Surviving 1 Year in Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

Video Information

I’ve made some crazy progress in this survival world that I started one year Ago please enjoy this 2hour movie documenting everything starting at the beginning in this video I started a survival world that I plan on staying in for a long time I really like building so I’m going to need lots of op farms in order to gather materials that I’ll need

To build some crazy structures inside of this world and before I do that I need to do a few things in this video I’m going to set up a base get perfectly Enchanted God Armor and beat the end so let’s start at the beginning I used to

Have a survival series world that went on for over a year I stopped playing for a while and when I went to go back the world would crash every time I tried to open it eventually I did get it to work but at this point I felt like it was

Time to let the series go I’m not here to talk about that in detail but if you want to know more ask me in the comments so anyways let’s get started with a brand new world I started off as always on the ever so ominous create new world

Screen I know that over the years this has gotten a bit more confusing but I knew exactly what I was looking for I tanked in the seat of lost C man just for fun and I actually got a pretty fitting spawn I spawned in a snowy biome

Of some sorts and it was also snowing outside at the time that I was recording this so I guess kind of fits and not even one minute in I learned something I didn’t know before that is that polar bears can attack you without you even attacking them first you know I keep

Forgetting that these things are actually in the game kind of useless but you know kind of cool I guess waa wao I I did not know they did damage okay I didn’t know they could do damage like that then I did the basic boring stuff that you already know crafting some

Tools upgrading those tools and so on and then I headed off to try to search for a village which is where I was going to start up my base of operations unfortunately for me there weren’t any Villages nearby so I had to travel quite a long distance eventually

I got to a point where I could ignore my Hunger no more so for the first time ever I think I had to kill rabbits for food as accommodation for their sacrifice for my survival I promise here on day one that I will create a great rabbit Monument sometime later in the

Series as I continued my search for a village I came across a randomly generated Igloo I thought I remember there being a basement in these things so I dug and I dug but I didn’t find anything maybe they only spawn in Igloo sometimes so back to the trk I went

And all right all good to go after about 7 minutes of walking I finally spotted a villager out in the distance oh there there’s one oh wait let me I hate that stuff at least you can break it but oh actually yeah that’s uh uh I thought it was a

Villager the gold kind of looks like a face I guess I don’t know H I checked the chest and there wasn’t much value inside after that I had a little encounter with powdered snow it’s a bit embarrassing and thanks to the igloo that I found earlier I was able to sleep

Through the first night and listen I do not want to be running around with all these Mobs with no gear no food and no weapons after sleeping I finally got to a new biome I was tired of the snow so I killed some animals got some food cooked

That and I finally got rid of my Hunger for Now I searched far and wide toppled mountains sailed the Seas cross the lands explored a shipwreck and then I found it eventually I finally found a village and the surrounding area looked like a good place to set up in the future I’ll talk more about my plans on how I plan on

Progressing in this world and I do plan on playing this for a very long time but for now I’m going to play play Minecraft the way that I like to play I have a sort of noons approach to the way I play this game I don’t bother with the

Starter houses or decorations for Farms because I would rather create farms and machines early on which saves time in the long run and listen I’m going to be here for a long time so I’ve been planning ahead for months in the future years in the future even I know what I

Make isn’t the prettiest or most enjoyable to watch right now but trust me I’ve got a plan and I’ll lay that out in a future video I think after Dilly ding around the village for a bit I found a spot where I could set up my base even though this

Isn’t hardcore I still need armor cuz I don’t want to die so I started mining for iron and I found a huge cave Network right underneath my base but after the caves and cliffs update I don’t think that’s very unusual anymore while mining I found a skeleton and creeper and I

Tried to trick shot the creeper into the skeleton but I was the one one that got trickshotted next time I’ll get that watch me I got myself back so it’s all good but yeah that was my first death in this world I said first because trust me

There will be more to come the first Farm I want to make is a hybrid villager and iron farm I’ve already got the design figured out well cuz I found a YouTube video but I’m thinking about putting it around this area all right the farm is pretty much done now I just

Need to get rid of of these temporary blocks and that should do it it should now be producing villagers and iron automatically this is a farm designed by impulse on YouTube overall it wasn’t very hard to put together but getting the villagers in place was a little

Tricky as always the first one was actually very easy as I was trying to lure a villager over to get into the cart that I had already placed before when I came back I realized that there had already been a villager that just walked right in on his own H the other

Three weren’t as easy but I eventually did get all four villagers into their respective places on the farm where they will probably remain until the end of time when I was done getting the villagers and the zombie in place I realized that the village had gotten

Real empty I only took four and I know that there were more villagers than that that before so I followed the sound of villagers and I found a big pit where they were all stuck I filled the hole and I let them out which proved to be unnecessary cuz

These villagers got pretty irritating they would sleep on my bed fall into my cow pin and they would all die out eventually looks like the iron portion of the farm is already working and the Villager part is too nice for my next project I want to set up a villager

Trating Hall to get perfectly Enchanted armor and tools before I get onto that I need to do some other necessary Tasks to get even better deals from the villagers in the trading Hall I needed to convert them to Zombies and cure them to do that I needed five golden apples and one Splash weakness potion for converting five villagers at a time and to get those items that I needed I would

Have to go to the nether I didn’t get a great spawn but I eventually found the Fortress and got the blaze rods I would need for both the brewing and Eyes of Ender while I was there I also grabbed some gold for all the golden apples I

Was going to need to make at this point I was stuck in a cycle of doing repetitive tasks so I could move on I farmed sugar cane and cows for the books converted villagers used the glass exploit to get the emeralds I would need killed Enderman for pearls and I slowly

But surely built up my diamond Gear with the best possible enchantments I didn’t save the recording but during that time I died for a second time I was looking at the F3 menu in the Nether and I wasn’t watching where I was going so here’s a reenactment of that happening

100 I can barely even see that since okay oh oh what the what happened oh no um do I have rate my acting in the comments I know I know it was great I didn’t get all the perfect enchantments right away but I eventually felt confident enough

To take on the Ender Dragon my main motivation for doing so is for the elytra of course I had already made the Eyes of Ender so I got prepped with all the supplies I would need and took off searching for the stronghold it wasn’t very far but here’s

A map to show how far I went the stronghold was submerged underneath the ocean and finding it was no walk in the park eventually I found the portal room and I had to fill in every slot with an eye I don’t know if that’s rare let me know in the comments

Without wasting time I jumped in without sending a new spawn point I wasn’t worried about dying because I wasn’t wearing my God Armor at the time and even if I was it wouldn’t matter cuz I still have all the villagers with the right trades I fought the dragon the

Traditional way blowing up all the crystals before slowly killing the dragon with my bow and sword at only one point I was close to dying what how did that miss that was like perfect how did that Miss after a couple minutes I got the final shot in on the Dragon

I wasn’t ready to head back home yet cuz I wanted to grab an elytra and some Shuler shells first I bred out to the small portal that had spawned to take me where I could find an n city what why I thought that would work okay apparently

Not I went through and walked a couple hundred blocks until I found an end City all right looks like I finally found an nity but it doesn’t look like it’s going to have a ship oh no never mind in the n city I fought some shulkers which was annoying as

Ever and I grabbed the elytra from the flying ship I didn’t kill all the shulkers cuz I’m planning on building a shulker farm here later on after I got everything I tried out the elytra for the first first time and then I had to walk the rest of the way because I

Forgot to bring Rockets I jumped into the portal to go home and I ended up right back at my base now that I’ve got my elytra I’m going to need Rockets to fly around freely to make rockets I need paper and gunpowder I planted a whole field of

Sugar cane back when I was trading with the Villagers so I’m not worried about getting paper for now later on I will be making a sugarcane farm that is fully automatic to get gunpowder I’m going to be making a gas Farm the design I want to use requires a

Lot of obsidian and to get this obsidian I’m going to want to upgrade my pickaxe to netherite and acquire a beacon I know these aren’t necessary but I want to make this as fast as it can be cuz it takes a long time to make the beacon I

Of course need a Nether Star a Nether Star is dropped when you kill a Wither and to summon that I’ll need three Wither Skeleton skulls what the now that I’ve got all the skulls let’s go kill this thing since I also need netherite to upgrade my tools I

Thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and fight the Wither here at the bottom of the nether the weather tends to blow up stuff a lot so hopefully it’ll reveal some while I’m fighting it this seems like a good spot all right make sure I got my

Shield all right this isn’t working as I had planned he’s just kind of chilling even when I tried clearing a path for it to come through it didn’t really work so I killed it and I looked around and it turns out nothing was revealed I I guess

This is why it’s not a popular thing that’s done all the time I guess I’ll go look for netherite with TNT but I need to get some Gunpowder before I do That After I get this Farm built I won’t have to do this ever Again all right looks like that worked I just finished smelting all all the ancient debris and if I put four scraps and four gold boom netherite Ingot and if I take it over here and then now we got netherite pickaxe I’m also going to make a beacon with the

Nether star that I had gotten earlier this iron farm has been producing the entire time so I’ve got plenty of iron for the rest of the beacon and now I’m finally all set to go and grab some obsidian looks like I’m going back through the port I think I’ll mine from

This one this is one of the taller towers and there we go Beacon is all set up and then haste to to mine all of this obsidian I set up a macro on my mouse that would keep mining blocks without my finger having to press down on the left Mouse button I

Found that there is a sweet spot on two blocks where I could mine down breaking two blocks at a time it took a couple hours to collect it all so I watched some YouTube videos to pass the time okay I didn’t manage to mine the entire

Pillar but I did get a full Shuler box full of obsidian and that should be more than enough man that took a long time if only there was a farm for obsidian for this gas Farm I’m also going to need a bunch of Jack lanterns so this is a good

Time to start making a pumpkin and melon farm I already grabbed some pumpkins from before but I don’t have any melons I do remember a m shaft that is way back here and there it is melon seeds secured now let’s make this thing hold on this cave is really

Cool let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for what I could do in here I’ve got all the materials that I’ll need right here it’s really simple really cheap so let’s get this done okay it’s done now like I said said it’s

Pretty simple so it was really easy to make and this is a design that I got from a YouTuber named mure which is inspired by the classic IL mango design if you want to watch the tutorial video for yourself the links to all of the tutorials that I use in this video will

Be down in the description before I finally start this Farm there’s one more thing that I need to do I’m going to be building this Farm on the nether roof and I’m going to need to do a few specific steps to get there first I have

To go to the nether normally and I come out at my usual spot next I kill this thing cuz it’s being annoying next I dig up as far as I can now that I’m up here I’m looking for a block that is on the Y Level 127 all

Right this one should work and now if I go up here Place some ladders and then if I aim an ender pearl right at the corner of these blocks it works just like that now I’m up here I made a portal on the nether roof and I

Connected that to one that I made in the Overworld okay and now it’s done unfortunately I didn’t have the replay mod at this point so I didn’t get much footage of me building it but I did have a little bit of trouble connecting up the portals because this is a

Portal-based farm this is a pretty simple Farm to understand the gas spawn on the platforms here they get teleported via the portals and they suffocate and drop their loot I stood on the AFK platform for about 10 to 15 minutes I can’t remember exactly how long and I got a decent amount of

Gunpowder from that it’s nothing crazy but I think this Farm is good enough for now now I’ve got easy access to gunpowder to make my rockets and gas tiers for whatever those are used for as you can tell from the chest textures it’s Christmas at least for me

Probably not for you so I thought I would do something special a little bit different from what I’ve been doing you know I’ve been making these ugly farms and I thought I’d make something nice for once I want to build a giant Christmas tree here in the middle of the

Village so I’m going to start by making the trunk I want to use Spruce leaves so I’ll have to start farming Those and I’ll add some Det with Spruce fences fence gates stairs stuff like that let me fly back to get a good look and yeah that that does not fit funny enough dark oak planks actually go better with Spruce Wood than Spruce planks do so I’m going to go fly over

Here cuz I saw a forest from earlier where I can mine down a whole bunch of Trees okay that looks a lot better now that I’ve got the leaves on I can’t even see the branches behind it but no it was it was worth it but yeah look at this this is looking pretty good all that’s left is the decorations and I’m going to

Keep it simple and only do two different colors of ornaments and then I’ll put some lanterns here and there which can’t be placed on leaves so I’ll have to do it on the blocks that I use as ornaments okay and one final touch I’m going to put a gold block on the top

And there we go I guess that’s my first decorative build on this whole world I could have made it look a lot better if I had planned this out in Creative first but I think it it looks fine enough it’s time to get back to grinding Farms but

If I go at the pace that I’m going this video is going to end up being 2 3 hours long so it’s time to get serious that uh that’s that seemed cooler in my head the next Farm I made is a slime farm it’s a very simple and

Very cheap design that is created by kaymon and it features a giant dark room full of mushrooms where the Slime spawn and they get drawn towards an iron golem in the middle to get all of the mushrooms I had to travel a long distance to a mushroom Island to work

The farm all I do is fly up to this AFK platform wait here and then I can jump down and collect my loot later on long I want to stay up there for before I move on to making the next Farm I want to upgrade my sword and you’ll see why [Applause] Later I need to mine a bunch of stone for my next project but I left my beacon back in the end and I’m too lazy to go and get it so I made a Wither Skull farm this is an insane design by Ian x04 which has crazy

Rates has no need for clearing out a huge area and is very very cheap Farms like this are just what I’m looking for at this point in the game now I’ve got easy access whenever I need a new Beacon for something next I made the shulker

Farm in the end this is more of a temporary Farm where I can get a whole bunch of Shula shells without having to go out and kill them myself eventually I’ll make one in the Overworld but I think this will do for now unfortunately I didn’t record much of this so this 40c

Clip is the only footage I have of making this thing the next Farm I want to make is a honey farm but I haven’t done anything with bees yet so I need to go and gather some of those I think I’ll need a campfire if I put that there and

And then break it perfect and another one if I keep breeding them in this greenhouse like structure I should get enough in each of the hives that I can move over to the farm managing all these bees is really difficult so I downloaded a mod that will tell me exactly how many

Are in each Hive I think it’s really dumb that in vanilla you can’t see how many bees are in a certain Hive so I don’t think that this is cheating I’ve got all the hives filled up and now it’s time to put them in the

Right spot I’ve got to do this as fast as I can and I know that a bunch of them are going to get out but I can just breed them later after and that should be fine yeah it looks like a few got out but that’s fine all right I got the farm

Finished it’s all full of bees and uh it’s already producing I’ve been using Cobblestone for all these farms and it is satisfying to M but I’m getting a little tired of it I just wish that I had like a cobblestone generator that could generate it automatically without me having to do any oh

Hey a that’s convenient before I move on I want to upgrade the rest of my gear ah much better earlier in the video I said that I was going to make a automatic sugar cane farm and replace the one that I already have so I did

That in about 10 minutes then I did the same thing for my bamboo Farm looks like they’re both working and I can easily expand these if I want better rates so I don’t really care that it’s not giving me much right now the last small scale

Farm that I want to make is a rail duper oh shoot there’s here’s one of them done two three and four and here we have a duplication machine for each different type of rail they work independently and I can turn on and off whichever one I

Want it’s time to change Pace cuz the next F that I want to make is going to be the biggest one yet I’m not going to spoil what it is right now but you might be able to figure out from the stuff I’m going to get and speaking of let’s go

Get all the stuff I’m going to need for this Farm Oh I’m here in the end and I have to clear out this huge chunk of Endstone this would be a good time to like subscribe if you haven’t already I’m trying to grow this channel out and that would help me out a lot Thanks look at all the endstone that I got from that also I went through my entire pickaxe I had to go repair it so now it’s time to actually do the building of the farm what you’re seeing is a light MAA outline this does not give me the blocks it just

Tells me where to place them this is easier than switching back and forth between a creative World now I need to trap the Wither in this Farm what is that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it looks like an Enderman was setting off the farm I looks like it built it right so it it should be fine but that scared me for a second Oh that wasn’t supposed to Happen there that should be fine before I spawn it for real I want to test this out in a copy of the World okay it looks like that went fine why is the red Stone there oh okay it looks like the projectiles it’s shooting out are going too high and blowing up part of this Redstone line okay it’s pretty simple but I think this is the solution I just moved it behind the

