Survive & Build with Speaker’s Bro: BLOCK Buddies in Minecraft!

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Who the heck are you guys someone saved me right now don’t worry I’ll save you who are you stranger thank you so much for saving my life I almost died oh my name is Speaker woman who are you I’m TV man it’s really nice to meet you well

It’s nice to meet you too speaker woman what are you doing talking to this TV person ah you know we’re not allowed to talk to TV people only other speaker people well why not he seems nice and he needed help no they’re weirdos oh my gosh I thought we’ve gone over this

We’re not allowed to talk to them all right speaker brother well if you don’t want me here I guess I’ll just leave oh wait it’s literally locked oh get me out of here oh gosh oh I can’t even leave wa are you telling me we’re locked here

With this TV person I might throw up I might throw up I hate TV people well I don’t know what his problem is but it’s nice to meet you TV man I told you I’m speaker woman right yeah it’s really nice to meet you speaker woman hey quit

Talking to my sister like that I’m not even talking to her dude I literally just greeted her and told her I’m TV man oh you think it’s sweet out here don’t even call yourself a man you’re a TV person you’re just a TV baby all right well there’s signs over here what do

These say it says survive the wind what does that even mean and this one says and you may leave so I guess if we survive the winds we can leave what does that even mean TV man did you lock us here what why would I lock you here I

Literally just spotted here yeah I’m not quite sure what it means but I have a really bad feeling about this and wait a second why do I hear something up in the sky attention everyone there is a tornado incoming in 30 minutes take cover oh guys did anyone else hear that

Oh what was that oh my gosh I need to protect my sister get away from me TV man oh gosh we got to take cover but how are we even going to take cover I have no idea we don’t have any blocks and there’s nothing we can grab oh no we’re

Actually so doomed right now and wait we just got creative oh wow this is great we can finally like build a house or a mansion so I can protect my sister now get away from us TV man uh well I’m in Creative you can’t even hit me silly

Goose uh I guess I’ll build my own house uh let’s see what we got we got some Oak planks and some oak wood I guess we could start with that but we got to build our defenses really fast because there’s a tornado coming um are you sure

You should be building your own house I think it would be better if we all work together right I agree with that work together are you serious right now you think I’m going to work with a TV person you can work with them speaker woman I’m

Going to go build by myself okay that’s perfect let’s work together TV man I was joking there’s no way you actually want to work with a TV person come over here fine I guess sorry TV man you’re on your own oh what the heck I I mean I just met

You I really wanted to hang out with you but whatever I’ll just build my own house all right let’s start with the exterior making it really good and I hope we never have to go back in survival because that’s really scary and there’s like some really scary mobs on

This map and wo it looks like they’re already building a huge house I have to keep up with them but it would be a lot better if we built together I guess all right let’s get this leather chest plate I know that’s really good and I got a

Wooden sword as well okay I’m making this really good and uh what the heck why am I in survival are you guys in survival too speaker family yeah we are why are you even talking to us TV man uh we should definitely work together during this tornado that’s literally

Going to come kill us in 30 minutes uh I don’t think we should work together now kill these cameramen for us what the heck are these things why are they spawning everywhere they’re in our base somebody help me I’m going to die oh no safe speaker woman speaker man I I don’t

Know how uh please help me devv man I can’t get down there oh no it looks like they’re going to die oh I’ve done this before as long as one of us lives we’ll be fine okay I guess I’m going to have to try to kill one of these guys uh

Where are they I’m just going to jump down and see if I can survive come on fight this guy get him away from the spe speaker girl fight them oh no they’re chasing me oh my gosh someone save me you know what’s worse than being attacked by camera people what speaker man being

Stuck here with you now shut up oh no ah stop being mean to me too oh no they’re chasing me what do I do ah uh where a speaker woman is she literally dead are you serious right now it’s fine she’ll respawn by next round oh no they’re

Chasing me what is this round going to be over oh gosh I’m getting quartered oh no I’m getting quartered right now someone help it oh my goodness it is creative finally oh thank goodness now when’s that tornado going to come didn’t say like 30 minutes I think it’s already

Been like 3 minutes oh no well we got to build the craziest defense ever so we could survive that tornado speaker man why don’t we just work together get away from me dude oh my gosh I’ll build this on my own oh my gosh oh there you are

Speaker woman I miss you so much wait TV man you’re finally at our base did you two finally decide to work together well I was trying to absolutely not get away from me dude come on we got to work together speaker woman tell him um I really think we should together last

