those viewers to myself it’s like I’m still competing with the same pool as most other Minecraft creators can’t wait for the 250k sub special dude you know it’ be awesome if

I could hit if I could post my new video before I hit 250k so that I could uh post that as my 250k sub special that’d be dope for real like you just need a crazy editing style and stuff just to get 1K views yeah sorry

Suck was the wrong word the problem is that 90% of videos are just following Trends and not being original that’s fair I think I think Trends aren’t great for YouTube but I also think that some Trends have been really fun yeah I feel like I feel like one of

The problems with YouTube is that it used to be everyone was on YouTube as a passion and then now people do care a bit too much about the analytics and stuff of things and so they’ll go and play you know among us because they see that it’s popping off not because

They’re really interested in Among Us oh I forgot I can’t actually oh I can it’s just the scroll wheel takes forever to scroll through Das your Enderman XP farm was built on the friender fo SMP I saw it was pretty cool and then keep it there till like

500k yeah I’ll keep posting it how long has the volcano taken um several months penguin doesn’t even try yet he manages to pull millions of views a day true but he’s also extraordinarily funny just naturally without trying I don’t think I know a single person I don’t even

Honestly I don’t know I think he is he’s very talented in that he is very funny and quick witted and stuff like he’s just an entertaining guy without trying and so that’s why he gets so many views penguin zero is one of the few YouTubers who is still personality driven you’re

Watching him for his personality not not for his editing because he doesn’t edit if you watch penguin zero or I I it’s feels weird calling him penguin zero if you watch moist critical um you’re you’re probably watching him because you like how he says funny words he’s just a

Funny guy but M but no and and no one’s watching him for his editing or thumbnails because he doesn’t make those he just takes a random screenshot from the video and then he calls it a day yeah I agree alter rock this is the last time what do you mean by that you

Like something that is really important right now on YouTube is to be as genuine as possible if you’re naturally entertaining you can go far on this platform yeah I think genuiness is coming back a little bit bless me everyone I do feel like there there is um being there’s there is

Like kind of having a Resurgence of needing to actually like what you do to to get views and like to yeah I feel like somewhat that is true not as much as maybe it should be but I do feel like to some extent there’s we are having um

People who really love their content getting views bless you thank you say Irving okay what you building building a volcano here let’s actually take a look at it real quick oh yeah the top looks way better now that dude as we’re adding the the mountain it is be it’s like it’s looking

Way better like it it was definitely the right decision I think to to cover up the whole and just make it better Stever Alex Bro it’s been 10 years Steve obviously oh my gosh started watching you for your personality and editing Style thank you yeah I like to

Think see I don’t think that I’m like so blessed with personality um that I like I don’t think I could make Let’s Play videos that people would watch to be fair e like at least right now you know there are still the occasional let’s players who aren’t hyperedited but are just really funny

Like um uh freaking Smitty and I don’t know the other guy’s name but they I I watched a bunch of their videos of them playing um them playing stranded deep and they’re hilarious and I also watched one of their videos of them playing lethal company and like it it isn’t like

A let’s play it’s still edited but it’s clear that the the video took them a few hours to make and they edited a little bit to add like captions and stuff to like go with the YouTube meta of adding captions to everything but but overall like they’re not doing it like they’re

Not spending months on a video like I am you know cuz they’re just really funny I don’t know if I could make like I couldn’t make a Let’s Play video like that but I do think that I have somewhat like I have enough personality where in

Addition to the editing I can make it cuz I don’t think anyone can make it on YouTube you have to be at the very least good at editing and probably have a good personality um and I think I have a good enough personality to make it and

Then good enough editing to make it even more you know like hopefully hopefully I won’t be a YouTuber who Peaks at like you know 240,000 Subs I think I can I think I can make I think I can go a lot further with my my talents hopefully ideally what’s

With all the scaffolding I placed man I placed all this scaffolding and then I’m I cuz I was planning to Lava cast and the scaffolding stops the lava and water from flowing um into this pit and then I’m not even lava casting so kind of was

A huge waste of time I should include that in the video oh that guy’s M name might not be Smitty it might be Smiley or something remember me I do what’s up timers up sweet why hand cam not face cam because uh someone redeemed Mouse BR Dash do you see me more in

Editing or streams what does that mean do I see you more in editing or streams I don’t see you at all in editing so I’m kind of confused about that unless you mean like in the chat box occasionally I’ll see people in chat box that I’m like oh I know

Them a lot of the time I see people in chat box and I’m like oh they don’t come to stream anymore so many people in there there are like a bunch of people that in the chat box from uh I mean and that’s how it goes people come and go but there are

A bunch of people in the chat box in the new video because that video was recorded like 6 months ago um there are a bunch of people in there who do not come to stream at all anymore you know and I’ll see them in chat box and