Shield and now it shouldn’t reach anymore I’m going to test this again in a new copy and it looks like everything’s working well before I spawn the Wither in my actual world I want to finish the Overworld side side of this Farm yeah that’s right it’s not done I’m here at

The end portal and I have to clear out a huge area around it so let’s get going with That well that took a while especially since I accidentally Min out a huge chunk that I didn’t need to but here’s all the stuff that I got from that now I’ve got to use a glitch to get rid of these End Portal frames you’ve probably seen this done by other

YouTubers before but all I got to do is grow mushroom right on this block and it will delete those end frames and I can just mine away the mushroom now I got to do this on all the other Sides and there we go now we got an end portal with nothing around It if you haven’t already figured out what I’m making it is a 3in1 obsidian concrete and gravity block farm this part in the Overworld is for the gravity blocks the top section here is for the obsidian and the bottom part is for the concrete I’ve been doing some testing in

A copy world and I’ve come across a few problems and some solutions as you can see I added a huge wall of water to protect the farm from Enderman and I added some light sources to stop them from spawning on the farm another fix that I’m going going to have to make is

Reversing the fix that I made right here I completely forgot that this gate right here needs to be powered by the redstone torch that’s over there so I’m going to have to move it back to the original spot that it was in and somehow fix the projectiles I did some fixes off camera

Cuz that’s boring and now I’m finally ready to get this Farm started for real 3 2 1 got to remember to place water if I go over here this Redstone is probably going to explode okay that’s fine I expected that to happen and I’ve got a fix for that I’m going to turn

This on and then I’m going to head back to the Overworld and then head straight for the end portal first I turn on this chunk loader then I got to craft a mine cart put it right there and now items should be refreshing the spawn platform and if I

Hop through okay looks good mine carts are still there and this lever should turn the farm on okay it ran once and it stopped working I think I have a fix for that all right let’s try turning this on again and perfect looks like it’s working now but we’re not done yet next

I got to replace the Redstone that was broken before and it should be totally safe now next I’ve got to make sure to turn this off before I leave head back to the end portal break this mine cart that I placed before and I’m going to switch out the sand for

Concrete cuz I want to test to make sure the conversion is all working to turn it on all I have to do is hit this note block and looks like it’s running it’s pretty loud and this little section right here always gets lost I don’t know why make

Sure the chunk loader is still running it is and let’s jump in and perfect looks like it’s already working this is the lever that will convert the concrete powder into concrete and then automatically blow it up looks like that is working as well and all the items are

Getting collected down here overall the farm works pretty well but we do have a few problems this one piece of redstone got blown up somehow it shouldn’t have I don’t know why I’ll have to do some tweaking around to find out what’s wrong with that and then this part of the

Concrete conversion is not working for some reason it all got piled up I’ll have to fix that too after a few fixes the farm is now working perfectly and that concludes the most complicated Farm I I have ever made this is a design that I got from Scorpio if you’re curious

About the rates this makes over 30,000 obsidian per hour and over 100,000 concrete and gravity blocks per hour as well to recap I now have a farm for iron poppies villagers pumpkins melons gunpowder gas TI slime balls wither skulls bones coal shulker shells honey Cobblestone sugarcane bamboo each rail type obsidian sand red

Sand gravel anvils every concrete powder color and every regular concrete color my gas Farm is pumping out scraps and my sugar cane farm right now is laughably pathetic I think it’s time to make a proper rocket Factory got to pick these up I want to combine a creeper farm with

A sugar cane farm and then I want to build a huge structure around it that is fully decorated before we get to building this thing I am going to need to collect a lot of materials I’ve already planned out everything that I want to do and I

Have this huge list of items that I need to collect yeah this huge list of ite man I’ve really used a lot of stuff for this I guess I’ll go in the order of the most items to the least items that I’ll need so that means I first need to gather

Over three shulker boxes full of smooth Stone and to do that I think I’m going to need a super smelter which I haven’t made yet so let’s do [Applause] that [Applause] Now to let this Farm run and I’ll just feed in these blocks every now and then I can get some fuel here at my Wither Skull farm and that wasn’t so hard while I’m waiting for all the stone to smelt I’ll go and collect the other materials

I’ll need I need 5,000 glass and again I’ll have to wait for that to smell 2,000 red concrete 2,000 dirt 2,000 [Applause] Redstone oh no and I’m all the way back here I got to go unfortunately I was too late and all of my stuff now Kidd I got it all back well actually for real I did lose my silk touch pickaxe and my shovel both were netherite well now I have a good

Reason to make a killing machine for these guys I think I’ll stick to villager trading for this one I was running out of coal so I made a carpet duper to act as the new fuel source it’ll be loud and it might break once in a while but at least it is infinite

Other materials I need include sugar cane mud Mangrove wood check out this terrain generation by the way o oak wood dark oak wood and uh let me see a lot more stuff yeah I’m only just getting started and I’ve already spent several hours Gathering all of this stuff I’m

Still waiting for the stone to finish smelting and I’ve had all kinds of problems with this super smelter one of these days I will make a proper super smelter but I guess this is what happens when I don’t follow a tutorial next I’m going to make a guardian Farm I need

That for all of the prism Marine items that I’m going to need for this build and I guess it’ll be a nice source of XP not that I really need That this is a really simple Farm design by en x04 I remember when guardian Farms used to be a lot more timec consuming All I have to do is stand here and swing at the Guardians until I get enough stuff I want to get everything in that I need right now now because this is really far away from my main base and I don’t want to have to come all the way

Back here often this should be enough but I’ve also realized that I need a farm for black dye now Ian x04 once again comes to the rescue with this super simple wither Rose farm I know it’s a bit off topic but I suddenly came to a realization I haven’t been making

Maps of my world at all and that’s something that I’ve always wanted to do for a project that I have planned in the Far Far Future Here’s the default map size expanded once and expanded two times honestly it’s not very impressive but I still want to keep track of what my base looks like I’ll put away the maps in here and I’ll label it with the date before I go back to material collecting I want to

Finish making all the Farms that I’ll need to make for this project just so I can get that out of the way first I made made a string Farm then a wool farm and then the replay mod that I used to record footage got all bugged out and it

Recorded the inverse of what I was supposed to be recording so I do have footage of me just Dilly ding around waiting for iron to spawn trading with villagers mining trees stuff like that but I don’t actually have the footage of me making the farm which sucks but I’ll

Do a quick rundown of everything that I made I made a farm for carpets big drip leaf glow Len all four of the different tall flowers kelp honeycomb frog lights and balt and now we resume the Grind looks like I’m gathering quite a lot of blocks there I think now would be a good time to like And subscribe if you haven’t already it would help me out a ton and you can always undo it later now I’m just gonna back out [Applause] Here Oh okay okay I finally got all the materials together and I’m ready to start building I’ve got all of the materials that I need in these two double chests right here and I could actually go ahead and put the rest in a shulker Box and now the entire build is in this one chest that actually took me a lot longer than I thought it was going to a big chunk of that that time was waiting around for the iron to spawn and also trading with villagers actually let me

Check yeah that’s how many times I trade with villagers but I don’t I don’t know is that a lot it probably is cuz it felt like a lot now I need to move all this stuff to where I’m going to build there’s so many items that I have to use

An Ender Chest if I want to make this all-in-one Trip I’m going to start off with the sugar cane part of it and to do that I need to make a huge glass wall first I got to find the glass though and now I have to drain the inside and there happens to be an ocean Monument nearby And in this hole we build the sugar cane Farm I’m using a design by Tango Tech Which is less prone to Breaking than a flying machine would Be The farm is looking good but right now all of the sugar cane gets shut up and then it just floats around so next I need to make a way for it to be all collected and put into chests Now that that’s all done the next thing I want to do is start building the platform that the whole build is going to be sitting on If you want to hear me go into more detail on my building technique I’ll leave a link to an unlisted video down below where I go over this stuff in a lot more detail that I just don’t have time for Here Next I think it would be best if I made the creeper Farm now before I get to building I need to go and gather some cats little did I know at the time that this was going to be the most infuriating side quest Quest that I ever