Time when I was in your house I kind of died remember H what are you talking about okay just speak just work with me this round come on follow me we’ll survive okay yeah that’s a good idea you have fun over there by yourself brother oh my gosh are you serious right now

Okay we’ll speak your woman I have an amazing idea now I’m going to build a crazy moat that’s going to Keep Us Alive and let’s fill this up with lava let me help all right there we go let’s grab a lava bucket and I think we should be

Able to survive any mob okay this moat is finally finished and wait a second speaker woman have you noticed the clouds are getting closer to us wow I think you’re right what’s happening I think the tornado’s getting even closer and uh if we don’t survive these rounds

Uh we might die to the tornado oh no that is really scary so let’s just make the best Pace possible so we could survive you know TV man we should probably use stronger materials than wood we are in creative mode after all you’re right let’s grab some iron blocks

Because I love Iron so much and this honestly should be a really good protection for us good job speaker woman I actually agree with on this one and maybe we could even make it like more Hy we could have some windows and we can make it all cozy um I don’t know about

Windows with a storm approaching but you know that would be cute it would be so fun wait uh did you just say cute uh yeah oh what are you guys talking about over there you better not be flirting with my sister TV person I’m going to

Throw up why would I ever be flirting with your sister we are literally playing this crazy build to survive it uh there’s a tornado approaching so uh I have no time for that I hate your voice stop talking no come on are you serious right now I’m not that bad dude why are

You so mean to me and uh anyway in the meantime speaker woman uh we should probably get some like armor and weapons I think wait you don’t already have them uh no I don’t I probably should have got them before but uh let’s grab a golden

Sword um are you sure about gold I think diamonds would be a better idea oh you’re definitely right about that I should grab a diamond sword and maybe I should grab some golden apples as well because golden apples are so good and uh speaker woman here take some golden

Apples here’s a present from me to you oh uh thanks but I already have enchanted golden apples you have enchanted golden apples can I have some well yeah but you’re in creative mode you know you can just get them yourself oh uh yeah you’re right thank you so

Much though you’re so silly speaker woman what are you doing down there with him get down what is your problem we’re just having fun yeah what are you even talking about speaker woman’s brother and uh what the heck we have no time to waste talking we are literally in

Survival oh no this is bad my base is really weak I mean it’s strong TV man it’s not weak oh no what is that mob doing there is that a rainbow friend speaker woman I think it is is that blue I think so uh he looks pretty cute

Though he’s definitely not scary I should definitely go jump on him or something hey buddy how you doing ow he hurts a lot oh my God what are you doing TV man I don’t know that was really stupid but uh he hurts a lot uh speaker

Man save me I’m not going to save you but I’m going to fight these guys thankfully I have my handy dandy bow and oh no I forgot the arrows oh my gosh no I’m going to die speaker man what are you doing dude oh my goodness build up

No oh did you just die Are you seriously serious right now that guy is so useless but good thing we built up our base yeah our base is so good but uh they’re literally camping our base maybe we should go jump down and kill them all

Right on the count of three 3 2 1 go my gosh Come on kill them oh no come on we’re doing great oh my God ow ow I’m in the lava oh gosh I got to drink my enchanted golden apple come on oh gosh I’m getting really low jumbo J what are

You doing here dude oh my goodness ah we’re almost finished there’s only one more left hey it’s Orange from the rainbow friends find him and uh that was literally so easy speaker we did an amazing job and look at that we are in Creative again yeah we make a great team

Don’t we oh we really do whoa what are you guys doing looking at each other like that what are you talking about speaker man we’re literally just playing this build to survive like I said dude you know what I told you about TV men speaker woman who cares if he’s a TV

Person he’s a good guy can you just get over it and work together so we can all get through this uh you know what but my base looks so great right speaker woman uh speaker man if you look at the storm it looks like it’s getting closer and it

Looks like it’s getting really really scary we need to work together so we don’t die during this storm okay uh fine only this once though oh thank goodness speaker man I’m so glad to be your brother now oh wait not not brother hey back off man we are not near related a

Man I thought we were going to be brothers dude okay can you two just stop arguing we need to build our base yeah I see the lightning striking oh my goodness that’s so scary uh we need to use something more powerful like dirt and Cobblestone um you’re joking right

We should use something actually strong like obsidian yeah dirt and Cobblestone is not going to do anything strong but wait obsidian I’ve never heard of that oh my gosh TV man you’re so funny this is Obsidian oh that block I forgot about that block that is very powerful though