Like oh I forgot about them you know do you remember me I do hungry monkey what’s up Dash I might make you spin the wheel again okay have fun honestly because I’m doing something that doesn’t require ton of aim it’s not the worst thing in the world that to use

A different Mouse right now it’s not the worst thing in the world at all it’s the burning question why does everyone ask if you remember them who are you Challenger do I know you have we met before welcome to the stream Challenger glad to have you for your first stream

Glad you could make it to the stream today for the first time ever I don’t know why your name is blue and you have the little wrench icon next to your name that’s kind of weird I guess that must be like some sort of YouTube glitch I don’t really know though I

Don’t know much about about this whole YouTube thing I’ve never made a video before to this is my first video right now I think this is a video right is this a video guys I think so I believe what I’m doing is called a um a YouTube

Video and I believe that a YouTube short is like when you do this I believe this is what a YouTube short is just uh it’s like if if I’m if I were to be standing up right and then I just go I believe this is a YouTube short

I think should I just leave the camera like that permanently should we just change change the webcam to uh you know change the webcam to a nice little wait why am I not able to change it hold on hold on hold on unlock that let’s just let’s just go ahead and um

Webcam okay I’m really struggling to change it here guys the bid is over I can’t figure out oh why is it locked again okay hold on did I fix it now yay I did It think I’m just going to do that wide cam is a w idea dude I have wide cam do you guys not know about wide cam oh you guys don’t know about about widecam do you widecam is still a thing this is widecam widecam sounds awesome I think and

Uh so wide cam was fun because it was a channel Redemption that I stole from somebody else um and so wide cam was you could redeem widecam and for like a certain amount of points you could add a picture onto the screen uh it was like 5,000 points or

Something and you added a picture to the screen and so there was Ben Shapiro there was you know me there was Among Us bring it back no suggestion for the webcam is just to turn it off and bless us with the ability not see your face why would you say that to me

Do you remember me no who are you yes of course I remember yeah so that was um that was widecam it was a speedrunning exclusive thing if only more people had tuned into my speedrunning streams guys then maybe widecam would still be here nobody watched maybe I would still speedrun if

I didn’t have if I didn’t average like one viewer when I speedran back in the speedr running days nobody wanted to watch me speedrun it was so sad I really liked speedrunning but no nobody wanted to watch me so I just well I didn’t give up because of not wanting

To be W because nobody watched me I just stopped because I stopped having fun with it for the most part but widecam was a speedrunning thing from my speedrunning days uh so yeah you ever going to speedrun Minecraft again or is that era over maybe but I I actually did a

Speedrunning stream a while back cuz I set up the wall and I thought it was cool but I never I don’t know I just haven’t gotten back into it like enough to want to do it I have a really good idea for a YouTube video that involves

Speed running that I would like to do eventually but I need a sponsor for it like I need to develop a good enough relationship with a sponsor that they’ll pay for it because it’s a great idea but cuz it’s for but it’s for charity and I

Don’t have the money to to back it you know but it would be like a charity speedrunning video and I won’t give you any more details cuz someone will steal it because it’s a fire idea I’ll sponsor you I got $20 ooh my name is Ray Raycom yeah yo what’s up Jonathan how’s

It going rayquan Oh I thought it was going to be raycon oh I think that is what it’s supposed to be I got $560 right now heck yeah dude I love watching speedr running actually doing it for me as hell though I used to be really good at speedr

Running not anymore but I I like one of the reasons I like hoplight a lot is because my speed running career um actually benefits me in hoplight I like I really enjoy that my my time speedrunning is like is like isn’t going to waste you know I know how to route

Bastions and nobody else does and I get a bunch of gold because nobody else knows how to write B route bastions unless I’m in a game with like like fineberg who will be into The Nether 4 and a half minutes before me but like he’s like it’s it’s really cool

Seeing fineberg as like one of the top hoplight players is a very interesting thing that happened he’s like he’s a he’s a top Minecraft speedrunner but he’s also one of the top Minecraft um he’s also one of the top uh hoplight players also one interesting thing that

I learned when I was watching one of his videos is that he is the top he’s one of the top hoplight players because he’s so good at speedrunning um I I know this because he was in a fight against like another top hoplight player and they were like destroying him but because of

His speedrunning background he won the fight I’m pretty sure because he had so much better stuff because he had like gotten more gaps and stuff from bastions and whatnot but like I thought that was really interesting like he was able to win because of the speedr running I have

An idea it can be a sponsor trip with me and I’ll Give All Views the Epic fire outro music what does that mean used to be amazing at Tetris now I’m out of my Prime interesting anyone remember the kid who beat Tetris I I did see that I’m the

Best hoplight player Challenger you die immediately you die before the de before PVP even gets enabled do I remember you that’s honestly not a bad question some people come into my chat and they’re like why am I subscribed to you and I think it’s because they saw a YouTube short of me

