Survive with Pharaoh in epic Minecraft adventure

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um hello and welcome back to gaming with pharoh and I’m here with sunlit who has a YouTube channel and J J this is his world I’m going make my base J know I’m going look I’m looking for a village I’m not going to make my V too far away from a village it’s cuz villagers are op villagers have a lot of things that I need chore oh you oh I guess you was trying to spell true um sunlet is um bored I guess sunlet don’t know what he’s doing how about you you stream sunlit how about that where is where is is um Let me let me use this I need to cook some meat thanks thanks J thanks thanks thanks I appreciate you guys support I don’t know why sunet don’t want to stream sunet you got to stream and get new new subscribers bro I think we have enough food for now to are you going to build your house around here or something something is that your plan is this going to be your base oh good that’s actually really good um suddenly I’m off I’m going to explore the world I need to find myself a village oops well you got to play aren’t you going to play the game okay I guess let’s see how long it takes me to find a village we got to run into a village by luck well I do I guess since I don’t be going on looking up the seeds and stuff how the heck this guy already catched up to me I’m pretty sure I left first than him um please leave a like oh sorry son behind yeah I’m like Neo in The Matrix dodging everything you seen that you seen that I you have jeno’s always freaking on following me and then following me back bro I don’t see no Village around here I hope I found you you know the village that are by um the like by the spruce I like those Village I don’t know the name of them are they called tiger Village or what I think that’s what they’re called right they’re the tiger Village I like how those um I like how they’re dressed I’m watching my stream right now I just went onto my stream right now on YouTube My Stream is working I don’t know where are you trying to watch me because you’re supposed to be playing the game with us you’re not supposed to be on stream jenno play the game with us and if you want to I don’t know if sunet is going to build around us or I don’t know if are sunet are you planning to build around us around me or something so then Jen you should come to where we are at right now so you can build a base around us too not in your base though yeah I I know I mean you’re building your own separate base right that’s good um I got a base all right then I guess we’re going to probably be pretty far away from here so all right so let’s keep on going hopefully we find a village Jen do you have your bed already can you get a bed just in case so whenever we need to go to sleep um I can make my B you two Sun we got to find you bed oh man think a village here going to be typ par um these forests are not good to be on I never see is this dark wood is this dark oak I mean cuz if this is dark oak yeah this is dark oak we should get some saplings for dark C they’re good building [Music] oh I got one oh we already got two I think we got enough son let’s go I think we have enough damn already what the heck I only got two of them guess the Minecraft Gods love you bro all I see is just mountains around straight up mountains this don’t look like a a place for Village we need to get out of this dark oak forest what is that all the way down there imagine there’s a village down there bro that never happened to me I never got hit by lightning in this game I don’t even know where I’m going I’m just climbing up who got hit by lightning Jen Jen that’s R that’s crazy I never got hit by Ling in my life me neither um we got one sheep we got two sheeps um we just need one more for your bed Sun J Jen did you get your bear I’ve been your bear did you get your B what’s up Mar what’s good you just waking up yeah well we’re starting in this new world over here we’re world yeah but this time we’re going to crap I’m going to we’re going to stay we’re going to stay here I mean this is a world we’re going to be coming back all the time to well I’m just going to play Call of Duty I don’t feel like playing Minecraft right now in a bit wait what what Call of Duty do you play the the new one three uh what do you play Resurgence uh all them Resurgence war zone multiplayer do you play rank multiplayer yeah oh [ __ ] you trying to play um my bad sorry everybody for cursing you trying to play later on yeah I’m down all I’m trying to busy though I’m trying to um rank up there too okay what what do you use what I use yeah let me check let me check let me check for rank what gun do you use yeah I know I’m going to rank right now I used the the wsp Swarm the SMG no you can’t use that no more that got banned that got banned yeah you got banned that’s the one I used to use that too I lot bro I Domin every freaking match yeah I used to use that uh you can’t what the bro I didn’t even know you can um get there was white trees in Minecraft what the hell is this just cuz of the snow oh yeah it’s just cuz of the snow I guess the wp9 the other one not the Swarm the nine yeah that one is not as fast you’re probably you should look up meta I’m not I’m not the of people to use met I just use guns I like oh yeah I understand for me my type of gun is it that everybody has a different style style of um playing like some people like guns that you can shoot from far away some people like guns with faster where you have faster mobility and that’s my type of play but you can also look up online for meta for like the gun with the fastest mobility and stuff like that to give you a edge honestly I just like making making like oh no goofy ass builds like shotguns with slugs uh snipers with like I don’t know explore all that [ __ ] yeah well let’s see what’s up when we play later on if you’re if you’re on I’ve been I usually have teammates that suck that’s the only bad thing about when you’re online and you when when you play without like good people and then you usually have to carry them and you can’t carry them all the time every [ __ ] match I go through the people I’m going against either have like they’re all using the MC yeah I hate that gun so much yeah that gun be o bro we just went into a in a circle look at your look at the house you build we were getting nowhere bro what the heck they should have snipers though I don’t know why they they don’t have snipers I think sniper wild I’m actually glad that they took it out every every map is just going to be like boom boom booom Bloom it’s going to it’s going to be crazy bro so satisfying when get that bro well I I mean I don’t mean I don’t mean like yo it’s good it’s not not I’m not saying that sniping is like a bad thing but for rank sniping is like kind of op bro like literally you’re just if you if you’re in the the match is going to end too quick sure you got people who SC like into a chair sweating nonstop people yeah bro are you serious you almost um sunlit we got to find we got to get out of this dark oak place what is that up there you see that is that lava you see that that mountain all the way up there that’s lava I think that’s lava it could be Lava or it can be like a village in the mountains J stop stop um spamming why is she still here bro see no one talking this is her world what you mean everybody else on this uh so I take it [Laughter] back n he changed a new Lea he’s not a bad person no more well don’t quote me on that um should we just get on on a boat and then try to go somewhere else sunlet do you think we should do that yeah me too can can you place a boat here are you staying me what the heck am I we’re still in the boat I swear this went down did you see it no no no it’s a [Music] sun let’s see where this is going to take us [Music] we should have only if we had maps you can turn it on like now I think you you you have to do it when you’re going to make when you’re making the world that you start oh you got to make the world first then started with maps you can make maps yeah for the the map that you spawn with is like a compass and paper that’s it where do you see a Pillager at [Applause] [Music] on what yeah ignore that that are you trying are you trying to set people up jeno oh there you [Music] go man I hate moving your train bro sucks I don’t know if you guys can hear but that it’s like way louder in person bro I know there’s a train behind my house and it’s uh but a good thing it only runs in the summer like it’s it runs like five times like every day so like I’m always waking up in the middle of night that’s why I have what do you call that asomia I don’t know I don’t know how you call it that’s what I have that I can’t sleep ins Sonia yeah that’s what it’s called yeah I got that uh imagine living in New York bro when I used to live in New York that was crazy all you hear is the ch 24/7 bro that was wild New York it’s bad enough it is we are going to be living me and Sunday going to be living far away from people actually let’s still go to the 1,000 blocks I’m taking Pillager bro why who do where do you see pillagers isn’t isn’t jeno in in chat she’s in voice chat right wait oh yeah she is yeah so you don’t have to type to her you could just talk to her what what the bro she is voice bro yeah she is I think we should get out here because there’s no other way we can go but let’s take the boat just in case what the heck Sun uh I think this is a good place we finally we probably may be found a good place bro how am I getting hit what is hitting me what right mind makes you think living in a mountain is okay bro oh [ __ ] living in a what mountain yeah that’s a freaking horrible place I learned that a hard way the first time I played Minecraft I ever played I try to um make my base in the mountains yeah I never do that bro it’s just a horrible place to build what the freak things a Phantoms Phantoms oh those are the thing that are hitting us um I’m not even going to we shouldn’t even go towards the top of that mountain I don’t even think there’s going to be anything it’s rare when a village is all the in like those cherry oak trees when there’s a village up there is that’s super rare but it’s some of the nicest looking there are some of the nicest looking Village though oh look we found a ruined portal I don’t like the fact that Jenny is or jenno is just follow me everywhere I don’t like that she’s good just give him a chance she’s actually he’s actually been doing better bro are you serious what hit me oh that was that I thought that was sunet that hit me I was like bro come on sunet um should we climb up this mountain to see what’s up there or should we go this way this way right it looks like there would be a village this way can you put down the stove so I can cook some food well whenever you have good morning is it morning where you’re at I guess it’s it just turned morning in the United Kingdom [Music] oh man you got lucky what is that is that like that’s Clash of Titans or something like that Clash of Titans bro the heck I used to what is it called oh yeah there you [Laughter] go might if Play song Qui you could go ahead but I’m going to get copyrighted but it’s all right I don’t I don’t really they always copyright me can’t do anything in stream bro it don’t matter you can go ahead is I don’t it’s not like I have sponsors yet yet I said yet exactly yet you get sponsors if like no one swears cuz you’re not going to sponsor a guy who’s just going to swear over and over and over again yeah that’s why I try to make my like not curse or all of that stuff so my YouTube can be like family orientated I even that bad bro it’s just words it’s bad for kids bro it’s bad for kids cuz um if you’re in a Chann believe like there’s how many people like look at a channel like for example oh they see Mr Beast and they be like a lot of little kids growing up be like oh I want to be just like this and then if they hear him cursing a lot they’re going to start cursing a whole bunch too well if you look another way is you know well that like like their parents are going to cuss too like they’re they’re with their parents 24/7 they’re going to cuss yeah yeah but they’re not they’re not going to cuss in front of their parents though I hope they don’t I mean if their I mean if my daughter curs in front of me she would she knows not to like she she will never curse in front of me she might do it like when I’m not there but she knows not to cursing front whoa whoa you have a daughter yeah bro what the heck I did not know that bro I didn’t what I told you that from the beginning everybody knows that I I never heard it pretty sure was G but I never heard that is that is that reason you don’t cuss yeah I mean why you think I’d be so understanding to kids cuz I understand how kids are when I be I be I I go look for them when they tell me on yo I need help can you come find me now I I sound a lot better so that’s another thing too like I don’t want my kids to I don’t want to show them bad things either way so I see like they’re not really my kids but like the kids on YouTube when they’re younger like I try to like help them out or show them not to be so bad you know you don’t have to be bad say no to drugs well definitely say no to drugs that [ __ ] will never help you out in life who do you know do drugs in and God somewhere of course Jenn of course this just has to be her has to be her it’s a him oh yeah but I think oh but she’s joke he’s he’s joking though because he know he knows more than all of us too that those drugs are bad then which one did you say was the girl I thought he was a girl because his Joo we found a village son we finally found a village um her cuz his name was um his name on his account was Jennifer Cam and then I got a message from his grandma and his grandma told me he she made the account so I’m actually glad that she told me cuz I didn’t who she was and um I’m glad that parents reached out to me too you know and that makes me even feel better because she was like thanks for playing with my kid blah blah blah you [Music] know that’s pretty random for a grandma to do that but okay no I mean if if anybody was playing with my kid and was an adult I mean I’m and I’m pretty sure they’re not the only only [Music] um parents that watch cuz it’s common sense you’re going to look over your kid whoever if I were to have a kid I would not let him be playing with people who say yes to free cany from a van or especially with with an adult I’m going to be watching over my kid you know you know yeah watch like see exactly like if I if I saw my kid like see that bro if I I would not let my kid play with JJ though I would not let my kid play with all you all you do is Curse bro you’re not a good influence I didn’t curse you always do I always do but I didn’t curse do you curse in front of your [Music] parents 24/7 no he I’m sure he doesn’t 24/7 only only to my family that’s it not to like other people just only to my family well you’re you’re like you’re not going to you’re not saying it I’m sure you’re not saying