And we could build the best of the best base possible so we can survive these mobs and survive the storm not going to lie TV man I don’t think we can survive the storm I mean we are stuck with you dude you’ve died every single round in you’re saying you can’t survive the

Storm are you serious right now come on we got to at least try and uh we could literally make the best base possible using this obsidian fine I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself then what do you mean give me a chance dude we’re going to survive under every

Circumstance okay H shouldn’t we surround the entire house with obsidian we will literally make the best Pace possible and uh it needs to be tornado proof so we’re going to need a tornado proof in Wow TV man you’re so smart I guess he isn’t doing a bad job but don’t

Talk about him like that speaker woman I mean at the end of the day he still has a TV on his head and not a speaker what are you talking about dude why are you always so mean to me for no reason I literally like don’t want to date your

Sister dude why do you think that wait a second did you just say you want to date her where did that come from huh whoa whoa what are you talking about dude I thought that’s what you thought I was trying to do dude that’s why I totally

Don’t like her anything fine oh don’t be ashamed TV man I kind of like you too to be honest what what did you just say hey TV man get back here dude we’re literally in Creative Are you seriously serious right now I better not hear anymore talk like that oh I’m sure you

Won’t by me at least okay well we need to build the craziest M possible and I think I have some cool materials and stuff for that and if you guys see right here I have these electric fences and this is going to be the best moat in the

Whole entire world we’ll build these electric fences and up we’ll literally have a lava mod okay this electric fence is going to be so good look at this ready come on just keep placing these blocks and a speaker woman isn’t this amazing yeah we’re going to be perfectly

Safe with these oh and what the heck uh it’s literally survival we didn’t even get to build the whole moat everyone get inside take cover I turned a survival well in the moat oh no are you okay speaker man why are you asking me if I’m

Okay I don’t even want to talk to you oh come on dude when are you going to be my friend and oh my gosh was that lightning strike oh my gosh we’re all going to die we’re all going to die no we’re not going to die that was just a little

Simple lightning strike it wasn’t that scary and oh my gosh that tornado is so scary luckily there’s no mobs though no mobs what are you talking about they’re already here oh my goodness say from the rainbow friend and all these cameraman but it looks like our moat is working

Really well and oh no there’s glitch givey toilets oh I’m just chilling in the house right now dude oh no that rainbow friends right there oh my goodness oh no get them away from me why would you do that TV man I knew you were evil oh no they’re all coming in oh

Speaker woman what do we do all right build up here fild up here we all got to survive I’m getting attacked cuz of you TV man saved my life I’m trying to okay just relax oh my goodness and why is Sayad right here kill him help TV man

Help where are you where are you oh you’re not even in this house are you serious right now oh no I’m dying Oh no I got to eat this Golden Apple help this gy toilet’s coming for me it’s literally coming for me dude are you serious right

Now but I guess I’ll kill it and save your life oh my goodness T man save my life please oh thank you so much yeah I tried my best to but uh it’s really difficult when there’s a million mobs everywhere I hope I helped I’m so scared

Let give any toilets I’m going to go hide wait TV man help there’s so much rainbow friends on me okay I’ll save you right now hold on wait one second help jumbo Josh is attacking me hurry oh no a come on fight them oh and I literally

Just killed this jumbo Josh killed this one too there’s so many of them hurry up get them all I’m getting attacked there’s literally no more on you are you serious right now I just saved your life well that was pretty good to you peasant but uh I’m glad you saved a speaker man

Yeah of course dude I I I’ll save any of you guys I I really don’t care I’m really just a nice person in general yeah I’m pretty happy for you since you saved me that’s like a big deal since I’m a speaker man and all yeah thank you

So much for saving my brother TV man even though he’s being a jerk to you you’re such a good person of course speaker woman I’ll do anything for you guys even if uh he doesn’t like me and uh what the heck why is it raining but uh uh speaker brother don’t you think

There’s something you should be saying to TV man uh H let me think uh you’re a peasant and no one likes you dude come on why can’t you be nice to me ever dude I’m just trying to be nice to you back so we can survive here H I meant you

Should be thanking him and apologizing you idiot oh um I’m not going to apologize for anything he’s a TV man but I guess uh thank you for saving me of course dude you know I do anything for you even if you hate my guts hey shut up