And then you know they don’t since I’m not doing this in my whole stream since I’m not doing that for my whole stream they don’t instantly recognize me as like you know the like oh that’s why I subscrib to this guy so people will come

To my stream and they’ll be like why am I subscribed to you and so basically you know do do you remember me do I remember you I guess you know Dash when are you getting that Celsius and nordvpn sponsorship I don’t know man I don’t know I actually have no

Idea how sponsorships really work and I don’t know if I’m supposed to reach out to them I think usually they reach out to me but I don’t think I’m big enough to get sponsorships from nordvpn yet I’ve gotten sponsorship offers from other vpns but I haven’t taken

Them I really need to though like because I need I need a company that actually that I’m actually somewhat interested in to do it cuz I don’t want to I don’t want to um you know lose my Integrity by taking a sponsorship for a company I don’t like

But I would also you also are supposedly from what I hear you make way more money just off of like off of sponsorships than anything else like I make very little money off of uh I make very little money off of like ad revenue and like like it’s enough for me because I

Don’t have bills to pay but if I had bills to pay it would not be a ton of money you know it’s a lot of money for me cuz I don’t have bills but if I had to buy if I had to pay for food and a

House and electricity and Wi-Fi and all of those me things it would not be that much you know so I got to start getting sponsored so that I can make lots of money I want money please please sponsors give me money but I I really

Just I want like a like a good sponsor like you know I want like a sponsorship opportunity that I actually care about to sponsor me like like I would take a deal I would take a brand deal from from honey or like a a good amount of energy

Drink companies I would take if it was something gaming related I would take it you know and like that’d be cool what’s up Studio Champion how’s it going are you going to are you going to be in it for the money now I have always

Been in it for the money I don’t even like Minecraft hate this stupid block game that’s why I spend all my time playing it um no I’m not I’m not in it for the money I just want to be able to I want

To be able to do it as my main source of money that’s that’s the goal people ask me like how many subscribers I want to get um my goal usually is I want to be able to to sustain myself purely off of playing Minecraft and editing it and

Stuff like right now I’m pretty close I probably could fully sustain myself off of it especially with the savings that I have but I I would love to be like able to comfortably sustain myself you know like I don’t really care about getting like a million subscribers I

Just want to get a million dollar am I right guys you know was really funny one of my friends who I I usually thought of him as like or I I do think of him as pretty good with technology he asked me a while back if uh if I got $1 for every

Subscriber he was like you have almost 100,000 subscribers now so does that mean that you’re going to like you’re going to be getting paid like $100,000 a year I was like dude what are you talking about I wish like that’d be crazy I made a Minecraft world but I when I

Reset my PC I lost my world that sucks would you take a sponsor from Opera GX probably it’s a reputable company I’ve used Opera GX I like it I use it for when I want to use a VPN because um my school doesn’t like us to use chat

GPT and so so like yeah I would probably take a sponsor from Opera GX what’s the scaffolding for it was to stop water from flowing into the to stop water from flowing into the middle of the volcano but it kind of doesn’t really serve much purpose anymore because

Um because we aren’t doing lava casting it was going to serve a great purpose though trust Opera GX does have VPN yeah do not not take a sponsorship from Teemu dude I was trying to buy something on Teemu cuz I got an ad right and the T and I was

Like oh that’s like a cool looking thing and it said like it said like like free first item right and oh my gosh Teemu is the most I think I might have talked about this already honestly but Teemu is like the most unbearable app I’ve ever used every 4 and 1/2 seconds something

Would pop up on my screen to tell me that I got that I like got more money off and you can’t like skip them it would be like an animated thing and you can’t skip past it so you have to sit there and watch all of them and it

Happens every 5 seconds and at a certain point I was like that’s awesome that I saved money but like I don’t care that you’re giving me 90% off of this $2 item like just let me use the app and so it was going to give me like like it told

Me that I could get like six free items and so so I I added six free items to my cart and then it’s and then and then like it didn’t say this at all earlier it didn’t as far as I know it didn’t say

That I had to do this but then it’s like okay now send now send um teu to two friends and get them to install it and then you get your free items and I was like no that like I’m just I’m done and so I stopped I stopped buying it

Oh my gosh the music’s gone again why does my music keeps stopping working mods um I don’t know I’m not sure if that message needs to be deleted but I’m going to delete it just keep an eye on that what’s up red Gremlin how’s it going oh yeah wait

Mods what are you guys doing he sent another message like that shortly before mods get delete delete uh qu qu’s messages if they keep being wild didn’t see that my be what’s up Shuffle Fox how’s it going welcome back glad to have you again how are you doing bring back widecam I’ll think

About it widecam actually is a very easy reward to do it’s just for for video making if I had like if I had wide cam if I had widecam open when I’m trying to record an important moment it would be very annoying so I’m like not entirely sure how I want