like in a it’s like when you probably curse her with your family is probably like funny no like for example like let’s say I mean you’re you’re not disrespecting your mom or like saying some stupid [ __ ] no like for example let’s say they found like the hole I punch in the wall I’m going to be like oh yeah I cuz I know you’re you’re Mexican and I know Mexican moms Mexican dad they don’t play when when their kid be acting up like that same thing with my with with us well a lot of Hispanic parents don’t be playing that one one move and you have like two ass crabs just for real like um did you raid this Village suddenly we have to you wouldn’t be able to sit down for like a day yeah want to know what my parents use what well when I was younger found like one of these uh CH glass for yeah slipper with the spikes on it with little spikes on it brand what brand then uh coach bro when I was younger ooh I used to get hit with everything like whenever B I used to be really bad though the bottom of it so hard and sometimes if you if they can’t find anything or like I’m G BL up they just take away my bed so I just sleep on the floor yeah their parents they don’t play bro I know they don’t bro they need [ __ ] sleep on my bed too when I when I’m like in trouble you got to learn you got to teach them it’s better kids to learn in their house than to learn on the streets bro cuz in the street nobody going to care about you so you better learn discipline exactly she for the street James for that would be me hello hey James how are you uh pretty good you I’m all right um just we just made this world if you want to join us United Kingdom families are okay much kids get attacked much wait why do kids get attack over there in the UK what goes on did you go to the other the houses and raided them did we take everything we need from them this is a weird place I guess I know UK is a weird place no no no want invite me oh you talking about UK by way no no I never even been to UK for to say is a weird place I’m just I I just hear that there’s like every second a guy gets stabbed for real I said they have sword fights except gun fights that’s sword fight bro that was like oh my God that was like how long ago they used to do that that was they got the they got FL locks they got swords they got muskets yeah that was like how long the pantaloonies they drink a lot of tea oh British chap is it Tuesday day yeah sorry this fine evening you have a mus for self fense [ __ ] they conquered like the entire world for spices and they don’t even use them bro that’s crazy hey Mom can you invite me to the world that’s crazy y’all got to send an invite to to Jan so yall can join world I see I see yeah I got to send friend request to Y know whoever’s trying to join us right got to got to keep the content coming get disappoint the viewers um where are you Sun I think we’re actually you know what I just hate the most like out of everything I just hate what uh stomach bugs you heard you hate what stomach bus oh those the thing that gives you like diarrhea and stuff right bro yeah I got that like so this past Monday was my birthday so we went to go eat this taco place like family business taco place so I went there ate uh and that night I I couldn’t fall asleep cuz my back was hurting my stomach was hurting and then I I just like had diarhea kept V me I I couldn’t I couldn’t eat anything I couldn’t drink anything I was just St on my bed just hungry as [ __ ] I can’t eat anything cuz I Just sh it out [Laughter] you got explosive diarrhea stomach yeah g too did you you drink some pep though uh no well dude I’m just saying if you have a St PL and you drink orange jues do not orange shoes bro that it it burns so bad bro cuz you’re adding acid to your body I know I dude I had lemon or lemonade yeah and orange juice that my God who told you to drink thaty huh who told you to drink that myself cuz I thought that was going to like make it better n bro um worse if you have like diarrhea you could drink pepto and then there’s other remedies that like when you’re from the compo or whatever and you know what that means right yeah but I I just drink water but like you drink I don’t drink soda if you drink like if you drink lemon and you put a little bit of salt and a little bit of baking soda that’ll that’ll stop your your diarrhea you won’t have diarrhea no more oh no it’s j some one Spa to kill me it is his gen bro like he he’s like never up good bro he bro he M my entire base just cuz he wanted to bro that diamonds too I did the classic nyear B he the entire thing it’s just water now that’s just no TNT no creepers is he my your base away yeah yep bro does everybody got beds I don’t I bet you sleep on a box f you can hear me what stay what’s in the server stays in the server okay nothing outside this island server contributes to real life or to servers okay what’s on stays on J um what do you mean with my YouTube oh no like figh on island I don’t other like what just [Music] happened hopefully we’re able to join oh it’s cuz I had this Minecraft got a new update [Music] I do not know what happened I almost died too technical difficulty much yeah this McDonald’s Wi-Fi man I got to switch to Windows Wi-Fi dang man got that McDonald’s CL WiFi McDonald’s sucks nobody go to McDonald’s you got to go to Wendy for real bro can’t beat the biggy B oh my God bro I’m laughing I’m laughing so much bro so I’m 11 hold on he said so now I’m 11 stranger no straight just straight up we’re not mentioning Strang you know this chat I never watched stranger things I watched it it’s kind of weird it’s basically teams who had uhia that’s what they’re crazy uh no it’s actually a horror movie about interdimensional monsters wait so they’re just like imag only one of them can see it so that’s schizophrenic part yeah watch like one season I got tired of it like this is scary and annoying these little kids they’re little than me the the only guy that’s like actually pretty cool is the sh he’s my favorite character he’s one like actual like smart normal I mean he’s a detective bro like he’s be smart who the wait one piece what do you mean buy one piece the one piece is fake it’s not real okay it’s fake oh she’s talking about like the anime yeah yes it’s actually it’s a pretty cool anime weird cool no I like that I know that anime I tolerate is Pokemon and Dragon Ball that’s the only anime I tolerate those are some I likeon cuz it’s got like I’m sorry demon you got you can’t hate on Demon Slayer it’s kind of got Demon Slayer is all right it’s not like you’re going make me punch not a hole in my wall bro there’s actually better Pokemon that’s one of the measuring everyone’s fists in your Demon Slayer is really good okay now I hate Demon Slayer I as a bro Demon Slayer is not like can I join a server yeah it’s that’s not really it’s not really one of the best atems I don’t think that’s it has like it has some good fighting scenes but that’s that like no it doesn’t bro no when that movie the movie where the guy died those are those are people that um we played with in the island I see I’m just one of the people you play with at night wait what what who theck who said that okay who who’s gay here okay hold on that’s what you said and then I realized I’m like who gay here who said that no was people who left I think both join left I said those are people that we played with at the island Oh I thought said was about to say that I was about to say that’s kind of weird say I’m saying the rude way but they sound black what it’s black it’s yeah they’re black for sure or if you why did he just join and well anyway bro you didn’t like that movie where the um where the guy died that movie was good the movieovie the guy died that could be literally any bro we’re talking we’re talking about Demon Slayer oh died the Sun what is the sun name guy oh yeah yeah yeah I forgot his name but yeah he did he done died the train bro that was a good movie and you know which one what else what part what else um was good when they fought that demon that that it was like a twin and he was inside the sister the whole time did you see that I think I’ve seen that there’s not any new I think that’s like season I think that was like season three uh the blackith season is like season five and there’s nothing past that so far where where the guy who that has like the three wives yeah what Happ is that d three wives Dam D he survived resigned and live that that’s um That season where he fights where they fight those U demon that that was lit yeah who one demon called a base demon if my me I’m saying shut up you look like the B demon from Demon Slayer if that doesn’t they’re actually going they’re actually going to make fun of you for that bro cuz you watched that they’re going to make fun of you exactly that’s why it’s funny like who I don’t watch it anymore but yeah who is that derka that has to be derka he’s the only one that calls me Pablo yeah to call you Pharaoh because reget that first part yo um yeah oh you’re going to be your chying to play you could oh you were already in the in game but we’re far away bro you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to have to go no he only he does ever since he joined I guess he can’t say my name right yeah I can’t just like so hard for me who’s playing sound effect like you know what it is it’s he’s young and um no fense he’s white he’s young and lazy and his and then he probably is like do you know escar ising of course wow he’s like he’s like what is the most Hispanic name I know close to that’s part of the letter P I’ll just call him you guys don’t know who Pablo esar is of course bro know who’s well I know who I was about to give you guys entire freaking leure you don’t need to tee these kids now oh Jen said Lima I don’t oh oh my God that’s a sler what is that oh my god I’m laughing so much bro what is ligma Li I’m sorry I to do it bro sun is you build this it’s an internet I’m sorry you asked you sent me up that sorry you never heard of that just like I that’s like wow lava creeper that’s this is not a real if you want to join um get on YouTube and subscribe and and talk to me through YouTube subcribe first what the [ __ ] is your kid lav creeper bro you got so it’s necessary it really is to help us grow and also you will know every time we’re playing you can join Rome or whatever we’re playing at that time sun where are you did you I just made a box I see a bridge over here did you make a bridge uh Su bro in the island he he got his uh base burned down like six times [Music] my you had to you had to make this bro so no there’s nobody else around us like I I I told him to make it out of like like not wood so won’t burn down five five days later he gets his house burns down yo that happened to him a whole bunch of times I remember that phoh my grandma wanted to know your YouTube channel to um I think uh my phoh my grand she’s a kid stop stop being rude bro anyways my YouTube channel is called gaming with Chan gaming with Channel okay guys I think your your your your guys mind is um is ring off on me so can you guys just let me tell her something by it’s um got turn off let him speak let him speak tell your grandma the YouTube channel is gaming with pharaoh and just look up gaming with pharaoh and I have the same picture that I have on my PSN so that’s guys do not say any adult jokes any cuss words cuz we got Grandma watching us okay it’s not that hard just don’t cuss what no no cuz aner an older person and you told you not to right we J you got to you you just got to go to um also you can go on PS on your Ps and then look for the broadcast and then when you go on the broadcast you can click on view on YouTube and then you’ll see my channel since let him speak dang wait that was you son right you you buil that whoever’s doing that that that’s that’s you no that’s not der either J or i m them it’s not me it’s all I can still hear for your mic no was that you that made that like little voice in the [Music] background I knew it was you where are we going to make our B was me it wasn’t me me you guys are making me die oh was the one play The Whistle the cowboy whistle okay I’m thank you I was you it was it i i m what happened to the wall got now where you guys at hey can you besides besides J cuz I don’t trust them where you guys at I I’m just uh pharoh yeah where you at where yous uh you get if you I wouldn’t do that I wouldn’t do no nobody gets out we don’t want this world to get cheats this world is without cheats that’s what we seconds how much you want to bet that uh J is going to cheat how much you want back trilon why do people say I don’t get people why do people say quadrillion because it’s actually a number it’s actually but has quadrillion it’s a joke it’s just a weird joke bro okay nobody this seriously but okay I’m JJ he’s being a jerk for no reason okay guys guys why is like why is Jen so funny bro one I’m not saying all those okay who did that the power of my thumb stick the power of the to with the power embedded in my soul suddenly um I’m trying to send something stop hitting me bro you’re be right back guys be right back okay okay give me a second son let me um oh my God send something h jenno I’mma send I’mma send you the link to the channel on on your PSN oh hold on you’re streaming I can just use your who is doing that okay I mean General yeah knock it off before I make you are you it’s not gent are you whoever’s doing that stop it before I doop no offense you sound like [Music] two no no never mind I’m [Music] [Laughter] sorry bro we these 5 20 year olds and then there just us two 5 20y old I’m bro 27 bro I I don’t know why where you get these numbers I told you a million times my age and I keep telling you I have a daughter and a family and you guys you never told me that how old do you think I [Music] am I thought you I’m a lot older than the he standing like 19 I’m saying oh my God oh my gosh what is all these Heroes why am I jumping oh there you go I please please please okay so you said you guys really far away right 10 10 Janel stop stop being weird please B this man to kick himself for that yeah you know you’re on YouTube yo that wasn’t my fault she keeps on saying weird stuff Jen please stop okay I no I needed that start it here um Jano let your grandma know that I sent the link so you better behave cuz your grandma’s going to be seeing you play she’s going to be seeing you type those things oh boy this is bad I’m stuck and no one’s grandma is probably here yo um Sun where are we building at wait is is that how dark oak grows is that a tree is that a dark oak tree did or did you play I think it’s where are you guys we’re in a place I’ll send you okay I trust you son is this where we’re where we building at how did how did James how did you get to oh boy that’s really far okay oh I trouble oh sorry sorry didn’t me to hit you sorry sorry sorry yo can somebody please come and me I’m bad at this uh CH can you guys um um hello can you guys get make your beds put down your beds already so we can skip night for you could somebody please help me oh I see