Okay well I guess we got to focus on building because it looks like it’s getting pretty gross outside and we should probably build like a roof or something cuz it’s pretty gross oh yeah the storm’s getting really scary and started raining please protect me TV man

I’m trying my best to it it’s kind of hard to when you’re just like sitting there crying I’m not going to lie just protect me all right using these lightning rods I should be able to just uh protect ourselves from this lightning and it should just hit this little Rod

Right here instead of hitting our literal heads wow that’s a genius idea TV man I never would have thought of that yeah well hopefully it’s going to save us from this story and uh hopefully uh the tornado picks up on this Rod instead of our whole house oh what are

You building right now just a stick this is stupid what do you mean it’s stupid it’s going to save us from all the lightning dude oh my goodness said wait a lightning just struck right on that Rod it literally just saved our whole house wait is that thing attracting the

Lightning so it doesn’t hit our house dude why do you think I’m building this in the first place are you serious right now really dud I thought you were just wasting more time well I guess that’s kind of smart TV man maybe you’re not too dumb after all everything I’m trying

To do is so we don’t die from this tornado dude are you serious right now why are you doubting me uh because you’re a TV man now get back to work oh my goodness when is this speaker man going to like me who cares if he doesn’t

Like you TV man you know I like you way more anyway you like him that’s a TV man I told you we could set you up with a very nice and Rich speaker man but you’re talking to this TV man oh my gosh I hope the storm eats both of you really

Dude all right do you want to not live with us anymore is is if you want to just get out uh well I think I’ll die if I’m not with you TV man cuz I guess you’re doing a good job so get back to work like I said okay whatever well

Let’s just focus on making this Moote as good as possible so I guess we can expand it all right well I have an amazing idea using this laser I should be able to just uh make a laser moat this is literally one of the best ideas

I’ve ever had in my whole life and I can’t wait to show speaker woman this she’s literally going to be so impressed hey speaker woman look at what I built what did you do TV man oh my gosh are those lasers how did you set this up

Well I used my special abilities and made a laser Mo yeah this will sure come in handy for the mobs but I don’t know about the storm oh yeah maybe you’re right but uh it will help for the mobs I think uh these lasers are okay but my

House is way better look at that thing your house is so ugly TV man dude your house is literally broken what are you talking about dude it’s all dead and uh what the heck a lightning just struck your house are you serious I thought your Rod was supposed to keep lightning

Away you idiot well yeah but your house was too far away pay attention idiot oh my gosh fine all right wow I really hope we can fight these mobs off they’ve given us a lot of time I have a bad feeling about about this yeah they have

Given us a lot of time and wait a second why is it night time now oh no what is that noise attention civilians the tornado will be striking in 10 minutes take cover 10 minutes oh my gosh did you guys hear that speaker man oh my gosh if

Your house doesn’t protect us TV man you’re done for I’m actually so scared right now we have 10 minutes until that huge tornado comes and uh it could either kill us or we could go back home and wait we are literally in survival mode so we got to fight the mobs come on

Guys we got to survive this all right you know what since you don’t believe in me TV man I’m going to go survive this on my own oh what are you doing oh my goodness he literally just jumped into our trap are you serious right now he

Didn’t even survived he’s so dumb I’m ashamed that he’s my brother oh that was harsh okay well I guess we got to fight off these mob speaker women I mean we could just chill up here I think we’re fine oh my goodness what is that is that

A watching machine speaker man what is going on oh that was a pretty easy kill good job speaker woman yeah our defenses are really good it doesn’t matter if only one or two get in oh my gosh oh no oh my God they’re so scary what even are

These things they’re so scary wait they’re coming through the roof oh no did they break through the roof or was that like a lightning strike or something because it looks like it’s getting really rainy outside oh my goodness why is this guy’s so powerful he literally one Taps me what the heck

And waa what is that noise I hear all this lightning outside oh my goodness oh my God what is that thing oh my goodness that’s so scary we need take it out now the storm is getting even worse yeah I can hear the lightning strikes everywhere fight this glitch giy oh my

Goodness he’s so powerful come on in oh I literally just killed him and wo this rain is really scary oh my gosh what the heck was that was so terrifying I think it just destroyed like a ton of our house what is going on right now I got

To run oh thank goodness the round is finally finished but look at our house oh no our house is destroyed and where is Speaker man I hope he comes back well you know to be honest i’ prefer if he didn’t come back but he’s just going to