To do that you know you know what it’s funny I don’t know why I don’t know what happened but I used to to have funny things happen in my Minecraft world all the time and I used to clip them and post them on Tik Tok just as like clips

And occasionally they would do well and like go viral I don’t know what happened to the funny things in my world but like I don’t feel like I have like like weird wacky stuff happen to me all that much anymore maybe it’s cuz I’m just building

Nowadays maybe if I was like out and about exploring I would find more wacky stuff bro said wacky what do you have against wacky what is lava casting lava casting is when you pour lava and then you pour water and then you pour lava again and

So you just kind of make a big Cobblestone structure using lava and water it’s actually how I formed a lot of this mountain or a lot of this volcano dashes wacky thank you what was all the scaffolding for lava casting how come you made the mouth smaller because I think it looks better

I think it looks a lot better this way um and especially once we remove the scaffolding I think that it looks better not being such a wide mouth and I think it will look better as well once we add all of the lava that’s spewing

Out because we are going to add a bunch of floating lava bam what does it mean by dueling someone someone else explained that to I’m too lazy to answer the same questions every stream what are your pronouns I’m he him you know they’re young when they

Don’t know what laugh lava casting is or they don’t watch enough videos about the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft is that what he says what does fitmc say it’s like Minecraft’s oldest Anarchy server I don’t know it’s something along those lines mods just just just ban

Qud oh that was the person we just unbanned because monkey was like no no he got hacked just ban him monkey why did you have us unban that guy let’s ban monkey too I don’t think we need to cuz I don’t I don’t know I I feel like that might be an overreaction

Monkey hasn’t done anything personally he begged me I thought you said he was your friend is he actually your friend or did he just tell you to do that cuz you don’t have to do things that people beg you to do all monkeyy fault finished my Tetris

Game 62 642 th000 that seems like a lot I don’t really know because I don’t know anything about Tetris but good job I’m assuming that that’s a high score I could probably beaten it beat it if you gave me like an hour but like you know

No big deal that’s just cuz I’m the greatest gamer who has ever lived um and you know not everyone can you know not everyone can be such an epic Pro Gamer he is my friend and he begged me and wouldn’t stop annoying me about it why is why are you friends with someone

Who is saying the nword in chat at why don’t you find better friends that’d be my advice to you get some better friends see it’s funny it’s funny cuz like They begged you to be unbanned like and then just promptly got banned again what a what a wacky what a wacky

Decision- making process kids are crazy I’m assuming he’s a kid CU I feel like adults aren’t stupid enough to do that like if an adult really wanted to troll they would put in a little more effort than that you know I don’t know what happened he actually got hacked that he wouldn’t say

Anything bad well I mean he did he get hacked again is that what he’s claiming now cuz he I don’t know if he got hacked if he got hacked last time we unbanned him he did the same thing that he did last time I suspect I suspect that your friend might

Just be might just suck he might not have been hacked ever and he just is a liar and sucky keep him banned because he lied to me then yeah I would say we were going to keep him banned but but thank you yeah I think I think you might want to

Find another friend um cuz I don’t I don’t think he was ever hacked I think he just wanted to to have some I think he just wanted to get unbanned so that he could say the nword in chat again I guess like I said before great decision

Making what a great usage of your time too like man I’m the best mod can you make me mod no challenger all the way or are we voting dude that’s crazy what’s up Kujo how’s it going the N word is no balls um to some people it might be Bam Bam

B I’m Banning everyone who doesn’t vote me make a poll for who’s best mod I don’t even remember how to make polls honestly I used to know how is am I how do I make a poll yeah I don’t remember guys sorry I do not remember how to make a poll

What’s up classic gaming how’s it going welcome to the stream you did it like a month ago yeah I don’t remember how to do it anymore wait hold on is it right here oh I figured it out all right guys I made a poll I I agree M

Chu we don’t we don’t tolerate that kind of behavior here so do not vote guys guys guys everyone just vote for whoever you think the worst mod is all right your whichever whichever um whichever person whichever mod gets the most votes for worst mod will be removed as mod Shu back let’s

Go you’re banned if you vote well I don’t know Challenger if you lose this vote if if you if you uh get if you get decided if it is decided that you’re the worst mod you get banned so or you well you can’t ban people anymore cuz you’ll have your mod removed

So no I thought it said best mod dang rip Challenger done for dude I think Challenger losing oh my goodness guys Challenger Challengers Reign is as worst mod is coming to an end so why is Challenger having his mod REM revoked cuz the the chat has decided

That he’s the worst mod revoke his mod give me mod Ferb I don’t think you’re here enough for me to mod you BB is the worst mod possible I don’t know about that but rip I don’t know when the poll ends I’ll end the poll oh no Challenger done for 83 % said