I see you guys I see one of your guys’ houses I’m that’s how I whoa is that mine house my house everybody I see you which one do you who do you see you oh me yes okay I’m coming I need I need your help oh Phantom I some of your help guys do you James do you have a bed I don’t here I’m going to give you one let me think about it think about what well I all I need is help find I can help them do whatever they need to do what here James you can take that bit thank you oh I’m going die I’m die one hit and I’m dead oh on for now I’m going just like I have so many different voices suly where where are we going to make the base hats where around where are we going to make it around here if if you [Music] guys if you guys don’t plan on making a really good base like something that looks nice for YouTu please don’t make your base around our base this is JJ’s party we don’t want a dirt house around dep materials you have I have oh I got to get off right now got go all right have a good night have a good night everyone sub to his channel and sub to mine my name is James 2009 please make sure they sub to me also all right okay so Bros 14 who James cares now let me stop I don’t know how old people are they just join and Play 4 told me something happened on your Survival Island what happened I don’t know what didn’t happen there everything happens there he said it got like destroyed when doesn’t it get destroyed it hasn’t got destroyed in a long time though so I don’t know I actually unfriended 40 yesterday oh yeah because yeah I see why I don’t know going on with [Music] him I don’t really it’s like that’s me too anyways let’s um let me he St bro how many people are in in the game right now can you guys invite me your left wait who everybody left what happened I left the room cu no this one is not a room this is J’s World talking about me oh okay join the okay I’ll give it to you bro are you serious is good thing I good thing bro that freaking Creeper blew up and I flew I went up high he went flying yo for real that was crazy oh my God these things are annoying the he over here bro Boomer get over bro can you guys relaxing in the private smoke room get I’m going combo you which [Music] one all right it’s time to make my bed I being my bad my base at least a little starter base um Jen do you have your bed already do you have your bed cuz me and sunle have our bed 40 I’m on I’m on afterlife Jen what the hell yo can you come Sun come on let’s go to sleep so we could skip the night because these guys are wiing this is what happens when you build when you’re going to build a base in the mountains bro ask if I all right I think we can go to bed now Jen jeno oh jeno’s already in bed good job I guess for now I’ll bu I’m going just build like a little starter house just I have full gear get gear I am back at the oh yeah I don’t know the cord’s running out of firewor oh my God God damn hits this dude hits sun do you have more dark oak trees the saplings oh wow I didn’t even know the thing doesn’t work to teleport but the owner oh he left chill [Music] though hey why you H me with a sword I have full netherite you’re not tough well we can’t have the a house of the same color so I’ll let you build with dark oak and I’ll build it with something else you have those I think I got did I bring some Spruce yeah I did bring Spruce um these are oak sment wow I don’t have enough to build with that [Music] sucks um I thought I had some Spruce saplings did you happen to bring Spruce saplings I’m guessing that’s a no what am I going to build oh you do I break blocks oh you’re live [Music] saer you’re a lifesaver my [Music] friend now let me build this house [Music] Boomer oh Boomer baby yeah yeah is there any ad on now no let’s clear this place so all right um anybody else online yeah Boomer Rich Junior and Justin which is in the party are these why you know D why he leave oh wait I remember what Odin’s B was where he had like a bunch of what’s it called Odin was on just now like 20 minutes ago all right so was W hey you know how Odin and sopia my cousin had like something going on yeah it’s happening again but instead of Odin it’s my best friend bro what I know they they told my cousin told me to make that the what’s it called a group chat on Instagram they be talking a lot it’s like the exact same thing that happened with Odin and shopia right why he leave I was going to give him his gear can I have the gear then oh dang I was looking at your thing in looks good like I’m looking at your screenshot right now thing and it’s looking like yours is looking different than mine what do you play on PS5 then why does yours look so different than [Music] mine I don’t know oh no it’s raining for me um yeah I don’t know why the [Music] game not like this oh I have um I have um netherite templates I have like a bunch of other stuff in my HS I be careful not to use shers cuz they’re ban oh that’s so has so much good stuff on it yeah I asked KV if he can unb it has like a whole netherite goddamn sack on it it’s so good yeah I can’t even interact with my totems or okay that’s like good stuff I had I also got some stuff from your old base like the what’s it called a of En so is he going to get his armor bag me to him I’m good yeah I guess oh my God I keep on putting it the wrong way I’m very happy to back do something I put this right oh yeah netherite armor you can now craft full Nether and there’s a netherite gen they added it back that’s not what I want guess we just what the heck that’s sharpness five breaking three team two two and this is a good SW I already have a bunch of gold I don’t I got to think how I just need them to fix a shot why sh not working you said I have 64 diamond blocks wait if we become ad can we still play the game like yeah oh guess what I got my friend had this deep slate generator of of diamond [Music] ore I like a what the heck what is that hold on it generates Diamond Ora on top of it could you break it when you play it yeah ooh that’s good I honestly might go into my account where I have actually remember um what’s it called Oliver from yeah my sh you met you have remember Oliver I think yeah me he has hats that I just realize I remember when I joined this Minecraft server and there was this dude that just secretly came to me until told that he had [Music] 32k and he just and he just gave it to me and they was wondering why he’s one shoted I can actually what’s it called if I go on my account on my are actually got to what the heck is that up there wait do you have an wait fly all the way up there what is that fly up though I just keep on going up yeah it’s just I think you passed it what where is that the beacon [Music] [Music] [Applause] son you got to send a new one I don’t know what happened [Music] [Music] um let me know if you can hear me sun L make sure you send Jan and invite to it too can you make it did you make um um can you make it private so not everybody can join cuz I don’t want that happening again that was kind of [Music] annoying um [Music] [Music] I like your build so far Jen should have never made her place so far away her place his place so far away oh so that’s what you did um that’s the the thing when you said that you made a mini version of it I see [Music] it what going [Music] to there we go [Music] let me get started on mines I guess so let me make barrels right I need planks and we also need some slabs did he join us did General join our voice CH is he in voice CH well hi are you in voice sad J she probably he probably doesn’t know this whole time I’ve been calling her him her and I’m keep on mistakenly I’m sorry about that Jen um I think you need to send her a a a invite because it’s private well guys I’m I have to get building my thing um let me put I don’t give me a second guys I need to see view comments Advance setting [Music] audio Victory G hello is that you Diamond dog or is that somebody else Diamond dog I mean Victory G is that diamond boss or is this somebody new oh I guess you are somebody or um [Music] Miss yes [Music] please Victory G did you find me through PSN it didn’t froze it probably [Music] [Music] it didn’t froze it just shows that when um when I go click on my home screen but if you did you find me through PSN or did you find me through YouTube [Music] um are you on PSN or YouTube I mean sorry or or computer what are you play on [Music] so can you send me your like I said all I ask for you to subscribe um after you subscribe one can you send me your um Minecraft name 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 I was [Music] here one 2 3 did Sun did General join [Music] chat um I’m going to add you too so cuz right now we’re in Jan’s world we usually go to different people’s world right so I’m going to tell her to add you but you’re going to also have to add me so when we’re playing in my world or in the island or in different places I have to this is might take a little so sorry about that it’s cuz she don’t really know how to invite people is for might be new for some people that play Survival alone mainly you mean you play Survival by yourself Dam [Music] [Music] for [Music] for for [Music] [Music] um can she give me the option [Music] to like if she gives me operator oh man I forgot about that [Music] I don’t know how we’re going to do that cuz I forgot she she don’t have a she don’t have a Microsoft account so I’m sorry about that [Music] bro Jen do you have this world that people can um play uh friends of friends can join I don’t know if there’s a way that she can probably let me see if she has that settings friends only friends of friends you have friends only um to this is why we can’t play in Jen’s World bro Jen can you put the world friends of friends that you could invite friends can you back up oh I keep forgetting she’s not in [Music] voice for [Music] [Music] [Music] um can you where Victory G can you um send me a friend request um is phoh 459 I’ll type it in chat for you [Music] [Music] can you type it in chat I mean can you send me a friend request so I can accept you [Music] let me join the island real quick so I can send you a friend request [Music] too uh this is one of the world that we usually play in this is where we have our PVP tournament this is the island Sun can you tell please tell Jen to join voice chat she needs to join voice chat so I I don’t have to keep on texting yeah well like I was saying in this island this is where we have our PVP battles it’s not there’s a lot of rules in the island so that’s why we made the PVP tournament but you can’t grief and you can’t destroy but whenever you’re ready to join us here that’s the the P PP Arena over there these are houses and things everybody else build around here or whatever but anyways I will send you invite Victory underscore if I’m correct and then it was Victory G right Victory G1 I think underscore I think this was you this is you right [Music] um that we’re not going to be playing in that world I did that so you can be able to come into jens’s World okay we we play in that world later on like not not today whenever we’re going to have the SEC the fourth PVP tournament then we’ll go back into that world you can build your house we have a few Farms there so you should be able to join us now right [Music] [Music] um right now there’s only three of us in game [Music] um you hear right now there’s only three of us in the world so you should be able to join us I saw the invite but turn grade out what you mean it’s gray out oh man Jen let me ask her I don’t even know so the maximum player is three wait is that a normal thing if you don’t have a Microsoft account or something cuz I don’t I think it’s because of that cuz she don’t have a Microsoft account is it because of that or no because there was just other um people playing with us there was more than three people playing with us um [Music] Sun you got three two zombies inside your house um is Jen in Boy chat for [Music] give me a second Victory let me um see if I can invite you now I don’t know if this would work I think we need cheats to let people play but I don’t understand why doesn’t it let you play are you able to join now Sun can you wait let me check if it’s that can you not join back right now let me see if he’s going to be able to join um Victory G can you try to join right now because somebody just left so let’s see if it’s [Music] somebody just left right now so try to join now yeah I don’t understand what’s going on I just lo I just left right now to see [Music] if for [Music] let me join back and then I’m going see Jen no why is not letting me connect to her world [Music] now [Music] for for [Music] [Music] oh [Music] give me a second we’ll figure it out it’s not letting me connect [Music] um are you still [Music] [Music] there Victor are you still there all right just give me a second cuz now it’s not letting me I don’t know what the heck is going on [Music] [Music] oh God yeah I don’t know what is going on [Music] let me tell her to Res [Music] sunle can you tell Jan to get out of the world and go back in cuz I don’t know what is going on he not letting me join the world is one out of eight players now it’s letting me back in so I just forget it I guess what the heck is going on with this this is tripping bro are you able to join now check if you’re able to join can you restart your application too Victory G [Music] can you restart your [Music] application maybe it’ll let you join after that [Music] are you doing it right now [Music] or I don’t know what’s going on let me see something let me look up online [Music] I think I’m going just make up a new world sunet I’m going to make a new World um tell her just to come because there’s going to be other people trying to join and we need them to join with us too so I guess this new world let’s just stay in that one [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God Jen oh Sun lit I’m going just make a new world bro let’s just um I guess we can stay in this world yeah let me just make a new world [Music] [Music] well what should I call it whatever I’ll think of a name later um yeah but this world [Music] where J this World we’re going to stay in this world bro we’re not going to a starting map and um we show coordinates and create we’re going to this is going to be one of our world cuz um we’ll go we’ll join Jen’s World we’ll have to do like a separate streaming for that cuz she can’t really add people he can’t really add people I keep on calling him and [ __ ] hopefully you’ll be able to play and um join us a few times Victory D and if you haven’t can you please leave a like on the video [Music] um do you know how to build Victory G do you like to build do you know how to build victory um all right I guess it’s all right um I guess well I guess we’re all going to be together so we just let’s just look we’re going to look for a place when sunl join we’ll leave from here we’ll look for a place where Jen already Jen oh my God for son are you still in voice chat [Music] [Music] um are you’re still on YouTube right are you still on [Music] stream okay um we’re waiting