Respawn as long as some of us survive so uh oh come on he’s literally your brother oh and uh I see speaker man jumping hey guys were you guys flirting again Rock Air dude again I’m in creative and uh we were not flirting okay oh fine all right well what’s

The next wave or is the storm coming dude you literally just missed the wave and yeah I think the storm is coming it looks really scary and uh it’s got really dark outside well who killed all them mobs in the last wave was it my

Sister no it was me but uh don’t worry about it yeah me and TV man make a really good team I guess you do good job TV man but never called the do you a team again um TV man don’t you think it’d be a good time to tell him that

We’re dating waa whoa hold on a second we’re dating what are you even talking about well aren’t we uh I don’t know I don’t think your brother it I do not give my permission I best not he talk like that ever again okay speaker woman maybe we could date after this tornado

But we got to focus on Surviving okay because it looks like it’s approaching and uh there’s a lot of lightning I’m really scared yeah me too but we’ll be okay as long as we’re together I’m still here oh no I hear sirens what is going on attention civilians only 5 minutes

Remain the tornado is imminent what the heck 5 minutes until the tornado comes speaker man why do we get a to speaker woman I’m so scared oh my gosh there’s lightning everywhere we we have to hurry yeah da man we we need to finish building this house we got no time we

Got no time you are right about that speaker man come on guys build it oh no this is really scary I’ve never been in a storm this powerful before and oh my God the lightning oh keep striking but we should definitely use obsidian instead of wood so that it doesn’t

Destroy the roof oh you’re right speaker man that was a really good call what are we going to do you two the storm is getting even worse and then there’s going to be mobs soon oh no this is literally such a disaster let’s just keep building stop using wood guys we

Got to work together and use obsidian on this uh oh yeah you’re right we have to use obsidian I’m so Sant oh my God oh wood is definitely not a good option I know TV man come on you’re too smart for this I mean you’re pretty dumb but hurry

Up and build out of obsidian oh no your whole entire house is destroyed what is going on right now I’m really so scared right now come on guys keep going oh my gosh I’m so scared right now A what the heck and oh what in the heck I think it

Literally goes through walls oh no this is going to be a really tough storm to survive but we got to build the best base and quick there’s probably only 3 minutes if it can break through obsidian maybe we have to use an even stronger Rock like a bedrock or something Bedrock

What the heck is that Bedrock are you serious that’s a trash block we should use dirt you’re joking right yeah what the heck you want to use dirt out of everything are you serious right now dude come on all right well let’s just check if all of our other defenses are

Built and I guess we could start using bck and wait a second why is it like really night time now okay I think the storm’s actually coming oh no our lightning rods getting destroyed too wait our lightning rods getting destroyed what wait what the happening

Oh no oh no we’re running out of time I think we’re doomed oh no what is going on the storm’s coming everyone get inside have no more time we’ll be fine if we all work together oh yeah you’re right we will be fine if we all work

Together I guess we should use this Bedrock I don’t think it goes through it wow speaker man I thought you didn’t want to work together with TV man what happened shut up I guess he’s not too bad now get back to work all right guys let’s build all these windows so we can

See this crazy tornado but uh it better not go through the window that would be pretty bad oh no what’s going on I hear sirens attention civilians there are only 15 seconds until the tornado strikes oh no 15 seconds everyone take cover oh no I’m really scared oh what do

We do oh my gosh TV man please protect us oh no I’m really scared look at this oh no and guys we have no time to waste because uh if we die here we literally die forever so if we could just survive this tornado and the mobs then out we

Can finally go home come on guys keep protecting the base this is really bad use all the Bedrock I don’t think Bedrock goes through this oh guys I put God Armor up in this chest make sure you get looted up oh wait you put God Armor

In here this is such a good idea thank you so much speaker man and oh what the heck we’re literally in survival let me put this armor on right now oh no that means this storm and the mobs are coming please protect us TV man I guess you

Weren’t that bad oh no I can feel it it’s coming oh no oh my gosh I’m getting blown away what’s going on oh no there’s a open hole guys cover it up I use my last block on accident I guess we’ll just have to take it oh I’m using all my

Blocks I have do I have anything else oh I have some obsidian and oh my goodness I have this oak wood and wo it’s taking me away oh no guys come on everyone take cover and oh my goodness the tornado’s right there guys look oh my gosh is our

Base going to survive I really hope it does oh it’s so close wait it looks like the mobs are all cut up in the tornado oh my goodness the mobs are all dying right now this is so scary this is scarier than all the mobs combined oh no