Challenger is the worst mod no I don’t I’m just I’m just trolling I’m not going to take away Challengers mod he hasn’t done he didn’t do anything this time notice how I say this time though because last time he did do something to have his mod taken away but that’s okay

We forgive people’s mistakes here sometimes unless they make repeated mistakes and they do make the name mistake like uh qu D or whatever I don’t know how his name is pronounced they deserve to be banned petition to take stream elements mods like take away stream elements mod

They need that the poll speaks for itself that is brutal yeah I mean it was perhaps a little bit of an unfair poll because uh due to the fact that there was only one there was only there was only one option however however we’re going to do a poll was the previous poll

Fair guys do you think that the last poll was fair to determine if Challenger was or was not the best mod so far we have people saying yes all right so far yes is winning with with for that for that poll being fair in which case if yes wins we will

Have to respect the the results of the vote and remove Challengers mod so yes is currently winning with 73% the politics of Dash fom is based yeah I agree Challenger said he’s Banning us all darn I hope he doesn’t do that that wouldn’t be very nice of Him oh hey guys what’s up this is not the Pillager Village you guys belong elsewhere idiot idiota that was pretty funny let’s see can we get him to shoot an arrow straight up and hit himself no Die yes is winning I wish I could vote both yeah real that would be a good answer yes and no yesn’t there’s a fake Dash really I wish I could vote both Challenger and Challenger’s worst mod oh my gosh Dash pum welcome to the chat whoa it’s me do you think some small

Lava pools at the top would look good I think I’m going to do that I think at the very least I’m definitely going to add magma um like magma at the top but I was thinking small lava pools would probably be good is this considered bad by my name I

Don’t think so I think it’s fine as long as you don’t start posting those like you know hey guys I’m Mr Beast click on this sketchy link it totally won’t give you a virus type stuff you know as long as you don’t start like impersonating me to the point

Where and like trying to you know get people to to like do stuff under the you know with them thinking that you’re me I think Dash pum is fine if you add the four and change your profile picture to mine then it’s a little bit less

Fine I would rather you know people not try and impersonate me too hard cuz then people might get Confused and I don’t want people to get confused um ban fake Dash do we ban him oh yeah you can ban him yeah that’s fine do a poll to find out the real Dash pom if if that if the impostor Dash pom wins I have to give them my my channel password and

Username reasonable I think we’re almost done um mountaining up this uh top area which is dope and yeah we’re almost done with that Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and then we’ll add you know we’ll add more detail and and whatnot to it at the end like or well

Once we’re done like we’re going to add buttons we’re going to have to do a little bit more buttoning you should make people pay like 1K 1K pumpkins to do WID screen for 1 minute maybe make the poll for best mod no pesto Dino will win true pesto should

Win it’s her birthday guys it’s Pesto’s birthday so pesto Dino better win you know yeah because he knows I’m going to win nah bro not going to lie I think that Challenger is going to lose the poll guys guys guys guys you got to vote

Pesto Dino if I did a best mod poll you better vote pesto because she it’s literally her birthday you can’t not vote her on her birthday that’s just like a crime what was the previous poll um it was is CH like who’s the worst mod Challenger or Challenger both options were

Challenger okay I’m getting rid of the scaffolding guys so that we can look at it in all its Glory we’re going to lose a lot L of good scaffolding today breach Dash pom thank you where is pesto she is watching a movie with her family she’s watching the uh the new Hunger Games

Movie or I guess one might say the old Hunger Games movie cuz it’s a prequel get it guys haa all right um did I hear good scaffolding I was just making a joke because of like you know we lost a lot of good men that day all scaffolding is

Bad a Sab if you will all scaffold or all scaffolding it uh let’s not change one more letter in that all scaffolding are bad I need more Blackstone I respect your opinion yeah we can agree to disagree n your opinion is wrong and mine is right oh so much scaffolding I wonder

How much scaffolding fell into the lava I really do want a magnet mod or I really want um a magnet enchantment for Minecraft make it so that items fly towards you it’d be so nice like having to go and pick up all the scaffolding my hand is so annoying

And I’m not picking it up because I care about it I’m picking it up because it’s a lot of work to go get more so I’d rather keep this scaffolding and rescue whatever scaffolding I can okay suei for being lazy and not wanting to have to craft more that was

Loud scaffolding do be making W sound you know what that’s a good point okay one good thing about scaffolding the sound that scaffolding makes when you break it is is a pretty nice sound it is a good there the the scaffolding sound is a good sound I’m not going and getting all that

Scaffolding that’s too much work for not that much scaffolding it’s probably like I don’t know 10 stacks of scaffolding but not worth what I’m saving you to kill you later because it’s an unfair fight type Vibes what are you talking about oh my gosh mods mods just ban him