let’s wait until sunlet joins so then we can head towards the village [Music] all um when we join sunlet we’re waiting for you to join so we can move on so we can go to a village [Music] [Music] son send send um boy s to jeno I got to let her know are you there are you listening to me something yeah you’re there for um sunle let her know to join BC send her an invite and if she don’t join I’m not wasting my time he don’t if he don’t join sorry if you don’t join I’m not going to keep on cuz uh we need to tell him I mean I I can’t keep on writing all the time I’m must just be quiet on stream I wouldn’t let him you just send him an invite when you guys are done um yeah I know what you’re saying but if it’s all right if we already told her so I’m not going to keep on with that so just um told him let me know when you guys are done collecting resources so we can move on and we can go look for a base oh wow where did he try to go let’s I guess we should collect this much coal where you I I’m trying to get away from Jen why what is Jen doing son J J is being good right now until a little bit later on comes then she’ll get bored he’ll get bored and then you know then the fighting starts for her for him uh it’s all right you you you won’t die son just collect resources and let me know when you collect resources when you guys are done and I don’t want to make base around here I want to go like pretty far at least a few thousand like a thousand or two blocks away from B from spawn point night time is about to come I guess they found all so way through here well I’m going back down we need to build a table or I’m going back over here for did anybody bring a crafting table um what everybody one one of you guys is going to have to make a boat make a boat so we can all go somewhere I need to get some food do you guys have a boat almost caught me lacking um I don’t you guys can you let jenno know that we’re about to leave and we’re going pretty far so if she don’t if you don’t want to stay behind he should come with us okay Victor uh probably tomorrow I guess when you join back we’ll see you tomorrow where’s Genoa suddenly we need the I need the oh no I have I buil a boat I I need the um the thing again so I can have some food just let’s go somewhere far away just go few thousand blocks away can you tell J to come you can pick Sun let’s go let me give me a second let me take off um broadcast settings what the heck that was crazy come on let’s go Jen let’s go [Music] jno let’s join let’s go let’s go let’s go here Hees again um sun do you have my stuff if you do have everything let’s just go Um I need some of my food though let’s go let’s find somewhere far away this is like the ocean is wide open too I’m going to grab some um or can sunet if you can can you grab some real quick some Cel can you grab some C just in case if we’re so we when we’re going to make a bone meal Farm or whatever farm so so we don’t have to come back to the ocean wait where where are you son oh thank you how far should we go guys what do you think suly yeah you can you actually can how many blocks away you think we should go well yeah let’s yeah I think we should go pretty far so when other people start joining um they don’t destroy our base and after we get there I’m going to we’re going to be playing playing without coordinates for a little bit so I hope you guys don’t lose your what is that down there is that like a berry treasure or something oh no that’s just a whole bunch of magma and oh no that’s one of those that’s the ruin portal that’s the ruin portal let’s go 2,000 we still have a long way to go I’m guessing we need to go this way cuz that’s all land and of course and there’s also a temple down that way a little type Temple thing sunet where did you [Music] go Jen if you die let’s go what the heck I wonder where we’re going to end up at and we’re going the wrong way we’re supposed to go this way yeah who’s going the wrong way lol lol Sun LOL we need to hit uh 2,000 what is she doing why does she what does she keep what does he keep doing General for oh my God this s Sun where are you at let’s go get him this is the last time I’m going to get him too no team left behind sun no team left behind but if she if he do this again then we’re leaving him did you find him if he do it again we’re leaving him so let him know we’re going for a ride we’re going for a long ride too what the hell is going on with stream now oh there we go I thought stream was tripping you better make sure he doesn’t die cuz if he dies bro we’re a long way from Spawn um hi how are you pick a number between two and six uh five I’ll pick five if you can hear me how are you tree girl 5 days five days for what my friend coordinates why what are you giving me coordinates for you want me to look it up on Google Maps I guess we’re going to be in a jungle area why are you giving me coordinates tree girl I see a portal thing over there I’m going to go check out um tree grow guys there’s watermelons here stock up on watermelons great place I guess this is a good place to start um suddenly I have a chest do you want a chest here’s a gold chest what is jeno doing why can’t I get a SE I need a seed guys that’s all I’m looking for I need a few seeds I got one two three we’re not making base here guys I’m just letting you know we’re going to we we need to look for a we need to look hey come over here birdie [Music] [Music] um where’s my bird oh it’s on what the heck the parrot was blown up by a creeper are you serious guys where did you guys go did you guys disappear I think how did you guys die uh coordinates I’ll give you guys coordinates I’ll wait for you if jeno doesn’t come I’m about to die anyways [Music] too um give me a second I got to get away from these monsters I’ll wait for you guys to get here just um I’ll give you chords right now 159 oh I’m uh I’ll be back guys ouch my back is killing me [Music] is right all for for for for for for for for for [Music] in for for for for for for for for for for um hello sorry I was kind of busy um for I mean we just started so it’s all right it’s all right s uh I guess I’ll see you tomorrow nothing much we just started this um New World guys I have to [Music] be all right on it anything if anything we’re here hello Pooky [Music] yeah I’m streaming Bro you know I am don’t tell me you’re going to get you’re going to freaking get on stream instead of getting on stream just stop being uh a crybaby to put it in nice terms and just join back the world bro let’s just do this we have to get a head start so when everybody else join our clan is strong is going to be one of the strongest so we kind of need you you know we need you to come and let’s get things started at least join back and build your base and where’s Zen [Music] at there we go thank you son oh my God what the hell are you near base sunlet do you want me to put it on Peaceful for a little bit oops I was about to mess this world up as we put it on piz for a little bit till they get to me where’s Jen at is Jen still [Music] here in general [Music] what happened to your MK map [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] some it’ll take sometimes things will get done [Music] soon um guys sun do you need [Music] coordinates is Jen with you what is she what is he doing what is he doing whatever 1498 Jens can you stop sorry about that guy [Music] son J jenno is already here I’m such a pig I’m so sorry guys I don’t normally do that that one just came out I just finished cheating and I was hungry so my body is digesting everything really quick [Music] okay um Diamond Big Boss do you want to join us in this world um Sun let’s join H let me see if she actually made one but let’s join her voicey chat something I mean why boy I got to stop calling him though thank you Jan finally can you hear us um jenno you shouldn’t make stuff here this is not going to be our base we are we need to find a village I just um we’re just getting far [Music] yeah I want a parrot I wanted to take a parrot [Music] before you know what um it’s a short base no we’re not making our base here Oh you mean like this is just for now we’re not going to stay here anyways we’re just waiting for sunlight and can you please not fight people that get on can you just um play the game both later on with a lot of people join they’re going to be joining teams and then we can fight so since we’re getting a head start we at least will have something build we need to make our Base secret I’ll turn off cords when we’re closer to when we’re when we get to our base I’ll turn on cords yeah but we’re going to build something nice like first we’ll start with our starter houses and then after we build our starter houses that’s why I think we should have probably gone a little farther away but it’s okay I mean we still have to look for a village so we’re still going typ far so I’m just getting resources right now I guess um what do you mean who hit you who hit you diamond [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh diamond diamond if you haven’t leave a live can you please leave a like I’m trying to find a parrot I found a wolf wolf wolf wolf wof wof w wof w w I found a parot I want it I want it come with me come with me come with me come with me don’t go with her she’s a bad oh that’s your parrot that’s my parrot he killed my parrot I’m just joking I found one I found one come down here bro yeah yeah now we’re balling and now we B oh we got the same parrots all right now we’re teammates for real now we need to wait until sun gets over here so he can get the same parrot too we’re the pirate we’re going to be the pirate [Music] Clan thanks s suly how far are you are you almost near us um you guys did not see that um jenno why you want to kill everybody but eventually people are going to be coming over after us that’s why we making our base far away and we’re going to we’re going to be op trust me suly knows how to get some enchantments so I’m not going to be the only one building we’re going to have op we’re going to be op this is going to take us a while what happened Sun stop going just stay on my shoulder bro be like Jen’s bird Jen’s bird stay on her shoulder oh or not bro I want this bird um come oh I’m big balling bro sunlit are you serious don’t tell me Jen got over here and you’re not getting here ah calm down Sun just make it here please Jen look at this Z look at my look at me I’m big balling right now I got two different shades of pirates um Diamond big boss said hi sunlet that’s gold Cat by the way he said Hi how are you and don’t give up [Music] Dan come over here you’ve been stealing booty stop steing stealing [Music] [Music] treasure 1573 I guess while I wait for sunlet to get here get off of me get off of me get off of me get off of me guys oh my God just get off of me get off get off get off get off get off get off get off get off get off I guess they don’t want to get off I was going to freaking get some fishes for us but and I see another one come over here you I’m going to be king of the parrots Jen that was that was Min that was minees I’ll kill your freaking parrot that was Min why you take my parrot I actually you know what I’ll stay with my two blue ones no no we cannot take more we have to wait until sunl gets here when sunl gets here he’ll take his two colors and then we’re out hopefully they don’t die on our way [Music] you’re looking mighty cool there son I mean in general no we only have two people well there’s only three people in our team including me I don’t want um there was one other guy but I kind of just want us to be just us three for now until we’re able to teach jeno some cuz I know sunl could be a leader but jenno needs to learn because jenno would probably guide a host if jeno was a leader she’ll probably guide every everybody into war like everybody would just have War nobody would have peace it would just be chaos it’ll be the Nether world and the Overworld and that’s another thing she would kill all her teammates too he will kill all her all his teammate if J was the president the first thing she he would do would be like nuclear Ward on every country just bomb them that’s oh I’m glad sunlet are you almost here for no reason you would kill them sometime you can’t just fight for no reason [Music] [Music] finally Jen pick up your things sunl um here get get your parrots [Music] make sure you get one of this color we all three going to get have one of the baby blue one the light blue one can’t throw stuff away jeno we just started we need everything would they follow you everywhere right sunlet when you died um I didn’t take anything but when you died nobody picked up nobody’s stuff remember I probably disappeared cuz I went downstairs to eat oh I guess she stole it he stole it here just take this bro just take that that’s all I have now let’s go just keep it just keep it it’s okay let’s um let’s go look for a stop don’t start there we go now we all have something gold let’s go we got to go look for a let’s go look for can we move are you guys going to stay here or or can we just go somewhere where are you guys sunet let me know when you’re ready to move cuz I’m ready to go we need to still find yes I have I mean like if you mean like pizza from Chicago from the USA over here yes I have if I don’t know if that’s a different type of Pizza in your country can we go guys um which way are we going only God knows but let’s go he will guide us somewhere nice and please try not to die of fall damage guys I mean we’re going to put it I guess peaceful until we get to where we need to get to where we find our base [Music] okay that’s good I’m glad you guys like pizza everybody loves pizza though [Music] do you guys eat ox tail do you even know what is that I love ax too that is banging [Music] um Zen is taking forever that is not a village over [Music] there where are you guys by the way [Music] it got banned in UK what got banned over there Sun where are you at oh I see you guys don’t get lost cuz I’m sure we’re going to have to go pretty far um let’s go up let’s go up Jen don’t do that please don’t get in the same um thing as me you’re going to get hit if you keep doing that I’m going to hit you by mistake oh my God I see your parkour skills suly I see you ready he stock up on these on these melon guys stock up on the melon um I wonder when we going to eventually we have to run into a village some food got banned much law I know I know I I know it’s not it’s not actually dumb bro I feel like some food from your country they probably got banned because a lot of food that um are that is in the USA get banned in other countries because the food over here is mostly greasy a lot of sugar it’s not very healthy for you so that’s actually not dumb it’s actually good they’re trying to keep you alive and away from um diabetes um oops I I was the first one to say well whatever they ban chocolate I would understand that that would be wild though I actually chocolate is not really bad for you either I mean sugar chocolate yeah but like dark chocolate it actually has some health benefits you should look it