What do we do is it coming towards us I think so oh my gosh all the skiy toilets are getting stuck in there too wait I’m getting sucked up into it even though I’m in the house we have to take cover to oh no we’re getting pushed to the

Wall right now come on guys we got this though oh no we need to survive this thing come on guys this is the last round that we can go home finally we can go home if we could just survive this oh and wait look at this glass over here

This is pretty cool uh oh no it literally just opened up and oh my gosh I can’t even get through it cuz of this tornado oh my gosh I keep getting sucked back oh this is really scary but it looks like our base is holding up pretty

Well and uh what the heck what is that cameraman doing he got sucked in a get out of here cameraman oh no oh my gosh they’re inside oh no how they even get inside fight them come on guys how’d you even get in here with this tornado guys

Kill him kill him oh we’re doing so amazing in wait a second what is that guy doing in here oh no during the tornado so bad it’s huge oh my gosh you know if we don’t make it out of here alive TV man I think you’re an

Incredible person I think we got this though because we have the best base ever oh you better stop flirting oh no this guy’s so powerful too it oh my goodness there’s literally rainbow friends in here come on guys fight them oh no I’m getting really low on health

No hurry up and defeat the rainbow friends come on I’ll help you out TV man oh no oh gosh the tornado’s getting even closer come on H we almost got them don’t worry guys how many of these things are there oh no oh no it looks like the tornado’s inside right now oh

My goodness help I’m going to go out the door help please oh no no no no oh I’m saving you speaker man I got you oh my goodness are you okay speaker man thank you so much T man you’re amazing okay now we need to survive this tornado it’s

Right here oh no it’s literally oh gosh it’s killing us speaker woman are you okay I think I’m fine but I’m so scared oh no it’s getting really really really scary oh my gosh there’s jumpo Josh in here are you serious right now oh my I

Feel like we should go outside our base and tackle the storm on our own no that’s literally going to kill us but it looks like we don’t have a lot more time left in this storm oh no what’s going on everything’s exploding man hurry up and kill these

Guys come on oh no I think the storm is starting to C down or maybe it’s not it’s getting even worse okay come on guys we’re doing so good oh my goodness oh the tornado’s Upon Us dude what’s going to happen I don’t know but I really hope we survive

This because we haven’t gone all this way just to die come on I don’t know if our base can take much more uhoh oh no what happened oh no we’re about to fly in everyone brace for impact our base is about to get destroyed oh no I’m in the

Tornado guys oh no I’m in the tornado guys what’s going on oh my gosh a I can’t move oh I keep getting thrown around oh no oh no I might die here I actually might die oh no what’s going on guys I’m literally stuck right here oh

No oh my gosh I’m stuck in this tornado TV man help us oh no I’m trying we’re all going to die we’re all going to die oh wait no no we’re not if we can survive this come on guys everyone oh no oh man this is really scary oh no I’m

Getting sucked in everyone oh no everyone survived get in the water everyone get in the water oh oh no oh my gosh wait did the tornado just disappear I think so and wait a second did we just survive that tornado at the last seconds wait are you in

Creative I’m in Creative uh wait I’m literally in Creative right now and guys I think we actually survived this storm it’s literally fading away and going over there oh my gosh I can’t believe we made it we were like 1 second away from

Dying I know we did a good job as a team didn’t we yeah we really did but that was like the scariest thing I’ve ever did in my whole life oh my gosh yeah I can’t believe we made it we did such a good job as a team we did such an

Amazing job speaker woman and wait a second it looks like it’s daytime now thank goodness wait uh it looks like the Portal’s open but before we go um brother will you give um us our B your blessings so that we can date whoa whoa

Date I mean uh I would just like to be friends I mean I mean yeah I mean if you want to date me I don’t know I’m really nervous but uh yeah could we uh go on a date or something uh you know what TV

Men like you I guess aren’t that bad you guys can date I suppose oh my gosh let’s go speaker woman we can f going on to date now let’s just get out of here oh my goodness we’re going to have so much fun and I guess TV man that uh we can be

Friends if you’ll forgive me for all the mean stuff I said earlier don’t worry about it dude I’m just glad we all survived here this was such an amazing time thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the

Next video tomorrow subscribe everyone bye and subscribe subscribe everyone click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys tomorrow everyone click the video woohoo let’s get out of here yeah let’s go let’s go

This video, titled ‘Build to SURVIVE With SPEAKER WOMANS BROTHER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies on 2023-10-08 15:47:25. It has garnered 169186 views and 1963 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:28 or 1588 seconds.