Did in this world first I need to gather a whole bunch of raw [Applause] fish I think I remember there being a cat somewhere around here but I can’t seem to find it I do know that there is a village nearby in this direction I’ve looked over this Village like I’m Batman and I still haven’t found any Cats ah I knew I saw something and here’s another one I thought they should teleport but they aren’t still not teleporting to me okay I have an idea cats don’t take fall damage so there shouldn’t be any problem with me doing this oh I fell off

Take two hey look at that it’s working look at that oh and it didn’t work again I guess I can’t accelerate too fast otherwise they fall off okay I got them over here that’s one cat through the portal and the other one’s missing I think it went through this

Portal and oh they’re both here okay now I got to get these back through oh uh guess I need another cat this one’s still not going through oh no no no oh and there it goes I’m just going to get the nearest Village to here and

Just swim or something cuz I’m tired of portals I found another Village and you don’t want to know how far away it is on my way back now I thought they were supposed to scare away creepers this is the true Minecraft endgame gamepl I am not in the mood for this you stay Here and now that both Farms are fully functioning I am completely done how am I kidding you all saw the intro in the thumbnail let’s start with putting up lamp post so I don’t have to see these ugly torches all the time after that I started building up

The main structure and this was my first attempt designing an Asian style building let me know how you think I did I got inspiration from this great concept art image that I just found on the Internet the last step is to put 11 of any items in these Hoppers and now the color will occasionally change nice and I can flip this lever to turn it off and it just stays red now it may look finished from the outside but I still want to do the

Interior so all I have to do is a quick Spin and the entire thing is done just like that there are three floors on the top floor you can see the inside of the creeper Farm the middle floor is just pure decoration and the bottom floor is is

Where the storage is you might wonder what this whole Redstone thing is right here since I don’t want to have to go through the stairs every time I want to go to the storage room I made a hidden staircase there are so many little details and building

Tricks that are all over this interior that I just don’t have time for in this video so as I said previously there’s a link to an unlisted video in this video’s description where I go into a lot of depth with all this building stuff speaking of building there are a

Few more things that I want to do this long table is looking a little pathetic right now and I know just what to put on it I got a few comments asking why I didn’t grab the dragon egg so here lamp in addition to that this indoor Pond is

Looking a little empty so I think we could fill it up with some Axel lles so let me quick ask for some names we have lime hamburger Cheeto Cheeto and Pablo now that I’m all done it’s time to pack up all the temporary stuff that I set

Up now I know some of you might be saying that the rates for this Farm are not optimized and something about height map but unfortunately I can’t seem to find who asked for real though I was focusing on appearances for this project because I know in the future I’m going

To make a lot better sources of gunpowder now whenever I need Rockets I can go through this portal Picks Them Up from these little storage things I made and I’m all set and now I’m finally back at my base man this my base sucks I think we’re going to have to do

Something about this there are four materials in Minecraft that can be used to make almost every technical Block in the game today I’m going to farm these materials in bulk in my last video I made this rocket Factory and in this rocket Factory is a sugarcane farm and

In the sugarcane farm are Pistons lots of Pistons Gathering the materials for the Pistons really made me realize how much I need some new Farms Pistons are made with stone wood iron and red stone and I happen to consider these four resources the core materials of Minecraft these are materials that I’ll

Need for any project ever unless I’m making a big dirt ball or something point is I need a way to farm these materials as fast as possible so to today I’m going to be making a farm for stone wood iron and red stone before we get started only 3% of viewers are

Actually subscribed so if you haven’t already I would really appreciate it if you subscribed I’m going to start off with the easiest of the four stone I already have this cobblestone generator and it works very well so I don’t feel like I need to upgrade this

At all I do however want to make a farm for regular Stone right now if I want regular stone I have to smelt the Cobblestone that I get from the cobblestone generator and I don’t want to have to do that every time so let me quick make a stone

Farm okay that was easy it was also really cheap to build to make the farm work I stand here and I just hold down left click and right now it’s not working at full efficiency because I don’t have haste so let me go make a beacon oh looks like I don’t have enough

Iron well it’s a good thing I planned on making an iron farm this iron farm is going to be the biggest farm that I have ever made before before I start building I have to clear out this huge chunk of land to show how big it is it spans from this

Corner to this corner the first thing I did was take down every single tree after that I had to flatten down the land to a certain level since TNT can’t get rid of fluids I had to do that manually as well both above ground and below ground Rivers need to go and now

I’m ready to start the TNT bombing by the way that all took 4 days I made the TNT bombing machines and I’m finally ready to start blowing things up so far things have been going great but I’m still not convinced that something isn’t going to go wrong it’s

Been a couple hours and things are still running perfectly but this is going to take a lot longer than I thought it was going to I really wanted to have a time lapse of the whole thing because I thought it would be really satisfying to see the whole thing condensed into a few

Seconds but unfortunately there’s just too much going on for my laptop to handle like And subscribe so I can afford a PC now that the stone layer is all done I have to move the machines down to do the Deep slate layer this time I’m going to be running three

Flying machines at the same time because doing two at a time with was just too slow for me so far things are going well I found a lot of diamonds but there’s a lot of lava that I haven’t cleared out yet and also I’ve almost died a few

Times a few moments later okay I actually did die I didn’t record it oh man and I got to get my stuff I immediately logged out because I wanted to stop the flying machines from blowing up my stuff oh man I hope it’s not gone

I’m so glad that I didn’t bring my bed I got most of my stuff back but I did lose my helmet and my boots I’m going to pause these and I’m just going to take however long it’ll take to fill up all of these lava pools because it takes way

Too long and I can’t keep up guys I just realized that I also lost my netherite hoe this is a sad day okay I filled up pretty much every pocket of lava in water so hope hopefully I’ll be able to keep up and spend most of my time

Collecting diamonds yeah I learned my lesson this definitely makes it a lot easier it’s been a couple days since I started using the flying machines and finally the entire hole is done it’s quite literally Rough Around the Edges but I’m planning on decorating this in

Some way in the future there was a few fumbles but in the end it got done but you know what they say it’s not about the end product it’s about the diamonds you make along the way I don’t think I’ve ever had this many diamonds in any

World ever now that I’ve got this giant perimeter all cleared out it’s time to start Gathering resources for the iron farm that I’m going to build in the middle it took another 2 days IRL to finally gather all of the Materials Before I get started I actually need to build a temporary villager breeder because for this Farm I’m going to need over 700 villagers here’s the first one What what is going on with this guy oh no no no no no stop stop oh and there he goes he’s just going he’s just walking off where is he going oh I guess we’ve got a villager at the rocket Factory now okay let’s try again And perfect and the second villager is in too now it’s time to finally start building I’m building an iron farm designed by Aras it will produce 100,000 iron ingots per hour and the farm is so big it has to be built in a perimeter otherwise the lag will be too hard for

Any world to handle doing all the building and also moving the villagers and the pillagers took about a week the reason I keep bringing up how long this is taking me is because I can’t overstate how much work and time this takes by nature of this being a

YouTube video with time lapses and cuts and stuff it’s inevitably going to downplay how long it actually takes to make something like this so I don’t want you to get the wrong idea this takes a lot and this Farm produces more iron than 99% of people will ever need so I

Really don’t recommend this to most People overall the building for this project was really easy the difficult part came in moving the villagers there are 756 villagers that need to be moved from this pit thing all the way up to their resp respective places in the farm it wasn’t only villagers that I had to move

I also had to move 36 pillagers into the center of each little circle area now please enjoy the rest of the time Lapse it’s finally done and I know what you’re thinking I too want to see it run but there’s a problem we need to fix first right now I don’t have enough shulker boxes to store all of the iron that I would get by running the farm as far as

Different problems go I think this is a pretty nice problem to have this is my shulker farm and I think it’s broken this armor stand is not supposed to be here I don’t think let me fix this real Quick okay everything should be working now I afked for a bit and I stocked up the shulker box looer so everything should be good to go now for the moment you’ve been waiting for let me flick this lever to turn it on and look at all those Iron