up but like the chocolate that you make not the chocolate from the factory like the from the cocoa bean from these beans over here from these Bean you taking them to make cookies is there a village in the jungle yeah would sun do you know if there’s a village in The Jungle which way are we going why did Omar join and me [Music] um maybe we go this way where you guys are at yeah let’s keep going this way I mean I don’t mind if we have to go a little farther eventually we will run into a village and I hope you guys haven’t opened up your map yet don’t open it up until you get to the area um I think we’re going to need to make a boat well Jen you’re we’re just going to have to make you one I guess guys um let’s head over here when you guys are done your head is a map LOL all right they going to stay do our parot stay stuck or do they follow us once we reach land there’s no point in going towards the jungle if there is no biomes at the jungle where’s sunlet at sunlit are you lost um Jen [Applause] well we’ll let you know I guess when we find a village if we find a village what is that over there okay Jen don’t don’t stay behind J I bet I bet you do jenno you’re going backwards you know that you’re going the wrong way we’re going this way just went in a big circle [Music] um since we decided not to make a boat we’re going to have to swim wherever we’re going to swim towards I wonder how long it’s going to take us to may find a boat find a boat on Walling I meant to find a village a village I’m sure up there is not going to be no Village oh in the jungle there’s only Woodland Mansion but uh I guess we can check that out real quick let’s take a look at this place around here no Village here um Jen I think your parrot made it all the way over here but then it disappear okay J are you around here did you are you lost uh J let me know if you are lost oh something useful she came with butt she came with butts he came with butts are you on yeah let’s go we’re actually going through these Place why do these place look like they don’t got no Village around here bro like this is not a place where a village would be at sunlight we’re actually far like super far so maybe on your way over there oops hopefully you’ll be able to make it to us wow Jano what a nice poem I’m I’m I’m sure everybody wanted to know that I went the wrong guy thank you I went the wrong way the wrong away wow this is actually taking a lot longer than I thought I hate you okay J stop with this this baring thing yo for real I don’t think nobody wants to kill him d change change that mindset please he’s your friend good night farewell to you my friend until we meet again I say good night fwell my friend I remember this show that show when I was a kid where the heck am I going bro there’s literally no land yo sunl you’re going to be tight when you try to get to us I’m just in the middle of the ocean we’re literally Pirates and our parrots probably die did our parrots die Chanel finally I see land I understand I’m glad you know your ABCs bro they’re they’re actually a good thing to know oh we finally found the village bro that’s about time it’s a weird Village and there’s also like a little ocean Monument type thing down there going on Jen um that’s good Jen don’t um don’t take the bro you could have just grabbed some something else don’t take the the the weed and stuff let me have that so I can make a farm for us just letting you know and don’t take none of the books either don’t be destructive oh my God what do I have on me a lot of crap that’s what I have on me Jano can you put quarts in for him please wow this Village has no potatoes no carrots that sucks that really does sucks oh we got potato bro J how are you going to go to sleep if let me stay quiet you know that sunlet doesn’t have a [Music] bed and don’t kill don’t destroy this Village please don’t do anything to the are you serious why are you killing the villagers we need them why you think we were looking for a village for who called you oh talking about the Villager then just stop did you see how far we traveled we traveled M far did you did you gave sunlet the cord um jenno you know the last numbers are negative right suddenly the last two numbers are negative before you end up going the whole opposite way what type of armor trim did you find only bro this is like the only Village around here too I guess that’s going to be our team’s trim wild our team’s trim is going to be the wild I guess the wild armor trim I don’t see no other well Sun I’ll wait for you to get over here so when you get over here I’m going to turn off I’m going to turn off the cords cuz I’m not going to make we’re not going to make our building around our base around here I just wanted some um something pretty far J can you um yeah they’re on now but when sunet gets here we’re turning them off can you collect seeds can you collect seeds until Sunlake gets here [Music] you see our parrots died bro our parrots are not with us no more [Music] thank you don’t worry you’ll see our clan will prevail Jen you just gave it all to the Villager don’t kill him stop doing that I told you that we need the villagers why are you killing them it’s your fault you just you was the one that threw the food to him jenno I’m kicking you out I am still kicking you out because you’re going to mess up our thing why did you kill him bro and how did you get carrots you got them from here give me the carrots before you misuse them let me get the carrots I don’t need those but whatever I just needed the carrots to make Farms suly can you get here bro Jen you killed the freaking librarian too man you you don’t think do you that’s from where we could have got our enchantments from who’s your Slave oh your thing came to you who’s your slave oh what happened now you want to die who’s your slave who is your slave NOP you’re staying like that for a while I don’t want you messing nothing up nope you keep I I already saw your intentions bro you were trying to just you just trying to kill people you were trying why are you calling me a slave do I look like you’re slave you’re staying like that for a while until I make sure you I can’t trust you right now d i I can’t trust you look look what you were already trying to do I think you’re my slave now after 80 Minecraft day pass then you will be a member jenno every time I try to trust you but then you just prove me I cannot trust you 80 Minecraft days that would be enough for me to bin build every everything I needed to build without having you to destroy it you killed the Villager already and we came how many blocks away bro Jen how many blocks away we came like did you not think of that we came so far and the first thing you do is kill the Villager nope I don’t want you to be what the heck is wrong with you I don’t want you to be my slave you don’t need to do nothing I need to do stuff we need to build a lot of stuff and then what do you do Jen what do you do you already want to destroy everything and we just started how are you how is that going to help us we’re so supposed to be getting ahead of everybody else who’s going to join and they’re going to go they’re going to become team no I don’t trust you how many times you did that everybody else is going to be team and they’re going to go against us and we’re having a edge on them by starting first and you’re already trying to mess up mess our team up and we just starting nope you can go 300,000 blocks away and you still won’t get it you could go 3 million three quillion blocks away and you still won’t get it hey inspector how are you go should I say cold [Music] cat thatat well the phone call what did you say you can’t to go me why don’t you join us man um Jen no you’re not going to be a member you should have thought about this a long time ago bro we came thousands of blocks away bro and the first thing you do is kill the me villager that’s okay am I supposed to feel sorry for you you should have never done this this is your [Music] fault I’m not British [Music] I’m oh no I’m talking about Jen Jen say she’s not she’s 9 years old no I’m not years old yeah I know you no jenno Jen can you stop [Music] can you stop spamming please that gets annoying yeah if you did that in [Music] my if you don’t stop U you know the next move is just kicking you out right get youp by [Music] J know just um relax take a deep breath look around you yeah if you spam again I’m going just kick you out and then you won’t be able to join and me and me and sunlet I guess me and sunlet could do our thing it’s not the first time me and sunlet played by ourselves and waited on probably going Cry by [Music] um Jen I’m going to kick you out stop stop spamming stop spamming okay I’m kicking you out okay you know you know what going [Music] be keep leave her alone son it come on leave him alone let’s just look for a place to build um I’m going turn off cords right now [Music] when you learn how to calm down and you learn how to play with everybody else then maybe we can put you back maybe but not in this world suly let’s look for base wherever we’re going to build base what does what do I you can scream all you want that doesn’t bother me give me your sword and I’ll put you back give me your sword and your Shield give me your sword and your shield and I’ll put you back yes you can drop them if you don’t drop you can’t TR I’ll make you drop them give me your sword and your Shield go to go to go sleep in one of the beds so I can make you drop them I’ll kill you and then you will respawn back on the bed and then I’ll take your sword and shield go and sleep in one of the beds go sleep in one of the beds if you don’t sleep in one of the beds you’re going to die sleep on that bed set your spawn point [Music] there lay down Jen go to sleep go to [Music] sleep I’m sorry Deno I am sorry what you think um now you’re on member go get your stuff if you kill if you do one more wrong thing I’m going just kick you if you kill any other villagers anything I’m going just kick you all your stuff is still there I didn’t we didn’t take nothing suddenly we’re let’s um I guess you’re good at picking the right spot just pick a spot so we can build and Jan come and follow us please follow us be around us if you’re not around us you’re going to get kicked too and I’m only giving you a few minutes to get to us yeah you don’t get k um Sun we need I’m going to kick you then cuz I don’t know what you’re you’re doing you need to learn how to cooperate well then um go ahead be alone corer just don’t come around our thing please we tried we tried with you but you are a menace you’re a menace to society son we need to be 100 blocks away so let’s check this out why would I wait if you on my server you be scar I got best I um and then but would that get you why would you want to do that can you explain I think over here is a good spot bro uh would you like around here somewhere sunlet we can build over here so let’s just build our starting our starting house I guess and um um for I don’t really like it either because of the terrain the way it is but um we can find somewhere else bro we don’t have to be here we just got to look for the Bro J Jen what is going on with you we just told you and then you was like I’m going 2,000 blocks away well go ahead oh you’re 2,000 blocks away and I don’t know I don’t know about that I don’t know I really don’t know and the whole point of it is we were supposed to stay together and you’re already breaking the rules you’re going to keep on breaking Rules and Breaking rules but you can come just come jno just know once you mess up where I am taking you out give me a second whoever think I will check it right now [Applause] oh that was [Music] you General stop already please stop being stop being annoying [Music] that was you gold cat that put um a comment oh let me know if anybody else comments so I could read it right now I’m not able to read nobody’s comment bro you got to chill um Jenna come over here come to us already if you’re going to build with us huh getting old you’re getting old we all getting old man you’re still young though [Music] and Jen don’t even try to take sorry bro don’t don’t take nothing from nobody please and especially the food and stuff I have there cuz that’s to build farms just letting you know [Music] well these are this is going to be our first starting base I guess suddenly can we make this a little bit bigger so Jen can have space over here too um we can make our house over here here it’s going to be our starting base um come to 19 36 – [Music] 278 and if you’re just if you’re just coming just to be dumb Jen don’t do it I’m just letting you know for I’m taking it off peaceful I forgot we weren’t supposed to leave it on Peaceful forever don’t mess things up Jen come and help us rebuild this um come and help us take off all the dirt and stuff we’re going to make a nice little square where we can build our house I guess well um this is if she does anything if he does anything wrong BR I’m just going to kick him he needs to learn how to play you keep on messing everything up Jen stop messing things up please well stay like that like a few minutes later don’t switch up we need we’re going to build we got to make this look nice make your best build you have ever made make the best H the best looking house think of ways you can make a pathway just um build no I got some cake I forgot about on my cake did you put a message on YouTube all can you let me know somebody I think somebody just did let me check I’ll check I for [Applause] bro oh yeah [Applause] somebody w48 can I say what any tips on streaming um what if how are you what do you mean by any like you want me to give you tips I guess do you have your own channel [Applause] what if are you still there I guess he’s not all right here comes these mother effers um can we make this an even more open spot there is some torches there consum somebody um I guess I can do it I guess thenen you should also get more wood you should help also help out with the wood is think we can make like a nice little house right now from here and there we go um guys remember do not eat the vegetables that are there we need them for the Farms come on okay are you my horse yeah you’re my horse oh you showed up at the right time my friend ah stupid did you take my lead dick you stay there um you guys didn’t bring enough beds didn’t [Music] you oh man stop please um stinky stank you guys in your name bro um you could join me bro all I ask is for you to subscribe and leave a like on the video and you can come and play with us we are pretty far away from base we’re making a team before everybody else joins so you can actually help out in whatever way you can with us would you like to join I stream every day bro every day we stream we are trying to actually make it one day we’ll make it God will bless us um good thing we have [Music] we actually have a good Community too we don’t have that much bad people I think the only bad people we have person we have right now is Jen and is him right here but um he’s turning a leaf or not um please just