Today we are playing Build to Survive! But we are playing with the Speaker Family. We will go up against scary monsters… Will we survive??? Watch to find out!!


Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

Disclaimer: “Block Buddies” is a parody channel that creates gameplay style videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet series. This transformative parody work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. No videos are meant to offend, harm, or upset any parties.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft! The Emerald Golem in Minecraft Farm Details Farm Performance: The Emerald Golem farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, making it efficient and convenient for players. Versions: The farm is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4. Platforms: The farm is designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for players on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary shaders enhance the visual experience of the game. Resource Pack: The farm utilizes the default… Read More

  • Create Hilarious Minecraft vTuber | Blender Tutorial

    Create Hilarious Minecraft vTuber | Blender Tutorial Minecraft Player Character vTuber Creation Tutorial: Part 4 Overview Texturing Basics and Model Refinements In this final installment of the vTuber creation tutorial, the focus shifts to texturing basics and refining the model for optimal VRM export. The tutorial delves into the intricacies of texturing the model and making necessary refinements to ensure a valid VRM model export. Key topics covered include the introduction of the T-Pose and Weight Painting techniques. Facial Animations and Export Settings The tutorial also explores the basics of Shape Keys to create facial animations for the model, including support for speech. Additionally, final adjustments… Read More

  • Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft’s Coliseum Chaos

    Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft's Coliseum Chaos In the Coliseum, I found myself, Facing monsters, testing my stealth. With sword in hand, I fought with might, To entertain the crowd, a thrilling sight. Gladiators clashed, in ancient Rome, A battle for glory, a fight for home. But in the end, I emerged victorious, Defeating all foes, oh so glorious. So watch the video, see the action unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Like and subscribe, show your support, For more adventures, of this sort. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer

    Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment. Building Blocks of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are given the freedom to construct anything their imagination desires using various building blocks. From simple wooden houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your creativity! Exploration and Survival Explore the vast landscapes of Minecraft, filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves waiting… Read More

  • Minecraft Lucu dan Imut Banget!

    Minecraft Lucu dan Imut Banget! Minecraft: The Cutest and Most Adorable Version Yet! Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before! The latest version of the game has taken cuteness to a whole new level, making it the most adorable iteration yet. From charming characters to delightful landscapes, Minecraft has truly outdone itself this time. Adorable Characters One of the standout features of this version of Minecraft is the incredibly cute characters that populate the game. From fluffy animals to endearing villagers, every pixelated creature is designed to make you go “aww.” Whether you’re interacting with a playful kitten or… Read More

  • Crafting a Sneaky Portal ~ Minecraft PE

    Crafting a Sneaky Portal ~ Minecraft PE Minecraft PE: Exploring the World of Adu Du Step into the exciting world of Minecraft PE as you embark on a journey to create the portal of Adu Du. Dive into the realm of creativity and adventure as you explore new dimensions and challenges in this popular game. Meet Adu Du Adu Du, the main antagonist in the BoBoiBoy series, takes on a new role in Minecraft PE. As a brave and fierce alien, he becomes a recurring character in BoBoiBoy Galaxy. Join forces with Adu Du as you navigate through the game’s twists and turns. Creating the Portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2b2t Base Tour

    Unbelievable 2b2t Base Tour The Epic Megabase of 2b2t: A Minecraft Marvel Exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft is always an adventure, but when it comes to the oldest anarchy server, 2b2t, the stakes are raised to a whole new level. In a recent video, zman1064 and SapLow take viewers on a tour of a massive megabase that has been under construction for six months, from April to September 2024. This incredible base is a testament to the creativity and dedication of Minecraft players. A Labor of Love Building a megabase on 2b2t is no small feat. With the constant threat of griefing… Read More

  • Defeat Minecraft’s Beast, Be the Ultimate Boaster!

    Defeat Minecraft's Beast, Be the Ultimate Boaster! In Minecraft’s dark depths, a monster lurks, With claws like knives and eyes that smirk. Can CoolMan survive this brutal test, Or will he fall like all the rest? Join the adventure, watch the fear unfold, As CoolMan’s bravery is put on hold. Subscribe and like, show your support, For Minecraft horror, a thrilling sport. In the Discord, the community thrives, Sharing tips and tricks to survive. Subscribe now, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft horror, a thrilling feat. On Tiktok, the scares are shared, In rhymes and jokes, the story’s declared. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Tawnystorm’s DIY Dream: Underwater Mansion Madness!