He’ll get he’ll get tired after like 10 minutes because you know it’s a like he he has to go and make a new Google account every time that we ban him which is which is why it takes him like like 5 minutes in between messages

We ban him and then he comes back 5 minutes later like he’ll get bored pretty fast go do something else with your time buddy this is not a productive use of your time do like anything else 10 minutes for a new account one click for me to ban yeah

Exactly isn’t it two clicks though but still bad word yo I finish the shorten Tik Tok let’s go I look forward to to watching it why do you get baned in the first place yeah he was saying slurs and we don’t like those here bam what did I need I needed

Blackstone I need a little bit of Blackstone to cover up this cuz I didn’t uh didn’t didn’t cover it before okay I definitely I have a couple spots here and there that I have not done yet like over here I need to do a little bit

More yeah I didn’t I didn’t finish this area it was kind of hard to see with all the scaffolding there where I needed to do though so I’m glad I got rid of it cuz now now we’re chilling now we can get we can get all this all this Blackstone placed

In and then we’ll add buttons I love buttoning don’t you guys love watching me place a th000 buttons isn’t that just the best best part of my stream what’s up Noob how’s it going name a car for an edit Lamborghini I do not know the types of Lamborghinis just one of

Them oh we redeem in Mouse okay just do a just do that I have a important test worth a lot of my remaining crade but watching Dash is more important good good good answer Honda Civic 2008 yeah let’s go with that mouse went up yeah I used all my pumpkins o

Unfort what is it pen Mouse pen Mouse where is the USB for pen Mouse I see it can I combine feather client sodium Starlight lithium all together I don’t know I’m not I don’t use feather client you should add gift points no cuz the reason that I don’t have that is because

Then guaranteed people would gift people would make a second account watch the stream on it and then make and then gift points to themselves why is it not working Mouse hello oh there we go it might be running low on battery perhaps or maybe it’s not

And it’s just it was just just needing maybe the battery was just in a weird spot needed to be adjusted all right classic gaming thanks oh yeah honestly I kind of figured cuz it’s a client but the poll only has 30 votes why is that only only 30 votes that’s a that’s

A pretty substantial amount of votes it’s like double however much the US election gets from me just kidding guys I’m not committing election fraud I don’t I don’t vote multiple times it’s just a joke I have not voted multiple times I just vote once I actually haven’t voted

At all because I think last time I was too young yeah last last election last presidential election I was too young and Senators I haven’t bothered because I don’t care enough about them how many hours do you have in Minecraft thousands thousands and thousands I don’t know exact I don’t

Know I don’t have an exact number for you but a lot lot of hours it’s cold right now -30 cels dang that is wait how cold is -30 celsius in fahrenheit someone someone translate because that cuz yeah cuz I have no idea if that’s actually cold or not -5 or 10

That how is it either how is it one or shouldn’t you know what -22 fah okay that is very cold why are you guys all getting such drastically different numbers hey Siri what is negative wait what what was the actual number I forgot guys what was the actual number I

Can’t remember I was just holding my mouse upside down -30 celi hey Siri what is -30 Celsius to Fahrenheit -22 fhe okay there we go okay so it was -22 I don’t know why other people were just like saying random numbers but I had to I had to do the I had to

Use Siri just don’t go outside Dash want to smell death what does that mean Dash there goes dang there goes that idea there goes what idea make a Hall of Fame extension in spawn chunks in which you make a single pumpkin automatic farm and every large chest or

So you get some amount of pumpkins back from your original purchase what you make a single automatic pumpkin farm and I’m so confused used never mind who does whoever does someone have to like pay for the like do they have to pay to get the the pumpkin stand the

Pumpkin farm also pumpkin farms don’t work in spawn chunks unless I’m there with them don’t think about I want to know what the idea is now what are pumpkins used for pumpkins are used for a bunch of fun stuff that you can find in the description of the Stream

Can’t do that to me sheru you got to tell me the idea or else I guess that makes it better cuz it can be next to normal Hall of Fame wait so so but who gets I make a pumpkin farm and every time I get like a a Shuler box or a

Chest or something of pumpkins we you give someone points back but maybe I’ll explain it later in further detail in Discord okay you pay for the farm oh couldn’t I just like put that like behind each person’s Hall of Fame plot or something instead of like putting it somewhere

Else I could just like attach it to your hall of fame lot you know it would be funny it would be funny I should add I should add one I should add like I okay here’s what I’m thinking in the Hall of Fame I want to have like standard

Rewards that are like you know anyone who goes in who buys something from the Hall of Fame has these options but then I think it would would be funny because each Hall of Fame plot is going to be a certain amount of blocks large right have one thing that’s basically just

Like Dash pum like like um it’ll be any block and it it’ll be a certain amount of points right it’ll be more because you could go and get like netherite blocks but it’ll be like any block and you tell me like what orientation to put