Golems it’s a bit laggy which is expected the last of the Iron Golems are getting killed right now so it should repeat at any second now oh and there it goes well I guess that’s my biggest farm ever now done it obviously looks pretty ugly

So if you have any ideas of how I could decorate this place let me know in the comments what you think I could do okay now it’s time to make a farm that looks like this I already did a material collection Montage so I figured I’d just

Get the items in advance also I past 1,000 days played in this world so anyways I started working on the next farm and it is called the Kronos V3 raid Farm as the name suggests it is a RAID Farm which produces mainly emeralds but what I’m looking for is the red

Stone before I start using this Farm I actually need to make a brand new sword because the sword I have right now has fire aspect which won’t work with this Farm to start the farm I need the bad Omen effect it’s a good thing I chose to

Build the farm next to a Pillager Outpost now I turn off the safety hit this armor stand turn safety back on stand in here and type out this command which is part of the carpet mod it’s essentially an auto clicker I can look around with free cam

And now the farm is running it’s very loud and also very laggy too I temporarily have all the items going to the spot right here and that’s because I need enough of the items that this Farm produces to set up the item sords so that’s why I can’t use the item sorder

Right now because that’s what I’m trying to set up to stop it I just type in this command and I can walk out I just have to stand in this pile of items and throw out all the unstackable items that I’m not going to use for anything I didn’t get enough items to

Finish the item orders so I’ll have to run this Farm a few more times and I think I have a better strategy this time okay I ran the farm a bit longer this time and I literally have like one FPS it’s like I’m playing a PowerPoint presentation whoa that’s a lot of

Stuff okay new strategy this time I feel like there’s a really obvious method that I’m just not picking up on right now but that doesn’t really matter anymore because I’ve got all of the item orders fully set up and I also fully stocked it with shulker boxes something

Neat about this Farm is that you can use these levers to turn off certain items that you don’t want to collect so I’m going to turn off every single lever for emeralds spider eyes and sugar because I don’t need those items for anything right now and it’s finally time to run

This farm for real look like the item sorder is working all the stuff I don’t want is getting burned here on the end and that is now three out of four materials done the last material I want to gather in bulk is arguably the most important it’s wood I’m going to be

Building a wood Farm designed by activation it’s pretty complicated to make but it gives over 150,000 wogs per hour before I started making this video I would have thought that this takes a lot of materials but compared to the previous two Farms that I made this is actually not that bad to

Save you some time here’s a material collection Montage in 1 second did you catch all that I’ve got everything that I need now let’s go look for a place to build this looks like a good spot but I’ll have to get rid of this dirt thing that I made

Earlier yeah I think this is a good spot this is why I don’t usually record in first person when I’m building it looks really complicated with all of the blueprint stuff and before you ask the mod is called light Mantica and you can download it in the Description I think this is ready to go to run the farm I need a whole bunch of bone meal and also some Spruce saplings just to get it started moment of truth let’s see please don’t break okay I think everything is working perfectly nice next I would have to

Build a bone meal Farm to supply it and also a Sher box loader to deal with all the items but honestly I’m just tired this video has taken over a month to make and I just want to get it out so I’ll tell you what I’m going to build

The bone meal farm and the Sher box loader after this video goes live and I’ll post updates in my Discord server before you go there’s actually one final final thing that I want to do and that is an updated map of my base Minecraft World Generation is cool

And all but nothing can be the real thing today I’m building the world a giant two- layer pixel art of the world map I’m also going to be making one Banner for every single country in the world and placing that on the pixel art before we get to that there are a few

Things that I need to do first in my last video I said I was going to connect a bone meal Farm to this tree farm that I made and as you can see I started it but I ran out of wheat to make all of the target blocks so I got the materials

Real quick and I got started on building this wheat farm it’s designed by potato Noir and makes use of a lays which fly around and collect the wheat when these farmer villagers try to harvest it I I finished the bone meal generator and now I’m

Going to run it until it FS itself the next thing that I want to do is upgrade my food source so far I’ve been manually killing cows for food so I think it’s finally time to make a hogman farm that will supply me automatically with food and leather I already have all the

Materials right here now all that’s left is to build It Now that I have this I guess I don’t need these many cows anymore so look at all this food I’m not going to need that hogland farm for a while the next thing I’m going to build is something I should have done a long time ago and that something is a mob

Switch if you’re wondering what a mob switch does it prevents hostile mob from spawning there are a couple reasons why I want to make a mob switch first of all having no Hostile Mobs to deal with sounds like a good deal to me especially since I’m going to be working on a large

Dark flat platform in this video sleeping is also a bit annoying and it would be nice to not have to think about it it would also help my time played be more consistent even though I’m technically well past day 1000 I actually haven’t played for 1,000 days

Because I’ve slept about 860 times I don’t really care about my total days played but with all the hardcore series on YouTube a lot of people seem to care about that I found this area to build it that’s not too close to cause lag but

Close enough so that it’s easy to get to I built the contraption to make the mob switch real quick and I’ve been sitting here just waiting for the villagers to spawn as you could see this area is kind of a mess I got too impatient so I tried

To make more villager breeders but I was only able to make two that can function at the same time now I’ve got to turn all of these villagers into zombie villagers if you want to know more about how this mob switch Works logical geek boy has a great video about it after I

Got 70 zombie villagers in this container I turned my nether portal into a chunk loader and now even all the way over here at my base monsters should not be spawning and looks like it works as of today I will try to sleep as little as I can but I’m still going to

Need the bed for spawn point and also Phantoms now it’s time to figure out how I’m going to make this map I went on Google and I found this pretty good map on shutter stock so I made an account got a free trial downloaded it and I

Canceled my plan before I forgot I did some edits in Photoshop and now I need to convert this to Minecraft blocks a couple years ago I I made this using a program called pixel stacker I converted the map image into Minecraft blocks and it looks so good I don’t want to spoil

It now but trust me stay tuned you are not going to want to miss this I’m at a testing world and as you can see this requires a ton of glass to get all this glass in survival I have two options I could do void trading or I can make a

Giant super smelter each method has its pros and cons so I spent a a couple days thinking about it and I decided to go the void trading route I would love to have a giant super smelter but I just don’t have time to build it for this

Project the void trading was really easy to set up but now I have to sit here and do this for about 7 Hours I have never seen this before one stack of emeralds for just four glass this is probably because I punched him earlier but that was hours ago and it hasn’t changed until now well anyways I got a ton of glass and unfortunately it’s not nearly enough while I’m waiting

For the price to go back I’ll make some other Farms that I need for this project this is my cactus farm right now and I need to expand this next I want to make a squid farm and you know the drill next I want to make another Tree

Farm I already have all the materials I’ll need because you guys don’t actually like the material Gathering montages right so you may be asking why am I making another Tree Farm well the one I made in the last video only works with Spruce and for this project I’m

Going to need a ton of other wood like Oak and Birch this Farm turned out to be one of the most difficult to put together even with light matica it was super hard to get everything working if anyone knows of any mods to disable observers let me know this Universal

Tree Farm is designed by Scorpio now it’s time to test make sure it’s working all right I can select whatever wood type mode that I want right here I’m going to pick Oak now turn it on and now if I go in here and hold down right

Click okay good it’s working these are the output chests as you can see I also get cobblestone as just kind of a bonus it’s just how the TNT dupers work I’ve also been clearing a ton of this River all to increase the rates of my squid pH

Farm and I also expanded the cactus farm again and for the final farm that I have to build in this video you’re not going to believe me it’s another Tree Farm now hear me out the first tree farm I made is for getting a ton of wood really fast

But that’s only Spruce the second one that I made is for Birch Oak jungle Acacia and Spruce again and the tree farm I’m making now is for dark oak it’s a design by Shady J and just like every other Farm in this video you can find the link in the description the final

Thing that I built was an automatic wood stripping machine with that done I spent the next week collecting all of the materials that I would need to build the map before we move on only 3% of people are actually subscribed so let’s make a deal at the end of this video if you

Were impressed by the final result consider subscribing it’s free you know what else is free joining my Discord server where I post regular updates on how the video is coming along it’s been almost a month since I started this project and I finally have everything I need to start building every one of