    Tawnystorm's DIY Dream: Underwater Mansion Madness! Welcome, welcome, to Tawnystorm’s domain, Where Minecraft dreams come true, without any pain. An underwater mansion, sleek and divine, Crafted with care, every block in line. Gather your materials, glass and light, Sea lanterns and prismarine, shining bright. Coral and sea pickles, for color and life, Creating a masterpiece, free from strife. Start with a base, rectangular and grand, On the ocean floor, where dreams expand. Build the walls with glass, let the light in, Mix in colored glass, for a unique spin. Roof with glass panes, and sea lanterns too, Bright and open, with a stunning view. Prismarine… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

    Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing ShackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server. 1.21 Updating Soon, Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-09-14 21:42:22. It has garnered 196 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:12 or 9132 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. The world is 13 years old, with a size of ‭over 49700 GBs and over 929 013 players visiting. 2b2t has been… Read More

  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

    INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building my FIRST SHOP and Big Base Expansion on Minecraft SOS Hardcore SMP’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-03-21 17:15:04. It has garnered 208215 views and 11166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:29 or 2429 seconds. fWhip is building his FIRST SHOP and making a big expansion to his hardcore minecraft base! Minecraft SOS is a new Hardcore survival SMP!! CLICK the LIKE button if you enjoy! ⭐Become a Member ⭐ Find me Here! :: Support me on Patreon :: #Minecraft #Hardcore #SOS Read More

  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

    MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT, But Mobs Can Speak… #shorts #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by MC HacKsMan on 2024-06-12 12:31:12. It has garnered 5844 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. MINECRAFT, But Mobs Can Speak… #shorts #minecraft #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18K

    Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18KVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 18K #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Go Out YT on 2024-06-08 16:27:24. It has garnered 1261 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:52 or 7372 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftpublicserver #minecraftpe #minecrafthindi #minecraftindia #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #tiktok #anime #viral #trending #trendingshorts #shortsfeed In this LOS Season 2 (Land Of Survival Season 2) Trailer & Tutorial, we will be covering everything you need to know about the New Vanilla Updates -Ranks & More If you’re looking for new and exciting ways to play LOS… Read More

  • RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!

    RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHUYMINE quiere MATARME en Minecraft | RomisGomis REACCIONA a EloYT’, was uploaded by Romisgomis on 2024-09-18 19:00:32. It has garnered 8983 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds. Hi, I’m Romisgomis and I’m a vtuber Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival BAŞLIYORUZ ! Canlı Yayın | GÜN 4’, was uploaded by MİKROFOLİST on 2024-09-19 19:39:35. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:19 or 8779 seconds. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL DRAWINGS ARE HELD ON DISCORD SERVER DONATIONS APPEAR ON THE SCREEN TAGS : keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr,… Read More

  • Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥

    Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🎮Level UP Arena Is Playin Minecraft HardCore!!!🔥💥’, was uploaded by Level Up Arena on 2024-07-25 02:46:58. It has garnered 311 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:14 or 6494 seconds. 🔥 Get ready for an EPIC adventure as Level UP Arena dives into the intense world of Minecraft Hardcore! 🎮 Can they survive the challenges and conquer the game? Watch now to find out! 💥 Don’t miss out on the action-packed gameplay and heart-pounding moments! Subscribe for more gaming thrills! 🚀 #MinecraftHardcore #GamingAdventure #LevelUPArena Read More

  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: (1.21.X) Map: Discord: Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘超智障的一部片 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #memes #颱風 #skywars #gaming #颱風 #ep1 #pvp #lunarclient’, was uploaded by V概 alvin on 2024-09-16 13:59:03. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Producer: Vgui Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Hardware: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: PJ02 mechanical keyboard (red axis) Microphone: HyperX SoloCast Minecraft ID: V_alvin Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

    POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft POV: Ultra Toxic Friend at different Ages Age 10: “I’ll steal your diamonds in Minecraft and blame it on a creeper!” Age 15: “I’ll grief your entire base and call it a prank, bro.” Age 20: “I’ll steal your girlfriend and blame it on lag.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: ——————————— Twitch: TikTok: ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! My gear: Want to give me a donation? Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! Join the Farcross Reddit! Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More