It in um what position in the in the Hall of Fame in your plot to put it in just because over like months someone could build like a wiener if they wanted to or someone could build like a sheep Machine by getting me to place like piston Redstone Dust Redstone Dust repeater you

Know get my pet sheep into the boat I think that’d be funny just have like you can basically just do whatever if you’re that committed you know timer is not up ah can you had more commands like another YouTuber does this point stuff and has a lot more commands

Like the FBI sound Meme and change light and you can attack him with a pingpong ball how does attack him with a pingpong ball work also I don’t have LED lights in my room so unless you want me to do turn off and on lights I can’t really do

That one unless I like want to buy those but I’m not really a huge fan of them I feel like I want my viewers to just be here to chill with me and hang out and I don’t really feel like they need to I don’t really feel like they need to

Like like I don’t really feel like I should have to like um I don’t want you guys to just be watching because you want to hit me in the face with a pingpong Kong ball I just want to be able to do a chill Minecraft stream do you like villager in bikini not

Particularly I’d probably prefer a lot of other mobs to villager in bikini actually no I don’t know would would uh would are there any other mobs in Minecraft that would look better in a bikini than a villager I don’t know it’s a good question sheep in bikini sheep and bikini might be might

Be the move yeah how are you doing I’m doing pretty well how are you Brando the only reason I watch you is for Hall of Fame put the new short in the drive and it’s called YouTube short short not YouTube short version okay word perfect I will check it after stream also make

Sure you send me the uh the Premiere Pro File cuz you sent it to me before but when I opened it it didn’t I think you might have sent me the wrong one um cuz it opened to like nothing it just opened to the unedited like no

Editing had been done to it so just make sure you send me that in case you like go to sleep and I have to make some last minute change that I maybe forgot to do you know or that I forgot to tell you or decide I want to fix um

Yeah I’ll look to see if I have it perfect bye Dash see you later timer’s up perfect 69% yes heck yeah good number that’s the funny number guys that’s the funny number there we go um okay we need more over here we didn’t add like anything in this area

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam baming bing bing I bet you like Alex in a bikini N I think I’m good on Minecraft characters in bikinis in general I think I’d prefer real life uh I’d prefer like pesto Dino and bikini you know I was going to say like real life

Women but like only one woman you know cuz I am loyal you like pigs in bikinis me in a bikini you might be like I I have no idea how old you are don’t tell me but like no probably not you’re probably young because you know you’re watching

My Minecraft video is probably like 12 years old in which case definitely not so yeah does anyone like Lego I just built a Lego bro guys don’t say you’re ages I just said I just said not to not to say your ages guys I don’t want to I don’t want

To see any of you in bikinis okay sorry to disappoint I’m not interested in seeing you guys in bikinis that’s it’s not not my jam I would much rather play Minecraft okay let’s just play Minecraft bro what are you that bunny you look built yesterday looks bad I didn’t build a bunny yeah

I’m going to detail my idea in Discord word Lego in bikini would be fire Lego bikini set or do you mean like building a Lego while wearing a Bikini honestly either one building a Lego while in a bikini would be fire all right let’s check out this area I’m trying to see if there are any areas that have that need to be improved upon right now I feel like this area maybe we could

Just flatten it a bit by just adding feel like we could just do this just fill in this right and then we can make these Hills a bit Steeper so that it will still go up instead of going back down I think that’s kind of a problem that it goes back down but I feel like like if it went if it continued going if it got a bit higher and then it drops off that’s

Fine what do you think of Casio I don’t really know anything I don’t really know much about Casio he seems funny though I’ve seen a couple clips of him he seems funny what version do you play on I play on Java Edition queso oh it’s queso I

Don’t know what his name is my bad I thought it was Casio you need to add some smoke to the volcano I’m I’m planning on it okay don’t worry we’re getting to it just have a little bit of patience have a little bit of patience we’re under construction sorry Dash can’t find the

Premiere file dog how can you not find the premier file what please please keep looking shouldn’t it be in the folder that you did it in I feel like if you I feel like it’s most likely within it’s probably in the folder that you have all the other

Footage in I don’t know bro it’s just gone aren’t you able are you still able to open the project because if it’s if you’re able to open the project still then it’s not gone what’s tax evasion the feds hate evasion I’ll check dude I’m not I’m committing tax

Invasion I am invading the taxes I don’t even know what that means but that’s what I’m doing what would you rate pesto from 1 to 10 bro pesto goes above 1 to 10 that’s just perfect I guess I guess that is a 10 but what’s the age restriction on being your

Editor I don’t really care about your age I just care about your ability you can be young as long as you’re good at editing and and able to help me edit I do tend to think that young people are usually worse at things um but if you were able to prove

Me wrong and do a good job editing um then you know then I wouldn’t really care so would you hire a three-year-old to edit if they were really good if they were really good like like I guess it would depend on other issues like if