subscribe and are you on PSN subscribe to help us grow I’m trying trying to hit that 100 subscriber I think I believe we’re in 89 right now so you will be our 90 subscriber we need to get another bed so we can skip night guys Jen come come to bed come to bed Jen go to [Music] bear oh my God Jano stop being weird um stinky stanka let me know if you’re still there we are going to need a different name for you [Music] um are you on PSN are you on computer you’re going to have to come far I guess you can be in our team if you want if you’re on PSN if you found me to PSN send me a friend request if you found if you have if you’re okay so just um sunlet I’m going to leave the world um so you could join just drop down your Minecraft name so you’re on PC so drop down your Minecraft name so I can send you a friend request and um you can join my world [Music] thank you for sub subscribing bro and and as I said earlier you have a long way to get to us just letting you know it’s not like crazy but it’s sted far so hopefully you are knowledgeable enough to get two cords I will add you right now bro I’m streaming chill with you lay stable I swear you guys in your names why does does the edible need to be Lac this is already in edible bro how strong do you want it this one is you the one with the Villager face um I send you a friend request and okay Sunday just in case if you need to add me well that’s not my Minecraft name it’s actually this is my Minecraft name pharoh 459 so just um just in case if you need to send me a a friend [Music] [Music] request um Jen you’re I’m why [Music] sure I um can you please stay in chat so you can hear me and let me know and thank you for joining appreciate you 1936 [Music] unless if you have like a PSN account and you can um join voice chat with us but if you don’t please stay on stream so you can hear me so I don’t have to be texting all the time and those are the coordinates to where we are we’re pretty far away but if you get to over here I guess you can be part of our team pharoh what’s going on my son what’s going on Jen tell me my son what’s going on thank you my son thank you now I’m looking my spliffy with a pair of Little Boots I’m looking uh gorgeous uh look at me look what my son gave me he gave me some boota looking mighty fancy I got the new Kanye on right now look at that Kanye is jealous of me right now uh look at me walking in style I am walking like a Mel I am beautiful make me sweat make me hard now let me [Music] [Music] stop I’m glad you’re back um I guess can we we got to focus on getting wood I guess let’s get a whole bunch of [Music] wood [Music] huh oh man I bet you that was Jen that put the thing there right [Music] stop with the Bell you son don’t start spamming YouTube we’re not jumping Jen I know you when he misbehaves we’ll jump him and then we’ll kick him one more time I plus he gave me some spliffy looking boots he gave me the new Kanye the new Yeezys why don’t you join and play with us um cat or you don’t feel like playing today Pharaoh is not here then Pharaoh left the building I’m his twin brother who don’t care about nothing so I’m kind of toxic so don’t get close to me or don’t tell me anything can’t nobody tell me nothing nobody tell me [Music] nothing J you know what you should do you should um come over here and help collect wood don’t think in the we know what you’re I got the horses in the back general b get whack if he starts acting no and then I’mma kick him and then he’s going to say Pharaoh please let me join and I’mma tell them can nobody tell me nothing I’m going to punch you in your face I’m going to teach you a lesson you better effing behave I didn’t curse I didn’t curse bro I didn’t curse oh my god did I know jeno J stop with the weird guys guys guys oh so is it near us what the heck I thought that was J I was about to go crazy jeno I thought that was you a skeleton Farm is it near our base is it near our base is it near near now let me stop is it near our base near [Laughter] be J do you want to SM I don’t know I don’t know what that means but remember jenno is a is a is a kid so let’s not go crazy and disrespect it’s near it’s near sunlet um save those coordinates I guess we picked a great base we have a great start um it’s l l stable how are you doing are you around of course of course you will Jano of course you I I have no doubts you’ll probably say yes but um for now let’s say no okay did you just say yes J please stop that I’m and I’m proba you Jo mytube why couldn’t a freaking stranger just like give $1,000 that they they will probably catch me like that if they be like they just show up in a ban and be like here’s $1,000 mate but then but then it won’t go as they plan cuz then I’m going just be like I got I got the sweeper with me and I’mma sweep you guys one more I got that broom stick that boom stick um I would use boom stick that the and then I will probably end up just taking the $1,000 and then that $1,000 going to be stolen so yeah you know what um please don’t don’t do that what happened Sun are you just hearing me Yap Jano please stop with those things I’m we got to start we got to stop playing around and we um got to build and we can’t let this thing over here okay I can’t kill him oh yeah I could have killed him at least let’s build our house so um we got to keep on getting Woods oh my God okay I’m going to die I need Backup backup back up go Jan thank you for the backup good job General good job that’s what prot no more Dumbo Bell uh do you want me to put it on Peaceful lay stable so you can get over here until you get over here look look what Jen did Jen blew this up Jen can you close up what you blew up please oh great I’m glad you’re not one of those players sunlit cough cough cough oh no not the Bell if you hit the Bell one more time what happened to the bell j what happened to it oh my God I’m so glad I don’t know where it went you like my magic trick who I could do the trick you stool it I cannot stool it how can I stool it that’s not a thing and if you do what you think you’re do go you know what J or what what are you going to do what are you going to do if I don’t give it back all right go ahead kill me let’s see who wins and then you’re going to get kicked out just remember you asked for this come over here where you going I already know this got eight nights in the video so he’s uh you could heal up let me know when you’re ready so Jen Jen is going to get beat and then she’s going to get kicked he’s going to get kicked he asks for this oh where are you going Jen where you going I I put him on visitor no don’t jump him he’s on visitor he just don’t know how to be a teammate teammates don’t fight Jen do you know that you’re a team how you going to offer you’re going to offer to kill me are you serious come back over here and then I’ll put you back on member great you build a dispenser well okay then Jen you cannot be we’re going to replace you um L St was going to be our team well he was going to be our teammate anyways but you’re going to get replaced by him that’s yeah he just just started and I’m sure he has he’s a lot better Jano if you come this way you’re going to get killed this is our territory or get away from our territory get away from the territory General [Music] D why don’t you want to get away from the territory you do prison are you going to stop got killed by Z is we just [Music] here Jen have sh are you serious you’re going to be cursing like that basically he’s a I don’t think you should take [Applause] [Music] yeah that’s not one thing I’m going to tolerate from a kid especially all those curse words especially that especially that being so disrespectful like that that was going to happen to you if I had Jano you was always free you just decided to do the opposite of what we made this world for when everybody else join they’re going to try to kill us and you just wanted to destroy I be honest with I came back um yo son let’s um let’s go get wood so everybody can build their base at least at least we have a I don’t know how long we’re going to play for tonight I’m not tired right now but at least let’s go get wood uh suly yeah I will right now I’m trying to get some wood for us oh well that would have been useful knowing you could have just said that [ __ ] why would I try to join you Jan what do you want me to join you for I know I know why would I join you my you prob get I get you’re 9 years old where did you ear the C wait I think I brought extra trees too no no you you you were asking to get kicked out I knew you were going to do this you were asking to get kicked out now you’re kicked out if he’s disrespecting people you said kick me out please no you said be said kick me out and then you started cursing that’s why you got kicked out really you’re not even you’re you’re a kid talking like that bro if you said that to me I won’t give you CH you break any of my stuff from my server be ban for two weeks you can’t even remember um I’ll let you join back in an hour you can think what you done think of what you done every time you mess up it’s going to be 2 hours at it so if you mess up again you’ll join back in 3 hours you’ll mess up again you’ll mess up in in five hours you’ll join back in 5 hours if messing up mess up and you’re actually lucky cuz you’re the only one I get I’ve been giving chances to everybody else I banned them [Music] forever well since if you do not care then um don’t ask me to join you were the one that want that asked me to join I didn’t ask you to join jenno okay Jen if you don’t [Music] care I’m going to have a talk with your grandma Jen she’s you’re probably going to die D I’m going to tell her that you need you need to get put on punishment oh I’m going to you’re going to get put on punishment off of Minecraft for exactly what you said and you know you can’t lie about it because um I’m streaming you got caught in 4k talking like that and doing everything you do and your grandma’s a subscriber you know that right so she’s going to be watch I told you I’m so and you to you okay that’s okay I’mma tell her I’mma tell her to take to um ground you for a few weeks off from not playing PlayStation well General have a good night and um good night okay [Music] bye bad kids sh say I say different that’s the I don’t understand people bro that’s the first time like that that happens a lot people when they get kicked out they’re like I don’t care when you kick me out blah blah blah and then they keep on and keep on and then they forget that I never told them can you please join can you please join or whatever they were the one that wanted to join I mean it’s a shame that you cannot just cooperate with everybody and just play like jenno if you just wanted to be our enemy all you had to do was just not come with us and then you know you’re going to want to play with everybody else J so why why why do that you know you’re going to want to play with us jenno do you want to join no he’s not that ignorant I don’t know what’s 50/50 channel do you want to join yes or no [Music] yeah I could imag well you see I know you want to join but you know when you will join you would join I’ll let you join back in a few hours that’s when you can [Music] join think about what you have [Music] done dis I’ll let you join in a few hours it’s been 45 minutes got oh wait [Music] actually why am I doing it with this I’m freaking [Music] crazy uh sunlet I guess we got to go to sleep [Music] tell me JJ why why do you do this tell me why no come on son what I do I just want to be an innocent person you’re nothing but you’re nothing innocent I just want to how about if you walk into church it would probably burn it would just turn into fire that’s such evil you I listen to church every Sunday oh my God on God cuz I know I’m not lying the ch can’t CH said [Music] excuse [Music] [Applause] [Music] J got did you just kill my [Music] horse [Music] I oh no it wasn’t M I just I don’t like people like that I don’t like that you don’t like people no I said I don’t like people like like that that just kill your freaking animals that’s actually and actually just unnecessary yeah that’s sunl he killed almost like all my animal he’s annoying for that just joking bro just joking [Music] inspect your heart me S literally like two different people bro sunle you better go finish that off nobody told you to take me off need a different person Inspector Gadget is from Britain from BR from UK wait he drinks tea M or is that T I like te I like te’s not that bad what depends what kind of [Music] te coffee is not tea [Applause] coffee yeah I know what kind of tea are you drinking like T’s banging I like it so wait what kind of tea are you drinking don’t get it twisted oh n the t is not that bad it’s all right I know that t that’s it has like a little bit of lemon in it right I like the real the I mean that is tea real tea but like more natural tea I have how you don’t like tea and you’re from isn’t isn’t your people supposed to love tea aren’t your people like addicted to tea I don’t have Mak but te is banging mate when I was you started disliking it you know what it was did you drink a lot of tea when you was younger did you drink it a lot I was drink yep that’s what happens when you drink too much of one thing you start to dislike it but I don’t think I would ever get tired of t [Music] um LA are you almost here LA are you still far away yeah that wasn’t me I was tired [Music] yeah I need to get more too lazy for what about to fix [Music] mying patters not great um I guess Sun that is building his house there where should I build my house at maybe over here on this side yeah I think guess I’ll build door maybe this is I don’t think this is going to be enough space um suddenly what why did you make this hole over here so I’m thinking of making my house over here or maybe on top of here I should make my house I just don’t want to make it right next like or I can make it right here yeah I think I’ll do that I’ll make it right I’ll just put it right [Music] here is this which one this is the front of your [Music] house sunlet is this the front of your house on I’m guessing this over there on this side so yeah I’m going just make my house right here that’s what I will do let me go get some C St what is up Apple hello where’s um The Annoying Orange [Music] Apple didn’t understand the joke do kids even know that is that is that like to I got unbanned off Minecraft why were you banned because um this one guy made me too bad and I downloaded hacks why did you download now I have a [ __ ] virus it keeps showing boobies all right um no cursing well you got a virus on your computer PS4 what the heck is that a thing you could get a virus on your PS4 not a virus or you got hacked I don’t think it’s a virus I think you got hacked r on what a [ __ ] we got to be careful with him [Music] I hey can you invite me um no no I’m joking I got you bro [Music] see you AR you got do you want to play or not I was just joking bro [Music] yeah um what what is your nobody’s on the sky that I play on what is your Minecraft name again uh y [Music] CL so