These chests is full of shulker boxes full of items if you’re wondering it’s about 800,000 blocks thanks to this website I found a pretty good spot to build after setting up all the boxes I’m kind of wishing I had color coded these because this is a lot of stuff but no

I’m sure I’ll be fine my first step is to place a bunch of dirt to prevent any blocks that would be affected by gravity from plummeting to the bottom of the ocean since that’s pretty boring I’m just going to snap and get it over with it was pretty boring I was just going

Like this the entire time but it didn’t take too long and now it is time for what you and I have both been waiting for it’s time to start actually building some land also yeah I reorganized the boxes I couldn’t take it anymore I started off by building a bunch of

Islands because they use the same types of blocks next I started working on Alaska I was planning on doing one section at a time but I quickly realized that wasn’t going to work I was spending way too much time looking through Shuler boxes and getting certain blocks so I

Decided to change it up by going one color at a time by only focusing on the greens I was able to work way faster I still had a lot of different types of blocks like green concrete green terracotta lime terracotta green concrete powder stuff like that but I also wasn’t overwhelmed with different

Block types so I was able to build at a pretty fast rate in only a few days I was done with the most common color after that I moved on to doing white which was 90% Greenland and 10% everywhere else this may be a good time

To also bring up that I’m not going to be building Antarctica due to how the map is laid out on a rectangle Antarctica would be stretched out super long it would show a clear flat line at the bottom kind of exposing the rectangle shape and it would also

Require a ton more materials so it was more trouble than it was worth so I decided to leave it out sorry to all my Antarctica viewers next I finished up the blue blocks which usually represent either Islands or a transition from the land to the ocean I tried continuing the color

Strategy first brown with Europe and then light brown with Africa and I was starting to run into the same problems that I was having earlier a lot of time was spent looking through shulker boxes I knew I was missing a whole bunch of blocks and it was sometimes hard to tell

If I was getting the right color or not because there are just so many different types of brown blocks that I’m using so I have a new strategy I’m using the verif I schematic feature in light matica and I can pick certain blocks that I want to be highlighted I’ll pick

A bunch of these brown wood color blocks like stripped oak oak planks stri Birch stuff like that and now I can see them highlighted in red of course this isn’t all of them I think it can only show so many highlighted blocks at a time but I

Think this is the new way to go and it certainly was the way to go because I had a lot easier of a time if you’re unaware like matter is the mod that I’m using to help me build all of this it’s basically a blueprint of where I should

Place each block and without it big projects like this just wouldn’t be possible throughout this project I’ve learned a lot more about using light matica and I’ve been thinking about possibly doing a sort of tutorial video along with some of the other mods that I

Use over on my other channel I also have some other video ideas like answering questions in Long detail and some pretty easygoing com commentary type content that just wouldn’t fit here so go and subscribe if you want in case I do decide to do that as for this channel I

Do apologize for this video taking so long to make but it’s just a big project and it takes a long time so to make up for it I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do in the next video right now in my next video I’m going to be making

A storage system the problem is I don’t have enough time or skill to design one on my own so I’m going to ask you right now what storage system should I use I want the best storage system possible as long as it’s within reason and reason for me is pretty far out

Considering the time lapse happening in the background don’t worry about the video maybe not being original enough I have a pretty unique idea about the decoration of the farm but I’m going to have to leave that as a secret for now for updates on that I would once again

Refer you to the Discord all right the first layer is finally done and as you can see it doesn’t really look done because there are a lot of these spots that are still filled with water and these spots are where I have to put solid blocks on the second level so

Let’s go ahead and do that of course there weren’t as many solid blocks on the second level but I still followed a similar pattern to what I did on the first level there was a lot of greens a lot of sand yellow color some white some brown and a little bit

Of everything else now we’re finally at a spot where this looks pretty good and if you don’t agree don’t worry because we are not done yet it’s time for the Finishing Touch of Glass glass is what’s going to take my pixel art and turn it into something that looks truly real

Obviously glass is a big part of this project and I need almost just as much of it as the solid blocks but it didn’t take nearly as long as the first part did because there was a lower Variety in glass the solid blocks took a long time

Not just because the world is really big but because there was a wide variety of blocks that I used I wasn’t able to go through the entire thing one part at a time but as you can see with the time lapses that’s exactly what I did with

Glass doing the glass was much more fun much faster and much easier than what I had done previously so you might wonder why glass works so well and why I like it so much well there are 16 different types of stained glass so when you combine that with all of the solid

Blocks in the game you get 16 times as many color options you’ll notice not the entire second layer is made of glass there are some blocks that are just already good enough and although they kind of mess up the texture because you can see the side which make a darker

Texture and it’s a whole bunch of confusing stuff I kind of like it because it gives it a bit of shape but I can see why people wouldn’t like this and finally I am done building and I also mapped out the entire thing and even though it counts glass as one solid

Color it still looks incredible I didn’t even think about how it was going to look on a map everything just lines up perfectly now as much as I would love to end the video here I did promise that I was going to make a flag for every

Country in the world so now it’s time to do that making all the flags was pretty fun at first because I had done nothing but build for 2 weeks but after a while it started to get tiring there’s a lot to be said about making banners and

Luckily I was able to use videos like this to help me design each flag all right I have every flag in these shulkers I made two copies of each because it wasn’t much problem and I would like to have an extra one in case I need them for a future project and

They should all be in alphabetical order but I guess I’ll find out later if that isn’t true all that’s left is to place these at the correct spot on the map as you can see there aren’t any borders on here so it may be a little tricky to

Find out exactly where each country is but if I just compare with Google Maps I feel like I should be pretty accurate so here is me placing the flag of every country in the world in alphabetical order starting with Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andor Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria

Azerbajan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados bellarus Belgium Biz Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and her that batswana Brazil brunai Bulgaria binaso Bundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape ver Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Kos Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus czechia Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark jibuti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El

Salvador equ Equatorial Guinea erria Estonia eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France gabone Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala guinea guinea basau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya kiras Kosovo Kuwait kakhan Laos lvia Lebanon lutu Liberia Libya lonstein

Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands marania macius Mexico Micronesia malova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco mamb Beque Myanmar nambia Naru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan palao Palestine Panama Papa guini Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of the Congo Romania Russia

Rwanda St kit and nevas St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino sa to and Principe Saudi Arabia Sagal Serbia seal Sierra Leon Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Surinam Sweden Switzerland Syria tajikstan Tanzania Thailand Timor lest Togo Tonka

Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia turkey Turkmenistan tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay usbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia and Zimbabwe that’s all for now but if you want me to map out a few more in the future like the countries in the UK or

Greenland or Taiwan let me know in the comments it’s nice to be able to see the banners when you’re up close somewhere and for once I’m glad that banners will disappear if you get out of range now before I go I need to see this in its entirety because right now my render

Distance is limiting The View quite a bit there are two mods that I can use to help see further I’m using one called Bobby right now and I can see almost the entirety of the world but it did take a while to fly around and load and my

Performance is not great even though I’m recording this voice over after you might be able to hear my laptop is still trying to recover from that now I’m using distant Horizons and it doesn’t look as good but at least the game is playable it has been been more

Than 40 days since I started this project and it is finally done a world download will be available to YouTube members depending on when you’re watching this I might have a World Tour on my other channel that’s all I got if you enjoyed subscribe and like please

I’m finally done building the earth now it’s time to go relax at my base I can’t Rel relax when my B looks like this well I think I know what I’m going to do for this video I’ve always wanted to go all out on a storage system and

Unfortunately I quit my last series before my storage room was fully realized the storage system I’m going to build today is going to efficiently store and sort every single item in the game and we’re going to make it look as good as possible that’s not all because

This is going to be my new base and it’s going to have a ton of features that you’re going to want to stick around to see I’m going to be digging a giant hole and building a redstone Contraption that’s more complicated than anything I’ve ever made before and of course it’s

Going to be decorated with a ton of detail the very first step is to find a good place to make this thing I’m out in the middle of nowhere because this is where I’m going to be building my base why did I choose this spot well oh yeah there’s lava I should

Probably be holding this since you can’t build an end portal I’m going to build my base around the end portal I’m actually heading right back to my base because I need to gather all the materials for a world eater not that kind of world eater this