They had no if they were just as good at editing and also like you know I would hire a three-year-old as long as they’re the same quality as like an adult in terms of like they don’t need to take naps 24/7 you know like if they were both they would

Have to you know be both good at editing and also not like act like a three-year-old in that they you know need to be able to speak like if I spoke to them they would need to understand what I’m saying and not be a three-year-old in terms of vocabulary so

I guess I guess some stuff is age restrict is age dependent because I wouldn’t want someone who like I can’t understand what I’m saying because I use a big word to be my editor you know but you get the point like as long as you’re you’re probably going to be

Fine about one out of one billion she’s 1 billion bro it must be on your side cuz it looks good to me did you so okay but wait wait so you so you were you able ble to find it you able to find the folder or the file

Then because for some reason when I opened it it just it just didn’t look like it had any changes made to it you should had a giant black cloud of smoke above the volcano maybe when I open the one I sent you it looks good well you all also changed it since then

So that that like you changed it since then could you just make a copy of it and name it something else and then send it to me put it in the Google drive folder because I think the changes that you just that you recently made wouldn’t show up in there I’m

20 make a giant farm inside the volcano I’m going to be building a giant uh or I’m going to be building uh a big Auto sorter inside the volcano okay this is the area that we wanted to kind of Stack up a bit or this is one area that we want to

Kind of fill in a bit so that it’s not as uh it’s not as nothing is like or everything is just more spiky and it doesn’t go down as much um what’s up Mark how’s it going well that’s good Hawaii build right there thank you you’re young to be this

Popular am I there are I feel like most social media people are pretty young but thank you I’ll take it at least most of the people that I follow are pretty young actually that’s not entirely true most of my favorite YouTubers are like mid or like mid to late

20s so I guess I am a bit younger than some of of them but like not by a ton not by a whole lot Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Dash is your survival world 1.17 no I’m playing in I’m playing in 1.20 cuz I’m a normal person I don’t I

Don’t understand why unless you’re like doing technical Minecraft or playing modded like I don’t know why people play in older versions I only the only times that I’m not in the latest version or when I’m too lazy to redownload all my mods cuz like you do have to to like reset up

Mods and stuff and it’s kind of annoying sometimes bam bam bam I I heard I saw your message the first time monkey that’s fine the mods will deal with it dashing pumpkin the fourth yes we’ll just ban them Dash you should switch to a super lightweight Mouse like the super light X2

Why make it Hollow then build a zombified piglin torture area in there uh no thanks I sent my idea in the Minecraft Channel okay let’s let’s check that out what are your thoughts on cammen 18 uh I like camman 18 okay Minecraft channel the idea is that a stream viewer

Can buy a pumpkin farm that starts out with just one module somewhere near their Hall of Fame plot every 27 Stacks or something that would give the viewer an amount of points back making the farm a long-term investment for points if you want you could add a system to make it

So chests light up when full that seems like a lot of work that I am not sure if I feel like Doing oh wait Brando I don’t think was a bot I think I was assuming Brando was quatt D way but and I just banned them I immediately unban them though guys okay I think yeah I removed them as I removed them what’s up filbert how’s it going

Just don’t feed the mods for a week and you’re good free work what here way Dash try opening the file again okay hold on let me let me download it I have to download it I think shared with me I think you’re going to have to send

A new copy of it cuz I’m pretty sure if I download it pretty sure if I downloaded it’s just going to be the old one actually maybe not you know what let’s let me try it all right I’m going to try opening it let’s see I love nuts especially salty

Pistachios interesting I am allergic to Salty pistachios I just realized yeah for me it’s still blank when I open it granted after stream I can try to look at maybe I can go on a call with you and show you how to do it if you maybe you are doing it right

But maybe you’re not I’m going to okay I’m going to play Geometry Dash so don’t blame me if I don’t mod fast okay I will still blame you if you don’t mod fast cuz that’s still your fault but um I am at least at least aware okay um I

Think I think at least for today’s stream I’m done I might like I’m definitely going to do more work to the top but we did a good job of just like making it all rough which is nice it like doesn’t look like it was super flat so now it’s better and I do

Feel like I do feel like I like it more I really do I think one thing that I kind of would like to do though is maybe make these Hills gradually go up so that the edge is still like a drop off instead of it being like small drop off then small

Drop off I might like make the whole edges kind of end like that but did you increase the ad aggress no I I’m pretty sure the ad aggressiveness is still the same how do I get rid of the In-N-Out thing I I’ll show you in a minute all

Right anyways guys I have to end the stream thank you for hanging out I will see you guys later uh peace out everyone bye guys see you see you guys tomorrow I think see you guys

This video, titled ‘Making my Volcano have a TINY MOUTH in Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-01-16 03:21:33. It has garnered 998 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:15 or 7335 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (400): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More