tired I don’t want to go to bed I have an upcoming test on Friday I send you an invite bro then you should actually be able to join this world cuz you are my friend locating server oh you’re you’re already in when it says locating server you know it’s going to work oh Maps welome [Music] me four uh it’s I don’t like creatures why do you want it to be peaceful for because it do yeah I don’t bro how do you play Minecraft I play on Peaceful I get enough food I get onor no bro we’re not doing that I don’t like to put it on Peaceful cheat man no it’s not I’m sure you can survive bro just try to survive I surv I Sur if you die a lot then then I’ll help you out for a little bit I’ll put it on Peaceful but just survive bro I believe in [Music] you well I don’t believe in myself well well I believe in you we believe in you with great [Music] power did you hear me guys with great [Music] power with a great [Music] power responsibilities man you bad Joey I’mma murder you now if you’ll let me stop it I’m maybe [Music] [Music] yo for real it’s crazy with the song okay guys um please leave a like everybody please help us got eight likes got that is amazing but I’m sure we can get more likes from everybody that is showing love and even if you’re just here to watch the video and and to show hate I mean at least I’m making video that you can show hate so um leave a like guys please yes and if you’re toxic like JJ and you join world just to destroy it um you’re welcome that you you were able to do that for a little bit in my world you’re welcome at least you had a little bit of fun so leave a like let’s get this gu to let me I guess I’m going just start building how are you how how are you doing JJ how are you doing you’re doing pretty well right [Music] is he still in the world oh yeah he is I thought he gave up already I was about to say oh my god well Sun’s almost with his house [Music] Al let me start with mines hey guys guess what I heard what um apparently there’s a myth okay if you go to your kitchen at 3:00 a.m. and you have fortnite kid 9,000 times a mysterious figure called your mom will beat the living crap out of you oh wow what a me very scary [Music] mhm what the gas prices go higher oh God that’s terrify that was actually a good one and that is true they are getting they’re getting way too much expensive that would be everybody everybody’s nightmare look I can’t I can’t I can’t afford [Music] [Music] it hey everybody today I will be spending 90 days on this stranded Island in real life or no in the game a somebody already got this for portal dang it that’s what I’m going to do from when I get when I get YouTube famous I’m going to I’m going to go do that but in real life I’m going to go to an island and I’m going to survive for like two weeks two weeks bro you’re going to be like bro this is going to be Lord of the Flies up in here one [Music] two hi clown Pierce howy are you from the country cuz if you are yeah hi clown come [Music] okay thanks for joining V country Pantry what Pantry one two Pantry yo are you from the country cuz I’m about to let you come into my pantry whoa bam million dollar song right there that’s going to sell so much uh can somebody help me I’m stranded help you I’m lost when’s that one got to get back on that one going to get back on what one guy the one the server that I played on the shop the one I made a shop on uh what one guy are you talking about bro do you know how many people are are in that it was the one that I kept killing you guys the horses killing the one the horses I don’t know we probably deleted that one I don’t know which one we’re talking one the castle oh you’re talking about the [Music] island maybe no it’s a smaller Castle oh oh the one with the red one with the red one like it’s like a wooden Castle yeah kind of we’re probably never going to get on that oh snap what happened nothing I just don’t I just got on that one cuz I’m bored but that’s not that’s a copy of my realm [Music] actually I found this really good real that has like a very very good uh strong guess what it has on it you found this what uh this one uh good seed with um like a it’s just one seed I think I’m about to die [Music] here well that was fun time to see you guys do you even have a bed no I lost my map I hate you skeletons I hope you what the heck was that what is that noise Sun how are you doing that guys I’m going to get off I’m tired all right good night bro uh uh per pH I’m invite uh yeah I’m invite you to a party T tomorrow okay see you tomorrow yo sunle what are you doing do I guess you’re I guess when jeno’s not here I guess you become jeno how are you doing that [Music] son this just I don’t know what the heck you’re doing you probably have to get thech out and come out well he’s doing weird things y [Music] [Music] definitely you got you’re you guys parrots made it all the way over here my parrot didn’t oh no [Music] P lay stable I haven’t heard from you in a while are you okay are you like looking for diamonds and stuff already guessing that’s what you’re [Music] doing that’s I’m find [Music] okay all right I’m going [Music] to turn off cords let me know when you’re going to need them again how does that happen what are you doing son okay that’s actually really annoying and of course it hit me um what was I going to do we got can you stop I’m not about to die oh logy log should we Spruce jungle or Oak LS I guess I use clocks oops one 2 three 4 One two three 4 [Music] oops 2 three 4 2 three [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s three I think and that’s [Music] four I think this is going to be the smallest house I’ve ever made smallest base but it’s just a starting base I guess it’s here are we [Music] all I got more um are you still there inspector oh Jeffrey Hi how are you sorry uh Jeffy are you still [Music] there I’m hearing like an echo I’m not dead yet I’m glad you’re not um I’m glad you’re doing good are you here to watch or want to join my team are you here to to watch or you do you want to uh play with us for [Music] okay Jeffrey um just so you don’t get lost you know leave a if you can leave a like in the video and if you want to to help us out subscribe please and we’ll see you in 5 minutes you could either be our team or you can be our enemy and join up with anybody else like clown Pierce I guess the the fake clown Pierce but okay up to one two three we got one two three [Applause] comments can nobody tell me nothing nobody tell nothing don’t you bur me is there more oak wood in there a buddy don’t think so oh sh there’s a whole bunch is [Music] breing for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] everybody beware of Mr clown I’m we going to I’m guessing he’s our first enemy well I knew that from the beginning anyways I actually knew that I was I mean we’re good we you got uh we actually have more people to team up with um damn it I kind of didn’t want to say cord because you [Music] know uh sunlet can you go to the Village or no forget it I’ll tell him Court I got to put on cord so he can come [Music] over uh sunlit you’re going to have to okay L stable I hope we’ll see you here suddenly you’re going to have to um get geared [Music] up sunet did you gave him you G I think you gave him the wrong quartz you’re going to have to got to gear it up because um we got to [Music] op Sun can you whisper even though he’s probably on stream but can you whisper it to him [Music] try to make it here as fast as possible so we can um take off the cords [Music] no I don’t like it like this probably looks better from the [Music] inside yeah it does looks a little better all [Music] right holy crap you got tired [Music] oh man this stupid s [Music] [Music] oh wait I made I made the house the opposite way I think well that was dumb well good thing I noticed then [Music] there we [Music] go wait do I want to should I put two doors [Music] I’m glad to have you back Jeffrey guys I kind of messed up and I don’t want to refix it I just knowed I hate when I make things uneven so I’ll just [Music] come are you already on my friend list I think you’re new right I haven’t added you not that I remember I need [Music] Jeff I don’t really like the way it’s starting to look oh man yeah I don’t like when things look on even I’m going just fix it up [Music] [Music] [Music] well one left because he didn’t find no [Music] teammate one two three four and five great [Music] oops you just got to keep on try if you don’t want to be teams then um and you trying to form your own team then all you have to do is just wait until other people join one might say no the other one might say yeah what happened to my oh I already put it down I’m an idiot Hi how are you Rony xlon nice [Music] name that’s four how are you [Music] I’m actually pretty good just here building you know typical Minecraft we just started this world are you here to play or you’re here to watch action [Music] um do you play on when you join you could um right now we have three people on our team one that was not our team just left I guess he was done playing for today but we just started this world but uh when you join you could either be our team or you can go off and do your own thing and wait until other people join and maybe they might want to be your team I don’t know up to you you’re more than welcome to join us and I’m pretty tired so I’m sorry I’m not sounding so excited I guess but um if you want to join just um I don’t know if you’re PSN or PC just let me know and and um we’ll we’ll add you and we’ll be glad to have you playing with us more the better uh M A if you can please like And subscribe if you haven’t to help us grow and yeah hope to see you uh playing with us um I stream every day by the way this is their first time um is that your Minecraft name do you put it on PC um lay setable thank you so much that’s a big contribution you just did for us um I guess we have like a minor bro this guy really blessed ussn that’s your PSN wait do you do you don’t have no diamonds for yourself Le stable cuz if you don’t thank you but you should have that all right let’s think about this because we might have people that might want to attack us um are you a good PVP player lce stable are you or half and half okay sunlight is pretty good so you know what I think we should um everybody should have at least a diamond sword how about that I’ll make a diamond sword for everybody one two three so when people start coming for us at least we got something we need to protect ourselves H sorry give me a second or let me one for you here there’s yours well thank you bro bro that that is all you and let me see if we can share something else we can make oh we can make three one two three and then there we go here’s yours here’s yours and there we go now we have all that’s all the diamonds but one left there’s only one Diamond left and I guess we’ll save that for another time oh my God Jeff um yeah that’s a great start to the team right now we’re pretty good let me see what else can we make we’re actually moving up ahead um I got three left if you can get more that’s only three so lce stable oh there’s there’s more in there so I guess there we go after we every after we all make our house we should go and um okay let me add this let me add killer Hunter 004 before I forget um killer hunter runy that I couldn’t send it says I can’t send you a friend request I don’t know why but um you can send me one you say where I said hi um Poore pharoh this player are now friends oh there you go I guess I guess I sent you a friend request so you can join me you can join my world if you want whenever you want um lace thank you so much you been you’re you’ve been a big help so far if you want to you can start making your your house I guess um we’ll divide the work I’ll start making the farms for us you guys um after I guess you guys can look for mining you guys can mine so we can have resources I’ll make us a food farm and everything else that we need [Music] what do you mean you try you you want to are you tired or something [Music] sunlet [Music] bro go to sleep if you’re tired oh my go well tomorrow this another day [Music] um there’s no telling what will happen [Music] [Music] there might be an attack that comes and we can only defend so [Music] much Jeffrey um are you planning on being our team or what are you planning on doing [Music] oh I guess cuz I don’t want to leave cord cords on so so like cuz then that that doesn’t make sense cuz then everybody’s going to be able to come to our base and find us and steal stuff from us so um if you want if you I guess since you’re going to be our team you can come to us I’m going turn cords back on sun can you write chords for [Music] him all right bro I’ll see you tomorrow thanks for joining I guess I’ll leave courts there’s quarts for you just join us right now we don’t got nobody that is our enemy on right now but I’m sure tomorrow we [Music] will I know you bro bro bro bro how did this guy sudden what is wrong with you I’m trying to run away from him what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with this guy my team t [Music] wait um wait are you sure you’re in the right place are you just look at our I guess you could see coordinates from [Music] stream I need to wait until I heal before I even go try to kill him guys if you haven’t leave a like please leave a like to help us [Music] [Laughter] thanks I it he’s like here’s a trophy [Music] [Music] damn how the heck you got here so fast Jeffrey um are you still on stream [Music] Jeffrey guess he’s the fastest one I got here let me send them an invite real quick to the group what the heck JJ still here um Jeffrey if you want to you can um start building your base um I guess since you came late um later after I’m done building my base I’m going to go look for iron and diamond for us I guess since um we’re going to need it to defend oursel but I’m going to finish building my place right now just build uh if you want to you can get material and start building your base somewhere around here like in where we’re at uh suly you don’t have to go into caves I said um you want to do whatever you can but if you’re tired bro go to sleep I’m just not tired right now why at least I want to finish the base okay Jeffrey a man I’m going to have to grab 506 St [Music] let’s see how this works [Music] up oh no I have how the heck did I have 61 that didn’t make sense uh okay [Music] no [Music] [Music] let’s just do it like this bam bam [Music] Bam Bam what the [Music] heck for [Music] [Music] um I think that actually looking pretty nice I do sh show my [Music] sh um we could do this [Music] that does not look bad at [Music] all oh [Music] trusty um I don’t know I don’t know I’m not liking that [Music] what the [Music] heck there one can they come out in daytime [Music] that was a f [Music] whatever [Music] good night good night sunlet thanks for joining we’ll see you tomorrow I’m probably just going to finish up my house well you’re still there bro I didn’t even notice I’m not tired today I feel you oh uh what’s going [Music] on okay that’s good to know