Kind I’m going to AFK here for a bit because I need a ton of slime blocks and also Pistons observers sticky pistons redstone blocks glass glazed terracotta Stone Cobblestone walls dead coral fans TNT detector rails Redstone repeaters obsidian Redstone Redstone lamps trap doors note blocks a redstone torch and

One button before I make the world eater I have to make smaller World eaters to clear out a trench so the bigger World eater doesn’t get stuck I know it’s confusing but stick with me after preparing the area I set up the first flying machine and we’re ready to make

The first trench if you’re wondering who that is it’s just a bot that’ll keep the machine loaded while I’m not in the area all right let’s send off the flying machine to make trench number one 2 3 and four and all the trenches are done it wasn’t exactly a smooth process the

Flying machines broke several times on every single side of the trench and there was a lot of lava and water clean up as well after that I made the actual Real Deal World eater and now that everything’s ready when when I run this thing everything within this perimeter

Is going to be destroyed including this Village all right let’s finally get this thing going in 3 2 1 let me tell you something about Redstone when a player gets far enough away from Redstone it stops working completely to run a large Redstone machine like this I need to place bots

So the entire thing is loaded at all times at this moment I realized that I forgot to spawn the Bots I started panicking I cranked up the simulation distance I tried flying along as close as I could but these TNT bombers got all scrambled and this chunk exploded I got

Some materials to fix everything nothing too hard just annoying I fixed up every part that needed fixing and now I’m ready to run this thing for real for real this time don’t worry I didn’t forget the Bots all right no countdown this time let’s just uh

Boop and looks like it’s oh oh my gosh I forgot nah it’s working I’m going to wait in this little glass container and just let it run you get to see the satisfying part what you don’t see is the many many times that it broke the bigger and more complex a redstone

Machine is the more easy it is to break and something as small as a water logged slab can break this Farm non explodable blocks like water logged blocks and obsidian is pretty normal but sometimes the fluid sweepers would not always return right and could mess up the

Entire thing I don’t want to talk anymore about it but if you’ve made a perimeter like this then you know my pain speaking of pain that was all I felt when I saw that only 2.7% of people are actually subscribed the time lapse is over but as you can

See we’re not quite done the reason why I’ve stopped here is because the world eater is completely broken there’s also this portal that I have to consider which has been the Crux of most of my problems the next World eater design I’m going to go with is this you might

Recognize it it’s the same one I used for the last perimeter I made it’s a lot less laggier a lot more simple and way cheaper but it doesn’t clear liquids see what I didn’t show is the several hours of me clearing out the biggest lava pools within the perimeter not only that I

Still had to be active while the TNT bombers were running because of all the water and lava that was left in the perimeter that I hadn’t fed out before I wouldn’t have had to do this if I had just kept the first design that I was

Using and again the reason I’m not doing that is because of the portal I’ve linked some good World eater designs in the description if you would want to do this in your own world I usually play with a 13 chunk render distance and standing in the middle of the perimeter

I can’t see a thing well that’s the giant hole now done oh I went the wrong way I’ll just leave this Redstone stuff here until I need the resources I know some people will be curious to see all of this yep over a double chest full of

Diamond ore and then all of this stuff too I know some people got mad at me for throwing out totems in an earlier video but look at me now this is the list of every single item that I’m going to need to build this storage system you can see we’ve

Got a lot of blocks a lot of redstone components some decoration stuff and also one of every single item in the game I spent a couple hours on stream Gathering two of everything oh and also this happened 20 stuff oh my gosh most of the stuff I had lying

Around in the numerous amount of chests that I have all over my world but I also had to go out and get some extra stuff that’s more rare I made a warden switch to explore the ancient cities I respawned the Ender Dragon to get dragon breath which no one uses ever I mined

Some ancient debris and I had to mess around with charged creepers to get all of the mob heads I only need one of each item to construct the storage system but you’ll see why I got two of everything later apparently you like the material montages so here we go for the second

One of the video all the stuff I had to get wasn’t particularly hard it was just a lot of stuff that took a while I needed over a shulker of both repeaters and comparators and those take a ton of redstone and I also needed to make droppers dispensers redstone blocks I’m

Glad I made this Redstone Farm a couple videos ago having to gather a few of these Resources by hand gave me a few ideas for some Farms that I might want to make in future videos now that I have everything I need to build let’s move everything to the giant hole I made Earlier okay okay I think we’re all set this is the storage design that I’m going to be building this is on the ccraft blitz world and it was created by the combined efforts of all these people but that was done in 1.17 and also it’s not really my style

So I gave it a few upgrades I started off by building a beacon with every effect to make building a lot easier and then I started building the storage system one layer at a time starting at the bottom I’m using light matica if you’ve watched any of my

Videos or other YouTubers like me you’ll know what light matica is it basically shows a blueprint of whatever I’m trying to build so I know where to place each block it doesn’t actually give me the items all right the bottom section is done but unfortunately I’m not even

Halfway done cuz I still have to do all of this now that I’ve got the shape of the item hols down I’m going to grab my boxes of every item and now I have to fill in each of the item displays this part was pretty satisfying to get all of these blocks

Down but I spent most of my time looking through boxes and trying to find where each item went after that I set up the filters with some renamed items and the block that corresponded with each slot this is why I got two of everything earlier I had to kind of repeat this

Part A Lot couple layers of building then some item sorting couple more layers of building more sorting and eventually I was done with the sorting system this whole thing is fully functional well should be fully functional now all that’s left is to build the chunk loader Above This chunk

Loader will make it so that the sorting system can run no matter where I am in the world since it involves Nether Portals I had to make another side as well all right it’s pretty much done this is what the inside looks like and I know there are some spots that don’t

Look quite right we’re not done with all the details we’ll get to that later right now I want to talk about this portal if I go through here H I end up here I usually like having my portals on the nether roof but I can’t because I

Have these here and these are for the chunk loader I think making a nether Hub is a project I should take on in the future but for now I’m going to go through here through here and I’m going to break a hole through the Bedrock so I can fly around Easier first layer done this is getting pretty messy and I’ll have to go get some more TNT I found this method to work the best and there we go I think this is good enough now I’ve got to dig a hole all the way down to the level where the

Portal is at and there we go now when I want to get straight to my base I can go down here and through the portal okay where do I even start with this thing we don’t have all day so I’m just going to Rapid Fire through all the features two

Halls of the main storage the bulk storage Hall item input unsorted items a light that turns on when the system is running unstackable storage sorting for items with variants like copper Coral armor trims this is where I planned for the end portal to go obviously it’s not

Actually there so we’ll have to change that later Anvil chipper don’t laugh it’s a very important feature super smelter the portal as you’ve seen this room which has shulker Box Storage more shulker Box Storage quick access to useful items some helpful workstations and a little jukebox section and of

Course the whole thing is decorated to be in the style of my skin before I forget I have to get rid of these items that are renamed because if these find their way into the item sorder they could really mess up the filters and who knows what could go wrong so to make

Sure these items stay banished I built Mount Doom in M now I just threw them out I can’t delay it anymore it’s time time to actually do some sorting it’s the next day and good news everything got sorted I guess you can’t really tell by looking but mostly all of my

Materials from various chests all over the world have now been transported to these chests there was a bit of an incident with TNT because there was a dispenser place where a dropper should have been but it’s all fixed now there was also a pretty weird glitch as Pistons were pulling down cauldrons and

Pushing them up there were these ghost cauldron blocks that were being generated that I couldn’t actually break I added a bunch of blocks that I have a lot of to the bulk storage you’ll probably see this expand or change in the upcoming videos as I get more stuff

I’ve already spent so many hours working on this base but I still can’t say that it’s completely done I’ve got a list of some smaller scale changes that I want to make that that I’m just going to go through right now let’s start off by fixing the zombie pigman trap let’s

Activate this portal get rid of the frames with mushrooms and rebuild the room around it I couldn’t have the portal in the place that I had planned for it to be because of Chunk aligning I had some extra space left over so I put some flags on the wall which is a

Reference to the world map that I made in the last video and these are the top four countries of where my subscribers are from if you want your country to be on here or stay on here here subscribe to finish up in this area I got rid of