This video, titled ‘Join us in our new Minecraft survival mode’, was uploaded by Gaming with Pharaoh on 2024-05-02 07:18:09. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:52:04 or 21124 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft build hack: You Won't Believe This!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack: This Was Unexpected!!’, was uploaded by Devot Playz on 2024-04-29 05:51:44. It has garnered 3192 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft build hack: This Was Unexpected!! tags minecraft 100 days,minecraft mod,minecraft shorts,minecraft apocalypse,minecraft 1.18,minecraft zombie apocalypse,100 days,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft parasites,minecraft,minecraft 1.17.1,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft moments,minecraft zombies mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft camman18,minecraft hardcore,minecraft hardcor mode,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny moments,minecraft object,minecraft tiktokminecraftminecraft mob,minecraft mod,minecraft,minecraft storyfnaf build battle,draw build battle,scary build battle,shapeshift build battle,cheating in build battle,minecraft survival,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft trolling,pro build,scary minecraft,paste minecraft,illegal minecraft,i cheated with realistic in build… Read More

  • I Made Cursed Minecraft Mods: Prepare to Lose It All

    I Made Cursed Minecraft Mods: Prepare to Lose It AllVideo Information This video, titled ‘I made your cursed minecraft mod ideas’, was uploaded by ImNotaCasualty on 2024-07-20 00:39:03. It has garnered 30256 views and 2455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. I made your cursed minecraft mod ideas… not sure why i keep doing this to myself… I made my own mods in minecraft using your cursed ideas pls subscribe pls I made a Mod using your ideas Minecraft but theres custom mobs Minecraft But I use a custom mod Minecraft custom mobs challenge Minecraft custom mobs with your ideas #Minecraft #But #custom outro… Read More

  • EPIC Raid Farming in Minecraft Bedrock! #21

    EPIC Raid Farming in Minecraft Bedrock! #21Video Information This video, titled ‘Raid Farming! Hardcore Minecraft! #21 3/31/24 Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Let’s Play’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2024-04-15 16:15:03. It has garnered 753 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:13 or 8233 seconds. This is my second channel! Subscribe for more bonus content 😀 Watch streams live: Become a member of The Silence! Join our community and subscribe! 💙Second Channel ► 💜Twitch ► 🧡TikTok ► 🔹Twitter ► 😁Discord ► 💻Website ► Consider supporting the channel! Get benefits such as whitelisting on our Minecraft servers &… Read More

  • Insane collab in Minecraft ft. Ray Narvaez Jr

    Insane collab in Minecraft ft. Ray Narvaez JrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Twitch Livestream | Minecraft w/Chibidoki, Nagzz21 & Axialmatt [PC]’, was uploaded by Ray Narvaez Jr on 2024-04-11 15:00:16. It has garnered 260659 views and 5060 likes. The duration of the video is 05:34:57 or 20097 seconds. **This stream was recorded on April 10th, 2024** Banter starts at: 1:59 Gameplay starts at: 9:23 Mods Used: Thumbnail Artist: Follow My Friends! Chibi – Nagzz – Matt – Follow Me on Twitter! Watch me live on Twitch! Visit my Store: Join my Discord: Want to send some fan mail?… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Making ALL Dyes in Minecraft! (KiguRoomie)

    Unbelievable: Making ALL Dyes in Minecraft! (KiguRoomie)Video Information This video, titled ‘Making EVERY DYE in Minecraft! (Technical Guide S2EP79)’, was uploaded by KiguRoomie on 2024-05-18 03:30:31. It has garnered 475 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. The Beginner’s Guide to the Technical Side of Minecraft Today, we’re continuing our development project for the KiguCorp HQ, aka Ambrosia! Finally! After weeks of work, we are ready to get all 16 dyes Minecraft has to offer! But at what cost….? ================================================= Chapters: 00:00 Last Time 00:19 Introduction 01:07 Technical Breakdown 04:38 Important Message 04:52 The Build! ================================================= Techniques / Farms… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Mods for INSANE Gameplay!” #shorts

    "EPIC Minecraft Mods for INSANE Gameplay!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods that make your Minecraft way better #shorts #minecraft #mods #viral #foryou’, was uploaded by BrawliYT on 2024-02-22 09:11:17. It has garnered 553 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Mods: Regions Unexplored: The Aether: Hang Glider: Pizza Craft: Read More

  • Duncan FAILS as MINECRAFT Bard 🎸

    Duncan FAILS as MINECRAFT Bard 🎸Video Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Bard in MINECRAFT BIG CHAD GUYS #3’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2024-04-15 17:30:04. It has garnered 40079 views and 1667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:44 or 1844 seconds. Join this channel to support me and get access to perks: Minecraft Big Chad Guys! We head into the mines to collect some diamonds and setup a base, but we’re a bit confused by all of these other things going around pretending to be Pokemon… ► The Official Yogscast Store: ◄ ♥ Subscribe: ♥ Join my Discord:… Read More

  • Bracket Earth SMP Server

    Bracket Earth SMP ServerJoin a community and build amazing structures on this SMP server featuring real-world terrain! Collaborate to recreate landmarks, establish towns, and transform the landscape into something new! Read More


    Welcome to Into The Void SMP! Into the Void is a new vanilla 1.21 server starting on July 6th. We are looking for builders and casual players to join our growing community for a chill Minecraft experience. Hangout, make friends, share ideas, and have fun! Features: Shopping district at spawn Future games/events Join our Discord to access the server! Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • The Convent Update 2.0.0: Devilishly Divine

    The Convent Update 2.0.0: Devilishly Divine In the dark halls of The Convent, evil lurks, Sister Marina’s reign, the students’ smirks. New update dropping on July 1st, Prepare for terror, it’s a must. Solve the mysteries, face the nun’s wrath, In this school of horrors, follow the path. Download from Mediafire, the link is hot, Or head to MCPEDL, give it a shot. Stuart Teams presents, a chilling tale, In Minecraft world, where fears prevail. Stay tuned for more, the story unfolds, In The Convent Update, where darkness holds. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme! When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and they start chasing you, all you hear is “Oi Oi Oi” as they try to get their revenge for your crimes against their kind. It’s like a tiny, angry mob of Oi’s coming after you! Read More

  • Counting Rare Minecraft Tech

    Counting Rare Minecraft Tech The Fascinating World of Minecraft: Exploring Rare Technology and Events Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and unique features. From rare technological advancements to exciting in-game events, there is always something new to discover in the world of Minecraft. Rare Technological Advancements One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the constant innovation and development of new technologies within the game. Players have created incredible redstone contraptions, automated farms, and even complex computer systems using in-game mechanics. These rare technological advancements showcase the creativity and ingenuity of the Minecraft community. Redstone… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Soldier Mod – We Become Warriors!

    Ultimate Minecraft Soldier Mod - We Become Warriors!Video Information This video, titled ‘( DAWN CRAFT ) Kita Jadi Prajurit Di Mod Ini! – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Lucafoxx Ch. [ MVI ] on 2024-04-23 15:46:32. It has garnered 319 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:11 or 9251 seconds. Buy the Moon Cake for only 2000 Loh: Saweria: Socialbuzz: #shorts #random #minecraft #MVI #dawncraft Read More

  • Secret PvP Technique Revealed in Minecraft 1.20

    Secret PvP Technique Revealed in Minecraft 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘learning 1.20 pvp #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Lost YT on 2024-04-03 13:00:34. It has garnered 503 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft: INSANE Roller Coaster Madness 🤯

    Minecraft: INSANE Roller Coaster Madness 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EXTREME Roller Coaster 🎢’, was uploaded by RG Gaming on 2024-05-10 11:30:17. It has garnered 372 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:51 or 531 seconds. Hi guys, Welcome to my Youtube channel Roshan Gaming zone .______________________________________________ Hashtags :- #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming ______________________________________________ Minecraft: EXTREME Roller Coaster 🎢 ______________________________________________ Background music : 🎵 ______________________________________________ Keywords :- . minecraft roller coaster minecraft minecraft gameplay minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft speedrun camman18 minecraft minecraft but challenge minecraft manhunt beating minecraft minecraft gameplay in hindi minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi… Read More