The temporary platform that I had set up I didn’t realize what I labeled the bulk output was actually the bulk input so I changed that I readjusted some of the item frames to face the right way I patched this temporary hole in the roof I readjusted the order of the colored

And wood blocks that also meant I had to change the filters too I put designs on each of the Banners I put some fuel in the super smelter I made a farm for music discs and I collected all of them I laid down some powdered snow in the nether so I don’t take fall damage even if I dive straight down I lit up this part of the shulker

Unloader and I stocked up this section with the items that I use the most if a box ever runs out it’ll restock itself I finally added some armor shrimps to my armor I upgraded the rest of my diamond tools to netherite and I was going to

Rename all of my armor and tools and equipment but I don’t really know so let me know in the comments what are some good names for all this stuff armor tools I don’t know give me a good fishing rod name that’s everything that I wanted to do and now I’m ready for the

Next project but I’m kind of on a roll so I’m going to see how many of these achievements I can get done I’ve never paid any attention to these so there are a few that are super simple I went through all all the achievements which

Are pretty easy and don’t take a lot of time but I didn’t finish all of them maybe I’ll do a live stream where I complete the rest I should probably address how ugly the outside of this build is for those paying attention this video has taken over 3 months to make

But that’s not entirely true because I’ve also been working on a fix for this in 2024 I’m going to attempt to make one of the coolest bases ever and I can’t wait for you to see it that’s all for now today I am making a shulker farm a shulker farm both efficient and

Decorated I’ve been making some overpowered farms for the most essential materials in Minecraft this raid farm this wood farm and this comically large iron farm and there’s also the storage system which I recently made all of these need shulker boxes in the second video of this series I made a shulker Farm it’s

Not bad but I just wish it was a bit faster a bit being a lot and something else to consider is that this Farm is going to be broken by the next update I’m in version 1.20.1 and in version 1.2.2 armor stands can be broken by shulker projectiles so it’s time for an

Upgrade I’ve done some planning ahead in Creative so I already know exactly what I need I need a ton of purple slabs and would you believe me if I told you this isn’t even half of what I need let’s go get some more I didn’t want to make a Perle farm

So I just bulldozed a few n cities instead there we go this should be enough next I need various colors of stained glass totaling to about 35,000 back when I needed a couple 100,000 glass to build the earth I made this fun and exciting void trading setup so let’s

Go ahead and use that to get all the glass all I got to do is trade with the Villagers when I go through the portal put it in the chest and repeat man this is so fun and exciting yo I just got all the glass now let’s go get the rest of

The materials I killed a bunch of weers so I can make a beacon or two or 57 and I mined up a whole bunch of Terra Cotta next was all of the concrete believe it or not my concrete Farm is still working even though it’s broken more times than

Any other Farm in this world I need 9200 scaffolding I think I’ve got yeah I’ve got plenty of string here my bamboo Farm it looks like it’s broken but I think this should be enough I need almost 4,000 stripped Spruce logs I’ve already got some pretty

Good Farms to make that happen and there we go next thing I need is 2,000 light gray wool and yeah this is not enough I’m going to die and cheer these sheep just to speed things up okay that’s not going to work I’m just going to craft the wool instead and

There we go that was not so bad let’s see what I need to get next oh crap I spent some time at the coral reef and I was able to get specifically 1400 dead bubble Coral blocks I need 1,000 stripped Crimson wood and there we go

This is the bulk of the items that I’m going to need everything else I needed was mostly stuff that I had lying around anyways so I went through the list pretty fast I think this should be a good spot to have the portal it’s sort of in the middle of these other things

That I have in the Nether this is going to be the main way that I get to the farm I’ve got everything ready now let me explain how I’m going to do this here is a decent one-dimension shulker Farm by ending credits and ball light I’m going to be building multiple of these in a 2x 2x

Two arrangement to make a total of eight shulker farms in one enclosed area and that enclosed area is going to look better than this I promise a schematic will be in the description but to quickly go over how to do this first make a little container with a snow

Golem in there then a couple layers of slabs and Scaffolding some boats for some reason and there you go before we move on I should probably address it does kind of look like a stack of ham and cheese building one was easy but I still do

Need to build seven more the last step to get these Farms working is to actually put some shulkers in here as you can see I’ve already done a bit of work in the Overworld Nether and End and I’m almost ready to get a shulker from

An N City to this Farm before that I’m just going to make an on and off switch for all these Farms that can be controlled by this one lever now to move the shulker here goes nothing I’m at my my first end portal I have to delete my respawn

Point I got to build a little rail Contraption here now we got to fly to the nend city that I have set up I already have the shulker in a boat but I got to kill you and I’m going to name this guy just in case let’s put him in a mine

Cart shulker went through the portal okay good it’s going the right way okay now I got to get rid of the boat there we go and the only place for it to go is through the portal okay back to World spawn there it Is all right now I just got to wait till he teleports to the portal and I’m going to throw him some regen just to be safe oh it just went through okay time for the nether part part all right same deal oh that was fast it’s in an awkward spot right now

But it should teleport yeah there we go to the pink and let’s push it up all right it should eject into the farm let’s get rid of these carts oh no oh I didn’t use enough buttons okay this should be fixable man I’ve always hated the levitating little ball they spit out but

I I’m about to go crazy let’s make sure we got no smooth surfaces okay please work this time let’s see let’s see let’s see yes the shulker is in let’s get rid of all this and let’s turn the farms on and good the shulker is already duplicating to spread

Shulkers into the other Farms I tried Building Bridges but that was just insane so I moved them with mine carts that were on Hoppers which shulkers can’t teleport to you but can have rails on them this is where the boxes of shells will be stored this is a shulker

Box loader a glass tube and one two Contraptions that’ll spit out any items that go into it now I got to connect those Hoppers to this dropper now I just got to do that three more times I can stock it with suar boxes from up here and there we go the

Farm is fully functional now it’s time for the decorations I didn’t arrange all the farms in a cube for no reason and you’ve probably seen the thumbnail so it’s no surprise that I’m making this into a giant shulker box or a giant shulker whatever you want to believe it

Is there we go the entire Farm is now encased in this giant shoker okay I know it looks like crap right now but watch this just by adding one layer of glass to everything we can transform this into [Applause] [Applause] this while building I had the farm running

And I think I have enough Shuler shells to last me forever so I can go ahead and just blow this Up you have made it to the secret ending there’s still a few things that I need to take care of I’m going to grabb a bunch of diamonds and mine them while I explain very early on in the first video I said this I had to kill rabbits for

Food as accommodation for their sacrifice for my survival I promise here on day one that I will create a great rabbit Monument sometime later in the series after killing a few rabbits to survive I said that I would make a monument at some point later in the

Series listen I don’t know if I thought this was funny or something but I guess now I have to keep that promise I got all my diamonds here it’s exactly 13 Stacks I’m going to head on over to my world spawn luckily I still have this

Portal from when I moved the shulker in the last video over about here is where all of that went down and I’m going to head over to the highest peak in the area let’s make some room to build and let’s build it obviously I’m using like

Mantica as usual cuz it’s just it’s so good and there we go I think this looks pretty cool if you made it to the end comment your favorite food I don’t know just confuse some people in the comments

This video, titled ‘I Spent 1 YEAR in Minecraft Survival [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by FoundInMN on 2023-12-15 17:00:09. It has garnered 2645 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:08 or 6908 seconds.

This is 2,500 DAYS worth of progress in my Minecraft Survival world that I started 1 YEAR ago. All 7 videos I made in the world as well as a bonus project are included in this 2 hour “movie” video.

Join my Discord Server Looking for a World Download? Become a channel member► Subscribe to my Other Channel►

Each video has a list of farms with credit, as well as all the music used.

0:00 – Intro 0:18 – Video 1: Starting my World 13:10 – Video 2: Building Farms 35:33 – Video 3: Rocket Factory 53:38 – Video 4: Farming 4 Materials 1:09:33 – Video 5: Building the Earth 1:29:09 – Video 6: Storage System 1:45:20 – Video 7: Shulker Farm 1:53:44 – Bonus Project

If you enjoyed the video I’d really appreciate a like and subscribe ❤️

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  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – • Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More